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Certain Sermons or Homilies Appointed to be Read in

Churches in the Time of Queen Elizabeth of Famous Memory,

originally published in 1562, in the 1864 Edition, edited by John
Griffiths, is here reprinted by Hail & Fire, 2009.
Category: Reformation, Protestant, Sermons
Queen Elizabeth I
1533-1603, Queen of England from 1559-1603

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be made available as paperback reprints. In the interim,
please enjoy watching the work progress and reading these
important and historic works.

See the many companion volumes under
Protestant Sermons and Books online at
The Touchstone of Sincerity or Trial of True and False
Religion (1814 edition)
by John Flavel
The Works of the English Reformers: William Tyndale and
John Frith (1831 Edition in three Volumes)
by William Tyndale (Martyr) & John Frith (Martyr)
A Collection of Several Treatises Concerning The Reasons and
Occasions of the Penal Laws. (1675 Edition)
by Sir William Cecil, Lord Burleigh (1520-1598), Counsellor to
Queen Elizabeth I of England
An Answer to Sir Thomas Mores Dialogue (1531; 1850
by William Tyndale
The Almost Christian Discovered; or the False Professor Tried
and Cast (1661; 1819 Edition)
by Matthew Mead
Religious Affections (1746)
by Jonathan Edwards
Real Christianity or Practical View of the Prevailing Religious
System of Professed Christians, in the Middle and Higher
Classes in this Country, Contrasted with Real Christianity
(1797 Edition)
by William Wilberforce
Sermons, on Various Subjects (1823 Edition)
by Isaac Barrow (1630-1677)
The Benefit of Christs Death (Originally published 1543 in
Italian; English & Italian Editions)
by Aonio Paleario (Antonio della Paglia, 1500-1570, Martyr)
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, in a faithful account
of the life and death of John Bunyan
by John Bunyan (1628-1688)


to the Protestant Reprint of

Certain Sermons or Homilies Appointed to be Read in
Churches in the Time of Queen Elizabeth of Famous
Memory Certain Sermons or Homilies Appointed to be Read
in Churches in the Time of Queen Elizabeth of Famous
by Hail & Fire
In this age of ecumenism, when the lines have been blurred
between the two major denominations and the world
itself speaks of the Pope as head of all Christians, we
join with so many to call to remembrance the truth of the
Gospel and of those who, in times past, both well-known
and unknown, answered a good answer for a pure and
Gospel faith against the traditions of men. The intention
of Hail & Fire is to make available Gospel and Reformed
Theology in the works, sermons, exhortations, prayers,
and apologetics of those who have maintained the Gospel
and expounded upon the Scripture as the Eternal Word of
God and the sole authority in Christian doctrine.





w w w. h a i l andf m


llo 1"UI 1'1/01. 01'


I'ubl18hed \lIldlll' tbe clirect1oII. of the 'l'raot Committee



f, HOl'!. Uo.;UA"(I.1; "SD


~8, f'WC.\DILLr.

w w w. h a i l andf m

'I'Ill; 'l'cxt llnd Mllrgiullt HcfcrCllccs of this


of the I-:omilies hnvc been t..'\ken, hv permission

of the Delegates, from tlw.t printed by them nt

the Clnrcndon Press, as edited by


Rc\'. John

Grimths, ?f.A., ofWmlhrllll Collc~"C.



w w w. h a i l andf m


how necessary it is, that the

word of God, which is the only food of the
soul, and that roost excellent light that we
must walk by, in this our most dangerous
pilgrimage, shdu..ld at all convenient times
be preached unto the people, that thereby
they may both learn their duty towards God,
their prince, and their neighbours. accorctingto the mind of the Holy Ghost, expressed
in the Scriptures, and also to avoid the manifold enormities which heretofore by false
doctrine have crept into the church of God;
and how that all they which are appointed
Ministers have not the gift of preaching sui:'
ficiently to instruct the people, which is
committed unto them, whereof gre..'\.t incon
vcniences might rise, and ignoru..nce still be


w w w. h a i l andf m



maintained, if some honest remedy be not

speedily found and provided: the l.~ueen's
most excellent Majesty, tendering the souls'
health of her loving subjects, and the quieting of their consciences in the chief and
principal points of Christian religion, and
williug also by the true setting forth and
pure declaring of God's word, which is the
prmcipal guide and leader unto all godliness
and virtue, to expel and drive away as well
corrupt, vicious, i.Uld Ullgodly living, as also
erroneous and poisoned doctrines, tending to
superstition and idolatry, hath, by the advice
of her most honoumblc Counsellors, for her
discharge in this behalf; caused a Book of
Homilies, which heretofore was se':. forth by
her most loving brother, a prince of most
worthy memory, Edward the Si..xth, to be
printed anew, wherein are contained certain
wholesome and godly exhortations, to move
the people to honour and worship A.lmighty
God, and diligently to serve him, every olle
according to their degree, state, and voca.tiOIl. All which Homilies her :Majesty eom~
mandeth and straitly ehargeth all }Jarsons,
Vicars, Curates, and all others IIll.viug spiritual cure. every Sunday and Holy-du,y


w w w. h a i l andf m


in the year, at the ministering of the Holy

Commu.t'lion, or if there be no Communion
ministered that day, yet after the Gospel
and Creed, in such order and place as is all'
pointed in the Book of Common Prayers, to
rend and dec1'\re to their parishioners plainJy
and distinctly one of the said Homilies, ill.
such order as they stand in the book, except.
there be a Sermon, according as it is enjoinefl
in the book of her Highness' Injunctions:
and then for that cause only, and for none
oth~r, the reading of the said Homily to be
deferred unto the next Sunday or Boly-da'y
follo'\'\<ing. And when the foresaid Book Qf
Homilies is read over, her Majesty's pleasure
is, that the same be repeated and read ~rrain,
in such like sort as was before prescribed.
Furthermore, her Highness commandeth
tha.t, notwithstanding this order, the said
ecclesiastical persons shall read her ::MaJesty's Injunctions at such times, and in such
order, na in the book thereof appointed; and
that the Lord's Prayer, the Articles of Fnith,
and the Ten Commandments, be openJy
read unto the people, as in the said Injunctions is specified, and tha.t all hoc people. of
what degree or condition soever they be,


w w w. h a i l andf m


mal learn how to invocate and call upon the

namu of God, and know what duty they OW6
both to God and man: so that they may
l)ray. bt:lieve. and work according to knowledg~. while they shall live here. and after
this life be with Him. that with IIis blood

bath bought us all To wholO with the

Father and the Holy Ghost be all honour
and glory for ever. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m


'lR8T BOOK 01" nOlltLIES.


.<\ fruitful Exhortation tu the Reatlillg of UolJ Scripture.

Of the ~fi8Cr)' of nll:\Jnllkind .. . . .. . . . . . . ..
-J1e &llvntion of nll Mnnkillr. .... . . . .
. . . . .. ..
Of tlHl True and Lively :E'aith . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ..
Of Good Works .............................
Of Christian Love Ilnd Charity. . .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . ..
.\W"iust Swearing Rnd Perjury.. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Of the Declining from God
1. . . . . . . .
.\n Exhortation aguinst the Fear of Death
An Exhortlltion to Obedience
Abraillst Whoredom IInd Adultery
Against Strife and Contention .....................




14 r


Of the Right Use of the Church

Agaillllt Peril ofIdolfltry
For RCJluiriug find Keeping Cleno the Church
or Good Worb: find first of }'astiog
Agnill5t Glutu..ny and DrunkcODeslI
Against Excess of Apparel
An Homily of Prayer ................... .337


w w w. h a i l andf m



or the

Plnce and Time of fTRyer ................ 359

Of Common Pmycr and Sacraments
An Information for them which take Offence at ('('rlnin

Places of Holy Scripture
Of Ahnsdccda
or the Nati\ity................................ .PS
Of the l)assion, for Good-FridAY
or the Resurrection, for EMtcr Day
Of the wortny Receiving of the Sacnllllcnt
-I- 7 '1
An Homily concerning the Coming Down of the lioly
Ghos~ for Whitaundny
An lIomily for Rogation Week

Of the State of Matrimony

Against IdlenC8ll


Of Repentance and True Reconciliation unto Ood

An Homily against Disobedionce and wilful Rebellion



w w w. h a i l andf m




Uno n Christian man there can be llothing either ThlPfaI'uI

more necessary or profitable than the knowledge ~SCrlj)o
of holy Scripture; fornsmuch (IS in it is contained
God's true word, setting forth his J::'lory and nlso
mail's duty. And there is nO truth 1I0r doctrine ThI~eo
nccess..'u)' lor our justification and c"crlllStill~ sal :::p~u::"
vatioll, but that is or may be drawn out of' that
fountain and well of truth. Thcrdorc as mallY liS nil know.

be desirous to enter into the right and pcrfcet way ~~,,::,~':."

unto God must apply tllCir minds to know holy~'
Scripture; without the which the)' CRn neither
sufficiently kllow God and his will, Ilcitllcr their
office and duty. And, lUJ drink is plCtlSllutto them TQ'IIhOnllhe
that he dry, and meat to them that be hungry, t:::~"t,:-:"
80 is the reading, hearing, scflrching, ami stud)'- I>'::':',and
ing of hol)' Scripturo to them that bo desirous to 11 I .
know God or thcmsch'e8, and to do his will. And \\llobe .....
their stomachs onl)' do loatho and abhor the hen._ =~I~~.lJ
,'enly knowledge ami food of God's word, that be
80 drowned in worldly vanities. that they neither
savour God nor any godliuCS8: for that is the
cause why they desire such v:mities rather than
the true know](!(lge of God. As t.hey that arc Anaplllmlll.
sick of all ague, whatsoever they eat or drink, ::::-... ~"l':'
though it be !lover so pleasant, )'et it is as bitter ~~f~re


w w w. h a i l andf m

The Fmt Part of the LluYTlation

to them as \\'ormwood, not for the bitterness of

the meat, but fOf the corrupt and bitter humour
that is in their OWI1 tonguc and mouth; even
80 is the sweetness of God's word biUer, not of
itself, but only unto them thnt have their minds
corrupted with long custom of sin and love of
tbis world.
,I" uhorta
Therefore, forsaking the comlpt judgment of
t""'''nlOlIle fl
, . cnrcnsc,
eshly mell, W,.,
11(; I care 110tb u t ,.or llelf
~~=~. let us rc\'crclltly hear and read holy Scriptures,
t:t"" hIIl1 "l1 which is the food of the I;OUI. Let us diligently
Matn~: search for the well of life in the books of the
New and Old Testament, and 1101. run to the
stinking llUddlcs of mell's traditions, devised by
man's imagination, for ollr justification and sah'a",.""'"
tion. !'or in holy Scripture is fully contained
~=d"O: what wc ought to do :lIld what to eschew, wh:lt
~r;:I:"o'l< to believe, what to love, nIld what to look fOf at
God's hllnds at length. In those books we shall
find the l"athef, from whom, the Son, by whom,
and the Holy Ghost, in whom, nil things ha\'e
their heing and keeping up; lllld these three Per
WMtlblo;o sons to be but onc God and onc substnncc.
:t:to.",;m these books we may learn to know ourselvcs, how
vile and miserable we he; and also to know God.
llOW good he is of himself, und how he maketh us
and all creatures partakers of his goodness. We
rn:lY learn alao in these books to know God's will
and pleusure, as much as for this present time is
convenient for us to know. And, as the gre.'l.t
clerk and godly prenchcr St. John Chrysostom
snith." whatsoever is Y'C(luired to salvation of man
is full)' contllined ill. the Scripture of God. He
that is ig-nomnt may there l(!flrn and have knoll'.
k'(l~. He that is hardhearted and Rn obstinate
sinncr shall there find everlasting torrn(!nls prc.
lJarl'(\ (If God's justicc, to make him afraid, and
to mollify (or soften) him. Be that is opprl'SSC(!
with misery in this world shnll there find relief in
the ~)romisl's of cvcrlasting life, to his ~reat t'Ou.
solallon and t'Olll.fort. He that is woundt'(\



w w w. h a i l andf m



Readi_!! of Ilol!

de\;1 unto death shall 6nd there medieine. whereby

lIe rn3Y be restored again unto hC3lth."
U If It
Ehall require to tench any truth or reprove false

dOl.. trinc. to rebuke allY vicc, to commend any

virtue, to give good counsel, to comfort, or to exhort, or to do any other thing requisite for our
salvation; all those things." saith St. Chrysostom,
It we
may learn }llentifully of the Scnptnre!'
"'filerc is," euith FlItgcntiu8, "abundantly enough lIol1!1crtrboth for mell to cat and children to suck. 'I'here ~..:=,~.
is whntSOC\'cr is meet for all ages and for all:::r~
dc~ and sorts of men!'
-' .....
fhe.;e books therefore ought to be much in our
hands, ill our c/"cs, in our l.'afll, in our mouths,
hut m()l<t of nJ in our hearts. For the Scrip-. "''1lM_
ture of God is the hc:wcnl.l' meat. of OUl' souls:
Ilt: leaF;1I!} aM IMcpi"!J of it mnketh us tl~dJ
.,utifieiA 1lt1, :md makcth us hah-: it tllnut4 ~~
ottr JIlU: it u a lif/At k",t~r. to OH~ feet: it u a::::i..
~rtJ ,kallalt. I",d eur14,ti,,!/ instrument of salva- :~~.u. '7
tion: it gil:d! tti,dol1/. t~ lhe 11/lI~le atul wtely- u.t.~ ,~t,';.l
Marurt: it oomforteth. make/It. g14dJ chccrcth J llnd
chcri:;:hcth our con,ciencel: it i, II //U)Te t.rcelleltt
jClVel 01' tl'<'nSllre thrm allY {JoM or precioli8 ,{onc: it
U more Ill'ut l! !l.oney or !l.onc,ycol/lb: it is called
tAe /;e,t lXlT{, which MurYllitl Ch()lH6; for it !lath L"k...n ....
in it cverJa.t;till~ comfort. The words of holy
ripture be calk-d 1t'()rJ, of eetrbz,tiHg life; for JoIIa ol6fl.
they be GodJI'j iUblnlmcntJ (,rdaim.-d for the @..'1me
purpo6C. 'l'he)' ha\"{' [N)wcr to turn throu~h God'll
promi-.e, and tlll'r be clfl'Ctual throui?h God's ('<>LL J.6,
..~iilhlDce j nnd J bcin~ ~iH-d in n. faithlw hmrt, 'J-oS.
th...y h:"'e eVcr an hl"3\'culy ..piritual working in
t1u:m. 'fhey arc /irtl$.lJ'l~J:J a1ld ",igAt! its, opera- 11.... 1.... ,
/i,.., a1l,t ,1"'fJKr l!tall an! lnJ-<rlg("/ 'IIJ()M. lud
tltleref! lAro"y" e"'" nlo tAe lliriJillg a,u"der of
tAt' ,Q"l Qlld the ,pirit, q/ lite joinu ",uf lire fIUlrrw.


Chri,.t clllll'th him a wi~ builder that buildcth Nau.'fIl,-.,

"l'IOu his word, upon his ijllrc nnd suboitnntial
Dy thill \l'ord of God wc ijllllll be
Judged; for tlr, I(' "d thtlf f tpnll." "aith Christ. i, 1oI....U.~"



w w w. h a i l andf m


1'he Firat Part of the &lwrlation

it that daltj/lrl!le in tlte lall! da!!. He that kcepetb

the word or Christ is promised the love and favour

of God, and that he shall Le the dwelling-place or
temple of the blessed 'l'rinity. This word whosoe\'er is dili~nt to rend, and in his heart to print
that he rcadcth, the great n/lcction to tIle lnlll
sitory thing'S of this world shall be minishcd in
him, and the ~r(>at desire of hcn"cnly things, that
be therein promised of God, shnll increase in him.
And there i.'! nothing that so much strcllgthcncth
our faith :md trust in God, that SO much kecpcth
up inllocency nnd Jl\1rcness of the heart and
also of outward go Iy life and conversation, as
continual reading- and recording of God's word.
For that thing which, by contillunl use of rending
(If hol.\' SCrijlture :lIld dilig-ent searching' of the
same, i~ deeply printed and grfl\'en in the heart,
at lenw.h tumeth almost into nature. And moreover the eflbct :md \'il,tue of God'" word is to iIIuminute the ignorant, and to ~ive more light unto
them t1w.t faithfully and diligcnily read it; to
comfort their heart~, Iluci to encourage them to
pcrlol'ln thnt which of God is eomlllflnded. It
tcachcth patience in all adversity, in prosperity
humbleness; whnt honOllr is due unto God, what
mercy and eharit.\ to onr neighbour. It giveth
'80m.Ih.n-good C()unsel in all doubtful things,
It sheweth
~,; 1~~":"~' vI' whom we shall look for aid and help in nll
:f:;.'::;:' perils, llnd that God is the .only G!ver of \'ictory
III nil baUles and temptatIOns 01 our enemies,
bodily and A'hostly. And in rending of God'
::::"Ood.'~' WOIX) he most profiteth not always that is most
ready in turninJ;' of the book, or in sayin"" of it
without the book; but he that is most turn~ into
it, that is most inspired with the Holy Ghost,
!!lost in hi~ henrt, and life altered and changed
mto tllllt thlllg' wInch he relldeth; he that is daily
lesa nnd Il>ss Jll'Oud, le"" wrathful, less co\'etous
and less do:~il'OIIS of worldly and vain pleasures;
he that dail,'". lorsaking his old vicious life, increaseth ill \'il'tue mOI'l.! and more. And, to 00


w w w. h a i l andf m

to the Readillg

of lloly Scripture.

sbort, there is nothing tlmt mOTe mnintnincth

9'Odlincss of the mind, and driveth awny ungodli_
~ess, thou doth the continual iC3ding or henring
of God's word, if it be joined with n f!Xldly mind
and a ~d affection to kllOw and follow God's


For without a single eye, pure intent, and 1.l.up4J

A'Ood mind, nothing is nllowed for good before God. ~~~tl;~:

And, on t110 other side, notlling morc darkcncth ~';;"ll

Christ and the glory of God, nor Lril1~th in more ">Odl'.",="
hlindnN:s tllld nil kinds of viet-'S, than doth the ~:;;~~of
ignorance of God's word.


llOL Y SCnU'1'UIlli.

IN the first part of this Sermon, which cxhorteth

to tlle knowledge of holy SCri)llnfC, was declared wherefore the knowledge of the same is
necessary and profitable to all men, and that by
the true knowledge and understanding of Scriphue the most necessary points of our duty towards
God rllld our neighbours fire also known. Now flS
conee11.\ing the same matter you shall hear wllll.t
Ir we ]Jrofess Christ, why be wc not ashn~ed to
be ignorant in his doctrine, seeing t.hat every mflll
is ashamed t.o be ignorant in t.hat learning which
he professeth? 'l'hat man is ashamed to he called
11 philosopher which rcadeth not the books of philosophy; and to be called lllllwyer, an astronomer,
or 11 physician, that is i&,'11orallt in the books of
law, ililtronomy, and physic. How can any mflu
then say that he professeth ChriRt and his religioll,
if he will not apply himself, ilil filr forth as he can
or may conveniently, to read :md hear, and so to
know, the books of Christ's OO!IJ>CI and doctrine?
Although other sciences be good and to he learned, God...un!
yct no man can delly that this is the chief, and:=oll
passelh all other incomparably. What oxeuso shall
we therefore make at the last day before Christ,


w w w. h a i l andf m


l'he SecomJ Part of the h:rMrlatifm

that (lclight to read or hear men's pl1Uubsics and

inventions morc than Ilia most holy Gospel; lmd
will find no time to do that which chiefly, aoo,tc
all thillW;, wc should do j and \\'ill rather ft'ad
other things than that for the whicll wc ollg'ht
rather to Icave reading 01' all other things? Let
llS therefore npply ourselves, as f:lI' forth as \\'0
can have time and leisure, to know God's word by
diligent hc:uillg Bnd reading lhcreof~ liS mau)' as
prolcss God, find have faith and trust ill him.
V&1ll ..~
But tllCy that have no good affection to God'!!
word, to colour this their limit, allege commonly
t';;4,:,ledplllof two "uin and feigned excuses. Some go about to
excuse them by their own fl1lilncss and fearfulness,
saying that they dnrc not road holy ScriJlture, lest
through their ignornnoo they should fall into nny
Tbe _d. error.
Other pretend that the diflieulliy to understand it, and the llardne6ij theI'C()f~ is 60 great, that
it is meet to be read only of clerks and lI.'Urned
As t(luching the first, ignornnce of God's word
is the e:tIlSC of all error, as Christ himself llffirmed
llaU.uU.t9- to the Sndducces, saying, that they erre<l, becaufe
they knew fwt the Scripture. lJow should they
then eschew error that will be still ignornnt? and
how should they come out of ignol11ncc that will
not read nor hear that thing whieh should give
them knowledge? He that now hath most know.
ledge wos ut tbe first ignorant: yet he forbufC not
to rend, for fear he should fall into error; but he
diligently read, lest he should remain in ignorrlllce,
nnd through ignorancc in error, And, if J'OIl will
not know the tmth of God (a thing most necessary for yOIl), lest yOIl fall into error, by the snmo
reason you muy then lie still, and never go, lest,
if J'Ou go, you full ill the mire; nor cat nny good
ment, lest you take a slIrfeit; 1101' sow your oorn,
nor lubour in your OCCullntion, nor use your mer_
chnlldise, for fenr you lose your seed, your labour,
J'our stock: and so, by tllfl.t reason, it should be
best for J'Ou to live idly, and novel' to take in hand



w w w. h a i l andf m

to lite Rtafling

of Jlol!!


to do any manner or good thing, lest peradventure

some evil thing ma.y ch:mec thereof. And, ir you n.... ,.,.,.t
be afraid to fhll into error by reading of holy =~~.:.i
Scripture, I 81lall shew }'Oll how you may read it wllhou..J1
without danger of error. Read it humbly with :t.l:.r~I~':.ol1
meek and a lowly heart, to the intent you mny lob.....
gloriry God, and tlot :rourselr, with the knowledge
or it; nnd read it not \\;thout dnily praying to
God, that he would direct your reading to good
effect; nnd take upon you to expound it 110 further
thnn you C:lIl plninly understand it. For, a9 St.
Augustine B.'lith, the knowledge of holy Smipturo
is tl grrot, large, nnd a high palace, but the door
is very low; so that the high and arrogant mnll
cannot run in, but he must stoop low and humble
himself that shall cnter into it. Presnmption nnd
nrrognncy is the mother of nil error: :md humility
necdeth to fear no error. For humilit.y will only
search to know the truth; it will search and will
bring t.ogetherone place with another; and, where
it cannot find out the meaning, it will prny, it will
ask of other that know, and will not Ilresumptuouslyand rashly define !lilY thing which it know.
cth not. 'l'herefore t.he humble mun may search
any truth boldly in the Scripture without llny
d:l.ngcr of eITOr. And, if he be ignor:mt, he ought
tile more to read and to sCllreh holy Scripture,
to bring him out of igoornncc. I say 001. nay.
hut :l. man may prosper with only hearing; but
he may much more prosper with Ix>t.h hCAring and
'l'his huve I said M touching the fear to rend
through ignorance of the person. And conccrniug the haronces of Scripture, he t.hat is so wenk
that. he is not nble to brook strong meat, yet he , ("or. In. "
rolly suck the sweet llnd tender milk, und defcr the lltl> I~I"
rest until he wax stronger and como to more
knowledg'C. For God t"C<lCi\'cth t110 learned and
ulllcnrned, and eastcth uwny nOlle, but is indir.
fcrcnt unto nil. And the Scripture is full, as welllkr1l1tll."'n
of low vallc}'s, plain ways, and easy for every man


w w w. h a i l andf m

---,... -..
. -.....


&co"d Part of 'Ae bAorla!io"

to use and to walk in, as also of high hills and

mountains. which fcw men can climb unto. And
Ir whOSO(!\"cr gi\"eth his mind to holy Scriptures
C oOIl_ndl with diligent stud)' and burning dCf;ire, it cannot
be," saitb St. John Chrysostom. tt that he should
...10 .-1 be left without help.
}o~(lr either God Almi~htr
will send him some godly doctor to tench him,
::IS he did to instruct Eunuchus. a nobleman of
Ethiope, and treasurer unto queen Candace; who
hllvin<>' a. great nlfeetion to read the ScriptuJ'C,
altho~gh he understood it not, ret, for tlll} desire t.hat he had unto God's word, God sent his
Apostle Phi lip to declare unto him the tnle sense
of the Scripture tllnt he rend; or elsc, if we lack a
lenrned man to il19truct and teach us, }'ct God
himself from above will give light unto our minds,
and tench us those things which are necessary for
110.. 11..
us, and wherein wc be ignorant!' And in anothcr
place Chrysostom saith, that I< mnn's human llnd
~.:IIlIDtd worldly wisdom or science llccdcth not to the un"" .
dcrstnnding of Scripture, hut the re\'clation of the
lIolr Ghost, who insJlireth the tmc meaning unto
thcm that with humility and dilibrence do SCllrch
NaIL.a1L therefore."
Ife tl"t ",J:et! ,luIit "are, alld A. t/rat
'UJ.ti! "'alt ji"d, ud Ae tAat 1;~/;tt" ,Aalt Aare
tAe door lI)HII. ]f wc read once, h\;ce, or thrice,
and uudcr"titand not, let U9 not cease so, but still
continue readin~, pra)'ing, asking of other; and
so, by still knocking, at the last thc door shall be
opened, as St. AUh"Ul>tine &aith. Although many
things in the Scripture be spoken ill obscure
)'et tllerc is nothing spoken wlder dark
m,rslerics 1lI onc place but tllc selrs,"!me thin~ In
other places is spoken more familiarly and phlilll)'
to the cnpaeily both of leanloo and unlearned.
And those thiugs in the Scripture thnt be plain
~., -.. It to understand and llccef!Sllry lOT salvatioll, cvcry
man's duty is to leaI'll them, to print. tllem iu
kno.. 1iodn or memor)'" und efft..'Ctunllr to exercise them' nlld
o~ .. ~J'
. a8 for thc dark myfltcflcS. to be contented to L"
ignornnt ill them until su('h time llS it shall pl(lU8C





w w w. h a i l andf m

to (ne Readi"!J of 1Ioly Srripfure.

God to op<'n tho!lC


nnto him.

In the mean

5l'llS01l, if he lack either aJllll(,~.s or opportunit.y,

God will not impute it to his lolly: but. )'et it

bcho\'eth not tllat such as Le apt should set !\Side

Le unapt to rend.
NC\tttheless, tor the hardnl'SS of such places the
Fe:ldin~ of the whole ought 1I0t to be set 3pnrl.
Anti briefly to conclude: as St. Au~t1stine S3ithJ
lw the Scripture all men be amclld..'<I., weak men
LC slrcngthcuoo, and strong men be comfurtea.
So tbat surely none be enemies to the rroding of \\"Mi~
Goo's word but snch as either be so ig'IlOrllnt 0131.
they know !Jot how wholesome a thillg' it is, or _ I.......
else be so sick that t.hey hale the mo..t comfortable medicine t.hat should heal them, or so UIlb-001r that they would wisb the people still to
reldin~. berou::e 8Qme other


contllluc in blindnCSB Hud ignorance 01' God.

'rhus we havo briell.l' touched some part of t11e n .. h<llJ'

commodities of God'l! holy word. which is 0110 or=~U:;-J..
God's chief nnd principal Ocncfits ~iVCll and de- thW ...-IIf.
dared to nUlIlkind here in earth. Let us thank
God heartily for tlli.. hiB great 311d slJCCial gill,
beneficial fal"OUr, and filtllt:rly !lfO\idl'IICC. Le~
WI be glad to ('ire Lt;. preciolls gijl of our. n..
hea\'cnly Fathcr. Let us hear. read. and know 1lIerWd
thl"-e holy rules, injull(:t:t'lns, 811d statutes of our =:'::J:'
Chrittinn religion, and upon that we ha\'c made
profC68ion to God at our oo.l,tism. Let us with """
tea.r and rcl'ercnoo Iny up III the chest of our
boorts these n~ry and fruitful lC8SQlls, Let
us ai9AI, a.d da, mUJ;e and .&act' .u;litatiWl and Pa. L I.
euntemplntioll i. tAe,.. L<:t us rumin.ate and all
it wecc chew the cud. that wo may lum,l thc
'~'cet juice, spiritual effect, marrow. hone)", kernel,
l:btll, comfort. and consolation of them. Let Wl
5111y, <{uiet, and certify our consciences \\;th tho
mObt, infallible certainty. truth, and perpetun.1 3S'Urllm,'c of them. Let us Jlr:t.r. to God, the only
AUlhor of these heavenly studIes, that wc Illay
speak, tllink. belicvc, livc, and depnrt hencc, aeeordillg' to the wholesomc doctrine and veritics of



" 5


w w w. h a i l andf m


Tile Second Part of the J::.rlwrtation.

thcm. And by tll:l.t menns in this world we shall

}Ja\c God's defence, favour, and grace, with the
unspcnknblc solnce of pC:\CC and quictness of COIIscicnce, nod nflcr t1lis miserable lile wc shall enjoy
the endlcss bliss and glory of h~vcn. Whieh he
grant us all that died for us nil, Jesus Christ: to
whom with the Father and Holy Ghost be nil
honour and glory both now and everlastingly.


w w w. h a i l andf m



TUE Holy Ghost, in wriling t!l(l holy Scripture,

is ill nothing more dilig-ent than to pull down
mun's vainglory and pride j which of ul1 vices is

most universally grnflcd in all mankind, (lVOll

from the first infedion of our first. f:lthcr Adam.
And therefore wc read in many J.llaccs of Scrill!Ufll
many notable lessons llg'3illSt tillS old rooted vi~,
to teach us tbo most commendable virtue of humility, how to know ourselves, llud to remember
what wc be of ourselves.
III the book of Gencsis Almighty God givcth
us all ll. tiUe and name in our grclIt-grandlilthcr
Adam, which ought to wurn us nU to consider
what. wc hc, whereof wc bc, from whence wc came,
and whither wc shall, saying thus: lit the 8u:eat 0/' o.... m. ".
thyface dalt thou eat th!l bread, till thou be turned
af/ain illto (M ground; foroflt ofit feu8t {hol~ tal'cl~;
inallltllc!t. tu (hou art dUlt 1 and into dust Ihalt thOl~
be (ufllcd again. lIetC1 flS it were in a glass1 wc
may learn to know ourseh'cs to be but ground,
earth, mld ashes, and t.hat to eart.h :md ashes wc
sl1Ull return. Also the holy patriarch Abraham
did well remember t.his nume und title, dUlt, earth1
and alhel, appointed llnd assigned by God to all
mankind; and therefore he eullet.h himself by
thut llame1 when he maketh his eilnlest Jlraycr OIIL nW. '1.
for So<lom and Gomorre. And wc rend that J"u- JLIII. lw. '0.
dith, Hester, Job lIiercmy, with other holy men :~:=.l:jy.


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Fint Part of the Sermon

and women in the Old Testament, did use sack

cloth, and to cast dust :llJd ashes upon their heads,
when t.hey hewailed tlleir sinful living. 'I'he,\'
called and eried to God for help :md mercy with
such 3. ceremony of sa.ekelotll, dust, and ashes, tktt
thereby they might declare to the whole world
what Rn humble :llJd lowly estimation they had of
themselves, and how well they remembered ihtir
nllmc and title aforesaid, their vile, corrupt, frail
nature, dust, earlh, ond nshcs.
'l'hc book or "risdom nlso, willing' to pull down
our proud stomachs, mo\cth us diligently to remember our morl:ll :md e:lrthly g'Cnet"'.ltioll, whieh
wc have nil 1/ him that 'lCM jir't malte; nlld th:lI.
all "tell, ns well kings as suhjects, collie illto thi,
tcorltt mulgo out oj' the ,aI/le iI~ /iJ..e 8Ort, that. is, as
of OIlfj;I'I\'CS, full miscmble, os wc may daily sce.
And Almigllty God COlllmnnded his Prorllet. Esay
to make II proclnmotioll nnd cry to the whole
ha' 01.6". world: and J~say nsking, What ,nalt I cry.? t11C
Lord answered, Cry that aUjle,h, i, gra", anrt thnt.
alt tne glory (nerew' i, bllt a, the flower 1f the jie/d:
wnel~ the gra81 i, withered, tne jlO/rer falle(/~ alca!l,
fDhel~ the rebul 11 the ]j()T(l blmcet!t. 1iP01~ it.
people 'llTe~'1 it gra8l, Ihe 1l'hich dricth 11p, anti the
jlower fadelh alCO.lf. And the holy l>rophet Job,
having in himself g-rent.. expcrience of t.he miserable alld sillful cstate ot' man, doth open the SlImc
Job>l~'-i' to the world in these words. J[all, snilh he,lnat
i, bom 1fa WO/lIlt, livb,g but a ,hort time, ,j'ull W'
manifold mi,erie6. ][e ,})ringelh up lile a jlower,
allrt fadeth ogaill, 1:allilJhing away a, it were a
dadow, alld lIe1:er cOlrli!lIIet/r. iu olle ,tatc. Ami
ckMt Inou llldge it meet, 0 lArd, to o))en thine eye'
1lpon ,uch a one, antl to brill.9 Idm to judgmelll 'lQit!
lhee.? WAo calt make him clealt (hat i, cO/lceirert of
an unclean. ,eed.' And all men, of their evilncss
alld natlll~1i !lrOllellCSS, were so universally gi\'cn
C'O ~l. 6.
to 8ill, that, as thc SCI'iptuTC snith, God repel/ted
thot ever he lIIade man: and by sin his indi~natiOll
WIll; J;O Illuch pro\'oked against thc world, that. he
" Job 1111.
~,J ...

.~ "d




w w w. h a i l andf m

Ilrowne<l all Om world with Noe's flood, except G.....11.
,,",0(' himself nnd his little bOIl5(,'ho1d.
- It is not without great cause that the S~riJlture
()f God doth 110 many times call all men here in
this world by this word, .EAr'''. 0 tAqu tar/It, Jer nU
tllrfla, ear/II, 63ith Jcrcmy, !lear lhe wO,ll of the


'l'his our right.


culling, and title,

};"tla, Ear/A., Earl!, pronounced by the l>rophet,


what we be indeed, 11)' w!l3tsoe"cr other

title, or dignit) men do call WI. ThUl; he
plainl)' nameth us, who knoweth best both whnt
we be, and what we ought of right to be rolll'<l.
.\nd thus he scHeth us forth, speaking by his
lililhful Apostl0 Sf.. PUlll: AU mim, Jew, and Gen- R(IID,IU.9""'S.

/'(tl, are wndtr ,i". l"tre UWOUt r;ghttolll, wo, not

TAut U fCOtft tAal nder,fa.(lef!; tAere i,
/1 i.e tAat udetll after God.
TAe~ are all 90lfe o,d
(If IAe ra~; lle! are all ."profiwUe: Ilue i8 nOlre
'!tat doeln gooa, flO, flOt OM. Their Ihroat i, an
OJ1tll It!j1ulchre; fOitlt their tonguell tltey Itare 114ed

rrajZ and deceit; the poi8on of lefjlellf8 11 umler

tlu:;r lip. l'Aeir moul'" i8 full of cur,ilfg and titterNe.,; I"dr fed are tt{ft /0 ued Uood. Dulnu:ti,,1f, nd are i", Ilrir ray', a"d I"e J&(l!
of ~ce lare lite! flot J."QrIf,: I"ere i8 flO fear (!f
God btfore their eytl. And in another plllcc St.
PUlll II'ritcth thus: Cotl !w.t!J wrap]Jtd ott llatiol/I'3~,


in nbtliif, that
migAt hore nterc!I on alto l'lw GIoI, w.~ ..
Seriplllre ,Alllkt4 ftpall vndu ,itt.;tltat IAe pro",ue
lu fail! of JellU CArid dow/d te girt" u/o
~lt. ILl be/ieee. St. Paul in man)" places pninttth us out in our colours, c:111i1l~ 118 lite cAildrelt of~ L J.
tlte wrafn of God wlten we 6e bont; 8uying' also that
Ire callI/at think a good thol/ght of OUrldcel, mllch Car, Ill. I
1\'~8 wc call 8Ily wcll or do lVell 01' ollr>'Chcs. And
the \rise Man Mith in the book of Pro\'crbs, TAe """',ul_


_lllt/al/etA Mrt1lli",u a (/Ily.

1'he most tried 3nd oppron.-d man Jobfeand all "". ... 1
hi, r()rk,. St. John the Bnlllitot, being' sanctified
in his mother's womlt, and praiSt'd belorc he W:tS L<Lll_1. ".
born, cullcJ all. all!Jct und !Jft!(I1 btjiJ" Ih6 .Lord, 70; MIoI Ill,



w w w. h a i l andf m

TAt!l Fi"t Part of tAe &'l1li)11


jilluJ n"~ fro Air bjd! ri/A lite llQI~ Gi04I, 1ItFpreptlrrr f!t tlte fl:i1~ fUT our Sa,-iour CArill!, :mJ
commenclt'<1 of our Sal-jour Christ to be .1)T'e


4 prop/ut, Dnd lne !lrulelf tAnl erer tea, to,II~llU-IlL


)I&ri< l.

7. 8.

0/ a

f&oT1la". )'t:t he
W ~ ru,Atd

plainl.y gnlOleth that he Iwd fftt'd

0/' CA,j,t; he worthily cxtollcth and
glorificth his Lord and M:l:.l('r Christ, IInd humblcth himself as ulIffIQrlli!J to ullbuclde hi, ,noel, nnd

g-ivcth nil honour lllld ,(;'Ior)" to Ood. So doth St.

Paul both oft llnd c\,jdcntly confess himself whllt
l ::.;1'~ nm. he WaB of himself, ever ~ivillg, as a most lilithful
servant, nll)lraisc to his )faster and Slniour. So





St. John the Emngclist, in the name

of himself and of all other holr men, 00 the.,'


just, make tbis open oonfl'S:;ion: If 1r~ I<J~ ft'~

j4t"~ _0 .i,., 1r~ dtiC'~ Mlr~lt"u, l11ul tAe trMt! ;8
fWt i. tu. Iffl:~ J:vllde,l!le OMr .jlf~, God ujuilj/fit
a.n j.At /ojvrgir::e tU ollr.i"., a.d to cl~lf# tufroM
aJ.t .ltri!Jld~eu. i)' fl:e 60' fl:e j.ate fWt .j1l1U1I,
fl:e .sle Aim a liar, a"d ",. fCOrd " fl()t i. -.t.
Wherefore tllC Wise Man, in the book ealll'd
Ecclcsiast>S, maketh thi8 true lIDd general COIlF....... YlI _ fession: Tkre i4 "ot ()Ife JNIt film, lIpon tAe I'Artll.
t1ult hl!l. 900d aUft .i,l1Ielk flot. And St. DHvi(l is
ashamed of his sin, Lut not to colllcSll hiii lOin.
How oil, how earnestly aud lamentaLly, doth he
desire God'il great mercy for hill f:T"'.It OllCllCCS,
I'" ulllL.. nnd Ulnt God lIhould MOt tllter ':',/0 judfJl1I.ed 1G;11I.
Ri"., And again, how wdl weighclh this hoh"
1'.. w. n: man his sin", when he confl'I>I>Cth thtt they he sO
JJ. n.
many in number und so hid, !lud hard to undl'rstand, that it is in manner unp06Sible to know,
utter, or number them I WherelQrc, he hllviug 11
true, earnest, and deep contemplation nnd COIIsideration of his sin., lI.lld )'et not coming to the
bottom of them, he mnketh supplication to God to
IOr9if:~ Ai".. RU prir~, u:cnt, Rid hll', to the kllOw_
ledge of the wbich he <;.'I11110t attain. He weighcth rightly his sins from the original root IInd


spring-bend, perceiving inclinntions, provocatiolls)

stirrings, sting-iugs, bud.l:l, bl'llncbcs, drc!,"Ii, inlbe-


w w w. h a i l andf m

of tAe M'm,! of J[a .


tiOD!, tastes, f('('lings, llnd scents of them to continue in him still. "'1H~rcrore he 6l1ith, ;JIar/: alllt ''LIt~.
~Aold, I fCQII CQIII:eired in lIi'II. lIe sllith not ,in,
but ill the pluml number ';"11; forasmuch as out
If one, as fountain, springcth all the rest.
And our 5:H"iour Christ saitb t!ln-e il .one good M&tt.1lI.",
hili God, Rnd that se calf. do .otji_g that is good
ri/Ullt Ai_, nor tIO .0& 01111 r:ome to tAe FalAu bill ::'-c..n , s;
O! Ai.. He oommandeth us all to !ay that," k ~ ntL ' ...
."profitable lena"t" ..Ae. " !lare d{>ffe all tAat .ce
ealf. Jo. lIe prcferrcth the penitent Publican before Lab ..... ,
tho proud, hol)', and glorious Pharisee. lIe ea1leth )la'll>.".
himself n. Phylician, Imt not to the/It that be whole,
(,Iltto lhtt& tAat be ,ick, and have 1lC<!(1 of his sah'e
for their 1lOl"C. He tcachetb us in OU~r:l)'('1'll to ~I.......
'J' LoI~uL
re k'now l"'U~ Ollrse ,"cs &lnners, an to
netl8 and deli\'erance from all evili: at our heavcnly
}'ather's hlU1d. He dcc.lnrcth that the sins of our 3bf,Ln.'q
own hearts do defile our own selvcs. He teachelh ....
that. on evil word or thought dl.'tKlr\'eth condem
notion, afiirming that ICe daU gite aill account/or lIalLd.LS6.
e~-ery idle word.
lIe snith he camt1 ftot to Itll:e bltt MatL n ..
th4 liteep Mat were ut1crly loIt ond cnst llwny.
Therdorc few of the Jlroud, just, learned, wise,
perfL'Ct, nnd holy Pharisees were saved by him;
because they justified b)' thcir counter
feit holinesa before men. 'Wherefore, ~"OOd people,
let us beware of such hypocrisy, vainglory, and
justifying of ourselves. Let us look upon our feet;
alld then dowll peocoek's fcatherff, down proud
heart, down vile clay, frail and brittle vcssc!e.




