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The Aspect Pattern of Inner Anguish, Inner Anger, Inner Rage
and Inner Violence
The Aspect Pattern for Inner Creative Potential
The Aspect Pattern of an Emotional Inner Dilemma

30 DECEMBER 2003

Copyright 2003 Beverley Dubowitz


To My Spiritual Teachers and To My Physical Teachers

For Your Guidance and Understanding
For Allowing Me To Absorb Your Knowledge and Your Wisdom

For Awakening Me To - The Energies of the Sesqui Knot

For Further Inspiring Me To Investigate - The Energies of the Quintile Point
For Further Encouraging Me To Tape Into - The Energies of The Yod


Page Number



- Discovering the Sesqui Knot


- The Sesqui Knot

- The Play Out of the Sesqui Knot


- The Modes or the Sign Qualities Through the Square Aspect


- The Elements Mix Through the Sesqui Knot


- Element Blends


- The Focal Planet or Point


Page Number


- Clients Case Studies




















- Summarizing and Putting the Sesqui Knot Together


- The Sesqui Knot in Charts of Well Known Individuals


Page Number


- The Quintile Point


- Other Quintile Aspect Patterns


- Clients Case Studies






- The Yod


- Other Yod Aspect Patterns


- Clients Case Studies





- Overall Summary


- Soul Entry Time


- Bibliography


List of Astrology Charts The Aspect Pattern The Sesqui Knot

Natal Chart for BRENDA
The Midpoint Trees from BRENDA Natal Chart
Natal Chart for ELLIOTT
The Midpoint Trees from ELLIOTT Natal Chart
Natal Chart for LIZA
Solar Return for 2001 for LIZA
Natal Chart of LIZA together with Transits 30 January 2002
Solar Return Chart for LIZA together with Transit 5 February 2002
Natal Chart for JEREMY
Natal Chart for DAMIN
Natal Chart for MICHELLE
The Midpoint Trees from MICHELLE Natal Chart Page 1
The Midpoint Trees from MICHELLE Natal Chart Page 2
Natal Chart for ANGIE
The Midpoint Trees from ANGIE Natal Chart
Natal Chart for ROLAND
Midpoint Trees from ROLAND Natal Chart

ROLAND Natal Chart together with transits of 19 August 2002 at 5:00 pm

ROLAND Natal Chart together with transits of 20 August 2002 at 8:00 am
Natal Chart for JONATHAN
Secondary Progressed Chart for JONATHAN for his Tenth Year
Natal Chart for JONATHAN together with Transits during his Tenth Year
BiWheel Chart for JONATHAN for his Tenth Year
Secondary Progressed Chart for JONATHAN for 1999
Natal Chart for JONATHAN together with Transits during 1999
BiWheel Chart for JONATHAN for 1999
Albert Einstein Natal Chart with Aspects
Albert Einstein Natal Chart high lighting Sesqui Knot Aspect Pattern
Homicide - Husband Natal Chart with Aspects
Homicide - Husband Natal Chart high lighting Sesqui Knot Aspect Pattern
Mick Jagger Natal Chart with Aspects
Mick Jagger Natal Chart high lighting Sesqui Knot Aspect Pattern
Elton John Natal Chart with Aspects
Elton John Natal Chart high lighting Sesqui Knot Aspect Pattern
John Lennon Natal Chart with Aspects
John Lennon Natal Chart high lighting Sesqui Knot Aspect Pattern
Elvis Presley Natal Chart with Aspects
Elvis Presley Natal Chart high lighting Sesqui Knot Aspect Pattern

The Aspect Pattern The Quintile Point

The Aspect Pattern of the Pentagram Shape
The Archway of Life or The Gateway of Life
The Pentagram Shape
The Quintile Cradle
The Quintile Triangle
The Quintile Mini Triangle
The Quintile Rectangle
Natal Chart for JENNIFER
Natal Chart for MICHAEL
The Midpoint Trees from MICHAEL Natal Chart

The Aspect Pattern The Yod

The Yod Bow Tie
The Triple Tied Yod
The Tredradic Yod

The Fated Yod The Tretradic Yod and the Quintile Point
The Fated Yod The Yod and the Quintile Point
The Fated Yod The Tretradic Yod and the Quintile Point
and the Sesqui Knot
The Fated Yod Joining, The Yod and the Quintile Point
Natal Chart for EVELYN
Natal Chart for BRENT
The Midpoint Trees from BRENT Natal Chart Page 1
The Midpoint Trees from BRENT Natal Chart Page 2



Angie a client of mine for the last two years had reached major crossroads in her life
and was going through crisis, trauma, and distortion, on all levels, emotionally,
mentally, physically and spiritually. She was indicating to everyone that she was
coping with the situation, with the issues, with the changes, as well as with her
emotions, but underneath it all she was not coping, not at all, and was dealing with
emotional swings, which included depression, anguish, anger and rage.

I feel so ashamed at what I have done, Angie said with despair in her voice. The
words she was pouring out to me, made me feel vulnerable, answerable and in a way
accountable, because I should have been aware of what was going on, and I should
have seen all this in her Natal Chart or Solar Chart, to help her understand her self, to
help her with the situation, to help her with the issues, to help her with her emotions
crisis, and to help her on a deeper level.

But where was it.. What was I missing.

What was in her chart on a deeper level that I was not noting, was not aware of and
was not tapping into? There had to be something that indicated all this what was it.

As I looked deeper into the chart, I noticed an aspect pattern that I had noticed in a few
clients charts, but did not understand, and which I had ignored.

What does this aspect pattern indicate? and as I said this to my self, suddenly
information came pouring down into my mind and into my awareness, from around
me and from above me.

This aspect pattern was and is the pattern of inner anguish, inner rage, inner anger,
inner emotional pressure, and inner emotional despair, which can lead to inner
violence. This aspect pattern, depending on so many issues, being the planets that are
involved, to the houses and to the signs, could and can lead to inner violence or outer
violence from the persons deep emotional trauma and held in pain.

This aspect pattern is heavily connected to past life issues, and to past life situations,
and it is related to reoccurring cycles within the individual which have not been
released or dealt with over many, many, many life times.

Now in this life time there is an intensity of these and around these energy or energies,
which are the emotions of: anguish, rage, anger, rage, and violence, which bring
emotional despair, emotional pressure, emotional distortion, and emotional
entrapment, which are and will be spiraled out, into the through this life time, which
had been held in over many life times.

The karma issues and situations are complex but as the person matures, the
understanding and release allows one to move away from the inner emotional trauma,
which lies deep within their souls.

Also, the karma of this aspect pattern holds many relationship issues and situations,
which connects family members going back in time and through time, and through
family as well as through individual generations.

The more I tried to read up with regards to this aspect pattern, the more I noticed that
this aspect pattern was pushed aside and considered to be obscure and unimportant.

I personally feel that this aspect pattern has not been understood for its importance,
and for its difference.

What I was discovering and discovered was that this aspect pattern opened up issues,
that the client desperately wanted to understand with regard to their inner dynamics, to
be able to live and enjoy life, with more understanding and awareness.


This aspect I have called The Sesqui Knot.

The Sesqui Knot consists of two sesquiquadrates with a square at the base, and one
of the points involved can be the Ascendant, the Midheaven, Planets, the Moon Nodes,
Asteroids or Arabic Points.

The sesquiquadrate, is also sometimes called the sesquisquare. It is the aspect where
the points involved are at a distance of 135 degrees from each other.

I always work with a tight orb of 3 degrees.

The Aspect Pattern The Sesqui Knot


Sesquiquadrates or sesquisquares (135 degrees) aspect is known as the aspect of

agitation and disruption, and frustration of and around ones action. There is a build
up of conditions, and then a release of intense emotions and sometimes one is not able
to release this energy, which builds up, then ones is forced and pushed forward
through ones personal frustrations. This aspect causes difficulties as well as
restrictions and delayed achievements.

Squares (90 degrees) are known as the aspect of obstacles and challenges. This is
where adjustments have to be made between ones self drive and ones emotions. This
aspect causes stress as well as internal conflict.

Both these aspects, the sesquisquare and the square, are considered to be malefic or
hard aspects.

When one combines these two aspects within the tight knot of the Sesqui Knot, there
is, a frustration of action, around action, and then over action. Then through ones
frustration there is a build up, with a need for action, which forces one into more
action, which is based on inner tension, inner pressure, inner frustration and inner

stress. But with this is the need for action, but there is an inability to carry out the
action, through emotional conflict.

Due to this intense and inner pressure of the energies, which are formed by the Sesqui
Knot (the two sesquisquares and the square), there is inner stress of the energies,
there is inner entrapped of energies, there is inner frustration of energies, there is inner
distortion of energies, which involves all three points, formed by the Sesqui Knot.

These intense internal energies which build up and up, with the energies reaction and
then the energies go into more of a reaction, but due to no release, there is more of a
build up, which builds up more and more. Because there is no complete release, of a
release of these energies, it some times erupts through inner violence or outer violence
through physical action, through hurting one self or through punching walls, or
anything solid.

Some times the eruption occurs with incredible emotional force screaming, kicking,
swearing, punching, and fighting as the individual is surround with and in a haze of
red aggressive energies, similar to a pressure cooker exploding. But then after this out
burst, there is still a feeling as if there was no release at all, as there is a slow builds up
of these energies once again. This is from the tight energies within the Sesqui

There is inner anguish, inner stress and inner anger, as one cannot please ones self
with the conflict of the demands from others, and this causes deep emotional swings,

from the wants of what the individual wants, and from wanting to be accepted in
giving to others. This is due to the individual emotionally feeling, unwanted, unseen,
unheard, and unloved, on many levels.

This internal emotional pressure, which stirs up incredible action within one self, give
one and others a surprise when these emotions are finally activated and released, but
not released in full.

Other acknowledges these emotions from the individual, as the person being intensely
angry, but then it is intensified into rage and being out of control. Then this anger at
times leads to uncontrollable violence, which is released by the individual, on to them
selves, or and some times on to others.

From all this, the Sesqui Knot aspect pattern has an On Edge energy that can be
seen as anguish, as anger, as rage, or as violence.

How the Sesqui Knot aspect pattern plays out, depends on the mix of the On Edge
energies, from and through the planets, from and through the asteroid, from and
through the angles, from and through the signs, from and through the houses, from and
through the modes, and from and through the elements.

The energies of this aspect pattern, the Sesqui Knot creates a complex personality
complex, as the need to express the expression of the inner emotions, are hampered,
are trapped, are distorted, as there is an inability to express the expression of the
inner emotions.

Through this crisis and trauma, more problems manifest, which results in, inner
anguish, inner anger, inner rage, inner frustration and inner violence. The expression
of emotions and feelings need to be expressed, through negative energies or positive
energies, within ones immediate life and environment.

Within certain individuals this intense energy or energies are turned inwards, and used
to birth, hidden wisdom and knowledge, which is connected to past lifetime, which is
turned into a high perception and intelligence frequency and vibration, in the now, in
this life time.


The Modes and the Sign Qualities are played out through the Sesqui Knot, through
the two different aspects, the square and the sesquisquare, and the energies are:

- Cardinal

The Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

Key Energy: Direct action
Through the Expression of the Sesqui Knot Energy: This energy and expression of
this energy is conformed and trapped, as it is adapted around external circumstances.

This mode used positively, is the most active, self motivating, forceful, assertive,
aggressive, ambitious energy and makes one want to jump into the issue or crises.
This energy makes one motivated to go after what one wants.

This mode or quality used negatively is the most self-seeking, dominant, impatient,
and ruthless energy and makes one unaware of the needs and desires of others.

- Fixed

The Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

Key Energy: Fixed effort and direction
Through the Expression of the Sesqui Knot Energy: This energy and expression of
this energy is conformed and trapped, through adapting emotions and feelings around
values and emotions into an internal world of there own.

This mode used positively, shows considerable strength, power, consistency,

persistence, patients and determination with regards to ones own desires and needs.

This mode used negatively, brings a stubborn and inflexible attitude, and one refuses
to compromise, resisting any attempts from others, so that one is determined to
maintain ones positions and/or desires.

- Mutable

The Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Key Energy: Mental reasoning and action

Through the Expression of the Sesqui Knot Energy: This energy and expression of
this energy is conformed and trapped, as it is adapted around external circumstances,
and through adapting emotions and feelings around values and emotions into an
internal world of there own, as one tries to adapt and live ones life for others, as they
request and demand.

This mode used positively, versatile, one is easily adaptable, one is also flexible as one
is able to see others point of view.

This mode used negatively, brings changeable behaviour as one loses their sense of
self and purpose, together with restless, and an over adaptable energy as one is
influenced by others ideas and needs.


The Element mix, which is formed within the Sesqui Knot are intensified and
highlighted, through the mix of the energies, and the energies are:

- Fire Signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

This energy brings confidence, courage, and self-assertiveness. This energy is the
active life force, the expression of the universal radiant energy. Due to this, it brings
one, strength and honesty, an energy, which radiates, which is excitable and which is
enthusiastic. With it comes a fearless, impulsiveness energy as well as being
impatient. At times it can indicate ruthlessness and a self-imposing control upon

Through the Expression of the Sesqui Knot Energy: This energy and expression of
this energy is done and experienced for inside out, and the world and ones life is
experienced internally first, and only then tried to be lived out, but external issues
intensify the force of living within. This can and may lead to illnesses, situations and
issues of physical or/and physical entrapment, imprisonment, or bondage through ones

- Earth Signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

This energy brings a practical, cautious and conventional element. This energy is the
practical reason and the self-discipline of life. Due to this, it brings one patience and
persistence to utilize the material world. With it comes criticism and discipline in
their highest forms as well as manipulation and the control over others.

Through the Expression of the Sesqui Knot Energy: This energy and expression of
this energy is done and experienced very distortedly and one does not and is not able
to experience the depth of physical life, as physical life and the physical world can
only be experienced through the expression of all of the senses and all emotions. This
can and may lead to physical illness as a form to learn through the physical body.

- Air Signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

This energy brings mental expression and perception. This energy is what changes
life energy into the expression of all patterns of thought. Due to this, there is a need
to detach oneself from life, and to objectively and rationally reflect on all issues and
situations. So, this energy is the mental judgment of all actions and reactions, which
can shatter others, and it can bring through an aloof and cold attitude. This energy
also has a nervous quality to it, which sometimes acts in a hyperactive way.

Through the Expression of the Sesqui Knot Energy: This energy and expression of
this energy is accomplished in a very dogmatic, rigid and aggressive mental and
logical way, as the individual experiences his life and emotions through their distorted
logical mind. This can and may lead to physical and mental illness as a form to learn,
as the physical and mental bodies of the individual, conflict with each other.

- Water Signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

This energy brings deep emotions, feelings and sensitivity. This energy is part of the
soul, the emotional life force, which provides understanding, feelings and compassion
for others on the emotional energy level. Due to this, it brings empathy and
compassion as well as intuition and the ability of being psychically sensitive. With it
comes a deep emotional compulsions, which are passionate emotional, and with it
comes deep fears which one feels tied into. At times it can indicate the need for
secrecy and privacy.

Through the Expression of the Sesqui Knot Energy: This energy and expression of
this energy is accomplished and is channeled through the distortion of emotional
energies, as one experiences their personal issues and as the outer world is experienced
through and on a very emotional level. This can and may lead to physical, emotional
and mental illness, from the distortion from within the individual.


When there is a mix between qualities and elements through a tight aspect, such as the
Sesqui Knot it causes tightly held internal dynamics within the mental, physical,
emotional and spiritual bodies as a person plays out their life and their chart, as well
as, as they overcome their past life issues and situations. Internal emotional pressures
are internalized, held in, and then are released through a negative or positive forceful
energy, through inner turmoil and conflict.

When the Sesqui Knot is activated turmoil, conflict and tension will naturally occur
as follows:

- Air and Water

With this mix of strong air over water, the strong mental expression and perception
elements beats up the emotional feelings and does not allow the emotions to play out
which leads to emotional swings and mental crisis.

With this mix of strong water over air, the strong emotional feelings overtakes and
swings thru its fears and obsessions, which leads to the mental expression and
perception becoming totally ineffective.

- Air and Fire

With this mix of strong air over fire, the strong mental expression and perception
elements beats up the inspired confident motivated elements and does not allow
confidence and self assertiveness to play out which leads to inner turmoil and tension
and to despondent actions.

With this mix of strong fire over air, the inspired over confident, over motivated
elements overtakes which leads to aggressive actions, inner turmoil and tension before
thinking about the actions or reactions or outcome.

- Air and Earth

With this mix of strong air over fire, the strong mental expression and perception
elements beats up the practical grounded earthy elements and does not allow for any
practical logical elements to play out which leads to an over active mind with no levelheadedness.

With this mix of strong fire over air, the practical grounded earthy elements kills the
strong mental perception and ideas of ones mind to be freely enacted, this also brings
internal conflicts of actions.

- Earth and Water

With this mix of strong earth over water, the strong stubborn practical earthy beats up
the emotional feelings and does not allow the emotions to play out which leads to
emotional control.

With this mix of strong water over earth the emotional feelings overtakes and swings
thru its fears, obsessions and mood swings, which leads to the strong emotional
imbalance and hypersensitivity of ones feelings.

- Earth and Fire

With this mix of strong earth over fire, the strong stubborn practical earthy elements
beats up the confident, motivated inspired actions.

With this mix of strong fire over earth, the strong practical logical earthy elements,
which can lead to anger and aggression of actions as reactions over frustrations,
control and authority.

- Fire and Water

With this mix of strong water over fire, the strong emotional feelings overtakes and
beats up the inspired confident motivated elements and does not allow confidence and
self assertiveness to play out which leads to low self worth and confidence through
deep and strong emotional imbalance.

With this mix of strong fire over water, the inspired over confident, over motivated
elements beats up the emotional feelings which leads to uncontrollable volatile action
with no emotional interaction. With this certain individuals live in a dream world of
their own making, or in a world of fantasy, or in a world of may be or might be


In a chart where there is the Sesqui Knot there is a focal planet or point; it is at the
point where the two sesqui squares or sesquiquadrates meet.

The people with these charts will express the focal planet or point in a positive and/or
negative emphasized manner.

The focal planet or point describes in which way the energy will be express, how the
person will direct the energy and eventually how it might resolved the build up of
energy. The energy will always have an intense inner emotional pressure as the
individual tries to deal with their internal conflicts.

When the focal planet is one of the personal planets, there is a very strong personal
quality to this energy. Saturn and Jupiter bring a social condition quality to their
energy, and the outer planets bring a collective compulsion quality with their energies

as well as a force of, to cut the past and to change, which threaten the individual. The
asteroids bring a compulsive but more passive strength energy with them.

By being aware of these energies, one can be aware of the destructive or negative
qualities and try and bring out the constructive or positive qualities, with regards to the
focal planet, asteroid or point.

When working from and trying to understand the dynamics of the focal planet or point,
it must be remembered that, this focus point is being affected, by the sign, by the
house and by the rulers, with regards to the energies, that are being released.

The focal planet or point, governs the physical plane of expression within the Sesqui
Knot and in a way there needs a conversion between the physical plane and the
spiritual planet to adapted this energy or these energies, to enable it to be released,
which is part of the individuals journey, in this physical expression which life is

Through these distortions of these energies, the creation of a complex is created

around expression of emotions, rocking one through the need to be able to express
one self, to having the inability to being able to express one self. Through the
complex, more bundles and issue building within the soul and within the psychic of
the individual, forming a magnetic energy, which enlarges, increases and expands.
Then, through this, when problems, crisis and trauma occur, and energy or energies
manifested into emotions of anguish, anger, rage and violence.

- The Sun
The Sun indicates much will power, and an ingrained sense of authority and a strong
urge to accomplish in life in an independent manner that would bring recognition and
honour. Main issues are linked to stress which is linked to the persons ego and pride,
power struggles, trying to overpower others, arrogance, attention grabbling, and
confidence in ones self. There are hidden issues with regards to the father which is
linked to the persons self worth. When the Sun is involved in this aspect pattern
there are issues and elements around ones physical self and physical body, which leads
to incredible stress and conflicts.

- The Moon
The Moon indicates high emotions and being over sensitive to other peoples remarks
and gestures.

Main issues are linked to stress, which is linked to the persons feelings

of security as they are easily threatened, to mood swings, to emotional imbalance, and
to behaviour problems or patterns, which might have come from painful past
memories. There are deep emotional problems, which can be linked to the mother, to
early childhood, or to the family and the home.
Mercury this indicates the creative use of ones intelligence as well as the clear use of
mental and verbal expression. Main issues are linked to stress, which can lead to
nervous disorders and other health issues, which are usually due, to the mental attitude
one has formed, to the lack of understanding on all levels with depth and perception, to
becoming lost in petty and silly issues and situations, to focusing upon ones worries,
anxieties and health problems, to the focus being placed upon being the perfectionist

and being over critical and analyzing everything constantly. When the Moon is
involved in this aspect pattern there are issues around self-punishment, and one
continuously criticizes oneself from everything that has been, that is and that well be.

- Venus
Venus indicates the interaction within ones personal relationships and the love you
receive and return. Main issues are linked to stress, which are due, to the need to
attract others and gain their support, approval and acceptance, to feelings of being
unloved, unappreciated or even unfairly treated, to emotional tension, to centering
relationships around one self, to blocking the dynamics of interacting within the
relationships, to constantly desiring constant satisfaction and expecting things to come
easily without effort or a struggle. Sometimes there will be financial problems, which
can occur due to poor or impractical tastes or spending beyond what one has. There
can be a superficial and overly concern with regards to the physical appearance and

- Mars
Mars indicates a very strong willed person with an intense drive to act independently
and dynamically always being in control or ones life. Main issues are linked to stress
which is linked, to constantly satisfying ones own desires, to constantly wanting ones
own way, to provoking conflict, to being impatient, head strong, overly assertive and

aggressive. There could be a tendency to be argumentive or to fight, even to be cruel

and violent. There could even be an issue of being hyperactive, having reckless
behaviour and being prone to accidents.

- Jupiter
Jupiter indicates ones inner drive for freedom and expansion. Main issues are linked
to stress which can become compulsions which is linked, to social restrictions and
limitations which are imposed on to one, to learn tolerance and acceptance of others
and their beliefs, to being dogmatic, stubborn, aggressive and headstrong, to that one
becomes actively involved in the ongoing search for a greater meaning in life, to the
self driven quest for understanding life, to upgrading and enrichment one own life and
having to up lift and enlighten others. This could be the restless search for wisdom
and knowledge making one the constant student. Jupiter indicates shame, so there are
major issues with holding in ones issues of shame.

- Saturn
Saturn indicates one who take a very practical, realistic and overly responsible
approach to life. Main issues are linked to stress which hold hidden fears which is
linked, to delays and setbacks when trying to gain recognition, social dominance and
professional success from others, to self doubt and not being able to prove ones worth,
to trying to obtain power, control and authority over others. There can be strong

issues of depression, anxiety, fears, guilt, loneliness and worry which results in one
retreating into them selves as they control their emotions. There are also major issues
with regards to the father and trying to prove their self worth. Saturn indicates guilt,
so there are major issues with regards to guilt and trying to defend one self,
emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

- Uranus
Uranus indicates a strong independency and inner drive as well as constantly
expressing ones own freedom the way one desires. Main issues are lined to stress,
which can be linked to nervous disorders or inner anger, which is linked, to the
enormous and constant amount of rebellious energies, to the enormous overload of
nervous energies, to opposing restriction on one of all kinds, to pressure on one to
behave as society expects, and to frustration and anxiety. There are also major issues
with regards to being very highly-strung and highly impatient which could lead to
destructive action as well as being violent.

- Neptune
Neptune indicates escaping from the reality of life and being carried away with ones
illusions and expectations, which might not be realistic. Main issues are linked to
stress which is linked, to the refusal to face ones motives and commitments, to being
self destructive, to escaping from all inner pain, to absorbing the thoughts and feelings
of other around one as one is hypersensitive, to feelings of being unable and incapable
of acting decisively, to being mentally confused, to loneliness and lacking being

emotionally connection to others. There can be major issues with regards to being
overly dependent upon drugs or alcohol, as well as having hidden emotional or mental
weaknesses and issues. There are also powerful emotional needs, which are not being
fulfilled for the individual, which turn into compulsions and obsessions. Health issues
can result, as one is over sensitivity to foods and medicines, and illnesses can develop
from strong mysterious and strange elements, issues and situations.

- Pluto
Pluto indicates all forms of power one has in order to gain control of ones life and ones
desires. Main issues are linked to stress, which is linked, to intense frustration, to
power struggles, to emotional intensity, to the loss of power and control over situations
and people, to consuming obsessions, to hidden compulsions, to a hidden personality
which lies deeply hidden under the surface of the individuals personality. There can
be major issues with regards to ones emotions, which could be shown with emotional
intensity from emotional self-control, to manipulation, to possessiveness. There can
be major turmoil within one, which can lead to ruthlessness and violence.

- Chiron
Chiron indicates where one feels one lacks personal power. Main issues are linked to
stress which is linked to fear and anger, which is linked, to ones self worth and value,
to personal rights, to being made the victim or the scapegoat, to having learning
difficulties, to carrying the burden of expectations from others. There are issues with
regards to emotional pain, mental pain and to physical pain, which comes from the self

and others. There can be major issues with regards to despair, which could lead to
suicidal feelings or to a death wish. There can be obsessions and phobias about

- The Black Lilith Moon

The Black Lilith Moon indicates and points to where there is bad luck emphasis in
ones life, as if there are tricks on and onto one, which leaves one feeling empty and not
connected to life, there is a feeling of being denied. Main issues are linked to
frustrations and denials over ones choices and mistakes, as one feels betrayed and
deceived. These issues and situations are linked to the sign of the Dark Moon Lilith,
and its house position highlights ones values, priorities and choices.

- The Part of Fortune

The Part of Fortune indicates the life area most productive with regards to the material,
physical and financial benefits, as well as it indicates ones interest and where one finds
fulfillment. Main issues are linked to stress which is linked to frustration, which is
linked, to not being recognized or acknowledged, to not achieving harmony or
happiness, to not achieving good fortune or success with regards to ones material or
financial rewards.

- The North Node

The North Node indicates and points to ones new path of growth, to ones expression,
to ones attitudes, to ones behaviour patterns, to ones life purpose. Main issues are
linked to stress from fear, which is linked, to feelings of being not in control of ones
life, to not achieving and not reaching this direction, to being hesitate in developing
this point, and to being insecure in developing this point. There can be major issues
with regards to despair and an obsessive pull, which are indicated by the South Node.

- The South Node

The South Node indicates ones behaviour patterns from ones earlier childhood and
from ones past life times, as well as there is a karmic pull of the past. Main issues are
linked to stress, which is linked to fear, which is linked, to rigid attitude, to
inappropriate or exaggerated or inflexible attitudes and situations. There can be major
issues with regards to letting go and moving away from old behaviours, which are
represented by the South Node.

- The Ascendant
The Ascendant indicates ones outgoing qualities and traits (ones personality), what
one shows others through thoughts, actions and emotions. It also indicates ones body
the soul has chosen for this lifetime. Main issues are linked to stress, which is linked,
to the way one feel about oneself, to ones approach to life, to the way one confronts
others. There can be major issues with regards to showing an artificial identity or
personality that may be quite at odds with the rest of the persons nature.

- The Midheaven
The Midheaven indicates ones career or profession as well as ones desire for
achievement, success and status in life, as well as how one relates to society. Main
issues are linked to stress, which is linked, to not achieving within ones profession, to
having delays within reaching ones potential, to having or holding no authority within
ones life, to not obtaining acknowledgement by others.

- Juno
Juno the relating asteroid, the goddess of marriage this asteroid indicates ones
feelings about and attitude towards ones partner or partnerships. It also indicates ones
emotional, physical and mental needs that one experiences through relating with ones
partner or partners. Main issues are linked to stress, which is linked, to intense
emotions, to being intimate, to sexual issues, to denial, to abandonment, to separation,
to intense compulsive fears. There can be major issues with issues regarding abuse of
power and with giving, receiving and sharing deep emotions.

- Pallas
Pallas the creative female energy mind asteroid, the goddess of wisdom this
asteroid indicates how one relates and interacts with other people within ones life
especially with regards to fair play and justice. Main issues are linked to stress, which

is linked, to competition, to rivalry, to fighting for justice. There can be major issues
around issues of thinking, to remembering, to understanding, to learning problems.

- Vesta
Vesta the guardian of the home asteroid this asteroid indicates where one has a
dedication and where one will sacrifice, through an obsessive or a compulsive issues
or need. Main issues are linked to stress which is linked, to obsessive compulsive
issues, to sexual blockages which include celibate situations, to commitments, to
issues where the persons has tunnel vision problems over certain issue (concentrated
focus). Main issues are linked to work and health and it can indicate great physical
challenges. There can be major issues around commitment and direction of ones

- Ceres
Ceres the earth mother goddess, the fertility goddess, or the working goddess
asteroid this asteroid indicates ones own nurturing potential and style, how one
expresses love. Main issues are linked to stress, which is linked, to family matters, to
ones home or homeland, to issues of security and safety, to service and work, to caring
for and of others, to loving and understanding one self. Main issues are linked to
health and/or there is a focus on health and the body.



I have been studying many of my clients chart over the last three years. What I have
observed has been not only amazing, but it has been astonishing, as the Sesqui Knot
has been birthed, has developed, has grown, and has matured.

Here are seven case studies, trying to show all, the many different ways, the many
different levels, and the many different awareness that can be brought through and with
and through the dynamics of the Sesqui Knot.

The Natal Chart comes alive with its aspects patterns, especially the Sesqui Knot by
including, Fixed Stars, the Pre Natal Lunar Eclipse, the Pre Natal Solar Eclipse, current
Solar and Lunar Eclipses, the Midpoints and the Midpoint Trees, the current Solar Return
Chart and other Return Charts, the Progressed Chart together with the daily transiting
planets. I have included, the Modes, the Elements, the Element Blends, and especially

the power of the focal planet or point or asteroid, to try and show that each and every
thing has its own power, but when it is used together its power becomes vast.

I have focused differently on each case study, showing all that there is not one set way to
see the awareness and the dynamics within a Chart. Of course, the soul level,
development, awareness and evolutions of the individual will influence each and every

Expand your knowledge, your wisdom and your awareness, as you read these case
studies and hold this power within your mind as you understanding the aspect pattern
called the Sesqui Knot, to be able to use this energy, in helping others understand each

Natal Chart for BRENDA

The Midpoint Trees from BRENDA Natal Chart


The Sesqui Knot in Brendas Natal Chart, is Retrograde Uranus located in Cancer
(9th house) square to the Mars in Libra (12th house), and both form sesquisquares or
sesquidratrates to Venus, which is located in Aquarius (4th house). This aspect pattern
forms the Sesqui Knot.

Brenda was born after the Second World War in 1950 to parents of German Jewish
origin. During the war her mother fell pregnant and as she was not married and in a
relationship that was not accepted she was forced to have an abortion. Her mother
was told at the time, that the child was male. Soon after this Brendas mother left
Germany where she met and married within her accepted religion.

Brenda talks about the deep love that her parents had for each other (the Moon in
Gemini, in the 8th house) and that she remembers her very early childhood with love
and affection. From her chart it can be seen that there must have been an inner
awareness of her mother wanting to replace the son that she had lost and even the
name James had been chosen for the child (Mars, South Node, Neptune in Libra, in
the 12th house). This dark secret as well as this deep loss was now being carried on
through Brenda (the Moon in Gemini, in the 8th house). The question Brenda
mentally inflicts onto her self, is whether she is and was worthy of love and being

loved. This lies intensely within Brenda (Venus as the focal planet within the Sesqui

Her brother was born during 1952, and from that time on, all the attention and love,
was given to him, by both parents. She remembers being pushed away from her
mother and her mother lovingly holding her brother on her lap (Natal Retrograde
Uranus in Cancer, in the 9th house). Brenda could not understand what she had done
wrong, as she received no love and nurturing from her mother. Slowly the emotional
tension built up and erupted in temper tantrums, (Natal Mars in Aquarius, in the 11th
house, in an intercepted house) as she was unable to express her emotional needs and
could not understand this rejection (Natal Retrograde Uranus in Cancer, in the 9th
house). Inner anguish and inner anger lay deep inside her and she wished many times
that she were not alive. She felt powerless over this alienation (Mars, Neptune in
Libra, in the 12th house) and hid this anger from her family.

Throughout Brendas childhood she had to compete with her brother. There were
strong feelings of resentment as well as inner anger over this. There was a constant
need to prove her self to her family, and she did not receive the acknowledgement that
she so desperately needed to feel love and accepted.

