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So you want to play Star Wars?

Then pull up a chair and listen good. The
name's Tirog, and I'm a bounty hunter. That
means I'll take most any job, if the risks are
worth the money. Somebody slipped me
enough credits to be your guide to the
galaxy and the game ... but not to hold your
hand, get me?I'm only gonna tellyou once so
pay attention.
You've seen the Star Wars movies. You've
read the novels and the comics. In the game,
you 'II get a chance to explore the galaxy I call
home, to go anywhere, do anything long as
the Imperials don't catch you, that is.
Be fore you can adventure in the galaxy, you better
know something about it. First off, it's big the
Empire rules billions of worlds. Me, I've never seen
a billion of anything, and you probably haven't
either. So you'll just have to take my word that
you've got a vast galaxy out there, waiting for you.
What's the Empire? The rulers the bosses
the guys with all the power, and they'll be glad to
use it on anyone who gets in their way. Some
planet's government gets out of line, an Imperial
fleet will show up and blast 'em until they're ...
more agreeable. Imperials call it "pacification"
... but I've heard nastier words for it. Could be
some places like Alderaan just gotta learn
things the hard way.
The Empire's troops are thugs with blasters. You
want to learn to say, "Yes, sir," "No, sir" and
"Whatever you say, sir!" Mouth off and you'll wind
up in the spice mines of Kessel.

And then there's the Rebel Alliance. They're trying to bring

the Empire down and bring back the old government, the
Republic. If you ask me, they haven't got a chance. Fighting the
Empire gets you dead in a hurry, and some of us like breathin'.
Finally, there's those of us in the middle. We're the bounty
hunters, the smugglers, the mercenaries ... the Fringe. We work
for money, and don't forget it.
There's lots more ... the galaxy's full of aliens andstarships
and landspeeders and weapons. Yeah, lots of weapons. You'd
better learn about those too, if you want to survive.
Now let's talk about the game. You've probably been
roleplaying a long time, and just didn 't know it. Maybe you
called it "Imperials and Rebels," "Sith andJedi,"or "Cops and
Robbers "... it all amounts to the same thing, the good guys
against the badguys. And they had something else in common:
you were pretending to be somebody else.
Well, the Star Wars game is a lot like that. Only, instead of
runn ing around, you and your friends are sitting around a table,
and all the action takes place in your imaginations.
Every player's got a "character" somebody you pretend

bounty hunter ...I got a soft spot for that kind of character,
myself. In the back of this book, you'II find a bunch of "character
templates" that you can use to start playing right away.
Remember back when you were playing "Cops and Robbers?" There was always an argument something like,
'Bang! You're dead,' 'No! You missed!'" Next thing you know,
you were doing more fighting than playing. But not here. Star
Wars has rules to make sure you and your friends get to enjoy
the game.
It's like this. Anytime you want your character to do something swing across a chasm, blast a stormtrooper, whatever
the rules tell you how hard it is to do. Then you roll dice to
see how well your character did. Sometimes you 'II succeed and
other times you 'II fail.
Got all that? Good.
Okay, turn the page and keep on reading. You're about to
meet Elaine Hansom, a smuggler, and he'll be your character
in a solitaire adventure called "Cantina Breakout." All you
need is a pencil and some six-sided dice (you know, the kind
you find in plenty of board games}.
And when you 're done ...we 'II talk some more.

Equipment: Stock YT-1300 light freighter (see the

"Starships" chapter), heavy blaster pistol (5D), comlink,
2,000 credits, 25,000 credits owed to a crime boss
Background: Your parents called it "gallivanting
around the galaxy," but as far as you're concerned
there's no better life than a free-trader's. Travelling as
your fancy takes you, trading a little here and a little
there, looking for a sharp deal, bargaining and selling...
new worlds to see, always a new planet at the end of the
That's how it's supposed to be, anyway. But ... the
Empire is more and more restrictive by the day. Goods
that used to be legal are now contraband. Even contraband is harder and harder to come by. Customs inspectors are like bloodhounds. Bribes have become your
major expense. You keep on dreaming of making one big
killing and getting out... but you don't want to get out.
To you, your ship is home, transportation, and freedom,
all in one package. The idea of losing it kills you.
But you may very well lose it. To keep on operating,
you had to borrow money from a mobster, a real slimeball
crime king. You're pretty deep in debt now, and they
keep on making nasty jokes about breaking your kneecaps. Curse the Empire, anyway! It's their laws and their
corruption that brought this all about.
Personality: You're tough, smart, good-locking and
cynical. You're a fine pilot, and a good businessman.
Mostly you want to hit it big and be left alone by scum,
both criminal and official.
Objectives: To pay off your ship ... then you can take
on the cargoes you want to.
A Quote: "I don't have the money with me."
Connection With Characters: You need at least
one other person to run your ship, a partner. This could
be an alien student of the Force, brash pilot, gambler,
merc, minor Jedi, Mon Calamari, Wookiee, or anyone
, with decent mechanical skills. You could have encountered virtually any of the other characters in the course
of your frequently shady business dealings.

Got those dice? Now read over the character template for Blaine Hansom. He's
who you 'II be playing during th is adventure,
"Cantina Breakout."
"Cantina Breakout" is a solitaire adventure you play it just by reading and following the directions at the end of each entry.
Along the way, you'll be learning how to play
the Star Wars roleplaying game. And it won't
hurt a bit.
Below is a quick summary of how you use the dice
and your template to figure out when Elaine succeeds and when he fails. Read it over yeah, the
examples, too and then start playing.
Oh, and one more thing ...good luck. You're
gonna need it.

Your Character
Your character in this adventure is Blaine Hansom, a smuggler
who's just "borrowed" enough credits from a small-time crime
boss so he could buy a "new" ship (well, new to him, anyway).
Blaine's template is on page 8.
The right side of the template explains his background, personality and objectives it's a good way to get an understanding of
the character you're playing.
All of Blaine's game statistics are on the left side of the template.
Blaine has six attributes, which are his basic qualities. They are
Dexterity, Knowledge, Mechanical, Perception, Strength and Technical. Every character in the game has those attributes.
Blaine's skills are listed under each attribute. Skills are abilities
you learn, and include things like blaster, dodge and brawling.
Blaine has a die code for every attribute and skill. The die code
is the number of six-sided dice you roll when you use the attribute
or skill (for example, one die is ID, two dice is 2D, three dice is 3D,
and so on).
Example: Blaine's Perception is 3D, so if he tries to
notice something out of the ordinary in a crowd, his
player rolls three dice and adds the rolls together. If the

player rolled a 2, 4 and 5, Blaine's Perception total

would be 11.
Now take a look at Elaine's Knowledge attribute. Notice
that it's 2D+1. That means you roll two dice, add them
together, and then add 1 to the total.
Example: Blaine's Knowledge is 2D+1. If Blaine
tries to remember how many planets are in the
Yavin system, the player rolls two dice and adds
one. If Blaine rolled a 3 and 5, and then added one
for the "+1," Elaine's Knowledge total would be 9.
The same system works for skills. All skills start out at the
same value as the attribute they are under, but skills can be
Example: Blaine has the running skill listed under his Dexterity attribute. Since Blaine's Dexterity
is 3D+1, his running skill also starts out as 3D+1.
Blaster, dodge, grenade, melee combat, and vehicle
blasters are also listed under Dexterity and they also
start out as 3D+1.
Some skills are improved on the template: Blaine's increased skills are blaster, dodge, alien species, streetwise,
space transports, starship gunnery, and con. Don't worry
about just how this works now we'll get to it later.
Also don't worry about the listings for Force Points, Move
and other categories. They are used in the roleplaying game,
but they're not necessary to play this adventure. They are
provided here in case you wish to use Blaine in other Star
Wars roleplaying adventures.

Every task that Blaine might try in this adventure has a

difficulty, which is listed in the text. These tasks might
include shooting a blaster at stormtroopers, conning a cantina
patron, or dodging for cover. There are six different levels of
difficulty: Very Easy, Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Very Difficult
or Heroic.
There is also a difficulty number. This is the number you
have to tie or beat with your die roll to succeed. In the
adventure, these numbers are listed. When you are playing
with friends, one of you will be the gamemaster and will
decide what the difficulty numbers are. (We'll talk more
about gamemasters later, too.)
The chart below lists the levels of difficulty and the
numbers associated with them.
Difficulty Number
Very Easy
Very Difficult
31 +
Roll the appropriate skill or attribute dice. If your roll is
equal to or greater than the difficulty number, your character succeeds. If it's lower, your character fails.
Example: Blaine wants to fire his heavy blaster
pistol at the stormtroopers who are chasing him.
His blaster skill is 4D+1. The gamemaster says the
difficulty number for hitting a stormtrooper at this
range is 15 (a Moderate difficulty). Blaine's player
rolls four dice (for the "4D") and adds one more
point (the "+1") to get a total of 17. Since this total

is higher than the difficulty of 15, Blaine's blaster

shot hits the lead stormtrooper.
If you make a particularly bad roll, or if you want to
improve a roll you've already made, you may use a Character
Point to roll an additional die and add it to that skill roll. Since
Star Wars is a game about heroes and your character is a
hero Character Points give you a chance to improve your
character's rolls, especially when your character needs it
most. Blaine begins this adventure with five Character Points.
Example: The stormtroopers have taken cover.
Now Blaine needs to roll a 20 to hit them. Blaine
rolls his blaster skill of 4D+1 and gets a 17 not
good enough. Blaine decides to spend one Character Point (he only has four left). Now, he rolls the
extra die and gets a 4. He adds this to his blaster roll
of 17, raising the total to 21. Blaine blasts another
For now, you'll just be allowed to use one Character Point
to improve a single skill roll. Don't use up your Character
Points too quickly. You never know when you'll really need
them. It's always good to have a few around to help your
character through the adventure's climax!
You now know enough about the rules to start playing.
But a roleplaying game is more than rules it's about being
in a fun adventure! Playing this solitaire adventure will give
you a feel for the game. Simply read on and follow the
You'll be directed to several numbered entries, sometimes determined by your own choices, and sometimes
determined by how well you make your skill rolls. Don't read
the entries straight through, and don't read entries you're
not supposed to look at that will spoil any surprises for
you. Just follow the instructions and you'll be okay.
Good luck, and clear skies!

You've been spending the last few days in the Wroona

starport, hiding out from some bounty hunters who are
seeking to "collect" on the overdue debt you haven't paid off
on your ship and trying to find some work transporting (or
smuggling) cargo.
Business started looking up earlier today, when you were
contacted by an old man who was willing to pay you 5,000
credits to transport a simple datacard to a friend of his on
Salliche a retired general called Locus Geen. You know the
routes to Salliche, so the job seemed like a cinch. Sure, you
sort of suspected this guy was working for the Rebel Alliance, but as long as you get paid, you don't mind working for
the Rebels. So you decided to take the job.
The only problem was that your client didn't have the
datacard with him when you met him this morning. So you
arranged to meet at a warehouse in Wroona starport. Everything went well ... the old man handed over the datacard,
gave you directions to reach Locus Geen on Salliche, and had
just handed you 5,000 credits when a squad of Imperial
stormtroopers burst in on your little meeting. You didn't feel
like sticking around and answering questions about the
Rebel Alliance instead, you drew your blaster, fired off a
few shots, and beat a hasty retreat.
Now the Empire is searching Wroona starport for you.
After running through some back alleys, hiding in darkened doorways and milling about in large crowds, you've run
into a dead end. Ahead a squad of Imperial stormtroopers

have set up a checkpoint, and they're inspecting the identification of everyone passing that way. Looking quickly over
your shoulder, you notice four more stormtroopers making
their way toward you through the crowd. Thinking quickly,
you duck into a starport cantina ...
Inside the cantina it's dark and smoky. Lights on the
tables, booths and the bar provide only scant illumination.
Several patrons mill about, and a Sullustan bartender is
working behind the bar, busy cleaning glasses with a dirty
rag. One of the booths near the back of the bar is curtained
off with a ragged cloth apparently this cantina sometimes
hosts a live band, but not today. Instead, tinny music is piped
into the dive through ancient and raspy speakers set at
intervals around the ceiling.

* If your roll is 10 or higher, go to 8.

If your roll is 9 or lower, go to 11.

to have left her home on Brentaal when she was 12 to make

her fortune aboard a star freighter? You've heard she's really
concerned about the well-being of her fellow smugglers.
Maybe it's time to have a chat with this mysterious spacer.
Please go to 5.

You can talk to the Sullustan bartender: go to 7.

You can approach the female spacer leaning against the far
end of the bar: go to 25.
You can spend some more time thinking about what you
know about Rodians, Sullustans, or that woman at the end of
the bar: go to 13.
Several denizens of the cantina catch your eye they
might be able to help you, or at least provide some cover for
you if the stormtroopers get smart and start searching the
place. The Sullustan bartender could be helpful, and he
looks up at you as if inviting you in for a drink.
In one booth you see a Rodian sitting by himself if you
sit across from him in the booth, you won't be visible from
the cantina's entrance.
Leaning against the bar at the very back of the cantina you
see a woman with platinum blonde hair, wearing black pants
and boots, a white blouse and a red vest. A fanciful sash is
tied around her head, and a heavy blaster pistol is strapped
to her hip. She keeps looking from her drink, back to the
curtained band area, then to the cantina entrance.
Perhaps you might want to see if you know anything
about these aliens or the woman before you decide to ask
them for help ...
You can see what you remember about Rodians: go to 3.
You can see what you remember about Sullustans: go to 6.
' You can see if you recognize the woman: go to 9.

don't remember her name.

Please go to 5.

skill total.
If your roll is 10 or higher, go to 10.
If your roll is 9 or less, go to 2.

space, often favored by hard-fighting mercenaries and ne erdo-well spacers.)

The Sullustan gives you a stern look, jabbers something
at you in a strange language, and points nervously at the
heavy blaster pistol bolstered at your side. He seems to be
indicating that weapons aren't allowed in his cantina, and is
insisting you give him the weapon for safe-keeping or he
won't serve you ...
You may surrender your blaster and place itgentlyon the bar:
go to 22.
You may refuse to surrender your blaster and demand your
drink: go to 18.
You may draw your blaster and threaten the bartender with
it: go to 16.

by slavers and crime bosses as enforcers, bodyguards or

bounty hunters. Maybe this Rodian was hired to bring you
back to pay off the debt on your starship ...
Please go to 5.

about this woman is an Easy task with a difficulty number of

10. You must use your streetwise skill of 3D+1 roll three
dice and add one to find your skill total.
If your roll is 10 or higher, go to 4.
* If your roll is 9 or less, go to 1.

and navigators. If this Sullustan is far from his homeworld,

perhaps he was fleeing Imperially-inspired corporate tyranny. He might be inclined to aid you.
Please go to 5.

on my ship ..."
The Rodian does not look amused. With a loud shout of
"Cho daska!" he raises his blaster pistol to point right at your
head and squeezes the trigger ...
If you're fast enough, you'll have enough time to dodge
out of the way before he blows your head off. Diving out of
the way of the Rodian's shot is a Difficult task with a difficulty
number of 20. Using your dodge skill of 4D+1, roll four dice
and add one to get your skill total. (Note: now might just be
the time to use one of those Character Points to add an extra
die to your skill roll ...)
If you roll 20 or higher, go to 15.
If you roll 19 or lower, go to 21.

hand. "Le notka sa Tolga?" he asks, now waving his blaster

casually ...
Of course, while you've been fast-talking this guy, you've
been busy slipping your blaster out of its holster and pointing it at the guy under the table. You're about ready to fry the
Rodian when something unexpected happens ...
.. go to 27 to find out what!

the platinum blonde hair has her own blaster trained on the
Rodian's head. "I don't think frying our little friend here
would be a good idea," she tells the Rodian. "If we can't all
play nice, somebody's going to get hurt..."
The Rodian makes a weak chuckle and holsters his blaster.
With a shrug, he shuffles out of the booth, wary of the
woman's blaster pointed at him, and weaves through the
cantina crowd and out the exit.
"New around here?" the woman asks you. "No, don't tell
me, I can spot a greenie easily enough. Come on, why don't
you join me at the bar for a drink?" It sounds like a good offer.
She's probably not dangerous, especially since she just
saved your life. The woman returns to her place at the bar,
and you follow her.
Please go to 25.

The Sullustan looks a little surprised, then smiles and

chuckles quietly to himself. Several of the cantina patrons
are also looking at you, laughing to themselves. The platinum blonde-haired woman at the back of the bar calls out to
you. "Hey, greenie," she says. "Why don't you put that
blaster back where it belongs? Vanb is just having a little fun
with you. He doesn't mean any harm. Why don't you come
down over here and have a drink? On me." You do feel kind
of foolish the Sullustan is only a bartender, and it's not like
he was threatening your life. You slide your blaster back into
its holster, then head down to the back of the bar to meet the
platinum blonde.
C,n tn 9.5

If you have already been to this entry once before, go to 23.

You can see what you remember about Rodians: go to 3.
* You can see what you remember about Sullustans: go to 6.
* You can see if you recognize the woman: go to 9.

avoid a nasty mess here in this fine establishment, and I can

give you a few extra credits for your effort. How's 300 credits
The Rodian looks at you quizzically for a moment, lowers
his blaster a little and starts scratching his chin with his free

If you roll 15 or higher, go to 14.

If you roll 14 or lower, go to 12.

The Sullustan looks a little surprised, then smiles and

chuckles quietly to himself. Several of the cantina patrons
are also looking at you, laughing to themselves. The platinum blonde-haired woman at the back of the bar calls out to
you. "Hey, greenie," she says. "Cool down your vents. Vanb
is just having a little fun with you. He doesn't mean any harm.

Why don't you come down over here and have a drink? On
me." You do feel kind of foolish the Sullustan is only a
Go to 25.

"Just play it cool, kid," Platt whispers, casually sipping her

raava. "My friend's behind that curtain. When he starts shooting, start blasting and make your way into his curtained
alcove. There's a back exit in there that'll make for a quick
escape route. Tru'eb, my Twi'lek friend, will cover us ..."
You're waiting for your cue to draw your blaster. As the
stormtroopers get closer, you notice a hand with a blaster
slowly aiming through a crack in the curtain. His blaster
flares to life, taking out the nearest stormtrooper. The other
stormtroopers look up. "There they are!" one cries. "Blast
You unsling your blaster and take a shot at the nearest
stormtrooper. At this range, it's a Moderate task (with a
difficulty number of 15) to hit the stormtrooper using your
Blasterskill of 5D+1. Roll five dice, add them together and add
one to the total.
If you roll 15 or higher, go to 29.
If you roll 14 or lower, go to 34.

liquid sits on the table in front of the Rodian. You look across
the table and smile at the fellow.
The Rodian reaches into a vest pocket and takes out a thin
square of plastic with a holographic image on it. He looks
down at the holograph, then up at you, then down at the
holograph again. He nods, then replaces the holograph in his.
vest pocket.
"Oo-ta goo-ta, Blaine?" the Rodian says in a nasally voice.
"What?" you reply you don't understand Rodian. "I'm
sorry, what did you say?"
"Oo-ta goo-ta, Blaine?" the Rodian repeats, this time
removing his blaster from his holster and pointing it at you
over the tabletop. Apparently this Rodian is a bounty hunter
working for the crime boss to whom you owe money. It's
pretty obvious his orders are to bring you back ... any way
he can. There's probably very little chance you can try to
quick-draw your own blaster to fry the Rodian ... at least
before he fries you. But you have other options:
You may try calling out for help: go to 24.
You may try to distract the Rodian by fast-talking him while you
slowly draw your blaster under the table: go to 17.

greenie," she says. "Vanb is just having a little fun with you.
He doesn't mean any harm. Why don't you grab your blaster
and come down over here for a drink? On me." You do feel
kind of foolish the Sullustan is only a bartender having a
good laugh at a patron's expense. He's relatively harmless.
You retrieve your blaster, holster it, and head down the bar
for that drink.
Go to 25.

This doesn't look good. You'd better try sneaking out the
way you came in this cantina isn't a secure hiding place
any more. Evading these stormtroopers is a Very Easy task
with a difficulty number of 5 (stormtroopers aren't too
bright, and their helmets sometimes obscure their peripheral vision).
You'll be using your sneak skill. Even though you haven't
boosted it, your sneak skill is still at the level of your
Perception attribute: 3D. Roll three dice and add them for
your sneak skill total.
If you roll 5 or higher, go to 26.
If you roll 4 or lower, go to 28.

waving his blaster casually. His bulbous black eyes stare at

you. "Golak te nitchka." He doesn't seem to think anybody's
going to help you ...
Go to 27.

11 have a glass of lum," you say, ordering your favorite

"Vanb, get my friend here a glass of lum," the woman calls
to the Sullustan bartender. "And get me a refill on this
Socorran raava." The woman turns to you and shakes your
hand. "My name's Platt Okeefe, kid," she says.
"I'm Elaine Hansom," you reply.
Platt laughs. "Cute name, kid. Are you some kind of star
jockey or something?"
"I've hauled some freight in my time," you reply. "I might
not be the best smuggler around, but I can deliver the cargo
where you want it, when you want it... for the right price, of
"Sure, kid," Platt says. "Let me give you some advice.
Don't fast-talk yourself. Always keep your mind on what's in
front of you and what's behind you."
Hmm. What's that supposed to mean? You think about
that for a moment as Platt sips her drink. Now you've got this
odd feeling nagging at you. Maybe there's something in this
cantinayou're supposed to be aware of but have missed. Use
your Perception attribute of 3D to try and pinpoint what's put
you on edge this is an Easy task with a difficulty number
of 10, so roll three dice and add them up for your skill total.
If you roll 10 or higher, go to 31.
If your roll 9 or lower, go to 19.

starship's docking bay. With some luck and maybe even

the Force you'll be able to deliver the Rebel datacard to
Locus Geen on Salliche ...
Please eo to 36.

head with her blaster. "Why don't you go back to your boss
and tell him you couldn't find this guy? Better yet, why don't
you crawl back into the rotted bog you crawled out of?"
The Rodian makes a weak chuckle and holsters his blaster.
With a shrug, he shuffles out of the booth, wary of the
woman's blaster pointed at him, and weaves through the
cantina crowd and out the exit.
"New around here?" the woman asks you. "No, don't tell
me, I can spot a greenie easily enough. Come on, why don't
you join me at the bar for a drink?" It sounds like a good offer.
She's probably not dangerous, especially since she just
saved your life. The woman returns to her place at the bar,
and you follow her.
Please so to 25.

"Blast him! Diving out of the way of the stormtroopers

blaster shots is a Moderate task with a difficulty number of
15. You'll need to use your dodge skill of 4D+1 roll four dice
and add one for your skill total. (Note: now might just be the
time to use one of those Character Points to add an extra die
to your skill roll... )
If you roll 15 or higher, go to 35.
* If you roll 14 or lower, so to 32.

stormtroopers. "Come on!" Platt cries, grabbing your arm

and hauling you back behind the curtain. "We'd better get
out of here before reinforcements arrive." She pushes you
out the back exit, which leads you to a maze of alleys behind
the cantina.
"Well, kid, this is where we part company," Platt says,
shaking your hand hastily. "Anytime you need anything, just
look me up."
Her friend, Tru'eb the Twi'lek, nods his head at you and
gives you a grim sort of smile. "May the heat storms always
find you in cool shelter." The two head off down one alley,
and you run down another alley which eventually leads you
to the docking bay where your starship is moored. With
some luck and maybe even the Force you'll be able to
deliver the Rebel datacard to Locus Geen on Salliche ...
Please go to 36.

ing through Wroona starport. Platt and her Twi'lek friend

Tru'eb are running down one. "Fly casual, kid!" Platt shouts as
she disappears around a corner. You'd better get going before
those stormtroopers figure out where you've gone. You run
down an alley which eventually leads you to the docking bay
where your starship is moored. With some luckand maybe
even the Force you'll be able to deliver the Rebel datacard
to Locus Geen on Salliche ...
Please go to 36.

night. You're not quite certain if it's empty, because you

can't see behind the curtain. You listen closely, then hear
some shuffling of feet behind the curtain. Someone's hiding
back there!
Just as you're about to tell Platt (although you're tempted
to draw your blaster), a hand parts the curtain and a Twi'lek
pokes his head through the curtain. "Psst. Okeefe," he whispers. "They're on their way and shall be entering momentarily."
Platt seems to ignore the Twi'lek, apparently a friend of
hers. "So, kid," she says to you, acting as if nothing's out of
the ordinary, "where are you heading next?"
You're not quite sure if you should tell her you're delivering a datacard with secret information to some Rebel sympathizer on Salliche. But you don't have time to think much
about that...
Please eo to 19.

rounded by stormtroopers pointing blaster pistols at you. It

looks like this is the end of the line for you. As soon as those
stormtroopers find that Rebel datacard you're carrying,
you'll be bound for an interrogation somewhere ... or worse
yet, a sentence in the dreaded spice mines of Kessel. But
that's an entirely different adventure ...
Please go to 36.

grows. You're soon surrounded by stormtroopers all pointing blaster pistols at you. It looks like this is the end of the line
for you. As soon as those stormtroopers find that Rebel
datacard you're carrying, you'll be bound for an interrogation somewhere ... or worse yet, a sentence in the dreaded
spice mines of Kessel. But that's an entirely different adventure ...
Please go to 36.

Platt dives through the curtain where the back exit is. You'd
better dive there, too, if you're going to evade capture.
Diving for the curtain and dodging the stormtroopers'
blaster shots is a Moderate task with a difficulty number of
15. You'll need to use your dodge skill of 4D+1 roll four
dice and add one for your skill total. (Note: now might just
be the time to use one of those Character Points to add an
extra die to your skill roll ... )
If you roll 15 or higher, go to 30.
If you roll 14 or lower, go to 33.

you ve dodged to safety. Once outside the cantina, you

merge into the crowd once more, heading down some alleys
to your starship's docking bay. With some luck and
maybe even the Force you'll be able to deliver the Rebel
datacard to Locus Geen on Salliche ...
Please so to 36.

is equal to or higher than the task's difficulty, you succeed. If

your roll is less, you fail.
Try running through this solitaire adventure again to
practice. Choose different options. Later on once you've
learned how to create your own character you might try
running this adventure again with an original character.

You again? Did Blaine survive? He's a nice kid, but he's way out of his league when it comes to dealing with
the Empire.
Ifit'd been me in that cantina, I'd have just opened up on those stormtroopers ... but that's what I'm good
at. People like Platt and Elaine like to use fancy talkin' to get out of trouble. Waste of effort, as far as I'm
k concerned.
Anyway, you 've gotten your first taste ofroleplaying. But that was just a solitaire adventure. Roleplaying
' games normally involve several people, including this "gamemaster" person. How does that work?
Well, each player has a character... but you already know that, right? You might want to think of each
adventure as a Star Wars movie, with your characters as the stars.
Then there's the gamemaster. He's got several jobs: referee, storyteller, and mood-setter all rolled into
one. While you and your friends might play one character each, the gamemaster will play everyone else.
He 'II be all the bad guys, all the bystanders, all the bartenders, informants, pals, and anyone else you 'II run
into, talk to ... or shoot at.

The first thing the gamemaster does is come up with the

story your characters are going to star in. He'll set the scene, tell
you what your characters see, and so forth. And you'll listen to
him just as hard as you're listening to me.
Once you have an idea of what's going on, you get to decide
what your characters are going to do. For example, if you're in
a crowded cantina, you can try to leave, try to get some inside
info from somebody in the room, open fire ... whatever seems
like a good idea at the time. (Keep in mind what kind of
character you're playing. A human Jedi's going to react differ-

ently to something than, say, a Wookiee smuggler ... I should

know, I've run into both.)
Once you know what you want your character to try, the
gamemaster takes over, deciding how hard it is and what's
going to happen if you succeed or fail.
Maybe I should stop tellingyou about this, and just show you.
Keep reading and you'll see what I mean.

An Example of Play
Bill is the gamemaster. Greg is playing Thannik, a bounty
hunter. Paul is playing a protocol droid named GT-9R (C-3PO
is a protocol droid). Peter is playing Dirk Harkness, an
outlaw (and all-round scoundrel). Amy is playing Rhen, a
brash pilot (who thinks she's something of a hotshot).
Finally, George is playing a kid named Cev Rees (young Cev
is something of a mischievous pest).
Bill: "You enter the Dancing Dewback. It looks a lot like
the cantina from Star Wars. There's about 15 people here
some are human, but most of them are aliens. Off in the
corner you can see a Devaronian you know, the guy in the
cantina scene with the short, pointy horns downing a
glowing red drink that seems to have a small electrical storm
hovering over the cup. He looks like the contact you're
supposed to meet. What do you want to do?"
Paul: (As GT-9R, doing a typical droid-like mechanical
voice) "Master Thannik, we are supposed to meet our contact in this ... establishment. What a rough place. No one
respectable would be found here." (Now using his normal
voice, telling Bill) "What else can I see? Do my sensors pick
up anything unusual, or any signs of weapons?"
Greg: (As Thannik) "Look, Niner, this is my kind of place.
A good bar fight waiting to happen!" (Looking at Bill, speaking
as the player) "I'm not taking any chances. Where are all of
the entrances? If we have to fight our way out, where can we
go? Who's heavily armed?"
Peter: (As Dirk) "Well, friends, it's not polite to stare. I'm
going to the bar for a drink. Anyone with me?"
Amy: (As Rhen) "I'm in."
George: (As Cev) "Me too ... I want a Reactor Core! I hear
they're good!"
Amy: (As Rhen) "That's enough, Cev. You'll get a fizzyglug
and like it. And don't try picking any pockets like last time."
George: (As Cev) "I never get to have any fun. And how
many times do I have to tell you... it's 'Cev,' like with a 'k,' not
with an 's!'" (To Bill) "I'm going to pretend to do what Rhen
says but I'm looking out for someone I can pick-pocket."
Peter: "Here we go again... you know, last time you nearly
got us all killed."
Bill: (To Peter) "You don't know what Cev is doing so
don't worry about it."(To everyone, pulling out a sheet of
scrap paper) "Here, let me draw you a sketch of the room.
There's a front door where both of you are standing now
plus a bar in the center. Dirk, Rhen and Cev are already at
the bar. The room's about 20 meters square, so it's a decent
size. There are booths and tables everywhere."
(Billsketches a rough square, drawing in the frontdoor, the
bar and its approximate size, and several booths. He draws a
booth in the back and circles it.)
"This circled booth is where the Devaronian is. At first

glance, you don't see a lot of the barthe lighting's

not very good. There are several humans and one
Wookiee in the front they look like smugglers or
traders. You see three Duros the guys with the big
green heads and glowing red eyes in the first movie
in the back, clustered around a table. One is clearly
arguing with the other two, and there's a deck of
sabacc cards and several stacks of coins on the table.
"In the back corner is a Gamorrean you know,
Jabba's pig-like guards in Return of the Jedi and he's
really out of control. He's standing by himself, well,
stumbling is more like it. He's punching at thin air and
screaming lots of curses in his language.
"If you want to notice anything else, you'll have to take a
few more seconds to scan the area and make Perception
checks; if anyone is antsy, they'll probably notice that you're
checking out the place if you keep on standing at the door."
George: "Have I found anyone to pick-pocket?"
Bill: "You're sure you want to do this? Most of the people
here look pretty tough."
George: "That's what makes it a challenge."
Peter and Amy: "Oh no."
Bill: (Smiling evilly) "The guy next to you is a big, burly
spacer-type. He's got his back turned to you and there's
several empty glasses on the bar. His wallet's half out of his
back pocket. Easy pickings ..."
George: "I'll go for it. Besides, he won't beat up on a
helpless kid ..."
Bill: "Make your pick pocket roll."
George: "My pick pocket ski\\ is 4D+2 ..." (Rolls four dice)
"I got a 2, 4, 5, 5 with the +2 that's an 18!"
Bill: "You reach over and tug on the wallet and it comes
right out. The guy doesn't even notice."
Amy: "Can I see any of this going on?"
Bill: "Make a search roll."
Amy: "I didn't improve search, but it's a Perception skill,
right? My Perception's 3D ..." (Rolls three dice) "... a 3, 4, and
6 that's a 13."
Bill: "Out of the corner of your eye you see Cev pulling the
wallet out of the man's pocket. The guy's huge ... he could
probably press Cev one-handed."
Amy: (As Rhen, whispering to George) "Cev, what are you
George: (As Cev) "Nothin'i Don't come over here ...
there's nothin' to see." (To Bill) "What's in the
Bill: "Not much. An ID card and
about 20 credits."
George: (As Cev) "Cool!" ^
Bill: "The bartender
walks up to the spacer, gives
him a another drink and says,
'Here's your lum, Fenn. Two
credits.' The guy reaches
around to his back pocket and
starts feeling for his wallet."

George: (As Cev) "Uh-oh! See you later, Rhen!" (To Bill) "I
duck into the crowd."
Amy: (As Rhen) "No you don't!" (To Bill) "I grab the wallet
from Cev."
Bill: "Now you need to make what's called an opposed
roll. Both of you roll your Strength. High roller holds on to the
wallet. Amy, add a +5 modifier to your roll. You get a bonus
because Cev is trying to sneak away and isn't really paying
attention to you. "
Amy: (Rolls dice) "A 12... with the +5, that makes my total 17!"
George: (Rolls dice) "A 10."
Amy: "Got it!"
Bill: "Just as you grab the wallet and Cev ducks into the
crowd, the spacer realizes his wallet is missing. He turns to
look at you, Rhen." (Bill imitates drunken spacer) '"Hey,
where'd my wallet go ... hey, what are you doin' with it?'"
Amy: "Um, I'll offer to buy him a drink."
Bill: "C'mon, play it out."
Amy: (As Rhen) "Uh, you just dropped your wallet on the
floor ... here. Let me buy you a drink."
Bill: (As spacer) "'Sure. Say, what're you doin' later on?'"
Amy: (As Rhen, muttering under her breath) "I'm gonna kill
that little twerp ..."

Hi there! Tirog asked me to tell you how to create
your own characters. My name's Platt Okeefe and I
make my living sneaking cargoes under the noses of
Imperial Customs inspectors. I like to call myself a
"freelance entrepreneur," but most people just call
me a smuggler. I'm not quite as famous as Han Solo,
but then again, I don't have half the bounty hunters
in the galaxy chasing after me.
On to business. If you want to play Star Wars, you're going to need
a character. The best way to start is to flip to the back of the book and
pick out a template that appeals to you. You can play a smuggler,
a Rebel pilot, a mercenary (or "merc"), a Wookiee ...
whatever suits you.
Either make a photocopy of the template, or copy the
game information the attribute die codes, Move and
equipment onto a sheet of scratch paper or a blank
character sheet.
(If none of the templates appeal to you, turn to
"Creating a New Template" later in this chapter for
rules for creating your own template.)
So, you 've picked a template. Now what? Each
template has background information personality, background, objectives and things like that describing your character. There's even a quote your character might say during an adventure. These things help
you understand who you're playing, but they are only a
starting point. You can make changes as long as the
gamemaster approves them. (See "Selecting A Character" for
a few suggestions.)
Make up a name for your character. Try not to use an
"Earth " name, especially if you 're playing an alien. Remember, this is the Star Wars galaxy here, and it's filled with
exotic places and names. Han Solo, Wedge Antilles, Tru'eb
Cholakk, Biggs Darklighter, Vorrin Tal, Mali Starslinger,
Casta Famib, and Leia Organa are all good "non-Earthly"
Pick your character's height, weight, sex and age, and come
up with a brief description of what he or she looks like.
Some aliens have special abilities. For example, Sullustans
have such a good sense of direction that they almost never get lost;
they also get a bonus for astrogation rolls. Some characters even
have Force skills like the old Jedi Knights.

If there's something on your character sheet you don't

understand, just ask the gamemaster to explain it to you.
If the gamemaster approves, you can change your character's
species, but that may affect the game statistics, so turn to the
"Creating a New Template"section later in this chapter.
You're probably wondering, "Do I have to read this whole
chapter?" Not really. You'll notice several tan boxes they
highlight the rules you need to know. The rest of the text has
examples, clarifications and detailed explanations you can
read these sections if you want to, but if you understand the
highlighted ideas, you can skip the rest.
The same applies to the rest of the rules chapters in this
book, although only would-be gamemasters have to read those.
The stuff that has to be read will be highlighted, and all the rest
the reader can go back to at his leisure. You can basically learn
the whole game just by reading the colored boxes.
Hey, we've made this game easier than bribing hungry
Imperial Customs officers with a cargo hold filled with glazecakes. So go ahead, read on, play and enjoy.

Selecting A Template
If you've already picked a template to play, skip ahead to
"Finishing the Template." If you're still trying to pick one or
want a few tips on how to make your character different, keep
on reading this section.
Think about what kind of person you want to play. Do you
want to play a dashing smuggler like Han Solo? A brash
young pilot like Wedge Antilles? An impressionable Jedi-intraining, like Luke Skywalker at the beginning of A New Hope?
A headstrong diplomat like Princess Leia? A seedy con
artist? An engineer who is more at home with droids than
people? There are many, many different types of people in
the galaxy and you can play almost anyone.
Before you pick a template, ask the gamemaster what
type of adventure is being run. If the adventure features a
group of Rebel freedom-fighters, almost anyone fits in as
long as they're moral and decent at heart: the Rebels are the
"good guys" after all.
However, if the adventure is for a bunch of ruthless
bounty hunters, being a Wookiee or a failed Jedi probably
isn't going to work. Some gamemasters even run adventures
for Imperial player characters.
It's not a bad idea to ask the other players what kind of
characters they will be playing. Normally, your game should
have a diverse group of characters with a mix of skills not
everyone can be a pilot, a smuggler or a failed Jedi.

lar? Does he walk with a limp, or have a strange accent? Does

he have a nervous twitch when he lies? What kind of impression does your character give people?
Write down how your character dresses: asmuggler dresses
very differently than asoldier or a wealthy business leader. For
example, most of the time Han Solo wears a vest, boots, and a
white tunic, and he always wears his heavy blaster pistol.

This tells you a little bit about what your character did up
until you started playing him or her. The background is for
you and the gamemaster only you only have to tell the
other players as much about your character as you want to.
(One of the most interesting things about Han Solo is that
you don't really know what he did before he joined up with
Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia.)
Your character may want to hide things about his past,
and perhaps there's even an old foe or two lurking in the
background. Your character can even lie about his past! If
your character is bitter and cynical, there's probably a good
reason he's that way so what happened to him?
You can develop a much more detailed background if you
want to. What kind of odd jobs did your character hold?
Where has he travelled and who does he know? What was his
home planet like? Who were his parents, siblings, relatives
and friends and how does he get along with them?
A well-developed background can give the gamemaster
plenty of ideas for adventures, while allowing for new developments during play. The gamemaster may "remind" you of
things your character knows or introduce other people that
"knew" your character in the past.


A character template is a good starting point, but it's only

a description of a type of character. There are thousands of
smugglers in the galaxyhow do you make yours different?

This is how your character generally acts he won't

always act this way, but it's a good summary. You should
spend a few minutes creating a personality that is interesting
and fun for you to play.
Characters should have both good points and bad points.
For example, Luke in A New Hope is a good pilot, has a strong
sense of right and wrong, and is a pretty likeable person
but he's also impatient, tends to rush into things without
realizing what he's getting himself into, and is driven by
revenge because of the deaths of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.
Detail your character's personality: Is he perpetually
worried? Too eager to fight? Does he have an almost neurotic
need to assert authority?
Think about your character's sense of morality. Some
characters have very strong codes of behavior while others
tend to "adapt" their ethics to fit the current situation. You
can play heroes, like Luke Skywalker, or rogues and other
"shady" characters, like Han Solo and Lando Calrissian.
Would your character be willing to betray his friends for the
sake of a few credits, or would he refuse to betray them no
matter the cost?

Physical Description


Detailing a Character

What does your character look like? Appearance can say

a lot about your character, so spend some time thinking
about this.
Figure out hair color, eye color, and other physical qualities. Is your character in shape or overweight? Attractive or
plain? List anything unusual about your character's appearance, like bright blue hair, tattoos, facial scars or anything
else that springs to mind.
Think about your character's presence, body language
and mannerisms. Is he menacing? Shy? Outgoing and popu-

This is what your character hopes to accomplish. What

motivates your character? Greed (for money, power or
something else)? Love? A sense of honor? A desire for
adventure and excitement?
Objectives can be immediate, short-term, or long-term.
Some characters don't care much about anything past their
next paycheck, while others have long-term goals, like starting a shipping company or becoming a top officer in the
Rebel Alliance. Goals can be noble or selfish, grandiose or
modest... or whatever else you come up with.

Character objectives can also change during play this

is just what your character is interested in now.

Connection With Other Characters

How did your character get involved with the other
characters in the group? "Connections" give the characters
a reason to risk their necks for each other. They also help the
players figure out how the characters react to each other.
Here are a few possible connections that can be fleshed out
with the other players and the gamemaster...
Friends. The most obvious (and the most often overlooked) connection. Friends will do a lot to help each other
even if they've been out of touch for years.
"/ told you I'd make it someday, Biggs."
"You did, all right. It's going to be like old times, Luke. We 're
a couple of shooting stars that'll never be stopped!"
Luke Skywalker and Biggs Darklighter
Relatives. No one gets to choose who they're related to,
but most people feel obligated to help out their relatives
(even if they don't like them all that much). This can be
particularly interesting if the characters would tend to be at
odds how does the egalitarian young Senatorial react to
the seedy smuggler who happens to be her step-brother?
Employees. One character may hire another for any number of reasons. Maybe the characters have worked together
for a long time ... or the adventure revolves around a onetime deal that gets more complicated along the way.

"Seventeen thousand! Those guys must be really desperate.

This could really save my neck. "
Han Solo
Joint Ownership of a Ship. Starships are expensive. Two
or more characters could jointly own a ship (and have to
deal with the debts that go with it).
Travelling Companions. Even the most unlikely pair might
have travelled together for months or years before the game
begins. "Fringe" characters might be buddies or partners in
crime. Wealthy characters might be friends who have decided to "see the galaxy" in style.
Mentors. Any older character can take a younger character
under his or her wing. The younger character has a teacher
or mentor while getting a chance to explore distant worlds.
7 want to come with you to Alderaan. There's nothing here
for me now. I want to learn the ways of the Force and become
a Jedi like my father. "
Luke Skywalker
Rivals. Friendly competition can add a lot to an adventure
(as long as it doesn't get out of hand). Han Solo and Lando
Calrissian are rivals who continually strive to out-do each
"Your ship? Hey, remember, you lost her to me fair and
Han Solo

Same Homeworld. Characters from the same planet share a

few things in common even if they're very different types of
people. Two characters from Corellia will invariably swap
stories about home even if they have nothing else in common.
Classmates. Characters of the same age could have attended the Imperial Academy or a university together. For
example, Han Solo's old Academy friend Shug Ninx shows up
when Han returns to Nar Shaddaa in Dark Empire.
Known by Reputation. Even if characters have never met
before, they may know of each other by reputation. A smuggler might have heard of other smugglers, pirates or bounty
hunters. Senators might be well-known public figures.
"He claims to be the property of an Obi-Wan Kenobi. Is he
a relative of yours?"
Luke Skywalker
Love. A romantic interest can be difficult to play, but some
players are comfortable with the idea. Let the players choose
this kind of tie; gamemasters should neueriorce this connection.

Making Changes
What if you want to play a happy-go-lucky scout instead
of a cynical old grump? Or a quiet and shy pilot instead of a
brash one? That's no problem.
You can change the background and personality to create
the character you want to play, but be sure to clear all your
changes with the gamemaster.
Some things like debts owed to crime lords are
adventure hooks and are supposed to make the character's
life tougher. And not everyone can be a noble princess or the
long-lost child of a famous Jedi ...

Finishing the Template

Be sure to review the "Star Wars Player Handout" on
pages 18-21 for an explanation of attributes, die codes
and other basic rules.
Make up a name, height, weight, sex, age and physical description for your character. (Your character
doesn't have to look like the sample character shown
on the template.)
All characters start the game with five Character
Points. Write that down on your character sheet, but
be sure to use a pencil since this number changes
during game play.
You only have to do four things to finish a template:
1. Pick skills
2. Decide if the character is Force-sensitive
3. Spend credits on equipment.
4. Pick Force powers.

1. Pick Skills
While attributes cover a character's inborn ability in
certain areas, you must be wondering, "Can my character get
better at anything?"
That's where skills come in. Each template has several
skills listed under each attribute. The skills are explained in
the next chapter, "Attributes and Skills."

A beginning character has 7D to spend on skills; you

can add ID or 2D to any of the skills shown on the
template. All the skills listed beneath a given attribute
begin with that attribute's die code.
With the gamemaster's permission, you can add other
skills to the template.
If a character has any of the Force skills control,
sense or alter (they'll be listed under special abilities)
you may improve them, but you cannot add these
skills to the template if they're not already listed.
Example: Greg decides he wants to play a
bounty hunter; he names his character Thannik.
Greg decides to take ID of his beginning 7D
and put it in blaster. Thannik's Dexterity is 4D, so
his new Blasterskill is 5D (4D+ ID); he's got 6D left
over for other skills.
Then, he puts 2D in dodge (also a Dexterity
skill) his new dodge skill is 6D (4D+2D). He's
got 4D left.
Greg then decides to put 2D in space transports, a Mechanical skill. Since Thannik's Mechanical attribute is 2D+2, the extra 2D bumps
up his space transports skill to 4D+2.
Greg puts ID in search, which is a Perception
skill. That makes his search 4D (since his Perception is 3D).
That still leaves ID of beginning skill dice ...
maybe it's time to see how specializations work.
"What happens if I don't improve a skill?" Simple just
roll the attribute. Remember, skills that are not improved
still have the same die code as their attribute.
Example: Thannik has improved his blaster
and dodge, which are Dexterity skills. He didn't
improve a lot of other skills, like grenade, melee
combat or melee parry. When he does anything
covered by these skills (or uses any other part of
Dexterity), he simply rolls his Dexterity of 4D.

You can spend 1D of your character's beginning
skill dice to get three specializations; add 1D to each
Each skill in the chapter on "Attributes and Skills" lists
several specializations; you may create new specializations
with the gamemaster's permission.
You roll the specialization's die code only when you use
the specific item or knowledge covered by the specialization; otherwise, you roll the basic skill (or the attribute if you
haven't improved the skill).
Example: Greg decides to use his remaining
1D of beginning skill dice to get three specializations.
Greg decides Thannik specializes in blaster
pistol (a specialization of blaster), Wookiees (a
specialization of alien species), and Ghtroc
freighter (a specialization of space transports). He
adds 1D for each specialization.

Thannik's Blaster skill is 5D. Greg writes down

the blaster: blaster pistol specialization, which is
Now, whenever Thannik uses a blaster pistol,
Greg gets to roll 6D. Whenever Thannik uses any
other type of blaster, Greg only rolls 5D.
Since Thannik doesn't have any skill dice in
alien species, his alien species: Wookiees specialization is 3D+2 (1D plus his 2D+2 Knowledge).
Thannik's final specialization, ID in space
transports: Ghtroc freighter, makes his specialization die code 5D+2. Whenever Thannik pilots a
Ghtroc freighter, Greg gets to roll 5D+2; when
Thannik pilots any other starship that uses the
space transports skill, Greg rolls his space transports die code of 4D+2.
Specializations are really useful when a character is
going to be using the same item over and over. For
example, Han Solo might specialize in YT1300 transports (a space transports specialization) since most of the time he
flies the Millennium Falcon, a modified YT-1300.
However, if Han piloted
many different types of transports Ghtroc freighters,
YT-2400 freighters, shuttles, cargo haulers, bulk
transports and more
he'd be better off not specializing and only using
the space transports skill

If there is an "(A)"
listed in front of a skill
name, it's an "advanced
skill." Advanced skills demand years of disciplined
study to master and cannotbe
attempted unless a character has
the skill. Some examples include
(A) medicine, (A) space transports engineering, (A) starfighter engineering and (A)
droid engineering.
A character may have an advanced skill listed on
the template. If your character meets the "prerequisite
skills" requirement, you may put beginning skill dice in
the advanced skill.
(Check the skill's description in "Attributes and
Skills" to find the prerequisite skills; you will probably
have to put some of your beginning skill dice in the
prerequisite skills.)
Example: The prerequisite for the advanced
skill of (A) medicine is first aid 5D. If your character has at least 5D in first aid, you can put ID or
2D of your beginning skill dice in (A) medicine.
When a character purchases an advanced skill, it
begins at ID. Advanced skills do not begin at the same
level as their corresponding attribute.

When a character uses one of the prerequisite

skills, add the advanced skill to the prerequisite skill's
Example: A character has first aid at 5D and
(A) medicine at ID. He rolls only ID for medicine
checks, such as when performing surgery or
diagnosing an unusual disease.
However, if the character makes a first aid
check, he gets to roll 6D 5D for first aid plus the
ID for (A) medicine.
If you don't place beginning skill dice in an advanced skill,
cross it off the template.

2. Decide if the Character is

"The Force is what gives a Jedi his
power. It's an energy field created by
all living things. It surrounds us,
penetrates us. It binds the galaxy
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Only a rare few are sensitive to the Force. If the
"Force-sensitive" line is
blank, choose "Yes" or
A character with a
"Yes" on the Force-sensitive line starts the
game with two Force
A character with a
"No" on the Force-sensitive line starts the game
with one Force Points.
Force-sensitive characters feel the pull of both the
light and the dark. They must
be careful not to do evil or they
risk being forever corrupted by
the dark side.
Force-sensitive characters can't be as
mercenary as Han Solo is at the beginning of A
New Hope. They must be moral, honest and honorable,
like Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, or the dark
side will dominate them.
Guidelines for playing Force-sensitive characters
are detailed in "The Rules" chapter.

0. Spend Credits on Equipment

A character starting with "credits" (that's money in
the Empire), can buy more equipment or weapons.
Turn to "Weapons and Equipment," for a list of items
your character can purchase.
You can ask for more equipment, but be warned that most
gamemasters will attach a few strings nothing comes for

Example: Thannik, Greg's bounty hunter,

doesn't have a ship. Bill, the gamemaster, decides to help Greg out a bit.
"I'll give Thannik a ship. How about an old
Ghtroc 720 freighter? He got it used and battered, but had some of his 'smuggler' friends
modify it. You still owe a loan shark on Celanon
5,000 credits for the ship. Be sure to keep your
payments timely."
Bill gives Greg a sheet of paper listing the
ship's game statistics. If Bill wanted to be really
devious, he could have come up with something

else maybe Thannik's ship is stolen and Imperial Customs wants to confiscate it and not
told Greg the real story.

4. Pick Force Powers

If your character is Force-sensitive and starts with
any of the three Force skills (control, sense or alter),
your character knows at least one Force power. Turn
to "The Force," and have the gamemaster help choose
your character's beginning Force powers.

Creating A New Template

Changing A Template's
If you've picked a template but want to change
the species, you may have to make a few changes.
Check to make sure everything fits within your
species' rules for "Attribute Dice," "Determine
Attributes," "Special Abilities" and "Move." (All
of this is explained in detail in the chapter on
Then go back to "Finishing A Template."
First, decide what type of person you want to play and
write up his or her background and personality. (Refer back
to "Selecting A Template" for some hints.)
Type. Your template needs a "type": a short title that
describes your character. Some of the types shown in this
book's templates include the "smuggler," the "brash pilot"
and the "failed Jedi" your type should be just as descriptive. If you want to play an alien, the type can include your
species, such as "Mon Calamari pilot" or "Wookiee bounty
Now, you can start defining your character in game terms.
Example: You'd like to play a smuggler and
pilot type ... not too unlike Han Solo or Dash
Rendar. The smuggler template isn't quite what
you want so you decide to create a new template. For "type," you write down "Freewheeling

Droid Characters
You're not limited to playing humans and
aliens. If you'd like to play a droid, turn to "Droids"
for complete rules.
Select A Species. Many characters are humans, but you
can also choose to be an alien. Several aliens are described
(with game statistics) in the chapter on "Aliens".
Example: You want to start simple and have
your first character be a human.

Attribute Dice. Each alien species description has an

"Attribute Dice" listing; your character begins with an extra
6D for attribute dice.
Example: Turning to "Aliens," you see that
humans have 12D attribute dice. Your character
gets an extra 6D, for a total of 18D attribute dice.
Determine Attributes. Each alien species description has
a listing for each attribute. The left number is the minimum
attribute die code; the right number is the maximum attribute die code.
Attribute Dice: 12D
Move: 10/12

Split up your attribute dice among the six attributes,

making sure that each attribute is no less than the minimum
and no more than the maximum die code.
You can split a die into three "pips." A +1 means "one pip,"
while a +2 means "two pips." (When you split a die, you either
get three "+l"'s or one "+2" and one "+!.") You'll never see a
"+3" instead, the die code increases to the next full die
2D, 2D+1, 2D+2, then 3D, 3D+1, 3D+2, then 4D ... and so on.
Example: Your human character starts with
18D. The description of humans in "Aliens,"
notes the human minimum for all attributes is

2D, while the maximum for all of them is 4D.

You want a character who's good with a
blaster and good at dodging out of the way so
you put the maximum of 4D in Dexterity.
You decide your character is about average
when it comes to Knowledge, so you put 2D in
that attribute.
Next is Mechanical... you want a really good
pilot, so you put 4D in Mechanical... you'd love
to be able to put 5D in Mechanical, but that's
above the human Mechanical maximum of 4D
(You notice Rodians have a Mechanical maximum of 4D+2 ... maybe your next pilot will be a
You have 8D to split among Perception, Strength
and Technical. For Perception, you put in 3D;
that's a little better than average.
You want a high Strength for your character,
but you also want him to have a half-way decent
Technical skill so he can fix things. You put 2D in
both Strength and Technical.
You have one attribute die left. You decide to
split the die into three pips, and you add "+1"
each to Perception, Strength and Technical. That
gives your character a Perception of 3D+1, a
Strength of 2D+1 and a Technical of 2D+1.
Special Abilities. Some alien species have special abilities that can be used during the game: write these down on
your character sheet.

Some other special abilities only matter when you're

creating a character you may get bonuses when choosing
skills, for example. You don't have to write them down on
your character sheet, but pay attention to them when you
choose skills.
Example: Your character is a human: humans don't have any special abilities.
Then you notice that Ewok characters have a
lot of special abilities. The first two skill bonus
and skill limitsonly matter when you create an
Ewok character.
The final one the Ewoks' highly-developed
sense of smell could come up during game
play. Whenever an Ewok tries to track something by scent, the character gets to roll an extra
+ 1D on his search skill. If you were creating an
Ewok character, you'd want to write that down
"+ ID to search when tracking by scent." You'd
probably also want to write down the page number so you could check it during game play.
Move. Each alien species' Move has two numbers. The
left number is the normal Move for an adult of the species;
your character starts with this Move.
The right number is the maximum Move a member of the
species can have the section "Character Advancement"
tells you how you can increase your character's Move rate.
(The Move rate is how many meters your character can
move in a round movement rules are discussed in the
chapter on "Movement and Chases.")

Dark Side Points. A character particularly tainted by the

dark side of the Force may start with a Dark Side Point or two.
This is up to you and the gamemaster, but if your character
starts with Dark Side Points, it means you have to be very
careful to make sure your character isn't pushed over the
brink to embrace the dark side. Playing this type of character
can be a real challenge! (Dark Side Points are fully explained
in "The Rules.")
List Skills. List several skills under each attribute. There's
no need to go overboard since a beginning character only
has 7D for starting skills. (Your character can later learn a
skill even if it's not listed on the templateonly list the skills
you want to pick right now.)
The gamemaster can eliminate any unusual or advanced
skills from a template, so have a good explanation for how
the character could know these types of skills.
Example: For Dexterity, you pick out blaster
and dodge those are skills you'll probably be
using a lot.
For Knowledge skills, you'll need planetary
systems (your character needs to know a lot
about planets in the galaxy) and streetwise ...
languages and survival wouldn't hurt either.
Now Mechanical skills. Your smuggler is going to rely on some of these skills, so you'll
choose carefully. He'll need astrogation to plot
hyperspace jumps, sensors for scanning incoming ships and searching for hidden bases on
planets, space transports for piloting your ship
and starship gunnery for firing the ship's weapons. Of course, a smuggler should be good at
piloting just about anything, so you decide to
add repulsorlift operation for flying airspeeders
and landspeeders and starfighter piloting in case
your character ever has to fly an X-wing against
the Empire.
Now Perception skills ... bargain is good, and
so is con for fast-talking your way out of trouble.
Search and sneak can be handy too.
Strength skills ... there aren't any you want to
improve, so you skip down to Technical.
For Technical skills, you pick first aid and
space transports repair.
You've narrowed the choices down and listed
18 "important" skills on the template ... it's too
bad you only have 7D for starting skill dice.
Starting Equipment. List reasonable starting equipment
for that character. The gamemaster has final say over what's
"reasonable," striking off any equipment, or assigning disadvantages (such as owing money to a crime lord for a ship, or
your character's equipment is stolen and the original owner
is trying to get it back.) The gamemaster isn't even required
to tell you about disadvantages if the character wouldn't
know about them.
Example: Your smuggler will definitely need
a blaster how about a heavy blaster pistol like
Han Solo? You also pick out a comlink, a medpac
(in case your character gets injured), a starship
repair kit and 500 credits starting money.
You'll also need a ship, so you pick out a stock
Ghtroc freighter like the one described in
"Starships." Of course, ships are expensive and
you know that the gamemaster will assign a real
disadvantage if you don't pick a reasonable one

yourself you decide that you owe 10,000 credits on the ship and one "favor" to be specified
later. Of course, you'll owe that money to a crime
lord, but you'll leave the details up to the
When you're done, show your new template to the
gamemaster for approval. The gamemaster can change or
cross out anything that can unbalance play.
To finish the character, go back to "Finishing the Template."

Character Advancement
Now it's time to talk about "Character
Advancement." That's a fancy way of saying, "Your character gets better at things with
practice." I didn 'tjust start off as this hot-shot
smugglerI had to work hard, make plenty of V,
dangerous contraband runs, and dodge my
share of stormtroopers and bounty hunters. Just as you learn from your experiences good ones and bad ones
your character gets better at things by
using his or her skills and practicing.
For a good example, think about
Luke Sky walker. He's not real good
at using his lightsaber when he's first
given it by Obi-Wan Kenobi. How
could he be? He's never even seen a
lightsaber until Ben hands one to
him. Luke's just starting out and that's
why he trains with the remote aboard
the Millennium Falcon.
Years later, when he saves Han Solo
from the clutches of Jabba the Hutt,
he's gotten a lot better with his
lightsaber. He's good enough that he
can block blaster bolts and reflect
them back at people now that's

Characters receive Character Points after each adventure. (The better your character did during the game, the
more Character Points awarded.) You can use Character
Points to improve your character's skills and other abilities
between adventures.

Improving Skills
Skills. It costs as many Character Points as the
number before the "D" to improve a skill's die code by
one pip.
(Increasing a skill from a "+2" to the next higher die
from 3D+2 to 4D for example counts as a one pip
A character can only improve a skill one pip between each adventure, although the character may
improve more than one skill between adventures.

Example: Thannik has a search skill of 4D. It

costs four Character Points to improve search to
At the end of an adventure, Thannik can
improve his search skill from 4D to 4D+1 for four
Character Points and his space transports skill
from 4D+2 to 5D for four Character Points.
However, Thannik can't improve his search
skill from 4D to 4D+2 in one jump because that
would mean improving the skill more than one
PipCharacters normally improve skills between adventures.
At the gamemaster's discretion, a character may also learn
or improve a skill if there is a significant lull in the adventure,
such as when Obi-Wan Kenobi taught Luke Skywalker the
rudimentary Force skills while on Tatooine and during the
journey to Alderaan.
Specializations. For specializations, the Character
Point cost is one-half the number before the "D"
(rounded up).
Example: Thannik wants to improve his space
transports: Ghtroc freighter specialization from
5D+2 to 6D. The cost is three Character Points.
(Five divided by two is 2.5; that rounds up to
Specializations are separate skills. If a character
improves the basic skill, the specialization doesn't
improve; if the specialization is improved, the basic
skill doesn't go up.
Example: Thannik has space transports at
4D+2 and space transports: Ghtroc freighter at
5D+2. When Greg improves Thannik's space transports skill from 4D+2 to 5D, his space transports:
Ghtroc freighter stays at 5D+2; it does not improve. Later, if Greg improves Thannik's space
transports: Ghtroc freighter from 5D+2 to 6D, his
space transports skill stays at 5D.
Training Time. If the character used a skill or
specialization in the last adventure, there is no "training time" requirement. The character can just spend
the Character Points and the skill improves one pip.
If the character didn 't use the skill or specialization
in the last adventure, the character must spend time
training. If the character has a "teacher" (see below),
the training time is one day for every Character Point
spent to improve the skill. If the character doesn't
have a teacher and is training on his own, the training
time is two days for every Character Point spent to
improve the skill.
When training, a character must concentrate on improving the skill. A character cannot train in more than one skill
at a time, nor can a character train while off adventuring.
Only through dedicated study and practice can a character
train to improve a skill.

Example: Thannik wants to increase his blaster

skill from 5D to 5D+1 at a cost of five Character
Points; he must train because he didn't use the
skill in his last adventure. If he has a teacher, he
must train for five days; if he doesn't have a
teacher, he must train for 10 days.
The character's skill does not improve until training is
Characters can reduce their training time by spending one additional Character Point per day cut from
the training time. (The minimum training time is always one day.)
Example: Thannik finds a teacher to help him
improve his blaster skill to 5D+1. After two days
of training, he interrupts his mission to go track
down a bounty.
When he returns, he needs three more days
of training before his blaster skill improves.
Thannik decides to spend two Character Points
to cut two days from his training time he only
needs to complete one more day of training to
improve his blaster skill.
Teachers. A teacher makes it much easier for a character
to improve a skill. A"teacher's" skill must be at least equal to
what the character's skill will be after completing training.
(If a character is improving a specialization, the teacher's
skill or the specific specialization must be equal to what the
character's specialization will be after completing training.)
Many teachers will be gamemaster characters. Sometimes a student will have to search for a teacher the
gamemaster is under no obligation to provide a teacher just
because the player wants his character to be taught something. This is especially true for rare skills, those known only
on primitive worlds, very unusual specializations, or advanced skills. Teachers may demand service, special favors,
missions, or payment in exchange for their instruction.
Example: Thannik has blaster at 5D. His
teacher is a marksman named Hist, who has
blaster at 5D+1. At the end of his training,
Thannik's new skill is 5D+1, matching Hist's skill
level. Thannik has learned all he can from Hist
and must find a new teacher for blaster or try to
train by himself.
Later, Thannik wants to improve his blaster:
blaster pistol specialization from 6D to 6D+1. He
needs to find a teacher who has either blaster or
blaster: blaster pistol at 6D+1 or higher.
Advanced Skills. The Character Point cost to improve an advanced skill is two times the number before
the "D."
Example: A character has (A) medicine at
2D+2. It costs four Character Points to go from
2D+2 to 3D.
Advanced skills take much longer to improve because they are such complex subjects. A character
must train to improve an advanced skill.

A character with a teacher must spend one week

training for every Character Point spent to improve
the skill. A character without a teacher must spend
two weeks training for every Character Point spent to
improve the skill.
Characters can reduce their training time by spending one Character Point per day cut from the training
time. (The minimum training time for an advanced skill
is always one week.)
Example: The character improving his (A)
medicine from 2D+2 to 3D spends four Character
Points. If he has a teacher anyone with (A)
medicine at 3D or higher he must train for four
weeks. If he can't find a teacher, he must train for
eight weeks.

Learning New Skills

Skills and Specializations. Characters can learn a
new skill or specialization by paying enough Character
Points to advance it one pip above the attribute.
There is no training time if the character "used the
skill" in the last adventure (i.e., used the attribute
when doing something that would be covered by the
skill). Otherwise, use the normal rules for training
Example: Thannik wants to learn the bargain
skill, which is based on his Perception (which is
3D). He pays three Character Points and gets
bargain at 3D+1. If Thannik "bargained" in the
last adventure haggled with a merchant, for
example there's no training time and the skill
improves immediately.
If he didn't bargain in the last adventure, he
has to train. If he has a teacher (anyone with
bargain at 3D+1 or higher), it takes three days of
training to learn the skill. If he doesn't have a
teacher, he needs six days of training to learn the
skill. He can reduce that time one day for each
extra Character Point he spends.
The character must seek out an appropriate location and
teacher for unusual skills. A character who wants to learn
archaic starship piloting must find a willing teacher who has
access to such a ship. Often, this will require going to a very
primitive world, where such ships are still in common use.
Advanced Skills. A character may learn an advanced skill if he has the prerequisite skills and pays
the Character Point cost to learn the skill at ID. (It
costs two Character Points to learn most advanced
skills at ID.) Use the normal rules for advanced skills
to determine training time.
Example: (A) medicine has a prerequisite of
first aid 5D. If the character has first aid 5D, the
character can learn (A) medicine at ID for two
Character Points. A character with a teacher
must train for two weeks; without a teacher, the
character must train for four weeks.

Other Gome Statistics

Improving Attributes. Characters may improve an
attribute one pip at a time. The Character Point cost is
the number before the "D" times 10.
The training time is one week per Character Point
spent if the character has a teacher. Without a teacher,
the training time is two weeks per Character Point. A
character must train to improve an attribute, but the
training time is reduced one day per additional Character Point spent (minimum of one week training).
When a character improves an attribute one pip, all
skills under that attribute (except advanced skills)
also increase by one pip.
Example: Thannik wants to improve his
Knowledge attribute from 2D+2 to 3D. It costs 20
Character Points and takes 20 weeks of training
if he has a teacher.
When his Knowledge improves to 3D, all of his
Knowledge skills also go up by one pip: alien
species: Wookiees, goes from 3D+2 to 4D.
There is a limit to how high an attribute can go a
person can only be so smart or strong. At the end of the
training time, the character rolls the new attribute die
code. The gamemaster must roll the attribute's maximum (as listed in the species description in "Aliens").
If the character's roll is equal to or less than the
gamemaster's die roll, the character's attribute goes
If the character's roll is higher, the attribute doesn't
go up and the character gets half of the Character
Points back.
Example: A player's human character has a
Dexterity of 4D and wants to improve it to 4D+1.
After spending 40 Character Points and training,
the player rolls the new Dexterity of 4D+1 and
gets a 17.

The gamemaster sees that

the human maximum Dexterity is 4D; he rolls 4D and gets
a 15.
The character's Dexterity does not improve, but
the character gets 20 Character Points back. If the
player had rolled less
than a 15, the Dexterity
would have increased
to 4D+l.
Move. Characters may improve
their Move score one meter at a
time. The Character Point cost is
the character's current Move.
The training time is one week
per Character Point spent if the
character has a teacher; the time is
two weeks per Character Point without a teacher. A character must
train to improve Move, but the training time is reduced one day per
additional Character Point spent
(minimum of one week training).
Characters may not improve
their Move above their species'

Example: A player wants to improve his human character's Move from 11 to 12. The cost is
11 Character Points; with a teacher, the training
time is 11 weeks.
Twelve is the human Move maximum, so the
character can't increase his Move again.
Force-Sensitive, A character who is not Force-sensitive may choose to become Force-sensitive for 20
Character Points. (There is no training time requirement.)
The character receives one extra Force Point immediately, and must now play under the guidelines for
Force-sensitive characters. See the chapter on "The
Rules," for information on Force-sensitive characters.
It is much easier to begin with a Force-sensitive
character rather than choose to become Force-sensitive after play has begun. A Force-sensitive charcter is
in tune with the Force's mystic ways.
If the character has closely followed the ideals of
the Jedi code, the gamemaster may allow the character to become Force-sensitive at a reduced price.
Once a character becomes Force-sensitive, the character cannot "lose" that Force-sensitivity.
Special Abilities. Characters with special abilities
may be able to improve them over time. The conditions, costs and training times will be listed with the
special ability's description.

That's everything you need to know about creating and improving characters.
If you need to know howyour skills work, look me up in "Attributes and
If you're a player, all you need now is a gamemaster to run the
game. If you want to be a gamemaster, you need to read about
"Attributes and Skills," but you 'II also need to read
most of the other chapters in this book. Trust
meit's nothing like trying to read the 5,94 7datapad Spacer's Information Manual the
Imperial Navy publishes for us spacer-types.
These rules may look like a lot of work, but
hang in there ... like smuggling, this game is a
lot of fun once you figure everything out.


and Skills
Now that I've talked you through character
generation, we 're going to get down to what
really makes your character work: attributes and skills. You've basically defined who your character is, what he's
like, and what he is capable of doing.
Your character's a little like a starship.
In creating a starship (or commissioning one to be built for you}, you define
the vessel you'll be flying. But you
can't do anything until you know how
to fly it. You can't do much with your
character until you know the finer
details of how to run him. In this
chapter, you'll learn how specific skills and attributes work
so your character can tackle
all the challenges waiting out
there in the galaxy.
Just like in the "Characters "
chapter, I've conveniently
marked the stuff you need to
know with tan boxes. The other
stuff is an explanation of how
each skill works, and it's there mostly
for the benefit of the gamemaster: it
provides some general guidelines and
some specific examples of how to set difficulty numbers when you try to use the skill.
By now you've probably figured out that
characters in the Star Wars game have six attributes: Dexterity, Knowledge, Mechanical, Perception, Strength and Technical. Each attribute
covers many skills.

Using attributes and skills is very easy if you can remember

one simple concept. It's called the "Star Wars Rule of Thumb."
Pick a difficulty number. If the character's skill roll is
equal or higher, she succeeds.
When you want your character to do something, the
gamemaster picks a difficulty number. (All the lists and explanations in this chapter tell him how to figure out what the
difficulty number should be.) If you roll equal to or higher than
the difficulty number, your character succeeded at what she
was trying to do.
Now you know the one major rule you need to play this

Skill Descriptions
Time Taken: This is generally how long it takes to do
something with the skill. Many skills (especially combat skills) can be used in one round. More complex
skills, like computer programming/repair, may take a
round ... or minutes, hours or even days to do something. These are general guidelines; the gamemaster
can always customize the time taken depending upon
the situation.
Specializations: Characters may choose a specialization for a skill. The kinds of specializations are
explained, and several examples are provided in italics.
The skill description tells you what the skill covers
and gives a few sample difficulties and modifiers.

Each melee weapon has a different difficulty number.

(The weapons are described in the chapter on "Weapons
and Equipment.") If the character rolls equal to or higher
than the difficulty number, the attack hits.
Of course, just like ranged combat skills, it's not always
that simple. The target might parry the attack using a "reaction skill" or might be partially protected by cover. This is
explained in the chapter on "Combat and Injuries."

Using Reaction Skills

Dexterity covers several "reaction skills," which are used
to avoid or block attacks. When your character is attacked
and you roll a "reaction skill," the attacker's difficulty number is now whatever you roll.
There are several reaction skills: brawling parry, dodge
and melee parry. Lightsaber can also be used to parry attacks.
The many vehicle operation and starship piloting skills
they're all under Mechanical can also be used for "vehicle
dodges" to avoid enemy fire.
Full Reaction. A reaction skill can also be used for a "full
reaction." The character rolls the reaction skill brawling
parry, dodge, melee parry, parries with a lightsaber, or a
vehicle or starship dodge and adds the roll to the attackers' difficulty numbers. However, a character making a full
reaction can't do anything else in the round.
The chapter on "Combat and Injuries" fully explains how
to use reaction skills.

Archaic Guns

Dexterity is a measure of your character's eye-hand coordination and balance. Characters with a high Dexterity are
good shots, can dodge blaster bolts, can walk balance beams
with ease and even make good pick-pockets. Characters with
a low Dexterity are clumsy.

Time Taken: One round.

Specializations: Indicates a specific kind or model
of archaic gun black powder pistol, matchlock, musket, wheelock.
Archaic guns is a "ranged combat" skill used to fire
any primitive gun, including black powder pistols,
flintlocks and muskets. Normally, only characters from
primitive-technology worlds will know this skill.

Using Ranged Combat Skills


Dexterity has several "ranged combat" skills covering

weapons that can be used to attack someone from a distance. These skills all work the same way.
When a character shoots a ranged weapon, the difficulty
number is based on the range to the target: the further away
a target, the higher the difficulty number. (Each weapon has
different ranges; weapons are described in the chapter on
"Weapons and Equipment.")
If your skill roll is equal to or greater than the difficulty
number, your attack hits.
It's not always that simple, however the target might
dodge (that's a "reaction skill") or might be partially protected by cover. This is explained in the chapter on "Combat
and Injuries."
The "ranged combat" skills include: archaic guns, blaster,
blaster artillery, bowcaster, bows, firearms, grenade, missile
weapons, thrown weapons and vehicle blasters. (Starship
gunnery and capital ship gunnery are also "ranged combat"
skills, but they're covered by Mechanical.)

Time Taken: One round.

Specializations: A specific type or model of character-scale blaster weapon blaster pistol, heavy blaster
pistol, blaster rifle, BlasTech DL-44, hold-out blaster.
Blaster is the "ranged combat" skill used to shoot
blaster weapons that can be held and carried by a
character. Blaster covers everything from tiny holdout blasters to large repeating blasters (such as the EWEB heavy repeating blaster used by Imperial
snowtroopers on Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back).
Other blaster types include sporting blasters (Princess Leia uses a sporting blaster in Star Wars: A New
Hope), blaster pistols, heavy blaster pistols (like Han
Solo's BlasTech DL-44), and the blaster rifles used by
Do not use blaster to fire fixed blasters or multicrew weapons (use blasterartillery), weapons mounted
on vehicles (use vehicle blasters), or starship weapons
(use capital ship gunnery or starship gunnery, both
Mechanical skills).
"It's them! Blast them!"

Dexterity Skills

Using Melee Combat Skills

Dexterity has "melee combat" skills which cover any type
of hand-to-hand attack. They're melee combat and lightsaber;
brawling a Strength skill is also a melee combat skill.

Blaster Artillery
Time Taken: One round or longer.
Specializations: The particular type or model of
artillery anti-infantry, anti-vehicle, Golan Arms DF. 9,
surface-to-space, surface-to-surface.
Blaster artillery is the "ranged combat" skill that
covers all fixed, multi-crew heavy weapons, such as
those used by the Rebel Alliance at the Battle of Hoth
and the fixed ion cannons fired from a planet's surface.
The time taken to use this skill is often one round.
However, certain kinds of artillery have a "fire rate,"
which indicates how many times a round that weapon
can be used. For example, the anti-vehicle laser cannon used at Hoth can only be used once every other
round (fire rate: 1/2), but the anti-infantry battery can
fire up to twice per round (fire rate: 2).
"Stand by ion control... fire!"
Echo Base Controller

Time Taken: One round.
Bowcaster is a "ranged combat" skill that reflects
the user's proficiency at firing the unusual Wookiee
bowcaster. This weapon requires great strength and is
normally only used by Wookiees.

Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Specific type or model bowcrossbow, long bow, short bow
Bows is a "ranged combat" skill covering all bowtype weapons, including short bows, long bows and
crossbows (excluding Wookiee bowcasters, which fall
under the bowcaster skill). Bows are normally only
found on low-technology worlds, so this skill is fairly

Brawling Parry
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Style of brawling being parried when
unarmed and avoiding a brawling or melee attack
boxing, martial arts.
Brawling parry is a "reaction skill" used to avoid
being hit by a brawling or melee combat attack if you're
unarmed. Brawling parry is used to hold one's ground
yet avoid or block a hand-to-hand combat attack.


pistols, rifles, machineguns.

Firearms is the "ranged combat" skill used to for all
guns which fire bullets, including pistols, rifles, machine guns, assault rifles and any other firearms. (Firearms doesn't include very primitive guns, which are
covered under archiac guns.)

Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Kind or model of grenade thermal detonator, anti-vehicle grenade.
Grenade is the "ranged combat" skill to throw grenades. Success means the grenade hits the location it
was thrown to. Failure means it lands somewhere else.
This skill covers throwing other objects like rocks
and balls.

Time Taken: One round.
Lightsaber is the "melee combat" skill used for the
lightsaber, the weapon of the famed Jedi Knights.
While a very powerful weapon, a lightsaber is dangerous to an unskilled user if an attacking character
misses the attack difficulty number by 10 or more
points, then the character has injured himself with the
weapon and rolls damage against his own Strength.
Lightsaber can also be used as a "reaction skill" to
parry brawling, lightsaber and melee combat attacks.
Jedi Knights can parry blaster bolts with a lightsaber,
but that's only because they have the lightsaber combat Force power; it's very, very difficult for a character
without the power to parry blaster shots.
Example: Ana Tathis is using her lightsaber to
strike at a pirate intent on harming her friends. Her
lightsaber skill is 5D and the lightsaber's difficulty is
Difficult (her difficulty number is a 20).
Ana's player rolls her skill dice and gets a 21
she hits. If she had rolled a 10 or lower, Ana would
have underestimated the momentum of her attack
maneuver and sliced herself with her own lightsaber,
causing 5D damage to herself.
"This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or as
random as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized
Ben Kenobi

Melee Combat

Time Taken: One round.

Specializations: Kind of ranged attack to be dodged
- energy weapons, grenades, slugthrowers, missile
Dodge is a "reaction skill" used to avoid any ranged
attack, including blaster fire, grenades, bullets and
arrows. Characters using this are doing whatever they
can to dodge the attack slipping around a corner for
cover, diving behind cargo containers, dropping to the
ground, or any other maneuvers to avoid getting hit.

Time Taken: One round.

Specializations: Specific type of melee weapon
swords, knives, axes, vibroblades, vibro-axes.
Melee combat is the "melee combat" skill used for
all hand-to-hand weapons (except lightsabers, which
is covered under the lightsaber skill). Melee weapons
include vibro-axes, force pikes, gaderffii sticks, clubs,
bayonets and even impromptu weapons like chairs
and blaster butts.


Melee Parry

Time Taken: One round.

Specializations: Type or model firearm used

Time Taken: One round.

Specializations: Type of melee weapon used

lightsabers, knives, clubs, axes, vibroblades.

Melee parry is the "reaction skill" used if a character
has a melee weapon and is attacked by someone with
a melee combat, brawling or lightsaber attack. (Melee
parry can't be used to parry blaster attacks that's

Missile Weapons
Time Taken: One round or longer.
Specializations: Type or model missile weapon
concussion missile, grenade launcher, Golan Arms FC1
flechette launcher, power harpoon.
Missile weapons is the "ranged combat" skill used to
fire all types of missile weapons, including grappling
hook launchers, grenade launchers, and personal proton torpedo launchers.

Pick Pocket
Time Taken: One round.
Characters use pick pocket to pick the pockets of
others, or to palm objects without being noticed.
When a character makes a pick pocket attempt, the
victim makes an opposed search or Perception roll to
notice it.
Example: Dirk Harkness wants to dip into a
courier's satchel to filch a datapad which happens
to hold important patrol schedules for a nearby
Imperial garrison base. Dirk rolls his pick pocket
skill of 5D and gets an 18. The gamemaster rolls the
courier's Perception of 2D and gets a 7. Since his roll
is higher than the courier's, Dirk successfully slips
the datapad out of the satchel.
+5 or more to target's roll: Light crowd, with few distractions.
+ 10 or more to target's roll: Very small crowd or target
has very good reason to notice pick-pocket.
+10 or more to character's roll: Huge, congested crowd.
Target constantly being jostled by street traffic. Major distraction, such as a heated blaster battle, being at a loud
concert, or an accident occurs immediately in front of the
+5 or more to character's roll: Crowded conditions, such
as those aboard a public transport or in a packed starport.
Darkness. Minor distraction, such as street performers or a
nearby speeder accident.
The difference between the two rolls determines the pickpocket's success. Use the following guidelines.
Pick-pocket rolls higher than the target by:
21+ Target won't notice missing item until thief is well
out of sight.
16-20 Target notices missing item after a minute or so;
pick-pocket has several rounds to dive into the crowd.
ll-15Target notices missing item after three rounds.
6-10 Target notices that item is missing on next round.
0-5 The object is snagged on material or somehow still
held by the target.
Target rolls higher than pick-pocket by:
1-5 Target feels pick-pocket's hand rummaging through

his pocket. Target can react next round.

6 or more
Pick-pocket gets hand caught in target's
pocket; target notices immediately.

Time Taken: One round or more.
Specializations: Long distance, short sprint.
Running is the character's ability to run and keep
his balance, especially in dangerous terrain. The running difficulty is based on the kind of terrain being
crossed and how fast the character moves. See the
chapter on "Movement and Chases" for more information.

Thrown Weapons
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Specific kind of thrown weapon
knife, spear, sling.
Thrown weapons is the "ranged combat" skill used
whenever a character employs a primitive thrown
weapon, including throwing knives, slings, throwing
spears and javelins.

Vehicle Blasters
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Type or model of vehicle-mounted
blaster heavy blaster cannon, heavy laser cannon,
light blaster cannon, light laser cannon, medium blaster
cannon, medium laser cannon.
Vehicle blasters is the "ranged combat" skill used to
fire vehicle-mounted energy weapons, especially those
that are speeder- or walker-scale. (The weapon's description will list which skill it uses.) Vehicle blasters
can also be used to fire speeder- or walker-scale weapons mounted on starships.
"All troops will debark for ground assault. Prepare to
target the main generator."
General Veers

Knowledge Skills
Knowledge skills generally reflect how much a character
knows about a given subject, whether it's aliens, languages
or laws.
Knowledge is a measure of your character's "common
sense" and academic knowledge. Characters with a high
Knowledge have a good memory for details, and have learned
a lot about different aliens and planets. They often have a
flair for languages, and they know how to get things done in
Knowledge is used whenever a player wants to find out
how much his character knows about a certain field. The
difficulty depends upon how obscure the information is and
how much the character knows about the general subject.
Use the following guidelines to pick a difficulty, but remember that they should be modified based on the circumstances. See the chapter on "The Rules" for more information:
Very Easy: General, common knowledge that almost anyone would know.

Easy: Most people would know this much.

Moderate: Professional level of knowledge. The
average person who has an interest in the subject
would know this much.
Difficult: Professionals would know this much
about a given subject; the average person would be
hard-pressed to give much information.
Very Difficult: This represents detailed, comprehensive knowledge of the subject. Professionals and
scholars would probably have to research a subject
to gain this amount of knowledge.
Heroic: Only a very small number of people would
know this much information.
Gamemasters should modify difficulties and
how much information characters get to suit the
particular situation. Easily found knowledge probably won't have a modifier; very obscure information
could have a difficulty modifier of +10, +20 or much
Modifiers might also be made for particular situations under which knowledge must be recalled
trying to remember the right Rodian custom for
signalling cease-fire would be easier in the calm
comfort of one's starship, and much more difficult in
a confusing firefight with several very angry Rodian
bounty hunters.
^Knowledge skill roll represents what a character
can recall at the time the roll is made, or the extent to
which the character remembers certain general information. It's not reasonable to say that a character
is an expert on the subject simply because he rolls
well once when looking for information. A high roll
might reveal one specific bit of information sought,
and a few hints for finding the rest of the knowledge
the character is looking for.

Alien Species
Time Taken: One round or longer.
Specializations: Knowledge of a particular alien
species Wookiees, Gamorreans, Ewoks,
Alien species involves knowledge of any species
outside of the character's. For human characters, it
covers all non-humans; for Wookiees, the skill covers
all non-Wookiees.
Alien species represents knowledge of customs,
societies, physical appearance, attitudes, philosophy,
history, art, politics, special abilities, and other areas
of reasonable knowledge.
"... Droids don't pull people's arms out of their
sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that."
Han Solo

Time Taken: One round to several days.
Specializations: Specific planetary or administrative government, or branch within it Tatooine,
Celanon, Bureau of Commerce, Bureau of Ships and

This skill reflects a character's familiarity with bureaucracies and their procedures. Bureaucracy can be
used in two ways:
First, the character can use this skill to determine
whether or not he knows what to expect from a bureaucracy. For example, if a character needs to get a
permit for his blaster, a successful bureaucracy skill
check means he knows what forms and identification
he needs, who he would have to talk to, how long the
process might take and some short cuts he might be
able to use.
Second, bureaucracy can also be used to find out
what information a bureaucracy has on file.
The difficulty depends upon how restricted the information is:
Very Easy: Available to all. Finding out how much you owe
on your starship.
Easy: Available to most people. Discovering which ships
are in port.

Moderate: Available to anyone who meets certain qualifications. Finding out which ships are impounded or under
Difficult: Somewhat restricted. Finding out how much
someone else owes on their starship. Determining how to
legally get your ship out of an impound yard.
Very Difficult: Very restricted. Who to bribe to illegally get
your ship out of an impound yard. Getting permission to
make an emergency landing in the middle of a busy intersection.
+5-10 to the difficulty: Request is unusual.
+15 or more to the difficulty: Request is very unusual.
+5 or more to the difficulty: The bureaucracy is poorlyfunded or has low morale.
+10 or more to the difficulty: The bureaucracy is very
corrupt and doesn't care about providing services.
+5 to the character's roll: The bureaucracy is wellfunded, has good morale, or is truly dedicated to meeting the
needs of those who use it.
+5 or more to the character's roll: The character is wellknown and well-liked, and the bureaucrats have good reason
to help the character. For example, Luke Skywalker asking a
New Republic general for assistance.
No modifier: The character isn't well-known and the
bureaucrat has no reason to want to help the character
but no reason to hinder him either.
+5-10 or more to the difficulty: The character is a known
troublemaker, nuisance or criminal. The modifier applies if
the character is affiliated with an organization that has that
If the character succeeds at the roll, he gets whatever he
needs done (within reason) in a shorter amount of time up
to half the normal time. If the character fails, the process
takes as long as normal ... and longer if the character has
drawn undue attention to himself. The character might even
be arrested on a trumped-up charge if he has been particularly obnoxious.
Remember, the bureaucracy roll is only as good as the
bureaucrat the character is dealing with. Data-crunching
desk-warmers can't access the same information as Imperial
governors. Bullying, bribing, or rolling really high against a
low-level bureaucrat will not allow you to find out when a
Star Destroyer is leaving orbit. If he doesn't know and
doesn't have any way of finding out, the best he'll be able to
do is lead you to someone who might.

Time Taken: One round to one day or longer.
Specializations: Field or organization (company,
conglomerate, trade guild)starships, weapons, droids,
Sienar Fleet Systems, Corporate Sector Authority, Golan
The character has a working knowledge of businesses and business procedures. A character skilled
in business might want to run his own company, or
knows how to convince a warehouse manager to give
him a tour of a facility or to allow him to "borrow" a few
things in an emergency.
Characters with a high business skill know how
much it costs companies to produce goods and will be
able to negotiate for good prices direct from a com-

pany or distributor. The character probably has several contacts in the business world and can get special
favors done for him if he is somewhere where the
company has a lot of power.
Discovering information about businesses is also possible with the business skill. Most stores, shops, and markets
are Easy to figure out, while factories, service facilities, and
public works range from Moderate to Very Difficult depending on their complexity and how much their workers/owners/supervisors want to hide the information from the public. An Heroic business task would be trying to find out how
much Jabba the Hutt is making from legitimate companies,
or what industries Emperor Palpatine has special interest in.
"We 're a small outpost and not very self-sufficient. And I've
had supply problems of every kind. I've had labor difficulties ...
What's so funny?"
"You. Listen to you you sound like a businessman, a
responsible leader. Who'd have thought that, huh?"
Lando Calrissian and Han Solo

Time Taken: One round to one day or longer.
Specializations: Planet or social groupCorellians,
Alderaan royal family, Brentaal, Prexian pirates.
This skill reflects knowledge of particular cultures
and common cultural forms (primitive tribal civilizations tend to be somewhat similar, for example). Cultures allows a character to determine how he is expected to behave in a particular situation among a
certain group of individuals. The more obscure the
information or culture, the higher the difficulty. Cultural knowledge includes information about a certain
group's art, history, politics, customs, rites of passage, and views on outsiders.
For instance, a visitor to Tatooine might make a
cultures role to better understand the moisture farmers he's dealing with. Depending on what the player
asks about this culture, he could learn the moisture
farmers depend heavily on droids, they often trade
with roaming bands of Jawa scavengers, and their
calendar revolves around planting and harvesting seasons.
This skill can be used for cultures of one's own
species or for those of other species.
"Wonderful! We are now a part of the tribe."
"Just what I always wanted."
See-Threepio and Han Solo

Time Taken: One round to several hours or longer.
Specializations: Interrogation, bullying.
Intimidation is a character's ability to scare or
frighten others to force them to obey commands,
reveal information they wish to keep hidden, or otherwise do the bidding of the intimidating character.
Intimidation is normally dependent upon a
character's physical presence, body language or force
of will to be successful. Some characters use the threat

of torture, pain or other unpleasantries to intimidate

Characters resist intimidation with the willpower

+5 or more to intimidator's roll: Intimidator is threatening target with physical violence (and is either armed or has
superior strength).
+10 or more to intimidator's roll: Intimidator is obviously much more powerful.
+15 or more to intimidator's roll: Target is totally at the
mercy of intimidator.
+5 or more to the difficulty: Target has the advantage.
+10 or more to the difficulty: Target is in a position of
greater strength.
+15 or more to the difficulty: Target cannot conceive of
danger from intimidator.
"And now, Your Highness, we will discuss the location of
your hidden Rebel base."
Darth Vader

Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Specific language known
Wookiee, Huttese, Bocce, Ewok.
The common language of the Known Galaxy is
Basic. Most people speak it if not as their main
language, they are at least fluent in it and virtually
everyone can understand it. However, some areas of
the galaxy are so isolated that Basic is rarely spoken.
Some aliens can't or refuse to speak Basic. For example, Wookiees can understand Basic, but, because
of the structure of their mouths, usually cannot speak
it. Ewoks do not normally understand Basic, but can
learn it fairly easily.
The languages skill is used to determine whether or
not a character understands something in another
If the character wants to say something in a language in which he isn't fluent (see "specialization"
below) increase the difficulty by two levels.
The base difficulty depends on the language's complexity
and structure compared to Basic (or any other language the
character knows):
Very Easy: Dialect of Basic, uses many common slang
words or phrases.
Easy: Common language related to Basic.
Moderate: Common language, but not related to Basic
Difficult: Obscure language, not related to Basic (Wookiee).
Very Difficult: Extremely obscure language, such as one
unique to a culture that has never been contacted before or
a "dead" language; language that cannot be pronounced by
the person trying to understand.
Heroic: Language where many concepts are beyond the
character's understanding or experience. May include musi-

cal languages or languages dependent upon intricate body

+10 or more to character's roll: Idea is very simple. "No."
+ 1-5 to character's roll: Idea is simple. "I have a bad
feeling about this." "Landspeeder only 1,500 credits."
No modifier: Idea is of average complexity. "We're out of
ammo." "Big explosion ... generators go 'boom'!"
+ 1-5 or more to difficulty: Idea is of above average
complexity. "The stormtroopers are going to be charging over
that ridge in 10 minutes." "3,000 credits for the 10 blasters, plus
a crate of blaster power packs, and I'll give you my word that
I won't tell anyone what a great deal you gave me."
+6-10 or more to difficulty: Idea is complex. "When the
shield generator drops, Red Squadron will go for the ion
cannons along the hull, while Blue Squadron will concentrate their fire on the bridge. Until then, try to defend each
other from the TIE fighters."
+11-20 or more to difficulty: Idea is very complex. "From
a sociological point of view, the culture of the Ithorians is
wholly dedicated to to the metaphors of their first great poet
and philosopher, Tiethiagg. His aptitude for understanding
the unique herd culture and how it related to the individual,
and how each Ithorian had to contribute to the health of the
planet as a whole ..."
Fluency: Any character who makes 10 Difficult (or greater)
difficulty checks on a specific language is considered fluent
in that language and no longer has to make languages rolls to
see if he understands the language.
Specialization: Characters may specialize in a specific
language, such as Wookiee, Huttese, or astromech droid.
Once the character has 5D in the specialized language, the
character is considered fluent in the language and no longer
has to make rolls to understand anything in that language.
If the character is attempting to understand unusual
dialects or seldom used words of that language, he can use
the specialty language's skill code and should have a
much lower difficulty number. For example, a character
fluent in Huttese trying to understand a dialect of Huttese
will have a much easier time than a character who only
knows Basic.
Gamemaster Note: Certain characters, like LukeSkywalker
or Han Solo, know more languages than one would expect.
Han travels around the galaxy a lot, and knows Wookiee,
Huttese and probably several other languages. Luke comes
from a planet with at least three common languages Basic,
Jawa, and Tusken Raider.
If a player wants her character to know several additional
languages, you might want to give them to her at a reduced
cost (such as three obscure lanuages at 5D for ID in beginning skill dice), especially if she comes up with a very
detailed background explaining why her character knows so
many languages. Giving a character a few "extra" language
dice is okay as long as the player "earns" them and you make
sure that her added knowledge won't seriously unbalance
the campaign. If the players aren't willing to do some extra
work developing their characters' histories and personalities, they shouldn't receive such skill bonuses.
"They're using a very primitive dialect ...I believe they
think I'm some sort of god."

Law Enforcement
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Particular planet's or organization's
laws and procedures Alderaan, Tatooine, the Empire, Rebel Alliance. x
The character is familiar with law enforcement
techniques and procedures. He knows how to deal
with the authorities for example, he may be able to
persuade a customs official not to impound his ship or
not arrest him for a minor offense.
Characters are also knowledgeable about laws.
By making a successful law enforcement skill
check, the character will know whether or not
bribery, resistance or cooperation is advisable
under particular circumstances. This skill covers major laws New Republic or Imperial
and their underlying principles. Some planets
have very unusual legal systems and customs:
law enforcement difficulties on these worlds
should be much higher.

Very Difficult: Systems that very few people have ever

heard of, and even then, only a small percentage know
anything of it beyond its name. Dantooine. Ord Mantell.
Tatooine before Luke Skywalker became famous.
Heroic: Systems that almost no one has ever heard of. The
system may not even be on the star charts. An unexplored
system that might have been visited by traders. Dagobah.
Hoth. Yavin. Endor before the Battle of Endor.
Modifiers: Modifiers depend on whether the information
a character seeks is common or obscure. The more obscure
the information, the more difficult it is to recall:

Planetary Systems
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Specific system or planet
Tatooine, Endor, Hoth, Kessel.
This skill reflects a character's general knowledge of geography, weather, life-forms, trade
products, settlements, technology, government
and other general information about different
systems and planets. Much of this information is
gained from personal experience, computer
records and hearsay from others who've visited
various systems.
Characters specializing in particular planets
have a deeper knowledge of more subtle details
more than the average general database would
contain. Although someone with an improved
planetary systems skill would knowthatTatooine's
deserts are home to Jawas and Tusken Raiders,
those with planetary systems: Tatooine would
know the role the Jawa scavengers play in supplying the moisture farmers with spare parts and
The planetary systems difficulty is based on how
obscure the system is:
Very Easy: Systems that everyone has heard of
and knows something about. Coruscant, the former
Imperial capital and the capital of the New Republic.
Endor after the Battle of Endor. Alderaan. The
Corellian system.
Easy: Systems that most people will have heard of,
but they will only know one or two things about.
Kessel has spice mines. Lianna is the home of Sienar
Fleet Systems.
Moderate: Systems that the average person might have
heard of, but they probably know nothing about. Sullust,
home of the Sullustans. Kashyyyk, the Wookiee homeworld.
Difficult: Very obscure systems that most people will
never have heard of, or maybe they've heard of it but have
no interest in learning anything about it. Bespin. Questal.

No modifier: Information is very common or easily figured out from quick observation. All natives and most visitors know this. Dagobah is a swamp world without any
advanced settlements. The only reason to go to Tatooine is
Mos Eisley Spaceport and to do business with Jabba the
Hutt's crime syndicate.
+ 1-5 to difficulty: Information is common, but requires
some observation or investigation. All natives will know this;

many visitors might. Cloud City is powered by customdesigned repulsorlift generators. The basis of Coruscant's
economy is the huge bureaucracy.
+6-10 to difficulty: Information is obscure and requires
detailed observation. Most natives know this information,
but most visitors don't. Tatooine is populated by a hostile
species known as Tusken Raiders. Kashyyyk's lowest ecolevels are extremely dangerous.
+11-20 to difficulty: Information isn't well known. Significant observation and investigation is needed to discover
this. In Cloud City, Lando Calrissian siphoned off a small
portion of Tibanna gas to produce spin-sealed Tibanna
gases for blasters. Hoth is populated by dangerous predators called wampas.
+21 or more to difficulty: Only a select few individuals
know this. The information is restricted or not well distributed to the galaxy at large. Before the Battle of Yavin,
knowledge that Yavin was the site of the main Rebel base.
"Bespin. It's pretty far, but I think we can make it."
"A mining colony?"
"Yeah, a Tibanna gas mine. Lando conned somebody out
of it.
Han Solo and Princess Leia

Time Taken: One round to several days.
Specialization: Particular field of study archaeology, Jedi lore, history, geology, physics.
This skill reflects formal academic training or dedicated research in a particular field. Scholar also reflects a character's ability to find information through
research. Characters often choose a specialization to
reflect a specific area which they have studied. Specializations are subjects often taught at the great
universities throughout the galaxy, including archaeology, botany, chemistry, geology, history, hyperspace
theories, and physics. Specializations can also be topics a character can research on his own.
Scholar represents "book-learning," not information learned from practical experience. A character
can know the various hyperspace theories inside and
out, but this doesn't qualify him to fly starships through
hyperspace (that's covered by the astrogation skill).
He might know the physical principles which make a
blaster fire, but that doesn't make him a better shot.
Gamemasters can choose to allow players a limited
benefit under certain circumstances the character
is applying theory in a real-world situation. For example, a character with scholar: military tactics (the
history of tactics) normally doesn't get a bonus to
tactics rolls, but under certain circumstances, a good
scholar: military tactics roll might merit a small (+ ID or
so) bonus to tactics.
Gamemasters should allow players to choose their
own scholar specializations new ones can be created at the gamemaster's discretion. When determining a character's background, players should explain
why and how they gained such academic training in a
Like many other Knowledge skills, the difficulty is
based on the obscurity and detail of the information

Time Taken: One round to one day or longer.
Specializations: Specific planet or criminal organization Celanon, Corellia, Jabba the Halt's organization, Black Sun, Tallon Karrde's organization.
Streetwise reflects a character's familiarity with
underworld organizations and their operation. He can
use streetwise to make a contact in the criminal underworld, purchase illegal goods or services, or find someone to do something illegal.
Illegal activities may include the usual vices: gambling, fencing stolen goods, racketeering, blackmail,
contract killing, and fraud. Because Imperial laws are
repressive, some actions deemed "criminal"
may be perfectly moral:
freeing slaves, delivering medicine
and food to refugees from Imperial
aggression, and
smuggling wanted
criminals (such as
Alliance personnel)
through Imperial
This skill also reflects knowledge of
bosses, such as Jabba
the Hutt or Talon
Karrde, and their organizations and activities.
The base difficulty depends upon how common
the service or good is or how
hard it is to find the underworld contact:
Very Easy: Things that are
fairly easy to find under most
circumstances. A blaster on a
planet where blasters are illegal but enforcement is lax. A
bounty hunter on a "crime
Easy: Things that are easy to
find, but normally require some
discretion or careful investigation. Finding a representative of
a well-known criminal organization. Hiring someone to steal
some merchandise.
Moderate: Any service which involves considerable risk,
or finding an item which is both illegal and well-regulated.
Finding a blaster on a planet where ownership is very
carefully-controlled. Hiring someone to sneak you off a
planet when you're the subject of an Imperial manhunt.
Knowing where the best smugglers, thieves or other types of
criminals might be hiding.
Difficult: Finding someone with a very unusual skill, or
finding an item that is very expensive, dangerous or carefully-controlled. Finding stolen TIE fighters.

Very Difficult: Finding a specific criminal who is in hiding.

Finding an item on a world where its possession incurs an
automatic death penalty. Arranging a personal meeting with
Jabba the Hutt when he isn't expecting you.
Heroic: Finding extremely rare merchandise which normally wouldn't be available, even under the best of circumstances. Finding a lightsaber for sale on the black market.
+10 or more to the character's roll: There is almost no
law enforcement on the planet.
No modifier: There is moderate law enforcement; the
local law looks the other way as long as criminal activity is
discreet and isn't dangerous to the local government or
general public.
+10 or more to the difficulty: There is very strict law
enforcement. The world is under martial law or has no
tolerance for criminals.
+10 or more to the difficulty: The character has never
been to the planet before or has no contacts in the area. The
character is not familiar with the locale and acceptable
procedures, and may not know who to bribe.
+1-9 to the difficulty: The character has been to the
planet before but has no contacts, or the character has a
contact but doesn't know how the local underworld operates.
No modifier: The character may have a minor contact
and at least knows what not to do in most circumstances.
+1-9 to the character's roll: The character is known in
the area, or has some contacts.
+10 or more to the character's roll: The character is wellknown and liked by the local underworld. He is known as
reliable and trustworthy (as criminals and their associates
+10 or more to the difficulty: The underworld doesn't
trust the character because he has turned in other criminals
or is known to work for the local law.
No modifier: The character is local, or is a recent arrival,'
but is discreet and hasn't given any cause to be suspected.
+5 or more to the difficulty: The character is known or
believed to work for a rival, enemy criminal organization.
+5 or more to the character's roll: The character is
known or believed to work for a sympathetic criminal organization, or at least one that is not a competitor.
"Do you really think we're going to find a pilot here that'll
take us to Alderaan?"
"Well, most of the best freighter pilots can be found here.
Only watch your step. This place can be a little rough."
Luke Skywalker and Ben Kenobi

Time Taken: One round when used for knowledge
or reacting to danger; one hour or more when looking
for necessities.
Specializations: Type of environment volcano,
jungle, desert, poisonous atmosphere.
This skill represents how much a character knows
about surviving in hostile environments, including
deserts, jungles, ocean, forests, asteroid belts, volcanoes, poisonous atmosphere worlds, mountains and
other dangerous terrain.

Survival can be rolled to gain general information

revealing what the character knows about this environment and it can give clues as to how best to deal
with native dangers.
If the character is in a dangerous situation, the
player may roll the survival skill to see if the character
knows how to handle the situation.
When a character is in a hostile environment, he may roll
survival to find the necessities of life: shelter, food, water,
herbs and roots that can be made into medicines, and so
When the character makes a survival roll, use these
difficulty guidelines:
Very Easy: Character is intimately familiar with terrain
type. Luke on Tatooine.
Easy: Character is familiar with terrain type. Leia on Endor.
Moderate: Character is somewhat familiar with terrain.
May have briefly visited area before. Han on Hoth.
Difficult: Character is unfamiliar with terrain; first time in
a particular environment. Admiral Ackbar on Tatooine.
Very Difficult: Character is completely unfamiliar with
situation. Leia inside a space slug.
Heroic: Character is completely unfamiliar with situation
and has no idea how to proceed. Any character who doesn't
know where they are.
"This may smell bad, kid ... but it will keep you warm ... till
I get the shelter built. Ooh ...I thought they smelled bad on the
Han Solo on Hoth


Time Taken: One round to several minutes.
Specializations: Type of military unit squads,
fleets, capital ships, ground assault.
Tactics represents a character's skill in deploying
military forces and maneuvering them to his best
advantage. It may be rolled to gain general knowledge
of how best to stage certain military operations: blockading a planet with a fleet, invading an enemy installation, assaulting a fixed turbolaser bunker.
This skill may also be used to determine the best
response to an opponent's move in battle: what to do
if the enemy entraps your ships in a pincer movement,
how to proceed in the assault should reinforcements
arrive, what to do if a unit becomes trapped behind
enemy lines.
Although tactics rolls might reveal how best to
handle military situations, the final outcome of how
well the character's side does in a battle hinges on
other skill rolls command for the leader, and the
combat rolls of both forces.
Tactics difficulties should be based on various factors of complexity within a battle: how many units are
involved, the setting (open space or asteroid field,
plains or jungle terrain), and the difference in training
and equipment between units (Star Destroyers against
starfighters, stormtroopers against Ewoks, Imperial
Army troopers against crack Rebel commandos).
When rolling this skill, characters are often seeking
ways to deal with military situations. The better the
result, the more hints a gamemaster should give to
help the character win the battle. Hints can take the
form of reminders about different moves the enemy
can make, suggestions on how to maneuver the
character's forces, or (for especially good rolls) risky
and unanticipated moves which could throw the enemy off guard.
"I have my orders from the Emperor himself. He has
something special planned for them. We only need to
keep them from escaping."
Admiral Piett

Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Type of goods or specific planet's
markets starships, droids, Kessel, Coruscant.
This skill reflects a character's ability to gauge the
fair market value of goods based on the local economy,
the availability of merchandise, quality and other
market factors. The character can also gauge specific
capabilities of and modifications made to goods with
regard to performance.
Using value often answers the question, "How much
is it really worth?" Results often depend on the source
of information about the item, and how much the
character already knows about that kind of merchandise. A starship dealer rattling on about a particular
used-freighter might be exaggeratingalthough characters can make some estimations based on the
starship model. If the item can be examined in person,
its value is much easier to determine.


