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Forces in equilibrium

A vector is any physical quantity that

has a direction as well as a magnitude.
Further examples of vectors include velocity, acceleration, and force.


Figure 1 Map of locality


40 N

a A force of 40 N due east

(Scale: 1 cm 10 N)

16 m s1

b A velocity of 16 m s1 at
45 west of due north
(Scale: 1 cm 4 m s1)

Figure 2 Representing vectors

For example, distance is a scalar because it takes no account of

direction. Further examples of scalars include mass, density, volume,
and energy.
Any vector can be represented as an arrow. The length of the arrow
represents the magnitude of the vector quantity. The direction of the
arrow gives the direction of the vector.

Displacement is distance in a given direction. As shown in Figure 1,

the displacement from one point to another can be represented on a
map or a scale diagram as an arrow from the first point to the second
point. The length of the arrow must be in proportion to the least
distance between the two points.



F1 = 8.0 kN

F2 = 8.0 kN

F2 = 8.0 kN

b Scale diagram

a Overhead view

Figure 4 Adding two forces using a scale diagram

Addition of two perpendicular vectors using

a calculator

1Adding two displacement vectors that are at right angles

toeach other

Suppose you walk 10.0 m forward then turn through exactly 90 and
walk 7.0m. At the end, how far will you be from your starting point?
The vector diagram to add the two displacements is shown in Figure 5,
drawn to a scale of 1cm to 2.0m. The two displacements form the two
shorter sides of a right-angled triangle with the overall displacement,
the resultant, as the hypotenuse. Using a ruler and a protractor, the
resultant displacement can be shown to be a distance of 12.2m at an
angle of 35 to the initial direction. You can check this using

Force and acceleration are both vector quantities and therefore

can each be represented by an arrow in the appropriate direction
and of length in proportion to the magnitude of the quantity.

Figure 6 shows an object O acted on by two forces F1 and F2 at right

angles to each other. The vector diagram for this situation is also
shown. The two forces in the vector diagram form two of the sides of
a right-angled triangle in which the resultant force is represented by
the hypotenuse.

OB = OA + AB

Study tip
Drawing vector diagrams requires
a ruler and careful drawing.

7.0 m

10.0 m

1 cm 2.0 m

2 Two forces acting at right angles to each other

Lets go back to the cycle journey in Figure 1. Suppose when you

reach your friends home at A you then go on to another friends
home at B. Your journey is now a two-stage journey.

(scale: 1 cm 4 N)

F1 = 10.0 N

Stage 2 from A to B is represented by the displacement vector AB.

Figure 3 shows how the overall displacement from O to B, represented
by vector OB, is the result of adding vector AB to vector OA. The
resultant is the third side of a triangle where OA and AB are the other
two sides.

Pythagorass theorem for the distance (= (10.02 + 7.02)12)

the trigonometry equation, tan = 7.0/10.0 for the angle between

the resultant and the initial direction.

Stage 1 from O to A is represented by the displacement vector OA.

Figure 3

Velocity is speed in a given direction. The velocity of an object can

be represented by an arrow of length in proportion to the speed
pointing in the direction of motion of the object.

Addition of vectors using a scale diagram

(Scale: 1 cm 1 km)

F1 = 8.0 kN

Draft pages
A scalar is any physical quantity that is not directional.

Imagine you are planning to cycle to a friends home several

kilometres away from your home. The distance you travel depends
on your route. However, the direct distance from your home to your
friends home is the same, whichever route you choose. Distance in a
given direction, or displacement, is an example of a vector quantity
because it has magnitude and direction. In Figure 1, suppose your
home is at point O on the map and your friends home is at A. The
road distance you would cycle from O to A is greater than the direct
distance or displacement from O to A. This is represented by the arrow
from O to A.

Any two vectors of the same type can be added together using a scale
diagram. For example, Figure 4a shows a ship pulled via cables by two
tugboats. The two pull forces F1 and F2 acting on the ship are at 40 to
each other. Suppose the forces are both 8.0 kN. Figure 4b shows how
you can find the resultant (combined effect) of the two forces using a
scale diagram.

Since OA and AB are vectors, the

lengths do not add directly.


Define a vector quantity.

Describe how we represent
Explain how we add and
resolve vectors.
Specification reference:


Use Figure 1 to show that the resultant displacement OB is 5.1 km in a

direction 11 north of due east.


Representing a vector

OB = OA + AB


6.1 Vectors and scalars

Learning objectives:


Forces in equilibrium

F1 = 10.0 N

Figure 5 Adding two displacements

at right angles to each other

F2 = 7.0 N

resultant force F

object O

F2 = 7.0 N
a An object acted on by two
perpendicular forces

b Vector diagram for a

Figure 6



The vector diagram drawn to scale can therefore be used to find the
resultant if the magnitudes of F1 and F2 are given. For example, the
resultant of a force of 10.0N acting at right angles to a force of 7.0N
has a magnitude of 12.2N in a direction of 35 to the direction of the
force of 10.0N. You could check this using Pythagorass theorem and
the appropriate trigonometry equation. You might, however, recognise
that you have already done this! See addition of displacement vectors
on the previous page.

