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[G.R. No. 154127. December 8, 2003]

ROMEO C. GARCIA, petitioner, vs. DIONISIO V. LLAMAS, respondent.


Novation cannot be presumed. It must be clearly shown either by the

express assent of the parties or by the complete incompatibility between the
old and the new agreements. Petitioner herein fails to show either requirement
convincingly; hence, the summary judgment holding him liable as a joint
and solidary debtor stands.
The Case
Before us is a Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court,
seeking to nullify the November 26, 2001 Decision and the June 26,
2002 Resolution of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-GR CV No. 60521. The
appellate court disposed as follows:



UPON THE VIEW WE TAKE OF THIS CASE, THUS, the judgment appealed
from, insofar as it pertains to [Petitioner] Romeo Garcia, must be, as it hereby
is, AFFIRMED, subject to the modification that the award for attorneys fees
and cost of suit is DELETED. The portion of the judgment that pertains to
x x x Eduardo de Jesus is SET ASIDE and VACATED. Accordingly, the case
against x x xEduardo de Jesus is REMANDED to the court of origin for
purposes of receiving ex parte [Respondent] Dionisio Llamas evidence
against x x x Eduardo de Jesus.

The challenged Resolution, on the other hand, denied petitioners Motion

for Reconsideration.
The Antecedents
The antecedents of the case are narrated by the CA as follows:

This case started out as a complaint for sum of money and damages
by x x x [Respondent] Dionisio Llamas against x x x [Petitioner] Romeo Garcia
and Eduardo de Jesus. Docketed as Civil Case No. Q97-32-873, the
complaint alleged that on 23 December 1996[,] [petitioner and de Jesus]
borrowed P400,000.00 from [respondent]; that, on the same day, [they]
executed a promissory note wherein they bound themselves jointly and
severally to pay the loan on or before 23 January 1997 with a 5% interest per
month; that the loan has long been overdue and, despite repeated demands,
[petitioner and de Jesus] have failed and refused to pay it; and that, by reason
of the[ir] unjustified refusal, [respondent] was compelled to engage the
services of counsel to whom he agreed to pay 25% of the sum to be
recovered from [petitioner and de Jesus], plus P2,000.00 for every
appearance in court. Annexed to the complaint were the promissory note
above-mentioned and a demand letter, dated 02 May 1997, by [respondent]
addressed to [petitioner and de Jesus].
Resisting the complaint, [Petitioner Garcia,] in his [Answer,] averred that he
assumed no liability under the promissory note because he signed it merely
as an accommodation party for x x x de Jesus; and, alternatively, that he is
relieved from any liability arising from the note inasmuch as the loan had been
paid by x x x de Jesus by means of a check dated 17 April 1997; and that, in
any event, the issuance of the check and [respondents] acceptance
thereof novated or superseded the note.
[Respondent] tendered a reply to [Petitioner] Garcias answer, thereunder
asserting that the loan remained unpaid for the reason that the check issued
by x x x de Jesus bounced, and that [Petitioner] Garcias answer was not even
accompanied by a certificate of non-forum shopping. Annexed to the reply
were the face of the check and the reverse side thereof.
For his part, x x x de Jesus asserted in his [A]nswer with [C]ounterclaim that
out of the supposed P400,000.00 loan, he received only P360,000.00,
the P40,000.00 having been advance interest thereon for two months, that is,
for January and February 1997; that[,] in fact[,] he paid the sum
of P120,000.00 by way of interests; that this was made when [respondents]
daughter, one Nits Llamas-Quijencio, received from the Central Police District
Command at Bicutan, Ta

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