GAPS Guidelines: Cement Production

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A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services LLC

The cement industry is a highly automated, continuous and a capital intensive operation. Large
electric drive motors and heavy equipment intensifies the investment of capital in critical operations of
the site operation which results in significant potential bottlenecks in the production process.
Equipment involved in the process of making cement presents considerable fire protection concerns.
The kilns are the heart of the entire operation. Fuel-fired rotary kilns operate at high temperatures to
heat limestone. Like all fuel-fired equipment, kilns have fire and explosion hazards. Poor
housekeeping and poor maintenance practices have led to unforeseen breakdowns. Overstressed
kiln shells have been known to crack and require expensive replacement or repair. Fatigue cracking,
warping, drive failure, rotating tire failure, inadequate ignition, overheated chains and refractory
failures have also led to substantial kiln losses.
Explosive hazards are associated with open pit or quarry mining equipment, such as drilling and
blasting machinery, power shovels, loaders or draglines and ore transport vehicles. Heavy electrical
usage can result in high stress and heavy loading on transformers and other electrical support
equipment which typically contain combustible oil. Transport of raw and intermediate materials
consists of multiple conveyor belts which are often made of combustible rubber and can be difficult to
access for maintenance and fire fighting due to their location below grade or high above ground.


The main raw materials used in the cement manufacturing process are limestone, sand, shale, clay
and iron ore. Limestone is the major, naturally occurring, raw stock used in the cement manufacturing
process. It is mined, usually from a quarry located near or adjacent to the cement plant. Mining of
limestone requires the use of drilling and blasting techniques. Blasting techniques use technology to
insure vibration, dust and noise are kept to minimum levels. Materials are typically loaded at the
quarry blasting face into large transport trucks to bring to the crushing plant. Raw limestone is
processed through a succession of standard, mining industry, rotating and tumbling machinery. The
raw stone is crushed and ground into increasingly smaller sizes. Vertical rotary crushers crush large
pieces. Horizontal rotating drum grinding mills tumble steel rods or steel balls with the crushed
limestone and gypsum to pulverize the material.
There are two basic production methods used in the cement manufacturing process, sometimes
referred to as Portland Cement. These methods are:
Wet Process: The wet process involves adding water to the proportioned raw material mixture
creating a slurry form to meet a desired chemical composition which is then sent to the rotating ball
mill in a water slurry form. Raw materials are ground to size where the majority of the materials are
less than 75 microns. Slurry is pumped to blending tanks and homogenized to insure the composition
is correct. It is then stored in tanks until needed. The wet slurry process is usually associated with
longer kilns.
Dry Process: The dry process consists of materials ground to a powder, blended and fed into the
rotating ball mill or vertical roller mill in dry powder form. Typically raw material is pre heated using the
100 Constitution Plaza, Hartford, Connecticut 06103

Copyright 2015, Global Asset Protection Services LLC

Global Asset Protection Services LLC and its affiliated organizations provide loss prevention surveys and other risk management, business continuity and facility asset
management services. Unless otherwise stated in writing, our personnel, publications, services, and surveys do not address life safety or third party liability issues. The
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and its affiliated organizations do not assume, and shall have no liability for the control, correction, continuation or modification of any existing conditions or operations. We
specifically disclaim any warranty or representation that compliance with any advice or recommendation in any document or other communication will make a facility or
operation safe or healthful, or put it in compliance with any law, rule or regulation. If there are any questions concerning any recommendations, or if you have alternative
solutions, please contact us.

kiln exhaust gases prior to entering the kiln. The dry method involves charging the dry pulverized
limestone directly into the kiln.
Whether the process is wet or dry the same chemical reactions take place within the kiln. Evaporation
of moisture, calcining the limestone under high heat conditions to produce free calcium oxide and
reacting the calcium oxide with minor materials such as sand, shale, clay and iron. In this process the
pulverized fine grained material is fed into the upper end of a rotary kiln to burn the limestone to lime.
It passes through at a controlled rate by the slope and rotational speed of the kiln. Chemical reaction
inside the kiln leads to the fusion of the raw materials to produce the final black nodular product called
clinker. In the calcining process limestone (CaCO3), the material is heated to 1000F 1100F
(538C 593C), and CO2 is driven off. The lime (CaO) calcium oxide remains.
When sufficiently pulverized, the fine grained material is passed through a rotary kiln to burn the
limestone to lime. This process is called calcining. In calcining limestone (CaCO3), the material is
heated to 1000F 1100F (538C 593C), and CO2 is driven off. The lime (CaO) remains.
The resulting clinker nodules are pulverized and mixed with additives, such as gypsum, sand, iron
and clay. These are blended and mixed to make a distinctive and uniform product. Figure 1 is a
simplified flow chart showing the basic process of cement manufacture.