4.0 N
6.0 N

a Forces acting
resultant = 10.0 N
6.0 N

4.0 N

In general, if the two perpendicular forces are F1 and F2, then

b Vector diagram

Figure 7 Two forces acting in the

same direction

4.0 N

6.0 N

a Forces acting

6.0 N
resultant = 2.0 N

b Vector diagram



The resultant of two vectors that act along the same line has a
magnitude that is



5.0 cos 53


In general, to resolve any vector into two perpendicular components,

draw a diagram showing the two perpendicular directions and an arrow
to represent the vector. Figure 10 shows this diagram for a vector OP. The
components are represented by the projection of the vector onto each
line. If the angle between the vector OP and one of the lines isknown,

Figure 9 Resolving a vector

OP cos q

OP sin q


Fcos parallel to a line at angle to the line of action of the

force and
Fsin perpendicular to the line.



Because the force on the paraglider is at an angle of 35 below

the horizontal, the horizontal and vertical components of this
force are

Figure 12

500cos35 = 410N horizontally to the right

500sin35 = 287N vertically downwards.

Summary questions
1 Figure 13 shows three situations ac where two
or more known forces act on an object. For each
situation, calculate the magnitude and direction of the
resultant force.
2.0 N

F = Fx2 + Fy2


Fy = F sin q

Fx = F cos q

Figure 11 Resolving a force

3 A crane is used to raise one end of a steel girder

off the ground, as shown in Figure 14. When the cable
attached to the end of the girder is at 20 to the vertical,
the force of the cable on the girder is 6.5kN. Calculate
the horizontal and vertical components of this force.

6.5 kN

3.1 N




16.0 N

6.0 N

Figure 14
4 A yacht is moving due north as a result of a force,
due to the wind, of 350N in a horizontal direction of
40 east of due north, as shown in Figure 15.
direction of motion

2.0 N


3.0 N

Thus a force F can be resolved into two perpendicular components:


Figure 10 The general rule for

resolving a vector


the component along that line = OPcos, and

the component perpendicular to that line (i.e., along the other line)
= OPsin

A paraglider is pulled along at constant height at steady speed by

a cable attached to a speedboat as shown in Figure 12. The cable
pulls on the paraglider with a force of 500N at an angle of 35 to
the horizontal. Calculate the horizontal and vertical components
of this force.

Draft pages

The difference, if the two vectors are in opposite directions. For

example, if an object is acted on by a 6.0N force and a 4.0N force
in opposite directions, the resultant force is 2.0N in the direction of
the 6.0 Nforce (Figure 8).

This is the process of working out the components of a vector in two

perpendicular directions from the magnitude and direction of the vector.
Figure 9 shows the displacement vector OA represented on a scale
diagram that also shows lines due north and due east. The components
of this vector along these two lines are 5.0cos53km (= 3.0 km) along
the line due east and 5.0sin53km (= 4.0km) along the line due north.


the angle between the resultant and F1 is given by tan =


Worked example

Resolving a vector into two perpendicular


Figure 8 Two forces acting in

opposite directions

5.0 sin 53

the magnitude of the resultant F = (F12 + F22)1/2 and

The sum, if the two vectors are in the same direction. For example,
if an object is acted on by a force of 6.0N and a force of 4.0N both
acting in the same direction, the resultant force is 10.0N (Figure 7).


4.0 N

Forces in equilibrium

6.1 Vectors and scalars

350 N wind force

1.0 N

Figure 13
2 Calculate the magnitude and direction of the
resultant force on an object which is acted on by a
force of 4.0N and a force of 10N that are
i in the same direction
ii in opposite directions
iii at right angles to each other.

Figure 15

Calculate the component of the force of the wind:

a in the direction the yacht is moving
b perpendicular to the direction in which the yacht
is moving.


Forces in equilibrium

6.2 Balanced forces

Worked example 2
Learning objectives:
Explain why we have to
consider the direction in
which a force acts.
Demonstrate when two
(or more) forces have no
overall effect on a point
Explain the parallelogram
of forces.
Specification reference:

support force S
(i.e., force on block
due to floor)

Equilibrium of a point object

When two forces act on a point object, the object is in equilibrium
(at rest or moving at constant velocity) only if the two forces are equal
and opposite to each other. The resultant of the two forces is therefore
zero. The two forces are said to be balanced.
For example, an object resting on a horizontal surface is acted on by its
weight W (i.e., the force of gravity on it) acting downwards, and a support
force S from the surface, acting upwards. Hence S is equal and opposite to
W, provided the object is at rest (or moving at constant velocity).
When three forces act on a point object, their combined effect
(the resultant) is zero only if the resultant of any two of the forces is
equal and opposite to the third force. To check the combined effect of
the three forces is zero:

Figure 1 Balanced forces

Study tip
Forces can often be calculated
using several different methods,
for example, using trigonometric
functions or Pythagoras theorem.
You will meet another method of
solving these problems, by using
the triangle of forces, later on in
this chapter.

Further guidance on trigonometric

relationships can be found in Topic
16.2 Trigonometry.


friction F

Resolving the three forces parallel and perpendicular to the

slope gives:
1 horizontally: F = Wsin
2 vertically: S = Wcos


Because sin2 + cos2 = 1

then F2 + S2 = W2 sin2 + W2 cos2 = W2



Figure 3


Also, because tan = sin , then = Wsin = tan
S Wcos
\ tan =

Draft pages

balance the components along each line.

