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Equipment Needed:

At least 5 metal tent pegs

Kite line or other twine on a roll
Tape measure

Chalking the batters box:

The illustration on the right shows standard

dimensions for a batters box. Please note that
in little league, the box dimensions are 6 feet
by 3 feet, not 6 feet by 4 feet as shown in the

The easiest way to create a batters box is to

use a template box that automatically chalks. If
one is available, by all means use that. In case
one is not available, here is the old school way
of chalking a regulation little league box:

1. On the right side of the plate, find the

corner before the plate angles to a point.
Measure 6 inches to the right and push
in a peg at that spot, deep enough so
the chalk machine can go over it. This is
the center peg.
2. Measure 3 feet from the center peg
Dimensions of the batters box. Please note that for
towards the pitchers mound. Mark the little league, the width of the box is 3 feet, not 4 feet as
spot with another peg. shown in the illustration. Also note: Dont worry about
3. Measure 3 feet from the center peg the umpires box. Only line the batters boxes.
away from the pitchers mound. Mark
the spot with another peg.
4. Measure 3 feet to the right of the bottom peg (peg furthest from the pitchers mound). Mark
with a peg.
5. Do the same with the top peg (peg closest to the pitchers mound). Mark with a peg.
6. Run kite line or twine around the pegs to form the rectangular template.
7. Use the chalk machine to make the lines, one at a time, by riding over the twine.
8. Repeat these steps on the left side of the plate.

Chalking the 1st base and 3rd base lines:

1. Put a peg in the ground as close to the point in home plate as you can. Example shown in
picture above.
2. Tie twine to the peg and unroll twine down the 1st base side until you reach the foul line on the
outfield grass. In the off chance you cant see the outfield foul line, just run the line to the edge
of the outfield grass, making sure the twine runs on the outside of 1st base (see picture above).
3. Use a peg to hold the twine.
4. Now you can just ride over the twine with the chalk machine. Stop when you reach the outfield
grass. Two important notes:
a. START the chalk line on the outside
corner of the batter box. If you take a look
at the picture on the right, you can see the
3rd base line starts outside the batters
b. Shut off the chalk when going over 1st
base. The chalk can make the base
5. Do the same thing for the 3rd base foul line.

OMG! I messed up!!

Dont worry about it. Thats the reason we use chalk! Just get a rake and erase the line. Start over. Be

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