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Over 165 analytical professionals from over 7 countries gathered in Singapore in May 2016 to listen to over 25 guest speakers
present real life case studies, the pitfalls of analytics as well as the best practices adopted across all sectors. Due to the
overwhelming success of the Singapore Edition, Analytics Leader Summit is now coming to Jakarta, Indonesia on the 19th and
20th of October followed by one-day training workshop on Machine Learning led by the renown Dr Carol Hargreaves former Chief
of Business Analytics at ISS (part of NUS).
With more than 2.5 Quintillion bytes of data being produced daily through multiple channels such as social media, ecommerce
transactions, sensors as well as mobile there is no escaping it. With most companies trying to capitalise on big data, Enigma feels
that there would be no big data if predicting analytics did not exist.
EnigmaCG's event on analytics through its speakers and panel of judges will deliver the highest quality content, address the most
current topics related to predictive customer behaviour through analytics with indepth case studies which have proven to be the
success stories in the market today as well as studies of what analytics can be used for in the future such as Artificial Intelligence,
Machine Learning, and Real Time Analytics.
Machine learning now is one of the fastest growing fields and many organisations are finding out the hard way. Deep eLearning
methods are being utilised more than ever due to its success in being able to build models without having to programme or
create any codes. With a multitude of machine learning tools available especially in open source, this course will give you a
foundation to set your organization on the right course for Machine Learning. Limited to only 20 seats!

Get a cross-industry view on big issues surrounding predicting customer behaviour through marketing and risk
Learn from the success and failures as well as best practices of companies operating within analytics from outside
An invitation-only meeting bringing together the most senior leaders from a list of global brands who are within
analytics. We guarantee only analytical professionals in attendance therefore there wont be any recruiters, IT bods, or
data governance people invited.
More than just speakers: Enigma is aware that great speakers arent enough to gain a good grasp of predicting
customer behaviour, which is why when you attend our event you will be subjected to taking part in a variety of
roundtable discussions as well as interactive panels. So come armed with your questions!
Over 90% of past delegates would recommend us to friends within the industry and 87% would come again to the next


C-Levels, VPs, Group Heads, Directors, Managers & Senior Executives for :
Marketing Analytics
Customer Insight
Business Intelligence

Decision Science
Big Data
Data Scientists

Big Data Consultants

Risk Analytics
Data Analytics
Credit Risk

You could be from these industries :









Technology High-Tech




ALS organized by EnigmaCG is right in time. Given big data now, the
need of data analytics is being increasingly important. The conference
gives youdeeper understanding on how big data benefits business. And
the event enables you meet up with analytics leaders from many industries
- Head of Retention and Loyalty, Indosat Ooredoo
Analyitcs Leaders Summit | 11-13 May 2016 | Singapore Edition

Bangalore | Hong Kong | Kuala Lumpur | London | New York | Shanghai | Singapore


19 OCTOBER 2016

Breaking the Enigma : Networking Breakfast

08.00 - 09.00 Registration

02.30 - 02.50

09.00 - 09.05 Introduction

09.05 - 09.15

Opening Remarks : Abeed Rhemtulla, Managing Director Enigma Consulting Group

02.50 - 03.00

How is predictive analytics being used within Telco to

improve CVM & customer experience?
Tharinda Premasiri, General Manager CLM Journey and
Experimentation - PT XL Axiata Tbk, Indonesia
Q&A Sessions

Welcome Speech by Conference Chairman: Mike Sherman 09:15 - 09.25 Marketing, Customer Insight, & CRM/Big Data Expert, Hong Kong

03.00 - 03.15 Andrew Mckinley - Magic Show

09.25 - 09.45

03.15 - 03.35

09.45- 09.55

Ten Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About

Data Analysis
Mike Sherman, Marketing, Customer Insight,
and CRM/Big Data Expert, Hong Kong
Q&A Sessions

09.55 - 10.20

Sponsor Slot

10.20 - 10.50 Networking Tea - Break

10.50 - 11.10

11.10 - 11.20
11.20 - 11.40

11.40 - 11.50

How UOB Bank uses risk analytics

across customer lifecycle

Wipaporn Techamaitrechit, Executive Director Portfolio

& Regulatory Management, Retail Shared Services UOB Bank, Thailand
Q&A Sessions

Dr. Aditya Galih Prihartono, Chief CRM Officer

- Home Credit, Indonesia
Animesh Narang, Chief Customer Experience
- Home Credit, Indonesia

03.35 - 03.45

04.15 - 04.35

Q&A Sessions

04.45 - 05.45

Panel Discussion
Exploring How new Data is Changing The Way Credit
Risk is being utilised in your organisation
What is going to be the impact of IFRS9 on financial
institutes and so we need another framework?
How to understand your customer to ensure
responsible lending
How to develop an effective risk appetite with senior
members to maximize business performance
How data sharing across lenders will influence an
already competitive market
How stress tests can be effectively applied for
portfolio management?

