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You are One.

You are the singular being.

And, therefore, you cannot see you.
What you can see are only the projections that appear in your mind
and some of those projections you take to be yourself.
While growing up we try out being all sorts of things,
so many different versions of ourselves
and all of these garments of identity have left
because none of them was you.
But you cannot leave you, even if you think you can and have.
You can leave the idea you have of you,
but your Self, you can never not be.
You may dream you are something or someone else,
you can momentarily appear to be something you are not,
but you cannot un-be what you are.
And you are the one watching all of these dreams and appearances.
The amount of interest or no-interest will determine
the impact your seeing will have on you, if any impact at all.
And if your seeing has a tremendous impact on you,
that you is still not the ultimate Truthnot your essential Being.
Contemplate this. Reflect upon this until you meet your hearts joy!
~ Mooji

If the lesser merges with the greater, what is the loss?

If the relative merges in the Absolute, what is the pain?
When the person merges with God, where is the suffering?
Nowhere to be found!
Why is it, then, that we feel so much fear;
that somehow we are going to be giving up something
that is delicious, precious, priceless, for nothing?
Because we trust and identify with the psychological mind
which exaggerates and distorts that which is true
as a way to distract you from merging with the
perfect Truth you already, effortlessly, are.
~ Mooji

You must digest and acknowledge and respect

your seeing. Otherwise you just keep going
back and forth from personhood.
Some people attend every Satsang but they
dont learn. They just want you to do something
for them. But why dont you just listen?
Then you can do everything for yourself!
I keep putting a mirror in front of you,
but you continue asking, How does it work?
What to do
~ Mooji , White Fire
You cannot speak about this.
You cannot show it,
and yet when you come to this place inside your
heart, you will know, 'I am nothing but this,'
and many will somehow recognize you.
They will see you, they will feel your presence.
You don't have to speak anything,
because it is not your words.
Out of the pores in your body
the evidence of Truth will shine.
You are Here, you are Here, you are Here.
~ Mooji , White Fire
You say you have been trying so hard to find the Self.
But you, the one who is trying so hard to find the Self is who or what exactly?
Nobody is challenging this identity. In fact, many feel uncomfortable to have their notion of
self threatened. Therefore, it is easier and more comfortable to perpetuate this collective
assumption that the ego is real.
And yet, do you know how important it is to be aware that you are aware of this? It would
expose the 'seeker' as a mere idea or assumption inside the consciousness you already are and
reveal the true Self behind the imagined self.
The person who is searching for freedom can never find it. This 'person', the one searching, is
itself observable, isn't it? Please try to understand and confirm this.
Here's another grenade insight: because the person is always a complexity and a nuisance,
freedom cannot be 'for' the person. Freedom is freedom 'from' the person.
For an intelligent being, the 'person' or personal identity is the most desirable thing to loose.
And every day I am trying to push you out of this little bubble of personhood into your real
existence, the vast realm beyond all conceptsthe realm of perfect Being.
Thereafter, you will look at any and every human being and see only the Source because you
are looking from and as the Source itself.

This is God meeting Godthe true meaning of Namaste.

~ Mooji
The one who says, "I can't go beyond my mind," is not the real Self.
It is a mixture of presence and person,
and is therefore still a distortion of consciousness.
That which perceives or observes this is the true Self. Be That.
~ Mooji
Sometimes I say to people, 'Keep quiet,' but once the egoic identity drops away, you will come
to see that even this advice to 'keep quiet' becomes meaningless.
There is nobody left to keep quiet.
When there is somebody there to keep quiet, there is noise.
When there is nobody left to keep quiet, there is unbroken Silence.
~ Mooji

This world has never

been without beautiful Masters
who come to remind us
of what we only imagine we have lost or forgotten.
This is the great thing about life,
because if we imagine a life where that,
the awakened Self, was not possible,
then it really would be hell here,
especially if your heart could conceive of this
and not find a way to be free.
The very fact that you can conceive
or feel the urge to be free
is itself the proof that to be free is possible,
because you cannot conceive that which is impossible.
It is from the Self that the very breath
and urge for liberation is sent and received.
It is by Grace.
And it is by Grace that it is fulfilled.
~ Mooji, Monte Sahaja 2016

Starting right now, if I had to choose from among you

ten people, or even just five, who I feel are the best candidates
for waking up to the full Truth of who or what they are,
would you make it?

