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Important Battles of Islam

A battle or Military Expedition in which the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took part in
himself with a large army is called in Arabic, Ghazwa. The Imams and Scholars
have reported and narrated the number of Ghazawat plural of Ghazwa differently.
According to Imam Bukhari (RA) 17 battles took place. Imam Muslim (RA) narrated 19.
Hakim (RA) narrated 21. Others have said 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27. Ibn Ishaq (RA) has
quoted that 27 is the correct amount and majority of the Muhaqqiqeen have agreed on
this number. Ibn Ishaq (RA) narrated that out of these 27 battles, in only 9 of them
fighting took place. They are the Battles of: Badr, Uhud, Bani Mustalaq, Khandaq, Bani
Quraizhah, Khayber, Fathu Makkah, Hunain, and Taif.
A battle or Military Expedition in which the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did not participate
in, and instead deputed a group of his illustrious companions in the form of a smaller
army is called in Arabic, Sariya. The number of Saraya ( plural of Sariya)
reported start from 36 up to 100. Ibn Ishaaq has given preference to 47. The Chart
below lists the Ghazawat that took place in Islamic History between (2 A.H. thru 9A.H.)
Name of Battle
Date of Battle
No Fighting

Al Bawaat
Al Ushayrah
Al Badr
Banu Nadheer
Al Rajee (Bir
Al Ahzaab
Banu Quraizah
Dhat al Riqaa
Banu Mustalaq
Dhat al Qird

12 Safar, 2 AH
Rabi al Awwal 2 AH
Jumad al Awwal 2
17,19 Ramadhan 2
Rabi al Awwal 3,4 AH
7-15 Shawwal 3 AH Fighting

No Fighting
No Fighting

End of Safar 3,4 AH

No Fighting

Shawaal 4,5 AH
End of Dhul Qada 5
Rabi al Awwal 6, 7
12 Shaban 5,6 AH
Dhul Qada 6 AH
Shaban/Dhul Qada
6,7 AH
Dhul Hijjah 7 AH

No Fighting

No Fighting

No Fighting
No Fighting
No Fighting

Zayd bin Haritha
Al Fath
Dhul Khidmah
Dhat al Salasil
Saif al Bahr (Al
Tabuk (Al Usra)

Jumad al Awwal 8
After Khaybar 7 AH
10 Ramadhan 8 AH
10 Shawwal 8 AH
8 AH
8 AH

No Fighting

Jumad al Akhir 8 AH

No Fighting
No Fighting

Rajab 8 AH
Rajab/Shaban 9 AH

No Fighting
No Fighting

Time line of both Ghazawat and Saraya between (1 A.H. to 10 A.H.)

1 A.H. The Prophet Muhammad sends out the Sariya of Hamzah (RA) and the Sariya of
Ubaidah (RA).
2 A.H. Five Ghazawat took place in this year. Ghazwa of Abawa, also called Dewan,
Ghazwa of Badr al-Kubra, Ghazwa of Qainqaa, Ghazwa of Bawaat, Ghazwa of
Ushairah, Ghazwa of Saweeq. He (SAW) also sent out three Saraya in this year. Sariya
of Abdullah bin Jahsh (RA), Sariya of Umair (RA), and the Sariya of Salim (RA).
3 A.H. Three Ghazawat took place in this year. Ghazwa of Ghatfaan, Ghazwa of Uhud,
Ghazwa of Hamraul-Asad. Two Saraya were sent out. The Sariya of Muhammad bin
Muslimah (RA) and the Sariya of Zaid bin Harithah (RA).
4 A.H. Two Ghazawat took place. The Ghazwa of Banu Nadhir, and the Ghazwa of Badr
al-Sughra. Four Saraya were sent out. The Sariya of Abu Salmah (RA), Sariya of
Abdullah bin Anees (RA), Sariya of Munzir (RA), and the Sariya of Marthad(RA).
5 A.H. Four Ghazawat took place. The Ghazwa of Zhaat-ul-Riqaa, Ghazwa of Doumatul-Jundal, Ghazwa of Muraysee(also called Banu Mustalaq), and the Ghazwa of
6 A.H. Three Ghazawat took place. The Ghazwa of Banu Hayyan, Ghazwa of Ghaabah
(also called Zhaat-ul-Qard), and the Ghazwa of Hudaibeyah. Eleven Saraya were sent
out. The Saraya of: Muhammad bin Muslimah (RA) towards Qirtaa, Ukaasha (RA),
Muhammad bin Muslimah (RA) towards Zhul-Qasad, Zaid bin Harithah (RA) towards
Banu Sulaim, Abdur-Rahman bin Aouf (RA), Ali bin Abi Taalib (RA), Zaid bin Harithah
(RA) towards Umme-Qarfah, Abdullah bin Ateek (RA), Abdullah bin Rawaaha (RA),
Karaz bin Jabir (RA), and Amr al-Damry (RA).
7 A.H. One Ghazwa took place, the Ghazwa of Khayber. Five Saraya were sent out. The
Sariya of Abu Bakr (RA), Sariya of Bishr bin Saad (RA), Sariya of Ghaalib bin Abdullah
(RA), Sariya of Bashir (RA), and the Sariya of Ajzam (RA).

8 A.H. Four Ghazawat took place in this year. The Ghazwa of Muwtah, Conquering of
Makkah, Ghazwa of Hunain, and the Ghazwa of Taif. Ten Saraya were sent out. The
Saraayaa of: Ghaalib (RA) towards Banul-Malooh, Ghaalib (RA) towards Fadak, Shujaa
(RA), Kaab (RA), Amr bin Aas (RA), Abu Ubaidah bin Jarraah (RA), Abu Qataadah
(RA), Khalid (RA)(also called Ghamisaa), Tufail bin Amr Dousy (RA) and Qutbah (RA).
9 A.H. One Ghazwa took place, the Ghazwa of Taif. Three Saraya were sent out. The
Sariya of Alqamah (RA), Sariya of Ali (RA), Sariya of Ukaasha (RA).
10 A.H. Two Saraya were sent out. Sariya Khalid bin Waleed towards Najraan, and
Sariya Ali towards Yemen. This is the year of Hajjatul-Widaa.
Special Note:
According to the Traditionalists and Historians the terminology of Ghazwa and Sariya are
used in the place of each other. On many occasions they have called certain minor
events Ghazwa or Sariya. Sometimes, the historians have mentioned one or two
Sahaabah sent to retrieve a captive as a Sariya. Two men sent for investigation or
rectification of conditions was also called Sariya. Ghazwa has also been used in the
same way. This has resulted in the difference of opinions about the number of Battles
and Army Expeditions in Islam.

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