FORASlft:CU as tbe true knowled:::c of ourscl\'"CI

is very De'66a!'Y to come to the right knowledge
of God,
ho\"e beard in the l08t reading ho\'I'"
humbly all gOOly men nh\"ll)"g have thought of
tbc1Il8Clvcs, und so to think and judge of them.



w w w. h a i l andf m


l>&I.Y,l9. ,).

The Second Part

of the Sermon

selves are taught of God tllcir Creator by his holy

word. For of ourselves we be crabtrccs, that can
bring forth no apples. Wc be of ourselves of such
earth as can bring forth but weeds, nettles, brambles, briars, cockle, and darne!. Our fruits be deelared in tbe fifth chapter to the Galatinns. We
have neither fuith, charit.y, bope, patience, chastity,
Ilor any thing else that good is, but of God ; and
therefore these virtues be called there the fruiu oj
the llQt,r G!l04t, and not the fruits of mUll.
J.JCt us therefore acknowledge ourselves before
God, as wc be indeed, miserable and wretched


And let us earnestly repent, and humble

ourselves heartily, and cry to Go<I lor mercy. Let

us nil confess with mouth and hC3rt that wc be
full of imperfections. Let us know our OWII works,
of what imperfection they be j and then wc shall
not st...'lnd foolishly and arrogantly in our own
eoneeits, nor c1l11llengc 3ny )l3rt of justification by
our merit.<> or works. l~or truly there be imperfections in our best works: we do not love God 60
much U8 we arc bound to do, with nil our heart,
mind, nnd power; we do not fcar God so mueh IlS
wc ought to do j wc do not pray to God but witb
great and many imperfections j we give, forgive,
belie\'c, love, and hope unJ>crlectly; we lipcak, think,
and do unperlcetly; we fight llg'ninst the devil,
the world, and the flesh unperfectly. Let us there_
fore not be asllamoo to eOlllc6S plainly Ollr stato
of imperfection; yea, let us not be llsh:lmed to
oonfCSB impClfection cvcn in all our own best works.
Let none of liS be ashamed to SlIy with holy St.
Lut... ll.
Peter, 1 am a ,i11(ulman. Let us all say with the
h l.!),
holy Prophet David, Jlf4 llalle ,iu1l.e(J wit! our
fatla",; toe hate tI(me ami", and (leaU wid:erll!l.
Let us nllm3ke open oonlessioll with the prodi::'''1I1
'.,,~ .... I8. ~Oll to our Fathcr, 311d 83y with him, Ire IlOt'e
'9,jnnerl againlt heaven a1ltJ b~/ore t!lee, 0 J'ittlaer; tl:'8
are flOe worthy to be called thy '0"'. Let liS nil 8Uy
I\>.....b u.~ with holy Uaruch, 0 L(mJ (Iur God, to
a8crwed darJ/8 a1l.d CQuJi4lWn, and to thee ri!JhteolU-



w w w. h a i l andf m

of I"~ Jli~r~ of J!all.

_tU: ree "art' ';1I'Iftd. fCt! Aare dOHt! rcicleJly. W hare
kAawJ ()/lr~lr0!'6 .lIgodl~ ill aU t"~ rigA.l.eott8tuu.
Let us all gay with the holy Prophet Daniel, 0 Daa.b.,...
Lord. riO!lteo"",u, lNkn,gdla. 1o Iltu; "mlo 1U k101lgt'tA colffM,ioll. 1r~ Aaee ,ined. tee Ract' lNell
flaMgA'!, 1C~ har:e offended, "u hat'ejfed/rom Ihu. tee
Aat~ OOlle back from. aft lily precept, and judgmelfu.
So we ICllrll ot' nil good mcn in hol.y Scripture to
humble ourselvcs. aud to exult. extol. proise. mngnify, :md glorify God.
'rhus we hn\'e hC3rd how e\'il we be of oursclvcs;
how. of ourselvCli and bl' OUI'S{'I\-eg. we h:n>e no
~n('89:, help. nor salvation. but contrnriwise sin,
damnation. nnd denth e"crl3Stin~: which if we
det>ply weigh and consider, we 81mll the better understand the grelt merey of God. nnd bow our sal.
ntion cometh only by ChriGt. }'or in ourselves, tli .CI"S.
of ourseh-e:<. wc find nothinJr whereb.r we may be
delivered from this mise-mble captiVIty, into the
which we were cast. through the cll\-Y of the de,il.
by breaking of God's commandment in our first
p:lrent Adam. 'Vc (lre all become unclean: but we Pt. 1'. ,_ro.
ull are not nble to elennse ourscl\'es, nor to make
one another orus cle:lll. 'Ve nro by natl/re tlt~ childrm
of God', fl)ralA.: but we nre 1I0t able to make OUT_ ~:I~ .. II.J
J;Cl\"l~s the children and inheritors of God's glory.
"re arc deep tAat rllll a~tray: but wc Cllnnot of, '''I. U. 'f.
OUT own power come agnin to the sheepfold; 110
brrent is our imperfe<:tion nnd weaknCES. In ourIlCh'Cfi therefore mny not wc glo~r, which of our",Ives are notllin~ but rinfu!. Neither we may
ndoic.e in any works that wc do; which all be ~
unperfect and unpure that they are 1I0t able to
btllnd before the nghtoous jud~mellt I;('nt of God.
as the holy Prophet Da,-id aoaith: l.' fWt i"tQ 1"0.......
jMdO"'o!'IIt teilA tAy Io!'t'ratlt. 0 Lord; fur '110 Mall tAat
lir:dA dalt lJe/Oll1ld r;gAleoll~ ill. IAy,ight.
To Ood therefore mUljt we flee; or else shnll wo
never find pellec, rest. and quietness of conscience
in OUT helll'ts .For he is the };,tht:r o/fIIercie" QIIII.cor.LJ.
Gad oj' all co"lO{otioll. H(' is 111(' flQr<1 with whom


w w w. h a i l andf m


Tf,e St(()nd P.JTl

rf lilt: Samo/l.

~ .u~ 7. i8 pkttkt:nt, mmpli"". lIe is the God which ,,!

"ft'''1' Ai, OICII- 1Il~ MIre/A. . ' ; and scltcth out his charity
~Y.s. :md exceeding lo\'o townro us, in that of his ow~



when we were peri:;hed, he

nnd pro\;ded an evcrlasting kin;..rdom for

us. And 1111 these hl>fln'nl,r t~ures are ~i\'cn lli'.
not for our own dceerl", menta, or good deed..,
which of QursehCfj wc h:wo lIone, but. of his mer~
mercy freel)". And for wh01'c sake? Truly for Jesus
Christ's sake, that pllTe alltt tlntltjilm La-"w of GoJ.

I P.. L't-


He is that denrly beloved SOil for whose Mike God

is fully p:lcified, 8ati!'licd, :md set at one with mall.
loAlu 1.'9.
He is the Lamb 0/ God, rAicR. tal.etn. aleoy lhe ';11'
if tlle1COrM: of whom olll.r it may be tnlly spoken.
I,m"".l,' that he did alt lid,,!!, tcell, and in Ai, mouth, tca,
,1"1.11,,,. found 110 crnfl nor snhtilty.
NOlle hut ho alone
Jolu..I~So.. may say, 'J'h~ prj"c~ 1l the '/Oorl<t came, a"tt iN, ",e
It~ hatk f1ot!ling. And he nlonc may say 1\180, Whicla
J.... o ~W.46. o/!f01l ,!tail 1'epror:~ 1II~ 0/' a"J.folllt.? He i!J tAat hi!,;,.
Ilob. ~J. J.t" urut ererl<uting Prie,t, teltic! hat! offered him,e{(ont'e
'11 '..
for all upon the nltnr or the cross, and tcit;" tIMe
Me oolat;o#!latA MadtJ perfectfor ernwre tile", t/ral
,n..1L t6'


AlalLl. ...

.I<ob l. ,,Cd. D. J.

are la1lctijierl. He is the a!o1fe Afediator ktYUJ

Godll"d ,,",Ill; which paid Offr ru/UJOnl. to God tcil! A;.f

Uood; and rit! t/rat Aal1 Ae ek(u,~ rufroa olt

He is the Plw ician 1t'1id ha'et! att (Jllr dj,~
ea'. He is that Stl.\-iour which lautJ Ai, people
frotlf, all tAejr ,;tu. To be gllOrt, be is that f1owinJ..:'
and most plenteous fountain 0/ rAOH fM/lltu alt
tee !tare reiretl. :For ill Ai,. atMle are all tAe ITN-

J: (J1e...


,,,n, of IAe rw/m.

0.4 1'.olt:t~,1ge

if GfHl


and in him, and by him, have we from God tb:

a.. ... l~. Father all J.."OOd things pertaining either to tho
body or to tho 8Oul.
o how mut"h arc wc bound to tllis our IICllvenly
Father for his ~J'('at merd\.'8, which he hath so
plenteously dcclllre<l WIlo us in Christ JCfiu onr
Lord and S:l\'iour I "'hat thanks worth.y lllld slImcicnt can wc give to him? Let us nll with ono
nccord bUNt out. with jorf'ul \'oices, ever [email protected]
nod magnifying this Loril of mercy for his tender


w w w. h a i l andf m

0/ tAe iIli#r$ 0/' JI<JIl.


kinaneso> shewro to U8 in his dearly belo\"ed Son

JI:"u.." Chri~t our Lord.
I1 ith('rto ho\"c we ht.':ml what we lIrc of oursel\'e~;
\"Cri I)', sinful, wretched, and damnable. Again, we
hu\"c heard how that, of ourselves and by ourselves,
we nre not able either to think :l good thou~ht, or
work :1 b"OOd deed: f!O thal wc C:l1l find ill oun;e!vC8
110 hope of 8:11mtioll, but rnther whntsocvcr makcth
unto our destruction. Again, wo hnve heard the
tender kinUllL'f;S and great mercy of God the
l'ather to\l'ard us, find how bcncficinl he is to 118
lor Christ's linkc, without our merits or d~crts,
cycn of his own mere mercy BlId lender goodness.

Ko\'I", how thc;.;c exceeding great mercies of God,

set abroad in Christ Jcsu lor me, he obtained, llnd
how we be dclh"ercd from the captivitr of Sill,
death, and hell, it shall more at larg'C, wIth God's
help, be dl'('l:arcd in thc next
nnOll. In the
mean sroson, rea, and at all time>', let us learn to
know oUl'l;Clw~, our frnilty and wenkncss, without
allY cracking or boasting of our own good dCl.><ls
and merits. Let us also lmowlcdgc the c:(cceding
merer of God toward us, l\lld oonft.'811 that, as ot'
ourseh'es oomcth nll evil and dl\mnation, IiO likewiliC of him oometh all goodnc!.<s and salvation; as
God himsclf Ii.'l.ilh by the Prophet Otlee: 0 braet, 11....1110thy de,trllclio'" comet4 qf {hy,efJ~ but tit me only iof
tIt~ help and oomlorl. If we thus humbly Iiubmit
ourselvcs in the sight of God, we m11r. be sure that
in the time of his ,>isitation he will !Ill us up unto
the kingdom of hia denrly beloved Son Christ Jbll
our Lon!. To whom with the }~atber Bnd the Holy
Gh06t be all hOllour and glory for ever. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m




BEC.U::SE aD men be sinners and offenders against

God, and breakers of his law and oommandmenu,
therefore roD no ronD by Ius own acts, works, lLnd
deeds, seem they ne\'er so good, be justified and
made righteous before God; hut e\'cry man of necessity is COllstrnined to seck for :mother righteousness or justification, to be received at Cod's own
hands, that is to lIa)', the remission, pardon, 811d
forgivellCSll of his sillS and trespasses in such
things as he b3th off(mdOO. And this justification
or righteousness, which wo so recei,'c by God's
mercy and Christ's menu, embraced by faiUl, is
tftkeo, necelltcd, and allowed of God for our per.
fect and CuI justification.
.For tho more full understanding hereof, it is our
parts :md duty eyef to remember the great mcrcy
ot" God; how thnt, Blithe world being wrnpped in
sin by breaking of the Inw, God sent. his only Son
our Saviour Chri"t into this world to ful61 the
for us, :md by shedding of his mOl:it precious blood
to make a sacrifice nnd snti"fnetiOIl or (as it rnnr
be ettlled) nmcnds to his }<'lllhcr for our sins, to as!lunge bill wmlh lllld indiguntion conceived agnil\l;t
" - ' us lor the ~'\me. Insomuch that infnnts, being
01 a.r.t".
baptized :md d)ing in their infallc.r. are by this
Facri600 wm;hed from lb,'ir sins. brought to God's
f:1\'our, Bnd made his children and inheritors of hiB
kin~om of heavclI.
Aud they which in act or
dt.'Cd do sin after their baptism, wh('1l they turn
lignin to God unfl:iguedl)'. they ore likewise wtulhed





w w w. h a i l andf m

'fAe Pi"t Pari rylAe &rmOIl




b,' tbis sacrifice from their sins in such sort that

there remllineth not an}' spot of l;in that shall he
iIDputed to their damnation. 'Ibis is that justification or ri~htoousnl.'Si which 81. Paul speaketh of
when he 63ith, No .a. u jrulified 6y tAt 1&orl", of-a-. IlL to,
tAe law, &Nt freely by fait! ill Jt81t' CA,i,t. And n.~. ~o 611ith, Ire btliel"e
elm'd. Juu, fAat ICt G~Il.,.
De jll.&tijiefl freely bg the fad! q( CAmt, aud not by
tAt tcork' of the law; heea/llt that 'I/O tlIan ,lul{t be
;wIlijietl 6!1 tRe lCor1'" of the law.
And, :although thill justificatioll be frcc unto liS,
yct it cometh lIot 60 freely unto us that there is no
ransom paid therefore at nil.
But hero m:lY mau's reason be l1stonied, reason- A.a IlbJoodIOD.
iug aftcr this fa,;hioll. If a r:lnSOIU be pnid for
our redemption, thell it is not given us freely: for
a prisoner that l>''l)"cth his raIW/m is not let 1,."0
fn.... ly; for, if he ~ro freely, then he goeth without
ransom; for what is it cbe to go freely than to be
act at liberty without pa~'ment of ransom?
This reason is sati~;ficd br the great wisdom of .... _ .
God in this m)"stery of our redemption j who hath
so tempered his justil'C and mercy together, that
he would neither by his justice condemn us unto
the everlasting ctllltivity of tho del'il 311d pri_
SOil of hell, remedilc68 for cver without mercy, Ilor
b)" his mcrc)' dcli'"cr us clenrlr without justice or
pllJ'ment of a just ransom, but with Ins endles;!
mercy he joincd his mO!'t uflri~ht and equal justice.
lli~ grcnt mef('Y lH! sheI\'lod unto lib ill dl'lin'rillf:'
U8 from our former ~pti\'ity "'ithout requiring of
an}' ransom to be rmd or nmcnds to be made u~n
our parts; which thing by us hOO been impossible
to be done, And, whereas it lay not in us that
to do, he pro\'"idcd a ransom for us, that was, the
most preciOUS bodr and blood of his own m()(it
dear and Lest belo\'lod Son Jesu Chribtj who, besides h;s mnsom, fulfilled the Inw for us flPrf.'ctlv.
And fIO the justice of God and his mcre)" did
brace together, nnd fulfilled the mystery of our
redemption. And of this justice and mercy of




w w w. h a i l andf m


The Fi"t Part ql'the Sermon

God knit together speakcth St. Paul in the third

a-.IL 1l'" chapter to the Uomall$: All .4dre offe,uh:ll alld ,fare
1Ieea of 'Ae gwry of God, Imf are j .rtijietl frulJ &!I
Itu grace 6y rtJe/Jlpfj(l1t tcAicA. if j", Jt8JI elt",,;
teAo"" Cod hat! let jorlh to w.r for a reconcil" a"d



peacemaker tArol/gk fltith in All blood, to dtuJ hih

rigRteolUntll. And in the tenth chapter: Chrill
i. tAt t1Id of 'lte LarD fH'ro rigAfetJM,"e" 1.0 ef"'y
"011 tAat kliertfA.
And in the eighth chapter:

T!uJt ..lie! ra, impouiUe "1 ,Ae Lore, ilJQ.lglld QA

it tea, fuai b.f tAt fled J GO/I Ntfr(i"!I Ai, DICit '" ill

tlie timilibafe of ,in/Ill flu! by ,in damned ,in in tlu:

jle.rfl,J that tAe r;gltttuUIIU" ill lite IAl/lJ might be.rllt~
Jilted i't fa, 'leA;e! calk 1I0t ajler the jle.rA.. but (!fkr
tAe Spirit.
'I1l>WWIn these foresaid places the Apolitle toucheth
specially three thinWO, which mu",l go togtthcr
J!"""""'" in our justific:ltioll: UpOIl God's part, his gTCllt
mercy Bnd J:rr:lce j upon Christ's part, justice, that
is, the satislilction of God's justice, or the I'l"ice of
our redemption by the offerin~ of his body and
shedding of his blood with fulfillin~ of the law
perfectly and throu~hl)'; and u(lOn our part, true
and lively faith in the mcrits of Jesu Chri..;t;
which )"ct is not ours bul br God's workill~ in
us. So th:"!t in our justification is not only God's
mercy and g-rllce, but also his justice, which the
n...... w. u. Apostlo c:lllclh Me jUIlice (11" Go<l; nnd it oon"
' .tn pBJing our ransom':I and fulfilling of the
law. And IlO the wnee of God doth 1I0t shut out
the ju:>tice of God in our jw;tifirotion, but ollly
ahutteth out the justice of mall, that ill to &'1)', the
justice of our works, ns to be merib of dcscr\'in~
our justification. And therefore 51.1)nlll dl'Cbrl.'lh
here nothin~ upon the behalf of mall ('t)nCCrllill~
his justiliclltioll, bllt only a true and li"c1r faith;
.:,Ir. L
which nc'"crlhcll'b1l ill IM lift '!f God, and not
11_ 11 It... mnn's onl)" work without God.
And rct that
::.,.,,~ faith doth not shut out re)'lent:mcc, hope, Ion',
~~U:Ullolh (!tend, llnd the fear of God, to he joined with f;lith
in cwry Illall tbat iil justifi\!d; but it shutlclh



w w w. h a i l andf m

of Sa!l:ation.


th{'ffi out from the offico of justifying. So that,

nlthOll,a-h the)" be nil present together in llim tlmt
j~jllstjlied, yet they justify not nil tOl; Nor
thllt filith also doth 1I0t shut out the Justice of our
f.1"()O{1 works, ncccssorily to be dOlle aftCnl'aro of
duty towards God, (for we arc most houndCIl to
~cn'C God in doing good deeds commanded by
him in his holy Scripture all the days of our life;)
but it cxcludcth them 80 that wc may not do them
tl) this intent, to be made &roo<l by doing of them.
for all the good works that we can do be unpcr1i.'Ct, :l.JId therefore not able to dcscl"Vc our justification: but our justification cloth come freely, by
the mere mercy of God j and of so great and free
mercy that, whereas all the world was not able of
their 601\'/,,'8 to pny allY part towards their ransom,
it pleased our heavenly }~uther, of hia infinite
mercy, without any Ollr desert or deserving, to
>rcjlurc lor UB the most pNcious jewels of Christ's
>Ody and blood, whereby our rallsom might be
fully paid, the law fulfilk'<l, llnd his justice fully
"''l.ti"fie<l, So that Christ is now the righteousness
of nil them that. truly do bclie\'e in him, He for
them Jlnid their rnnsom by his <Ienth, 11e for
them fulfilled the law in his lile, So that now in
him and hy him e\'ery true Christinn man may be
called a fulfiller of the Jaw; forasmuch l\S that
which their infirmity lnckcth Christ's jUlStice bath



YE ha\'c heard of whom all mCIl ougllt lo seek their

justificntion and rightcousness, and how also this
rig-hteolUmess comcth unto mell by Christ's dl::lth
and merits, Ye heard also how t.1mt three thin~"lI
arc re<luired to the obtnining of our rightcouslJe8l:l;
that i", Goo's mercy, Chritit.'s justice, nnd a true
and n lively fnith, out of the which lilith sprillgcth
b"OQ(1 works. Also before was dt'Clnred at I:'T).."(I


w w w. h a i l andf m


TAe &CQlld Part

of fAe


that DO man can he ju"tilicd by his o,rn ~l

works, bcc:lusc that no m:an fullilleth the law IIC
eording to the full of the law. And t.
Paul in his Epistle to the Galatians pro\'cth the .,. same. SlIying thus: If tAn'f: Aad k~lI
/atIJ !flea


trtAic! ef)1l!d .4arejrutijied. uTi/., rigAieoll.lleu U,OIlU

!are t.te. 61 tAe 1010. And again be fl:lith. If
rigltteo'",'eu k &.f tAe larD. I"~ en,;-d did ;,., ra;".
And again he s.... ith. 1'0. tAaf ore j,,~f[/ied ill l/ie
laID are fallen. QIl"a.v lro"" grace. And furthermore
EJ>b Il, .f. be wriloth to the EllhCl'inns on this wise: D.f grace
are ye ,aud tltrough fai/A; and '''at not 0/ Jour.
,elt'cI, for it iI lite !lift of God; and not 0)' JCoT'l-,.
telt any man ,hou/d .f/lory. And, to be short, the
11"", ,I. 6. sum of all Paul's diBputntioll is this: that, if
justice come of works, then it oometh not of gmcej
and, if it comc of grace, then it (!()mcth not of
works. And to tll,s end tcndeth illl the Prophets,
as St. Petcr sllith in the tenth of the Acts. Oj
CA,;8t att lhe PropAel4, snith St. Peter, do rcit"eu,
lAat lArou!)! Ai, J.ral"~ all l!u.f tlo4t teliere ;n Ai,.
dall ,eire lAe rtll/i~i(Jlt t:f ,i,".
h!tlI ...,.
And after thi:; \\i~ 10 be jm:itified, only by this
true and li\'el)' fnith in Christ, speaketh all the
IIfOW ........ old and ancient authot'll, both Greeks and Latins.
Of whom I will speciAlly rehearse three, llilan',






Basil, and Amhrose. St. Hilllr)' saith these \'fora.;

plainly in tbe ninth Canon upon Matthew: ItJ'aith
only jU6tifieth!' And St. Basil, a Greek author,
writeth thU8: It This is a perfect and l\ whole rejoicing in Cod, when a man a\'3unteth not himself
for his own rightroul>ness, bUl knowledgcth himself
to lack tme justice and righteousn($l;, and to be
justified by the only fnith in And Paul,"
So'l.ith he,ll doth glor)' in the contempt of his own
rightcoll.\<nc~$I, nnd that lIe looketh for 'Ae ,i!)/Il~u'4
~4' of Cod by jiJilA." '!'hcse be the words of SL
Basil. And St. Ambro"e, a Latin author, soitb
these words: "'fhi:; il'l the ordinance of God, that
he whieh belic\'eth ill Christ should be I;il"ed with-

out wOI'ks, by l'uith only, freely



w w w. h a i l andf m


of Sahation.


of his sins!' Consider diligently these words.

Without works, by faith only, freely wc rcecivc
remission of our sins. \Vhat can be spoken more
plainly than to say that freely, without works, by
faith only, wc obtain rcmissioll of our sins?
These find other like sentences, Hmt we be justified by faith only, frecly, and without works, wc
do rend ofttimcs in the most best and ancient
writers. As, beside Hilary, nasil, and St. Ambrosc before rehearsed, we read the same in Origcn,
St. Chrysostom, St. Cyprian, St. Augustine, Pros~
per, Occllmcniu8, Phatius, Bernardus, Ansclm, and
mnllr other nulhors, Greek alld Latin. Nevcrthc- Fallhal""
less, this sentence, that we be jnstified by faith :::~:.~
only, is not so meant of them, that the said justi- ilOOIL
fying faith is alone in mall, without true repentance, IlOpe, charity, dread, and fear of God, at any
time or seuson. Nor when they say that we ha
juatilled freely, they menn not that we should or
might nftcrward be idlc, nnd that nothing should
be required on our parts afterward j neither they
meau not so to be justified without our good works
that wc should do no good works at nil, like n8
sh:1I1 be more expressed at lnrgc hcrenrtcr. But
this saying, that wo be justified by faith only,
freely, and without works, is spoken for to take
away c1eMly nil merit 01' our works, as being un
able to deserve our justillcation at Ood's hands j
and thereby most Jllainly to express the wenkncss
of Illllll nnd the goodnC88 of God, the great in.
llrmity of ourselvcs and the might :'llld power of
God, the imperfectness of our own works nnd the
most abundant grace of our Saviour Christ; and
thereby wholly lor to nscribe the merit nnd de6~n'illg of our justification unto Christ only aod
IllS most precious bloodshedding.
'fhis faith the holr Scripture tcacheth: this is Tb4ol"Olllo'
t~l~ strong rock and foundation of Christian re~ ~~~:'~~
llf,'1.on: this doctrine all old and ancient authors ,,,.tt4cU>.
of Christ's Church do upprovc: this doctrine adlIaucct.h and setteth forth the true glory of Christ,


w w w. h a i l andf m


TAe &co1Ul Part of 'lie &mQ1J

What...,... and beatcth down the \"ain glory of man: this

whOf!OC"cr denicth is not to be counted for a true
;::::,,,ODIJ Cbri!'tian mao, nor for a setter forth of Christ's

~lor)'J but for an adn:~rnLry of Christ :md his

GOtipel, and for a setter forth of men's vl1ill~lory.
And, although thi", doctrine be never so truc, as
it is mOllt true indeed, that wc be justified freely
without all merit of our own good works (as St.
}>8ul cloth c...xpress it), and frooly by thilllivcly and
perJi.'Ct f:lith in Christ only (us the ancient auUIOrs
use to speak it). ret this true doctrine must be
nlso Inlly understood 111ld most plainly declared;
lest carDnl mell should take unjustly occasion
thereh)" to li'"e carnallr nftcr the appetite and will
of the world, the f1e>:h, ood the devil. And, ~
C3lbe no man should err by mistaking of this
doctrine, I shall plainly and shortly so declare the
ri~bt underst3Ddin~ of the same, th3t no man
shall ju,;tly think that he m:J.y thereby take any
ocetll!ion of carnal liberty to follow tbe de!oi.rcs of
the flesh, or that thereby an'y kind of sin shall be
committed, or any ungodly Il\'ing the moro used.
Firtlt, you shall undenotulld thnt in our justiflea::;~~~:::i, tion hy Christ it is not nil onc thing, tho office
=uJ~' 01' God Ullto man, and the oflice of man IInto God.
Justification is not the office of mall, but of God.
}~or mlln cannot mnko himself righteous by his
own works, neither in part, nor in tho whole j for
that were tbe greatest aJ't'0g3ncy and presumption
of man that Anticbrist could set up against God,
to affirm that a man migbt by his own worb take
away and purge his own SillS, and 80 ju,,1.ify him_
J.Cl6cIo_ self.
Dut justification is the office of God only;
~~-=-. alld is not a thing which we render unto him, but
which wc receive of him; not whieh wc givo to
him, hut which wc take of him, by his free mercy,
and by the only merits of his most dearly belo\t,.'(f
SOil, our only Uedl'emcr, Saviour, and JUI~lificr,
Jesus Chril:it. So that the true unden;lallding of
this doctrine, We be justified freely by lilith with.
out works, or tbat wo be justified by faith in


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Salratio".


Christ only, is not t~l[It this .our .own, to ~)!'

lie\'e in Christ, or thIs our f:llth m Christ, wllleh
is within us, doth justify us and desen'c our justification unto I1S; for that were. to eount ?u~I\"~s
to be justified by somc act or Vlrtuc that IS wlthm
oUT>;eh'cs. "But the true underst:lIlding' and meaning thereof is, that, although we hear God's word
:lnd belicve it, although wc have faith, hope,
('harit)', repcntanee, drc:ld, :lIld fear of God within
us :lIld do never so many good works thereunto,
yet wc must, rcnoullcc the ,merit of nit our said
yirtucs of l:L1th, hope, charIty, and all our other
vmues and good deeds, which we either ll:we
done, slwlt do, or call do, a'l things that be far
too weak :md insuflicicnt and 1Illperli.oct to deserve
rolmil;sion 01' our sins and our justification; and
tllc,'efore wc must trust onhr in God's merc.\', and
in that sacrifice which our l:ii~h Priest and Saviour
Christ Jesus, thc Son of God, once offered for us
upon thc cross, to obtain tllercby God's grace, and
remi.ssion, liS well of our Ol'iginal sin in baptism,
as of nU actual sin committed by us after our
baptism, if we truly repent and turn unfeignedly
to him again, So tlmt, ns St. John Baptist, al_
though he were never 80 virtuous and godly a
mall, yet in this matter of forgi\'ing of sin he did
Ilut the people from him, and appointed them unto
Christ, s.'lying thus unto thelll, Beholtl, !fonder i8 JolmLt9.
the .Lamb 0)' God, u:hick ta~eth away the 8in8 of the
vorltl; evell so, as great rind as godly a. virtue ns
the lively faith is, )'et it llutteth us from itself, IInd
remittcth or nllpointeth us unto Christ, for to have
(Jllly by him remission of our sins or justification.
So thnt our faith in Christ, as it were, saith unto
WI thus: It is not I thnt tnke nway your Bins, but
it is Christ only; nnd to him only I scud you for
that purpose, fonmking therein all your good virtuea, words, thoughUl, and works, llnd ouly putting
your trUbt in Christ.


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Third Part

0/ /llf! &rll/(M





IT hoth been mnnifestlr declared unto )'ou that

no mUll enll fulfil the luw of God, onc! therefore by
the law all men lire condemned: whereupon it followed Dece&;.,'1rily that iiOrne other thing should be
required for our sah-ation thall the law; and that
is n true and a lively faith ill Christ, bringing forth
good works ond a. life oeoordin~ to God's corn.
mandmenl.$. And also you h('lII'd the nneient fmthOrH' minds of this ~lIyillg, FlIilh in Christ only
ju"tifi('jh mnll, so I,luinly dedarcd, that yOIl sce
that the wry true m('oning of this proposition (or
saying'), We be jlbtilied b)' filith in Christ only,
according to the me-cming of thc old Dncient nuthol"!', ii! this: 'We pnt our faith in Cllri"t, tlUlt we
be jnl,tilied 11)' him olll)', thut wc be justified by
God's free merq and the merits of om Suviour
Chri!:lt onl)', and b)' no virtue or good work of our
OWll thut is in U"", or that wc can be ablc to have
or to do, for to de8en-e the I;3l11e, Chri"t himself
"nl~' being the (..:lU~ meritorious thcn.'Of.
Here )'OU perCfi\e mrmy words to be used, to
avoid contenhon in words with them thnt deligllt
to brnwl nbout words, nnd al"o 10 B-hew the true
mC3ning', to avoid c\'il takill~ and misunderstand_
ing: and Jet pernd,'enture all will not l;Cn'c with
tbl1m that be (.'Ootentious; Lut contenders will e\"cr
fol",=,"C matter or contention, c\'en wlum they ha"e
nOIlC occasion thereto.
Notwithstandillg', such be
the 1':"8 to he pa"sl'd upon, 80 that tho rost may
!,rofit, whicll will he mor: de8irous to know the
truth thull, wben it is plain enough, to contend
about it, and with contentious and captious C4.\'ill::ations to obM'ure and darken it. Truth it is th::r.t
our own works do llotjllstifY us, to speak properly
of our justification; thnt is to &'I.y, om works du
not merit or deservc rcmillllion of our sins, und
make us, of IInjll6t, jUltt before God; but God or


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Salvation.
bls mere mercy, through the only merits :lnd deof his Son Jesus Christ, <loth justi(~' us.
~fcvcrtheless, because faith <loth directly scnd us
to ChriJ>t for remission of our sins, and that by
faith given us of God we embf3CC the promise of
God's mercy :md of the remission of our sins, which
thin.... 1I0ne other of our virtues or works properly
docth, therefore Scripture uscth to say, that. filith
without. works doth justify. Ami, fOfllslIluch that
it is all one sentencc iu efleet to S:lY, Fait.h without.
works, and, Only faith, doth justilY us, therefore
the old ancient fathers of the Church from time to
time have utLcred our justi{ieatioll with this spC<.'Ch,
Only faith justilicth us; meaning 1I0ne other thill:;than Se Paul meant when be said, l~ait.b without
works justifieth us. And, because all this is brought.
to pass through the only merits and dcservings of
our Saviour Christ, and not through our merits,
or through the merit of any virtue that wc have
within us, or of any work that comcth from us,
therefore, ill that respect of merit lInd deserving,
we forsake as it. were altogether ngnin faith, works,
and all other virtues. }'or our OWII impcrfcetion
is so great, through tho corruption of original sin,
that all is imllCrli..'Ct that is within us, faith, charity, hope, dread, lh.oughts, words, and works, anu
therefore 1I0t. Illlt to merit and deserve any Jlart of
our justification lor us. And this form of speaking
wc use in the humbling of ourselves to God, and
to givo all the glory to our Saviour Christ, which
is best worthy to have it.
. Here )'011 ha\'e heard tho office of God in our
Justification, and how wo rcccivt,l it of him freely,
by his mercy, without our deserts, through true
and lively tililh. Now you shall hear the oflioo
and duty of n. Christiull lDan unto God, what we
o~ght on our Plll't to I'Cnder uuto God ngttill for
Ins great mercy and goodness, Our office is not",., u.~
to t>~ the time of this present life un fruitfully ~:';"~:.hh
and. Idly after. that wc are ooJltizod or J'lI8tificd, not ..-d>
Hh. dG ", I
carmg bow Jew good work.a wo do to the glory OflLbenJ'.'"



w w w. h a i l andf m


The 1'hjrrl Part of the &rnum

God and profit of our neighbours: much less it is

our ofHce, after that we Oe once made Christ's
members, to live contmry to the same, making
ourselves members of the devil, walking rlfter his
inticcments rind rlfler the suggestions of the world
and the flesh j whereby wc know that wc do serve
the world aud the devil, and not God. For that
faith which bringcth forth, without repentance.
either evil works or 110 good works is not a rigllt.
pure, and livcly filith, but a dead, dc\ilish. counterfeit,
and fcigned fnith, as St. Paul and St. Jamcs
"1II. Ill.!'
For even the devils know :md believe that
J ....-U.,;- caU it.
'0. ,~. s.:. Christ WrlS born of a virg-in, that he fasted forty
"'10.... 1'. ,\~.
Tl,n "'vllo
days and forty ni~hts without meat and drink, that
l"~.', bhlo.
lie wrollg'ht nil kind of mil11c1cs, dccl:lrillg himself
l,ut _Ih,
"'" falU,.
very God. 'l'bey believe also that Christ for our
sakcs suffered most painful death, to r.. .dcem us
from evcrla:;ting death, and that he rose again
from death the third day: they believe Umt he
nscendcd into heaven, and thut he sitWlh on the
right hond of the l~at1ler, rind at till'! bst cnd of
this world shall come ngnin and judge both the
quick nnd the dead. 'I'hose articles of our faith
the devils believe; amI so they believe all things
that be written in the New and Old 'l'estament to
be true: and ret for all this lilith they be but
de\'ils l remaining still in their damnable estate.
For the
What" u.- lacl..;ng the very true Christiun faith.
I"" ""d
to be......lfylo.
lieve that holy Scripture and all the foresnid articles of Ollr faith ure true, but also to lllLvc II sure
trllst nnd confidence in Godls merciful promises to
be saved from e\'erlasting damnntion by Christ;
whereof doth follow a loving heart to obey hie
commandments. And this true Christian filitb
neither allY devil hath, nor yet any man which, in
h.... ",t
outward profession of his mouth and in his
1nl. taj'b.
outward recei\ing of the Srteramelltsl in coming to
the church and in all other outward nppearances.
I'l:emeth to be a Chri:stinll mall, and yet in his
living and dCt.~ shewcth the contrnrJ" l~or how
th:I.l ...

I'lUd ....... ko.
...., ,,1,1 d<I


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Solvation.


can a man have this true faith, thi~ !lUre tnl~t an.d
confidence in God, that by the merits of Chnst Ius
sins be forrriven, and he reconciled to the favour of
God, and to be part:lk~r of' the kin~dom of hea.ven
bV Christ, when he hvcth ungodly and dellleth
Christ in his deeds? Surely no sueh ungodly man
can have this faith and t.rust in God. For, us t.lley
know Christ to be t.he only Saviour of the world,
60 t.hey know also t.hat wicked men shall not elljoy t.he kin~om of God. They know that God
!latet! unrig!deou,,,el8, that lie will de,troy nil tAOIe I'H.!,6t!rat 6peak untrll{y; that t!uue t!ral have done !J()O(1 Jotm .... >9,
fCorA'" which ennnot be done without n lively fhith
in Christ, lliall come fortlt. into the 1'e8urrectit.m qf
life, and thOle tliat have dOne evil dalt come U1lto the
rUllrreclion qfjudgment. And very well t.hey kllOw
also thilt to thellt thal be contelltioll8, a1ld to them t!uJtn 'm. u. 8, 9tDill not be oIJediellt 'unu> the trut!t., but will obe!! 1J11rf.'lhttfJU8neU, "'all co/ne indigllutiolt, wratk, and 01jlictifJn, ~,c.

Therefore, to conclude, considering the infinite

benefits of God shewed and givell unto liS merei.
fully without our deserts; who hath not only
created us of nothing, and from a piece of vile
clay, of hill infinite goodnCfls, hath exalted us, as
touching our soul, unto his own similitude and
likcnc"8; but also, wllercns we were condemned
to hell and death everlasting, hath given his o\\"n
natural Son (being God eternal, immortal, and
l'<J.ual unto himself in power and glory) to be incarnated, and to take our mortal nature upon him
with the inl1rmilies of the same, and in t.lle same
nat.ure to 8uflcr most sllamcf"ul :l1ld Illlilll'ul death
for our oflcnccs, to the intent to justify us and to
r~stortl us to life e\erlast.illg'; so making us also
IllS dear beloved child reil, brethren unto his only
Son our Saviour Christ, amI inhcritors for C\'{'r
with him of his eterulll kingdom of' heavcn: theFc
great and mercif"ul bellel1ts of God, if" t.he)' be well
Cf"Ilu,i !,'rcll, tIo neither mini..tcr uuto UIl occn:,;ion to
112 IJ,e ulId to live without doing anr good works,


w w w. h a i l andf m


u. ...


T.k Third Part of t;e


of Salcalw'/&.

neither yet stirrelh l1B by any means to do evil

things; but contran\vise, if we be not desperate
persons. and our hcartB harder than stones. they
move us to render olU"!ieh'cs unto God wholly with
all our \viU. hearts. might, and power j to sen'C
him in all good deeds, obeying hi;; commandments
during our lives j to seek in all things his glory
and bonour. not our sensual pJe:u;ures and vain.
glory j evermore dreading willingly to offend such
a merciful God and loving Redeemer in wom.
thought. or deed. And the said benefits of God.
deeply considered. do move us for his sak<> also to
be ever ready to ~ive ourselves to our neighbour!!.
and, as mllch as licth ill us. to study with all our
cndcavour to do good to evcry mall. 'l'hcsc be the
fruits 01' the truo faith: to do good, ns much liS
lieth in us, to every man; and, above all things
nnd in all thin~, to advance the glory of God, of
whom only wc hnve our sanctification. justification,
salvation, and rcdellllltion. '1'0 whom be evcr glory.
prai.oc, and honour world without end. Ameu.


w w w. h a i l andf m

0' TII




TUB first coming unto God, good Christian people, ,...

is through faith; wllcrebr. as it is declared in the
last Semlon, we be justified befure God. And,
lest llOy man should be decci,'oo for lack: of right
understanding hereof, it is dilib"enlly to be noted
that fuith is taken in the Scripture two manner of


'!'here is onc lillth which in Scripture is called a. A dc.l ~II.

dtad faith j which bringeth lorth DO good works, Jau.. ll. ,.
but is idle, barren, and unfruitful. And this fllith ".

hy the holr Apo~t1e St. J:lmcs is compared to the

faith of dill; which btlin>e God to be t.rue and

ju'ii, a1f1J [re",Me for fem, yet they do nothing well,

hut aD evil. And such a manner of faith ha\'c thl,!
wicked :and nauA'hty Christian Ioople; which COlIftq Gotl, DB St. Paul saith, ill 'Ae;r Mo_tA, 1J.e dnJ TIl
Ai,. i. tAdr d~, fNi"!I alJo.ilWble ."tlritlo.t tle
r'ifI"t fait"- aM to all fIOOtl tcOr'l6 rtpt'OWJ6k. And
this faith is a pel'tiuasion :md belief in man's he-olrt,
whereby he knoweth that there is a God, and
~th unto all tnlth of God's most holy word
eont..uncd in holy Scripture. So tllat it consirlcth
only ill bclicvinJ{ of the word of God, that it is trill.'.
And this ill not properly called fnith: but, IlS he
that readeth CCSllr'8 Comllleut.aricl:!, believing the



w w w. h a i l andf m


G.ol. G.

