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Poetry - Writing with Literary Device: Lesson 7

- Thursday, November 3, 2016

Ms. Madison Myers
Knowledge Quest Academy: Language Arts Period 4 and 5 (7th and 8th Grades)

Objective for the unit: How do literary elements add greater meaning to a
Todays Objective: How do words and phrases change when used for a
specific purpose or in a certain context?
By the end of today, students will begin to master:
Explain how word choice and sentence structure are used to achieve specific effects (such as tone, voice, and mood) (CAS:
Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a words position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the
meaning of a word or phrase. (CCSS: L.8.4a)
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and
audience. (CCSS: W.8.4)
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze
the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. (CCSS: RL.8.4)

Agenda: (52 minutes)

3 minutes: Come into class, grab binders from shelf and sit quietly in their seats. I will take
attendance and instruct students to begin working on their warmup.
5 minutes: Students will complete journal entry #7. I will walk around and give completion stamps
for their homework.
12 minutes: Go over Nothing Gold Can Stay as an entire class. We will go through the 8 steps as a
class looking for the different literary elements from their analyzing a poem chart.
2 minutes: Homework Calendars. I will go over the homework for tomorrow with students. They will
be reading Hanging Fire and filling out the entire Analyzing poetry handout.
5 minutes: I will give instructions/explain the assignment they will be completing. Using words
commonly associated with math, students will write about a topic, but use the words for a different
purpose. They will get into groups of 4 that I will assign (counting them off 1 through 4). In their
groups, person 1 will be in charge of writing the dictionary definitions on the handout. Person 2 will
be in charge of looking up the words in the dictionary for the dictionary definition. Person 3 will be
in charge of writing down the connotations on the handout provided. And, person 4 will be in charge
of writing the story. Each person will have to contribute to the story in some way, which they will be
accountable for.

Poetry - Writing with Literary Device: Lesson 7

- Thursday, November 3, 2016
25 minutes: Students will have time to write and complete the assignment to be turned in for their
binder check. I will be walking around the room and helping students with writers block or that need
*Students that finish earlier than the time allotted, can work on finishing their paint swatch activities,
tweet sheets, make up work missed, or work on the homework for tonight.
2 minutes: I will remind them of our learning target today and for the unit. I will remind them that
words can have different purposes when used for specific reasons. In poetry and literature, word
denotations do not always match their connotations matched to the context.
FA: I will also do a binder check today for the homework and classwork they have completed since
the last binder check. I will know that students understand the content we have gone over based on
their journal responses, blue pen markings on our class discussions, and assignments completed in
class. I will also see how they work together to write stories using math words. I will know that they
understand that words have different definitions based off the context if they can use all of the words
in a different way.
Notes on Today:
With the math story, Ashley suggested that I have students performing multiple roles, so that nobody
was sitting and doing nothing at any given time. Students all looked up words in the dictionaries,
which took them a good amount of time. This activity took a lot longer than I anticipated, and we
actually took two days and finished on Friday. Students had a difficult time brainstorming, so I
walked around and spent quite a bit of time prompting and getting their brains thinking of ideas for
their stories. One thing I would do differently, is set up more time for this activity. I tired to do too
much in too little amount of time, and although we flowed over into an additional day, I would have
liked to structure it so that one part was done on one day and the proceeding part was scheduled for
the next day. I think this would have made the process smoother. Overall, I really liked this method
for incorporating numeracy in my unit and would use it again in the future. I received some great
stories from the students and they enjoyed working together to write their stories.

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