Brenda was closer to her father than any other person in the family, even though he
was emotionally cold and distant (the old traditional father image, Natal Retrograde
Saturn, in Virgo, in the 11th house), being very controlled and not being able to show
her any depth of love (Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in Aquarius, in the 4th house).
This attention was resented by her mother as she showed jealously and resentment to

Brenda (the Moon in Gemini, in the 8th house square to Saturn in Virgo, in the 11th
house). Brendas father felt the guilt of not being able to help her with these issues,
but sided with his wife and her wishes (the Moon in Gemini, ruled by Mercury in
Aquarius, ruled by Retrograde Uranus in Cancer, ruled by the Moon).

As Venus being the focal planet in this Sesqui Knot it indicates that Brendas
problems within interacting and relating to others was emphasised. How she sees her
self and values her self, swings from times of being positive to times of being negative
(Chiron in Sagittarius, in the 2nd house) but whatever it is there is deep intense wounds
and shame (Jupiter) within her, over not being seen for whom she is and loved for
whom she is, and over the control from the mother to the father. Brenda is a giver and
needs to give love, affection and comfort, and this out weighs what is returned to her.

The main issues linked to her inner anguish and anger are linked, to the need to gain
support, approval and acceptance from others, to feelings of being unloved,
unappreciated or even unfairly treated, and to her emotional tension.

There is a strong self-motivation that holds Brenda (Cardinal signs Cancer and
Libra, the asteroid Pallas conjunct Natal Ascendant, in Scorpio) but there is a deep
need to please others, in her independent and individual way (Fixed sign - Aquarius).
There are issues of conflict within Brenda (Air Libra and Aquarius and Water Cancer elements) as her rational mind stops her displaying her emotions and feelings.
Through this she needs to detach herself from life and others and then to objectively
and rationally reflect on all the issues and situations before she is able to face the
world. She hides her deep fears and her emotions, of not being wanted and loved.

Natal asteroid Pallas, is in Scorpio, in the 12th house, conjunct Natal Ascendant. The
asteroid Pallas, is the referred to as The Warrior Queen and the Goddess of
Wisdom. She brings in the archetype of rivalry, competition and fighting for justice,
and issues around fair play. Pallas was activated strongly within Brendas chart, for
the time of her brothers birth.

There was a resentment of being the female and when Brenda reached the age of 18
she announced to the family that she was lesbian and intended to live this way openly.
This cut Brenda off further from the family as this was not accepted (Uranus in Cancer
in the 7th house, to Mars in Libra in the 11th house and to Venus in Aquarius).

She needed to be independent as well as show her inner drive to express her own
freedom of choice for what she desired. Through this Brenda holds in her inner anger
and frustration over not being accepted by society and in our Mans World.

From the age of 20 years Brenda has experienced heavy financial problems and at
times it has reduced and stripped her, as she is a very proud and private individual and
she has had to depend on others (Jupiter in Aquarius, in the 4th house, and Venus in
Aquarius, in the 4th house, in the Sesqui Knot, issues of not achieving, is one of the
archetypes of the Sesqui Knot).

At the time of her mothers death there was an understanding but not a total acceptance
of what and whom Brenda stands for. Brenda has now bonded with her father and
brother and there is a deep love and understanding and acceptance from them, for who

she is and what she wants in her life. Through this she is able to start to work with
and to understand the dynamics within the Sesqui Knot in her Natal Chart.

Every time a transiting planet activates Brendas Sesqui Knot, the focal planet being
Venus brings issues around the values, of who she is, what she is. These have to be
learnt and understood, across time, through a different level of understanding and

Update November 2003

Brendas life together with her emotions and feelings of living in a vacuum and in
limbo continued, but as time went by, she knew that she could not carry on like that,
and in that way (Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Retrograde Uranus). This was not
a happy time for her, as she was unemployed, and being supported by friends. This
forced her into unpleasant situations and circumstances, and she felt trapped within her

Her inner anguish and stress slowly increased, as she tried to cope with the conflict of
the demands from others, her deep emotional swings, and what she was unable to
emotionally and physically do and achieve.

Then around September of 2002, her life started to change for the good. After a few
years of trying to find a fulfilling, different career than in what she had been trained
for, she returned to her profession within the Medical Field as a Cardio-Vascular

Perfectionist. Brenda was now being recognized for the service she gave, and she
was being requested for her personal service, especially by and amongst the top
Cardio-Vascular Surgeons.

As her private practice improved and strengthened, so too was her strength and ability
to cut parts of her life that were emotionally killing her, away. One of the major
situations to be confronted was her relationship with Ann, the person that she was
sharing a home and life with. This relationship which close, was not a love
relationship, Ann did not reciprocate the love and nurturing being given her from
Brenda. Through out this long period, Brenda held in and onto her emotions of deep
inner anger, inner anguish, and inner rage, over not receiving love from Ann
(Transiting Jupiter conjunct Natal Pluto, activating Natal Venus by opposition and the
Sesqui Knot Transiting Venus conjunct Natal Ascendant then transiting in its
Retrograde cycle, then direct once again at the same time Transiting Venus was
squaring the Natal 4th house, Mercury and Jupiter, then activating Natal Venus,
activating Brendas Sesqui Knot). The first step Brenda took was to move out,
moving into a cottage to live on her own, cutting the emotional abuse from Ann, but
her deep emotional trauma continued to swing and to stir within her.

As Transiting Mars transited through her Natal 3rd house and then into her Natal 4th
house cusp, the energies within her Sesqui Knot built and increased, and so did her
inner anguish, inner anger and inner rage over needing to express her loving emotions,
but not having the ability to express her self, and to express her emotions with and to

Ann (Transiting Mars opposition to Natal Retrograde Uranus, then moving into
conjunction to Natal Mercury, Natal Jupiter).

To be able to move away from these issue, Brenda had to approach Ann, and then
release all her tied up and suppressed emotional anguish. She needed to express
verbally and emotionally, her inner anger and inner rage, which she spoke about, being
surrounded by red rage, and being down right livered. During April 2003 Brenda
had the opportunity to meet with Ann, confronting her and releasing all her deep inner
emotional pain and anguish. Brenda released the energies with this confrontation,
which had formed an entrapment of her emotions, within her Sesqui Knot. This
release was done in a dynamic and verbally controlled way (Natal Moon, in Gemini, in
the 8th house Natal Mercury, in Aquarius, in the 4th house).

Brenda spoke about this being Her Process within her growth, development and soul
evolution, as she needed to deal with these issues. She understood that it had nothing
to do with anyone else, it was her project, it was her process, and it was about her self.
This led her an ease within her self, enabling her to move on and forward, away from
Ann and the abuse of the emotional conflict, and away from her inner anger and inner
rage (Transiting Mars conjunct Natal Jupiter, in Aquarius, in the 4th house).

At this point in time, Brenda is confident about her self, she is clear minded and
focused in the direction she is moving into and towards, and to quote her I am very
comfortable in my skin.

Soon after this Brenda was approached by a top Cardio-Vascular Surgeon, and asked
to join a specialised surgical team, which would perform specialised, detailed and
delicate surgery. With this, she finally feels fulfilled and acknowledged within her
career, and in what she is giving on a collective level (Transiting Saturn conjunct Natal
Retrograde Uranus Transiting Mars square Natal Retrograde Uranus Transiting
Uranus square Natal Retrograde Uranus). Many delays and problems have occurred
as critical issues have delayed the start of this project (Transiting Mars going
Retrograde, in Pisces and Uranus moving from Aquarius into Pisces, and then
Retrograde and back into Aquarius, transiting Brendas Natal 6th house). Even though
she is reaching a level and feeling fulfilled about her self and her career, there are
many uncertainties and fears, at this time, which are forcing her to look at her life, her
career, and her securities, as they are being playing out. These insecurities, are
vibrating within her Sesqui Knot especially through her Natal Retrograde Uranus, in
Cancer, reinforced by her Natal Black Lilith Moon and Natal North Node, which is in
her Natal 6th house, which is in intercepted in Aries. Her main fears are very personal
with her Natal Moon, in Gemini, being in the 8th house, but the Universe is
requesting that she face her personal fears and mentally and emotionally over come
them, in this life time (Natal Midheaven, in Cancer, the ruler of the Midheaven being
Natal Moon, in Gemini, in the 8th house).

Brendas Natal South Node, in Aries, in the 6th house, brings in past life issues around
the continuous need to search for the prefect-committed partnership, as in past life
times she became one, and merged with her partners. Now in this lifetime, there is a
need to find her own strength and self power, and become one in her own unique
vibration and essence, but due to Aries being intercepted, until she matures, this will

seem to be always out of her reach. With Natal Uranus is in Retrograde, in Cancer,
Brenda now has to be the unique individual that she is, but she also has to experience
loneliness, and feelings of being isolated from others, as well as not being part of a
loving family unit. Through this she has to learn loneliness and isolated through
relationships, which she feels trapped into (Libra intercepted in the 12th house, Mars,
Juno the relationship asteroid, South Node, Neptune, all in Libra and Pallas the female
mind asteroid, all in Scorpio), as she is unable to directly bring about the relationships
that she desires, this is all due to her past life experiences. Through all the planets and
asteroids within her 12th house, and as Brenda has the energies of the Sesqui Knot,
within her aspect patterns and sacred geometry, in her Natal Chart, now in this life
time, she has to experiences at times the deep need to express emotions, and then at
other times having the inability to express her emotions.

In many past life times, Brendas soul has experienced intellectual understanding, but
with intolerance and narrow mindedness, for others choices, beliefs, ethics and
principles, especially for other individual family members. Brenda had considerable
personal freedom, which was physically lived out, as she soul removed herself from,
common laws and order, and especially from family and traditional laws and order, as
she was above all and any restrictions. Now Brenda is experiencing in this life, the
reverse but with a similarity of issues and circumstances (Retrograde Uranus, in
Cancer, in 9th house). Natal Retrograde Uranus, is pushing her to mentally
understand, and function from its higher octave (9th house, tried into the Sesqui Knot
aspect), as her soul which is part of her higher self, needs to function and experience
from and through a higher awareness. The interception of Aries and Libra, also
indicates that Brendas soul did not relate to the common people, and her soul did not

involve itself in their problems, and through this the quality and quantity of service
was lacking and neglected. Now Brenda has her Natal Retrograde Saturn, in Virgo, in
the 11th house, bringing emphasizes on around and responsibility towards friends and
other people, and towards developing relationships, especially through true and higher
values. Through Natal Mercury and Natal Jupiter in conjunction, in Aquarius, in the
4th house, much of this karma will be paid off, through and with a change of past
attitudes and understanding, and with this so will the Sesqui Knot mature and be
understood for its dynamics.

So, the karmic lessons are the denial and the need, to express these deep emotions, to
feel them, to experience them, to understand them, in an intense emotional way. In
this lifetime, there is no coincidence or twist of fate that Brenda came into this
lifetime, as the constellation of Scorpio was on the horizon, at the time that her soul
and body enter this life (Ascendant Scorpio 7 degrees). Interesting to note, that
Brendas Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse is at 28 degrees of Libra, which indicates that she has
come into this life to personally learn about and to teach other about, balance and
harmony within life, especially within relationships. Brendas Pre-Natal Lunar
Eclipse is at 13 degrees of Aries, which indicates that she has come into this life to
emotionally learn, to stand on her own feet, to develop confidence and to defend her
own beliefs, ideas, and principles. As both Libra and Aries are intercepted in her
Natal Chart, this has not been accomplished over many past lifetime, and now it has to
be seen to and experienced.

From Brendas Natal Chart, Midpoint Trees (Modulus 45 degrees, using a maximum
of 2 degrees orb) the longest Midpoint Tree is the Neptune Tree. This indicates what

archetype is most active in her life, on a continuous basis and level, and being the
planet Neptune, which vibrates in the collective and within a higher awareness level, is
bringing in the need to have freedom from her ego self, but with this there is an
element and an urge to escape from all her limitations that from being restrictions.
Now, there is a need to experience all and life, but to connect her emotional, mental,
physical and spiritual elements together and into and onto a higher awareness of being.

The shortest Midpoint Tree is the Saturn Tree, indicating what archetype is less active
in her life, on a continuous basis and level, which being Retrograde Saturn is the
planet which is known as The Lord of Karma, bringing a lack for the need of
structure or disciplines within her life, as well as there is a lack for social approval, as
well as there is no urge to defend ones principle, ones beliefs and ones integrity to be
accepted, all this and these issues just are there and are known, from the past.

Brendas Ascendant/Midheaven Midpoint = Mercury and Chiron, which indicates that

Brenda needs to mentally and emotionally experiences and project her self into the
through this physical life time, as there is a higher awareness which needs to be
reached, approached, understood and put into perspective. This is planned out
through her professional service, within the Medical Field.

Many other changes have occurred with Brendas life, one being the need to do what
she wants to do, and the way she wants to do them. During September of 2003 when
transiting Mars, in Pisces, in her 6th house, square to her Natal Retrograde Uranus, in
Cancer, in the 9th house, Brenda broke with old habits and family transitions and did
not accept an on going traditional invitation, as she needed to stand in her own

strength and power. This has caused major repercussions within the family and
within family tradition, and as a result, certain family members have stopped
communicating to each other.

Another major change, which has occurred during this period, is that Brenda suddenly
woke up, and experienced feelings and emotions which she has had never experienced
before. She was intensely in love with Monica, someone new in her life (Transiting
Mars conjunct Natal Venus). Monica at this point in time, is not involved in any
heterosexual relationship. She is unaware of these deep emotions within Brenda. This
is once again activating Brendas Sesqui Knot energies.

Once again her Natal Pluto in opposition to her Natal Venus in the 4th house, in
Aquarius, Venus being the focal planet in her Sesqui Knot with Retrograde Uranus
in Cancer, and Mars in Libra, are being played out. When I asked her to tell me more
about this, she informed me that this was about her self and to quote this is about me,
it is about me and my projections.

But even with this all going on within her life, Brenda has awakened a creativity from
within her self (Natal Pallas, in Scorpio, conjunct Natal Ascendant), that she was
unaware of. She is painting oil portraits, which have incredible depth and emotions.
This gift has been able to be birth from her soul, as she in now being able to connect to
her self.

Natal Chart for ELLIOTT

The Midpoint Trees from ELLIOTT Natal Chart



Elliott has a double Sesqui Knot in his Natal Chart.

The first Sesqui Knot in the Natal Chart is, the Asteriod Pallus located in Aquarius
(7th house) square to the Asteriod Juno in Taurus (9th house), and both form
sesquisquares or sesquidratrates, to Mars and Uranus located in Libra (4th house).

The second Sesqui Knot aspect pattern in Elliotts Natal Chart is, the North Node
located in Aquarius (7th house) square to the Midheaven located n Taurus, and both
form sesquisquares or sesquidratrates, to Uranus located in Aquarius (4th house).

Through Natal Uranus these two Sesqui Knots are linked together, interacting from
each other, to each other, and into each other.

There is also a single sesquisquare between Natal Retrograde Venus, in Scorpio, in the
3rd house and Natal Chiron in Aries, in the 8th house.

As the sign of Taurus, Libra and Aquarius, the 2nd house, the 7th house, the 9th house
and the Midheaven are high lighted through the energies of the Sesqui Knot; this
brings issues around personal relationships, ones self values and worth, and around
ones possessions and finances. Ethics, principles and morals will also be high


Judgment, law and order, what is right, and what is wrong hold a strong

place within Elliotts life. All these issues do and take him into and through deep
emotional swings.

Elliotts first awareness in this life time, was of emotionally, physically, mentally and
spiritual energies and of finally being birthed into and onto Earth. He remembers
watching over his mother, as she miscarried his two other bodies, and knowing that he
will once again be birthed from her (Natal Vesta in Scorpio, conjunct Natal Sun, Natal
Mercury, Natal Jupiter, Natal Vulcan, Natal Retrograde Venus, in Scorpio, in 3rd
house, and Natal Neptune in a critical degree, in Scorpio, in the 4th house).

Elliot was born in Rhodesia, and with his birth, there was great family celebration.
Many family members came from all over the world to celebrate and help his parents,
as there had been a long struggle over many pregnancies, which had ended in
miscarriages (Natal Retrograde Ceres, in Aries, in the 9th house). But life was hard in
Rhodesia as it was the period of the Rhodesia Bush War 1968 to 1980 (Natal
Retrograde Saturn, conjunct Natal Juno in Taurus, in the 9th house, in opposition to the
stellum of planets in Scorpio Scorpio on the 4th house cusp with Natal Neptune in the
4th house).

Elliotts Natal Leo Ascendant brings in energies from past life times, of feeling of soul
importance, as there is an inner knowing that he is here on Earth now, to help bring in
the New Age and the New Vibrations. In past lifetimes, he was accustomed to getting
his own way through his positions of power and of rulership, and being head of
households and families (Natal 12th house cusp Cancer). In this lifetime many issues

will be just out of control and out of reach, as he tries to hold control around issues and

Life was lived with intensity, with the constant fear of death around the family and
friends, as every adult male had to report for military duty six months out of twelve
months. Due to this Elliott saw little of his father, and all his fathers duty and
responsibilities were placed on him hands from an early age.

His early life was surround by death and loss, and life came to a stop during News
Time as all listened, to hear the daily list of deaths during the war. He lived with the
constant fears and worries around loosing his father, and he spoke to me about holding
onto emotions and feelings of inner anguish, inner anger and inner sadness, with what
was denied to him as a child. These emotions had always been kept within and were
never really voiced. His father experienced many close encounters with death, as well
as seeing many friends being killed and lost to death (Natal Chiron, in Aries, in the 8th
house sesquisquare to Natal Retrograde Venus, in Scorpio, in the 3rd house).

So, from an early age, Elliott learnt to suppress his emotions and act like an adult
male, which intensified his Sesqui Knot energies, as there was no release with his
internal trauma and his external life trauma.

Interesting to note, is that at the age of 2 years, Elliott caught a virus, which affected
his pancreases and his insulin production in his body was damaged, resulting in him
becoming a diabetic. Child diabetic is formed through inner anger over having to take
on heavy adult responsibilities, at a young age. When Elliott was 8 years old, he was

badly injured when he was in a vehicle, which detonated a land mine explosion, which
killed one and injured him. He was hospitalized for 6 months, as he healed and was
taught to walk again through damage to his back and nerves system (Natal Black
Moon Lilith, in Virgo, in the lst house focal planets to the two Sesqui Knots and
Natal Pluto in critical degree, in Virgo, in the 2nd house Retrograde Saturn, in
Taurus, ruler of Capricorn cusp of the 6th house).

His brother, Michael who was two years younger than him, resented him and played
all against him. He even resented Elliott being in the family and the older brother
(Natal Mars conjunct Natal Uranus, in Libra, in the 2nd house, in opposition to Natal
Chiron, in Aries, in the 8th house). Elliott resented having to continually stand up for
all his brothers lies and deceitful stories, which others believed. This forced him into
holding back his emotions and placed him into intense periods of depression (Natal
Mars and Natal Uranus focal planets of the Sesqui Knot quintile to the Natal Moon,
in Sagittarius, in the 5th house, - Natal Pluto in Virgo, 2nd square to Natal Moon, in the
Sagittarius, in the 5th house). The deep love, harmony and contentment were being
denied to him, from family members, from his daily life, and from all he wanted,
which was a close family unit. Even his grandmother favoured his brother over him,
openly showering him gifts and love, and this culminated in his grandmother
excluding him from her will when she passed away. This was his Sesqui Knot
energies which brings, entrapment, distortion and emotional trauma. His internal
emotional pressure is in extreme and is held in and on a passive extreme way, as the
energies of the Asteroids hold deeper inner passive energies.

As a student he worked very hard (planets in the 3rd and 9th axis, as well as Juno,
Saturn and Ceres being in Retrograde), achieving through extreme hard work, and
producing high marks. This was just accepted, and all he received was that he could
do better (Sesqui Knot between, Natal Midheaven in Taurus, Natal Uranus in Libra,
in the 2nd house and Natal North Node, in Aquarius, in the 7th house). This all played
with his self worth. It swung him into emotional depression as he tried to cope with
his self worth issues around feeling not worthy of being loved, within the family
environment (Pluto in a critical degree in Virgo, in the 2nd house, - and again the focal
planets of the Sesqui Knot, Natal Mars and Natal Uranus Natal Retrograde Venus
conjunct Natal Neptune in Scorpio, in the 4th house).

Elliott coped by nullifying his intense emotions and feelings, as he tried to deal with
his deep emotional anguish (Natal Vulcan, in Scorpio, in the 3rd house). As he coped
with, there was an inner awareness of past life times of being alone, in being in
isolations, where he tolerated the situation and his emotions. There is also an
awareness that he has come into this life particularly to care for and look after his
parents, especially his mother (Natal Moon, in Sagittarius, in the 5th, ruling 12th house
cusp, Cancer). This started at an early age, when he was eight, his mother was
hospitalized for more than a week, with an nervous breakdown (Natal Retrograde
Venus ruling the 10th house, the house of the mother, conjunct Natal Neptune, in a
critical degree). During this time he took over running the large family home and
looking after his brother, while holding onto the deep fears of losing his family, and
his family unit.

In 1981 the family left Rhodesia, with R220,00 and just a few suitcases, and moved to
South Africa. Elliot felt guilty for this, as his parents and family had to give up what
they had in Rhodesia. They gave it up for Elliott and Michaels further education and
future, but it has been held deep within Elliotts soul, since then. This started and
intensified the emotional pressure to achieve, and to give back to his mother and
father, what the family sacrificed, their wealth, their status, and their country (The
Sesqui Knots houses, the 9th house, the 2nd house and the 7th house, together with the
signs, Libra, Aquarius, and Taurus, together with the focal planets Natal Mars and
Natal Uranus, with Natal Pallas, the Natal North Node together with Natal Midheaven
and Natal Retrograde Juno, together with Natal Retrograde Saturn).

Natal Uranus and Natal Mars the focal planets of his Sesqui Knot bring a strong
independency, and an inner drive, but it also brings incredible stress and conflict with
it. This rides around and through Elliott continuously as the Sesqui Knot play out,
swinging him in and out of emotional distortion and depression.

Elliot continued his schooling, working very hard as the emotional pressure to achieve
was always in his mind. He dealt with all his problems, his way, quickly and
physically. Achieving became a compulsion, which caused many friendship problems
and conflicts. He received his degree after a hard struggle and put all relationships on
hold until he did.

His first relationships, physically and emotionally destroyed him, and it financially
nearly bankrupted him (Natal Chiron, in Aries, in the 8th house, in opposition to the
focal planets of the Sesqui Knot Natal Mars and Natal Uranus Natal Pluto, in

Virgo, in a critical degree, in the 2nd house square to Natal Moon, in Sagittarius, in
the 5th house). Jill his girlfriend, deceitfully stole from him, and he took her to court,
to try to get his money back, but it was surrounded with obstacles and delays. Jill
placed her self in liquidation at the same time that Elliott won the court case, landing
up with all the fees and expenses, and not getting anything back from Jill.

His second important relationship, was Jacqui. Once again emotionally, physically
and financially she destroyed him. But, this time he did not take it to court, as there
was an awareness of having past life issues and contracts with her. Through this
relationship, Elliott started his spiritual growth and awareness, but it left him with
spiritual wounds and scares. Both his relationships had been surrounded with deceit
and deception, resulting in him, turning away and into him self as he dealt with his
inner pain and inner anguish. He lived like a hermit, with drawing from life and the
world. Past life understanding and awareness moved Elliott away from his pain and
in his accepting the situation, he was able to heal and start to interact in the world and
to living his life. During this time most of Elliotts energies were focused on work
and on his career, as that was the safest area within his life.

Natal Retrograde Venus indicates past life times of self-indulgence in the past with
issues of greed, exaggeration and a lack of values, which were part of his past lifetime
karma. With Retrograde Venus many issues from his past life times, are going to be
repeated in this lifetime, and they will be experienced through his emotions, his
actions, and through his relationships, as well as through others.

Natal Retrograde Saturn indicates past life times of neglecting and avoiding
responsibilities. Through these issues Elliotts soul did not grow and evolve as it
should have, and now in this life time there is a need to grow, develop and evolve,
quickly and rapidly to make up for lost time, especially through karma which is
connected to other peoples choices, beliefs, principles and ethics, as he limited their
soul development and growth, as well as his own. Now he needs to work through
karma, with intense emotions and through intense mental understanding and
observation (Jupiter and Mercury, in Scorpio, in the 3rd house).

Then in January 2002, when transiting Mars was conjunct his Natal Vertex, in Pisces,
in the 7th house, Elliott met Louise. On meeting, they both had an awareness of being
together before in a previous lifetime. There was an unconscious knowing awareness
that they needed to connect. Louise came up to him and the first words she said to
him were, Where have you been, I did not thing that I would found you, in this
lifetime. As Louise was married to Richard, a marriage of fourteen years, they only
allowed them selves to form a close non-sexual friendship.

During March of 2002 Louise accompanied Elliott on a business trip. On the start of
the journey, Louise told Elliott, that their lives are never going to be the same again.
This was the start of their intense sexual and emotional relationship (Transiting Mars
conjunct Natal Chiron, in Aries, in the 8th house Transiting Uranus (exact) conjunct
Natal Pallas, in Aquarius, in the 7th house, activating the Sesqui Knot). The next
morning Louise asked Elliott to marry her, and he immediately accepted, accepting at
the same time the responsibility of her two children, the complete package family.
Elliott was in a state of bliss as his deepest hopes and wishes were becoming a

reality. His hopes, wishes and dreams were manifesting before his eyes (Natal Part of
Fortune, in Cancer, in 11th house, in trine to Natal Pallas, part of the Sesqui Knot
trine to Natal Sun, in Scorpio, in the 3rd house).

During the weekend, Louise told Elliott about her numerous affairs over the past seven
years. She said that she was looking for him and was attracted to other people, who
had certain personality archetypes, similar to that of his.

A week later, Louises husband Richard had moved out of the family home, and Elliott
was living with her, adjusting to family life, experiencing deep emotional bliss
(Transiting Mars, in Taurus, in the 9th house, inconjunct to Natal Mars and Natal
Uranus, the focal planets of the Sesqui Knot). For the first time in his life, Elliott
was content, happy and living in harmony.

They celebrated their engagement amongst family and friends during October 2002
(Transiting Uranus one degree from exact conjunction to Natal Pallas, in Aquarius, in
the 7th house).

As transiting Uranus turned into its Retrograde cycle, obstacles and challenges crept
into their relationship. This was through so called friends trying to break up their
relationship with lies and deceitful stories. Louises parents where ecstatic at first
with Elliott being their future son-in-law, but as time moved on, they soon understood
that Elliott would not be controlled or manipulated by them. They work around this
by causing unpleasant situations, pressurizing as much as they could, to break up the

As transiting Retrograde Uranus turned direct into its stationary position, Louise broke
her engagement with Elliott and asked him to move out of her home. This she did on
his birthday. She needed time to be by her self to think about their relationship. A
few nights later, on the 11 November 2002, in the driveway of her home, Elliott and
Louise went through the frightening experience of being hijacked and shot at
(Transiting Mars exact conjunct Natal Vulcan, in Scorpio, in the 3rd house and
conjunct Natal Mercury and Natal Jupiter). Through this experience, Louise realized
the importance of Elliott. She wanting him in her life, but needing time to think. All
this swung Elliott into his energies of his Sesqui Knot, bringing distortion and
feelings of entrapment over the circumstances, but having to follow the decisions and
choice of what Louise wanted. Louises understanding around the hi-jacking, made
Louise realize that she should stop messing around with life, and with most
importantly with Elliotts life.

Elliott moved out of Louises home two months later as transiting Retrograde Uranus
went into exact conjunction with his Natal Pallas. Once again triggering his Sesqui
Knot leaving him feeling abundant, alone, rejected, and also resulting in deep

Over the past year, Elliott has been living alone, dealing with his inner anguish and
inner anger, and at time dealing with inner rage over the situation of feeling trapped
and dis-empowered. From a distance Elliott has been watching Louise destroy her
life. Going with the wrong people and working in the wrong place. The business she
is working in, has developed major problems and is being threatened with liquidation.

As he has always have communication problems, he has been unable to voice his
feelings. During this time, they have kept in contact, but Louise has kept her distance
and not allowed him to close in her life.

On the 19 October 2003, Elliott experienced a near death experience and observed him
self over his body, observing the medical team working on his physical body
(Transiting Retrograde Uranus over Natal North Node at the critical 29 degrees, in
Aquarius, in the 7th house). This resulted from severe food poisoning, which brought
a chemical in-balance to his body through his diabetes. He just managed to get
himself to Casualty, before he collapsed into a coma, in the reception area.

Friends called Louise and she spent most of her free time with him, while he lay in
hospital, slowly recovering. She told him of her new relationship with her exhusbands brother, again making Elliott deal with intense inner anguish, and inner
anger, as he still want her in his life and did not want to give her up.

Elliot had lost touch with his brother Michael, but due to this near death experience,
Michael reestablished contact, visiting Elliott in hospital. During his visit, Michael
told Elliott, that he was gay and that he was HIV positive.

All these issues lead to Elliott, experiencing inner anguish, inner anger, inner rage, and
inner violence, which lead to him physically destroying his electronic garage doors.
He speaks about seeing a red haze around him self, and only being able to think
about revenge. During this time, he also thought about, taking the easy trip out of this

life and out of Earth (Sesqui Knot intense emotional pressures, and emotions of
entrapment, distortion and restriction).

What has emerged through friends and acquaintances of Louise, is that Louises
parents financially saved the business that she is running. But with this there are
many conditions. One condition being that her relationship with Elliott must be ended
and she must cut all contact with him. Another condition being that she has a
relationship with her ex-husbands brother, as they trust him. Meaning that they can
control and manipulate him through their money and status. Other conditions being
that they will help her financially until things improve, so that she will not loose her
family home, her possessions and her dignity. All this increased, Elliotts emotional
trauma, which increased his thoughts of revenue, the need to do some things, but
having the ability to carry it out.

When Louise is not being watched and followed, she contacts Elliott and meets with
him, holding onto him in a quiet underlying desperation.

Elliott wrote a fourteen-page letter to Louise, pouring out his heart, telling her what he
feels and how he holds her in his soul, and had this delivered to her through secret
means, as she is being watch and monitored.

It will be interested in see how this relationship plays out, as on 23 November 2003 the
Solar Eclipse at 1 degrees of Sagittarius will activate Elliotts Natal Neptune which is
at 29 degrees of Scorpio in his 4th house - transiting Mercury will be conjunct his Natal

3rd house cusp transiting Venus will be conjunct his Natal Vulcan in Scorpio and
transiting Neptune goes into direct motion.

Then the Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees of Aries on the 19 April 2004 will be conjunct
Elliotts Natal Ceres, in Aries, in the 9th house. On this date his Sesqui Knot focal
planets will be activated by transiting Saturn and the Part of Fortune, which is be in
Cancer at 7 and 8 degrees respectively making on square to Natal Mars and Natal
Uranus, transiting Retrograde Jupiter at 9 degrees of Virgo will be making a semisexile to the Sesqui Knot focal planets, as it transits his 1st house, transiting Pallas
with be conjunct his Natal Midheaven, and the transiting Moon Nodes will be
activating his Natal Sun and the stellum of planets in Scorpio, in the 3rd house and
just to add one more important issues and transit, transit Retrograde Pluto will be
transiting back over his Natal 5th house cusp. Pluto will bring intense issues, which
will change him in many important ways, which are connected to his relationship with
Louise. Elliot will start to feel these issues, more strongly, as Pluto moves into
conjunction with his Natal 5th house cusp, as he deals with Louise, which will hold
intense power, intense passionate, and out will come many hidden secrets, intrigue
betrayal and power struggles, around them and other family members.

This relationship with Louise is not over by a long shot, many issues between them
still karmically need to be played out, as there is a lot of karma between them, positive
and negative, from past life times.

Elliotts Natal North Node brings in great difficulties in and around close
relationships, and he is destined to spend part of his life alone. Through this he has to

overcome past life issues of importance and prestige and to develop the concept of
Universal Brotherhood or Togetherness. Interesting to note, is that Elliott has, no
Midpoint Moon Tree, which emphasizes the direction and the need of Natal North
Node in its 29 degrees of Aquarius, in the 7th house.

His Midpoint Sun Tree has only one branch, being Moon/Pluto = Sun. His soul is
needing to learn through loss, destruction, change and death, through country, family
and partners, especially through deep extreme and intense emotional situations, which
leads to emotional swings and depression, but with this it is understood as this has
been experience in some past life times. Now there is a need to transform with this
and these issues, to transform his soul, and there is a deep request to do this through
his emotions and with the distortion of his emotional energies.

