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Volume 1, Number3

September 1992

Triangular UFO in NZ
Air tremors along coast
1992 east coast flap -

part II

UFOs over Sydney -Glenfield & Waverley

UFO Reporter
Volume 1 Number 3

ISSN 1038-1015

September 1992
1992 UFO Research
New South Wales. All
rights revert to contributors
upon publication.
Published quarterly.


Unusual tremors shake coastal New South

Wales, May 1992 - Dickeson & McGhee

UFO over Lyttelton Harbour, New Zealand,

November 1991- Buttery


A close observation in Waverley Park, May

1992- Sowiak-Rudej


Close-up view of bullet-shaped UFO at

Glenfield, July 1992- McGhee & Dickeson


East coast flap of 1992- Part II Sowiak-Rudej, Sinclair, Vickery & McGhee


Editorial -

Early days

Special interest groups

Letters to the Editors

Mystery booms


UFOs and the media


New magnetic materials testing laboratory


UFO investigation and related organisations


Review- Lost in Bass Strait: Sky

Front cover: Close-up of UFO seen at Glenfield (9 July 1992).

Editorial Committee:
Bryan Dickeson, Evelayn
Hoctor, and Coralee Vickery.
The views expressed in
this publication are those
of the individual authors,
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors of UFO Research

This publication is available free to members of
UFO Research (NSV\1) and
for $20 per year (4 issues)
by subscription - make
cheques payable to UFO
Research (NSV\1).

Enquire about our advertising rates. All advertising
copy must be cameraready.

It is the policy of the Editors
not to disclose the names
of witnesses.


Early days:
Rosemary, George and me
Bryan Dickeson

I enjoy meeting people like Rose-

mary Decker. Rosemary has maintained a close, ongoing

involvement with the UFO
movement in the United States
since the early 1950s. Way back
then she was part of an extended
c:ircle of friends centred around
the controversial UFO contactee
George Adamski.
Now, Rosemary is the Historian for MUFON, providing
them a vital link to those early
days. She also maintains a very
active interest in UFO abduction
phenomena and abductee support groups. Rosemary visited
Sydney recently and spoke to an
evening meeting of UFOR
(NSW) members on 4 October
1992 (before speaking at the Sydney UFO Expo later the same
During that evening, Rosemary mentioned how she had
been at George Adamski's
Mount Palomar home the day he
and a party of friends returned
from George's fustmeetingwith
a 'Venusian' in the California
Desert (Thursday 20 November
1952). She mentioned the excitement, the 'electricity' of the moment, when thefustcontactwas
retold to them. The incident,
later recounted in the book Flying Saucers Have Landed (by G.
Adamski and Desmond Leslie),
helped launch Adamski and the
contactee phenomenon onto the
world stage.

September 1992

Nowadays contactees are

very much out of fashion, especially George Adamski, and especially in America. If you ever
want to upset a serious American UFO investigator, just ask
them about George Adamskiit hardly ever fails. Although
George died in 1965, the opinions of UFO investigators are
still greatly divided about the
man and what he achieved for
the subject.
When I meet someone like
Rosemary Decker, it reminds me
of the human side of the UFO
phenomenon - incidents are
brought much closer, made
more' alive'. They are no longer
something 'I read about in a
book, a long time ago'.
I have other reasons for liking Rosemary Decker, for I have
sometimes ignored an earlier,
family connection with Adamski. My parents ran an Adamski
Correspondence Group in the
mid-1950s and organised part of
his 1959 world tour. The tour began in New Zealand in February
1959 and they organised the
South Island part By this time

George had become a living legend.

When he actually visited the
Dickeson home, I was taken to
meet the Great Man. I was only
eight at the time and we had recently renovated the front sitting-room in anticipation of the
visit I remember that I was disappointed - I had expected a
legend and met a man with a
'funny accent'. (I also remember
George was kind. He tried to offer me half a crown, but my
mother refused on my behalf,
George's New Zealand tour
was both controversial and extremely successful - crowds
were turned away at the door
wherever he spoke. However,
on the very last day, things began to get nasty. At 6.15 am on
16 February 1959, just hours before he was due to leave Dunedin for Sydney via Auckland,
two security men forcibly entered his hotel room and threatenedhim.
There had been some halfhearted attempts to sabotage
GA' s public meetings in New

Contributions to UFO Reporter (NSW)

We need articles, photographs and cartoons for forthcoming
editions of UFO Reporter.
If you think you can help or have something to offer, please
contact The Editors, UFOR, PO Box Q95 Queen Victoria
Building, Sydney 2000.


Zealand before !his, especially at

the Dunedin lecture the previous night. My father had been
extremely embarrassed by this
last incident with New Zealand
security agents, and was worried that any formal complaints
to police would delay the Australian part of the tour, so the
matter was not fully followed
Adamski was dogged by antagonistic audiences throughout
the tour from then on, in a harassment program probably coordinated by US security

Several years later, my parents had a great falling out with

George as his declarations becarne more untenable. However, the influence of that earlier
association still lingered and the
California Desert incident with
the 'Venusian' always intrigued
It was not until the 1960sthat
UFO investigators began to realise that any aliens who called
here would have as many reasons to lie and fabricate information about themselves, as do our
own government authorities. In
several years' time, when the

smoke and dust around Adamski have settled sufficiently, it

should be possible to make a
proper assessment of the contactee phenomenon- who knows,
Adamski may even be 'rehabilitated'.
I suppose UFO investigators
have come a very long way since
the 1950s. We have certainly become alotless trusting and naive
than before, and like Rosemary,
a lot more complex. However,
Rosemary will always be an important link to those, simpler,
gentler times. 0

UFOR(NSW) -Special Interest Groups

The UFOR(NSW) Support Group is now successfully under way.
This special interest group was formed by UFOR(NSVV) mid-1992 to provide support structures, counselling, and medical and therapy referral services for people with traumatic UFO
abduction experiences. (The activities of this group, and abduction-type phenomena in Australia
will be discussed in the first issue of UFO Reporter for 1993, due out in April1993.)
Following the success of this group, UFOR(NSVV) needs to develop further special interest
groups with projects centred on subjects of particular interest to UFO investigators.
The UFOR(NSW) committee knows from surveys that its membership is a diverse group of
people with a wide and developing range of expertise, interests, and enthusiasms. Unless
UFOR(NSW) can provide suitable opportunities for its members to express or develop these
interests, then they may well take their patronage elsewhere.
Also, there is so much happening in the UFO field that the committee alone cannot both
coordinate and do all the work required. Therefore, we would like you to:
D Suggest the sorts of activities, projects or special interests you believe UFOR(NSVV) should
be involved with
D Indicate the extent to which you are prepared to support such activities (time, labour, skills,
For example, UFOR(NSVV) needs to develop:


A database, or series of databases with old and new UFO information (newspaper clippings,
videos, photographs, articles, newsletters), in an accessible format, in a variety offorms, and
under a variety of headings.
Methods for evaluating original photographic and video material being made available to
Better ways for distributing UFO information to members (for example, chain parcels, supplementary publications, yearly digests of all investigations, and so on.)

Send your suggestions to: UFOR(NSW)-Special Projects, P.O. Box Q95, Queen Victoria
Building, Sydney 2000

UFO Reporter NSW


Letters to the Editors

'Alien Update'
sending me a copy of UFO Reporter, Vol.l No.2 This is the bestproduced Australian UFO
magazine I have seen to date,
and I will therefore list it in the
forthcoming book Alien Update,
which I have edited (a continuation of the UFO Report series),
to be published by Arrow Books
in March 1993. I will also list
your organisation. Copies of the
book should be widely available
in Australia.
With your permission, I
would like to include a few of the
1992 reports contained in your
magazine. I haven't had time to
go through them all yet, but certainly I would like to include an
abbreviated account of the
Kyeemagh disc, together with
the sketch, and some reports
from the East Coast flap. As you
will know from my previous
books, it is my policy to give full
credit to investigators, writers
and journals, so you need have
no fears on that score.
I look forward to hearing
from you at your earliest convenience (Alien Update is currently being copy-edited).

Timothy Good
20 November 1992

East coast flap

I'm writing to suggest an alternative to the ET hypothesis
which the authors of your article
'East-Coast flap 1992, Part 1'
seem to think is responsible for
the recent sightings along the
NSW Central Coast.
It should be noted that earlier in the year an explosion,
which seemed to originate from
the sea, jolted the coastal belt set-

September 1992

tlements of the Central Coastit was heard and felt at The Entrance, Terrigal, and so on.
According to a 2GB radio
news bulletin at the time, some
damage was recorded from this
'phantom quake'. However, and
interestingly enough, no earth
tremors were recorded in any of
the seismological centres at Sydney, Newcastle, or Canberra (at
the time of the sonic boom).
However, an earth tremor
did occur at Taree, some time
later; this was recorded by seismographs and was reported in
the print media.
We should remember that
noctuTnlll lights were reported
before and after the Newcastle
quake of December 1989, and
thatthereweremanyUFOsightings reported in the Newcastle
and Hunter Valley area during
It is possible that geotectonic
changes in the Hunter Valley
and the unstable seismic fault
line bordering Newcastle Harbour have produced a number
of these recent UFO reports in
that region.Most sightings witnessed in 1988 and again this
year, were of amorphous conglomerates of light with no discernible
presumably ET spaceships
would need to be more highly
There seems to be sufficient
correlation between the recent
Newcastle and Taree tremors
and the latest anomalous aerial
phenomena over that region of
NSW to warrant such an alternative to the ET hypothesis.
While the geophysical hypothesis might not be the magical key for solving all UFO

reports and sightings, geologists

or geophysicists might well consider the recent East-Coast Flap
phenomena to be piezoelectric
in origin. Hopefully, they may
come up with something more
plausible than the ET hypothesis.

