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NOVEMBER 4, 2005

Serial No. 10994

Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Reform

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TOM DAVIS, Virginia, Chairman
HENRY A. WAXMAN, California
TOM LANTOS, California
JOHN L. MICA, Florida
PAUL E. KANJORSKI, Pennsylvania
DANNY K. DAVIS, Illinois
WM. LACY CLAY, Missouri
JOHN J. DUNCAN, JR., Tennessee
DIANE E. WATSON, California
STEPHEN F. LYNCH, Massachusetts
DARRELL E. ISSA, California
LINDA T. SANCHEZ, California
PATRICK T. MCHENRY, North Carolina
CHARLES W. DENT, Pennsylvania

VIRGINIA FOXX, North Carolina


DAVID MARIN, Deputy Staff Director/Communications Director
ROB BORDEN, Parliamentarian
PHIL BARNETT, Minority Chief of Staff/Chief Counsel


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Hearing held on November 4, 2005 ........................................................................

Statement of:
Leavitt, Michael O., Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, accompanied by Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director, National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services; Dr. Bruce Gellin, Director,
National Vaccine Planning Office, Department of Health and Human
Services; Dr. Julie Gerberding, Director, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services; and Dr.
William Raub, Science Advisor to the Secretary, Department of Health
and Human Services .....................................................................................
Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by:
Cannon, Hon. Chris, a Representative in Congress from the State of
Utah, prepared statement of ........................................................................
Cummings, Hon. Elijah E., a Representative in Congress from the State
of Maryland, prepared statement of ............................................................
Davis, Chairman Tom, a Representative in Congress from the State of
Virginia, prepared statement of ...................................................................
Gutknecht, Hon. Gil, a Representative in Congress from the State of
Minnesota, Letter dated October 24, 2005 ..................................................
Leavitt, Michael O., Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, prepared statement of ..........................................................................
Porter, Hon. Jon C., a Representative in Congress from the State of
Nevada, prepared statement of ....................................................................
Schmidt, Hon. Jean, a Representative in Congress from the State of
Ohio, prepared statement of ........................................................................
Waxman, Hon. Henry A., a Representative in Congress from the State
of California:
Fact sheet ...................................................................................................
Prepared statement of ...............................................................................



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Washington, DC.
The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 a.m., in room 2154,
Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Tom Davis (chairman of the
committee) presiding.
Present: Representatives Tom Davis, Shays, Burton, RosLehtinen, Gutknecht, Souder, Cannon, Duncan, Miller, Marchant,
Schmidt, Waxman, Lantos, Kanjorski, Sanders, Cummings,
Kucinich, Clay, Watson, Lynch, Van Hollen, Ruppersberger, Higgins, and Norton.
Staff present: Melissa Wojciak, staff director; David Marin, deputy staff director/communications director; Jennifer Safavian, chief
counsel for oversight and investigations; Howie Denis and Anne
Marie Turner, counsels; Rob White, press secretary; Drew Crockett,
deputy director of communications; Susie Schulte, professional staff
member; Sarah DOrsie, deputy clerk; Allyson Blandford, office
manager; Andrew James, staff assistant; Phil Barnett, minority
staff director/chief counsel; Kristin Amerling, minority general
counsel; Sarah Despres and Robin Appleberry, minority counsels;
Josh Sharfstein, minority health policy advisor; Earley Green, minority chief clerk; and Stacey Warady, minority staff assistant.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. The committee will come to order.
Good morning. Today, we are honored to have Secretary Michael
O. Leavitt here to discuss what health experts describe as the largest public health threat facing our Nation, the threat of pandemic
We dont know when, or where, the next pandemic will strike.
We dont even know what strain of influenza will be the culprit, although much evidence points to avian flu. The virulent H5N1
strain has already caused 62 deaths in Vietnam and Cambodia,
Thailand and Indonesia. Nor do we know if avian flu will turn out
to be more like the swine flu, a pandemic that never materialized.
Regardless, we need to improve your readiness because we can
be sure the next flu pandemic is a matter of when and not if. And
when that time does come, the stakes will be enormous. The Spanish influenza outbreak of 19181919, for example, caused an estimated 40 to 50 million deaths worldwide. Experts have projected

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that more than half a million Americans could die, and over 2 million could be hospitalized in the event of a U.S. pandemic flu outbreak.
How quickly could an influenza pandemic spread across the
globe? As fast as you can fly from Hanoi to Washington, DC. We
live in a flat world, a world not only connected by e-mail carried
by fiber-optic cables, but by commerce and cargo transported by
jumbo jets. Pandemic flu can move just as fast.
As Federal officials, it is our responsibility to make sure America
is preparedprepared to detect the strain of pandemic flu, prepared to communicate with our State and local partners, and prepared to work with industry to get vaccine production moving as
quickly as possible.
Earlier this week, President Bush outlined the administrations
national strategy for pandemic influenza. The three pillars of this
strategy are preparedness and communication, surveillance and detection, and response and containment. The strategy allows the
government to make immediate steps to ensure early warning
against the possibility of a flu pandemic.
The President has requested more than $7 billion in emergency
funding to begin immediately implementing this national strategy.
This includes nearly $3 billion to accelerate the development of cell
culture technology, to move vaccine production away from the
lengthy and fragile process that depends on cultivating the vaccine
in chicken eggs, $1.5 billion to stockpile the H5N1 vaccine currently in clinical trials at NIH, and $1 billion to stockpile antiviral
drugs to treat first responders and our most vulnerable populations.
Additionally, the strategy requests $580 million for pandemic
preparedness and about $100 million to help States complete and
exercise their pandemic plans. The strategy also calls for improving
our detection capabilities, train personnel, and additional planning
at both Federal and local levels.
While finalizing the HHS pandemic influenza plan was important and necessary to provide more detailed guidance to State and
local health officials, many concerns about preparedness still remain. I have already heard concerns from the Department of
Health in my home State of Virginia about the limited amount of
money for stockpiling the federally recommended amounts of the
antiviral treatments and the need for additional support across the
board for emergency preparedness.
I think all of us here today agree that our State and local health
officials will be on the front lines of a pandemic response. It is our
job to provide them with the adequate support and essential resources they need to effectively prepare for and respond to a pandemic.
Todays Washington Post applauds the administration for, taking preparedness seriously. But the editorial also says, the plan
seems divorced from reality and is too vague to be reassuring.
This morning we will search for reality-based details in the hope
of reassuring all Americans that we are on the road to preparedness.
I look forward to a constructive dialog with Secretary Leavitt on
this life-and-death issue. I think the National Strategy and HHS

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Pandemic Influenza Plan will offer appropriate guidance and help
better prepare our country for the unknowns of pandemic flu. However, as the Secretary has mentioned before, we need to remember
that the plan is a living and breathing document subject to improvement as we develop better strategies and practices.
I would now recognize our distinguished ranking member who
has been so active in the field of health, Mr. Waxman, for his opening statement.
[The prepared statement of Chairman Tom Davis follows:]

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Mr. WAXMAN. Thank you very much, Chairman Davis, for calling
todays hearing on the serious public health threat of a potential
global influenza pandemic. And under your leadership, this will be
this committees seventh hearing related to a flu pandemic.
As those who have followed our hearings know, I have been extraordinarily critical of the administrations failure to prepare for
a pandemic. Recently, my staff put together an analysis of these
delays and mistakes that have characterized the Federal effort over
the last 5 years, and I ask for unanimous consent that this analysis
be made part of the record.
Mr. SHAYS [presiding]. Without objection, so ordered.
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Mr. WAXMAN. What we document is that the Department of
Health and Human Services and the White House have ignored report after report and warning after warning.
Four years ago, the Institute of Medicine urged the administration to create a national vaccine authority to coordinate a highlevel response to a growing crisis in vaccine supply. This was an
extraordinary recommendation made by a group of experts that included Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health. Yet
today these crucial recommendations still have not been implemented.
Three years ago, the National Vaccine Advisory Committee to the
Department of HHS recommended that the administration enhance
incentives to spur vaccine development and support the vaccine
market. Yet nothing was done.
The front lines of fighting a flu pandemic are our State and local
health departments, but the Presidents budget proposals repeatedly try to cut their funding. The result is that we have fallen significantly behind in our efforts to protect against the bird flu or
other global pandemics.
Our Nationother nations have released comprehensive plans
and purchased significant quantities of antiviral drugs. Because of
our delays we are at the back of the line. At last, however, some
progress is being made. On Tuesday, the President announced a
significant new proposal for funding influenza vaccine development
and procurement. Then, on Wednesday, the Department of Health
and Human Services released a detailed plan to guide Federal,
State and local preparations.
These are important steps. And even as I wish they had been
taking taken sooner, I commend the President and Secretary
Leavitt for acting now. And we will all be safer if the events of this
week become a turning point.
There are parts of the Presidents strategy that make a lot of
sense. He has proposed investing in the next generation of flu vaccines which can be produced quickly and safely. He has also released a plan that provides important guidance to State and local
health departments and laboratories.
But unfortunately, there are also some significant problems. The
administration has given a key role to the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA to protect the Nation from a localized outbreak of pandemic flu in the United States. But given the abysmal
performance of the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA
in responding to Hurricane Katrina, this is a huge misjudgment.
Protecting the public from a pandemic is a health problem, and it
should be given to the governments health experts.
Another serious problem is inadequate funding. The administration has produced a detailed plan that instructs local and State
governments to perform literally hundreds of tasks to prepare for
an influenza pandemic, yet the administration is asking Congress
for only $100 million to fund these activities. And even this $100
million increase is a phony number. The White House has not retracted its $130 million cut to State and local health departments.
Moreover, the administration is also asking States and localities
to spend $510 million of their own money to purchase antiviral
medications. As one health department director put it, There

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seems to be a lack of connection between the strategy and recognition of what it takes to pull off these plans on the ground.
A third problem is the administrations plan to shield vaccine
manufacturers from liability without providing any meaningful
compensation for people who are injured by the vaccine. We have
learned during the administrations failed efforts to vaccinate several million health care workers, fire fighters and other first responders that a liability shield will not work unless those who
might be injured by a vaccine know they will receive compensation.
Yet the administration is poised to make the same mistake all over
These are serious problems, but they can be fixed; and I look forward to discussing these issues with Secretary Leavitt today. I
thank him for his appearance. I hope this oversight hearing produces real improvements in public health preparedness for the benefit of the American people.
[The prepared statement of Hon. Henry A. Waxman follows:]

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Chairman TOM DAVIS. Mr. Waxman, thank you.
All Members will be able to enter statements into the record. I
know there are some who want to speak now. I would just add, the
Secretary has limited time so to the extent we are speaking, we
wont be able to get maybe through all the questions, but I dont
want to deprive anyone of making an opening statement.
Mr. Gutknecht, I know you wanted to say something.
Mr. GUTKNECHT. Mr. Chairman, ever so briefly. And I want to
thank you for this hearing and I want to thank the Secretary for
coming up here today.
I really think that one of the issues that I hope we will discuss
today is the issue of duplication of efforts. Because I know that
there are efforts going on in labs in my district, for example, that
I think are very interesting; and my concern is that, ultimately, the
Federal Government may wind up duplicating an awful lot of the
good work that is being done right now. And so I think this is a
very important issue.
The public is deeply concerned, but I think they also want us to
be accountable for the money we spend. And so as we have this
hearing I hope that issue will at least get some consideration.
I would yield back.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Mr. Lantos.
Mr. LANTOS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I want to welcome this distinguished panel. And I would like to
raise some specific issues which relate to the geographic pattern of
our preparedness.
One of the very severe problems we had in responding to September 11th was that, following historic patterns, we provided
funding and made preparations on a nationwide basis, disregarding
the fact that some areas are dramatically more likely to be targets
of terrorist attacks than others.
Now, Mr. Chairman, the San Francisco International Airport is
at the heart of my congressional district. And it is self-evident that
this flu epidemic, generating in Asia, is most likely to hit, initially,
the three major points of entry on the Pacific coastSan Francisco
International Airport, Los Angeles, and Seattle.
Last year, Mr. Chairman, 32 million passengers came through
San Francisco International Airport. Over 3 million of these individuals came from Asia. A similar number landed in Los Angeles
and a smaller number in Seattle.
Now, the 1918 flu epidemic, which was responsible for the death
of over 50 million people, circled the globe several times in 18
months, which was an amazing feat given the fact that we were a
generation away from commercial air travel. Just consider what
kind of devastation such a virus could unleash, given the enormous
presence of global air travel.
I know that deadly airborne illnesses are not novel for San Francisco International Airport. I remember going down to the airport
to catch a flight and seeing passengers arriving from Asia with
medical masks, in 2003 during the SARS outbreak.
What I would like to ask Secretary Leavitt and his distinguished
panel to tell us is, what specific provisions do you have in mind?
What specific plans do you have to deal with the most likely initial
points of entry with respect to quarantine and a dozen other items?

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And I very much hope that in planning for this potential pandemic we will not make the mistake we did after September 11th,
of assuming that Laramie, WY, is as likely to be hit as New York
or San Francisco.
This pandemic, if it comes, is most likely to come from Asia, it
is most likely to come via San Francisco, Los Angeles or other ports
of entry; and I would be most appreciative if you could deal with
this issue.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you, Mr. Lantos.
Yes, Mr. Duncan.
Mr. DUNCAN. Very briefly, Mr. Chairman, I thank you for calling
this hearing; and I think it is very important that we look into this
entire bird flu situation. However, I do have concerns and questions about whether we are overreacting because of breathless,
overdramatized news reports, repeated over and over again in our
24-hour news cycles.
Have we turned something into a pandemic before it is even an
epidemic? In fact, almost every major disease known to man kills
more people around the world every day than this bird flu has in
the last several months.
Now, from what I read, we are about to spend billions on a vaccine or medicine that we are not even sure will work on this particular virus. We have already scared people around the world so
much that they are hoarding Tamiflu medicine that may or may
not even help with this particular flu.
I am not a medical doctor or a public health specialist I am not
saying we should do nothing. All I am saying is that possibly we
should look before we leap. In todays political climate, almost
every threat is exaggerated, and then legislators have to try to do
everything possible to prove that they are doing more than anyone
else in case something does happen.
I led a congressional delegation to Asia last February when we
went into the Hong Kong airport. They immediately checked the
temperatures of everybody in our delegation. Are we checking all
those who are coming from countries where, or areas where, the
bird flu has appeared and/or should we?
Again, I will say that I am not saying we should do nothing. All
I am saying is that we should not panic before the facts are justified. We need all those in authority to ask many questions and
take reasonable common-sense and intelligent steps to sensibly
deal with this situation.
Thank you.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you very much.
Mr. Kucinich.
Mr. KUCINICH. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Is the United States ready for avian flu? I dont think that there
is any question that the answer is a clear no. The question is
what are we doing about it?
The administration finally released its plan this week under tremendous public pressure. It got overwhelming reviewsexcuse me,
it got underwhelming reviews from experts because it is deficient
on several fronts that will be collectively necessary for us to fight
this disease.