Very Easy: Knowing that a new astromech droid should

cost about 1,000 credits.
Easy: Knowing that a new freighter, equipped with heavy
duty weapons, should cost well over 100,000 credits; knowing that it could probably stand up to a slower starfighter,
but not a customs ship.
Moderate: Figuring out how much a modified freighter is
worth, and how much better (or worse) the modifications
make it.
Difficult: Determining how much it should cost to hire a
pilot to make a smuggling run where there's a high level of
risk involved.
Very Difficult: Determining how expensive it should be to
hire a crack pilot to fly an Imperial blockade ... when he
knows the risks.
Heroic: Coming up with a market price for a product in a
hurryone that isn't normally "on the market" (Cloud City,
a Star Destroyer, a Rebel Princess to be sold to the Empire).
Knowing how much an Imperial prototype weapon is worth.
"She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts,
kid. I've added some special modifications myself."
Han Solo

Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Kind of coercion to be resisted
persuasion, intimidation.
Willpoweris a character's strength of will and determination. It is used to resist intimidation and persuasion.
Also, when a character fails a stamina check, if the
character can make a willpower check at one higher
level of difficulty, he can drive himself on through
sheer willpower. A character doing this has to make a
willpower check as often as he would normally have
had to make a stamina check, with all checks at one
difficulty level higher. Once the character fails a check
or stops pushing himself, he is completely exhausted
and must rest double the normal length of time. If, as
a result of failing a stamina check, the character would
have suffered any damage, the character suffers one
worse wound level as a result of pushing his body far
beyond its limitations.
"Her resistance to the mind probe is considerable. It
will be some time before we can extract any information
from her."
Darth Vader

Mechanical Skills
Mechanical stands for "mechanical aptitude" and
represents how well a character can pilot vehicles and
starships and operate the various systems on board. It
also reflects how well the character handles live
mounts, like banthas and tauntauns. A character with
a high Mechanical attribute is going to take naturally to
driving landspeeders, flying cloud cars and piloting Xwings and ships like the Millennium Falcon. A character with a low Mechanical attribute has a lot of minor

Most Mechanical skills are used to drive vehicles or

pilot starships. Most of the time, characters should be
able to negotiate clear terrain (Very Easy or Easy)
without too much trouble. It's when a driver goes too
fast, tries risky maneuvers or gets involved in a chase
that things get tricky.
Movement, chase and vehicle combat rules are
explained in the chapter on "Movement and Chases."
Movement and chases with starships is explained in
the chapter on "Space Travel and Combat."
Time Taken: One round for chases and combat. For
trips, several minutes, hours or days. (Characters
might roll space transports to see if anything went
wrong over a trip that takes three hours. One beast
riding roll might be made to see how well a character
handles his tauntaun over a patrol march of several

Archaic Starship Piloting

Time Taken: One round or longer.
Specializations: Particular ship type or class
Delaya-class courier, Corellian solar sails, Coruscantclass heavy courier.
This skill allows characters to pilot primitive Orionstyle ships and other basic starship designs. While
these vehicles are seldom used in settled areas, they
can be encountered on frontier worlds or planets that
have just developed space travel on their own.
Archiac starship piloting can be used for a vehicle
dodge a "reaction skill" to avoid enemy fire.

Time Taken: One minute when your position is
known and you are following a commonly-travelled
jump route for which hyperspace coordinates have
already been calculated (can be reduced to one round
in emergencies). A few hours when your position is
known, but your destination is one to which you have
not travelled before and the nav computer must calculate coordinates. One day when you must take readings to determine your ship's current position and
then compute hyperspace coordinates.
Specializations: Specific trade route Kessel Run,
Tatooine to Coruscant, Corellian Run Trade Route.
Starship pilots use astrogation to plot a course from
one star system to another. For more details on
astrogation difficulties, see the chapter on "Space Travel
and Combat."
"Traveling through hyperspace isn 'tlike dustingcrops,
boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right
through a star or bounce too close to a supernova and
that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?"
Han Solo

Beast Riding
Time Taken: One round or longer.
Specializations: Particular riding animal banthas,
Cracian thumpers, dewbacks, tauntauns.
Beast riding represents a character's ability to ride
any live mount. Unlike vehicles, animals sometimes

See the chapter on "Space Travel and Combat," for

more information on using this skill.
"Intensify forward firepower!"
Admiral Piett

Capital Ship Piloting

resist orders
from their riders. Each
animal has an orneriness
code. When a character mounts a
riding animal, the character makes an
opposed roll against the animal's orneriness code. If
the character rolls higher than the animal, it does as he
wishes. If the animal rolls higher, find the results on
the chart below.
The character must make another opposed roll whenever
the animal is exposed to danger or is in a situation which
could scare the animal being involved in a battle, encountering a ferocious predator, being surprised by a sudden
storm or an incoming starship.
Animal rolls higher than character by:
21+ points: Animal bucks rider. Roll the animal's Strength
versus the character's Dexterity: If the animal rolls higher,
the character is thrown to the ground. The animal will
trample the rider if there is no immediate threat; otherwise,
it will run to safety.
16-20 points: Animal bucks rider and runs to safety. If the
character falls off, the creature will not attempt to trample
the rider.
11-15 points: Animal refuses to follow rider's command
and runs to safety. The rider may regain control by making
another beast riding roll and beating the animal's total by 5
or more points.
6-10 points: Animal stops moving and refuses to move for
the rest of the round or the next round.
1-5 points: Animal stops moving and refuses to move for
the rest of the round.
"Hey, steady, girl. What's the matter? You smell something?"
Luke Skywalker

Capital Ship Gunnery

Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Weapon type or model concussion missiles, gravity well projectors, ion cannons, laser
cannons, proton torpedoes, tractor beams, turbolasers.
Capital ship gunnery is the "ranged combat" skill
that covers the operation of all capital-scale starship
weapons, including turbolasers, ion cannons and tractor beams.

Time Taken: One round or longer.

Specializations: Type or class of capital ship
Imperial Star Destroyer, Victory Star Destroyer, NebulonB frigate.
Capital ship piloting covers the operation of large
combat starships such as Imperial Star Destroyers,
Carrac/?-class cruisers, Corellian Corvettes and Mon
Cal cruisers. Capital ships normally require huge crews
for efficient operation, and thus the skill emphasizes
both quick reflexes and disciplined teamwork. The
chapter on "Space Travel and Combat" has more
details about using capital ship piloting.
Capital ship piloting can be used for a starship
dodge a "reaction skill" to avoid enemy fire.
"Our ships have sighted the Millennium Falcon,
Lord. But ... it has entered an asteroid field and we
cannot risk ..."
"Asteroids do not concern me, Admiral. I want that
ship and not excuses."
Admiral Piett and Darth Vader

Capital Ship Shields

Time Taken: One round.
Characters use this skill when operating shields on
capital-scale starships, both military and civilian. These
shields normally require large, coordinated crews for
efficient operation. You can find more information
about capital ship shields in the chapter "Space Travel
and Combat."
Capital ship shields can be used to bring up shields
a "reaction skill" to block enemy fire.
"Sir, we've lost our bridge deflector shields."
Controller on Executor

Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Type or model of communications
unit comlink, subspace radio.
Communications represents a character's ability to
use subspace radios, comlinks and other communications systems. While operating communication devices
is normally a Very Easy task, the difficulty numbers are
higher when the skill is used to descramble enemy
codes and find enemy transmission frequencies.
Characters may also use communications to send or
receive a signal through natural hazards which disrupt communications, such as a gas cloud, heavy
magnetic fields or locations with a high metal content.
"No. Wait there's something very weak coming
Echo Base senior controller

The following difficulties are for finding a specific kind of

Very Easy: Listening in on a known, registered frequency.
Public communications, low-security corporate commnets.
Easy: Listening in on a specific private frequency. Lowsecurity government communications such as emergency
Moderate: Listening in on a somewhat sensitive communication frequency. Local governments, sensitive businesses
or security-conscious individuals.
Difficult: Tapping professionally secure channels. Lowerlevel Imperial or higher-level police bands.
Very Difficult: Listening in on higher Imperial channels, or
high-ranking government channels.
Heroic: Listening in on a top-secret Imperial, Rebel or New
Republic frequency.

in a message. At this point, the characters only know what

was said about "Dewback" and must figure out what
"Dewback" is.

Ground Vehicle Operation

Time Taken: One round or longer.
Specializations: Type or model ground vehicle
compact assault vehicle, Juggernaut.
Ground vehicle operation covers primitive wheeled
and tracked land vehicles, including Jawa sandcrawlers,
the Rebel personnel transports on Yavin IV, personal
transportation cars and bikes, and cargo haulers. Some
military vehicles such as the Empire's Juggernaut
and PX-4 Mobile Command Base also utilize wheelor track-technology.
Ground vehicle operation is seldom needed on modern worlds where repulsorlift vehicles are very
common but this primitive technology is often used
on low-tech worlds.
Ground vehicle operation can be used for a
vehicle dodge a "reaction skill" to avoid
enemy fire.

Hover Vehicle Operation

Time Taken: One round or longer.
Specializations: Type or model hover vehicle hoverscout.
Hover vehicles generate a cushion of air for
travel hover vehicle operation enables characters to pilot these vehicles. Hovercraft are
generally unwieldy, but they are used on many
primitive worlds and are sometimes used for
specific military applications. They are also
used on planets with unusual gravitational
fluctuations or other quirks which interfere
with repulsorlift operation.
Hover vehicle operation can be used for a
vehicle dodge a "reaction skill" to avoid
enemy fire.
If the signal is coded, the character can use communications to make a decoding roll. Some broadcasting devices
have coding die codes, which adds to the broadcaster's
communication skills when determining how difficult it is to
decode the message. By comparing the results on the "Decoder Roll Chart," the character may decode none, some or
all of the message.
Note that some messages will also have code words
for example, Coruscant might be referred to as "Dewback"

Decoder Roll Chart

Coder's roll is > decoder's roll by:
Decoder's roll is > coder's roll by:

11 +

Jet Pack Operation

Time Taken: One round.
This skill represents a character's skill at using jet
packs. Since these back-mounted packs rely on pulling
in surrounding atmosphere and mixing it with regulated amounts of fuel, they can only be operated within
atmospheres. Characters with/'ef pack operation gain
no bonuses when operating "rocket packs," which use
the rocket pack operation skill.
Jet pack operation can be used
as a "reaction skill" to avoid enemy fire.

Decoder learns:
Nothing can be made out
Decoder makes out wrong message
Decoder learns:
One or two garbled passages
About one-quarter of the
information in the message
About half of the information
in the message
The entire message is unscrambled

Powersuit Operation
Time Taken: One round or
Specializations: Particular
kind or model powersuit
spacetrooper armor, servo-lifter.
Powersuits are devices which
enhance a person's natural abilities through servo-mechanisms
and powered movement. These

suits are often used for construction or cargo movement work wherever industrial droids are neither
practical nor desirable. This technology has also been
adapted to the zero-gee stormtrooper (spacetrooper)
battle suits.
Powersuitoperation can be used as a "reaction skill"
to dodge enemy fire.

Repulsorlift Operation
Time Taken: One round or longer.
Specializations: Type or model repulsorlift vehicle
XP-38 landspeeder, Rebel Alliance combat
The character knows how to operate common
repulsorlift (or "antigrav") c r a f t , i n c l u d i n g
landspeeders, snowspeeders, T-16 skyhoppers, cloud
cars, airspeeders, speeder bikes, skiffs and sail barges.
Repulsorlift operation can be used for a vehicle
dodge a "reaction skill" to avoid enemy fire.
"Luke, I have no approach vector. I'm not set."
"Steady, Dock. Attack pattern delta. Go now!"
Dack and Luke in the Battle of Hoth

Rocket Pack Operation

Time Taken: One round or longer.
This skill reflects the character's ability to use
personal, self-contained rocket packs. Since these
backpack units contain all the chemical thrust components for propulsion and maneuvering, they can be
used in zero, low or high atmosphere conditions.
Characters with rocket pack operation gain no bonuses
when operating "jet packs," which use the jet pack
operation skill.
Rocket pack operation can be used as a "reaction
skill" to dodge enemy fire.

Time Taken: One round or longer.
Specializations: Type or model scanner hand
scanner, med diagnostic scanner, heat sensor.
Characters with the this skill can operate various
kinds of sensors, including those that detect lifeforms,
identify vehicles, pick up energy readings, and make
long-distance visual readings. Sensors covers everything from portable hand scanners (like the one used
by Han Solo on Hoth) to the huge sensor arrays used
on capital ships and in military bases.
Some scanners have die code bonuses these
extra dice are added when characters roll their sensors
Note: Sensors are best used as a plot devices: the
characters should detect just enough to intrigue them.
They'll have to personally investigate the situation to
find out the whole story. ("You detect three ships
headed out of the system ... sensors can't determine
what they are, but their energy signatures indicate
they could be fighters. Wait! They've just changed
course and are now closing in you!"
While there are plenty of sensors modifiers to choose
from, don't be afraid to keep things simple! Pick a
difficulty number using your judgment. If the charac-

ter beats the difficulty number, he detects something;

if he rolls really well, he maybe able to get very detailed
One sensors roll can be made per round: the character
detects everything he rolled well enough to notice. Sensors
can perform two distinct tasks: detection and identification.
When a sensor detects something, it means that it has
noticed the object, but cannot identify exactly what it is.
("There's a ship out there ... it might be a freighter or a
When a sensor identifies something, that means that the
sensor identifies the specific type of ship or object. ("It's a
light freighter. Scanner identifies it as a Corellian YT-1300.
Look at the power signature ... he's carrying around a lot of
The base difficulty to find a ship with sensors depends on
the mode the sensor is in: passive, scan, search or focus. The
ship must be within a sensor's scanning range to be detected.
Sensor Mode
Very Difficult
Very Easy
+ 1D or more to the difficulty: Target is using a sensor
+5 to the difficulty to identify only: Target is using a
sensor decoy (sensors detect both ship and decoy as "real"
unless difficulty is beat). ("We've got one ship out there. Wait
a minute ... sensors are now picking up two ships!")
+5 to the difficulty: Target ship's sensors are in passive
mode. (See the chapter on "Space Travel and Combat.")
+ 15 or more to the difficulty: Target ship is running silent.
(See the chapter on "Space Travel and Combat.")
+ 10 or more to the difficulty to identify only: Target is
jamming sensor readings. (See the chapter on "Space Travel
and Combat.")
+10 or more to the difficulty: Ship is hiding behind planet
or other massive body.
+20 to the difficulty: Ship has other mass objects, such as
asteroids, to hide among.
+5 to the character's roll: Targeting a small natural body.
A small asteroid.
+ 10 to the character's roll: Target is the size of a capital
+ 10 to the character's roll to detect only: Target ship is
jamming sensor readings.
+ 10 to the character's roll: Target is a moderate-size
natural body. A decent-sized asteroid.
+20 to the character's roll: Planetary or moon-sized
natural body. Death Star-scale ship.
+30 or more to the character's roll: Stellar object. A star,
nebula, black hole.
If the sensor operator scans a ship and beats the sensors
difficulty by 10 or more points, he can pick out a ship's
transponder code. However, while the Bureau of Ships and
Services (BoSS) keeps detailed records of starship transponder codes, it only releases these records to the proper
authorities local planetary defense forces, starport au-

thorities and, of course, the Imperial Navy and Imperial

Customs. Should characters somehow get BoSS records and
download them into their ship's sensors computer, they
might be able to identify other vessels by their transponder
codes. Of course, if the ship has a false transponder code,
this information can be worthless anyway.
"We've got to be able to get some kind of a reading on that
shield, up or down."
Lando Calrissian
Scanning Planets: Scanning for specific objects on a planet's
surface can be fairly difficult. While it's easy to find major
landmarks continents, mountain chains, inland seas and
so forth a planet's geothermal functions, the energy
generated by large settlements, large concentrations of
metal, and other energy sources can distort sensor readings,
especially if the sensor is looking for a small facility but
scanning a large area. Often, sensor operators must greatly
limit their scanning area covering perhaps a few square
kilometers at a time to find military bases, small cities and
other "minor" landmarks.
The basic sensors difficulty depends upon how much of
the planet is being scanned. No more than half a planet may
be scanned because only one hemisphere is visible at any
given time.
Characters normally make a general scan of the planet to
determine basic characteristics atmosphere type, presence of major geographic features, scans for energy readings
typical of very large cities and then conduct increasingly
detailed scans on smaller and smaller areas to determine
information about interesting landmarks.
These sample difficulties are for scanning from orbit and
finding a specific item such as a starport, small town,
factory complex, scout base, Imperial garrison or industrial
compound when scanning an area of a certain size.
Very Easy: An area one square kilometer or less.
Easy: An area 100 square kilometers or less.
Moderate: An area 1,000 square kilometers or less.
Difficult: An area one million square kilometers or less. An
average size nation.
Very Difficult: An area 100 million square kilometers or
less. A small continent.
Heroic: One hemisphere.
+5-20 or more to the difficulty: Looking for telltale
energy emissions, such as emissions from spaceships.
+ 10 or more to the difficulty: Specific signal is hidden
among other similar emissions or in an area where other
signals will overwhelm that object's signal. (A ship flying
among volcanoes to disguise its trail; for a hand scanner,
hiding a droid in a factory filled with active droids and
electronics systems.)
+5 or more to the difficulty: Spotting or identifying a
specific life-form if there are many different species in an
+25 or more to the character's roll: Looking for basic
information. Location of major continents, planet's atmosphere and gravity, general composition of land masses.
+ 10 to the character's roll: Looking for major sources of
heat, light and other energy sources; by default, other, nonenergy emitting areas, such as glaciers, can be found.
+5-15 to the character's roll (depending upon size):

Looking for major landmarks. Mountain chains, forests,

large lakes, or cities.
+5 or more to the character's roll: Finding life-forms if lifeform is known and there are massive concentrations of them
(determining that humans live on a planet if there are
thousands of them clustered in a small area).
+5 or more to the character's roll: Spotting or identifying
a specific lifeform if it is very different from all other lifeforms around it (finding a human and a Wookiee who are
hiding in a Noghri village).
+10 or more to the character's roll: Following an energy
trail left by an incoming starship.
"I'm not picking up any cities or technology. Massive lifeform readings, though. There's something alive down there ..."
Luke Skywalker

Space Transports
Time Taken: One round or longer.
Specializations: Type or model transport YT1300 transport, Gallofree medium transport, Corellian
Action VI transport.
Space transports is used to pilot all space transports: any non-combat starship, ranging from small
light freighters (the Millennium Falcon is a highlymodified YT-1300 light freighter) and scout ships to
passenger liners, huge container ships and super transports. Transports may be starfighter- or capital-scale.
Space transports can be used for a starship dodge
a "reaction skill" to avoid enemy fire.
"I've outrun Imperial starships, not the local bulkcruisers, mind you. I'm talking about the big Corellian
ships now."
Han Solo

Starfighter Piloting
Time Taken: One round or longer.
Specializations: Type or model starfighter Xwing, TIE/ln, TIE interceptor, Z-95 Headhunter.
Starfighterpilotingis used for all combat starfighters,
including X-wings, Y-wings, A-wings, and TIE fighters.
See the chapter on "Space Travel and Combat."
Starfighter piloting can be used for a starship dodge
a "reaction skill" to avoid enemy fire.
"Accelerate to attack speed. This is it, boys!"
Red Leader

Starship Gunnery
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Specific type or model weapon
concussion missiles, ion cannons, laser cannon, proton
torpedoes, turbolasers.
Starship gunnery is the "ranged combat" skill that
covers all starfighter-scale weapons, including laser
cannons, ion cannons, concussion missiles, and proton torpedoes.
Starfighter-scale weapons may be mounted on both
starfighter-scale ships and capital-scale vessels. See
the chapter on "Space Travel and Combat," for more
information on using this skill.

Swoop Operation
Time Taken: One round or longer.
Swoops are dangerously fast, difficult to pilot vehicles which combine a
typical repulsorlift engine with an ion
engine afterburner for unbelievable performance. Swoop operation reflects a
character's ability to successfully fly
what is little more than a powerful engine with a seat.
Swoop operation can be used for a
vehicle dodge a "reaction skill" to
avoid enemy fire.

Walker Operation
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Particular kind of
walker AT-AT, AT-ST, AT-PT.
A character with this skill can pilot
AT-ATs, AT-STs, personal walkers and
other types of walkers.
Walker operation can be used for a
vehicle dodge a "reaction skill" to
avoid enemy fire.

Perception Skills

"Got him! I got him!"

"Great, kid. Don't get cocky."
Luke Skywalker and Han Solo

Starship Shields
Time Taken: One round.
Starship shields is the skill used to operate shields
on all starfighter-scale ships. The difficulty of the roll
is determined by how many fire arcs the character is
trying to raise shields over (front, left, right, back). See
the chapter on "Space Travel and Combat" has more
details on using this skill.
Starship shields can be used to bring up shields a
"reaction skill" to block enemy fire.
"Increase power on the front deflector shields. We 're
going in."
Lando Calrissian

Perception is the character's ability to

notice things about his surroundings and
other characters. Those with a highPerception are quick to spot concealed objects or
people hiding behind a corner. They're
also good at convincing other people to do
favors for them, tricking or conning others,
and bargaining to get a good price for goods
or services. Characters with a low Perception get lost a lot.
Gamemasters often ask players to make
search or Perception rolls to see how much
their characters notice about their surroundings. The higher
the roll, the more the character notices.
Here are some sample difficulties for search or Perception
Very Easy: Noticing something very obvious. A character
is walking down a crowded starport avenue.
Easy: Making an obvious finding. The starport street crowd
consists of spacers and aliens (a few Rodians, Duros and
Moderate: Finding something interesting. One of the aliens
is a Wookiee, and one Sullustan is carrying an oversized
Difficult: Spotting something very specific. The Wookiee
seems to be walking along with another spacer. The duffel
bears SoroSuub markings.
Very Difficult: Observing something requiring more than
just casual glance. The spacer and the Wookiee are arguing
about starship repairs. Somebody's tailing you.
Heroic: You really have to look to notice this. The Wookiee
has blue eyes, and his spacer friend's trousers have a
Corellian Bloodstripe running down the side. The guy follow-

ing you is trying to conceal an Imperial SecuBargaining Results

rity Bureau badge under his vest.
Seller beats buyer by:
Several Perception skills are interaction skills
21 +
Price is three times local market value.
they are used to influence other people the
characters meet. Using these interactive skills
Price is two times local market value.
often pits the character's skill against the other
Price is one and a half times local market value.
person's skill to resist it (often Perception or
Price is one and a quarter times
Interaction skills between player and
local market value.
gamemaster characters shouldn't be solely
Price is 110% of local market value.
determined by the die roll. If a character is
If rolls are within two points of each other either way,
conning a customs agent, and the player rolls
then purchase price is at local market value.
a high con score, he obviously succeeds but
how does his character do it? What does he say
Buyer rolls higher than seller by:
to influence the customs agent? This is up to
Price is about 90% of local market value.
the player. The better the player acts the role
of his character, the greater his chance of
Price is about 85% of local market value.
success should be.
Price is about 75% of local market value.
Interactive skill rolls shouldn't be used by
Price is about 65% of local market value.
players to influence other players' characters
instead, they should resolve the situation
Price is about 50% of local market value.
by roleplaying and coming to some kind of
mutual agreement. By reducing player interac+5 or more to purchaser: Local market is flooded with
tion to a series of skill rolls, the game turns from a fun
this good, and the prices have been driven down by easy
exercise in social interaction to a die rolling contest, which
isn't nearly as enjoyable.
+5 or more to seller: Product isn't readily available, and
thus has a high demand.
+ 10 or more to seller: Local merchants work together to
artificially inflate prices.
Time Taken: One minute to an hour.
+5 or more to buyer: Item is damaged. The seller will
Specializations: Kind of merchandise to be purpretend to drive a hard bargain, but will let goods go at a
chased or sold spice, weapons, droids, datapads.
lower price and hope buyer doesn't notice damaged item. If
Characters use this skill to haggle over prices for
customer makes appropriate Perception check to notice that
goods they want to purchase or sell. The difficulty is
good is damaged, modifier should go to +10 at a minimum.
often an opposed roll against the gamemaster
+5 or more to seller: Seller makes up extravagant claims
character's bargain skill.
about abilities or qualities of good in hopes that customer
will accept claims at face value. If customer makes an approThe gamemaster should determine the local market value
priate value skill check, customer will realize which claims
of the good. In general, the item's value should be close to the
are false.
value listed on the Cost Chart, but some goods in some
Bribery: Bargain can also be used to bribe others. This
marketplaces will be very expensive or very cheap comskill
use requires more than simply handing someone a stack
pared to other locations. Likewise, some merchants will
of coins. The character must gain that person's confidence
charge exorbitant fees, either as part of the "bargaining
so they will believe the bribe will remain a secret. Bribery
process" or because of the local situation.
may also take the form of having to do favors: "You know, if
This skill is designed to be roleplayed rather than simply
you allow me to 'buy back' my blaster (slipping the inspector
rolled. The gamemaster may also use a mixture of roleplaying
a 100 credit coin), I can find out when Jabba's smugglers are
and die rolls to determine how the character is doing.
going to be delivering the next shipment of Kessel spice. I'm
The player always has the choice to refuse a deal. If the
sure that anyone who could bust that kind of shipment
gamemaster feels that the character's roll represents an
receive a large reward ..."
unfair deal, without the player embellishing by roleplaying
Note that there are few officials above accepting a bribe
the situation, he should allow the gamemaster character to
now and then it's just a matter of figuring out how many
refuse the deal as well.
credits or what favors will get the individual's attention.
To resolve the haggling, make an opposed skill roll using
make opposed bargain skill rolls when negotiatany modifiers appropriate. Find the results on the "Bargaining a bribe if the recipient of the bribe rolls higher, he
ing Results" chart below.
should be able to demand more money or favors for his
The type and size of the bribe depends on the situation.
No modifier: Bargainers who have never dealt before.
Petty local officials may want 100 credits to get a confiscated
+5 or more to purchaser: Buyer and seller have good
blaster back or several thousand to get a ship out of the
relationship. The buyer is a frequent customer, pays on time
impound yard. A character may have to pay 15 or 20 credits
and never has a serious complaint.
to get a specific table at a restaurant, or possibly several
+5 or more to seller: Customer has been a "problem"
hundred just to get a certain room at a posh hotel. If the
customer, so buyer has a vested interest in getting as good
official is famous or very powerful, bribes will have to be
a price as possible, or even risk losing the sale in order to get
correspondingly large or somehow subtle (for example,
personal satisfaction.

giving an official's wife a loan at a very favorable interest

rate). Remember that some characters have no use for
The size of the bribe also determines how well it is

+10 or more to target's roll: Bribe is insultingly small

(less than half of what is reasonable). The bribing character
may be reported to local officials.
+5 to target's roll: Bribe is small (less than 90% of what is
+5 to bribing character's roll: Bribe is larger than expected.
+10 or more to bribing character's roll: Bribe is much
larger than is expected.
A note on bribery: Imperial stormtroopers cannot be
bribed. They can be tricked, conned, intimidated and, of
course, killed, but bribing one is like trying to teach a rancor
table manners.
"The illustrious Jabba bids you welcome and will gladly pay
you the reward of twenty-five thousand."
"I want fifty-thousand. No less."
See-Threepio and Boushh

Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Leader's unit Rogue Squadron,
Imperial stormtroopers.
Command is a measure of a character's ability to
convince gamemaster characters and subordinates to
do what they're told. Command shouldn't be used
against other player characters
to force them to do something
against their will these situations should be handled through
roleplaying interaction.
The skill is often used in combat situations, such as a squad
leader commanding his troops or
a Star Destroyer captain telling
his gunners which enemy ship to
When a character uses command,
determine a difficulty number.
Very Easy: Characters have every
reason to obey. (Stormtroopers taking orders from an Imperial admiral.)
Easy: Characters have some reason to obey. (A bunch of Rebels
from different units working together
to fight off Imperial troops.)
Moderate: Characters have no reason to disobey. (A crowd of civilians
being commanded to "Move along"
at an accident scene.)
Diffiuclt: Characters are skeptical
or suspicious. (A bunch of Ewoks
who are carrying you lashed to

Very Difficult: Characters have every reason to be suspicious. (Imperial troops who think you're a Rebel agent.)
Heroic: Characters have no reason at all to listen to you.
(Imperial troops when you're dressed like a Rebel.)
Command is also used when coordinating projects with
many workers, such as manufacturing ships in space dock
and other complex operations. See the sections on "Combined Actions" in the chapter on "The Rules."
"Take evasive action! Green Group, stick close to holding
sector MV- 7."
Admiral Ackbar

Time Taken: One combat round to several minutes,,
depending upon how long it takes the character to say
what is needed to pull off the con.
Specializations: Particular method of conning
disguise, fast-talk.
Con is used to trick and deceive characters, or
otherwise convince them to do something that isn't in
their best interest. (Con is another interaction skill, so
you'll often want to use roleplaying to resolve these
The difficulty of the con depends upon who is being
Very Easy: A close friend or relative who has no reason to
suspect a con.
Easy: Naive teenager, gullible person.
Moderate: A stormtrooper when the con doesn't personally
involve him.
Difficult: A customs or law enforcement officer; stormtrooper when con
will involve possible danger.
Very Difficult: Someone who should
know better. Jabba the Hutt, an Imperial general.
Heroic: Someone who really knows
better. A Jedi Knight, Emperor
+10 or more to victim's roll: Con
will cause victim to do something
illegal or highly dangerous.
+5 or more to victim's roll: Person knows the character is prone to
pulling cons and has their guard up.
No modifier: Con will convince
victim to do something they might
normally do anyway.
+5 or more to conning character's
roll: Victim generally likes character,
but suspects something because of
character's unusual behavior.
+ 10 or more to conning
character's roll: Victim has no reason to suspect dishonesty, and trusts
and likes that character.

Characters can actively resist a con attempt by rolling

their con or Perception dice against the opponent's con total.
In that case, the con difficulty number is ignored, but the
modifiers are not. Cons can only be resisted by characters
who suspect one the gamemaster should never say,
"Would you like to roll against a con attempt?"
Some characters will be better off not resisting and just let
the conning character roll against the difficulty number. If a
character with ^Perception of 2D "calls" a con rolls against
it and the difficulty would have normally been Heroic, it's
now whatever the Perception roll is ... sometimes people
outsmart themselves and fall for something even when they
know better.
An unsuccessful use of con:
"Uh ... had a slight weapons malfunction. But, uh,
everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine
here, now, thank you. How are you?"
Han Solo

Time Taken: One round to several days.
Specializations: Specific kind of documentation to
be forged security codes, datapad scandocs, starship
The character has the ability to falsify electronic
documents to say what the character wishes. Characters might forge bank codes to get someone else's
credits out of an account, alter official Imperial cargo
vouchers so they may appear to have the right permit
to carry a certain type of restricted good, or create
valid identification so they may impersonate New
Republic inspectors.
A person inspecting a forged document may make
an opposed forgery, search or Perception roll to spot
the forgery. This is further modified by the difficulty in
forging the document and familiarity with the type of
document in question.
+10 or more to forger's roll: Forger has had extensive
experience with document type or inspector has had none.
+5 to forger's roll: Forger has some experience with
document type or inspector has had little.
+3 to forger's roll: Forger has "sample" document to
compare forgery to.
+3 to forger's roll: Forger has all necessary materials to
perform forgery.
+3-15 to forger's roll: Forger has special assistance
(droids, computers) designed to assist in forging documents.
No modifier: Both characters have equal experience with
document type.
+ 10 or more to difficulty or inspector's roll: Inspector
has extensive experience with document type or forger has
+5 to difficulty or inspector's roll: Inspector has some
experience with document type or forger has had little.
+3 to inspector's roll: Inspector has "sample" document
to compare forgery to.
+3-15 to inspector's roll: Inspector has additional assis-

tance (computers, droids, analyzers) designed to help spot

"Now we find out if that code is worth the price we paid."
Princess Leia

Time Taken: One round to several minutes.
Specializations: Particular game of chancesabacc,
Trin sticks, warp-top.
Gambling retlects a character's skill at various games
of chance it is used to increase his odds of winning.
This skill doesn't affect games that are purely random,
but does influence games with an element of strategy,
like sabacc. When playing a skill game honestly, all
characters make opposed gambling rolls, and the highest roll wins.
A character can also use the gambling skill to cheat or
detect others who are cheating. When a character cheats,
every other character is allowed to make an opposed gambling skill roll to see if they detect the cheat. The characters
can make detection rolls every time the gambler attempts to
cheat. If they fail, the gambler "wins" the round.
Modifiers include "assistance" (more than one person
looking for the cheater, or helping the cheater), one
character's familiarity with the game being played surpasses
the other's, or other factors. The gamemaster should consider as many "angles" as possible when using the gambling
Gamemasters are also encouraged to ask players to describe exactly how they're cheating. A player whose character rolls a high gambling roll to cheat but doesn't create a
feasible method his character could use should not be
successful. For instance, a character cheating at sabacc
might hide a card up his sleeve or use a rigged card-chip.
"Sabacc! Must be my lucky night."
Lando Calrissian

Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Camouflage.
Hide represents a character's ability to conceal
objects from view. The skill is used when trying to hide
weapons on one's person, conceal goods within luggage, plant objects to be left in a room and other
similar tasks.
When characters are attempting to spot hidden
objects, they must make an opposed search or Perception check. Modifiers include how well the gamemaster
thinks the character hid the object. Just rolling high to
hide a lightsaber on a character's belt won't do any
good in a pat-down search, but dumping one into a
ventilator shaft will be much more effective (usually).
Hide can also be used to conceal large objects:
camouflaging a grounded starfighter or covering up
the cave entrance of a secret base.
"Commander, tear this ship apart until you've found
those plans."
Darth Vader

Time Taken: One round to several days.
Specializations: Locale or field of investigation
Mos Eisley, Imperial City, property estates, criminal
Investigation is a character's ability to find and
gather information regarding someone else's activities, and then draw a conclusion about what the target
has done or where she has gone. Investigation is useful
for finding out about the target's ship reservations and
following her to a specific planet, or figuring out what
shady business dealings she has undertaken. Just as
with other skills, investigation is often more fun when
you use roleplaying over skill rolls; when a player
makes a good investigation roll, gamemasters can provide additional hints and clues rather than just giving
the player the answer to a puzzle.

Time Taken: One round or longer.
Specializations: Specific form of persuasion debate, storytelling, flirt, oration.
Persuasion is similar to con and bargain and is a
little bit of both. A character using persuasion is trying
to convince someone to go along with them but they
aren't tricking the person (that would be con), and
they aren't paying them (as in a bargain).
However, potential rewards can be offered talking someone into rescuing a princess from an Imperial
holding cell is definitely a persuasion attempt. And
stating that the reward would be "bigger than anything
you can imagine" without going into details is not
The difficulty ranges for persuasion are the same as for
con above except they should be modified as follows:
If the character making the persuasion actually means
what he says about a situation (as Luke did when he talked
to Han about rescuing Leia), then decrease the difficulty
range by one level.
If the character making the attempt is actually trying a
low-level con on the target (as Greedo tried to when he told
Han he'd "lose" him if Han turned over the money he owed
Jabba), then increase the difficulty range by one level.
"I think those new droids are going to work out fine. In fact,
I was also thinking about our agreement about my staying on
another season. And if these new droids do work out, I want to
transmit my application to the Academy this year."
Luke Skywalker

Time Taken: One round or longer.
Specializations: Tracking.
This skill is used when the character is trying to
spot hidden objects or individuals. If the subject of the
search has been purposefully hidden, the searching
character makes an opposed roll against the hiding
character's hide skill. If the object hasn't been hidden,
the character simply makes a roll against a difficulty.
This skill is also used to spot hiding characters,
such as a group of aliens preparing an ambush.

Here are some sample search difficulties:

Very Easy: Character knows object's exact location.
Easy: Character knows the approximate location of a
hidden object.
Moderate: Character has only vague information, or has
only a general idea regarding what he is looking for.
Difficult: Character is conducting a general search, but
doesn't know what he is looking for (for example, looking for
clues at a crime scene). Looking for objects that are very
small, like coins.
Very Difficult: Character doesn't know what he is looking
for, or is searching for a very obscure or extremely small
Heroic: Object is almost microscopic in size.
"Someone was in the pod. The tracks go off in this direction. "
"Look, sir droids. "
Sandtroopers on Tatooine

Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Specific type of terrain jungle,
Sneak represents the character's ability to move
silently, hide from view, move in shadows and otherwise creep around without being noticed. This is an
opposed roll the character sneaking around makes
a roll, and anyone who might spot the character makes
a search or Perception roll.
This skill allows characters to hide themselves only
to conceal objects, they must use the hide skill.

This skill is also used when the character wants to make

a long distance journey without leaving behind physical
clues. The character makes a roll to leave behind false clues
and paths and the tracking character must make an opposed
search roll to follow the true path.
"Boy, it's lucky you had these compartments."
"I use them for smuggling. I never thought I'd be smuggling
myself in them."
Luke Skywalker and Han Solo

Strength Skills
Strength represents a character's physical strength,
endurance and health. Characters with a high Strength
can lift heavy objects, push themselves for days without rest and are good at resisting disease and injury. A
character with a low Strength gets winded very easily.

Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Specific brawling style boxing,
martial arts.
Brawling is the "melee combat" skill used for fighting hand-to-hand without any weapons. Most creatures have a good brawling skill.
The base difficulty to make a brawling attack is Very
Easy unless the target makes a brawling parry roll.
Characters may grapple with their opponents rather than
simply slugging them. When grappling, a character is trying
to subdue his foe by wrestling him to the ground, pinning his
arms so he cannot fight back, or stop him in some other way.
When a character attempts to grapple, increase the difficulty
of his attack by +10 if the attacker achieves a stun result
or better, the opponent is at a disadvantage: pinned, in a
headlock, or a similar situation. If the attacker wishes, he can
automatically inflict normal damage for every round the
victim is held at bay. The victim must make an opposed
Strength roll to escape, with a +1 penalty for each point by
which the character succeeded in his grapple attempt.

Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Climbing, jumping.
Use this skill when a character attempts to climb a
tree, wall or cliff, leap a wide gap, or jump up and grab
an outcropping.
Here are some sample climbing/jumping difficulties:
Very Easy: Using ladders and rope walkways to climb
around in the Ewok villages.
Easy: Jumping from rooftop to rooftop if the roofs are only
a couple of meters apart.
Moderate: Leaping and grabbing the end of a starship's
entry ramp as the ship rises for takeoff.
Difficult: Swinging across a shaft in the Death Star on a rope
with a princess in your arms.
Very Difficult: Springing from a carbon freeze pit before

the mechanism activates. Leaping from one speeding vehicle to another during a chase through the forests of Endor.

Time Taken: One round.
Lifting is a character's ability to lift heavy objects;
it's also the character's ability to carry something for
a long time. The difficulty depends on the weight of the
object and how long it will be carried.
When a character first lifts an object, he must make a
lifting check. At each interval listed on the chart below, the
character has to make another check to see if he can continue to carry the object or is so exhausted that he must put
it down.
If the character fails a roll, he must immediately put the
object down. If the character matches the difficulty level, he
can do nothing but concentrate on carrying the object for
that time while walking.
If the character beats the difficulty by more than one
level, the character can do other actions while carrying the
weight, but lifting the object always counts as an action.
Please note that for repeated Heroic actions, the difficulty
should escalate (for example, a first Heroic action might
have a difficulty number of 30; the second one might have a
difficulty of 35; the third might have a difficulty number of 45,
and so forth).
Difficulty Level
Very Easy
Very Difficult
Heroic* 10
1 metric ton
1.5 metric tons
2 metric tons
2.5 metric tons
3 metric tons
Increase the difficulty based on how long the character
wishes to lift the object:
Difficulty Level
1-6 rounds
(up to 30 seconds)
7 rounds-3 minutes
+ 1 difficulty level
Up to 10 minutes
+2 difficulty levels
Up to 30 minutes
+3 difficulty levels
Up to 1 hour
+4 difficulty levels
After the first hour, the character must make a new lifting
or Strength roll every hour at the same difficulty as for one
hour. If the character fails the roll, the character must rest
for twice as long as he was lifting the heavy weight.

Time Taken: Stamina checks are made when characters exert themselves over long periods of time.
Stamina checks reflect that a character is being
pushed to his or her physical limits. They should be
called for once in a while to show the strain on a
character; only require them when a character does

something out of the ordinary.

Whenever a character fails a stamina roll, he is
fatigued; all actions are at -ID for every stamina check
failed until the character rests for as long as he exerted
Characters can still continue if they are fatigued, until
they fail a third stamina check. At this point, the character is
completely exhausted and must rest for twice the amount of
time that he exerted himself to remove the penalty.
Example: Platt Okeefe has crash-landed on a
planet and must march over scorching badlands to
reach the nearest village. The gamemaster decides
to ask Plait's player to roll her stamina once each
hour of game time (between various encounters
with badland raiders, hungry sand lizards and a
nasty swoop gang). Platt's stamina is 4D the
gamemaster determines that marching under the
harsh wasteland sun is Difficult (with a difficulty
number of 17). Platt fails her first stamina check by
rolling only 14. She continues with a -ID penalty to
all actions.
She fails her next roll (getting only a 9) and
takes a -2D penalty to all rolls. Still she goes on.
When she fails her third stamina roll, Platt drags
herself to a shady rock outcropping and collapses
in exhaustion.

Time Taken: One round to several minutes or hours.
This skill represents the character's ability to stay
afloat in aquatic environments lakes, oceans, flooding rivers and luxury starliner swimming pools. Swimming difficulties are determined by the water conditions: the starliner pool is Very Easy, while a roaring
river might be Very Difficult.
When a character fails a swimming check, he begins to
drown. Roll 2D at the beginning of each round; if the
total is less than the number of rounds that the character has been drowning, the character drowns and
dies. Characters can attempt other actions while drowning at a -3D penalty. Characters who are drowning may
attempt to save themselves once per round. They
must make a swimming total at one level of difficulty
higher than the one in which they failed their swimming roll (the character doesn't suffer the -3D penalty
when making this roll).

Technical Skills
Technical stands for "technical aptitude" and represents a character's innate knowledge of how to take
apart, repair and modify things. A character with a
high Technical attribute can take apart a droid to
repair a malfunction, fix a busted drive system on a
landspeeder, and modify a blaster to have a longer
range. Technical also reflects a character's knowledge
of healing and medicine, his skill at setting explosives,
and his ability to figure out electronic security systems. Characters with a low Technical have trouble
changing a power pack on a blaster pistol.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Using Repair Skills

The various repair skills follow similar patterns for time
taken and difficulties. While the individual skills are explained below, some general rules regarding repair skills are
outlined here for easy reference.
Time Taken: Several repair skill rolls can be made when
fixing damaged vehicles and equipment. The initial roll
represents 15 minutes of work. Should that roll fail, additional repair rolls may be made after varying lengths of time.
High technology machinery is very complex, and requires extra maintenance to ensure it operates at optimum
performance levels. While repair rolls can represent time
taken to maintain vehicles and vessels, this type of activity
can be done "off-camera" (outside of game play) rather than
take place during adventures.
Damaged Systems: Each damaged system aboard a vehicle
or vessel (drives, shields, weapons, etc.) requires a separate
repair roll to fix. No single repair roll will fix all the systems
of any craft if multiple components are damaged; however,
several characters with repair skills may dole out the work
and try to fix different systems at the same time it just
requires separate rolls from different characters.
Repair Difficulties: The difficulty level for repair rolls depends on how much damage the item, vehicle or starship has
For determining vehicle damage, see the chapter on
"Movement and Chases." Starship damage is discussed in
the chapter on "Space Travel and Combat."
Once you've determined how badly the starship, vehicle
or item is damaged, check the appropriate sections below.
They're divided by the different stats and systems that can
be affected by damage each lists the pertinent skills which
can be used to repair such systems.
Note: As always, repair times, difficulties and costs are
generalizations. Feel free to adjust them to suit the needs of
your game.

Drives: The ion engines, repulsorlift generators and motors

that power starships and vehicles are often known as "drives."
They can be destroyed in combat, resulting in the loss of
When a drive or generator is destroyed, a Difficult repair
roll is necessary to replace it, and it costs 35% of the craft's
original value.
Capital ship repair, ground vehicle repair, hover vehicle
repair, repulsorlift repair, space transports repair, starfighter
repair and walker repair can be used to fix drives on their
respective vehicles and vessels.
Hyperdrives: The machinery used to propel starships into
hyperspace can be damaged in combat, preventing vessels
from jumping. A Moderate repair roll is necessary to fix a
damaged hyperdrive.
Skills used to fix hyperdrives include capital ship repair,
space transports repair and starfighter repair. Individual skills
can only repair hyperdrives on their respective starship
Maneuverability: When a craft's maneuver components are
hit, it loses directional control. The difficulty to repair these
systems depends on how many maneuverability dice were
lost. Damage also reflects the cost for new parts and tools
based on a percentage of the vehicle or vessel's original
Dice Lost
-3D or more
Capital ship repair, ground vehicle repair, hover vehicle
repair, repulsorlift repair, space transports repair, starfighter
repair and walker repair can all be used to return maneuverability to normal on their respective vessels.
Move or Space: These stats reflect how fast vehicles and
starships can travel. When drives take smaller increments of
damage, a craft slows down, as represented by a loss of
"moves" (whether it's a vehicle with a "Move" stat or a
starship with a "Space" stat). To repair lost "moves," check
the chart below for difficulties and cost:
Very Difficult
Drive destroyed
and must be replaced
Use these skills when fixing damage from lost moves:
capital ship repair, ground vehicle repair, hover vehicle repair,
repulsorlift repair, space transports repair, starfighter repair
and walker repair. Individual skills can only replace moves
on their respective vehicle or vessel types.
Shields: Starship combat can blow out vessels' shield
generators difficulties and costs to repair this damage
depends on how many shield dice were lost.

Dice Lost
Very Difficult
Capital ship repair, space transports repair and starfighter
repair can be used to repair shields aboard their respective
Weapons: Blaster pistols, turbolasers, quad laser cannons
and other weapons can take damage in combat, and characters with weapons repair skills must step in to fix them.
Difficulties and cost depend on how badly weapons are hit.
The "cost" is based on the weapon's cost, not the ship's.
Repair Difficulty Repair Cost
Very Difficult
May not be repaired
Blaster repair is used to fix any character-, speeder-, or
walker-scale blaster. (This includes everything from blaster
pistols to artillery batteries like the Golan Arms DF.9 antiinfantry battery used by Rebels at the Battle of Hoth.) Capital
ship weapon repair is used to fix capital-scale ship weapons,
while starship weapon repair is used to fix starfighter-scale
The rules for repairing weapons also apply for repairing
damaged armor. Use the chart above to determine the
difficulty and cost to repair blasted armor.

Improving Vehicles, Vessels and

During the course of a Star Wars game campaign, characters grow attached to their favorite starships, landspeeders
and blasters. They want to tinker with them characters
can use their repair skills to improve the speed, damage,
shields, or other stats of their vehicles, vessels and weapons.
Boosting these stats involves many different factors: cost
of new materials, the technician's talent, and strain of modifications on existing parts and systems. Han Solo's freighter,
the Millennium Falcon, is a good example. Han's improved
the hyperdrives, weapons, shields almost every system
aboard his ship (and some more than once). Although this
gives the Falcon great advantages (better speed, firepower
and protection), there are many disadvantages. The
hyperdrives are twitchy, the droid brains argue all the time,
and the interior looks like a mess. Sometimes the Falcon just
doesn't want to work at all and needs a persuasive nudge
(or a banged control panel) to get going.
Gamemasters, beware: the more you let players improve
their characters' vehicles and ships, the more powerful they
become. Characters failing modification repair rolls might
permanently damage or destroy the system they're working
on. Feel free to give successfully modified systems occasional quirks or problems. They're good plot devices, balance out game play, and give the vehicle or vessel a personality of sorts.

Example: Bob the gamemaster wants to give his

players a modified light freighter with a cool and
powerful weapon his players have been bothering him for months about this, and he's finally
caving in. His solution? A banged-up Ghtroc freighter
called the Lumpy Bantha. Although the Bantfia has
a regular laser cannon in one gun mount, Bob has
given the players a really cool quad laser cannon in
the other mount. The players are happy. There's
only one problem. To balance out game play, Bob
decides that the previous owner did a slipshod job
installing the quad laser cannon. Every time the
characters power it up, it randomly draws off power
from one other ship's system (life support, maneuverability, ion drives, hyperdrives, or shields) shutting that system down! The first time the characters
use the weapon while fleeing from a swarm of TIE
fighters the Lumpy Bantha's shields go down!
Although they have better firepower when using
the quad laser cannons, they'll think more carefully
next time before powering up the weapon.
Here are some general rules for modifying vehicles, vessels and weapons. They are in no way comprehensive, but
they provide a basic framework. The notes are broken down
by system (just like "Using Repair Skills" above) which
discusses difficulties, costs and skills your characters can
use. For more detailed rules on improving starships, see
Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters.
Modification Limit: Stats may only be increased one
"pip," one Move level or one hyperdrive level at a time. For
instance, a maneuverability of 1D must be improved to 1D+1
and 1D+2 before it can be modified to 2D.
Increases shown in the charts below reflect the modification above the original stat: the owner is constantly replacing and upgrading parts of the original ship's systems.
Using these rules, no system may be improved more than
+1D+2, or more than 4 moves.
A new repair improvement roll can be made every month
of game time. Use the charts below for guidelines on difficulties and costs. The costs are always a percentage of the
item's original value. Should characters find someone else
capable of implementing modifications, double or triple the
Hyperdrives: These sensitive engines can be improved
to speed travel through hyperspace. The difficulty and cost
for improvement depends on the level of the old hyperdrive
engine compared to the new one.



Very Difficult
Failure on these modification repair rolls could permanently damage hyperdrives, or cause them to function sporadically.
Skills used to improve hyperdrives include capital ship
repair, space transports repair and starfighter repair. Individual skills can only modify hyperdrives on their respective
starship types.
Maneuverability: This stat can be increased by adding
new lateral thrusters to the craft. Use the difficulties and the
percentage of original cost below:

Pip Increase



+ 1D
+ 1D+1
Very Difficult
+ 1D+2
Failing any modification repair roll can result in loss of
some or all maneuverability. It could also have some serious
side-effects, such as reversing controls (left jets turn the
ship right, right jets veer left) or misfiring thrusters (zigging
when the craft should have zagged).
Improvements to maneuverability can be made using the
skill appropriate to the craft modified: capital ship repair,
ground vehicle repair, hover vehicle repair, repulsorlift repair,
space transports repair, starfighter repair and walker repair.
Move or Space: By improving a vehicle or vessel's drives,
characters can improve its Move or Space stat.
To add to a vehicle's Move, check the chart below for
difficulties and cost:


Move Increase



Very Difficult
To boost a starship's Space stat, use the chart below.
(The ship's new Move can be found on the "Ships in an
Atmosphere" chart in the chapter on "Space Travel and
+ 10
+ 15

Space Increase



Very Difficult
Characters failing repair rolls to increase moves might
seriously damage their ship's drives, possibly reducing the
Move or Space of their craft. A failure may also periodic
malfunctions or cause "jumpy" movement, stalls or slow
These skills are used to improve vehicle and starship
speeds: capital ship repair, ground vehicle repair, hover

vehicle repair, repulsorlift repair, space transports repair,

starfighter repair and walker repair. Individual skills can only
improve moves on their respective vehicle or vessel types.
Shields: A starship may add protection by boosting its
shield die code. Improvements often reflect additional shield
generators or boosters although only so many may be
added effectively before overloading the ship's power core.
Pip Increase
+ 1D
+ 1D+1
Very Difficult
+ 1D+2
Failed modification repair rolls might permanently blow
out a ship's shield generator, could foul shield controls
(adding +5 or more to all difficulties when deploying shields)
or could cause random shield malfunctions.
Capital ship repair, space transports repair and starfighter
repair can be used to improve shields aboard their respective vessels.
Weapons: Characters may wish to improve the fire control and damage for certain weapons, including personal
sidearms (blaster pistols) and ordnance mounted on vessels. (The cost is based on the original cost of the weapon
itself, not the ship or vehicle it's mounted on.)
Pip Increase

+ 1D+1
Very Difficult
+ 1D+2
Character may also improve the ranges of their weapons.
Range Increase
+ 10%
+ 15%
Very Difficult
A failed modification repair roll could result in the
weapon's destruction, or might cause a recurring quirk
(weapon loses power after each shot), reduced damage or
fire control.
Blaster repair can modify all character-, speeder- or
walker-scale blasters. Capital ship weapon repair is used
for capital-scale weapons, while starship weapon repair is
used for starfighter-scale weapons.
The rules for modifying weapons also apply for improving
personal armor. Use the chart above to determine the difficulty and cost to boost armor die codes.

Blaster Repair
Time Taken: In general, 15 minutes, then one hour,
then two hours. May be customized to circumstances.
Specializations: Type or model blaster blaster
pistols, surface-to-surface blaster artillery, heavy blaster
A character's ability to fix and modify blaster weapons (character-, speeder- and walker-scale) is represented by his blaster repair skill. The cost and difficulty
to repair weapons depends upon how badly it is damaged see "Weapons" in "Using Repair Skills" above.

Capital Ship Repair

Time Taken: In general, 15 minutes, then one hour,
then one day, then two days. May be customized to
Specializations: Type or class of capital ship
Imperial Star Destroyer, Victory Star Destroyer, NebulonB frigate.
This skill represents a character's familiarity with
the workings of capital ships, and his ability to repair
them. Each roll may repair one damaged component
aboard a particular vessel. The cost and difficulty to
repair a system depends on how badly it is damaged,
and what systems have been damaged. See "Using
Repair Skills" above for difficulties and costs associated with various systems which may be damaged.
"Did you hear that? They've shut down the main
reactor. We'll be destroyed for sure. This is madness!"

Capital Ship Weapon Repair

Time Taken: In general, 15 minutes, then one hour,
then one day, then two days. May be customized to
Specializations: Weapon type or model concussion missiles, gravity well projectors, ion cannons, laser
cannon, proton torpedoes, tractor beams, turbolaser.
Capital ship weapon repairis used to repair capitalscale ship weapons. The cost and difficulty to repair a
weapon depends upon how badly it is damaged see
"Weapons" in "Using Repair Skills" above for exact
difficulties and costs associated with fixing capital
ship weapons.
"At that close range, we won't last long against those
Star Destroyers."
"We'll last longer than we will against that Death Star
... and we might just take a few of them with us."
Admiral Ackbar and Lando Calrissian

Computer Programming/Repair
Armor Repair
Time Taken: In general, 15 minutes, then one hour,
then two hours. May be customized to circumstances.
Specializations: Stormtrooper armor.
Armor repair reflects the character's ability to fix
armor that has been damaged. The cost and difficulty
to repair armor depends upon how badly damaged it
is. See "Weapons" in "Using Repair Skills" above.

Time Taken: One round to several minutes, hours

or days.
Specializations: Type or model computer portable computer, bio computer.
Characters use this skill to repair and program
computers it also covers a character's familiarity
with computer security procedures and his ability to
evade them. When a character attempts to defeat
computer security and get access to restricted data or
programs, determine a difficulty.

Very Easy: Public data. Your character's credit balance.

Easy: Public data, but finding it may take a little more
research. Who owns a building or starship.
Moderate: Private data. A person's diary, or their credit
Difficult: Secret data. A corporation's records, military
Very Difficult: Top-secret data. The Navy's cloaking
device plans, a Grand Moff's itinerary.
Heroic: Information that only a select few individuals
would know. The location of all of Emperor Palpatine's
secret weapons vaults.
If the character beats the difficulty number, he retrieves
the information he was looking for. If the roll is less than half
the difficulty number, the computer's security system becomes aware of the intruder and triggers all alarms.
"Plug in. He should be able to interpret the entire Imperial
Ben Kenobi

Time Taken: One round to several minutes.
Specializations: Specific target typebridges, walls,
Demolitions reflects a character's ability to set explosives for both destructive purposes and to accomplish specific special effects.
The most common explosive is detonite, and a fist sized
cube does ID speeder-scale damage. The damage in the
charts below is figured for one cube of detonite. Additional
detonite cubes increase the base damage by +1D. If characters aren't using a high-grade explosive like detonite, reduce
damage. Making explosives out of readily available materials
(blaster power packs, reactant chemicals, power converters) is a handy skill in the field; however, these alternative
explosives are often not as effective as detonite.
When a character sets charges, he can either try to set the
explosive to cause extra damage or create some special
Extra Damage: Use the following difficulties when setting
explosives to cause extra damage. The difficulty depends on
the object being destroyed:
Very Easy: A plywood door.
Easy: A hard wooden door.
Moderate: A bolted steel door.
Difficult: A lightly armored door such as a blast door.
Very Difficult: A heavily armored object, such as the
hull of a starship.
If the character beats the difficulty, he adds extra damage
dice past the detonite's ID. Find the number of points by
which the character beat the difficulty:

Points Above
Extra Damage
+ 1D
31 +
This bonus is added to the explosive's base damage. Roll
the damage against the object's body strength. (See the
chapter on "Combat and Injuries.")
If that damage penetrates the obstacle, then the attempt
succeeded. Note that, if enough explosive is used, the roll
becomes almost irrelevant (except in checking for mishaps).
Special Effects: Characters may also try achieving special
effects with explosives. The difficulty depends on the specific type of result:
Very Easy: Rigging a bomb so the next time a speeder is put
into drive the bomb goes off, destroying the vehicle.
Easy: Blowing off the back hatch of a computer without
leaving any permanent marks or burns.
Moderate: Rigging and hiding explosives on blast doors so
the next time they are closed the explosive goes off, funnelling
the explosion down a specific hall. This takes five minutes to
Difficult: Setting off an explosive charge on the leg of an ATAT walker so the drive cords are severed and the walker
topples over when it tries to take a step.

Droid Programming
Time Taken: 15 minutes to several hours or days.
Specializations: Type or model droid astromech
droid, protocol droid, probe droid.
Characters use this skill to program a droid to learn
a new skill or task. While droids can "learn" through
trial and error, or by drawing conclusions, it is often
easier and faster to program the activity into the
droid's memory.
The programmer must have access to a computer
or datapad, which must be jacked directly into the
droid's memory for programming.
The difficulty depends on the task's sophistication, but
can be modified by other factors. The time taken also depends upon the complexity of the task a Very Easy task
might take only half an hour to program, but a Very Difficult
task might take days or weeks to program.
Droid owners often wipe their more intelligent droids'
memories their intelligence and creative capabilities
often allow droid personalities to develop over time. A
memory wipe eliminates all of the droid's memory, including
all learned skills and tasks which aren't directly hard-wired
into the droid's permanent memory (normally, this is only
done by the manufacturer; if a skill is to be directly hardwired
into a droid's permanent memory, increase the programming difficulty by +30).
When a new skill is programmed into the droid, it begins
at one pip over the attribute. Once the droid has learned the
basic skill, it may pay Character Points or buy skill cartridges
to increase its skill.

Note that many extremely difficult tasks are broken down

into a series of steps of lesser difficulty, but this requires
more time-consuming droidprogramming rolls to reflect that
the programmer is tackling the job one problem at a time.
Very Easy: Move any boxes from one area to another area,
one at a time, making neat stacks.
Easy: Patrol an area in a particular pattern at regular
intervals, and report or stop any unauthorized intruders.
Performing a memory wipe.
Moderate: To handle the front desk of a hotel, and be
courteous to all customers, as well as to solve customer
service problems.
Difficult: To teach droid a rudimentary skill use (see
Very Difficult: To modify vehicles or other equipment for
better performance by making assumptions rather than
relying on pure, established fact.
Heroic: To design a factory-made droid in a manner that
overrides its core programming to change a protocol
droid into a droid that can fight in combat effectively; to
reprogram a droid's preset "personality."
+5-30 to the difficulty: Droid type is completely unfamiliar to programmer (modifier depends upon how unfamiliar).
+ 15 or more to the difficulty: Task is not related to kinds
of tasks that droid is designed to undertake.
+ 10 or more to the difficulty: Droid is of very low
intelligence, and is incapable of creative thought (messenger droid, power generator droid).
+ 10 to the difficulty: Task is distantly related to droid's
designated functions.
+5 to the difficulty: Task is close to, but not exactly, the
type of task or skill that the droid is designed for.
+5 to the difficulty: Droid is of low intelligence, such as a
labor droid, and isn't intended to be capable of creative
+5-10 to the character's roll: Droid model is familiar to
+5 or more to the character's roll: Droid is fully sapient
and is intended to make independent conclusions and decisions (astromech or protocol droid).

+5 or more to the character's roll: Droid has been

operating "independently" for a long time.
"Tomorrow I want you to take that R2 unit into Anchorhead
and have its memory flushed. That'll be the end of it. It belongs
to us now."
Uncle Owen

Droid Repair
Time Taken: 15 minutes, then one hour, then two
hours; may be several hours or days depending upon
the level of repair.
Specializations: Type or model droid astromech
droid, protocol droid, probe droid.
This skill represents a character's talent to repair,
maintain and modify droids. The repair difficulty depends on how badly damaged the droid is the cost
reflects the price of replacement parts based on the
droid's original value.
Droid Was
Lightly damaged
Heavily damaged
Very Difficult
Severely damaged
Nearly obliterated
As with droid programming, droid repair tasks can be
broken down into several smaller, easier, but more timeconsuming tasks, so that unless a droid was destroyed it can
often be repaired given enough time, patience and money.
Gamemasters should discuss any modifications characters want to make to droids. Difficulties and costs can vary,
and may be based on parts availability, complexity of an
attachment, and the configuration of the droid. For instance,
a fourth-degree droid designed for combat can much more
readily accept an interior mounted grenade launcher than a
first-degree droid, such as a 2-1B surgical unit. The fourthdegree droid's shell is properly reinforced and its software
nodes are designed around the appropriate programs to
operate the launcher. Most attachments come with software
which must be programmed or hardwired into the droid's
memory with the droid programming skill.
"Having trouble with your droid?"
Lando Calrissian

First Aid
Time Taken: One combat round.
Specializations: Species of patient humans, Ewoks, Wookiees.
First aid reflects a character's ability to
perform emergency life saving procedures in
the field. For rules on the use of first aid, see
"Combat and Injuries."

Ground Vehicle Repair

Time Taken: In general, 15 minutes, then
one hour, then one day, then two days. May
be customized to circumstances.
Specializations: Type or model ground vehicle compact assault vehicle, Juggernaut.

This skill represents a character's familiarity with

the workings of ground vehicles, and his ability to
repair them. Each roll may repair one damaged system
aboard a particular craft. The cost and difficulty to
repair a vehicle depends on how badly it is damaged,
and what systems have been damaged. See "Using
Repair Skills" above for difficulties and costs associated with various systems which may be damaged.

Hover Vehicle Repair

Time Taken: In general, 15 minutes, then one hour,
then one day, then two days. May be customized to
Specializations: Type or model hover vehicle
Characters use this skill when repairing hover vehicle systems. Each roll may repair one damaged
component aboard a particular craft. The cost and
difficulty to repair a hover vehicle depends on how
badly it is hit, and what systems have been damaged.
See "Using Repair Skills" above for difficulties and
costs associated with various systems which may be

Time Taken: Minutes or hours.
Specializations: Specific field known medicines,
cyborging, surgery.
Advanced skill requires first aid of at least 5D.
Characters with this skill can perform complex
medical procedures such as surgery, operation of
bacta tanks, and the installation of cybernetic replacements and enhancements. They are also familiar with
all types of medicines and are capable of using them to
best effect.

Repulsorlift Repair
Time Taken: In general, 15 minutes, then one hour,
then one day, then two days. May be customized to
Specializations: Type or model repulsorlift vehicle
- XP-38 landspeeder, Rebel Alliance combat
Repulsorlift repair represents a character's affinity
for repairing and modifying vehicles with repulsorlift
generators. Each roll may repair one damaged system
aboard a particular vehicle. The cost and difficulty to
repair a vehicle depends on how badly it is damaged,
and what systems have been hit. See "Using Repair
Skills" above for difficulties and costs associated with
various systems which may be damaged.

Time Taken: One round to several minutes.
Specializations: Type or model security device
magna lock, blast door, retinal lock.
This skill represents a character's knowledge of
physical security systems: locks, alarm systems and
other detection devices. It does not govern computer
security procedures.
The difficulty depends on the sophistication of the lock or

Very Easy: Standard lock, no special protection.

Easy: Regular security lock, civilian.
Moderate: High-quality lock, standard military.
Difficult: Bank vault lock, upper military.
Very Difficult: Super-security lock, Imperial governor,
Fleet captain, rare collectible dealer, Jabba the Hutt's locks.
Heroic: If Darlh Vader or Emperor Palpaline locked things
up, this is what they'd use.

Space Transports Repair

Time Taken: In general, 15 minules, then one hour,
then one day, then two days. May be customized by
Specializations: Type or model transporl YT1300 transport, Gallofree medium transport, Corellian
Action VI transport.
Characters wilh this skill can repair and modify
space Iransports. Each roll may repair one damaged
component aboard a particular Iransporl. The cosl
and difficulty to repair a vessel depends on how badly
il is damaged, and whal syslems have been hit. See
"Using Repair Skills" above for difficulties and costs
associated wilh various syslems which may be damaged.
'Wo, no!No! This one goes there, that one goes there.
Han Solo

Starfighter Repair
Time Taken: In general, 15 minules, then one hour,
then one day, then two days. May be customized to
Specializations: Type or model slarfighler Xwing, TIE/ln, TIE interceptor, Z-95 Headhunter.
This repair skill represenls a character's abilily lo
fix and modify slarfighlers. Each roll may repair one
damaged system aboard a particular fighter. The cosl
and difficulty to repair a ship depends on how badly it
is damaged, and whal syslems have been hit. See
"Using Repair Skills" above for difficullies and costs
associated with various systems which may be damaged.

Starship Weapon Repair

Time Taken: In general, 15 minutes, then one hour,
then one day, then two days. May be customized to
Specializations: Specific type or model weapon
concussion missiles, ion cannons, laser cannon, proton
torpedoes, turbolasers.
Starship weapon repair covers a character's abilily
to fix and modify starfighter-scale weapons. The cosl
and difficulty to repair weapons depends upon how
badly it is damaged see "Weapons" in "Using Repair
Skills" above.

Walker Repair
Time Taken: In general, 15 minutes, then six hours,
then one day, then two days. May be customized lo

skill wasn't important to the game until the player decided to

get some skill in that area.

Specializations: Particular kind of walker AT-AT,

Characters use this skill when repairing walker
systems. Each roll may fix one damaged component
aboard a particular walker. The cost and difficulty to
repair a walker depends on how badly it is hit, and
what systems have been damaged. See "Using Repair
Skills" above for difficulties and costs associated with
various systems which may be damaged.

Interpreting the System

The Star Wars game system is very flexible and the
gamemaster should interpret the rules as needed. For example, even though there's not a nega-ball skill, the
gamemaster could have chosen to use several skills: thrown
weapons whenever the character throws the ball, running
when the character tries to move around other players on
the nega-ball court and stamina to see how the character
holds up at the end of the game. All of these choices are just
as "right" as choosing to create the nega-ball skill it all
depends on what the gamemaster and the players feel is fair.

Other Skills
There are plenty of other skills in the galaxy, but most of
them don't directly affect the game, so they're not covered
When a character wants to do something not covered by
a skill, the gamemaster can simply assign the action to an
attribute; if the player wants his character to get better at the
task, the gamemaster can invent a new skill.
For example, what if the character wants to get better at
a sport called nega-ball? There's no nega-ball skill... but the
game involves a lot of running around and throwing a ball at
a small target, so the gamemaster decides that the character
should use his Dexterity attribute. If the player decides that
he wants his character to get better at nega-ball, the
gamemaster can invent a nega-ball skill.
Of course, there are other folks
who would have the nega-ball skill
especially any professional athletes who played the game for a
living. It's just that the nega-ball

Controlling Skills
Some players may try to come up with some ridiculously
powerful skills or specializations for example, communications: Imperial secret codes. Granted, this skill may exist,
but no character could have the skill without a really good
reason. Gamemasters may reject any new skill or specialization they think is unbalanced or better yet, they may give
the character some unexpected complications from having
this kind of skill. You can give the players what they want...
but remind them to be careful what they wish for because
they may get it and all the consequences, too.
With communications: Imperial secret codes, for example,
the Empire might know that this character has in-depth
knowledge of Imperial security procedures, and decides
that he has to be "eliminated." Yes, this characters gets the
skill, but his life has just been made a lot more interesting...

Now you know how to use all those skills. If you're a player,
you 're all set. You have some idea ofwhat skills your character has
and what he can do with those talents.
If you're a gamemaster, your job's not over yet. Your players
have just learned how to "operate" their characters, just like
pilots learn how to fly their starships. Now you get to figure
out where the characters are going... sort of like creating
the system where the pilot flies her starship.
You have the opportunity to actually create your own
Star Wars stories for your players to stumble through.
Sure, you 'II need to know about these skills but don't let
all the modifiers and details slow down the game. Fall
back on the rule of thumb ... quick, what's the
difficulty to scan fora human and a Wookiee who are
hiding in a Noghri village?Moderate?Difficult? Yeah,
that sounds good. Roll your sensors skill.
Have fun and clear skies!

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

How to Gamemaster

How to
Now that you know how to create a character, I'm
gonna teach you how to run these games for your
friends. In other words, I'm gonna make a "gamemaster" out of you, pal.
You're probably thinking, "What have I
gotten myself into?" Hey, gamemastering isn't
that hard and after outrunning a bunch of
Wookiees determined to pull my arms outof
their sockets, I know what I'm talking about.
Read on, relax and have fun.
Your Goal
Your goal is to make sure everyone has fun. If you
and the players are having a good time, nothing else
When you gamemaster, you have three basic jobs:
Mood setter

As the referee, you have to know the game rules and
interpret them during play. The players can have their
characters "try" to do almost anything; the rules tell you
how to determine if they succeed or fail.
It's a three step process:
1. Determine how hard the task is and pick a difficulty
2. Determine which skill is used for the task and have the
character roll his skill dice. (If the character doesn't have the
skill, she rolls her attribute dice.)
3. If the character rolls higher than the difficulty number, she
succeeds. If she doesn't, she fails.
The rest of the rules build on this idea, with tips on how to pick
difficulty numbers for different tasks. There are also plenty of
examples to help you out.
Just like in Chapter One, "Characters," these chapters use
colored boxes to highlight important rules.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

How to Gamemaster
killed off right away just because a player rolled
exceptionally well. Instead of killing the villain,
maybe he's injured but escapes the players
get a sense of accomplishment while you get
to bring your villain back later for a dramatic conclusion. (And now he's going
to have a grudge against the characters!)
Sometimes the players will come up
with a great idea, but roll poorly: a charshouldn't die just because of a bad roll
you can "fudge" the results, rewarding
the player for his ingenuity.
Nice try, buddy. Look, folks, who are you gonna
Be Fair and Impartial. In your role as
trust? That stuffed-shirt Imperial Customs inspector
you're not trying to beat the players.
doesn 't know what he's talking about.
You shouldn't fudge results just to frustrate
The game is about having fun ... the rules are
them. Rather, interpreting the rules should
only as important as you think they are. Ignore the
be used as a way to make the game more
rules you don't like and get on with the game. Have
fun. Make sure your players have fun. And if it
Play fair when you referee. If the players
takes throwing out the rulebook to have fun,
defeated in an adventure, they want to at
hey, that's your call. That's why you're in
least feel like they had a fair shot. They
charge of the game, kid!
shouldn't feel like they couldn't succeed no
matter what choices they made.
Treat the player characters and gamemaster characThe Star Wars Rule of Thumb. The next few chapters
ters equally,and keep the game fun. If you fudge a rule
give you rules covering just about everything battling
to benefit a gamemaster character, give a player
stormtroopers, flying snowspeeders and dueling with TIE
character the same break in a similar situation.
fighters but don't let all the details slow you down.
When in doubt, fall back on the Star Wars rule of
In the smuggling world, when you mess up big, you pay.
The game's just the same. If the characters do something
"Pick a difficulty number. If the character's skill roll
really stupid, they're gonna die. Maybe the next group of
is equal or higher, she succeeds."
characters will be a little smarter, right?
Never Let the Rules Get in the Way of a Good Story.
You only have to use the rules you want to use. Ignore the
Your Word is Final. If the players feel
ones that slow things down. Instead, let the characters and
you've made a bad decision, you'll certhe action move the game along.
tainly hear about it. You should listen
to their arguments, but also use your
Keep the Game Moving Quickly. Star Wars is supposed
own judgment. Once you've made a decision, it is final.
to be exciting. Laser bolts fly fast and furious, starships
dodge around asteroids, and speeder bikes race through
Game Options. The sections labeled "Game Options" are
thick forests at frightening speeds. Keep the game moving as
rules you can choose to use. They offer different ways of
fast as the Star Wars movies!
handling certain situations that you can use as you see fit.
Use Your Judgment. You have to use your judgment to
decide what is and isn't possible in the game. You have to
"The Rules," covers the basics turns, how to roll
decide what's "reasonable" and "in the spirit of Star Wars, "
actions, how to pick difficulty numbers, how characmaking sure that no one takes advantage of the game system.
ters can spend Character Points and Force Points.
Every game system including Star Wars has a few
"Combat and Injuries," explains how to run combat,
"holes" that some players will exploit. It's your job to decide
such as when the characters decide to shoot it out
what's possible.
with a squad of the Emperor's finest storm-troopers.
It doesn't matter if the player argues that if she rolls well
Of course, sometimes characters get injured in battle
enough her Jedi character can throw Star Destroyers around
you'll find out how to handle that, too.
with the Force. If you think that's taking advantage of the rules
"Movement and Chases," covers movement on foot,
- "If this was possible, why did Yoda have to work so hard to
as well as chases and combat with speeder bikes,
levitate Luke's X-wing?" your decision is what counts.
snowspeeders, walkers and all others kinds of vehicles.
Interpret the Rules. No set of rules can cover every
"Space Travel and Combat," tells all you'll need to
situation. It's expected that you'll make up new rules to suit
know about ships: how to buy 'em, fly 'em and blow 'em
the needs of your game create whatever rules you need to
up in battle.
make your game fun and exciting for the players.
"Roleplaying Battles," explains how you can drop
Sometimes you'll also have to "fudge" the game results to
the player characters into the middle of big battles
strike the right balance and make the game challenging. The
like the ones that were fought on Hoth and Endor in
players should be rewarded for smart decisions. They
a way that's fun and easy to play.
shouldn't succeed just because of great die rolls, especially
"The Force," explains how characters can learn the
if they make a lot of bad decisions along the way.
ways of the Force and become Jedi Knights.
For example, it's not very satisfying if the main villain is
/ am Imperial Customs inspector Jax Lerrian, and I
want to remind you that it is extremely important that you
use all the rules. The rules are essential to creating a
satisfying game simulation. You must follow all of them!

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

How to Gomemoster

Each game you run is called an "adventure." Think of the
players' characters as the stars of their own Star Wars movie
and you'll start to get the right idea. Adventures focus on the
player characters and what happens to them: where they go,
who they meet, and what they do.
Tell a Good Story. In each adventure, you present a story.
Published adventures have all the details worked out
you'll just have to figure out what happens because of the
player characters' actions.
If you write your own adventures, you'll need an interesting plot and a good "hook" to get the characters involved.
You have to figure out what kinds of obstacles the characters
are going to face do they have to chase Imperial TIE
fighters through an asteroid field, defeat a team of bounty
hunters or tromp through dangerous jungle forests to discover the cure for a lethal disease?
Make sure your adventure is fun to play. Your players
want menacing villains, chases, puzzles, traps, alien encounters and epic battles.
Make the Characters Important. Just as in "Cantina
Breakout," the players need to have choices. Their decisions
should matter.
Present the players with situations, let them choose how
their characters respond, and use the rules and the adventure
to figure out what happens as a result of their decisions.
Because you're the gamemaster, you've read the entire adventure and you know what's really going on, so you get to decide
how the villains and other characters respond to the actions
of the player characters (if the villains even know about them,
that is).
Add Some Perspective. The galaxy is a big place and
there are always exciting and dramatic things going on in
other places as well. Your games should suggest to the
players that their characters are living in a civilization that
spans an entire galaxy!

find there or come up with a good story reason why they

can't get there.
Example: The players decide they want their
characters to go to Bespin. You, as gamemaster,
have no idea how to handle this one. Rather than
just tell the players their characters can't go there,
you try the following.
"A customs inspector comes up to you and says,
'Hey, is that beat-up freighter yours? It is? Good,
because I'm going to have to impound it for safety
violations. Look at this ... frayed power cables,
leaking seals. What'd you do, let a bunch of Jawas
work on this thing? You'd better come with me. And
bring your credit voucher.'"
This distracts the players in a credible way and gives
them something interesting to do.
Improvisation. You've presented the situation and
planned a great adventure and then the players decide to
do something completely unexpected. It's time to start
making up new characters and scenes on the fly. Maybe
you'll be able to steer the players back into the main adventure or maybe you'll end up creating an entirely new
adventure off the top of your head. Don't panic; often improvised games are the most fun to play and run ...
If you want more advice on how to gamemaster,
turn to "Running Adventures".
There is an adventure in this book "The Pirates
of Prexiar".
You can also create your own adventures. "Designing Adventures" tells you how.

Mood Setter

When you run your games, you have to make the players
feel like they're in a Star Wars movie. Your games have to
capture the "tone" of a galaxy filled with
aliens, high technology, amazing planets
Exactly right! Let's face it... there's only one Luke
and all kinds of other fantastic elements.
Skywalker. Still, there's so much going on around
Use All Five Senses. Describe to the
here ... there can be other heroes off in another
players what their characters see, hear,
corner of the galaxy who happen to do th ings that are
touch, taste and smell. Keep your depretty important, too. I should know Hike to think
scriptions interesting and animated so
of myself as one of those heroes.
the players can picture what's happenOf course, characters don't have to be heroes,
ing to their characters and get excited
but they should get the treatment they deserve. If
about the game. Give the players plenty
they're a bunch of troublemakers, they should
of details when it's important; when
be treated that way.
what's going on isn't essential, don't bog
the game down with overly-detailed descriptions.
Keep It Fast. The game has to be fast-paced and thrilling
Be Consistent. Keep the universe consistent and rational.
to keep it interesting. While games shouldn't feature nonThis is a very important part of getting the players to believe
stop battles, there should always be something exciting
in the Star Wars galaxy.
happening to hold the players' attention.
If the players are told that there are five gun towers
Illusion of Free Will. People have lots of choices in their
ringing an Imperial base, there had better still be five gun
lives you can visit different places, go over to a friend's
towers if they return. Things change in the Star Wars unihouse, open a business, change jobs, choose schools, whatverse people get older, governments change, battles take
place but there are reasons for why things happen.
The players need to feel that their characters have those
Use Elements from the Movies. Populate your games
same kinds of freedoms; they have to feel that the Star Wars
with aliens, creatures, starships, droids, vehicles and locauniverse is as real as our own. If the players want their
tions from the movies.
characters to go somewhere, you have to tell them what they

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

How to Go.merno.ster

Why use a human character when the characters' contact

can be a Wookiee or a Twi'lek? (Jabba's major domo, Bib
Fortuna, is a Twi'lek.)
Why have the characters fly around in a generic freighter
when they can use a Corellian YT-1300 freighter, like the
Millennium Falcon?
Use fantastic technology like blasters, droids, starships
and airspeeders to show how Star Wars is different. Have
familiar characters make "guest appearances" in your games
to help make the players feel like they are in their own Star
Wars movie.
Conversely, don't "overuse" elements from the movies.
While it is fun to visit Tatooine occasionally, starting each
adventure in the Mos Eisley cantina can get pretty dull. Try
to strike a balance between the familiar and new elements ...
Exciting Settings. Incredible settings space stations,
exotic worlds, and intriguing alien cities help make Star
Wars special. Don't set an adventure on a bland "temperate
planet" when you can use a world with "towering crystal
spires five kilometers tall."

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Invent New "Stuff." You can create new items for your
games, like droids, starships, aliens, speeders and planets.
Encountering strange aliens and jumping behind the controls of the newest starfighter is part of the thrill of playing
a Star Wars game. You have to make sure your inventions
"fit" the universe, but if you do your job well, your players
will accept your creations as being just as real as the characters and elements from the movies.
Memorable Characters. The players each play one character you get to play everyone else! Villains, shop owners,
employers, pick-pockets, dangerous thugs in darkened
cantinas, strange aliens, droids ... the list goes on and on.
You play everyone who makes an appearance in your adventure.
All of these other people are called "gamemaster characters" and it's up to you to act out their roles speaking their
lines in different voices, making them interesting, knowing
their objectives and deciding what they do during the course
of the adventure.

How to Gomemoster

"Running Adventures," and "Designing Adventures,"

give you plenty of advice on using these ideas in your
The "Universe Section" has a lot more information
on aliens, starships and droids that you can use in your
"The Galaxy" tells you about history and other
elements and there's plenty of ideas for adventure
hidden in there.
"Gamemaster Characters" has descriptions and
game statistics for common villains, like stormtroopers,
as well as potential allies, like typical Rebel troopers.
There's also a lot of advice on how to create original
characters for your own games.
"Aliens" has descriptions and game information on
some of the most popular aliens from the Star Wars
movies, including Wookiees, Mon Calamarians and
Ewoks. There are also rules and hints for how to create
your own aliens.
"Creatures" tells you how to use things like banthas,
tauntauns and the rancor in your game, with rules and
hints on creating your own creatures as well.
"Weapons and Equipment" has descriptions of all
kinds of weapons like blasters, bowcasters and
lightsabers and information on some of the gear the
player characters may want to use.
"Droids" provides plenty of information on different droids, like R2 astromech droids, 3PO protocol
droids and dangerous assassin and security droids.
"Vehicles" describes landspeeders, cloud cars,
speeder bikes, swoops, walkers and other common
"Starships" has game statistics and descriptions of
some of the galaxy's most common ships, like X-wings,
TIE fighters and Star Destroyers.
"Planets" provides plenty of tips on how to create
worlds and use them in your games.

Some Helpful Hints

Here are the some important things to remem

her when running Star Wars.
Make the players feel like they are in a Star Wars
movie use action, excitement, aliens, exotic
settings, and fantastic technology to get the right
This game is like an advanced version of "Let's
Pretend." Play your villains. Describe the scenes.
Ham it up and encourage the players to do the
Star Wars is about exciting adventures, not
rules. When the rules gets in the way, fall back on
the rule of thumb:
"Pick a difficulty number. If the character's
skill roll is higher or equal, she succeeds."
Roleplaying is cooperative. You're not trying t
beat the players. You're all working together to
tell a fun story. Sometimes the heroes win
sometimes they lose but what matters is having fun.
Be fair and impartial. Treat both the player
characters and gamemaster characters fairly.
Sometimes that means that the players will be
outwitted by their opponents. The players won't
mind if you fudge the rules, as long as you fudge
Your decision is final. Be firm but fair. Just
because the players want something, it doesn't
mean they've earned it.
Think on your feet. If the players go in an
unexpected direction, improvise new situations
to get the characters back on track
without being unfairly manipulative!
Sounds like a lot of work, doesn 't it? It's really not that
You can't learn everything at once.
hard. Once you've run a couple of published adventures,
Concentrate on telling a fun story
you'll get the hang of it. Trust me.
and don't worry about the details.
The most important thing is to have the right angle on
things. Make sure the players feel like they're in their own
Every gamemaster makes misStar Wars movie. Make sure they have fun. Everything
takes. Admit it, and change your
else will fall into place.
ruling or have a "do over" if you
Now, move on ahead to the rules chapters. Jax
it's necessary. Then, get on
Lerrian is gonna take over for a while, but take
game and have fun.
;what he says with a grain of salt he's a
stinkin' Imperial, after all. And don't forget
what Platt said about only using the rules
you think you'll need ...

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Rules

The Rules
If you're going to be the gamemaster,
you need to know the rules. That's where
I come in.
Let me tell you about myself. I've been an
Imperial Customs officer for nearly a decade.
People like Tirog andPlatt Okeefe don't think
too much of people like me. You know what?
I don't care. I do my job right and if some outlaw
or smuggler doesn't like it, they just better not
cross me.
In my line of work, you have to play hardball
with people like them or they'II walk all over you.
That's where the rules come in. The set of rules
I have to play by Imperial Customs laws
explain exactly what I'm supposed to
do when I'm working.
The game rules do the same thing for
you. They tell you how to run your game.
They make sure everyone gets treated
fairly. You need them to keep control.
Now, let me tell you how to use these rules. In my job,
I'm allowed what's called "discretion " sure, I may play
the tough guy and give lip service to following the letter of the
law, but if I think someone deserves a break, I m ight let them
off with a warning fora minor infraction. I follow the law when
someone's giving me a hard time: I'll bust them on every minor
charge I can think of if they give me attitude.
You've got even more latitude in your game. First, you only
have to use rules you feel like using. Why? Because it's your
game. Run it the way you want to.
Next, if you don't like the rules here, go ahead and make up
your own.
When you 're running your game, you can choose which rules
to follow strictly, which to overlook ... and which to make up
when you think they're needed.


The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

But, let me warn you, you've got to be firm with the people
who're going to try to bend the rules to suit themselves.
So let's begin. The rules are divided into three major
sections. The first is "Rolling Actions." You already know that
the players roll skill dice when they want their characters to try
to do something ... now you'll learn how to decide difficulty
numbers so you know how well the players have to roll. You 'II
also find out how to decide what happens when a character
succeeds or fails.
Section two covers "Scenes and Rounds. " Scenes are used
when characters are doing "ordinary" things like meeting a
contact in a cantina and travelling by starship to a distant
planet. You'll use rounds when things get "intense," like when
the characters get into a battle or go on a frantic chase through
an asteroid belt.
The final section of this chapter is "Character Information."
It covers Character Points, Force Points and other things that
characters use during the game.
Tan boxes highlight the essential rules. The rest of the
chapter has examples and explanations you can read them
right away or come back to read them later.

Rolling Actions
Characters roll their skill dice (or their attribute
dice if they haven't improved the skill) whenever they
do something important and there's a risk of failure.
A player makes a skill roll when his character is
trying to shoot a stormtrooper, fix a starship, or get
information out of a computer. A player doesn't have
to roll to see if his character can walk down to the
corner droid shop.

The Wild Die

Whenever a character makes a skill or attribute die
roll, the player must choose one die of a different color
to be the character's wild die (this is not an extra die;
it's just a different color).
Whenever the wild die comes up as a 2,3,4, or 5, just
add it into the die total normally.
Example: Thannik is rolling his blaster skill of
5D. His four normal dice roll a 1, 2, 5 and 6. His wild
die (the different colored one) comes up as a 2. His
total is 16.
When the wild die comes up as a 6, add it to the die
total. Roll it again and add the new number to the
total, too.
If the new roll is a 6, add it to the total and roll the
die again. You can keep on rolling as long as you get
sixes. (As you can see, it's possible to get really high
totals if your wild die rolls several sixes in a row.)
Example: Thannik is rolling his Blaster skill again.
His normal dice come up as a 2,4, 5 and 2, while his
wild die comes up as a 6. He gets to roll the wild die
again and gets another 6! He rolls the die again,
and gets a 3. His total is 28!
For the first roll only, if the wild die comes up as a 1,
the player must tell the gamemaster. The gamemaster
can choose one of three options:

Add up the dice normally.

Total up the skill dice normally to see if the skill
roll succeeded, but a "complication" occurs. (See "Complications" below.)
Subtract the one and also subtract the highest
other die.
Example: Thannik is rolling his blaster: blaster
pistol specialization of 6D. He rolls a 3, 4, 2, 5, 3 on
his normal dice and a 1 on his wild die. The
gamemaster decides to subtract the 1 and the
highest other die, which is a five. That leaves him
with a 3, 4, 2 and 3, for a skill total of 12.
The wild die rule counts for all die rolls in the game,
including skill and attribute checks, weapon damage,
and rolling Perception for initiative.
If the player is rolling two different types of dice at
once for example, rolling the character's starfighter
piloting skill and the starship's maneuverability die
code only one die counts as the wild die.
Why The Wild Die? The wild die represents the quirkiness of fate and luck. Sometimes characters are really, really
lucky ... and other times they just can't seem to do anything
For example, Luke is able to successfully fight off scores
of stormtroopers while on board the Death Star... but feared
bounty hunter Boba Fett falls prey to the Sarlacc. One was
having a good day one was having a very bad one.

Complications make a character's life more ... well
... complicated. Something directly related to the die
roll has gone wrong sometimes horribly so and
now the characters must deal with the situation.
You should use complications to help tell a more interesting and exciting story. Complications should only happen a
couple of times in an adventure most often during its
dramatic conclusion and should get the players excited
and more involved in the game. When you use a complication, the players should be asking themselves, "What do we
do now?"
Complications should be fair and balanced: they may put
characters in danger, but they shouldn't be "death traps"
with no possibility of escape. They should challenge the
characters, forcing them to be clever and courageous in
dealing with the situation.
Complications can also be used to balance powerful
characters. If one character has become invincible perhaps due to a fantastic set of bounty hunter armor the
armor may short out if a complication is rolled.
Complications should be directly related to what the
character was doing if a character gets a complication
while repairing a droid, perhaps the droid's components
short out and start a fire, or a malfunction makes the droid
harder to fix.
Below are some examples of complications from the Star
Wars movies:
Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia are running through the
halls of the Death Star, being chased by stormtroopers. They

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Rules

come to a door and run out to see ... an empty chasm. Luke
makes his Perception roll to find the door controls, but his
roll isn't high enough for him to figure out how to work them
and he gets a complication. Thinking quickly, Luke blasts
the door panel to shut the door. The complication is that the
panel also has the controls to the bridge, so they can't
extend it.
Han Solo is chasing a squad of stormtroopers down a hall
of the Death Star, and has conned them into thinking that he's
a whole squad of soldiers but he also got a "1" on the wild
die. The complication is that the stormtroopers round a
corner into a dead-endthey have no choice but to turn and
fight. That's when they realize that Han is alone.
Han Solo is trying to sneak up on an Imperial scout trooper
in the forests of Endor. Han gets right up close to the trooper,
and thinks his sneak is successful, when CRACK!, he steps on
a twig, alerting the trooper. The snapping twig distracted
Han, giving the scout trooper the chance to make an attack.
Lando Calrissian is flying the Millennium Falcon down one
of the tunnels within the Death Star. He makes a space
transports roll to get through a tough stretch of tunnel, and
succeeds at the roll, but a complication occurs. The Falcon
hits a support beam, snapping off the ship's antenna dish
and disabling some of its sensor systems.

Pushing the Story Along

Notice that Han's stepping on the twig advances the
story. Without the scout troops getting away, the Rebels
never would have met the Ewoks, who ultimately disrupt the
Emperor's carefully laid trap. The Alliance fleet would have
been decimated by the Death Star, while the Emperor would
have continued his domination of the galaxy... the fate of the
galaxy hinged on Han Solo failing a sneak roll!

Creating Complications
Gamemasters should take a few minutes to
come up with complications for key scenes in
adventures. Here are a few possibilities:
One of the characters kills a stormtrooper.
Unfortunately, when the trooper hits the ground,
it triggers the grenade on his belt. The characters
have only a few seconds to act before the grenade explodes ...
A character is doing a routine sensor scan of
a planet and either picks up something completely erroneous or misses something absolutely vital. In the first instance, the character
may believe that the planet has a small Imperial
outpost, while in the latter, the character may
completely overlook said outpost and land on
the planet, thinking it is a safe haven.
While sneaking up on enemy troops, the
character's comlink beeps, spoiling the surprise
attack. This is a great trick for players who didn't
think to turn off their characters' comlinks.
A blaster's power pack comes up unexpectedly empty. Alternately, the pack overloads,
short-circuiting the blaster.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

A character slips and falls while moving,

perhaps spraining an ankle. The character cannot run until the sprain heals ... this can be even
worse if the character is caught out in the open
during the middle of a battle.
While haggling over the price of a blaster
with a merchant, someone else interrupts and
offers the merchant's original asking price. This
is especially useful if the weapon is somehow
necessary to continue the adventure for instance, if its circuit boards have been imprinted
with a secret Rebel code.
The characters are tracking someone who's
carrying a sensor beacon when the beacon is
discovered, dropped, or stolen. Now, the characters are on a wild gundark chase while the target
The vehicle the character is piloting runs out
of fuel, its controls freeze up, or perhaps the
weapons become locked on autofire because of a
computer glitch.
Two characters in a lightsaber duel have
their blades fuse. The characters must make
opposed Strength rolls to free the blades.
A computer system the characters are slicing through freezes up for a second. Is it just a
glitch or something else?

Difficulty Numbers and Opposed

When the characters make a roll, what are they
rolling against? They're rolling against a difficulty
number or they're rolling directly against another
character to see who does better. (That's called an
"opposed roll")
Star Wars Rule of Thumb. Use the rule of thumb
whenever you're not sure how to handle a situation:
Pick a difficulty number. If the character's skill
roll is equal or higher, she succeeds.

Difficulty Numbers
You should pick a difficulty number when the characters are doing a task and not rolling directly against
someone else. For example, you'd pick a difficulty
number when a character tries to repair a landspeeder,
run across a rope bridge, or pick a lock.
First, you decide how hard the task is: Very Easy,
Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Very Difficult or Heroic.
Then, pick a number from the difficulty's range. If
the character's roll is equal to or higher than the
difficulty number, the character succeeds; if the roll is
lower, the character fails.

Very Easy
Very Difficult

Difficulty Numbers
31 +

Heroic difficulty numbers may be any number above 30.

Some skills will call for a difficulty of Heroic+10 (the difficulty
number falls in the range of 40-49), Heroic+20 (50-59) or
more. Difficulty numbers can go as high as 100 ... or even
Here are some guidelines for choosing a difficulty:
Very Easy Almost anyone should be able to do this
most of the time. Example: Hitting a target with a blaster at
point-blank range. Driving a landspeeder across Very Easy
terrain, like a good road. Knowing that Coruscant is the capital
of the New Republic and was the capital of the Empire.
EasyMost characters should be able to do this most of
the time. While these tasks aren't too difficult, there's still a
chance of failure. Example: Hitting a target with a blaster at
short range. Driving a landspeeder over somewhat rough
terrain, like a choppy lake. Knowing that Coruscant's major
"industry" is government and that billions of people live there.
Moderate This kind of task requires skill, effort and
concentration. There's a good chance that the average
character could fail at this type of task, but most highlyskilled characters can succeed at something this hard. Example: Hitting a target with a blaster at medium range. Keeping
control when jumping a landspeeder over a big ditch (or other
obstacle). Knowing which neighborhoods in Imperial City are
safe and which are dangerous at night.
Difficult Difficult tasks are hard and "normal" characters can only succeed at them once in a while. These tasks
take a lot of skill ... and luck doesn't hurt either. Example:
Hittinga target with a blaster at long-range. Drivinga landspeeder
at high speed around moving pedestrians and other obstacles.
Knowing a safehouse in Imperial City where your character can
hide during a manhunt.
Very Difficult Even professionals have to work to pull
off Very Difficult tasks. Only the most talented individuals in
the galaxy (like Luke, Han and Leia) succeed at these tasks
with any regularity. Example: Hitting someone with a blaster
atlongrange who is mostly hidden behind cover. Safely driving
a landspeeder at high speed through a traffic jam by taking to
walkways and making "insane " maneuvers. Knowing which
bureaucrats in Imperial City can facilitate the acquisition of
weapons permits.
Heroic Something that's almost impossible and calls
for extraordinary effort and luck. Even "heroes" have a tough
time pulling off Heroic tasks. Example: Shooting a proton
torpedo into a small exhaust port without the benefit of a
targeting computer. Flying the Millennium Falcon at all-out
speed through a dense asteroid field.
Gamemasters can choose any difficulty number in the
difficulty's range; normally, the higher the difficulty number,
the tougher the task.

Example: An X-wing has had its shield generators blown out by a TIE fighter in combat. The
gamemaster decides that the character needs a
Moderate starfighter repair roll to fix the ship. A
Moderate task can have a difficulty number ranging
from 11 to 15 since the damage isn't too bad, the
gamemaster chooses a difficulty number of 12.
Later, the X-wing has a near-miss with a stellar
body in hyperspace. The gamemaster decides that
another Moderate starfighter repairroll is needed to
fix the ship, but this time the damage is substantial,
including blown power lines and severe fluctuations in the main generator. The gamemaster
chooses a difficulty number of 15 to reflect the
severity of the damage.
When choosing difficulties and difficulty numbers, you
can check the skill's description for guidelines in Chapter
Three, "Attributes and Skills."

Random Difficulties
You can randomly determine a difficulty number instead
of picking one. First, determine the difficulty level: Very
Easy, Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Very Difficult, or Heroic.
Then roll the dice and use the total as the difficulty number
(don't forget to use the wild die).
Task Difficulty
Very Easy
Very Difficulty

Random Difficulty



Example: A character wants to repair a busted

skyhopper. The gamemaster decides that this is a
Moderate task and decides to roll four dice to
determine the difficulty number. The four dice
come up as a 3,1 and a 6, with a 5 on the wild die: the
difficulty number is 15.

Opposed Rolls
When one character acts against another, both roll
their skills: the higher roll succeeds. This is called an
"opposed roll."
(If the two rolls tie, the first rollerthe person who
initiated the action succeeds.)
Here are some examples:
Two characters playing sabacc make opposed gambling
rolls; the higher roll wins.
A merchant and a player character are haggling over the
cost of a blaster. While you could just pick a difficulty, you
decide to use opposed rolls: both characters roll their
bargain skill codes. If the merchant rolls higher, the asking
price will be a lot higher.
A character shooting a blaster rolls the Waster skill; a target
may dodge out of the way. If the blaster roll is equal to or
higher than the dodge, the attack hits; if the blaster roll is
lower than the dodge, the attack misses. (See Chapter Six,
"Combat and Injuries," for more information.)

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

If one character has a clear advantage over another, you
may want to assign a modifier. Modifiers aren't used when
one character simply has a better skill; they're used to
reflect unusual situations where skill is not the only determining factor.
Add the modifier to the character with the advantage.
Here are some situations where modifiers could be used:
The characters are racing each other to get information out
of a computer system. If one character already knows the
system inside and out, and the other has never seen a system
like this before, the first character might get a +10 bonus
modifier to the die roll.
Two characters are playing sabacc. One character has a
cheater chip to control which cards are dealt to him. He
might get a +15 bonus modifier to his gambling skill roll.
The player characters are trying to sneak out of an Imperial
base undetected. The Imperial Moff knows the layout of the
base and is aware that the characters have escaped. The
Moff might get a +10 bonus modifier when rolling his search
skill to figure out what route the characters will use to


Character has only a slight advantage.

Character has a good advantage.
Character has a decisive advantage.
Character has an overpowering

Note: You don't need to use modifiers with difficulty

numbers ... but you can apply them to justify making difficulty numbers as low or high is as needed to make the game
challenging for the players. Think of modifiers as a way of
tailoring your game to best suit your players.

Should Players Know Difficulty Numbers?

Should the players know the difficulty number or opposed skill roll they're rolling against? Only if you want them
You can tell their players the difficulties they are rolling
against, but sometimes it's a lot more exciting to describe
the situation in general terms and keep the players guessing
"I don't know, this looks pretty hard," or "It'll take a few
minutes, but it looks pretty simple."
If the situation is really tense or a player needs a little
help, you may want to drop a hint. For example, if a player
doesn't quite beat the difficulty, you may want to say something like, "Are you done ... or do you want to spend a
Character Point?"

Scenes and Rounds

The Star Wars roleplaying game uses two "kinds" of
time: scenes and rounds.

Scenes are used whenever what is going on every
second doesn't really matter. The gamemaster simply
describes the situation and the setting, the players say

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

what they want their characters to do (and make skill

rolls if necessary), and the gamemaster tells them
what happens and how long it takes.
A scene can cover a couple of minutes, a few hours,
or even days or weeks of time.
A scene could show a conversation between two characters. Another scene might cover several hours, such as the
scenes in Star Wars: A New Hope when the Millennium Falcon
is flying to Alderaan.
When describing scenes, you can just state how much
time has passed, let the players tell you what their characters are doing and get on with the story.
Example: Bill is gamemastering, while Greg is
playing Thannik.
Bill: "You enter the cantina. You know you're
supposed to meet your contact here he's a
Rodian bounty hunter named Reeveid."
Greg: "I'll go in and check out the bar. I'll order a
drink and get a booth, waiting for Reeveid to show
Bill: "No problem. The drink costs 5 credits. No
one in the bar seems to really notice you or at
least enough to want to start a fight. Do you want to
do anything in particular?"
Greg: "Nah. I'll just wait for Reeveid."
Bill: "Okay. About half an hour later, Reeveid
walks in ..."

Star Wars uses rounds to keep track of time when
every second counts. Each round represents five seconds of time give or take a few seconds for dramatic
Rounds are most often used for combat, but they
can be used any time there's an exciting conflict or
battle. You may use rounds for the climactic elements
of an intense chase like when Luke and Leia chased
Imperial scouts on speeder bikes through the forests
of Endor or when the characters are racing a deadline, like trying to defuse a bomb before it explodes.
Rounds are also used when it's important to know
who acts first such as when a character wants to
grab a datadisk before a bounty hunter can.
Each round has two phases:
1. Initiative
2. Roll Actions
When both phases are finished, the next round
begins. Rounds continue as long as you think they're
necessary often until the end of a battle. Once the
round-by-round action is finished, go back to using

1. Initiative
Decide how many sides are in the battlenormally
there's just two: the player characters and whoever
they're fighting. However, sometimes there will be
three or more sides for example, you may run a
battle where the player characters, Imperial
stormtroopers, and a group of pirates are all shooting
at each other.

The character with the highest Perception on each

side rolls that attribute. The character who gets the
highest roll gets to decide whether his side acts first or
last in that round. (Re-roll in the event of a tie.)
(Sometimes it makes sense to act last by letting
the other side go first, you can react to their actions.)
Rolling for initiative doesn't count as an action. (See
"Multiple Actions" below.) A character may not spend Character Points or Force Points to improve the initiative roll, but
penalties for being wounded count. (Chapter Six, "Combat
and Injuries," explains how wounds affect characters.)
Example: The player characters are are confronted by a nasty looking group of thugs. Bill is the
Bill: "You're in an open air market. It's midday,
and the brilliant blue sun hangs directly overhead.
Everything has an odd green-yellow hue.
"A few minutes ago the market was filled with
customers, but now the place has cleared out. Two
goons are standing straight ahead, about 20 meters
away; they're both pointing blaster rifles at you.
Ten meters further back is a tall human in a long
cloak; he's holding a blaster pistol in one hand and
a comlink in the other. He shouts, 'We finally caught
up with you. Now, where's our money?'"
George's character, Cev, has a Perception of
3D+2 the highest in the group. George rolls for
initiative and gets a 14.
The highest Perception on the gamemaster characters' side is the tall human's Perception of 4D. Bill
rolls for him and gets a 15.
Since Bill rolled higher, he gets to decide whether
the goons go first or last; in this case, he chooses last.

