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Connecting to HP Vertica

HP Vertica Analytic Database

Software Version: 7.1.x

Document Release Date: 7/21/2016

Legal Notices
The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be
construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

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Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer
Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial

Copyright Notice
Copyright 2006 - 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Microsoft and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
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Using vsql


General Notes


Installing the vsql Client


How to Install vsql on Unix-Based systems:


Installing vsql on Windows:


vsql Notes for Windows Users


Connecting From the Administration Tools


Connecting from the Command Line


Command-Line Options


General Options


Connection Options


Output Formatting


Input and Output Options


-c Command --command Command


-f Filename --file Filename


-F Separator --field-separator Separator


-h Hostname --host Hostname


-v Assignment --set Assignment --variable Assignment
Connecting From a Non-Cluster Host


\! [ COMMAND ]






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\c (or \connect) [ Dbname [ Username ] ]




\cd [ DIR ]


The \d [ PATTERN ] Meta-Commands


\d [ PATTERN ]


\df [ PATTERN ]


\dj [ PATTERN ]


\dn [ PATTERN ]


\dp [ PATTERN ]


\ds [ PATTERN ]




\dt [ PATTERN ]




\dtv [ PATTERN ]


\du [ PATTERN ]


\dv [ PATTERN ]


\e \edit [ FILE ]


\echo [ STRING ]


\f [ String ]






\h \help








Viewing the Current Locale Setting

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Overriding the Default Local for a Session






\password [ USER ]


\pset NAME [ VALUE ]




\qecho [ STRING ]




\s [ FILE ]


\set [ NAME [ VALUE [ ... ] ] ]


Using Backquotes to Read System Variables








\unset [ NAME ]


\w [ FILE ]








SQL Interpolation
















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Command Line Editing




vsql Environment Variables




To Change Settings on Linux


To Change Settings on Windows Using PuTTy






Exporting Data Using vsql


Copying Data Using vsql


Monitoring Progress (optional)

Output Formatting Examples

Client Libraries

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Connecting to HP Vertica

Client Driver Standards


Client Driver and Server Version Compatibility


Version 4.1 to 5.1 Client Driver Transition


HP Vertica ODBC/JDBC Client Installers


ODBC/JDBC Multiple Version Installations


HP Vertica ADO.NET Client Installers


Installing the Client Drivers


Client Driver Standards


Driver Prerequisites


ODBC Prerequisites


Operating System


ODBC Driver Manager


UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 Support


ADO.NET Prerequisites


Operating System




.NET Framework


Python Prerequisites


Python Driver


Supported Operating Systems


Perl Prerequisites


Perl Drivers


Supported Client Systems


PHP Prerequisites


PHP Modules


Supported Client Systems


Installing the Client Drivers

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Installing Driver Managers Linux and Other UNIX-like Platforms


Installing ODBC Drivers on Linux, Solaris, AIX, and HP-UX


Installation Procedure


Post Driver Installation Configuration


Installing the Client RPM on Red Hat and SUSE


Installing JDBC Driver on Linux, Solaris, AIX, and HPUX


Installing ODBC/JDBC Client Drivers and vsql Client on Windows


To Download the Windows client-drivers:


To Install the Windows Client-Drivers and vsql client:


To Silent-Install the Windows Client-Drivers and vsql client:


After You install:


Modifying the Java CLASSPATH


Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, and OS X




Specifying the Library Directory in the Java Command


Installing the JDBC Driver on Macintosh OS X


Downloading the JDBC Driver


Ensuring Java Can Find the JDBC Driver


Installing the ODBC Driver on Mac OS X


Before You Download the Driver


Download the Driver


Install the Mac OS X ODBC Client-Driver


Silently Install the Mac OS X ODBC Client-Driver


Uninstall the Mac OS X ODBC Client-Driver


Using Legacy Drivers

Creating an ODBC Data Source Name (DSN)
Creating an ODBC DSN for Linux, Solaris, AIX, and HP-UX

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Connecting to HP Vertica

odbc.ini File Structure


Configuring the odbc.ini file:


Using an odbcinst.ini File


Configuring Additional ODBC Settings


Testing a DSN Using Isql


Creating an ODBC DSN for Windows Clients

Setting Up a DSN


To set up a DSN


Setting up a 32-Bit DSN on 64-Bit Versions of Microsoft Windows


Testing a DSN Using Excel 2007

Creating an ODBC DSN for Macintosh OS X Clients


Setting Up a DSN


Testing a DSN Using iodbctest


Data Source Name (DSN) Connection Parameters


Required Connection Parameters


Optional Parameters


Advanced Settings






Third-Party Compatibility


Kerberos Connection Parameters


Setting DSN Connection Parameters


Upgrading the Client Drivers


Additional Linux ODBC Driver Configuration Settings

Location of the Additional Driver Settings


Creating a vertica.ini File


Required Settings


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Connecting to HP Vertica

Setting the VERTICAINI Environment Variable


Example vertica.ini File


Additional Parameter Settings


Logging Settings


ODBC-specific Settings


ADO.NET-specific Settings


Programming ODBC Client Applications


ODBC Architecture


ODBC Feature Support


Updating ODBC Client Code From Previous Driver Versions


DSN Parameter Changes


Removed DSN Parameters


Changed DSN Parameters


New DSN Parameter


New DSN Parameter Alias


Function Changes


Removed Functions


Interval and TimeStamp Changes


New Additional Driver Information


-specific ODBC Header File


Connecting to




Enabling Native Connection Load Balancing in ODBC


ODBC Connection Failover


Choosing a Failover Method


Using DNS Failover


Using the Backup Host List


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Connecting to HP Vertica

Prompting Windows Users for Missing Connection Parameters


Prompting Windows Users for Passwords


No Password Entry vs. Empty Passwords


Setting the Locale for ODBC Sessions


AUTOCOMMIT and ODBC Transactions


Retrieving Data Through ODBC


Loading Data Through ODBC


Using a Single Row Insert


Using Prepared Statements


Using Batch Inserts


Batch Insert Steps


Tracking Load Status (ODBC)


Finding the Number of Accepted Rows


Finding the Accepted and Rejected Rows


Error Handling During Batch Loads


Loading Batches in Parallel


Using the COPY Statement


Streaming Data From the Client Using COPY LOCAL




Programming JDBC Client Applications

JDBC Feature Support


Multiple SQL Statement Support


Multiple Batch Conversion to COPY Statements


Multiple JDBC Version Support


Updating Application Code From Previous Driver Versions

Updating Client Code From 4.1 or Earlier JDBC Driver Versions
Driver Package and Interface Name Changes

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Interface Name Changes


Removed Classes


Converting From PGConnection to VerticaConnection


Property Setters and Getters


Deprecated Methods


Savepoint Support


Updatable Result Set Changes


Converting From PGStatement to VerticaStatement


Deprecated Methods


Bulk Loading Method Changes


Connection Property Setters and Getters


Multiple Statement Support


Connection Property Changes


New Connection Properties


Renamed Properties


Removed Connection Properties


New Features in the Version JDBC Driver


JNDI Service Registration


Exception Class Improvements


Wrapper Interface Support


Additional DatabaseMetaData Methods


Improved Connection Pooling


Native Connection Load Balancing Support


Connection Failover Support


Creating and Configuring a Connection


Importing SQL Packages


Opening the Connection


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Connecting to HP Vertica

JDBC Connection Properties


Connection Properties


General Properties


Logging Properties


Kerberos Connection Parameters


Routable Connection API Connection Parameters


Setting and Getting Connection Property Values


Setting Properties When Connecting


Getting and Setting Properties After Connecting


Setting the Locale for JDBC Sessions




Changing the Transaction Isolation Level


Using a Pooling Data Source


Enabling Native Connection Load Balancing in JDBC


JDBC Connection Failover


Choosing a Failover Method


Using DNS Failover


Using the Backup Host List


JDBC Data Types


Numeric Data Alias Conversion


Using Intervals with JDBC


Using Intervals in Batch Inserts


Reading Interval Values


Executing Queries Through JDBC


Executing DDL (Data Definition Language) Queries


Executing Queries That Return Result Sets


Executing DML (Data Manipulation Language) Queries Using executeUpdate


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Connecting to HP Vertica

Loading Data Through JDBC


Using a Single Row Insert




Batch Inserts Using JDBC Prepared Statements


Streaming Batch Inserts




Loading Batches Directly into ROS


Error Handling During Batch Loads


Identifying Accepted and Rejected Rows (JDBC)


Rolling Back Batch Loads on the Server


Bulk Loading Using the COPY Statement


Streaming Data Via JDBC


Using VerticaCopyStream


Getting Rejected Rows




Handling Errors


Vertica Analytic Database SQLState Mapping to Java Exception Classes


Error Handling Example


Routing JDBC Queries Directly to a Single Node


Creating Tables and Projections for use with the Routable Query API


Creating a Connection for Routable Queries


Defining the Query for Routable Queries using the VerticaRoutableExecutor



Defining the Query for Routable Queries Using the VGet Class


Routable Query Performance and Troubleshooting


Programming ADO.NET Applications

Updating ADO.NET Client Code From Previous Driver Versions

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Connecting to HP Vertica

Auto Commit Change


Performance Improvements


Namespace Change


Connection Properties


Result Buffering


Logging Changes


Data Type Changes


Multiple Commands Now Supported


Setting the Locale for ADO.NET Sessions


Connecting to the Database


Using SSL: Installing Certificates on Windows


Import the Server and Client Certificates into the Windows Key store:


Import the Public Certificate of Your CA:


Enable SSL in Your ADO.NET Applications


Opening and Closing the Database Connection (ADO.NET)


To Manually Create a Connection string:


To Use the VerticaConnectionStringBuilder Class to Create a Connection

String and Open a connection:


To Close the connection:


Example Usage:


ADO.NET Connection Properties


Enabling Native Connection Load Balancing in ADO.NET


ADO.NET Connection Failover


Choosing a Failover Method


Using DNS Failover


Using the Backup Host List


Configuring Log Properties (ADO.Net)

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Setting Log Properties








Getting Log Properties


Setting and Getting Log Properties Example


Querying the Database Using ADO.NET


Inserting Data (ADO.NET)


To Insert a Single Row of data:


Example Usage:


Using Parameters


Using Parameters


Creating and Rolling Back Transactions


Creating Transactions


To Create a Transaction in HP Vertica Using the ADO.NET driver:


Rolling Back Transactions


Commit and Rollback Example


Setting the Transaction Isolation Level


Reading Data (ADO.Net)


To Read Data From the Database Using VerticaDataReader:


Loading Data Through ADO.Net


Using the HP Vertica Data Adapter


Batching Updates


Reading Data From HP Vertica Using the Data adapter:


Reading Data From HP Vertica into a Data set and Changing data:


Using Batch Inserts and Prepared Statements

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Example Batch Insert Using Parameters and Transactions


Loading Batches Directly into ROS


Streaming Data Via ADO.NET


Streaming From the Client Via VerticaCopyStream


Using Copy with ADO.NET


Handling Messages (ADO.NET)

To Use the VerticaInfoMessageEventHander class:


Getting Table Metadata (ADO.Net)


ADO.NET Data Types


Programming Python Client Applications


Python on Linux


Python on Windows


Python and Unicode


The Python Driver Module (pyodbc)


Configuring the ODBC Run-Time Environment on Linux


Querying the Database Using Python


Programming Perl Client Applications

Perl Client Prerequisites


Supported Perl Versions


Perl on Linux


Perl on Windows


The Perl Driver Modules (DBI and DBD::ODBC)


Installing Missing Perl Modules


Connecting to Using Perl


Setting ODBC Connection Parameters in Perl


Setting Perl DBI Connection Attributes


Connecting From Perl Without a DSN


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Connecting to HP Vertica

Executing Statements Using Perl


Batch Loading Data Using Perl


Using COPY LOCAL to Load Data in Perl


Querying Using Perl


Binding Variables to Column Values


Preparing, Querying, and Returning a Single Row


Conversions Between Perl and Data Types


Perl Unicode Support


Programming PHP Client Applications


PHP on Linux


PHP on Windows


The PHP ODBC Drivers




Example odbc.ini


Example odbcinst.ini


Verify the HP Vertica UnixODBC or iODBC Library


Test Your ODBC Connection


PHP Unicode Support


Querying the Database Using PHP


Management API








GET api


GET backups


POST backups/:config_script_base


GET backups/:config_script_base/:archive_id


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POST restore/:archive_id




POST databases


GET databases/:database_name


PUT databases/:database_name


DELETE databases/:database_name


GET databases/:database_name/configuration


PUT databases/:database_name/configuration


GET databases/:database_name/hosts


POST databases/:database_name/hosts


DELETE databases/:database_name/hosts/:host_id


POST databases/:database_name/hosts/:host_id/process


DELETE databases/:database_name/hosts/:host_id/process


POST databases/:database_name/hosts/:host_id/replace_with/:host_id_new


GET databases/:database_name/license


GET databases/:database_name/licenses


GET databases/:database_name/nodes


GET databases/:database_name/nodes/:node_id


POST databases/:database_name/process


GET databases/:database_name/process


DELETE databases/:database_name/process


POST databases/:database_name/rebalance/process


POST databases/:database_name/wla/process


GET hosts


GET hosts/:hostid


GET jobs


GET jobs/:id


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POST licenses


GET licenses


GET nodes


GET nodes/:nodeid


GET webhooks


POST webhooks/subscribe


DELETE webhooks/:subscriber_id


We appreciate your feedback!

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Using vsql

Using vsql
vsql is a character-based, interactive, front-end utility that lets you type SQL statements and see
the results. It also provides a number of meta-commands and various shell-like features that
facilitate writing scripts and automating a variety of tasks.
If you are using the vsql client installed on the server, then you can connect from the:

Administration Tools

Linux command line

You can also install the vsql client for other supported platforms.
A man page is available for vsql. If you are running as the dbadmin user, simply type: man vsql. If
you are running as a different user, type: man -M /opt/vertica/man vsql.

General Notes

SQL statements can be spread over several lines for clarity.

vsql can handles input and output in UTF-8 encoding. Note that the terminal emulator running
vsql must be set up to display the UTF-8 characters correctly. Follow the documentation of your
terminal emulator. The following example shows the settings in PuTTy from the Change
Settings > Window > Translation option:

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Using vsql

See also Best Practices for Working with Locales.


Cancel SQL statements by typing Ctrl+C.

Traverse command history by typing Ctrl+R.

When you disconnect a user session, any transactions in progress are automatically rolled

To view wide result sets, use the Linux less utility to truncate long lines.
a. Before connecting to the database, specify that you want to use less for query output:
$ export PAGER=less

b. Connect to the database.

c. Query a wide table:

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Using vsql

=> select * from wide_table;

d. At the less prompt, type:


If a shell running vsql fails (crashes or freezes), the vsql processes continue to run even if you
stop the database. In that case, log in as root on the machine on which the shell was running
and manually kill the vsql process. For example:

# ps -ef | grep vertica

fred 2401 1 0 06:02 pts/1 00:00:00 /opt/vertica/bin/vsql -p 5433 -h
test01_site01 quick_start_single
# kill -9 2401

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Using vsql

Installing the vsql Client

The vsql client is installed as part of the HP Vertica server rpm, but it is also available as a
download for other Unix-based systems such as HP-UX, AIX, and Mac OSX.

How to Install vsql on Unix-Based systems:

1. Use a web browser to log in to the myVertica portal.
2. Click the Download tab, scroll down to the CLIENT PACKAGES section and download the
appropriate vsql client from the HP Vertica downloads page. Note that there are both 32-bit and
64-bit versions for most platforms.
3. Extract the tarball. The tarball is organized to extract into /opt/vertica if you extract it at the root
(/) of the drive.
4. Optionally add the directory where the vsql client resides to your path.
5. Verify mode on the vsql file is executable. For example: chmod ugo+x vsql_VERSION
6. Set your shell locale to a locale supported by vsql. For example, in your .profile, add, export

Installing vsql on Windows:

vsql on Windows is installed as part of the Windows Client Driver package. To install vsql on
windows see the instructions for installing the Windows Client Driver package.
See vsql Notes for Windows Users for details on using vsql in a windows console.

vsql Notes for Windows Users

Set the console font to "Lucida Console", because the raster font does not work well with the ANSI
code page.

Console Encoding
vsql is built as a "console application." The Windows console windows use a different encoding
than the rest of the system, so take care when you use 8-bit characters within vsql. If vsql detects a

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Using vsql

problematic console code page, it warns you at startup. To change the console code page, two
things are necessary:

Set the code page by entering cmd.exe /c chcp 1252.

1252 is a code page that is appropriate for European languages; replace it with your preferred
locale code page.

Running Under Cygwin

Verify that your cygwin.bat file does not include the "tty" flag. If the "tty" flag is included in your
cywgin.bat file, then banners and prompts are not displayed in vsql.
For example, change:
set CYGWIN=binmode tty ntsec
set CYGWIN=binmode ntsec
Additionally, when running under Cygwin, vsql uses Cygwin shell conventions as opposed to
Windows console conventions.

Tab Completion
Tab completion is a function of the shell, not vsql. Because of this, tab completion does not work
the same way in Windows vsql as it does on Linux versions of vsql.
On Windows, instead of using tab-completion. Press F7 to pop-up a history window of commands,
or press F8 after typing a few letters of a command to cycle through commands in the history buffer
starting with the same letters.

Connecting From the Administration Tools

You can use the Administration Tools to connect to a database using vsql on any node in the
1. Log in as the database administrator user; for example, dbadmin.

Note: HP Vertica does not allow users with root privileges to connect to a database for
security reasons.

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Using vsql

2. Run the Administration Tools.

3. On the Main Menu, select Connect to Database.

4. Supply the database password if asked:


When you create a new user with the CREATE USER command, you can configure the
password or leave it empty. You cannot bypass the password if the user was created with a
password configured. You can change a user's password using the ALTER USER command.
5. The Administration Tools connect to the database and transfer control to vsql.
Welcome to vsql, the Vertica Analytic Database interactive terminal.
Type: \h or \? for help with vsql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit

Note: See Meta-Commands for the various commands you can run while connected to the
database through the Administration Tools.

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Using vsql

Connecting from the Command Line

You can connect to a database using vsql from the command line on multiple client platforms.

/opt/vertica/bin/vsql [-h host] [ option...] [ dbname [ username ] ]


Not required if you are connecting to a local server. You can provide an IPv4 or IPv6
IP address or a host name.


One or more of the vsql Command-Line Options


The name of the target database.

username A database username.

Usage Considerations

If the database is password protected, you must specify the -w or --password command line

For HP Vertica servers that have both IPv4 and IPv6 addressed and you have provided a host
name instead of an IP address, you can prefer to use an IPv4 address with the -4 option and to
use the IPv6 adddress with the -6 option if the DNS is configured to provide both IPv4 and IPv6

The default values for both dbname and username is your Linux user name.

If the connection cannot be made for any reason,vsql returns an error and terminates. This
situation can occur if, for example, you have insufficient privileges, server is not running on the
targeted host, etc.),

vsql returns the following informational messages:

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Using vsql

0To the shell if it finished normally

1If a fatal error occurs(such as out of memory or file not found)

2If the connection to the server went bad and the session was not interactive

3If an error occurred in a script and the variable ON_ERROR_STOP was set

Unrecognized words in the command line might be interpreted as database or user names.

The following example shows how you can capture any error messages by edirecting vsql output
into an output file called retail_queries.out:
$ vsql --echo-all < retail_queries.sql > retail_queries.out 2>&1

Command-Line Options
This section contains the command-line options for vsql.

General Options


-c command --command command

Runs one
and exits.
command is
useful in
shell scripts.

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Using vsql

-d dbname --dbname dbname

the name of
the database
to which you
want to
Using this
command is
equivalent to
dbname as
the first nonoption
argument on

-f filename --file filename

Uses the file

filename as
the source of
instead of
After the file
Using this
command is
in many
equivalent to
the internal
\i .

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Using vsql


help about
and exits.

-l --list

Returns all
then exits.
Other nonconnection
options are
ignored. This
command is
similar to the

-v assignment --set assignment --variable assignment

Performs a
like the

-V --version

Prints the
vsql version
and exits.

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Using vsql

-X --no-vsqlrc

Prevents the
start-up file
from being
read (the
vsqlrc file or
the user's

Connection Options



When resolving hostnames in dual stack environments,

prefer IPv4 addresses.


When resolving hostnames in dual stack environments,

prefer IPv6 addresses.


Sets connection backup server/port. Use commaseparate multiple hosts (default: not set). If using an IPv6
address, enclose the address in brackets ([, ]) and place
the port outside of the brackets. For example \B

-C --enable-connection-load-balance

Enables connection load balancing (default: not enabled).

Note: You can only use load balancing with one
address family in dual stack environments. For
example, if you've configured load balancing for IPv6
addresses, then when an IPv4 client connects and
requests load balancing the server does not allow it.

-h hostname --host hostname

Specifies the host name of the machine on which the

server is running.


Provides the service name portion of the Kerberos

principal (default: vertica). Using -k is equivalent to using
the drivers' KerberosServiceName connection string.

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Using vsql


Provides the instance or host name portion of the

Kerberos principal. -K is equivalent to the drivers'
KerberosHostName connection string.

-m --sslmode

Specifies the policy for making SSL connections to the

server. Options are require, prefer, allow, and disable.
You can also set the VSQL_SSLMODE variable to
achieve the same effect. If the variable is set, the
command-line option overrides it.

-p port --port port

Specifies the TCP port or the local socket file extension

on which the server is listening for connections. Defaults
to port 5433.

-U username

--username username

Connects to the database as the user username instead

of the default.

-w password

Specifies the password for a database user.

Note: Using this command-line option displays the
database password in plain text. Use it with care,
particularly if you are connecting as the database
administrator, to avoid exposing sensitive

-W --password

Forces vsql to prompt for a password before connecting

to a database. The password is not displayed on the
screen. This option remains set for the entire session,
even if you change the database connection with the
meta-command \connect .

Output Formatting


-A --no-align

Switches to unaligned output mode. (The default

output mode is aligned.)


HP Vertica Analytic Database (7.1.x)

Beep on command completion.

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Using vsql

-F separator --field-separator separator

Specifies the field separator for unaligned output

(default: "|") (-P fieldsep=). (See -A --noalign.) Using this command is equivalent to
\pset fieldsep or \f .

-H --html

Turns on HTML tabular output. Using this

command is equivalent to using the \pset
format html or the \H command.

-P assignment --pset assignment

Lets you specify printing options in the style of

\pset on the command line. You must separate
the name and value with an equals (=) sign
instead of a space. Thus, to set the output format
to LaTeX, you could write -P format=latex.

-R separator --record-separator separator

Uses separator as the record separator. Using

this command is equivalent to using the \pset
recordsep command.

-t --tuples-only

Disables printing of column names, result row

count footers, and so on. This is equivalent to the
\t command.

-T table_options --table-attr table_options

Allows you to specify options to be placed within

the HTML table tag. See \pset for details.

-x --extended

Enables extended table formatting mode. This is

equivalent to the command \x .

Input and Output Options



-a --echo-call

Prints all input lines to standard output as they are read. This
approach is more useful for script processing than interactive
mode. It is the same as setting the variable ECHO to all.

-e --echo-queries

Copies all SQL commands sent to the server to standard

output. Using this command is equivalent to setting the variable
ECHO to queries.


HP Vertica Analytic Database (7.1.x)

Displays queries generated by internal commands.

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Using vsql


Disables command line editing.

-o filename --output filename

Writes all query output into file filename. Using this command is
equivalent to using the command \o.

-q --quiet

Specifies that vsql do its work quietly (without informational

output, such as welcome messages). This command is useful
with the -c option. Within vsql you can also set the QUIET
variable to achieve the same effect.

-s --single-step

Runs in single-step mode for debugging scripts. Forces vsql to

prompt before each statement is sent to the database and
allows you to cancel execution.

-S --single-line

Runs in single-line mode where a newline terminates a SQL

command, as if you are using a semicolon.
Note: This mode is provided only by customer request.
Hewlett-Packard recommends that you not use single-line
mode in cases where you mix SQL and meta-commands
on a line. In single-line mode, the order of execution might
be unclear to the inexperienced user.

-c Command --command Command

-c command --command command runs one command and exits. This is useful in shell scripts.
Use either:

A command string that can be completely parsed by the server that does not contain features
specific to vsql

A single meta-command

You cannot mix SQL and vsql meta-commands. You can, however, pipe the string into vsql as
echo "\\timing\\\\select * from t" | ../Linux64/bin/vsql
Timing is on.
i | c | v
---+---+--(0 rows)

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Note: If you use double quotes (") with echo, you must double the backslashes (\).

-f Filename --file Filename

-f filename --file filename uses the file filename as the source of commands instead of
reading commands interactively. After the file is processed, vsql terminates. Using this command
is in many ways equivalent to the internal command \i .
If filename is a hyphen (-), the standard input is read.
Using this option is subtly different from writing vsql < filename. In general, both do what you
expect, but using -f enables some additional features such as error messages with line numbers.
In some cases, using this option may also reduce start-up overhead. Conversely, the variant using
the shell's input redirection should always yield exactly the same output that you would have gotten
had you entered everything manually.
Using f filename to Read Data Piped into vsql
To read data piped into vsql from a data file:
1. Create a named pipe. For example, to create a named pipe called pipe1: mkfifo pipe1
Next, create a data file. The data file in this example is called data_file
Then, create a command file that:

Selects the table into which you want to copy data

Copies the data from the pipe file (pipe1)

Removes the pipe file.

The command file in the following example is called command_line.

2. From the command line, run a command that pipes the data file (data_file) into the appropriate
table through vsql. The following example pipes the data file into public.shipping_dimension in
the VMart database:
cat data_file > pipe1 | vsql -f 'command_line'

Example data_file:

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Example command_line file:

SELECT * FROM public.shipping_dimension;\set dir `pwd`/
\set file '''':dir'pipe1'''
COPY public.shipping_dimension FROM :file delimiter '|';
SELECT * FROM public.shipping_dimension;
--Remove the pipe1
\! rm pipe1

-F Separator --field-separator Separator

-F separator --field-separator separator specifies the field separator for unaligned output
(default: "|") (-P fieldsep=). (See -A --no-align.) This is equivalent to \pset fieldsep or \f .
To set the field separator value to a control character, use your shell's control character escape
notation. In Bash, you specify a control character in an argument using a dollar sign ($) followed by
a string contained in single quotes. This string can contain C-string escapes (such as \t for tab), or a
backslash (\) followed by an octal value for the character you want to use.
The following example demonstrates setting the separator character to tab (\t), vertical tab (\v) and
the octal value of vertical tab (\013).
$ vsql -At -c "SELECT * FROM testtable;"
$ vsql -F $'\t' -At -c "SELECT * FROM testtable;"
$ vsql -F $'\v' -At -c "SELECT * FROM testtable;"
$ vsql -F $'\013' -At -c "SELECT * FROM testtable;"

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-h Hostname --host Hostname

-h hostname --host hostname specifies the host name of the machine on which the server is


If you are using client authentication with a Kerberos connection method of either gss or krb5,
you are required to specify -h hostname.

If you are using client authentication with a "local" connection type specified, and you want to
match the client authentication entry, do not use -h hostname.

-v Assignment --set Assignment --variable Assignment

-v assignment --set assignment --variable assignment performs a variable assignment,
like the \set internal command.
Note: You must separate name and value, if any, by an equals sign (=) on the command line.
To unset a variable, omit the equal sign. To set a variable without a value, use the equals sign but
omit the value. Make these assignments at a very early stage of start-up, so that variables reserved
for internal purposes can get overwritten later.

Connecting From a Non-Cluster Host

You can use the HP Vertica vsql executable image on a non-cluster Linux host to connect to an HP
Vertica database.

On Red Hat 5.0 64-bit and SUSE 10/11 64-bit, you can install the client driver RPM, which
includes the vsql executable. See Installing the Client RPM on Red Hat and SUSE for details.

If the non-cluster host is running the same version of Linux as the cluster, copy the image file to
the remote system. For example:
$ scp host01:/opt/vertica/bin/vsql .$ ./vsql

If the non-cluster host is running a different version of Linux than your cluster hosts, and that

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operating system is not Red Hat version 5 64-bit or SUSE 10/11 64-bit, you must install the HP
Vertica server RPM in order to get vsql. Download the appropriate rpm package from the
Download tab of the myVertica portal then log into the non-cluster host as root and install the
rpm package using the command:
# rpm -Uvh filename

In the above command, filename is the package you downloaded. Note that you do not have to
run the install_HP Vertica script on the non-cluster host in order to use vsql.


Use the same Command-Line Options that you would on a cluster host.

You cannot run vsql on a Cygwin bash shell (Windows). Use ssh to connect to a cluster host,
then run vsql.

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Anything you enter in vsql that begins with an unquoted backslash is a vsql meta-command that is
processed by vsql itself. These commands help make vsql more useful for administration or
scripting. Meta-commands are more commonly called slash or backslash commands.
The format of a vsql command is the backslash, followed immediately by a command verb, then
any arguments. The arguments are separated from the command verb and each other by any
number of whitespace characters.
To include whitespace into an argument you can quote it with a single quote. To include a single
quote into such an argument, precede it by a backslash. Anything contained in single quotes is
furthermore subject to C-like substitutions for \n (new line), \t (tab), \digits, \0digits, and \0xdigits
(the character with the given decimal, octal, or hexadecimal code).
If an unquoted argument begins with a colon (:), it is taken as a vsql variable and the value of the
variable is used as the argument instead.
Arguments that are enclosed in backquotes (`) are taken as a command line that is passed to the
shell. The output of the command (with any trailing newline removed) is taken as the argument
value. The above escape sequences also apply in backquotes.
Some commands take a SQL identifier (such as a table name) as argument. These arguments
follow the syntax rules of SQL: Unquoted letters are forced to lowercase, while double quotes (")
protect letters from case conversion and allow incorporation of whitespace into the identifier. Within
double quotes, paired double quotes reduce to a single double quote in the resulting name. For
example, FOO"BAR"BAZ is interpreted as fooBARbaz, and "A weird"" name" becomes A weird"
Parsing for arguments stops when another unquoted backslash occurs. This is taken as the
beginning of a new meta-command. The special sequence \\ (two backslashes) marks the end of
arguments and continues parsing SQL commands, if any. That way SQL and vsql commands can
be freely mixed on a line. But in any case, the arguments of a meta-command cannot continue
beyond the end of the line.

\! [ COMMAND ]
\! [ COMMAND ] executes a command in a Linux shell (passing arguments as entered) or starts an
interactive shell.

\? displays help information about the meta-commands. Works the same as \h .

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=> \?
\c[onnect] [DBNAME|- [USER]]
connect to new database (currently "VMart")
\cd [DIR]
change the current working directory
quit vsql
\set [NAME [VALUE]]
set internal variable, or list all if no parameters
toggle timing of commands (currently off)
\unset NAME
unset (delete) internal variable
execute command in shell or start interactive shell
\password [USER]
change user's password
Query Buffer
\e [FILE]
edit the query buffer (or file) with external editor
send query buffer to server
send query buffer to server and results to file
send query buffer to server and pipe results to command
show the contents of the query buffer
reset (clear) the query buffer
\s [FILE]
display history or save it to file
write query buffer to file
\echo [STRING] write string to standard output
execute commands from file
send all query results to file
pipe all query results to command
close query-results file or pipe
\qecho [STRING]
write string to query output stream (see \o)
describe tables (list tables if no argument is supplied)
\df [PATTERN] list functions
\dj [PATTERN] list projections
\dn [PATTERN] list schemas
\dp [PATTERN] list table access privileges
\ds [PATTERN] list sequences
\dS [PATTERN] list system tables
\dt [PATTERN] list tables
\dtv [PATTERN] list tables and views
\dT [PATTERN] list data types
\du [PATTERN] list users
\dv [PATTERN] list views
list all databases
list table access privileges (same as \dp)
toggle between unaligned and aligned output mode
toggle beep on command completion
set table title, or unset if none
show or set field separator for unaligned query output
toggle HTML output mode (currently off)
\pset NAME [VALUE]
set table output option
(NAME := {format|border|expanded|fieldsep|footer|null|
show only rows (currently off)
set HTML <table> tag attributes, or unset if none
toggle expanded output (currently off)

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\a toggles output format alignment. This command is kept for backwards compatibility. See \pset
for a more general solution.
\a is similar to the command line option -A --no-align, which only disables alignment.

\b toggles beep on command completion.

\c (or \connect) [ Dbname [ Username ] ]

\c (or \connect) [ dbname [ username ] ] establishes a connection to a new database
and/or under a user name. The previous connection is closed. If dbname is - the current database
name is assumed.
If username is omitted the current user name is assumed.
As a special rule, \connect without any arguments connects to the default database as the default
user (as you would have gotten by starting vsql without any arguments).
If the connection attempt fails (wrong user name, access denied, or other error messages), the
previous connection is kept if and only if vsql is in interactive mode. When executing a noninteractive script, processing immediately stops with an error. This is a distinction that avoids typos
and prevents scripts from accidentally acting on the wrong database.

\C [ STRING ] sets the title of any tables being printed as the result of a query or unsets any such
title. This command is equivalent to \pset title title. (The name of this command derives from
"caption," as it was previously only used to set the caption in an HTML table.)

\cd [ DIR ]
\cd [ DIR ] changes the current working directory to directory. Without argument, changes to the
current user's home directory.
To print your current working directory, use \! pwd. For example:
=> \!pwd

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The \d [ PATTERN ] Meta-Commands

This section describes the various \d meta-commands.
All \d meta-commands take an optional pattern (asterisk [ * ] or question mark [ ? ]) and return only
the records that match that pattern.
The ? argument is useful if you can't remember if a table name uses an underscore or a dash:
=> \dn v?internal
List of schemas
| Owner
------------+--------v_internal | dbadmin
(1 row)

The output from the \d metacommands places double quotes around non-alphanumeric table
names and table names that are keywords, such as in the following example.
=> CREATE TABLE my_keywords.precision(x numeric (4,2));
=> \d
List of tables
| Kind | Owner
--------------+-----------------------+-------+--------my_keywords | "precision"
| table | dbadmin

Double quotes are optional when you use a \d command with pattern matching.

\d [ PATTERN ]
The \d meta-command lists all tables in the database and returns their schema, table name, kind
(e.g., table), and owner.
If you use \d [ PATTERN ] and provide the schema name or table name (or wildcard or ?
characters) as the pattern argument, the result shows more detailed information about the tables:

Schema name

Table name

Column name

Column data type

Data type size

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Default column value

Whether the column accepts null values or has a NOT NULL constraint

Whether there is a primary key or foreign key constraint

To view information about system tables, you must include the V_MONITOR or V_CATALOG as the
pattern argument; for example:
\d v_catalog.types
\d v_catalog.*

-- information on the types table in v_catalog schema

-- information on all table columns in v_catalog schema

The following output is the result of all tables in the vmart schema, which is in the PUBLIC schema.
VMart=> \d
List of tables
| Kind | Owner
--------------+-----------------------+-------+--------online_sales | call_center_dimension | table | dbadmin
online_sales | online_page_dimension | table | dbadmin
online_sales | online_sales_fact
| table | dbadmin
| customer_dimension
| table | dbadmin
| date_dimension
| table | dbadmin
| employee_dimension
| table | dbadmin
| inventory_fact
| table | dbadmin
| product_dimension
| table | dbadmin
| promotion_dimension
| table | dbadmin
| shipping_dimension
| table | dbadmin
| vendor_dimension
| table | dbadmin
| warehouse_dimension
| table | dbadmin
| store_dimension
| table | dbadmin
| store_orders_fact
| table | dbadmin
| store_sales_fact
| table | dbadmin
(15 rows)

This example returns information on the inventory_fact table in the VMart database:
VMart=> \x
Expanded display is on.
VMart=> \d inventory_fact
List of Fields by Tables
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------------------------------------Schema
| public
| inventory_fact
| date_key
| int
| 8
Not Null
| t
Primary Key | f
Foreign Key | public.date_dimension(date_key)

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-[ RECORD 2 ]-----------------------------------------Schema
| public
| inventory_fact
| product_key
| int
Not Null
Primary Key
Foreign Key
Not Null
Primary Key
Foreign Key
Not Null
Primary Key
Foreign Key
Not Null
Primary Key
Foreign Key

| 8
| t
| f
| public.product_dimension(product_key)
]-----------------------------------------| public
| inventory_fact
| product_version
| int
| 8
| t
| f
| public.product_dimension(product_version)
]-----------------------------------------| public
| inventory_fact
| warehouse_key
| int
| 8
| t
| f
| public.warehouse_dimension(warehouse_key)
]-----------------------------------------| public
| inventory_fact
| qty_in_stock
| int
| 8
| f
| f

Use the question mark [ ? ] argument to replace a single character. For example, the ? argument
replaces the last character in the user-created SubQ1 and SubQ2 tables, so the command returns
information about both:
=> \d SubQ?
List of Fields by Tables
Schema | Table | Column | Type | Size | Default | Not Null | Primary Key | Foreign Key
--------+-------+--------+------+------+---------+----------+-------------+------------public | SubQ1 | a
| int |
8 |
| f
| f
public | SubQ1 | b
| int |
8 |
| f
| f
public | SubQ1 | c
| int |
8 |
| f
| f
public | SubQ2 | x
| int |
8 |
| f
| f

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public | SubQ2 | y
public | SubQ2 | z
(6 rows)

| int
| int


8 |
8 |

| f
| f

| f
| f


If you run the \d command and provide both the schema and table name, output includes columns
for tables that match the pattern
VMart=> \x
Expanded display is on.
VMart=> \d v_catalog.types
List of Fields by Tables
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------Schema
| v_catalog
| types
| column_size
| int
| 8
Not Null
| f
Primary Key | f
Foreign Key |
-[ RECORD 2 ]-------------------Schema
| v_catalog
| types
| creation_parameters
| varchar(128)
| 128
Not Null
| f
Primary Key | f
Foreign Key |
-[ RECORD 3 ]-------------------Schema
| v_catalog
| types
| epoch
| int
| 8
Not Null
| f
Primary Key | f
Foreign Key |
-[ RECORD 4 ]-------------------Schema
| v_catalog
| types
| interval_mask
| int
| 8
Not Null
| f
Primary Key | f
Foreign Key |
-[ RECORD 5 ]-------------------Schema
| v_catalog
| types
| max_scale

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| int
| 8
Not Null
| f
Primary Key | f
Foreign Key |
-[ RECORD 6 ]-------------------Schema
| v_catalog
| types
| min_scale
| int
| 8
Not Null
| f
Primary Key | f
Foreign Key |
-[ RECORD 7 ]-------------------Schema
| v_catalog
| types
| odbc_subtype
| int
| 8
Not Null
| f
Primary Key | f
Foreign Key |
-[ RECORD 8 ]-------------------Schema
| v_catalog
| types
| odbc_type
| int
| 8
Not Null
| f
Primary Key | f
Foreign Key |
-[ RECORD 9 ]-------------------Schema
| v_catalog
| types
| type_id
| int
| 8
Not Null
| f
Primary Key | f
Foreign Key |
-[ RECORD 10 ]------------------Schema
| v_catalog
| types
| type_name
| varchar(128)
| 128
Not Null
| f
Primary Key | f
Foreign Key |

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To view all tables in a schema, use the wildcard character. The following command would return all
system tables in the V_CATALOG schema:
=> \d v_catalog.*

\df [ PATTERN ]
The \df [ PATTERN ] meta-command

returns all function names, the function return data type,

and the function argument data type. Also returns the procedure names and arguments for all
procedures that are available to the user.
vmartdb=> \df
List of functions
procedure_name | procedure_return_type | procedure_argument_types
| Float
| Float
| Integer
| Integer
| Interval
| Interval
| Interval
| Interval
| Numeric
| Numeric
| Float
| Float
| Integer
| Float, Float, Float, Integer
| Integer
| Interval, Interval, Interval, Integer
| Integer
| Interval, Interval, Interval, Integer
| Integer
| Timestamp, Timestamp, Timestamp, Integer

The following example uses the wildcard character to search for all functions that begin with as:
vmartdb=> \df as*
List of functions
procedure_name | procedure_return_type | procedure_argument_types
| Integer
| Varchar
| Float
| Float
(2 rows)

\dj [ PATTERN ]
The \dj [ PATTERN ] meta-command returns all projections showing the schema, projection
name, owner, and node. The returned rows include superprojections, live aggregate projections,
Top-K projections, and projections with expressions:
vmartdb=> \dj
List of projections
| Owner |

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If you supply a projection name as an argument, the system returns fewer records:
vmartdb=> \dj call_center_dimension_n*
List of projections
| Owner |
--------------+--------------------------------+---------+-------------------online_sales | call_center_dimension_node0001 | dbadmin | v_wmartdb_node0001
online_sales | call_center_dimension_node0002 | dbadmin | v_wmartdb_node0002
online_sales | call_center_dimension_node0003 | dbadmin | v_wmartdb_node0003
(3 rows)

\dn [ PATTERN ]
The \dn [ PATTERN ] meta-command returns the schema names and schema owner.
vmartdb=> \dn
List of schemas
| Owner
| dbadmin
| dbadmin
| dbadmin
| dbadmin
| dbadmin
online_sales | dbadmin
(6 rows)

The following command returns all schemas that begin with the letter v:
=> \dn v*
List of schemas
| Owner
------------+--------v_internal | dbadmin
v_catalog | dbadmin
v_monitor | dbadmin
(3 rows)

\dp [ PATTERN ]
The \dp [ PATTERN ] meta-command returns the grantee, grantor, privileges, schema, and name
for all table access privileges in each schema:

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vmartdb=> \dp
Access privileges for database "vmartdb"
Grantee | Grantor | Privileges | Schema |
---------+---------+------------+--------+-----------| dbadmin | USAGE
| public
| dbadmin | USAGE
| v_internal
| dbadmin | USAGE
| v_catalog
| dbadmin | USAGE
| v_monitor
(4 rows)

Note: \dp is the same as \z .

\ds [ PATTERN ]
The \ds [ PATTERN ] meta-command (lowercase s) returns a list of sequences and their
The following series of commands creates a sequence called my_seq and uses the vsql command
to display its parameters:
=> \ds
List of Sequences
Schema | Sequence | CurrentValue | IncrementBy | Minimum | Maximum | AllowCycle
--------+----------+--------------+-------------+---------+---------+-----------public | my_seq
149 |
1 |
1 |
5000 | f
(1 row)

Note: You can return additional information about sequences by issuing SELECT * FROM
SEQUENCES, as described in the SQL Reference Manual.

The \dS [ PATTERN ] meta-command (uppercase S) returns all system table (monitoring API)
names from the V_CATALOG and V_MONITOR schemas.
Tip: You can get identical results running this query: SELECT * FROM system_tables;
If you specify a schema name, you can view results for tables in that schema only; however, you
must use the wildcard character. For example:
=> \dS v_catalog.*

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You can also run the \dS command with a table argument to return information for that table only:
vmartdb=> \dS columns
List of tables
| Name
| Kind |
| Comment
-----------+---------+--------+--------------------------+--------v_catalog | columns | system | Table column information |
(1 row)

If you provide the schema name with the table name, the output returns information about the table:
vmartdb=> \dS v_catalog.types
List of tables
| Name | Kind |
| Comment
-----------+-------+--------+----------------------------------------+--------v_catalog | types | system | Information about supported data types |
(1 row)

\dt [ PATTERN ]
The \dt [ PATTERN ] meta-command (lowercase t) is identical to \d and returns all tables in the
databaseunless a table name is specifiedin which case the command lists only the schema,
name, kind and owner for the specified table (or tables if wildcards used).
vmartdb=> \dt inventory_fact
List of tables
Schema |
| Kind | Owner
--------+----------------+-------+--------public | inventory_fact | table | dbadmin
(1 row)

The following command returns all table names that begin with "st":
vmartdb=> \dt st*
List of tables
Schema |
| Kind | Owner
--------+-------------------+-------+--------store | store_dimension
| table | dbadmin
store | store_orders_fact | table | dbadmin
store | store_sales_fact | table | dbadmin
(3 rows)

The \dT [ PATTERN ] meta-command (uppercase T) lists all supported data types.

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vmartdb=> \dT
List of data types
Interval Day
Interval Day to Hour
Interval Day to Minute
Interval Day to Second
Interval Hour
Interval Hour to Minute
Interval Hour to Second
Interval Minute
Interval Minute to Second
Interval Month
Interval Second
Interval Year
Interval Year to Month
(26 rows)

\dtv [ PATTERN ]
The \dtv [ PATTERN ] meta-command lists all tables and views, returning the schema, table or
view name, kind (table of view), and owner.
vmartdb=> \dtv
List of tables
| Kind | Owner
--------------+-----------------------+-------+--------online_sales | call_center_dimension | table | release
online_sales | online_page_dimension | table | release
online_sales | online_sales_fact
| table | release
| customer_dimension
| table | release
| date_dimension
| table | release
| employee_dimension
| table | release
| inventory_fact
| table | release
| product_dimension
| table | release
| promotion_dimension
| table | release
| shipping_dimension
| table | release
| vendor_dimension
| table | release
| warehouse_dimension
| table | release
| store_dimension
| table | release

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(15 rows)

| store_orders_fact
| store_sales_fact

| table | release
| table | release

\du [ PATTERN ]
The \du [ PATTERN ] meta-command returns all database users and attributes, such as if user is
a superuser.
vmartdb=> \du
List of users
User name | Is Superuser
| t
(1 row)

\dv [ PATTERN ]
The \dv [ PATTERN ] meta-command returns the schema name, view name, and view owner.
The following example defines a view using the SEQUENCES system table:
vmartdb=> CREATE VIEW my_seqview AS (SELECT * FROM sequences);
vmartdb=> \dv
List of views
Schema |
| Owner
--------+------------+--------public | my_seqview | dbadmin
(1 row)

If a view name is provided as an argument, the result shows the schema, view name, and the
following for all columns within the view's result set: schema name, view name, column name,
column data type, and data type size.
vmartdb=> \dv my_seqview
List of View Fields
Schema |
| Size
--------+------------+---------------------+--------------+-----public | my_seqview | sequence_schema
| varchar(128) | 128
public | my_seqview | sequence_name
| varchar(128) | 128
public | my_seqview | owner_name
| varchar(128) | 128
public | my_seqview | identity_table_name | varchar(128) | 128
public | my_seqview | session_cache_count | int
public | my_seqview | allow_cycle
| boolean
public | my_seqview | output_ordered
| boolean
public | my_seqview | increment_by
| int

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public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
(15 rows)








\e \edit [ FILE ]
\e \edit [ FILE ] edits the query buffer (or specified file) with an external editor. When the editor
exits, its content is copied back to the query buffer. If no argument is given, the current query buffer
is copied to a temporary file which is then edited in the same fashion.
The new query buffer is then re-parsed according to the normal rules of vsql, where the whole buffer
up to the first semicolon is treated as a single line. (Thus you cannot make scripts this way. Use \i
for that.) If there is no semicolon, vsql waits for one to be entered (it does not execute the query
Tip: vsql searches the environment variables VSQL_EDITOR, EDITOR, and VISUAL (in that
order) for an editor to use. If all of them are unset, vi is used on Linux systems, notepad.exe on
Windows systems.

\echo [ STRING ]
\echo [ STRING ] writes the string to standard output.
Tip: If you use the \o command to redirect your query output you might want to use \qecho
instead of this command.

\f [ String ]
\f [ string ] sets the field separator for unaligned query output. The default is the vertical bar
(|). See also \pset for a generic way of setting output options.

The \g meta-command sends the query in the input buffer (see \p ) to the server. With no
arguments, it displays the results in the standard way.
\g FILE sends the query input buffer to the server, and writes the results to FILE.

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\g | COMMAND sends the query buffer to the server, and pipes the results to a shell COMMAND.

See Also


\H toggles HTML query output format. This command is for compatibility and convenience, but see
\pset about setting other output options.

\h \help
\h \help displays help information about the meta-commands. Works the same as \? .
=> \h
\c[onnect] [DBNAME|- [USER]]
connect to new database (currently "VMart")
\cd [DIR]
change the current working directory
quit vsql
\set [NAME [VALUE]]
set internal variable, or list all if no parameters
toggle timing of commands (currently off)
\unset NAME
unset (delete) internal variable
execute command in shell or start interactive shell
\password [USER]
change user's password
Query Buffer
\e [FILE]
edit the query buffer (or file) with external editor
send query buffer to server
send query buffer to server and results to file
send query buffer to server and pipe results to command
show the contents of the query buffer
reset (clear) the query buffer
\s [FILE]
display history or save it to file
write query buffer to file
\echo [STRING] write string to standard output
execute commands from file
send all query results to file
pipe all query results to command
close query-results file or pipe
\qecho [STRING]
write string to query output stream (see \o)
describe tables (list tables if no argument is supplied)
\df [PATTERN] list functions
\dj [PATTERN] list projections
\dn [PATTERN] list schemas
\dp [PATTERN] list table access privileges
\ds [PATTERN] list sequences

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\dS [PATTERN] list system tables

\dt [PATTERN] list tables
\dtv [PATTERN] list tables and views
\dT [PATTERN] list data types
\du [PATTERN] list users
\dv [PATTERN] list views
list all databases
list table access privileges (same as \dp)
toggle between unaligned and aligned output mode
toggle beep on command completion
set table title, or unset if none
show or set field separator for unaligned query output
toggle HTML output mode (currently off)
\pset NAME [VALUE]
set table output option
(NAME := {format|border|expanded|fieldsep|footer|null|
show only rows (currently off)
set HTML <table> tag attributes, or unset if none
toggle expanded output (currently off)

\i filename command reads input from the file filename and executes it as though it had been
typed on the keyboard.
Note: To see the lines on the screen as they are read, set the variable ECHO to all.

\l provides a list of databases and their owners.
vmartdb=> \l
List of databases
| user_name
---------+----------vmartdb | dbadmin
(1 row)

The vsql \locale command displays the current locale setting or lets you set a new locale for the
This command does not alter the default locale for all database sessions. To change the default for
all sessions, set the DefaultSessionLocale configuration parameter.

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Viewing the Current Locale Setting

To view the current locale setting, use the vsql command \locale, as follows:
=> \locale

Overriding the Default Local for a Session

To override the default local for a specific session, use the vsql command \locale <ICU-localeidentifier>. The session locale setting applies to any subsequent commands issued in the session.
For example:
\locale en_GBINFO:
INFO 2567: Canonical locale: 'en_GBINFO:'
Standard collation: 'LEN'
English (GBINFO:)

The server locale settings impact only the collation behavior for server-side query processing. The
client application is responsible for ensuring that the correct locale is set in order to display the
characters correctly. Below are the best practices recommended by HP to ensure predictable

The locale setting in the terminal emulator for vsql (POSIX) should be set to be equivalent to
session locale setting on server side (ICU) so data is collated correctly on the server and
displayed correctly on the client.

The vsql locale should be set using the POSIX LANG environment variable in terminal emulator.
Refer to the documentation of your terminal emulator for how to set locale.

Server session locale should be set using the set as described in Specify the Default Locale for
the Database.

Note that all input data for vsql should be in UTF-8 and all output data is encoded in UTF-8.

Non UTF-8 encodings and associated locale values are not supported.

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The \o meta-command is used to control where vsql directs its query output. The output can be
written to a file, piped to a shell command, or sent to the standard output.
\o FILE sends all subsequent query output to FILE.
\o | COMMAND pipes all subsequent query output to a shell COMMAND.
\o with no argument closes any open file or pipe, and switches back to normal query result output.


Query results includes all tables, command responses, and notices obtained from the database

To intersperse text output with query results, use \qecho.

See Also


\p prints the current query buffer to the standard output. For example:
=> \p
CREATE VIEW my_seqview AS (SELECT * FROM sequences);

\password [ USER ]
\password starts the password change process. Users can only change their own passwords. The
command prompts the user for the old password, a new password, and then the new password
again to confirm.
A superuser can change the password of another user by supplying the username. A superuser is
not prompted for the old password, either when changing his or her own password, or when
changing another user's password.
Note: If you want to cancel the password change process, press ENTER until you return the to
vsql prompt.

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\pset NAME [ VALUE ]

\pset NAME [ VALUE ] sets options affecting the output of query result tables. NAME describes
which option to set, as illustrated in the following table. The parameters of VALUE depend thereon.
It is an error to call \pset without arguments.
Adjustable printing options are:

Sets the output format to one of unaligned, aligned, html, or

latex. Unique abbreviations are allowed. (That would mean one
letter is enough.)
"Unaligned" writes all columns of a row on a line, separated by the
currently active field separator. This is intended to create output that
might be intended to be read in by other programs (tab- separated,
comma-separated). "Aligned" mode is the standard, human-readable,
nicely formatted text output that is default. The "HTML" and "LaTeX"
modes put out tables that are intended to be included in documents
using the respective mark-up language. They are not complete
documents! (This might not be so dramatic in HTML, but in LaTeX
you must have a complete document wrapper.)


The second argument must be a number. In general, the higher the

number the more borders and lines the tables have, but this depends
on the particular format. In HTML mode, this translates directly into
the border=... attribute, in the others only values 0 (no border), 1
(internal dividing lines), and 2 (table frame) make sense.


Toggles between regular and expanded format. When expanded

format is enabled, all output has two columns with the column name
on the left and the data on the right. This mode is useful if the data
wouldn't fit on the screen in the normal "horizontal" mode.
Expanded mode is supported by all four output formats.
\x is the same as \pset expanded.

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Specifies the field separator to be used in unaligned output mode.

That way one can create, for example, tab- or comma-separated
output, which other programs might prefer. To set a tab as field
separator, type \pset fieldsep '\t'. The default field separator is
'|' (a vertical bar).


Toggles the display of the default footer (x rows).


The second argument is a string that is printed whenever a column is

null. The default is not to print anything, which can easily be mistaken
for, say, an empty string. Thus, one might choose to write \pset
null '(null)'.


Specifies the record (line) separator to use in unaligned output mode.

