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installation & user guide

48VCD-1 Telecom Battery Monitor

If your mission-critical IT environment includes an extensive telecom network, you probably have a
battery-backup system to insure that the telecom system stays live even in the event of a power failure. The
ability to monitor the charge state of these batteries can be crucial, especially if theyre located in remote,
unattended installations such as cell towers, central switching facilities located in suburban or rural areas, or even
just a building on the other side of your companys campus. But the standard 48V, positive-ground system used
in telecommunications equipment presents a unique monitoring challenge, since its polarity is completely
opposite to the voltages commonly used in other types of monitoring equipment (including the WeatherGoose).
How do you monitor a positive-ground battery system when your monitoring devices are all designed for
negative-ground sensors, without causing a short circuit between the two?
The 48VCD-1 Telecom Battery Monitor is an inexpensive solution to this problem. This simple device
provides the necessary signal conditioning to convert the relatively high input voltage range of 16 ~ 60VDC to
a proportional 0 ~ +5VDC signal suitable for use with the WeatherGoose monitoring systems analog-sensor
inputs, and also incorporates protection circuitry to help prevent incorrect hookups from destroying either the
sensor device or the Goose itself. By setting appropriate trip points on the Goose's alarm page, you can receive
automatic notifications of potentially dead, discharged, or overcharged battery banks based on the measured
voltage across the batteries, giving you advance notice of potential problems without needing to constantly send
someone out to measure the battery voltages manually.
The 48VCD-1 Telecom Battery Monitor is directly compatible with any WeatherGoose (series I or series II)
monitoring unit which has analog-sensor inputs; such models include the WeatherGoose, SuperGoose, and the
MiniGoose/XP. Models which do not have built-in analog inputs, such as the MiniGoose, will require the use of
an appropriately-programmed CCAT analog-to-digital converter to use an 48VCD-1. Models which do not
provide connections for either analog or digital external sensors, such as the MicroGoose, are not compatible with
the 48VCD-1.
NOTE: The 48VCD-1 has been manufactured in several physical variations since its initial appearance. The
following installation and usage instructions assume that you are using the rev.B tubular version, pictured
below. If your 48VCD-1 Telecom Battery Monitor does not look like this, you may want to refer to
to determine whether you have a rev.A model, and make note of the appropriate wiring instructions for that model
before proceeding further. (Both models are identical in function, but their physical appearance and wire colors
are different.

48VCD-1 Telecom Battery Monitor, Rev.B (current model)

48VCD-1 48V Telecom Battery Monitor users guide Rev. A-101 (Nov. 2010)

The first step is to connect your 48VCD-1 to the WeatherGoose unit. When you look at the 48VCD-1 device,
youll see a set of wires coming out of each end:



One pair consists of two heavier-gauge wires, one red and one black, ending in ring terminals; this pair
connects to the battery or batteries that you wish to monitor. The red wire connects to the (+) battery terminal,
while the black wire connects to the () terminal.
The other wire pair consists of two thinner wires, also one red and one black, encased in white outer insulation.
This is the signal pair, which connects to the WeatherGooses analog-input terminals or to an appropriatelyprogrammed CCAT interface, depending on your installation and Goose model; this connection will be shown in
more detail in the following sections.
PLEASE NOTE THAT POLARITY IS IMPORTANT! While the device is protected against backwards
connections, you will not get the correct readings from the device if either the battery pair or the signal pair are
connected improperly.
One of the protections included inside the device is a self-resetting fuse; in the unlikely event that an incorrect
hookup results in a short circuit through the device, the fuse will open up to a high resistance to effectively cut
off the current flow. If this happens, the fuse may take several seconds to reset once the voltage is disconnected,
so if you hook up the 48VCD-1 and get no readings (or nonsense readings) from it, disconnect the device and let
it rest for about 10~15 seconds before trying to reconnect it, to give the fuse time to reset itself.
The input range of the device is 16 ~ 60VDC, to provide sufficient overhead for increased voltage across
the batteries during the charging cycle. Note that the 48VCD-1s measurement circuitry is powered from the
batteries it is connected to, so the batteries need to have a charge of at least 16V in order for the 48VCD-1 to
operate; if the battery voltage falls below that level, the device will not operate correctly and will either read 0V,
or give unstable readings that jump randomly between 0V and the incoming voltage level.
The illustration below shows a (much simplified) example of how to connect the 48VCD-1 to a battery bank
and charger. Here, each battery is a 24-volt deep-cycle lead-acid battery, with the six batteries wired in a
series-parallel combination; each pair of 24V batteries wired in series (via the blue wires) provides 48V (with the
positive side going to ground), and the three pairs wired in parallel (via the red and black wires) provide increased
current capacity. The 48VCD-1, connected across the paralleled sets, monitors the voltage of the battery bank as
a whole.























