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Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release

December 28, 2016


Rising from the center of the southeastern Utah landscape
and visible from every direction are twin buttes so distinctive
that in each of the native languages of the region their name is
the same: Hoon'Naqvut, Shash Ja, Kwiyagatu Nukavachi, Ansh An
Lashokdiwe, or "Bears Ears." For hundreds of generations,
native peoples lived in the surrounding deep sandstone canyons,
desert mesas, and meadow mountaintops, which constitute one of
the densest and most significant cultural landscapes in the
United States. Abundant rock art, ancient cliff dwellings,
ceremonial sites, and countless other artifacts provide an
extraordinary archaeological and cultural record that is
important to us all, but most notably the land is profoundly
sacred to many Native American tribes, including the Ute
Mountain Ute Tribe, Navajo Nation, Ute Indian Tribe of the
Uintah Ouray, Hopi Nation, and Zuni Tribe.
The area's human history is as vibrant and diverse as the
ruggedly beautiful landscape. From the earliest occupation,
native peoples left traces of their presence. Clovis people
hunted among the cliffs and canyons of Cedar Mesa as early as
13,000 years ago, leaving behind tools and projectile points in
places like the Lime Ridge Clovis Site, one of the oldest known
archaeological sites in Utah. Archaeologists believe that
these early people hunted mammoths, ground sloths, and other
now-extinct megafauna, a narrative echoed by native creation
stories. Hunters and gatherers continued to live in this region
in the Archaic Period, with sites dating as far back as 8,500
years ago.
Ancestral Puebloans followed, beginning to occupy the area
at least 2,500 years ago, leaving behind items from their daily
life such as baskets, pottery, and weapons. These early farmers
of Basketmaker II, and III and builders of Pueblo I, II and III
left their marks on the land. The remains of single family
dwellings, granaries, kivas, towers, and large villages and
roads linking them together reveal a complex cultural history.
"Moki steps," hand and toe holds carved into steep canyon walls
by the Ancestral Puebloans, illustrate the early people's
ingenuity and perseverance and are still used today to access
dwellings along cliff walls. Other, distinct cultures have
thrived here as well -- the Fremont People, Numic- and
Athabaskan-speaking hunter-gatherers, and Utes and Navajos.
Resources such as the Doll House Ruin in Dark Canyon Wilderness
Area and the Moon House Ruin on Cedar Mesa allow visitors to

marvel at artistry and architecture that have withstood
thousands of seasons in this harsh climate.
The landscape is a milieu of the accessible and
observable together with the inaccessible and hidden. The
area's petroglyphs and pictographs capture the imagination with
images dating back at least 5,000 years and spanning a range of
styles and traditions. From life-size ghostlike figures that
defy categorization, to the more literal depictions of bighorn
sheep, birds, and lizards, these drawings enable us to feel
the humanity of these ancient artists. The Indian Creek area
contains spectacular rock art, including hundreds of petroglyphs
at Newspaper Rock. Visitors to Bears Ears can also discover
more recent rock art left by the Ute, Navajo, and Paiute
peoples. It is also the less visible sites, however -- those
that supported the food gathering, subsistence and ceremony of
daily life -- that tell the story of the people who lived here.
Historic remnants of Native American sheep-herding and farming
are scattered throughout the area, and pottery and Navajo
hogans record the lifeways of native peoples in the 19th and
20th centuries.
For thousands of years, humans have occupied and stewarded
this land. With respect to most of these people, their
contribution to the historical record is unknown, but some have
played a more public role. Famed Navajo headman K'aaylii was
born around 1800 near the twin Bears Ears buttes. His band used
the area's remote canyons to elude capture by the U.S. Army and
avoid the fate that befell many other Navajo bands: surrender,
the Long Walk, and forced relocation to Bosque Redondo. Another
renowned 19th century Navajo leader, "Hastiin Ch'ihaajin"
Manuelito, was also born near the Bears Ears.
The area's cultural importance to Native American tribes
continues to this day. As they have for generations, these
tribes and their members come here for ceremonies and to visit
sacred sites. Throughout the region, many landscape features,
such as Comb Ridge, the San Juan River, and Cedar Mesa, are
closely tied to native stories of creation, danger, protection,
and healing. The towering spires in the Valley of the Gods are
sacred to the Navajo, representing ancient Navajo warriors
frozen in stone. Traditions of hunting, fishing, gathering,
and wood cutting are still practiced by tribal members, as is
collection of medicinal and ceremonial plants, edible herbs, and
materials for crafting items like baskets and footwear. The
traditional ecological knowledge amassed by the Native Americans
whose ancestors inhabited this region, passed down from
generation to generation, offers critical insight into the
historic and scientific significance of the area. Such
knowledge is, itself, a resource to be protected and used in
understanding and managing this landscape sustainably for
generations to come.
Euro-Americans first explored the Bears Ears area during
the 18th century, and Mormon settlers followed in the late
19th century. The San Juan Mission expedition traversed this
rugged country in 1880 on their journey to establish a new
settlement in what is now Bluff, Utah. To ease the passage of
wagons over the slick rock slopes and through the canyonlands,
the settlers smoothed sections of the rock surface and
constructed dugways and other features still visible along their

