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OCEN 678

Fluid Dynamics for Ocean and Environmental Engineering

Learning Outcomes and Course Objectives

Overall course learning outcome

By the end of this course, students will be able to construct solutions to fluid dynamics problems
applicable to their research using methods from the fluids literature.
To achieve this goal, students will learn to:

Categorize solutions to fluids problems by their fundamental assumptions

List and explain the assumptions behind the classical equations of fluid dynamics
Identify and formulate the physical interpretation of the mathematical terms used in solutions to fluid dynamics problems

Course Modules
This course is organized into four course modules. The following list summarizes these categories and provides the specific content and learning outcomes for each module.
Module 1: Fundamental Equations

The first part of the course will introduce the mathematical language necessary to attack fluid
mechanics problems. This can be outlined in the following topics:

Tensor Notation
Conservation Laws: Governing Equations
Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Once the material in this module is mastered, students will be able to:

Write and manipulate fluid dynamics equations using tensor (indicial) notation
Explain the Lagrangian and Eulerian perspectives to fluid flow problems
Apply the Reynolds Transport Theorem and the laws of calculus to develop conservation
equations in fluids
List and apply the basic assumptions used in fluid dynamics for ocean engineering
Interpret the physical meaning of different terms in the deformation tensor, the NavierStokes equations, the Vorticity Equation, and the Heat and Constituent Transport Equations.

Module 2: Viscous Flows

Once the theoretical framework for fluid mechanics is developed, this module will present solutions and solution strategies for viscous flows. The topics in this section include:


Exact Solutions
Scale Analysis
Example: Laminar Boundary Layers
Example: Turbulent Boundary Layers

At completion of this module, students will be able to:

Write the exact equations for a fluid flow problem incorporating applicable simplifications
Develop approximations to the exact solution by eliminating negligible contributions to
the solution using scale analysis
List and explain seven fundamental characteristics of turbulence
Formulate models for turbulent flow problems using Reynolds decomposition
Evaluate friction forces on objects using the boundary layer approximation in laminar and
turbulent flows

Module 3: Ideal Flows

The second application module will focus on flows far from object boundaries where the effects
of viscosity are often ignored. This section will cover the following topics of such ideal flows:

Deductions from the Inviscid Flow Assumption

Canonical 2D and 3D Flow Fields
Flow Field Manipulations: Superposition and Conformal Mapping
Hydrodynamic Forces on Objects

Through the activities in this module, students will learn to:

Write and explain the fundamental equations of potential flow theory

Compute the flow field around 2D and 3D objects using combinations of fundamental
potential flow solutions
Evaluate potential flow solutions to compute forces on objects
Model forces on objects using added-mass coefficients

Module 4: Buoyancy-Driven Flows

The final section of this course will explore a few of the fundamental effects of density differences in coastal and ocean engineering flows. As time allows, this section will introduce the following topics:

Boussinesq Approximation
Internal Waves: Two-Layer Flows
Internal Waves: Continuous Stratification
Boundary Mixing and Turbulence

Though covered at an entry-level, by the end of this module students will be able to:

Write and explain the governing equations for weakly-stratified fluids

Explain the physical interpretation of the buoyancy frequency
Summarize processes at fluid boundaries that generate mixing and turbulence

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