Coarse Crushers
Primary and secondary crushers are used in the coarse crushing process. Primary crushing occurs
as near to the ore source as possible and may be located within the mine itself. Raw limestone at the
mine is irregular break size. Pieces, frequently larger than 12 in., (30 cm) are fed to the primary
crusher through a steel grate called a grizzly. The primary crusher consists of a vertical, hard alloy
surface, steel bowl in which an alloy surfaced, steel pestle is rotated to break up the stone. It crushes
the limestone to 5 in. 8 in. (13 cm 20 cm) pieces. Uniform sized limestone is transferred to the
secondary crusher where it is broken to 1!/2 in. (3.2 cm) stone size. Limestone is then stockpiled in
storage bins or silos.
Coarse crushers undergo hard usage in severe environments. Their extensive hydraulic systems
present potential machinery and fire losses. A hydraulic fluid leak could cause considerable damage if
ignited by electrical controls. Explosion hazards exist where there is a stick supply box of dynamite
near the grizzly. Recommendations for handling and use of explosives are found in NFPA 495 and

GAPS Guidelines

A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services LLC


Figure 1. Simplified General Flow Chart.

Grinding Mills
Rotary grinding mills are horizontally mounted, rotating drums or barrels, which further reduce the
stone to a size that can be made into a slurry or fed dry into the calcining kiln. A rod mill consists of
steel alloy rods laid parallel in the drum. These tumble as the drum is rotated. A ball mill tumbles
alloyed steel balls which pulverize the stone between the steel balls and against the sides of the
rotating drum. A ball mill is used for the finish mill.
The large size of these mills requires high horsepower, 2500 hp 5000 hp (1865 kW 3739 kW),
electric drive motors and large drive gear sets. Electrical and lubricating hazards are present.

Calcining Kilns
The calcining process takes place in a rotary kiln. The kiln is inclined from the loading cold end
down to the firing end. When the limestone travels the length of the kiln, it will form clinkers as the
CO2 is driven off. The clinkers drop out of the kiln into a cooler where they are cooled to around
250F 300F (107C 135C).
Kilns are usually fired with pulverized coal or oil and may be dual fired. Safety controls for fuel firing
are covered in GAP.4.0.1 and NFPA 86, for gas or oil fired units, and NFPA 85 for coal fired units.
Rotary kilns range from 12 ft 20 ft (3.6 m 6 m) in diameter and from 150 ft 500 ft (46 m 152 m)
or more in length. They are typically constructed of steel with fire brick refractory linings. A zoned,

GAPS Guidelines

A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services LLC

direct-fired counterflow design has proven efficient for this process. The temperatures in the kiln
during operation range from 500F (246C) at the cold end to 2700F (1468C) at the firing end.
Most kilns have chains at the cold end to agitate and expose incoming materials to the hot gases.
The chains also help prevent unwieldy-sized clinkers from forming. To resist the extremely high
temperatures in the kiln, the chains are often made of special steel alloys. Chains may not be easily
replaced on a short term basis. If the flow of raw materials is interrupted or the kiln stops rotating, the
chains can be seriously damaged because of overheating.
It is critical for the kiln to continue rotating even during a power outage, and for this reason, an
emergency drive is normally provided. This engine for this drive may be diesel or gasoline fueled and
is located directly adjacent to the drive kiln gear drive assembly. Upon loss of power this back up
drive would automatically start and continue to spin the kiln at slow speed to prevent a potential
warping condition. This warping condition can cause refractory and steel cracking damage which can
result in prolonged down time. This situation can particularly be exaggerated when the loss of power
to the kiln occurs and heavy rains also occur which can result in a quickly cooled exterior kiln on one
side resulting in the above described warp condition. Therefore, preventative maintenance and
weekly operation of these back up drive motors is essential to have a high confidence level this drive
will start automatically.

