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Table of Contents

About the Author

Introduction: Magickal Evolution - Advancing on the Path to Power
Chapter 1: From Neophyte to Intermediate
Beyond the Basics
Build Your Personal Amulet
Protection Spell
Chapter 2: Make Your Magick Stronger by Using Correspondences
Understanding the Relationships
Referring to the Moon
Referring to the Elements
The Role of Zodiac Signs
Chapter 3: Introduction to Candle Magick
Definition and Benefits
Cleansing and Consecrating Your Candle
Candles and Correspondences
Tips for Working with Candle Magick
Spellcrafting on the Fly
Chapter 4: Introduction to Crystals & Gemstones
A History as Old as the Earth
Finding the Right Crystal
Cleansing and Consecrating Gems
Why Cleansing Is Crucial: A Story
Empower Your Gems
Using Crystals for Protection
Super Surge Spell
Crystals for Success and Abundance
Wealth Attractor Spell
Business Booster Spell
Chapter 5: Kitchen Magic
The Occult Powers of Food & Home Crafts
Food and Correspondences
Kitchen Spell for Peace & Harmony
Chapter 6: Introduction to Divination
What Divination is Not!
Different Types of Divination
Conclusion: Advancing on the Road to Power

Excerpt from the Next Book:

Seven Days of Living the Path of Power

2016 Eira McIntyre

This manual is meant for information and educational purposes only. Use it
at your own risk. In any case, the author will not be held accountable for any
damage or ill effects brought about by the misuse of this guide.
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced
or used in any manner without the written permission of the author, except
for the use of brief quotations in a review.

About the Author

Eira & Her Coven, Celebrating

Eira has been a practicing eclectic pagan for more than two decades,
discovering her true path to the Divine at the young age of 19. Beginning as
a solitary practitioner for the first fifteen years self-taught through
research and following her instincts , she was eventually led to a teaching
coven in her hometown.
After 5 months with the coven, she became an initiate and coven Scribe.
Shortly after that, she began training to become the High Priestess, an honor
which she has flourished in for the last five years.
Helping people has been her driving force in life, as part of the coven and in
her personal life. Eira married her true love and they have a son together,

living happily in New England where they spend their spare time enjoying
the four seasons.
Aside from her accomplishments as a High Priestess, Eira has also enjoyed
a successful career in restaurant consulting. Since the birth of her son, she
has placed her career on the back burner to focus on family and her coven
teachings. Eira is also an accomplished artist and loves to cook feasts for
the Sabbats.

Introduction: Magickal Evolution Advancing on the Path

to Power
Blessed be and welcome back! I hope you have been able to spend some
time practicing the exercises, spells and other activities you picked up from
the first book and maybe even created some of your own (if you have,
congrats, I am proud of you!)
The beauty of our path to becoming powerful witches is that it is entirely
our own. Certainly, there are tried and true methods, spells, and rituals that
will work for everyone, but the connection is yours and yours alone.
Always do what feels good to you, as long as it harms none.
With over two decades of study and practice, my sole purpose in this series
is to share with you my extensive experience, growing from a solitary witch
to high priestess of a teaching coven, and now back to solitary practitioner.
As you see, all things come full circle!
The most important lesson I hope you gain from reading these books is that
you realize that your own person and intent are the most important tools
to unlocking the power within.
Differences in the Process

In the previous book, we talked about the similarities between the great
monotheistic religions and how they meet and agree on so many numerous
points. Now, let's see how paganism differs.
With Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, we have the Bible, Torah and Quran,
respectively, which are beautifully written and contain wonderful stories of
courage, suffering and strength of faith.
To believe in those religions, you must take those books at face value,
believe in them as you would if you were present and saw the events happen
with your own eyes. Faith in God, Jesus, Mohammad, and Yahweh is the
foundation for all these major religions.
I would never pretend I am an authority in any of the bibles; however, one
of the things I love about being a witch is that I can choose to believe in
what I see, what I feel, and pick which books resonate with me. Why limit

oneself to one source and lose all the wisdom contained in the others?
Personally, there are stories from all three that do help me connect deeper
with the divine, but I do not consider them iron clad truth. You must trust
your instincts and follow the path to the divine with confidence.
Faith is important in becoming a witch but, because our power is tangible,
something that can be witnessed, measured, and seen, it is less of a leap than
with the traditional religions. Have faith in the Great Horned God and
Triple Goddess, knowing they are watching over you. The proof is in
Nature, in the elements, not in stories of Jesus walking on water.
In all cases, whatever the holy book in question, it was eventually written,
put together, and promoted by men often reflecting the political agendas
of the time. For example, the First Council of Nicaea, held by Roman
Emperor Constantine, was a gathering of Bishops which took place to agree
upon the relationship of the Son of God and The Holy Father. Out of this
meeting, an agreed upon date was set for Easter to be celebrated.
What dictates a witch's holy days? Nature, and her beautiful ways of
marking time through seasons (moon phases, and the turning of the Earth.)
Sadly, the message that the churches around the world began with, whether
from Jesus, Mohammad, Moses or any other prophet, has been so muddled
over the years, the original messages have been lost. It was one of my
driving reasons for choosing the path of the witch, because it is based on
incongruous facts, science, and followed in faith.
The journey to the Divine is very similar among the religions. Many find a
deep connection through prayer, community contributions and, most
importantly, love. But one major difference between the traditional religions
and becoming a powerful witch is the capability of accepting others who
don't believe the same.
Oftentimes, covens are spawned because witches are seeking acceptance
among their peers. When a group gathers to share beliefs, rituals and, of
course, love, a bond is formed, with the basis of accepting those who may
not think exactly like us.
Continuing the path toward your magickal rebirth and evolving requires an
understanding and acceptance of all things around you, as we are all

By living a life filled with compassion, love and a desire to harm none, we
grow closer to the Divine every day.

Chapter 1: From Neophyte to Intermediate

In the first book, I introduced you to:
The rules of magick;
The basic tools;
The steps to casting a circle;
The Sabbats, deities, and elements which are all the foundation to
becoming a powerful witch.
We are going to build on these principles to expand our knowledge in the
craft, allowing us to stretch our wings and really feel the power of our path.
Since you finished book one, I am hoping you have been able to find time in
your busy schedule to hone your skills in casting a circle.
While it isn't required for every magickal ritual, it is an essential skill going
forward. Just to give you an idea, after 20 years of experience, I am able to
cast a circle with just imagining it in my mind because of the triggers I have
created over the years.
This is the power I want you to tap into!
Creating mental triggers through practice and experience can be helped
through the use of corresponding items.
We are going to be focusing on that in this book as the building block for the
next phase of your journey. Whether it is the tools you use, choosing the
right Sabbat, working with your chosen deity, or incorporating a specific
element, these all work in conjunction with each other to add to your natural
power. Imagine these are the keys that unlock the power that resides within
your soul.
In book one, we talked about the importance of keeping a journal, or Book
of Shadows, to track your work. This is especially important for building
those mental triggers because, this way, you can see on paper what has
worked for you in the past.
For example, if you wrote down the steps to casting a circle, performing an
abundance ritual, and recorded your success of getting a raise at work all

the things you used (including the time of day and moon phase) are
successful building blocks for future spellwork.
Makes sense, right?
Just like learning algebra to get a foundation to trigonometry, the principle
here is the same: if you have a strong foundation, there is no limit as to how
powerful you can become. With confidence and a thirst for growing your
knowledge, the power is yours to harness.
Beyond the Basics

To take your learning to the next level, we will go into much more detail
about the tools you will need for your spellwork.
We have already gone through the basics, and truly those are all you need to
be casting effective spells. However, to broaden your scope, you will want
tools that are corresponding with your specific goal.
For example, if you are doing an abundance spell with candles, you will
want to use a green candle, and an essential oil like patchouli that promotes
My favorite tools are the ones I craft myself, created with my intent in mind
during the making of the tool. One example of this is my Ostara ritual,
performed on or around the Spring Equinox, and my intent is always to
choose 3-5 things I want to nurture through the growing season. To keep my
goals in the forefront of my mind, I painted a terracotta flower pot marking
the changing seasons. From Ostara through Samhain, each section graduating
in color from light green to dark, it helps reminding me to continue working
on my goals.
These are the tools that will be extremely powerful in all your spellcrafting.
I always keep a light stock of crafting materials, whether to make an
impromptu pentacle or a talisman for a friend, it's convenient to have some
items always on hand.
Additional tools to have beyond what we discussed in book one, I
recommend a knife for cutting. Do not use your athame! This is a purely
ceremonial knife, for cutting or directing energy. A simple, black handled
knife is great for trimming items from nature's bounty or for string and

ribbons, which are also good to have in stock. I like to keep the basic colors
like red, white, green, blue and yellow.
Candle magick is a fun, visually engaging type of spellwork, and relatively
easy to get results with. In a jam, you can even use birthday candles for a
quick spell. These are also something of which I like to have a reserve. As
far as colors go, I try to have a few of each: silver, gold, red, white and
green. There are obviously many more colors, but you don't have to go
All of the aforementioned will cost a little bit as an investment; however,
for ribbons and string, you can pick colors from the clearance bin at any
craft stores for $.50-$1.00. Also, the candles I use are 4 tapers, which can
range from $.25-$.75 each. So for $5-10 you can have a decent stock ready
to go when needed.
Build Your Personal Amulet

Lastly, you may want to start looking around for your personal power
amulet. I have had several over the years, but the one I own now has been
in my possession for 5 years and I will probably keep it for the rest of my
life. A personal power amulet is something you wear every day and which
holds an immense amount of energy. It will often carry symbols that resonate
to your deepest level.
For example, my amulet is a butterfly with Celtic knotted wings, a pentacle
in the center and, in the center of that pentacle, an amethyst. You have to find
your ideal amulet, then cleanse and empower it. There are a multitude of
online stores and many who make their own jewelry. I love choosing from
the different metals too, like bronze, copper, silver, pewter and of course,
One important use for your personal power amulet is protection. You
will always have energy stored in it to call upon, or you can easily cast a
protection spell on it, and you will have a natural, subtle negative energy
repellent. I usually recharge mine every 2-4 months or, if I have a
particularly draining week, I give it a boost over the weekend.
You can have multiple items that hold your energy, such as stones, amulets,
and talismans. These can be very handy if you spend a lot of time away from
home or traveling, and could use the lift.