2. Roll Actions
The first side acts now. The character with the
highest Perception goes first. The player tells you how
many actions he's making this round and you assign
the multiple actions penalty. Then, the player rolls his
character's first action.
Acting in Perception order (highest to lowest), every player tells you how many actions his character is
making and rolls his first action.
(If the gamemaster characters go first, you just
have to know how many actions each character is
taking, assign the multiple actions penalties, and have
the characters take their first actions.)
This process is repeated for each character on the
second side. (If there are three or more sides, these
characters now take their first actions.)
After every character has taken his/her first action,
the characters on the first side take their second
actions. (Again, go in Perception order.) Characters
without second actions are skipped. Then the characters on the second side roll their second actions... and
so on.
This process continues until every character on
both sides has taken all actions.
Each action occurs as it is rolled a split-second

after any actions that have already been rolled and a

split-second before the next action that's rolled.
Characters can't "skip" actions and wait to go later
in the round.
After everyone has completed all actions, the next
round begins or you can switch back to "scenes."
Character Points and Force Points. Players can
declare that they're using a Force Point or Character
Points at any time, but they can't use both in the same
Multiple Actions. Characters can try to do several
things in a round but if your character tries to do too
many things, he's likely to fail at most of them ...
If a character is only making one action, roll the
skill's full die code.
If a character is doing two actions in a round, he
loses -ID to all rolls that round.
If a character is doing three actions, he loses -2D to
all rolls.
If a character is doing four actions, he loses -3D to
all rolls ... and so forth.
Example: Bill has already described the scene
for the players, who go first this round. George's
character has the highest Perception and goes first.
Bill: "The goons have their blasters out. What
are you going to do? Remember, we're going in
Perception order. George, what's Cev doing?"
George: "I bet they found out about those crates
of blasters we're smuggling for the Rebellion! I'm
only taking one action ... I'm running to one of the
side buildings for cover."
Bill: "It's 10 meters to the nearest door. You can
make it."
George: "Running away like a true hero. I'm
hiding in the doorway."
Bill: "No problem. Greg, what's Thannik doing?"
Greg: "I've seen their kind before! I'm taking two
actions. For my first action, I'm shooting at their
leader with my heavy blaster pistol. My blaster:
heavy blaster pistol skill is 6D ..."
Bill: "You're taking two actions, though ... that's
-ID to both actions, so you only roll 5D."
Greg: "No problem." (Rolls dice) "Got a 17 ..."
Bill: "He's about 15 meters away. That's medium
range a Moderate difficulty. You hit! Roll damage!"
Greg: "Great!" (Rolls damage) "My blaster does
5D damage ... a 14."
Bill: (Rolls Strength for the human, getting a 9.)
"Okay, he's wounded! He falls to the ground and
drops his pistol. Amy, what's Rhen doing?"
Amy: "The kid had a good idea. I'm running for
Paul: "Me too!"
Bill: "Both of you can make it."

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Greg: "Okay, I'll open fire on the goon on the

Bill: "Not yet you don't. The bad guys get to go
now. Normally, the lead goon would go first but
since he's been wounded, he can't take any actions
for the rest of the round. The goon on the left is
going to fire at you, Thannik!"
Greg: "Why is he shooting at me?"
Bill: "Maybe it's becauseyou 're shooting at them!"
Amy: "And the rest of us got out of the line of
Greg: "Can I dodge out of the way?"
Bill: "Yeah ... hold on a second."
Reaction Skills. When a character gets attacked, he
can react by trying to get out of the way: the most
common reaction skills are dodge, melee parry and
brawling parry.
A character can wait until he's attacked to use a
reaction skill.
The character can use up any remaining actions for
a reaction or have the reaction be an extra action,
accepting the higher multiple action penalty for the
rest of the round.
The reaction skill roll is in effect for the rest of the
round and replaces the original difficulty number.
(Even if the difficulty number was highersometimes
characters "zig" when they should have "zagged.")
(Reaction skills are only used in combat. See Chapter
Five, "Combat and Injuries," for a complete explanation.)
Example: (This is a combat round, so it involves
things like dodges and damage rolls they're explained in Chapter Five, "Combat and Injuries.")
Bill: "Greg, you want Thannik to dodge. You've
got one action left. Or, do you want the dodge to be
an extra action? That would be three actions this
round, so the rest of your rolls would be at -2D."
Greg: "I'll make this an extra action. My dodge is
Bill: "With the -2D penalty, your dodge drops to
4D. Roll."
Greg: (Rolls dice.) "Got a 15."
Bill: (Rolls dice) "The goon got a 12. The laser
bolt goes flying over your left shoulder! You know,
it's a good thing you dodged ... otherwise Thannik
would have eaten that blaster bolt. The goon on the
right is attacking ... he rolls a 14. That's still not
enough to beat your dodge... the other shot hits the
dirt in front of you."
Greg: "Great! Now I'll take my second action. I'm
shooting at the goon on the left. My blaster: blaster
pistol skill is 6D, so that drops to 4D too." (Rolls
dice) "A 13. Does it hit?"
Bill: "The goon decides to dodge." (Rolls dice)
"He got a 15. The goon dives to the side as the
blaster bolt just misses his head. The goons aren't
taking any other actions this round"

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

George: "That wasn't so bad after all!"

Bill: "Not so fast. Cev, you didn't pay too much
attention to where you were running, did you? It
turns out you stumbled into the doorway of a seedy
cantina. Just as you're turning to watch the battle,
you feel a firm hand grab you by the shoulder. A
mechanically-modulated voice mutters, 'Don't
move, kid, and you won't get hurt.' You see light
reflecting off a blaster. Then you notice several
more blasters pointing in your general direction."
Amy: "What have we gotten ourselves into?"
Bill: "You're about to find out ... next round."

Gamemaster Tips
While the rules for rounds are fairly specific, they're
intended to make the game more fun. What follows are a few
tips and game options that you can use in your games.
You may want to use some of them all of the time; others
you may want to use only once in a while; you may never
want to use the rest the choice is up to you.
Speeding Play. You'll probably want to seat players in
their characters' Perception order so you can simply go
around the table in order each round.
You may sometimes want to have characters act in reverse order (let the character with the lowest Perception go
first) so the same players aren't going last all of the time.
Don't let a player hesitate when it's time to decide what to
do. If the player is dragging his heels, count out loud to three
if you get to three and the player hasn't decided what to
do, the character hesitated and can't act that round. Go
straight to the next character.
(Don't be too strict with new players: give them a chance
to get used to the game. It's also bad form to allow a player's
character to be killed after he or she was skipped ...)
Roleplay It Out. It's often a good idea to use a combination
of roleplaying and die rolls to figure out what happens.
If a player comes up with a brilliant plan and explains it in
character, that should count for a lot more than a bad die roll.
On the other hand, if a character has a high level of skill
but the player isn't very good at getting into character, the
die rolls should play a larger part in determining whether the
character succeeds (as long as the player is making an honest
You may want to reward players' ingenuity and intelligent roleplaying with bonus modifiers. Conversely, if the
players insist on doing something that isn't too bright, the
gamemaster characters should get a hefty bonus modifier to
reflect the poor decisions of the players.
Interpreting Rolls. You can use the die rolls as an indication of how well (or poorly) a character did. Don't get bogged
down in detail; use these rough guidelines.
If a roll beats the difficulty by only a few points less than
five the character may have only barely succeeded. If a
roll beats the difficulty by 15 or more points, the character
may have made a spectacular success.
Likewise, if a roll misses the difficulty number by 1-5
points, the character may have just barely failed. When a
roll fails by 15 or more points, the character has failed
spectacularly, possibly triggering a few other problems
along the way! (This kind of failure can be similar to a

Free Actions. Free actions are anything that a character

can automatically perform except under the most extreme
conditions. They're extremely simple actions that don't
require a skill roll or much effort; if something requires
significant concentration, it's not a free action.
Examples of free actions include:
Rolling Perception to determine initiative.
Shouting a sentence or two to someone across a corridor.
Taking a quick look around a room at the gamemaster's
discretion, characters may be allowed to make search or
Perception rolls to see if they spot something that's unusual
or hidden.
Grabbing something off a counter. (Of course, this action
may be pretty difficult in the middle of a battle in that case
it wouldn 't count as a free action!)
Walking very slowly in Moderate, Easy or Very Easy terrain.
This is "cautious movement" and is explained in Chapter Six,
"Movement and Chases."
Making a Strength roll to resist damage in combat. A
character always rolls his or her full Strength to resist damage (even if wounded), although diseases and other circumstances may reduce a character's Strength dice.
Making a control Force skill or Perception roll to resist the
effects of Force or other mental powers. Characters roll their
full control or Perception unless otherwise noted.
Non-Roll Actions. Characters often attempt non-roll actions: these are actions that don't require a skill roll but are
complicated enough to count as an action (reducing the
character's die codes for all other skill and attribute rolls
that round.)
Examples of non-roll actions:
Reloading a weapon.
Getting very basic information out of a datapad.

Piloting a vehicle very slowly in Moderate, Easy or Very

Easy terrain. This is "cautious movement" and is explained
in Chapter Six, "Movement and Chases."
Anything that requires a lot of concentration but doesn't
require a skill roll.
How Long Does it Take? Firing a blaster takes only a splitsecond, but programming a droid or fixing a starship can
take hours ... sometimes days. So how do you figure out how
long it takes to do something?
Each skill description lists a "time taken." (See Chapter
Two, "Attributes and Skills.") Anything listed as "one round"
can be completed in a round some skills, like blaster, can
be used several times in a round.
Some skills may only take a round, but require such
concentration that the character can do nothing else in the
round first aid, computer programming/repair or piloting a
landspeeder are good examples. (A character could conceivably try to do more than just that action, but it would
probably be very difficult and you should adjust the tasks'
difficultly numbers to match.)
Several skills list a range of times, such as "one round to
five minutes" or "one round to two hours." You must estimate how long it takes to complete the task.
Rely on your "best guess." For example, it may only take
a minute or two to fix a busted cooling coil in a landspeeder,
but it could take days to completely replace a repulsorlift
generator. As a general rule of thumb, a simple, straightforward task probably won't take that long, but a really complicated repair job requires a lot of time. Just make sure that if
the characters encounter a similar situation in the future, it
takes a similar amount of time.
Multiple-Roll Tasks. You may also use multiple-roll tasks,
where the task is resolved with several die rolls. Each roll
covers a different part of the task and may represent minutes, hours or even days of work. (Again, use your discretion
to determine how long each task takes.)

The Rules

Sometimes a task is too difficult for the characters; you

may want to break it down into several smaller, easier tasks.
The players will have a better chance of succeeding, but the
job takes a lot more time.
Example: Steve's character, Drebble, is attempting to repair an ion drive that suffered damage in
battle. Bill decides that the repair attempt requires
the following rolls:
A Moderate starfighter repair roll to realign the
power converter cells. This takes one hour.
An Easy starfighter repair roll to disconnect the
fusion chamber from the alluvial dampers, and
prune the dampers to be fitted with a new chamber.
This takes about 15 minutes.
Drebble couldn't find exactly the right fusion
chamber, but he found something close. A Moderate starfighter repair roll is required to properly
hook it into the ship's drive systems. This takes two
Preparing. A character willing to spend twice as long to
complete a task receives a +1D bonus for the die roll. The
character can do nothing else in this time.
You have to use your judgment when deciding whether
"preparing" can be used for a given task; if in doubt, ask the
player to justify the preparing bonus.
Preparing is often used for blasterby aiming at a target for
an extra round. This rule can be applied to many long-term
technical tasks, such as repairing a droid or starship the
character could be taking extra care or "studying" technical
manuals to make sure the task is done properly.
Of course, preparing doesn 't make sense for many tasks.
Characters generally should not be allowed to prepare for
dodges, parries, or driving or piloting skills like repulsorlift
operation, space transports and starfighter piloting. Characters probably won't be able to prepare for skills like survival,
hide, stamina or swimming, but there may be circumstances
when the bonus is justified.
Example: Drebble is trying to use his droid repair
skill of 3D+2; the repair takes two hours. If Drebble
is willing to spend four hours working on the droid
(doing nothing else), he gets to roll 4D+2.
Rushing. At your discretion, characters can try to "rush"
an action that takes two rounds or longer. (Actions which
take one round cannot be rushed.)
A rushing character is trying to do the task in half of the
time and the player rolls only half of the character's skill.
You have final discretion as to whether a task can be
rushed. With some tasks like fixing a starship in a hurry
it's reasonable to say a character could rush, especially if the
character is racing a deadline. In other cases, rushing doesn't
make much sense. If in doubt, ask the player to justify how
the task could be rushed.
Example: Drebble is trying to fix a busted power
coupling on Thannik's Ghtroc freighter. Drebble
has space transports repair at 6D. This is a Moderate
space transports repairtask; the gamemaster says it
will take one hour. Drebble knows that they've got
to get off-world soon, so he rushes the task. Drebble
can try to make the repair in half an hour, but the
player only rolls 3D.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Alternate Between Scenes and Rounds. You'll want to

use a good mix of scenes and rounds to keep the game tense
and challenging. For example, what if the characters have 10
minutes to race to a landing pad before the building's reactor
explodes? While this could certainly make for a great conclusion to an adventure, it would take 120 rounds if you played
out every round. That's a good way to deaden the excitement
of your grand finale.
Instead, use a combination of scenes and rounds to move
the action along. The scenes describe the characters racing
down hallways and up stairwells. Tell the players how long
these actions take and you might want to have the players
roll the relevant skill (in this case running) to see if something unusual happens. (A character who rolls poorly may
have tripped over something, slowing the entire group down.
A character who rolls really poorly or gets a complication
may have twisted his ankle in a fall or gotten separated from
the group and is now lost.)
After establishing the tension and the basic action, you
can use "events" run in a round-by-round situation to
highlight the most important moments. Here are a couple of
Maybe the characters are headed for a turbolift. When they
get there, the lift is out of commission. Maybe the characters
need to make a few security or Technical rolls to get the lift
working again; if they fail, they're going to be cutting their
rescue close ... perhaps too close.
A preliminary explosion sends a ball of fire racing up the
turbolift shafts. If the characters are in a turbolift, they may
have to make an emergency stop and get out now! The
characters may have to make lifting or Strength rolls to open
the doors, or make climbing rolls to get out of the top of the
lift car and then attach a rope (with a magnetic grapple) to
climb up the shaft... all before the fireball consumes the lift
and anything else in its way.
After the characters have reached the relative safety of a
hallway, maybe the fireball triggers the building's firefighting
systems. Suffocating (and very slippery) foam begins to fill
the halls. The characters' movement is slowed and they lose
precious minutes getting to the roof.
The characters' foes security droids, stormtroopers, or
whatever may have an ambush planned at some point.
The main villain can make a final appearance to hamper the
characters. Maybe he's got an escape speeder and waits
until the characters reach the rooftop landing pad ... at
which point he destroys the characters' only escape ship.
Now, a desperate character must make a running leap to
jump on the villain's speeder, somehow wrest control of it
(as the villain speeds away at 800 kilometers per hour) and
get back in time to pick up the rest of the characters!
What's the weather like outside? A raging storm with
lightning and hurricane force winds can certainly liven up
any rescue operation.
Using scenes to set the stage and rounds centered around
"events" can heighten the tension and keep the players very
excited about the game.
This principle also applies to chases (see Chapter Six,
"Movement and Chases") and the characters' involvement
in epic battles like the Battle of Yavin or the Battle of Hoth
see Chapter Eight, "Roleplaying Battles."

The Rules
the task), he rolls his full command
skill. If he's commanding and working on the task, this counts as two
actions, giving him a -ID penalty
to his command roll.
You have to use your best
judgment in selecting a command difficulty. Here are some
factors to consider:
How hard or complex is the
task? (The easier the task,
the lower the command difficulty.)
How much precision is
needed? (A task where the
end result must be very
precise components
must line up to the millimeter, for example is
a lot harder to combine
on than something where
"that's good enough" is indeed good

Secret Checks. There are times

when you'll need to know if a character notices
something, but you don't want to alert the players that
"something's up." (This is especially handy if the characters
are blithely wandering into an ambush.)
Before the game, make several rolls for each die code (ID,
2D, 3D, 4D, etc.).
Keep a record of each player character's attributes, skills
and equipment.
When you need to know if a character noticed something,
find the character's search or perception die code and choose
one of the die rolls you made (add the +1 or +2 as necessary).
If the die roll is higher than the difficulty, the character
"noticed something"; if not, the character remains unaware.
Cross off each die roll as it's used. This is a good way to give
the characters a fair chance while not arousing the players'
Combined Actions. Two or more characters can work
together to more effectively accomplish a single task: this
process is called combined actions.
Combined actions can be used for combat (several
stormtroopers shooting at a single character) or a situation
where several characters are working closely together (a
group of mechanics overhauling a busted landspeeder or
several Rebels working to build a rope bridge across a
The characters must agree to combine actions. The only
other thing a combining character can do is roll reaction
skills (such as dodge, melee parry or brawling parry).
The character in the group with the highest command
skill (or Perception attribute) is the leader. He can only
command as many characters as he has command skill dice.
Example: Threll, a Rebel officer, has a command
skill of 8D+2. He can command a maximum of eight
characters when leading combined actions.
The leader rolls his command skill to see if the group can
be combined. If the leader is just supervising (not working on

How many characters are involved? (Generally, the more
people who have to work together, the harder it is to get
them to work together effectively.)
How much skill or experience do the characters have?
(Characters with a very high level of skill in the task or who
have done this type of task in the past will be better able to
understand what's expected of them and do their part.
Characters who've never done anything like this before are
going to have a tough time figuring out what to do, especially
if the task is of any complexity.)
How well do the characters know each other? (If the
characters are a group of Rebels who've been adventuring
together for years, they're probably pretty good at working
together even if they're completely inexperienced at the
task. People who barely know each other sometimes have
trouble working together effectively. And people who can't
stand each other probably aren't going to be very easy to
combine either.)
How much time is being taken to complete the task? (If the
task would normally take two hours to complete and the
group is taking just two hours, the difficulty should be a little
higher just because it takes some time to coordinate a group
of people. If the characters are willing to take extra time
three or more hours in this example the difficulty should
be lower; perhaps significantly lower if they're willing to take
much longer to finish the task. If the characters are rushing
things in this example trying to finish the task in an hour
or less the command difficulty should be higher to reflect
the challenge of getting a group of people to work together
under pressure.)
Very Easy. The task isn't too complicated or is not at all
precise. The characters are highly skilled or work together
Easy. The task is fairly easy or requires a minimal amount
of precision. The characters are skilled or work together
Moderate. The task requires a good deal of effort or
requires precision. The characters have a modest level of

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

skill or have worked together before (although not all that

Difficult. The task is difficult or requires a high degree of
precision. The characters don't have very much skill or have
seldom worked together before (if at all).
Very Difficult. The task is very difficult or requires extreme
precision. The characters are completely unskilled in the task
or have never worked together (or despise each other).
Heroic. The task is incredibly difficult or requires an
almost impossible level of precision. The characters are
completely unskilled, despise each other or don't even
speak the same language.
You can increase or decrease the difficulty based on
other factors, such as weather conditions (people are going
to have a harder time working in torrential rains than in
pleasant weather) or anything else that affects the
commander's ability to get the characters to work together
as a unit. If a task is very easy and the characters are highly
skilled or experienced, you may even allow a leader to
combine actions for more characters than he has command
skill dice.
Example: Threll is supervising a group of eight
troops who are fixing a cargo hauling speeder that
broke down in the middle of a dense jungle.
Threll is only supervising the action (and not
working on the speeder), so he rolls his full command skill.
The cargo hauler needs to have its cooling system fixed (the Rebels don't have replacement tubes,
so they have to patch the ones that are already on
the speeder) and recalibrate the repulsorlift generator. This repair job is a fairly difficult task and
none of the characters are very experienced at
working on landspeeders, but they've all worked
together for a long time. The gamemaster selects a
command difficulty of Moderate, with a difficulty
number of 12.
Threll's command roll is 27 he succeeds in
combining the actions of his troops.
If the command roll is successful, the combined action
bonus is +1D for every three characters combining. Add a +1
for one "extra" character and a +2 for two "extra" characters.
Example: Threll has commanded eight Rebel
troops. That's a combined action bonus of +2D+2.
(The first six characters earn a +2D, with a +2 for the
two "extra" characters.)
If the commander fails the roll, there may still be a smaller
combined action bonus. Subtract -ID from the bonus for
every point the roll failed by. (A bonus cannot go below OD.)
Example: Threll successfully commanded eight
troops to get the combined action bonus of +2D+2.
The command difficulty number was 12. If Threll
had rolled an 11, he would have missed the difficulty number by one: the bonus would have been
+ 1D+2. If he'd rolled a 10 (missing the difficulty
number by two), the bonus would have been +2.
If he'd rolled a 9 or less, there would have been
no bonus at all.
The combined action bonus is added to the character
with the highest skill who's working on the task.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Example: Threll has commanded the troops to

get a +2D+2 bonus. Repairing the busted speeder is
a repulsorlift repair (or Technical) task; one Rebel
trooper has repulsorlift repair at 4D+1.
Because of the bonus, the trooper now gets to
roll 6D+3 to fix the busted speeder.
If a group of characters are combining actions on a
combat task, the bonus can be split between the attack roll
and the damage roll. Likewise, if the task requires two or
more skill rolls, the bonus can be split up among any of these
Example: Threll's troops have repaired the
speeder and continue through the jungle. Several
hours later, the Rebels sneak up on an Imperial
biker scout.
Threll decides that his troops should ambush
the scout. The Rebels have to take out the Imperial
with one shot, since he could get off a warning on
his comlink if he has a chance.
Threll commands eight of his troops to combine
fire on the biker scout. The command difficulty is
Moderate; Threll beats the difficulty number to get
the +2D+2 bonus.
One of Threll's troopers has a blaster skill of 6D
and uses a blaster rifle that does 5D damage. The
Rebel is pretty likely to hit the trooper, but he wants
to add + ID of the bonus to his Waster skill just in case.
If the Rebel hits, he gets to roll 6D+2 for damage.
(5D and the remaining combined action bonus of
+ 1D+2.)

Character Elements
Characters can use Character Points and Force
Points during the game. They may also receive Dark
Side Points for committing evil.

Character Points
Character Points are a very minor manifestation of
the Force that reflect the ability of some individuals to
push themselves. Character Points are more plentiful
than Force Points, yet much less powerful. There is no
limit to the number of Character Points that a character may have.
Character Points may be spent during the game to
improve a character's skill or attribute rolls. A player
spending one Character Point rolls one extra die and
adds it to the skill (or attribute) total.
If the roll is a 1,2,3,4 or 5, simply add the roll to the
character's total. If the roll is a 6, add six to the total
and roll the die again, adding the new roll as well
keep on rolling if you keep on getting sixes.
A player can wait until after a skill or attribute roll
is made before deciding to spend Character Points,
but they must be spent before anyone else takes an
(A player cannot spend Character Points in the
same round or scene that he spends a Force Point or
calls upon the dark side.)
Chapter One, "Characters," explains how Character Points may be spent to permanently improve skills.

Example: Thannik is haggling with a merchant

to get a good price on a new droid. Since Thannik
hasn't improved his bargain skill, he uses only his
Perception attribute of 3D. Greg rolls a 1,2 and a 2 on
his wild die a 5.
Greg wants Thannik to do better, so he decides
to spend a Character Point, and rolls a 6. He gets to
roll the die again, getting a 4. That boosts his
Perception total to 15. Greg tells Bill he's done with
this roll.
Bill now rolls the merchant's bargain total. Greg
can't go back and have Thannik spend another
Character Point he is stuck with the 15 once he
says he's done rolling dice.
There are limits to the number of Character Points
that can be spent:
Two to improve a skill or attribute roll.
Two to increase the damage of an attack. (This often
counts as an evil action.)
Five to improve a specialization roll.
Five on any use of dodge, melee parry or brawling
parry, parries when using the lightsaber skill, or dodging when piloting a vehicle or starship.
Five to increase a Strength roll to resist damage.
A character may not spend Character Points on
another character's actions.
A character can spend Character Points during
scenes, but only for one continuous action. The bonus
ends as soon as the character does something else.
Example: Thannik is trying to repair a busted
freighter. Bill tells Greg that it will take two hours to
fix the ship. Thannik's space transports repa/rskill is
only 2D; Greg decides to spend a Character Point to
boost his roll. Bill allows the Character Point to be
spent as long as Thannik does nothing but work on
the ship.

Force Points
Force Points represent a character doing his or her
best to use skill, talent (and luck) to accomplish something. Force Points represent a common and seemingly "subconscious" manifestation of the Forcethe
player knows that a Force Point is being used, but the
character only knows that he's trying his best to be
All player characters begin the game with at least
one Force Point; gamemaster characters such as prominent Rebel leaders, Force-users and major villains may
have several Force Points.
A player may spend one Force Point in a round; all
skills, attributes and special ability die codes are
doubled for the rest of that round.
Anything that's not part of the characterweapon
damage die codes, starship hull die codes and so forth
is not doubled.
A character may not spend Character Points in the
same round that a Force Point is used.

Example: Thannik is firing his blaster pistol (4D

damage) with his blaster: blaster pistol skill of 6D.
Greg declares that Thannik is spending a Force
Point. Thannik rolls 12D to hit with his blasterblaster pistol skill; however, if Thannik hits, he only
rolls the normal 4D damage for the blaster pistol.
Non-Force-sensitive characters may have a maximum of five Force Points.
Force-sensitive characters can have any number of
Force Points.
Melee Weapons. Melee weapons are unusual, since damage for the weapon is normally based on the user's Strength,
with a bonus for the weapon itself roll double the Strength,
but do not double the weapon's damage.
Example: Thannik, with a Strength of 3D+2, is
using a vibro-ax (STR+2D damage). When Greg
spends a Force Point and Thannik hits with a
weapon, he rolls 6D+4 for his Strength, plus the
normal +2D for the weapon.
A Force Point can also be used in a scene, but only for
one continuous action. The bonus ends as soon as the
character does something else. (The character can't
spend Character Points in the same scene.)
Example: Thannik is searching a room for a lost
data disk. The gamemaster says it will take five
minutes to search the room. Greg decides to spend
a Force Point to double Thannik's search total to 8D;
the bonus ends if Thannik gets into a blaster fight
three minutes after he starts searching the room.
A character who spent a Force Point "to fly through an
asteroid field" would only have his die codes doubled for the
first round of flight since it's not a "continuous" usage.

Getting Force Points Back

How Force Points are spent during an adventure
determines whether or not the character gets more at
the end of the adventure.
Doing Evil. When a character commits evil while
spending a Force Point, the character loses the Force
Point permanently. The character does receive a Dark
Side Point. (See "Dark Side Points.")
Examples of committing evil include:
Killing a helpless innocent.
Causing unnecessary, gratuitous injury.
Killing except in self-defense or the defense of others.
Using the Force while angry or filled with hate.
(Force-sensitive characters receive Dark Side
Points any time they commit evil since they are
closely attuned to the ways of the Force both its
light and dark sides. Force-sensitive characters
must be very careful or they will be consumed by
the dark side.)

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Rules

Being Unheroic. When a character uses a Force

Point to do something that is neither particularly
heroic nor evil, the character loses the Force Point
permanently. Examples of being unheroic include:
Using lies or deception for gain or advantage.
Avoiding danger in a non-heroic situation.
Saving your life in a non-heroic situation.
Using the point for power, wealth or other personal
Being Heroic. When a character uses a Force Point
in a heroic fashion, he gets the Point back at the end of
the adventure. Examples of being heroic include:
Exposing yourself to great danger in the name of
Making sacrifices to help others.
Taking big risks to help the Rebel Alliance/New
Republic or fight the Empire.
Fighting other forces of evil, such as crime lords or
any other group that serves the objectives of the dark
Being Heroic at the Dramatically Appropriate
Moment. When a character spends a Force Point in a
heroic way at the dramatically appropriate moment,
the character receives the Force Point back at the end
of the adventure and gets another one as well.
Dramatically appropriate moments are any time
when success is vital to the story. It's the climactic
moment of an adventure, where the characters confront the main villain or when they're in dire straits.
The characters' success or failure will decide the
outcome of the whole story.
Examples of being heroic at the dramatically
appropriate moment include:
Conquering a more powerful and evil foe
Saving a city from destruction.
Preventing the deaths of millions of innocent people.
In most cases, a dramatically appropriate moment for a character may
happen during the climax of an adventure or, at most, one other time
during an adventure.
In Star Wars, Luke's destruction
of the Death Star was a dramatically appropriate moment. In Return of the Jedi, a dramatically
appropriate moment was when
Luke confronted the Emperor and
refused to become evil not
when he fought the rancor in
Jabba's palace.
Not all characters will have a
dramatically appropriate moment available to them in every
adventure not even every adventure necessarily has a dramatically appropriate moment.
However, when the character

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

seizes the moment and acts heroically, the rewards

can be great.
Doing the Right Thing. How can a character with
no Force Points earn them? By being heroic regardless
of the risks. If, in your opinion, the character is heroic
at the dramatically appropriate time, a character with
no Force Points may receive one at the end of the
adventure. (Perhaps the Force favors the character
and grants a Force Point at the dramatically appropriate moment even if the character begins the game with

Dork Side Points

Whenever a character is at risk of receiving a Dark
Side Point, you should inform the player that his action
will give the character a Dark Side Point. Give the
player the option of changing his mind. (If he continues on, he has no right to complain if his character is
consumed by the dark side.)
When a character gets a Dark Side Point, roll ID. If
the roll is less than the character's number of Dark Side
Points, the character has turned to the dark side. (See
"Dark Side Characters" in Chapter Nine, "The Force.")
Atonement. A character may cleanse himself of the corrupting influence of the dark side through atonement. The
process is difficult and long, and the character must be of the
most serious mind while attempting to atone. The character

the difficulty by two levels (Difficult for Force-sensitives;

must fast, reflect on the evil of his actions, and renew his
Very Difficult for non-Force sensitives).
commitment to live by the ways of the light.
Increase the difficulty by +3 for each additional time the
When a character wishes to atone, he must strictly abide
character calls upon the dark side during an adventure. (At
by the tenets of the Jedi code (even if he isn't Force-sensithe beginning of a new adventure, the difficulty drops back
tive). The character must not only be good in action, but he
down to Easy for Force-sensitive characters and Moderate
must actively work to prevent evil from occurring. The
for non-sensitives.)
player must take this process very seriouslythe character
The character rolls either his control Force skill or Percepmust make a point of being clearly good in all actions.
tion attribute when calling upon the dark side.
A character must atone for two adventures to remove one
A character who successfully calls upon the dark side
Dark Side Point. If the player plays the character approprireceives a Force Point which must be spent immediately
ately, you may remove one Dark Side Point. If you feel that
this is in addition to any other Force Points which have been
the character behaved improperly (for example, you had to
repeatedly warn the player that the character is committing
spent that round.
This option is not open to characters who refuse to
evil), then the character hasn't achieved any enlightenment
believe in the existence of the Force, including many Impeand the Dark Side Point remains.
rial troops and officers.
Temptation. You're encouraged to occasionally use tempFavors. A very few individuals are "favored" by the dark
tation when a character is attempting to atone. When the
side of the Force. This favor is fickle, but powerful. Occasioncharacter is confronting his own personal evil, you may want
ally, these characters will be "given" Force Points by the dark
to suggest things to push the character towards the dark
side. These characters are either very powerful servants of
side: "You know, if you kill him, you won't have to worry
evil (like the Emperor) or characters the dark side is actively
about what he's going to do a little later on" or "You could get
and desperately trying to recruit. (For example, Luke at the
this information so easily if you just tortured him." (Temptaend of Return of the Jedi.)
tions can be considerably more subtle too ... the dark side
If the Force Point is not used immediately, it fades away
is quite seductive.)
and the character suffers no harm. Characters who use these
You're effectively playing the role of the dark side of the
Force Points automatically receive a Dark Side Point. (Some
Force, as its dark whisperings are intended to prevent the
characters will no doubt argue that they used the Force
redemption of those who have started down the dark path.
Point to bring about good. That is mere justification the
If the character chooses the clearly evil action, the character
means is as important as the end.)
receives a Dark Side Point without warning.
These Force Points are normally offered when a characCalling Upon the Dark Side. Characters, Force-sensitive
is desperate, fearing for his life, and has no hope when
or not, may call upon the dark side, especially when angry,
the character is most vulnerable.
aggressive, desperate or otherwise out of balance.
The character automatically receives a Dark Side Point,
whether the attempt is successful or not. The character has opened himself up to anger, fear and hate;
/ know there's a lot here, but everything's pretty
whether he "benefits" from this anger is irrelevant.
consistent. Remember, if you're not sure about how to
It is easy to call upon the dark side of the Force do something, just pick a difficulty number and have
at first. If the character is Force-sensitive, the diffi- the characters roll their skillsthe higher they roll, the
culty is Easy. If the character is not Force-sensitive, more likely it is that they succeed.
the difficulty is Moderate. If the actions are not inNext up is "Combat and Injuries." I'm going to let
tended to bring harm or pain to other beings, increase Tirog take over and explain ...he seems to be an
expert when it comes to battles.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Combat and Injuries

Combat and
"Combat. You could say I've seen my fair
share. If there's anyone around here who
knows how to fight, it's me. And you 'd best
listen to me because when the blaster
bolts start flying, you either do it right or
you end up buried.
"There's no margin for error and no room
for rookies or cowards. You'd better learn how
to handle a blaster. In my line of work, your
blaster is your best your only friend.
"Before we go any further, here's two tips.
"One. Don't get shot. Yeah, it's an obvious
one ... but you'd be surprised how quickly
people forget in the heat of combat. You're
better off dodging blaster bolts and parrying
melee weapon attacks than getting hit. Not
too many people can eat a blaster bolt and
walk away from it...
"Two. Be prepared in case you do get
hurt. Always have a medpac or two ...or
three ... so you don't end up dying on the
battlefield. Make sure you know the way to the
nearest bacta tank. Make sure your friends
know the way, too.
"Sure, it sounds grim. That's why they call it
war, kid."


Stormtroopers and Rebel troops trade fire in a hail of

blaster bolts, as explosions fill the corridors of Princess
Leia's Rebel blockade runner ...
Luke Skywalker, lightsaber held at the ready, charges into
battle against Jabba the Hutt's minions ...

Combat and Injuries

Ranged Combat
Ranged combat covers any weapon that can be used at a
distance, including blasters, grenades and thermal detonators, Wookiee bowcasters, guns, bows ... even throwing
spears and knives.
Every ranged weapon is covered by a specific skill. (Unless otherwise noted, use the Dexterity attribute if the skill
hasn't been improved.)
Blasters use blaster
Bowcasters use bowcaster
Primitive slug-throwing guns (submachine guns and such)
use firearms
Grenades and thermal detonators use grenades
Thrown knives, spears, slings and similar weapons use
thrown weapons
Grenade launchers and similar weapons use missile weapons
Heavier blasters mounted on vehicles use vehicle blasters
Large artillery pieces use blaster artillery
If in doubt, check the weapon's description, which lists its
skill (and specialization).

Combat is an important part of the Star Wars trilogy, and

these rules help you run exciting battles in your game.
Combat is normally fought in five second rounds
(as outlined in "The Rules"). Each attack in an action
uses the game's basic rules:
Determine the difficulty number to hit the target.
The attacking character rolls his attack skill.
If the roll is higher than the difficulty number, the
attack hits and causes damage (see "Damage").
Combat should be like the rest of the game: quick and
exciting. The blaster bolts should fly fast and furious ... and
while the rules allow you to measure every attack's range
down to the nearest meter, don't be afraid to "fudge" a little
to keep things going quickly.
Use your judgment to estimate ranges and difficulty
numbers to hit targets. If you're fair and consistent and if
the battles are exciting your players will forgive minor
errors and hesitations. (If a player argues with one of your
decisions, listen, but your say is final: that's why you're the
There are two types of combat: ranged and melee.

Each ranged weapon's description lists the damage

die code and several ranges (in meters). Each weapon's
ranges are different, so check them when combat
starts. Here's a typical listing for a blaster pistol:
Blaster pistol. 4D, 3-10/30/120.
(The pistol causes 4D damage; that's explained
under "Damage.") The ranges listed are short, medium
and long range.
For this blaster pistol, anything that's three to 10
meters away is at short range. (Any target that's closer
than three meters is at point-blank range.) Any target
that's 11 to 30 meters away is at medium range. Any
target that's 31 to 120 meters away is at long range.
(The blaster pistol can't hit anything that's more than
120 meters away.)
Shooting at a target at point-blank range is a Very
Easy task.
Shooting at a target at short range is an Easy task.
Shooting at a target at medium range is a Moderate
Shooting at a target at long range is a Difficult task.
Just like in the regular rules, once you know the
difficulty, you have to pick a difficulty number. If the
attack roll is equal to or greater than the difficulty
number, the shot hits; roll damage. (See "Damage.")
Example: Thannik is shooting a blaster pistol
(4D damage) at a stormtrooper that's 27 meters
away. Thannik uses his blaster: blaster pistol
specialization of 6D; since 27 meters is at medium range for a blaster pistol, his difficulty is
Moderate. The gamemaster picks a difficulty
number of 13. Thannik's attack roll is 16 the
shot hits. Thannik now gets to roll damage against
the trooper.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Combat and Injuries

Difficulty numbers can be affected by reaction skills and/

or any number of modifiers (see "Combat Modifiers").
Estimating Ranges. Rather than measuring out ranges
every round, you can use estimates:
Targets that are very close within three meters of each
other are at point-blank range. (Very Easy difficulty.)
Most combat indoors is at short range. (Easy difficulty.) If
the room is fairly large and the combatants are at opposite
ends of it, blaster rifles will still be at short range (Easy
difficulty), but blaster pistols will probably be at medium
range (Moderate difficulty).
Most combat outdoors is at medium range (Moderate
difficulty). Sometimes, blaster pistols are at long range
(Difficult difficulty), while blaster rifles are still at medium
range (Moderate difficulty).
Outdoor combat at great distances is generally at long
range (Difficult difficulty).

Melee Combat
Melee combat covers any hand-to-hand combat
weapon, including lightsabers,vibroblades,vibro-axes
and similar weapons. Most melee attacks use the
melee combat skill (or Dexterity attribute). Lightsabers
use the lightsaber skill (or Dexterity attribute).
Every melee weapon has a difficulty to use: Very
Easy, Easy, Moderate, Difficulty, Very Difficult or Heroic. (Pick a specific difficulty number for the attack.)
If the attack roll is equal to or greater than the
difficulty number, the attack hits; roll damage.
Example: Thannik is attacking a stormtrooper
with a vibroblade. He hasn't improved his melee
combat skill, so he just uses his Dexterity attribute of 4D.
The vibroblade has a Moderate difficulty to
use; the gamemaster picks a difficulty number of
14. Thannik's Dexterity roll is a 12 his attack
Melee combat also includes brawling: any attack
made with a character's bare hands (or claws or
whatever). If the character's brawling skill hasn't been
improved, roll his Strength attribute.
Brawling attacks have a difficulty of Very Easy. If the
attack roll is equal to or greater than the difficulty
number, the attack hits; roll damage.
Example: Thannik doesn't think he's going to
have much luck with the vibroblade becuase it's
too hard to use.
He drops the weapon and takes a swing at the
stormtrooper. The brawling difficulty is Very
Easy; the gamemaster picks a difficulty number
of five.
Thannik hasn't improved his brawling, so he
rolls his Strength attribute of 3D+2 and gets a
Crack! Thannik's fist goes smashing into the
stormtrooper's helmet. (Whether Thannik
causes any damage is another story ...)

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Difficulty numbers can be affected by reaction skills and/

or any number of modifiers (see "Combat Modifiers").

Reaction Skills
Of course, when someone takes a shot at you or
swings at you with a vibro-ax, you can try to get out of
the way that's where reaction skills come in. (As
explained in "The Rules," you can use a reaction skill
at any time.)
Here are the reaction skills and what they're used
Dodge. Your character dodges to get out of the way of
any ranged attack: a blaster shot, a bullet, a missile, a
grenade and any similar attack. (If your character
doesn't have dodge, you use Dexterity.)
Melee parry. If someone attacks your character (either with a brawling attack or when wielding a melee
weapon) and your character has a melee weapon
(knife, vibro-ax ... even a chair or a mug will do in an

Combat and Injuries

emergency!), you use melee parry to get out of the way

or block the attack. (If your character doesn't have
melee parry, you use Dexterity.) If your character is
defending against someone who is unarmed and doesn't
have sharp natural weapons, he gets a +5 bonus modifier to his melee parry roll.
Brawling parry. If someone attacks your character
(either with a brawling attack or when wielding a melee
weapon) and your character's unarmed, you use brawling parry to get out of the way or block the attack. (If
your character doesn't have brawling parry, you use
Dexterity.) If your character is using brawling parry in
defending against someone who is attacking with a
weapon or sharp natural tools, the attacker gets a +10
bonus modifier to his attack roll.
Lightsaber. If someone attacks your character (either
with a brawling attack or when wielding a melee
weapon) and your character is wielding a lightsaber,
you use the lightsaber skill (or Dexterity attribute) to
get out of the way or block the attack.
Repulsorlift operation (or other vehicle skill). If your
character is driving or piloting a vehicle, you can make
a "vehicle dodge" to get out of the way of enemy fire.
Roll the vehicle's operation skill: most vehicles use
repulsorlift operation, but there are some other vehicle
skills. (If your character doesn't have the vehicle's
operation skill, you use Mechanical.) Vehicle combat
is explained in "Movement and Chases."
Capital ship piloting, space transports or starfighter
piloting. If your character is piloting a starship, you can
make a "starship dodge" to get out of the way of enemy
fire. Roll the starship's skill: most starships use either
capital ship piloting, space transports or starfighter piloting. (They're all Mechanical skills.) Starship combat is
explained in "Space Travel and Combat."
When using a reaction skill, the character makes the
skill roll. (Don't forget to add penalties for multiple
actions.) The roll is the attacker's new difficulty number.
(This difficulty number is in effect for all attacks of that type
made against the character for the rest of the round.)
Note: A poor reaction skill can actually make it easier to
hit a character sometimes people accidently leap in to the
line of fire or move right into someone's attack!
Example: Thannik is being shot at by a
stormtrooper, so he decides to dodge. The
stormtrooper is at short range: Easy difficulty,
with a difficulty number of 8. Thannik rolls his
dodge of 6D and gets a 27. Now, the stormtrooper
must roll a 27 or better to hit Thannik. Anyone
else who shoots at Thannik in this round must
also roll a 27 or better. However, if someone
makes a brawling attack on Thannik, the difficulty is still Very Easy (difficulty number of 5); if
Thannik wanted to block the attack, he'd also
have to make a brawling parry roll.
One round later, three stormtroopers are
going to shoot at Thannik. Their difficulties are
Easy (difficulty number 6), Easy (difficulty number 8) and Difficult (difficulty number 17).
Thannik decides to dodge and gets a 14now all
three troopers must roll a 14 or better to hit him.

Full Reaction. A character can make a "full reaction." A full reaction dodge, melee parry, brawling
parry, lightsaber, vehicle dodge or starship dodge
can be the only action the character makes in the
entire round.
The character rolls his dodge or other reaction skill
and adds it to the difficulties of all attacks made against
him that round.
Example: Thannik is getting shot at by three
stormtroopers: two are at medium range (Moderate difficulty, difficulty number 13), while one
is at short range (Easy difficulty, difficulty number 8). Thannik decides to make a full dodge and
rolls a 27. Now the troopers at medium range
must roll a 40 to hit, while the trooper at short
range must roll a 35 to hit him.
Unfortunately, later in the round a thug attacks Thannik with a vibro-ax: a melee combat
attack, at Moderate difficulty with a difficulty
number of 12. Thannik can't melee parry because he made a full dodge: he has to hope that
the thug's attack misses.

Combat Modifiers
There are a number of special combat rules that
gamemasters can include in their games.
Drawing Weapons. A character may draw a weapon
from a holster, but it counts as an action (reduces all
other actions in that round by -ID).
Setting Weapons on Stun. Most blasters have two
settings: normal and stun. A character can switch a
weapon's setting in a round, but it counts as an action
(-ID to all other actions that round). See "Damage" for
rules on normal and stun damage.
Fire Control. Some large weapons like blaster
artillery, blasters on speeder and starship weapons
have fire control. When a character uses a weapon with
fire control, he rolls it and adds it to his attack roll.
Example: Thannik fires a speeder bike's laser
cannon. (The weapon normally uses the vehicle
blasters skill, but since Thannik hasn't improved
the skill, he just uses his Dexterity attribute of
4D.) The laser cannon has a fire control of 2D, so
Thannik gets to fire 6D to hit his target!

Combat is Dangerous!
Combat in the Star Wars game is fairly lethal.
The key to survival is not to get hit.
If someone is shooting at your character, you
should probably think about dodging. If someone
comes after your character with a vibro-ax or
lightsaber, it's probably a good idea to parry the
Just like in the movies, most characters that
get shot are seriously injured or killed. You've
been warned!

Combat and Injuries

Ammunition. Most weapons have an ammunition

rating (ammo). When the weapon has fired as many
times as its ammo rating, it is out of ammunition and
must be reloaded. Unless specified otherwise, reloading takes one action.
Fire Rate. Some weapons have a fire rate. If there is
no fire rate, the weapon can be fired as often in a round
as the character wishes. If the fire rate is a simple
whole number (like 2 or 4), that is the maximum
number of times that the weapon can be fired in a
single round. If the fire rate is listed as a fraction, it
means that the weapon can only be fired in some
Example: A repeating blaster with a fire rate
of 3 can be fired three times per round. A laser
cannon with a fire rate of 1/2 can be fired once
every two rounds. A weapon with a fire rate of I/
5 can be fired once every five rounds.
Blast Radius. Some weapons have a blast radius:
everything within the blast radius is affected.
Example: A blaster cannon that causes 4D
damage with a blast radius of five meters is fired.
Everything within five meters of where the blast
hits suffers 4D damage.
Some weapons have several ranges for blast radius
the further away from the center of the blast, the
less damage the weapon does.
Example: A standard fragmentation grenade
has the following listings: damage: 5D/4D/3D/
2D; blast radius: 0-2/4/6/10. When the grenade
explodes, everyone within two meters takes 5D

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

damage; everyone three to four meters away

takes 4D damage; everyone five to six meters
away takes 3D damage; and everyone seven to 10
meters away takes 2D damage.
Because blast radius weapons are so powerful, you may
want to determine exactly where a shot hits if the attack roll
misses: you can use the "grenade deviation" rules below.
Called Shots. Attackers can make a "called shot"
against a small target, such as a specific part of a
target's body or shooting a weapon out of a target's
Add +1D to the difficulty for a target 10 to 50
centimeters long. Add +4D to the difficulty for a target
one to 10 centimeters long. Add +8D to the difficulty for
a target less than a centimeter long.
Example: Thannik is using his blaster skill to
shoot at a stormtrooper at medium range (Moderate difficulty, difficulty number 12). He decides to shoot the blaster out of the trooper's
hand: the weapon is about 30 centimeters long,
so this called shot adds + ID to the difficulty. The
gamemaster rolls ID and gets a 4 Thannik's
new blaster difficulty is 16.

Grenades and Thermal Detonators

When throwing a grenade, the thrower picks a
target point; you determine the difficulty based on the
Add a +5 to +10 modifier to the difficulty if the
thrower cannot see where he is throwing the grenade
(such as over a wall).
If the roll is equal to or greater than the difficulty
number, the grenade hits its target point. If the roll is
lower it misses; see "Grenade Deviation."

Combat and Injuries

medium range, which means it deviates 2D
meters. The gamemaster rolls and gets a 7 the
grenade falls seven meters short: Thannik only
threw it 13 meters.
The grenade has a blast radius of 10 meters,
though the stormtroopers are between six
and 10 meters away, so they each take 2D damage from the grenade. Fortunately for Thannik,
he's more than 10 meters away from the grenade, so he doesn't take any damage.
Dodging Grenades. Characters can dodge grenades,
but this only means they hit the deck and avoid damage.

Grenades have several activators: some are contact-based, some are time-based. If the grenade is
contact-based, it will explode when it hits something.
If it uses a timer, it will explode after a set amount of
time. If the timer is set for less than five seconds, the
grenade explodes at the end of the round in which it
was thrown.
Grenade Deviation. If the character misses with
the grenade throw, the weapon lands somewhere else.
First, roll ID to determine in which direction it
deviates from the target point (see "Grenade Deviation
You must also determine how far the grenade goes.
If the throw was at point-blank or short range, it
deviates ID meters. If the throw was at medium range,
it deviates 2D meters. If the throw was at long range, it
deviates 3D meters.

Example: Thannik decides to throw a grenade at two stormtroopers 16 meters away.

That's medium range (Moderate difficulty; difficulty number 13). Thannikrolls his Dexterity and
gets a 17 the grenade lands where Thannik
was aiming.
The stormtroopers decide to dodge if they
roll an 18 or higher, the grenade still hits where
Thannik was aiming but they manage to hit the
deck and take no damage. If one of the troopers
rolls a 17 or less, he still takes damage ... and
since he's less than three meters from the grenade, he takes 5D damage.
Tossing Grenades Away. Brave characters can try to
grab a grenade and throw it away if there's time left. (Most
people set the timer for five seconds so the grenade explodes immediately after it lands.)
The character may pick a specific spot to throw the
grenade (determine difficulty normally) or can throw it "as
far away as possible" have the character roll his grenade
or Dexterity; the grenade goes as far as the roll will send it.
Example: Thannik is cautiously moving across
a battlefield when he sees a grenade coming in at
him. He ducks behind what's left of a plasticrete
wall and waits for the big boom!

Example: There is a cluster of five

stormtroopers 20 meters away; Thannik decides
a grenade will fix this problem nicely. Twenty
meters away is medium range (Moderate difficulty; difficulty number 14). Thannik rolls his
Dexterity of 4D (since he hasn't improved grenade) and gets an 11. He missed!
Now, the gamemaster has to determine how
far away the grenade lands. First, he rolls ID to
determine the deviation direction and gets a 4
the grenade lands short of where Thannik was
throwing it. The grenade was being thrown at

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Combat and Injuries

There's no explosion after a second or two.

Whoever threw it must have set the timer for too
long. Peeking out over the wall, he sees the
grenade one meter in front of him. He jumps up,
grabs the grenade and hurls it as far as he can.
Thannik's Dexterity roll is a 13 that's a Moderate total, which is medium range for a grenade:
11-20 meters away. That's good enough because
it means Thannik isn't in the blast radius. Of
course, things could have been a lot uglier if the
timer had run out before Thannik threw the
grenade ...

Characters are harder to hit when they've got cover:
something that hides them from attackers. In some
situations, such as thick smoke and fog, these modifiers may also be added to search or Perception difficulties to spot a hidden character.
Add the cover modifier (or modifiers if more than
one applies) to the difficulty to hit the target.
Light smoke
Thick smoke
Very thick smoke
Poor light
Moonlit night
Complete darkness

The Star Wars Roleplaylng Game

Example: Thannik is in a dark alley looking

for his target. He spots movement in the back of
the alley and sees that it's the person he's trying
to track down. The target is at medium range
(Moderate difficulty; difficulty number 13), but
it's a moonlit night, which adds +2D to the difficulty. The gamemaster rolls and gets a 5.
Thannik's new difficulty is an 18. He rolls a 15
his shot misses.
Characters can also hide behind objects such as
walls and parked speederswhich provide cover and
protection (see "Protection"). Add the cover modifier
based on how much of the target character is covered.
Target is:
1/4 covered
+ 1D
1/2 covered
3/4 covered
Fully covered
If cover provides protection,
attacker cannot hit target directly; attacker must eliminate
cover first.
Example: Thannik's target ducks behind a
couple of metal garbage bins and he's now 1/2
covered. That's an extra +2D to the difficulty to
hit him.
The target is still at medium range (Moderate
difficulty, difficulty number 13). The gamemaster
rolls 2D for the moonlit night (and gets a 10) and

Combat and Injuries

A character behind protection may suffer some

damage depending upon how badly his protection is
damaged. Subtract dice from the attack's damage
based on the chart below.
Reduce weapon
damage by:
Protection is:
Not seriously damaged Character is completely
Lightly damaged
Heavily damaged
Severely damaged
Character suffers full
Example: If Thannik rolls a 30 or higher, he
hits his target directly and rolls full damage. If
Thannik rolls a 22 or less, his shot misses completely. If he rolls between a 23 and a 29, that
means his shot smashes into the garbage bins.
He rolls a 26 his shot hits the bins.
The gamemaster decides the bins aren't too
tough he gives them a body strength of 2D and
rolls, getting a 7. Thannik rolls his heavy blaster
pistol's 5D damage and gets a 20: that's a difference of 13 points. The bins are severely damaged.
That means that Thannik's blaster shot hits
his target, but at -ID damage. Thannik rolls 4D
damage against his target's Strength ...
another 2D for the garbage bins (and gets a 7):
Thannik's blaster: blaster pistol difficulty is a 30!

Sturdy objects may provide protection. If the attacker rolled well enough to beat the basic difficulty,
but not well enough to beat the added cover modifier,
that means that the shot hit whatever the character
was hiding behind.
Roll the attack's damage against the protection's
body strength.
Sample Protection
Body Strength
Flimsy wooden door
Standard wooden door
Standard metal door
Reinforced door
Blast door
If the damage roll is lower than the body strength
roll, the protection is not damaged at all and the target
character suffers no damage. If the damage roll is
equal to or greater than the protection's body strength
roll, find the difference on the chart below to see how
badly the protection is damaged.
Damage Roll > Body
Strength Roll by:
Protection is:
Not seriously damaged
Lightly damaged
Heavily damaged
Severely damaged

Armor protects the wearer from damage. In game
terms, armor simply adds to a character's Strength roll
when resisting damage. (It doesn't add to any other
Strength rolls.)
Example: Thannik's Strength is 3D+2. He's
wearing blast armor that adds + ID. He rolls 4D+2
to resist damage. However, when he makes a
Strength roll to try to lift a heavy object, he rolls
only his Strength of 3D+2.
Armor may provide different levels of protection for
different attack types. For example, stormtrooper armor
provides +2D against physical attacks (bullets, melee weapons, and rocks, for example) but only +1D against energy
attacks (blaster bolts and lightsabers).
Some types of armor are bulky and reduce a character's
Dexterity and all Dexterity skills: stormtrooper armor also fits
this example, as it causes a -ID penalty to Dexterity and all
related skills.
Example: Thannik has gotten his hands on a
set of stormtrooper armor: it's +2D physical, +1D
energy and -ID to Dexterity and related skills.
Thannik's Strength is 3D+2.
If Thannik is hit by a blaster bolt an energy
attack he rolls 4D+2 to resist damage. If he's
later clobbered by a vibroblade a physical
attack he rolls 5D+2 to resist damage. However, if he tries to dodge an incoming blaster bolt,
he only rolls 5D: his normal dodge is 6D but he
suffers the -ID penalty to all Dexterity skills.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Combat and Injuries

Armor may not cover the wearer's entire body; if you use
the optional hit location rules, this is important since armor
can't protect an area it's not covering.
Damaged Armor. When someone wearing armor suffers
damage through a protected area, the armor is also damaged.
Injury suffered
by wearer
Damage to armor
Lightly damaged (-1 pip)
Heavily damaged (-ID)
Mortally wounded Severely damaged (Useless
but may be repaired)
Armor repairs are discussed in the "Using Repair Skills"
section in "Attributes and Skills."

Damaged Weapons
Weapons can suffer damage in combat, such as when a
lightsaber slices through a blaster or vibroweapon, or a
weapon gets dropped, or as a result of a "complication" that
leads to a serious malfunction.
If a weapon is damaged, roll its body strength to resist
damage. Most hand weapons such as blaster pistols,
vibro-axes and so forth have a body strength of 2D
(regardless of how much damage they cause).
Damage Roll > Body
Strength Roll by:
Weapon is:
Not seriously damaged
Lightly damaged
Heavily damaged
Severely damaged
Lightly damaged weapons lose -ID of their damage value.
Heavily damaged weapons lose -2D off their damage and
add +10 to all difficulties to use in combat.
Severely damaged weapons cannot be used, but may be
Destroyed weapons may not be repaired.
Weapon repairs are discussed in the "Using Repair Skills"
section in "Attributes and Skills."
Note: Damage to ordinary objects can also be covered
using this rule. Pick the object's body strength and compare
the roll to the damage roll. Find the result on the chart above.

You may notice that a landspeeder may have a body
strength of 2D, while a character can have ^Strength of 4D.
Does that mean that the character is tougher than the
landspeeder? No!
The game uses "scales" to show the differences between different sizes and types of objects. You add or
subtract dice to attack rolls, dodge rolls and damage rolls
to show these differences.
The scales, from "lowest" to "highest," are character
(and creature), speeder, walker, starfighter, capital and
Death Star.
The scale modifiers reflect the differences between
small, fragile targets (like characters) and large, tough
targets (like Star Destroyers).

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Death Star
When targets of the same scale are shooting at each
other, ignore the modifiers; just roll attack dice, dodges,
and damage die codes normally.
It's when things of a different scale are affecting each
other that you use these rules.
' Apply the difference between the two scales: this is now
called the "adjusted modifier."

Combat and Injuries

Example: A landspeeder (speeder-scale) is
f i r i n g at an AT-AT (walker-scale). The
landspeeder has a modifier of 2D; the AT-AT has
a modifier of 4D. The adjusted modifier is 2D.
Lower Against Higher. When a "lower" scale character or vehicle is shooting at a "higher" scale character or vehicle:
The lower scale attacker gets to add the modifier to
the attack roll. If the target makes a dodge (or vehicle
dodge or starship dodge), it just rolls its maneuverability (and dodge skill).
The higher scale target adds the modifier to the roll
to resist damage; the lower scale weapon rolls damage
Example: The landspeeder fires at the walker.
The landspeeder's blaster cannon has a fire control of 2D and a damage of 3D+1. The walker has no
maneuverability (OD) and a body strength of 6D.
The landspeeder gets to add the adjusted
modifier of 2D to its roll to hit. If the landspeeder
hits, the landspeeder rolls the cannon's normal
damage of 3D+1. However, because the walker is
a higher scale, it gets to add the adjusted modifier of 2D to its body strength of 6D: it rolls 8D to
resist damage.
Higher Against Lower. When a "higher" scale character or vehicle is shooting at a "lower" scale character or vehicle:
The higher scale attacker rolls its normal attack roll;
the lower scale target adds the "adjusted modifier" to
its dodge roll.
The higher scale attacker adds the "adjusted modifier" to its damage roll.

Example: Assuming the walker survived the

blast (and that's a pretty safe assumption), the
walker's commander decides to return fire.
When the walker fires, it uses its fire control
normally. The landspeeder, because it is a lower
scale vehicle, adds the adjusted modifier of 2D
to its maneuverability to dodge the attack.
If the walker hits with its blast, the walker
adds the adjusted modifier of 2D to its normal
weapon damage. The landspeeder only rolls its
normal body strength to resist damage.

When characters are surprised, their attackers can
automatically take their first action before the "surprised" side can act. The "surprised" side cannot roll
defensive skills to dodge or parry this first action.
How Do You Figure Out if Someone is Surprised? When
characters are laying an ambush, simply have each character make a sneak roll. When the targets of the ambush come
within range (just a couple of seconds before the ambush is
going to be sprung), roll searc/z or Perception checks for each
target character: if they roll equal to or higher than any of the
attacker's sneak rolls, they spot that attacker and will not be
surprised by the attack. If none of the characters spot the
attackers, the target characters are "surprised." (Ambushes
are a good place to use "Secret Checks" as discussed in "The

Game Option: Hit Location

You may want to determine where a shot hits in combat.
Roll ID:
Arms (roll again: 1-3 left arm; 4-6 right arm)
Left leg
Right leg

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Combat and Injuries

When an attack hits, the attacker rolls damage.
Ranged weapons normally do a set amount of damage: for example, a blaster rifle does 5D damage.
A melee weapon might have a damage code of
STR+1D that means, the attacker rolls his Strength
and adds one extra die for damage. (If there's a maximum listed such as "maximum 6D" that's the
maximum damage for the weapon regardless of the
user's Strength.)
For brawling attacks, the attacker rolls his Strength.
Some creatures have natural weapons, such as claws,
which may cause "STR+1D" or "STR+1D+2" roll the
Strength and add the die code as indicated.
The target character rolls Strength to resist damage.
If the character's Strength roll is higher than the damage roll, there's no effect. If the damage roll is higher,
find the difference on the "Character Damage Chart."

Character Damage Chart

Damage Roll >
Strength Roll By:

Mortally Wounded

Example: Thannik fires his blaster pistol (which

does 4D damage) and hits a bounty hunter with a
Strength of 3D+2. Thannik's damage roll is a 9,
while the bounty hunter rolls an 11 the bounty
hunter shrugs off the blast with no injury.
In the next round, Thannik hits again. This
time his blaster damage roll is a 16. The bounty
hunter's Strength roll to resist damage is a 12;
that's a difference of four points. The bounty
hunter is wounded.
Later on, Thannik is attacking a bounty hunter
with a vibro-ax (STR+2D). If Thannik hits, he rolls
his Strength of 3D+2 plus an extra 2D for a total of
5D+2 damage!
Stunned characters suffer a penalty of -ID to skill
and attribute rolls for the rest of the round and for the
next round. A stun no longer penalizes a character
after the second round, but it is still "affecting" him for
half an hour unless the character rests for one minute.
If a character is being "affected" from a number of
stuns equal to the number before the "D" for the
character's Strength, the character is knocked unconscious for 2D minutes. A character making an Easy first
aid total can revive an unconscious character.
Wounded characters fall prone and can take no
actions for the rest of the round. The character suffers
a penalty of -1D to skill and attribute rolls until he heals
(through medpacs or natural rest). A character who is
wounded a second time is wounded twice.
A character who's wounded twice falls prone and
can take no actions for the rest of the round. The

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

character suffers a penalty of -2D to all skill and attribute rolls until he is healed. A wounded twice character who is wounded again is incapacitated.
An incapacitated character falls prone and is knocked
unconscious for 10D minutes. The character can't do
anything until healed. An incapacitated character who
is wounded or incapacitated again becomes mortally
A character making a Moderate first aid total can
revive an incapacitated character. The incapacitated
character is now awake, but is groggy, cannot use
skills, and can only move at half his "cautious" rate.
(See "Movement and Chases.")
A mortally wounded character falls prone and is
unconscious. The character can't do anything until
healed. The character may die at the end of each
round, roll 2D. If the roll is less than the number of
rounds that the character has been mortally wounded,
the character dies. A mortally wounded character who
is incapacitated or mortally wounded again is killed.
A character making a Moderate first aid total can
"stabilize" a mortally wounded character. The character is still mortally wounded but will survive if a
medpac or bacta tank is used on him within one hour
(Moderate first aid total); otherwise, he dies. (This is
different from healing a character with a medpac; see
A killed character is ... killed. Start rolling up a new
Example: A stormtrooper is hit in combat.
His Strength roll is an 11 and the damage roll is a
15he's wounded. The trooper suffers a wound,
falls prone, can't act for the rest of the round and
is at -ID to all actions until he's healed. If he's
wounded again, he's at -2D to all actions until he
heals. If this trooper is wounded again, he becomes incapacitated.
Another stormtrooper he's still uninjured
is hit in combat: his Strength roll is a 9, while
the damage roll is a 19. This trooper is incapacitated and is knocked unconscious.

Combat and Injuries

Increasing Resistance. Character Points or Force Points

can be used to increase a character's Strength to resist
Stun Damage. Weapons set for stun roll damage
normally, but treat any result more serious than
"stunned" as "unconscious for 2D minutes." (Unless
specifically stated otherwise, all character-scale blasters can be set for stun damage.)
Example: Thannik is hit by a "stun" bolt from
a stormtrooper's blaster rifle. The stormtrooper
rolls a 22 for damage and Thannik's Strength roll
is an 11. That would normally be an "incapacitated" result, but since the weapon is set for
stun, Thannik is knocked unconscious for 2D
Game Option: Severe Injuries. As an optional rule, a
character who causes enough damage to kill another character has the option of causing a serious, permanent injury
instead. (For example, a limb could be severed or a body part
injured so badly that it could never be used again.)
This is not necessarily an evil action some would say
this is more merciful than killing someone (although that's
up for debate). In addition to the severe injury, the target
character is wounded, wounded twice or incapacitated
(gamemaster's option).

Characters can heal in a variety of ways, but the
three most common methods of healing are natural
healing, medpacs and bacta tanks (also known as
rejuvenation tanks).

Natural Healing
A character can heal naturally, but this process is
both slower and much riskier than bacta healing. The
character must rest a specified amount of time and
then can make a healing roll: roll the character's full
Strength to see if the character heals.
Healing characters can do doing virtually nothing
but rest. A character who tries to work, exercise or
adventure must subtract-ID from his Strength when he
makes his healing roll. Any character who opts to "take
it easy" and do virtually nothing for twice the necessary time may add +1D to his Strength roll to heal.
A wounded character must rest for three standard
days before rolling to heal.
Character worsens to wounded twice
Character remains wounded
Character is fully healed
A character who is wounded twice must rest for
three days before rolling to heal.
Character worsens to incapacitated
Character remains wounded twice
Character improves to wounded

Incapacitated characters must rest for two weeks

before making a healing roll.
Character worsens to mortally
Character remains incapacitated
Character improves to wounded twice
Mortally wounded characters must rest for one
month (35 standard days) before making a healing roll.
Character dies
Character remains mortally wounded
Character improves to incapacitated
Example: Thannik is incapacitated and is
healing naturally. After resting for two weeks, he
makes his Strength roll and gets a 10 he improves to wounded twice.
To heal from wounded twice to wounded, he
must rest for another three days before making
his healing roll.

A standard medpac contains a combination of healing
medicines, syntheflesh, coagulants, body chemistry boosters, adrenaline drugs, and computer diagnostic hardware
to treat seriously injured individuals. Medpacs are very
common around the galaxy and can be found aboard most
starships, in most buildings and homes ... and anyone who
thinks he might get into a battle is advised to carry a couple,
A first aid (or Technical) roll is needed to use a
medpac. The difficulty depends upon the severity of
the patient's injury:
Degree of Injury
Stunned, unconscious
Very Easy
Wounded, wounded twice
Mortally wounded
If the firstaid roll is successful, the patient heals one
level: stunned and wounded characters are fully healed;
unconscious characters are revived; wounded twice
characters improve to wounded; incapacitated charac- *
ters improve to wounded twice; mortally wounded characters improve to incapacitated.
If the first aid roll is unsuccessful, the character's
condition remains the same. If the first aid roll misses
the difficulty by more than 10 points, the medpac has
pushed the injured character's body to its limit, and no
more medpacs can be used on him for a full standard
day (24 hour period).
Mulitple medpacs can be used on a character within
a single day, but increase the first aid difficulty one
level for each additional use.
Example: Thannik has been wounded twice.
The first time a medpac is used on him, the first
aid difficulty is Easy. If a second medpac is used

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Combat and Injuries

on him in the same day, the first aid difficulty

increases to Moderate.
A medpac is fully expended when it's used someone
who expects to heal several people must carry multiple
A character can use a medpac on himself, but he suffers
an extra -ID penalty (in addition to any other penalties, such
as for being injured).
Example: Thannik having been wounded
twice (-2D to all actions) wants to use a medpac
to heal himself (that's an additional -ID penalty,
for a total penalty of -3D). Unfortunately his
Technical is only 2D he can't use the medpac
on himself.

Bacta Tanks
Bacta is a specially formulated treatment liquid which
promotes rapid healing and acts as a disinfectant. The
attending physician can use the bacta tank's computers to
add skin-contact medicines to the bacta fluid, inject medicines into the patient's bloodstream, or dispense medicines
orally. Characters must have the (A) medicine skill to use a
bacta tank. On most planets, only licensed doctors can
administer bacta treatments.
A Very Easy (A) medicine skill is necessary to use a
bacta tank regardless of the wound level. If the roll
is made, the character will heal it's just a matter of
A character attempting to use a bacta tank without
the (A) medicine skill must make a Heroic first aid or
Technical roll. If the roll fails, the patient's injury
worsens two levels. (Wounded patients worsen to
incapacitated; wounded twice patients worsen to mortally wounded; an incapacitated or mortally wounded
patient is killed.)

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The character's healing time depends on the severity of his injuries.

Treatment Time:
Character is:
ID hours
4D hours
ID days
Mortally wounded
Example: Thannik has been mortally wounded,
but his friends quickly get him to a bacta tank.
The doctor needs to make a Very Easy (A)
medicine roll and succeeds. The gamemaster
rolls 1D and gets a four. Four days later, Thannik
emerges from the bacta tank fully healed.

There are many different medicines in the galaxy, ranging
from mass-produced Pharmaceuticals to "local cures" known
only on remote planets.
Each medicine has different game effects. Some may add
a bonus to a character's first aid or(A)medicine skill; others
may allow a patient to heal faster; still others may only affect
certain injuries or diseases and provide no help for others.
You can create new medicines (and describe
their game terms) as needed for your games.

"Now you know how to handle a

battle. Next up is movement: chasing people around and getting
into combat with vehicles like
landspeeders and walkers, I've
recruited Evinn Dastt, one of the
Alliance's fighter pilots, to help
you out."

Movement and Chases

and Chases
"I've been told you want to learn how
to fly. Well, you've come to the right
person. Name a vehicle... airspeeders,
landspeeders, speeder bikes, swoops
... flown 'em all. If it's got wings or a
repulsor generator, I've tried it. My
name's Ev inn Dastt. You may not have
heard of me yet... but you will. The fact
that I've survived four years of combat
duty in the cockpit of an X-wing says
"Now that you know enough to take
my advice, I'll let you know what you 're
in for. First, we 'II get the boring stuff out
of the way ... running around on your
own two feet. It's no match for the
excitement ofracing a T-l6, but you've
gotta start somewhere, right?
"Then, the good stuff. You'll learn
how to drive landspeeders and fly cloud
cars. There's nothing like rocketing over
a planet at 1,000 kilometers per hour, but
you 've got to learn how to do it right so you
don't plaster yourself all over the landscape.
"Next, the really good stuff. Vehicle combat. I
have to deal with this all the time. I'll be flying
patrol in a speeder minding my own business
when a bunch of Imperial slugs ambush me and try to
end my day on a sour note. It kind of irks me. And when
I get irked, other people get shot down. If you pay
attention, you'll learn how to stay out of someone else's
sights ... if you don't, you'll go down in flames.
"Let's get going."

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Movement and Chases

Character Movement
Every character and creature has a Move score: it's
how many meters per round the character moves
while walking. (Most humans have a Move of 10).
Moving is an action, just like firing a blaster or
dodging an attack. A character can move once per
round. A running or walking character uses her running skill or Dexterity attribute.
(A swimming character uses her swimming skill or
Strength; a climbing character uses her climbing/jumping or Strength. For unusual movements such as
swimming or climbing the Move is normally onethird the character's Move; adjust this rate at your
Movement works just like other actions. You describe the terrain and pick a difficulty level and a
difficulty number: Very Easy (1-5), Easy (6-10), Moderate (11-15), Difficulty (16-20), Very Difficult (21-30) or
Heroic (31+).
The player decides how fast she wants her character
to move and makes her running roll. If the roll is equal to
or greater than the difficulty number, the character
moves without a problem; if the roll is lower than the
difficulty number, the character has a problem.

Move Speeds
While your character can only move once per round,
you can pick one of four speeds.
Cautious Movement: This is a slow walk for a character: she moves at half her Move. (A human with a
Move of 10 would move five meters.)
In Very Easy, Easy, and Moderate terrains, cautious
movement is a "free action": it's not considered an
action and the character doesn't have to roll her
running skill.
In Difficult, Very Difficult and Heroic terrains, roll
the character's running skill, but reduce the difficulty
one level. (Very Difficult terrain is Difficult to cross;
Moderate terrain is Easy to cross.)
Example: Rhen, the brash pilot, has a Dexterity of 3D (she hasn't improved her running skill);
her Waster skill is 4D and her Move is a 10. She's
moving at cautious speed across a dried up
stream bed (Easy terrain). Because she's moving so carefully, she doesn't even have to roll
she automatically moves the five meters. If she
were shooting her blaster, she'd get to roll her
full Waster skill of 4D because her movement is a
"free action."
Later, Rhen comes upon a raging river. She
wants to cross it by moving from rock to rock
it's Vejy Difficult terrain. Since she decides to
move at cautious speed, the terrain is considered one difficulty level easier: it's only Difficult
(the gamemaster picks a difficulty number of
17). Rhen's Dexterity roll is a 17 she barely
skirts across the rocks, moving five meters.
Cruising Movement: Cruising movement is walking
speed for a character she moves at her Move speed.
(A human with a Move of 10 would move up to 10

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Movement and Chases

Moving at cruising speed counts as an action, but

the character can automatically make the move for
Very Easy, Easy and Moderate terrains. A character
must roll her running skill for Difficult, Very Difficult
and Heroic terrains.
Example: Rhen is walking (cruising speed)
across Moderate terrain while sighting her
blaster on a wild animal that's charging to attack
her (her blaster skill is 4D). She can automatically walk 10 meters without making a Dexterity
roll, but it's an action. Firing her blaster is a
second action (-ID penalty), so she only rolls 3D
to hit the charging animal.
Later, Rhen is trying to walk up a steep hill
(Difficult terrain; difficulty number of 16). She
rolls her Dexterity and gets a 16 Rhen walks 10
meters up the slope.
High Speed: High speed movement is running for a
character she moves at twice her Move speed. (A
human with a Move of 10 would move up to 20 meters.)
The character must roll her running for Very Easy,
Easy or Moderate terrain.
When moving at high speed, Difficult, Very Difficult
and Heroic terrains increase one difficulty level: Difficult terrain becomes Very Difficult to cross, Very
Difficult terrain becomes Heroic, Heroic terrain becomes Heroic+10.
Example: Rhen is running across an open
field (Easy terrain; difficulty number 8). She rolls
her Dexterity and gets a 10 she runs 20 meters
across the field.
Later, Rhen's trying to run across a very
rocky, uneven field pitted with craters and subsidences it's Difficult terrain. Because she's
running at high speed, the terrain is considered
Very Difficult (difficulty number 24). Rhen rolls
her Dexterity and gets a 16 not enough. To find
out what happens, see "Movement Failures."
All-Out: All-out movement is running at all-out speed
for a character she moves at four times her Move
speed. (A human with a Move of 10 would move 40
Characters making "all-out" movement may not do
anything else in the round, including dodge or parry!
Increase the difficulty one level for Very Easy, Easy
and Moderate terrains. Increase the difficulty two
levels for Difficult, Very Difficult or Heroic terrains.
Example: Rhen wants to move across an
open field (Easy terrain) to reach a bunker before Imperial stormtroopers can take a shot at
her. She decides to run all-out the Easy terrain
is considered one difficulty level higher: Moderate (difficulty number 11). She also can't dodge
to avoid the troopers' shots. She rolls her Dexterity and gets a 12: Rhen sprints 40 meters to the
Later, Rhen wants to run to a landspeeder,
hoping to jump behind the controls and race
away before more stormtroopers shoot at her.

Unfortunately, the terrain is dense forest, with

tangled thickets and overgrown bushes: Difficult terrain. Rhen decides to move all-out, which
increases the difficulty two levels to Heroic (difficulty number 34). She has her work cut out for
her if she wants to make it to the landspeeder ...
Partial Moves. After picking a "move speed" (cautious, cruising, high speed or all-out speed), a character can move anywhere between half and her full move
Example: Rhen (with a Move of 10) decides to
move at all-out speed: she can move anywhere
between 20 and 40 meters.
Acceleration and Deceleration. Characters may
increase or decrease their movement speed up to two
levels per round.
Example: Rhen is moving cautiously in one
round. The next round, she may stay at cautious
speed, decrease one level to come to a complete
stop, increase one level to cruising speed or
increase two levels to high speed movement;
she cannot increase three levels to all-out movement.
Later, Rhen is making all-out movement to
run across a corridor. The next round, she can
keep on going all-out, or she may reduce her
movement to high speed (running) or cruising
(walking); she couldn't slow down to cautious
speed (slow walk) or no movement at all.
Long-Distance Movement: All-out movement takes
its toll after a long time. A character continuously
going all-out must make a stamina roll every minute.
The first stamina difficulty is Very Easy; increase
the difficulty one level for each additional roll. If the
character fails the roll, she must rest for twice as long
as she was moving all-out.
High speed ("running") movement also requires
stamina rolls: roll once every 10 minutes. The first roll is
at Very Easy difficulty and increases one difficulty level
for each additional roll. If she fails the roll, she must rest
for twice as long as she was moving at high speed.

Terrain Difficulties
When a character moves, you must determine the
terrain's difficulty and then pick a difficulty number.
Very Easy: 1-5. Flat, clear, even ground with no
obstacles. Clear walkways or tracks. For swimming,
calm water.
Easy: 6-10. Flat but naturally uneven ground (fields,
yards) that may have a few small obstacles such as
rocks, holes, bushes, low branches, and so forth. For
swimming, water with minor obstacles: occasional
branches or reefs, or water with moderate currents.
Moderate: 11-15. Rough ground or any area with
many obstacles (large holes, rocks, thickets and
bushes). For swimming, an area with many obstacles
or a very confined area, such as a small tunnel.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Movement and Chases

Difficult: 16-20. Running through a densely packed

area that's difficult to navigate: a panicked crowd or a
thick forest, for example. Very rough ground with drop
outs, darkened tunnels, or an area that's being pelted
by falling boulders. Swimming during a very rough
storm or around attacking predators.
Very Difficult: 21-30. Moving through any very
dangerous terrain, such as a minefield, down a narrow
crawl-way with whirling cooling fans, a starship as it
breaks apart, or along the outside of a repulsorlift
vehicle as it makes twisting maneuvers. Swimming in
the middle of a dangerous storm with large waves.
Heroic: 31+. Heroic terrain is virtually impassable:
running through an avalanche, or running down a
corridor filled with falling debris, smoke and exploding consoles. For swimming, in the middle of a tidal
wave or hurricane.
Maneuvers. The movement difficulty number covers basic maneuvers: straight-line movement, a couple
of turns and other simple movements. If a character
wants to make a more difficult maneuver such as
maneuvering between tightly-grouped building support beams, grabbing something out of mid-air while
running, or grabbing something off a counter while allout running you may add modifiers as needed:

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game


Maneuver that takes a little effort and

Maneuver requires a modest amount of
effort and coordination.
Maneuver requires a lot of concentration
and appears to be very difficult to perform
while moving quickly.
+ 16+
Maneuver appears to be very, very difficult to perform while moving quickly.
Characters will often want to do something that
crosses over into other skills: run and then jump over
a ditch, or climb up a wall. The character rolls to move
and then must make a separate climbing/jumping skill
roll for the climb or jump.

Movement Failures
A character who fails a movement roll may have to
slow down or may even fall and risk injury. Find the
number of points by which the movement roll failed:
1-3. Slight slip. The character loses her footing for
a second. While she completes the movement, she
suffers a penalty of-ID to all actions for the rest of the
round (in addition to normal multiple action penalties).

Movement and Chases

Running Cinematic Chases

While this set of rules allows you to measure out
every move of every round, you should consider
using a "cinematic" approach when running chases
and vehicle battles in your games.
Cinematic combat is about characters on speeder
bikes racing through the air at 600 kilometers per
hour, blaster bolts flying wildly around thempick
a difficulty number, roll the character's skill, give a
snappy description of what you think should happen and keep the game moving.
Whether the vehicles are 140 meters apart or 150
meters apart isn't as important as making the chase
or battle as exciting as the ones in the Star Wars
Use a combination of rounds and scenes to maintain the flow of the game. Rather than rolling for
every round, lump several minutes' travel into one
scene: have the players decide how fast they're
moving and roll their repulsorlift operation (or other
skill) a couple of times. If the characters beat the
terrain difficulty number, they have no problems; if
they roll lower than the difficulty number, they may
have had to slow down or may have even had a
minor collision.
Then, compare the piloting rolls of their opponents if their opponents started far behind but
made several great rolls, they may be able to catch
up to the player characters. If the gamemaster
characters rolled poorly, the player characters may
have pulled away.
Once the stage is set, you can run a round-byround battle as the climax of the chase. When you
use round-by-round combat, don't be afraid to
"bend" the rules in favor of telling a great story
approximate ranges and terrain difficulties, and
estimate difficulty numbers quickly.
Focus on exciting narration "the Imperial
airspeeder races ahead, diving into the forest. You
notice three more speeder bikes are coming
up from behindthe lead
speeder opens fire!
What are you going
to do?"

Yes, you're sacrificing a certain amount of "realism," but the game moves quickly and you also now
have the freedom to adjust difficulty numbers to suit
the needs of your adventure.
For more suggestions on running these types of
scenes, see "Long-Distance Travel" later in this chapter and the chapter "Roleplaying Battles."
Encounters. When setting up a cinematic chase,
you should have a general idea of what the vehicles
could run into. What's the terrain like and what obstacles will the combatants face? You have to figure
out who's involved in the battle. (Some people sketch
out a map of the chase area but that's only necessary if you think you need one to keep track of what's
going on. Other people are perfectly happy to make up
details and terrain difficulty numbers on the fly: "You
round the hill, gun the throttle ... and right ahead is a
thicket of trees! There's no time to turn. Make your
repulsorlift operation roll as you dive into the thick
branches!" )
You can also create several "encounters" to liven up
the chase. An encounter is anything "extra" that happens to complicate the chase: freak weather, special
terrain, people pulling out in front of the combatants,
traps (such as repulsor mines set up to protect the
mouth of a canyon), avalanches caused by the noise of
the chase ... anything that adds to the tension.
For example, if the characters are in a chase in the
middle of a city, here are some possible encounters:
Someone pulls out right in front of the characters'
landspeeder. The driver must make a Difficult repulsorlift
operation roll to avoid a high speed collision.
The characters stumble into atraffic jam. The speederways in front of them are completely blocked. Now
where are they going to go? Maybe they should take to
the aqueducts running parallel to the highway ... but
first they have to jump the security fence: a Very
Difficult repulsorlift operation roll is needed to loft the
speeder over the fence and not crash.
If the characters take a wrong turn, maybe they end
up careening into the heart of an immense zoo or

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Movement and Chases

amusement park. They have to make several rolls to

avoid obstacles (energy fences surrounding the animals, the machinery of the rides and so forth) ... and
find some way to avoid getting caught ... and not get
If the characters weren't already being hounded by
the local authorities, they are now! If they're already
being chased, more police speeders close in from all
sides ... their capture looks a lot more certain. Whoever they're chasing is probably going to get away if
the characters are pulled over.
A speeder from a local news agency starts following the
chase, broadcasting every second of the "pitched battle."
Of course, that one speeder will soon be joined by
others. Now, the characters aren't going to be able to
escape (unless they can lose the news agency speeders)
and they're most certainly going to be identified.
Props, You can use Star Wars vehicle miniatures
from West End Games, counters, and Galoob Micro
Machines to show all the vehicles in a chase. You can
just move the vehicles around each turn to show their
relative positions. Use stacks of coins or counters to
show the altitude of each speeder. Having terrain to
set up around the vehicles is a nice touch, too.
While setting up a battle scene like this takes some
work, it will certainly get the players into the spirit of
the chase: they'll soon start moving "their" speeder
around while describing their maneuvers ... and everyone will enjoy the game that much more.
(Because vehicles move so fast, you can't really
create terrain for the whole scene. You also don'treally need to worry about the "scale" of the battle
just move the figures around to show "roughly" where
everyone is.)
When staging major battles between characters,
you may want to use maps and counters or better
yet, painted miniatures, Galoob Micro Machines figures sets and scenery to show the players what's
happening. They're not necessary for the game, but
they help all the players see exactly where their characters and their opponents are standing. The player
can see the crates his character is going to dive behind

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

and knows exactly where the enemy stormtroopers

are standing. Just as with vehicle miniatures, the
players will soon get into the game and move "their"
characters around on the table. Again, the visual
representation gets everyone that much more interested in the game!
(Many miniatures battles between characters use
a scale of 1 inch = 2 meters. This is the approximate
scale of West End Games' metal miniature figures.
Because these battles tend to involve only a few
figures and are confined to a small areaperhaps the
inside of a warehouse, for example it is sometimes
possible to build scenery for the battle. If you're
interested in trying this, check out Star Wars Miniatures Battles from West End Gamesthis book has an
alternate set of rules for handling several squads of
troops in a battle and it includes plenty of tips on
building scenery and painting miniatures.)

Three-Dimensional Combat
If you're running a battle with exact distances
and the combatants are at different altitudes, here's
a quick and easy way to measure approximate
weapon ranges:
Measure the horizontal and vertical distances
between the vehicles.
Divide the smaller of the two numbers in half
and add it to the longer one: that's the range.
Example: Thannik is firing at a snowspeeder off
in the distance. It's 150 meters away and
30 meters above him. Thirty meters
is the smaller of the two, so
add 15 to 150 to get a
range of 165 meters.

Movement and Chases

4-6. Slip. The character slips and nearly falls. The

character only makes half her Move. She suffers a
penalty of -3D to all actions for the rest of the round,
and -ID to all actions for the next round (in addition to
normal multiple action penalties).
7-10. Fall. The character falls halfway through her
Move, but manages to catch herself and is now kneeling. She may take no actions for the rest of the round
and suffers a -2D penalty to all actions for the next
11-15. Minor tumble. The character falls one-quarter of the way through her Move, suffering painful
scrapes and bruises. She may take no actions for the
rest of the round and the next round. She takes damage, but subtract -3D from normal collision damage.
(In effect, the character takes ID damage if she was
moving all-out; if she was moving slower, she'd suffer
no damage.)
16-20. Tumble. The character falls, probably tumbling into a nearby object. She suffers painful scrapes
and bruises (unlucky characters can suffer broken
bones or worse): roll normal collision damage.
21+. Major tumble. "That had to hurt!" The character falls at a bad angle and may suffer a serious injury.
Increase collision damage by +2D.
Collisions. Collision damage depends on how fast
the character was moving.
Character Damage
High speed
Roll damage against the character's Strength, just as
described in the "Damage" section of the chapter on
"Combat and Injuries."
Example: Rhen is moving at high speed and
fails her running roll by 18 points. She suffers a
"tumble" and trips and falls painfully. Since she
was moving at high speed, she suffers 3D damage.

Vehicle Movement
Vehicle movement works in much the same way as
character movement.
Every vehicle has a Move score, which is how many
meters per round the vehicle moves at cruising speed.
Moving is an action, just like firing a blaster or
dodging. A vehicle can move once per round.
Most repulsorlift vehicles from landspeeders to
airspeeders and speeder bikes use the repulsorlift
operation skill or Mechanical attribute. (Walkers use
walker operation; old-fashioned wheeled- and trackedvehicles use ground vehicle operation, while hovercraft
use hover vehicle operation. Swoops use swoop operation. Each vehicle's description lists its skill.)
When a vehicle moves, you describe the terrain and
then pick a difficulty level and a difficulty number:
Very Easy (1-5), Easy (6-10), Moderate (11-15), Diffi-

culty (16-20), Very Difficult (21-30) or Heroic (31+).

The player decides how fast she wants her character to drive the vehicle and makes her repulsorlift
operation (or other skill) roll. If a vehicle has a "maneuverability code," add it to the pilot's skill roll.
If the roll is equal to or greater than the difficulty
number, the vehicle moves across the terrain without
a problem; if the roll is lower, the vehicle has a "movement failure."

Move Speeds
While a vehicle can only move once per round, the
driver can pick one of four speeds.
Cautious Movement: This is a very slow movement
the vehicle goes at half its Move. (A vehicle with a
Move of 200 would move up to 100 meters.)
In Very Easy, Easy, and Moderate terrains, cautious
movement is a "free action" and the driver doesn't
have to roll her repulsorlift operation (or other skill).
In Difficult, Very Difficult and Heroic terrains, roll
the character's vehicle operation skill, but reduce the
difficulty one level. (Very Difficult terrain is Difficult to
cross; Moderate terrain is Easy to cross.)
Example: Rhen, the brash pilot, is now in her
natural element: she's got a repulsorlift operation
skill of 5D. She's behind the controls of an
airspeeder with a Move of 200 and a maneuverability of 1D+2. She's piloting in open air (Easy
terrain) at cautious speed. She doesn't have to
roll the speeder automatically moves 100
meters. If she were also firing the speeder's
autocannons, she'd get to roll her full vehicle
blasters skill (or in this case, her Dexterity attribute of 3D) because this is a "free action."
Later, Rhen is trying to pilot her speeder
through a narrow, twisting canyon in the middle
of a driving rainstorm it's Very Difficult terrain. Since she decides to move at cautious
speed, the terrain is considered one difficulty
level easier: it's only Difficult (the gamemaster
picks a difficulty number of 19). Rhen gets to roll
repulsorlift operation of 5D and the speeder's
maneuverability of 1D+2 she gets a 23. Rhen
maneuvers the speeder through the canyon without much difficulty, although she knows she'd
better not go too much faster or she may bounce
the speeder off the canyon walls.
Cruising Movement: Cruising movement is normal
driving speed for a vehicle it moves at its Move
Moving at cruising speed counts as an action, but
the pilot can automatically make the move for Very
Easy, Easy and Moderate terrains. A pilot must roll the
vehicle's operation skill for Difficult, Very Difficult and
Heroic terrains.
Example: Rhen is piloting her vehicle on a
clear repulsorway (Easy terrain), but an Imperial patrol speeder is closing in fast. She can
automatically pilot her speeder at cruising speed
(the speeder goes at its Move of 200 meters), but

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Movement and Chases

it's an action. Firing the autocannon is a second

action, so she rolls 2D (subtract the -ID penalty
from her Dexterity of 3D) to hit the Imperial
Later, Rhen is flying the speeder through a
thick forest (Difficult terrain; difficulty number
of 17) at cruising speed. She rolls her repulsorlift
operation and the speeder's maneuverability and
gets a 21 she maneuvers through the tree
branches without so much as scratching the
High Speed: High speed movement is pushing a
vehicle for added speed the vehicle moves at twice
its Move speed.
The pilot must roll for Very Easy, Easy or Moderate
When moving at high speed, the difficulty for Difficult, Very Difficult and Heroic terrains increases one
level: Difficult terrain becomes Very Difficult to cross,
Very Difficult terrain becomes Heroic, Heroic terrain
becomes Heroic+10.
Example: Rhen is racing her speeder at high
speed across a clear ice plain (Easy terrain;
difficulty number 7). Her repulsorlift operation
and maneuverability rolls total 18her speeder
races 400 meters over the frigid terrain.
Later, Rhen is trying to race her speeder at
high speed through heavy traffic it's Difficult
terrain. Because she's moving at high speed, the
terrain is considered Very Difficult (difficulty
number 28). Rhen rolls her repulsorlift operation
and maneuverability, getting a 27 she fails. To
find out what happens, see "Movement Failures."
All-Out: All-out movement is moving at a vehicle's allout speed it moves at four times its Move.
Characters piloting a vehicle at "all-out" speed may
not do anything else in the round, including vehicle
dodges or firing the vehicle's weapons.
Increase the difficulty one level for Very Easy, Easy
and Moderate terrains. Increase the difficulty two
levels for Difficult, Very Difficult or Heroic terrains.
Example: Rhen knows Imperial speeders are
closing in on her, but she sees an open plain
stretching for kilometers ahead. She decides to
move all-out, hoping to out-race the Imperial
gunners. The open field is Easy terrain; since
Rhen is moving all-out, the difficulty increases to
Moderate (difficulty number 12). Rhen rolls her
repulsorlift operation and maneuverability, getting a 19 Rhen's speeder (with a Move of 200)
pulls away, crossing 800 meters!
Later, Rhen decides to move all-out through
the heart of a dense forest. It's Difficult terrain,
but because she's moving all-out, the difficulty
increases two levels to Heroic (difficulty number 38). Rhen rolls her repulsorlift operation of 5D
and her speeder's maneuverability of 1D+2 and
gets a 24 ... even this task is a little above her
considerable abilities. To see how bad Rhen may
have wrecked, see "Movement Failures."

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Acceleration and Deceleration. Vehicles may increase or decrease their movement one level per
Example: Rhen is piloting her landspeeder at
cruisingspeed in one round. The next round, she
may maintain cruising speed, decrease to cautious speed or increase to high speed; she may
not increase her speeder to all-out speed.
Later, Rhen is pushing her speeder at all-out
speed while racing through a forest. She rounds
a bend and faces a sudden dead-end. While she'd
love to bring the speeder to a complete stop, the
best she can do is slow down to high speed. Rhen
holds on and hopes for the best!

Movement and Chases

Partial Moves. Characters can move anywhere

between half their "move speed" and the full move
Example: A speeder with a Move of 200 is
going at high speed (up to 400 meters). The
speeder can move anywhere between 200 and
400 meters.
Long-Distance Movement: All-out movement takes
its toll on vehicles a vehicle continuously going allout must make a body strength roll every 10 minutes.
The first body strength difficulty is Very Easy;
increase the difficulty one level for each additional
roll. If the vehicle fails the roll by 1-10 points, the
vehicle is suffering strain (such as overheating) and
must "rest" for twice as long as it moved all-out. If the
roll fails by 11 or more points, the vehicle has suffered
a mechanical failure and requires a Moderate repair
roll and at least one hour of work.
High speed movement also requires body strength
rolls: roll once every hour. The first roll is at Very Easy
difficulty and increases one difficulty level for each
additional roll.

+ 1-5

Maneuver is fairly easy.

Maneuver is somewhat difficult and requires
a certain amount of skill.
+11-15 Maneuver is very difficult and requires a
very talented (or lucky) driver or pilot.
Maneuver appears to be almost impossible.
Only the very best drivers can pull off a
maneuver of this difficulty.
Here are some possible maneuvers and their difficulties. Gamemasters (and players) are not limited to
this list many other maneuvers can be attempted
and you must determine a difficulty for the task.


Terrain Difficulties
Very Easy: 1-5. Driving over flat, artificial surfaces
with no obstacles, such as roads. Driving in light
traffic. Repulsorlift flight over any flat, stable surface.
Easy: 6-10. Driving over smooth surfaces with minor obstacles. Driving in moderate traffic. Repulsorlift
through uneven terrain, or in moderate traffic, such as
on a highway or on city streets.
Moderate: 11-15. Driving in heavy traffic at high
speed. Driving over rough terrain or through an intense storm with thunder and lightning. Repulsorlift
flight over very uneven terrain, such as down a chasm,
or in any situation that severely limits visibility (bad
storm or thick fog).
Difficult: 16-20. Driving a vehicle over very rough
terrain, such as up a mountainside, through a crater
field or during a meteor storm. Conducting a chase in
heavy traffic or with other major obstacles. Repulsorlift
flight through thick forests or in Beggar's Canyon.
Very Difficult: 21-30. Driving through a city during
an earthquake or fierce battle, as stray shots land all
around your vehicle, buildings topple in front of you,
or the highway you're driving on begins to collapse.
Repulsorlift flight under similar circumstances.
Heroic: 31+. Driving or repulsorlift flight in any
situation that verges on the impossible: trying to navigate through thick swamps with branches and vines
blocking the way at every turn. Racing through the
core of an immense drilling machine and avoiding its
heavy machinery.
Maneuvers. The difficulty number covers basic
flight maneuvers: straight-line movement, a couple of
turns and other simple movements. If a characters
wants to make a more difficult maneuver, such as
jumping an obstacle or making an extremely tight turn
at high speed, add modifiers as needed:

Extreme Dive

Extreme Climb


Bootlegger Turn

Bootlegger Turn. (Ground vehicles; +6-+15 depending upon situation.) The vehicle slams on its brakes,
spinning around and sliding. It only moves half of its
normal Move, and ends up facing the opposite direction.
Extreme Climb or Extreme Dive. (Flying vehicles:
+6-+20 or more depending upon situation.) The vehicle
climbs or dives at an extreme angle (45 or more).
Extreme Turn. (Ground and flying vehicles; +6-+15
depending upon situation.) The vehicle is attempting
a very tight turn (any turn over 45) while maintaining
a high speed. The specific modifier depends on how
fast the vehicle is going and the difficulty of making the
turn without losing control.
Jump. (Ground vehicles; +5-+20 depending upon
situation.) The vehicle is jumping, either off a bridge,
from a cliff or from some other obstacle or ramp. The
difficulty depends on how far the vehicle is attempting

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Movement and Chases

to jump and the difficulty of maintaining control upon

Loop. (Flying vehicles; +15-+30 or more depending
upon situation.) The vehicle performs a loop (loop-deloop) over the course of its entire move.
Rotate. (+5-+15 or more depending upon situation) A
hover vehicle (and some ground repulsorlift vehicles)
at cruising speed or less can rotate change direction
up to 360 without changing its inertia.

Movement Failures
A vehicle that fails a movement roll may have to
slow down or may even collide with an obstacle.
Find the number of points by which the movement
roll failed:
1-3. Slight slip. The vehicle experiences a slight
"slip" (gets sideways or almost swerves out of control). While the vehicle completes the movement, the
pilot suffers a penalty of -ID to all actions for the rest
of the round (in addition to normal multiple action
4-6. Slip. The vehicle nearly slides out of control
and only makes half its Move. The pilot suffers a
penalty of -3D to all actions for the rest of the round,
and -1D to all actions for the next round (in addition to
normal multiple action penalties).
7-10. Spin. The vehicle completes one-quarter of its
Move and then goes spinning out of control. It can
make no movements for the rest of the round and the
next round. If the vehicle hasn't been damaged by a
collision, it may begin moving in two rounds.
11-15. Minor collision. The vehicle glances off
another vehicle or nearby obstacle. (Subtract -3D from
normal collision damage; see "Collisions.") If there's
nothing to hit, the vehicle simply spins out of control
and can make no movements for the rest of the round
and the next round.
16-20. Collision. The vehicle smashes into another
vehicle or nearby object, doing normal collision damage. (See "Collisions.") If there's nothing to hit, the
vehicle may spin out of control, or at the gamemaster's
discretion, the vehicle may begin to tumble, flip over,
or experience some other collision.
21+. Major collision. Crash!!! The vehicle runs into
an obstacle and at such a poor angle as to increase
collision damage by +4D. (See "Collisions.") If there's
nothing to hit, the vehicle flips out of control or
experiences some other serious collision.
Collisions. The amount of collision damage depends on how fast the vehicle was moving. (When
resolving collision damage with ships or objects of
different scales, don't forget to use appropriate damage die caps.)
Collision Damage
High Speed

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Roll the collision damage and compare it to the

vehicle's body strength roll. "Vehicle Damage" explains what happens.
If the vehicle runs into another vehicle, the damage
changes based on the angle of the collision.
Head-on crash
Rear-ender/sideswipe -3D
You may want to adjust collision damage to reflect
what a vehicle runs into. If a vehicle smashes into a
hardened plasticrete wall, it suffers full damage. On
the other hand, something with a little "give" like a
wooden fence or thick bushes may absorb some of
the impact while slowing the vehicle down: you may
want to reduce collision damage by -ID, -2D or more.
You should describe collisions in colorful detail
since they're one of the "emotional payoffs" of chase
Example: Rhen is piloting her airspeeder at
high speed. The difficulty number is 21, but she
only rolls a 6 she fails the roll by 15, which
means a "minor collision." High speed movement normally causes 6D damage, but the minor
collision's -3D to damage means that her speeder
only suffers 3D damage. The gamemaster rolls
the 3D, while Rhen rolls her airspeeder's body
strength of 2D to resist damage.
Later, Rhen fails another movement roll, this
time by 24 points. The airspeeder was going at
high speed and is in a "major collision": the high
speed movement causes 6D damage and the
major collision adds another +4D to damage.
Unfortunately, she also suffers a head-on crash
with another speeder, for another +3D to damage. Her speeder suffers an incredible 13D damage!

Vehicle Combat
Rebel snowspeeders close in on the Empire's AT-AT
walkers, firing several volleys of laser fire at the armored
behemoths ...
Princess Leia presses the accelerator on her speeder bike
while an Imperial biker scout closes in from behind and
opens fire ...
Vehicle combat works just like regular combat and
is fought in five second rounds.
To attack a vehicle:
Determine the difficulty number to hit the target
(based on the range).
The attacker rolls his attack skill (normally vehicle
blasters or Dexterity).
If the roll is equal to or higher than the difficulty
number, the attack hits. Roll damage. (See "Vehicle
Example: Rhen is shooting at an Imperial
speeder bike. The bike is 150 meters away
that's medium range for her airspeeder's laser

Movement and Chases

cannons. (Medium difficulty; difficulty number
of 12.) Rhen's vehicle blasters skill is 3D and the
cannons' fire control is 3D if Rhen doesn't
move the speeder, she gets to roll 6D to hit. If she
rolls 12 or more, Rhen's shot hits the speeder

Reaction Skills
The target can roll a reaction skill this is a "vehicle
dodge." Roll the pilot's repulsorlift operation (or other
skill) and the vehicle's maneuverability code.
This is the new difficulty number to hit the vehicle.
Example: The speeder bike pilot decides to
make a vehicle dodge to get out of the way of
Rhen's attack. The pilot's repulsorlift operation
skill is 3D+2 and the bike's maneuverability code
is 3D: his vehicle dodge roll is a 21 Rhen's new
difficulty number to hit the speeder is a 21!
Full Reaction. The pilot can make a "full reaction."
Roll the vehicle dodge; this can be the only action in
the entire round.
The character rolls his repulsorlift operation (or
other skill) and the vehicle's maneuverability code
and adds it to the difficulties of all attacks made against
the vehicle that round.
Example: Later on, Rhen fires again at the
speeder bike: she's still at medium range, for a
Moderate difficulty and difficulty number of 12.
The Imperial speeder bike pilot decides to
make a full vehicle dodge: he rolls his 6D+2
(repulsorlift operation of 3D+2 and the maneuverability of 3D) and gets a 25. Because this is a full
vehicle dodge, Rhen's new difficulty number is a
37! However, the speeder bike pilot can't do
anything else in the round, not even move his

Vehicle Combat Modifiers

All modifiers from the chapter on "Combat and Injuries"
apply to vehicle combat. There are a few additional modifiers which may come into play.
Scale. Be sure to take into account scale modifiers for
combat between vehicles of different scales.
Cover. Most vehicles provide some protection to
the pilot and any passengers it will be listed as None,
1/4, 1/2, 3/4 or Full. Add the cover and protection
modifiers as described in the chapter on "Combat and

Vehicle Weapons
Vehicle weapon descriptions list what skill the
weapon needs, its fire control and damage, as well as
its fire rate and blast radius (if needed).
Ranges. If a weapon lists four ranges, the first range
listing is for point-blank range (Very Easy difficulty).
Anything less than point-blank range is too close for
the weapon to be targeted accurately the difficulty
is Very Difficult.

Example: A blaster cannon's ranges are 1050/100/200/500. Anything between 10 and 50

meters away is at point-blank range (Very Easy
difficulty). Anything closer to the weapon than
10 meters is at less than point-blank range: the
difficulty is Very Difficult.
Crew. A weapon's "crew" listing is the number of
gunners necessary to fire the weapon in combat. A
listing of "Crew: 1" means the weapon can be fired by
one person. A listing of "Crew: 2" means that two
people must work the weapon, but only one person
rolls his vehicle blasters skill to see if the attack hits. If
a weapon doesn't have a crew listing, it means it can be
fired by the pilot.
Fire Arc. Weapons also list fire arcs the direction
(or directions) the weapon can be fired. Weapon fire
arcs are front, back, left, right and turret. (Turrets can
fire in any direction.)

