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(SC 19558)
Palmer, Zarella, Eveleigh, McDonald, Robinson and Vertefeuille, Js.
Argued October 20officially released December 27, 2016

Jeffrey J. Mirman, with whom was David A. DeBassio, for the appellants (plaintiffs).
Eileen Meskill, assistant attorney general, with whom
were Charles H. Walsh, assistant attorney general, and,
on the brief, George Jepsen, attorney general, and Alan
N. Ponanski, assistant attorney general, for the appellee (defendant).


ZARELLA, J. General Statutes 13b-36 (a) permits

the defendant, the Commissioner of Transportation
(commissioner), to take by eminent domain any land,
buildings, equipment or facilities if the commissioner
finds that their taking is necessary for the operation or
improvement of transportation services. In this appeal,
we must determine whether the commissioners power
to take facilities includes the power to take a government issued certificate permitting a bus company the
right to operate over a given route. We conclude that
it does not.
The parties do not dispute the facts relevant to this
appeal. The plaintiffs are four bus companies operating
buses over routes in and around the cities of Hartford
and New Britain.1 Each plaintiff holds a certificate of
public convenience and necessity, granting it authority
to operate a bus service over a specified route. The
certificates were issued under predecessor statutes to
what is now General Statutes 13b-80. Section 13b-80
provides that [n]o person, association, limited liability
company or corporation shall operate a motor bus without having obtained a certificate . . . specifying the
route and certifying that public convenience and necessity require the operation of a motor bus or motor buses
over such route.
The certificates in question were each issued before
October 1, 1979. Most were issued by the predecessor
agency to the Division of Public Utility Control (DPUC),
with one of them issued by the Greater Hartford Transit
District. Before October 1, 1979, the DPUCs predecessor and transit districts held exclusive authority to regulate private bus service and to issue certificates of public convenience and necessity to private bus companies.
See, e.g., General Statutes (Rev. to 1975) 16-309 and
16-312a; see also General Statutes (Rev. to 1975) 7273d. Effective October 1, 1979, however, the legislature
transferred the authority to regulate bus companies to
the Department of Transportation; see Public Acts 1979,
No. 79-610, 9 (P.A. 79-610); and the legislature
amended P.A. 79-610 in 1980 to make clear that any
certificates issued before the transfer of authority
would remain valid unless suspended or revoked
. . . . Public Acts 1980, No. 80-25, 2, codified at General Statutes (Rev. to 1981) 13b-80. The transit districts have retained their power to regulate bus service
within their respective jurisdictions. See General Statutes 7-273d. Although some of the certificates have
been amended since they were issued, neither the commissioner nor the Greater Hartford Transit District has
moved to suspend or revoke them.
Recently, however, the state constructed a new designated busway between New Britain and Hartford.

According to the plaintiffs, the new busway incorporates some of the routes over which the plaintiffs currently operate, and the state sought to hire new
companies to operate buses over these routes. The
plaintiffs claim that their certificates give them exclusive rights to operate over the routes at issue, precluding the commissioner from authorizing other operators
to use them unless the commissioner properly suspends
or revokes their certificates for cause.
In a separate action that is not the subject of this
appeal, the plaintiffs sought to enjoin the commissioner
from allowing other companies to operate motor buses
over their designated routes. The trial court in that case
issued a preliminary injunction precluding the commissioner from transferring the routes at issue to new operators pending the outcome of the litigation.
While that case was pending, however, the commissioner condemned the certificates pursuant to the
states power of eminent domain, prompting the plaintiffs to file the actions that are the subject of this appeal.
The plaintiffs each claim that the commissioner lacks
the statutory authority to condemn their certificates.
They seek permanent injunctive and other relief preventing the commissioner from carrying out the condemnations.
The trial court consolidated all of the actions, and
the parties filed motions for summary judgment. The
plaintiffs argued that the commissioner lacked the
authority to take the certificates as a matter of law,
whereas the commissioner claimed that the General
Statutes clearly vested him with such power. The disagreement between the parties centered on the term
facilities, as used in 13b-36 (a), which vests the
commissioner with the power of eminent domain. That
statute authorizes the commissioner to take land,
buildings, equipment or facilities if he deems their
taking necessary. General Statutes 13b-36 (a). The
commissioner argued that the word facilities has a
broad meaning and includes anything that promotes
the ease of any action. According to the commissioner,
the certificates are facilities inasmuch as they enable
the plaintiffs to carry out their businesses. The plaintiffs
disagreed, however, claiming that the term facilities,
as used in the statute, refers only to tangible assets,
not intangible rights like the certificates at issue, which
represent a government bestowed operating right.
The trial court denied the plaintiffs motion for summary judgment but granted the commissioners motion
for summary judgment. The trial court agreed with the
commissioners interpretation and concluded that
13b-36 (a) gave the commissioner authority to condemn the certificates. The trial court then rendered
judgment in favor of the commissioner in each of the
consolidated cases. This appeal followed.