route, known as the Hole-in-the-Rock Trail. Cabins, corrals,
trails, and carved inscriptions in the rock reveal the lives
of ranchers, prospectors, and early archaeologists. Cattle
rustlers and other outlaws created a convoluted trail network
known as the Outlaw Trail, said to be used by Butch Cassidy and
the Sundance Kid. These outlaws took advantage of the area's
network of canyons, including the aptly-named Hideout Canyon, to
avoid detection.
The area's stunning geology, from sharp pinnacles to broad
mesas, labyrinthine canyons to solitary hoodoos, and verdant
hanging gardens to bare stone arches and natural bridges,
provides vital insights to geologists. In the east, the Abajo
Mountains tower, reaching elevations of more than 11,000 feet.
A long geologic history is documented in the colorful rock
layers visible in the area's canyons.
For long periods over 300 million years ago, these lands
were inundated by tropical seas and hosted thriving coral reefs.
These seas infused the area's black rock shale with salts as
they receded. Later, the lands were bucked upwards multiple
times by the Monument Upwarp, and near-volcanoes punched up
through the rock, leaving their marks on the landscape without
reaching the surface. In the sandstone of Cedar Mesa, fossil
evidence has revealed large, mammal-like reptiles that burrowed
into the sand to survive the blistering heat of the end of the
Permian Period, when the region was dominated by a seaside
desert. Later, in the Late Triassic Period more than 200
million years ago, seasonal monsoons flooded an ancient river
system that fed a vast desert here.
The paleontological resources in the Bears Ears area are
among the richest and most significant in the United States, and
protection of this area will provide important opportunities for
further archaeological and paleontological study. Many sites,
such as Arch Canyon, are teeming with fossils, and research
conducted in the Bears Ears area is revealing new insights into
the transition of vertebrate life from reptiles to mammals and
from sea to land. Numerous ray-finned fish fossils from the
Permian Period have been discovered, along with other late
Paleozoic Era fossils, including giant amphibians, synapsid
reptiles, and important plant fossils. Fossilized traces of
marine and aquatic creatures such as clams, crayfish, fish, and
aquatic reptiles have been found in Indian Creek's Chinle
Formation, dating to the Triassic Period, and phytosaur and
dinosaur fossils from the same period have been found along
Comb Ridge. Paleontologists have identified new species of
plant-eating crocodile-like reptiles and mass graves of
lumbering sauropods, along with metoposaurus, crocodiles, and
other dinosaur fossils. Fossilized trackways of early tetrapods
can be seen in the Valley of the Gods and in Indian Creek, where
paleontologists have also discovered exceptional examples of
fossilized ferns, horsetails, and cycads. The Chinle Formation
and the Wingate, Kayenta, and Navajo Formations above it provide
one of the best continuous rock records of the Triassic-Jurassic
transition in the world, crucial to understanding how dinosaurs
dominated terrestrial ecosystems and how our mammalian ancestors
evolved. In Pleistocene Epoch sediments, scientists have found
traces of mammoths, short-faced bears, ground sloths, primates,
and camels.

