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Publication number

WO2003084459 A2

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Application number


Publication date

16 Oct 2003

Filing date

19 Mar 2003

Priority date

29 Mar 2002

Also published as

CA2480572A1, 7 More


Thomas T. Aoki


Aoki Thomas T

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External Links: Patentscope, Espacenet

Device for infusing insulin

WO 2003084459 A2
The present invention is a device for delivering insulin to a subject with impaired hepatic glucose
processing. The device delivers a series of pulses of insulin to the subject over a period of time
accompanied by ingestion of glucose in the form of a carbohydrate containing meal. The amount of
insulin in each pulse, the interval between pulses and the amount of time to deliver each pulse to the
subject are selected so that the hepatic processing of glucose is restored in the subject. Initially after
ingestion of the carbohydrate containing meal, the subject's circulating blood glucose level rises. In
subjects whose hepatic glucose processing has been restored there is a subsequent fall in circulating
blood glucose levels of 50 mg/dl or more directly as a result of hepatic glucose processing being restored
to the liver.

1. A device for delivering insulin to a subject with impaired hepatic glucose processing, characterized in
that said device delivers a series of pulses of insulin accompanied by the ingestion of a carbohydrate
containing meal; and the amount of insulin in each pulse, the interval between pulses and the amount of
time to deliver each pulse to the subject are selected so that the circulating glucose level in the subject
initially rises and then falls by an amount equal to 50 mg/dl or more.
2. A device according to claim 1 for dispensing insulin which includes a cartridge containing liquid insulin
and a plunger where the plunger is rotated to dispense the insulin.
3. A device according to claim 1 for dispensing insulin which includes a syringe to deliver pulses of insulin.
4. A device according to Claim 1 where the circulating glucose level in the subject initially rises and then
falls by an amount equal to 50mg/dl or more within two hours of administering the first pulse of the series
of pulses.
5. The device of claim 1, wherein the pulses of insulin are administered intravenously.
6. A device according to claim 1 where the amount of insulin in each pulse is between about 10 and 200
milliunits per kilogram of body weight.
7. A device according to claim 1 where the amount of insulin in each pulse, the time interval between
pulses and the amount of time to deliver each pulse to the patient are controlled by a programmable
processor unit.
8. A device according to claim 1 where one said series of pulses is delivered over a period of 6 to 180

9. A device according to claim 1 wherein each pulse of the said series of pulses is delivered every 3 to 30
10. A device according to claim 1 wherein said carbohydrate containing meal contains between 40 to 100
grams of glucose.
11. A device according to claim 1 wherein said delivery of said series of pulses is performed from 2 to 8
times a day.
12. A device according to claim 1 where information is transferred automatically between the blood
glucose meter and a pump.
13. A device according to any of the claims 1-12 wherein such device is used to lower levels of
hemoglobin Alc.
14. A device according to any of the claims 1-12 wherein such device is used to delay the onset or slow
the progression of diabetes related nephropathy.
15. A device according to any of the claims 1-12 wherein such device is used to delay the onset or slow
the progression of diabetes related retinopathy.
16. A device according to any of the claims 1-12 wherein such device is used to delay the onset or slow
the progression of diabetes related neuropathy.
17. A device according to any of the claims 1-12 wherein such device is used to delay the onset or slow
the progression of cardiovascular disease.
18. A device according to any of the claims 1-12 wherein such device is used to delay the onset or slow
the progression of heart disease.
19. A device according to any of the claims 1-12 wherein such device is used for treating wounds,
promoting healing and avoiding amputations in diabetic subjects.
20. A device according to any of the claims 1-12 wherein such device is used to improve mental function
in subjects with senile dementia.

The present invention is a device for delivering a series of pulses of insulin over a period of time to a
subject with impaired hepatic glucose processing. More specifically, the amount of insulin in each pulse,
the interval between pulses and the amount of time to deliver each pulse to the subject are selected such

