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Timothy J. Jones, OSB No.

[email protected]
Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland OR 97204
(503) 374-1414
(971) 925-9034 fax



RUSSELL PITKIN and MARY PITKIN, CoPersonal Representatives of the Estate of


Case No.__________


RIGHTS (42 USC 1983) and

Delaware Corporation; CORIZON HEALTH,
INC., a Tennessee Corporation; WASHINGTON
COUNTY, a government body in the State of
individual; COLIN STORZ, an individual;
LESLIE ONEIL, an individual; CJ
BUCHANAN, an individual; LOUISA
DURU, an individual; MOLLY JOHNSON,
an individual, COURTNEY NYMAN,
an individual; PAT GARRETT, in his capacity
as Sheriff for Washington County; JOHN DOES
1-10; and JANE DOES 1-10.
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Jones Ammann LLC

888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034




Madaline Pitkin was arrested in the evening of April 16, 2014 by Tualatin Police
Department for unlawful possession of heroin. A few hours later she was booked into the
Washington County jail.

At that time, and all times relevant, Washington County

contracted with Corizon Health, Inc. to provide medical services at the jail. At intake
(4/17/14, about 4:14 am), Pitkin notified medical staff that she last used heroin, one gram
intravenously, about 7 pm the prior evening, and that she was feeling the effects of
withdrawal. Pitkin was placed in the general population unit, where she remained for
seven days. The following morning (4/18/14) LPN Louisa Duru performed a Clinical
Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) evaluation of Pitkin. That evaluation was flawed in at
least one respect (numeric results incorrectly tabulated). LPN Dura then ordered Pitkin
started on a Partial Opiate Withdrawal Protocol. Duru later advising investigators that she
had checked with the doctor for approval of her actions. The only doctor working at the
jail at this time, Joseph McCarthy, MD, had not, however, been consulted by LPN Dura
concerning her COWS evaluation or initiation of the Partial Opiate Withdrawal Protocol.
LPN Dura advised Pitkin to let them know if she feels sick by putting in a medical request
(Health Care Request) form. Over the next seven days Pitkins condition deteriorated.
During those seven days Pitkin submitted at least four Health Care Request forms asking
for medical care. None resulted in an exam, evaluation or other contact with medical staff.
Rather, each request for medical attention received only a notation on the form by an LPN
or RN. During those seven days deputies at the jail expressed concern about Pitkins

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

deteriorating condition. During those seven days video surveillance confirms Pitkins
deteriorating physical condition. By 4/23/14 jail deputy staff made multiple calls to
Medical. RN CJ Buchanan finally responded, and possibly Dr. McCarthy as well and,
unable to get a reliable blood pressure reading, Pitkin was transferred to the Medical
Observation Unit (MOU). This was the only time Pitkin was seen by a doctor in the jail.
The following morning (4/24/14) Pitkin was found dead in her cell in the MOU. Dr.
McCarthy, the only physician on staff at the Washington County jail, had been terminated
the day before Pitkins death (4/23/14), and no physician was on staff the day Pitkin died.

This action arises under the constitution and laws of the United States and jurisdiction is
based on 28 USC 1331 and 28 USC 1343(a). This Court has pendant jurisdiction of
the state law negligence claims pursuant to 28 USC 1367, and diversity jurisdiction
pursuant to 28 USC 1332(c)(2).


Plaintiffs Russell Pitkin and Mary Pitkin are the duly appointed personal representatives of
the Estate of Madaline Pitkin, deceased (hereinafter referred to as Pitkin). Russell and
Mary Pitkin are the parents of Madaline Pitkin, deceased. At the time of her death, Pitkin
was a citizen and a resident of the State of Oregon. At all times pertinent, Madaline Pitkin
was a detainee in the Washington County Jail.


Corizon Health, Inc. is a Delaware corporation and a Tennessee corporation authorized to

do business in the State of Oregon (hereinafter collectively referred to as Corizon). Its
business is providing medical services in jails and prisons nationally, and in Washington

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

County jail specifically at all relevant times. At all times herein pertinent, Corizon was
acting under color of state law.

Washington County is an Oregon county. Washington County operates a jail in Hillsboro,

Oregon, and is responsible for the provision of medical care for all detainees and persons
in its custody. At all times material, it contracted with Corizon to provide all necessary
medical care to detainees and persons held at the Washington County jail.