Connecting the 48VCD-1 to the Analog-Input terminals:

The following diagrams demonstrate how to connect your 48VCD-1 Telecom Battery Monitor directly to the
spring-loaded analog-input terminals used on most of the standard series-I and series-II WeatherGoose product
lines. (Note that specialized models, such as the PowerGoose and RelayGoose, use different styles of terminal
blocks; while the connections will be the same electrically, the mechanical nature of the connector will be
different than the one shown here. If necessary, refer to the manuals for those specific models for further details
on how to connect analog sensor devices.) Each terminal consists of two openings; a larger, square opening at
the bottom, where the wire will be inserted, and a smaller, narrower opening above which is used to open the
spring-loaded jaws inside the terminal block so the wire can be inserted.
Note that the neither the terminal jaws on the WeatherGoose, nor the terminal block on the current transformer
itself, are insulation-piercing types; therefore, the insulation must be stripped at least prior to insertion.

First, insert a small flatblade screwdriver into

the upper slot...

...pry upwards to open

the spring-loaded jaw...

...slip the sensor wire

into the larger bottom

...then pull out the

screwdriver to allow the
jaw to close around and
grip the wire.

This diagram shows the correct polarity to connect a 48VCD-1

to the analog-input terminals on a WeatherGoose.

Red wire (+) can go into

any numbered terminal

Note that this applies to all models of the WeatherGoose family,

regardless of series or model; the 48VCD-1 must be connected
with the correct polarity, or the unit will not function and the
Gooses input circuitry could be damaged by incorrect connections!
CAUTION: unlike some types of analog sensors, the 48VCD-1
cannot be doubled up; i.e. you cannot connect two or more of
them in series or parallel so that they share a single analog input!
Attempting to do so can damage both the sensors, and possibly the
WeatherGoose analog inputs as well!

Black wire (-) can go

into either C
(common) terminal

BLACK wire with ring terminal

goes to () battery terminal

RED wire with ring terminal

goes to (+) battery terminal


Sensor operation and behavior:

Once youve successfully connected the 48VCD-1
Telecom Battery Monitor to your WeatherGoose, the
internal-sensors display block of the Sensors page will look
something like this: (NOTE: for purposes of this example,
the 48VCD-1 has been connected to Analog Input #1 of a
WeatherGoose-II with v3.3 firmware; the use and operation
of the 48VCD-1 will be similar for other models, but the
on-screen displays may differ somewhat.)
In this first screenshot, the 48VCD-1 is connected, but
there is no voltage present at its input terminals. Notice,
however, that the displayed reading at the Analog-1 input
is not 0, as would normally be expected; instead, its
showing a reading of 16. This is an unavoidable
consequence of the way the 48VCD-1s circuitry works, in
combination with the weak pull-up resistor built in to the WeatherGooses generic analog inputs. With no input
voltage to the 48VCD-1, its signal-generation circuitry has no power to operate, so the Analog-1 input on the
WeatherGoose is able to float to a level slightly above zero as the internal pull-up resistor, which normally
supplies a small amount of loop current for dry-contact switch-type devices, tries to pull the input up towards 5V.
(The protection diodes inside the 48VCD-1 prevent the input from floating all the way up to 5V). At first glance,
this would seem to be a problem for getting accurate readings from your battery bank however, a reading of
16 on the WeatherGoose display would represent an input voltage of less than -10V at the 48VCD-1 terminals
(more on how this is calculated in a moment), which is actually below the devices specified operating range of
16 ~ 60VDC anyway. (Plus, in practical terms, a 48V telecom battery bank would typically be considered
functionally dead long before its output falls to 10V, or even 16V, to begin with.)
Here, we have applied 24VDC to the sensors input
terminals, and the WeatherGoose is now showing a reading
of 31. Why 31, and not 24? This, too, is a characteristic
of the way the generic Analog Inputs on a WeatherGoose
work. The WeatherGoose has no way of knowing what
kind of sensor is actually attached to the Analog Input, so it
simply scales the 0~5V input to a generic reading of 0~99;
it is up to the user to interpret the reading in terms of what
type of sensor is actually connected to the input terminals.
To convert the displayed reading into the true
voltage, use the following formula:
voltage = (0.72 X displayed reading)
In this case, 0.72 X 31 = 22.32V which is a bit low,
but still within the 48VCD-1s rated accuracy of 5%
combined with the WeatherGooses sampling accuracy of 2% on the Analog Input ports. These measurements
are, admittedly, not quite as accurate as those from a properly-calibrated voltmeter, but they are the inherent result
of the technical trade-offs necessary to make a simple-to-use sensor that could both self-power itself from the
same voltage source its trying to measure (eliminating the need for an additional power supply or internal
battery) and provide shunt-diode and fuse protection to both itself and the WeatherGoose unit in case of incorrect
accidental hookups. However, this accuracy is easily good enough to track charge/discharge trends, especially
for a typical lead-acid battery bank which generally show a wide swing between the typical charged, discharged,
and overcharged conditions to begin with.