that hepatic processing of glucose is restored in the subject. The pulses of insulin are accompanied by
the ingestion of glucose in the form of a carbohydrate containing meal. Initially after ingestion of the
carbohydrate containing meal, the subject's circulating blood glucose level rises. In subjects whose
hepatic glucose processing has been restored there is a subsequent fall in circulating blood glucose
levels of 50 mg/dl or more directly as a result of hepatic glucose processing being restored to the liver.
Diabetic retinopathy is a major cause of blindness. While earlier detection and major advances in laser
therapies have made significant impact on this chronic complication of diabetes, the number of diabetic
patients suffering from diabetic retinopathy continues to increase.
Glucose control is typically measured by a blood test, which determines the level of
* hemoglobin Ale, which has been the desired result of insulin therapy in diabetic patients for many years.
However, it is clear that tight circulating glucose control was insufficient in 25% or more of the study
participants to protect them from the onset or progression of diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy or
A major cause of death for patients with diabetes mellitus is cardiovascular disease in its various forms.
Existing evidence indicates that diabetic patients are particularly susceptible to heart failure, primarily in
association with atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries and autonomic neuropathy. There is little doubt
that a metabolic component is present in various forms of cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients.
Cardiac dysfunction (lower stroke volume, cardiac index and ejection fraction and a higher left ventricular
end diastolic pressure) frequently manifested by patients with diabetes, can be explained at least partially
by metabolic abnormalities, and is likely secondary to insulin deficiency since appropriate insulin
administration can restore normal patterns of cardiac metabolism (Avogaro et al, Am J Physiol 1990,
The pathophysiology of diabetic nephropathy is only partially understood. The most consistent
morphologic finding in diabetic nephropathy is the enlargement of the mesangium, which can compress
the glomerular capillaries and thus alter intraglomerular hemodynamics.
Diabetes is the number one cause of non-traumatic amputations. The common sources of amputations
are wounds that will not heal and progress to necrosis and gangrene. It is generally observed that diabetic
patients have greater difficulty in healing and in overcoming infections. Diabetes in general and poor
circulating glucose control in particular are thought to be causally related to poor wound repair in diabetic
patients. Poor circulating glucose control is also a source of a lack of energy and a general feeling of

As reported in Diabetes mellitus and the risk of dementia A. Ott, RP. Stolk, F. Van Harskamp, The
Rotterdam Study, Neurology, 1999, vol. 53, pp. 1937-1942, patients with diabetes have an increased risk
of dementia. Having diabetes almost doubled the risk of having dementia (the risk was 1.9 times greater).
The risk of diabetics getting Alzheimer's disease was also nearly double. And in diabetics taking insulin,
the risk was over 4 times that in non-diabetics. Even after adjusting for possible effects of sex, age,
educational level and the other factors measured, the findings were the same. Therefore, it can be
concluded that diabetes is a risk factor for the development of dementias, including Alzheimer's disease.
What is needed is a device which can restore metabolism; increase retinal and neural glucose oxidation
by enhancing pyruvate dehydrogenase activity; treat retinopathy and central nervous system disorders;
increase stroke volume, that improves cardiac index; increases ejection fraction, and that lowers
ventricular end diastolic pressure, thus improving cardiac function, as well as improving the quality of life
in diabetic patients. A similar device is also needed to significantly reverse the cardiac dysfunction
common to diabetic patients with heart disease. The same device should be capable of providing
improved blood glucose control as measured by hemoglobin Ale. Additionally a similar device is needed
to improve the entire metabolic process and through its multiplicity of effects on neurovascular reactivity,
intraglomerular pressure and hemodynamics, arrest the progression of overt diabetic nephropathy,
improve intraglomerular hemodynamics, and thus arrest the progression of diabetic nephropathy and
reduce the risk of development of End- Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Further a similar device is also
needed to increase glucose oxidation in the affected areas and therefore provide more energy while
consuming less oxygen for treating wounds, promote healing and avoid lower extremity amputations in
both diabetic and non-diabetic patients. A device is required to improve the metabolism in the brain of
patients suffering with any of a number of diseases causing senile dementia and hence improve mental
function of patients suffering senile dementia.
In a previous patent, US Patent No. 4,826,810, which is hereby incorporated in the description of this
invention, the inventor describes a method of delivering pulses of insulin to a patient after ingestion of a
glucose containing meal. The pulses of insulin are adjusted to produce a series of peaks in the free
insulin concentration so that successively there are increasing free insulin concentration minima between
the said peaks. In order to make this a viable treatment for clinical purposes there needs to be a simple,
low-cost way of measuring free insulin to determine said peaks to insure that the correct levels are
present to insure that the dietary carbohydrate processing capabilities of the subject's liver are activated.
The only viable method for measuring "free" insulin is costly and time consuming, often taking days to
obtain results. In the mean time it is not known whether or not the liver has been activated. What is
needed is a way to determine, in real time while pulses are being administered and the base line of free
insulin is rising, that in fact the patient's liver has been activated.
According to the present invention there is provided a device for delivering insulin to a subject with
impaired hepatic glucose processing. The device delivers a series of pulses of insulin to the subject over