Based upon information and belief, defendant McCarthy, a licensed physician, was the
chief medical health officer for Corizon in April of 2014, and at all times pertinent was
responsible for the health policies, customs and procedures utilized by Corizon employees
working in the Washington County jail. McCarthys last day at the Washington County
jail was 4/23/14, the day before Pitkins death. On 4/24/14, the day of Pitkins death, and
for several days thereafter, there was no physician at the Washington County jail. At all
times herein pertinent, defendant McCarthy was acting under color of state law. Based
upon information and belief, defendant McCarthy is a citizen and resident of the State of


Based upon information and belief, defendant Oneil, a registered nurse, was the Director
of Nursing for Corizon in April of 2014, and at all times pertinent was responsible for the
nursing policies, customs and procedures utilized by Corizon employees working in the
Washington County jail. At all times herein pertinent, defendant Oneil was acting under
color of state law. Based upon information and belief, defendant Oneil is a citizen and
resident of the State of Oregon.


Based upon information and belief, defendant Storz, a licensed physician assistant, was the

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

only physician assistant working for Corizon at the Washington County jail. As such he,
under supervision of defendant McCarthy, was responsible for medical care policies,
customs and procedures utilized by Corizon employees working in the Washington County
jail. At all times herein pertinent, defendant Storz was acting under color of state law.
Based upon information and belief, defendant Storz is a citizen and resident of the State of

Based upon information and belief, defendant Buchanan, a registered nurse, is a Corizon
employee who at all times pertinent was a nurse working in the Washington County jail.
At all times herein pertinent, defendant Buchanan was acting under color of state law.
Based upon information and belief, defendant Buchanan is a citizen and resident of the
State of Oregon.


Based upon information and belief, defendant Duru, a licensed practical nurse, is a Corizon
employee who at all times pertinent was a licensed public nurse working in the Washington
County jail. At all times herein pertinent, defendant Duru was acting under color of state
law. Based upon information and belief, defendant Duru is a citizen and resident of the
State of Oregon.


Based upon information and belief, defendant Johnson, a registered nurse, is a Corizon
employee who at all times pertinent was a licensed registered nurse working in the
Washington County jail. At all times herein pertinent, defendant Johnson was acting
under color of state law. Based upon information and belief, defendant Johnson is a
citizen and resident of the State of Oregon.


Based upon information and belief, defendant Nyman, a licensed practical nurse, is a

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

Corizon employee who at all times pertinent was a licensed public nurse working in the
Washington County jail. At all times herein pertinent, defendant Nyman was acting under
color of state law. Based upon information and belief, defendant Nyman is a citizen and
resident of the State of Oregon.

At all material times, defendant Pat Garrett was acting as Sheriff of Washington County.
At all times herein pertinent, defendant Garrett was acting under color of state law. Based
upon information and belief, defendant Garrett is a citizen and resident of the State of


At all material times, defendants John Does 1-10 and Jane Does 1-10 are Corizon or
Washington County employees, officers, administrators, and supervisors responsible for
the provision of medical services, the enactment and implementation of policies, practices,
and customs relating to the delivery of health care at the Washington County jail. At all
times herein pertinent, defendants John Does 1-10 and Jane Does 1-10 were acting under
color of state law.


Washington Countys Hillsboro jail houses pretrial detainees and persons convicted of
crimes. Washington County is obligated by state and federal law to provide medical and
mental health care for persons lodged in the Washington County jail.


Since opening the jail in Hillsboro in 1998, Washington County has repeatedly contracted
with Corizon Health, formerly Prison Health Services, to provide healthcare to jail inmates.
In exchange for a fee, Corizon assumed all responsibility to establish a Medical Audit
Committee to assure that quality health care was accessible to all inmates; implement all

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

policies and procedures necessary for operation of the Washington County jail healthcare
program, tailored to the Washington County jail as required by the National Commission
on Correctional Healthcare standards (NCCHC);

provide a medical detoxification

program for drug and/or alcohol addicted inmates and detainees; provide intermittent
monitoring of all detoxification cells located in the jail to determine the health status of
individuals, monitoring including, at a minimum, documentation of vital signs and a
determination of levels of consciousness every two hours for severe cases; provide
Washington County with notice of any claim made against Corizon by any third party;
recruit, interview, hire, train and supervise all healthcare staff; implement a Quality
Assurance Program; and maintain staffing levels set forth by the contract. Corizon also
agreed to pay up to $880,000 per year for off-site (hospital) medical services, with
Washington County assuming costs above $880,000.

Late in the evening of April 16, 2014, Pitkin was arrested by the Tualatin Police
Department for unlawful possession of heroin.