The FiTlt Part of the SermQ:t

slime to be true, kl.t11 tll.crcby a knowledge of Co.

sm-'s lifu :md notable acts, because he believcth the
history of Ccs.'Ir, yet it is not properly said that he
believeth in Ccsnr, of whom he lookcth for no help
nor benefit; even so he thnt belicvcth thnt all tlJllt
is spoken of God in the Bible is true, find yet liveth
so ungodly that he eDlmot look to enjoy the }lromises Bnd bellefits of God, although it may be said
that such a man 11nth a faith and belief to the
words of God, yet it ilil not properly said that he
believeth in God, or hath such n faith nnd trust in
God whereby he may surely look Jor glilee, merey,
:md everlnstin~ life at God's hand, but rather for
indignation and punishment necording to the merits
of his wicked life. 'For, as it is written in a book
intituled to be 01' Didymlls Ah:xandl'inu8, H fol11So
mueh n8 1:'I;lh without works is dead, it is not now
fnith; 3S a dead man is not a man." This dead
fitith therefore is not that sure nnd subsumtial faith
whiell savel h sinners.
Another faith there is in Scripture, which is not,
us thc IOfCSl:lid fuith, idlc, unfruitful, and dend, but
lCorl'etk b charil, as SI. PUlll d('clareth Gal. v:
which, as the OOWI vuin fRith is called a dead faith,
so may this lHl ealled a quick or lively faith. And
this is not only tile common belief of the articles of
Olll' faith, bu\.. it is also a sure tmllt Il.l.l.d confidence
of the mere)' of God tlll"Oug-h our Lord Jesus Christ,
and a IltcaJlust hope of all good t.hings to be received at God's hand; and that, although wc
through infil'm;ty or temptation of our ghostly
t!lIcmy do Jil.ll from him by Sill, yet, if we return
again unto him by true rcllcnt:mcc, that IlQ will
Jorgi,'c and !orh"C\.. our ofli:m(.i..'8 for hill Son's sake
our Saviour J('lmS Christ, :l.lld will mnke us inheritol'S with him of 11i8 everlasting kingdom; and
that ill the mean time, uutil that kingdom come
he will be our proh.'CIOl and defender in all peril~
and, whatsoever do chanoo; und that
thou~h solll.('{;me he doth scnd IlS shnrJl adversity:
)'et that evermore he will be a loving l~ather unto


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Faith.


us coJ'Tcclin~ \IS for our !'in, hut not wilhdrawing

bi~ mcrcy finlllly from us, if w~ trU!'lt in him, and
commit ollnlch'Cs wholly unto IHm, llflug only upon
him and call upon him, rcaJy to ahoy and serve
him: 'l'hiil is the truc, lively, and unfeigned Chris-tillll faith, and is not in the mouth and outward
rrflf('~"ion only, but it livelh, ~lIIJ stirrelh inwanlly
III the heart.
And this li.lith is not without hope
and tMlst in God, nor without the love of God and
of our neighbours, nor without the fear of God,
nor without the dcsire to hlY-lr God's ,,;onl, nnd to
follow the f;,'lme in eschewing e\'il and c10ing gladly
all good works. This fi.lith, l\;:I St.!>alll dcscribcth 1I1ll1. KL
it, is lhe sure &"l'Ound :lIld fOllndation of the benefits which we ought to look for and trust to recei\'e of God, a certificate and sure looking for
them, 1Ilthough they yet sensibly appcnr not unto
us. And after he S3ith, lIe t!tat cometk /,() God mu,t Ibid. b.

/)eliet:e both {!tat he i4, and that he 18 a 11lerei/i,t reteortfu q/ weU dQtr4. And nothing commcndeth
1-,"00<1 men unto God so much as this assured f.'lith
and trust in him.
Of this faith three tIlings are specially to be "'_lb:n,o;o
noted: first, that this faith doth not lie dead in ::.:rQ~talLl<.
the heart, but is lively and fruitful in bringing
forth good works i !lC(,'ond, that without it can 110
good works be donc, that shull be acceptable lmd
plca&lnt to God i third, what mIlliner of good
works they be that this faith doth bring forth.
'For the first. As the Ii ht canllot be hid, but 1'a1lh10 fllUllf
will shclV forth il8clf at ol~e lllaee or ot her i 80 a r<Mld wor.....
true lilith canllot be kept secret, but, when Q(:cn,,,ioll
is ofl'crcd, it will brCllk out and ahew itself' by 6"OOll
worh. And, as the living body of n. nUlII ever
(xcn.1r.cth such things liS belollgcth to a natural
3nd living' body for nourishmcnt llnd preservation
of the $Ime, liS it. !lath nccd, opportunity, and oc
~a,;ion; evcll so the soul thllt hath II.livcly faith ill
It will he doing nlwny some {,rood wOl'k, which
shall declare thAt it is li\'illg, lllld will not be UIIoceupied.


w w w. h a i l andf m


J'he Fir8t Part of the Sermon

'l'hcrcforc, when mell hear in the Scriptuf'Cfl so

high commendations of faith, that it mllkcth us to
please God, to live with God, and to be the children of God; if then they phantasy that they be
@ct fit liberty from doin~ nil goood works, and may
live as tllCy list, tlley trifle with God, and deceive
t.hemsehcs. J\nd it is a manifest token that tho\'
be tilT from hnvin .... the true :lIld lively faith, and
also fllr from kno\~lcdgc whnt lme faith mcanct.h.
For t.l10 very sure and lively Christi:m fi\ith is not
only to belit\'c all thillgs of God which arc con
tnined ill holy Scripture, but nlso is llll earnest
trust llnd confidence in God, thut he cloth regard
us, and that he is curcf'ul over us, liS the father is
over the child whom he doth love, and tlmt he will
be merciful unto us for llis only Son'a sake; and
that we have our Saviour Christ our I>crpct.ual Advocate and Priest; ill whose only merits, oblation,
lIud sullcring we do trust t.hat our oflcncea be eOI1tinulllly washed :l11d purged, whensoc\'er wc, rclel1tin g truly, do return to him with our whole
leart, stead/hatly ddermining with omscl\'cs,
through his gr:lCe, to obey and scrve him in keeping Ilis commandments, and ne\'er to turn back
a~ljn to sin.
Such is the true faith th:lt the
Scripture doth so much cummend: the which,
when it sedh and considereth what God hath dOlle
for us, is also moved, through eontinual assistanec
of the Spirit of God, to SCTl'C and plellse him, to
keep hit> till'om, to fear his displeasure, t.o continue
hi" obedient children, shcwing thankfulncsa again
iJ.\' ob~erving (or kccping) his commandments; llnd
that freely, for true lo\'o chiefly, and 1101. 101' dl"Cad
of punishment or love of tempornl reward, considering how cllmrly without our d~ervin!!'8 we
have received his merey :lIld pardon freely. e
'fhis l~ue faitll will she\\' forth itself, :Uld cannot
llo.b.lL 4' lOllg be Idle. }'or, as it is written, liie jUlt Jnal~
(10111 lhc b!l 4j, fail", he neither slccpcth nor is
idle, when he should wllke aud be well occupied.
J, nU. 7.8. And God by his Prophet Jercmy saith, that he i,


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Faith.
a happy ami ble88ed man toldd hatA. faitlt and CO'Ijidence in Cod . for he i8 lil;e a tree 8et by the waler
8i,le that 8prem}eth hi8 roou a!JrQl1d wward lhe moi,_
ture' and j'eareth nf)t heat when it cOlI/ellt; Id, le,!(
via' be greell, and trill not eea,e {,fJ brill!! fortlt hi,
(rait. E\'cll so lilitllflll mCIl, putting away all fear
of ao\'el'Sily, will shew forth thc fruit of their
'wad wOl"kti, us occasion is oflcrcd to do them.




YE have !H.'llrO in the first part of this Sermon

that therc be two kinds of filith, a dead and an
unfruitful faith, ano /l. faith lively tlwt worketA. ~If 0.1.... 6.
charity; the first to be unprofiblble, tl16 second
necessary for tile obtaining 01' our l:ialvutioll; the
which lilith huth charity always joined uuto it,
and is fruitful, bringing lorth all good works.
Now 38 concerning the s.' matter you shall hellr
what I'olloweth.
'l'he Witic Man snith, lIe that heliel'eth 1ft Gotll'...,Iu. mU.
fOilt nearJ.:en unlo hi8 commaIU11l1enl,. Fur, if we do ' .
not shew ourselves faithful in our collversation, the
faith whieh wo pretend to have is but a feigned
l:lith; bel':lUse the true Christian faith is mani
festly shcwed by good liviug', and not by word,;
ouly, as St. Au~ustine saith," Good livillA' emlllot Ub.". I'kIo
be sl.'pamted from truc faiNt, fOhich 1OOr~'eth b.'l :'~~b"",
,!r;e." And 81. Chrysostom snith," Faith of itsl.'lfllorna.d'l.fp
IS full of goo<l works: liS SOOIl as a mlln doth 'I FW..
belie\'e, he shall be garnished with tht:im."
How pl<.'ntiful thi.i liJith is of good works,ll1ld
how it mnketll the work 01' one man more acccptable t.o God thull of another, SI. Plwl tea<:hcth ut Hob. f.
!arg(> in the eleventh ehupter to tlw H<lbrews, s.'IYIng' that fhith Illude the oblution of Abcl better Uen.19 .<.
than the oblation of Cain. 'l'his mude Noc to <JeIl.n...
,.VIII'11( llC
1 IIr.
k "'I
1 ,. 1
. 1<:<:11... ,1,9
J liS mll( e Avru lam to lorsake Illi '1. Gen.1.
couutry :llld all Ilis fricnds, und to go unto :l fur J'; ,It '-j.


