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Hubble Space Telescopes

Top Science
The Hubble
Space Telescope
is one of the most powerful and prolific science
instruments ever made, earning a place as one of the technical wonders of the modern world. From its lofty perch 350 miles
above Earth, Hubble sees farther and sharper than any previous telescope, producing breathtaking images that have astounded astronomers
and the public. Its discoveries have revolutionized nearly all areas of astronomy, from planetary science to cosmology. The telescope has imaged more
than 30,000 celestial objects, snapping more than 570,000 pictures.
A series of heroic astronaut servicing missions to Hubble have made it the
longest-operating space observatory ever built. Thanks to routine maintenance and upgrades Hubble is 100 times more powerful than when
it was launched. In addition to its scientific importance, Hubble
brings cosmic wonders into millions of homes and schools
worldwide, allowing the public to be co-explorers with
this wondrous observatory. Here are some of
Hubbles top science discoveries.

Hu bbl e Spac e Te l e sc opes Top Sci e nc e Fi n di ng s

An Accelerating Universe
By witnessing bursts of light from faraway exploding stars, Hubble helped astronomers
discover dark energy, which pervades our universe. This mysterious energy exerts a repulsive
force that works against gravity.

Distant Supernovas
Three of the most distant
supernovae known. The stars
exploded when the universe was
less than half its current age.
NASA and A. R iess (STScI)

The telescope also provided evidence that dark energy has been engaged in a tug of war with
gravity for billions of years. Dark energy shoves galaxies away from each other at ever-increasing speeds, making the universe expand at an accelerating pace.
But dark energy wasnt always in the drivers seat. By studying distant supernovae, Hubble
traced dark energy all the way back to 9 billion years ago, when the universe was less than half
its present size. During that epoch, dark energy was struggling with gravity for control of the
cosmos, obstructing the gravitational pull of the universes matter even before it began to win
the cosmic tug of war. Dark energy finally won the struggle with gravity about 5 billion
years ago.
By knowing more about how dark energy behaves over time, astronomers hope to gain a better
understanding of what it is. Astronomers still understand almost nothing about dark energy,
even though it appears to comprise about 70 percent of the universes energy.

How Old Is the Universe?

Some people hate to reveal their age, and the universe, it seems, is no different. Before Hubble
was launched, astronomers had been trying for many years to pin down the universes age. The
method relied on determining the expansion rate of the universe, a value called the Hubble
constant. Their values for the Hubble constant were highly uncertain. Consequently, their
calculations for the universes age ranged from 10 to 20 billion years.
Measuring the Expanding Universe
The most distant galaxy in which
Cepheid variables have been found
Jeffrey Newman (Univ. of California
at Berkeley) and NASA

One of Hubbles key duties was to help astronomers determine a precise age for the universe.
The telescopes keen vision helped astronomers accomplish that goal by measuring the brightness of dozens of pulsating stars called Cepheid variables, which are a thousand times brighter
than the Sun. By knowing their brightness, astronomers then calculated the stars distance
from Earth. From this study and other related analyses, astronomers determined the Hubble
constant and the universes age to an accuracy of about 5 percent. By their calculations, the
universe is about 13.75 billion years old.

Galaxies From the Ground Up

Hubbles surveys of deep space showed that the universe was different long ago, providing evidence
that galaxies grew over time through mergers with other galaxies to become the giant galaxies we
see today.
The telescope snapped images of galaxies in the faraway universe in a series of unique observations,
including the Hubble Deep Fields and the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. In the most recent foray into
the universes farthest regions, Hubbles newly installed Wide Field Camera 3 produced the deepest
photographs of the universe in visible and near-infrared light and uncovered galaxies that lived when
the universe was only 600 million years old.

Hu bbl e Spac e Te l e sc opes Top Sci e nc e Fi n di ng s

Galaxies From the Ground Up, contd from page 2

All of the Deep Field observations have shed light on galaxy evolution. The galaxies spied by Hubble
are smaller and more irregularly shaped than todays grand spiral and elliptical galaxies, reinforcing
the idea that large galaxies built up over time as smaller galaxies collided and merged.
By studying galaxies at different epochs, astronomers can see how galaxies change over time. The process is analogous to a very large scrapbook of pictures documenting the lives of children from infancy
to adulthood.
Hubble also probed the dense, central regions of galaxies and provided decisive evidence that supermassive black holes reside in the centers of almost all large galaxies. Giant black holes are compact
monsters weighing millions to billions the mass of our Sun. Their gravity is so strong that they
gobble up any material that ventures near them.
These elusive eating machines cannot be observed directly, because nothing, not even light, escapes
their clutches. The telescope provided indirect, yet compelling, evidence of their existence. Hubble
helped astronomers determine the masses of several black holes by measuring the velocities of material
whirling around them.

