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This tutorial will explain how create a layout template, send views to a layout page, then save
the document in PDF format.
In this tutorial you will learn about:

Creating a Layout Template

Setting up Layout Page Templates
Creating a Border and Title Block
Sending Floor Plan Views to Layout

Sending Elevation Views to Layout

Sending Details to Layout
Sending Perspective Views to Layout
Printing to PDF

Getting Started
Chief Architect uses two file types: plans and layouts. Plan files (.plan) are used to design a 3D
model of a structure, while layout files (.layout) are used to arrange views of that model on a
sheet along with text, callouts and other annotation to produce professional quality construction
documents. For complete information about layouts, see Layout on page 1235 of the
Reference Manual.
The previous tutorials explore aspects of creating a 3D model in a plan file. This tutorial will
describe how to create a layout file and arrange views of the model - including floor plans,
cross section/elevations, presentation views, and CAD Details - on the layout pages.

Creating a Layout Template

Template files save default, layer, and print settings and then apply them to new, blank files saving you the time and work of specifying them every time you begin a new project. In your

Chief Architect X8 Users Guide

Layout Template File, you can also set up one or more Page Templates with the borders and
title block information that you typically use. For more information about plan and layout
templates, see Template Files on page 86 of the Reference Manual.


Create one or more Page Templates. See Setting up Layout Page Templates on page 3.


Set up your Drawing Sheet and create a title block and border for each Page Template that
requires them. See Creating a Border and Title Block on page 8.


Select Tools> Layer Settings> Display Options

to open the Layout Page Display
Options dialog. Here you can set up line weights, styles, and colors for the layers in your
layout template. See Layout Page Display Options on page 1236 of the Reference
Manual. These settings do not affect objects within layout views - they only affect CAD,
Text, Dimensions, layout page and revision tables, and layout box borders placed on the
layout pages. Click OK when you are finished.


Select Edit> Default Settings

from the menu to open the Default Settings dialog.
Make any changes to the Text, CAD and General Layout Defaults that you may need. See
Preferences and Default Settings on page 75 of the Reference Manual.

Setting up Layout Page Templates


Select File> Templates> Save as Template

. The Save Layout File dialog opens to the
Templates directory specified in the Preferences dialog. For more information, see
Folders Panel on page 103 of the Reference Manual.


Save your new layout template with a short, descriptive name such as "My 18 x 24


When prompted, click Yes, specifying that you would like to use your new template as the


Your template layout file will close and a new untitled layout file will open.


This tutorial will explain how to set up page templates as well as create a title block and
border in your template file. Since only one layout file can be open at a time, select File>
Close to close the new, untitled layout so you can return to work on your saved template.

Setting up Layout Page Templates

Layout Page Templates allow you to create one or more title blocks and borders and then assign
them to the layout pages of your choice. Unlike regular pages with content, Layout Page
Templates do not print as part of a print range. See Layout Page Templates on page 1261.
In this example, two Page Templates will be created: one for the cover sheet and one for the
sheets that follow it.
To create multiple page templates

Select File> Open Recent Files and select your new layout template from the menu to
open it. See Creating a Layout Template on page 1.


Click on the Project Browser docked to the right side of the program window to make it
If the Project Browser is not open, select View> Project Browser
to open it.
If your program version does not have the Project Browser feature, select Tools>
Layout> Page Down

to go to Page 0 and proceed to step 3.

Chief Architect X8 Users Guide

Click the arrow next to the "Pages" folder to expand a list of the pages in the layout
file that are currently in use. In a new layout, only Pages 0 and 1 will be listed.

Notice the icons beside each page. Page 0 is specified as a Page Template, while Page
1 is a page with content.
Page 1 is listed as a page with content because it has a Layout
Page Table placed on it. See Layout Page Tables on page 1264.


Right-click on Page 0 in the Project Browser and select Edit Page Information
the contextual menu.