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Second Part of the Sermon

country, there to dwell amOl~g' str:IIlj.,"CI'~,. So did

also Isaac and Jacob, dcpelldmg (or hall~lllg) only
of the help and trust that they had in God, And,
when they came to the country whieh God pro
miscd them, they would build no cities, toll'll!t,
nor houscs; but lived like str:l!l~('rs in tcnts, that
might every day be remo\'ed. 'I'heir trust was so
much in God that they set but little by any
worldly thing; for that God 1111d prepared for
them better dwelling-places in heaven of his own
(1..,. nil ,- IOulldatioll and building.
'l'his faith made Abra,R' . .:,.,,1....
Imm reucl y at G0 d' s comm:mcl mcn t to ouer
own son and hcir IS:1:lc, whom he loved so well,
filld by whom he was promised to h:we innumerable issuc, among tlle which onc should be born ill
whom :111 nations should be bk'Sscd; tru.':'ting so
much in God, th:lt t.hough he wcre slain, yet that
God \\':J.S able by his omnipotent power to raisl.l
him from dent.h, :1lld perfonD his promise. lIe
mistrusted not the promise of God, although unto
his n::II>Qn every thing soomed contrary. He b&.
lieved \'erily that God would not forsake him in
dearth :lTId fRmine, that WllS in the counfry. And,
in nil other dan~"'ers that he was brought unto, llC
trusted ever that God would be his God ond his
protector and defender,!ver he MW to the
contl'Ury, 'rhis filith wrought so in the heart of
.,~.ll.,,: ]\foses, that he rifltud to be lol.'en for king Pltarao
~~~b ~I ,~- hi8 daughter'8 8011, and to have great inheritancl.l
in Egypt; tMllki1lg it beller with. the people of God
to hat'e a.Ufiction. llnd SOrrow, than with !l:1ught,v
men i,t 8i,t to til:e plea8antt!l for a time. B!I juith
he cared not for the threatelling of I.';"g Pharao: for
his tl'llst II'llS SO in God, thut he passed !lot or
the fdieity of this world, but looked for the rewlln:l to come in heaven; sctting his heart upon
the illl:i8ible God, a, if he had ,een hj,,,, et'er prUCllt
V.">d . IY,,, before his <'yCll,
Ji!l faith the childre't oj' brael
Sea, Buflaith.
the walu or
J,*, .1,'0: J"J
11.... .d.J... llierico felt dOll"n without stroke; ulld many other
wonderful mirnclcs have been wrought. In nil


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Pitith.
good men that heretofore hrlVe t>ccu, fnith hnth

brought forth their ~ works, nnd oblnined the

romises of God. }'aith hath stapped the lianK InM'I.1l'-2J'
' d tfle
' j ioree 1t,rfi171:: ""
mOl/tM: filith '
lal 1 ll
hath e,cojJtd tile ,/(}()ro', edge,: lilith hath g1ven eh.Id' 3i'
weak men strength, victory in battle; overthrown
the rmie, of i'!fidell; raised the dead to life.
Faith hath Dlnde good men to tnke adversity in
j.,oood 11art: I()mc Ital;e been, mocJ;ed a/ut whipped,
boulld alld ca,t i't prilQll.; some havc lost all thell
"Y'()()()s, and lived in grent poverty j ,ome nalle
tcQnaered in, maul/lab", hilll, and foiftlentc"; some
have been racked, some sl:tin, so,ne 8toned, some
IQwn, some rent in pieccs, somc headcd, some brunt
without. mere", and would not be delivered, because they looked to rise ngain to a better sLntc.
All these lathers, mart}'I'l:;, and other holy men,
whom St. "Puul spake of~ had their I:lith surely
fixed in God, when all the world W:lS against them.
'l'hey did not only know God to be the Lord,
Maker, and Governor of all men in the worlll j
bllt :tlso they had n. special confidence and trust
that he was and would be their God, their comA
forter, aider, helper, m:tinblincr, and defender.
This is the Christian faith j which these Itoly men
had, :md wc also ought. to havc. And, nlthollgh
they were not named Christian men, yet was it a
Christian f:litll that the)' Imd; for they looked for
all bencfits of' God the Father thrOllj:.l'h the mt:rits
(,e his Son Jcsu Christ, as we now do. '1'his dil!cl'~
l!ncc i.':l betwccn them and us; for they looked
when Christ SllOUld (:oml', :md wc be ill the time
whl'lI he is come. 'l'herelore 8:lith St. August inc, ~n " ...
1t'1'hc timc is nHere<! :llld ehang'l'(l, hul. not tllO rn..~_ . L
faith. l~'or wc ha\'e both onc faith ill OIlC Chri,,:1."
'l'he same 110ly GllOst also that wc have, had ,Cot.l"'l
they, snith S1. P:lul. l~or, as the Holy Ghost.
doth teach us to trust in God, and to call 1111011
him ll.S our 'Father,!tO did llC teach tllt'1ll to sa",
as it is writtcn, Thou, Lord, art our Falher a~dh.l.l\~j,/I.
lltdulltl.:r, aud thy l\ame i.r lOitlwut b~!Jillltin!J alia


w w w. h a i l andf m


TAt &co"d Part 0/ tk &rmon

trtrl(J~li.!J' God gnve them tllen grace to be hi"

children. as he doth ug no\\', But now. b~' the
coming of our a\'iour Christ. we have re<:'ei\'oo
more abundantly the Spirit of God iD our hearts,
whereb)' we may concci\'e a grrnter faith and a
5Urer trost than mall)' of them hnd, But in efft'Cl
they nnd we be all OIlC: we ha\'e the S3me faith
thnl tbe)' had in God. and the)' the fl3me that we
}Jll\'e. And St. Pnul 80 much extolletb their faith,
because we should no l('!>!!. but r3ther more, gi\'C
oursel\'es wholly unto Christ. both in profCfi$ion
and livin~, now when Christ is come, than the old
n.thers did before his coming, And b~' nil thedcelartltion of S1. Paul it is e\'ident that the tnle, H\'ely,
and Christian fllith is no dend, \'ain, or unfruitful
thing, but a thing or perfect \'irtuc. of wonderful
operation (or working) and strength, bringing
forth all WXX1 motiolls alld A'ood works,
All hol>' Scripture n:rreenbly bcnrcth witnCl>ll
that a tnle Ii\'ely fuith in Christ doth bring forth
good works: and therefore e\'cry man mu:;t examine and try him!'elf dili~nlly, to know whether
he have the s:llne tnle li\'el)' faith in his henrt
unfeignedly or 1I0t; whieh he f:hall know by the
fruits thereof, Mnny that prof.-ssed the fnith of
Christ were in thL.. error, that the)" thought th('y
knew God and believed in him, when in their tile
they declared the oontr3ry. Which error,St. John
in his first Llli..t1e conlilting writcth in thill \\'i..~:
.J. . . . J Ue~ tt:e art etrtiJit(/ tAill rt 1:,f(JID God, if r"
oIJltrre Ai. CQ,.",a,.d",t1ft", Ut !Aat MJilA Ae 1:1I1111'dA
God, a"d ~rrtl! wot Ai. CQ",.a"J.e"t8. i, a liar,
Qrfd tAt lNlt! i. "ct i,. Ai",. And again he lsuth,
111... ;. JrA080trer n'f1Ief! dtlt" wot Ife God, "or h()1D Ai.
kt ffO ",all dtetirt 1011., reil ~lo/'ed cAiltlrr:11. And
Ml .,..... moreon:r he iiaith, IItrt&$ ve h()ID t"at ""t be 0/
lAt trMlA, a,,(11Q re dult per./(alle OMr Atarl. lJifore
him_ Fur, ij' our OICIt- ReI/ri' rtprore U'. G()(l i.
"bot-t Ollr !Jtort" a"d k"w-tlA. all lAi"!!8. Welt btloud, it our luart. Ttprat"t 11' 'fIot. t!Jen Aare 1I:e cot(
fidel/ee 1'n God, and 'Aall Aat-e oj' !Jim lC/lfI{,ott:tr Jet


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Faith..
'Jk oecau8t ICe keep h.iJ commalulmelftJ, and do thole
tM~gl that p(eale ~im. And yet f~rlher.he. saith,
]:;eery man that belut'eta tnat JeBuB f8 CAnBt U /;orll ,J"':m".I,,1I,
of God: and, We know tnat fCMwever iJ horn qf God
dotA not li",; hut tAe generation oj' God p"rgetA. him,
aId the devil dotA. not l<Juch him. And finally h('
collcludeth, and shewing the cause why he wrote
tbis Epistle saith, For thiB caU8e have I thuB 'll)ritld1~ IblJ.'"
"nl<J you, that you may know that yOI' Iwve erJerUlBl
ing life which do helieve in the &n of God. And iu
his third Epistle he confirmeth the whole matter
of faith llnd works in few words, s,'lying, ][e that JJ(Ilu:IlI.
doelk tOelt i, oj' God, and he t/wt doetA. evil Icnoweth
ftot God. And ns St. John saith that the lively
knowledge and fait.h of God bringctll fort.h good
worka, so saith he likewiae of hope and charity
that. they cunnot stand with evilli"ing. Of hOJle
he writcth thus: We know tlwt 1I)hel' GOlI dalt IJobnW >,,So
appear, f(le thalt he tiJ.e unl<J him,),or we ,halt lee
Ailn ere//. a, he i,. And 1I)1108Oet;er hath thil MpC il$
him dofh, purif!l himBelJ~ liJ..e a, God il pure. And of
charity he aaith these words: He tlult dotk keep I JobnU.!.
God', word or eommandmcnt, in him iB truly the
perfect love of God. And again he tlaith, Thi, i8 the, Joh" J,
kJre qf God, that we ,hould I,:eefl hi, commandmen18.
And St, John wrote not this lIS a subtile saying
devised of his own llhantasy, but IlS n. most certain
nnd nt'cessary truth, taught unto him by Christ
himsclf, the eternal and infallible Verit.y; who in
many places doth most c1earl.y affirm that faith,
hopc, and charity cannot consIst (or stnnd) with
out good and godly works. Of faith he saith, lie Joh" 1l1..!6,
t!tat heliet'etn i", the Son hath. evsrla81ing lile; hut
he that he/iet,etk not 11& the &n dalt not Bee that life,
tut the wrath of Gorl remaillelh 1lflon him. And the
same he oonfirmeth with a doublo oath, 8.'lJ'illg',
Por80oth and forJootA. I lay unl<J you, Ho t!lat he. Jo"n~'ll'
liet,etA. in. 1//e nath et'erltl8ting life. Now, fornsmuch
as he that ooliet'elk i/& Chri,t !IaiA- 8t'erlaliiJj(t We, it
must need" oonsc<lucntly follow that he that hath
this faith must have also good works, and 00


w w w. h a i l andf m


The 'l'hird Part of the Sermon

studious to obscn'c God's commandments Obccrl.

cntly. For to them tllat have c\'il works, and
lead their life ill disobedience and transgression
(or hrcaking) of God's commandments, without
repentance, perlaincth not everlasting life, but
)10l1.m46; C\'cl'lasting dcilth, na Chri~t himself saith: They
J, ha Y. '9
that do welt dolt go into lile dental, bill tllty that
tlQ evil ,halt !10 illlo the curtaIling fire. And llg-ain
ll.... ul.6-,. he $.'lith, 111111- tile jtrll leller ami the {Mt, the 6egillltil/g and lite ending. 1[, hi"" that ;, athir81 I will
gice of the well of the water ~r lile freely. Ile that
hatlt. tlte view".,! ,halt hare alt thing8, and I wilt be
Iti, O()(l, and he 8IIatl be m.'1 40n .. bill they that be
fearful, tniltnllting God and /acl.:il/gjailh, they that

be CI/Tled people, a"ll murderer., mutj"orl/icawr., and

,tOrCcrCN, anti idfJtatcra, and aft liara, ,lIaft have their
portwn in the la~'C tllat burnetA '/Ojtlt. fire alia brim~
,tO/IC, whicA i. tlte 8eCQnd death. And, us Christ tln~
doubtedly affirmeth that true fllith lJringcth forth
good works, so doth he say likewise of charity:
C'ji11 f
1rluJlocccr hath Ill!! comma/ubi/Cllt. alld I..ccpclh them,
~~rk.',[b that if he that wcelh mc. And after he suith, llc
John 11., ". that lo~'el!l 11IC failt i:up 11I!1 frOrtt: umI, Hc that
'.1 ~.
lovctlt. 11Ie flot J.:ccpeth flot 1I1//wortlt,
And, as the love of God is tried bJ' good works,
so is the fcnr of God also i ns the Wise M:m saith :
Hetl.,. J. H. 1'he dread 0/' God pnttetA awog ,j,~.
And also be
u. I,
saith, lle thatfearetA God wilt dfJ good work,.


You have he:lro in tlle sccond part of this Sermon,

tll:lt 110 m:m should think that he h:lth that lively
t'l.ith whieh Seriptnre commandeth, when he li"cth
not obediently to 00d'6 luws i for nU good works
spring' out of that f.'lith. And also it hnth been
declared unto )'011 by exampleB, that fllith maketh
men !'iteadf:l.!lt, quiet, and paticnt in all afnictiollS,
Xow liS concerning the same matter )'on shall hear
what f'olloweth.


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Faith.


A man may soon dccci\'c him~lr, and think in

bis own phantasy that he by fmth knowcth Go<I,
lovcth him, fenrcth him, und bclongcth to him,
when ill vcry deed he docth nothing less. :For
the trial of all these things is a very godly and
Chri"tinn lire. He that lbt>lcth his heart set to
seck Go<Fs honour, and stlldicth to know the will

nnd commandments of God and to fmme him~c1r

thereunto, and leadet.h not his life the desire

of his OWII flesh, to serve the dc\'il by sin, but

scttOtJl his mind to serve God for <too's own sake,
nnd for his s.'lkc also to love all his neighbours.
whether they be friends or adver:;.'lrics, doin$: good
to every man, as opporhmity scrvcth, and willingly
hurting no man; such a mall rollY well rejoice ill
God, pcreci\,jng by the trade of hiil life that he
unfeignedly !lath the right knowlcdge of God, a
lively faith, a sleadfiLSt hope, a true and unfeigned
love and fear of God. But he that castcth away
the yokc of God's commandments from his neck,
and giveth himself to livc without true repentanoo,
aller his own scnsual mind llnd pleasure, not re~
Wlrding to know God's word, and much less to
live according' thereunto; such :t man clearly deceiveth himself, llnd 800th not his o\\'n heart, if he
thinketh that. he either knoweth God, loveth him,
fcarclh him, or trustcth in him.
Some perndventuro phantasy in themselvcs that
they belong to God, although they livc in sin;
and so they comc to tbc church, and shcw them.
sch'cs as God's denr children. But St. John saith
plainly, If we 8a!l that we have aTl!l CQtnpan!l teif!: , J~.~ l. 6Gm!, a1l(1 ?(pall.: in darl.:1Iel8, we do lie. Other (10
vainly t.hink that they kllOw nnd love God, nl.
though they pass Ilot of his commalldmen1l:l. nllt
81.. John fmit.h clearly, He f!lat 8aith, 1 !molO God, I J~n U. 4
anlt I.eepefh. 1/ot hi8 COJl/JIIQIlfI/I/Cflf8, he i8 a liar.
Some fiLlsdy pen<uade t.hem~eln" that they lovo
God, when ther halc their nci~hIKllll"l'. But SI.
John saith m:lllilcstly, !fOll!llllUIl80.'l, [u}/'(J God, ."~",ly '0,
and !let ha/etA hi8 bm/, h.e i.. a tio,. He thutD.<r'


w w w. h a i l andf m


Tlte Third Part of the Sermon


tait//. tAat he 18 in the tight, and hatet!

he it ,till in darklle8l. He that wt'etk Idt brother
dwe/let! il/. the light .. but he that !ulkth hu brotlzer
in darkneu, and wall.:etA in darhet8, and klWwct!l.
1Iot whither he goe{!, for darkne88 fUlfil. blind~~ Au
e./je,. Aud mOr<lO\'cr he saith, Hereby we mani/ell/y
know tile childr!:'" 0/ God from the children of the
devil: he that t/oeta 110/ rig!lleou8(If 18 not the child

,John W. '0,

of God, nor he llu1f lIaulA hi, brother.

Dcecivc not yourseh'cs therefore, thinking that

rou have faith in God, or thnt you love God, or
do trust in him, or do fear him, when yOll live
in sin; for thon your ungodly llud sinful life dcc1arcth the contrar)', whatsoever ye say or think.
It pertaincth to a Christian man to have this true
Christian faith, and to try himself whether he
bat.h it or no, and to know what lJclongeth to it,
and how it doth work in him. It is not the world
that we can trust to: the world, nnd all that is
therein, is but vanity. It is God that must be
our defence and !lrotcction against all temptation
of wiekedllC6S and sin, errors, superstition, idol~
atry, and nil evil. If nil the world were on our
side, and Go<l aWlillst us, what could the world
avail us? 'l'herelore let us set our whole faith and
tnlllt in God, and neither the world, the devil, 1I0r
nil the power of (hem, shall prevail against us.
Let us therefore, good Christian poople, try and
eX:'.Imille our faith, what it is: let us not flalter
ourselvcs, but look upon Olll works. and so judge
of our filith, what it is. Christ himself speaketh
)lau 2U Jl' of this matter, :md saith, 1\ie tree i, /aWWlI 6!1 the
fruit. 'l'herelbre let us do good works, and thereby
declaro Ollr Hlith to be the lively Christian faith.
Let liS, by such virtues tL!I alight to sfring out of
f:lith, show our election to be sure an< stable j as
J Pt!. I. 10.
St. Peter teacheth: Blldeavour yourlelve, U:J make
your calling and ch()Millg certain by good '/C()rJ..,.
1~i4. 5-1.
And also he saith, Milli,ter or declare in your jilitla
virtue, in virtue kllolClcd!Je, in knowledge temperance,
in tempera/we patiellct:, again, in patience godlineu,


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Faith.
irs godtil/e8$ brotherly chari(l;' ill brotherly chanty
lore. So shall we shew indeed that we have the
\'err livcly Christian faith; and may so both eer
tif" our conscience the bettcr that we be in the
ri";'ht la,ith, and also by these means confirm other
m~n. H these fruits do not follow, we do but
mock with God, deccivc ourselves, and also otllcr
men, "Tell m:!y wc bear thc name of Christian
men, but we do laek the true f."lilh that cloth belong' thereunto. For true faith doth ever bring
forth good works; ns St. Jnmes snilh, Shew me thy Jamn U ,.
joith by lhy deed6. 'I'hy deeds :md works must Le
an opcn testimonial of thy faith; otherwise thy
f:lith, being without good works, is but the de\,ils'
faith, the luilh of the wicked, a phnnlasy of faith,
Ilnd not a truc Christian Illith. And, like lIS the
dC\'i18 and evil people be nothing t110 better for
tllcir counterfeit faith, but it i8 unto them the
marc Cl.lUse of dnmnution, so they that be christellc<I, IInd IHlve fl.'<:eivcd kllowled!,"C of God nnd
of Chri.o;t's merits, and rct or a set purposc do live
idly, without good works, thinking the nnmc 01'
11 naked filith to be either sufficient for them, or
e!;;e setting their minds upon vain pleasures of
this world do livc in sin WIthout repentance, not
uttering the fruits tlwl, do belong to such nn high
profession; upon such IJresumpluous persons alld
wilful sinners lllust needs remain the great \,en
g'ellncc of God, :md ewrnal pllnis11menL in hell.
prepared for the devil :llld wid,ed livers.
Therefore, as rOil protes:> tile nflme of Christ.
~"od Christ.ian !leople, Ict 110 ..ueh plllllllasy and
ltllllginntion of l1lit.h at nllY time leguile YOll: but
be sure of your 11lith; try it by rour living; look
upon the fruits that cOlllclh of it; mark t.he illcrease of lo\'e and charily by it toward God und
your neighbour; :md so shallyou pel'ceive it lo be
a true lively faith. }f you f"'ill And pCfC(livc such
a laith ill you, rejoice in it. alld be dilib"'cnt to
~ailltain it find keep it still in )'ou: let it be dnily
Increasing and more and morc b)' wcll working:


w w w. h a i l andf m

tne 'J'hird Part qf tne &rmtJn qf Fait".


I PJlWI.9"

and so shall ye be surc that rou shall plm..e GoJ

by this faith; and at the Jen~h, as other faithful
men ha\"e donc hefon.', FO shall J'0u, when his wiU
is, come to him, and ft.-.:(i\'c tlte ~nd nnd final re
ward of yourfaith, as St.l>ctcr namcth it, the ,aIm.
tilltf. of yOll.7 'OM/'. The which God grout llB, that
hath promil;e(1 the l;.'lme unto hi'! faithful. 'fo
whom !>c all honour auu glory world without cud.


w w w. h a i l andf m


I~ the last Sermon WlIS declared unto you wlmt

the lively and true /ilith ora Christian m:1Il ill, that
it cnuscth not a man to be idle, but to be occupied
in bringing forth good works, 35 OCC3sion scrvcth.
Now, by God's grace, shall be declared the second s.. ~
thin~ that hrforc was noted of faith, l!lnt with~ :;:'~I~~I
out it call no goood work be done, acceptable and falll,.
)l!cn.;;ant unfo God. For, al a UrQllcla cannot bear Joho n. ~,J.
fruit 0/ itletj: saith our Saviour Christ, except it

aMde Ul t!lIJ vine, 10 cannot Yf)uJ e:rcept YOlt aiJidei",

nu. I QI/J the vitu, ami you be tlte ura1tChe,. He
fMl abidetA. in me, anti I in him, h6 brillfJeth. fort!
)'ruit: f(}r w;t/wut me .tOU can. do nothing.
And St. !'aur provcth thILt :Enoch lmd faith, be- Utb. At!. 6cause he p(eaud GOfl: lor 1(};[hout fait!, sait.h he,
it not Jlfmibk to plea8e God. And again to t.he
Romans he saith, IYAauoeller work U done wj{lwut llom.d~'3
lait~, it u ,in.
Faith ~iveLh life to the soul; and they be 119
much dead to God that. lack fait.h, as they he to
the world whuse bodies Iaek souls. Without lililh
all lhat is done of us is but dead beforo God,
alt.hough t.he work sccm never so gay and glorious
before man. Even as the pict.ure graveD or painted
is but n. dead reprcscnt.:lt.ion of the thing itself, nnd
is without life or nllY ffinnner of moving, so be the
works of all uulhit.hful persOIlS before God. 'rhey
do llppear to be lively works, and indeed they be
but dead, Dot :wailing to the life.
'l'hey be but shadows and shews of lively and
good things, and not good and lively things inIll,",!



w w w. h a i l andf m


In P, ..fat
l'. nal.

Mall. '1'1.



TAl!! Fi"t Part of tltl!! &f11fOfl.

deed. For true faith doth give life to the works;

and out of such faith come good works, that be
"cry good works indeed; and wiUlOut it no work
is f,"'OOd before God.
As saith SL Augustine: ""Wc must 8Ct no ~d
works before faith, nor think HUlt before faith a
mlln may do any good work. :1"'or such works,
althou~h the"Y seem unto men to be praiseworthy,
yet indeed they be but ,"ain," :md not allowed
before God. tl TlICy be ll.!J the course of a horse
that rullucth out of the WllY, which taketh weat
laoour, but to no purpose. Let no mall therefore,"
aaitb be," reckon upon bis good works before his
fnith: where as faith Wll.!J not, good works were
not. The intent," 5.'lith he, "maketh the good
works; but filith must guide and order the intent
of man." And Christ sailh, If thi/le ~Ve be naugltt,
tAy vllOle bod!l 18 jitlt q( (lor1:/I(88. "'l'he eye doth
Ilig'nify the intent," 5.'lith St. Augustine, tl wherewith a man dooth a thing." So t1w.t he which
dooth not hi", good works with a goodly intent
and a true foil/" llurt feorl"tl/t. &.1 wr:(, the whole
body beside (that is to sal', all the whole number
of his work-i1) is dnrk, :lIld there is no light in it.
For good deeds lx= not metlSured b.v the faete them.
seh"cs, and 80 di.!'SC\ered from "ices, but by the
ellds and intents for the which they be done. If
a heathen mall clothe tlle ullked, ft.-ed the hungry,
and do such other like works; yet, bcclIu8e he
doeth them not in filil!l for tho honour :1IId love 01'
God, they be Imt dead, vaill, and fruitlC88 works to
him. :Faith is it that doth commend the work to
God: "for," ns St. Augustine roitb, .. whether
thou wilt or no, that work that cometh not of
faith is nnught." Where the fnith of Chri"t i,;
not tbe foulltlatioD, there is no good work, what
buildill~ soevcr we make. 'l'here is one work ill
the which be all good works, that is,jidtA die.4
JCOrkd.4 t.1 char;Iy. If thou h1"e it, thou hast the
f.:'round or nil good works; for the virtues of
blreugth j WibdolU, tcm!lerullcc, and jU.l:ilico be all


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Coofl



rrfrrred unto this slime f:Lith. Without Jllis fuith

"hll\'c not them, but only the nnmes and shadows
~t them; liS St. AII;::-ustine saith: "All the life of
thrill that lack the true faith i8 sin; IlIId nothing
i. ,~1 without him that i8 the Author of good_
l~l'~:; where he is not, there is hut feig-ned virtue,
IlthouJ:rh it be in the best works." And St. Augustine, declaring this verse of the P"nlm, 1'he tllrtle 1'1. l...h.S.
Iw(n f()//I/fl a lIe8l ff:nere 8~e 1na.y ~'eep her yOllllg bird8,
~llith tlHlt Jews, heretics, nlld pngtlns do good
works; ther clothe the lIaked, feed the poor, and
do other wOI'ks of mercy; but, bC!('llllse they be not
done ill the true f:Lith, therefore the birds be lost.
Hut, if they remain in lilith, then" faith is the
llf.'St" and ~llfeg'unrd "of tlleir birds," that is to
~l1r, snfl'g'uurd oftheir g'ood 1I'0rks, tlmt the re\\'lm]
of them be not utterly losl.
And this mutter, whieh St. Augustine at lllr~
in mnn)' books disputcth, SI. Amhrose conc1udcth
in few \\'ords, saying', "lIe that by llature would tie "_110".
wilhstlllld viee, either by natural will or reason, lIe ~:~~l~~
doth in ":Iin j:..r:lrllish the time of this life, and utI/. J
tnincth not the "err true virtues: lor without 11 f'
wor:>hipping of tllo true God that which sccllleth
to Uc \'irtuc is vice."
And yet mOlit plainly to this purpol:1o writf'th
SI. John Chrysostom in thi8 wise. "You shalllD!'enI'lO"D
find mally which Im\'o not the true filith :md be :"~;:~I~'
uot or the flock of Christ, und yet, as it nppf'urcth, ~.-.t<>.
thf'/' flourish in good works of mcrey; rOll shall
!izl( thcm full of pity, compussion, and gi"cn to
Ju~tice; Ilnd yct, for all tlllll, they ha\'o 110 fruit
of tl1eir works, Lf'Clluse tllC chicI' wOl,k lacketh."
" For, whcn the Jews asked of Christ whllt tlley
'::'hould do to work good works, he IIl1SII'Cred, 1'hi, Jol,n 01 .~
'of (ne u;ori'1f God, (Q beliere ilthil1l1Cholll he 8ent: so
that he eallt.'d fitith (he worl. 0)' God. And us flOOD
us a man hath !uitll, 1111011 he shall flourish in good
works: for 1:lith of itself is full of good works, llud
I~Qthil1g' is good without 13itl1."
And lor II simihtude he 8;.Lith that" the>' whidL gli...ter and tihine


w w w. h a i l andf m

TAe /So"d Pari r!f IAe $ernw.


in good works without faith ill God be like dClld

melt, whidl have goodly and Ilreeious tomI>", md
"et it ","uildh them nothin~, Ir :Faith ma,\" not
be IlBI.:t.>d without work,,; lor then it i3 no true
fnith: Bnd, whcn it is adjoined to workg, )'et it ie
aoove the works, For, IliI men, that be vcry men
indeed, fil'l:;t hll\'e life, nlld nller be llouri~hcd; so
must our faith ill Chri1:it go before, nnd ol'ter bo
nourished with good works. And life moy hI}
without nouritilllllent, but nourishment el\Ullot be
without lile!' "A m31l 1l11Il;L needs be llOuri~hcd
hy good works, but fin.t he Illust have faith, He
that doeth good deeds, yet without f:lith he !lath
not lire. I can shew a man that hy faith without
works lived and came to he3\'en: but without faith
ne\'er m:m bnd life. 'l'he thief that was hanged
when Christ sufl"'n.'<1 did believe 0111)", and the
mOl:l-t mereiful God did ju"tify him, And, because
no man t:hall say ll.f,rain that he lacked time to do
good workJ:l, for el>'C Ill: would have done them,
tnlth it il', Bnd I will not contend therein: but this
I will surely amnn, thllt fnith onl)' So'\\'ed him. If
he had li\t.>d, and not r'gllnit.'d f:lith and the works
thercol~ he "hould h:l\'c 10lSt hi... !!lI.lv3tion ng1lin,
But thi8 is the eHeet 1hat Ilia)', tlUlt f:lith by itself
&l\"ed him, hut works br thclllf:lCh-cs never jU8ti~
fi(.Q. any IIlnll!' lIerc re huvc hellrd the mind of
St: Chr,\~lSt~m; , whereby )"OU I11U;' perceive, that.
neither Imth IS Without works, lla\'mg opportunity
thereto, 1I0r works c:m a,'ail to c,'erlaliting lile
without. faith.





0.' the three thing-s which were in the fonner

Sermon Spt.>tillllr 1I0t('() of li\-e!y f:lith, two be
decllln.'d unto you, 'l'he finst wns, that filith is
never idle, without good wOI'b, when ocelll~ion


w w w. h a i l andf m


~l'r\'dh; the

SCi.:ollll, t.hilt good works Ilcccptablc

to God c:lIIllot he done without filith. Now to go
forth to the tllird pllli, that is, ,dult manner of \\1",I_b

works they be Wllich spring- out of true faiLh, and ~::;r";':t'h"

lClll faithful mell unto cn:rlasting life.
'fhi" k:Lllllot be known so well us by our SlwionT

Christ himself, who was llsh<! of 11 ccrt:1ill great

man the t::Jmc question. What 'lCorh 8/ullt I dfJ,
~~lid a prince, (0 cOllie IQ cl-erlalling Iile? 'ro whom
Jt'RUS llllsWert'(!, V'lhou vilt cOllie IQ Ihe tIJerlo8fill9
life,l..eep lhe CQmJllQnr!i/lellt,. nut tlu,' pl'incc, lIot
~ati!';fied IlE~rcwitllJ asked further, Jrhidl. command



Jlim!,? '1'he Scribes ilnd Pllllristocs had Illude so

muny of their 011"11 laws aut! trnditions to bring
mell to hcavcll beside God's commandments, that
this mUll was in douut whether he should oome to
hC!nn'll h.I' lllose laws find traditiolls or by the laws
of God; :l1ld therefore he flsked Cllrist whieh commandments he meant. "lJlCreunto Christ made
him a I'lnin answer, rehearsing the oommandmcnl.8
Ill' God, ~a.ring', T/ul" ,/wlf 1IQt l'ilt, J'hOI~ ,/ul!t not
commit dll!ter:lf, 1'ho/l 8!WIt lIf)t 8tea!, Thou 8hlt 1UJt
~I!"r Ill/Re ll:itlle88, J!onour th!J father a,ld 1/Iother,
and, hfJre !h!J neighbour a,f th!l/Jdf ]ly which
words Christ dC!clarcd that the laws of God be
the vcry \,'ay that cloth lead to e\'cl"lastillg life,
and not the lr:l<litions llncl laws of men. So that The wor\<I
this is to be taken for a most true leSl>OIl !:lught :1... ~...~
bJ' Chril;l's 011'11 mouth, thnt the works of the ~~,.
mOI'lll oommnndments of God be the vcry true hl&Ud....o...
works of filith which lead to tho blC8Soo 'life to

liut the blindness and mlllicc of man, evcn from


tlle heginning, hath ever \)cell rend)' to filII from ~~~~1.~,~"1

Oo.:l's commandments. As Adilnl the first lIIun, ..,mill''','',
but ono commandment, thut he should 1l0t __
cat of' the fruit forbiddcn, notwithstanding God's :::r:~d
commnndlllcllt, lIe g:\\"e credit unto the woman ~h"
seduccd bv
persunsion of the scrnl-'nt,
...." pi 0'::!
. tllC subtle
au(I so followed IllS own wdl, and Icft God's COIn- ..-1illlll,
lIlnndmcnL And ever since tlmt time all thllt.



w w w. h a i l andf m



lId Idolall'J
~flho OC""

The &CDlld Purt

0/ the Serll/on

came of him hath been so blinded through orig111al

Sill, that they have been ever rend)' to fall from
God alltI IllS law, and to invent a new way unto
8:Jh'ation by works of their own delice; so mllch
that almost nil the world, forsakin,g' the true ho..
Ill)ur of the only eternal living God, wandered
ahout iu their own phantasies, won:hipping some
the sun, the moon, 11)(' stars, some Jupiter, Juno,
Dianll, SlllutnllS, Apollo, KeI1tUIIUS, Ceres, Blleelm:>, and other dead mell lInd \\'omen" Some,
therewith not S3tisfioo, worshi\lPcd di\"ers kinds
of bellsts, birds, fish, fowl, all< serpents; e\'cl'Y
country, town, :md house in tL Illanllcr being
dividl'(l, and sctting up imagt.'S of sueh things as
thcy liked, and worshipping' the same, Such was
the mdcne!>S of the people uner they fell to tlleir
own phulltasie", und left tho etcrnlll living God
ond his oommilndments, that they devised innumer.lule imtlg'CS llnd gods, In which error and
blin<!lll'Sll the\' <lid remain until such lime as Almighty God; pit.l'ing the blindness of mnn, sent
his true l'roJ)het Moses inlo lhe world, to reprove
rllld rebuke this extreme mndnCSil, and to tench the
>l..'Ol'lu to kll(ll\' thc only li\illg God, nnd his true
IOllour lInd wOrllhip.
nul the (~rrupt inelinrttion of mrlll was so mueh
given to follow his own phantasies, and (liS yOu
would say) to favour his own bil"d thnl. he brought
lip him"cll~ thaL un the ndmonitiolls, exhortntions.
bCllefi;;, und threatcnillg'8 of God could not keep
him fi'om such his invcntions, l~or, notwith.
stnllding all the henefit" of God shewed unto tho
l>oollle of l~rael, )"et, when Moses went np into
tllO mountain to speak wilh Almighty God, he
had tnrri~ thcre hut 11 few dnys when the people
hcg-nn to invcnt new gods; and, us it. came into
thcir hCl\(I.;., they mnde a cull' of gold, :md kneeled
down and wor~hipJlcd it. And nller thllt lhey
fl!lIo\\~ the MoabitCl!, und worshipped l3eelphegor
the Moabitcs'~, Rend the book of Judges, the
books of the Ki1l6"S, and the Prophets; llnd there

Th" .........
"d 'a!o;.'rJ
0111.. 10....1

,,1:"0<1, sull.
~"m U""
, . ,j,


w w w. h a i l andf m

if Uoor.!, Trorh.

shall find how UllswmlHl8t tho people


i ow fnU of inventions, and more ready to rlln af'1:l'r

tllCir own pb:mtnsies than God's most ,holy'com_
1ments. 'l'here shall .you read of Baal, ~Io- Jud&'.
U. '3'
.., u
"'IDOOY ~,
loch Chamos, ~[elehom, Banlpeor, ABlaroth, Bel, 1 I\l'll,. .l, '.
the'Drag'Oll, Priapus, the Br3zen Serpcnt, the l;.~~;.l~~,
'!'\\,eh'e Si'Jlls, and many other; unto whose images XYIII ; "'~.
the peopl~ with great devotion ill\'ellted pilgrim_ l. IJ.
a'l"C!' pr~ciousl)' decking and eenl'ing them, kneeliz7g 'down and offering- to thelll, thinking that till
high merit before God, and to be C6tcemed nbovll
the prct.'Cpts and commandmellts of God. And,
where at that time Oud oommnnded 110 SIlClilice to be made but in Jerusalem only, they did
clean contrnry; makin~ ultars nlld SlIcrifices evel'y
where, in hills, in woods, nnd in houses; not rug3rding God's commandments, but estCtluing thcir
oll'n phantasies und devotion to be better than
them. And the error heroof was so spread abroad
that not only tile unlearned poople, but also the
priests and teachers of the ]>oople, partly by glory
llod covetousncss were corrupted, lllld partly by
ig-oornnce blindly deceived with the same abOlrunations; so much that, king Achab having but I Iib'go H;,
only Helias a tMIC tcacher :lIId minister of Ood, '9.
there were eight hundred and fifty pricsts thut
persuaded him to honour Ba.ul and to do s:lerifice
III the woods or groves.
And so continued that
horrible error, until the three noble kings, as Jo~aphat, Ezcchias, nnd Josins, God's chosen mini~_
tera, dest royed the same clearly, and hrouf:'ht llgnin C!u'<NI. ~,H.
the pcollle from such their fcif:'nc<1 inventions unto ~i:~:~:,~:
the very commandments of' God: for the which >-1.
thill~ their immortal reward and glory doth and
slzall remain with God for ever.
. And, beside the fore~aid inventions, the inclinll_ 1l~Ip.n .....1
lIoll 01' lllall to havo his own holy devotions devised ~l.OJo":; 'I
new sects and religions, cnlled Phllrisces, Sadducces,
nnd Scribes; wilh mlmy hol.y and ~Ily traditions
lUld ordinances, ns it 8ccmed by the outward uppcarllncc lllld b'OOdly glislcl'ing of the works, buL
.... n



w w w. h a i l andf m

7'he Secolld Part


of the SerlllO'"

in "cry de('(! nil tcnding to idolatry, superstition,

:lnd hrpo<:risy; their hearts within being' full of
malice, pride, covetousness, :lIId nil wickedness.
Agonillst which sccts, and tllcir pretensed holill(>!:S,
Cbrist cried out more vehemently than he did
ng:linst any other persons, saying and onen rc~l.ll.uiil. hell~illg' thC!'e words: 1roe be to yOIl, &ribcl ami
Phariuel, ye h.'lpocritel' for you 1IIa~'e clean the
t:f'uel without, bllt trithin you be fult of ravi"e a"tl
jilthi"e88, ThoH Mi"d Pharuee and, hypocrite, (lrlt
ma~'e the inward port cleoll. For, notwithstandingaB tIle g'oodl.y tmditions :lnd outwnro shew of good
works devised of their own imagoinatioll, whel"ehy
they appeared to the \\'odd most religious and holy
of :111 men, yet Christ, who saw their hearts, knew
that they weT(! inwllrdly in the sight of God most
unholy, most nbominnble, and furthest from God
1.1.11""'-<>01' nllmell. 'j'herefore said he unto t11em, Jlypocritea, the Prophet })aay apakejidt trul!l ,!/you 1Cflelt
I",L ..I
he Mitl, 1'hil people honour me witlt their lipa, !.lIIt
IJ. ' .
their heart iafarfrom me: they worahip /lIe ill rain tlllJt
e,'tun. doctriNe8 ant! cQm1lltllldmt1lu tl/1/ft1l. For .'I""
leat'c the CQ//lli1Qlltll/ll:/dl 1/ God to leep !lour Q'lW

And, thollg'h Christ said tltey fCorlhip God in

flat (caf:n.' (octrtne8
anuJ CQllllllamI IIICtlta tI,r fife",
~~;~.~l.u:. yet he mcallt not therehy to o\'erl1n"Ow ull men's
(:ommandmellts j for hc himself WIIS ever obcdient
to the prill(.'CS and their laws, mnde for h"OOd 01'<1('1'
and go\'ermlllce of the people: but he repro\'ed tlte
lull'S and tmditiOIlS made h}' the Scribes and Pharisees, which weT(! not made only for f.."OO<I ord~r of
the people (af! the ci\il 1all'8 were), but tlwy wcre
B<!t up so hi~h that they were mude to be a rig-ht
nnd pure wot1lllipping of God, as they lllld been
C<(lHlI with Ood's laws, or allO\'C them j for many
of God's lawli could not. be kept, hut were filill to
~i\'e 1l1:H:e unto them, 'I.'hili llrro:::aney God defA.'!itcd, that man ~h(luld !lO nd\allce his laws, to
make them equal with God's laws, wherein the
true honouring :llId right wOI'l>hipping of God


.......l ...d


w w w. h a i l andf m

of C()()(l Trorh.
standeth, and to make his Inws for them to be I(!ft
00: God hath appointed his, where~y his
lellSurc is to be honoured. HIs !lleasure IS also
flHlt nil man's laws, being not oontrary to his laws,
shall be obe)'oo nnd kept, as good and nceessary
Jor C\'cry oommonw(!n.l, but not as thiuWl wherein
),rinciplllly his honour resteth. And llll civil and
man's lllws either be or should be made, to bring
in men the better to keep Go{Fs laws; that OOIl
sequ(!ntly (or followingly) God should be the better
honoured by them. Howbeit, the Seribef! and
Pharisees were not content that their laws should
be 110 11igher cstC<'med than other positive llnd eivil
laws, nor would not have t.hem called by tho name
of other tempornllllws; but called them holy :md lIolyl....l.
godly traditiolls, and would have them esteemed, =:.:r"u
ilOt only for a right and true wor~hiping of God (loci.......
(as God's laws be indeed), but also to be the most
lligh honouring of' God, to the which the COmmandments of God should give place. And for
this cause did Christ so vehemently sl>cak agaillst
them, saying, Your traditionl, wnicA men eluelll 10 l,lIkA .... 's.
ni!Jn, be abomination before Gott.
For com1\lollly of liuch traditions f'ollowcth the lIo1i_",
" (or '"urca k"'lOg ) 0 t" God' B comm:1l1 d ~ ","",'.fIt
l rnn~gfClsglOll
ments, and a more devotion in the kC<'pill~ 01' sueh =.'::'~'"
things, and a greater conscicnce ill breaking of r~ntltd_
thcm, than of the commandmcnts of God. As the
Scribes and Pharisccs so superstitiously and scrupulously kept. the Sabbath, that they were oOcllded aIM IL
with Christ llccllU.BC hc hcaled "iek mcn, alld with '-"his Apostles bcclluse they, being Bore hung-rr,
gntherl,.'<! the cars of corn to cut, Ilpoll thut da),.
And, [)ccausc his disciples washed not their hand.. 11-l'\,u.,-6.
f>O or~cll aa the traditiOlls required, the Scribes nlld quarrelk'<i with Ghri"t, "flying', Why do
thy dW:/fllel bred the traditio", of Ihe leltio,,? nut
that the)', for to kccp
" laid to their char'!'C
II lelr own trnditions, did tcnch mell to break the
very oornm:l1IdmcnL; of Ood. j"or thcy tau~ht. thl'
Ik.'ople ~uch :l dC\'otioll, lhat thl'y otli.'r..:d thcil'


w w w. h a i l andf m


)r.... ~ yil. 9.
)1011. ulil.





TIle Third port of tne Sermon

goods into the treasure llOUSC of tlle temple, under

the pretence of God's honour, leaving- their fathers
and mot hers (to whom they were chiefly bound)
unholpeJI; and so they bral..e the con"nQlI.tlntC1l1~ of
Cod 10 Keep their &wn trQditi()1~, 'l'hey esteemed
mor~ an oath mnde by the gold or oblation in
tile temple tlmll 311 oath made ill the name of' God
himself or of the temple. 'fhey were morc studious
to Imy tllcir tithes of' small thillA'!> tlJnIl to do the
greatcr things commanded of' God, as works of
mercy, or to ~o j.ustice,. or to deal sincerel);., upri~htly, Ilnd r.'llthlully WIth God :md man. J'hue,
saith Christ, ought 10 be done, ond the other 1l0t (ej~
mu{o1lt. J\nd, to be short, they wcre of so blind
judgmcnt J that thc)" stumbled at a straw and leaped
O\'cr a Ll"ek: the,)' would, as it were, nicely take a
lIy out 01' their Clip, Ilnd drink down fI whole camel.
And therefore Christ called them bli"d guide8,
wllrnill"" his discipleil from time to time to eschew
their d~etrine, for, although tlley secmed to tllO
world to be most )lcrfect mcn, both in livill"" und
te:1Ching, yet \1':18 their life but h.rllOl"ris)~ and
their dod rille but sour leaven mingkd with sUI>crstitioll, idolfl~r. r, :llld o\'m"ih,wllrt judgment, setting
Ill' the tl'lItiLtlOll!l llnd orduHlllces 01' man in the
bteud of' God's comllHllldmeuts.


'l'lIlr.T allnlCIl migll.t rig-htly judge of good 1I'0l'ks, i~

hatll Ut.'<'1l dcclllrcd III I he sc(...~md IJnrt of' this SermOl1

hat I.iml of' g-ood 1I'0rk~ the)' Le that Got! lIould

h:l\'c hit< people to. w:l~k ill, namely, su{;h :IS he
lHllh COtlJln:uuled 1Il Ius holy Scripture, and not
buch \\orkll a,., mcn have studied out of' their OWIl
Lrain, of 11 blind zenl find devotion, witholl~ tlw
word of God, And by mislakin'~ the naturo of
good work,; man huth ll~o~t ,highl/'displca~cd God,
hlld halll f,l"()lle from IllS \l'ill and commalldmellt.
So Ihat tin:.. )'Uu lrave Iward how much Ihe world,


w w w. h a i l andf m

from the bcginning until Christ.'s time, was evcr
'ady to fun from the commandments of God, ami
~. s<.~k other mcallS to houour and llcrve him aller
il. devotion found out of their own heads, and how
thev did set Ill' dlcir OWll tr:.ditium as high or
:ll~\'e God's commandments. Which hath Imp1~IWd nlso in our times (tho more it is to. be la._
meotc<!) no less than it did among the Jews; Illld
that. by the corruption, or at the lens1. by the negJig-cncc, of them thnl, chi'f1y ought to have preferred God's commnndments, and to hn\"e preserved
till' IlUre and helwenly doctrine left by Christ.
What. mall, having allY judgment or le;lrnin~
joined with a true zealullto God, doth not !jec and
hmcut to have entered into Chrisl!s religion such
!alsc doctrine, superstition, idolatry, hypocrisy, :Ind
otlu:r enormiLiCll :\I\d abuses j so liS lJy lit.tlo :l1ld
littlc, throu~h the sour lennw thercoi~ the sweet
IJrc:ld of God's ho~ word hath been much hindered
and laid apart? Nevcr had the Jews in their most.
blindness so many pilgrimages unto imag<'S, 110r
uscU 80 much kneeling, kissing, and censing of
them as hath IJecn used in our time. Sects amllle.nd
',]lcr 1]10 I"'
IClgn cd re ]"IglOllS wero Ilel~
or~r Imr t 80 .",,n.
mallY alllOllg tho Jcws, Ilor more superstitiously :;;~t.o
aud ungodly abuscd than of late dnys they havc
bt.'Cn amollg us, 'Vhich sects and religiolls had so
many hypocritical and feigncd works ill tllcir state
or religion (a.s they nrrog:mtly namc<! it), t.hat
their hUll ps, liS they snid, ran always over, able to
snti""ly, 1I0t only for thcir OWII SillS, but al!lO for all
other their bencfactors, brothers and sisters of their
rdig-ion, lIS mOll!; ungodly and craftily they hlld I>t.!r
suad<.'(1 the multitude of ignorant pe<lplo; keeping
ill divers plnccs as it were murts or markets ot'