Worked example 3

A child of weight W on a swing is at rest due to the swing seat being

pulled to the side by a horizontal force F1. The rope supporting the
seat is then at an angle to the vertical, as shown in Figure 2.


Assuming the swing seat is of negligible weight, the swing seat is

acted on by three forces, which are: the weight of the child, the
horizontal force F1 and the tension T in the rope. Resolving the
tension T vertically and horizontally gives T cos for the vertical
component of T (which is upwards) and T sin for the horizontal
component of T. Therefore, the balance of forces:
1 horizontally: F1 = Tsin
2 vertically: W = T cos

Because sin2 + cos2 = 1, then F12 + W2 = T2 sin2 + T2 cos2 = T2

\ T2 = F12 + W2
Also, because tan =
\ tan = 1
q q

Synoptic link

support S

resolve each force along the same parallel and perpendicular lines

Worked example 1

weight W
(i.e., force on block
due to gravity)

An object of weight W is at rest on a rough slope (i.e., a slope

with a roughened surface as in Figure 3). The object is acted on
by a frictional force F, which prevents it sliding down the slope,
and a support force S from the slope, perpendicular to the slope.

F1 F1

a On
a On
a swing
a swing

Figure 2

, then 1 =
= tan
W Tcos

Resolving T1 and T2 vertically and horizontally gives:


Figure 4 A suspended weight

2 vertically: T1cos1 + T2cos2 = W.

Testing three forces in equilibrium

Study tip

Figure 5 shows a practical arrangement to test three forces acting on a

point object P. The tension in each string pulls on P and is due to the
weight it supports, either directly or indirectly over a pulley. Provided
the pulleys are frictionless, each tension force acting on P is equal to
the weight supported by its string.

Always draw force diagrams clearly,

representing the magnitude and
direction of each force as accurately
as possible.

b Using the parallelogram rule



q q



T sinq
T sinq



b Force
b Force

q1 q2

1 horizontally: T1sin1 = T2sin2




At the point P where the strings meet, the forces T1, T2, and W
are in equilibrium.

a Using pulleys

T cosq
T cosq

F1 F1

An object of weight W is supported by a vertical string, which is

supported by two strings at different angles 1 and 2 to the vertical,
as shown in Figure 4. Suppose the tension in the string at angle 1
to the vertical is T1 and the tension in the other string is T2.


Figure 5 Testing three forces





6.2 Balanced forces

The three forces F1, F2, and F3 acting on P are in equilibrium, so any
two should give a resultant equal and opposite to the third force. For
example, the resultant of F1 and F2 is equal and opposite to F3. You
can test this by measuring the angle between each of the upper strings
and the lower string which is vertical. A scale diagram can then be
constructed using the fact that the magnitudes of F1, F2, and F3 are
equal to W1, W2, and W3 respectively. Your diagram should show that
the resultant of F1 and F2 is equal and opposite to F3.

Greater accuracy can be obtained by drawing a parallelogram, using
the two force vectors F1 and F2 as adjacent sides. The resultant is
the diagonal of the parallelogram between the two force vectors.
This should be equal and opposite to F3.

Summary questions

Remember that rough means
friction is involved.

1 A point object of weight 6.2N is acted on by a horizontal force of 3.8N.

a Calculate the resultant of these two forces.
b Determine the magnitude and direction of a third force acting on the
object for it to be in equilibrium.
2 A small object of weight 5.4N is at rest on a rough slope, which is at an
angle of 30 to the horizontal.
a Sketch a diagram and show the three forces acting on the object.
b Calculate
i the frictional force on the object
ii the support force from the slope on the object.
3 An archer pulled a bowstring back until the
two halves of the string are at 140 to each other
(Figure 6). The force needed to hold the string
in this position was 95N.
a the tension in each part of the
bowstring in this position
b the resultant force on an arrow force to hold
at the instant the bowstring is arrow in place
released from this position.
4 An elastic string is stretched
horizontally between two fixed
points 0.80m apart. An object of
weight 4.0N is suspended from
Figure 6
the midpoint of the string, causing
the midpoint to drop a distance of
0.12m. Calculate:
a the angle of each part of the string to the vertical
b the tension in each part of the string.

6.3 The principle of moments

Whenever you use a lever or a spanner, you are using a force to turn
an object about a pivot. For example, if you use a spanner to loosen a
wheel nut on a bicycle, you need to apply a force to the spanner to make
it turn about the wheel axle. The effect of the force depends on how far
it is applied from the wheel axle. The longer the spanner, the less force
needed to loosen the nut. However, if the spanner is too long and the
nut is too tight, the spanner could snap if too much force is applied to it.
The moment of a force about any point is defined as the
force the perpendicular distance from the line of action
of the force to the point.
The unit of the moment of a force is the newton metre (Nm).
For a force F acting along a line of action at perpendicular distance d
from a certain point,

Describe the conditions

under which a force produces
a turning effect.
Explain how the turning
effect of a given force can
be increased.
Explain what is required to
balance a force that produces
a turning effect.
Explain why the centre of
mass is an important idea.
Specification reference:

the moment of the force = F d

Draft pages

1 The greater the distance d, the greater the moment.

2 The distance d is the perpendicular distance from the line of
action of the force to the point.

The principle of moments

An object that is not a point object is referred to as a body. Any such

object turns if a force is applied to it anywhere other than through its
centre of mass. If a body is acted on by more than one force and it is
inequilibrium, the turning effects of the forces must balance out. In
more formal terms, considering the moments of the forces about any
point, forequilibrium
the sum of the
clockwise moments

force F

Figure 1 A turning force

the sum of the

anticlockwise moments

This statement is known as the principle of moments.

