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Gender - Masculine, Feminine, Neuter

Both nouns and pronouns have three genders - masculine, feminine and neuter.
In the first picture we see a man. A man belongs to masculine gender.
In the second picture we see a woman. A woman belongs to feminine gender.
In the third picture we see a chair. A chair belong to neuter gender.
The table below shows some nouns which belong to the three genders.
masculine gender
feminine gender
neuter gender
uncle, nephew, father, grand aunt, niece, mother, grand
table, book, pen,
father, lion, elephant,
mother, lioness, she-elephant,
pencil, chair, car
The table below shows the pronouns which are part of the three genders.
masculine gender
feminine gender
neuter gender
he, his, him
she, her
it, its
All plants, trees and flowers belong to the neuter gender. The pronouns it and its
which belong to the neuter gender are often used to refer to animals and birds. For
eg. This is a dog. It barks loudly.
All non-living beings are part of the neuter gender.

The Common Gender

Nouns which belong to the common gender can be either male or female.
For eg. teacher. You can have either a male teacher or female teacher.

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