mcrili:i, bcillg full of their holy rcliqucs, imllg'C~,
shrines, and works of ov~rflowing' abulldlllH:crcady
to I~ sold, And all thinh"S which they had were
enlh..'tl holy, holy cowls, holy girdlC'S, holy pardoned
be'lds, holy shoes, holy ruh.'s, and i111 filII of holinc;;s, And what thing Call be more JOoli:,h, more


w w w. h a i l andf m






The Third Part qftlte &rmOlt

supef'!"ti:ions, or ungodly, than that men, women,

and children should wcar [L frier's CQ..'lt to deliver
them from agnes or pestilencc, or, when they die
or whcn they be buried, el'lllS(! it to he cast upon
them in hope t.herehy to be sa\,etl? "-hieh sUI>crstition, altholl~ll, th:lllks be to God, it huth teen
little used in t.his realm, yet in divers other renlms
it hath been ami yet is used among many, both
learned and unlearned,
But, to lJ[1SS over the innumerable superstitiousness that. !lath been in str:lIlgc apparel, in silence,
ill dormitory, in cloister, in chapter, in choice of
meMs and <lrinks, !lul! in such like tllings, let us
consider what enormities mul abuses have been ill
the three chief principal points, which they rolled
the three esscnti:lls (or thrce chief foundations) of
religion, that is to 5:1)', obedience, chastity, and
wilful poverty, l;ljrst, under prctence (or colour)
of obedicnce to th(>ir fhthef in religion (which obe<lienee they made themselves), they were made
free by their rules and C3nons from the obedience
of their natural /illller and mother, and from the
obedieucc of emperor and king lInd nil tcmpond
power, whom of very duty by God's laws t.hey
werc bound to obey. And so the IJrofes~ion of
their obedience not due wu!> a forsaking or their
due obedience. And how their profession of e1ms_
tity was kept, it is more hClIw><ty to 11lIstl over in
silence, :md let the world judge of that which is
well known, thulI with unchaste word,; by expr()$'<l~
iug of thail' ullchasle life to oflcnd chtL<;te and godly
ears. And as for their wilful paverl)', it was such
that, when in possessions, jewels, plate, und riches
they were C<lunl or aoove merchants, gentlemen.
bllrons, enrls, and duk<.'s, yet by this subtiltl sophistical term, Proprium in communi, that is to fl:ly.
Proper in common. the)' moc.kcd the world, I>crsuuding that, notwithstanding nil their posseSSIOns
llnd riches, )'ot they kept their vow lInd were in
wilful poverty, Dut, for nil thcir riches, tlwy
might neither help father nor mother l nor other


w w w. h a i l andf m

0/ (,'Q()(l



tlmt were indeed yery need.y and poor, without

thc Iiccnce of their Either ahhot, prior, or II'nrden.
And yet Iller might tnke of e\'ery man, but they
mig-ht not gi\'e nll.t:'ht t.o :lII.Y mall, 110, not to them
whom the laws of God bound them to help. And
~o throug-h their traditions and rnlcs the lows of
God could henr no rule Witll them; and ther('fol'e
of them might be most truly tilli{! that wllich
Chril,t spake unto the Pllnrisoos: ]OU break the )l." .. \,&.
CQlRmartdmenu il( Gorl by ,four traditioN'. ) 011
Aonol/r God u;it4 !jour lip', fJllt yOllr hearu be far
fro///' Aim_ And the longer ]ll1lyers tlley used by
da.v and by llight, under prctenee (or colour) of
liuch holiness to get the f:l\'our of widow~ lI11l1
other simple folks, that they might sin;; lrelllals
:l11d scrvice for thcir Il\l~ballds lllld friends, lInd
admit (01' receivc) them into their pr,,\)'crs, the
morc truly is vCl'ified of tllem the Sllying of Christ :
Woe be to you, &ribc, and Phariaee" hypocrite,! Hall uw.
for you ((et'rn/r widOlet lumu, fInder colollr qf lOll!! ',. 'J.
proyer": t!ler~(ore YOHr damnation ,!Ialt be the
greater. Woe ~ to !Iou, Scribe, and j>Aariltel, hypocrite, t for !Iou !!O about by ,ca anll ~If land w make
fIIO flolJice, aled fielD ~relNrelt, anti when the,y be let
ilt or reeeir:ed Q( your ,eet you mau tMIll. tile children
0)' nett fC()r$C tAan yourultc, be.
Honour be to God, who did Pllt Jig-ht in the
Ilcart of Ilis faithful and true minister of mo~t
famous mcmory. King Henry the Eighth, and
gave him the knowledge of his word, nnd :m
eurncst ::affection to seck his glory, lm(l to put
away all such superstitiouli and phariSllicnl sectEI
hr Antichrist ill\'cnted and set lip ngninst the trne
word of God and glory of his most blessed NlImcj
:la he gave the like spIrit. unto the most noLle lllld
famous llrincCll, Josaphat, Josins, and Ezechill6.
God grant all us, the Queen's Highncs8' faithlhl
and true subjeet.'l, to feed of the sweet and savoury
bread of God's own word, and, liS Christ com )l.lth ~.I .
tIcn 1'>:i.uIo.IU.
I 1 an<1 papls
1 to csc1ICW a 11 our jllllrJS:llC:l
lea\'ell of man'a feigued re igion. Which, although


w w w. h a i l andf m




'l'he ,7'hird Part

if thl: Smill)1l

illl'erc before God most abominable, and contrar.v

to God's commandments and Christ's pure religioll, yet it. was Ilrnised to be a most godly life
an<1 hig-hcst state of perfection; AA though a ~all
mitiht be morc ~dly :m<1 morc perfect by keeplllJ,r
the rulc~, traditions, :md professions of men than
by kl'CIJin~ the holy comm:mdmenUl of God.
And, bnelly to pa..~s over the ungodly and COUlltelfdt. T1'lig-ioll!l, let us rehearse some other kinds
of 11api~tj('al superstitions :md nbuses, AA of nend~,
of Llldr l>"lllters and no~aries, of Fifteen Os, of
St. HCI:nard's Verses, of S1. Agathe'tl Lctt('rs, of
Pllr<~atory, of Masses Satisfuctory, of Stations and
Juhilel$, of feigone<1 Rcli(lues, of hallowed Beads,
Bell!', l3rcnd, 'Vllter, Pulms, Cnudles, l~irc, and
such otllcr, or superstit.ious :Fustings, of l,'r:llernitiC$ (or Brotherheads), of Pardons, with t;uch
like merdlllll<lise; which wcrc so C!>tccmed llnd
abu;l('(l to the great pr'judice of God's glory ulld
(',()lmnall(lmcnts, t h:1t t he." were made most lligh unt!
mo..t holy thillf,>'5, whereby to attaiu t.o t.he c\'er1:1"ling life or remis"iOIl of sin, Yell also vain in\'cnt.iolls, unfnlitful ceremonies, :lIld IIn~,"()(lI.v Inws,
d('('rCl..'S, lllld Councils of ROllle were ill such wise
od "lll\ccd, that not hing was j houg-ht colllpllrnble
in authorit.y, wisdom, learning', and godline:;s unt.o
them: so that the 1nli'll or Rome, as the)' slIid,
were to be rcC<'i\ed of nil mcn as the four ]~\'llll
~'Ii<,tl'l j to the whieh allla,\'s or princcs must giv~
pluce; and the laws of God 0180 parHy were left
oU' and IC~ll est('('med, thut the said laws, dccrN'l',
and Councils, with their tmditions and ceremonics,
migoht be more duly kept., and hod in gn'ater rc\'Cr('ll(e. 'l'hUl:l wus the people through ignornncc
<'0 blinded with the goodly shew and 1I1lpenrnncc of
tlloS(' things, thnt t.hey thought the keeping' of
them to be n more holinC88, a more Il<lrreet scni{'c
und honouring of' God, and more pleasing' to God,
tllan the kccping or God's cOmmandment", Such
hath IlCCll the corrupt inclination 01' mlln, ever
tiupcnit.iliollSly gi\'en to make lIew honouring of


w w w. h a i l andf m

l!f Good 1Jorh


God of his own lH:!ad, and then 10 hlwe more IIm~(,'.

tion find devotion to keep that, than to s.earch out
God's holy commandments and to kc<'p them;
lIud furthermore 10 take God's eommfmdments for
men's commllndments, and lIlell'll rommnndments
for God's eommandmenl~, )'ea, and for the highest
IInd most perfcet IInd holy of fill God's command_
rnl'nls. And so was all confl\~cd, that scnnt well
IC:lrncd mcn, :lIId hnt a ~m:lll llnmber of them,
knell' (or at the least would know) lInd durst
a/lirm the truth, to seprml.le (or sever) God's from the commandments of men:
w!ll'reUlmll did grow much error, superstition,
idl!lutry, \' religion, o\'ertll\l'art judgment, great
contention, with all unl-,"Odly living.
"'herefore, as you have any zeal to the righl AIl'x"",",..
and pure honouring of God, as yOll have any re- 110" I~;l;;
gard to /'our own souls, and to the lile that is to =<UlD~
come, w deh is both wilhout puin and without
,,cnd, apply yourselves chiefly above all tllillgs to
read and to hear God's word: mark dili~lltl.v
therein what his will is you shall do, rind With n!l
your endeavour apply yourselves to follow IllIJ
same. l~irst you must ha\'e lm assured faith in A brief ....
God, and give lourselves wholly unto him, lo\c ~~~'~,_
him ill. prosperIty and adversit.y, and dread to "lAnd-.,1o
offend him evermore. 'fhen, for his sake, love nll
men, friends and foes; bccuuse they be his ere;ltioll and image, IInd redeemed by Christ, as ye
are. Cast in )'our minds how you may do good
\llltO nil men unto your powers, nnd hurt no mall.
Obey all your superiors nnd go,'ernors, serve your
masters f:lithfully and dilihl'{!lItly, as well in their
ah~ence as in their presencc, not. for drl'fld of only, but for conscicncc sake, knowIIlg tlmt )'OU ar<l bound so to do by God's commundll.lcnts. DiilObey not your fll.lhctl:! :llld 1l.10ther~,
but. honour them, help them, IInd ple:LSe them to
}Ol.l.r power. Oppress not, kilJ not, bent not,
neither slander Ilor hnte any man; but love all
men, speak well ~f ull men) hell) :md sUCCour everr


w w w. h a i l andf m


TIlt: l'hird Part of tAe


of Good II-or!..,.

man 311 yOIl muy, yen, even rour enemics Olnt hntd
rOll, thnt tljleak e\'il of you, und thut do hllrt you.
1'akc uo man'il goodil nor covet J'our neighbour's
J.."'OOdil wrongfully, but content )"ourseh'cs with
that whieh ye ~t tnll)', and also bestow Jour own
~.dM charitably, as need and c:l..."C requircth. .1ee
all idolatry, witchcraft, aud perjury. Commit no
mallner of adultery. fornicnlion, nor other tin
clw.slcllcss. in will lIor ill deed, with any oilIer
man's wifc, widow, maid. or otherwise. And
travailing' continually during Jour life tlmB in thu
kl'tpillg the commandments of God, wherein sUlndcth the puI'C, prillcil'al. and right honour of God,
llml which, wrought ill f:lith, God hath ordained
to 00 the ri~ht trade lmd pathway unto hC:1\cn.
)011 shall not f.'lil, as Christ hath !It''Omised, 10
come to that blessed and cvcrlnstil1~ Jili:l wheru
you slmlllivc in glory nnd joy with God for cvcr.
'1'0 whom be pr.use, honour, aud impery for CH!l
and c\'er. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m


Or nll things that be good to be t:\\lght unto

Cll1'isti:lIl people, there is nothing more necessary
tl) be !']lokclI of and daily culled UpOIl than charity;
(1'1 well for that {Ill mallller of works of righteousness be (,.lntaincd in it, llS also that the decay
thereof is the ruin (or fall) of the world, the banish.
Illent of virtue, and Lhe cnusc of flU vice. And ror.
l;Ollltlch :IS almost. every mun makcth and l'rnmcth
to himsclf Chllrity aflcr hil:l own appetite, 1I1Id, how

detestable 6QCvcr his lifb I>c both unto God rind

Illlm, yet he pcrsulldeth himsclf still that he hath
charity; therefore you shall hellr DOW II true nnu
plnin description (or setting forth) of charity, not
of' men's imllginnlioll, but of the very words and
example of our Saviour Jesus Christ. In which
description (or setting forth) every man, as it were
in I, glass, mll}' eonsidcr 11lmseU~ and sce Illainly
WitllOut el'ror whetllcr hc be in the tme ehnrity
or IIOt.
CI13rit.y is to love God with nll our hcart, nil \\'bal duo""
Gur lifc, and n1l our powcrs nnd strength. 'Vith ~Io 01
:111 our hcart: that is to sar, that our hcart's mind God q
llnd study bc set to bclic\'c his word, to trust in
him, and to lovc him aoovc RII other things that.
wc lovc best in hcaven or in carth. 'Yith all our
lifc: that is to say, that our chicI' joy and dclight
be sct upon him Rnd his honour, and our whole lile
gi\'t'u unto the sCfvice of him noove nil t.hings,
with him t.o livc Rnd dic, and to forsnke nil other
things fnther than him; fOf, he that wcet! lti8 )1"".'. J7I
.,' or In()t!ler,. 80n, or daughter, hOllse or Iall d,AI...t,~-l;
j "'It!


w w w. h a i l andf m


The flirlt Part

of the


tha,~ me, saith Clu;;;t, ia llot I/.-Orlft,IIto hare me.

With all Ollr !X'lI'er~: tklt is to Ea)', that with our
hand:: and fect, with our eyes rllld ellrs, our mouths
and longuc;:, :llld with all other parls llnd powers
both of' hody and soul. wc should be gi\'cn to the
keeping :llld fulfilling of his comlllllndment;:, 'l'hi!l
is the lirst 111ld princiJlall'art of charity. hut. it is
n"k,"''''' llOt the whole: lor charily is ulso to lovc e\'cry
man, good :llld c\-il, friend and foe; and, whalsocvcr cause he gi\'cll to the contrary, )'et ncvcrthele;:s to bear good will and heart unto every llllln,
to u:se ourselvcs well unlo them as well in words
;md countenance as in all our outwnrd acta and
deeds. J<'or l>O himself taught, and 80 nll:ill
he performed in <IL-ed.
or the 10\'0 of God he tallght in this wi!<C
unto a doctor of the law, tllnt :I~k('d him whieh
was the great and chicI' commandment in the law.
fAlre th.IJ J,orrl God, said Chri"t,1Cifft all tnll heart,
with all th!ftij'e, a/ut with att th!fllli,ut, And of the
love that we ollght to ha\'e among ourselvcs each
.\1.\1, . ~3-tO other he tcaeheth us thus: You Iw!:e heard it


tallght in timeal'aat, TluJlt ahalt tore th!l.lricntl, antt

hatl) th.vj'oe: Ollt J telt gou, LOt'e yOllr el/emiea, apeak
feell {flthem Ihat (1'.Jfame you all(I apeal.. eril '!l you,
(10 1Celltg them that hate yOll, prf/!lfor theM that l'U
ol/a peraecllte }JOU; that !Iou lI/t1}J be the children oj'
yOllr }'athn thllt ia ill heat'en; fur lie maleth hia /lUll
to riae both UJ!Oll the eril al/(t good, (md ae'utdh r"in
to juat 01111 IWjIMf. Por, if !IV'" luve Ihcm that lure
yQU, what r~l('(mt dall you hare.? do not Ihe pub~
ticolla li~'ewiae.? Ami, if.,!OII Bptftk u:ell olll}J of them
that be .yollr brethren and (Iear beloutlfrienda, what
,qrcat IIIII/{er;. that.? do Mt Ihe heathell the aaml}
otao.? 'l'he!;e he the vcr)' words of our Saviour
Chrillt him!>C11' touehing t 110 love of our neig-hbour.
And fora:;mueh as the Pharist'C>:, wilh their mOb't
pestilent t l1Iditions, false interprdaliolls, ;Illd A'lot;C8,
hud corrupted and almo!>t clellrl)' stopped up thi8
pure well 01' God's lively word, telll'hlllg that this
10\'0 llnd churity pertained on I)' to a man's friends,


w w w. h a i l andf m

l!f Clwrily.

and that it 'Was ~t1mcicl1t for a. man to love them

which do 10\'e him, :lIld to llato his foes; therefore Christ opened this well ngnin, purged it, and
scoured it, by giving unto his godly law of ehnrily
n true and clear interprelntion, whidl is this, that
wc ou",ht 10 love every m:m, bolh friend and foe;
nddin; tl1ercto what commodity we shall hnve
thereby, and what incommodity by doillg the
contron'. 'Vhat thing elln we wish so goood for
us lIS the eternnl hellvenly l~llther to reckon and
take liS for his children? And this shall we he
snro of, saith Christ, if we love e\'ery mun with_
out exception. And if wc do otherwise, sllith he,
we be no belter than tile Plmri5Ces, publicans, lIud
heathen, :md shnll have our rewllrd with them,
tlmt is, to be shut out from the number of God's
ehosen children and from his everlasting inheritance in heaven.
rl'lms of true elmrity Christ bug-ht, that every
mall is bound to love God nbovc all things, and to
lo\'e every man, fnend :lIld foe. And thus likewise
he did \lse himself, exhorting Ilis ndversnries, rehuking the fimlls of his adversaries, :lIld, when
he could not amend them, }'et he proyed for them.
:First he loved God his l~ather nbovo all things,
so lIluch th:lt he songht not his own glory llnd
will, but the glory and will of his l;'nther, I "eek John...,...
1101, said he, m;lIe own will, {mt the 1ciU qf him tnat
Nor he refused not to die, to satisly his
}'alher's will, saying, If it ma!l ~I;:, let lhi" cup oj'31.U....t.
deatk gofroln me; if 'Not, !hi toilt ~e donc, a1u1110t 39, 6'.
mille, lIe lo\'ed nlso not onl}' his friends, hut also
Ms enemies; which in their hCflrts bare exceeding'
great hatred ngainst l1im, and in their tOllgu('>!
8(lakc nil evil or him, find in their netll and deeds
}lllt"$llc<1 him wilh illl tlICir mil=:ht Ilnd power even
\lntodcath. Yet,all this notwithslanding, he with
drew not his favour from them; but still loved
them, preilchcd unto them, or love rebuked their
false doctrine, their wiekcd living, llnd did good
Unto thelll, Jlutiently taking whatsoever the}' spllkc


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Pir8t Part of (he Sermon

or did ngninst him. Whon they gave him evil

words, he gave none evil 3h"3in; when they did
strike him, he did not smitc again; and when he
8uffered death, he did not slny them, nor threnten
them, but prayed for them, and did put nU things
",I 1l'1. 1I to his Father's will. And, ns a sheep tllat is led
Ac1....ld.J'. unto the sllamblcs to be slnin and as a lamb that
is shorn of his fleece make no noise nor resistance,
even so went he unto his denth without any rC(lug
ll:lllCC or ol>cning of his mouth to say any evil.
'fhus have I set forth unto you what charity is,
all well by the doctrine liS by the cxrunplc of Christ.
himself. 'Vhcreby also every man may without
error kllOw himself, what state and condition he
stalldeth ill, whether he be In charit.y, and 80 the
Cllild of t.he :Father in hem'ell, or not. l~or, al
though almost overy man per.;undcth himself to
be in charity, yet let him exnmine nOlle other man,
but his 01'111 heart, his lifo and conversation, and
he shall not be deceived, but truly <1ccern and
judge whether he be in perfc<lt charity or not. For
he that followeth not his OWll appetite and will,
bnt givcth himself c:lrnestly to God, to <10 all his
will llnd commandments, he nl:lY be sure tlmt he
loveth God above all things: and elsc, surd)' he
loveth Ilim not, whatsoever hl,! pretend, As Christ
J*,D ,t., 'l, said, If ye lot'e me, /.'eep m!! CQmmantbMntl.
", 'J," 11e that !.:/I()wetk m!! commandment, and /teepet! them,
he it i" saith Cllrisl, that IOt,et! me, And agnin
he S3illl, 1fe that lot,et/" /lie, wilt keep trI.!!lOord; and
1nl Father will lot'e him, alld we 1Cill botk come to
hun. and dwell wit/" him. And, He tllat lovet! me
wt wilt not keep Ill!! WON/,. And likewise he that.
bellrcth good heart nlld mind, llnd l\."et1l well hi"
tongue and deeds, unto every mall, friend and foe,
he may knoll' therehy that he hath charity. And
then he is sure al"o Ih:1t Alllli~hty God Inketh him
,J,~", ill, 'D. for hi:; dear beloved 1>011 j as S1. John saith, }ftr/1~If 1Iwllife81l!! are 1,:nQlrll lite C/ii[dfCIl Q( God froln. the
children of the devit . for whOMJtver dol! not lcve hi,
br"lher belo1/gelll IW/III/lo (lod.


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Charity.




rou h:I\'o h(':Jrd a plain and a fruitful setting

forth of chari~)', ~nd IIDW proli.tablc :md Il~S!Ir/.
a thillg chanty IS; how chanty strclchcth Itsc I
both to God rllld mall, friend and foe, and thut by
the doctrine and example of Christ; and also who
may certify himself whether he be in perfect
charity or not. Now ns concerning the same
matter it followclh.
The !lorvcf'8C nature of firlll, C<lrmpt with sill, :.fIJl>l<Sl"
311d destitute of God's word and grace, thinkcth "11I'::";~:"1
it llg:liust all l"Cason that a mall ShO\lld love his gln,:..l.
CnCOl)'J find hath In:lIly persuasions which bring .........
him to the contrary. A~inst all which reasons
wc ought as well to set the teaching' as the living
of out' Saviour Christ, who, loving us when wo
were his enemies, doth tcach us to lo\'o our encmies. lle did patiently take for us many reproaches, suffcred beating llnd most cruel death.
'!'herefore wc be 110 members of him if wc will not
follow him. Chri8t, sail h St. Peter, IltJTerell for I I'll U.
118, ltad"!! an UQlHplc, that fee 8hollM fOll()l(J him.
Furthermore, wc must consider that to love our
fricnds is no more but tlmt whieh thieves, adulterer's, homieidcs, and all wicked persons do; in.
somuch that Jews, 'l'urks, infidels, and all brute
beasts do 10\'e them that be their friends, of whom
the.y have their living or any other henefits: bu~
to love enemies is the proper condition only of
them that be the ehildren of God, the disciples
llnd followers or Christ. Notwithstanding, mnn's
froward llnd corrupt nature wei~heth over dC<'ply
mally times the o(Icllec llnd di..plcasuro done unto
him by enemies, and thinketh it a hurden intolerable to be bound to lovo them that hnte him. ]3ut
the burden should be easy enough, if 011 the other
side e\'cry mall would consider what displellBuro Iw


w w w. h a i l andf m


The &cond Part 11 the &fll/on

!lath done to his enemy again, and what pleasure

he hath reccived of his enemy. And, if wc find
no equal (or cven) rCCOllll)CIlCC neither in recei\illg
plea:;ures of our cnemy nor in requiting displeaflurCS unto him agnin, tllen let us ponder the displcaf<urcs which wc done against Almig-hty
God, how often and how grievously wo JJ:!Ve
ofl't'nded him; whereof if wc will lmvc of God
fur~vcne8", there is nOlle other remedy but to
lorgi\'e the oflcn('Cs done unto us, which 00 very
sm:dl in comparison of our offcnces donc agninst
God. And, if wc consider that he whieh l1:1th
ol1'ended us deservcth Ilot to 00 forgivclJ of us,
let us consider agnin that wc much less deserve
to 00 forgi\'en of God. And, although Ollr ellemy
deserve not to be l'orgi\'en for his 01"11 ~lke, yet we
ought to forgive him for Gou's love; considcl'ing
how grcflt and mall)' benefits wc have rcceived of
him without 0111' d('l;erts, find tlllIt Christ hath de.
scn'ed of us that, for his sllke we s)lould lorgivo
them their trespasses committed against IlS.
But here lIlay rise :1 lleCCflSary (1'lCstion to be
dissolved. If cl13rity require to think, speak, and
do well unto c\'cry mall, both b"OOd and evil, how
elm mngistrates exe<mtc justice upon Ill.'llefilctors
(or evildoers) with charity? How can they cust
(l\il mcn in priwll, lake awny their goods, and
sometime lheir lives, according to laws, if charity
will 1101.. suffer lhem so to do?
Hereunto is ll. plain and a brief answer: thnt
p!rl~lll'S :lI1d 1l1Jnishments be !lot evil of themselvC8,
if thcy be well taken of the harmless j and to an
evil mall they nre both good and necessary, :llld
mnr be execuled according to Chlll'it)', and with
cbnrit)' should be executed.
l~or dccbratiOll whcrc<lf you shall understand
n ....'y""tl.
l1111t charit), lmth lwo offil.'('s, the ono contrary to
the oUler, :md yet both lIcces::iary to be used upon
men of contmry sort and di.spositioll. 'l'he onc
ofliee of eharil..y is to cherish g-ood and harmless
men j not to fJ!Jpre<li th~'m with false accusntiolls,


w w w. h a i l andf m

f!f Charil!/o


but to enOOllr:lg'C tllem with rew:mls to do Irell

nnd to continue in well doin~, (Ielelldil\~ them
~l'ith tllc t'wor<l from their f1dn"ri'nri~. And the
ofl1cc 01' bi~hops :md pnstoTS is to rrl,i~c ~od mell
for wcll doing, Hmt the.\' mn.v continue Iherein,
and to rebuke find correct by the word of God I he
offences and crimes of nll evil-disposed persons.
The other ofiioo 01' charity is to rebuke, correct,
find punish vice without re~:tf(l of ]>er*n;;; nnd
this is to he u;lcd nguinst thcm only that be evil
men and malefactors (or evildoers). j\nd that it
is llS well the office of clmrity to rcbuke, punish,
and correct them Ihat be c\il, as it is 10 chcri;:h
:Illd reward them that be good flnd harmless,
St. Palll dcclnrcth (wriling to the UOmllllf<), saying that the hig'" powers are Ord(linCft f!l God, not ltooulJi ,
to be dreadful to them that do dwell, but unto
malefactors, to draw thc sword w tal'e vClI!lcnJlee
of him that COli/millet! the silt. j\lld St. PlIul ,n",.. =
biddeth 'l'imolhy stoutly and earll~tl.r to rehuke
sin by tlle word of God. So that both offices
l'hould be diligently executed, to light ng'llinst
the kingdom of the devil, the Jlreneher with the
word, and the governor with the sword; else
they love neither God 1101' them whom they
(,I'()\'ern, il~ for lack of correction, they wilfully
t;ufl'er God to he o{]cnded, and thcm whom they
h>'Q\'ern to perish. 1-'01', as evcry lo\jllg father
corrccteth his Ilutural son wheu he docth amiss,
or dllC lIe loveth him IIot, so ull govcnJors of
rc'alms, countries, towns, Rnd houscs should lov.
ing'ly correct them whieh be o{]cnders under their
governance, :lIId cherish them which live illllO_
e':lItl~, if they have any rl.'l:lpect citller unto God
and their oflice or lov6 unto them or whom they
tlnVC 6l'(lvernance.
And such rebukes and punish.
Illenti of them that o(l'end must be done in due
time, lest by dela) the o{]cndertl f:111 hendling'S into
all lJJ:tnller of mischief, and not only be evil themsch'~~, but also do hurt unto Illany men, drawing
other b) their evil e:l:fllllple to sin and oulr:lg'6


w w w. h a i l andf m


1'Ite &N/n" 1"lrl 'l lilt

rmmr. n( Churil.r.

::IRer them: ::I~ on(' tlli,f m:\\" both rob mm\\" m('n,
::Ind also makt' mall\' thi,.\;'!;; :l1ld onc ~~Iiliolls
pc~n may allure m~Il.\', nnd noy a whole town or
country, And ~lIch ('\"il PCl"'ons, that be Ii())~f'rot
offo.'IHlt'rs of God and till' conunonwcal, chant)" requircth to heeut olf from the body of the cummonwl':!.l, Ie.;t the)' oomlpt other good and hone>;t per.
~n8; lik" as a ~18u"''':-l'f)n cuttcth away a rotten
aod li:~tcf'lod mt'mber for I,)\'c hc hllth to the whole
body, 1.'>01 it jof''!'l other members adjoinillg to it.
'rhus it is dl~..lal'('d unlo \'OU what tnle charih'
or Christinn lo\'e i.., !'O plaiill y that no man llcc<l
10 be d~ived. "'Ilieh lo"c whOs()('"cr keepeth,
not onl" toward God, whom hc is bound to lo\'e
above ail thil1St8, but nl;;1O toward his neighbour, as
well friend as fbc, it El1l1l11 surely keep him from nil
offence of God nud ju,.;t om'nce of man, 'l'herefore
hcar weB away 1hill onc short lessoll, that by truo
Christian charity God oUg'ht to be loved nbo\'e all
things, and all llIell ou~ht to be loved, good and
evil, friend and loo; and to :Ill slIch wc alight, iIS
wc m:l)', to do f,"O()(I; those that be good, of lovc
to CnOOllrl1/.."C llnd eheri~h, !x>e:lllSC thcy hc WXXI j
and those that be c\'il, of 10\"t~ to procure alld seek
their correction and due puni,.lunent, that they may
thereby cither be broll~ht to goodn~1 or at the
least that God and the commonwealth ma>' be the
J.oss burl nnd ollcndl..'I.1, And, if we thus dU'l'Ct our
life b)' Chri,.tian lo\'c and charitYI t11l'1l Christ doth
promi."C and ~~Ilre us that he lo\'etb u..~, that we
he the childnm of our !Jcavelll)' Fathcr, reconciled
to his fa\'ourl \"Cl")' ml'mhers of Chritl :md that l
after this bhort timc of thi~ pf(',;{'nt and mortal lifel
we 6hall have with him e\"crln,,;ling life in his cvcrl:lstill~ kingdom of h('a\cn. 'l'herefore to him with
tbe .Father and the Unly Gbo.lit be all llOllour and
glory nolV lUld evcr. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m




ALlfTOIITY God, to the intent his mORt 110ly Name

.hould he had in honour :md evermore he magnifi..d of the people. comnulllcleth no man
.bould take his Xamc vainly ill his mouth, threat
enill~ punishment unto him that lIore\'crcntly
alm"cth it by 8wearill~1 forswearing, find hl1l8Jlhem". '1'0 the intent therefore that this command.
ment IUnr be the bcUcr known and kept, it shall
he dec:lan...od unto you both how it is lawful for
Christian people to swear, and also whnt peril Dud
danf?t.r it i" vuinty to lJwear or to be forsworn.
Fm,l, whell juclg'C1l 1'C<luire oaths of the people 110....." tu
for (k'(:lamtion (or orltlllTlg) of the truth or lor ~':'~':"1oI
uerution of justiCt', this milliner of swearing is .nu.
la\\'ful. Al:;(), wbell men make faithful promises
with calling- to witll~8 of the Name of Ood to
kL'Cp covcnant"" hOI\($t promi.tiC8. stlltlltes, lawsJ
and good customs; llS ChristillllllrillCCil do in their
(~)Ilelur<ions of peace for con8fr\'lltiOIl of common\\"l-altha; and prinate persons promise their fidelity
ill matrimony. or (.nc to another in hOIl(',.t and
trne fricndshlp; and allmcn. whcll thcj' dn swear
to keep common laws. or locul stututl'S and brood
customs. fOf due on:ll'r 10 be had nlld conliuuoo
nrnol1~ men; wllen subjed.B do 8Wl'llf to be true
and fuitl,ful to their king and so\cn'ig'Il lord. and
when judges, ma~~tratC$J and oOicehJ swear truly
to execute their Offil'Cll; and when a man would
affirm the truth 10 the setting forth of God's glory
for the salvation of the people in open llrcach-


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Fir8t Part

if the Sermon

ingo of the Go-"pel, or in gi\'ing of good counsel

pri\'ntcly for their souts' health: all these IlUlIlner
of s\\'e:lring>! for causes necessary and honest be
lawful. nut, when men do swear of custom, in
rea"onin~, buying IlIld selling, or othcr daily corn.
IlHlnicution, us many be common and grc:lt !II1'Cfirers,
such kind of swearing ill ungodly, unlawfill, :llld
forbidden by the commandmcnt of God: lor such
;lwellring is nothing else but taking of God's holy
Name in vain.
And here is to be noted that lawful 8lVellrin~ is
not forbidJen, but commanded, of Almighty Ood.
:1"or \\'e have examples of Christ and godly men in
holy Scripture, that did swear thernsclves, nnd requirc<l oaths of other likewise. And God';; oomlkut. vt. IJ. manoment is, l'1tQu ~hatt dreadih!l IAJrd Cod, alld
tltait tlrear b.r hill Name. And Almighl.y God by
Jo. loW. ll. his Prophet David suith, Att 'lIel~ IIhalt be prailled
that IIICear b!l hillt.
'l'hus did our Saviour Christ swear divers times,
JoIu. w. 3. I, snying, Jl'eri('1, reri(lf.
And Sl. Paul swcarcth
~'(Ol".I"J' thus, 1 calt (JOlt to willlUII. And Ahraham, \\':IX
G.... ,U!v. ,- iug old, rC<luircd all o:llh of hi::! sen'llllt that he
should procure a wile for his son hanc, which
should oome of his own kinred: tlnd the servant.
did swear thnt he would perform his master's
(;......I. - will. Abmlmm al~o, being rC<juired, did swear uuto
Abimelceh the king 01' Gernris that 11<.\ should IlOt
hurt him nor his pastcl'ity: and 80 likcwise did
,flo,w.. anll. Ahimelech liWl.'ar unto Abmlmm.
J\ ud David did
~;.'" '''''1. sll"cnr to be and coutillue a filil.hful l'l'ieud to Jonathas: nnd JOllathlls did sll'enr to becomo a filith.
I'ul friend unto David.
AI80 God once <:ommnll(lcd that if fl, thing were
10, ll.
Itlid to ple<lgc to lln)" mall or left with him to keep,
if the same thing wcrll stolen or 10lit, thnt tht.!
kC<'j'H.'r therool' should be sworn bcfore jud!!'<'s, thM
he did not con\'CY it. allay, nor uscd allY dccl'it ill
ellu",inA' the to be conve)"ed llWllY by Ilis con.
Hlb. ~I. ,6. 8ent or knowledge.
And St. P:lul saith that in all
matters of oontro\'ersr bet.wccn two persons, where


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Sweorillg.
as onC snith )'ea, :md thc other nay, so as no dll"
roof Clln be Imd of the truth, the end of..cverr
rueh controversy must be nn oath ministcred by :l.
And moreovcr God by thc Prophct Jercm~' smth, Jer.lT."
Thou dolt ,wear, 1he Lent lilleth, in truth, mjIl4!Jment in rightcoll8l1U8. So that, whosoevcr sweareth
whe~ he is re<plircd of II judge, let him be sure III
his conscience that llis oath ha\'c these three con t1m
... 10 1)C nfraJ(
1 01 fuloathb ",.
lln(I 1le s1HI 11 ncvcr 11.:\:
perjury. l~irst, hc thnt sweareth must swear truly; ~~~.l tol
that is, hc must, sctting apart ItB favour nnd nffi.:c. Tlltllrol,
tion to the parties, havc thc truth only before his
eyes, and for love thereof sn)' rmd speak that which
he knoweth to be truth, and 110 fnrlllCr. 'l'hen.. .-nd,
second is, hc that takcth !Ill onth must do it with.
judgment; not rashly and lmach'iscdly, but soberly,
eom.idcring what an o:lth is. 'l'hc tbird is, he thaL n,oUInl
sweareth mllst swear in rigltleou8ne88; that is, for
thc very zeal and lovc which he bcareth to thc de
fonC<! of inlloceney, to thc maintenanccof thc truth,
and to the rig-htcoltsness of the matter or causc, all
profit, disprofit, all lovc nnd fi.IVour unto t.hc PCrsOIl
for friendship or kinrcd, laid apart. 'l'hus an oatll,
ifit have with it tllese threc conditions, is n. part
of God's glory which wc arc bound by his com
rnandmCllt to givc unto him: for hc willeth that
we shall swcar only by his Namc. Not that he Whp,ebo
hath pleasure in Dill onths: hut,likc as he eom. ~~~~~t~
rnanded th~ Jews to oiler sa~rifjces unto him, 1l0L ~=:::g';t
for an)' dchght that he had III them, but to kC()p
the Jews from committin~ of idolatry, so he, commanding us to swcnr by his holy Name, doth noL
teach Uti thllt hc delighteth in swcaring, but he
thC!rchy forbiddelh all men to givc his glory to anr 1..1. .1I1.~,
C!rcature in heavcn, C!nrth, or water.
l't,d o.
HitllC!rto you sce that oaths lawful arc corn
mnnded or God, use<! of Patriarchs [lnd Prophets,
~r Christ Ilimsclf, and of his Apostle PllUI. 'l'hcre
lore Christian people must think lawful oaths both
godly and necessary. I'or by lawful promises and {'"",moo" ...


w w w. h a i l andf m

\...1 by



1'he FiTlt Part

of tire Sermon

nla<le covcnants, confirmed by oaths, princes :md their

countrics are oonfirmed ill common tranquillity and
peace. By holy promises with culling the Name
of God to witness we be made lively members of
Christ, when we profess his religion, receiving the
Suc'l1lmcnt of Baptism. By like holy promise the
sacmmellt of matrimony knilteth mall and wife in
perpctunl love, that tbcy dc.,.ire not to be separated
tor any displeasure or advcrtlity that shall after
bappcn. By lawlil1 oatlls which kin~, princes,
judb"CS, and ma~istl1lk'S do swear common laws
are kept inviolatc, justice is indifferently minis_
tered, harmle~s persolls, f:tlherless children, widows,
and poor mell are defended from murderers, oppressors, and lhieves, that they suffor no wrong,
nor take uny hnrm. By lawful oaths mutuul so
ciety, amity, and good order is kept continually in
all eOlllmonaHies, as boroughs, cities, towns, lllld
villa~.cs. And by lawful oaths malefactors arc
ilCarched out, wrong doers are punished, and they
which sustain wrollg lire restored to their right.
'I.'hcrefore lawful swearing e3l1ll0t be evil, which
bringclh unto us so many godly, good, and Ileces~
sary commodities.
\"1;" .-.r.
Wherefore, when Christ so earnestly forbnd
,n~ ~ f""o
s-wearing, it may not be so undct'litanded as
though he did forbid all mallller 01' o... . ths: but
he forbidddh all vain swearing nnd forswearing
both hy God and by his creaturcs, liS the oommon
use 01' swearing in buying, selling, nnd in our
daily communicntion j to the intcnt evcry Christian man's word should be as well ICgarded in
such mntters, as if he should confirm his communication with nn o.... th. .For" e'"ory Christian
llllm's word." snith St. Hierome, "should be so
true, thnt it should be regarded :IS an oath!' And
Chr)'sostom, witnessing the same, saith, "It is
not. convcnient to swear: for what nl.lcdcth us to
swear, when it is not lawful for olle 01' us to make
a lie unto another?"
PCrndVl.lllture &Qmc will sa)', I am compelled to,)

..,d ""--'-



w w w. h a i l andf m

llWc:tr, for else men that do common with mc, or

do buy and flcll with mc, willllot belie,c me. '1'0 "-".'''.1',
this tlnsl\'ercth 81. Chr.ysostom, tlml, he that, thus
~ith shewelh himflClf to he an unju"t nnd a de('('itful re!"'on: for, if he were a trustr man, :lIld
Ili.. dt't."d" taken to a~.oe wilh his w(lrd~, he should
not need to "'wear at all. }~or he that useth truth
Ilnd Jllainnc;.~ in his bargaining and communicnlion, Ill.' !;hall have no IWt.'<1 br "ueh \"fain swearing
t,) bring himfielf in ert.'<lenCt.' with hi~ neigbboun;,
nor his neigoltoours will no1 mititru-;l his !J,.'J..rinWJ.
Alld, if his credence he flO much lost indeed tlmt
he thinketh 110 mall will believe him without he
~wcar, then he ma)' well tlJink hi~ en'<1en(-c is
dt"an ~Il(,. For truth it is, as '1'I11.-'ophylactu8
\\ ritdh, that .. no man is It-- .. tru"tt'<! than he that
ulK,th mmh to SWl.>ar!' .\.n<1 .\.Imirrhtr God by
the Wi~e :'tran 8aith, 1"al 111(1" r"ic/t ''''e,m:t4 EeeliIIL ....u.
"".("4 dall 6e full of ,ill, aUll IAe lCf)urge of Gild 11.
d<1l1lfot deparlfroflt Ai, 11II1f,('.
nut liertJ I'lOme men will ~ay, for excusing- of .1.""'.... 0...
their many OlltllS in their dail.v trI1k, Whr should .lecUol,.
] 1I0t swear whell I ~we:tr trulr? '1'0 sueh men .1.0 ........
it may be ..:aid that, thou~h the)" l;Wl':lr truly, ret,
in "wl'8.ring oftcn, uIlMh'i",,-dly, J(lr trilk..., without.
n,~. ity, and wilen tlllT should tlllt s\\ear, thl'y
I.., not without limit, but do take God'l! Illo=>t holy
~IUnc in \':lin. )lueh more unq'l',.Jly and unwa....
mell are they that :11)11::;(' GClll's most holy Xnnw,
not only ill buying nlld I;cUing of slllull tllinb"l:l
daily in nil Jlllle('~, but also ill eating, drinl,illg,
Illllyillg, commonin,cr, nnd rl'll'iOniug j as if 1I01l~
of thl'lle thin;..."lI Illi~ht he dUDe, t'Xt~'pt in doing
or UIl.'m the lIl()l;t holy 1\"Ulll-' of G..xi be (.'OlDmOlllr wed and nLlbl:.'d, '''3inly and ullf'Cverently
talL:t-d of, swonl by Bod fQn;worn, to the J,renkill~
of God's \.'Ommandment, and procun:Ulcut of Ius


w w w. h a i l andf m


The &colld Part of the Sermoll



You have heen tnu~ht in the finrli pnrt of this

Sermon agnin"t 8we3ring- :md perjury, what great
danj.,'1'r it is to lL'<e the l\'amc of God in vain; and
that all kind of swearing- bl not unlawful, neither
a:.-ninrt God's commandment; and that there be
thrt'e tllinW> rNluirt'(l in a lawful o.'lth; first, that
it be madc for the mainftll1flnl'C of the fmth;
sc('uud, that it be made wit h jlld~mcllt, not rll;:hly
and unad\'i"l.'<lIy; tllirdl}', lor the l'ocal and loye of
jll~til'1.', Ye he'.lrd nl:-o what commodities comcth
of lawful 0.'1th8, and what danger collleth of m..-h
ami unlawful oaths, Now, as couccnling the ru;t
of the salllC matter, ye shall undCnitand t1U1t as
weH they UlSC the N:une of God ill vaill t1ll1t by
an oa1h make lawful promist'S of ~ nnd hone... t
thillWf and perform them not, as tbey \\'hich do
promi.c e"il and unlawful things and do perform
the ~'1llle,
..._.uu Of liuch men that regnn:1 not their godly pro=~"":- miSL'fI bound by UIl oalh, hut wittinJ::'ly :md wil::::,fully hrcukcth them, wc do ri'ad in 110Iy Scripture
two notahle punishments, Firsl, Josue nnd the
JooI', ,",
Jlcoplc of ]~racl mllde a ICllWIe and f:lithfu! promi;.e or perpetual amity and fricll<Lihip with the
GllUaollitc,,: notwith:ttandillg, afh'nl'ard in the
daJlJ of wickl'd S:ml mall)' of theN.' GahaonilCS
were 1IlIlrdcfl'<1. contrnry to the 6llid faithful promi..o Illude. "rhcrtll'ilh Almigllty God 'I'll!! 80
,"-......L sore disJllc:l~l'(I, that he lK'lIt llll universal hUll!!'Cr
uloOlI the whole COUlltry, whidl continued by tho
spat'C of three )'l'aJ'S; and God would not wilh_ his I uni",lullent. until the said offence was
reHllh"t'<1 by the dcath of lI<l"CIl sons or next kins.
mell or kinA' aul. AI..o, \lherroil Sl'(!cchi:lIl kill~
KI . . . I. of Jl'ru:;alClll had prollli:;ro liddity to the king of
'I-m 7 Chllldeu, afterward, when Sl'tlcchillll, conl.rarJ' to


w w w. h a i l andf m

of SII:eari"!J'


his oath and ollegiance, did rebel against kin~

Nebuehodonozor, this henthen king, by GOll'"
permission ond sufli.lrancc, invading the land of
Jewry and bcsieg-inl=:' the city of Jerusalem, com~
pelled the said king Sedcehills to flee, llud in fleeill'" took him prisoner, slew his sons before hi~
fa~e, and put out both his eyes, and bintlillg him
with ehllins led him prisoner miscl':luly into DilbylOll. 'rhus doth God shew plainly how much
he abhorreth breakers of honest promises bound
by an oath made in his name.
And of them that make wicked promises by an Unla-..fnl
oath, and will perform the So'lme, wc Imve example ;:'t~'~J'"
in the Seri!lture, chiefly of Herod, of the wicked ~Ollube
Jews, and of Jephthah. llcrod promiud b!l all ~~~~~l. (,.
oat! unto the damsel which danced before him tQ ".
git'e 'Ill/to ner tdwtaoel:er de 1t1Quld oak, wllcll shC'
lItas i11atrucWl be/ore of ner wicked motllt:r to a",k
the heud of St. John :llaptist. Hcrod, ll9 he t(lok
a wiekcd Qllth, 50 he more wickedly performed the
same, and cruelly slew the most holy Propll{'L
Likewise did the malicious Jews make all oath, AcIot "Ill.".
curaing tllemaelvea if they did either eat or drid
until they had atail, St. Paul. And Jellhtlmh, .''''11, ~t 1'>when God had given to }lim victory of the chit. J~'
drcn of' Ammon, promised, of 11. foolish devotion
unto God, to for 11. sacrifice unto him t.hat
person whieh of' his own house should first meet
willl him nf'ter his return home. DJ force of'
which fond and unadvised ollth he did sIllY his
OWII and only daughter, whieh came out of his
house with mirth and joy to welcome him home.
'1'hus the promise, whieh he made most 1001_
iI:hly to God, llgainst God's everlllsting will and
the law of lIat.ure most cruelly he pcrlormcd, so
committing ag".Iillst God double offullce. 'fhercfore, whosoever milkcth any Ilromise binding him_
self thereunto by an o,'lth, let him foresee thnt the
thing which he promiscth be good, bonest, and
not ngainst t.he commandment of God, and that
it be in his own power to perform it justly: and



w w w. h a i l andf m


TIle SeCORd Part 0/ ine &n.m,

such good promises must all men keep c\"ermoro

3...~urcdly. But, if a man at any time shall, either
of i!tllor:lnce or of malice, pronllie and swear to
do 1111rthin~ whieh is either against the law of
Almig'hty God or not in his power to perfOnTl, let
