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Previous research
Studying past work on
their topics and deriving
relevant information and
ideas from their
Work cited
Work consulted
Upper right hand corner
Hanging indention

Alphabetical order
The title, ignoring any
initial A, An, or The
See the handout

Nearly all research builds on ______________.

Researchers commonly begin a project by _____________ and

Indicates, the list contains all the work that you will cite in your text
Indicates that the list is not confined to works cited in the paper
The page number appears in the __________.
Begin each entry flush with the left margin; if an entry runs more
than one line, indent the subsequent line or lines one-half inch from
the left margin. This format is sometimes called ______________.
Entries in a work cited are arranged in ____________.
If the authors name is unknown, alphabetize by?

If with numeral?

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