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Standard Safety
October 2008

ANCHORING Special Edition

Director of Loss Prevention
+44 (0)207 680 5647
[email protected]
The Standard Steamship
Owners Protection
& Indemnity Association

There have been a significant number of groundings, collisions and

near miss incidents caused as a result of manoeuvring in an anchorage,
dragging anchor or leaving it too late before heaving up an anchor
in poor weather.

In This Issue

These incidents have resulted in the loss of lives, pollution, and costs
running into tens of millions of dollars. Many notable incidents have
been captured on international television and have commanded frontpage news, allowing worldwide publicity exposure.



(Bermuda) Limited
The Standard Steamship

Over the past two and half years, the Standard Club has had 40
claims where anchoring has been a major contributing cause.

Owners Protection
& Indemnity Association
(Europe) Limited
The Standard Steamship

15 lost anchors
8 collisions whilst at anchor dragging anchor or another vessel
dragging anchor and colliding

Owners Protection
& Indemnity Association

4 groundings as a result of being at anchor

(Asia) Limited

5 piracy attacks whilst at anchor


Please send any comments

to the Editor

6 anchor chains fouled, 3 with other vessels at anchor

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7680 5647

1 pollution incident


1 total loss /grounding

What factors should be

considered in order
to effect a safe anchoring?

The total claim cost is $12m.

Planning and knowledge

Since the beginning 2007, more than 100 vessels of all types in the
industry operated by a variety of managers, have been involved in a
navigational incident resulting in a collision or grounding. The majority
were inevitably caused by human error, rather than equipment failure.
Ships grounding as a result of poor anchoring practices are a part of
those statistics.

Picking a safe anchorage, based on water depth,

swing room, holding ground, exposure to the
weather, vessel density, designated anchorages

Ships are continually anchoring in all locations, in all weathers, and in

all states of wind and tide. So with such accumulated knowledge, why
are anchoring accidents not a thing of the past? Anchoring is very much
a controlled process. Its a procedure so often done that any person
attaining command of a ship should have accumulated sufficient
knowledge and experience to carry out an anchoring operation safely.

Available bridge team

[email protected]

International House
1 St. Katharines Way
London, E1W 1UT
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7488 3494
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7481 9545
Emergency mobile:
+44 (0) 7932 113573
E-mail: p&[email protected]
The information and
commentary herein are not
intended to amount to legal
or technical advice to any person
in general or about a specific
case. Every effort is made
to make them accurate
and up to date. However, no
responsibility is assumed for
their accuracy nor for the views
or opinions expressed, nor for
any consequence of or reliance
on them. You are advised to seek
specific legal or technical advice
from your usual advisers about
any specific matter.

The evidence suggests that this knowledge is either not being

accumulated or not passed on. Is this in fact another symptom of the
crewing crisis?

Anchor types, windlass performance and

Anchor watches

Vessels condition, when loaded or in ballast

Does the vessel actually need to anchor?
In deep water, in poor weather, in congested
anchorages or for security reasons, for example,
does the vessel need to anchor at all? It could be
safer to drift
Adverse commercial pressures.

The Master picks the time and position to anchor, which anchor and
the amount of cable to be used. The equipment used is simple, visible,
and easily inspected, maintained and surveyed. Only on the rare
occasions of distress or emergency is an anchor suddenly let go
in an uncontrolled manner.

Setting the standard for service and security




Page 2

Recent Incidents

The following case studies have been drawn from reports made
by industry bodies including MAIB, AMSB, CHIRP, Nautical Institute
and one from a Standard Club claim.

