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(For National Government Agencies)

GAM: Accounting

Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Session 4
GAM: Accounting

Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Session Overview
Basic requirements applicable to all modes of

Accounting for different modes of disbursements;

Descriptions of forms, records, reports and books of
accounts applicable to disbursements; and
Accounting policies for Inter-agency transferred
funds (IATF).
GAM: Accounting

Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Learning Objective
At the end of the Session, you will be able to apply
the policies on the different modes, forms, records,
reports and books of accounts applicable to
disbursements and policies on inter-agency
transferred funds in accordance with the GAM.

GAM: Accounting

Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Constitute all cash paid out during a given period in currency

(cash) or by check/ADA. It may also mean the settlement of
government payables/obligations by cash, check or ADA. It
shall be covered by DV/Petty Cash Voucher (PCV)/Payroll.
a. Accounts Payable
b. Advice to Debit Accounts
c. Disbursements

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Definition of Terms
Authorization issued by the DBM to an agency to
withdraw cash from the BTr to cover payment of
operating expenses, purchases of supplies and
materials, acquisition of PPE, payment of payables,
and other authorized disbursements thru the issuance
of MDS checks, ADA or other modes of disbursements.
a. Special Allotment Release Order
b. Notice of Cash Allocation
c. Notice of Transfer of Allocation
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Definition of Terms
An authorization issued by the CO of the
department/agency to their ROs/OUs to withdraw cash
from the BTr to cover payment of operating expenses,
purchases of supplies and materials, acquisition of
property, plant and equipment, payment of payables,
and other authorized disbursements thru the issuance
of MDS checks or other modes of disbursements.
a. Special Allotment Release Order
b. Notice of Cash Allocation
c. Notice of Transfer of Allocation
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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Definition of Terms
Valid and legal obligations of NGAs/OUs, for which,
regardless of the year when these obligations were
a. Accounts Payable
b. Advice to Debit Accounts
c. Disbursements

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Definition of Terms
Authorization issued by the NGA/OU appearing in the
lower portion of the List of Due and Demandable
Accounts Payable (LDDAP). It serves as instruction to
the Modified Disbursement System, Government
Servicing Banks (MDS-GSBs) to debit a specified
amount from its available NCA balance under regular
MDS sub-account for payment of creditors/payees
through the Expanded Modified Disbursement Payment
a. Accounts Payable
b. Advice to Debit Accounts
c. Disbursements
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Definition of Terms
A check issued by government agencies chargeable
against the account of the Treasurer of the
Philippines, which are maintained with different MDS
AGDBs. It is covered by NCA.

a. MDS Checks
b. Managers Checks
c. Commercial Checks
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Definition of Terms
A check issued by government agencies chargeable
against the agencys checking account with AGDBs.
These are covered by income/receipts authorized to
be deposited with AGDBs; and funding checks
Central/Regional/Division Offices, respectively.
a. MDS Checks
b. Managers Checks
c. Commercial
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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Definition of Terms
Payment procedures whereby the MDS-GSB shall pay the
creditors/payees listed in the LDDAP-ADA not later than 48
hours but not earlier than 24 hours upon receipt of the said
document from the NGA/OU:
a. Direct credit to the creditors current/savings/ATM account
(CA/SA/ATM) maintained with MDS-GSB; or
b. Bank transfer, if creditors account is maintained outside
the agencys MDS-GSB, where corresponding bank
charges shall be borne/paid by the creditor/payee
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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Definition of Terms

a. Modified Disbursement System, Government

Servicing Banks
b. Expanded Modified Direct Payment Scheme
c. Modified Direct Payment Scheme

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Definition of Terms
A letter addressed to the MDS-GSB, issued by the
NGA/OU to its creditors/payees for the purpose of
opening an account or validation of an existing
a. Letter of Intent
b. Letter of Introduction
c. Letter of Application
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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Definition of Terms
Accountable form integrating the Advice to Debit Account
(ADA) with the LDDAP-ADA, which is a list reflecting the
names of creditors/payees to be paid by the NGA/OU and
the corresponding amounts of the unpaid claims.
a. Advice to Debit Account (ADA)
b. List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable
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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Definition of Terms
The authorized government servicing banks, such as Land Bank of the
Philippines (LBP), Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), and
Philippine Veterans Bank (PVB),to which DBM issues the NCAs for
crediting to the MDS sub-accounts of NGAs.
a. Modified Disbursement System, Government
Servicing Banks (MDS-GSB)

b. Authorized Government Depository Banks (AGDB)

c. Authorized Government Servicing Banks (AGSB)

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Basic Requirements for Disbursements and the

Required Certifications

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Basic Requirements for Disbursements and the Required