Hubble Reaches the Undiscovered

Country of Primeval Galaxies
Hubble broke the distance limit for
galaxies, seeing them as they were 13
billion years ago, just 600 million to
800 million years after the Big Bang.
NASA, ESA, G. Illingworth and R. Bouwens
(University of California, Santa Cruz), and the
HUDF09 Team

Hubbles census of more than 30 galaxies showed an intimate relationship between galaxies and their
resident black holes. The survey revealed that the black holes mass is dependent on the weight of its
host galaxys central bulge of stars. The bigger the bulge of stars, the more massive the black hole.
This close relationship means that black holes may have evolved with their host galaxies, feasting on a
measured diet of gas and stars residing in the hearts of those galaxies.

Worlds Beyond Our Sun

At the time of Hubbles launch in 1990, astronomers had not found a single planet outside
our solar system. Now there are more than 400 extrasolar planets, most of them discovered by
ground-based telescopes. But Hubble has made some unique contributions to the planet hunt.
The telescope demonstrated that our Milky Way Galaxy is probably brimming with billions of
planets. Peering into the crowded bulge of our Milky Way Galaxy, Hubble observed 180,000
stars and nabbed 16 potential alien worlds orbiting a variety of stars. Five of the candidates
represent a new type of extreme planet. Dubbed Ultra-Short-Period Planets, these objects whirl
around their stars in less than an Earth day. Astronomers made the discoveries by measuring
the slight dimming of a star as a planet passed in front of it, an event called a transit.
The transit method was used again to make the first measurements of the atmospheric makeup
of at least two extrasolar planets. The Hubble observations showed that the atmosphere of a
known extrasolar planet contains sodium, oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. A similar study of
another alien world revealed probable signs of carbon dioxide, methane, and water. These two
Jupiter-sized planets are too hot for life. The Hubble observations demonstrate, however, that
the basic chemistry for life can be measured on planets orbiting other stars.
Finally, Hubble made the first visible-light image of an extrasolar planet circling the nearby,
bright southern star Fomalhaut, located 25 light-years away in the constellation Piscis Australis. An immense debris disk about 21.5 billion miles across surrounds the star. The planet
is orbiting 1.8 billion miles inside the disks sharp inner edge, about 10 times the distance of
Saturn from the Sun.

Hubble Finds First Organic Molecule

on an Exoplanet
Hubble made the first detection
ever of an organic molecule in the
atmosphere of a Jupiter-sized planet
orbiting another star. The planet is
shown here in an artists illustration.
Science Credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Swain
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Artwork Credit: NASA, ESA, and G. Bacon (STScI)

Hu bbl e Spac e Te l e sc opes Top Sci e nc e Fi n di ng s

Shining a Light on Dark Matter

Astronomers used Hubble to make the first three-dimensional map of dark matter, an invisible
form of matter that makes up most of the universes mass and forms its underlying structure.
Dark matters gravity allows normal matter in the form of gas and dust to collect and build up
into stars and galaxies.
Although astronomers cannot see dark matter, they can detect its influence in galaxy clusters
by observing how its gravity bends and distorts the light of more distant background galaxies,
a phenomenon called gravitational lensing.

Three-Dimensional Distribution of
Dark Matter in the Universe
3.5 billion years ago (a); 5 billion
years ago (b); 6.5 billion years ago (c)
NASA, ESA, and R. M assey
(California Institute of Technology).

Using Hubbles sharp view, astronomers used the gravitational lensing technique to construct
the three-dimensional map by studying the warped images of half a million faraway galaxies.
The new map provides the best evidence to date that normal matter, largely in the form of galaxies, accumulates along the densest concentrations of dark matter. The map stretches halfway
back to the beginning of the universe and reveals a loose network of dark-matter filaments.
Astronomers also used Hubble to observe dark matters distribution in the titanic collisions
of clusters of galaxies. In one case, a combination of Hubble and Chandra X-ray observations
suggests that dark matter and normal matter in the form of hot gas were pulled apart by the
smashup between two groupings of galaxies, known as the Bullet Cluster.
In a Hubble gravitational lensing study of another galaxy cluster, astronomers discovered a
ghostly ring of dark matter that formed long ago during a clash between two groups of massive
galaxies. Astronomers have long suspected that such clusters would fly apart if they relied only
on the gravity from their visible stars. The ring is a ripple of dark matter that was pulled apart
from normal matter during the collision.
Computer simulations of galaxy cluster collisions show that when two clusters smash together,
the dark matter flows through the center of the combined cluster. As the dark matter moves
outward from the core, it begins to slow down under the pull of gravity and pile up.
For more Hubble Space Telescope images and information, visit our Web sites:

Gallery Discoveries Wallpaper Fun & Games Reference Desk and more!

The complete collection of every Hubble Space Telescope news release and its supporting materials.

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