Obviously, they need to be maintained, by infusing your energy into them,

fairly regularly. If you work with stones, you can tell if they still got your
energy when you hold them. If they are warm and familiar, they still do. If
they are cold and like greeting a stranger, they need to be empowered.
Protection S pell

This spell is tried and true. I have been using it for over 15 years, and it
works. Remember the visualization exercises we did in book one? They
will be needed for this, and I hope you have been practicing!
Step 1: Choose the item you want to empower. It can be anything from an
amulet to a teddy bear (good for children).
Step 2: Go to your sacred space or altar and cast a circle. It is important
when casting a protection spell to use a circle because it blocks out any
unwanted energies from entering your space, and potentially weakening the
Step 3: Light a white candle and burn some sage or other cleansing
Step 4: Pass the object over and through the smoke from the incense,
imagining the object being purified through the smoke. Visualize a pure
white light surrounding the object.
Step 5: Hold the object in your hands, with your dominant (projecting hand)
on top and your receiving hand on the bottom. Repeat this chant:
By the power of three times three and nine,
I ask you, dear Goddess,
To protect me and mine.
Step 6: While you are saying the chant, over and over, imagine the pure
white light around the object becoming brighter and growing. As it
increases, visualize it enveloping you in the light.
Step 7: Once you feel you have put enough energy into your object, you may
stop and put on the item if it is wearable. Otherwise, set it to the side while

you thank the Goddess and God for their guidance and protection and
release the circle.
Notice, in this spell, I used a white candle and sage incense. That is because
those are corresponding colors and scent that help trigger a feeling for
protection and safety.
In the next chapter, we will delve deeper into this essential concept of


Chapter 2: Make Your Magick Stronger by Using

Understanding the Relationships

Part of harnessing your natural power is using tools that help spring forth the
right emotion to couple with our intent in spellworking.
This is like adding racing fuel to a sports car and revving the engine up. The
right tools include complementary colors, elements, tools, and many other
factors that, when used together, can pack a powerful punch (remember that
the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.)
For example, if I were to cast an abundance spell, I would gather a green
candle, green ribbon, patchouli oil, and plan my spellwork within 1 day on
either side of the full moon. In short, I would be utilizing correspondences
in line with my intent, akin to adding rocket fuel to my spell!
There are many ways to look at and understand correspondences, as there
are many categories that we could break them down into for a better
First, we will have a look at the moon, her phases and how she affects
Referring to the Moon

The sun sees your body, but the moon sees your soul. ~Anonymous
In the first book, we discussed the Sabbats, or major holidays of the year.
There are lesser holidays, known as Esbats, which fall on the Full Moon of
every month.
The Moon, especially when Full or New, holds great power for witches.
She embodies the Goddess, round like the womb, shining her gentle light
upon us each night.
There are thirteen Full Moons in a calendar year, separated by
approximately 29 days; ironically, the approximate length of a woman's
menstrual cycle, which is precisely how it became a feminine aspect.


The Moon represents the Triple Goddess in the three major phases; the
waxing Moon being the virgin maiden, the Full Moon symbolizes the
Mother, and the waning Moon represents the aging and wise Crone.
In Middle-Ages, when witches met in secret for fear of being discovered
and thrown onto the pyre, they would gather at the full moon. It was an easy
way to mark time in the days when alarm clocks were yet to exist. The
magick at the new and full Moon is very powerful and, when used
properly, can ignite impactful changes in your life.
Spellcasting during the waxing Moon is for positive magick, like gain,
growth, and increase. This is a good time to practice abundance and love
spells. The Full Moon is when the Goddess is most likely to grant your
heart's desire...
When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.
When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek.
~The Wiccan Rede
Almost any magick can be done at the Full Moon, and it is a good time to
just honor the Goddess and be reverent of her Power. I often enjoy using the
waxing phase to build up a spell, each week adding a step in the spell for a
power-packed release. Then on the Full Moon, I create the culminating step
in the ritual, releasing the magick I have built up over the two weeks, and
leveraging the power of the Moon to launch my spell.
This is a great method to use in spellworking if you have something big
coming up that you want to make sure goes in your favor, such as a job hunt
or interview, or making a large purchase such as a car or home.
Perhaps the most powerful Full Moon ritual is the Drawing Down of the
Moon. This can be done whether you are a solitary practitioner or working
in a coven. It is a fairly simple spell, though extremely powerful.
Essentially, you are inviting the Goddess to commune with you and speak
through you. It is an emotional spell, so it is not uncommon to laugh or cry
during the ritual.
Drawing Down the Moon
First, choose a good location. This spell is best done outdoors, but can be

performed inside, especially if weather or nosy neighbors can be a

nuisance. You can perform this ritual fully clothed, with white fabrics being
the optimal color. A simple white robe or dress would be ideal.
Cast your circle as you normally would, ensuring you have cakes and ale
(food and drink) to ground yourself afterwards.
Stand facing the Full Moon with your arms crossed over your chest. Speak
the following words:
Goddess of the Moon, as your Light shines bright,
I honor you and all your wisdom on this night.
You bathe us in your love,
Ever watchful from above.
Now widen your feet so they are shoulder-width apart, and extend your
arms up over your head, as though to cradle the Moon between your hands.
Speak the following:
Blessed Mother, to honor thee,
I invite you to join with me.
Let our hearts beat as one,
And speak thy will to be done.
You may feel a tingling sensation, and that is the Goddess' presence
surrounding you. Stay focused on the Moon, and let it enter you. You may
write your own prayer to the Goddess, use this one, or let the words spill
forth as they might during the ritual:
I am Maiden, Mother and Crone,
The giver of all life and to me all life returns.
May you share my courage, beauty, strength, honor and humility.

And live a life full of richness, as is your Destiny.

Honor me with your Love,
Forever I will watch over you from above.
Hear what the Goddess chooses to say to you, and when it is complete,
speak these words:
Life continues in every cycle, from birth to death,
With love and gratitude, I honor your gifts.
Offering a humble thanks for all you have created,
With harm to none, so mote it be.
Take a few minutes to bathe in the glory of her presence, then release your
hands down to the ground, allowing any excess energy to flow back into the
Have a seat and enjoy your cakes and ale. This is important as you need to
ground yourself after working with such power. By having earthly items to
consume, this helps the process of bringing you back to this realm.
The waning Moon is a time for reflection, and also shedding what you no
longer need or want. Any kind of banishing spells should be worked in this
time, as it is ideal for working with the shadow side of magic. Things that
are unclear or having a negative impact on your life can become clear or
obstacles removed during the waning Moon.
The New Moon is my favorite of all the Moon aspects because it represents
new beginnings. Anything you want to begin, kick off, or start should be
done during the New Moon. This is a great opportunity to set spiritual goals
for yourself that you can nurture and grow as the Moon grows fuller.
Referring to the Elements

Like I said, there are several ways to break down correspondences for
understanding and uses. My recommendation is, as you read through this
section, to make notes in your Book of Shadows so as to organize your mind
and thoughts later on.

I will lay these out in two different ways:

Through the elements;
By zodiac signs.
By no means does this include every set of correspondences out there. You
could potentially cross-reference every planet, color, gemstone, animal, or
other attribute for a complete rundown on correspondences... but that is not
the purpose of this book. My intention here is solely to give you a solid
foundation on which to build your knowledge.
Resolute. Emotional. Melancholic. These are just some of the qualities we
associate with the Earth.
Below is an easy table to find correspondences for this element, though I
included one of each associated Gods and Goddesses only because of the
wide variety of pantheons that exist. Once you become familiar with the
correspondences, it will be easy to choose a deity whom you want to
include in your ritual.



Divine Aspect


Cardinal Point




Time of Day

Night/M idnight




Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn


Dragon, snake, bear


Earth, Venus



Black, brown, green, white


Ivy, grains, maize, root vegetables, peat moss

(earth smoke)


Tiger's eye, emerald, agate, bloodstone

Spell Use

Life, growth, money, abundance, sense of touch,

agriculture, strength, protection, fertility


Baal, Zeus/The Great Goddess, M other Earth

Mutable. Ever-changing. Floating.
Air is such a sweet element, one that is necessary for life to exist. It is the
element that rules all communication and intuition. Below are its



Divine Aspect

M asculine

Cardinal Point




Time of Day

Dawn/early morning


Wand and incense


Gemini, Libra, Aquarius


Eagle (all birds), insects, sphinx


M ercury, Jupiter


White, pale blue, all pastel colors, vibrant yellow


Vervain, primrose, any plants or herbs that make incense



Blue topaz

Spell Use

Intellect, communication, intuition, the astral plane,



M ercury/Hera

Warm. Volatile. Destructive.
One of the most beloved elements, Fire is extremely powerful... and while it
is destructive, it also makes room for what can be rebuilt or renewed



Divine Aspect

M asculine

Cardinal Point




Time of Day

Noon/M idday




Aries, Leo, Sagittarius


Salamander, horse, lion


Sun, Jupiter, and M ars


Red, orange, gold, crimson


Dittany, hibiscus, garlic, hot peppers, red poppy, rose


Amethyst, fire opal, garnet

Spell Use

Love, sexuality, transformation, leadership, inspiration




Flowing. Cool. Powerful.
Water comes in many forms, from a light mist falling on a summer's day to
roaring waves slamming into ocean side cliffs.