I see that many, in fact most, are raising their hands as a sign of readiness.
But would you be chosen? Maybe not. And why should you be chosen?
You would not be chosen just because you say, Yes.
I will also have to feel your Yes inside my heart.
And remember: you cannot pretend.
If you feel that you are sincerely ready I will still have to check in with you to ensure that your
willingness is not just based on
some kind of spiritual fantasy or merely arising out of a fleeting emotional state.
It has been observed that when the actual time comes to walk the talk, which means to
become empty of personal self-interest
or to let go of personal identification and experience the fullness of the unknown, reasons and
excuses begin showing up in the place of faith and trust.
There is a well-known quote in the Bible that been referred to many times, but I don't know
who has deeply understood it.
It goes: Many are called but few are chosen. Why only few?
It means: Many feel the calling but few are willing to go all the way.
Why? Because they are unwilling to be fully replaced by God.
So perhaps the reason why you are not chosen
is because you yourself have not chosen the true Self with all your heart.
Contemplate this.
~ Mooji, Monte Sahaja 2016

You were never born,

and though only desire takes birth,
nothing has ever happened,
nothing ever existed!
This Nothingness you are,
and this is the ultimate Truth.
You are totally alone because Beauty alone is.
Only Self is.
~ Papaji

Enlightenment is not about words and thoughts and concepts which can be doubted,
Enlightenment is always Here.
By "Here" I don't mean this present space. Here is somewhere within where mind cannot reach.
Presence is always here and you are always That. This here is not the opposite of "there". This
here is nowhere, it is your Heart. When mind is still all comes back to the Heart. All the cosmos
is but a speck in your Heart.

~ Papaji

Drop everything, drop, drop, drop.

We are never going to be experientially one
while you retain an idea of yourself as a person,
because every person is conditioned.
Every person belongs to some party, some religion,
some philosophical group, some political group,
some kind of social group, some identity you are wearing.
And every identity fights to retain its own perspective. Okay?
We are never, ever, ever going to agree
while you are in the state of personhood.
This is what is radically fresh about self-inquiry.
I bring you the message of Ramana Maharshi,
I bring the message of Sri Adi Shankara,
which is not only just a philosophical message.
I am their living message right now.
And I am not afraid to say this, controversial as it may seem.
It is not pride because someone must have the courage to say things as they are.
Someone asked me, What is your Master's highest teaching?
Without thinking I said, I am my Master's highest teaching.
I have to say it. It sounds arrogant, but its not arrogance.
I have not failed my Master. He instilled in me the courage to say what I am.
So I now say this on your behalf, because you are afraid to say.
However, it is not enough just to say you are it.
It is not just having the intellectual conviction.
It has to be a seamless experience.
And I am waiting for too long to get you to this point.
You are too slow. You are so apologetic.
And so I have to affirm in front of you: I am That.
On behalf of you. To give you courage to say this.
There is an appropriate time to admit this and it is not blasphemy,
it is not arrogance to declare from your heart, I am That.
You understand?
We are not going to reach this as one human family
while we keep on believing in and are loyal to
our group mentality and conditioning.
Because it teaches you that you are Muslim, that you are Christian,
that you are Hindu, Buddhist, so we will never meet.
Even those who you may call
the most liberal in any group, they still cannot meet.
I have met groups sometimes, the most liberal within the group,
and they are only some watered-down version of their conditioning.

No. This has to be a living Truth.

And the only way you are going to come to the living Truth is:
You have to be like the cow that jumped over the moon,
and this moon is your mind.
You have to jump over it.
And as long as you stay as this person,
you are going to argue like a person,
you are going to defend like a person,
and I am showing you the most beautiful way.
The most beautiful way is the way of Being.
You have to come out of this tight box of conditioning.
I show you. I show you.
I don't say go. I say come.
Look with me and prove with me your original Self.
It is not a spiritual fantasy.
It is not escapism.
It is the most real.
Everything else on this planet will vanish.
Accept what I am speaking with you, the truth of it.
And I am only telling you, you have to be cured of this mistake
that makes you hold onto an identity that you are merely flesh and blood.
You are that, too. But you are not that, only.
It is time to grow up. Don't just grow old.
Grow up and look with the eyes I am looking at.
When I see you, I see the Self.
But when I hear you, you are not speaking as the Self.
You are speaking as something that is born of time,
and in a few seasons will not be here.
Take courage, and listen with your heart what I tell you.
Follow my guidance because what I say now with such power and conviction
you yourself will be able to speakfrom the authority of your own experience.
I am not just asking you only to believe.
Belief and trustthat is all good.
But it must also be experienced directlyproven.
I am talking with you straight now.
I have shown and proven it to you many times, your true nature and Self.
I am proving it to you again here, but again you hold back sheepishly.
You say you want to discover the most important thing in the world,
but you offer so little of yourself to the search.
You must have the courage to stand up and say,
Rid me of fear and ego and merge me with you.
May the great God remove all that I am not
and set my soul forever free.
~ Mooji, Monte Sahaja 2016