a period of time accompanied by ingestion of glucose in the form of a carbohydrate containing meal. The
amount of msulin in each pulse, the interval between pulses and the amount of time to deliver each pulse
to the subject such as a patient are selected so that the hepatic processing of glucose is restored in
subject. Initially after ingestion of the carbohydrate containing meal, the subject's circulating blood
glucose level rises.
Coincident with or shortly following the establishment of elevated circulating glucose levels in the patient,
the first pulse of insulin delivery is administered. This pulse results in a peak "free" insulin concentration in
the blood represented by peak E (See FIG. 3). When the "free" insulin concentration decreases by about
90% to Y, the second pulse is administered, which results in peak F. When the "free" insulin concentration
again decreases by about 90% to Z the next pulse is administered resulting in peak G. Repetition of this
process will result in increasing interpeak "free" insulin concentration denoted by line H. The pulses are
regulated so that the interpeak "free" insulin concentration increases by 10 to 500 U/ml from one pulse
to the next. In order to activate the liver, an increasing interpeak "free" insulin concentration after ingestion
of a carbohydrate containing meal is required to activate the liver and for the circulating blood glucose
level to drop 50 mg/dl in subjects with impaired hepatic glucose processing. However, there are times
'that even though the interpeak "free" insulin levels are rising, they do not rise sufficiently fast to activate
the liver. In those circumstances the drop in circulating glucose will not reach 50 mg/dl.
It is desirable to administer the least amount of insulin consistent with activation of the hepatic glucose
processing, yet the amount of insulin required to activate a patient will vary from patient to patient or even
from day to day in the same patient. For the same patient on one day a pulse regimen will be successful
in activation of hepatic glucose processing while the same patient on the following day requires
significantly more insulin per pulse or more frequent pulses to attain activation. Measuring "free" insulin
levels in the blood is an expensive and time-consuming procedure, which cannot provide the necessary
information in real time. Disclosed in the current invention is a way to measure in real time when the
patient has actually activated hepatic glucose processing to allow positive confirmation of successful
patient response and signal when the pulses no longer need to be administered.
In subjects whose hepatic glucose processing has been restored there is a subsequent fall in circulating
blood glucose levels of 50 mg/dl or more directly as a result of hepatic glucose processing being restored
to the liver. This circulating glucose signal is easy and low cost to obtain, can be done by the patient
easily in a home health care environment without the assistance
, of a doctor, and provides information in real time that the liver function is restored. Patients are usually
well trained and fully capable of obtaining their own circulating glucose levels without the need of a doctor
to assist with the procedure and evaluate the results. Other means to determine whether the liver has
been activated are costly, do not provide information in real time, require a doctor's evaluation or cannot
be used in a home health care environment. There must be more than a minimum of two pulses in the
series of insulin pulses; for example, three, four, five or six. In the , preferred embodiment the device is a
pump which delivers a series of ten pulses over a period of one hour. The pump is preferably controlled

by a programmable processor unit, which controls the amount of insulin in each pulse, the time to deliver
each pulse, and the time between pulses. Circulating blood glucose levels can be measured by any
appropriate circulating glucose measuring method including finger stick methods. DRAWINGS
Herein follows a description of the drawings:
FIG. 1 is a schematic block diagram of a programmable insulin pump utilizing a syringe plunger-type of
mechanism and programmed to deliver insulin according to the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a schematic block diagram of a programmable insulin pump with a rotating plunger mechanism
and programmed to deliver insulin according to the present invention.
FIG. 3 is a graph showing the relation between the concentration of insulin in the blood and time in a
series of insulin pulses.
Accordingly, the present invention is an infusion device for administering insulin to diabetic patients by
infusing a series of pulses of insulin into the patient at regular intervals. At the same time the patient
ingests a carbohydrate containing meal and circulating glucose measurements are made periodically to
insure proper hepatic processing of glucose has been restored.
Liquid or food containing glucose is consumed by the patient to prevent the patient from becoming
hypoglycemic. The preferred liquid or food containing glucose is 4 to 10 ounces of GLUCOLA for diabetic
patients which translates to 40 to 100 grams of glucose, but any similar type of liquid or high glycemic
food, including but not limited to cake and bread, containing glucose may be given to the patient. For non
diabetic patients ingested glucose amounts are higher and need be adjusted to each patient.
In the preferred embodiment of the invention, a programmable insulin pump is programmed to deliver
intravenous insulin in precisely measured pulses, programmed to deliver each of those pulses within a
minimum amount of time, and programmed to allow for timed intervals between each pulse. However, any
method of infusing measured amounts of insulin to include simple injection with a syringe is also
acceptable. The preferred means of insulin delivery is a programmable infusion device capable of
providing measured pulses of insulin on a prearranged interval, so long as there is sufficient glucose in
the blood to keep the patient from becoming hypoglycemic. It is also preferable that the infusion device is
capable of delivering the pulses of insulin in as short duration of time as possible, without adversely
affecting the vein at the site of infusion is used. One preferred infusion device is the Bionica MD-110.
However, less accurate devices and slower devices, to include a simple syringe, may deliver the pulses
and achieve the needed infusion profile.