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It is especially weak on efforts to stockpile antivirals. Our best
antiviral bet will be Roches Tamiflu. It is well established that it
will take Roche years to produce enough American stockpile needs
andto produce enough to satisfy American stockpile needs. We
have enough for less than 1 percent of the population. We need at
least enough for 25 percent of the population.
Even after promised increases in production capacity, Roches
supply is far less than our stockpile needs. The same goes for countries around the world, including those where the outbreak is likely
to originate if the virus mutates to pass easily from human to
human. And yet there are plenty of production facilities to solve
the problem. In fact, over 100 companies have expressed interest
in making the drug.
So what is the problem? The problem is that Roche has a monopoly on Tamiflu.
We are very familiar with what happens when a company has a
monopoly on a product the world needs. They control supply. And
that is exactly what Roche is doing by choking world supply. And
what is happening by choking world supply is not the only consequence of Roches monopoly. If we need a reminder about the perils of concentrating production in the hands of a few, we only need
to look to last year.
Chiron was forced to scrap half of the U.S. flu vaccine supply
when their manufacturing facility failed to meet safety standards.
That was for the conventional flu. Imagine what would happen if
we lost half of our Tamiflu supply in the middle of an avian flu outbreak? And yet, at the cost of a potentially far more devastating
avian flu pandemic, we are about to repeat our mistake.
But there is a solution. The solution is compulsory licensing.
HHS, Mr. Secretary, has the authority to issue a compulsory license to get rid of this dangerous shortage by allowing other companies to make Tamiflu. Roche would get compensation. That authority exists specifically to prevent the most predictable scenario,
a pharmaceutical company holding a drug hostage when it is needed to protect public health in order to increase its profits. And I
believe that is what we are seeing here.
Roches revenues increased 17 percent last quarter. Tamiflu sales
more than doubled to 215 million in 3 months. They expect to
make only almost $1 billion from Tamiflu sales this year. Of
course, they would want to hang on to this monopoly; their ultimate responsibility is to their shareholders, not to the public.
We have heard a lot of promises from Roche that they are willing
to negotiate with other companies to sublicense production, but I
have not heard anything about a firm agreement to do so. Roche
can keep fees too high in order to make it unprofitable for an outside company to manufacture Tamiflu. They can stipulateand
have indicated their willingness to do sothat any Tamiflu made
by a company other than Roche would not be available for sale in
the United States. In other words, they can continue to restrict
And to top it off, the administration boasts it wants throw $1 billion into buying antivirals. But the drugs arent there. There is
nothing to buy. And as it stands, there wont be anything to buy
in the near future. We may not have that kind of time. But the ad-

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ministration is still sitting on its hands while Roches profits skyrocket and Tamiflu production does not.
This is a clear choice of profits over public health.
As you know, Mr. Secretary, last month nine of my colleagues
and I sent you a letter requesting compulsory licensing. We have
given Roche plenty of time to act appropriately, and they have
failed to do so.
In order to protect public health, we must issue a compulsory license for Tamiflu immediately.
I thank the Chair.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Mr. Souder.
Mr. SOUDER. Thank you. I am grateful to Chairman Tom Davis
for holding this important hearing as part of a series of hearings
with Secretary Leavitt on our countrys preparedness and response
plan for the pandemic influenza.
Earlier this week, the President announced a National Strategy
for Pandemic Influenza and Health and Human Services published
its Pandemic Influenza Plan. These developments are encouraging
signs that the administration is taking seriously the potential devastation of a new pandemic.
As stated in the HHS Pandemic Influenza Plan, Preparedness
planning is imperative to lessen the impact of a pandemic. I
couldnt agree more. We should not have to relearn again and
again that being caught unprepared for a predictable disaster
makes an otherwise manageable situation spiral out of control. So
while I commend the Secretary of Health and Human Services for
attempting to get ahead of a possible influenza pandemic, I remain
skeptical of the agencys ability to identify and respond to danger
signals indicating a genuine national problem.
This country is already struggling with a serious epidemic, methamphetamine abuse and trafficking. This epidemic is already in
every State viscously destroying lives and tearing apart communities. This national epidemic, however, is one in which HHS,
under Secretary Leavitts leadership, stood as a barrier for formulating a national comprehensive strategy to address this problem.
As this destructive epidemic was spreading, Congress was constantly asking the administration for a national plan to address
this epidemic. But it was the HHS Secretary who was dragging his
feet. The so-called policy that was finally announced at an August
press conferencenot in Washington, DC, but in Tennesseeafter
years of devastation and countless lives, is insufficient and hardly
deserves to be called a national plan to address the epidemic. It
was embarrassing.
Mr. Secretary, I would like you to show this committee and the
American people that we can have confidence in the ability of the
Nations health agency to do more than talk about an epidemic.
This kind of lip service we have received in the midst of a meth
epidemic had better give way to real, effective planning and treatment for an influenza pandemic, or the inevitable devastation could
be the worst this country has ever experienced.
I would like to add, I was just given your response to my letter
of August 19th. And I appreciate receiving the response. In the future, as someone who represents the same party and as chairman
of the subcommittee, I would hope it wouldnt take the full commit-

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tee chairman having you at a hearing to get a timely response to
I yield back.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you.
Mr. Sanders.
Mr. SANDERS. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. And Secretary Leavitt, thanks very much for being with us.
Mr. Chairman, I think perhaps Mr. Duncan was right in suggesting that we may be overreacting. But I believe that the American
people want us to be safe rather than sorry. I think they will forgive us if we end up doing things and spending money, and in the
long run it may turn out not to be necessary. If, in fact, we are
going forward vigorously to prevent what could be a horrible, horrible situation.
I think we all remember, or read, that in 1918 some 50 million
people in this world died from an influenza epidemic. And I think
it is beholden upon our country and governments throughout the
world to do everything that we can in every way to protect the
American people and people throughout the world.
I think Mr. Kucinich a moment ago raised some very important
issues. And the issue is that our job as the Government of the
United States of America is not to worry at this moment about the
corporate profits of the Roche company, or any other drug company, but to make certain that we are doing all that we can to prepare for what could be a terrible pandemic.
I hope that in that context we can all agree that now is not the
time to be tiptoeing around intellectual property rights or letting
bald-faced profiteering inhibit our ability to prepare for a pandemic.
This, in fact, is a matter of life and death. And the American people will never forgive us if we are not prepared and if we allow corporate profiteering to take the place of serious government action.
I think most of us understand that one of the important tools
that we now have at our disposal is getting caught up in that hemming and hawing about whether or not we go forward in terms of
dealing with Roche.
Tamiflu, as we all know, is the brand name of an antiviral medicine that is what we have right now for minimizing the scope and
severity of damage from a pandemic flu outbreak. While we all, no
doubt, support vigorous pursuit of an avian flu vaccine, antivirals
are what we have got today, right now. But we dont have anywhere near the amount that we need; and I hope that the Secretary will address that important issue.
All the speeches, all the reports are fine. Do we have the medicine that we need and will we have it? The Infectious Diseases Society of America and the World Health Organization say the United
States should have enough courses to treat from 25 to 40 percent
of the populationour population. Right now, the United States
only has enough to cover 1 to 2 percent of the population.
So that is an issue I hope that you will address, sir, when you
Roche is the only company with a license to manufacture and sell
Tamiflu in the United States. They have limited production capacity and simply cannot make enough Tamiflu to meet the demand.

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The World Health Organization says it will take 10 years for Roche
to adequately supply world demand for Tamiflu stockpiles. We
dont have 10 years. Unfortunately, Roche has also been dragging
its feet about licensing other manufacturers to mass produce it.
So, Mr. Secretary, you come from an administration which, most
of the American people know, bends over backward to protect large
multinational corporations, whether it is drug companies or oil
companies. Now is not the time to worry about the profits or campaign contributions. Now is the time to protect the American people. If Roche does not have the capability of producing the volume
of Tamiflu that we need, clearly what has to happen is, other companies have to jump in.
I know that Senator Schumer in the Senate has raised that
issue. I hope that you will be able to tell us today that in one way
or another you are going to make certain that Roche, either
through compulsory licensing or through a voluntary approach
working with other production capabilities and other companies,
will start producing the medicine that we need.
This is not the time for a company to be making excessive profits
when the American people do not have the medicine they need to
protect themselves, nor for the world as well. So we hope that you
will be strong in dealing with Roche and saying that the health
and well-being of the American people comes before their corporate
Thank you very much.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Mr. Burton.
Mr. BURTON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
It is nice seeing all of you again.
First of all, I want to commend the President for making the
speech that he made on protecting ourselves and preparing for a
possible epidemic or pandemic to be very bad not only for the
United States, but for the entire world.
I want to talk about another subject that is very, very important.
And you folks will be making recommendations as well as getting
the job done and helping produce the vaccines that are necessary
to protect the American people.
For about 4 or 5 years, when I was chairman of the committee,
we had hearings on contaminants in vaccines. The one that really
bothered me was the mercury in the vaccine thimerosal. Thimerosal was never tested by the Food and Drug Administration because
it was produced before you guys had the ability to do that. And its
been used in vaccines for a long, long time, since the 1930s.
And when I was a boy growing up, if you had measles, they quarantined you. Now they give you vaccinations for that. And kids get
as many as 30 vaccinations before they go to school. And adults are
getting all kinds of shots. I am ready to go over to Pakistan and
India, and all the people on my CODEL are going to get a whole
series of shots, and almost all of them contain thimerosal, which
has 50 percent ethyl mercury in it.
Now, the reason I bring this up is we have had an epidemic of
autism in this country. We gone from 1 in 10,000 children that are
autistic to 1 in 166, according to CDC. It is an epidemic. We have
had an increase in Alzheimers, another neurological disorder. And
people that I had before my committee for years, scientists from

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around the world, said that one of the causes was the mercury in
the vaccines.
And the reason I bring this up is we are going to have to produce
the vaccines that are necessary. You and the pharmaceutical industry are going to have to produce the vaccines. I want to give them
protection against class-action lawsuits, but in exchange for that
and this President talked about thattort reform. In exchange for
that, it is extremely important that the Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund be more user-friendly, and we put more money into it
if it is necessary, and that can be done by a small increase in the
costs per shot.
And the second thing is get mercury out of all vaccines. It can
be done if you go to single shot vials or use something else as a
preservative. But the mercury, in the opinion of scientists around
the world, is causing neurological problems, an increase in Alzheimers, autism and other things.
Now, you have been very helpful in getting it out of most of the
childrens vaccines. It is still in three or four. Please, when they
start talking about legislation to deal with this, do those three
things: Get mercury out of the vaccines, make the compensation
fund more user-friendly, and then we will do everything we can,
No. 3, to give the pharmaceutical industry the class-action lawsuit
protection that they want.
I want them to produce those vaccines. I want them to keep this
country and the world the safest it has ever been as far as health
is concerned, and I know you feel that way, too. But you cant leave
these contaminants, especially mercury, which is a known
neurotoxin, in these vaccines. Thank you very much.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Ms. Norton.
Ms. NORTON. Mr. Chairman, I appreciate that you called this
hearing. I want to welcome the Secretary and others from the Department. Mr. Chairman, in the street they would say, this hearing
is right on time, following the Presidents announcement. I wish I
could say that the governments response here is on time.
I will be looking for answers to a number of questions concerning
pandemic flu, why countries in Europe are more prepared, so that
we may have to get in line behind them and, in fact, may not be
able to get it at all if Europe decides to redirect whatever medicines they have and not allow their suppliers to deal with those
who are offshore, if we get enough of a pandemic. Why there are
large cuts in State and local public health budgets, the very vehicles that we will need in the event of a pandemic?
But if I may say so, I think Mr. Duncan, my colleague across the
aisle, raises a point that may be in the minds of the American people. If this had been an early reaction, if this had been earlier, it
might have been seen as an attempt to get early hold of a pandemic. And now for many Americans it does seem like an overreaction when you consider that apparently we havent done first
things first.
I dont know how Americans are to have confidence in the Department to deal with pandemic flu when already, this early in the
season, we are having distribution problems with the vaccine we
already are supposed to have.

