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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) The first step in planning a presentation is to
A) Know what I want my audience to do or leave knowing.
B) Define your purpose.
C) Ask yourself why you are giving this presentation.
D) Consider your audience.


2) Organizing the content of a presentation involves

A) Presenting your points logically and clearly.
B) Giving basics in a handout unless it is necessary that basics be presented to the audience.
C) Being well organized.
D) All of the above.


3) You can gain the audience's attention by

A) Introducing yourself and handling any administrative details that are needed.
B) Give the audience an overview and plan for questions.
C) Identify your role and explain if there are handouts.
D) All of the above.


4) Most presentations are fewer than

A) 5 minutes.
B) 10 minutes.


C) 20 minutes.

D) 25 minutes.

5) Which of the following examples do not actively involve the audience?

A) Turning to a person seated next to them and discuss briefly some point
B) Completing a survey or checklist
C) Observing the audience listening intently and nodding their heads
D) Playing a brief game that is related to the topic


6) Which of the following is the best way to handle a heckler during a presentation?
A) Remain calm and answer the question if you had anticipated it or thank the heckler for his or
her opinion and move on
B) Argue with the heckler
C) Become angry
D) Ignore the heckler


7) Which of the following is not a way to structure a presentation?

A) Questioning
B) Specific to general
C) End-middle-beginning
D) General to specific


8) The most important of the four parts of the body that will influence the audience most during your
presentation is your
A) Appearance.
B) Body language.
C) Voice.
D) Eyes.


9) When using slides, you should use what size font for the audience to be able to read the slides from
the farthest point in the room?
A) 12 - 18 point font
B) 14 - 48 point font
C) 35 - 52 point font
D) 45 - 60 point font
10) When selecting the design of your slides for a presentation, which of the following should you
A) Keep your format consistent
B) Keep each slide simple
C) Use primary colors liberally throughout your slides to make them interesting and colorful
D) Make your font size BIG!



TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
11) The first step in planning your presentation is to define your purpose.


12) If your audience does not identify with you by the middle of your message, they may tune you out
and not listen at all.


13) Extemporaneous speaking is the most effective delivery style because it allows you to continuously
maintain eye contact with your audience.


14) Your closing remarks will leave a final impression on the audience, and these remarks will most
likely be the one thing they remember from your presentation.


15) When using visuals, design can make or break your presentation no matter how important your
information is.


16) If you use color, use no more than five colors.


17) Pass out handouts at the beginning of your presentation so the audience can be reading through
your presentation and turning pages while you are presenting your information.


18) Use animation and sound effects liberally because they are interesting, catchy, and will help hold
the audience's attention.


19) You can handle podium panic and get by the anxiety by relaxing and then focusing only on the


20) When giving a presentation, every statement you make, each figure you show, and each conclusion
you draw, must be supported by fact or based on credible information.


ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
21) When considering your audience when planning a presentation, what are some basic questions you should ask
22) What are some points to remember to gain the audiences attention in your introduction when giving a

23) What is the most effective delivery style to use when giving a presentation?
24) Discuss the use of producing speakers notes and handouts for a presentation.
25) Discuss some tips to help improve your success when presenting to diverse audiences.

Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED13
1) B
2) D
3) D
4) C
5) C
6) A
7) C
8) D
9) B
10) C
11) TRUE
13) TRUE
14) TRUE
15) TRUE
19) TRUE
20) TRUE
21) To whom am I speaking? What do they already know about the topic? What will they want to know about the topic?
What do they need to know about the topic?
22) Introduce yourself if you have not been formally introduced; handle any administrative details that need to be handled
before beginning your presentation; identify your rolefriend, expert, judge, or teacherestablish it from the beginning;
plan for questions and allow enough time for them; explain if there are handouts; give the audience an overview so
they will know what to expect.
23) Extemporaneous speaking (speaking freely and naturally) is the most effective delivery style because it allows you to
continuously maintain eye contact with your audience.
24) Handouts can reinforce your main points and can often provide background information that will be helpful to the
reader. They should not distract the audience. Keep them simple; be related directly to the purpose of your
presentation; and have high visual impact.
25) Consider the pace of presenting information; be careful when using humor to avoid offending someone; be careful
when selecting color in your visuals because colors carry different suggestions and meanings in different cultures;
know what to expect from your audience when it comes to questions; choose your words carefully so all will
understand your meanings; pay attention to protocol; speak slower than normal; know what to expect in body
language and responses from your audience.

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