The default is a newline character.

tuples_only (or t)

Toggles between tuples only and full display. Full display might show
extra information such as column headers, titles, and various footers.
In tuples only mode, only actual table data is shown.

title [ text ]

Sets the table title for any subsequently printed tables. This can be
used to give your output descriptive tags. If no argument is given, the
title is unset.

tableattr (or T)[ text ]

Allows you to specify any attributes to be placed inside the HTML

table tag. This could for example be cellpadding or bgcolor. Note
that you probably don't want to specify border here, as that is
already taken care of by \pset border.


Controls use of a pager for query and vsql help output. If the
environment variable PAGER is set, the output is piped to the specified
program. Otherwise a platform-dependent default (such as more) is
When the pager is off, the pager is not used. When the pager is on,
the pager is used only when appropriate; that is, the output is to a
terminal and does not fit on the screen. (vsql does not do a perfect job
of estimating when to use the pager.) \pset pager turns the pager
on and off. Pager can also be set to always, which causes the pager
to be always used.

See illustrations on how these different formats look in the Examples section.

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Tip: There are various shortcut commands for \pset. See \a , \C , \H , \t , \T , and \ x .

\q quits the vsql program.

\qecho [ STRING ]
\qecho [ STRING ] is identical to \echo except that the output is written to the query output
stream, as set by \o .

\r resets (clears) the query buffer.
For example, run the \p meta-command to see what is in the query buffer:
=> \p
CREATE VIEW my_seqview AS (SELECT * FROM sequences);

Now reset the query buffer:

=> \r
Query buffer reset (cleared).

If you reissue the command to see what's in the query buffer, you can see it is now empty:
=> \p
Query buffer is empty.

\s [ FILE ]
\s [ FILE ] prints or saves the command line history to filename. If a filename is not specified, \s
writes the history to the standard output. This option is only available if vsql is configured to use the
GNU Readline library.

\set [ NAME [ VALUE [ ... ] ] ]

\set [ name [ value [ ... ] ] ] sets the internal variable name to value or, if more than one
value is given, to the concatenation of all of values. If no second argument is given, the variable is
set with no value.

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If no argument is provided, \set lists all internal variables; for example:

=> \set
VERSION = 'Vertica Analytic Database v6.0.0-0'
VERBOSITY = 'default'
PROMPT1 = '%/%R%# '
PROMPT2 = '%/%R%# '
PROMPT3 = '>> '
ROWS_AT_A_TIME = '1000'
USER = 'dbadmin'
HOST = '<host_ip_address>'
PORT = '5433'
LOCALE = 'en_US@collation=binary'
HISTSIZE = '500'


Valid variable names are case sensitive and can contain characters, digits, and underscores.
vsql treats several variables as special, which are described in Variables.

The \set parameter ROWS_AT_A_TIME defaults to 1000. It retrieves results as blocks of rows of
that size. The column formatting for the first block is used for all blocks, so in later blocks some
entries could overflow. See \timing for examples.

When formatting results, HP Vertica buffers ROWS_AT_A_TIME rows in memory to calculate

the maximum column widths. It is possible that rows after this initial fetch are not properly
aligned if any of the field values are longer than those see in the first ROWS_AT_A_TIME rows.
ROWS_AT_A_TIME can be \unset to guarantee perfect alignment, but this requires rebuffering the entire result set in memory and may cause vsql to fail if the result set is too big.

To unset a variable, use the \unset command.

Using Backquotes to Read System Variables

In vsql, the contents of backquotes are passed to the system shell to be interpreted (the same
behavior as many UNIX shells). This is particularly useful in setting internal vsql variables, since
you may want to access UNIX system variables (such as HOME or TMPDIR) rather than hardcode values.
For example, if you want to set an internal variable to the full path for a file in your UNIX user
directory, you could use backquotes to get the content of the system HOME variable, which is the
full path to your user directory:
=> \set inputfile `echo $HOME`/myinput.txt=> \echo :inputfile

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The contents of the backquotes are replaced with the results of running the contents in a system
shell interpreter. In this case, the echo $HOME command returns the contents of the HOME system

\t toggles the display of output column name headings and row count footer. This command is
equivalent to \pset tuples_only and is provided for convenience.

\T [ STRING ] specifies attributes to be placed within the table tag in HTML tabular output
mode. This command is equivalent to \pset tableattr table_options.

\timing toggles the timing of commands (currently off). The meta-command displays how long
each SQL statement takes, in milliseconds, and reports both the time required to fetch the first
block of rows from the server and the total until the last block is formatted.

=> \o /dev/null=> SELECT * FROM fact LIMIT 100000;
Time: First fetch (1000 rows): 22.054 ms. All rows formatted: 235.056 ms

Note that the database retrieved the first 1000 rows in 22 ms and completed retrieving and
formatting all rows in 235 ms.

See Also

\set [ NAME [ VALUE [ ... ] ] ]

\unset [ NAME ]
\unset [ NAME ] unsets (deletes) the internal variable name that was set using the \set metacommand.

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\w [ FILE ]
\w [ FILE ] outputs the current query buffer to the file filename.

\x toggles extended table formatting mode. Is equivalent to \pset expanded.
Note: There is no space between the backslash and the x.

\z lists table access privileges (grantee, grantor, privilege, and name) for all table access privileges
in each schema. Is the same as \dp .

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vsql provides variable substitution features similar to common Linux command shells. Variables are
simply name/value pairs, where the value can be any string of any length. To set variables, use the
vsql meta-command \set :
=> \set fact dim

sets the variable fact to the value dim. To retrieve the content of the variable, precede the name
with a colon and use it as the argument of any slash command:
=> \echo :fact dim

Note: The arguments of \set are subject to the same substitution rules as with other
commands. For example, \set dim :fact is a valid way to copy a variable.
If you call \set without a second argument, the variable is set, with an empty string as value. To
unset (or delete) a variable, use the command \unset .
vsql's internal variable names can consist of letters, numbers, and underscores in any order and
any number. Some of these variables are treated specially by vsql. They indicate certain option
settings that can be changed at run time by altering the value of the variable or represent some state
of the application. Although you can use these variables for any other purpose, this is not
recommended. By convention, all specially treated variables consist of all upper-case letters (and
possibly numbers and underscores). To ensure maximum compatibility in the future, avoid using
such variable names for your own purposes.

SQL Interpolation
An additional useful feature of vsql variables is that you can substitute ("interpolate") them into
regular SQL statements. The syntax for this is again to prepend the variable name with a colon (:).
=> \set fact 'my_table'
=> SELECT * FROM :fact;

would then query the table my_table. The value of the variable is copied literally (except for
backquoted strings, see below), so it can even contain unbalanced quotes or backslash
commands. Make sure that it makes sense where you put it. Variable interpolation is not performed
into quoted SQL entities.

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Note: The one exception to variable values being copied literally is strings in backquotes (``).
The contents of backquoted strings are passed to a system shell, and replaced with the shell's
output. See the set metacommand topic for details.

When AUTOCOMMIT is set 'on', each SQL command is automatically committed upon successful
completion; for example:
\ set


To postpone COMMIT in this mode, set the value as off.


If AUTOCOMMIT is empty or defined as off, SQL commands are not committed unless you
explicitly issue COMMIT.


AUTOCOMMIT is off by default.

AUTOCOMMIT must be in uppercase, but the values, on or off, are case insensitive.

In autocommit-off mode, you must explicitly abandon any failed transaction by entering ABORT

If you exit the session without committing, your work is rolled back.

Validation on vsql variables is done when they are run, not when they are set.

The COPY statement, by default, commits on completion, so it does not matter which
AUTOCOMMIT mode you use, unless you issue COPY NO COMMIT. Please note that DDL
statements are autocommitted.

To tell if AUTOCOMMIT is on or off, issue the set command:

$ \set...

AUTOCOMMIT is off if a SELECT * FROM LOCKS shows locks from the statement you just ran.

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$ \set AUTOCOMMIT off

$ \set
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customer_dimension;
(1 row)
SELECT node_names, object_name, lock_mode, lock_scope
node_names |
| lock_mode | lock_scope
| Table:customer_dimension | S
(1 row)

The name of the database to which you are currently connected. DBNAME is set every time you
connect to a database (including program startup), but it can be unset.

If set to all, all lines entered from the keyboard or from a script are written to the standard output
before they are parsed or run.
To select this behavior on program start-up, use the switch -a . If set to queries, vsql merely
prints all queries as they are sent to the server. The switch for this is -e .

When this variable is set and a backslash command queries the database, the query is first shown.
This way you can study the HP Vertica internals and provide similar functionality in your own
programs. (To select this behavior on program start-up, use the switch -E .)
If you set the variable to the value noexec, the queries are just shown but are not actually sent to
the server and run.

The current client character set encoding.

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If this variable is set to ignorespace, lines that begin with a space are not entered into the history
list. If set to a value of ignoredups, lines matching the previous history line are not entered. A value
of ignoreboth combines the two options. If unset, or if set to any other value than those previously
mentioned, all lines read in interactive mode are saved on the history list.
Source: Bash.

The number of commands to store in the command history. The default value is 500.
Source: Bash.

The database server host you are currently connected to. This is set every time you connect to a
database (including program startup), but can be unset.

If unset, sending an EOF character (usually Control+D) to an interactive session of vsql terminates
the application. If set to a numeric value, that many EOF characters are ignored before the
application terminates. If the variable is set but has no numeric value, the default is 10.
Source: Bash.

By default, if a script command results in an error, for example, because of a malformed command
or invalid data format, processing continues. If you set ON_ERROR_STOP to on in a script and an
error occurs during processing, the script terminates immediately.
If you set ON_ERROR_STOP to on in a script, run the script from Linux using vsql -f <filename>,
and an error occurs, vsql returns an error code 3 to Linux to indicate that the error occurred in a
To enable ON_ERROR_STOP:
=> \set ON_ERROR_STOP on

To disable ON_ERROR_STOP:

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=> \set ON_ERROR_STOP off

The database server port to which you are currently connected. This is set every time you connect
to a database (including program start-up), but can be unset.


These specify what the prompts vsql issues look like. See Prompting for details.

This variable is equivalent to the command line option -q . It is probably not too useful in interactive

This variable is equivalent to the command line option -S .

This variable is equivalent to the command line option -s.

The database user you are currently connected as. This is set every time you connect to a
database (including program startup), but can be unset.

This variable can be set to the values default, verbose, or terse to control the verbosity of error

By default, the vsql program reads configuration files from the user's home directory. In cases
where this is not desirable, the configuration file location can be overridden by setting the VSQL_
HOME environment variable in a way that does not require modifying a shared resource.
In the following example, vsql reads configuration information out of /tmp/jsmith rather than out of ~.

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# Make an alternate configuration file in /tmp/jsmith

mkdir -p /tmp/jsmith
echo "\\echo Using VSQLRC in tmp/jsmith" > /tmp/jsmith/.vsqlrc
# Note that nothing is echoed when invoked normally
# Note that the .vsqlrc is read and the following is
# displayed before the vsql prompt
# Using VSQLRC in tmp/jsmith
VSQL_HOME=/tmp/jsmith vsql

VSQL_SSLMODE specifies how (or whether) clients (like admintools) use SSL when connecting to
servers. The default value is prefer, meaning to use SSL if the server offers it. Legal values are
require, prefer, allow, and disable. This variable is equivalent to the command-line -m option
(or --sslmode).

The prompts vsql issues can be customized to your preference. The three variables PROMPT1,
PROMPT2, and PROMPT3 contain strings and special escape sequences that describe the appearance
of the prompt. Prompt 1 is the normal prompt that is issued when vsql requests a new command.
Prompt 2 is issued when more input is expected during command input because the command was
not terminated with a semicolon or a quote was not closed. Prompt 3 is issued when you run a SQL
COPY command and you are expected to type in the row values on the terminal.
The value of the selected prompt variable is printed literally, except where a percent sign (%) is
encountered. Depending on the next character, certain other text is substituted instead. Defined
substitutions are:

The full host name (with domain name) of the database server, or [local] if the
connection is over a socket, or [local:/dir/name], if the socket is not at the compiled
in default location.


The host name of the database server, truncated at the first dot, or [local].


The port number at which the database server is listening.


The database session user name.


The name of the current database.


Like %/, but the output is ~ (tilde) if the database is your default database.

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If the session user is a database superuser, then a #, otherwise a >. (The expansion
of this value might change during a database session as the result of the command


In prompt 1 normally =, but ^ if in single-line mode, and ! if the session is

disconnected from the database (which can happen if \connect fails). In prompt 2
the sequence is replaced by -, *, a single quote, a double quote, or a dollar sign,
depending on whether vsql expects more input because the command wasn't
terminated yet, because you are inside a /* ... */ comment, or because you are inside
a quoted or dollar-escaped string. In prompt 3 the sequence doesn't produce


Transaction status: an empty string when not in a transaction block, or * when in a

transaction block, or ! when in a failed transaction block, or ? when the transaction
state is indeterminate (for example, because there is no connection).


The character with the indicated numeric code is substituted. If digits starts with 0x
the rest of the characters are interpreted as hexadecimal; otherwise if the first digit
is 0 the digits are interpreted as octal; otherwise the digits are read as a decimal


The value of the vsql variable name. See the section Variables for details.


The output of command, similar to ordinary "back- tick" substitution.

%[ ... %]

Prompts may contain terminal control characters which, for example, change the
color, background, or style of the prompt text, or change the title of the terminal
window. In order for the line editing features of Readline to work properly, these nonprinting control characters must be designated as invisible by surrounding them with
%[ and %]. Multiple pairs of these may occur within the prompt. The following
example results in a boldfaced (1;) yellow-on-black (33;40) prompt on VT100compatible, color-capable terminals:
testdb=> \set PROMPT1 '%[%033[1;33;40m%]%n@%/%R%#%[%033[0m%] '
To insert a percent sign into your prompt, write %%. The default prompts are
'%/%R%# ' for prompts 1 and 2, and '>> ' for prompt 3.
Note: See the specification for terminal control sequences (applicable to gnometerminal and xterm).

Command Line Editing

vsql supports the tecla library for convenient line editing and retrieval.

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The command history is automatically saved when vsql exits and is reloaded when vsql starts up.
Tab-completion is also supported, although the completion logic makes no claim to be a SQL
parser. If for some reason you do not like the tab completion, you can turn it off by putting this in a
file named .teclarc in your home directory:
bind ^I

Read the tecla documentation for further details.

The vsql implementation of the tecla library deviates from the tecla documentation as follows:

Recalling Previously Typed Lines

Under pure tecla, all new lines are appended to a list of historical input lines maintained within
the GetLine resource object. In vsql, only different, non-empty lines are appended to the list of
historical input lines.

History Files
tecla has no standard name for the history file. In vsql, the file name is called ~/.vsql_hist.

International Character Sets (Meta keys and locales)

In vsql, 8-bit meta characters are no longer supported. Make sure that meta characters send an
escape by setting their EightBitInput X resource to False. You can do this in one of the following

Edit the ~/.Xdefaults file by adding the following line:

XTerm*EightBitInput: False

Start an xterm with an -xrm '*EightBitInput: False' command-line argument.

Key Bindings:

The following key bindings are specific to vsql:


Insert switches between insert mode (the default) and overwrite mode.

Delete deletes the character to the right of the cursor.

Home moves the cursor to the front of the line.

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End moves the cursor to the end of the line.

^R Performs a history backwards search.

vsql Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be set to automatically use the defined properties each
time you start vsql:

PAGER - If the query results do not fit on the screen, they are piped through this command.
Typical values are more or less. The default is platform-dependent. The use of the pager can be
disabled by using the \pset command.

VSQL_DATABASE - Database to connect to. For example, VMart.

VSQL_HOST - Host name or IP address of the HP Vertica node.

VSQL_PORT - Port to use for the connection.

VSQL_USER - Username to use for the connection.

VSQL_PASSWORD - Password to use for the connection.

VSQL_EDITOR, EDITOR and VISUAL - Editor used by the \e command. The variables are
examined in the order listed; the first that is set is used.

SHELL - Command run by the \! command.

TMPDIR - Directory for storing temporary files. The default is platform-dependant. On Unix-like
systems the default is /tmp.

The default terminal emulator under Linux is gnome-terminal, although xterm can also be used.
HP recommends that you use gnome-terminal with vsql in UTF-8 mode, which is its default.

To Change Settings on Linux

1. From the tabs at the top of the vsql screen, select Terminal.
2. Click Set Character Encoding.

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3. Select Unicode (UTF-8).

Note: This works well for standard keyboards. xterm has a similar UTF-8 option.

To Change Settings on Windows Using PuTTy

1. Right click the vsql screen title bar and select Change Settings.
2. Click Window and click Translation.
3. Select UTF-8 in the drop-down menu on the right.


vsql has no way of knowing how you have set your terminal emulator options.

The tecla library is prepared to do POSIX-type translations from a local encoding to UTF-8 on
interactive input, using the POSIX LANG, etc., environment variables. This could be useful to
international users who have a non-UTF-8 keyboard. See the tecla documentation for details.
HP recommends the following (or whatever other .UTF-8 locale setting you find appropriate):
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

The vsql \locale command invokes and tracks the server SET LOCALE TO command,
described in the SQL Reference Manual. vsql itself currently does nothing with this locale
setting, but rather treats its input (from files or from tecla), all its output, and all its interactions
with the server as UTF-8. vsql ignores the POSIX locale variables, except for any "automatic"
uses in printf, and so on.

Before starting up, vsql attempts to read and execute commands from the system-wide vsqlrc file
and the user's ~/.vsqlrc file. The command-line history is stored in the file ~/.vsql_history.
Tip: If you want to save your old history file, open another terminal window and save a copy to
a different file name.

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Using vsql

Exporting Data Using vsql

You can use vsql for simple data-export tasks by changing its output format options so the output is
suitable for importing into other systems (tab-delimited or comma-separated files, for example).
These options can be set either from within an interactive vsql session, or through command-line
arguments to the vsql command (making the export process suitable for automation through
scripting). After you have set vsql's options so it outputs the data in a format your target system can
read, you run a query and capture the result in a text file.
The following table lists the meta-commands and command-line options that are useful for changing
the format of vsql's output.




Disable padding used to align output.


-A or --no-align

Show only tuples, disabling column headings and row


-t or --tuples-only

Set the field separator character.

\pset fieldsep

-F or --field-separator

Send output to a file.


-o or --output

Specify a SQL statement to execute.


-c or --command


The following example demonstrates disabling padding and column headers in the output, and
setting a field separator to dump a table to a tab-separated text file within an interactive session.
=> SELECT * FROM my_table;
a |
| c
---+-------+--a | one
| 1
b | two
| 2
c | three | 3
d | four | 4
e | five | 5
(5 rows)
=> \a
Output format is unaligned.
=> \t
Showing only tuples.
=> \pset fieldsep '\t'
Field separator is "
=> \o dumpfile.txt
=> select * from my_table;
=> \o
=> \! cat dumpfile.txt

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Note: You could encounter issues with empty strings being converted to NULLs or the reverse
using this technique. You can prevent any confusion by explicitly setting null values to output a
unique string such as NULLNULLNULL (for example, \pset null 'NULLNULLNULL'). Then,
on the import end, convert the unique string back to a null value. For example, if you are
copying the file back into an HP Vertica database, you would give the argument NULL
'NULLNULLNULL' to the COPY statement.
When logged into one of the database nodes, you can create the same output file directly from the
command line by passing the right parameters to vsql:
$ vsql -U username -F $'\t' -At -o dumpfile.txt -c "SELECT * FROM my_table;"
$ cat dumpfile.txt

If you want to convert null values to a unique string as mentioned earlier, you can add the argument
-P null='NULLNULLNULL' (or whatever unique string you choose).
By adding the -w vsql command-line option to the example command line, you could use the
command within a batch script to automate the data export. However, the script would contain the
database password as plain text. If you take this approach, you should prevent unauthorized
access to the batch script, and also have the script use a database user account that has limited
To set the field separator value to a control character, use your shell's control character escape
notation. In Bash, you specify a control character in an argument using a dollar sign ($) followed by
a string contained in single quotes. This string can contain C-string escapes (such as \t for tab), or a
backslash (\) followed by an octal value for the character you want to use.
The following example demonstrates setting the separator character to tab (\t), vertical tab (\v) and
the octal value of vertical tab (\013).
$ vsql -At -c "SELECT * FROM testtable;"

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$ vsql -F $'\t' -At -c "SELECT * FROM testtable;"
$ vsql -F $'\v' -At -c "SELECT * FROM testtable;"
$ vsql -F $'\013' -At -c "SELECT * FROM testtable;"

Copying Data Using vsql

You can use vsql to copy data between two HP Vertica databases. This technique is similar to the
technique explained in Exporting Data Using vsql, except instead of having vsql save data to a file
for export, you pipe one vsql's output to the input of another vsql command that runs a COPY
statement from STDIN. This technique can also work for other databases or applications that
accept data from an input stream.
Note: The following technique only works for individual tables. To copy an entire database to
another cluster, see Copying a Database to Another Cluster in the Administrator's Guide.
The easiest way to copy using vsql is to log in to a node of the target database, then issue a vsql
command that connects to the source HP Vertica database to dump the data you want. For
example, the following command copies the store.store_sales_fact table from the vmart database
on node testdb01 to the vmart database on the node you are logged into:
vsql -U username -w passwd -h testdb01 -d vmart -At -c "SELECT * from store.store_sales_
fact" \
| vsql -U username -w passwd -d vmart -c "COPY store.store_sales_fact FROM STDIN

Note: The above example copies the data only, not the table design. The target table for the

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data copy must already exist in the target database. You can export the design of the table
If you are using the Bash shell, you can escape special delimiter characters. For example,
DELIMITER E'\t' specifies tab. Shells other than Bash may have other string-literal syntax.

Monitoring Progress (optional)

You may want some way of monitoring progress when copying large amounts of data between HP
Vertica databases. One way of monitoring the progress of the copy operation is to use a utility such
as Pipe Viewer that pipes its input directly to its output while displaying the amount and speed of
data it passes along. Pipe Viewer can even display a progress bar if you give it the total number of
bytes or lines you expect to be processed. You can get the number of lines to be processed by
running a separate vsql command that executes a SELECT COUNT query.
Note: Pipe Viewer isn't a standard Linux or Solaris command, so you will need to download
and install it yourself. See the Pipe Viewer page for download packages and instructions. HP
does not support Pipe Viewer. Install and use it at your own risk.
The following command demonstrates how you can use Pipe Viewer to monitor the progress of the
copy shown in the prior example. The command is complicated by the need to get the number of
rows that will be copied, which is done using a separate vsql command within a Bash backquote
string, which executes the string's contents and inserts the output of the command into the
command line. This vsql command just counts the number of rows in the store.store_sales_fact
vsql -U username -w passwd -h testdb01 -d vmart -At -c "SELECT * from store.store_sales_
fact" \
| pv -lpetr -s `vsql -U username -w passwd -h testdb01 -d vmart -At -c "SELECT COUNT (*)
FROM store.store_sales_fact;"` \
| vsql -U username -w passwd -d vmart -c "COPY store.store_sales_fact FROM STDIN

While running, the above command displays a progress bar that looks like this:
0:00:39 [12.6M/s] [=============================>

] 50% ETA

Output Formatting Examples

The first example shows how to spread a command over several lines of input. Notice the changing

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=> CREATE TABLE my_table (

-> first integer not null default 0,
-> second char(10));

Assume you have filled the table with data and want to take a look at it:
testdb=> SELECT * FROM my_table;
first | second
-------+-------1 | one
2 | two
3 | three
4 | four
(4 rows)

You can display tables in different ways by using the \pset command:
testdb=> \pset border 2
Border style is 2.
testdb=> SELECT * FROM my_table;
| first | second |
1 | one
2 | two
3 | three |
4 | four
(4 rows)
=> \pset border 0
Border style is 0.
=> SELECT * FROM my_table;
first second
----- -----1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
(4 rows)
=> \pset border 1 Border style is 1.
=> \pset format unaligned
Output format is unaligned.
=> \pset fieldsep ','
Field separator is ",".
=> \pset tuples_only
Showing only tuples.
=> SELECT second, first FROM my_table;

Alternatively, use the short commands:

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=> \a \t \ x Output format is aligned.

Tuples only is off.
Expanded display is on.
=> SELECT * FROM my_table;
first | 1
second | one
-------+----------first | 2
second | two
-------+----------first | 3
second | three
-------+----------first | 4
second | four

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Using vsql

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Client Libraries
The HP Vertica client driver libraries provide interfaces for connecting your client applications (or
third-party applications such as Cognos and MicroStrategy) to your HP Vertica database. The
drivers simplify exchanging data for loading, report generation, and other common database tasks.
There are three separate client drivers:

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)the most commonly-used interface for third-party

applications and clients written in C, Python, PHP, Perl, and most other languages.

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)used by clients written in the Java programming


ActiveX Data Objects for .NET (ADO.NET)used by clients developed using Microsoft's .NET
Framework and written in C#, Visual Basic .NET, and other .NET languages.

Client Driver Standards

The HP Vertica client drivers are compatible with the following driver standards:

The ODBC driver complies with version 3.5.1 of the ODBC standard.

HP Vertica's JDBC driver is a type 4 driver that complies with the JDBC 3.0 standard. It is
compiled using JDK version 1.5, and is compatible with client applications compiled using JDK
versions 1.5 and 1.6.

ADO.NET drivers conform to .NET framework 3.0 specifications.

The drivers do not support some of the optional features in the standards. See ODBC Feature
Support and JDBC Feature Support and Using ADO.NET for details.

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Client Driver and Server Version Compatibility

Usually, each version of the HP Vertica server is compatible with the previous version of the client
drivers. This compatibility lets you upgrade your HP Vertica server without having to immediately
upgrade your client software. However, some new features of the new server version may not be
available through the old drivers.
The following table summarizes the compatibility of each recent version of the client drivers with
the HP Vertica server versions.
Client Driver Version Compatible Server Versions

6.1.x, 7.0.x, 7.1.x


7.0.x, 7.1.x



Version 4.1 to 5.1 Client Driver Transition

The client driver libraries were completely rewritten for HP Vertica 5.1 to improve standards
compatibility and support more platforms. As a result, some of the classes, functions, properties,
and other elements of the driver APIs have been renamed or deprecated in favor of standard ones.
See Updating ODBC Client Code From Previous Driver Versions, Updating ADO.NET Client Code
From Previous Driver Versions, and Updating Client Code From 4.1 or Earlier JDBC Driver
Versions for details on updating your pre-5.1 client code to work with the new client libraries.

HP Vertica ODBC/JDBC Client Installers

The ODBC/JDBC client drivers are a separate installation from the ADO.NET drivers. (ADO.NET
support is not available in Community Edition.) As noted in the compatibility table, the 6.x
ODBC/JDBC client drivers do not support access to a non HP Vertica 6.x database and above. For
example, you cannot use the new 6.x ODBC/JDBC client drivers to access an HP Vertica 5.x
database. If you plan on having a mixed HP Vertica environment supporting both 5.x and 6.x HP
Vertica database, consider keeping the 5.x drivers installed.

ODBC/JDBC Multiple Version Installations

The following ODBC/JDBC drivers are supported on a single machine:

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4.x and 5.x ODBC/JDBC drivers can be installed on the same machine.

4.x and 6.x ODBC/JDBC drivers can be installed on the same machine.

It is not possible to have both 5.x and 6.x ODBC drivers on a single machine. If you install the 6.x
version, it automatically overlays the existing 5.x installation, and any DSN defined against a 5.x
HP Vertica database is not supported.

HP Vertica ADO.NET Client Installers

Prior to version 6.x, ADO.Net drivers must be uninstalled prior to installing a later version of the
driver. The 6.x ADO.Net drivers require the HP Vertica database to be 6.0.0 or above. The
ADO.NET 6.x driver only supports access to an HP Vertica 6.x server. The ADO.NET 4.x plug-in
does not work with an HP Vertica 6.x server. If you plan on also using the ODBC bridge and you
need to access both HP Vertica 5.x and 6.x databases, consider keeping the 5.x versions of the
ODBC/JDBC drivers for the reasons stated previously.

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Client Libraries

Installing the Client Drivers

You must install the HP Vertica client drivers to access HP Vertica from your client application. The
drivers create and maintain connections to the database and provide APIs that your applications
use to access your data. The client drivers support connections using JDBC, ODBC, and

Client Driver Standards

The client drivers support the following standards:

ODBC drivers conform to ODBC 3.5.1 specifications.

JDBC drivers conform to JDK 5 specifications.

ADO.NET drivers conform to .NET framework 3.0 specifications.

The remainder of this section explain the requirements for the HP Vertica client drivers, and the
procedure for downloading, installing, and configuring them.

Driver Prerequisites
The following topics explain the system requirements for the client drivers. You need to ensure that
your client system meets these requirements before installing and using the client drivers.

ODBC Prerequisites
There are several requirements your client systems must meet before you can install the HP
Vertica ODBC drivers.

Operating System
The HP Vertica ODBC driver requires a supported platform. The list of currently-supported
platforms can be found at HP Vertica Client Drivers.

ODBC Driver Manager

The HP Vertica ODBC driver requires that the client system have a supported driver manager. See
the myVertica portal for a list of supported driver managers.

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UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 Support

The HP Vertica ODBC driver is a universal driver that supports UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32
encoding. The default setting depends on the client platform. (see Additional Linux ODBC Driver
Configuration Settings for more information).
When using the driver with the DataDirect Connect driver manager, DataDirect Connect adapts to
the ODBC driver's text encoding settings. You should configure the ODBC driver to use the
encoding method that your application requires. This allows strings to be passed between the driver
and the application without intermediate conversion.

See Also

Installing the Client Drivers

Programming ODBC Client Applications

Creating an ODBC Data Source Name (DSN)

ADO.NET Prerequisites
The HP Vertica driver for ADO.NET requires the following software and hardware components:

Operating System
The HP Vertica ADO.NET driver requires a supported Windows operating system. The list of
supported platforms can be found in the Supported Platforms document at

HP Vertica suggests a minimum of 512MB of RAM.

.NET Framework
The requirements for the .NET framework for ADO.NET in HP Vertica can be found in the
Supported Platforms document at

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Client Libraries

See Also

Programming ADO.NET Applications

Python Prerequisites
Python is a free, agile, object-oriented, cross-platform programming language designed to
emphasize rapid development and code readability. Python has been released under several
different open source licenses.
HP Vertica's ODBC driver is tested with multiple versions of Python. See Perl and Python
Requirements for details.

Python Driver
HP Vertica requires the pyodbc driver module. See your system's Python documentation for
installation and configuration information.

Supported Operating Systems

The HP Vertica ODBC driver requires one of the operating systems listed in ODBC Prerequisites.
For usage and examples, see Programming Python Client Applications.

Perl Prerequisites
Perl is a free, stable, open source, cross-platform programming language licensed under its Artistic
License, or the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Your Perl scripts access HP Vertica through its ODBC driver, using the Perl Database Interface
(DBI) module with the ODBC Database Driver (DBD::ODBC). The HP Vertica ODBC driver is
known to be compatible with these versions of Perl:



Later Perl versions may also work.

Perl Drivers
The following Perl driver modules have been tested with the HP Vertica ODBC driver:

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Client Libraries

The DBI driver module, version 1.609

The DBD::ODBC driver module, version 1.22

Other versions may also work.

Supported Client Systems

The HP Vertica ODBC driver requires one of the operating systems and driver managers listed in
ODBC Prerequisites.

PHP Prerequisites
PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web
development and can be embedded into HTML. PHP is licensed under the PHP License, an opensource BSD-style license certified by the Open Source Initiative.

PHP Modules
The following PHP modules are required:




UnixODBC (if you are using the Unix ODBC driver)

libiodbc (if you are using the iODBC driver)

Supported Client Systems

The HP Vertica ODBC driver requires one of the operating systems and driver managers listed in
ODBC Prerequisites.

Installing the Client Drivers

How you install client drivers depends on the client's operating system:

For Linux and UNIX clients, you must first install a Linux driver manager. After you have
installed the driver manager, there are two different ways to install the client drivers:

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Client Libraries

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, 64-bit and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10/11 64-bit, you
can use the HP Vertica client RPM package to install the ODBC and JDBC drivers as well as
the vsql client.

On other Linux platforms and UNIX-like platforms you can download the ODBC and JDBC
drivers and install them individually.

Note: The ODBC and JDBC client drivers are installed by the server .rpm files. If you have
installed HP Vertica Analytics Platform on your Linux system for development or testing
purposes, you do not need to download and install the client drivers on ityou just need to
configure the drivers. To use ODBC, you need to create a DSN (see Creating an ODBC DSN for
Linux, Solaris, AIX, and HP-UX). To use JDBC, you need to add the JDBC client driver to the
Java CLASSPATH (see Modifying the Java CLASSPATH).

On Windows clients, download the 32-bit or 64-bit client installer. The installer provides the
ODBC and and JDBC drivers.

There is an additional Windows installer for the ADO.NET client driver. 32-bit and 64-bit versions
of the installer are available. ADO.NET is only available for the Enterprise edition of HP Vertica.

The remainder of this section describes how to install client drivers on different operating systems.

Installing Driver Managers Linux and Other UNIX-like

If your client platform does not already have an ODBC driver manager, you need to install one
before you can use the HP Vertica ODBC client driver. The driver manager provides an interface
between your client operating system and the ODBC drivers. See Supported Platforms for a list of
driver managers that are supported on each of the client platforms.
Driver managers can be downloaded from your operating system specific repository and from the
links below.
HP Vertica does not provide instructions for installing and configuring these third party binaries. For
download and configuration information, see the respective websites for the driver managers for
installation and configuration information:



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Client Libraries

Installing ODBC Drivers on Linux, Solaris, AIX, and HPUX

Note: For additional details about supported platforms, see Supported Platforms.
Read Driver Prerequisites before you proceed.
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, you can download and install a
client RPM that installs both the ODBC and JDBC driver as well as the vsql client. See Installing
the Client RPM on Red Hat and SUSE.
Note: The ODBC and JDBC client drivers are installed by the server .rpm files. If you have
installed HP Vertica Analytics Platform on your Linux system for development or testing purposes,
you do not need to download and install the client drivers on ityou just need to configure the
drivers. To use ODBC, you need to create a DSN (see Creating an ODBC DSN for Linux, Solaris,
AIX, and HP-UX). To use JDBC, you need to add the JDBC client driver to the Java CLASSPATH
(see Modifying the Java CLASSPATH).
The ODBC driver installation packages are broken down by client platform on the myVertica portal.
The package's filename is named based on its operating system and architecture (for example,

Installation Procedure
1. Open a Web browser and log in to myVertica portal.
2. Click the Download tab and locate and download the driver package that corresponds to your
client system.
3. If you did not directly download to the client system, transfer the downloaded file to it.
4. Log in to the client system as root.
5. If the directory /opt/vertica/ does not exist, create it:
# mkdir -p /opt/vertica/

6. Copy the downloaded file to the /opt/vertica/ directory. For example:

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# cp vertica_7.1..xx_odbc_x86_64_linux.tar.gz /opt/vertica/

7. Change to the /opt/vertica/ directory:

# cd /opt/vertica/

8. Uncompress the file you downloaded. For example:

$ tar vzxf vertica_7.1..xx_odbc_x86_64_linux.tar.gz
Two folders are created: one for the include file, and one for the library files. The path of the
library file depends on the processor architecture: lib for 32-bit libraries, and lib64 for 64-bit
libraries. So, a 64-bit driver client download creates the directories:

/opt/vertica/include, which contains the header file

/opt/vertica/lib64, which contains the library file

Post Driver Installation Configuration

You must configure the ODBC driver before you can use it. There are two required configuration

The odbc.ini configuration file defines the Data Source Names (DSNs) that tell the ODBC how
to access your HP Vertica databases. See Creating an ODBC Data Source Name for
instructions to create this file.

The vertica.ini configuration file defines some HP Vertica-specific settings required by the
drivers. See Additional Linux ODBC Driver Configuration Settings for instructions to create this

Note: If you are upgrading your ODBC driver, you must either update your DSNs to point to the
newly-installed driver or create new DSNs. If your odbc.ini file references drivers defined in
an odbcinst.ini file, you just need to update the odbcinst.ini file. See Creating an ODBC
Data Source Name (DSN) for details.

Installing the Client RPM on Red Hat and SUSE

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, you can download and install a
client driver RPM that installs both the ODBC and JDBC driver libraries and the vsql client.

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Client Libraries

To install the client driver RPM package:

1. Open a Web browser and log in to the myVertica portal.
2. Click the Download tab and download the client RPM file that matches your client platform's

Note: The 64-bit client driver RPM installs both the 64-bit and 32-bit ODBC driver libraries,
so you do not need to install both on your 64-bit client system.

3. If you did not directly download the RPM on the client system, transfer the file to the client.
4. Log in to the client system as root.
5. Install the RPM package you downloaded:
# rpm -Uvh package_name.rpm

Note: You receive one or more conflict error messages if there are existing HP Vertica client
driver files on your system. This can happen if you are trying to install the client driver package
on a system that has the server package installed, since the server package also includes the
client drivers. In this case, you don't need to install the client drivers, and can instead use the
drivers installed by the server package. If the conflict arises from an old driver installation or
from a server installation for an older version, you can use the rpm command's --force switch
to force it to overwrite the existing files with the files in the client driver package.
Once you have installed the client package, you need to create a DSN (see Creating an ODBC
DSN for Linux, Solaris, AIX, and HP-UX) and set some additional configuration parameters (see
Additional Linux ODBC Driver Configuration Settings) to use ODBC. To use JDBC, you need to
modify your class path (see Modifying the Java CLASSPATH) before you can use JDBC.
You may also want to add the vsql client to your PATH environment variable so that you do not
need to enter its full path to run it. You add it to your path by adding the following to the .profile file
in your home directory or the global /etc/profile file:
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/vertica/bin

Installing JDBC Driver on Linux, Solaris, AIX, and HPUX

Note: The ODBC and JDBC client drivers are installed by the server .rpm files. If you have
installed HP Vertica Analytics Platform on your Linux system for development or testing purposes,

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Client Libraries

you do not need to download and install the client drivers on ityou just need to configure the
drivers. To use ODBC, you need to create a DSN (see Creating an ODBC DSN for Linux, Solaris,
AIX, and HP-UX). To use JDBC, you need to add the JDBC client driver to the Java CLASSPATH
(see Modifying the Java CLASSPATH).
Note: For additional details about supported platforms, see Supported Platforms.
The JDBC driver is available for download from myVertica portal. There is a single .jar file that
works on all platforms and architectures. To download and install the file:
1. Open a Web browser and log in to myVertica portal.
2. Click the Download tab and locate and download the JDBC driver.
3. You need to copy the .jar file you downloaded file to a directory in your Java CLASSPATH on
every client system with which you want to access HP Vertica. You can either:

Copy the .jar file to its own directory (such as /opt/vertica/java/lib) and then add that
directory to your CLASSPATH (recommended). See Modifying the Java CLASSPATH for

Copy the .jar file to directory that is already in your CLASSPATH (for example, a directory
where you have placed other .jar files on which your application depends).

Note: In the directory where you copied the .jar file, you should create a symbolic link named
vertica_jdk_5.jar to the .jar file. You can reference this symbolic link anywhere you need
to use the name of the JDBC library without having to worry any future upgrade invalidating the
file name. This symbolic link is automatically created on server installs. On clients, you need to
create and manually maintain this symbolic link yourself if you installed the driver manually.
The Installing the Client RPM on Red Hat and SUSE create this link when they install the
JDBC library.

Installing ODBC/JDBC Client Drivers and vsql Client on

This topic details how to download and install the HP Vertica ODBC/JDBC client drivers and vsql
client for Windows systems. The installer can be run as a regular windows installer or silently. The
Windows client drivers (ODBC, JDBC, etc.) are all installed using a single installer. There are 32-bit
and 64-bit installers available. The 32-bit installer provides a 32-bit driver. The 64-bit installer
provides both 32-bit and 64-bit drivers.
Read Driver Prerequisites before you proceed.

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Client Libraries

Note: Note: If you are uninstalling a previous release of the HP Vertica ODBC/JDBC drivers,
delete any DSNs associated with those drivers before you uninstall. Windows requires that the
driver files be present when a DSN is removed. If you uninstall the driver first, then the DSN
cannot be removed. For releases after 5.1 you do not need to uninstall the drivers, as the
installation program upgrades the existing 5.1+ drivers in place.

To Download the Windows client-drivers:

1. Open a Web browser and log in to myVertica portal.
2. Click the Download tab and select the ODBC/JDBC Windows installer that you want to install
(32-bit or 64-bit) and follow the on-screen prompts to download the installer.

To Install the Windows Client-Drivers and vsql client:

1. As a Windows Administrator, double-click the installer to start the install process.
2. The introduction screen appears. Click Next to begin the installation.
3. Read the license agreement and check the appropriate radio box. Click Next to continue.
4. Optionally change the installation directory and click Next. The default directory is C:\Program
Files (x86)\Vertica Systems\.
5. Select the components to install and click Next. By default all components are selected.
6. Click Install to install the options you selected.
7. Click Finish.

To Silent-Install the Windows Client-Drivers and vsql client:

1. As a Windows Administrator, open a command-line session and change directory to the folder
that contains the installer.
2. Run the command vertica_client_drivers_[VERSION].exe /S /v/qn
3. The drivers are silently installed in C:\Program Files\Vertica Systems\. If you install the 32-bit
drivers on a 64-bit system, then those drivers are installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Vertica
Systems\. The driver appears in the list of installed programs and is now available in the ODBC
control panel.

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After You install:


The client drivers are available in the ODBC and JDBC folders of the installation directory.

There is no shortcut for the vsql client. vsql is added to the windows PATH environment
variable. Start a command window and type vsql -? at the command prompt to start vsql and
show the help list. See vsql Notes for Windows Users for important details about using vsql in a
Windows console.

You must perform an additional step for some of the client drivers before you use them:

For ODBC, create a new Data Source Name (DSN).

For JDBC, Modifying the Java CLASSPATH.

Modifying the Java CLASSPATH

The CLASSPATH environment variable contains the list of directories where the Java run time
looks for library class files. For your Java client code to access HP Vertica, you need to add the
directory where the HP Vertica JDBC .jar file is located.
Note: In your CLASSPATH, use the symbolic link vertica-jdbc-x.x.x.jar (where x.x.x is
a version number) that points to the JDBC library .jar file, rather than the .jar file itself.
Using the symbolic link ensures that any updates to the JDBC library .jar file (which will use
a different filename) will not invalidate your CLASSPATH setting, since the symbolic link's
filename will remain the same. You just need to update the symbolic link to point at the new
.jar file.

Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, and OS X

If you are using the Bash shell, use the export command to define the CLASSPATH variable:
# export CLASSPATH=/opt/vertica/java/lib/vertica-jdbc-x.x.x.jar

If environment variable CLASSPATH is already defined, use the following command to prevent it
from being overwritten:
# export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/opt/vertica/java/lib/vertica-jdbc-x.x.x.jar

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If you are using a shell other than Bash, consult its documentation to learn how to set environment
You need to either set the CLASSPATH environment variable for every login session, or insert the
command to set the variable into one of your startup scripts (such as ~/.profile or

Provide the class paths to the .jar, .zip, or .class files.
C:> SET CLASSPATH=classpath1;classpath2...

For example:
C:> SET CLASSPATH=C:\java\MyClasses\vertica-jdbc-x.x.x.jar

As with the Linux/UNIX settings, this setting only lasts for the current session. To set the
CLASSPATH permanently, set an environment variable:
1. On the Windows Control Panel, click System.
2. Click Advanced or Advanced Systems Settings.
3. Click Environment Variables.
4. Under User variables, click New.
5. In the Variable name box, type CLASSPATH.
6. In the Variable value box, type the path to the HP Vertica JDBC .jar file on your system (for
example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Vertica\JDBC\vertica-jdbc-x.x.x.jar)

Specifying the Library Directory in the Java Command

There is an alternative way to tell the Java run time where to find the HP Vertica JDBC driver other
than changing the CLASSPATH environment variable: explicitly add the directory containing the
.jar file to the java command line using either the -cp or -classpath argument. For example, on
Linux, start your client application using:
# java -classpath /opt/vertica/java/lib/vertica-jdbc-x.x.x.jar myapplication.class

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Your Java IDE may also let you add directories to your CLASSPATH, or let you import the HP
Vertica JDBC driver into your project. See your IDE documentation for details.

Installing the JDBC Driver on Macintosh OS X

To install the HP Vertica JDBC driver on your Macintosh OS X client system, download the crossplatform JDBC driver .jar file to your system and ensure OS X's Java installation can find it.

Downloading the JDBC Driver

To download the HP Vertica JDBC driver on Macintosh OS X:
1. On your Macintosh client system, open a browser and log into the myVertica portal.
2. Navigate to the Downloads page, scroll to the Client Software download section, and click the
download link for the JDBC driver.
3. Accept the license agreement and wait for the download to complete.

Ensuring Java Can Find the JDBC Driver

In order for your Java client application to use the HP Vertica JDBC driver, the Java interpreter
needs to be able to find its library file. Choose one of these methods to tell the Java interpreter
where to look for the library:

Copy the JDBC .jar file you downloaded to either the system-wide Java Extensions folder
(/Library/Java/Extensions) or your user Java Extensions folder

Add the directory containing the JDBC .jar file to the CLASSPATH environment variable (see
Modifying the Java CLASSPATH).

Specify the directory containing the JDBC .jar using the -cp argument in the Java command
line you use to start your Java command line.

Installing the ODBC Driver on Mac OS X

You can obtain the HP Vertica ODBC driver for Mac OS X as a .pkg file through the myVertica
portal. You can run the installer as a regular Mac OS X installer or silently. This driver is compatible
with both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

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The installer is designed to be used with the standard iODBC Driver Manager included in Mac OS
X. While Mac OS X ships with the iODBC Driver Manager already installed, you may choose to
download the most recent version of the driver at the website.
By default, the installer installs the driver in the following location:
/Library/Vertica/ODBC/lib/libverticaodbc.dylib. The installer also automatically registers
a driver named "Vertica" with the iODBC Driver Manager.
To use the unixODBC Driver Manager instead of Apple's iODBC Driver Manager, see the website.

Before You Download the Driver

If you installed a previous version of the HP Vertica ODBC driver for Mac OS X, your system may
already have a registered driver named "Vertica." In this case, If you must remove or rename the
older version of the driver before installing the HP Vertica ODBC driver .pkg.
To have multiple versions of the driver installed on your system at the same time, you must rename
the currently installed version of the driver to something other than "Vertica." You can do so using
the Apple ODBC Administrator Tool.
To rename the driver:
1. Using your web browser, download and install the Apple ODBC Administrator Tool.
2. Locate and open the ODBC Administrator Tool after installation:
a. Navigate to Finder > Applications > Utilities.
b. Open the ODBC Administrator Tool.
3. Click the Drivers tab, and then select the driver named "Vertica."
4. Click the Configure button. A dialog box opens.
a. In Description, enter a new name for the driver, and then click OK. The dialog box closes.
b. On the ODBC Administrator page, click Apply.
5. Exit the ODBC Administrator Tool.

Download the Driver

Follow these steps to download the HP Vertica ODBC driver for Mac OS X:

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1. On your Mac OS X client system, open a browser, and log in to the myVertica portal.
2. Install the HP Vertica ODBC driver for Mac OS X:
a. Navigate to the Downloads tab, and scroll to the Client Software section.
b. Click the download link for the Mac OS X ODBC installer.
3. Accept the license agreement, and wait for the download to complete.

Install the Mac OS X ODBC Client-Driver

As a Mac OS X Administrator, double-click the installer to start the installation. Follow the prompts
as the wizard guides you through each step of the process.
Note: After installing the ODBC driver, you must create a DSN to be able to connect to your
HP Vertica database. For the procedure, see Creating an ODBC DSN for Macintosh OS X

Silently Install the Mac OS X ODBC Client-Driver

1. Log into the client Mac in one of two ways:

As an administrator account, if you are installing the driver for system-wide use

As the user who needs to use the HP Vertica ODBC driver

2. Open a terminal window. In the Finder, click Applications > Utilities > Terminal.
3. Install the .pkg file containing the ODBC driver using the command:
sudo installer -pkg ~/Downloads/vertica-odbc7.1.pkg -target /

In the preceding .pkg command, change the path to that of the downloaded file, if:

You downloaded the driver .pkg file to a directory other than your Downloads directory.

You downloaded the driver using another user account.

Note: After installing the ODBC driver, you must create a DSN to be able to connect to your
HP Vertica database. For the procedure, see Creating an ODBC DSN for Macintosh OS X

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Uninstall the Mac OS X ODBC Client-Driver

Uninstalling the Mac OS X ODBC Client-Driver does not remove any existing DSNs associated
with the driver.
To uninstall:
1. Open a terminal window.
2. Enter the command:
sudo /Library/Vertica/ODBC/bin/Uninstall

Using Legacy Drivers

The HP Vertica server supports connections from the previous version of the client drivers. For
example, the HP Vertica version 5.1 server works with the 4.1 client drivers, since they were the
drivers distributed with the previous version of the server. This backwards compatibility lets you
upgrade your HP Vertica database first, then later upgrade your clients.
If you have not yet updated your code to work with the new version of the HP Vertica client drivers,
you can continue to use the older drivers until you do. If you need to install your client application on
a new client system, you can download and install the older drivers. See myVertica portal to
download the installers; find installation documentation at
For detailed information on which the compatibility of different versions of the HP Vertica server and
HP Vertica client, see Client Driver and Server Version Compatibility.
Note: The support for a previous version of the drivers is usually eliminated in the next release
of HP Vertica. For example, the HP Vertica version 5.1 server does not support the version 4.0
drivers. You should update your client application to work with the new client drivers as soon
as possible.

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Creating an ODBC Data Source Name (DSN)

A Data Source Name (DSN) is the logical name that is used by Open Database Connectivity
(ODBC) to refer to the driver and other information that is required to access data from a data
source. Whether you are developing your own ODBC client code or you are using a third-party tool
that needs to access HP Vertica using ODBC, you need to configure and test a DSN. The method
you use depends upon the client operating system you are using.

Creating an ODBC DSN for Linux, Solaris, AIX, and HPUX

You define DSN on Linux, Solaris, and other UNIX-like platforms in a text file. Your client's driver
manager reads this file to determine how to connect to your HP Vertica database. The driver
manager usually looks for the DSN definitions in two places:


~/.odbc.ini (a file named .odbc.ini in the user's home directory)

The structure of these files is the same, only their location differs. If both files are present, the
~/.odbc.ini file usually overrides the system-wide /etc/odbc.ini file.
Note: See your ODBC driver manager's documentation for details on where these files should
be located and any other requirements.

odbc.ini File Structure

The odbc.ini is a text file that contains two types of lines:

Section definitions, which are text strings enclosed in square brackets.

Parameter definitions, which contain a parameter name, an equals sign (=), and then the
parameter's value.

The first section of the file is always named [ODBC Data Sources], and contains a list of all the
DSNs that the odbc.ini file defines. The parameters in this section are the names of the DSNs,
which appear as section definitions later in the file. The value is a text description of the DSN and
has no function. For example, an odbc.ini file that defines a single DSN named HP VerticaDSN
could have this ODBC Data Sources section:

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[ODBC Data Sources]

HPVerticaDSN = "vmartdb"

Appearing after the ODBC data sources section are sections that define each DSN. The name of a
DSN section must match one of the names defined in the ODBC Data Sources section.

Configuring the odbc.ini file:

To create or edit the DSN definition file:
1. Using the text editor of your choice, open odbc.ini or ~/.odbc.ini.
2. Create an ODBC Data Sources section and define a parameter:

Whose name is the name of the DSN you want to create

Whose value is a description of the DSN

For example, to create a DSN named VMart, you would enter:

[ODBC Data Sources]
VMart = "VMart database on HP Vertica"

3. Create a section whose name matches the DSN name you defined in step 2. In this section,
you add parameters that define the DSN's settings. The most commonly-defined parameters

Description Additional information about the data source.

Driver The location and designation of the HP Vertica ODBC driver, or the name of a
driver defined in the odbcinst.ini file (see below). For future compatibility, use the name of
the symbolic link in the library directory, rather than the library file:

(/opt/vertica/lib, on 32-bit clients

/opt/vertica/lib64, on 64-bit clients

For example, the symbolic link for the 64-bit ODBC driver library is:

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The symbolic link always points to the most up-to-date version of the HP Vertica client
ODBC library. Use this link so that you do not need to update all of your DSNs when you
update your client drivers.

Database The name of the database running on the server. This example uses vmartdb
for the vmartdb.

ServerName The name of the server where HP Vertica is installed. Use localhost if HP
Vertica is installed on the same machine.
You can provide an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or hostname.
In mixed IPv4/IPv6 networks, the DNS server configuration determines which IP version
address is sent first. Use the PreferredAddressFamily option to force the connection to
use either IPv4 or IPv6.

UID Either the database superuser (same name as database administrator account) or a
user that the superuser has created and granted privileges. This example uses the user
name dbadmin.

PWD The password for the specified user name. This example leaves the password field

Port The port number on which HP Vertica listens for ODBC connections. For example,

ConnSettings Can contain SQL commands separated by a semicolon. These

commands can be run immediately after connecting to the server.

SSLKeyFile The file path and name of the client's private key. This file can reside
anywhere on the system.

SSLCertFile The file path and name of the client's public certificate. This file can reside
anywhere on the system.

Locale The default locale used for the session. By default, the locale for the database is:
en_US@collation=binary (English as in the United States of America). Specify the locale as
an ICU Locale. See the ICU User Guide ( for a
complete list of parameters that can be used to specify a locale.


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The IP version to use if the client and server have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and you
have provided a host name. Valid values are:

ipv4Connect to the server using IPv4.

ipv6Connect to the server using IPv6.

noneUse the IP address provided by the DNS server.

For example:
Description = Vmart Database
Driver = /opt/vertica/lib64/
Database = vmartdb
Servername = host01
UID = dbadmin
Port = 5433
ConnSettings =
SSLKeyFile = /home/dbadmin/client.key
SSLCertFile = /home/dbadmin/client.crt
Locale = en_GB

See Data Source Name (DSN) Connection Parameters for a complete list of parameters including
HP Vertica-specific ones.