If your program version does not have the Project Browser feature, go to Page 0 and

select Tools> Layout> Edit Page Information

In the Layout Page Information dialog, change the title to "Standard Sheet Template" and
click OK.


Right-click on Page 1 in the Project Browser and select Edit Page Information

If your program version does not have the Project Browser feature, select Tools>
Layout> Page Up

to go to Page 1 Tools> Layout> Edit Page

In the Layout Page Information dialog:

Setting up Layout Page Templates

Change the Title to "Cover Sheet Template".

Check the box beside Use as Page Template and click OK.
Notice that Page 1s icon in the Project Browser has changed and now indicates that it
is a Page Template rather than a page with content.
Using the same steps, you can create additional Page Templates for every discipline and sheet
type that you typically use in your own layout template file.
Once multiple Page Templates have been created, they can be assigned to non-template pages:
either blank or with content. You can wait and do this when you actually send views to layout
for a project, or you can save time and set aside pages for specific purposes beforehand.
Here, a fairly typical variation of the US National CAD Standard page numbering convention
is used.
To use multiple page templates

Select Tools> Layout> Change Layout Page and go to Page 2.


Select Tools> Layout> Edit Page Information


. In the Layout Page Information

Specify the Title as "Cover Sheet".

Click the Page Template drop-down and select "Cover Sheet Template" from the list.
Click OK and notice that page 2 is now listed as a blank page in the Project Browser.

Select Tools> Layout> Page Up

to go to Page 3.

Chief Architect X8 Users Guide


Select Tools> Layout> Edit Page Information

Specify the Label as "A1.#".

If you type a pound sign # in the Label field, the characters before it
will be treated as a numbering prefix, and the # will be replaced by
the current page number on the layout sheet. See Layout Page Numbering on page 1260 of the Reference Manual.


Specify the Title as "Site Plan".

Confirm that the "Standard Sheet Template" is selected in the Page Template dropdown list.
Click OK and notice that in the Project Browser, Page 3 is listed now and that:

It uses its Label, "A1.#", and that the # has been replaced with a 1.
It uses its Title, "Site Plan".
Note, too, that the sheet no longer has a title block and border. Instead, it displays a
single revision table. This is because at the moment, the only object on its template,
Page 1, is a revision table.

Setting up Layout Page Templates


Repeat the steps above to edit Pages 4 and 5 so that they also use the "Standard Sheet
Template" and the Label "A1.#", and have the Titles "Foundation Plan" and "Floor 1
Plan", respectively.


Modify Pages 6 and 7 so that they use the "Standard Sheet Template" use the Label
"A2.#"., and have the Title "Elevations".

In your own layout template file, you can assign sheet numbers that you typically use in
advance and use the numbering convention of your choice.
If you need to add additional disciplines, types, and/or pages, they can be easily inserted at any
time: either in a specific project or in your layout template file.
To insert new layout pages

Select File> Open Layout


Right-click on a Page Template, page with content, or blank page in the Project Browser.

and open the layout file that you wish to insert pages into.


Select Tools> Layout> Change Layout Page and go to the page that is either before or
after the location where you wish to insert a new page.
Select Insert Page Before
to add a page before the current page. The current page
number as shown in the Change Layout Page button will increase by one but the
page number defined by its Label will not change.
Select Insert Page After
to add a page after the current page. The current page
will not be affected but any pages that follow it will have their page numbers increase
by one.


Right-click on the new page in the Project Browser and select Edit Page Information

If your program version does not have the Project Browser feature, select Tools>

Layout> Edit Page Information

In the Edit Page Information dialog,

Specify the Title.

Chief Architect X8 Users Guide

If the page is to be a page with content, specify its Label and choose a Page Template
from the drop-down list.
If the page is to be a template, check the box beside Use as Page Template.
Once your Page Templates have been defined as such, you can create a border and title block
for each that matches how it will be used.

