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Application Note

SKF Idler Sound Monitor

The SKF Idler Sound Monitor (ISM) is designed to detect problems in long distance conveyor belts associated with bearing wear in the idler
rollers (A) or material build up on the roller surfaces (B).

Figure 1. Location of bearing wear in the idler rollers (A) and roller
surfaces (B).

Figure 2. Location of bearing wear in the idler rollers (A).

Since vibration is not a practical measurement for this application, a

solution is achieved by measuring the sound being emitted from the
rollers in the frequency band of 5 to 40 kHz. This band encompasses
sound, which is sound that can be heard by humans, and ultrasound, which is high frequency sound beyond the range of human
This choice of frequency range has distinct advantages and limitations that should be taken into consideration when using the
ISM, especially if using it on applications other than long distance conveyors.

Figure 3. SKF Idler Sound Monitor.

Basic acoustic principals

A basic principal of acoustics is that low frequency sound travels much further than high frequency
sound. For example, fog horns, to protect shipping, emit a low note because their sound travels further
across the sea than a high note.
This principle is used in the ISM to improve operator safety by allowing them to stand at an increased
distance from the conveyor. The disadvantage of measuring lower frequencies is that they are susceptible to background noise interference.
Nominally, the maximum range is 3 m (10 ft.); however, this value will increase or decrease significantly dependant on the loudness of the fault and the loudness of any background noise.
The range will be severely reduced if the conveyor is covered.
Longer range is achieved by the use of a parabolic reflector around the microphone. The parabolic
shape is carefully chosen to amplify the desired frequencies of interest and suppress frequencies from
unwanted background noise.
Figure 4. Fog horn.

Whilst high frequency sounds are limited in the distance that they travel, they do have the advantage
that they are associated with impacts due to tiny defects or friction, both of which allow for an earlier
detection of the onset of a problem.
Another advantage is that ultrasound is less susceptible to common types of background, noise so
the reliability of the measurement increases.
Ultrasound can be used to detect the absence of lubrication in a bearing and friction created by the
belt rubbing against a roller in the case where a roller has seized.
However, it should be noted that industrial sources of ultrasound include water droplets, water jets
and compressed air or steam flow. This can be accidental through a valve or pipe leak or deliberate
through the operation of compressed air brakes on vehicles.
This has the advantage that the ISM can potentially be used to detect leaks, although this is not its
intended purpose. However, the disadvantage is that a temporary false diagnosis of a conveyor will occur
if a vehicle operates its air brakes.

Figure 5. Valve leak.

Background noise
The human ear and brain have huge analytical power and an
immense capacity to disregard background noise interference. We
can talk on a mobile phone on a busy high street or in a noisy area
and subconsciously filter out the interference without any thought.
This power should be harnessed when using the ISM and listening to the signal over the headphones. The ear defenders allow the
operators ears to focus on the sound being measured.
The electronics and algorithms in the ISM translate the high frequency sounds that humans cannot normally hear and convert
them to sounds that we can. This is very powerful and gives the
operator the ability to hear and analyze ultrasound coming from
defects that they would not normally hear.
However, the operator may need to consciously disregard some
background noise causing false alarms in the same way that we
would subconsciously disregard a noisy motorcycle passing us
on the high street.

Figure 6. Filter out interference.

Background noise
There is limit to the loudness of sounds that the ISM can accommodate. On the street, we would simply stop talking if the sound of the
passing motorcycle was excessively loud and then continue our conversation when it had passed. This requires a degree of pragmatism.
No measurement device using acoustics can be totally immune to
the same problem and therefore its use requires the same pragmatism.
Rocks landing onto an impact conveyor would swamp (saturate)
any traditional vibration measurement of the bearing health, and a
sound measurement is no different. We would need to wait for an
occasion when the excessively high levels had stopped, e.g., when
the conveyor is running but rocks arent falling.

Figure 7. Wait to measure when excessively high levels have stopped.

Microphone care
Any microphone used for the measurement of sound is a delicate
device. The microphone of a mobile phone will stop working if it is
exposed to rain drops or clogged with dirt. The same applies to the
precision microphone used in the idler sound monitor. The microphone should be stored in a dust-proof box when not in use and
operated with an appropriate level of care and attention.
Annual calibration is also strongly recommended to confirm the
continued integrity of the device.

Figure 8. Care of the microphone.

High pressure air flow creates ultrasound due to air turbulence that can be measured to
detect air leaks or steam leaks. In a similar way, low speed airflow due to the wind can create
turbulence around the parabola and microphone that creates low frequency interference.
This can be detected by an increase in false alarms and heard over the headphones, but
easily rectified by installing the wind baffle.

Figure 9. Wind baffle.

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Drawing on five areas of competence and application-specific expertise amassed over more than 100
years, SKF brings innovative solutions to OEMs and production facilities in every major industry worldwide. These five competence areas include bearings and units, seals, lubrication systems, mechatronics
(combining mechanics and electronics into intelligent systems), and a wide range of services, from 3-D
computer modelling to advanced condition monitoring and reliability and asset management systems.
A global presence provides SKF customers uniform quality standards and worldwide product availability.

Please contact:
SKF Reliability Systems
SKF Condition Monitoring Center San Diego
5271 Viewridge Court San Diego, California 92123 USA
Tel: +1 858-496-3400 Fax: +1 858 496-3531
SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
SKF Group 2011
The contents of this publication are the copyright of the publisher and may not be reproduced (even extracts) unless prior written permission
is granted. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication but no liability can be accepted
for any loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential arising out of the use of the information contained herein.
PUB CM3152 EN September 2011

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