Divine Aspect


Cardinal Point




Time of Day



Chalice, bowl, cauldron


Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces


M arine animals, sea mammals, crocodile


M oon, Neptune


Blue, black, green, clear, all colors related to water


Lotus flower, reeds, sea weed, myrrh


Pearl, sea salt, coral

Spell Use

Sensuality, change, psychic ability, purification, healing


Poseidon, Neptune/M arina, M inerva

Why do we need correspondences? I mentioned how it packs a powerful

punch but, even more significantly, when using cross-purposed tools, it can
lead to the flop of a spell. For example, if you are doing a spell for
abundance: using a red candle, calling upon Poseidon to assist, at noontime,
with incense to direct the energy, chances are it will be a very muddled
message that reaches the universe!

Using the correct correspondences can help with sending a clear message,
connecting you closer to the Divine. Think of it like a combination lock;
unless you have the correct numbers, you won't be able to open it.
The Role of Zodiac S igns

To further enlighten you about the correspondences, we will now take a look
at the Zodiac signs. You will notice a lot of cross-over but that's OK! It will
make it easier for you to design spells and increase your retention rate of the
information laid out for you.
Tying the correspondences with astrological signs is important because the
timing of the year can impact your spellwork. By working magick in a
specific sign, you can pull the energies from that zodiac to bolster your
spell. Just like seasons, moon phases and colors, the astrological calendar
can provide you with focus, allowing you to hone your intent into an arrow,
surely to hit its mark.
Aquarius - January 20-February 18
The planet Saturn rules this zodiac sign, and the day of the week is Saturday.
The element that corresponds with this enigmatic sign is Air, and the season
is winter.
Aquarians are thinkers, idea creators, and fantastic to brainstorm with. They
enjoy their freedom, yet are not fans of change. Some can even be aloof to
maintain their free-spirited lifestyle.
The stone associated with this sign is amethyst, and all colors correspond
with it, especially vibrant blue. Flowers and plants that fall under this
zodiac are foxglove, snowdrop, violets and daffodils. Herbs best used with
Aquarius are lavender and patchouli.
Pisces - February 19-March 20
Not surprisingly, Pisces is a Water sign, mutable, changing, with winter as
Ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, this sign is known to be both emotional and
sensitive, often hiding their true self from those around them. Pisces does
not handle reality well, yet flourishes in the imaginative or creative fields.

The day of the week that corresponds with Pisces is Thursday, and the
colors are lavender and sea green. Their stone can be the amethyst or
emerald, depending on how close the date is to the cusp of Aquarius.
Jasmine, eucalyptus, and patchouli work rather well with this sign.
Aries - March 21-April 19
This notable Fire sign is ruled by Mars, which also correlates directly to the
God of War. This does not mean it is a violent sign, just headstrong and
The season associated with Aries is spring, and the color is red. Tuesday is
this sign's day of the week, and noontime is perfect for casting a spell
utilizing the masculine power of Aries.
Juniper and frankincense are perfect when working with this sign, as well as
thistle and wild roses. Stones that correlate to Aries are bloodstone, garnet
and ruby, all of which can be used in spells involving leadership and
Taurus - April 20-May 21
This down-to-Earth sign is a stable, unchanging and loyal zodiac which is
ruled by the planet Venus. Spring is its season. The color best associated
with it is green or teal blue, and the stone that works best with this sign is
sapphire. The day of the week for Taurus is Friday.
Taurus is represented by the bull, often passive but which will attack when
angered. This is the same for the zodiac: if you are working magick within
its realm, it can be very helpful when casting loyalty spells or removing
obstacles from your path.
Gemini - May 22-June 20
This spring loving sign is ruled by the planet Mercury and the element of
Air. Variety is the spice of life for Gemini and, with the symbol being the
twins, can speak on both sides of an argument. The color best associated
with Gemini is yellow, and appropriately the flowers and herbs are yellow
rose, marjoram, gladiolus and orchid.


The day of the week for this zodiac is Wednesday and the stone is
tourmaline. Working with this sign can be challenging given its ever
changing nature. Some signs are best left to coexist happily on the calendar
and not in spellcasting.
Cancer - June 21-July 22
Ruled by the Moon, this sign is exactly like its depiction, the crab. Soft and
compassionate on the inside, hidden away behind a hard outer shell, is the
best description of Cancers. It is also a Water sign, and its day of the week
is Monday.
Working in Cancer is the best aspect for home and hearth spells, as this is
the sign of homemakers and domestic issues. Colors associated with this
sign are pale blue, pearl, and silver, and the best stone to work with is
moonstone. Summer is the season associated with Cancer.
Leo - July 23-August 22
A magnetic and magnanimous sign, Leo is a roaring lion, ruled by the
element of Fire and the Sun. With the biggest ego and flair for the dramatic,
this sign is a leader, a doer, and one of the most electric of all the signs.
Colors associated with this sign are blood red, gold, and yellow. Working
with marigold and hops are appropriate for this king of the zodiacs. Love
spells and career magick are best worked in the sign of Leo.
Virgo - August 23- September 22
Earth rules this steady sign, with the ruling planet of Mercury. Practical and
pragmatic, Virgo is an analytical sign, which is great if you are trying to
puzzle out a problem. Divination is the prefect magick to work in this sign.
Wednesday is Virgo's day and stones that correlate with this sign are jade
and sardonyx. Autumn favors this sign and the colors are navy blue, black
and gray.
Libra - September 23-October 22
This diplomatic sign is ruled by Air and the planet Venus, which is not
surprising considering Libra is all about compromise and balancing the right

thing to do. Very artistic, this sign would do well to help ignite your creative
The season of Autumn corresponds with this sign and the ideal stones are
sapphire, lapis lazuli, and opal. Colors that work well with Libra are
cerulean, green, and royal blue. Making an incense out of sandalwood,
thyme, and rose oil will help you with communication.
Scorpio - October 23-November 21
Darkness and mystery surround this sign, sometimes marked with a drive
close to obsession. Scorpio is ruled by Mars and the element of Water. The
day that corresponds with this sign is Tuesday, and colors are maroon and
dark red.
Spells for sexuality, deciphering right and wrong, as well as uncovering
hidden information are best under Scorpio. Stones that are best suited are
the ruby and snakestone. Autumn is the corresponding season for Scorpio.
Sagittarius - November 22-December 21
The last of the Autumn signs, the freedom loving Sagittarius is ruled by
Jupiter and the element of Fire. Because of the mutable Fire in this sign, it
can lead to instability. However, this is more dealing with idealism
combined with wanderlust.
Thursday is the day of the week for this sign, and the stones that are
compatible are topaz and amethyst. Ideally, working with all shades of
purple in Sagittarius from lilac to royal purple will lead to a successful
spell. Magick for traveling, love, and truth are best under this sign.
Capricorn - December 22-January 19
Serious and cautious mark this Earth sign, ruled by Saturn. Money spells are
ideal under Capricorn, especially for the long term. Winter is the season for
this sign and its stones are jet and onyx. The colors for this ambitious yet
unimaginative sign are black and brown.
Working magick for abundance is perfect here, especially on a Saturday, at
midnight. Capture the power of this zodiac through flowers and herbs such
as nightshade, dandelion and thistle.

As you can clearly see, there are many overlapping correspondences as
well as patterns you can spot through reading over this chapter. Like reds
are often associated with Mars (the red planet) and aggressive behavior.
Once you make these correlations, you will have a deeper understanding of
how to create your own spells that will be successful.


Chapter 3: Introduction to Candle Magick

Definition and Benefits

Candle magick is one of the most powerful and practical forms of magick
because of its simplicity and almost airtight guarantee to work. It is very
inexpensive, especially if you make your own candles which is a fairly easy
craft with tons of books and online resources from which to learn.
This specific form of magick is considered sympathetic, which is a term
used to describe using multiple correspondences to focus your intent and
achieve your goal.
Performing candle magick can be a singular spell or part of a larger ritual.
Its versatility makes it a staple in any powerful witchs tool box.
Whether you purchase or make your own candles, you must prepare them
before you use them in magickal work. Just like in the first book where you
learned to cleanse and consecrate your tools, you will do the same for your
candles. For best results, you will need some form of oil for your candles.
The process is a bit different than the one I explained previously. Because
you are charging your candle for a specific purpose, the oil you choose and
the method of consecration is essential to success.
Many witches purchase specialty oils from occult shops, which you are, of
course, free to do. For those of us working on a budget, simple olive,
saffron, or corn oil works as well. It's your intent that matters most!
Cleansing and Consecrating Your Candle

I think you will have understood it by now... Depending on your purpose for
the spell, you will need to choose your oil in accordance.
For example, if you wish an abundance of something, corn oil is a good
option. For peace, harmony and intuition spells, olive oil is the best option.
Once you have your candle and oil chosen, follow these simple steps to
prepare your candle for magickal use:
1. To attract something to you, dab some oil on the palm of your hand and

begin at the top, rubbing the candle downward. STOP at the middle;
2. Place your hand at the bottom of the candle, and rub the oil upward,
again stopping at the middle (if you rub the oil all the way up and
down, it will negate the magickal purpose);
3. When the candle is well coated, dab some of the oil on your third eye
(the center of your forehead, just above your brow) and in the center of
your chest.
4. Say this incantation over the candle:
May this candle be cleansed in the name of (your chosen deity),
Let it burn powerfully in the work of the Light.
By Fire, by Air, by Water, and by Earth
As I will, so mote it be!
5. Now state the purpose of your candle;
6. Using your athame, inscribe one or two words that summarize your
goal. For example, if you are doing a spell for abundance, begin
writing at the top to the middle Money Magnet;
7. Continue writing your goal on your candle beginning from the bottom
going up.
Your candle is now ready for your ritual!
To repel something from you, do the steps in reverse. Instead of rubbing the
oil from the top and bottom to the middle, begin in the middle and rub out to
the ends. Same direction for your inscription, beginning in the middle, for
repelling spells.
Candles and Correspondences

Working candle spells successfully requires an understanding of

correspondences, which is why I have been bringing up that topic again and
again thus far.
Almost everything in magic correlates back to understanding how various
colors, stones, herbs, planets, and elements affect the energies around us.
In candle magick, utilizing these correspondences is very important.

