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Rhetorical Analysis of The American Red Cross

Luis Ramirez
Ricardo Rivera
Destiny Guerra
University of Texas at El Paso

Author Note
500 W University Ave, El Paso, TX 79902. UGLC 234

Rhetorical Analysis of the American Red Cross
The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of
emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors (
The American Red Cross is always there in times of need, through its network of volunteers,
donors and partners. It aspires to turn compassion into action, so that people across the country
and around the world can hope by receiving care and shelter. Analyzing the American Red Cross
website in a rhetoric form will inform and persuade the general population to volunteer, donate
and prepare. The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of
emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors (
Founded in the year 1881, the American Red Cross, since the beginning, has dedicated itself to
the needs of others. The American Red Cross is always there in times of need, through its
network of volunteers, donors and partners. On May 2, 1881, in Washington D.C, Clara Barton
founded the American Red Cross. Clara Barton led the American Red Cross for 23 years, in
which those years, the United States took part in the first domestic overseas disaster relief efforts.
The American Red Cross aspires to turn compassion into action, so that people across the
country and around the world can hope by receiving care and shelter. After World War II, the
Red Cross introduced the first nationwide civilian blood program that now supplies more than 40
percent of the blood products in the United States ( Throughout the nation,
American Red Cross has made a difference in the lives of mankind. From natural disasters to
fighting cancer, American Red Cross has been there to help in any way possible. However,
American Red Cross hasnt only affected the lives of someone in need, but it also has provided
jobs, certification, and training to members and providers of the American Red Cross. The
number of local chapters jumped from 107 in 1914 to 3,864 in 1918 and membership grew from

17,000 to over 20 million adults and 11 million Junior Red Cross members (
Analyzing the American Red Cross website in a rhetoric form will inform and persuade the
general population to volunteer, donate and prepare. Whether its down the street or thousands of
miles away, the American Red Cross will do everything to help and anyone can help make a
difference too.

The American Red Cross has very strong logos backing on the official website. The logic
and ease of navigation from page to page especially the homepage appeals to human emotion by
making the statement you can make the difference. The other pages are clear and concise to the
overall mission and vision of The American Red Cross. The navigation tabs describe in a
simplistic approach what the objective of each will be.

The use of colorful imagery becomes a powerful component on the homepage by

showing a fire truck and a person with regular clothes wearing a red cross volunteer vest hugging
a what appears to be a child with an overall red background. This color has significant meaning
because it prompts the audience to stop and think about the sense of urgency conveyed in the
message the American Red Cross transmits, and it call to the humanitarian action of regular
individuals. This message can also be seen in the use of key words such as: You, Respond, Help,
Today, Matters. These words call to the immediate action of the audience. The website uses
videos and narratives of regular individuals performing extraordinary actions, these tools
embody what the American Red Cross represents.

The American Red Cross website exercises a strong ethos, due to the ease of contact, by
crating a specific navigation tabs with clear colloquial language according to the task one wishes
to accomplish. The use of correct grammar and punctuation is present throughout the site. If any
individual wants to contact the American Red Cross for any purpose, the individual can simply
go to the bottom of the page and look for the tab, contact us and a list of phone numbers will
appear regarding what the individual needs. This can also be said the same for locating its board
members, currently the president and CEO is Gail J. Mcgovern, funding provided for the
American Red Cross is Brian J. Rhoa as he is the Chief Financial Officer. As we previously
mentioned before of the use of pathos, the American Red Cross is always up to date, as it always
posts news and articles of recent events.

2016 The American Red Cross.


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