Early the next morning, April 17, 2016, Pitkin was booked into the Washington County
jail. At the time of booking Pitkin notified jail medical staff that she last used heroin, one
gram intravenously, about 7 pm the night before, and that she was feeling the effects of
detoxing off heroin. RN Nerissa Galvez noted at intake needle marks on Pitkin, and
ordered a Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (hereinafter referred to as COWS) evaluation
to be conducted for 48 hours after last opiate use. Pitkin was assigned to a general
population pod.


The next morning, April 18, 2014, LPN Louise Duru performed a COWS evaluation on

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034


That evaluation was faulty in at least one respect, in that the results were

incorrectly tabulated. Based upon her faulty evaluation, LPN Duru ordered a Partial
Opiate Withdrawal Protocol. The Practitioners Orders for Opiate Medical Withdrawal
consisted of the drugs Hydroxyzine (Vistaril), Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Promethazine

LPN Duru later told investigators she received approval for this order from

the doctor; however, the records indicate the plan was not approved by a doctor, but rather
by a Physician Assistant, Colin Storz.

LPN Duru told investigators that she usually tells inmates to let them know if they feel sick
by putting in a Health Care Request form, as thats the only way for inmates to
communicate with medical staff.


At 3:30 pm the next day, April 19, 2014, Pitkin submitted her first Health Care Request
form. On it she wrote Heroin withdrawal. I told medical intake that I was detoxing &
they said I was not yet sick enough to start meds. Now I am in full blown withdrawal and
really need medical care. Please help! RN Molly Johnson reviewed this request for
medical care and noted, Pt. seen & started on Partial Protocol (already started 4/18/14).
No medical staff examined Pitkin or took any action in response to her first Health Care
Request form.


The following morning, April 20, 2014, Pitkin needed a change of bedding due to overnight
vomiting. Surveillance video throughout the day reveals a visibly weakened Pitkin having
difficulty standing up, holding her stomach and skipping lunch. At 4:10 pm Pitkin
submitted her second Health Care Request form. On it she wrote, detoxing from heroin
REALLY Bad. Cant keep any food down. Heart beating so hard that I cant sleep.

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

Johnson reviewed this second request for medical care and noted, Pt. Seen & started on
partial protocol (Pt. already started on partial protocol 4/18/14). Johnson wrote an order
for the drug Loperamide, which was given to Pitkin the following morning. No medical
staff examined Pitkin or took any other action in response to her second Health Care
Request form.

Video surveillance throughout the next day, April 21, 2014, shows Pitkin unable to walk
more than a few feet at a time, squatting down when having to wait in line, bending over
at waist when she did stand, walking slowly in a hunched-over position and crouching
rather than standing.

Concerned, a jail deputy called for medical staff to examine Pitkin.

LPN Courtney Louise Nyman performed another COWS evaluation, noting it was a little
high (dated 4/20/14), but otherwise found nothing alarming. Nyman noted Pitkin was
already on detox protocol and decided not to move her to the Medical Observation Unit

At 2:10 pm on April 21, 2014, Pitkin submitted her third Health Care Request form. On
it she wrote, vomiting and diarrhea constantly. Cant keep meds, food, liquids down.
Cant sleep. Everything hurts. My stomach is sour and filled with bright green that I
keep puking up. Muscles cramp and twitch. So weak. Cannot stand long, cant walk
far without almost fainting. Feel near death ... Medical staff notes currently on opiate
protocol. No medical staff examined Pitkin or took any action in response to her third
Health Care Request form. The nighttime jail deputy noted Pitkin was vomiting during
the night.


The next day, April 22, 2014, Pitkin was too ill to take her lunch or dinner in the pod.

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

Video surveillance shows a weakened Pitkin having difficulty walking, hunched over and
crouching down when standing in line. Pitkins lunch and dinner were taken to her cell,
but records do not indicate whether she ate.

On April 23, 2014 Pitkin attempted to come to the pod for breakfast, but returned to her
cell before eating bent over at the waist, needing to stop and sit. At 9:05 am Pitkin
submitted her fourth and last Health Care Request form. On it she wrote, This is a 3rd or
4th call for help. I havent been able to keep food, liquids, meds down in days ... I feel like
I am very close to death. Cant hear, seeing lights, hearing voices. Please help me
At 10:00 am jail Deputy Thomas Kind made multiple calls to medical staff asking that they
look at Pitkin due to her worsening condition. LPN Tony Wertz looked at Pitkin, could
not get a blood pressure reading and agreed to move her to the Medical Observation Unit
(MOU). The records are unclear but may indicate Dr. McCarthy also saw Pitkin at this
time, attempted unsuccessfully to get a blood pressure reading, and authorized her
admission to MOU. RN Buchanan told investigators she also tried unsuccessfully to get
a blood pressure reading before Pitkin was transferred to MOU. At 10:20 am another
Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) evaluation was done, resulting in Dr. McCarthy
ordering a Modified COWS protocol (or Partial Opiate Protocol), which records state was,
or should have been, initiated on April 18, 2014. In MOU a pitcher of Gatorade was
provided to Pitkin. Having trouble sitting up to take medications, LPN Wertz assisted


