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Christianity: The Great Deception

Background: Constantine and the Council of Nicae

Background: The Julian/Gregorian/Jewish Calendars

Pt.1 How Christians remember their religion

The High Holidays: Easter (incl. the Sunday Service)
The High Holidays: Christmas

Pt.2 Religions of the great empires

Great religions: (Mystery) Babylon
Great religions: Egyptian
Great religions: Greek
Great religions: Roman

Pt.3 Behind the worlds greatest religions

Behind Catholicism
Behind Islam

Pt.4 What the Bible says

Mistranslations: The work of Sitchin
Misunderstandings: Lost in translation
Plagiarism: The Epic of Gilgamesh

Plagiarism: Brahma and Abraham

Proof of ancient visitations

Pt.5 Whats missing from the Bible

The Book of Enoch
The Lost Books of the Bible and the forgotten Books of

Pt.6 Biblical prophecy

The book of Daniel
The book of Revelations

Background: Constantine and the Council of Nicae

Christianity: The Official Religion of the Roman Empire
While the rise of Christianity to dominate western religion
may very well have been inevitable, certain key moments
along the way helped secure this position. The arrival of the
Constantinian Dynasty was one such moment. In the early
4th century, 306 AD, Constantine rose to Emperor in the
West upon the death of his father Constantius. However, he
and his brother-in-law, and co-emperor in the west,
Maxentius were bitter rivals. Open hostility and war broke
out between the two after several years of political
scheming. Before the two met in the fateful battle of the
Milvian Bridge in 312 AD, Constantine supposedly had a
vision of the sign of Christ in a dream. Eusebius gives an
account several years later in which Christ appeared to
Constantine and instructed him to place the heavenly sign
on the battle standards of his army. The chi-rho symbol, or
Labarum, was described by Eusebius as "a long spear,
overlaid with gold", which included a bar crossing the spear
to form the shape of the Christian cross. "On the top of the
whole was fixed a wreath of gold and precious stones, and
within this the symbol of the Savior's name, two letters
indicating the name of Christ by means of the initial letters,
the letter X intersection P at the center." Included with the
banner were the words: In hoc signo vinces (in this sign thou
shalt conquer), and armed with this holy power, Constantine
crushed Maxentius securing his place as sole western
Constantine, though previously a worshipper of Sol Invictus,
the Sun God, took on support of Christianity with some zeal.
He declared that his victory was owed to the god of the
Christians and set about adopting an imperial policy to
advance its cause. Some claims have been made that
Constantine 'converted to Christianity simply for political
means, and that justifiably may have played a part.
Arguments have been made that Constantine was baptized
years after the fact, just before his death, as a political tool
to aid the accession of his sons, but it was often the custom
of the early Christians to be 'cleansed' just prior to death
rather than at birth. Despite these arguments, Constantine's
policies and actions as emperor would indicate some
considerable devotion to the Church.
Christian Bishops under Constantine functioned in an official
capacity as Imperial advisors. Tax exemptions were granted

to Christian priests and money was granted from the

Imperial treasury to provide for new and rebuilt churches. At
a meeting of Bishops in Milan (313 AD) an edict (of Milan)
was passed which essentially granted complete tolerance to
all religions, but Christianity would benefit the most.
Previous victims of various persecutions were also granted
compensation directly from the Roman treasury. Still,
however, Constantine left a confusing trail for his personal
religious thoughts. Association with Sol Invictus is still cited
for several more years, at least until the complete
unification of the Empire. The emperor in the east, Licinius
maintained an adversarial relationship with Constantine for
many years, which included two short wars for Imperial
dominance. Licinius seems to have maintained more support
for traditional pagan customs and Constantine may have
resisted complete Christian conversion in order to maintain
the approval of the non-Christian majority population.
Perhaps in order to lure Constantine into a final battle,
Licinius began inciting Pagans against Constantine's edict
which favored Christianity and championed a Pagan cause.
By 324 AD, the conflict and rivalry came to a head.
Constantine defeated Licinius in battles at Adrianople and
Chrysopolis, which ended in Licinius' capture and execution.
With Constantine's victory he became the sole ruler of the
Roman Empire and likely feeling more secure in his position,
began to advance the Christian cause more earnestly. New
Churches were built in Rome and around the empire, such as
the new basilica church on the Vatican hill, on the place
where St. Peter had been martyred. The St John Lateran in
Rome was commissioned and the Church of Nicomedia which
had been destroyed by Diocletian was rebuilt. When the
Roman capital was moved to the city of Byzantium,
Constantine built new churches there as well. The Hagia
Sophia (Holy Wisdom) and Hagia Eirene (Holy Peace) were
built along with the foundation of the Church of the Holy
Apostles. In fact, Byzantium, which was essentially a rebuilt
city on old Greek ruins, was renamed Constantinople, and
unlike Rome, was built with a predominately Christian flavor.
His mother, Helena, after Constantine executed his own son
(Crispus) and wife (Fausta) in a very un-Christian manner,
embarked on a pilgrimage to the eastern provinces. There
she played a part in establishing the Church of the Nativity
at Bethlehem and the Church of the Eleona on Jerusalem's
Mount of Olives. Perhaps more importantly, according the
Eusebius she was given credit for discovering the True
Cross. For this and other deeds in favor of Christianity
though records seem to indicate that the True Cross had
already been enshrined prior to her trip, she was canonized