Example 1 - Heavy weather grounding

The grounding of the 76,000 DWT bulk carrier Pasha Bulker off
Newcastle, Australia was captured by the international press. The
Australian Maritime Safety Bureau report published in May 2008 made a
number of important points.
In May 2007, the one-year-old bulk carrier, in light ballast condition and
ready to load coal, anchored 2.5 miles offshore, south of the Newcastle
harbour entrance. The vessel was scheduled to berth in three weeks
time. The Master anchored with nine shackles in 35 metres of water in a
designated anchorage where more than 50 vessels were also at anchor.
After two weeks of good weather, the wind strength increased from the
south-east. The Master, on receiving a gale warning, paid out an
additional shackle of cable. During that evening, a number of vessels left
the anchorage and put to sea due to the worsening weather. A few hours
later, the first of the remaining vessels started to drag anchor. The local
Vessel Traffic Information Centre advised the vessels that were dragging
anchor and, within 24 hours, more vessels had also put to sea, but 41
ships remained at anchor, enduring 40 knot winds and eight-metre
high seas.
Early the following morning, the Pasha Bulker began dragging its anchor
and the anchor was weighed. However, with the rapid rate of drift caused
by the ship dragging its anchor, the vessel was only 1.2 miles from the
shore. The Master attempted to turn the vessel away from the coast, but
with such strong winds and the substantial windage area due to the ship
being in ballast condition, the vessel was driven onto the beach,
grounding onto the rocky shoreline and breaching the hull. At the time of
the grounding, the average wind speed was recorded as approximately
40 knots.
The windlasses of three vessels in a similar situation all failed when
attempting to weigh anchor, with one vessel cutting its cable when under
considerable tension, and the other two managing to slip their cables.
These vessels were fortunately able to pull away from the coast.
Two weeks later, the Pasha Bulker was refloated and later towed to a
repair yard.
The designated anchorage area [of Newcastle harbour] is fully exposed
to the weather. The Pilot Book states that: no anchorage off the port
can be recommended as suitable for all weather use, a good fair weather
anchorage can be found and a safe distance should be maintained
with other vessels in case of anchors dragging. A good anchor watch
should be maintained, engines should not be immobilised as weather
conditions may deteriorate rapidlyOnshore winds can increase
suddenly within the hour and swells can exceed 10 metres. During
southerly weather, sea and swell can become confused. It is
recommended that vessels weigh anchor until the weather moderates.

The advice contained is clear.

Masters must take note of the advice contained in the pilot
books/sailing directions
Masters must place the safety of the vessel and its crew above
commercial considerations
Masters must be aware of possible dangerous situations
developing and take early and effective action

Ballast condition
Often a contributing factor in anchoring incidents is the fact that the
vessel is in ballast condition. On any size of vessel, when the vessel is in
ballast condition, there is an appreciable increase in windage area. Apart
from the additional forces imposed on the cable, the vessel will probably
behave differently at anchor to when it is loaded. The Pasha Bulker AMSB
Report grounding noted that the vessel had 22,000 tonnes of ballast on
board, which was sufficient for good weather; however, the fore and aft
peak ballast tanks were empty. The ballast was not sufficient to fully
immerse the propeller, giving a mean draft of only 6.0 metres. In the
heavy weather ballast condition, the vessel would have had a draft of
8.50 metres. This is significant to reduce forward slamming in heavy
weather, increasing propeller immersion and, importantly, reducing
windage. This could have made the vessel more manoeuvrable, and, in
heavy weather, prevented potential slamming.
Lower wind forces on a ship due to reduced windage at deeper heavy
weather ballast conditions can significantly improve the control of the
vessel. When vessels are in ballast, the Master should consider taking
maximum ballast with the onset of heavy weather, even if this means the
vessel is no longer load ready.