At 9:25 the following morning, April 24, 2014, jail Deputy Thompson observed Pitkin
standing, sweating profusely, and notified RN Buchanan to check on Pitkin. Buchanan

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

refused, saying she was there to check a diabetic inmate. Thompson insisted, and after
examining the diabetic inmate Pitkin was found lying on her cell floor with brown fluid
leaking from mouth and nose, eyes open, mouth weakly moving with one arm

EMS responded, administering shock but were unable to revive


An autopsy later that day revealed no controlled substances or common pharmaceuticals

present in Pitkins system. Cause of death was listed as Chronic Intravenous Drug Use;
manner of death was listed as Natural.
Civil Rights - 14th Amendment - 42 USC 1983
Wrongful Death


Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate herein as though set forth in full paragraphs 1 through
28 above.


Defendants Corizon, McCarthy, Storz, Oneil, Buchanan, Duru, Johnson, Nyman, John
Does 1-10 and Jane Does 1-10 were deliberately indifferent to Madaline Pitkins rights
under the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution in that said defendants failed and
refused to provide adequate medical screening to Ms. Pitkin from the time of booking
through her death.


Defendants Corizon, McCarthy, Storz, Oneil, Buchanan, Duru, Johnson, Nyman, John
Does 1-10, and Jane Does 1-10 were deliberately indifferent to Ms. Pitkins rights under
the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution in that said defendants:

Failed to provide her with prompt medical attention to her serious medical needs;

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034


Seriously aggravating her medical condition by repeatedly ignoring her medical

plight; and


Failed to promptly transfer her from the Washington County jail general population
to the Washington County jail Medical Observation Unit; and


Failed to promptly transfer her from the Washington County jail to a hospital for
diagnosis and treatment.


Defendants Corizon, McCarthy, Storz, Oneil, Buchanan, Duru, Johnson, Nyman, John
Does 1-10, and Jane Does 1-10 were deliberately indifferent to Ms. Pitkins rights under
the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution in that said defendants:

Seriously aggravated her medical condition by failing to measure her vital stats on
a regular basis, or at least every two hours; and


Seriously aggravated her medical condition by failing to physically assess her

medical condition when alerted to her plight by Health Care Request forms and
deputy calls; and


Seriously aggravated her medical condition by failing to contact a physician or

EMS when her condition deteriorated, resulting in symptoms such as vomiting,
diarrhea and weakness, as early as 4/20/2014; and


Seriously aggravated her medical condition by failing to determine that prescribed

medications were being successfully administered, or in the alternative, in failing
to administer prescribed medications by alternative methods such as by IV; and


Seriously aggravated her medical condition by failing to consistently document

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

treatment and observations in the medical record; and


Seriously aggravated her medical condition by failing to provide adequate staffing

levels needed for minimally-adequate care; and


Seriously aggravated her medical condition by substituting less qualified and less
highly-paid staff than that needed for the provision of adequate medical care; and


Seriously aggravated her medical condition by allowing medical staff to operate

beyond their qualifications and authority; and


Seriously aggravated her medical condition by allowing medical staff to operate

without benefit of physician supervision; and


Seriously aggravated her medical condition by failing to immediately transport her

to hospital before 4/24/14; and


Seriously aggravated her medical condition by failing to immediately transport her

to hospital on 4/24/14 when there was no licensed physician on staff at the jail.


As a direct result of the actions and inactions of defendants set forth in paragraphs 30
through 32 above, Madaline Pitkin was not provided timely medical care. If Pitkin had
received timely and appropriate medical care, she would have been afforded the
precautions and treatment that would have prevented her death. Madaline Pitkin suffered
an agonizing death as a result of defendants failures. Her parents have been denied her
love, society and companionship. Madaline Pitkins estate and her parents are entitled to
compensatory damages in the sum of $10,000,000.


Defendants actions and inactions were recklessly indifferent to Madaline Pitkin and her
parents civil rights, and callously disregarded Ms. Pitkins physical safety, and punitive

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

damages should be awarded in the sum of $10,000,000.


Plaintiffs are entitled to necessary and reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred in the
prosecution of this action.
Civil Rights Claim - 14th Amendment - 42 USC 1983
Monell Claims - Wrongful Death - Corizon and Washington County


Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate herein as though set forth in full paragraphs 1 through
35 above.