Many witches like to keep one candle, each honoring the God and Goddess
on their altar, or sacred space. For any ritual, you will want to have these
candles in place and lit at the beginning to invite the protection and guidance
of the Divine.
Depending on which sits best with you, gold or blue is typically used for the
God. Gold if you view him as the Sun God, and blue if you lean more
towards the Sky God. For the Goddess, silver or green is ideal, depending
on your view of Her. Silver representing the Moon Goddess and green for
the Earth Mother.
You can also interchange the colors for the Divine, depending on what kind
of spell you are working with. If you are planning to do Earth magic,
perhaps the blue and green candles will inspire your intent more powerfully.
For peace, psychic healing or other more ethereal purposes, gold and silver
may work better. It is all up to you!
As far as the other candles go, you can have colors representing the
elements. Silver or white for Air, red or orange for Fire, green or brown for
Earth, and blue or purple for Water are the ideal correspondences.
Molding candles into shapes (or purchasing them already molded) is
another way to add power to your spellworking. For example, if you are
looking to attract love or increase an existing love in your life, a red or pink
heart shaped candle will serve your needs well. You can be as mundane or
creative as you wish!
White candles are great for healing spells, while black is best for repelling
negativity. Since black is an uncommon color, I recommend stocking up
during Halloween season!
Tips for Working with Candle Magick

When performing candle magick, there are a few guidelines that you need to
First, unless the spell directs you otherwise, your purpose will not come to
fruition until the candle has burned to the end. For this reason, many
witches use short tapers, no longer than 4 inches.
If it is a spell with several steps to it, where each one is carved into a

different section of the candle, a long taper is best. Pillar candles are
perfect for your altar or sacred space because they will last a long time. You
can often find gold and silver pillars during the Christmas holiday season,
and picking up a few of each will ensure you have a stock for your God and
Goddess candles.
Never, ever blow out a candle nor pinch it. I cannot stress this enough. It is
tantamount to a slap in the face of the element of Fire. It is offensive and a
disregard for the power of the element. Even more significant than pissing
off Fire, when you pinch it, you pinch the power... So, your spell will not
work. Also, if you blow it out, you blow your desire away from you,
rendering your efforts useless.
Instead, use a candle snuffer or a lid (for a jar candle). You can also wave
your hand above the flame until you have enough of a breeze to extinguish
the flame. The best option is to just let a candle go out on its own, but it isn't
always possible, especially with large pillars.
Lastly, a note on safety: never leave a candle unattended. This is purely
common sense, but I like to remind initiates about this, especially those with
cats. These curious little creatures love magick, can sense the power, and
will come around checking out what you are doing.
One evening, I was in my kitchen, witch mode, preparing a meal for my
family. I had incense going, candles lit, and the Goddess Hestia was with
me, thankfully. The candles were behind me on the kitchen island as I was
stirring my sauce, and something nudged me to turn around. Just as I did, I
saw my dear Kitty on the island, checking out the candles, and I watched her
lower her tail onto one of the flames, catching her fur on fire!
It is funny now because she was not injured and, thanks to Hestia, I grabbed
a hand towel and put it out pronto. But imagine what would have happened
if I wasnt there or couldnt react quickly enough!
Kitty only suffered some singed fur, looking at me with a curiously tilted
head why I attacked her tail. Word to the wise: never leave candles
S pellcrafting on the Fly

Another great benefit of learning candle magick is that it can be done in


short order. When all else fails and you need to cast a spell fast, you can
perform one without casting a circle and with materials you have on hand.
This spell is an all-purpose when you need to draw something to you
quickly. You will need a candle of a matching color to you intent or a white
candle (serves as a substitute for any required correspondence), two pins or
needles (straight, not safety pins) and anointing oil (corn oil works well if
you don't have a specialty handy.)
First, cleanse and consecrate your candle using the steps outlined earlier in
the chapter, but with one difference: only write your intent on a small
section (approximately 1-2 from the top).
This spell is built for speed, and we only want the candle to burn for a short
period of time so it will take effect immediately.
Focusing on your intent, insert the first pin into the candle just below the top
of the taper and above your inscription. Say the following words aloud:
As the candle burns to this pin, the process of (declare your intent) will
Just below where you finished your inscription (should be no more than an
inch or two), insert the second pin, saying the following:
When the flame burns to this pin, the process of (repeat your intent)
will come to fruition.
As I will, so mote it be.
Now, light your candle and let it burn to the second pin before extinguishing
it. Your spell will be effective almost right away.
Candle magick is one of the most useful of spell workings. It is my standard
go-to, not only because of its power and effectiveness, but also because I
simply love watching the flames dance.
It is a Zen activity that can serve two purposes: achieving your intent and
centering your mind as effectively as meditation. Go forth and make candle
magick now!



Chapter 4: Introduction to Crystals & Gemstones

A History as Old as the Earth

For thousands of years, stones and crystals have enthralled us with their
power, mystery and beauty. From myths and legends to current events,
witches and muggles alike have believed in their energy, like the Hope
diamond being cursed or your birthstone being a lucky gem for the wearer...
Stones help us transform our lives by capturing their power and
understanding how to use it.
In fact, people have been using crystals and stones for as far back as there is
written history and, of course, throughout mythology. Created by Mother
Nature and all Her forces, crystals and stones are burned with fire, chilled
in ice, eroded with wind and crushed from the weight of the Earth. Each one
has their own energy, vibration, power, and unique story to share with us.
Crystals and stones can be used in so many ways in magick. Most
commonly, they are used as amulets and talismans for protection, love and
abundance. As mentioned earlier, they can be used to store energy for a
future use. I have stones all around my home, car, even in my purse.
Another magickal use for crystals and stones is for divination. Whether you
opt to purchase a set of rune stones or make your own, they are powerful in
helping guide you with any difficult decisions you are puzzling out. You can
even create your own Tarot deck with different stones representing Major
and Minor Arcana.
Choosing which crystals and stones to work with can be a daunting task.
Remember our earlier section on correspondences? Imagine trying to grasp
every correlation with every stone, gem and crystal ever made! Don't worry,
I will introduce you to the more common and most powerful stones to use in
your magick.
If you have the opportunity to research and find less common ones, I
encourage you to do so.
Finding the Right Crystal

Knowing what the colors, patterns, and meanings of the stones are is an

important key to tapping into their magick but so is finding reputable

Crystals and stones have energy, and we don't want you to become the next
legend of cursed stones!
Locating reputable sources is not difficult; it just requires a little hunting. If
you are fortunate enough to have a New Age or Occult store in your town,
great! Most of them carry a variety of crystals and will freely let you know
where they came from.
Be cautious as all touristy-type stores may charge more than what the actual
value is!
If you have questions about crystals such as types, what qualities to look for,
and size per price, check out, a blog to help you
answer all your questions.
eBay can be hit or miss, as there are some great reputable sources, but an
equal amount of scams. Etsy is a great site, as it is for artists and crafters
Anyway, always have a ruler handy when searching online, to make sure
you visualize the size of the crystal you are about to purchase.
Crystals come in various sizes, styles and quality. Obviously, the higher the
quality (less chips or cracks), the more money you will have to pay. It is
important for you to decide what will work best for you in your energy work
and what meets your needs.
Here is a short list of reputable sources for crystals, guaranteed the real
deal, and which offer fair pricing: Great value and decent pricing; Stones for every budget; An auction site with everything
from rough stones to jewel quality crystals.

You don't need to go out and buy hundreds of different stones, though over
the years you may end up gathering more than double that.

Here is a simple starting list that covers most of the major magickal uses for
crystals and stones.
Amber: corresponds with the element of Fire and is great for protection.
More details in the section on protection.
Amethyst: associated with the planet Jupiter and the element of Water. Its
magickal properties include healing, intuition and divination, love and
courage. When placed under your pillow, it will purify your dreams and
keep the demons of insomnia and nightmares away. It is a stone of peace and
Carnelian: healing stone, used to help with depression as well as quelling
anger, jealousy, and rage. The Sun is its ruling planet and, obviously, works
with the element of Fire. If you keep one in your pocket, it will help with
your confidence and bolster your courage when speaking in public.
Garnet: fiery stone, ruled by the planet Mars. It aids in protection as well
as strength. When worn in competition, it will boost your endurance and, for
rituals, it can act as an energy reserve. Because it is projective in nature, it
is perfect for protection. When charged, it creates a shield that protects the
holder from negative energies.
Lapis Lazuli: royal blue stone containing specks of golden pyrite. It is a
powerful healing stone, also used in love spells, specifically with regards
to fidelity and loyalty. It is relatively expensive in the gemstone family, but
worth having because of its broad scope of uses and powerful nature.
Quartz Crystal: the most popular of all crystals, and for good reason.
Ruled by the Sun and the Moon, it has the most uses. If you only purchase
one stone, let it be a quartz crystal. This stone helps with healing, psychic
abilities, protection and overall power. It is both receptive and projective,
so it can be used to neutralize or protect. Holding one in your projecting
hand can reduce a fever.
Tiger's Eye: best used for money and abundance magick as well as
protection. Roman soldiers used to carve runes into this stone for protection
in battle. Ruled by the Sun, it gives courage and strength to the weak,
helping to protect the less able.
Tourmaline (green, pink, blue and black): they come in a wide variety of

colors and possess their own unique powers. The stones themselves are
transparent when looked at from the side, yet opaque when looked at from
either end. They become polarized when rubbed, almost acting like a
magnet. Green is best for money and abundance spells, while pink for love
and friendship. Blue is used for peace and harmony, and black is rarely
found but used in Earth spells for protection.
Cleansing and Consecrating Gems