In one embodiment a programmable, handheld pump uses a conventional medical syringe for infusing the
insulin. Referring to FIG. 1 the syringe 11 is attached to the pump by clips 13 & 14 and the plunger 15 is
activated by the syringe driver 16. The syringe driver is actuator driven by any of a number of possible
actuator configurations known to those skilled in the art. Any conventional infusion tube connection device
may be used to connect the infusion tube to the syringe. Programmed values can be input to a control
processor via the keyboard 17, through firmware in the pump or by software via a communications link 18
to a higher level computer or any other appropriate input method. A circulating glucose measuring
instrument, configured to communicate directly with the pump through the communications link can
provide timely values of circulating glucose. Alternatively, wireless communications systems can send
information from a circulating glucose sensor automatically to the pump without operator intervention.
Typical circulating glucose sensors include but are not limited to finger stick devices, non-invasive
instruments using near infrared spectroscopy or radio frequency, and implanted sensors. Alternatively the
circulating glucose signal can come from an implantable system for monitoring pancreatic beta cell
electrical activity in a patient in order to obtain a measure of a patient's insulin demand and circulating
glucose level. Any other method for either directly or indirectly obtaining an accurate measure of the
change in circulating glucose levels is also acceptable. The communications link may be used to send
alarm and status messages to a higher level computer via any acceptable communications protocol and
When the pump is activated, it dispenses the programmed pulse of insulin in the programmed amount of
time to the subject. The insulin travels through the infusion tube 19, to the needle 10, which is inserted
intravenously into the subject wherever convenient but preferably in the forearm. The time to deliver each
pulse should be as short as possible and at least less than one minute and preferably on the order of
seconds. Pump status, alarm status and circulating-glucose levels, among other parameters of the
system may be displayed on the display panel 12.
In the preferred embodiment the subject's circulating glucose levels are measured periodically and used
either automatically or manually to input changes to parameters of the pump delivering the insulin.
Adjustments to ingested glucose and infused insulin are then made to produce the desired results of
activating the liver without the unwanted side effects of either hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.
In another embodiment instead of a syringe type pump, referring to FIG. 2, the infusion pump comprises a
cassette cartridge pump device, consisting of a cartridge 22, a housing 24, a plunger 25, a reservoir area
27 within the cartridge where the insulin is contained, and a neck opening for the connection of the
cartridge to an infusion tube 21 to an infusion needle 20, which is inserted intravenously into the subject
wherever convenient but preferably in the forearm. The pumping mechanism comprises a gear linkage
26, a motor 28 and a pumping device 29. When the cartridge 22 is engaged in the housing 24, the
cartridge is locked into place by the rotational engagement of outside threads of the cartridge and inside
threads of the housing. The cartridge is made optionally of glass, ceramic, steel or plastic. The pumping
mechanism is used to rotate the piston-type plunger 25 and 23 within the cassette cartridge. The pumping

