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Chapter 1


Background of the study

A family is a primary social group, a small community, in any society,

typically consisting of a man and a woman, or any two individuals who wish

to share their lives together in a long-term committed relationship with one

another, raising offspring and usually resides in the same dwelling1.

Nowadays, we are facing to a new millennium, a new challenge that

our society must get focus on. The increasing number of solo parents due to

death, separation of parents, and even single motherhood has a great impact

to our society. According to Ap-apid et. Al, 11% in Southeast Asia including

Philippines has been headed by single parents. Moreover, they are also in

front of different problems such as financial, emotional, and social issues, if

Solo Parents undergo to this situation, also their children experiencing the

same dilemma which contribute to their personality.

Having single parent is a difficult situation that must combat by a child.

As a child, you may affected on what your parent decision and every situation

is a crucial stage of single parent life.The primary purpose of this study is to

identify what are the problems encountered by the child of solo parent and

the implications to their lives. Also, as a future Social Worker, we need to

Maskanian et. Al
focus not only to the solo parent but also to the child who is part of we called


Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the Problems Encountered by Children

of a Single Parent and it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the child in terms of:

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Birth rank

d. No. of years having single parent

e. Reason of single parenthood?

2. What is the extent of the problems encountered by the solo parent as


a. Psychological aspect

b. Economic aspect

c. Social aspect?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile and problems

encountered by a child of solo parent in terms of:

a. Psychological aspect

b. Economic aspect

c. Social aspect?
Significance of the study

This study will benefit the following sectors: first, the University. It will

serve as a file record and source of information regarding to the child of

single parent. Secondly, to the readers, understand the standings of a child of

single parent and how they combat for this dilemma. Thirdly, to the

educators and teachers that it will serve as a guide in making school policies

that will benefit not only the complete parents but also on the child of single

parents. Lastly, to us Social Workers, to better understand the solo parent

and to promulgate the R. A 8972 which gives assistance for the solo parents

and their children.

Scoop and Delimitation

This study will focus on the Problems Encountered by a Child of Single

Parent. It will focus on the extent to the problem of a child of solo parent, its

psychological, emotional and social aspects.

The respondents are either son or daughter of solo parent whether the

solo parent is widowed, separated or unwed mother or father. Also, twenty

(20) respondents came from First year up to Fourth year students of Bachelor
of Science in Social Work because of financial and time constrains on the part

of the researchers.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents a review of related literature which is relevant to

the problem under investigation. It depicts a much broader concept to

elucidate the problem under investigation.

Review of Related Literature

Parenthood is a great responsibility moreover to a single parent. Single

parent is the one who cares, rearing and finance his/her siblings. 2 According

to Wallenstein & Kelly, as cited by Ap-apid, et. Al, age, temperament, and sex

of the child vary from one child to another and some children are vulnerable

to the effects of family conflicts and divorce but others are resilient and able

to adapt in the face of a wide range of stressors.

Garder, J (2008)
On the other hand, it depends on the left parent which is the single

parent on how to handle the situation. If the child sees his/her mom/dad at

ease as the past, he/she has a positive result towards the situation. 3 They

might develop closer relationship with one or both parents and they have the

opportunity to participate or join in shared responsibilities and task.4 Also,

they are very likely to share more household responsibilities, including

looking themselves. Parental guidance from the solo parent is needed.

The way parents treat their children is equally important to their birth

order, environment, physical and mental characteristics.5

McLanahan and Sandefur (1994) found out that family economic

resources account for half the difference in child developmental outcomes

between single mother and their two parent counterparts.6

According to Wallerstein and Blakeslee (1989), the loss of a parent in a

family can have implications beyond childhood. However, the lack of one

parent may not as critical as lack of another income to the family. The

economic deprivation of single parent family life, in combination with other

source of strain and stress, is a major source of the problems experience of

both parent and child.

Conceptual Framework:

Single parent is a single spouse who does the responsibility of a father

and a mother alone which is composed of widowers, separated, and unwed

fathers and mothers. ( Elevencione et. Al, 2008)

This study is organized with paradigm. A child of a solo parent, which is

the respondent of the researchers have problems together with their parent.

It varies from one to another because it differ to age, sex, birth rank, number

of years having single parent and reason why they have single parent. The

following variables are the independent variable of the study. The dependent

variables are the adjustment of the child on the problems such as

psychological, economic and social aspect.

Being a child with a single parent faces also different problems. Their

problem may differ to those who had both parents. If these problems are

unmet, it may result to social problems.

Research Paradigm

Profile of the respondent:

Age Problems encountered

Psychological aspects
No. of years having
single parent Economic aspects
Social aspects
Reason of single

Figure 1
It shows the hypothesized relationship between the profile and the

problems encountered by a child of solo parent. (Figure 1)

Research Hypothesis

In view in related literature, the researchers hypothesized that there is

a significant relationship between the profile and the problems encountered

by the child of single parent.

Definition of terms

The following terms were define and theoretically in order to have a

common understanding with the readers and users of this study.

Demografic profile. It refers to the information about the respondent as to:

Age. This refers to how old the respondent or length of tome thet

person existed.

Sex. It refers to the respondents gender whether male or female

Birth rank. The respondents birth order in a family.

No. of years having Single parent. It refers to duration of years starts

when the spouse of single parent has decease.

Reason of Single Parenthood. It refers on the reason having single

parent whether it is death, seperated or unwed mothers or father.

Extent of the problems encountered. It refers to how the respondent receive

the degree of the problems they encountered on the different aspects of life;

Scale: 3.6-4.0 no problem

2.6-3.5 with less problem

1.6-2.5 moderate problem

1.0-1.5 with problem

Economic aspect. It refers to the repondents capacity to coop up with the

fiannces of the family.

Psychological aspects. It refers to the respondents capacity of mind reaction

to the problem sitaution.

Children of single parents. It refers to the proposed respondent. They raised

by a single parent.

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