Example 2 - Too close to shore - total loss

A well-found reefer vessel at anchor waiting for orders, in ballast
condition close to the Spanish coast, dragged anchor in poor weather,
with the wind gusting to 50 knots, ended aground on rocks and was
declared a total constructive loss. Here, even with local knowledge, the
vessel anchored only six cables from the shore on the pilots instructions
in a designated anchorage. There was less than one hour from the time
the officer on watch (OOW) confirmed that the anchor was dragging to
the vessel being aground. The Master had even taken the precaution of
having the main engine on immediate notice and on bridge control two
hours before the vessel started to drag. However, due to the fact that the
vessel was again in ballast, the rate that the vessel dragged its anchor
and the close proximity of the shore allowed no time to react and redeem
the situation. In this incident, the windlass hydraulics failed when trying
to raise the anchor and the vessel grounded on rocks, with one shackle
still on deck.
Apart from the local forecasts and the actual fact that the wind was
gusting to 50 knots, the incidence and danger of strong onshore winds
during the winter months was clearly pointed out in the pilot books.
The crew were lifted to safety by helicopter, and the vessel was
declared a total constructive loss. The cost of wreck removal was
over US$10 million.
Masters must take account of the prevailing weather conditions
when anchored close to shore

Example 3 - Sea bed pipelines

An Aframax tanker in ballast dragged anchor and nearly caused
catastrophic damage to a gas pipeline off the UKs east coast.
The vessel was dragging anchor and the Master was trying to recover the
anchor cable in poor weather conditions when the windlass hydraulic
motor suffered catastrophic failure and the anchor cable ran out to the
bitter end. It was fortunate that no one was injured. After much effort, the
crew were unable to slip the cable from the bitter end.
The vessels anchor was caught on a gas pipeline for about 10 minutes
before a wide yaw caused the flukes to free themselves. The vessel
continued dragging until the anchor finally held as it rode over a shoal
patch that was 2.5 miles off the lee shore. By good fortune, no injuries
were sustained and no damage was caused by pollution, but the incident
could have been catastrophic.



Page 3

Masters must check the proximity of sea bed pipelines and cables
from up to date chart information before anchoring
Masters must be aware of the limitations of the anchoring

Example 4 - Dragging anchor - engine

The UK MAIB made an investigation into the grounding of a small product
tanker off the UKs south coast in 2002. The vessel was in ballast
condition and was anchored, in good weather, about half a mile from the
shore, with sufficient cable out in an acceptable anchorage that was
exposed to strong south-easterly winds. The weather turned during the
next day to south-easterly, with winds of 20 knots and gusts of up to 30
knots. The vessel dragged its anchor; the OOW did not notice initially that
the vessel was dragging and when the OOW did notice, the main engine
was not immediately started or placed on stand-by. When the Master
arrived on the bridge, the main engine could not be made available in
sufficient time to be effective.
In this case, the Master and chief engineer were both very experienced
and accustomed to navigating in these waters.
The report considered that there was insufficient cable out for the
prevailing weather conditions, depth of water and nature of the sea bed.
The vessel dragged anchor at a very fast rate, estimated at over 1.5
knots, and no consideration was given to paying out additional cable or
letting go another anchor. When the main engine was started, the vessel
was already only 50 metres from the shore and the vessel ran aground,
with considerable damage to the ship. It was later declared a total
constructive loss.
It was less than 12 minutes from the time the Master was called to the
bridge to the time the local coastguard was advised that the vessel
was aground.
The rate of drift when dragging anchor can be alarming.
Masters must take early action when close to the shore in poor
When anchoring close to shore consider to have the main engines
on standby
Masters should ensure adequate anchor cable is used in the
prevailing conditions

Prior to the incident, the windlass motor was reported to be fully

operational and to have met all classification society requirements. Class
made the comment that the anchoring equipment is not designed to hold
a vessel off fully exposed coasts in rough weather. In such conditions,
components may be damaged or lost owing to the high forces generated.