Once you have your crystals, as always, you need to cleanse them before
you can perform any magick. It is very easy but necessary.
Whether it is one you personally dug out of the ground or purchased from a
reputable source, the crystal will contain energy. You see, when crystals
touch any other living being or inanimate object that has been imbibed with
energy, it absorbs and holds it. But you never know what type you will come
across when you first receive your crystal. It could be bad and
harmful...Thus, the need for cleansing.
There are many ways to proceed and you just ought to be aware what
methods are best for the crystal you have chosen.
Moonlight/Sunlight cleansing is a wonderful and easy way to purify the
energy in your crystal. Moonlight is best for amethyst as the sun will cause it
to fade. Sunlight, on the other hand, works great with quartz crystal.
Whichever method you choose, place your gem in direct line of the
Dont worry if it is cloudy or overcast weather, the rays will still penetrate
your crystal and cleanse it. For both moonlight and sunlight, 24 hours of
direct contact should be sufficient. If you are working with a stone to banish
negativity such as rose quartz, vitrine or black tourmaline, leave it out in
your chosen light for at least 48 hours.
There is no limit to how long they can sit in the light for purification, so if
you are going away or forget that you set out crystals for purification,
nothing bad will come of it.
Salt is another method of cleansing, but there are some crystals who
deteriorate when in contact. Using salt water is a very quick and thorough
method of cleansing your gems; however, there are many that have adverse

reactions to it because they are porous, contain water or metal.

To be on the safe side, you can reference in a quick Google search for your
particular gem or avoid this method altogether and choose one that does not
require contact with salt.
If you do decide to go through:
Take a bowl and fill it 2/3s of the way up with salt, preferably sea
Choose a smaller bowl that will fit inside and place it so that it is
submersed halfway up in the salt;
Put your crystal in the smaller bowl, so it is not making contact with
the sea salt;
Pour a little bit of purified or moon water into the smaller bowl, just
enough to cover the crystal (the salt will purify the stone, absorbing all
the energy in it while the water protects the stone from any drifting salt
Leave your gem in the water for a few days;
Once your gem is cleansed, remove it and dry it with a natural cloth
such as cotton or silk, and throw away the salt as it holds all the energy
from the crystal it absorbed.
Earth is a wonderful purifier, as that is where the crystals are formed. For
this method to work, you will need a natural fiber bag and a trowel or
something with which to dig and scoop.
Find a nice patch of earth, free from chemicals or pesticides, and dig
up enough to fill a medium size bowl;
Scoop the earth into your natural fiber bag and take it home;
Choose a bowl that will hold the earth, empty your bag, and place the
crystals directly into the earth;
Let them rest in the earth for 5-7 days;
When the crystals are cleansed, dust them off with a natural cloth, and
deposit the earth back from where it came;
Bring a little bit of water with you and pour it over the earth used in the
cleansing and thank Mother Earth for her energies.
Cleansing should be repeated as needed. For example, if you use a stone

in a particular spell and want to use it later with a different intent or

purpose, re-cleanse the crystal. Also, if it is one that helps repel negativity
or transforms negative energy into positive, it will need to be cleansed
every week or two. You will know when the time is right, by sensing the
energy within the crystal.
Why Cleansing Is Crucial: A S tory

To emphasize the necessity of purifying your crystals, the story of the Hope
Diamond is one with an impressive and dark history.
While some facts remain uncertain, what we do know is that in 1668 a
French merchant by the name of Jean-Baptiste Tavernier stole a large
diamond from the temple of Rama in India. In retribution for the thievery, the
priests charged the stone with extreme negative energy, essentially
cursing the diamond.
The beautiful jewel, known as the Tavernier Blue, French Blue, and
eventually the Hope Diamond, was sold to King Louis XIV. Marie
Antoinette frequently wore it, including it in her private collection. The
diamond was stolen once again in 1792, during the French Revolution, and
the French Blue as it was known then was never seen again. It resurfaced in
1839 when Thomas Henry Hope acquired it.
This is where the Hope diamond we know today got its name. It was not
officially confirmed until 2005, when a 3-dimensional lead model of the
French Blue was found in the archives of the French Natural History
Museum. It became clear the Hope Diamond was cut from this dazzling
stone. What makes the Hope Diamond unique is the color it turns when
under ultraviolet infrared light. The Hope Diamond and her sister stones
derived from the original French Blue are the only blue diamonds to glow
red hot under infrared, which only fuels the theory of the curse placed on it
by the priests.
It is said that anyone who comes in contact with the stone will be touched by
the curse.
Need some prime examples?
Jean-Baptiste Tavernier was mauled by a pack of wild dogs;

Jacques Colet, who purchased the stone in the early 1900s, committed
Prince Ivan Kanitovski, who bought it from Colet, was killed in the
Russian Revolution;
Mademoiselle Ladue, who borrowed the stone, was supposedly
murdered by her lover;
Simone Menicharides, who possessed the diamond briefly, was thrown
from a cliff;
Abu Sabir, who was commissioned to clean the stone, was imprisoned
and tortured;
Kulub Bey, a guard of the stone, was hanged by a mob in Turkey;
Nicholas Fouquet, who reportedly wore it once, was disgraced and
died in prison.
While the history of the curse of the Hope Diamond is a nefarious tale, there
are nuggets of truth to every legend. The lesson to be learned is to always
cleanse your crystals!
Empower Your Gems

Now that your gems are pure, it is time to drive some power into them! We
took away the energies they had collected, and now we are going to give
them our own vibrations to help us in spell work.
You want to get familiar with your crystal, and vice versa. Choose a quiet
space, hold your crystal in your receiving hand (non-dominant hand), and
observe its colors, striations, shape, size and visual properties.
Close your eyes and send out psychic feelers to the crystal, like little white
energy-filled fingers from your mind, sensing the make-up of the crystal. Let
the gem speak to you.
Keeping your eyes closed, gather energy into a small white ball in the center
of your chest. Hold it there, letting it gain more power, getting brighter with
more energy.
When you have a lovely white ball of swirling energy, visualize it traveling
down to your dominant hand (projecting hand). Place your projecting
hand over the crystal and release the energy from your hand into the crystal.
Voil, you have just empowered your crystal!

It has your energy now, and it will respond to what you want it to do for
Using Crystals for Protection

With all the negative energy that pervades our beautiful world, with the help
of crystals, you can keep from dragging it around with you, into your home
and your sacred spaces.
Negative energy can come from an infinite number of places. The more
natural occurring energies such as electricity, storms, plus the man-made
negative sources such as cell phone signals, radio waves/antennas, can all
permeate our life to the point where we feel heavy.
Utilizing crystals perfect structure and ability to absorb energy make them
ideal for protection.
Crystals can be used in the safeguarding of your home, car, business,
children, pets and, of course, yourself. Just like with any purpose, there are
crystals whose properties suit us best for defense.
Some examples are:
Black Tourmaline: it is perfect for deflecting negative energy directed
at you, like psychic attacks. If you plan on attending a large pagan event
such as a festival or ritual, it is recommended to have a black
tourmaline with you, fully charged for defending against anyone trying
to play psychic vampire and take your energy;
Amber: here is a good choice for getting rid of negative energies.
When moving into a new home or office, placing a piece of amber by
the doorway will help neutralize any incoming harmful energy;
Quartz: also an excellent choice for protection. Bury four-pointed
quartz in the corners of your property, points facing away from your
home. These will act as deflectors or transmute incoming energy into
Smoky Quartz: it can protect you in the workplace from other
peoples stress. Place one on your desk, charging it to keep a bubble
around your area and everyones negative vibes away from you;
Fluorite stones: these are great for concentration and focus, with the
side benefit of transforming negative energy into positive. Keep a

charged fluorite handy on your table where you study or work, and you
will stay productive;
Green Aventurine: it can act as a shield to protect your energy,
especially emotional energy from your heart. Keep one on your person
to ensure your energy is kept inside you!
You will notice, as we delve deeper into the understanding of the extensive
uses of crystals, that some of the same types pop up for different uses.
Crystals have individual properties as well as their own electromagnetic
vibrations. The intent is the trigger to tap the vibrations, so the crystal
will work in harmony with your goal.
For instance, the lodestone is a magnetic stone, drawing what you want to
you. It can be used for a variety of purposes such as power, healing,
attraction (of anything), friendship and love, fidelity, business and money to
name a few. It can be confusing, with all the different uses for just one stone.
However, using lodestone in combination with rose quartz would be a
powerful way to project intent on your gemstones, by attracting love to you.
See what I mean?
Protection is important in the magickal world, as energy is constantly
flowing all around, through and inside us. Practicing focusing your intent for
protection will help you master it, thereby keeping harm at arms length.
S uper S urge S pell

Here is a simple spell for protection, one to keep on your person.