11.50 - 12.05 Andrew Mckinley - Magic Show

12.30 - 12.50

Increasing customer journey through strategic

Using data analytics to predict customer behaviour
The next best offer
The customer engagement model
The need for R.F.M
Hark Cheong Siah, Head Customer Analytics & Insights,
Corporate Development, CFS - Maybank, Malaysia

12.50 - 1.00

Nandha Kumar Subramaniam, Chief Risk Officer Maybank Philippines Incorporated, Philippines

Rajendra Sankhlecha, Head Financial Crime Analytics Axis Bank Ltd, India

Lucky Edward, Head of Regional Credit Risk - PT Bank

Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Indonesia

Wipaporn Techamaitrechit, Executive Director Portfolio

& Regulatory Management, Retail Shared Services UOB Bank, Thailand
Cary Piantono, Head Credit Control & Analytics
Division - Sampoerna Financial Group, Indonesia

Q&A Sessions

01.00 - 02.00 Networking Luncheon

02.00 - 02.20

02.20 - 02.30

Usage of Machine Learning to combat cyber fraud

and money laundering in banking
Rajendra Sankhlecha, Head Financial Crime Analytics Axis Bank Ltd, India
Q&A Sessions

Philia Li, Consumer Decision Science Director,

GC NIKE, China

04.35 - 04.45

Q&A Sessions

Sponsor Slot

Q&A Sessions

03.45 - 04.15 Networking Tea - Break

How to employ Machine Learning to quantify and

predict customer behaviour - Case Study
Dan Oprisa PhD, Senior Data Scientist - Agoda, Thailand

12.05- 12.30

Using Data Analytics to understand

Customer Experience

05.45 - 06.00 End of Day 1

This event was one of the effective and informative conferences that
i have ever attended in both content of networking and presentations
- Head of Data Analytics, Berkshire Media
Analyitcs Leaders Summit | 11-13 May 2016 | Singapore Edition

Bangalore | Hong Kong | Kuala Lumpur | London | New York | Shanghai | Singapore


20 OCTOBER 2016
08.10 - 09.10 Registration / Networking Breakfast
09.10 - 09.15 Introduction
09.15 - 09.35

Delivering customer centricity through Analytics

Leveraging Data Analytics to deliver customer centricity will

speak about the key tenets that are needed to cater to customer
expectations, needs, and experiences and how data-driven
insights and actions can engage with customers to enable the
new mandate of customer centricity.

09.35 - 09.45

Deep Thomas, Chief Executive Officer - Fortune 500

Companies , India
Q&A Sessions

09.45 - 10.15

Sponsor Slot

02.30 - 02.50

02.50 - 03.00
03.00 - 03.20

Q&A Sessions

11.15 - 11.35

Case Study : How analytics is used to shape

the insurance industry?

Dr. Hongjuan Liu, Director of Analytics Behavioral Insights

APAC - Aegon, Hong Kong

11.35 - 11.45

Q&A Sessions

11.45 - 12.00 Andrew Mckinley - Magic Show

12.00 - 12.30
12.30 - 01.30

Sponsor Slot

03.20 - 03.30
03.30 - 04.00

Q&A Sessions

How to Manage Financial Risk in the Stock Market

using Machine Learning Algorithms

Dr Carol Hargreaves, Industry Expert & Former Chief of

Business Analytics, Australia
Q&A Sessions
Sponsor Slot

04.00 - 04.15 Networking Tea - Break

04.15 - 04.30 Andrew Mckinley - Magic Show

04.30 - 05.30

Panel Discussion
Predictive Analytics is changing the industries mindset?
Using Predictive Analytics to Understand Customer
Predictive Analytics with customer engagement
Making decisions in real time
The need for Real Time customer feedback
How to overcome issue of data protection when using

Panel Discussion
Predictive analytics revolutionizing retail/e-tail economy.
Using predictive analytics to understand customer
Using Data Analytics to Protect Revenue.
Understanding consumer behaviour (online & offline) to
gain a complete picture of customers to increase your
Whats not in the basket that should be.
Is cognitive analytics a game changer for retailers?
Doan Siscus, Head of BI, Analytics and CLM - OLX,
Nitin Sareen, Director Analytic - Walmart Labs, India
Philia Li, Consumer Decision Science Director,
GC NIKE, China
Dan Oprisa PhD, Senior Data Scientist - Agoda, Thailand
Dr. Aditya Galih Prihartono, Chief CRM Officer
- Home Credit, Indonesia

How we use predictive analytics to get customer to

buy now and again within e-Commerce
Anubhav Goyal, Vice President & Head Analytics / User
Growth - Snapdeal, India

The objective of this talk is to provide risk managers with

additional information about the state of the stock market and
how investment decisions can be made to select stocks with low
risk but high likelihood of reward.Risk managers need to decide
on which stocks will most likely make them money and also
when the best time to sell the stocks before money is lost. This
talk will present the factors that were explored and identified to
influence price movements and used to predict the stock market
one month ahead.Machine learning stock portfolio performance
results are compared with the stock market and presented.

Should predictive analytics be the only method

used within risk analytics?
Lucky Edward, Head of Regional Credit Risk - PT Bank
Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Indonesia

11.05 - 11.15

Analyitcs Leaders Summit | 11-13 May 2016 | Singapore Edition

01.30 - 02.30 Networking Luncheon

10.15 - 10.45 Networking Tea - Break

10.45 - 11.05

The conference was very organized and has the right content
- Manager FCC Analytics, Standard Chartered Bank

Mike Sherman, Marketing, Customer Insight,

and CRM/Big Data Expert, Hong Kong
Cahyadi Poernomo, Group Head Customer Value
Management - Indosat Ooredoo, Indonesia
Dr. Hongjuan Liu, Director of Analytics Behavioral
Insights APAC - Aegon, Hong Kong

Mauludi Rachman, Head of Existing Customer Marketing

& Customer Insights - PT AIA Financial, Indonesia
Tharinda Premasiri, General Manager CLM Journey and
Experimentation - PT XL Axiata Tbk, Indonesia

05.30 - 06.00

End of Day 2 / Closing Remarks : Abeed Rhemtulla,

Managing Director - Enigma Consulting Group

Bangalore | Hong Kong | Kuala Lumpur | London | New York | Shanghai | Singapore

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