Page 4

Safety Factors

The anchorage and holding ground

In planning the anchorage approach, the Master should consult with the
charts and pilots books as to the suitability of the holding ground of the
anchorage, and also with respect to traffic density and ship movements,
available swing room, holding ground, protection from the weather, wind,
tide and the length of time the vessel is expected to be at anchor.
Masters should not just accept the fact that the authorities have directed
the vessel to anchor in a particular designated anchorage. There are many
designated anchorages that are unsuitable in certain conditions,
particularly with the onset of heavy weather, closeness to the shoreline,
traffic density, exposure to the weather, water depth and/or poor holding
ground. If instructed to a designated anchorage, the Master must ascertain
for himself that the anchorage is safe in the prevailing conditions. Masters
should be prepared to inform the VTS or port authority that the designated
anchorage is not suitable in the prevailing conditions.

Anchor Shackle





Hawse pipe

Anchor cable
Anchor on sea-bed

Amount of cable
The Pasha Bulker , for example was fitted with a standard Admiralty Class
AC14 cast steel high holding power (HHP) anchor. The cable was made
from the highest-quality grade 3 steel.
For an anchor to hold affectively, it is necessary to calculate the
correct length of cable. There are three commonly used and accepted
guidelines (one shackle of cable is equivalent to 27.5 metres):
1) Number of shackles of cable = 1.5D (D=Depth in metres)
2) Length of cables in metres = 6 to 10 x (Depth of water in metres)
3) For special steel cable, a formula of:
Length of cable used in metres = 39 xD where D is the depth of
water in metres.
The scope of the cable is the ratio of the length of cable paid out to the
depth of water. The correct scope of the anchor is important if the
maximum holding power of the anchor is to be realised, particularly in
heavy weather conditions. The anchor holds better when the cable is
pulling horizontally to the anchor, and so the Master must be prepared to
pay out extra cable when conditions such as increased seas, wind,
current and tide require the cable pull to remain horizontal.

In addition to insufficient scope, there is significant yawing or heavy

pitching, there is a risk that a snatched loading on the cable and anchor
will be applied, and the anchor will be dislodged or will drag, and/or there
will be windlass or cable failure.
For example, for a 10,000-15,000 dwt vessel in 20 metres of water, with
good holding ground in sheltered waters, a scope of five could be
considered sufficient. Considerations of swinging room, whether the
vessel is in ballast/loaded condition and water depth should also be taken
into account. In good weather, in a constrained anchorage with limited
swing room and an expected short stay, less cable could be used;
however, increased vigilance, with engines remaining on standby or
immediately available should be considered, depending upon the

Anchor holding power

As quoted in the AMSB Pasha Bulker report, the anchoring equipment is
intended for temporarily mooring a vessel within a harbour or sheltered
area when the vessel is waiting for a berth or tide, etc. The equipment is
therefore not designed to hold a vessel off fully exposed coasts in rough
weather or to stop a ship that is fast-moving or drifting. The type and size
of the anchoring equipment is based upon the size of vessel and other
criteria. A 25% reduction in anchor weight is allowed, for example, when
high holding power anchors (HHP), such as the AC14 type, are provided.




Page 5

An anchor provides maximum holding power when its flukes are

embedded in the sea bed. This occurs when the anchor shank lies on the
sea bed and the anchor cable pulls horizontally at the anchor shackle.
When the pull increases, the cable lying on the sea bed is lifted off,
creating a larger angle above the horizontal. As the angle increases, the
holding power reduces. As a guide, a pull of 5 degrees above the
horizontal reduces the holding power by 25% and a pull of 15 degrees
reduces the holding power by 50%.


Therefore to maximise the holding power, the scope of the cable should
be sufficient to ensure that, in fair weather, an adequate length of cable
will lie along the sea bed, allowing the cable to pull the anchor
horizontally. When this occurs, the cable rises gently into the hawse pipe.
This is why extra cable is paid out when the wind, sea or current
increases. The curve of the cable, or catenary, absorbs any shock-loading
when riding to wind and sea. A catenary is necessary for the cable to
have a horizontal pull on the anchor and ensure maximum holding power.

The Master to pick the time of day and location with due regard
to safety of vessel

A scope of cable of 10 is considered optimal, while a scope of not less

than five or six is adequate. Most larger ships are fitted with about 12
shackles of cable, approximately 330 metres for each anchor.