The longest Midpoint Tree, working with modulus 45 degrees and with the maximum
orb of 2 degrees, is the Mars Tree, which has 13 branches, and one of the branches
being the Ascendant/Midheaven. In this lifetime he has to take action, as Mars seeks
action, experiencing physically, and especially through action and reaction, through
his emotions, through his environment, and within his life, and the world. Again,
there is an emphasis with all this as Natal Mars is one of the focal planets of one of his
Sesqui Knots. This energy entrapment and the distortion that comes through it, is
an enforced lesson to up lift his soul, which leads to his overall growth and evolution.
There is an emphasis of planets at his Ascendant/Midheaven Midpoint.
Ascendant/Midheaven = Mars = Venus = Chiron.

Elliotts Pre Natal Lunar Eclipse is at 23 degrees and 49 minutes of Aquarius, which
indicates that he has come into this life to emotionally learn, through and around the
detachment and release around possessiveness. Uranus rules Aquarius, which being
one of the focal planets of one of his Sesqui Knots, once again into importance. In
this lifetime he will have to learn through emotional lessons, especially through
partners (Pre Natal Lunar Eclipse falls into his Natal 7th house).

Elliotts Pre Natal Solar Eclipse is at 8 degrees and 04 minutes of Virgo, which
indicates that he has come into his life to personally learn about and to teach others,
through his personal experiences, through his limitations and through his helping and
giving to others (1st house and 7th house axis). Here there is a Universal and karmic
request to connect, the male logical with and into the female intuitive understanding
(Pre Natal Solar Eclipse conjunct his Natal Pallas in Aquarius).

Elliott has worked very hard to obtain his Mechanical Engineering Degree, and now
he is equally working very hard within his career and profession. The recognition that
he should have received has come with many delays and problems (Sesqui Knot
energies between Natal Midheaven in Taurus, Natal North Node in Aquarius, Natal
Uranus and Natal Mars in Libra). He should have received a major promotion, one
year ago, which was delayed, which should be received now, but is surrounded with
delays and hiccups. His inner anger over this has been held at bay, as it has been
swamped over by his other Sesqui Knot issues.

His hidden need is the need for other peoples approval, which some how is denied to
him, but this brings in an on going and endless search for taking many risks especially

in romance, looking for the approval through a partner (Natal North Node, in

Elliott cannot escape his destiny for this lifetime, as he needs to, work with this
energy, work with these issues, understanding this energy and work through this, with
understanding and insight.

Natal Chart of LIZA

Solar Return for 2001 for LIZA

Natal Chart of LIZA together with Transits 30 January 2002

Natal Chart inner circle, Transits outer circle

Solar Return Chart of LIZA together with Transit 5 February 2002

Solar Return Chart inner circle, Transits outer circle


In Lizas Solar Return for 2001, there is the aspect pattern of the Sesqui Knot.
Then there is two single sesquisquares, which form the separate Sesqui Knot
through transiting planets.

- The Sesqui Knot is between, Jupiter the focal planet in Cancer, in the 11th house,
to the Moon, in Scorpio, in the 3rd house, and to Retrograde Uranus in Aquarius, in the
6th house.

- The single sesquisquare is between Mercury in Virgo, in the 1st house and Neptune
in Aquarius, in the 6th house.

- The other single sesquisquare is between Venus in Cancer, in the 11th house and
Pluto in Sagittarius, in the 4th house.

The Quintile aspect of 72 degrees links the single sesquisquare by aspect to the
Sesqui Knot (the planets, Uranus and the planet Pluto) bringing in a humming
higher energy and higher vibration, that vibrates within the energies of the Sesqui
Knot. The Trine aspect of 120 degrees links them together as well, so that the
Sesqui Knot and the single sesquisquare work together, bouncing through one and
another, in an on going way.

Transiting Mars, links together the Sesqui Knot as it transits over Uranus, then
transiting Mars forms the aspect pattern from the sesquisquare between Venus and
Pluto, and then transiting Mars again forms the aspect pattern from the sesquisquare
between Mercury and Neptune.

The issues that Mars brings for her Solar year are issues of ethics, principles, rights
and wrong doing, as well as judgments to her and from her, and as Transiting Mars
moves over the Solar Return 8th house cusp, issues and situations need to be dealt with,
with regards to higher mental knowledge and what knowledge she has brought through
to awareness and what others regard as their knowledge.

There is a fear this year that her ideas and insights that give her, her position of high
esteem, will be taken from her. This is just what did play out, as Lizas Solar Return
Pluto, Chiron and Mars are all in Sagittarius, in her Solar Return Chart. Liza is
dealing with deep intense emotions, as she has worked hard to be recognized within
her career (Natal Black Lillith Moon in Capricorn, in the 1st house, in opposition to
Natal Saturn in Cancer, in the 7th house).

As Transiting Mars is in the last phase of its own cycle, issues are going to present
themselves, that are holding hidden past lifetime karmic issues, as well as issues
formed in this life time, which are emotionally and physically needing her to express
her strength and inner power (Natal Mars in Taurus, in the 5th house, and transiting
Mars moving from her Natal 4th house into her 5th house).

Liza came to me for a consultation during February 2002, as she was experiencing
emotional swings and was carrying deep anger over a situation that had recently
occurred. It was affecting her career and well as her self worth.

As Liza spoke, I studied her Solar Return and noticed the two sesquisquare aspects
between Venus and Pluto, and between Mercury and Neptune, and then the formation
of the aspect pattern, the Sesqui Knot, between the Moon, Retrograde Uranus and
Jupiter. With these sesquisquare aspects, there is an increase of agitation and
disruption within one, internally and externally in life. This was exactly what Liza
was communicating to me.

A male colleague of Lizas, took her knowledge, understanding and work, and claimed
that he had thought about it and was revealing it, to improve the business. It is
interesting to note the transiting Mercury turned Retrograde at 14 degrees Aquarius
moving back into Capricorn during January and February 2002. In Lizas Solar
Return, Aquarius is intercepted in the 6th and Leo is intercepted in the 12th house
(6th/12th axis - work, service, efficiency, being and being made the victim and the
martyr, karmic issues and as the 12th house natural rulers are Neptune and Jupiter,
these energies are being intensely hold, by the Solar Returns sesquisquares). Together
with this, Transiting Mercury, Neptune and Uranus were in Aquarius, and Transiting
Chiron in Capricorn, in the 5th house, an opposition to Solar Return Jupiter in Cancer,
in the 11th house).

Due to her position and the nature of her work (Solar Return Saturn in Gemini, in the
10th house), as well as her high principles and ethics (Natal Ascendant Sagittarius,

Natal Retrograde Jupiter in Aquarius, in the 3rd house)(Transiting Saturn conjunct

Solar Return Part of Fortune and Midheaven), it was not the right time to bring this
matter to the attention of higher management, as it would cause much more
difficulties, obstacles and restrictions, for many of her colleagues as well as for her
self (Solar Return Venus and Jupiter in Cancer, in the 11th house) and this was not part
of her nature (Natal Moon in Cancer, in the 8th house).

Liza felt that she had to think over the situation and deal with her emotions before she
dealt with the matter further (transiting South Node in Sagittarius, in the 4th house,
conjunct Solar Return Chiron and Mars transiting Moon and the North Node in
Gemini, in the 10th house, in opposition to Solar Return Chiron and Mars transiting
Saturn conjunct Solar Return Midheaven and the Part of Fortune).

As the energies of the Sesqui Knot intensified, the energies of the sesquisquares
were turned into the aspect pattern of the Sesqui Knot by transiting Mars, within the
Solar Return. Liza experienced intense emotions, which felt very foreign to her, and
which frightened her.

This internal emotional pressure, which was the result of the Sesqui Knot stirred up
incredible action, as internal conflict and stress within her, gave her and her colleagues
(Jupiter in Cancer, in the11th house) a mighty surprise when these emotions erupted
(the Moon in Scorpio, in the 3rd house), in anger and rage (transiting Mars in Aries, in
the 8th house) over the situation.

Liza talks about this incredible inner anger and inner rage that she experienced, with
regards to the actions of this male colleague. She remembers seeing a haze of red and
she had to leave work, as she was very uncomfortable with these abnormal
emotions. She felt very guilty with regards to walking out during her working hours,
as she has never done this before.

Due to the Moon being in Scorpio for the Solar Return year, squaring Retrograde
Uranus, being pulled by the focal planet Jupiter in this Sesqui Knot Liza is
experiencing high emotions and being extra sensitive to other peoples remarks and
gestures. Her main issues linked to stress for this Solar Return, are with regards to
her feelings of security as she is easily threatened, together with her mood swings.
She is feeling very much the victim during this Solar Return period. Transiting
Mercury around this time was at Retrograde 29 degrees of Aquarius conjunct to her
Solar Return 6th house cusp.

The Ascendant of the Lizas Solar Return is at 1 degree Virgo, which is intercepted in
the 10th house in Lizas Natal Chart. During this period her intercepted houses will
have the opportunities to be opened when she over comes the many challenges and
obstacles. This also indicates a high light for the year within Lizas career, within her
overall life direction and within her areas of activity within service and society, as well
as within her reputation as it was under scrutiny. Due to the intercepted sign of Virgo
and Pisces (issues of being the victim, the martyr) in Lizas Natal Chart there are
hidden problems to be dealt with, as well as having to work extra hard to over come
them. This is a critical time, as she had to prove herself to herself and to others.

Liza has had to compromise and resist any attempts to take immediate action, (actions
of the Sesqui Knot) (Cardinal and Fire modes) but with her patience and
determination she will see the results of all negative and positive actions. When the
time was right, taking the right action over what was done to her, which had affected
her self worth, in what she had allowed other to do to her, then taking back her inner
awareness and building once again her inner strength and inner power, to overcome
this situation with inner emotional positive expression (Solar Return Saturn in Gemini,
in the 10th house). What has been at the bottom of this and these issues, was the need
to express herself and over come the inability to express the emotions and feelings that
she was experiencing (Fire and Water Elements).

As another Sesqui Knots was formed, by transiting Mars, within the Solar Return
(Venus, square transiting Mars, both sesquisquare to Pluto) Liza experienced intense
emotions once again.

This time Liza spoke about an inner frustration and inner anger over not having an
important close relationship, at that point in time. She was experiencing incredible
emotions and feelings of loneliness, which took her into a low depression and internal

As transiting Mars transited the 8th house of her Solar Return, forming the focal planet
in this transiting Sesqui Knot, there were intense emotions which she had to
experience and deal with, in over coming and in taking and gaining control of her
career and in her life. What she desired most, at the point was a deep long lasting
relationship. Her stress is linked to intense frustration within her relationships, to the

power interactions within the work place, and to dealing with the emotional intensity
she is experiencing, and to the loss of power and control over situations and people
(Pluto, Chiron, Mars in Sagittarius, in the 4th house).

Transiting Mars at this point in time was transiting Lizas Natal 5th house, and
transiting Chiron was in Lizas Solar Return 5th house. So there is an emphasis on
relationships as well as her creativity within what she creates (Natal Pluto in Libra, in
the11th house, Chiron in Aries, in the 5th house, Mars in Taurus, in the 5th house).

As transiting Mars is in the last phase of its cycle, before conjuncting her Natal Mars,
Liza has to wait and observe, as there are hidden issues at play, with regards to
meeting the individual she needs and requires in her life.

The second Sesqui Knot emphasis that Liza has to motivate her self in getting
through this time by adapting and being flexible in not having the right relationship
that she so desperately wants. This has added to and has affected her emotions and
self worth.

Natal Chart for JEREMY


There are two Sesqui Knots in Jeremys Natal Chart, the first one being the Natal
Moon, in Gemini, in the 8th house, square to Natal Jupiter in Virgo, in the 11th house,
and both forming sesquisquares or sesquidratrates, to Natal Mars, in Capricorn, 4th
house. This aspect pattern forms the first Sesqui Knot.

The second Sesqui Knot in his Natal Chart, is Natal Part of Fortune in Aries, in the
6th house, square to the Natal Midheaven in Cancer, and both forming sesquisquares or
sesquidratrates, to Natal Vulcan in Sagaittarius, in the 2nd house.

These two Sesqui Knot are linked together through a Novile aspect (40 degrees)
and a Septile aspect (51 degrees). This brings past lifetimes issues through and the
karmic inter play and inter action needs to be, emotionally, mentally, physically and
spiritually experienced (Natal South Node conjunct the Natal Ascendant, in Libra).
These issues will test Jeremy, in and on an on going way, as his soul and awareness

Jeremy has a cautious and conventional element about him self with a strong sense of
patience and persistence that under lines everything (Natal Retrograde Saturn in Aries,
in the 6th house, square to Natal Mars in Capricorn, in the 4th house and square to Natal
Midheaven in Cancer). With this comes an intense self-criticism in its highest form,

and at times he has the ability to manipulate and control him self and others through
his practicality (the many planets in the Earth elements). When he experiences the
on edge intense energies from his Sesqui Knots there is a strong need to detach
him self from life and to objectively and rationally reflect in his mind, the issues and
situations (Natal Ascendant in an Air sign Libra, together with Natal Ceres, Natal
Venus, and Natal Juno in Libra in the 12th house Natal Neptune conjunct the Natal
Sun in Scorpio, in the 1st house). But with all this comes his reactions, which can
shatter others together with having the attitude of being aloof, cold and detached as he
deal with his intense anxieties and fears (Natal Moon in Gemini, in the 8th house
Natal Vulcan in Sagittarius, in the 2nd house Natal Neptune conjunct Natal Sun, in
Scorpio, in the 1st house).

There is a need to please others so Jeremy is easily adaptable and he is flexible as he

see others point of view, but through this he loses his self motivation, as well as his
sense of self and purpose. This brings though a restless energy and self criticism (the
mix of Mutable and Cardinal modes).

From an early childhood Jeremy had to cope with his high intense and extreme
emotions and being over sensitive to other people remarks and gestures. He was born
into a poor family and from early childhood this lead to issues of stress, which was
linked to his feelings of insecurity (the Sesqui Knot energies of the Natal Moon in
Gemini, 8th house, Natal Jupiter in Virgo, 11th house, Natal Mars in Capricorn, in the
4th house Natal Midheaven in Cancer, Natal Part of Fortune n Aries, in the 6th house,
Natal Vulcan in Sagittarius, in the 2nd house), and intense inner resentment of being
trapped into the family he was part of (Natal Retrograde Saturn in Aries, in the 6th

house). As the Natal Moon is part of the Sesqui Knot all these issues have become
very personal.

He was the youngest of three children and lived in the shadow of a strong elder sister,
Samantha, who at times protected him and then at other times tried to physically harm
him (Natal Chiron in Pisces, 6th house conjunct natal Retrograde Saturn in Aries, 6th
house Natal Mars in Capricorn, in the 4th house, being the focal planet of the Sesqui
Knot Natal Vulcan in Sagittarius, in the 2nd house, being the other focal planet of
the Sesqui Knot energies).

There are strong indications of male abuse and dominance, and having to stand up
against this, especially from the grandfather (The ruler of 9th house being Natal
Mercury in Scorpio, in the 1st house), the father (Natal Mars in Capricorn, in the 4th
house, and Natal Retrograde Saturn in Aries, in the 6th house) and the sister (ruler of
Sagittarius the 3rd house Jupiter, in Virgo, in the 11th house Natal Mars and Natal
Retrograde Saturn in Sesqui Knot entrapment Natal Venus in Libra, in the 12th

All these issues have reappeared from past lifetimes, as now in this lifetime Jeremy
needs to change the many issues in his life (the reversal of all the sign in all the

As Natal Mars is the focal planet of his one Sesqui Knot Jeremy is a strong willed
person. This he hold internally due to the male dominance he is trying to escape (the
continuous energies of the Sesqui Knot). He has an intense drive to act

independently and dynamically (Natal Pluto conjunct Natal Uranus in Virgo, in the
12th house), to prove him self to him self and to others, as he tries to always be in
control of his life (Natal Mars in Capricorn, in the 4th house). The main issues are
linked to internal stress and his inner anguish, inner anger and inner rage, as he
constantly tries to control life situations, his consciousness, as well as his subconscious
elements, as he tries to develop and evolve.

Due to the energies of his Sesqui Knots he experiences mood swings and
conditioned behaviour patterns. These were learnt from his father, mother and
grandparents, and have come from early painful past memories, as well as to past life
times (IC 4th house Capricorn, Natal Mars in Capricorn, in the 4th house, ruler of
Natal Retrograde Saturn in Aries, in the 6th house). There are deep emotional issues,
which are also linked to the mother, whom gave her power over to others, to the
family dynamics and to the home environment (Natal Juno conjunct the Natal
Ascendant, in Libra, in the 12th house Natal Pallas conjunct Natal Pluto and Natal
Uranus in the 12th house, in Virgo).

He has a strong inner drive for freedom and individuality (Natal Jupiter in Virgo, in
the 11th house) as well as an obsession with being a perfectionist. Jeremy shows an
inner on edge energy when society enforces restrictions and limitations on him, as
he searches for the greater meaning in life. There is a restless search for wisdom and
knowledge, as higher education was denied to him, resulting in low self worth (Natal
Mercury in Scorpio, in the 1st house, sextile to Natal Jupiter in Virgo, in the 11th

Jupiter indicates shame, the shame one learns through the mother, and here Jeremy
holds major issues of what his mother went and lived through with regards to mental
and physical abuse, from her father, and from her husband, as Jeremy was unable to
protect her (Natal Jupiter in Virgo, in the 11th house, square to Natal Moon in Gemini,
in the 8th house) even though this all happened before his birth (the stellum of planets,
in Virgo and Libra, in the 12th house). As Saturn indicates ones guilt, Jeremy holds
deep guilt of whom he is, where he comes from, and the daily life he is living and not
being in control of (Natal Retrograde Saturn in Aries, in the 6th house, square to his IC
and Natal Mars in Capricorn, in the 4th house).

Through not being able to emotionally and verbally express him self, Jeremy also
suppressed his sexuality of being gay, especially from his family. He lived a hidden
life as he embraced the love he needed and wanted (Natal Moon in Gemini, in the 8th
house, Natal Neptune conjunct Natal Sun in Scorpio, in the 1st house). He needs to
express him self, and turned away from the force of his grandfather and father (Natal
North Node in Aries, in the 7th house, square to Natal Mars being the focal planet of
the Sesqui Knot in Capricorn, in the 4th house).

There has been deep intense emotions with regards to Jeremy proving him self within
the family unit (Natal Moon in Gemini, in the 8th house, Natal Mars in Capricorn, in
the 4th house, Natal Jupiter in Virgo, in the 11th house). His early childhood was filled
with inner anguish and inner anger, which brought in and opened him up to past
lifetime emotions and issues of entrapment with all his different family members. He
so wanted to express his deep pain and emotions but he did not have the ability to do it

in the correct way. He had to hide him self away, and he had to cope with the
distortion of not being able to show his emotions and feelings.

There is inner anguish, inner anger and inner stress as he fifths internally, being unable
to verbally take control over saying what needs to be said. Due to the lack of higher
education Jeremy sees him self as a failure and therefore feels internal conflict in
taking verbal control over any and all situations. This all causes deep emotional
swings, from wanting and wishing others dead, to wishing the death of him self (Natal
Chiron in Pisces, in the 6th house conjunct Natal Retrograde Saturn in Aries, in the 6th

Jeremy now has to deal with the reversal of his past lifetime issues around avoiding
and not taking responsibilities in being there for others, as well as not being aware of
what others were going through, or what was being done to them (Natal South Node
conjunct the Natal Ascendant). Now in this lifetime others have ignored his wishes
and needs. He has had to look after him self and be responsible for him self and what
is done to him, and what comes to him. Through these numerous issues, Jeremy
needs to be aware of his health, as all this karma, needs to be experienced through
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. He also, now needs to give back
through service and sacrifice to others (heavy placement of planets and asteroid in the
6th and 12th houses), and he now needs to form proper friendships, with out any deceit
and reasons for the friendship but with true understanding and respect for who they
are, and what they are. With this he has to do the work and hold the relationship as he
has personal karma through these issues (Natal Retrograde Saturn in Aries, in the 6th
house, Natal Mercury in Scorpio, in the 1st house, Natal Jupiter in Virgo, in the 11th

house Natal North Node in Aries, in the 7th house and Natal South Node in Libra, in
the 1st house). With the Natal Moon Nodes there is an emphasis here as they are
reversed in the signs, within the houses, with his karmic lessons of and around
developing, his independence and courage, his self awareness and creating
constructive self interests, and around self nurturance and loving him self for what he

Jeremys internal emotional pressure, which stirs up incredible action within him, can
give others a surprise when these emotions eventually are activated (the Sesqui Knot

Only through maturity and understanding has Jeremy come to terms with his family
dynamics. Before the death of both his parents, they came to love and understand
him. They saw him as a unique individual, some one with individual freedom of

He now releases his inner anguish and inner anger through the controlled discipline of
Tai-Chi. Jeremy has not allowed his emotional entrapment brought from the
energies of his Sesqui Knot to hold him down within society and within life.
Through hard work and positive thinking, through understanding and acceptance, he
has positively moved forward in creating his future.

Over many years Jeremy has been studying form, and has received his BA (FA)
Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree, mastering in Visual Fine Arts, at the University of
South Africa. This has led to an exhibition on his works Constructing the Tee Pee

which is to be held at the UNISA Art Gallery, from December 2003 until January

Through his achievement, his determination, his personal self growth, his
understanding, his acceptance and through his maturity, he has started to heal his pain,
to heal his past, which is connect to this life time, as well as to his past life times.

Jeremys Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse is at 18 degrees of Taurus, which indicates that he

has come into this life to personally learn about and to teach other about prosperity and
consciousness, and about moral and spiritual values, and about true values around one
self and around ones life.

Jeremys Pre-Natal Lunar Eclipse is at 24 degrees of Aries, which occurred a few

hours before his birth. This indicates that Jeremy has come into this life to
emotionally learn, to stand on his own feet, and to develop self worth and confidence
and to stand up to his own beliefs, principles and sexuality.

Natal Chart for DAMIN


There are two Sesqui Knots in Damins Natal Chart, which are interwoven. The
first one is Natal South Node in Aquarius, in the 2nd house square to Natal Chiron in
Taurus, in the 4th house, both forming sesquisquares or sesquidratrates, to Natal Saturn
in Libra, in the 9th house.

The second Sesqui Knot in Damins Natal Chart, is Natal Saturn in Libra, in the 9th
house square to the Natal Part of Fortune in Capricorn, in the 12th house, both forming
sesquisquares or sesquidratrates, to Natal Chiron in Taurus, in the 4th house. These
aspect pattern forms the Sesqui Knot.

These two Sesqui Knots are tightly linked together through Natal Saturn and Natal
Chiron, and as Natal Saturn is the ruler of his Natal Ascendant, there are deeper issues
around the inter play of the Sesqui Knot. These energies are also linked together,
through the semi-square aspect, which hold 45 degrees. This aspect brings
determination with it, together with a resistance to change, and as it holds the Natal
Part of Fortune in Capricorn, in the 12th house and the Natal South Node in Aquarius,
in the 2nd house, it is emphasizing that issues and values from past life times are going
to be a strong basis in this life time.

Damin shows considerable strength, power, persistence and determination with

regards to his own desires and needs. There is a strong resistance to compromise at
times as well as having an inflexible attitude in and to reaching his life wishes and
dreams (Natal Midheaven conjunct Natal Sun in Libra in the 9th house, Natal Pluto in
Libra, together with Natal Mercury in Scorpio, in the 10th house). He is very self
motivated, forceful, assertive, aggressive and ambitious as he reaches out to get to
where he wants to be, but with it comes an impatience and dominance (the Moon
conjunct Jupiter in Virgo) of wanting it yesterday (Natal Moon conjunct Natal Saturn
in Virgo, in the 9th house).

There is a strong mental genius expression and perception, as he brings through

advanced information, and throughout his life he has been surround by a hyperactive
energy (Natal Mercury in Scorpio, in the 10th house, Natal Uranus conjunct Natal Mars
in Scorpio, in the 11th house). But with this there is a deep practical and logical
element and everything has to have a practical reason to be accepted (Natal Moon
conjunct Natal Jupitar in Virgo, conjunct Natal Saturn in Libra, in the 9th house).
With this he is a master of manipulation and tries to control all issues and situations
(Natal Pluto in Libra, in the 10th house).

With Natal Saturn being the ruler of his Natal Chart, this indicates that Damin takes a
very practical, realistic and overly responsible approach to life, and in a way was never
the child. The main issues which are linked to his stress hold hidden fears, which lead
to depression and at times extreme intense deep depression (the energies of both his
Sesqui Knot planets, Natal Moon conjunct Natal Jupiter in Virgo, conjunct to Natal
Saturn in Libra, in the 9th house, - Natal Chiron in Taurus, in the 4th house, - Gemini

on the cusp of the Natal 6th house, the ruler Mercury in Scorpio, in the 10th house).
These fears are linked to delays and setbacks when trying to gain recognition within
his career and not having social dominance and professional success, to self doubt and
not being able to prove his worth, to trying to obtain power as he feels a lack of
personal power, to control and authority over all issues and situations (the two focal
planets of his Sesqui Knot Natal Saturn in Virgo, in the 9th house and Natal Chiron
in Taurus, in the 4th house Natal Saturn the ruler of his Natal Ascendant and Natal

There are strong issues with regards to Damins depression which holds, anxiety,
fears, guilt, loneliness and worry in not achieving before his 21st birthday, which
resulted in him retreating into him self as he tries to control his inner anguish, inner
anger and inner rage (Natal Uranus conjunct Natal Mars in Scorpio, in the 11th house,
which activate the energies to his focal planets especially Natal Saturn and Natal
Chiron of his Sesqui Knots).

There are major issues and karmic with regards to Damins father, which Damin has
carried over from many past lifetimes. In Damins fathers Natal Chart Natal
Ascendant Aquarius, Natal Sun in Aquarius, Natal Mars in Aries, in his 2nd house
square Natal Uranus in Cancer, in his 5th house. In Damins Natal Chart, his Natal
Sun in Libra conjunct Midheaven in Libra, Natal Saturn conjunct Natal Moon and
Natal Jupiter in Virgo, in the 9th house, Natal Mars conjunct Natal Uranus in Scorpio,
in the 11th house, South Node in Aquarius, in the 2nd house. Many of these issues deal
with issues of self worth, as well as carrying the burden of his fathers expectations

(Natal Chiron in Taurus, in the 4th house). These issues never allowed him to be the
normal child as he was always the mature adult and never the child.

Saturn indicates guilt, and Damins Natal Saturn indicates major issues with regards to
guilt in not achieving by and before the age of 21. There is also guilt that the father
has placed onto his shoulders, in having to over achieve. These issues are heavily tied
into past life times, and of who owns what to whom and how, and of what has been
achieved (Natal South Node in Aquarius, in the 2nd house, Natal Chiron in Taurus, in
the 4th house, Natal Saturn in Libra, in the 9th house part of one of the Sesqui

All these issues and emotions are held within Damin, increasing, as he is unable to
express his anxieties and fears. They manifest into deep inner anguish, inner anger
and over time it bubbles with an on edge vibration as these entrapped energies
erupts into intense emotional rage. The release erupts like clockwork, when a
transiting planet activates the Sesqui Knot.

Damins has had to deal with harsh issues relating to authority and control during his
schooling years. His teachers made him the victim, and they took their frustration out
on him as he showed them up, as he knew more and quicker methods especially in the
math departments (Natal Chiron in Taurus, in the 4th house, Natal Moon, Natal Jupiter,
Natal Saturn in Scorpio, in the 9th house, the ruler of the 4th house being Natal Mars
which is conjunct to Uranus in Scorpio, in the 11th house). He was unable to show his
frustration and held in the most incredible anger, which erupted into rage and violence.

This inner violence is release through his physical action of punching his bare fist
through doors and into walls. This usually occurs when he was being suppressed by
authorities figures and authority, as well as not being able to show his emotions and in
not being able to controlling the emotions. There have been major issues with regards
to despair, which have lead to suicidal feelings, as he dealt with his inner anger and
inner rage.

In May 2000 transiting Jupiter was conjunct Damins Natal Chiron in Taurus, in the 4th
house and he experienced incredible inner anger and inner rage over his personal
rights and freedom, around his wisdom and knowledge.

His business partner at that

time tried to limit his rights and tried to place restrictions on to him, and this included
trying to take Damins work from him, for himself. Legal action had to be taken by
Damin over this matter and during this time, he experience shame over placing so
much trust in a person he knew he should not have trusted. While this was happening
Damin dealt with internal emotional pressure and mood swings as he held in his inner
anger and inner rage, which could easy have erupted to violence if it have been
allowed it to. He had to deal with fears of failure, as well as the delays and setbacks
towards his professional success. These entrapped and distorted emotions, were
deeply felt, as not only was transiting Chiron activating his Sesqui Knot energies,
but Natal Chiron, links both the Sesqui Knots together and it is also one of the focal
planet in the Sesqui Knot. Through all this, these energies were being reinforced.

In February 2002 transiting Venus was conjunct Damins Natal South Node in
Aquarius, in the 2nd house. What erupted once again was, intense emotional pressure
over issues with his father. He was experiencing stress and needed love, support and

approval to move out of this emotional tension, which was not given. Damin was
dealing with many delays around and within his career, which was causing financial
worry and fears around his personal failure.

As Damin is maturing, he is understanding the complex emotional entrapped and

distortion around these complex energies of his Sesqui Knot.

Underlining Damins life there has been deep inner anger, inner rage and inner
resentment, and at times he has wanted to take revenge, around being suppressed and
entrapped with situations and around issues.

Damin has had many past life times with unfortunate groups of people, which have
now caused group karma among many groups of people (Natal South Node in
Aquarius, in the 2nd house). Through this he lost his individuality and personal
power, which now in this lifetime needs to be understood and developed. One
important lesson he needs to learn in this lifetime, is to develop and recognize his
unique will and his individual power. Through his frustration and entrapment of the
energies of his Sesqui Knot is the conflict between what is going on around him and
what manifests as his hopes, wishes and dreams (Natal Neptune in Sagittarius, in the
11th house).

There has been many delay and obstacles around his achieving within the business
world. But he is known for his unique advanced mental abilities and at his young age,
he is looked upon with respect and admiration for his incredible talent, wisdom and

acknowledge. What puts more pressure onto Damin, is that the ruler of his Natal
Chart, Saturn links into both of the aspect pattern of his Sesqui Knots.

Damins Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse is at 18 degrees of Leo, falling into his 8th house,
which indicates that he has come into this life to personally learn about and to teach
other about, giving and receiving love and affection, as well as understanding true
values, around life and living. Damins Pre-Natal Lunar Eclipse is at 3 degrees of
Pisces, falling into his 2nd house, which indicates that he has come into this life to
emotionally learn, to let go all emotions, and emotional feelings which affect his self
worth and self value. Here he need to learn that achieving is not everything in life,
life needs to be lived, to be experienced, to be enjoyed, to be delighted for its
uniqueness and for its wonder. This confirms what is required by his soul, by his
Natal North Node in Leo, the 7th house.

Natal Chart of MICHELLE

The Midpoint Trees from MICHELLE Natal Chart Page 1

The Midpoint Trees from MICHELLE Natal Chart Page 2


The first Sesqui Knot in Michelles Natal Chart, is Natal Ascendant in Aries, in the
1st house, square to Natal Midheaven in Capricorn, in the10th house, and both forming
sesquisquares or sesquidratrates to Natal Venus in Leo, in the 5th house. This aspect
pattern forms the Sesqui Knot aspect pattern.

The second Sesqui Knot aspect pattern in Michelles Natal Chart, is Saturn in
Scorpio, in the 8th house, square to Natal Pluto in Leo, in the 5th house, and both
forming sesquisquares or sesquidratrates to Natal Ceres in Aries in the1st house.

Due to Venus and Pluto being in conjunction the two Sesqui Knots are tied together
and at times played out together, linking each other, entrapping the energies together,
as they react, causing intense inner emotions, of inner anguish and inner anger.

The aspect known as the Novile, which is the aspect of 40 degree, ties these two
Sesqui Knots together through, past lifetime karma. Through this there will be and
are issues, around conflict, pain and around what she has sacrificed in this lifetime and
what she has sacrificed in past lifetimes. As she allows her soul to grow and evolve,
this will test her again and again. These distorted energies will cause inner anguish,
inner anger and inner rage, as she tries to release her self from these fated emotions
and conditions. Through the Novile aspect comes the extra energy of extreme

intensity, which makes her feel uncomfortable being in this life time and in living this
life, as well as what the Universe is asking of and from her. This energy manifests
through Michelle having feelings of not wanting to be on this Earthly Plane, and
existing in this material world. She turned all her anger inwards, which only develops
into depression. During her teenage years, these energies swamped over her, around
her, and through her, taking over her life and her soul.