Creating a Border and Title Block

Before sending views to layout, it is recommended that you set up your drawing sheet and then
use the CAD, Text, and editing tools to create a border and title block for your layout pages on
one or more Page Templates. For information about the Drawing Sheet, see Drawing Sheet
on page 1220 of the Reference Manual.

Creating a Border and Title Block

To set up the layout sheet

to open the Drawing Sheet Setup dialog.


Select File> Print> Drawing Sheet Setup


Specify the Orientation and Size of the Drawing Sheet.


The Drawing Scale for layout files should always be 1 in = 1 in (1 mm = 1 mm in metric

files). For more information, see Drawing Sheet Setup Dialog on page 1216 of the
Reference Manual.


You can also specify the drawing sheets Margins if you want.


Click OK when you are finished.


Select Window> Fill Window

so that you can see the entire drawing sheet.

Chief Architect X8 Users Guide


Select File> Save

The layout template files that are installed with Chief Architect have a title block and border
already drawn in them on Layout Page 0, which is the default Layout Page Template. You can
use these as they are, modify them to suit your needs, or delete them and create your own.
You can also create multiple Page Templates, which allows you to control the appearance of the
title block and border on each page. In this tutorial, two variations of the existing title block and
border will be placed onto separate Page Templates. See Setting up Layout Page Templates
on page 3.
To copy a title block and border

Select Tools> Layout> Page Down

to go to Page 0.


Select View> Drawing Sheet


Select Edit> Select All to select all of the objects in the view.


Select Edit> Copy


Select Tools> Layout> Page Up


Click the Select Objects


Select View> Drawing Sheet


Select Edit> Paste> Paste Hold Position

to turn off the display of the Drawing Sheet.

to go to Page 1.

button, then click on the Revision Table and Delete


to turn the display of the Drawing Sheet back on.


Note that the new title block and border is positioned inside the Drawing Sheet exactly
like the original.
In this example, the Cover Sheet Template will not use the same title block and border as the
Standard Sheet Template. It will instead feature general notes, a table of contents, and space for
presentation views.
To modify a title block and border for a cover sheet



Select Tools> Layout> Page Down

to go to Page 0.


Click the Select Objects

button, then click on the border that surrounds the part of the
page reserved for content to select it.


Click on the right vertical edge to select it, then click on the Temporary Dimension that
states how far the selected edge is from the opposite edge.

Creating a Border and Title Block

If you do not see a Temporary Dimension when the edge is selected, select View>


Temporary Dimensions
and try again.
Type a new, smaller value and then press the Enter key to make the polyline smaller. In this
example, 2 6" is used. See Moving Objects Using Dimensions on page 1020 of the
Reference Manual.
Select the left vertical edge of the rectangular polyline that surrounds the Title Block, then:
Click on the Temporary Dimension that states how far that edge is from the right edge
of the Content Area polyline.
Type a new, smaller value then press Enter to make the gap smaller and the Title Block
polyline, larger. In this example, 1/8" is used.


Chief Architect X8 Users Guide


Click the Select Objects

button, then:

Click and drag a rectangular selection marquee inside of the Title Block border that
partially encloses each of the CAD and Text objects that make up the title block.
Click the Delete
edit button to delete the selected objects.
Select the left edge of the Title Block border and notice the width shown by the
Temporary Dimension. In this example, it is 4 1/4".



Select CAD> Text> Rich Text

Text Specification dialog.

and click once in the drawing area to open the Rich

On the Text panel, type your notes.

On the Appearance panel, check the box beside Border.
On the Options panel, uncheck Auto Width and specify a Width of 4".
Click OK to close the dialog and create the text at the object where clicked.
Select Edit> Snap Settings and make sure that Object Snaps - and particularly,
Endpoint Snaps - are enabled.

Creating a Border and Title Block


Click on the new text object to select it, then click the Point to Point Move
button. See Point to Point Move on page 224 of the Reference Manual.


Click on the top left corner of the text object.

Click on the top left corner of the Title Block border polyline.
The text will move so its top left corner snaps to that of the border polyline.
10. With the text still selected, press the Right and Down arrow keys two times each.