KT (Burwood)
21 December 1992
The 'May 1992 skyquake' and afew
of the questions it raises, are discussed in some detail next in this

Olf you have only recently become a
have still not received
your issues of UFO
Reporter, please contact us for a copy we may have unintentionally overlooked
Olf your name or address has changed,
please let us know so
we can update our
mailing list.

Air quakes

Unusual tremors shake coastal

New South Wales
Bryan Dickeson and Moira McGhee

Qn Friday 29 May 1992, Sydney radio

stations and newspapers reported a
mysterious 'tremor' which shook buildings and rattled windows in northern
Mystery booms
In chapter 7, 'Unusual Natural Sounds', of The Hand-

book of Unusual Natural Phenome:na (revised and expanded edition, Anchor Press 1983), William R.
Corliss describes a series of possibly similar detonations heard and felt along fue East Coast of North
America in 1978-79 ('The East Coast Mystery Booms').
Similar booms were reported from England, California, and Canada at fue same time.
Firstly, two loud detonations were reported from
Charleston, Soufu Carolina on2 December 1978, while
New Jersey reported one boom later fuat afternoon.
'Thirteen days later Charleston was rocked by five
more booms, and explosions were heard and felt off
fue coast of Nova Scotia. On 20 December Charleston
had two more explosions, and New Jersey, one. More
followed in the differentlocations on22 and30 December andonS, 12, and 18 January' (New Scientist, 77:341,
1978). Luminous phenomena accompanied a few of
fue explosions.
There were literally hundreds of newspaper reports at fue time. Police switchboards lit up wifu reports of loud booms and shaking homes from local
Atmospheric scientists suggested fuat supersonic
(SST) flights by Concorde planes were responsible, but
these were discounted by a geophysicist at fue
Lamont-Doherty Observatory operating several pressure-recording instruments during fuat period- the
sounds were unlike any other SST signals the station
had recorded, and seemed to originate from the south.
The American 'East Coast Booms' have not been
explained to everyone's satisfaction since.
Corliss's book includes numerous good examples
of mysterious atmospheric booms from various parts
of fue world, from earlier times (several accounts come
from Australia), and is well worth referring to. 0

seaside suburbs, and along the Central

Coast during that morning.
Dozens of residents jammed local
police and radio station switchboards
soon after the tremor hit at around 10.15
am.The tremor lasted for about furee
seconds and appeared to be strongest
around Wyong, The Entrance, Terrigal
and West Gosford.
Residents living in the Northern
Beaches, from Collaroy to Palm Beach,
and further inland at Turramurra and
W ahroonga were also shaken -many
thought there had been another earthquake like that which struck Newcastle
in late December 1989.
Residents described the incident
variously as an underground explosion,
a 'roar', or a gust of wind after which the
building they were in started to shake.
Some residents reported fallen masonry, cracked bricks and concrete, and
pictures fallen from walls. Many locals
compared the event very definitely to
other earthquakes they had experienced.
Strong earthquakes had been reported from New Zealand earlier that
week. However, fue East Coast 'tremor'
was not caused by an earthquake. It did
not register at all as an earth movement
on seismographs in Sydney, Newcastle
or at any seismic station in the southeastern Australia network, which is coordinated from Canberra.
Other causes suggested by local
seismologists included:
0 a supersonic boom caused by an
RAAF aircraft exceeding the sound
barrier. (An RAAF spokesman at
Williamtown reported that no suitable jets had been flying in the Gasford-Sydney area at that time).

UFO Reporter (NSW)

Air quakes

D a quany explosion -however, this

was seen as unlikely by seismologists, because the tremor had been
reported over such a wide area .
Some Central Coast residents suggested the explosion came from severe
thunderstorms out to sea. However, Bureau of Meteorology sources said that
no storm activity of sufficient magnitude had been detected by radar scanners off the coast at the time.
Earlier that Friday, a Carlton resident reported to the UFOR(NSW) telephone hotline that they had heard a
loud explosion. This occurred in the
suburbs of southern Sydney, at 4.50 a~
and caused house walls to vibrate.
The cause of both 'tremors' remains
unknown. D

A play by John Misto

Starring Henri Szeps

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disappearance over Bass Strait)

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(See review on page 31)



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September 1992

New Zealand UFO

UFO over Lyttelton Harbour, New Zealand

P Buttery

UPERS, Christchurch NZ
This account of an unusual object may be similar to trangular UFOs reported from Belgium around the same time.

Cass Bay youths report watching a
UFO above Lyttelton Harbour early Saturday morning, 16 November 1991 for
a period of about a quarter of an hour.
Shad almost returned home to Harbour View Terrace at 1.24 am, after
walking a friend back to their place,
when he noticed an unusual series of
extremely bright lights southwest of
Cass Bay.
At first he thought the lights were
car lights from a vehicle travelling along
Governors Bay Road and rounding the
bluff between Cass Bay and Rapaki they were coming from the southwest,

bright white

in the direction of Governors Bay. S then

realised the lights were too bright to be
car lights, and that they were more like
He then saw that the lights came
from a very large object, moving slowly
above the sea, below the level of the
mountain ridges around Lyttelton Harbour.
S became excited and ran inside to
get two friends to come and have a look.
When the three boys returned, the object
was motionless above the Harbour.
After hovering for a few minutes,
the object started moving slowly northeastwards, and passed 150 metres directly over their heads (position: south
43 36' 241", east172 41' 291") before
hovering again. The metallic object was
noiseless and 'like a triangle, but with a
flat, blunt nose' (that is, trapezoidal) see diagram of the object, as viewed
from below:
The object had well-defined edges
and was about 21 metres long and 28
metres atits widest. The boys were positive the object was too big and different
to be a plane.
Two 'searchlight' beams came from
squarish-sectioned panels at the front of
the object, and there were two distinct
rows of lights (one row red, the other
blue) to the left and right of the underside. There was one smaller red light at
the very tip of each 'wing'.
After hovering for a while, a bright
red triangle of light appeared just behind the object- this was not a flame,
but a bright, evenly-coloured triangle or
cone, with well-defined edges. As the
brightness of this feature increased,

1IFO Reoorter INSW.

New Zealand UFO

they heard a slight 'swishing' sound

which increased in intensity- the boys
assumed this triangular section was
some kind of 'thruster' or propulsion
device for the object
The thruster became so bright, they
could not look at it. The object then accelerated away, north-eastwards and
upwards into the night sky and disappeared at great speed.
Other residents nearby reported
they had heard the swishing sound.
A spokesman from Wigram Air
Force Base some 12 km northwest of
Cass Bay said the New Zealand Air
Force did not have any aircraft in the air
at that time.
The three boys were later interviewed on radio and appeared on local
television. Each was asked to draw what
they had seen separately; when compared, these illustrations were almost
identical. S spoke to a meeting ofUPERS





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in November 1991, and appeared to be
perfectly genuine. D

Peninsula is a cluster of old, eroded
volcanoes, and Lyttelton Harbour (the busy
port for the city of Christchurch nearby) is a
caldera - that is, the crater of an extinct volcano that has been breached and flooded by the
The harbour itself is surrounded by steep
mountains, 400-550 m high. Small settlements
such as Cass Bay and Governors Bay are built
on low-lying seaside bluffs, or the fertile alluvial fans washed out by small streams. Homes

and armlets trail up into nearby gullies from a

road system circling the crater interior.
Governors Bay Road forms part of the crater road system west of Lyttelton, and winds
some 20-60 metres above sea level through
Cass Bay and Rapaki to Governors Bay and
The object seems to have been moving horizontally at an altitude o150-200 m, within and
below the rim of the old crater. At around Cass
Bay, it' changed gear' and accelerated upwards
to clear the crater wall D

- - -<:<el~':? rim



The Tors


496 m -._...-...._-

452 m




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(Note: Vertical axis is exaggerated fwe times)

September 1992

Waverley Park

A close observation in Waverley Park

Paul Sowiak-Rudej

The obseroer is a nine-year old boy from Dover Heights, personally known to Paul and considered to be a reliable

Qn Sunday 24 May 1992 at around noon,

Jwasplayingwitlrin the Waverley Park
O:rildren' s playground, off Bondi Road,
Waverley (Sydney). This playground is
located slightly south-west of the
grandstand on the wesf side of Waverley Park Oval.
The weather was clear and sunny,
with slight breezes and J was standing
near the centre of the playground (posi-


Bondi Junclion



tion south 33 53' 551.2", east 151o 15'

The playground is located on a levelled area, about 6 m higher than the
Oval itself, between the grandstand and
a steep hill further westwards on which
a reservoir is built (J was not aware that
the structure on the hill behind was part
of a reservoir). Although the area
around the playground contains numerous mature trees (a mixture of natives and exotics, 8-12 m high), there is
a good view down towards the Pacific
Ocean over the southern part of the
Oval to the east and south-east (to the
seaside suburbs of Tamarama, Bronte,
and Oovelly).
J was looking south-eastwards towards Oovelly, when he noticed a grey
disc-like object in fhe sky nearby. Itwas
travelling horizontally just above treetop level from fhe soufh-east to the
northwest The disc passed about 6m
above a 16 m pole supporting floodlights for the Oval, situated some 60m
due east of J' s position, and moved over
the grandstand.
The object had a clear, slightly reddish cylindrical 'cap' on top, which
came to a point. J could see sunlight
reflecting off the clear cap. At the back
was an antenna-like structure, and underneath the disc there appeared to be
'curlyfhings', which could have been an
undercarriage of some sort, or an effect
due to atmospheric swirling - J could
not elaborate. The object may have been
making a low noise, J was unsure. The
disc section was about the size of a car
- J stepped out a comparable distance
which was directly measured at 4 m.