The moving forces that resulted in the deprivation of Madaline Pitkins and her parents
Fourteenth Amendment rights were the following policies, customs or practices of
Washington County and Corizon:

A policy, custom or practice of not providing adequate medical health screening to

inmates withdrawing from opiates at or near the time of booking in Washington
County jail; and


A policy, custom or practice of providing insufficient medical health staff coverage

for inmates of Washington County jail; and


A policy, custom or practice of not using the physician, or on-call physician, for
consultation even when a detoxing inmates condition deteriorates; and


A policy, custom or practice of hiring medical and nursing personnel indifferent to

the medical needs of Washington County inmates; and


A policy, custom or practice of failing to train non-physician medical personnel on

basic exam procedures such as taking and recording vital stats; and

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034


A policy, custom or practice of failing to train non-physician medical personnel to

recognize symptoms which require immediate attention; and


A policy, custom or practice of not providing for trained physicians to examine

seriously ill Washington County inmates; and


A policy, custom or practice of not providing jail access to a trained physician at

all times; and


A policy, custom or practice of denying Washington County inmates medically

necessary transfers to hospitals; and


A policy, custom or practice of failing to meet widely accepted community

standards of care with regard to medical services for ill or injured inmates of the
Washington County jail.


The policies of defendants Corizon and Washington County posed a substantial risk of
causing substantial harm to Washington County inmates, and Corizon and Washington
County were aware, or should have been aware, of these risks.


As a direct result of the policies, customs or practices of Corizon and Washington County,
Madaline Pitkin was not provided timely medical care. If Ms. Pitkin had been adequately
screened upon intake, at the three COWS evaluations, when she submitted Health Care
Request forms and/or when jail deputies alerted medical staff to Pitkins medical condition,
she would have been afforded precautions and treatment that would have prevented her

Also as a direct result of the policies, customs or practices of Corizon and

Washington County, Ms. Pitkin did not receive prompt and necessary medical care and as
a result her condition was exacerbated and she endured and suffered severe physical and
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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

emotional distress up to her death. Pitkins parents have been denied her love, society and
companionship. Pitkins estate and her parents are entitled to compensatory damages in
the sum of $10,000,000.

The actions of defendants Corizon and Washington County were recklessly indifferent to
Madaline Pitkin and her parents civil rights, and callously disregarded Pitkins physical
safety, and punitive damages should be awarded against defendants Corizon and
Washington County in the sum of $10,000,000.


Plaintiffs are entitled to necessary and reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred in the
prosecution of this action.
Civil Rights Claim - 14th Amendment - 42 USC 1983
Monell Claims - Wrongful Death Corizon and Washington County


The contract between defendant Washington County and defendant Corizon had, as its
purpose, the delivery of adequate health care for inmates and detainees, and the reduction
in health care costs incurred by Washington County for inmate health care.


The moving forces that resulted in the deprivation of Madaline Pitkin and her parents
Fourteenth Amendment rights were the following policies, customs or practices of
Washington County and Corizon:

A policy, custom or practice of failing to enforce and abide by the contract terms
that require the health care services provided by Corizon be audited. Had the
contract terms been enforced by Washington County and followed by Corizon, the
required audits would have revealed the inadequate health care being provided by

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

defendant Corizon; and


A policy, custom or practice of failing to follow and enforce the contract terms that
required a Medical Audit Committee review of all jail Healthcare Services for
quality of care through established and regularly performed audits, and recommend
and implement all policies and procedures for jail healthcare; and


A policy, custom or practice of failing to enforce and follow the contract terms
requiring defendant Corizon to tailor and adopt policies and procedures for health
care at the Washington County jail, and to provide those policies and procedures to
Washington County officials. These policies and procedures were to be consistent
with the standards for health services and jails set forth by the National Commission
on Correctional Health Care.

Had the contract terms been enforced by

Washington County, they would have revealed the inadequacy or nonexistence of

Corizons policies and procedures; and

A policy, custom or practice of failing to enforce and follow the contract terms
requiring defendant Corizon to maintain minimum staffing levels, at appropriate
levels of licensing and qualifications. Failure by Corizon to follow the terms of
the contract, and Washington Countys failure to enforce the contract terms,
allowed Corizon to under-staff the medical care at the jail and allowed Corizon to
substitute less qualified and less highly paid medical staff than required in the
contract; and


A policy, custom or practice of failing to follow and enforce the contract terms
requiring Corizon to notify the county of all claims made against it. Corizon has

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

had numerous claims made against it by individuals and governmental bodies.