Every passage plan should include provision for anchoring. If this

is not done at the commencement of the voyage, the passage plan
should be amended when anchoring is known to be a requirement. It
is too late to read the pilot book when the vessel is already yawing
30 degrees.
The Master to take charge of the anchoring plan in good time

The Master to consider the abort parameters and contingency planning

Use all the known chart and pilot book information, regarding holding
ground, water depths, proximity to shore, dangers, etc.
Use local agents information, including designated anchorage
areas/restrictions, numbers of vessels at anchor, traffic density
and movements, other local navigational information
Study weather forecasts not only the immediate weather but
seasonal weather patterns
Understand local tides and currents

Consequently, in water depths exceeding 45 metres, the scope of cable

achieved is less than six. In depths of up to 35 metres of water, it is
impossible to achieve a scope of 10. However, the cable amount will also
depend upon length of time expected to stay at the anchorage, weather,
holding ground, and swing room.

Commercial Pressure
There is considerable commercial pressure on Masters. This has
been exacerbated in the recent past by many factors, including:
The need for quick turnaround times
Having to be prepared at a moments notice when the port advises that
a berth is ready
Easy communication access and hence immediate pressure from
managers / owners / agents / charterers and terminal operators
Having the vessel available to take stores and crew changes
Trying to comply with shore-side instructions when few of those
issuing the instructions appreciate the scope of problems the Master
has to contend with, and few are concerned with the safety of the ship
or crew.
The overriding responsibility of the Master is the safety of his vessel and
crew. Those involved with the technical and commercial management of
vessels should ensure that this responsibility is given their full and
unequivocal support. This is possibly the single biggest contribution to the
safety culture of a company and requires the active engagement of senior
company managers.

Take security precautions (for example, anchorages can be in areas

where piracy is prevalent)
Ensure the bridge team is trained.

Example 5 - Congested anchorages

A deep-draft, loaded tanker was proceeding at night to anchor under VTS
instructions. It had planned to anchor at least seven cables away from all
other vessels. With a full team on the bridge, it was observed during the
final approach that five ships were anchored, all on westerly headings.
When no more that four cables from the planned anchorage position and
at a speed of less than 2 knots, it was noticed that a small cargo vessel
had started to get under way, with initial radar information suggesting a
crossing, near-collision course; the vessel was still displaying all deck and
anchor lights. Although contact was made with the small vessel by VHF,
and the smaller vessel agreed to keep a safe distance, it suddenly chose
to alter course very close to the laden tankers bow. The Master of the
tanker had to order full astern in order to avoid a collision, and the small
vessel passed less than 200 metres ahead.
Approaches to congested anchorages are fraught with dangers, even
when planned or under competent VTS control. Masters should always
confirm from the VTS before making an anchorage approach if there are
any expected ship movements.
It is vital to have a full bridge team available, who know the
anchoring plan and maintain a vigilant look out at all times.
Masters must ensure the bridge team is well trained
Masters must seek out advice on ship movements before
entering congested anchorages, particularly at night




Page 6

Safety Factors

Anchor watches
Vigilant anchor watches must be maintained at all times. A certified
watchkeeper must be on the bridge at all times, in all circumstances. In
many of the incidents analysed, a poor anchor watch was a contributing
factor. The OOW must be empowered by the Master to take all
appropriate actions, such as using the engines if the circumstances
require. The Masters bridge orders should be clear and robust in their
In maintaining an anchor watch, the OOW must ensure that:
The latest edition of the largest scale chart is used at all times
An initial anchor position is placed on the chart
The position of his own vessel is maintained, with position checking by
more than one means
Positions of vessels close by are maintained
Weather conditions are monitored in case they change appreciably
A watch is kept on traffic movements
Check the cable regularly
and have the confidence to call the Master whenever there is an
appreciable change in circumstance.