For example, consider a uniform metre rule balanced on a pivot at
its centre, supporting weights W1 and W2 suspended from the rule on
either side of the pivot.
Weight W1 provides an anticlockwise moment about the pivot =
W1d1, where d1 is the distance from the line of action of the weight
to the pivot.
Weight W2 provides a clockwise moment about the pivot = W2d2,
where d2 is the distance from the line of action of the weight to
For equilibrium, applying the principle of moments:
W1d1 = W2d2


Learning objectives:

Turning effects


W1d1 = W2d2

Figure 2 The principle of moments


Study tip
When there are several unknown
forces, take moments about a
point through which one of the
unknown forces acts. This point,
the pivot, will give the force
which acts through it a moment
of zero, thereby simplifying your


6.3 The principle of moments

6.4 More on moments

If a third weight W3 is suspended from the rule on the same side of the
pivot as W2 at distance d3 from the pivot, then the rule can be rebalanced
by increasing distance d1.

thread of
plumb line

At this new distance d1 for W1,

line parallel
to thread

Figure 3 A centre of mass test

Summary questions
1 A child of weight 200 N sits
on a seesaw at a distance
of 1.2 m from the pivot at
the centre. The seesaw is
balanced by a second child
sitting on it at a distance
of 0.8 m from the centre.
Calculate the weight of the
second child.
2 A metre rule, pivoted at its centre
of mass, supports a 3.0 N weight
at its 5.0 cm mark, a 2.0 N
weight at its 25 cm mark, and
a weight W at its 80 cm mark.
a Sketch a diagram to
represent this situation.
b Calculate the weight W.
3 In 2, the 3.0 N weight and
the 2.0 N weight are swapped
with each other. Sketch
the new arrangement and
calculate the new distance
of weight W from the pivot to
balance the metre rule.
4 A uniform metre rule
supports a 4.5 N weight at
its 100 mm mark. The rule is
balanced horizontally on a
horizontal knife-edge at its
340 mm mark. Sketch the
arrangement and calculate the
weight of the rule.


W1d1 = W2d2 + W3d3

Centre of mass

A tightrope walker knows just how important the centre of mass of an

object can be. One slight off-balance movement can be catastrophic.
The tightrope walker uses a horizontal pole to ensure his or her overall
centre of mass is always directly above the rope. The support force from
the rope then acts upwards through the centre of mass of the walker.
The centre of mass of a body is the point through which a
single force on the body has no turning effect. In effect, it is the
point where we consider the weight of the body to act when studying
the effect of forces on the body. For a regular solid, for example, a
wooden block, the centre of mass is at its centre.

Support forces

Learning objectives:

Single-support problems

Describe the support force on

a pivoted body.
When a body in equilibrium
is supported at two places,
state how much force is
exerted on each support.
Explain what is meant
by a couple.
Specification reference:

When an object in equilibrium is supported at one point only, the support

force on the object is equal and opposite to the total downward force
acting on the object. For example, in Figure 1, a uniform rule is balanced
on a knife-edge at its centre of mass, with two additional weights W1
andW2 attached to the rule. The support force S on the rule from the
knife-edge must be equal to the total downward weight. Therefore
S = W1 + W2 + W0, where W0 is the weight of the rule.
As explained in Topic 6.3, taking moments about the knife-edge gives
W1d1 = W2d2


1 Balance a ruler at its centre on the end of your finger. The centre
of mass of the ruler is directly above the point of support. Tip the
ruler too much and it falls off because the centre of mass is no
longer above the point of support.
2 To find the centre of mass of a triangular card, suspend the piece
of card on a clamp stand as shown in Figure 3. Draw pencil lines
along the plumb line. The centre of mass is where the lines drawn
on the card cross.

Calculating the weight of a metre rule

1 Locate the centre of mass of a metre rule by balancing it horizontally

on a horizontal knife-edge. Note the position of the centre of mass. The
rule is uniform if its centre of mass is exactly at the middle of the rule.
2 Balance the metre rule off-centre on a knife-edge, using a known
weight W1 as shown in Figure 4. The position of the known weight
needs to be adjusted gradually until the rule is exactly horizontal.
At this position
the known weight W1 provides an anticlockwise moment about the
pivot = W1d1, where d1 is the perpendicular distance from the line
of action of W1 to the pivot

the weight of the rule W0 provides a clockwise moment = W0d0, where

d0 is the distance from the centre of mass of the rule to the pivot.
Applying the principle of moments,
By measuring distance d0 and d1, the weight W0 of the rule can therefore
be calculated.



centre of mass of beam

W0d0 = W1d1
weight of
beam W0

Figure 4 Finding the weight of a beam


The sum of the anticlockwise moments = Sd1 = (W1 + W2 + W0)d1


(W1 + W2 + W0) d1 = W0d1 + W2 (d1+ d2)

Multiplying out the brackets gives:

W1d1 + W2d1 + W0d1 = W0d1 + W2d1+ W2d2




Figure 1 Support forces

which simplifies to become W1d1 = W2d2

This is the same as the equation obtained by taking moments about

the original pivot point. So moments can be taken about any point.
It makes sense therefore to choose a point through which one or more
unknown forces act, as such forces have zero moment about this point.