From earth to sky, the region is unsurpassed in wonders.
The star-filled nights and natural quiet of the Bears Ears area
transport visitors to an earlier eon. Against an absolutely
black night sky, our galaxy and others more distant leap into
view. As one of the most intact and least roaded areas in the
contiguous United States, Bears Ears has that rare and arresting
quality of deafening silence.
Communities have depended on the resources of the region
for hundreds of generations. Understanding the important role
of the green highlands in providing habitat for subsistence
plants and animals, as well as capturing and filtering water
from passing storms, the Navajo refer to such places as
"Nahodishgish," or places to be left alone. Local communities
seeking to protect the mountains for their watershed values have
long recognized the importance of the Bears Ears' headwaters.
Wildfires, both natural and human-set, have shaped and
maintained forests and grasslands of this area for millennia.
Ranchers have relied on the forests and grasslands of the region
for ages, and hunters come from across the globe for a chance at
a bull elk or other big game. Today, ecological restoration
through the careful use of wildfire and management of grazing
and timber is working to restore and maintain the health of
these vital watersheds and grasslands.
The diversity of the soils and microenvironments in
the Bears Ears area provide habitat for a wide variety of
vegetation. The highest elevations, in the Elk Ridge area of
the Manti-La Sal National Forest, contain pockets of ancient
Engelmann spruce, ponderosa pine, aspen, and subalpine fir.
Mesa tops include pinyon-juniper woodlands along with big
sagebrush, low sage, blackbrush, rabbitbrush, bitterbrush,
four-wing saltbush, shadscale, winterfat, Utah serviceberry,
western chokecherry, hackberry, barberry, cliff rose, and
greasewood. Canyons contain diverse vegetation ranging from
yucca and cacti such as prickly pear, claret cup, and Whipple's
fishhook to mountain mahogany, ponderosa pine, alder, sagebrush,
birch, dogwood, and Gambel's oak, along with occasional stands
of aspen. Grasses and herbaceous species such as bluegrass,
bluestem, giant ryegrass, ricegrass, needle and thread, yarrow,
common mallow, balsamroot, low larkspur, horsetail, and
peppergrass also grow here, as well as pinnate spring parsley,
Navajo penstemon, Canyonlands lomatium, and the Abajo daisy.
Tucked into winding canyons are vibrant riparian
communities characterized by Fremont cottonwood, western
sandbar willow, yellow willow, and box elder. Numerous seeps
provide year-round water and support delicate hanging gardens,
moisture-loving plants, and relict species such as Douglas fir.
A few populations of the rare Kachina daisy, endemic to the
Colorado Plateau, hide in shaded seeps and alcoves of the area's
canyons. A genetically distinct population of Kachina daisy
was also found on Elk Ridge. The alcove columbine and cave
primrose, also regionally endemic, grow in seeps and hanging
gardens in the Bears Ears landscape. Wildflowers such as
beardtongue, evening primrose, aster, Indian paintbrush, yellow
and purple beeflower, straight bladderpod, Durango tumble
mustard, scarlet gilia, globe mallow, sand verbena, sego lily,
cliffrose, sacred datura, monkey flower, sunflower, prince's
plume, hedgehog cactus, and columbine, bring bursts of color to
the landscape.

The diverse vegetation and topography of the Bears Ears
area, in turn, support a variety of wildlife species. Mule deer
and elk range on the mesas and near canyon heads, which provide
crucial habitat for both species. The Cedar Mesa landscape is
home to bighorn sheep which were once abundant but still live
in Indian Creek, and in the canyons north of the San Juan River.
Small mammals such as desert cottontail, black-tailed
jackrabbit, prairie dog, Botta's pocket gopher, white-tailed
antelope squirrel, Colorado chipmunk, canyon mouse, deer mouse,
pinyon mouse, and desert woodrat, as well as Utah's only
population of Abert's tassel-eared squirrels, find shelter and
sustenance in the landscape's canyons and uplands. Rare shrews,
including a variant of Merriam's shrew and the dwarf shrew can
be found in this area.
Carnivores, including badger, coyote, striped skunk,
ringtail, gray fox, bobcat, and the occasional mountain lion,
all hunt here, while porcupines use their sharp quills and
climbing abilities to escape these predators. Oral histories
from the Ute describe the historic presence of bison, antelope,
and abundant bighorn sheep, which are also depicted in ancient
rock art. Black bear pass through the area but are rarely seen,
though they are common in the oral histories and legends of this
region, including those of the Navajo.
Consistent sources of water in a dry landscape draw diverse
wildlife species to the area's riparian habitats, including an
array of amphibian species such as tiger salamander, red-spotted
toad, Woodhouse's toad, canyon tree frog, Great Basin spadefoot,
and northern leopard frog. Even the most sharp-eyed visitors
probably will not catch a glimpse of the secretive Utah night
lizard. Other reptiles in the area include the sagebrush
lizard, eastern fence lizard, tree lizard, side-blotched lizard,
plateau striped whiptail, western rattlesnake, night snake,
striped whipsnake, and gopher snake.
Raptors such as the golden eagle, peregrine falcon, bald
eagle, northern harrier, northern goshawk, red-tailed hawk,
ferruginous hawk, American kestrel, flammulated owl, and great
horned owl hunt their prey on the mesa tops with deadly speed
and accuracy. The largest contiguous critical habitat for the
threatened Mexican spotted owl is on the Manti-La Sal National
Forest. Other bird species found in the area include Merriam's
turkey, Williamson's sapsucker, common nighthawk, white-throated
swift, ash-throated flycatcher, violet-green swallow, cliff
swallow, mourning dove, pinyon jay, sagebrush sparrow, canyon
towhee, rock wren, sage thrasher, and the endangered
southwestern willow flycatcher.
As the skies darken in the evenings, visitors may catch
a glimpse of some the area's at least 15 species of bats,
including the big free-tailed bat, pallid bat, Townsend's
big-eared bat, spotted bat, and silver-haired bat. Tinajas,
rock depressions filled with rainwater, provide habitat for many
specialized aquatic species, including pothole beetles and
freshwater shrimp. Eucosma navajoensis, an endemic moth that
has only been described near Valley of the Gods, is unique to
this area.
Protection of the Bears Ears area will preserve its
cultural, prehistoric, and historic legacy and maintain its