You cannot teach spirituality. It cannot be taught.

You can teach people spiritual practices. They are good.
They help to refine the consciousness, to refine the mind,
and to make it more receptive to subtle truths.
But each one of you must find your magicality.
The seed has to flower in you. It has to burst open.
It has to blossom in you, this seed of freedom.
If it is only practice, then your mind is doing it.
Because the message here
is not merely a philosophical message,
it is a direct guidance,
and it has tremendous power for the one who takes it,
for the one who swallows the pill.
But if you keep it in your mouth, gargle and spit it out,
then it is no more effective than wine-tasting.
But this is not wine-tasting spirituality,
where you gargle and you spit it out,
and then you write something about wine.
You must get drunk on it.
You have to swallow all of it.
Drown in it!
~ Mooji, Monte Sahaja 2016

That place that you discover, that effortless place,

you must fall in love with it completely.
It is the easiest love. Its the easiest love, but its not a love
Its the easiest love. This is the one love that will not betray
It is full of goodness and joy.
So easy to love and to appreciate and to feel so totally
Look only at that love. Be only with that love.
~ Mooji

If you could look behind the thin veil of what you call a person,
if you could truly look into the heart of any or every one,
you could not fail to love them.
Only our false projections from the mind try to justify
why it is not wise to love a stranger, why it is risky.
The ego-mind says others dont deserve to be loved.
While hatred and suspicion divides,
Love brings all things together in harmony and joy.
~ Mooji

If you dont identify with your mind, you are the Limitless one.
Dont be afraid of this word, neither feel that it is just an abstraction.
It is very much at the core of the reality of who you are.
We have become so familiar with limitations,
as are suggested by and imposed upon us by the mind,
conditioning and so on.
We are familiar with living life in a mind-set kind of context
and having a fixed notion of self.
But it is quite unnatural to the Being.
It does not accept this in the way that the 'person' does.
We are so habituated in transacting through concepts
that we believe in them and feel quite comfortable to interact
on the basis of our false or limited projections.
We dont understand that they are largely imaginary.
The Self, on the other hand, is unending consciousness.
Why should this be an abstraction?
It is not concerned about any such things.
Don't we know this?
When we look outside, outwardly from the eyes,
we perceive a world of uncountable names and forms.
When you close your eyes and look within, what do you see?

Kidneys and lungs and stuff like that? No.

When you close your eyes, what you see?
It brings you into another space, another dimension
of spaciousness, of spatialitya limitlessness.
If you dont accept the mind's interpretations,
then you are immediately in the Limitless.
It is not an idea. Ideas appear and disappear in the limitless.
When I speak of this limitlessness, do you feel it as an abstraction
or do you feel it to be totally your highest Truth?
~ Mooji

Here as you are now,

what is your experience?
This now-ness, this now of now.
Past is pastgone!
It is only perpetuated through memory,
but the actuality of what you call past is unrepeatable.
The futureit is only an idea.
Nobody has ever experienced the future.
You only experience now-ness. What are you right now?
Whatever has passed, meaningfully, is embodied in the now.
The debris discharged; you are Here, whole and One.
If you dont touch past or project any idea of future,
as you are in this moment, without going to the mind,
or stirring up unnecessary thoughtwho are you?
What has happened?
Where is any problem?
What is reality?
You are Here.
If you move in Here as Here itself,
even as your legs move, can you say when you arrive 'there'.
What exactly is 'here' or 'there' for that which perceives both?
No imagination is needed now.
No creativity required.
In your sober being,
no image is lastingly true.
Dont wait for the next hit,
the next movement
or the next experience
for that too will pass.
You are Here, simply Here.

