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LTE-SO0201, Intra-LTE ANR


Samsung automatic neighbor relation (ANR) automatically configures and manages the intra-LTE
neighbor relation table (NRT), and it aims to maintain the optimal NRT reflecting changes in the
communication environment during the system operation. Stable UE mobility of Samsung LTE cells is
guaranteed by optimized NRT management. UE mobility is guaranteed as follows according to UE
connection status.
1 RRC_CONNECTED: Guarantees stable intra-LTE HO of UE while connected to the cell.

2 RRC_IDLE: Guarantees stable execution of cell selection/reselection of UE while the cell is

Samsung ANR provides the following functions depending on the SON phase:
1 Self-configuration phase
oInitial NRT auto-configuration through O&M: Create an initial NRT by using the location information
of active cells during eNB or cell growing procedure.

2 Self-optimization phase
oFinds and adds new neighbor cells during HO execution due to UE mobility.
i Adds new neighbor cells to the NRT based on UE or LSM.
iiEstablishes bi-directional NR relations by adding the serving cell to the NRT of a new neighbor cell with
the help of the LSM.
iiiSets the automatic X2 interface between the serving cell and the new neighbor cell.
oFinds and adds neighbor cells based on ANR specific event
iPerforms ANR measurement by configuring ANR specific event with the UE selected among the ones
which initially attach or perform handover to this cell.
iiIf the best neighbor cell included in the measurement report (MR) message triggered by ANR specific
event is unknown, adds this cell to NRT based on the UE or LSM.
iiiEstablishes bi-directional NR relations by adding the serving cell to the NRT of a new neighbor cell
with the help of the LSM.
ivConfigures the X2 interface automatically between a serving cell and new neighbor cell.
Chapter 9 SON
Samsung eNB (LTE) Feature Description for PKG 5.0.0 v2.0 391 Samsung Proprietary and Confidential

oANR control function per carrier/operator

iPrevents adding a new neighbor cell of a specific carrier to NRT by controlling the ANR measurement by
iiPrevents the X2 interface from being configured with the neighbor eNB, which belongs to a specific
operator by controlling X2 configuration by operator.
iiiPrevents adding a new neighbor cell, which belongs to a specific operator by controlling neighbor cell
addition function per operator.
oAutomatic NRT management function
iNR ranking calculation: The NR ranking is calculated using the number of MR messages received for
iiNRT size management: The number of NRs in NRT should be managed so that it does not exceed the
pre-defined maximum size. Guarantees the minimal number of effective neighbor cells per carrier if
attempting to add a new NR, when the NRT is full.
iiiUnnecessary NR removal: When the number of MR messages received for NR is reduced due to UE
not reporting them any longer, this function removes the NR based on the specific threshold, which
enables for the NRT to include only valid NRs.
ivManagement of NR causing HO performance degradation: If the number of HO success for NR is
extremely low in spite of considerable number of HO attempts, this function removes the NR or manages
it as HO blacklist based on the two respective thresholds for HO success and attempts.
vInvalid NR management: If the number of successive HO failure for an NR is larger than a threshold,
this function removes the NR or manages it as HO blacklist.
viHO blacklist management: This function manages the NRs causing HO performance degradation or
invalid NRs as HO blacklist.
oAutomatic X2-NRT management function
iX2 NR ranking calculation: X2 NR ranking is calculated using the number of HO attempts.
iiX2-NRT size management: The number of X2 NRs in X2-NRT should be managed so that it does not
exceed the pre-defined maximum size.
eNB considers the number X2 NRs to be guaranteed per band indicator
iiiUnnecessary X2 NR blacklisting: If ratio of handover attempt to an X2 NR is lower than predefined
threshold, this function disconnects X2 link with the unnecessary X2 NR.
ivX2 link restoring: If ratio of S1 handover attempt to an X2 NR is larger than predefined threshold, this
function restores the X2 link with the X2 NR.
oConfigures the neighbor cell lists used in measurement configurations
Chapter 9 SON
Samsung eNB (LTE) Feature Description for PKG 5.0.0 v2.0 392 Samsung Proprietary and Confidential

Configures the best neighbor cell list, which includes a maximum of 32 cells for each carriers
measurement configuration in the order of descending ranking, for the purpose of joint optimization with
Samsung MRO function.


The operator can reduce CAPEX and OPEX costs for configuring and managing the NRT of LTE cells.
The system performance indicators such as HO success rate and call drop rate are optimized by
configuring NRT optimized for coverage and air status of each LTE cell. This guarantees reliable mobility
of UEs in the RRC_IDLE mode and the RRC_CONNECTED mode.


UE ECGI acquiring function support: For UE-based NR addition, UE should support the E-UTRAN
cell global identifier (ECGI) acquiring function.

LSM-based NR addition function support: The operator should set LSM-based NR addition flag to
In order to use the X2 setup on/off per PLMN function, operator should purchase license key of LTESW5012 Operator Specific Feature Activation feature.
Bi-directional NR addition is possible only when the new neighbor cell belongs to the same LSM as
the serving cell. Bi-directional NR relations cannot be established with the neighbor cells that are located
in a different LSM or that belong to a different vendor.

Samsung ANR

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