Michelle by nature is a giver not a taker. When she feels that there might be a build
up of issues, she is the first one to say sorry and the first to break any situation that
cannot be controlled. This she learned from the cradle (Natal Jupiter, Natal Moon in
Virgo, in the 3rd house opposition to Natal Retrograde Mars, in Pisces, in the 12th

Since a young child there has been many issues in regard to her father, to how she
loved and how she was loved by her father, and how she had to over compensate by
giving to others and feeling excepted and loved by them (Natal Venus, in Leo, in the
5th house conjunct Natal Pluto in a critical 29 degrees, square Natal Saturn, in Scorpio
in a critical 29 degrees, in the 8th house, - this is emphasized by Venus and Saturn
being part of the Sesqui Knots Natal Uranus, in Leo, in the 4th house). These
heavy and harsh issues that were demanded by her father were also demanded by her
mother (Natal Midheaven, in Capricorn, ruling planet Saturn, in Scorpio, in the 8th
house). There are deep issues about not being allowed to be a child, and emotions
around being an innocent child. She grew up having to control any childish behaviour
and it was demanded that she act with maturity (Natal Retrograde Saturn in Scorpio
and Natal Pluto in Leo, both being at the 29 degrees, a critical degree). She was

controlled and manipulated by both parents to be a mature and responsible person

while she was still a young child.

When she tried to step forward and take direction for her life (Natal Ascendant, in
Aries and Natal Midheaven, in Capricorn) she was controlled and stopped. Issues of
authority and control came into play (Natal Retrograde Mercury, in Virgo, in the 6th
house, in opposition to Natal Retrograde Mars, in Pisces, in the 12th house).

Throughout her childhood and teenage years Michelle had to suppress her inner
anguish, inner anger and inner rage, over these issues. She continually blamed her
self when things went out of control. She would then become the pleaser, trying to
repair damages in these relationships. Her family did not help as she was blamed and
criticized from all sides. These criticisms lead to her deep inner fear of failure, which
magnified her fear out of all proportion (Natal Aries Ascendant Natal Retrograde
Mars, in Pisces, in the 12th house). She had feelings of being dis-empowered and of
loosing her self within life and not being able of taking control and controlling what
she needed and wanted.

Her parents were not able to show her love, and they were not able to nurture or love
her in the way that she needed to be loved. These issues as well as the Sesqui
Knots energies had her unable to express her emotions, which resulted in deep
anguish and pain.

Both Sesqui Knots indicates the karmic interaction that Michelle has with her
parents (Natal Retrograde Saturn in Scorpio, in the 8th house), which will be a

challenge to overcome, in this lifetime. The control that her parents had over her,
made her more determined to become the independent individual. She held within her
self her inner anger and inner rage and was unable to express her inner emotions. She
was unable to be an emotional individual with emotional expression. All these
emotions were trapped and distorted within and at times this inner anger turned into
inner anxiety, which then turned into depression, which was misunderstood by her self
and as well as others.

Today Michelle is a journalist. She has an incredible gift of expressing words,

verbally and in the written form, which releases her trapped inner emotions. Through
her profession, there has been an inner need to prove her self worth to her parents and
to her partner, as well as to her self. She has had to deal with continuous issues,
around issues of authority and control, with regards to what she is allowed to do and
what she is not allowed to be.

Michelle has had major issues around her career, due to the Sesqui Knot energies, as
they have brought with them many obstacles, challenges and delays. Many times she
has had to give up her position and job, due to her partner moving around from town,
to town, and from one side of the country to the other, when her partners career
necessitated the family to relocate, and then again with the birth of her son. During
these times Michelle had to deal with inner anguish, inner anger, and inner rage, which
triggered into deep inner rage, which lead to depression when she was unable to
control the situation and the issues in her life.

There is strong inner determination that pushes Michelle forward (Cardinal signs
Aries and Capricorn on the angles), but due to Natal Retrograde Mercury, and Natal
Retrograde Saturn, her choices and direction, is delay or stopped by others over and
over again (Natal Venus and Natal Pluto in Leo, in the 5th house). There are issues of
inner conflict in Michelle, over not showing her emotions with those who are taking
over her freedom and direction, to those who disapprove of her, to her taking personal
control in her life.

Michelle has major issues around her personal relationships, as she tends to gives
more nurturing and love, then what she get back (Natal Venus being the focal planet in
the Sesqui Knot). Other important issues which are linked to her inner anger, is the
need to be like and wanted, as well as the need to gain support, approval and
acceptance. There are deep emotions and feelings of being unloved, unappreciated,
and of being unfairly treated. Michelles husbands family, were never able to accept
her for who she was for what she represented, as they hold a different cultural and
religious belief. They also believe in the old family structure, of loving and obeying
ones father or husband with out question. They have not accepted her or welcomed
her into the family causing Michelle intense emotional trauma (Natal Pluto conjunct
Natal Venus, in Leo, in the 5th house, square to Natal Retrograde Saturn, in Scorpio at
29 degrees, in the 8th house).

This has caused Michelle to hold in deep inner anger, and inner rage over not being
accepted and now there is a deep dislike for the whole extended family for what they
have put her through emotionally and mentally. The 9th house rules and represents the
partners family, which holds Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter, which is in Virgo conjunct

the Moon, in the 6th house, which indicates that this family was extremely critical of
her. Michelle has admitted to having a deep dislike for her partners family, through
her own fears, as she feared in opening her heart to them (Natal Venus conjunct Natal
Pluto in Leo, in the 5th house, which is part of the Sesqui Knot energies).

This family situation has had a major effect on Michelle. It has caused problems
within the marriage, but as the Sesqui Knot energies are linked into past lifetime
karma, she has had to deal with it, as it continuously plays out. It is part of her karmic
lessons of growth, development and transformation.

When Michelle discovered that she was pregnant she went through intense emotional
issues. Once again feeling trapped and dis-empowered, due to the loss of power and
control over her body (Natal Pluto in Leo, in the 4th house, square to Natal Retrograde
Saturn in Scorpio, in the 8th house). Through this she once again experienced delays
and setback in her career, as she was gaining recognition within her position.

Michelle continued to work right up to the birth of her son. She then returned in a
freelance position working from home, as she wanted and needed to be around to raise
her child.

The Sesqui Knot energies have brought in a compulsion around a strict and
disciplined diet, which is followed religiously. She tries to release her inner anguish
and inner anger through Belly Dancing and Iyengar Yoga (Natal Jupiter, Natal Moon,
Natal Retrograde Mercury in Virgo, in the 6th house, together with Natal Retrograde
Vulcan and Natal Sun in Libra, in the 6th house - ruler of the Natal Ascendant, being

Natal Retrograde Mars in Pisces, in the 12th house Natal Retrograde Mars in Pisces,
in the 12th house Quindecile, the aspect of 165 degrees, to Natal Pluto in Leo, in the 5th
house and to Natal Retrograde Mercury in Virgo, in the 6th house the Quindecile is
the aspect that holds compulsion issues).

Over the past five years, the energies of the Sesqui Knot within Michelle have
manifested into physical symptoms through numbness in her right arm and hand,
which have lead to more serve issues, so that Michelle has been unable to write and
use her right hand with freedom. The right arm and hand spiritually indicate, that she
has been physically, emotionally and mentally dis-empowered by not being able to
assert her power.

Michelles Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse is at 18 degrees of Gemini, which indicates that she
has come into this life to personally learn about and to teach others, accepting one
another, to be able to communicate on all levels and within all levels, and to have an
open perception and awareness around life and living.

Her Pre-Natal Lunar Eclipse is at 3 degrees of Sagittarius, which indicates that she has
come into this life to emotionally learn, needing to express, but being emotionally
trapped and not being able or having the ability to express her emotions. She also
needs to personally learn about and to teach other about, ethics, principles and finding
a common thread in all philosophies, be they spiritual or physical. Through the harsh
lessons of not being accepted by her extended family, she has been placed alone and
away, to get into a space of higher awareness, to question and then to question again.

In past life times Michelles soul has either misused or neglected her power and
motivation in living her lives. This resulted in accidents and death to others and to
herself, and due to this karma from past lives there is now a feeling of having to give
back to others. Now in this lifetime Michelle needs to understand patience, and she
will experience frustrations and disappointments, as part of her karmic learning. She
also needs to give of herself through a service, helping others over come their karma
(Natal Retrograde Mars in Pisces, in the 12th house Natal Black Moon Lilith
conjunct Natal Chiron in Aquarius, in the 10th house Natal Saturn in Scorpio, in the
8th house the stellum of planets in the 6th house, in Virgo and Libra). This is all due
to past life times, of not thinking about others, and being over critical about them.
She was also impractical and impulsive which resulted in confusion and chaotic
situations (Natal Jupiter and Natal Moon, and Natal Retrograde Mercury in Virgo, in
the 6th house, Natal Retrograde Vulcan and Natal Sun in Libra, in the 6th house, and
Natal Retrograde Mars in Pisces, in the 12th house).

Michelle also searched for Truth and Understanding in past life times, and was
exposed to many different teachers and truths. Not all that she learnt was True
Wisdom, and false knowledge was given to others and misused. Other knowledge
was taken as her own, which she also tampered with, then misused. Now there is a
need to transform these issues and correct the wrongs. In this lifetime she will
experience personal financial and material true value problems, which will be felt
emotionally as it plays around with her self worth and self value (Natal Saturn in
Scorpio at 29 degrees, in the 8th house). Now she will be releasing karma through
service to others (Natal Jupiter conjunct Natal Moon and Natal Retrograde Mercury in
Virgo, in the 6th house). She also now needs to learn, to trust her self, to be patient, to

connect and to listen intuitively. One other issue, which she has to over come in this
lifetime, and to learn through, is all the elements of possessiveness and possessions.

The harsh issues that are still vibration heavily in her Sesqui Knot energies are the
issues around her self value and self worth, which are dis-empowering her. This issue
is under heavy focus and is playing out during 2003, as transiting Mars and transiting
Uranus moving around in her 11th house, in the signs of Aquarius and Pisces, activated
by the square aspect by transit, to her Natal Saturn in its critical degree in Scorpio, in
her 8th house, which is also activating the focal planets Natal Pluto in its critical degree
in Leo, in the 5th house, forming a T-square aspect pattern. This in turn has activated
both her Sesqui Knot energies, causing more emotional and mood swings.

From Michelles Natal Chart, Midpoint Trees (Modulus 45 degrees, using a maximum
of 2 degrees orb) the longest Midpoint Tree is the Moon Tree, which has 14 branches.
This indicates that she needs to experience life in a very emotional way, feeling
everything, emotionally experiencing everything, but with her Sesqui Knot energies
there is a double game here, bringing in the need to learn and experience, through
emotional distortion, through emotional entrapment, through intense extreme
emotional swings, as she lives and moves through life.

Michelles Midpoint, Ascendant/Midheaven = Venus. As Venus is the focal planet to

her Sesqui Knot aspect, this once again highlights the emotional distortion within
relating and within her relationships, on a personal and emotional level. This
indicates that Michelle will project her self into the world and into the environment
with a dynamic energy, but at times there are deep mood swings, as her life and life

situations affect her. With her there is a deep need for peace and harmony, which she
seems not to be able to obtain, again as Venus in the focal planets with her Sesqui
Knot aspect.

Over and over again, one sees the emphasis within the dynamics of Michelle, around
and over emotions and relating through and with them.

On the 23 November 2003 there is a Solar Eclipse at 1 degrees of Sagittarius, which

will be in conjunction to her Natal North Node, which is at 1 degrees of Sagittarius.
At present Michelle is living on her emotions, living out intense issues. Her emotions
are trapped within her self as she deal with all this, and as she swings through her
Sesqui Knot energies, she is trying to control her deep hidden fears.

Every time transiting planets activate Michelles Sesqui Knot planets, she
experiences deep intense emotional distortion around her self-value and self worth, as
she cannot control the emotions and depression within her self.

Through working with her self and understanding the dynamics of the Sesqui Knot,
Michelle can understand her self and work through the many problems and issues
within her life.

Natal Chart of ANGIE

The Midpoint Trees from ANGIE Natal Chart


The Sesqui Knot in Angies Natal Chart, is Retrograde Jupiter in Aries, in the 4th
house, square to the North Node in Cancer, in the 6th house, both forming,
sesquisquares or sesquidratrates to Natal Moon in Sagittarius, in the11th house. This
aspect pattern forms the Sesqui Knot.

There is a strong emphasis with regards to distorted emotions within Angie, due to
Natal Retrograde Jupiter in Aries, being in the 4th house, the Natal North Node in
Cancer, being in the 6th house and the Natal Moon in Sagittarius, in the 11th house, and
the Moon being the focal planet in the Sesqui Knot aspect pattern.

In addition, there is also a strong forceful action with a strong assertive and motivating
energy that pushes Angie. This energy is shown in an extremely emotionally way at
times (Cardinal signs Aries and Cancer). There is an inner strength and
determination with regards to justice, sometime without considering the implications
of her decisions (Mutable sign - Sagittarius).

Her deep intense emotions and feelings bring many problems to Angie, as there is an
internal conflict together with what his does and what she emotionally needs to do
(Fire Aries and Sagittarius and Water - Cancer elements). There is a sense

desperation within Angie, in needing to emotionally react in a normal balanced way,

but what emerges is an inability to do this.

In Angies Natal Chart, the Moon is the focal planet in her Sesqui Knot. This
indicates that Angie is highly emotional and over sensitive to other peoples remarks
and gestures. Her main issues around her stress are linked to her feelings of
insecurity, to her mood swings, to her behaviour swings, to her feelings of insecurity,
and they have been with her since her early childhood. These issues are all connected
to her past lifetime karmic. Angie also has deep intense emotional problems, which
are linked, to love and nurturing, to love being given and to love being received, as
well as around her sexuality (Natal Moon in Sagittarius, in the 11th house, Natal North
Node in Cancer, in the 6th house, Natal Retrograde Jupiter in Aries, in the 4th house
Natal Chiron in Pisces, in the 2nd house Natal Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius, in the
1st house).

Angies was born after the loss of her elder sibling. Her parents carried this loss and
the pain continuously, and from the time that she can remember, Angie tried to fill this
lose, physically and spiritually (Natal South Node in Capricorn, in the 12th house).

As a young child she was regarded by her parents as the little princess, due to the loss
of their first child (Natal Moon in Sagittarius, 11th house), and was loved by all, as she
radiated warmth and friendliness.

Angie was very protective of her younger brothers. She was highly sensitive to their
emotions and feelings and in a way tried to control all their problems and frustrations

(Natal Ascendant in Capricorn, Natal Retrograde Jupiter in Aries, in the 4th house
Natal Moon in Sagittarius, in the 11th house). From a young age Angie showed an
obsession with and for justice (Natal Sun in Virgo in the critical degree of 29 degrees,
conjunct Natal Retrograde Mercury and Natal Vulcan, together with Natal Venus and
Natal Pallas in Libra, in the 9th house).

As she grew up, there was a constant need for her to be recognized. This she did not
received, which lead to her being intolerant and overly sensitive to everything and
everyone (Natal Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius, in the 1st house and ruler of the Natal
Chart, the focal planet of the Sesqui Knot the Natal Moon in Sagittarius, in the 11th
house, Natal Retrograde Jupiter in Aries, in the 4th house). She experienced inner
anguish, inner anger, and inner rage, which were released through temper tantrums
whenever she experienced this emotional pain. This escalated whenever others spoke
about or criticized her in any harmful way. It was not noted as a problem by the
family, they saw it as part of being a child and growing up.

Angie questioned her sexuality through out her teen years, but due to her familys
principles, ethics, and social status within the community, did not venture into the
direction of where her true feeling were being directed. She married John who
followed a different religious to her family, and following different ideas and beliefs
(Natal Retrograde Jupiter in Aries, in the 4th house, Natal Retrograde Mercury in
Virgo, in the 9th house). She suppressed her sexuality, which lead her to feeling
unsatisfied and discontent within the marriage. Through out this time Angie was
medicated for her mood swings and for her depression.

After the death of both of her parents, which occurred one after the other, her inner
anguish and inner rage over living a life, which she did not want to be part of, reached
explosion point (Natal Retrograde Jupiter in Aries, in the 4th house Natal Mars
conjunct Natal Neptune in Scorpio, in the 10th house). She left her two sons in the
care of her husband and walk out of the marriage, for her lover Jean, as she needed to
follow her individuality (Transiting Chiron in Sagittarius, in the 11th house transiting
Mars conjunct Natal Moon, the focal planet of her Sesqui Knot). During this time
she felt emotionally unbalanced, but held in her emotional pain and depression, which
was quickly turning into deep simmering anger and rage.

Jean and Angie had a very volatile relationship, as Jean was deceitful and unfaithful.
This increased the pressure within Angies and violence started to manifest. As
transiting Venus went into exact conjunction to Angies Natal Moon, in 11th house, at
1 degrees of Sagittarius, Jean left Angie for another lover. Over the next few months
Angie dealt with her inner anger and inner rage, as she tried to deal with Jeans
betrayal and with her emotional trauma, as her self worth crashed (Transiting Mars
conjunct Natal Chiron in Pisces, in the 2nd house).

On the 9 February 2002, Angie encountered Jean with her new lover, outside a club
(Transiting Mars was at 15 degrees of Aries, conjunct Natal Jupiter in Cancer conjunct
the IC). Angie saw red and acted by punched Jean with a closed fist, leaving bruising
and a deep mark that could be seen for the next three weeks. This was done through
inner rage and inner violence, which Angie openly speaks about. Angie spoke about
her emotional pain that had been bottled up from the time that Jean turned away from
her. The site of the new lovers together, and her attack on Jean released her feelings,

which had been entrapped within her. Jean was then extremely worried about what
she would do the next time they would met, as she wanted revenue. Angie felt guilty
but with this there were also feelings of shame over what she had done (Transiting
Mars conjunct Natal Retrograde Jupiter guilt over reaction).

Angie now speaks about her anger, which erupts like a volcano, and she now fears that
her anger is turning into uncontrollable rage. She is also fearing, that this rage will
lead to her hurting someone critically. She also speaks about her violent out busts
from the past and of nearly strangling another secret lover to death.

Angie is right to fear that this rage can and will lead to someone getting seriously or
critically hurt and this is due to Retrograde Jupiter being in the aspect pattern of the
Sesqui Knot.

Underlining her life there has always been deep inner anger, deep inner rage and deep
inner resentment, which are sparked from what others have done to her and what is
said about her.

By being in therapy and by acknowledging that she has a problem, Angie can mentally
work through and understand her inner anger and come to terms with her pain of being
the victim (Natal Retrograde Mercury in Virgo, in the 9th house Natal Chiron in
Pisces, in the 2nd house). Natal North Node in Cancer, in the 6th house, indicates one
of Angies major karmic lessons to be learnt in this lifetime. The lesson to be learnt is
to experience and overcome emotional pain, which includes her inner anger and inner
rage, and to move away from the themes of her past lives (Natal South Node in

Capricorn, in the12th house) of being in control of her emotions and of controlling how
other people love her and emotionally react to her. But this is a hard to achieve, as the
energies of her Sesqui Knot hold her emotions deep within her, trapping them, as
there is an entrapment and distortion around them.

For a time, Angie released her inner anger and inner rage, and worked her Sesqui
Knot energies through, actively working within the police force, seeking justice for
all, particularly for the abundant child and the abused child. At times her high
principles within the justice system lead to friction from her colleagues within the
police force, as they noticed a distortion around her emotions and a distortion around
her actions.

Update November 2003

Through medication, awareness and understanding Angie continued living her life,
controlling her inner anger and inner rage, which flowed around the energy of her
Sesqui Knot aspect pattern. But once again she reached a critical time around
March 2003, when inner rage started to erupt within her.

As Saturn entered her 6th house, Angies ex-husband stopped paying her maintenance.
This forced her to take in boarders, who unfortunately did not pay their rent, electricity
and telephone accounts, and on two different occasions she had to get help to evict
them. This was the start of her heavy financial problems. The more she tried to

balance these problems, the more she fell into trouble, as her friends started to take and
abuse her and her friendship. This all lead to the loss of her home and her security.

The loss of her home came at the same time as she was asked to leave her position
within the police force (Transiting Saturn conjunct Natal North Node, 6th house, in
Cancer). Her unit did not believe that she was coping with the demands and that she
was unable to protect them and herself during times of intense crisis. This Angie
could not believe, but she tried to cope with this, as well as all the loss around her
(Transiting Part of Fortune conjunct Natal Neptune, 10th house Transiting South
Node conjunct Natal Moon at 1 degree Sagittarius, and Natal Moon is in opposition
to Natal Vertex at 29 degree of Taurus, in the 5th house Transiting Uranus, 2nd house,
in Pisces square Natal Moon at 1 degree Sagittarius Transiting Venus conjunct
Natal Chiron, 2nd house, in Pisces and in opposition to Natal Pluto, 8th house, in Virgo
Transiting Sun conjunct Natal Retrograde Jupiter, 4th house, in Aries, Transiting
Saturn conjunct Natal 6th house cusp Transiting Chiron conjunct Natal South Node
and in opposition to the Natal North Node, square the Midheaven and Juno, semi
sextile Natal Saturn,1st house, in Aquarius).

Through this, her inner on edge energies started to swing dangerously. They were
intensified by her not being able to find employment. Being unable to financially
support her self, she emotionally and physically fell into heavy depression, which
triggered her thinking of ending her life. Heavy medication and therapy carried her
through time as she floated through time and life.

But still her inner stress steadily increased, as she could not cope with the demands
from others telling her to get her life together, and the pressure of seeing her self as
failure. The medication was controlling her inner anger, rage and violence, which she
would have normally have expressed.

She continued to look for someone with true values that would love her, but this lead
to frustration and inner anguish causing further deep emotional despair. She tried to
escape amongst her close friends who were using her for what little money she had
left, as they were involved in clubbing and the drug scene. These so called friends
then stole her credit card and pin number and cleared out her banking accounts,
leaving her financial and emotionally broken.

Angie requested and pleaded with her psychologist and psychotherapist to be admitted
into a mental institution, so that she could escape from the demands of her life, and to
be able to rest and heal her soul from lifes pressures and her secret drug addiction,
which she taught she had been able to hide from everyone (Transiting Neptune, 1st
house, in Aquarius square to Natal Neptune, 10th house, in Scorpio). This transit also
brought in the awareness of what she has achieved and accomplished so far in her life.
Through the distortion that Neptune brought, there was an inner awareness that to
continue to survive, she would have to sacrifice part of her self, which she had fought
for, for so long, which had only brought her misery and unfulfilled satisfaction.
During this period as suicidal urges swung through her, she had thought about how
and when to take her life.

With the realization that her friends would not be returning her money, she applied and
accepted a learning position to become an insurance sales person. No form of
earnings would be made until she could sell insurance (Transiting Retrograde Saturn,
6th house, in Cancer). Angie struggled through the learning period, and it was felt by
her superior manger, that she would have to have extra help in obtaining the self
confidence to go out into the world alone. Her advisor at this point in time was very
frustrated with her, as he saw very little progress in her abilities (Natal Retrograde
Mercury, 9th house, in Virgo Transiting Retrograde Saturn, in 6th, in Cancer -:
Transiting Mercury conjunct Transiting Pluto, 11th house, in Sagittarius, sextile Natal
Saturn, 1st house, in Aquarius, forming two inconjunct to Natal North Node, 6th house,
in Cancer forming a YOD aspect pattern). The formation of this Yod aspect is
causing even more inner tension, as part of this formation wants her to change and
move forward, the other part of this formation is holding her back as she feels unable
to cope, and on top of this all, Saturn is the Ruler of her Natal Chart, which is
pressuring her in its very personal way.

The despair and anguish of her life, has lead her to look at her life and deeply into her
self, causing more depression and darkness. She is at this present time living with her
brother and his family, where she is not welcomed, but being tolerated. Her friends
have disappeared and so have her lovers.

And on top of this all, transiting Uranus has had a merry dance with her Natal Sun,
forcing her to change through total upheaval, loss and destruction. She is fighting this
Uranus metamorphosis, bringing through more anguish, anxiety and fears around
survival, which has resulted in a further self worth crash which keeps on spiraling her

down (Uranus transiting through 2nd house Leo is on her 8th house cusp, ruled by the
Sun which is at the critical 29 degrees, 9th house, in Virgo). This has not been easy, as
Uranus has been moving from Aquarius into Pisces and then turning retrograde and
going back into Aquarius. With this, it has brought a pull of the demands for her
freedom of her choices and to be what she is, the eccentric rebel, to the pull of being
her own victim and being made the victim from others and through circumstances.

Acknowledgement of the value systems around her self-being and soul is requesting
that she let go, change and transform, as she works through her anguish, anger,
restlessness and resentment. The restrictions around old traditions, old habits and old
patterns of life, needs to be stripped away, as she wants to be accepted for whom she
is. This became a more powerful element within her life, as Transit Saturn transited
from the sign of Gemini, into the sign of Cancer.

She is now seriously considering asking her ex-husband to take her back even with
conditions, so she can heal her soul from the friends and family members which have
abandoned her. This is what she told me on the 5 November 2003 just days away
from the Lunar Eclipse at 16 degrees of Taurus, on the 9 November 2003, which will
activate and sensitize the 16th degree in her Natal Chart. Retrograde Jupiter, 4th
house, is at 16 degrees in Aries and Natal North Node, 6th house, is at 16 degrees in
Cancer, both being part of her Sesqui Knot.

On the 9 November 2003 the formation or aspect pattern with the Transiting planets of
Retrograde Saturn 13 degrees in Cancer, Jupiter 14 degrees in Virgo, the Sun 16
degrees in Scorpio, Chiron 14 degrees in Capricorn, Mars 10 degrees in Pisces and the

Moon especially during the Lunar Eclipse at 16 degrees in Taurus, form the Star of
David, which is also know as the Merkaba, within the Esoteric World.

The meaning of Merkaba is; Mer light energy, Ka the consciousness, Ba the
soul in the body. The Merkaba is the spiraling field of light that affects the soul and
the body at the same time. The top triangle moving clockwise and the bottom triangle
move anti-clockwise, within each other, connected together.

The energies on this day will also activate Angies 3rd house, which is at 14 degrees in
Pisces and her 9th house, which is at 14 degrees in Virgo, the axis of valves.

This powerful formation and energy, opens ones awareness in a drastic and dynamic
way. One has to acknowledge what one has accomplished, as well as acknowledge
what decisions one has made, which has reflected and manifested within ones life.
Lunar Eclipses forces the past into the present, and important issues have to be faced,
as one is forced to deal with this now, as one has to move with the present, into the

Angies Pre-Natal Lunar Eclipse is at 14 degrees of Capricorn, which indicates that

she has come into this life to emotionally learn, how to fit into society and how to
maintain integrity in the world around her, and as the Pre Natal Lunar Eclipse falls
into her 12th house, this is connected to many past lifetime, through many relationships
and through many situations.

Her Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse is at 27 degrees of Cancer, which indicates that she has
come into this life to personally learn through emotions and emotional understanding.
As her focal planet to her Sesqui Knot is the Moon which rules the sign Cancer,
these emotions will force her to learn the hard way, through entrapment and through
there distortion.

Angies Natal Chart, Midpoint Trees (Using a Modulus 45 degrees, using a maximum
of 2 degrees orb) the longest Midpoint Tree is the Neptune Tree. This indicates that
there is an on going archetype within Angie to escape from all her limitations,
restriction and from her emotional entrapment. This she does through prescribed
medicated drugs and through the addition of social drugs. Angies shortest Midpoint
Tree is the Saturn Tree. This indicates that she will automatically take control over
life and life issues, especially around others, and that there is an in born awareness of
taking responsibility for life and what she is doing, which has been developed in past

At present Angie, she is emotionally and mentally acknowledging what decisions she
has taken, which has forced her into her immediate emotional, mental, physical crisis.

The personal pain is also linked to her past life times, forcing her to re-live these
emotions, so that now she can deal with them differently - emotionally, mentally,
physically and spiritually, in this life time.

It will be interesting to see how Angie experiences the Solar Eclipse at 1 degree of
Sagittarius, on the 23 November 2003, which will activate her Natal Moon at 1 degree
of Sagittarius, in the 11th house, which is the focal planet of her Sesqui Knot.

Natal Chart with Sesqui Knot Aspect for ROLAND

Midpoint Trees from Natal Chart of ROLAND

ROLAND Natal Chart together with transits of 19 August 2002 at 5:00 pm

ROLAND Natal Chart together with transits of 20 August 2002 at 8:00 am


There are two Sesqui Knots in Rolands Natal Chart, which are interwoven. The
first one is Natal Black Moon Lillith in Leo, in the 11th house square to Natal Part of
Fortune in Scorpio, in the 2nd house, both forming sesquisquares or sesquidratrates, to
Natal Ceres in Pisces and Natal Vertex in Aries, in the 6th house.

The second Sesqui Knot in Rolands Natal Chart, is Natal Ceres in Pisces and Natal
Vertex in Aries, in the 6th house square to the Natal Midheaven in Cancer, both
forming sesquisquares or sesquidratrates, to Natal Part of Fortune in Scorpio, in the 2nd
house. These aspect pattern forms the Sesqui Knot.

The two Sesqui Knots are tightly linked together, through the semisquare aspect,
the aspect of 45 degrees. This aspect brings through the energies of irritability,
conflict, inner tension and agitation. These two Sesqui Knots are also linked
together through Natal Part of Fortune in the 2nd house, and through Natal Ceres and
Natal Vertex in the 6th house. They link together issues around self worth, self value,
and issues around health as well as work and being of service.

In Rolands Natal 6th house Pisces is intercepted. This indicates that in this lifetime
there are heavy issues around responsibility of service and around the awareness of the
needs of others. The 6th house represents the reaping not only of this lifetime but also

from the past, and it also includes the potential of self fulfillment and the activities one
is engaged in. This all holds heavy karma from past life times of taking poor or
critical decisions and judgments. As Pisces is the intercepted sign, there is a feeling
of now being weak and in not having the ability to personal take control. The
interception in the 12th house in Virgo indicates that Roland in past life times, service
was given around conditions and from the view point of rewards, as well as holding
the attitude in and around his many relationships which held intolerance and being
critical of others (Natal Retrograde Pluto and Natal South Node in Virgo in the 12th

Roland was born into a warm, loving and wealthy family, and his first few years he
remembers being cared for and loved by his parents and his two elder sisters. Even with
all this he feared his father, as he subconsciously knew of the demands and expectations
that he was carrying through into this life. He held in his inner anguish around this as he
tried to please and to give, working very hard through his school years. All he wanted
was for his parents to feel pride for whom he was and for what he was able to
accomplish. Due to this he became the great please, trying to please all (The Sesqui
Knot energies, Natal Black Lillith Moon in Leo, in the 11th house, Natal Ceres in Pisces,
in the 6th together with Natal Vertex in Aries, in the 6th house, Natal Part of Fortune in
Scorpio, in the 2nd house and Natal Midheaven in Cancer Natal Retrograde Pluto and
Natal South Node in Virgo, in the 12th house, Natal North Node, Natal Pallas, Natal Juno,
Natal Ceres in Pisces, in the 6th house).

Throughout his childhood he remembers the tight bond between his sisters and him self,
of trying to always protect them and always include them into his daily life as he tried to

emotionally cope, but at times his inner anguish would turn into inner anger, then into
inner rage, which would be released through his inner violence. Roland could not cope
with any teasing, others mocking him or ridiculing him, criticism about himself or insults
about himself. As a very young child he had many temper tantrums and then as a young
adult this lead to him pouching his bare fist into walls and other objects, as he tried to
release his inner distorted and entrapped emotions and feelings.

Disappointing his parents became his greatest fear, and after his schooling, he even
studied Accountancy at the University of UNISA to please his father, and landed up
enjoying it for him self (Natal Chiron, Natal Vulcan, Natal Sun in Aries, in the 7th house
and Natal Mercury in Taurus in the 7th house interesting to note from the Natal Aspect
Grid is that the Natal Sun only has one minor aspect, being the semisquare between the
Natal Sun and the Natal Moon, when working with only the 14 main points, and the
Quintile aspect which is considered an obscure aspect Natal Venus, Natal Saturn, Natal
Mars in Taurus, in the 8th house together with Natal Moon in Gemini, in the 8th house).

At this point, I need to point out that two of the most difficult Fixed Stars are active in
Rolands Natal Chart: Capulus and Zosma.

Natal Mars at 23 degrees of Taurus 40 minutes Capulus at 23 degrees of Taurus 30

minutes. The motivation and drive of Natal Mars is effected by Capulus. He will need
to guard against rash anger and hasty action for such actions could have far-reaching,
negative effects.

