Climate Change Speech

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Farah Afifah

Grade 11
English B


Food and Global Warming

Today, I am going to discuss a specific issue that contributes to global warming and a
specific solution that would help to counteract this. One of the primary causes of greenhouse
creation is livestock animals.
Animal production for meat accounts for most of all agricultural land use. It is a major
cause of deforestation as a result of clearing forest to create pasture. Now, livestock such as
cows can produce large amount of a powerful greenhouse gas called methane. Methane traps
25 times more heat than carbon dioxide.
Carrying out the process of raising animals for food is also a wasteful process. The
animal farming industry provides plant food to the animals which usually consists of artificial
nitrous fertilizers. The results is an excess nitrous oxide will be released from the soil into the
atmosphere and contribute to global warming.
How can we, as individuals, solve this massive problem? We can choose how we use
every acre of land. We can either use it to grow animals or plants for our food. It is worth
considering that a person who follows a vegan diet, produce 50% less CO2 and uses far less
land to grow on compared to a meat eater.
Our consumption of animals is a leading cause of habitat destruction, ocean dead
zones, and global warming. Are these facts enough to convince you to make important changes
in your own life? For example think about eating less meat and more veggies. The answer is
clear. Its time to act, global warming is real and it is time for you to become a vegan; or at least
a vegetarian.

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