Because the decision to grant a motion for summary

judgment is a question of law, our review of the trial
courts decision is plenary. See, e.g., Rocco v. Garrison,
268 Conn. 541, 54849, 848 A.2d 352 (2004).
The commissioner may condemn the certificates at
issue only if the legislature has delegated that authority
to him by legislative act. The plaintiffs each hold a
property right in their own certificates that cannot be
taken by the state without due process of law. See Gray
Line Bus Co. v. Greater Bridgeport Transit District,
188 Conn. 417, 423, 449 A.2d 1036 (1982). The parties
agree that the plaintiffs can be deprived of their rights
in their certificates only if the certificates are suspended
or revoked for cause pursuant to 13b-80, or condemned under the states eminent domain power. See
id.; see also General Statutes 13b-80. The commissioner has not attempted to suspend or revoke the certificates, so he may terminate the plaintiffs rights only
through condemnation. The power to condemn resides
with the legislature, but the commissioner may exercise
this power if the legislature has delegated it to him.
E.g., Northeastern Gas Transmission Co. v. Collins,
138 Conn. 582, 58687, 87 A.2d 139 (1952). When the
legislature delegates eminent domain power, we will
enforce the grant of power consistent with the purposes
of the legislation, but we interpret the scope of the
power granted strictly, and in favor of the property
owner and against the condemner. Pequonnock Yacht
Club, Inc. v. Bridgeport, 259 Conn. 592, 601, 790 A.2d
1178 (2002). Moreover, when the legislature delegates
eminent domain power, the extent of the power is
limited by the express terms or clear implications of
the statute authorizing its exercise. Northeastern Gas
Transmission Co. v. Collins, supra, 592. There is no
question that the state holds the power to condemn
the certificatesthe question before us is whether the
legislature has delegated that power to the commissioner.
The commissioner claims that this delegation is found
in General Statutes 13b-36 (a). As in the trial court,
the parties disagree in this appeal whether the term
facilities, as used in that statute, refers only to tangible
assets or whether it also allows the commissioner to
take intangible operating rights. We conclude that 13b36 (a) does not permit the commissioner to take intangible operating rights like those reflected in the certificates in question.
We look first to the text of the statute at issue to
determine whether its terms provide the commissioner
the power he claims. See General Statutes 1-2z. Section 13b-36 (a) confers eminent domain powers on the
commissioner and describes the types of property that

he may take using this power. That statute provides:

The commissioner may purchase or take and, in the
name of the state, may acquire title in fee simple to, or
any lesser estate, interest or right in, any land, buildings, equipment or facilities which the commissioner
finds necessary for the operation or improvement of
transportation services. The determination by the commissioner that such purchase or taking is necessary
shall be conclusive. Such taking shall be in the manner
prescribed in subsection (b) of section 13a-73 for the
taking of land for state highways. (Emphasis added.)
General Statutes 13b-36 (a).
The legislature did not define the term facilities in
this statute, so we interpret the term according to its
common meaning; General Statutes 1-1 (a); and we
look to the dictionary to glean that meaning. See, e.g.,
Potvin v. Lincoln Service & Equipment Co., 298 Conn.
620, 633, 6 A.3d 60 (2010). Websters Third New International Dictionary sets forth five distinct meanings for
the word facility, two of which are relevant to the
statute at issue: (1) something (as a hospital, machinery, plumbing) that is built, constructed, installed, or
established to perform some particular function or to
serve or to facilitate some particular end; and (2)
something that promotes the ease of any action, operation, transaction, or course of conduct . . . . Websters Third New International Dictionary (2002) p. 812.
Although the first definition suggests a tangible item
based on the examples provided in the definition, the
commissioner seizes on the second, broader interpretation. He argues that it is broad enough to include anything tangible or intangible attendant to the plaintiffs businesses.
We disagree that the commissioners preferred definition of facilities is broad enough to encompass the
certificates at issue because they do not merely promote the ease of the plaintiffs business but, in fact,
authorize it in the first place. To be sure, this broader
definition may, standing alone, refer to intangible rights
that promote the ease of a given actionlike contract
rightsand courts have concluded as much. See, e.g.,
Hartford Electric Light Co. v. Federal Power Commission, 131 F.2d 953, 961 (2d Cir. 1942) (concluding that
power companys facilities included companys contracts and accounts), cert. denied, 319 U.S. 741, 63 S.
Ct. 1028, 87 L. Ed. 1698 (1943). But the operating rights
reflected in the certificates are of a different character
than something that promotes the ease of an action.
They are not used by the plaintiffs to ease their provision of service or to better their service to passengers;
the certificates provide the important, fundamental
authority to conduct the service in the first place. We are
not aware of any case that has examined the meaning
of the term facilities and interpreted that term as
encompassing a government issued operating right. In
fact, in the only other case brought to our attention

that has considered a similar question, the court concluded that the term facility does not refer to a companys operating rights.2 Lynnwood Utility Co. v.
Franklin, Tennessee Court of Appeals, Docket No. 89360-II (April 6, 1990) (determining, in condemnation
case, that [a] [c]ertificate of [c]onvenience and [n]ecessity is not a facility).
We therefore conclude that interpreting facilities
to refer not just to what makes an action easier, but
also to the very authority that authorizes the action
altogether, would unduly stretch the meaning of that
term too far. This is especially true considering that we
must construe a delegation of eminent domain power
strictly and against the power of the condemner.
Pequonnock Yacht Club, Inc. v. Bridgeport, supra, 259
Conn. 601. Adopting the commissioners broad interpretation would contradict that principle.
Even if we were to assume, however, that the term
facilities, standing alone, could arguably refer to
operating rights, the context in which that term is used
in the provision at issue and other related provisions
convinces us that the legislature did not intend for the
term facilities, as used in 13b-36 (a), to encompass
the certificates at issue.
In addition to considering the dictionary definition
of the term facilities, we must consider its meaning
also in the context that it is used in the provision at
issue and in related provisions. See General Statutes
1-2z. The text of the provision at issue, 13b-36 (a),
strongly suggests that the term facilities refers to
tangible assets, not intangible operating rights.
Section 13b-36 (a) groups the term facilities with
three other nouns describing what the commissioner
may condemn, namely, land, buildings, equipment,
and each refers to tangible objects. Typically, when a
statute sets forth a list or group of related terms, we
usually construe them together. See, e.g., Staples v.
Palten, 214 Conn. 195, 199200, 571 A.2d 97 (1990).
This principlereferred to as noscitur a sociis
acknowledges that the meaning of a particular word
or phrase in a statute is ascertained by reference to
those words or phrases with which it is associated.
Id., 199. As a result, broader terms, when used together
with more narrow terms, may have a more restricted
meaning than if they stand alone. See id. (noscitur a
sociis . . . acknowledges that general and specific
words are associated with and take color from each
other, restricting general words to a sense . . . less
general [emphasis added; internal quotation marks
The legislatures grouping of the term facilities with
other nouns that all denote tangible objects favors a
conclusion that the term facilities also refers to tangi-