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And I raise it only because I believe it would be legislative malpractice not to raise it when already early in the flu season here
we are seeing pop up problems of distribution all over this region
and across the country. Walgreens says they are going to stop
doing it altogether because they dont have enough supply after November 6th.
We sat through the flu crisis of last year. I was so relieved when,
before I got my shot here, Mr. Secretary, I wanted to make sure
that the priorities were on straight, because the Congress had its
supply when others did not, and I was assured that everybody had
a supply. And here we have seniors standing in line. CDC, of
course, tosses it off as a distribution problem.
The fact is that these are the kinds of problems that we pay you
to make sure we do not have. Part of it is, of course, that you are
victims of our success, although it is not because of your advertising campaign. It is because we ran out last year, and now people
have flu vaccine on their minds, and they rush in to get it. Well,
that was foreseeable, sir. It was foreseeable that this company that
we rely on so heavily for this ordinary, annual vaccine is still on
its knees, still has huge problems that it is not correcting, and yet
they are a major supplier.
There is a huge confidence problem with respect to our ability to
deal with the annual flu, the ordinary illnesses that are ordinary
illnesses that Americans know they will get. It seems to me you
have to get ahold of that problem, not say, oh, it is the distribution,
or, it really isnt us. You have to tell us how you are going to get
ahold of that problem before you can expect us to have any confidence that you can reach to a problem, which most Americans
cant possibly take seriously yet because so few people, as Mr. Duncan says, have died. I think that is exactly when you want to get
ahold of it.
But my question to you is why should Americans focus on
pandemics from Asia when they cannot get the ordinary flu vaccine
in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia and across the
United States of America?
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you.
Any other Members on our side wish to address? How many
other speakers we got here? OK, we will go straight on down the
Mr. Clay.
Mr. CLAY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Ranking Member Waxman, for holding todays hearing.
Given that a flu pandemic today can cause over 500,000 deaths
and 2 million hospitalizations in the United States alone, it is essential that our Nation be prepared to effectively respond to a flu
While I applaud the Bush administrations efforts to prepare for
the danger of a pandemic flu outbreak, I am concerned that the
Presidents strategy underfunds State and local preparedness efforts. The President plan requires States to spend $510 million to
purchase antivirals. As we all know, many States budgets are already strapped. And where does the President expect them to get
$510 million to afford such a purchase? It is imperative that Con-

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gress ensure our constituents that this is not another underfunded
mandate that will later be funded on the backs of poor people.
I welcome Secretary Leavitt and thank him for graciously providing our committee with insight into the steps being taken to stockpile enough vaccine to protect Americans against the bird flu.
It is my hope that todays hearing will also address recent reports that have indicated a possible repeat of last years flu vaccine
I yield back and ask that my written statement be included in
the record.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Without objection, gentlemans statement
and any otherMr. Van Hollen.
Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, I want to thank
you and Mr. Waxman for holding these hearings, and for those of
you who have been following this committee, you know that this is
not the first hearing we have had on this issue. We have had hearings on this issue well over a year ago. And I want to commend
the chairman and Mr. Waxman in trying to get ahead of this issue.
Mr. Secretary, I welcome you and all the others here today and
look forward to your testimony. And I appreciate the fact that the
President has come up with a plan, and I think it has many good
components. I share the view of some of my colleagues expressing
some of what I think are the shortcomings with the plan.
My major concern with the plan has to do with the amount of
resources dedicated to trying to nip the problem in the bud overseas, trying to help our international partners, especially in Asia,
be better prepared to respond to this issue. When we talk about the
war on terrorism, the Bush administration has made a big point
of the fact that it is important to fight the battle overseas before
it comes here. We have to disrupt the terrorist networks overseas
before they have time to organize and launch attacks here on the
shores of the United States. Well, I cant think of a better case
where it is better to address a problem overseas at its source before
it gets here than the issue of pandemic flu and avian flu. I think
we would all agree that by the time you ever saw this flu exhibiting itself in people here in the United States, it would already have
gotten very much out of control worldwide.
And so I think if you look at the plan that you have put forward,
as I understand it, you have allocated about $251 million to helping some of our partners and friends overseas on this issue. That
is a near 312 percent of the overall $7-plus billion in this plan. And
if you look at this issue as trying to control things before they get
out of control and trying to identify ways to prevent the spread and
nip things in the bud and at their source, it seems to me that that
is not nearly enough to accomplish that purpose.
Clearly, we want to stockpile drugs here. We want to have the
ability to fight the virus in its current form, the ability to be able
to quickly ramp up so we can meet whatever form it may take in
the future. It is important to have antiviral drugs, but those
stockpilings all assume and plan for the worst case. It seems to me
we should be devoting more resources to preventing the worst case
in terms of prevention at its source, and so I hope during your testimony you will address this.

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I know you traveled to Asia. You have looked at some of the farm
techniques. There has been talk from the United Nations and
World Health Organization about trying to develop something to
put in the feed of chickens that might immunize them, and there
are lots of ideas out there. It just seems to me that the plan that
has being presented is very light on the amount of resources committed to what I think should be a very big focus of this, which is
stopping this problem at its most likely source.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you very much.
Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. I think I am the last one, and then we will
be able to get to the testimony.
Mr. Chairman, thank you for the hearing. Mr. Waxman, thank
you for your leadership.
I am not going to repeat a lot that was said. First thing that we
need to learn from what happened in the past last year with our
flu vaccine shortage, that if we can learn from our mistakes and
move forward, we will be better off.
I think the President, the fact that he is paying attention to this
issue, making it a priority and moving ahead with the plan is good,
but we have to implement the plan right now. I think the fact that
local government is going to really be involved is a good thing because as first responders, they are closest to the people, as long as
they get the resources. And we have discussed that here today also.
My major concern, though, is the issue of how with respect to the
plan, and what is the delivery system?
On the last time you were here, Mr. Secretary, I asked a question about the issue of needles and injection devices, and I have not
received a small response.
And I want to address what Congressman Souder said: We, here,
have an oversight. We are relying on you. We have hearings to
raise issues and to hopefully hold you accountable. My office sent
a letter on October 7th asking about this issue, and I havent received a return letter either. I understand you are very busy and
you are not going to return a lot of letters, but I would hope you
deal with us because we need the information from you to represent our constituents; that you have somebody on your staff highlight the fact and get back to us on the information that we need,
especially before a hearing.
Now, with respect to that, my main concern is that we might acquire through manufacture all the vaccines we need. Hopefully we
will have a system that will be able to do that, but there are some
issues about that also. But I am concerned about the issue of
whether or not we have the devices in place for needles and injections and whether there is a plan dealing with that. And I would
hope that you can answer that question.
I also believe the Federal Government needs a strategic vaccine
reserve and production capability. This would be a plant that in
times of emergency can be converted or switched on to meet vaccine needs. If the government cannot do this, we need to give business the incentive to have a facility that in times of need can push
out large numbers of needed vaccines and needles. Thank you.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you very much.
Mr. Lynch.

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Mr. LYNCH. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Ranking Member
Waxman, for holding this hearing. I want to thank the Secretary
and members of the panel for helping the committee with its work.
I associate myself with the remarks of my colleagues here on
both sides of the aisle. I just have two areas that havent necessarily been addressed yet. One is, you know, we heard from Secretary Chertoff about the issue of rail security, and he said basically that the States are going to have to handle that responsibility, which I was surprised at, because an interstate rail security
system cannot be handled by individual States.
Then we heard from Mr. Michael Brown, who said that disaster
relief such as Katrina, the Katrina situation, that also should be
better handled by the States, even though that would have affected
multiple States, and I dont think it could effectively be dealt with
in that fashion. And I noticed in the Presidents plan which has recently come out, that federally we are going to handle 44 million
courses of this vaccine, and then the other, the balance of it, which
would be in the area of $500 million would be handled by individual States.
And I am just curious, with this trend of giving all this added
responsibility to the States, especially a global pandemic, asking individual States, in individual cases and circumstances, to handle
the responsibility of containing a global pandemic, I justyou
know, it is just a pattern of conduct that we have seen from this
administration of handing more and more responsibility to the
States for problems that they are not equipped to deal with. So I
am very concerned about that.
The second issue that has not been talked about, understandably, is an issue that has been brought up by the Association for
the Prudent Use of Antibiotics. Now, I realize it is a different animal than what we are dealing with from this avian flu, but also
they are concerned about the lack of incentives for drug companies
to develop new antibiotics and the lack of investment in government incentives for those drug companies to do so. And I am hoping that at some point in your remarks you might be able to address that concern. It is a problem of a different nature, but it is
quite similar to the growing problem that we have here with these
new iterations of flu, influenza epidemics that we are concerned
about at this hearing. So I look forward to your comments. Thank
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Yes, sir. The gentleman from Maryland.
Mr. CUMMINGS. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, and again
I want to thank you and the ranking member for holding this hearing.
And I want to thank you, Mr. Secretary, and all of you, for being
with us this morning.
In the wake of any catastrophe, our citizens expect assurance
that our Government works hard to avert such a calamity and that
it is well prepared to meet their essential needs. Regrettably, recent events have shaken the American peoples faith in that certainty. The devastating flu vaccine shortage that typified last flu
season coupled with the failed response to Hurricane Katrina demonstrated that there is much work to be done to improve our Nations capacity to address an act of nature. If these lessons of our

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past are to have any value, we must seriously question our Nations pandemic influenza preparedness. Further, we must acknowledge that while we do not have control over nature, we do have
control over the policy choices that determine our ability to lessen
the impact of natures mighty blows.
Simply put, planning and execution matter. It is estimated that
a pandemic would result in the deaths of over 500,000 Americans,
and, in fact, 25 percent of the worlds population. The Baltimore
Sun reported in an article entitled Fears of Flu Pandemic Spurring
Preparations that the threat of an avian flu pandemic from Asia
could cause 12,000 deaths in the State of Maryland early on, with
the possibility of many more later.
One need not be an expert to comprehend the magnitude of such
a loss of life and the disastrous impact a pandemic would have on
our economy and our society. With this in mind, the time is long
overdue for the government to move forward in the best interests
of the Nation to ensure that a flua future flu pandemic is handled effectively.
Fulfilling this obligation demands a comprehensive plan, one
that covers intergovernmental coordination, international surveillance, public health and veterinary infrastructure, and process for
obtaining and distributing vaccines and antivirals.
The administration took a step in the right direction when it released a national strategy for pandemic influenza. The President
wisely stated, in the last century our country and the world have
been hit by three influenza pandemics, and viruses from birds contributed to all of them. Yet the same administration waited until
November 2005 to introduce a pandemic flu preparedness plan.
Americans should ask whether a flu pandemic was foreseeable during this long delay. The short answer is yes. It is unfortunate that
valuable time was wasted that should have been spent substantially preparing.
Although State and local health departments will function on the
front lines of the flu pandemic, the administration proposed undermining State and local preparedness by cutting $130 million in
Federal support of those efforts in fiscal year 2006. The Presidents
strategy proposes that State and local health departments primarily would respond to a pandemic, but too many Americans assurances that localities are up to the task will not outweigh the
memory of thousands enduring long lines and lotteries, public confusion and the inequitable distribution of limited vaccines that
typified last years flu season. I fear these concerns may be well
Finally, I am also concerned that this plan creates an untenable
financial burden for some cash-strapped States and seeks to fund
State and local preparedness on the cheap. Specifically, the recently released strategy calls for only over $100 million to update
State pandemic plans, but also requires States to spend approximately $510 million to purchase antivirals. The Federal Government must spare no expense and exhaust every effort to ensure
that no citizen is given less of an opportunity to survive a pandemic because they reside in a poor State.
Mr. Chairman, the American people are closely watching how its
Government responds to this challenge, one that will no doubt test

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the wisdom of our priorities and the firmness of our resolve to protect our citizens from threats, both seen and unseen. In the end,
we will be judged not by the hearings that were held, nor by the
proposals that were offered, but by how well we tangibly lessened
human suffering and equipped our citizens with the ability to withstand the onslaught of a flu pandemic.
With that, I yield back and thank you.
[The prepared statement of Hon. Elijah E. Cummings follows:]

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Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you.
Mr. Secretary, thank you very much for your patience. We have
a vote on now; there is only one vote. Mr. Shays has already voted
and come back and prepared to keep the helm of this. But what
I want to do right now is let Mr. Cannon introduce you formally
to the committee. I have asked him to do that, being from your
home State. Then we will swear you in. And I will ask you at that
point if you want to take a break for 10 minutes and let Members
come back, or if you want to continue with your statement with Mr.
Shays presiding.
Chris, why dont you go ahead.
Mr. CANNON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I couldnt be more
proud to introduce my Governor, almost exactly my age. I think I
endorsed him before he ran for Governor the first time. He did a
great job. He was a three-term Governor of Utah. Then to my consternation he took one of the toughest jobs you can possibly take
in American Government, and that is to head up the EPA. He did
an impossible job remarkably well. And he has now taken on the
position of Secretary of HHS, which comes with more problems
than EPA, I suspect, a much more difficult task, much more difficult budget to deal with, and the focus of some of our problems
in America. And yet it also is one of the agencies that has the most
opportunities, and I am actually thrilled that he is there because
he has a great deal of history.
I was on an airplane recently with a mutual friend, Steve Prescott, who ran our Huntsman Cancer Center in Utah. He is one of
the guys who designed some of the breakthroughs we have had in
Utah, including a merger between the university hospital system
and our largest hospital, private hospital, Intermountain Health
Care, for the purpose of figuring out how we can better combat cancer. And Governor Leavitt then had worked with him to help set
up a not-for-profit, which I think is going to be transformational in
the way we do medicine in the very near future. He oversees, of
course, the CDC, National Cancer Institute and the FDA. Mr.
Souders subcommittee had a hearing with three of those agencies
represented. All three of them pointed out that the declining costs
of DNA decoding and the declining cost of computerization is transformational to our medical system.
I cannot imagine anyone better able to manage that process than
Secretary Leavitt, who has done some remarkable things, including
establishing the goal of getting a data base of health care so that
we can deal in a new context with the development of drugs or the
treating of disease through massive computing and databasing statistics rather than the double-blind study.
So it is my great honor to introduce my Governor, now the Secretary of HHS, Mike Leavitt. Thank you.
[The prepared statement of Hon. Chris Cannon follows:]

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Mr. LEAVITT. Thank you.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Mr. Secretary, we always swear everyone
in before you testify, so just rise and raise your right hand, and
your staff.
For the record, we have Dr. Bruce Gellin, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr.
Julie Gerberding and Dr. William Raub here as well.
[Witnesses sworn.]
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Mr. Secretary, thank you for your patience, and we will go ahead and proceed.