Using an odbcinst.ini File

Instead of giving the path of the ODBC driver library in your DSN definitions, you can use the name
of a driver defined in the odbcinst.ini file. This method is useful method if you have many DSNs
and often need to update them to point to new driver libraries. It also allows you to set some
additional ODBC parameters, such as the threading model.
Just as in the odbc.ini file, odbcinst.ini has sections. Each section defines an ODBC driver
that can be referenced in the odbc.ini files.
In a section, you can define the following parameters:

Description Additional information about the data source.

Driver The location and designation of the HP Vertica ODBC driver, such as

For example:

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Description = HP Vertica ODBC Driver
Driver = /opt/vertica/lib64/

Then, in your odbc.ini file, use the name of the section you created in the odbcinst.ini file that
describes the driver you want to use. For example:
Description = HP Vertica Vmart database
Driver = HPVertica

If you are using the unixODBC driver manager, you should also add an ODBC section to override
its standard threading settings. By default, unixODBC serializes all SQL calls through ODBC,
which prevents multiple parallel loads. To change this default behavior, add the following to your
odbcinst.ini file:
Threading = 1

Configuring Additional ODBC Settings

On Linux and UNIX systems, you need to configure some additional driver settings before you can
use your DSN. See Additional Linux ODBC Driver Configuration Settings for details.

Testing a DSN Using Isql

The unixODBC driver manager includes a utility named isql, which is a simple ODBC commandline client. It lets you to connect to a DSN to send commands and receive results, similarly to vsql.
To use isql to test a DSN connection:
1. Run the following command:
$ isql v DSNnameSQL>

Where DSNname is the name of the DSN you created.

A connection message and a SQL prompt display. If they do not, you could have a
configuration problem or you could be using the wrong user name or password.
2. Try a simple SQL statement. For example:

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SQL> SELECT table_name FROM tables;

The isql tool returns the results of your SQL statement.

Note: If you have not set the ErrorMessagesPath in the additional driver configuration settings,
any errors during testing will trigger a missing error message file ("The error message
NoSQLGetPrivateProfileString could not be found in the en-US locale"). See Additional Linux
ODBC Driver Configuration Settings for more information.

Creating an ODBC DSN for Windows Clients

To create a DSN for Microsoft Windows clients, you must perform the following tasks:

Setting Up a DSN

Testing the DSN Using Excel 2007

Setting Up a DSN
A Data Source Name (DSN) is the ODBC logical name for the drive and other information the
database needs to access data. The name is used by Internet Information Services (IIS) for a
connection to an ODBC data source.
This section describes how to use the HP Vertica ODBC Driver to set up an ODBC DSN. This
topic assumes that the driver is already installed, as described in Installing Client Drivers on

To set up a DSN
1. Open the ODBC Administrator. For example, you could navigate to Start > Control Panel >
Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).

Note: The method you use to open the ODBC Administrator depends on your version of
Windows. Differences between Windows versions and Start Menu customizations could
require you to take a different action to open the ODBC Administrator.

2. Decide if you want all users on your client system to be able to access to the DSN for the HP

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Vertica database.

If you want all users to have access, then click the System DSN tab.

Otherwise, click the User DSN tab to create a DSN that is only usable by your Windows
user account.

3. Click Add to create a new DSN to connect to the HP Vertica database.

4. Scroll through the list of drivers in the Create a New Data Source dialog box to locate the HP
Vertica driver. Select the driver, and then click Finish.

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Note: If you have installed more than one version of the HP Vertica client drivers on your
Windows client system, you may see multiple versions of the driver in this list. Choose
the version that you know is compatible with your client application and Vertica Analytic
Database server. If you are unsure, use the latest version of the driver.

The HP Vertica ODBC DSN configuration dialog box appears.

5. Click the More>>> button to view a description of the field you are editing and the connection
string defined by the DSN.

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6. Enter the information for your DSN. The following fields are required:

DSN Name The name for the DSN. Clients use this name to identify the DSN to which
they want to connect. The DSN name must satisfy the following requirements:

Its maximum length is 32 characters.

It is composed of ASCII characters except for the following: [ ] { } , ; ? * = ! @ \

It contains no spaces.

Server The host name or IP address of the HP Vertica server to which you want to
connect. Use localhost, if HP Vertica is installed on the same machine.
You can provide an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or hostname.

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In mixed IPv4/IPv6 networks, the DNS server configuration determines which IP version
address is sent first. Use the PreferredAddressFamily option to force the connection to
use either IPv4 or IPv6.
The PreferredAddressFamily option is available on the Client Settings tab.

Backup Servers A comma-separated list of host names or IP addresses used to

connect to if the server specified by the Server field is down. Optional.

Database The name of the HP Vertica database.

User Name The name of the user account to use when connecting to the database. If the
application does not supply its own user name when connecting to the DSN, this account
name is used to log into the database. .

The rest of the fields are optional. See DSN Parameters for detailed information about the DSN
parameters you can define.
7. If you want to test your connection:
a. Enter at least a valid DSN name, Server name, Database, and either User name or
select Windows authentication.
b. If you have not selected Windows authentication, you can enter a password in the
Password box. Alternately, you can select Password prompt to have the driver prompt
you for a password when connecting.
c. Click Test Connection.
8. When you have finished editing and testing the DSN, click OK. The HP Vertica ODBC
DSN configuration window closes, and your new DSN is listed in the ODBC Data Source
Administrator window.

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9. Click OK to close the ODBC Data Source Administrator.

After creating the DSN, you can test it using Microsoft Excel 2007.

Setting up a 32-Bit DSN on 64-Bit Versions of Microsoft Windows

On 64-bit versions of Windows, the default ODBC Data Source Administrator creates and edits
DSNs that are associated with the 64-bit HP Vertica ODBC library.
Attempting to use these 64-bit DSNs with a 32-bit client application results in an architecture
mismatch error. Instead, you must create a specific 32-bit DSN for 32-bit clients by running the 32bit ODBC Administrator usually located at:

This administrator window edits a set of DSNs that are associated with the 32-bit ODBC library.
You can then use your 32-bit client applications with the DSNs you create with this version of the
ODBC administrator.

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Testing a DSN Using Excel 2007

You can use Microsoft Excel 2007 to verify that an application can connect to an ODBC data
source or other ODBC application.
1. Open Microsoft Excel, and select Data > Get External Data > From Other Sources > From
Microsoft Query.
2. When the Choose Data Source dialog box opens:
a. Select New Data Source, and click OK.

b. Enter the name of the data source.

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c. Select the Vertica driver.

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d. Click Connect.

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3. When the HP Vertica Connection Dialog box opens, enter the connection information for the
DSN, and click OK.

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4. Click OK on the Create New Data Source dialog box to return to the Choose Data Source
dialog box.
5. Select VMart_Schema*, and verify that the Use the Query Wizard check box is deselected.
Click OK.

6. When the Add Tables dialog box opens, click Close.

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7. When the Microsoft Query window opens, click the SQL button.

8. In the SQL window, write any simple query to test your connection. For example:
SELECT DISTINCT calendar_year FROM date_dimension;


If you see the caution, "SQL Query can't be represented graphically. Continue anyway?"
click OK.

The data values 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 indicate that you successfully connected to

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and ran a query through ODBC.

10. Select File > Return Data to Microsoft Office Excel.

11. In the Import Data dialog box, click OK.

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The data is now available for use in an Excel worksheet.

Creating an ODBC DSN for Macintosh OS X Clients

You can use the HP Vertica ODBC Driver to set up an ODBC DSN. This procedure assumes that
the driver is already installed, as described in Installing the ODBC Driver on Macintosh OS X.

Setting Up a DSN
1. Using your web browser, download and install the Apple ODBC Administrator Tool.
2. Locate and open the ODBC Administrator Tool after installation:
a. Navigate to Finder > Applications > Utilities.
b. Open the ODBC Administrator Tool.
3. Click the Drivers tab, and verify that the HP Vertica driver is installed.

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4. Specify if you want all users on your client system to be able to access the DSN for the HP
Vertica database:

If you want all users to have access, then click the System DSN tab.

Otherwise, click the User DSN tab to create a DSN that is only usable by your Macintosh
user account.

5. Click Add... to create a new DSN to connect to the HP Vertica database.

6. Scroll through the list of drivers in the Choose A Driver dialog box to locate the HP Vertica
driver. Select the driver, and then click OK. A dialog box opens that requests DSN parameter
7. In the dialog box, enter the Data Source Name (DSN) and an optional Description. To do so,
click Add to insert keywords (parameters) and values that define the settings needed to
connect to your database. Then, click OK.

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The following figure shows the minimum parameters that are required to configure a DSN so
that it connects to the database:

8. In the ODBC Administrator dialog box, click Apply.

See Data Source Name (DSN) Connection Parameters for a complete list of parameters
including those specific to HP Vertica.
After configuring the ODBC Administrator Tool, you may need to configure additional driver settings
before you can use your DSN, depending on your environment. See Additional ODBC Driver
Configuration Settings for details.
Note: If you want to test your connection, use the iodbctest utility. For the procedure, see
Testing a DSN Using iodbctest.

Testing a DSN Using iodbctest

The standard iODBC Driver Manager on OS X includes a utility named iodbctest that lets you test a
DSN to verify that it is correctly configured. You pass this command a connection string in the
same format that you would use to open an ODBC database connection. After configuring your
DSN connection, you can run a query to verify that the connection works.
For example:
# iodbctest "DSN=VerticaDSN;UID=dbadmin;PWD=password"

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iODBC Demonstration program

This program shows an interactive SQL processor
Driver Manager: 03.52.0607.1008
Driver: 07.01.0200 (
SQL> SELECT table_name FROM tables;
result set 1 returned 16 rows.

Data Source Name (DSN) Connection Parameters

The following tables list the connection parameters you can set in the DSNs for use with HP
Vertica's ODBC driver.

Required Connection Parameters

These connection parameters are the minimum required to create a functioning DSN.
NOTE: If you use a host name (Servername) whose DNS entry resolves to multiple IP addresses,
the client attempts to connect to the first IP address returned by the DNS. If a connection cannot be
made to the first address, the client attempts to connect to the second, then the third, continuing
until it either connects successfully or runs out of addresses.

Parameters Description



The file path and name of the driver used.



The name of the database running on the server.


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Parameters Description


Servername The host name or IP address of any active node in an HP Vertica


You can provide an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or hostname.
In mixed IPv4/IPv6 networks, the DNS server configuration determines
which IP version address is sent first. Use the
PreferredAddressFamily option to force the connection to use either
IPv4 or IPv6.
You can also use the aliases "server" and "host" for this parameter.

The database username.


Optional Parameters
These are basic parameters that are optional.


Default Value


The port number on which HP Vertica listens


for ODBC connections.


The password for the specified user name.

none (login only

You may insert an empty string to leave this

succeeds if the user

parameter blank.

does not have a

password set)


The IP version to use if the client and server


have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and you

have provided a host name. Valid values are:

ipv4Connect to the server using IPv4.

ipv6Connect to the server using IPv6.

noneUse the IP address provided by

the DNS server.

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Advanced Settings




A Boolean value that controls whether the


driver automatically commits transactions

after executing a DML statement.

A string containing the host name or


IP address that client libraries can try to

connect to if the host specified in
ServerName is unreachable. Connection
attempts continue until successful or until
the list of server nodes is exhausted.
Valid values: Comma-separated list of
servers optionally followed by a colon and
port number.

A Boolean value that indicates whether the


connection can be redirected to a host in the

database other than the ServerNode.
This affects the connection only if the load
balancing. is set to something other than
"none". When the node differs from the
node the client is connected to, the client
disconnects and reconnects to the targeted
node. See About Native Connection Load
Balancing in the Administration Guide.

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A string containing SQL commands that the


driver should execute immediately after

connecting to the server. You can use this
parameter to configure the connection, such
as setting a schema search path.
Reserved symbol: In the connection string
';' is a reserved symbol. To set multiple
parameters as part of ConnSettings
parameters, use '%3B' for ','. Also use '+'
for spaces.

A Boolean value that controls where data


inserted through the connection is stored.

When set to true, HP Vertica directly
inserts data into ROS containers.
Otherwise, it stores data using AUTO
When you load data using AUTO mode, HP
Vertica inserts the data first into the WOS.
If the WOS is full, then HP Vertica inserts
the data directly into ROS. See the COPY
statement for more details.

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Controls whether the ODBC driver performs


type conversions on strings sent between

the ODBC driver and the database.
Possible values are:

NONENo conversion in either

direction. this results in the highest

INPUTStrings sent from the client to

the server are converted, but strings
sent from the server to the client are not.

OUTPUTStrings sent by the server to

the client are converted, but strings sent
from the client to the server are not.

BOTHStrings are converted in both



The locale used for the session. Specify the

locale as an ICU Locale.

(English as in the

See: The ICU User Guide

( for a

United States of

complete list of paerameters that can be

used to specify a locale.

[Windows only0 Controls whether users are


prompted to enter a password, if none is

supplied by the connection string or DSN
used to connect to HP Vertica. See
Prompting Windows Users for Passwords.

A true or false value that controls whether


the connection can read data only from HP


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Size of memory buffer for the large result

131072 (128KB)

sets in streaming mode.

Note: This parameter was previously
called MaxMemoryCache

Sets the transaction isolation for the

Server Default

connection. Valid values are:


Read Committed


Server Default

See Changing Transaction Isolation Levels

in the Administrator's Guide for an
explanation of transaction isolation.



Default Vertica


Description for the DSN entry.




HP Vertica

Required? No
Insert an empty string to leave the description empty.
Label /

Sets a label for the connection on the server. This

SessionLabel value appears in the session_id column of the V_

MONITOR.SESSIONS system table.
Note: Label and SessionLabel are synonyms and
can be used interchangeably.

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Default Vertica


Controls whether the connection to the database uses


HP Vertica


HP Vertica


HP Vertica

SSL encryption. Valid values follow. For descriptions of

these values, refer to Configuring SSL for ODBC


preferPrefers that the server use SSL. If the server

does not offer an encrypted channel, the client
requests one. The first connection attempt to the
database tries to use SSL. If that attempt fails, a
second connection is attempted over a clear

allowMakes a connection to the server whether

the server uses SSL or not. The first connection
attempt to the database is attempted over a clear
channel. If that fails, a second connection is
attempted over SSL.

disableNever connects to the server using SSL.

Typically, you use this setting for troubleshooting.

SSLCertFile The absolute path of the client's public certificate file.

This file can reside anywhere on the system.

The absolute path to the client's private key file. This

file can reside anywhere on the system.

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Third-Party Compatibility





Specifies how character column types are


HP Vertica


HP Vertica

reported when the driver is in Unicode mode.

When set to false, the ODBC driver reports the
data type of character columns as WCHAR. If
you set ColumnsAsChar to true, the driver
identifies character column as CHAR.
You typically use this setting for compatibility
with some third-party clients, such as
ThreePartNaming A Boolean value that controls how catalog
names are interpreted by the driver. When this
value is false, the driver reports that catalog
names are not supported. When catalog names
are not supported, they cannot be used as a


filter in database metadata API calls, and the

driver returns NULL as the catalog name in all
driver metadata results.
When this value is true, catalog names can be
used as a filter in database metadata API calls
and the driver will return the database name as
the catalog name in metadata results. Some
third-party applications assume a certain
catalog behavior and do not work properly with
the defaults. Enable this option if your client
software expects to be able to get the catalog
name from the database metadata and use it
as part of a three-part name reference.

Kerberos Connection Parameters

Use the following parameters for client authentication using Kerberos.

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KerberosServiceName Provides the service name portion




HP Vertica

of the HP Vertica Kerberos

principal; for example:
vertica/[email protected]

Provides the instance or host name Value specified in

portion of the HP Vertica Kerberos

the servername

principal; for example:

vertica/[email protected]

connection string

HP Vertica


See Also

Additional Linux ODBC Driver Configuration Settings

Setting DSN Connection Parameters

The parameters in the following tables are common for all user and system DSN entries. The
examples provided are for Windows clients.
To edit DSN parameters:

On UNIX and Linux client platforms, you can edit the odbc.ini file. (See Creating an ODBC
DSN for Linux, Solaris, AIX, and HP-UX.) The location of this file is specific to the driver

On Windows client platforms, you can edit some DSN parameters using the HP Vertica ODBC
client driver interface. See Creating an ODBC DSN for Windows Clients.

You can also edit the DSN parameters directly by opening the DSN entry in the Windows
registry (for example, at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\DSNname). Directly
editing the registry can be risky, so you should only use this method for parameters that cannot
be set through the ODBC driver's user interface, or via your client code.

You can set parameters in the connection string when opening a connection using the
SQLDriverConnect() function:
sqlRet = SQLDriverConnect(sql_hDBC, 0, (SQLCHAR*)"DSN=DSNName;Locale=en_GB", SQL_NTS,

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Note: In the connection string ';' is a reserved symbol. If you need to set multiple
parameters as part of ConnSettings parameter use '%3B' in place of ';'. Also use '+' instead
of spaces.
For example:
sqlRet = SQLDriverConnect(sql_hDBC, 0, (SQLCHAR*)"DSN=HP
VerticaSQL;ConnSettings=set+search_path+to+a,b,c%3Bset+locale=ch;SSLMode=prefer", SQL_

Your client code can retrieve DSN parameter values after a connection has been made to HP
Vertica using the SQLGetConnectAttr() and SQLGetStmtAttr() API calls. Some parameters
can be set and using SQLSetConnectAttr() and SQLSetStmtAttr().
For details of the list of HP Vertica-specific parameters see HP Vertica-specific ODBC Header

Upgrading the Client Drivers

The HP Vertica client driver are usually updated for each new release of the HP Vertica server. The
client driver installation packages include the version number of the corresponding HP Vertica
server release. Usually, the drivers are forward-compatible with the next release, so your client
applications are still be able to connect using the older drivers after you upgrade to the next version
of HP Vertica Analytics Platform server. See Client Driver and Server Version Compatibility for
details on which client driver versions work withe each version of HP Vertica server.
You should upgrade your clients as soon as possible after upgrading your server, to take advantage
of new features and to maintain maximum compatibility with the server.
To upgrade your drivers, follow the same procedure you used to install them in the first place. The
new installation will overwrite the old. See the specific instructions for installing the drivers on your
client platform for any special instructions regarding upgrades.
Note: Installing new ODBC drivers does not alter existing DSN settings. You may need to
change the driver settings in either the DSN or in the odbcinst.ini file, if your client system
uses one. See Creating an ODBC Data Source Name for details.

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Additional Linux ODBC Driver Configuration

On Linux and UNIX platforms you need to provide some additional settings to configure the HP
Vertica ODBC client driver in addition to the DSN settings. These settings control the following:

The text encoding used by the driver manager (for example, UTF-8 or UTF-16).

The location of the directory containing the HP Vertica ODBC driver's error message files.

Whether and how the ODBC driver logs messages.

Note: Most of the additional driver configuration settings are automatically set on Windows
platforms. The Windows ODBC driver's DSN Configuration dialog lets you control whether the
ODBC driver logs messages. On Linux/UNIX systems, you must supply the additional
configuration settings before the ODBC drivers can function properly.
The topics in this section describe these settings in greater detail.

Location of the Additional Driver Settings

Where the additional driver settings are stored depends on your client platform:

On Linux and UNIX platforms, the settings are contained in a text file named vertica.ini
(although you can choose a different filename). You tell the HP Vertica ODBC driver where to
find this file using an environment variable named VERTICAINI.

On Windows platforms, the additional settings are set using the ODBC Data Source
Configuration window. The values for the settings are stored in the Windows registry under the

Creating a vertica.ini File

There is no standard location for the vertica.ini fileyou can store the file anywhere that it is
convenient for you on your client system. One possible location is in the /etc directory if you have
multiple users on your client system that need to access it, or have a vertica.ini file in each
user's home directory so users can alter their own settings. Wherever you store it, be sure users
have read access to the file.

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The format of the vertica.ini file is similar to the odbc.ini file, with a section followed by
parameter definitions. Unlike the odbc.ini file, vertica.ini contains a single section named

Following the section definition, you add setting definitions, one per line. A setting definition
consists of the setting name, followed by an equal sign (=), followed by the value. The value does
not need quotes. For example, to set the ODBCInstLib setting, you add a line like this:
See Additional Parameter Settings for a list of the additional settings.

Required Settings
You must configure two settings in order for the ODBC driver to work correctly:


ODBCInstLib (unless the driver manager's installation library is in a directory listed in the LD_
LIBRARY_PATH or LIB_PATH environment variables).

Also, if your driver manager does not use UTF-8 encoding, you need to set DriverManagerEncoding
to the proper encoding.

Setting the VERTICAINI Environment Variable

You must set an environment variable named VERTICAINI to the absolute path of the
vertica.ini file. The HP Vertica ODBC driver uses this variable to find the settings.
Where you set this variable depends on whether users on your client system need to have separate
vertica.ini files. If you want to have a single, system-wide vertica.ini file, you can add a
command to set VERTICAINI in /etc/profile or some other system-wide environment file. For
export VERTICAINI=/etc/vertica.ini

If users need individual vertica.ini files, set VERTICAINI in their ~/.profile or similar
configuration file. For example:
export VERTICAINI=~/.vertica.ini

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On Macintosh OS X client systems, you can set the VERTICAINI environment variable in each
user's ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file. See the Environment Variables entry in the Apple's
Developer's Library for more information.

Example vertica.ini File

The following example vertica.ini file configures the ODBC driver to:

use the 64-bit UnixODBC driver manager.

get its error messages from the standard HP Vertica 64-bit ODBC driver installation directory.

log all warnings and more severe messages to log files stored in the temporary directory.

Additional Parameter Settings

The following parameters can be set for the HP Vertica client drivers.

Logging Settings
These parameters control how messages between the client and server are logged. None of these
settings are required. If they are not set, then the client library does not log any messages. They
apply to both ADO.NET and ODBC.

LogLevelThe severity of messages that are logged between the client and the server. The
valid values are:

0No logging

1Fatal errors




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6Trace (all messages)

The value you specify for this setting sets the minimum severity for a message to be logged. For
example, setting LogLevel to 3 means that the client driver logs all warnings, errors, and fatal

LogPathThe absolute path of a directory to store log files . For example:

LogNamespaceLimits logging to messages generated by certain objects in the client driver.

Note: These settings are also available for the HP Vertica JDBC driver through connection
properties. See Connection Properties for details.

ODBC-specific Settings
The following settings are used only by the HP Vertica ODBC client driver.

DriverManagerEncodingThe UTF encoding standard that the driver manager uses. This
setting needs to match the encoding the driver manager expects. The available values for this
setting are:


UTF-16 (usually used by unixODBC)

UTF-32 (usually used by iODBC)

See the documentation for your driver manager to find the correct value for this setting.

Note: While both UTF-16 and UTF-8 are valid settings for DataDirect, Vertica recommends
that you set the DataDirect driver manager encoding to UTF-16.

If you do not set this parameter, the ODBC driver defaults to the value shown in the following
table. If your driver manager uses a different encoding, you must set this value for the ODBC
driver to be able to work.

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Client Platform

Default Encoding

AIX 32-bit


AIX 64-bit


HPUX 32-bit


HPUX 64-bit


Linux x86 32-bit


Linux x86 64-bit


Linux Itanium 64-bit




Solaris x86 32-bit


Solaris x86 64-bit


Solaris SPARC 32-bit UTF-32

Solaris SPARC 64-bit UTF-32

Windows 32-bit


Windows 64-bit


ErrorMessagesPathThe absolute path to the parent directory that contains the HP Vertica
client driver's localized error message files. These files are usually stored in the same directory
as the HP Vertica ODBC driver files.

Note: This setting is required. If you do not set it, then any error the ODBC driver
encounters will result in an error message about a missing ODBCMessages.xml file.

ODBCInstLibThe absolute path to the file containing the ODBC installer library (ODBCInst).
This setting is required if the directory containing this library is not set in the LD_LIBRARY_
PATH or LIB_PATH environment variables. The library files for the major driver manager are:


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iODBC: (libiodbcinst.2.dylib on OS X)


Note: On AIX platforms, you need give the path to the library archive, followed by the name of
the library enclosed in parenthesis. For example:

ADO.NET-specific Settings
This setting applies only to the ADO.NET client driver:
C#PreloadLoggingTells the HP Vertica ADO.NET driver to begin logging as soon as possible,
before the driver has fully loaded itself. Normally, logging only starts after the driver has fully
loaded. Valid values for this setting are:

0Do not start logging before the driver has loaded.

1Start logging as soon as possible.

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Programming ODBC Client Applications

HP Vertica provides an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver that allows applications to
connect to the HP Vertica database. This driver can be used by custom-written client applications
that use the ODBC API to interact with HP Vertica. ODBC is also used by many third-party
applications to connect to HP Vertica, including business intelligence applications and extract,
transform, and load (ETL) applications.
This section details the process for configuring the HP Vertica ODBC driver. It also explains how to
use the ODBC API to connect to HP Vertica in your own client applications.
This section assumes that you have already installed the ODBC libraries on your client system. If
you have not, see Client Driver Install Procedures.

ODBC Architecture
The ODBC architecture has four layers:

Client Application
Is an application that opens a data source through a Data Source Name (DSN). It then sends
requests to the data source, and receives the results of those requests. Requests are made in
the form of calls to ODBC functions.

Driver Manager
Is a library on the client system that acts as an intermediary between a client application and one
or more drivers. The driver manager:

Resolves the DSN provided by the client application.

Loads the driver required to access the specific database defined within the DSN.

Processes ODBC function calls from the client or passing them to the driver.

Retrieves results from the driver.

Unloads drivers when they are no longer needed.

On Windows and Mac client systems, the driver manager is provided by the operating system.
On Linux and UNIX systems, you usually need to install a driver manager. See ODBC
Prerequisites for a list of driver managers that can be used with HP Vertica on your client

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A library on the client system that provides access to a specific database. It translates requests
into the format expected by the database, and translates results back into the format required by
the client application.

The database processes requests initiated at the client application and returns results.

ODBC Feature Support

The ODBC driver for HP Vertica supports the most of the features defined in the Microsoft ODBC
3.5 specifications. The following features are not supported:

Updatable result sets

Backwards scrolling cursors

Cursor attributes

More than one open statement per connection. For example you cannot execute a new
statement while another statement has a result set open. If you need to execute multiple
statements at once, open multiple database connections.



The HP Vertica ODBC driver accurately reports its capabilities. If you need to determine whether it
complies with a specific feature, you should query the driver's capabilities directly using the
SQLGetInfo() function.

Updating ODBC Client Code From Previous Driver

In HP Vertica Version 5.1, the client drivers were rewritten to improve standards compliance and
reliability. As a result, some HP Vertica-specific features and past incompatibilities have been
eliminated. You must update any client code written for versions of the HP Vertica ODBC driver
earlier than 5.1 to work with the newer drivers. The following topics give you an overview of the
necessary code changes.

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DSN Parameter Changes

A number of HP Vertica-specific DSN parameters have been eliminated or changed.

Removed DSN Parameters

The following parameters are no longer available in the 5.1 ODBC driver.


BatchInsertEnforceLength Batch inserts behave the same way all other inserts behave. If a
piece of data is too wide for its column, the row will be rejected. To
avoid having rows rejected, either truncate the data yourself or use
the COPY statement directly, which defaults to truncating data.

All data is now transferred using NATIVE VARCHAR.


Boolean columns can no longer be bound to SQL_CHAR values.

Use SQL_BIT values instead.


Use the LogLevel parameter instead.

LRSPath and

The ODBC driver now always streams data. It does not cache data


on the local disk.


Removed to prevent clients from ignoring warnings.

WideCharSizeIn and

These options are now set using the DriverManagerEncoding option


in the vertica.ini file.

Changed DSN Parameters

The following DSN parameter have changed since the previous version of the ODBC driver.


MaxMemoryCache This parameteris now named ResultBufferSize to make its name

consistent across all HP Vertica client drivers.

New DSN Parameter

The following DSN parameters are new in the version 5.1 ODBC driver.

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Determines whether strings sent between the server and the ODBC
client are converted.


Controls whether the database metadata uses the database name as

the catalog name. This parameter is only used for backwards
compatibility with some client software that expects a non-null
catalog name.

New DSN Parameter Alias




An alias for PWD.

SessionLabel This is a new alias for the existing Label parameter that lets you assign a label to
an ODBC connection.

An alias for UID.

Function Changes
The following functions have changed their behavior in the version 5.1 drivers.

SQLGetInfo() now returns the file name of the ODBC library file when queried for the SQL_
DRIVER_NAME. Previous versions would return the brand name of the driver, which is not part
of the ODBC specifications.

In previous versions of the ODBC driver, passing the SQLGetInfo function SQL_PARAM_
ARRAY_SELECTS returned SQL_PAS_BATCH, indicating that the driver returns a batch for
each set of parameters in a SELECT statement. This return value was incorrect. The driver now
correctly returns SQL_PAS_NO_SELECT, which indicates that the driver does not support
SELECT queries using arrays of parameters.

For better compatibility with the ODBC standards, the time data type in the ODBC driver no
longer contain fractions of a second. In the new driver, functions that convert time values to
strings (for example, a SQLBindCol() call to bind a SQL_TYPE_TIME to a SQL_C_CHAR
value) no longer add fractional second values to the string. Earlier versions of the driver would
return the fractions of a second that the HP Vertica database stores.

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SQLBindParameter() now requires that its column-size argument for variable-width columns
(such as SQL_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR, SQL_VARBINARY) be non-zero as specified in the
ODBC standards. The implementation of this function in previous versions of the driver allowed
a non-standard zero value to indicate the column width was a default width value.

The driver is now more strict about converting from character data types to numerical data
types. In previous drivers, any portion of the character string that could not be converted to a
numeric value was ignored. The new driver returns an error if any portion of the string cannot be
converted. For example, asking the previous driver to insert the character string "3 days" to an
integer column resulted in the value 3 being stored in the column. Now, the driver returns an error
when attempting to store this character value in an integer column.

Functions that return result sets containing catalog metadata now return SQL_WVARCHAR
columns instead of SQL_VARCHAR columns. This is standard behavior for ODBC 3.52 drivers
that are Unicode capable.

Removed Functions
The LCOPY function has been removed from the version 5.1 driver. You should instead use the
LOCAL option of the COPY SQL statement to copy data from the client system to the server. See
Streaming Data From the Client Using COPY LOCAL.

Interval and TimeStamp Changes

When you call the SQLBindParameter() function to bind a SQL_C_INTERVAL value (for example,
SQL_INTERVAL_STRUCT) to an INTERVAL column after calling SQLPrepare(), the interval
leading precision is now reset to the default value of 2. Earlier versions of the driver did not reset the
leading precision as called for in the ODBC standards. If you want your interval value to have a
greater leading precision, your client application can take either of the following steps:

Call SQLBindParamter() to bind the value to the INTERVAL column before calling SQLPrepare
(). The interval precision is not reset unless you call SQLBindParameter() after you have called

Reset the leading precision by using the SQLSetDescField() function to set SQL_DESC_
DATETIME_INTERVAL_PRECISION to whatever value you want.

SQLDescribeCol() now returns a new width for interval data types. For example, when passed
SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND, the previous driver would return 21 bytes. The new driver returns 16.

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In general, the new drivers are more strict regarding interval values, and throw errors when the old
drivers silently truncated values. If your application throws an exception when dealing with an
interval, your first debugging step is to make sure the values you are inserting are the correct width
and type.
Note: The units interval style is not supported. Do not use the SET INTERVALSTYLE
statement to change the interval style in your client applications.
SQLBindParameter() is more strict about the number of digits you supply in fractions of a second
in a timestamp. For example, the following call generates an error:
SQL_TIMESTAMP_STRUCT ts;ts.fraction = 123456; //represents the fraction 0.000123456

The error occurs because the fractional value represents more than six digits. Instead you would
need to change the SQLBindParameter call to allow 9 digits in the fraction:

Note that the fraction will be truncated to 0.000123, since timestamps do not have nanosecond
precision. But you still need to allow for all of the fractional digits to be inserted into the timestamp.

New Additional Driver Information

The new HP Vertica version 5.1 ODBC driver has some additional configuration settings not
covered by the standard ODBC.INI file. use a configuration file named vertica.ini on Linux, AIX,
Solaris, and HP-UX. It controls several features of the ODBC driver. For more information, see
Additional Linux ODBC Driver Configuration Settings.

-specific ODBC Header File

The HP Vertica ODBC driver provides a C header file named verticaodbc.h that defines several
useful constants that you can use in your applications. These constants let you access and alter
HP Vertica-specific settings.
This file's location depends on your client operating system:

/opt/vertica/include on Linux and UNIX systems.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Vertica\ODBC\include on Windows systems.

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The constants defined in this file are listed below.



Associated Function


Sets the size of the


buffer used when

retrieving results
from the server.


whether a batch is
inserted directly

SQLSetConnectAttr() SQLSetStmtAttr

into the ROS (1) or

using AUTO mode
(0). By default
batches are
inserted using
When you load data
using AUTO mode,
HP Vertica inserts
the data first into
the WOS. If the
WOS is full, then
HP Vertica inserts
the data directly
into ROS. See the
COPY statement
for more details.

Changes the locale

from en_


ry to the ICU locale
specified. See
Setting the Locale
for ODBC
Sessions for an
example of using
this parameter.

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Connecting to
The first step in any ODBC application is to connect to the database. When you create the
connection to a data source using ODBC, you use the name of the DSN that contains the details of
the driver to use, the database host, and other basic information about connecting to the data
There are 4 steps your application needs to take to connect to a database:
1. Call SQLAllocHandle() to allocate a handle for the ODBC environment. This handle is used to
create connection objects and to set application-wide settings.
2. Use the environment handle to set the version of ODBC that your application wants to use.
This ensures that the data source knows which API your application will use to interact with it.
3. Allocate a database connection handle by calling SQLAllocHandle(). This handle represents a
connection to a specific data source.
4. Use the SQLConnect() or SQLDriverConnect() functions to open the connection to the

Note: If you specify a locale either in the connection string or in the DSN, the call to the
connection function returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO on a successful connection,
with messages about the state of the locale.

When creating the connection to the database, use SQLConnect() when the only options you need
to set at connection time is the username and password. Use SQLDriverConnect() when you
want to change connection options, such as the locale.
The following example demonstrates connecting to a database using a DSN named ExampleDB.
After it creates the connection successfully, this example simply closes it.
// Demonstrate connecting to Vertica using ODBC.
// Standard i/o library
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Only needed for Windows clients
// #include <windows.h>
// SQL include files that define data types and ODBC API
// functions
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
#include <sqltypes.h>
int main()

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// Stores return value from ODBC API calls
SQLHENV hdlEnv; // Handle for the SQL environment object
// Allocate an a SQL environment object
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hdlEnv);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not allocate a handle.\n");
} else {
printf("Allocated an environment handle.\n");
// Set the ODBC version we are going to use to
// 3.
ret = SQLSetEnvAttr(hdlEnv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not set application version to ODBC 3.\n");
} else {
printf("Set application version to ODBC 3.\n");
// Allocate a database handle.
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlEnv, &hdlDbc);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not allocate database handle.\n");
} else {
printf("Allocated Database handle.\n");
// Connect to the database using
// SQL Connect
printf("Connecting to database.\n");
const char *dsnName = "ExampleDB";
const char* userID = "ExampleUser";
const char* passwd = "password123";
ret = SQLConnect(hdlDbc, (SQLCHAR*)dsnName,
(SQLCHAR*)passwd, SQL_NTS);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not connect to database.\n");
} else {
printf("Connected to database.\n");
// We're connected. You can do real
// work here
// When done, free all of the handles to close them
// in an orderly fashion.
printf("Disconnecting and freeing handles.\n");
ret = SQLDisconnect( hdlDbc );
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Error disconnecting from database. Transaction still open?\n");

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SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);

Running the above code prints the following:

Allocated an environment handle.
Set application version to ODBC 3.
Allocated Database handle.
Connecting to database.
Connected to database.
Disconnecting and freeing handles.

See Setting the Locale for ODBC Sessions for an example of using SQLDriverConnect to connect
to the database.


If you use the DataDirect driver manager, you should always use the SQL_DRIVER_
NOPROMPT value for the SQLDriverConnect function's DriverCompletion parameter (the final
parameter in the function call) when connecting to HP Vertica. HP Vertica's ODBC driver on
Linux and UNIX platforms does not contain a UI, and therefore cannot prompt users for a

On Windows client platforms, the ODBC driver can prompt users for connection information.
See Prompting Windows Users for Missing Connection Parameters for more information.

If your database does not comply with your HP Vertica license agreement, your application
receives a warning message in the return value of the SQLConnect() function. Always have your
application examine this return value to see if it is SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. If it is, have
your application extract and display the message to the user.

Enabling Native Connection Load Balancing in ODBC

Native connection load balancing helps spread the overhead caused by client connections on the
hosts in the HP Vertica database. Both the server and the client must enable native connection load
balancing in order for it to have an effect. If both have enabled it, then when the client initially
connects to a host in the database, the host picks a host to handle the client connection from a list
of the currently up hosts in the database, and informs the client which host it has chosen. If the
initially-contacted host did not choose itself to handle the connection, the client disconnects, then
opens a second connection to the host selected by the first host. The connection process to this
second host proceeds as usualif SSL is enabled, then SSL negotiations begin, otherwise the

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client begins the authentication process. See About Native Connection Load Balancing in the
Administrator's Guide for details.
To enable native load balancing on your client, set the ConnectionLoadBalance connection
parameter to true either in the DSN entry or in the connection string. The following example
demonstrates connecting to the database several times with native connection load balancing
enabled, and fetching the name of the node handling the connection from the V_
// Demonstrate enabling native load connection balancing.
// Standard i/o library
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
// Only needed for Windows clients
// #include <windows.h>
// SQL include files that define data types and ODBC API
// functions
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
#include <sqltypes.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Stores return value from ODBC API calls
SQLHENV hdlEnv; // Handle for the SQL environment object
// Allocate an a SQL environment object
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hdlEnv);
// Set the ODBC version we are going to use to
// 3.
ret = SQLSetEnvAttr(hdlEnv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,
// Allocate a database handle.
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlEnv, &hdlDbc);
// Connect four times. If load balancing is on, client should
// connect to different nodes.
for (int x=1; x <= 4; x++) {
// Connect to the database using SQLDriverConnect. Set
// ConnectionLoadBalance to 1 (true) to enable load
// balancing.
cout << endl << "Connection attempt #" << x << "... ";
const char *connStr = "DSN=VMart;ConnectionLoadBalance=1;"

ret = SQLDriverConnect(hdlDbc, NULL, (SQLCHAR*)connStr, SQL_NTS,

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if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
cout << "failed. Exiting." << endl;
} else {
cout << "succeeded" << endl;
// We're connected. Query the v_monitor.current_session table to
// find the name of the node we've connected to.
// Set up a statement handle
SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlDbc, &hdlStmt);
ret = SQLExecDirect( hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"SELECT node_name FROM "
if(SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
// Bind varible to column in result set.
SQLTCHAR node_name[256];
ret = SQLBindCol(hdlStmt, 1, SQL_C_TCHAR, (SQLPOINTER)node_name,
sizeof(node_name), NULL);
while(SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret = SQLFetchScroll(hdlStmt, SQL_FETCH_NEXT,1))) {
// Print the bound variables, which now contain the values from the
// fetched row.
cout << "Connected to node " << node_name << endl;
// Free statement handle
cout << "Disconnecting." << endl;
ret = SQLDisconnect( hdlDbc );
// When done, free all of the handles to close them
// in an orderly fashion.
cout << endl << "Freeing handles..." << endl;
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);
cout << "Done!" << endl;

Running the above example produces output similar to the following:

Connection attempt #1... succeeded
Connected to node v_vmart_node0001
Connection attempt #2... succeeded
Connected to node v_vmart_node0002
Connection attempt #3... succeeded
Connected to node v_vmart_node0003

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Connection attempt #4... succeeded
Connected to node v_vmart_node0001
Freeing handles...

ODBC Connection Failover

If a client application attempts to connect to a host in the Vertica Analytic Database cluster that is
down, the connection attempt fails when using the default connection configuration. This failure
usually returns an error to the user. The user must either wait until the host recovers and retry the
connection or manually edit the connection settings to choose another host.
Due to Vertica Analytic Database's distributed architecture, you usually do not care which
database host handles a client application's connection. You can use the client driver's connection
failover feature to prevent the user from getting connection errors when the host specified in the
connection settings is unreachable. It gives you two ways to let the client driver automatically
attempt to connect to a different host if the one specified in the connection parameters is

Configure your DNS server to return multiple IP addresses for a host name. When you use this
host name in the connection settings, the client attempts to connect to the first IP address from
the DNS lookup. If the host at that IP address is unreachable, the client tries to connect to the
second IP, and so on until it either manages to connect to a host or it runs out of IP addresses.

Supply a list of backup hosts for the client driver to try if the primary host you specify in the
connection parameters is unreachable.

For both methods, the process of failover is transparent to the client application (other than
specifying the list of backup hosts, if you choose to use the list method of failover). If the primary
host is unreachable, the client driver automatically tries to connect to other hosts.
Failover only applies to the initial establishment of the client connection. If the connection breaks,
the driver does not automatically try to reconnect to another host in the database.

Choosing a Failover Method

You usually choose to use one of the two failover methods. However, they do work together. If your
DNS server returns multiple IP addresses and you supply a list of backup hosts, the client first tries
all of the IPs returned by the DNS server, then the hosts in the backup list.

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Note: If a host name in the backup host list resolves to multiple IP addresses, the client does
not try all of them. It just tries the first IP address in the list.
The DNS method of failover centralizes the configuration client failover. As you add new nodes to
your Vertica Analytic Database cluster, you can choose to add them to the failover list by editing
the DNS server settings. All client systems that use the DNS server to connect to Vertica Analytic
Database automatically use connection failover without having to change any settings. However,
this method does require administrative access to the DNS server that all clients use to connect to
the Vertica Analytic Database cluster. This may not be possible in your organization.
Using the backup server list is easier than editing the DNS server settings. However, it
decentralizes the failover feature. You may need to update the application settings on each client
system if you make changes to your Vertica Analytic Database cluster.

Using DNS Failover

To use DNS failover, you need to change your DNS server's settings to map a single host name to
multiple IP addresses of hosts in your Vertica Analytic Database cluster. You then have all client
applications use this host name to connect to Vertica Analytic Database.
You can choose to have your DNS server return as many IP addresses for the host name as you
want. In smaller clusters, you may choose to have it return the IP addresses of all of the hosts in
your cluster. However, for larger clusters, you should consider choosing a subset of the hosts to
return. Otherwise there can be a long delay as the client driver tries unsuccessfully to connect to
each host in a database that is down.

Using the Backup Host List

To enable backup list-based connection failover, your client application has to specify at least one
IP address or host name of a host in the BackupServerNode parameter. The host name or IP can
optionally be followed by a colon and a port number. If not supplied, the driver defaults to the
standard HP Vertica port number (5433). To list multiple hosts, separate them by a comma.
The following example demonstrates setting the BackupServerNode connection parameter to
specify additional hosts for the connection attempt. The connection string intentionally has a nonexistent node, so that the initial connection fails. The client driver has to resort to trying the backup
hosts to establish a connection to HP Vertica.
// Demonstrate using connection failover.
// Standard i/o library
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>

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// Only needed for Windows clients

// #include <windows.h>
// SQL include files that define data types and ODBC API
// functions
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
#include <sqltypes.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Stores return value from ODBC API calls
SQLHENV hdlEnv; // Handle for the SQL environment object
// Allocate an a SQL environment object
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hdlEnv);
// Set the ODBC version we are going to use to
// 3.
ret = SQLSetEnvAttr(hdlEnv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,
// Allocate a database handle.
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlEnv, &hdlDbc);
/* DSN for this connection specifies a bad node, and good backup nodes:
Description=VMart Vertica Database
// Connect to the database using SQLConnect
cout << "Connecting to database." << endl;
const char *dsnName = "VMartBadNode"; // Name of the DSN
const char* userID = "ExampleUser"; // Username
const char* passwd = "password123"; // password
ret = SQLConnect(hdlDbc, (SQLCHAR*)dsnName,
(SQLCHAR*)passwd, SQL_NTS);
cout << "Could not connect to database." << endl;
} else
cout << "Connected to database." << endl;
// We're connected. Query the v_monitor.current_session table to
// find the name of the node we've connected to.

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// Set up a statement handle

SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlDbc, &hdlStmt);
ret = SQLExecDirect( hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"SELECT node_name FROM "
"v_monitor.current_session;", SQL_NTS );
if(SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
// Bind varible to column in result set.
SQLTCHAR node_name[256];
ret = SQLBindCol(hdlStmt, 1, SQL_C_TCHAR, (SQLPOINTER)node_name,
sizeof(node_name), NULL);
while(SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret = SQLFetchScroll(hdlStmt, SQL_FETCH_NEXT,1)))
// Print the bound variables, which now contain the values from the
// fetched row.
cout << "Connected to node " << node_name << endl;
cout << "Disconnecting." << endl;
ret = SQLDisconnect( hdlDbc );
// When done, free all of the handles to close them
// in an orderly fashion.
cout << endl << "Freeing handles..." << endl;
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);
cout << "Done!" << endl;

When run, the example's output on the system console is similar to the following:
Connecting to database.
Connected to database.
Connected to node v_vmart_node0002
Freeing handles...

Notice that the connection was made to the first node in the backup list (node 2).
Note: When native connection load balancing is enabled, the additional servers specified in the
BackupServerNode connection parameter are only used for the initial connection to an HP
Vertica host. If host redirects the client to another host in the database cluster to handle its
connection request, the second connection does not use the backup node list. This is rarely an

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issue, since native connection load balancing is aware of which nodes are currently up in the
database. See Enabling Native Connection Load Balancing in ODBC

Prompting Windows Users for Missing Connection

The HP Vertica Windows ODBC driver can prompt the user for connection information if required
information is missing. The driver displays the HP Vertica Connection Dialog if the client
application calls SQLDriverConnect to connect to HP Vertica and either of the following is true:

the DriverCompletion parameter is set to SQL_DRIVER_PROMPT.

the DriverCompletion parameter is set to SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE or SQL_DRIVER_

COMPLETE_REQUIRED and the connection string or DSN being used to connect is missing
the server, database, or port information.

If either of the above conditions are true, the driver displays an HP Vertica Connection Dialog to the
user to prompt for connection information.

Any parameters supplied in the connection string or DSN filled in on the dialog.
Note: Your connection string at least needs to specify Vertica as the driver, otherwise
Windows will not know to use the Vertica ODBC driver to try to open the connection.
The required fields on the connection dialog are Database, UID, Server, and Port. Once these are
filled in, the form enables the OK button.

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If the user clicks Cancel on the dialog, the SQLDriverConnect function call returns SQL_NO_
DATA immediately, without attempting to connect to HP Vertica. If the user supplies incomplete or
incorrect information for the connection, the connection function returns SQL_ERROR after the
connection attempt fails.
Note: If the DriverCompletion parameter of the SQLDriverConnect function call is SQL_
DRIVER_NOPROMPT, the ODBC driver immediately returns a SQL_ERROR indicating that
it cannot connect because not enough information has been supplied and the driver is not
allowed to prompt the user for the missing information.

Prompting Windows Users for Passwords

If the connection string or DSN supplied to the SQLDriverConnect function that client applications
call to connect to HP Vertica lacks any of the required connection properties needed to connect, the
HP Vertica's Windows ODBC driver opens a dialog box to prompt the user to enter the missing
information (see Prompting Windows Users for Missing Connection Parameters). The user's
password is not normally considered a required connection property, since HP Vertica user
accounts may not have a password. If the password property is missing, the ODBC driver still tries
to connect to HP Vertica without supplying a password.
You can use the PromptOnNoPassword DSN parameter to force ODBC driver to treat the
password as a required connection property. This parameter is useful if you do not want to store
passwords in DSN entries. Passwords saved in DSN entries are insecure, since they are stored as
clear text in the Windows registry and therefore visible to other users on the same system.
There are two other factors which also decide whether the ODBC driver displays the HP Vertica
Connection Dialog. These are (in order of priority):

The SQLDriverConnect function call's DriverCompletion parameter.

Whether the DSN or connection string contain a password

The following table shows how the PromptOnNoPassword DSN parameter, the DriverCompletion
parameter of the SQLDriverConnect function, and whether the DSN or connection string contains a
password interact to control whether the HP Vertica Connection dialog appears.

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DSN or
PromptOnNoPassword DriverCompletion Contains

HP Vertica

any value



any case


value forces the
dialog to always
appear, even if all
properties are

any value


any case



value always
prevents the
dialog from

any value





dialog displays if
another required
property is







false (default)


dialog displays if
another required
property is

The following example code demonstrates using the PromptOnNoPassword DSN parameter along
with a system DSN.

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wstring connectString = L"DSN=VerticaDSN;PromptOnNoPassword=1;";

retcode = SQLDriverConnect(

No Password Entry vs. Empty Passwords

There is a difference between not having a password property in the connection string or DSN and
having an empty password. The PromptOnNoPassword DSN parameter only has an effect if the
connection string or DSN does not have a PWD property (which holds the user's password). If it
does, even if it is empty, PromptOnNoPassword will not prompt the Windows ODBC driver to
display the HP Vertica Connection Dialog.
This difference can cause confusion if you are using a DSN to provide the properties for your
connection. Once you enter a password for a DSN connection in the Windows ODBC Manager and
save it, Windows adds a PWD property to the DSN definition in the registry. If you later delete the
password, the PWD property remains in the DSN definitionvalue is just set to an empty string.
The PWD property is created even if you just use the Test button on the ODBC Manager dialog to
test the DSN and later clear it before saving the DSN.
Once the password has been set, the only way to remove the PWD property from the DSN
definition is to delete it using the Windows Registry Editor:
1. On the Windows Start menu, click Run.
2. In the Run dialog, type regedit, then click OK.
3. In the Registry Editor window, click Edit > Find (or press Ctrl+F).
4. In the Find window, enter the name of the DSN whose PWD property you want to delete and
click OK.

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5. If find operation did not locate a folder under the ODBC.INI folder, click Edit > Find Next (or
press F3) until the folder matching your DSN's name is highlighted.

6. Select the PWD entry and press Delete.

7. Click Yes to confirm deleting the value.
The DSN now does not have a PWD property and can trigger the connection dialog to appear when
used along with PromptOnNoPassword=true and DriverConnect=SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE.

Setting the Locale for ODBC Sessions

HP Vertica provides three ways to set the locale for an ODBC session:

Specify the locale for all connections made using the DSN:

On Linux and other UNIX-like platforms: Creating an ODBC DSN for Linux, Solaris, AIX, and

On Windows platforms, set the locale in the ODBC DSN configuration editor's Locale field on
the Server Settings tab. See Creating an ODBC DSN for Windows Clients for detailed

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Set the Locale connection parameter in the connection string in SQLDriverConnect() function.
For example:
SQLDriverConnect(conn, NULL, (SQLCHAR*)"DSN=Vertica;Locale=en_GB", SQL_NTS, szConnOut,
sizeof(szConnOut), &iAvailable, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT)

Use the SQLSetConnectAttr() method with the SQL_ATTR_VERTICA_LOCALE constant and

specify the ICU string as the attribute value. See the example below.


Having the client system use a non-Unicode locale (such as setting LANG=C on Linux platforms)
and using a Unicode locale for the connection to HP Vertica can result in errors such as "(10170)
String data right truncation on data from data source." If data received from HP Vertica isn't in
UTF-8 format. The driver allocates string memory based on the system's locale setting, and
non-UTF-8 data can trigger an overrun. You can avoid these errors by always using a Unicode
locale on the client system.
If you specify a locale either in the connection string or in the DSN, the call to the connection
function returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO on a successful connection, with messages
about the state of the locale.

ODBC applications can be in either ANSI or Unicode mode:


If Unicode, the encoding used by ODBC is UCS-2.

If ANSI, the data must be in single-byte ASCII, which is compatible with UTF-8 on the
database server.

The ODBC driver converts UCS-2 to UTF-8 when passing to the HP Vertica server and
converts data sent by the HP Vertica server from UTF-8 to UCS-2.

If the end-user application is not already in UCS-2, the application is responsible for converting
the input data to UCS-2, or unexpected results could occur. For example:

On non-UCS-2 data passed to ODBC APIs, when it is interpreted as UCS-2, it could result in
an invalid UCS-2 symbol being passed to the APIs, resulting in errors.

Or the symbol provided in the alternate encoding could be a valid UCS-2 symbol; in this case,
incorrect data is inserted into the database.