Natal South Node at 10 degrees of Virgo 03 minutes Zosma at 10 degrees of Virgo 37

minutes. The planet that is involved with Zosma will potentially involve suffering,
perhaps through the individuals naivet allowing them to be led into a victimizing
situation, or perhaps by their working as a caregiver. As Rolands Natal South Node is
involved here, it indicates that he will have to suffer to understanding what he made
others suffer in past life times, to activate his Natal North Node in Pisces, in the 6th

Then, there is also Natal Ceres at 29 degrees of Pisces 07 minutes Scheat at 28 degrees
of Pisces 41 minutes. This fixed star is linked to Mars and Mercury and relates to
extreme misfortune, through murder, or/and suicide and as Roland has Natal Mercury
close to his Natal 8th house cusp and Natal Mars in the 8th house both being in Taurus,
this will play out with his fears through his life, which he will experienced emotionally,
mentally, physically and spiritually.

During 1993 the same time that Roland started his accountancy studies, he met Nicole
and soon after this, they married. At first his in-laws accepted him, but this did not last
long as his mother-in-law openly showed her dislike for him and his family. Due to this
lead to the two families tolerating each other. There was also jealously in regard to the
different financial and social positions of the two families. Rolands mother being a
devoted and loving mother to her son could not understand this. This led to Roland
being controlling and manipulated by his mother, through his fears as she played around
and with them (Natal Moon in Gemini, in the 8th house Natal Retrograde Uranus in
Libra, in the 1st house). His marriage was consistently being criticized and put under
pressure (Natal Chiron, Natal Vulcan and Natal Sun in Aries, in the 7th house opposition

to Natal Retrograde Uranus in Libra, in the 1st house). Roland lived consistently trying
to please his parents and his wife and her family, as his inner anguish and inner anger
swam around and around.

On obtaining his degree Roland became more secure within the family business, which
sold fruit and vegetables to many large business store within South Africa and also
exported these items to Botswana. This business was a strong and flourishing business
but through the greed for more, the decision was take, to take in partners who would
bring in more financial wealth. This was the start of the downfall of the business and of
Rolands life. It was soon discovered that the partners were deceiving and stealing from
the business and so started the spiral of change, loss, destruction and death (Natal
Retrograde Neptune in Sagittarius, in the 2nd house in opposition to Natal Moon in
Gemini, in the 8th house The Sesqui Knots especially there focal planets being Natal
Part of Fortune in Scorpio, in the 2nd house and Natal Vertex in Aries, in the 6th house in
its critical degree).

Personally, I feel that the his Natal Part of Fortune at 14 degrees 31 minutes of Scorpio
(in the middle of the sign of Scorpio) in his Natal 2nd house, makes this point extremely
intensive, especially as the Aries Point is high lighted within his Natal Chart, and within
his Sesqui Knot.

Rolands Natal Vertex in Aries, in the 6th house indicates and symbolizes that he will
have to experience emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually through others close
to him. This is due to the critical degree of 0 degrees of Aries, the Aries Point. With
his Natal Ascendant, Natal Descendant, Natal Midheaven and Natal IC at 0 degrees of all

the cardinal signs this emphasis and reinforced the issues around the 1st, the 7th, the 10th
and the 4th houses. As the Sesqui Knot energies are triggered through 0 degrees of the
Aries Point there is a continuous dominion effect within his chart, emphasizing the
publics interested within his life, Aries being his personal issues, Cancer being his private
family issues, Libra being around and interacting with other, and Capricorn being his
interaction within society and through his business interests. This indicates that all
transits to all the cardinal 0 degree point, will trigger Rolands Sesqui Knot energies.
The Vertex reinforces its fated connection, as one unconsciously attracts other people and
situations into ones life. The Natal Vertex is further emphasized, as it is the other focal
planet, which is shared with Natal Ceres also in its critical degree of 29 degrees.

As the business spiraled down the partners took legal action as they tried to remove
themselves from the business and from financial loss. Roland talks about walking in a
haze and of punching one of the partners in the lawyers office. He did this after the
person insulted his mother and his family name. Such force was released within the
punch that this individual went flying right across the office and lay dazed after the event.

This then lead to the total collapsing of the business, which coincided with Rolands
father being shot. He was rushed to hospital, but died from his injuries (Natal Saturn
which indicates his father, and Natal Mars indicating physical violence in the 8th house,
the house of death). The inner anguish, inner anger, inner rage built up into feelings of
taking revenge. But of cause with the Sesqui Knot energies there is a need to, but an
inability to do anything about it. Roland tried to cope, taking on the collapse of the
family business and the abuse from others around him. He tried to hold his mother and
sisters in a protective cocoon, away from the distortion of life and the destruction of their

family life.

With all this he also emotionally, mentally and physically removed himself

away from his wife and his children. This all occurred during 1999, while he
experienced and tried to cope with his Saturn Return.

The other heavy transits that were affecting him were:Transiting Mercury going into its Retrograde cycle at 4 degrees in Aries until 20 degrees
in Pisces, activating his 6th house Sesqui Knot planets.
Transiting Mars going Retrograde at 12 degrees in Scorpio until 24 degrees in Libra,
activating his 2nd house then 1st house with Natal Retrograde Jupiter, and the opposite 8th
house with Natal Saturn, Natal Venus in Taurus, and the 7th house Natal Mercury in
Transiting Saturn activating his 8th house planets including his Natal Saturn Saturn
Transiting Pluto going Retrograde at 10 degrees in Sagittarius until 7 degrees, activating
his Natal 3rd house.
Lunar Eclipse during the year at 11 degrees of Leo 20 minutes conjunct his Natal Vesta
in Leo, in the 11th house.

Through all the 8th house activation, there is an emphasis around death, loss and,
destruction emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually, and the Lunar Eclipse in
Leo on Natal Vesta just adds to the lost and death of the father, of a friend, and of the
guardian of the home. As this Lunar Eclipse has been activated in the last quadrant of
his Natal Chart, this indicates that he has to motivate himself in the world.

Interesting to note is that Rolands Natal Black Lillith Moon in Leo, in the 11th house
(part of the Sesqui Knot energies) is positioned after the Natal Moon in Gemini, in the
8th house which indicates that Rolands emotional patterns is in the active process of
developing and maturing and he will respond in a defensive way, to protect himself and
his family. Natal Midheaven being in the sign of Cancer indicates that he will be faced
with some of the greatest changes and challenges in his life through being attacked
through his social position and within and through his career, as well as through his and
around his mother, as well as around his wife.

During 2000 Roland went into business with his mother using some money obtained
from his late fathers life policies. Together they opened a Plastic Recycling Business.
They tried to get their lives back together, but they just managed to hold it together as the
machinery could not cope with the load and kept on breaking down. Through
desperation they started to cash cheques and exchange cheques with a firm of money
exchangers, but this just lead to further debt and more financial loss and heartache. By
2002 Roland and his mother were desperately trying to keep the business from being
liquidated as debt and loans were being called in. Roland talks about his inner anguish,
inner anger, and inner rage as he walked around in a fog and haze trying to cope with
everything that was going on. The tight bonded community that once held this family in
a place of importance was now rejecting and ostracizing them.

On the 19 August 2002 Roland attempted suicide by injecting air into his heart, in his
desperation to end it all. The security guards of the parking lot, in which he had parked
his car, caught him. Immediately he tried again to attempt suicide by jamming the
needle of the syringe into himself, bending and trapping it into himself. Feeling a

complete failure at even this, he started his car and drove home feeling totally numb and
emotionally dead. Roland was taken from home to the emergency public hospital by
ambulance, as there was great concern over trapped air and damage to his heart. The
next morning he was stable enough to be discharged even though he was emotionally
instability and this listed as critical. As Roland was being discharged his mother
Shelley, committed suicide, killing herself with one shot to the head.
The night before her death Shelley went into shock when she heard that Roland had
attempted suicide. Through this she relived the trauma around the shooting and death of
her husband. Now her son lay in hospital with trapped air and twenty puncture wounds
around his heart. When she spoke to me that evening, she told me that she could not
relive the death of another important loved one these were her last words to me. She
did not hear what I was saying to her or her daughters whom were with her, as she relived
the pain, the trauma, and the agony of the past. Shelley was falling deeper and deeper
into the Dark Night of the Soul where she was trapped within her pain of the past,
which still had not been dealt with as she could not deal with her painful emotions. For
the last year Shelley had been on medication and under the treatment of a psychologist
and psychotherapist for depression.

Once again she and her family were being watched

and condemned by the very community, which formed a tight, religious and loving
security structure around their members.

This is all indicated within Rolands Natal Chart, through 0 degrees of Aries, the Aries
Point, which was activated by the transits on the 20 August 2002, which also activated
his Sesqui Knot energies. All his private affairs, his family affairs and business, his
actions and his interactions, were dynamically noted, monitored and held within the eyes
of all, in a very public way, and his life received public attention. As the Natal Vertex

and the Natal Midheaven are points within his Sesqui Knot energies created intense
inner anxiety, intense inner anguish, intense inner anger which leads to intense inner
anger as he tries to hold onto emotions of taking revenge for public criticism and ridicule
about himself and his family. Once again his Natal 8th house planets being, Natal Venus,
Natal Saturn, Natal Mars in Taurus, together with the Natal Moon in Gemini, were
activating the house of death and destruction.

Roland doctor decided to readmit him into a private hospital, this time under his care
before he told him about his mothers death. This was done and Roland was told about
her death. All he remembers was being emotionally numb and emotionally frozen as he
held in the guilt over her death. He just wanted to run, to run away from life, to run
away from the world, to a place, which did not hold any memories, to a place where he
was unknown. This he did as soon as the moment presented itself, he walked out of the
hospital in a total state of confusion and bewilderment, not knowing where he was going,
or what he was going to do, just knowing that he had to escape the pain, the trauma, the
destruction, the loss. He landed up standing on the side of a highway. A friend, who
drove past him, on the way to see him, recognized him. This time he was lucky and his
friend returned him to hospital. On his return his doctor told him that if he removed
himself from hospital again he would be placed into a secure mental hospital.

That same day his elder sister received a phone call from the Money Exchangers
demanding that she personally repay them for their losses. This she refused to do and
contacted Roland. Hearing this, Roland once again just walked out of the private
hospital and walked for hours landing up in the township of Soweto. He found himself
in a public eating place, and went to sleep under a table, trying to escape life and

everyone. A few hours later, he left on realizing his situation and tried to get help from
police, who ignored him. He then walked along the road and came across a parked taxi
mini bus. He asked the taxi driver to take him back to his family. He arrived home
close to midnight safe and sound, after emotionally persuading the taxi driver to help
him, still feeling emotionally numb and emotionally confused, as he tried to distance
himself from his trauma and his life.

The next day he found himself locked up in the public mental hospital as there was a
waiting list for Tara the private mental hospital. His wife and his family decided that
they needed to protect him from himself. One week later he found himself locked up in
Tara in the Lock Up Ward 7 He spent the next two week dazed, confused, and totally
numb just trying to survive his ordeal. But this was only the beginning as he started his
healing process, being protected from himself and being protected from the world.

Slowly he started to heal, started to hear, started to feel, started to see others around
himself, and suddenly he saw himself as not being alone. Others also had their
problems, their situations, their disturbed emotions and feelings, and through this
acknowledgement, he started to once again interact in life, he started to once again
interact in the world, live with life, and live with the world, even under and being heavily
medicated as he slowly started to cope with everything, and everyone.

Rolands Pre Natal Lunar Eclipse is at 2 degrees and 18 minutes of Virgo, which
indicates that he has come into this life to emotionally learn, around issues of learning
to get back on to his feet once back, after emotional crisis and trauma, and in learning
to living on Earth in reality, learning through and having to understand balance in the

material world and in the spiritual world. This is further emphasized as Virgo is
intercepted within Rolands Natal 12th house.

Rolands Pre Natal Solar Eclipse is at 16 degrees and 44 minutes of Pisces, which
indicates that he has come into his life to personally learn about and to teach others
about empathy and sensitivity and once again this is emphasized as Pisces is
intercepted within his Natal 6th house.

Roland is now living a life, in order to learn about, participation, bringing order to chaos,
creating routines, focusing on the here and now, acting on feelings of compassion, being
of service to others, analyzing and categorizing, gaining self confidence through
experience, taking risks in spite of fears and noticing and valuing details of life. What he
will have to overcome is having a victim consciousness around what his actions did to
others, and his family (Natal North Node in Pisces, in the 6th house, Natal South Node in
Virgo, in the 12th house, both being intercepted).

There have been many life times spent in overcoming self ego, through mental and
spiritual quests, through confinement, prisons, or asylums. In this lifetime he will have
addictive tendencies in trying to escape reality and existence, which will have to be
overcome from a spiritual perspective, as well as a physical perspective (Natal South
Node in Pisces, in the 6th house).

Roland in past life times, was deceitful and he engaging in fraudulent activities to acquire
material and physical possessions (Natal Retrograde Pluto in Virgo, in the 12th house).
The lesson here tells that now he must develop qualities of honesty and establish proper

values around material and physical possessions, as well as to establish true values
around life (Natal Retrograde Neptune in Sagittarius, in the 2nd house).

True soul qualities were not developed in past life times, and there was little
understanding, little compassion and little service to others. He also had many
compulsions and obsessions, which lead to a frustrated and unbalanced individual. The
lesson to learn in this life times, is to take advantage of the opportunities being given and
to work through his karma (Natal Retrograde Pluto and Natal South Node in Virgo, in the
12th house Natal North Node in Pisces, in the 6th house).

In past life times, Roland wasted many incarnations, as he did not evolve, now he needs
to work out karma through the expansion and through the expression of his inner self.
He is now redoing a lifetime from many past lifetimes to release issues around being
unreliable in and around judgment.

He now needs to hold high moral around all forms

of finances, as well as around all forms of dishonesty and around deceit from himself or
from other to himself. The lesson to be learnt now is to develop an awareness of the
higher self, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually (Natal Retrograde Jupiter in
Scorpio, in the 1st house).

From Rolands Natal Chart, Midpoint Trees (Modulus 45 degrees, using a maximum
of 2 degrees orb) the longest Midpoint Tree is the Moon Tree with 13 branches. This
indicates what archetype is most active in his life, on a continuous basis and level, and
being the Moon, which vibrates in a very personal and within a deeper awareness
level, is bringing in the need to emotionally feel and to emotionally experience. The
double Sesqui Knot energies bring a distortion and entrapment of emotional

energies, there is a harsher need to all this. The Moon also represents the past, past
lifetimes and the importance for him to overcome all his to evolve.

The shortest Midpoint Tree is the Saturn Tree and the Pluto Tree with 3 branches,
indicating what archetype is less active in his life, on a continuous basis and level.
First the planet Saturn, which is known as The Lord of Karma and the Cosmic Cop,
indicates that major karmic issues which cannot be controlled or escaped. This is
further emphasized as Rolands Natal Pluto is in Retrograde and in the 12th house. No
power, no control, no disciplines and no structure, will be able to stop the play out of
Rolands karmic journey, as he learns, as he understands, as he accepts and as he

Through the love, through the understanding, through the therapy, through the dedication
of all he has emerged very intact and very alive. He slowly started to believe in himself,
together with the understanding and love of his wife, his children and his family, which
lead to him being discharged from the care of Tara.

During his isolation in the mental institution of Tara he discovered his unique gift of
writing in the Ancient Creative Writings which is unique in its creativity gift, and which
only a handful of people are able to accomplish (Natal Black Lillith Moon in Leo
artistic expression through esoteric arts, for one who has lived through the breaking of
ones own heart in seeking the heart of true love, then being able to hold the mirror steady
for others to find the courage to follow the same path). Together with this as well as
holding an accountancy position within a large firm, he is on the way into his future.

He has worked through, what I call, a remake of himself, a remake of his personality, a
remake of what truly is important to him, which is the joy of life and which is enjoying
life with the people who are close to him, to be able to love and to be able to love the
very essence of life. This is the lesson that his parents tragic deaths gave to him, and to
honour the joy of life and every breath, to be able to understanding, accept, and to evolve
to the spirit he needs to develop to, through the unique energies of the Sesqui Knot.

Natal Chart for JONATHAN

Secondary Progressed Chart for JONATHAN for his Tenth Year

Natal Chart for JONATHAN together with Transits during his Tenth Year

BiWheel Chart
Inner Wheel JONATHAN Natal Chart
Outer Wheel Secondary Progressed Chart for JONATHAN during his Tenth Year

Secondary Progressed Chart for JONATHAN for 1999

Natal Chart for JONATHAN together with Transits during 1999

BiWheel Chart
Inner Wheel JONATHAN Natal Chart
Outer Wheel Secondary Progressed Chart for JONATHAN for 1999


Jonathan has three Sesqui Knots in his Natal Chart.

The first Sesqui Knot in the Natal Chart is, the Natal Ascendant in Gemini and Natal
Vulcan in Gemini in the 12th house, square to the Natal South Node in Pisces, in the 9th
house, both forming sesquisquares or sesquidratrates, to Natal Retrograded Neptune in
Scorpio, in the 5th house.

The second Sesqui Knot aspect pattern in Jonathans Natal Chart is, Natal Mars in
Aries, in the 10th house, square to Natal Retrograde Vesta and Natal Retrograde Saturn
in Capricorn, in the 7th house, both forming sesquisquares or sesquidratrates, to Natal
Pluto in Virgo, in the 3rd house.

The third Sesqui Knot aspect pattern is, Natal Midheaven in Aries, square to Natal
Retrograde Jupiter in Capricorn, in the 7th house, both forming, sesquisquares or
sesquidratrates, to Natal Uranus in Leo, in the 2nd house.

As the Ascendant, and the Midheaven are both involved, there is a need through his
self identity and through his public personality role to evolve in this lifetime.
Jonathan will be constantly pulled between these two points, as he plays out these

major issues, - his individual uniqueness versus his personalized achievements within
society through his personal activity. This is emphasized, as all the outer planets,
being Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are the three focal planets, of the three Sesqui
Knots. Uranus seeks personal freedom and disruption, Neptune seeks higher ideals
and higher awareness, and as it is retrograde it cause extra confusion and the energies
are directed inwards, and Pluto seeks transformation disempowerment and

Linking the three Sesqui Knots together excluding the easy aspects, is a tridecile or
sesqui quintile aspect of 108 degrees, a quintile aspects of 72 degrees, and
inconjunct or quincunx aspects of 150 degrees.

The tridecile aspect is part of the tri aspects that bring in the need for cooperation,
and here there is a need for the Sesqui Knot energies, to inter-mix together, to
balance cooperation and expression together. The quintile aspect brings in the
energies of intense fate, as well as energies of having the ability to transform not only
in ones life, but also in ones environment, using ones talents and strengths of ones soul
and will. The inconjunct aspects, brings in the awareness of karmic past life into the
present lifetime, for mental adjustment in order for him to reach understanding,
acceptance and awareness. Through the inconjunct aspects there are two Yod
Aspect Patterns (one Yod aspect points to the Midheaven and the other one points to
Uranus) which also bringing in energies around personal action that brings direct
repercussions, together with laws of cause and effect, which needs to be emotionally,
mentally, physically and spiritually dealt with in this life time.

From an early age Jonathan remembers his mothers being over protective, as she tried
to protect him and his younger sister from life and from the world. She also protected
them from her very temperamental husband who showed his anger through his verbal
harshness and abuse (Natal Mars in Aries, in the 10th house, the house of the mother
Natal Sun in Gemini, in the 12th house, Natal Retrograde Saturn in Capricorn, in the 7th
house, the ruler of the 4th house Venus in Gemini, in the 12th house). He was brought
up in a small country community, with the traditional family understanding and with
the traditional religious beliefs of regularly going to church (Natal Chiron and Natal
South Node in Pisces, in the 9th house Natal Retrograde Jupiter in Capricorn, in the
7th house). At times during his childhood his father frightened him but Jonathan
learnt to stand up for him self and face him but he felt that he was constantly letting
his father down through this. This relationship had very little physical contact and
there was no emotional bond, which deepened as Jonathan matured.

When Jonathan reached his tenth year, his parents told him and his sister that they
were both adopted. With this information Jonathan understood why he always felt so
very different, why he never felt part of the family, and why he never felt part or a
bond with his father. He became more aware of why his father could not relate to
him, as he was not part of his father. He was also aware that his adopted resented not
being able to father his own children.

Jonathans mothers shame and guilt was in not being able to physically give her
husband children. This she believed was some form a godly punishment (Natal
Chiron in Pisces, in the 9th house, Natal Retrograde Jupiter in Capricorn, in its critical
degree, the Aries Point, in the 7th house). Jonathans fathers guilt was in not

controlling life and in obtaining what he wanted which were his own children (Natal
Retrograde Saturn in Capricorn, in the 7th house, Natal Retrograde Neptune in Scorpio,
in the 5th house). In a childs chart the 7th house represents their parents.

Jonathans Progressed Chart for his tenth year indicates that personal issues, which
have been denied from him, are guaranteed and will have to become public which
would affect his life. Interesting to note, is that his Progressed Ascendant for the year
is at 0 degrees 33 minutes of Cancer, once again activating the critical degree of the
Aries Point. Private issues are being activated around his adopted parents and his
adopted family, opening him up to a deeper understanding and a deeper awareness as
Progressed Retrograde Jupiter has moved into 29 degrees 21 minutes of Sagittarius in
the Progressed 6th house, which is further activated by the Progressed Moon being in
his Progressed 9th house together with the Progressed Part of Fortune and the
Progressed South Node in Pisces, placing the Progressed North Node in Virgo, in the
Progressed 3rd house.

The BiWheel Chart (inner wheel Natal Chart Jonathan, outer wheel secondary
progressed chart during his tenth year) shows that his Progressed Sun at 24 degrees 6
minutes of Gemini has progressed into his Natal 1st house, and his Progressed Venus at
22 degrees 03 minutes of Gemini, is now conjunct to his Natal Ascendant at 22
degrees 34 minutes of Gemini, opening up blocked energies, situation and issues that
are reflected by his Natal 12th house planets. His Progressed Ascendant at 0 degrees
33 minutes of Cancer has progressed into the Natal 1st house and Progressed Lillith
Moon at 4 degrees 15 minutes in Cancer is now conjunct Natal Mercury at 4 degrees 5
minutes of Cancer, in the Natal 1st house, indicating that what has been kept away

from him now needs to be given and explained to him. The Progressed Moon moving
from 12 degree 10 minutes to 25 degree 31 minutes of Pisces during this period, is
transiting through his Natal 9th house will activate his Natal South Node, indicating
that this situation and these issues now need to be released karmically for him to
evolve. All this could not have been done until Progressed Venus had moved out of
orb away from Natal Vulcan at 20 degree 39 minutes in Gemini, in the Natal 12th

If one notes the degrees within this Progressed Chart:

The Progressed Moon will move from 12 degrees 10 minutes to 25 degrees 31 minutes
of Pisces activating,
Progressed Retrograde Vesta at 14 degrees Capricorn in the Progressed 7th house.
Progressed Retrograde Saturn at 16 degrees of Capricorn in the Progressed 7th house.
Progressed Retrograde Vulcan at 17 degrees of Gemini in the Progressed 12th house.
Progressed Uranus at 18 degrees 5 minutes of Leo in the Progressed 2nd house.
Progressed Mercury at 18 degrees 27 minutes of Cancer in the Progressed 1st house.
Progressed Part of Fortune at 18 degrees 37 minutes of Pisces in the Progressed 9th
Progressed Retrograde Juno at 18 degrees 48 minutes of Sagittarius in the Progressed
6th house.
Progressed South Node at 19 degrees of Pisces in the Progressed 9th house.
Progressed North Node at 19 degrees of Virgo in the Progressed 3rd house.
The last activation in his year will be to the Progressed Mars at 26 degrees of Aries in
the Progressed 10th house and the Progressed Pallas in Capricorn in the 7th house.

The Progressed 7th house was the first house effected and the Progressed 12th house
was the last house effected by the Progressed Moon (12 degrees to 25 degrees) during
his tenth year, indicating that the truth around his birth needed to be told to him. The
relationship between him and his adoptive parents needed to be dealt with during this
year, no longer could secrets be hidden, around issues of the home and the family as
the asteroid Vesta is the Guardian of the Home and the asteroid Pallas is the
Goddess of Wisdom. Progressed Retrograde Saturn is contained Vesta and Pallas,
and Saturn is the Lord of Karma (Progressed 7th house Progressed Retrograde Vesta,
Progressed Retrograde Saturn, Progressed Retrograde Pallas in inconjunct to
Progressed 12th house Progressed Retrograde Vulcan, Progressed Venus and
Progressed Sun). The inconjunct aspect is the nagging problem aspect that operates
over time but it has to be sorted out karmically.

The relationship between the adopted parents and Jonathan needed to be, karmically
understood and then Jonathan needed to work through his intense extreme feelings on
an emotional level, on a mentally level, on a emotionally level, on a physically level
and on a spiritually level which is part of his dynamic Sesqui Knot energies within
his Natal Chart.

From that time he felt very alone and very distant as he dealt with his emotional
trauma as well as his deep inner emotions with regards to abandonment and rejection
around his birth mother and father (Natal Vulcan in Gemini, in the 12th house conjunct
Natal Ascendant, Natal Black Lillith Moon and Natal Mercury in Cancer, in the 1st
house). Subconsciously he knew that he could not give his adopted parents what they
deeply wanted (Natal Venus, Natal Sun and Natal Vulcan in Gemini, in the 12th

house). His inner anguish, inner trauma, inner anxieties and inner rage were held
tightly in, as he lived his life aware of their subconscious expectations.

Jonathans Natal Black Moon Lillith in Cancer, in the 1st house, brings in inherited
patterns, which run deep within him, making him feel exiled from his adopted family
and making him want to find his true birth parents. This is one of his chief sources of
heartache and as it is in the 1st house there is a personal and spiritual lesson dealing
with the course of his self development. As Cancer is constantly attacked by the
Black Moon Lillith, which is on his Natal 2nd house cusp, one of his greatest
challenges in this lifetime is facing issues around his self worth and self value, as he
faces continuous attacks around what he is and who he is.

Jonathan has Natal intercepted signs in his 2nd and 8th houses, being Leo in the 2nd
house and Aquarius in the 8th house. Again emphasizing the high issues around his
self worth and self values. Leos ruler, Natal Sun is conjunct Natal Vulcan in Gemini,
in the 12th house, which brings in more emphasis. Aquariuss ruler, Natal Uranus is
one of his focal planets of one of his Sesqui Knots high lighting these issues more
and more. The 2nd/8th axis deals with values, being true values, as well as dealing
with leadership issues. One is pulled between issues of pride of one self, awareness
of one self and the power within one self, with and around the issues of freedom of
expression, and freedom of choice. This brings in past life time issues of placing little
importance and value upon the higher concepts of life. Due to this now in this
lifetime, there are deep issues around the importance of true values, true
understanding, and true awareness. In past life times there were also issues around
leadership and positions of leadership, now there is a focus around this. Interesting to

note is that the Natal Ascendant, Natal Vulcan and Natal Black Moon Lillilth, which
interrupt the Planetary Core (being the Sun, Mercury and Venus). This indicates
that Jonathan has a special personal purpose in this lifetime, which is felt as a personal
mission, which is a powerful belief within and on a soul level. Public exposure is
inevitable and success or status could be achieved. This will only be achieved after
self development, self acceptance and self awareness has been accomplished. This
once again is further emphasized by Natal Retrograde Jupiter being in the energy of
the Sesqui Knot and being in the critical degree of 0 degrees of Capricorn, which is
focused and part of the Aries Point.

Even with all this inner turmoil Jonathan achieved at school. He achievement through
his high academic marks, through his leadership qualities, and through his strong
sporting abilities. This brought the rewards and recognition from his adoptive
parents, from his teachers, and from his peers (Natal Retrograde Juno in Sagittarius, in
the 6th house - Natal Pluto in Virgo, in the 3rd house in opposition to Natal Chiron in
Pisces, in the 9th house, together with the Sesqui Knot energies).

Once his school was completed Jonathan decided that he needed to move away from
his adoptive family. He traveled many kilometers away living and studying law at the
University of the Free State. He achieved academically during his first year, and then
he had his first gay experience. This lead to, uncertainty around who he was, around
what he was, around his own emotions, and around his feelings for others. He felt
disturbed and unbalanced as he experienced his identity crisis, deeply questioning
everything. During this time his internal emotional trauma was held in denial, as he
tried to live this part of his life quietly and in secret, as well as living another part of

his life openly and having a girlfriend (Natal Venus, Natal Sun and Natal Vulcan in
Gemini, in the 12th house - Natal Retrograde Juno in Sagittarius, in the 6th house Natal Retrograde Neptune in Scorpio, in the 5th house). He was unable to
communicate with anybody, with what was going on, with what he was experiencing,
and with what he was feeling. He was not able to cope with the double life he was
living which lead to him putting a stop to his studies at the end of that year. He
wanted to be able to develop his creativity and his individuality, even though he was
going against his parents wishes. They were extremely anger with his decision to
end his studies. Once again his Sesqui Knot energies of inner anguish and inner
anger were being held in with his emotional distortion and entrapment over
disappointing and letting others down over the choices that he was making and the
choices that he was taking. During that year Transiting Neptune went to 20 degrees
of Sagittarius, then went into its Retrograde cycle activating Natal Retrograde Juno for
the next two years. Transiting Jupiter and Transiting Mars were conjuncting his Natal
Uranus in Leo, in the 2nd house, the focal planet of one of his Sesqui Knots. Then
Transiting Jupiter moved on and activated his Natal Pluto in Virgo the focal planet of
another of his Sesqui Knots.

For the next year Jonathan creatively wrote as a Journalist, but he was continuously
pulled back towards his love for law. He returned to University continuing his studies
and received his law degree, even through there was a constant push to express his
creative side and a pull to be the traditional conformist, that of being the lawyer
(Transiting Neptune affecting Natal Retrograde Juno in Sagittarius, in the 6th house
Natal Uranus in Leo, in the 2nd house Natal Mars in Aries, in the 10th house Natal
Ascendant Gemini, a dual sign bring in issues around duality). His choices were

always made through social and society pressures, the side that he was never
comfortable with, as it was never the reflection of his true inner self.

After he received his degree he once again return to the world of Journalism, enjoying
and loving life. He enjoyed and loved his work, being creative and expressing
creativity through the power of words. Seeing his own words in print was recognition
and a achievement of his personal growth recognizing his personal self worth (Natal
Venus and Natal Sun in Gemini, in the 12th house and Natal Ascendant Gemini, Natal
Mercury in Cancer, in the 1st house). But still the force and the love of law pulled and
pushed within him, so he returned to law joining the Department of Justice as a Public
Prosecutor. Jonathans heart and soul were in his work and through this he received
recognition and moved up and through the ranks very quickly.

Jonathans Natal Part of Fortune at 23 degrees of Libra 37 minutes is conjunct the

Fixed Star Arcturus at 23 degrees of Libra 32 minutes. Arcturus present opinions,
is that this fixed star indicates that the individual needs to be a path finder, and one
needs to create a better way of life or a new way of doing something, not just for ones
self but for others as well. There will be a strong sense of leading others involved
with this path. This is being accomplished through Jonathans profession as a lawyer
and as holding the position of being a Public Prosecutor, as well as being the creative
writer bringing knowledge to others.

During this time he met Rochelle and they were married after a three years
engagement. This he did as it was easier to conform to social traditions and
responsibilities than to face his true identity. He held in his inner anguish and inner

anxiety around his emotions, as he knew that he would never be able to be true to him
self and to his sexuality, he was trapped within his life and within society. With all
these emotions he still felt karmically connected and emotionally connected to
Rochelle (the Natal 7th cusp Sagittarius, Natal Retrograde Jupiter, Natal Retrograde
Vesta, and Natal Retrograde Saturn in Capricorn, in the 7th house).

His biggest fears and anxieties are of being rejected by his adoptive family and by
society. This results at times into depression and deep feelings and fears around being
alone and being isolated (Interception of Aquarius in the 8th house, Natal Uranus in
intercepted Leo in the 2nd house, Natal Uranus being a focal planet of one of his
Sesqui Knots Natal Retrograde Chiron in Pisces in the 8th house in opposition to
Natal Pluto in Virgo, in the 3rd house).

After an in-depth two years working as a Public Protector, he once again knew that
it was time to move, accepting a position at an Academic Institution, lecturing in law.
Jonathan also worked part time for The Legal Aid Board and he published articles on
Law and Human Rights. Through these choices Jonathan was birthing his true point
of his Ascendant, combining his two loves being the lawyer and being the journalist,
towards his passion for and around Human Rights.