Secretary LEAVITT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. This is a topic of

importance, I think, demonstrated by the number of members who
have expressed interest, and I look forward to the period where we
can interact directly.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Let me note that your entire statement is
in the record, so you dont have to
Secretary LEAVITT. I would like to just summarize the statement
that was submitted.
The bottom line is that pandemics happen. And 10 times in the
last 300 years, 3 times in the last 100 years, we have had circumstances where literally, masses have been made ill and millions
have been caused to die. Whenever there is a human to human
transmission of a killer virus, it presents risk everywhere.
Currently, were worried about the HFN1 virus. It is primarily
an animal disease, but there is no certainty it will remain such.
There are troubling signs. If the H5N1 virus is not the spark of a
pandemic, there will ultimately be another. Pandemics happen,
they have happened in the past, they will happen in the future.
Yesterday, the President laid out a broad national strategy, it
calls on Congress to appropriate $7.1 billion. Today, I would like
to just provide an overview of that plan and then go directly to
I will lay the plan out in basically six parts. The first part is the
international surveillance; this was mentioned in the opening
statements. The importance of determining when the virus transitions to human to human, and where.
One can think of the world as a vast forest susceptible to fire.
Whenever a forest fire starts it starts with a spark. If you were
there when the spark happens, it can bethe damage can be limited quickly by simply putting it out. But if its allowed to smolder,

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or if it goes on for a period of time, it burns to the point that it
cannot be contained.
The construct of international surveillance involves having laboratories throughout the world, having epidemic investigators who
can be there when the spark happens, having rapid response
teams, having American expertise on the ground in all of the theaters where it is most likely to occur. It also involves joint containment agreements with our friends around the world to be there
jointly to bring our resources if it is possible to contain an outbreak.
The second portion of the plan Ill refer to is domestic surveillance, essentially having the same capability in the United States
as weve spoken of around the world, knowing when it happens and
how broadly it has gone beyond, or if its gone beyond containment.
Again, it requires laboratories, it requires trained medical personnel. The plan calls for the development of a system known as
BioSense, which is already under development because of our interest in bioterrorism, where we would have real-time data available
both at the CDC, and also among local and State health departments, for the purpose of ascertaining when these things occur.
The third part of the plan that I will refer to, and what I believe
to be the foundation of this plan, is vaccines. The good news is that
we do have a vaccine that has produced a sufficient immune response to protect human beings, the bad new is we do not have the
capacity as a Nation within our vaccine industry to manufacture a
sufficient supply in timeframes that would protect the American
people, that needs to change. The plan calls for us to make heavy
investments in three basic areas. The first is the expanding of our
traditional egg base production of vaccine; the second is the rapid
development of cell-based technology; and the third is agivent technology so that were able to use that with the maximum level of
The plan calls for essentially two objectives to be met, the first
is to have the capacity of manufacturing 300 million courses of an
appropriate vaccine within a 6-month period of a strain being identified. The second objective is to have a stockpile of some 20 million
dosesor rather courses of vaccine for the purpose of being able to
provide early protection to first responders and so forth. We know
that vaccine would not likely be perfect because it would be the last
available vaccine, but it would at least give us some protection in
those early periods.
The forth area is in anti-virals. The importance of anti-virals is
evident, however, it should not be overstated. There are serious
limits in what anti-virals can do; they do need to be part of a comprehensive plan. Those on the panel today, if Members are interested, Im sure we will be able to detail those limits. We are proposing collective stockpiles of some 81 million courses. The plan
calls for the Federal Government to pay for some 70 percent of
those and to provide States with the option of being able to acquire
more; it does not make mandatory their participation.
The fifth area is communication, informing the public with the
best available information. I think its been evident by the nature
of the conversation today by members of the committee, some are
worried about whether or not this is overreaction, others worry

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that we may have responded too slowly. Our objective now, and I
must say, I believe good leadership, is to speak in a way that informs but does not inflame, to inspire preparation, but not panic.
The last sectionand I suspect we will have some conversation
about thisis the importance of State and local participation. And
Mr. Chairman, I would emphasize the unique nature of a pandemic
as a disaster. We have gone through many disasters in this country
just in the last several months. Katrina, for example, a terrible disaster, stretched over Louisiana, Mississippi and parts of Alabama.
It was, however, constrained to those areas. It wasthe emergency
unfolded in a 2 or 3-day period. It has taken us, of course, longer,
and will take us longer to respond and to recover, but nevertheless
the damage was done in a very limited period of time. A pandemic,
on the other hand, is different, it is not constrained to a geographic
area. It likely would be unfolding in thousands of different locations across the country and across the world simultaneously.
It also is not constrained as to time. It wont happen in a week,
it will happen in a year or more, and it will happen in waives, and
it will require that there are individual decisions made in different
communities across the country at different times and for different
reasons. What is happening in a rural city in Kansas will be different than what is happening in a metropolitan area in Tennessee.
And there will be as many iterations of the disaster as there are
The budget is presented in two major accounts, the vaccines and
anti-virals in one account, and the public health efforts between
the various public health efforts, were talking about nearly $600
I would just like to conclude my talking about the dilemma thats
been presented today that will someday people look back and say
H5N1 did not become a pandemic, therefore we overreacted? Will
they say at some point in time, well, they were crying wolf? We do
not know whether H5N1 will be the spark that creates a pandemic,
but we do that know pandemics happen, theyve happened in the
past, they will happen in the future. And this plan is not about
H5N1 alone, it is about general pandemic preparedness. And when
we have concluded or when we have implemented this plan, the
United States of America will be a better and safer place. We will
have cell-based technology, something that will ultimately save
millions of lives, a revolution in the way we conduct the business
of vaccines and the way we protect the public from disease.
We will have annual flu vaccine capacity that well exceeds what
we have today. A great deal of conversation has gone on in the
committee today about the on-going difficulties of the flu vaccine
dilemmas in our annual flu; that is because we lack capacity. This
can change that once and for all, it can take off the table the dilemma of annual flu and pandemic flu vaccines by resolving it with
new capacity and new technology.
This plan will create better prepared State and local governments. It will also provide an international surveillance system for
disease. And well have the piece of mind of knowing we are prepared.
Cell-based technology, annual flu capacity, better State and local
government preparedness, an international network of surveillance,

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piece of mind of knowing were prepared, thats what this plan is
about, and I feel confident in saying, when it is implemented, that
America will be a safer and healthier place.
[The prepared statement of Secretary Leavitt follows:]

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Chairman TOM DAVIS. Mr. Secretary, thank you very much. And
I think this is the most proactivedid anyone else want to say
anything? I think this is the most proactive that any administration has ever been on this in history.
And as we learned from Hurricane Katrina, sometimes an ounce
of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Should a pandemic develop
and we are not prepared, were talking about a hole in our economy
of perhaps trillions of dollars, people not being able to move out of
the country from their cities, international tourism industry and
everything else. Plus, what it would be to medical bills and hospitals and everything else.
Let me ask this; according to the pandemic plan, the Federal
Government requires States to pay for a substantial portion of the
anti-virals. If States are responsible for the purchase of anti-virals,
will the Federal Government help ensure that all of the States receive a lower nationally negotiated price?
Secretary LEAVITT. Yes, Mr. Chairman, we will. And thats a significant benefit.
I want to emphasize that our belief is that a pandemic is unique
to all natural disasters for reasons I enumerated in my opening
statement. It is not possible, it is a certainty that if we have a pandemic condition, communities all over the country will be dealing
with it, and they need to be able to deal with it in their own and
unique ways. We havepublic health is a local and a State responsibility for a reason, because theyre able to respond to local conditions.
Now the plan thats been put forward does have the national government paying for essentially 70 percent of the anti-virals, but a
very important part of the way we would split this up in terms of
divisions of labor, you will note that $400 million of the $1.4 billion
that we have proposed for anti-virals goes into research for new
and better anti-virals.
Why? Because there is no certainty at all that Tamiflu will be
effective against H5N1, let alone whatever virus might ultimately
be the one that in fact creates the pandemic. Any sense that having
Tamiflu is synonymous with preparation or preparedness is wrong?
It is an important part of a comprehensive strategy, but it is not
synonymous with preparedness.
And so tying ones plan so closely to one anti-viral that may or
may not be effective would be a mistake. And we are working with
thewe want to work with the States to make it certain they have
it as part of their plan, but it does not, in essence, create an overdependence on that as their only remedy.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. I didnt realize Tamiflu may not be effective. In that case, how long will it take to develop another antiviral?
Secretary LEAVITT. Ill ask Dr. Fauci to talk about both of those
subjects, the limited effectiveness potential
Chairman TOM DAVIS. And if I could just, because were limited
on time, throw out with that that weve heard some talk about
Roche having the rights to Tamiflu and having a limited production
capacity and our ability to get that out; and now Im hearing that
may not be an answer anyway.

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Of course, you would only use this untilthe vaccine is the best
defense, but you would need this in the short period. So you can
talk about that.
Dr. FAUCI. Yes, Mr. Chairman. Thank you, Mr. Secretary.
Tamiflu, the data that we have on the effectiveness on Tamiflu
relates very heavily on and almost exclusively on the use of it in
seasonal flu. And its clear that in the standard seasonal flu, if you
give Tamiflu, you need to give it within the first 24 to 48 hours to
get an effect, and its main effect is to shave off about a day and
a half from the symptomatic period of a viral infection with influenza. For example, if you would have been sick for 6 days or 7
days, youre sick for 412 or 5 days.
The ability of Tamiflu to have a major impact on the seriousness
of the infection that you would predict or project with a pandemic
flu is still very much unclear. Were pushing the agenda with
Tamiflu for stockpiling because it right now currently is the best
that we have, but all of us, myself and Dr. Gerberding and others,
are clearly in in our caution that this is not something that is going
to be essentially the show stopper for a pandemic flu.
With regard to your second question, we have a robust program,
and part of the research component of the plan is to pursue other
mechanisms of suppression of the virus, other viral targets in addition to the new amenities, which is the target for Tamiflu and
Relenza, as well as one other, the M2 protein, which is the target
of Amantadine and Rimantadine. So we are pursuing, both by
screening existing products as well as by targeting anti-virals to
get a better drug than Tamiflu.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you very much. My time is up, Mr.
Waxman, 5 minutes.
Mr. WAXMAN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Secretary, thank
you, and all of your colleagues who have come with you today and
appearing before us. And I appreciate that the administration is
taking this matter seriously. We do not know if there is going to
be a pandemic, but I think its prudent for us to make plans.
All the plans in the world arent going to help, though, if we
dont have on the ground in State and local governments the ability
to respond to any kind of epidemic because theyre on the front
lines of a crisis, and theyve got to have adequate funding to implement the plans. So I want to pursue that issue with you.
The Presidents budget called for $130 million cut to the grants
to the States for public health preparedness, that was part of the
budget that we received much earlier in the year. The administration hasnt rescinded that call for the budget cut. I know that
money is being directed elsewhere, but it means its less money for
the States to deal with any kind of public health emergency. Now
we have this pandemic flu strategy, and that calls for $100 million
to go to the States for planning activities, so its $100so now they
got $30 million left, because if you can cut $130 million, you have
$100 now added, but there is an obligation for the States to spend
money for part of the costs of the anti-viral medications, the
Tamiflu or whatever other anti-virals there might be, and that is
a requirement, an unfunded requirement or obligation to spend
$510 million for the purchase of the anti-virals.

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So the States and the local governments look at your overall proposals, theyre not very enthusiastic about that. They say they cant
afford it. Governor Huckaby, Republican of Arkansas, said They
expect us to pay 75 cents on the dollar for flu medicine; thats going
to be a tough pill to swallow.
New York City Public Health Commissioner submitted testimony
this morning that the administrations budget plan, would seriously undermine our preparedness capabilities, and Dr. Rex archer, president of the National Association of City and County
Health Officials, and director of Health for Kansas City, MO, said
you cant take $130 million with the right hand, give us $100 million with the left hand, with strings attached by the way, and expect that is going to get us where we need to go. How do you respond? It seems to me there is going to be a real problem for these
local governments.
Secretary LEAVITT. As you pointed out, the $130 million was
moved from one account to another. Preparedness dollars for States
have actually gone up considerably. We also have substantial
grants that have been offered to the States over the course of a 3year period of $5 billion that were still working with the States to
draw down that can be used for this.
But most of all, Mr. Waxman, I would like to reconcile the
Tamiflu. We have a national goal of 81 million courses in collective
stockpiles, the plan calls for 50 million of those courses to be purchased entirely by the Federal Government and for us toand we
will likely place those in stockpiles in the States. As Dr. Fauci indicated to you, if we dont get Tamiflu, or if Tamiflu is not placed
into the hands of people who are sick within 24 to 48 hours, it does
not do the good that its intended for, or that its manufactured for.
The point is, its distribution that ultimately defines victory, so
we intend to put those stockpiles very closely out into the States
where they can be deployed. That is 70 percent of the total. If
States choose to buy more, were prepared to assist in that. We are
helping them meet a responsibility that they have, paying for 70
percent of the Tamiflu that will be available.
Now, we are willing to talk about how we go about it, because
we want the States to be involved in the planning of this. If it is
just knowing that the national government somehow has a stockpile of Tamiflu, theyre not going to be involved in the distribution,
and thats where we want them to be.
Mr. WAXMAN. Well, Dr. Gerberding, as the head of the Center for
Disease Control, you work very closely with the State agencies that
have to be on the front lines. If they cant afford to come up with
the money for their share of the anti-virals and theyre complaining
about it, theyre saying they cant deal with it, how is this Federal,
State, local relationship going to work if theyre complaining that
they cant do their job and the Federal Government is only paying
part of the cost.
Dr. GERBERDING. The State and local health officials have a
tough job, and theyve been working hard over the last few years
with the investments in preparedness that weve been making to
try to dig out of a hole thats been very deep for many decades, as
you know.