Necessity and legality of charges to allotments

as well as the validity, propriety and legality of
supporting documents certified by the Head of
the Requesting Unit;
obligation/utilization certified by the Budget
Officer/Head of Budget Unit;
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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Basic Requirements for Disbursements and the Required


Legality of the transactions and conformity with

existing rules and regulations by certified by the
requesting and approving officials;
Availability of cash and completeness of
supporting documents certified by the Chief

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Basic Requirements for Disbursements and the Required


Approval of the disbursement by the Head of

Agency or by his duly authorized representative;
Availability of funds certified by the Chief

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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GAM: Accounting

Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Disbursement Authority





Different Modes of Disbursements

1. Check

2. Cash

3. ADA

4. TRA

5. Working

6. Direct

Cash Advance

for Payroll
Cash Advance
for Operating


Cash Advance for

Specific Purpose/
Time - Bound

Cash Advance
for Travel
Cash Advance for
Petty Operating

Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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1. Modes of Disbursements - Check

drawn only on duly approved DV

used for payment of regular expenses which cannot

conveniently nor practically paid using ADA or not
authorized to be paid through PCV
Checks issued are recorded in the books of accounts
whether released or unreleased to the respective payees

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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1. Modes of Disbursements - Check

Two Types of checks

MDS Checks
Commercial Checks

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2. Modes of Disbursements Cash

constitute cash payment out of cash advance
covered by duly approved DV/payrolls/PCV
may be granted to cashiers/DOs/officials and

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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COA Rules and Regulations and Other Pertinent

Issuances on Cash Advances
Only for a legally authorized specific purpose

Reported on and liquidated as soon as the purpose

has been served
No additional cash advance unless the previous cash
advance is first liquidated

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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COA Rules and Regulations and Other

Pertinent Issuances on Cash Advances
Employee granted cash advance shall be properly
Only permanently appointed officials
designated as disbursing officers;

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COA Rules and Regulations and Other

Pertinent Issuances on Cash Advances
Only duly appointed or designated disbursing officer
may perform disbursing functions;
Transfer of cash advance from one accountable
officer to another shall not be allowed; and
Shall be used solely for specific legal purpose for
which it was granted.
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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Disbursement Authority





Different Modes of Disbursements

1. Check

2. Cash

3. ADA

4. TRA

5. Working

6. Direct

Cash Advance

for Payroll
Cash Advance
for Operating


Cash Advance for

Specific Purpose/
Time - Bound

Cash Advance
for Travel
Cash Advance for
Petty Operating

Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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2. Types of Cash Advances

2.1 Payroll
granted to RDOs for PS
equal to the net amount of the processed payroll
liquidation - within five (5) days after the end of the
pay period.
unclaimed salaries/allowances to be refunded and
issued OR to close the account.
Accounted in the books as Payroll Fund

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2. Modes of Disbursements Cash

2.2 Operating Expenses

granted to government units without complete
set of books of accounts for PS and MOOE;
paid through processed DV/Payroll; and

Accounted in the books as Advances for

Operating Expenses
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2. Modes of Disbursements Cash

2.3 Travel
Granted to officers and employees;
Covers only those urgent and extremely necessary,
involve minimum expenditure;
Foreign travel is allowed only in case of training, seminar
or conference when the officials or other personnel of the
foreign mission cannot represent the country;
Accounted as Advances to Officers and Employees
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2. Modes of Disbursements Cash

2.4 Special Purpose/Time-bound Undertaking

granted to duly authorized AO/SDO;

Shall be liquidated within a specified period;
Accounted as Advances to Special Disbursing

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2. Modes of Disbursements Cash

2.5 Petty Cash

sufficient for one month requirement

Imprest System

Replenishment made when disbursements reached 75%

may be granted to government units without complete BOA
Granted to duly designated disbursing officers
May be granted covering two months operating
requirements for authorized petty expenses and other
miscellaneous expenses
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2. Modes of Disbursements Cash

Accounting Policies regarding Cash Advance for
The fund shall be kept separately from the
regular cash advances/collections
Allowed only for amounts not exceeding
P15,000 for each transaction
All disbursements out of PCF shall be covered
by duly accomplished and approved PCV
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2. Modes of Disbursements Cash

Accounting Policies regarding Cash Advance for
unused balance of the PCF shall not be
closed/refunded at the end of the year
At the end of the year, the PCFC shall submit
unreplenished PCVs for recording in the books
of accounts.
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3. Modes of Disbursements ADA

prescribed under DBM CL No. 2013-16 dated

Jan. 23, 2013, amended by DBM CL Nos. 201316A and 2013-16B dated February 6, 2014 and
February 25, 2014, respectively for the
settlement of due and demandable
accounts payable
Cashless Purchase Card System

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3. Modes of Disbursements ADA

Excluded from ADA are payments for:

Terminal Leave and Retirement Gratuity (TL/RG)
Remittance of social insurance premium contributions
to government corporations;
Payment of Accounts Payable to utility companies; and
Other payables which cannot be conveniently nor
practicably paid using the ADA.

