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Vaccination should be compulsory


Will risk the lives of your children to satisfy your own beliefs?
Introduce self
Introduce topic
For those who dont know there has been a major controversy
regarding vaccine. Some parents have refused to have their children
vaccinated in the belief that it causes autism and a few other diseases.
I will explain why they are fundamentally wrong later. Vaccines are
quite possibly
Introduce arguments (Cost (cheapest), Health (most efficient), Safety
method of preventing diseases and viruses. There would not be an
argument if stubborn parents would face the facts.


The Australian government provides free immunization programs

covering 13 diseases for all babies and children.
Cheap for government to produce
A study Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has shown that the
implementation of 7 vaccines have saved $40 billion per year through
societal costs.
Anyone to deny this value is ignorant or simply deluded.
Many unvaccinated people will find that disease treatment is largely
more expensive than disease prevention.
Australia cannot afford to lose great sums of money and the valued
lives of our people on catering to delusional parents.


It is blatantly clear that vaccines have a major benefit towards the

health of the Australian people. After all that was the sole-purpose of
its creation.
Explain herd protection. You see vaccines rely on
If we cannot work together as a nation, the 150000 deaths from
measles (show prop) and the 780000 (show prop) deaths from
hepatitis B will begin to steadily increase.
Would you like your children to become one of those deaths?
Because if you are not willing to immunize your children, you are not
only risking their lives but the lives of everyone in Australia.

Safety and effectiveness:

The myth that vaccines cause autism is not true. Countless studies
from countless medical institutions have concluded that there is no
connection between vaccine and autism.
Yet despite this, every year there will still be
It is common knowledge that the 1952 polio outbreak in the United
States has cost the lives of 10000 people. Current due to the
advancement of medicine and the support from their people who
willingly vaccinated their children, there has not been a single report of
the poliovirus.
Looking at the statistics, vaccines are {(effective)}.
When first developed, they are rigorously tested among thousands of
willing participants, then designed and manufactured for maximum
effectiveness and safety.
The result is a prevention which stops close to, if not all cases of the
disease the vaccine was implemented for.


Vaccination is not a joke.

Australia has already suffered great losses regarding the failure to
implement vaccines.
If we continue to follow the ignorance and disregard the statistics, our
children will be the one to suffer, not us.
Through this we must realize, making immunization compulsory is not
a possibility, but a necessity.

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