Example 6 - Maintain a look-out

A tanker anchored about four cables from another small tanker. The
following day, the wind increased in strength so that the vessel was now
lying downwind from the small tanker. The Master attended the bridge at
noon and left the OOW on the bridge. Two hours later, the Master looked
out of his port and was unable to see the other tanker. Going up to the
bridge, the Master found the OOW doing chart corrections.
Noting that the ships heading had not changed, the OOW was questioned
whether the other vessel had sailed. The OOW did not know. The small
tanker was now seven cables aft of the beam and obviously in shallow
water close to a sand bank.
The small tanker was called on the VHF and advised that it was probably
dragging its anchor. Soon the small tanker got underway and re-anchored
in deeper water. Noting the short time taken to heave up the anchor, it
was obvious that insufficient cable had been paid out for the depth of
water. By how much a collision between two vessels at anchor had been
averted will never be known.
Always maintain a good look-out, especially at anchor
Be aware that other vessels anchor watches may not be as
diligent as your own
Use your radar and GPS alarm rings as an additional warning tool

However, in many incidents, it is found that diligent anchor watches were

being maintained and the Master was called immediately, but the vessel
still dragged its anchor and ran aground. The reasons include the fact
that the vessel was either too close to shore, the engines were not
immediately available, the anchor was unable to be raised in the
prevailing weather due to windlass or hydraulic failure, or [the vessel]
was unable to manoeuvre sufficiently in the adverse weather.

Anchoring in deep water

Company anchoring procedures should specify what is considered
to be deep water. This will vary depending upon vessel type and size.
A suggested depth of 40 to 45 metres could be used as a benchmark.
Larger vessels often need to anchor in deep water and there are a
number of well-known anchorages where deep water is a factor. There is
a real risk of losing the anchor and cable when anchoring in deep water
if it is not carried out in a controlled manner.
The OCIMF booklet Anchoring Systems and Procedures for Large Tankers
gives clear advice. What is applicable for large tankers is also applicable
for other large vessels, such as bulk carriers. One method recommended
when anchoring in deep water is walking out the full length of cable
required. This, however, requires an accurate estimate of the vessels
movement over the ground so as to avoid possible damage to the


Example 7 - Loss of both anchors and chain in

deep water
A vessel was anchoring in deep water with the echo sounder reading
90 metres. The port anchor was walked back (lowered using the
windlass) to 2.5 metres from the water and let go. The entire anchor was
lost, including all the cable, when the bitter end parted from within the
chain locker under the shock-loading. The starboard anchor was then
also walked back to 4.5 shackles and the process repeated, with the
same results. In addition to the poor seamanship, the company anchoring
procedures were not complied with. The incident resulted in serious
operational and financial losses, and the potential for serious injury to
The ships anchoring procedures correctly stated:
Extreme precautions are to be observed while dropping anchor in
deep water. The following guidelines should be observed in order to
avoid the loss of an anchor:



Page 7

crewmen should not be underestimated.

With large anchors, dropping the anchor in deep water can cause
physical damage to the anchor itself, as well as increase the probability
of losing the full length of cable, and of damage to the windlass, gypsy,
the bitter end and/or chain locker.
Large vessels should always ensure that the cables are held with the
guillotine, bar or cable stopper, and that the windlass brake is screwed
up tightly.

Maintenance of windlass and anchoring

The routine maintenance of the windlass arrangement and anchoring
equipment is essential for any deck planned maintenance system (PMS).
Clear instructions should be provided to ensure the ships personnel are
aware of the PMS requirements. This should include but not be limited to:
Greasing and inspection by a qualified person

Ensure that the windlass brake linings are in a good condition and
the bottom band stopper is properly adjusted

Inspection of anchor securing arrangements

Ensure that the entire cable is walked out under power

Inspection and overhaul of windlass brakes, bands and linings,

and cable stoppers by a responsible person

While lowering the anchor the vessel should be fully stopped with
no speed over the ground
After laying 1 to 2 shackles on the sea bed, use short burst of
engine power, no more than dead slow ahead or astern to range
the cable to the required length
After the vessel is brought up, place the guillotine bar into the
locked position. Tighten the windlass brake and disengage gear.