diverse array of natural and scientific resources, ensuring that
the prehistoric, historic, and scientific values of this area
remain for the benefit of all Americans. The Bears Ears area
has been proposed for protection by members of Congress,
Secretaries of the Interior, State and tribal leaders, and local
conservationists for at least 80 years. The area contains
numerous objects of historic and of scientific interest, and it
provides world class outdoor recreation opportunities, including
rock climbing, hunting, hiking, backpacking, canyoneering,
whitewater rafting, mountain biking, and horseback riding.
Because visitors travel from near and far, these lands support a
growing travel and tourism sector that is a source of economic
opportunity for the region.
WHEREAS, section 320301 of title 54, United States Code
(known as the "Antiquities Act"), authorizes the President, in
his discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic
landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other
objects of historic or scientific interest that are situated
upon the lands owned or controlled by the Federal Government to
be national monuments, and to reserve as a part thereof parcels
of land, the limits of which shall be confined to the smallest
area compatible with the proper care and management of the
objects to be protected;
WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to preserve the
objects of scientific and historic interest on the Bears Ears
United States of America, by the authority vested in me by
section 320301 of title 54, United States Code, hereby proclaim
the objects identified above that are situated upon lands and
interests in lands owned or controlled by the Federal Government
to be the Bears Ears National Monument (monument) and, for the
purpose of protecting those objects, reserve as part thereof all
lands and interests in lands owned or controlled by the Federal
Government within the boundaries described on the accompanying
map, which is attached to and forms a part of this proclamation.
These reserved Federal lands and interests in lands encompass
approximately 1.35 million acres. The boundaries described
on the accompanying map are confined to the smallest area
compatible with the proper care and management of the objects
to be protected.
All Federal lands and interests in lands within the
boundaries of the monument are hereby appropriated and withdrawn
from all forms of entry, location, selection, sale, or other
disposition under the public land laws or laws applicable to the
U.S. Forest Service, from location, entry, and patent under the
mining laws, and from disposition under all laws relating to
mineral and geothermal leasing, other than by exchange that
furthers the protective purposes of the monument.
The establishment of the monument is subject to valid
existing rights, including valid existing water rights. If the
Federal Government acquires ownership or control of any lands or
interests in lands that it did not previously own or control
within the boundaries described on the accompanying map, such
lands and interests in lands shall be reserved as a part of the
monument, and objects identified above that are situated upon

those lands and interests in lands shall be part of the
monument, upon acquisition of ownership or control by the
Federal Government.
The Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the
Interior (Secretaries) shall manage the monument through the
U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management
(BLM), pursuant to their respective applicable legal
authorities, to implement the purposes of this proclamation.
The USFS shall manage that portion of the monument within the
boundaries of the National Forest System (NFS), and the BLM
shall manage the remainder of the monument. The lands
administered by the USFS shall be managed as part of the
Manti-La Sal National Forest. The lands administered by the
BLM shall be managed as a unit of the National Landscape
Conservation System, pursuant to applicable legal authorities.
For purposes of protecting and restoring the objects
identified above, the Secretaries shall jointly prepare a
management plan for the monument and shall promulgate such
regulations for its management as they deem appropriate. The
Secretaries, through the USFS and the BLM, shall consult with
other Federal land management agencies in the local area,
including the National Park Service, in developing the
management plan. In promulgating any management rules and
regulations governing the NFS lands within the monument and
developing the management plan, the Secretary of Agriculture,
through the USFS, shall consult with the Secretary of the
Interior through the BLM. The Secretaries shall provide for
maximum public involvement in the development of that plan
including, but not limited to, consultation with federally
recognized tribes and State and local governments. In the
development and implementation of the management plan, the
Secretaries shall maximize opportunities, pursuant to applicable
legal authorities, for shared resources, operational efficiency,
and cooperation.
The Secretaries, through the BLM and USFS, shall establish
an advisory committee under the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(5 U.S.C. App.) to provide information and advice regarding
the development of the management plan and, as appropriate,
management of the monument. This advisory committee shall
consist of a fair and balanced representation of interested
stakeholders, including State and local governments, tribes,
recreational users, local business owners, and private
In recognition of the importance of tribal participation to
the care and management of the objects identified above, and to
ensure that management decisions affecting the monument reflect
tribal expertise and traditional and historical knowledge, a
Bears Ears Commission (Commission) is hereby established to
provide guidance and recommendations on the development and
implementation of management plans and on management of the
monument. The Commission shall consist of one elected officer
each from the Hopi Nation, Navajo Nation, Ute Mountain Ute
Tribe, Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah Ouray, and Zuni Tribe,
designated by the officers' respective tribes. The Commission
may adopt such procedures as it deems necessary to govern its
activities, so that it may effectively partner with the Federal