Had Corizon followed the terms of the contract, Washington County enforced the
contract terms, it would have known that Corizon has demonstrated, over the years
and across the nation, a pattern of providing deficient services. This knowledge
would have alerted Washington County to the likelihood of deficient care being
provided by Corizon in its jail; and

A policy, custom or practice of failing to follow and enforce the contract requiring
Corizon to obtain written approval for any subcontract. By not following and
enforcing the contract terms, Washington County thereby allowed Corizon to
subcontract services which did not meet requirements of the contract; and


A policy, custom or practice of failing to adequately monitor Corizons

performance to ensure it met staffing commitments and provided quality
healthcare; and


A policy, custom or practice of failing to follow and enforce the contact terms
requiring Corizon to provide healthcare staff as specified in the contract.


The policies, customs and practices of Washington County and Corizon posed a substantial
risk of causing harm to Washington County inmates and detainees. Washington County
and Corizon were aware of these risks.


As a direct result of the policies, customs or practices of defendants Washington County

and Corizon, defendant Corizon was permitted to continue to provide medical care which
was recklessly indifferent to the needs of Madaline Pitkin. Madaline Pitkin was not
provided with prompt and necessary medical care resulting in severe physical and mental

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888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

suffering and which ultimately resulted in her death.

Madaline Pitkins parents have

been deprived of the love, society and companionship of their daughter. Madaline Pitkins
estate and her parents are entitled to compensatory damages in the amount of $10,000,000.
Civil Rights Claim - 14th Amendment - 42 USC 1983
Supervisory Liability - Wrongful Death

Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate herein as though set forth in full paragraphs 1 through
45 above.


Defendants Corizon, Washington County, McCarthy, Storz, Oneil, Garrett, John Does 110, and Jane Does 1-10, in their supervisory capacities, were aware of the policies, customs
or practices as alleged in paragraph 37 and 43 above, and were aware that said policies,
customs or practices created a substantial risk of causing substantial harm to Washington
County detainees and inmates by endangering their physical safety and their medical and
mental health needs. Despite that knowledge, said supervisors allowed, approved of and
ratified said policies, customs or practices.


Defendants McCarthy, Storz and Oneil, Corizon, John Does 1-10, and Jane Does 1-10, in
their supervisory capacities, failed to adequately train Corizon employees:

On the need to provide a prompt medical evaluation of detoxing persons when they
are booked into the Washington County jail; and


On the need to provide prompt medical evaluation of detoxing persons when there
is evidence their condition may be deteriorating; and


To recognize medical emergencies; and

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888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034


Of the need to obtain a medical examination by a trained physician to evaluate any

seriously ill inmate.


Defendants McCarthy, Storz, Oneil, Corizon John Does 1-10, and Jane Does 1-10 were
aware that failure to train set forth in paragraph 45, above, created a substantial risk of
causing harm to Washington County inmates.


As a direct result of the actions and inactions of defendants Corizon, Washington County,
McCarthy, Storz, Oneil, Garrett, John Does 1-10, and Jane Does 1-10, Madaline Pitkin
endured and suffered severe physical and emotional distress, her medical condition was
exacerbated, resulting in her death. Pitkins parents have been denied her love, society
and companionship. Pitkins estate and her parents are entitled to compensatory damages
in the sum of $10,000,000.


Plaintiffs are entitled to necessary and reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred in the
prosecution of this action.
Negligence - Wrongful Death


The actions of defendants Corizon, McCarthy, Storz, Oneil, Buchanan, Duru, Johnson,
Nyman, John Does 1-10, Jane Does 1-10, and Washington County, and each of them, were
negligent in one or more of the following particulars:

In failing to provide Madaline Pitkin with an adequate medical health assessment

upon booking into Washington County jail on April 17, 2014; and


In failing to provide Madaline Pitkin with an adequate medical health assessment

while incarcerated in Washington County jail, up to the time of her death.

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034


The actions of defendants Corizon, Washington County, McCarthy, Storz, Oneil,

Buchanan, Duru, Johnson, Nyman, John Does 1-10, Jane Does 1-10, and Washington
County, and each of them, were negligent in one or more of the following particulars:

In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment to Ms.

Pitkin at the time of the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) evaluation on
April 18, 2014; and


In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment to Ms.

Pitkin when she submitted her first Health Care Request form on April 19, 2014;


In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment to Ms.

Pitkin at the time it became known she had spent the night vomiting, and therefore
not keeping down fluids, food or medication on April 20, 2014; and


In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment to Ms.

Pitkin when she submitted her second Health Care Request form on April 20, 2014;


In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment to Ms.