Two-support problems

Consider a uniform beam supported on two pillars X and Y, which are

at distance D apart. The weight of the beam is shared between the two
pillars according to how far the beams centre of mass is from each pillar.
For example:
If the centre of mass of the beam is midway between the pillars,
the weight of the beam is shared equally between the two pillars.
In other words, the support force on the beam from each pillar is
equal to half the weight of the beam.
If the centre of mass of the beam is at distance dx from pillar X
and distance dy from pillar Y, as shown in Figure 2, then taking
moments about







Figure 2 A two-support problem

1 where X is in contact with the beam,

SyD = Wdx, where Sy is the support force from pillar

W0d0 = W1d1



The sum of the clockwise moments = W0d1 + W2 (d1+ d2)

Draft pages

Centre of mass tests

What difference is made by taking moments about a different point?

Consider moments about the point where W1 is attached to the rule.

hence W0 =


2 where Y is in contact with the beam,
SxD = Wdy, where Sy is the support force from pillar
gives Sy =

Therefore, if the centre of mass is closer to X than to Y, dx < dy so Sy < Sx.
gives Sx =

Study tip
In calculations, you can always
eliminate the turning effect of a
force by taking moments about
a point through which it acts.


6.4 More on moments

6.5 Stability

A couple is a pair of equal and opposite forces acting on a body, but
not along the same line. Figure 3 shows a couple acting on a beam.
The couple turns or tries to turn the beam.
The moment of a couple = force perpendicular distance between the
lines of action of the forces.
To prove this, consider the couple in Figure 3. Taking moments about
an arbitrary point P between the ends at distance x along the beam
from one end,

1 the moment due to the force F at that end = Fx clockwise

2 the moment due to the force F at the other end = F(d x) clockwise,
where d is the perpendicular distance between the lines of action
of the forces.



Therefore the total moment = Fx + F(d x) = Fx + Fd Fx = Fd.


The total moment is the same, regardless of the point about which the
moments are taken.

Figure 3 A couple

Summary questions

8.5 m

0.5 m

Figure 4

a the support force of each wall on the beam
b the force of the beam on each wall.


If a body in stable equilibrium is displaced then released, it returns to its

equilibrium position. For example, if an object such as a coat hanger
hanging from a support is displaced slightly, it swings back to its
equilibrium position.
Why does an object in stable equilibrium return to equilibrium when
it is displaced and then released? The reason is that the centre of mass
of the object is directly below the point of support when the object
is at rest. The weight of the object is considered to act at its centre of
mass. Thus the support force and the weight are directly equal and
opposite to each other when the object is in equilibrium. However,
when it is displaced, at the instant of release, the line of action of the
weight no longer passes through the point of support, so the weight
returns the object to equilibrium.

Learning objectives:
Explain the difference
between stable and unstable
Assess when a tilted object
will topple over.
Explain why a vehicle is more
stable when its centre of
mass is lower.
Specification reference:;

Draft pages

1 A uniform metre rule of weight 1.2N rests

horizontally on two knife-edges at the 100mm mark
and the 800mm mark. Sketch the arrangement and
calculate the support force on the rule due to each
2 A uniform beam of weight 230N and of length
10m rests horizontally on the tops of two brick walls,
8.5m apart, such that a length of 1.0m projects
beyond one wall and 0.5m projects beyond the other
wall. Figure4 shows the arrangement.
1.0 m

Stable and unstable equilibrium

3 A uniform bridge span of weight 1200kN and of

length 17.0m rests on a support of width 1.0m at
either end. A stationary lorry of weight 60kN is the
only object on the bridge. Its centre of mass is 3.0m
from the centre of the bridge.

of mass

15.0 m

weight of

Figure 5

Calculate the support force on the bridge at each end.

Assume the support forces act where the bridge
meets its support.
4 A uniform plank of weight 150N and of length 4.0m
rests horizontally on two bricks. One of the bricks is
at the end of the plank. The other brick is 1.0m from
the other end of the plank.
a Sketch the arrangement and calculate the
support force on the plank from each brick.
b A child stands on the free end of the plank
and just causes the other end to lift off its
support. Sketch this arrangement and calculate
the weight of the child.

Figure 1 Returning to equilbrium

A plank balanced on a drum is in unstable equilibrium (Figure 2).
If it is displaced slightly from equilibrium then released, the plank will
roll off the drum. The reason is that the centre of mass of the plank
is directly above the point of support when it is in equilibrium. The
support force is exactly equal and opposite to the weight. If the plank
is displaced slightly, the centre of mass is no longer above the point of
support. The weight therefore acts to turn the plank further from the
equilibrium position.

