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By Asad Ali Shah
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan

Regulatory framework and enforcement
Capacity building
Lessons learned

I. Introduction
ICAP has been adopting IASs / IFRSs issued by the
IASB, and International Standards on Auditing
(ISAs) issued by the International Auditing and
Assurance Boards for over 20 years.
ICAPs Council is committed to work with the SECP
and the SBP in achieving compliance with full set of
IFRSs by 2009 for public interest entities.
Various impediments in achieving such compliance
are being addressed

I. Introduction (Contd.)
A brief background:
An overview of economic indicators
Requirements relating to IFRSs implementation
Councils strategy for IFRS
Due process for adoption of IFRSs
Current adoption status
The three-tier Structure and SME standards
Impediments and problems in implementing IFRSs
Compliance gaps between IFRSs and local statute

Overview of Economic indicators

Last five years performance indicates Pakistan
is one of the fastest growing economies in Asian
region along with China, India and Vietnam.
FDI in Pakistan US $ 6 billion in FY 2007
International investors call for comparable
financial information from countries competing
for foreign investments.
This requires the corporate sector in Pakistan to
comply with internationally acceptable
standards on financial reporting

Requirements Relating to IFRS

The SECP is empowered under Section 234 of the
Companies Ordinance, 1984 to prescribe the
appropriate International Accounting Standards
(IASs) & International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRSs).
SECP notifies the accounting standards based on
the recommendation of ICAP.
The requirements of Companies Ordinance, 1984 or
the requirements of the said directives take
precedence in case of difference in requirements
with the Standards

Councils Strategy for IFRS

ICAP will work together with SECP and SBP to
ensure that Pakistan GAAP becomes full IFRS
compliant by the end of 2009.
Professional Standards and Technical Advisory
Committee (PS&TAC) has formed a Committee
to carry out a detailed gap analysis,.

Due Process for Adoption of IFRSs

Following is the ICAP procedure for adoption:
Committees set up to carry out review of the
Dissemination of exposure drafts to corporate
sector and its members and carry out consultation
with the stakeholders
Recommendation to Council for adoption of a
particular standard
Recommendation to SECP by the Council for
notification of a particular standard
SECP notification of adoption after undergoing
its internal deliberations and review process.

Current Adoption Status

The Council of the Institute has adopted all
IASs/ IFRSs except IFRS 1, 4.
Strategies and action plans decided by the
Institute for the two IFRSs are as follows :
IFRS 1 It would be adopted once all other
IAS/IFRS were adopted.
IFRS 4 The Insurance Committee of the ICAP is
actively deliberating on the adoption of this

Current Adoption Status (Contd.)

IAS/ IFRSs still awaiting for notification by
SECP are:
IAS 29 - Financial Reporting in HyperInflationary Economies
IFRS 7 - Financial Instruments :
IFRS 8 - Operating Segments

The Three-Tier Structure and SME

ICAP is cognizant of the difficulties faced by
small and medium entities (SMEs) in complying
with full set of IFRSs.
ICAP has developed two SME standards
Accounting and Financial Reporting
Standard for Medium Size Entities (MSEs)
Accounting and Financial Reporting
Standard for Small Size Entities (SSEs).

The Three-Tier Structure and SME

Standards (Contd.)
Three Tier Structure
Tier 1 Publicly Interest Entities
(Listed entities that have
public accountability and are
of considerably large size)

Complete set of IFRS that are

approved by the Council of the
Institute and notified by the SECP
shall be applicable to these entities.

Tier 2 Medium-Sized Entities

(These are entities that are
neither PIEs nor SSEs)

MSE Standards issued by the

Institute are applicable to these

Tier 3 Small Sized Entities

(Small entities that have
turnover and paid up capital
below specified threshold)

SSE Standards issued by the

Institute are applicable to these

The Three-Tier Structure and SME

Standards (Contd.)
Notification of MSE & SSE Standards
Approved by the Council in its meeting held on
July 28, 2006
SECP notified the Accounting and Financial
Reporting Standards for SMEs without any
modification or alteration
SECP has revised Fifth Schedule after
deliberations with the ICAP

Impediments and Problems in

Implementing IFRS
Significant time required to persuade regulators
about the removal of inconsistencies existed
between Companies Ordinance, 1984 and IFRSs.
Preparers require more time in implementing
complex standards i.e. IAS 39, IAS 19, IFRS 3
Resistance from stakeholders (Banks & DFIs)
may further delay full implementation of IFRS.
Shortage of faculty for training and continuing
education on IFRS.