Here is the great silence,

the great stillness.
The uncreated Stillness.
The impeccable Silence.
The fullness of Being.
The concept-free Reality.
Your unblemished Self.
How are you when you are not in a state of waiting?
Neither wishing for change nor holding onto any story.
Free from attachment to any idea.
Who is there to suffer? Or even rejoice?
Notice that all things come and go of their own accord
All things passexcept Thisyour Self.
See with your true inner eyes and confirm.
~ Mooji

Beloved One,
Since you've chosen to be free,
know that the dark forces will rise up
to try and sink your resolve
so that you may quickly give up.
Take courage. Dont despair.
While you follow my guidance implicitly
you stand and remain under Grace.
If you remain steadfast, these forces will fall away,
and victory will be yours.
Meaning: you are timelessly awake
as the Supreme Self.
Bless you.
~ Mooji (wrote)

Q: What is liberation?
M: It is to know that you were not born. Be still and know that I am (is) God. To be still is
not to think.
You will become conscious of it later but that does not mean that your nature is different from
meditation even now. Stillness or peace is realization. There is no moment when the Self is not.
So long as there is doubt or the feeling of non-realization, an attempt must be made to rid
oneself of these thoughts.
To make room, it is enough that cramping is removed. Space is not created afresh. No! more
than that space is there, even in the cramping.
- Bhagavan in Conscious Immortality

Whatever it is that is arising inside of you,

whether it is in the form of
thoughts or sensations or feelings or imagination,
all of it is just like looking in the sky
and seeing clouds or rainbows or lightning or stars;
everything is only traffic. Everything is passing.
Keep seeing and confirming
that all that you perceive
are momentary in their appearances.
Notice how they appear and then disappear.
By not becoming involved
in any particular phenomenon,
you will spontaneously come
to recognize your real place of Being.
You are the presence that all of this is reporting to.
Experience the flowering of presence,
the power and the presence of presence.
This will be the most important discovery,
beginning today, and deepening as we go.
This is the gift of having a human body:
the consciousness in its human expression
has this capacity to contemplate itself,
to go back to its origin completeness.
~ Mooji

Better than drinking more and more teachings, drink deep.

That which brought you here is quenching your thirst.
Just open your heart to receive understanding,
because life is not the hardship you imagine.
When you imagine life through the mind
it will turn it into a great struggle, a great obstacle.
But when you embrace it from the Self, inside the presence,
everything comes into an alignment, a sweet harmony,
perfectly naturally. Because at the core, all is good.
And that core is not apart from you. It is your own Self.
I would like to tell you this even while you sleep:
All is your own Self. You are the Self.
You are the pure Self.
Neither trust nor believe in the identity your mind has created.
It is just a costume consciousness needs
in order to taste experiencing.
Yet, consciousness compels you to exercise
your powers of discernment in order to awaken to the real.
Take the attitude that you are already chosen for this.
Dont allow cynicism, pride or arrogance
to gain a foothold in your mind.
Abide in this and everything will go well for you.
~ Mooji

There are not so many things you have to learn,

and even less you have to think about.
There is a vibration, a silence, which is already present in you.
Recognize it and keep quiet.
Be one with it.
And it will become your teacher.
It will be everything for you
it will be your friend, your God, your teacher, your healer.
Stay with Him.
He is the Satguru.
He is already present inside your Heart.
He is the One from whom you can never be separate,
you can never be lost.
Life after life, body after body,
He is with you,
until you recognize Him as your own inseparable Self.

~ Mooji

You are freedom itself, waking up to its obviousness.

But still there seems to be a little bone
in the throat of consciousness.
We wish to take it out?look at what it is.
What is this bone?
It is the doubt: I can't do it.
And whose doubt is it?
Find out.
But suddenly, the impulse to discover gives way
to a deep feeling of despair or apathy.
Do you feel yourself giving up?
This is what your mind wants:
you postpone. You start to feel tired.
You become fatigued.
You say, Can we try again tomorrow, Mooji?
We still have one more day. Ill try again later.
But you are here now!
I sense this moment when your energy field changes
and the urge for liberation goes into depression.
Don't buy any of this. It is all a hoax.
None of this is real. Drop it all instantly and the ghost is gone!
You are not a ghost; you are the perfect Self.
If you are going to be a ghost be the Holy Ghost.
~ Mooji

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