When an object is selected, you can use the arrow keys to Nudge it in any direction.
The Nudge distance is equal to files the Grid Snap Unit, which is 1/8" by default in
Imperial layout files. See Nudging on page 224 of the Reference Manual.
The text is now centered in the Title Block border, with a 1/8" space on each side.
A table of contents is often included on the cover sheet.


Chief Architect X8 Users Guide

To add a table of contents


Select Tools> Layout> Layout Page Table

create a layout page table at that location.

, then click once in the drawing area to


Click on the new table to select it, then click the Open Object
Layout Page Table Specification dialog:

edit button. In the

Specify the tables Name. In this example, "Table of Contents" is specified.

Organize and rename the Column Headings. In this example, the Description and
Comments columns are Removed.
On the Attributes panel, you can control the display of border and grid lines.

Use the Point to Point Move


edit button and Nudge keys to position the table as you

Because the non-template pages of the layout are currently blank,

no pages are listed in the table. When views, text, or CAD are
added to each page, the table will become populated.

Additional modifications to the Cover Sheet Template can be made using the CAD and Text
Tools. These as well as other tools can be used to create a new border from scratch if you wish
To create a new layout border

Select Tools> Layout> Page Up

to go to an empty page.

Alternatively, you can group-select the title block and border on a Page Template as
described in To copy a title block and border on page 10 and then Delete
selected objects.
are enabled, particular Endpoint



Make sure that Object Snaps



Select Edit> Preferences

, then go to the Behaviors panel of the Preferences dialog.
For more information, see Behaviors Panel on page 115 of the Reference Manual.
Under the Edit Type heading, select Concentric.
Specify the Jump value as the distance you would like your border to be drawn from
the edge of the drawing sheet.
In this example, 1/2" is used.


Select CAD> Boxes> Rectangular Polyline

, then click and drag a rectangle
beginning at one corner of the drawing sheet and ending at the opposite corner.
Watch for the red snap indicators that will display at each corner when Endpoint snaps
are enabled.


Creating a Border and Title Block


Select the rectangular polyline, then click and slowly drag a corner edit handle towards its
center. When you reach the your specified Concentric Jump distance, the polyline will
resize so that its edges are that distance from the drawing sheet edges.


You can create a double border in a similar manner. With the polyline still selected:


Click the Copy/Paste

edit button.
Click and drag one of the corner edit handles towards the center. A concentric copy of
the polyline is made when you reach the Concentric Jump distance.
When you are finished concentrically resizing and copying your border objects, it is a good
idea to restore the Default Edit Type. To do this, select Edit> Edit Behaviors>

You can adjust the line weight, style and color for any CAD object in its specification dialog.
See Line Style Panel on page 1085 of the Reference Manual.
To create filleted corners

Select one of the rectangular polylines and click the Fillet Lines

edit button.


Click the Set Fillet Radius

edit button and in the Fillet Radius dialog, specify a Fillet
Radius value and click OK. A value of 1" fillets one inch of each intersecting edge.


Click the Fillet All Corners


edit button to apply the specified fillet to all corners of the

To create a new title block


Select CAD> Boxes> Rectangular Polyline

, then click at the bottom right corner of
the border and drag up and to the left to create a rectangular polyline.


Select the new polyline and use Temporary Dimensions to resize it. In this example, a
polyline 3/4" high and 1 1/2" wide is created.


With the polyline still selected, press the Left arrow key twice to Nudge the polyline to the
left. Press the Up arrow key twice to Nudge it upward.


If you would like, use the Fillet Lines

described above.

edit tool to curve the polylines corners, as

You may want to adjust the Fillet Radius to a smaller value before doing so.

With the polyline still selected, click the Copy/Paste


Click and drag its Move edit handle straight upward.

When you release the mouse button, a copy of the original polyline is created directly
above the first.
Use Temporary Dimensions to position the new polyline relative to the original.

edit button, then:


Chief Architect X8 Users Guide


Use Temporary Dimensions or the new polylines edit handles to adjust the its height.