him takc it for an unlawful and ungodl), oath.
XOIY Something- to Bl1l'ak of perjurJ'. To the
intent rou should know how !treat and grie\"Ouf;l
an olft ncc against God this wilful pc,:iury is, I
will 8hcw yOIl what it is to fake an onth hefore a
judA'C tlllOll a book. 1~ir8t, when they, 11IyinA" t.heir
hands upon the Gospel book, do swellr truly to
inquire :lIId to make fl. true presentment of things
wherewith thcy be cha~l, and not to let from
!:lyinA" the troth and doin::;- troly for fU\'our, 10Ye,
dfl'ad, or malice of rill." Jle~n, as God may help
them and the holy contl'nt;; of that book, thcy
must oonsidi'r that in that book is contained God's
ev{'rl~tillg' truth, his m~t. holy and dl'rnnl word.
whercb)' we h:n"c fnrgi\,ellc,,;.i of our sins, lmd he
made inheritors of hroven, to live for e\'er with
God's nn~ls and l,is 8llinta in joy and ,!::lndl1{,;:~.
In the Go,.pel book is oonbinoo also God't! terrible
t.hreuls to obstillulo sinners, thut will not alllend
their li\'es, nor bdicvo the truth of God, hit! holy
word, Hlld the everlust inS' pnin prepared in hell for
idolatcr.~, hypocrit(!!j, lor thlsc and nlin Il\\"carcrs,
for perjured mcn, lor lilll;C witnl'''S Il('arens, for
false condemners of illlloccnl :1I\d guiltless men,
lUld for them whieh for favour hide the ("rimes of
c\;ldocril, that the)" should not be puni...hed. So
that, whOllocvcr \\;Ifully forsweareth himself upon
ChrUit's holy Emllgt.'ly, they utterly fOI'S.'lke God's
mercy, wxx!ne:-'<, and truth. the merits or our
Saviour Christ's uath;ty, life, passion, dcnth J restlrreetion, and lL..~IIl'ion; they refu~ the forgi\'e_
nCf!8 of sius promifiCd to all penitent rillnel"6, the
joys of heaven, the company with onA'Cls and
8llints ror ever; all whil'h beuefits and comforts
urc promised unto true Christian persons in the
GOtipel. And they, 80 being forsworn t1llOll the


w w w. h a i l andf m

Gospel, do bclakc 111(!msch-cs to the dcvil's scn-kT,

the ma.~ter of nil lies, fillschood, dcecit, and pcrjun', provoking' the great indig"nnlioll and curse
of God ag-ainst them in this life, and the terrihle
wrath find judg-mcnt of our Saviour Christ at the

went day of the Inst judgment, whell he shall

justly judge both the quick lInd the dead nCC(Jr(I-

iog to their works. l~or whosoever fOl'8nkclh the

truth for love or displclIsnrc of {lily man, or for
lucre llod profit to llimsclf, cloth forsake Christ,
and with Judas bctrnycfh him. And, although Thou""!""'_
such pcr:jurcd men's lhlschood be


kept sc<:ret,~~~"';j"

)-et it shnll be opened nL the last day, when the :,;::::.~I'~-d.

secrets of all men's hClIns shnll be rnllnifl'St to allllo1l&1l"..'
doooe' ....
the worldj :l.Il(I t I lell the truth shall appear, and
accu~e them; and their own eOllsc:icnee, with all
the h1cf<S('(1 comllilllY of heavcll, Sh:lll bear witncss
truly agninst. llu:m; and Christ, thu rightoo1l8
Judge, shull thcn justly condemn them to evcrIw;tillg shame and death.
'l'his ain of pCJ;jnr.y Almighty God by the Prophet J\ulnchy doth thrcnten to punish sore, 6<'lying
unto the Jews, -'wilt come k !l0I' in judgmeut, aull ~I.L UI. $.
110itt be a IWiJZ witl/e" and a. shnrp judge 11JlOlt

IOrCereTl, allultereTl, amt perjured pcrlOIIIJ. "'IJich

thing to the Prophet ZacllfLry God dcclareth ill II
vision, wherein the l>rophct saw n book flying, 7.eob. Y
whic:h was t.wcnt.y euhits 10llg and tCll cnbits
brood, God saying thcn unto him, l'hil il Ihe

curIe Ihat IJnalt 90 forth- 1IP01/, the face of Ihe earth

for Ja{lJelux)(i, fU{Ie IJltear;1I9, and perJllry; und IhilJ
curlJe Ihalt enler into the houle 0/ the Ja/le 11/Uil
Ol/(t inw the hOllle qf Ihe perjured malt, aud it Ihalt
remai.tilllhe ...idlt of hi, houlC, llllll COHlume hill/,
lite tim!Jer and IJlo/lel of hi, hOI/IC. 'l'IHIS you sce

!lOW much God

doth hate Jlerjurr, and what punIslllllcnt God hath prellfLrc for Jillsc swcater" lllld
peljurcd persons.
. :lhus )ou havc heard how and ill what causes
It IS l:l\ditl l'or n Chrislian mall to Ilweur; ye' hf\\c
heard what propertil'S and conditions a lawful oath


w w w. h a i l andf m


80 TAt &co1Ul Part of i!le


of SlCtari"!J.

must h:1\'c, and also how slIch lawful oaths arc

both godly and necessary to be obser\'oo;
heard thnt it is not lawful to fiWe3r nin )'. that
is, othcrways than in such causes and after such
sort as is declared i Rnd finnllx JC ha\'c hMri
holV damnnble a thing it is cltllcr to forswear
ourselves or to keep Rn unlawful and unadvised
oalll. 'VIICreforc let us cllrnestly call for gmee,
that, all vain Bwenrinfr and pcrjllTY set aptlrt, wc
may only use such oaths as be lawful and godly,
nnd that we muy truly, without nil, keep
the same, according to God's will and plensuro.
'fo whom with the Son :lIId Holy Ghost be all
honour and glory. Amen.



w w w. h a i l andf m

lmOn GOD.

Op our gQin~ from God, tlle Wise Man Elllith That"'" 1Iu.. ",
pride was the first beginning: for by it mail's ').
h,vt was turned from God his ).[aker. For pr;J~,
saith hc, i.r lkfo..tai. o.f aU ti.: .te flat Iwlll. if
diJll6efllll of c,u8i"9', a"d at IA~ ad it ,jail oru
IArotD Ai,.. And, as by pride and sin we go from
God, so shall Ood, and all goodnc.. with him, go
from us. And the Prophet 0liCe doth plainly
affirm that they which go away still from God hy
vicious living, and yet would go about to pacify
him otherwise by sacrificc, Il.Ild entertain him
thereby, they labour in vain: fOf, notwithstnuJ.
ing nit thei., Sllcrilicc, yet he gocth still (~way from
them. li'orsomuch, snith the llrophct, us tAe.r d4 11.... 1. ~
"ot apply their mind, to return to God, althoug4 lite!!
90 about 1Oit4 teltolejlock, Qlut hmi, {o 8et!.: the .Lord,
,et tlte, dall .ot find Aj,. i for"" if g01fe alCay from
But ns touching our turning to God, or i'rom
God, rou shall understand that it may be done
divel"il wars. Sometimes directly b.y idolatry', ail
l~rael and Juda then did. Sometimes men go lI-.h . "
from God by lack of faith and mistrwting of God,
whereof R.:ay I!peakelh ill tbi~ wi~e: Woe to tlteM 1.1 ..,1
~Aat !l0 dOte/l, i"to E$!pt to Ne!.: for lulp, tr/l, ljN9" J.
1/1, norUI, ufi nad1f!l conjide1ft:e jlf tne numb" 0)'
chanou a"d PU;I8U1fce (or power) qf norlemen,' tlley
hare 110 colljide1ft:e in tile /toly GOtI of J,raei, nor ,u!.
jor the Lord. liut what followcth? 1'1te ord ,halt
10: I)


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Jr'irllt Part of tAe &rmon

Id hill 1111/111 fait 1lPOll them, mul aOlOlr dolt collie

outh. tlte helper amI he t!uJt it holpen: IAei ,halt be

dellro!lct/ alt I/Jgether.
Sometime men go from God by the neglectingof his commandments conccrning their neighbours,
which oomm:lIldeth them 10 express hearty love
toward!! e\"{!ry man: as Z:\chary said unto the
peoJlle in God's belmlf, Git'e trlle jut/fI/IIellt, ,hew
merci alld co/llpauum erer!! one W hi" brother, ima
!line no deceit l<JJoardl widoWI, or e4ildrm fa/Aerlell
and mother/ell, lorcardlJ Ilra"ger, or the poor; let no
mOll forge edt in /daheart a.'lai",t hi, brother, ]jut
thele thing" thci pall,ell not of; thci turned their
bad", a1Ul1&enl their 1&ai; thc!! awpped their eOl'a,
tlwt th"!! might not hear; tlte!! hardened their heart"
all all adomallt "tOIlC, that the!! might not tiaten to
the law, and the worrl" that tAe IAJrd had lent tAro'/gN
hi" lIot!! S;,irit by hi" alleiellt Prophet". WAere/ore
the .Lord ahewed hi" great iJuligl/atioll 'UflOn them. it
came to pa"lI, saith the Prophet, er:en a" I wld them:
a" the!!'lCouttl 'lOt hear, 80 when thc,r cried they were
flOt heard, but were aCl/lIere,1 into aU /';i"gd()/II." whic!
they IIet'er lnew, ami their lalld '/Ca" tnade deaolate.
And, to be short, nil th('y that may not nhide
the word of God, but, lollowillg' the persuasions
~ T \it .~, nlld stubbornness 01' their own hearts, go /mcl'wanl
alldtlot/orwanl (:\8 it. is snitl in Jcrem.r), they go
and turn 1111'11)' from God. ] llSOllllWh that Ori~n
f'l1'1lm'''''- !':lith, It J[e that with milld, with study, with
Z:~Il"UI' deed!!, with thought and ('fire, llpplicth and Si,eth
himself to God's word, and thinkelh UI)()U his Inll's
day and night, giveth himsclf wholly to God, and
in his precepts nnd comm:mdmcnts is exercised,
tJlis is he that i" turned to God!' And on the
other Imrt he saith, Whosoever is occupied with
fables llnd tnles, wh(,1l the word of God is rehearsed, he is turncd from God. Who!'oovcr in
time of reading- God'll word is carcful in his mind
of' worldly busineS8, of moncy, or of lucre, be is
turucd from God, "'hosoc\'er is cntangk'<1 with
the cares of' po:;scssious, filled with CQ\'etoUSII('SS 01


w w w. h a i l andf m

riches, wh08OC\'er studidh for the ~lor~' and honour

of this world, he is turned from GO(I." So that,
onel' his mind, whosoever !lath Ilot :I special mind
to thnt tbin::;- that is commanded or tnu:rht of Godj
lIe that doth not li~len unto it, emhrncc, and print
it in his hCMt, to tlle intent tlUll he mar uuly
fashion his lilt, t"{'reaflet; he is plainly tUnled
from God, lllthough he do other thillJ.,"S of his OWII
dc\"Otion and mind, which to him seem better and
more 10 God's hOllour.
Which thing to be troe wc be tnught nnd nd
moni,>hcd ill the holy Scripture hy the example (If
king Sanl i who, beill::;' commanded of God I,y' "Samuel, thnt he should kill all the Am:ll('(.'hitl;~ ,.....
and dt.""troy lh\:rn clearly with their goods Illld
(:attals, ~'ct he, bein~ mo\'l'(! Ilartl~' with pity Bnd
partl)' (as he lhou:.:-ht) with dC\'otion unto God,
~\'ed Ag:lg their killg, and all the cbief of their
cattle. therewith to m.ake sacrifice unto God.
""bere\v"ithal God being diEplcnsed hig-hly said
unto the Prophet Samuel, j rtp.t IIIat erer I
Mad~ &ut a J.'.g; for !le Aal! forlal'C/j me, and
"ot foltmud m'y vord4; and 80 he oornm:lIIdl'<!
Samuel to shew 11im. And, when Slllnuc1 naked
wherefore oolltrnry to God's word he had S:loVed
the cattle, be excused the matter pmtly by fenr,

say\nA' he dUNlt do none other, lor tlUlt. the people

\\ouId have il80; pnrtl)'. for that. they were good.
1)" bea!;ll'. he thought God would be content. seeing it. was done 01" B good intellt and devotion to
honour God wilh the sacrifice of them. But Samuel,
repro\-ing all Eueh intents aild dc\'otions (seem they
nen-r 80 much to God's hmlour), if they stand lIot
with hi" word, whereby we mny he lI&ured of hill
pll'3ure. said in this wise: 11 ()ltld God .fore IiIl'r;.
ji~ a.d ofer;"9', or rat/ur IIIal li, tmm dUMld k
ottye(l' '1'0 fi6t Ai". i4 bt:Uer Ilia,. ojrt'ri"g', a"d to
fA) Rim i, wlt~r than l() (jffcr fM/at of rOlltl/.
lea, I() f'tJd(glt agai",t hi, f:oice i, 0' ecil at Ille,1II
o/',IW!I/W1.'Iill!l, ami flot W "!Irre fA) it i, li~'e 0,",0-


mUl.ublf1 idu'"lf'y.

~Nd fjUIC,j'Ufll"IlUdl tU th(jll hlld


w w w. h a i l andf m



TAe Fir" Part

of I"~ &,1ItO"

r,tJ/ QrrQ~ lu rr.mJ of tAt: fAro, Ae Aat~ cal'

/I.u, t1011llo11. do.Med ffot tt: ii"9'


By nil these examples of holy Scripture we may

know that, ns we fOl"$lke God, so shall he c\-cr
fonllke UB. And, what miserable state doth con
seqllcntlvand necessarily follow thereupon, n mun
may cas:ly com:idcr by the terrible thrcatcniuga of
God. And, nllhough he consider not nil the snid
mit>cry to the uttermost, being' so g-fcnt that it
plIs."Cth nny mao's capacity in this life suflicicnUy
to collsider the snme, yet he shall soon perceive 80
much thereof that, if his h('urt be not morc thnu
stony, or harder than the adamant, he shall fenr,
tremble, nud quake to call the same to his remcm.

Fin.t, the disp!ea;;ure of God to"'nrd us is

4..'Ommonlr expref!8ed in the Scripture by these
two things, by shl:wing his fearful countenance
upon us. Bnd hy turnin~ his face or hiding it from
ns. Uy she\\-1ng his dreadful CQunten:moo is sig.
nified his great wrnth; but by tUnJin,l: his face or
hiding thcreof is many timCfl more signified, that
is t<l suy, that he elenrl)' lortiuketh us and gh'cth
118 over.
The which aignificlltiollB bc takclI of the
pl'opertie!:l of men's manner.... For men towards
thcm whom thc)' favour (.'ommonl)' I1 j:,"OOd,
u cheerful, uud II lovinl-;' OOUnICllllll('C; fl() that. I,y
the fllce or CQunlcn::uu:t: of 1'I mall it <loth commonly
up~r what will or mind he Lt.'3retb tOWl'Iro:J other.
So, wllen God doth shew his dreadful countenance
towards us. that iB to say, dolll gend dreadful
plal-:'llell of sword, famine. or IMlI>tiJeuce Dpon us.
it uppeareth that he is greatly wrotb with U8.
Hut, when be withdrnweth from us his word. the
ril-;'ht doctrine of Christ, his gracious assistance
lmd aid. which is eyer joined to his word, and
Ic:u'etb us to our OW1l wit, our own will and
etrcllbrlh, be decln.rcth theu that he IX'g'inneth to
li.lI'sllke liS. }~orJ whereas God lluth shewed tn
nil tlu:lm thnt. truly belieye his GOSI>C! his luce of
mcrq in JCl>'US Chril:it. wllich doth so lighten tlu:ir


w w w. h a i l andf m

oj'Fallillfffrom God.


hcnrts that ther, if they behold it us they ought

to do, be trnnsformed to his imngc, be made pnr_ aCor, Ill. ,hi
tnkers of the hell\'cnly light and of his Holy Spirit, I... to~'
and be fasllionoo to him in all goodncss requisiw
to the children of God; so, jf they after do neglect
the s<'\me, if they be nntlmnl.:ful unto him, if the,"
order 1I0t their lives accordil1~ to his example lUll!
doctrine and to the setting forth of Ilis glory, he
,dll take all'flY from tllCm his kingdom, his holy)IMCll.J..
word, whereby he shoulJ reign in them, because H
ther hring not forth the fruit thereof, that he
lookcth for.
Ncverthelcsfl, he is so merciful and of so long
8utli.'runCc that he doth not Fohew upon us that
great wrath suddenly. Dut, when we begin to
~hrink from his word, not believing it, or not exI)rcssing it ill our livings, first he doth send Ilia
mcsscngcNl, the true preachers of his word, to admonish and warn liS of our duty; that, 88 he for
his part, for the great lo\'c he bare uuto us, delivered his OWII Son to suffer death, that wc by
his death might be delivered from (leath and be
restored to the life everlasting, evermore to dwell
with him, nnd to be purtnkers and inheritors with
him of his everlasting glory and kingdom of henVeil, so n~in that wc for our Jl:lrls should walk in
a bl'Qdly hfe, as bccometh his children to do. And,
if tllis will 1I0t serve, IJIlt still wc remain disobc
dicllt. to his word nnd will, not knowing him, not
loving him, not. fearing him, not putting our wholo
1 rust and confidencc in him; and, Oil the other
l>ide, to our neighbours behaving olll'8Clvcs UII_
charitably by disdnin, ell v)", malicc, or !:l' committing murder, roLtbcry, ndultery, glutlony, deceit, lying, swenring, or other like delestablc
works l\nd tln~ly beh:lViour; thcn he thrcnt_
t'llcth us Lty tcrriLtle comminntions, swearing in !lob I"'-'J:
great anger that w/J(noer:er dot/It. Mc. fCorJoa ,halt i:~~~.;;,
11erer tiller illlo hi" rtll, which is the kingdom of


w w w. h a i l andf m




rill Part of tlte &r.m.


i'ALLL'W }'1l0:\l GOD,

1-.1. . ,-6:
)lOll .... 1-


b the former 11urt of this Sermon ye hrl\"e lrorned

how m.'lll\- manlier of wan men fan from God;
I:!Omc by idolatry. !.'IlmC f(;r lack of faith. WUle by
the mgl('Ctin~ of their IlcighholJr-... l;()lIlC by lIot
l1l'arinA' God',,; word, I:!Omc by the pll1lSurc they
take in tIlC \'anitiL'll of worldl.\' thill1,"S, Yc h:l\"o
ulso lcarned ill what misery that mUll is which is
j.r0IlC from God; llnd how thut GCld )'cL of his in
J:llilc b"OOdll{,>-s, to cnll ll~"llill man from tlml hid
mi:;L'rr. useth lin;t gentle ndmnnitiOIlS by hi,;
prt3clwfS. artu hc lll.yetb 011 terrible th"'-'3teDill/.~.
Now. if this gentle monition and threntenill;..:'
togtther do lJ(lt I;Cr\e. then God "ill shew his
terriblc countenance upon us j he will pour inwlernble plaguCl:i UpOIl our hl':.ds j :lIld lIRer It!.'
will blkc away frum us all his aid and ullolSistuncc.
wherewith bL:furc hc did defend U8 from nil 8Llch
mUllllcr of c:llumitr. As tho c\'llllg'clieul Propl1Ct
1::..""0)", agreeing' \nth Chri..t's par:J1JI{', doth tl.!l:u;:h
us. 1i3)'ing that God had Ill::lde a goodly yine}urtl
for his bcIO\-l>d children j lie IIt,I!led il, he walk-d it
round about, lie l'{a"lcd il rilA
ri"~8, a"d
Mode a i.,nt i. file ,.iddtl fA~t:flj; a"d tAertin a{Jf(J
a ri1f~preu; Q1fd ...AeJJ lie tool"td IAat it ,/'ou!d
{,rin9 him furi'" 9()(j(1 9ral~" it t.rotJ!fItI.lur(! riM
!frolIC8. And nner it. lollowctll: ]\mo dull J ,hew
gO/I, suith God, ,rhat I 1Cilt do vilh ',I!! rille!!ard.
J fl:i/t "~fuel' dwl/, the 11eJ1:;e" (!tut it IJIU$ ptriJtll;
J rill t.rrnk dUI'" tAt vo/l~, /Ill/I it mu! t.1! trodden
ni/a jiH I: J .. i{lld it lit r"IIle; it ,/",/1 IW! k
Cllt. if dall ""t k Ili!IfFd, t.llt t.rit'r8 1""lill"'''8 lA.tlt
Clrergror it; ami J dall CQ"", ud tAe elt/lld, tAat
tAe., "'ull"o 1I un f"/Ji"
ll)' thc"e threat~lIin/-.'1I wc arc mOlli..hcd and
wnrned that, if w{', which are the c1W~('1I \"incyard
of God, bring' Ilot forth good gr:lpCS, that is to




w w w. h a i l andf m

f!lFallilltlfrom God,


say, good works, that may he delectable 011(1

pleasant in his sight, when he looketh I'VI' them,
,dlell he sendcth his messengers to c;l11 upon us
for them, but rather bring forth wild grapes,
i!; to sa,}', sour worl,s, UJlswcct, unsavoury, :lIld unfruitful, then will lIe pluck away all defence, llnd
t:ufler grievous plug-ues of famine :md battle, dearth
rind death, to light upon us: finally, if these do
not yet sen'e, he will let us lie wrlste; he will give
us over j he will turn away from us; he will dig
and delve no more ubollt us; he will let us alone,
and suffer us to bring forth el'en such fruit ns we
will, to bring forth brmnbles, briers, :md thorns, all
llllughtiness, llll vice, llud that so abundantly t1mt
I he}' shall c1l:all overgrow us, choke, strongle, and
utterly destroy us.
nut they that in this world live not finer God,
hut finer their own cltrllnl Iiberl}', perceive not
this grent wrath of God toward,; them, that ]lO will
not dig 1101' delve any more about them, that he
doth let them alone even to themselvcs: but they
take this for a great benefit of God, to have all
at their own libert>; nnd so the,}' li"e, as e:lrnal
liberty were the true liberty of tho Gospel. nut
God forbid, good people, that ever wc should desire sueh liberty. ]<'01', nlthough God suffer sometimes t.he wicked to bnvo their pleasurc in this
world, >'et thc cnd of ungodly living is at length
endless destruction. 'rhe murlllUring Israelites lmd Numb. d.
that they longed for: they lmd qU:lils enough, .yea, ~-6, J'-Jj
till the,}' were wellry of them. )jut wll:lt \\':l8 tlll':
cnd thereof? 1'heir sweet Illeat. l111d sour &'1uec:
even while8 the meat ra8 ill their mOldn8, the plaA'IlC ",,'mUl
of God liglJled upon them, And suddenly the>' died. Jo" J'.
SO, if we livc unA'odly, and God sufli.:!reth us to
follow our own wills, to hnl'e our own deliglJls nnt!
plcnsurcs, and oorrccteth us not with some plngne,
it, is no doubt but he is almost utterly displeaSt..'<!
with U8.
And, although it be long or lu:! sfrike, >'et many
times, \,hcn he slriketh such persons, hc striketh


w w w. h a i l andf m


'J'hc &cond Part C!llhe Sermon.

them at once for ever. So tJlat when lie doth not

strike Ul:', when he ccascth to amid; us, to punish
or beat us, and suf!erClh us to rllll hcadliug'S into

all ungodliness and pleasures of this world that wc

d<:lil-:'1It in, without punit'hmcnt and :ldvcn;ity, it is
a dreadful token that he loycth us no longer, that
he C-.lrcth no longer for liS, hut Iw.tll gi"cn us over
to our OWII solvo!'. As long as n mall cloth proinc

his vines, doth dig ut the roots, :lIld doth lay

frC!':h earth to them, he hath a mind to them,
ho pcrccivcth 60mc token of fruitlillllcss that may
be recovered in them: but, when he will bestow

no more such cost :llld boom :lOout them, thell it

is a sign that he thinkcth the}' will never be good.
And the falher, as long liS he 10vctll his child, lu.l



I'.. x"ll. 9<

t'. ~':IJ.,.

lookct.h llllb"Crly, lie corrcctclh him, when he docth

nmiss: but, when t.lmt serveth not, and upon tlmt
he eellseth from ool'rcction of him and suflcrcth
him to do what he list himself, it is a sigon that he
intelldeth to disinherit him, and to ClU;t him lI.WllV
lor ever.
So surely nothing should pierce our heart f!O
sore, :111<1 Ilut us in ::luch hornultJ fear, as when lI'e
know in our oollscicllee t.lmt wc have grievously
offended God und do so conlinue, and that }'ct ho
strikelh not, but quietly sllfrcruth us in the naugh_
tiness that wc have delight in. 'l'hen gpcciall}' it
is time to cry, rllld to er}' again, llS D:wid did, allt
me 1I0t awa!l fro/I/. th!l/ace, aI/It fake not aW(I!I th!l
/lol!l Spiritfrolll me. .Lord, tllm not 4l(Ja!l th!l faclt
from me; calt 1/Ot th!l len'allt alM!I in. dillpleaJItft:.
Wde not fh!lface/rolR- me, (elt 1 be like fo (Rem
go down hlto h.ell. '1'he which lamentable pmyeN
of him, as they do certify liS what horrible dllllb"Cr
thc)' be in from whom God turnelh his filee, lor
that time llud as IOllg llS he so doth, so shoul\1
they move and stir us to cry upon God with all
our henrt, that we mllY not be brought into that
state; which doubt.leiOS is so sorrowful, IlO mibcrablc,
llud SO drcnd.l'ul, as no lollUO can tmflicicntly cxpre,;lj or any hOl1J't Clln think. .For what deadly


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Falli"9/roa



grief may B m:m suppose it is to be under the lVl'llth

of God ; to be forsaken or him; to h:l\"e his 1101)"
SJlirit, the Author of all goodness, to he taken from
him; to I>c brought to so vile a colldition that he
Fhnll be left meet for no better purpose than to be
for el'er condemned to hell! l<~or not only such
places of David do shcw tbat upon the turning of
lied's face from any pel"llOOS they shall be len bare
from all goodnCS8 and far from hope of remedy, but
also tbe place rehearsed last before of Es.'lY doth
menu the s.'lmc; which sllcweth that. God at lengt h
doth 80 forsnke his unfruitful vine)'an:l, that he will
not only sufrer it to bring forth WcOOl'!, brier" /lnd
{/UJrfIl, but, further to punish the unfruitfulncu of it, he s.1.ith he will not cut it, he will not
dch'e it. and he teiU comWlM lite CWlttU IIw! tAe!l
d41l Mt raill wpo'l it; whereby is si.!;'t1ificd the
h.'AChillg of his holy word (which S1. Paul after a
like milliner expresseth b)' planting aud waterillg), oar.l;L~
meaning that he will take that away from them.
o tlUlt they 8h311 be 110 longer of his kingdom;
they ahall bo no 101lgt"'r governed I,y hiil I [oly
.spirit; they shall be Jllll. from the grncc and benefits that they had, and c\'er might have enjo,yed,
through Christ; ther shall be deprived of the
heavcnly light and life, whieh they had in ChriJ:it
whilCii they abode ill him; they shall he (as they
were once) as men teitlto.t God ill tA;.. tcOrld, or pIl. .. ".
rather in worse t::lking; and, to be short, they
~hllll be given into the power of tho devil, whieh
hearcth the rule in ull t.hem that be eust /lwa\'
from God, /la he did in Saul, und JudlL'J, /lnd ,&I>Ln.
b"Cl\l'rally ill 1111 such us work nlter their OWII willIS, :~~J.I.~nt.
(It~ cAi/drtJl, of t1I;"I,..,t a"d .,.htlirj.
u .. J' ~oL.>
ut us beware therefore, good Christian people, t~ ~'"
lest. that we, rejecting (or Cll.:iting away) God'!i WlW. ..
word, by the wlllch we ohtain and retain troe fiiith
in Gw, be not. at length ~t 011'10 f:lr, that ""e
Lcl'Omc liS the children of ullbclicl'. Whie!l be of
two tiOrL;;, far di\'c~e, )'ea, 1l11ll0~t. ek'3n contrary,
and) (It Loth Le very tin frum returning to God.


w w w. h a i l andf m


1mI 1. ..

J'he &c(Jltd Part of the


'rhe OllC sort, only weighing their sinful :md detestable li\,jng with the right. judgment and strnigbt.
llCl'S of God's righlcollSIIC.~S, be 60 without counscl,
:mc! be so comlorllcss, (as all they must needs be
from whom (he Spirit of COUIl4f!t and oomJort is
gone,) that tllf'f will not be persuaded in their
hearts hut that either God cnnnot, or else that he
will not, tuke them agnin to his frn'our and mercy.
'fhe other, hearing the loving' and large promises
of God's mercy. unci so not oollC(livillg a right fhilh
thcreol~ m:lkc those promises larger than ever God
did; trm:ting that, nltllOugh they continue in their

E..k. nil!.

' . ":""11


....ek "",Ut

", -,e,'9'

sinful and ddeslablc li\'lng' never so long, yet that

God at tile end of their life will shew his mCTt"
111)()1I them, :lIId that. then tlley will return, Anti.
both these two sorls of men be in n damnable
sble: and )'ct Ill'\"('rtlwle>:s God, who leWeth 1I0t
lite death '!I'lhe widell, hath shcwed means where
by both the smue, if the)' take heed ill sea.sOIl, may
'l'he first, as they do dread God's rightful justice
in punishing' ".inlll.:nl, (whereby lhey should be (li~
mayed, and should despair indeed, as touching
all)' hopc that mny be in themselves,) so, if they
would constantl)' (or stcadf:ll,tlyl believc that God's
mere)' is the remedy appoilltC( ngainst such despair and dil;lrn:;l, not only for lhem, but generally
for all that be BOrry:lIld truly repentant and wilt
thercwithal stick to God's mercy, the}' may bo
sure they shall obbin merc)', :lIld enter into the
])()rt or h:l\'en of sal"cguard; into the which whosocver dolh come, be lhc}' bcforelimc ncver t'O
wicked, lhc)' shall be out of dan{,,"Cr of' e\,crla"ting
damnation, As God by ]~ze(:hiel s.'lith: What
lime loct'er the teiel'ed (Iotl& return, and take carnest
And true repent:moo, I will forgtit all his wickedI1CSS,

'l'he other, flS they he rendy to believc God's

promises, BO thc)' ghould be aB ready 10 believe
thc threalcllings or God, As II'clI they should be
lieve the Law as the Gospel; fi8 well that thero


w w w. h a i l andf m

oJ' Fullin9J'ro/n' God.


is un hell nnd evcrlasting fire, ns th:lt there is nn

hcaven ilnd e\'crlasting- jo.\'. As wcll they should
believe damnution to be thrc3tcned to the wicked
nnd e\ildoers, as salvation to be promised to the
faithful in word :md works. As well thcy should
believe God to be true in the Olle:lS in the other.
And the sinncrs that eontinuc in their wicked
living ought to think that the promises of God'~
mercy and thc Gospel pertain not unto them,
being in that state, but onl,'( the Law and tho:;e
Scriptures which contain the wrath nnd indignation of' God nnd his thrcntenil1~: whidl should
certify them ih3t, as they do overboldl), presume
of God's mercy :md live dis~olutelr, so doth God
still more and more withdraw his mercy from
them; ilnd he is so provoked therehy to wmth at
leng-th, thilt he destroyeth such presuillers many
times .mddenly. l~or of such St.l'uul saith thuR:
Whell fhc,V 8H(dl8fl/l, it 18 peace, 'l'here i8 11Q dflllgeT, I n-~.~
then 8halt 8l1ddel~ de81rudion come VptJlt Ihem. Let
us beware therefore of such nnug-My boldness to
sin. ]~or God, which h:llh promiHed his mercy to
tllem thnt be truly repent:mt, althollg'h it be at
the latter cnd, lmth not promised lo the prcsumptuous sinner, either that he shall hnve Ion!? \ile,
or thnt he sll3l1 Im\'c true rl.'pent:\Ilcc :It IllS lust
cnd. Blit for thnt pllrpO!;c lmth he mnde evcry
m3n's dcath uncertain, tlmt he should not put hI:;
hope in the cnd, nnd in the mC:ln season, to God's
high displeasure, li\'o ungodly.
'Vherefore let us nil lollow tho coullsel of illQ
"'isc Man: let us nude no InTryhl9 10 lllrn 1/,111Q I'm...... 7
t!le LoT/I; let us flOt Pllt off frol1~ (lay to tiny: for
,uddellly 8hnll lti8 wralh come, alul in time qf Len.geance he "'all de8trO,V the wickl'<I. Let us therclore
turn betimcs: :Ind, when we turn, let us pmy to
God lIS Oscc tc3chelh, baling, if/Tf/ire 111 all Ollr 11... Il~.
6in~, receit'e 1/8 fJraciou81y. And, if we turn to llim
wilh an humble and a vcry peuil('ut hl.'urt, he will
receive us to l.ill favour and g-mee for his lloly
Name's sake, for his promise, for his trulb


w w w. h a i l andf m


ne !YrmfYII

of Falli.a Jrt'JtIf Cnd.

llnd mercy's Fukl', promisl'(l to all r.1ithflll bclicYCN:I

ill Jcsus Christ Ills only nutul'lll Slln. '1'0 whom,
the only Sa,iour of the world, with the ....ather
and the 1101)' Ghost, be all honour, glory, and
power world without end. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m



IT ill not to be rn:lfvcllcd that worldly men do f{'Jlr

to die. }~or doath dcpri\'cth them
all worldly
!JOIlOUI"l!, riches, 1I1ld polOScssiolls : "in the fmition
whereof tho worldly lllllll (:QlIlltcth llimsclf happy,
t(l IOIlg' lIS he may enjoy them ut his own pleasure;
lwd otherwise, if he be dispm;scsscd of the Sllllle with.
"ul hope of rClXl\'Cfr, then lIe cun Ilone other think
(,I' himself but that he is unllllllPr, 1A:ca\lsc he hath
]""t. his worldly joy and pleasure. Alas, thinkcth
thi.s earllnl mall, shall I now dCjlMt fOl" ever from
all my honours, all my t.reasures, from my country,
friends, riohes, pOSlicssions, and worldly pleasurcs,
which arc my joy ami hClIrt'1l delight? Alas, thnt
{','cr tlHlt day shall come, \\ hen all these 1 must
hid fllre w{'1l at Ollee, and never to enjoy nn~' or
them lIfter 1 "'herclore it is not without great
t'nu,;c spokcn of tho "riso Man, 0 death, how 6iltu V..oc!I.lUI;."
fllIIl lOllr il (he I'ClJlcmbralu:1J ql' thee to a 1Han (hat
lirdh. in peace alUl JJ7wperi(!I i1~ hi, Illb8fance, to a


ticing at CltlC, leadillfl hi, life ajler hi, OW1/,

mllld withQ/lt trouble, and i, lhercwilhat welt jJtun.
;,t:rell anti fetl!
'there 00 other men, whom tllis world <loth not

so grcaUy lnngh upon, but rather "ex and 0Pllrcss

with IlO\-crty, ~iekllcss, or some other adversity;
y<'(, t111'y do renr death, part I)' hccnuse the flesh
ubhorrcth nnturnll}' his OWII sorrowful dissolution,
which death dot I! threatcl1 unto them, and pnrtly
br rclliiOn of sickncss~ and painful disc'ISi:S, which
be most strong Ilnugs al1d ng'Onies in tho flCtlh, and


w w w. h a i l andf m


!'Ah nL


TIt/! Ji'"l P,ut 0/ tAe &rnuJM

tbe commonly to comc to sil.:k mcn before death,

or at thc lea."t aCCOllll'an.r death, whCllliOC,'cr it
Althongh th('o;C two eau..<:es seem gre:at Bnd
wei~hty to a worldl.r man, whereupon he is movoo
to lenr death, rt'l there i~ anothcr c::IU"C much
b"re:lter thnn nny of tht',.;c afore rehca~l, for
which illth.'ed he Illlth ju"t. <:llll>'e to fear dcnth;
and lIlfl1. ill the lSlutc !lUll condition wllerclluto at
the last. cnd death bring'clh all thcm tl1:ll huvc
their ht':lTt.i fixed UpOIl this world without. rcpmlRn('(! and lllllendment. '1'llis state and condition is
cal!l.d tlM ,econd caM; whi(h unto all sueh shall
en,.ue after this bodily death, And this is that
death whi('h indeed oll~ht to be dread and fcan."I:
for it is the e,t.'rl~tiug lM>l, without. remedy, or
the grace and linour of God, and of c"erl:ll:itin~
jor, pleasure, and relit'itf' And it is not ollly the
10i;8 lor c'"er of all tll\'N' deMIt,t pleasure", but nISI'
it ih the ('ondcmnation holh of llnd .bOut,
without. either app(..'llation or hope of n>dcmptioll,
unto e\'crla"ting IJBilll'l in hell, l:lIto tllis slate
death st'lIL the unmerciful and un:,"O<1ly rich man
thnt. Luke spcuketh of in his GOllpcl; who, li"in~
in nil wealth und plcUl:mre ill this world, and
eherillhing himself duily with dainty Jilre aud
g"OT'f,"<!OUIl apparel, dCl<t)i~l'd poor LI7.UnlS, tl1:lt lay
pitifully at hi8 gntc, lIli~l'rably plu:;u('tJ, and JMlt
of IOrt" and aL-oo ~ril.',-ou.~ll !lined with hllllh"Cr.
lloth thc>-e two wcre art\:..h.. J of dl".tth i which
kilt La7.nm,;, the poor Illillt:r.lble man, by an~O('ls
allon unto Abrnham'li bt)t;f'Jn, a plaee 01' n.'1It, pk-a6UI'(', and t'lll,,-,,Intit,n,
nut the unmt'n:iru! rich
man de..t~lldl,j d,mu into hell; nud /;(;.9 j. tor_hft.. he l:ri~'tJ J,'r eomf"rl, l:ollll'lainin!;' of the intolerable I am that he 8utl~l\..J in that flame of
lire: but it was too lak So unto this plare bodily
death ~ndelh all Ihem that in thii! world have
their .io~ IInd 1i.!licitJ, nil tllem that ill this world
l>e lIulillthful unto God and uncharitable unto their
Ilcighbourt1, 80 drillg without rt.'pcllt:lllce and hope


w w w. h a i l andf m

of lite Pr: IT of D..allt,

of God's mercy, "Therefore it is no m3rvel that
the worldly mnn feareth death: for he hath much
Dlore call~C so to do thall he himself doth consider.
1'hus we !'ice three C:IU~C8 why worldly men reur
death j ono, Ix,'ca.usc they shall low thereby their
~\'Orldl)' honours, riches, pO:;sl:"",ions, 8nd all their
heart's dbiresi another, of the painful ne~
di"o.-ases and !.litter !lng'S which oomll)(>nly mon
~ullcr either before or at the time of dl'&.th; but
the chief MUse abovo all othcr is the dread of the th.::::::J.
mit<ernble state 01' eternal damnation both of
and soul, which they fcar shnll follolV after their
departiug out of the worldly plc:bures of tha
Ilre;.ellt life, For these C:lu~es be all mortnl men
which be gi\'en to the lo\'e of this world both in
f\.llr and state of death throu~h sin, as tho holy
Apo..l!e saitll, 60 long lU they live here in t1US11tb,a.1J.
But, everlasting thanks be to Almighty God for
evcr, thero is nc\'cr onc of aH these eau:;cs, 110, nor
)'ct they nil to~ether, that can m:lke a true Christiall mun afraid to die, which is the vcry member
01' Christ, the temple of the Hol)' GhOlSl, the son , ('-Of. ill ,.
of God, and the very inheritor of the everlasting 01. l<}o
kinf.,odom 01' he':l\-eni Lut, plainly oontrnry, he
oouceivetb great and many C:ilbC:iJ, undou!.lh.. Jly
f.,"nlllnd\."<1 upon the illfilllible and e\'erla:;ting troth
of the wonl of God, whieh move him, not only to
I,ut away the fear of bodily d~th, but al:.o, for
the manifold bo.onditg nnd singuhlr commoditiCJ
which Cllllue unto every lilithful pefllOIl by rCU80n
or the smne, to wish, d<.'Sire, nnd long heartily for
it. }'or dCllth shall be to him 110 death at all,
Lut a very ddi\'ornnce from death, from all pains,
t'an.!8, and sorrow,., mi~rit.."!l, and wretchednC88 of
thiol world, Dnd the \"ory entry into re..t, and II
Le,,';nning of e\'erla:;ting joy, a ta",ting of heavenly
IJlca.;ures, 80 great that neither tong'ue is able to
express, neither eye to sec, nor Cllr to hcar them, , Cor ....
110, nor for IIny earthly man's heart to cOII~in~
them. So exceeding grcat benefits they be which



w w w. h a i l andf m




Part (If IA~ &,,.,.011.

1'~athcr, by hi;; mcre mcl'C), and

for the lo\'e of his Son Jc"us Christ, bath laid up
in ",torr :md prepared for them that Immhl.\ submit
thcm*ln.,. to God's will, and cwmlOre unfeignedly
lo\'c him from the bottom of their heart ..,
Ami ~\'C oll~ht to belie\'c that. death, bein;::r ",lain
by Chrhit, caunot keep any man that steadli18t1y
truslcl h in Chri,;t 1I11dcr hi.. Iwrpclual t.rr.lIlny ami
subjection, bilL that he shall ri"e from death u~"llin
unto ;::rlory at. the IlISt dn.\, nppoilltcd by Almighty
God, like IL'l Chri~t our Ill'ad did rise a.!{ain, necordin,:: to God's nppointmcllt, the third dny. For
51. AUg'u"tinc saith, the IIl'ad going before, the
members tru"l to follow and come :l.ncr. And
St. Paull>3ith, if Chri"t. be ri."cn from the dead, we
8hall rise al,;o from the lSlme. And, to comlorl aU
Christian J'lCnoong herein, hol." Scripture callcth this
bodily death a 11~l!p; whl'rein man's scnM.'S be, as
it were, takcn from him for a k'3:iOll, and )'ct, when
he awaketh, he is more freoh than he was whl'n he
wellt to b,,'d. So, although we have our liOul8 sepnrnted from our bodies for 1I seaSOll, yet lit. the
l."Cllcl1ll re~urrcction we slmll Le mort: fl'($ll, hClllltiful,IlUd perfect, thnll wc be now. 1,'or now we
be mortnl, then wc l!ltllll be imlllortal; now inf(>ct.
with di\crs infirmitiCII, then ch:oarly \'oid of nil
!nortnl inlirmitics; now we 110 sultiect to nil carllal
dCl:'ircs, thcn we shall Le nil t>JliritU:ll, dCtliring
nothing but God'8 glory nnd thinJ.,"S ctcrllUI.
'rhus is this bodily death n door or cntering
unto life; and thcrefore not 80 much dreadful.
if it he ri~htly con!<idcred, 1l.8 it. i~ Cflmfortahle;
not a mik'hicf, but a reUltod\' of all mi..o.(hicf; no
crud t)"nlllt, hut a
cnem)', l'ul a friend; not
~ntlt' ~lIide; It'adill~ Uti, not to mortalit),. hut
to immortality, not to 8Orrow and rain, hul to joy
and pll':l~IIf(', and th:l.t. to l'll(llIfC f\lr C\"L'r; if it. be
thnnldilll)" taken alld llCc;:ph't1 ns God'tl IIlCNiCllJ.."i'r,
nnd rlll ielltl)' borne of liS for Chri~t's 10\'(', t1w.t
~lIfrcrt.'(lm()Ijt. painful dl'lllh for our lo\'e, to n-deem
U8 from death eternal. Al.'l:onlillg' llerllunlo St.

God our hen"cnly


J.... ' l




w w w. h a i l andf m

o.f the Fllllr o.f .Death.


l':lUl saith our lile i, hid witk ChriJt in God, but, Col. ill
fhen our Life thall appear, then ,nail we alto oppear



l&ith him il~ glory.

Why thcn 5h311 wc fear to die, considering the
manifold :lIld comfortable promises of th(l Gospel
und of holy Scriptures? Cod the Phther hatk git'e,~ ,JoIOQ_.
11' ererla,tillg lile, sllith St. JOIIll, alld thit lile in ".'J.
Ai' Sr)/t. lIe that hath the &n hath life; and M
tAat /wtn not the Srm hath not life. And, Tkil
/1Orote, saith St. John, w you that beliere in the
Name o/'the &,~ qf God. that you may/mow that you
hare el'ulaJtiJ/g lile, amI that you do beliet'e 'UpOIltAe Name qf the 80n 0/' God. And our Sal"iour
Christ saith, lie that belie/'eth i11 me hath, lile ever J, hQ 01, ~Q,
latting, and I feW raiu him from deatk to life at 01'
the latt day. St. Paul also snith that ChriJt it ,Cor.lJo.Jl.
ordained aml made of G()(I oltr rigld~outne", our
Aoline" alld redemption, lfJ the i'l/e"t that he which
wilt glor!! thOltld .r;lor!! in the Lord. Si. l>alll did
contemn and !!et litlte by all otller thing" etleemiJlg l'hIl1ll.7-tl.
them at dlmg, which bijore he had in t'ers great price,
that he IJI~r;ht befoulld ill ChriJt, to hnvc e\'erlru;ting
lifc, trlle holincss, righteousness, and redemption,
}'innlly, St. Paul maketh a plain argument in this
wise: If our hearellls .llather 'll'oltld not 'pare hi, H....... nIl j>
OIM natural SOli, bllt di(I gh'e him lfJ deatA jor 'U8,
MIC can it be that 1vitli liim lie 8liould not gire 1(8 all
thin!!8.? 'l'herefore, if wc have Christ, then have
wc with him and Ly him nil good thing;>, whut;..
soever we CHn ill our h(':lrls wish or deo;il'c; as,
victory over d('ath, Sill, lll1d hell; wc have the
favour of God, pence with him, holiness, wisdom,
justicc, power, life, nnd redemption; wc have Ly
him perpetual health, wealth, jO)', and bliss everIllBting.


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Seco/ld Purt

0/ the Sermon


TilE l"E.\R O~' DEATH.

IT halh been herelofore shewed )'OU th:lt tllf:re

he thrl.'C causcs wherefore men do commonly lear
ucath; first, the sorrowful deparlin~ from worldly
goods and pleasures; tllc sc<:ond, thc fmlr of lhe
pungs and pains that come with death; last Imd
principal CIlllSC is lhe honible fcar of extreme
miscry and perpetual damnation in lime to COlllt'.
And yet 110110 of these three causes trollbleth g'ood
mf'n; \)celmile they stay themsch'es by trllO filitll,
perli.'ct ehnrily, and sure hope of' the ellu]css joy
and hliss e\'erlasting.
All UlOtiC therefore ha\'o g'rent eallSC to be fnll
of joy that be joincd to Christ with trne t'lliUl,
stC:llIr:l.':it hope, and l>erfect ch:lrity, and not to fcar
death nor evcrlusting' dllllllllltion. For death cannot dcpri\'o them of Jcsu Chri..t, Ilor an)' sin eun
}l...... 0111. 1. condemn them
tllflt nre g-ram.'<i
. surely in him,
which it; their only joy, h'd1:>Ure, and life. L,t,
us repcnt our sins, amcnd our liv('8, tnl..t in his
mercy and sati..filction, nnd denth cnn neither Inke
him from UII 1I0r us from him. For thell, liS St.
Il~",.d. '9. Paul snith, w::hether we 'h'~ or di~, tee be the l~orll'I
(}'WIt. And agllin he fmith, ChrilJt did die, al/d rOle
(1!Jain, becaule he ,nou/{J be JArd both. of Ihlt lleu,t
alllt q"ick. 'I'hell, ir wc be the Lord's own whcll
we be dead, it mus!; needs rollow tlmt such telllpernl denth not only eUlmot hnrm U~, but also that
It shnll mueh be to our profit, and join UlI unto
God more perfectly. And thercol' tbe Christi:LU
he:lrt mny surely be certified by tho illfilllihle (or
undeed\'[lhle) truth of hol)' Scripture. lt i, GOtl,
:' or- y 1-', ~aith St. Plllll, tohi"n. haln. prepared fil 'NI/to ill/lRortaW!I, OIlll the lalRe i, he which hMIJ !lit'en 1U an

earl/elt of the Spirit. Therf/orc let HI be a/leayl 0/

comfort: for "ICe ~'nOI{) that, 10 IOII!l al '/Ce be ;/1,
t!le body, we be it !Cere far from God in a iilr:lIIge
country, llubjcet to many pcrilil, 1talkjl/!J 1Dithqut
p~rrcct li!Jht llnd kuowlcclgc of Almight) God,




w w w. h a i l andf m


.Fear oj' Death.


0'''1 seeing him by faith in hol,\" ScripLur<'8 j bllt

hal:e a courage, allll dc,ire ratlter to be at 1I01lle
l&it~ God ami our &dOl/r Chri~t,jarfrom the body,
where tee may beholtl hi, Godhead 0' lie i8,face to I J.""" HI :
f!!ce, to our everlasting comfort, 'l'hcsc be St. I LOI'. l,l. ".
Paul's words in utli..'<:t: whereby we may perceive
that tho lifb in this world is resembled rand likened
to a pilgrimag'C ill a strang'C country fill' from God;
and that death, delivering us from our bodies, doth
IiClld liS straight home into our own country, :lnd
lllakcth us to dwell presently with God for e\'er