mechanism may be actuated by methods including but not limited to any motor which rotates the plunger
or housing, by a coordinated hand-eye movement or by manual movement through a series of "click"
points. The plunger rotates in relation to the walls of the cassette housing. As the plunger 25 is rotationally
turned, the device infuses insulin to the subject. Preferably the pumping mechanism is controlled by a
programmable processor which controls the amount of insulin to be infused, the timing between pulses
and the length of time to infuse a single pulse. The diameter of the reservoir area and the depth the
plunger travels for each plunger rotation are selected to provide highly accurate pulse sizes delivered in
as short a time as is safely possible. Programmed values can be input to a control processor via the
keyboard, through firmware in the pump or by software via a communications link 30 from a higher level
computer or any other appropriate input method. Automated entry of blood glucose levels can be
accomplished as described above. The same communications link may be used to send alarm and status
messages to a higher level computer via any acceptable communications protocol and medium. Pump
status, alarm status and circulating- glucose levels, among other parameters of the system may be
displayed on the display panel of the pumping device 29.
Hepatic processing of glucose includes proper uptake of glucose in the liver cells, oxidation of glucose by
the liver cells, storage of glucose as hepatic glycogen in the liver cells, and conversion of glucose to fat or
alanine, an amino acid, by the liver cells. Hepatic processing is impaired when the liver fails to produce
hepatic enzymes (specifically hepatic glucokinase, phosphofructokinase, and pyruvate kinase) needed in
proper glucose processing. Impaired processing of glucose is a fundamental condition of type 1 and type
2 diabetic patients, for patients whose pancreas is not producing sufficient insulin, and for patients
experiencing significant insulin resistance, or a combination of these factors. After the ingestion of
glucose, even with intravenous insulin administration, decreased glucose oxidation, low alanine
production, and little glycogen formation and deposition in the liver in a timely manner are all indications
that hepatic glucose processing is impaired. Glucose tolerance tests and measurements of hemoglobin
Ale can be used as indications that hepatic processing of glucose has been impaired.
The preferred embodiment of the method of delivering insulin pulses to a patient utilizing Chronic
Intermittent Intravenous Insulin Therapy is as follows. On the morning of the procedure, the patient is
preferably seated in a blood drawing chair and a 23 gauge needle or catheter is preferably inserted into a
hand or forearm vein to obtain vascular access. However, any system of such access may accomplish the
needed result, including indwelling catheters, PICC lines and PortaCaths. After a short equilibration
period, the patient is asked to make a circulating glucose measurement prior to starting the actual infusion
of insulin. It is preferable that patients have circulating glucose levels close to 200 mg/dl prior to using the
infusion device. In the case of pregnant diabetic women, however, every attempt is made to keep the
maximum circulating glucose level to 180 mg dl or less.
After the circulating glucose measurement has been taken and the patient has the proper circulating
glucose starting level, the patient is asked to consume a liquid or food containing glucose. The amount of
glucose given to the diabetic patient ranges from 60 to 100 grams or 6 to 10 ounces of GLUCOLA, but for

small framed people the amount could be as low as 40 grams of glucose or 4 ounces of GLUCOLA.
However, the amount of initial glucose given to the patient may vary. In the non-diabetic patient more
glucose may be required than in the diabetic patient, but the other parameters would remain the same,
including the need for a pulsed delivery. Pulses of insulin are then administered intravenously at planned
intervals of time, usually every six minutes however other intervals may be used from as low as every
three minutes up to every 30 minutes. For diabetic patients the amount of insulin in each pulse is 10-200
milliunits of insulin per kilogram of body weight; for non-diabetic patients slightly lower.
Circulating glucose measurements are made as frequently as possible. When finger pricks are used,
because of the discomfort to the patient, it is recommended that readings be taken every 30 minutes.
When less invasive methods of measuring circulating glucose are used readings can be taken more
frequently, preferably after the infusion of each pulse of insulin. It is recommended that a period of one to
two minutes is allowed after the infusion of each pulse of glucose before circulating glucose levels are
measured. The circulating glucose level will typically rise by approximately 100 to 150 mg/dl before
starting to fall. In patients whose hepatic glucose processing has been restored there will be the fall in
circulating glucose levels by about 50-100 mg/dl. In patients who have yet to obtain proper hepatic
glucose processing, there will be no fall or a fall considerably less than 50 mg/dl. The fall in circulating
glucose levels, indicating restoration of hepatic processing of glucose, is generally achieved within one
hour of initiation of the first pulse of insulin using the preferred embodiment of this invention; however, the
time required may be shorter or longer than one hour. It is possible to decrease the amount of insulin in
each pulse and to lengthen the time between pulses so that it takes in excess of two or even three hours
or more for a fall of 50 mg/dl to occur. The longer the time it takes to activate the patient, however, the
longer the patient must be under treatment and the less desirable the treatment is for the patient. This
decrease in circulating glucose is caused by the combination of increased glucose utilization by muscles
and the use of glucose by the liver.
Another indication that hepatic activation of the liver has been reestablished is that gradually the amount
of insulin required to reduce the circulating glucose levels by 50 mg/dl or more will decrease with time.
Lowering hemoglobin Ale levels are a more mid-term manifestation that hepatic processing has been
restored. Longer-term manifestations are seen in the decrease of a number of complications related to
diabetes, including but not limited to retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, hypoglycemia, cardiovascular
disease, and hypertension.
The phase during which a series of pulses of insulin is administered and glucose ingested lasts typically
for 56 minutes (ten pulses with a six minute interval between pulses) and is followed by a rest period of
usually one or two hours. The rest period allows the elevated insulin levels to return to baseline. During
periods when insulin is not being infused, the intravenous site is preferably converted to a heparin or
saline lock. The entire procedure is repeated until the desired effect is obtained. Typically the procedure is
repeated three times for each treatment day, but can be repeated as few as two times and up to 8 times
in one day. Prior to the patient being discharged from the procedure, whether in the clinic or home