ble objects other than land, buildings, and equipment

that might be used in a transportation system. Moreover, interpreting facilities to mean only tangible
items does not render it superfluous or redundant with
respect to the terms land, buildings, or equipment, as the commissioner suggests. The term facilities embraces numerous tangible itemsother than
land, buildings, or equipmentincluding bridges; General Statutes 13b-56; docks; General Statutes 13b56; see also Coeur DAlene & St. Joe Transportation
Co. v. Ferrell, 22 Idaho 752, 758, 128 P. 565 (1912); side
railroad tracks that are part of a rail system; Tucker v.
St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co., 298 Mo. 51, 58,
250 S.W. 390 (1923); dams and reservoirs; Wright v.
Sabine River Authority, 308 So. 2d 402, 406, 410 (La.
App. 1975); and even horses. Bernardine v. New York,
294 N.Y. 361, 365, 62 N.E.2d 604 (1945). On the other
hand, interpreting facilities to broadly refer to anything that supports a given action, as the commissioner
argues and the dissent agrees, would render superfluous the terms land, buildings, and equipment in
13b-36 (a) because those items would already be
encompassed within the broad meaning of facilities
urged by the commissioner. See, e.g., Lopa v. Brinker
International, Inc., 296 Conn. 426, 433, 994 A.2d 1265
(2010) ([b]ecause [e]very word and phrase [of a statute] is presumed to have meaning . . . [a statute] must
be construed, if possible, such that no clause, sentence
or word shall be superfluous, void or insignificant
[internal quotation marks omitted]).
In addition, other provisions in title 13b of the General
Statutes, which governs the powers of the commissioner, similarly indicate that the legislature intended
for facilities to refer to tangible assets. See, e.g., In re
Williams D., 284 Conn. 305, 313, 933 A.2d 1147 (2007)
([i]n determining the meaning of a statute . . . we
look not only at the provision at issue, but also to the
broader statutory scheme to ensure the coherency of
our construction [internal quotation marks omitted]).
The term facilities is often paired with other tangible
objects throughout title 13b, as in 13b-36 (a). See, e.g.,
General Statutes 13b-34 (a) (referencing equipment
or facilities); General Statutes 13b-34 (h) (referencing transportation equipment and facilities); General
Statutes 13b-56 (referring to facilities and structures
and structures and facilities). Most significantly, in
many instances, the legislature has used the term facilities in a manner that would be coherent only if facilities meant a tangible asset. For example, General
Statutes 13b-4d (b) allows the commissioner to
declare a state of emergency [w]hen a privately-owned
railroad system, its facility or equipment is damaged as
a result of a natural disaster . . . . General Statutes
13b-32 sets forth the general transportation policy of
the state favoring [t]he development and maintenance
of a modern, efficient and adequate system of motor

and rail facilities . . . . General Statutes 13b-38

allows the commissioner to make loans to transit districts to help the transit district to plan, research, construct, reconstruct, subsidize, operate or maintain
transit systems, including property, equipment and
facilities . . . . General Statutes 13b-101 (3) (B)
exempts from regulation certain livery services to and
from a location or facility which is not open for business on a daily basis throughout the year . . . . General Statutes 13b-283 (e) empowers the commissioner
to order any utility company to readjust, relocate or
remove its facility . . . . In each of these instances,
the use of the word facility evokes a tangible asset
used in transportation systems, and it would be absurd
to apply these statutes to include an intangible
operating right. It would, after all, be nonsensical for
the statutes to call for the construction or relocation
of an operating right or to refer to a certificate being
open for business. When, as in the present case, a word
is used multiple times in a statutory scheme, we presume that the legislature intended each use of the word
to have a common meaning. See, e.g., In re Jusstice
W., 308 Conn. 652, 66465, 65 A.3d 487 (2012).3
Consequently, even if the definition of facilities,
standing alone, could encompass the certificates at
issue, construing that term in context calls for a more
restricted meaning. Therefore, reading the term facilities in context, as it is used in 13b-36 (a) and other
provisions in title 13b of the General Statutes, convinces
us that the legislature did not intend for the term to
refer to intangible operating rights reflected in the certificates at issue.4
Indeed, a related statutory scheme demonstrates that,
when the legislature intended for a delegation of takings
power to allow for the acquisition of a bus companys
operating rights, the legislature granted that power
explicitly. Like the commissioner, transit districts have
power to regulate and provide bus service. Like the
commissioner, transit districts also have been granted
certain eminent domain powers. Specifically, General
Statutes 7-273e (a) empowers a transit district to use
eminent domain to acquire all or a portion of the property and franchises of any company or companies
operating a transit service in the district . . . .
(Emphasis added.) Unlike the term facilities, the
meaning of the term franchise expressly includes a
government conferred operating right. See Websters
Third New International Dictionary, supra, p. 902 (defining franchise as a right or privilege conferred by
grant from a sovereign or a government and vested in
an individual or a group and, more specifically, as a
right to do business conferred by a government). No
similarly clear language authorizing the taking of a companys operating rights appears in the statutes governing the commissioners eminent domain powers, further
indicating that the legislature did not intend for his