UFO Reporter (NSW)

Waverley Park

Just past the grandstand, the object
increased its altitude by making a series
of reguler 5 m 'steps', vertically and
horizontally, until it was about 80m up
in the air. It was still travelling northwest overall.
The disc carried on past where Jwas
standing, just north of the playground,
to a point north-west of Waverley Park
which would very nearly coincide with
the intersection of the Bondi Bypass,
and Old South Head Road (two very
busy roads). The disc thenhesitatedand
changed direction to move due east, out
to sea.
J last saw the object disappearing
seawards. He estimated that the object
had only been in his view for about 10
South-west of the playground is a
concrete stairway up a steeply-sloped
mound some 10 m high. The western
side of this mound contains at least one
large underground reservoir. The top of
the mound is flattened with a squat, Sm
high, cylindrical reservoir building.
This round 'tower' is positioned in the
very centre of Waverley Park and has a
tall radio mast on its northeastern side
- the main structure looks a bit like a
concrete wedding cake, with arches and
windows around the sides (the grand
stairway and reservoir tower are builtin
the elaborate style often preferred by
civil engineers of the 1920s and 30s).
The grassy hill is surrounded by
trees, and its pink and ochre tower make


grey body

The Waverley Park object

it a distinctive feature of the western

skyline from the beachside suburbs there are a few multi-story apartment
blocks to the west of this hill before you
get to the tall buildings concentrated
around Bondi Junction.
When first seen by J, the object
would have been travelling horizontally, at an altitude only a few metres
above the level of the top of the mound,
and on a trajectory just north of the hill
andtower. D


September 1992

"I::mcrJ;rtlcy! Amlrcunula IV! We ha~< bern captuudJ"


Bullet-shaped UFO at Glenfield

Close-up view of bullet-shaped UFO at

Moira McGhee and Bryan Dickeson

This incident was notified to the UFO Rhotline within hours ofit occurring -we were able to interoiew the witnesses
within a week. Some aspects of the case are still being investigated, so parts of this account are incomplete.
Qn Monday 6 July 1992 at 2110 hrs, M and
her fiance C were driving northeast
through Glenfield heading towards
home. M was driving.
While approaching their turnoff
south-eastwards from Railway Parade
into Salisbury A venue, they noticed a
cluster of extremely bright lights some
distance behind the line of trees to the
east of Railway Parade. (These trees
form an irregular windbreak along the
western perimeter of the Seddon Park
playing field.)
At first M and C thought the lights
were the night-lights for the sports field
itself - Seddon Park has several tall
metal towers with arrays of powerful,
white quartz-halogen lamps for night
practice. However, on this Monday
night, the lights seemed to be out of
position; they were down too low beSide view:

~ yellow/white
R ~red
B ~blue


pale blue
metallic body

I '


, r






hind the trees and too far east. They

were also more yellowish, and there
were blue, orangy-red, and red flashing
lights visible through gaps in the trees.
Approaching the north-western
comer of the playing field, where the
windbreak trees thin out almost completely, they could see very clearly
through the windscreen that the lights
were coming from a single object hovering beyond the park. There was very
little traffic travelling along Railway Parade and M and (mostly) C could make
out the definite shape of an elliptical
object sharper at one end ('the front')
and flatter at'the back'. It had an equatorial groove, and lights of various colours at different points of the main
body. Cis a commercial draftsman and
provided the diagram shown in Figure
As usual, M slowed the car down to
turn right into Salisbury Street (still
travelling in the direction of home).
They could now see the object 'back'
end-on (position 33 58' 581" S, 150 53'
271" E). It was hovering motionless
about 6 m above ground level. There
were no lights on in the houses nearby
- no-one seemed to be at home.
End-on, the object had a hardedged, pale blue metallic body with a
rounded top, a flat bottom and sloping
lower sides,
In the centre of the back of the object
there were two large, lit triangular orange-yellow shapes - these had a
cross-hatch pattern to them 'like the
grid-patterned grill you see on some
cars'. There were two flashing red lights

UFO Reporter (NSVII)

Bullet-shaped UFO at Glenfield


on the bottom of the object, and one blue

light on top (see Figure 2).
M turned the car lights off, slowing
the vehicle right down and moving to
the left hand side of the road. She
stopped the car next to a clump of
shrubs, while C leapt out of the passenger's seat and ran towards the noiseless
object. M stayed in the car, which she
kept idling. C got to within 15 m of the
object when all the lights on it suddenly
switched off. The two orange-yellow triangular shapes then rotated in opposite
directions through 90 degrees (over
about 3 seconds) and the object started
to slowly accelerate south-eastwards,
away from the observers.
M called to C to bring the car up; he
scrambled in and they started to chase
the object down Salisbury Avenue. A
little further down the road, the object
passed directly over the head of a middle-aged asian woman who was in her
front garden. The woman merely
looked up at the object and over at the
car following behind with its lights
turned off, before moving inside.
They turned right from Salisbury
Street into Tudor Place which is a dead
end, and had to backtrack. Further on,
Salisbury Avenue becomes a dead end,
so they backtracked up Salisbury Avenue to Newtown Street, turned left (to
travel south), and then east along Fawcett Street, keeping the object in view as
best as possible. They turned up Bougainville Road and drove to where that
road crosses Belmont Street. Here they
stopped the car and got out to watch the
now stationary object 2-3 krn directly
north of them and only a few degrees
above the horizon (position probably
33 57'1716" S, 150 53'481" E).
They watched it in this position for
about another 10 minutes (the local area
is a reasonably flat plain for some kilometres around). Although too far away
to see as much detail as before, the blue
and red flashing lights had been
switched on again, and the object
seemed to be hovering much as when
they had first noticed it During this
time, a second, identical object carne up

September 1992

Back view:

triangular grids


slowly from the east to join the first (it

had the same set of coloured flashing
lights) - both hovered alongside one
another for a few minutes, and then the
second object moved eastwards, back
from where it had come.
The first object then moved southwestwards through an arc of about 90
degrees over the next 2-3 minutes. It
took up a hovering position about 3-4
krn directly west of the observers, over
the Ingleburn Village (part of Ingleburn
Military Camp- position 33 58' 35+1"
S, 150 deg 51' 1920" E). After a few
minutes it was joined by a third identical object which seemed to come from
the south-west
C and M watched these two objects
hovering together for another 4-5 minutes, before getting bored - M wanted
to get horne. They got back into the car
and drove back along Fawcett and
horne. M has trouble parking their large
model car, so she got out and gave him
the wheeL M then looked at her watch
C went inside to phone a friend who
lived nearby to see if they could see any
objects in their general area, but no luck.
Cwent back outside (at2145 hrs) to look
at the sky and noticed one of the objects
(with coloured lights and orange grills),
over in the western sky moving northwards along the aeroplane flight path,
but only about 150 rn up. It was much
lower than a normal plane and moved


Bullet-shaped UFO at Glenfield

3. First object hovered
{over lnglebum Camp)







d)sllanroA {2-3 i<m?)

4. Third object joins first

1. Object first sedn here



out of view belrind the house next door.

He was not sure if this was one of the
three objects seen before, or a fourth


A few minutes later he saw a plane

following the same flight path- it was
smaller, blinking, and higher. No more
objects were seen after this. 0

UFO Reporter (NSW)

East coast flap

East coast flap of 1992 -

Part II

P.Sowiak-Rudej, F.Sinclair, C. Vickery, M.McGhee.

The second and final part of this article describes two of the nwre complex and intriguing events investigated in
New South Wales.

wednesday 13 May 1992, Soldiers Beach

(immediately southwest of Norah
Head - Paul Sowiak-Rudej spoke to
witnesses two days later)
A Toukley couple took a friend for
a 'test-drive' out to Soldiers Beach in
their recently-purchased Volkswagen
combivan. At around 1900 hrs that evening, they parked their vehicle on the
lower carpark (seaward side), north of
the Soldiers Beach Surf Club (33 17' 22"
1" S, 151 33' 5 0" 1" E) and facing
southwestwards across the water towards The Entrance. The lower carpark
is away from any built-up area, and city
lights, and there were several other vehicles parked there. (One car, a pale
blue Commodore parked nearby, contained four other people - one man,
three women -who also watched the
entire spectacle, but 'didn't want to get
The witnesses started watching a
string of unusually bright clusters of
red, green, and white twinkling lights.
Three of the objects formed a line about
20 degrees above the southern horizon,
out to sea from The Entrance, and another seven seemed to be hovering
above the shoreline between The Entrance and Soldiers Beach.
From their vantage point, some of
the objects seemed to be rotating
slowly, others were moving slowly
back and forth (making sorties inland
and then back to the coast), or making
quick jumps up and down. There
seemed to be no particular pattern to
this activity. Some seemed to be moving
northwards and inland, towards the
Munmorah Power Station, and back

September 1992

From time to time while they

watched, the line was joined by more of
the same light clusters travelling up the
coast from the south or southwest there were at least ten objects.
The night was cool and clear and
there was a moon overhead. The witnesses could see sporadic lightning
flashes from an electrical storm some
way out to sea, southeast of their position.
Two of the witnesses had got out of
the van for a better look (the third witness would not leave the van). One witness with Army reserve experience,
walked down to the beach nearby to
talk to two men fishing from the rocks
at the northern end of Soldiers Beach.
He asked if they could see the objects.
The two fisherman said they had been
watching the spectacle for some time,
and several other objects as well.
Then the nearest object southwestawrds along the coast from their position started moving northwards ('much
slower than an aeroplane'), directly towards Soldiers Point. As it moved, the
object periodically stopped and started,
hovering and moving off again, almost
in a deliberate manner, as if 'having a
good look around'.
At first, not much detail could be
seen, but when the object came closer,
the observers could see thatitwasmade
up of a main body with three or four
smaller red and white lights underneath.
When the object passed about 500
metres directly overhead, the witnesses
could clearly see that the object was
reflective, probably metallic, and almost disc-shaped with a flattish under-


East coast flap

side, and that there was a dome on top
-see Figure 1.





