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Barrioquinto et al vs. Fernandez et al | G.R. No. L-1278 | January 21, 1949 | Ponente: Feria, J.

Nature of Case: Executive Clemency

Petitioners(s): Loreto Barrioquinto
Respondent(s): ???
SUMMARY: This is a special action of mandamus instituted by the petitioners against the respondents who composed the
14th Guerrilla Amnesty Commission, to compel the latter to act and decide whether or not the petitioners are entitled to
the benefits of amnesty.
Petitioners Norberto Jimenez and Loreto Barrioquinto were charged with the crime of murder
As petitioner had not been arrrested, the case proceeded against the Jimenez, and after trial Court of First Instance of
Zamboanga sentenced him to life imprisonment
Before the period for perfecting an appeal had expired, the defendant Jimenez became aware of the Proclamation No.
8, dated September 7, 1946, issued by the President with the concurrence of Congress
- grants amnesty in favor of all persons who may be charged with an act penalized under the Revised Penal Code
- in furtherance of the resistance to the enemy or against persons aiding in the war efforts of the enemy
- that were committed during the period from December 8, 1941, to the date when each particular area of the
Philippines where the offense was actually committed was liberated from enemy control and occupation
submitted his case to the Guerilla Amnesty Commission presided by the respondents; Barrioquinto did the

the Amnesty Commission issued an order returning the cases of the petitioners to the CFI of Zamboanga, without
deciding whether or not they are entitled to the benefits of the said Amnesty Proclamation, on the ground that neither
Barrioquinto nor Jimenez have admitted having committed the offense
1. WON a person should, as a condition precedent or sine qua non, admit having committed the criminal act or offense
which he is charged, to entitle him to the benefits of amnesty NO


by Proclamation of the Chief Executive with the concurrence of Congress

granted by the Chief Executive

public act which the courts should take judicial notice

a private act must be pleaded and proved by the person pardoned,

because the courts take no notice thereof

granted to classes of persons or communities who may be guilty of

political offenses, generally before or after the institution of the criminal
prosecution and sometimes after conviction

granted to one after conviction

looks backward and abolishes and puts into oblivion the offense itself, it
so overlooks and obliterates the offense with which he is charged

looks forward and relieves the offender from the consequences of an

offense of which he has been convicted, that is, it abolishes or forgives
the punishment

the person released stands before the law precisely as though he had
committed no offense

does not restore the rights to hold public office, or the right of suffrage,
unless such rights be expressly restored by the terms of the pardon; does
not exempt the culprit from the payment of the civil indemnity imposed
upon him by the sentence

in order to entitle a person to the benefits of the Amnesty Proclamation, it is not necessary that he should, as a condition
precedent, admit having committed the criminal act or offense with which he is charged and allege the amnesty as a
- sufficient that the evidence shows that the offense committed comes within the terms of said Amnesty
or not he admits or confesses having committed the offense with which he is charged does not matter

- the Commission should, if necessary or requested by the interested party, conduct summary hearing of the
witnesses both for the complainants and the accused, on whether he has committed the offense in furtherance of
the resistance to the enemy, or against persons aiding in the war efforts of the enemy, and decide whether he is
entitled to the benefits of amnesty
that an Amnesty Commission should not proceed to the investigation and act and decide whether the offense

with which an accused was charged is within the terms of the Amnesty Proclamation if he does not admit or confess
having committed it, would be to defeat the purpose for which the Amnesty Proclamation was issued and the Amnesty
Commissions were established

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- if ordinary courts can proceed to the trial or hearing of a case and decide whether the offense committed by the
defendant comes within the terms of the Amnesty Proclamation although the defendant has pleaded not guily,
there is no reason why the Amnesty Commissions can not do so
Wherefore, respondents are ordered to immediately proceed to hear and decide the applications for amnesty of
petitioners, unless the courts have in the meantime already decided the question WPN they are entitled to the
benfits of the Amnesty Proclamation No. 8.
Tuason, J., dissenting
The decision proceeds on the assumption that the Guerilla Amnesty Commission refused to hear and decide the
application for amnesty of the present petitioners
- however, there were examinations of records, hearing and decisions meaning that the Commission was able to
hear and decide on the Amnesty proceedings of the petitioners contrary to the belief of the Court
- it also shows that the Commission acted in the manner contemplated by Proclamation No. 8
Amnesty Commissions
- are executive instrumentalities acting for and in behalf of the President
- are not courts are not performing judicial functions
- Court has no appelate jurisdiction over their accusations, orders or decisions
Mandamus is ordinarily a remedy for official inaction
- Court can order the Commission to act but it cannot tell the Commission how to act
- how or for whom the judgment a case should be decided is a matter of judgment which the courts have no
jurisdiction to control or review so is the sufficiency or insufficiency of evidence
- writ of mandamus will not issue to control or review the exercise of discretion of a public officer where the law
imposes upon a public officer the right and the duty to exercise judgment
Amnesty presupposes the commission of a crime
- when an accused denies guilt to the crime, he cannot have any use for the manesty
A petition for amnesty is in the nature of a plea of confession and avoidance
- it is inconsistent for one to justify an act, or seek forgiveness for an act of which, according to the accused, he is
not responsible
it is only the accused and his witnesses could prove that the victim collaborated with the enemy; that the killing was
perpetrated in furtherance of the resistance movements; that no personal motive intervened in the commission of the
murder these could only be explained by the accused and his witnesses

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