Finally, we see the unit with 48VDC applied to the

sensor. The reading of 70, multiplied by the conversion
factor of 0.72, gives a value of 50.4V, which is still
within the combined accuracies of the 48VCD-1 and the

The graph shown below demonstrates the range of displayed readings vs. battery voltage typical of the
48VCD-1 Telecom Battery Monitor when it is connected directly to the Analog Input terminals of a
WeatherGoose monitoring system.

Analog Input Reading

sensor does not

10 operate below -16V

0 -3 -6 -9 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -3 -3 -3 -3 -4 -4 -4 -5 -5 -5 -6
2 5 8 1 4 7 0 3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7 0

Battery Voltage (5%)

Alarm-threshold settings when connected directly to an Analog Input:

If you are using a Series-II unit:
To set an alarm threshold to notify you when
the 48VCD-1 detects that the battery voltage has
dropped below your desired limit, simply go to
the Alarms page, click the
under the Gooses internal-sensors block, choose
the Analog Input to which the 48VCD-1 is
connected (Analog-1 in this example), set
to Below and the threshold to the desired voltage
level as calculated above; then, select the alarm actions you wish this alarm threshold to trigger, along with a
trigger delay or alarm-repeat interval if desired, and click
To calculate the proper threshold for the desired voltage, simply divide the desired voltage by 0.72, as follows:
alarm threshold = (voltage 0.72)
(Note: dont forget to keep your signs correct; i.e. make sure you divide a negative voltage by the negative
conversion factor to get a positive alarm threshold! If you miscalculate and put a negative alarm threshold into
the alarm-settings box, the alarm will never trip because an analog-input reading cannot go below zero!)
In the example shown here, we are setting an alarm threshold of 36V by setting the trip point to 50 (i.e.
36 divided by 0.72), so the associated alarm notifications will trip if the battery voltage falls below 36V. If
you also want to set an overvoltage threshold, simply set
type to Above instead of Below. (Be sure to
take the battery-charging systems output voltage into account, or else your overcharge alarm will keep tripping
every time the battery charger kicks in!) If you wish to monitor for both over- and under-voltage conditions, then
simply repeat this Add New Alarm process to attach a second alarm threshold to the analog input, and set the
thresholds and actions accordingly. (You can also set escalating thresholds this way, by adding multiple alarms
to a given sensor; refer to the user guide for your particular model of climate monitor for more information on
how to do this.)
If you are using a Series-II unit with
a firmware revision prior to v3.4.x, your
alarm-settings block will look like this.
Alarm-threshold settings are calculated and
programmed the same way as above; the
only difference (aside from the lack of
trigger-delay and alarm-repeat intervals,
which were introduced in v3.4) is that the
alarm types are named High Trip and Low Trip instead of Above and Below, respectively. High Trip alarms
are tripped when the reading goes higher than the set threshold, while Low Trip alarms are tripped when the
reading goes below the threshold.

If you are using a Series-I unit:

Find the sensor block on the Alarms
page for the Goose units internal sensors,
threshold to the desired
then set the
voltage threshold and the
threshold to 110, as shown here, for the
input which the 48VCD-1 is connected to,
to the action(s) you
then set the
wish to take place when the trip threshold(s)
are exceeded and click
. (The
input being used here, #1, is highlighted for clarity.) Since the Analog input cannot go above 99, this will
effectively disable the High Trip event, which is generally not needed if you are only monitoring for a low-battery
condition. Thresholds are calculated using the same formula as given above, regardless of series or firmware
If you wish to monitor for overvoltage as well, then set both the
desired voltages.


thresholds to the

If, for some reason, you wish to only monitor for the over-voltage condition, and not for under-voltage, then
set the
threshold to the desired voltage limit, and set the
threshold to -10 to disable it.