ill cvel'!astillg rest and quictllel;s, So that to die
is 110 loss, but profit and winning, to all truo
Christian pcople.
'Hat lost the thief, that han~d on the eross
with Cllri::lt, by his bodily death? Yea, how
much did he gain by it! Did not our Saviour
"a.r unto him, 1'1ti, day tfllm 8halt be with. me i,t l.uku,!I1.".
PUfal!i,e? And La7.:lru$I, that pitiful person, th:lt I,uke ,yL
hI}' before the rich IlUlIl'S f,"Ute, p:lined with 60telJ ,0-:"
:lnd pined with hunger, did not death highly profit
llnd promote him, which by the ministry of angels
!;Cnt. him unto Abraham's bosom, n place of rest,
joy, and heavenly consolation? Let us think nOlle
other, good Christian Jlcople, but Christ hath prc
113rcd, :lIld made ready before, the same joy and
llllicity 101' liS that. he prepared 101' Lazarus and the
thief'. 'Vhereforo let us stick unto his salvation
and gracious redemption, llnd believQ his word,
acrve him from our henrts, 10\'0 and obey llim;
and, whatsoever wc h:lVe done heretoloru contrary
to his most hair will, now let us r(']'Xlllt in time,
and hereafter study to ('orrect our lite, :lIld doubt
not but \\'e shall Iind him as Illereiful unto \l!'l, :IS
he was either to Lnznrus or to the thief: whose
exnmples nre written in holy Scripturo for the
COmfort of th('m thilt be sinners, And l'uhject. to
G()rrowll, mi!<Cries, And ealamities in this world;
that they should not del'lHlir in God's mercy, but
ever trust. thereby to have lorgi"eness of their sins
and life everlasting, as Lazal'Us and tho thief' had,


w w w. h a i l andf m



The Second Part oftAe Sermon

'rhus I trust ever.y Christi:lIl man pcreeivetll bJ'

the inf:llli1J!e (or undeeeivahle) word of God, that
lJOdily death eanl10t harm nor hinder th('m that
truly' belie\'c in Chri"t, but contrary shall prolit
and promote the Chl'i.-;tian souls which, being
truly penitent for their offeDees, depart hence in
].cr/ect chnrity, and in sure trust that God is
mer<:iful to them, forgiving' their sins for the
merits of Jesus Christ his only 11:ltUr'J.I Son.
'1'he second cause why some do fear is sore
!lickness and grievous pains, which partly come
before dcat.h, and partly accompanicLh (or cometh
with) death, whensoC\'er it cometh. '1'his fear is
the fear of the frail flesh, and ll. natural passion
belonging unto the nature of a mortal maD. Dut
true li.ith in God's promises, and regard of the
pilins and pal1gs which Christ upon the cross suf.
Icrt.'<1 lor us miscrnblu sinners, with consideration
of the joy and everl:lsting lilt! to comc in heavcn,
will Illitih"fttc nud ns"uah"C less thosc pllins, and
moderatc (or bring into a mean) this fear, that it
shall never be ablo to overthrow the hearty desire
and gladllC&l that thc Christian soul hath to 00
seJlar:ttl'd from this corrupt body, that it may
come to the gmcious prescnce of our Saviour Jesus
Christ. If wc believe stendfastly the 1I'0rd of God,
II"C sllall percei\'c th:l.t such bodily sickness, pang.;
of deaUI, or whatsoever dolorous Jlnins we suner
either ocfore or with denth, be nothing else ill
Christinn men but the rod of our henvenly nnd
loving Fnther j wherewith he mcr<:ifully (:-orrcelcth
us, either to try and declare the filith of his patient
ehildl'cll, tll:l.t tller may be foun<llaudnole, glorious,
llnd honourable III IllS sight, when Jesus Chri"t
shull 00 OI>Cllly shewed to be the Judge of all the
wodd, or else to ehnstclI nnd amend in them whut..
:>l)Cver ofli.:lldeth his fhthcrly llnd gr3cious good.
1Il';;S, lest they should perish eve..lustingly.
this his eorrl'Ctillg rod is oommoll to nil them thut
IJc truly his.
Therefore let UI ca,t away the burden of ,in that


w w w. h a i l andf m

of IAf: fi.,./r '!f DeI/lA.


lif'f" 10 !uary in our neeks, :md return unto Gnd

hy trne penance and amendmCllt of our livCll. .Let
fI~ with, patic/lce run thif COrlrae that ;6 appoil/ful;

for his sake thllt. died lor our s:l]vulioll,

1111 sorrows llud paTlgs of death, and death itself

joyfully, when God S4.'nd<'lh it. to us; !taring 0111'
ry~6 jind lInd set fast ever -po'" tAe JJMtl Olftt
(:,ptai. 0/ 0111' fajtA, JUIII CAri6t; ..Ao, ~ltitlt:ritffl
fAt:jf/Y t!wt At: ~M.ld COMe Wlttf), cared Ileither lor the
"bame nor lInin 01' denth, but willin~lr conformill';
and framing hiil will to his Father'g will, m06t flatie"tl!l ./tjfcred the Illost sllHlllcfu] and painful dealh
ff the ero, being inllOt:'cuL and hurmJl'8s; :\Ild now l'l,U.
thcrefore he i.s exalted in Ilen\'cn, a"lt e\crla'<tiug-ly
.itfd! ott. tAe riflAt Aa.(l of tAe tltro"e of GM the
Father. Lctus enll toourremembrnneethereforethe
life and joys of he~l\'cn, that are kept for all them
that patielltly do suffer here with; llnd co,,.ideT tAat CArid .Ilfferell all his painful p.'\..<;t:l0n b~
';UeTf, and for t;iuners; and then we shall witlt
patienee, illld t he more easily,suffer such sorrows and
pains when Ihey come. .het ltl not .et at light the
cAa.ti"i,,!! o/Ine Lord; Ilor grudge lit. him, nor.lult

front Aim, 1rAen of Itim re be corrtdell: for tAt .hord

If/t'tllt tltf'1JI ...lto.. Ae dotla cornel, alld beaU/A. e'uy
lJ.~ tcMa Ae tal-etA tQ be Aif ~ltild. WAat ~Aild;1 IAat,
tl&ith SL1)aul, ..Aq/ll tAefalkr loveth, and dotA IIlJt
rAtUtm' 1J yt be ..itAowl God', correctio., rAid all
Ail reil telored a"d trlle cllitJre. Aace, lAeH be !' 11
!Jilt 1Ja6lardof, l>mally regl.ln:lcd of God, anll not ",.~
trite childrell, J'her\/ore, ,cejllg Mttt. lrht/t tet Aal'/J
in. curth. our car"lllji/ther6 to be 0111' clIrreclQrI, 'ICe du
fear litem ontl rtl"erenU.r 1<1J.e lhtir correction, ,halt
ICtl ffol'JfNl'la .ort be ift '1I.!,j~lio", to (,'txl Okr
J'atAt:r, &.r trAoa ye lAalllfflC'e ererla"tj,,!! life' "'1ft!
(t.r coNfol/ofAer, lOfIt~tj"le co~d tt" "et aof plto8f:tA
tAna, witllOut cause: !Jilt tAi. FatAer ju..tly corl't'Cteth U~, either for Ollr ~ill, to the intent. Wc
6-liould amend, or fur Ottr col1lmodit~ and 11:eaUA, to
nlaI."t tt, thereby par/der" 1/ hi" Aoline",. Purihernlore, all correction which God scndclh us ilt thi6



w w w. h a i l andf m



The njr.! Par! of lite


prelnt li.e VrJ/fe/A to lare ''0 jQ,! alltl comrort, tltt

Iflrrmt' and pain; )-et it bringt'th with it a taste or
God's mercy and goodnE'!"S to"l'lrds them that be
so corrected, and n ~lIrc hope or God's en'rlastin~
ooll"OIation in he:m:>no
) r then th~ sorrows, dic:ro.-"CS, and sieknes...>;(',
and also death il--elr, be nothing el;;;e but our hea_
yenly Father's rod, whereby he eertifieth liS or his
lo,-e and gm~iOll8 fu\Oour, wherebr he trieth and
purifieth U!I, wh~reby he gl\'eth unto us hoJin($tl,
Bnd eertifidh Wl tlint we be his children, and he
our mercirul ]?ntherj Iiih:l1l not we then wit It all
I 1'eI Ll~o
humilitr, al ooctlitn.t and 10\Oill~ cltiMrt1J, jo)Ofull.v
kiss our he:wenl.\' Father's rod, lInd e\Oer My In our
)"I.~1"11(:':lrt with our Saviour JCl;us Chri"t, Ft/lller, if 111;8
anguish :lnd sorrow which I feel, and denth, wl1ich
T sce approacl1, 'NOolf not !Jtl8l, but that thy will i.ll
that I must suffer them, lA!! wilt be dotle?



IN this SennOIl a~illst the Fear of Droth two

eau"es WCI"(' d{'(!lart'(I, which common))' rno,"c worldly




men to be in much fcar 10 die; and ret lhe I>llme

do nothing trouble the faithful alld good lin".,. whl'n
dCllth COIIH:th, but ratlll'r ginth tllt:m Ol.'('a~il)n
~:l.t1r to n:joi('i!, con,.iderill~ that. th('r I!lmlJ l-e
dl'li\"ert.J from the 6Orrow Bnd misery of lhis world,
and be brought. to the gt'\->atjor and felicity of the
life to oome.
Xow the third and I!I)(>('ial e::lllse why death illdCt-'l) is to he fean:>d is the miserable state of the
worldl) and llll~"O<1ly p<'OJlle after their dcath. 1111t.
thi,,; if> no elmS(' lit all why the godly and lilitltful
pl'ople should feM d<'llth; bllt rather contrnrill ~o
their godly l'<mv('~ntioll in this life, and belief ilL
Clll ilit, clcaving continmilly to his merit!!, should
Ilulkc them to long liore IIfter thnt lifb that. rC])Jllilll'l11


w w w. h a i l andf m

of the }~'(lr of Death.


for them undoubtedly after this bodily deai'h. Of

this immortal state, after this trallsitory lifc, where
wc 811:111 live evermore in the presence of God, in
jO)'aIld rest, after \'ictory over all sickness, sorrows,
E:in and death, there be mally both plain places of'
hO!'y Scripture, which confirm the weak conscience
:l~inst the fear of all such dolours, sicknesses, sin,
and bodily death, to assuage sueh trembling and
untrOdly lear, and to cncoumgc us with comfort
ana: hope of a blessed state after this lifc. St. Paul
wishcth unto the Ephcsians that God the ji'ather ql~:I'h ... ,1.

gwry 1CQuUl give flIIto thel/l, tile Ipirit q/ lCi,(kJln an(t '1, ,~ .
.,etelatjQn, that tlte eyel of tAeir heart4 migAt have
ligltt to know him, and to pereei\'c how great things
he had ca1led them unto, and how rich inheritance

he hath prepared aftcr this life for them Umt per

laill unto him. And St. llaul himself declareth
tlte de6ire of his honrt, which was to be di860lte(111,11. ....;-.6.
and loosed from his body and to be with. Chritl,
which, n;; he said, was 1RUC4 oeUcrfor him, aUhfJu!JA

to them it tea, 1II0re llCCUlary that he IJho"'Ul lire,

which he refused not for their sakes. Even like as
St. Marlin said, (t Good Lord, if I be necessary for
thy people, to do J::'OO<I unto them, I will rcfuse no
boour: but. else, ror mine own self, I beseech thee
to take my sou!."
Now t.he holy f.1.111ers of the old L.'lW, and all
fllithfuland l'i~hteous mOll which departed before
our Saviour Christ's nscension into heavcn, did hy
doa1h <JCJlMt I'rom trouhles unto rCllI, from the
hnnds 01' their Cllcmi{'8 into the hands of' God, from
sorrows lInd sicknesses unto joyful IX'l'rcshing', into
Abrahnm's bo"olll, a plaec of all comfort and con
solation; ns Stlipturcs do plainly by nmnife.t
words testilY. '1'he Book of Wi.-;dolll l;:lith that
tlu rightcouI ,ne""6 '0111, be in, the halld Cl!" God, lid



no torment dalt louell them. 1'he!! uellwt to the

C!/e6 of j'ooli811 men to (lie i Qn(t their deatlt 'ICOI
coun.tcd mi,erabte, autt their dej)arlillf/ Ollt of thi,
'#Cortd Irretdml .. bllt thc., oe in reil. And another
place s:utb that the righteou, ,halt lite j'ur eeer, alld Ibid. ~ 'J. ,6.


w w w. h a i l andf m

10" ;.

Jobn .IT. J,


J: ..11 :

1'!1e Thirtl Parl of the Sermon

their reward it teith the Lord, and their mindt be

witA God, who i6 above att: there/ore they dalt re.
ceive a glorjo1t,f kingdom, and a beautifut crOWI& at
the .Lqrd',f hUlld. And in 11J\othcr plncc tho &'lme
Book snith, The righteou6, though. he be prewlted
1/}itA ,fudden deatA, 'Het:ertheleat he thalt be there
where he tholt be rifre,ffu:d. Of Abrahnm's bosom
Christ/a words be so plnin that ll. Christian man
llccd<:th 110 more proof of it.
Now then, if this were the alate of the holy
fathers and righteous men before the coming of
our Saviour, Il!ld before he wns glorified, how much
more then ought all wc to have n steadfast faith
and a sure hope of this bleSS(.od state and eonditioll
allcr our denth; seeing that our Saviour now hath
performed the whole work of our redemption, and
IS gloriously ascended into heavcn, to impare our
dwetli1/gplacct with him, and snid unto his Father,
]i(fther, I teilt that where I ant 1//Y ,fCruall!t thall be
with tile. And wc know that, whatsoever Chri",t
will, his Father will the same: wherefortJ it call1lot
be but, if II'C bc his faithful scn':lllts, our souls
shall be with him (Iller our departing out of this
present life.
SI. Stephen, when he was stoned to death, e\'on
in the Imdst of his torments, what was his mind
most upon? Ir/um he teat full of the 1/oly Ghott,
saith holy Scripture, having hit eyet tiJle(t lip i1lto
heaven, he taw Ihe glory of God, (111(1 Jetut tlmul;lIf/
on. the right hand ql GOfI. 'l'hc whieh tl"Uth aner IIll
had confessed boldly before the enemies of Chri~:,
they drew hi"t out q/ the cily, anll there the'y ttollcd
him; who cried fUlll> God, tllyj/Ig .Lq"t Jet" Chritl,
tal'e fI/y tpirit. And doth 110t. our SII\,jour say
plainly ill St. John's Gospel, reri/!I, r;eril,Y, J tll!!
unto !JOlt, He thal hearetA 1I1y word, a/ul believet!&
him that te/lt me, hat!& eLwluttillg life, ami comel4
Ifot illll> ;'udg/llellt, but that! pll8lfrol# IlealA to lyf:?
Shall wc not then think t!J,lt dClIth to 00 pl'l.:ciou!I,
by the whieh wc pass unlo life? 'l'hcrcfQfC it is II
true saying of the Prollh, t. The deatIJ 0/' the Aoly


w w w. h a i l andf m

o.f tne Feur oj' .Del/th.


n"d f'~"MtOIl8 melt i, pree;o/(, in ~he Lord', 'ig~t.

Holy Simcon, after that be had IllS heart's dCSlre
in seeing our S:l.vlOUr, that he ever IOllk,"Cd lor all
his life, he embraced (or took) hiln iN, hit arm" alld LIl~.IL"-31.
tail!. lYO/J), Lord, let me depart in pearl', for mine
'!Itt have beholdtn that &"io/(r wAicn tlam hatl}JrefI'lrtll Jor allllll.tjOll8. It is fmth thereforc thAt.
the deAth of the righteous is c:llll'd !MaU, And (he
6enefit of the Lord, as the Church 8:l.ith in the mnne
of the righteous departed out of this world, M!lI" c..1. I.
lOul, turll thee [,0 thy reM, for the IAJrd hath UeeM
."oad to thee and rtfOarded t!tee. And we sec by holy
Scripture, and other ancicnt histories of Mart),rg,
that the holy, fllitllful, und righteous, C\'er SlIlce
(,hrist's lL<o<'ension (or going up), ill their death
did not doubt but that they went to be with Chrisl
in spirit, which is our lilc, health, wealth, nUll
John in his holy Revelation 6.'11\' n- hundred
forty and four fhoUSlllld virgins and inllocents,ol'
whom he said, 'J'hcte follow the I.Illl/w Jcsu Christ Rn, 'Iv. 1-1,
.,lteretoerer he goeth. And shortly aller in the 'J.
same place he a..'lilh, I heard a f:oieefrom heavenM1ying ftnw 'ne, Write, JIapJJ'y and blette(l are the
dead tchich die in the J;orrl: fro"" helfcej'orth ,uTcl!l,
tailh the Spirit, ~he'y thallrettj'ro/n- their paillt alld
ltJ/;(JUTt: for thelr '/Cor!.t do follow them. So that
then they shull reap with joy und comfort thnt
whieh tlley sowed with labours and pains. 'J'hey
that tOW i,t the tpirit, of the 8Jlirit thall reap el:er- 001. vi. 8-'0.
latU"9 tife. .Let ft" therifore never be wear!l of well
doing: Jor, ,dCIl the tillle of' realling or rewnrd
eometA, 'ICe Ihall reap without auy wcarjnett CVCI'la>;lillg joy. l'herefore, tohite 'ICe hate time, 118 Sl.
Paul exhorl.cth us, let ft8 do good w all num; lllld
"ot la!! 1I]J O/(T treatnrct in earth., where rl/tt and llolt. vi. Iq.
motht corrl/pt it; whieh rI/tt, as St.. Jnmcs saith, JO"'.'.J.
daft bear fdtue8t af/oil/8t 114 at the ~reat day, eondemn US, and 8ha/t lil..-e most brellnillg )ire tqrmellt
Our )led.
Let 118 bewarc thcrefore, a8 we tender our Oll'n



w w w. h a i l andf m


The Third part of'the Sermon

lI'ealth, t1mt we be not in the number of those

miserable, covetous, and wretched men, which Sc
Jumcs biddcth mourn and lament for their greedy
gnthenng and ungodly keeping of goods. Let us
be wise in time, tlnd learn to follow the wise ex
J.~~ rl.l"9. ample of the wicked Stewnrd. Let us so wisely
order our goods rmd possessions, committed unto
us here 0>' God for a season, that we may truly
hear :md obey this oomm:mdmCllt of our Saviour
Christ: J AOS unto y()U, S3ith he, jJlaJ:e you friclld8
of tlie wit:~'ed mammon, that tncj may receh'e ,fo",
'/lto et,'erla"tillg tabernacle8 (or dwellings). ltiches
he cnllcth fOjcJ:ed, became the world abuseth them
unto all wickedness; which arc otherwise the good
gift. of God, :md the instruments whereby God's
SCfmnts do truly serve him ill using of the same.
] le oommunded them not to make them rich
friends, to geL high di~nilics :md worldly promot.ions, to gi"e great gifts to rich men that hnve
no need thereof; but to make them friends of
poor and miserable men, unto wllom whatsoever
t.hey give, Christ laketh it as g1\'en to himself.
And to t.hese friends Christ in the Gospel giveth
so great honour llnd prccminenee, that he suith
ihc!! 8hall receir:6 them thnt. do good unto them,
illto evcrlaJtil/{J hOu.rC6: not that men shall be our
rewnrdel's for our well doing, but that Christ will
reward us, and lnke it lo be done unto himself,
whatsoever is dOlle to sueh f,icmls. 'l'hus makiug'
poor wretches our friends we make our Saviour
Christ Ollr friend, whose memOOI1l they arc: whose
misery llil he tnketh for his OWIl misery, so t.heir
re[icl~ SllC('our, and help he laketh for his succour,
rcliel~ and help; and will as much thauk us and
reward 1I8 lor our goodness shewed to t.hem, as if
he himself had received like benefit at Ollr hands;
)1'11 . . . jO: as he witnCl>6Clh in the Gospel, saying, JYhatlOn'cr
..... ulU .YC ha"e done to all!! oj' thl!86 8imp!e pcr601U which do
bdieve in me, that ha~'e!le (!ane to m!lu/j:
'l'hcrelorc let. us diligently foresee that our faith
and hope, whieh we have concei"ed in Almighty
JaIIlMY. ,


w w w. h a i l andf m

f!/ the Fear 0/ IJeath,


God and ill our Sayiour Christ, wax not fhint, nor
that. the love which we In:M in haml to benr to
Jlim wax 110t cold; but let us f':tudy daily ant!
dili!l'i'ntly to slu:w ourselves to be th(' true honour_
eN; ~lIld 10Yers of Ood by keeping of his command
ments, b)' doing of good deeds unto our needy
lIeig-hbours, relieving by nil means that we ctIll
their poverty with our abulldrmcc and plenty,
tlleir Ignornncc with our wisdom :lIId learning,
ond comfort their weakness wit.h our streng-th :lIId
authorit.y, <:lIlIing all men back from evildoing by
~Iy counsel and good example, pcrseveriuf:' st.iIl
III well doing so long as wo live.
So shall wc 1I0t
need to fetu' deat.h for any of those threc causes
aforementioned, nor }'et lor any ot.her e:lIISC that
can be imagined. But contrary, considering the
manifold sieknCS8Cf.l, troubles, aud 9Orrows of this
present life, the dllngers of this perilous Ililgrimage, and the great encombrancc which our spirit
hath by this sinful flesh and frail body, suhject to
death; considering ulso the manifold sorrows and
dangerous dceeitil of this world 011 eyery side, tho
intolerable pride, co"etousllcss, nnd lechery ill time
of prospcrilj" the impatient murmuring ot' them
that be wor <1ly ill time of adversity, which cease
not to withdraw and pluck us from God, our Saviour Christ, from our life, wealth, or everlasting
joy, und f':fllvlltionj considering also the hUlUmer
ablo llS"UUllS of our gh06tly ellemy the devil, with
nil hi;; fiery duris ofumhitioll, pride, lechery, vain
glory, envy, mlllicc, detraction (or bnckbitinf::),
wilh otllel' his inllumerable deceits, engines, llnd
sllflros, whercb)' he gOCtll busily ubout to catch
ull men under his dominion, ever, lile a roariN!I' l'eluv
nil mctlns ,earcltil/!I rc/l()1n he 1//ay derour:
the f:lllhf\.1 Chri~tilln mfln which cOllsiderclh all
those miseries, Jlerils, and incommoditics, whereunto he is su1tiect 90 long ns he here liveth uJlon
earth, a.nd on jhe other part eom:idl'reth Ihnt
blessed and comfortnble stMe or the heavenly life
to l,:OIlU', nno the h\Hct (:QlIditioll of them that



w w w. h a i l andf m





". '3

PbU.I. 'J..

The &rmon. of the Pear of J)eath.

depurt in HIe Lord, how they are delivered from

tlle continual ellcombraneCll of their mortal and
sinful body, from all the malice, crafts, 1ll1d deceits of this world, from oil the assaults of thdr
gllOstly ellemy the devil, to livc ill peace, rest, and
elldlCSl:l quietncss, to live in the fcllowship of in~
Ilumerable Angels, and \vith the congTeg:ltion ol"
per/i.-ct ju.':'t men, as Patriarchs, Prophets, Mnrt)'. s,
ond Confcssors, and finally unto the presence of
J\lmighty God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: Iw
that doth considcr all these things, and believeth
thcm aslluredly, all the)' arc to be belicved, C\'CIl
from thc bottom of his hent, being stablishcd in
God in this true fnilh, having a quict conscience
tn Christ, a firm hope and nssurcd trust in God'!'
mcT<'y through the merits or Jcsu Christ to obtain
this (juietllcss, rest, and everlasting joy, shall not
(lnly be without fenr of bodily dealh when it
cometh, but certainly, U3 St. Paul did, so shall Ill,!
~ladly, uceording to God's will, and when it please
God to call him out or this life, greatly dcsire it
in his hellrt, tllut he filly be rid from llll these
ocellsions of cvil, and live ever to God's pleasure,
ill perfect obedience of his will, with our Saviour
Jcsus Christ: to whose gracious presence the Lord
of llis infinite mercy :md grace bring us, to reign
with him ill life everlasting. To whom with our
bell\'Clll)' l~ather and the Holy Ghost be glory in
worMs without cnd. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m


AunOUTT God hntb created Bnd 3ppointed 011

thiuWl. in hca\'CD, earth, and waters, in a. most
excellcllt and perfect order. In heaven he hath
appointed distinct (or sc\"cral) orders and states
of archangels Blld an~I,.. In rorth he bath as
signed and nppointed kings and princes, wit It
other govcrnora under thelll, nIl ill good and necessDry order. 'rho water above Ut kept, and
raincth down in due time and 8CIl8OIl. 'l'he EIUU,
moon, stars, minbow, thunder, lightning, clouds,
lIud all birds of the air, do keep their order. 1.'l1e
earth, t~. scOO.s, plants, herbs, corn, grass, and
all manller of beasts, keel) thcmllClvcs ill their order.
All the pllrl8 of the who e year, B8 wintef, summer,
months, nights, aud da}'8, continue in their order.
All kinds of fishes in the &en, ri \'era and walchi,
with all fountaills and springs, )'CtI. the seas them.
seh-cs. keep their comely course and order_ A.nd
man himself also hath all his ImrLi both within
and without, Il8 6Oul, heart. mllld, mcmory. un
dcrstallding, reason. speech, with 311 and singulnr
oorpoml members of his body, in a profitable,
necessurr, and plcas.'l.nt order, Evcry degree 01"
peoplc. 1Il their vocntioll. cllllinG', nnd ofliec, Imth
oppointcd to thcm their duty and ordcr. Somo
are in high degree. some in low; 60me kill~


w w w. h a i l andf m



Fi,81 pIJr/

(!l'''e &f'JIIOI/

and Jlrinces, some inferiors and stll~t.'Cts; priests

and lu)'m('II, ma-rote.,. and &l'rv:mt". fathers and
child reil, hu~b..'lllds and wivl.'S, rich 311d poor; :and
('\'cry OIlC h:l\"o nC'l'd of other. So that in nil
thing-s is to be lauded and praised the goodly
order of God: without the which 110 hOUflC, 110
city, no commonwealth ~aJl continue and endure
(or lalit); lor, where tht,rtI is no right or<lt'r, there
rcig-llcth all nh\l~cJ cllrl1al liberty, cllonnit.I'J. Sill,
and lllluylonical oonfut<iOIl. 'rake 3wa,r klnW'.
priu('(!!l, ru]<.'rs, mll~il>tnltC8J jnd;:."CS, :llId such
~tatc8 of God's onler, no llI:m shull rule or go
b.r the highw:I)' unrohhed; no Illall shall sll'Cp in
IU8 own hOIli'c or bed ullkillcd; 110 man shall keep
his wife, ('hildrell, and 1~'t'Sions in quietnc",,;
aU thinf:1J I>h311 be comlllOIl; and there lIIu:.1 needs
follow nil mi:;ehief and utter d('f'tructioll both ()f
&oul;;, bodiCil, ~f<, :lIld ('Ommollwl'3hhs.
nut b1l."'.....'<I be God that we in this realm of
En~land fl'el not the horrihle c:l1:lmilics, mil.oCrics,
aud wJ'('tehl'dne8il whi('h all they undoubtedly feel
and !llltler thut lack thill ~odl)' order, And pnliJSCd
be God that we knOll" the great. excellcnt hCllclit
()f God shewed townrd liB in this behalf', God
!lnth scut liS his higl! gilt, ()ur most eM Sovereign Lndy Queen J~lizllhethJ with god I)" wi~e,
Blld hOllourable COllll!'Cl, with other supcnors IIl1d
illft.'riors, in n beulltiful order and goodly, Wherelore let us subjed.s do ()ur boundeD duties, I:i\'ing
hl'arty tllllllks to God, and Jlr:l\ing 101' tllU 1'1'1.'.
~n'ation of this godl)' order. "ut us all o!JL'\',
l'\"C1I from the bottom of our hearts, all their ~IIy
IlfUt."Ct'<lillgt', laws, statutl'll, proclamations, and illjUlu:tiollS, "ith all oth('r their godly ordel'll. L.:t
us ("'ll~ider the SlriJltUres of the Hol)' Ohm.t,
\\bi<:h persuade and command us all obtllicntlr to
be subject, fil'$t and chiefly to the Quern's ))ajt>::;t)', SUlll'eme GO\,(:l'lIor o\'er all, and lIext to Illr
llOnollnable colIlI~el, Dlld to all olher noblcmeu,
mllgil;tmtCl:l, and ofliCt'l'$, which by God'll gooduCSB
be lllllced llull order<..'<I,


w w w. h a i l andf m

q( Obedience.

For A!m.ighty God is the only author and


vidcr of tillS forenamed stntc :Uld order; as It IS

written of God in the Dook of the }>rovcrbs:
Through me king8 do rei!!1l; thro,,!!! 1ne COnl/letlo"
",a~'e jllll {mr8:

I"". "Il,

through JIle do prince.! bear Tide, ami '5"1

attjudgc8 11' the earth cJ'eclIlejudgmcnt: I am wvi1'!1

Iq them that 10l:c me. Here let us mark well and

remember, that the high powcr and anthority or

kings, with their m:lking of I:I\I'S, judgomcnts, and
officers, arc the ordinllllces, not of Illnll, but of' God;
and therefore is this word, J'liroll!l4 me, so many
times repealed. Here is also well to be considered
and remembered, that this good order is appointed
of God's wisdom, favour, lllld 10\'0 specially for
them that love God j O,nd therefore he saith, 110"1:

them that love tne.

Also in the Book of Wisdom we may evidently
learn that l\. king's I}()wer, authorit.y, and strength
is a great benefit. of God, given of his great merey
to t.he eomfort of our grrat misery. I'or thus wc
read there spoken to kings: lIear, 0 ye king8, anti Wbd
llmkr8talut; learn, ye that be judgcI 0)' lhe eud, 0)'
the earlh.,. giue ear, ye t/fflt rule the multitude': for
the pou:er 1" gh'el~ you 0). the Lord, anti the Ilrell!!'h.
from the H;gheli, Let us leam also here by the
infallible and undooei\'nble word of God, that kings
and other supreme and hi9'hcr ofliccrs are ordninelI
of God, who is Most. UighCSt.; and therefore they
are here diligently taught to apply and gi\'e themselves to knowledge and wisdom, nccess.'lry for the
ordering of God's people to their go\'ernallee committed (or whom to govern tllC\' OfC chllrged 01'
God). And they be here also taught. hy Almighty
God, tllllt. thcy should rcknowledf,"'C 1hemsdves to
ha\e all their power lInd strength, not from nome,
but immediately of God MOBt lIig-hCbt.
We rcad ill the Book of' Deuteronomy thnt all
punishment pcrtaineth to God by this 8C.ntencc:
Yengeance i, tnine, and 1 wilt relCard. But 1his ll..,1
sentence we must tJndcrat:l1ld to pertain 0160 to 1JI\l Jl'
magi&t.ratcs, which do exercise God's room in judg-


w w w. h a i l andf m

01. '-J


Tne Fir8t Part of the Sermon


meut and pUlIislling by good and godly laws here

And the places of Scripture which seem
to remove from among all Chri,,;tian men judgment,
punishment, or killing, ought to be ullderstnud,
that no man of his own private Ruthority may be
judge over other, may punish, or may kill, but
wc must refer all judgment to God, to kings and
rulers, and judges U1u.ler them, which be God's
officers to execllte justice, and by plain words of
Scripture lmve their lluthority and use of the
sword granted from God; as wc arc blllght bJ'
St. 1>aul, the denr and chosen Apostle of 0111' Saviour Christ, whom wc ought dilib"Cl1t1y to obey,
even as wc would obey 0111' S:wiour Christ if he
were present. 'l'hus St. 1>:1111 writcth to tho Ra.
U... a.. 'II,,-5, mans: Let et'ery 80llt 8/tbmit hinl8e{l111lw the authQ_
rity oj'the higner power8, Por there ;8 110 power tJllt
of God: the power8 that be be ordained q/ God. Who80ever therefore with8tol/{let4 tne power wjt!l8talldeth
t4e ordillallce of Gott: but thC,1I /hat re8i8t (or aro
llgainst) 8haU rcceire W them8elt'e8 dalllllatjon, ./lor
t"u(er8 are fwt fearfllt W thellL that do good, bllt w
them, that do evil. Wilt tAoIL be without fear of t!le
power.? do welt thel1, allll 80 8halt tMu be prai8ell qf
the 8Qme: for ne i8ihe mini8ter 0/' Godfor thy wealth.
!Jut ami if thou do that ,oftic! i8 et'it, thel~ jear: for
he bearelft tlot tlte 8word for nallgllt; for he i4 the
milli8ler of God, lo lake vellgea'lce on Itjm that doe/It
evil, Wherfjore ye 1/I118t fleed8 obey,flot olllyjor fear
0)' vellgeullce, but Ot80 bcral/8e 0/' cOIl8Ciellet. Amt
etel~jor tld8 caU8C pay ye tribule: for lne.1f are Cod'lI
mj,1i8ler8, 8errillgjor t!le 8amepurfl08e. Hcre lct; liS
,,"cub, '5. nlllC:lrll of St. P:IU.l, the chOlen t'el,elof God, thut
ull persons hu\ing souls, (he execptcth none, 1101'
cxcmptcth nOlle, neither priest, llpOSt.lC, 1101' pro_
phet, 8llith St. ChrJ'sostom,) do owc, of boundcn
duly and even in conscienec, obedicncc, submission,
und subjC<ltion to the high powers which be set in
lluthority by God; forasmuch ns thcy be God's
licutenunts, God's presidents, God's oflicers, God's
commissioncrs, God's judges, ordnillcd of God himiu earth.


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Okdience.


self, of whom only they have all their power and

all their authoritf. And the same St. Paul threat..

eneth no less pmn than c\'erl3Sting damnation to
all disobedient persons, to all resisters against this
general and common nuthority; forasmuch lIS they
resist not finll, but God; not finn's device Olld
in\'ention, but God's \\i:;dom, God's ordef, power,
and authority.



FOUSllucn as God lluth ert':ltoo and dispol'('d all

things in a comely order, wc have been taught, In
the first part of this Sermon concerning good
Order and Obedience, th:lt we also ou~ht in all
commonwealths to observe and keep a due order,
and to be obedient to the powers, their ordinunces
and laws j and that all ntlers are appointed of God,
for a godly order to be kept in the world; and also
how the magistrates ought to learn how to rule
and govern according to God's laws; and that all
subjects nrc bonndclI to obey them lIS Ood'E< minis_
ters, )"ea, although they be evil, not only for fNlf,
Lnt also for conscience suke.
And here, good peoplc, let us nll mark diligcntl}',
thllt it is not lawful for inferiors and subjects III
uny case to resi.!lt (Of stllnd n:;rllinst) thc superior
powers: for St. Paul's words be plUIIl, that rADIO I~ _m ...
er tc;thltuuJdA daY gd to lAe.ltlrel da."atiOfl.;
for rhotrtr tcithhltlddt. tcitA,hl"ddt.tAe ordi"ance
of God. Our Saviour Christ himself and his Apo_
stles received mnny and divcrs injuries of the unfaithful llnd wicked men in lIuthority: J'ct wc
ne\'(!r read that thcJ', or any of them, eau..ed llll,\"
tiCdition or rebellion against. authorit.y. We re:ld
on that thcy paticntly sufl~rcd all troublc;., \"Cl:fttions, slunders, Illlllg'!.', and pains, Bnd death it~lf
obediently, without tumult or rcsbtunee. 'fhey


w w w. h a i l andf m

11 to

J ... ol.l.
'0, " .




St!ronrl Part 0)' flu Sermon

tfflff.ilud IA~jr Cf1ltl/e to J,im fAal jllJgtllt. "gAlLon,'"

and prayed for their encmies heartil)' and earnestly.
They kncw thnt the authority of the powcrs was
God's ordinance; nnd thcrcfore, bolh in their won!'
and dCc<b, they l:l11g-ht cvcr ohedicnce to it, nnd
lI~vcr t:lII~ht nM did the contror)". The wicked
jlld~ Pilute said to Chri4, K"mu,t tAq ot tAat
J .tau fXJ'I'fO, lo cT'JIcif.! tAu, o"d Aore p"U'u o{.I(I IJJ
/QlHe th~e! Jt8,,~ olwrcr~d, Thou CfJuldclt Iwre .0
l'",rer at all O.1"iIl8l me, U'upt it rere git:en fnee
fro'll abore. Wherch)' Christ lau:;:-ht us plainly
that C"CIl the wi~kL'<1. ",I",rs ha,e their powcr ami
authorih' from God. And therefore it is not Inw_
fill for ilwir !'uhj.'<:ls by foree to with~bnd them,
lilt hough lill',r 1l!Jllse their pow{'r: much less theu
it is Inwful lor Eu1ticetil to wilhstand their godl~'
and Christian princcs, which do 110t abuse thclr
authority, but use the E.'1me to God's A"lory and to
the profit and commodity of God's I>I.-'ople.
'l'he holy Apobtle S1. Peter ('(Immanddh sen'll.nt.
to be obedient to t.hcir mtlStcf'l'l, not 0,,1! if flrc! be
good a"tl 9tntlc, but a/,o if they be evil llnd froward,
nrJlrming that t.he voetltion und cillIin:;:- of Ood'",
people is to be p:lticnt llnd of t.he I;ullcring sidc.
And thl'J'C he brin~th in thc patil'n('(' of our
S:n'iour Christ, to pel"!'lIade o\xo(licnce to go"crnON:,
\"('3, although till')' be wick(>() ll.lld wrong' doers.
J311t Ict us now Jll'M S1. l)cter llimsclf spcnk, rolr
his own wordB ccrtil'v Jxst. (llIr C()lls(:icncc. 'l'hll"
rra"t" oI~!
hc IItterdh them in Jii" lin;l Epi~lle:
~o.r _tUf,." w:ilA fMr, 'wf o.f$ if lA,! be good tlffd

bttloflO if lne! ~ frrneord. Por it i, tAad.

if a ",0/1 jilr Cf)lIl1('ie"C(! wlCard Go<l '''j{r:rdh
grit:l; and "'.I{m:t" 1rrung 1wrJeurud. Pur what
J"llill! i, it, vhf''' ye te beaien.)'!)r yQUr fault" i)'y~
f"l'e it jJiIfinttf!! Bill de. ye ,fo tee", if yo. tlw~
~ tJfa rc:rv-9, avl /.7h if pafiellf!!, IAe. ;, lUre MIt.
f" It.are tAa"J: ~f (i'Jd. fvr At:re,,,,lo r~ri!$ rtre ye
rullr:d: fur IfJ ,fid CArid '''!fer fur U', lear;j"g ItI 'Ill
e.rample, Ilmt /f'e 8110uld fol]lIlO hi, ,up'. All these


w t.he vcr)' worw of Sl. l\:tcr.


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Obedience.

I Hi

Sf. D:\\id also tcachcth us a good lesson in tlJi~ , ""'" ",m,

behalf: who was m:lny times most cruelly and .1~,.'I<l".
persecuted of killJ:;' S:t1lI, and mun}'
times :J,lso put in joop:mly and danger of his life
by king' Saul :llld his people j yet he nevcr withstood, Ilcither uscd any forcc or violcnce ngniuf't,
king Saul, his mortal (or dcadly) cnem)', but did
c\'cr to his lic~ lord :md mastcr king Snu! most
truc, most diligent, and most faitMul scn-ice.
Insomllch that, when the Lord God had givcn
king' Saul into D:\\id's hands in his own cave, he I !IoI.rnuh.
would lIot hurt him, whcn he might, without all
bodily peril, casil~' Inl\'e slain him; no, hc \\'ould
not !Outler any of his scrvants once to lay their
llands upon king Salll, but pril)"c<1 to God 'in this
wise: 1.ord, J;eep lIIe j'rollJ doil/fJ lhat lhin!J fmio my
tJla8ler, llle Lord'8 (woinled i /"'eep me that I loy ,wt
my IWlIlt flpOTJ hil", 8uiufJ he i8 the ouoil/led o/!!Ie
lJOrtl. For, a8 trllly a8 l!le horll lireth, eJ'ct'jJ/. lhe
lJOrtl 8mile him, or eJ'ccpt hi8 do.'! come, or lhat he!Jo
down to war, oud in baUle peri"h, lhe Lord be merciful uuto me, Mat I la.'! fl.ot 1//!I hoult fljJOn tne Lortt'1
QllOiflte(l. And that D:\\'id might have killoo his
enemy king Salll it is evidently Ill'O\'OO in the first
Book of tile K illg!', both by the cutting off the lap
of Snul's g'flrment, and also 1>y the plain confessioll
IIf king' S:ltll. Also nnothcr time, as it is mentioned in the slime nook, when the most ulllncrci. ,I."m. ...L
I'ul and most unkind king Salll did persecute poor i-I<
David, God did again gi\'e king Snlll into Uavid's
11:lIlds by casting' of kin~ Snul and his whole arm,\'
into :l. dead slC<lp j so thllt. David and one Abil.<ai
with him came ill the night into Saul's ho:,;t, whcre
OOllt lay 'leepil/fiJ 01/(1 hil lpear ,l~'ck ill lhe !JroNI/(1
at hil ht'ad, 1'hen laid Abi"ai Jlllto J)a/itl, God. n(I/A
I{elit'eretl thine enemy into thy hal/(I, at lhil lime:
t1fJW therifore let me 'mile him ol/ce u::ilh. 1II.'I'ptar W
Ine earth, mul f u::ilt Mt "mite him QfJaill the 8et:Ollfl
lime; mcaning thcrehy to have killed him with onc
I;troke, and to hn\'c made him sure for c\'cr. Ami
iJul'id an;,wcroo alld laid tfJ Abjlai, ])cllro!l him 110t:


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Second Part

of the Sermon

jar can lay hi, ham!, on tlte LoTt1'6 an.oi.ntcfl,

and be 911iltlC88.? And ])al:id 8aid filrtner1TUJre, A~
lure at tlte LortZ lireth, the IlOrd dall ,mite him, or
hi, day d.f1{l come to die, or he ,hall dC8Cend (or g'O
down) into oallle and there peri,A. The Lord l-eep
mcfrollt {({!fill!! my nand" 1I/if1n tlte lArd', OIlOifl{cd.but take thou 11010 the 'ptar tltat i, at hi, head, anll
the crllle f!! 1catcr, QlI(/, let 11.8 !J0: tmd so he did.
Here is c\'idcntly proved that wc may not \\"ith.
!'bnd nor in flny wnys hurt :1Il tl1JOilllCd l,ing j
Khich is God's licutCllllllt, vicc~rellt, and l1ighc6t
minister in lhnt CQuntry \dlcrc he is king.
But pcrndvcnturc some Ilore would say that
David ill hill 011'11 delimcc might have killed king'
8au1 lawfully and with a sure conscience. But
holy D:\\'id did know lI111t he might in no wise
withstand, hurt, or kill 11is sov('rcigll lord alld
I,ing: he did know tllnt he was hut kill~ 8aul'"
suhject, thOll~h he wcre in grc:lt favour wit h GO(!.
nnd his cnemy killg' 8nul out of God's favour.
'l'herefore, though he wcre llC\'er so much provoked, yet he ,,-,fused utterly to hurt the Lord's
anointed, Ife durst not, for offending God :md
hill own conscicnce, (nlthoug-h he had oCCfI"ion find
Opl)()rlunity,) om,'! lay his hands upon God's hig-h
oflicer the king, whom he did kllOw to be a person
reserved nnd kept for his Ome! enke only to God's
puui"hment and jud~mcnt. 'I'herefore he prayeth
so oft :llld so cnrnellth', that he lav not his hands
upon the Lord's anolntcd, And by these two
Pt hul~, J. cxamples St. DU\'id, being' IIllmCtl in Scripture a
,o-,o:'~h'lIIan qjler God', ()/{'n Mart, ,l:.tivcth n general rulc
11 , . . I
flll( OSSOIl to n Sll )Jcctll 1Il t lC WOI' ( 1I0t. to wit.hstand their lil'f:,"'C lord and king, not to tllkc II
sword by their pri\':lte llllthority n:rllinst their
king, God's anointed; who only b<!nrcth the sll'ord
by God's nulhorit.y, for the maintenancc of the
good nnd for the puni$hmcnt of the evil; who
only by God's hlw 11fIlh thc Ill'C of the sword at
his commandment, and also hath 311 power, juri:;, dictioll, r('gimcllt., cOt'rdoll, and llUllilillll1Cllt, as su-


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Obedience.


preme governor of all his realms and dominions,

and that ~\en by the lluthority of God and by
God's ordlllllllccS.
Yet llllother notable stOTy and doctrine is in the
sceond Dook of the Killg1l, that maketh 3150 for 15.",.1.,_,6this purpolle. \\'hen llll Amale<:hite, by kin~
Saul'8 own consent :md commandment, had killed
kin..... Snul,' he went to David, sUPPOliing to have
ImlgTCat. thank for his message that. he had killed
Duvid's deadly enemy; and therefore he made
great haste to tell to David the ehanoo, bringing
lI'ith him king Sanl's crown that W38 upon his
head, :md his bracelet that. WlIS upon his onn, to
persuade his tidings to be true. But godly David
was 80 far from rejoicinA' at these news, that immediately and forthwith he rent. his clothes ofI' his
back, he mouMlOO :md wept, and ~aid to the mess('nf,rcr, l/uw i, it Ihat Mull, fra,l lIU~ q(raid to lay
thy halUJ 0/1. lhe .urd', anointed to dutTQy him?
And by and by David made one of his servants to
kill the messenger, saying, Thy b/()()d be on thy OWIl
Juad i for tAy oron mouth hath te,tifted and toitneued
again,t t!lee, grantinglhat thou nalt ,lain tAe Lord',

'l'hcsc examples being 60 manifest and evident,

it is an intolerahle ignor:\lIcc, madness, and wicked
ness for subjects to make flny murmuring, rebellion, resistanoo (or withstanding), commolion, or
insurrection ag:linst their most dear and most
dread SovereiA'n Lord llnd King'", ordained and
appointed 01' God's goodness for their commodily,
peace, and Cfuietncs:>.
Yet let ns ~clie\"C undoubtedly, good Christinn
people, tllllt. we may not obey kings, magistr:ltcs,
or any other, though Ihey be our own f:lthers, if
they would command us to do any tiling contrnry
to God's commandments. ]n such a etl~ we oug-ht
to s,'1y with the Apostl('S, We mull ralller 0/)(:1 God Min. '1
tnan man. But nevertheless in that. ensc wc may
not in ally wise withstand \iolcntly or rebel against
rulers, or make any iusurrcctioll, bCdition, or tu-


w w w. h a i l andf m


The 1'hirtt Part of the &rmon

mults, either by force 01 arms or other ways,

against the anointed of the Lord or any of hill
appointed officers; but we must in sueh euse
patiently suffer all wront."S and injuries, referringthe judgment of' our cause onl)' to God. Let liS
fellr the terrible punishment of Almighty God
:Jb"3inst tmilOrs or rebellious persolls by the ample of Core, Dathan, and Abiron, which te'-JJ.
puguN rllld grudh,,<,d llgnillst God's magistrates
und oflicera, and therefore the earth opellN llnd
swallowed them up aJi\e. Other, for their wicked
:-'-u'"b. 1. I. murmuring" rllld rebellion, were by a sudden fire,
sent or God, utterly consumed. Other, for their
froward behaviour to their rulers and governors,
God's ministers, were suddenly stricken wi1h :l
IblblJ. _,o foul leprosy.
Otll('r II'cre stinb"Cd to denth with,O. wonderful strange fiery serpents.
Other were sorel
plagued, so that there wns killed il: onc day the
lIumbtr of four1een thou.!itlnd and seven hundred,
for rebellion ag'l.linst them whom God hnd np,,..,,,...111. pointed to be in aUlhority. Absalon ulso,rebelling
ngainst his I:lther King" Dayid, was puuished with
a strange :lIld notable death.



YE llnve henrd before, in this Sermon of good

Order rllld OlJcdicnec, mnnifi.'Stly proved both by
Scriptures and cxnmplcs, that all subjects arc
boundcn to obey their ma....ilitrales, and for 110
cause to rcsi:st (or lI"itIH~;tnl1{l), rebel, or make any
sedition agail/lit them, yca, Althongh they bc
wicked men. And let 110 lllan think that hc can
cselll)(l uIIJllllli,;ll<..'(1 that committeth trenson, conBpirae~', or rebellion against his Sovcreign Lort!
the King, though he L'Ommit the smne never so
secretly, either in thought, word, or dccd, never
so pri\'ily in hit! pri\y chamber b), himself, or


w w w. h a i l andf m

if Obttlie,lce.