After the birth of his son, Jonathan started to search for his birth parents. He was able
to obtain information around his birth and why he was given up for adoption. The
Social Worker helping him, made contact with his birth mother. She made it very
clear that she did not want anything to do with Jonathan, as no one even about this part
of her life, not even her siblings. Once again his Sesqui Knot energies of inner

anguish, inner anger and inner rage, around being abandoned and around being
rejected kick in, holding him in his emotional trauma, as he once again experienced
being abandoned and rejected by his birth mother (Natal Moon in Libra, in the 4th
house, Natal Venus in Gemini, in the 12th house conjunct Natal Sun in Gemini, in the
12th house conjunct Natal Vulcan in Gemini, in the 12th house). All these deep painful
distorted emotions of rejection and abandonment, swung around within him as his own
two children, were created, were born, and were nurtured.

This all coincided with Rochelle discovering that Jonathan was having an extra marital
affair with a male colleague (Natal Moon in Libra, in the 4th house, Natal Venus and
Natal Sun in Gemini, in the 12th house Libra and Gemini both being dual signs).
Jonathan broke off his affair and even wanted to go into therapy to stop or suppress his
sexuality, in order to try to save the marriage. This did not help, and there divorce
was obtained. Rochelle was the stronger one as she accepted it all and wanted him to
follow his true desires, his true self. It was Jonathan who felt torn and broken, as he
feared facing who he was, which had lead to the marriage in the first place (Natal
Retrograde Chiron in Pisces, in the 8th house in opposition to Natal Pluto in Virgo, in
the 3rd house with Pluto one has to break with the past and recreate one future, and
with Chiron one has to emotionally deal with as it is karmic linked towards his
individual choices, which is linking his conscious and unconscious choices).

Jonathans Natal Venus at 9 degrees of Gemini 47 minutes, is conjunct the Fixed Star
Aldebaran at 9 degrees 05 minutes of Gemini. Aldebaran present opinions, is that
this fixed star indicates that Jonathan will have to face moral dilemmas in this lifetime,
which will challenge his integrity. Along this life journey he will be tempted to

compromise his position, and to go against his own integrity. As Aldebaran is one
of the four Royal Stars, this fixed star brings in the possibility and the power of
having success and happiness, but only with the challenge through his integrity and
honour. Through Natal Venus, there will be a strong connection to his ideas about
and around harmony, as well as with and around relating, so it will affect his private
life friendships and around his business associations, as well as it will push him into
some form of creative expression, which needs to manifest in this life time. As Natal
Venus is in Jonathans 12th house, and Aldebaran is in its rising position, there is an
indication here that this energy will manifest early in his present lifetime and it will
manifest continuously throughout his life.

All this crisis and upheaval led to Jonathan leaving the Technicon and accepting a
position within a friends law firm. During this time he felt as if he was a living robot,
living on autopilot as he lived in denial, but he knew that he needed to live this out, in
order to fulfill his true purpose within this lifetime.

Jonathans Progressed Chart for 1999 shows the Progressed Ascendant at 26 degrees
of Cancer 26 minutes. According to Dane Rudhyars: An Astrological Mandala
this degree indicates that Jonathan needs to face society, irrespective of what happens,
be it turmoil and disruption, in order to restructure his true values. This is due to a
challenge in overcoming emotional crisis, which is linked to karma that will lead to an
inner self rebirth.

The BiWheel Chart (inner wheel Natal Chart Jonathan, outer wheel secondary
progressed chart during 1999) shows that his Progressed Retrograde Mercury at 26

degree 16 minutes of Cancer is conjunct his Progressed Ascendant at 26 degrees 26

minutes of Cancer. This indicates that there are issues that need to be brought through
into ones awareness from the unconscious into the consciousness. There is also now
the opportunity to think and rethink, around old traditional beliefs, around his
emotional responses, and around his life obstacles and challenges. As Progressed
Retrograde Mercury at 26 degrees 16 minutes, Progressed Ascendant at 26 degrees 26
minutes, Progressed Vulcan at 27 degrees 39 minutes, Progressed Venus at 27 degrees
42 minutes all in the sign of Cancer and Progressed East Point in Leo, have all
progressed into his Natal 2nd house, there are issues around his self worth and self
value which need to be dealt with especially as the Progressed Vertex at 0 degrees 51
minutes of Pisces has now progressed into his Natal 9th house, the house of higher
ethics, higher principles and higher integrity. The Progressed Moon moving from 4
degrees 39 minutes of Aries to 17 degrees 43 minutes of Aries during this period, is
transiting through his Natal 10th house, indicates that now he has to face society and
the world.

The Progressed Moon will move from 4 degrees to 39 degrees of Aries activating, the
Progressed 8th and 9th houses, which indicates that intense emotional, physical and
spiritual karma will be played out, as well as issues around ones ethics and principles
and with the Progressed Moon being in Aries, it is now time to take action, around
ones truths and around ones true purpose. The first Progressed point to be activated
by the Progressed Moon is the Progressed Retrograde Neptune at 6 degree 22 minutes
in Scorpio, in the 3rd house, which indicates that he will have to communicate about
his secrets and his sexuality which will be brought into every ones awareness. Both
his relationships have to be acknowledged in their truth and within higher ethics and

principles. The last activation by the Progressed Moon will be to Progressed Mars at
17 degrees 3 minutes in the 10th house, which indicates that he has to take the action
and face the world and society.

What stands out from his Progressed Chart, is that the Progressed Ascendant is at 26
degrees 26 minutes and that the Progressed Retrograde Mercury is at 26 degrees16
minutes, which indicates that he will have to face his secrets, as it will be a focus this

Then, the Progressed Vulcan at 27 degrees 39 minutes together with Progressed Venus
at 27 degrees 42 minutes of Cancer are in the Progressed 1st house. Progressed
Retrograde Ceres is at 27 degrees 54 minutes of Aquarius in the Progressed 7th house.
This indicates that no longer can Jonathan not express his true emotions and feelings
especially from his wife.

The Progressed 2nd and 8th house cusps are at 4 degree 4 minutes of Virgo and Pisces,
Progressed Pluto is at 4 degrees 26 minutes of Virgo and the Progressed Moon is at 4
degrees 39 minutes of Aries. This indicates that Jonathan needs to transform and
become true to him self and his emotions as no longer can he be a victim to him self
and to circumstances. It was time to faced his true self and to holds him self within
his own power.

Progressed Black Lillith Moon at 7 degrees 30 minutes of Cancer in the Progressed

12th house, an exact opposition to Progressed Retrograde Vesta at 7 degrees 58
minutes of Capricorn in the Progressed 6th house. No longer could Jonathan nullify

his emotions, which is linked to his past. He now has to personally face his inner
truths to be able to bring in peace and harmony.

Progressed Retrograde Pallas at 18 degrees 47 minutes of Capricorn in the Progressed

6th house.
Progressed Retrograde South Node at 18 degrees 23 minutes of Pisces in the
Progressed 8th house.
Progressed Retrograde North Node at 18 degrees 23 minutes of Virgo in the
Progressed 2nd house.
Jonathan now has to face his greatest fears, which are linked to the past, to be able to
move positively and courageously into the future with self worth and with self power.
Now it is time to be the courageous warrior.

Progressed East Point at 6 degrees 53 minutes of Leo in the Progressed 1st house, and
Progressed Retrograde Neptune at 6 degrees 22 minutes of Scorpio in the Progressed
3rd house. His emotions, his sexuality, his choices and his relationships now need to
be faced, he has to be truthful to him self.

All these issues are again reinforced through the Progressed aspects and mental
attitude and acceptance is needed in order to reach the fulfillment of his true path
(Progressed Retrograde Jupiter inconjunct to Progressed Ascendant and to Progressed
Retrograde Mercury Progressed Retrograde Jupiter sesquisquare to Progressed
Midheaven). These are just a few of the lessons that need to be learnt this year.

No longer could Jonathan hide his emotions and his physical expression of love,
especially as he was entering his midlife crisis cycle, the years between the ages of 37
to 42 when one experiences in order of age activation:- Transiting Saturn square
Natal Saturn. Transiting Chiron square Natal Chiron. Transiting Uranus opposition
to Natal Uranus. Transiting Pluto square to Natal Pluto. Transiting Jupiter
opposition to Natal Jupiter. Transiting Neptune square to Natal Neptune. Also, at
the age of 38 is the Moon Nodal Return. This is a time when one karmically checks
up around ones life goals, what one has accomplished and what one has achieved. It
is a time of ending and new beginnings, as one has reached a level within ones life and
need to ascend toward the next level.

Jonathans Natal Vulcan is at 20 degrees of Gemini 39 minutes, is conjunct the Fixed

Star Bellatrix at 20 degrees 15 minutes of Gemini. Bellatrix present opinions, as
that this fixed star indicates that in this lifetime, he has to deal with aspects of his
consciousness which where damaged in past life times. Now the achievements that
Bellatrix promises also has a price. He now has to deal with some difficult aspects
of reconnecting with parts of his consciousness which where not development and
seen to in past life times.

During 1999 the Solar Eclipse at 27 degrees 8 minutes of Aquarius activated Natal
Ceres at 28 degree 14 minutes of Aquarius in his Natal 8th house. This indicated that
Jonathans joint life with his wife was going to be affected as well as his inner
relationship with him self and with others. Then the Solar Eclipse at 18 degrees 21
minutes of Leo activated Natal Uranus at 17 degrees 41 minutes in his Natal 2nd house.
This indicates that Jonathans self worth and self value was going to be affected as

well as his relationships with him self and with others. There will also be a change
around ones financial position. It is interesting to note that both these Eclipses
occurred within his intercepted Natal signs, which indicates that Jonathan is being
promoted to activated and observe what the eclipse are bring through.

During this period of time, Transiting Mars went into Scorpio then turned into its
Retrograde cycle and activated Natal Retrograde Neptune the focal planet to one of
Jonathans Sesqui Knot energies three times (within the Natal 5th house).
Transiting Jupiter went to 4 degrees 59 minutes of Taurus then turned into its
Retrograde cycle activating the Natal 11th house cusp, which is in opposition to the
Natal 5th house cusp with Natal Retrograde Neptune at 6 degrees of Scorpio, which is
part of Jonathans Sesqui Knot energy points for an extending period. Transiting
Saturn activated by opposition Natal Retrograde Neptune at 6 degree of Scorpio
(within the Natal 11th house). Transiting Uranus went to 16 degrees 47 minutes of
Aquarius then turned into its Retrograde cycle activating the opposition of Natal
Uranus the focal planet to another of Jonathans Sesqui Knot energies. This had an
extended affect bringing emotional crisis to develop his personal skills and purposes
for this lifetime.

In this lifetime Jonathan needs to have full focus on the here and now, to act on his
feelings of compassion, to be of service to others, to gain self confidence through all
experiences, to work around and on details and routine, and he needs to turn a chaotic
life into order and control. This is from many life times of being made the victim.
From this he is extremely sensitive to the pain and suffering of others. Through many
past lifetime Jonathan has experienced many issues, around and about poverty, around

and about self power and the power of others, and through this he now holds issues
around accumulating wealth and holding power. Jonathan has also had past life times
of acquiring specific and precise knowledge and wisdom, which now has to been used
and given, to serve and help others, through forms of counseling (Natal South Node in
Pisces, in the 9th house, Natal North Node in Virgo, in the 3rd house, Natal Venus,
Natal Sun, Natal Vulcan in Gemini, in the 12th house).

Jonathan also now need to work out karma through the understanding and through the
expansion of his awareness, as this was not accomplished in past lifetimes, and in a
way he is now reliving and redoing karma from the past which was ignored or avoided
(Natal Retrograde Jupiter and Natal Retrograde Saturn in Capricorn, in the 7th house).
As Natal Jupiter and Natal Saturn are in the same sign and the same house, there is an
emphasis on the karma that he has brought through, and which needs to be worked
through and worked out, through and with himself, in this life time, especially with
and through his many close partners (Natal Mercury in Cancer, in the 1st house, Natal
Retrograde Jupiter and Natal Retrograde Saturn, in Capricorn, in the 7th house).

Also, in past life times Jonathan misused his power through his emotions (Natal
Retrograde Neptune in Scorpio, in the 5th house), now there is a deep compassion,
sensitivity and understanding within him, which at times can and will pull him down.

Jonathans Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse is at 6 degrees of Aries 39 minutes, which indicates

that he has come into this life to personally learn about and to teach other about, self
assertiveness, self reliance and courage of ones and around ones convictions. These
issues are high lighted as Jonathans Midheaven is at 4 degrees of Aries 31 minutes,

which placed his Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse within his 10th house, and due to this, this is
and will become a public personality role.

Jonathans Pre-Natal Lunar Eclipse is at 22 degrees of Virgo 47 minutes, which

indicates that he has come into this life to emotionally learn, to be fair in all areas of
life and to balance between giving and taking around issues which are connected to
past lifetime (Natal South Node in Pisces, in the 9th house, Natal North Node in Virgo,
in the 3rd house, both at 20 degrees 27 minutes). As Jonathan works through this, he
will heal his wounds, pain and heartache around his philosophies, his beliefs, his ethics
and issues around personal and collective freedom (Natal Chiron in Pisces, in the 9th

In 2000 Jonathan decided to move into the business world as a Legal Advisor. This
was first accomplished through a prominent Insurance Company, then he moved onto
and into the Banking World again holding the position of a Legal Advisor. He is
now being faced with many challenges and obstacles, which is activating his inner
anguish and inner anxieties, as he feels trapped and frustrated within his dynamic and
complex life. Feeling different, feeling excluded, still feeling not part of a group, and
still feeling rejected. But with this there is inner understanding, inner acceptance of
what he has achievement and for what he has accomplished, self understanding and
self acceptance.

Jonathan obtained his Masters degree in Human Rights. His paper was On the Right
to Life the right of choice, individual choice, of ones journey within ones life. He
is currently working on his Doctorate, in the Field of Business Ethics, as it has always

puzzled him, as it always has been a point of ethics within him, as it holds high
principles within him. That is why he could not understand why he entered into the
extra marital affair, but it had been an internal need to discover from the side of being
unethical and being unfaithful to one self. Now he is being more ethical by perusing
the relationship in which he is in, being more true to his self, being more true to his

With all this he then met and bonded with a karmic partner. Through the love and
healing which they unconditionally give one another, he is able to heal his fragmented
soul and spirit. He is overcome this karmic lifetime moving toward higher growth,
towards higher awareness and towards higher evaluation through the power of the
Sesqui Knot energies.



The Sesqui Knot consists of two sesquiquadrates or sesquisquare aspects, joined

together at one point, leading out and away from each other, and then connecting
together with one square aspect. The sesquiquadrate aspect is 135 degrees and the
square aspect is 90 degrees, calculate this all together -

135 degrees + 135 degrees + 90 degrees = 360 degrees

As this Sesqui Knot aspect pattern forms the full 360 degrees, I feel that this aspect
pattern has an in-depth and important connotation, which cannot be ignored and
pushed aside.

Due to the pressure and the intensity of the energies, which are created by and within
the Sesqui Knot aspect pattern, it should be noted for its, positive and negative
power and depth, as well as from the many levels and layers that these energies
manifest and evolve from and to, as these energies cannot be ignored and they cannot
be escaped.

When an individual has the Sesqui Knot aspect pattern within their sacred geometry,
this individual experiences their life on a deeper, on an intense, and on a more forceful

When one listens too, understanding and acknowledging the depth of the archetypes
around all this energy, one is shown a deeper story, a deeper element to life and
around life, which this aspect pattern is bringing through.

As and with every transit which affects the points of the Sesqui Knot aspect, the
individual plays out a smaller role and element, which slowly is connected, and which
continuous, in a longer and deeper story, on its never-ending continuous story, which
just does not stop, as the main archetypes and themes seem to have a constant,
uninterrupted and permanent story to them.

This is all understandable as the Sesqui Knot, is a tried-in formation, a knot

formation, which forces individuals to grow, to develop, to manifest and to evolve, on
many level and in many layers, within soul and spirit awareness.

With certain individuals, this energy is used to birth hidden wisdom, and hidden
knowledge. It holds a higher dimensional vibration, which has been birthed and
brought through from past life times, to be more understanding in the present time, to
be put to use now.

Some how, it seems as if the soul has to learn and experience through the following
lessons of awareness, through the complex of needing to emotionally, mentally,
physically and spiritually express, but not having the ability or the abilities to do so.

They are:

To examine and experience with the Sesqui Knot energies and archetypes,
within deep inner frustration, and not having an understanding for the energies.

To change, adapt and reconstruct within and around the archetype energies,
around forceful issues and circumstances, which is within one. Through this
one is working with self-karma.

Introspection and inner emotions experience, trapped with the complex internal
emotions, needing to release them, but not having the ability and understanding
how to, which are not part of the self, which are inner balance and inner

The distortion of ones external emotions as the individual interacts with others
and the outside world. Through this one is working with karma between
others and the self. This stage is slowly learned through positive and negative

Knowledge understanding and awareness, through experiencing and

understanding the emotional complexity and energy entrapment.

Karmic understanding and acceptance of the inner emotional dynamics and


Completion and wisdom, through understanding, tolerance and awareness.

This all seems to be played out separately and then simultaneously, and then the
energies and stages are repeated within the layers of awareness, then these stages and
energies are again repeated within many different awareness levels.

If one looks more deeply at this, it is like the slow opening of the Lotus Flower.
Together with its many different parts, with the different petal hues, with the different
petal colours, with the different petal shapes, with the different petal sizes, all merging
together as they form togetherness, together with the many different rows of petals,
which change the petal hue, which change the petal colour, which change the petal
shape, which change the petal size, all merging together as they form togetherness,
together with the bigger element of the flower being seen and being hold, in its space
and time, to make up the awareness of the full Lotus Flower.

In terms of Astrology, this aspect pattern, is working within itself, and it is working on
itself, through the whole Natal Chart, and through parts of the Natal Chart, bringing in
and through it, the dynamic complex energies, which is entrapped, distorted and
obstructed within itself and on itself.

The distortion of the Sesqui Knot is and has its own dynamic energies. The
individual is held in a place, in time, in space, and cannot move forward. No matter
what, nothing helps, nothing works, nothing eases this, and the only words to describe
this distortion, is the wording Log Jam. The individual is held in this space for a
time period, until experience, awareness and understanding is reach. Only this are
they lifted out, or released out of this space. As they do this they are then working
with re-inventing the self, which is awareness awakening of them self.

Then, to add to all this, there is the dynamics of past life times, which are held heavily
within the energies and within the interplay, as the karmic connections, vibrations and
frequency are being played out.

The Sesqui Knot is a continuous energy, which is leading particular individuals

through, growth, development and evolution. Through its dynamic energies, and as it
unfolds past life times dynamics and karma, that needs to be emotionally experienced
and released, through higher interaction and higher awareness.

All other aspects energies work through and with, an action, then a release, then a
reaction, and then a release. The Sesqui Knot energies do not work like any other
aspect, or as any other aspect pattern. The Sesqui Knot aspect energies are trapped

There is an action, but no release, then a reaction, but no release. The

energies keep moving around and are experienced, as if they were:

Different, various, numerous, and holding multiple frequencies, within them,

together with,

Different, various, numerous, and hold multiple vibrations, within them,

together with,

Different, various, numerous, and hold multiple energies, within them,

.. which are working simultaneously, together, at the same time, through time, in the
same space, through space.

All other aspect energies, form an action, then a release, then a reaction, then a release,
as they play out through their easy or hard aspect energy, as they form, create, and

then end their cycle without the force of high entrapment and high distortion. The
energies of the Sesqui Knot hold permanence and immovability.

The aspect pattern energy of the Sesqui Knot cannot be ignored. It has to be
understood and worked with.


Here are the Natal Charts of a few Well Known Individuals from The American
Book of Charts by Lois M Rodden, who have the Sesqui Knot aspect pattern.
Pursue them for your own interest.

Albert Einstein: Scientist, March 14 1879, 11:30 am, Ulm, Germany.

Homicide: Murderer, April 8 1948, 3:10 am, Los Angeles, CA.
Mick Jagger: Musician, July 16 1943, 6:30 am, Dartford, England.
Elton John: Musician, March 25 1947, 4:00 pm, Middlesex, England.
John Lennon: Musician, October 9 1940, 8:30 am, Liverpool, England.
Elvis Presley: Entertainer, January 8 1935, 4:35 am, Tupelo, Miss.

Natal Chart with Aspects Patterns

Natal Chart high lighting Sesqui Knot aspect pattern

Natal Chart with Aspects Patterns

Natal Chart high lighting Sesqui Knot aspect pattern

Natal Chart with Aspects Patterns

Natal Chart high lighting Sesqui Knot aspect pattern

Natal Chart with Aspects Patterns

Natal Chart high lighting Sesqui Knot aspect pattern

Natal Chart with Aspects Patterns

Natal Chart high lighting Sesqui Knot aspect pattern

Natal Chart with Aspects Patterns

Natal Chart high lighting Sesqui Knot aspect pattern




This Aspect Pattern, which I have called the Quintile Point is created by two
BiQuintiles the aspect of 144 degrees, with one Quintile the aspect of 72 degrees.
144 degrees + 144 degrees + 72 degrees = 360 degrees. The two BiQuintiles are held
together at one point, leading away from each other and are connected by the Quintile
aspect, which holds these three aspects into a triangle pointed pattern. The Quintile
Point is the Aspect Pattern of Inner Creative Potential, potential to be dealt with during
this lifetime.

The planets and points that can be used are, the Ascendant, the Midheaven, the Sun, the
Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the North
Node, the South Node, the Part of Fortune, the Black Moon Lillith, and the Asteroids
Ceres, Vesta, Pallas and Juno.

I personally use an orb of 3 degrees for the Quintile, the aspect of 72 degrees, and for
the BiQuintile, the aspect of 144 degrees. For the SesquiQuintile, the aspect of
108 degrees, I use an orb of 2 degrees.

The Quintile aspect is the aspect that represents this lifetime. It is also known as
the Spiritual Aspects as it link together ones inner and outer understanding, ones
inner and outer growth, and ones inner and outer awareness, in this lifetime to form
deeper understanding, deeper growth, deeper awareness and deeper evolution of ones
soul. Due to this one can become intense and compulsive in attempting to birth this
Inner Creative Potential, as this ability is connected to the Will of Ones Soul. The
planets, signs and houses, which are involved, indicate this. This Inner Creative
Potential has been created and has been developed during and over many past
lifetimes, and now in this life time, this Inner Creative Potential which is a inner
hidden talent needs to be further created and further developed, to be birthed into
physical understanding, to be birthed into logical time and space. Through all this one
has to link ones inner and outer awareness, as one evolves depending on what ones
soul is requiring.

The BiQuintile aspect is the karmic aspect of understanding. Through this aspect
there is an unfolding of many past lifetimes, opening one, to inner hidden
understanding, to inner growth and development, to Inner Creative Potential,
opening one to unfolding ones power and potential creativity, linking the past, the
present and enabling it to be affective within the future.

Depending on the Individuals Awareness, on the Individuals Soul Development, on

the Individuals Soul Level, and on the Individuals Soul Awareness the Quintile
Point can be neglected or developed, as this Aspect Pattern is a Spiritual Aspect
Pattern through soul development, through soul growth, through soul awareness, as it
is through the souls Inner Creative Potential.

The Inner Creative Potential Aspect Pattern resonates and vibrates behind, resonates
and vibrates around and resonates and vibrates within an individuals Natal Chart,
even though it holds a major destiny within the individuals present lifetime. What
brings the Quintile Point alive, is the level of the individual soul, the vibration of the
individual soul, the frequency of the individual soul, and the depth of the individual
soul on it journey in this lifetime.

The Quintile Point has more depth and becomes more alive when one includes the
Pre Natal Solar Eclipse, the Birth Lunation Phase, the Moon North Node and South
Node, the Natal Moon position and sign, fated aspects and conjunction aspects. The
depth of the Quintile Point is lost if one only works and focuses through the aspect

When one works with the Quintile Aspects, one is working with the 5th Harmonic.
Number 5 represents the pentagram shape and it symbolizes the individual factor
within active expression within life and the universe. The number 5 is also known as
the Archway of Life or the Gateway of Life, which is Life Itself.

The Archway of Life or the Gateway of Life reflects the many and many endless
cycles with cycles of lifetimes one has to experience and live through, on ones souls
journey to accomplish a full life cycle. When one is given the Archway of Life or
the Gateway of Life Aspect Pattern within their Natal Chart, one is now being given
the opportunity for and in completing one of the souls many life cycles. This has
been earned through many past life times as well as through time and space.

The soul achieves the Gift of Breath and the Gift of Life enabling it to develop, to
grow, to experience, to reach for awareness, and to evolve on its long hard never
ending life journey into awakening the soul to full development, to full growth, to full
understand, to reach full awareness. As it changes its colour vibration, as it changes
its colour frequency, as it changes its hue energies, as it changes its energy levels, as it
changes it resonance within its resonance, as it forms and merges together, as it forms
parts within part of itself - within time and space. This all seems to be played out
separately and simultaneously, and then this and its stages are repeated within the
different layers of awareness, then this and the different and many stages are again
repeated within many different awareness levels as well as within different and many
dimensional levels.

The souls beginning as a:

- Developing Soul, living seven cycles within seven cycles of many lifetimes, which
may be repeated over and over again.
- Initiate Soul, living seven cycles within seven cycles of many lifetimes, which may
be repeated over and over again.
- Experienced Soul, living seven cycles within seven cycles of many lifetimes, which
may be repeated over and over again.
- Knowledgeable Soul, living seven cycles within seven cycles of many lifetimes,
which may be repeated over and over again.
- Old Wise Master Soul, living seven cycles within seven cycles of many lifetimes,
which may be repeated over and over again.

The seven levels within the seven cycles are:

- To examine and experience ones energies.
- To change, adapt and reconstruct the energies around one self.
- To experience and understand emotions which are part of ones self.
- The experience and understand external emotions as the individual interacts with
others and the outside environment and the world.
- To experience and acknowledge understanding and awareness, emotionally,
mentally, physically and spiritually.
- To karmically understand and acceptance all dynamics.
- To reach completion and wisdom, through understanding and awareness.

So if one feels that they have achieved and accomplished this let them think widely
once again .

We are all developing, we are all experiencing, we are all evolving hopefully towards
full soul awareness and therefore all lifetimes have there immense importance, and
every birth is a blessing and gift in itself. The sacredness of breath is Gods Overall
Gift to the Soul through the Sacredness of Life.

72 degrees, which is the degree of the Quintile aspect equals and represents
7 + 2 = 9 and
360 degrees, which is the degrees around all Charts and which is the total degrees of
major Aspect Patterns equals and represents
360 = 3 + 6 + 0 = 9.

Nine represents and signifies ones unlimited power and understanding from the
development, understanding, growth and awareness of the soul.

So, through the Quintile Point there is a personal inner and personal outer respect
and a request from the Universe to bring this Inner Creative Potential to the
awareness of others, to help others through and with their emotional evolution, to help
others through and with their mental evolution, to help others through and with their
physical evolution and to help others through and with their spiritual evolution.

Information regarding the Quintile Aspect Family was obtained from:

- Alan Oken, Alan Okens Complete Astrology.
- Bil Tierney, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis
- Dusty Bunker, Quintiles and Tredeciles.
- Myran Lofthus, A Spiritual Approach to Astrology.
- Tracy Marks, The Astrology of Self Discovery






The planets and points that can be used are, the Ascendant, the Midheaven, the Sun, the
Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the North
Node, the South Node, the Part of Fortune, the Black Moon Lillith, and the Asteroids
Ceres, Vesta, Pallas and Juno. These are all optional and the use of them can become

The Quintile aspect family are all considered as Spiritual Aspects, as they all link
ones inner and outer understanding, ones inner and outer growth, and ones inner and
outer awareness. This is because one needs to form deeper understanding, deeper
growth, and deeper awareness in this present lifetime. Ones soul is requesting one to
evolve their soul, now.

The Quintile aspect, the aspect of 72 degrees, is the karmic aspect that represents
life. The BiQuintile aspect, the aspect of 144 degrees, is the karmic aspect of
understanding. The SesquiQuintile aspect, the aspect of 108 degrees, is the
karmic creative aspect, which defines time and space.

Once again, I will mention that I use an orb of 3 degrees for the Quintile and for the
BiQuintile. For the SesquiQuintile, I use an orb of 2 degrees.

Through the Quintile, BiQuintile and the SesquiQuintile aspects there is an

unfolding of past lifetimes, opening one to inner hidden understanding, to inner
growth and inner development, opening one to unfolding ones gifts, power and
creativity, linking the past, to the present and enabling it to be affective within one.

With the BiQuintile aspect there is a need to externalize and to confront this
karmic inner potential, which holds special talents and techniques from past

With the SesquiQuintile aspect (which is also known as the TriDecile aspect)
there is a need to co-operate and to express this karmic inner potential, which
holds past lifetime opportunities in manifesting special talents and techniques.

With the Quintile aspect there is an obligation to work with this karmic inner
potential in creating special talents and techniques.

The SemiQuintile aspect (which also known as the Decile aspect) the aspect
of 36 degrees, there is energy that enables one to create the Quintile energy.
Through this aspect one can create a special talent and techniques, which can
be developed further.

Depending on the Individuals Awareness, on the Individuals Soul Development, on

the Individuals Soul Level, and on the Individuals Soul Awareness the Quintile
Aspect Patterns can be neglected or developed, as they are the Spiritual Aspects.

Remember that when one is working through the Quintile Family Aspects, one is
working within the 5th Harmonic vibration, the 5th Harmonic frequency and the 5th
Harmonic resonance.

- The Pentagram Shape

- The Pentagram Shape which forms The Archway of Life The Gateway of Life
This aspect pattern is made up from 5 connecting Quintile aspects of 72 degrees.
72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 = 360

The Pentagram Shape brings through a gifted and a special talent and or technique,
which has been developed over time and through many past lifetimes. This gift is
unique and it is known as being able to birth Life Itself as this aspect pattern symbolizes
the Archway of Life or the Gateway of Life. In this lifetime the individual is given the
opportunities to expand their spiritual growth, their spiritual development and their
spiritual awareness due to their past lifetimes, as they are connecting their inner and outer
being and their soul through higher awareness and through higher consciousness.

With the Quintile aspect there is an obligation to work with this karmic inner potential
in creating special talents and techniques which is balanced and in harmony through past
lifetime work and dedication.

- The Quintile Cradle

This aspect pattern is made up of 3 Quintile aspects of 72 degrees and 3 BiQuintile
aspects of 144 degrees. This aspect is a multiple Aspect Pattern that does not add up
to 360 degrees.

The Quintile Cradle brings through the energies of deep hidden Inner Creative
Potential from past lifetimes. The individual needs to reawaken their deep hidden
Inner Creative Potential. It needs to be re-learnt, as part of the vibrations and
frequencies need to be realigned and restructured, as in past lifetimes these vibrations
and frequencies were distorted. When an individual has not formed further
understanding, further growth, and further awareness especially in this lifetime, they
tap into a distorted Inner Creative Potential.

With the Quintile aspect there is an obligation to work with this karmic inner
potential in creating special talents and techniques. With the BiQuintile aspect there
is a need to externalize and to confront this karmic inner potential, which holds special
talents and techniques from past lifetimes. Now in the present lifetime there needs to
be a balance of all energies, of all vibrations and of all frequencies.

- The Quintile Triangle

This aspect pattern is made up of 1 BiQuintile aspects of 144 degrees and 2
SesquiQuintile aspects of 108 degrees, 144 + 108 + 108 = 360 degrees.

The Quintile Triangle brings through the energies for Inner Creative Potential from
past lifetimes. Depending on the planets and points, and on the signs and houses
involved this, Inner Creative Potential can have elements of spiritual intuitiveness and
awareness, elements of physical action and abilities, elements of mental intellectual
abilities and expression, and elements of emotional abilities and compassion. The
individual needs to relearn and align their Inner Creative Potential, as in the past
lifetimes these vibrations and frequencies were not used to there full potential.

With the BiQuintile aspect there is a need to externalize and to confront this karmic
inner potential, which holds special talents and techniques from past lifetimes. With the
SesquiQuintile aspect (which is also known as the TriDecile aspect) there is a need to
co-operate and to express this karmic inner potential, which holds past lifetime
opportunities in manifesting these special talents and techniques.

- The Quintile Mini Triangle

This aspect pattern is made up of 1 BiQuintile aspects of 144 degrees and 2
Quintile aspects of 72 degrees.

This Aspect Pattern does not add up to 360 degrees,

as it is a forming phase Aspect Pattern to the whole and full Aspect Pattern.

The Quintile Mini Triangle brings through the energies for Inner Creative Potential
from past lifetimes.