One vehicle can try to ram another. To do so, it must
pass very close to the target vehicle during its move.
Add +10 to the movement difficulty for the ramming
vehicle. Ramming also counts as a separate action: the
pilot suffers an additional -ID penalty.
If the pilot's repulsorlift operation (or other skill roll)
is higher than the difficulty, the attacking vehicle rams
the target vehicle.
If the pilot's repulsorlift operation (or other skill roll)
is lower than the original movement difficulty number,
the pilot fails; see "Movement Failures."
If the pilot's repulsorlift operation (or other skill roll)
is equal to or higher than the original difficulty but
lower than the new movement difficulty, the vehicle
completes the move successfully, but the ram attack
Target vehicles can make a vehicle dodge to avoid a
ram attack. Ram attacks damage both vehicles: the attacker suffers damage as if involved in a sideswipe (-3D to
normal damage), but the victim suffers damage as if
involved in a T-bone (normal damage).
Example: Rhen is trying to close in on that
speeder bike but she's still 150 meters behind it.
The speeder bike has a Move of 175. The pilot
got initiative and decided to go first he decides
to move at cruising speed and succeeds at his
repulsorlift operation roll. The speeder pulls ahead
175 meters: it's now 325 meters ahead of Rhen.
Rhen decides she's going to take two actions
(-ID penalty to both skill rolls): she wants to pull
up close to the speeder bike and ram it. (To ram
it, she has to pull at least even with the speeder
Rhen decides to try the ramming attack. The
terrain is Moderate; the difficulty number is 12.
Her airspeeder's Move is 200; since the speeder
bike is 325 meters ahead of her, she needs to
move at high speed to catch up. The ramming
attack adds another +10 to the difficulty number
it's now a 22.
If Rhen rolls less than 12, she failed her
repulsorlift operation roll and had a movement
failure. If the rolls a 12-21, she succeeds at the

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Movement and Chases

repulsorlift operation roll and crosses the terrain, but her ramming attack misses.
Rhen rolls a 24. Her speeder races up on the
speeder bike and smashes into the side. Rhen's
speeder is moving at high speed (6D collision
damage), but has the sideswipe result (-3D damage), so it only takes 3D damage.
The speeder bike suffers the high speed collision damage (6D damage).

Vehicle Damage
Rather than suffering injuries, vehicles take damage: engines may be damaged, weapons systems may
be disabled and so forth.
When a vehicle has a collision, roll the collision
damage and compare it to the vehicle's body strength
roll (this is like a character's Strength roll to resist
damage). If a vehicle is blasted in combat, compare the
weapon's damage roll to the vehicle's body strength
If the damage roll is lower than the body strength
roll, the vehicle takes no damage. If the damage roll is
equal to or higher than the body strength roll, find the
result on the "Vehicle Damage Chart."

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Vehicle Damage Chart

Damage Roll
Body Strength
Roll By:
Shields blown/controls ionized
Lightly damaged
Heavily damaged
Severely damaged
Shields blown. A "shields blown" result means that
the vehicle loses -ID from its shields total (if it has
any). This loss lasts until the shields are repaired. If the
vehicle has no dice remaining in shields (or had no
shields to begin with), it suffers the controls ionized
Controls ionized. A controls ionized result means
that the vehicle's controls suffer a temporary power
overload. The ship loses -ID from its maneuverability,
fire control for weapons, damage from weapons, and
shield dice for the rest of that round and the next
round. (The vehicle's body strength stays at its full die

Movement and Chases

If a vehicle is suffering from as many controls ionized results as the vehicle has maneuverability dice,
its controls are frozen for the next two rounds. The
vehicle must maintain the same speed and direction
for the next two rounds; it may not turn, fire weapons,
make shield attempts or take any other action.
When controls are frozen, blue lightning plays across
the vehicle's controls, as shown when Luke Skywalker's
snowspeeder was disabled in The Empire Strikes Back.
A pilot must still make the vehicle's operation rolls
while the controls are frozen or the vehicle automatically crashes.
Example: Rhen is flying an airspeeder with a
maneuverability of 2D+1. The speeder suffers
two controls ionized results, so its controls are
now frozen: Rhen can't slow down, speed up or
change course.
Rhen's repulsorlift operation difficulty is a 13
if she rolls a 13 or higher for the next two
rounds, she manages to keep the speeder from
crashing. After the two rounds are over and
Rhen regains control, she knows she has to be
careful: if her speeder suffers another controls
ionized result, her controls will be frozen again.
Lightly damaged. Vehicles can be lightly damaged
any number of times. Each time a vehicle is lightly
damaged, roll ID to see which system is damaged.
1-3. Vehicle loses -ID from its maneuverability. (If
the vehicle's maneuverability has already been reduced to OD, the vehicle suffers a -1 Move.)
4. One on-board weapon was hit and destroyed; the
gunners take damage. (See "passenger damage.") Randomly determine which weapon is hit.
5-6. Vehicle suffers -1 Move.
Heavily damaged. Heavily damaged vehicles have
taken a much more serious amount of damage. If a
heavily damaged vehicle is lightly damaged or heavily
damaged again, it becomes severely damaged. Roll ID
to see what system is affected.
1-3. Vehicle loses -2D from its maneuverability until
repaired. (If the vehicle's maneuverability has already
been reduced to OD, the vehicle suffers a -2 Move.)
4-6. Vehicle suffers a -2 Move.
Severely damaged. Severely damaged vehicles
have taken major amounts of damage and are almost
rendered useless. A severely damaged vehicle which
is lightly damaged, heavily damaged or severely damaged again is destroyed. Roll ID to see what system is
1-2. Destroyed powerplant. The vehicle's repulsorlift
generator or motor is completely destroyed. If a ground
vehicle is moving at high speed or all-out speed, it
crashes. If the ground vehicle is moving at cruising or
cautious speed, it simply rolls or bounces to a stop.
Flying vehicles plummet towards the ground the
pilot must make an operation roll to land the vehicle
(minimum difficulty of Moderate) or it crashes.
3. Overloaded generator. The engine or generator
begins to overload and will explode in ID rounds,
completely destroying the vehicle. (The minimum dif-

ficulty to crash-land or stop the vehicle safely is Moderate.)

4. Disabled weapons. All weapons systems completely shut down.
5. Structural damage. The vehicle begins to break
up or a major system fails. (The pilot has ID rounds to
eject or crash-land the vehicle; the minimum difficulty
to crash-land or stop the vehicle safely is Moderate.)
6. Destroyed. The vehicle is destroyed or crashes
into another object due to complete loss of control.
Destroyed. The vehicle is immediately destroyed. All
passengers take damage. (See "Passenger Damage.")

Lost Moves
Lost Moves add together. For example, a vehicle
that suffers a -1 Move result, then a -2 Move result is at
"-3 Moves."
-1 Move: The vehicle or creature can no longer
move at all-out speed; it is limited to high speed.
-2 Moves: The vehicle or character is limited to its
cruising speed.
-3 Moves: The vehicle or character can only move
at its cautious speed.
-4 Moves: The vehicle's drive is disabled and it
cannot move until repaired.
-5 Moves: The vehicle is destroyed.

Passenger Damage
Passengers may be injured when a vehicle suffers
damage or crashes. Use your judgment to decide
whether a character takes damage. If a vehicle is
destroyed, everyone is almost certainly killed. On the
other hand, if the characters are in the pilot's compartment of a sail barge and a weapon turret on the other
side of the barge is destroyed, it's very unlikely they'll
be injured.
Determine character damage based on how badly
the vehicle is damaged. (Damage is character-scale.)
Vehicle is: Passenger suffers:
Lightly damaged
Heavily damaged 3D
Severely damaged 6D

Falling Damage
Whenever anything falls and smacks into the ground,
the damage is dependent upon how far the character or
object fell. The damage always matches the scale of the
thing falling characters suffer character-scale damage, speeders suffer speeder-scale damage, and so forth.
These values are for standard gravity worlds. Increase the damage a couple of levels for high gravity
worlds and decrease falling damage a couple of levels
for low gravity worlds.
Distance Fallen (In Meters)

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Movement and Chases

You can use a vehicle's (or character's) Move to find its
all-out speed in kilometers per hour.

Kilometers Per
Hour (All-Out)


Kilometers Per
Hour (Ail-Out)


A vehicle's "high speed" ("running" speed for the character) is half the all-out kilometers per hour speed. A vehicle's
cruising speed ("walking" speed for a character) is onequarter of the "kilometers per hour" speed. A vehicle's
cautious speed (a character's "slow walk") is one-eighth the
"kilometers per hour" speed.
Example: Rhen is piloting an airspeeder with
a Move of 350 (its all-out speed is 1,000 kilometers per hour). If she flies the speeder at high
speed, she's going 500 kilometers per hour. If
she's flying the speeder at cruising speed, she's
flying at 250 kilometers per hour. If she
decides to fly at cautious speed, she's going
125 kilometers per hour.
You can find a vehicle's all-out speed in kilometers per hour by multiplying the Move by 2.88.
Example: Rhen is flying a landspeeder
with a Move of 200. Its all-out speed is 576
kilometers per hour.

Long-Distance Travel
Just as with chases, you should use a
combination of scenes and rounds for
long trips. First, determine the "basic
terrain difficulty" for each leg of the
journey: clear plains might be Easy,
while a thick forest might be Difficult.
Then, have the driver or pilot make
his repulsorlift operation (or other skill)

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

If the pilot rolls below the difficulty number, there has

been some kind of random incident. The vehicle may break
down. Maybe the characters have a minor accident. Perhaps
the local terrain is populated by large and exceedingly
stupid herbivores that have a knack for wandering in front of
oncoming speeders.
While the incident doesn't have to be directly related to
the adventure, it can affect the game: if the characters get
pulled over for violating local speed ordnances and the
local law enforcement officials run an identity check and find
that they're wanted for past offenses the characters may
spend several hours clearing up their problems. Of course,
the people they're trying to catch now have a few extra hours
to get away.

Pre-planned encounters can be a very effective way to
liven up an adventure with a long trip.
Maybe the characters have to deal with a freak storm and
seek shelter. What kind of repulsorlift operation difficulties
do they face? What happens if they fail a roll? Where can they
find a place to stay and who do they run into while they're
there? Who can they get to repair their speeder if it's
damaged in the storm?
Any number of other encounters can liven up the game:
maybe the characters get ambushed by bandits, have
to avoid an ambush in a small town when they pull
over for lunch, have to bluff their
way through an Imperial security
checkpoint ("These aren't the
droids you're lookingfor.")whatever you want to add to your game.
Now you know how to
run movement - both the
"nuts and bolts" rules and
the "keep it simple and keep
the game moving" approach that makes the
game fun.
Next up are the "ins"
and "outs" of starship travel
and combat. I'll be your guide
again ... see ya in a couple.

Space Travel and Combat

Space Travel
and Combat
"If you want to get from planet to planet,
you're gonna need a starship. You probably think any old ship will do. Maybe a
stock light freighter is what you have in
mind? I mean, you don't plan on getting
attacked, right?
"Guess again, people. These days, pirate
ships or Imperial TIE fighters can be
lurking any where. After your first close call,
you'll learn to appreciate the benefits of
quad laser cannons, boosted shields and
reinforced hull plating. Just ask someone like
Han Solo or Platt Okeefe ... something a little
sturdier than a 'stock'freighter can come in pretty
"Okay, so now you know that you need a good
ship. Where do you begin? Relax. I'll walk you
through it, from the basics of buying a ship right
down to the finer points of sending Imperial TIE
fighter pilots scurrying home with their tails tucked
between their legs.
"We'll go over the issues in order. What's a
starship? How do I get a ship? How do I get from one
system to another? What can I run into once I get
there? And finally, what happens when the shooting
"Now, hang on and learn."

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Space Travel and Combat

What's a Sfarship?
A "starship" is any space vessel capable of travelling
between stars. (Any ship that cannot travel between systems is a "spaceship.") Most "modern" starships use a
hyperdrive to journey from one star to another. The miracle
of hyperdrive technology allows people to travel to distant
worlds, trade goods, and maintain a stable government that
spans the galaxy.
There are many different types of starships, but they're
grouped into three general categories:
Capital ships. Also known as "capital combat starships,"
a capital ship is any large vessel designed for deep space
combat. They are typically over 100 meters long, require
large crews and are armed with combat shields and many
weapon emplacements. Many capital ships carry starfighters,
shuttles or landing craft. Imperial Star Destroyers, NebulonB frigates and Corellian Corvettes are a few of the more
famous designs. Capital ships use the capital ship piloting
skill (or Technical attribute).
Starfighters. These small space fighters are designed
for combat; they're virtually useless for any other task.
Starfighters typically have a crew of one or two, with almost
no cargo space. While fragile, they're equipped with powerful weapons and are blindingly fast at sublight speeds; most
starfighters also perform well in atmospheric combat. Xwings, Y-wings and Imperial TIE fighters are well-known
examples of this category of ship. Starfighters use the
starfighter piloting skill (or Technical attribute).
Space transports. This broad category covers any
starship not specifically designed for combat. (However,
many transports such as the famed Millennium Falcon
have been refitted with added weapons, tougher shields and
faster engines to make them combat-worthy.) Space transports include small scout ships and light freighters (the
Falcon is a Corellian YT-1300 light freighter), military and
civilian shuttles, expensive space yachts, and even immense
bulk freighters and passenger cruise liners; they all use the
space transports skill (or Technical attribute).
The availability of cheap and easily-maintained hyperdrives
means that ships are "relatively" affordable. Entrepreneurs
willing to mortgage their futures on the ability to make a profit
hauling cargoes legal or otherwise may be able to
purchase an old freighter. Small businesses and independent
traders with more resources can purchase newer, more reliable vessels, and often pour most of the profits into maintaining and upgrading their ships. The wealthy can afford luxurious, customized space yachts.
Many corporations own entire fleets of bulk haulers for
cargo shipping, while squadrons of aging starfighters protect the haulers from pirate and Rebel attacks.
On the upper end of the scale, the governments of the Old
Republic and the Empire built vast fleets consisting of tens
of thousands of military vessels.

How Do I Get a Ship?

Starships aren't cheap. There is the basic cost of the ship
itself, and then the bank loans, and maintenance and repairs
it looks so romantic in the holovids; it's murder in the
space lanes.
Some templates begin the game with a freighter, but odds
are that the character also inherits a mountain of debt.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

New ships tend to be beyond the reach of the average

person and even used ships are expensive. Probably the
best ship most characters are going to be able to afford is an
aging freighter that has more than a few quirks hidden
beneath the battered hull plating. (Ship owners can upgrade
their vessels over time see the "Using Repair Skills" and
"Improving Vehicles, Vessels and Weapons" sections of
Chapter Two, "Attributes and Skills.")
Military-quality vessels such as starfighters and capital combat ships are expensive in the best of times and
governmental regulations are supposed to make sure that
they don't fall into "Rebel hands." Normally, only planetary
governments and the largest corporations have the opportunity to legally acquire such vessels. (Those with the money
and the connections can purchase such ships through the
black market.)
Characters working for the Rebel Alliance/New Republic,
large companies, or wealthy individuals may borrow cargo
haulers and freighters to complete their missions.
Characters may also be able to lease a ship from a
sponsor. Often, they'll be under exclusive contract and have
to take cargoes at the sponsor's convenience. They'll have to
make regular payments and probably have to pay for all
expenses and repairs out of their own pockets ... but at least
it's a way to buy a ship, especially for those people who can't
get loans from financial institutions.
Of course, there's always the "easy" way to get a ship:
borrow money from a crime lord. With the Empire's repressive policies, even the most honest spacers are sometimes
forced to turn to the underworld for a few credits. Most
crime lords are more than happy to help a freighter captain
through a tough time in exchange for a few "favors" and a
hefty profit. This route is only for the most desperate individuals, but for some it's the only way to get a ship.

Booking Passage
Characters who need to find a way from one system to
another, but who don't own a ship, still have a few options.
The most common choice is to book passage on a passenger liner or transport. Liners travel regular routes between

ace Travel and Combat

worlds; most major systems are regularly serviced by one or

more such ships. Accommodations range from spartan (a
seat and perhaps a meal for short journeys) to staterooms
with all the luxuries one could possibly imagine. Naturally,
costs match the "style" one travels in, from a few hundred
credits for a short trip on a cheap transport to many thousands of credits for luxury cruises.
For such trips, the characters merely have to purchase
their tickets and let the crew do its job. Of course, things can
get a little more complicated. Pirate attacks are a continuing
problem, and overzealous Imperial Customs officers have an
annoying tendency to search liners, looking for undercover
Rebel operatives.
Characters can save a few credits by booking passage on
an independent freighter that already has a cargo destined
for the planet they want to visit. Many freighters have a spare
bunk or two but not many other amenities for just such
an occasion.

Characters can also charter a ship, hiring an independent
freighter captain to take them to a planet. While more
expensive than commercial liners some chartered ships
charge 10,000 credits or more they generally offer more
privacy, and the characters can often pick the departure and
arrival timetable. There are many reasons to charter a ship
perhaps it's the only way to avoid Imperial Customs
searches, maybe the characters have a sensitive cargo that
they want to keep hidden from prying eyes ... and some
worlds are so remote that the only way to get there is to
charter a ship.

How Do I Get From One

System to Another?
Starships have two major drive systems: hyperdrives and
sublight drives.

Sublight Drives
All starships have sublight drives to propel them through
space. (They're also known as realspace drives, since our
dimension is known as "realspace.")
Sublight drives are used whenever a ship blasts off from

a planet's surface to make a safe jump to hyperspacesuch

as when the Millennium Falcon blasted out of Mos Eisley
Spaceport and for trips between planets or moons within
a system. All starship combat takes place in realspace at
sublight speeds. Ships also use their sublight drives for
atmospheric flight.
The most common type of sublight drive is the HoerschKessel ion drive. This powerful drive type can be adapted for
any type of ship, from starfighters to capital starships, and
it's manufactured under many different brand names. H-K
drives can be configured to run on a wide variety of energy
sources, the most common being rechargeable power cells
or fusion generators.
(Most starships capable of planetary landings also have
repulsorlift drives similar to the ones used on vehicles
for maneuvers during landings.)
Sublight Benchmarks. While starships move at relatively
slow speeds in orbit, they can achieve incredible velocities
in open space. Here are some very rough guidelines for
sublight travel times.
Five minutes to fly from orbit to a safe hyperspace jump
Half an hour to fly from a planet to one of its moons.
Two to six hours to fly from one planet to the nearest
planet in the system. (Two hours for relatively close terrestrial worlds; the upper limit is for flying between distant gas
Anywhere from 10 to 48 hours to fly from a star to the
outer limits of the system, depending upon distance and the
presence of any hazards such as asteroid belts or gas clouds.
(It takes about 15 hours to reach the outer limits of a
"representative" system composed of a single yellow star
and less than a dozen significant planetary bodies.)
Often, pilots find that it's quicker to travel between
planets by making a "micro jump" in hyperspace. While very
precise navigation coordinates are necessary for this type of
jump, such trips can be completed within an hour, compared
to sublight "intersystem" trips taking many hours.

Hyperdrives propel starships into an alternate dimension

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Space Travel and Combat

known at hyperspace, where it's possible to travel at many
times the speed of light. Ships in hyperspace can cross the
incredible distances between stars in a few weeks, days or
even hours.
When a ship jumps to lightspeed, the hyperdrive motivator engages the hyperdrive. The ship rapidly accelerates to
and beyond the speed of light while the ship crosses into
hyperspace. (When a hyperdrive is deactivated, the ship
automatically returns to realspace at the speed it had before
the jump to lightspeed.)
Hyperspace is coterminous with realspace if you head
north in hyperspace, you are also heading north in realspace.
Objects in realspace have a hyperspace shadow a presence in hyperspace at the same location.
This means that there's an inherent danger in travelling
through hyperspace. Contact with an object's hyperspace
shadow results in the instant destruction of the ship. (The
object in realspace remains undisturbed.) Starships have
"mass shadow sensors" to detect hyperspace shadows and
shut down the hyperdrive to avoid collision, although these
systems are not entirely reliable. While deep space collisions are very rare, they also tend to be quite deadly.
Astrogators must plot safe paths around interstellar debris. Due to the incredible speeds achieved in hyperspace,
the margin between safe passage and a collision is often only

Nav Computers
To handle the overwhelming complexities of calculating
hyperspace trips, most ships are equipped with navigation
computers ("navicomputers" or "nav computers" for short).
A ship's astrogator uses the nav computer to plot a safe trip
along known hyperspace routes. Nav computers hold a
tremendous amount of data, storing the coordinates for
hyperspace routes and the locations of stars, planets, debris, gravity wells, asteroid fields, gas clouds and other
hazards. Ships without nav computers often use astromech
droids such as R2 units to store astrogation coordinates. (Pilots can try to make hyperspace jumps without
navigation coordinates, but this is an incredibly risky proposition.)

Hyperspace Routes. "Hyperspace routes" are established

paths through hyperspace linking major planets, just as
roads link major settlements on planets. These routes are
known to be safe, allowing ships to reach exceptional speeds.
As a route becomes well-known and its hazards are better
understood, hyperspace journeys can be plotted with more
precision at faster speeds: eventually, travel times between
specific planets may actually decrease. Travel times can
increase, as well, if obstacles drift into the hyperspace route.
In general, the greater the physical distance between
planets, the longer the journey in hyperspace takes. However, even systems that are in close proximity to one another
may require roundabout hyperspace routes because of debris and other hazards.
(Caution is always called for: the positions of over 90
percent of the objects in realspace are unknown. The hyperspace shadow of anything larger than a boulder can destroy
a ship, and there are countless such things drifting undiscovered in deep space. There is always a slim chance that
something has drifted into a hyperspace route.)
Brave pilots may plot new routes in hyperspace, but this
can be extremely dangerous. Scouts often use a series of
very short micro-jumps, scanning ahead prior to each jump,
eventually reaching a system after dozens of such jumps.
This is a time-consuming, painstaking process, but it is much
safer than "blind jumping" into unexplored space.
Due to the complexity of astrogation coordinates, it's
virtually suicidal to try to change course while in hyperspace. It's much safer for a ship to drop back to realspace to
calculate a new hyperspace course.

Hyperdrive Multipliers
A hyperdrive is ranked by a "class," or hyperdrive multiplier. The lower the multiplier, the faster the drive. Most
civilian ships have a Class Two (x2) or higher hyperdrive.
Many military vessels and starfighters have a Class One (xl)
hyperdrive, which is twice as fast as a Class Two drive. The
Millennium Falcon has a Class 0.5 (xl/2) hyperdrive, making
it one of the fastest ships in the galaxy.
Each hyperspace route or journey has a duration. Multi-

Astrogation Gazetteer
Use this chart for the most common travel times. These numbers are for direct "system-to-system" travel; characters
may find that it is quicker to travel to intermediary systems as a short cut. All of these numbers assume a Moderate
difficulty for the astrogation total, but characters should be forewarned that Imperial patrols are known to frequent
common hyperspace routes.
d = days;
h == hours.
Bespin Celanon Corellia Coruscant Dagobah Dantooine Endor Gamorr Lianna
Alderaan 8h
2dl7h 8d9h
6dl2h 16d3h

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Space Travel and Combat

ply the duration by the ship's hyperdrive multiplier to find
out how long it takes the ship to reach the destination. (The
"Astrogation Gazetteer" lists travel times between many
Example: The freighter Thannik's Thunder
has a hyperdrive multiplier of x2. A trip from
Tatooine to Bespin has a duration of 16 hours; it
would take Thannik's Thunder32 hours to reach
Bespin. A ship with a hyperdrive modifier of xl
would only need 16 hours to reach Bespin. If the
Millennium Falcon was making the same trip, its
xl/2 hyperdrive means that it could reach Bespin
in eight hours.
Hyperdrive Backup. Many ships have a backup
hyperdrive. While very slow some backup drives arexlO,
xl 5 or even higher they can be used to limp to the nearest
spaceport if the main hyperdrive is disabled.

Using Hyperdrlves in the Gome

Three things happen when a character wants to
travel to a different system:
Pick the astrogation difficulty number.
Make calculations for the jump to hyperspace.
Determine the trip's duration.
Pick the Astrogation Difficulty Number. The
astrogation difficulty can range from Very Easy to
Heroic. Most trips have a base difficulty of Moderate,
but difficulties can be much lower for easy trips (such
as an Easy difficulty for a trip from Coruscant to
Chandrila) or much higher for particularly perilous
routes. For example, the Kessel Run requires at least
five Very Difficult astrogation rolls due to the presence
of the Maw Cluster, a conglomeration of black holes
and gas clouds.
Here are some astrogation modifiers:
No navigation computer
or astromech droid
Double difficulty
Hasty entry (see "Make
Calculations for the Jump
to Hyperspace")
Lightly damaged ship
+ 10
Heavily damaged ship
Each extra hour taken on
Each hour saved on journey*
+ 1-30 or more
* Characters can lower their astrogation difficulties:
reduce the difficulty number by one for each extra
hour added to the trip.
Characters can also plot faster routesmaking the
trip shorter by adding one to the difficulty number
for each hour saved.

hyperdrive) and the difficulty number is 12 (a

Moderate difficulty).
Rhen decides she wants to reduce the difficulty number. She's willing to add five hours to
the trip now the trip takes 37 hours but the
difficulty number is only a 7.
Later, Thannik's Thunder is racing back to
Tatooine from Bespin. This time, Rhen's in a
hurry: she wants to save 10 hours from the trip's
duration, so Thannik's Thunder gets to Tatooine
in 22 hours. Unfortunately, Rhen's astrogation
difficulty increases by 10: her new difficulty
number is 22.
If the character's astrogation roll is equal to or
greater than the difficulty number, the hyperspace
trip goes off without a hitch. If the character misses the
difficulty number by 10 or more points, the ship cannot enter hyperspace and a new astrogation roll must
be made. If the roll misses the difficulty number by 19 points, the ship suffers an "astrogation mishap."
Make Calculations for the Jump to Hyperspace. A
character making an astrogation roll needs to make
calculations for the jump to hyperspace.
Calculating a route takes one minute if the character is using a well-travelled route or is using precalculated coordinates. (In emergencies, a character
can try to jump into hyperspace in one round instead
of one minute. The astrogation difficulty is doubled and
the character rolls each round until he either beats the
difficulty number or suffers an astrogation mishap.)
Calculating a route between known systems takes
about half an hour: Many freighter captains calculate
coordinates while still at the spaceport so they can
make a jump quickly if they're attacked by pirates.
These calculations take a few hours if the ship has
never jumped to the destination system before. If the
character doesn't know where he is (if the ship
misjumps), it takes one day to determine his ship's
current position and then compute hyperspace coordinates.
Determine the Trip's Duration. Trips between systems have "standard durations": this is how long it
takes a ship with a xl hyperdrive to travel from one
system to the other. (The "Astrogation Gazetteer" lists
some sample durations.)
If the characters are visiting other systems, you
must pick a standard duration. Tell the players the
duration, since they can try to speed up their trip (with
a higher astrogation difficulty), or they may decide to
take longer to reduce the astrogation difficulty.
You'll probably find it helpful to keep notes so you can
use consistent durations when the characters travel between systems. These numbers can change during the game:
the duration decreases as a route is more heavily travelled,
and it can increase if a rogue planet or other hazard drifts
into the route.

Example: Rhen is astrogating for a trip from

Tatooine to Bespin. The trip will take 32 hours
(remember Thannik's Thunder's outdated x2

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Space Travel and Combat

Sample Durations. Travel times are dependent

upon how far apart the systems are, whether the route
must go around any obstacles, and how often the route
is used. Well-travelled routes are much faster, while
barely-used routes take much longer even if they don't
cover much distance.
Travel between major inhabited worlds, even if
they are sectors apart, might take only a few hours,
while travel between minor planets, even if they are in
close proximity, might take weeks sometimes it's
quicker to plot a hyperspace journey from an isolated
planet to a major planet (using a quick trade route) and
then travel from the major planet to the isolated planet
that is your goal the ship is physically travelling
farther, but it can save time by moving at higher
speeds on well-established routes.
Here are some rough guidelines you can use:
Within a sector
A few hours to a few days
Within a region
A few hours to a few days
Nearby region
Several days to weeks
Across the galaxy
Several weeks to
several months
(There is no known route that travels straight across the
galaxy. Even the fastest of ships, such as the Millennium
Falcon, would take months to cross the entire galaxy, if such
a route did exist.)
Using Astrogation in the Game. The astrogation rules can
be interpreted as needed for interesting game play the
possibility of hazards drifting into routes allows you to set
difficulties and durations as high or low as you want. Acquiring astrogation coordinates can be a major part of the game
as in The DarkStryder Campaign, where the New Republic
corvette FarStar is exploring unknown space or getting
coordinates can be as simple as running down to the local
freighter pilots' guildhouse and plunking down a few hardearned credits for the data.
Hyperdrive mishaps are best used as a plot device. If you
don't have anything special planned, it's normally enough to
just cut to the arrival in the destination system and get on
with the game.

Abrogation Mishap Table

When an astrogation roll misses the difficulty number by 1-9 points, a mishap occurs. Roll 2D to find out
what happens:
2. Hyperdrive Cut-out and Damaged. The ship's
hyperdrive cuts-out, avoiding a collision with a stellar
body. Unfortunately, the cut-out damaged the
hyperdrive engines. A Moderate repair total (capital
ship repair, space transports repair or starfighter repair)
is necessary to repair the main hyperdrive; otherwise
the ship will have to use its backup hyperdrive to limp
to a nearby system. This can be a good excuse to
introduce the characters to a new system, ship, alien
species, or other adventure.
3-4. Radiation Fluctuations. Radiation surges affect the hyperdrive's performance, randomly increasing or decreasing the journey's duration. Suggested

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

change of +1D or -ID in hours for each point the roll

was missed by if the astrogator missed by 3, the
journey might be increased by 3D hours.
5-6. Hyperdrive Cut-out. The ship's navigation computers detected a mass shadow (a rogue planet, for
example), throwing the ship into realspace. The pilot
must now calculate a new hyperspace route from
wherever they are in realspace. This is also a good
excuse to introduce an adventure.
7-8. Off Course. The ship is completely off-course.
The ship emerges in the wrong system and an entirely
new trip must be plotted. The system they have arrived in may be settled or unsettled. Yet another good
excuse to introduce an adventure.
9. Mynocks. Mynocks somehow attached themselves to the ship's power cables prior to jumping into
hyperspace. The duration of the journey is increased
by ID days.
10. Close Call. Some other ship's system, such as
the sublight drives, nav computer, escape pods or
weapons are damaged due to any number of factors.
The ship completes its journey, but the system will
have to be fixed upon arrival at their destination.
11-12. Collision, Heavy Damage. The ship actually
collides with an object. The ship drops to realspace,
heavily damaged (see "Starship Damage" later in this
chapter) and with a ruptured hull. The ship is no
longer space-worthy and must be abandoned.
All characters in a ruptured area of the ship must
make a Moderate survival total to get into survival
suits in one round. If the character doesn't, he must
make a new stamina check each round to avoid passing out from lack of air in the first round, the
difficulty is Easy, then Moderate, then Difficult, then
Very Difficult, then Heroic.

What Can I Run Info Once I

Get There?
Passing Time on Trips. Interstellar journeys can take
hours, days ... even weeks. Since the ship's computers
handle everything, crew members and passengers have few
Luxury liners provide a wide variety of entertainment.
Gourmet meals, music, dancing, holo shows and even theatrical entertainment are common. Ship personnel often spend
time studying up on astrogation and other vital skills. Other
people pursue hobbies, such as model building, playing
games, reading and gambling.
Smaller ships are another story. Being cooped up in a
cramped freighter for days at a time takes its toll even on the
closest of friends. The autochefs food may be nutritious, but
there's only so long people can take three square meals a day
of white, pasty, flavorless "autochef surprise." Ships' computers may carry holonovels, games and other pre-recorded
entertainments, but these libraries are normally limited to
what the captain and crew are personally interested in.
During the game, you can often skip over the trip and cut to
when the ship emerges into realspace and closes in on its

Space Travel and Combat

Of course, trips can be used to good effect. The characters might meet some interesting people aboard a cruise
liner "You run into this fellow, Dram Parkins, at a sabacc
game"; "One night you are invited to dine at the Captain's
table and strike up a conversation with a kindly-looking old
alien." You can plant rumors or news the players will find
useful "Shipboard scuttlebutt says there are pirates out
towards Alderaan system."
You can even stage a major encounter aboard the ship.
Maybe there's an Imperial spy aboard. Maybe the ship is
attacked by pirates. Or maybe the player characters accidently stumble on an illicit cargo ...

Arriving Insystem
When a ship arrives insystem, it relies on two key systems: sensors and communications.
Sensors: Starships have a wide array of sensors to
detect other ships, planets and any potential hazards;
the sensor operator uses his sensors skill.
Sensors difficulty numbers are based on the range
to the target, and modified by any objects or situations
which affect the sensors' readings. For example, it's
much easier to detect a ship in open space than to find
a ship hiding in an asteroid belt. (See the sensors
description in Chapter Two, "Attributes and Skills" for
complete information.)

Sensors in search mode are searching for information in one specific fire arc (front, left, right or back).
Search mode ranges are greater than scan mode ranges
and die code bonuses are higher, but the sensors get
no information about the three fire arcs not being
Sensors in focus mode are focusing upon a very
small portion of a specific area. The number is the
radius (in units) of the focus area. The maximum focus
range is the search mode's maximum range. (Sensors
in focus mode gather lots of information about a very
small area, but they get no information about the areas
not being scanned.)
Sensor Countermeasures: Ships may use a number of
"countermeasures" to make themselves harder to detect.
Since sensors are essentially "line of sight," any ship can
"hide" behind a planet or any other sufficiently large body.
By placing the planet between itself and the scanning ship,
the target vessel can remain undetected. (Of course, the
sensors may be able to detect a ship's energy emissions if
they are too large.)
Any ship that sets its sensors to passive mode is less
likely to be detected than a ship using sensors in scan,
search or focus mode.
Any ship can also run silentthe ship powers down all
of its major systems, including engines, weapons and shields.
The ship is adrift in space, with its life support systems
running on power generators only. Ships can seldom run
silent for longer than five minutes before life support systems must be shut down for lack of power. A ship running
silent has a much higher chance of remaining undetected at
long distances.
Any ship can use its sensors to jam, flooding an area
with "static." While the static will almost certainly be detected by any nearby vessels they'll know that a ship is
causing the jamming they'll have a tough time determin-

Starship sensors have four possible modes: passive, scan, search and focus. All sensor modes have two
numbers, such as 6/OD. The first number is the range
of the sensor in "space units" (used in starship battles);
the second number is the number of dice added to the
operator's sensors skill.
Here's a typical sensors listing:
Sensors in passive mode are merely receiving information about the immediate vicinity of the ship.
Sensors in scan mode are sending out pulses in all
directions at once to gather information about the
environment. (Scan mode ranges tend to be much
greater than passive mode ranges and the die code
bonuses are higher.)

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Space Travel and Combat

ing if the jamming is being caused by a freighter ... or a Star
Destroyer ... or a whole fleet of Star Destroyers.
Starships may also have devices specifically designed to
hide from or confuse other ships' sensors. Such devices are
normally listed with the ship's sensor statistics.
Sensor decoys are small pods or shuttles which duplicate the "sensor image" of the launching ship. When a decoy
is used, an enemy sensor operator now detects two identical
ships where before there was only one.
A ship's sensor masks conceal its emissions. When
activated, sensor masks add a certain number of dice to the
difficulty to detect the ship.
False transponder codes give a ship a false registry. All
ships are required to register with BoSS (Bureau of Ships and
Services), which assigns a unique transponder code to each
ship's engines. Clever captains can alter the transponder
code to identify the ship as another vessel for example,
with a false transponder code, the Millennium Falcon might
be identified as the Cool Shot, another YT-1300 transport
registered to a completely different captain. While false
transponder codes are difficult to create and expensive if
you pay someone else to install the code they make it
much easier for a ship to slip through a system's customs
Communications. Starships normally have several communications systems; these systems are fully explained in
the chapter on "The Galaxy." Communications systems can
only be used in realspace; none of them operate while a ship
is in hyperspace.
HoloNet Transceivers. A few ships normally high-level
military vessels have HoloNet transceivers. They're very
expensive and consume a tremendous amount of power.
Hypertransceiuers. These units are normally reserved for
military vessels and large private Starships;
hypertransceivers are too expensive for most private
freighter owners. They also consume a great deal of power.
Subspace Transceivers. Most ships are equipped with a
subspace transceiver for real-time communication. Most
vessels have a short-range unit for example, an X-wing's
subspace transceiver has a maximum range of 25 light years.
With sufficient power, subspace transceivers may boost
signals to a range of 100 light years or more. These devices
are also used to send out distress signals if a ship is damaged
in open space.
Comms. Most Starships have speed-of-light comms for
ship-to-ship and ship-to-planet communications. Starports
use a pre-set comm channel to broadcast a METOSP ("Message to Spacers") providing landing protocols, traffic patterns, conditions at the starport and any other information
incoming pilots need to know.
Intercomms are onboard systems used for communications between different sections of a starship.
Communication Frequencies. It's very difficult to find a
communication signal without knowing its frequency
there are literally billions of different frequencies for comms
and subspace communications. There are established military and government bands for the Empire and New Republic, as well as "secret" frequencies for secured messages,
which are often electronically scrambled.
Local governments regulate the use of frequencies for
civilian, business, emergency services and military commu-

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

nications. Groups may also use unauthorized frequencies

for covert communications.

Encounters in Space
While every ship captain hopes for a smooth trip to his
destination system, it's not always that simple. In these
unsettled times, there are many hostile forces and most
Starships must mount at least a laser cannon or two for
protection. A hyperdrive misjump can send a ship careening
into an unexplored system. Here are some possible encounters starship crews may face:
Pirates. Despite the Empire's best efforts, pirates are a
major concern for freighter captains. Pirates are known to
lurk in the remote regions of populated systems, or they may
operate in deep space by "blocking" hyperspace routes with
asteroids and other large masses as soon as a ship reverts
to realspace, the pirates swoop in to strip it of all valuables.
Although pirates are ruthless with those who resist,
atrocities are actually rare. Ghoulish stories of innocents
forced to "walk the airlock" have little basis in fact, and serve
primarily as a propaganda tool to frighten civilian spacers.
Despite what's shown in the holos, pirates are businesslike
they prefer to keep things orderly as they transfer the loot
into their cargo holds. Sometimes, pirates will kidnap wellknown or important passengers and hold them for ransom.
The Empire treats piracy with the utmost severity. Pirate
ships are destroyed whenever encountered and the penalty
for piracy is death.
The Rebellion and some alien governments issue "letters
of marque and reprisal." They authorize ships to prey on
Imperial shipping (or the enemies of alien governments), but
not on Rebels or neutrals (or friends of the aliens). Some
privateers are little better than pirates, but most take their
orders seriously.
Needless to say, the Empire makes no distinction between pirates and privateers.
Slavers. Slavers are perhaps the cruelest, most despicable of criminals: they deal in sentient beings, selling their
"wares" to the highest bidder. While slavers dare not practice their vile trade everywhere, there is still a profitable
market in the galactic underworld and on some remote alien
worlds. The Empire even encourages slaving in some circumstances some species, such as Wookiees and Mon
Calamari, are openly bought and sold.
Imperial Patrols. The Imperial Navy is immense. Its
ships garrison many planets, especially ones where Rebel
activity is suspected. Customs enforcers wander the Empire
freely, and can arrive at a star system without warning. The
Navy uses Interdictor cruisers to create artificial gravity
wells to force ships from hyperspace into realspace for
customs inspections.
The Navy claims the right to halt, board and search any
ship upon demand. It demands to do so frequently. It's
usually a good idea to comply: there aren't many merchant
ships that outgun or can outrun an Imperial Customs frigate.
Especially tricky (or lucky) pirates sometimes try to dodge
Imperial pursuit long enough to enter hyperspace. Once in
hyperspace, the ship is safe from attack although the
Imperials can sometimes make a good guess about its intended destination from its last known trajectory.
Most smugglers' ships have hidden cargo compartments
and are rigged to jettison cargo instantly.
Search by the Imperial Navy is never pleasant. There's no
court to hear protests against the acts of Customs officials.

Space Travel and Combat

The Navy reserves the right and often exercises it to

seize cargo and valuables without explanation, to gun down
those who object, and to plant contraband to justify the
seizure of a ship.
There's only one thing which prevents Naval officers
from abusing their authority too greatly: the penalty
for corruption is death. Officers
who get a reputation for abusing their powers for personal
gain have very short careers.
On the other hand, as far as the
Navy is concerned, anything
which injures the Rebel Alliance or its sympathizers is
Rebel/New Republic
Patrols. During the civil war,
Rebel Alliance fighters conducted extensive patrols
and engaged in "hit-andfade" attacks to disable and
capture Imperial freighters.
While independent ships
have little to fear, those vessels employed by the Empire
may face a Rebel raid.
After the fall of the Empire, the New Republic's Navy
routinely conducted Customs patrols to search out illegal
cargoes and Imperial activities. While considerably more
honest than their Imperial counterparts, some New Republic
officials particularly those from provincial worlds nominally allied to the new government expect bribes and
other favors before granting clear passage to freighters.
Aliens. During the reign of the Empire and the New
Republic, many alien governments maintained local patrol
fleets (although Imperial-held worlds were carefully
watched). There are also unknown alien civilizations beyond the boundaries of the Empire and New Republic. A ship
which misjumps into unexplored space may soon find itself
accosted by ships from unknown civilizations.
Traders and Smugglers. Tradingships fill thespacelanes,
from owner-operated light freighters to immense civilian
and military bulk haulers. A small number of ships are
actually smuggling vessels. An encounter with a freighter
allows the characters to receive information or misinformation, if the traders are on the take about hostile forces,
possible cargo runs and even a good place to grab a meal at
their destination.
Natural Hazards. The galaxy is filled with hazards to
space flight: strange gas clouds, rogue planetoids, immense
asteroid fields and unusual "energy storms." There are also
several life-forms which can survive in the vacuum of space,
including mynocks and space slugs. All of these things can
hamper a ship's hyperspace journey, either forcing the ship
to drop to realspace or possibly causing a hyperdrive mishap. A mishap revolving around one of these phenomena
can be an adventure hook leading into a larger story.
Unexplored Systems. Unexplored systems may offer
much to a curious visitor: alien civilizations, rich metal and
mineral deposits, lost caches of technology and artifacts,
and long-forgotten colonies are but a few of the possibilities.

What Happens When the

Shooting Starts?

"It's called 'the Show' and with good

reason. Pure adrenaline, pure instinct ...
you'll never forget your first starship battle.
"Now, here's the key. The pilot who
spots his target first wins. If you've
sighted the enemyand they don't
know you 're there you can set
your ambush, move in and strike
before they know what hit them.
"After the first shot, all bets
are off. It's maneuver and
counter, fire and dodge... think
quick or die."

Running Space Combat

Your players expect exciting space battles
with flying turbolaser blasts and exploding TIE
fighters. Give them those kinds of scenes.
Your starship battles should follow the same
guidelines as those covering vehicle combat. It's
a lot more important to create an exciting battle
scene with good storytelling than to measure out
every movement round-by-round.
"As you dive into the asteroid belt, your sensors tell you the TIE fighters are closing in fast.
Make your space transports roll a 15. Good!
Your ship maneuvers around the asteroids just
as the pair of TIE fighters turn to follow you. Let
me make their starfighter piloting rolls one
fighter threads the needle, but the second pilot is
a hair too late. He careens off one of the small
rocks and goes spinning out of control until his
ship smashes into a large asteroid, exploding in
a ball of flame. Still, that first TIE fighter is closing
in and it looks like he's trying to line you up in his
sights! What are you going to do?"
That narration gives the players a good idea of
what's going on and moves quickly; there's a
minimum of number crunching. The gamemaster
knows the TIE fighters are a lot faster than the
freighter. He estimated that as long as the pilots
rolled halfway decently, they'd be able to close in
on the much slower freighter: of course, one TIE
pilot rolled really poorly and ended up colliding
with the asteroids.
The players can picture the scene in their
minds and know that their characters have to do

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Space Travel and Combat

something or else their ship will get blasted to

When gamemastering space battles, use a combination of scenes, rounds and encounters to
maintain a lively pace and simulate the action
shown in the movies. Fudge the rules when they
slow things down: set a difficulty number, have
the players roll their skills and use your judgment to determine what happens.
Sublight Speeds. Starships cover thousands
of kilometers per second in open space. While
they are moving much more slowly when orbiting planets and maneuvering through asteroid
fields, their speeds are still incredible.
Rather than these use huge numbers for movement, the game uses "Space units" to represent
ship speeds and weapon ranges. The ships always move at the same proportional speeds.
Starship Simulations. For most games, it's
enough to describe the situation and let the
players visualize what's going on in their minds.
If you want to provide something a little more
visual, you can use counters, Galoob Micro Machines and model kits to show the relative location of each ship, so the players can picture the
If you want to run a very detailed game, you
can map out each movement. Place each ship
miniature on the table, with a scale of "1 inch = 1
Space unit," using rulers to measure out exact
movements and weapon ranges.

Starship Movement
Starship movement works just like vehicle movement. Every ship has a Space score: it's how many
"Space units" it moves at cruising speed.
A slow ship might have a Space of two or three,
while an average freighter would have a Space of about
five or six. The galaxy's fastest starfighters like Awings and TIE interceptors have Space movements
as high as 11 and 12.
Moving is an action, just like firing a blaster or
dodging. A ship can move once per round.
When a ship moves, you describe the terrain and
then pick a difficulty level and a difficulty number:
Very Easy (1-5), Easy (6-10), Moderate (11-15), Difficulty (16-20), Very Difficult (21-30) or Heroic (31+).
The player decides how fast he wants to pilot the
ship and then rolls the ship's piloting skill (either
capital ship piloting, space transports or starfighterpiloting.) If the ship has a "maneuverability" code, add it to
the pilot's skill roll.
If the roll is equal to or greater than the difficulty
number, the ship moves through space with no problems; if the roll is lower, the ship has a "movement
Movement Speeds. The pilot can pick one of four

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Cautious Movement: This is a very slow movement:

the ship goes up to half its Space. Round up. (A ship
with a Space of nine would move up to five units.)
In Very Easy, Easy, and Moderate space, cautious
movement is a "free action" and the pilot doesn't have
to roll his space transports (or other skill).
In Difficult, Very Difficult and Heroic space, roll the
character's piloting skill, but reduce the difficulty one
level. (Very Difficult space is Difficult to cross; Moderate space is Easy to cross.)
Example: Rhen, the brash pilot, jumps behind the controls of Thannik's Thunder, a stock
Ghtroc class 720 freighter. The ship has a Space
of three and a maneuverability of ID. Rhen's
space transports skill is 5D.
She's piloting in open space (Easy space) at
cautious speed. She doesn't have to roll the
Ghtroc freighter automatically moves two Space
units. If she were also firing Thannik's Thunder's
double laser cannon, she'd get to roll her full
starship gunnery skill of 5D because piloting in
Easy space is a "free action."
Later, Rhen is flying through the heart of a
dense asteroid field it's Very Difficult space.
Since she decides to fly at cautious speed, the
space is considered one difficulty level easier:
it's only Difficult (the gamemaster picks a difficulty number of 17). Rhen rolls her space transports of 5D and the Ghtroc's maneuverability of
ID and gets a 19. Thannik's Thunder maneuvers
through the field with ease.
Cruising Movement: "Cruising movement" is the
normal movement speed for a starship: it moves at its
Space speed.
Moving at cruising speed counts as an action, but
the pilot can automatically make the move for Very
Easy, Easy and Moderate space.
The pilot must roll his piloting skill for Difficult,
Very Difficult and Heroic terrains.
Example: Rhen is flying Thannik's Thunder
through open space (Easy terrain), with two
Imperial TIE fighters closing in fast. She can
automatically fly the ship at cruising speed (it
goes its Space of three), but it's an action. Firing
the double laser cannon is a second action, so
she rolls 4D (subtract the -ID penalty from her
starship gunnery of 5D) to hit one of the TIEs.
Later, Rhen's racing through a thick asteroid
belt (Difficult terrain; difficulty number of 19) at
cruising speed. She rolls her space transports of
5D and ship's maneuverability of ID and gets a
19 she just barely swings around a large
asteroid as two smaller pieces of rock go tumbling by a little too close for comfort.
High Speed: High speed movement is pushing a
starship for added speed: the ship moves at twice its
Space speed.

Space Travel and Combat

The pilot must roll for Very Easy, Easy or Moderate

When moving at high speed, the difficulty for Difficult, Very Difficult and Heroic space increases one
level: Difficult space becomes Very Difficult to fly
through, Very Difficult space becomes Heroic, Heroic
space becomes Heroic+10.
Example: Rhen is flying Thannik's Thunder
through open space (Easy terrain; difficulty number 8) while trying to avoid space pirates in Z-95
Headhunters. She decides to go at high speed to
outrace them. Her space transports and maneuverability rolls total 11 a success. The ship's
Space is three, so it moves six Space units.
Later, Rhen is still trying to avoid the pirates,
this time by maneuvering through the girders of a
partially completed space station it's Difficult
terrain. Because she's moving at high speed, the
terrain is considered Very Difficult (difficulty number 24). Rhen rolls her space transports and maneuverability, getting a 23: she fails. To find out
what happens, see "Starship Movement Failures."
All-Out: A ship going at all-out speed moves at four
times its Space.
Characters piloting a ship at "all-out" speed may
not do anything else in the round, including starship
dodges or firing the ship's weapons.
Increase the difficulty one level for Very Easy, Easy
and Moderate space. Increase the difficulty two levels
for Difficult, Very Difficult or Heroic space.

Example: Rhen knows Imperial TIE fighters

are closing in on her, but if she's quick enough
she may be able to make the jump to lightspeed
and escape.
She decides to move Thannik's Thunder allout. The space is Easy terrain; since Rhen is
moving all-out, the difficulty increases to Moderate (difficulty number 12). Rhen rolls her space
transports and maneuverability, getting a 15
success! Thannik's Thunder has a Space of three,
so it pulls ahead 12 units!
Later, Rhen decides to fly all-out while moving through a thick bunch of starships orbiting a
planet. It's Difficult space, but because she's
moving all-out, the difficulty increases two levels to Heroic (difficulty number 38). Rhen rolls
her space transports of 5D and her ship's maneuverability of ID and gets a 27. Rhen realizes that
she's pushed Thannik's Thunder too hard and
that the ship is about to go spinning out of
control! See "Starship Movement Failures."
Acceleration and Deceleration. Starships may increase or decrease their speed one level per round.
Example: Rhen is piloting Thannik's Thunder
at high speed one round. The next round, she
may maintain high speed, decrease to cruising
speed or increase to all-out speed. She may not
slow down to cautious speed or come to a stop.
Partial Moves. Starships can move anywhere between half their "move speed" and the full move speed.

Space Travel and Combat

Example: A starship with a Space of 6 is going

at high speed (moving up to 12 units). The ship
can move anywhere between 6 and 12 meters.
Long-Distance Movement: All-out movement takes
its toll on starships: a starship continuously going allout must make a hull code roll every 10 minutes.
The first hull code difficulty is Very Easy; increase
the difficulty one level for each additional roll. If the
ship fails the roll by 1-10 points, it's suffering strain
(experiences severe power fluctuations and so forth)
and must "rest" for twice as long as it moved all-out. If
the roll fails by 11 or more points, the ship has suffered
a mechanical failure and requires a Moderate repair
roll and at least one hour of work.
High speed movement also requires hull code rolls:
roll once every hour. The first roll is at Very Easy
difficulty and increases one difficulty level for each
additional roll.

Sforship "Terrain Difficulties"

Very Easy: 1-5. Flying a starship in clear space with
no navigational hazards.
Easy: 6-10. Flying a starship in the vicinity of other
starships, such as orbiting a space station. Flying
around minor obstacles in space, such as a small,
dispersed asteroid belt.
Moderate: 11-15. Flying a starship in crowded space
a busy spacedock staging area. Flying in an area
littered with a moderate amount of debris or down the
Death Star's artificial canyon.
Difficult: 16-20. Starf ighter combat with many ships
in the immediate area. Flying through an area clogged
with debris or asteroids.
Very Difficult: 21-30. Flying a starship in an area of
space densely packed with other ships or debris.
Heroic: 31+. Flying through Heroic terrain is almost
impossible. Flying the Millennium Falcon inside the
Death Star to reach its reactor core. Flying through
Hoth system's asteroid field.
Maneuvers. The difficulty number covers basic
starship maneuvers: straight-line flight, a couple of
turns and other simple movements. If the pilot wants
to make a more difficult maneuver a series of spins
that bring several enemy fighters into the ship's gun
sights, for example add modifiers as needed:
Maneuver is fairly easy.
Maneuver is somewhat difficult and
requires a certain amount of skill.
Maneuver is very difficult and requires
a very talented (or lucky) pilot.
+ 16+
Maneuver appears to be almost impossible. Only the very best pilots can pull off a maneuver
of this difficulty.

Sfarship Movement Failures

A starship that fails a movement roll may slow
down, go spinning out of control or suffer a collision.
(Of course, collisions are fairly rare in space.)

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Find the number of points by which the movement

roll failed:
1-3. Slight slip. The ships "slips," nearly spinning
out of control. While the ship completes the movement, the pilot suffers a penalty of-ID to all actions for
the rest of the round (in addition to normal multiple
action penalties).
4-6. Slip. The ship "bobbles," nearly spinning out of
control. It only completes half of its Space move. The
pilot suffers a penalty of -3D to all actions for the rest
of the round, and -ID to all actions for the next round
(in addition to normal multiple action penalties).
7-10. Spin. The ship completes one-quarter of its
Space move and then goes spinning out of control. The
pilot cannot control the ship for the rest of the round
and the next round.
11-15. Minor collision. If there's anything to hit, the
ship has a minor collision (subtract -3D from normal
collision damage; see "Collisions"). Otherwise, the
ship goes spinning wildly out of control. The pilot
cannot control the ship for the rest of the round and
the next round.
16-20. Collision. If there's anything to hit, the ship
has a collision, suffering normal damage. Otherwise,
the ship goes spinning wildly out of control. The pilot
cannot control the ship for the rest of the round and
the next round.
21+. Major collision. If there's anything to hit, the
ship smashes into an obstacle at such a poor angle as
to increase collision damage by +4D. (See "Collisions.")
Otherwise, the ship goes spinning out of control. The
pilot cannot control the ship for the rest of the round
and the next round.
Collisions. The amount of collision damage depends on how fast the starship was moving. (Don't
forget to take into account scale differences where
Collision Damage
High Speed
Roll the collision damage and compare it to the
starship's hull code roll. "Starship Damage" explains
what happens.
If the ship runs into another ship, the damage may
vary based on the angle of the collision. (Most collisions will be "T-bone" crashes, but a very few qualify
as "head-on," "rear-ender" or "sideswipe" crashes.)
Head-on crash
Rear-ender/sideswipe -3D
You may want to adjust collision damage to reflect
what the starship runs into. If a ship hits something
that's very light for example, a primitive ship with a
weak hull you may want to reduce collision damage
by -ID, -2D or more.

Space Travel and Combat

Starship Combat
Starship combat works just like regular combat and
is fought in five second rounds.
To attack a starship:
Determine the difficulty number to hit the target
(based on the starship weapon's range, which is listed
in Space units).
The attacker rolls his attack skill: starship gunnery for
starfighter-scale weapons or capital ship gunnery for
capital-scale weapons; they're both Mechanical skills.
If the roll is equal to or higher
than the difficulty number, the
attack hits. Roll damage. (See
"Starship Damage.")
Example: Rhen is using
the double laser cannon
aboard Thannik's Thunderto
shoot at an Imperial TIE
The TIE fighter is eight
Space units away that's
medium range for the laser
cannons. (Moderate difficulty; difficulty number of
12.) Rhen's starship gunnery
skill is 5D and the laser
cannon's fire control is 1D+2:
she rolls and gets a 17. The
laser cannon shot smashes
into the TIE fighter!

Reaction Skills
may make
"starship dodges" to avoid enemy fire, just as vehicles can
perform "vehicle dodges." This
is a "reaction skill."
The pilot making the starship
dodge rolls his piloting skill
(capital ship piloting, space transports or starfighter piloting, depending upon the ship) and
adds his ship's maneuverability. This is the new difficulty
number to hit the ship.
Example: Rhen's shooting at another TIE fighter.
It's at medium range for a
Moderate difficulty (difficulty number of 14).
The TIE pilot decides to make a starship dodge,
rolling his starfighter piloting skill of 4D and his
TIE fighter's maneuverability of 2D he gets a
20. Rhen's new difficulty number to blast the TIE
fighter is a 20.

Full Reaction. A pilot can make a "full reaction," but

it can be the only action in the entire round.
The character rolls his piloting skill and the ship's
maneuverability code and adds it to the difficulties of
all attacks made against the ship that round.
Example: Later on, Rhen fires again at the TIE
fighter: she's still at medium range, for a Moderate difficulty and a difficulty number of 15.
The TIE pilot decides to make a full starship
dodge. He rolls and gets a 15. Because this is a
full starship dodge, Rhen's new difficulty number is a 30! However, the TIE pilot can't do
anything else in the round.

Starship shields are electronic energy dampers
which help absorb some of the damage from enemy
attacks. Shields come in two main varieties: particle
and energy/ray shields.
Particle shields deflect all sorts of physical objects,
including asteroids, missiles and proton torpedoes.
They are used at all times, except when a ship launches
fighters, missiles or torpedoes (the shields must be
dropped to allow physical objects to pass through
them). When a ship lowers its particle shields, reduce
its hull code by -2D. (A ship which loses its main power
generator also loses its particle shields.)
Energy shields are normally activated only in combat, and must cover specific fire arcs to be effective in
Using shields is a "reaction skill." Each starship has
a certain number of dice in shields. When a pilot uses
shields, the shield dice must be split up among the four
fire arcs: front, back, left and right.
The difficulty to deploy shields depends upon how
many fire arcs are being covered:
One fire arc: Easy
Two fire arcs: Moderate
Three fire arcs: Difficult
Four fire arcs: Very Difficult
If the ship takes any hits from that side in combat,
the ship gets to add those shield dice to its hull code
to resist damage.
Example: Rhen is behind the controls of a
modified YT-1300 transport with a hull code of
4D and 2D in shields. She is being attacked by
three TIE fighters, which are closing in from the
She decides to activate the ship's shields,
placing all 2D to cover the back fire arc. She
makes her Easy starship shields roll if any
shots come in from the back of the YT-1300 and
hit the ship, she rolls 6D to defend against damage.
A few rounds later, the TIE fighters have
maneuvered around her. Rhen is being attacked
from both the front and back. She decides to
split the shields, placing ID in the front and ID in
the back. Because she is trying to cover two fire

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Space Travel and Combat

arcs, her starship shields difficulty is Moderate. If
she makes the roll, any attack that hits the front
or the back is resisted by 5D (4D for hull code
and ID for the shield), but any attacks from the
side are resisted by just the ship's hull code of

Starship Weapons
Most starships have at least one weapon system;
some capital ships have dozens of weapon emplacements.
Starship weapons work just like normal character
and vehicle weapons. They use the rules for fire control, ammo, fire rate, blast radius and scale from the
chapter on "Combat and Injuries." They also use the
rules for ranges, crew and fire arcs from "Movement
and Chases."
All starships provide full cover.
Fire-linked. Some weapons are fire-linked: several
weapons are linked together to fire as one group. The
game statistics are for the weapons when fire-linked.
(For example, an X-wing has four fire-linked laser
cannons. When the cannons are fired, all four laser
cannons go off and hits do 6D damage.)
Fire-linked weapons can be rigged to fire separately, but subtract damage, using the rules on combined fire. (Let's use the X-wing example. The four firelinked laser cannons do 6D damage. The pilot decides
to fire each cannon separately. Using the "combined
actions" rule, four characters working together get a
bonus of +1D+2. That means subtract-lD+2 from each
cannon's damage: the cannons individually do 4D+1
Ranges: Most starship weapons have "Range" and
"Atmosphere Range" listings. "Range" is used for space
combat and represents ranges in Space units. The
"Atmosphere Range" listing is used whenever a ship is
flying in an atmosphere (see "Ships in an Atmosphere"
later in this chapter) or whenever a ship fires into an
atmosphere from orbit.
Laser Cannons and Turbolasers. Laser cannons
are the standard weapons aboard starfighter-scale
ships, such as freighters, TIE fighters and X-wings.
Turbolasers are immense capital-scale weapons (capital ships may also feature laser cannon emplacements
to counter starfighter attacks).
Ion Cannons. Ion cannons are designed to interfere
with a ship's electrical and computer systems but do
not cause physical damage. Shields cannot protect a
ship from ion cannon damage.
Example: Rhen has placed the modified 2D
shields of the YT-1300 transport (hull code 4D)
to the back fire arc.
Any laser cannon attacks that hit the freighter
roll against the YT-1300's combined 6D hull code
and shields.
However, ion cannon blasts slice right
through the shields. Rhen only rolls the YT1300's 4D hull code to resist damage from ion

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

If the damage roll is lower than the ship's hull code

roll, it takes no damage. If the damage roll is equal to
or higher than the hull code roll, find the results below.
Ion cannon damage roll >
hull code roll by:
controls ionized
2 controls ionized
3 controls ionized
4 controls ionized
controls dead
Missiles, Bombs and Proton Torpedoes. Missiles,
bombs and proton torpedoes are physical weapons
which deliver awesome firepower. However, they're
difficult to target. Their difficulty numbers are modified by how fast the target is moving:
Increase to
+ 10
+ 15
251 +
Tractor Beams. Military-grade tractor beams are
used to capture starships so they may be boarded and
searched. (Many starships have small tractor beam
generators for moving cargo around, but they have no
combat applications.)
When a tractor beam attempts to "hit" a target ship,
it's resolved as a normal attack: if the attack roll is
higher than the difficulty number, the tractor beam
hits the target ship.
Roll the tractor beam's "damage" against the ship's
hull code. If the target ship's hull code roll is higher,
the ship breaks free. If the tractor beam damage roll is
equal to or higher than the hull code roll, the target
ship is captured.
A captured ship which doesn't resist a tractor can
automatically be reeled in towards the attacker, moving five Space units each round.
If the target ship resists, roll the tractor beam's
damage against the target ship's hull code. If the target
ship's hull code roll is higher, it breaks free of the
tractor beam. If the tractor beam rolls equal to or
higher than the target ship, the target ship is reeled in
and its drives may be damaged. Find the results on the
chart below.
Tractor beam
damage roll >
Space units
Target ship's
reeled in:
damage roll by:
No damage
No change
-1 Move
-2 Moves
-3 Moves
-4 Moves
Example: An Imperial Star Destroyer is holding Thannik's Thunder in the grip of a tractor
beam. The freighter is nine Space units away.

Space Travel and Combat

Rhen decides not to resist and her ship is
pulled in five Space units this round. It's only
four Space units from the Star Destroyer.
The next round, Rhen decides to resist. She
rolls Thannik's Thunder's hull code of 4D and
gets an 11.
The Star Destroyer rolls its tractor beam
damage of 6D and adds the scale's "adjusted
modifier" of 6D, getting a 35. That's a difference
of 24 points!
Rhen groans as Thannik's Thunder's sublight
drives blow out. The ship is now dead in space as
the Star Destroyer reels it in the final four Space
units. Rhen mutters, "What would Leia do?" as
her ship is hauled up into the Star Destroyer's
cavernous hangar bay.

Star ship
Starships suffer damage in combat just like vehicles. Roll the attack or collision damage and compare it to the starship's hull code roll.
If the damage roll is lower than the hull code roll,
the ship takes no damage. If the damage roll is equal to
or higher than the hull code roll, find the result on the
"Starship Damage Chart."

Starship Damage Chart

Damage Roll >
Hull Code Roll by:

Shields blown/
controls ionized
Lightly damaged
Heavily damaged
Severely damaged
Shields blown. A shields blown result means that
the ship loses -ID from its shields total. This loss lasts
until the shields are repaired. If the ship has no dice
remaining in shields (or had no shields to begin with),
the ship suffers the controls ionized result.
Controls ionized. A controls ionized result means
that the ship's controls are temporarily overwhelmed
by power surges. The ship loses -ID from its maneuverability, shields and weapon fire control and damage for the rest of that round and the next round.
If a ship is suffering from as many controls ionized
results as the ship has maneuverability dice, the ship's
controls are frozen for the next two rounds. The ship
must maintain the same speed and direction for the
next two rounds; it may not turn, fire weapons, make
shield attempts or take any other actions, making the
ship an easy target for enemy gunners.
The pilot must still make the piloting rolls or the
ship automatically crashes (if there's anything to run
into) or goes spinning out of control.
When controls are frozen, blue lightning plays across
all of the controls of the vehicle, as seen when Luke
Skywalker's snowspeeder was destroyed in The Empire Strikes Back.

Lightly damaged. Starships can be lightly damaged

any number of times. Each time a ship is lightly damaged, roll ID to see which system is damaged.
1. Ship loses -ID from its maneuverability. (If the
ship's maneuverability has already been reduced to
OD, it suffers a -1 Move.)
2. One on-board weapon emplacement was hit and
destroyed; the gunners take damage. (See "passenger
damage.") Randomly determine which weapon is hit.
3. One on-board weapon emplacement was rendered inoperative by a major power surge or system
failure; it's lightly damaged. Randomly determine which
weapon is affected.
4. Hyperdrive damaged. Double the time to calculate any astrogation courses; if the pilot wants to try to
jump to hyperspace in one round, add an extra +10 to
the astrogation difficulty.
The hyperdrive may be fixed with one hour of work
and a Moderate repair roll: capital ship repair, space
transports repair or starfighter repair.
5. The ship loses -ID from its shield code. If the ship
has no dice remaining in shields, it suffers the controls
ionized result.
6. Ship suffers a -1 Move.
Heavily damaged. Heavily damaged ships have
taken a much more serious amount of damage. If a
heavily damaged ship is lightly damaged or heavily
damaged again, it becomes severely damaged. Roll ID
to see which system is affected.
1. Ship loses -2D from its maneuverability. (If the
ship's maneuverability has already been reduced to
OD, the ship suffers a -2 Move.)
2. Ship loses a weapons' system in one fire arc.
Randomly determine which one. All weapons of that
type and in that fire arc are rendered inoperative due
to a major power surge or system failure.
Example: A Star Destroyer has 60 turbolaser
batteries: 20 to the front, 20 to the left fire arc and
20 to the right fire arc. A lucky shot takes out the
front fire arc turbolasers, although the left fire
arc turbolasers and the right fire arc turbolasers
are still fully operational.
3. Weapons system destroyed. All of the weapons
of one type in the same fire arc are destroyed by a
series of power overloads. The gunners take damage.
(See "passenger damage.")
4. Hyperdrive damaged. Increase all astrogation
difficulties by +10 until the drive is fixed with a Moderate repair roll and one hour of work.
5. Ship loses -2D from its shields. If the ship has no
dice remaining in shields (or had no shields to begin
with), the ship suffers 2 controls ionized.
6. Ship suffers a -2 Move.
Severely damaged. Severely damaged ships have
taken major amounts of damage and are rendered
almost useless. A severely damaged ship which is
lightly damaged, heavily damaged or severely damaged again is destroyed. Roll ID to determine which
system is affected:

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Space Travel and Combat

1. Dead in space. All drives and maneuvering systems are destroyed. The vehicle is adrift in space.
2. Overloaded generator. The ship's generator is
overloading; unless it's shut down, the generator will
explode in ID rounds and destroy the ship.
3. Disabled hyperdrives. The ship's hyperdrives
main and backup are damaged. The ship cannot
enter hyperspace until they are fixed with a Moderate
repair roll and one hour of work.
4. Disabled weapons. All weapons systems lose
power. Roll ID:
1-4: Weapons are severely damaged but may be
5-6: All weapons aboard the ship are destroyed.
5. Structural damage. The ship is so badly damaged
that it begins to disintegrate. The crew has ID rounds
to evacuate.
6. Destroyed. This ship disintegrates or explodes in
a ball of flame.
Destroyed. The ship is instantly destroyed and
explodes in a ball of flame. Everyone aboard is killed.

Lost Moves
Lost Moves add together. For example, a starship
that suffers a-1 Move result, then a-2 Move result is at
"-3 Moves."
-1 Move: The ship can no longer move at all-out
speed; it's limited to high speed.
-2 Moves: The ship is limited to its cruising speed.
-3 Moves: The ship can only move at its cautious
-4 Moves: The ship's sublight drives are disabled;
it's dead in space.
-5 Moves: The ship is destroyed.

Vehicle is:
Passenger suffers:
Lightly damaged
Heavily damaged
Severely damaged

Ships in an Atmosphere
The "Atmosphere" listing is how fast the ship moves in an
atmosphere. The first number is its Move, while the second
number is its all-out speed in kilometers per hour.
A ship without an "Atmosphere" listing (such as an Imperial Star Destroyer) cannot enter planetary atmospheres.
Starships in an atmosphere use the vehicle movement
and combat rules, although they still use the "Starship
Damage" rules.
If you need to determine a ship's atmosphere speeds, use
the chart below:
Kilometers per
Hour (All-Out speed)



Passenger Damage
Passengers may be injured when
a ship suffers damage or crashes.
Use your judgment to decide whether
a character takes damage.
Determine character damage
based on how badly the ship is damaged. (Damage is character-scale.)

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

"That's everything you need to know for

starship battles. Sure, there's nothing like
experience and practice to learn the maneuvers that it takes to be a top pilot, but you're
ready to take your first few training runs.
"I'm going to turn things over to Alliance
General Airen Cracken. Let me tell you
something about this guy. He didn 't get
his rank by pushing datacards and routing supplies. He earned it in the
trenches, my friends. He knows
what he's talking about.
"He's going to tell you how to
handle big battles. What to do,
what not to do and how to keep
your skin intact. Remember to
watch your back and I'll see
you in the space lanes."

Running Battles

Our topic today is battle. Those holo-vids
make war seem glorious, but let me tell you,
it's complete chaos. Things happen so
quickly that you have to rely on intuition
and reflexes to survive; you have precious few moments to think.
If you 're coordinating a battle, you
can't constantly focus on the details. You
have to maintain an overall impression of
the course of the engagement and shift your
attention to particular segments for a few
moments at a time. If you proceed in this
fashion you won't lose track of the conflict as
a whole, and you 'II have a much better chance
of making it through unscathed.
Running a battle especially a big one
for your players can be confusing as well. It's
very easy for them to start feeling lost in the
midst of all the action and not be quite sure
what to do. It's your job to convey the chaos
and at the same time keep the adventure
moving forward and let the players feel their
characters are contributing to the final outcome.

Running Battles
The combat rounds system is great for running the firefights
that so often crop up in Star Wars adventures. But what if you
want to tell a story with full-scale conflicts like the Battle of
Hoth? Since the battle lasted several hours, does that mean
you should run it round by round?
Of course not! That would take years ...
Instead, use the battle as a backdrop. A battle shouldn't be

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Running Battles

the only thing in an adventure, but it can make for an exciting

conclusion to one. The best full-blown conflicts keep the
game moving rather than getting you and the players bogged
down in a round-by-round reenactment.
The Set-Up: First, decide what causes the battle scene.
You could foreshadow the major conflict throughout the
adventure the Rebel Alliance plans to strike at an Imperial
facility in the Colonies or have an unexpected ambush
the characters are on a space station when pirates attack.
The Course Of The Battle: As gamemaster, you should
have a good idea of how the battle will proceed, but you
should also include encounters that give the characters a
chance to change the course and outcome of the conflict.
Example: In The Empire Strikes Back, it's clear
that the Rebel base on Hoth is doomed. Luke
Skywalker comes up with the idea of using harpoons and tow cables to trip the AT-AT walkers.
This technique slows the advance of the Empire's
soldiers, giving the Rebels an opportunity to
evacuate more personnel and equipment.
Scenes: Scenes occur during the battle independently of
the characters' actions. The gamemaster should narrate
these scenes to give the players a sense of what's going on.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Example: A Rebel soldier, advance scout for

Echo Base, paces nervously inside his advance
duty post. He feels the ground shake beneath
him as his comlink rolls off the counter and
under a shelf. Quickly he scrambles to his observation array, and the sensors confirm what his
gut had already told him Imperial walkers
advancing on his position. He reaches for the
comlink, screaming, "This is Echo Post 64. Imperial walkers coming in at ..."
The duty post explodes in a ball of flame and
the broadcast cuts to static. Inside the cockpit of
the lead walker, a gunner smiles.
Encounters: Since the players are taking part in the
battle, present their characters with several major encounters. These scenes personally involve the characters, and
give the players the sense that their characters can make a
When running a battle, you should give the players at
least three or four encounters. The more fast-paced the
action, the more encounters, but you shouldn't have more
than a dozen.
Remember, not all encounters will have a victor and a
loser; sometimes the tide of battle sweeps opponents apart

Running Battles

before any decision is reached.

Give the players a map of the battleground based on what
they can see and what they learn from their fellow soldiers.
When using encounters, try to make them as exciting as
the battle scenes of the Star Wars movies.
Example: Luke Skywalker's snowspeeder has
been shot down over the battlefield of Hoth. He
has been dazed by the crash, and only the groundshaking advance of an AT-AT walker alerts him.
He sees that the walker will squash his speeder
in seconds.
An encounter should give a character a chance to respond to what's happening to do something that's exciting or heroic.
Example: Luke's first instinct is to flee in
terror, but he comes up with a plan. Crawling
into the back of the speeder, he grabs a land
mine and the fusion disk launcher.
He crawls from the speeder just in time to
avoid being squashed. Then, he runs beneath
the great striding legs of the walker as it looms
above him. He fires the fusion disk to the bottom
of the walker, and climbs up to its belly. Slicing
a maintenance hatch open with his lightsaber,
he hurls the detonator into the power flash-back
ducts. The detonator explodes, its blast overloading the power generator.
As Luke falls to the ground many meters
below, the walker explodes in a brilliant ball of

Choosing Critical Moments

Most of the encounters in which the characters have an
opportunity to affect the battle should involve a critical
moment: the enemy is about to break through the front lines;
the hangar blast doors won't open and Imperial starships are
about to engage the Rebel fleet; a monstrous enemy vehicle
puts itself into a particularly vulnerable situation for a brief
second. This is especially true for combats that have only
one or two encounters. Make sure that the outcome of the
events occurring during the critical moment have dramatic
consequences that change the tide of the conflict.
These encounters should involve one-in-a-million shots,
strategic planning, and all-out bravado. If the characters can
complete a task with little or no effort, the entire battle will
seem less threatening, and therefore, less exciting.
In longer battles you may wish to include scenes and
encounters that have an effect on only a particular segment
of the combat, but don't alter the conflict as a whole. The
characters could get the opportunity to save some vehicles,
capture an enemy starship, rescue captives, steal military
information, spy on the enemy's commanders, or even slip
behind the opponent's lines and escape to rejoin their allies.

Sometimes the player characters will split into a number
of groups during a battle, either in trooper squads, SpecForce
units, starfighters, or capital ships, or any combination. At
the Battle of Endor, for example, General Solo took his team
down to the forest moon to destroy the shield generator
while Admiral Ackbar led the assault on the second Death
Star and General Calrissian, as leader of Gold Squadron,

penetrated the massive battle station on a mission to take

out the main reactor.
Your goal in these cases is twofold. First, you have to
make sure that you give all of the players equal time. Don't
spend an hour with one group while everyone else has
nothing to do. Alternate between each group every couple of
minutes so that no one feels left out. Second, you should cut
away from each segment of the battle on a cliffhanger: the
Rebel player characters launch their grenades at an oncoming AT-ST cut. Allow each group of players to perform an
action and then, after everyone has done something (and all
of them are anxiously awaiting the outcome of their efforts),
describe the results at the beginning of the next scene.
As you run these types of confrontations, think back to
how the Star Wars films depicted them: grand shots of the
entire battle focus on one section of the combat focus
even closer on a character cut to another section, and so
on. Weave all of the scenes into one exciting, fast-paced
conflict that keeps the players on the edges of their seats.

Players Will Be Players

When players get involved in these types of
situations, they will probably come up with plans
and suggestions you never anticipated. That's
where the art of improvisation comes in.
If the players come up with a great battle plan,
give them an opportunity to make it succeed.
Improvise several new events and encounters,
describe things with colorful narrative, and above
all else, keep the game moving.
For more on improvising, see the chapter on
"Running Adventures."

The Battle Of Korseg IV

Here's an example of how a ground battle might be set up
and run in an adventure.

The Set-Up
The characters are Rebel Alliance soldiers stationed at
Flare Base on the remote planet of Korseg IV. The base sits
high in a lattice-work of mountains within the world's subtemperate zone. Fewer than 200 Rebel soldiers run the base,
and their battle resources consist of only a few combat
vehicles, half a dozen X-wing fighters, and one medium
The base's sensors detect trouble an Imperial Strikeclass cruiser has just dropped out of hyperspace and is
headed straight for Korseg IV. The base commander orders
an immediate evacuation. Unfortunately, the base's computers contain highly sensitive information, and it will therefore
take at least two hours to complete the evacuation of the
data and the personnel plenty of time for the Imperials to
pound the mountain into paste.
Rebel command raises an energy shield much like the
one used on Hoth powerful enough to stop airborne
assaults from above, although it cannot protect against
ground and low-altitude assault. Rebel sensors pick up a
drop-ship coming in on the north side of the mountain about
five kilometers from the base.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Running Battles

The soldiers, including the player characters, equipped

only with four combat airspeeders and four combat
landspeeders, are sent to confront the landing force.
Coming upon the ridge surrounding the landing site, the
soldiers confirm their worst fears an AT-AT walker and a
full company of 150 ground troops. The player characters
are foot soldiers along with about 40 other troops and
must take part in the charge down the ridge to engage the
enemy. Their frontal assault's purpose is to lure the Imperial
troops away from the walker in preparation for the next
phase of the battle.
The rest of the Rebel troops are in combat landspeeders,
which are supposed to be coming from the western flank.
With the Imperial ground troops lured up the ridge, these
troops are to make a direct assault on the AT-AT in an
attempt to "clean it out."
Give the players a map of what they see, and review the
Alliance battle plan. If the characters are Rebel commanders, they may choose to change the battle plans, but if they
are ordinary soldiers, they will have little choice but to
follow orders.

The Course Of The Battle

Bill (the gamemaster) has decided that the Imperial walker
will easily rout the Rebel troops, unless the characters can
be successful in Encounter One by preventing the assembly
of the anti-infantry batteries.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Scene One
The assault begins as Rebel airspeeders come barreling
over the ridge-top and bear down on the drop ship in an
effort to destroy it.
The Rebel airspeeders destroy the drop ship, but two of
them are taken out within the first minute by the AT-AT
walker. The characters remain on the top of the ridge,
observing from a distance.
Meanwhile, the Imperial troops realize that they're under
attack. The characters are ordered to begin their charge.

Encounter One
The charge begins! During the first part of the encounter,
each player character is shot at by one enemy trooper (the
rest are busy with the other foot soldiers). If the players
aren't thinking and don't dodge, the battle may be over very
quickly (at least as far as their characters are concerned).
After three rounds of running, which may be played out in
rounds or in a quick scene, the characters reach a point
midway down the ridge.
Have each player make a Perception total anyone who
gets a Moderate total notices through the chaos of battle
that three four-troop squads are assembling Golan portable
anti-infantry batteries. It will take them two minutes to
assemble them, but if they are completed, the Rebel ground
troops and the combat landspeeders will be easily cut down.
If the characters succeed in destroying the anti-infantry

Running Battles
batteries, the Imperials
chase the Rebels up the
ridge. If not, the Imperials
drop back and let the batteries do all of the work
for them and when the
landspeeders come charging over the hill, they'll be
destroyed before they can
even reach the AT-AT.

Scene Two
The AT-AT walker destroys a third airspeeder.
If the players failed in
Encounter One: The Imperial troops have ducked behind
supply crates for cover. The Rebel ground troops receive
orders to charge the Imperials, while the combat
landspeeders attack. By the time the charge is completed,
only six or seven of the Rebel troops remain.
If the Rebels succeeded in Encounter One: The Imperials
begin pursuit as the Rebels withdraw. The characters and
other troops can run back up the hill, only taking light

Encounter Two
An AT-AT takes out the final airspeeder, but this time, it
crashes directly into one of the characters (pick one randomly) if the character doesn't run out of the way. If the
character doesn't get away, he takes 6D speeder-scale damage from the crash and subsequent explosion.

Scene Three
If the players failed in Encounter One: The combat
landspeeders attack. The remaining Rebel ground soldiers
have advanced to the Imperial troops, and lob grenades over
the crates (only if the Imperials didn't follow the characters).
In several spectacular explosions, the crates go up in flames
and only a few scattered shots come from behind the crates
instead of the constant barrage the Rebels faced every round
up to this point.
If the players succeeded in Encounter One: The Imperials
continue the charge as the combat landspeeders swoop into
battle against the AT-AT. The Rebel ground troops, including
the characters, take cover behind rocks and other formations, while the Imperial troops are caught out in the open.
Give the characters several rounds to pick off the final
Imperial troops, while off in the distance, they see a combat
landspeeder come up over the ridge to join them. A comlink
whistles over the battlefield, somehow drowning out the
noise, advising the Imperials to surrender as a Rebel soldier
dumps the dead body of the AT-AT walker commander on
the ground in front of them.

With Some More Work ...

The battle could be staged much more elaborately, with
several more encounters that alter its course. The amount of
work that goes into designing these scenes should depend
on how much time the gamemaster and players want to
spend playing them. Most players, however, will be satisfied
with a couple of exciting encounters and vivid description of
the overall conflict.

I've been asked to talk to you about capital ship battles. First,
a word of warning. Those cut-rate holo-vids tend to romanticize
starship conflicts. You know what I mean "As Imperial Star
Destroyers close in on Rebel cruisers, the battle for freedom
Don't let those slick words fool you. Capital ship combat is
a nasty business. With thousands of soldiers on each ship, the
battles are fierce and deadly. One mistake can mean not only
your death, but the death of thousands of other crewmembers.
However, these battles are inevitable in a war like this. If
you're going to fight in the deep, cold reaches of vacuum, you
might as well learn how to do it properly.

Capital Ship Battles

You can run capital ship battles just as you would any
other full-scale combat (as defined above). Use scenes to set
up the action and encounters to get the player characters
involved. Pick critical moments when the efforts of the
characters may push the battle in either their allies' or their
enemies' favor.

The Battle of Jandoon

The Set-up
New Republic Intelligence (NRI) agents recently heard
rumors of ancient technology on the ruined world of Jandoon
in the Outer Rim Territories. Unfortunately, Imperial spies
intercepted the communication detailing NRI's find, and the
Empire has quickly assembled a small fleet of ships to secure
the planet before New Republic forces arrive.
Meanwhile, a small group of New Republic freighters and
scientific vessels accompanied by a pair of X-wings and
one A-wing depart the intelligence outpost-base hidden in
the gas giant Galaan and jump to hyperspace on their way to
The Imperials have left a Lambda-class shuttle and a
modified Z-95 Headhunter in orbit around the planet, and
have hidden two Guardian-class light cruisers and three
scout ships between Jandoon's twin moons.
The New Republic vessels drop into realspace to find what
they believe to be two essentially defenseless Imperial craft.
As the X-wings and A-wing move to intercept, the light cruisers
and the scout ships abandon their hiding place and sweep in
to confront the Republic freighters and science vessels.
The player characters are traveling in one of the light
freighters. Provide the players with a map of the planets, the
moons, and the ships' locations (or better yet, grab some
miniatures or Micro Machines and a big starfield hex map)
and then move right into the first scene of the battle.

The Course of the Battle

Bill (the gamemaster) has decided beforehand that the
New Republic will lose this confrontation no matter what
happens. The characters do have a chance to make a difference, however. In the worst case (if the player characters fail
during Encounter Two), the Imperials will destroy all of the
science vessels, most of the freighters, and one of the Xwings. In the best case (if the characters succeed in Encoun-

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Running Battles

ter Two), the New Republic loses only one X-wing and about
half of the science vessels.

Scene One
As the New Republic starfighters move in on the Lambda
shuttle and the Headhunter, the Imperial scout ships and
light cruisers emerge from the shadow of one of Jandoon's
moons and start firing on the New Republic's freighters and
science vessels. Before any of the New Republic ships can
respond, two freighters and a science vessel explode under
the heavy barrage of Imperial laser fire.

Encounter One
One of the scout ships comes within firing range of the
characters' freighter. The scout enters into direct engagement with their freighter, but after two rounds if the scout
ship is still intact it swoops up and over one of the
Guardian cruisers, breaking off the combat. If the characters' freighter strays too close to the cruiser, it becomes
engulfed in a firestorm of laser bolts and is destroyed.

Scene Two
The Z-95 Headhunter destroys one of the X-wings, while
the A-wing disables the Lambda shuttle. The remaining New
Republic starfighters, followed closely by the Headhunter,
join the main confrontation.
Three more of the science vessels explode, leaving only
two, as the light cruisers bear down on the rest of the
virtually defenseless freighters.

Major Dottles
This confrontation lasts a relatively short amount of time
and involves relatively few ships. You can create momentous battles that conclude major storylines in your campaigns, or you and your players could even spend an entire
night replaying the Battle of Hoth or Endor.
Add more ships, more scenes, and more encounters, and
make the engagement seem epic, with devastating consequences for the loser. It usually makes the battle more
exciting if the characters' allies look like they'll suffer defeat
during at least one moment (if not most) of the conflict.
Just remember to let the characters' actions have some
effect on the combat, especially near the end when the last
few decisions can spell the doom of one side or the other.

This technique also works well for other long-term situations, such as travel between cities, long hyperspace journeys, extended chases, or other long-term events.
When resolving these actions, decide the difficulties for
the encounters, using just one roll or use a multi-roll task.
Through the use of scenes and encounters, the

Encounter Two
The X-wing contacts the characters' freighter and requests assistance. He can't shake the Headhunter and he's
about to come into the characters' range. At the same time,
one of the Guardian cruisers begins to move into the same
area on a perpendicular vector.
The X-wing heads on a collision course for the cruiser and
then suddenly breaks upward. If the characters time their
fire just right, they can send the Headhunter careening into
the cruiser. The impact destroys the Guardian's shield generator, and, now vulnerable, the ship starts to pull away from
the confrontation.
If the characters succeeded at Encounter Two: The Imperial
ships disengage and jump to lightspeed, leaving two science
vessels, three freighters (including the characters'), the Awing, and the X-wing intact.
If the characters failed at Encounter Two: The Imperials
continue to pummel the New Republic ships until none
remain. The characters may attempt to make a lightspeed
jump to escape.

Now you know how to survive

in the major engagements that
seem to engulf our forces at every turn. While you can't win
every battle, if you plan ahead,
you II stand a good chance of
surviving... and on a good day,
you can give the Imperials a
bloody nose. Next up is a discussion on the Force and the Jedi.
Let me admit that I don't understand most of what it takes to be
a Jedi. But /believe in the Force.

The Force

The Force
"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field
created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds
the galaxy together."
Obi-Wan Kenobi

I'm Ana Tathis, one of the few who have taken

up the way of the Force. My studies of the Jedi
make me a criminal in the eyes of the Empire.
It is not an easy path, but it's one well worth
I will try to explain to you as best I can,
but to understand you must let go of your
conscious thoughts and sense the life
around you. Only then can you feel the
flow of the Force ...
The mysterious energy field known as the Force
permeates the galaxy. It is created by life, found
everywhere, a part of everything. It lies beyond that
which can normally be perceived, yet a few beings
such as the Jedi Knights know how to feel its ebb
and flow. With practice and study, Jedi learn to manipulate that energy, gaining control over life, thought and
The Force is the foundation of the beliefs of the Jedi. As
their kind were all but eliminated by the evil Emperor Palpatine,
those who knew of and believed in the Force became silent
and were few in number. At the height of the Empire's power,
the Force was considered little more than an arcane religion,
and the Jedi nothing but a group of misguided fools.
However, despite the darkness brought to the galaxy by the
Emperor and his minions, it was the power of a young Jedi
named Luke Skywalker who returned light and freedom to the
galaxy by destroying the Emperor. Belief in the Force has once
again returned to the galaxy.

The Nature Of The Force

The Force is an essential part of nature like energy
or matter but it has yet to be quantified and analyzed.
The Force is not to be understood in the same manner as
the physical qualities of the universe. The laws of physics are
observable; technology is predictable and readily-controlled. The

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Force
Force is neither controlled nor controlling it is a part of
life itself; asking if it controls or can be controlled is like
asking if a person controls his component cells, or the cells
control him.
It is not known whether the Force has always been, came
about as life evolved into intelligence, or if it coerced the
evolution of intelligence. To the Jedi, it does not matter. It's
enough to know that the Force is.
For most of my life, I was ignorant of the ways of the
Force, yet I'd always felt that I was somehow "special."
I knew my life had a purpose and it was up to me to
discover what I was destined for. If I wanted something to happen in my life... truly wanted it deep
in my heart... it managed to come true. And
when I faced a challenge ... something that
was important to me ...I was often able
to succeed, despite great odds. Somehow, I was able to bring about that which
I wanted most.
That's when I came to the attention
of "Lady Caryn." All of the village's
children knew her as the storyteller. On
hot summer evenings, we 'd gather under the takka trees to hear her tell tales
of grand adventures and brave heroes.
One day / think I had seen
sixteen or seventeen summers by
thenshe pulled me aside in the
marketplace. She said she had
"sensed" me, that I was "strong
in the old ways."
This was my start on a perilous, challenging journey. She
opened my eyes to the path
that I'd somehow overlooked even
though it was a/ways right in front of me
...the way of the Force.

Beware The Dark Side ...

"But how am I to know the good side from the bad?"
"You will know. When you are calm, at peace. Passive. A
Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for
Luke Skywalker and Yoda, the Jedi Master
The Force is like any element of nature it has both
positive and negative aspects: the light side and the dark
The light teaches peace and harmony. It is the constructive side of the Force from which all love, understanding and
knowledge originateit is the essence of life. Those who are
at peace with themselves can learn to harness the amazing
powers of the Force.
The dark side is the counterweight to the light. Many
young students falsely believe that the dark side is stronger
than the light in truth, it is only easier. The dark side
springs from the negative and destructive impulses of all
living beings anger, fear and hatred are its symptoms.
Death and war are the byproducts of the dark side. It is
dangerously seductive to those who lack the ability to

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

control their emotions and passions. Those who give in to

the dark side find their abilities greatly enhanced at first, but
as time passes, the dark side does not respond so readily.
The dark side demands more and more of those in its power.
Those who are sensitive to the Force soon learn that there
is no middle ground between the dark and the light. For most
beings unaware of the power of the Force the struggle
between good and evil is not as powerful, not as compelling.
For those attuned to the Force, the struggle of good versus
evil, life versus death, is of utmost importance.
Those who learn the ways of the Force must be careful to
remember their own inner peace or they will surrender
themselves to the dark side, as Anakin Skywalker did many,
many years ago. They must be careful not to start down
the path of the dark side, for its self-destructive ways are
difficult to leave once embraced.

The Force's Many Guises

"There's no mystical energy field that controls my
Han Solo
Even those who don't believe in the Force
can unconsciously manipulate it and be manipulated by it. They may not be truly "sensitive" to its flow, but they still call upon the
Force without even realizing. These people
seem to have an almost unnatural ability to
accomplish their objectives, whether their
intent is good, evil, or somewhere in between. The skeptical call it luck. The unbelievers may call it destiny or fate. It is the
(In game terms, the use of Character Points
represents very small, almost subconscious
manifestations of the Force. The use of Force
Points represents more powerful and deliberate use of the Force.)
"Only certain individuals could recognize the
Force for what it was. They were mercilessly labeled:
charlatans, fakers, mystics and worse. Even fewer
could make use of it. As it was usually beyond their
primitive controls, it frequently was too powerful for them. They
were misunderstood by their fellows and worse."
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Among those who learn to manipulate the Force, the most
common path is that of the Jedi. Each Jedi relates to the
Force in a different way, drawing upon a wide variety of
powers different manifestations of how the Jedi can
manipulate her internal Force and the Force of the universe
around her. Students of the Force can learn to slow or stop
their own life functions, accomplish physical tasks that
others would consider impossible, and even move physical
objects by the power of the mind alone.
"Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I've
seen a lot of strange things ..."
Han Solo
Others beside the Jedi Knights know how to manipulate
the Force. They often attribute their powers to different
sources magic, shamanism, religion, meditation, ancestor
worship, or any of a million other forms of insight but
through whatever means, they are using this mystic energy
to change the world around them.

The Force
In the era of the New Republic, Force-users are more
numerous, but they still tend to be of a low level of ability
since there are so few teachers. Some train under Luke
Skywalker, while others learn what can be passed down from
aging instructors and what is recorded in the few remaining
texts and datatapes. However, despite the New Republic's
acceptance of Force-users, the remnants of the Empire (and
many other groups) have a keen interest in using Forceusers to accomplish their own ends.

The Jedi

Force-Users in the Galaxy

Of the galaxy's countless inhabitants, only a few beings
are "Force-sensitive." They have the ability to concentrate
and sometimes bring about their will by subconsciously
tapping into the Force. They have the potential to learn Force
skills and powers, although only a fraction ever will.
During the reign of the Empire (before the Battle of Endor),
the Emperor and Darth Vader expended a great deal of time
and effort exterminating Force-users. Young Jedi had to hide
their presence from the Empire lest they be hunted down by
the Emperor's servants and assassins. The only surviving
Force-users generally fit into one of the following categories:
Those who somehow hid from the Empire. This would
include Jedi such as Yoda and Vima-Da-Boda (from Dark
Those from isolated planets and cultures. These beings
may study the Jedi way, or they may know some other means
of using the Force, such as the "spells" used by the witches
of Dathomir or the mystic way of the Tyia.
Those who were too weak or unstable to be a threat to the
Empire. This would include the quixotic Jedi character
template, Halla (from Splinter of the Mind's Eye) and Joruus
C'baoth, the mad Jedi who guarded the Emperor's storehouse at Mount Tantiss.
Force-users completely in thrall to the Emperor. This
includes beings such as Darth Vader, Mara Jade, the
Emperor's Dark Side Adepts (from Dark Empire) and High
Inquisitor Tremayne (from Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from
the Rim).
Force-users held captive by the Empire. While some eventually escape, most face a horrid existence. The Empire's
motives in holding such beings varies: some are used for
experiments in the Force, while in other cases the Emperor
siphons off their life energies to support himself. Still others
may have some Jedi knowledge that the Emperor wishes to
pry from their minds. Vima-Da-Boda and the Jedi Corwin
Shelvay (from Galaxy Guide 9) were once held by the Empire
but managed to escape its clutches.
Most Force-users will be of a relatively low level of ability.
Any characters above those skill levels have been exceptionally careful in avoiding the attentions of the Empire ... or
they may be servants of Palpatine.

"Forovera thousand generations the Jedi Knights werethe

guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the
dark times, before the Empire."
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Long ago, those who studied and practiced manipulating
the Force gathered together to establish the Jedi Knights, an
order dedicated to protecting the galaxy from evil. The Jedi
helped bring order and strength to a galaxy plagued far too
long by conflict and fear.
Their deeds became famous. Aided by the Force and
armed with their unique lightsabers, they came to be respected and honored throughout the galaxy. They were
known as scholars, warriors and philosophers. They wereall
those things and much more. The Jedi spread across the
galaxy, protecting the Republic and watching over its many
However, within their knowledge lay the seeds of their
destruction. Early on, the Jedi realized the differences between the light side and the dark side; they emphasized the
importance of following the path of light. For some, the
warnings were not enough and the temptation was too great:
inevitably, some Jedi embraced the dark side and used their
powers to bring great evil upon the galaxy.
Such tragic events endured in Jedi lore. One of these
infamous incidents occurred four millennia prior to the rise
of the Empire: the fall of the Jedi Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma
helped bring about the Great Sith War.
In recent times, great evil rose again. The darkness engulfed the Republic, replacing it with the corrupt and evil
Galactic Empire. The Emperor's New Order seized control.
Palpatine and his servant, Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith,
virtually exterminated the Jedi. The august order that had
protected the galaxy for 25,000 years that had seemed
invincible was struck down in a heartbeat.
However, the destruction of the Jedi wasn't complete.
One who escaped the purge was Obi-Wan Kenobi, Vader's
teacher when the Dark Jedi was known as Anakin Skywalker.
Anakin's twin children both strong in the Force were
hidden from their father. While the girl was raised as Leia
Organa, princess of the Royal House of Alderaan, Kenobi
kept a close watch on Anakin's son, the young boy known as
Luke Skywalker.
Luke learned the ways of the Jedi from Kenobi and Yoda,
the Jedi Master. Luke's belief and strength in the Force
helped return Darth Vader to the light, and Vader turned on
the Emperor, ending the reign of evil that had dominated the
In the years following, Luke has set out to rebuild the
order of the Jedi Knights. After establishing his academy on
the fourth moon of Yavin, Luke now concentrates on preparing a new generation of Jedi to protect the galaxy and the
Republic. The Jedi have returned ...

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Jedi Code

One of the first things that a Jedi must learn is the Jedi
code; this philosophy lays the groundwork for the mastery
of the use of the Force.
There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no death; there is the Force.
The Jedi must carefully observe the rules of the light side
of the Force to maintain harmony with herself and the
universe around her.
The light side is created and sustained by life. The Jedi
acts to preserve life. To kill is wrong.
Sometimes it is necessary to kill. The Jedi may kill in selfdefense or in defense of others, especially the weak and the
good. The Jedi may kill, if by her action she preserves the
existence of life. However, the Jedi must never forget that
killing is inherently wrong. The death is a stain upon the
Jedi's spirit.
The Jedi seeks knowledge and enlightenment, peace and
harmony. The Jedi wishes to defeat those who would wipe
out such qualities those who would inflict death, tyranny
or ignorance upon othersyet the Jedi should never act out
of fear or hatred. A Jedi must act when calm and at peace with
the Force. To act with anger filling one's spirit is to risk
temptation to the dark side.
Jedi should seek nonviolent solutions to problems but
this isn't always possible. Sometimes, killing or fighting is
the only answer available. Sometimes it is even the best
answer. But that doesn't mean the Jedi shouldn't try to find
an alternative.
The Responsible Use of Power. A Jedi acts from wisdom,
using persuasion and counsel over violence and Force powers. Force powers are to be used to serve the interests of the
light. Using the Force for personal aggrandizement, for personal power or wealth, for convenience when other means
would be more prudent all of these traits are of the dark
A Call to Action. A Jedi cannot allow evil to occur by
inaction a Jedi who voluntarily stands by and allows evil
to be committed is encouraging the forces of darkness.
Jedi are also bound by the actions of those around them.
It is not acceptable for a Jedi to associate with those who
willfully choose to commit evil.
When a Jedi is confronted by a situation where evil is
being committed, the Jedi must act to prevent that evil.
There are a variety of means at the Jedi's disposal persuasion, creating a distraction, armed action or simple mind
tricks but intervention is necessary.
Tremors in the Force. The Jedi lives in harmony with the
Force, sensing its flow, drawing upon its energies ... and
sometimes perceiving "disturbances" and "presences" in
that flow.
"/ felt a great disturbance in the Force ..."
Obi-Wan Kenobi
7 sense something ... a presence I haven't felt since ..."
Darth Vader
The actions of others can cause disturbances in the
Force. A lone individual's impression might be like a candle
flickering in the wind, while a great tragedy or act of great
good may be like a sudden burst of lightning. Those who

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

manipulate the Force often and with great power shine like
the light of a sun.
Each time a Jedi draws upon the Force, there is a slight
tremor as the Force is subtly altered. If the Force is used
sparingly and with harmony in the natural order of things,
such tremors are slight and barely detectable even at close
Those who frequently use the Force cause many, many
tremors. When the Force is relied upon used constantly to
bend the universe to fit the will of the user such tremors
may be great enough that Jedi on distant planets may detect
the user. Those who use the Force as a crude instrument of
power are very likely to come to the attention of others.
New Jedi students are particularly likely to be detected.
In their desire to master their powers, they often manipulate
the Force ... yet their dabblings, if too frequent, draw the
attentions of other nearby Force-users. The purge of the Jedi
was facilitated by servants of the Emperor who detected,
tracked and exterminated novice Jedi.
Premonitions and Visions. Some Jedi experience premonitions, dreams and visions. Sometimes these events seem
to be little more than random, impressionistic images, but at
other times they are crystal clear glimpses of past, present
or possible future events. There is much debate as to the
cause of these phenomena perhaps it's the Jedi's subconscious at work, or perhaps it's simply a different way of
sensing tremors in the Force but these occurrences have
been known to warn Jedi of impending danger or to summon
them to "crisis areas" where their unique abilities are needed.

Jedi Training
The Star Wars roleplaying game allows Jedi player
characters. Only Force-sensitive characters can learn
Force skills and powers.
Several character templates start the game with
Force skills, including the alien student of the Force,
the failed Jedi, the minor Jedi, the quixotic Jedi, the
Revwien Tyia adept and the young Jedi. Other Forcesensitive characters may learn Force skills and powers
if a teacher is found.
Finding A Teacher. A character who wishes to learn one
of the three Force skills (control, sense or alter) must
have a teacher; characters who already have
Force skills find them easier to master with
a teacher to instruct them.
A character who begins the game
with Jedi skills must have had a
teacher before the game began.
Whether or not the student can
still contact the teacher is left to
the discretion of the gamemaster.
Perhaps the character mastered
all the powers the teacher knew
and moved on. Maybe the teacher
was killed; maybe the student and
teacher had a falling out; or perhaps it was just time to "move on."
The teacher may have even turned to
the dark side and watches the student
from a distance, hoping to eventually lure
the former pupil down the path of darkness.
In a universe where the Jedi have nearly been eradi-

cated, finding a teacher is a most difficult task. A character's

search for a suitable Jedi teacher should be the focus of an
epic quest, probably spanning several game adventures.
The character must prove the commitment to becoming a
Jedi even in the process of finding a teacher.
Once found, the teacher may not be quite what is expected. Obi-Wan, Yoda and Luke are exceptions since almost all Jedi were hunted down by Darth Vader and the
Emperor. A prospective teacher is likely to have never fully
completed her Force trainingsomeone who knows enough
to begin instructing the character, but lacks a full understanding of the Jedi way.
The prospective Jedi character may have to turn to one of
the other "ways of knowing the Force," such as the Tyia
(discussed later). Individuals who know these ways will
often be isolated on a primitive world or hiding from the
forces of the Empire.
No matter the circumstance, the quest for a Jedi teacher
should not be an easy one. It should be filled with danger,
designed to test the mettle of those who seek this powerful
When you gamemaster, you are expected to exercise firm
control when it comes to Jedi characters. You can add
whatever limitations you feel are necessary to maintain
"game balance." You're not even obligated to allow Jedi
characters you don't have to provide a teacher simply
because a character wants to become a Jedi.
Other Forms of Learning. While teachers are the preferred means of mastering the Force, potential Jedi have
other routes open to them. They may be able to find a
Holocron, an extremely rare device used by Jedi to record
lore and lessons. (Holocrons are detailed in the Dark Empire
Sourcebook and Tales of the Jedi Sourcebook.)
Jedi also used datatapes, old-fashioned paper books and
many other means of recording their knowledge of the Force.
While most of these items were destroyed during the reign
of the Empire, a few objects were hidden away in secret
retreats and on distant worlds, waiting to be accessed by
new generations of Jedi. Luke Skywalker searched many
worlds for documents containing lost Jedi lore; many of his
lessons at the Jedi praxeum on Yavin IV were based on the
information he gathered in his journeys.
(For your game, you are free to decide whether the use of
a Holocron or text counts as "having a teacher." In some
cases, the texts will be so detailed that they are fine substitutes for a living instructor; in other cases, the Jedi may need
to seek out a living instructor to master the skills and powers
the texts describe.)
Taking on Pupils. Jedi characters can instruct others in
the ways of the Force. A character must have a Force skill of
at least 3D to teach it and the Jedi can only teach Force
powers that she knows.
By tradition, a character studying with a master may not
take on a pupil. A Jedi character will seldom take on more
than one pupil at a time, but some instructors such as
Luke Skywalker will accept several students at once.
A character should be wary of teaching anyone with Dark
Side Points Jedi abilities any time a character teaches
such a person a Force skill or power, the teacher receives a
Dark Side Point.
Jedi characters are also responsible for the actions of
those they teach. If a Jedi's pupil turns to the dark side, the
Jedi is morally obligated to resolve the situation if at all

My teacher sought me out, but my training was far

from easy, I spent many weeks laboring ...I can
proudly say that Lady Caryn 's vast tropical gardens
never looked so beautiful! But I learned how to focus
and concentrate thanks to the ceaseless labors.
Eventually, I was taught rudimentary powers ...
controlling my body, healing, seeking out
knowledge. Lady Caryn later confided that I
could have learned these abilities much
earlier, but she feared I was not ready to
handle the responsibility. Perhaps she
was right, because the youth I had been
would have shown anger at this revelation. Instead, I felt slight disappointment, but
also realized that her choice served my
own best interests.
I studied with her for nearly
three years, learning many powers. I mastered healing myself
and others, learned how to concentrate my energies to improve
my skill at a task, learned how to
hear and see things many kilometers distant. I even
learned how to detect the thoughts and emotions of
others, although I could never get through to read Lady
Caryn's mind.
Then, Lady Caryn told me that she had taught me
all she could and bid me farewell.