Select CAD> Text> Rich Text


On the Text panel, type the word "SHEET:".

Click OK to close the dialog and create the text at the object where clicked.
Select the new text object and drag it into the second to bottom Title Block box.

, then click to open the Rich Text Specification dialog:

10. If necessary, click the Open Object

edit button and adjust the texts size. See
Resizing Text on page 1049 of the Reference Manual.
Repeat these steps to produce a title block with all of the information that you require. A
company logo can be added to the title block by importing and embedding an image. For more
information, see Importing Pictures on page 1143 of the Reference Manual.

Page numbers, layout page labels and titles, the current date, drawing scale, designer and client
information, and more can be inserted into text objects using Text Macros. For more
information, see Text Macros on page 1066 of the Reference Manual.
To use a Text Macro in a title block

Select CAD> Text> Rich Text

Text Specification dialog.

and click once in the drawing area to open the Rich


On the Text panel, click the Insert Macro button and select Global> Layout Info> Layout
Page Number from the menu.
Notice that the characters %page% now appear in the text field.


Sending Floor Plan Views to Layout


Click OK to close the dialog and create the text at the object where clicked.
Position the new text object in the bottom Title Block box, under the word "SHEET:".
When you are finished creating the new title block and border, specify the page that they
are on as a Page Template. See Setting up Layout Page Templates on page 3.

When your layout template is finished, be sure to Save

it and then select File> Close.

Sending Floor Plan Views to Layout

In order to send any view to layout, first open both the destination layout file and the plan file.
It is recommended that these two files have the same name and be saved in the same folder in
your computer. See Organizing Your Files on page 55 of the Reference Manual and
Managing Layout Links on page 1255 of the Reference Manual.
To send a floor plan view to layout

Select File> Open Plan


Select File> Save As

and open a plan such as the Walkout Basement Tutorial plan.

and save the file using a new name.


Select Window> Fill Window


Click the Active Layer Set Control drop-down and select "Plot Plan Set" from the list.
Selecting this layer set turns off the display of layers that arent necessary for a site plan,
such as cabinets, millwork and door and window labels. See Layer Sets on page 148 of
the Reference Manual.


Select File> Print> Drawing Sheet Setup

and make sure that your Drawing Scale is
correct in the Drawing Sheet Setup dialog. This will be the scale of the view once it is
sent to layout. For a floor plan, 1/4 inch = 1ft is a typical scale; for a plot plan, a scale such
as 1/8 or 1/16 inch = 1 ft works well.
The information in the Drawing Sheet Setup dialog is view-specific.
When you open the dialog in floor plan view, its settings only apply to
floor plan views of the current file. When you open it in a cross section view
or CAD detail window, its settings apply only to the current view or detail


Chief Architect X8 Users Guide


Select File> Send to Layout

to open the Send to Layout dialog.

Under Send Position, choose to Send to Layout Page 3. and leave Show Layout
Page checked so that when you click OK, the layout window will become active.
Under Send Options, select Entire Plan/View.
Uncheck Make Copy of Active Layer Set. This means that once sent to layout, the
view will use the Plot Plan Set and changes made to this layer set will affect the view.


Sending Floor Plan Views to Layout

For more information about Layout Layer Sets, click the Check
Knowledge Base button in the Information message that displays
when you click OK in this dialog.


Confirm that the view is being sent to layout using the same Scale as in the Drawing
Sheet Setup dialog.
Click OK to send the view to layout. An Information message may display with
information about the layer set referenced by the new view on the layout page.
Click OK to close the message box and continue working.
Click the Check Knowledge Base button to launch your default web browser to an
online Knowledge base article with useful information about layout layer sets.
Check the box beside Do not show this message again to prevent this message from
opening in the future. See Message Boxes on page 43 of the Reference Manual.