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ODBC applications should set the correct server session locale using SQLSetConnectAttr (if
different from database-wide setting) in order to set the proper collation and string functions
behavior on server.
The following example code demonstrates setting the locale using both the connection string and
through the SQLSetConnectAttr() function.
// Standard i/o library
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Only needed for Windows clients
// #include <windows.h>
// SQL include files that define data types and ODBC API
// functions
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
#include <sqltypes.h>
// Vertica-specific definitions. This include file is located as
// /opt/vertica/include on database hosts.
#include <verticaodbc.h>
int main()
// Stores return value from ODBC API calls
SQLHENV hdlEnv; // Handle for the SQL environment object
// Allocate an a SQL environment object
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hdlEnv);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not allocate a handle.\n");
} else {
printf("Allocated an environment handle.\n");
// Set the ODBC version we are going to use to 3.
ret = SQLSetEnvAttr(hdlEnv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not set application version to ODBC 3.\n");
} else {
printf("Set application version to ODBC 3.\n");
// Allocate a database handle.
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlEnv, &hdlDbc);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not allocate database handle.\n");
} else {
printf("Allocated Database handle.\n");
// Connect to the database using SQLDriverConnect
printf("Connecting to database.\n");
// Set the locale to English in Great Britain.
const char *connStr = "DSN=ExampleDB;locale=en_GB;"

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ret = SQLDriverConnect(hdlDbc, NULL, (SQLCHAR*)connStr, SQL_NTS,

if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not connect to database.\n");
} else {
printf("Connected to database.\n");
// Get the Locale
char locale[256];
SQLGetConnectAttr(hdlDbc, SQL_ATTR_VERTICA_LOCALE, locale, sizeof(locale),
printf("Locale is set to: %s\n", locale);
// Set the locale to a new value
const char* newLocale = "en_GB";
SQLSetConnectAttr(hdlDbc, SQL_ATTR_VERTICA_LOCALE, (SQLCHAR*)newLocale,
// Get the Locale again
SQLGetConnectAttr(hdlDbc, SQL_ATTR_VERTICA_LOCALE, locale, sizeof(locale),
printf("Locale is now set to: %s\n", locale);
// When done, free all of the handles to close them
// in an orderly fashion.
printf("Disconnecting and freeing handles.\n");
ret = SQLDisconnect( hdlDbc );
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Error disconnecting from database. Transaction still open?\n");
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);

AUTOCOMMIT and ODBC Transactions

The AUTOCOMMIT connection attribute controls whether INSERT, ALTER, COPY and other
data-manipulation statements are automatically committed after they complete. By default,
AUTOCOMMIT is enabledall statements are committed after they execute. This is often not the
best setting to use, since it is less efficient. Also, you often want to control whether a set of
statements are committed as a whole, rather than have each individual statement committed. For
example, you may only want to commit a series of inserts if all of the inserts succeed. With
AUTOCOMMIT disabled, you can roll back the transaction if one of the statements fail.
If AUTOCOMMIT is on, the results of statements are committed immediately after they are
executed. You cannot roll back a statement executed in AUTOCOMMIT mode.
For example, when AUTOCOMMIT is on, the following single INSERT statement is automatically

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ret = SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"INSERT INTO customers VALUES(500,"

"'Smith, Sam', '123-456-789');", SQL_NTS);

If AUTOCOMMIT is off, you need to manually commit the transaction after executing a statement.
For example:
ret = SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"INSERT INTO customers VALUES(500,"
"'Smith, Sam', '123-456-789');", SQL_NTS);
// Other inserts and data manipulations
// Commit the statements(s)

The inserted row is only committed when you call SQLEndTran(). You can roll back the INSERT
and other statements at any point before committing the transaction.
Note: Prepared statements cache the AUTOCOMMIT setting when you create them using
SQLPrepare(). Later changing the connection's AUTOCOMMIT setting has no effect on the
AUTOCOMMIT settings of previously created prepared statements. See Using Prepared
Statements for details.
The following example demonstrates turning off AUTOCOMMIT, executing an insert, then
manually committing the transaction.
// Some standard headers
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Only needed for Windows clients
// #include <windows.h>
// Standard ODBC headers
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqltypes.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
int main()
// Set up the ODBC environment
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hdlEnv);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not allocate a handle.\n");
} else {
printf("Allocated an environment handle.\n");
// Tell ODBC that the application uses ODBC 3.
ret = SQLSetEnvAttr(hdlEnv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not set application version to ODBC3.\n");

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} else {
printf("Set application to ODBC 3.\n");
// Allocate a database handle.
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlEnv, &hdlDbc);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not allocate database handle.\n");
} else {
printf("Allocated Database handle.\n");
// Connect to the database
printf("Connecting to database.\n");
const char *dsnName = "ExampleDB";
const char* userID = "dbadmin";
const char* passwd = "password123";
ret = SQLConnect(hdlDbc, (SQLCHAR*)dsnName,
(SQLCHAR*)passwd, SQL_NTS);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not connect to database.\n");
} else {
printf("Connected to database.\n");
// Get the AUTOCOMMIT state
SQLINTEGER autoCommitState;
SQLGetConnectAttr(hdlDbc, SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, &autoCommitState, 0, NULL);
printf("Autocommit is set to: %d\n", autoCommitState);

printf("Disabling autocommit.\n");
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not disable autocommit.\n");
// Get the AUTOCOMMIT state again
SQLGetConnectAttr(hdlDbc, SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, &autoCommitState, 0, NULL);
printf("Autocommit is set to: %d\n", autoCommitState);
// Set up a statement handle
SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlDbc, &hdlStmt);

// Create a table to hold the data

SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers",
SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"CREATE TABLE customers "
"(CustID int, CustName varchar(100), Phone_Number char(15));",

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// Insert a single row.

ret = SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"INSERT INTO customers VALUES(500,"
"'Smith, Sam', '123-456-789');", SQL_NTS);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not perform single insert.\n");
} else {
printf("Performed single insert.\n");

// Need to commit the transaction before closing, since autocommit is

// disabled. Otherwise SQLDisconnect returns an error.
printf("Committing transaction.\n");
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Error committing transaction.\n");
// Clean up
printf("Free handles.\n");
ret = SQLDisconnect(hdlDbc);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Error disconnecting from database. Transaction still open?\n");
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);

Running the above code results in the following output:

Allocated an environment handle.
Set application to ODBC 3.
Allocated Database handle.
Connecting to database.
Connected to database.
Autocommit is set to: 1
Disabling autocommit.
Autocommit is set to: 0
Performed single insert.
Committing transaction.
Free handles.

Note: You can also disable AUTOCOMMIT in the ODBC connection string. See Setting DSN
Connection Parameters for more information.

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Retrieving Data Through ODBC

To retrieve data through ODBC, you execute a query that returns a result set (SELECT, for
example), then retrieve the results using one of two methods:

Use the SQLFetch() function to retrieve a row of the result set, then access column values in
the row by calling SQLGetData().

Use the SQLBindColumn() function to bind a variable or array to a column in the result set, then
call SQLExtendedFetch() or SQLFetchScroll() to read a row of the result set and insert its
values into the variable or array.

In both methods you loop through the result set until you either reach the end (signaled by the SQL_
NO_DATA return status) or encounter an error.
Note: HP Vertica supports one cursor per connection. Attempting to use more than one cursor
per connection will result in an error. For example, you receive an error if you execute a
statement while another statement has a result set open.
The following code example demonstrates retrieving data from HP Vertica by:
1. Connecting to the database.
2. Executing a SELECT statement that returns the IDs and names of all tables.
3. Binds two variables to the two columns in the result set.
4. Loops through the result set, printing the ids and name values.
// Demonstrate running a query and getting results by querying the tables
// system table for a list of all tables in the current schema.
// Some standard headers
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
// Standard ODBC headers
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqltypes.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
// Use std namespace to make output easier
using namespace std;
// Helper function to print SQL error messages.
template <typename HandleT>
void reportError(int handleTypeEnum, HandleT hdl)

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// Get the status records.

i, MsgLen;
i = 1;
cout << endl;
while ((ret2 = SQLGetDiagRec(handleTypeEnum, hdl, i, SqlState, &NativeError,
Msg, sizeof(Msg), &MsgLen)) != SQL_NO_DATA) {
cout << "error record #" << i++ << endl;
cout << "sqlstate: " << SqlState << endl;
cout << "detailed msg: " << Msg << endl;
cout << "native error code: " << NativeError << endl;
int main()
// Set up the ODBC environment
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hdlEnv);
// Tell ODBC that the application uses ODBC 3.
ret = SQLSetEnvAttr(hdlEnv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,
// Allocate a database handle.
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlEnv, &hdlDbc);
// Connect to the database
cout << "Connecting to database." << endl;
const char* dsnName = "ExampleDB";
const char* userID = "dbadmin";
const char* passwd = "password123";
ret = SQLConnect(hdlDbc, (SQLCHAR*)dsnName,
(SQLCHAR*)passwd, SQL_NTS);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
cout << "Could not connect to database" << endl;
reportError<SQLHDBC>(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
} else {
cout << "Connected to database." << endl;

// Set up a statement handle

SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlDbc, &hdlStmt);
// Execute a query to get the names and IDs of all tables in the schema
// search p[ath (usually public).
ret = SQLExecDirect( hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"SELECT table_id, table_name "
"FROM tables ORDER BY table_name", SQL_NTS );
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {

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// Report error an go no further if statement failed.

cout << "Error executing statement." << endl;
reportError<SQLHDBC>(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);
} else {

// Query succeeded, so bind two variables to the two colums in the

// result set,
cout << "Fetching results..." << endl;
SQLBIGINT table_id;
// Holds the ID of the table.
SQLTCHAR table_name[256]; // buffer to hold name of table
ret = SQLBindCol(hdlStmt, 1, SQL_C_SBIGINT, (SQLPOINTER)&table_id,
sizeof(table_id), NULL);
ret = SQLBindCol(hdlStmt, 2, SQL_C_TCHAR, (SQLPOINTER)table_name,
sizeof(table_name), NULL);
// Loop through the results,
while( SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret = SQLFetchScroll(hdlStmt, SQL_FETCH_NEXT,1))) {
// Print the bound variables, which now contain the values from the
// fetched row.
cout << table_id << " | " << table_name << endl;

// See if loop exited for reasons other than running out of data
if (ret != SQL_NO_DATA) {
// Exited for a reason other than no more data... report the error.
reportError<SQLHDBC>( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt );

// Clean up by shutting down the connection

cout << "Free handles." << endl;
ret = SQLDisconnect( hdlDbc );
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
cout << "Error disconnecting. Transaction still open?" << endl;
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);

Running the example code in the vmart database produces output similar to this:
Connecting to database.
Connected to database.
Fetching results...
45035996273970908 | call_center_dimension
45035996273970836 | customer_dimension
45035996273972958 | customers
45035996273970848 | date_dimension
45035996273970856 | employee_dimension

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Free handles.



Loading Data Through ODBC

A primary task for many client applications is loading data into the HP Vertica database. There are
several different ways to insert data using ODBC, which are covered by the topics in this section.

Using a Single Row Insert

The easiest way to load data into HP Vertica is to run an INSERT SQL statement using the
SQLExecuteDirect function. However this method is limited to inserting a single row of data.
ret = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, (SQLTCHAR*)"INSERT into Customers values"
"(1,'abcda','efgh','1')", SQL_NTS);

Using Prepared Statements

HP Vertica supports using server-side prepared statements with both ODBC and JDBC. Prepared
statements let you define a statement once, and then run it many times with different parameters.
The statement you want to execute contains placeholders instead of parameters. When you
execute the statement, you supply values for each placeholder.
Placeholders are represented by question marks (?) as in the following example query:
SELECT * FROM public.inventory_fact WHERE product_key = ?

Server-side prepared statements are useful for:


Optimizing queries. HP Vertica only needs to parse the statement once.

Preventing SQL injection attacks. A SQL injection attack occurs when user input is either
incorrectly filtered for string literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements or user input

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is not strongly typed and thereby unexpectedly run. Since a prepared statement is parsed
separately from the input data, there is no chance the data can be accidentally executed by the

Binding direct variables to return columns. By pointing to data structures, the code doesn't have
to perform extra transformations.

The following example demonstrates a using a prepared statement for a single insert.
// Some standard headers
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Only needed for Windows clients
// #include <windows.h>
// Standard ODBC headers
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqltypes.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
// Some constants for the size of the data to be inserted.
#define CUST_NAME_LEN 50
#define PHONE_NUM_LEN 15
#define NUM_ENTRIES 4
int main()
// Set up the ODBC environment
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hdlEnv);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not allocate a handle.\n");
} else {
printf("Allocated an environment handle.\n");
// Tell ODBC that the application uses ODBC 3.
ret = SQLSetEnvAttr(hdlEnv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not set application version to ODBC3.\n");
} else {
printf("Set application to ODBC 3.\n");
// Allocate a database handle.
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlEnv, &hdlDbc);
// Connect to the database
printf("Connecting to database.\n");
const char *dsnName = "ExampleDB";
const char* userID = "dbadmin";
const char* passwd = "password123";
ret = SQLConnect(hdlDbc, (SQLCHAR*)dsnName,
(SQLCHAR*)passwd, SQL_NTS);

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if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not connect to database.\n");
} else {
printf("Connected to database.\n");
printf("Disabling autocommit.\n");
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not disable autocommit.\n");

// Set up a statement handle

SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlDbc, &hdlStmt);
SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers",
SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"CREATE TABLE customers "
"(CustID int, CustName varchar(100), Phone_Number char(15));",
// Set up a bunch of variables to be bound to the statement
// parameters.
// Create the prepared statement. This will insert data into the
// table we created above.
printf("Creating prepared statement\n");
ret = SQLPrepare (hdlStmt, (SQLTCHAR*)"INSERT INTO customers (CustID, "
"CustName, Phone_Number) VALUES(?,?,?)", SQL_NTS) ;
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not create prepared statement\n");
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);
} else {
printf("Created prepared statement.\n");
SQLINTEGER custID = 1234;
SQLCHAR custName[100] = "Fein, Fredrick";
SQLVARCHAR phoneNum[15] = "555-123-6789";
SQLLEN strFieldLen = SQL_NTS;
SQLLEN custIDLen = 0;
// Bind the data arrays to the parameters in the prepared SQL
// statement
ret = SQLBindParameter(hdlStmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER,
0, 0, &custID, 0 , &custIDLen);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not bind custID array\n");
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);

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} else {
printf("Bound custID to prepared statement\n");
// Bind CustNames
50, 0, (SQLPOINTER)custName, 0, &strFieldLen);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not bind custNames\n");
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);
} else {
printf("Bound custName to prepared statement\n");
// Bind phoneNums
15, 0, (SQLPOINTER)phoneNum, 0, &strFieldLen);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not bind phoneNums\n");
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);
} else {
printf("Bound phoneNum to prepared statement\n");
// Execute the prepared statement.
printf("Running prepared statement...");
ret = SQLExecute(hdlStmt);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("not successful!\n");
} else {
// Done with batches, commit the transaction
printf("Committing transaction\n");
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not commit transaction\n");
} else {
printf("Committed transaction\n");
// Clean up
printf("Free handles.\n");
ret = SQLDisconnect( hdlDbc );
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Error disconnecting. Transaction still open?\n");
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);

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Using Batch Inserts

You use batch inserts to insert chunks of data into the database. By breaking the data into batches,
you can monitor the progress of the load by receiving information about any rejected rows after each
batch is loaded. To perform a batch load through ODBC, you typically use a prepared statement
with the parameters bound to arrays that contain the data to be loaded. For each batch, you load a
new set of data into the arrays then execute the prepared statement.
When you perform a batch load, HP Vertica uses a COPY statement to load the data. Each
additional batch you load uses the same COPY statement. The statement remains open until you
end the transaction, close the cursor for the statement, or execute a non-INSERT statement.
Using a single COPY statement for multiple batches improves batch loading efficiency by:

reducing the overhead of inserting individual batches

combining individual batches into larger ROS containers

Note: If the database connection has AUTOCOMMIT enabled, then the transaction is
automatically committed after each batch insert statement which closes the COPY statement.
Leaving AUTOCOMMIT enabled makes your batch load much less efficient, and can cause
added overhead in your database as all of the smaller loads are consolidated.
Even though HP Vertica uses a single COPY statement to insert multiple batches within a
transaction, you can locate which (if any) rows were rejected due to invalid row formats or data type
issues after each batch is loaded. See Tracking Load Status (ODBC) for details.
Note: While you can find rejected rows during the batch load transaction, other types of errors
(such as running out of disk space or a node shutdown that makes the database unsafe) are
only reported when the COPY statement ends.
Since the batch loads share a COPY statement, errors in one batch can cause earlier batches in the
same transaction to be rolled back.

Batch Insert Steps

The steps your application needs to take in order to perform an ODBC Batch Insert are:
1. Connect to the database.
2. Disable autocommit for the connection.

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3. Create a prepared statement that inserts the data you want to load.
4. Bind the parameters of the prepared statement to arrays that will contain the data you want to
5. Populate the arrays with the data for your batches.
6. Execute the prepared statement.
7. Optionally, check the results of the batch load to find rejected rows.
8. Repeat the previous three steps until all of the data you want to load is loaded.
9. Commit the transaction.
10. Optionally, check the results of the entire batch transaction.
The following example code demonstrates a simplified version of the above steps.
// Some standard headers
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Only needed for Windows clients
// #include <windows.h>
// Standard ODBC headers
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqltypes.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
int main()
// Number of data rows to insert
const int NUM_ENTRIES = 4;
// Set up the ODBC environment
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hdlEnv);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not allocate a handle.\n");
} else {
printf("Allocated an environment handle.\n");
// Tell ODBC that the application uses ODBC 3.
ret = SQLSetEnvAttr(hdlEnv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not set application version to ODBC3.\n");
} else {
printf("Set application to ODBC 3.\n");

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// Allocate a database handle.

ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlEnv, &hdlDbc);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not allocate database handle.\n");
} else {
printf("Allocated Database handle.\n");
// Connect to the database
printf("Connecting to database.\n");
const char *dsnName = "ExampleDB";
const char* userID = "dbadmin";
const char* passwd = "password123";
ret = SQLConnect(hdlDbc, (SQLCHAR*)dsnName,
(SQLCHAR*)passwd, SQL_NTS);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not connect to database.\n");
} else {
printf("Connected to database.\n");

printf("Disabling autocommit.\n");
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not disable autocommit.\n");
// Set up a statement handle
SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlDbc, &hdlStmt);
// Create a table to hold the data
SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers",
SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"CREATE TABLE customers "
"(CustID int, CustName varchar(100), Phone_Number char(15));",
// Create the prepared statement. This will insert data into the
// table we created above.
printf("Creating prepared statement\n");
ret = SQLPrepare (hdlStmt, (SQLTCHAR*)"INSERT INTO customers (CustID, "
"CustName, Phone_Number) VALUES(?,?,?)", SQL_NTS) ;
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not create prepared statement\n");
} else {
printf("Created prepared statement.\n");
// This is the data to be inserted into the database.
SQLCHAR custNames[][50] = { "Allen, Anna", "Brown, Bill", "Chu, Cindy",

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"Dodd, Don" };
SQLINTEGER custIDs[] = { 100, 101, 102, 103};
SQLCHAR phoneNums[][15] = {"1-617-555-1234", "1-781-555-1212",
"1-508-555-4321", "1-617-555-4444"};
// Bind the data arrays to the parameters in the prepared SQL
// statement. First is the custID.
ret = SQLBindParameter(hdlStmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER,
0, 0, (SQLPOINTER)custIDs, sizeof(SQLINTEGER) , NULL);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not bind custID array\n");
} else {
printf("Bound CustIDs array to prepared statement\n");
// Bind CustNames
ret = SQLBindParameter(hdlStmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR,
50, 0, (SQLPOINTER)custNames, 50, NULL);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not bind custNames\n");
} else {
printf("Bound CustNames array to prepared statement\n");
// Bind phoneNums
ret = SQLBindParameter(hdlStmt, 3, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_CHAR,
15, 0, (SQLPOINTER)phoneNums, 15, NULL);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not bind phoneNums\n");
} else {
printf("Bound phoneNums array to prepared statement\n");
// Tell the ODBC driver how many rows we have in the
// array.
ret = SQLSetStmtAttr( hdlStmt, SQL_ATTR_PARAMSET_SIZE,
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not bind set parameter size\n");
} else {
printf("Bound phoneNums array to prepared statement\n");
// Add multiple batches to the database. This just adds the same
// batch of data four times for simplicity's sake. Each call adds
// the 4 rows into the database.
for (int batchLoop=1; batchLoop<=5; batchLoop++) {
// Execute the prepared statement, loading all of the data
// in the arrays.
printf("Adding Batch #%d...", batchLoop);
ret = SQLExecute(hdlStmt);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("not successful!\n");
} else {
// Done with batches, commit the transaction

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printf("Committing transaction\n");
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not commit transaction\n");
} else {
printf("Committed transaction\n");
// Clean up
printf("Free handles.\n");
ret = SQLDisconnect( hdlDbc );
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Error disconnecting. Transaction still open?\n");
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);

The result of running the above code is shown below.

Allocated an environment handle.
Set application to ODBC 3.
Allocated Database handle.
Connecting to database.
Connected to database.
Creating prepared statement
Created prepared statement.
Bound CustIDs array to prepared statement
Bound CustNames array to prepared statement
Bound phoneNums array to prepared statement
Adding Batch #1...successful.
Adding Batch #2...successful.
Adding Batch #3...successful.
Adding Batch #4...successful.
Adding Batch #5...successful.
Committing transaction
Committed transaction
Free handles.

The resulting table looks like this:

=> SELECT * FROM customers;
CustID | CustName
| Phone_Number
--------+-------------+----------------100 | Allen, Anna | 1-617-555-1234
101 | Brown, Bill | 1-781-555-1212
102 | Chu, Cindy | 1-508-555-4321
103 | Dodd, Don
| 1-617-555-4444
100 | Allen, Anna | 1-617-555-1234
101 | Brown, Bill | 1-781-555-1212
102 | Chu, Cindy | 1-508-555-4321

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103 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
(20 rows)

Dodd, Don
Allen, Anna
Brown, Bill
Chu, Cindy
Dodd, Don
Allen, Anna
Brown, Bill
Chu, Cindy
Dodd, Don
Allen, Anna
Brown, Bill
Chu, Cindy
Dodd, Don



Note: An input parameter bound with the SQL_C_NUMERIC data type uses the default
numeric precision (37) and the default scale (0) instead of the precision and scale set by the
SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT input value. This behavior adheres to the ODBC standard. If you
do not want to use the default precision and scale, use SQLSetDescField() or SQLSetDescRec
() to change them in the statement's attributes.

Tracking Load Status (ODBC)

After loading a batch of data, your client application can get the number of rows that were
processed and find out whether each row was accepted or rejected.

Finding the Number of Accepted Rows

To get the number of rows processed by a batch, you add an attribute named SQL_ATTR_
PARAMS_PROCESSED_PTR to the statement object that points to a variable to receive the
number rows:
SQLULEN rowsProcessed;
SQLSetStmtAttr(hdlStmt, SQL_ATTR_PARAMS_PROCESSED_PTR, &rowsProcessed, 0);

When your application calls SQLExecute() to insert the batch, the HP Vertica ODBC driver saves
the number of rows that it processed (which is not necessarily the number of rows that were
successfully inserted) in the variable you specified in the SQL_ATTR_PARAMS_PROCESSED_
PTR statement attribute.

Finding the Accepted and Rejected Rows

Your application can also set a statement attribute named SQL_ATTR_PARAM_STATUS_PTR
that points to an array where the ODBC driver can store the result of inserting each row:

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rowResults[ NUM_ENTRIES ];
SQLSetStmtAttr(hdlStmt, SQL_ATTR_PARAM_STATUS_PTR, rowResults, 0);

This array must be at least as large as the number of rows being inserted in each batch.
When your application calls SQLExecute to insert a batch, the ODBC driver populates the array with
values indicating whether each row was successfully inserted (SQL_PARAM_SUCCESS or SQL_
PARAM_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) or encountered an error (SQL_PARAM_ERROR).
The following example expands on the example shown in Using Batch Inserts to include reporting
the number of rows processed and the status of each row inserted.
// Some standard headers
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Only needed for Windows clients
// #include <windows.h>
// Standard ODBC headers
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqltypes.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
// Helper function to print SQL error messages.
template <typename HandleT>
void reportError(int handleTypeEnum, HandleT hdl)
// Get the status records.
i, MsgLen;
i = 1;
while ((ret2 = SQLGetDiagRec(handleTypeEnum, hdl, i, SqlState, &NativeError,
Msg, sizeof(Msg), &MsgLen)) != SQL_NO_DATA) {
printf("error record %d\n", i);
printf("sqlstate: %s\n", SqlState);
printf("detailed msg: %s\n", Msg);
printf("native error code: %d\n\n", NativeError);
int main()
// Number of data rows to insert
const int NUM_ENTRIES = 4;

ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hdlEnv);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not allocate a handle.\n");
} else {

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printf("Allocated an environment handle.\n");

ret = SQLSetEnvAttr(hdlEnv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not set application version to ODBC3.\n");
} else {
printf("Set application to ODBC 3.\n");
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlEnv, &hdlDbc);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not allocate database handle.\n");
} else {
printf("Allocated Database handle.\n");
// Connect to the database
printf("Connecting to database.\n");
const char *dsnName = "ExampleDB";
const char* userID = "dbadmin";
const char* passwd = "password123";
ret = SQLConnect(hdlDbc, (SQLCHAR*)dsnName,
(SQLCHAR*)passwd, SQL_NTS);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not connect to database.\n");
reportError<SQLHDBC>(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
} else {
printf("Connected to database.\n");
// Set up a statement handle
SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlDbc, &hdlStmt);
SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers",
// Create a table into which we can store data
printf("Creating table.\n");
ret = SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"CREATE TABLE customers "
"(CustID int, CustName varchar(50), Phone_Number char(15));",
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
reportError<SQLHDBC>( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt );
} else {
printf("Created table.\n");
// Create the prepared statement. This will insert data into the
// table we created above.
printf("Creating prepared statement\n");
ret = SQLPrepare (hdlStmt, (SQLTCHAR*)"INSERT INTO customers (CustID, "
"CustName, Phone_Number) VALUES(?,?,?)", SQL_NTS) ;
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
reportError<SQLHDBC>( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt );
} else {

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printf("Created prepared statement.\n");

// This is the data to be inserted into the database.
char custNames[][50] = { "Allen, Anna", "Brown, Bill", "Chu, Cindy",
"Dodd, Don" };
SQLINTEGER custIDs[] = { 100, 101, 102, 103};
char phoneNums[][15] = {"1-617-555-1234", "1-781-555-1212",
"1-508-555-4321", "1-617-555-4444"};
// Bind the data arrays to the parameters in the prepared SQL
// statement
ret = SQLBindParameter(hdlStmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER,
0, 0, (SQLPOINTER)custIDs, sizeof(SQLINTEGER) , NULL);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
reportError<SQLHDBC>( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt );
} else {
printf("Bound CustIDs array to prepared statement\n");
// Bind CustNames
50, 0, (SQLPOINTER)custNames, 50, NULL);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
reportError<SQLHDBC>( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt );
} else {
printf("Bound CustNames array to prepared statement\n");
// Bind phoneNums
15, 0, (SQLPOINTER)phoneNums, 15, NULL);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
reportError<SQLHDBC>( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt );
} else {
printf("Bound phoneNums array to prepared statement\n");
// Set up a variable to recieve number of parameters processed.
SQLULEN rowsProcessed;
// Set a statement attribute to point to the variable
SQLSetStmtAttr(hdlStmt, SQL_ATTR_PARAMS_PROCESSED_PTR, &rowsProcessed, 0);
// Set up an array to hold the result of each row insert
rowResults[ NUM_ENTRIES ];
// Set a statement attribute to point to the array
SQLSetStmtAttr(hdlStmt, SQL_ATTR_PARAM_STATUS_PTR, rowResults, 0);
// Tell the ODBC driver how many rows we have in the
// array.
// Add multiple batches to the database. This just adds the same
// batch of data over and over again for simplicity's sake.
for (int batchLoop=1; batchLoop<=5; batchLoop++) {
// Execute the prepared statement, loading all of the data
// in the arrays.
printf("Adding Batch #%d...", batchLoop);
ret = SQLExecute(hdlStmt);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
reportError<SQLHDBC>( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt );

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// Number of rows processed is in rowsProcessed

printf("Params processed: %d\n", rowsProcessed);
printf("Results of inserting each row:\n");
int i;
for (i = 0; i<NUM_ENTRIES; i++) {
SQLUSMALLINT result = rowResults[i];
switch(rowResults[i]) {
printf(" Row %d inserted successsfully\n", i+1);
printf(" Row %d was not inserted due to an error.", i+1);
printf(" Row %d had some issue with it: %d\n", i+1, result);
// Done with batches, commit the transaction
printf("Commit Transaction\n");
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
reportError<SQLHDBC>( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt );

// Clean up
printf("Free handles.\n");
ret = SQLDisconnect( hdlDbc );
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Error disconnecting. Transaction still open?\n");
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);

Running the example code produces the following output:

Allocated an environment handle.Set application to ODBC 3.
Allocated Database handle.
Connecting to database.
Connected to database.
Creating table.
Created table.
Creating prepared statement
Created prepared statement.
Bound CustIDs array to prepared statement
Bound CustNames array to prepared statement
Bound phoneNums array to prepared statement
Adding Batch #1...Params processed: 4
Results of inserting each row:
Row 1 inserted successfully

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Row 2 inserted successfully

Row 3 inserted successfully
Row 4 inserted successfully
Adding Batch #2...Params processed:
Results of inserting each row:
Row 1 inserted successfully
Row 2 inserted successfully
Row 3 inserted successfully
Row 4 inserted successfully
Adding Batch #3...Params processed:
Results of inserting each row:
Row 1 inserted successfully
Row 2 inserted successfully
Row 3 inserted successfully
Row 4 inserted successfully
Adding Batch #4...Params processed:
Results of inserting each row:
Row 1 inserted successfully
Row 2 inserted successfully
Row 3 inserted successfully
Row 4 inserted successfully
Adding Batch #5...Params processed:
Results of inserting each row:
Row 1 inserted successfully
Row 2 inserted successfully
Row 3 inserted successfully
Row 4 inserted successfully
Commit Transaction
Free handles.

Error Handling During Batch Loads

When loading individual batches, you can find information on how many rows were accepted and
what rows were rejected (see Tracking Load Status (ODBC) for details). Other errors, such as disk
space errors, do not occur while inserting individual batches. This behavior is caused by having a
single COPY statement perform the loading of multiple consecutive batches. Using the single
COPY statement makes the batch load process perform much faster. It is only when the COPY
statement closes that the batched data is committed and HP Vertica reports other types of errors.
Your bulk loading application should check for errors when the COPY statement closes. Normally,
you force the COPY statement to close by calling the SQLEndTran() function to end the
transaction. You can also force the COPY statement to close by closing the cursor using the
SQLCloseCursor() function, or by setting the database connection's AutoCommit property to true
before inserting the last batch in the load.
Note: The COPY statement also closes if you execute any non-insert statement. However
having to deal with errors from the COPY statement in what might be an otherwise-unrelated
query is not intuitive, and can lead to confusion and a harder to maintain application. You

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should explicitly end the COPY statement at the end of your batch load and handle any errors
at that time.

Loading Batches in Parallel

To load batches in parallel, you need to establish a thread for each parallel batch you want to load.
Then for each thread, set the batch size, prepare the insert, and execute the batch insert. The
following code samples illustrate this.
#define THREAD_COUNT 10#define ROWS_PER_THREAD 100000
#define BATCH_SIZE 10000
void *BatchInsert(void *arg){
int i, j;
// connect to db, allocate statement, set auto-commit off skipped
intValArray = (SQLINTEGER*) malloc(sizeof(*intValArray) * BATCH_SIZE);
rc = SQLSetStmtAttr( hStmt, SQL_ATTR_PARAMSET_SIZE, (SQLPOINTER)lRows, 0 );
// prepare insert
rc = SQLPrepare (hStmt, (SQLTCHAR*)"insert into mt_test values(?)", SQL_NTS) ;
rc = SQLBindParameter(hStmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0,
(SQLPOINTER)intValArray, sizeof(*intValArray), NULL);
for (i = 0; i < ROWS_PER_THREAD; i) {
for (j = 0; j < BATCH_SIZE; j++) {
intValArray[j] = (SQLINTEGER) ++i;
rc = SQLExecute(hStmt);
int runMT(int argc, char **argv) {
pthread_t t[THREAD_COUNT];
void *trc;
for (int i=0;i<THREAD_COUNT;++i){
pthread_create(&t[i], NULL, BatchInsert, argv[0]);
for (int i=0;i<THREAD_COUNT;++i){
pthread_join(t[i], &trc);
return 0;

Using the COPY Statement

The COPY statement lets you bulk load data from a file on stored on a database node into the HP
Vertica database. This method is the most efficient way to load data into HP Vertica because the

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file resides on the database server. One drawback is that only a database superuser can use
COPY, since it requires privilege in order to access the filesystem of the database node.
One drawback of using COPY instead of performing batch loads is that you can only get results of
the load (the number of accepted and rejected rows) when the COPY statement has finished. With
batch loads, you can monitor the progress as batches are inserted. The ability to monitor the
progress of a load can be a useful feature if you want to stop loading if a large portion of the data is
being rejected.
A primary concern when bulk loading data using COPY is deciding whether the data should be
loaded directly into ROS using the DIRECT option, or by using the AUTO method (loading into
WOS until it fills, then loading into ROS). You should load directly into the ROS when your
transaction will load a large (more than 100MB of data or so) amount of data.
Note: The exceptions/rejections files are created on the client machine when the exceptions
and rejected data modifiers are specified on the COPY command. Specify a local path and
filename for these modifiers when executing a COPY query from the driver.
The following example loads data into the WOS (Write Optimized Store) until it fills, then stores
additional data directly in ROS (Read Optimized Store).
ret=SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"COPY customers "
"FROM '/data/customers.txt' AUTO",SQL_NTS);

The following example loads data into the ROS (Read Optimized Store.
ret=SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"COPY customers "
"FROM '/data/customers.txt' DIRECT",SQL_NTS);

See the COPY statement in the SQL Reference Manual for more information about its syntax and
The following example demonstrates using the COPY command.
// Some standard headers
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Only needed for Windows clients
// #include <windows.h>
// Standard ODBC headers
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqltypes.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
// Helper function to determine if an ODBC function call returned
// successfully.
bool notSuccess(SQLRETURN ret) {

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return (ret != SQL_SUCCESS && ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO);

int main()
// Set up the ODBC environment
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hdlEnv);
if(notSuccess(ret)) {
printf("Could not allocate a handle.\n");
} else {
printf("Allocated an environment handle.\n");
// Tell ODBC that the application uses ODBC 3.
ret = SQLSetEnvAttr(hdlEnv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,
if(notSuccess(ret)) {
printf("Could not set application version to ODBC3.\n");
} else {
printf("Set application to ODBC 3.\n");
// Allocate a database handle.
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlEnv, &hdlDbc);
// Connect to the database
printf("Connecting to database.\n");
const char *dsnName = "ExampleDB";
// Note: User MUST be a database superuser to be able to access files on the
// filesystem of the node.
const char* userID = "dbadmin";
const char* passwd = "password123";
ret = SQLConnect(hdlDbc, (SQLCHAR*)dsnName,
(SQLCHAR*)passwd, SQL_NTS);
if(notSuccess(ret)) {
printf("Could not connect to database.\n");
} else {
printf("Connected to database.\n");
printf("Disabling autocommit.\n");
if(notSuccess(ret)) {
printf("Could not disable autocommit.\n");

// Set up a statement handle

SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlDbc, &hdlStmt);
// Create table to hold the data
SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers",

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SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"CREATE TABLE customers"
"(Last_Name char(50) NOT NULL, First_Name char(50),Email char(50), "
"Phone_Number char(15));",
// Run the copy command to load data into ROS.
ret=SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"COPY customers "
"FROM '/data/customers.txt' DIRECT",
if(notSuccess(ret)) {
printf("Data was not successfully loaded.\n");
} else {
// Get number of rows added.
SQLLEN numRows;
ret=SQLRowCount(hdlStmt, &numRows);
printf("Successfully inserted %d rows.\n", numRows);
// Done with batches, commit the transaction
printf("Committing transaction\n");
if(notSuccess(ret)) {
printf("Could not commit transaction\n");
} else {
printf("Committed transaction\n");
// Clean up
printf("Free handles.\n");
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);

The example prints the following when run:

Allocated an environment handle.
Set application to ODBC 3.
Connecting to database.
Connected to database.
Disabling autocommit.
Successfully inserted 10001 rows.
Committing transaction
Committed transaction
Free handles.

Streaming Data From the Client Using COPY LOCAL

The LOCAL option of the SQL COPY statement lets you stream data from a file on a client system
to your HP Vertica database. This statement works through the ODBC driver, making the task of

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transferring data files from the client to the server much easier.
The LOCAL option of COPY works transparently through the ODBC driver. Just have your client
application execute a statement containing a COPY LOCAL statement, and the ODBC driver will
read and stream the data file from the client to the server. For example:
// Some standard headers
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Only needed for Windows clients
// #include <windows.h>
// Standard ODBC headers
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqltypes.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
int main()
// Set up the ODBC environment
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hdlEnv);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not allocate a handle.\n");
} else {
printf("Allocated an environment handle.\n");
// Tell ODBC that the application uses ODBC 3.
ret = SQLSetEnvAttr(hdlEnv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not set application version to ODBC3.\n");
} else {
printf("Set application to ODBC 3.\n");
// Allocate a database handle.
ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlEnv, &hdlDbc);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not aalocate a database handle.\n");
} else {
printf("Set application to ODBC 3.\n");
// Connect to the database
printf("Connecting to database.\n");
const char *dsnName = "ExampleDB";
const char* userID = "dbadmin";
const char* passwd = "password123";
ret = SQLConnect(hdlDbc, (SQLCHAR*)dsnName,
(SQLCHAR*)passwd, SQL_NTS);
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Could not connect to database.\n");
} else {

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printf("Connected to database.\n");
// Set up a statement handle
SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlDbc, &hdlStmt);

// Create table to hold the data

SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers",
SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"CREATE TABLE customers"
"(Last_Name char(50) NOT NULL, First_Name char(50),Email char(50), "
"Phone_Number char(15));",
// Run the copy command to load data into ROS.
ret=SQLExecDirect(hdlStmt, (SQLCHAR*)"COPY customers "
"FROM LOCAL '/home/dbadmin/customers.txt' DIRECT",
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Data was not successfully loaded.\n");
} else {
// Get number of rows added.
SQLLEN numRows;
ret=SQLRowCount(hdlStmt, &numRows);
printf("Successfully inserted %d rows.\n", numRows);

// COPY commits automatically, unless it is told not to, so

// there is no need to commit the transaction.
// Clean up
printf("Free handles.\n");
ret = SQLDisconnect( hdlDbc );
if(!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) {
printf("Error disconnecting. Transaction still open?\n");
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdlStmt);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdlDbc);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, hdlEnv);

This example is essentially the same as the example shown in Using the COPY Statement, except
it uses the COPY statement's LOCAL option to load data from the client system rather than from
the filesystem of the database node.
Note: On Windows clients, the path you supply for the COPY LOCAL file is limited to 216
characters due to limitations in the Windows API.

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See Also



Types with ODBC
The ODBC drivers support the LONG VARCHAR and LONG VARBINARY data types similarly to
VARCHAR and VARBINARY data types. When binding input or output parameters to a LONG
VARCHAR or LONG VARBINARY column in a query, use the SQL_LONGVARCHAR and SQL_
LONGVARBINARY constants to set the column's data type. For example, to bind an input
parameter to a LONG VARCHAR column, you would use a statement that looks like this:
80000, 0, (SQLPOINTER)myLongString, sizeof(myLongString), NULL);

Note: Do not use inefficient encoding formats for LONG VARBINARY and LONG VARCHAR
values. HP Vertica cannot load encoded values larger than 32MB, even if the decoded value is
less than 32 MB in size. For example, HP Vertica returns an error if you attempt to load a 32MB
LONG VARBINARY value encoded in octal format, since the octal encoding quadruples the
size of the value (each byte is converted into a backslash followed by three digits).

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Programming JDBC Client Applications

The HP Vertica JDBC driver provides you with a standard JDBC API. If you have accessed other
databases using JDBC, you should find accessing HP Vertica familiar. This section explains how
to use the JDBC to connect your Java application to HP Vertica.
You must first install the JDBC client driver on all client systems that will be accessing the HP
Vertica database. For installation instructions, see Installing the HP Vertica Client Drivers.
For more information about JDBC:

Vertica Analytic Database JDBC Driver JavaDoc (HP Vertica extensions)

An Introduction to JDBC, Part 1

JDBC Feature Support

The HP Vertica JDBC driver complies with the JDBC 4.0 standards (although it does not
implement all of the optional features in them). Your application can use the DatabaseMetaData
class to determine if the driver supports a particular feature it wants to use. In addition, the driver
implements the Wrapper interface, which lets your client code discover HP Vertica-specific
extensions to the JDBC standard classes, such as VerticaConnection and VerticaStatement
Some important facts to keep in mind when using the HP Vertica JDBC driver:

Cursors are forward only and are not scrollable. Result sets cannot be updated.

A connection supports executing a single statement at any time. If you want to execute multiple
statements simultaneously, you must open multiple connections.

Because HP Vertica does not have stored procedures, CallableStatement is not supported.
The DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures() and .getProcedureColumns() methods return
information about SQL functions (including User Defined Functions) instead of stored

Multiple SQL Statement Support

The HP Vertica JDBC driver can execute strings containing multiple statements. For example:
stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE t(a INT);INSERT INTO t VALUES(10);");

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Only the Statement interface supports executing strings containing multiple SQL statements. You
cannot use multiple statement strings with PreparedStatement. COPY statements that copy a file
from a host file system work in a multiple statement string. However, client COPY statements
(COPY FROM STDIN) do not work.

Multiple Batch Conversion to COPY Statements

The HP Vertica JDBC driver converts all batch inserts into HP Vertica COPY statements. If you
turn off your JDBC connection's AutoCommit property, the JDBC driver uses a single COPY
statement to load data from sequential batch inserts which can improve load performance by
reducing overhead. See Batch Inserts Using JDBC Prepared Statements for details.

Multiple JDBC Version Support

The HP Vertica JDBC driver implements both JDBC 3.0 and JDBC 4.0 compliant interfaces. The
interface that the driver returns to your application depends on the JVM version on which it is
running. If your application is running on a 5.0 JVM, the driver supplies your application with JDBC
3.0 classes. If your application is running on a 6.0 or later JVM, the driver supplies it with JDBC 4.0

Updating Application Code From Previous Driver

If you have a client application that was written using a previous version of the HP Vertica JDBC
driver, you may need to alter its code to work with newer driver versions, or you may want to
change your application to take advantage of new driver features. The topics in this section explain
the changes that have been made to the JDBC driver from previous driver versions.

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Updating Client Code From 4.1 or Earlier JDBC Driver

The HP Vertica version 5.1 client drivers were rewritten to improve standards compliance and
reliability. As a result, some HP Vertica-specific features and past incompatibilities were
eliminated. If you client code worked with a pre-5.1 version of the HP Vertica JDBC driver, you
must update it to work with the new driver versions. The following topics explain these updates.

Driver Package and Interface Name Changes

The name of the HP Vertica client driver package has changed. Previously, the HP Vertica JDBC
driver classes were located in com.vertica. They are now in com.vertica.jdbc.
Loading the 4.1 Driver

Loading the 5.1 Driver



Note: The HP Vertica version 7.0 JDBC driver introduces JDBC 4.0 compatibility which
includes the JNDI service registration that eliminates the need to manually load the JDBC
driver. See New Features in the Version JDBC Driver for details.

Interface Name Changes

The following table lists the interfaces in the HP Vertica JDBC client library whose names have
4.1 Interface Name 5.1 Interface Name




Normally, you reference these interfaces only when casting a Connection or Statement object to
access HP Vertica-specific methods or properties. Many of the HP Vertica-specific methods and
properties have been removed from the version 5.1 client drivers in favor of JDBC-standard
methods and properties. You should not need to cast to these interfaces as often when using the
new client drivers. See Converting From PGConnection to VerticaConnection and Converting From
PGStatement to VerticaStatement for more information.

Removed Classes
The HP Vertica version 5.1 JDBC driver has removed several legacy classes.

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Previously, many HP Vertica-specific methods would throw a PSQLException when encountering

an error. This class has been removed. Instead, all methods now throw a standard SQLException.
Note: Note: The HP Vertica version 7.0 JDBC driver introduces a set of SQLException
subclasses that more specifically describe error situations. See New Features in the Version
JDBC Driver for more information.
The PGInterval class has been replaced with a pair of HP Vertica interval classes:
VerticaDayTimeInterval (which represents all ten types of day/time intervals) and
VerticaYearMonthInterval (which represents all three types of year/month intervals). See Using
Intervals with JDBC for details.
The PGMoney class has been removed from the driver.

Converting From PGConnection to VerticaConnection

The VerticaConnection interface replaces the PGConnection interface in the version 5.1 JDBC
driver. The PGConnection interface contained HP Vertica-specific extensions to the standard
JDBC Connection interface. VerticaConnection does not implement some of PGConnection's
methods to make it more compliant with the JDBC standards.

Property Setters and Getters

The PGConnection interface had several specific setters and getters for some connection
properties. These have been removed from VerticaConnection and replaced with properties, as
described in the following table:

4.1 Methods

5.1 Property




Controls whether data is

inserted directly into ROS,
or into WOS.



Controls the size of the

memory buffer the client
uses when retrieving a
result set stream.

Instead of these non-standard methods, use the VerticaConnection.getProperty() and

VerticaConnection.setProperty() methods to access these properties, or set them when

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creating the database connection. See Connection Properties and Setting and Getting Connection
Property Values for more information.

Deprecated Methods
The following methods of the PGConnection class were deprecated in the version 4.1 drivers, and
are not implemented by VerticaConnection:
Removed Methods



In the HP Vertica version 5.1

drivers, batch inserts always
enforce column-width limitations.
This makes batch inserts
consistent with non-batch
inserts, which always enforce
width limitations. If you do not
want to batch load errors to occur
due to data being too wide for the
column, you can either:

Truncate the data to the

column's width before
attempting to insert it

Use the VerticaCopyStream

class to execute a COPY
FROM STDIN statement,
without an


The new JDBC driver now uses

a single batch insert protocol
rather than having separate
binary and text modes to insert

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Removed Methods



These methods are not

implemented by
VerticaConnection. Instead,
you set the connection's locale
using the SET LOCALE SQL
statement. See Setting the
Locale for JDBC Sessions for


The new JDBC driver always

uses streaming result sets rather
than optionally caching the
results on the client.


All of these methods were

previously deprecated and have
been removed from the version
5.1 JDBC driver.

Savepoint Support
The version 5.1 JDBC driver implements the Savepoint interface, allowing you to use savepoints
to segment your transactions and later roll back a portion of the transaction.

Updatable Result Set Changes

The createStatement() method in the 4.1 and earlier JDBC drivers accepted the
ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE flag to create an updatable result set. However, the driver's
support of this feature was limited. The 5.1 JDBC driver does not support updatable result sets. The
createStatement() method now accepts just ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and
ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY flags. It throws an exception if you pass it other flags.

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Converting From PGStatement to VerticaStatement

The VerticaStatement interface contains the HP Vertica-specific extensions of the standard
JDBC Statement interface. In previous versions of the HP Vertica JDBC driver, this interface was
named PGStatement. In addition to the name change, a some methods have been removed from
this interface.

Deprecated Methods
VerticaStatement does not implement the following PGStatement methods because they are





Bulk Loading Method Changes

VerticaStatement does not implement the following PGStatement bulk loading methods:




Instead, the new VerticaCopyStream class implements a stream copying feature. See Streaming
Data Via JDBC.

Connection Property Setters and Getters

In previous versions of the drivers, many of the connection property setters and getters on the
PGConnection interface were also implemented in the PGStatement interface. These methods
allowed you to change some of the connection parameters for the statement, letting you override
their settings on the PGConnection object used to create the statement. VerticaStatement does
not implement these setters and getters helping to prevent potential confusion and difficult-to-debug
issues caused by having different statements on the same connection having their own connection

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VerticaStatement objects cache two properties independently: DirectBatchInsert and

ResultBufferSize. Once a VerticaStatement object is instantiated, it stores the values of these
properties that were set on the VerticaConnection object you used to create them. The object
retains these values even if you later change the property on the VerticaConnection object.
For example, in the following code:
// Set the DirectBatchInsert property
((VerticaConnection) conn).setProperty("DirectBatchInsert", true );
// Create a statement object
Statement stmtA = conn.createStatement();
// Change the direct batch insert setting and create another
// statement.
((VerticaConnection) conn).setProperty("DirectBatchInsert", false );
Statement stmtB = conn.createStatement();

The stmtA object has its DirectBatchInsert property set to true, since that was the property's value
on the VerticaConnection used to instantiate it. Since this property is specific to the statement,
stmtA's DirectBatchInsert property remains unchanged when the connection's DirectBatchInsert
property changes to false later.
Note: The VerticaStatement interface does not cache any of the other connection properties.
If you change another property (such as Locale) on a VerticaConnection object, the change
affects all of the VerticaStatement objects instantiated using that connection object.

Multiple Statement Support

The previous JDBC driver's implementation of the Statement interface did not support executing
SQL strings containing multiple statements. The new driver's implementation does support multiple
statements. For example:
stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE t(a INT);INSERT INTO t VALUES(10);");

Only the Statement interface supports executing strings containing multiple SQL statements. You
cannot use multiple statement strings with PreparedStatement. COPY statements that copy a file
from a host file system work in a multiple statement string. However, client COPY statements
(COPY FROM STDIN) do not work.

Connection Property Changes

JDBC connection properties let you control the behavior of your application's connection to the
database. The HP Vertica version 5.1 JDBC driver has removed some old properties, renamed
several others, and added some new properties.

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New Connection Properties

The following properties have been added to the HP Vertica version 5.1 JDBC driver.



Contains SQL commands to be executed when the database connection

is established.


Sets the types of messages that the client writes to a log file.


Limits the messages written to the log to only those generated by classes
in the given namespace.


Sets the path where the log file is written.

TransactionIsolation Previously could only be accessed using a getter and setter method on
the PGConnection object. It can now be set using the same methods as
other connection properties.

Controls whether the database metadata uses the database name as the
catalog name. This property is only used for backwards compatibility with
some client software.

See Connection Properties for more information about these new properties.

Renamed Properties
Several properties have been renamed to make connection properties more consistent across the
different client libraries:
4.1 Property

5.1 Name




Sets whether statements automatically commit




Identifies the connection on the server.


ResultBufferSize Sets the buffer size the driver uses when retrieving a
result set from the server. In addition, the default value
has been changed from 8MB to 8KB.

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Removed Connection Properties

The following table lists the connection properties have been removed from the HP Vertica version
5.1 JDBC driver:



Controlled whether inserting data that is too wide for its column
would cause an error. Removed to make batch inserts
consistent with other types of data inserts. Attempting to insert
data that is too wide for a column always results in an error.

batchInsertRecordTerminator Set the record terminator for a batch insert. This property was
deprecated and was only available for backwards compatibility.

Controlled whether batched data inserts were transmitted as

binary data or converted to string. Removed because the driver
now uses NATIVE VARCHAR transfer for all data types.


Controlled whether data was transmitted between the server and

the client in binary format. Removed because the driver now
uses NATIVE VARCHAR to transfer data


Caused the network connection to send keepalive packets to

ensure the connection remained open during idle periods. The
new JDBC driver always sends keepalive packets.


Set the locale for the connection. Instead of a property, use a

query to set the locale. You can include a SQL statement in the
ConnSettings property to set the locale as soon as the JDBC
driver connects to the database. See Setting the Locale for
JDBC Sessions.


Controlled how many times a statement would be executed

before the server would automatically convert it to a server-side
prepared statement. Removed since this functionality was


Controlled whether results were streamed to the client as it

requested data, or if all data in a result set was sent to the client,
which cached it in a local file. Removed since the new driver
always uses streaming mode.

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New Features in the Version JDBC Driver

The HP Vertica Version 7.0 JDBC driver introduces JDBC 4.0 compatibility. This driver is
completely backwards compatible with the earlier driver versions, so you do not need to change the
code of your Java client application or even recompile it. You may wish to update you client
application to take advantage of some of the features offered by the new driver, which are explained

JNDI Service Registration

In prior versions of the HP Vertica JDBC driver, your client application needed to load the JDBC
driver by calling Class.forName("com.vertica.jdbc.Driver") before using it. The new driver
implements JNDI service registration, so the JVM automatically finds and loads the JDBC driver
when your application tries to use it. Therefore, your application no longer needs to call
Class.forName before using the JDBC driver. There is no harm in having you application still call
Class.forName so you do not need to remove this call if it is already there.
Note: If you want your application to remain compatible with the JDBC 3.0 driver so it can run
in a Java 5 JVM, you should still have it call Class.forName to load the driver. You can remove
the call if your application will only be run on Java 6 or later JVMs which use the JDBC 4.0

Exception Class Improvements

In the JDBC 3.0 standard, most errors were signaled by throwing a single exception class
(SQLException). This single class makes it difficult for a client application to analyze errors. JDBC
4.0 introduces a hierarchy of subclasses of SQLException which provide more specific information
to your application about the type of error that has occurred. With these new classes, your client
application can better respond to errors, potentially resolving them itself.
For example, exception subclasses that inherit from the SQLTransientException subclass of
SQLException (such as SQLTransientConnectionException) are thrown by the driver when it
encounters an error that may be caused by a temporary condition (such as a timeout or a network
issue that might resolve itself). Your client application could catch this exception and automatically
retry the operation instead of immediately reporting a failure to the user.
The SQLException class and its subclasses now make iterating over multiple exceptions easier by
implementing the Iterator interface.
See Handling Errors for details about using these new SQLException subclasses.

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Wrapper Interface Support

The JDBC 4.0 standard introduces the Wrapper interface, which lets client applications discover
vendor-specific extensions to the JDBC standards. Your client application can use this interface to
find Vertica-specific extensions to standard JDBC classes such as VerticaConnection (an
extension to the standard Connection class) and VerticaPreparedStatement (an extension to the
PreparedStatement class) which implement the Wrapper interface.

Additional DatabaseMetaData Methods

Past versions of the JDBC standard contained the DatabaseMetaData interface which let client
applications determine which features the JDBC driver and database implemented. JDBC 4.0
extends this interface with new methods that the HP Vertica JDBC driver implements. Among
these new methods are getFunctions() and getFunctionColumns() which let your client
application find which User Defined Functions (UDFs) are defined in the HP Vertica catalog, and
determine their input and output values. See Developing and Using User Defined Functions for
more information about UDFs.

Improved Connection Pooling

The HP Vertica Version 7.0 JDBC driver implements the improvements in connection pooling
defined in the JDBC 4.0 standard. These improvements include:

new methods to determine if a connection is still valid.

new methods to report information about the client back to the server.

new callback methods to alert client applications to the expiration of a connection or statement.

Normally, your client application will not use this API directly. Instead, you use an application
framework that handles connection pooling for you. See Using a Pooling Data Source for more

Native Connection Load Balancing Support

The HP Vertica Version 7.0 server, client libraries, and vsql client support native connection load
balancing, which helps spread the resources used by client connections across all of the hosts in
the database. See "About Native Connection Load Balancing" on page 1 in the Administrator's
Guide for details. To support this feature, the JDBC driver has a new connection parameter named

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ConnectionLoadBalance to enable load balancing on the client side of the connection. See Enabling
Native Connection Load Balancing in JDBC for more information.