Force Skills
Teachers. A teacher must have at least 3D in
the Force skill to be taught; the teacher's skill
level must exceed the student's skill level.
A Jedi student must have a teacher to learn a Force
skill. Learning a Force skill requires one week of intensive study and costs 10 Character Points. (The training
time may be reduced one day per additional Character
Point spent; the minimum training time is one day.)
The character gets the skill at ID. (The character is
also taught one Force power pertaining to the skill; see
"Force Powers.")
A Jedi student will most often be taught control first,
although some teachers begin instruction with the
sense skill. Alter is usually taught last.
Example: Ana wants to learn the control skill.
After finding a teacher, she goes through a week
of intensive study and training, and spends 10
Character Points. Ana receives control at ID and
learns one control Force power.
Use the following rules when improving Force skills:
Force skills (Control, sense and alter). Character
Point cost: To improve a Force skill by one pip costs a
number of Character Points equal to the current number before the "D." Double the Character Point cost
without a teacher. Training Time: Characters with a
teacher must train one day for each Character Point
spent; two days per Character Point without a teacher.
Training time may be reduced by one day for each

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Force

additional Character Point spent (minimum of one

Note: A character may be taught a new power each
time a Force skill is improved one pip.
Force Powers: A character may be taught a new
power each time a Force skill is improved one pip. The
new power is chosen by the teacher and must use the
improved Force skill (for instance, a Jedi improving
control could not learn a power based solely on alter).
Example: Ana's control is 3D+1. Advancing
controlto 3D+2 under the instruction of a teacher
costs three Character Points and takes three
days of training.
If Ana were to try to advance control to 3D+2
without a teacher, it would cost six Character
Points and take 12 days of intensive study.
When Ana improves control, she may learn a
new control power; again, it is a power of her
teacher's choosing.

Control is the Jedi's ability to control her own body. A Jedi
with control can access her own internal well of Force energy,
learning harmony with and mastery over the functions of her
own body.

Sense teaches a Jedi to sense the Force in other things
beyond her own body. The Jedi learns to feel the bonds that
connect all living things and gains the ability to understand
how all things are interconnected. Sense governs powers
such as detecting danger and learning information about the
world around the Jedi.

A Jedi with alter learns how to change the distribution and
nature of the Force. Jedi who have mastered alter can move
physical objects with their minds, can help others control
their own Force, or can manipulate the Force in the bodies
of others. This power can be used to change the perceptions
of others and make them come to incorrect conclusions.

Other Skills
It is believed that the Jedi Knights once had skills and
abilities far beyond what is currently known. If these powers
existed, they were no doubt lost in the great Jedi purge
during the rise of the Empire. It was whispered that the Jedi
could alter the structure of the universe, live beyond death,
and accomplish other miraculous feats. Now, however, these
secrets, if they exist at all, await rediscovery ...

The Lure of the Dark Side

When a character with Dark Side Points uses a
Force skill, her skill roll gets a bonus of ID per Dark
Side Point. Characters who accept this bonus are
particularly susceptible to its temptations and must
be sure to act with the purest intent or they will receive
more Dark Side Points and risk going over to the dark
A Jedi may refuse this bonus, but the difficulties of
all Force powers should be increased by at least one
difficulty level to reflect the intense concentration the
Jedi must have to avoid the dark side's temptations.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

A character who has gone over to the dark side (as

described in Chapter Four, "The Rules") no longer
receives this bonus.
Example: Ana has three Dark Side Points; she
receives a bonus of +3D to all her Force skills.
Later, Ana has removed a Dark Side Point and
has only two left she receives a bonus of +2D
to her Force skills.

Force Powers
Each Force skill governs a multitude of powers. A
character rolls the appropriate Force skill (or skills)
when trying to use a particular power; the gamemaster
uses the description of the power to determine the
difficulty for the task.
A Jedi character must be taught a Force power to
use it. (Powers can be taught by a teacher, Holocron or
some other document or item specifically intended to
teach the power). Since most Jedi teachers know only
a few powers, at a certain point Jedi characters will
have to seek out other teachers and sources of instruction to learn new powers.
A Jedi cannot use a power that has not been learned.
Learning Powers. When a character first learns a
Force skill, the teacher also teaches one Force power
pertaining to that skill.
A character may be taught a new power each time
a Force skill is improved one pip.
A character may be taught a Force power without
improving a Force skill, but the character must spend
five Character Points.
A power that uses two skills control and sense
counts as two powers when being taught powers.
This chapter has a partial listing of Force powers, paying
particular attention to those that Jedi students are likely to be
taught by their masters. A complete listing of currently known
Force powers appears in the Tales of the Jedi Sourcebook.
What Are Force Powers? "Force powers" are an easy way
to describe the different ways that the Force skills can be
applied. Learning a Force power is like learning to use a
muscle you didn't know you had it's virtually impossible
until you've been taught how to use it.
For the convenience of both the player and the
gamemaster, the powers are very specific. When you
gamemaster, you may wish to let players "stretch" powers to
try tasks that aren't specifically described but seem to be in
the "spirit" of the power. To do this, fall back on the rule of
thumb: the difficulty should correspond to how much the
power is being stretched. A modest extension of the power
might only increase the difficulty increased by one or two
levels. Trying to push the power to its conceivable outermost limits may call for a difficulty of Heroic+50 (or more) ...
and some things are still going to be flat out impossible. It is
entirely up to you to decide how much a power can be
"stretched" in game play.

Using Powers
Many of these powers use a combination of the
three Jedi skills. Calling upon each Force skill is a
separate action.

The Force

The Jedi may roll each skill in consecutive rounds

at no penalty, or may attempt to fully activate the
power in one round, incurring normal multiple action
Example: Ana is trying to activate projective
telepathy, which requires both a control and
sense roll.
Ana can make the control roll in the first round
and the sense roll in the second. She gets to roll
her full die code for both Force skills, but it takes
her two rounds to activate the power.
If the situation is urgent, Ana may try to
activate the power in one round by rolling both
control and sense in that round. This counts as
two actions, so Ana would roll both control and
sense at -ID.

Force Power Descriptions

Force power descriptions use the format described
Control Difficulty, Sense Difficulty and/or Alter
Difficulty: Each Force power lists the Force skills used
and the difficulty rolls needed to activate the power.
Gamemasters may add any other modifiers that they
feel are appropriate to the situation. Power difficulties
may be affected by other modifiers:
As listed in the difficulty description, the target may
roll control or Perception to resist the effects of the
Relationship: Some powers are affected by the Jedi's
relationship to the target.
User and target are:
Add to difficulty:
Close relatives (spouse,
siblings, parent and child, etc.)
Close friends
Slight acquaintances
Met once
Never met, but know
each other by reputation
Complete strangers
Complete strangers and
not of the same species
Proximity: Some powers are affected by proximity
a target that is far away is harder to affect than one that
is nearby.
Add to
User and target are:
In line of sight but not touching
Not in line of sight, but 1-100 meters away +5
101 meters to 10 km away
11 to 1,000 km away
Same planet but more than 1,000 km away +15
Same star system but not on the same planet +20
Not in the same star system

Required Powers. The Jedi must know all powers

listed before being able to learn this power.
This Power May Be Kept "Up." Jedi may keep some
powers "up" operating constantly without having to
make new Force skill rolls every round.
If the power can be kept "up," the power description will state this; otherwise the power drops at the
end of the round in which it was activated.
If a player wishes to keep a power "up," it must be
announced when the power is activated. If the power
roll is successful, the power operates continuously
until the character drops the power.
If a character is stunned, wounded or worse, all
"up" powers are automatically dropped.
A character who is keeping a power "up" is using
the power's Force skills as long as the power is operating, and loses die codes as if taking actions.
Example: Resist stun, a control power, maybe
kept "up." The power is activated if the Jedi rolls
the sense difficulty. The Jedi may keep the power
"up," but loses -ID to all other actions.
Lightsaber combat is acontrol and sense power
and may be kept up. The Jedi may keep the
power up, but loses -2D to all other actions
because lightsaber combat requires two Force
Warning. Some powers are inherently evil and
automatically cause a character to receive a Dark Side
Point whenever they are used. (Of course, characters
receive a Dark Side Point if any powers are used for
Time to Use. The "Time to Use" listing indicates
how long it takes for the effect to occur. If there is no
"Time to Use" listing, the power requires one round to
take effect.
Effect. This is a description of how the power

Control Powers
Absorb/Dissipate Energy
Control Difficulty: Very Easy for sunburn and other very
minor energy sources; Easy for intense sun; Moderate for
solar wind and other modest energy sources; Difficult for
radiation storms and other intense energy sources. Characters may use this power to absorb energy attacks (such as
blaster bolts and force lightning) the difficulty is Moderate
plus the attack's damage roll.
The power may be kept "up " as long as the source of energy
is constant it may not be kept "up " for blaster bolts or Force
Effect: This power allows the Jedi to absorb or dissipate
energy, including light, heat, radiation and blaster bolts. A
successful control roll means that the energy is dissipated. If
the user fails the roll, she takes full damage from the energy.
This power may be used to ward off sunburn, heat-stroke
and radiation exposure, as well as withstand intense heat.
This power may also be used to absorb blaster bolts, as
Darth Vader did on Cloud City.
The character must activate the power in the same round

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

to absorb the blaster bolt or Force lightning the character

must be able to roll the power before the attack lands. The
power can't be used after the attack has hit.
"We would be honored if you would join us."
Darth Vader
Example: A stormtrooper is shooting at Ana.
Rather than dodge behind cover, she decides to
use absorb/dissipate energy to absorb the shot.
The difficulty is Moderate plus the damage of the
blaster bolt. For the Moderate difficulty, the
gamemaster picks a difficulty number of 14. Ana
rolls control and gets a 21.
If the blaster's damage roll is less than seven,
then Ana absorbs the blaster bolt and takes no
damage. If the blaster's damage roll is seven or
higher, she takes full damage from the blaster

Accelerate Healing
Control Difficulty: Easy for wounded characters, Moderate for incapacitated characters, Difficult for mortally
wounded characters.
Time To Use: One minute.
Effect: A Jedi who uses this power successfully may make
two natural healing rolls for the current day (12 hours apart)
regardless of the severity of the injury. The Jedi gets a +2
modifier to both Strength rolls to heal.
See Chapter Five, "Combat and Injuries" for healing rules.
Accelerate healing may only be attempted once per day.
"Remarkable, sir. I wouldn 't have believed it possible for a
human to heal so quickly."
Example: Ana has been incapacitated; normally a full two weeks of rest are necessary
before she can roll to heal.
She makes her Moderate control roll to activate accelerate healing. She now gets to make
two Strength rolls to heal and gets to add +2 to
both rolls.
Since she's incapacitated, Ana needs a total
of 9 or better to improve to wounded.
Ana's first Strength roll is an eight; adding the
+2 gives her a total of 10. She improves from
incapacitated to wounded twice (she's at -2D to
all actions).
Twelve hours later, Ana gets to make her
second healing roll. Since she's wounded, she
only needs a Strength total of 7 to improve from
wounded twice (at -2D) to wounded (-ID to all
actions). Her Strength roll is a seven; the +2 gives
her a total of nine. She now heals to wounded.

Control Difficulty: Easy if the Jedi is relaxed and at peace;
Difficult if the Jedi is filled with aggression, fear or other
negative emotions; Very Difficult if the Jedi is acting on those
negative emotions.
Effect: When using this power, the Jedi clears all negative
thoughts from her mind, feeling the Force flowing through
the universe and her own being.
The individual Jedi concentrates on one specific task at
hand. If the skill roll is successful, the Jedi may add +4D to
any one action in that round. The Jedi may do nothing other
than using the concentration power and using that one skill

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

for one action. The Jedi receives no bonus if anything else is

done in that round, including duplicate uses of the same skill
or dodges or parries.
This power may be used in conjunction with Force Points
or Character Points. This power is only in effect for one
round and may not be kept "up."
"Use the Force, Luke."
Example: Luke is flying down the trench of
the Death Star. With Ben's urging, he clears his
mind of negative thoughts, and feels the Force
flowing through him. Using the Force, he concentrates on the task of firing a proton torpedo into
the unshielded exhaust port. Since he has cleared
his mind, the control difficulty is Easy.
Luke's player declares that Luke is also spending a Force Point to accomplish the task this
round. Luke's starship gunnery skill is 6D. He
loses -ID for doing one other thing in the round
(using the Force counts as an action), reducing
his starship gunnery skill to 5D. Because he rolls
successfully for his control, he receives the bonus of +4D, making his effective skill for that
round 9D. Because he is spending a Force Point,
his skill level is doubled to 18D!
If Luke attempted any other action in that
round, including firing another proton torpedo
or blaster, or dodging enemy shots, he would
receive no bonus.

Control Disease
Control Difficulty: Very Easy for a mild infection, such as
a cold; Easy for a modest infection or illness, such as a high
fever or severe flu; Moderate for a severe illness, such as
gangrene or a hive virus; Difficult for a life-threatening disease; Very Difficult for a massive, long-standing disease;
Heroic for a rapid-acting life-threatening disease.
Required Powers: Accelerate healing
Time to Use: 30 minutes to several uses over the course
of weeks.
Effect: Control disease allows the Jedi to direct and control the anti-bodies and healing resources of her body to
throw off an infection or to resist diseases within the body.
Using the power requires the Jedi to meditate for half an
If the disease is life-threatening or long-standing, the Jedi
must make repeated skill attempts over the course of several
weeks or months to cure the disease entirely. (Gamemaster's
discretion as to how many rolls are needed and how often.)

Control Pain
Control Difficulty: Very Easy for wounded or stunned
characters, Easy for incapacitated characters, Difficult for
mortally wounded characters.
The power can be kept "up, "so the character can ignore the
pain of injuries for a long period of time. However, whenever
the character is injured again, the Jedi must make a new
control pain roll, with the difficulty being the new level of
Effect: A wounded Jedi who controls pain can act as if she
has not been wounded, starting with the round after the
power roll has been made. The wound is not healed, but the
character doesn't suffer the penalties of being wounded: a
wounded Jedi doesn't suffer any die code penalties; an

The Force

incapacitated character can still act normally, as can a

mortally wounded character. This power can also be used to
shrug off any stun results.
However, the character is still injured, and thus is prone
to getting worse, even if the Jedi doesn't feel the pain. For
example, a character who's been wounded twice and is
wounded again would still become incapacitated. Mortally
wounded Jedi may still die from their injuries, even if they
aren't feeling any pain.

Detoxify Poison
Control Difficulty: Very Easy for a very mild poison, such
as alcohol; Easy for a mild poison; Moderate for an average
poison; Difficult for a virulent poison; Very Difficult to Heroic
for a neurotoxin.
Time To Use: Five minutes.
Effect: This power allows a Jedi to detoxify or eject
poisons that have entered her body. If the Jedi makes the
power roll, the poison doesn't affect her.

Control Difficulty: Moderate.
Note: Characters who are consumed by the dark side of
the Force may not use this power.
Required Powers: Hibernation trance
Effect: The user empties her mind and allows the Force to
flow through her. The character seems to be in deep meditation and is oblivious to her surroundings. A character in
emptiness may not move or take any action except to try to
disengage from the emptiness.
While in emptiness, a character is difficult to sense or
affect with the Force. When another character attempts to
use a Force power on the user in emptiness, add the user's
emptiness roll to the difficulty for the other character's sense
roll (if the power doesn't use thesense skill, add the difficulty
to the control roll). This difficulty is added regardless of
whether or not the empty character would willingly receive
the power's effect.
Once the character comes out of emptiness, the character
gets a +6 bonus modifier to all Force skill rolls for a period of
time equal to the amount of time spent in emptiness. This
bonus is reduced by -1 for each Dark Side Point that the
character has.
When in emptiness, characters dehydrate and hunger
normally some initiates have died because they lacked
enough control to bring themselves out of emptiness.
A character must make a Difficult control skill roll to bring
herself out of emptiness. When the character enters into
emptiness, the player must state for how long the character
will be in meditation. The character may attempt to come
out of meditation under the following circumstances:
When the stated time has passed.
Once each hour beyond the original time limit.
The character's body takes any damage more serious than
stun damage.

Hibernation Trance
Control Difficulty: Difficult
This power may be kept "up."
Effect: This power allows a Jedi to place herself into a
deep trance, remarkably slowing all body functions. The
Jedi's heartbeat slows, her breathing drops to barely perceivable levels, and she falls unconscious. A Jedi can heal

while in a hibernation trance, but can do nothing else.

Anyone who comes across a Jedi in hibernation trance
assumes that the Jedi is dead unless she makes a point of
testing him. Another Jedi with the sense skill or the life
detection power will be able to detect the Force within the
hibernating character and realize that she is alive.
When a Jedi enters a hibernation trance, the player must
declare under what circumstances the character will awaken:
after a specific amount of time, or what stimuli need to be
present (noise or someone touching them, for example).
Another Jedi can use the power place another in hibernation
trance to bring the user out of the trance.
Hibernation trance serves two purposes. It allows a Jedi to
"play dead" and it can be used to survive when food or air
supplies are low.
A character in hibernation uses only about a tenth as
much air as someone who is sleeping she can hibernate
for a week in a dry climate or for up to a month in a wet
climate before dying from lack of water. It is possible to hook
the character up to an intravenous water drip to survive
A character can hibernate for up to three months before
dying of starvation. An intravenous sugar solution can extend that to one year.

Reduce Injury
Control Difficulty: Moderate for incapacitated characters, Difficult for mortally wounded characters, Very Difficult for dead characters.
Required Powers: Control pain
Effect: A Jedi may use this power to reduce the amount of
injury she suffers. This power is normally only used in
desperation because of its long-term repercussions.
The power must be used in the round that the injury is
suffered or in the round immediately following. When the
power is successful, the Jedi loses a Force Point.
Any injury that is suffered is reduced to wounded. If the
original injury would have killed the character, the
gamemaster will inflict a relevant permanent injury on the
Example: Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader
are fighting in the Emperor's chambers on the
Second Death Star. Luke batters down Vader's
defenses and makes a killing strike but Vader
uses the reduce injury power and spends a Force
Point. He is now only wounded, but his hand is
Note: It is not always a "selfish" act to save one's life, so
the character might be able to get the Force Point back. If the
character was fighting to save her friends from certain doom
and if she fails, they certainly die then this could even
be considered an heroic action.

Remain Conscious
Control Difficulty: Easy for stunned characters, Moderate for incapacitated characters, Difficult for mortally
wounded characters.
Required Powers: Control pain
Effect: Remain conscious allows a Jedi to remain conscious even after suffering injuries which would knock her
unconscious. When a character with this power suffers this
kind of injury, she loses all other actions for the rest of the
round but she is still conscious (a character without this
power would simply pass out).

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Force

At the beginning of the next round, the character may

attempt to activate the power this must be the first action
of that round; the Jedi cannot even dodge or parry.
If the roll is unsuccessful, the character passes out immediately. If the roll is successful, the Jedi may only perform
one other action that round often the character will
attempt to control pain. The character may make a last-ditch
heroic effort before passing out. After that other action has
been completed, the Jedi will lapse into unconsciousness
(unless she has activated control pain or done something
else to stay conscious).
Example: Ana suffers several stuns and should
be knocked unconscious ... but she has remain
conscious. Ana loses her remaining actions for
that round, but she is still awake.
At the beginning of the next round, Ana's
player declares that she will try to activate remain conscious and control pain. The player
makes the Moderate control roll to activate remain conscious, so Ana stays awake for the rest
of the round. (If the roll had failed or Ana hadn't
activated remain conscious, she would have
passed out at the beginning of the round.)
Ana must now make a Very Easy control roll to
activate control pain. If she succeeds, she may
now act normally; if the roll fails, Ana is over-

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

whelmed by the pain and slips into unconsciousness.

Resist Stun
Control Difficulty: Moderate.
Time To Use: One minute.
This power may be kept "up."

Effect: Resist stun allows the Jedi to prepare her body to

resist the effects of stun damage. The power must be activated before the character has suffered any damage.
A successful result allows the Jedi to resist all stun results
(except for unconscious). An unconscious result forces the
Jedi to drop the power, and she is considered stunned. Other
injuries wounded, incapacitated, mortally wounded and
killed are treated normally.
Example: Ana has a Strength of 3D; if she
suffers three stun results, she is knocked unconscious. She activates the resist stun power and
decides to keep it "up". (Since the power is kept
"up", she suffers a -ID penalty to all actions.)
In the first round of combat, Ana suffers two
stun results ... but since she is using the resist
stun power, she is not affected by the stuns.
When she suffers a third stunned result, Ana
must drop the resist stun power, but she is only
considered stunned (-ID to actions).

The Force

Sense Powers
Life Detection
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy if the subject has Force skills or
is Force-sensitive; Moderate if not. Modified by relationship.
This power may be kept "up. "
Effect: This power allows Jedi to detect live sentient
beings who might otherwise remain hidden. When the power
is activated, the Jedi knows the location of all sentients
within 10 meters if the power is kept "up," the Jedi may
know whenever a sentient approaches within 10 meters of
them or vice versa.
When approached by or approaching sentient creatures,
the Jedi should make a sense roll; each creature makes an
opposed control or Perception roll to avoid detection. (These
rolls don't count as actions, so there are no die code penalties except those caused by injury.)
The Jedi detects each being that she ties or beats. If the
Jedi beats the target's roll by 10 or more points, she is aware
if this person has Force skills (yes or no), is Force-sensitive
(yes or no), if she has met the person before (yes or no), and
if yes, their identity.
Example: Ana has her life detection power
"up." Bill, the gamemaster, knows that three
Gamorreans are approaching Ana from behind.
She rolls her sense to see if she can detect the
beings she rolls a 22.
The first Gamorrean's roll is a 9; Ana's roll
beats his by 13 points. Ana knows the being is
not Force-sensitive, doesn't have Force skills;
since Ana's never met the being before, she
doesn't know its identity, not even its species.
The second Gamorrean rolls a 15 Ana only
knows about the existence and location of the
second being.
Ana's roll beats the third Gamorrean's by 11
points, so she knows that this being is also not
Force-sensitive and doesn't have Force skills.
However, Ana has met the creature beforeshe
knows the third being is Draughckt, a Gamorrean
she met a few years earlier on the planet Seltos.

Life Sense
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by proximity and
Required Powers: Life detection
This power may be kept "up" to track a target.
Effect: The user can sense the presence and identity of a
specific person for whom she searches. The user can sense
how badly wounded, diseased or otherwise physically disturbed the target is.
A target may hide his identity from the Jedi using life sense
by rolling his control skill and adding it to the difficulty.

Magnify Senses
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by proximity.
Time To Use: Three rounds.
Effect: This power allows a Jedi to increase the effectiveness of her normal senses to perceive things that otherwise
would be impossible without artificial aids. She can hear
noises beyond her normal hearing due to distance or softness (she can't hear beyond normal frequencies). Likewise,
she can see normally visible things over distances that
would require the use of macrobinoculars; she can identify

scents and odors that are normally too faint for human
olfactory senses.

Receptive Telepathy
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy for friendly, non-resisting
targets. A resisting target makes a Perception or control roll
to determine the difficulty. Modified by proximity and relationship.
Required Powers: Life detection, life sense
This power may be kept "up" if the target is willing and the
proximity modifier doesn't increase.
Effect: A Jedi who makes the power roll can read the
surface thoughts and emotions of the target. The Jedi "hears"
what the target is thinking, but cannot probe for deeper
If the sense roll doubles the difficulty number, the Jedi can
sift through any memories up to 24 hours old. A Jedi cannot
sift through memories in the same round that contact is
made this process takes a full round.
A Jedi can read the minds of more than one person at a
time, but each additional target requires a new receptive
telepathy roll. This power may be used on creatures and
other sentient species, although it cannot be used on droids.

Sense Difficulty: Easy if seeing less than two hours into
the past; Moderate for seeing more than two hours but less
than a week into the past; Difficult for seeing more than a
week but less than six months into the past; Very Difficult for
seeing more than six months but less than a year into the
past; Heroic for seeing more than a year but less than two
years into the past; +10 for each additional year.
Required Powers: Hibernation trance, life detection, sense
Time to Use: Five minutes; the time to use may be reduced
by adding +10 for each minute cut. Minimum time to use of
one minute.
Effect: Postcognition allows a Jedi to investigate the tenuous imprints of the Force left on objects when they are
handled by living beings. The character must be able to
handle the target object.
The Jedi must declare how far in the past is being reviewed prior to rolling postcognition. If the roll is successful,
the Jedi can determine who has handled or touched the
object and what events have transpired around it. The Jedi
may "search" for specific incidents or simply review past
events, somewhat like viewing a hologram.
If the postcognition roll is equal to or higher than three
times the difficulty number, the character can witness events
when the object was present as if she were there herself.
If the postcognition roll is greater than or equal to twice
the difficulty number, the Jedi gains a good sensory impression of the event, but is limited in that the primary sense (the
sense which gives the most information, usually sight) is
wavery or obscured; the other sensory impressions come
through clearly.
If the postcognition roll is simply greater than the difficulty
number, then all sensory impressions are muffled, tactile
sense is dulled, smells or tastes are indistinct or mixed. The
Jedi receives a vague sense of who handled the object and
what events transpired around it.
Example: Ana is going to use postcognition on
a blaster to see if it was used to murder an
Alliance officer. She declares that she will search
back a full year (a Very Difficult task) her

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

postcognition total is 24, which just barely beats

the difficulty number. Ana gets several sensory
impressions blurry images of a woman grabbing the gun, a muffled scream as a man is shot
and falls to the ground. Unfortunately, the images are so indistinct that Ana can't tell exactly
who is using the gun and who was shot.
If Ana had limited her postcognition viewing to
less than two hours an Easy task her roll of
24 would have been more than three times the
difficulty. She would have seen any events with
crystal clear clarity.

Sense Force
Sense Difficulty: Moderate for an area; Difficult for sensing details or specific objects within the area. Modified by
Effect: This power is used to sense the ambient Force
within a place. It cannot be used to specifically detect
sentient beings, but there are many forms of life and many
areas of the galaxy intertwined with the Force which can be
sensed with this power.
Sense Force will tell a character the rough magnitude of
the Force in an area or object (rich, moderate or poor in the
Force), the rough type and quantity of life-forms ("many
insects," "only microbes and bacteria," "teeming with plant
and animal life, including higher predators") and whether
the area or object tends toward the dark side or the light (for
example, the tree on Dagobah which Luke Skywalker entered
is a "dark side nexus" rich in the negative energies of the dark
side of the Force). An area rich in negative or positive
energies may indicate past events or the activities of past
inhabitants. The Jedi may also receive "vague premonitions"
about the area, such as "I sense something wrong," or "I
sense a great impending tragedy."

Alter Powers
Alter Difficulty: Target's control or Perception roll.
Required Power: Life detection, life sense
Warning: A character who uses this power receives a
Dark Side Point.
Effect: An attacker must be touching the target to use this
power. In combat, this means making a successful brawling
attack in the same round that the power is to be used.
When the power is activated, if the attacker's alter roll is
higher than the character's resisting control or Perception
total, figure damage as if the power roll was a damage total
and the control or Perception roll was a Strength roll to resist
Example: A Dark Jedi grabs Ana by the shoulder and uses injure/kill on her. The Dark Jedi's
alter roll is 15; Ana's control roll is an 8. That's a
difference of seven, which on the damage chart
means Ana is wounded. Ana falls to the ground,
clutching her shoulder.

Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for objects weighing one kilogram or less; Easy for objects weighing one to ten kilograms;
Moderate for objects 11 to 100 kilograms; Difficult for 101
kilograms to one metric ton; Very Difficult for 1,001 kilograms to ten metric tons; Heroic for objects weighing 10,001

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

kilograms to 100 metric tons.

Object may be moved at 10 meters per round; add +5 per
additional 10 meters per round. The target must be in sight
of the Jedi.
Increased difficulty if object isn't moving in simple,
straight-line movement:
+ 1 to +5 for gentle turns.
+ 6 to +10 for easy maneuvers.
+11 to +25 or more for complex maneuvers, such as using
a levitated lightsaber to attack.
Modified by proximity.
This power may be kept "up."
Effect: This power allows the Jedi to levitate and move
objects with the power of her mind alone. If used successfully, the object moves as the Jedi desires.
A Jedi can levitate several objects simultaneously, but
each additional object requires a new telekinesis roll.
This power can be used to levitate oneself or others. It can
be used as a primitive space drive in emergencies.
When used to levitate someone against their will, the
target may resist by adding her Perception or control roll to
the difficulty number.
Levitated objects can be used to attack other characters,
but this automatically gives the Jedi a Dark Side Point. Such
objects do ID damage if under a kilogram, 2D if one to ten
kilos, 4D if 11 to 100 kilos, 3D speeder-scale damage if 101
kilos to one metric ton, 3D starfighter-scale damage if one to
ten tons and 5D starfighter-scale damage if 11 to 100 metric
Such attacks require an additional control roll by the Jedi,
which acts as an attack roll against the target's dodge. If the
target doesn't dodge the attack, the difficulty is Easy.

The Force

Control and Sense Powers

Lightsaber Combat
Control Difficulty: Moderate.
Sense Difficulty: Easy.
This power may be kept "up."

Effect: Jedi use this power to wield this elegant but

difficult-to-control weapon while also sensing their opponents' actions through the Force.
This power is called upon at the start of a battle and
remains "up" until the Jedi is stunned, wounded or worse; a
Jedi who has been injured or stunned may attempt to bring
the power back "up."
If the Jedi is successful in using this power, she adds her
sense dice to her lightsaber skill roll when attacking and
parrying. The Jedi may add or subtract part or all of her
control dice to the lightsaber's damage; players must decide
how many control dice they are adding or subtracting when
the power is activated.
Example: Ana is entering combat: she has a
lightsaber skill of 4D, a control of 5D and a sense
of 4D+2. She activates lightsaber combat by making her Moderate control roll and her Easy sense
roll; she decides to keep the power "up." Since
she is making both the control and sense rolls in
the same round, each suffers a -ID penalty.
She adds her sense of 3D+2 (4D+2 - ID) to her
lightsaber skill roll of 4D, for a total lightsaber of
7D+2. She adds her control of 4D (5D-1D) to her
lightsaber's damage of 5D, for a total of 9D.
When Ana attacks in a round, that's another
action, for an additional -ID to all actions (total
penalty of-2D): she'd only roll 6D+2 to attack and
would roll 8D for damage.
A Jedi who fails when trying to activate lightsaber combat
may only use the lightsaber skill for the duration of the combat.
Finally, the Jedi may use lightsaber combatto parry blaster
bolts as a "reaction skill."
The Jedi may also attempt to control where deflected
blaster bolts go; this is a "reaction skill" and counts as an
additional action. (The Jedi cannot full parry when trying to
control deflected bolts.)

If the Jedi tries to control the blaster bolt, she makes a

control roll: the difficulty is the range of the target (use the
original weapon's ranges) or the target's dodge roll. The
blaster bolt's damage stays the same.
Example: Ana decides to parry a blaster bolt
and control where it goes. This is two more
actions in a round, which means a total of four
actions (don't forget the control and sense to
keep the power "up"), for a penalty of -3D: Ana's
lightsaber skill is 5D+2, and her lightsaber's
damage is 7D.
Ana's attacker is using a blaster pistol that
causes 4D damage.
First, Ana makes her parry roll with her
lightsaber: her parry roll of 18 is higher than the
attacker's blasterroll of 13, so Ana parries the bolt.
Now, Ana tries to control the blaster bolt. Her
target is 20 meters away that's a Moderate
difficulty for the blaster pistol. Ana rolls a 14 with
her controljust barely good enough to hit. The
blaster bolt bounces off Ana's lightsaber blade
and hits another goon, causing 4D damage.

Projective Telepathy
Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Increase difficulty by +5 to
+10 if the Jedi cannot verbalize the thoughts she is transmitting (she is gagged or doesn't want to make a sound).
Modified by proximity.
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy if target is friendly and doesn't
resist. If target resists, roll Perception or control to determine
the difficulty. Modified by relationship.
Required Powers: Life detection, life sense, receptive
Effect: If the Jedi successfully projects her thoughts, the
target "hears" her thoughts and "feels" her emotions. The
Jedi can only broadcast feelings, emotions and perhaps a
couple of words this power cannot be used to send
sentences or to hold conversations.
The target understands that the thoughts and feelings he
is experiencing are not his own and that they belong to the
user of the power. If the Jedi doesn't "verbally" identify
herself, the target doesn't know who is projecting the
thoughts. This power can only be used to communicate with
other minds, not control them.

Control and Alter Powers

Accelerate Another's Healing
Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by relationship.
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy.
Required Powers: Control another's pain, control pain
Time To Use: One minute
Effect: The target is allowed to make extra healing rolls, as
outlined in accelerate healing. The Jedi must be touching the
character whenever she activates this power.

Control Another's Disease

Control Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified by relationship.
Alter Difficulty: Same as control disease.
Required Powers: Accelerate healing, control disease
Time to Use: 30 minutes to several uses over the course
of several weeks.
Effect: This power allows a Jedi to heal another character,

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Force
using the same rules and conditions as outlined in control
disease. The Jedi must be touching the character to be

Control Another's Pain

Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by relationship.
Alter Difficulty: Easy for wounded characters; Moderate
for incapacitated characters; Difficult for mortally wounded
Required Powers: Control pain
Effect: This power allows a Jedi to help another character
control pain, under the same rules and conditions outlined in
the control pain power. The Jedi must be touching the
character to use this power.

Place Another in Hibernation Trance

Control Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified by the target's
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified by proximity.
Required Powers: Hibernation trance
Time to Use: Five minutes.
Effect: This power allows a Jedi to put another character
into a hibernation trance. The affected character must be in
physical contact with the power's user and must agree to be
shut down the power cannot be used as an "attack" to
knock others unconscious.
This power can be used to bring another character out of
an hibernation trance, but the alter difficulty is increased by

Return Another To Consciousness

Control Difficulty: Easy. Modified by proximity and relationship.
Alter Difficulty: Easy for incapacitated characters; Difficult for mortally wounded characters.
Required Powers: Remain conscious, control pain
Effect: The target returns to consciousness. The target
has the same restrictions as imposed by the remain conscious power, and must be touching the Jedi.

Transfer Force
Control Difficulty: Easy. Modified by relationship.
Alter Difficulty: Moderate.
Required Powers: Control another's pain, control pain
Time To Use: One minute.
Effect: This power will save a mortally wounded character from dying because the Jedi is transferring her life force
to the target. The target character remains mortally wounded
but will not die unless injured again. The injured character
is in hibernation and will stay alive in this state for up to six
weeks. The Jedi must be touching the target character when
the power is activated.
When this power is used, the Jedi must spend a Force
Point (this is the life force that is transferred to the target).
This use is always considered heroic, so the Jedi will get the
Force Point back at the end of the adventure.
The recipient of this power must be willing.

Control, Sense and Alter Powers

Affect Mind
Control Difficulty: Very Easy for perceptions; Easy for
memories; Moderate for conclusions. Modified by proximity.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Sense Difficulty: The target's control or Perception roll.

Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for slight, momentary
misperceptions, minor changes to distant memories, or if
the character doesn't care one way or another. Easy for
brief, visible phenomena, for memories less than a year old,
or if the character feels only minor emotion regarding the
conclusion he is reaching. Moderate for short hallucinations, for memories less than a day old, or if the target has
strict orders about the conclusion. Difficult for slight disguises to facial features, hallucinations which can be sensed
with two senses (sight and sound, for example), for memories less than a minute old, or if the matter involving the
conclusion is very important to the target. Very Difficult for
hallucinations which can be sensed by all five senses, if the
memory change is a major one, or if the logic is absolutely
clear and coming to the wrong conclusion is virtually impossible.
Effect: The target character's perceptions are altered so
that he senses an illusion or fails to see what the user of the
power doesn't want him to see. This power is used to
permanently alter a target character's memories so that he
remembers things incorrectly or fails to remember something. This power can also be used to alter a character's
conclusions so that he comes to an incorrect conclusion.
Before making skill rolls, the Jedi must describe exactly
what effect she is trying to achieve. The power is normally
used on only one target; two or more targets can only be
affected if the power is used two or more times.
The target character believes he is affected by any successful illusions a character who thinks he is struck by an
illusory object would feel the blow. If he thought he was
injured, he would feel pain, or if he thought he had been
killed, he would go unconscious. However, the character
suffers no true injury.
This power cannot affect droids or recording devices.
"These are not the droids you're looking for."
Ben Kenobi
"These are not the droids we're looking for."
Imperial Stormtrooper

Other Ways of Knowing the

Many cultures have different understandings of the workings of the Force; the "witches" of Dathomir, the students of
the Tyia and the Force-users of Ossus are but three such
groups. Some ways of knowing the Force are different but no
less noble or "good" than the Jedi way, while others are
clearly more neutral or even evil in intent. Because of the
unique ways in which these viewpoints manipulate the
Force, their skills and powers can vary dramatically. If you
want to create and use one of these other ways, you must
define it in game terms. Here are a few points to consider:
That way's rules, skills and powers. Because of different
perspectives, each "way of knowing the Force" may have
different Force skills and powers. The Tyia is an example of
a way which is only slightly different from the traditional Jedi
powers. Some methods use radically different skills and
powers you must define all these rules.
How does the student gain skills and powers? Is there a set
ritual or training regimen to educate students? Some ways
may use academies, while others may emphasize a close
student and master relationship. Still other ways of the
Force may be known only through meditation, myths, hidden writings or ancient rituals.
What standards are the student expected to adhere to?
Some methods of knowing the Force require students and
practitioners to adhere to a strict code of conduct. Other
methods may offer the student a great deal of personal
freedom. What are the method's rules? What are the punishments for disobeying the rules will the student be cast out,
not be taught new skills and powers ... or will the student
face involuntary servitude, imprisonment or worse?
The definitions of "good" and "evil" vary from culture to
culture ... although the rules of the Force do not. Some ways
of knowing the Force may be rooted in the dark side, requir-

ing a student to commit evil to progress in her studies. The

student, due to her culture, may accept these teachings as
"perfectly natural," yet they will still drive the student to the
brink of the dark side. When confronted with this moral
challenge, those who are strong in the light side may be
forced to leave the discipline and seek out another method
of mastering the Force.

The Tyia
The Tyia is an example of an alternate way of knowing the
Force. The Revwien Tyia adept character template follows
this method.
Tyia teaches that individual introspection is the way to
learn the true way of the universe students are taught to
control their own personal Force (called "Tyia") through
meditation and ceremony. Because of the unique way in
which the Tyia studies the Force, there are some special
rules regarding its use:
A Tyia student learning control at ID automatically learns
hibernation trance and emptiness (which is Easy difficulty for
Tyia). The character learns an additional three control powers.
All alter powers have their difficulty increased by one level.
All powers have minimum time to use of one minute.

Gomemastering Jedi
Jedi and Force-using characters are exceptionally powerful; while they can be a great challenge for an experienced
player, a Jedi in the hands of an inexperienced or immature
player can lead to problems.
The most typical problem is a player who insists on using
the Force for everything ... to the extent of completely
overshadowing the other player characters. As a gamemaster,
you have the right to limit Jedi in your game: more than one
such character is generally excessive (except in the Tales of
the Jedi-era) and you can even rule that no Force-users will
be allowed. You should also spend some time talking with
the player to make sure that the responsibilities of playing a
Jedi are understood.
Force-Users. It's well established that Force-users are
very rare in the galaxy. (At least in the era of the Empire.)
Therefore, any Jedi character should be more than just a
collection of game statistics. The player should invest some
time in developing a truly interesting background which
justifies the character's knowledge of Force powers. Typically, such characters have only on limited knowledge of the
Force (since there are not many Jedi instructors remaining).
Most Jedi are also haunted by the knowledge that the Empire
places a top priority on their capture and possible execution.
There is also a fascinating adventure hook in this background. Rumors of Jedi in hiding or lost Jedi writings, artifacts or lightsabers are certainly powerful motivators in the
game. Jedi player characters may also be drawn by the
presence of other Force-users: will the Jedi want to intercede
to save a young Force-sensitive from the clutches of the
Empire? What happens if a Jedi encounters another novice
Jedi character: will they become friends, comrades, rivals...
or even mortal enemies?
The Dark Side. The dark side is perhaps the greatest
threat a Jedi can face. It's always lurking in the shadows, a

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Force

quick and easy temptation for an undisciplined Jedi filled

with anger and frustration. The Jedi must be honorable and
noble since Force-sensitives who act ambiguously are easily
corrupted to the dark side.
You can use the temptation to embrace the dark side and
the necessity to prevent evil from occurring as motivations
for your adventures.
However, you must be reasonable in using these elements. The player must strive for her Jedi to be honorable
and noble. You should be reasonable in not abusing the
Jedi's commitment to good by forcing characters along a
predetermined path every step of the way. This will aggravate the players and ruin the fun for everyone.
A Jedi's commitment to stop evil should be the dramatic
focus of an adventure, not a hassle. In short, the Jedi is
committed to stop evil, but she shouldn't have to confront
evil every time she goes out for a walk ...
While the rules say that players should be warned whenever they are about to receive a Dark Side Point, it is the
player's responsibility to live up to the spirit of the Jedi Code.
A player who pushes to see how far she can go before being
warned about receiving a Dark Side Point who clearly is
not living up to the spirit of the Jedi Code may find that her
character is given a Dark Side Point without a warning when
the character commits evil.
The final determination of whether or not the Jedi deserves a Dark Side Point is up to the gamemaster. These rules
are intended to encourage taking the role of a Jedi seriously
playing a Jedi is not a frivolous decision. On the other
hand, the rules aren't intended to cause philosophical arguments in the middle of a game session. As a rule of thumb, if
the players have to spend a lot of time justifying why their
actions aren't evil, chances are the actions are indeed evil. If
the players don't like your decision well, you're the
Responsible Use of Power. Inherent in the Jedi Code is
the concept of responsibility for one's actions.
A Jedi who uses Force powers to coerce or control others
is surely tending toward the dark side. But other, more
subtle abuses of power also lead to the darkness Jedi
should never use their powers for fame, wealth or power. A
Jedi who constantly uses the Force for personal gain is on the
path of corruption perhaps more slowly than the Dark
Jedi who chooses to serve evil, but she is on that path
True Jedi use their powers sparingly and only when necessary to fulfill the tenets of the Jedi Code. A Jedi who depends
on Force powers is abusing them, which leads to folly.
Tremors in the Force. The Jedi who acts with restraint
and thought may seldom be confronted by the Emperor's
minions. A Jedi who constantly uses the Force will create
many tremors in the Force, making it very easy for the
Emperor's servants to hunt her down. A Jedi who uses the
Force too frequently will surely draw the attention of people
that she'd really much rather avoid.
Premonitions, visions and disturbances in the Force can
be used to involve characters in a larger adventure. While
players will not enjoy constantly being "haunted" by such
events, the occasional vision can be used quite effectively to
allude to future events or trigger truly important adventures.
Teachers. A teacher is essential to a Jedi student's
progress. Only after a Jedi has achieved a relatively high
level of skill can the character rely on herself ... and even

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Luke, despite a high level of experience, needed to study

under Yoda to become a full-fledged Jedi Knight.
Teachers do more than teach Force skills and powers
they instruct students in the disciplines needed to maintain
balance and adhere to the tenets of the light. A good teacher
can help a young student learn patience and responsibility,
while a poor teacher may allow a student to slip to the dark
side; teachers consumed by the dark side may be able to
corrupt even the purest Jedi adepts.
Limiting Powers. As noted, Jedi characters can only use
powers they've been taught. Of course, they have to find
someone to teach them each power.
This gives you a potent tool. The quest for a new teacher,
new powers and lost lore is a great motivator for Jedi
This rule also allows you to limit the Force powers allowed in your game: if a Jedi can't find a teacher, there is no
way to learn the power. Of course, your villains may be able
to use these powers, but that's another matter ...
Intuitive Powers. It is well-known that some beings can
push themselves to feats of great strength or endurance in
crisis situations. This is true of Jedi characters, who, when
faced with an incredible challenge, may exhibit powers she
hasn't learned.
At the gamemaster's discretion only, characters may temporarily be "granted" powers in exceptional circumstances.
This reflects the Force's mystic and often unpredictable
You may grant the power for "free," require the Jedi to
spend a number of Character Points or Force Points to learn
the power or set other conditions you deem reasonable. You
may grant a Jedi a power on a one-time basis to indicate the
importance of a particular task, or you may "reward" characters who have performed exceptionally well by allowing
them to "subconsciously" learn a new power.
Creating New Powers. While it is true that the greatest
Jedi of the Galactic Republic created new Force powers, this
was only accomplished with years of dedicated study and
You have the absolute right to prevent Jedi characters
from trying to create new powers. To the best of current
knowledge, the creation of new powers appears to be the
province of highly-skilled Jedi such as Yoda and Luke
Skywalker and beyond the abilities of most Jedi students.

The Force

Dark Side Characters

The dark side seduces individuals with promises of power,
but once someone takes up the darkness, the only rewards
are pain and helplessness. The dark side controls her, rather
than her controlling it.
Playing Dark Side Characters. It is strongly suggested
that player characters seduced by the dark side become
gamemaster characters, to be used as a continuing villain.
(The player must create a new character.)
However, if there is one thing that Star Wars teaches us,
it's that good triumphs over evil. If you and the player agree,
she may be allowed to continue playing a character consumed by the dark side with the understanding that she will
attempt to bring the character back to the light side of the
Force. This kind of character is very difficult to play properly. The player has an evil character even if she's trying
to be good.
On the other hand, allowing a player to portray the fall
and redemption of her character has the makings of a truly
epic story. True redemption often requires the character to
commit a heroic sacrifice, and may involve the character's
death. If you feel the character is not being played properly,
you can take her as a gamemaster character (to be used as
a continuing villain) and the player must design a new
Most characters consumed by the dark side began the
game with other characters dedicated to the cause of the
Rebel Alliance and the light. Such a character may try to hide
her new path (perhaps betraying the rest of the characters
at a critical point) or may simply leave the group. Playing a
dark side character can be a lonely, challenging undertaking.
Some groups use Imperial characters. A dark side character would naturally be much more appropriate to this type
of group. However, such characters shouldn't have it easy:
they get what they deserve. Not only will a dark side character face dangerous foes who embrace the light, but other,
more powerful dark side characters (such as Dark Jedi) may
try to control or kill the player character. A dark side
character who is being played in an immature manner is
going to have a very short life span.
Rules. Characters who have turned to the dark side must
use the following rules.
A character consumed by the dark side retains all Force
Points and Character Points.
Force Points. A dark side character only receives Force
Points when spending Force Points while committing evil at

the dramatically appropriate time. The Force Point is returned at the end of the adventure and the character gains
Any other time a dark side character spends a Force
Point, it is lost, even if spent while committing evil. The dark
side requires greater and greater evil to fulfill its needs.
Character Points. Characters consumed by the dark side no
longer receive Character Points for adventuring. Instead,
they receive one Character Point every time they receive
one Dark Side Point.
Dark Side Points. Dark side characters receive Dark Side
Points for committing or actively bringing about evil actions.
Examples of this include when Darth Vader strangles the
Rebel soldier in the first scene of Star Wars; when Darth
Vader orders the torture of Princess Leia; and when Grand
Moff Tarkin orders the destruction of Alderaan.
Calling Upon the Dark Side. Dark side characters may call
upon the dark side to get Force Points.
The difficulty is Easy the first time the dark side is called
upon in an adventure; add two difficulty levels if the action
will not bring pain or harm to other beings. Increase the
difficulty by one level for each additional time in an adventure the character calls upon the dark side.
It Demands More Than it Gives. If a character fails in an
attempt to call upon the dark side, it demands something of
her. The dark side's corrupting influence is dominating the
Roll ID the character must lose that number of Character Points or the dark side will "take" ID from either an
attribute or Force skill (character's choice as to which
attribute or Force skill). If any attribute or skill is reduced to
OD, the character is consumed by the dark side and dies.
Returning to the Light. Dark side characters can return to
the light, but it's not easy the dark side is never eager to
release those it has enslaved.
Such a character must truly begin to believe in the light,
forsaking the path of darkness. The influence of others
particularly Jedi of the light may cause a dark side
character to have a "moment of doubt."
A dark side character must prove her commitment to the
light by spending a Force Point in a selfless manner at a
dramatically appropriate time. Often, this requires the character to make a heroic sacrifice, such as risking certain death
in defense of the innocent and good. (As gamemaster, you
have final say over whether the character is redeemedthe
effort must be sincere and the character must show that she
will not lapse back onto the path of darkness.)
When a character is redeemed, the dark side exacts a final
toll: she loses all Force Points and Character Points. The
character's Dark Side Point total drops to five.
The character is now part of the light (and earns Force
Points and Character Points normally), but the presence of
the Dark Side Points indicates the character's precarious
position. The character should atone to remove her Dark
Side Points or even the slightest transgressions can send her
back on the path of darkness.
(The dark side will not be so "giving" for a character who
returns. You can use special rules to reflect the almost
punitive conditions the character will face. Perhaps the dark
side takes ID from an attribute or Force skill as soon as the
character returns to the darkness. The character may also
find it much more difficulty to earn Force Points and Character Points and slowly be consumed by the dark side.)

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Running Adventures

The Rebel commanders charged with defending Hoth
would never have tried it without a battle plan in place.
They readied their troops, tried to anticipate what the
Imperials would do and how best they could respond to
it. But... it's fair to say that no battle plan lasts for more
than a few seconds after the shooting starts.
Planning adventures isn 't quite as life or death as
mapping out a battle, but the idea is the same. You
can be prepared for some of the things your
characters might do, but you'll never anticipate
all of them. Surprises are a fact of life. So lay
out your plans, by all means, but be flexible
enough to change them as the adventure
goes on. That's the kind of thinking that
wins battles and makes for great game
sessions, too.
In an adventure, characters confront a series of obstacles as they attempt to reach an ultimate goal. Adventures, then, are the heart of roleplaying games. Here is where
you'll find the storythe evil adversaries, the alien locales, and
the fantastic technology, all threaded together to form an engaging plot for the main characters (the players).
Each of the three Star Wars movies is a separate adventure. In
A New Hope, the Rebels strive to destroy the Death Star. In The
Empire Strikes Back, the Alliance has to evade the retaliation of
the Imperial forces. In Return of the Jedi, the remainder of the
Rebel Alliance seeks to end the Emperor's tyrannical reign.
These goals entail epic struggles, but the adventures your
players participate in will usually involve less galaxy-spanning conflicts.
This chapter covers everything you need to know
about preparing and running adventures. Right now it
may seem like a lot to assimilate; but don't worry, you'll
get the hang of it in no time. Actually, there's only one
rule you need to remember: make sure everyone has fun!
Certain groups of players will prefer a certain style of
play, so not all of what follows applies in every situation. As you run your adventures you'll develop a feel
for what excites and enthralls your players, and then

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Running Adventures

you'll be able to structure your subsequent scenarios to

incorporate those elements.
The chapter is divided into three main sections: Preparing Adventures, Running Adventures, and Ending Adventures. You may want to reread these sections once in a while
as you begin your gamemastering career, but there's nothing here to memorize or to reference during a game session.
Instead you'll find tips and suggestions that will help you
create hours of entertainment for your friends as well as for

Preparing Adventures
First, you're going to need an adventure. You can buy one
from West End Games, create one yourself, or make one up
as you go along. This book contains an adventure you can
use immediately.You may want to glance at this scenario as
you read through this chapter to get a feel for what a finished
adventure looks like. If you're a bit more daring, you can skip
to Chapter Eleven, "Designing Adventures," to develop your
own scenario from scratch.

Reading the Adventure

Make sure you're thoroughly familiar with the adventure
before you start playing. The players may not proceed
through the encounters in the order they appear, so if you
read only the first half of the scenario, you could find
yourself vigorously flipping through pages trying to figure
out what happens next.
You don't have to memorize every detail either, just know
the basic plotline and structure of the story. If the players do
something unexpected, like killing a major villain who's
supposed to participate in the finale of the adventure, you'll
need to know what you can do to alter the remainder of the
story so that it still comes to a satisfying conclusion.

Character Cards
One way to quicken game play is to create gamemaster
character cards. You can either photocopy the section
detailing each character or you can write their game information on an index card. As the player characters encounter
various gamemaster characters, you can pull out their character cards so that you have all of their important information at your fingertips. In this way, you won't have to flip
through pages of the adventure looking for a particular
character's stats, especially if that character participates in
more than one encounter.
This technique works especially well for campaigns where
many characters play a recurring role. Also, if you wind up
creating new characters on the fly (when the characters
momentarily wander away from the scripted adventure),
you can quickly jot down their information on an index card
so that you have it for later. You never know when the
players may decide to return to speak with a particular
character. If you haven't kept a record of his game information, you may have to guess and you could be wrong,
thereby shattering the players' suspension of disbelief
("Didn't this guy have blue skin the last time we talked with

Stock Encounters
Another way to save time during an adventure and to
save you from looking ill-prepared is to create several
"stock" encounters. These short scenes could be anything
from a bar brawl to a chance meeting with a squad of
stormtroopers checking IDs. When your players decide to go
somewhere or do something that you hadn't foreseen and
therefore hadn't written out beforehand you can use one
of your stock encounters to fill in the space while you figure
out a way to get the characters back on track with the
For example, your Alliance player characters are supposed to rendezvous with an Alliance spy at a spaceport on
a remote world. When they arrive, however, they decide to
first pay a visit to the city's starship parts shop, hoping to
purchase replacement parts for their recently damaged
freighter. When you designed your adventure, you hadn't
counted on the characters going anywhere on the planet
other than the cantina where they are supposed to meet
their contact. When the players state their intention, you
quickly skim through your stock encounters and pull up a
"Business/shop" scene that you haven't used before with
this group. In this encounter, you have the shop owner being
harassed by a pair of tough-looking aliens. If the characters
help the owner, they could get on the bad side of the
crimelord who sent the toughs to collect the money the
owner owes (which could provide a hook for the characters'
next adventure).
It's a good idea to develop 10 or more stock encounters
that cover everything from cantina scenes to bounty hunters to stormtroopers. The more you create, the less likely
you'll be to get stuck in an adventure because the player
characters did something or went somewhere unexpected.

Setting the Mood

Character cards,
like this one from The
DarkStryder Campaign, are easy
to make and do a lot to enhance a game.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The wide array of multimedia elements created by various companies for the Star Wars universe allows you to
quickly and easily get your players into the spirit of the

Running Adventures

The Movies

Miniatures, Models, and Micro Machines

First of all, you can cue up certain scenes in the movie

trilogy to play for your group when the reach a certain point
in the adventure. For example, you could play the Battle of
Yavin (from A New Hope) or the Battle of Endor (from Return
of the Jedi) while the player characters engage Imperial
forces in space combat. Or you could play the cantina scene
from A New Hope when they enter a seedy establishment in
the Outer Rim Territories.

Don't neglect the 25mm metal miniatures produced by

West End Games, the Galoob Micro Machines, or the Star
Wars models (manufactured by several companies). You
can use these characters, vehicles, and ships to play out
your adventures, giving you and your players a better idea of
exact positioning (especially handy for combat encounters)
as well as immediate recognition of the movie characters
and technology.
You can even buy some 1" square grid graph paper
(available in large sheets) and count each square as two
meters. If a character can move 10 meters during a combat
round, you can move him five squares. This allows you to
simulate battles more realistically ("You can't shoot him
from there that droid's in your way."). You can do the
same for vehicles and starships by altering the scale (200
meters rather than 2 meters, for example) and play out
exciting dogfights just like the battle scenes in the movies.

The Music
You can find most of the music from the films (as well as
.the novel Shadows of the Empire) in various formats (albums,
cassettes, and CDs). Albums and CDs work well because you
can cue them up to any point you'd like to hear, and with CDs
in particular (depending upon you CD player) you can set a
track to repeat indefinitely (allowing it to play over and over
until you move on to the next episode).
As your adventure begins, for example, you could play
the "Main Title" track from one of the three movies (that's
the music that accompanies the opening crawl the text
that slides up the screen). When the forces of the Empire
show up (a moment or two before is better), you can play the
"Imperial March," As soon as your players hear that brooding bass melody they'll know they're in trouble and you
won't have even said a word yet!
Listen to the albums a few times and select which tracks
remind you of suspenseful scenes, or humorous incidents,
or romantic interludes. When you run an adventure you can
turn on the appropriate track. Even if the music plays at a
minimum volume, it greatly enhances the feeling that you're
creating your own Star Wars movie.

Collectible Cards
A great source of exciting visual images are the various
collectible card sets. You can find pictures of
Star Destroyers, Twi'leks, stormtroopers,
exploding starfighters, major characters,
planets, technology, and much more. Like
they say, a picture is worth a thousand
words. If you can show your players
what they've encountered, they
can more quickly become engaged in the story since their
minds don't have to spend
that extra bit of time conjuring up an image of what you've
just explained. Instead, the
scene (or the elements in that
scene) appear vividly before
them without any effort on
their parts. The plot moves
more quickly and therefore your players become all that more enthralled by the adventure.
For more information about setting
the mood for a Star
Wars adventure,
refer to the "Props"
chapter of the Star
Wars Gamemaster

Starting the Adventure

You have several options for starting an adventure. The
most common is the mission briefing introduction (especially if the characters are agents of the Rebel Alliance/New
Republic). The characters, who may or may not know each
other, have been assembled by their superior for a meeting
on their upcoming assignment. The superior gives them an
objective, provides them with the resources they'll need to
accomplish that goal, and answers whatever questions he
While this standard opening works in most situations, it
can also get boring, especially since not much happens
during this encounter. The characters just sit around discussing the mission. Nothing really starts to happen until
they get on their way.

Using a Script
One way to liven up the beginning of an adventure is to
use a script. You assign each player a part (Bob is Rebel 1,
Jim is Rebel 2, Sara is Rebel 3, and so on). As gamemaster,
you play the role of the narrator and any gamemaster
character part (like the player characters' superior, for
The script usually brings the characters through an exciting or mysterious scene (or both) that launches them into
the heart of the adventure. New players (especially those
who have never played a roleplaying game before) immediately get a feel for how to play the Star Wars game. The use
of a script is therefore recommended for inexperienced
The main problem with this technique comes from the
heavy-handedness with which it prescribes the player characters' words and actions. Experienced players often would
rather retain complete control over their alternate personas, and so may shy away from adventure scripts. You'll
have to see how your players react to know whether or not
they prefer using a script (or you can just ask them before
you start!).

In Media Res
Another way to throw characters into the midst of the
action is to start the game in media res. The player characters literally begin play in the middle of an explosive or
suspenseful event. Maybe their ship experiences a technical
problem and the characters have to fix it before it careens
into a planet. Such an adventure could start thusly:

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Running Adventures

Gamemaster: Okay, everyone ready to play?

The Group: Sure.
Gamemaster: All right. You make your last course correction to bring the starship into a landing vector and then
suddenly something explodes at the back of the ship. You
begin to lose attitude control and start plummeting toward
the surface! What are you going to do?
Such fast starts put the players immediately on their toes,
thrusting them into the Star Wars galaxy before they even
know it. Once they've dealt with their immediate problem,
they're thoroughly enmeshed in the story.
Again, be careful with this technique. Some players may
not like it, some may love it. Choose the one that works best
for your group. And above all, vary your adventure beginnings. Nothing puts players to sleep more quickly than an
introduction that exactly mirrors that last five.

Running Adventures
You've successfully brought the player characters into
the adventure. Now you have to keep them focused and
enthralled with the plot. If you see their eyes start to wander,
or they fall into a conversation about the last game (or
worse, what they watched on television last night), you
know something's gone wrong.
This section should help you maintain an involving story
and a sense of "really being there." For more on this subject,
see the Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook.

Setting the Scene

Your first job is to vividly depict the scene unfolding
before the player characters. Where are they? Who else is
there? What's happening? These are the questions you must
answer immediately.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Most published Star Wars adventures contain "read aloud
sections" at the beginning of each episode. To set up the
scene you can just read out loud or paraphrase the text. At
that point the players usually either ask you questions about
their surroundings ("How many stormtroopers do we see?")
or tell you their reaction to the situation ("I blast 'em!").
The key here is to engage the players' senses, just like a
good movie, novel, or television show. Try to use evocative
words to give the players a clear and vivid view of their
characters' environment. The best way to learn how to
provide such lifelike descriptions is to picture the scene in
your mind and do whatever you can to convey that same
scene to your players. You may incorporate movie footage
or collectible cards (as mentioned above), maps and diagrams, or even illustrations you've drawn yourself. Sound
effects CDs can also help you set the stage for the characters.
Just remember that your players have five senses. Don't
just rely on the sense of sight. Describe what your characters
hear, smell, touch, and (sometimes) taste. The following
example engages several senses.
Gamemaster: "The ship's landing ramp touches down on
the soggy ground with a squish, and the thick, musty smell of
the swamp-forest immediately sweeps up and into the access corridor you're standing in. From outside, you can hear
the screech-chirps of local creatures as well as a strange,
slow slurping sound. The humidity settles against your skin
like a blanket of moisture as you head down the ramp. The
gangly gray trees scattered in small stands about the ship
reach upward into the mist, and you get the distinct feeling
that something up there is looking down at you."

Believable Characters
The player characters will inevitably encounter other
people who live in the Star Wars galaxy. Your job is to make
sure that these gamemaster characters appear real to the

Running Adventures

or communities not every gamemaster character should

want to become the next Emperor).

Exciting Locales
Use settings that evoke a sense of wonder. You
could create a community situated amid dozens
of cascades and waterfalls, or a crimelord's
fortress suspended above the ground by
massive repulsorlifts, or a spaceport built
into the sides of the cliffs of an ancient
series of canyons.
Try to make each place the player characters visit seem different from the others.
By doing this, you can make these sights
engaging and memorable for the players.
For more on creating exciting locales, see
Chapter Eleven, "Designing Adventures."


players. Their words and actions must seem appropriate in

the context of their histories, personalities, and ambitions.
If a stormtrooper suddenly took off his helmet and started
joking around, the players would probably just stare at your
for a minute as the game came crashing to a halt.
Play each character to your best ability. Make sure he
does everything in his power to achieve his goals, whether
he's trying to thwart the player characters or earn a transport-load of credits. This does not mean that every
gamemaster character should act overtly. Part of his goal
may be to achieve his objective undetected, or to make it
look like someone else was responsible. Rather, the idea is
that the gamemaster character should use all of his resources his skills, allies, finances, etc. to accomplish
his immediate as well as his long-term goals.
For more on gamemaster characters, see Chapter Fourteen, "Gamemaster Characters."

Grabbing the Players' Interest

Once you get the adventure underway, you spend the rest
of your time trying to maintain the interest of the players
just like any other story, whether it be a novel, comic book,
or movie. You have several options for moving the plot along
and making the players focus on the situation at hand.

Using Elements From the Movies

People play Star Wars because they loved the movies. If
you incorporate images, characters, settings, or plot threads
from the films, your players will immediately feel that their
characters are truly part of the Star Wars galaxy. Player
characters could encounter one of the secondary characters like Wedge Antilles, or visit a locale like Cloud City, or
become involved in the theft of the Death Star plans.
Like everything else, however, use this technique in
moderation. Players will get bored very quickly if they keep
returning to Cloud City. While they do want to feel immersed
in the Star Wars milieu, they also want to create their own
stories, to travel to planets not seen in the movies, and to
meet aliens and humans who have their own plans for the
fate of the galaxy (or at least the fate of their sectors, worlds,

Another way to keep the players enraptured in

the story is to give them a deadline. They have only
four hours to rescue slaves headed for an unknown
location in the Outer Rim Territories. Or maybe the Rebel
Alliance needs to warn a remote outpost before the Empire
arrives to destroy it, but communications are down. Or one
of the player characters may have contracted a fatal disease
that can only be cured by a certain doctor working somewhere in the Corporate Sector Authority.
When the players know they have only a limited time to
accomplish their objective, they don't waste time meandering about the galaxy, which is usually when they get bored
with the adventure. You can even enforce a real-time deadline. You give the characters four hours of real time (as
opposed to game time) to achieve their goal. Then, throughout the adventure, you keep reminding them about the time
constraint. When you get down to the last hour, just watch
them do everything in their power to help you move the
story along!

Human beings seem to possess an obsession with discovery. If you present your players with a strange quandary that
either cannot be explained by normal phenomena or lacks
several key elements, they'll do whatever they can to uncover the truth.
Maybe a bounty hunter starts stalking the characters.
They don't owe anyone any money and they're not wanted
criminals, so who is after them and why? Or maybe a Rebel
outpost suddenly goes silent. When the characters arrive
they find no one at the base and no signs that would indicate
a sudden mass exodus. What happened?
Be careful with the use of mysteries. Continue to offer the
players pieces of the puzzle throughout the adventure so
that they don't get too frustrated and give up. If halfway
through the adventure they feel that they're no closer to the
truth than they were when they started, they'll figure that
the mystery is unsolvable and forget about it, and there goes
the rest of your adventure.

Personal Stake
One of the best ways to engage the players is to provide
them with a personal stake in the outcome of the adventure.
Maybe one of their siblings has been captured by the Empire,
or a crimelord has sent bounty hunters after them, or the
Rebel Alliance mistakenly believes they have become traitors. The characters need to deal with these situations,

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Running Adventures

although the whole adventure need not focus on that

storyline. While the characters perform a supply run for the
Alliance, for example, they could receive word that the
pilot's father has been taken in for questioning on his home
world. Between accomplishing their mission and returning
to the Rebel base, the characters could travel to the pilot's
planet to find out what's going on and to extricate his father
from the (apparently) unwarranted incarceration.
Every once in while you should ask to see the players'
character sheets. Look for background information and
personality traits that might lend themselves to a personal
stake. If a player has written that his character is extremely
competitive, for example, you could create a rival group of
Rebels (or smugglers, or whatever, depending on your campaign) who seek to outdo the characters at every turn. This
character will do everything in his power to make sure his
group succeeds more often and more quickly than these

Giving Options
Don't constantly force your players to follow along the
prescribed path of the adventure. They may have devised an
alternate scheme for success not covered by the scenario,
and you shouldn't penalize them for their creativity. Instead
you'll have to use your judgment to run the remainder of the
If the players feel that they never have a choice, that you
have predetermined what their characters will do and say
and therefore, how the adventure will turn out they're not going to have any interest in playing. Part of the
fun of a roleplaying game is the almost unlimited possible
reactions to any given situation. Take that away and
you've lost much of the reason for participating in this
type of game.
Sometimes the characters will have only a few choices
or at least, a few obvious choices and that's fine if it
makes logical sense in the context of the scenario and
doesn't seem like an altempt by you as gamemaster to
dictate their characters' paths.
Reward creativity. Give the players a reason to
exercise their brains. The more
freedom they believe they have,
the more they'll enjoy the adventure. When their characters
make a mistake, they have no
one else to blame it on, and when
their characters succeed they
feel a genuine sense of accomplishment.

The Art of
If the players can correctly
guess the conclusion of jinj|jjjgf
venture while they're pro,;
ing through the first
the ensuing episodes won't provide as much excitement as they
This where the subtle/'art of
misdirection comes in. The goal
here is to keep the players (and
their characters) guessingand
then revising those gui.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

through the whole adventure. You can do this in small ways:

make die rolls, smile for a moment, and then don't say
anything about it; have the characters rollPerception checks,
ask for their totals, and then just continue with the episode;
ask a player for detailed information on how her character is
going to close a blast door ("Which hand are you using?" "Do
you have a weapon in your hand"), but then have the door
close uneventfully.
You also have the option of throwing in major red herrings. A gamemaster character starts tracking the characters. The players will immediately attempt to mesh this new
person with the rest of the adventure. In reality, however,
he's just a common thief looking for an easy mark, or he
thinks that one of the characters looks familiar but doesn't
want to say anything until he's sure he's not mistaking that
character for someone else.
The character could receive a death threat from a large
criminal organization operating in the sector. Unfortunately,
the message was delivered to the wrong person, and the
crimelord has no interest in them. Of course, you won't let
them know that.

Loading the Dice

The most important part of a roleplaying game is the
story. Don't let the rules get in the way. If a flubbed die roll
would normally indicate that the main villain dies a few
minutes into the adventure, fudge the roll. Say he just barely
escaped. For this reason you should try to make all of your
rolls behind a gamemaster screen or hidden from the
players by some other object (like your hands).
If the players make a roll that would destroy the sce...nario, or would make it less exciting, you can fudge the
difficulty number. For example, you've set up a situation
where the characters must pursue a fleeing Imperial spy
out onto enormous struts suspended high above a
duracrete floor. One player decides that her character
will just turn off the lights and wait for their quarry to fall.
You hadn't thought of that possibility when you designed your adventure (or it wasn't addressed in the
adventure you bought), and there's no reason the
character can't attempt such a feat. You tell her to
make a security roll to bypass the computer lockout
on the lighting system. She rolls
high, and even though it's enough
to accomplish the task, you say
that she just missed it. Now the
player character will have to risk
their lives balancing on the struts
to apprehend the spy.
Don't go overboard with this
technique. If the players suspect
that you've been altering die rolls
and difficulties, they'll start to lose
interest because it will seem that
their free will has been taken away.
You shiould fudge rules only at critical moment.s and you should always
be fair, giving the benefit sometimes
to the gamemaster characters and
sometimes to the player characters.

Judgment Calls
During an adventure you're in
charge. You can always discuss rules

Running Adventures

questions or arguments with the players after the game (see

the "Getting Feedback" section below).
While this general guideline provides you with a great
deal of power, it also gives you the responsibility of using
that power wisely. You have to be fair. If a referee in a ball
game started randomly penalizing one team, the other team
would get extremely frustrated and eventually quit once it
became obvious that there was no point in continuing.
While you take the role of the villains in the adventures
you run, do not think of yourself as the opponent of the
players. You're job is to make sure the players have a good
time, not to beat them. While you should try to provide the
players' characters with a challenge, you shouldn't try to
devise an unbeatable adventure.
Then again, if the players do something stupid, you
shouldn't coddle them. They first time they make a particular mistake you may want to alert them and reduce the
damage it would have caused, but the second time you
should adjudicate the error fairly.
Tread carefully on this aspect of gamemastering. It's easy
to fall one way or the other. Just remember that you're all
playing this game to have fun.

Keeping the Game Going

The player characters will stray from your adventure.
Expect it but don't worry about it. If you've taken your
time to prepare the scenario as indicated above, you shouldn't
have a problem getting things back on track without alerting
the players to their roundabout way of proceeding through
the adventure.
In fact, some gamemasters come to enjoy the opportunity
to run the game on the fly. You need a good imagination and
a good understanding of the adventure to improvise encounters, but the more you do it, the better you'll get.
For the time being, go in the direction the players are
heading. Start making up things off the top of your head,
throwing as much color and flash around as you can. If you
need a couple of minutes to figure out how to get the players
back into the story, call for a break.
The ability to improvise is extremely important because
it allows you to maintain the players' illusion of free will. They
have to believe that they can choose their own path, instead
of being forced to do exactly what the gamemaster wants
them to do this is a game, and in games, players get to

make choices about their actions. Players hate being forced

to do something!
Of course, you are always free to throw complications at
the players. If they have chosen to go in an unexpected
direction, you can pull out a character card or a stock
encounter (or make one up on the spur of the moment) and
let them deal with that situation while you figure out how to
bring them back into the plot.
Sometimes, through no fault of the players or your own,
the adventure dies. The characters don't know how to
proceed and the players completely lose interest. The best
way to handle such a situation is to make something happen.
A brawl breaks out, or a nearby gamemaster character gets
dragged off by a band of ruffians, or the lights suddenly go
out, or the characters' ship suddenly experiences a malfunction that will send it into the closest star, or stormtroopers
arrive, and so on. Get the players excited. Put their characters' lives in danger. Make them worry about how the encounter will turn out.
Above all, stay relaxed. This is a game, not a test of how
well you can gamemaster. Everyone is playing to have fun, so
just do your best and enjoy yourself.

It's Okay for the Characters to Fail

(Once in a While)
The characters are the stars of their own Star Wars
movies, and even if they are independent smugglers, they
are heroic more often than not. That doesn't mean that they
automatically get their way. Look at The Empire Strikes Back
Luke, Leia and Han are being battered and defeated at
every turn. They "get away" at the end except for Han
but they didn't "win" anything. Unless they are willing to
redefine victory.
Sometimes characters need to fail. If they roll poorly, or
are simply outclassed, or most importantly, if the players
play poorly, their characters will lose.
On the other hand, with each defeat, the characters (and
players) should learn something. They may learn a better
way to approach a situation, or they may stumble upon atool
or gadget that will help them in the future. And, ultimately,
good does triumph over evil. It should take perseverance
and dedication, but good does win in the end.

Ending Adventures
Adventures can last a single night or can span several
game sessions. At the end of a scenario (or the end of the
game session), you may wish to distribute rewards.

Make sure that what the characters receive for their
actions matches what they went through during the adventure.
Characters may be awarded money, equipment and weapons for their activities. They may also make contact with an
important gamemaster character someone who can save
their skins in a future adventure.
Characters also receive Force Points and Character Points
for their actions.
Characters also receive Character Points at the end of
adventures, which can be used to increase skills or can be
saved for later adventures.
As a general rule, a character should receive between
three and 15 Character Points for each adventure. The award

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Running Adventures
depends upon several factors:
How Well The Characters (and Players) Did. This is a
reward for how the group did as a whole. If the players solved
puzzles, came up with great solutions, and made sure that
everyone had fun, give them six to eight Character Points; if
the players did very poorly, they should only receive three
or four Character Points.
How Well Each Individual Player Did. If certain players
were exceptional very clever and went out of their way to
make the game fun, give the player an extra two or three
Character Points.
Whether They Cooperated. If the players worked well as
a team, they should get two to four extra Character Points.
If they did nothing but argue (as players, not as characters;
characters traditionally hassle each other during the game),
they shouldn't receive points for working together.
Did They Play In Character? If a player roleplayed his
character well, give him three or four Character Points. If
the player didn't play the character correctly such as
having his Jedi commit evil at every chance don't give him
any points for roleplaying.
Did All Of You Have Fun? If all of you (yes, this includes
the gamemaster) had a good time, give the players as many
as three or four Character Points as a way of saying, "Good
game." If players were difficult and never tried to get into the
spirit of things, don't give them these bonus points.
Adventures can have greatly varying length. These award
guidelines are for an average adventure spanning two nights
of gaming, or four or five fairly long episodes. If an adventure
runs over several sessions, the gamemaster may want to
give partial awards during the adventure so the players don't
go too long without getting anything to show for their efforts.
Final Character Point awards should be correspondingly
increased to reflect the length of the adventure. On the other
hand, if playing one- or two-episode quick adventures, you
should decrease the Character Point awards.
No adventure should award any character more than 15
Character Points at one time. If you think this is going to
happen, then award some of the points during the adventure.
You might even give them a way to spend them on skills or
attributes during the scenario. In The Empire Strikes Back,
part of the adventure has Luke learning Jedi skills from Yoda,
and Han, Leia, Chewbacca and C-3PO working on the Falcon.
They all have a chance to use the points they earned during
the Hoth battle and the escape from the Empire.
Other rewards, such as cash, equipment, or other material objects, are given at your discretion. Again, try not to be
too lavish in giving out "stuff" your characters need
something to work for later. In the movies, rewards of
friendship, honor, and camaraderie were more important
than money or equipment. Of course, a cash advance now
and then doesn't hurt...

first they may resist such a tactic, but after a few cliffhangers
they'll come to enjoy and expect it. Think of it as throwing up
a "to be continued" line at the end of the night's episode.
For example, the player characters race across the galaxy
to stop a rogue Rebel officer from betraying the Alliance. Just
as they rush into the room where the traitor is supposed to
make the exchange, a dozen stormtroopers appear from
hidden alcoves and point heavy blaster at the characters.
The misguided Rebel turns and says, "What took you so
long?" and the session ends. Don't even let the players ask
any questions about the scene. Just tell them they'll have to
wait until next time.

Setting up the Next Adventure

The end of one adventure could be the best time to infuse
elements of the next episode in the characters' lives. Throwing in a character who fits prominently in a subsequent
scenario can make the galaxy seem more tied together, and
therefore, more real. In literature and screen-writing, this
technique is called foreshadowing. You incorporate images,
characters, events, or settings of a future adventure into the
current scenario to give the sense of concurrent and overlapping storylines.
You can even "end" an adventure by playing out the first
scene of the next scenario. The players leave that night's
game session with a hint of what's to come, and over the time
between games their excitement about the next adventure
gradually grows. You've given them something to think
about, and they'll envision different ways to deal with the
situation you've presented and left unfinished.
At the conclusion of any game session just remember to
follow the age-old rule: always leave 'em wanting more!

Getting Feedback
Sometimes an adventure doesn't thrill the players like
you expected it to when you were first reading or creating it.
As you run a scenario you should pay attention to the
players' reactions to the various scenes. Did they stand up
and all try to talk at once during the chase? Did they go
comatose when they reached the puzzle-solving encounter?
The players words and actions can convey a great deal of
information about which parts of the adventure they enjoyed and which parts put them to sleep.
You also have to gauge their reactions to your judgment
calls and improvisation. Don't take any negative responses
as criticism. It takes a lot of work to plan and run a game, and
you can't always please everyone no matter what you do.
Instead, view player reactions and comments as hints as to
what you can do in the next adventure that will keep them on
the edge of their seats.
The best way to confront such a problem is to ask the
players what they did and didn't like. You could even have
them write you an anonymous note with a list of their
favorite and least favorite scenes. Just don't forget to listen
to what your players have to say. They may want to take the
game in a different direction than you do. Compromise.
Make sure you and your players have fun. If not, either you
or your players will eventually give up and find something
else to do during those precious spare moments.

Designing Adventures

They asked me, General Cracken, to play host to
this chapter... because planning an adventure
is very much like planning a battle. You need
to know your objective; anticipate things
that might go wrong; and be prepared to
make decisions when you have to. Back in
the days when I had the honor of commanding "Cracken's Crew, "and in the years since,
I learned how vital it is thatyou think ahead.
But it is important to remember that there
are differences between a battle and an adventure as well. In a battle, your goal is to
conquer territory and defeat the enemy; in an
adventure, your goal is for everyone involved to
have fun, and you aren 't trying to defeat your
players just challenge and entertain them.
A good general knows when to stop talking and
simply listen, and I hope that is what you will do
now, as we explore the secrets of adventure
design ...
The Star Wars roleplaying game has been around since
1987. There are a lot of published adventures out there
certainly enough to keep a group of players entertained and
busy for years. But sooner or later, the creative bug will bite,
and you'll want to cook up adventures of your own. After all,
who knows what your players wai.t out of an adventure
better than you? You are in the position to give them exactly
what they are asking for. No published adventure, no matter
how good, can do that.
And guess what? When you take the plunge, you'll soon
discover that adventure design is one of the joys of
gamemastering. Best of all, adventure design looks a lot
more difficult than it really is. We won't kid you, though; it
does demand time and effort of you, and a healthy does of
imagination. But if you follow the game plan, you'll be fine.
The basic steps of adventure design are simple:
1. Come up with a good story idea. The story idea is the
spark that gets your creative juices flowing. In some cases,

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Designing Adventures

it becomes the core of your fledgling adventure, and defines

the central point of interest. In other cases, it simply serves
as a jumping-off point your final adventure might bear
little resemblance to your original idea. Either way, you have
to start somewhere, and the story idea is the place.
2. Develop a plot around the idea. Flesh your initial idea
out, toss in a few plot twists, and decide what gamemaster
characters, machines, planets, aliens, and so on will figure in
the plot. Be prepared to alter your original idea if cooler and
more interesting possibilities come up in the creative process (and they will).
3. Translate these episodes into game terms. Put your
adventure into "gamespeak." Generate statistics for the
gamemaster characters, spaceships,-and planets, and decide on the difficulty levels for various tasks the characters
may have to accomplish.
4. Final preparation. Get together props, music, handouts, and other materials you might want to have handy
when running the adventure.

Making It Star Wars

Roleplaying adventures are stories, which the
gamemaster and the players tell together. So when you're
trying to come up with an idea for an adventure, think
about the kinds of stories that make sense for Star Wars.
You can incorporate many genres into A Star Wars adventure, from mystery to techno-thriller. Some work better
than others in a Star Wars format, but the success of your
efforts will largely depend on the interests of your playing
The most important concept to grasp in giving your
adventures an authentic Star Wars feel is this: more than
anything else, Star Wars is space opera. Space opera, as a
sub-genre of science fiction, has some specific conventions which you might want to keep in mind when developing adventures:
Action. Space opera moves. Sure, there are quiet
moments, but sooner or later (usually sooner), a threat
manifests itself, and the characters spring back into
action. The plot never stands still for long.
Action includes combat, starship combat, chases, interesting character action, or any other kind of dramatic
conflict the point is that the conflict unfolds quickly,
and the characters spend their time reacting to things,
rather than diligently plotting every move.
Morality Plays. Space opera often pits good against
evil. The conflict may be a personal one, such as that
between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, or it may be
larger in scope, such as when the Rebel Alliance attacks
the Empire's Death Star battle station. In morality plays,
good eventually triumphs over evil if not right away,
then certainly in the long run.
Not everyone in Star Wars is pure good or pure evil, of
course. Some of the most interesting protagonists, such
as Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, have rougher, lessthan-perfect elements that make them more complex,
three-dimensional characters. Overall, however, telling
right from wrong seems much easier in the Star Wars
universe than in our world, and if an action is "right,"
taking action against evil is always justified!

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Story Idea

The story idea is the hook you hang your adventure on.
The easiest story ideas are snippets of a plot you can blow up
into full-blown adventures with a bit of work a nefarious
pirate hijacks the characters' ship; ayoung child is looking for
her mother; an old pilot buddy wants the characters' help; an
old asteroid miner tells the characters a story about a mysterious ship he saw hiding in the local asteroid belt; the characters' ship is grounded in a dockworkers' strike as the Imperial
search team nears ...
Other ideas can come out of news stories, books you have
read, movies you have seen, or from just about any other
source, from conversations to something that happened to
you on the way to the mall. Maybe you read an article about
the effects an asteroid impact on Earth would have on the
planet. Could this be spun into a Star Wars adventure? Sure.
Toss in an undeveloped alien species living on a doomed
planet, and well-intentioned Rebel characters can become
heroes in a hurry (especially if the grateful species can

Epic Storytelling. Space opera is about larger-thanlife stories giant armies and space armadas clashing,
huge empires, superweapons which threaten worlds, and
dashing heroes and fearsome villains. Desperate heroes
faced with seemingly overwhelming odds are a hallmark
of space opera.
Star Wars is no exception. Though your characters will
not be likely to play a huge part in the grand epic unfolding
before them (on the other hand, they might!), their conflicts will seldom be small, mundane challenges. Even
adventures which start small soon balloon into bigger
affairs: if characters decide to save a small village from
destruction, they can be sure that they'll soon be called
upon to save the whole planet; they may start out putting
a few local criminals back into line, but wind up taking on
criminal syndicates worth millions of credits.
There are two other points you ought to consider to
help your adventure capture the atmosphere of the Star
Wars universe. Either can become a crutch if overused,
but both are effective tools if used in moderation:
Props. Dress your sets and scenes with Star Wars
staples drawn from the movies TIE fighters, R2 units,
mouse droids, Wookiees, and other easily recognizable
Star Wars icons. The presence of such props keeps the
adventure firmly grounded in the Star Wars universe.
The "Wow Button." Remember the first time you
saw Star Wars, as your seat rumbled from the deep music
and that Imperial Star Destroyer lumbered into view?
"Wow!" Remember the first time you saw Darth Vader,
clad in his powerful battle armor? "Wow!" Remember the
first time you watched the Death Star fill the screen with
its immensity? "Wo- "... well, you get the idea.
Push that wow button when you can. Set up scenes
which will really impress the players. Don't stage your
final climactic battle in an unremarkable alley if you can
set it in the giant clockworks of an ancient alien aqueduct.
Take care, of course, that you don't abuse the wow
factor. Too many /res-cool scenes piled up one on top of
the other will dull the senses. As in the movies, save them
for your key scenes and best moments.

Designing Adventures

contribute badly-needed resources to the Rebel effort).

The idea doesn't have to be complicated. Just as an oyster
makes a pearl from a single grain of sand over time, you can
build up a simple idea into a more complicated adventure
one layer one step at a time.

It isn't always easy to come up with a good story. Sometimes, you might sit there, staring at that blank sheet of
paper, knowing that your players are counting on you to get
them up to their hips in danger in just a few days. What to do?
Time to jump-start the creative process by brainstorming. Clear your mind, and start jotting down every cool
concept that enters your mind, no matter what it is. Write
down everything you can think of. Then, try to use these
phrases and ideas to come up with a few plot threads that
can be built into a story. Here are a couple of ways you might
get started:
Flesh Out An Element. Pick an element from the Star Wars
universe. Don't limit yourself to the movies branch out
and consider the novels, comics, computer games, radio
plays, and so on. Anything will do. Then think of a way that
introducing that element into your game might create conflict and excitement. What can you add to the adventure to
increase the fun?
Example: Kristen is desperate for a fresh new
idea for an adventure. She remembers the Jedi
Holocron from the Dark Horse comics. The
Holocrons are ancient holo-recordings left by the
Jedi of old for their students. Most were destroyed,
confiscated, or hidden when the Empire came to

power. What if the characters were to stumble

across one, maybe unawares? That idea is okay, but
it needs a bit more.
What if the Holocron was not from a Jedi, but an
ancient Sith master? Kristen starts to get more
interested. Could the temptation to use Sith powers
for good provide her Jedi player some great
roleplaying opportunities? What if the Sith artifact
is already being sought by agents of the Emperor?
Maybe Dark Adepts are already closing in on the
characters, preparing their evil plans...
There's an adventure there, all right!
Create a Vista. Remember that first breath-taking glimpse
of Cloud City? Of Dagobah's swamps? Sure you do. Those
were carefully-crafted shots designed to establish the character of those locations, and to create interest in what might
happen there.
Writers and directors often settle on locations and scene
ideas by visualizing them, gradually adding detail to their
mental images until the places are as real to them as their
own backyards. You can use the same technique to get
moving on a story idea (it is also a useful exercise to try after
you have the adventure planned out your descriptions
will be much more detailed and convincing).
Visualize a cool vista or visual element. The more unusual, quirky, or spectacular it is, the easier it will be to mine
for story ideas. Once you have your vista fully-formed in
your mind, start to askyourself questions about it. Who lives
there? What are they up to? What will happen to the characters if they go there? In answering these questions, you will
begin to close in on a host of story ideas.

Designing Adventures
Example: Kristen comes up with a really cool
visual element a group of TIE fighters flying up a
sheer, rough cliff face. The cliff is literally thousands of meters high and is bathed in a bright
orange sunset. As the fighters reach the top of the
cliff, there is a huge castle, with grand spires and a
massive wall ringing it. As the fighters climb higher
into the sky, the "camera" reveals that the castle is on
a huge plateau which is pitted with craters and that
there is a massive sandstorm creating a gigantic
cyclone scores of kilometers away.
What kind of people live in the castle? How about
a sect of Gamorrean scholars? Not the typical beastlike grunts we saw in Return of the Jedi, but the
educated elite of the species, who live disciplined,
isolated lives as monks. Okay, that's different,
Kristen thinks, that's a start. What might interest
the characters here? Maybe records of an ancient
Jedi chapter house thought to be in caverns not far
away? Not bad she can tie this into her prior idea
of the Sith Holocron. Why are the TIE fighters
swarming the fortress? Are they here because of
the characters, or have the Gamorrean monks decided to openly defy the Empire? Maybe a new
leader has emerged among them, who is more
interested in keeping faith with the society's beliefs
than in colluding with the Empire. Maybe there are
two camps in the castle, one of which plans to
betray the other to the Empire. Lots of chances for
political intrigue here, which Kristen's players enjoy. Kristen decides to drop the Jedi chapter house
and go with this idea. Maybe the characters have
been invited to the castle because the monks want
a treaty. Or at least the ruling faction does. The rest
plot to bring down the order by bringing in the
Empire ...
As you can see, a single dramatic image can
quickly grow into a multi-session adventure.
The Master Character. Coming up with an interesting
gamemaster character is another good way of sparking story
ideas. We'll talk in depth about developing gamemaster
characters in a few chapters, but for now, run with the idea
of concocting a mover-and-shaker not a minion, but someone who will definitely alter the characters' world when he
or she walks onto the stage.
This person can be either a good guy or a bad guy, but in
a pinch, the bad guy option is better. By making your master
character an antagonist with strong motivations and goals
contrary to those held by the characters, you create conflict.
And that leads right to story ideas.
Example: After a bit of thrashing about, Kristen
begins to develop an Imperial poet she names
Nacrotis. Nacrotis is not simply a poet, but a favorite of an influential Moff's court he is a man with
considerable power. Nacrotis is an extremely eccentric artist who is indifferent to the suffering of
others. To him, the great art of poetry is more
important than the lives of the little people. His
specialty is slipping unnoticed into the stable lives
of his "models," gradually gaining their trust and
confidence by doing them small favors and lending
a sympathetic ear, and then using his influence and
power to destroy them bit by bit, all the while
documenting their pain and despair for the enjoyment of the Moff's associates. He takes great care in

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

selecting his next "canvas," and likes to take on

people at all levels of society.
It is easy to see that several adventures could be
created around Nacrotis if he should settle on the characters as his next subjects!
Use Other Stories. We've already mentioned that story
ideas can be drawn from movies, books, plays, news stories,
and so on. Raid these sources for ideas altered a bit and
repackaged as Star Wars adventures, they often take on new
life. You can try science fiction or fantasy novels, movies and
comics, but other genres yield good results too, and may not
be as familiar to your players. Read other types of fiction, like
detective stories, espionage or adventures. Use plots from
old movies or from literature (Alexandre Dumas is a good
place to start). And, of course, there is the richest source of
ideas imaginable the real world: our planet's history and
current events provide endless story ideas.
If you are really stumped for a story idea, running through
the headlines of the daily paper can yield some real gems
(most city papers run international news briefs at least once
a week these are especially good sources).
Example: Kristen leafs through a newspaper
looking for ideas. She jots down a few promising
Hong Kong is about to be reclaimed by China.
A petroleum company has been experimenting
with extremely deep oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
An op/ed writer wonders whether the English
"Chunnel" will be vulnerable to terrorist attacks.
These look like they might yield a fairly interesting adventure if blended together a bit. What if the
adventure takes place in a world adjacent to the
Corporate Sector Authoritya world now ruled by
a local business consortium, but which is due to fall
back under full Imperial rule within the year? Kristen
wants the world to produce something interesting
enough that the Empire would be interested in
stepping in and nationalizing local industries, but
not so much that it would violate its own laws
forbidding such action. After some thought, she
decides that local high tech firms have developed a
series of efficient and fast hyperspace engines.
To provide the necessary fear of Imperial intervention, she rules that the world is sympathetic to
the Rebellion, and was on the verge of selling its
new engines to the Alliance the Imperials are not
aware of these plans, but would quickly discover
the truth if they started to poke around.
Okay, so far so good. Next, Kristen decides that
the settled world in the system is a water world with
very little land. Most settlements are floating islands anchored to the sea-beds, while underwater
transport tubes link the cites together. To protest
the coming Imperial intervention, some of the more
violence-prone locals plan to sabotage the underwater tunnels and floating cities to cover their
involvement in the plots. The Rebel characters will
be drawn into this plot when they come to the world
to inspect the new enginesat the same exact time
an Imperial government team shows up to do exactly the same thing!
As you can see, Kristen didn't directly adapt all
of these news items into the final plot, but elements
from each have been incorporated into the story,
even if only peripherally.

Designing Adventures

Talk To Other People. Your players are your best source

for story ideas. Note during gameplay what sort of adventures and plots interest them. Note what goals and interests
they establish for their characters. Ask them if they want to
fight any particular type of villain or visit a specific place.
What you learn by taking these actions may spark a story
idea one with the added bonus of being of great interest
to your players!
Example: During the course of the game, Vince
happens to mention that his character, Ace, first
realized that he was a born leader when he led all of
the other kids in his town to safety after the Empire
attacked it. Kristen comes up with a glimmer of an
idea what if one of those kids ended up crossing
Ace's path again? Ace might be visiting a new world
when one of his now-adult friends appeals to him
for help. Ace is sure to help an old pal! What kind of
trouble might be pal be in? Maybe he's in debt to a
loan shark; maybe his daughter has disappeared;
maybe he's on the run from Imperials...

Fleshing Out the Plot

Okay, so now you have a story idea for an adventure.
What next?
First, outline the adventure by breaking it down into
several episodes. Each episode must introduce a problem
and give the players something interesting to do investigate, fight someone, get involved in a chase, make a deal with
other characters gradually building up the tension and
excitement, until the characters reach the final episode, or
climax, of the adventure. Save the resolution of the
adventure's major problem for the last episode.
Here's an example:
Story idea: The characters (Rebel operatives) must go to
the Sayblohn system and obtain a stolen artifact of great
religious importance to the Okfili species.
Episode One: Getting to Sayblohn. Waylaid by pirates.
Episode Two: Landing on Sayblohn. Planet under Imperial occupation. Authorities want to ask questions about
laser scars on the characters' ship, and want testimony
against pirates. Characters must cooperate without revealing affiliation with Rebellion (or refuse and get into even
more trouble).
Episode Three: Finding artifact. The characters go to
their contact, whose name and address the Rebellion supplied. Contact is dead. Must try to figure out who killed him.
Episode Four: Pursing murderer. Locating his or her base
hidden in the badlands of Sayblohn.
Episode Five: Firefight. Murderer is the pirate who previously attacked them. Characters can either take him out, or
call in the Imperials to wipe the filthy pirates out. (If they do,
the Empire may find out about artifact and ask questions
about the characters' interest.)
Conclusion: Smuggling artifact back to ship without the
Empire noticing.
If you are having trouble formulating an outline, start by
writing down the basic story idea, as we did above. Then ask
yourself a few basic questions about the idea:
Who is the story about? Is it about a villain, or a character
that has something happen to him?

What is the story about? Is it galactic in scope, showing a

civilization coming to grips with a star going nova? Is the
story of a more personal nature, such as about a character
coming to grips with anger at a friend or relative? Is the story
told on a small scale, such as a simple cargo smuggling run
from one system to another? Stories will often have several
whats to make them interesting.
When does the story happen? Does it occur while the
Empire is still in power, or does it happen during the period
of the New Republic? Does the background leading into the
story take into account thousands of years, such as the
decline of an ancient civilization? Or, does the when element
of the adventure's background not really matter the
Empire is now in orbit around the planet, TIE bombers are
making their first runs what are you going to do about it?
Where is the story taking place? Is the story set in the
Core Worlds or the Outer Rim Territories? Does the story
move around a lotare several things happening on several
worlds at the same time? Because of the nature of the Star
Wars universe, characters can and will move to and from
several planets in the course of the adventure that's half
the fun!
Why is the story taking place? Why are the people doing
what they are? What are the objectives of the villains? In the
real world, things happen for a reason, and in Star Wars, there
should be an underlying reason for what's going on.
Be sure that the adventure you are preparing is appropriate
to the characters is the plot something that the characters
will care about? How do you get the characters involved?
Decide what is necessary to motivate them duty to the
Rebel Alliance or the New Republic, the lure of wealth, some
personal stake (perhaps material, like a prized ship, or immaterial, like love or a desire for revenge), or something else.

Star Wars adventures are divided into episodes. In each
episode, something dramatic and exciting happens the
characters are acting upon what they have learned in earlier
episodes, or they learn more information, or find themselves
in conflict or in some other way advance the plot.
In general, over the course of a Star Wars adventure, you
should give the characters a chance to use all of the major
skill types. The following adventure format is designed to
help you do just that. It is just an option, not a requirement,
but it may be just what you need if you are a beginning
gamemaster, or if you are stumped for plot ideas. Try
including in your adventure:
One episode solved with combat. Roleplaying combat
situations is fun, and your players will want to release their
frustrations by shooting at bad guys at least once during the
game. Maybe more than once.
One episode involving ship-to-ship combat. Ship-to-ship
combat is a major part of Star Wars, and should be a frequent
occurrence in the game.
One episode involving a chase. There are chases galore in
Star Wars, in every conceivable environment with every
conceivable vehicle.
One episode requiring interaction with gamemaster
characters. The players should be given the opportunity for
a little roleplaying, and a chance to use the social skills of
their characters like bargain, streetwise, interrogation, or

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game


Luke Skywalker

Han Solo


Self-Proclaimed Jedi Knight

500,000 Credits

Smuggler, Pirate
200,000 Credits

Smuggler, Pirate
100,000 Credits

All of these individuals are wanted for the following crimes against the Empire:
Liberation of a known criminal,
Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan
Direct involvement in armed revolt against
the Empire

High treason
Destruction of Imperial Property

These individuals are considered extremely dangerous.


The Empire will not be held responsible for any injuries or property loss arising
from the attempted apprehension of these notorious criminals.
Bounty is for live capture only!
For more information contact your local Imperial Intelligence Office.

Designing Adventures

One episode requiring problem-solving. It's easy enough

to set up a situation that requires a little skull-work to deal
with, and players enjoy that, too.
In the example above, episode one involves space combat; episode two involves interacting with gamemaster characters; episode three involves problem-solving; episode
four requires the use of survival and search skills (and
maybe some more problem-solving), and probably a chase
scene; and episode five is a plain, old-fashioned firefight.

It's always a good idea to reserve a surprise or two. At the
beginning of an adventure, you have to give the players
enough information so they can plan intelligently but the
adventure will be a lot more interesting if you keep some
information secret until later. In fact, if you can come up with
a twist for every episode, you've got an adventure that will
keep your players on their toes.
In general, twists depend on incomplete information. The
unexpected happens or the expected fails to happen.
Coming up with a good twist takes imagination and
thought. You'll have to work at it, but here are a few suggestions that might help.
In most adventures, the characters have a definite enemy
the Empire, an admiral, a pirate, a bounty hunter, some
other villain. The enemy will, of course, have his own plans,
which the characters won't be privy to until those plans
mature. Using a villain to spring surprises on your players is
an easy way to throw a twist or two their way.
Adventures in which the enemy reacts to the actions of
the characters but never initiate plans of his/her own should
be fairly rare. Far more common should be adventures in
which the antagonists actively pursue their own goals
whether the characters interfere or not.
The "bait-and-switch" is a common twist; the characters
are told that they're pursuing one objective, but, in the
middle of the adventure, learn that they're really supposed
to achieve a different one. They might have been misled by
their employer (or Rebel Command), but more commonly,
their employer has incomplete information, and the characters learn more during the adventure.
Example: The characters are told to track down
an Imperial courier ship which disappeared while
transporting important information. If they can find
it, the information will be useful to the Rebellion.
During the adventure, the characters find that the
courier has been destroyed by a previously unknown alien species, and must locate and establish
peaceful contact with the aliens.
The assignment is in fact a trap, and was ordered based
on false information planted by the Empire (e.g., the Battle of
Endor). If the characters are not Rebels, the assignment may
be orchestrated by a professional competitor, like a rival
smuggler, or a loan shark who has just acquired the mortgage on the characters' ship.
The assignment is based on incomplete, sketchy, or outof-date information.
The characters' true antagonists are not who they think
they are. When Han, Leia, and Chewie took refuge in Cloud
City, they were hiding from the Empire. They had no idea that
their host, Lando Calrissian, was, for a time, their true enemy.

Crucial information is unavailable. The characters' contact

is dead or has disappeared. If the characters are Rebels,
their superiors may not tell them the reason for or the full
background of the mission, "because we don't want the
information to fall into the Empire's hands if you are captured." Alternatively, a gamemaster character, the only person who knows the whole story, may be assigned to lead or
accompany the group except that he dies early in the
adventure, leaving the characters wondering what to do. If
you chose to torture your players so, you're obliged to drop
hints and clues about what's really going on during the
These plot twists are all very serviceable. However, because writers and adventure designers find them so handy,
they are also highly prone to cliche experienced players
will certainly expect them. If you feel comfortable using
them, go right ahead. Otherwise, you can use the above
suggestions as a starting point, and develop your own plot
twists (often, the best plot twists will occur to you while you
are outlining your adventure).
If you find that your group is no longer surprised by your
twists, it may be time to get more devious. Give out enough
information to suggest a plot twist the players are expecting,
and once they relax in the knowledge that they know what is
coming, turn the tables on them again!

Remember the moment in the first movie when Luke
Skywalker stands and gazes out over the desert of Tatooine,
his back to the camera with two suns hanging in the sky?
With a simple double-exposure of film, the movie says: this
is an alien world. This is science fiction.
The stories told in the Star Wars roleplaying game are the
same as stories from any other genre; stories of human
desire, greed, foolishness, love, and valor. Often, you can
borrow plots and casts from heroic fantasy, pulp detective
stories, or historical romances, whole cloth. But what makes
your stories science fiction is their setting.
Star Wars stories are told against the starry skies of space,
or the weird vistas of alien worlds. The background is only
background but its presence makes the story feel complete. When designing your adventure, pay attention to the
setting. Spend some time imagining an alien world or an
unexpected place (here we get back to the idea of mentally
visualizing your locations and vistas). Ideally, each episode
should have an unusual and distinct setting of its own.
You already know about giant flying cities, huge space
stations, cities that move about planets on walkers, and
cities built in giant trees add other logical extensions of
these technologies. The Empire can build starships countless kilometers long, and each alien species has its own
unique architecture and ideas of design.
Most adventures take place on planets, so developing
interesting planets is a good way of establishing setting.
When designing planets, remember that the galactic civilization has used technology to master its environment. See the
"Planets" chapter for more details on detailing planets.
When describing scenes, be sure to describe all of the
strange sights that will confront the characters. It's the
details that make a setting feel real. For example, suppose
the characters encounter an alien spaceship:
Poor Setting: Ah, the ship is, ah, gold. And the controls
look weird. There are markings in some alien script on the

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Designing Adventures

Good Setting: The ship is like a black, streamlined ovoid,

with several bulges hither and yon. As you approach, a hole
appears, opening like an iris. The hull immediately around
the opening flexes and bulges slightly, looking for all the
world like muscles moving just under the skin.
...You find the control room. At least, you think it is the
control room. Around you, the-air crackles with an ethereal
bass hum that remind you of a distant storm, or an electric
power transformer. There are no controls in sight.
While detailing your settings, try to keep your descriptions to the point and as succinct as possible (yes, it's a fine
line, but you don't want to bore your players). For example,
imagine describing to your players the cantina in Mos Eisley,
featured in Star Wars. You would want to describe just
enough to give the players the "feel" of the cantina, but you
don't want to sit there and make a list of all the aliens in the
place, a list of all the drinks being served, and all the other
details. Keep your descriptions colorful, but concise.