Tilting and toppling

support on beam

weight of beam

Figure 2 Unstable equilbrium

Skittles at a bowling alley are easy to knock over because they are tall,
so their centre of mass is high and the base is narrow. Aslight nudge
from a ball causes a skittle to tilt then tip over.


Forces in equilibrium

6.5 Stability

line of
of F

force F

This is where an object at rest on a surface is acted on by a force that
raises it up on one side. For example, if a horizontal force F is applied
to the top of a tall free-standing bookcase, the force can make the
bookcase tilt about its base along one edge.
In Figure 3, to make the bookcase tilt, the force must turn it clockwise
about point P. The entire support from the floor acts at point P. The
weight of the bookcase provides an anticlockwise moment about P.


Figure 3 Tilting

1 The clockwise moment of F about P = Fd, where d is the

perpendicular distance from the line of action of F to the pivot.
2 The anticlockwise moment of W about P = Wb/2 where b is the
width of the base.
Therefore, for tilting to occur Fd > Wb/2.

A tilted object will topple over if it is tilted too far. If an object on a flat
surface is tilted more and more, the line of action of its weight (which
is through its centre of mass) passes closer and closer to the pivot. If the
object is tilted so much that the line of action of its weight passes beyond
the pivot, the object will topple over if allowed to. The position where
the line of action of the weight passes through the pivot is the furthest
it can be tilted without toppling. Beyond this position, it topples over
ifit is released.

Figure 4 Toppling

For equilibrium, resolving the forces parallel and perpendicular to the

slope gives:
1 parallel to the slope:
F = W sin
2 perpendicular to the slope:
Sx + Sy = Wcos.
Note that Sx is greater than Sy because X is lower than Y.

Summary questions
1 Explain why a bookcase with books on its top shelf only is less stable
than if the books were on the bottom shelf.
2 An empty wardrobe of weight 400N has a square base 0.8m 0.8m
and a height of 1.8m. A horizontal force is applied to the top edge of the
wardrobe to make it tilt. Calculate the force needed to lift the wardrobe
base off the floor along one side.

Draft pages
1.8 m

On a slope

A tall object on a slope will topple over if the slope is too great. For
example, a high-sided vehicle on a road with a sideways slope will topple
over if the slope is too great. This will happen if the line of action of the
weight (passing through the centre of mass of the object) lies outside the
wheelbase of the vehicle. In Figure 5, the vehicle will not topple over
because the line of action of the weight lies within the wheelbase.

0.8 m

Figure 6

3 A vehicle has a wheelbase of 1.8m and a centre of mass, when

unloaded, which is 0.8m from the ground.



friction F

The lower the centre of mass of an
object, the more stable it is.




Figure 5 A high-sided vehicle on a slope

Consider the forces acting on the vehicle on a sideways slope when it
is at rest. The sideways friction F, the support forces Sx and Sy, and the
force of gravity on the vehicle (i.e., its weight) act as shown in Figure 5.


Figure 7

a The vehicle is tested for stability on an adjustable slope. Calculate

the maximum angle of the slope to the horizontal if the vehicle is not
to topple over.
b If the vehicle carries a full load of people, will it be more or less likely
to topple over on a slope? Explain your answer.


Forces in equilibrium

6.6 Equilibrium rules

Learning objectives:
Explain what condition must
apply to the forces on an
object in equilibrium.
Explain what condition must
apply to the turning effects of
the forces.
Describe how we can apply
these conditions to predict
the forces acting on a body in
Specification reference:;


Figure 2 The triangle of forces for a

point object

When two objects interact, they always exert equal and opposite forces
on one another. A diagram showing the forces acting on an object can
become very complicated, if it also shows the forces the object exerts on
other objects as well. A free body force diagram shows only the forces
acting on the object.

support forces S
friction F

centre of mass

friction F

weight W

An object in equilibrium is either at rest or moving with a constant

velocity. The forces acting on it must give zero resultant and their
turning effects must balance out as well.


Therefore, for a body in equilibrium:

Draft pages
weight W

The triangle of forces

support forces S
friction F

For a point object acted on by

F three forces to be in equilibrium, the
three forces must give an overall resultant of zero. The three forces as
centre In other words,
vectors should form a triangle.
F for three forces F1, F2
of mass
and F3 to give zero resultant,
their vector sum F1 + F2 + F3 = 0

The same rule applies to a body in equilibrium acted on by three

forces. In addition, their lines of action must intersect at the same point,
otherwise the body cannot be in equilibrium, as the forces will have
a net turning effect. Consider the example of a rectangular block on a
rough slope, as shown in Figure 3.
The weight W of the block acts vertically down through the centre
of mass of the block.
The frictional force F on the block due to the slope prevents the
block from sliding down the slope, so it acts up the slope.

a At rest

b The triangle of forces

Figure 3 A block on a slope

F2sin3 = F3sin2

The conditions for equilibrium of a body

of mass

You could calculate the unknown force by resolving it and F2

parallel and perpendicular to the base force F1. Labelling 2 as the
angle opposite F2 and 3 as the angle opposite F3, the perpendicular
components of the resolved forces, F2sin3 and F3sin2, correspond to
the height of the triangle and are equal and opposite to each other:
Therefore the unknown force can be calculated if F2, 2, and 3 are

weight W

As explained in Topic 6.1, any two of the forces give a resultant that
isequal and opposite to the third force. For example, the resultant of
F1 + F2 is equal and opposite to F3 (F1 + F2 = F3).

support S


Free body force diagrams

Figure 1 A free body diagram of a parked

car on a slope


2 Use a protractor and ruler to draw the other known force (e.g., F2) at
the correct angle to F1 as the second side of the triangle. The third side
of the triangle can then be drawn in to give the unknown force (F3).