You will need a small amber stone, cloves, salt, a teaspoon of olive oil and
a small vial/bottle that fits in your purse or pocket.
Bring all your items to your sacred space and place them together;
With your projecting hand hovering over the objects, close your eyes
and think thoughts of protection, such as a white ball of light
surrounding the items;
Once the said items are charged with the power of protection, place the
salt, amber and cloves in the vial;
Top off with the teaspoon of olive oil. Seal the bottle tightly and hold it
in your hands;

Visualize the white energy inside the vial growing to envelope you,
creating a bubble.
Keep the vial with you, recharging it once a week. If you are feeling nervous
or entering a situation where you do not feel comfortable, just shake the vial
for a super surge of protection.
Crystals for S uccess and Abundance

The crystals most commonly used in abundance magick are typically green,
yellow or occasionally blue.
Jade, citrine, peridot and moss agate are great choices for bringing
wealth into your life. The green color represents money, luck and
prosperity. The yellow is a fire color, perfect for transmutation or changing
luck for the better. Blue is the combination of all these properties.
With abundance spells, it would be remiss not to mention the Law of
Attraction as the two work hand in hand.
The first part of the law of attraction is gratitude: to attract more money,
be thankful for what you already have. Maybe you want a raise at work
but be grateful for the job you have and the pay you receive first.
If you want a new car, be thankful for the one you have or, if you dont have
one, be thankful for public transportation or any other method you use to get
around. It is impossible to feel negatively when you are thankful, or feeling
When an abundance spell fails, it is often because of a mental block, when
we believe that we currently dont have enough cash. If you are
experiencing negative feelings about money, you need to shift your mindset
before you perform any abundance energy work.
To feel good about money, write yourself little notes and place them inside
your wallet, on your checkbook, anywhere you will see them when you are
thinking about money.
Some examples of good reminders are:
I am grateful for every dollar I have ever received in my life;

I am thankful for the money to pay my bills.

And dont forget to actually FEEL thankful when reading and repeating those
The second part of the Law of Attraction is visualization. See with your
minds eye, use pictures or any other method to see what you want to
draw to you. Feel as though you are already in possession of your desire.
Imagine the things you will do, how you will act.
Smell what it is like to be abundant. A new perfume or cologne perhaps?
Taste what abundance is like; maybe lobster or champagne and caviar?
What does abundance sound like? A rock concert, an opera?
What does abundance feel like? Touching a faux fur coat? Caressing your
hand along the sand on the beach while on a tropical vacation?
Experience all your senses with abundance as the stimulus.
The last part is to believe. Believe wealth and abundance are yours to take,
that you deserve them, and they are happening here and now.
This can be the most challenging step and, therefore, is the most critical. It
ties directly into the confidence factor in magick: if you do not believe, it
will not happen.
Henry Ford once said, Whether you think you can or you cant, youre
right. And nowhere is this truer than with magick!
Wealth Attractor S pell

For this spell, you will need jade, clear quartz (amplifier) and citrine. You
will also need a pen, post-it notes and a small, green cloth bag/sachet in
which to hold your spell.
Take a post-it note and write on it:
I am attracting wealth and abundance every day and I am so grateful
for it!


Smile and feel grateful as you write it, remember every action and feeling is
Hold the crystals in your hand, resting on top of the post-it note and say this
By the power of three times three, bring money to me. Let it harm
none, as I will, so mote it be.
Place the gemstones in the pouch with the post-it note and carry it with you
wherever you go. Every day, twice a day, take out your pouch and read the
post-it note. Close your eyes and repeat the chant.
Do this for one month. You will be surprised at the changes you will bring,
even within a week of this practice.
For success in business, it is important to follow the Law of Attraction but
also to match your actions to your intent. For example, if you want to
increase traffic to your online business, yet you dont do anything to promote
it, magick wont help you! You must do your share!
Magick works with you, in harmony with your actions. Casting a spell and
just sitting around waiting for something to happen is foolish. Ensure you
are taking the appropriate steps such as gathering emails and sending out
offers to your mailing list, for the aforementioned example. Think of magick
as your little secret weapon to help boost you. Like a turbo charge in a
sports car. Sure, it runs just like any other car, but switch on the turbo boost
and zoom!
Business Booster S pell

The best stones for success in business are green aventurine and tigers eye.
For this spell, you will need one specimen of the latter, a pen, paper and
three green candles.
Find a spot on a table, mantle or, if you have one, use your altar for this
(you will want the space to remain undisturbed for as long as it takes
your candles to burn down; you can use any size green candles, and if
they are long burning, you can always put them out and relight them
next when you are free to supervise them);

First, write your intent on the piece of paper, be clear and descriptive
with what you want for an outcome. For example, to use the example of
traffic to my website, I would write:
Bring me customers and clicks to my website, let all the people see
just how great my business is and share it with the world! As I will, so
mote it be!
Place the paper in the center of the space and put the tigers eye on top;
Surround the crystal with the three green candles;
Light each one, repeating your intent as you do;
Let the candles burn down until they go out naturally (if it takes more
than one session, that is fine);
Once the candles are out, take the tigers eye and wrap it in your intent
Bury it in the ground, and watch your business grow!
With all that you have learned up to this point, you are well on your way to
becoming a great witch. The power is yours to have and keep traveling on
your journey to the Divine.


Chapter 5: Kitchen Magic

The Occult Powers of Food & Home Crafts

If you have seen any of the Harry Potter movies, you have probably seen the
students in their potions class, concocting seemingly vile solutions that
smell rank, cause boils, and can burn through anything but cast iron.
If that is the image you have of kitchen witches, I hate to break it to you:
that's not how it works!
Kitchen witches are essentially hearth witches, creating the most beautiful
magick through food and home crafts. There is nothing like walking into the
home of a kitchen witch, feeling the palpable hum of the magick that
surrounds her, the scents of fresh herbs, and the radiant light emanating in
the kitchen.
Becoming a kitchen witch is quite simple, but it begins with a love for
creating food. Notice I said creating and not cooking. Anyone can throw a
meal together, but there is something sacred about the ritual of taking
fresh ingredients and putting them together with intent.
Some guidelines to turning your kitchen into a haven for magickal
Have a look at your kitchen: is it organized and inviting? If not, make
some changes. Look at some Feng Shui ideas to create a better flow in
your space. You don't need a big kitchen to do it in, just more
Keep fresh herbs handy and display them in mason or decorative jars;
In the days of old, all cooking was done on the hearth, over an open
flame. Now, we have gas or electric stoves. Treat this as your hearth.
Create a space just above it that may hold a candle or symbols of your
craft to keep your intents fresh in your mind's eye;
Have your cookbooks readily available for reference. And keep your
Book of Shadows handy as well, to include recipes that produce
particularly successful results.
Always keep your kitchen clean and organized, just as you would treat your
altar or sacred space. The kitchen is ALSO your sacred space!

Food and Correspondences

Just like with stones, different foods correspond with different intents. I am
sure you can name a few aphrodisiacs off the top of your head.
For example, to ignite a flame between lovers, cook a meal that includes
asparagus and then some fruit like blackberries or strawberries for dessert.
Olives are another good food to prepare to light the fire of sexual desire.
The core of an apple, when cut in half, is shaped like a pentacle; so, it is
common to use apples in meals or crafts for protection.
Simple correspondence rules apply to food, in most cases. For example, if it
is green, more than likely it can be used in fertility, abundance, and money
magickal workings.
If it is long and shaped like a phallus, it can be used to increase sexuality
and virility.
Healing foods tend to be comforting and soothing like chamomile or
Some interesting magickal uses for herbs and such in the home is oils. You
can buy them or create your own. Typically, these are not the oils you
consume, but those can certainly be created by you as well.
Using essential oils like tea tree can be used in a wide variety of spells
from healing to protection. Most herbs have medicinal properties and, while
this is the gray area that blends kitchen witches with more common witches,
it makes it nonetheless a great area to study.
Cinnamon in your coffee will bring you prosperity. Throw salt over your
right shoulder when you spill it. When the broom falls over without anyone
touching it, company is coming. All of these little tidbits make up a
kitchen witches' life, as it is a way of living, not an instant in time.
Remember that making a meal from scratch isn't unlocking your potential as
a powerful witch. Your rebirth and evolution come from living the life every
day, every action, every step. Be aware of your intent; whether whipping
your kids lunch together or preparing for a romantic dinner for two, what
are you thinking about? What is your intended outcome?

Need to change someone's attitude towards you? Bake them a dessert with
honey in it! It will sweeten them right up and perhaps help change a
destructive relationship into constructive. This one is good for in-laws or
Just as important as the foods you pick is the manner in which you prepare
them. I don't mean whether you boil, braise or grill your meal, but how you
handle the preparation, putting your energy and intent into the ritual.
Preparing a meal can be just as much a ritual as casting a circle and
drawing down the Moon.
Kitchen witchcraft is all about making the mundane and everyday into
something magical. Being able to help a friend on short notice with what
you have in your cupboard that is the mark of a great witch.
Do you have what it takes to be a kitchen witch? Get down and dirty and
give it a go!
Kitchen S pell for Peace & Harmony

Always begin with a clean space. This also means clean energy, so be sure
to smudge your kitchen with sage before beginning.
The meal is ultimately up to you, but here are some ingredients/recipes you
may want to include:
Lavender, because it is a soothing herb. One perfect way to add this
into a meal is in a salad or make lavender lemonade, one of my
favorite beverages. Kids love it too, which can help keep them at a
dull roar during holiday meals;
Create an appetizer or dessert made with honey. One of my favorites
is honey baked brie cheese with macadamia nuts. All you have to do is
crush some macadamia nuts and toss them in a shallow cooking dish
with a round or wedge of brie cheese, pour honey over it all and bake.
Serve with croustades or crackers.
Setting your table is as important as the meal itself. Smudging the room you
will be eating in is essential for removing any negative energy. Once it is
done, lay a calming scent into the room like gardenia. If you have access to
the actual flower, it will make a beautiful centerpiece. If not, just scented

candles will work well.

