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WORKS Simple Present Statements (Basic-60 minutes)


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Full Contact Interchange Intro Book Fourth Edition

Internet Website Tool

Model Simple Present Listening.

Simple Present Listening Exercises.


Lesson Objectives
1. Students will be able to listen to and speak about the Simple Present Statements.
2. Students will demonstrate their understanding the Simple Present Statements speaking
correctly about their parents work. This task will allow students to recall and practice the
last theme (Simple Present Grammar) learned before.

Warm-up and Objective Discussion

Show pictures about different Works or jobs, such as engineer, architect, doctor, lawyer,
plumber, carpenter or nurse. (slides 1-4).
As a Pre-Listening activity, in order to recall the prior learning (Simple Present Statements)
and practicing the listening ans speaking skills, ask students to listen to the listening
called Work. Ask them to put attention at the listening because they must identify the
main ideas about it (EXTENSIVE LISTENING). Then, as an EXTENSIVE
SPEAKING group activity, ask them to have a brainstorming session about the ideas
identified in the activity and write them on the blackboard.
After discussing the student responses, explain them why is so important to know the
activities belong to each work, so they can go to them to meet their needs.

Objective Discussion

Tell students that today they are going to practice the Simple Present Statements talking
about works.

Instruct and Model (L/S)

1. As a Listening activity ask students to listen to again the listening called Work but now
their task will be to identify the statements with simple present tense (Intensive Listening).
Ask them to list these verbs in simple present and share them with a partner. While the
students are having the conversation, circulate around the classroom in order to listen to
students with the purpose to find out how accurately the students can speak
(INTERACTIVE and INTENSIVE SPEAKING) answering questions and giving tips to make
their speaking better.
2. Recall prior knowledge about simple present tense learned by students in last class
emphasizing the Simple Present Grammar (slide 5).
3. Share some personal thoughts the currently events.
4. In order to make instructions sticky invite some students to share their own thoughts
about the topic.

Hand out the model transcript of the listening Work and listen to the audio again. Ask
students to compare their vocabulary list with the transcript (Post-Listening Activity). In
order to learn different sounds work on COMPARE, IDENTIFY and PRODUCE MINIMAL


In order to help students to practice better the listening and speaking skills about the
Simple Present Tense, using SAMR change the physical excercises for the on-line
(Substitution). This tool gives the opportunity to improve listening and speaking skills
adding videos and even interactive practices (Augmentation).

Less Guided Practice.

As purpose to find a well listening connection with the learners (voice) hand-out to each
student a copy of a transcription as a fill in the blank quiz. Ask students to answer it while
they are listening a new listening audio. While the students are working, circulate around
the classroom answering questions and giving tips to CORRECT them on the SPOT.

Independent Practice (W/L/S)

(Homework) Ask students to write in three paragraphs about any topic using the Simple
Present Tense.
In the next class, put students in pairs, each one has to share speaking their paragraphs
with their classmate.
Have the students talk about the topics and provide feedback checking
the PRONUNCIATION on their partners speaking (INTERACTIVE SPEAKING). Correct
mainly the GLOBAL ERRORS speaking of the students and discuss any problem. Then,
ask them go back and correct their paragraphs and their speaking based on the feedback
received and the class discussions.

Assessment (R/W/L/S)
Each student will write two paragraphs about their parents work in the Simple Present
Tense. After that, its time to share their work speaking with a partner and give a feedback
to each other. In order to PREPARE and PRCTICE their discussion, give them 10 minutes
to talk about it (INTERACTIVE SPEAKING). Then, explain the next goal of assessment:
- Tell them they will be able to use correctly the Simple Present Tense.
Display the rubric on slide 6 and explain students the assessment parameters as indicated
in the following sentences:

- Did de learner write two paragraphs using the Simple Present Tense?
3 pts
Yes, the learner wrote two paragraphs using the Simple Present Tense.
0 pts
The learner didn't write two paragraphs using the Simple Present Tense.

- Did the learner share their speaking two paragraphs using the present continuous
3 pts
Yes, the learner SHARED speaking their two paragraphs using the Simple Present Tense.
0 pt
No, the learner didnt SHARE speaking their two paragraphs using the Simple Present
Tense. Please tell the learner which activities are missing.

- Did the learner use correctly the present continuous tense in their speaking?
3 pts
No errors in using Simple Present Tense.
2 pts
A few errors in using Simple Present Tense.
1 pt
Some errors in using Simple Present Tense.
0 pts
Several errors in using Simple Present Tense.

Objective Discussion
Well, as you can see, today you are going to practice the Simple Present Tense talking about
Ok, now listen to again the listening called Works but now put attention and identify the verbs
with simple present tense. Please, list these verbs and share with a partner the sentences
found. Do you finished? Finally, compare your answers with the listening transcript. Are they
correct? Fine. It is an Interesting topic, isnt?
In your opinin, what is the main Works or Jobs and why?
(, its time to
practice the listening and speaking skills about the simple present tense.






Please wath the next video and pay attention in the listening in order to identify the simple
present statements.


Ok, keeping you into the same electronic address answer the two listening and speaking skills
excercises in order to learn better and practice the grammar focus and vocabulary about the
simple present statements.

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