The individual needs to reawaken these Inner Creative Potential, which were birthed
and developed it past lifetimes. The individual now needs to allow this Inner Creative
Potential to flow freely and easily, as in the past lifetimes these vibrations and
frequencies were not used to there full potential.

With the Quintile aspect there is an obligation to work with this karmic inner potential
in creating special talents and techniques. With the BiQuintile aspect there is a need to
externalize and to confront this karmic inner potential, which holds special talents and
techniques from past lifetimes. Now in this lifetime this Inner Creative Potential, comes
easily as it needs to flow freely.

- The Quintile Rectangle

This aspect pattern is made up of 2 Quintile aspects of 72 degrees and 2
SesquiQuintile aspects of 108 degrees, 72 + 72 + 108 + 108 = 360 degrees.

The Quintile Rectangle brings through a well developed Inner Creative Potential,
which has been developed over time and through many past lifetimes. In this lifetime
the individual is given the opportunities to expand their spiritual growth, their spiritual
development and their spiritual awareness, as they are connecting their inner and outer
being and their soul through higher awareness and through higher consciousness. But

with this, there are tests, adjustments, obstacles and challenges which the individual
needs to overcome to be able to progress forward to develop their Inner Creative

With the Quintile aspect there is an obligation to work with this karmic inner potential
in creating special talents and techniques. With the SesquiQuintile aspect (which is
also known as the TriDecile aspect) there is a need to co-operate and to express this
karmic inner potential, which holds past lifetime opportunities in manifesting special
talents and techniques.








There is one Quintile Point within Jennifers Natal Chart. Natal Mars conjunct
Natal Saturn in Aquarius, in the 11th house Quintile to Natal Juno in Aries, in the 2nd
house, both these points forming BiQuintiles to Natal Retrograde Pluto in Virgo, in the
7th house.

Natal Mars conjunct Natal Saturn in Aquarius, in the 11th house indicates that Jennifer
needs to manifest and evolve, through group consciousness and through collective
consciousness, bringing together her inner and outer soul and her inner and outer
beings. As Saturn is the Lord of Karma she needs to karmically work out past
lifetime karma through physical endurance, through disciplined work and through long
hard work in achieving these desires that her soul is requesting from her. There is a
physical endurance to achieve her desires, which are repressed internally until they are
manifested towards her strict and controlled goals and desires. With Natal Saturn
there is wisdom and strength that has been acquired and developed over many past
lifetimes, which will help her in over coming her difficulties and hardship in this
lifetime, to be able to process her Inner Creative Potential.

Jennifers Natal Juno in Aries, in the 2nd house indicates that through higher awareness
there needs to be a marriage, of her emotional and physical needs, of her inner and
outer beings, and of her inner and outer soul. Natal Juno also indicates that she is

gifted with artistic talent and ability to create majestic oil paintings and portraits, as
she is able to connect higher ideas and insights into the tangible and physical
dimensions, as she needs to receive, give and share with others.

Natal Retrograde Pluto in Virgo, in the 7th house indicates that Jennifer is continuously
experiencing loneliness within all her relationships, which is part of her existence
karma, which is held deep within her soul. As Natal Retrograde Pluto is held within
an isolated part of her Natal Chart she has to experience through her own soul the deep
intense emotions around rejection, isolation which are parts of understanding the
catalyst of death and rebirth to change, to transform and to evolve her self.

Through this all, Jennifer needs to create, her personal Inner Creative Potential in
obtaining a personal meaning and a deep awareness around the cycle of death and
rebirth and then attempting to bring this to the awareness of others with easy, harmony
and acceptance. Through her personal internal struggle there is deeper understanding
of the struggle of man on Earth within Mans internal struggle. The Cosmic
Universe is requesting that in this lifetime, she connect others to higher understanding
and awareness, understanding the deeper consciousness of how to relate to the past
ages and time, to the present age and time, and to the future ages and time. As Pluto
rules the higher octave of Scorpio, there is a deeper meaning to her Inner Creative
Potential and there is a power to give to others through their personal freedom
through understanding and awareness.

Interesting to note is that Jennifers Natal Black Moon Lillith in Virgo, in the 7th house
indicates her psychic awareness, which is essential to her life holding her intensely and

passionately. There is a conscious as well as an unconscious awareness, which binds

her until acceptance and understanding is developed. The Black Moon Lillith is
where one is lured into the mysteries of life and into the depth of life itself and through
this intrigue Jennifer has become the Sorceress understanding the intrigue, of life and
death, of the consciousness and the unconsciousness, as she awakens others to the
mysteries of life, and to the mysteries of the unknown, through her personal awareness
and through her deeper intense emotions (Natal Retrograde Pluto the focal planet in
the Quintile Point which is conjunct to Natal Black Moon Lillith in Virgo, in the 7th

Through Jennifers Natal Ascendant Pisces and Natal Moon in Pisces, in the 12th
house, this indicates that she is in touch with the personal consciousness and
unconsciousness as well as the collection consciousness and unconsciousness. She is
attuned to nature, to Earth, to other realities and to the Cosmic Universe. She
absorbs all and everything, learning to adjust to herself and to other around her who at
times can become very demanding and addictive, as she collects, as she absorbs, as she
understands and then as she releases her understanding and awareness, as this has all
been developed in many past lifetimes and now she is personally requested to bring it
through once again, as she needs to heal others with the Earths energies, and she
needs to teach others about the Earths energies.

In many past life times she has been denied the position to heal and to teach other, as
well as she has hold back this wisdom and acknowledge due to situations and
circumstances to protect her soul and her self, but now she needs to give freely and she
needs to trust once again which holds major karma. As her Natal Chiron in Pisces, in

the 12th house is conjunct to her Natal Moon and Natal Ascendant, Jennifer has been
the victim and martyr in past life times as well as in this lifetime. Her pain and
wounds lie deep within her being which is part of her soul, around whom she is and
what she has had to accomplish. Healing will be accomplished through her
understanding her Inner Creative Potential and in understanding the uniqueness of
her being and of her soul and as she connects her inner being and her outer being.
With the healing of her being and of her soul she will become more assertive and
through this she will be able to become more intuitive in developing her self
confidence, and as she develops she will be able to shine through her Inner Creative
Potential gifts. It is interesting to note that Natal Retrograde Mercury at 15 degrees
of Aquarius 27 minutes leads and pulls her 12th house, and Natal Chiron at 5 degrees
of Pisces 05 minutes pushes her 12th house, this further indicates that she needs to
rethink, redo what is held in the past and in her past lifetimes and through this there
will be healing of her self and of her soul.

Jennifers Pre Natal Solar Eclipse which is at 15 degrees of Aquarius 43 minutes falls
into her 12th house which indicates that she has an unique opportunity in this life time
to change her karmic course from past life times. Now in this life times she is given
the opportunity to overcome her karmic problems through a different and unique way,
through a new and innovative approach. Through all this she needs to experience and
learn what is best, to be able to teach others her learnt lessons for others to be able to
emotionally detach them selves from their past lifetime karma in a balanced way, in a
unique way, and in an innovative way.

Jennifers Natal Retrograde Mercury in Aquarius, in the 12th house is conjunct to her Pre
Natal Solar Eclipse which falls into the 12th house, which indicates that her conscious
mind and conscious being is able to connect and tap into the collective Cosmic
Universal consciousness as was done in many past life times, and in this life there was a
decision that to re-connect, re-achieve and to re-accomplished what she has and what she
was not able to do. Wisdom and knowledge from past life times as well as from other
dimensions can be utilized now, which is part of her Inner Creative Potential gift of
being the transmitter of information as Mercury is the messenger from the gods as
wisdom and knowledge flows from her thoughts to her unconscious awareness. But with
all this others misunderstand her, which causes at times a communication barrier, which
result in her feeling isolated, alone, and at times depressed as she wonders why other
cannot understand her and think like her, as well as why others cannot accept her for
what she is. Through all this Jennifer has to balance her inner being and her outer being,
as she learns to adapt to those around her especially with regards to family members and
her relatives, whom do not understand or accept her.

It is interesting to note, that Jennifers Syzygy Moon at 15 degrees of Aquarius 42

minutes further emphasizes her Natal Retrograde Mercury at 15 degrees of Aquarius
27 minutes and her Pre Natal Solar Eclipse at 15 degrees of Aquarius 43 minutes.
Through the Syzygy Moon one needs to blend through into this lifetime the emotional
experience and the emotional purpose, which hold importance, from past life times.
Jennifer needs to experience personal insecurity, as one of her soul purposes is to
emotional respond to and through social and societies demands and needs, which will
birth her many insecurities. She needs to emotionally blend through her emotional

originality, to be able to emotionally connect and interact within the environment and
with others.

Jennifers Lunar Phase at birth is the New Moon Phase which shows that she has been
given a tremendous amount of energy to cope which what she has to accomplished and
achieve in this life time, as the New Moon Phase symbolizes crises in being, crises in
emerging, crises as one struggles from the past. Through all this she will feel and needs
to feel emotionally vulnerable and very alone, as she will be motivated by her deeper
inner needs and her deeper inner emotions. Natal Sun in Aquarius, in the 12th house
indicates that Jennifer needs to reconnect with the importance of her soul, as she needs to
seeks recognition, as she needs to develop her inner being and her outer being together
with her soul, and as she needs to honour and accept her position which her soul is
requesting from her in order for her to achieve and accomplish her goals, as this is
important to her soul, as she was born during the New Moon Phase. As her Natal 6th
house cusp is in the sign of Leo, she is requested to do all this through her daily work and
through the service that she needs to give to others, even through she will experience
internal conflict as she deals with feeling inadequate and as she critically judges her self,
her wisdom and her knowledge (Natal Sun at 16 degrees of Aquarius 56 minutes, Natal
Moon at 4 degrees of Pisces 7 minutes = apart by 17 degree 11 minutes = 0 to 45 degrees
falls into the New Moon Phase the position of the Natal Sun together with the sign of
Leo is important to the New Moon Phase).

Through Jennifers Natal North Node in Leo, in the 6th house, she needs to use her unique
creative power even though she sees overall power belonging to the Cosmic Universe.
With this she is able to tap into and connect into this Cosmic Universe power to draw

and to connect to Cosmic Universe Love and Cosmic Universe Awareness to open her
inner heart and her outer heart, to open her higher love vibrations and her higher
frequencies, which are all parts of her unique soul. Through this she will recognize the
Cosmic Universe connection between love and power, which is part of her heart versus
her head dilemmas.

With Jennifers Natal Retrograde Uranus conjunct to her Natal North Node in Leo, in the
6th house, she needs to show her unique personality and her unique freedom of her soul,
as she is one of the forerunners of life and of the future, which is part of her Inner
Creative Potential. But through this she will experience a great deal of isolation and
loneliness as she learns to express her inner personal freedom that her soul has brought
through from past lifetimes.

Jennifer has overcome the rejection and abandonment, of her birth mother, of her
adoptive family, and from other around her psychic gift of being the Sorceress.
Through the power of the Quintile Point there is deeper understanding and deep
awareness of who and what she is.

But as this is part of the deeper meaning of the Quintile Point there is a easy,
harmony and direction in the need that is being requested by her Quintile Point, to
understanding in this life time, to develop in this life time, and to evolve in this life
time, to bring the past into the present, and allowing all this to be taken into the future,
into a marriage of understanding and of awareness. With this and through this she has
already accomplished and received recognition for her Inner Creative Potential gift.


The Midpoint Trees from MICHAEL Natal Chart


There are two Quintile Points within Michaels Natal Chart, together with five
Quintiles forming the Pentagram Shape.

The first Quintile Point, Natal Retrograde Chiron in Aries, in the 3rd house Quintile
to Natal Retrograde South Node in Cancer, in the 5th house, both these points forming
BiQuintiles to Natal Mercury in Scorpio, in the 10th house.

The second Quintile Point, Natal Vesta in Virgo, in the 8th house Quintile to Natal
Mercury in Scorpio, in the 10th house, both these points forming BiQuintiles to Natal
Retrograde Chiron in Aries, in the 3rd house.

These two Quintile Points are connected through Natal Mercury and Natal
Retrograde Chiron which emphasis the need to develop his Inner Creative Potential
in this life time, which form the Quintile Cradle. The Quintile Cradle brings
through the energies of deep hidden Inner Creative Potential from past lifetimes.

Natal Retrograde Chiron in Aries, in the 3rd house indicates that Michaels physical
and emotional wounds are deeply buried within his soul, from many past life times,
which now need to be released and let go, in order for him to heal his inner and outer
being and his inner and outer soul, in order for him to heal his consciousness and his

unconsciousness, in this life time. With this and through this there will be an
unfolding and manifestation from many past lifetimes, opening him to inner hidden
understanding, opening him to inner growth and opening him to inner development.
This at times can lead to a compulsion and an obsession, to immediately understanding
it all, and to immediately accomplish it all.

With Natal Retrograde Chiron in Aries, in the 3rd house, being the second Quintile
Point focal point, there is at times a need to take away the wounds and pain from all
and then to heal them through a higher octave vibration and through a higher octave
frequency, with others being unaware of this. Through healing others Michael is
healing his inner being and his outer being from the past wounds and pains, from
physical lives and from physical existence.

It is interesting to note, that Michaels Syzygy Moon at 18 degrees of Aries 39 minutes

further emphasizes his Natal Retrograde Chiron at 18 degrees of Aries 06 minutes.
The Syzygy Moon is the New Moon or the Full Moon just before ones birth, and
through the Syzygy Moon one needs to blend through into this lifetime the emotional
experience and the emotional purpose, which hold importance, from past life times.
Michael needs to experience self consciousness and he needs to emotionally blend
through personal independence, self awareness as one of his soul purposes is to be
emotionally conscious of him self, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
He also needs as to emotionally connect and interact within the environment to
connect these emotions spiritually, to his higher self, to his higher being and to his
soul. As this degree is part of his Pentagram Shape there is a need to bring this

forward, to understand it, to blend it, and then to use it as it is part of his soul purpose
in this lifetime.

Through his Natal North Node in Capricorn, in the 11th house and Natal South Node in
Cancer, in the 5th house, Michaels karmic lesson is to be able to control his intense deep
emotions, which he has brought through his Natal South Node in Cancer, in the 5th house.
He needs to develop his Natal North Node in order to develop his self control and self
discipline to be able to bring through his Inner Creative Potential gifts.

Natal Retrograde Natal South Node in Cancer, in the 5th house also indicates that
Michael needs to karmically let go emotional, mental, physical and spiritual past fears,
past insecurities, past entrapments and past restrictions. He now needs to develop,
deeper inner understanding, deeper inner growth, deeper inner awareness, to allow
deeper inner evolution as his soul has requested. With and through this will develop
and evolve a deeper and more mature self control and self respect, a deeper and more
mature approach to life and towards accepting responsibilities for success, a deeper
and more mature approach to keeping commitments and promises and approach
towards his live goals.

As Michaels Natal Retrograde Saturn in Cancer, in the 5th house is conjunct to his Natal
South Node, which is part of his Quintile Point energies, he is intensely connected to
over coming his past karma and in doing what has been left undone in his past lifetimes,
and due to this his has become over cautions with making mistakes and over cautions
with making the right decisions. Through Retrograde Saturn he is learning to over come

wrong decisions and wrong teachings as an enormous amount of wisdom and knowledge
is being rebirth.

One of Michael greatest challenges through this Quintile Point is balancing his
positive feelings and his negative emotions, as all his feelings and emotions are based
on his soul remembrance and his soul recollection. With all this he needs to learn to
let go all these fears, without fearing the loss of not holding it all as he feels that it is
very much part of him self. The major karmic lesson here is for Michael to identify
and connect his inner and outer being, and to identify and to connect with his personal
consciousness together with the bigger collective consciousness, which is connected to
the Cosmic Universe.

Through this Quintile Points focal planet Natal Mercury in Scorpio, in the 10th
house Michael has an urge to express him self through his Inner Creative Potential.
It is his hidden inner skill and his hidden inner wisdom, which is his analytical gift
through his power of his intellect and through his power of his expression. This is all
connected to past karma from past lifetimes, which is connected to his past thoughts
and ideas, and to his past mental and verbal communications and decisions.

This is further emphasized through his power of his second Quintile Point. Natal
Mercury in Scorpio, in the 10th house forms a Quintile aspect to Natal Vesta in Virgo,
in the 8th house, the house which holds the purpose for the manifestation and
transcendence of human limitations through connecting this dimension physical life
to higher dimensions within the Cosmic Universe, as one identifies one self with
something much greater than ones self.

Natal Vesta in Virgo, in the 8th house indicates that Michael is urged to do something
worthwhile in this present lifetime and in connecting the emotional, the mental, the
physical and the spiritual dimensions together. Natal Vestas energies request and
demand for Michael to achieve this through being a workaholic as well as by cutting
himself off from feelings and emotions of others, as he pushes forward in his very
personal way, as he forms a deeper inner and outer understanding, and a deeper inner
and outer awareness towards higher soul evolution through his Inner Creative
Potential gifts. He is a caretaker of and for other souls development, of and for
other souls growth, and of and for other souls evaluation. He is one of the precious
caretakers of the souls. Vesta is referred to as the eternal flame and through
Michael it is bringing a dedication towards his souls path and his souls goals.
Through his obsessions and compulsions in achieving his souls goals, he will
continuingly make sacrifices and becoming the martyr.

This once again is re-emphasized through the Quintile Points focal point of Natal
Retrograde Chiron in Aries, in the 3rd house. This also leads to obsessions and
compulsions in accomplishing and in achieving the healing for and of other souls.
Natal Chiron represents the Cosmic Messenger and Chiron is the teacher and the healer.
This re-emphasis Michaels need to change the world Earth and the souls on the world,
and to heal the world Earth and to heal the souls of the world, from their pain and from
their wounds, through teaching all and healing all.

Michaels Saturn Jupiter Mercury Triangle is emphasized with his Pentagram

Shape. Saturn represents ones individual karma, which one has brought through from

past lifetimes. Michaels Natal Retrograde Saturn in Cancer, in the 5th house indicates
that he has a heavy responsibility towards others and towards soul evolution. Michaels
Natal Jupiter in Aquarius, in the 12th house indicates were Michael can best work out his
individual karma. As Jupiter holds wisdom and knowledge, Michael Inner Creative
Potential gift will be released to him from his past lifetimes. This once again emphasize
that he is the Cosmic Messenger. He needs to teach others higher understanding and
higher awareness, and for this he will be rewarded. Michaels Natal Mercury in Scorpio,
in the 10th house, indicates that Michael can best work through his karma communicating
with depth, with truth, with higher awareness, through the metaphysics and through the
occults. Mercury is the Messenger of the Gods, and Michael is the higher teacher.
Before he can achieve all this he needs to become the student once again, to relearn and
studies the higher wisdoms and knowledge as well as the cosmic laws and principles.

Michaels Natal Moon in Virgo, in the 8th house indicates that he want to be prefect at
everything and with everything, especially as this sign has a built in memory bank for the
past and for past lifetimes for being precise and for exact detail. But with this comes the
harshness with him self and towards him self, around judging him self, around his
emotions, around his needs, and around his disappointments. Through his Inner
Creative Potential his Virgo Moon will bring through his unique gifted craftsmanship
and his unique gifted skills. With all this he will be able to truly be able to given through
his selfless service to others and for others.

Michaels Lunar Phase at birth is the Balsamic Moon Phase. This indicates that
Michael is a creation, which has been created from the past, over time and during past life
times. Through this and from this brings his gifts of being able to see and feel visions

and of being able to psychically tap into the Cosmic Universe. This is part of his
Inner Creative Potential.

The Balsamic Moon Phase symbolizes crises in

completion, crises in release, and crises in commitment to the future. Due to this he will
feel emotionally preoccupied with future issues and future causes, and he will be
connected to social destiny as well as to humanities destiny. At times he will sacrifice
his own well being for the sake of others, for the benefit of all, and for the benefit for the
Cosmic Universe (Natal Sun at the critical degree of 29 degrees of Cancer 52 minutes,
Natal Moon at 27 degrees of Virgo 8 minutes = apart by 327 degree 16 minutes = 315 to
360 degrees falls into the Balsamic Moon Phase).

Natal Retrograde Mars in Taurus, in the 3rd house indicates that Michael needs to
physically and mentally experience what he has denied his soul in previous life times.
This is important to individuals whom are born during the Balsamic Moon Phase. As
his Natal Midheaven is in the sign of Scorpio, the Cosmic Universe is requesting that
Michael give of his wisdom and his knowledge to others and to the world. He needs to
help to transform, and he needs to help to evolve others and their souls. Retrograde
Mars provides Michael with the opportunity in this lifetime to karmically redo, repair and
rebuild past karma, which was not seen to or which was ignored in past lifetimes. At
times he will need to understand his repressed inner anger, his repressed inner frustration,
and his repressed inner conflict (the position of the Natal Mars together with the sign of
Scorpio is important to the Balsamic Moon Phase).

Michaels Pre Natal Solar Eclipse is at 8 degrees of Cancer 32 minutes and falls in his 5th
house. This indicates that he needs to become familiar with past feelings and past
emotions and use them in this life time to overcome his internal emotional conflicts in

order to gain deeper inner understanding and deeper inner awareness which is also linked
to his issues around his karmic family ties. From and through all this he needs to teach
others how to understand their internal emotional conflicts especially around their
feelings and emotions and then how to express these feelings and emotions and then he
needs to teach others.

Michaels Moon/Midheaven Midpoint = Chiron,

The Moon/Ascendant Midpoint = Chiron = Neptune,
The Sun/Ascendant Midpoint = Midheaven.

There is a fated karmic vibration to his essence and to his life, as Midpoints bring
through and hold special and important messages within ones life. His lifes journey
is totally fated and karmic and he needs to first seek information, mental ability,
intelligence and communication, then he needs to distribute this into the world.

From Michaels Natal Chart, Midpoint Trees (Modulus 45 degrees, using a maximum
of 2 degrees orb, only using the basic 14 points) the longest Midpoint Tree is the
Chiron Tree, which holds 12 branches. This indicates the archetype that is most
active in his life on a continuous basis and level. Being the asteroid Chiron there is a
need during this lifetime to act as the Cosmic Messenger. There is a karmic
connection to this, as he needs to a helper to bridge human emotional and mental
healing and Earths healing of and from the past. With all this there is conscious and
unconscious healing and awareness, which also needs to be bridged through.

The shortest Midpoint Tree is his Ascendant Tree which holds 5 branches, indicating
the archetype that he has acquired and developed through many past life times. It is
less active in his life on a continuous basis and level. The Ascendant symbolizes ones
self and Michael has over time and through many past lifetimes developed a comfort
with his different and developed self identities.

The five points of Michaels pentagram shape are Natal Retrograde Chiron in Aries,
in the 3rd house, Natal Retrograde South Node in Cancer, in the 5th house, Natal Vesta
in Virgo, in the 7th house, Natal Mercury in Scorpio, in the 10th house, and Natal
Jupiter in Aquarius, in the 12th house. Natal Jupiter in Aquarius, in the 12th house,
indicates that Michael will be given the opportunities to expand his spiritual growth,
his spiritual development and his spiritual awareness due to his past lifetimes, as he
connects his inner and outer being and his soul through higher awareness and through
higher consciousness.

The pentagram shape which is formed by five Quintile aspects within Michael Natal
Chart, emphasizes that he has to accomplished and he has to achieve all this within
this lifetime IT IS TIME, as it is part of his soul to activate this expression within this
present lifetime, in connecting the inner physical beings and dimensions with the outer
spiritual beings and dimensions, as the pentagram shape represents the Archway of
Life, or the Gateway of Life which is Life Itself.




This Aspect Pattern, which is well known as The Yod is also known as The Finger of
God, The Finger of Destiny and The Hand of God.

The Yod is created by two Inconjunct aspects, the aspect of 150 degrees, together
with one Sextile aspect, the aspect of 60 degrees. 150 degrees + 150 degrees + 60
degrees = 360 degrees. The two Inconjunct aspects are held together at one point,
leading away from each other and are connected by the Sextile aspect, these three
aspects are held into a triangle pointed pattern.

The Yod is the Aspect Pattern of

Inner Dilemma to be dealt with in this lifetime.

The angles and points, planets, nodes, asteroids, and Arabic parts that one can use are of
personal choice. I personally use an orb of 6 degrees for both the Sextile aspect, the of
60 degrees, and the Inconjunct, which is also known as the Quincunx the aspect of
150 degrees.

Through The Yod aspect an individual can receive spiritual understanding, spiritual
awareness and spiritual rewards if one so chooses through the work that is involved
within the workings of The Yod energies, vibrations and frequencies. The Yod

requests individual soul and being adjustment, soul and being acceptance, and soul and
being balance within this lifetime, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

The Yod holds within it an Inner Dilemma that is shown and released through
anxiety, irritation, agitation, discomfort and turmoil.

Until these energies are

understood, one experiences this Inner Dilemma and then only with understanding
through deeper perception does one then achieve higher understanding, higher growth
and higher awareness. When this is accomplished and achieved and only with this
and not before this, the The Yod energies can be used as the Spiritual Tool.

The energies of The Yod have a nagging fated sense to and within it. Almost as if
one is being watched and being observed. Almost as if the adjustments and change
one needs to make are being expected, requested, waiting on, and timed. It is as if
God is pointing his finger in the direction one has to follow, as if where he points one
has to follow, it is the point of ones direction just as the North Node points to the
direction one has to or should follow, within ones present lifetime. But one has to
listen and one has to earn this Spiritual Tool through ones Inner Dilemma. This is
not achieved and accomplished with easy and harmony but through ones trauma and
ones crises of changing and letting go, which is being requested by ones soul and by
ones inner and outer being. The gift of this Spiritual Tool is unique to each
individual that has The Yod within their Natal Chart.

As one experiences their individual Inner Dilemma they experience emotional

insecurities as they are pulled and pushed in two different directions. As one wants to
take action but at the same time one wants to stay as they are, but question if they

should take action, then wanting to hold back from taking action. This is caused by
the individual searching for their own individual unique souls direction, which often
drastically and significantly deviates from the individuals physical life choices and
from the individuals requested lifes journey. Often this is not of the individuals own
choice and wishes, but these need to be changed or they need to be let go of. This
leads to inner confusion, inner anxiety, inner irritation, inner agitation, inner
discomfort and inner turmoil as one is pulled and pushed from side to side, as the
individual considers taking action around changing and letting go of the old or staying
as they are. During this period of time ones will be confused, one will be uncertain,
one will be unsure and one will be doubtful around ones life, around ones life journey,
and around ones souls journey. This period of time will also be filled with personal
trauma and personal crises, as one will experience external conflict from and with
others. Only through deeper understanding, deeper growth and deeper awareness of
ones soul is one able to mature and evolve.

The Yod is the aspect pattern that represents a fated karmic adjustment and a fated
karmic change that needs to be achieved and accomplished in this lifetime, to be able
to link together ones inner and outer understanding, ones inner and outer growth, and
ones inner and outer awareness, to form deeper understanding, deeper growth, deeper
awareness and deeper evolution of ones soul, in this lifetime.

Through The Yod one can fly higher through its higher energies, through its higher
frequencies and through its higher vibration as one is given one individual unique
Spiritual Tool. It is the Gift from the Gods, which has been achieved through hard

emotional internal trauma and through hard emotional internal crisis. It leads to the
birth of the unique energies, which are held within The Yod.

The Yod is the name that was given to the sacred sterling silver pointer. The Yod
is used to point onto the ancient Jewish sacred Holy Book, which is called the Torah.
The Torah holds the ancient book of Holy Scripts, which is the Old Testament. The
Torah is a sacred scroll made from hand made rolled parchment many meters in
length. The ancient Hebrew script is written by hand with ancient pigment inks. It is
only writing by a few whom still have the unique gift of this ancient script. They are
known as a Scribe. Hebrew is one of the five ancient languaes; the others being
Egyptian, Tibetan, Sanskrit and Chinese, all these languages are connect to the Higher
One. The human fingers cannot touch this script, as the ancient pigment inks are
easily smudged and damaged by natural human skin oils. A pure sterling silver
pointer called The Yod is used to point within the Torah. It is shaped in the shape of
a finger, Gods Finger which is carved with delicate workmanship from the sterling
silver. When a portion form the Torah is read, The Yod is used to point out the
script and words, as if God is telling one which words should be read, as if God is
telling one which words should be noted, and as if God is telling one which words
should be understood.

Information regarding the The Yod was obtained from:

- Alan Oken, Alan Okens Complete Astrology.
- Bil Tierney, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.
- Karen Hamaker Zondag, The Yod Book.
- Myran Lofthus, A Spiritual Approach to Astrology.
- Tracy Marks, The Astrology of Self Discovery.




- The Yod Bow Tie

This aspect pattern is made up from 2 Yod Aspect Pattern 2 Sextile aspects of 60
degrees and 4 Inconjunct aspects of 150 degrees, which lie within each other to form
what look like a bow tie.

With the Yod Bow Tie energies the focal planets of The Yod energies are not so force
full through and with their forced focus. It is as if the Finger of God or Gods Hand is
gently guiding the individual forward, gently helping them along. This is through what
the individual has achieved and accomplished in past lifetimes. Within ones present
lifetime the energies of The Yod Bow Tie need to be physically birthed and they need
to be physically observed by the individual. Due to this physical awareness the
Spiritual Gifts and Spiritual Tools that are brought through, through The Yod Bow
Tie energies. The individual is rewarded as the hard work of birthing these gifts and
tools has been experienced during and in past lifetimes, especially through the emotional
Inner Dilemmas. The Spiritual Tool of the Yod Bow Tie is for the use of others, to
help them with their inner and outer understanding, to help them with their inner and
outer awareness, to help them with their evolution.

Depending on the souls journey, depending on the awareness of the individual soul, and
depending on the level of the individual souls, the energies that flow from the individual
are different, are unique in them self, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
But with the Yod Bow Tie comes personal isolation and personal loneliness.

- The Triple Tied Yod

This aspect pattern is made up of 3 Yod Aspect Patterns which are linked tightly
together, 3 Sextile aspects and 4 Inconjunct aspects.

With the Triple Tied Yod energies there are three focal planets or points which are
continuously pointing there individual fingers in their different directions on a never
ending continuously basis. It is as if the Finger of God is continuously trying to
confuse one, first pointing in one direction, then pointing in another direction and then
once again pointing in another different direction, bringing continuous confusion and
continuous chaos, as there are many options one can take and which one needs to take,
causing emotional turmoil, mental turmoil, physical turmoil and spiritual turmoil, as one
is being asked to adjust and to change amongst continuous confusion and continuous
chaos. Within ones present lifetime one has to take all the options, experience all the
options, and understand all the options, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually,
as one needs to develop a deeper understanding, develop a deeper awareness on and
within multiple levels and within multiple dimensions. The Spiritual Tool of the
Triple Tied Yod needs to be developed through the individuals perseverance and
through the individuals determination, to help them with their inner and outer

understanding, to help them with their inner and outer awareness, towards their evolution
which has been requested by their soul.

- The Tretradic Yod

This aspect pattern is made up from 1 Sextile aspect of 60 degrees, 2 Inconjunct
aspects of 150 degrees, 1 Opposition aspect and 2 SemiSextile aspects forming a
kite formation. The Sextile and the Inconjuncts forming the large triangle frame
and the SemiSextiles forming the top triangle and the opposition gives the kite its
back bone.

The Tredtradic Yod holds very tight demanding energies, which bring through painful
Inner Dilemmas in an ongoing and with an ongoing element to the energies. Deep
trauma and deep crises are experienced through this Yod formation. With this Apect
Pattern one is personally made to take personal action in maturing these energies.
Through the ongoing, pull push energies, through the inactive and active energies, these
energies bring a boomeranging effect. The individuals personal actions bring immediate

This is one of the laws of karmic law, with every action thres is an

immediate reaction. The Tretradic Yod is the Aspect Pattern known for its stress
vibration, and for its stress frequencies.

Through the Inconjunct and Opposition energies, one feels irritations and
dissatisfaction which requests and demands adjustment and reconstruction around
situations and issues, especially around ones emotional Inner Dilemma. This leads to
modifications and changes around the individuals life, which further results with ones

eventual acceptance of ones life karma and life lessons, which leads to the individuals
transformation and manifestation allowing the Sextile and the SemiSextile energies to
bring in balance.

Throught The Tretradic Yod Aspect Pattern the individual acquires emotional, mental,
physical and spiritual knowledge, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wisdom, and
emotional, mental, physical and spiritual awareness. Also through these energies one
also acquires and has the promise of receiving ones Spiritual Tool and Spiritual Gifts,
which comes through both the focal point and the tretradic point.

- The Fated Yod Aspects

There are various Fated Yod Aspects which are made up through the mix of The Yod
energies, The Quintile Point energies and the Sesqui Knot energies.