Rgure 1



(From angular measurements taken

by the interviewer, the object was later
calculated to have been about 36 7 metres across).
The witness standing near the van
(away from the sea) noted that the object made a slight 'whooshing' noise
and had lights underneath, arranged as
direction of movement



Figure 2

When the object got to Soldiers

Point, it started to veer inland slightly
(changing smoothly from a northeasterly to a northwest direction).
Meanwhile, two more objects from
above the shoreline had also started
moving northwards towards the witnesses. When these objects reached the
Soldiers Beach area they began to put
on' a bit of a dogfight' by making small,
fast jumps 'up and down' in the sky
above the rocks about where the Fisher-


men were standing. All witnesses could

clearly see a hard-edge outline to the
objects, which were the same shape as
the first object, except these craft had
red and green lights underneath. The
two fishermen had flashlights with
them and flashed them at the dogfighting objects. The two objects then shot
straight upwards and faded from sight.
The witnesses quickly returned to
their van, got in and followed the first
object which had headed inland. They
travelled through Norah Head, Norahville, Budgewoi, and towards Buff
Point, keeping the slow-moving object
in view, and even paced it at about 40
km per hour. Over Munmorah Power
Station (some 6 km northwest of Soldiers Point- 33 13' 38" 2" S, 151 32'
23" 2" E), the object suddenly sped up,
slightly increasing its upward angle,
and soon faded from view, some 20-30
degreesupinthenorthwesternsky. The
three witnesses then returned to the Soldiers Beach area, after having been
away for about 20-25 minutes.
Two more objects from the southern
shoreline (identical to the first three)
reached the Soldiers Point area before
turning inland quite sharply, and headingwest.
Soon after, a large oval red light was
seen to approach Soldiers Point from
the south eastern sky, from the area of
the out to sea where there was an electrical storm. Itwas travelling faster than
a plane; while still a little out to sea from
the witnesses it suddenly changed direction and shot straight upwards out
of sight (no particular details were
The next object that came northwards was quite different from the others, and much larger. It had brighter
lights and seemed to have a shinier surface.
At around 2030 hrs it hovered above
the rocks at Soldiers Point for about 15
minutes. It had an unusual disc-like
shape underneath (as with the previous
objects), but this was about twice the
diameter of the previous objects, and
there were six red, green, and white

UFO Reporter (NSW)

East coast flap

lights positioned within the circumference. The overall outline of the craft
above this ring of lights was similar to
that of a conventional aeroplane - a
very large one, bigger than a 'jumbo jet'
(over 130 metres long? Later calculations from angular measurements suggested the object was 165 15 metres
The 'jumbo' was seen to slowly rotate horizontally (clockwise, as viewed
from below). There were other small
lights - blue, green, red, orange and
white moving around the 'aeroplane'
edges and wings, and in the air nearby
- these were much smaller and dimmer. When the 'jumbo' started to move
away, these subsidiary lights around
the wings all switched off simultaneously, so that it looked like a large disc
The 'jumbo' seemed to have the
right sort of bumps and shapes where
there should be jet engines, but there
were no flames or exhaust visible and
there was no obvious noise while it hovered above the beach. Itcertainlywasn't
a helicopter.
The two fishermen flashed a torch
at this object three times. It promptly
flashed two extremely bright white
searchlight beams from its 'nose section' three times in reply, back onto the
fishermen below, and then veered off
Two of the witnesses ran across the
beach towards the fishermen, waving
their arms excitedly at the 'jumbo'. As it
passed overhead, the 'jumbo' also
brightly spotlit them and the surrounding section of beach for several seconds.
It moved off northwestwards, following the same path as the first object
(towards Munmorah Power Station).
The 'jumbo' accelerated greatly as it
went and quickly disappeared into the
The next object from the line (the
seventh they saw pass directly overhead), was identical to the smaller objects before it and followed the same
flight path (veering northwest) as the
first object

September 1992

South Pacific Ocean

~:$o,ldiers Point




East coast flap


There seemed to be more objects

still in the southern sky, but no more
passed directly over Soldiers Point.
After this sighting the witnesses
went to Toukley Police Station to report
the incident. At first the duty officers
laughed, before deciding to take a few
cars out to check the situation - there
were soon about five police cars backed
up in the Soldiers Point car park. The
police could still see some lights out to
sea, southwards, and a couple towards
The Entrance, so they started asking
questions. (Ibere were people nearby
who had also seen the 'jumbo' earlier
that evening).
The police acknowledged that there
was still something out to sea and they
wished they'd seen the earlier incidents.
By this time it was about 9 o'clock,
the display had taken about 2 hours.
Soon after, the remaining few objects
over by The Entrance just seemed to
gradually disappear - after dimming
and brightening they dimmed to a blue,
or blue-greenish, or red point of light.
(These seemed to be stationary, but
slowly rotating).
Several other accounts from people
around The Entrance, and the two fishermen of these events, confirm the incidents described here.

Monday 25 May 1992, Hamilton

South (Newcastle)
Four members of the same family
watched eight or nine large orangy-red
stars pass directly overhead in formation, from their back yard (32 56' 00"
1" S, 151 45' 23" 1" E). The objects
moved from west to east over about 15
minutes, between 1200 and 1230 hrs. A
single light was followed by three pairs
of lights, and then a final, trailing light.
While watching this display, a civilian airplane with smaller flashing navigation lights passed below the
formation, midway between the second
and third pairs, heading northwestwards (Figure 3).
The front light moved smoothly,
but the trailing light moved erratically


plano nighlpolh


\ ..

Figure 3

(occasionally slowing down or speeding up). The objects were thought to be

about 2 km away.
One of the family rushed inside to
get a set of binoculars for a better look.
When viewed through binoculars each
of the eight red lights appeared as an
orange bell-shaped object with a red
light on top (Figure 4)
(An estimate of the possible size of
the objects, from angular and magnification details, indicates they may have
been 10 3 metres across)
A ninth object could be seen trailing
the first eight red lights - but only
through binoculars. This ninth light
was not nearly as bright, had an orange
colour and was hexagonal in shape.
The family watched the formation
for 10-15 minutes, before the objects
faded out within the light cloud in the
eastern sky. vVhen the objects had faded
from sight, one of the witnesses went
inside to telephone Williamtown RAAF
Base. The Duty officer told them that
Williamtown did not have its radar on,
so could not verify any objects: however, they had already received a number of other phonecalls about the lights
that evening. D



Agure 4


UFO Reporter (NSW)


East coast flap

UFOs and the Media

B.Dickeson, P.Khoury, F.Sinclair, P.SowiakRudej
Qne of the more interesting aspects of the
1992 East Coast Flap was the confusing role
played by local print media.
In April and May 1992, the first UFO ac-_
counts were reported as something of a novelty.
Once the reports became more frequent
and the observers more earnest, local newspapers began treating the incidents humorously
and started inferring that the witnesses were
misguided. At times local journalists stumbled
over each other to see who could produce the
silliest material.
Further afield, the larger metropolitan papers seemed determined to ignore UFO reports
altogether. The only report to make it into the
big Sydney dailies happened very early in the
piece, and was rather paternalistic:
Mystery Light in UFO Terror
Police were flooded with calls from worried and hysterical people who reported
seeing an unidentified flying object early
Eight callers said they saw a large round
white object with a bright flashing red and
white light on each side flying off Norah
Head near Toukley about 2.30 a.m. Witnesses said the UFO darted silently around
on the horizon before speeding to the coast,
across Budgewoi Lake and towards Newcastle.
Senior Constable Wayne Shaw ofToukley
police said their switchboard lit up like a
Christmas tree with people calling about
the UFO. "We received several calls in
quick succession from people who claim to
have seen a white light off Norah Head",
Constable Shaw said.
'They were frantic. I can't say what it was.
I don'tknow. Bythetimewearrivedatthe
scene we could find nothing."
A man told police he was walking his dog
along the beach when he spotted the UFO.
"His dog panicked, broke its lead and
bolted," Constable Shaw said. "Another
woman said the light lit up her bedroom.

September 1992

The woman said that the light was so bright

she thought it was coming into her room."
Despite the number of sightings, police said
sceptics in the area said it may have been a
helicopter or plane. Witnesses said the object took off at high speed towards New-.
castle. A Civil Aviation Authority
spokesman said there were no reports of
anything in the area.
"Nothing appeared on radars at Sydney
Airport around the time of the alleged
sightings," the spokesman said.
A RAN spokeswoman said some ships had
been involved in operations during the past
week and Fleet Command intelligence reports suggested nothing unusual early today. 'There have been operations but they
have been far out to sea," the spokeswoman
RAAF bases at Williamtown and Richmond also reported having no activity on
their radars and had not received any
claims of sightings..... '
(Telegraph Mirror, 28 April1992)
Mind you, the Telegraph has a long tradition
of such condescension. This report promotes its
'traditional' view that people who live outside
Sydney are not only quaint, but hysterically so.
UFO Reporter readers will be comforted to
know that on the Central Coast, the locals were
much less hysterical than the staff of the Tele-

When you take into account the raw wire
reports from which the basic story evolved, it's
doubtful that the picture newspaper readers
were given was very accurate the essential
details were treated rather casually; for example:
A UFO sighting [occurred] around Soldiers
Point and across Budgewoi Lake last night
with more than a dozen calls to Toukley
and Wyongpolice stations. The object travelled at very high speed, turning night into
Police say some callers were quite shaken
by the experience and appeared genuine.
One woman at Green Point said she was
woken by the intensity of the light shimmering across the Lake.