environment, in the preferred embodiment circulating glucose levels stabilize at 100-200 mg/dl for
approximately 30-45 minutes.
Accordingly, the present invention is a device is used to increase retinal and neural glucose oxidation by
enhancing pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and therefore treats retinopathy and central nervous system
disorders in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients. One method of monitoring retinal and neural glucose
oxidation is PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scans. Alternatively, one may look for
stabilization/reversal of diabetic retinopathy. In terms of neural function, there will be improvement in
peripheral neuropathy manifested as increased perception of sensation, especially in the feet, and a loss
of the painful "burning" or "pins and needles" sensation in the feet. There will also be improvement in
autonomic neuropathy, especially gastroparesis and improvement in postural or orthostatic hypotension.
Diabetic heart disease is the one of the more common complications of diabetes, experienced by both
type I and type II diabetic patients. Experts generally agree that the primary fuel for both the normal and
diabetic heart is free fatty acids, a fuel that requires more oxygen on a per calorie basis than glucose as a
fuel. As a consequence, the heart of both diabetic and non- diabetic individuals is particularly vulnerable
to ischemia. If the involved tissue had been primarily utilizing free fatty acids for energy generation, even
a slight or temporary decrease in blood flow or oxygen supply would be catastrophic. On the other hand, if
that tissue had been oxidizing glucose rather than free fatty acids, for the generation of an equivalent
amount of energy, a temporary disruption of blood or oxygen supply would not be as deleterious, since
that tissue's oxygen requirements would be less. Thus, for the same amount of oxygen delivered to the
myocardium, glucose utilization rather than free fatty acid utilization would result in increased energy
(ATP) generation. The device is capable of improving the dietary fuel processing capabilities by allowing
for more glucose to be burned or oxidized and correcting over utilization of free fatty acids associated with
heart disease and cardiovascular disease in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients.
Still further, the present invention is a device capable of improving the entire metabolic process, and,
through its multiplicity of effects on neurovascular reactivity, intraglomerular pressure and hemodynamics,
of arresting the progression of overt diabetic nephropathy, of improving intraglomerular hemodynamics,
thus arresting the progression of diabetic nephropathy, and reducing the risk of development of ESRD in
both diabetic and non-diabetic patients.
Further, the present invention is a device capable of increasing glucose oxidation in an affected area and
thereby providing more energy with the same oxygen delivery for treating wounds, promoting healing and
avoiding amputations in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients. The rationale for this improved healing is
that the tissue surrounding the affected area suffers from inadequate blood supply, leading to insufficient
oxygenation. When this tissue is fueled through enhanced glucose oxidation in lieu of free fatty acid
utilization, thereby switching from a predominantly lipid based fuel economy to one based more on
glucose oxidation, more energy is available for wound healing for the same amount of blood flow and
hence, more healing from the amount of oxygen delivered. In addition, the ability to achieve more energy
from less oxygen, thereby addresses a general malaise associated with diabetic individuals who have

energy levels which are less than normal. On many occasions patients who have been diabetics as well
as having dementia have been treated with the device of the current invention. Dementia appears to be
related to poor metabolism of glucose in the brain, which may well be the result of constricted flow of
blood. This poor metabolism is at least in part the cause of the dementia. Use of the device according to
the current invention in patients suffering from senile dementia has clearly shown improvement in
confusion, weakness, disorientation, cognitive function and lack of memory associated with dementia as
well as improvement in the blood glucose management. Constricted flow of blood to the brain is also
prevalent in demented patients without diabetes and the device of the current invention provides
improved metabolism as well to those patients and hence is effective in treating both demented patients
with and without diabetes.
In the preferred embodiment, with a new patient two successive days of three treatments are performed
the first week. For continuing patients the procedure is performed once a week. For patients who
need/require a more intensive approach, the procedure may be repeated 3 or more times, including
continuously, each week until the desired clinical outcome is achieved.
The following non-limiting examples are given by way of illustration only.
A study was conducted to assess the effects of Chronic Intermittent Intravenous Insulin Therapy (CHIT)
on the progression of diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM). This 18-month
multi-center, prospective, controlled study involved 49 type 1 DM patients with nephropathy who were
following the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) intensive therapy (IT) regimen. Of these,
26 patients formed the control group C, which continued on IT, while 23 patients formed the treatment
group (T) and underwent, in addition to IT, weekly CHIT. All study patients were seen in clinic weekly for
18 months, had monthly glycohemoglobin HbAlc checked, and every 3 -months urinary protein excretion
and creatinine clearance (CrCl) determinations. CrCl declined significantly in both groups as expected,
but the rate of CrCl decline in the T group (2.21 + 1.62 ml/min/yr) was significantly less than in the C
group (7.69 1.88 ml/min/yr, P=0.0343). The conclusion is that when CHIT is added to IT in type 1 DM
patients with overt nephropathy, it appears to markedly reduce the progression of diabetic nephropathy.
A middle-aged woman with Type 1 diabetes for more than 22 years suffered from polyneuropathy. She
had generalized pain and was unable to walk or even wear stockings because of the pain. After receiving
treatment with the subject device the pain has been reduced to the point where the woman enjoys
rigorous exercise such as roller blading.

