Gustul Plantelor Medicinale

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Herbs Fla vor Wh eel




Common chemical constituents

Traditional Chinese Medicine &

1 234 5 6
Taste of Herbs Flavor Wheel created by Rosalee de la Fort.
For educational use only., LLC.
All Rights Reserved.

Visit for course info.

The Five Tastes

Ayurveda classifications

Plant energetic qualities

Western herbalism actions

The Herbs

Disco vering Your Personal Constitution

Quiz Set A: Determining Hot and Cold
Check each statement that feels true to you.

Check each statement that feels true to you.

q I tend to feel warmer than others.

q I tend to have a loud voice.
q My entire face can easily get red or
q My tongue tends to be bright red.
q I have lots of opinions and I am not afraid
to share them.
q I prefer cold weather.

q I tend to feel colder than others.

q I tend to have a quiet voice.
q My face, lips and/or tongue tends to be
q I often feel like I have low energy levels.
q I prefer warm weather.
Total number of checks:

Total number of checks:

Add up the checks in both quizzes. If you clearly have more checks in the first quiz, this indicates more
heat qualities. If you clearly have more checks in the second quiz then you have more cooling qualities.
If you have an equal amount of checks in both quizzes this could mean that you have a fairly balanced
constitution. Next step is to evaluate your damp and dry qualities...

Quiz Set B: Determining Dry and Damp

Check each statement that feels true to you.

Check each statement that feels true to you.


I tend to sweat more easily than others.

I often have a runny nose.
My arms and legs can feel heavy.
I tend to have a thick coating on my
q My skin and hair are often oily.
q I prefer dry climates and dont like

q My skin tends to be rough and dry.

q I often have a dry throat, nose and/or
q Its hard for me to stay hydrated.
q My hair tends to be dry.
q I often have itchy skin or scalp.
q My tongue does not usually have a coating
on it.

Total number of checks:

Total number of checks:

Again, add up your totals for both the quizzes. If you have more checks in the first quiz then you have
more signs of dampness. If you have more checks in the second quiz then you have more signs of dryness. If you have an equal amount of checks in both quizzes, this could mean you are fairly balanced in
regards to damp/dry.
Your result from the first set of quizzes can be combined with your result from the second set of quizzes
so that you end up with a combination of thermal results and humidity results. For example: hot/dry, hot/
damp, cold/dry, cold/damp., LLC. All rights reserved.

Your Current Energetics

Quiz Set A: Determining Hot and Cold
Check each statement that feels true to you.

I feel hot or have a high fever.

I am very thirsty.
My face is red and flushed.
I dislike hot temperatures and crave
I am restless and/or irritable.
I have red eyes.
I have yellow discharges (e.g. mucus).
I have strong odors.
My sleep is restless.
I have a strong appetite.
My tongue is bright red possibly with a
yellow coating

Check each statement that feels true to you.

q I strongly dislike cold temperatures and
prefer warmth.
q I feel fatigued or lethargic.
q I have white or clear discharges
(e.g. mucus).
q I have loose stools or indigested food in
q I have a poor appetite.
q I have a pale face, lips and/or tongue.
Total number of checks:

Total number of checks:

Add up the true statements in both quizzes. If you clearly have more true statements in the first quiz,
this indicates more heat qualities. If you clearly have more true statements in the second quiz then you
have more cooling qualities. Next step is to evaluate your damp and dry qualities...

Quiz Set B: Determining your damp and dry qualities.

Check each statement that feels true to you.

Check each statement that feels true to you.

q I have excess fluids

(e.g. sweat or a runny nose).
q I have nausea.
q My arms and legs feel heavy.
q I have edema.
q My chest feels full of congested.
q I feel sluggish.
q My tongue has a thick coating.

q My skin is rough and dry.

q My fluid discharges are scanty or thick
(e.g. mucus).
q I often have a dry throat, nose and/or
q I have hot flashes or night sweats.
q I am unusually thirsty.
q I am constipated with dry stools.
q My tongue looks dry and cracked and
does not have a coating.

Total number of checks:

Total number of checks:

Again, add up your totals for both the quizzes. If you have more checks in the first quiz, then you have
more signs of dampness. If you have more checks in the second quiz, then you have more signs of dryness.
Your result from the first set of quizzes can be combined with your result from the second set of quizzes
so that you end up with a combination of thermal results and humidity results. For example: hot/dry, hot/
damp, cold/dry, cold/damp., LLC. All rights reserved.


Ginger Tasting

asting herbs and feeling how they work in

our bodies is the BEST way to learn about
the art of herbalism. Once you have an
experience with an herb, you are not going to
forget it in the same way you can easily forget
those long lists of herbs and ailments.

You can strain either of these teas if you like, I

generally leave the ginger in myself. Now that your
tea is made you are ready for the Tasting Experience.

To show you how simple this is I am going to take

you through a Simple Tasting Experience so you
can really get what I mean.

Does the tea have a smell? Do you notice any

changes in your body when you smell that tea? Is it
a pleasurable smell? Or do you dislike it?

This experience is about simply noticing how

something makes you feel and what changes you
notice in your body. There is no wrong or right
experiences. Its really about your own awareness
and observations.
We are going to start by tasting ginger. This is a
perfect herb to start with because its energetics
are very pronounced, its easy to find and most
people think it tastes good.
You could make a tea with the fresh ginger or
dried ginger. Whatever you can most easily find
will work great.
Put one tablespoon of minced fresh
ginger into a cup.
Cover this with 8 ounces of just boiled
Cover the cup and let steep for ten
two identical mugs or cups
Put 2 teaspoons of dried ginger powder
into a cup
Cover this with 8 ounces of just boiled
Cover the cup and let steep for ten minutes.

Step #1. Smell your tea...

What do you notice?

Step #2. Sip your tea...

How does it taste?
Sweet? Sour? Bitter? Spicy?
Step #3. Take another sip...
What do you notice within your body?
Do you notice yourself taking a deeper breath? Do
you have any sensation in your sinuses? Do you
feel the digestive process begin? (More salivation,
tummy rumbling?)
Step #4. Take another sip...
What do you notice about its warming or cooling
qualities? Do you feel heat when you sip this tea?
Heat on your tongue or in your belly? Or do you feel
more cold sensations?
Remember: This experience is about simply noticing
how something makes you feel and what changes you
notice in your body. There is no wrong or
right experiences. Its really about
your own awareness and
observations. Practicing
and refining this tasting
experience is one
of the most
important tools
an herbalist
can have.

Written by Rosalee de la Fort. Taste of Herbs, LLC

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