into Sainthood and remains recognized by both the Roman

Catholic and Orthodox churches today.
Constantine also shifted to a somewhat hostile stance
towards Pagans, as opposed to a simple supporter of
Christianity. Pagan sacrifice was forbidden, and treasures of
many temples were confiscated and given to Christian
churches (excepting those temples dedicated to the Imperial
cult). However, Constantine didn't direct aggression only
against Pagans. 'Heretic' cults of dissension from the larger
established Church cause problems as well. Among the most
notable was the sect of Arianism which was deeply dividing
the concept of Christian thought. At the Council of Nicaea in
325, in which some 300 bishops from all over the empire
assembled to discuss the state of the church, important
doctrines were developed to counter 'heretic' ideas. The
core belief system of the Christian faith was developed,
adopting the concept of the Holy Trinity as the supreme
deity. This in itself may have included compromise between
Bishops and Politicians, but it is perhaps more important
that the Church was becoming a powerful and far reaching
After Constantine's death in 337 AD, his son Constantine II
held a tolerant, if not supportive view of the ancient Pagan
faith. His second son, Constantius, was a brutal supporter of
Arianism. Constans, the third son, was also a Christian, but
adhered to strict Orthodoxy. A rift between sects of
Christianity developed, as well as a struggle for supreme
power among the brothers, causing much political
instability. Constantine II was killed only a few years after
his father, and the remaining brothers settled in to continue
the advance of Christianity. During their reigns many antiPagan laws were put into place. Constans dealt with dissent
in a particularly brutal fashion. The forcible expansion of
Christianity on the populace, which was now quickly
becoming a part of the every day social fabric, also brought
a great of resentment from some. Julian the Apostate (so
named later for his pro-Pagan stance) came to power upon
the death of Constantius and attempted, in vain to stem the
tide of Christian advancement.
Julian attempted to bring back the ancient religion to the
people of the Roman world, but Christianity had become too
deeply ingrained. He removed various advantages that
Christian priests and churches had enjoyed since
Constantine and bestowed them upon Pagans instead.
Christian teachers were also removed from their occupations
in many cases. Though, for the most part he avoided open

violence against the Christians, he did encourage the growth

of non Catholic or Orthodox sects. The fight, which could be
brutal at times, for religious supremacy evolved between
these various factions, but Paganism was a dying part of the
dominant culture. Even temples re-established by Julian
were simply overrun by fanatic Christian mobs. Despite
Julian's efforts, hindered by his short reign of 2 years,
Paganism continued on the path to virtual extinction.
The final death knell of the Pagan faith came only a
generation later, under the rule of Theodosius. An ardent
Christian, and recognizing the amazing growth of the still
relatively young faith, Theodosius and his western
counterpart Gratian, recognized Christianity as the official
religion of the Empire in 380 AD. Gratian too, likely at the
partial behest of Theodosius refused the title of Pontifex
Maximus (head priest) and it was bestowed instead on the
Catholic Pope in Rome. Severe punishments for Pagan, and
especially 'heretic' Arianism were enforced and the
established Churched prospered. In 390 AD, a massacre
ordered by the Emperor of 7,000 people who revolted in
Thessalonica resulted in his own 8 month penance. By the
beginning of the 5th century, after just 400 years, the
Church grew from a fledgling mystery cult into a power on
nearly equal terms with the Roman Emperor himself. Though
there would still be much work to be done, especially among
Germanic tribes and in places such as Britain, Christianity
would slowly come to dominate the entire western world.
Sol Invictus, or the "Unconquered Sun", was the official sun god of
the later Roman Empire. In 274 AD the Roman emperor Aurelian
made it an official cult alongside the traditional Roman cults.
Scholars disagree about whether the new deity was a refoundation
of the ancient Latin cult of Sol,[1] a revival of the cult of Elagabalus[2]
or completely new.[3] The god was favored by emperors after
Aurelian and appeared on their coins until Constantine I.[4] The last
inscription referring to Sol Invictus dates to AD 387,[5] and there
were enough devotees in the 5th century that Augustine found it
necessary to preach against them.[6]
The tradition, dating from the 12th century,[7] that the near-solstice
date of 25 December for Christmas was selected because it was the
date of the Roman festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (Birthday of
the Unconquered Sun) is now challenged by some scholars of the
Church of England.[8] Different explanations for the date similarity
are considered to be "academically thoroughly viable hypotheses"
by some.[9] Both theories have supporters, with some claiming that

the festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti was later syncretized with
Christmas[10][11][12] and others saying that the Christian celebration
may predate the festival of the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti.[13][14]

Constantine the Great lived was born C. Flavius Valerius

Constantinus in 274 CE. He was the son of Constantius, a
Roman officer who became the Eastern Emperor. to 337
CE and was the first Roman Emperor to convert to


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