Clinton Foundation

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given to
Foundation/ Received in return

Prince of Abu Dhabi

and Foreign Minister of
the United Arab
Emirates Shaikh
Abdullah bin Zayed al <$5,000,000
Nahayan and the Al
Nahayan family of Abu

Commonwealth of

Bahrain, Kingdom of

Boeing Corp.
Brunei Darussalam,
Sultanate of
Cameroon, Republic of

Chagoury Group







<$5,000,000 in
cash and a

Access to HRC at State Dept. and a

$500,000 environmental speech by
Bill Clinton given at the Emirates
Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi while HRC
was meeting in Washington with
Shaikh Abdullah.
State clearance for U.S. arms sales
to Algeria. Deal included biological
and chemical agents.
Strong State Dept. for the TransPacific Partnership (TPP), which
stands to be a boon for Australian
multinational firms.
Muted criticism by State of
Bahrains abysmal human rights
State Dept. clearance for $29 billion
arms U.S. arms sale to Saudi Arabia,
including Boeings F-15 fighter.
State Dept. clearance for U.S.
weapons sales to Brunei.
Influence buying by the Cameroon
government with the Clinton State
State Dept. support for Canadas
Keystone XL pipeline, eventually
vetoed by Barack Obama.
HRC delayed designating Nigerias
Boko Haram as a foreign terrorist
organization because of Chagoury
Groups investments and operations
in Nigeria. Chagoury Group received

the Sustainable Development

Award from the CGI. Chagooury
helped the family of Nigerian
dictator Sani Abacha hide his wealth
stolen from Nigerias oil revenues.
Confederation of
Indian Industry
Corning, Inc.

Dahdaleh, Victor

Dominican Republic

Internationale de
Football Association





Fernwood Foundation
(Canadian foundation
run by Canadian
uranium mining mogul
Ian Telfer

Flanders, Government
GEMS Education,


Germany, Federal
Republic of


Giustra, Frank


Access for Indian businesses to U.S.

government officials.
Clinton arranged for international
access for the New York-based firm.
Lobbyist for Bahrain state-owned
aluminum company who sought a
contract between the Bahraini firm
and the U.S.-owned Alcoa World
Clinton Foundation board member
Rolando Gonzalezs company
InterEnergy received contracts from
Dominican government for wind
energy projects. The firm received
Domican Presidents Gold Citizen
Award in 2010.
State pressure on Justice Dept. to
curtail criminal investigation of FIFA.
Telfers UrAsia and Uranium One
Corporations, co-owned with
Canadian mining magnate and
Friend of Bill Frank Giustra
receved favorable uranium mining
deals with Kazakhstan and Russias
ROSATOM and Kazakhstans
High-level access to U.S.
government officials by Flemish
government officials and
Bill Clinton made honorary
chairman of the Dubai company.
High-level access to U.S.
government officials by German
officials and businessmen.
State soft-peddled threat of the

Islamic State because Lafarge had

negotiated with the terrorists to
maintain its operations in ISILcontrolled territory in Syria.
arranged favorable deals with
Kazakhstan and its president,
Nursultan Nazarbayev.

(Canadian mining
magnate) (Clinton
Giustra Enterprise
Construction Corp.
Ireland, Republic of
Italy, Republic of


Kuwait, Emirate of

Lafarge Group

Lesotho, Kingdom of







Mittal, Lakshmi, owner

of ArcelorMittal, a
major steel company,
and board member of
Goldman Sachs
Sheikh Mohammed H. <$10,000,000

Access for corporate officials to U.S.

government officials.
Influence-buying by Irish
government with the Clintons.
Influence buying by the Italian
government with the Clinton State
Digicel Group, owned by Irish
billionaire and Friend of Bill, Denis
OBrien, received USAID grant for a
telecommunications project in
Jamaica. Digicel (Jamaica) paid Bill
Clinton $225,000 for a speech in
Kingston. That was in addition to
the $100,000 kicked in by Jamaica
to the Clinton Foundation.
State Dept. clearance for U.S.
weapons sales to Kuwait.
State soft-peddled threat of Islamic
State (ISIL) in Syria because Lafarge
had an agreement with ISIL not to
interfere in Lafarge activities in ISILcontrolled territory in Syria. HRC
was a director of Lafarge between
1990 and 1992, at a time when the
firm was selling strategic military
materials to Saddam Husseins Iraq.
Kickback from $11.2 million Irish
grant to Clinton Foundation for
HIV/AIDS abatement in Lesotho.
Favorable opportunities in
Kazakhstan, where Mittal is
a member of the Foreign
Investment Council of Kazakhstan.
Dovetails with Bill Clintons uranium
deals with Giustra and Nazarbayev.
Influence-buying within the Clinton

Al Amoudi (EthiopianSaudi billionaire)1


State Dept.


Netherlands, Kingdom
of the (Netherlands
National Lottery)
New Zealand,
Government of

Norway, Kingdom of

Oman, Sultanate of
Papua New Guinea,
Government of

Qatar, Emirate of

Ras al Khaimah,
Emirate of
Rwanda, Republic of




State helped open up investment

opportunities for Dutch firms in
Influence-buying within the Clinton
State Dept.
Norwegian government split up
donations to make them look
smaller than they actually were.
Norwegian firms received
investment opportunities in the
developing world, courtesy of the
U.S. Millennium Goals Corporation.
State clearance for U.S. weapons
sales to Oman.


Influence-buying within the Clinton

State Dept.


State Dept. approval for U.S. arms

sales to Qatar. State pressure on
Justice Dept. to curtail investigation
of bribery payments regarding FIFA
and 2022 World Cup host, Qatar.


Influence-buying within the Clinton

State Dept.


Influence-buying with HRCs State


Saudi Arabia, Kingdom


Suzlon Energy, Ltd.


State advocated for Monsanto

Frankenfood and Frankenseeds


Swaziland, Kingdom of <$100,000

State Dept. approval for U.S. arms

sales to Saudi Arabia
State and CGI promoted wind
turbine solutions in developing
countries. Suzlon, owned by an
Indian national, is a leading supplier
of wind turbines.
Access to U.S. government officials
for Swazi government/private

Sweden, Kingdom of


Confederation of


Tenerife Island,
Government of


United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom

Victor Pinchuk
Foundation (Ukraine)

Walmart, Inc.




business leaders.
Access to U.S. government officials
for Swedish government/private
business leaders.
Access to U.S. government officials
for Swiss government/private
business leaders.
High-level access to U.S.
government officials by Flemish
government officials and
State Dept. approval for U.S.
weapons sales to Taiwan.
State Dept. approval for U.S.
weapons sales to the UAE.
Access for key UK officials and UK
businesses to key U.S.government
Buy influence with Clinton at State
to pressure Ukrainian President
Viktor Yanukovych to free jailed
former Prime Minister Yulia
HRC pressured Indian government
to open up India to Walmart, an
action opposed by Indias small

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