The support force S on the block due to the slope acts normal to the
slope through the point where the lines of action of W and F act.
Figure 3 also shows the triangle of forces for the three forces W, F,
and S acting on the block.
We can draw a scale diagram of the triangle of forces to find an unknown
force or angle, given the other forces and angles in the triangle. For
example, to find the unknown force, F3, in the triangle of forces in
Figure 4:
1 Draw one of the known force vectors, F1, to scale, as one side of
the force triangle.

1 The resultant force must be zero. If there are only three forces,
they must form a closed triangle.
2 The principle of moments must apply (i.e., the moments of the
forces about the same point must balance out).

See Topics 6.3 and 6.4 again if necessary.





Figure 4 Constructing a scale diagram

Study tip
Rearranging the equation
F2sin3 = F3sin2 gives
= 3
sin2 sin3
By applying the same theory to
F1 and either F2 or F3, it can be
shown that
= 2 = 3
sin1 sin2 sin3
This rule, known as the sine rule,
will be useful if you study A level

Worked example

A uniform shelf of width 0.6 m and of weight 12 N is attached

to a wall by hinges and is supported horizontally by two parallel
cords attached at two corners of the shelf, as shown in Figure 5.
The other end of each cord is xed to the wall 0.4 m above the
hinge. Calculate:
a the angle between each cord and the shelf
b the tension in each cord.

0.4 m

a Let the angle between each cord and the shelf = .
From Figure 5, tan =
, so = 34.
Taking moments about the hinge eliminates the force at the
hinge (as its moment is zero) to give:

0.6 m

centre of mass
of shelf

Figure 5

The sum of the clockwise moments = weight of shelf
distance from hinge to the centre of mass of the shelf
= 12 0.3 = 3.6 Nm.
The sum of the anticlockwise moments = 2Td, where
T is the tension in each cord and d is the perpendicular
distance from the hinge to either cord.
From Figure 5 it can be seen that d = 0.6 sin = 0.6 sin34 = 0.34 m.
Applying the principle of moments gives:
2 0.34 T = 3.6
T = 5.3 N


Summary questions

The physics of lifting

Lifting is a process that can damage your spine if it

is not done correctly. Figure 6 shows how not to lift a
heavy suitcase. The spine pivots about the hip joints and
is acted upon by the tension T in the back muscles, the
weight W0 of the upper part of the body, the weight W of
the suitcase, and the reaction force R from the hip.



a Lifting a suitcase

In Figure 6, the spine is at angle to the vertical

direction, and weight W acts on the spine at distance d
from the pivot. Assume that weight W0 acts on the spine
at distance d0 from the pivot.
Before the suitcase is lifted off the ground:

Applying the principle of moments gives T z = Wd sin.

Typically, d = 15 z, and therefore, T = 15W sin.
The components of T, W0, and W parallel to the spine
act down the spine and are opposed by the parallel
component of the reaction R acting up the spine. The
effect of these forces is to compress the spine.
Before the suitcase is lifted off the ground, the
compressive force in the spine = T0 cos + W0 cos,
where is the angle between the spine and the line
of action of tension T. Because < 10, cos 1,
the compressive force  T0 + W0 cos
= 10 W0 sin + W0cos.
When the suitcase is lifted off the ground, the extra
compressive force in the spine = T cos + W cos.
Because < 10, cos 1, the extra compressive
 T + W cos
= 15 W sin + Wcos.

1 A uniform plank of length 5.0 m rests horizontally

on two bricks that are 0.5 m from either end. A child
of weight 200 N stands on one end of the plank
and causes the other end to lift, so it is no longer
supported at that end. Calculate:
a the weight of the plank,
b the support force acting on the plank from the
supporting brick.

3 A crane is used to raise one end of a 15 kN girder

of length 10.0 m off the ground. When the end of the
girder is at rest 6.0 m off the ground, the crane cable
is perpendicular to the girder, as shown in Figure 10.



weight W0 creates an anticlockwise moment about

the hip joints that is equal to W0d0 sin. This
moment is because W0 has a component W0 sin
perpendicular to the spine acting on the spine at
distance d0 from the pivot.

tension T0 is necessary to provide an equal and

opposite clockwise moment T0 z about the hip
joints, where z is the perpendicular distance from the
pivot to the line of action of the tension.

1 Estimate the compressive force in the spine
of a person leaning forward at angle equal to
a 30, b 60 just before lifting a 20 kg suitcase off
the ground. Assume W0 = 400 N.
2 Estimate the total compressive force in the
spine in 1a and b when the suitcase is lifted off
the ground.
3 Figure 7 shows a suitcase being lifted by a person
who is not leaning over. Explain why the compressive
force in the spine is considerably less than if the
person had leaned forward to lift the suitcase.