East coast flap

Police at Toukley have contacted Civil

Aviation Departments and RAAF officials,
but have been unable to come up with an
(AAPwire, Tuesday 28 April: 0607hrs)
A UFO sighting at the northern end of the
Central Coast this morning, with as many
as a dozen callers to Toukley and Wyong
police stations. All referred to a round object moving at thousands of kilometres an
hour, around Soldiers Point and Budgewoi
Senior Constable Wayne Shaw at Toukley
police says the calls started coming in from
the same area at Norah Head.
(AAP wire, Tuesday 28 April: 0634 hrs)
Naval Fleet Command has confirmed war
games are being conducted off the Central
Coast, but the Navy says it was not using
flares near Norah Head.
The Civil Aviation Authority says its radar
at Sydney Airport didn't report anything
unusual off the Central Coast at the time of
the sightings.
(AAP wire, Tuesday 28 April: 0809 hrs)
Police Can't Confirm UFO Sightings
Police in Toukley on the New South Wales
Central Coast have been unable to determine what this morning's unidentified flying object was or if it even exists.
Inspector Mike Stephens of the Toukley
patrol says police had three reports between 2.20 a.m. and 2.35 a.m. of a round,
red and white flashing light hovering over
Norah Head Beach.
But he says police hadn't been able to find
the people who made the reports to authenticate the claims.
Inspector Stephens says he's a little sceptical about the reports. He says two of the
names and addresses of people who apparently saw the object did not check out and
the third supposed witness did not provide
a name and address.
The nearby Williamtown Air Force Base
has told police [there were] no aircraft flying at the time.
(AAP wire, Tuesday 28 April: 1015 hrs)


Toukley police are having some difficulty

investigating reports of UFO sightings this
Despite the problems with finding some of
the witnesses, police are still sure there was
some unexplained activity around Norah
Head just after 2.
Andrew Plumley reports: Toukley police
received the first 'phone call at 2.30 from
someone who'd seen a round flying object
with bright white and red flashing lights,
moving at very high speed around Soldiers
Point Subsequent callers made similar observations of the hovering craft;. from Norah Head to Green Point.
Another caller has now contacted police
from a southern Newcastle suburb saying
she saw the lights too.
But this morning, some of the 'phone numbers from witnesses aren't connected, others aren't answering, and some of the few
witnesses police can contact say they don't
want to take the matter further, and don't
want any media or police attention.
Navy and Air Force officials have denied
any knowledge of ....
(AAPwire, Tuesday 28 April: 1110 hrs)
Just because someone does not answer the
phone, or doesn't want to publicise their experience, doesn't mean they don't exist. Who
knows, as it was a Tuesday, these people might
have been at work?
Another report of a UFO sighting on the
Coastlastnight; this one at Pearl Beach well
to the south of the Norah Head sighting
which has created national interest.
Toukley police are still unable to come up
with a plausible explanation for the sightings which resulted in as many as a dozen
reports to police at Toukley and Wyong.
Elizabeth at Pearl Beach says she remarked
to her husband last night that she thought
she'd seen a UFO.
(AAPwire, Tuesday 28 April: 1309 hrs)
As well as a tendency to treat details or facts
as highly fluid, the strong desire of some reporters to 'humanise' the phenomenon may
have misled many readers:

UFO Reporter (NSW)

East coast flap

UFOs and starry, starry nights

It doesn't take too long for the reports to
come flooding in, once one person makes a
claim on a UFO sighting.
This week's reports from around The Entrance and Norah Head have encouraged
an East Gosford man to 'come out of the
closet', so to speak.
This man, who prefers to remain nameless,
was in his Webb Street backyard last Thursday around 4 a.m., answering a call of nature.
Relaxing and looking above at the starry
sky, the man claims he saw an 'illuminated'
shape moving from south to north. It was
shaped like a wedge and silent
No lights flashed as the object, moving at
roughly the speed of an aircraft, passed out
of sight The RAAF knew nothing about it,
neither was Civil Aviation aware of it.
There have been no more sightings reported from the location, but, early each
morning, a man can be seen in a Webb
Street backyard with a camera.'
(Tuggerah Lakes News, Wednesday 29 April

This sort of patronising treatment would

send the bravest of souls rushing back into their
closet, camera and all!
One newspaper bravely attempted to stop
the silliness once and for all:
Central Coast police dismiss UFO 'sightings'
Unidentified Flying Objects and excitable
journalists were a double headache for
Toukley's patrol commander Inspector
Mike Stephens, yesterday.
Inspector Stephens said that from about
2.20 a.m. yesterday the Central Coast station had received a series of about six ph one
calls at five-minute intervals reporting
sightings of unidentified flying objects.
The reports attracted wide publicity on
morning radio news bulletins, with speculation that naval exercises off the Central
Coast were to blame.
But Inspector Stephens said police had investigated the original reports and had not
seen anything. Subsequent media appeals

September 1992

for any other sightings had not met with

Police found that addresses did not match
names or telephone numbers in three recorded messages at the police station. Inspector Stephens said one complainant, a
Mr Smith, made his 'sighting' while walking his dog in the rain along a beach at2.15
After attending to the mystery of the unidentified flying objects, Inspector
Stephens was kept busy attending to something much more tangible: a long line of
eager journalists.'
(Newcastle Herald Wednesday 29 April1992).
While the Central Coast Express produced
some of the best cartoons on the UFO flap, it
also took a lightweight and cliche-ridden approach:
'Up in the air' over UFO
An elusive Mr Smith walking his dog along
a lonely beach in a thunderstorm at 2.30
a.m. on Tuesday led the Sydney media a
merry chase after he reported UFO sightings to Toukley police.
The man reported seeing a brilliant object
with white and red lights which hovered
and then shot into the sky towards Norah
Toukley and Wyong police took more than
15 calls from Toukley, Budgewoi, Norah
Head and Rocky Point by 3 am. But by 9 am
yesterday Toukley Inspector Mike
stephens was 'very sceptical' about the
'We're sort of up in the air at the moment,'
he said after police checked the names and
addresses of three of the callers and found
that they were not authentic. [These reviewers doubt whether the 'Express bothered to check much of this information
'The man with the dog gave his name as Mr
Smith but didn't leave a phone number or
address,' Inspector Stephens said. 'You
could say we are very sceptical about it.'
WyongConstable David Matthews said the
station took a call from a Rocky Point man
who said he was watching television when


East coast flap

he saw a huge light travelling in the sky

towards Toukley.
The station had not sent a car to check the
address given. But others who were awake
between 2 and 3 a.m. said they saw a lot of
lightning but no unusual lights and certainly no little green men.
A Central Coast Taxis driver in Toukley at
3 a.m. said there was a 'hairy feeling about
the place' because of the storm but he saw
Toukley Cake Shop manager Robert Jones
said he saw 'a bright light' but he put it
down to lightning. 'It was over the water
but I didn't really take any notice; he said.
'The milkman didn't see anything either.'
(Central Coast Express, Wednesday 29 April
Presumably, cake shop managers and milkmen know everything and everyone in their
community. B.y this time many local reporters
seem to have decided that the' facts' it had left
unpursued could be taken as read, and that the
matter should be put to rest, as indicated by the
following article:
UFO Reports a mystery to police
A mass sighting of a UFO early on Tuesday
morning may have been a hoax.
Toukley police received a host of calls
shortly after 2 am reporting a brilliant white
object hovering around the Norah Head
However, on investigation they found that
the names of the callers did not match the
names of the addresses thay had been
When police called at the Norah Head
homes given by the mystery callers, the
residents were bemused by the UFO queries and said they had not seen anything.
One caller claimed he had been walking his
dog on the beach at 215 am when the dog
saw the object, became frantic, and broke
his leash.
Another caller said the object in the sky had
flashing lights.
Three of the callers gave their names as Mr
Davis, Mrs Walters and Mr Smith.
'The whole thing doesn't gel; the names
don't match those of people living at the


addresses given; the police spokesman

(The Wyong Shire Advocate, Thursday 30 April
However, at the same time, one intrepid
Sun Weekly reporter, apparently against all the
odds, had been able to locate some witnesses:
UFO sightings
Reported sightings of a UFO off Norah
Head made the phones ring hot at Toukley
police station in the early hours of Tuesday
(28 April) morning.
Constable Shane Morgan said he and two
other officers received six calls in quick
succession, at about 2.30 am.
He said each caller gave the same report of
seeing bright red and white flashing lights
flashing from a round object moving very
quickly and silently, north towards Newcastle.
Constable Morgan described as 'frantic'
one woman who said the lights were coming in through her window.
Another caller reportedly told police he
was out walking with his dog when he
sighted the UFO. He said the dog went
berserk and broke its lead.
Constable Morgan said he had "no doubts
about the genuine nature of the calls".
Tuesday's reported sightings prompted a
Umina woman to give more credance to
something her children alleged they'd seen
from their bedroom window last Wednesday night
Mrs Annette Purcival said her eight-yearold daughter, Kirsty awoke during the
night to see something which she described
as "round, with red and yellowish-white
flashing lights, way up in the sky".
"She was quite churned up about the whole
thing. She said it didn't make any noise, but
it made the house vibrate," said Mrs Purcival.
Kirsty's 10-year old sister and 6-year old
brother also claimed to have seen the UFO.
Checks with the RAAF bases at Williamtown and Richmond as well as Air
Headquartes at Glenbrook failed to shed
any light on the mystery sightings.