A middle-aged woman with Type 1 diabetes for more than 30 years had severe peripheral neuropathy,
was in constant pain below the knees and had difficulty sleeping at night. After receiving treatment with
the subject device, she no longer takes pain medication and has no twinges of pain in her legs. She has
been using the treatment for eight years.
EXAMPLE 4 A middle-aged woman with type 2 diabetes for 17 years was suffering from severe dilated
cardiomyopathy (ejection fraction 14-19%). She was placed on the list to receive a heart transplant prior
to starting treatment with the subject device. After receiving treatment, the subject reduced her insulin
intake from 150 units a day to 24-26 units/day, and she stabilized to the point where she no longer
required a heart transplant and, indeed, was removed from the heart transplant list. The patient has been
receiving treatment for 9 years and is still off the heart transplant list. Her ejection fraction is currently 2932%.
A middle-aged male with type 1 diabetes for 38 years suffered from macular degeneration (retinopathy).
He was unable to drive at night. After receiving treatment with the subject device, the man's eyesight
improved to the point where night driving was no longer a concern. The patient has been receiving
treatment for 4 years.
EXAMPLE 6 A middle-aged type 2 diabetic male patient had severe heart disease including congestive
heart failure and severe artereosclerotic heart disease. The patient was scheduled for heart surgery but
because of his poor condition, surgeons refused to operate. After using the subject device, the doctors
were convinced that he could withstand 4-vessel by-pass surgery. The patient had a normal postoperative
recovery, which is virtually unheard of for diabetic patients with his stage of heart disease. EXAMPLE 7
An older type 2 diabetic male patient was exercising and had excellent circulating glucose control under
intense insulin therapy including 3-4 injections per day of subcutaneous insulin. Even so, his diabetes
related kidney disease had progressed to the point where he was discharging 1500 milligrams of protein
during a 24-hour period and the rate of increase was 500 milligrams/24 hours/year. After using the subject
device, the patient's proteinuria was reduced to 600-800 milligrams/24 hours. He has been using the
device for 5 years.
EXAMPLE 8 An older type 1 diabetic female patient who was diabetic from age 5 years old was
scheduled for a coronary artery by-pass graft to correct her diabetes related heart disease. The surgeons
were reluctant to operate in the condition she was in because of her advanced diabetes related
arteriosclerosis. She was scheduled for a single vessel graft. After using the subject device, her condition
improved to the point where the doctors performed two instead of one grafts. She had a normal recovery.
She continuing using the subject device for several years after the surgery with no further deterioration in
her diabetes related heart disease.

