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Nammo Tasso Bhagawato Arahato
Samma Sambuddhassa
Nammo Tasso Bhagawato Arahato
Samma Sambuddhassa
Nammo Tasso Bhagawato Arahato
Samma Sambuddhassa
Honour to him,
The blessed one,
The Worthy one,
The fully Enlightened one.
Buddham saranam gacchami
Dhammam saranam gacchami
Sangham saranam gachhami
Dutiyampi Buddham saranam gacchami
Dutiyampi Dhammam saranam gacchami
Dutiyampi Sangham saranam gacchami
Tatiyampi Buddham saranam gacchami
Tatiyampi Dhamam saranam gacchami
Tatiyampi Sangham saranam gacchami
I go to the Buddha as my refuge.
I go to the Dhamma as my refuge.
I go to the Sangha as my refuge.
For the second time
I go to the Buddha as my refuge.

For the second time

I go to the Dhamma as my refuge.
For the second time
I go to the Sangha as my refuge.
For the third time
I go to the Buddha as my refuge.
For the third time
I go to the Dhamma as my refuge.
For the third time
I go to the Sangha as my refuge.
Panca Sila
Veramani sikkha padam samadiyami
Veramani sikkha padam samadiyami
Kamesu miccha-cara
Veramani sikkha padam samadiyami
Veramani sikkha padam samadiyami
Sura meraya-majja-pama-datthana
Veramani sikkha padama samadiyami

I take the precept to

Abstain from destroying living beings.
I take the precept to
Abstain from taking things not given.
I take the precept to
Abstain from sexual misconduct.
I take the precept to
Abstain from false speech.
I take the precept to
Abstain from taking anything that
Causes intoxication or heedlessness.

Salutation to the Buddha

Iti pi so Bhagava Araham
Samma sambuddho
vijja Carana-sampanno
Sugato Lokavidu Anuttaro
Purisa damma-sarathi
Sattha Deva-manussanam
Buddho Bhagava ti
Such indeed is the blessed one, exalted,
Omniscient,endowed with knowledge and virtues.
Gone beyond, knower of the worlds,
A guide incomparable for the training of individuals.
Teachers of gods and men,
Enlightened and Holy.

Salutation to the Dhamma

Svakkhato Bhagavata Dhammo
Sanditthiko Akaliko
Ehi passiko Opanayiko
Paccattam veditabbo vinnuhi ti
Well expounded in the Dhamma
By the Blessed One,
To be self- realised;
To be but approached to be seen ;
Capable of being entered upon ;
To be attained by the wise, each by himself.
Salutation to the Sangha

Supatipanno Bhagavato
Savaka sangho
Uju patipanno Bhagavato
Savaka sangho
Naya patipanno Bhagavato
Savaka sangho
Samici patipanno Bhagavato
Savaka sangho
Yadidam cattari purisa yugani
Attha purisa puggala
Essa bhagavato savaka sangho
Ahuneyyo pahuneyyo
Dakkhineyyo anjali karaniyo
Anuttaram punnak khettam lokassa ti
Of good conduct is the Order
of the Diciples of the Blessed One.
Of upright conduct is the Order
of the Diciples of the Blessed One.
Of wise conduct is the Order
of the Disciples of the Blessed One.
Of dutiful conduct is the Order
of the Disciples of the Blessed One.
This Order of the Disciples of
the Blessed One, namely,
these four Pairs of Persons,
is worthy of offerings,
is worthy of hospitality,
is worthy of gifts,
is worthy of reverential saluation,
is an incomparable field of merits
to the World.
Saluation to the Three Main Objects
of Veneration

Vandami cetiyam sabbam

Sabba thanesu patitthitam
Saririka dhatu Maha bodhim
Buddha rupam sakalam - sada
I salute every chetiya ( shrine ) ,
That may stand in any place, the bodily relics,
The Great Bodhi, and all images of the Buddha.
Offering of Light and flowers
Ghanna sarappa dittena
Dipena tama dhansina
Tiloka dipam sambuddham
Pujayami tamo nudam
With lights brightly shining, abolishing this
Gloom, I adore the Enlightened One,
Who dispel the darkness ( of ignorance ).
Vanna gandha gunopetam
Etam kusuma sanatatim
Pujayami munindassa
Siri pada saroruhe
This mass of flowers,
Fresh hued, fragrant and choice, I offer
At the sacred lotus-like feet of the Noble Sage.
Pujemi Buddham kusumena nena
Punnena metena ca hotu mokkham
Puppham milayati yatha idam me
Kayo tatha yati vinasa bhavam
I offer Thee , Lord Buddha, these flowers.
May this virtue aid in my emancipation.

Our bodies undergo decay,

Even as these flowers must fade.
Offering of water
Adhivasetu no bhante
Paniyam Parkappitam
Anukampam upadaya
Patiganhatu muttamam
O, Lord! The blessed one.
May this water be kindly accepted by you,
Out of great compassion for us
Offering of Food
& Medicinal Drinks
Adhivasetu no bhante
Bhojanam parikappitam
Anukampam upadaya
Patiganhatu muttamam
O,Lord ! The Blessed One,
May this food
Be kindly accepted by you,
Out of great compassion for us.
Adhivasetu no bhante
Gilana paccayam imam
Anukampam upadaya
Patiganhatu muttamam
O Lord ! The Blessed One,
Please accept these medicinal drinks
As an offering to Thee,
Out of great compassion for us.

Imina punna kammena
Mame bala samagamo
Satam samagamo hotu
Yava nibbana pattiya
By the grace of this merit that
I have acquired,
May I never follow the foolish;
But only the wise until
I attain the final goal Nibbana.
Khamatha me Bhante
Kayena vaca cittena
Pamadena maya katam
Accayam khama me bhante
Bhuri-panna tathagata
If by deeds, speech or thought heedlessly ,
I have done anything wrong,
Fogive me O master !
O Teacher, most Wise !
To make Devas Participate
in merits
Akasattha ca bhummattha
Deva naga mahiddhika
Punnam tam anumoditva
Ciram rakkhantu loka-sasanam
May all beings inhabiting space and earth,
Devas and Nagas of mighty power,

share this merit and may they long

protect the Dispensation.
Ettavata ca amhehi
Sambhatam punna sampadam
Sabbe Deva anumodantu
Sabba sampatti siddhiya
May all things share this merit,
which we have thus acquired.
May it contribute greatly to their happiness
Transference of
Merits to the Departed
Idam me natinam hotu
Sukhita hontu natayo
Let his (merit) accrue to our relatives,
and may they be happy.
Idam me natinam hotu
Sukhita hontu natayo
Let his (merit) accrue to our relatives,
and may they be happy.
Idam me natinam hotu
Sukhita hontu natayo
Let his (merit) accrue to our relatives,
and may they be happy.

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