Connection Failover Support

The JDBC driver now supports two forms of connection failover: DNS based and parameter based.
This feature lets the JDBC driver automaitcally attempt to one or more backup hosts if ithe primary
host does not respond to its connection request.
See JDBC Connection Failover for more information.

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Creating and Configuring a Connection

Before your Java application can interact with HP Vertica, it must create a connection. Connecting
to HP Vertica using JDBC is similar to connecting to most other databases.

Importing SQL Packages

Before creating a connection, you must import the Java SQL packages. A simple way to do so is to
import the entire package using a wildcard:
import java.sql.*;

You may also want to import the Properties class. You can use an instance of this class to pass
connection properties when instantiating a connection, rather than encoding everything within the
connection string:
import java.util.Properties;

If your application needs to run in a Java 5 JVM, it uses the older JDBC 3.0-compliant driver. This
driver requires that you to manually load the HP Vertica JDBC driver using the Class.forName()
// Only required for old JDBC 3.0 driver
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// Could not find the driver class. Likely an issue
// with finding the .jar file.
System.err.println("Could not find the JDBC driver class.");
return; // Exit. Cannot do anything further.

Your application may run in a Java 6 or later JVM. If so, then the JVM automatically loads the HP
Vertica JDBC 4.0-compatible driver without requiring the call to Class.forName. However, making
this call does not adversely affect the process.Thus, if you want your application to be compatible
with both Java 5 and Java 6 (or later) JVMs, it can still call Class.forName.

Opening the Connection

With SQL packages imported, you are ready to create your connection by calling the
DriverManager.getConnection() method. You supply this method with at least the following

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The IP address or host name of a node in the database cluster:

You can provide an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or hostname.
In mixed IPv4/IPv6 networks, the DNS server configuration determines which IP version
address is sent first. Use the PreferredAddressFamily option to force the connection to use
either IPv4 or IPv6.

Port number for the database

Name of the database

Username of a database user account

Password of the user (if the user has a password)

The first three parameters are always supplied as part of the connection string, a URL that tells the
JDBC driver where to find the database. The format of the connection string is:

The first portion of the connection string selects the HP Vertica JDBC driver, followed by the
location of the database.
You can provide the last two parameters, username and password, to theJDBC driver, in one of
three ways:

As part of the connection string. The parameters are encoded similarly to URL parameters:

As separate parameters to DriverManager.getConnection():

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"username", "password");

In a Properties object:
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "username");
myProp.put("password", "password");
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:vertica://VerticaHost:portNumber/databaseName", myProp);

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Of these three methods, the Properties object is the most flexible because it makes passing
additional connection properties to the getConnection() method easy. See Connection Properties
and Setting and Getting Connection Property Values for more information about the additional
connection properties.
If there is any problem establishing a connection to the database, the getConnection() method
throws a SQLException on one of its subclasses. . To prevent an exception, enclose the method
within a try-catch block, as shown in the following complete example of establishing a connection.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
public class VerySimpleVerticaJDBCExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
* If your client needs to run under a Java 5 JVM, It will use the older
* JDBC 3.0-compliant driver, which requires you manually load the
* driver using Class.forname
* try { Class.forName("com.vertica.jdbc.Driver"); } catch
* (ClassNotFoundException e) { // Could not find the driver class.
* Likely an issue // with finding the .jar file.
* System.err.println("Could not find the JDBC driver class.");
* e.printStackTrace(); return; // Bail out. We cannot do anything
* further. }
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "dbadmin");
myProp.put("password", "vertica");
myProp.put("loginTimeout", "35");
myProp.put("binaryBatchInsert", "true");
Connection conn;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:vertica://", myProp);
} catch (SQLTransientConnectionException connException) {
// There was a potentially temporary network error
// Could automatically retry a number of times here, but
// instead just report error and exit.
System.out.print("Network connection issue: ");
System.out.println(" Try again later!");
} catch (SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException authException) {
// Either the username or password was wrong
System.out.print("Could not log into database: ");
System.out.println(" Check the login credentials and try again.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
// Catch-all for other exceptions

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Usage Considerations

When you disconnect a user session, any uncommitted transactions are automatically rolled

If your database is not compliant with your HP Vertica license terms, HP Vertica issues a
SQLWarning when you establish the connection to the database. You can retrieve this warning
using the Connection.getWarnings() method. See Managing Your License Key in the
Administrator's Guide for more information about complying with your license terms.

JDBC Connection Properties

You use connection properties to configure the connection between your JDBC client application
and your HP Vertica database. The properties provide the basic information about the connections,
such as the server name and port number to use to connect to your database. They also let you
tune the performance of your connection and enable logging.
You can set a connection property in any of three ways:

Include the property name and value as part of the connection string you pass to the
DriverManager.getConnection() method.

Set the properties in a Properties object, and then pass it to the


Use the VerticaConnection.setProperty() method. With this approach, you can change
only those connection properties that remain changeable after the connection has been

In addition, some of the standard JDBC connection properties have getters and setters on the
Connection interface (such as Connection.setAutocommit()).
The following tables list the properties supported by the HP Vertica JDBC driver, and explain which
are required in order for the connection to be established.

Connection Properties
The properties in the following table can only be set before you open the connection to the
database. Two of them are required for every connection.

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A string containing SQL statements that the JDBC driver

automatically runs after it connects to the database. You can use this
property to set the locale or schema search path, or perform other
configuration that the connection requires.
Required?: No
Default Value: none


Sets a label for the connection on the server. This value appears in
the client_label column of the V_MONITOR.SESSIONS system
Required?: No
Default Value: jdbc-driver_version-random_number


The number of seconds HP Vertica waits for a connection to be

established to the database before throwing a SQLException.
Required?: No
Default Value: 0 (no TCP timeout)


When set to true, use SSL to encrypt the connection to the server.
HP Vertica must be configured to handle SSL connections before you
can establish an SSL-encrypted connection to it. See Implementing
SSL in the Administrator's Guide.
Required?: No
Default Value: false


The password to use to log into the database.

Required?: Yes
Default Value: none


The database user name to use to connect to the database.

Required?: Yes
Default Value: none

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ConnectionLoadBalance A Boolean value indicating whether the client is willing to have its
connection redirected to another host in the HP Vertica database.
This setting has an effect only if the server has also enabled
connection load balancing. See About Native Connection Load
Balancing in the Administrator's Guide for more information about
native connection load balancing.
Required?: No
Default Value: false

A string containing the host name or IP address of one or more hosts

in the database. If the connection to the host specified in the
connection string times out, the client attempts to connect to any host
named in this string.The host name or IP address can also include a
colon followed by the port number for the database. If no port number
is specified, the client uses the standard port number (5433) .
Separate multiple host name or IP address entries with commas.
Required?: No
Default Value: none


The IP version to use if the client and server have both IPv4 and IPv6
addresses and you have provided a host name. Valid values are:

ipv4Connect to the server using IPv4.

ipv6Connect to the server using IPv6.

noneUse the IP address provided by the DNS server.

Required?: No
Default Value: none

General Properties
The following properties can be set after the connection is established. None of these properties are

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Controls whether the connection automatically commits transactions. Set

this parameter to false to prevent the connection from automatically
committing its transactions. You often want to do this when you are bulk
loading multiple batches of data and you want the ability to roll back all of
the loads if an error occurs.
Previous Property NameNote: This property was called
defaultAutoCommit in previous versions of the HP Vertica JDBC driver.
Set After Connection: Connection.setAutoCommit()
Default Value: true


Determines whether a batch insert stored data directly into ROS (true) or
using AUTO mode (false).
When you load data using AUTO mode, HP Vertica inserts the data first
into the WOS. If the WOS is full, then HP Vertica inserts the data directly
into ROS. See the COPY statement for more details.
Set After Connection: VerticaConnection.setProperty()
Default Value: false


When set to true, makes the data connection read-only. Any queries
attempting to update the database using a read-only connection cause a
Set After Connection: Connection.setReadOnly()
Default Value: false


Sets the size of the buffer the HP Vertica JDBC driver uses to temporarily
store result sets.
Note: This property was named maxLRSMemory in previous versions of
the HP Vertica JDBC driver.
Set After Connection: VerticaConnection.setProperty()
Default Value: 8912 (8KB)

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Sets the schema search path for the connection. This value is a string
containing a comma-separated list of schema names. See Setting Search
Paths in the Administrator's Guide for more information on the schema
search path.
Set After Connection: VerticaConnection.setProperty()
Default Value: "$user", public, v_catalog, v_monitor, v_internal


A Boolean value that controls how DatabaseMetaData reports the catalog

name. When set to true, the database name is returned as the catalog
name in the database metadata. When set to false, NULL is returned as
the catalog name.
Enable this option if your client software is set up to get the catalog name
from the database metadata for use in a three-part name reference.
Set After Connection: VerticaConnection.setProperty()
Default Value: true

TransactionIsolation Sets the isolation level of the transactions that use the connection. See
Changing the Transaction Isolation Level for details.
Note: In previous versions of the HP Vertica JDBC driver, this property
was only available using a getter and setter on the PGConnection object.
You can now set it in the same way as other connection properties.
Set After Connection: Connection.setTransactionIsolation()

Logging Properties
The properties that control client logging must be set before the connection is opened. None of
these properties are required, and none can be changed after the Connection object has been

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Sets the type of information logged by the JDBC driver. The value is set to one
of the following values:







Default Value: "OFF"

LogNameSpace Restricts logging to just messages generated by a specific packages. Valid
values are:

com.vertica All messages generated by the JDBC driver

com.vertica.jdbc All messages generated by the top-level JDBC API

com.vertica.jdbc.kv A ll messages generated by the JDBC KV API)

com.vertica.jdbc.core Connection and statement settings Client/server protocol messages

com.vertica.jdbc.util Miscellaneous utilities

com.vertica.jdbc.dataengine Query execution and result set


com.vertica.dataengine Query execution and result set iteration

Default Value: none


Sets the path where the log file is written.

Default Value: The current working directory

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Kerberos Connection Parameters

Use the following parameters to set the service and host name principals for client authentication
using Kerberos.



Provides the name of the JAAS configuration that contains the JAAS
Krb5LoginModule and its settings
Default Value: verticajdbc

KerberosServiceName Provides the service name portion of the HP Vertica Kerberos principal,
for example: vertica/[email protected]
Default Value: vertica

Provides the instance or host name portion of theHP Vertica Kerberos

principal, for example: vertica/[email protected]
Default Value: Value specified in the servername connection string

Routable Connection API Connection Parameters

Use the following parameters to set properties to enable and configure the connection for Routable
Connection lookups.



Enables Routable Connection lookup. See

Routing JDBC Queries Directly to a Single Node
Default Value: false


If the query plan requires more than one node, then

the query fails. Only applicable when
EnableRoutableQueries = true.
Default Value: true

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MetadataCacheLifetime The time in seconds to keep projection metadata.

Only applicable when EnableRoutableQueries =
Default Value:

Cluster-wide maximum number of connections to

keep in the VerticaRoutableConnections internal
pool. Only applicable when
EnableRoutableQueries = true.
Default Value: 20


Per-node maximum number of connections to


keep in the VerticaRoutableConnections internal

pool. Only applicable when
EnableRoutableQueries = true.
Default Value: 5

Note: You can also use VerticaConnection.setProperty() method to set properties that
have standard JDBC Connection setters, such as AutoCommit.
For information about manipulating these attributes, see Setting and Getting Connection Property

Setting and Getting Connection Property Values

You can set a connection property in any of three ways:

Include the property name and value as part of the connection string you pass to the
DriverManager.getConnection() method.

Set the properties in a Properties object, and then pass it to the


Use the VerticaConnection.setProperty() method. With this approach, you can change
only those connection properties that remain changeable after the connection has been

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In addition, some of the standard JDBC connection properties have getters and setters on the
Connection interface (such as Connection.setAutocommit()).

Setting Properties When Connecting

There are two ways you can set connection properties when creating a connection to HP Vertica:

In the connection string, using the same URL parameter format that you can use to set the
username and password. The following example sets the SSL connection parameter to true:

Setting a host name using the setProperty() method overrides the host name set in a
connection string as seen above. If this occurs, Vertica may not be able to connect to a host. For
example, using the connection string above, the following overrides the VerticaHost name:
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("dataSource", dataSourceURL);
props.setProperty("database", database);
props.setProperty("user", user);
props.setProperty("password", password);
ps.setProperty("jdbcDriver", jdbcDriver);
props.setProperty("hostName", "NonVertica_host");

However, if a new connection or override connection is needed, you may enter a valid host name
in the hostname properties object.
The NonVertica_host hostname overrides VerticaHost name in the connection string. To
avoid this issue comment out the props.setProperty("hostName", "NonVertica_host");
//props.setProperty("hostName", "NonVertica_host");

In a Properties object that you pass to the getConnection() call. You will need to import the
java.util.Properties class in order to instantiate a Properties object. Then you use the put
() method to add the property name and value to the object:
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser");
myProp.put("password", "password123");
myProp.put("LoginTimeout", "35");
Connection conn;
try {

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conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:vertica://VerticaHost:/ExampleDB", myProp);
} catch (SQLException e) {

Note: The data type of all of the values you set in the Properties object are strings, even if
the property value's data type is integer or Boolean.

Getting and Setting Properties After Connecting

The VerticaConnection.getProperty() method lets you get the value of some connection
properties. You can use VerticaConnection.setProperty() method to change the value for
properties that can be set after the database connection has been established. Since these
methods are HP Vertica-specific, you must cast your Connection object to the
VerticaConnection interface to be able to use them. To cast to VerticaConnection, you must
either import it into your client application or use a fully-qualified reference
(com.vertica.jdbc.VerticaConnection). The following example demonstrates getting and
setting the value of the DirectBatchInsert property.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.vertica.jdbc.*;
public class SetConnectionProperties {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Note: If your application needs to run under Java 5, you need to
// load the JDBC driver using Class.forName() here.
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser");
myProp.put("password", "password123");
// Set DirectBatchInsert to true initially
myProp.put("DirectBatchInsert", "true");
Connection conn;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
// Show state of the DirectBatchInsert property. This was set at the
// time the connection was created.
System.out.println("DirectBatchInsert state: "
+ ((VerticaConnection) conn).getProperty(
// Change it and show it again
((VerticaConnection) conn).setProperty("DirectBatchInsert", false);
System.out.println("DirectBatchInsert state is now: " +
((VerticaConnection) conn).getProperty(

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} catch (SQLException e) {

When run, the example prints the following on the standard output:
DirectBatchInsert state: true
DirectBatchInsert state is now: false

Setting the Locale for JDBC Sessions

You set the locale for a connection while opening it by including a SET LOCALE statement in the
ConnSettings property, or by executing a SET LOCALE statement at any time after opening the
connection. Changing the locale of a Connection object affects all of the Statement objects you
instantiated using it.
You can get the locale by executing a SHOW LOCALE query. The following example demonstrates
setting the locale using ConnSettings and executing a statement, as well as getting the locale:
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
public class GetAndSetLocale {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser");
myProp.put("password", "password123");

// Set Locale to true en_GB on connection. After the connection

// is established, the JDBC driver runs the statements in the
// ConnSettings property.
myProp.put("ConnSettings", "SET LOCALE TO en_GB");
Connection conn;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
// Execute a query to get the locale. The results should
// show "en_GB" as the locale, since it was set by the
// conn settings property.
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = null;
rs = stmt.executeQuery("SHOW LOCALE");
System.out.print("Query reports that Locale is set to: ");
while ( {

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// Now execute a query to set locale.

stmt.execute("SET LOCALE TO en_US");
// Run query again to get locale.
rs = stmt.executeQuery("SHOW LOCALE");
System.out.print("Query now reports that Locale is set to: ");
while ( {
// Clean up
} catch (SQLException e) {

Running the above example displays the following on the system console:
Query reports that Locale is set to: en_GB (LEN)
Query now reports that Locale is set to: en_US (LEN)


JDBC applications use a UTF-16 character set encoding and are responsible for converting any
non-UTF-16 encoded data to UTF-16. Failing to convert the data can result in errors or the data
being stored incorrectly.

The JDBC driver converts UTF-16 data to UTF-8 when passing to the HP Vertica server and
converts data sent by HP Vertica server from UTF-8 to UTF-16 .

Changing the Transaction Isolation Level

Changing the transaction isolation level lets you choose how transactions prevent interference from
other transactions. By default, the JDBC driver matches the transaction isolation level of the HP
Vertica server. The HP Vertica default transaction isolation level is READ_COMMITTED, which means
any changes made by a transaction cannot be read by any other transaction until after they are
committed. This prevents a transaction from reading data inserted by another transaction that is
later rolled back.
HP Vertica also supports the SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation level. This level locks tables to
prevent queries from having the results of their WHERE clauses changed by other transactions.
Locking tables can have a performance impact, since only one transaction is able to access the
table at a time.

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A transaction retains its isolation level until it completes, even if the session's transaction isolation
level changes mid-transaction. HP Vertica internal processes (such as the Tuple Mover and
refresh operations) and DDL operations are always run at SERIALIZABLE isolation level to ensure
You can change the transaction isolation level connection property after the connection has been
established using the Connection object's setter (setTransactionIsolation()) and getter
(getTransactionIsolation()). The value for transaction isolation property is an integer. The
Connection interface defines constants to help you set the value in a more intuitive manner:



Note: The Connection interface also defines several other transaction isolation constants
(READ_UNCOMMITTED and REPEATABLE_READ). Since HP Vertica does not support these
isolation levels, they are converted to READ_COMMITTED and SERIALIZABLE, respectively.
The following example demonstrates setting the transaction isolation level to SERIALIZABLE.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
public class SetTransactionIsolation {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser");
myProp.put("password", "password123");
Connection conn;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
// Get default transaction isolation
System.out.println("Transaction Isolation Level: "
+ conn.getTransactionIsolation());
// Set transaction isolation to SERIALIZABLE
// Get the transaction isolation again
System.out.println("Transaction Isolation Level: "
+ conn.getTransactionIsolation());
} catch (SQLException e) {

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Running the example results in the following being printed out to the console:
Transaction Isolation Level: 2Transaction Isolation Level: 8

Using a Pooling Data Source

A pooling data source uses a collection of persistent connections in order to reduce the overhead of
repeatedly opening network connections between the client and server. Opening a new connection
for each request is costly for both the server and the client than keeping a small pool of connections
open constantly, ready to be used by new requests. When a request comes in, one of the preexisting connections in the pool is assigned to it. Only if there are no free connections in the pool is
a new connection created. Once the request is complete, the connection returns to the pool and
waits to service another request.
The HP Vertica JDBC driver supports connection pooling as defined in the JDBC 4.0 standard. If
you are using a J2EE-based application server in conjunction with HP Vertica, it should already
have a built-in data pooling feature. All that is required is that the application server work with the
PooledConnection interface implemented by HP Vertica's JDBC driver. An application server's
pooling feature is usually well-tuned for the works loads that the server is designed to handle. See
your application server's documentation for details on how to work with pooled connections.
Normally, using pooled connections should be transparent in your codeyou will just open
connections and the application server will worry about the details of pooling them.
If you are not using an application server, or your application server does not offer connection
pooling that is compatible with HP Vertica, you can use a third-party pooling library, such as the
open-source c3p0 or DBCP libraries, to implement connection pooling.
Note: The Vertica Analytic Database client driver's native connection load balancing feature
works with third-party connection pooling supplied by application servers and third-party
pooling libraries. See Enabling Native Connection Load Balancing in JDBC for more

Enabling Native Connection Load Balancing in JDBC

Native connection load balancing helps spread the overhead caused by client connections on the
hosts in the HP Vertica database. Both the server and the client must enable native connection load
balancing in order for it to have an effect. If both have enabled it, then when the client initially
connects to a host in the database, the host picks a host to handle the client connection from a list
of the currently up hosts in the database, and informs the client which host it has chosen. If the
initially-contacted host did not choose itself to handle the connection, the client disconnects, then
opens a second connection to the host selected by the first host. The connection process to this

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second host proceeds as usualif SSL is enabled, then SSL negotiations begin, otherwise the
client begins the authentication process. See About Native Connection Load Balancing in the
Administrator's Guide for details.
To enable native load balancing on your client, set the ConnectionLoadBalance connection
parameter to true. The following example demonstrates connecting to the database several times
with native connection load balancing enabled, and fetching the name of the node handling the
connection from the V_MONITOR.CURRENT_SESSION system table.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.vertica.jdbc.DataSource;
public class ConnectionLoadBalancingExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
* If your client needs to run under a Java 5 JVM, It will use the older
* JDBC 3.0-compliant driver, which requires you manually load the
* driver using Class.forname
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "dbadmin");
myProp.put("password", "vertica");
// Enable connection load balancing on this client. Only works if it is set on
// server as well.
myProp.put("ConnectionLoadBalance", 1);
Connection conn;
// Connect 4 times. See if we connect to a different node each time.
for (int x=1; x <= 4; x++) {
try {
System.out.print("Connect attempt #" + x + "...");
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:vertica://", myProp);
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
// Query system to table to see what node we are connected to. Assume a
single row
// in response set.
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT node_name FROM v_
System.out.println("Connected to node " + rs.getString(1).trim());
} catch (SQLException e) {
// Catch-all for other exceptions

Running the above example produces the following output:

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Connect attempt #1...Connected to node v_vmart_node0001

Status of load balance policy on server: roundrobin
Connect attempt #2...Connected to node v_vmart_node0002
Connect attempt #3...Connected to node v_vmart_node0003
Connect attempt #4...Connected to node v_vmart_node0001

JDBC Connection Failover

If a client application attempts to connect to a host in the Vertica Analytic Database cluster that is
down, the connection attempt fails when using the default connection configuration. This failure
usually returns an error to the user. The user must either wait until the host recovers and retry the
connection or manually edit the connection settings to choose another host.
Due to Vertica Analytic Database's distributed architecture, you usually do not care which
database host handles a client application's connection. You can use the client driver's connection
failover feature to prevent the user from getting connection errors when the host specified in the
connection settings is unreachable. It gives you two ways to let the client driver automatically
attempt to connect to a different host if the one specified in the connection parameters is

Configure your DNS server to return multiple IP addresses for a host name. When you use this
host name in the connection settings, the client attempts to connect to the first IP address from
the DNS lookup. If the host at that IP address is unreachable, the client tries to connect to the
second IP, and so on until it either manages to connect to a host or it runs out of IP addresses.

Supply a list of backup hosts for the client driver to try if the primary host you specify in the
connection parameters is unreachable.

For both methods, the process of failover is transparent to the client application (other than
specifying the list of backup hosts, if you choose to use the list method of failover). If the primary
host is unreachable, the client driver automatically tries to connect to other hosts.
Failover only applies to the initial establishment of the client connection. If the connection breaks,
the driver does not automatically try to reconnect to another host in the database.

Choosing a Failover Method

You usually choose to use one of the two failover methods. However, they do work together. If your
DNS server returns multiple IP addresses and you supply a list of backup hosts, the client first tries
all of the IPs returned by the DNS server, then the hosts in the backup list.
Note: If a host name in the backup host list resolves to multiple IP addresses, the client does

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not try all of them. It just tries the first IP address in the list.
The DNS method of failover centralizes the configuration client failover. As you add new nodes to
your Vertica Analytic Database cluster, you can choose to add them to the failover list by editing
the DNS server settings. All client systems that use the DNS server to connect to Vertica Analytic
Database automatically use connection failover without having to change any settings. However,
this method does require administrative access to the DNS server that all clients use to connect to
the Vertica Analytic Database cluster. This may not be possible in your organization.
Using the backup server list is easier than editing the DNS server settings. However, it
decentralizes the failover feature. You may need to update the application settings on each client
system if you make changes to your Vertica Analytic Database cluster.

Using DNS Failover

To use DNS failover, you need to change your DNS server's settings to map a single host name to
multiple IP addresses of hosts in your Vertica Analytic Database cluster. You then have all client
applications use this host name to connect to Vertica Analytic Database.
You can choose to have your DNS server return as many IP addresses for the host name as you
want. In smaller clusters, you may choose to have it return the IP addresses of all of the hosts in
your cluster. However, for larger clusters, you should consider choosing a subset of the hosts to
return. Otherwise there can be a long delay as the client driver tries unsuccessfully to connect to
each host in a database that is down.

Using the Backup Host List

To enable backup list-based connection failover, your client application has to specify at least one
IP address or host name of a host in the BackupServerNode parameter. The host name or IP can
optionally be followed by a colon and a port number. If not supplied, the driver defaults to the
standard HP Vertica port number (5433). To list multiple hosts, separate them by a comma.
The following example demonstrates setting the BackupServerNode connection parameter to
specify additional hosts for the connection attempt. The connection string intentionally has a nonexistent node, so that the initial connection fails. The client driver has to resort to trying the backup
hosts to establish a connection to HP Vertica.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
public class ConnectionFailoverExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {

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// Assume using JDBC 4.0 driver on JVM 6+. No driver loading needed.
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "dbadmin");
myProp.put("password", "vertica");
// Set two backup hosts to be used if connecting to the first host
// fails. All of these hosts will be tried in order until the connection
// succeeds or all of the connections fail.
myProp.put("BackupServerNode", "VerticaHost02,VerticaHost03");
Connection conn;
try {
// The connection string is set to try to connect to a known
// bnad host (in this case, a host that never existed).
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:vertica://BadVerticaHost:5433/vmart", myProp);
// Query system to table to see what node we are connected to.
// Assume a single row in response set.
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(
"SELECT node_name FROM v_monitor.current_session;");;
System.out.println("Connected to node " + rs.getString(1).trim());
// Done with connection.
} catch (SQLException e) {
// Catch-all for other exceptions

When run, the example outputs output similar to the following on the system console:
Connected to node v_vmart_node0002

Notice that the connection was made to the first node in the backup list (node 2).


When native connection load balancing is enabled, the additional servers specified in the
BackupServerNode connection parameter are only used for the initial connection to an HP
Vertica host. If host redirects the client to another host in the database cluster to handle its
connection request, the second connection does not use the backup node list. This is rarely an
issue, since native connection load balancing is aware of which nodes are currently up in the
database. See Enabling Native Connection Load Balancing in JDBC for more information.

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JDBC Data Types

The JDBC driver transparently converts most HP Vertica data types to the appropriate Java data
type. In a few cases, an HP Vertica data type cannot be directly translated to a Java data type;
these exceptions are explained in this section.

Numeric Data Alias Conversion

The HP Vertica server supports data type aliases for integer, float and numeric types. The JDBC
driver reports these as its basic data types (BIGINT, DOUBLE PRECISION, and NUMERIC), as
HP Vertica Server Types and Aliases HP Vertica JDBC Type






If a client application retrieves the values into smaller data types, HP Vertica JDBC driver does not
check for overflows. The following example demonstrates the results of this overflow.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;

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public class JDBCDataTypes {

public static void main(String[] args) {
// If running under a Java 5 JVM, use you need to load the JDBC driver
// using Class.forname here
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser");
myProp.put("password", "password123");
Connection conn;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
// Create a table that will hold a row of different types of
// numeric data.
"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_all_types cascade");
statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE test_all_types ("
// Add a row of values to it.
statement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO test_all_types VALUES("
+ "111111111111, 444, 55555555555.5555, "
+ "77777777.77, 88888888888888888.88, "
+ "10101010.10101010101010)");
// Query the new table to get the row back as a result set.
ResultSet rs = statement
.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM test_all_types");
// Get the metadata about the row, including its data type.
ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();
// Loop should only run once...
while ( {
// Print out the data type used to defined the column, followed
// by the values retrieved using several different retrieval
// methods.
String[] vertTypes = new String[] {"INTEGER", "TINYINT",
for (int x=1; x<7; x++) {
System.out.println("\n\nColumn " + x + " (" + vertTypes[x-1]
+ ")");
+ md.getColumnType(x));
+ md.getColumnTypeName(x));
+ rs.getShort(x));
System.out.println("\tgetLong()\t\t" + rs.getLong(x));
System.out.println("\tgetInt()\t\t" + rs.getInt(x));
System.out.println("\tgetByte()\t\t" + rs.getByte(x));
statement.executeUpdate("drop table test_all_types cascade");

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} catch (SQLException e) {

The above example prints the following on the console when run:
Column 1 (INTEGER)
Column 2 (TINYINT)
Column 3 (DECIMAL)
Column 4 (MONEY)
Column 6 (REAL)

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Using Intervals with JDBC

The JDBC standard does not contain a data type for intervals (the duration between two points in
time). To handle HP Vertica's INTERVAL data type, you must use JDBC's database-specific
object type.
When reading an interval value from a result set, use the ResultSet.getObject() method to
retrieve the value, and then cast it to one of the HP Vertica interval classes:
VerticaDayTimeInterval (which represents all ten types of day/time intervals) or
VerticaYearMonthInterval (which represents all three types of year/month intervals).
Note: The units interval style is not supported. Do not use the SET INTERVALSTYLE
statement to change the interval style in your client applications.

Using Intervals in Batch Inserts

When inserting batches into tables that contain interval data, you must create instances of the
VerticaDayTimeInterval or VerticaYearMonthInterval classes to hold the data you want to
insert. You set values either when calling the class's constructor, or afterwards using setters. You
then insert your interval values using the PreparedStatement.setObject() method. You can also
use the .setString() method, passing it a string in "DD

HH:MM:SS" or "YY-MM" format.

The following example demonstrates inserting data into a table containing a day/time interval and a
year/month interval:
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
// Need to import the Vertica JDBC classes to be able to instantiate
// the interval classes.
import com.vertica.jdbc.*;
public class IntervalDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// If running under a Java 5 JVM, use you need to load the JDBC driver
// using Class.forname here
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser");
myProp.put("password", "password123");
Connection conn;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:vertica://VerticaHost:5433/VMart", myProp);
// Create table for interval values
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS interval_demo");
stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE interval_demo("

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// Insert data into interval columns using
// VerticaDayTimeInterval and VerticaYearMonthInterval
// classes.
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(
"INSERT INTO interval_demo VALUES(?,?)");
// Create instances of the Vertica classes that represent
// intervals.
VerticaDayTimeInterval dayInt = new VerticaDayTimeInterval(10, 0,
5, 40, 0, 0, false);
VerticaYearMonthInterval monthInt = new VerticaYearMonthInterval(
10, 6, false);
// These objects can also be manipulated using setters.
// Add the interval values to the batch
((VerticaPreparedStatement) pstmt).setObject(1, dayInt);
((VerticaPreparedStatement) pstmt).setObject(2, monthInt);
// Set another row from strings.
// Set day interval in "days HH:MM:SS" format
pstmt.setString(1, "10 10:10:10");
// Set year to month value in "MM-YY" format
pstmt.setString(2, "12-09");
// Execute the batch to insert the values.
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Error message: " + e.getMessage());

Reading Interval Values

You read an interval value from a result set using the ResultSet.getObject() method, and cast
the object to the appropriate HP Vertica object class: VerticaDayTimeInterval for day/time
intervals or VerticaYearMonthInterval for year/month intervals. This is easy to do if you know
that the column contains an interval, and you know what type of interval it is. If your application
cannot assume the structure of the data in the result set it reads in, you can test whether a column
contains a database-specific object type, and if so, determine whether the object belongs to either
the VerticaDayTimeInterval or VerticaYearMonthInterval classes.
// Retrieve the interval values inserted by previous demo.
// Query the table to get the row back as a result set.
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM interval_demo");
// If you do not know the types of data contained in the result set,
// you can read its metadata to determine the type, and use
// additional information to determine the interval type.
ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();
while ( {
for (int x = 1; x <= md.getColumnCount(); x++) {
// Get data type from metadata

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int colDataType = md.getColumnType(x);

// You can get the type in a string:
System.out.println("Column " + x + " is a "
+ md.getColumnTypeName(x));
// Normally, you'd have a switch statement here to
// handle all sorts of column types, but this example is
// simplified to just handle database-specific types
if (colDataType == Types.OTHER) {
// Column contains a database-specific type. Determine
// what type of interval it is. Assuming it is an
// interval...
Object columnVal = rs.getObject(x);
if (columnVal instanceof VerticaDayTimeInterval) {
// We know it is a date time interval
VerticaDayTimeInterval interval =
(VerticaDayTimeInterval) columnVal;
// You can use the getters to access the interval's
// data
System.out.print("Column " + x + "'s value is ");
System.out.print(interval.getDay() + " Days ");
System.out.print(interval.getHour() + " Hours ");
+ " Minutes");
} else if (columnVal instanceof VerticaYearMonthInterval) {
VerticaYearMonthInterval interval =
(VerticaYearMonthInterval) columnVal;
System.out.print("Column " + x + "'s value is ");
System.out.print(interval.getYear() + " Years ");
System.out.println(interval.getMonth() + " Months");
} else {
System.out.println("Not an interval.");
} catch (SQLException e) {

The example prints the following to the console:


1's value is 10
2's value is 10
1's value is 10
2's value is 12

Days 7 Hours 5 Minutes
Years 6 Months
Days 10 Hours 10 Minutes
Years 9 Months

Another option is to use database metadata to find columns that contain intervals.
// Determine the interval data types by examining the database

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// metadata.
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = conn.getMetaData();
ResultSet dbMeta = dbmd.getColumns(null, null, "interval_demo", null);
int colcount = 0;
while ( {
// Get the metadata type for a column.
int javaType = dbMeta.getInt("DATA_TYPE");
System.out.println("Column " + ++colcount + " Type name is " +
if(javaType == Types.OTHER) {
// The SQL_DATETIME_SUB column in the metadata tells you
// Specifically which subtype of interval you have.
// The VerticaDayTimeInterval.isDayTimeInterval()
// methods tells you if that value is a day time.
int intervalType = dbMeta.getInt("SQL_DATETIME_SUB");
if(VerticaDayTimeInterval.isDayTimeInterval(intervalType)) {
// Now you know it is one of the 10 day/time interval types.
// When you select this column you can cast to
// VerticaDayTimeInterval.
// You can get more specific by checking intervalType
// against each of the 10 constants directly, but
// they all are represented by the same object.
System.out.println("column " + colcount + " is a " +
"VerticaDayTimeInterval intervalType = "
+ intervalType);
} else if(VerticaYearMonthInterval.isYearMonthInterval(
intervalType)) {
//now you know it is one of the 3 year/month intervals,
//and you can select the column and cast to
// VerticaYearMonthInterval
System.out.println("column " + colcount + " is a " +
"VerticaDayTimeInterval intervalType = "
+ intervalType);
} else {
System.out.println("Not an interval type.");

Executing Queries Through JDBC

To run a query through JDBC:
1. Connect with the HP Vertica database. See Creating and Configuring a Connection.
2. Run the query.
The method you use to run the query depends on the type of query you want to run:

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a DDL query that does not return a result set.

a DDL query that returns a result set.

a DML query

Executing DDL (Data Definition Language) Queries

To run DDL queries, such as CREATE TABLE and COPY, use the Statement.execute()
method. You get an instance of this class by calling the createStatement method of your
connection object.
The following example creates an instance of the Statement class and uses it to execute a
CREATE TABLE and a COPY query:
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE address_book (Last_Name char(50) default ''," +
"First_Name char(50),Email char(50),Phone_Number char(50))");
stmt.execute("COPY address_book FROM 'address.dat' DELIMITER ',' NULL 'null'");

Executing Queries That Return Result Sets

Use the Statement class's executeQuery method to execute queries that return a result set, such
as SELECT. To get the data from the result set, use methods such as getInt, getString, and
getDouble to access column values depending upon the data types of columns in the result set.
Use to advance to the next row of the data set.
ResultSet rs = null;
rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT First_Name, Last_Name FROM address_book");
int x = 1;
System.out.println(x + ". " + rs.getString(1).trim() + " "
+ rs.getString(2).trim());

Note: The HP Vertica JDBC driver does not support scrollable cursors. You can only read
forwards through the result set.

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Executing DML (Data Manipulation Language) Queries

Using executeUpdate
Use the executeUpdate method for DML SQL queries that change data in the database, such as
INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE which do not return a result set.
stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO address_book " +
"VALUES ('Ben-Shachar', 'Tamar', '[email protected]'," +
stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO address_book (First_Name, Email) " +
"VALUES ('Pete','[email protected]')");

Note: The HP Vertica JDBC driver's Statement class supports executing multiple statements
in the SQL string you pass to the execute method. The PreparedStatement class does not
support using multiple statements in a single execution.

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Loading Data Through JDBC

You can use any of the following methods to load data via the JDBC interface:

Executing a SQL INSERT statement to insert a single row directly.

Batch loading data using a prepared statement.

Bulk loading data from files or streams using COPY.

When loading data into HP Vertica, you need to decide whether to write data to the Write
Optimized Store (WOS) or the Read Optimized Store (ROS). By default, most data loading
methods insert data into the WOS until it fills up, then insert any additional data directly into ROS
containers (called AUTO mode). This is the best method to use when frequently loading small
amounts of data (often referred to as trickle-loading). When performing less frequent large data
loads (any loads over 100MB of data at once), you should change this behavior to insert data
directly into the ROS.
The following sections explain in detail how you load data using JDBC.

Using a Single Row Insert

The simplest way to insert data into a table is to use the SQL INSERT statement. You can use this
statement by instantiating a member of the Statement class, and use its executeUpdate()
method to run your SQL statement.
The following code fragment demonstrates how you can create a Statement object and use it to
insert data into a table named address_book:
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO address_book " +
"VALUES ('Smith', 'John', '[email protected]', " +

This method has a few drawbacks: you need convert your data to string and escape any special
characters in your data. A better way to insert data is to use prepared statements. See Batch
Inserts Using JDBC Prepared Statements.


Types with JDBC
Using LONG VARCHAR and LONG VARBINARY data types in a JDBC client application is
similar to using VARCHAR and VARBINARY data types. The JDBC driver transparently handles

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the conversion (for example, between a Java String object and a LONG VARCHAR). The
following example code demonstrates inserting and retrieving a LONG VARCHAR string. It uses
the JDBC Types class to determine the data type of the string returned by HP Vertica, although it
does not actually need to know whether the database column is a LONG VARCHAR or just a
VARCHAR in order to retrieve the value.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
public class LongVarcharExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
System.err.println("Could not find the JDBC driver class.");
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser");
myProp.put("password", "password123");
Connection conn;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
// establish connection and make a table for the data.
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
// How long we want the example string to be. This is
// larger than can fit into a traditional VARCHAR (which is limited
// to 65000.
int length = 100000;
// Create a table with a LONG VARCHAR column that can store
// the string we want to insert.
stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS longtable CASCADE");
stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE longtable (text LONG VARCHAR(" + length
+ "))");
// Build a long string by appending an integer to a string builder
// until we hit the size limit. Will result in a string
// containing 01234567890123....
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
sb.append(i % 10);
String value = sb.toString();
System.out.println("String value is " + value.length() +
" characters long.");
// Create the prepared statement
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(
"INSERT INTO longtable (text)" +
" VALUES(?)");
try {

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// Insert LONG VARCHAR value

System.out.println("Inserting LONG VARCHAR value");
pstmt.setString(1, value);
// Query the table we created to get the value back.
ResultSet rs = null;
rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM longtable");
// Get metadata about the result set.
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
// Print the type of the first column. Should be
// LONG VARCHAR. Also check it against the Types class, to
// recognize it programmatically.
System.out.println("Column #1 data type is: " +
if (rsmd.getColumnType(1) == Types.LONGVARCHAR) {
System.out.println("It is a LONG VARCHAR");
} else {
System.out.println("It is NOT a LONG VARCHAR");
// Print out the string length of the returned value.
while ( {
// Use the same getString method to get the value that you
// use to get the value of a VARCHAR.
System.out.println("Returned string length: " +
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Error message: " + e.getMessage());
return; // Exit if there was an error
// Cleanup
} catch (SQLException e) {

Note: Do not use inefficient encoding formats for LONG VARBINARY and LONG
VARCHAR values. HP Vertica cannot load encoded values larger than 32MB, even if the
decoded value is less than 32 MB in size. For example, HP Vertica returns an error if you
attempt to load a 32MB LONG VARBINARY value encoded in octal format, since the
octal encoding quadruples the size of the value (each byte is converted into a backslash
followed by three digits).

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Batch Inserts Using JDBC Prepared Statements

You can load batches of data into HP Vertica using prepared INSERT statementsserver-side
statements that you set up once, and then call repeatedly. You instantiate a member of the
PreparedStatement class with a SQL statement that contains question mark placeholders for
data. For example:
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(
"INSERT INTO customers(last, first, id) VALUES(?,?,?)");

You then set the parameters using data-type-specific methods on the PreparedStatement object,
such as setString() and setInt(). Once your parameters are set, call the addBatch() method to
add the row to the batch. When you have a complete batch of data ready, call the executeBatch()
method to execute the insert batch.
Behind the scenes, the batch insert is converted into a COPY statement. When the connection's
AutoCommit parameter is disabled, HP Vertica keeps the COPY statement open and uses it to
load subsequent batches until the transaction is committed, the cursor is closed, or your application
executes anything else (or executes any statement using another Statement or
PreparedStatement object). Using a single COPY statement for multiple batch inserts makes
loading data more efficient. If you are loading multiple batches, you should disable the AutoCommit
property of the database to take advantage of this increased efficiency.
When performing batch inserts, experiment with various batch and row sizes to determine the
settings that provide the best performance.
The following example demonstrates using a prepared statement to batch insert data.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
public class BatchInsertExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser");
myProp.put("password", "password123");
//Set streamingBatchInsert to True to enable streaming mode for batch inserts.
//myProp.put("streamingBatchInsert", "True");
Connection conn;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
// establish connection and make a table for the data.
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

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// Set AutoCommit to false to allow Vertica to reuse the same

// COPY statement

// Drop table and recreate.

stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers CASCADE");
stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE customers (CustID int, Last_Name"
+ " char(50), First_Name char(50),Email char(50), "
+ "Phone_Number char(12))");
// Some dummy data to insert.
String[] firstNames = new String[] { "Anna", "Bill", "Cindy",
"Don", "Eric" };
String[] lastNames = new String[] { "Allen", "Brown", "Chu",
"Dodd", "Estavez" };
String[] emails = new String[] { "[email protected]",
"[email protected]", "[email protected]",
"[email protected]", "[email protected]" };
String[] phoneNumbers = new String[] { "123-456-7890",
"555-444-3333", "555-867-5309",
"555-555-1212", "781-555-0000" };
// Create the prepared statement
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(
"INSERT INTO customers (CustID, Last_Name, " +
"First_Name, Email, Phone_Number)" +
" VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)");
// Add rows to a batch in a loop. Each iteration adds a
// new row.
for (int i = 0; i < firstNames.length; i++) {
// Add each parameter to the row.
pstmt.setInt(1, i + 1);
pstmt.setString(2, lastNames[i]);
pstmt.setString(3, firstNames[i]);
pstmt.setString(4, emails[i]);
pstmt.setString(5, phoneNumbers[i]);
// Add row to the batch.
try {
// Batch is ready, execute it to insert the data
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Error message: " + e.getMessage());
return; // Exit if there was an error
// Commit the transaction to close the COPY command

// Print the resulting table.

ResultSet rs = null;
rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT CustID, First_Name, "
+ "Last_Name FROM customers ORDER BY CustID");
while ( {
System.out.println(rs.getInt(1) + " - "

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+ rs.getString(2).trim() + " "

+ rs.getString(3).trim());
// Cleanup
} catch (SQLException e) {

The result of running the example code is:


Anna Allen
Bill Brown
Cindy Chu
Don Dodd
Eric Estavez

Streaming Batch Inserts

By default, HP Vertica performs batch inserts by caching each row and inserting the cache when
the user calls the executeBatch() method. HP Vertica also supports streaming batch inserts. A
streaming batch insert adds a row to the database each time the user calls addBatch(). Streaming
batch inserts improve database performance by allowing parallel processing and reducing memory
Note: Once you begin a streaming batch insert, you cannot make other JDBC calls that require
client-server communication until you have executed the batch or closed or rolled back the
To enable streaming batch inserts, set the streamingBatchInsert property to True. The preceding
code sample includes a line enabling streamingBatchInsert mode. Remove the // comment
marks to enable this line and activate streaming batch inserts.
The following table explains the various batch insert methods and how their behavior differs
between default batch insert mode and streaming batch insert mode.

Default Batch Insert


Streaming Batch Insert Behavior


Adds a row to the row

Inserts a row into the database.


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Adds the contents of the

Sends an end-of-batch message to the

row cache to the

server and returns an array of integers

database in a single

indicating the success or failure of each


addBatch() attempt.

Clears the row cache

Not supported. Triggers an exception if used

without inserting any

when streaming batch inserts are enabled.



Using the PreparedStatement.setFloat() method can cause rounding errors. If precision is

important, use the .setDouble() method instead.

The PreparedStatement object caches the connection's AutoCommit property when the
statement is prepared. Later changes to the AutoCommit property have no effect on the
prepared statement.

Loading Batches Directly into ROS

When loading large batches of data (more than 100MB or so), you should load the data directly into
ROS containers. Inserting directly into ROS is more efficient for large loads than AUTO mode,
since it avoids overflowing the WOS and spilling the remainder of the batch to ROS. Otherwise, the
Tuple Mover has to perform a moveout on the data in the WOS, while subsequent data is directly
written into ROS containers causing your data to be segmented across storage containers.
When you load data using AUTO mode, HP Vertica inserts the data first into the WOS. If the WOS
is full, then HP Vertica inserts the data directly into ROS. See the COPY statement for more
To directly load batches into ROS, set the directBatchInsert connection property to true. See
Setting and Getting Connection Property Values for an explanation of how to set connection
properties. When this property is set to true, all batch inserts bypass the WOS and load directly into
a ROS container.
If all of batches being inserted using a connection should be inserted into the ROS, you should set
the DirectBatchInsert connection property to true in the Properties object you use to create the
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser");
myProp.put("password", "password123");

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// Enable directBatchInsert for this connection

myProp.put("DirectBatchInsert", "true");
Connection conn;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:vertica://VerticaHost:5433/ExampleDB", myProp);
. . .

If you will be using the connection for inserting both large and small batches (or you do not know the
size batches you will be inserting when you create the Connection object), you can set the
DirectBatchInsert property after the connection has been established using the
VerticaConnection.setProperty method:
((VerticaConnection)conn).setProperty("DirectBatchInsert", true);

See Setting and Getting Connection Property Values for a full example of setting DirectBatchInsert.

Error Handling During Batch Loads

When loading individual batches, you can find how many rows were accepted and what rows were
rejected (see Identifying Accepted and Rejected Rows for details). If you have disabled the
AutoCommit connection setting, other errors (such as disk space errors, for example) do not occur
while inserting individual batches. This behavior is caused by having a single SQL COPY
statement perform the loading of multiple consecutive batches (which makes the load process
more efficient). It is only when the COPY statement closes that the batched data is committed and
HP Vertica reports other types of errors.
Therefore, your bulk loading application should be prepared to check for errors when the COPY
statement closes. You can trigger the COPY statement to close by:

ending the batch load transaction by calling Connection.commit()

closing the statement using Statement.close()

setting the connection's AutoCommit property to true before inserting the last batch in the load

Note: The COPY statement also closes if you execute any non-insert statement or execute
any statement using a different Statement or PreparedStatement object. Ending the COPY
statement using either of these methods can lead to confusion and a harder-to-maintain
application, since you would need to handle batch load errors in a non-batch load statement.
You should explicitly end the COPY statement at the end of your batch load and handle any
errors at that time.

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Identifying Accepted and Rejected Rows (JDBC)

The return value of PreparedStatement.executeBatch is an integer array containing the success
or failure status of inserting each row. A value 1 means the row was accepted and a value of -3
means that the row was rejected. In the case where an exception occurred during the batch
execution, you can also get the array using BatchUpdateException.getUpdateCounts().
The following example extends the example shown in Batch Inserts Using JDBC Prepared
Statements to retrieve this array and display the results the batch load.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Properties;
public class BatchInsertErrorHandlingExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser");
myProp.put("password", "password123");
Connection conn;
// establish connection and make a table for the data.
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(

// Disable auto commit

// Create a statement
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
// Drop table and recreate.
stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers CASCADE");
stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE customers (CustID int, Last_Name"
+ " char(50), First_Name char(50),Email char(50), "
+ "Phone_Number char(12))");
// Some dummy data to insert. The one row won't insert because
// the phone number is too long for the phone column.
String[] firstNames = new String[] { "Anna", "Bill", "Cindy",
"Don", "Eric" };
String[] lastNames = new String[] { "Allen", "Brown", "Chu",
"Dodd", "Estavez" };
String[] emails = new String[] { "[email protected]",
"[email protected]", "[email protected]",
"[email protected]", "[email protected]" };
String[] phoneNumbers = new String[] { "123-456-789",
"555-444-3333", "555-867-53093453453",
"555-555-1212", "781-555-0000" };
// Create the prepared statement
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(

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"INSERT INTO customers (CustID, Last_Name, " +

"First_Name, Email, Phone_Number)" +
" VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)");
// Add rows to a batch in a loop. Each iteration adds a
// new row.
for (int i = 0; i < firstNames.length; i++) {
// Add each parameter to the row.
pstmt.setInt(1, i + 1);
pstmt.setString(2, lastNames[i]);
pstmt.setString(3, firstNames[i]);
pstmt.setString(4, emails[i]);
pstmt.setString(5, phoneNumbers[i]);
// Add row to the batch.
// Integer array to hold the results of inserting
// the batch. Will contain an entry for each row,
// indicating success or failure.
int[] batchResults = null;
try {
// Batch is ready, execute it to insert the data
batchResults = pstmt.executeBatch();
} catch (BatchUpdateException e) {
// We expect an exception here, since one of the
// inserted phone numbers is too wide for its column. All of the
// rest of the rows will be inserted.
System.out.println("Error message: " + e.getMessage());
// Batch results isn't set due to exception, but you
// can get it from the exception object.
// In your own code, you shouldn't assume the a batch
// exception occurred, since exceptions can be thrown
// by the server for a variety of reasons.
batchResults = e.getUpdateCounts();
// You should also be prepared to catch SQLExceptions in your own
// application code, to handle dropped connections and other general
// problems.
// Commit the transaction

// Print the array holding the results of the batch insertions.

System.out.println("Return value from inserting batch: "
+ Arrays.toString(batchResults));
// Print the resulting table.
ResultSet rs = null;
rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT CustID, First_Name, "
+ "Last_Name FROM customers ORDER BY CustID");
while ( {
System.out.println(rs.getInt(1) + " - "
+ rs.getString(2).trim() + " "
+ rs.getString(3).trim());

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// Cleanup
} catch (SQLException e) {

Running the above example produces the following output on the console:
Error message: [Vertica][VJDBC](100172) One or more rows were rejected by the
server.Return value from inserting batch: [1, 1, -3, 1, 1]
1 - Anna Allen
2 - Bill Brown
4 - Don Dodd
5 - Eric Estavez

Notice that the third row failed to insert because its phone number is too long for the Phone_Number
column. All of the rest of the rows in the batch (including those after the error) were correctly
Note: It is more efficient for you to ensure that the data you are inserting is the correct data
type and width for the table column you are inserting it into than to handle exceptions after the

Rolling Back Batch Loads on the Server

Batch loads always insert all of their data, even if one or more rows is rejected. Only the rows that
caused errors in a batch are not loaded. When the database connection's AutoCommit property is
true, batches automatically commit their transactions when they complete, so once the batch
finishes loading, the data is committed.
In some cases, you may want all of the data in a batch to be successfully insertednone of the
data should be committed if an error occurs. The best way to accomplish this is to turn off the
database connection's AutoCommit property to prevent batches from automatically committing
themselves. Then, if a batch encounters an error, you can roll back the transaction after catching
the BatchUpdateException caused by the insertion error.
The following example demonstrates performing a rollback if any error occurs when loading a batch.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Properties;

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public class RollbackBatchOnError {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser");
myProp.put("password", "password123");
Connection conn;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
// Disable auto-commit. This will allow you to roll back a
// a batch load if there is an error.
// establish connection and make a table for the data.
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
// Drop table and recreate.
stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers CASCADE");
stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE customers (CustID int, Last_Name"
+ " char(50), First_Name char(50),Email char(50), "
+ "Phone_Number char(12))");
// Some dummy data to insert. The one row won't insert because
// the phone number is too long for the phone column.
String[] firstNames = new String[] { "Anna", "Bill", "Cindy",
"Don", "Eric" };
String[] lastNames = new String[] { "Allen", "Brown", "Chu",
"Dodd", "Estavez" };
String[] emails = new String[] { "[email protected]",
"[email protected]", "[email protected]",
"[email protected]", "[email protected]" };
String[] phoneNumbers = new String[] { "123-456-789",
"555-444-3333", "555-867-53094535", "555-555-1212",
"781-555-0000" };
// Create the prepared statement
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(
"INSERT INTO customers (CustID, Last_Name, " +
"First_Name, Email, Phone_Number) "+
// Add rows to a batch in a loop. Each iteration adds a
// new row.
for (int i = 0; i < firstNames.length; i++) {
// Add each parameter to the row.
pstmt.setInt(1, i + 1);
pstmt.setString(2, lastNames[i]);
pstmt.setString(3, firstNames[i]);
pstmt.setString(4, emails[i]);
pstmt.setString(5, phoneNumbers[i]);
// Add row to the batch.
// Integer array to hold the results of inserting
// the batch. Will contain an entry for each row,
// indicating success or failure.
int[] batchResults = null;
try {
// Batch is ready, execute it to insert the data
batchResults = pstmt.executeBatch();
// If we reach here, we inserted the batch without errors.