An older type 2 diabetic male suffering with autonomic neuropathy had very elevated blood pressure
readings of 200/120 despite a rigorous program to regulate his circulating glucose using intensive insulin
therapy of 3 to 4 subcutaneous insulin injections daily. As a result of using the subject device, his blood
pressure decreased to 120/80. He has been using the device for 5 years.
An older type 2 diabetic male patient had one amputated leg as a result of diabetes related ulcers on that
leg. He had developed ulcers on the other leg that would not respond to any available therapy and was in
danger of losing the other leg to amputation. As a result of using the subject device, the ulcers on his
second leg healed, and the leg was saved from amputation. This patient used the subject device for
several more years, and no additional ulcers formed.
A middle-aged type 1 female diabetic patient had developed severe ulcers on both legs, which would not
heal with any available treatment. As a result of using the subject device, the ulcers healed and have
never returned. The patient has been using the subject device now for 13 years. EXAMPLE 12
A middle-aged type 2 male diabetic patient had proliferative diabetic retinopathy with severe bleeding.
Multiple photocoagulation scars made additional photocoagulation impossible. As a result of using the
subject device the bleeding stopped, and there was no further deterioration of the retina, preserving what
eyesight he had left. The patient has been using the subject device for 5 years, and he has had no further
bleeding of the retina and no further photocoagulation.
EXAMPLE 13 An elder type 2 female diabetic patient had severe painful peripheral neuropathy to the
point that she was unable to walk and used a wheelchair. After six months of using the subject device, the
pain had subsided to the point where she no longer used a wheelchair. Because of financial reasons, she
stopped the therapy. As a result, the neuropathy returned, and she returned to using a wheelchair.
A middle-aged type 1 female diabetic patient had severe neuropathy. She was a mother of two children
who was bed-ridden with autonomic neuropathy before using the subject device two years ago. Her
muscles had atrophied, she could not digest her food, she had been told that her nerves were dying
inside her as a result of her diabetes. She stated that if she had not have two children, she would have
taken her life. She had to quit her job, went on disability and was in an out of the hospital very often. She
had welts on her head causing hair loss. She had no sensation in her feet, she had constant nausea, and
she couldn't sleep at night because of the pain. She had insulin absorption problems and tried all different

ways to improve the absorption of insulin into her body. For a number of years she injected herself
intramuscularly because she felt that she obtained the best absorption of insulin that way. Since using the
subject device she has reversed all of the diseases to the point where she has taken herself off disability
and is gainfully employed. She has not been in the hospital since. The numbness in her legs has gone
away. If she skips the treatment for a week, she can feel the numbness return to her legs. Her
gastroparesis was reversed, and she no longer suffers symptoms. Aside from using the subject device
she has no medical costs now.
EXAMPLE 15: A 79 year old female diabetic who was suffering from advanced senile dementia was
placed in a nursing home because of excessive confusion, weakness, disorientation and lack of memory.
Because the nursing home was not keeping up the strict four shot regimen needed by the patient for her
diabetic blood sugar control, the patient's children removed the patient from the nursing home. The
attending doctor recommended Hepatic Activation. Once the patient was activated, she returned totally to
an independent living style. She had significant improvement in her motor skills, memory, and cognitive
function. Hepatic Activation clearly had a positive effect on her senile dementia.
For all of the above listed examples, after the initial few days of treatment, the patients underwent
treatment once a week, each treatment day consisting of three infusions of insulin accompanied by
ingestion of carbohydrates. The pump device used to infuse the insulin was the Bionica MD-110 pump
described in FIG. 1 without the sensor for circulating glucose. Typically there were ten pulses given over a
period of one hour, and a rest period of one hour was taken between infusions of insulin. The form in
which the carbohydrates were ingested changed from time to time and included eating foods of high
glycemic index including but not limited to bread and cake. The patients' circulating glucose was
measured once every thirty minutes by the finger stick method currently used by most diabetic patients.
Circulating glucose levels initially rose during each treatment and then fell between 50 and 100 mg/dl
during each series of insulin infusions indicating that in fact the liver had been activated. Table 1 below
summarizes by the above examples the number of units of insulin per pulse administered and the amount
of glucose ingested for each series of pulses:
The preferred embodiments described herein are illustrative only, and although the examples given
include many specificity's, they are intended as illustrative of only a few possible embodiments of the
invention. Other embodiments and modifications will, no doubt, occur to those skilled in the art. The
examples given should only be interpreted as illustrations of some of the preferred embodiments of the
invention, and the full scope of the invention should be determined by the appended claims and their legal
Summary of the above examples: The number of units of insulin per pulse administered and the amount
of glucose ingested for each series of pulses

* This study included 23 patients in the treatment group with varying amounts of insulin per pulse and
varying ingestion of glucose. Hence general limits of what they used are included.



Filing date

19 Mar 1987


2 May 1989


See also references of EP1494746A2



System and method for

treating animal body
Aoki Thomas T tissues to improve the
dietary fuel processing
capabilities thereof

Citing Patent


Filing date




6 May 2005

17 Nov 2005

International Nv medical infusion


22 Mar 2012

18 Oct 2012

Pre-operative use
Aoki Thomas T of metabolic
activation therapy

9 Nov 2005


28 Oct 2015

Pre-operative use
Thomas T Aoki of metabolic
activation therapy

EP1593403A1 *

6 May 2004

EP2697382A4 *

22 Mar 2012

Medical device for

quantitatively and
sequenced infusion

* Cited by examiner



A61M5/145, A61M5/00, A61M5/20, A61M1/36


A61M5/1456, G06F19/3468, A61M2005/14208, A61M2205/3592, A61M2230/



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