Conveyors are critical to cement plant operation, because materials must be transferred through
various production stages. Finished product conveyors, typical of general conveying systems, move
product to packaging, shipping and storage areas.
The clinker belt transports the cooled clinker to the clinker storage building. This belt is usually a high
temperature or hot service belt, rated to 400F (190C) because of the 250F 300F
(107C 135C) temperature of the material it carries. The belt can range from 2 ft 3 ft
(0.6 m 0.9 m) wide and several hundred feet long.
Belt conveyors, usually rubber, are one of the most serious loss exposures in the plant because of
the size and location of the belts. The clinker reclaim belt, typically located in a concrete tunnel below
the clinker storage building, is not accessible for manual firefighting because of its confinement within
the tunnel. Loss of conveyor belts or support structures may lead to serious losses. A typical loss
scenario is the over heating condition or seize of a bearing for the conveyor rollers which causes an
over heating friction condition for the belt. Good preventative maintenance programs and inspections
are critical on these rubber belts. In general cement maintenance departments are very savvy at
repairing or seaming rubber belts together. Spare belts and a list of key belt suppliers can prevent a
long business interruption situation.

Electrical Switchgear and Transformers

Because of the 2500 hp 5000 hp (1865 kW 3739 kW) electric drive motors, a high voltage and
dependable electric power supply is necessary throughout the facility. Primary electric power is
usually supplied from a public utility grid and may be a single line feed running for some distance.
Plant-owned transformers, switchgear and distribution equipment supply electric power to motor
control centers. Because of the size and distribution of equipment, there will be many motor control
centers in various areas of the plant. In some instances, the transformers are located outside
buildings with electrical switchgear inside. Transformers and switchgear could also be located inside,
either adjacent to operations or in cut-off rooms.
Large switchgear rooms in unsupervised areas tend to accumulate combustible storage which
increases fire exposure.

Finished product is usually shipped in bulk or bagged. Bulk shipments are loaded from the storage
bin to the loading hopper and are gravity fed into trucks or bulk rail haulers. Bins and silos must be
vented to prevent a negative pressure from developing while cement is being withdrawn.

GAPS Guidelines

A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services LLC

Bagging operations require a supply of bags. These bags are usually heavy kraft paper impregnated
with some type of sealant to keep the cement dry. Quantity orders of empty bags are received on
wood pallets and are stored in the storage building or a bag shed. Idle wood pallets, which are usually
retained on site for reuse, are frequently stored with the bags. A nominal supply of empty bags may
be piled in the bagging room.
Storage of combustible bags exposes the storage area to a possible total loss. Fire in wood pallets
would be very difficult to control.


The loss prevention and control guidelines are not all inclusive and are provided with an average
hazard level in mind. Increased hazard levels warrant additional loss prevention and control
Misuse of heavy equipment and lack of maintenance are among the chief contributors to cement
manufacturing losses. Well-trained operators are essential. Periodic inspections and scheduled
maintenance procedures must be effectively used to detect wear and potential failure. Gears should
be well-maintained, and provide a spare gear sets for critical equipment.
Poor housekeeping and accumulated combustibles can cause considerable losses in the switchgear
rooms, transformer vaults, maintenance shops and general storage areas. Periodically clean all areas
and remove combustibles and cement dust.
Facility construction should be noncombustible. Cut off pallet storage from finished storage and
production machinery by a separate building or by a 3 h rated fire barrier walls and 3 h rated
automatic closing fire doors.

Coarse Crushers
Loss prevention in crushing areas requires an awareness of electrical hazards, preventative
maintenance procedures and good housekeeping practices. The machinery damage peril is moderate
to high because of constant usage. Spare motors and gears should be available. Controls for newer
model, rotating equipment may be hydraulic and include pressurized lines and an oil reservoir.
Lubricating systems may also involve oil reservoirs and distribution systems. Gear lubrication for the
large open gears is usually heavy grease.
Provide spot sprinklers, probably dry pipe, as needed over hydraulic reservoirs and lines. (See
GAP.9.2.4.) Design the automatic sprinkler system or water spray fixed system in accordance with
applicable NFPA 13 and 15 guidelines.

Grinding Mills
The machinery damage peril to grinding mills is moderate to high. An awareness of electrical
hazards, preventative maintenance procedures and good housekeeping practices is important in
grinding areas.
Controls for newer rotating equipment may be hydraulic and may include pressurized lines and oil
reservoirs. Provide spot sprinklers as needed over these reservoirs and lines. Lubricating systems
may also include oil reservoirs and distribution systems. Gear lubrication for the large open gears is
usually heavy grease.

Calcining Kiln
The machinery damage peril is severe for kilns because of the adverse operating environment and
constant usage. Hydraulic controls for newer rotating equipment may be in place. Spot sprinklers may
be needed over oil reservoirs and pressurized lines. Knowledge of fuel storage, handling and
combustion controls is necessary. Preventive maintenance procedures must be implemented and
well documented. These programs should include vibration analysis and regular refractory rebuild
programs based on manufacturers recommendations.

