Analysis and Review - Secondary Arc Extinction Auto Reclosing For 765 KV EHV TL

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International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology and Management

ISSN 2347 - 7539

Analysis & Review: Secondary Arc Extinction Auto Reclosing for 765 KV
EHV Transmission Line
Deepak Patel1, Mr. Nisheet Soni2

MTech Scholar, Department of Electrical & Electronics, SIRT, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India, [email protected]
Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics, SIRT, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India, [email protected]

This paper suggests a new adaptive single-pole auto-reclosing technique based on tracking a single harmonic distortion index that
represents the behavior of the low frequency components of the faulted phase voltage or sound phase current waveforms and a
decision-making index that is dened based on proper-ties of the tracked HDI. The advantage of this techniques that the threshold
values, set for indices, can be chosen all most independent of pre-fault loading conditions and line parameters. The heart of this
relay is a method trained to discriminate healthy system, permanent fault, transient fault and extinguishing of the secondary arc.
Thus issuing right decisions. The proposed method is trained only to recognize single phase to ground fault types (both transient
and permanent) simulated on TL Model between Baijie Thermal Power Station and Mosul Super Grid Sub-Station 765Kv from Iraqi
North Regional Grids (INRG).


This paper suggests a new adaptive single-pole auto-reclosing
technique based on tracking a single harmonic distortion
index that represents the behavior of the low frequency
components of the faulted phase voltage or sound phase
current waveforms and a decision-making index that is
dened based on proper- ties of the tracked HDI. The
advantage of this technique is that the threshold values, set
for indices, can be chosen almost independent of pre-fault
loading conditions and line parameters. This paper suggests
a new adaptive single-pole auto-reclosing technique based on
tracking a single harmonic distortion index that represents the
behavior of the low frequency components of the faulted
phase voltage or sound phase current waveforms and a
decision-making index that is dened based on proper- ties of
the tracked HDI. The advantage of this technique is that the
threshold values, set for indices, can be chosen almost
independent of pre-fault loading conditions and line
parameters. This paper suggests a new adaptive single-pole
auto-reclosing technique based on tracking a single harmonic
distortion index (HDI) that represents the behavior of the low
frequency components of the faulted phase voltage or sound
phase current waveforms and a decision-making index that is
dened based on proper- ties of the tracked HDI.[2,3] The
advantage of this technique is that the threshold values, set
for indices, can be chosen almost independent of pre-fault
loading conditions and line parameters.




command is sent to the two line breakers of the faulted phase.

The breaker are kept open during a certain dead time,
usually around 0.5 s, during which the arc normally
extinguishes, then the two breakers are reclosed. When the
two line breakers are tripped on the faulted phase, the fault
current is interrupted but a small current will continue to flow
through the arc.[1] If this secondary arc current is too large
(typically above 50 A), the arc cannot extinguish and the
breaker will reclose on the fault.


Capacitive component of secondary arc current can be
eliminated partly or fully through rational choice for
reactance of reactor. But it is difficult to eliminate inductive
component. In secondary arc current, capacitive component
makes up a larger proportion. To compensate for capacitance
effect of transmission line and limit the rise of frequency
voltage, in general, shunt reactors are installed in longdistance ultra-high single-circuit transmission lines. So it is
convenient to set up small reactor at the neutral of shunt
reactor to extinguish secondary arc current. The method of
connecting wire and equivalent circuit are shown in [8].


A phase-to-ground fault is applied at the middle of line 2. In

order to apply the fault along the line, this line is simulated in
two sections of 150 km. As soon as the fault is detected by
the protection relays (not simulated here), an opening

(a) Method of connecting wire

Volume: 02 Issue: 01 | Jan-2014, Available @ | Paper id - IJRETM-2014-02-01-216

International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology and Management

ISSN 2347 - 7539

(b) Equivalent circuit

Fig- 1: Theory Circuit of Shunt Reactor with Neutral Small


Choose Simulation/Start and observe the voltage and current
waveforms on the 4-trace oscilloscope. Observe the three
phase-to-ground voltages and currents at sending end of line
2 and the current flowing into the fault. The line voltages and
currents are measured with the 3-phase measurement bus of
the Extras library. It allows to output voltages and currents
directly in pu. The machine has been previously initialized to
deliver 3000 MW of power at 1 pu voltage. The line currents
flowing into each line are therefore 15pu/100 MVA as
observed on trace 2. The fault current (I_arc) is measured in
amperes. It reaches 22 kA during the first cycle, then it drops
to a very small value after 3 cycles when the two line breakers
open. Use Y-zoom to look at the secondary arc current. It
contains a slowly decaying DC component and a fundamental
component (12 A peak). As its rms value is below 50 A, the
arc extinguishes at the first current zero crossing. Now, open
the Arc Model block menu and change the arc model to a
fixed resistance (0.1 ohm). Restart the simulation. Notice that
the DC component of the arc current prevents arc extinction,
so that the line is now reclosed on a fault. You can also
suppress the neutral reactance in the two shunt reactance
blocks and see the impact on the secondary arc current.

Fig- 3: Simulation Model of 200 MVAR with Line to


This paper presents an algorithm for adaptive determination
of the dead time during transient arcing faults and blocking
automatic reclosing during permanent faults on overhead
transmission lines. The discrimination between transient and
permanent faults is made by the zero sequence voltage
measured at the relay point. If the fault is recognized as an
arcing one, then the third harmonic of the zero sequence
voltage is used to evaluate the extinction time of the
secondary arc and to initiate reclosing signal. The significant
advantage of this algorithm is that it uses an adaptive
threshold level and therefore its performance is independent
of fault location, line parameters and the system operating
conditions. The proposed algorithm has been successfully
tested under a variety of fault. Locations and load angles on a
765 KV overhead line using Electro-Magnetic Transient
Program. The test results validate the algorithm ability in
determining the secondary arc extinction time during
transient faults as well as blocking unsuccessful automatic
reclosing during permanent faults.

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Fig- 2: Simulation model of Current Measurement

Volume: 02 Issue: 01 | Jan-2014, Available @ | Paper id - IJRETM-2014-02-01-216

International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology and Management

ISSN 2347 - 7539

[2]. Bo Z. Q., Aggarwal R. K. and Johns A. T., A novel

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Volume: 02 Issue: 01 | Jan-2014, Available @ | Paper id - IJRETM-2014-02-01-216

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