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// Commit it.
System.out.println("Batch insert successful. Committing.");
} catch (BatchUpdateException e) {
System.out.println("Error message: " + e.getMessage());
// Batch results isn't set due to exception, but you
// can get it from the exception object.
batchResults = e.getUpdateCounts();
// Roll back the batch transaction.
System.out.println("Rolling back batch insertion");
catch (SQLException e) {
// General SQL errors, such as connection issues, throw
// SQLExceptions. Your application should do something more
// than just print a stack trace,
System.out.println("Return value from inserting batch: "
+ Arrays.toString(batchResults));
System.out.println("Customers table contains:");

// Print the resulting table.

ResultSet rs = null;
rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT CustID, First_Name, "
+ "Last_Name FROM customers ORDER BY CustID");
while ( {
System.out.println(rs.getInt(1) + " - "
+ rs.getString(2).trim() + " "
+ rs.getString(3).trim());
// Cleanup
} catch (SQLException e) {

Running the above example prints the following on the system console:
Error message: [Vertica][VJDBC](100172) One or more rows were rejected by the
server.Rolling back batch insertion
Return value from inserting batch: [1, 1, -3, 1, 1]
Customers table contains:

The return values indicate whether each rows was successfully inserted. The value 1 means the
row inserted without any issues, and a -3 indicates the row failed to insert.
The customers table is empty since the batch insert was rolled back due to the error caused by the
third column.

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Bulk Loading Using the COPY Statement

One of the fastest ways to load large amounts of data into HP Vertica at once (bulk loading) is to
use the COPY statement. This statement loads data from a file stored on an HP Vertica host (or in
a data stream) into a table in the database. You can pass the COPY statement parameters that
define the format of the data in the file, how the data is to be transformed as it is loaded, how to
handle errors, and how the data should be loaded. See the COPY documentation in the SQL
Reference Manual for details.
One parameter that is particularly important is the DIRECT option, which tells COPY to load the
data directly into ROS rather than going through the WOS. You should use this option when you are
loading large files (over 100MB) into the database. Without this option, your load may fill the WOS
and overflow into ROS, requiring the Tuple Mover to perform a Moveout on the data in the WOS. It
is more efficient to directly load into ROS and avoid forcing a moveout.
Only a superuser can use the COPY statement to copy a file stored on a host, so you must
connect to the database using a superuser account. If you want to have a non-superuser user bulkload data, you can use COPY to load from a stream on the host (such as STDIN) rather than a file
or stream data from the client (see Streaming Data Via JDBC). You can also perform a standard
batch insert using a prepared statement, which uses the COPY statement in the background to load
the data.
The following example demonstrates using the COPY statement through the JDBC to load a file
name customers.txt into a new database table. This file must be stored on the database host to
which your application connects (in this example, a host named VerticaHost). Since the
customers.txt file used in the example is very large, this example uses the DIRECT option to
bypass WOS and load directly into ROS.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.vertica.jdbc.*;
public class COPYFromFile {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "ExampleAdmin"); // Must be superuser
myProp.put("password", "password123");
Connection conn;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
// Disable AutoCommit
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
// Create a table to hold data.
stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers;");
stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customers (Last_Name char(50) "

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+ "NOT NULL, First_Name char(50),Email char(50), "

+ "Phone_Number char(15))");
// Use the COPY command to load data. Load directly into ROS, since
// this load could be over 100MB. Use ENFORCELENGTH to reject
// strings too wide for their columns.
boolean result = stmt.execute("COPY customers FROM "
+ " '/data/customers.txt' DIRECT ENFORCELENGTH");
// Determine if execution returned a count value, or a full result
// set.
if (result) {
System.out.println("Got result set");
} else {
// Count will usually return the count of rows inserted.
System.out.println("Got count");
int rowCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();
System.out.println("Number of accepted rows = " + rowCount);

// Commit the data load

} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.print("Error: ");

The example prints the following out to the system console when run (assuming that the
customers.txt file contained two million valid rows):
Number of accepted rows = 2000000

Streaming Data Via JDBC

There are two options to stream data from a file on the client to your HP Vertica database:

Use the VerticaCopyStream class to stream data in an object-oriented manner

Execute a COPY LOCAL SQL statement to stream the data

The topics in this section explain how to use these options.

Using VerticaCopyStream
The VerticaCopyStream class lets you stream data from the client system to an HP Vertica
database. It lets you use the SQL COPY statement directly without having to copy the data to a
host in the database cluster first. Using the COPY command to load data from the host requires

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superuser privileges to be able to access the host's filesystem. The COPY statement used to load
data from a stream does not require superuser privileges so your client can connect using any user
account that has INSERT privileges on the table that will receive the data.
To copy streams into the database:
1. Disable the database connections AutoCommit connection parameter.
2. Instantiate a VerticaCopyStreamObject, passing it at least the database connection objects
and a string containing a COPY statement to load the data. This statement must copy data
from the STDIN into your table. You can use whatever parameters are appropriate for your data

Note: The VerticaCopyStreamObject constructor optionally takes a single InputStream

object, or a List of InputStream objects. This option lets you pre-populate the list of
streams to be copied into the database.

3. Call VerticaCopyStreamObject.start() to start the COPY statement and begin streaming

the data in any streams you have already added to the VerticaCopyStreamObject.
4. Call VerticaCopyStreamObject.addStream() to add additional streams to the list of streams
to send to the database. You can then call VerticaCopyStreamObject.execute() to stream
them to the server.
5. Optionally, call VerticaCopyStreamObject.getRejects() to get a list of rejected rows from
the last .execute() call. The list of rejects is reset by each call to .execute() or .finish().

Note: If you used either the REJECTED DATA or EXCEPTIONS options in the COPY
statement you passed to VerticaCopyStreamObject the object in step 2, .getRejects()
returns an empty list. You can only use one method of tracking the rejected rows at a time.

6. When you are finished adding streams, call VerticaCopyStreamObject.finish() to send

any remaining streams to the database and close the COPY statement.
7. Call Connection.commit() to commit the loaded data.

Getting Rejected Rows

The VerticaCopyStreamObject.getRejects() method returns a List containing the row numbers
of rows that were rejected after the previous .execute() method call. Each call to .execute()
clears the list of rejected rows, so you need to call .getRejects() after each call to .execute().

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Since .start() and .finish() also call .execute() to send any pending streams to the server,
you should also call .getRejects() after these methods as well.
The following example demonstrates loading the content of five text files stored on the client
system into a table.
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.vertica.jdbc.VerticaConnection;
import com.vertica.jdbc.VerticaCopyStream;
public class CopyMultipleStreamsExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Note: If running on Java 5, you need to call Class.forName
// to manually load the JDBC driver.
// Set up the properties of the connection
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser"); // Must be superuser
myProp.put("password", "password123");
// When performing bulk loads, you should always disable the
// connection's AutoCommit property to ensure the loads happen as
// efficiently as possible by reusing the same COPY command and
// transaction.
myProp.put("AutoCommit", "false");
Connection conn;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:vertica://VerticaHost:5433/ExampleDB", myProp);
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
// Create a table to receive the data
stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers");
stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE customers (Last_Name char(50), "
+ "First_Name char(50),Email char(50), "
+ "Phone_Number char(15))");
// Prepare the query to insert from a stream. This query must use
// the COPY statement to load data from STDIN. Unlike copying from
// a file on the host, you do not need superuser privileges to
// copy a stream. All your user account needs is INSERT privileges
// on the target table.
String copyQuery = "COPY customers FROM STDIN "
// Create an instance of the stream class. Pass in the
// connection and the query string.
VerticaCopyStream stream = new VerticaCopyStream(
(VerticaConnection) conn, copyQuery);
// Keep running count of the number of rejects
int totalRejects = 0;

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// start() starts the stream process, and opens the COPY command.

If you added streams to VerticaCopyStream before calling start(),

You should check for rejects here (see below). The start() method
calls execute() to send any pre-queued streams to the server
once the COPY statement has been created.

// Simple for loop to load 5 text files named customers-1.txt to

// customers-5.txt
for (int loadNum = 1; loadNum <= 5; loadNum++) {
// Prepare the input file stream. Read from a local file.
String filename = "C:\\Data\\customers-" + loadNum + ".txt";
System.out.println("\n\nLoading file: " + filename);
File inputFile = new File(filename);
FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
// Add stream to the VerticaCopyStream
// call execute() to load the newly added stream. You could
// add many streams and call execute once to load them all.
// Which method you choose depends mainly on whether you want
// the ability to check the number of rejections as the load
// progresses so you can stop if the number of rejects gets too
// high. Also, high numbers of InputStreams could create a
// resource issue on your client system.
// Show any rejects from this execution of the stream load
// getRejects() returns a List containing the
// row numbers of rejected rows.
List<Long> rejects = stream.getRejects();
// The size of the list gives you the number of rejected rows.
int numRejects = rejects.size();
totalRejects += numRejects;
System.out.println("Number of rows rejected in load #"
+ loadNum + ": " + numRejects);
// List all of the rows that were rejected.
Iterator<Long> rejit = rejects.iterator();
long linecount = 0;
while (rejit.hasNext()) {
System.out.print("Rejected row #" + ++linecount);
System.out.println(" is row " +;
// Finish closes the COPY command. It returns the number of
// rows inserted.
long results = stream.finish();
System.out.println("Finish returned " + results);
// If you added any streams that hadn't been executed(),
// you should also check for rejects here, since finish()
// calls execute() to
// You can also get the number of rows inserted using

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// getRowCount().
System.out.println("Number of rows accepted: "
+ stream.getRowCount());
System.out.println("Total number of rows rejected: " + totalRejects);
// Commit the loaded data
} catch (Exception e) {

Running the above example on some sample data results in the following output:
Loading file: C:\Data\customers-1.txtNumber of rows rejected in load #1: 3
Rejected row #1 is row 3
Rejected row #2 is row 7
Rejected row #3 is row 51
Loading file: C:\Data\customers-2.txt
Number of rows rejected in load #2: 5Rejected row #1 is row 4143
Rejected row #2 is row 6132
Rejected row #3 is row 9998
Rejected row #4 is row 10000
Rejected row #5 is row 10050
Loading file: C:\Data\customers-3.txt
Number of rows rejected in load #3: 9
Rejected row #1 is row 14142
Rejected row #2 is row 16131
Rejected row #3 is row 19999
Rejected row #4 is row 20001
Rejected row #5 is row 20005
Rejected row #6 is row 20049
Rejected row #7 is row 20056
Rejected row #8 is row 20144
Rejected row #9 is row 20236
Loading file: C:\Data\customers-4.txt
Number of rows rejected in load #4: 8
Rejected row #1 is row 23774
Rejected row #2 is row 24141
Rejected row #3 is row 25906
Rejected row #4 is row 26130
Rejected row #5 is row 27317
Rejected row #6 is row 28121
Rejected row #7 is row 29321
Rejected row #8 is row 29998
Loading file: C:\Data\customers-5.txt
Number of rows rejected in load #5: 1
Rejected row #1 is row 39997
Finish returned 39995
Number of rows accepted: 39995
Total number of rows rejected: 26

Note: The above example shows a simple load process that targets one node in the HP

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Vertica cluster. It is more efficient to simultaneously load multiple streams to multiple database
nodes. Doing so greatly improves performance because it spreads the processing for the load
across the cluster.


To use COPY LOCAL with JDBC, just execute a COPY LOCAL statement with the path to the
source file on the client system. This method is simpler than using the VerticaCopyStream class.
However, you may prefer using VerticaCopyStream if you have many files to copy to the database
or if your data comes from a source other than a file (streamed over a network connection, for
The following example code demonstrates using COPY LOCAL to copy a file from the client to the
database. It is the same as the code shown in Bulk Loading Using the COPY Statement, except for
the use of the LOCAL option in the COPY statement, and the path to the data file is on the client
system, rather than on the server.
Note: The exceptions/rejections files are created on the client machine when the exceptions
and rejected data modifiers are specified on the copy local command. Specify a local path and
filename for these modifiers when executing a COPY LOCAL query from the driver.

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
public class COPYLocal {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Note: If using Java 5, you must call Class.forName to load the
// JDBC driver.
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "ExampleUser"); // Do not need to superuser
myProp.put("password", "password123");
Connection conn;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
// Disable AutoCommit
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
// Create a table to hold data.
stmt.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers;");
stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customers (Last_Name char(50) "
+ "NOT NULL, First_Name char(50),Email char(50), "
+ "Phone_Number char(15))");
// Use the COPY command to load data. Load directly into ROS, since
// this load could be over 100MB. Use ENFORCELENGTH to reject
// strings too wide for their columns.
boolean result = stmt.execute("COPY customers FROM LOCAL "

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+ " 'C:\\Data\\customers.txt' DIRECT ENFORCELENGTH");

// Determine if execution returned a count value, or a full result
// set.
if (result) {
System.out.println("Got result set");
} else {
// Count will usually return the count of rows inserted.
System.out.println("Got count");
int rowCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();
System.out.println("Number of accepted rows = " + rowCount);
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.print("Error: ");

The result of running this code appears below. In this case, the customers.txt file contains 10000
rows, seven of which get rejected because they contain data too wide to fit into their database
Got countNumber of accepted rows = 9993

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Handling Errors
When the HP Vertica JDBC driver encounters an error, it throws a SQLException or one of its
subclasses. The specific subclass it throws depends on the type of error that has occurred. Most of
the JDBC method calls can result in several different types of errors, in response to which the
JDBC driver throws a specific SQLException subclass. Your client application can choose how to
react to the error based on the specific exception that the JDBC driver threw.
Note: The specific SQLException subclasses were introduced in the JDBC 4.0 standard. If
your client application runs in a Java 5 JVM, it will use the older JDBC 3.0-compliant driver
which lacks these subclasses. In that case, all errors throw a SQLException.
The hierarchy of SQLException subclasses is arranged to help your client application determine
what actions it can take in response to an error condition. For example:

The JDBC driver throws SQLTransientException subclasses when the cause of the error may
be a temporary condition, such as a timeout error (SQLTimeoutException) or a connection issue
(SQLTransientConnectionIssue). Your client application can choose to retry the operation
without making any sort of attempt to remedy the error, since it may not reoccur.

The JDBC driver throws SQLNonTransientException subclasses when the client needs to take
some action before it could retry the operation. For example, executing a statement with a SQL
syntax error results in the JDBC driver throwing the a SQLSyntaxErrorException (a subclass
of SQLNonTransientException). Often, your client application just has to report these errors
back to the user and have him or her resolve them. For example, if the user supplied your
application with a SQL statement that triggered a SQLSyntaxErrorException, it could prompt
the user to fix the SQL error.

See Vertica Analytic Database SQLState Mapping to Java Exception Classes for a list Java
exceptions thrown by the JDBC driver.

Vertica Analytic Database SQLState Mapping to Java

Exception Classes
Class or Value


Java Exception Class

Class 00

Successful Completion


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Class or Value


Java Exception Class

Class 01



Class 02

No Data


Class 03

SQL Statement Not Yet


Class 08

Client Connection


Class 09

Triggered Action


Class 0A

Feature Not Supported


Class 0B

Invalid Transaction


Class 0F

Locator Exception


Class 0L

Invalid Grantor


Class 0P

Invalid Role Specification


Class 21

Cardinality Violation


Class 22

Data Exception





Class 23

Integrity Constraint


Class 24

Invalid Cursor State


Class 25

Invalid Transaction State


Class 26

Invalid SQL Statement


Class 27

Triggered Data Change



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Class or Value


Java Exception Class

Class 28

Invalid Authorization


Class 2B

Dependent Privilege


Descriptors Still Exist

Class 2D

Invalid Transaction


Class 2F

SQL Routine Exception


Class 34

Invalid Cursor Name


Class 38

External Routine


Class 39

External Routine


Invocation Exception
Class 3B

Savepoint Exception


Class 3D

Invalid Catalog Name


Class 3F

Invalid Schema Name


Class 40

Transaction Rollback


Class 42

Syntax Error or Access


Rule Violation
Class 44



Class 53

Insufficient Resources




Class 54

Program Limit Exceeded


Class 55

Object Not In


Prerequisite State

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Class or Value


Java Exception Class



Class 57

Operator Intervention










Class 58

System Error


Class V1

Vertica-specific multi-


node errors class

Class V2



miscellaneous errors



Class VC

Configuration File Error


Class VD

DB Designer errors


Class VP

User procedure errors


Class VX

Internal Error


Error Handling Example

The following example code demonstrates catching two subclasses of SQLException. In this
example, the program just prints out different error messages. Your own client application could
respond to these errors in different ways.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;

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// Demonstrate catching specific SQLException subclasses.

public class ExceptionClassExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Properties myProp = new Properties();
myProp.put("user", "myuser");
myProp.put("password", "password123");
Connection conn;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:vertica://verticahost:5433/vmart", myProp);
// Array of statements that we want to run. Some contain errors.
String[] statements = new String[] {
"INSERT INTO t (id, name) VALUES (1, 'Alice');",
"INSERT INTO t (id, name) VALUES ('Bob', 2)",
"CREATE TABLE nonExistentSchema.t (id INTEGER, name VARCHAR(50));"};
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
// Loop through the strings, executing each.
for (String statement : statements ) {
try {
System.out.println("Executing statement: '" + statement + "'");
// Handle some specific types of SQL Exceptions
// Syntax errors in statements are handled here.
} catch (SQLSyntaxErrorException e) {
System.out.println("Statement '" + statement + "' has a syntax
SQLSTATE = " + e.getSQLState());
Error code: " + e.getErrorCode() +
" Error message: " + e.getMessage());
// SQLDataException is thrown for various data-releted errors, such
// as trying to put the wrong data type in a column.
} catch (SQLDataException e) {
System.out.println("Statement '" + statement + "' caused a data
SQLSTATE = " + e.getSQLState());
Error code: " + e.getErrorCode() +
" Error message: " + e.getMessage());
// Catch-all for other exceptions.
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Statement '" + statement + "' caused a "
+ e.getClass().getCanonicalName() + " exception.");
SQLSTATE = " + e.getSQLState());
Error code: " + e.getErrorCode() +
" Error message: " + e.getMessage());

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// This catches exceptions caused by a bad connection.
} catch (SQLException e) {

Routing JDBC Queries Directly to a Single Node

The JDBC driver has the ability to route queries directly to a single node using a special connection
called a Routable Connection. This feature is ideal for high-volume "short" requests that return a
small number of results that all exist on a single node. The common scenario for using this feature
is to do high-volume lookups on data that is identified with a unique key. Routable queries typically
provide lower latency and use less system resources than distributed queries. However, the data
being queried must be segmented in such a way that the JDBC client can determine on which node
the data resides.
HP Vertica Typical Analytic Query
Typical analytic queries require dense computation on data across all nodes in the cluster and
benefit from having all nodes involved in the planning and execution of the queries.

HP Vertica Routable Query API Query

For high-volume queries that return a single or a few rows of data, it is more efficient to execute the
query on the single node that contains the data.

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To effectively route a request to a single node, the client must determine the specific node on which
the data resides. For the client to be able to determine the correct node, the table must segmented
by one or more columns. For example, if you segment a table on a Primary Key (PK) column, then
the client can determine on which node the data resides based on the Primary Key and directly
connect to that node to quickly fulfill the request.
The Routable Query API provides two classes for performing routable queries;
VerticaRoutableExecutor and VGet. VerticaRoutableExecutor provides a more expressive SQLbased API while VGet provides a more structured API for programmatic access.

The VerticaRoutableExecutor class, available starting in Release 7.1 SP1, allows you to use
traditional SQL with a reduced feature set to query data on a single node. Note that the client and
server must be at Release 7.1 SP1 to use the VerticaRoutableExecutor.
For joins, the table must be joined on a key column that exists in each table you are joining, and
the tables must be segmented on that key, except for unsegmented tables, which can always be
joined (since all the data in an unsegmented table is available on all nodes).

The VGet class does not use traditional SQL syntax. Instead, it uses a data structure that you
build by defining predicates and predicate expressions and outputs and output expressions. This
class is ideal for doing Key/Value type lookups on single tables.
The data structure used for querying the table must provide a predicate for each segmented
column defined in the projection for the table. You must provide, at a minimum, a predicate with
a constant value for each segmented column. For example, an id with a value of 12234 if the
table is segmented only on the id column. You can also specify additional predicates for the
other, non-segmented, columns in the table. Predicates act like an SQL WHERE clause and
multiple predicates/predicate expressions apply together with an SQL AND modifier. Predicates

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must be defined with a constant value. Predicate expressions can be used to refine the query
and can contain any arbitrary SQL expressions (such as less than, greater than, etc.) for any of
the non-segmented columns in the table.
Java doc for all classes and methods in the JDBC Driver is available in the HP Vertica JDBC Java
Note: The JDBC Routable Query API is read-only and requires JDK 1.6 or greater.

See Also

Creating Tables and Projections for use with the Routable Query API

Creating a Connection for Routable Queries

Defining the Query for Routable Queries Using the VGet Class

Defining the Query for Routable Queries using the VerticaRoutableExecutor Class

Routable Query Performance and Troubleshooting

Creating Tables and Projections for use with the

Routable Query API
For routable queries, the client needs to determine the appropriate node to get the data. The client
does this by comparing all of the projections available for the table and determining the best
projection to use to find the single node that contains data. You must create a projection segmented
by the key column(s) on at least one table to take full advantage of the Routable Query API. Other
tables which join to this table must either have an unsegmented projection, or a projection
segmented as described below.
Note: Tables must be segmented by hash for Routable Queries. See Hash-SegmentationClause. Other segmentation types are not supported.

Creating Tables for use with Routable Queries

To create a table that can be used with the Routable Query API, segment (by hash) the table on a
uniformly distributed column. Typically, you segment on a primary key. For faster lookups, sort the
projection on the same columns on which you segmented. For example, to create a table that is
well suited to Routable Queries:

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username VARCHAR(32),
email VARCHAR(64),
business_unit VARCHAR(16))

This table is segmented based on the id column (and ordered by id to make lookups faster). To
build a query for this table using the Routable Query API, you only need to provide a single
predicate for the id column which returns a single row when queried.
However, if you were to add multiple columns to the segmentation clause, such as this table:
username VARCHAR(32),
email VARCHAR(64),
business_unit VARCHAR(16))
ORDER BY id, business_unit
SEGMENTED BY HASH(id, business_unit)

Then you would need to provide two predicates when querying the users2 table, since the
segmentation clause uses both the id and the business_unit columns. However, if you know both id
and business_unit when you perform the queries, then it is beneficial to segment on both columns,
as it makes it easier for the client to determine that this projection is the best projection to use to
determine the correct node.

Designing Tables for Single-node JOINs

If you plan to use the VerticaRoutableExecutor class and join tables during routable queries, then
you must segment all tables being joined by the same segmentation key. Typically this key is a
Primary/Foreign key on all the tables being joined. For example, the customer_key may be the
primary key in a customers dimension table, and the same key is a foreign key in a sales fact table.
Projections for a VerticaRoutableExecutor query using these tables must be segmented by hash on
the customer key in each table.
If you want to join with small dimension tables, such as date dimensions, then it may be appropriate
to make those tables unsegmented so that the date_dimension data exists on all nodes. It is
important to note that when joining unsegmented tables, you still must specify a segmented table in
the createRoutableExecutor() call.

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Verifying Existing Projections for Tables

If you have existing tables that are already segmented by hash (for example, on an ID column), then
you can determine what predicates are needed to query the table by using the select get_table_
projections('tableName') command to view the projections associated with the table. The
example table displays the following when select get_table_projections('users') is run:
Projection Name: [Segmented] [Seg Cols] [# of Buddies] [Buddy Projections] [Safe]
[UptoDate] [Stats]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------public.users_b1 [Segmented: Yes] [Seg Cols: ""] [K: 1] [public.users_b0]
[Safe: Yes] [UptoDate: Yes] [Stats: RowCounts]
public.users_b0 [Segmented: Yes] [Seg Cols: ""] [K: 1] [public.users_b1]
[Safe: Yes] [UptoDate: Yes] [Stats: RowCounts]

Note that for each projection, only the "" column is specified,meaning you need
to provide a predicate for this column when you build your query.
If the table was segmented on multiple columns, for example id and business_unit, then you would
need to provide both columns as predicates to the routable query.

Creating a Connection for Routable Queries

The JDBC Routable Query API provides the VerticaRoutableConnection interface to connect to a
cluster and allow for Routable Queries. This interface provides advanced routing capabilities
beyond those of a normal VerticaConnection. The VerticaRoutableConnection provides access to
the VerticaRoutableExecutor and VGet classes. See Defining the Query for Routable Queries
using the VerticaRoutableExecutor Class and Defining the Query for Routable Queries Using the
VGet Class respectively.
You enable access to this class by setting the EnableRoutableQueries JDBC connection
property to true.
The VerticaRoutableConnection maintains an internal pool of connections and a cache of table
metadata that is shared by all VerticaRoutableExecutor/VGet objects that are produced by the
connection's createRoutableExecutor()/prepareGet() method. It is also a fully-fledged JDBC
connection on its own and supports all the functionality that a VerticaConnection supports. When
this connection is closed, all pooled connections managed by this VerticaRoutableConnection and
all child objects are closed too. The connection pool and metadata is only used by child Routable
Query operations.

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You can create the connection using a JDBC data source:
com.vertica.jdbc.DataSource jdbcSettings = new com.vertica.jdbc.DataSource();
jdbcSettings.setPort((short) 5433);
VerticaRoutableConnection conn;
conn = (VerticaRoutableConnection)jdbcSettings.getConnection();

You can also create the connection using a connection string and the
DriverManager.getConnection() method:
String connectionString =
VerticaRoutableConnection conn = (VerticaRoutableConnection) DriverManager.getConnection

Both methods result in a conn connection object that is identical.

Note: Avoid opening many VerticaRoutableConnection connections because this
connection maintains its own private pool of connections which are not shared with other
connections. Instead, your application should use a single connection and issue multiple
queries through that connection.
In addition to the setEnableRoutableQueries property that the Routable Query API adds to the
HP Vertica JDBC connection class, the API also adds additional properties. The complete list is

EnableRoutableQueries: Enables Routable Query lookup capability. Default is false.

FailOnMultiNodePlans: If the plan requires more than one node, and FailOnMultiNodePlans is
true, then the query fails. If it is set to false then a warning is generated and the query continues.
However, latency is greatly increased as the Routable Query must first determine the data is on
multiple nodes,then a normal query is run using traditional (all node) execution and execution.
Defaults to true. Note that this failure cannot occur on simple calls using only predicates and
constant values.

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MetadataCacheLifetime: The time in seconds to keep projection metadata. The API caches
metadata about the projection used for the query (such as projections). The cache is used on
subsequent queries to reduce response time. The default is 300 seconds.

MaxPooledConnections: Cluster-wide maximum number of connections to keep in the

VerticaRoutableConnections internal pool. Default 20.

MaxPooledConnectionsPerNode: Per-node maximum number of connections to keep in the

VerticaRoutableConnections internal pool. Default 5.

Defining the Query for Routable Queries using the

VerticaRoutableExecutor Class
The VerticaRoutableExecutor class is used to access table data directly from a single node.
VerticaRoutableExecutor directly queries HP Vertica only the node that has all the data needed for
the query, avoiding the distributed planning and execution costs associated with a normal HP
Vertica execution. VerticaRoutableExecutor is used if you need to join tables or use a group by
clauseI, as these operations are not possible using VGet.
When using the VerticaRoutableExecutor class, you must follow these rules:

If joining tables, all tables being joined must be segmented (by hash) on the same set of columns
referenced in the join predicate, unless the table being joined is unsegmented.

When using multiple conditions in WHERE clauses, the WHERE clause must use AND between the
conditions. OR's in the WHERE clause cause the query to degenerate to a multi-node plan. OR, IN
list, or range conditions on columns outside of the join condition are acceptable if the data exists
on the same node.

You can only execute a single statement per request. "Chained" SQL statements are not

Your query may be used in a driver-generated subquery to help determine if the query can be
executed on a single node, Therefore, you cannot include the semi-colon at the end of the
statement and you cannot include SQL comments (using -- ), as these would cause the drivergenerated query to fail.

You create a VerticaRoutableExecutor by calling createRoutableExecutor(schema, table); on

a connection object. If schema is set to null then the search path is used to fine the table.

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VerticaRoutableExecutor Methods
VerticaRoutableExecutor has the following methods:

execute(query string, [ column, value | Map ]) - Runs the query. Accepts as input the
query to be executed, and either:
The column and value when the lookup is being done on just a single value. For example:

String column = "customer_key";

Integer value = 1;
ResultSet rs = q.execute(query, column, value)

A Java map of the column names and corresponding values if the lookup is being done on one

or more columns. For example: ResultSet rs = q.execute(query, map);. The table must
have at least one projection segmented by a set of columns exactly matching the columns in
the map. Note that each column defined in the map must have only one value. You cannot
include more than one value for the same column. For example:
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("customer_key", 1);
map.put("another_key", 42);
ResultSet rs = q.execute(query, map);

The query being executed uses regular SQL. The SQL must meet the rules of the
VerticaRoutableExecutor Class. For example, you can add limits and sorts, or use aggregate
functions provided the data exists on a single node.

Important: The JDBC client uses the column/value or map arguments to determine on
which node to execute the query. You must make sure that the content of the query uses
the same values that you provide in the column/value or map arguments.

Note: The following data types cannot be used as column values. Additionally, if a table is
segmented on any columns with the following data types then the table cannot be queried
using the Routable Query API:




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Note: The driver does not verify the syntax of the query before it sends it to the server. If
your expression is incorrect then the query fails.

close() - Closes this VerticaRoutableExecutor by releasing resources used by this

VerticaRoutableExecutor. It does not close the parent JDBC connection to HP Vertica.

getWarnings() - Retrieves the first warning reported by calls on this VerticaRoutableExecutor.

Additional warnings are chained and can be accessed with the JDBC getNextWarning()

Example Query using VerticaRoutableExecutor

The following example details how to use VerticaRoutableExecutor to execute a query using both a
JOIN clause and an aggregate function with a GROUP BY claue. The example also details how to
create a customer and sales tables, and how to segment the tables so they can be joined using the
VerticaRoutableExecutor class. This example also uses the date_dimension table from the
VMart schema to illustrate how you can also join data on unsegmented tables.
1. Create a table for customer details, and then create the projections which segment on the

CREATE TABLE customers (customer_key INT, customer_name VARCHAR(128), customer_email

FROM customers) SEGMENTED BY HASH (customer_key) ALL NODES;
FROM customers) SEGMENTED BY HASH (customer_key) ALL NODES
FROM customers) SEGMENTED BY HASH (customer_key) ALL NODES
select start_refresh();

2. Create a sales table, then create the projections which segment on the customer_key. Since

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both the customer and sales tables are segmented on the same key, they are able to be joined
with the VerticaRoutableExecutor Routable Query lookup.

CREATE TABLE sales (sale_key INT, customer_key INT, date_key INT, sales_amount
FROM sales) segmented BY HASH (customer_key) ALL NODES;
FROM sales) segmented BY HASH (customer_key) ALL NODES
FROM sales) segmented BY HASH (customer_key) ALL NODES
select start_refresh();

3. Add some sample data:









'Fred', '[email protected]');
'Sue', '[email protected]');
'Dave', '[email protected]');
'Ann', '[email protected]');
'Jamie', '[email protected]');

1, '100.00');
2, '200.00');
3, '300.00');
4, '400.00');
5, '400.00');
15, '500.00');
15, '400.00');
35, '300.00');
35, '200.00');

4. Create an unsegmented projection of the VMart date_dimension table for use in this example.
Note you must run select start_refresh(); to unsegment the existing data,
CREATE PROJECTION date_dim_unsegment AS

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select start_refresh();

Using the customer, sales, and date_dimension data, you can now create a Routable Query lookup
that uses joins and a group by to query the customers table and return the total amount of
purchases per day for a given customer:


public class verticaKV_doc {

public static void main(String[] args) {
com.vertica.jdbc.DataSource jdbcSettings
= new com.vertica.jdbc.DataSource();
jdbcSettings.setPort((short) 5433);
VerticaRoutableConnection conn;
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("customer_key", 1);
try {
conn = (VerticaRoutableConnection)
String table = "customers";
VerticaRoutableExecutor q = conn.createRoutableExecutor(null, table);
String query = "select, SUM(s.sales_amount) as Total ";
query += " from customers as c";
query += " join sales as s ";
query += " on s.customer_key = c.customer_key ";
query += " join date_dimension as d ";
query += " on d.date_key = s.date_key ";
query += " where c.customer_key = " + map.get("customer_key");
query += " group by ( order by Total DESC";
ResultSet rs = q.execute(query, map);
while( {
System.out.print("Date: " + rs.getString("date") + ": ");
System.out.println("Amount: " + rs.getString("Total"));
} catch (SQLException e) {

The example code outputs:

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Date: 2003-01-15:
Date: 2003-02-04:
Date: 2003-01-01:

Amount: 900.0
Amount: 500.0
Amount: 100.0

Note that your dates may be different, because the VMart schema randomly generates the dates in
the date_dimension table.

Defining the Query for Routable Queries Using the VGet

The VGet class is used to access table data directly from a single node when you do not need to
join the data or use a group by clause. Like VerticaRoutableExecutor, VGet directly queries HP
Vertica nodes that have the data needed for the query, avoiding the distributed planning and
execution costs associated with a normal HP Vertica execution. However, VGet does not use
SQL. Instead, you define predicates and values to perform Key/Value type lookups on a single
table. VGet is especially suited to doing key/value-type lookups on single tables.
You create a VGet by calling prepareGet(schema, table/proj) on a connection object.
prepareGet() takes the name of the schema and the name of a table or projection as arguments.

VGet Methods
VGet has the following methods:

addPredicate(string, object) - adds a predicate column and a constant value to the query.
You must include a predicate for each column on which the table is segmented. The predicate
acts as the "WHERE" clause to the query. Multiple addPredicate() method calls are joined by
AND modifiers. Note that the VGet retains this value after each call to execute. To remove it,
use ClearPredicates().

Note: The following data types cannot be used as predicates. Additionally, if a table is
segmented on any columns with the following data types then the table cannot be queried
using the Routable Query API:




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addPredicateExpression(string) - Accepts arbitrary SQL expressions that operate on the

table's columns as input to the query. Predicate expressions and predicates are joined by AND
modifiers. You can use segmented columns in predicate expressions, but they must also be
specified as a regular predicate with addPredicate(). Note that the VGet retains this value
after each call to execute. To remove it, use ClearPredicates().

Note: The driver does not verify the syntax of the expression before it sends it to the server.
If your expression is incorrect then the query fails.

addOutputColumn(string) - Adds a column to be included in the output. By default the query

runs as SELECT * and you do not need to define any output columns to return the data. If you add
output columns then you must add all the columns you want returned. Note that the VGet retains
this value after each call to execute. To remove it, use ClearOutputs().

addOutputExpression(string) - Accepts arbitrary SQL expressions that operate on the

table's columns as output. Note that the VGet retains this value after each call to execute. To
remove it, use ClearOutputs().

Note: The driver does not verify the syntax of the expression before it sends it to the server.
If your expression is incorrect then the query fails.

Note: addOutputExpression() is not supported when querying Flex Tables. If you attempt
to use addOutputExpression() on a Flex Table query, then a
SQLFeatureNotSupportedException is thrown.

addSortColumn(string, SortOrder) - Adds a sort order to an output column. The output

column can be either the one returned by the default query (SELECT *) or one of the columns
defined in addOutputColumn or addOutputExpress. You can defined multiple sort columns.

setLimit(int) - Sets a limit on the number of results returned. A limit of 0 is unlimited.

clearPredicates() - Removes predicates that were added by addPredicate() and


clearOutputs() - Removes outputs added by addOutput() and addOutputExpression().

clearSortColumns() - Removes sort columns previously added by addSortColumn().

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execute() - Runs the query. Care must be taken to ensure that the predicate columns exist on
the table and projection used by VGet, and that the expressions do not require multiple nodes to
execute. If an expression is sufficiently complex as to require more than one node to execute,
execute() throws a SQLException if the FailOnMultiNodePlans connection property is true.

close() - Closes this VGet by releasing resources used by this VGet. It does not close the
parent JDBC connection to HP Vertica.

getWarnings() - Retrieves the first warning reported by calls on this VGet. Additional warnings
are chained and can be accessed with the JDBC getNextWarning() method.

You call the execute() method to run query. By default, the VGet fetches all the columns of all the
rows that satisfy the logical AND of all the predicates passed via the addPredicate() method. To
further customize the get operation use the addOutputColumn(), addOutputExpression(),
addPredicateExpression(), addSortColumn() and setLimit() methods.
Note: VGet operations span multiple JDBC connections (and multiple HP Vertica sessions)
and do not honor the parent connection's transaction semantics. If consistency is required
across multiple executions, the parent VerticaRoutableConnection's consistent read API can
be used to guarantee all operations occur at the same epoch.
VGet is thread safe, but all methods are synchronized, so threads that share a VGet instance
are never run in parallel. For better parallelism, each thread should have its own VGet instance.
Different VGet instances that operate on the same table share pooled connections and
metadata in a manner that enables a high degree of parallelism.

You can query the table defined in Creating Tables and Projections for use with the Routable Query
API with the following example code. The table defines an id column that is segmented by hash.
import java.sql.*;
import com.vertica.jdbc.kv.*;
public class verticaKV2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
com.vertica.jdbc.DataSource jdbcSettings
= new com.vertica.jdbc.DataSource();

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jdbcSettings.setPort((short) 5433);
VerticaRoutableConnection conn;
try {
conn = (VerticaRoutableConnection)
VGet get = conn.prepareGet("public", "users");
get.addPredicate("id", 5);
ResultSet rs = get.execute();;
System.out.println("ID: " +
System.out.println("Username: "
+ rs.getString("username"));
System.out.println("Email: "
+ rs.getString("email"));
System.out.println("Closing Connection.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Error! Stacktrace:");

The output:
ID: 5
Username: userE
Email: [email protected]
Closing Connection.

Routable Query Performance and Troubleshooting

This topic details performance considerations and common issues you might encounter when using
the Routable Query API.

Using Resource Pools with Routable Queries

Individual Routable Queries are serviced quickly since they directly access a single node and return
only one or a few rows of data. However, by default, HP Vertica resource pools use an AUTO
setting for the execution parallelism parameter. When set to AUTO, the setting is determined
by the number of CPU cores available and generally results in multi-threaded execution of queries
in the resource pool. It is not efficient to create parallel threads on the server because Routable
Query operations return data so quickly and Routable Query operations only use a single thread to

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find a row. To prevent the server from opening unneeded processing threads, you should create a
specific resource pool for Routable Query clients. Consider the following settings for the resource
pool you use for Routable Queries:

Set execution parallelism to 1 to force single-threaded queries. This setting improves Routable
Query performance.

Use CPU affinity to limit the resource pool to a specific CPU or CPU set. The setting ensures
that the Routable Queries have resources available to them, but it also prevents Routable
Queries from significantly impacting performance on the system for other general queries.

If you do not set a CPU affinity for the resource pool, consider setting the maximum concurrency
value of the resource pool to a setting that ensures good performance for Routable Queries, but
does not negatively impact the performance of general queries.

Performance Considerations for Routable Query Connections

Because a VerticaRoutableConnection opens an internal pool of connections, it is important to
configure MaxPooledConnections and MaxPooledConnectionsPerNode appropriately for your
cluster size and the amount of simultaneous client connections. It is possible to impact normal
database connections if you are overloading the cluster with VerticaRoutableConnections.
The initial connection to the initiator node discovers all other nodes in the cluster. The internal-pool
connections are not opened until a VerticaRoutableExecutor or VGet query is sent. All
VerticaRoutableExecutors/VGets in a connection object use connections from the internal pool and
are limited by the MaxPooledConnections settings. Connections remain open until they are closed
so a new connection can be opened elsewhere if the connection limit has been reached.

Troubleshooting Routable Queries

Routable Query issues generally fall into two categories:

Not providing enough predicates.

Queries having to span multiple nodes.

Predicate Requirements
You must provide the same number of predicates that correspond to the columns of the table
segmented by hash. To determine the segmented columns, run select get_table_projections
('tableName'). You must provide a predicate for each column displayed in the "Seg Cols" field.

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For VGet, this means you must literally use addPredicate() to add each of the columns. For
VerticaRoutableExecutor, this means you must provide all of the predicates and values in the map
sent to execute().
Multi-node Failures
It is possible to define the correct number of predicates, but still have a failure because multiple
nodes contain the data. This failure occurs because the projection's data is not segmented in such
a way that the data being queried is contained on a single node. Enable logging for the connection
and view the logs to verify the projection being used. If the client is not picking the correct
projection, then try to query the projection directly by specifying the projection instead of the table in
the create/prepare statement, for example:

Using VerticaRoutableExecutor: conn.createRoutableExecutor(schema,

Using VGet: conn.prepareGet('schema','table/projection').

Additionally, you can use the EXPLAIN command in vsql to help determine if your query can run in
single node. EXPLAIN can help you understand why the query is being run as single or multi-node.

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Programming ADO.NET Applications

The HP Vertica driver for ADO.NET allows applications written in C# to read data from, update, and
load data into HP Vertica databases. It provides a data adapter (HP Vertica Data Adapter) that
facilitates reading data from a database into a data set, and then writing changed data from the data
set back to the database. It also provides a data reader (HP VerticaDataReader) for reading data.
The driver requires the .NET framework version 3.5+.
For more information about ADO.NET, see:

Overview of ADO.NET

ADO.NET .NET Framework Developer's Guide

Note: All of the examples provided in this section are in C#.

Updating ADO.NET Client Code From Previous Driver

Starting in release 5.1.1, the HP Vertica client drivers have been updated to improve standards
compliance, performance, and reliability. As a result, some HP Vertica-specific features and past
incompatibilities have been eliminated. You must update any client code written for the prior
versions of the ADO.NET driver to work with the version 5.1.1 driver and beyond.

Auto Commit Change


All queries are now Auto Committed. The only exception is that queries run using a Transaction
are not committed until the Commit(); method is called.

Performance Improvements

Prepared INSERT statements now run significantly faster than in previous driver versions. For
the best performance, prepared statements should be executed as part of a transaction.

Namespace Change

The namespace has changed from vertica to Vertica.Data.VerticaClient

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Connection Properties

DSN is no longer a valid connection string keyword. You cannot connect to HP Vertica using with a DSN.

The RowBufferSize connection property has been renamed to ResultBufferSize.

Getters on the VerticaConnection to get various connection string options

(CacheDirectoryPooling, MinPoolSize, MaxPoolSize, SyncNotification, Timeout, Enlist,
UseExtendedTypes, Password, Pooling, MinPoolSize, MaxPoolSize) have been removed.

There is no longer a locale connection string keyword and you cannot set the locale through the
connection string. To change the locale, run the query "set locale to..."

The connection property to enable or disable auto commit has been removed. All queries outside
of transactions are auto-committed.

Result Buffering

The driver now buffers all results, and always uses streaming. Because of this, the following
functionality has changed:

VerticaCommandBehavior enum has been removed. This enum extended the ADO.NET
CommandBehavior enum to add support for buffering results. Results are now buffered in HP
Vertica 5.1.x.

The VerticaCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior, bool) argument has been


CacheDirectory or PreloadReader connection string options have been removed.

Logging Changes

Log properties are no longer configured on the connection string. Log properties are now
configured through the VerticaLogProperties class.

Data Type Changes

The following data types have changed:

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Old Datatype Name

New Datatype Name








Changed to specific type of interval, for example:














Multiple Commands Now Supported

Multiple commands in a single statement are now supported, provided that parameters are not used
in any of the commands in the statement. The exception is COPY commands. You cannot issue
multiple COPY commands in the same statement.

Setting the Locale for ADO.NET Sessions


ADO.NET applications use a UTF-16 character set encoding and are responsible for converting
any non-UTF-16 encoded data to UTF-16. The same cautions as for ODBC apply if this
encoding is violated.

The ADO.NET driver converts UTF-16 data to UTF-8 when passing to the HP Vertica server
and converts data sent by HP Vertica server from UTF-8 to UTF-16

ADO.NET applications should set the correct server session locale by executing the SET
LOCALE TO command in order to get expected collation and string functions behavior on the

If there is no default session locale at the database level, ADO.NET applications need to set the
correct server session locale by executing the SET LOCALE TO command in order to get

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expected collation and string functions behavior on the server. See the SET LOCALE command
in the SQL Reference Manual

Connecting to the Database

This section describes:

Using SSL: Installing SSL Certificates on Windows

Opening and Closing the Database Connection (ADO.NET)

ADO.NET Connection Properties

Configuring Log Properties

Using SSL: Installing Certificates on Windows

You can optionally secure communication between your ADO.NET application and HP Vertica
using SSL. The HP Vertica ADO.NET driver uses the default Windows key store when looking for
SSL certificates. This is the same key store that Internet Explorer uses.
Before you can use SSL on the client side, you must implement SSL on the server. See
Implementing SSL in the Administrator's Guide, perform those steps, then return to this topic to
install the SSL certificate on Windows.
To use SSL for ADO.NET connections to HP Vertica:

Import the server and client certificates into the Windows Key Store.

If required by your certificates, import the public certificate of your Certifying Authority.

Import the Server and Client Certificates into the Windows Key
1. Copy the server.crt file you generated when you enabled SSL on the server to your Windows
2. Double-click the certificate.
3. Let Windows determine the key type, and click Install.

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Import the Public Certificate of Your CA:

You must establish a chain of trust for the certificates. You may need to import the public certificate
for your Certifying Authority (CA) (especially if it is a self-signed certificate).
1. using the same certificate as above, double-click the certificate.
2. Select Place all certificates in the following store.
3. Click Browse, select Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click Next.
4. Click Install.

Enable SSL in Your ADO.NET Applications

In your connection string, be sure to enable SSL by setting the SSL property in
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder to true, for example:
//configure connection properties
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
builder.SSL = true;
//open the connection
VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());

Opening and Closing the Database Connection

Before you can access data in HP Vertica through ADO.NET, you must create a connection to the
database using the VerticaConnection class which is an implementation of
System.Data.DbConnection. The VerticaConnection class takes a single argument that contains
the connection properties as a string. You can manually create a string of property keywords to use
as the argument, or you can use the VerticaConnectionStringBuilder class to build a connection
string for you.
This topic details the following:

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Manually building a connection string and connecting to HP Vertica

Using VerticaConnectionStringBuilder to create the connection string and connecting to HP


Closing the connection

To Manually Create a Connection string:

See ADO.NET Connection Properties for a list of available properties to use in your connection
string. At a minimum, you need to specify the Host, Database, and User.
1. For each property, provide a value and append the properties and values one after the other,
separated by a semicolon. Assign this string to a variable. For example:
String connectString = "DATABASE=VMart;HOST=node01;USER=dbadmin";

2. Build an HP Vertica connection object that specifies your connection string.

VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(connectString)

3. Open the connection.


4. Create a command object and associate it with a connection. All VerticaCommand objects
must be associated with a connection.
VerticaCommand command = _conn.CreateCommand();

To Use the VerticaConnectionStringBuilder Class to Create a

Connection String and Open a connection:
1. Create a new object of the VerticaConnectionStringBuilder class.
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder();

2. Update your VerticaConnectionStringBuilder object with property values. See ADO.NET

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Connection Properties for a list of available properties to use in your connection string. At a
minimum, you need to specify the Host, Database, and User.
builder.Host = "node01";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";

3. Build an HP Vertica connection object that specifies your connection

VerticaConnectionStringBuilder object as a string.
VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());

4. Open the connection.


5. Create a command object and associate it with a connection. All VerticaCommand objects
must be associated with a connection.
VerticaCommand command = _conn.CreateCommand;

Note: If your database is not in compliance with your HP Vertica license, the call to returns a warning message to the console and the log. See
Managing Your License Key in the Administrator's Guide for more information.

To Close the connection:

When you're finished with the database, close the connection. Failure to close the connection can
deteriorate the performance and scalability of your application. It can also prevent other clients from
obtaining locks.

Example Usage:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

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using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using Vertica.Data.VerticaClient;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());
//Perform some operations

ADO.NET Connection Properties

You use connection properties to configure the connection between your ADO.NET client
application and your HP Vertica database. The properties provide the basic information about the
connections, such as the server name and port number, needed to connect to your database.
You can set a connection property in two ways:

Include the property name and value as part of the connection string you pass to a

Set the properties in a VerticaConnectionStringBuilder object, and then pass the object as
a string to a VerticaConnection.



Default Value


Name of the HP Vertica


database to which you want

to connect. For example, if
you installed the example
VMart database, the
database is "VMart".

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Default Value


Name of the user to log into


HP Vertica/.

Port on which HP Vertica is



The host name or IP address


of the server on which HP

Vertica is running.
You can provide an IPv4
address, IPv6 address, or
In mixed IPv4/IPv6
networks, the DNS server
configuration determines
which IP version address is
sent first. Use the
option to force the
connection to use either
IPv4 or IPv6.

The IP version to use if the


client and server have both


IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

and you have provided a
host name. Valid values are:

Ipv4Connect to the
server using IPv4.

Ipv6Connect to the
server using IPv6.

NoneUse the IP
address provided by the
DNS server.

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Default Value


The password associated


with the user connecting to

the server.

SQL commands to run upon


connection. Uses %3B for


Sets the transaction


isolation level for HP


Vertica. See Transactions

for a description of the
different transaction levels.
This value is either
ReadCommitted, or
Unspecified. See Setting the
Transaction Isolation Level
for an example of setting the
isolation level using this
Note: By default, this value
is set to
which means the connection
uses the server's default
transaction isolation level.
HP Vertica's default
isolation level is

A string to identify the


session on the server.


A Boolean value, whether to


bulk insert to ROS (true) or

WOS (false).

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Default Value


The size of the buffer to use


when streaming results.


Number seconds to wait for

a connection. A value of 0
means no timeout.


A Boolean value. If true,


throw an exception on write


A boolean value, whether to


enable connection pooling.

Connection pooling is useful
for server applications
because it allows the server
to reuse connections. This
saves resources and
enhances the performance
of executing commands on
the database. It also reduces
the amount of time a user
must wait to establish a
connection to the database

An integer that defines the

minimum number of
connections to pool.
Valid Values: Cannot be
greater than the number of
connections that the server
is configured to allow.
Otherwise, an exception
Default: 55

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Default Value


An integer that defines the


maximum number of
connections to pool.
Valid Values: Cannot be
greater than the number of
connections that the server
is configured to allow.
Otherwise, an exception

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Default Value


The amount of time,

0 (no timeout)

expressed in seconds, to
timeout or remove unused
pooled connections.
Disable: Set to 0 (no
If you are using a cluster
environment to load-balance
the work, then pool is
restricted to the servers in
the cluster when the pool
was created. If additional
servers are added to the
cluster, and the pool is not
removed, then the new
servers are never added to
the connection pool unless
LoadBalanceTimeout is set
and exceeded or
AllPools() is called
manually from an
application. If you are using
load balancing, then set this
property to a value that
considers when new servers
are added to the cluster.
However, do not set it so low
that pools are frequently
removed and rebuilt, doing
so makes pooling


A Boolean value, indicating


whether to use SSL for the


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Default Value


Provides a Boolean value


that, when set to true, uses

the users Windows
credentials for
authentication, instead of
user/password in the
connection string.


Provides the service name


portion of the HP Vertica

Kerberos principal; for
/[email protected]


Provides the instance or

Value specified in the servername connection

host name portion of the HP

string property

Vertica Kerberos principal;

for example:
[email protected]

Enabling Native Connection Load Balancing in ADO.NET

Native connection load balancing helps spread the overhead caused by client connections on the
hosts in the HP Vertica database. Both the server and the client must enable native connection load
balancing in order for it to have an effect. If both have enabled it, then when the client initially
connects to a host in the database, the host picks a host to handle the client connection from a list
of the currently up hosts in the database, and informs the client which host it has chosen. If the
initially-contacted host did not choose itself to handle the connection, the client disconnects, then
opens a second connection to the host selected by the first host. The connection process to this
second host proceeds as usualif SSL is enabled, then SSL negotiations begin, otherwise the
client begins the authentication process. See About Native Connection Load Balancing in the
Administrator's Guide for details.
To enable native load balancing on your client, set the ConnectionLoadBalance connection
parameter to true either in the connection string or using the ConnectionStringBuilder(). The
following example demonstrates connecting to the database several times with native connection
load balancing enabled, and fetching the name of the node handling the connection from the V_

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namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder =
new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder();
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
// Enable native client load balancing in the client,
// must also be enabled on the server!
builder.ConnectionLoadBalance = true;
// Connect 3 times to verify a new node is connected
// for each connection.
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
VerticaConnection _conn =
new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());
if (i == 1)
// On the first connection, check the server policy for load
VerticaCommand sqlcom = _conn.CreateCommand();
sqlcom.CommandText =
var returnValue = sqlcom.ExecuteScalar();
Console.WriteLine("Status of load balancy policy
on server: " + returnValue.ToString() + "\n");
VerticaCommand command = _conn.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText =
VerticaDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
Console.Write("Connect attempt #" + i + "... ");
Console.WriteLine("Connected to node " + dr[0]);
catch (Exception e)

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Running the above example produces the following output:

Status of load balancy policy on server: roundrobin
Connect attempt #1... Connected to node v_vmart_node0001
Connect attempt #2... Connected to node v_vmart_node0002
Connect attempt #3... Connected to node v_vmart_node0003
Connect attempt #4... Connected to node v_vmart_node0001

ADO.NET Connection Failover

If a client application attempts to connect to a host in the Vertica Analytic Database cluster that is
down, the connection attempt fails when using the default connection configuration. This failure
usually returns an error to the user. The user must either wait until the host recovers and retry the
connection or manually edit the connection settings to choose another host.
Due to Vertica Analytic Database's distributed architecture, you usually do not care which
database host handles a client application's connection. You can use the client driver's connection
failover feature to prevent the user from getting connection errors when the host specified in the
connection settings is unreachable. It gives you two ways to let the client driver automatically
attempt to connect to a different host if the one specified in the connection parameters is

Configure your DNS server to return multiple IP addresses for a host name. When you use this
host name in the connection settings, the client attempts to connect to the first IP address from
the DNS lookup. If the host at that IP address is unreachable, the client tries to connect to the
second IP, and so on until it either manages to connect to a host or it runs out of IP addresses.

