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4- Excellent

3- Good

2- Fair

1- Needs Improvement


5, 1 page entries

4 entries, not a
complete page

3 entries, not a
complete page

Fewer than 3 entries, not

a complete page

Research Based
Content (x2)

Content is based
on the research
collected by the
students. Students
uses facts about
his/her country
that are unique to
that country,
mentions current
events, shows
knowledge of
countrys culture

Content is based
mostly on
research, but
student doesnt
quite cover
enough of the
countrys unique
culture and
current events.

Content is loosely
based on research.
Student struggles
to point out
unique aspects of
their countrys

Content is not based on

the research collected by
the student. There is no
evidence of
comprehension of the
countrys unique culture.

Creativity (x3)

Student presents
their entries in a
unique and
creative way.
Their presentation
is neat and

Student presents
their entries
creatively, but the
presentation lacks
completion or

Student presents
their entries in a
very plain, noncreative way. It is
evident that the
students work
lacks effort, may
not be fully

Student did not attempt

to present their work in a
creative way.

Mechanics, and

There are few or

no errors in
mechanics, usage,
grammar, or
spelling. Word
choice is precise
and appropriate
for the audience.

There are minor

errors in
mechanics, usage,
grammar, or
spelling. Word
choice is usually
appropriate for the

There are
numerous errors
in mechanics,
usage, grammar,
or spelling. Word
choice is not
appropriate for the

Numerous errors in
mechanics, usage,
grammar, or spelling
may hinder
comprehension. Word
choice shows little
understanding of the

Points: _____/28
***Research based and Creativity are weighted because these are the most important aspects of the

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