Connecting the 48VCD-1 to the CCAT-48:

If you are using an ITWatchdogs monitoring device which does not have built-in analog inputs, such as the
MiniGoose-II, or if you have already used up all of your analog inputs on other sensors, then you will need to
attach the 48VCD-1 Telecom Battery Monitor via an appropriately-programmed CCAT analog-to-digital bus
interface module, available from IT Watchdogs. The following diagram shows how to hook up and use a
48VCD-1 in combination with a CCAT-48 interface module.
(Note: the CCAT has been manufactured in a couple of different physical variations over the lifetime of the
product. If your CCAT does not seem to match the appearance of the one shown below, you may have an earlier
model, and may wish to consult the CCAT User Guide to insure the correct hookups.)
Note that the same cautions apply to using the CCAT as to the internal Analog Inputs; i.e. correct polarity
must be observed when connecting the 48VCD-1, and multiple units may not be connected in series or parallel to
share a single CCAT connection! Again, the wires will need to be stripped, as the terminals are not of an
insulation-piercing type. However, they do not need to be stripped back as far as they do for the Analog Input
block; a -inch of exposed wire will generally be sufficient for the style of terminals used on the CCAT.
red wire goes into the terminal marked RD or (+)

BLACK wire with ring terminal

goes to () battery terminal


RED wire with ring terminal

goes to (+) battery terminal



black wire goes into the terminal marked BK or (-)

Sensor operation and behavior when connected via a CCAT-48:

Once youve connected the CCAT-48 to the monitoring unit, a new sensor block will appear, initially titled
-48Vdc Sensor. (This name can, of course, be changed from the Display page to something more specific to
your installation.) If your CCAT does not initially display as -48Vdc Sensor, do not proceed further, as your
CCAT is not correctly programmed for this sensor and will not display its status properly! (In this event, contact
IT Watchdogs technical support for assistance.)
In this first screenshot, the 48VCD-1 is connected to the
CCAT-48, but there is no voltage present at the 48VCD-1s
input terminals. (Note that if you have connected the
CCAT-48, but have not yet wired up the 48VCD-1 to it, the
reading shown may drift randomly; this is normal for a
floating input on a voltage-measurement circuit such as the
CCATs A/D converter chip, and nothing to worry about.)
Notice that the displayed reading is not actually
0.00V; rather, it is drifting randomly around 1 ~ 1.25V. This is not unusual; with no input voltage to the
48VCD-1, or at voltages below the devices specified operating range of 16 ~ 60VDC, its signal-generation
circuitry has no power to operate, so the input to the CCAT-48s analog-to-digital measurement chip is able to
float and drift slightly away from a true 0V level.

Here, we have applied 24VDC to the sensors input

terminals. The actual displayed voltage is 22.61V which
is a bit low, but still within the 48VCD-1s rated accuracy
of 5% combined with the average sampling accuracy of
2% on the A/D measurement chip used in the CCAT.
These measurements are, admittedly, not quite as accurate
as those from a properly-calibrated voltmeter, but they are
the inherent result of the technical trade-offs necessary to
make a simple-to-use sensor that could both self-power itself from the same voltage source its trying to measure
(eliminating the need for an additional power supply or internal battery) and provide shunt-diode and fuse
protection to both itself and the WeatherGoose unit in case of incorrect accidental hookups. However, this
accuracy is easily good enough to track charge/discharge trends, especially for a typical lead-acid battery bank
which generally show a wide swing between the typical charged, discharged, and overcharged conditions to begin
Finally, we see the unit with 48VDC applied to the
sensor. The displayed voltage, 50.33V, is now reading a
bit high but still within the combined accuracies of the
48VCD-1 and the CCAT-48.

Alarm-threshold settings when connected via a CCAT-48:

