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Student Name: ________________________________________

Date: ________________________

Making Plans for ...

(Individual Transition Planning ITP)

Dear Student (and Parents):

This year, you will be asked about your plans and goals for the years after you leave high school. This
worksheet will help you consider your goals, aspirations, and your options for life after high school. Use this in
conjunction with the Cost of Living worksheet to consider how your living costs may interact with your
You will be asked to think about questions like:
What kind of job or career do I want?
What kind of recreation and leisure activities do I want to do?
In which community activities do I want to participate?
Do I want to continue to live with my family or live on my own?
Do I want to go to college or vocational school?
This form will help to:

Guide you in making your plans and goals.

Remind you of some choices you have made in the past.
Give you names of agencies that may help you reach your goals.
Help you plan school and community activities to match your future

The following are some possibilities for you to consider:
My work experience includes: __________________________________________________________
I want a full-time job as a: _____________________________________________________________
I want a part-time job as a: ____________________________________________________________
A job coach might be helpful to teach me my assigned duties.
I might be interested in a sheltered setting where I could get extra help with developing work skills and
learning daily living skills.
I wont need a job as soon as I leave high school because I will be a full-time student.
I havent made any decisions, but I am working on it.


My favorite things to do are:
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________

My future housing plans after high school include:
I want to live on my own in a house or apartment.
Question: How will I pay for this living arrangement?
I want to continue to live with my parents or relatives.
I want to live in my own house or apartment, but will need support from time to time from someone who
can help me.
I am interested in living in an apartment or group home where there is help and supervision.
I am willing to relocate for a job opportunity.
I would like to participate in the following community activities:
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________


Some educational/training choices to consider:
I want to go to college full-time at _______________________________________________________.
I want to go to college part-time at ______________________________________________________.
In college I want to study to be a _______________________________________________________.
I want to learn a job or trade in:

Job Corps at ____________________________________________ center.

a vocational/trade school at _____________________________________


an apprenticeship program at ___________________________________

another program at __________________________________

The job or trade I want to learn is _______________________________________

I want to take adult education classes.
The classes I want to take are _________________________________________
I dont plan to go to school because Ill be working at a job.
I havent decided what I will do after high school, but I am working on it.
My top three career choices are:
1. _____________________________________


3. _____________________________________
I need information on the following agencies:
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
o Drivers license
o California State ID
Far Northern Regional Center (FNRC) Client? Yes ____ No ____
o Referral for services
o Other
Department of Rehabilitation (DR) Client? Yes ____ No ____
o Help with job training and placement
o Help with educational costs
o Uniform, clothing for a job
o Tools for the trade I am pursuing
o Other
Child Protective Services (CPS)
ROP/Career Education
____ Adaptive equipment

____ Transportation

____ Selfprotection

____ Dating/Family Planning

____ Daily Living Skills

____ Counseling

____ Money management

____ Conservatorship

____ Medical/Health Issues

____ Respite Service

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