Through The Fated Yod Aspects the individual is being given the opportunities and the
benefit to take the present opportunities and benefits in this lifetime, in trying to
accomplish and achieve more understanding, in trying to accomplish and achieve more
development, and in trying to accomplished and achieve more awareness for the inner
and outer being and for the souls benefit.

These energies work simultaneously which can lead to combinations of Inner Stress and
Inner Turmoil and only depending on the souls understanding, on the souls development

and on the souls level of awareness, are these energies understood for their higher
understanding, for their higher development, and for their higher awareness.










There is The Yod formation within Evelyns Natal Chart. Natal Retrograde
Neptune in Scorpio in the 7th house is in Sextile aspect to Natal Retrograde Jupiter,
Natal South Node in Virgo, and Natal Retrograde Uranus in Libra, in the 4th house.
From either end of the Sextile aspect are Inconjunct aspects leading to Natal Sun and
Natal Saturn in Aries, in the 11th house.

Natal Retrograde Neptune in Scorpio, Natal Sun and Natal Saturn in Aries and Natal
South Node in Virgo are all at the 28 degrees of their signs, this indicates a Karmic
Fated Aspect. Natal Retrograde Uranus is at 0 degrees of Libra which is a critical
degree which is part of the Aries Point 0 degrees of all Cardinal Signs.

Evelyns Natal Retrograde Jupiter in Virgo, in the 4th house indicates that she needs to
work on past karma especially with regards to her personal justice, to her personal
principles and to her personal ethics. In this lifetime she is going to be held within the
familys unconsciousness expectations, which she needs to break away from, which she
needs to let go and which she needs to change. She now needs to experience and learn
through and in a very personal way, a deeper sense of justice especially around the ethics
of giving and receiving. Her principles of giving and receiving, was one sided in past
lifetimes. Through her heavy daily responsibilities and her heavy family responsibilities
she is being forced into giving of her self. She experiences limited freedom and as she

limited independence, as this was overly achieved in past lifetimes. Evelyn will
experience Inner Dilemma as she chooses and decides what is right for her in this
lifetime, as she lets go the past, as she changes and as she adjusts in the direction she
needs to take, and as she lets go what family obligations and expectations have been
expected from her through old family traditional beliefs.

Through Natal South Node in Virgo, in the 4th house Evelyn needs to let go, and she
needs to adjust her past lifetime attitudes around being obsessively critical and around
being compulsive for perfection. She now needs to trust in her high self and in her soul
with the direction that they are directing her towards.

Natal Retrograde Uranus in Libra, in the 4th house indicates and brings through past
karma around the higher self and the higher mind which needs to be balanced within her
inner being and within her outer being. As Natal Retrograde Uranus is at the Cardinal
Signs Aries Point, she will have to face public exposure around who she is and what she
represents. In this lifetime she needs to experience Inner Dilemma around her
emotions and around the emotions of others. She experienced deep anger and
resentment in trying to control her Inner Dilemma. She will need to decide and choose
for her self which will bring her personal freedom as well as personal isolation. Her
karmic lesson here is whether to be true to the uniqueness of herself, to be true to her
higher self and to her soul or to be pushed and pulled by the expectations of others.
Overall she is living and learning about personal freedom and about personal
independence, which is requested by her soul and by her inner and outer being.

Evelyns Natal Mercury is in Taurus, in the 12th house this emphasis her need to
karmically make the right personal choices and decision in this lifetime especially as
Natal Pluto, Natal Jupiter, Natal South Node and Natal Uranus are all in the 4th house.
All are Retrograde and the ruler of Natal Retrograde Uranus is Natal Retrograde Venus.
Karmically Evelyn is redoing, repeating, reliving, re-experiencing what has not been
achieved and what has not been accomplished in many past lifetimes, through personal
restrictions, through family restrictions, through traditional restrictions, through society
restrictions and through culture restrictions. Mercury in the 12th house and the natural
ruler of Virgo and Mercury is the ruler of Evelyns 4th house.

Interesting to note is that her Natal Mercury is at 8 degrees of Taurus 22 minutes. The
critical degree of the Fixed Signs is at 8 degree 34 minutes. This conjunct indicates that
Mercury will bring through the frustration of not being able to reform to the demands of
society. This is once again further emphasised through Evelyns Natal Retrograde Pluto,
which indicates that she will question society and the demands from society.

Natal Retrograde Neptune in Scorpio, in the 7th house indicates that Evelyn needs to trust
in her higher self and in her soul. Through this trust and in trusting and in working with
people that she holds close to her self and around her self, she will not have to escape the
demands of what they are requesting from her. Through all this and with this she has a
issue around trusting others. As in this lifetime as well as in past lifetimes she has been
continuously let down through other peoples deception and through her deceiving herself,
as she was unable to see beyond her deep intense emotions. In this life time she needs to
learn to re-trust others as well as to emotionally let go, to emotionally change and to
emotionally adjust to what she desires, around what she expects from others, around what

others want from her and around what others expect from her as others do not easily
understand her or understand her point of view.

Through The Yod energies Evelyn will experience an emotional Inner Dilemma as
her Natal Retrograde Neptune is pulled and pushed by her Natal Retrograde Jupiter, her
Natal Retrograde South Node and by her Natal Retrograde Uranus, through their request
for her to change, for their request for her to let go, for their request for her to adjust, to
the changes that need to be made in this lifetime. This is a lifetime of fated karmic
changes, a lifetime of fated karmic adjustment, especially with the karmic fated aspect

The focal point of this Yod aspect pattern is Natal Sun and Natal Saturn in Aries, in the
11th house. This indicates that Evelyn has to take personal responsibility around her
decisions, around her choices, around her hopes and wishes, even through at times this
will lead to her feeling alone, to her feeling isolated. But through this and with this she
personally needs to direct her Yod energies as it is now time to do so, as the Lord of
Karma which is represented through Saturn is indicating that she owes it to her higher
self, to her soul to step forward towards this achievement in accomplishing this. Natal
Saturn in Aries is in its fall position, which indicates that Evelyn is not comfortable
with karmically living this out. Natal Sun in Aries is in its exhalation position, which
indicates that she is very comfortable with what her soul is requesting her to achieve. So
between Natal Saturn and the Natal Sun there is a further active inactive issue together
with a pull push emotional Inner Dilemma, which swings her not only through her
Yod energies but through her two focal points, requesting her to be true to her self, to
her higher self, and to her soul, as she chooses through and with higher true values,

through and with her higher consciousness, which is further emphasized by her
intercepted 2nd house and 8th house axis.

Evelyns North Node in Pisces, in the 10th house indicates that she needs to develop
towards her higher self with higher compassion, with higher understanding, trusting in
the process, trusting in her higher being, in following this spiritual path, in following the
higher powers which is the Cosmic Universe. Her karmic lesson is with and through
her personal accomplishments and achievements as well as with and through collective
understanding and awareness.

The Pre Natal Solar Eclipse at 27 degrees of Pisces 25 minutes falling into Evelyns 10th
house, which is conjunct Natal Retrograde North Node at 28 degrees of Pisces 55
minutes. This indicates that in this lifetime Evelyn needs to and she is requested to
complete this emotional Inner Dilemma before she is able to enter the next karmic level
for future karmic development. With this and through this there is a further emphasis on
higher honesty, on higher development, on higher understanding and on higher
awareness, as she needs to teach others compassion, as she needs to teach empathy and as
she needs to teach sensitivity around higher self development, around higher self
understanding and around higher self awareness.

Evelyns Pre Natal Lunar Eclipse at 12 degrees of Libra 51 minutes. This falls into her
Natal 5th house and it indicates that she needs to learn to be fair in all areas of life, she
needs to learn to be balance in all areas of life especially around giving and receiving
emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

Her Lunar Phase at birth is the New Moon Phase, as the angle between the Natal Sun
and the Natal Moon is 17 degrees 39 minutes. This further confirms what Evelyn needs
to accomplish in this lifetime. The New Moon Phase symbolizes crises in being, crises
in emerging, crises as one struggles from the past. Through all this she will feel and
needs to feel emotionally vulnerable and very alone, as she will be motivated by her
deeper inner needs and her deeper inner emotions. Natal Sun in Aries, in the 11th house
being one of the focal points of her Yod Aspect Pattern further indicates that she needs
to reconnect with the importance of her soul, as she needs to seeks recognition, as she
needs to develop her inner being and her outer being together with her soul, and as she
needs to honour and accept her position which her soul is requesting from her in order for
her to achieve and accomplish her goals. This is important to her soul, as she was born
during the New Moon Phase. Evelyns Natal 3rd house cusp has the sign of 0 degrees
of Leo 54 minutes, a degree which indicates and which requests new beginnings, a new
start. This is requesting her to do all this through her daily interaction with her self, as
well as through her mental and verbal abilities, through her mental and verbal intelligence
and through her mental and verbal communications as she seeks her information. She
will experience internal anxieties as she questions her self, as she questions her acquired
ability, as she questions her acquired wisdom and as she questions her acquired
knowledge (Natal Sun at 28 degrees of Aries 03 minutes, Natal Moon at 15 degrees of
Taurus 42 minutes = the angle distance is 17 degree 39 minutes = 0 to 45 degrees falls
into the New Moon Phase the position of the Natal Sun together with the sign of Leo is
important to the New Moon Phase).

Through Evelyn acknowledging her Yod emotional Inner Dilemma she has
experienced judgement from her self and harsher judgement from others, criticism from

her self and harsher criticism from others. At times this has lead to her experiencing
inner anger as she came to terms with who she was and what she represented and how
others regarded her. Emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually she had to fight
for her freedom of choice, to be the free thinking individual in having the sexuality of her
choice and being able to embrace it openly amongst her family and friends and within her

Through the Yod emotional Inner Dilemma she will acquire her Spiritual Gift and
Tools which will be emotionally experienced, which will be mentally experienced,
which will be physically experienced, and which will be spiritual experienced (Natal
Mercury and Natal Moon in Taurus, in the 12th house, together with the planets in The
Yod energies which are Natal Retrograde Jupiter, in Virgo, Natal Retrograde Uranus in
Libra, Natal Retrograde Neptune in Scorpio, Natal Sun and Natal Saturn in Aries).
Through all this and with all this, there is an inner understanding and a higher
understanding of closure to the past and an opening to be able to experience the new, as
she feels she is being watched and as she knows that she is being observed from above, as
she deals with her fated karmic changes and as she deals with her fated karmic
adjustments. The Spiritual Rewards from The Yod Aspect Pattern cannot be truly
valued within and on this Earths physical level but on a higher level Evelyn consciously
and unconsciously has awareness of her Spiritual Rewards towards her souls evolution.


The Midpoint Trees from BRENT Natal Chart Page 1

The Midpoint Trees from BRENT Natal Chart Page 2


There are two Yod formations lying within each other within Brents Natal Chart.

The first Yod formation is Natal Retrograde Uranus and Natal Retrograde Ceres in
Virgo in the 3rd house, which is in Sextile aspect to Natal Black Moon Lillith in Libra,
in the 5th house. From either end of the Sextile aspect are Inconjunct aspects leading
to Natal Jupiter in Aries, in the 10th house.

The second Yod formation is Natal Vertex in Aquarius in the 8th house, which is in
Sextile aspect to Natal Jupiter in Aries, in the 10th house. From either end of the
Sextile aspect are Inconjunct aspects leading to Natal Retrograde Uranus and Natal
Retrograde Ceres in Virgo, in the 3rd house.

This double Yod formation makes up the aspect pattern of the Yod Bow Tie and
there is an emphasis within all these energies points being tied within each other and
being tied to each other.

Brents Ascendant/Midheaven Midpoint and his Sun/Moon Midpoint = Mercury and

the Vertex (both indicate the same points). This indicates that Brents Mercury and
the Vertex both hold strong issues within his life. There is a fated karmic vibration to
his essence and to his life, as Midpoints bring through and hold special and important

messages within ones life. His lifes journey is very fated and karmic and he needs to
first seek information, mental ability, intelligence and communication, then he needs
to distribute this into the world.

Brents Pre Natal Eclipse at 4 degrees of Aquarius 52 minutes also lies at the
Sun/Moon Midpoint which is at 3 degrees of Aquarius 21 minutes. This conjunct to
Natal Vertex at 4 degrees of Aquarius 18 minutes, and his Natal Vertex is one of the
points within The Yod Bow Tie. Through all this he has come into this lifetime to
personally and karmically up lift others, to move them forward towards evolution.
This is part of his destiny. With Natal Sun and Natal Mars being in mutual
reception there will be ease in his souls responsibilities and in his souls actions and in
carrying this out (Natal Sun in Aries and Natal Mars in Leo, the Sun is the natural
ruler of Leo and Mars is the natural ruler of Aries).

From Brents Natal Chart, Midpoint Trees (Modulus 45 degrees, using a maximum of
2 degrees orb) the longest Midpoint Tree is the Midheaven Tree and his Jupiter Tree,
both holding 11 branches. This indicates the archetype that are most active in his life,
on a continuous basis and level. Being the planet Jupiter which is a social planet there
is a higher awareness level, it is requesting that he gives and teaches through and with
his higher wisdom and through his higher awareness. The Midheaven point which is
the most elevated point within the Natal Chart, is requesting that he gives of him self
to others, to the world through all of him self emotionally, mentally, physically and

The shortest Midpoint Tree is the Neptune Tree which holds 5 branches, indicating the
archetype that has been acquired and developed through many past life time and which
is less active in his life, on a continuous basis and level. Neptune symbolizes ones
who holds from past life times a higher awareness around spiritual awareness and it
also represents deep intense sensitivity and deep intense understanding as he has
achieved Cosmic Consciousness. Neptune represents the Master of Wisdom the one
who guides others towards evolution.

Brents Natal Vertex in Aquarius, in the 8th house indicates that he is seeking hidden
higher wisdom and higher knowledge for its uniqueness and for the freedom that it gives
ones inner and outer being as it opens ones mental abilities with and through its deep
hidden powers. As the Natal Vertex also indicates ones karmic connections and ones
karmic interactions with others, there is a fated karmic connection through and with his
Natal Vertex which is further emphasis by the karmic connection within the 8th house and
Brents Pre Natal Solar Eclipse at 4 degrees Pisces 52 minutes is conjunct to Natal
Vertex. Due to this the truths needs to once again be rebirthed to bring forwards past
lifetime intense powers and intense personal wisdom, which is needed now, which lie
deep within his souls emotions.

His Pre Natal Solar Eclipse at 4 degrees of Aquarius 52 minutes which falls into his Natal
8th house, which brings and indicates that he needs to learn through unemotional
detachment and unemotional fairness. He now in this lifetime has the unique
opportunity to change his karmic course if he so desires. Due to this it will encourage
him to having and to using an innovative approach in solving his karmic problems. With
all this there will be a sense of intense and internal power, which needs to be rebirthed

linking the past hidden wisdom powers, the present wisdom powers and especially to
being used for future knowledge. With this intense personal power, it is up to him in
which direct he directs this unique higher emotional power, this unique higher spiritual
power, to be able to correctly pass his emotional, mental, physical and spiritual tests, by
doing what is true with higher purpose to his inner being to his outer being and to his
soul, as his soul has reached a critical point in its spiritual awareness and in its spiritual

His Pre Natal Lunar Eclipse at 18 degrees of Cancer 59 minutes falls into his Natal 2nd
house, indicates that Brent is now learning emotional interaction especially through his
karmic 8th house with its karmic emphasis.

Natal Jupiter in Aries, in the 10th house indicates that he has been rewarded in past life
times in developing the true formation of and around many of the archetypes in forming
his inner self and his out self which now needs to be used in helping others through their
personal transformation and through their personal manifestation of their souls. Through
his higher consciousness understanding and awareness he is now being requested from
the Cosmic Universe in helping and in freely giving this wisdom and knowledge to

Natal Black Moon Lillith in Libra, in the 5th house indicates that Brent is gifted with
being able to see and use his psychic third eye which holds inner intuitiveness and which
holds inner higher awareness. Through this and with this he is continuously questioning,
inquiring and comparing, in how to change and in order to advance his inner knowledge
and wisdom and outer higher awareness.

This is another of his Spiritual Gifts and


Tools, which he gifts to others freely, linking others to his inner and outer wisdom and

As Brents Natal Retrograde Neptune and Natal Moon in Scorpio, share the 5th house
with Natal Black Moon Lillith, these lower and higher Spiritual Tools and Gifts are
further emphasized through the lower and higher octaves as the Moon, Neptune, the
Black Moon Lillith together with the sign of Scorpio are all relative and inter woven with
each other. Brent being a Higher Sorceress is bringing all this through.

Natal Moon in Scorpio has the ability to penetrate into the depths, into the areas where
others fear to tread and it has the intuitive to act as the physical and spiritual guide to
others. One is able to do this as one has personally experienced emotional pain,
emotional trauma and has emerge with higher knowledge and with higher awareness.
The Natal Moon at 15 degrees of Scorpio 58 minutes is at the fixed sign critical degree,
which indicates that Brent is personally connected and tied to karma, and through this he
has to teach others.

Natal Retrograde Neptune in Scorpio, in the 5th house indicates that Brent needs to work
with and through the higher guides, connecting others to their higher understanding and
to their higher awareness, which holds great mystery, as this was been denied to him
during his past life times through different situations and through different issues.

Natal Retrograde Uranus in Virgo, in the 3rd house indicates that Brent isolates him
self as he works and as he serves, and as he gives.

This is done to enable him to

work within different dimensions simultaneously as he works within the physical


dimension. In past lifetimes he was unable to accomplish and to achieve. Now in

this lifetime he has an inner desire and urge to discover and to explore all knowledge
and wisdom and to discover and to explore the deep hidden unknown wisdoms. One
of his lessons in this lifetime is for him to break away from the old traditional ways of
what is expected, from the logical way of doing things and from what is expected, to
introduce new ideas and traditions through an innovative way and through a new
perspective. He is one of the forerunner of the future. But through this he will
experience isolation and intense loneliness, but through higher understanding and
through higher awareness he will become comfortable with this. Through all this he
is karmically learning how to express his inner freedom and his inner unique abilities.

Natal Retrograde Ceres in Virgo, in the 3rd house indicates that Brent needs to give to
others and he needs to nurture others. He has elements, which are brought through the
Working Goddess of being the giver, the server, especially through his inner knowledge
and wisdom and his higher knowledge and wisdom.

Natal North Node in Cancer in the 2nd house, indicates that Brents karmic lesson in this
lifetime is to how to nurture, how to emotionally experience and how to support others,
as he needs to develop his nurturing emotions especially around giving and receiving.
He entered this lifetime with having a strong inner prideness which he developed in past
life times through achievement and recognition.

Brents Lunar Phase at birth is the Full Moon Phase, which indicates that these
individuals are gifted with seeing reality very clearly, and through this they must use their
mental abilities, their mental intelligence and their mental communications to understand

and to realize the true meaning of their lives and around their lives. This is all due to the
fact that the Full Moon Phase symbolizes crises in transition, crises in fulfillment, crises
in the realization of purpose. Through this one is very objective about themselves, and
they are eager to go beyond their personal needs in giving to others, as they are internally
aware of other peoples needs, of other peoples expectations and of other peoples
motivations (Natal Sun at 20 degrees of Aries 44 minutes, Natal Moon at 15 degrees of
Scorpio 58 minutes = the angle distance is 205 degree 13 minutes = 180 to 225 degrees
falls into the Full Moon Phase the position of Natal Mercury together with the signs of
Gemini and Virgo are important to the Full Moon Phase). Natal Mercury in Taurus, in
the 11th house indicates that Brent needs to reconnect with the importance of his soul
through communicating, through connecting, through learning as well as through
teaching others, through friends and groups of people, through personal hopes, wishes
and goals, for the future of all and for his future, as he was born during the Full Moon
Phase. As his Natal Ascendant holds the sign of Gemini (this further emphases the
Full Moon Phase importance) and as his 4th house cusp holds the sign of Virgo (the
Virgo sign further emphases the Yod energies importance but within his 3rd house), he
is requested to do all this through his self identity within this life time and through this
life time, through his mental abilities, through his mental intelligence and through his
mental communication.

Now let me explain Brents Natal Chart energies around of his Yod Bow Tie.

The first tie of the Yod Bow Tie is the pull and push between Natal Vertex and Natal
Jupiter, and the second tie of The Yod Bow Tie is the other pull and push which is
between Natal Retrograde Uranus, Natal Retrograde Ceres and Natal Black Moon Lillith.

The Yod energies which create emotional Inner Dilemma at times it brings in
insecurities around his emotions which pull and push him, which encourage him to be
active and positive and then swing him in being inactive and feeling negative, as he
personally deals with the many issues around, in what he should be doing for others and
for whom, as well as how much he should be giving to others and for who. Brent
constantly gives more than what he receives and he is being constantly being emotionally
hurt with what he received from others. This swings and pulls his self worth and self
values up and down. But as he is aware of certain of his Spiritual Gift and Tool and as
he knows that he is being watched from the higher dimensions, he give more and more of
him self to others. He is more than the born giver with his openness, with his guidance,
with his abilities, with his higher wisdom and higher knowledge.

With the Yod Bow Tie energies the focal planets of The Yod energies are not so force
full with their forced focus. It is as if the Finger of God or Gods Hand is gently
guiding him forward and gently helping him along. Brent has to achieve and accomplish
in this lifetime a physical awareness of his Spiritual Gifts and Spiritual Tools, but the
hard work of birthing these gifts and tools have been experienced as emotional Inner
Dilemmas. The Spiritual Tool of the Yod Bow Tie is for the use of others, to help
them with their inner and outer understanding, to help them with their inner and outer
awareness, to help with their evolution.

It is fully emphasized within and through Brents Natal Chart over and over again his
higher dedication, his higher understanding and his higher awareness. Through the Yod
Bow Tie Aspect Pattern there seems as if there is a bowing and an achievement, as if

there is respect from the Gods which are watching and which are approving, from their
high position from their higher dimension.

Brent is The Cosmic Messenger. This is brought by and through the asteroid Chiron.
These energies flow from Brent, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually, and
everyone that comes into contact with him are awareness, of his gentleness, of his
uniqueness and of his specialness. Few are aware of his personal isolation and of his
personal loneliness, which comes together with and through his personal life path and
through his personal life journey, which comes with this unique Spiritual Gift.




The Aspect Pattern of Inner Anguish, Inner Anger, Inner Rage
and Inner Violence
The Aspect Pattern for Inner Creative Potential
The Aspect Pattern of an emotional Inner Dilemma

The uniqueness of the The Sesqui Knot, The Quintile Point and The Yod energies
need to be understood especially for their individual exceptional extraordinary unique
Spiritual Tools and Gifts which emerge through and from them.

These Spiritual

Tools and Gifts need to be treasured, appreciated and respected as they are sacred and as
they are karmic, and as they are watched and monitored from above and from higher
dimensions carefully, digitally and thoroughly.

These three Aspect Patterns are heavily connected to past life times which need to be
karmically birthed, then they are needed to be karmically understood within their full

contents, then they are needed to be further developmented and worked with and on, and
then they are needed to be accepted and worked with and used within the present lifetime.

- The Sesqui Knot

Through The Sesqui Knot one can experience individual growth, one can experience
personal development, one can physically and spiritually manifest and one can
physically and spiritually evolve on may levels and through many layers within ones
soul awareness and through ones inner and outer being awareness.

With certain individuals, this energy is used to birth hidden wisdom, and hidden
knowledge, as it holds a higher dimensional vibration, which needs to be birthed and
brought through from past life times, to be more understood in the present lifetime.

The Sesqui Knot is a continuous repeating deep internalized energy, which is

leading particular individuals through their personal growth, through their personal
development and through their personal evolution. Through its dynamic energies, and
as it unfolds past life times dynamics and past life times karma, there is an emotionally
experience which needs to be released, through higher interaction and higher
awareness, but there are major issues around the release of these energies as it is never
fully released within its never ending and on going continuous cycle.

Each individual who has the energies of the Sesqui Knot is given an unique
Spiritual Tool, which is a Gift from the Gods to transform and evolve through time

and space drastically, making up for time which has been lost and ignored, making up
for lifetimes which has been lost and ignored, and making up for evolution which the
soul has been denied.

- The Quintile Point

Through the Quintile Point there is a personal inner and personal outer request from
the Universe to bring this Inner Creative Potential to the awareness of others, to
help others through and with their physical evolution and their spiritual evolution.

Each individuals unique Inner Creative Potential is given to the individual with and
together with their unique Spiritual Tool, which is a Gift from the Gods.

- The Yod

Through The Yod which is the aspect pattern that represents a fated karmic adjustment
and a fated karmic change which needs to be achieved and accomplished in this lifetime.
This is to link together ones inner and outer understanding, ones inner and outer growth,
and ones inner and outer awareness, to form deeper understanding, deeper growth, deeper
awareness and deeper evolution of ones soul.

Through The Yod one can fly higher through its higher energies, through its higher
frequencies and through its higher vibration as one is given their individual unique
Spiritual Tool, which is a Gift and Blessing from the Gods.

The more one can understand these three dynamic Sacred Karmic Aspect Patterns
energies, these three dynamic vibration and these three dynamic frequencies, the more the
Astrology can help others with understanding these intense dynamics. Enabling other to
be able to work with themselves and then enabling others to accept parts of themselves,
which they have been fighting and denying. Through this one is enabling these
individuals to tap into and use their unique sacred karmic energies, their unique sacred
karmic awareness, with their unique sacred karmic Spiritual Tools and Gifts which are
held with the Sacred Karmic Aspect Patterns to be able to Physically and Spiritually
Evolve as this is what life is all about.

The Sacredness of Life is what one makes of ones life and as ones breath is Gods
Overall Gift which is life in its fullness, which one has to reward with allowing ones
soul to evolve on its and through its many life journeys and through its present lifes

Within Astrology lies the ancient knowledge and ancient wisdoms, one just needs to be
able to tap within and into the gift of Astrology to be able to tap into the knowledge and
wisdoms of life, to tap into the higher knowledge and higher wisdoms, which has been
given to us by The Ancient Ones, to help us on and toward our evolution.


All the Natal Charts within this book have the individuals Soul Entry Times and not
Birth Time. What is Soul Entry Time and what is it all about?

Many years ago when I was a beginner student of Astrology, I questioned ones and all
individuals Birth Time. Many a time the Natal Chart did not fit the person as ones
glove should fit ones hand. As one cannot accurately, precisely and truthfully, analyze,
evaluate and examine any Natal Chart without an accurately Ascendant degree.

I only studied Astrology to try and understanding myself, and to find out the unique
difference between my identical twin and my self, as I was constantly being shown, parts
of my self and mirrored other parts of my self through her image. Having my Natal
Mercury and my Natal Pluto conjunct to each other within minutes, I was being pushed
and prodded to found out, to investigate and to discover the intrigue around this, as my
mind would not let this issue rest. Little did I know, what would happen through this
knowledge and what it would open.

To start with my Birth Time and my identical twins Birth Time did not reflect our selves.
But it should have as with the birth of all twins, the exact birth time information is noted
on their Birth Certificates. This is a law within the country we were born in. What was
noted on the Birth Certificates was that my sister was born exactly seven minutes before

me. I felt that this was incorrect and it was being reinforced that this was definitely
wrong by the Guide who was constantly trying to be heard and to be acknowledged.
This is not right! he repeatedly informed me. I continued to ignore this advance and
tried and phase it out. Soon I had not one but three different Guides working around me
and on me as they bombarded me with information as they where not going to let me
ignore them and this intuitive connection. Slowly I started to acknowledge them, to
listen to them, to understanding them and to accept the information that they were giving
to me.

On my acceptance, I finally sat back and listened and this is what I was told.

A soul with the help of ones Instructing Guide chooses ones imminent future physical
Earth life. This is done with and through strict spiritual karmic instruction for the souls
advancement and for the souls evolution.

Then at conception the soul connects with the physical body of the impending physical
baby. During the next few months the soul freely moves in, out and around, as it is
allowed to still move around freely with and through time and space. It is interesting to
note that every individual has a Conception Chart.

A few hours around the Birth Time the soul is pulled more into and towards the physical
body. Then at the precious moment that the soul needs to enter the physical body, the
soul and the physical body Fully Fuse together the is the Soul Entry Time.

Soul Entry Time can be, before the Birth of the newborn, during the Birth of the
newborn or after the Birth of the newborn. This all depends on what the soul and what
the soul has to experience, which is to either experience in and through participating in
the birthing experience, or to experience in and through observing in the birthing

The Soul Entry Time and the Birth Time of one can differ from seconds, to minutes,
to hours. With this information I was able to rectify my twin sisters Natal Chart and my
Natal Chart, work with them and then understand the importance of the Soul Entry

Noted on the Birth Certificates of my identical twin and my self there are seven minutes
between us. On the Soul Entry rectification there is ten minutes difference.

With each and every client I immediately am given their individual Soul Entry Time.
With and through this I am able to give more to the individual, to help them personally,
to help them understand their individual uniqueness of their present lifetime.

Together with this Soul Entry Time, I am given their Soul Element which holds the
souls Inner Vibration, Inner Frequency, Inner Energy which was created at one point in
time and at one point in space by the God Force which was a once off and which never
changes, together with the souls past lifetimes, which is held around the Soul Element
just like onion layers, and these energies, vibrations, frequencies, hues and colours
change the overall Soul Element.

I was then requested to use this information, and with this and through this I was be able
to intuitively connect with the individual souls. But with this there are very strict rules,
one has to follow the stricter codes and laws which the Spiritual Dimensions, and ones
Spiritual observation and Spiritual test are much more demanding.

Martin Schulman is the only other Astrology author, which I have come across, that has
written about this issue. Around Birth Time and what it is, but he dealt very lightly and
very vaguely with it in his Karmic Astrology Series of Books.

One must note and understanding that as the Sacredness of Life is what one makes of
ones life and as ones breath is Gods Gift which is given as life in its fullness, one has to
fulfill and reward ones soul with and through allowing ones soul to evolve on its and
through its many life journeys, especially through its present lifes journey, as one
connects the past, to the present to the future.


Astrology Program: Astrolabe Solar Fire Version 5.

Arroyo, Stephen. Astrology Karma and Transformation.
Arroyo, Stephen. Chart Interpretation Handbook.
Brady, Bernadette. The Eagle and the Lark.
Brady, Bernadette. Bradys Book of Fixed Stars.
Bunker, Dusty. Quintiles and Tredeciles.
Deane, Ashayana. Voyagers Volume I, The Sleeping Abductees.
Deane, Ashayana. Voyagers Volume II, The Secrets of Amenti.
Devlin, Mary. Astrology and Past Lives.
Devlin, Mary. Astrology and Relationships.

Fixed Stars and their interpretation.

Ebertin, Reinhold. The Combination of Stellar Influences.

George ,Demetra, and Block, Douglas. Asteroid Goddesses, The Mythology,
Psychology, and Astrology of the Re-emerging Feminine.
Hall, Judy. Patterns of the Past, the Birthchart, Karma and
Hamaker-Zondag, Zaren. The Yod Book.
Houlding, Deborah. The Houses, Temples of the Sky.
Hunter, M Kelley. Black Moon Lilith.
Hurtak, JJ. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch.
Lofthus, Myrna. A Spiritual Approach to Astrology.
Marks, Tracy. The Astrology of Self Discovery.

Marks. Tracy. Planetary Aspects from Conflict to Comperation.

Michelsen, Neil F. The American Ephemeris for the 20th Century.
Michelsen, Neil F. The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century.
Munkasey, Michael. Midpoints Unleashing the Power of the
Oken, Alan. Alan Okens Complete Astrology.
Ovason, David. The Book of the Eclipse.
Parker, Julia & Derek. Parkers Astrology, New Edition.
Pottenger, Maritha. Juno, Keyto Marriage, Intimacy and
Rigor E Joseph. The Power of Fixed Stars.
Roddden, Lios M. The American Book of Charts.
Rudhyar, Dane. An Astrological Mandala.
Rudhyar, Dane. The Lunation Cycle.
Sasportas, Howard. The Gods of Change. Pain, Crisis and the
Transits of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
Schulman, Martin. Karmic Astrology, the Moons Nodes and
Spiller, Jan. Astrology for The Soul.
Sullivan, Erin. Retrograde Planets.
Teal, Celeste. Identifying Planetary Triggers Astrological Techniques for Prediction.
Teal, Celeste. Predicting Events with Astrology.
Tierney, Bil. Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.
Wilson-Ludlam, Mae R. Lilith Insight.

Yott, Donald H. Astrology and Reincarnation, Retrograde Planets

and Reincarnation, intercepted Signs and Reincarnation,
Triangulation of Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury.

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