If you are using a Series-II device:
When you go to the Alarms page, youll find
that a new settings block has been added there as
well, also titled -48Vdc Sensor. To set an alarm
threshold to notify you when the 48VCD-1
detects that the battery voltage has dropped below
your desired limit, simply simply scroll down to
this new settings block, click the
button, set set
to Above and the threshold
to the desired voltage level; then, select the alarm actions you wish this alarm threshold to trigger, along with a
. Note that since the CCAT-48 displays
trigger delay or alarm-repeat interval if desired, and click
the sensor reading as a properly-scaled 0 ~ 60V value, there is no need to convert the desired voltage threshold
into a 0~99 value using a formula; simply enter the desired voltage threshold directly.
In the example shown here, we are setting an alarm threshold of 36.0V, to notifiy us of when the battery
voltage falls below 36V. So why, you may be wondering, is
set to Above rather than Below, if were
looking for a voltage lower than the set threshold? Because were dealing with negative numbers and
mathematically speaking, 35 is greater than 36, even though in real-world terms it represents a lower battery
voltage and since the WeatherGoose, being a computer, thinks in strictly mathematical terms, when it goes
to compare the current sensor measurements against the alarm threshold(s) set for that sensor, its going to see
this alarm as a condition of 35 is greater (higher) than 36, therefore trip the alarm, or 37 is less (lower)
than 36, therefore dont trip the alarm, regardless of how counterintuitive that might seem to its human operator.
Therefore, it is very important to keep this mathematical behavior in mind when setting your alarm types and
thresholds, or the alarms will not work as expected!
To set an over-voltage threshold, simply set the alarm type to Below instead of Above, then set your threshold
accordingly. (Be sure to take the battery-charging systems output voltage into account, or else your overcharge
alarm will keep tripping every time the battery charger kicks in!) If you wish to monitor for both over- and
under-voltage conditions, then simply repeat this Add New Alarm process to attach a second alarm threshold
to the 48Vdc Sensor block, and set the thresholds and actions accordingly. (You can also set escalating
thresholds this way, by adding multiple alarms to a given sensor; refer to the user guide for your particular model
of climate monitor for more information on how to do this.)

If you are using a Series-II unit with

a firmware revision prior to v3.4.x, your
alarm-settings block will look like this.
Alarm settings are programmed the same
way as above; the only difference (aside
from the lack of trigger-delay and alarmrepeat intervals, which were introduced in
v3.4) is that the alarm types are named High Trip and Low Trip instead of Above and Below, respectively.
High Trip alarms are tripped when the reading goes higher than the set threshold, while Low Trip alarms are
tripped when the reading goes below the threshold. Otherwise, the behavior is the same as above, including the
need to keep the strict-mathematics behavior described above in mind.


If you are using a Series-I unit:

Find the sensor block on the Alarms
page for newly-connected CCAT-48, then
threshold to the desired
set the
voltage threshold and the
to -99, as shown here, for the input which
the 48VCD-1 is connected to, then set the
to the action(s) you wish to take place when the trip threshold(s) are exceeded click
This will place the Low Trip event well below the 48VCD-1s operating range of 16 ~ 60VDC, effectively
disabling it since it isnt needed for this application.
If you wish to monitor for overvoltage as well, then set both the
desired voltages.


thresholds to the

If, for some reason, you wish to only monitor for the over-voltage condition, and not for under-voltage, then
set the
threshold to the desired voltage limit, and set the
threshold to 99. Since the reading on
a CCAT-48 can never exceed 0 (i.e. go into positive voltages), this will disable the High Trip event, which is not
needed if you are only interested in overvoltage.
When setting your thresholds, be sure to take into account the strict mathematics behavior of the
WeatherGoose unit, as described in the section above; this behavior applies to both series-I and series-II devices.


48VCD-1 Telecom Battery Monitor

Appendix A: revision A vs. revision B models
The Telecom Battery Monitor device has been manufactured in two different physical variations over the
lifetime of the product: the current grey tube design, also known as the Rev.B model, and an older Rev.A black
box design. Although both are functionally identical, their appearance is somewhat different, especially when
it comes to the wire colors. While the Rev.A black box has long been discontinued in favor of the current
Rev.B grey tube design, the following information is provided as a convenience to those users who may have
purchased the older model in the past and still have it in service.
Telecom Battery Monitor, revision A:
The rev.A model, pictured here, consists of a small
circuit board sealed in a small, black rectangular box, with
a set of paired wires coming out of each end.
The first pair, consisting of a yellow wire and a white
wire, are connected to the battery, with the white wire
going to the positive terminal and the yellow wire going to
the negative terminal. The second pair, consisting of a red
wire and a green wire within a white outer insulation
sheath, is the signal-carrying pair which goes to the
WeatherGooses analog-input terminals or to the CCAT48, with the green wire going to the C or () terminal and
the red wire going to the numbered analog input or (+)




The Rev.A models behavior is otherwise identical to that of the Rev.B, so the rest of the information in this
user guide can be followed without modification when it comes to alarm settings and sensor-page readings.

red wire goes to

numbered terminal





connection via
the built-in

green wire goes to

C (common) terminal

red wire goes into the terminal marked RD or (+)


connection via
the CCAT-48

green wire goes into the terminal marked BK or (-)







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