UFO Reporter (NSW)

East coast flap

Other than a helicopter, flying 20 kilometres out to sea, official sources said no other
aircraft are known to have been in the area
at the time of the sightings. The same
sources were also unable to comment on a
report that a US experimental 'lifting body'
craft had been conducting night time test
flights in the area.
(Central Coast Sun Weekly the 'paper with personality', 30 April 6 May 1992)
The UFO topic continued to emerge from
time to time in the following weeks:

UFO was not lightning

Reports that a UFO 'seen' off Norah Head
last week could have been 'ball lightning',
have been proved incorrect by a high-tech
system recently installed on the Coast
Data provided by Kattron, an Ourimbah
based company which operates Australia's
first Lightning Positioning and Tracking
System (LPATS), shows there was no storm
activity in the area at the time of the alleged
"I don't know what the object was but it
wasn't lightning," said Kattron's managing
director, Ken Ticehurst.
Using the LPATS to graphically replay the
storm on a computer screen, Mr Ticehurst
was able to show that the nearest lightning
was at least a couple of hundred kilometres
away between Coonamble and Wagga
But shedding light on UFO sightings is by
no means the main purpose of the LPATS.
Mr Ticehurst imported the advanced technology from the USA and setup the system
at Ourimbah in December 1991.
It can provide precise information on storm
progress, intensity, speed and direction
and can pinpoint a lighting strike to within
200 metres. He said LPATS is being used as
a 'risk management tool' by a wide range
of industries and other orgsnisations.
(Tuggerah Lakes News, 7 May 1992)
Although UFOs were reported fairly regularly most nights at this time, there was a complete media break of almost two weeks before
the UFO phenomenon re-emerged. This time,

September 1992

the journalistic acknowledgment was both

grudging and superficial:
This UFO thing has gotten out of hand. We
understand a certain kite enthusiast had
one up around dusk earlier this week, fairly
high, trying to excite a report.
(Tuggerah Lakes News, Wednesday 13 May 1992
from the 'Heard in Passing' column)
UFO investigators are familiar with the old
'kite ploy' UFOR (Queensland) reported that
exactly the same approach had been tried by
the south-east Queensland media the week before.
We noted with interest an article and photograph in The Sydney Morning Herald on Thursday 14 May 1992, which reported armed forces
exercises being held out to sea off Jervis Bay,
some 200 km south of Gosford. The guided
missile frigate HMAS Melbourne was shown
firing one of two Harpoon-type missiles (each
worth $1,000,000 apiece) during daylight, on
Wednesday 13 May 1992.
However, the nocturnal UFO phenomena
persisted, and Central Coast newspapers again
began to report accounts of unusual lights:
UFOs make return trip
UFOs which buzzed Toukley two weeks
ago made a return trip this week. Observers
reported mysterious sightings on Wednesday night to Toukley Police Station.
At 7 pm a Toukley man, 31, and his daughter,12, saw 'a mother ship' off Norah Head.
It was round and spinning with green and
white lights.
Several smaller objects appeared to disembark and head off towards Birdie Island.
The man said he saw the UFO again at 8.45
The second sighting almost coincided with
an encounter reported by two Toukley fishermen, both 25. They were fishing at Soldiers Beach at about 8.30 p.m. when they
saw an extremely bright light' off Crackneck Point to the south.
The UFO 'separated into two vertical formations' before one lightheaded north. The
men said it hovered over The Entrance and
passed over their heads before continuing
north at very high speed.


East coast flap

The latest reports followed a spate of sightings on Apri128. Toukley and Wyong Police Stations took more than 15 calls from
Toukley, Budgewoi, Norah Head and
Rocky Point.
(Central Coast Express, Friday 15 May 1992)
The interest created finally encouraged one
brave journalist to provide the following, personal UFO account
Hovering white lights: a close encounter on
the Central Coast
The skies appear to have been very active
of late.
For the past couple of weeks, several reports of unusual and often inexplicable
lights in the evening sky have come from
the Central Coast area. Sightings have also
been made in Brisbane and Sydney.
But the people who publicly acknowledge
and describe their experiences find themselves the subject of ridicule and derision.
I should know. I am one of those people.
But I simply cannot forget my recent 'encounter', and cannot accept thatwhat I saw
was part of an RAAF exercise.
It happened as my husband and I were
returning from Sydney on Sunday, May 3.
It all began as we were driving north along
the expressway, about 40 km before the
Cessnock-Maitland turnoff. It was about 6
p.m. and the sky was quite dark and very
clear. I could see quite a few aircraft heading in various directions.
Suddenly, a vibrant white light appeared
not far above us and to our right It was
flashing intermittently. Below it was a faint
display of green and red lights, and my
immediate thought was that they extended
much wider than those on a normal aircraft.
But the really strange thing about the light
was that it seemed not to move. It appeared
to be hovering.
An aircraft approaching, we thought But
it remained the same size and seemed really
quite close. It remained in position for at
least three minutes, possibly more. When
these experiences occur, you don't think
immediately that you should be noticing


When I later described the hovering light to

an officer of the RAAF at Williamtown, he
discounted it as an approaching aircraft
But our speed of 110 kmh would surely put
us out of its direct range during that threeminute interval?
Anyway, it then began to behave in an even
more bizarre fashion. It suddenly turned
and flew over in front of us to our left But,
at what a speed!
'I've never seen anything travel so fast,' I
remarked, suddenly even more amazed.
'And look where its going. It looks as
though it is going to crash.'
It seemed to descend right into the adjoining bushland. We were quite sure there
was no airport nearby, and no plane would
approach a landing at such a speed anyway.
But then, within seconds, it was back up
above us to our right, exactly as it had been
before. The white light was as strong as
ever. It did not change size. And it continued to flash.
Two or three minutes later, now completely
enthralled, we decided to pull to the side of
the road to take a better look. I also wanted
to see if it was making a noise. We could
not imagine thatitwas a helicopter because
of the speed at which it had travelled.
Surely if it were an air force jet it would
make its familiar roar.
But no. Admittedly we were beside the expressway, but it was not too busy and the
craft was quite close. I simply could not
detect a sound.
About 30 seconds after I left the car the
lights, still indeterminable in form, departed to the south.
They moved quite slowly at first, then gathered speed, but went nowhere near as fast
this time. For an aircraft, it was still quite
The next morning when I telephoned the
RAAF base, a spokesman said that exercises had been conducted the night before.
so, that was that, we thought
But somehow, it just didn't geL The speed,
the hovering, the noiselessness. And the
way the whole experience was haunting

UFO Reporter (NSW)

East coast flap

After further investigation, I found a UFO

report centre in Sydney and chatted to the
woman who voluntarily staffs the service.
She was interested, especially in the light of
the recent spate of reports. She told me that
my experience correlated almost exactly to
many reports she had received in the past.
And now further reported sightings have
come from Toukley.
On the evening of Wednesday, May 13, two
separate reports were lodged at Toukley
Police Station.
There may be some perfectly prosaic explanation but, kite-fliers and military exercises
notwithstanding, I for one cannot think of
(Newcastle Herald, Wednesday 20 May 1992)


The reporter had actually telephoned

UFOR(NSW) and provided a verbal account of
her experience within two days of its occurrence.
Meanwhile, other papers were having difficulty with the 'little green men' approach, and
started siding with the kite option:
Spotted any UFOs Better go fly a kite
Its official! Little green men are not trying
to make contact with Central Coast residents, much to the relief of The Entrance
Residents believed UFOs which buzzed
Norah Head three weeks ago had made a
return visit to Crackneck Point near Bateau
But the source of the UFOs was actually
over The Entrance beach.
Brett Phillips has just set up Dizzy Heights
Kites on The Entrance Rd and takes partial
responsibility for the sightings.
A rather amused spokesman for The Entrance police revealed that Brett's kites
were the actual cause.
He said police were relieved at the revelation because they had received so many
calls from residents.
After the UFO publicity last week, Brett
notified police that he had been flying his
kites at night.
"They asked me if I could inform them each
time I fly them because they were swamped
with calls," Brett said.

September 1992

"All the nights I have been out there has

been a hell of a response from people calling the police.
"Chemical substances in the tubes I attach
to the tails light up brightly at night, plus I
use spinners and all sorts of gadgets.
"It wasn't deliberate. I work at the shop
during the day and can't play with my kites
until after dark so I like to put something
on then so I can see them."
Explaining their height, Brett says aviation
laws allow him to fly kites up to 90 metres
in the air.
The publicity over his kites means he will
organise a UFO display within the next
month where he will invite locals to join
All they need is a kite, he will have the
brightly coloured gear.
Brett flies his kites most nights at Memorial
Park or near The Entrance channel.
(Central Coast Express, Wednesday 20 May
He's got UFOs on a string
He's generated enough interest to make the
evening television news, but kite flyer Brett
Phillips said he never intended to cause a
UFO scare.
"I just put lights on my kites to see what I
was doing," Brett said.
Brett is the proprietor of Dizzy Hytes kite
shop at The Entrance, and by the time he
finishes work and heads for the waterfront
to fly his handiwork, it's pretty late in the
"But I will admit, once the UFO rumours
had started, I thought it might generate
some interest."
It did just that. One restaurant at the Entrance was deserted on Saturday night (16
May), as customers rushed outside to view
the mystery lights.
The kite manufacturer and retailer said the
publicity paid off, when hundreds of people crowded the beach at The Entrance on
Sunday to view the kite spectacular.
"A couple of local retailers told me it was
the best day's trading they'd had for ages,
so it benefited a lot of people," Brett said.