If you are serving the whole family for the holidays, place people at the
table where it will be most harmonious. For example, don't put your spinster
aunt who dislikes children next to your three year old. There will definitely
be discord!
Put people next to one another that will incite good conversation, without
heated arguments. Being mindful is half of creating your intent to a perfectly
harmonious meal.
Wear calming colors like soft, muted blues or purples. If neither of these
work for you, stick to white but avoid red at all costs. Vibrant oranges also
can promote negative or aggressive emotions. Yellow is a sunny color, and
generally can promote happiness but it isn't always a good color for all skin
In the center of your table, place a decorative bowl of water. I like to use a
pillar candle surrounded by stones or shells, to make it beautiful and make
my intent a little more subtle.
Place your hands over the bowl and say these words:
Power of water, flowing through all living things,
I ask thee to absorb all negativity,
As I will, so mote it be!
This will charge the bowl to capture any potentially negative, unseen
energies in the room once your guests have arrived. It is handy for large
parties or sit-down dinners. Just choose a central location for your bowl.
Your food is prepared, your table is set and you are dressed and ready.
Perfect! Now, before your guests arrive or you join your family, take a
moment to sit and visualize what you want the meal to be like. Include
smells, like gardenia and lavender as well as your fabulous cooking, sounds
such as laughter or polite chatter, sights such as everyone smiling, children
behaving, and most importantly, feel peace in your heart.
Now go and enjoy yourself!


Chapter 6: Introduction to Divination

What Divination is Not!

The art of divination is another powerful and fruitful magickal working.

Uncovering the hidden forces that surround you is enlightening and can help
you on your journey to a deeper connection with the Divine.
If you have in mind a gypsy-looking woman sitting at a clothed table in a
dim room, surrounded by colorful stones and other magickal knick-knacks,
gazing into a crystal ball and telling you what the future has in store for
you... Stop!
Divination is not fortune telling, and you cannot predict the future.
Certainly, there are people with the gift of foresight, ESP, and true mediums
in the world. They are few and far between, and most you see advertised
online are just looking to make a quick buck on your back. Call me cynical
but it is a rare gift that so few have and most often are not open to sharing
with the world.
While you cannot tell your future through divination, it can be used to
uncover things you may not be aware of, or show you potential
outcomes. Part of the challenge of predicting the future is that we have free
will. Our choices place us on our path, just like you made the choice to read
this book. Our choices define who we are as people, witches, human beings.
Different Types of Divination

Being an art, the only way to hone your skill is through practice. Just like a
budding artist begins with sketching, understanding shapes and scales, then
graduating on to different mediums such as watercolors or acrylic paint, a
witch must do the same. To become good at it, or even reach expert level, it
requires practice.
As artists have their preferred mediums for creating masterpieces,
witches have their preferred methods of divining. With such a wide
variety to choose from, a powerful witch typically has one or two methods
they prefer and practice regularly. The more common tools are Tarot cards,
runes, the pendulum, and various items used in scrying.
The Tarot

Within each of the disciplines is another broad variety of tools from which
to choose. The Tarot, for one example, comes in hundreds of different forms.
There is the traditional Major and Minor Arcana which is the most common.
A deck consists of 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana, totaling 78
There are many different oracles to choose from, some with pantheon
themes like Celtic or Norse mythology, and others that have the Angels and
other Christian symbols. For someone crossing from Catholicism into
Paganism, the Angel deck is often comforting, like maintaining a connection
to your previous belief system.
Once you have chosen your deck, it is essential that you get to know your
cards. Spend time looking over them, reading up on their meanings and get a
sense for what they mean to you. Let them speak to you. The more you do
this, the more in tune your cards will be with your energy, and much more
effective in helping uncovering the hidden.
Tarot spreads have just as many variations as there are decks. Choosing
which one to use is often dependent on what you want answered. You can do
spreads that help with the big picture, long term life decisions, or get as
specific as to what your day will hold tomorrow. However, the most
common is the Celtic Cross, which directions for are often included when
purchasing a deck.
The Celtic Cross is a six card spread that helps with a specific situation.
As with all types of divination, take a few moments before beginning to
center yourself and quiet your mind. Focus on the question you want to ask,
without trying to answer it or see the potential possibilities that may be the
outcome. That is the job of the cards.
Shuffle the cards with your eyes closed (if you can, without letting them fly
all over the place) and stay focused on your question. Repeat it over and
over in your mind or out loud. Should a card pop out while shuffling, keep it
to the side. Sometimes, the energies around you make a card pop out on
purpose, something that may be of important significance that you need to
know right now.
The first card will show you who/where you are right now;
The second card, which is placed directly above the first card, will

describe the basis of the situation;

The third card, placed to the right of the first, will be what hinders or
challenges you;
The fourth card, placed below the first card, is what helps or supports
The fifth card, placed to the left of the first card, will be what the new
focus is of the issue;
The final card, placed below the fourth card, is your old focus or
preoccupation with the situation.
Interpreting the cards is where the art comes in. You spent time getting to
know your cards, they have imbibed your energy, and are working with you
to help guide you in your choices. Remember, we always have free will,
regardless of what the cards tell us.
The first step to interpreting the cards is to write your divination down.
What spread you used, the time of day, what your question was, and what
cards were revealed.
Look at the spread as a whole and at the individual cards. Write down your
interpretation; after a week or so or when something comes to pass about
your issue, go back and review your notes. To this day, with decades of
experience, I am so surprised when I discover things panned out exactly as
the cards told me it would. It's like magick!
Caring for your deck is simple and essential. Keep your cards in a cloth bag
or just a piece of silk. I keep my Celtic Wisdom deck wrapped in a length of
Irish lace knitted by my great grandmother. It's the little things that matter in
magick, using things that have power and meaning to you is what makes your
energy unique.
Working with runes is very similar to working with the Tarot. There are a
plethora of stones from which to choose, such as glass, wood, stone or
ceramic. They are inscribed with the magickal symbols of their origin.
Germanic, Celtic, Scandinavian or Norse are the most common.
Typically, they are kept in a bag. I prefer a purple velveteen material as I
associate purple with divination. It is entirely up to you what you keep them
in, just make sure the vessel is breathable. You don't want to suffocate your

Just like shuffling the cards to start your divination, shake the bag while
focusing on your intent. Reach into the bag and pick out one rune at a time.
You can do any kind of casting from a one stone to something more
complicated like Odin's Nine Layout. Choose the casting that suits your
Always record your casting in your Book of Shadows or keep a separate
book just for divination. This can help keep your magickal works organized,
and good for referencing later down the road. I usually mark particularly
successful readings so I can go back to them for referencing time of day,
what day of the week I did it on, etc.
Record keeping is an important part of growing your power as a witch!
A quiet mind and steady heart is needed for pendulum divination. It can be
done without the use of any special tools, as you can make your own
pendulum by hand. Choose a stone, amulet or pendant that you can cleanse
and consecrate. Tie it with a string or place it on a chain that is about the
length of your forearm. Boom, your pendulum is created!
You will need to align your energy with the pendulum each time you use
it. To do this, on a piece of paper, cardboard or card stock that will be
permanently kept with your pendulum, write yes on the left side of the
paper and no on the right side. Before you go for your real interrogation,
ask the pendulum questions you already know the answer to so that your
energy is aligned with it.
For optimal results, ensure your elbow is firmly planted on the table. Grip
the string or chain from the end so the pendulum swings freely but not so
low that it touches the table. Quiet your mind before asking the pendulum
any question.
Examples of baseline questions are:
Do I live in (name of your town)?
Am I a man/woman?

Watch how the pendulum swings to the correct answer. If, for some reason,
it answers opposite of the truth, rotate the paper and ask a few more
questions you know the answer to, so you ensure the energies are aligned
To begin, write your question in the center of a letter sized piece of paper.
Pendulum divination is a simple method with only two or at most four
potential responses. When you first start, choosing a yes or no question
is best.
Now that you know which direction is yes and which is no, from your
energy alignment exercise, you can ask your question to the pendulum.
Record your entire ritual so you can look back at it for reference. Always
remember to include details like the day, time, and even moon phases or
seasons are helpful bits to include.
Another word for scrying is gazing, which is one of the more challenging
forms of divination, but quite popular.
Going back to the gypsy woman fortune teller image; yes, crystal balls can
be used for this method, as well as a bowl of inked water, a flame or fire,
smoke, or a mirror.
Whichever method of scrying you choose, the preparation is much the same
as for any other method. For the most successful rituals, you must be
centered and clear of mind. Doing meditation prior to divination is a best
practice that most witches use. It is helpful in calming the heart as well,
especially if you are particularly anxious about something.
The purpose of scrying is to see the answers or clues to your issue
within the medium. Have you ever been mesmerized by a blazing
campfire? Just sitting there, zoning out, watching the flames dance all
around the wood? You were practicing divination without even knowing it!
Keep your focus on your issue and open your mind to let the answers flow
naturally to you. Record what you see, and use it for reference later on when


Divination is an art and skill that takes time to build, and every powerful
witch has one form or another that they rely on to help maintain balance in
their life. The answer to your future may not be in the cards, but certainly
they can shed light on issues you come across on your life's journey!


Conclusion: Advancing on the Road to Power

In the first book, you learned how to build the foundation of power,
beginning your journey to your magickal rebirth. Now, at the end of the
second volume in the series, you have built the house in which your power
will continue to grow through practice and everyday dedication to the craft.
The correspondences are a critical element that binds all of magick together.
The thread that connects all things, and a veritable power that will help you
cast successful spells time and time again. By using the right tools, our focus
is laser sharp on our intent, thereby creating a message that will be heeded
by the universe and acknowledged by the Divine.
From understanding correspondences to kitchen witchery to divination, you
are learning all the skills that a true, powerful witch has on which to build a
connected, joyful life. These are not exclusive skills to those who are born
into it, nor for specially initiated witches-in-training. These are for you, and
I share them because I want you to tap into the power that is within, the
Divine spark that can grow into a roaring flame!
Keep good notes in your Book of Shadows and create more volumes when
needed. They serve as a wonderful tool, better than any book or teaching
guide, because they are your own experiences and they contain the seeds of
your power. Always remember, do as ye will and may it harm none.
Blessed be, my fellow witch!


