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Dario Nacar vs

Bordey, Jr.
G.R. No. 189871





Dario Nacar filed a complaint for constructive dismissal before the
Arbitration Branch of the NLRC against respondent Gallery Frames
and/or Felipe Bordey, Jr. The Labor Arbiter rendered a decision in favor
of petitioner and found that he was dismissed from employment
without a valid or just cause entitling him to be awarded back wages
and separation pay.
Respondents appealed to NLRC but was dismissed for lack of merit.
The NLRC sustained the decision of the Labor Arbiter. Respondents
then filed a motion for reconsideration, but was denied.
Respondents frilled a Petition for Review on Certiorari before the Court
of Appeals. The CA issued a Resolution dismissing the petition. A
Motion for Reconsideration was then filed but likewise denied.
The respondents sought relief from the Supreme Court but the latter
found no reversible error on the part of the CA, thus denying the
petition. An Entry of Judgment was later issued certifying that the
resolution became final and executor. The case was referred back to
the Labor Arbiter.
Petitioner filed a Motion for Correct Computation praying that his back
wages be computed from the date of his dismissal up to the finality of
the Resolution of the Supreme Court. The Computation and
Examination Unit of the NLRC arrived at an updated amount in the sum
of P471,320.31.
A Writ of Execution was issued by the Labor Arbiter ordering the
Sheriff to collect from the respondents the recomputed amount.
Respondents filed a Motion to Quash Writ of Execution claiming that
after the decision becomes final and executor, the same cannot be
altered. The Labor Arbiter denied the motion and issued an Alias Writ
of Execution.
Respondents again appealed to the NLRC who granted the appeal in
favor of the respondents and ordered the recomputation of the
judgment award. Upon recomputation, the judgment award of
petitioner was reassessed to be in the total sum of P147,560.19. The
Labor Arbiter then issued an Alias Writ of Execution to satisfy the

judgment award that was due to the petitioner, which the petitioner
eventually received.
Petitioner the filed a Manifestation and Motion praying for the recomputation of monetary award to include appropriate interests. The
Labor Arbiter issued an order granting the motion, nut only up to the
amount of P11,459.73 reasoning that the decision that should be
enforced was that of October 15, 1998 considering that it as the one
that became final and executory.
Petitioner appealed before the NLRC which the latter denied. He then
filed a Motion for reconsideration but was likewise denied. Petitioner
then sought recourse before the CA, who also denied the petition. The
CA reasoned that since petitioner no longer appealed the October 15,
1998 decision, a correction thereof is no longer allowed.

Whether or not the payment of back wages should be paid with

The petition is meritorious.
The decision of the Court of Appeals and the Resolution dated October
9, 2009 are reversed and set aside. Respondents are ordered to pay
petitioner: (1) backwages computed from the time petltwner was illegally
dismissed on January 24, 1997 up to May 27, 2002, when the Resolution of
this Court in G.R. No. 151332 became final and executory; (2) separation pay
computed from August 1990 up to May 27, 2002 at the rate of one month
pay per year of service; and (3) interest of twelve percent ( 12%) per annum
of the total monetary awards, computed from May 27, 2002 to June 30, 2013
and six percent (6%) per annum from July 1, 2013 until their full satisfaction.
The Labor Arbiter is hereby ORDERED to make another
recomputation of the total monetary benefits awarded and due to petitioner
in accordance with this Decision.

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