All right, you've decided on an outline for the adventure,
you've settled on some pivotal gamemaster characters,
you've come up with a plot twist or two, and you've thought
about setting. What's next?
You need to decide why the characters are going to get
involved in your adventure. What is their motivation?
If the characters are Rebels, establishing motivation is
not too difficult. Typically, Rebels are interested in enlisting
new allies for the Alliance, thwarting Imperial operations,
stealing Imperial plans, or coming to the aid of helpless
victims of the Empire. Since the characters are all members
of the Rebel Alliance, adventure goals are usually intended
to benefit the Rebellion or injure the Empire.
Independent or fringe characters are more motivated by
self-interest. The typical smuggler will risk his well-being for
profit or to prevent someone (like a loan shark) from taking
his ship, but he will seldom do so for purely altruistic
reasons (there are exceptions, of course). A bounty hunter
will naturally be motivated to collar his marks, while a Forcesensitive character might be lured into adventure if she
thinks there might be a chance to grow in the Force.
The best motivations arise out of the personal goals,
interests, and background of the characters. Keep tabs on
what the players are doing with their characters. Note
expressed goals and desires. An Ewok character may express a desire to see a volcano someday, while an outlaw
character is searching for the Imperial noble who killed his
wife and children. Since the players themselves came up
with these motivations, they will be sure to follow them up
if you introduce appropriate leads into your adventures.

The last thing you need to do in plotting your adventure
is to decide on the rewards for successfully getting through
it. Generally, each player should earn between three and 15
Character Points, depending on the contributions he or she
made to the adventure. See "Running Adventures" for guidelines on Character Point awards.
In addition, consider other potential awards. To some
characters, money is important, and a profit on the adventure is one possibility. Hints and tidbits about where to find
a master for Force training, or an exclusive hidden
shadowbase where smugglers can get top credit for their
goods, may be more important to others.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Translating Stories Into

Game Terms
Run through your fleshed-out outline. Every time you
encounter a gamemaster character, spaceship, alien, planet,
weapon, or other item or situation the characters will have
to interact with, you will likely have to determine game
statistics, pick difficulty numbers for tasks, and fill in other
details which will allow you to run the encounter.
If the characters have to fight, what are the skills of their
opponents? If the characters have to break into a computer
system or fix their starship, what is the difficulty to accomplish the action? What happens if they fail? Determine what
other things need to be figured out in game terms.
Do the characters have access to the appropriate tools to
help them solve the problems of the game? If you are
designing an adventure where the characters will have to
break into an Imperial detention block, do they have access
to explosives? Do they need them? Or do they have other
tools like Imperial uniforms or passes? How are they able
to accomplish their mission?
You have to decide what skills will be necessary for the
characters to succeed at the adventure, and then figure out
if they have the right skill levels, or how they can find
someone to help them in those vital areas they are lacking.
As gamemaster, you might also want to change your ideas so
that the characters will stand a more reasonable chance of
being successful. If you want to run an adventure that
includes a big X-wing battle, most of your characters should
have the skills necessary to fly X-wings.
Make notes regarding the game value of any tools that the
characters will be using. If they are being given equipment by
the Rebel Alliance, or are purchasing it, you should at least
have a write-up of what the equipment does to give to the
players so they know how to use it. If you are inventing new
equipment, you should also write up a description of it and
an explanation of its use.

Final Preparation
You're just about finished. The last thing you need to do
before calling your players together is pull together the
scripts, maps, and other hand-outs you'll use in play.

Adventure scripts are a useful tool for getting players into
an adventure and imparting information in a painless way.
You might consider writing up your own script, making a
copy for each of your players. Tailor the dialog to the
characters you expect to be present for the adventure. If you
don't know exactly who will be participating in your adventure, try to keep the dialog generic, so that just about any
character can speak any line.
A script should explain how the characters got into the
situation they find themselves in, and discuss any really
important information pertaining to the adventure.
Often, the script begins with some action where the
characters are in hot water already. Never write a script
which force-marches the characters into actions blatantly
contrary to their personalities or interests (at least not
without good explanation), and never write scripts which
require die rolls and skill checks within them. Save the die
rolling for the adventure itself.

Designing Adventures

Handouts are a great way of telling players, "What you
know about <subject>" without having to describe everything to them. Handouts often take the form of computer files
on certain subjects, such as planets the characters are about
to visit, or information they might uncover in a computer
network while slicing for hidden Imperial files.

By giving the players maps, you help them visualize what
is going on. They love maps of the planets they are on, the
cities they are traveling through, and the palaces and dusty
cantinas they visit.
It's always a good idea to sketch out potential combat
zones during combat, the players will pelt you with

questions regarding the tactical situation: "Where are we?

Where are they? Where can we go to escape? What can we
hide behind? How do we get back to our ship?" and other
questions of this nature. Maps give the players a concrete
idea of how things are set up; relying on verbal description
tends to cause arguments.
It is sometimes helpful to prepare two copies of the same
map one for your reference, showing what's really going on
and one for the players, showing them what their characters know or believe.

If you are an artist, or if one of your players is an artist, you
can make sketches and drawings of any aliens, starships or
other neat things that the players will encounter even
rough ones help considerably. If not, you can always show
them art or photos from any of the Star
Wars-related materials. A picture is worth
a thousand words.

Players love to have physical things to
touch and play with. Instead of describing
a mystic artifact, if you can make one out
of paper mache to give to them, they will
be that much more interested in the device. Props take a lot of work sometimes,
but they are always worthwhile.
There are many licensed Star Wars
models and toys out now. They also make
good props.

(setting Underway
You're just about ready to play. You've
got all you really need: an extended collection of written and mental notes, some
sketchy maps, and maybe a written-out
script. If you want, you can prepare more
thoroughly, plotting out each episode in
detail, as we do in our published adventures. But in some ways, this is a hindrance rather than a help; the creativity of
your players means no episode will go
exactly as you planned, so too much preparation can be wasted.

After playing a few adventures, you
and your players may be ready to embark
on a formal campaign. Defined broadly, a
campaign is a series of linked adventures
involving the same characters, in an environment where actions have consequences. Each adventure forms part of an
overall, ongoing story. (So strictly speaking, if your group has been gaming with
the same characters for a few adventures,
you are already in a campaign!)
There are three basic types of campaign types to choose from, depending on
the interests of you and your players:
Episode. Episodic campaigns closely
resemble most television action shows.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Designing Adventures

They are linked by a common set of characters, possibly a

common villain or two, and a small host of gamemaster
characters who occasionally aid the characters. And not
much else; each adventure is independent of the others.
Episodic campaigns are great for a group that meets
infrequently, or is likely to have players joining and leaving
on a regular basis.
Series. Series campaigns are more like soap operas or
continuing comic book stories. Stories
are linked not only by the characters
and gamemaster characters, but by
numerous subplots and story arcs

which are interwoven into the specific adventures.

Series campaigns are very common, and a good bet for
groups that want some continuity and a sense that the story
of their characters is going somewhere.
Epic. Epic campaigns are quite structured. Each adventure is but one chapter in a long-detailed continuing saga
which has a definite end. Like the Star Wars saga, in fact.
Epic campaigns are quite involved, and require a lot of
commitment from players and gamemaster alike. They require a great deal of pre-planning as well.
For more information on designing and running campaigns, refer to the Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook.

Yes, designing adventures can be a lot of work ... but like a hard-fought victory in battle, it's all
worth it in the end. When you see your players having fun and you know that it's your story
that is giving them thrills and excitement you 'II know a satisfaction like no other in the
Now move on to two beginning adventures you can use to get started. You 'II see many
of the points made in this chapter were used in writing these adventures, and they are
a great way of getting your group started on a Star Wars campaign!

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Pirates of Prexiar

The Pirates
of Prexiar
The Empire's not your only enemy in this universe. Sure, frying stormtroopers, snowing Imperial
Customs officers and blasting TIE fighters can be a
lot of fun (I should know...), but doing it all the time
can make life pretty tedious. Everyone needs variety even players and gamemasters.
Besides watching your back for the Empire, you
have to be careful not to fall prey to the crime lords,
bounty hunters, pirates and other unsavory characters who live on the fringe of society. In the next
adventure, players oppose an unsavory band of
pirates who've stolen some supplies the Rebel
Alliance needs. It's a nice change of pace from the
same old bad-guy Imperial scenario ...

A Star Wars Adventure

"The Pirates of Prexiar" can be run as a stand-alone adventure,
or be the springboard for a campaign. The following introduction
can be used in both cases.
If you work this adventure into an existing campaign, you can
substitute the Ghtroc freighter Merry Thrubidor with whatever
light freighter the characters are currently using.

Player Introduction
Read aloud:
You've been working with the Rebel Alliance a little while,
flying a few missions in a beat-up Ghtroc freighter called the
Merry Thrubidor. You've mostly been transporting and
sometimes smuggling supplies to your secret Rebel base.
A few days ago another Rebel transport was ambushed by the
infamous Pirates of Prexiar, led by their savage Barabel leader,
Vangar. The pirates looted all the supplies, killed the crew and
scuttled the ship. Your base needs that cargo weapons and
medical supplies for an upcoming assault on an Imperial
prison holding important Alliance personnel.
Your group is assigned to fly to Prexiar, the pirates' baseworld,
land your freighter far from their camp, hike through the thick

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Pirates of Prexiar

jungle, steal back the cargo, and somehow escape. The fate
of the next skirmish against the Empire depends on your
heroic efforts to retrieve supplies.

Only the gamemaster should be reading ahead. If you
intend to play a character in this scenario, you're going to spoil
all the surprises. Once you've run through this adventure as a
player, you might want to read the entire scenario. You'll find
out what else could have happened it might just encourage
you to run this scenario for a different group of friends.

Gamemaster information
Preparing to Play
If you're running this adventure as the gamemaster, you
should read it thoroughly, especially if you haven't run
many roleplaying game adventures before. Look it over a
second time, taking any notes that will help you run it more
smoothly noting tasks and difficulties in the margins,
highlighting important stats, and writing down any changes
you want to make to throw off those players who didn't read
the warning above.
When you're ready to play, help your players choose
their character templates and start customizing them according to the character creation rules in earlier chapters. If
players are running brand new characters, help them create
connections. Each team member should know at least one
other character before the adventure starts.
The characters start this adventure with whatever equipment they have on their character sheets. Since they're
working from a Rebel base, they may be able to requisition
additional equipment suitable for a commando raid but
the quartermaster is extremely stingy, since extra supplies
in the Alliance are scarce.

Adventure Materials
Dice and Paper. In addition to character templates (or
experienced characters), you need several six-sided dice,
pencils for everyone, and some paper for writing notes and
sketching what the characters see.
Maps. You'll need the map of the pirate camp to help start
off the adventure. Although the first episode takes place on
this map, subsequent episodes are free-form and do not use
maps (but feel free to make them up if you need them).
Script. You will use the script to start your adventure
quickly and get your players into their characters. Photocopy and distribute it to the players, or simply crowd
everyone around to read from the book when the time comes
to use the script.

Adventure Background
The characters' Rebel base has been busily preparing for
a long-planned attack on an Imperial prison. Many Alliance
personnel are held thereto free them would be a small but
significant victory for the Rebellion in your sector.
There's only one problem. A transport bringing weapons
and medical supplies to the base was ambushed. The infamous Pirates of Prexiar hit the ship just as it was recalculating hyperspace coordinates in a transfer system. The transport was captured, and the pirate's savage leader, Vangar,
was merciless the cargo was taken, the crew was murdered, and the vessel scuttled.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Alliance intelligence agents have pinpointed the pirates'

hidden base on Prexiar: a planet with great freshwater seas
and vast jungles. The characters are assigned to go in, steal
the supplies and get out.
They've managed to land their ship several kilometers
away from Vangar's main pirate base to avoid detection. The
adventure starts as they survey the encampment. The characters must penetrate the base, find the supplies (marked
with "Outrider Shipping" labels for easy identification by
Rebel agents), blast out on a cargo skiff, and fly through the
jungle back to their ship. Along the way they'll have to dodge
pirates on speeder bikes, AT-PT walkers, and an ambush at
their ship.

Episode One:
The Pirate Camp
This episode gives a general overview of the pirate encampment, with several possible ways for the characters to
sneak inside. Once they've found the cargo, they must load
it onto the skiff, blast through the sentries at the main gate,
and fly off into the jungle toward their ship.

Start the Adventure

Use the script to start your adventure. The script begins
the game quickly and helps your players get into their
characters. Feel free to make as many copies as you need to
give each player their own script, or let everyone read from
the script in the book.
Assign each player one part in the script (such as "1st
Rebel," "2nd Rebel,"and so on). If you have six players, each
player reads one part. If you have five players, one person
should read the parts for both the 4th Rebel and the 6th
Rebel. If you have four players, another player should also
read two parts, the 3rd Rebel and 5th Rebel parts.
You get to read the parts labelled "gamemaster." Your
lines describe what situation the characters initially find
themselves in. You may also show players the map of the
pirate camp so they have some idea of what they're facing.
When you're ready, start reading the script, and your
adventure will take off! When you finish the script, encourage them to examine the map and ask questions about the
various buildings. Let them come up with some strategy for
entering the encampment.

The Pirate Base

Long ago Vangar's band of pirates carved a clearing out of
the Prexian jungle where they've set up their main base. The
characters have a good view of the compound from their
hiding place along the jungle's edge, and can clearly see
everything depicted on the map. Encourage them to ask
questions so they can get a better idea of what waits in store
for them. The descriptions below summarize what they see;
they can be read directly to the players.
Shock Fence and Guard Towers: The entire pirate encampment is surrounded by a wire mesh shock fence, four meters
high, strung along tall formex posts every five meters. A
guard tower rises at each corner of the compound. The
towers are little more than scaffolding with an enclosed
sentry booth at the top. One pirate stands watch in each
tower, a blaster rifle ready to deal with any trouble. At one

The Pirates of Prexiar

"The Pirates
of Prexiar"
Adventure Script
Use the following script to start your adventure.
Your gamemaster will tell you what part (or parts) to
read. Read your lines out loud when your turn comes
around. Try saying your lines the way you think your
character would talk. Be sure to listen to what the
other characters say so you get all the information you
need to begin the adventure.

A long time ago in a galaxy for,

for away...
Gamemaster: Your team has been assigned to retrieve
supplies stolen by the Pirates of Prexiar. You've landed
your ship in the jungle several kilometers away, and
have hiked here to the pirates' encampment. (Show
the players the "Pirate Camp" map.) You take cover in
the surrounding jungle and survey the base. In an hour
it will be dawn. You don't have much time to act before
you lose the cover of darkness.
1st Rebel: This doesn't look too good.
2nd Rebel: There are a lot of pirates down there.
Check out the guard towers.
3rd Rebel: And look at that four-meter-high fence. It's
probably electrified.
4th Rebel: Hey, we can probably circumvent the shock
fence's power and cut through somewhere. Or we can
crawl in through that gap where the stream runs into
the camp.
5th Rebel: That'll be a tight squeeze. What about the
pirates in the lookout towers?
6th Rebel: If we're quiet about it, we don't have to
worry until we've got the supplies. See all those bar-

end of the compound two guard towers watch over a gap:

this is the base gate, and it is patrolled by a crowd of 10 surly
looking pirates.
Pirate Barracks: These long, prefabricated shelters have
long slit windows high up on their walls. Inside the lights
have been dimmed and no voices can be heard.
Warehouses: Each of these buildings seems to be some kind
of collapsible starfighter hangar made from plastic fabric
stretched over a metal framework. The sides facing the
pirate corvette are open crates and metal barrels are piled
high inside. Four pirates mill about the openings.

racks and warehouse buildings inside they'll provide great cover. Besides, they're all busy taking a
break from unloading cargo from that pirate corvette.
1st Rebel: But what happens once we get inside?
Blasting out of there looks just as hard as sneaking
3rd Rebel: They'll have guards everywhere. And I'd
hate to get caught by Vangar I hear he does terrible
things to prisoners.
4th Rebel: Check it out. They've left a skiff there by the
unloaded cargo. And there are the crates with the
"Outrider Shipping" markings. Just what we came for.
2nd Rebel: But it's guarded.
6th Rebel: So we take out the sentries, load up the
cargo, and fly out, blasting anybody who stands in our
way. We'll be back at our ship in no time.
5th Rebel: I wonder if there are some heavy weapons
in that cargo we're supposed to recover.
2nd Rebel: We really shouldn't touch anything.
3rd Rebel: Those supplies are needed back at the base
1st Rebel: If we fail here, the raid we've been planning
for months against that Imperial prison will be doomed.
Gamemaster: You'd better get moving if you're going
to steal those supplies back. You've already spotted
two ways in: crawling under the fence near the stream,
or trying to reroute the fence power and cut through
near the pirate corvette.
4th Rebel: Let's get to it, team. What's our first move?

Vangar's Quarters: This prefab shelter stands alone from

the other barracks. The skull of an exotic creature hangs
over the doorway like some grim trophy. Two pirates stand
at rigid attention outside the door. The muffled sounds of an
argument can be heard from within. It seems like someone is
very angry inside.
Mess Hall: This long prefab building has several smoke vents
at one end, where a foul odor wafts into the air. Lights are
always on inside, and those listening carefully can hear the
clatter of pans. Every few minutes a grumbling pirate emerges
from the door near the water hole to fill a bucket with water
and drag it back inside.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Pirates of Prexiar

Water Hole: This small pond is choked with weeds and mud,
but seems to serve as the camp's fresh water supply. It is fed
by a stream which flows from the jungle and underneath the
shock fence.
Repair Shed: Several repulsorlift vehicles clutter the area
around this prefab building. The side facing the pirate corvette has a large sliding door. Pools of lubricant and hydraulic fluid stain the ground nearby, and spare parts are piled
along the outside walls.
Pirate Corvette: This vessel is a modified Imperial Customs
corvette the Prexiar pirates captured several years ago and
modified for their own purposes. The area around it has
been cleared for landing and cargo operations. A few pirates
walk a lazy patrol around the craft.
Unloaded Cargo: A cargo skiff is parked near piles of supplies unloaded from the corvette's storage bays. One particular stack of black plastic crates stands out, easily identified by the "Outrider Shipping" markings on them the
weapons and medical supplies meant for the Rebel Alliance.
Two pirate sentries mill about the cargo.
Once the characters finish their reconnaissance of the

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

pirate base, they must plan the best way to enter. Two of the
most likely options have been detailed below.

Cutting Through the Shock Fence

The most logical means of entering the camp short of
walking up to the gate sentries and surrendering seems to
be shorting out the electricity along one section of the shock
fence and cutting a hole. Unfortunately, this sounds much
easier than it actually is.
Ask the players where along the shock fence they're
trying to break in. The closer it is to a guard tower, the
greater the chance that they'll be noticed, even in the predawn darkness.
To get through the fence, the characters need a real techhead in their midst. To reroute the electrical current, someone needs to fiddle with the power relays on two of the fence
posts where they want to cut through. To shut down the
relays, a character must make a Difficult security roll (with a
difficulty number of 20) Very Difficult if they have no
access to tools of any kind (even a hydrospanner will help in
this situation). Failure gives the character a nasty shock: 5D
in stun damage.

The Pirates of Prexiar

Allow the characters to try as many times as they want;

however, the more they hang around the fence perimeter,
the more likely they are to be discovered by one of the
sentries in the guard towers.
Clever characters might think to distract the tower guards
with slight diversions to make them look away from the
fence. They might sneak off into the jungle to make strange
bird calls, or toss a rock into some brush far from their
position. Most of these require Easy con rolls (a difficulty
number of 10) to successfully draw away a guard's attention.
Once the power has been rerouted, the characters may
cut through or climb over the fence. To make a hole large
enough for one character to pass through they need some
kind of cutting toolwhich they probably haven't lugged all
the way out here from their ship. It might be easier for
characters to climb over. This is a Moderate task (with a
difficulty number of 15) for the characters' climbing/jumping
skill. Any who fail the roll fall clumsily on one side of the
fence, possibly attracting a sentry's attention.

Sneaking By the Stream

The characters might wish to try a second way inside the
compound. A small stream trickles out of the jungle, passes
beneath the shock fence and into a water hole within the
camp perimeter. The point in the fence where the brook
flows inside is a small trench large enough for one humansized character to squeeze through.
The fence, however, is still electrified. To crawl through,
each character must make an Easy Dexterity roll (10 or
higher). Any character failing the roll takes 5D in stun
damage from the powerful electrical charge flowing through
the fence. (Characters may try to disarm the fence here,
following the guidelines outlined in "Cutting Through the
Shock Fence" above.)
Any character shocked by the fence blocks up the way
into the compound. They must be pulled out by another
character. This activity might draw the attention of sentries
posted in the guard towers.

Other Ways Inside

Of course, there are other ways characters
can get inside the pirate camp they're not
always the most subtle ways, but they'll work.
Anyone with a jet pack can ignite it and cruise
over the fence. They'll attract attention, though,
and make a good target for the sentries.
Athletic characters might try to pole-vault the
fence. They must first find and cut long, slender
saplings from deeper within the jungle. They'll
need a good running start and a Moderate climbing/jumping roll to clear the fence's topmost
The main gate is open, but is constantly patrolled by 10 pirates. Ambushing them is very
hard, as they outnumber and outgun the characters. Characters bluffing their way in had better
roll very high con scores these sentries aren't
expecting anyone like the characters to come
sauntering out of the jungle.

Eventually the characters crawl out within the electrified

perimeter still very wet from the stream and take cover
behind the mess hall.
Droids and aliens larger than average-sized humans have
trouble passing through this way. They might have to wait in
the jungle near the main gate to enter once their comrades
have secured the cargo and commandeered the skiff before
joining the group. Perhaps there is some other way they can
enter the compound.

Finding the Supplies

No matter where they enter the compound, the characters must still avoid detection. Roaming around the pirate
camp unseen requires several Easy sneak rolls from each
character (10 or higher).
Should any characters miss a roll, they stumble over
some spare parts left on the ground, bump into the flimsy
wall of a prefab building, or otherwise give their position
away one of the pirate sentries wandering the grounds
comes over to investigate. The characters have to find good
hiding places or create a diversion to distract or mislead the
The characters' main goal should be the pile of cargo
unloaded near Vangar's pirate corvette. Since the crates are
stacked on the far side of the vessel, they cannot be seen by
the pirates guarding the warehouses; however, activity there
might be viewed by the sentries in the nearest guard towers.
Before they can begin loading the Rebel supplies aboard
the nearby skiff, the characters must get rid of two pirates
guarding the cargo. Secrecy is still important here, so the
characters must make Moderate sneak rolls to creep up on
the sentries. Blasters are too loud, so the characters must
use their brawling skill to knock out the guards. Should the
characters fail to quickly silence the pirates, the sentries
shoot back and raise the alarm.
If the characters feel bold enough, they can do away with
sneaking around and simply blast the two guards but they
rouse the entire camp and immediately draw fire from the
two sentry towers.
Pirate Sentries: All stats are 2D except: Dexterity 4D, blaster
5D+2. Move: 10. Character Points: 2. Blast vest (+1D physical,
+1 energy, torso only), comlink, heavy blaster pistol (5D).
Once the characters have taken care of the guards (or
drawn their attention ...) they must quickly load the six
crates marked "Outrider Shipping" onto the skiff, power it
up, and blast out of the pirate base.

Blasting Out
With the skiff loaded, the characters must escape from
the pirate camp and race back through the jungle to their
ship. The gate is the obvious way out don't give the
characters time to mull this over, motivate them to get going
and speed the adventure along. Just as the characters are
loading the last supply crate, they are discovered (or, if
they've been noticed already, more pirates arrive on the
scene). Read aloud:
You're just heaving the last crate aboard the skiff when
a sentry patrol comes around the aft end of the pirate
corvette and spots you. "Intruders!" one cries, ducking for
cover. "Sound the alert!" Somewhere in the camp a general
quarters siren breaks the early morning calm. The sentries
fire several blaster bolts at you more pirates are certainly on their way!

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Pirates of Prexiar

Round 3: Short Range (difficulty 10 shot). Half the

pirates and all the characters may take parting shots
at each other as the skiff
speeds past the gate, leaving the sentries behind.
Of course, the characters might want to blast
out of the camp some other
way shooting a large
hole in the shock fence,
blowing up a guard tower
and flying through the
breach but they'll meet
some opposition from the
guard tower sentries and
several roaming pirate patrols.
No matter how easily
the characters escape into
the jungle, the pirates
quickly figure out what's
going on and send several
speeder bike patrols in
Allow the characters to trade a few shots with the pirate
sentries (check out their stats above). Their number one
priority right now should be escape.
One character should take command of the skiff controls
and pilot them out of the compound. This character should
have some skill in repulsorlift operation; however, if nobody
has boosted that skill, the person with the highest Mechanical attribute will probably make the best pilot. The other
characters can crouch down behind the skiff bulkhead or the
crates and fire at anyone who gets in their way.
To make it to the base gate, the piloting character must
make several Easy repulsorlift operation rolls (difficulty number 10). Most of these are to maneuver around the pirate
corvette and the base buildings. Failure won't seriously
damage the skiff, but might cause one of the warehouses to
collapse, or knock down a few wayward pirates.
Once they round the last corner, the characters see the
gate is guarded by 10 sentries, all prepared to keep the skiff
from passing. Although the pilot will probably try to race
through, the pirates open fire!
To help you run this skirmish, the ranges, difficulty
numbers for shots, and allowable pirate and character actions are outlined below. This sequence assumes the characters are flying the skiff directly through the gate. Throughout
the firefight, refer to the pirate stats above (the important
one is blaster 5D+2). Remember, the skiff offers characters
half cover add 2D to the difficulty numbers of pirates
shooting at them!
Round 1: Long Range (difficulty 20 shot). Five of the pirates
shoot while the others take cover on the ground or behind
the guard tower scaffolding. All the characters may fire; the
pilot may fly and fire, but has a -ID penalty to both his
repulsorlift operation and blaster rolls. Failing an Easy
repulsorlift operation roll could cause the skiff to careen into
a guard tower scaffold.
Round 2: Short Range (difficulty 10 shot). The other five
pirates shoot while the rest dodge. The pilot might just hit a
few on the way out with a Moderate repulsorlift operation roll.
All the characters may fire.
The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The sequence outlined above is just one way to

run the fight at the base gate. It's designed to make
game mastering easier for you by breaking actions down into digestible portions. Nobody swallows a bantha steak whole you 've got to slice
it up into portions you can handle or you get one
very large stomach ache.
But not everything is so nicely ordered in real
life. Maybe you want to run it another way or
maybe the players, through their unpredictable
actions, force you to improvise this encounter.
Perhaps the characters have been doing well so
far, and you want to give them a challenge
allow most or all of the pirates to fire at them each
round until they break out. If the characters have
been having a tough time during this first episode,
give them a break and let a few sentries panic and
dive for cover.
And if you really want to give the characters a
challenge, have the guards crewing a
heavy repeating blaster (8D damage)
mounted on a tripod to one side of the
gate. Heavy firepower is always cause
to hesitate I'd
rather face a
than a gunnery
crew with a repeating blaster

any day.

The Pirates of Prexiar

Episode Two:
Jungle Chase
In this episode the characters race through the Prexian
jungle, heading back to their ship. While they zoom along,
they check out the crates they've just stolen back, using the
medical supplies to heal any wounded characters. Then they
must evade or engage several pirates on speeder bikes sent
to stop them, and encounter two mechanized surprises
waiting in ambush.

Hey, What's in These Crates?

Once the characters blast out of the pirate compound,
they have a few moments to themselves. Have the pilot make
a few repulsorlift operation rolls (just to make sure the skiff
doesn't hit any trees; difficulty number of 8). Then ask the
players if their characters are doing anything with the crates
most likely they'll want to find out what's inside.
Three of the six crates contain medical supplies. Characters with first aid skill may use a medpac from one of these
boxes to heal any who were injured in their escape.
Two of the crates contain blaster rifles and spare power
packs. Since the characters are already armed, they won't
need the rifles. If any of their rifle power packs ran out during
the battle back in the pirate camp, they can take a few
replacements. Remind the characters, though, that these
supplies are needed for a Rebel military mission, not their
own purposes.
The last crate contains a light repeating blaster with a
tripod and mini-power generator. If the characters think of it,
they might mount the blaster on one of the crates and point
it behind them should the inevitable pursuers come into
Light Repeating Blaster. Character, blaster, 3-50/120/
300, damage 6D.

The Hunt Begins

Before long, the characters hear the telltale whine of
repulsorlift engines behind them. Six pirates on speeder
bikes soon zip through the jungle trees and begin firing their
blaster pistols at the characters. Read aloud:
You're cruising through the jungle aboard the skiff,
watching the morning sunlight shine through the neartransparent green leaves. It seems like a peaceful morning.
But the calm is broken by the distant hum of repulsorlift
engines. Surely Vangar wasn't going to let you escape so
easily, especially after breaking into his compound, stealing his loot and blasting out.
Soon you look back and see speeder bikes weaving
between the trees. Grizzled pirates ride them, their blaster
pistols unholstered and ready to make you pay dearly for
what you've done.
To try and lose the pirates, the skiff pilot might want to
make some fancy maneuvers, using jungle trees as obstacles. Trying to out-maneuver the pirates with fancy flying
requires a Moderate repulsorlift operation roll (with a difficulty number of 15). Failure means the skiff grazes a tree, or,
if the pirates close in, the skiff could bump into a speeder
bike. Failure also means the other pirates catch up. (Check

out the sections on running chases in Chapter Seven.)

If the repulsorlift operation roll beats 15, the pilot successfully pulls off a maneuver in the skiff. To keep up, the pirate
speeder bikers must beat the character pilot's roll otherwise, they fall behind. Remember to add the speeder bikes'
maneuverability of 3D+1 to the pirates' repulsorlift operation
rolls when engaged in maneuvers. Of course, if you roll an
awful repulsorlift operation roll for the pirates, they might
have some trouble avoiding those jungle trees ...
Whenever they get a clear shot, the pirates open fire on
the skiff, trying more to wound the characters than damage
the cargo. Remember, cover from skiff bulkhead adds +2D to
enemy difficulty numbers to hit. Don't forget: the characters
certainly have an opportunity to shoot back.
Cargo Skiff. Speeder, maneuverability OD, Move 70; 200
kmh, body strength 2D.
Pirate Speeder Bikes. Speeder, maneuverability 3D+1,
Move 160; 460 kmh, body strength 1D+2.
Biker Pirates. All stats are 2D except: Dexterity 4D, blaster
5D+2, repulsorlift operation 3D+2. Move: 10. Character Points:
2. Blast vest (+1D physical, +1 energy, torso only), headset
comlinks, heavy blaster pistols (5D).

Modifiers, terrain difficulties, movement failures, charts and tables, Hm ...

See, although you 're sitting around somebody's
galley table rolling lots of dice and checking your
character sheets, playing this game doesn 't have to
be as bogged down as filling out Imperial Customs
datawork forms. Remember, the Star Wars
roleplaying game is based on the films. If you're
playing it, you want to feel like you're in the
movies. Data-crunching just slows everything down.
Look, spend more of your time describing an
exciting chase instead of burying your nose in the
movement section of these rules. For instance, the
character flying the skiff fails a repulsorlift operation roll. Rather than checking for movement failures and collision damage, describe something
that would be dramatically appropriate. If the
characters are in the thick of their pursuers, maybe
they make a wrong turn, sideswipe a tree (inflicting
minimal damage on the skiff), and head off in a
different direction causing everyone behind
them to maneuver to keep up. If the characters are
far ahead of their pursuers, maybe they scrape their
repulsorlift engines against a rock and start slowing down.
If the die rolls dictate that the skiff flips over 19
times and kills all the characters, well ...
that's not quite the kind of "exciting
ending" most adventures should have.
You're calling the shots here
you're making the movie magic happen for the players. Do what's goingto '
make for a dramatic chase the players
will enjoyone they'll remember
long after the adventure's over.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Pirates of Prexiar

When they aren't shooting at pirates, some characters can monitor comlink transmissions between the
pirates. They can use a comm unit in the skiff (mounted
near the pilot's controls) or their own comlinks (if
modified with a Difficult Technical roll). They pick up
lots of chatter from the pirates coordinating the chase.
It seems those on the speeder bikes are careful to plan
their pursuit strategies; however, attentive characters (those making Difficult Perception rolls) notice
that there seem to be two more voices on the comlinks
than there are pirates in the chase. Apparently there
are two more adversaries hiding somewhere in the
After a few rounds of the chase, the pirate bikers
who haven't crashed into trees or been shot by characters veer off and return to their base, allowing the
characters to escape.

AT-PT Ambush
The pirates called off the chase because they
didn't want to stumble into the ambush set for the
characters. Two AT-PT walkers All Terrain Personal Transports are hiding ahead waiting to open fire on the skiff. The
AT-PTs are small versions of the AT-ST scout walker meant
to provide armored heavy fire support to infantry units.
They are antiques compared to other walkers, but can still
be found in the ranks of mercenaries and pirates who stole
them, bought them on the black market, or salvaged them
from battlefields.
The two AT-PTs are positioned about 100 meters apart.
The speeder bike pirates coordinated the chase to drive the
characters' skiff toward the AT-PTs. But the characters don't
know what's waiting ahead unless they suspect
something's going on from the comlink transmissions.
Characters who say they're keeping an eye out for pirates
may make a Perception roll. Those rolling more than 15 (a
Moderate difficulty level) notice the AT-PTs concealed behind two trees ahead. If the characters don't notice the
walkers, they fly right between them, drawing fire from both.
2 AT-PT Walkers. Walker, vehicle blasters 3D+2, walker
operation 3D, maneuverability 2D, Move 21; 60 kmh, body
strength 2D. Weapons: 1 twin blaster cannon (fire control ID,
10-50/200/500, damage 4D).
If they sight the AT-PTs in time, the characters might veer
away from the ambush. As soon as the AT-PT pilots realize
the characters have discovered them, they emerge from
their hiding places and fire on the skiff as long as it's in range.
The characters may decide to run away (the skiff is much
faster than the AT-PTs), or they may want to circle around to
try and destroy the walkers! This could be difficult, since
their character-scale weapons won't do too much damage to
the walker-scaled AT-PTs.
The characters might try several different tactics. Some
characters might jump off the skiff and attempt to sneak up
on the AT-PTs from behind, surprising the pilots and commandeering the walkers! If the pilot is particularly bold, he
may try to catch the AT-PTs in a crossfire. When flying
between the two, he must make a fancy maneuver to dodge
their fire if the character's repulsorlift operation roll is
higher than both walkers' vehicle blasters roll (with the fire
control dice added in), they successfully avoid the twin
blaster cannon shots and the shots hit the other AT-PT!
Once the AT-PTs have been destroyed or avoided, the
characters can rush back to their ship unhindered.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Episode Three:
The Pirate Corvette
The characters near the clearing where they docked their
ship, the Merry Thrubidor. As they approach, they see the
dark shadow of the pirate corvette flying overhead. Arriving
at their ship, they find 10 pirates have descended from the
corvette to try and shipjack the characters' freighter. The
characters must blast the pirates, load the cargo into their
hold, and fire their ship's weapons on the corvette to escape.
Lifting off, they race into space, fire back at the pursuing
corvette, and finally jump into hyperspace.

An Ominous Shadow
Read the following aloud as the characters near the
clearing where they've docked their ship:
You're almost there! Ahead you can see the sun shining
into the clearing where you've left the Merry Thrubidor.
You can just see your vessel's hull plates gleaming in the
morning light, when a dark shadow passes over you. The
pirate corvette cruises low overhead, skimming the tops of
the tall jungle trees. It hovers briefly over your ship, then
begins circling the area, searching for you ...
You slow the skiff and creep up to the clearing's edge.
Ten pirates have jumped down from the corvette onto your
ship's hull. They head down to the main entry hatch, then
begin setting detonite charges around the seal. It looks like
they intend to blast their way inside!
The pirate corvette has found the characters' ship. Ten
pirates have descended onto the Thrubidor's hull, intending
to break inside and steal it. The characters slowly approach
and take stock of the situation. Meanwhile, the corvette
circles the area, its crazed captain Vangar harassing the
characters over the ship's external speakers:
As you watch the pirates prepare to blast your main
hatch off, you hear the corvette's speakers crackle to life
overhead. "Whoever you are, give up now! I am the
infamous pirate Vangar and I might be merciful if you
throw down your weapons and surrender. I'd much rather

The Pirates of Prexiar

have your ship intact. But if I have to blow the hatch off, I
will then I'll finish off all of you! I'll blast this entire
jungle if I have to. You're all going to die!" Not only is
Vangar extremely angry at you, but it seems he'll do
anything to have his revenge.
The players must formulate some plan to fight their way
onto the Thrubidor and flee the pirate ship above. Ambushing the ten pirates might be the best option the pirates are
intent on setting the detonite charges and aren't paying
much attention to the jungle around them. The characters
have the advantage of surprise they'd better use it soon
before the pirates blow a big hole in the Merry Thrubidor.
Besides surprise, the characters have several resources
on their side. The skiff is fast and offers good cover they
can swiftly fly out of the forest right up to the pirates and still
be well-protected. If they've discovered the repeating blaster,

Type: Barabel Pirate Lord
Blaster 6D, brawling
parry 5D
Intimidation 4D, planetary systems 2D+2,
value 3D
Space transports 4D
Command 3D
Brawling 6D, lifting 5D+2
Special Abilities:
Natural Body Armor: Barabels' black scales act as armor,
providing a +2D bonus against physical attacks and a +1D
bonus against energy attacks.
Radiation Resistance: Barabels receive a +2D bonus when
defending against the effects of radiation.
Vision: Barabels can see infrared radiation, giving them the
ability to see in complete darkness providing there are heat
differentials in the environment.
Dark Side Points: 3
Character Points: 5
Move: 11
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (5D)

Capsule: Vangar is a feared pirate lord within the

sector where his baseworld Prexiar is located. Most
everyone dreads him; the Barabel has a reputation for
a short temper and a cruel streak when dealing with
his enemies. He rarely tolerates failure among his
crew, and he is quick to forcefully punish mutineers or
those who fall out of line. His violence is often tempered by a small cadre of officers, trusted advisors
who help oversee his piratical endeavors: three bases,
a slavers' camp, and several vessels.
For all his bluster, Vangar is, however, little more
than a figurehead in his pirate band. His flock of
"trusted advisors" really call the shots, feeding him
information and playing to his quick and violent reactions to most situations. They manipulate him in every
way possible. His advisors know Vangar's relentless
strategies are effective in combat, but can often damage the more subtle aspects of the piracy business.

Once the players have a plan, let them lead the attack. Once
they're aware the characters are ambushing them, the pirates turn and attack (use the stats listed earlier). Some take
cover behind the Thrubidor's landing struts, but at least two
continue setting the detonite charges near the entry hatch.
The characters have five rounds to defeat these pirate
shipjackers before they blow the main hatch off the ship.
This data on Vangar, it's useless information,
right? I mean, you don 'teven battle him face-to-face
in this adventure. Why do you need all this data
about him?
If I'd known half the things about smuggling I've
learned since I started, my life would have been
much easier. But I was uninformed and made
mistakes. I didn't know what to expect.
Vangar's character profile gives you (the
gamemaster) an edge he's another recurring adversary to throw at your players in
later scenarios. He's a gift-wrapped adventure idea waiting to happen. You know his
strengths and weaknesses, and how he operates. Use that to your advantage in creating new
stories for your players.
What do you think grumpy old Vangar's
going to do after this adventure, once the
characters have stolen some of his supplies and shot up his pirate buddies?
Maybe he posts a bounty on the characters' heads and sends some of his
goons after them. Perhaps Vangar becomes so enraged with the Alliance
that he temporarily joins the Empire's
efforts to seek out and destroy Rebel
bases. Use him as a motivating force behind future missions. Vangar is a powerful bully, and his pirate band can be an
effective aggressor in the hands of a
good gamemaster.

Into the Thrubidor

Once they've defeated the shipjacking team, the characters must load the supplies into their cargo bay and hold off
the circling corvette. Some characters (probably the ship's
captain) might want to dash up the boarding ramp and get the
ship prepped for takeoff. The others must load the supplies.
The Thrubidor's cargo lift allows the characters to throw
the crates aboard, then raise the lift and seal the cargo bay.
How quickly this is accomplished depends on how well the
characters roll their lifting skill one crate is loaded for
every roll of 10 or higher. Each character can make one roll
per round.
Five rounds after the characters defeat the shipjackers,
the corvette stops circling the surrounding forest and heads
back to the Thrubidor, ready to blow it up. The pirate crew
was keeping close contact with the shipjackers on the ground
by comlink as soon as it's apparent the ground team has
been defeated, the corvette moves in ...
Any characters in the Thrubidor's cockpit notice the
pirate corvette approaching. The character's ship has two

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Pirates of Prexiar

turret-mounted double laser cannons, one in the belly and

one topside. If characters think of it, their gunner could
power up the topside gun and take a few pot-shots at the
pirate ship. Vangar isn't expecting much resistance, and his
crew is caught off guard by any show of force.
Have the characters trade a few blaster cannon shots
with the pirate corvette as the pilot maneuvers the Thrubidor
out of the jungle clearing and into Prexiar's sky.

Flight From Prexiar

Ask the characters which stations they crew aboard the
Thrubidor. There's room in the cockpit for a pilot and copilot, plus a sensors and comm-board operator, and a shields
operator. Each of the double blaster cannons needs a gunner
in its turret and with Vangar's pirate corvette closing fast,
they're going to have to be pretty good shots.
To find out how long the characters must go before they
can jump to hyperspace, ask the pilot or co-pilot to make an
astrogation roll. Subtract the result from 30. This is the
number of rounds it takes them to fly out of Prexiar's gravity
well and set up for the hyperspace jump. No matter how well
the navigator rolls, the characters have at least five rounds
before they're safe.
Since the corvette is much faster than the Thrubidor, it
stays right on the characters' tail at medium range making
the base difficulty to hit with weapons a 15. The corvette
fires one of its turbolaser cannons every round. Vangar is
truly vexed and isn't concerned with capturing the characters with the tractor beams; he just wants to destroy them in
in his rage.
The character flying the Thrubidor can try some fancy
maneuvers to evade enemy turbolaser fire. Each round the
pilot wishes to take evasive action, he rolls his space trans-

Merry Thrubidor
Craft: Ghtroc Industries class 720 freighter
Type: Modified light freighter
Length: 35 meters
Skill: Space transports: Ghtroc freighter
Crew: 1 (can coordinate), gunners: 1
Passengers: 10
Cargo Capacity: 135 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x!5
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 3
Atmosphere: 260; 750 kmh
Hull: 3D+2
Shields: 1D+2
Passive: 15/OD
Scan: 30/1D
Search: 50/3D
Focus: 2/4D
2 Double Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 1
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D+2
Space Range: 13/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 5D

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

ports skill and the Thrubidor's2D maneuverability dice. Rather

than having to hit the freighter on a 15, the pirate gunners
now must roll more than the pilot's roll.
Whoever is operating the shields must raise them or the
aft end of their freighter is going to take a beating. Raising the
aft shields requires an Easy shields roll (difficulty 10). The
sooner the shields are up, the longer the Thrubidor can
endure the pounding from the corvette's turbolasers.
Of course, the characters crewing the Thrubidor's two
double blaster cannons can shoot back, possibly damaging
the pirate corvette. Both have clear shots aft. Since Vangar
is in a larger ship, he's not too worried about the characters'
puny guns damaging him until they score the first big hit on
the corvette.
If the characters are escaping too easily, place an asteroid
field between the characters and freedom. While the large
rocks make it more difficult for the pirate corvette to pursue
and attack, they also pose a serious threat to the Thrubidor.
Each round the pilot must make a Difficult space transports
roll to avoid hitting an asteroid (don't forget to add in the
ship's maneuverability dice of 2D). Failure means the freighter
bumps an asteroid, inflicting 4D damage. This might be a
good time for someone to make a Moderate shields roll and

Vangar's Pirate Corvette

Craft: Rendili StarDrive's Light Corvette
Type: Modified Imperial Customs vessel
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 180 meters
Skill: Space transports: light corvette
Crew: 52, gunners: 6, skeleton: 18/+10
Crew Skill: Space transports 5D+2, starship gunnery 4D,
starship shields 4D
Passengers: 20
Cargo Capacity: 500 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x8
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D+2
Space: 8
Atmosphere: 365; 1,050 kmh
Hull: 5D+1
Shields: 2D
Passive: 30/1D
Scan: 60/2D
Search: 90/3D
focus: 4/3D+2
4 Double Turbolaser Cannons
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: \

Skill: Starship gunnery

Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 300-1.5/3.5/7.5 km
Damage: 4D
Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 1
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-8/15/20
Atmosphere Range: 100-800/1.5/2 km
Damage: 5D

The Pirates of Prexiar

raise the shields fore and aft to prevent any more damage.
Follow the guidelines for running starship combat in the
rules section. Should the Thrubidor become damaged, repairs may have to be effected immediatelyespecially if the
hyperdrive or nav computer take hits.

Once the characters have cleared Prexiar's gravity well,
avoiding the pirates and asteroids, they can finally escape.
Their nav computer downloads the astrogation coordinates,
the pilot engages the hyperdrive motivators, and the Merry
Thrubidor disappears into hyperspace.
They return the stolen cargo to their Rebel base just as
troops there are making final preparations to attack the
Imperial prison. The medical supplies and weapons will
make a big difference in the battle to come ...

Further Adventures
The characters' mission to Prexiar might be over, but
there are plenty of leads in this adventure that enterprising
gamemasters can develop into new scenarios.
The characters return to their base just in time to join the
raid on the Imperial prison. They might be enlisted to
transport a commando team there, avoiding sensor detection, TIE fighters and turbolaser blasts. What happens if
they're shot down in a hot zone where Rebel troopers are
dug in against several Imperial walkers? The characters
must save themselves and possibly their ship. Or they might
play some other role in the attack transporting prisoners
under heavy Imperial fire, or preventing a flight of TIE
bombers from destroying Rebel ground positions.
Don't forget that Vangar and his nasty band of pirates are
still out there. Platt had some good ideas for subsequent
adventures involving them. If they become a more formidable threat to Rebel activities in the sector, Alliance command might assign the characters to infiltrate the pirate
ranks and destroy them from within through dissent and
A good gamemaster is always looking for new adventure
ideas. Every scenario has new characters, locations or plots
that can be springboards for further adventures.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Old Republic was the. 'Republic of legend, greater than distance, or
time. No need to note where it was or whence it came, only to know that was the Republic.
Once, under the wise rule of the Senate and the protection of thejedi
Knights, the Republic throve and. grew. But, as often Happens when
wealth and power pass beyond the admirable and attain the awesome,
then appear those evil ones who have greed to match.
So it was with the Republic at its height. Like the greatest of trees,
able to withstand any external attack the Republic rotted from within
though the danger was not visible from the outside.
Aided and abetted by restless, power-hungry individuals within the
government, and the massive organs of commerce, the ambitious Senator
Palpatine caused himself to be elected President of the Republic. He
promised to reunite the disaffected among the people and to restore the
remembered glory of the 'Republic.
Once secure in office he declared himself Emperor, shutting himself
away from the populace. Soon he was controlled by the very assistants
and boot-lickers he had appointed to high office, and the cries of the
people for justice did not reach his ears.
Having exterminated through treachery and deception thejedi
'Knights, guardians of justice in the galaxy, the Imperial governors and
bureaucrats prepared to institute a reign of terror among the disheartened, worlds of the galaxy. Many used the Imperial forces and the name
of the increasingly isolated Emperor to further their own personal
But a small number of systems rebelled at these new outrages.
Declaring themselves opposed to the New Order they began the great
battle to restore the Old Republic.
from the beginning they were vastly outnumbered by the systems held
in thrall by the Emperor. In those first dark days it seemed certain the
bright flame of resistance would be extinguished before it could cast the
light of new truth across a galaxy of oppressed and beaten peoples...
from The first Saga
Journal of the Whills

The Galaxy

You 've no doubt heard the stories of the Rebel Alliance's battles against
the Empire . . . o f a young pilot named Luke Sky walker who destroyed the
Death Star with a single incredible shot... of the terrible Battle of Hoth,
where Imperial walkers devastated the main Rebel base . . . o f the
climactic Battle of Endor, where Luke Skywalker confronted Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader aboard the second Death Star.
But there are many more stories to be told ... tales of other
valiant heroes and other great struggles against evil.
/ have been bom into a civilization that has stood intact for
twenty-thousand years ... one which can lay claim to
millions of worlds, populated by thousands of different
species. In my twenty years of service to the Rebel
Alliance and the New Republic, I have been witness to the most important events in this terrible
war with the Galactic Empire. I have lived in an
era of social and political upheaval which has
shaken the very foundations of the galaxy.
Even now, twenty years after the Rebels'
victory at the Battle of Yavin, we are experiencing a period of great change. The remnants of the Empire and other forces continue
to threaten the security of the New Republic.
The ideals of freedom and justice are still imperiled by those who crave power and disregard
the rights of others. I suspect the challenges of
the future will be just as difficult as those of the
Now let me tell you more about
what has gone before ...

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Galactic Republic
The Galactic Republic was a timeless institution. It always
had been, it always would be. So it was believed for thousands of years and, perhaps, with just cause. The Republic
had lasted for a thousand generations, its origins lost in
antiquity and cloaked in legend. It arose in an era of exploration, conflicts, vast empires and barbarian warlords such as
Xim the Despot.
The Galactic Republic united many civilizations, establishing the rule of law and the opportunity for trade. Those
who joined the Republic shared great prosperity under the
wise rule of the Senate, while the government respected the
customs and laws of those cultures it embraced. The ways of
brutal conquest and domination were replaced by cooperation, peace and understanding.
Reaching out from what came to be known as the "Core
Worlds," the Republic eventually spread across much of the
galaxy, adding millions of member systems and countless
more colonies, protectorates and governorships.
A multitude of species joined in a union of remarkable
stability. While there were still terrible conflicts such as
the Great Sith War the Republic is most remembered for
its eras of peace and freedom. At the height of its power, the
most distinguished and honorable individuals in the galaxy
served as Republic Senators. Through the miraculous technologies of hyperdrive and the HoloNet, the member worlds
were linked to form a dynamic and diverse society. The
entirety of space claimed by the Republic was called the
"Known Galaxy"; the term is still in use today.
Guardians of Peace. The Republic dedicated itself to
peace, but force was sometimes necessary to protect it from
threats both internal and external. While the Army and Navy
were the primary military forces, the true protectors of the
Republic were the Jedi Knights, the masters of the Force.
This ancient order watched over the Republic in all its glory,

defending the innocent and good from those who would

inflict tyranny upon the people of the galaxy. Each Jedi's
powers were great and the wisdom of their words carried
much influence. In times of crisis, thousands of Jedi could be
called together to protect the Republic.
The Decline. Despite the countless years of peace
perhaps because of them the Republic began to falter. It
had become too massive, too successful, too wealthy... and
too easily lured away from the ideals upon which it had been
A few greedy Senators and corporate conglomerates saw
cracks in the system of government and exploited them for
gain. These first efforts were subtle and disguised, yet they
were also remarkably successful.
When the first corruptions were exposed, there was
outrage and anger but no change. A great disease had
struck at the heart of the Republic, but the Senators, so
consumed with protecting their own interests, lacked the
will to fight the evil.
The outrages continued. Senators turned upon each other.
Nobles, governors and military leaders established their
own dominions, their appointed representatives seemingly
above the law. The values of honor, honesty and decency
became secondary to the accumulation of personal power
and wealth. Anguish, anxiety and despair set in as the
decline of the Republic began.
Fear gripped the people as conflict slowly spread from
region to region. The Republic had seemed immortal, yet it
was unraveling and disintegrating, out of control and plummeting into an abyss of chaos and disorder. The Republic
ignored its duties, no longer paying heed to the needs and
wishes of the people.

The Rise of the Empire

Senator Palpatine was one of a new breed of Senators. He
seemed hard-working and promising, yet he too seemed
unable to bring about meaningful change. The Senator seemed
competent but unambitious, almost unassuming. He had no
enemies and was palatable to almost every faction of the
Palpatine's reputation worked
to his advantage. The honest Senators knew that it was time for
change. The corrupt Senators also
desired change they wanted a
powerless figurehead who would
provide the semblance of stability
so their rampages could continue
Palpatine seized the moment.
He seemed to be a compromise
candidate, satisfactory if unspectacular, and able to provide leadership. In truth, he had gained the
position through fraud, clever
promises and astute political maneuvering.
President Palpatine implemented what he called his "New
Order." He restarted the government, and proved to be an efficient
leader. The Senate, preoccupied
with internecine feuding, turned
more and more power over to him,

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Galaxy

and he seemed to be the only person capable of getting

anything done. Palpatine's power and popularity grew; he
hid his greed from the eyes of the citizenry, carefully cultivating the image of a responsible leader. Some thought the
decline of the Republic was over.
Secretly, Palpatine desired more. Some in the Senate,
especially Senators Bail Organa of Alderaan and Mon Mothma
of Chandrila, suspected his true motives were less than
When Palpatine felt he was immune from challenge, he
declared himself Emperor. Using mythic images to stir the
hearts of the people, he promised that with their unwavering
support, he would lead the Empire to glories greater than the
"Old" Republic had ever known. Conflict born of the years of
corruption continued to plague the galaxy, and thus the
people were willing to accept a solution ... any solution ...
even an absolute ruler. There were many who distrusted the
concept of an emperor, yet trusted Palpatine, and thus they
accepted the president's action as a "temporary and necessary step."
Palpatine's true plans slowly became known. The gravest
fears of his opponents were realized. The military swore
loyalty to him. The corporations and commerce guilds fell
into line, lured by the promise of incredible profits. By the
time the Senators realized what Palpatine had done, they
were too weak to challenge him.
Palpatine quietly silenced his enemies. History is vague
on specific details, but it is known that the Emperor orchestrated the extermination of the Jedi Knights. He used political threats and vague warnings of foreign invasions to spearhead a massive military build-up. Palpatine's forces secured
order in the Core Worlds, while new policies in the outer
regions led to barbaric atrocities. The mere threat of conquest was more than enough to convince most worlds to fall
under the rule of the New Order. Evil and tyranny spread
across the galaxy like the darkness of night.

The Era of Rebellion

Even when the fate of the galaxy seemed forever entwined
with the dark will of Emperor Palpatine, there were some
who were willing to resist. Several systems including the
worlds of Mantooine and Fest in the remote Atrivis sector
declared themselves in rebellion. Swift retribution was inflicted upon those who dared to challenge the Emperor's
authority, but they inspired many to continue the fight.
Out of the ashes of defeat arose the "Alliance to Restore
the Republic," which swore to depose Palpatine and return
the lawful government of the Old Republic. In those first few
years, the Alliance slowly built up support, avoiding the
attention of the ever-vigilant Imperial war machine. Many
small skirmishes occurred, but the Empire saw these incidents as the actions of disgruntled and disorganized malcontents. Many worlds and peoples secretly allied themselves
with the Alliance, knowing that civil war would come soon.
"The Era of Rebellion," as New Republic historians now
call it, began shortly before the Battle of Yavin. The number
of skirmishes increased and the upper echelons of the
Empire began to suspect that an organized resistance had
formed. Some of the Emperor's closest advisors feared open
The Empire responded with more brutal suppressions,
such as the subjugation and imposition of martial law on
Ralltiir. The system was blockaded by Imperial Navy warships, the planetary government was arrested, and suspected Rebel sympathizers were relocated to remote interrogation centers, never to be seen again.
The Battle of Yavin. Rebel spies learned of a new Imperial
super weapon project spearheaded by Grand Moff Tarkin.
The weapon, a space station code-named Death Star, was to
be the epitome of the "Doctrine of Fear," which pre-supposed that the Emperor would be able to disband the Senate
and hold absolute power by terrorizing the populace into
submission. What better means of inducing fear than by

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Galaxy
having a mobile space station that could destroy entire
Senator Leia Organa of Alderaan, a secret Rebel sympathizer, learned of the Empire's plan and received the Death
Star's technical readouts, which had been stolen by Rebel
agents. Leia travelled to the remote desert world of Tatooine
to find General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight and good friend
of her father, Bail. With Kenobi's aid, she planned to deliver
the plans to her homeworld of Alderaan in the hope that the
Rebellion could somehow find a way to defeat the Death Star.
En route to Tatooine, Princess Leia's ship, the Corellian
Corvette Tantive IV, came under direct attack from the
Imperial Star Destroyer Devastator. Commanded by the
Emperor's personal emissary, Lord Darth Vader, the Devastator captured the Tantive IV. Leia was taken into Imperial
custody, but the plans, safely hidden within the memory of
an astromech droid designated R2-D2 (Artoo-Detoo), were
sent to Tatooine in the hopes that Kenobi could deliver them
to Alderaan.
The adventures of Artoo and his companion, a golden
protocol droid designated C-3PO (See-Threepio), eventually
brought them to a young farmboy named Luke Skywalker.
Little did anyone, especially Luke, realize that he would be
the person to destroy the Empire and the first in a new line
of Jedi Knights.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke ventured to the dangerous
spaceport city of Mos Eisley. There they hired a cocky
Corellian smuggler named Han Solo and his Wookiee co-pilot
Chewbacca to transport them and the droids to Alderaan.
However, by the time they arrived in the Alderaan system,
the planet had already been destroyed by the Death Star.
Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon, was captured by the
Death Star's tractor beams.
Solo and Skywalker staged a daring (if somewhat
bumbling) rescue of Princess Leia, who was being held
captive in the Death Star's detention blocks. Although Kenobi
disabled the tractor beams allowing the Falcon to escape
he later fell in a battle with his former student, Darth
Leia and the others traveled to the main Rebel base on
Yavin IV, where the Death Star plans were retrieved from R2D2 and examined. As the Death Star tracked the Falcon and
closed in on Yavin, brave Rebel pilots aboard X-wing and Y-

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

wing fighters attacked in a desperate battle to destroy the

space station. Luke Skywalker ultimately managed to fire the
shot that destroyed the Death Star and the Rebel Alliance
won a stunning blow against the Empire.
The Rebellion Grows. Following the Battle of Yavin,
many more planets gave their support to the Alliance. The
destruction of Alderaan horrified many who had previously
been frightened into silence. The Rebel Alliance gained
support in the Outer Rim Territories and other remote
regions, where the Emperor's forces acted with impunity.
While worlds didn't dare openly declare themselves in rebellion lest they face direct response from the Emperor's
massive star fleet they secretly funnelled arms, money
and soldiers to the Alliance.
A succession of missions took the Rebel heroes to many
distant worlds, including Drexel, Ord Mantell, Mimban, Daluuj
and the immense space station known as The Wheel. Alliance High Command was driven from Yavin IV following an
Imperial blockade commanded by Admiral Griff. The Rebels
established a temporary base on the planet Thila while
scouts sought out a suitable location for a permanent base.
Eventually, the Rebels discovered and relocated to the ice
planet Hoth, near the Anoat system.
Meanwhile, other Rebel forces scattered throughout the
galaxy spent the three years following the Battle of Yavin
engaging in "harassment" tactics. These Rebel groups lacked
the weaponry to directly confront the Empire, but they
waylaid Imperial convoys and conducted hit-and-run raids
on key bases. The Alliance's strategy depended upon keeping its bases hidden and its fleets dispersed throughout the
galaxy. While this process was inefficient and responsible
for a considerable amount of miscommunication it also
made it impossible for the Empire to hunt down and eradicate the Alliance's military.
The Empire's ability to control all official communications effectively prevented those in the influential Core
Worlds from knowing the truth about the atrocities in the
outer worlds. Because the war's brutal realities never touched
the lives of the average person in the Core Worlds, Palpatine
retained a great deal of popular support in this region.
However, the Emperor's control of information was not
complete. Some learned the truth about the actions of the
Empire ... and some were so horrified by what they learned
that they took action. From agents in the
heart of Imperial Center (Coruscant, the
capital of the Empire) to the Bothan operatives of the clan Ayla, the Rebels had many
allies to gather information and undertake
critical missions.
A few planets, too remote even for the
Empire to be bothered with, declared themselves in open rebellion. Chief among these
was Calamari, the Mon Calamari homeworld.
These brave, peace-loving people repelled
the Empire's initial invasion and then dedicated themselves to building combat
starships for the Alliance. In time, the
Calamarians took on a leading role in Alliance High Command, while the Mon Cal
tactician Admiral Ackbar became as famous
as Mon Mothma and Princess Leia Organa.
Word of the Alliance spread and hope returned for those who dared to believe that
the tyranny of the Empire could be overthrown.

The Galaxy

The Final Battles. Three years after the Battle of Yavin,

the Rebel Alliance suffered a major defeat at the Battle of
Hoth. The base was routed by an Imperial task force led by
Darth Vader, and the Rebel forces fled by any means available. After the battle, Luke Skywalker travelled to the mysterious Dagobah system, although he has not disclosed the
nature of his activities there.
Shortly after that fateful battle, Han Solo, Princess Leia,
Chewbacca and the protocol droid C-3PO were captured by
the Empire at Cloud City, the floating Tibanna gas mine
above the planet Bespin. This was all part of Darth Vader's
scheme to lure and capture young Skywalker.
The plan came dangerously close to succeeding. Han Solo
was encased in carbonite and shipped off to the infamous
gangster Jabba the Hutt. Luke Skywalker lost his right hand
in combat with Darth Vader, yet maintained the will to
escape despite Vader's revelation that he was Luke's father.
After evading the Imperials, Luke and the others regrouped with the Rebel fleet. While Lando Calrissian (Cloud
City's former baron-administrator) and Chewbacca continued the search for Han Solo, Alliance High Command established a temporary base on the forest world of Arbra.
Months later, Luke was the target of an assassination plot
planned by Prince Xizor, leader of the criminal organization
known as Black Sun. Soon thereafter, Luke Skywalker led the
mission that rescued Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt and the
"Heroes of Yavin" joined the rest of the assembled Rebel fleet
as it prepared for a last-ditch assault against the Empire.
The Battle of Endor. Mon Mothma wasn't eager to attack
the Empire. The Alliance, while many times more powerful

than when it defeated the Death Star at Yavin, was still

drastically outgunned.
However, the time for waiting was over. Bothan spies
learned that the Emperor was building a second, more
powerful Death Star over an obscure forest moon named
Endor (this data was confirmed by the efforts of Rebel spy
Tay Vanis). More importantly, Emperor Palpatine was personally overseeing the final phases of construction the
Emperor, his precious Death Star, and the Empire itself were
at their most vulnerable.
The Rebels, with the assistance of the primitive Ewoks
living on Endor, destroyed the Death Star, taking a large
portion of Palpatine's personal battle fleet with it. Luke
Skywalker was responsible for returning Darth Vader (or
Anakin Skywalker, as he was known before he turned to evil)
to the light side of the Force and Emperor Palpatine was
The Empire had been defeated, but the Rebel Alliance
soon learned that it was easier to fight than to lead.

The New Republic

Immediately after the Battle of Endor, Rebel forces rallied
to the defense of the distant Imperial world of Bakura, the
target of an invasion by the mysterious Ssi-ruuk. (While the
Rebels helped defeat the aliens, the encounter remains
classified.) Shortly after the Bakura Incident, the Alliance
(temporarily renamed the Alliance of Free Planets) repelled
a preliminary invasion by the Nagai, who allied with desperate Imperial factions.
One month after the Battle of Endor, Mon Mothma and the

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Galaxy

Alliance's leaders declared the founding of the "New Republic." The New Republic spent the next three years unifying its
forces and chipping away at territory once held by the
Empire. The Empire's loss of territory was precipitated by
the greed of those who remained in power: Palpatine carefully cultivated a climate of fear and cut-throat political
maneuvering among his advisors and military leaders. Now,
petty disputes among Moffs and nobles often erupted into
full-scale warfare. Those who once served the Empire now
set their sights on creating their own personal strongholds.
Miscommunication, distrust and conflict plagued the lawless Imperial territories. Imperial soldiers were pitted against
each other and desertion rates skyrocketed. The New Republic slowly increased its sphere of influence by overwhelming Imperial groups which had exhausted their resources through senseless in-fighting.
Imperial loyalist officers and nobles sponsored a number
of reunification efforts, although they failed due to lingering
feuds. Several claims of "royal" lineage to Emperor Palpatine
and thus claims to the throne were discredited, only
increasing the sense of confusion and conflict. With the
Empire disorganized and disheartened, the New Republic's
military forces marched toward the Core Worlds.
Three years after Palpatine's death, Coruscant, the former
capital of both the Old Republic and the Empire, fell to the
New Republic. Imperial forces salvaged what they could and
fled to stronghold areas such as the Deep Galactic Core and
pockets of the Outer Rim Territories.
While the New Republic waged its military campaign
against rogue military commanders such as Warlord Zsinj, it
also dealt with the challenges of keeping the peace among its
member worlds. Internal squabbles plagued the New
Republic's government: the conflicts between the Mon
Calamari and the Bothans were but the best-known of the
lingering feuds. Other struggles were concealed by the language of diplomats.
Imperial sympathizers remained active in many planetary governments, stirring resentment against the laws of
the New Republic. Those who profited from policies of the
Emperor retaliated through force and sabotage when the
New Republic's "idealistic diplomats" promised to remove
those fortunes in the name of "justice."
Many member worlds owed allegiance to the New Republic in name only, their governments retaining the same
bureaucrats who brought terror to enslaved populations
under the Empire. The New Republic set its sights on bringinguniversal laws and rights to the galaxy, yet provincial and
local law was found more often than not. The economy
faltered due to the devastation inflicted upon the galaxy's
communications and transportation networks.
All these factors posed a serious threat to the New
Republic's stability, but the strong leadership skills of people
such as Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar and the Bothan Borsk
Fey'lya held the government together. Five years after the
Emperor's death, the New Republic controlled over threequarters of the territory once under the Empire's rule.
The Thrawn Campaign. Five years after the Battle of
Endor, the New Republic faced the most serious challenge since its founding. One of the Emperor's great
military strategists, Grand Admiral Thrawn, returned
from the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. Rallying
whole fleets to his command and using a series of
brilliant tactical maneuvers, Thrawn nearly managed to depose the New Republic and his forces
restored Imperial rule to half of the galaxy.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Return of the Emperor. Despite Thrawn's defeat at the

Battle of Bilbringi, Imperial forces rallied to recapture several Core systems, including Coruscant. The New Republic
was steadily pushed back, with its military leaders establishing a new main base in Hutt Space on the fifth moon of Da
With the New Republic on the run, the Imperial factions
returned to bickering and these conflicts soon degenerated
into all-out civil war. Coruscant was devastated, whole sections of the planet leveled. The worst fears of the New
Republic were realized it was learned that somehow
Emperor Palpatine had returned in a clone body. Operating
from the "fortress world" Byss in the Deep Core, Palpatine
launched an all-out attack on Calamari with his new World
Devastator super weapons. Luke Skywalker, seeking a means
by which to defeat Palpatine, embraced the dark side but
he also provided the computer command codes that allowed the New Republic to seize control of the World Devastators and halt the attacks. Luke was brought back from the
dark side and the combined efforts of Leia Organa Solo and
Luke defeated the Emperor.
Despite Palpatine's fall, Byss and the vast military fleets
remained virtually intact. Imperial Executor Sedriss, one of
Palpatine's trusted warriors, initiated "Operation Shadow
Hand," a complex battle plan designed to destroy the New
Republic. It was soon learned that the Emperor had reincarnated himself in a clone body, but New Republic forces
rallied to once again defeat Palpatine in a dramatic military
campaign that culminated in a battle above Byss itself.
The Jedi Praxeum. Within a year of Palpatine's defeat,
the New Republic managed to retake Coruscant and begin
the tedious task of rebuilding the once-splendid capital. Jedi
Luke Skywalker, acknowledging the need to train a new
generation of Jedi Knights, established his Jedi praxeum, or
academy, on Yavin IV. Princess Leia Organa Solo accepted
the post of Chief of State upon Mon Mothma's retirement.
New Republic military forces defeated the fleet of Admiral
Daala, a former close aide of Grand Moff Tarkin and the head
of the Maw Installation, a secret super weapon research lab.
The New Republic Thrives. Following Daala's defeat, the
past decade saw several major campaigns against the New
Republic, but the government withstood them all. This time
could be regarded as a kind of "golden age": freedom has
returned to many worlds in the galaxy, while a new generation of Jedi Knights stands ready to defend the New Republic. Trade and commerce networks have been rebuilt and

/ have made my best effort to discuss

the most important historical events and
trends. Of course, not everyone will agree
with my interpretation of what is important
history is, afterall, a matter of one's point
of view. Each group, culture and species
would no doubt relate tales from their own
perspectives and focus on different events
and personalities. Their interpretations of
what "really" happened would no doubt
sound very different from what I have told

The Galaxy
many of the wounds of the past have begun to heal. Perhaps
the Republic has been restored in both deed and name.

The pervasive influence of the Republic has spread advanced technologies such as hyperdrive, blasters, droids,
and repulsorlift generators across the Known Galaxy. What
follows is a summary of some of the common technologies
travelers are likely to encounter.

The society of the Known Galaxy depends upon starships
for travel among the millions of stars and worlds. Travel
between worlds requires a "hyperdrive," while a "sublight
drive" is used for travel within a system.
Hyperdrive. It is unknown whether hyperdrive was invented by the humans of the Core Worlds or introduced by
alien traders from far off in the Unknown Regions, but this
miraculous technology, which predates the Republic, allowed the formation of a galactic civilization.
Hyperdrive allows starships to quickly and easily journey
between stars, sometimes in a matter of hours. (Ships without hyperdrives are limited to sublight speeds, meaning that
it would take years just to reach a system's nearest stars.)
While there are many makes and brands of hyperdrive,
they are all similar in function. The universal nature of
hyperdrive components allows starship mechanics to maintain and repair the units with relative ease. This, combined
with the relatively low cost of a hyperdrive, enables many
citizens to afford their own ships; those that cannot purchase a starship still have access to interstellar travel by
hiring ship owners for transit or by purchasing tickets from
one of the galaxy's many passenger lines.
Sublight Drives. Sublight drives allow starships to travel
within a star system. They are used to propel a ship far
enough from a planet's surface to make a safe jump to
hyperspace, and for trips between planets or moons in a
system. Ships also use their sublight drives for atmospheric
The most common sublight drive is the Hoersch-Kessel
ion drive, which is extremely efficient, mechanically simple
and quite affordable. This type of unit, manufactured under
many different brand names, can be found on vessels ranging from the small, suborbital Incom T-16 Skyhopper to
Imperial Star Destroyers.

There are several communications technologies in widespread use. Military and government forces use the HoloNet
and hypertransceivers for instantaneous communication
along secured channels; private citizens often must make do
with more limited subspace communication networks.
The HoloNet. The HoloNet was built during the height of
the Republic and was one of its greatest accomplishments.
Using specially-developed hyperspace technology to link all
members of the Republic in a real-time holographic communication network, the HoloNet relied upon a complex network of hundreds of thousands of transceiver satellites to
transfer messages through hyperspace.
Through the HoloNet, the President of the Republic could
instantly address all member worlds, no matter how remote.
The Republic used the HoloNet to encourage the free ex-

change of information and ideas, leading to great advancements in culture and commerce.
However, the HoloNet was hideously expensive to maintain. Its use was commonly restricted to official Republic
government functions and the largest corporations, yet it
provided a vital sense of belonging and membership to the
average citizen.
Palpatine realized that control of information was vital to
his ability to suppress rebellion and hold power. The HoloNet,
which had helped him gain support as a senator and then
President of the Republic, could prove to be his undoing if
information on his activities were distributed to the people.
Palpatine seized control of the military and governmental
portions of the Net and used censors to oversee academic,
civilian and corporate communications. Increasingly, access to the HoloNet was directed to the Imperial military,
although several "private" HoloNet networks sprung up to
service the needs of civilian corporations. Military censors
ensured that no treasonous or seditious messages were
broadcast over the HoloNet (although Rebel and fringe
computer slicers often found ways to hide messages within
In recent years, the HoloNet networks continue to service
most of the galaxy, although this technology still remains
prohibitively expensive for many citizens.
Hypertransceivers. Hypertransceivers, also called
"hyperradio," are a cheaper and less-sophisticated form of
instantaneous communication. Like the HoloNet, the technology relies on a network of satellites to broadcast messages through hyperspace. Many HoloNet transceivers carry
hyperradio transmissions, but dedicated hypertransceiver
satellites are considerably cheaper.
Hypertransceivers allow for instant, real-time communication with any world in the galactic network (although not
every system is serviced). The medium is limited to audio
and video transmission. While still ridiculously expensive
for everyday communications, citizens can buy transmission time in the event of an emergency.
Subspace Transceivers. Subspace transceivers allow
faster-than-light audio, video and hologram communications, but their ranges are quite limited. Small subspace
transceivers may only reach a few light-years away, although high-powered units can reach a distance of well over
100 light-years. Most starships have a subspace transceiver
for distress signals, and the average citizen can normally
afford to send a subspace message at a relatively modest
Many sector governments maintain subspace satellite
networks for a sector-wide communications grid. In theory,
messages can be relayed across the galaxy by skipping them
across several subspace networks, but it can take several
days (or even weeks) for a message to be delivered. That, of
course, assumes that the message isn't inadvertently "terminated" while crossing networks. Security is also a concern
with such messages.
(Private citizens often send messages aboard NewsNet
drone ships or starship couriers, which deliver messages,
package and news on a regular schedule to various systems.
These ships are significantly slower than subspace relays,
but using them is also fairly cheap.)
Comms, Intercoms and Comlinks. Comms, intercoms
and comlinks all use essentially the same technology: cheap,
speed-of-light communication systems, similar to old-style
radionics and broadcast systems.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Galaxy
Comlinks are short-range two-way communication devices.
Smaller units can be hand-held, and most vehicles and buildings have an integrated comlink array.
Comms are used for ship-to-ship or ship-to-planet communications they can interact directly with comlinks or
Intercoms are internal ship-board communication systems and are typically "hard-wired" into a ship.
Planetary and local communication grids often use
comlink transceivers, "hard-wired" intercoms or any
of a number of variants on this technology.

Repulsorlift Vehicles
Most vehicles are powered by a form of antigravity drive called "repulsorlift." These drives
repel against a planet's gravity, allowing the vehicles to
hover and fly above the planet's surface. Repulsorlift drives
don't work in space although they can be used aboard
starships by repelling against the ship's artificial gravity
Landspeeders, snowspeeders, speeder bikes and sail
barges use repulsorlift drives. Some high-performance vehicles, such as swoops and T-16 Skyhoppers, add ion drive
afterburners to increase speed. Many starships are equipped
with repulsorlift drives for fine maneuvers during landings
on a planet's surface.

Droids are intelligent, mobile automatons used throughout the Empire. There are an amazing variety of droid
designs, ranging from specialized-function to general labor
units. The machines may be designed for any number of
fields, including labor, military, scientific, protocol, communications, and engineering.
Within the Empire and even the New Republic, droids are
generally treated as property. Some people harbor a deep
sense of distrust and prejudice against the machines.

Medicine and Cyborging

The following sections covering

'? astrogmphy, politics and culture offer
/ only the broadest generatilities. Even
the lowliest village and city tends to
have vast cultural variations: rich and
poor; contrasting political, social and
moral views; neighborhoods where differing species are in the majority, and so
forth. Very few planets have homoget neous cultures, and my guidelines should
Ik only be taken as that: a summary of a
In category that has a multitude of exceptions to disprove the "stereotype."

Even within the Known Galaxy, there are vast tracts of

unexplored space. Hyperdrive travel across the Empire can
take months if one strays from the known trading routes, yet
fortunes await those lucky enough to discover new worlds
teeming with resources and native civilizations eager to
trade for advanced technology.
Because of the size of the Known Galaxy, the Old Republic
created regions as a convenient means of grouping worlds;
the terminology remains in use today.
Each region contains many sectors. The Republic's original definition of a sector was any area of space with 50
inhabited planets, but as colonization and exploration added
worlds to the Republic, many sectors grew and expanded far
beyond their original borders.

A Slice of the Galaxy

Several important regions of the galaxy lie at least partially within what is called "The Slice." Beginning at the edge
of the Core Worlds, this area was colonized millennia ago
after the creation of the Perlemian Trade Route and the
Corellian Run Trade Route.
Bear in mind that The Slice from the Colonies to the
Mid-Rim encompasses less than 1,000 settled worlds,
representing less than one percent of the Known Galaxy.

Medical technology in the galaxy is quite sophisticated.

Advanced medicines can heal many deadly diseases, while
bacta tanks often allow individuals to completely recover
from severe injuries. Advanced cybernetics and prosthetics
can replace severed limbs. Cyborg units allow users to
directly interface with droids, computers and communication systems, while enhanced cybernetic limbs allow individuals to enhance their physical capabilities beyond natural limits. In grave cases, life-support systems can sustain
individuals who otherwise would die from their injuries.

The Known Galaxy
The galaxy has over one hundred million stars in an area
of space over 100,000 light years in diameter: much of it
remains unknown and unexplored even today. The Known
Galaxy the area of space mapped and settled by the
Empire and the New Republic has millions of officiallylogged and inhabited planets, including colonies, corporateowned worlds, and protectorates. Millions of worlds that
aren't on Imperial or New Republic logs but are nonetheless
inhabited remain hidden in remote systems and on the
fringes of civilization.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Galaxy

The map of The Slice is a two-dimensional representation

of three-dimensional space. Apart from areas of space to
either "side" of The Slice, there are additional regions "above"
and "below" this area.
Core Worlds. It was from here that the Republic's first
explorers branched out in their efforts to colonize and
explore the galaxy. Coruscant (capital of the New Republic),
Corellia, Chandrila and many other ancient homeworlds are
in this region. The Core Worlds region is among the most
densely populated and wealthiest regions of the galaxy.
During Palpatine's rule, this area was a stronghold of
Imperial support. Core Worlders tended to accept the Empire as a necessary extension of the Old Republic; the
populace seldom heard about Imperial tyranny in the outer
Most of the Core Worlds region was under New Republic
control within three years of Palpatine's death. In its early
days, support for the New Republic was broad, but not
particularly deep the people simply wanted peace and
prosperity. When the New Republic reclaimed the Core
Worlds a second time (after the final defeat of the revived
Emperor), the New Republic gained widespread support.
The Colonies. The Colonies region was one of the first
portions of The Slice to be settled. The area soon established
its own identity, and most worlds broke away from the direct
control of their founding planets. Now this region is very
heavily populated and industrialized, yet it lacks the prestige
and tradition of the Core Worlds (or so those from the Core
Worlds would have you believe). Although all of the worlds
have been free for millennia, the term "Colonies" lingers.
This area was ruthlessly controlled by the Empire, creating a great deal of support for the Alliance.
While the New Republic pushed into the Core Worlds, the
remaining Imperial regimes inflicted great damage rather
than allow the Colonies to fall to the New Republic. After
several bitter battles, the final Imperial governments were
overthrown. Now the area is a firm ally of the New Republic.
Inner Rim Planets. Originally known as "The Rim" when
this area was first opened to settlement, rapid colonization
and venture corporations quickly built an economic powerhouse.
The Inner Rim Planets region is diverse, with vast agricultural and industrial concerns. The area avoided the chronic
overpopulation problems of the Core Worlds and the Colonies by opening up the "Expanded Rim," which was renamed
the Expansion Region.
This area was forcefully held in check under the Empire,
with martial law being more common than not, resulting in
a major population drain in the final years of Imperial rule.
Many citizens chose to relocate to the Expansion Region
rather than face constant repression at the hands of overzealous Imperial governors.
Even as the New Republic captured Coruscant, this region remained in thrall to brutal Imperial military leaders.
This region was freed by the New Republic shortly before
Grand Admiral Thrawn began his campaign; the victory
celebrations ended just in time for Thrawn's armada to
arrive and resubjugate the rebellious worlds.
This area was finally freed of Imperial rule several years
after Thrawn's defeat. Many worlds joined the New Republic, although there is lingering anger among many citizens
who feel that the New Republic didn't make enough of an
effort to free the region.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Expansion Region. Formerly a center of manufacturing

and heavy industry, the Expansion Region began as an
experiment in corporate-controlled space. While profits were
amazing, the Republic found it difficult to regulate this area
and it was removed from corporate control, although the
ruling companies received generous compensation when
the Corporate Sector was created.
Early in its history, the Expansion Region fueled much of
the The Slice's economic growth, providing raw materials
for starships and heavy industry. Due to millennia of intensive mining and development, most of the region's planets
are now played out. In recent centuries, the Expansion
Region has suffered from prolonged economic distress. The
area relied on a handful of massive "port systems," which
generate transportation revenues (and Imperial shipping
contracts). In recent years, the region has seen an influx of
"refugees" from the Inner Rim Planets and it has tried to
promote itself as a cheap alternative to the heavily-populated and more expensive Core Worlds and Colonies regions.
Under the Empire, this region provided several important
staging areas for military and cargo fleets entering the outer
territories. Due to the region's reliance on military shipping,
the Empire had much popular support prior to Palpatine's
After the New Republic liberated Coruscant, the Expansion Region generally allied with the new government. In the
early days, New Republic support was bolstered by Darvon
Jewett, the charismatic governor of the Boeus sector. In
recent years, Jewett went on to be selected as a New Republic Senator, while the Expansion Region has experienced a
modest economic boost due to corporate investment and
increased trade.
Mid-Rim. The Mid-Rim has fewer resources, less wealth
and a smaller population than the Expansion Region, yet it
offers opportunity to those willing to work hard. Several
trading worlds have bustling economies, while vast tracts
far from the main trade routes remain unexplored providing
many havens for pirate fleets.
Imperial strategists feared the region could provide suitable locations for Rebel bases. The area remained a stronghold of Imperial support even a full decade after the Battle of
In recent years, the New Republic pushed into the region,
forcing the Imperials to resort to hidden bases and makeshift
shipyards. While the New Republic eventually wrested control of the region, the fierce campaign exacted a heavy toll in
soldiers and ships. Currently, public support for the New
Republic is strong ... but there are a great many Imperial
sympathizers in hiding.

Other Regions
What follows are brief descriptions of several additional
regions scattered throughout the Known Galaxy. This list is
far from comprehensive; rather, it is intended to give the
reader a sense of the immense size of the galaxy.
Centrality. The Centrality is a "quaint" (some would say
"backward") region of space best known for its corrupt
politicians and the Oseon asteroid field, which supports
many pleasure palaces and vacation resorts. A puppet government of the Empire, the Centrality long ago swore allegiance to Palpatine in exchange for a certain degree of
autonomy. Lando Calrissian spent some of his youth wandering this region of space. (See The Lando Calrissian Adven-

The Galaxy
tures [Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sham, Lando
Calrissian and the Flamewind ofOseon and Lando Calrissian
and the Starcave of ThonbokaJ.)
Corporate Sector. Described as "one wisp off one branch
at the end of one arm of the galaxy," the Corporate Sector is
about as far from the Core as one could get. A region of space
encompassing tens of thousands of stars yet completely
lacking in native intelligent species the Sector was ruled
with an iron fist by the Corporate Sector Authority. Thanks
to well-established trade routes, the Sector's goods could be
transported to the Empire proper: metals and technology
coming out of the Sector helped fuel much of the Empire's
military build-up. The Authority had complete discretion as
long as it met Palpatine's quotas. Smuggler Han Solo operated in the Corporate Sector for a brief time. (See Han Solo
at Stars' End, Han Solo's Revenge and the Han Solo and the
Corporate Sector Sourcebook.)
Deep Core. The Deep Core lies at the heart of the galaxy
and borders the Core Worlds. A region of densely-packed
stars, the region was long thought impassable. However,
Palpatine sponsored exploration missions which pioneered
several routes and catalogued hundreds of potentially habitable worlds. The reincarnated Emperor Palpatine used the
Deep Core world of Byss as his base of operations. (See Dark
Empire, Dark Empire II, Empire's End and the Dark Empire
Hapan Cluster. A small, independent cluster of 63 settled
worlds, the Hapans ruling this area of space are extremely
isolationist, militantly defending their borders. While not
part of the Empire, the region maintained an uneasy peace
with nearby Imperial governors. The worlds of the Cluster
are very wealthy, but Hapan starship technology lags somewhat behind the standards of the Empire and the New
Republic. It is thought that the Hapan government, led by the
Queen Mother, is somewhat repressive, but the Cluster's
"closed borders" have kept a tight curtain of secrecy around
the region. (See The Courtship of Princess Leia.)
Hutt Space. This region of space borders the Outer Rim
Territories and is owned almost in its entirety by the various
Hutt clans. Although the area was part of the Empire, the
Hutts seemed to have a high degree of autonomy. A region
known for its criminal activities, lawless worlds such as Nar
Shaddaa, the "smugglers' moon," are notorious throughout
the Outer Rim. (See Dark Empire, Dark Empirell, Dark Empire
Sourcebook and Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens Enemies and
Kathol Sector. The Kathol sector lies out toward unexplored space, just beyond the Minos Cluster. This sector
figured prominently in the adventures of the New Republic
corvette FarStar. (See The DarkStryder Campaign [The
DarkStryder Campaign Boxed Set, The Kathol Outback and
The Kathol Rift]).
Minos Cluster. The sparsely populated and relatively
resource-poor Minos Cluster has little to distinguish it from
other remote regions. Back in the days of the Empire, the
Cluster was known as a good hideout for those on the run
from the Empire. (See Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters.)
Outer Rim Territories. The Outer Rim Territories is an
immense area of space, widely regarded as one of the last
bastions of civilization before reaching Wild Space and the
Unknown Regions. The Outer Rims Territories is characterized by lightly-settled frontier worlds populated by rugged

individualists. Notable planets of the region include Tatooine

(Arkanis sector), Calamari (homeworld of the Mon Calamari),
Ryloth (homeworld of the Twi'leks), Eriadu (capital of
Seswenna sector, the sector ruled by Moff Tarkin) and
Bakura. (See Star Wars [novelization] and Star Wars
Sourcebook; many other resources too numerous to mention.)
Tion Hegemony. The Tion Hegemony is an outlaying
region of space bordered by the Cronese Mandate and the
Allied Tion. While the Tion Hegemony is now considered a
galactic backwater, it was once the center of power for Xim
the Despot, the barbarian warlord who conquered a vast
empire long before the founding of the Galactic Republic.
(See Han Solo and the Lost Legacy.)
Wild Space. This term applies to any area of space on the
fringe of the Known Galaxy; Wild Space is the "frontier" of the
galaxy. Wild Space areas typically have a handful of remote
settlements cateringto isolationists, speculators and scouts
looking for potentially lucrative colony worlds.
Unknown Regions. The term "Unknown Regions" is applied to any area of space far beyond the borders of the
Known Galaxy. These areas of unexplored space are exceptionally remote and lightly populated, with perhaps a few
isolated settlements, independent scouts, "lost colonies"
and native civilizations.

Culture and Society

The Republic Senate was entrusted with the incredible
responsibility of governing an entire galaxy. One of its main
tasks was to establish universal law while maintaining the
peace among its many alien and human cultures (ranging
from planet-wide nation states to monarchies that had lasted
thousands of years to insectoid hive minds to coalition
governments that relied on the support of hundreds of
varied alien communities). The Republic standardized trade
and legal codes, while allowing each planet and people to
maintain local culture, customs, laws, language and government.
Even under the Empire, local cultures and governments
often remained intact if they surrendered their freedom and
promised to serve the Emperor. Those who dared to question Imperial policies faced forceful subjugation, but the
cultures which submitted to Imperial rule often were left to
their own devices ... provided, of course, they stayed away
from "sensitive" issues such as political reform and Imperial
military policy.
With the rise of the New Republic, renewed emphasis has
been placed on balancing the need for universal legal principles and respecting local legal and cultural traditions
among member worlds.
Humans. Humans particularly those from Coruscant,
the Corellians, the Chandrilans and the Alderaanianshave
traditionally had a large impact on Republic culture and
politics. One of the more numerous species, there are dense
human populations in the Core and human settlements can
be found throughout the galaxy.
The rise of Emperor Palpatine brought about the rise of
"Human High Culture": the ideology that humans were inherently superior to aliens. While this philosophy was not
supported by all humans most found the idea of "Human
High Culture" repugnant many aliens found their rights
and freedoms restricted under Imperial law and faced a high

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Galaxy

degree of prejudice that was formally encouraged by Imperial dictates.

The rise of the New Republic has seen a return to the days
of humans and alien species fully cooperating and sharing
ideas, as was the norm during the height of the Old Republic.
Unfortunately, lurking in the darkest corners of human
society are some who still embrace the Empire's "humans
first" philosophy.
Aliens. The number of alien civilizations in the Known
Galaxy is staggering. Duros, Aqualish, Rodians, Wookiees,
Sullustans, Bothans ... just a list of alien species would fill
scores of datascreens. Amazingly, despite fundamentally
different biological drives and perspectives indeed, entirely different ways of understanding the universe many
aliens have had a long and peaceful history as members of
the Republic.
The Empire made a great effort to marginalize the impact of
alien civilizations, but the New Republic has worked hard to
ensure that all beings are treated as equals. The New Republic
wants all species to have the opportunity to excel and contribute their unique skills, cultures, arts and technology.
(It is interesting to note that many people tend to discuss
an "alien species" as if all its members belong to a single
"culture" this perception is flawed. Consider the diversity
of human cultures, languages and perspectives ... and remember that many alien species are equally varied.)

The Known Galaxy's economy is perhaps the ultimate
"economy of scale." Worlds with billions of inhabitants
producing trillions of credits in goods per year are little more
than a footnote in the grand scheme of things.
Many worlds strive to develop a self-sustaining economy
or have a few key industries and conduct trade with only a
handful of nearby planets. Other worlds are extremely specialized, producing only certain products and entirely dependent upon others for essential goods. Huge starports
(such as those found at Kuat and Byblos) and fleets of super
transports and bulk freighters make such restricted planetary economies possible.
The galaxy has many huge corporate conglomerates
operating in dozens of fields and with facilities in several
regions: Santhe/Sienar Technologies, SoroSuub Corporation and The Tagge Company (TaggeCo.) are but three
examples of the galaxy's more famous conglomerates.
Smaller companies may "only" have operations in a few
key sectors. The corporations that are barely noticed by
galactic economists operate in only a handful of systems.
Most systems also support a large number of "local" companies, which are rarely known outside of their home systems,
but which manage to compete against the major conglomerates through a combination of "home system pride," excellent product quality and shrewd marketing.
Powerful guilds, other professional groups and trade
associations also figure prominently in galactic affairs.
Another key player in the economy despite official
claims to the contrary is the galactic underworld. Under
the Empire, a single organization Black Sun controlled
much of the galaxy's crime, although the Hutts and other
groups were key players in this "industry." Under the New
Republic, criminal interests have better kept themselves
hidden from the scrutiny of the government, although their
influence is undoubtedly just as strong.
The Galactic Republic's economy was quite diversified,

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

with strong industrial, transportation, communication, agricultural and medical industries. Under Palpatine, the
economy was largely directed into supporting the military
infrastructure, emphasizing weapons and starship manufacturing.
The New Republic, on the other hand, inherited an
economy in shambles: years of ceaseless warfare, particularly in areas long controlled by Imperial remnant groups,
devastated many industrial facilities and crippled communication and transportation networks. With a limited amount
of investment capitaland the need to continue fighting the
Empire, often on several fronts the New Republic's economic recovery has been slow and painful.

Timekeeping and the Calendar

"Galactic standard" timekeeping measurements are derived from those which originated on Coruscant. While
many planets maintain traditional local timekeeping measurements, all official communications and records use
galactic standard measures.
There are 60 standard seconds in a standard hour, 24
standard hours in a standard day, five standard days in a
standard week and seven standard weeks in a standard
month. A standard year is 368 standard days: ten standard
months plus three fete weeks and three more holidays, all
devoted to traditional celebrations, festivals and observances.

Credits is the standard term for money, although depending upon a person's reference point, they may be referring to
a completely different currency. For thousands of years,
Republic credits were the common currency of the galaxy.
During the rule of the Empire, Imperial credits were the
only universally accepted currency in the Known Galaxy.
Because they were backed by the entire galactic economy,
and the Empire was perceived to be exceptionally stable,
credits were considered of value almost anywhere, even
outside the boundaries of the Empire. Imperial credits could
be issued in a variety of ways, including electronic credit
sticks and cards, stocks, coins, corporate and bank notes,
and credit vouchers.
Cred sticks can be encrypted with security codes to
prevent theft and to allow secure interplanetary transfer of
money. However, what makes an electronic cred stick secure also makes it traceable needless to say, most criminal elements in the galaxy use coins for exchange, or launder
their money through many sources so that it is difficult to
trace the money's "electronic path."
Imperial credit coins were issued in many denominations: 0.1, 0.2,0.5,1, 2,5,10, 20, 50,100,200, 500,1,000,2,000
and 5,000 credits. Larger denomination coins existed, but
they weren't widely circulated.
With the rise of the New Republic, Imperial credits became worthless. The New Republic issued its own currency
also called credits while Imperial remnants often
issued their own scrip. During the many conflicts between
the New Republic and the Imperial remnants, the exchange
values of these currencies fluctuated wildly (at least in those
areas where both currencies were in use on many New
Republic worlds it was illegal to possess Imperial currency
and vice-versa). Some traders made a good living "speculating" on currency fluctuations, but a great many also lost
fortunes in this risky market. Barter was often a preferred

The Galaxy
method of exchange in those troubled days.
With the Empire's influence waning, Imperial scrip is
almost worthless, while the New Republic has taken many
steps to support its currency. Now, New Republic credits are
generally considered stable and are widely accepted.
Many planets, local governments, banks, guilds and corporations issue their own currencies, notes and "marks"
which may or may not be accepted depending upon where
in the galaxy you are. The currencies' depends entirely upon
the stability and financial status of the issuer. Several companies specialize in buying "non-standard currency" (offering the seller New Republic credits or locally-acceptable
currencies) on the premise that those credits can be "resold" somewhere else at a profit.
These currencies can be issued in any number of forms:
coins, electronic cred sticks, electronically-encoded
flimsiplast notes, or even simple metal slugs, beads or
anything else that happens to be handy for the issuer.

Intelligent species have developed a bewildering array of
communication forms. Fortunately, Basic, the standard language of the Old Republic, enables almost everyone to
understand almost everyone else.
Basic, derived from the native tongue of Coruscant's
Humans, is designed to be easy to understand and pronounce. Most alien species can speak it, and almost all of
them can understand it. It's the official language of the
Empire (and the New Republic after it) and most records,
scholarly texts and other works are stored in Basic.
Nonetheless, there are many other languages in use. It
isn't unusual for someone to speak several languages: Basic,
a native tongue, a couple of regional dialects, and a smattering of trade languages. A well-traveled citizen may speak
dozens of languages.

The Force
Knowledge of the Force and how to manipulate it is what
gives the Jedi power. An energy field generated by all living
things, the Force permeates the galaxy. The Force has both
a positive and a negative side: the light and the dark.
While even Jedi scientists were at a loss to explain exactly
what the Force is, long ago, the Jedi Knights learned how to
feel the ebb and flow of the Force. They mastered its power,
using it to accomplish deeds others would call "miraculous."
The light side represents peace, tranquility ... life itself.
Power in the light side comes through meditation, thought
and discipline. The light is called upon to defend others from
evil and to do what is good.
The dark side represents all that is evil: death, selfishness, greed, destruction and anger. The dark side isn't more
powerful than the light, but it is easier... quicker. Those who
are quick to feel hate or fear are tempted by the dark side.
At the height of the Republic, many people believed in the
power of the Force, largely due to the beneficial actions of
the Jedi Knights. The Empire waged an extensive campaign
to stamp out belief in the Force ... a campaign that was
largely successful. (Of course, many in the Rebellion believed in the power of the Force and "May the Force be with
you" was a common rallying cry in the ranks of the Alliance.)
The rise of the New Republic and Luke Skywalker's founding of the Jedi praxeum on Yavin IV has sparked renewed
interest and belief in the Force, although there are still
skeptics who say the Force is no more than "simple tricks
and nonsense."

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Galaxy
Most people spend their entire lives unaware of the
Force's influence. Whether good, evil, or neutral, they are
blind to the power of the Force although they may
subconsciously use its power, calling it luck, fate, destiny,
religion or magic. Such beings can commit evil, yet not be
swallowed by the dark side; they can do good, yet not find
the path of the Jedi and the light.

However, to those who are "Force-sensitive," the Force is

more than an abstract concept. They can feel the Force
flowing through them. A Force-sensitive person is more
closely attuned to the Force than most people and is able to
somehow sense the mystic rhythms of the universe. While
this gives the individual many advantages, it also makes the
person more susceptible to the corrupting influence of evil.

Now that you know a lot more about the galaxy, you can start making decisions about
the types of games you want to run.
After you've played a few games, you might want to turn back to this chapter
particularly the sections on history and astrography where there are plenty of ideas that
you can develop for games.

Roleplaying Settings
Now that you know the basics of how the galaxy works, you can start deciding what
type of game you want to create. Your options for Star Wars adventures are virtually
unlimited, but here are a few ideas and suggestions. (Of course, there's no "right" or
"wrong" ways to do things if you and the players are enjoying the way the game is
run, you've done your job.)

The galaxy is a really big place and your adventures can happen anywhere in it.
Through all the game books, comics and novels, there are literally hundreds of
fleshed-out worlds you can drop into your adventures.
When it comes to creating new worlds, you can fit almost anything into the galaxy
as long as you "limit" it properly. If something is really powerful, you have to explain
why it didn't show up in the movies, novels and comics. By making something just
"dangerous" instead of "the most dangerous," or "the best in the sector" rather than
"the best in the galaxy," you can throw some really great settings and ideas into your
game. (If you want an example of how to do this, check out The DarkStryder
Some gamemasters choose the "galaxy-spanning" approach, where characters
go gallivanting all over the place. In one adventure, they may visit the heart of the
Core Worlds, only to go racing out to the remote Outer Rim worlds in the next. The
characters will get to visit many exciting places and this method is a good way to
create the sense of scope that makes Star Wars a fun gaming environment.
Other gamemasters may set their games in one of the established regions (the
Corporate Sector is a popular choice). You may even limit your game setting to a single
sector or a handful of worlds. (The Elrood sector from The Star Wars Planets Collection
is a good example of a small, relatively "backward" sector that has plenty of adventure
By only using a few worlds in your setting (at least to start with), you can concentrate
on creating really interesting planets, characters and settings. Even a "limited" setting
(with only a few worlds) can still evoke the sense of wonder that's essential to a great Star
Wars game. (The Star Wars movies only used seven planets, yet the audience got the
impression that the galaxy was a lot larger: the scenes set in the Mos Eisley cantina,
Jabba's palace and the assembled Rebel fleet suggested that there was a lot more going on
beyond what was shown on-screen.)
Of course, the characters need a reason to stay put in your meticulously-designed
setting. A base of operations or an arch-villain who hounds them every step of the way can
provide that motivation. The supplements Supernova, Twin Stars ofKira and "The Minos
Cluster Campaign" in Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters provide examples of how to
create a "limited" game setting.
By limiting the scope of the game to a small region of space, it makes it much
easier for the player characters to play a major role there Luke Skywalker and
the others may have destroyed the Empire, but it's up to the characters to

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Galaxy
overthrow the local Moff and defeat the space pirates who plague the shipping lanes. (The supplements Flashpoint! Brak Sector
and Classic Campaigns present these types of settings.)

Historical Eras
When your game takes place is as important as where it takes place. There are several well-established eras you can pick
Classic Era. The exciting days between the destruction of the first Death Star at Yavin and the death of the Emperor at the
the Battle of Endor present plenty of adventure opportunities. For starters, the players need no explanation: they know exactly
what to expect because they've seen the movies.
During the four years inbetween those two battles, the Rebel Alliance is fighting a desperate war against an all-powerful
Empire. Rebel operatives must conserve their resources, carefully plot their actions and find some way to surmount
overwhelming odds on a regular basis. We know that Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia conducted many important
missions on behalf of the Rebel Alliance ... but there were no doubt other groups of Rebel heroes foiling the plans of Imperial
Grand Moffs, stealing weapon prototypes and leading revolutions on enslaved worlds. Needless to say, this is one of the most
popular game settings for Star Wars.
New Republic. The New Republic era now covers nearly two full decades. Granted, the Rebel Alliance may have killed the
Emperor, but the war is far from over. The New Republic has to somehow defeat desperate Imperial forces, while trying to shore
up popular support so the new government doesn't collapse.
The gaming opportunities for this era are limitless: the challenge of liberating worlds; getting the economy going; countering
the efforts of the Empire, organized crime, alien invaders and newly-freed cultures with grudges to settle. The desperate war
against Grand Admiral Thrawn, the confusion of the Imperial Civil War and the challenge of rebuilding both the Republic and
the Jedi Knights offer some incredible adventure possibilities.
Tales of the Jedi. The popular Tales of the Jedi comic books from Dark Horse Comics established and developed this era,
while the Tales of the Jedi Sourcebook provides plenty of valuable information on running a game in this period. Four millennia
before the rise of the Empire, the Republic is at its height, and legions of Jedi Knights protect it from dangers of all kinds. The
technology, while familiar, is still different and there are plenty of new worlds to explore and immensely powerful villains to
Other Eras. Depending upon how ambitious you are, you can decide to set your games in another era if you're up to the
challenge of defining the setting yourself. While this approach takes a lot of work, it also gives you the chance to develop a
campaign that is unique yet still clearly Star Wars.