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I think the conversation that I had with the leaders of the health
agencies yesterday would indicate to me that theyre aware that
they have a responsibility and a role to play, they are aware that
we cant be successful if every component of the public health system doesnt step in and do its part. And we just want to work together to figure out how we are going to make sure that we have
equitable coverage with Tamiflu.
This is a pretty good deal for the States to get the Federal Government to buy the drug at a discount. Our planning is
Mr. WAXMAN. Well, the States dont have really a choice in this
matter. The national plan is for 25 percent of the population to be
covered in the stock pool, that requires that the States must purchase, its not an option. So were having, in effect, an unfunded
Secretary LEAVITT. It is an option. If they choose to, we will help
them pay for it. We are going to be putting up the 50 million doses
distributed in ways that meet the needs of the plan. So if a State
chose not to do it, they would still have Tamiflu in their State, it
wouldnt be the extent to which some other States might want to
have it. But they need to step up and help with this, too. We need
to have everyone involved in this, not just the Federal Government.
Mr. WAXMAN. Youve got to continue your conversations with
them because theyre complaining about it. Because my red light
is on, if the chairman will indulge me for a minute.
Because youre here, Mr. Secretary, I know this is not the end
of this whole issue, it is just the beginning and were going to have
further conversations, but I want to express to you that Ive been
disappointed in my ability to get information from the Department.
And I have a stack of letters that Ive sent to the Department, and
I just dont get responses to them. I think if were going to have
the dialog and efforts to work together, I want to impress upon you
that were all busy, but you do have a lot of people working under
you, you dont have to personally answer each letter. I will like to
impress upon that you have heard from other Members who have
had the similar complaint, even on the Republican side, it is important and Id like to make sure that we get responses. Thank you,
Mr. Chairman.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you, Mr. Waxman.
Mr. Shays.
Mr. SHAYS. Thank you. Id also like to add to Mr. Waxmans
point. As the administration asks for more power, I think they
need more legislative oversight, and it would be helpful to have
greater cooperation, not less cooperation from the administration.
And I also want to say as youre surrounded by four very competent professionals, and I have high regard for HHS, I have high
regard for you, Mr. Secretary, and the people who work around
you. There is a black mark, in my judgment, with how the FDA
has handled plan B when the experts have said that this should
be available to prevent pregnancies and still not have this resolved,
and I hope that you will find a way to quickly resolve that issue.
I want to ask you iffirst, I want to acknowledge I think this
is a huge problem, and we probably should have been addressing
it sooner rather than later, but thank goodness were addressing it
now. But now Im going to sound like Im contradicting myself be-

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cause Im interested to know from our experts whythis isnt 1918.
And for instance, we dont have traps and dirty trenches, there
were secondary infections. We have antibiotics, I guess developed
in 1929, so that was one good thing that happened in 1929. Those
are the things that come to mind to me that are different. Maybe
your experts could tell us what some of the other things that are
Secretary LEAVITT. I will ask Dr. Gerberding to lead, and then
call on others.
Dr. GERBERDING. Well, we live in a very small world today, its
actually much smaller than it was in 1918. If you remember SARS
where one physician went to a hotel, stayed on the same floor of
that hotel with a dozen people and overnight SARS went around
the world.
Mr. SHAYS. So that would argue that its even a potentially worse
Dr. GERBERDING. The connectivity and the connection between
people in remote areas of the world with our backyard is much
greater today than it was in 1918, and thats what were worried
Mr. SHAYS. Any other points, either that minimize or make it
more of a problem?
Dr. FAUCI. One of the potential misconceptions that we hear is
that now that were living in the era of antibiotics, that most of
what happened in 1918 was due to secondary infections. When you
actually go back and examine carefully the records of what we
know, how the course of illness occurred in many, not all, but
many, many, and perhaps most of the patients, it was highly likely
that it was not the antibiotic-sensitive bacteria, that if we had the
antibiotics, then we would have had a major, major impact on
1918. Its more likely that the virulence of the virus that is inherent to the virus itself caused a significant amount of the morbidity
and the mortality, and that is something that doesnt change very
much from 1918 to now.
Mr. SHAYS. So youre raising a second point as to why it may be
more serious, not less?
Dr. FAUCI. Yes. In fact, not necessarily more serious, where it
counterbalances the argument that well, we have antibiotics now,
were OK.
Mr. SHAYS. Any other points?
Dr. GELLIN. I want to build on what Dr. Fauci said in that the
predicament were in now with a single class of anti-virals, the
Neuraminidase inhibitors reflect the misuse of anti-microbials.
Were all too familiar with the misuse of antibiotics, particularly in
the agricultural industry. There is evidence that there has been
misuse of the older class of anti-virals in that industry in Asia has
led to their
Mr. SHAYS. So therefore they wont be as effective?
Dr. GELLIN. Oh, no. There are two classes of anti-virals for flu,
one of them is essentially off the table for the H5 virus, H5N1
virus, and likely because of the misuse of a similar molecule in animal feed in Asia.
Mr. SHAYS. I guess I wasnt making myself clear. In other words,
they are useless.

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Dr. GELLIN. One class might be useless, we are left with one.
Secretary LEAVITT. Mr. Shays, I would also mention one other
item. In 1918, they had the biology in play where we had no
human immunity, we essentially have the same circumstance
today. We are now dealing with 1918 biology in a 21st century new
cycle. SARS is a fascinating model to look at when youre looking
at the cultural economic and political disruption that comes from
a pandemic. There were 8,000 people who were infected with
SARS, that is, in pandemic terms, small. It completely disrupted
the Chinese economy. There were major airports all over the world
that were essentially vacant.
Part of the difficulty of a pandemic is of course the health impacts, but the economic cultural impacts that it creates are also
Mr. SHAYS. Let me justsince my red light will come on soon,
just put in a word for the World Health Organization. I think it
is underfunded, underutilized. I know we sent some of our best experts to participate, and thats terrific, but I really believe that
World Health Organization should be playing a greater role, and
the United States should be helping to encourage that. Thank you.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you.
Mr. Lantos, 5 minutes.
Mr. LANTOS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Id like to ask you or any of your colleagues, Mr. Secretary, to
address a, the geographic issue which I raised in my opening comment, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle probably will be the first
impacted area given air travel from Asia.
Second, Id like to ask you to give us, as detailed as you are capable, a report of the dealings with Roche. What are the generic companies that are planning to undertake production? What is the
timetable? What are the arrangements? Because as several of us
have indicated, we must see to it that getting the product to our
potential patients is dramatically more important than historic corporation relationships between companies and their licensees.
And finally, I would be grateful if you could discuss what specific
plans you have to see to it that the potentially most vulnerable are
diagnosed and then are provided with medication on a priority
basis; because this has not always been the case, as you well know.
Secretary LEAVITT. I will ask Dr. Gerberding to deal with the
issue of locale.
Dr. GERBERDING. Mr. Lantos, I share your concern about our
quarantine stations, and we recognize what an important point of
entry the west coast is.
I visited the Los Angeles quarantine station at LAX on Sunday
so I could get a firsthand look at what steps are in place. And Im
pleased to report to you that with the investments that Congress
has been making over the last 2 years, weve been able to make
some significant improvements there, as well as in San Francisco
and Seattle. Overall, we are going from eight quarantine stations
at airports in 2003, we will have 18 by the end of this year, and
we will have 25 by the end of 2006.
At SFO, we have a medical officer now which we didnt always
have, we have a senior inspector, and we are planning for the possibility of an airplane with someone with suspected pandemic

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strain, how we would quarantine and isolate people until further
evaluation could be conducted. So its a very, very important part
of our containment program. The Secretary has worked this
through in our doctrine, and we will be happy to keep you up to
date as we make additional improvements in our border security.
Mr. LANTOS. I appreciate that.
Secretary LEAVITT. With respect to Roche, we have had on-going,
very direct conversations. They have given us assurance that we
will have sufficient supplies to meet our objectives
Mr. LANTOS. What are those assurances?
Secretary LEAVITT. They have made representations that we will
be able to reach our 20 million first target by fourth quarter of
2006, and that they also made further representations that we
could get to our 81 million goal by the summer of 2007. And I
might add that
Mr. LANTOS. When you sayexcuse me for interrupting. When
you say representations, Mr. Secretary, were these oral commitments? Is there anything in writing? Is there anything you are prepared to share with the Congress and the American people? Or
were these just conversations with Roche?
Secretary LEAVITT. We have ongoing negotiations with them. We
are systemically making orders as we have appropriations to do so.
We have orders in that will take us well over 5 million courses.
As respects the intellectual property issue, they have given us
their assurance that, and not just the United States, but the world,
that intellectual property issues will not be the means of constricting the supply. Now I am not a chemist, Congressman, but I have
worked hard to understand the process that is undertaken to manufacture Tamiflu. And it is clear to me that this is a highly complex process that involves as many as five different manufacturing
processes, some of which involve quite dangerous explosive processes.
Now I dont believe it will be intellectual property disputes that
in any way limit the capacity for manufacturing, its going to be the
logistics. And its my view that its going to be, anywhere in the
world, more than a year before we have additional manufacturers,
and maybe as many as 2 years. That is just my assessment, and
Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Secretary, no one questions your good intentions, but what is at stake is the lives of potentially vast numbers
of American citizens. Is there anything beyond conversation that
you have with Roche? Are there any documents, any documents
that you are prepared to share with this committee?
Secretary LEAVITT. The documents are, in fact, limited to those
that I have outlined
Mr. LANTOS. If the Chair would indulge me for a moment, this
is a rather important item.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Ill give him an opportunity to answer it.
Secretary LEAVITT. It is important, and you were not in the room
when I made another thing that is very important and I hope clear,
and that is that, in any sense that Tamiflu is synonymous with
preparedness is wrong
Mr. LANTOS. We know that.

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Secretary LEAVITT. And we have proposed a $400 million appropriation to advance the development and the manufacture of advanced and improved anti-virals. We believe that Tamiflu is an important part of a comprehensive plan, but it should not be viewed
as synonymous with good preparation.
We are putting forward a strategy that includes vaccines, that
includes anti-virals, that includes surveillance, that includes good
communication, and State and local preparedness.
Now we intend that every State would have a stockpile of
Tamiflu, and that it could be deployed in a way that would be consistent with their needs, because if we cant get Tamiflu or some
other suitable anti-viral into the hands of a sick person, it has done
them no good unless its there within 24 to 48 hours. So part of this
is distribution, not just having a stockpile.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Mr. Secretary, I think, though, Mr. Lantos question is, are there any documents that you could share with
the committee that have transpired between yourselves and the
drug company at issue?
Secretary LEAVITT. The documents that Im aware of are those
that would relate to the purchase or the intent to purchase the first
5 million doses that Ive spoken of.
Mr. LANTOS. There are discussions between Roche and generic
drug manufacturers; is that correct?
Secretary LEAVITT. That is correct.
Mr. LANTOS. What can you tell us about those negotiations, and
can we see those document as they become available?
Secretary LEAVITT. I am not party to those conversations, nor do
I believe that anyone at HHS is. However, we have instructed and
agreed with Roche that the FDA will work directly with them to
facilitate the licensing of those arrangements.
Mr. LANTOS. May I just raise one more issue, Mr. Chairman, it
will take just a minute. Several of my colleagues properly dealt
with the budgetary ramifications of all of this. Have you given any
thought of requesting the President to have a White House conference of donors from the private sector? Exxon made $10 billion
in one quarter on these inflated petroleum prices. It is high time
that these multi-national corporations with windfall profits deal
with the health problems of the American people. Given the fiscal
policies of the administrationwhich I think have been abominable, we have to turn to the private sector. Are there any plans
of having a White House conference of funding the resources necessary so we wont have to have a dialog as you did with Mr. Waxman as to what happens if the States cant afford it?
Secretary LEAVITT. Congressman, the President has made clear
that he will be bringing State and local officials together to plan,
and that
Mr. LANTOS. Im talking about the private sector.
Secretary LEAVITT. I know of no plans to do what you have suggested.
Mr. LANTOS. What would be your idea of it
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Mr. Gutknecht is recognized for 5 minutes.
Mr. GUTKNECHT. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Benjamin Franklin
said I know no lamp by which to see the future than that of the

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past. Mr. Secretary, 4 years ago, this city, indeed this very building, was the subject of an anthrax attack. And I know that most
of this transpired before your watch, but I have to ask a few questions and submit for the record some other questions.
I have a copy of a Newsweek article that was posted on November 2nd talking about what the Department is doing relative to acquiring anthrax vaccines, and its pretty troubling. And apparently,
it is not just troubling to Members of the House, I also have a letter and an articlethat Id like to submit, Mr. Chairman, for the
recordfrom, with a letter enclosed from Senator Grassley
asking about how were handling this anthrax vaccine contract, as
well as a letter that Id like to submit from a former colleague of
the House, and now a Member of the Senate, Dr. Tom Coburn. And
in that letter, he raises 11 very specific questions.
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Mr. GUTKNECHT. Now, Mr. Secretary, have you received that letter from Senator Coburn?
Secretary LEAVITT. I have personally not read the letter. I do not
know if its been received yet.
Mr. GUTKNECHT. Well, the reason Im going to submit it here in
committee is that I hope you will not only respond to him, but I
hope you will respond to the questions from this committee, because I think it does raise serious questions about the ability of the
Department to manage these large contracts.
Four years after the anthrax problem we had here in the Capitol
building, we still cant really say that were protected with adequate doses of anthrax vaccine. Now, I try to remindand youre
not the first one I have reminded this of, but we won World War
II in 312 years, OK, and it shouldnt take 4 or 5 years for us to
ramp up production and to purchase of an adequate supply of anthrax vaccine. What is troubled that is raised in the Newsweek article is that a contract has been given to a company, an $877 million contract has been given to a company that has never passed
I think theyve never gone to phase three trials with this particular
vaccine. They have, and its documented at least in the article, that
they have serious financial problems and are not going to be able
to meet their production quotas this year, and perhaps not even
next year.
And I go back to my statement that if were unable to manage
an issue that has been around for 4 years, what gives us confidence
that were going to be able to manage the Avian Flu problem?
Secretary LEAVITT. Congressman, youre referencing the fact that
we are moving to develop a better anthrax medication. Id like to
ask Dr. Fauci to give you an update on our progress, and to make
clear that we do, in fact, or have, in fact, made substantial preparation for anthrax, were just working to get better all the time. So
Dr. Fauci.
Dr. FAUCI. Thank you, Mr. Secretary.
As you know, there are two anthrax vaccines, there is the AVA,
the standard one that have been used with the military. An Institute of Medicine committee has made it very clear that in order to
prepare the country for an anthrax attack, that we need to make
attempts to go beyond the older technology and use a new recombinant technology, which is the recombinant protective antigen. We
have a supply, a modest supply in the stockpile of the older AVA,
and there is an order for an additional amount of the AVA. But simultaneous with that, in the procurement process of getting companies to bid for making the recombinant protective antigen, the
comment that you made is correct, we did not, and at the time
and this is an issue with trying to incentivize the big companies
to get involved, the fact that the company in question, Vasogen,
had not produced a vaccine beyond a phase 3 trial, I think bespeaks the lack of incentive of bigger companies to get involved, so
we had to go with companies that, in fact, dont have a track record
like a Merck or a GlaxoSmithKline and others.
Youre correct that the pace of the milestones of the contract of
getting the material into the strategic national stockpile is, in fact,
slower than the Department had hoped it would be. This is being
monitored very carefully by the contract people, and we would be

