Ghazar Parpetsi

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Ghazar Parpetsi

Warning: the religion parameter will be removed soon. asked his friend to write a new history of Armenia, start(this message is shown only in preview).
ing from where historian Faustus of Byzantium left o;
that is, with the reign of king Arsaces II (Arshak II).[2]:215
Ghazar Parpetsi (Armenian: , History is composed of three parts: the rst is about Armenian history from the mid-fourth century and life in
Latin: Lazarus Pharpensis; Ghazar of Parpi, alternatively spelled as Lazar Parpetsi and azar Parpetsi; Armenia under Sasanian rule until the deaths of Sahak
Mesrop Mashtots in the mid-fth century; the
c. 442 early 6th century) was a 5th to 6th century Partev and
the events leading up to the battle of
Armenian chronicler and historian. He had close ties
its subsequent consequences; and the
with the powerful Mamikonian noble family and is most
the Vartanank wars and the 484 signprominent for writing a history of Armenia, History of
Treaty.[2]:2156 The main sources he
Armenia, sometime in the early sixth century.
uses in History are the primary works of other historians, Agathangelos, Koryun, and Faustus, although he apparently made use of other historians works, including
1 Life
Eusebius of Caesarea's Historia Ecclesiastica.[3]
Ghazar was born in the village of Parpi (near the town
of Ashtarak in Armenia).[1] Owing to the close ties he
held with the Mamikonian family, following the defeat of the Armenians at the battle of Avarayr in 451,
Ghazar moved to the Mamikonian Prince Ashusahs castle in Tsurtav (in Georgia), where he received his primary education. Studying under the auspices of Aghan
Artstruni, he befriended Vahan Mamikonian; he was
an excellent student and from 465 to 470 he attended
school in Constantinople, learning new languages, studying religion, literature, and classical philosophy.[2]:213 Returning to Armenia, Ghazar busied himself with educational and spiritual activities in the town of Shirak, then
part of the domains of the Kamsarakan family. From
484 to 486, he lived in Syunik until Vahan Mamikonian,
who had been recently appointed the head of marzpan
Armenia, invited him to oversee the reconstruction of
a monastery being built in Vagharshapat.[1] Vahan appointed Ghazar an abbot at the monastery, although the
education that Ghazar had received as well as his educational and spiritual policies did not sit well with the more
conservative elements of the church. Accusing him of
heresy, he was forced out of the monastery in 490, taking
up residence in the city of Amida in Byzantium.[2]:214

3 References
[1] (Armenian) Melik-Bakhshyan, Stepan.

(Ghazar Parpetsi). Soviet Armenian Encyclopedia. vol. vii. Yerevan: Armenian Academy of
Sciences, 1981, pp. 1920.
[2] Hacikyan, Agop Jack, Gabriel Basmajian, Nourhan
Ouzounian and Edward S. Franchuk. The Heritage of Armenian Literature: The Heritage of Armenian Literature:
From the Oral Tradition to the Golden Age, vol. 1. Detroit:
Wayne State University, 2000, ISBN 0-8143-2815-6.
[3] Bedrosian, Robert. Ghazar P'arpec'is History of the
Armenians: Translators Preface. Robert Bedrosians
Homepage. New York, 1985. Accessed June 9, 2008.

4 External links
Translators Preface to the English translation of
History of the Armenians
English translation of the History of the Armenians
mirror if main site unavailable

According to Armenian tradition, it is said that Ghazar

was buried near the ruins of an Armenian church in Parpi
Canyon, south of a village named Lazrev in Armenia.[1]


Ghazar is best known for writing the History of Armenia.

After returning from Amida in 493, Vahan Mamikonian


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