Pitkin when she submitted her third Health Care Request form on April 21, 2014;


In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment to Ms.

Pitkin at the time it became known she had spent the night vomiting, and therefore
not keeping down fluids, food or medication on April 21, 2014; and


In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment on April 22,

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

2014 when Pitkin was visibly weakened, had difficulty standing and was too ill to
take her meals in the common area of the pod; and

In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment to Ms.

Pitkin when she submitted her fourth Health Care Request form on April 23, 2014;


In failing to immediately transport Ms. Pitkin to a hospital at any point between

April 17, 2014 and April 24, 2014.


The actions of defendants Corizon, McCarthy, Storz, Oneil, Buchanan, Duru, Johnson and
Nyman, John Does 1-10, Jane Does 1-10, and Washington County were negligent in failing
to provide Madaline Pitkin an appropriate medical examination at any time between 4:14
am on April 17, 2014 and the time of her death the morning of April 24, 2014.


The actions of defendants Corizon, McCarthy, Storz, Oneil, Buchanan, Duru, Johnson and
Nyman, John Does 1-10, Jane Does 1-10, and Washington County, and each of them, were
negligent in one or more of the following particulars:

In failing to determine that Ms. Pitkin was suffering from serious complications of
withdrawal from heroin on April 19, 2014; and


In failing to determine the efficacy of administration of medication from April 18,

2014 through April 24, 2014, in light of Pitkins recurring vomiting, diarrhea, pleas
for medical assistance, weakness and generally deteriorating condition; and


In ignoring Ms. Pitkins medical plight for eight days, even though she sought
medical care.


The actions of defendant Corizon, McCarthy, Storz, Oneil, Buchanan, Duru, Johnson,

Page 22 - Complaint
Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

Nyman, John Does 1-10, Jane Does 1-10, and Washington County were negligent in one
or more of the following particulars:

In ignoring Ms. Pitkins need for medical attention because they were poorly
staffed; and


In ignoring Ms. Pitkins medical needs when jail deputies requested she be seen by
medical personnel.


The actions of defendants Corizon, McCarthy, Storz, Oneil, John Does 1-10, Jane Does 110, and Washington County were negligent in one or more of the following particulars:

In allowing, approving and ratifying the policies, customs or practices as alleged in

paragraph 37 and 43 above; and


In failing to adequately train Corizon and Washington County employees on the

need to provide a prompt medical examination of persons who are withdrawing
from opiates when they are booked into Washington County jail; and


In failing to adequately train Corizon and Washington County employees in the

symptoms and treatment of inmates who are withdrawing from opiates during their
incarceration; and


In failing to adequately train Corizon and Washington County employees to

recognize medical emergencies; and


In failing to adequately train Corizon and Washington County employees to

maintain an adequate medical record.


As a direct result of the actions and inactions of defendants, and each of them, Madaline
Pitkin endured and suffered severe physical and emotional distress, and her medical

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

condition was exacerbated, resulting in her death. Her parents have been denied her love,
society and companionship.

Ms. Pitkins estate and her parents are entitled to

compensatory damages in the sum of $10,000,000.


Notice pursuant to the Oregon Tort Claims Act was given to defendant Washington County
within the time prescribed by law.
Gross Negligence/Reckless Misconduct - Wrongful Death


Madaline Pitkins estate realleges and incorporates herein as though set forth in full
paragraphs 1 through 59 above.


Defendant Corizon, by and through its employees acting within the scope of their
employment, was grossly negligent and acted with reckless misconduct in one or more of
the following particulars:

In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment to Ms.

Pitkin at the time of the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) evaluation on
April 18, 2014; and


In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment to Ms.

Pitkin when she submitted her first Health Care Request form on April 19, 2014;


In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment to Ms.

Pitkin at the time it became known she had spent the night vomiting, and therefore
not keeping down fluids, food or medication on April 20, 2014; and


In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment to Ms.

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

Pitkin when she submitted her second Health Care Request form on April 20, 2014;

In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment to Ms.

Pitkin when she submitted her third Health Care Request form on April 21, 2014;


In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment to Ms.

Pitkin at the time it became known she had spent the night vomiting, and therefore
not keeping down fluids, food or medication on April 21, 2014; and


In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment on April 22,

2014 when Pitkin was visibly weakened, had difficulty standing and was too ill to
take her meals in the common area of the pod; and


In failing to provide an appropriate medical examination and treatment to Ms.