Excerpt from the Next Book:

S even Days of Living the Path of Power

Because being a powerful witch isn't all about casting spells when you need
them or running around with amulets swinging from your hip, I have
included a week in the life of a powerful witch. How using energy everyday
can grow your power, connect you to the Divine, and build a fulfilling and
successful life.
Day 1: Aura Cleansing
Seeing auras is not that difficult; it can however take some practice. You
need to simultaneously relax your eyes as well as make your vision blurry.
Dont look directly at the subject but more at the area surrounding the
person. Soon, if you keep at it, youll notice the glow.
Unfortunately, over time, they can get dirty from negative thoughts, other
peoples bad energy. Here is an exercise for you to cleanse your aura,
whether you can see it already or not:
You will need a bowl filled with water and 7 pinches of salt (seven is
a very powerful number, and is often used in magick);
Place the bowl next to you on a counter or table. Make sure you are
aware of its location as you will
Stand and close your eyes, imagining a dirty white cloud surrounding
you (kind of like Pigpen from Peanuts);
Set your hands in a claw-like shape and scrape the dirt off your aura
surrounding your body (you dont actually touch yourself, just the aura
which is about 3-6 inches around you);
Once you have run your hands across your aura, you are holding
negative energy and you need to discard it into the bowl of salt water
for neutralization;
Continue to do this until your aura is clean and you can imagine a
bright, soft white light surrounding you;
Take your bowl of water and dispose of it outside, away from your
While the negative energy is neutralized, the waters power has been used
and should be returned to the earth to recycle.

Interestingly enough, I have found I feel almost lighter, as if the negative

energy had been weighing me down.
When you have completed your aura cleanse, write down in your Book of
Shadows what you did and how you felt when you were done. The
information is very valuable!
Day 2: Shower Cleansing
Similar to the aura cleansing, this is to help shift your mind to a more
positive way of thinking.
When we are in the shower, naked and vulnerable, we tend to think.
Sometimes, it is about how we look, what is happening at work, or what our
plans are for the day or night. No matter what, our minds are constantly
going, whether we are aware of it or not.
In this exercise, you will be releasing negative thoughts and seeing them
go right down the shower drain. Get your shower going and, first thing,
before doing any washing, stand facing north with your arms folded across
your chest, close your eyes and repeat:
By the powers of the north and earth,
I release all negativity!
Thrust your hands down to your sides. Say the command with force and
thrust your arms with force.
Turn clockwise and face the east and place your hands back across your
chest. Say the following:
By the powers of the east and air,
I release all negativity!
And once again thrust your arms forcefully down. Its an effective feeling if
the water is running over you when you do it, and when thrusting you
actually throw water down, like physically casting off the negativity.
Turn and face the south, arms crossed, and say:

By the powers of the south and fire,

I release all negativity!
Lastly, repeat the same position and face the west, saying:
By the powers of the west and water,
I release all negativity!
Let the water run all over your body from the top of your head and watch it
swirl into the drain. You will feel so good doing this!
Often, I get vibrational shivers, as if I can feel the negative thoughts and
energy leaving my body, leaving me with a refreshed and energized feeling.
When you are done with your shower, grab your journal and jot down notes
on how you felt and any steps you changed or did in addition to the original.
Day 3: Finding Your Spirit Animal
Some pagans or witches call it your familiar. I lean towards the Native
American view on this, where it is an animal that represents your inner soul
or spirit.
Everyone thinks they want something cool or edgy like a tiger or a wolf.
This exercise is very easy as long as you keep an open heart and mind. Even
the smallest creature holds great power.
Native Americans use drums in many rituals because it is a conduit for
building energy. If you are fortunate enough to own one, feel free to use it in
this ritual. If you are like me, I search around YouTube looking for a good
Native American drum beat. Using your own drum has a unique power
signature, so if it is possible for you, I recommend it. It wont affect the
outcome if you use a recording, though. Remember, the tools we use only
help us focus. As long as you maintain focus, you dont even need a drum.
This is one of those rituals I would ensure you will not be disturbed. It is
one in which it requires you to drop your ego. First, choose a space (either
indoors or out) that you can move around and dance in freely. Start by sitting
and letting the drum beat fill you up.

Breathe deeply and feel the rhythm of the drum.

Visualize the energy of the earth coming into your body like roots to a tree.
Continue imagining that the energy from the earth extends from your body,
like growing branches. As your energy grows, so does the tree.
Relax and allow the energy to flow through you and expand.
Once you feel deeply connected, stand up. If you are drumming, keep doing
so and take the rhythm up a notch. In a clockwise motion, start to move in
any way you like to the music. Keep your heart and your mind open, and let
your ego stand down.
Begin dancing and, as you do so, mentally call out to the universe inviting
all animal spirits to join you in your dance. You will start to feel spirit
presences around you, perhaps even hear a roar or a birdsong. Keep
dancing in a clockwise circle, paying attention to how you are moving your
feet and, if possible, your arms. Continue communing with the animal
You will feel a connection to one, almost as if it slipped into your body, like
a part of your soul. This is your spirit animal, or your familiar. Greet them
and dance with them for a while. Stop dancing when you are ready, and
slow down your breathing. Welcome your spirit animal and get to know
Be sure to write this experience down in your journal! As you get older or
events happen in life that shift your perspective, chances are your spirit
animal will change. This is a good ritual to perform every so often to
connect with your spirit animal. During challenges in life, it is good to feel
connected to your familiar and gain strength and wisdom from them.
Day 4: Banishing and the Rule of Three
There are always things we do not want in our lives. It could be something
as small as weeds growing in our driveway to an extra ten pounds that we
want to lose, or more serious things like a relationship that is longer healthy.
Banishing is by no means dark magic, but keep in mind for every action of
energy, there is an equal and opposite reaction. That is the basis of the rule
of three.

Something else to keep in mind, the universe has a quirky sense of humor, so
be careful what you wish for! An example would be if you want to banish
your boss, have them out of your life for good. If you do a banishing spell
with that intent, the universe may respond by you losing your job. Your wish
is the universes command.
Choosing how to word things is imperative in any spell casting. Often, it is
better to flip it to manifest what you do want in your life. If you want to lose
weight, then a good plan would be to focus on being the perfect weight, or
choose a specific size you want to be. If you want to be rid of an unhealthy
relationship, then manifest a healthy relationship.
Banishing can come in handy, though. If you have been feeling negative, or
perhaps your home has some negative energy in it, then this will be perfect
for you. You will need sage, a piece of paper, pen, and a candle. Two small
dishes as well, one for burning the sage, the other for your paper.
First, write down what you want to banish. In this case, negative energy is
the culprit.
I want to banish all negative energy from my home,
and negative thoughts from my mind.
May this spell harm none. So mote it be!
Once you have written your wish, light the sage. Watch the smoke as it flows
around your space and visualize it dissipating the negativity.
Now, light your paper on fire and place it in the dish. Watch it as it burns,
thinking positive thoughts as it carries your desire up into the universe.
When it is completely burned and not hot, take the dish outside and cast the
ashes into the wind. You should start feeling an immediate benefit from this,
and over time it will grow stronger.
You can repeat this anytime you like, or even just burn a little sage in a room
you want to cleanse. Sage acts as an all-purpose energy cleanser.
Day 5: Growing/Increasing the Good in Life


This is one of my favorite spells to cast in the spring. It is a time of rebirth,

renewal and new beginnings. For this spell, you can do it one of two ways:
you can purchase a small flower pot, some potting soil and some plant seeds
or you can just plan to sow your spell straight into the ground in your yard
or a spot you often visit.
You will once again need pen and paper to write what it is that you want to
increase or manifest. Love is a wonderful one for this; if you want to grow
love into your life, write down as specifically as possible what you want.
An example would be:
Bring love into my life,
One that will grow and stand the test of time.
Love that will light the flame of passion,
Starting as a sprout and growing for years to come.
May it harm none, as I will, so mote it be!
Fold your paper up and place it in the bottom of your flower pot. Top with
potting soil and plant your seeds into the pot.
Care and nurture for your seeds as they grow into sprouts and on to
blossoms. What I love about this ritual is the plant serves as a constant
reminder for you to focus on your goal.
Remember, you must act in harmony with what you want to manifest. If you
want love in your life, make room for it. If you are a workaholic and have
no time to have a love life, you arent welcoming love into your life. Try
sleeping on one side of the bed. Make space in your closet for another
persons belongings. Make time in your schedule for social events. Act as
though you are receiving what you want, and the universe will deliver.
For more... watch for the release of the last book in our Magickal Rebirth


Table des Matires

About the Author
Introduction: Magickal Evolution - Advancing on the Path
to Power
Chapter 1: From Neophyte to Intermediate
Beyond the Basics
Build Your Personal Amulet
Protection Spell
Chapter 2: Make Your Magick Stronger by Using
Understanding the Relationships
Referring to the Moon
Referring to the Elements
The Role of Zodiac Signs
Chapter 3: Introduction to Candle Magick
Definition and Benefits
Cleansing and Consecrating Your Candle
Candles and Correspondences
Tips for Working with Candle Magick
Spellcrafting on the Fly
Chapter 4: Introduction to Crystals & Gemstones
A History as Old as the Earth
Finding the Right Crystal
Cleansing and Consecrating Gems
Why Cleansing Is Crucial: A Story
Empower Your Gems
Using Crystals for Protection
Super Surge Spell


Crystals for Success and Abundance

Wealth Attractor Spell
Business Booster Spell
Chapter 5: Kitchen Magic
The Occult Powers of Food & Home Crafts
Food and Correspondences
Kitchen Spell for Peace & Harmony
Chapter 6: Introduction to Divination
What Divination is Not!
Different Types of Divination
Conclusion: Advancing on the Road to Power
Excerpt from the Next Book:
Seven Days of Living the Path of Power



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