For convenience, the Star Wars roleplaying game divides characters up into four broadly-defined social "classes," with
plenty of variety in each class. When setting up a game, you must decide what types of characters are appropriate so the players
know which templates to pick from.
Rebels/New Republic. This type of game revolves around the soldiers, diplomats and supporters of the Rebel Alliance and
the later New Republic.
A Rebel characters game revolves around underground Alliance freedom-fighters trying to defeat the awesome Galactic
Empire. This type of game may be more than the characters constantly being sent to foil Imperial plots perhaps the game
revolves around Rebel spies working undercover on an Imperial world; perhaps the characters are responsible ifor rescuing
Rebel agents who've had their covers blown. Maybe the characters are sent to help rebuild a world devastated by an Imperial
occupation and the adventures revolve around the characters dealing with extremely dangerous situations with very limited
"New Republic" games may simply be "Rebels" in a different time the heroes are still fighting to overthrow the Empire.
The switch is that the "New Republic" characters are now the respectable ones instead of sneaking around and hiding from
Imperial forces, they now must formally represent the New Republic to new governments. Naturally, they make great targets
for any Imperial forces that happen to be sore losers.
There are many more New Republic game options such as political intrigue, corporate espionage, scouting and exploration,
setting up trade routes, and smuggling goods to resistance groups on Imperial-held worlds.
Imperials. Star Wars is very clearly a story about good versus evil and it's expected that you'll be playing the good guys. Still,
there are some people who want to see what it's like on the other side of the war. Imperial character-oriented games can focus
on rank-and-file soldiers and pilots, or involve spying on local governments suspected of being disloyal to the Empire, or center
around political and court intrigue imagine trying to survive in the cut-throat environment of the Emperor's court.
If the players want to play "true" Imperials (those who choose to be evil), the gamemaster is strongly encouraged to make
sure the characters get what they deserve (and then some) this is a universe where evil is punished. On the other hand, not
everyone who worked for the Empire was a thoroughly despicable person General Madine was once an Imperial commando
and Mara Jade was the Emperor's Hand, a high-level security operative. Some people felt that the best way to reform the Empire
was from within, while others believed that they had to work within the Imperial system to protect their homeworlds or families.
Still others were so patriotic that they discounted any rumors of atrocities when confronted by the truth behind the Empire,
they had to make difficult choices. All of these themes can make for a memorable Imperial characters game.
The supplement Heroes and Rogues has extensive information on running an Imperial characters game and the TIE Fighter
computer game also provides some interesting insight.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The Galaxy
Fringe. Those who work in the shadows of society, on the edge of the law, are collectively called "the fringe." This group
includes people such as smugglers, bounty hunters, mercenaries, pirates, dealmakers, infochants and computer slicers. (Of
course, many rather despicable professions are also a part of the fringe.)
Many players enjoy the excitement of playing fringe characters they're flamboyant and quick with both a blaster and an
amusing quip. Fringe games can be set almost anywhere and during any erasuch characters may end up helping the Alliance;
New Republic-era fringe games may find the characters either supporting the new government or conning into conflict with its
"hard-nosed enforcers."
Due to the tyrannical policies of the Empire, many once-legitimate cargo haulers were forced into smuggling, although there
are also those who truly love the free-wheeling fringe lifestyle. Other character possibilities can include cold-hearted
mercenaries or "heart of gold" profiteers torn between their desire for wealth and a deeply-ingrained sense of morality.
Just as with the Imperial characters, gamemasters are encouraged to make sure that immoral characters get exactly what
they deserve. For some examples of how to run typical fringe adventures, see Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters, Brian Daley's
Han Solo Adventures (Han Solo at Stars'End, Han Solo's Revenge and Han Solo and the Lost Legacy), as well as Timothy Zahn's
stories involving Talon Karrde and Mara Jade (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command and "First Contact" in
The Best of the Star Wars Adventure Journal Issues 1-4).
Independents. The independent class is composed of those with vast wealth and the leisure time to freely travel among the
stars. The reasons for their journeys vary perhaps business, recreation or socializing but these fortunate beings live on
the wealthiest worlds, attend the best parties, know the most important people, and visit the poshest vacation worlds.
The independent class includes nobles and members of the ruling classes, those with rich inheritances, merchants, elite
politicians, corporate leaders, talented artisans, and anyone else gifted with both great wealth and high social standing.
During the reign of the Empire, most members of the independent class were either part of the Imperial establishment or
said just enough to be allowed to go about their business without much interference. Under the New Republic, many members
of the independent class distanced themselves from the new government since it seemed to lack the will and the resources to
coerce "proper" behaviors, as the Empire had.
While it may be impractical to allow player characters who are truly part of the independent class after all, there's not
much challenge when characters can buy their way out of any problems those who strive to be part of the independent class
yet lack limitless resources can be a challenge to play.
Other Options. There are many other game opportunities for gamemasters and players. Some ideas may be suitable to "oneshot" games, while others can form the basis of a truly memorable long-term campaign.
Groups of Jedi characters can be used in either Tales of the Jedi-era games, or they can be novice and intermediate students
from Luke Skywalker's Jedi academy on Yavin IV.
Perhaps the characters can be a group of Twi'leks cooperating to save their home city from pirate attacks and slavers, all
the while trying to earn honor and prestige for their individual clans.
The characters could be a group of Sullustans all employed by the SoroSuub Corporation they may be torn between a
sense of duty to their employer (SoroSuub is an Imperial-allied company and the government of the Sullustan people) and the
desire to do what is right. The characters may slowly be drawn into the Rebellion, or they may be playing a behind-the-scenes
role in SoroSuub's eventual alignment with the Rebel Alliance (as happened shortly before the Battle of Endor).
For a more humorous angle, perhaps the characters are novice (and inept) Gamorrean mercenaries, faced with the
challenge of learning the ropes in a bewildering and unfairly complex society. What more could one want out of life than food
and the chance to flex one's muscles in a good brawl? Now, if only you can find someone who understands your language.

So Much to Explore
There's an incredible amount of material you can use in developing your Star Wars adventures.
West End's line of game products include sourcebooks, Galaxy Guides, Adventure Journals, supplements and adventure
books. These products provide short stories, detailed character backgrounds, and plenty of new starships, aliens, planets,
droids and equipment for your games ... and all with complete game statistics. (West End Games has published doxens of Star
Wars roleplaying products and new supplements and adventures are released every month. Feel free to write and request a
Bantam Spectra's line of Star Wars novels, the Young Jedi Knights and Junior Jedi Knights series from Boulevard Books, the
original Star Wars novels from Del Rey Books, and special projects like The Illustrated Guide to the Star Wars Universe, The Star
Wars Technical Journal, the "Essential Guides," the "Art of" books and many other Star Wars publications introduce new
characters and situations. These stories continue the development of the Star Wars galaxy and can inspire many original
Likewise, new Star Wars adventures from Dark Horse Comics also introduce many new characters, planets, ships and other
LucasArts' computer games X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Rebel Assault, Rebel Assault II and Dark Forces all add an exciting new
dimension to the Star Wars universe that can be used in your games.
Official Star Wars publications such as Star Wars Insider and Topps' Star Wars Galaxy Magazine regularly introduce new
characters and situations that can be developed for a roleplaying scenario.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Gomemosfer Characters

I've met countless beings in my journeys across
the galaxy and always have I found a uniqueness in
the personalities of each of them, from Rebel troopers to the Emperor himself. Those of you who
choose to wander the galaxy had better pay attention, for things and people are not always what they
at first may seem. You 've no idea how often rogues
become heroes, and heroes become villains. And
for this reason I warn you not to rely on an initial
impression of anyone you meet.
I've visited exotic locales and seen awe-inspiring natural and artificial sights, but the most
enthralling and exciting of all have been the
individuals I have come across. Truly, the greatest variety in nature is to be found in the heart,
whether that of a human or an alien.
Good luck in your explorations, and by all
means, be careful.

What's a Gamemaster Character?

In the Star Wars movies, the main characters Luke, Leia,
Han, Chewbacca, See-Threepio, and Artoo-Detoo encounter
allies, neutrals, and adversaries throughout their adventures. All
of these other charactersDarth Vader, Yoda, Emperor Palpatine,
Boba Fett, Jabba the Hutt, stormtroopers, Jawas, Ewoks, and
many more serve to shape the story, establishing the setting
and helping or hindering the main characters at critical moments.
Without these characters, nothing much would happen.
As the gamemaster, you create the galaxy's population, designing friends, foes, and casual acquaintances for the player characters to meet. Gamemaster characters include everyone from major
villains to annoying droids, from stalwart companions to mysterious recluses. And don't forget the less-spectacular characters
the shop owners, bartenders, cantina patrons, spaceport citizens,
Rebel troopers, and so forth. They're just as important to the story
as everyone else.
Don't panic. You don't have to create enough characters to fill
the entire galaxy. You should carefully choose which gamemaster
characters play the most pivotal role in your adventure and

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Gamemoster Characters

design them in detail. Then select the less important characters and determine most of their background and personality, and so on until you come down to the nameless characters who need nothing more than a brief mention. You can
categorize these characters into lead, supporting, and extra

Lead Characters
Without lead characters, an adventure would meander
across the galaxy with no real focus. If Darth Vader hadn't
pursued Princess Leia to the remote world of Tatooine, Luke
Skywalker never would have become involved in the Galactic Civil War. He would have just stayed home, worked at his
uncle's moisture farm, and dreamed about going to the
Lead characters make things happen, but they don't
necessarily have to be adversaries of the player characters.
Obi-Wan Kenobi starts Luke on his path to becoming a Jedi
Knight. Without Ben, young Skywalker would never have
discovered his affinity for the Force (or would have realized
it too late), and the Empire would have secured its hold over
the galaxy forever.
Since these characters play such an important role in
your adventure or campaign, you should fill out a character
template, listing skills, assigning die codes, and recording
background and personality notes. When you're done you
should have a definite grasp of this character's strengths,
weaknesses, and ambitions.
Refer to Chapter Twelve, "Designing Adventures," for
more on using lead characters to build an adventure or

Supporting Characters
Supporting characters usually play a role as seconds to
lead characters, assisting them in their efforts to achieve
their goal. Boba Fett, hired by Darth Vader, hunted down
Han Solo. Lando Calrissian cut a deal with the Dark Lord to
set a trap for Luke Skywalker, and then helped Leia, Chewie,
and Threepio escape from Cloud City. Admiral Ackbar led
the attack on the second Death Star while Han and his team
destroyed the shield generator. Without these secondary
characters, these stories would have come to much different
You don't have to spend as much time creating supporting characters as you do with lead characters. You may want
to record their attributes and skills in paragraph stats and
append a few sentences about their backgrounds and personalities, but you don't have to go into as much detail. Just
make sure you have enough information to run the character
during the adventure.

Extras are the nameless, and sometimes faceless, characters who navigate Corellian blockade runners, tend the bar
at local cantinas, or battle against enemies in large-scale
confrontations. The motives, backgrounds, and personalities of these characters matter little (if at all) in the context
of the adventure. They have a specific role, and may serve to
help or hinder the player characters, but otherwise they
have no bearing on the overall conflict.
You can easily sum up these characters in paragraph
stats like this:

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

10 Guards. All stats 2D except: Dexterity 3D, blaster 3D+1,

Strength 3D+1. Move 10. Heavy blaster (5D).
Sometimes, however, you may wish to give these otherwise non-descript characters some particular quirk or unique
ability to set them apart from the billions of other beings
wandering the galaxy. Such flourishes make extras memorable, even if the player characters didn't get his name.
Refer to the sections below for tips on fleshing out
gamemaster characters.

Building Gamemaster
There are many areas to consider when creating a
gamemaster character. You may choose to skip some and
elaborate on others depending on the role a particular
gamemaster character will play in an adventure. For example, it may not matter that a droids shop-owner has a wife,
two children, a pet Jandoonian salamander, and a Mobquet
Deluxe landspeeder, when his only purpose in the adventure
is to sell the player characters information about recent
Imperial activity in the sector.
On the other hand, major villains and recurring characters may require more substantial information. You may
need to know what kind of allies and enemies a character
has, or what skills he possesses, or how many credits he has
at his disposal, since you can't predict exactly what types of
situations the character might become involved in.
When you design a gamemaster character, run through
the following topics and decide whether or not you need to
record information about that area. Of course, you can
always write out every character in vivid detail, but you'll
soon find that it's a lot of effort for such a short time "onscreen."

The Character's Role

What's the character's role in the adventure? Is he intended to be a constant companion for the player characters, providing helpful information? Will he provide comic
relief? Is he the main villain or an obstacle to the characters'
accomplishing of their objectives? Is he there to set the tone
and mood?
Some characters can serve many roles they can be
both humorous and helpful (like the Ewoks), or deadly and
threatening (like Boba Fett), or they may even act without
the players' knowledge (like Lobot on Cloud City).

What does this gamemaster character want? What desires does she have? What goals does she hope to accomplish? The answers to these questions will help you decide
how a gamemaster character will interact with the player
characters. She may be interested in selling them information, or she may be hunting them down for the bounty placed
on their heads.
Of course, she could have objectives that have no bearing
on the players characters at all. Perhaps she wants to
purchase her own freighter and become a weapons smuggler. Or maybe she hopes to join the Rebel Alliance, or even
has no goal other than to earn a case-load of credits.
As gamemaster, creating interesting objectives for characters can help make him or her unusual for example,
what if a character simply says, "You owe me one," for a favor

Go me master Characters

fication. A white-haired man quivering uncontrollably and

struggling to stay standing has a very different effect on
player characters than a tall, slim, Twi'lek smuggler pointing
a hyped-up blaster carbine at the nearest innocent bystander.
You can also use a gamemaster character's appearance
to throw off the players. If they're looking for a Rebel spy
carrying stolen Imperial codes, for example, you could make
that character a 12-year-old kid dressed in greasy coveralls.
When the kid approaches the player characters, they'll most
likely tell her to get lost because they have important business to take care of. Or, the player characters could encounter a beautiful, raven-haired woman in need of assistance,
but in reality she's working for the Imperials, helping the
Empire to keep track of this group of Rebel traitors.
Again, give important characters a unique feature that
allows player characters to immediately recognize them. For
example, your Bith crimelord might wear an enormous
silvery medallion around his neck on a chain. If he constantly
fiddles with it while he speaks with the player characters, it
will draw their attention and they'll remember it next time
when you say, "There's a humanoid figure approaching, and
the surrounding light reflects off a large disk hung on a chain
from his neck." The players will immediately realize who this
person is and start scrambling before he gets any closer
(especially if the characters owe the crime lord credits).
Even if you're using an alien species your players are
familiar with (e.g., Wookiees), think of some distinctive
aspect of its appearance fur color, perhaps, or a limp.


rather than asking for credits. This character can then be

used to provide an adventure complication at a later time.
For example, just as the characters get ready to infiltrate an
Imperial base to steal time-sensitive plans for an imminent
battle, the gamemaster character appears asking for a return
favor maybe his daughter has been enslaved and is about
to be transported to who-knows-where. If the player characters don't help him immediately, he may never see his
daughter again. This choice creates a dilemma for the players, making for a memorable and suspenseful storyline.

Behavior is another area that can help distinguish characters from each other. Does this character always seem
nervous? Must he constantly be the center of attention? Is he
helpful, or does he get his way by threatening others? Does
he inspire confidence in those around him? Is he feared,
despised, ridiculed?
Behavior is a good way to summarize the character's
personality in both normal and exceptional situations. For
supporting characters or extras you may want to j ot down one
or two behavioral characteristics, but for lead characters you
should explore behavior in detail, perhaps even fleshing out
the reasons for particular tendencies (e.g., a character never
sits down because as a child he attended a military school
where sitting was considered a sign of laziness).
Behavior also serves a secondary purpose, in that it gives

The easiest way to distinguish one
gamemaster character from another is by
appearance. Is the character an alien or a
human? Is she attractive or homely? In
good physical shape or sickly? Does she
have any tattoos or scars?
Appearance also covers areas such as
dress (flashy or poverty-stricken), presence (menacing or friendly), physical
quirks and mannerisms (twitches, stuttering, pacing, and so forth see "Behavior" below for more), and any other distinguishing characteristics.
A character's appearance can serve
you in many ways other than just identi-

Misdirecting the Players

Don't be afraid to "disguise" your villains every once in a while
when your players are experienced, this is especially important.
Instead of putting your major villain right out there where everyone
can see (and perhaps shoot at) him, make him more mysterious. For
example, through an entire series of adventures the player characters might think that the villain causing all their problems is a
crimelord named Kruus Tran, but, when they finally confront Iran,
they find out he was actually being manipulated by someone else
even more powerful like another crimelord, an Imperial Grand
Moff, or someone else!

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Gomemaster Characters
you some direction on how a character would react in a
given situation. If a spaceport tech character has a habit of
talking too much, he may "accidentally" tell the stormtroopers
who arrived after the player characters that a group of
Rebels were just asking him a bunch of questions about the
Happy Bergruutfa Cantina. If the players thought they had
made planet-fall undetected (which they very well may
have), they're going to be surprised when a squad of heavily
armed stormtroopers shows up at the cantina to arrest
Try to come up with at least one unique behavioral
element for each major character you create. It allows the
players to recognize him and it helps you more easily slip
back into his character when you play his role during an

Most major gamemaster characters should have complicated and colorful backgrounds. Providingsuch information
accomplishes several purposes. First, it helps you get a
better feel for a particular character's personality, since
background plays such an important role in psychological
development. Second, it prevents the player characters
from immediately guessing at a gamemaster character's
aims, and perhaps even his true identity. Such a character
may seem shallow at first, but as the players continue to deal
with her, they find that her history runs deep. For example,
Darth Vader has a commanding presence because he has an
sense of mystery about him what caused him to transmute from Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, into Darth Vader,
Dark Lord of the Sith? Is there a limit to his power over the
Force? How far is he willing to go to serve his Emperor?
A character's background can include everything from
his family ties and childhood friendships to his educational
and professional pursuits. Depending on the character, you
may touch on traumatic episodes, political affiliations, past
relationships, failures, successes, religious beliefs, and so
on. Try to make each character you develop different from
every other one so that the players don't say, "Oh, another
ruthless bounty hunter trying to settle a childhood score."
Remember, variation is the key to grabbing and maintaining
the players' complete absorption in your storyline.

Assigning Skills And Special Abilities

Once you've come up with the character's concept, you
should decide on his game statistics. Most of the time, you
need only determine a character's attributes and major
skills, although major characters often require additional
When it comes to assigning skills and attributes, use
these guidelines below:
Die Code
Below human average for an attribute.
Human average for an attribute
and many skills.
Average level of training for a Human.
Professional level of training
for a Human.
Above average expertise.
Considered about the best in a city
or geographic area. About 1 in
100,000 people will have training
to this skill level.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game


1 ID

Among the best on acontinent. About

1 in 10,000,000 people will have
training to this skill level.
Among the best on a planet. About
1 in 100,000,000 people will have
training to this skill level.
One of the best for several systems
in the immediate area. About 1 in
a billion people have a skill
at this level.
One of the best in a sector.
One of the best in a region.
Among the best in the galaxy.

Gamemaster Characters

Special Abilities
Many characters have special abilities,
such as Jedi Force powers and inherent
alien capabilities. Assign these as seem
reasonable for a character. Don't overlook
out-of-the-ordinary characteristics like cybernetic implants and medical (or inexplicable) alterations in otherwise normal
members of a given species. Such abilities
could surprise the player characters at
exactly the wrong moment!
Remember that Force skills and powers have become extremely rare in the
galaxy the Emperor hunted down as
many Force-users as he could, and while
he didn't kill them all, he did eliminate
most of the powerful and well-known Jedi.
It is known that Palpatine had several
agents who commanded power over the
Force, the most infamous of them being
Darth Vader and the more mysterious
Emperor's Hands like Mara Jade.

Character Points and Force

Cannon-fodder villains, such as Imperial Army troops, henchmen, and
stormtroopers typically have no Character Points or Force Points. Minor villains,
whose survival isn't dependent upon the
adventure's plot (for example, Greedo in
the first movie) may have 1-3 Character
Points and (usually) no Force Points. Continuing villains, such as those who may be
used for several adventures or who are
subordinate to the main villain may have
4-10 Character Points, and at the
gamemaster's discretion, one or two Force
Major villains who might be used over
the course of a campaign and are integral
to an adventure, such as Darth Vader or the Emperor, should
have at least 11 Character Points (some characters may have
well over 50 Character Points) and many will have at least
three Force Points if the characters are Force-sensitive,
they will undoubtedly have more.
There's no limit to the number of Character Points a
character may have. Non-Force-sensitive characters may
not have more than 5 Force Points; Force-sensitives can have
an unlimited number of Force Points.

The Quick Write-Up

For major villains, you might want to use a normal character sheet to write up the character. For less important
characters, you may want to summarize them by using the
quick method and form shown on the previous page.
For more information on creating gamemaster characters, see the "Gamemaster Characters" chapter of the Star
Wars Gamemaster Handbook.

Typical Characters
The following are representative gamemaster characters
that players may encounter. Some individuals will have
higher or lower scores, scaled to meet the demands of the
players' characters and the situation.
If you need another type of character, whether a bounty
hunter, a scout, a trader, a Jedi, or one of thousands of other
character types, you may want to model the character after
one of the character templates. When you do create a new
character type, keep the stats handy you may want to
reuse the character's stats for a new character even if the
"personalities" of the characters are completely different.

Imperial Stormtroopers
The Emperor's elite shocktroops, stormtroopers can be
found anywhere that the Empire seeks to assert its power to
inspire fear in the populace in other words, everywhere.
Stormtroopers expect to be obeyed unquestioningly when
dealing with civilians, and cannot be bribed. Failure to
comply with an order from a stormtrooper typically results
in incarceration if not death.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Gamemaster Characters
Typical Imperial Stormtrooper. AH stats are 2D except:
blaster4D, brawling parry 4D, dodge 4D, brawlingSD. Move: 10.
Stormtrooper armor (+2D physical, +1D energy, -1D to Dexterity
and related skills), blaster rifle (5D), blaster pistol (4D).

Imperial Army Troopers

The standard infantry trooper of the Imperial Army, these
individuals are the most common and visible symbol of the
Empire on most worlds. They are confident, arrogant and
eager to fight, and hate the Rebel Alliance/New Republic with
amazing ferocity.
Typical Imperial Army Trooper. Dexterity 3D, blaster
4D+1, dodge 4D+1, grenade 3D+2, vehicle blasters 3D+2,
Knowledge 1D+1, survival 2D+1, Mechanical 1D+1, repulsorlift
operation 2D+1, Perception 2D, Strength 3D+1, brawling 4D+1,
Technical ID. Move: 10. Blaster rifle (5D), field armor and
helmet (+1D physical, +2 energy), grenades (5D), helmet
comlink, survival gear, utility belt with supplies.

Typical Imperial Pilot

Imperial pilots receive top-level training at the Imperial
Academies and must endure countless hours of pre-commissioning flight exercises before transferring to combat units.
Like most members of the Empire's military organization,
pilots consider themselves the most-skilled in the galaxy,
second to none. Their arrogance often dominates their
personalities, and the Rebel Alliance has learned to exploit this weakness.
Typical Imperial Pilot. All stats are 2D
except:Dexterity2D+l, blaster3D+l, dodge3D+l, Knowledge 1D+1, planetary systems 2D+1, survival 2D+1,
value2D+l, Mechanical 3D, astrogation 4D, capitalship
gunnery4D, capital ship piloting 5D, capital ship shields
4D, communications3D+1, sensors3D+l, space transports 4D, hide 3D, investigation 3D, sneak 3D, climbing/jumping 3D, stamina 3D+1, Technical 1D+1,
capital ship repair 3D+1, capital ship weapons
repair 2D+1, computer programming/repair 2D+1.
Move: 10. Blaster pistol (4D), flight suit, navigational computer linkup helmet (internal comlink,
+ 1D to sensors), survival gear

Typical TIE Fighter Pilot

Few Imperial pilots have enough to skill to
become TIE pilots. The Empire's main starfighter
requires expert handling and pinpoint firing accuracy to make up for its lack of hyperdrive and
Typical TIE Fighter Pilot. All stats are 2D
except: Dexterity3D+1, blaster4D+1, dodge 4D+1,
planetary systems 3D, Mechanical 4D, sensors
4D+2, starfighter piloting 6D, starship gunnery
5D, Perception 3D, command 4D, search 4D,
Strength 3D, stamina 4D, computer programming/repair 3D+1, starfighter repair 5D. Move:
10. Navigation computer linkup helmet (internal comlink, +1D to sensors), high gravity stress flight suit with life support equipment, one week emergencyrations, blaster J
pistol (4D), survival gear
) f*

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Typical Imperial Naval Trooper

To protect its vast number of capital ships without relying on help from the Army, the Navy has created a corps of
troopers to act as soldiers. These troops handle security,
control hangar traffic, and monitor sensor arrays when their
combat skills are not required.
Typical Imperial Naval Trooper. Dexterity 2D+1, blaster
3D+1, blaster: blaster rifle 4D+2, brawling parry 3D+1, dodge
3D+], grenade 3D+1, melee combat 3D+1, melee parry 3D+1,
running3D+2, Knowledge 1D+1, intimidation 2D+1, streetwise
2D+1, Mechanical 1D+2, repulsorlift operation 2D+2, capital
ship shields 2D+2, Perception 3D, command 4D, search 4D,
Strength 2D+2, brawling 4D+2, stamina 3D+2, Technical ID,
security 2D. Move: 10. Blast helmet (+1D to physical, +1
energy), blaster pistol (4D), comlink

Typical Rebel Alliance Soldier

The standard infantry trooper of the Rebel Alliance/New
Republic is a dedicated volunteer who believes in the cause.
Many do not conform to the "mold," as they left their former
(non-military) lives to become soldiers in the battle against
the Empire.
Typical Rebel Alliance Soldier. All stats are 1D+2 except:
Dexterity 3D+2, blaster 5D+2, grenade 4D+2, Knowledge ID,
Strength 3D, brawling 4D, Technical 1D+2, demolitions 2D+2.
Move: 10. Blaster pistol (4D), grenades (5D),
macrobinoculars (+1D to search greater than 50
meters), comlink, blast vest (+1D physical, +1 energy).

Typical Rebel Pilot

Like Rebel soldiers, most
Alliance pilots gave up their
former careers to fight the
Empire on the front lines of
the Galactic Civil War. These
brave individuals receive little
combat training before entering battle, so most have to rely
on skills they learned before
joining the Alliance.
Typical Rebel Pilot. All stats
are 2D except: blaster4D, dodge
3D, Knowledge ID, planetary systems 2D+2, Mechanical 3D,
starfighter piloting: X-wing 6D,
starship gunnery 4D, Perception
1D+2, Strength 2D+2, computer programming/repair 3D. Move: 10.
Blasterpistol(4D), comlink, sealed
flight suit.

Typical Merchant
Merchants either maintain a shop
in a spaceport or planet-side city, or
else travel the galaxy plying their
wares wherever there is demand. Most
practice their business fairly, although
some take every opportunity to exploit
unwary buyers.

Gamemaster Characters
Typical Merchant. All stats are 2D except: streetwise
2D+2, repulsorlift operation 2D+1, bargain 4D, con 3D+2,
persuasion 2D+2. Move: 10. Clothing, datapad (holding transaction records), 200 credits, various wares for sale.

Typical Thug
While crimelords and petty dictators usually make the
"big" decisions, hired thugs are the ones who enforce those
edicts. Often considered disposable by their employers,
these individuals normally rely on superior numbers, intimidation, and the threat of violence to perform their jobs. The
typical thug is easily outwitted, quick to anger, and even
quicker to flee when the fight turns against her.
Typical Thug. All stats are 2D except: blaster 2D+1, brawling parry 3D+2, dodge 2D+2, melee combat 3D, melee parry
2D+2, intimidation 3D+2, streetwise 3D+2, brawling 4D, lifting
3D, stamina 2D+2. Move: 10. Comlink, vibroblade (STR+1D),
blast vest (+1D physical, +1 energy).

Novice Bounty Hunter

Inexperienced bounty hunters often
make the mistake of pursuing dangerous or particularly evasive quarries
at first. After a short

(credit-less) few months, however, their tactics usually

change. Even so, such characters use every weapon at their
disposal to apprehend their prey, and careless spacers fall
easily into the bounty hunter's trap.
Novice Bounty Hunter. All stats are 2D except: blaster
3D+2, dodge 3D+1, melee combat 3D+1, survival 2D+1, investigation 3D,~sneak 3D, brawling 3D+2. Move: 10. Protective
vest (+2 physical, +1 energy), heavy blaster pistol (5D), knife

Veteran Bounty Hunter

Battle-hardened bounty hunters usually rely on several
standard techniques for capturing spacers (which are typically the ones they have found most successful). Though they
have become adept at their work, their use of similar tactics
often forewarns their prey to the imminent apprehension.
Veteran Bounty Hunter. All stats are 2D except: blaster
4D+2, dodge 4D+1, grenade 4D, melee combat 4D+2, melee
parry 3D+1, streetwise 3D, survival 2D+2, investigation 3D+1,
sneak 3D+2, brawling 3D+2, blaster repair 1D+2. Move:
10. Blast vest (+1D physical, +1 energy),
heavy blaster pistol (5D), blaster
rifle (5D), hold out blaster (3D), grenade (5D), knife (STR+1D).

Advanced Bounty Hunter

Expert bounty hunters never give
up or lose their quarries. The thrill of
the chase gives their lives meaning and
consumes every spare moment. Those
who find themselves on the bounty
hunter's list had better do all they can to
assume a different identity, for they'll
never escape the clutches of these merciless trackers.
Advanced Bounty Hunter. All stats are
2D except: blaster 6D, dodge 5D, grenade 4D,
melee combat 4D+2, melee parry 3D+1, intimidation 3D, streetwise 3D, survival 2D+1,
astrogation 4D, beast riding 2D, space transports 5D, starship gunnery 5D, starship shields
5D, investigation 4D, sneak 4D+2, brawling
5D+2, stamina3D+2, armor repair 2D+1, blaster
repair 2D+1. Move: 10. Bounty hunter armor
(+2Dphysical, + ID energy, -ID Dexterity), 2 heavy
blaster pistols (5D), blaster rifle (5D), hold out
blaster (3D), thermal detonator (10D), vibroknife

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

The galaxy teems with species and civilizations
of a bewildering variety. We humans often make the
mistake of dismissing an entire species as "All
Sullustans behave this way... "or "All Twi'leks think
like that... "And while sometimes such statements
may be accurate, I would caution one traveling into
space that every member of an alien species is
unique from every other, just as every human is
in some ways different from any other. Individuality is not merely a human trait, my friends.
In this section, you will find an overview of
some of the species to be found in the
galaxy. While the Empire has for the most
part chosen to ignore the significant contributions these aliens can make to galactic
society, the Rebellion has embraced their
diversity and profited from it. Given time,
you may find you do so as well.

Aliens in the Galaxy

Although humans have long dominated the Known
Galaxy, there are thousands of known intelligent alien
species. Many of these species can be encountered almost
Emperor Palpatine ruled through fear and manipulation.
Part of his "New Order" plan was clearly weighted heavily in
favor of humans, and relegated most alien species to the role of
second-class citizens. Very few aliens were allowed to serve in
the Imperial forces, although, a few aliens such as Grand
Admiral Thrawn did achieve positions of great power.
If adventures are set in the time period of the Empire
(during the Star Wars movies), aliens will often be at a disadvantage when dealing with Imperial troops and even many of
the "average" humans of the galaxy. The degree of prejudice
depends on the individual, the alien species and what
the general temperament of that section of the galaxy is
(some governors maintained power by whipping the
masses into an anti-alien frenzy).

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game


If adventures are set in the time period of the New

Republic, aliens face less prejudice, although it still exists; it
is simply no longer fashionable. The New Republic, which
found great support from aliens during the civil war, has
welcomed most aliens as equals. Now, however, many aliens
are exhibiting a great degree of anger towards humansthe
pent-up frustration born of decades of discrimination.

A Note on Race and Species

Many people in the galaxy use the word "race" when
referring to various aliens. While this usage is common, it is
also incorrect. The proper term for each alien is "species," as
"race" is a term used to denote different sub-groups of a
particular species, distinguished by different physical characteristics. This distinction is an important one because, like
humans, many alien species have a number of races.

Game Information
Each species description is followed by game information. Here's what the various categories represent:
Average Alien: These are the attributes and the
Move for an "average" member of the species. This
information is provided in "paragraph form," and lists
only very basic information. This entry is a quick
reference for gamemasters who may need to use an
alien character "on the fly" in a roleplaying session.

Game Statistics
Attribute Dice: This is the number of attribute dice
for an "average" member of the species. Most
gamemaster characters will have this total number of
attribute dice. Player characters and some gamemaster
characters get six additional attribute dice.
Attribute Die Ranges: Each species has a separate
listing for each attribute (Dexterity, Knowledge, Mechanical, Perception, Strength and Technical). Except in
a small number of cases, members of that species may
not have an attribute listing lower than the first number (the minimum) or higher than the second number
(the maximum). With experience, characters can invest Character Points to increase their attributes above
the maximum.
Special Skills: A listing of any unique or very specialized skills which are common to that species. The
skill listing also notes the attribute that the skill is
associated with. In general, anyone can learn a special
skill provided they receive proper instruction.
Special Abilities: Some aliens have special abilities
which are only available to a particular species. These
are generally physiological traits (claws, tails, sharp
teeth, and so forth) and cannot be "learned" by members of a different species.
Story Factors: Story factors affect most, if not all,
members of a given species. Story factors include
notes on the alien's culture, life cycle or beliefs other
people hold about the species in general. These story
factors can be used as an aid for both the player and
gamemaster (and canny gamemasters can often spin
these factors into an ongoing Star Wars adventure).
Move: The minimum starting Move for an average
character (as well as a player character), and then the
maximum Move for a member of that species. If the
species has two or more prime modes of movement, all
will be listed. All beginning characters start with the

first number under "Move." The second number is the

species' maximum move.
Size: The common or average height range for adult
members of the species.
For rules on creating an alien player character, turn
back to the section "Creating a New Template" in
Chapter One, "Characters."

Humans have dominated the Core Worlds for centuries,
particularly the planet Coruscant. Humans dominate the
Imperial military (which is not surprising, given the Emperor's
prejudice against aliens), and can be found in virtually every
corner of the galaxy.
Average Human. Dexterity 2D, Knowledge 2D, Mechanical
2D, Perception 2D, Strength 2D, Technical 2D. Move: 10.
Attribute Dice: 12D
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5-2.0 meters tall

While humans are among the most plentiful of the intelligent species of the Known Galaxy (and were one of the
driving forces behind the creation of the Old Republic), they
have also proven remarkably prolific and adaptable. Humanderived species called "near-humans" are remarkably
similar to baseline humans, but due to local environments
have evolved unique adaptations to their surroundings.
The appearances of near-human's can vary wildly. While
most near-humans have the same game stats as normal
humans, some near-human races will have different attribute
minimums and maximums, or possibly special abilities.
Physical traits will also be markedly different, and can
provide hints about the individual's home planet. (For example, squat and muscular near-humans may come from a
high-gravity environment; dark-skinned near-humans may
come from a planet with higher-than-normal exposure to
ultraviolet radiation; and so forth.)

Intelligent omnivores from the forest moon of Endor,
Ewoks helped the Rebel Alliance defeat the Empire in one of
the most famous battles of the galactic civil war. Prior to the
Battle of Endor, Ewoks were almost entirely unknown, although some traders had visited the planet prior to the
Empire's second Death Star project.
Ewoks stand roughly one meter tall and are covered by
thick fur; the pattern and color of Ewok fur varies widely.
Individual Ewoks often wear hoods, decorative feathers and
animal bones. They have very little technology and are a
primitive culture, but during the Battle of Endor these diminutive warriors demonstrated a remarkable ability to
learn and follow commands (as well as displaying a fair
amount of courage and resourcefulness).

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Ewok. Dexterity
2D+2, Knowledge ID,
Mechanical 1D+2, Perception 3D, Strength 2D,
Technical 1D+2. Move: 7.

Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Skills:
Dexterity skills:
Thrown weapons: bow, rocks, sling, s,
to use: one round. The character m
base skill and/or any of the specializ
Mechanical skills:
Glider. Time to use: one round. The ability to
pilot gliders.
Technical skills:
Primitive construction. Time to use: one hour for
gliders and rope bridges; several hours for small
structures, catapults and similar constructs. This
is the ability to build structures out of wood,
vines and other natural materials with only primitive tools. This skill is good for building study
houses, vine bridges and rock-hurling catapults
(2D, speeder-scale damage).
Special Abilities:
Skill bonus: At the time the character is created
only, the character gets 2D for every ID placed in
the hide, search and sneak skills.
Skill limits: Beginning characters may not place any
skill dice in any vehicle (other than glider) or starship operations
or repair skills.
Smell: Ewoks have a highly developed sense of smell, getting a
+ ID to their search skill when tracking by scent. This ability may
not be improved.
Story Factors:
Protectiveness: Most human adults will feel unusually protective
of Ewoks. Because of this, humans can also be very condescending to Ewoks. Ewoks, however, are mature and inquisitive and
unusually tolerant of the human attitude.
Move: 7/9
Size: 1 meter tall

Gamorreans are green-skinned creatures from the planet
Gamorr. They are known for great strength and brutality and
their tendency toward and talent for violence has made
them favored mercenaries throughout the galaxy.
Gamorreans organize (if such a term can be applied to the
porcine species) themselves into clans. Males dedicate all of
their efforts to warfare, while females are responsible for
farming, hunting, weaving, and manufacturing weapons.
Gamorreans prefer heavy melee weapons in combat, and the
species has a marked distaste for energy weapons, especially during wars on their homeworld.
Average Gamorrean. Dexterity 2D, Knowledge ID, Mechanical
ID, Perception 2D, Strength 4D, Technical ID. Move: 7.

Attribute Dice: 11D

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Special Abilities:
Voice Box: Due to their unusual voice apparatus,
Gamorreans are unable to pronounce Basic, although
they understand it perfectly well.
Stamina: Gamorreans have great staminawhenever
asked to make a stamina check, if they
fail the first check they may immediately make a second check to succeed.
Skill Bonus: At the time the character
is created only, the character gets 2D
for every ID placed in the melee combat, brawling and thrown weapons skills.
Story Factors:
DroidHate: Most Gamorreans hate droids and other
mechanical beings. During each scene in which a
Gamorrean player character needlessly demolishes
a droid (provided the gamemaster and other characters consider the scene amusing), the character
should receive an extra Character Point.
Reputation: Gamorreans are widely regarded as
primitive, brutal and mindless. Gamorreans who
attempt to show intelligent thought and manners
will often be disregarded and ridiculed by fellow
Slavery: Most Gamorreans who left Gamorr did so
by being sold into slavery by their clans.
Move: 7/10
Size: 1.3-1.6 meters tall


Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Skills:
Knowledge skills:
Agriculture. Time to use: at least one standard week. The character has a good working knowledge of crops and animal herds, and
can suggest appropriate crops for a type of soil, or explain why
crop yields have been affected.
Ecology. Time to use: at least one standard month. The character
has a good working knowledge of the interdependent nature of
ecospheres, and can determine how proposed changes will
affect the sphere.
This skill can be used in one minute to determine the probable
role of a life-form within its biosphere: predator, prey, symbiote,
parasite or some other quick description of its ecological niche.
Story Factors:
Herd Ships: Many Ithorians come from herd ships, which fly from
planet to planet trading goods. Any character from one of these
worlds is likely to meet someone that they have met before if
adventuring in a civilized portion of the galaxy.
Move: 10/12
Size: Up to 2.3 meters tall

Mon Calamari

Ithorians also known by the derogatory term "hammerhead" are large, graceful creatures from the Ottega star
system. They have a long neck, which curls forward and
ends in a dome-shaped head.
Ithorians are perhaps the greatest ecologists in the galaxy: they have a technologically advanced society, but have
devoted most of their efforts to preserving the natural and
pastoral beauty of their homeworld's tropical jungles.
Ithorians live in great herd cities, which hover above the
surface of the planet. The Ithorians are extremely devoted to
maintaining ecological balance, striving to preserve what
they reverently refer to as their "Mother Jungle."
Ithorians often find employment as artists, agricultural
engineers, ecologists and diplomats. Many Ithorian traders
travel the galaxy in enormous "herd ships" that are masterpieces of comfort and environmental engineering. Typically
a peace-loving and gentle people, the Ithorians are reluctant
to participate in the galactic civil war, though a few have
allied themselves with the Rebellion.
Average Ithorian. Dexterity 2D, Knowledge 2D+2, Mechanical 1D+1, Perception 2D+1, Strength 2D, Technical 1D+2.
Move: 10.

The Mon Calamari are one of the staunchest supporters

of the New Republic. These once-peaceful beings learned to
make weapons and fight after the Empire enslaved their
world. Mon Calamari assistance, especially in the form of
ship-engineering, was essential to the defeat of the Empire.
The Mon Calamari are land creatures, but water is essential to their culture. They are used to moist climates and find
arid areas, such as deserts, uncomfortable and unnatural.
They share their homeworld with the Quarren ("squidheads"), although the relationship between the two species
has not always been friendly or peaceful.
In terms of behavior, Mon Cals are soft-spoken but forceful. They tend to see life as very organized, and have no
tolerance for those who would break or bend laws for
personal gain. They have, at times, come into strong conflict
with organized smuggling organizations, including the one
run by Jabba the Hutt.
Average Mon Calamari. Dexterity 2D, Knowledge 2D,
Mechanical 2D+1, Perception 1D+1, Strength 2D, Technical
2D+1. Move: 9.

Mon Calamari
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Skills:
Special Abilities:
Moist Environments: When in moist environments Mon Calamari
receive a +1D bonus to all Dexterity, Perception and Strength
attribute and skill checks. This is purely a psychological advantage.
Dry Environments: When in very dry environments, Mon Calamari
seem depressed and withdrawn. They suffer a -ID penalty to all
Dexterity, Perception and Strength attribute and skill checks.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game


! Rodians
Attribute Dice: 12D
Attribute Minimum/Maximums:
Story Factors:
Reputation: Rodians are notorious for their tenacity and their
eagerness to kill intelligent beings for the sake of a few credits.
Certain factions of galactic civilization (most notably criminal
organizations, authoritarian/dictatorial planetary governments
and the Empire) find them to be indispensable employees,
despite the fact that they are almost universally distrusted by
other beings. Whenever an unfamiliar Rodian is encountered,
most other beings assume that it is involved in a hunt, and give
it a wide berth.
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5-1.7 meters tall

Again, this is psychological only.

Aquatic: Mon Calamari can breathe both air and water and can
withstand extreme pressures found in ocean depths.
Story Factors:
Enslaved: Prior to the Battle of Endor, most Mon Calamari not
directly allied with the Rebel Alliance were enslaved by the
Empire and in labor camps. Imperial officials have placed a high
priority on the capture of any "free" Mon Calamari due to their
resistance against the Empire. Theirs was one of the first systems to declare their support for the Rebellion.
Move: 9/12
Size: 1.3-1.8 meters tall

Rodians are a humanoid species with multifaceted eyes,
a tapered snout and deep green skin. They have a prominent
ridge of spines running along the back of their skulls. Their
fingers are long, flexible and end in suction cups. The suction
cups are not vestigial; they can pick up small objects in them
and manipulate them quite well though the suction is not
very strong.
The Rodians greatly prize the "art" of bounty hunting, and
many have found great success in this field throughout the
Average Rodian. Dexterity 3D, Knowledge 1D+2, Mechanical 1D+2, Perception 2D, Strength 2D+2, Technical ID. Move: 10.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game


Twi'leks are cunning, sly creatures who
are often found as traders, pirates, mercenaries or slavers. This humanoid species is instantly recognizable by their long, tapered
"head-tails" (also nicknamed "brain-tails").
These tails are often adorned with cosmetics
and draped around the neck in what Twi'leks
consider a fashionable manner.
Twi'leks try to avoid the great conflicts of the galaxy; rather than be
swept up in what they consider to be
"heat storms" (a reference to the
harsh weather of their homeworld),
they prefer to duck into the shadows
to wait out events. From a safe hiding
spot, they can observe, plan and prepare, in order to profit from any given
situation. Twi'leks are known as a
calculating, pragmatic people; "bravery" is not a term that is generally
applied to them.
Average Twi'lek. Dexterity 2D,
Knowledge 2D, Mechanical 1D+2, Perception 2D+1, Strength 2D, Technical
ID. Move: 10.

Sullustans are jowled, rodent-like humanoids with large,
round eyes. They are natives of Sullust, a harsh, volcanic
planet with numerous caves; these caves are where the
Sullustans have made their homes.
Sullustans are known as able pilots and navigators, and
they have excellent senses of vision and hearing, as well as
Sullust is controlled by the huge SoroSuub Corporation,
which has enforced harsh work procedures and regulations
upon its people. Most Sullustans view this condition as
preferable to conquest and enslavement at the hands of the
Empire. "Better the exec you know than the Moff you don't,"
is a common Sullustan proverb.
Average Sullustan. Dexterity 2D, Knowledge 1D+1, Mechanical 3D, Perception 2D, Strength 2D, Technical 1D+2.
Move: 10.

Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:

Enhanced Senses: Sullustans have advanced senses of hearing

and vision. Whenever they make Perception or search checks
involving vision in low-light conditions or hearing, they receive
a +2D bonus
Location Sense: Once a Sullustan has visited an area, he always
remembers how to return there he cannot get lost in a place
that he has visited before. This is automatic and requires no die
roll. When using the astrogation skill to jump to a place a
Sullustan has been, the astrogator receives a bonus of + ID bonus
to his (or her) die roll.
Move: 10/12
Size: 1-1.8 meters tall

Attribute Dice: 11D
Special Abilities:
Head-tails: Twi'leks can use their
head-tails to communicate in secret with each other, even if in a
room full of others. The complex movement of the tails is,
in a sense, a "secret" language
that all Twi'leks are fluent in.
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.6-2.4 meters tall

Wookiees are intelligent, arboreal creatures
from the jungle world of Kashyyyk. They are considered to be
one of the strongest intelligent alien species in the galaxy, yet
also exhibit an uncanny knack for repairing and altering
They are known for their loyalty to their friends, short
tempers and cleverness. While Wookiees have a reputation for
hostility, and are known to smash objects when angered, they
also possess the capacity for great kindness and an appreciation of the qualities of loyalty, honesty and friendship.
Wookiees have developed much of their own technology,
constructing huge cities in the trees of their homeworld.
They also have their own tools unique to their culture, the
most famous of which is the Wookiee bowcaster.
The Wookiees were enslaved under the Empire, and since
being freed by the New Republic, have become strong supporters of the new government.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game


seldom misunderstood.
Honor. Wookiees are honor-bound. They are fierce warriors with
a great deal of pride and they can be rage-driven, cruel and unfair
but they have a code of honor. They do not betray their
species individually or as a whole. They do not betray their
friends or desert them. They may break the "law," but never their
code. The Wookiee code of honor is as stringent as it is ancient.
Atonement for a crime against their honor code is nearly impossible it is usually only achieved posthumously. But Wookiees
falsely accused can be freed of their dishonor, and there are
legends of dishonored Wookiees "coming back."
But those are legends ...
Move: 11/15
Size: 2-2.3 meters tall

New Alien Species

Average Wookiee. Dexterity 2D, Knowledge ID, Mechanical

2D, Perception ID, Strength 4D+1, Technical 1D+2. Move: 11.


There are over a million known worlds in the galaxy, and

thousands of known intelligent alien species. The players
and the gamemaster can always make up new aliens to
populate the Star Wars universe, in addition to the species
described in this chapter.
When inventing new alien species, an important factor is
game balance don't design aliens that are so powerful that
they overpower all of the other species. Humans are carefully balanced to have attributes between 2D and 4D; aliens
should seldom be spectacularly superior to humans, and if
they are, there should be a counterbalancing limitation.

Attribute Dice: 12D

Special Abilities:


Berserker Rage: A Wookiee who becomes enraged (the character

must believe himself or those to whom he has pledged a life debt
to be in immediate, deadly danger) receives a +2D bonus to
Strength for purposes of causing damage while brawling (the
character's braw/ing skill is not increased). The character suffers
a -2D penalty to all non-Strength attribute and skill checks.
The Wookiee must make a Moderate Perception to calm down from
berserker rage while enemies are still present. The Wookiee suffers
a -1D penalty to Perception and rolls a minimum of 1D for the check
(therefore, while most Wookiees are enraged, they will normally
have to roll a 6 with their Wild Die to be able to calm down).
Please note that this penalty applies to enemies.
After all enemies have been eliminated, the character must only
make an Easy Perception total (with no penalties) to calm down.
Wookiee player characters must be careful when using Force
points while in a berserker rage. Since the rage is clearly based on
anger and aggression, using Force Points will almost always lead
to the character getting a Dark Side Point. The use of the Force
Point must be wholly justified not to incur a Dark Side Point.
Climbing Claws: Wookiees have retractable climbing claws which
are used for climbing only. They add +2D to their climbing skill
while using the claws. Any Wookiee who uses claws in hand-tohand combat is automatically considered dishonorable by other
members of his species, possibly to be hunted down regardless of the circumstances.
Story Factors:
Reputation: Wookiees are widely regarded as fierce savages with
short tempers. Most people will go out of their way not to enrage
a Wookiee.
Enslaved: Prior to the defeat of the Empire, almost all Wookiees
were enslaved by the Empire, and there was a substantial bounty
for the capture of "free" Wookiees.
Language: Wookiees cannot speak Basic, but they all understand
it. Nearly always, they have a close friend who they travel with
who can interpret for them ... though a Wookiee's intent is

Physical Characteristics

When making up new alien species, the creator has to

determine the who, what, when, where, why and how of the
alien species. These basic issues govern biology, culture,
psychology and many other factors, which help develop the
new species into an interesting element of your Star Wars
Gamemasters may wish to limit new alien species to
carbon-based oxygen-breathers, since the majority of aliens
described in the Star Wars movies, novels, comics and game
supplements match this description. (Limiting new species
in this fashion also makes it a bit easier for the player to
understand the species and get into the role.)
If the aliens breathe a different substance, such as methane or water, the character will have to wear appropriate
breathing apparatus (ranging from a simple breath mask to
fully sealed suits, especially if the gas mixture is highly
reactive in an oxygen atmosphere).
Many alien species are roughly humanoid (standing upright, with two arms, two legs, a main torso and a head at the
top of the body), although there are many species that don't
match this description. Several avian and insectoid races
are known, and other species have evolved from four-legged
(non-upright) origins. The Hutts are evolved from almost
slug-like creatures, the lyra are multi-limbed cephalopods,
the Sluissi are a snake-like species, and the Ugors are shapechanging uni-cellular beings, like amorphous blobs.
In what environment did the aliens evolve? An alien
species which evolved on a hot, very moist world will be very
likely to have reptilian qualities cold-blooded, dependent
upon plentiful moisture while a species which evolved on
a very cold world without much food is likely to have a thick
coat of fur and may even have a hibernation phase for harsh
seasons. Most alien species will have specific evolutions to
take into account the various environments on their
homeworld. (It is unlikely that water-based creatures would
evolve on a lava-planet, for example.)

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

How do the aliens reproduce? Do they have litters, or single
children? Do they nurse their young, or do they derive nourishment from a membrane, like an egg? Can they give birth to
many children over the course of a lifetime, or are they very
limited in the number of children they can have a species
with limited reproduction capabilities is likely to consider life
very sacred, whereas a species in which only one or two
children from a litter or hatching are expected to survive will
consider warfare and the accompanying death and destruction a perfectly acceptable means of resolving conflicts.

Culture And Society

What is the basic psychological profile of the species? Are
they quick to anger, or are they cunning and crafty? How do
these aliens behave in the face of danger?
The creator must decide how the alien species' society is
structured, and how this structure has been modified by the
presence of the Imperial and New Republic governments. Do
the aliens still have their own government, or were they
subjugated by the Empire (as an aside, the Empire very
rarely toppled the native power structure as long as the
government was subservient to Emperor Palpatine, the local
governors seldom saw the need to replace the existing
bureaucrats). If you are playing in the New Republic setting,
are the aliens allied with the New Republic, the Empire, or
are they staying neutral?
What kind of government do the aliens have? Do they
elect officials, or have tribal representatives, or is the whole
species run by a giant corporation? Is the government answerable to the people, or does the government control the
behavior of citizens? Do the aliens even have a government?
Are the aliens strictly hierarchical, or are members of the
society individualistic, preferring to personally make choices
about things like their career and mate?
What does the species value: wealth, family ties, exploration, scientific discovery or something else? What kinds of
careers do the aliens pursue do they like to be traders,
scientists, adventurers, or a variety of things? Do the aliens
pick one career and stick with it, or do they change careers,
jobs, homes, and even mates with amazing swiftness?
How much contact has the species had with the galaxy?
Have they travelled the starlanes for thousands of years, or
were they discovered and subjugated by the Empire in the
past few decades? How much technology did the species
develop on its own, and how well are the people adapting to
any new technology introduced by traders and explorers?
Have the aliens spread from their homeworld to other
planets? Do they have a number of colonies, or have large
numbers of them emigrated to other planets in search of
employment, wealth, adventure or something else?

Game Mechanics
When creating a new species, decide the number of
attribute dice that an individual member of that species
would have. As a general guideline, most "average" alien
species should have 12D in attribute dice the number is
variable because not all species have evolved the same way.
Remember that beginning player characters of that species
will get an extra 6D to add to their attributes. The creator
must also decide minimum and maximum attributes. Alien
species will seldom have less than ID in a given attribute or
more than 5D in one, and most aliens will fit into the 2D to 4D
range of humans.
The creator of the species must also design any special
abilities, although aliens aren't required to possess special
abilities. These special abilities make a species very good at

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

something that most others cannot do at all. Many special

abilities should have both good and bad aspects to them (for
example, a Wookiee's berserker rage increases Strength in
combat, but it also makes it almost impossible for a Wookiee
to calm down or control).
Another factor in alien species design are story factors.
These are balances in the purest story-telling sense, and
don't correspond to pure game mechanics. Story factors
explain how this species interacts with the rest of the galaxy
at large, and how this should be incorporated into the game.
A good example of story factors involves Wookiees. Before
the destruction of the Empire, most Wookiees were enslaved
and "free" Wookiees, such as Chewbacca, were considered to
be little more than common criminals, often hunted down by
bounty hunters and the Empire. The Wookiee character always has to worry about being captured and enslaved.
If a player designs an alien species with superior special
abilities, and no corresponding disadvantage, the
gamemaster should feel free to reduce the number of attribute dice, or determine other disadvantages so that the
species isn't overwhelming.

Quick and Dirty

The guidelines presented in this section are just that:
guidelines. They were developed to help gamemasters create interesting, playable and entertaining alien species to
help flesh out a Star Wars game. If you, as gamemaster,
decide that you want to develop a more "generic" alien for a
brief encounter during a roleplaying session, the steps illustrated here are not necessary. Simply assign attributes and
skills that fit neatly into the story you want to tell; if the
encounter is supposed to be tough on your players, give the
alien high die codes for attributes and skills. If the alien is
supposed to be "cannon fodder," keep the die codes low.
A good rule of thumb is to keep attributes between 2D and
4D; skills for an individual can be as high or as low as you
think your player characters can handle.
Example: Eric wants to create an alien thug for
a quick encounter in the adventure he's running;
the player characters have gone "off the map"
(made some choices that have spun the adventure in a way totally different from what Eric had
planned for) and he needs a quick encounter to
steer things back into the flow of his adventure.
He comes up with a mean-looking, slimy alien that
is obviously hostile (fleshing the species' description out is not necessary at this point; Eric just
needs to come up with a couple of easily identifiable physical traits for the aliens he decides
that the species has red lizard scales).
Knowing that he has a new group of characters that have not yet had the opportunity to
advance their skills much, Eric decides that
these alien thugs should be treated as "cannon
fodder." He quickly jots down the following:
Red-Scaled Alien Thugs. All stats 2D except:
Dexterity 3D, blaster 3D+1, dodge 4D, Strength 4D.
Move: 10. Equipped with blaster pistol (4D).
This alien took no time at all to generate. By
giving the new species an obvious physical trait
(scars, skin color, extra limbs, and so forth), Eric
has made them instantly identifiable without
taking a lot of time to develop them. If the new
species will figure prominently in later adventures, Eric can detail them at that time.


In my time with the Rebel Alliance, I have seen
many wonderful and unusual things, from vast
fleets of starships engaged in fierce battle, to
dens of iniquity that would make the most grizzled
Corellian pirate uneasy.
One of my missions after the Battle of Endor
was to examine the headquarters of an Imperial
governor in Parmic sector; the "Laramus Base
Irregulars" had finally succeeded in toppling
Moff Abran Balfour, and my job was to sift
through Imperial records captured in the battle.
Upon arriving at Spice Terminus (the location of Balfour's private fortress), I discovered
an unusual feature of the Moff's lair: a complete
menagerie of non-sentient, exotic creatures. As
I reviewed Balfour's records, I inadvertently
triggered some kind of automated defense mechanism; a trapdoor opened up beneath me and sent
me spiraling into the heart of his zoo.
I found myself surrounded by a bewildering
array of animals hissing, purring, growling,
thrashing, flying that seemed to cover every
evolutionary possibility. According to the report
filed by the Laramus Irregulars, they could "hear
Na'al's screams in vacuum."
According to General Cracken, this makes me
"uniquely qualified to discuss non-sentient life
I will never understand military humor.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

What are Creatures?

Chance Encounters

Creatures in game terms are non-sentient living beings

that do not use rational thought processes to interpret their
environment; instead, creatures rely on instinct.
This does not mean that all creatures are stupid; many are
quite clever, and can even learn commands and simple
tricks, but they are not considered truly intelligent: they are
essentially animals.
Creatures do not possess the same number of attributes
as sentient species; creatures are limited to Dexterity, Perception and Strength.

Creatures are ideal for use in chance encounters, particularly in surroundings that are unfamiliar to the player characters. Gamemasters are encouraged to use creatures that
steal "shiny objects," (like blaster power packs or credit
vouchers), packs of running animals that storm through the
characters' camp, or anything else that may surprise the
player characters.

Designing Creatures

One of the first (and most memorable) creatures seen in

the Star Wars trilogy is the bantha, a massive, horned beast
of burden. Animals of this type can be extremely useful to a
gamemaster trying to give a setting a more primitive feel; the
players will know their characters are in a wild, untamed
region if they are forced to rely on pack animals to get from
place to place, instead of using more high-tech transportation.

Many gamemasters will doubtless want to create their

own monsters and animals for use in a Star Wars game. Given
the vast amount of habitable planets in the Star Wars galaxy,
gamemasters should feel free to populate their campaign
environment with as many colorful, exotic animals as they
Much like gamemaster characters, the amount of detail
depends on how much you intend to use the creatures
you'll really want to detail a creature that will be used
throughout a roleplaying session or campaign. If the creature is designed to be used for a brief scene, there is no need
to fully flesh it out. Simply assign the die codes that will make
the animal a match for the player characters.
When designing a creature, you may want to add information on the creature's habitat, behavior, attack forms, and so
forth. Did the creature evolve naturally, or was it a biotech
experiment gone awry? Is the creature benign or predatory?
How does it hunt? Does it have particularly sharp instincts,
or is it easy to capture? Does the creature possess any
special abilities that can make it valuable (or even dangerous) to catch? Answering these questions can help you
create a more interesting and unusual addition to your Star
Wars game.


Game Statistics

Role of Creatures in the

Creatures can be used in a Star Wars roleplaying session
in a number of ways. Most often, creatures are overlooked,
viewed simply as opponents in a combat situation. While
this view is not without precedent (witness the fearsome
wampa from The Empire Strikes Back), these exotic animals
can be useful in a variety of ways. At the end of this chapter
are a number of common creatures that gamemasters can
use to spice up a roleplaying session. Gamemasters looking
for more creatures should see the roleplaying supplement
Creatures of the Galaxy.

Transport and Pack Animals

Some animals can be kept as pets, and even trained to

perform useful tasks. Perhaps a player character can train an
agile creature to fetch small items that have been dropped,
or to screech a warning when an unfamiliar person approaches. While the training of such a creature should not
dominate a roleplaying session, a pet can add color and
humor to a Star Wars game.

One often-overlooked use for creatures in the roleplaying
game is simply food. When stranded on an alien planet,
characters may be forced to hunt to replenish dwindling
food stores. These scenes can be roleplayed out to great
effect, and can often lead to some exciting chases and plot
twists. Animal hides and bones can also be useful in emergencies, particularly if the player characters need to fashion
simple tools.

Perhaps the most common "game use" for creatures,
predatory animals can be used to add some surprise and
excitement to a roleplaying session. Canny gamemasters
can use these encounters to complicate matters for the
players. For example, as the player characters sneak through
an alien forest to ambush an Imperial patrol, they are suddenly attacked by a cluster of ferocious vine snakes. The
characters must deal with the situation quietly or risk alerting the Imperials to the impending ambush.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

All creatures in the Star Wars roleplaying game have a

number of game statistics. These are "average" stats
individual creatures can vary considerably. They are listed
as follows.
Type: A quick summary and classification of the creature.
Attributes and Skills: Non-intelligent creatures have only
Dexterity, Perception and Strength attributes. Some creatures
have skills, such as brawling, climbing/jumping or swimming.
Creatures use their Strength or brawling skill to hit in
combat, as well as their Strength to determine damage.
(Some creatures have claws or teeth which can do extra
damage; they're listed under "Special Abilities.")
Special Abilities: These listings note any special abilities
or natural tools that help the creature. Special abilities may
include claws, armor, the ability to breathe water or any
number of other tools or abilities.
Move: The average Move for the creature. If the creature
has two or more prime modes of movement, all will be listed.
Size: A common size range for adult specimens of the
Scale: Normally creatures will be "creature" scale (which
is the same as "character" scale). This listing will be given
only if the creature is not creature scale.
Orneriness: If the creature can be ridden, an orneriness
code will be listed. This die code is rolled against the rider's
beast riding skill to see if the rider can maintain control of the
creature in dangerous situations.


Pack Beasts and Riding Beasts

been taught to attack on command.

Thumpers have sharp foreclaws and a tail that acts as a
whip, making these docile creatures surprisingly formidable
in combat.


m Cracian Thumper

Creatures of the Galaxy

The bantha is a large quadruped with long, shaggy fur and

bright, inquisitive eyes. Huge spiral horns jut from the sides
of the creature's head. Males grow as large as three meters
at the shoulders (though females are slightly smaller).
Banthas are hardy animals, capable of going for weeks
without water or food, making them well-suited to harsh
environments. Banthas are often used as pack beasts or
riding animals in more primitive regions.

Type: Domesticated pack animal
Special Abilities:
Horns: STR -ID damage
Trample: STR damage
Move: 5
Size: 2-3 meters at the shoulder
Orneriness: 2D

Cracian Thumper
Cracian thumpers have long been used as workbeasts by
the natives of their world of origin. When the Cracians
decided to market them to the galaxy, thumpers became
indispensable for use as both riding and pack animals.
The thumper got its name from the sound it makes when
it runs or rather, the lack of noise the creature makes. For
such a large creature, it is surprisingly quiet, hence the
ironic nickname. Thumpers are extremely loyal and obedient animals, and can be taught to follow verbal or touch
commands; often, these perceptive creatures can discern
friends from enemies. Still others have even

Type: Pack beast

Sneak 4D+2
Special Abilities:
Claws: STR+1 damage
Tail: STR+1D+2 damage
Silent movement: Thumpers can move very silently, adding 1D+2
to sneak attempts if they move at high speed or slower. They can
carry up to 100 kilos of cargo, or a rider and up to 50 kilos.
Move: 12
Size: 11.8 meters at the shoulder
Orneriness: ID

Natives of the ice planet Hoth, tauntauns were used as
riding beasts by Rebel forces on the frigid world. Tauntauns
were easily tamed, though they remained somewhat skittish.
Tauntauns stand roughly two meters tall, and are extremely warm-blooded (to allow them to survive Hoth's
deadly cold). Tauntauns possess a muscular tail roughly one
meter long, which helps the creature maintain its balance on
Hoth's icy surface. Tauntauns have three-clawed feet and
curved horns on the sides of their heads that they use in
Type: Arctic climate omnivore
Special Abilities:
Charge attack: Does STR+1D+1 damage.
Arctic creature: Tauntauns can withstand frigid temperatures that are deadly to most other creatures
(although their stamina in the cold is not unlimited)
Move: 16
Size: Adults stand 1.3-2 meters at the shoulder
Orneriness: ID

Ukian Torbull
The planet Ukio, a prominent agricultural
world, is home to the "Ukian torbull." The
torbull was originally an experiment; the
Ukians hoped to breed a hardy pack beast
that could adapt to virtually any environment (which could in turn be sold to virtually every planet in the galaxy). The experiment was only a partial success the
torbull is nearly as adaptable as the bantha,
and is in fact capable of functioning in
environments that the bantha can not.
While the torbull is a versatile and
easy-to-tame creature, it does have one
major disadvantage: its appetite. Where
a bantha can go for weeks without food
or water, the torbull requires massive
amounts of sustenance. Because of its ravenous nature,
the torbull is not a popular pack beast (simply because of the

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

expense of hauling around vast food stores to sustain the

The torbull is a large, hairless quadruped, and possesses
huge teeth and eyes that appear to flash with anger. The
creature has a very thick, tough hide that has a pebbly
texture. Despite its somewhat fearsome appearance, the
torbull is exceptionally docile and as long as it is properly
fed extremely friendly. The torbull's main advantage over
the bantha is its ability to operate in extremely moist regions. Despite its massive bulk, the creature is surprisingly
buoyant and can swim with relative ease. In addition, the
torbull is considerably faster than a bantha, though it is not
as strong.
Ukian Torbull
Type: Docile pack beast
Dodge 3D
Special Abilities:
Tough hide: The torbull's tough hide
provides +1D protection against
physical attacks.
Tame: The torbull does not have an
aggressive nature; when ridden, the
rider receives a +1D bonus to beast
Appetite: The torbull must be fed and
watered at least four times per standard day; a minimum of 20 liters of
water and 10 kilograms of grain (or
other foodstuff) are required to sustain the torbull. Constant grazing is
usually effective, though when operating in desert conditions ample foodstuffs must be carried. The orneriness codeofatorbull that has missed
a feeding increases by 3D. A torbull
that misses more than two consecutive feedings dies of hunger.
Move: 10, 15 (swimming)
Size: 2 meters at the shoulder; 5
meters long
Orneriness: ID

The ghest is a predatory monster
found in the swamps of Rodia. These
fearsome creatures have plagued the
Rodians for centuries; in the past,
ghests would attack Rodian villages
with near-impunity. The ghest attacks were so ferocious that
the Rodians often depict the beasts as demons in fiction and
Ghests tend to stay in water, moving slowly with their
eyes just above the surface. When they spot potential prey,
they burst from the water with a suddenness and ferocity
that strikes terror in the hearts of most sane sentients.
Ghests usually attack with their teeth and claws.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Type: Cartilaginous reptile
Special Abilities:
Teeth: STR+2D damage
Claws: STR+ ID damage
Move: 15 (swimming), 8 (walking)
Size: 6 meters long

The k'lor'slug is a venomous swamp creature from the
planet Noe'ha'on, feared for its innate aggressiveness as well
as its keen senses of smell and vision. The k'lor'slug is fast,
silent and deadly, particularly when it is near its nest. The
wormlike monsters lay eggs by the
hundreds, and when hatched, infant
k'lor'slugs spread rapidly, devouring anything resembling food.
The k'lor'slug has pink-hued skin
that closely matches the coloration
of the mud-clay found in Noe'ha'on's
swamps (which makes the creature
devilishly difficult to detect). The
slug has a long, flexible tail that it
can use to attack; the small stinger
on the end of the tail can administer
a neurotoxin that renders the victim
immobile. Once a target is paralyzed,
the k'lor'slug can feed at its leisure,
tearing its prey apart with its strong,
sharp pincers.


Type: Swamp predator
Dodge 5D
Sneak 5D
Special Abilities:
Pincers: Do SIR + 1D+2 damage
Tail: Does STR +1D damage. If the k'lor'slug makes a Difficult
Dexterity roll, the target has been stung and suffers from the
effects of the creature's potent neurotoxin. Affected characters
must make a Difficult stamina or Strength or be rendered immobile. The poison is effective for ID minutes.
Camouflage: The k'lor'slug receives a +2D to sneak rolls when
hidden in the pink clay of Noe'ha'on's swamps.
Move: 10
Size: 2-3 meters long

Rancors are one of the largest land predators that can
survive in human environments. The exact location of the
rancor's home planet is known only to Jabba the Hutt's
interstellar crime syndicate; to date, only Jabba has managed to keep a rancor in captivity. Some believe that the
rancor was a unique creature, possibly genetically engineered to sate the Hutt crimelord's vile appetites. (Of course,
those few who have visited Dathomir know otherwise.)
The rancor is bipedal, with dripping fangs and long, sharp
claws. The thick hide of the rancor makes it highly resistant
to blasters and most other hand-held energy weapons, and
melee weapons do not fare much better.

Wampas are fearsome beasts that inhabit the icy planet
Hoth. Wampas stand roughly three meters high and possess
razor-sharp claws and fangs. Older wampas possess horns
(which grow longer with age). Because of their thick white
fur, wampas are almost impossible to spot amidst the blowing snow of Hoth.
Wampas live in ice caves, and tend to be solitary hunters,
exhibiting a frightening amount of cunning and intelligence
for what are ostensibly non-sentient creatures.

Wampa Ice Creature

Type: Snow predator
Search; tracking arctic 6D, sneak: arctic 7D
Special Abilities:
Claws: STR+1 damage
Teeth: STR+2 damage
Camouflage: +3D to sneak in arctic climates, heat-diffusing body
adds +2D to sneak versus sensors
Howling: Wampa howls are a rudimentary form of communication that allows wampas to coordinate attacks; these howls are
virtually indistinguishable from the sound of Hoth's winds.
Move: 13
Size: 3 meters tall

Type: Gigantic predator
Search: tracking 3D
Special Abilities:
Armor: +3D protection against physical and energy attacks
Claws: STR+3D damage
Teeth: STR+5D damage
Move: 20
Size: 5 meters tall

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Weapons and Equipment

Weapons &
I've been training Rebel soldiers to survive in the
field for longer than I care to remember, and today
it's your turn.
Technology is something you can use ... but it
can use you. There are plenty of tools that can save
your life when properly applied, but over-reliance on such items leads to laziness and
foolish mistakes. Unfortunately, too many
Rebel soldiers have learned that lesson to
their cost. Hopefully the following briefing
will help you understand just how useful
and how limited technology can
be. Remember, the right gear can help
you in a pinch, but your best bet is to
rely on yourself.
There are millions of items of high technology
commercially available throughout the Known Galaxy. In the Rebel Alliance, we don't often have the
option to be choosy, though; we have to take what we can
Most items can be procured through legal channels when
needed, but if you are looking for something a little more
sophisticated, you may have to sneak up a few back alleys.
Just remember: make the machine do what you need it to
do ... if you can't handle itandhandle itwellyoucan
land yourself in real trouble.

General Equipment
Breath Masks
Breath masks are portable atmosphere-filtering
systems that provide life-sustaining gases for limited periods of time. While breath masks are highly
useful in many situations, they are by no means
foolproof life-support gear; they offer no protection from extremes in temperature or the vacuum
of space.
Breath masks cover the majority of the wearer's

Weapons and Equipment

face, and more expensive models come equipped with eye
protection as well as an air supply. Most breath masks are
effective for one hour of continuous usage before the filters
are spent. Replacement filters can be purchased relatively
inexpensively, and replacing them only takes a few minutes.

Comlinks are portable communication devices that are
suitable for short range transmissions. Personal devices
have a range of about 50 kilometers (often up to low orbit in
clear weather); most vehicular comlinks can transmit up to
200 kilometers. Comlinks can be adjusted to broadcast on
countless different frequencies, and there are literally thousands of encryption modules available to ensure secure
communications. (More expensive comlinks can be purchased with encrypting routines built in.)
There are also "Standard Clear Frequencies" (or SCFs)
which can be used for any public communications, such as
when a ship wishes to hail a spaceport or other ship, or when
a local government needs to make a broadcast that should
be picked up by all comlinks within a specified area. Most
comlinks can be set to monitor one specific frequency and
SCFs simultaneously; more advanced comlinks can be set to
monitor several frequencies at once.

Datapads are electronic information storage devices noted
for their small size and portability. Datapads can store
relevant pers6nal data, encyclopedic entries and other basic information, though the microprocessors in such units
generally cannot perform higher level computing.
Datapads are available in a wide range of configurations
less expensive models are often dedicated to the storage
and collation of a single type of data. Smaller, more expensive units can be customized to handle a variety of information types. Some high-priced datapads contain a small holographic projector which gives the user a "heads-up" display
rather than the standard flat screen common on lower-end

Glow Rods
Glow rods are portable illumination devices that derive
their power from long-lasting energy cells or chemical reactants. Personal glow rods are generally small, hand-held
units that project a beam of light up to 50 meters (although
more expensive models can have much longer ranges).
Some higher-priced glow-rods are considerably larger and
heavier, but
are capable of
generating a
brighter beam.
These larger units
are often equipped
with sturdy legs, and a programmable swivel mount, allowing the device to act as a limited
searchlight or signalling device.

(although a number of commercial jet packs are available).

A jet pack is simply a propulsion system that a pilot can strap
on, allowing flight over short distances. Arm and wrist
controls are often employed for maneuvering, and many
civilian packs have limited sound baffles to conform with
local noise ordinances; while these baffles reduce noise,
they also reduce the unit's speed as well.
Hush-About Jet Pack
Model: Arakyd Aerodynes, Inc. Hush-About AJP-400
Type: Personal jet pack
Skill: Jet pack operation
Cost: 1,800, 150 (power pack recharge), 150 (portable carrying
Availability: 3, F or R
Game Notes: The Arakyd Hush-About AJP-400 is capable of lifting
up to 300 kilograms (total). It moves vertically 200 meters per
charge, horizontally up to 500 meters per charge. A fully charged
unit has 10 charges and can be run on continuous charge-feed.
During normal operation this unit produces very little noise. Any
attempt to locate a Hush-About using auditory pickups requires
a successful search roll at a +10 penalty to the difficulty.

Macrobinoculars are personal image-magnification devices, often capable of enhancing vision up to one kilometer
away (this is an "average" set of macrobinoculars; other
models may have much longer or shorter ranges). These
devices provide computer-enhanced images as well as information on range and targeting. All search- and Perceptionoriented skills are increased by 3D when using these tools to
view areas more than 100 meters away (normal modifiers
If attached to a blaster via specialized programming
software, they provide a +3D bonus to all medium and longrange shots (they are ineffectual for short and point-blank
range shots). Additionally, the user must be using the
macrobinoculars and weapon in a "sniper" type of position,
requiring a steady resting spot and at least one round of
Literally thousands of different models of macrobinoculars
are commercially available. Lower-priced units often forego
any kind of "zoom" feature, instead providing only a fixed
magnification. Higher-priced macrobinoculars can provide
detailed range and targeting data and often can record a
holographic representation of whatever is seen through the
device's viewfinder.

Medpacs are emergency medical kits that contain the
necessary medicines, stimulants, coagulants and healing drugs to save lives in crisis situations.
While most commercial and military
medpacs contain a wide
variety of medical supplies,

Jet Packs
Jet packs are an unusual form of conveyance that more
commonly see use with military forces or fringe groups

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Weapons and Equipment

medpacs are not as effective as a fully-stocked medical bay.
Medpacs contain supplies for on-site treatment of contusions, burns, broken limbs and other traumatic injuries;
serious wounds (internal bleeding, brain damage, and so
forth) must be treated in a more advanced facility.
Most medpacs are designed for use on a limited number
of species; aliens that are not widespread throughout the
galaxysuch as the Noghriwill find commercial medpacs
of limited use. Imperial-issue medpacs contain medicines
that are useful on humans only.
A character using a medpac must make a successful first
aid check. One a medpac has been used, it is expended.

Recording Rods
Recording rods are small, cylindrical data storage devices. Generally, recording rods are 30 centimeters long, and
are capable of recording sounds or visuals within a range of
15 meters. Recording rods can store up to 100 standard
hours worth of audio-visual data, which can be accessed
repeatedly or fed into a compatible computer system for
enhancement. These devices
are re-usable, though recording over existing data deletes
the older information in favor
of the new.
Recording rods like most
items commercially available in
the galaxy come in a variety of types. Lower-priced
models allow audio recording only, while
store audio,
visual and holographic information.

Rocket Packs
Rocket packs are an alternative to jet packs. Where jet
packs pull outside air into an ignition chamber mixing fuel
and air internally to provide thrust rocket packs contain
combustible chemical fuel. Because of this, rocket packs do
not require outside air to generate thrust, allowing the
devices to operate in space as well as inside an atmosphere.
Rocket packs are heavier and louder than jet packs (due
largely to the onboard chemical fuel cells). As a trade off,
rocket packs are considerably faster, and provide a better
"all-environment" flight capability. The main danger in using
a rocket pack in combat is the chemical fuel cell; a stray
blaster shot can cause a rocket pack to explode.
Rocket Pack
Model: Zanclraman DSP-5 rocket pack
Type: Personal rocket pack
Skill: Rocket pack operation
Cost: 400
Availability: 2, R
Game Notes: The DSP-5 rocket pack can carry up to 60 kilograms
and can move up to 70 meters vertically or 160 meters horizontally in a single charge. The unit has 12 charges.

Sensor Packs
Sensor packs are portable scanning devices that can
detect life-forms, energy emissions, tectonic instability and
any number of other phenomena. Most sensor packs are
handheld devices that are fairly bulky; more sensitive appa-

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

ratus must often be handled by two or more people.

Smaller sensor packs are only capable of detecting a
single phenomenon (such as a comm signal or life-form); the
more functions the sensor pack is required to perform, the
larger the unit tends to be. Most handheld sensor packs are
only capable of giving general information about what has
been detected (such as the general direction and frequency
of a comm signal, or the relative distance to a life-form) but
cannot give precise data. Larger units tend to be more
accurate and more sensitive but are also more expensive.
Sensor Pock
Model: NeuroSaav 8932/D Sensor Pack
Type: Portable scanning device
Skill: Sensors
Cost: 650
Availability: 2, R
Game Notes: The NeuroSaav 8932/D is a general-purpose sensor
apparatus that can detect either the presence of a life form, or
the presence of a comm signal. Characters using the unit receive
a +1D bonus to sensors. The device can scan up to 300 meters
away, and will give approximate bearings to the source of a
comm transmission or to the location of a life form.

Space Suits ond Vacuum Suits

Space suits and vacuum suits are required equipment for
starfighter pilots. Space suits allow an individual
to enter the vacuum of space for limited periods
of time without harm. Vacuum suits which
are favored by most "fighter jocks" perform
a similar function.
Space suits are bulky, sealed uniforms
that possess an independent atmosphere
supply, as well as temperature regulators
and waste recyclers, allowing survival in
space for periods of up to one week. Higher-priced space
suits often contain interior food supplies (dispensed through
a tube in the helmet) that can extend the survival period.
Vacuum suits are also self-contained environments,
though they dispense with most of the "amenities" provided
by space suits. Most vacuum suits do not contain suit
heaters, and generally hold enough atmosphere to last a few
hours. However, most starfighter pilots particularly in the
Rebel Alliance view space suits as bulky and obstructive
when worn in battle. The heavy padding and insulation in a
space suit makes manipulating controls in a cramped fighter
cockpit very difficult. Most military pilots are willing to
trade the extra atmosphere a space suit provides for the reaction
time a vacuum suit
Space Suit
Model: LifeLine
Model 11 Space Suit
Type: Personal space
Cost: 2,200 credits
Availability: 2, F
Game Notes: The LifeLine
Model 11 contains a heating unit, waste recycling
unit and onboard food sup-

Weapons and Equipment

ply. The suit's power supply, atmosphere and food supply will
support a character in space for 10 standard days. The wearer
suffers a -2D to all Dexterity attribute and skill checks.

Vacuum Suit
Model: Incom Military Vacuum Suit
Type: Personal vacuum suit
Cost: 1,000 credits
Availability: 1
Game Notes: Incom developed this version of the military flight
suit decades ago; it is in common usage throughout the galaxy.
The Incom vacuum suit contains 10 hours worth of atmosphere.
A player character in space must make a Moderate stamina or
Strength check every hour he or she is exposed to vacuum or
suffer a wound caused by the freezing cold of space.

Syntherope Dispensers
Syntherope is as the name implies a synthetic,
durable multi-purpose cable. Created from high-strength
polymers, syntherope is tough, lightweight and flexible,
capable of supporting up to 500
kilograms of weight.

Range: 2-3/5/10
Damage: STR+1D (maximum: 6D)
Game Notes: May be used as a normal knife in melee combat.

Vibroweapons come in a variety of forms, from vibroknives
to vibro-axes. While vibroweapons appear similar to other
melee weapons, this similarity is cosmetic only. A standard
vibroknife, for example, is constructed with a miniature
power cell and a specially-seated blade. When activated, the power cell transmits thousands of
microscopic vibrations along the blade edge,
allowing the weapon to cut through
extremely hard surfaces with only
slight pressure. The vibro-ax
and other vibroweapons operate along the same
Model: Standard vibroax
Type: Melee weapon
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee combat: vibro-ax
Cost: 500
Availability: 2, R
Difficulty: Moderate
Damage: STR+3D+1 (maximum: 7D)



Model: Standard vibroblade

Type: Melee weapon
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee combat: vibroblade
Cost: 250
Availability: 2, F
Difficulty: Moderate
Damage: STR+3D (maximum: 6D)

In an age of powered, long-range energy weapons, the
main advantage of a knife is that it is easy and cheap to
manufacture, concealable, requires no power source beyond sheer physical strength, and possession is rarely regulated by planetary governments.
Some throwing knives can also be used as short-range
Typical Knife
Model: Standard knife
Type: Melee weapon
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee combat: knife
Cost: 25
Availability: 1
Difficulty: Very Easy
Damage: STR+1D

I Typical Throwing Knife

Model: Standard throwing knife
Type: Melee weapon
Scale: Character
Skill: Thrown weapons: knife
Cost: 35
Availability: 1

Lightsabers the rare and highly-prized weapons of the
Jedi Knights are small, hand-held weapons that project an
energy blade capable of cutting through the densest of
materials. Each weapon was custom-made by a Jedi and no
two are alike. Because the energy blade produces no resistance and has virtually no weight, it is very dangerous for
beginners to use, and those without any formal training are
as dangerous to themselves as to their opponents. In the
hands of a Jedi Knight, these weapons are truly formidable,
capable of deflecting blaster bolts in addition to their formidable melee combat capabilities. The weapons are extremely
rare artifacts they are very rarely found for sale and
possession of a lightsaber was highly illegal in the Empire.

Type: Melee weapon
Scale: Character
Skill: Lightsaber
Cost: Unavailable for sale
Availability: 4, X
Difficulty: Difficult
Damage: 5D
Game Notes: in an attacking character misses the difficulty
number by more than 10 points (the base difficulty; not their
opponent's parry total), the character has injured himself with
the lightsaber blade. Apply normal damage to the character
wielding the lightsaber.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Weapons and Equipment

Ranged Weapons
Never underestimate your opponent... and never
overestimate your own firepower. A few years ago, I
was trapped in a warehouse on Gallshebbis Prime,
surrounded by Imperial stormtroopers. My team was
in a bad way three wounded, one
dead and the rest itching for a fight.
The kind of situation where folks get
That's when I saw that the
stormtroopers were using an outmoded, tripod-mounted repeating
blaster, the old BlasTech
"PulseHammer" series. The
PulseHammer had a monstrous
amount of power behind it, but the
recycle time on the energy cell was
pretty lackluster (which was why
BlasTech discontinued the series).
It was just a matter of waiting for
the weapon's cool down cycle when
the power cell was too busy recharging
itself for the weapon to fire and we just
waltzed out of the warehouse and took the
troopers out.
It's an important lesson: learn what your
enemy can and can't do, and learn it well. Not
knowing the odds can be fatal.

These primitive projectile weapons are
almost never used by most military forces
due to their ineffectiveness against modern
armor, and their tendency to run out of
ammunition quickly. Slugthrowers are most
often found on primitive settlements or in
pre-spaceflight cultures; occasionally a
Rebel unit will find them useful for shock
value (they are extremely loud). Conversely, some Rebel units prefer the use of
slugthrowers; it is possible to silence a projectile weapon,
not a blaster.
Model: Coruschal WeaponsWorks "Dagger" Combat Pistol
Type: Slugthrower pistol
Skill: Firearms: Slugthrower pistol
Ammo: 16
Cost: 300
Availability: 2, F
Range: 3-10/30/60
Damage: 3D
Game Notes: -ID damage when used on a target with body armor

Capsule: Coruschal WeaponsWorks was a prominent

munitions manufacturer until the planet Coruschal fell
into civil disarray. Currently, the planet is a decaying
urban sprawl, filled with street fighting between warring
factions. Coruschal WeaponsWorks' firearms are generally regarded as high quality among those who still use
such weapons, though contact with the planet has been
cut off by the fighting.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Blasters are the most common types of weapons used
throughout the Known Galaxy. Ranging from small, easily-concealed hand weapons to the huge destructive
superlaser of the Death Star, blasters are designed for
every conceivable role.
Blasters utilize a variety of so-called blaster gases,
which are excited by the energy provided from power
packs. The charge released takes the form of coherent light which delivers killing energy to
the target. All hand blasters can be set to
"stun" unless otherwise indicated.

Hold-Out Blasters
Small enough to be hidden in the hand of
a human, hold-out blasters are common in
urban areas with strict weapon controls
and among undercover agents.
Hold-out blasters require custom designed power packs and only hold enough
blaster gas for a few shots. They are illegal or
closely regulated in most systems. Many systems, however, look on them as a "self-defense"
alternative to the more powerful types of personal weapons available.

Hold-Out Blaster
Model: Merr-Sonn Munitions Q2 Hold-Out Blaster
Type: Concealable blaster
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: hold-out blaster
Ammo: 6
Cost: 275 (power packs: 25)
Availability: 2, R or X
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-4/8/12
Damage: 3D

Sporting Blasters
A small, short blaster, often used for smallgame hunting or personal defense. Sometimes
used for dueling. This is the smallest weapon
to use standard power packs. (Princess Leia
used a sporting blaster in Star Wars: A New

Sporting Blaster
Model: Drearian Defense Conglomerate Defender
Type: Sporting blaster
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: sporting blaster
Ammo: 50
Cost: 350 (power packs: 25)
Availability: 1, F
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-10/30/60
Damage: 3D+1

Blaster Pistols
This is the most common
weapon in the galaxy. It is
popular with urban police
forces, traders and anyone
else who needs to pack respectable firepower in a compact package. Ownership of
these weapons is restricted
in many systems.

Weapons and Equipment

Blaster Pistol
Model: Bias Tech DL-18 Blaster Pistol
Type: Blaster pistol
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: blaster pistol
Ammo: 100
Cost: 500 (power packs: 25)
Availability: 1, F, R or X
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-10/30/120
Damage: 4D

Heavy Blaster Pistols

A blaster pistol is a compromise: it gives the user a lot
more firepower, but with a very limited range this is
accomplished by draining a lot of energy from the power
pack, at the expense of ammo. A heavy blaster pistol is
crammed into a standard pistol frame, making it easy to
disguise if necessary. These weapons are illegal or heavily
restricted in many systems. Han Solo's favorite weapon is a
modified BlasTech DL-44 heavy blaster pistol.
Heavy Blaster Pistol
Model: BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Type: Heavy blaster pistol
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: heavy blaster pistol
Ammo: 25
Cost: 750 (power packs: 25)
Availability: 1, F, R or X
Damage: 5D

Blaster Carbines
These weapons are shorter and less accurate than blaster
rifles, the weapons they are based upon. However, they are
rugged and reliable and malfunctions are very rare. These
weapons are less advanced than blaster rifles, and older
models can often be
found at greatly

New Republic forces. They have a retractable stock and

sight. In most systems, ownership is restricted to military
organizations. Imperial stormtroopers favor blaster rifles.
Blaster Rifle
Model: SoroSuub Stormtrooper One Blaster Rifle
Type: Blaster rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: blaster rifle
Ammo: 100
Cost: 1,000 (power packs: 25)
Availability: 2,X
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-30/100/300
Damage: 5D
Game Notes: If the retractable stock and scope are used for one
round of aiming, the character receives an additional +1D to

Sporting Blaster Rifles

Built in an attempt to circumvent standard restrictions
on the blaster rifle, the "sport rifle" is merely a smaller
version of its more lethal cousin. It was introduced early in
the days of the Empire by groups that worried over the new
centralization of power. In general, it is just as restricted in
use as the blaster rifle.
Sporting Blaster Rifle
Model: Drearian Defense Conglomerate "Light Sport" Hunter
Type: Sporting blaster rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: blaster rifle
Ammo: 100
Cost: 900 (power packs: 25)
Availability: 1, F
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-40/120/350
Damage: 4D+1
Game Notes: If the retractable stock and scope are used for one
round of aiming, the character receives an additional +1D to

Light Repeating Blasters

Longer and more powerful than blaster rifles, these weapons are for large-scale actions, often supplementing ground
squads and providing cover for artillery gunners while their
weapons are being set up. These weapons are normally
about one to one-and-a-half meters long, and can be run off
power packs or attached to generators for unlimited firepower. They are normally available only to the military.
Light Repeating Blaster

Blaster Carbine
Model: SoroSuub QuickSnap 36T
Type: Blaster carbine
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: blaster carbine
Ammo: 100
Cost: 900 (power packs: 25)
Availability: 2, F, R or X
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-25/50/250
Damage: 5D
Game Notes: At long range, increase difficulty by +5

Blaster Rifles
Among the most popular personal weapons in the galaxy,
blaster rifles are in common use throughout the Imperial and

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Model: BlasTech T-21

Type: Light repeating blaster
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: repeating blaster
Ammo: 25
Cost: 2,000 (power packs: 25)
Availability: 2, X
Range: 3-50/120/300
Damage: 6D

E-Web Repeating Blasters

The E-Web is at the limit of "portable" blaster weapon
technology troops can carry it, but they certainly can't
fire it without tripod mounting. It is normally allotted as an
infantry support weapon, and the crew is expected to keep
the weapon moving with the troops for backup when needed.
Imperial snowtroopers on Hoth used E-Webs.

Weapons and Equipment

E-Web Repeating Blaster
Model: BlasTech E-Web Repeating Blaster
Type: Two-man heavy repeating blaster
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: repeating blaster
Ammo: Power generator only
Cost: 5,000
Availability: 2, X
Range: 3-75/200/500
Damage: 8D

A weapon unique to the arboreal Wookiees of Kashyyyk,
the bowcaster (also called a laser crossbow) is an ancient
and curious combination of energy and projectile weapon.
The weapon requires great physical strength to cock and
load. The weapon fires explosive quarrels wrapped in an
energy cocoon, giving the explosive the appearance of an
elongated blaster bolt. The weapons are only available on

Model: Wookiee Bowcaster
Type: Energy/projectile weapon hybrid
Scale: Character
Skill: Bowcaster
Ammo: 6 (quarrels; power packs can make 50 shots before being
Cost: Not sold to non-Wookiees
Availability: 3, R
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 3-10/30/50
Damage: 4D
Game Notes: If a character wants to fire the weapon more than
once in a round, he must make an Easy Strength roll to be able to
aim the weapon (this is a "free action"). Reloading the weapon
with new quarrels requires a Moderate Strength roll.

Blaster Artillery Emplacements

"Blaster artillery" covers a bewildering array of weapons
and their uses, from anti-troop weapons to permanent loworbit anti-starship weapons.

Atgar Anti-Vehicle Tower Emplacements

The Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower is the Rebel Alliance's most
common anti-vehicle field artillery weapon. The weapons
are underpowered and difficult to move, but they are readily
available, which was the rationale for the Alliance's choice of
the weapon. The weapon requires a crew of four: one chief
gunner, and three support personnel to regulate energy flow
and recharge its power cells.

Anti-Vehicle Loser Cannon

Model: Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower
Type: Light anti-vehicle laser cannon
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Blaster artillery: anti-vehicle
Crew: 4, skeleton: 2/+10
Cost: 10,000 (new), 2,000 (used)
Availability: 2, R or X
Body: 2D
Fire Rate: 1/2
Fire Control: ID
Range: 10-500/2,000 /10.000
Damage: 2D+2

Anti-Orbital Ion Cannons

Designed specifically for the defense of planetary surfaces from low-orbit assault, this ion cannon is critical in

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

defending military bases until they can get their planetary

shields up to full power.

Heavy Ion Cannon

Model: KDY v-150 Planet Defender
Type: Heavy ion surface-to-space cannon
Scale: Capital
Skill: Blaster artillery: surface-to-space
Crew: 27, skeleton: 12/+10
Cover: Full
Ammo: Unlimited (power generator)
Cost: 500,000 (new), 100,000 (used)
Availability: 3, X
Body: 5D
Fire Rate: 1
Fire Control: 5D
Range: Atmosphere/Low Orbit (l*)/High Orbit (3*)
Damage: 12D (ionization)
* This refers to the number of "units" from the planet if conducting a space battle

Explosives, such as grenades and thermal detonators,
are not common in combat except under certain conditions.
They're bulky one-shot weapons once they are thrown,
they are expended. Blasters are often preferred because
they are light and can be fired repeatedly.
However, grenades are useful for areas where enemy
forces are concentrated in a small area, because their area of
blast can affect more than one target. Grenades can be
equipped with any number of triggers, from simple contact
(it explodes when it hits something) to a timer, which can be
set for a few seconds to several minutes.
Mines and thermal detonators are larger explosive devices with a variety of potential uses.
Explosive devices are normally tightly-restricted, and
those wishing to buy them will often have to seek out black
market sources.

Fragmentation Grenades
Grenades come in a variety of sizes and forms, and can be
simple explosives, or may eject noxious gases or smoke or
any other number of payloads, depending upon the specific
needs of the purchaser.

Fragmentation Grenade
Model: Standard fragmentation grenade
Type: Explosive
Scale: Character
Skill: Grenade
Cost: 200
Availability: 1, R
Range: 3-7/20/40
Blast Radius: 0-2/4/6/10
Damage: 5D/4D/3D/2D

Thermal Detonators
The thermal detonator is a highly effective weapon of
terror and destruction. It is fist-sized, yet packs enough
explosive to destroy everything within a small building.

Thermal Detonator
Model: Standard thermal detonator
Type: Explosive
Scale: Character
Skill: Grenade
Cost: 2,000

Weapons and Equipment

Availability: 2, X
Range: 3-4/7/12
Blast Radius: 0-2/8/12/20
Damage: 10D/8D/5D/2D

Mines are used to eliminate incoming troops and vehicles. Most are triggered by physical pressure (such as
moving ground troops) or the presence of repulsor fields
(generated by incoming vehicles). The demolitions skill roll
of the character setting the mine is equal to the hide value of
the mine (in case someone is searching for it) and the "to hit"
roll of the weapon. When the mine is triggered, the character
must use his normal dodge to get out of the immediate blast
radius of the explosion if his normal dodge is higher than
the demolitions roll, then he gets to the next higher range of
the radius. A successful full dodge will get the character out
of the entire blast radius.

Model: Standard anti-vehicle mine
Type: Explosive
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Demolitions
Cost: 750
Availability: 2, X
Blast Radius: 0-2/4/6/10
Damage: 5D/4D/3D/2D

With the advance of blaster weapons, armor has become
less and less popular: most soldiers in the field soon realized
that their armor would be ineffectual in stopping those bolts
of energy, and their speed and quickness would be of prime
importance. Armor is more useful against many slugthrowing
weapons, so it is common on very primitive worlds.
Armor protects a specific portion of a person's body. If an
attack hits that area, the wearer may add the die code of the
armor to his Strength roll to resist damage.
Armor may cover one of six locations: head, torso, left
arm, right arm, left leg, and right leg. Head and torso armor
may provide different protection to the front and back, and
if so, the distinction is indicated.

Blast Helmets
Common among the forces of the Rebel Alliance, blast
helmets provide troops with valuable protection from fragments and shrapnel, although they are almost useless against
blaster bolts.

Blast Helmet
Model: Typical blast helmet
Type: Personal armor
Scale: Character
Cost: 300
Availability: 1
Game Notes: +1D physical, +1 energy (head).

Blast Vests
Like blast helmets, vests are very useful against physical
attacks, such as grenade shrapnel and bullets, but they
provide little protection from blaster bolts.

Blast Vest
Model: Typical blast vest
Type: Personal armor
Scale: Character
Cost: 300
Availability: 1
Game Notes: +1D physical,
energy (torso).

Bounty Hunter
Armor Suits
A number of bounty hunters utilize a variety of personal
armors for protection during
the course of their duties. A
favored set of armor is the Corellian PowerSuit, which not
only provides protection, but enhances the user's Strength in
personal combat.
These battlesuits are often greatly modified by their
owner. Typical modifications include the permanent addition of weapons, advanced sensors in helmets, emergency
survival equipment storage belts, harsh environment shielding and a number of other items.
These suits are restricted in many systems, and may be
illegal to purchase or possess.

Bounty Hunter Armor

Model: Corellian PowerSuit
Type: Bounty hunter armor
Scale: Character
Skill: Powersuit operation
Cost: 2,500
Availability: 2, R
Game Notes: +2D physical, +1D

Stormtrooper Armor
Stormtroopers are the elite shock
troops of the Empire, and their stark
white protective armor is unmistakable. The armor is an 18-piece cocoon which surrounds the soldier.
Ownership of Stormtrooper armor
by non-stormtroopers is a serious
offense in all Empire systems and
inherently dangerous in non-Empire

Stormtrooper Armor
Model: Standard Stormtrooper armor
Type: Military armor
Scale: Character
Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: 3, X
Game Notes: +2D physical, + ID energy. -ID penalty to all Dexterity attribute and skill checks; helmet contains tongue-activated
comlink; Multi-Frequency Targeting and Acquisition System
(MFTAS), +2D to Perception checks in low-visibility situations,
+2D to ranged weapon skill uses against targets that move more
than 10 meters per round; climate controlled body glove (allows
operation in moderately warm or cold climates).

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Droids are mechanical devices, often capable
of intelligent and creative thought. Droid-types
range from simple units that can only follow
basic commands, to highly developed units
capable of translating millions of languages
or assisting in the piloting of a starship.
Higher function droids are programmed with
personalities, are capable of acting independently and making decisions; some droids
even seem to have emotions. In short, they are
an electronic form of life.
Most people consider droids as little more
than tools, though I'm not entirely convinced
that is the case. Anyone who's met Luke
Skywalker's astromech droid or Rogue
Squadron's protocol droid would probably agree
with me. Many droids // treated with a little
care and respect can seem as alive as you or
me. Whether or not these constructs can truly be
called 'alive' is not for me to say ...I simply
refuse to treat them as inferior, as something less
than me, just because they're different.
If I did, I'd be no better than the Imperials I'm

Droids in the Galaxy

Droids are one of the fundamental technologies of the
galaxy. They are intelligent automatons programmed to
perform very specific functions. Droids are often used for
tasks which are too complex, dangerous or even dull for
organic beings. Droids may be programmed to excel at
one or two specific types of functions at the expense of
having the versatility of organics. Due to their highlydeveloped logic circuits, droids lack the intuitive and

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game


associative capabilities of many organic species. Droids, in

addition to high intelligence and the capacity for learning,
are normally programmed to exhibit a specific personality in
order to make them more palatable to organics.
Droids take a variety of forms, from aesthetically pleasing
humanoid shapes to the stark functionality of an astromech
or probe droid. Many droids have normal speech capabilities for easy communication with other beings, although
some are limited to high-density electronic languages that
only other droids can interpret with any ease.
Droids are often classified by function:
First-degree droids are designed for physical sciences,
mathematics and medical sciences applications.
Second-degree droids are programmed for environmental, engineering and technical applied science skills. Exploration and probe droids are part of this category.
Third-degree droids are skilled in the social sciences and
often perform protocol, translation, organic relations, teaching, diplomatic and other functions which bring them into
regular contact with organics.
Fourth-degree droids are programmed for security and
military applications, and include everything from patrol
droids to the now illegal assassination droids. This class of
droids is strictly regulated throughout the galaxy.
Fifth-degree droids have lower intelligence requirements
than other droids, and typically perform menial labor, including simple lifting, mining, salvage, transportation, sanitation and waste control duties.

Roleplaying Droids
Players may choose to play a droid, although they will
probably choose the more intelligent and highly evolved
droids, with sophisticated programming to encourage creative thought or even emotions. Players are cautioned to
remember that General Cracken's words notwithstanding
droids are not considered life-forms in the galaxy at large:
they are property. A droid player character must have an

"owner" (although the "owner"

may be more like a friend than a
master, as evidenced by Luke
Skywalker's relationship with C3PO and R2-D2). Also remember
that since droids are property,
they aren't accorded the same
rights as organic beings blasting a droid is destruction of private property, not murder.
Droids are also disliked by
many people in the galaxy. Droids
are often viewed as taking jobs
from "living" people and little
more than mindless automatons.
Because of several incidents involving assassin droids, most
people have a strong distrust of
any droid which exhibits any combat skills. For these, and many
other reasons, players portraying droids are strongly urged to
remember these dislikes at all
Droids may not be Force-sensitive and may never have Force skills. The limits of current
technology only allow droids with a maximum of 13D for any
The droids listed in this chapter are "stock" droids: all
new droids of this make and specific model will automatically
come with those specific skills, attributes and equipment.
Human and alien player characters generally begin with
25D (18D in attributes and 7D in skills). Total up the dice of
the stock droid, including attributes, skills, weapons, armor
and special attachments that add extra skill dice. Do not
include any dice from special abilities that grant droids extra
dice at the time of the character's creation only. (For example,
if a droid has a special ability that gives him 4D bonus skill
dice for Technical skills, this doesn't count toward the total
when generating characters since these are bonus dice.)
If the total of the dice is less than 25D, the player may put
the rest in skills and attachments (not attributes), with a limit
of placing up to 4D in any single skill (instead of the standard
limit of 2D for most other characters). The player may add
skill dice to "pre-programmed" skills, but the starting extra
dice may not total more than 4D above the attribute.
Droids may later improve skills and attributes in the same
way that characters do, although the gamemaster may rule
that certain software packages and special attachments
must be purchased with credits.
Example: Eric decides that he wants to play an
Arakyd 6G2 DeepSpace Explorer droid. The stock
droid starts with 6D attribute dice, 3D skill dice and
7D in attachments (the grasping arm adds +3D to
lifting, the long-range sensor adds +2D to search and
the movement sensor adds +2D to search), for a
total of 16D. This leaves Eric 9D to allocate to other
skills and attachments.
Eric can add any new skill he wants, putting up
to 4D in it. The only skill Eric's character has at this
time is search, and the droid already has an extra 3D
in the skill; Eric could only add ID more to his
search skill during character creation.
Gamemasters may design stock droid types that have

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game


much more than 25D in dice. These droids may be restricted

exclusively to gamemaster characters. The gamemaster may
allow their use as player characters by adding severe restrictions to the droid: for example, the droid may be impractical
to play, illegal on most planets, very expensive to own or
quite prone to breakdown. You should warn players that
severe game mechanics and story balancing will be used to
keep the droid from overpowering the game.

Game Statistics
All droids have a listing for game information. Droids can
be listed as individuals (such as R2-D2 and C-3PO) or as a
"stock" model of a droid (such as for the Industrial Automaton R2 Astromech droid).
Type: The manufacturer, make and type of droid.
Attributes and Skills: For individual droids, these are listed in
the same manner as normal characters. For stock droids, these
listings can be considered "minimum" skills for all droids of that
type. Of course, some individual droids will have been altered or
reprogrammed and thus will not meet the minimums, while
other individuals can greatly exceed those minimums.
Equipped With: Many droids are equipped with specialized
tools. These tools are listed here.
Special Skills: Some droids have specialized skills which are
otherwise not commonly available. If that is the case, the skill
(and its governing attribute) is listed and explained.
Special Abilities: Some droids have unique special abilities.
Story Factors: Some droids have very specific types of story
factors. Story factors are things which can govern a droid's
behavior or how other beings interact with the droid, but are not
"game rules" in the traditional sense.
Move: For an individual droid, its movement rate. For a type of
droid, it may have two listings: the first number is the droid's
basic Move, while the second number represents the droid's
maximum Move.
Size: The droid's size.
Cost: The cost of the droid, sometimes with "new" and "used"
Equipment: Some droids carry equipment (just like characters).
If this is the case, the droid's equipment will be listed here.

Astromech Droids
Astromech droids are designed for in-flight and postflight starship operations and maintenance duty. These
droids are integral to the operation of many starfighters,
both during operation and for the operation of the
hyperdrive motivator.
The droids interface with starship computers during flight, and can assist computerized repairs, allowing the pilot to keep his full attention on piloting. For
simpler vehicles, astromech droids may be the
sole pilot.
Astromech droids are capable of storing
up to 10 pre-programmed hyperdrive jumps
so that ships equipped with hyperdrives but
lacking a navigation computer may be piloted to other systems. The droid's memory
stores the basic calculations, and the unit
itself calculates any minute adjustments
needed prior to entering hyperspace.

R2 Astromech Droid
Type: Industrial Automaton R2 Astromech

Astrogation 5D, starfighter piloting 3D, space transports 3D
Computer programming/repair 4D, starfighter repair 5D*
Astromech droids, if acting in co-pilot capacity, may attempt
starship repairs while in flight.
Equipped With:
Three wheeled legs (center leg retractable)
Retractable heavy grasping arm (lifting at 2D)
Retractable fine work heavy grasper arm
Extendable 0.3 meter long video sensor (360 degree rotation)
Small electric arc welder (ID to 5D, as fits situation), 0.3 meter
Small circular saw (4D, 0.3 meter range)
Video display screen
Holographic projector/recorder
Fire extinguisher
Small (20 cm by 8 cm) internal "cargo" area
Some additional small tools and equipment
Move: 5
Size: One meter tall
Cost: 4,525 (new)

Explorer Droids
Explorer droids are often assigned to scout vessels for
quick investigation of new planets. These droids take a
variety of shapes, and are often equipped with repulsorlift
units for rough terrain, and advanced sensors for determining planetary data.