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happy to keep you abreast of how this goes. But we are aware of
the fact that theyre behind schedule, and nonetheless, we will continue to monitor them very closely.
Mr. GUTKNECHT. Well, Mr. Secretary, thank you for that answer,
and it helps some, but I think ultimately the word that the American people are going to be using more and more about how we
spend their money is accountability. And if were going to give contracts to people and we expect them to live up to their end of that
contract, there have to be some consequences when they dont. And
the consequence seems to be, around this city, well, gee whiz, you
didnt meet that goal, well give you more money, and Im not sure
thats going to cut it.
The other thing I will say, though, and perhaps the most important thing thats come up out of this hearing so far this morning,
at least from my perspective, is to deflate the idea that Tamiflu is
the silver bullet relative to the potential outbreak of an Avian Flu
virus pandemic. I yield back the balance of my time.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you very much.
Mr. Kucinich.
Mr. KUCINICH. Thank you very much.
Mr. Secretary, you stated earlier the obvious, youre not a chemist, but you are the Secretary. At what point are you going to act
on behalf of the American public and issue a compulsory license for
Secretary LEAVITT. Congressman, I mentioned earlier that there
wereweve put $400 million into our proposal for the development
of new anti-viral drugs.
Mr. KUCINICH. Could you answer the question directly, Mr. Secretary? It was a simple question.
Secretary LEAVITT. I do not intend to, if thats a direct answer.
Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Chairman, thats
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thats his answer. Do you have another
Mr. KUCINICH. Are you invoking the fifth amendment?
Secretary LEAVITT. No. I dont think I can be any more plain
Mr. KUCINICH. You just said you dont intend toyou dont intend to what? You dont intend to answer the question?
Chairman TOM DAVIS. He doesnt intend to invoke it, I think its
pretty clear.
Mr. KUCINICH. You dont intend to issue compulsory licenses?
Secretary LEAVITT. That is correct.
Mr. KUCINICH. Why not?
Secretary LEAVITT. Because its my belief that if we want to have
the last anti-viral or new product we will ever have in this country,
we will begin to violate intellectual property and patent rights
Mr. KUCINICH. So you believe that intellectual property and patent rights are more important than having a large supply of an
anti-viral that could save lives?
Secretary LEAVITT. I do not believe that violating their patent
would unleash a new stream of Tamiflu.
Mr. KUCINICH. There are, according to some statements, over 100
companies waiting to begin production of Tamiflu. And contrary to
what youve said about the complex process, there are many people
waiting to go forward with the production. Now for you to sit here

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as Secretary of HHS, its kind of shocking to see you here defending intellectual property rights when the American people could be
facing the results of a pandemic.
I want to ask you a question here. Have you had cabinet meetings? Have there been cabinet meetings about this issue of antiviral and the Avian Flu?
Secretary LEAVITT. Yes.
Mr. KUCINICH. And have you participated in those meetings?
Secretary LEAVITT. I have.
Mr. KUCINICH. And has the Secretary of Defense participated in
those meetings?
Secretary LEAVITT. Yes.
Mr. KUCINICH. Are you aware that the Secretary of Defense is an
investor in Gilead Sciences, the California biotech company that
owns rights to Tamiflu?
Secretary LEAVITT. Im aware from news accounts that he has
clearly set aside any interest in purchases of Tamiflu.
Mr. KUCINICH. You spoke to this being a highly complex process.
Have you talked to people at Gilead?
Secretary LEAVITT. Yes, I have.
Mr. KUCINICH. And have people at Gilead made you aware that
there are over 100 companies waiting to provide production of
Secretary LEAVITT. Congressman, that isnt the case.
Mr. KUCINICH. Well, what is the case? Have they made you
aware that there are many companies waiting to manufacture
Secretary LEAVITT. They have made clear to me that there are
those that have expressed an interest in licensing the product. And
Roche has made clear to me that they are prepared
Mr. KUCINICH. How many?
Secretary LEAVITT. They have not given me a number.
Mr. KUCINICH. And youre the Secretary and you never asked for
a number when were looking at increasing the size of Tamiflu?
Thats incredible.
Secretary LEAVITT. Congressman, if I thought we had the capacity to unleash a needed anti-viral, or that in some fashion we
would be withholding an important life-saving drug, we would take
whatever action is necessary. However, I do not believe, nor do my
advisors nor would I say would the FDA believe that would occur.
Mr. KUCINICH. That what would occur?
Secretary LEAVITT. It is the chemical process, it is the manufacturing process that is constraining the capacity for this to be developed. Roche has made is very clear that theyre prepared to license
anyone who wants to manufacture it, but theyre going to have to
go through a very detailed process
Mr. KUCINICH. Several countries have asked Roche for the right
to make the generic copies of Tamiflu. I have another question to
ask you. Are you negotiating a price with Roche for Tamiflu or are
they setting a price?
Secretary LEAVITT. Were negotiating, Congressman.
Mr. KUCINICH. And when youre negotiating, is it in the same
way that the Veterans Department negotiates with the drug com-

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panies to get the lowest possible price; or are you negotiating it so
they can make the most profit?
Secretary LEAVITT. We are negotiating a price that has been
steadily downward. Theyve been responding
Mr. KUCINICH. Are you going to make those documents available
to this committee so we can make sure that the American taxpayers are not paying a premium for this drug?
Secretary LEAVITT. To the extent thats necessary.
Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Chairman, I think it would be important to
the committee to have that information because they already
talked about a first billion dollars for an anti-viral, since Tamiflu
is the most effective, it certainly appears to me that we ought to
know what were getting for our money.
I think that this committee, Mr. Chairman, has an obligation to
stay on this issue of compulsory licensing. For this administration
to be in a position of taking a stronger issue with support for intellectual property than they are for making a wide availability of
Tamiflu is pretty shocking and ought to send a message to the people of this country where this administrations priorities lie.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you, Mr. Kucinich, I think that
question is addressed to me, and I think the answer is pretty clear
that if Tamiflu were the solution and we knew that was the solution, we could be out there doing all kinds of things, but were not
even sure that is going to be helpful in a pandemic, and there have
to be other anti-virals that have to be developed. And who is going
to spend the money developing an anti-viral if whatever money is
spent in the research and development is just taken away from
them and given to somebody else? I think thats the way the markets work, and I think that, from my perspective, that the Secretary is behaving responsibly. And having said that, obviously
when the prices are negotiated, this committee has oversight responsibility, and we will be happy to work with the Secretary and
everyone else to do that.
Mr. KUCINICH. Will the gentleman yield?
Chairman TOM DAVIS. If you have another constructive comment,
I want to get
Mr. KUCINICH. Well, I have a question. Are we saying that even
if Roche refused to make more Tamiflu or provide licenses to other
companies and thousands of Americans lives hang in the balance,
that we would still
Chairman TOM DAVIS. No. And thats not the case.
Secretary LEAVITT. Mr. Chairman, no one is making that suggestion.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Of course not.
Secretary LEAVITT. This is a very complex chemical manufacturing process. And to simply say that there are hundreds out there
that are, a, willing, and b, able to manufacture it is a misstatement
of the truth and it is
Mr. KUCINICH. Well, your drilling for oil is complex, too. Were
seeing the American consumer getting hit two ways here.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. I think we are getting a little off.
Mr. KUCINICH. I yield back.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Mr. Burton.

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Mr. BURTON. While were on a couple of other subjects here, I
dowhen we passed Medicare prescription drug bill, one of the
things that I was concerned about was that we do negotiate prices,
the VA does, with the pharmaceutical companies, and there was a
prohibition against that in the Medicare prescription drug bill, and
I think that is something that ought to be revisited. Obviously, we
want the pharmaceutical industry to make a lot of money because
we want them to be able to do the research and development that
is necessary for new pharmaceutical products and drugs, but at the
same time, we ought to do what we can to make sure that there
is a negotiation process, like there are in other countries, as far as
buying these pharmaceuticals.
If we did that and provided a protection against the possible
counterfeiting of pharmaceuticalsand that can be doneIve got
a bill Im going to introduce to do thatthen I think we could negotiate these prices down like theyre doing in other places, and that
would be very good.
I read an article in the Wall Street Journal the other day from
some noted physicians and scientists, and it said thatand I think
it verifies what the chairman just said, and that is, that if we come
up with a vaccination against the avian flu, it might mutate into
something else and the vaccine might not be capable of dealing
with a mutation that takes place. So this is a revolving, revolving
situation that we face. And Tamiflu, while it might help now, if we
produce an awful lot of it, by the time we get to the point where
we do have an epidemic, it might not be worth the production costs
that we did. So this is something that has to be looked at on a continual basis, as I understand it; is that correct?
Secretary LEAVITT. Your point is correct. Thats one of the worries that the scientists at this table would express on Tamiflu. We
dont know what the virus will be that will spark a pandemic. Its
possible Tamiflu would have a positive impact, it is also quite possible it would not. And if we have simply used our resources to provide a stockpile of Tamiflu, we would not have prepared ourselves
Mr. BURTON. And it is my understanding fromgo ahead, Dr.
Dr. FAUCI. Mr. Burton, you raise an incredibly important question that is at the crux of what were doing. At the same time that
were stockpiling, to the best that we can, Tamiflu, were investing
in alternative anti-viral drugs in case we run out of options with
the evolution of resistance. Or even if in its best form, Tamiflu
might not be up to the task of stopping this because of what I had
mentioned in an earlier question, that we have no guarantee that
this is going to be highly effective.
With regard to the vaccine, you bring up an even more important
point, and its the two-pronged approach of vaccine in the Departments plan, and that is at the same time that were actually building a stockpile of the vaccine that we have in hand at this time,
we are building the capacity to be able to respond in a timely and
expeditious manner if and whenand we hope it never happens
but if and when the vaccinethe virus changes enough that we
may have to substitute in our vaccine the most recent updated ver-

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sion of the virus that were dealing with. So were doing them at
the same time.
Mr. BURTON. And in the event, as I understand it from our testimony and answering other questions, in the event that it looks like
there is going to be a production problem as the epidemic or pandemic grows, you would be willing to do emergency licensing with
other pharmaceutical companies, even generics, in order to get the
production level up to where it should be as quickly as possible.
Secretary LEAVITT. We would do what we need to do to provide
for preparation for a pandemic.
Mr. BURTON. But youre prepared to do that if you have to do it.
Secretary LEAVITT. We will do what we have to do to protect the
American people.
Mr. BURTON. Well, I really would like to know. I mean, in the
event, lets say that Roche or any pharmaceutical company that
makes vaccines is not capable of production levels that will protect
as many Americans and people as possible, you would do whatever
it took
Secretary LEAVITT. We will do whatever it takes to protect the
American people.
Mr. BURTON. Thats what I wanted to hear, thats what you
wanted to hear.
And finally, let me just go back to something I said in my opening statement. It is extremely important, in my opinion, and Ive
talked to you about this before, that we get mercury out of vaccines, adult as well as children vaccines, and you can do that, and
you know you can, it might cost a little bit more. And I want to
give the pharmaceutical industry the protection it wants against
class action lawsuits, Im for tort reform.
But the only way that many of us in good conscience can do that,
and I think you might run into a problem here, and were going to
be watching the legislation that goes through to deal with this, is
that we have to make sure that the Vaccine Injury Compensation
Fund is user friendly so that people who do have children that are
damaged or adults that are damaged have access to that and they
dont have to go through a 10 or 12-year process to get compensation for the damage thats been done.
So if we could get the mercury out of the vaccines and go to single shop vials as necessary, make sure the Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund is user friendly, then youre going to get, and the
vaccine industry is going to get what they want, and that is, protection against class action lawsuits.
We tried to do that in the 1980s. I and others are willing to do
that now, we just want to make sure that the people who are damaged do have a modicum of protection, and right now that doesnt
appear to be the case. Mr. Chairman.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you very much.
Ms. Norton.
Ms. NORTON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Secretary, I have questions on this issue, but I think I
should give you the opportunity to respond to the glitches weve
seen in the distribution system, to indicate where they come from
and to give any assurances that you can about the existing flu vaccine. I think the overreaction problem comes from the fact that if

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people see this one and are not assured, then of course, theyre not
going to take very seriously what were trying, and what you quite
appropriately are trying to focus them on.
Can you just give us some word about the issues that have come
up, besides the fact that we know large numbers of people are coming forward?
Secretary LEAVITT. Ill ask Dr. Gerberding to give you an update.
Ms. NORTON. Im sorry?
Secretary LEAVITT. I will ask Dr. Gerberding from CDC to give
you an update.
Dr. GERBERDING. Thank you. Where we are right now this year
with the vaccine supply is that approximately 63 million doses of
vaccine have already been distributed. Were expecting more than
80 million doses to be available this year, which is potentially more
than weve ever delivered in any given year
Ms. NORTON. I think I want to get on to my questions here. I
simply want to know, because we know of the availability, Im trying to find out about the distribution glitches, in particular, because otherwise I wont get to ask my other questions.
Dr. GERBERDING. The distribution is in the hands of the private
sector, as is most of the vaccines.
Ms. NORTON. So there is nothing the CDC can do about it?
Dr. GERBERDING. It is not something that we have control over.
Thats been one of the challenges and why what the President is
proposing is so helpful to us because we can really increase our
seasonal flu vaccine supply
Ms. NORTON. Im very sorry to hear that. It has a direct effect
upon people who will have any confidence on what youre doing on
the pandemic. And I ask you to look into the matter of distribution
and not simply throw your hands up and say I guess theres nothing we can do about that.
If you cant get it to us, and I repeat whatI wrote it down, Mr.
Secretary, distribution defines victory. Well, let me tell you, thousands of people die in the United States every year despite the fact
that we do have vaccine available, so if you cant get it to them,
if you cant help us on that score, then I guess victory is not ours.
Secretary LEAVITT. Ms. Norton, at the break I made a call, because of your opening statement I wanted to make certain I had
the facts. There are two components to distribution, one is the ability for the company to get it to the place where its been ordered,
the other is the need for them to order enough. Washington, DC,
ordered only 33,000 doses or, rather, courses of the vaccine, and
one of the reasons that they may be having a shortage is because
they didnt order enough.
Ms. NORTON. So youre sayingand so the fact that Walgreens
across the country says theyre not going to do it anymore
Secretary, LEAVITT. There are distribution challenges, but in
some cases, communities also didnt order enough.
Ms. NORTON. I will check with our Department of Health, and
Im sure the Congressman will check with his, and I appreciate
that answer.
Weve had trials that help us the next time to do know what do.
The trial in this case was the smallpox vaccine, this completely collapsed. The President made a big and important announcement.