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Electronic MDS
Prescribed under JAO No. 2015-1 dated March 12, 2015 of
the DBM and DOF to:
facilitate an efficient and prompt reconciliation of
spending agencies disbursements vis--vis the accounts
of the BTr maintained at the LBP

perform selected MDS transactions online

monitor disbursements and generate MDS reports under

the Government's Modified Disbursement Scheme

Coverage all spending agencies using LBP as GSB

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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4. Modes of Disbursements TRA

Implemented through the issuance of DOF, DBM and COA
JC 1-2000
Use to record constructive receipt of NCA

use to record tax collection and remittance

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5. Modes of Disbursements Working Fund/CDC

Authorization issued by the DBM to the DFA and
DOLE to utilize their income to cover operating
requirements (PS and MOOE).
Utilization should not exceed the released
allotment to the foreign service posts

All disbursements should

approved DV/Payrolls
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6. Modes of Disbursements Direct Payment Method

NCAA issued by DBM


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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Mode of Disbursements


Source Documents/Basis
of Recording by the
Accountable Officer


Record by the Cashier


Documents for


Basis of Recording in
the Books of Accounts

GAM: Accounting


Petty Cash


Special Journal s/Books

of Original Entry

Cash Advancefor





Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements


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Mode of Disbursements


Source Documents/Basis
of Recording by the
Accountable Officer


Cash Advancefor

Petty Cash


Record by the Cashier


Documents for















Basis of Recording in
the Books of Accounts
Special Journal s/Books
of Original Entry

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements



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DV -Disbursement Voucher or Payroll
Petty Cash Voucher
JEV Journal Entry Voucher

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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RANCA/RANTA - Registry of Allotment and Notice of
Cash Allocations/Registry of
Allotment and Notice of Transfer
of Allocations
CkADADRec Checks and Advice to Debit Account
Disbursements Record
Cash Disbursements Record
Petty Cash Fund Record

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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RCI - Report of Checks Issued
RADAI - Report of ADA Issued
SLIIAE Summary of List of Due and Demandable
Accounts Payable Issued and Invalidated Entries
RCDisb - Report of Cash Disbursements
LR Liquidation Report
RPPCV Report on Paid Petty Cash Voucher

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Registers to be maintained by Government Units

Without Complete Set of Books of Accounts

CBReg Cash in Bank Register
CDReg Cash Disbursements Register
PCFReg Petty Cash Fund Register

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Books of Accounts:
CkDJ Check Disbursements Journal
CDJ Cash Disbursements Journal
ADADJ ADA Disbursements Journal
GJ General Journal

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Disbursement for InterAgency Transferred Funds


GAM: Accounting

Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Disbursement for Inter-Agency Transferred

Funds (IATF)
a. A MOA shall be entered into by the SA and the IA

Amount of FT sufficient to: 3 months or total

project cost as may be determined by the
Heads of the two agencies in either case

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Disbursement for Inter-Agency Transferred

Funds (IATF)

c. The check shall be issued in the name of the IA

for deposit to its trust account in its authorized
government depository bank. The IA shall issue
its official receipt in acknowledgment.

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Disbursement for Inter-Agency Transferred

Funds (IATF)

d. Depending on the MOA:

if with condition and any excess to be
returned to the SA
IA recognize the receipt of FT as asset
at FV with corresponding liability
SA recognize receivable
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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Disbursement for Inter-Agency Transferred

Funds (IATF)
if provides stipulation or no condition
IA recognize the receipt of FT as asset
at FV with corresponding revenue
SA recognize expense

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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Disbursement for Inter-Agency Transferred

Funds (IATF)

e. A separate subsidiary record for each account

shall be maintained by the IA whether or not a
separate bank account is opened.
f. Liquidation of IA
g. Return the unused balance if stipulated in
the MOA
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Session 4: Applying Accounting Policies on Disbursements

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Disbursement for Inter-Agency Transferred

Funds (IATF)

h. The SA shall draw a JEV to take up the reports.


The IA Auditor shall audit the disbursements out

of the trust accounts in accordance with existing
COA Regulations

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Disbursement for Inter-Agency Transferred

Funds (IATF)


The Chief Accountant record disallowance as


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Thank you and

God Bless us.
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