East coast flap

"I've notified the police beforehand so they

would know whatwas going on, and I keep
the kites down to the legal limit of 300 feet,
not the 1000 as quoted on the television
He's used lights on his kites before, but
never had a response like this.
The kites weren't the only source of UFO
A number of people have released balloons
in The Entrance area, carrying coloured
"I've been doing it for a couple of weeks,
after the first reports started coming in,"
Brett said.
"I suppose I've been responsible for about
90 per cent of the sightings."
"The other 10 per cent who knows?"
(Tuggerah Lake News, 20 May 1992)
Balloons with lights attached had also been
suggested as a cause in Queensland beforehand. After checking the brand of the chemical
'starlight' tubes Brett used, we contacted the
manufacturer who told us that these are very
low-power devices, probably only visible to
within one or two kilometres.
At this point, the kite story started developing numerous inconsistencies as 'details'
Direct line to aliens (by Sharron Olivier)
Fears that the Central Coast was about to be
invaded by creatures from outer space
were dispelled when a fleet of UFOs was
identified as a high-flying, illuminated kite.
Switchboards at local police and radio stations were jammed with calls from hundreds of night-sky watchers who reported
bright, flashing lights, hovering over the
Tuggerah Lakes area.
Brett Phillips, proprietor of Dizzy Hytes
kite shop at The Entrance, explained how
he carried out the most spectacular of his
"light shows" last Saturday.
Firstly, he got out his sewing machine and
made up a 30-square metre kite.
To this he attached 200 'starlights', (tubes
filled with fluorescent chemicals).
"I spent two days plotting a course from
Toowoon Bay to Long Jetty, to make sure


the kite wouldn't get tangled in wires or

anything,'' said Brett.
'Then it was just a matter of attaching the
kite line to the seat of my bicycle.
"I started out at about 10 pm and finished
between 11.30 pm and midnight."
Brett controlled his enormous creation
from a distance of half a kilometre, allowing it to soar three hundred metres into the
He said he had flown smaller, illuminated
kites in the area for the past three weeks,
but does not claim responsibility for all of
the recent reports of UFO sightings.
"I heard about the UFO reports before I
started doing this," he said.
A check of relevant dates and times confirmed that Brett's kites could not possibly
account for many of the recent 'sightings',
especially those reported from residents at
Narara, Wyoming, Ettalong and Umina.
(Central Coast Sun, Thursday 21 May 1992)
Surprisingly enough, UFOR(NSW) didn't
get any reports of UFOs from Saturday 16 May.
We can only assume that after their initial surprise, the restaurant clients were insufficiently
impressed to report the incident.
Meanwhile, The Central Coast Sun Weekly
had also decided to go straight for the funny
bone, but in a different way:
Alien interest in real estate
A Toukley estate agent has claimed that a
visit this week to the Central Coast by aliens
was not made to invade our space, simply
to look at the possibility of acquiring some
of it. George Butcher, from The Professionals, said he received a call by inter-galactic
telephone from Mr and Mrs Martian to arrange a special after hours property inspection. This was done he said to prevent
unnecessary media attention. Mrs Martian
was reported to be very impressed with a
three-bedroom brick home with family
room and garage at Gorokan, priced at
$125,000. Mr Butcher said the couple have
now returned to their own planet to rake up
the necessary deposit.
(The Central Coast Sun Weekly, Thursday 21
May, for 21-27 May)

UFO Reporter (NSW)

East coast flap

Oh well, there goes the neighbourhood.

The alien 'real estate' angle died very quickly.
Despite its popularity with both the media and
police, the 'kite solution' seemed to create as
many problems for the public as it tried to
answer. Within one week, UFOs were firmly
back in the news:
Sky lights 'probably from jets'
Mysterious red lights in the sky over Newcastle last night were probably na,vigation
lights of Macchi jet aircraft practising formation flying for a funeral flypast on Friday.
Both the RAAF and The Newcastle Herald
switchboards were inundated with calls between 10 pm and 10.30 pm.
Most of the callers said they had seen five
or six red lights in the sky, travelling from
west to east and heading out to sea.
At 10.45 pm Newcastle police said they had
been told the lights were from Macchi aircraft which would take part in a flypast
during the funeral on Friday of Hornet pilot
Flying Officer Robert Jepsen, who died in a
crash at Rockhampton on May 19.
(The Newcastle Herald, Tuesday 26 May 1992)
No mention of kites! This was followed the
very next day by:
'UFO' lights over city weren't RAAF jets
Mysterious lights in the sky over Newcastle
on Monday night were definitely not
caused by aircraft from Williamtown, an
RAAF spokesman said yesterday.
Wing Commander Ed Baldwin said no aircraft were operating from Williamtown at
the time the lights were seen, apparently by
scores of people.
A Newcastle police officer told The Newcastle Herald on Monday night that he had
been told the lights were those of Macchi
jets practising for a flypast during the funeral on Friday ofWilliamtown pilot Flying
Officer Robert Jepson, whose Hornet
crashed near Rockhampton on May 19.
Wing Commander Baldwin said that even
if a flypast did take place, Hornets would
be used, not Macchis, and in any event
pilots would not practice close formation
flying at night

September 1992

He said the lights could have been attached

to weather balloons, or even kites, as had
happened recently on the Central Coast,
when a kite-flying enthusiast had generated a spate of UFO sightings.
An amateur video of the lights, made by a
Maitland man, had not been of any use in
identifying them, Wing Commander Baldwin said.
'All it showed was a row of dots,' he said.
Mrs Deborah Ferguson of Alnwick Street
North Lambton, was one of a number of
people who contacted The Herald.
She said she had seen seven orange lights
in two groups, apparently coming from the
direction of BHP.
'I saw five lights in a line, which waited
until two others caught up, then they all
headed towards the coast,' she said.
The Newcastle Herald, Wednesday 27 May 1992.
And later in the same issue of The Newcastle

Sky-watching Professor Colin Keay, of
Newcastle University, is intrigued about a
remarkable coincidence to do with the recent rash of UFO sightings. The latest sighting was Monday's mystery red lights over
Newcastle. 'The number of telephone calls
I've taken started to rise five to seven weeks
ago. That was immediately after the TV
stations each ran what I call 'beat up' programs on reported flying saucer sightings,'
he said.
(The Newcastle Herald, 'Topics' column with
Mike Scanlon, 27 May 1992)
Once the 'kite' ploy failed, it was back to the
'misguided witness' approach. Professor Colin
Keay is the Associate Professor of Physics at the
University of Newcastle, and an astronomer.
He is also the President of the Hunter Region
branch of Australian Skeptics and a regular
contributor to The Skeptic. Mike Scanlon did not
bother to point this out to his readers. Perhaps
this would have made this apparently casual
contribution seem less casual. It is also a pity
that Professor Keay did not take up a unique
opportunity to do some field investigations on


East coast flap

Mike Scanlon continued the 'Topics' commentary the following week:

Has a Valentine man solved the mystery of
Monday night's mysterious orange lights
reported over Lambton, Mayfield, and
even Maitland and witnessed by scores of
people? We knew that the 'UFO lights'
weren't RAAF jets, so what were they? Topics hears from a lakeside man that when he
was picking up his girlfriend between 10
and 10.30 that night at Newcastle University he noticed a bonfire down by the football ovaL Two or three people appeared to
be igniting 'lengths of rope, two at a time
and sending them skywards'. He presumed they were releasing possibly small
burning ropes soaked in oil and attached to
helium balloons. Soon after, of course, Williamtown took 40 calls in 30 minutes'about
the orange lights'. Sorry folks, no green
men from Mars this time around.
(The Newcastle Herald, 'Topics' column with
Mike Scanlon for 28 May 1992)
We noted here that the previous Monday's
red lights had now turned orange, and were
intrigued by the fact that the same 'burning
rope' trick had also been tried by the media in
south-east Queensland only days earlier, after
it was suggested by sceptics there. We suppose
that good sceptical news travels fast.
And from the same 'Topics' column (as if to
prove the matter was 'just a bit of harmless fun'
beyond all reasonable doubt):
Earlier, a genial Jim Page from Raymond
Terrace, showed me a British newspaper
clipping from 57 years ago. 'Eerie flashes in
the sky', read the headline from April 6
1935, regarding mystery lights seen for
weeks near Guildford. 'That was me when
I was 12' said Jim. 'It was just for fun, not
done to deceive anyone. I'd send up a paper
kite with lights run by a battery. Itwas a fad
though, and I stopped when I ran out of
money to buy batteries.' And guess what
this spark did when he grew up?Why naturally he became an electrician.
(The Central Coast Sun Weekly, for 21 May-27


And from the same edition of The Central

Coast Sun Weekly, page 4 (in personality Mike
Willesee's column) - one last appeal to 'reasonableness' using the kite ploy:
UFO fever: It was the talk of the Coast last
week. My boy Jesse said he'd seen it three
nights in a row through his bedroom window. Rob and Tracey a tour local store had
customers tell them they'd seen it as well.
They were all right of course, it was an
Unidentified Flying Object, but as it turns
out it was nothing as sophisticated as an
intergalactic space craft, just a simple kite
with glow sticks attached. Jesse was disappointed.
So there you have it. Just more harmless
fun, and soon forgotten. And with that, the
Central Coast flap was largely over, bar a few
occasional outbreaks, charges and counter
charges printed into late May and June 1993.
Essentially, this flap ended the way all of
these flaps do. The reports just run out when
there are no more UFOs seen to report, and
when the opportunists (kite fliers et al) can no
longer make an easy buck
Fortunately, UFOR(NSW) did not have to
just rely on the information the local newspapers had provided. Several of us were able to
make weekly trips to the area to locate eyewitnesses and record their accounts for ourselves.
The most interesting of these cases are reported
on pages 15-18. D

UFO Reporter (NSVV)


New Magnetic Materials Testing Laboratory

The University of New South Wales now has a laboratory for testing
materials using intense pulsed magnetic fields. The National Pulsed
Magnet Laboratory (NPML) was officially opened in April1992. It will be
used to investigate a wide range of magnetic and electronic properties in
high-tech materials, such as semiconductors and high-temperature superconductors.
At present most of this non-destructive testing is done in European and
US laboratories using steady magnetic fields. These kinds of facilities are far
too expensive for Australia to develop. The main problem has always been
keeping such strong magnetic fields truly constant for any length of time.
However, local scientists are using a slightly different approach. Most
steady-field tests can still be made using a pulsed magnetic field facility.
Furthermore, much stronger fields can be quite readily generated this way
(more than twice as strong as thatfor most steady-field facilities), and fewer
resources are needed. This cost-reduction makes the NPML a very attractive
The new facility works in with the Low Temperature and Optical
Spectroscopy laboratories already in existence at the University. This means
that researchers will have a number of physical extremes for testing purposes -intense magnetic fields, high hydrostatic pressures, and supercold
temperatures close to absolute zero. The most up-to-date devices such as
lasers can be used for measurement.
The facility generates magnetic fields of up to 60 tesla, with two principle
magnet stations running in parallel _;_ one at 35 tesla for one second, and
the other at over 60 tesla for 10-40 milliseconds. (The earth's magntic field
is less than one ten-thousandth of a tesla.) Large capacitor banks are used
to control energies of up to 1 Megajoule. The laboratory has been built like
a reinforced concrete bunker and includes numerous safety features to
handle the high energies involved.
The project is a co-development with the Catholic University ofLeuven,
Belgium, which has a similar, smaller facility. At present, research will
concentrate on three main areas of great interest to physicists:

D Quantum semiconductor devices -the extremely small components

required to build future generations of faster, more powerful electronic computers

Conducting (and possibly superconducting) organic molecules,
which can be tailor-made for specific applications
High-temperature superconductors

The laboratory must also develop novel, fast measurement devices for
this new type of technology, and will attract considerable attention from
members of the the international science and research community. Nikola
Tesla fans, take note! 0

September 1992


UFO organisations

UFO investigation and related organisations

UFOR(Sth Coast)
Lt 126, Camden Grove

UFOR(Qld) Gympie Branch

10 New Zealand Lane
GYMPIE Qld 4570

INUFOR (Independent Network of UFO Researchers)


UFOR(Qld) Gold Coast


UFO Investigation Centre


UFOR(Qld) Sunshine Coast


UFORIC (UFO Research & Investigation Canberra)

ASTRO (Alternative Science
& Technology Research Organisation)
VUFORS (Victorian UFO Research Society)

UFORA (UFO Research Australia)

18 Frances Avenue
TUFOIC (Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre)

NEAPR (New England Aerial

Phenomena Research)
United States of America
Flying Saucer Review (FSR)
Bucks HP13 5DZ, England

BUFORA (British UFO Research Assn.)