Once sent to layout, the view can be selected and moved using its edit handles or edit
buttons, and its edges can be edited like a CAD box. See Editing Box-Based Objects on
page 208 of the Reference Manual.


Select Window> Select Next Tab or press Ctrl + Tab to return to floor plan view.

10. Click the Active Layer Set Control drop-down arrow and select Default Set from the list
of available layer sets. See Active Layer Set Control on page 150 of the Reference
It is important to switch from the Plot Plan Set so that you do not
make unwanted changes to the site plan view on the layout page.


Chief Architect X8 Users Guide

Sending Elevation Views to Layout

Cross Section/Elevation
can also be sent to layout.

, Backclipped Cross Section

and Wall Elevation


To send an elevation view to layout



Select 3D> Create Orthographic View> Cross Section/Elevation

, then click and
drag to create a side elevation view. See Cross Section/Elevation Views on page 904 of
the Reference Manual.


You may want to Zoom


Use the CAD and Text tools to add any annotations that the view might require, such as
roof heights, pitches, material specifications, or other notes.


Select 3D> Save Active Camera

so that the camera and your annotations are retained
and listed in the Project Browser. See Saving and Printing 3D Views on page 924 of the
Reference Manual.


Select 3D> Edit Active Camera

, and in the Cross Section/Elevation Camera
Specification dialog, give the Cross Section view a short descriptive name, such as
"Exterior Elevation - Right".


Select File> Print> Drawing Sheet Setup

and specify a Drawing Scale for the
elevation view in the Drawing Sheet Setup dialog. 1/4 in = 1 ft should work well. Click
OK to close the Drawing Sheet Setup dialog.

in on the house.

Sending Elevation Views to Layout


Select File> Send to Layout

to open the Send to Layout dialog.

Under Send Position, choose to Send to Layout Page 6 and leave Show Layout
Page checked so that when you click OK, the layout window will become active.
Under Send Options, select Current Screen.
Under Camera View Options, select Plot Lines and leave Color Fill unchecked. See
Plot Line Views on page 1245.
In this example, Make Copy of Active Layer Set is left unchecked. Once sent to
layout, the view will use the Section View Set and changes made to this layer set will
affect the view.


Chief Architect X8 Users Guide

For more information about Layout Layer Sets, click the Check
Knowledge Base button in the Information message that displays
when you click OK in this dialog.



Confirm that the view is being sent to layout using the same Scale as in the Drawing
Sheet Setup dialog.
When Orthogonal Views such as Cross Section/Elevation views are sent to layout, you
can specify line weights for surface edge lines and pattern lines. You can also leave
these boxes unchecked to use the line weight settings assigned to the individual
objects and patterns in the view. See Send To Layout Dialog on page 1241 of the
Reference Manual.
Click OK.

Return to the elevation view, then select File> Close to close the view. In the Update View
to Layout dialog, click OK. If you had made changes in the elevation view, clicking OK
would update those changes to the layout view. In this case, no changes were made, so it
doesnt matter.

10. Return to floor plan view. A camera symbol now displays, indicating the position of your
saved elevation camera.
11. Repeat this process for any additional desired elevation views. If sending more than one
elevation view to the same page, keep in mind that the elevation views will need to be
selected and repositioned so that they are not stacked on top of one another on the page.
If you would like to make changes to the lines in an elevation view, select CAD> CAD Detail
From View
to make a copy of the view that is composed of editable lines and polylines in
a CAD Detail window. CAD Details can be sent to layout; note, however, that changes made to
the model do not affect these views.


Sending Details to Layout

Sending Details to Layout

Foundation, roof, cross section, and other details play an important role in professional
construction documents. The steps used to send details to layout can also be used to place
schedules, legends, keys and other items on the layout page. For more information, see CAD
Details on page 1117 of the Reference Manual.
To send a detail to layout

Return to floor plan view.


Select CAD> CAD Detail Management

to open the CAD Detail Management dialog.
Click the New button, type a short descriptive name for your detail, and click OK.