DeepSpace Explorer Droid

Type: Arakyd 6G2 DeepSpace Explorer Droid
Search 4D
Equipped With:
Repulsor unit with three meter flight ceiling
Retractable heavy grasper arm (lifting at 4D)
Holographic/audio recorder
Long-range sensor (+2D to search for moving objects)
Atmosphere sensor can determine atmosphere class
(Type I, Type II, Type III or Type IV) within one half-hour
Move: 10
Size: 1.3 meters
Cost: 6,700 (new)

Medical Droids
Medical droids are sophisticated mechanical constructs, programmed with a
vast knowledge of the physiology of a
variety of species, and the surgical
knowledge to repair the most serious
of injuries. The 2-1B series medical
droid is an older series, though it
still sees widespread use throughout the galaxy; while later models
are more adept at many surgical
functions, 2-1B units are reputed to
have a much better "bedside manner" than current designs.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Two-Onebee Medical Droid

Type: Industrial Automaton 2-1B Surgical Droid
Alien species 5D
(A) Bacta tank operation 5D
(A) Injury/ailment diagnosis 6D
First aid 6D, (A) medicine 9D
Equipped With:
Computer interface tether (range of 5 meters, adds +2D to all
medical skills)
Medical diagnostic computer
Analytical computer
Surgical attachments
Hypodermic injectors (4D stun damage)
Medicine dispensers
Move: 4
Size: 1.5 meters tall
Cost: 4,300 (new)

Protocol Droids
The Cybot Galactica 3PO series is among the most successful line of these popular protocol units. They are humanoid in shape and generally programmed for subservient,
service-oriented personalities.
These droids are utilized for etiquette and translation,
and are often found in the service of diplomats and wealthy
traders. These droids are capable of reproducing any sound
that their audio sensors pick up, allowing them to speak
almost any language.
3PO Protocol Droid
Type: Cybot Galactica 3PO Human-Cyborg Relations Droid
Cultures 6D, languages 10D*
*The droid's vocabulator speech/sound systeiij makes the droid capable of reproducing
virtually any sound it hears or is programmed
to reproduce.
Equipped With:
Humanoid body (two arms, two legs, head)
Two visual and two audial sensors
human range
Vocabulator speech/sound system
' AA-1 VerboBrain
TranLang III Communications module
with over seven million languages
Move: 8
Size: 1.7 meters tall
Cost: 3,000 (new)

Probe Droids
Originally designed for peaceful exploration purposes, probe droids have seen extensive use in the Imperial Navy. The Empire
uses probes to search for hidden Rebel outposts, smuggler bases and pirate shadowports
in remote areas.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

There are several types of probe droids, ranging from

asteroid surveyors to remote surveillance units. Most civilian probes are not armed or shielded, unlike their Imperial
Probe Droid
Type: Arakyd Viper Probe Droid
Blaster 4D
Planetary systems 4D
Sensors 6D
Search 4D, search: tracking 7D+1
Equipped With:
Long-range sensor (+1D to search for objects between 200
meters and five kilometers away)
Movement sensor (+2D to search for moving objects up to 100
meters away)
Atmosphere sensor can determine atmosphere class (Type
I, Type II, Type HI, Type IV) within one half-hour
Blaster cannon (4D+2)
Self-destruct mechanism
Repulsor generator for movement over any terrain
Several retractable manipulator arms
Several retractable sensor arms for gathering samples
Move: 14
Size: 1.6 meters tall
Cost: 14,500 (new)

Security Droids
Security droids are strictly regulated in most
civilized systems, although they are widely
employed by crimelords, private corporations and local governments.
Rim Securities' K4 Security Droid
Type: Rim Securities' K4 Security Droid
Blaster 7D, dodge 8D, running 4D
Equipped With:
Two auto-balance arms
Two arms
Body armor (+2D to Strength to resist damage)
Internal blaster rifle (5D, 5-30/100/200)
Move: 11
Size: 1.6 meters
Cost: 7,500 (new)

Droids and equipment are important parts of

an adventure but it's hard to achieve your
objective if you can't get where you 're going. That's why
you need vehicles and even starships, if you're headed
off-planet. So Evin Dastt is going to take you from here
into the world of things that speed, swoop and soar.



Before I give you the lowdown on

starfighters and space transports, I'm
gonna show you the basics: subatmospheric craft. (You gotta crawl before
you walk, right?)
There are vehicles everywhere, from
the glittering airspeeders of the Core
Worlds to the greel wood-covered
groundcoaches of the Tion Hegemony.
If there's a job that needs doing, there's
probably a crate that's designed for the
job. Hey, even a fighter jock like me
still likes to tinker with an old airspeeder
now and again.
Chances are you 'II be flying a cloud
car or zippin' around in a landspeeder
long before the Rebel Alliance gives
you clearance in an X-wing, so we'll
start there.

Vehicle Statistics
Each vehicle in this section has a variety of statistics
that are useful in gameplay. Most of these vehicle codes
are not necessary all of the time, but they provide valuable
background data on the vehicle. Most of the time, it is sufficient to know the vehicle's scale, skill, move, maneuverability,
body strength and relevant weapon codes. The stats are presented
in the following order:
(Vehicle's model or nickname)
Craft: The vehicle's manufacturer, model name and number; also
indicates whether vehicle is "stock" or "modified."
Type: The vehicle's general classification.
Scale: The vehicle's scale (used for the "scale" rules in Chapter Six,
"Combat and Injuries").
Skill: The skill that is used to pilot the vehicle, followed by specialization. Example: Repulsorlift operation: airspeeder.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Unskilled.- Some very specialized vehicles will have an

"unskilled penalty" indicated: anyone piloting the vehicle without the correct specialization suffers the
penalty indicated. Example: Repulsorlift operations:
heavy equipment (unskilled: -2D)
Crew: The standard crew complement of the vehicle, followed by the gunners (in addition to the
crew). The "skeleton" lists the minimum number
needed to fly the vehicle, as well as the penalty added
to all piloting difficulty numbers because of the skeleton crew.
Crew Skill: Typical die codes for crew members.
Passengers: The number of passengers the vehicle can
Cargo Capacity: The maximum mass of cargo that can be
Cover: The amount of cover provided by the vehicle for
passengers. This is listed as Full, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 or none
relevant modifiers are discussed in Chapter
Five, "Combat And Injuries."
Altitude Range: For repulsorlift and flying
vehicles only. The minimum and maximum
operating altitude for the vehicle (Standard gravity and Standard
atmosphere density worlds).
Cost: The cost for a new vehicle of this type. Used vehicle prices
will vary, depending upon the vehicle's condition and equipment.
Maneuverability: This die code is added to the pilot's roll
whenever he makes an operation total, including for movement
and vehicle dodges.
Move: The distance, in meters, covered by each move; the
vehicle's maximum speed in kilometers per standard hour.
Body Strength: The vehicle rolls this die code to resist damage
in combat.
Shields: Some vehicles have shields. See the rules for shields in
Chapter Seven, "Space Travel and Combat."
Weapon Type: This list the number and type of weapon the
vehicle has mounted. If a vehicle is listed as "fire-linked" it means
that the stats given below are for all of the weapons linked to fire
Fire Arc: Front, back, left, or right. Turret-mounted weapons
can fire in all arcs.
Crew: The number of crew necessary to operate the weapon.
If there is no crew listing, the weapon can be fired by the pilot.
Scale: The weapon's scale (if different than that of the
Skill: The skill used when operating the weapon.
Fire Control: This die code is added to the gunner's skill total
when firing the weapon.
Range: The weapon's short, medium and long ranges. If a
weapon has four listings, it is for point-blank, short, medium and
long ranges; for these weapons, anything shorter than pointblank range requires a Very Difficult weapon total to hit in
Damage: The weapon's damage.

The Imperial military employes these machines to complement existing repulsorlift, crawler and wheeled vehicles,
and also to inspire fear in enemy troops. Walkers have
proven remarkably effective in combat on both counts.
The Imperial All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) is a
four-legged behemoth that shakes the ground as it ploddingly closes in upon enemy fortifications. The massive
machines are considered virtually unstoppable, and in addition to their weapons, can carry up to 40 fully-equipped
troopers or a pair of AT-ST "scout walkers."
The All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST) is nimbler and
designed for scouting or support duty, and is deadly on the
battlefield. It requires a crew of two.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

AT-ST Walker
Craft: All Terrain Scout Transport
Type: Medium walker
Scale: Walker
Length: 6.4 meters long, 8.6 meters tall
Skill: Walker operation: AT-ST
Crew: 2, skeleton: 1/+15
CrewSkill: Missile weapons 4D, vehicle blasters 4D+2,
walker operation 5D
Cargo Capacity: 200 kilograms
Cover: Full
Cost: Not available for sale
Maneuverability: ID
Move: 30; 90 kmh
Body Strength: 3D
Twin Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 1 (pilot)
Skill: Vehicle blasters
Fire Control: ID
Range: 50-200/1/2 km
Damage: 4D
Twin Light Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 1 (co-pilot)
Skill: Vehicle blasters
Fire Control: ID
Range: 50-300/500/1 km
Damage: 2D
Concussion Grenade Launcher
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 1 (co-pilot)
Skill: Missile weapons: grenade launcher
Fire Control: ID
Range: 10-50/100/200
Damage: 3D


AT-AT Walker
Craft: All Terrain Armored Transport
Type: Assault walker
Scale: Walker
Length: 20.6 meters long, 15.5 meters tall
Skill: Walker operation: AT-AT
Crew: 5, skeleton: 3/+10
Crew Skill: Vehicle blasters 5D, walker operation 5D
Passengers: 40 (troops) or 2 AT-STs
Cargo Capacity: 1 metric ton
Cover: Full
Cost: Not available for sale
Move: 21; 60 kmh
Body Strength: 6D
2 Heavy Laser Cannons (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 1 (co-pilot or commander)
Skill: Vehicle blasters
Fire Control: 2D
flange: 50-500/1.5/3 km
Damage: 6D
2 Medium Blasters (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 1 (co-pilot or commander)
Skill: Vehicle blasters
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 50-200/500/1 km
Damage: 3D
Note: The AT-AT walker's head is mounted on a pivoting neck,
which can turn to face the left, front and right fire arcs. An AT-AT
may move its head one fire arc per turn (from left to front, right
to front, front to right, or front to left).

Repuisorlift Technology
The predominant vehicle technology is called repulsorlift.
Repulsorlift is preferred over more primitive thrust methods because it is quieter, cleaner and more efficient
than other propulsion systems. By producing
antigravity repulsor fields, these drives allow exacting control and high speeds or
incredible cargo hauling capacity.
The versatile repulsor power plant
can be adjusted to run on a variety of easily f o u n d power
sources, such as minerals, solar power and fusion, although power cells and energy generators are preferred because they produce the most power for
the least mass.
Repulsorlift vehicles are
also popular because they
are not restricted to roads
and other smooth pathways a boon to frontier
and poor planets that can't
afford funding for highway
construction. Almost all atmospheric vehicles, and a majority of "ground" vehicles in the
Known Galaxy, rely upon repulsor
technology; primitive wheeled,
hover and hydrocarbon burning
engines are normally found only on
the most primitive worlds, or on plan-

ets where repulsorlift isn't feasible due to random gravity

and radiation fluctuations.
Many high speed repulsorcraft, such as airspeeders and
cloud cars, use ion engine afterburners to boost performance and speed, making them superior to many spacecraft
in atmospheric performance.

Landspeeders are ground-based repulsorlift vehicles,
common on planets around the galaxy. Most families and
individuals own their own landspeeder, especially on nonurban worlds where there is very little public transportation.
Landspeeders are normally dependent only upon
repulsorlift, although some competition and military models use ion engines for greater top-end speed. An average
speeder flies around 200 kilometers per hour, although the
fastest models can reach speeds in excess of 350 kilometers
per hour. Speeders normally have a flight ceiling of less than
five meters, so they are dependent upon smooth, wellgroomed surfaces for smooth flight, such as natural flats,
calm water or roads.
Landspeeders are built for many uses, including personal
sport speeders, which are normally two-seater affairs, family
speeders, with room for up to six passengers, and massive
cargo or public transport speeders, which can carry hundreds of individuals and move several tons of cargo. They
retain a significant sales edge over airspeeders due to their

Ubrikkian 9000 Z004

One of the most popular models on the market, the
Z004 is a two-seater sport vehicle, popular with young
adults. It is sleek and low riding, and, while in flight, is
supposed to be reminiscent of a fast, deadly predator (at least that's what the advertising
campaign suggested). It features holographic displays, computer assist
navigation and counter balancers for a stable ride over
rough terrain.

9000 Z004

Craft: Ubrikkian 9000

Type: Sport speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 2.46 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: landspeeder
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Varies
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 30 kilograms
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground
level-1.5 meters
Cost: 15,000 (new), 5,000 (used)
Maneuverability: 2D+1
Move: 105; 300 kmh
Body Strength: 1D+2

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Length: 4.2 meters

Skill: Swoop operation
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Varies widely
Cargo Capacity: 1 kilograms
Cover: 1/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-35 meters
Cost: 8,000 (new), 2,000 (used)
Maneuverability: 4D
Move: 210; 600 kmh
Body Strength: ID

These vehicles fill the need for small,
fast personal transportation, and appeal both
to youngsters around the galaxy and the military. They are
normally single or two person craft, emphasizing speed and
maneuverability over safety and protection.
Ikas-Adno Nightfolcon
Craft: Ikas-Adno 22-B Nightfalcon
Type: Speeder bike
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4.87 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: speeder bike
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Varies widely
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 4 kilograms
Cover: 1/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-10 meters
Cost: 6,250 (new), 1,000 (used)
Maneuverability: 3D+1
Move: 160; 400 kmh
Body Strength: 1D+2
Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Vehicle blasters
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 3-50/100/200
Damage: 4D

Swoops are a very advanced development in repulsorlift
vehicles they achieve incredibly high speeds through a
combination of repulsorlift and ion engine power, while
completely sacrificing any protection.
They are much more difficult to pilot than speeder bikes,
but in the hands of an expert, are much more effective,
especially in high speed chase situations. Swoop racing is popular throughout the Known
Skybird Swoop
Craft: Skybird
Type: Racing swoop
Scale: Speeder

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Airspeeders are personal transport vehicles designed for

speed and maneuverability. While specific models have
different capabilities, airspeeders as a
general class range from low-level vehicles to high-altitude vehicles that
can travel up to 25 kilometers above
ground level; most airspeeders have
a flight ceiling of less than 250
meters, deriving maximum lift from the atmosphere and
without the need for pressurized pilot's compartments.
Airspeeders are superb "hit-and-run" combat vehicles,
with top-end speeds exceeding 900 kilometers per hour.
Airspeeders are sleek and aerodynamic, and use mechanical
control flaps for high-speed turns without loss of speed.
Because of these capabilities, they are fairly difficult to track
with targeting computers, and while not as sturdy as cloud
cars, they are far more difficult to hit, especially with slowresponse artillery weapons.
Airspeeders are considered sport and speed vehicles,
and so have a notoriously low cargo capacity, and are only
capable of carrying one to two people. Civilian airspeeders
are often carefully regulated, except on frontier worlds,
simply because these vehicles are very dangerous in the
hands of untrained novices (there are many horror stories of
these vehicles getting away from a new pilot and plunging
into a crowd of spectators or houses). Local governments,
law enforcement agencies, and even the Rebel Alliance/New
Republic forces use many modified varieties of airspeeders,
because they are cheap and reliable defense craft, and can
easily carry a number of powerful weapons. Although the
conversion process for demanding environments can be
tricky, once the vehicles are flight-worthy, they require
much less maintenance than cloud cars.

Incom T-47I Airspeeder
The T-47I is an old, but popular, model of airspeeder
based on Incom's popular basr T-47 model. It's noted for
both speed and maneuverability. While it has been out of
production for nearly a decade, it remains a favorite of
adolescents and young adults because it is easy to maintain,
spare parts are readily available and it can easily be modified
for greater speed.

against Imperial AT-AT walkers, and amazingly enough, a

crafty tactic devised by Commander Luke Skywalker allowed the speeders to topple several of the fearsome Imperial battle vehicles, despite not having blasters powerful
enough to penetrate the walkers' armor.
The two person cockpit has the pilot facing forward,
while the co-pilot faces backward and is responsible for the
operation of the power harpoon, in addition to normal copiloting responsibilities.
Rebel Alliance Combat Snowspeeder

Incom T-47I Airspeeder

Craft: Incom T-47I Airspeeder (civilian)
Type: Airspeeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4.5 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: airspeeder
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Varies widely
Cargo Capacity: 10 kilograms
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-250 meters
Cost: 10,000 (used)
Maneuverability: 3D
Move: 225; 650 kmh
Body Strength: 2D

Rebel Alliance Combat Airspeeder

The Rebel Alliance combat airspeeder has seen extensive
use throughout the military forces of the Alliance they
were cheap to manufacture, reliable and sturdy, and produced excellent speed and firepower. The Alliance often
modified their speeders for specific terrain speeders for
cold environments were "snowspeeders," those for hot, dry
planets were "sandspeeders," and those for jungle and other
moist worlds are called "swampspeeders."
The infamous Battle of Hoth pitted Alliance snowspeeders

Craft: Rebel Alliance Combat Snowspeeder (custom-designed

frame and powerplant)
Type: Modified combat airspeeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 5.5 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: airspeeder
Crew: 1, gunners: 1 (can coordinate)
Crew Skill: Varies widely
Cargo Capacity: 10 kilograms
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-250 meters
Cost: 50,000 (used only; black market only)
Maneuverability: 3D
Move: 350; 1,000 kmh
Body Strength: 3D
Double Laser Cannon (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Vehicle blasters
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 50-300/800/1.5 km
Damage: 4D+2
Power Harpoon
Fire Arc: Rear
Crew: 1 (co-pilot)
Skill: Missile weapons
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 25-50/100/200
Damage: 3D (none if tow cable and fusion disk are used)

Cloud Cars
Cloud cars are medium and high-atmosphere vehicles
which utilize a combination of repulsorlift and ion engine
propulsion for speed. They are capable of achieving speeds
in excess of 1,500 kilometers per hour, with cruising heights
ranging from a few kilometers up to near-space heights of
over 100 kilometers.
On standard worlds, they are used as high-altitude patrol
and defense craft, keeping incoming ships and super-atmospheric transports in appropriate landing corridors. There
are few private owners of cloud cars because of their expense and limited utility.
The major manufacturer of cloud cars is Bespin Motors.
Due to Cloud City's unusual location, in the heart of a gas
giant, cloud cars are common transportation there, since
standard repulsor vehicles don't have the appropriate altitude range to be of use on the planet. Bespin Motors has
designed a large number of pleasure craft, air taxis, and
other personal vehicles for use on Bespin, although they are
of very limited popularity on other worlds.
Despin Motors Storm IV
Craft: Bespin Motors Storm IV
Type: Twin-Pod Cloud Car
Scale: Speeder
Length: 7 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: cloud car

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Length: 30 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: sail barge
Crew: 5, skeleton: 2/+10
Crew Skill: Varies widely
Passengers: 225
Cargo Capacity: 250 metric tons
Cover: Full to 1/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-10 meters
Cost: 250,000 (new), 50,000 (used)
Move: 28; 80 kmh
Body Strength: 2D

Crew: 1, gunners: 1 (can combine)
Crew Skill: Varies widely
Cargo Capacity: 10 kilograms
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: 50-100 km
Cost: 75,000 (new), 28,000 (used)
Maneuverability: 2D+2
Move: 520; 1,500 kmh
Body Strength: 4D
Double Blaster Cannon (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 1 (co-pilot)
Skill: Vehicle blasters
Fire Control: ID
Range: 50-400/900/3 km
Damage: 5D

Skiffs are used for any large cargo and relatively lowspeed and low-altitude transportation. They tend to be slow
and clumsy, and can be easily operated, even by low intelligence labor droids.
Ubrikkion SuperHaul Skiff

Sail Barges
Sail barges are massive vehicles that are long on luxury
and short on practicality. They feature massive sails, as a
throwback to the legendary days of early planetary explorers, and are covered with gaudy ornamentation. They are
normally used as pleasure craft, vacation vessels and touring vehicles, able to cross any smooth, rolling, or flat surface.
They are slow (they seldom travel faster than 100 kilometers
per hour, and most have to struggle to reach that speed), and
have a low flight ceiling (normally less than 10 meters).
Gefferon Pleasure Craft Eclipse Sail Barge
Craft: Gefferon Pleasure Craft Eclipse
Type: Sail Barge
Scale: Speeder

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Craft: Ubrikkian SuperHaul Model II

Type: Cargo Skiff
Scale: Speeder
Length: 9.5 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: cargo skiff
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Varies widely
Passengers: 3
Cargo Capacity: 135 metric tons
Cover: 1/2
Altitude Range: Ground level-20 meters
Cost: 23,000 (new), 11,500 (used)
Move: 70; 200 kmh
Body Strength: 2D


A starship's a lot more than a collection of nuts
and bolts and wires. When you're soaring past some
dead moon and all of a sudden a swarm of pirates
is on your tail, suddenly it's your mother, your
brother and your best friend. In fact, it's better
than that... a good ship will go where you
want it to, do what you ask of it, and best
of all, never ask to borrow money.
Like any other piece of hardware, treat
your ship right and it'll treat you right. And
don't be surprised if it almost shows off a
"personality" of its own one day. Pretty soon,
you'll know how much it can give, when to baby
it, and when it needs a good, solid whack to coax
that last extra burst of speed out of it.
The ships in this section aren't all that's out
there, you can bet on that. But they're a pretty
good sample of the sort that fill the spaceways
. and, if you're lucky, maybe you'll be
flying one soon.
Starship Statistics
In the Star Wars roleplaying game, starships
have a number of important game statistics. All
starships provide full cover for their occupants.
In addition, each ship's statistics include:
Craft: The ship's manufacturer, name, and model number.
Type: The ship's general classification.
Scale: The ship's scale starfighter or capital.
Length: How long the ship is.
Skill: The skill used to operate the ship, followed by the
specialization for its use.
Crew: The first listing is the total crew for the ship
under normal conditions.(A listing for "can combine"
is the number of people who can combine to perform
an action. Each ship has one prime person responsible for keeping control, running sensors, calcu-

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game


lating hyperspace jumps and the like. On smaller ships, one

person may be responsible for all of these duties, while on larger
ships, one person may be in charge of each of these functions.
While there might be hundreds of support crew manning the
machinery, whether the action succeeds comes down to one
character's skill roll hence the crew skill listing. The "can
combine" is the number of extra crew members who may be able
to assist, such as when Chewbacca acts as co-pilot for the
Millennium Falcon. Use the "Combined Action" rules in the
chapter on "The Rules.")
The second number is the number of gunners; gunners are
listed in addition to the normal crew complement.
The final number is the "skeleton crew" listing: the first part of
the listing is the absolute minimum number of crewmembers
necessary to fly the ship, while the number behind the slash is
the increase in difficulty for any actions with a skeleton crew. For
example, if a listing is "skeleton: 130/+10," that indicates that
there must be a minimum of 130 crew aboard to operate the
vessel, and all crew must add +10 to the difficulty number for all
maneuvering, movement and shielding actions. This modifier
does not apply to gunnery difficulties.
Crew Skill: Typical skill codes for crewmembers trained for that
job: starfighter pilots will have all the skills; capital ship crewmen will have just the skill for the job that they have been trained
in. Co-pilots and assistants typically have -ID to each skill code.
Passengers: The number of passengers and troops that may be
carried (beyond the crew complement).
Cargo Capacity: This indicates either in metric tons or kilograms the amount of cargo a ship can carry. This refers to the
cargo's mass only, not volume.
Consumables: A measure of the ship's air, food, water and fuel
and how long it can travel before having to stop for refueling and
Hyperdrive Multiplier: This measures how quickly the ship
travels in hyperspace.
Hyperdrive Backup: Some ships have a backup hyperdrive for
emergencies. This is the backup's hyperdrive multiplier.
Nav Computer: "Yes" or "No." Ships with nav computers may
calculate hyperspace journeys with their on-board computers.
Ships without nav computers require astromech droids to calculate hyperspace journeys.
Maneuverability: The ship's maneuverability die code when in
outer space. Normally, the ship's maneuverability is the same in
an atmosphere. If the ship has a different maneuverability for
atmospheric travel, it will be listed in parentheses.
Space: How fast the ship travels at sublight speeds in space. This
speed is used in ship-to-ship combat.
Atmosphere: How fast the ship travels in an atmosphere. The
first number is its Move, the second number is its all-out speed
in kilometers per hour. If there is no
"atmosphere" listing, the ship cannot
enter an atmosphere.
Hull: This is how tough the hull of the
ship is and how well the ship can withstand damage in combat.
Shields: The ship's combat shields.
Sensors: The different sensor types and
their abilities (see the sensors skill for
more details).
Weapon: The number and type of
weapon on the ship. Fire-linked means
the weapons are linked and fire as one
group. Otherwise, each weapon may be
fired separately.
Fire Arc: Front, left, right, back or
turret. Turret weapons may fire in all
four arcs.
Crew: The crew necessary to man
the weapon. If there is no crew listing,
the weapon may be fired by the pilot.
The variable numbers are treated the
same as ship's crew.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Scale: The scale, if different than the ship's scale.

Skill: The skill used to fire the weapon.
Fire Control: Add these dice whenever the gunner shoots to hit.
Space Range: Short, medium and long ranges in units.
Atmosphere Range: Short, medium and long ranges in an
atmosphere or firing into an atmosphere from orbit.
Damage: This is the weapon's damage.
Note: Not all of these stats will be necessary in the course of the
game. In combat, only the ship's scale, speed, maneuverability,
hull code, weapons, shields, and in the case of capital ships, crew
codes are of immediate value. Other stats (such as cargo capacity) are provided to help the gamemaster maintain consistency
in the course of an ongoing Star Wars campaign.

Starfighters are short-range combat vessels with a small
crew complement (usually limited to a pilot and co-pilot).
These ships emphasize speed and maneuverability over
durability, and normally are heavily-armed. These ships are
normally designed for very short (but intense) duty periods,
and thus are very effective in battle, but only for limited
amounts of time. Starfighters are rather expensive, and
serve only one role: the destruction of enemy ships.
Starfighter technology advances very quickly, and most
fleets must expend a huge portion of their budgets to train
pilots and keep them equipped with cutting-edge ships.
Some of the most famous Starfighters include the New
Republic's X-wing, the Empire's TIE fighter, and the legendary (but outdated) Z-95 Headhunter; pilots use the starfighter
piloting skill to fly these versatile combat vessels.

The A-wing starfighter was designed by General Jan
Dodonna and Rebel engineer Walex Blissex. The A-wing was
developed to fill the Rebel Alliance's need for fast-moving,
maneuverable interceptors.
While the X-wing is durable and reliable, it is slower than
Imperial Starfighters and less maneuverable. The A-wing is
one of the fastest fighters currently in production, and has
the agility to compete with the most maneuverable of TIE
The A-wing does suffer from breakdowns if not properly
maintained, due largely to the stress on the chassis and power
systems caused by the fighter's massive thruster package.

Because of the delicate balance flight techs must maintain

with the A-wing (coupled with the often unreasonable performance demands placed on the fighter by Rebel pilots), this
fast-moving starf ighter has one of the worst operational records
in the Alliance fleet. With proper care, however, the A-wing is
one of the deadliest fighters in the skies.
A-wing Starf ighter
Craft: Alliance A-wing Starfighter
Type: Interceptor and multi-purpose Starfighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 9.6 meters
Skill: Starfighter piloting: A-wing
Crew: 1
CrewSkill: Starfighter piloting 5D, starship gunnery 4D+2, starship
shields 3D+1
Cargo Capacity: 40 kilograms
Consumables: 1 week
Cost: 175,000 (new)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: xl
Nav Computer: Limited to two jumps
Maneuverability: 4D
Space: 12
Atmosphere: 450; 1,300 kmh
Hull: 2D+2
Shields: ID
Passive: 30/OD
Scan: 50/ID
Search: 75/2D
focus: 4/4D+1
2 Laser Cannons (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/1.5 km
Damage: 5D
Enemy Targeting Jammer
Fire Arc: All
Skill: Sensors; works against all starfighters within range
Space Range: 1-3/7/15
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/700/1.5 km
Damage: -2D from fire control

Originally developed by Admiral Ackbar, the B-wing
Starfighter is a heavily-armed escort Starfighter that can
in theoryengage capital-scale
starships. The B-wing possesses extremely powerful
weaponry and a gyroscopically balanced cockpit.
Despite heavy armor, the
B-wing is not terribly maneuverable, and can be
outflown by a skilled TIE
pilot. The Rebel Alliance is
constantly testing new
upgrades to the B-wing,
however, and Ackbar
hopes that the heavy
Starfighter will one day
live up to its design

B-wing Starfighter
Craft: Slayn & Korpil B-wing
Type: Heavy assault Starfighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 16.9 meters
Skill: Starfighter piloting: B-wing
Crew: 1
CrewSkill: Starfighter piloting 5D, starship gunnery 4D+2, starship
shields 3D+1
Cargo Capacity: 45 kilograms
Consumables: 1 week
Cost: 220,000 (new)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Nav Computer: Limited to two jumps
Maneuverability: 1D+1
Space: 6
Atmosphere: 330; 950 kmh
Hull: 3D
Shields: 2D
Passive: 30/OD
Scan: SO/ID
Search: 75/2D
Focus: 4/4D+1
Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: ID
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/1.5 km
Damage: 7D
2 Proton Torpedo Launchers
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: ID
Space Range: 1/3/7
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700
Damage: 9D
3 Medium Ion Cannons (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 1-3/7/36
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/700/3.6 km
Combined Damage: 4D
2 Auto Blasters
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-8/25/40
Atmosphere Range: 100-800/2.5/4 km
Damage: 3D

Running the B-wing

The B-wing features a very sophisticated but
fragile gyroscopically-stabilized command pod,
as well as a ranging mode for the laser cannon.
If, for some reason, the laser is not operational, reduce all fire control codes by -ID.
The B-wing's stabilization system fails when it
suffers heavy damage. In game terms, when the
fighter is heavily damaged, a roll of 1-2 (used to
determine which system is damaged) means the
stabilization system has failed. Reduce all fire
control codes by-ID (since the craft is no longer

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

a stable weapons platform).

Sublight speed falls from 6 to 2
(atmosphere speed goes from 330;
950 kmh to 225; 650 kmh).
These penalties are cumulative.

One of the most famous starfighters
in the galaxy, Luke Skywalker piloted an
X-wing when he destroyed the Death
Star. These ships form the backbone of
the Rebel Alliance/New R e p u b l i c
starfighter fleet.

Craft: Incom T-65B X-wing
Type: Space superiority fighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 12.5 meters
Skill: Starfighter piloting: X-wing
Crew: 1 and astromech droid (can coordinate)
CrewSkill: Starfighter piloting 5D, starship gunnery 4D+2, starship
shields 3D
Cargo Capacity: 110 kilograms
Consumables: 1 week
Cost: 150,000 (new)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: xl
Nav Computer: Uses astromech droid programmed with 10
Maneuverability: 3D
Space: 8
Atmosphere: 365; 1,050 kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: ID
Passive: 25/OD
Scan: 50/1D
Search: 75/2D
Focus: 3/4D
4 Laser Cannons (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space flange: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 6D
2 Proton Torpedo Launchers
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1/3/7
Atmosphere Range: 30-100/300/700
Damage: 9D

The Y-wing was adopted at the inception of the Rebel
Alliance, and due to its versatility remains popular despite
its old, almost outdated, design. The ships are appreciated
because parts for them are much more readily available than
limited run ships, such as the A- and B-wing starfighters.

Craft: Koensayr BTL-S3 Y-wing
Type: Attack starfighter
Scale: Starfighter

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Length: 16 meters
Skill: Starfighter piloting: Y-wing
Crew: 1, gunner:#l, 1 astromech droid (can coordinate)
Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D+2, starfighter piloting 4D+2, starship
gunnery 4D+1, starship shields 3D
Cargo Capacity: 110 kilograms
Consumables: One week
Cost: 135,000 (new), 65,000 (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: xl
Nav Computer: Uses astromech droid
programmed with 10 jumps
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 7
Atmosphere: 350; 1,000 kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: 1D+2
Passive: 20/OD
Scan: 35/ID
Search: 40/2D
Focus: 2/3D
2 Laser Cannons (firelinked)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 5D
2 Proton Torpedo Launchers
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1/3/7
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700
Damage: 9D
2 Light Ion Cannons (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Turret (Gun may be fixed to forward to be fired by
pilot at only ID fire control!)
Crew: 1 (co-pilot)
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-3/7/36
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/700/3.6 km
Damage: 4D

The prime Imperial starfighter at the height of its power,
TIEs (Twin-Ion Engine starfighters) are designed to be fast,
but they are also light and very fragile. Prior to its defeat, the
Empire never gave a second thought to sacrificing scores of

these ships to accomplish goals there were thousands

more just like them. The TIE/ln can be found stationed at
Imperial outposts of all kinds throughout the Known Galaxy
and short of a Star Destroyer is the most visible symbol
of Imperial power.

Craft: Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/ln
Type: Space superiority fighter
Length: 6.3 meters
Skill: Starfighter piloting: TIE
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Starfighter piloting 4D+1, starship gunnery 4D
Cargo Capacity: 65 kilograms
Consumables: 2 days
Cost: 60,000 (new), 25,000
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 10
Atmosphere: 415; 1,200
Hull: 2D
Passive: 20/OD
Scan: 40/1D
Search: 60/2D
Focus: 3/3D
2 Laser Cannons (firelinked)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 5D

TIE Interceptor
Introduced shortly before the Battle of Yavin, but not put
into general use until just before the Battle of Endor, the TIE
interceptor was designed to counter the design advantages
of the Rebel Alliance X-wing starfighters. It features larger
engines and more powerful energy converters in its solar
TIE Interceptor
Craft: Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Interceptor
Type: Space superiority Starfighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 6.6 meters
Skill: Starfighter piloting: TIE
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Starfighter piloting 5D, starship gunnery 4D+2
Cargo Capacity: 75 kilograms
Consumables: 2 days
Cost: 120,000 (new), 75,000 (used)
Maneuverability: 3D+2
Space: 11
Atmosphere: 435; 1,250 kmh
Hull: 3D
Passive: 25/1D
Scan: 40/20
Search: 60/3D
Focus: 4/3D+2
4 Laser Cannons (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D

Space Range: 1-3/12/25

Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 6D

Z-95 Headhunter
Among the oldest fighter designs still in use, the Z-95
Headhunter has a reputation for taking a beating in battle.
While neither fast nor maneuverable, the Z-95's weapons
complement makes it a formidable opponent. Even though
the ship cannot compete with modern ships like the TIE
interceptor and the A-wing, the Z-95 can commonly be found
in planetary navies and private space fleets. Many remote
Alliance bases also use Z-95s.

Z-95 Headhunter
Craft: Incom/Subpro Z-95 Headhunter
Type: Multi-purpose Starfighter, many variants
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 11.8 meters
Skill: Starfighter piloting: Z-95
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Starfighter piloting 3D+2, starship gunnery 3D+2,
starship shields 3D+1
Cargo Capacity: 85 kilograms
Consumables: 1 day
Cost: 45,000 (used, as equipped; no longer available new)
Maneuverability: ID
Space: 7
Atmosphere: 400; 1,150 kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: ID
Passive: 15/OD
Scan: 25/ID
Search: 40/2D
Focus: 1/2D
2 Triple Blasters (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: ID
Space Range: 1-5/10/17
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1/1.7 km
Damage: 3D
Concussion Missiles
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Missile weapons: concussion missiles
Fire Control: ID
Space Range: 1/3/7
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700
Damage: 7D

Capital Ships
Capital combat starships (often referred to simply as
"capital ships") are huge vessels built for deep-space warfare. With crews numbering in the thousands, these vessels
sport scores of heavy weapons and often carry several
squadrons of starfighters. These ships can operate for months
or years without having to stop for resupply, and are designed to take an unbelievable amount of punishment before
losing any fighting capacity. These tremendously expensive
starships are at the core of most starfleets, and can be in
service for decades. Some of the most famous capital ships
include Imperial Star Destroyers, Corellian Corvettes, Mon
Cal Star Cruisers and Imperial Dreadnaughts. These ships
use the capital ship piloting skill.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game


Imperial Star Destroyer

The Imperial Star Destroyer was among the most fearsome weapons of the Imperial war machine. With over
25,000 of these awesome ships at his disposal, it is no wonder
that Emperor Palpatine could instill fear in the hearts of the
galaxy's citizens.
In addition to its weaponry, an Imperial Star Destroyer
carries one wing of 72 TIE starfighters, a full stormtrooper
division, 20 AT-ATs and 30 AT-ST walkers.

Atmosphere Range: 2-20/50/100 km

Damage: 3D
10 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Arc: 6 front, 2 left, 2 right
Crew: 1 (2), 4 (2), 10 (6)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60 km
Damage: 6D

Mon Calamari Star Cruiser

The Mon Calamari provided the Rebel Alliance with virtually the only star cruisers in their fleet, and they were
instrumental in the Battle of Endor, as well as numerous
other battles. Cobbled together from Mon Cal exploration
vessels, the ships have proven surprisingly effective in
combat. Their main advantage is that the crews have better

Mon Colamori Star Cruiser

Imperial Star Destroyer

Craft: Kuat Drive Yards' Imperial 1 Star Destroyer
Type: Star Destroyer
Scale: Capital
Length: 1,600 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Star Destroyer
Crew: 36,810, gunners: 275, skeleton: 5.000/+20
Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D, capital ship gunnery 4D+2, capital
ship piloting 5D+1, capital ship shields 4D+1, sensors 4D
Passengers: 9,700 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 36,000 metric tons
Consumables: 6 years
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x8
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: ID
Space: 6
Hull: 7D
Shields: 3D
Passive: SO/ID
Scan: 100/3D
Search: 200/4D
focus: 6/4D+2
60 Turbolaser Batteries
Fire Arc: 20 front, 20 left, 20 right
Crew: 1 (20), 2 (40)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 3-15/36/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/72/150 km
Damage: 5D
60 Ion Cannons
Fire Arc: 20 front, 15 left, 15 right, 10 back
Crew: 1 (15), 2 (45)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+2
Space Range: 1-10/25/50

Craft: Mon Calamari MC80 Star Cruiser

Type: Star Cruiser
Scale: Capital
Length: 1,200 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Mon Cal cruiser
Crew: 5,156, gunners: 246 , skeleton: 1.230/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 4D*, capital ship gunnery 5D*, capital
ship piloting 5D+2*, capital ship shields 5D*, sensors 3D+1*
* Mon Calamari Star Cruisers are configured to provide Mon
Calamari with their +1D bonus for being in moist environments.
These skill levels do not reflect these bonuses.
Passengers: 1,200 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 20,000 metric tons
Consumables: 2 years
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: xl
Hyperdrive Backup: x9
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 6
Hull: 6D
Shields: 3D*
* Mon Calamari Star Cruisers have 6D of back-up shields. When
a die of shield is lost, if the shield operators can make an Easy
capital ship shields total, one of the back-up die codes of shields
can be brought up to increase the shield back to 3D.
Passive: 40/1D
Scan: 60/2D
Search: 120/3D
Focus: 5/4D
48 Turbolaser Batteries
Fire Arc: 12 front, 12 left, 12 right, 12 back
Crew: 1 (12), 2 (10), 3 ( 26)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 4D
20 Ion Cannon Batteries
Fire Arc: 8 front, 4 left, 4 right, 4 back
Crew: I (6), 4 (6), 12(8)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-10/25/50
Atmosphere Range: 2-20/50/100 km
Damage: 3D
6 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Arc: 4 front, 1 left, 1 right

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Crew: 1(2), 5(2), 10(2)

Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+2
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60 km
Damage: 4D

Nebulon-B Frigate
The Rebel Alliance's best all-around close support vessel,
able to do both escort duty for convoys and cause damage
to larger ships in capital combat.

Corellian Corvettes
Corellian Corvettes are generally used by private corporations, pirates and, of course, the Rebel Alliance. They are
very versatile, and can be used for blockade running, heavy
combat duty and a number of other functions.
Corellian Corvette
Craft: Corellian Engineering Corporation Corvette
Type: Mid-sized multi-purpose vessel
Scale: Capital
Length: 150 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Corellian Corvette
Crew: 30 to 165, depending on configuration
Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D, capital ship gunnery 4D+1, capital
ship piloting 3D+2, capital ship shields 3D, sensors 3D+1
Passengers: Up to 600, depending on configuration
Cargo Capacity: 3,000 metric tons
Consumables: 1 year
Cost: 3.5 million (new), 1.5 million (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 6
Atmosphere: 330; 950 kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: 2D
Passive: 40/1D
Scan: 80/2D
Search: 100/3D
Focus: 5/4D
6 Double Turbolaser Cannons
Fire Arc: 3 front, 1 left, 1 right, 1 back
Crew: 1 (3), 3 (3)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 4D+2

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Nebulon-B Escort Frigate

Craft: Kuat Drive Yards' Nebulon-B Frigate
Type: Escort starship
Scale: Capital
Length: 300 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Nebulon-B
Crew: 854, gunners: 66, skeleton: 307/+10
Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D, capital ship gunnery 4D+1, capital
ship piloting 3D+2, capital ship shields 3D, sensors 3D+1, starship
gunnery 4D+1
Passengers: 75 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 6,000 metric tons
Consumables: 2 years
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x!2
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: ID
Space: 4
Atmosphere: 280; 800 kmh
Hull: 3D+2
Shields: 2D
Passive: 40/OD
Scan: 75/1D
Search: 150/3D
focus: 4/4D+2
12 Turbolaser Batteries
Fire Arc: 6 front, 3 left, 3 right
Crew: 1 (2), 2 (8), 4 (2)
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
Damage: 4D
12 Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: 6 front, 2 left, 2 right, 2 back
Crew: 1 (8), 2 (4)
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25


Atmosphere Range: 2-6/24/50 km

Damage: 2D
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 12
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60 km
Damage: 4D

Space Transports
Space transports cover the entire range of non-combat
starships, small transports (like the YT-1300 freighter), bulk
cruisers with millions of cubic meters of cargo space, shuttles,
luxury cruise liners, and any other ship of civilian use. All of
these vessels use the space transports skill.

Stock YT-1300 Transport

Representative of the thousands of different brands and
models of freighters travelling the galaxy, the YT-1300 is
reliable, durable and easy to modify hence its popularity.
In fact, there's truly no such thing as a "stock" freighter
any pilot worth his weight in bantha fodder will try to change
something, either to increase cargo space, or speed, or
combat capability.
Stock YT-1300 Transport
Craft: Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-1300 Transport
Type: Stock light freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 26.7 meters
Skill: Space transports: YT-1300
Crew: 1 (1 can coordinate), gunners: 1
Crew Skill: Varies widely
Passengers: 6
Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: 100,000 (new), 25,000 (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x!2
Nav Computer: Yes
Space: 4
Atmosphere: 480; 800 kmh
Hull: 4D

Passive: 10/OD
Scan: 25/1D
Search: 40/2D
Focus: 2/3D
Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 1
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 4D

Millennium Falcon
Craft: Modified Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-1300 Transport
Type: Modified light freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 26.7 meters
Skill: Space transports: YT-1300 transports
Crew: 2, gunners: 2, skeleton: 1/+5
Crew Skill: See Han Solo (as of the Battle of Yavin: astrogation 8D,
communications 4D, sensors 4D+2, space transports: YT-1300
transports 10D, starship gunnery 9D, starship shields 6D+2) and
Chewbacca (as of the Battle of Yavin: astrogation 8D, communications 3D+1, sensors 5D, space transports: YT-1300 transports
8D, starship gunnery 7D, starship shields 6D)
Passengers: 6
Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: xl/2
Hyperdrive Backup: xlO
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 8
Atmosphere: 365; 1,050 kmh
Hull: 6D
Shields: 3D
Passive: SO/ID
Scan: 60/2D
Search: 75/3D
Focus: 4/4D
2 Quad Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 1
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 6D
2 Concussion Missile Tubes (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Missile weapons: concussion missiles
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1/3/7
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700
Damage: 9D
Blaster Cannon (retractable)
Fire Arc: Turret
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Vehicle blasters
Fire Control: 4D (fired from cockpit)
Atmosphere Range: 1-50/100/250
Damage: 3D+2

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game


Stock Ghtroc Freighter

A less popular, but no less durable freighter design, the
Ghtroc freighter model became popular in the Outer Rim
Territories, where the manufacturer was based. While Ghtroc
Industries has since gone out of business, several thousand
of the freighters remain in service, especially for simple
cargo runs, where combat is not expected.
Stock Ghtroc Freighter
Craft: Ghtroc Industries class 720 freighter
Type: Stock light freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 35 meters
Skill: Space transports: Ghtroc freighter
Crew: 1, gunners: 1
Crew Skill: Varies widely
Passengers: 10
Cargo Capacity: 135 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: 98,500 (new), 23,000 (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x!5
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: ID
Space: 3
Atmosphere: 260; 750 kmh
Hull: 3D+2
Shields: ID
Passive: 15/OD
Scan: 30/1D
Search: 50/3D
Focus: 2/4D
1 Double Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 1
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D+2
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 4D

Imperial Customs Guardian Light

A common Imperial system patrol craft, it is quite capable
of handling common freighter and smuggler traffic, although
it is totally outclassed when sent up against capital ships.
These ships are common in lightly populated, isolated systems where the Empire needs to maintain a presence without underwriting the expense of assigning a larger vessel to
patrol duty.
Imperiol Customs Guardian Light Cruiser
Craft: Sienar Fleet Systems Guardian-class light cruiser
Type: Inter-system customs vessel
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 42 meters
Skill: Space transports: Guardian cruiser
Crew: 16 (3 can coordinate), gunners: 4, skeleton: 8/+10
CrewSkill: Space transports 5D, starship gunnery 5D+2, starship
shields 5D+1
Passengers: 6 (prisoners in brig)

Cargo Capacity: 200 metric tons

Consumables: 3 months
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: xl
Hyperdrive Backup: xlO
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: ID
Space: 9
Atmosphere: 400; 1,150 kmh
Hull: 5D
Shields: 2D
Passive: 30/1D
Scan: 60/2D
Search: 90/4D
Focus: 4/4D+1
4 Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: 2 front, 2 turret
Crew: 1
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+2
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 5D

Scout Ship
One of many vessels being used throughout the unexplored and untamed regions of the galaxy, this particular
ship is designed for a crew of one (hence its somewhat low
performance values).
Scout Ship
Craft: Sienar Fleet Systems "Lone Scout-A"
Type: Stock scout vessel
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 24 meters
Skill: Space transports: Lone Scout
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D+2, sensors 3D, space transports 4D,
starship gunnery 4D, starship shields 3D+2
Passengers: 3
Cargo Capacity: 150 metric tons
Consumables: 1 year
Cost: 125,000 (new), 30,000 (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x!5
Nav Computer: Yes
Space: 5
Atmosphere: 295; 850 kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: ID
Passive: 30/OD
Scan: SO/ID
Search: 75/2D
Focus: 5/3D
1 Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 4D

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game


Many are the worlds on which drama and danger
can be found ... here you 'II learn about a handfull,
but your journeys will lead to many other strange
and exotic places.

Planets the Star Wars Way

The Star Wars universe is an exciting place to live and work. Sure, there
are places where nothing much happens, but players aren't going to tarry in
them! No, the name of the game is adventure, and the worlds that you are
going to want to emphasize in your adventures are the vibrant, exotic ones
where something interesting and dangerous is bound to happen.
World design is an important part of establishing setting, because
most adventures take place on planetary locations from sprawling
urban jungles and wild badlands to deep underwater canyons. Taking
some time to make your worlds interesting and unique can yield great
rewards in gameplay.
It isn't necessary to get all of the exact scientific details down when
you are designing your worlds, by the way. Sure, make sure water flows
downhill, and that gravity works, but don't worry too much about
getting the geology, biology, and astronomy just so. Under the right
circumstances, almost anything can conceivably exist. You should
focus on creating the world and let someone else worry about exactly
how everything works.

Making Your Worlds Memorable

In world design, it is important to give your worlds individuality and a
character all their own. If you do not give the players a unique "handle" on
each world (a way for them to categorize a world in their minds, e.g. the
place where people harvest giant mushrooms and ride around on giant
bugs), the worlds will gradually blend together into a hazy morass of basic
types: the desert world, the Imperial city world, the big polluted CSA factory
world, and so on.
Worlds are sort of like gamemaster characters that way. Just as you give
your supporting characters some distinguishing characteristics which separate them from the other gamemaster characters, try to make each world a
distinct place with its own feel and flavor.
A simple way you can give each world a unique character is to give it
some exotic attributes. Exotic planets appeal to the players' sense of
escapism and curiosity and remind them that the Star Wars
universe isn't like the one they know.
Look to the movies for your models. Tatooine, meant to be a
backwater world where nothing much happens, is still an exotic


The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

location to us, filled with interesting alien societies, a waterbased economy, and a futuristic yet run-down city. Bespin is
a gas giant which features a great majestic city floating in the
upper levels of its vibrant and beautiful atmosphere.

Exotic Elements
Making a world exotic can be as simple as tweaking some
geological features. Place a world in a binary or trinary star
system, or give it an atmosphere so dangerous that humans
have to wear filter masks to walk outside. You might set an
adventure on a young world subject to constant earthquakes
and volcanic activity, or on an ancient, arid planet orbiting a
huge red star. But you can get more fancy than that if you like.
Often, you can get away with establishing a single interesting focus to a world, and spin everything else off from
that. There isn't anything particularly special about the
forests of Endor, after all. But the dramatic focal pointsthe
stark Imperial landing pad and shield generator dish, and the
partially completed Death Star hanging in the sky effectively establish Endor as a unique location.
You can focus on culture, society, and people to establish
character. Maybe the locals wear many layers of scarves and
feathers, and only those dressed likewise may conduct
business. Or perhaps the citizens are language purists, and
treat everyone who does not use their peculiar inverted
word order like uneducated idiots.
Some more examples:
Those who do not cover their faces are shunned and
regarded with disgust.
All non-citizens must wear caps to distinguish themselves
from the privileged locals, who are accorded more privileges.
Only females (of all species) can speak in public.
Wearing the color orange is reserved for the exalted class
(this one is fun to pull on Rebel pilots).
No one may openly display a weapon.
Obviously, these examples will impact the characters'
lives in some major or minor way. This isn't all bad. The
players are sure to remember the world where only females
can speak in public if their characters landed there for badly
needed repairs and there are no female crew members!
And making each world memorable and distinct is, after all,
the whole point.
But there is no need to get into the characters' faces to
establish world character. Societal and cultural examples
tend to do that, but you can get more into physical aspects
of places and things, which provide atmosphere without
impacting the characters' lives unduly. And remember to hit
that "wow" button occasionally!
Some "place" examples:
Structures that are out of the ordinaryrnaybe people live
and work in the discarded shells of giant insects, or in great
hollowed-out cacti, or in living buildings.
Settings unique to the world, like the dramatic singing
spires of the Cathedral of Winds on Vortex, or the great
Ithorian ships which cruise over the jungles of Ithor.
Underwater cities.
Some "thing" examples:
Doors dilate open and shut.
Droids are plated with strong ceramics instead of metals
and plastics.
Flowers are prominently displayed everywhere imaginable.
People preserve their dead relatives in a clear resin, and
place them in the yard to ward off evil.

As you can see, some examples are more far out than
others. But all of them help establish the character and
uniqueness of the world.

Thumbnail World Creation

You won't always need a fully fleshed out world for the
characters to visit. Sometimes, you only need a world to
serve as a backdrop for a scene or two, and then the
characters are off on other adventures. Maybe you need a
setting where the characters can pick up their contact, or
maybe the characters need a place to get their spaceship
repaired. In cases like these, you can use the "thumbnail"
method of creating planets.
The thumbnail method is a "quick and dirty" way of
creating planets use it when you won't be spending a lot
of time on a world. There aren't any particular stats or rules
associated with the thumbnail method. Your basic goal is to
develop the world just enough to serve the demands of your
adventure, and flesh it out just enough to give the characters
a taste of the character of the world. The thumbnail method
is more an extension of adventure design than campaign
design, since you are using it to serve the needs of a specific
adventure rather than the needs of the overall campaign.
There are only a few steps in thumbnail world creation:
Determine the function of the planet. Not necessarily
what role the planet has in intergalactic trade, but what role
it plays in your plot. Is it where the characters are to meet
someone? Witness something? Get into a fight? Pick up a
hard-to-find engine part? Analyzing what the planet needs to
provide to advance the plot gives you the information you
need to move to the next step.
Develop adventure locations. You don't need to develop
an entire global economy and political system if the characters are only going to land in a provincial border town, spend
the night, and leave the next morning. Develop the areas you
know the characters will visit, and focus on developing a
unique feel for those locations. Good visual images are
important here.
Establish first impressions. What characters might notice
right away: that the spaceport is on a giant seashell; that the
air smells of sulfur (or can't be breathed without a mask);
that the star bathes the entire landscape in a blue light; that
there are lots of palm trees and dusky brown penguin-like
animals about; and so on. Again, these aspects of the world
will likely be local to the specific area the characters are
visiting; the penguins, for example, might not live in other
areas of their world.
Develop global aspects. Summarize a few exotic elements which apply to the world in general. You can use this
step to include interesting ideas you haven't yet developed,
such as cultural mores and traditions, and unique geological

Capsule World Creation

You won't always just want a world for a walk-on appearance. Often, the world you intend to create will be visited
many times, or serve as a base of operations. If you are
running a campaign, you will likely want to develop a number
of detailed planets that the characters will frequent.
The capsule world creation method is more structured
and formal than the thumbnail method, and focuses more on

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

the statistics of the world (we call it the capsule method

because it conforms to the capsule format the roleplaying
game uses to portray planets). You are, essentially, starting
with the thumbnail method, and taking it a few steps further.
Again, you'll want to think about some of the things that
make your world unique. We've already discussed some of
the general aspects of world creation, and you can use all of
these ideas to give your world a distinct character. The
following method will help you to further develop and define
your planet. As you go through each step, review your
progress and see how each new detail affects what you have
developed thus far. You may need to go back and change a
few things as you learn more about your world, or backtrack
a bit if you discover that you are getting a bit too far off from
your original idea.
For a more detailed treatment of the capsule world generation method, see the Star Wars Planets Collection.
Name. This one isn't too hard. Pick a name for your world.
If the world will play a major part in future adventures, make
sure you really like the name, because you will be hearing it
a lot. Getting stuck with a planet name you gradually come to
regard as vaguely silly or annoying is a situation you probably want to avoid.
Type. World type categorizes the astrophysical role the
planet plays. It may be a proper planet, a satellite (that is, a
moon like Yavin IV), or even an artificial space station.
The basic types of worlds in the planet generation system
are Terrestrial, Satellite, Asteroid belt, and Artificial (space
stations and the like). You can be more elaborate in your
descriptions if you want to give a quick feel for the world in the
Temperature. Some worlds are hotter than others. Naturally, temperature levels will vary depending on where you
are on the planet (and most worlds will have variable climates from icy tundras at the poles to hot and humid
bands around the equator). What we are talking about here
is the average temperature for the world, or of the area
where the characters will spend most of their time.
The temperature categories are Searing, Hot, Temperate,
Cool, and Frigid. Most searing or frigid worlds are too harsh

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

for humans to inhabit without extensive life-support provisions.

Atmosphere. Can the atmosphere support humans and
the like? Do they need breath masks? Is it poisonous? There
are five basic atmosphere types: Type I (breathable), Type
II (breath mask suggested), Type III (breath mask required),
Type IV (environmental suit required), and None.
Most habitable worlds are Type I, while most gas giants
are Type IV. The types are not necessarily exclusive; some
worlds may have trace elements that are harmful or fatal,
and if they aren't known, a ship's sensors may read an
atmosphere as Type I when it should be Type III.
Hydrosphere. How much moisture is in the air? The
categories are: Arid, Moderate, Moist, and Saturated (usually depending on the percentage of the planet's surface
covered in water). Note that hydrosphere doesn't have to be
water; lava lakes, ammonia seas and other exotic phenomenon are possible.
Gravity. How heavy are objects on the world? The categories are Zero (as in zero-gee), Light, Standard and Heavy.
Characters moving about on worlds with light or heavy
gravity might incur special penalties if they are not accustomed to such environments.
Terrain. We're mostly interested in land types here
most planets are covered in oceans of some kind, so you
don't need to list "ocean" unless it plays a major role in your
adventures. Most planets have a variety of land types very
few are entirely made up of deserts or jungles. Again, list the
land types that predominate in your world, or the areas
where the characters will likely visit.
The common terrain types are: Barren, Cave, Crater Field,
Desert, Forest, Glacier, Jungle, Mountain, Ocean, Plain, Plateau, Urban, Wetlands, and Volcanic. You can modify known
terrain types or come up with new ones if you like.
Length of Day. The number of standard hours a local day
Length of Year. Expressed in number of local days. A
world's length of year won't necessarily match a standard
Imperial year.

Sapient Species. List intelligent species that make up a

significant portion of the planet's population. Species native
to the planet have an (N) by them.
Starport. Most systems only have a few starports (small
population systems may only have one). List the most
advanced starport in the system, or if there are multiple
starports, you may list the number and classifications. You
may also want to indicate if certain starports are restricted.
There are several types of starports: Limited service,
Standard class, Stellar class, and Imperial class.
A limited service starport is a simple landing field, probably
paved or surfaced. There is usually a simple control tower, and
a smattering of hangars and maintenance sheds. Fuel and vital
supplies may be available. Exotic starship parts are rarely
found in the vicinity of limited service facilities.
The standard class starport is a fully staffed facility. It has
restocking services, and at least a small shipyard for repairs.
Common starship parts are readily available.
A stellar class starport is a major starship hub. It can dock
and service almost any type of ship, and there are often
satellite shipyards in the area that can do repairs and make
major modifications.
Imperial class starports are mostly found on the most
advanced and commercial worlds. They often sprawl for
hundreds of kilometers, and service thousands of vessels a
day. They are modern and luxurious, with complete storage
and maintenance facilities, and a large number of landing
fields and docks.
Population. How many people live on the world? If the
population is heavily weighted in favor of one or two species,
list them separately.
Planet Function. What are the main industries of the
planet? What does the planet "do" to generate income?
Planet function categories include: Abandoned colony,
Academic, Administrative/government, Agriculture, Colony,
Disaster, Entertainment, Exploration, Hidden base,
Homeworld, Luxury goods, Manufacturing/processing, Military, Mining, Natural resources, Research, Service, Subsistence, and Trade.
You may create new classifications, use the ones above,
or more precisely define one of the listed categories (e.g.,
substitute "starship manufacturing" for the more generic
"manufacturing/processing"). You can also list more than
one if necessary.
Government. Who runs the world? An Imperial governor?
A king? A council of some sort? Pick a government type from
the list below, or invent your own.
The possibilities are: Alliance, Anarchy, Competing states,
Corporate-owned, Dictatorship, Family, Feudalism, Guild/
professional organization, Imperial governor, Military, Monarchy, Organized crime, Participatory democracy, Ruler by
selection/rite, Theocracy, and Tribal.
Again, you can more closely define a category, like specifying the Alderaan Royal Family instead of listing a generic
Tech Level. Not all of the worlds in the galaxy are at an
equal technology level. Some are on par with the superadvanced Core worlds, while others are backward primitive
worlds with few amenities. Where does your world fall?
There are five technology levels: Stone, Feudal, Industrial, Information, and Space.
Stone age worlds are those characterized by loosely-knit
cultures, primitive stone tools and such.

Feudal age worlds are those which produce primitive

manufactured goods, and have learned mining and ore-processing. In Earth terms, this tech level covers everything from
classical Greece to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Industrial age worlds are those which have begun using
mass production, and have adopted more complex social
and political structures. Windmills, waterwheels, wood, and
coal are typical energy sources. Motorized transport, projectile weapon and mass communication industries are in
their infancy.
Information age worlds have sophisticated communications systems and efficient production centers. Energy weapons, inter-system space flight, and repulsorlift vehicles may
or may not be in use. This is the period in which many worlds
begin colonizing other planets.
Space age worlds are the standard in the Star Wars
universe. Advanced technologies are common like droids,
starships, blasters, and hyperspace travel. Most planets at
this level are integrated into the galactic economy, and thus
are dependent upon and service other worlds.
Some planets have odd mixtures of tech levels. You can
indicate this in the entry by listing each type, with a note
specifying where it applies: "Space (only around starport),
Major Exports. Most worlds manufacture a variety of
goods and services for domestic consumption. But what
does your world make for export? List the most important.
There are several standard trade categories: Low technology, Mid technology, High technology, Metals, Minerals,
Luxury goods, Foodstuffs, and Medicinal goods. There are
many more you can add. You can also more precisely define
one of the existing categories; "spacecraft" instead of "high
technology," for example.
Major Imports. Not all worlds are self-sufficient. Many
must import certain commodities. Use the export categories
presented above, or make up your own.
Capsule. Here's where you can write a little essay about the
world, covering all of the areas not developed above. In the
essay, you can discuss the terrain, the economy, what the
world is like, history, what other planets in the system are
like, and any other data that is of vital interest to those
visiting the world.
You can also touch on points of interest (like lost historical sites or huge cities), famous personalities (notable
gamemaster characters), new alien species or items, places,
people, or things that the characters are likely to encounter.
The following stat items are not always listed in the planet
stats, but you can use them if you like.
System. The name of the system. Normally, systems are
named after the main planet in that system.
Star. The name of the system's star, which is often the same
as the system name, or a variant thereof. List the star color
in parentheses after the name. Common colors are orange
and yellow, while red, blue, and white are less likely to
support habitable worlds.
System Log. This is a charted listing of all the celestial
bodies in the system, the basic planet type, and the number
of moons for each world. The chart has the name of the
world, a quick summary of the type of world, and the number
of moons it boasts, if any.
If any moons are of particular interest, you may indicate
that by listing the moon underneath the planet in italics with

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

a brief summary. Asteroid belts and prominent space stations are listed in orbital order.

Sample Planets
Here are some sample worlds to get you started. These
planets represent a variety of world types. Note that the
essay portion is placed before the stats. You can use this
format if you prefer, or stick to placing the capsule essay last.

Located near the Corellian Trade Spine, the gas giant
Bespin and particularly the floating metropolis of Cloud
City draws a lot of traffic to the system. Bespin features a
temperate band high in its atmosphere, and has a fast period
of rotation, providing its citizens with two days and nights
for every standard one.
Numerous independent airborne mining installations ride
Bespin's wind currents in various positions above the migrity
gas giant floating automated refineries, storage tanks bobbing above the clouds, and facilities which scoop gas from the
cloud banks. Cloud City is the greatest of these installations.
Cloud City was built to take advantage pf Bespin's great
secret that the gas giant produces spin-sealed tibahna gas,
which is capable of boosting the firepower of blasters. The
station has made its fortune by covertly selling this gas to
weapons manufacturers not associated with the Empire. Cloud
City has kept its secret and avoided Imperial entanglements
through several generations of Baron-Administrators, all the
way down to the current supervisor, Lando Calrissian.
The upper city is also a great tourism spot for beings
craving a luxurious resort far from the bustle and closed
communities of the Core. The casinos, sports arenas, and
dance halls of Cloud City are first class, and the natural
beauty of Bespin give them the perfect setting.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Merchants and smugglers come from all over to Cloud

City's grungy Port Town to trade and make deals. Add to
them a number of refugees in hiding from the Empire, and
you can understand why Port Town gets dangerous at times.

Type: Gas giant
Temperature: Temperate (in the Life Zone)
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable) in the Life Zone)
Hydrosphere: Moist (in the Life Zone)
Gravity: Standard (in the Life Zone)
Terrain: Gas giant
Length of Day: 12 standard hours
Length of Year: 10,220 local days
Sapient Sf ecies: Human, Ugnaughts
Starport: Standard
Population: 6 billion
Planet Function: Tibanna gas mining, gambling resort
Government: Guild
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: Tibanna gas, tourism, cloud cars
Major Imports: Foodstuffs, mid tech, high tech

Coruscant has served as the seat of galactic government
since the very first union of stars. In the days of the Old
Republic, Coruscant was the seat of the Senate and its many
supporting committees and organizations. The planet gets
its name from the sparkling lights that illuminate the planet,
even at night, making it seem like an immense, shining
corusca stone from space.
When Palpatine brought his Empire to power, he chose
Coruscant as the site of his Imperial Court, and built a
monstrous palace around the Presidential Residence, itself
an enormous subcity thousands of years old. Among some
circles loyal to the Emperor's New Order, Coruscant is
known as Imperial Center.

The surface cities of the planet are opulent in the extreme.

Immense palatial mansions tower over parks, game reserves,
entertainment centers, and business buildings. The entire
planet is entirely covered in a dense network of buildings,
plazas, roadways, and landing platforms several layers deep.
Aside from the small seas, not an inch of the natural surface
of Coruscant has been touched by sunlight in centuries.
Residents depend on innumerable imports of food and
other necessities, although water is melted and pumped in
from the planet's polar ice caps. Each building houses its own
ecosystem. Some skyscrapers are little more than honeycombed apartments, while others sport enclosed rooftop
gardens, starship landing bays, public areas, or combinations.
Power plants and maintenance bays in each building's deep
sub-basement help maintain acceptable atmospheric conditions, pump in water and siphon off waste materials. Vents
from skyscrapers' heating and cooling systems produce
microweather cells with air currents. Sometimes ventilation
air condenses, creating clouds which hang low over portions
of the city and occasionally produce small rain storms.
There are warrens and broken-down sectors deep in the
bowels of Coruscant which haven't been visited by government representatives in hundreds of years. There are cities
and communities deep underground, long forgotten by those
closer to the surface, inhabited by refugees, outlaws, and
worse. Still other areas are home to horrible feral creatures,
who have established their own brutal ecosystem in the
ducts, sewers, and accessways of the undercity.



Tatooine, the principal planet in the star system of the

same name, is a small desert world far from the center of
activity in the galaxy. The twin suns, Tatoo I and II, reflect off
the sand-covered world, making Tatooine appear as a third
sun in the system. Sodium-rich sand and flat expanses of
rock, dunes and cramped canyons this is the landscape of
the desert world. High, windswept oceans of sand spiral into
the atmosphere, creating dangerous and frequent storms.
Dry, hot, and inhospitable, Tatooine nevertheless is inhabited by a wide variety of life, including womp rats, krayt
dragons, and dewbacks. Banthas, transported here by early
settlers, are also widespread.
Tatooine has two native species small, skittery Jawas
and tall, powerful Sand People. The scavenging Jawas quickly
found a place in Tatooine society as traders, but the aggressive Sand People, also known as the Tusken Raiders, barely
maintain an uneasy peace with the settlers.
Two communities are worth noting, as they are the nearest things to cities that Tatooine can boast. Anchorhead,
located on the desert flats, is a slow-paced, moisture-farming
town. The settlers come here to buy supplies, trade goods,
and attain transport to Mos Eisley.
Mos Eisley, the largest city on Tatooine, hosts a major
interstellar starport and a minor Imperial post. Many members of the galaxy's fringe society, such as smugglers, mercenaries, and bounty hunters, use Tatooine as a base because of its distance from the watchful eyes of the Empire
and other galactic governments.

(as of the rule of Emperor Palpatine)


Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Urban
Length of Day: 24 standard hours
Length of Year: 368 local days
Sapient Species: Humans (N), various aliens
Starport: Imperial class
Population: 650 billion
Planet Function: Government, administrative
Government: Imperial bureaucracy
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: None
Major Imports: Foodstuffs, medicinal goods

Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Hot
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable)
Hydrosphere: Dry
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Desert
Length of Day: 23 standard hours
Length of Year: 304 local days
Sapient Species: Humans, Jawas (N), Tusken Raiders (N)
Starport: Standard class
Population: 80,000 (Estimated)
Planet Function: Smuggling, trade, subsistence
Government: Imperial Governor
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: Various smuggled cargoes (munitions, security
devices, spice), minerals (salt, sand products)
Major Imports: Mid-technology, high-technology: metals, foodstuffs, chemicals

Imperial, New Republic or local laws except for specially authorized

individuals. Penalties for use of such an item are often severe.
The Black Market: Most items of equipment, even if they are
restricted, can be found on the black market if one is willing to look
hard enough and pay enough money. Sometimes objects are sold on
the black market simply to avoid paying lavish tariffs and fees; other
times the black market may be the only way to find a specific item.
Cost: Costs indicated on the following reference charts represent the average cost of a piece of equipment under normal circumstances. Most prices are for "average" equipment in that category
as always, prices vary depending on an item's brand name, quality,
and other factors (for example a "stripped" landspeeder would have
a lower price than a similar model equipped with lots of extras or
weaponry). Due to local tariffs, fluctuating availability or other such
factors, prices can vary considerably.
Ava.: Availability; Hyp. Multi.: Hyperdrive Multiplier; Hyp.
BU: Hyperdrive Backup; Man.: Maneuverability; Nav Comp: Nav

Equipment Reference Tables

Availability: This lists where equipment can be found. These
codes are general guidelines and local factors may affect an item's
1 Readily available throughout the known galaxy.
2 Normally available only in large cities and space ports, or on
the item's planet of origin.
3 Specialized item, normally only available on item's planet of
4 Rare item, difficult to obtain anywhere.
F Fee or permit often required for purchase.
R Restricted item on most planets and normally may not be
sold without a license.
X Illegal on most planets. Possession and use generally violates

Ranged Weapons




Melee Weapons


* Unlimited; uses power generator












Capital Ship Reference Tables


















Starfighter Reference Tables





* 6D back-up sheilds / **starfighter scale / t fire-linked









Space Transports Reference Tables






Man. Space









Vehicle Reference Tables
















Character Name:

Type: Alien Student of the Force

Physical Description:

Brawling parrv
Melee parrv


Alien species

Beast ridins
Space transports





Equipment: One statuette, amulet or other trinket of

obscure mystical import, 250 credits



First Aid


Background: In its long and peaceful history, your

species has learned much about the universe and the
nature of existence. You yourself have contributed but
little to this knowledge, but you have meditated long
and hard on reality, and especially on that quality that
some call the Force. You have some small degree of
what humans call Jedi powers.
Your species prefers its solitary existence, and has
never seen reason to have commerce with the rest of the
galaxy. But you have decided to leave your native planet.
Perhaps you seek the true Jedi, hoping to learn more
about the Force from them. Perhaps you are simply
curious. Perhaps the Empire has committed atrocities
on your planet.
Choose any of these motivations, or invent another,
but clear your motivation with your gamemaster if you
make up your own.
Note: You may choose whatever appearance you
wish. Your species is rarely encountered in the galaxy,
so your appearance is not commonly known or identified. However, strange-looking aliens are common
enough that your appearance is rarely remarked upon.
Personality: Think of yourself as a mystic, one of a
tradition different from that followed by the Jedi, but of
a similar nature. Like Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi or the fullytrained Luke Skywalker, you are calm, a little humble,
and treat every living being with respect.

Special Abilities
Control ID, sense ID, alter ID. You may select three

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points
Character Points,
^m-t ^^,

Objectives: To further your knowledge of the Force

and to find a great teacher to further enlighten you.
A Quote: "I am a servant of the light and of the life
which infuses it."

Connection With Characters: You might agree to

accept a brash pilot or another character as a student.
You might be eager to learn from a failed Jedi, minor JEdi
or young Jedi. You might have befriended a laconic
scout, smuggler, or gambler in your travels.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Character Name:
Type: Arrogant Noble
Physical Description:

Melee combat
Melee parry





Command _
Persuasion _

Equipment: Several changes of clothing in the latest

styles, hold-out blaster (3D), one melee weapon of choice,
personal landspeeder, 2,000 credits

Planetary systems


Beast riding
operation _

Computer programming/repair
Droid repair
First aid


Background: That scum Palpatine. How he became

Emperor is beyond you. Why, the man's an upstart! The
idea that Palpatine should be your sovereign is completely intolerable. Everyone in your family shares your
loathing for the power-hungry swine.
You joined the Rebellion as soon as you had the
There are some drawbacks to the Rebellion, of course.
All this "democracy" chit-chat is quite tiresome. It's
really rather annoying to have all these aliens and
members of the lower orders as your equals in the
Rebellion's military hierarchy. Still, you must steel yourself to the task it is the duty of your lineage and all
that. It is unfortunate, though, that you'll miss out on
this year's social season in the Core Worlds.
Personality: Gracious with those who acknowledge
themselves as your inferiors; slightly to insufferably
arrogant with anyone else. You follow a strict moral
codealways to honor debts; always to fight fair; never
to let anyone impugn your honor. You have no patience
with commercial motives and cannot, yourself, be bothered to keep track of money or expenditures.
Objectives: To restore yourself to your rightful place
of honor and respect. There is all that blather about the
fight for democracy, but it will pass in good time.

Special Abilities

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points
Character Points


A Quote: "My good man I realize that cloaks of that

cut are fashionable this season, but there is such a thing
as too much.'"
Connection With Characters: Another senatorial
a relation, a long-time political ally (or enemy) now
united in hostility to the Empire. A loyal retainer might
be your servant. You might know a retired captain by

The Star Wars Roleplayinfi Game


Character Name:
Type: Bounty Hunter
Physical Description:

Melee combat
Melee parry
Thrown weapons.
Vehicle blasters




Law enforcement
Planetary systems

Beast riding
Jet pack
operation _
operation _
Space transports
Swoop operation.






Armor repair
Blaster repair.
Demolitions _
First aid

Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (5D), hold-out blaster

(3D), blaster pistol (4D), thermal detonator (10D), 2
knives (STR+1D), protective vest (+2 energy, +1D physical to torso), jet pack, two medpacs, 1,000 credits


Background: Blaster for hire. That's you. You're still

young at this game, but you've killed 23 people. The
galaxy stinks but you've gotta make a living.
Some say you've got no morals at all. That's not true.
You live by a strict code. A contract is a contract, that's
all. You do your job. When someone hires you, you keep
up your side of the bargain no matter what it takes.
Sometimes what it takes isn't pretty but if you were
squeamish, you wouldn't be in this line of work.
The Empire hired you. You did the job. A good man
died. You fulfilled your side of the deal.
The Empire didn't. You could have taken them to
court but they own the courts. They laughed at you.
But not for long. Usually you work for a thousand a
day. Plus expenses. But this time, it's personal.
You've got a contract. With the Rebellion. For the
duration. Your pay is a credit a day.
And you fulfill your contracts.
Personality: You don't talk much. When you do, you
mean what you say. You're dangerous. You're dependable. You're smart. You don't like being conned. If
people play straight with you, you play straight with
Objectives: To get even with the Empire. You don't
care much for the Rebellion ... at least you say you don't
care. But now you have a cause worth fighting for.

Special Abilities

Force Sensitive? .
Force Points
Dark Side Points.
Character Point


A Quote: "Don't try it buddy. I'm only going to tell you


Connection With Characters: Anyone could have

hired you in the past or perhaps you're employed by
another character at the moment. You could have met
any of the other "fringe" characters smuggler, gambler, or pirate, for examplewhile attempting to appre"Tiend them at one point.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Character Name:
Type: Brash Pilot
Physical Description:

Brawling parry.
Melee combat _
Vehicle blasters



Command _


Gambling _

Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), Rebel uniform,

medpac, vacuum suit, 1,000 credits

Intimidation .
Willpower _


Brawling _


Space transports.


Blaster repair.
Droid repair _


Special Abilities

Background: You thought you'd never get off that

hick planet! Ever since you were a kid, you've read about
starships and generals and heroic battles. Ever since
you can remember, you've wanted to be a fighter pilot.
Your parents wanted you to be a farmer (or a lawyer, or
a doctor, or a miner who cares which?). But the
Imperial Naval Academy has been your goal since the
first time you heard of it!
Well, with this war on, it doesn't look like you'll ever
get to the Academy nor do you want to. When the
Empire occupied your planet, everything fell to pieces.
Friends and neighbors are dead. But you've got your
chance to be a pilot! Sometimes things look pretty grim
for the Rebellion but you've got a hunch that your
story is just beginning!
Personality: Enthusiastic, loyal, energetic and committed. You tend to get overly-excited on a regular basis.
You also tend to brag when sometimes you'd be better
off keeping your opinions to yourself.
Objectives: You want to be the best pilot in the
Alliance! You dream about someday topping that Skywalker kid all he did was get a lucky shot! You know
you could have made that shot without a targeting
computer ... blindfolded!
A Quote: "Heck, that flying wasn't so fancy! Back
home, I used to outmaneuver XP-38s with my old
Mobquet landspeeder!"

Force Sensitive? .
Force Points
Dark Side Points.
Character Point


Connection With Characters: A senatorial or retired Imperial captain might have sponsored you for the
Naval Academy. Almost anyone might be a brother or

Wound Stotos

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Character Name:

Type: Ewok
Physical Description:

Brawling parry.
Melee combat
Melee parry
Thrown weapons.



Beast riding




First aid



Equipment: Spear (STR+1D), leather backpack, a collection of shiny objects.

Background: You used to live on Endor, the "Forest
Moon." Then, one day, a big shiny spaceship landed.
You investigated. It was filled with fascinating, shiny
things and good things to eat. All of a sudden, everything
shook. You didn't realize it then, but the ship had taken
off, and you couldn't go home.
At first, you were frightened. When you learned you
couldn't go home, you were sad. But then you made
friends with the humans on the ship. They were from
something called the Rebellion, and they fight bad people
called the Empire. Humans seem to find Ewoks cute.
This is very useful; you've never had any problems
finding food or shelter.
You've picked up a little bit of the human language.
You don't really understand the strange machines they
use, but you've become a little more comfortable with
them. Life out here in the galaxy is endlessly fascinating
and fun. You've decided to stay with your Rebel friends
and help them out.
Personality: You like humans. You like good things to
eat. You like playing with shiny things. You're cheerful,
inquisitive and have a habit of getting yourself and
sometimes your companions into more trouble than
you (or they) can handle.
Objectives: To find an endless supply of fun things to
play with. To help your human friends even though they
seem to be a bit odd.

Special Abilities
Skill Bonus: +2D for every
ID placed in hide, search,
Skill Limits: May not place
skill dice in vehicle, starship
or repair skills.
Smell: +1D to search when
tracking by scent.

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points
Character Point

A Quote: "Kaiya! Gyeesh?"

Connection With Characters: Choose any other
player character you like; you've adopted him or her as
your mentor. You follow that person around and try to
get them to play with you. If your mentor consistently
ignores you, you can switch to another character later

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Character Name:
Type: Failed Jedi
Physical Description:

Running _

Alien species

Beast riding
operation _
Space transports.
Starship shields _


Persuasion _

Equipment: Lightsaber (5D), robes, bottle of liquor,

250 credits




Computer programming/repair
Droid programming
Droid repair
First aid

Background: A long, long time ago, back in the days

of the Old Republic, you were an aspiring Jedi. Sure, you
remember Skywalker and Kenobi and all that crew. But
you failed. You couldn't hack it. The dark side kept
calling, and things never worked quite the way you
wanted them to. You turned to drink, and things went
downhill from there. Then, the Empire came, and suddenly it wasn't healthy to be a Jedi, or even to know
anything about them.
You spent a lot of years drinking heavily. It's not very
pleasant to remember.
Now, you've got one more chance. You've got a kid
who wants to learn about the Force. You're not sure you
can teach him much, but you can try ... try to do
something worthwhile before you die.
Personality: Cynical, foul-mouthed and pessimistic
but with a heart of gold.
Objectives: To make up for your past mistakes by
teaching a kid about the Force... and perhaps somehow
redeem yourself in the process.
A Quote: "Kids. Gah. Kids. You wanna learn how to
use the Force? Listen when I talk to you. (Wheeze).
Blasted kids. Where's the whiskey?"
Connection With Characters: Choose another
player character as your student (by mutual agreement).

Special Abilities
Control ID, sense ID. You
may select two Force powers.

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points.
Character Point


The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Character Name:

Type: Gambler
Physical Description:

Brawling parrv
Melee combat
Melee parrv





Equipment: Deck of sabacc cards, hold-out blaster

(3D), one week's worth of expensive clothes, 1,000
credits, datapad with rules for over 2,000 games of

Alien species


Space transports
Starship gunnery



Droid programming
Droid repair
First aid
Repulsorlift repai r

Background: The galaxy is your oyster. You can go

anywhere, do anything. You're never down and out
permanentlyall you have to do is find a (fairly) honest
game of chance,, and there's gambling everywhere.
Money comes and money goes, but the game goes on.
Love 'em and leave 'em, that's your philosophy.
You've never seen any point in settling down ... not
when there's a starship leaving in an hour, a gambling
table in the lounge and new worlds to explore at the
other end of the journey.
It's a good life. There's always something new to do,
always another game, always a fine meal or a top-notch
wine. You've seen the cream of society and the dregs of
the galaxy, and you're comfortable with both.
How'd you get mixed up with the Rebellion? Well, it's
more that you got mixed up with the Empire. A little
misunderstanding and presto! You're wanted on a few
planets. (Okay, okay ... more than a few.) It's tough to
The Rebellion looks pretty hopeless right now, but
it's always got a chance ... hey, you're a gambler, right?
Sometimes it pays to play the long odds.
Personality: Charming, unfailingly polite, insouciant,
and insecure. You do extremely well with members of
the opposite sex. Everybody either loves you or hates
you ... but absolutely no one trusts you.

Special Abilities

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points
Character Points,


Objectives: To have a really good time wherever

you're going. To set up someone for the big score, the
con of a lifetime. And if your schemes inconvenience the
Empire, well, so much the better.
A Quote: "It's a sure thing. Can't lose. Trust me. Hey,
why are you all looking at me like that?"
Connection With Characters: You've kicked around
the galaxy a lot, and could have become friends with
or swindled any one of the other characters.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Character Name:
Type: Kid
Physical Description:

Melee combat _
Melee parry
Missile weapons
Pick pocket


Mechanical _
Beast riding
Ground vehicle





Equipment: Two bottles of fizzyglug, one packet of
candy, a small stone, length of string, a small animal
(dead or alive your choice), 25 credits, a smile that
people can't refuse.

Droid programming
Droid repair
First aid


Background: You're ayoungster, anywhere from eight

to 16 years old. You've got a big brother or sister in the
Rebellion, or maybe you're an orphan who's been semiadopted by another character. You never let anyone
leave you behind. Whenever danger is greatest, you
charge the enemy and butt them with your head, or bite
them in the leg, or beat them with your arms. Your a
regular little hellion whom no one can discipline. The
bad guys never take you seriously, which is why you get
away with so much.
Somehow you ended up in space, tromping around
with the Rebellion or some smuggler with a heart of
gold. It is certainly a fun life, and you couldn't ask for
anything more fighting stormtroopers, saving people
from the Empire, putting crawly insects inside some
bounty hunter's armor... you know, some of these folks
have absolutely no sense of humor!
Personality: You can be constantly cheerful, always
siding with the underdog. You're completely loyal to
one other character (you choose which) and tag along
with him.
Objectives: To find cool things to do and to stop the
Empire ... and whatever else crosses your mind as fun,
interesting and more than a little likely to get you into

Special Abilities

A Quote: "Oh, boy! A fight! Let's get 'em, guys!"

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points.
Character Point

Connection With Characters: Choose another

player character as your older sibling/adopted parent/
idol/whatever. You don't have to get the other player's
permission. In fact, if he or she is annoyed, that's entirely appropriate.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Character Name:
Type: Minor Jedi






, Equipment: Lightsaber (5D), 1,000 credits





Planetary systems



Brawling parrv
Melee combat
Melee parrv




Space transports
Starship gunnery
Starship shields



Computer programming/repair
Droid programming
Droid repair
First aid

Background: You'd like to call yourself a Jedi Knight,

but you're not. The flame of that great order has gone
out of the galaxy. You received a little training at the
hands of one of the last of the Jedi, one of the less
powerful of that order, before he was betrayed and
executed by the Empire.
Since then, you've lived the life of a fugitive. At times,
you are convinced the Empire, and Darth Vader in
particular, is huntingyou fiercely. At other times, you're
convinced the Empire's decided you aren't worth the
trouble. In a way, not being hunted would be as bad as
being hunted because that would mean the Empire
has such contempt for your abilities that it doesn't think
finding you is important.
Still, you have the fondest memories of your master.
And there's still a chance, no matter how slim, that the
Rebellion can overthrow the Emperor and his minion
Vader. You'll work to help that happen, and you hope
that one day you can help reestablish the Jedi Knights
and pass on the little knowledge you possess.
Personality: Tired, a little cynical, but still completely
faithful to the Jedi Code. You're a little paranoid about
being pursued by the Empire.
Objectives: To help re-establish the Jedi Knights and
defeat Vader and the Emperor.


A Quote: "Scoff if you like, but it's true. The Force

surrounds us, holds us, and binds everything together."

Special Abilities
Control ID. You may select one Force power.

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points
Character Points.


Connection With Characters: You're happy to

serve the Rebellion in any capacity. You'd gladly accept
a brash pilot or another character as a student. You'd be
fascinated by the Revwien Tyia adept's alternative view
of the Force, and be eager to learn from the failed Jedi.
You could easily have become friends with any of the
player characters.

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Character Name:
Type: Mon Calamari
/Mon Calamari
Physical Description:

Brawling parry _
Melee combat _
Melee parry
Vehicle blasters

Alien species
Planetary systems

Beast riding
operation _
Space transports.
Starship gunnery.
Starship shields _

Special Abilities
Moist Environments: In
moist environments, +1D to
all Dexterity, Perception and
Strength attribute and skill
Dry Environments: In dry
environments, Mon Calamari seem depressed and
withdrawn. They suffer a ID penalty to all Dexterity,
Perception and Strength attribute and skill checks.
Aquatic: Mon Calamari





Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), comlink, uniform,

1,000 credits


Computer programming/repair
Droid programming
Droid repair
First aid
Repulsorlift repair.
Space transports
can breathe both air and
Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points
Character Point

Background: It was the Empire that taught your people,

the Mon Calamari, the meaning of war. Your people are
peaceful and gentle; you shared your homeworld of
Calamari with the Quarren for millennia. Over the centuries, you gradually built a technological civilization
and a high culture. Exploration of nearby stars was well
underway and then the Empire came.
The Imperials saw only an undefended prize an
advanced world that could be forced to feed the Imperial war machine. They invaded and enslaved your
people. At first, you did not understand what had been
done. The idea of slavery was incomprehensible. You
tried to appease the invaders, but nothing worked.
Eventually, the Mon Calamari began to fight backand
when they did, the Empire reacted with incredible ferocity. Whole cities were obliterated.
Then, virtually the whole Mon Calamari people rose
as one and destroyed the occupiers. The war industries
the Empire had forced its slave laborers to build are now
used for another purpose to fuel the Rebellion.
You were on Calamari when the Empire came; you
helped when the uprising succeeded. Now, you are part
of the Calamarian armed forces, a part of the Rebel
Alliance against the Empire. You work well with aliens
(including humans), and are frequently assigned to fight
with small, irregular groups of freedom-fighters.
Personality: Generally, Calamari are gentle, reasonable, and soft-spoken, but there is much variety among
Objectives: To free other enslaved worlds from the
grip of the Empire and to help prove that all species and
peoples can live together in peace.
A Quote: "Our people have a saying: do not dive
before testing the depths."
Connection With Characters: You could have
seen action with any of the other characters. A gambler,
smuggler or other marginal operator might have visited
your planet before or during the Imperial occupation.
The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Character Name:
Type: Outlaw
Physical Description:

Archaic weapons
Melee combat
Melee parry
Vehicle blasters

Alien species





Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (5D), 1,000 credits




Astrogation _
Beast riding
operation _
Space transports
Starship gunnery
Starship shields _

Computer programming/repair
First aid

Special Abilities

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points
Character Points,


Background: Your family was wiped out during a raid

by the Imperials, by criminals, by pirates, you're not
sure. But the weight of evidence points to some seriously evil folks.
And those folks are going to pay. You swore to your
family that you'd make them pay.
Gathering what few weapons you possessed, you
hopped the first transport off-planet, searching for the
elusive killers that ruined your life. You've spent the
intervening time honing your skills and preparing for
the day when you face those responsible for the deaths
of your loved ones. And only you are going to walk away
Personality: You're deadly, dangerous and driven.
You have no fear and no pity; you have nothing to live for
and no reason not to risk your life. As far as you're
concerned, no one will miss you when you're gone, but
when you go, you sure as blazes aren't going alone.
Objectives: Revenge pure, simple and ugly but
revenge nonetheless.
A Quote: "They made only one mistake. They didn't
finish the job."
Connection With Characters: You've hooked up
with the other characters because you think they can
bring you closer to the people who killed you family.
Along the way, you've come to care about them (as
much as you are still capable of caring). If there's any
emotion you can still feel, it's parental love. Younger
characters (kids or brash pilots, for example) may be
adopted as surrogate children. You may feel a bleak
kinship with similarly driven characters like a merc or
bounty hunter; in time it might ripen into true trust and

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Character Name:
Type: Pirate

Physical Description:

Blaster artillery
Brawling parry _
Melee combat



Command _

Forgery _
Equipment: Flashy clothes, lots of rings and things,
blaster pistol (4D), saber (STR+1D+1), comlink, vacuum
suit, 2,000 credits

Capital ship
Space transports.
Starship gunnery.
Starship shields _

Armor repair
Blaster repair.
Droid repair _

Special Abilities

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points.
Character Point



Background: You were just a kid when you were

offered a position aboard a Starship; you jumped at the
chance. Finally, a way off the hick planet where you grew
up! You realized the ship was a little disreputable, but
you hadn't realized you were hooking up with the genuine article desperate, grizzled pirates thirsting for
gold and the blood of innocents. "Arrr, matey" indeed.
Well, it isn't quite like that, actually; pirates are not
much like the vidshow stereotype. No one actually says,
"Arrr, matey." Certainly no one wears an eyepatch or a
plastic leg. And you've never known a pirate who made
anyone "walk the airlock." After all, the point of piracy
is to make a profit, not cause bloodshed. Atrocities
might make a captured ship's crew resist.
Imperial oppression has driven most of the small
traders out of business. Independent spacers don't have
many options: bankruptcy, retirement or ... piracy.
The Empire creates pirates and then destroys
them. Most of your shipmates are in the spice mines of
Kessel now. You barely escaped by the skin of your
teeth. You plan to avenge them, somehow. You hope
that one day you'll be the captain of your own ship a
privateer in the service of the Rebellion.
Personality: You wear colorful clothes and enjoy the
notoriety of being a pirate. You like to laugh and carouse
in a cheerfully amoral way. You're not exactly what
people would call a role model... but you never volunteered for that job.


Objectives: To make a profit first and foremost, but

undermining the Empire suits you just fine.
A Quote: "Arr, matey. Make 'em walk the airlock.
(Chuckle.) Seriously now, just give me your valuables."

Connection With Characters: You might once

have raided the ship of any of the other characters. A
retired Imperial captain or bounty hunter might once
have pursued you. A smuggler might have out-run you.
"You might be related to a brash pilot or kid or you
might be the black sheep of a senatorial's family.
The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Character Name:
Type: Protocol Droid
Model: 3PO Human-Cyborg Relations Droid
Height: 1.7m
Physical Description:






Brawling parrv
Melee parrv

Equipment: Comlink, datapad






Alien species
Planetary systems

Background: You still can't understand humans. They

are very illogical, and seem to want to be exposed to
danger. Nonetheless, you continue on, despite the thankless nature of your task. Your most recent owner is
flamboyant and temperamental, but treats you like a
real person.
Personality: You are very proper, concerned with
doing things the "right" way. You have a persecution
complex and tend to think that people are making fun of
you. Humans get upset with you, even if you are just
following your programming.
Objectives: To serve your master faithfully and loyally.




Starship shields

Computer programming/repair
Droid programming
Droid repair
First aid

Special Abilities
Skills: You start with
allocate to skills, but may
to allocate
not place more than 2D in
any one skill.
Life Preservation Programming: Your programming
prevents you from injuring
a sentient being, even in selfdefense.

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points


A Quote: "Mistress, they believe that you are some

sort o f . . . deity. Oh my!"
Connection With Characters: You are probably
owned by the wealthiest player character, or are on loan
from an acquaintance or employer.

Character Points

The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Character Name:
Type: Quixotic Jedi
Physical Description:

Melee combat
Melee parry _


Equipment: Old duelling sword (STR+1D+1), makeshift armor (+1 physical), 1,000 credits

Planetary systems

Beast riding


Special Abilities
Sense ID. You may select one Force power.


Armor repair
First aid

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points.
Character Point




Background: You claim to be a Jedi. Actually, you're

not. You've read all about the exploits of the great Jedi
Knights but you don't quite realize they no longer exist.
If truth be told, you're a little crazy. You've learned of
the atrocities of the Empire and of Darth Vader, and
have decided to leave your comfortable existence and
venture forth into the galaxy on a great quest to restore
the Jedi. You've read as much as you can about the Jedi
training methods and their powers, and you've tried to
train yourself as best you can.
You are a somewhat laughable figure, with your
rusty, nicked old dueling sword. You wear "armor"
cobbled together from various pieces of junk that somehow manage to provide a modicum of protection.
Everyone thinks you're crazy (and they are basically
right). They think the Jedi were legendary, that it's all a
bunch of hokey pseudo-religious nonsense.
But sometimes just sometimes you can feel the
Force. Sometimes when you're in great danger or
when things are breaking your wayyou swear you can
use Jedi powers.
You try to right individual injustices whenever you
come across them. You're basically a good fellow, so
who cares if your a little touched?
Personality: Elaborately courteous, unfailingly cheerful, and (as your friends put it) "basically out of your
ever-loving mind." You come up with complex, harebrained schemes which invariably fail. You adhere to
the Jedi Code as well as any reality-challenged crackpot
Objectives: To right the great wrongs of the galaxy,
no matter the odds, until your dying breath.
A Quote: "I feel a ... disturbance in the Force. No,
really. I swearl feel one this time. Guys? Guys? Where're
you going?"
Connection With Characters: A failed Jedi might
become a close friend and give you a few pointers. A
smuggler or pirate might keep you around for amusement value.
The Star Wars Roleplaying Game

Character Name:
Type: Revwien Tyia Adept
Physical Description:

Melee combat
Thrown weapons




Equipment: Amulet (representative of Tyia philosophy), 250 credits



Alien species



Background: You were among the brightest students

of your generation you learned the amazing powers
of Tyia faster than anyone your teachers had ever
instructed. They sensed great power in you.
When the star traders came to your planet, your
teachers told you to seek out the masters of the Tyia
their name is Jedi, and they call it the Force.
Personality: You are impressionable and easily excited. You find technology ... interesting. You are a
mystic. You seek peace and harmony for yourself, your
people and the galaxy.
Objectives: To learn many Tyia abilities and use them
for peace.

Beast riding
Space transports
Swoop operation


Special Abilities
Tyia: Control ID, sense ID,
alter ID. You know the Force
way known as Tyia. You may
select three Force powers
in accordance with the rules
for the Tyia (see the chapter on "The Force" for more

Droid programming
Droid repair
First aid


Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points
Character Points


A Quote: "Think of peace and honor and act upon

that only!"
Connection With Characters: You could have left
your homeworld with a smuggler, cynical scout or
laconic scout. You could be studying with an alien
student of the Force, failed Jedi, minor Jedi or young

Character Name:
Type: Rookie New Republic Pilot



Physical Description:

Brawling parry
Melee combat
Vehicle blasters





Equipment: New Republic uniform, medpac, vacuum

suit, 1,000 credits, blaster pistol (4D), X-wing Starfighter
(see the "Starships" chapter).






Blaster repair
Droid repair
Starfighter repair


Planetary systems

Space transports
Starship gunnery

Special Abilities

Background: Your brother joined the Rebel Alliance

in its early days, fighting against the Empire. By all
reports he was as brash and cocky as they come, but he
was one of the best the Alliance could field, capable of
flying rings around the average TIE jockey. You were
just a kid when he jumped to the Rebels, and you
idolized him like he was a hero out of a holo-thriller.
Then word came that he was blown up in his A-wing over
You joined the New Republic military to fly a starfighter. You're good at it. You love it. And it seemed the
only way to truly honor your brother's memory. Sometimes it feels like he's flying with you: when things look
their worst and there is no way out, you manage to come
up with the last-minute solution to desperate problems.
You are still pretty green, but your flight instructors
have all commented that you have raw talent. (Of course,
all this has made you feel somewhat indestructible.)
Now all that remains is to sweep Palpatine's crumbling forces under the rug, and you're just the guy to do
Personality: Enthusiastic, energetic and idealistic.
You are sure that the New Republic will bring peace to
the galaxy. You volunteer for the craziest, most dangerous missions. You are a talented kid with a lot of growing
up to do.

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points
Character Points


Objectives: To fly among the stars and into history!

(And if you get to lead an A-wing squadron in the
process, well that's just fine with you ...)
A Quote: "Six TIE fighters? No problem I'll be back
in a minute!"
Connection With Characters: Anybody who hates
the Empire is okay with you; a smuggler, brash pilot or
failed Jedi may have taken you under their wing.

Character Name:
Type: Smuggler
Physical Description:

Brawling parry
Vehicle blasters

Alien species


Space transports
Starship gunnery
Starship shields

Special Abilities






Equipment: Stock YT-1300 light freighter (see the

"Starships" chapter), heavy blaster pistol (5D), comlink,
2,000 credits, 25,000 credits owed to a crime boss


Computer programming/repair
First aid
Space transports

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points
Character Points,


Background: Your parents called it "gallivanting

around the galaxy," but as far as you're concerned
there's no better life than a free-trader's. Travelling as
your fancy takes you, trading a little here and a little
there, looking for a sharp deal, bargaining and selling...
new worlds to see, always a new planet at the end of the
That's how it's supposed to be, anyway. But ... the
Empire is more and more restrictive by the day. Goods
that used to be legal are now contraband. Even contraband is harder and harder to come by. Customs inspectors are like bloodhounds. Bribes have become your
major expense. You keep on dreaming of making one big
killing and getting out... but you don't want to get out.
To you, your ship is home, transportation, and freedom,
all in one package. The idea of losing it kills you.
But you may very well lose it. To keep on operating,
you had to borrow money from a mobster, a real slimeball
crime king. You're pretty deep in debt now, and they
keep on making nasty jokes about breaking your kneecaps. Curse the Empire, anyway! It's their laws and their
corruption that brought this all about.
Personality: You're tough, smart, good-looking and
cynical. You're a fine pilot, and a good businessman.
Mostly you want to hit it big and be left alone by scum,
both criminal and official.
Objectives: To pay off your ship ... then you can take
on the cargoes you want to.
A Quote: "I don't have the money with me."
Connection With Characters: You need at least
one other person to run your ship, a partner. This could
be an alien student of the Force, brash pilot, gambler,
merc, minor Jedi, Mon Calamari, Wookiee, or anyone
with decent mechanical skills. You could have encountered virtually any of the other characters in the course
of your frequently shady business dealings.

Character Name:
Type: Wookiee
Physical Description:

Brawling parry
Melee combat
Melee parry
Vehicle blasters

Alien species





Equipment: Bowcaster (4D), 250 credits



Personality: You're extremely loyal to your comrades. You get frustrated sometimes and bang things.
Since you don't realize the full extent of your strength,
this can be a problem. Someday you'd like to return to
your home planet and your mate, but until the Imperials
are forced off your homeworld of Kashyyyk you'll stick
with your friends.


Beast riding
Space transports
Starship shields


Special Abilities
Berserker Rage: If a Wookiee becomes enraged, +2D
to Strength for brawling damage. -2D to all non-Strength
attribute and skill checks.
Must make a Moderate Perception total to calm down
(only -ID penalty to Perception for this check)
Climbing Claws: +2D to
climbing while using claws.

Droid programming
Droid repair
First aid
Space transports
Starship gunnery

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points
Character Points

Background: You're one of the biggest and strongest

aliens in the galaxy. Most people fear and respect you
and tend to give you a wide berth ... except for those
Imperial stormtroopers, who are known to lose limbs if
they get too close.


Objectives: To free your homeworld. To help the

Rebels eliminate the Empire so you and your people
need not fear slavers' collars.
A Quote: "Roooarrgh ur roo." (Translation: "I have a
bad feeling about this.") Note: The player should be able
to do a good impersonation of a Wookiee sounding
like Chewbacca is pretty important to successfully playing this character. Next, see if any of the characters
speaks Wookiee if you have a close friendship with
one of the other characters, such as a smuggler, they
can probably understand you pretty well. A protocol
droid will almost always be able to understand you. If no
one around speaks Wookiee, the characters will have to
make language rolls to understand you (the easier the
idea or concept, the lower the language difficulty). To
say something, growl and have each character roll to
see if they understand you. If they succeed, tell them
what your character just said; if they fail, growl some
more and play charades.
Connection With Characters: You might be a loyal
companion of a smuggler, a trader or scout. You might
have adventured with any fellow Rebel, particularly a
Mon Calamari. You tend not to think too highly of
pountyhunters, meres, orretired Imperials... but they're
amusing when you threaten them.

Character Name:
Type: Young Jedi
Physical Description:

Melee combat
Melee parry
Vehicle blasters


Aliens species


Beast riding
Space transports
Starship shields


Special Abilities
Force skills: Control ID,
sense ID, alter ID. You may
select three Force powers.






Blaster repair
Droid repair
First aid


Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points
Character Points,


Equipment: 500 credits, two sets of clothing, R2

astromech droid (see the "Droids" chapter), blaster
pistol (4D)
Background: You were always fascinated by the tales
of the Jedi Knights. Somehow you learned to naturally
manipulate the Force. You know that the Force is strong,
and you can use it to restore peace.
Personality: You are energetic and very dedicated to
the ideals of the Jedi Knights. You are also very youthful,
and sometimes lack maturity. Torn between your own
base instincts like anger and your responsibilities,
it is tough growing up while being able to call upon such
awesome powers.
Objectives: To restore the Jedi Knights to their position of honor. To find your own lightsaber or learn how
to build one.
A Quote: "The Force is strong ... use it for good!"
Connection With Characters: You may have been
befriended by a smuggler or brash pilot, who likes your
youthful spirit but is skeptical of your claims about the
Force. A minor Jedi or failed Jedi may have agreed to
train you.

Character Name:
Type: Young Senatorial
Physical Description:

Brawling parry
Melee combat
Melee parry





Equipment: Stylish clothing, hold-out blaster (3D),
comlink, 1,000 credits

Alien species


Space transports



Computer programming/repair
First aid

Background: For three centuries your family served

the Republic. Innumerable Senators have borne your
name. For centuries, your family has selflessly sacrificed for the good of the state and society. You have
served loyally and well, and because of it, the citizens of
your planet are loyal to your house. Since the Empire
was established, your family has tried to fend off its evil
ways and to hold the Emperor to his promise to promote
the public good. Even now, you are reluctant to turn
against the galactic government which your family supported for so long ago.
Yet you have no choice. The Empire has truly become a tyranny. Your home planet is occupied by
stormtroopers. If civilization is to be saved, you must
act now. Your family will provide leadership to the
Rebellion, as it did to the Republic.
Personality: Intelligent, confident and energetic. You
are more interested in getting things done than in discussing government theory. Sometimes others are awed
by your lineage, and you are proud if it, yet you do not
consider yourself class conscious. Great men and women
come from all walks of life, and everyone can contribute
to the Rebel Alliance.
Objectives: To topple the Empire so the freedoms
and glories of the past can be restored to the people of
the galaxy.
A Quote: "Here's the plan."

Special Abilities

Force Sensitive?
Force Points
Dark Side Points
Character Points


Connection With Characters: You could know any

senatorial, noble or retired Imperial captain socially or
by reputation. Since you're well known in the Alliance,
a Mon Calamari or mere might have served with you
before. Since you're attractive, intelligent and rich,
people have an annoying habit of falling in love with you,
but you haven't found anyone for whom such feelings
are reciprocal.

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