Supply a list of backup hosts for the client driver to try if the primary host you specify in the
connection parameters is unreachable.

For both methods, the process of failover is transparent to the client application (other than
specifying the list of backup hosts, if you choose to use the list method of failover). If the primary
host is unreachable, the client driver automatically tries to connect to other hosts.

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Failover only applies to the initial establishment of the client connection. If the connection breaks,
the driver does not automatically try to reconnect to another host in the database.

Choosing a Failover Method

You usually choose to use one of the two failover methods. However, they do work together. If your
DNS server returns multiple IP addresses and you supply a list of backup hosts, the client first tries
all of the IPs returned by the DNS server, then the hosts in the backup list.
Note: If a host name in the backup host list resolves to multiple IP addresses, the client does
not try all of them. It just tries the first IP address in the list.
The DNS method of failover centralizes the configuration client failover. As you add new nodes to
your Vertica Analytic Database cluster, you can choose to add them to the failover list by editing
the DNS server settings. All client systems that use the DNS server to connect to Vertica Analytic
Database automatically use connection failover without having to change any settings. However,
this method does require administrative access to the DNS server that all clients use to connect to
the Vertica Analytic Database cluster. This may not be possible in your organization.
Using the backup server list is easier than editing the DNS server settings. However, it
decentralizes the failover feature. You may need to update the application settings on each client
system if you make changes to your Vertica Analytic Database cluster.

Using DNS Failover

To use DNS failover, you need to change your DNS server's settings to map a single host name to
multiple IP addresses of hosts in your Vertica Analytic Database cluster. You then have all client
applications use this host name to connect to Vertica Analytic Database.
You can choose to have your DNS server return as many IP addresses for the host name as you
want. In smaller clusters, you may choose to have it return the IP addresses of all of the hosts in
your cluster. However, for larger clusters, you should consider choosing a subset of the hosts to
return. Otherwise there can be a long delay as the client driver tries unsuccessfully to connect to
each host in a database that is down.

Using the Backup Host List

To enable backup list-based connection failover, your client application has to specify at least one
IP address or host name of a host in the BackupServerNode parameter. The host name or IP can
optionally be followed by a colon and a port number. If not supplied, the driver defaults to the
standard HP Vertica port number (5433). To list multiple hosts, separate them by a comma.

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The following example demonstrates setting the BackupServerNode connection parameter to

specify additional hosts for the connection attempt. The connection string intentionally has a nonexistent node, so that the initial connection fails. The client driver has to resort to trying the backup
hosts to establish a connection to HP Vertica.


namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder =
new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder();
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
builder.BackupServerNode =
VerticaConnection _conn =
new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());
VerticaCommand sqlcom = _conn.CreateCommand();
sqlcom.CommandText = "SELECT node_name FROM current_session";
var returnValue = sqlcom.ExecuteScalar();
Console.WriteLine("Connected to node: " +
returnValue.ToString() + "\n");
catch (Exception e)


When native connection load balancing is enabled, the additional servers specified in the
BackupServerNode connection parameter are only used for the initial connection to an HP
Vertica host. If host redirects the client to another host in the database cluster to handle its
connection request, the second connection does not use the backup node list. This is rarely an
issue, since native connection load balancing is aware of which nodes are currently up in the

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database. See Enabling Native Connection Load Balancing in ADO.NET.


Connections to a host taken from the BackupServerNode list are not pooled for ADO.NET

Configuring Log Properties (ADO.Net)

Log properties for ADO.Net are configured differently than they are other client drivers. On the other
client drivers, log properties can be configured as one of the connection properties. The ADO.Net
driver user the VerticaLogProperties class to configure the properties.

VerticaLogProperties is a static class that allows you to set and get the log settings for the
driver. You can control the log level, log path, and log namespace using this class.
The log is created when the first connection is opened. Once the connection is opened, you cannot
change the log path. It must be set prior to opening the connection. You can change the log level
and log namespace at any time.

Setting Log Properties

Setting the log properties is done using the three methods in the VerticaLogProperties class. The
three methods are:

SetLogPath(String path, bool persist)

SetLogNamespace(String lognamespace, bool persist)

SetLogLevel(VerticaLogLevel loglevel, bool persist)

Each of the methods requires a boolean persist argument. When set to true, the persist argument
causes the setting to be written to the client's Windows Registry, where it is used for all
subsequent connections. If set to false, then the log property only applies to the current session.

The SetLogPath method takes as its arguments a string containing the path to the log file and the
persist argument. If the path string contains only a directory path, then the log file is created with the
name (where is the date and time the log

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was created). If the path ends in a filename, such as log.txt or log.log, then the log is created with
that filename.
If SetLogPath is called with an empty string for the path argument, then the client executable's
current directory is used as the log path.
If SetLogPath is not called and no registry entry exists for the log path, and you have called any of
the other VerticaLogProperties methods, then the client executable's current directory is used as
the log path.
When the persist argument is set to true, the path specified is copied to the registry verbatim. If no
filename was specified, then the filename is not saved to the registry.
Note: Note: The path must exist on the client system prior to calling this method. The method
does not create directories.
Example Usage:
//set the log path
string path = "C:\\log";
VerticaLogProperties.SetLogPath(path, false);

The SetLogNamespace method takes as its arguments a string containing the namespace to log
and the persist argument. The namespace string to log can be one of the following:






Namespaces can be truncated to include multiple child namespaces. For example, you can specify
"Vertica.Data.Internal" to log for all of the Vertica.Data.Internal namespaces.
If a log namespace is not set, and no value is stored in the registry, then the "Vertica" namespace is
used for logging.
Example Usage:

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//set namespace to log

string lognamespace = "Vertica.Data.VerticaClient";
VerticaLogProperties.SetLogNamespace(lognamespace, false);

The SetLogLevel method takes as its arguments a VerticaLogLevel type and the persist argument.
The VerticaLogLevel argument can be one of:








If a log level is not set, and no value is stored in the registry, then VerticaLogLevel.None is used.
Example Usage:
//set log level
VerticaLogLevel level = VerticaLogLevel.Debug;
VerticaLogProperties.SetLogLevel(level, false);

Getting Log Properties

You can get the log property values using the getters included in the VerticaLogProperties class.
The properties are:




Example Usage:

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//get current log settings

string logpath = VerticaLogProperties.LogPath;
VerticaLogLevel loglevel = VerticaLogProperties.LogLevel;
string logns = VerticaLogProperties.LogNamespace;
Console.WriteLine("Current Log Settings:");
Console.WriteLine("Log Path: " + logpath);
Console.WriteLine("Log Level: " + loglevel);
Console.WriteLine("Log Namespace: " + logns);

Setting and Getting Log Properties Example

This complete example shows how to set and get log properties:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using Vertica.Data.VerticaClient;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

//configure connection properties

VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";

//get current log settings

string logpath = VerticaLogProperties.LogPath;
VerticaLogLevel loglevel = VerticaLogProperties.LogLevel;
string logns = VerticaLogProperties.LogNamespace;
Console.WriteLine("\nOld Log Settings:");
Console.WriteLine("Log Path: " + logpath);
Console.WriteLine("Log Level: " + loglevel);
Console.WriteLine("Log Namespace: " + logns);

//set the log path

string path = "C:\\log";
VerticaLogProperties.SetLogPath(path, false);

//set log level

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VerticaLogLevel level = VerticaLogLevel.Debug;

VerticaLogProperties.SetLogLevel(level, false);

//set namespace to log

string lognamespace = "Vertica";
VerticaLogProperties.SetLogNamespace(lognamespace, false);

//open the connection

VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());

//get new log settings

logpath = VerticaLogProperties.LogPath;
loglevel = VerticaLogProperties.LogLevel;
logns = VerticaLogProperties.LogNamespace;
Console.WriteLine("\nNew Log Settings:");
Console.WriteLine("Log Path: " + logpath);
Console.WriteLine("Log Level: " + loglevel);
Console.WriteLine("Log Namespace: " + logns);

//close the connection



The example produces the following output:


Log Settings:
Level: None
Log Settings:
Path: C:\log
Level: Debug
Namespace: Vertica

Querying the Database Using ADO.NET

This section describes how to create queries to do the following:

Inserting data into the database

Read data from the database

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Load data into the database

Note: The ExecuteNonQuery() method used to query the database returns an int32 with the
number of rows affected by the query. The maximum size of an int32 type is a constant and is
defined to be 2,147,483,547. If your query returns more results than the int32 max, then
ADO.NET throws an exception because of the overflow of the int32 type. However the query is
still processed by HP Vertica even when the reporting of the return value fails. This is a
limitation in .NET, as ExecuteNonQuery() is part of the standard ADO.NET interface.

Inserting Data (ADO.NET)

Inserting data can done using the VerticaCommand class. VerticaCommand is an implementation
of DbCommand. It allows you to create and send an SQL statement to the database. Use the
CommandText method to assign an SQL statement to the command and then execute the SQL by
calling the ExecuteNonQuery method. The ExecuteNonQuery method is used for executing
statements that do not return result sets.

To Insert a Single Row of data:

1. Create a connection to the database.
2. Create a command object using the connection.
VerticaCommand command = _conn.CreateCommand();

3. Insert data using an INSERT statement. The following is an example of a simple insert. Note
that is does not contain a COMMIT statement because the HP Vertica ADO.NET driver
operates in autocommit mode.
command.CommandText =
"INSERT into test values(2, 'username', 'email', 'password')";

4. Execute the query. The rowsAdded variable contains the number of rows added by the insert
Int32 rowsAdded = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

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The ExecuteNonQuery() method returns the number of rows affected by the command for
UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements. For all other types of statements it returns -1. If
a rollback occurs then it is also set to -1.

Example Usage:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using Vertica.Data.VerticaClient;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());
VerticaCommand command = _conn.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText =
"INSERT into test values(2, 'username', 'email', 'password')";
Int32 rowsAdded = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
Console.WriteLine( rowsAdded + " rows added!");

Using Parameters
You can use parameters to execute similar SQL statements repeatedly and efficiently.

Using Parameters
VerticaParameters are an extension of the System.Data.DbParameter base class in ADO.NET
and are used to set parameters in commands sent to the server. Use Parameters in all queries
(SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) for which the values in the WHERE clause are not static;
that is for all queries that have a known set of columns, but whose filter criteria is set dynamically
by an application or end user. Using parameters in this way greatly decreases the chances of an
SQL injection issue that can occur when simply creating a SQL query from a number of variables.

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Parameters require that a valid DbType, VerticaDbType, or System type be assigned to the
parameter. See SQL Data Types and ADO.NET Data Types for a mapping of System, Vertica, and
To create a parameter placeholder, place either the at sign (@) or a colon (:) character in front of the
parameter name in the actual query string. Do not insert any spaces between the placeholder
indicator (@ or :) and the placeholder.
Note: The @ character is the preferred way to identify parameters. The colon (:) character is
supported for backward compatibility.
For example, the following typical query uses the string 'MA' as a filter.
SELECT customer_name, customer_address, customer_city, customer_state
FROM customer_dimension WHERE customer_state = 'MA';

Instead, the query can be written to use a parameter. In the following example, the string MA is
replaced by the parameter placeholder @STATE.
SELECT customer_name, customer_address, customer_city, customer_state
FROM customer_dimension WHERE customer_state = @STATE;

For example, the code for the prior example would be written as:
VerticaCommand command = _conn.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = SELECT customer_name, customer_address, customer_city, customer_
FROM customer_dimension WHERE customer_state = @STATE;
command.Parameters.Add(new VerticaParameter( STATE, VerticaType.VarChar));
command.Parameters["STATE"].Value = "MA";

Note: Although the VerticaCommand class supports a Prepare() method, you do not need to
call the Prepare() method for parameterized statements because HP Vertica automatically
prepares the statement for you.

Creating and Rolling Back Transactions

Creating Transactions
Transactions in HP Vertica are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable. When you connect to a
database using the Vertica ADO.NET Driver, the connection is in autocommit mode and each
individual query is committed upon execution. You can collect multiple statements into a single
transaction and commit them at the same time by using a transaction. You can also choose to

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rollback a transaction before it is committed if your code determines that a transaction should not
Transactions use the VerticaTransaction object, which is an implementation of DbTransaction. You
must associate the transaction with the VerticaCommand object.
The following code uses an explicit transaction to insert one row each into to tables of the VMart

To Create a Transaction in HP Vertica Using the ADO.NET driver:

1. Create a connection to the database.
2. Create a command object using the connection.
VerticaCommand command = _conn.CreateCommand();

3. Start an explicit transaction, and associate the command with it.

VerticaTransaction txn = _conn.BeginTransaction();
command.Connection = _conn;
command.Transaction = txn;

4. Execute the individual SQL statements to add rows.

command.CommandText =
"insert into product_dimension values( ... )";
command.CommandText =
"insert into store_orders_fact values( ... )";

5. Commit the transaction.


Rolling Back Transactions

If your code checks for errors, then you can catch the error and rollback the entire transaction.
VerticaTransaction txn = _conn.BeginTransaction();
VerticaCommand command = new
VerticaCommand("insert into product_dimension values( 838929, 5, 'New item 5' )",
// execute the insert

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command.CommandText = "insert into product_dimension values( 838929, 6, 'New item 6' )";
// try insert and catch any errors
bool error = false;
catch (Exception e)
error = true;
if (error)
Console.WriteLine("Errors. Rolling Back.");
Console.WriteLine("Queries Successful. Committing.");

Commit and Rollback Example

This example details how you can commit or rollback queries during a transaction.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using Vertica.Data.VerticaClient;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());
bool error = false;
VerticaCommand command = _conn.CreateCommand();
VerticaCommand command2 = _conn.CreateCommand();
VerticaTransaction txn = _conn.BeginTransaction();
command.Connection = _conn;
command.Transaction = txn;
command.CommandText =

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"insert into test values(1, 'test', 'test', 'test' )";

catch (Exception e)
error = true;
command.CommandText =
"insert into test values(2, 'ear', 'eye', 'nose', 'extra' )";
catch (Exception e)
error = true;
if (error)
Console.WriteLine("Errors. Rolling Back.");
Console.WriteLine("Queries Successful. Committing.");

The example displays the following output on the console:

insert into test values(1, 'test', 'test', 'test' )
insert into test values(2, 'ear', 'eye', 'nose', 'extra' )
[42601]ERROR: INSERT has more expressions than target columns
Errors. Rolling Back.

See Also

Setting the Transaction Isolation Level

Setting the Transaction Isolation Level

You can set the transaction isolation level on a per-connection and per-transaction basis. See
Transaction for an overview of the transaction isolation levels supported in HP Vertica. To set the

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default transaction isolation level for a connection, use the IsolationLevel keyword in the
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder string (see Connection String Keywords for details). To set the
isolation level for an individual transaction, pass the isolation level to the
VerticaConnection.BeginTransaction() method call to start the transaction.

To set the Isolation Level on a connection-basis:

1. Use the VerticaConnectionStringBuilder to build the connection string.
2. Provide a value for the IsolationLevel builder string. It can take one of two values:
IsolationLevel.ReadCommited (default) or IsolationLevel.Serializeable. For example:
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder();
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
builder.IsolationLevel = System.Data.IsolationLevel.Serializeable
VerticaConnection _conn1 = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());

To set the Isolation Level on a Transaction basis:

1. Set the IsolationLevel on the BeginTransaction method, for example
VerticaTransaction txn = _conn.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable);

Example usage:
The following example demonstrates:

getting the connection's transaction isolation level.

setting the connection's isolation level using connection property.

setting the transaction isolation level for a new transaction.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
namespace ConsoleApplication

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class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
VerticaConnection _conn1 = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());
VerticaTransaction txn1 = _conn1.BeginTransaction();
Console.WriteLine("\n Transaction 1 Transaction Isolation Level: " +
VerticaTransaction txn2 = _conn1.BeginTransaction
Console.WriteLine("\n Transaction 2 Transaction Isolation Level: " +
VerticaTransaction txn3 = _conn1.BeginTransaction
Console.WriteLine("\n Transaction 3 Transaction Isolation Level: " +

When run, the example code prints the following to the system console:
Transaction 1 Transaction Isolation Level: ReadCommitted
Transaction 2 Transaction Isolation Level: Serializable
Transaction 3 Transaction Isolation Level: ReadCommitted

Reading Data (ADO.Net)

To read data from the database use VerticaDataReader, an implementation of DbDataReader. This
implementation is useful for moving large volumes of data quickly off the server where it can be run
through analytic applications.
Note: that the VerticaDataReader.HasRows property returns true if the result generated any
rows. In versions of HP Vertica prior to 5.1, HasRows returned rows if there were more rows to
be read.

Note: A VerticaCommand cannot execute anything else while it has an open

VerticaDataReader associated with it. To execute something else, close the data reader or use

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a different VerticaCommand object.

To Read Data From the Database Using VerticaDataReader:

1. Create a connection to the database.
2. Create a command object using the connection.
VerticaCommand command = _conn.CreateCommand();

3. Create a query. This query works with the example VMart database.
command.CommandText =
"SELECT fat_content, product_description " +
"FROM (SELECT DISTINCT fat_content, product_description" +
FROM product_dimension " +
WHERE department_description " +
IN ('Dairy') " +
ORDER BY fat_content) AS food " +
"LIMIT 10;";

4. Execute the reader to return the results from the query. The following command calls the
ExecuteReader method of the VerticaCommand object to obtain the VerticaDataReader
VerticaDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader();

5. Read the data. The data reader returns results in a sequential stream. Therefore, you must read
data from tables row-by-row. The following example uses a while loop to accomplish this:
Console.WriteLine("\n\n Fat Content\t Product Description");
Console.WriteLine("------------\t -------------------");
int rows = 0;
while (dr.Read())
" + dr[0] + "
\t " + dr[1]);
Console.WriteLine("------------\n (" + rows + " rows)\n");

6. When you're finished, close the data reader to free up resources.


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Example Usage:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using Vertica.Data.VerticaClient;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());
VerticaCommand command = _conn.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText =
"SELECT fat_content, product_description " +
"FROM (SELECT DISTINCT fat_content, product_description" +
FROM product_dimension " +
WHERE department_description " +
IN ('Dairy') " +
ORDER BY fat_content) AS food " +
"LIMIT 10;";
VerticaDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader();
Console.WriteLine("\n\n Fat Content\t Product Description");
Console.WriteLine("------------\t -------------------");
int rows = 0;
while (dr.Read())
" + dr[0] + "
\t " + dr[1]);
Console.WriteLine("------------\n (" + rows + " rows)\n");

Loading Data Through ADO.Net

This section details the different ways that you can load data in HP Vertica using the ADO.NET
client driver:

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Using the HP Vertica Data Adapter

Using Batch Inserts and Prepared Statements

Streaming Data Via ADO.NET

Using the HP Vertica Data Adapter

The HP Vertica data adapter (VerticaDataAdapter) enables a client to exchange data between a
data set and an HP Vertica database. It is an implementation of DbDataAdapter. You can use
VerticaDataAdapter to simply read data, or, for example, read data from a database into a data set,
and then write changed data from the data set back to the database.

Batching Updates
When using the Update() method to update a dataset, you can optionally use the UpdateBatchSize
() method prior to calling Update() to reduce the number of times the client communicates with the
server to perform the update. The default value of UpdateBatchSize is 1. If you have multiple
rows.Add() commands for a data set, then you can change the batch size to an optimal size to
speed up the operations your client must perform to complete the update.

Reading Data From HP Vertica Using the Data adapter:

The following example details how to perform a select query on the VMart schema and load the
result into a DataTable, then output the contents of the DataTable to the console.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());

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// Try/Catch any exceptions

using (_conn)

// Create the command

VerticaCommand command = _conn.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "select product_key, product_description " +
"from product_dimension where product_key < 10";

// Associate the command with the connection

command.Connection = _conn;

// Create the DataAdapter

VerticaDataAdapter adapter = new VerticaDataAdapter();
adapter.SelectCommand = command;

// Fill the DataTable

DataTable table = new DataTable();

// Display each row and column value.

int i = 1;
foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
Console.Write(row[column] + "\t");
Console.WriteLine(i + " rows returned.");
catch (Exception e)

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Reading Data From HP Vertica into a Data set and Changing data:
The following example shows how to use a data adapter to read from and insert into a dimension
table of the VMart schema.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using Vertica.Data.VerticaClient
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());

// Try/Catch any exceptions

using (_conn)

//Create a data adapter object using the connection

VerticaDataAdapter da = new VerticaDataAdapter();

//Create a select statement that retrieves data from the table

da.SelectCommand = new
VerticaCommand("select * from product_dimension where product_key
< 10",

//Set up the insert command for the data adapter, and bind variables for some of the columns
da.InsertCommand = new
VerticaCommand("insert into product_dimension values( :key,
:version, :desc )",

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da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(new VerticaParameter("key",
da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(new VerticaParameter("version",
da.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(new VerticaParameter("desc",
da.InsertCommand.Parameters[0].SourceColumn = "product_key";
da.InsertCommand.Parameters[1].SourceColumn = "product_version";
da.InsertCommand.Parameters[2].SourceColumn = "product_description";
da.TableMappings.Add("product_key", "product_key");
da.TableMappings.Add("product_version", "product_version");
da.TableMappings.Add("product_description", "product_description");

//Create and fill a Data set for this dimension table, and get the resulting DataTable.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
da.Fill(ds, 0, 0, "product_dimension");
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

//Bind parameters and add two rows to the table.

DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["product_key"] = 838929;
dr["product_version"] = 5;
dr["product_description"] = "New item 5";
dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["product_key"] = 838929;
dr["product_version"] = 6;
dr["product_description"] = "New item 6";

//Extract the changes for the added rows.

DataSet ds2 = ds.GetChanges();

//Send the modifications to the server.

int updateCount = da.Update(ds2, "product_dimension");

//Merge the changes into the original Data set, and mark it up to date.
Console.WriteLine(updateCount + " updates made!");
catch (Exception e)

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Using Batch Inserts and Prepared Statements

You can load data in batches using a prepared statement with parameters. You can also use
transactions to rollback the batch load if any errors are encountered.
If you are loading large batches of data (more than 100MB), then consider using a direct batch
The following example details using data contained in arrays, parameters, and a transaction to
batch load data.
The test table used in the example is created with the command: create table test (id INT,
username VARCHAR(24), email VARCHAR(64), password VARCHAR(8));

Example Batch Insert Using Parameters and Transactions

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using Vertica.Data.VerticaClient;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());

// create arrays for column data

int[] ids = {1, 2, 3, 4};
string[] usernames = {"user1", "user2", "user3", "user4"};
string[] emails = { "[email protected]",
"[email protected]","[email protected]","[email protected]" };

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string[] passwords = { "pass1", "pass2", "pass3", "pass4" };

// create counters for accepted and rejected rows

int rows = 0;
int rejRows = 0;
bool error = false;

// create the transaction

VerticaTransaction txn = _conn.BeginTransaction();

// create the parametrized query and assign parameter types

VerticaCommand command = _conn.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "insert into TEST values (@id, @username, @email,

VerticaParameter("id", VerticaType.BigInt));
VerticaParameter("email", VerticaType.VarChar));

// prepare the statement


// loop through the column arrays and insert the data

for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
command.Parameters["id"].Value = ids[i];
command.Parameters["username"].Value = usernames[i];
command.Parameters["email"].Value = emails[i];
command.Parameters["password"].Value = passwords[i];
rows += command.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("\nInsert failed - \n " + e.Message + "\n");
error = true;
if (error)

//roll back if errors

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Console.WriteLine("Errors. Rolling Back Transaction.");

Console.WriteLine(rejRows + " rows rejected.");

//commit if no errors
Console.WriteLine("No Errors. Committing Transaction.");
Console.WriteLine("Inserted " + rows + " rows. ");

Loading Batches Directly into ROS

When loading large batches of data (more than 100MB or so), you should load the data directly into
ROS containers. Inserting directly into ROS is more efficient for large loads than AUTO mode,
since it avoids overflowing the WOS and spilling the remainder of the batch to ROS. Otherwise, the
Tuple Mover has to perform a moveout on the data in the WOS, while subsequent data is directly
written into ROS containers. This results in the data from your batch being segmented across
When you load data using AUTO mode, HP Vertica inserts the data first into the WOS. If the WOS
is full, then HP Vertica inserts the data directly into ROS. See the COPY statement for more
To directly load batches into ROS, set the DirectBatchInsert connection property to true. See
Opening and Closing the Database Connection for details on all of the connection properties. When
the DirectBatchInsert property is set to true, all batch inserts bypass the WOS and load directly into
a ROS container.

Example usage:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using Vertica.Data.VerticaClient;
namespace ConsoleApplication

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class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
builder.DirectBatchInsert = true;
VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());
//Perform some operations

Streaming Data Via ADO.NET

There are two options to stream data from a file on the client to your HP Vertica database through

Use the VerticaCopyStream ADO.NET class to stream data in an object-oriented manner

Execute a COPY SQL statement to stream the data

The topics in this section explain how to use these options.

Streaming From the Client Via VerticaCopyStream

The VerticaCopyStream class lets you stream data from the client system to an HP Vertica
database. It lets you use the SQL COPY statement directly without having to copy the data to a
host in the database cluster first by substituting one or more data stream(s) for STDIN.

Use Transactions and disable auto commit on the copy command for better performance.

Disable auto commit using the copy command with the 'no commit' modifier. You must explicitly
disable commits. Enabling transactions does not disable autocommit when using

The copy command used with VerticaCopyStream uses copy syntax.

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VerticaCopyStream.rejects is zeroed every time execute is called. If you want to capture the
number of rejects, assign the value of VerticaCopyStream.rejects to another variable before
calling execute again.

You can add multiple streams using multiple AddStream() calls.

Example usage:
The following example demonstrates using VerticaCopyStream to copy a file stream into HP
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Vertica.Data.VerticaClient;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

//configure connection properties


VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder

builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";
//open the connection
VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());
using (_conn)

//start a transaction
VerticaTransaction txn = _conn.BeginTransaction();

//create a table for this example

copy_table", _conn);

VerticaCommand command = new VerticaCommand("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS

command.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE copy_table (Last_Name char(50), "

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+ "First_Name char(50),Email char(50), "

+ "Phone_Number char(15))";

//create a new filestream from the data file

string filename = "C:/customers.txt";
Console.WriteLine("\n\nLoading File: " + filename);
FileStream inputfile = File.OpenRead(filename);

//define the copy command

delimiter '|'"

string copy = "copy copy_table from stdin record terminator E'\n'

+ " enforcelength "
+ " no commit";

//create a new copy stream instance with the connection and copy statement
VerticaCopyStream vcs = new VerticaCopyStream(_conn, copy);

//start the VerticaCopyStream process


//add the file stream

vcs.AddStream(inputfile, false);

//execute the copy


//finish stream and write out the list of inserted and rejected rows
long rowsInserted = vcs.Finish();
rowsRejected = vcs.Rejects; // does not work when rejected or exceptions defined
Console.WriteLine("Number of Rows inserted: " + rowsInserted);
Console.WriteLine("Number of Rows rejected: " + rowsRejected.Count);
if (rowsRejected.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < rowsRejected.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Rejected row #{0} is row {1}", i,

//commit the changes

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catch (Exception e)

//close the connection



Using Copy with ADO.NET

To use COPY with ADO.NET, just execute a COPY statement and the path to the source file on
the client system. This method is simpler than using the VerticaCopyStream class. However, you
may prefer using VerticaCopyStream if you have many files to copy to the database or if your data
comes from a source other than a local file (streamed over a network connection, for example).
The following example code demonstrates using COPY to copy a file from the client to the
database. It is the same as the code shown in Bulk Loading Using the COPY Statement and the
path to the data file is on the client system, rather than on the server.
To load data that is stored on a database node, use a VerticaCommand object to create a COPY
1. Create a connection to the database through the node on which the data file is stored.
2. Create a command object using the connection.
VerticaCommand command = _conn.CreateCommand();

3. Copy data. The following is an example of using the COPY command to load data. It uses the
LOCAL modifier to copy a file local to the client issuing the command.
command.CommandText = "copy lcopy_table from '/home/dbadmin/customers.txt'"
+ " record terminator E'\n' delimiter '|'"
+ " enforcelength ";
Int32 insertedRows = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
Console.WriteLine(insertedRows + " inserted.");

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Example Usage:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Vertica.Data.VerticaClient;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

//configure connection properties

VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder();
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";

//open the connection

VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());
using (_conn)

//start a transaction
VerticaTransaction txn = _conn.BeginTransaction();

//create a table for this example

VerticaCommand command = new VerticaCommand("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
lcopy_table", _conn);
command.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS lcopy_table (Last_
Name char(50), "
+ "First_Name char(50),Email char(50), "
+ "Phone_Number char(15))";

//define the copy command

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command.CommandText = "copy lcopy_table from

+ " record terminator E'\n' delimiter '|'"
+ " enforcelength "
+ " no commit";

//execute the copy

Int32 insertedRows = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
Console.WriteLine(insertedRows + " inserted.");

//commit the changes

catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message);

//close the connection


Handling Messages (ADO.NET)

You can capture info and warning messages that HP Vertica provides to the ADO.NET driver by
using the InfoMessage event on the VerticaConnection delegate class. This class captures
messages that are not severe enough to force an exception to be triggered, but might still provide
information that can benefit your application.

To Use the VerticaInfoMessageEventHander class:

1. Create a method to handle the message sent from the even handler:
static void conn_InfoMessage(object sender, VerticaInfoMessageEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine(e.SqlState + ": " + e.Message);

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2. Create a connection and register a new VerticaInfoMessageHandler delegate for the

InfoMessage event:
_conn.InfoMessage += new VerticaInfoMessageEventHandler(conn_InfoMessage);

3. Execute your queries. If a message is generated, then the event handle function is run.
4. You can unsubscribe from the event with the following command:
_conn.InfoMessage -= new VerticaInfoMessageEventHandler(conn_InfoMessage);

Example usage:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using Vertica.Data.VerticaClient;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program

// define message handler to deal with messages

static void conn_InfoMessage(object sender, VerticaInfoMessageEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine(e.SqlState + ": " + e.Message);
static void Main(string[] args)

//configure connection properties

VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";

//open the connection

VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());

//create message handler instance by subscribing it to the InfoMessage event of the connection

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_conn.InfoMessage += new VerticaInfoMessageEventHandler(conn_InfoMessage);

//create and execute the command

VerticaCommand cmd = _conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "drop table if exists fakeTable";

//close the connection


This examples displays the following when run:

00000: Nothing was dropped

Getting Table Metadata (ADO.Net)

You can get the table metadata by using the GetSchema() method on a connection and loading the
metadata into a DataTable:
DataTable table = _conn.GetSchema("Tables", new string[] { database_name, schema_name,
table_name, table_type });

For example:
DataTable table = _conn.GetSchema("Tables", new string[] { null, null, null, "SYSTEM TABLE" });
database_name, schema_name, table_name can be set to null, be a specific name, or use a LIKE
table_type can be one of:





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If table_type is set to null, then the metadata for all metadata tables is returned.

Example Usage:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using Vertica.Data.VerticaClient;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

//configure connection properties

VerticaConnectionStringBuilder builder = new VerticaConnectionStringBuilder
builder.Host = "";
builder.Database = "VMart";
builder.User = "dbadmin";

//open the connection

VerticaConnection _conn = new VerticaConnection(builder.ToString());

//create a new data table containing the schema

//the last argument can be "SYSTEM TABLE", "TABLE", "GLOBAL TEMPORARY",
// "LOCAL TEMPORARY", "VIEW", or null for all types
DataTable table = _conn.GetSchema("Tables", new string[] { null, null, null,

//print out the schema

foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn col in table.Columns)
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", col.ColumnName, row[col]);

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//close the connection


ADO.NET Data Types

his table details the mapping between HP Vertica data type's and .NET and ADO.NET data types.



HP Vertica
Data Type
















Note: The limit for

LongVarBinary is
32 Million bytes. If
you attempt to
insert more than
the limit during a
batch transfer for
any one row, then
they entire batch
fails. Verify the
size of the data
before attempting
to insert a
during a batch.

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HP Vertica
Data Type











Note: The Time

portion of the
DateTime object
for vertica dates is
set to
e. Previously,
ime was used for
all date/time types.
ime still exists for
compatibility, but
now there are more
VerticaTypes for
each type.

DateTimeOffset DateTimeOffset





Note: The Date
portion of the
DateTime is set to



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HP Vertica
Data Type








Note: HP Vertica
Double type uses a
default precision of








13 Interval

13 Interval



Note: There are 13
VerticaType values
for the 13 types of
intervals. The
VerticaType used
determines the
conversion rules
that the driver
represented as
365/30 days


















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Programming Python Client Applications

HP Vertica provides an ODBC driver so applications can connect to the HP Vertica database.

In order to use Python with HP Vertica, you must install the pyodbc module and an HP Vertica
ODBC driver on the machine where Python is installed. See Python Prerequisites.

Python on Linux
Most Linux distributions come with Python preinstalled. If you want a more recent version, you can
download and build it from the source code, though sometimes RPMs are also available. See the
Python Web site and click an individual release for details. See also Python documentation.
To determine the Python version on your Linux operating systems, type the following at a command
# python -V

The system returns the version; for example:

Python 3.3.4

Python on Windows
Python is not required to run natively on Windows operating systems, so it is not preinstalled. The
ActiveState Web site distributes a free Windows installer for Python called ActivePython.
If you need installation instructions for Windows, see Using Python on Windows at
Python on Windows at provides installation instructions for both the
ActivePython and packages.

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Python and Unicode

When you are using Python, be sure that all of your components are using the same unicode text
encoding. By default, the DSN Parameter ColumnsAsChar causes the ODBC driver to report
CHAR and VARCHAR values as SQL_WCHAR. The driver returns these values to the driver
manager in the encoding expected by the driver manager, as controlled by the
DriverManagerEncoding parameter in vertica.ini. Similarly, your Python application must use the
encoding expected by the driver manager. If any of these components use different encodings, your
output can become garbled.

The Python Driver Module (pyodbc)

The native python driver is not supported.
Before you can connect to HP Vertica using Python, you need the pyodbc module, which
communicates with iODBC/unixODBC driver on UNIX operating systems and the ODBC Driver
Manager for Windows operating systems.
The pyodbc module is an open source , MIT-licensed Python module, letting you use ODBC to
connect to almost any database from Windows, Linux, Mac OS/X, and other operating systems.
HP Vertica supports multiple versions of pyodbc. See Python Prerequisites for additional details.
Download the source distribution from the pyodbc Web site, unpack it and build it. Note that you
need the unixODBC development package (in addition to the regular build tools) to build pyodbc.
For example, on RedHat/CentOS run: yum install unixODBC-devel, and on Ubuntu run:sudo
apt-get install unixodbc-dev. See the pyodbc wiki for detailed instructions.

External Resources

Python Database API Specification v2.0

Python documentation

Configuring the ODBC Run-Time Environment on Linux

To configure the ODBC run-time environment on Linux:
1. Create the odbc.ini file if it does not already exist.
2. Add the ODBC driver directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH system environment variable:

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export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path-to-vertica-odbc-driver:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Important: If you skip Step 2, the ODBC manager cannot find the driver in order to load it.
These steps are relevant only for unixODBC and iODBC. See their respective documentation for
details on odbc.ini.

See Also

unixODBC Web site

iODBC Web site

Querying the Database Using Python

The example session below uses pyodbc with the HP Vertica ODBC driver to connect Python to
the HP Vertica database.
Note: SQLFetchScroll and SQLFetch functions cannot be mixed together in iODBC code.
When using pyodbc with the iODBC driver manager, skip cannot be used with the fetchall,
fetchone, and fetchmany functions.

Example Script
The following example script shows how to query HP Vertica using Python 3, pyodbc, and an
import pyodbc
cnxn = pyodbc.connect("DSN=VerticaDSN", ansi=True)
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
# create table
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST("
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES(1,1.1,'abcdefg1234567890','1901-0101','23:12:34','1901-01-01 09:00:09','t')")
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES(2,3.4,'zxcasdqwe09876543','1991-1111','00:00:01','1981-12-31 19:19:19','f')")
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM TEST")
rows = cursor.fetchall()

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for row in rows:

print(row, end='\n')
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE TEST CASCADE")

The resulting output displays:

(2, 3.4, 'zxcasdqwe09876543',, 11, 11), datetime.time(0, 0, 1),
datetime.datetime(1981, 12, 31, 19, 19, 19), False)
(1, 1.1, 'abcdefg1234567890',, 1, 1), datetime.time(23, 12, 34),
datetime.datetime(1901, 1, 1, 9, 0, 9), True)

SQLPrimaryKeys returns the table name in the primary (pk_name) column for unnamed primary
constraints. For example:

Unnamed primary key:

"SCHEMA", "TEST", "C", 1, "TEST"

Named primary key:

"SCHEMA", "TEST", "C", 1, "PK_1"

HP recommends that you name your constraints.

See Also

Loading Data Through ODBC

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Programming Perl Client Applications

The Perl programming language has a Database Interface module (DBI) that creates a standard
interface for Perl scripts to interact with databases. The interface module relies on Database Driver
modules (DBDs) to handle all of the database-specific communication tasks. The result is an
interface that provides a consistent way for Perl scripts to interact with many different types of
Your Perl script can interact with HP Vertica using the Perl DBI module along with the DBD::ODBC
database driver to interface to HP Vertica's ODBC driver. See the CPAN pages for Perl's DBI and
DBD::ODBC modules for detailed documentation.

The topics in this chapter explain how to:


Configure Perl to access HP Vertica

Connect to HP Vertica

Query data stored in HP Vertica

Insert data into HP Vertica

Perl Client Prerequisites

In order run a Perl client script that connects to HP Vertica, your client system must have:

The HP Vertica ODBC drivers installed and configured. See Installing the HP Vertica Client
Drivers for details.

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A Data Source Name (DSN) containing the connection parameters for your HP Vertica. See
Creating an ODBC Data Source Name. (Optionally, your Perl script can connect to HP Vertica
without using a DSN as described in Connecting From Perl Without a DSN).

A supported version of Perl installed

The DBI and DBD::ODBC Perl modules (see below)

Supported Perl Versions

HP Vertica supports Perl versions 5.8 and 5.10. Versions later than 5.10 may also work.

Perl on Linux
Most Linux distributions come with Perl preinstalled. See your Linux distribution's documentation
for details of installing and configuring its Perl package is it is not already installed.
To determine the Perl version on your Linux operating systems, type the following at a command
# perl -v

The system returns the version; for example:

This is perl, v5.10.0 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi

Perl on Windows
Perl is not installed by default on Windows platforms. There are several different Perl packages you
can download and install on your Windows system:

ActivePerl by Activestate is a commercially-supported version of Perl for Windows platforms.

Strawberry Perl is an open-source port of Perl for Windows.

The Perl Driver Modules (DBI and DBD::ODBC)

Before you can connect to HP Vertica using Perl, your Perl installation needs to have the Perl
Database Interface module (DBI) and the Database Driver for ODBC (DBD::ODBC). These
modules communicate with iODBC/unixODBC driver on UNIX operating systems or the ODBC
Driver Manager for Windows operating systems.
HP Vertica supports the following Perl modules:

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Connecting to HP Vertica

DBI version 1.609 (DBI-1.609.tar.gz)

DBD::ODBC version 1.22 (DBD-ODBC-1.22.tar.gz)

Later versions of DBI and DBD::ODBC may also work.

DBI is installed by default with many Perl installations. You can test whether it is installed by
executing the following command on the Linux or Windows command line:
# perl -e "use DBI;"

If the command exits without printing anything, then DBI is installed. If it prints an error, such as:
Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5/usr/local/share/perl5
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl
/usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at -e line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.

then DBI is not installed.

Similarly, you can see if DBD::ODBC is installed by executing the command:
# perl -e "use DBD::ODBC;"

You can also run the following Perl script to determine if DBI and DBD::ODBC are installed. If they
are, the script lists any available DSNs.
use strict;
# Attempt to load the DBI module in an eval using require. Prevents
# script from erroring out if DBI is not installed.
require DBI;
if ($@) {
# The eval failed, so DBI must not be installed
print "DBI module is not installed\n";
} else {
# Eval was successful, so DBI is installed
print "DBI Module is installed\n";
# List the drivers that DBI knows about.
my @drivers = DBI->available_drivers;
print "Available Drivers: \n";
foreach my $driver (@drivers) {
print "\t$driver\n";
# See if DBD::ODBC is installed by searching driver array.
if (grep {/ODBC/i} @drivers) {

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print "\nDBD::ODBC is installed.\n";

# List the ODBC data sources (DSNs) defined on the system
print "Defined ODBC Data Sources:\n";
my @dsns = DBI->data_sources('ODBC');
foreach my $dsn (@dsns) {
print "\t$dsn\n";
} else {
print "DBD::ODBC is not installed\n";

The exact output of the above code will depend on the configuration of your system. The following
is an example of running the code on a Windows computer:
DBI Module is installed
Available Drivers:
DBD::ODBC is installed.
Defined ODBC Data Sources:
dbi:ODBC:dBASE Files
dbi:ODBC:Excel Files
dbi:ODBC:MS Access Database

Installing Missing Perl Modules

If Perl's DBI or DBD::ODBC modules are not installed on your client system, you must install them
before your Perl scripts can connect to HP Vertica. How you install modules depends on your Perl

For most Perl installations, you use the cpan command to install modules. If the cpan command
alias isn't installed on your system, you can try to start CPAN by using the command:
perl -MCPAN -e shell

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Some Linux distributions provide Perl modules as packages that can be installed with the
system package manager (such as yum or apt). See your Linux distribution's documentation for

On ActiveState Perl for Windows, you use the Perl Package Manager (PPM) program to install
Perl modules. See the Activestate's PPM documentation for details.

Note: Installing Perl modules usually requires administrator or root privileges. If you do not
have these permissions on your client system, you need to ask your system administrator to
install these modules for you.

Connecting to Using Perl

You use the Perl DBI module's connect function to connect to HP Vertica. This function takes a
required data source string argument and optional arguments for the username, password, and
connection attributes.
The data source string must start with "dbi:ODBC:", which tells the DBI module to use the
DBD::ODBC driver to connect to HP Vertica. The remainder of the string is interpreted by the
DBD::ODBC driver. It usually contains the name of a DSN that contains the connection information
needed to connect to your HP Vertica database. For example, to tell the DBD::ODBC driver to use
the DSN named VerticaDSN, you use the data source string:

The username and password parameters are optional. However, if you do not supply them (or just
the username for a passwordless account) and they are not set in the DSN, attempting to connect
always fails.
The connect function returns a database handle if it connects to HP Vertica. If it does not, it returns
undef. In that case, you can access the DBI module's error string property ($DBI::errstr) to get
the error message.
Note: By default, the DBI module prints an error message to STDERR whenever it encounters
an error. If you prefer to display your own error messages or handle errors in some other
manner, you may want to disable these automatic messages by setting DBI's PrintError
connection attribute to false. See Setting Perl DBI Connection Attributes for details.
Otherwise, users may see two error messages: the one that DBI prints automatically, and the
one that your script prints on its own.

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Connecting to HP Vertica

The following example demonstrates connecting to HP Vertica using a DSN named VerticaDSN.
The call to connect supplies a username and password. After connecting, it calls the database
handle's disconnect function, which closes the connection.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use DBI;
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123");
unless (defined $dbh) {
# Conection failed.
die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
print "Connected!\n";

Setting ODBC Connection Parameters in Perl

To set ODBC connection parameters, replace the DSN name with a semicolon delimited list of
parameter name and value pairs in the source data string. Use the DSN parameter to tell
DBD::ODBC which DSN to use, then add in other the other ODBC parameters you want to set. For
example, the following code connects using a DSN named VerticaDSN and sets the connection's
locale to en_GB.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use DBI;
# Instead of just using the DSN name, use name and value pairs.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:DSN=VerticaDSN;Locale=en_
unless (defined $dbh) {
# Conection failed.
die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
print "Connected!\n";

See Data Source Name (DSN) Connection Parameters for a list of the connection parameters you
can set in the source data string.

Setting Perl DBI Connection Attributes

The Perl DBI module has attributes that you can use to control the behavior of its database
connection. These attributes are similar to the ODBC connection parameters (in several cases,
they duplicate each other's functionality). The DBI connection attributes are a cross-platform way
of controlling the behavior of the database connection.

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You can set the DBI connection attributes when establishing a connection by passing the DBI
connect function a hash containing attribute and value pairs. For example, to set the DBI
connection attribute AutoCommit to false, you would use:
# Create a hash that holds attributes for the connection
my $attr = {AutoCommit => 0};
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",

See the DBI documentation's Database Handle Attributes section for a full description of the
attributes you can set on the database connection.
After your script has connected, it can access and modify the connection attributes through the
database handle by using it as a hash reference. For example:
print "The AutoCommit attribute is: " . $dbh->{AutoCommit} . "\n";

The following example demonstrates setting two connection attributes:


RaiseError controls whether the DBI driver generates a Perl error if it encounters a database
error. Usually, you set this to true (1) if you want your Perl script to exit if there is a database

AutoCommit controls whether statements automatically commit their transactions when they
complete. DBI defaults to HP Vertica's default AutoCommit value of true. Always set
AutoCommit to false (0) when bulk loading data to increase database efficiency.
use strict;
use DBI;
# Create a hash that holds attributes for the connection
my $attr = {
RaiseError => 1, # Make database errors fatal to script
AutoCommit => 0, # Prevent statements from committing
# their transactions.
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",
if (defined $dbh->err) {
# Connection failed.
die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
print "Connected!\n";
# The database handle lets you access the connection attributes directly:
print "The AutoCommit attribute is: " . $dbh->{AutoCommit} . "\n";
print "The RaiseError attribute is: " . $dbh->{RaiseError} . "\n";

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# And you can change values, too...

$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
print "The AutoCommit attribute is now: " . $dbh->{AutoCommit} . "\n";

The example outputs the following when run:

Connected!The AutoCommit attribute is: 0
The RaiseError attribute is: 1
The AutoCommit attribute is now: 1

Connecting From Perl Without a DSN

If you do not want to set up a Data Source Name (DSN) for your database, you can supply all of the
information Perl's DBD::ODBC driver requires to connect to your HP Vertica database in the data
source string. This source string must the DRIVER= parameter that tells DBD::ODBC which driver
library to use in order to connect. The value for this parameter is the name assigned to the driver by
the client system's driver manager:

On Windows, the name assigned to the HP Vertica ODBC driver by the driver manager is

On Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems, the HP Vertica ODBC driver's name is
assigned in the system's odbcinst.ini file. For example, if your /etc/odbcint.ini contains
the following:
Description = HP Vertica ODBC Driver
Driver = /opt/vertica/lib64/

you would use the name HPVertica. See Creating an ODBC DSN for Linux, Solaris, AIX, and
HP-UX for more information about the odbcinst.ini file.
You can take advantage of Perl's variable expansion within strings to use variables for most of the
connection properties as the following example demonstrates.
use strict;
use DBI;
my $server='VerticaHost';
my $port = '5433';
my $database = 'VMart';
my $user = 'ExampleUser';
my $password = 'password123';
# Connect without a DSN by supplying all of the information for the connection.

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# The DRIVER value on UNIX platforms depends on the entry in the odbcinst.ini
# file.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:DRIVER={Vertica};Server=$server;" .
or die "Could not connect to database: " . DBI::errstr;
print "Connected!\n";

Note: Surrounding the driver name with braces ({ and }) in the source string is optional.

Executing Statements Using Perl

Once your Perl script has connected to HP Vertica (see Connecting to Using Perl), it can execute
simple statements that return a value rather than a result set by using the Perl DBI module's do
function. You usually use this function to execute DDL statements or data loading statements such
as COPY (see Using COPY LOCAL to Load Data in Perl).
use strict;
use DBI;
# Disable autocommit
my $attr = {AutoCommit => 0};
# Open a connection using a DSN.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",
unless (defined $dbh) {
# Conection failed.
die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
# You can use the do function to perform DDL commands.
# Drop any existing table.
# Create a table to hold data.
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE TEST( \
# Commit changes and exit.

Note: The do function returns the number of rows that were affected by the statement (or -1 if
the count of rows doesn't apply or is unavailable). Usually, the only time you need to consult
this value is after you deleted a number of rows or if you used a bulk load command such as
COPY. You use other DBI functions instead of do to perform batch inserts and selects (see

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Batch Loading Data Using Perl and Querying Using Perl for details).

Batch Loading Data Using Perl

To load large batches of data into HP Vertica using Perl:
1. Set DBI's AutoCommit connection attribute to false to improve the batch load speed. See
Setting Perl DBI Connection Attributes for an example of disabling AutoCommit.
2. Call the database handle's prepare function to prepare a SQL INSERT statement that
contains placeholders for the data values you want to insert. For example:
# Prepare an INSERT statement for the test table
$sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT into test values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");

The prepare function returns a statement handle that you will use to insert the data.
3. Assign data to the placeholders. There are several ways to do this. The easiest is to populate
an array with a value for each placeholder in your INSERT statement.
4. Call the statement handle's execute function to insert a row of data into HP Vertica. The return
value of this function call lets you know whether HP Vertica accepted or rejected the row.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have loaded all of the data you need to load.
6. Call the database handle's commit function to commit the data you inserted.
The following example demonstrates inserting a small batch of data by populating an array of arrays
with data, then looping through it and inserting each row.
use strict;
use DBI;
# Create a hash reference that holds a hash of parameters for the
# connection.
my $attr = {AutoCommit => 0, # Turn off autocommit
PrintError => 0
# Turn off automatic error printing.
# This is handled manually.
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",
if (defined DBI::err) {
# Conection failed.
die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";

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print "Connection AutoCommit state is: " . $dbh->{AutoCommit} . "\n";

# Create table to hold inserted data
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TEST CASCADE;") or die "Could not drop table";
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE TEST( \
C_BOOL BOOL)") or die "Could not create table";
# Populate an array of arrays with values. One of these rows contains
# data that will not be sucessfully inserted. Another contains an
# undef value, which gets inserted into the database as a NULL.
my @data = (
[1,1.111,'Hello World!','2001-01-01','01:01:01'
,'2001-01-01 01:01:01','t'],
[2,2.22222,'How are you?','2002-02-02','02:02:02'
,'2002-02-02 02:02:02','f'],
['bad value',2.22222,'How are you?','2002-02-02','02:02:02'
,'2002-02-02 02:02:02','f'],
,'2002-02-02 02:02:02','f'],
# Create a prepared statement to use parameters for inserting values.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("INSERT into test values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
my $rowcount = 0; # Count # of rows
# Loop through the arrays to insert values
foreach my $tuple (@data) {
# Insert the row
my $retval = $sth->execute(@$tuple);
# See if the row was successfully inserted.
if ($retval == 1) {
# Value of 1 means the row was inserted (1 row was affected by insert)
print "Row $rowcount successfully inserted\n";
} else {
print "Inserting row $rowcount failed";
# Error message is not set on some platforms/versions of DBUI. Check to
# ensure a message exists to avoid getting an unitialized var warning.
if ($sth->err()) {
print ": " . $sth->errstr();
print "\n";
# Commit changes. With AutoCommit off, you need to use commit for batched
# data to actually be committed into the database. If your Perl script exits
# without committing its data, HP Vertica rolls back the transaction and the
# data is not committed.

The previous example displays the following when successfully run:

Connection AutoCommit state is: 0

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Row 1 successfully inserted

Row 2 successfully inserted
Inserting row 3 failed with error 01000 [Vertica][VerticaDSII] (20) An
error occurred during query execution: Row rejected by server; see
server log for details (SQL-01000)
Row 4 successfully inserted

Note that one of the rows was not inserted because it contained a string value that could not be
stored in an integer column. See Conversions Between Perl and Data Types for details of data type
handling in Perl scripts that communicate with HP Vertica.

Using COPY LOCAL to Load Data in Perl

If you have delimited files (for example, a file with comma-separated values) on your client system
that you want to load into HP Vertica, you can use the COPY LOCAL statement to directly load the
file's contents into HP Vertica instead of using Perl to read, parse, and then batch insert the data.
You execute a COPY LOCAL statement to load the file from the local filesystem. The result of
executing the statement is the number of rows that were successfully inserted.
The following example code demonstrates loading a file named data.txt and located in the same
directory as the Perl file into HP Vertica using a COPY LOCAL statement.
use strict;
use DBI;
# Filesystem path handling module
use File::Spec;
# Create a hash reference that holds a hash of parameters for the
# connection.
my $attr = {AutoCommit => 0}; # Turn off AutoCommit
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",
$attr) or die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
print "Connected!\n";
# Drop any existing table.
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Customers CASCADE;");
# Create a table to hold data.
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE Customers( \
FirstName VARCHAR(100),\
# Find the absolute path to the data file located in the current working
# directory and named data.txt
my $currDir = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->curdir());
my $dataFile = File::Spec->catfile($currDir, 'data.txt');
print "Loading file $dataFile\n";
# Load local file using copy local. Return value is the # of rows affected
# which equates to the number of rows inserted.