A new CAD Detail window opens. You can create a CAD detail from scratch using the
CAD tools, or you can place a CAD block from the library.


Chief Architect X8 Users Guide



In this example, a detail drawing from the CAD Blocks library category is placed. This
block can be exploded and edited as needed. See CAD Blocks on page 1111 of the
Reference Manual.


Select File> Print> Drawing Sheet Setup

and specify a Drawing Scale for the CAD
detail in the Drawing Sheet Setup dialog. 2 inches = 1 foot works well in this case.

Sending Details to Layout


Select File> Send to Layout

to open the Send to Layout dialog.

Confirm that the view is being sent to layout using the same Scaling as in the Drawing
Sheet Setup dialog.
Select Entire Plan/View under Send Options.
In this example, Make Copy of Active Layer Set is checked. Type a short, descriptive
Name for the layer set that the layout view will use, such as "Page 8 Detail Set". Once
sent to layout, the view will use this layer set, so any changes made to the Default Set
will not affect it.


Chief Architect X8 Users Guide

For more information about Layout Layer Sets, click the Check
Knowledge Base button in the Information message that displays
when you click OK in this dialog.

Under Send Position, choose to Send to Layout Page # 4 and leave Show Layout
Page checked so that when you click OK, the layout window will become active.

While layout page 8 is active, select Tools> Layout> Layout Page Information
open the Layout Page Information dialog. Specify:


A Label of "A5.#" to maintain your page numbering convention. See To use multiple
page templates on page 5.
A Title such as "Sections and Details".
Select "Standard Sheet Template" from the Page Template drop-down list.
Notes, legends, schedules, and other details can placed into separate CAD Details and send
them to layout in the same manner.

Sending Perspective Views to Layout

Perspective views add visual appeal and clarity to your documentation. They are converted to
bitmap images when sent to layout, which means that they increase your file size considerably.
As a result, you should send perspective views to layout sparingly.
To send a perspective view to layout



Return to floor plan view.


Select 3D> Create Perspective View> Full Camera

and create a 3D view.

Sending Perspective Views to Layout


In the camera view, use the Move, Orbit and Tilt Camera tools available in the 3D menu to
adjust the view to your liking. See Editing 3D Views on page 918 of the Reference


Select 3D> Camera View Options> Final View

to redraw the view at a higher quality
according to your settings in the Preferences dialog. See Previews vs Final Views on
page 938 of the Reference Manual.


Chief Architect X8 Users Guide


Select File> Send to Layout

to open the Send to Layout dialog.

Send to Layout Page # 2 and leave Show Layout Page checked.

Under Send Options, select Current Screen.
Under Camera View Options, select Live View and Update on Demand. See SemiDynamic Views on page 1244.

Click the Select Objects


Notice that in the Status Bar, it is described as a Picture File Box rather than a Layout
Use the boxs edit handles to resize and crop the image as needed:

button, then click on the view sent to page 2 to select it.

Click and drag a corner Resize handle to change the size of the picture box while
maintaining its aspect ratio.
Click and drag a side Reshape handle to crop the extents of the picture within the box.
For more information about editing picture boxes, see Editing Pictures, Metafiles,
and PDF Boxes on page 1151 of the Reference Manual.
Repeat this process for any other camera views you may want to send to layout, including
views using artistic Rendering Techniques such as Watercolor. For more information, see
Rendering Techniques on page 953 of the Reference Manual.


Printing to PDF

Printing to PDF
A PDF, or Portable Document Format, file saves all of the printable information associated
with a document such as a layout and makes it available for both viewing and printing without
using the software originally used to create it. PDFs are easy to create and provide you with an
efficient way to share your work with others or send documents to a print service.
Chief Architect has a built-in PDF writer, which you can select as your printer in any of the
programs Print dialogs. Alternatively, you can print to PDF using a PDF writer installed on
your computer. For more information, see Printing to a PDF File on page 1222 of the
Reference Manual.


Chief Architect X8 Users Guide


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