Compliance Gaps Between IFRS

and Local Statutes
Companies Ordinance, 1984


Surplus on Revaluation of
Fixed Assets shown in the
balance-sheet after Capital and

Credited directly to equity under

the heading of revaluation
surplus. (IAS 16.37)

A statement of changes in
equity and cash flow
statement is a part of the
balance sheet and P&L in
case of a listed company
only. (sec 234(3))

As per IAS 1, a complete set of

financial statements comprise of
balance sheet, income statement,
statement of changes in equity,
cash flow statement and notes to

Compliance Gaps Between IFRS

and Local Statutes (Contd.)
Companies Ordinance, 1984


Definition of Subsidiary

A subsidiary is an entity,
including unincorporated entity
such as partnership, that is
controlled by another entity
(known as the parent)----parent)-----

Definition of Associates

An entity including an
unincorporated entity such as
partnership, over which the
investor has significant influence
and that is neither a subsidiary
nor an interest in joint venture

Compliance Gaps Between IFRS

and Local Statutes (Contd.)
SECP Directive


The Listed companies

The concept of deferred
carrying deferred cost as on cost does not exists in the
July 5, 2004 are allowed to IAS/IFRS anymore.
treat such cost as per
superseded Fourth
Schedule. However, after
July 5, 2004, any further
deferral of costs will not be
allowed. Regulations issued by the SBP include

certain requirements that are in conflict with IAS 39.

II. Regulatory framework and

The significant regulatory bodies and framework in Pakistan
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
Non-Banking Financial Companies are regulated by
NBFC Department of SECP
The Monitoring and Enforcement Department of
The Insurance Division of SECP
The Companies Ordinance, 1984

II. Regulatory framework and

enforcement (contd.)
The Insurance Ordinance of 2000
State Bank of Pakistan
The Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 and the
Role of SBP in Monitoring and Enforcement of
Banking Inspection Department (BID)
Off-Site Supervision & Enforcement Department
The Institute of Chartered of Accountants of

ICAPs Role as a Regulator of

Accountancy Profession
Members of the ICAP are required to follow the
Code of Ethics.
The Institute is currently deliberating adoption of the
revised IFAC Code of Ethics issued in June 2005.
Members of ICAP are required to ensure
compliance with IFRS
ICAPs disciplinary process
The Directorate of Corporate Affairs and Investigation
works in conjunction with the Institutes Investigation
Committee formed by the Council to investigate


ICAPs Role as a Regulator of

Accountancy Profession( Contd.)
Quality Control Review (QCR)
The salient features of the revised QCR Framework:
QCR of a practicing firm now to be carried
out after two and half years
A QCR must cover at least 25% of audit
partners of a practicing firm.
Issuing the QCR report on a whole firm
basis instead of branch wise.

ICAPs Role as a Regulator of

Accountancy Profession( Contd.)
Review of additional files in case one
file is assessed to be "not-in-accordance
with the International Standards of
Auditing applicable in Pakistan.
Process of short listing of files before
the review has been done away with.


ICAPs Role as a Regulator of

Accountancy Profession( Contd.)
Quality Assurance Board (QAB)
The Quality Assurance Board (QAB)
monitors QCR program of the Institute
The QAB is currently in the process of
incorporating International Standard on
Quality Control 1 into the QCR program of

III. Capacity building

The Role of ICAP in Creating Awareness of IFRS:
Facilitating Regulators
Awareness Programs
Members Information and Education Series


III. Capacity building (Contd.)

Disclosure checklist
Training Workshops for Small and Medium
IFACs seven statements of membership
obligations (SMOs)
Enhancing Continuing Professional
Education (CPD)

III. Capacity building (Contd.)

Upgrading the Licensing Procedure of
Professional Accountants and Auditors:
Audit of listed companies is only performed
by the firm having a satisfactory QCR rating
International Education Standard (IES 5)
Practical Experience Requirement.
Networking of Audit firms


III. Capacity building (Contd.)

Simplified SME Reporting Tools developing illustrative financial statements
and disclosure checklists for SMEs.
Adoption of Interpretations issued by
Pakistan Accounting Research
Guidelines on Governance and
Accounting for NGOs and NPOs

IV. Lessons learned

Verbatim adoption of IFRS to bring the regulatory
requirements in line with IFRS
Staying at par with revisions / amendments to
Implementation of certain requirements of IFRSs
is a gradual process: Transition time for gradual
implementation of standards required.


IV. Lessons learned (Contd.)

Addressing differences in IFRSs and law

Changes in law as per the accounting
Making a particular accounting requirement
inapplicable to a sector of economy (e.g
deferment of IFRIC -4 upto 2009 )
Development of standards for SMEs
Involvement of Stakeholders in the adoption and
implementation process
Role of QAB in improving Standard of Auditing
and Financial Reporting
Investment in Training and Education of IFRS

V. Conclusion
With all the three factors i.e.
implementation, regulatory framework
and quality assurance moving in the right
direction, Pakistan is on track and not too
far away from achieving full IFRS
Implementation and compliance by the
end of December 2009




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