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Most experts believe that the reason was that, while the manufacturer got a liability shield, people, first responders, thats who were
trying to get to go first, didnt have any confidence that if, in fact,
something happened, that there would be some kind of compensation for them.
Now you know, Mr. Secretary, thiswe get parents to vaccinate
children because of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program for
childhood vaccines. The President didnt even mention this, even
though hes had one failure already. You would think that there
would have been some mention of or acknowledgement of that failure and saying that they were going to take some steps to deal
with it.
Let me ask you whether you believe, at least in principle, that
first responders who might also be asked to take this vaccine first
deserve to beand in light of our experienceto be effective must
be assured that there will be some kind of compensation in case
some small number, Im sure it will be small, are, in fact, injured
from the vaccine.
Secretary LEAVITT. We do need to provide incentives for first responders to be inoculated. We will need them very much in a State
of national emergency, whether its smallpox or a pandemic.
Ms. NORTON. And you think the childhood vaccines compensation
program is something of a model that we might follow here?
Secretary LEAVITT. I know that has been effective to a degree
and it can be improved still. I expect as the discussion goes forward
it will be discussed.
Ms. NORTON. Well, it will be on you, Mr. Chairman, if you put
it out to first responders and you get the same response you got
from smallpox, so be forewarned.
Final question. Dr. Fauci testified here aboutgave us some real
hope during the last crisisabout moving on from this egg-based
manufacturing to state-of-the-art, or the art apparently isnt here,
cell culture, and, one, do we even haveare we any closer even for
our annual vaccine needs; and two, is there any hope that, moving
forward, we can leave this slow way of dealing with manufacturing
of these vaccines for the annual flus and the other pandemics.
Dr. FAUCI. Yes. Thank you, Ms. Norton. The process that is going
on now, since the last time I have spoken to you there has been
considerably more of a transition. Right now the current technology
of the industry as a whole is egg-based. The future of the influenza
vaccine production will be based on cell. We are making significant
investments, as are the companies themselves on their own dime,
to ultimately transition into cell-based. Depending on the company,
some are well into doing the transition
Ms. NORTON. Any waiting on the annual vaccines, on cell-based
on how close are they
Dr. FAUCI. The annual vaccine for the seasonal flu that we will
be distributing to our citizens at least over the next couple of years
will continue to be egg
Ms. NORTON. How soon, Dr. Fauci, even on that?
Dr. FAUCI. The industry likely will not transition over to a full
cell-based for at least 4 years or more. I want to just emphasize,
Ms. Norton, that this advantage, the primary advantage of cellbased is what we call surge capacity, the ability to rapidly rev up

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on more doses and to have the flexibility of changing in midstream
on the numbers that you need. We appreciate that is the wave of
the future, but the technology itself will not allow the industry as
a whole to get there for the next few years. So this years is certainly egg-based. And I can guarantee you that next year is going
to be egg-based also.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you. Thank you for that explanation.
Mr. Cannon.
Mr. CANNON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I chair the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative
Law which is part of the Judiciary Committee, and we are going
to have a hearing next week on a tort liability limitation for flu
vaccination or manufacturers of flu vaccine. And that is Darrell
Issas bill. So I got a bit engaged in this.
And if I can followup on the question of the gentlelady from D.C.
In some of our recent discussions, it sounds to me like industry has
had huge failures, huge costs, and not much progress on cell-based
vaccines. And I was just as recently as yesterday told thatby a
major manufacturerthat this is at least 5 years off. And that is
at least. So you said not within 4 years, but that means in 5
years or beyond we are looking at it. So this is not imminent; isnt
that the case?
Dr. FAUCI. That is the case. It is not imminent. I think the investment that is taking place within the budget associated with the
plan that was just released, that could be accelerated somewhat.
But it is talking about 4 years at least and probably 5.
Mr. CANNON. We hadI think this is the same science-based
issue, but on line Newsweek this week has an Isikoff story so this
is a very high-level story that they are pursuing. I take it from
your response that you are familiar with that Dr. Fauci?
Dr. FAUCI. Uh-huh.
Mr. CANNON. It is talking about the anthrax vaccine and VaxGen
that is producing that with like a $900 million $800-some-odd, almost $900 million in funding, and only one company bid on the
project. And the other companies refused to bid because it was not
feasible to do it in the timeframes that the RFP suggested, and so
now we have a small company failing to perform in an area where
wethis is notnot bird flu, but it is associated because we are
talking about the same technology here where we have an experimental technology to deal with a disease that we have already been
attacked with, it has already been a bioterrorist tool, attacked several times with, and yet we dont have a stockpile, even though my
understanding is that we have a company that has an FDA-approved vaccine for anthrax.
Is that a fair statement of where we are?
Dr. FAUCI. Yes, it is a fair statement. A little bit of a different
interpretation of it, because there is a history behind why a company is pursuing what you say is an experimental approach. Which
is not necessarily experimental; it is a recombinant DNA technology that is used with other vaccines. The Institute of Medicine,
after careful examination of the anthrax problem, recommended
that the Federal Government move on to a more advanced modernday approach to vaccination after anthrax, and that was the recom-

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binant DNA technology, the RPA. The vaccine that you refer to
that is already licensed is the AVA that has been used in our
Armed Forces. We do have some of that in our stockpile, and we
have actually recently put in a purchase for an additional amount
of the older AVA vaccine. The recombinant protective antigen is by
a company that you mentioned, VaxGen. It is one of the few companies that put in a bid for the simple reason that we have trouble
incentivizing the large companies to even get involved in the vaccine production industry.
Mr. CANNON. And I think in part that is because of what Mr.
Burton said about liability. We want to help solve some of these liability problems. But are we going to be in the business of paying
Federal dollars to develop marginal technologies with companies
and by the way, I think it was in the article someone mentioned
that these guys are being sued because they overstated what they
could do with an AIDS vaccine that didnt work.
So what you really have here, at least to me, sounds like a marginal company that is willing to say, yeah, we will do that $877
million, whatever that number is.
We are at the table and then we get the problems because I believe, as I understand it, that the other companies were saying we
cant do what you are tasking us to do. And so are we just spending
Federal money to create, with a hope and a lot of dollars, a path
to something that may be good in the long run but which we can
get to reasonably?
Dr. FAUCI. I think it is important to put into context that the ultimate purchase of RPA or any other of the countermeasures that
will go into the Strategic National Stockpile will be through a
mechanism called BioShield which is money that does not go to the
company except if they deliver the product. So, although we will be
late, they will not get paid for a product that does not get delivered.
Mr. CANNON. But of the $800 or $900 million we are dealing here
for VaxGen, how much of that are they getting in advance to cover
their R&D and other expenses?
Dr. FAUCI. They will get according to what the milestone is. So
they will get the money when they meet a milestone. So if their
milestone is late, their money will be late. If they never reach the
milestone, they will not get the money.
Mr. CANNON. I would just as soon see this not become a major
issue, but let me jump on because I think there are other issues
that are more important. In the hearing I chaired recently in Mr.
Souders subcommitteeI mentioned in this my introduction of the
Governor, and now Mr. Secretarythat there is an absolute consensus that the decreasing cost of DNA decoding and decreasing
cost of computing has transformed the industry.
And I know Secretary Leavitt has been deeply involved in these
kinds of issues. But there are at least a couple, maybe three different new technologies out there which allow immediate decoding
not in a half hour, much later in time, but immediate decoding of
DNA, which should allow us to be much more proactive in identifying where we are having these outbreaks.
Is anybody looking at that kind of technology in the Department
today, and does it hold promise?

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Mr. LEAVITT. The answer is yes. There is one point that I think
Dr. Raub could add to this question that might be helpful. Could
he have a moment.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Sure. Dr. Raub, please respond and then
we will move to Mr. Van Hollen.
Mr. RAUB. You were citing the article, and I have not seen that
particular one, but it is incorrect to say that the VaxGen was the
only bidder. In fact, we had multiple bidders. We had a spirited
competition. Its true, the large industries stayed on the sidelines
for its own reasons. But we had strong proposals, a very thorough
technical review, and VaxGen won that competition.
Mr. CANNON. I hope, Mr. Chairman, that the Secretary could address the issue of new technology and identifying the DNA strands
that identify the flu so that we can get aif that wouldthe question, I guess, would that provide a better tool for identifying and
containing a pandemic? And is it something we are pursuing?
Secretary LEAVITT. I will ask Dr. Gerberding. She can give you
what I think will be a more satisfying answer.
Dr. GERBERDING. I think what youre referring to is the use of
DNA-based diagnostics. In other words, to detect not the whole
virus or wait until we grow it up and culture it, but to probe for
specific components of the virus. And that technology is well underway. Actually, some preliminary approaches to this, using chip
technology, are in clinical study now.
Mr. CANNON. If the chairman would grant unanimous consent for
10 more seconds.
Mr. BURTON [presiding]. If Mr. Van Hollen doesnt mind.
Mr. CANNON. Let me just suggest that Ive heard of a test on malaria at Johns Hopkins using a new device that has been radically
successful. And it might be worth pursuing that from your point of
view. And I would be happy to get you information if you would
Mr. BURTON. Mr. Van Hollen.
Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And, again, thank
all of you for your testimony.
Mr. Secretary, I want to focus on some of the issues I raised in
my opening comments regarding the fact that as I look at the plan,
I dont think enough emphasis is being spent on that early warning/early intervention/prevention part it.
As I listened to the testimony of a lot of people from the World
Health Organization, the FAO and others, they say a critical part
of a plan to prevent an outbreak would be to try to find a way to
stop or slow down the transmission of the disease through the carriers, avian flu, birds and others.
And my question No. 1 is, first, do you agree that that is an important part of the strategy? No. 2, what are your understandings
of the cost and what it would take in terms of resources to address
that strategy? And No. 3, what amount of money in this planI
dont see any money especially for that particular part, transmission among the carriersis in this plan, and how do we make
up any gap in that funding?
Secretary LEAVITT. I spent 9 days in Southeast Asia with the
head of the World Health Organization and the head of the animal
health organizations and with the pandemic representative from

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the U.N. We spent time in the five major countries where the most
cases have manifest.
I had a chance to walk through wet markets and go to farms and
to sit down and speak with people who had actually contracted
avian flu, and I think I began to develop a pretty good sense of
what the challenge is.
We are investing heavily already, and have been for some time,
in an international surveillancedisease surveillance system. We
have people on the ground. We have laboratories on the ground.
We are doing what we can now to build laboratory capacity. Ultimately we are going to have a decision to make when there is an
outbreak of a pandemic flu, whatever the designation.
Is the capacity to contain possible? If it is a small village in a
remote area of Thailand or Cambodia and it hasnt gone beyond
that village, and it is a strain that appears to have low efficiency
and not much virulence, then it is quite possible that it would be
a very good use of our resources to go in and to put that spark out
while we can.
If it is in a metropolitan area and it has spread to a number of
places, and it is already achieving person-to-person transmission in
a highly efficient way, the use of limited resources in the United
States may not be the best choice.
Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Secretary, if I could, because my time is
short, if I could justI understand the importance of trying to prevent the outbreak amongif it gets from human-to-human transmission and the importance of that.
What I was referring to was part of a strategy that I understand
many of the health experts in the WHO are talking about, trying
to slow the transmission among the carrier population now of birds.
You know, they have slaughtered millions of birds and we need to
keep doing that to the extent that the virus exhibits itself. But
there has been some talk about methods, through farming methods, but also even through putting stuff in the feed of chickens that
would sort of immunize them against the further spread. And since
they are the carriers, I dont see anything in this plan with respect
to that.
Do you think that wedo you think that WHO and FAO folks
are right, that we should focus on that as part of our strategy? And
what resources will that take?
Secretary LEAVITT. The plan thatthe Presidents plan does, in
fact, have funds that would go to the Department of Agriculture
and others who will be participating in those efforts. However, we
need to remember that we now have a situation with tens of hundreds of millions of wild birds who are carrying the virus from continent to continent. We are seeing that unfold in the news virtually
every day.
I had a chance to see birds being culled and vaccinated and other
processes and, frankly, they are imperfect. And they are inconsistent. And while I believe everything that you have said is, in principle, an important step, I did not come away from Southeast Asia
with high optimism that is going to ultimately be the way in which
we defeat this problem.
Mr. VAN HOLLEN. And dont get me wrong. I am not suggesting
we shouldnt be putting a lot of emphasis on what we do if there