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my $rows = $dbh->do("COPY Customers FROM LOCAL '$dataFile' DIRECT")

or die $dbh->errstr;
print "Copied $rows rows into database.\n";
# Prepare a query to get the first 15 rows of the results
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ID < 15 \
$sth->execute() or die "Error querying table: " . $dbh->errstr;
my @row; # Pre-declare variable to hold result row used in format statement.
# Use Perl formats to pretty print the output. Declare the heading for the
# form.
format STDOUT_TOP =
ID First
== =====
# The Perl write statement will output a formatted line with values from the
# @row array. See for details.
format STDOUT =
@> @<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<
# Loop through result rows while we have them
while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
write; # Format command does the work of extracting the columns from
# the @row array and writing them out to STDOUT.
# Call commit to prevent Perl from complaining about uncommitted transactions
# when disconnecting

The data.txt file is a text file containing a row of data on each line. The columns are delimited by
pipe (|) characters. This is the default format that the COPY command accepts, which makes the
COPY LOCAL statement in the example code simple. See the COPY statement entry in the SQL
Reference Manual for handling data files that are in different formats. Here is an example of the
content in this file:
1|Georgia|Gomez|[email protected]|1937-10-03
2|Abdul|Alexander|[email protected]|1941-03-10
3|Nigel|Contreras|[email protected]|1955-06-01
4|Gray|Holt|[email protected]|1945-12-06
5|Candace|Bullock|[email protected]|1932-05-27
6|Matthew|Dotson|[email protected]|1956-09-30
7|Haviva|Hopper|[email protected]|1975-05-10
8|Stewart|Sweeney|[email protected]|2003-06-20
9|Allen|Rogers|[email protected]|2006-06-17
10|Trevor|Dillon|[email protected]|1988-11-27
11|Leroy|Ashley|[email protected]|1958-07-25
12|Elmo|Malone|[email protected]|1978-08-29
13|Laurel|Ball|[email protected]|1989-09-20
14|Zeus|Phillips|[email protected]|1996-08-08
15|Alexis|Mclean|[email protected]|2008-01-07

The example code produces the following output when run on a large sample file:

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Loading file /home/dbadmin/Perl/data.txt
Copied 1000000 rows into database.
ID First
== =====
1 Georgia
[email protected]
2 Abdul
[email protected]
3 Nigel
[email protected]
4 Gray
[email protected]
5 Candace
[email protected]
6 Matthew
[email protected]
7 Haviva
[email protected]
8 Stewart
[email protected]
9 Allen
[email protected]
10 Trevor
[email protected]
11 Leroy
[email protected]
12 Elmo
[email protected]
13 Laurel
[email protected]
14 Zeus
[email protected]


Note: Loading a single, large data file into HP Vertica through a single data connection is less
efficient than loading a number of smaller files onto multiple nodes in parallel. Loading onto
multiple nodes prevents any one node from becoming a bottleneck.

Querying Using Perl

To query HP Vertica using Perl:
1. Prepare a query statement using the Perl DBI module's prepare function. This function returns
a statement handle that you use to execute the query and get the result set.
2. Execute the prepared statement by calling the execute function on the statement handle.
3. Retrieve the results of the query from the statement handle using one of several methods, such
as calling the statement handle's fetchrow_array function to retrieve a row of data, or
fetchall_array to get an array of arrays containing the entire result set (not a good idea if
your result set may be very large!).
The following example demonstrates querying the table created by the example shown in Batch
Loading Data Using Perl. It executes a query to retrieve all of the content of the table, then
repeatedly calls the statement handle's fetchrow_array function to get rows of data in an array. It
repeats this process until fetchrow_array returns undef, which means that there are no more rows
to be read.

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use strict;
use DBI;
my $attr = {RaiseError => 1 }; # Make errors fatal to the Perl script.
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",
# Prepare a query to get the content of the table
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM TEST ORDER BY C_ID ASC");
# Execute the query by calling execute on the statement handle
# Loop through result rows while we have them, getting each row as an array
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
# The @row array contains the column values for this row of data
# Loop through the column values
foreach my $column (@row) {
if (!defined $column) {
# NULLs are signaled by undefs. Set to NULL for clarity
$column = "NULL";
print "$column\t"; # Output the column separated by a tab
print "\n";

The example prints the following when run:


Hello World!
2001-01-01 01:01:01
2.22222 How are you?
2002-02-02 02:02:02
4.22222 NULL
2002-02-02 02:02:02


Binding Variables to Column Values

Another method of retrieving the query results is to bind variables to columns in the result set using
the statement handle's bind_columns function. You may find this method convenient if you need to
perform extensive processing on the returned data, since your code can use variables rather than
array references to access the data. The following example demonstrates binding variables to the
result set, rather than looping through the row and column values.
use strict;
use DBI;
my $attr = {RaiseError => 1 }; # Make SQL errors fatal to the Perl script.
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN32","ExampleUser","password123",
# Prepare a query to get the content of the table
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM TEST ORDER BY C_ID ASC");
# Create a set of variables to bind to the column values.
my ($C_ID, $C_FP, $C_VARCHAR, $C_DATE, $C_TIME, $C_TS, $C_BOOL);

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# Bind the variable references to the columns in the result set.

$sth->bind_columns(\$C_ID, \$C_FP, \$C_VARCHAR, \$C_DATE, \$C_TIME,
\$C_TS, \$C_BOOL);
# Now, calling fetch() to get a row of data updates the values of the bound
# variables. Continue calling fetch until it returns undefined.
while ($sth->fetch()) {
# Note, you should always check that values are defined before using them,
# since NULL values are translated into Perl as undefined. For this
# example, just check the VARCHAR column for undefined values.
if (!defined $C_VARCHAR) {
# Just print values separated by tabs.
print "$C_ID\t$C_FP\t$C_VARCHAR\t$C_DATE\t$C_TIME\t$C_TS\t$C_BOOL\n";

The output of this example is identical to the output of the previous example.

Preparing, Querying, and Returning a Single Row

If you expect a single row as the result of a query (for example, when you execute a COUNT (*)
query), you can use the DBI module's selectrow_array function to combine executing a
statement and retrieving an array as a result.
The following example shows using selectrow_array to execute and get the results of the SHOW
LOCALE statement. It also demonstrates changing the locale using the do function.
use strict;
use DBI;
my $attr = {RaiseError => 1 }; # Make SQL errors fatal to the Perl script.
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",
# Demonstrate setting/getting locale.
# Use selectrow_array to combine preparing a statement, executing it, and
# getting an array as a result.
my @localerv = $dbh->selectrow_array("SHOW LOCALE;");
# The locale name is the 2nd column (array index 1) in the result set.
print "Locale: $localerv[1]\n";
# Use do() to execute a SQL statement to set the locale.
$dbh->do("SET LOCALE TO en_GB");
# Get the locale again.
@localerv = $dbh->selectrow_array("SHOW LOCALE;");
print "Locale is now: $localerv[1]\n";

The result of running the example is:

Locale: en_US@collation=binary (LEN_KBINARY)

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Locale is now: en_GB (LEN)

Conversions Between Perl and Data Types

Perl is a loosely-typed programming language that does not assign specific data types to values. It
converts between string and numeric values based on the operations being performed on the
values. For this reason, Perl has little problem extracting most string and numeric data types from
HP Vertica. All interval data types (DATE, TIMESTAMP, etc.) are converted to strings. You can
use several different date and time handling Perl modules to manipulate these values in your
HP Vertica NULL values translate to Perl's undefined (undef) value. When reading data from
columns that can contain NULL values, you should always test whether a value is defined before
using it.
When inserting data into HP Vertica, Perl's DBI module attempts to coerce the data into the correct
format. By default, it assumes column values are VARCHAR unless it can determine that they are
some other data type. If given a string value to insert into a column that has an integer or numeric
data type, DBI attempts to convert the string's contents to the correct data type. If the entire string
can be converted to a value of the appropriate data type, it inserts the value into the column. If not,
inserting the row of data fails.
DBI transparently converts integer values into numeric or float values when inserting into column of
FLOAT, NUMERIC, or similar data types. It converts numeric or floating values to integers only
when there would be no loss of precision (the value to the right of the decimal point is 0). For
example, it can insert the value 3.0 into an INTEGER column since there is no loss of precision
when converting the value to an integer. It cannot insert 3.1 into an INTEGER column, since that
would result in a loss of precision. It returns an error instead of truncating the value to 3.
The following example demonstrates some of the conversions that the DBI module performs when
inserting data into HP Vertica.
use strict;
use DBI;
# Create a hash reference that holds a hash of parameters for the
# connection.
my $attr = {AutoCommit => 0, # Turn off autocommit
PrintError => 0
# Turn off print error. Manually handled
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",
if (defined DBI::err) {

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# Conection failed.
die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
print "Connection AutoCommit state is: " . $dbh->{AutoCommit} . "\n";
# Create table to hold inserted data
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE TEST( \
# Populate an array of arrays with values.
my @data = (
# Start with matching data types
[1,1.111,'Matching datatypes','2001-01-01','01:01:01'
,'2001-01-01 01:01:01','t'],
# Force floats -> int and int -> float.
[2.0,2,"Ints <-> floats",'2002-02-02','02:02:02'
,'2002-02-02 02:02:02',1],
# Float -> int *only* works when there is no loss of precision.
# this row will fail to insert:
[3.1,3,"float -> int with trunc?",'2003-03-03','03:03:03'
,'2003-03-03 03:03:03',1],
# String values are converted into numbers
["4","4.4","Strings -> numbers", '2004-04-04','04:04:04',
,'2004-04-04 04:04:04',0],
# String -> numbers only works if the entire string can be
# converted into a number
["5 and a half","5.5","Strings -> numbers", '2005-05-05',
'05:05:05', ,'2005-05-05 05:05:05',0],
# Number are converted into string values automatically,
# assuming they fit into the column width.
[6,6.6,3.14159, '2006-06-06','06:06:06',
,'2006-06-06 06:06:06',0],
# There are some variations in the accepted date strings
[7,7.7,'Date/time formats', '07/07/2007','07:07:07',
,'07-07-2007 07:07:07',1],
# Create a prepared statement to use parameters for inserting values.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("INSERT into test values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
my $rowcount = 0; # Count # of rows
# Loop through the arrays to insert values
foreach my $tuple (@data) {
# Insert the row
my $retval = $sth->execute(@$tuple);
# See if the row was successfully inserted.
if ($retval == 1) {
# Value of 1 means the row was inserted (1 row was affected by insert)
print "Row $rowcount successfully inserted\n";
} else {
print "Inserting row $rowcount failed with error " .
$sth->state . " " . $sth->errstr . "\n";

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# Commit the data

# Prepare a query to get the content of the table
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM TEST ORDER BY C_ID ASC");
$sth->execute() or die "Error: " . $dbh->errstr;
my @row; # Need to pre-declare to use in the format statement.
# Use Perl formats to pretty print the output.
format STDOUT_TOP =
Int Float
=== ===== ================== ========== ======== ================ ====
format STDOUT =
@>> @<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<
# Loop through result rows while we have them
while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
write; # Format command does the work of extracting the columsn from
# the array.
# Commit to stop Perl complaining about in-progress transactions.

The example produces the following output when run:

Connection AutoCommit state is: 0
Row 1 successfully inserted
Row 2 successfully inserted
Inserting row 3 failed with error 01000 [Vertica][VerticaDSII] (20) An error
occurred during query execution: Row rejected by server; see server log for
details (SQL-01000)
Row 4 successfully inserted
Inserting row 5 failed with error 01000 [Vertica][VerticaDSII] (20) An error
occurred during query execution: Row rejected by server; see server log for
details (SQL-01000)
Row 6 successfully inserted
Row 7 successfully inserted
Int Float
=== ===== ================== ========== ======== ================ ====
1 1.111 Matching datatypes 2001-01-01 01:01:01 2001-01-01 01:01 1
2 2
Ints <-> floats
2002-02-02 02:02:02 2002-02-02 02:02 1
4 4.4
Strings -> numbers 2004-04-04 04:04:04 2004-04-04 04:04 0
6 6.6
2006-06-06 06:06:06 2006-06-06 06:06 0
7 7.7
Date/time formats
2007-07-07 07:07:07 2007-07-07 07:07 1

Perl Unicode Support

Perl supports Unicode data with some caveats. See the perlunicode and the perlunitut (Perl
Unicode tutorial) manual pages for details. (Be sure to see the copies of these manual pages
included with the version of Perl installed on your client system, as the support for Unicode has
changed in recent versions of Perl.) Perl DBI and DBD::ODBC also support Unicode, however
DBD::ODBC must be compiled with Unicode support. See the DBD::ODBC documentation for

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Connecting to HP Vertica

details. You can check the DBD::ODBC-specific connection attribute named odbc_has_unicode
to see if Unicode support is enabled in the driver.
The following example Perl script demonstrates directly inserting UTF-8 strings into HP Vertica and
then reading them back. The example writes a text file with the output, since there are may
problems displaying Unicode characters in terminal windows or consoles.
use strict;
use DBI;
# Open a connection using a DSN.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123");
unless (defined $dbh) {
# Conection failed.
die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
# Output to a file. Displaying Unicode characters to a console or terminal
# window has many problems. This outputs a UTF-8 text file that can
# be handled by many Unicode-aware text editors:
open OUTFILE, '>:utf8', "unicodeout.txt";
# See if the DBD::ODBC driver was compiled with Unicode support. If this returns
# 1, your Perl script will get get strings from the driver with the UTF-8
# flag set on them, ensuring that Perl handles them correctly.
print OUTFILE "Was DBD::ODBC compiled with Unicode support? " .
$dbh->{odbc_has_unicode} . "\n";
# Create a table to hold VARCHARs
# Create a table to hold data. Remember that the width of the VARCHAR column
# is the number of bytes set aside to store strings, which often does not equal
# the number of characters it can hold when it comes to Unicode!
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE test( C_VARCHAR VARCHAR(100) )");
print OUTFILE "Inserting data...\n";
# Use Do to perform simple inserts
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO test VALUES('Hello')");
# This string contains several non-latin accented characters and symbols, encoded
# with Unicode escape notation. They are converted by Perl into UTF-8 characters
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO test VALUES('My favorite band is " .
"\N{U+00DC}ml\N{U+00E4}\N{U+00FC}t \N{U+00D6}v\N{U+00EB}rk\N{U+00EF}ll" .
" \N{U+263A}')");
# Some Chinese (Simplified) characters. This again uses escape sequence
# that Perl translates into UTF-8 characters.
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO test VALUES('\x{4F60}\x{597D}')");
print OUTFILE "Getting data...\n";
# Prepare a query to get the content of the table
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM test");
# Execute the query by calling execute on the statement handle
# Loop through result rows while we have them
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
# Loop through the column values
foreach my $column (@row) {
print OUTFILE "$column\t";
print OUTFILE "\n";

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close OUTFILE;

Viewing the unicodeout.txt file in a UTF-8-capable text editor or viewer displays:

Was DBD::ODBC compiled with Unicode support? 1
Inserting data...
Getting data...
My favorite band is mlt vrkll


Note: Terminal windows and consoles often have problems properly displaying Unicode
characters. That is why the example writes the output to a text file. With some text editors, you
may need to manually set the encoding of the text file to UTF-8 in order for the characters to
properly appear (and the font used to display text must have a full Unicode character set). If the
character still do not show up, it may be that your version of DBD::ODBC was not compiled
with UTF-8 support.

See Also

Unicode Character Encoding

Additional Linux ODBC Driver Configuration Settings

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Connecting to HP Vertica

Programming PHP Client Applications

You can connect to HP Vertica through PHP-ODBC using the Unix ODBC or iODBC library.
In order to use PHP with HP Vertica, you must install the following packages (and their




UnixODBC (if you are using the Unix ODBC driver)

libiodbc (if you are using the iODBC driver)

PHP on Linux
PHP is available with most Linux operating systems as a module for the Apache web server.
Check your particular Linux repository for PHP RPMs or Debian packages. You can also build PHP
from source. See the PHP web site for documentation and source downloads.

PHP on Windows
PHP is available for windows for both the Apache and IIS web servers. You can download PHP for
Windows and view installation instructions at the PHP web site.

The PHP ODBC Drivers

PHP supports both the UnixODBC drivers and iODBC drivers. Both drivers use PHP's ODBC
database abstraction layer.

You must read Programming ODBC Client Applications before connecting to HP Vertica through
PHP. The following example ODBC configuration entries detail the typical settings required for
PHP ODBC connections. The driver location assumes you have copied the HP Vertica drivers to

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Connecting to HP Vertica

Example odbc.ini
[ODBC Data Sources]
VerticaDSNunixodbc = exampledb
VerticaDNSiodbc = exampledb2
Description = VerticaDSN Unix ODBC driver
Driver = /usr/lib64/
Database = Telecom
Servername = localhost
UserName = dbadmin
Password =
Port = 5433
Description = VerticaDSN iODBC driver
Driver = /usr/lib64/
Database = Telecom
Servername = localhost
UserName = dbadmin
Password =
Port = 5433

Example odbcinst.ini
# Vertica
Description = VerticaDSN Unix ODBC driver
Driver = /usr/lib64/
Description = VerticaDSN iODBC driver
Driver = /usr/lib64/
Threading = 1

Verify the HP Vertica UnixODBC or iODBC Library

Verify the HP Vertica UnixODBC library can load all dependant libraries with the following
command (assuming you have copies the libraries to /usr/lib64):
For example:
ldd /usr/lib64/

You must resolve any "not found" libraries before continuing.

Test Your ODBC Connection

Test your ODBC connection with the following.

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Connecting to HP Vertica

isql -v VerticaDSN

PHP Unicode Support

PHP does not offer native Unicode support. PHP only supports a 256-character set. However,
PHP provides the UTF-8 functions utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() to provide some basic Unicode
See the PHP manual for strings for more details about PHP and Unicode.

Querying the Database Using PHP

The example script below details the use of PHP ODBC functions to connect to the HP Vertica
Analytics Platform.
# Turn on error reporting
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
# A simple function to trap errors from queries
function errortrap_odbc($conn, $sql) {
if(!$rs = odbc_exec($conn,$sql)) {
echo "<br/>Failed to execute SQL: $sql<br/>" . odbc_errormsg($conn);
} else {
echo "<br/>Success: " . $sql;
return $rs;
# Connect to the Database
$dsn = "VerticaDSNunixodbc";
$conn = odbc_connect($dsn,'','') or die ("<br/>CONNECTION ERROR");
echo "<p>Connected with DSN: $dsn</p>";
# Create a table
$result = errortrap_odbc($conn, $sql);
# Insert data into the table with a standard SQL statement
$sql = "INSERT into test values(1,1.1,'abcdefg1234567890','1901-01-01','23:12:34
','1901-01-01 09:00:09','t')";
$result = errortrap_odbc($conn, $sql);
# Insert data into the table with odbc_prepare and odbc_execute
$values = array(2,2.28,'abcdefg1234567890','1901-01-01','23:12:34','1901-01-01 0
$statement = odbc_prepare($conn,"INSERT into test values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
if(!$result = odbc_execute($statement, $values)) {
echo "<br/>odbc_execute Failed!";
} else {

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echo "<br/>Success: odbc_execute.";

# Get the data from the table and display it
$sql = "SELECT * FROM TEST";
if($result = errortrap_odbc($conn, $sql)) {
echo "<pre>";
while($row = odbc_fetch_array($result) ) {
echo "</pre>";
# Drop the table and projection
$result = errortrap_odbc($conn, $sql);
# Close the ODBC connection

Example Output
The following is the example output from the script.
Success: INSERT into test values(1,1.1,'abcdefg1234567890','1901-01-01','23:12:34
','1901-01-01 09:00:09','t')
Success: odbc_execute.
[C_ID] => 1
[C_FP] => 1.1
[C_VARCHAR] => abcdefg1234567890
[C_DATE] => 1901-01-01
[C_TIME] => 23:12:34
[C_TS] => 1901-01-01 09:00:09
[C_BOOL] => 1
[C_ID] => 2
[C_FP] => 2.28
[C_VARCHAR] => abcdefg1234567890
[C_DATE] => 1901-01-01
[C_TIME] => 23:12:34
[C_TS] => 1901-01-01 23:12:34
[C_BOOL] => 1

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Connecting to HP Vertica

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

Management API
The Management API is a REST API that you can use to view and manage HP Vertica databases
with scripts or applications that understand REST and JSON. The response format for all requests
is JSON.

General API Information


Returns the agent-specific information useful for

version checking and service discovery.

GET api

Returns a list of api objects and properties.

Backup and Restore

GET backups

Returns all the backups that have been created

for all vbr configuration files ( *.ini ) that are
located in the /opt/vertica/config directory.

POST backups/:config_script_base

Creates a new backup as defined by the given

vbr configuration script base (filename without
the .ini extension).

GET backups/:config_script_base/:archive_id

Returns details for a specific backup archive.

POST restore/:archive_id

Restores a backup.


Returns a list of databases, their properties,

and current status.

POST databases

Creates a new database by supplying a

valid set of parameters.

GET databases/:database_name

Returns details about a specific database.

PUT databases/:database_name

Starts, stops, rebalances, or runs Workload

Analyzer on a database.

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

DELETE databases/:database_name

Deletes an existing database.

GET databases/:database_name/configuration

Returns the current configuration

parameters from the database.

PUT databases/:database_name/configuration

Sets one or more configuration parameters

in the database.

GET databases/:database_name/hosts

Returns hosts details for a specific


POST databases/:database_name/hosts

Adds a new host to the database.

DELETE databases/:database_

Removes a host from the database.

POST databases/:database_name/hosts/:host_

Starts the database process on a specific



DELETE databases/:database_

Stops the database on a specific host.

POST databases/:database_name/hosts/:host_

Replaces a host with a standby host in the



GET databases/:database_name/license

Returns the HP Vertica license that the

specified database is using.

PUT databases/:database_name/license

Upgrades the license in the database.

GET databases/:database_name/licenses

Returns all the feature licenses that the

specified database is using.

GET databases/:database_name/nodes

Returns a list of nodes for the specified


GET databases/:database_name/nodes/:node_id

Returns details on a specific node for the

specified database.

POST databases/:database_name/process

Starts the specified database.

GET databases/:database_name/process

Returns the state of the database as either


DELETE databases/:database_name/process

HP Vertica Analytic Database (7.1.x)

Stops the specified database on all hosts.

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

POST databases/:database_

Rebalances the specified database. This


option can have a long run time.

POST databases/:database_name/wla/process

Runs the analyze workload action against

the specified database.This option can
have a long run time.

GET hosts

Returns a list of hosts in this cluster.

GET hosts/:hostid

Returns details for a specific host in this


GET jobs

Returns a list of jobs the agent is tracking,

along with their current status and exit codes.

GET jobs/:id

Returns the details (the saved output) for a

specific job.

POST licenses

Uploads and applies a new license to this


GET licenses

Returns the license field that databases

created on this cluster use.

GET nodes

Returns a list of nodes in this cluster.

GET nodes/:nodeid

Returns details for a specific node in this


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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET webhooks

Returns a list of active webhooks.

POST webhooks/subscribe

Creates a new webhook.

DELETE webhooks/:subscriber_id

Deletes an existing webhook.

cURL is a command-line tool and application library used to transfer data to or from a server. It uses
URL syntax, such as HTTP and HTTPS. All API requests sent to an HP Vertica server must be
made using HTTPS. A request made using HTTP will fail.
There are four HTTP requests that can be passed using cURL to call API methods:



Retrieves data.


Updates data.


Creates new data.


Deletes data.

curl https://<NODE>:5444/

-h --help

Lists all available command-line options.

-H --header

Allows you to use custom headers in your command. This is useful for sending a
request that requires a VerticaAPIKEY.
curl -H "VerticaApiKey: ValidAPIKey" https://<NODE>:5444/

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

-k --insecure

Allows SSL connections without certificate validation.

curl -k https://<NODE>:5444/

-X --request

Specifies the custom request used when communicating with a server.

curl -X REQUEST https://<NODE>:5444/

Can be one of the following values:






Note: If no request is specified, cURL automatically defaults to the GET


There are many more options available to add to your cURL query. For a comprehensive list with
descriptions, visit the cURL Documentation Website.

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

The Management API requires an authentication key, named VerticaAPIKEY, to access some API
resources. You can manage API keys by using the apikeymgr command-line tool.
usage: apikeymgr [-h] [--user REQUESTOR] [--app APPLICATION] [--delete]
[--create] [--update] [--migrate]
[--secure {restricted,normal,admin}] [--list]
API key management tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
The name of the person requesting the key
The name of the application that will use the key
Delete the key for the given R & A
Create a key for the given R & A
Update a key for the given R & A
migrate the keyset to the latest format
--secure {restricted,normal,admin}
Set the keys security level
List all the keys known

Example Request
To create a new VerticaAPIKEY for the dbadmin user with admin access, enter the following:
$ apikeymgr --user dbadmin --app vertica --create --secure admin

Requestor : dbadmin
Application: vertica
: ValidAPIKey
Synchronizing cluster...

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

Returns API version information and a list of links to child resources for the Management API.

Resource URL

Not required.


Example Request


"body": {
"mime-types": [

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

"version": "7.1.0"
"href": "/",
"links": [
"mime-type": "application/vertica.agent.json-v2"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET api
Displays a list of all Management API commands and a brief description for each command. You
can also access an HTML version of this information at https://<NODE>:5444/api.html.
Replace <NODE> with the URL of a cluster node.

Resource URL

Not required.


Example Request


"accepts": {},
"description": " Returns the agent specific information useful for version
checking and service discovery ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/"
"accepts": {},
"description": " build the list of cluster objects and properties and return it
as a JSON formatted array ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/api"
"accepts": {},
"description": " list all the backups that have been created for all vbr

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

configuration files ( *.ini ) that are located in the /opt/vertica/config directory. ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/backups"
"accepts": {},
"description": " create a new backup as defined by the given vbr configuration
script base (filename minus the .ini extenstion) ",
"method": "POST",
"params": [],
"route": "/backups/:config_script_base"
"accepts": {},
"description": " get the detail for a specific backup archive ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/backups/:config_script_base/:archive_id"
"accepts": {},
"description": " delete a backup based on the config ini file script",
"method": "DELETE",
"params": [],
"route": "/backups/:config_script_base/:backup_id"
"accepts": {},
"description": " build the list of databases, their properties, and current
status ( from cache ) and return it as a JSON formatted array ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/databases"
"accepts": {},
"description": " Create a new database by supplying a valid set of parameters ",
"method": "POST",
"params": [
: name of the database to create",
"passwd : password used by the database administrative user",
: optional list of hostnames to include in database",
"exclude : optional list of hostnames to exclude from the database",
"catalog : directory used for the vertica catalog",
: directory used for the initial vertica storage location",
: port the database will listen on (default 5433)"
"route": "/databases"
"accepts": {},
"description": " Retrieve the database properties structure ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/databases/:database_name"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

"accepts": {},
"description": " Control / alter a database values using the PUT http method ",
"method": "PUT",
"params": [
"action : value one of start|stop|rebalance|wla"
"route": "/databases/:database_name"
"accepts": {},
"description": " Delete an existing database ",
"method": "DELETE",
"params": [],
"route": "/databases/:database_name"
"accepts": {},
"description": " retrieve the current parameters from the database. if its
running return 503 Service Unavailable ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [
"user_id : vertica database username",
: vertica database password"
"route": "/databases/:database_name/configuration"
"accepts": {},
"description": " set a list of parameters in the database. if its not running
return 503 Service Unavailable ",
"method": "PUT",
"params": [
"user_id : vertica database username",
: vertica database password",
"parameter : value vertica parameter/key combo"
"route": "/databases/:database_name/configuration"
"accepts": {},
"description": " list the hosts that are current used by this database",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/databases/:database_name/hosts"
"accepts": {},
"description": " add a host to the database ",
"method": "POST",
"params": [
"user_id : vertica database username",
: vertica database password"
"route": "/databases/:database_name/hosts"
"accepts": {},
"description": " remove a host from the database",

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

"method": "DELETE",
"params": [],
"route": "/databases/:database_name/hosts/:host_id"
"accepts": {},
"description": " start the database process on a specific host participating in
this database.",
"method": "POST",
"params": [],
"route": "/databases/:database_name/hosts/:host_id/process"
"accepts": {},
"description": " run the stop action against the given database for a specific
"method": "DELETE",
"params": [],
"route": "/databases/:database_name/hosts/:host_id/process"
"accepts": {},
"description": " replace a host with a standby host in the database ",
"method": "POST",
"params": [
"user_id : vertica database username",
: vertica database password"
"route": "/databases/:database_name/hosts/:host_id/replace_with/:host_id_new"
"accepts": {},
"description": " return the vertica license that this database is using ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [
"user_id : vertica database user",
: vertica databse password"
"route": "/databases/:database_name/license"
"accepts": {},
"description": " this method upgrades the license in the database by using the
license in /opt/vertica/config/share ",
"method": "PUT",
"params": [
"user_id : vertica database user",
: vertica databse password"
"route": "/databases/:database_name/license"
"accepts": {},
"description": " return all the feature licenses that this database is using ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [
"user_id : vertica database user",
: vertica databse password"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

"route": "/databases/:database_name/licenses"
"accepts": {},
"description": " build the list of nodes for a given database, their properties,
and current status ( from cache ) and return it as a JSON formatted array ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/databases/:database_name/nodes"
"accepts": {},
"description": " build the list of nodes for a given database, their properties,
and current status and return it as a JSON formatted array ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/databases/:database_name/nodes/:node_id"
"accepts": {},
"description": " run the start action against the given database ",
"method": "POST",
"params": [
: start the database from this epoch",
"include : start the database on these hosts only"
"route": "/databases/:database_name/process"
"accepts": {},
"description": " easy way to see if a database is running -- returns state of UP
or DOWN",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/databases/:database_name/process"
"accepts": {},
"description": " run the stop action against the given database ",
"method": "DELETE",
"params": [
"user_id : vertica database username",
: vertica database password"
"route": "/databases/:database_name/process"
"accepts": {},
"description": " run the rebalance data action against the given database could be very long running! ",
"method": "POST",
"params": [
"user_id : vertica database username",
: vertica database password"
"route": "/databases/:database_name/rebalance/process"

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Management API

"accepts": {},
"description": " Retrieve the database properties structure ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/databases/:database_name/status"
"accepts": {},
"description": " run the analyze workload action against the given database could be very long running! ",
"method": "POST",
"params": [
"user_id : vertica database username",
: vertica database password"
"route": "/databases/:database_name/wla/process"
"accepts": {},
"description": " build a list of nodes in the cluster independent of their
database associations ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/hosts"
"accepts": {},
"description": " lists the properties of a given host in the cluster by calling
the RESTful service on that agent. ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/hosts/:hostid"
"accepts": {},
"description": " Returns a list of jobs the agent is tracking along with their
current status and exit codes ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/jobs"
"accepts": {},
"description": " Deletes a specific job by canceling any outstanding activity
associated with it. ",
"method": "DELETE",
"params": [],
"route": "/jobs/:id"
"accepts": {},
"description": " Returns the details (the saved output) for a specific job ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/jobs/:id"

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Management API

"accepts": {},
"description": " POST your vertica license to this url using HTTP file upload
format. ",
"method": "POST",
"params": [
"license : the file to upload (use html form post format)"
"route": "/licenses"
"accepts": {},
"description": " list the license fiel that will be used by databases created on
this cluster found in /opt/vertica/config/share/license.key ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/licenses"
"accepts": {},
"description": " build a list of nodes in the topology independent of their
database associations ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/nodes"
"accepts": {},
"description": " build a list of nodes in the topology independent of their
database associations ",
"method": "GET",
"params": [],
"route": "/nodes/:nodeid"
"accepts": {},
"description": " restore a backup given then archive id as defined via the 'GET'
method ",
"method": "POST",
"params": [],
"route": "/restore/:archive_id"
"accepts": {},
"description": " delete a subscription from this agent. ",
"method": "DELETE",
"params": [],
"route": "/webhooks/:subscriber_id"
"accepts": {},
"description": " post a request with a callback url to subscribe to events from
this agent. Returns a subscription_id that can be used to unsubscribe from the service.
@returns subscription_id ",
"method": "POST",
"params": [
"url : full url to the callback resource"
"route": "/webhooks/subscribe"

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Management API


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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET backups
Returns a list of all backups created for vbr configuration (*.ini) files that reside in
/opt/vertica/config and provides details about each backup.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"backups": [
"backup": "backup3_20140707_114852",
"epoch": "61",
"hosts": "v_vmart_node0001(",
"objects": ""
"config_file": "/opt/vertica/config/backup3.ini",
"num_backups": 1
"backups": [
"backup": "backup_20140707_113737",
"epoch": "61",
"hosts": "v_vmart_node0001(",

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Management API

"objects": ""
"backup": "backup_archive20140707_113645",
"epoch": "60",
"hosts": "v_vmart_node0001(",
"objects": ""
"config_file": "/opt/vertica/config/backup.ini",
"num_backups": 2

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Management API

POST backups/:config_script_base
Creates a new backup job for the backup defined in the configuration script :config_
script_base. The configuration script must reside in /opt/vertica/configuration. The
:config_script_base value does not include the .ini filename extention.
To determine valid :config_script_base values, see GET backups.
Returns a job ID that you can use to determine the status of the job.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"id": "CreateBackup-VMart-1404750602.03",
"url": "/jobs/CreateBackup-VMart-1404750602.03"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET backups/:config_script_base/:archive_id
Returns details on a specific backup. You must provide the :config_script_base. This value is
the name of a config file (without the .ini filename extension) that resides in
/opt/vertica/config. The :archive_id is the value of the backup field that the GET backups
command returns.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"backup": "backup3_20140707_123254",
"config_file": "/opt/vertica/config/backup3.ini",
"epoch": "62",
"hosts": "v_vmart_node0001(",
"objects": ""

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

POST restore/:archive_id
Creates a new restore job to restore the database from the backup archive identified by :archive_
id. The :archive_id is the value of a backup field that the GET backups command returns.
Returns a job ID that you can use to determine the status of the job. See GET jobs.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"id": "RestoreBackup-VMart-1404760113.71",
"url": "/jobs/RestoreBackup-VMart-1404760113.71"

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Management API

Returns a list of databases, their current status, and database properties.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


An example of the full request using cURL:

curl -H "VerticaApiKey: ValidAPIKey" https://<NODE>:5444/databases

"body": [
"href": "/databases/VMart",
"mime-type": [
"name": "VMart",
"port": "5433",
"status": "UP"
"href": "/databases/testDB",
"mime-type": [

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Management API

"name": "testDB",
"port": "5433",
"status": "DOWN"
"href": "/databases",
"links": [
"mime-type": "application/vertica.databases.json-v2"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

POST databases
Creates a job to create a new database with the provided parameters.
Important: You must stop any running databases on the nodes on which you want to create
the new database. If you do not, database creation fails.
Returns a job ID that can be used to determine the status of the job. See GET jobs.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have admin level security.


Name of the database to create.


Password for the new database.


Optional list of hostnames to include in the database. By default, all nodes

in the cluster are added to the database.


Optional list of hostnames to exclude from the database.


Path of the catalog directory.


Path of the data directory.


Port where the database listens for client connections. Default is 5433.

Example Request


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Management API

"jobid": "CreateDatabase-testDB-2014-07-07 15:49:53.219445",
"resource": "/jobs/CreateDatabase-testDB-2014-07-07 15:49:53.219445",
"userid": "dbadmin"

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Management API

GET databases/:database_name
Returns details about a specific database. The :database_name is the value of the name field that
the GETdatabases command returns.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"body": {
"database_id": "VMart",
"id": "VMart",
"nodes": "v_vmart_node0001,v_vmart_node0002,v_vmart_node0003",
"nodes_new": [
"catalog_base": "/home/dbadmin",
"data_base": "/home/dbadmin",
"host": "",
"id": "v_vmart_node0001"
"catalog_base": "/home/dbadmin",
"data_base": "/home/dbadmin",
"host": "",
"id": "v_vmart_node0002"

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Management API

"catalog_base": "/home/dbadmin",
"data_base": "/home/dbadmin",
"host": "",
"id": "v_vmart_node0003"
"path": "/home/dbadmin/VMart",
"port": "5433",
"restartpolicy": "ksafe",
"status": "UP"
"href": "/databases/VMart",
"links": [
"mime-type": "application/vertica.database.json-v2"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

PUT databases/:database_name
Creates a job to run the action specified by the action parameter against the database identified by
:database_name. The :database_name is the value of the name field that the GETdatabases
command returns.
Returns a job ID that you can use to determine the status of the job. See GET jobs.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have normal level security or higher.


A database username.


A password for the username.


Can be one of the following values:


start Start the database.

stop Stop the database.

rebalance Rebalance the database.

wla Run Work Load Analyzer against the database.

Example Request



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Management API

"id": "StopDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 13:28:49.321744",
"url": "/jobs/StopDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 13:28:49.321744"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

DELETE databases/:database_name
Creates a job to delete (drop) an existing database on the cluster. To perform this operation, you
must first stop the database. The :database_name is the value of the name field that the
GETdatabases command returns.
Returns a job ID that you can use to determine the status of the job. See GET jobs.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have admin level security.


Example Request


"id": "DropDatabase-TestDB-2014-07-18 12:50:33.332383",
"url": "/jobs/DropDatabase-TestDB-2014-07-18 12:50:33.332383"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET databases/:database_name/configuration
Returns a list of configuration parameters for the database identified by :database_name. The
:database_name is the value of the name field that the GETdatabases command returns.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


A database username.


The password for the username.

Example Request


This API call returns over100 configuration parameters.. The followin response is a small subset of
the total amount returned.
"catalog_value": "1",
"change_requires_restart": "f",
"change_under_support_guidance": "f",
"current_value": "1",
"database_value": "1",
"default_value": "1",
"description": "No of active partitions",
"groups": "",
"is_mismatch": "f",
"node_name": "ALL",

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Management API

"parameter_name": "ActivePartitionCount",
"source": "DEFAULT"
"catalog_value": "180",
"change_requires_restart": "f",
"change_under_support_guidance": "f",
"current_value": "180",
"database_value": "180",
"default_value": "180",
"description": "Interval between advancing the AHM (seconds)",
"groups": "",
"is_mismatch": "f",
"node_name": "ALL",
"parameter_name": "AdvanceAHMInterval",
"source": "DEFAULT"
"catalog_value": "3",
"change_requires_restart": "f",
"change_under_support_guidance": "f",
"current_value": "3",
"database_value": "3",
"default_value": "3",
"description": "HDFS replication factor for Vertica data",
"groups": "",
"is_mismatch": "f",
"node_name": "ALL",
"parameter_name": "HadoopFSReplication",
"source": "DEFAULT"
"catalog_value": "",
"change_requires_restart": "f",
"change_under_support_guidance": "f",
"current_value": "",
"database_value": "",
"default_value": "",
"description": "Path to the java binary for executing UDx written in Java",
"groups": "",
"is_mismatch": "f",
"node_name": "ALL",
"parameter_name": "JavaBinaryForUDx",
"source": "DEFAULT"
"catalog_value": "80",
"change_requires_restart": "f",
"change_under_support_guidance": "f",
"current_value": "80",
"database_value": "80",
"default_value": "80",
"description": "The max amount of memory TopK(Heap) can use in MB",
"groups": "",
"is_mismatch": "f",
"node_name": "ALL",
"parameter_name": "TopKHeapMaxMem",
"source": "DEFAULT"

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Management API

"catalog_value": "READ COMMITTED",
"change_requires_restart": "f",
"change_under_support_guidance": "f",
"current_value": "READ COMMITTED",
"database_value": "READ COMMITTED",
"default_value": "READ COMMITTED",
"description": "READ COMMITTED (Default) - Last epoch for reads and current epoch
for writes.
SERIALIZABLE - Current epoch for reads and writes",
"groups": "",
"is_mismatch": "f",
"node_name": "ALL",
"parameter_name": "TransactionIsolationLevel",
"source": "DEFAULT"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

PUT databases/:database_name/configuration
Sets one or more configuration parameters for the database identified by :database_name. The
:database_name is the value of the name field that the GETdatabases command returns.
Returns the parameter name, the requested value, and the result of the attempted change (Success
or Failed).

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have admin level security.


A database username.


The password for the username.


A parameter name and value combination for the parameter to be changed.

Values must be URL encoded. You can include multiple name/value pairs
to set multiple parameters with a single API call.

Example Request


"key": "JavaBinaryForUDx",

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Management API

"result": "Success",
"value": "/usr/bin/java"
"key": "TransactionIsolationLevel",
"result": "Success",

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Management API

GET databases/:database_name/hosts
Returns the hostname/IP address, node name, and UP/DOWN status of each host associated with
the database identified by :database_name. The :database_name is the value of the name field
that the GETdatabases command returns.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"body": [
"hostname": "",
"nodename": "v_vmart_node0001",
"status": "UP",
"ts": "2014-07-18T13:12:31.904191"
"hostname": "",
"nodename": "v_vmart_node0002",
"status": "UP",
"ts": "2014-07-18T13:12:31.904209"
"hostname": "",
"nodename": "v_vmart_node0003",
"status": "UP",

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Management API

"ts": "2014-07-18T13:12:31.904215"
"href": "/databases/VMart/hosts",
"links": [],
"mime-type": "application/vertica.hosts.json-v2"

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Management API

POST databases/:database_name/hosts
Creates a job to add a host to the database identified by :database_name. This host must already
be part of the cluster. The :database_name is the value of the name field that the GETdatabases
command returns.
Returns a job ID that you can use to determine the status of the job. See GET jobs.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have admin level security.


A database username.


The password for the username.


The hostname to add to the database. Thishost must already be part of the

Example Request


"id": "AddHostToDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 12:24:04.088812",
"url": "/jobs/AddHostToDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 12:24:04.088812"

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Management API

Creates a job to remove the host identified by :host_id from the database identified by
:database_name. The :database_name is the value of the name field that the GETdatabases
command returns. The :host_id is the value of the host field returned by GET
Returns a job ID that you can use to determine the status of the job. See GET jobs.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have admin level security.


A database username.


A password for the username.

Example Request


"id": "RemoveHostFromDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 13:41:15.646235",
"url": "/jobs/RemoveHostFromDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 13:41:15.646235"

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Management API

POST databases/:database_name/hosts/:host_
Creates a job to start the vertica process for the database identified by :database_name on the host
identified by :host_id. The :database_name is the value of the name field that the GETdatabases
command returns. The :host_id is the value of the host field returned by GET
Returns a job ID that you can use to determine the status of the job. See GET jobs.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"id": "StartDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 13:14:03.968340",
"url": "/jobs/StartDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 13:14:03.968340"

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Management API

DELETE databases/:database_name/hosts/:host_
Creates a job to stop the vertica process for the database identified by :database_name on the host
identified by :host_id. The :database_name is the value of the name field that the GETdatabases
command returns. The :host_id is the value of the host field returned by GET
Returns a job ID that can be used to determine the status of the job. See GET jobs.
Note: If stopping the database on the hosts causes the database to no longer be k-safe, then
the all database nodes may shut down.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"id": "StopDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 13:02:08.453547",
"url": "/jobs/StopDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 13:02:08.453547"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

POST databases/:database_name/hosts/:host_
Creates a job to replace the host identified by hosts/:host_id with the host identified by
replace_with/:host_id. HP Vertica performs these operations for the database identified by
:database_name. The :database_name is the value of the name field that the GETdatabases
command returns. The :host_id is the value of the host field as returned by GET
databases/:database_name. You can find valid replacement hosts using GET hosts. The
replacement host cannot already be part of the database. You must stop the vertica process on the
host being replaced.
Returns a job ID that you can use to determine the status of the job. See GET jobs.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have admin level security.


A database username.


A password for the username.

Example Request


"id": "ReplaceNode-testDB-2014-07-20 13:50:28.423509",
"url": "/jobs/ReplaceNode-testDB-2014-07-20 13:50:28.423509"

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Management API

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET databases/:database_name/license
Returns details about the database license being used by the database identified by :database_
name. The :database_name is the value of the name field that the GETdatabases command

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


A database username.


The password for the username.

Example Request


"body": {
"details": {
"assigned_to": "Vertica Systems, Inc.",
"grace_period": 0,
"is_ce": false,
"is_unlimited": false,
"name": "vertica",
"not_after": "Perpetual",
"not_before": "2007-08-03"
"last_audit": {
"audit_date": "2014-07-18 13:49:22.530105-04",
"database_size_bytes": "814060522",

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Management API

"license_size_bytes": "536870912000",
"usage_percent": "0.00151630588248372"
"href": "/databases/VMart/license",
"links": [],
"mime-type": "application/vertica.license.json-v2"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET databases/:database_name/licenses
Returns details about all license being used by the database identified by :database_name. The
:database_name is the value of the name field that the GETdatabases command returns.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


A database username.


The password for the username.

Example Request


"body": [
"details": {
"assigned_to": "Vertica Systems, Inc.",
"audit_date": "2014-07-19 21:35:25.111312",
"is_ce": "False",
"name": "vertica",
"node_restriction": "",
"not_after": "Perpetual",
"not_before": "2007-08-03",
"size": "500GB"
"last_audit": {
"audit_date": "2014-07-19 21:35:26.318378-04",
"database_size_bytes": "819066288",

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Management API

"license_size_bytes": "536870912000",
"usage_percent": "0.00152562984824181"
"details": {
"assigned_to": "Vertica Systems, Inc., FlexTable",
"audit_date": "2014-07-19 21:35:25.111312",
"is_ce": "False",
"name": "com.vertica.flextable",
"node_restriction": "",
"not_after": "Perpetual",
"not_before": "2007-08-03",
"size": "500GB"
"last_audit": {
"audit_date": "2014-07-19 21:35:25.111312",
"database_size_bytes": 0,
"license_size_bytes": 536870912000,
"usage_percent": 0
"href": "/databases/VMart/licenses",
"links": [],
"mime-type": "application/vertica.features.json-v2"

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Management API

GET databases/:database_name/nodes
Returns a comma-separated list of node IDs for the database identified by :database_name. The
:database_name is the value of the name field that the GETdatabases command returns.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"database_id": "VMart",
"node_id": "v_vmart_node0001,v_vmart_node0002,v_vmart_node0003",
"status": "Unknown"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET databases/:database_name/nodes/:node_id
Returns details about the node identified by :node_id. The :node_id is one of the node IDs
returned by GET databases/:database_name/nodes.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"db": "VMart",
"host": "",
"name": "v_vmart_node0001",
"state": "UP"

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Management API

POST databases/:database_name/process
Creates a job to start the database identified by :database_name. The :database_name is the
value of the namefield that the GETdatabases command returns.
Returns a job ID that can be used to determine the status of the job. See GET jobs.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Start the database from this epoch.


Include only these hosts when starting the database. Use a commaseparated list of hostnames.

Example Request


An example of the full request using cURL:

curl -X POST -H "VerticaApiKey: ValidAPIKey" https://<NODE>:5444/:testDB/process

"id": "StartDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 12:41:46.061408",
"url": "/jobs/StartDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 12:41:46.061408"

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Management API

GET databases/:database_name/process
Returns a state of UP or DOWN for the database identified by :database_name. The :database_
name is the value of the namefield that the GETdatabases command returns.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"state": "UP"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

DELETE databases/:database_name/process
Creates a job to stop the database identified by :database_name. The :database_name is the
value of the namefield that the GETdatabases command returns.
Returns a job ID that you can useto determine the status of the job. See GET jobs.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


A database username.


The password for the username.

Example Request


An example of the full request using cURL:

curl -X DELETE -H "VerticaApiKey: ValidAPIKey" https://<NODE>:5444/:testDB/process?user_

"id": "StopDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 12:46:04.406637",
"url": "/jobs/StopDatabase-testDB-2014-07-20 12:46:04.406637"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

POST databases/:database_
Creates a job to run a rebalance on the database identified by host identified by :database_name.
The :database_name is the value of the namefield that the GETdatabases command returns.
Returns a job ID that you can use to determine the status of the job. See GET jobs.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


A database username.


A password for the username.

Example Request


"id": "RebalanceData-testDB-2014-07-20 21:42:45.731038",
"url": "/jobs/RebalanceData-testDB-2014-07-20 21:42:45.731038"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

POST databases/:database_name/wla/process
Creates a job to run Workload Analyzer on the database identified by host identified by :database_
name. The :database_name is the value of the name field that the GETdatabases command
Returns a job ID that you can use to determine the status of the job. See GET jobs.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


A database username.


A password for the username.

Example Request


"id": "AnalyzeWorkLoad-testDB-2014-07-20 21:48:27.972989",
"url": "/jobs/AnalyzeWorkLoad-testDB-2014-07-20 21:48:27.972989"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET hosts
Returns a list of the hosts in the cluster and the hardware, software, and network details about each

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"body": [
"cpu_info": {
"cpu_type": " Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v2 @ 2.40GHz",
"number_of_cpus": 2
"host_id": "",
"hostname": "",
"max_user_proc": "3833",
"nics": [
"broadcast": "",
"ipaddr": "",
"name": "eth0",
"netmask": "",
"speed": "unknown"

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Management API

"broadcast": "",
"ipaddr": "",
"name": "lo",
"netmask": "",
"speed": "locallink"
"total_memory": 3833,
"vertica": {
"arch": "x86_64",
"brand": "vertica",
"release": "20140716",
"version": "7.1.0"
"cpu_info": {
"cpu_type": " Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v2 @ 2.40GHz",
"number_of_cpus": 2
"host_id": "",
"hostname": "",
"max_user_proc": "3833",
"nics": [
"broadcast": "",
"ipaddr": "",
"name": "eth0",
"netmask": "",
"speed": "unknown"
"broadcast": "",
"ipaddr": "",
"name": "lo",
"netmask": "",
"speed": "locallink"
"total_memory": 3833,
"vertica": {
"arch": "x86_64",
"brand": "vertica",
"release": "20140716",
"version": "7.1.0"
"cpu_info": {
"cpu_type": " Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v2 @ 2.40GHz",
"number_of_cpus": 2
"host_id": "",
"hostname": "",
"max_user_proc": "3833",
"nics": [
"broadcast": "",

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Management API

"ipaddr": "",
"name": "eth0",
"netmask": "",
"speed": "unknown"
"broadcast": "",
"ipaddr": "",
"name": "lo",
"netmask": "",
"speed": "locallink"
"total_memory": 3833,
"vertica": {
"arch": "x86_64",
"brand": "vertica",
"release": "20140716",
"version": "7.1.0"
"href": "/hosts",
"links": [
"mime-type": "application/vertica.hosts.json-v2"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET hosts/:hostid
Returns hardware, software, and network details about the host identified by :host_id. You can
find :host_id for each host using GET hosts.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"body": {
"cpu_info": {
"cpu_type": " Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2695 v2 @ 2.40GHz",
"number_of_cpus": 2
"hostname": "",
"max_user_proc": "3833",
"nics": [
"broadcast": "",
"ipaddr": "",
"name": "eth0",
"netmask": "",
"speed": "unknown"
"broadcast": "",
"ipaddr": "",

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Management API

"name": "lo",
"netmask": "",
"speed": "locallink"
"total_memory": 3833,
"vertica": {
"arch": "x86_64",
"brand": "vertica",
"release": "20140716",
"version": "7.1.0"
"href": "/hosts/",
"links": [],
"mime-type": "application/"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET jobs
Returns a list of jobs being tracked by the agent and job details.
Jobs always start immediately. The is_running field is a Boolean value. If is_running is false,
then the job is complete.
The exit_code details the status of the job. The exit_code is different for certain types of jobs:

For Backup jobs:


0 indicates success.

Any other number indicates a failure.

For all other jobs:


-9 indicates success.

Any other number indicates a failure.

You can see details about failures in /opt/vertica/log/agentStdMsg.log.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request



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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

"body": [
"exit_code": 0,
"id": "CreateBackup-VMart-1405012447.75",
"is_running": false,
"status": "unused",
"ts": "1405012461.18"
"exit_code": 1,
"id": "CreateBackup-VMart-1405012454.88",
"is_running": false,
"status": "unused",
"ts": "1405012455.18"
"href": "/jobs",
"links": [
"mime-type": "application/"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET jobs/:id
Gets the details for a specific job with the provided :id. You can determine the list of job :ids
usingGET jobs.
Details for a specific job are the same as the details provided for all jobs byGET jobs.
Note: You must URL encode the :id as some IDs may contain spaces or other special

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

POST licenses
Uploads and applies a license file to this cluster.
You must provide the license file as an HTTP POST form upload, identified by the name license.
For example, you can use cURL:
curl -k --request POST -H "VerticaApiKey:ValidAPIKey" \ --form "[email protected]"

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have admin level security.


Example Request


There is no HTTP body response for successful uploads. A successful upload returns an HTTP
200/OK header.

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET licenses
Returns any license files that are used by this cluster when creating databases. License files must
reside in /opt/vertica/config/share.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"body": [
"comment": "Vertica license is valid",
"end": "Perpetual",
"grace": "0",
"size": "1TB CE Nodes 3",
"start": "2011-11-22",
"status": true,
"vendor": "Vertica Community Edition"
"href": "/license",
"links": [],
"mime-type": "application/vertica.license.json-v2"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET nodes
Returns a list of nodes associated with this cluster.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"body": [
"href": "/nodes",
"links": [
"mime-type": "application/vertica.nodes.json-v2"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET nodes/:nodeid
Returns details about the node identified by :node_id. You can find the :node_id for each node
using GET nodes.
In the body field, the following information is detailed in comma-separated format:

Node Name

Host Address

Catalog Directory

Data Directory

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"body": [
"href": "/nodes/v_vmart_node0001",
"links": [],

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Management API

"mime-type": "application/vertica.node.json-v2"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

GET webhooks
Returns a list of active webhooks for this cluster.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


"body": [
"host": "",
"id": "79c1c8a18be02804b3d2f48ea6462909",
"port": 80,
"timestamp": "2014-07-20 22:54:09.829642",
"url": "/gettest.htm"
"host": "",
"id": "9c32cb0f3d2f9a7cb10835f1732fd4a7",
"port": 80,
"timestamp": "2014-07-20 22:54:09.829707",
"url": "/getwebhook.php"
"href": "/webhooks",
"links": [

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Management API

"mime-type": "application/vertica.webhooks.json-v2"

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

POST webhooks/subscribe
Creates a subscription for a webhook.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


A URL to an application that accepts JSON messages from this cluster.

Example Request


The response is not JSON encoded. The only text response is the ID of the webhook subscription.
Additionally, an HTTP 200/OK header indicates success.

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

DELETE webhooks/:subscriber_id
Deletes the webhook identified by :subscriber_id. The :subscriber_id is the value of the id
field that the GET webhooks command returns.

Resource URL

Requires a VerticaAPIKey in the request header.
The API key must have restricted level security or higher.


Example Request


There is no HTTP body response for successful deletes. A successful delete returns an HTTP
200/OK header.

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Connecting to HP Vertica
Management API

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We appreciate your feedback!

If you have comments about this document, you can contact the documentation team by email. If
an email client is configured on this system, click the link above and an email window opens with
the following information in the subject line:
Feedback on Connecting to HP Vertica (Vertica Analytic Database 7.1.x)
Just add your feedback to the email and click send.
If no email client is available, copy the information above to a new message in a web mail client,
and send your feedback to [email protected].

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