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HW 1 solution Jan.

29, 2010

You are given a gas with the following composition:

Hydrogen sulfide 10.20%
carbon dioxide 10.20%
methane 70%
ethane 3.10%
propane 2.20%
n-butane 1.09%
n-Pentane 0.56%
n-Hexanes 0.21%
heptanes plus 2.24%
Porperties of heptanes plus
specific gravity 84.40%
molecular weight 132 lb/lb mole

Please calculate the following for the gas under reservoir condition of 213 degree F and 3250 psia:
1 specific gravity
2 z factor under reservoir condition of psia using two different methods.
3 Formation factor
4 Density of reservoir gas
5 viscosity of the gas.

From the given Table, we can calculate the following:

Ppc Tpc
MF (xi) MW Pc (psia) Tc (@R) xi*MW xi*Pc xi*Tc
Hydrogen sulfide 10.20% 34.08 1306.5 672.4 3.47616 133.263 68.5848
carbon dioxide 10.20% 44.01 1072 547.5 4.48902 109.344 55.845
methane 70% 16.04 673.1 343.2 11.26008 472.5162 240.9264
ethane 3.10% 30.07 709 549.9 0.93217 21.979 17.0469
propane 2.20% 44.09 617.4 666 0.96998 13.5828 14.652
n-butane 1.09% 58.12 550.1 765.7 0.633508 5.99609 8.34613
n-Pentane 0.56% 72.15 485 846.2 0.40404 2.716 4.73872
n-Hexanes 0.21% 86.17 434 914.2 0.180957 0.9114 1.91982
heptanes plus 2.24% 132 395.9 972.4 2.9568 8.86816 21.78176
100.00% 25.30272 769.1767 433.8415

1. specific gravity: calculate the molecular weight of gas from above table,
and then calculate specific gravity using the following equation.

MWgas 25.302
g 0.873
MWair 28.970
2. (1) step 1: calculate pseudo-critical T and P from the table above.
Tpc xiTpc ,i 433.84 Rankine
i 1
ppc xi p pc,i 769.18 psia
i 1

step2: look for correction factor for acid gas from Chart #8 in GraderFigures.pdf:
e= 24

step3: calculate corrected pseudocritical T and P:

Use Wichert and Aziz equations for acid gases:
T pc ' Tpc e 433.84 24 409.84

p pcT ' pc 769.18 409.84

p pc ' 722.96
Tpc xH S (1 xH S )e 433.84 0.102 (1 0.102) 24
2 2

step 4: Calculate pesudo-reduced T and p:

T (Rankine) 213 460

Pseudo-reduced Pressure Tpr 1.642
Tpc ' 409.84
p 3250
Pseudo-reduced Pressure p pr 4.495
p pc ' 722.96

step 5:
compressibility factor can be found from Chart#7 in GraderFigures.pdf (Standing and Katz chart):
z: 0.835

3. formation volume factor

Vr zT 0.835 (213+460)
Bg 0.02829 r =0.02829 =0.00489 cu ft/SCF
Vsc pr 3250
V zT 0.835 (213+460)
Bg r 0.00504 r =0.00504 =0.000871 bbl/SCF
Vsc pr 3250

4. density of reservoir gas:

nM w pr 3250
g 28.97 g = 28.97 0.873 13.63 lb/cu ft
Vr zR 'Tr 0.835 10.73 (213 460)
5. viscosity:
step 1: look for viscosity at 1 atm from chart #13a in GraderFigures.pdf:
at 212 deg F and z 0.835: 1 = 0.0119 cp

step 2: correction fro CO2 and H2S from embedded figures:

correction for CO2: error: 0.0006 cp
correction for H2S: error: 0.0003 cp

1 after correction: 0.0119+0.0006+0.0003= 0.0128 cp

step 3: look for viscocity ratio from chart#13b in GraderFigures.pdf:

/ 1 1.8

1.8 0.0128 0.023 cp

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