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is an outbreak. That is an absolutely critical part of the plan. But
given the cost in lives and dollars of what an outbreak would
mean, it just seems to me we should do everything humanly possible to prevent that spread.
Let me just ask you about the ability of the HHS to respond generally to an outbreak, and your capacity to do that in the delivery
system that has been raised, because as I understand in the National Response Plan, you were the lead agency with respect to
overseeing the Federal response at the medical level and health
And we have seen some early efforts to respond to catastrophes.
We saw that with Hurricane Katrina. And I think there is general
agreement that the Federal response over allI am not talking especially about the health areabut overall inadequate. And we had
some early look at that with respect to the health response earlier
with some of the hurricanes in Florida in 2004. And a report was
commissioned by the Department from someone from the CNA
Corp. I am not sure whether youre familiar with that report. But
its findings were that the Department was not prepared. And looking at a case study in response to those Florida hurricanes in 2004,
it found that despite the agencys role as a coordinator, HHS is not
viewed as a leader of the health and medical operations in the
field; often sends inexperienced junior staff members. And the report states that HHS had a, poor working relationship with key
medical personnel from the Department of Homeland Security.
No. 1, are you familiar with the report and its findings? And, if
so, have any actions been taken within the Department in response
to the recommendations and findings in that report?
Secretary LEAVITT. I am not familiar with the report, and I will
tell you that is inconsistent with my own experience. We lack perfection, but I will suggest that during Katrina in particular the
medical responsenot just HHS, but from the medical community
in generalwas, I thought, quite remarkable.
Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Well, Mr. Secretary, I have a copy of the report
here. And, Mr. Chairman, I think it might be worthwhile for your
folks to at least brief some of the committee staff and other
Chairman TOM DAVIS [presiding]. That would be helpful, thank
you, Mr. Van Hollen.
Thank you very much. Mr. Kanjorski.
Mr. KANJORSKI. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I dont know whether
there is any truth to it. Of course I am watching some of the national news programs that indicate that most of the industrial nations of the world are ahead of us in the preparation for a pandemic. Is that a reasonable conclusion?
Secretary LEAVITT. I believe that is not the case, Congressman.
I think, if you would, I have met with all of the health ministers
from all the major countries manyseveral times on this issue.
And we are following parallel tracks. And I would tell you with respect to the fact that we have a vaccine, we are leading in the development of the vaccine. We are now sharing our technology with
other nations and working to collaborate with them. Others have
made orders of Tamiflu, like we have, and they wait for their supply in the same way we do. I would say there is no nation on Earth

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that is particularly well prepared right now. But we are better prepared today than we were yesterday, and we intend to be better
prepared tomorrow than we are today.
Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Secretary, in listening to the Presidents program and some of the testimony even here today, it strikes me that
we are trying to resolve this problem within an existing culture of
our economy and how it operates. We are looking at whether or not
it is advantageous for companies to invest in this. It is a decisionmaking process for profit.
If, in fact, we are talking about something that could kill 100,
200, 300 million people in the world and several millions in the
United States, it seems to me one of the largest challenges in modern time that we will have faced, and it would necessitate breaking
the limitations of ourof the normal way we do business. And it
seems that everything I am hearing is that we are trying to make
sure we incentivize people, the drug companies; and they are not
listening, they are not making enough profit.
I think back to if we had decided to stay within that system to
invent the atom bomb, we couldnt have done it in 3 or 4 years. It
would have taken us 20 years. And this may be something that necessitates a Manhattan-type Project. And the thing that brothers
me in listening to this cell culture developmentand I am all for
it; I think the faster you can put a vaccine out to respond to an
emergency or a situation, the better off you are.
I have a hard time believing when I hear 5 years and everybodywell, unless, it is the technology might not be developed sufficiently to commercialize it in time? Or what is the problem? Why
should it take 5 years to implement manufacturing capacity of this
cell-culture alternative, unless it is experimental and we are still
in the process of developing? Have we developed? If we have, why
cant we implement it in a matter of a year or two?
Secretary LEAVITT. I am going to ask Dr. Fauci, who is deeply
and personally involved in this, to respond to that.
Dr. FAUCI. Using cell culture-based techniques to develop vaccines is not new. It is successfully used in other vaccines. To adapt
it to influenza has not been easy from a number of standpoints.
The cell lines that have initially been involved at this point in time
are not particularly good yielders of virus in the sense of the yield
of growing the virus in the cell lines compared to the egg-based.
The other is that what you have is a situation where companies,
if theyand that gets into the incentive. And I appreciate what
youre saying, sir, about the idea when you have an emergent situation, you have to go beyond incentives. But we had to deal with
companies who are very tried and true in their egg-based culture
to begin with. To get them to switch over is not an easy thing.
Mr. KANJORSKI. And that is what I sense, that we are trying to
do this with an economic system that deals with normality rather
than abnormality. And it seems to me it is going to be hard to tell
people that they have lost their children or their grandparents or
their friends or themselves, because, gee, it just wasntjust didnt
fit the capital structure that the American economy is based on.
And we couldnt entice some of these manufacturers that would
love to make an aspirin and make a lot more money on that than
a vaccine.

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I am suggesting why havent you come forth with setting up a
government-sponsored enterprise we put up the manufacturing capacity, we pay for it, so we can move? So that everything is going
concurrently, youre developing the strains, and how you pick up
that efficiency could occur while we are building a manufacturing
facility. But it seems to me we are lollygoggling around, if you will,
and we are just saying, well, we probably have 5 years. And we
hope we do. And some of the people I listen to say we may have
5 or 10 years.
But what if we had had only 2 years and what if we had had
a Manhattan Project, we could have put the capacity in place, we
could have been ready, and we could have done it even governmentally? Why are you all
Dr. FAUCI. First of all, with respect, sir, I dont think you could
have a one-to-one relationship to say that if we dont get cell-based
cultures next year as opposed to this year, or 2 years from now as
opposed to 3 years from now, that is going to be the whole story
of whether we are successful or not. It is not that simple and
Mr. KANJORSKI. If we dont have sufficient vaccines, not only for
the American population but for the world population, if we think
we have suffered in Iraq, when we try and say we are not going
to give to the rest of the world because we dont have enoughI
mean, this country has suffered enough dissatisfaction from the
rest of the world. We have to start thinking globally. We have a
responsibility. But here we are talking about capacity to manufacture; something that should be American. We should be No. 1. I
cant understand why you dont come forward and say, look, if we
cant convince some of these companiessome of which areone of
which, the major producer of this, is in my district. And, you know,
if they need infusion of capital to expand, lets do what we do for
the military, lets buy them the equipment.
Dr. FAUCI. If you look at the plan
Mr. KANJORSKI. Doctor, what I am so worried about is everybody
talking about this magnificent plan that has been structured to operate over 5 years. And I am saying we may not have 5 years.
What is the fastest period of time we could do it? What would
it cost? And how efficient could we do it? And do we need the CDC
or somebody to be the government-sponsored enterprise to get this
And it is not only a one-use thing. We are not only doing it
against this flu. We know that we are going to have diseases like
this in the future that we have to meet with a vaccine. Why not
have the capacity within the government to do that?
Secretary LEAVITT. Mr. Chairman, I think Dr. Raub, again,
would have an insightful response.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. And then we will move to Mr. Cummings
as our last question. Thank you, Dr. Raub.
Mr. RAUB. Sir, in many ways you have summarized the budget
proposal that accompanies the plan that we discussed with the two
appropriations subcommittees yesterday. The President is proposing $4.7 billion worth for that kind of incentive to revitalize the
vaccine industry for domestic production for the very reasons youre

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saying: to try to give an acceleration such that the limiting factor
will be the technology rather than the investment decisions.
We are proposing a substantial sharing of risk between the Federal Government and this industry as a way to transform that
Mr. KANJORSKI. And I appreciate that. But all I am suggesting
is that it sounds to me as though it is the regular order of how we
do things. And it doesnt quite have the emphasis that I think one
of these days all of us are going to be up here asking why didnt
we do this and why did we lose a million people when we didnt
have to? And if the technology is there, if cell culture works, lets
do it and do it as fast and as soon as we can, regardless of what
the expense will be.
And I am not talking about throwing money away. I am talking
about, look, we own munitions plants to develop certain munitions
that arent manufactured in this country. If we can do that for war,
why cant we consider this a war on disease and spend a couple billion dollars to accomplish that?
Chairman TOM DAVIS. Thank you. Gentlemans time has expired.
But thank you for your comments.
Mr. Cummings, 5 minutes.
Mr. CUMMINGS. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I just
want to go back to the opening statement of my good friend, Mr.
Duncan, an hour or 2 ago. And he questioned whether or not this
iswe are doing overkill. In other words, whether the problem is
not as bad as the kind of cures that we are trying to come up with;
in other words, the efforts that we are putting forth.
Do you all think that we are under or overestimating the problem, the significance of this problem?
Secretary LEAVITT. Congressman, it is my belief it is a very serious problem and it is one that could have such profound impact on
our country and the world that we absolutely have to respond and
be ready.
Now, I dont have any certainty that it is going to occur. But I
do know that if we proceed forward on the plan that we have laid
out, that at the conclusion we will have cell-based technology. We
will have the capacity for annual flu vaccine manufacturing that
we dont have. We will have better prepared State and local governments for whatever the medical emergency should be, whether
it is a pandemic or bioterrorism event or a nuclear event.
And we will have a bioa disease surveillance system internationally unlike what we have today. And we will have the peace
of mind of knowing we are ready for it, because it will in fact happen. Pandemics occur, and they will occur in the future just as they
have in the past.
Mr. CUMMINGS. One of the things I want to just go back to my
friend, Mr. Van Hollen, and some issues that he raised with regard
to the international situation, Mr. Secretary. You know, the Food
and Agricultural Organization of the U.N. Director saidand I
want to quotehe said, countries at risk in the international community need to act rapidly to control avian influenza at source, in
animals. We cannot afford to wait to battle the disease in pharmacies and hospitals, but we need to get rid of the virus in affected
farmers backyards. Prevention will be cheaper than the cure.

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And then we have the New York Times article entitled Poverty
and Superstition and the Drive to Block Bird Flu at the Source.
And I quote them: A Cambodian farmer stopped by the clinic late
one morning to pick up medicine for a chronic cough. He said if any
of his chickens fell sick, he would not tell anyone for fear the government might arrange for the rest to be slaughtered without compensation. If they were very sickand this is the farmer talking
before they died, then I might throw them in the brush, he said.
But if they were only a little sick, I would probably eat them.
To what extent, if any, are you working to address this troubling
reality, that farmers in the epicenter of this struggle have an economic disincentive to report avian flu contamination among their
Secretary LEAVITT. Congressman, I sat in the living room or the
family area of a man who did exactly that, who depended on
Mr. CUMMINGS. Where was that, Mr. Secretary?
Secretary LEAVITT. It was in Vietnam. He and his family had 300
chickens. They depended heavily on them both for protein and for
their livelihood.
And when their village got H5N1, five of his chickens died, and
the village committee concluded they needed to kill the chickens.
He did. He had only lost five of them, and he decided he needed
to eat the others or at least invite his family over. And a week
later, he got a very serious cough and a fever and nausea, and
within 2 hours he was debilitated and headed for death. I asked
his wife about the experience. And she told me that it was obviously a terrible moment in their lives. And she was looking for
ways that she could raise money to keep his treatment going, and
they had sold the only thing they had, which was chickens.
Now, I know the cross-pressures that youre speaking of and they
are deep and they are all over Southeast Asia. Vietnam alone has,
I think, 43 million farmers. Several million of them have chickens.
In China there are 13.5 billion chickens.
This is a problem that may have already gone beyond our capacity to contain among animals. I dont know that with certainty, but
it is part of the equation that we have to factor in. It is primarily
an animal disease right now.
And for that, we can be grateful. And we need to move aggressively to contribute to the efforts that youve alluded to.
I will tell you that the head of animal health for the U.N. and
for the World Animal Health Organization was with me on that
trip. And we spent a lot of time walking through markets and dealing with the Health Ministers and the Agriculture Ministers from
those nations who are perplexed by this.
Is it possible for the United States to be involved in compensating farmers? We will be. We will be helping them in other countries
in culling their chickens. We will be helping them vaccinate. But
I did not leave there with any sense of certainty or optimism that
we would, through those efforts, be able to prevent a pandemic
should the virus mutate. We dont know anything about what is
going on in Burma. We havent got a clue about what is going on
in North Korea. There are major sectors of the Earth in Africa
where we dont have sufficient surveillance, nor do they.

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This is a tough problem. And ultimately if it makes that transition, it will become a human problem. And that is why we are taking this so seriously, to answer your first question.
Mr. CUMMINGS. Just one last question, Mr. Chairman. You know,
as you just described, just based upon what you just said, it seems
as if this is a problem that we dont have a lot of control over. I
mean, am I right? Just going back to Mr. Van Hollens concern that
it is better to try to address this outside the country than inside
the country, just based upon what you just said, it seems like it
is almost an impossible task. And correct me if Im wrong to try
to address those farmers, because they seem to be on the first line
of problems.
Secretary LEAVITT. If this makes a transition from an animal/
bird disease to a human, there will be a spark. And if we are there,
we will have an opportunity to contain it. But if it happens in a
way that happens in a place, a massive urban city where people
live close together with their animals and it spreads like wildfire,
we will not have the ability to contain it. And our doctrine calls for
us to begin containing it every other way we can, which we will
begin to do things we talked about earlier in this hearing. There
will need to be at that point provisions taken to do everything we
can to keep it off the shores of the United States. If it doesnt, we
need a surveillance system that will help us determine when it begins to manifest itself here, and where.
That is what this plan is about. That is why this is such a serious, difficult complex problem. And we all hope it doesnt make
that transition. But if it does, we need to be ready. And if H5N1
isnt the virus, there will be another, and we need to be ready then.
Mr. CUMMINGS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Secretary.
Chairman TOM DAVIS. I thank the members for their questions.
Mr. Secretary, you did a great job. Thank you and your team and
keep up the good work.
The hearing is adjourned.
[Whereupon, at 12:45 p.m., the committee was adjourned.]
[The prepared statements of Hon. Jon C. Porter and Hon. Jean
Schmidt, and additional information submitted for the hearing
record follows:]

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PO 00000

Frm 00115

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00116

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00117

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00118

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00119

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00120

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00121

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00122

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00123

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00124

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00125

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00126

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00127

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00128

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00129

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00130

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00131

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00132

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00133

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00134

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00135

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00136

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00137

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00138

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00139

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00140

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00141

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00142

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00143

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00144

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00145

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00146

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00147

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00148

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00149

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00150

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00151

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00152

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00153

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00154

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00155

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00156

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00157

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00158

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00159

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00160

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00161

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00162

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00163

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00164

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6633





VerDate 11-MAY-2000

14:57 Apr 02, 2006

Jkt 000000

PO 00000

Frm 00165

Fmt 6633

Sfmt 6011




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