Suite 1, The Leys
;i.e Leyton Road
Centro Italiano Studi
Ufologica (CISU)
Casella postale 82
10100 TORINO, Italy

Anomalies Research Centre

104 Howitt Street


Crop Circle Group

10 Cypress Avenue
BORONIA Vic 3155

UPERS (Unexplained Phenomena Research Society)

c/o 9 Leo Street
New Zealand

Do you have access to a

computer, and some
spare time? We need
help preparing material
for publication in the
UFO Reporter, and for
the UFOR(NSVV) database.

Tauranga UFO Investigation Group

cj o 44 Townhead Crescent
Cambridge Heights
New Zealand

If you can type and have

access to an IBM-compatible or Macintosh
computer, please telephone Bryan on (02)

PO Box111
UFOR(Qld) Ipswich Branch
BOOVAL Qld 4305


CAIRNS Qld 4878

UFO Afrinews (Gemini Publishing)

Mount Pleasant
HARARE, Zimbabwe

Help wanted!

UFO Reporter (NSVV)


Lost in Bass Strait:

a review of the play Sky
Starring Henri Szeps, at the Glen Street Theatre, Frenchs Forest

years after the disappearance of pilot Frederick Valentich
over Bass Strait, a critically-acclaimed Australian drama replays the UFO encounter and its
repercussions for Sydney audiences.
The lights are dimmed over
an empty stage. A giant wing is
suspended in the air. Music begins- an old song suggesting a
fondness for a past way of life.
Slides of a growing boy and his
parents play against the giant
Then the tape plays a conversation between pilot and Air
Traffic control- this is the last
conversation of Frederick Valentich so familiar to many UFO investigators.
So begins Sky, a critically acclaimed one-man play inspired
by Australia's most famous UFO
case - the 1978 disappearance
of pilot Frederick Valentich over
Bass Strait.
On 21 October 1978, the 20year old pilot was flying a single
engined Cessna 182 aircraft from
Melbourne to King Island some
140 km to the south. The reasons
Valentich gave for the flight
were to log more night-flying
time, and to pick up some crayfish from local fishermen.
At 7.06 pm Valentich radioed Melbourne Air Flight Service and asked if there was 'any
known traffic' in his area. There
wasn't. Valentich described a
large aircraft with four bright
lights passing 1000 feet above

September 1992

Three minutes later he reported, 'Aircraft, ... it's not an

aircraft ... it's ...' (break in transmission), followed by controller
Steve Robey asking, 'Can you
describe aircraft?'
Valentich: 'It's flying past. It
has a long shape. Cannot identify more than that ... coming for
me right now. It seems to be stationary. I'm orbiting and the
thing is orbiting on top of me. It
has a green light and sort of metallic light on the outside.'
Valentich then said that the
object had vanished. At 7.12 pm,
he reported his engine was
'rough idling and coughing'. His
final transmission was, 'Delta Sierra Juliet Melbourne .. .' followed by 17 seconds of a loud
metallic sound. An extensive
search of Bass Strait failed to
turn up any trace of the pilot or
his plane.
The incident became more
perplexing when others reported UFO sightings on the
same day. It also emerged that
Roy Manifold, a holiday maker
near Apollo Bay had taken six
photographs of the setting sun
just 20 minutes before Valentich
first reported the strange aircraft. One of the photos showed
a' dense, black lump' stirring up
the surface of the sea, and then a
couple of frames later, an unusual cloud-like mass in the air.
Some 14 years later, Sky enjoyed its first successful performing seasons in both Sydney
and Melbourne. One year later,
Henri Szeps is back in Sydney

with a new season of the play.

Szeps is probably best known to
Australians for his television
roles in the comedy series
Mother and Son, and from the
mini-series, Palace of Dreams.
For two hours (excluding
one 15-minute intermission),
Szeps delivers a concentrated
and affecting performance as a
father whose son has gone missing. The emotion ranges from
humour to despair. The UFO encounter, the ensuing interactions
bureaucrats and the media, the
family context, and the personal
repercussions are all explored.
The author, John Misto, had
originally thought of producing
a television series about mysterious phenomena, but ended up
using some of this material to
put together Sky. In this play
Misto changes times and names
- 1978 becomes Christmas
1987, and Szeps is the Italian immigrant Rocco Bettonicomingto
terms with the loss of his son
However, the initiating UFO
incident is presented authentically. The dialogue between Valentich and the Control Tower is
true. And those attempted 'official' explanations punctuate the
plot: the plane accidentally being flown upside down with reflections from the sea being
mistaken for mystery lights
(even though the gravity-fed engine of a Cessna would run out
of fuel in about 30 seconds); the
disturbing possibility the son


might play a trick on his father;

that the plane was shot down by
an experimental US missile; and
an outrageous suggestion (despite the lack of any evidence) of
an involvement in drug-running.
Other episodes in the play
portray uncooperative government officials, and the invasion
of privacy by media concems
who do not let facts or ethics get
in the way of a good story. The
grotesque role of the tabloid media is recreated using the headlines of the day.
A fictional development
dominates the second half of the
play- Rocco Bettoni's temporary descent into madness with
the imagery of the vulture of
guilt clawing away at him. The
real-life pilot's father, Guido Valentich, did not go mad, but he
did want to believe his son was
still alive - perhaps abducted
by a UFO - rather than dead.
Every year, on the anniversary
of his son's disappearance, a
newspaper story would appear,
describing his solitary visit to
Cape Otway (the point on the
Australian mainland, nearest to
King Island), to ponder andremember. Inevitably, one year a
clairvoyant publicised claims of
receiving messages from Valentich 'from the other side'.
Most of all, the play is about
the personal repercussions of
the loss of a child-the disbelief,
the numbing shock, the selfdoubts, the guilt, and the growing uncertainty of life and death.
In the Melbourne program
note, John Misto extended the
theme of the play to missing persons in general:
During the next ten years,
250,000 Australians will go
missing. Between 5% and
10% of these people will
never be located. And this,

apparently, is a conservative
estimate. It is quite simply a
modern epidemic.
People aren't supposed to
disappear. It makes all of us
nervous. As well as the grief,
their families are forced to
deal with ridicule, trickery,
blame and innuendo. Their
lives, not surprisingly, are
usually devastated. They are
often good and decent people who deserve better from
fate and from us.
Because of this theme, Sky
was chosen to be part of the 1992
Missing Persons Week.
The issue of dealing with
'ridicule, trickery, blame and innuendo' also indicates the fate of
many UFO witnesses. It should
make all sides of the UFO subject
pause to seriously consider the
ethical implications of their activities.
The play finishes with a
deafening noise and a flash of
green light as the pilot encounters his end.
The Department of Transport selectively released its
sparsely-detailed'Aircraft Accident Investigation Summary Reporf, dated 26 April 1983. The
report stated the degree of darnage to the aircraft was 'not
known', and the degree of injury
was 'presumed fatal'. It concluded: 'the reason for the disappearance of the aircraft has
not been determined'.
There are obvious shortcomings in the Valentich case
which weaken it more than
many UFO enthusiasts are prepared to admit. The missing airplane means that the most vital
physical evidence is lacking.
The missing pilot means that
even the central UFO witness
has never been interviewed.
The hoax-suicide explanation cannot be ruled out either.

According to his father,

Frederick believed in UFOs,
claimed to have seen classified
Air Force information on them,
and to have seen a UFO several
months previously. Valentich
may even have taken his own
scrapbook of UFO press clippings with him to the airport on
the day of his last flight. Why?.
Whatever the reason, he was no
naive UFO witness.
Despite the flaws of the case,
it remains a genuine mystery,
unlikely to ever be solved. Un~
less time and tide eventually disclose the pilot's fate.
Sky leaves a strong impression with its serious and powerful performance by Henri Szeps.
Its stark, minimalist set allows
the imagination to fill in the details. The computer-controlled
changes in lighting and sound
add to the dramatic impact. Perhaps, at two hours, the play is a
little long. It may have been even
more effective as a shorter, onehour presentation. But it remains an effective drama. For
those of us fascinated byufology
lore, its themes remain doubly

Mark Moravec,
Anomaly Research Centre,

Kyeemagh UFO,


In the last issue of UFO

Reporter we failed to provide the date of the Kyeemagh UFO sighting -it
occurred on Sunday 19
April1992 (Easter Day)

Produced by Keyword Editorm! Services, Suite 2A, 421 Elizabeth Street Surry Hills 2010. Telephone (02) 281 04.60 Fax (02) 2814498

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