Inspection and overhaul of windlass gears and clutches

by a responsible person
Ensuring cables are kept cleaned and well marked
Inspection of anchor D shackles, shackle pins, crown pin,
joining shackles, flukes and shank.




Page 8

Safety Management

Mooring winch brake band testing

The windlass gypsy arrangements are nearly always combined with the
mooring winches. The OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines give
comprehensive details as to the procedures for the testing of the mooring
winch brakes. These tests should be undertaken annually, if possible, and
should be part of the deck PMS. As a minimum, the test should be
included when the vessel dry-docks and as part of the docking

Company safety management system (SMS)


Lastly, owners and managers should consider carrying out

meaningful navigational audit, which should include:
Monitoring that charts and publications are current and correctly used
Confirmation of correct use of passage planning
Confirmation of bridge navigational competence
Monitoring ship-handling when under pilotage
Monitoring ship-handling when berthing
Monitoring the anchoring abilities of the Master
Bridge team management during specific periods.

The SMS manuals are there to provide guidance and instruction, and to
cover all expected risks. They should also be clear and prescriptive.
Anchoring procedures must include guidance on:
Empowering Masters to make the decisions necessary for the ships
safety particularly with respect to commercial pressure, designated
anchorages, VTS and pilots advices
Passage planning
Choice of a good anchorage location, planning the anchoring position
and approach in different weathers and visibility; bridge team
management; traffic density, negotiating overcrowded anchorages with
additional risks of collision; safety of swing room, under keel clearance

Anchoring a vessel safely should be an uncomplicated operation.
However, it can only be carried out safely with proper planning,
with a properly instructed bridge team, and when positive on-board
management and leadership are shown. The knowledge of how to anchor
a vessel and the dangers when at anchor must be learnt in the years
before becoming a Master. Owners and managers should ensure that
such knowledge is transferred to junior officers through structured
training and by making that knowledge available. Good seamanship and
the practice of good seamanship are best learnt on the job whilst at sea.

The minimum requirement for Masters bridge orders

Masters must be particularly aware when anchoring close to shore in

poor weather or in poor holding ground. Good anchor watches must be
maintained; precautions such as additional cable paid out and engines on
immediate notice should be considered.

When to have the engineers on stand-by, the engine room manned,

and the main engines on standby or ready for immediate use

Masters must be prepared to weigh (lift) anchor early enough before a

potential grounding situation develops.

Amount of cable, scope, holding ground, anchor holding power,

proximity of shoreline, dangers of dragging anchor, and risk of collision
and grounding

The key issue that ensures that a vessel is safely anchored, and remains
safely anchored, is the leadership and judgement shown by the Master.
A significant factor in most anchoring incidents remains the failure of
Masters to appreciate early on that a dangerous situation is developing
and to take early and decisive action.

Keeping a safe anchor watch, including position-keeping, proper use of

radar and GPS guard rings/alarms. OOW use of main engine.

When the vessel is in ballast condition, the use of additional ballast

The use of two anchors
The limitations on the anchoring equipment under heavy stress
The use of anchors in an emergency

Acknowledgements: Nautical Institute, MAIB reports, CHIRP. AMSB Pasha

Bulker report.

Deep water anchoring

Recognising when a dangerous situation is developing when at anchor
and when to move
Taking early and effective action
Factors affecting a vessel when at anchor in heavy weather, including
yawing and snatching
Putting to sea in the advent of adverse and severe weather
Safety of vessel with reference to security
Clear instruction for the maintenance and inspection of the windlass,
gypsy, anchors and cable
Training/mentoring junior officers in anchoring techniques.

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