agencies by making continuing contributions to inform decisions
regarding the management of the monument.
The Secretaries shall meaningfully engage the Commission
or, should the Commission no longer exist, the tribal
governments through some other entity composed of elected tribal
government officers (comparable entity), in the development of
the management plan and to inform subsequent management of the
monument. To that end, in developing or revising the management
plan, the Secretaries shall carefully and fully consider
integrating the traditional and historical knowledge and special
expertise of the Commission or comparable entity. If the
Secretaries decide not to incorporate specific recommendations
submitted to them in writing by the Commission or comparable
entity, they will provide the Commission or comparable entity
with a written explanation of their reasoning. The management
plan shall also set forth parameters for continued meaningful
engagement with the Commission or comparable entity in
implementation of the management plan.
To further the protective purposes of the monument, the
Secretary of the Interior shall explore entering into a
memorandum of understanding with the State that would set forth
terms, pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, for an
exchange of land currently owned by the State of Utah and
administered by the Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands
Administration within the boundary of the monument for land
of approximately equal value managed by the BLM outside the
boundary of the monument. The Secretary of the Interior shall
report to the President by January 19, 2017, regarding the
potential for such an exchange.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to
interfere with the operation or maintenance, or the replacement
or modification within the current authorization boundary, of
existing utility, pipeline, or telecommunications facilities
located within the monument in a manner consistent with the care
and management of the objects identified above.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to enlarge or
diminish the rights or jurisdiction of any Indian tribe. The
Secretaries shall, to the maximum extent permitted by law and in
consultation with Indian tribes, ensure the protection of Indian
sacred sites and traditional cultural properties in the monument
and provide access by members of Indian tribes for traditional
cultural and customary uses, consistent with the American Indian
Religious Freedom Act (42 U.S.C. 1996) and Executive Order 13007
of May 24, 1996 (Indian Sacred Sites), including collection of
medicines, berries and other vegetation, forest products, and
firewood for personal noncommercial use in a manner consistent
with the care and management of the objects identified above.
For purposes of protecting and restoring the objects
identified above, the Secretaries shall prepare a transportation
plan that designates the roads and trails where motorized and
non-motorized mechanized vehicle use will be allowed. Except
for emergency or authorized administrative purposes, motorized
and non-motorized mechanized vehicle use shall be allowed only
on roads and trails designated for such use, consistent with the
care and management of such objects. Any additional roads or

trails designated for motorized vehicle use must be for the
purposes of public safety or protection of such objects.
Laws, regulations, and policies followed by USFS or BLM in
issuing and administering grazing permits or leases on lands
under their jurisdiction shall continue to apply with regard to
the lands in the monument to ensure the ongoing consistency with
the care and management of the objects identified above.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to enlarge or
diminish the jurisdiction of the State of Utah, including its
jurisdiction and authority with respect to fish and wildlife
Nothing in this proclamation shall preclude low-level
overflights of military aircraft, the designation of new units
of special use airspace, or the use or establishment of military
flight training routes over the lands reserved by this
proclamation consistent with the care and management of the
objects identified above.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to alter
the authority or responsibility of any party with respect to
emergency response activities within the monument, including
wildland fire response.
Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to revoke any
existing withdrawal, reservation, or appropriation; however, the
monument shall be the dominant reservation.
Warning is hereby given to all unauthorized persons not
to appropriate, injure, destroy, or remove any feature of the
monument and not to locate or settle upon any of the lands
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
twenty-eighth day of December, in the year of our Lord
two thousand sixteen, and of the Independence of the
United States of America the two hundred and forty-first.


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