takings power to extend to the certificates at issue. See,

e.g., State v. B.B., 300 Conn. 748, 759, 17 A.3d 30 (2011)
([when] a statute, with reference to one subject contains a given provision, the omission of such provision
from a similar statute concerning a related subject . . .
is significant to show that a different intention existed
[internal quotation marks omitted]).
The commissioner argues, however, that, even if the
power to condemn the certificates is not explicit in the
statute, it is implicit in his express power to take any
land, buildings, equipment or facilities of a bus company, and in his incidental powers to improve transportation systems in this state. See General Statutes 13b23.5 According to the commissioner, if he can take all
of the bus companys tangible assets, then, it follows, he
also may condemn their operating rights. We disagree.
A delegation of eminent domain power must be
clearly given and strictly construed; see, e.g., Northeastern Gas Transmission Co. v. Collins, supra, 138 Conn.
592. A clear delegation is not expressly granted or
clearly implied either in the specific grant of eminent
domain power in 13b-36 (a) or in the commissioners
incidental powers in 13b-23. Even though we conclude
that the commissioner does not have authority to condemn the certificates, his inability to condemn the certificates at issue does not render meaningless his
takings power as applied to bus companies. He retains
the power to suspend or revoke certificates for cause;
see General Statutes 13b-80; and his takings power
supplement his power to suspend or revoke the certificates. If the commissioner should need to revoke a bus
companys certificate for poor performance and choose
to have the state or another company operate over
certain bus routes, 13b-36 (a) also permits him to take
the bus companys tangible assets for use in continuing
to provide bus service, albeit with a different operator.
Moreover, it is not absurd to conclude that the legislature gave the commissioner the power to take tangible
items needed for a transportation system but not a bus
companys operating rights given that, at the time the
legislature enacted 13b-36 (a), the commissioner did
not have the power to regulate bus companies or their
certificates. When the legislature enacted 13b-36 (a)
in 1969; see Public Acts 1969, No. 768, 30; the power
to issue certificates of public convenience and necessity
to bus operators was then held by the DPUCs predecessor agency, the Public Utilities Commission. See General Statutes (Supp. 1969) 16-309; General Statutes
(Rev. to 1966) 16-312a. Although the legislature
allowed the commissioner to be heard at hearings concerning these certificates, it did not grant the commissioner power to issue, suspend, or revoke them. See
General Statutes (Supp. 1969) 13b-37. Moreover, when
the legislature enacted 13b-36 (a), the commissioner