2 A security camera is supported by a frame that is

xed to a wall and ceiling as shown in Figure 9. The
support structure must be strong enough to withstand
the effect of a downward force of 1500 N acting on the
camera (in case the camera is gripped by someone
below it). Calculate
a the moment of a force of 1500 N on the camera
about the point where the support structure is
attached to the wall
b the extra force on the vertical strut supporting the
frame, when the camera is pulled with a downward
force of 1500 N.

6.0 m

Figure 10

a Calculate the tension in the cable.

b Show that the support force on the girder from
the ground has a horizontal component of 3.6N
and a vertical component of 10.2 kN. Hence
calculate the magnitude of the support force.
4 A small toy of weight 2.8 N is suspended from
a horizontal beam by means of two cords that are
attached to the same point on the toy (Figure 11).
One cord makes an angle of 60 to the beam and the
other makes an angle of 40 to the vertical.
Calculate the tension in each cord.

1.0 m



A pplying the principle of moments to the spine in this

position gives T0 z = W0d0 sin.

1.2 m

Typically, d0 = 10 z, and therefore, T0 = 10 W0 sin.


When the suitcase is lifted off the ground:

Its weight W creates an extra anticlockwise moment
about the hip joints that is equal to Wd sin. This
moment is because W has a component W sin
perpendicular to the spine acting on the spine at
distance d from the pivot.
Extra tension T is needed in order to provide
an equal and opposite clockwise moment T z
to lift the suitcase off the ground, where z is the
perpendicular distance from the pivot to the line
of action of the tension.

Figure 8

Draft pages

b Forces on the spine

Figure 6 Lifting forces


Forces in equilibrium

6.6 Equilibrium rules

2.8 N

Figure 9
Figure 11

Figure 7


Practice questions: Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Forces in equilibrium

A student set up a model bridge crane to nd out how the support forces
change withtheposition of a load of weight W on the horizontal beam of the crane.
With the loadat different measured distances d from the xed support at X, she
used a newtonmeter to measure the support force S at Y near the other end, when
the beamwashorizontal. She repeated the measurements and also measured the
distanceDfrom X to Y.

(b) Describe the line of action of the weight of the girder. 

newtonmeter used to
measure support force S


Figure 2

AQA, 2005

4 (a) Dene the moment of a force.

(b) Figure 3 shows the force, F, acting on a bicycle pedal.


Figure 1


(1 mark)

0.25 m


The measurements she obtained are in the table below.

Distance XY = 480 mm

(2 marks)

Draft pages

Distance d / mm
Support force S / N

1st set
2nd set







(a) An object is acted upon by forces of 9.6N and 4.8N, with an angle of 40
betweenthem. Draw a vector diagram of these forces, using a scale of 1cm
representing 1N. Complete the vector diagram to determine the magnitude
oftheresultant force acting on the object. Measure the angle between the
resultantforce and the 9.6N force.
(3 marks)
(b) Calculate the magnitude of the resultant force when the same two forces act
at right angles to each other.

You must not use a scale diagram for this part.(2 marks)
AQA, 2007

3 Figure 2 shows a uniform steel girder being held horizontally by a crane. Two cables are
attached to the ends of the girder and the tension in each of these cables is T.
(a)  If the tension, T, in each cable is 850N, calculate:
(i) the horizontal component of the tension in each cable,
(ii) the vertical component of the tension in each cable,
(iii) the weight of the girder. 
(4 marks)


The moment of the force about O is 46Nm in the position shown. Calculate
thevalue of the force, F.
(ii) Force F is constant in magnitude and direction while the pedal is moving
downwards. State and explain how the moment of F changes as the
pedal moves through 80, from the position shown.
(4 marks)
AQA, 2007

5 Figure 4 shows a student standing on a plank that pivots on a log. The student
intends to cross the stream.
3.0 m

0.50 m






Figure 4
(a) The plank has a mass of 25kg and is 3.0m long with a uniform cross section.
The log pivot is 0.50m from the end of the plank. The student has a mass of
65kg and stands at the end of the plank. A load is placed on the far end in
order to balance the plank horizontally.

Draw on a copy of Figure 4 the forces that act on the plank.
(3 marks)
(b)  By taking moments about the log pivot, calculate the load, in N,
needed on the right-hand end of the plank in order to balance the
plank horizontally.
(3 marks)
(c) Explain why the load will eventually touch the ground as the student
walks toward the log. 
(2 marks)


Figure 3

(a) (i) Copy and complete the table.

(ii) Plot a graph of S on the y-axis against d on the x-axis. 
(5 marks)
(b) (i) By taking moments about X, show that S =
+ 0.5 W0, where W0 is
the weight of the beam.
(ii) Use your graph to determine the weight of the load, W.(6 marks)
(c) The distances were measured to an accuracy of 1 mm and the newtonmeter
readings to an accuracy of 0.1 N.

(i) Show that the percentage uncertainty in S is signicantly greater than
thepercentage uncertainty in d.
(ii) Without using additional apparatus, discuss what further measurements
youcould make to improve the accuracy of your measurements.
(3 marks)


AQA, 2003


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