GAPS Guidelines

A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services LLC

Special hazard protection for kilns should include:

Combustion controls for kiln firing in accordance with GAP.4.0.1 and NFPA 86 for gas and
oil fired units, NFPA 85 for coal fired units.

An alarm to monitor drum rotation and loss of the slurry feed.

Emergency cooling upon loss of slurry feed.

Emergency drive with separate power supply for kiln rotation.

Posted written procedures for emergency shutdown of the kiln.

Good housekeeping in the environment to help prevent or control electrical and

mechanical problems.

Conveyor Belts
Belt gallery enclosures should be noncombustible. The length of the raw material belt can range from
a few hundred feet to several thousand feet. The width could be 2 ft 4 ft (0.6 m 1.2 m). In addition,
this belt is typically elevated on trestle type supports and could be located as much as 150 ft (46 m) in
the air which makes manual firefighting nearly impossible. If the belt and belt gallery were seriously
damaged, the production downtime of the conveyor could result in a large loss. Belt replacement
should include the use of fire resistive rubber belts which are slightly higher cost but will not ignite and
burn as quickly or easily.
Provide water spray or closed head sprinklers protection for all conveyor belts in accordance with
GAP.9.3.1 and NFPA 15. Additional protection for all belts includes zero-speed switches and
alignment switches to shut down the belt if key pulleys stop rotating while the drive motor is running
or if the belt becomes misaligned. In addition, the hot clinker conveyor should have heat sensors to
detect abnormally hot clinker. Arrange these sensors to activate a cooling water spray or a shunt
conveyor which would discharge the hot clinker to a safe location.

Electrical Switchgear and Transformers

Segregated electrical areas tend to be used to store electrical parts and large cable reels.
Combustible storage increases the fire loss exposure. Removal of such accumulations is
Locate outside transformers containing combustible oil at least 30 ft (9 m) from buildings or

Switchgear Rooms
Maintain switchgear rooms free from combustibles and have good housekeeping, adequate fire
extinguishers, automatic fire alarms activated by smoke detectors, and good preventative
maintenance programs. In addition, switchgear rooms should have fixed fire protection. This may be
a CO2 system or sprinkler protection. (See GAP.17.12 for additional information.)
Cable trays are not generally a problem in single kiln plants or plants having a separate switchgear
room for each kiln. However, evaluate the cable tray arrangement for each location.
Locate all inside transformers containing combustible oil in a cut-off vault.
Provide spot sprinklers, CO2 protection or smoke detection where needed. Maintenance and testing
should be provided in accordance with GAP.5.9.1.

Transformer Vaults
Cut off transformer vaults by 3 h rated fire barrier walls and 3 h rated automatic closing fire doors. Cut
off switchgear rooms by 2 h rated fire barrier walls and 1!/2 h rated automatic closing fire doors.
Less-flammable liquid-insulated transformers or transformers which contain combustible oil may
require a water spray system, 0.25 gpm/ft (1.2 L/min/m ), depending upon location, exposures and
importance to continued operations. (See GAP.5.9.2 for additional protection recommendations.)

GAPS Guidelines

A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services LLC

Transformer oil analysis gas chromatography, infrared surveys and electrical testing are essential to
ensure electrical breakdowns do not occur. (See also GAP.5.2.1, GAP.5.2.2, and GAP.5.9.3 for
electrical protection.)
Maintain and protected combustible oil-filled transformers or less-flammable liquid-insulated
transformers in accordance with GAP.5.9.1 and GAP.5.9.2.
Unusual arrangements may require fixed pipe CO2 or sprinklers at higher densities. (See GAP.17.12.)

Provide Ordinary hazard, Group 1 sprinklers for most areas of cement plants. Install sprinklers should
in accordance with NFPA 13 and GAP.

Maintenance Shops
Install Ordinary hazard, Group 2 sprinklers in Maintenance Shops. Provide one inch (25 mm) hose
connections spaced at approximately 100 ft (30 m) intervals and equipped with 100 ft (30 m) of 1!/2 in.
(40 mm) woven-jacketed, lined fire hose and adjustable spray nozzles in areas of significant
combustible loading. The hose connections can be supplied from the overhead sprinklers.

General Storage
Provide sprinklers in accordance with NFPA 13 and GAP., based on storage height and
arrangement. Do not allow idle wood pallet storage in racks.

Housekeeping practices include periodic cleaning and removal of cement dust. Particular attention is
needed for structural members, such as beams and trusses. Moisture hardens cement dust. A
buildup of hardened cement will add weight to the structure, and like snow and ice loading, can cause
it to collapse.

GAPS Guidelines

A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services LLC

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