Pitkin when she submitted her fourth Health Care Request form on April 23, 2014;


In failing to immediately transport Ms. Pitkin to a hospital at any point between

April 17, 2014 and April 24, 2014; and


In failing to determine that Ms. Pitkin was suffering from serious complications of
withdrawal from heroin on April 19, 2014; and


In failing to determine the efficacy of administration of medication from April 18,

2014 through April 24, 2014, in light of Pitkins recurring vomiting, diarrhea, pleas
for medical assistance, weakness and generally deteriorating condition; and


In ignoring Ms. Pitkins medical plight for eight days, even though she sought

Page 25 - Complaint
Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

medical care; and


In ignoring Ms. Pitkins need for medical attention because they were poorly
staffed; and


In ignoring Ms. Pitkins medical needs when jail deputies requested she be seen by
medical personnel; and


In allowing, approving and ratifying the policies, customs or practices as alleged in

paragraph 37 and 43 above; and


In failing to adequately train Corizon and Washington County employees on the

need to provide a prompt medical examination of persons who are withdrawing
from opiates when they are booked into Washington County jail; and


In failing to adequately train Corizon and Washington County employees in the

symptoms and treatment of inmates who are withdrawing from opiates during their
incarceration; and


In failing to adequately train Corizon and Washington County employees to

recognize medical emergencies; and


In failing to adequately train Corizon and Washington County employees to

maintain an adequate medical record.


As a direct result of the misconduct of defendant Corizon, Madaline Pitkin endured and
suffered severe physical and emotional distress, and her medical condition was
exacerbated, resulting in her death. Her parents have been denied her love, society and
companionship. Ms. Pitkins estate and her parents are entitled to compensatory damages
in the sum of $10,000,000.

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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034


The actions of defendant Corizon were grossly negligent, were recklessly indifferent to
Madaline Pitkins civil rights, and callously disregarded her physical safety. Punitive
damages should be awarded in the sum of $10,000,000.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs pray for judgment as follows:
On First Claim for Relief, for judgment against defendants Corizon, McCarthy, Storz,

Oneil, Buchanan, Duru, Johnson, Nyman, John Does 1-10 and Jane Does 1-10, and each of them,
A. Compensatory damages in the sum of $10,000,000; and
B. Punitive damages in the sum of $10,000,000; and
C. Necessarily and reasonably incurred attorney fees and costs.
On Second Claim for Relief, for judgment against defendants Corizon and Washington
County, and each of them, for:
D. Compensatory damages in the sum of $10,000,000, and
E. Punitive damages in the sum of $10,000,000, and
F. Necessarily and reasonably incurred attorney fees and costs.
On Third Claim for Relief, for judgment against defendants Corizon and Washington
County, for:
G. Compensatory damages in the sum of $10,000,000, and
H. Necessarily and reasonably incurred attorney fees and costs.
On Fourth Claim for Relief, for judgment against defendants Corizon, Washington
County, McCarthy, Storz, Oneil, Garrett, John Does 1-10, and Jane Does 1-10 for:
I. Compensatory damages in the sum of $10,000,000, and
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Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

J. Punitive damages in the sum of $10,000,000, and

K. Necessarily and reasonably incurred attorney fees and costs.
On Fifth Claim for Relief, for judgment against defendants Corizon, McCarthy, Storz,
Oneil, Buchanan, Duru, Johnson, Nyman, John Does 1-10, Jane Does 1-10, and Washington
County, and each of them, for:
L. Compensatory damages in the sum of $10,000,000, and
M. Necessarily and reasonably incurred attorney fees and costs.
On Sixth Claim for Relief, for judgment against defendant Corizon, for:
N. Compensatory damages in the sum of $10,000,000, and
O. Punitive damages in the sum of $10,000,000, and
P. Necessarily and reasonably incurred attorney fees and costs.
DATED this 30th day of November, 2016.

s/ Timothy J. Jones
Timothy J. Jones, Oregon State Bar No. 890654
[email protected]
Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland OR 97204
Of Attorneys for Plaintiffs

Plaintiffs demand trial by jury.

DATED this 30th day of November, 2016.


s/ Timothy J. Jones

Page 28 - Complaint
Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

Timothy J. Jones, Oregon State Bar No. 890654

[email protected]
Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland OR 97204
Of Attorneys for Plaintiffs

Page 29 - Complaint
Jones Ammann LLC
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
Fax 971-925-9034

Certificate of Filing
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 30th day of November, 2016, I filed this original
Complaint, together with the Civil Cover Sheet by Electronic Filing:
Trial Court Administrator
US District Court
740 US Courthouse
1000 SW Third Avenue
Portland OR 97204-2902


s/ Timothy J. Jones
Timothy J. Jones, Oregon State Bar No. 890654
Of Attorneys for Plaintiffs

Certificate of Filing

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