also had no power to regulate bus service, such as by

setting fares, routes or schedules. That power was held
instead by the Public Utilities Commission and the transit districts. See General Statutes (Rev. to 1966) 7273d; General Statutes (Supp. 1969) 16-309; General
Statutes (Rev. to 1966) 16-312a. Given that the commissioner had no power to regulate either the certificates or the services provided by bus companies when
13b-36 (a) was enacted, it would not be absurd for the
legislature to allow the commissioner to take tangible
items necessary to improve transportation systems but
not to condemn rights that he was not otherwise
expressly permitted to grant or regulate. When the
power to issue certificates and regulate bus service was
transferred to the commissioner in 1979; see P.A. 79610, 9; the legislature updated many of the statutes
pertaining to the regulation of bus service to reflect
the commissioners new role but, significantly, did not
amend 13b-36 (a). Although transit districts have been
expressly given the power to take operating rights; see
General Statutes 7-273e; no such specific authority
has been given to the commissioner after the legislature
granted him oversight over bus service. The legislature
may ultimately deem it good policy for the commissioner to have the power to condemn certificates, but
we conclude that the legislature has not yet granted
that power to the commissioner.6
We therefore conclude that the trial court improperly
granted the commissioners motion for summary judgment and that it improperly denied the plaintiffs
motion. This conclusion requires us to consider the
appropriate remedy. In their complaint, the plaintiffs
sought an injunction from the trial court preventing
the commissioner from (1) condemning the certificates,
and (2) operating any buses over the plaintiffs designated routes. In their arguments to this court, the plaintiffs have argued that such relief is proper and necessary
to protect their rights in their certificates. Nevertheless,
the issue of whether an injunction is necessary in addition to a judgment, and the precise parameters of any
injunction, have not been considered by the trial court.
In addition, the plaintiffs request for an injunction barring the commissioner from operating any buses over
any of their designated routes may impact the separate,
pending litigation concerning the extent of the plaintiffs
operating rights under their certificates, including
whether the plaintiffs rights over those routes are
exclusive. That dispute is not before us in the present
appeal. Accordingly, we conclude that a decision of
whether any injunctive relief is necessary, and the
parameters of any injunctive relief, if granted, is a decision that must be made in the first instance by the trial
court on remand.
The judgments are reversed and the cases are
remanded with direction to deny the commissioners
motion for summary judgment, to grant the plaintiffs

motion for summary judgment on the condemnation

issue and to render judgment for the plaintiffs on that
issue, and to remand the case for further proceedings
to determine whether any injunctive relief is necessary
and the parameters of any such relief, if granted.
In this opinion PALMER, EVELEIGH and VERTEFEUILLE, Js., concurred.

The plaintiffs are Dattco, Inc., Collins Bus Service, Inc., Nason Partners,
LLC, and The New Britain Transportation Company. Each brought a separate
action against the commissioner to enjoin him from taking their respective
certificates, and those actions were consolidated.
One court has interpreted the term facilities to include a companys
operating rights, but the court reached that conclusion because a contrary
construction in that case would have rendered the statute at issue unconstitutional. See Mississippi Power & Light Co. v. Clarksdale, 288 So. 2d 9, 12
(Miss. 1973) (concluding that statute [could not] be constitutionally applied
in [the] case unless the word facilities [was] construed as including [a
power companys] operating rights). There was no claim in that case that
the ordinary meaning of the term facilities extended to operating rights.
See id., 11.
Certain provisions in title 13b of the General Statutes refer to one form
of an intangible facilitya credit facility. See, e.g., General Statutes 13b79r (d) (4). But when the provisions of title 13b refer to a credit facility,
they do so by pairing the words credit and facility rather than using
facility alone. See, e.g., General Statutes 13b-79r (d) (4). This indicates
that, when the legislature intended to refer to an intangible facility, it did
so expressly.
The dissent would apply a much broader meaning of the term facilities,
relying in significant part on a decision from the Missouri Supreme Court;
see Mashak v. Poelker, 367 S.W.2d 625 (Mo. 1963); giving a broader meaning
to the term facilities. Significantly, however, that case has little bearing
on our decision because it did not involve a delegation of the takings power,
and adopting a broad interpretation of the meaning of facilities in the face
of a more limited interpretation would violate the well established principle
that we must strictly construe any delegation of the takings power. Pequonnock Yacht Club, Inc. v. Bridgeport, supra, 259 Conn. 601.
The commissioner did not cite 13b-23 as authority for the condemnation
in his notices of condemnation issued to the plaintiffs. We will nevertheless
briefly address the commissioners arguments based on this statute because
the plaintiffs have not objected to the commissioners arguments concerning
this provision, and, in any event, those arguments are unavailing.
The commissioner has also claimed that 13b-34 (c) also empowers him
to condemn the certificates, but we disagree. That provision does not clearly
confer eminent domain power but, instead, appears to empower the commissioner to purchase or dispose of property. Notably, that provision does not
expressly refer to the commissioners power to take property, as in 13b36 (a); nor does it prescribe the procedures for instituting a taking, as 13b36 (a) does. If 13b-34 (c) authorizes a taking, as the commissioner claims,
we would expect to see procedures for exercising that power, as such
procedures would be required to afford a property owner due process of law.

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