openly communicating and consulting with other.

For treason will not be hid j treason will out at
the Icng-th. God will have that most detestahle
vice both opened and puni,;hcJ; for that it is 60
directly agninst his ordinance and against his
hig-h principal judge and anointed in enrOl. 'l'he
violencc and injury that is committed against
authori;y is commith.,<l ag:linst God, the common
weal, and the whole realm; which God will have
kllo\\"ll, ;lIld condignly (or worthily) punished one
way or other. For it is notably written of the
\rise :Man in Scripture, in the book called Bedesiastcs, Wi,A, lhe l..ill9 IIQ evil in 111,'1 thOllg/d, 1101'
tpeak 110 hltr! if lIi/l~ in Ill!! pril,!! clwwber ; for a
biN! qj'the air dull belra. IllS l:oice, and wit! her
/ealheTt t/wU the oelcra!!lh!! fCordt,

'l'hese ICS60lIS and examples are written for our

Icnrning. Let liS all thel'elorc fear the most detestable ,-ice of rebellion, e,'cr knowing and remembering tllllt he that. resistl.:th (or wilhstllndeth)
common authority rc:;i..teth (or withstallllclh) God
and his ordinance, as it may be proved by mUIlY
other mo plllCCfJ of holy Scripture.
And here let us take Iwed that wc llnderslmul
not the:>e or such other like !llaccs, which 60
IItr:litly command obediencc to superiors, and ;;()
stl".litly punillhcth rebellion and disobedience to
the same, to be meant in any condition of the
pretellsed (or coloured) power of the bishop of
Rome. }'or truly the Scripture of' God nlloweth
'10 sueh usurped power, lilll of enormitics, abu"ions, and bhl>lphcmics: but the trlle nlCllllillg of'
these and such places be to extol and seL lorth
God's true ordinllllcc, nnd the authority of God's
anointed kings, and of their olli...'Crs appointed
under them. And concel'lling the uliurped power
of the bishop of Rome, which he mOl>t wrollg'lillly
challengcth us the successor of Christ and Peter,
we mny easily perceive how fnlse, feigned, and
forged it is, not only in that it hath no suflicicnt
ground ill hol)' Scripture, but aOO oy the fruits


w w w. h a i l andf m




I.uke IL ...,.

1,//(: Third Part

and doctrine thereof. }'or our Saviour Christ and

St. Peter teach, most earnestly and agreeably,
oUcdience to kings, as to the chief and supreme
rulcu in this world next under God; but the of Rome teacheth, that they that arc UIl
der him arc free from all burdells and chargcs of
the commonwealth and obedience towards their
prince, most clenrly ngainst Christ's doctrine and
St. Peter's. lIe ought therefore rather to be
called und the successor of the Scribcs
8nd Pharisees, thall Christ's vicnr or St. Peter's
succes:sar j seeing that not only in this point, but
also in other weighty matters of Christian re
ligioll, in matters of remi.s.sioll and forgi\'ellcss
of sins and of salvation, he teachcth so directly
against both St. Peter lllld agllinst our Sllviuur
Christ: who not only taught obedience to kings,
but also practised olJcdience in their conversation
and living; for wc read that they both paid tribute to the king. And also we read that the holy
Virgin :Mary, mother to Ollr Saviour CllI', and
Joscph, who was taken for his filtlJer, at the Emperor's COlllmlllldment went to the city of David,
named l3ethlccm, to be taxed among other, and
to declare their olJcdience to the magistrates for
God's ordinllnces' sake. And here let us not for
get the blessed Virgin Mary's obediencc: for,
although she was highly in God's favour, and
Christ's nntural mother, nnd was also great with
child that same time, and so lli<rh her travail that
she Wi18 delivered in her journ~, ret she gladly,
without nlly excuse or grud""illO', for conscience
Hike ut( take that cold llnd foul winter journey;
being in the menu seaSOIl so poor that she lay in
the !:ltable, and there she was deli\'ered of Christ.
And aceording to the samo 10 how St. lleter
ng-rcclh, writing' by e:o::prcss words in his first
Submit yourlell:el (or be l:mhjeet), saith
he, IintQ kil/g" a, UI/to the chief hearll, or 'UlI.t<J
rulerl, 01 ,mto them that are ,ellt of him for the
pl/nilhmel/t of evil hr, ami lor the prai,e of tltelA .


, I..... Il.


of the Sermon



w w w. h a i l andf m

tJat do tctlt .. /I)r 10 U lAt tcill 0/ God. I Det'(1 Ilot
to expound these words, the)' be 110 plain of them
&ehet!. 51. Peter doth not !m}', 5Mb",it PJ"r8du8 me ll.S f';upreme he3d of tilt: Church; neither
he !mith, 8.&lIIil .If'JHrltlrt8 from time to time to
nl\' ~uC(,CSSOrli in Home: but he !mith, Sub",it yOl/r.
8t:ire8 -unll) l0ll.r ki"g, your tuprt"t Ata(I, and unto
tho~ that. he npvoilltcth in autllOrity under him;
jilT, that ye shall 60 shelV yOU1' obedience, it i~ lite
~ilt f!!' God; God will tll:1t }'Oll he in sul~icction
to \'our hc3d nnd king, 'l'his is God's ordinanoo,
God's oommandment, and God's holl' will, that
the whole body of c\'err realm, :md all the memo
bers and parts of the same, shall be >;ubjet,t to
their bC:ld, their king; and that, as St. ])ctcr
writeth, fur 'Ae hord'8 MJI.e, and, as St. Paul, I"d . '),
tlriteth,/or MJUCitll 80ft, :md not for ft.'3r only. 11_. ~w_ J
'llmB we le:lrn by the word of God to yield tu )1 ... , adl.

u, 11_. ..~
our k'm:;:
t Ilat 'IS due to our k'
'1IIg', t ba t 'l~, hOllour".
ObediCII(,'C, p..' lrmcnls of due taxes, cnstoms, trio
butes, subsidit.'il, love, :lIId fear.
Thus we know partly our ooundCII dulies to
oommon authorit.y: now let us learn to flccompli:;h
the same, And let us most instantly 11IId heartily
pmy to God, the only author 01' all lluthority, lor
all them that be in authority; accOl'(ling' lIS St.
Paul wiUelh, writing- thus to'rimothy in his fir<it
EJli~Ue. I ullOrt therefore that, a&Ot'e all lltillgt, '11aL I, ,.,
pT<J'y~r8, 8M/lplicaliolU, ,,,terctuio1t8, aNd giri"9 1/
tllallh lJe ("'Ht /QT all ",ell, /or l.illg8, all" .for all
llwt t.e jll alttllority, lltal re lIIay lire a '{"it! 01,,1 a
ptJaffllUe lile tcilla 1J1l gudlilte~8 0,,,1 lto1fe~(,: /or IIMI
;., good alld QcctjJled (or allowable) ill 'lie 8igld IJ/
GIJIi Ollr &ciollr, Uere St. P:tUl makcth an ear
nl~1. and all esjlet:ial exhortation conct'nling W\illj.l'
of thank:; nmt pra)"er for kinWJ and rlllcnl, ~ayill,L;',
tli),Jre all lAi"98, as he might !mY, 1n any \\'i~e
principally find ehiefly,ltt pro'y~r Ut //lade/llr joi"98.
Let us hClIrlily thank God for his grca~ and el[
cdlcnt benefit and pro\'idence oon<.'Crning the lilale
of killgil, Let 1UI pray I'or them tlml the)' nUl)' lut\'o


w w w. h a i l andf m

Third Part ~r the Sermoll f!f Ohedif.:!lcc.


God'~ fa\"OllT

and God's protection.

Let us prny

that the\' mar evcr in all things have GOl-I bclim~

their eyc,;, Let us pta.\' that they may have wj __

,;lrcngth J justice, clemency, zeal to God's

~lorr, to God's verit.y, to Christian soul". :md to

I :u:l common wcnltl1. Let us pray tlHlt the)' may

rig-Mly use their sword Illld authorit.y for tha

mnintCllunoo and defence of the catholic filith contained in holy Scripture and of their good and
hOlH.'st sllbjCd~J and for the fear and ]HlIlishment

the evil :md vicions people.

Let us pray that

llwy may fitithfully follow the most faithful king:;

:tud captain,; in the Bihle, David, )<~zcchill8J Josias,
j\IO~C1lJ \I"jlb such other. And let lIS pray for out"I,lw's that wc may live godl,r in holy alld Christial1 l,;Q1I\'crsntion: so we slmll have God of our
~aMh . " "id~; Bud t.hen let us llot fear what Illall call do
I \\ \-l\oe III
- I rue 0beUlcnee,
_.~, I:.'" >111. :1~all1!lt us: so \\e S 111
both to our most. merciful King in heaven, :lnu to
.}llr most Chri:;t.iun Queen in ('arth: so shall we
please God, and Imve the exC<'eding benefit, pcacll
01' <.-onscicnee, re"t, llud qtlietnCll6} here in this
world; and uller thi;; life wc shall enjoy a better
lili:, rC>:it., peace, and the everlasting bliss of hell_
veil. Which he grant us nil that wns obedient tor
!'Ioll 11.&
liS all, Imm to the death '!f the crOll, Jesus Chritit:
to whom with the Fnther :md the Holy Ghost be
ull honuur aud glory both no\\' and evcr. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m



ALTllOI'Oll lllcrc want not, g'Qod Christi:m people,

WeaL swnrms or viees worthy 10 be rebuked, Huta

,;\Ich decay ill true godliness :md virtuous living

now come, yet nllCwe otlll'l' \,iOC8 the Qutrng'C<llls
!'cns of adultery (or Lrellking of wedlock), whorel]jlm, fornicntiOJl, and ullclcannc;;.s have not only

11I1ll';(, in, hut albO on'rllo\rl,.d almost the whole

world, unto the great dishonour of God, the ex
('~dillg inf.1my of the name of' Christ, the nobble
deca>' of truc rdi:;ioll, and the utter destruction of
the pulJlic wealth; :lIld t1mt so abundantly that,
througll the customublc USt.l thereof, thi.. \'ice is
grown into such nn hci:;ht, tlmt in a manlier
1I1l101lg' lll:llly it is counlC\lllO sin at all, but l'llthcr
pastime, 11 dallinu(:c, and but n touch of )'ollth;
not rebuked, hut winked ut; not puni.~IIC(I, but
bug-hcd ut. \nu.'reIOrc it is Ilcressmy at this pre
8cnt to intrcnt of the sin of whoredom and fornicatiou, declaring unto yOIl the grealne~s of this sill,
and how odiou~, haterul, and aLomillllLlc it. is and
Illlth nlll'uy Lcen rcputL'\1 before God und all good
men, and how g-rie"ollsty it halh been punished
lioth by tho la\\" of God and the laws of' divel"ll
jll'illC<'s; llg:.lin, to shew yOll certain r,mcdics
whereby ~'o may, throll~h the graco or Gau,
eschew tillS mo~t detebbLtc sin of whoredom llnd
fornication, llnd lead your lives in all hOIlCllt)' and
And, that ye Inn)' peT<:civo that fornication and Ilow,-!r<.
whoredom arc in the t-ig-ht of God mOrit abomi ::,~~,~,,,.
!labia sillS, )"0 !ih'lll call to remembrance this com :;~:::t''''
mandment of God, Thou ,/Ul.!t not commit adutler!J. ~:'o.l ... I ,


n ,


w w w. h a i l andf m

12 ~

'lac Fir8t Part

if the Sermon.

By the whicll word adultery, although it be pro.

IlOUI. nlli,
I ;,

perly llnderi;fand of' the unlawful commixtion (or

,'oininrr to!?'Cther) of a married man with [lny woman
wife, or of a wife with any man 1)eSI'd C
llCr husband, yet thereby is si~nified also, all un
lawful use of those parts whICh be ordallled ror
b"Clleratioll. And this onc commandment forbld.
ding adultery <loth suflieienlly paint and set out
before our eyes the great not's of this sin of whoro
dom, and munilcst.!y <lcclarcth how greatly it oug1lt
to be ahhorred of all honest and f:lithful persons.
And, tll:1l Ilone of us all slmll think himself excepted
hum this commandment, whether we be old or
young, marril.'<! or unmarried, mall or woman, hear
what.. God the Father saith by 11is most excellent
Prophet Moses: 'l'hre 8halt be 1/0 whore among the
da"ghter8 0)' I8raet, nor no whoremonger alll01lg thc
801M 0)' f8raet. J lere is whoredom, forniention, and
all llllclcnnness forbidden to all killdl:l of pcople, all
degl'l.'Cs, and nil ages, without exception.
And, that wo Sllllll not doubt but that this
precept (or commandment) perlaineth to us in
decU, hear what Chri"t, the perfect Teacher of all
truth, ~Iith ill the New Testament. Ye have lteard,
saith Christ, that it '1C08 8aid to th/J11t
the oM timc,
'l'hOfl, 8hatt not cQmmit adultery: bllt I My Ulllo you,
117t080el'(1r 8eeth. a 'IOOlllall, to hatC hi8 tl/8t oj' her,
hatlt cO/llmit/elt adulter.1f wjtlt her atreads in hi$ llear!.
lIere our Saviour Chritit doth not only collfirm ami
stablitih tho law agnihbL :ldultcry given in the Old
'J'cstamellt of God the Father by his servant Mose,:,
and lllllketh it of full strength, contillulllly to remnin nmong the profesSOrs of his Nume in the Ilew
law j Lut lie also, colltlcmlling the gross interprc.
t:ltiolJ of the SCl'ilx:s and PIHlrisces, which lau"'ht
tlmt the nfore,;,'lid commandment only ro<luire<l to
ahstnin from tho outward adultery and not from
the filthy desircs and ullpuro lusts, tc:whetb us un
c.x,act :mJ full}lCrfcction of I~urity nn~ clellllllC>;s of
hie, both to kC(!]l our bo< LOS undefllcd, llnd 0111'
hearts pure :md free frum nil C\il thoughts, cal'llul



w w w. h a i l andf m

dl$ires, and fleshly consents. How can we then

he free from this commandment, where 80 great
('ha~ is laid upon us? :May a sen-ant do what
he will in any thing', ha,,-jn~ II oommandment of
llis ma... ter to the contrnrv? Is not Chri~ our
:Master? arc not we his ser~nnt8? How then may
we Ill'gk>ct our :Mastcr's will nnd pleasufC, And
f{)lIow our own will and ph:lIltnsy ~ Ye are Ill!! J to"" ,,_
friend", rroith Christ, if y011 I..eep III06e tltin.1" tllat
J CQmmmul YOll. Now hath Christ our MnI;1('r
commanded us thnt we should forsake nil Illl_
dCDnlll'SS nnd lechery both ill body and SJlirit:
Ihis therefore must we do, if wc look to please

]n the G08JX!I of t. :\Iatthew we read, that th(' )'~t.u.
Scribes and PharillCe8 were grie\"Ousl)' offended with ,-.0.
Christ bc.C:3tI.."C! his discipies did 1Iot keep the trndi_
lions of the forelathers, for the,- wlU'lu~d not t1wir
hands when tll('.\ went to di1l1;er or supper j and
among other thill~"!I Christ answered and ~'lid,
Hear and ttnder,tmul, Not t!lat thi"." tehicA. e"luttk into lite mOlllA df'jiltlA tile man, but that fChidt
<'01lfetk out ql the mOllU dtjiltlh tile man, For thou
fllin!l' ",hick proceert out
fhe 1/I0lltk come jQrtll
/r01ll the htt/d, (fml they drjUe tlte man.
For Ollt
t!l tlte heart jlroct(tl erit t/WN!I/dll, murder8, brt<lkil/!I
11' teed/oel', tcltoredum, tltift",jid,e teitfle"" bla8f1hem;e", 1'IIt,e are lite tlli,,!, vllic.t dljile a ",a1(, Here
may we see that not only murder, theft., lillsc witness, and blasphemy defile men, but also evil
thoughts, breaking of wedlock, fornication, and
whoredom, Who is now of so little wit, thnt he
will esteem whoredom and fornication to be thillg'i'
of small impor1anee and of 110 wei::ht hefore God '!
Christ, whil'h is lA" Tnlflt. and NI/Urot lie, !l3.ith tllllt J h s'~
evil thoug'ht!'l, hrcnking of wc<l1o{.k, whOrt'<1om, and 1.1,1. s.
lilrni(:atiOIl ddile:l man, th:lt iij to Q,'ly, eorrupt both
the hod)' and sonl of mllll, and nwkc them, of the
temples of the lIoly Ghost, tile filthy ulIT1ghill ('f
dUllj.,"C<ln of nil lI11eleall spirits; of tile house of
God, the dwellingplllcc of Satan.




w w w. h a i l andf m



'the nr$l Part of till! &rll</Jll

Agnill. in the Gospel of St. John, when the

woman taken in ndultery wns brought unto Christ,
said not he unto her, Go th!l1COy, alut ,in no more?
Doth not he here call whoredom sin? And what
11.." .1. 'J. i!; the reward
lin but everlastill~death? H whoredom be sin, thcn is it not Inwrlll for Ull to oommit
I J. tOIl 1,1. ... it.
I~or St. John saith, 1fe thal conmdttetk ,i,t iJ/
J'~"'1I'J~:1l thc dedt.
And our Saviour saith, Efer!! OIlf
It IU. ,I. lb. that committet! lin i, the len'alll o/Iin.
If whoredom had not Uccll Sill, surely St. John Bnpti!tt
would nc\'cr have rebuked king Il('rod for hiking
his brother's wile: but hc told him plainly, that
it was not lawful for him to take his lll'other'"
wife. lIe winked llot nt tll(lt wlwredonl of lIerod,
althong-h llC were a king of "'re:ll pO\\'er; hUl holdly
reproved him for hig wich-S'nnd abominal,le li\'ill).:',
although for the li.'lIllC he lost his 11ead. nut lie
would mlher suffer dentll, than !tCC God SO dis_
honoured by tllC breaking or his holy prcecpt (or
commandment), than to sufl~r whoredom to be 1111
rehuked, e\'CIl in :I killg. Il' whor('dom had becll
hut a pllstime, II (lalliance, and a thing not to bo
p:lli"l'<l ol~ :'l>lmllllr cuunt it nowadays, truly JOhll
Imd !JC('1l more tlu'In twice mad, ir he wonld ha\'u
had the displea!ture of a king, if he wonld haYt!
],CCI1 ('aBt into pril;Q1l and lost hiB llCad, for a trifle.
]lut John knew right well how filtll)', stinking,
l1nd aooll1il1uhle the sill of' whoredom i:; in the
"i;,rht. of' God: therefore would not he leave it Ullrebuked, 110, not in II kin~. ] I' whoredom 00 1I0t
Iawlill in a king, neilher IS it Illwl'ul in a snl~i('Ct.
11' whoredom be 1l0llllwful in:l public (or common)
of!ieer, neither is it lawful in a ]lri\'alc pefirou. H
it be not IllWfulllcilhcr ill king lIor 6111~eet, IlcitllCr
in COlllmon oflieer Ilor primte person, truly Own
i" it Iawful'in no mall 1I0r womlln, or what,.oc\'cr
deg'l'l,(, 01' ag'C the,\' Le.
Furthermore, ill tile Acts of the Apustles \\c
T'i.':ld that, whell the AllOstleB :lIld cldcl"il with
the whole collgreg-::lliOIl were goathered togctlwr
10 Illlcity the l1l':l.l'ts of the 1:lithful dwelling' lit





w w w. h a i l andf m

Antioch, which were di:.'<luicl...od through the f::ll~.

doctrine of cerluiu Jcwhh preachers, tlH~)' sent
word to the brethren, that it il(.'('moo good to the

lIoly Ghost and to them to charge them with no

morc than with


thin,!.,>'8j amon~ other,

ther willed them to abstain from idolatr.r and

lorllientioll; fro#/' rrlticR, >:nid th<,y, ff ye J,n!p yourlelulI, ye "'olt rlo '!reil. Note here IIOw thc>oc hol.v
and blcascd f:l!hcrs of Christ'a Church would
charb"'C the CQllgrcg'ation with no mo things t1nlll
were llCCC8ilar.r. :Mark also how, amoll~ tho>;c
thinJ;ll from the which they commanded the

hrcthren of Allliodl to abstain, fomicatioll Bnll

wbon"llom is numl~rcd. It i... t1U'reforc Ill'C("'~3r.r.
h,' the det{'rmillulion :lIJd (.'f\Il~lIt of the JI,,!\Ghost, and the .\110>-\11$ and dd\-rs with the whr,itl
that, 3S (nlID ithl:llry :lIld !'1I)1l>r--1i.
tion,'i'O likewii'C we mU>-lnlrtain from fi)rui('ati"lI
and whoredolll. 1s it neL....... ~lu.r unto sah'atiflll t'l
ab~tain from idolatry? So is it, to abstain from
whoredom. J~ there any ni~her Wit\" to lead unto
damnation than to be nn idolater? No. E\'(~n so
neither is thl"'re n. nearer WHy to dnmnation than
to be a lornicutor and UIl \\horemollg'Cr. Now
where tiro tholio people wllieh so lil-:"l1t1y esteem
breaking of wedlock, whor(.>(lom, lorllication, alld
adultery? It. is Ill'Ct.'Ssar)', I;llith tho Jloly GhQl;t,
the blC'SSCd Apost!($, the elde~, with the whole
collb~'Ution of Cbril<tj it is Ilt'C<""sary to salm_
tioll, ..a}' the}', to ah~tnin from \\'huJ'L'flom. If it
bt 1I(CI:tio.."8ry unto Rllnltioll, thell wtle be to thcm
which, IIl'g'leLiing their ~lh'lltioll, gi\"C their minds
to so filthy Dnd !itinking-, to so wicked \-it'<', to
~ueh nltomillntiou.


w w w. h a i l andf m


1'he Sond Pa,t qf t!le Se-rlRrm-



1I:1\'e been taught ill the first JlArt. of thi"

Sermon against Adultery, how that vice at thi
day reigneth most above all other vices, and what
is meant by this word Adulter.v. and how holy
Seripturo di>:suadeth (or diseoullselleth) from doin/;
thnt filthy sin, and finally what corruption cometh
to man's soul lhrough the sin of'adultcry,
Now, to proceed further, let us hear whnt the
blessed Apostle St. Paul ~aith to this matter.
Writing to the Romans he Imth these words: ht
118 CU4t IlICU!I t!le trorK8 of darl'ne,J" and put on the
(mnour,J oflighl. Let U4 teal/; hORettl!/I a,J it 1Cere in
the daytime, tlot iJJ eatil/g amI drillHng; neither in
chamberiRg8 and teanWn1leu, fleither in 8trife 0.11([
elll:IIin9: but [lflt ye 01t lhe IArd Je,Ju,J Ch,i,t, mut
,,,aJ.e Mt prod,Jjon for lhe jled, to fllljit tile bat,J of
it. Here the hoTy Apostle l'xhortclh us to em,t
away the works of darkn<'m!' which, among other,
he rollcth gluttonous eatin~, drinking, chumbcring,
find wantollJll'ss; which all arc ministers unto that
vicc, ami preparations to indu('C nnd bring in the
liltlly sin of the flesh. lie C311eth thcm thc deeds
lllld works of' darkness, not only bceauFe thcyare
l'lIslomably <1011C ill dllrkn($s or in the 1l1 b hUime,
(fOr el"~"!I OJl~ that dodlt evil lIate/A. Me light, twither
("lJlIIefR he /Mhe light, tell tu 1Corh 8RUllltl ~e repTQr;~d,)
hut that they lcud tIle right way unto that 'Utter
r/lJrJ.ue8,J tehere 1Cef'pi1lg aUlt g1l08llil/9 of wlh ,11Oll
t". And he saith in another place of the snme
Epi..tic, 1'hey that are in theJled canllotplea8~ Cor/.
Ire are (let/orll, not to t!le jle8ll, /hlJt 1Ce 8Roultllire
I!/rer tile jle8R" fur, vye live ajler llleJIClh, ye dull
AJl'llin he snith, Fly from teRoredom. Por eu'.
.t"'~ (hut fl man NJm,nilldlt i8 w;jlhout hi,J bod!l; bllt
/r"08ucrt:r co/nl/ljlfdh 1CllQr~tlom ';lInetA. agail/It lti,J


If",,_ alii.



)1." . 111.
.:, [0: ull.



ll .... ".1./1,

,., 'J.



w w w. h a i l andf m

OOdy. 1)0 ye fWt /;1l0JlJ 'hat yOftr .mkT" an
,A;> le_pIe of 'Ae llfJl GltlJlt -"icA it i. you, -Am.
al.., ye lore of G(j(j, olld ,e are Ifol p.r Q"'.? fur
e tire tkorly ~"1.. Glorif God ill .fOllr !JoJy, "c.
And a little :1fore he ~itb, jfi, $e 11111 /;/WIC 'Aal YJllr r. 'fI.
!',die, are 'Ae
0J' CAri,/? SA.J/t ll"~ lai:e ".'J.
,Ac *c.bcr. of CAri,1 a1lll.ale lie. lite of
fCAcre? God furtid. JJo ye 1I/)t 1:1uno IAat .u
r"id elearel4 to a" r..wre
.ode olle /,od, rill.
I! Tkre dalt !M IIt'O i .. OIU jle~, lQil! Ac. Bid
.it' l"at cuard! to tAe .Lord i. olCe .pirit. What
cOOl)' reasons doth the bk'!'8Cd Apostle St. P;IUI
bring forth here, to dissuade (or diJ;rounscl) us from
whoredom :md all uncleanncssl Yo"rmc"'~rI, saith
Ill', are tile temple of ilte Uo/ GIIOII: -hich. 'CAolQevcr dot.. dejite, God fCilt dt,lro.lf Aim, as saith
St. Paul. If wc be the tcmple of the Holy Ghost, 1 (.... Ill.".
how unfitting tholl is it to drivo that Holy Spirit
from us through whorc<1om, llnd in his place to set
the wicked spirits of unc1cmmcss and fOnlictltion,
and to be joined and do senice to them! l'to an
dearly bougAt, So'l.ith be: tAtrifon glo";j} God i.
10111' !Jodic,. Christ, that inncx.'('nt wmb of God,
hath bought us from the servitude of the de\'il,
.,,1 triu eurrwptwte gold a.d .ilrc" 6flt rillt Iti, 11II)8t , I"t., ,""
prtM~ and dear heart iJtood. To what. intent? 1'1'
That we should fall again unto our old 11Ill:leannC>l8
and abominable living? Nay verily: but that wc
should rre .4i. all tA~ da~. of altr life jlf koli"cu 1.101_ .,.
t".d Ng4/..tQIU1Iat, that wc ghollld g/(Jrif.1Ai. ill OIIr ~~~~ ..
OOdie. by purih' and c1e:mnc;os of life. lIe declaretb
also that fJflr Wic. en tAe
of CArut. How
unbCemly a thing is it then to ceai;C to be incor_
),urate (or embodied) ami one with Christ, and
through whOredOlll to be joined and made all ono
with all whore I "'hat ~reater di~honour or injury
can we do to Christ. than to t:ake aWlI)' from him
the members of" his 1xKiy, and to join them to
whorCfl, dC\'ils, nnd wick...'<1 spirits? And wlmL
morc dishonour cnll wc do to onrsckcs, thuu
through uncleanness to lose 80 excellent a dignit)'
o 5




w w w. h a i l andf m


The Sec<md Part

of the


and freedom, and to become bondslavcs and miser

able e:lp!i\'eS to the spirita of darkness? Let 11"
Ulerefore consider first the glory of Christ, 111IcI
tllen our estate, our dignity, and freedom, wherein
God hath set us by giving' us his Holy Spirit i
Ilnd let us valiantly defend the same against Satnn
ami all his crafty assaults, that Christ may bo
honoured, and thnt wc lose not our liberty (or
frt'("(!om), but still remain in olle spirit with him.
~~,~, J~.
)foroo\'er, in his Epistle to the Ephcs:iuns the
Iilessed Apostle willcth us to be &0 pure llnd free
from udultery,fornication, and all uncleanntll, tAat
'lCt not once name tht"'. Olttflllg '11.1, QI it becometlt.
lOi"t, i lIOr jillhinulf, norjooli~1t. talki"g, twr jelling,
1CAiclt. ore .ot comel!l i but Tathtr Oit'iufJ 1f t!lmdl.
flu (hi, ye, saith he, that tu) 1CMrelllo1luer,
either unclean per80n, or c{J1;e{o/u per80ll, v;hkh ;, (m
"'rJ,~. '9'"JI. idOlater, hallt. any i"heritfl1ln in the l.j"fJt!.01!l of
CRri,e and God. And, that wc should f'('memher
to he holy, 11IIre, and free from nil unc1cnnn(.'$s,
the holy Apostle enllcth us IQ;"tl, because' we arc
"anclilicd :ll1d made holy in the blood of Christ
through the lIoly Ghost. Now, if we be s..'lints,
wllat have we to do with the manners of tho
11~_t. '$.
heathen? St. Petcr snith, 118 ht ff:lticn collt,l you
i~ AO/i' trt'" 80 bt ye Rnli 0180 in all your COl/rerM
I...... 1. ~"
tioll; becault it i, tOrilltll, Bt.Ye MI!I,for f am/IO(V.
o. d
lIitherto havo we heard how gric\'ous a .,in
fornication and whon;dom is, amI how gf'('atly God
<loth nbhor it throughout the wholo Scri!lturc.
lIo\\" can it any otlu:rwisc be than a sin (lf most
:lhominaliou, seeiuJ.;' it once may not be named
among the Chri~till1l<;, much less it may in allY
JlOillt be commitled? J\nd surd)', if we would
weigh the greatness of thii! sin, and consider it
in the ri~ht kind, we should find the sin of whore_
dum 10 he that mOl't filthy lake, foul pmltlle, unci
I!linking sink, \\"hercinto n1l kinds of sins and cvils
f1(lW, wllere also they hn\'e their f\.'Sting place :md
abiding. For lmth not the adulterer a pride in
his whoredom? As the Wise :Man sailh: l'A~y ar6


w w w. h a i l andf m


9/1l11 r.4tw: tie! lore dou er;!, (1/#,1 ,,.:,,ire ill tI,i1l9'
IJot are .f4rl "slIgll. b lIot tll(' :tJulterer nl...,
idle. aud ~elightcl~1 in no j:.,"l:KlI~ l'xlrci~. but ollly
in that Jus IDOEit. filthy nnd ill':..",tly 11Il'aSure? t:.
uot his mind pJuckro an,1 utlt'rl~' drawn away

from nil virtuou,j !>tudies and fruitfuJ laholl\"l;, ami

only gi"cn to c:.lrnal and fl('>;hly imaginations?
Doth not the whoremonger give his mind to
j.{lutlony, thut he muy be the more npt to l'lCrve
his lusts and l'arnal plC3SlIr<'8? Doth not the
atlultcrer givo his mind to CQ\ctOU,.Il<'&l and to
I'0lling and pilling 01' othcr, ihnt he may II(' till!
more able to maintain hie harlots and whntl"'"
and to continuc in hie filthv and ullla\\ful It wc ?
'weJleth IItl not also with ell\~- 3~.Jin,t olllel.
fl'ftrin~ that his prey should be allured and taken
away from him? Again, is he not ircful, :md re
Illeni.shed with wmtll nnd di~pll'asllre. even ~0'3in".t
his best bel0"ed, if at any time his beastly ami
de,.jlish reqUl'fit be Jetted? Whnt ~in or kmd of
frin is it tltnt is 1I0t joined with fonlientiflll ant!
whoredom? It. is a mon,.lcr of mall,' hcaW:. It.
roceivcth all kinds of \il....' S. land rt'fus~th all killll..
of virtueso ]f OIlC ~"crnl sin brin~t11 dllrmw
tion, what ill to be tho\l~ht of t113t ~il\ \\ llicll is
accompanied with all c\'ils, IInd hath lI'uiling on
it whatl:!oe\"Cl" ilt hllteful to God, dlUnnnhlc to 1Il1111,
and ple:liillnt to 3tllll?
Grc:lt ill the d:unllatiOIl that hnllw-tll owr the
hcn.w of furnil'ntllfll and adulteren:. \Yh:ll shall
I speak of other inoommoditil~ whidl i.. ~ul' and
flow out f)f this t;tillkill~ IlUtJdle of whon'tlom?
h 1I0t Hlllt trr05ure which before nil other i~ Ulost
n-.g:ardl'll of hO!ll'bt llel"SOIlI'l, the gOlld fame and
!lnme of IIlUlI and woman,l(...t throu~h whon"<lom?
"That. pntrimonJ' (or uvdilwoo), what ~Uh.. t.:.l.llce,
what good!', whnt richl'fl d(,lh whon'llorn !'hortly
COllsumc and brin~ to naught I What \'aliantn,'Nj
and strcng1.h is many tillll'fl made \\'l'3k lI11d dl
I:1tro)Ocd with whOl'l'llom I Whal wit it! so filII',
!hut. is not dotl'tl nnu dclitccd through whoredom I


w w w. h a i l andf m


TAt Second Part of Me &rmon

What beauty, although it were never 80 excel.

lent, is 1I0t disfigured through whoredom! Is
not wllOredom an ellemy to the pleasant flower of
youth? and bringeth it Ilot ~y hairs Bnd old age
before the time? 'What gift of nature, althollg'h
it were never 60 precious, is not corrupted with
whoredom? Come not the :French pocks, with
other diverse diseuses, of whoredom? }~rom whence
come so many bastards and misbegotten children,
to the high displeasul"C of God and dishonour of
holy wedlock, but of whoredom? How many COIisume all their subsbnce :1IId goods, and 3t the
last fall into such extreme povcrl,}'. that aflerward
they steal, and 80 are llllllgcd, through whoredum J What contention lllld manslaughter comcth
of whoredom! How lllallY maidens be dcllowcroo.
how many wives cornlpted. how many widows
defiled, through whoredom I How much is the
public and common weal impoverished and troubled through whoredom I How much is God's
word contemned and depraved by whoredom and
whoremollf,"CNl !
or this vice cometh :1 great part of the divorcee
which IlOW a da)'s be so commonly accustomed and
used by men's private authority, to the great disp!l:nsure of God. and the bl'C3ch of the most holy
knot :md bond of matrimony. l~or, when this
mo!:'t detestable sin is Ollce el'Cllt into the brellSt
of tile adulterer, so that he is entlll1gled with unlawflll and unc1mste love, tilrni:.;-hLl\ll)s Ilis true
and lawful wife is dcspised; her prcscnce is abhorred; her CQml,any stinkcth alld is loathsome;
whaU;oo\'er she docth is disprni.sed; thcre is no
(juidlll'l'S ill the hOll,:e so 10llg aa she is ill sight:
therelhre, to make short tale. must she :lwa~', for
11l't husband ('an brook her no longer. "1'hus
ihmugh whoft.,<loll1 is the honL'St and harmless
wife put away, and all harlot received in her
~Iend: and in like sort it Imppcnelh Ill:llly times
ill the wilt.> towards her 1111"band. 0 abomina_
lion! Christ our Su\'iour, verr Ood and 1ll31l,


w w w. h a i l andf m

U!]UilMt .1dultery.


coming to r..'Slore tIle law of his heaveuly Father

unto the right scnsc, understanding, :md lIl!':llliu;.;',
among other things reformed the abuse of this law
of God. For, whereas the Jews IIsed, of a lOll!;
suffcrance, by custom, to put away their wi\'es at
their pleasure for e\'ery causc, Christ, correctin,t:
that c\'il custom, did tcach that, if any man put. )lm. m.
away his wife, and Illnrrieth another, for any call.:>e~9'
c:o:ccpt only for ndllltery (which then Wag denth by
the Inw), he was :1.1I adulterer j nnd forced also IllS
wife, so di\'orced, fo commit adultery, if she wero
joined to lmy other lIlan; and the mall also, so
joined with her, to commit adultery. In what Cillle
then arc those adulterers which for the 100'e of an
whore put 1111"11)' their true and lawful wife agaim,t
all law, right, reason, lllld conscienoo? 0 clalllnahle is the state wherein they stand! Swift clestfllction sllall fill1 011 them, if ther rep,:nt not
llnd amend not. For God will not ever sum~r holy
wedlock thus to be dishonoured, hated, 11Tld de.
spised, lIo will once punish this f1Ctihly lmd
licentious manner of li\'ing, 11Tld cause that his
holy ordinance shall be had in revcrenoo and honour. l,'or surely 1Cedlock, as the Apostle saitll, i, Uob. ~IO~ ..
hmwllrable alnON!] all men, allll the bed wlldejiled;
but lOooremoNf/er, awl jorllu;alor, 00(1 wilt judge,
that is to 8ny. punish nnd condcmn.
But to whllt pllrrlOse is this labour takcn 10
describe and set lorth the greatness of the sin of
whoredom, and the incommoditie8 tllat is~ue llnd
1I0w out of it, seeing that brenth lmcl tongue shall
IlOOner filiI lllly mall, t.han he !'hall or may be nble
lo sct it out tl.CCOrding to the abominatiOIl llll<!
heinOUSlll'AA thereof? Not withstlluding, t.his is
t'pokell to the intent that nil mcn should flee
whoredom, nlld live in the fear vf God. God
grullt that it may not be spokcn in vain I


w w w. h a i l andf m


TAt Third Part of 'nt





b' the second part of this Sermon aWlinst Adultery, that was last read, JOu have learned how
eMllcstly tIle Scripture warlwth us to avoid the
sin of adultcrr and to embrace cll!311l1CSS of lile;
and tl13t throu..... h adulterJ we f.'lll into all kinds
of sillS :md a~ made bondsla\'cs to the de"il,
through cleallllCl'S of life we an> made mcml>crs
of Christ; and finally how far adultery brin~th
n man from all goo<lncss, and (lri\'eth him headr"nl,,,,,_u lOll!!' into all viC{$, mischief, and misery. Now
.ppoi"l<Id b"
..~. will I dL'Clare unto you in order WIt I what grle\'01l8
Illlishmenls God {n timell past plagued adultcr.\,
tlnd how certain worldly prince;; nbo did punish it,
that )'e mn)' perceive that whoredom :md fornicntion be sillS no less detestable in the sig-ht of God
aud all good men tlmn I have hitherlO uttered,
r:..,. ri.<14
In the first book of Moyscs wc read that, wh>1l
mankind beh"Ull to be multiplied upon the cartl1,
lhe men and women g'a\'e their minds 60 gre:ltly
to fleshly delight and filthy pleasure, that they
li\'e<1 without nil fenr of God, God, !'ccing lllis
their beastly and abominable living, and percci\'illg'
that they amended not, but rather increased daily
more rind more in their sinful nnd unclean m:UlIlCI"S,
repented that he ever had made man: :l1ld, to shell'
how greatly he abhorred adultery, II'hor.:dom, for_
nication, and all uncleanness, he m:lllc :Ill the
fountain'" of the deep earth to hurst Ollt, and the
sluiL'CS of hl'a\'en to Le opened, 80 that the mill
c:Ilne down upon ~he eurth hy the Sp:ICC of forty
da)'li :111(1 fort)' 1l1ght.s; nnd hy this means destro)'cd the whole world and. all mankind, eigl.t
persons only excepled, Hmt IS to Sll)', Noc, the
I~ D.l.
prtacMr o/"r;!lAtt:o/18RtU (KS SI. Peter c:,lIdh him),
and hUi wife, his three 60ns and their wiVl'6, 0
what:l grie\'ous pl~ue did God cn..~t here upon all
li\'illg' crcaturl'S for the r;in of whOl"l..'<lom! .For il..:


w w w. h a i l andf m

which God took "en~nce not only of man, hut

.L~ of beash, fowls. and aU li,;ng crrotUre<.
:Mansbu~hter WIlS committed before; ret WIlS not c.. I~.
the world destro)'ed for that: but for whoredom
all the world, fc\\' only exet'pt, W3l:l overflowed
with wate"" :lIld 60 peruhed. An example worthy
to lK' reml'ml,,:red, that re mar le3nl to fear God,
We rend llWlin that for the lilthy gill of untle:U1n("<S Sodom :lUd Gomom, and the other eitica (;"", .1>,
nigoh unto thcm, wcre destroyed with lire :lIId '->9'
brim.~tone from heavcn, so that there was neither
lIlon, woman, ('hild. Ilor hem;;!, nor )'et allY thil'~
that ~rew UpOIl the e:n-th, there left unde,..tropd.
\rhoS\: heurt twmblcth not at the hearing ofthi:;
Ili:;tory? "'ho is 60 drowned in whoredom and
uncleanne89 that \\;11 not now for e\'Cr aRer lca,e
thl.'1 abominable li,ing. seeing that God so pUllisheth ulldeannl"'~. ,nlill lire and brimstone from he-.Ivell, to de..tro.r whole cities. to kill
man. womall. nnd child. :,nd all other livin~ crrotures there alii'ling. to consulIle with fire all that
e\'cr ~"1'(!w? "'hat can be mon' lIlanifest tokens
of God's wrath and "cngronec ah"ll.inl:<t UnclellllllCSll
alld impllrit~ 01" life? :Mark thill history, good
peoplc, :Illd 1i.'IIT the "cllg-ealll'C of God.
Do we not read albO tllat God dilJ 8mif~ Phoron O.n ,11
Qffd hi. /ItIu~ tt:if!l gr~at jl{"!!flO, because that hl' '4-1Q.
ungodly detlin.'(1 Snnt the wile of Ahmham? Like
wi:;e ~ad wc of Abimcl~h king of Gemr, although GM...
he touChl'<l her 1I0t hy carnal know!ldt,re.
The-e plagues and puni"hmellu did God cast
UI)()/1 filthy nnd und'':'lll perf'()n Q lH'f"re the Lnw
was ginm. the law of nature 0111)' "'i!.:"uing in thl'
Ill':'lrt~ of IIlt'n, to W:>clnre how gn'3t )In-e he had tu
matrimon.\ (or wedlock). and ll!-,rnin h'l\\" much he:
ubhorn'<1 ndllltery. I'omi('l\tioll, nnd all undcannes:s.
And. wllen the'lu\\' that lorlo:tdc whoredom waa
given h~' ~rOl:iC8 to the Jew~. did n,,1 God rommanu thnt the bn'l'lkcrs t1ll'l"\'ol' shollltl be Pllt 10
death? '1'hl' won!:! ot' the IlIw he lhl'"e: IrA/,M) ........ 10
C(l11tMiUcllt adMlkry toil" all-J tIUln', wij'iJ ,halt die tlllJ


w w w. h a i l andf m

] ~6

The Third Purt oj'tne &rmfJtl

dcalh, Dot!l, tlte mall and the 1"1IIan, becau8e h.e lIafh
brO~'en we(/Wck willa hi, 1feif/h!Jf)Ur'8 wife. In the
lIeU!. nIL
L.'1W also it was commanded, that 11 damsel and a
man taken together in whoredom should be both
,. ....!>on.... stoned to death.
In another place we also read
that God commanded Moses to take all the head
l'ulers and pnm.-cs of the people, and to hang- them
upon gibbets openly, that everr man might see
them, because ther either commilted or did not
Ibld9"C... punish whoredom.
Again, did not God send such
. ~.
a plague amon'" the 1>C(1)le for fornication and
uncleanness, that they died in one d::r.y three and
{,wenlr thousand?
I pass o\'er, for laek of time, many other histories
of the holr Bible which declare I he gric\'ous 'enr.:'eonce and heavr displeasure or God ab'11inst whoremongers and adulterers. Cenes this extreme punishment appointed of God sheweth evidentlr how
greatly God hateth whoredom. And let us not
doubt but lhnt God at this prescnt abhorreth all
manner of uncleanness no less than he did in th~
old Law, and will undoubtedly punish it both in
this world and in the world to come. :For he is a
I' '
God that em abide no wickedness: therefore ought
it to be eschewed of' all that tender the g-Ior,\' .,1'
God nnd the salvation of their own souls. SI. Pllul
'{... d.It snith all tlu6e thing6 are written for our erample,
and to teach us the fC:lr of God and the oU<.'<iiencc
II~", >I ". to his holy Jaw. For, if God ,pare(l not the noll/rul
orU1/che6, neither will he spare tlS that be but
grafts, if we commit like offunce. ]f' God de!jtroyed many thousands of people, many cities,
y(,:1, the whole world, for whoredom, let us not
!latter ounseh'es, und think wc slmll escape fl'l'e
and without pUllil:'hment. For he hath IJromiscd
in his holy law to send most grie\'ous plagut's
upon them that LrallsbJress (or break) his holy
'l'hus have we heard ho"' God punishcth the sin
110.....'* of adultery.
Let us now hear eerlnin laws which
!er l,gnlJ,.
the ci\'il magistrates devisc<1 ill di\'ers countrics


w w w. h a i l andf m


for the ptlni~hm('nt thereof, that we may leanl.H~

how uncleanness hath e,"('r been detested ill all ."'.-.! ..
well ordered cities and commonw('allhs and amongall hOliest persons. The law :lmong the Lepreiall~
was this, that, when :my w('re taken ill adultery,
they were bound and earned three da~'s through
the eit)', and anerw:m), as long 38 they lived,
were they despised, alld with shame :md con.
fusion counted as persons "oid of all honesty.
Among the Locrensinns t.he adulterers had both
their e.res thrust out. The Homans in times past
lUnished whoredolll, sometime h.v fire. sometime
)y sword, If a man among t.he E.!:'yptialls ho(l
Leen taken in adultery', the law was that he should
openly, in the pr('<:Cnce of all the people, be
ISCOUrged naked with whips unto the number of
n thous:md Iitripes: the woman Hlat was t:tL:en
with him had her nose C'Ut ofr, whereby she W38
knowll e"er after to be an whore, and tllerefore
to be ahhorred of nIl men. Among the Arabians
they that were taken in adultery had their hends
stricken from their bodies. The Athenians punished whoredom by death in like m:lIl11cr. So
likewise did the boroorous 'l'nrtllriolls. Among
the 'l'llrks evell at tllis dllY they that 1)(' takell in
adultery, both mall and wo;nan, are stoned straightways to death wilhou.t merey.
Thus sce we what godlyaets were d('viBl,.'<I. in times
pa:.-t of tho hi~h powers for the putting awnyof
whoredom, and for the mainl::lining of hol)' matri.
mon)' (or wt.-dlock) llnd pure ooll\'erMtion. And
the authors of these acts were not Chrh-tianl;, but
hcsthen: let were they I;() inflamed \\;Ih tile 10\'0
of honesty aud pureness of life. that, for the main.
teDanoo and COIl~f\"lItion (or Keeping up) of that,
they made godly trtatutcs ~ufferillg neither for.
nication nor ntlulter,r to reign iD their reaLms nn)llIl1ished.
Christ ~oid to the people, TA~ ].'jnirjlt' ,/tall ri,e )1.11 I~ ..
ot the jlld!!mtnl 'If';f!J fhi, ""fion, ml':lIIing the 1111
faithful JCW&, alld ,I/(IU com/em" fArm: jilr tAt'y rl'


w w w. h a i l andf m



Tltird Par!



pntld at tJ~ prto('lti"9 of JrHUU; b.l W/'lIltI, saith

he. a grealeT
JtnUl4 ;" Aere. mcanin~ himself.


and )'ct they f\:l'cnl not. Shall not, think )'OU,

likewise the LocrellsiaDs. Arnbi31lS, Athenian". with
such otht>r. rilie up at Ih' jud~metlt and condemn
us; forasmuch 85 ther ('l'a.......od from whoredom at
the commandment of Dlall, and we haw the l:nv
and manifl... t precepts and commandments (If God,
and Jet flln<:lkc wc not our filthy conwn-ation?

']'nll)", tnI1)'. it shall he ('1lSicr at the' day of jud;:ment to tho.-e heathen than to us, elC(-epl wc repent Rlld amend. For, although di'::lth of body
bccmcth to liS n grievous pUllibhmcnt in this world
lor whon'(IHm, )"ct is thnt )13in nothing in ('Om
parison of the gril.'\'l)ul; tonne"t;: whicJl f1dllllcrt"",



. ,.

no.! ,

'''''': E\....

fornirntors, find nll nn"I, Ull persons l'ha1l6uflcr after

this life. J~or nil lllll'h llhnll he excluded and shut
out of the kingdom of ht'aH'n, as Sf. llalll ~:lith :
}Je trot dt:~il"('(1 i for "~;tltrr ".lwrm(}nger~, Hor 1t!(}r

,!tipJ~r, 0/ i,,,ogt8, trfJr IJf/lIlIaa~, "br ,,:/Uillg'J tror

MHl01lli{u, trflr {ltieu" "flr rllrel~",~ l~r'IIII', trOT
d""If~'arJIt, Ifllr I".,~rd 'IJI""'"', "or pillt:T6, ,!ts/t

ilf"";t tAe /o;Jlgd-l. '!I GIHI.

n.t. u~ lI.

.\11<1 S1. John in hi>!

Revelation saith thot rrlll!f(lIIn1fger, ,!toll !tore tAt;T

port with murdl't"t'l"l', ,;on.'('t'\'l"!4, ellchantcr!l,


idolater,:., and !lu('h other, i,., tAe (ale w:Aid 611rtrdlt.

ri{! fire 0",1 6riwlnlfe, rAirj i, tAe ,ftVllfd dta'A.
The runi"hmellt or the bo.;ly,although it be dt'3th,
11:lth an end; but the IlUni...hment or the .-uul,
which St. John rolleth tAt IOtUJ ddlIJ, is ewr
l:tStiD~: the~ ~hDII be firt ud tr;I/Jltf""t i thl''''
) " .IIL,.. dolt k tutpi"9 4lfd 9,,01t!l;"9 'if tedlt. i lIt tl:fJr.
.. 61- th3t
- ,1.Iol.1ll.
I! II:l11 t 1It're ~llaw the COIl,;(lence
or the
.:: ....... 1. damned "'ait "erer die.
0 who"'C hC"J.rt distilll'lll
not evcn drops or blood, to hear nnd oou"itlt'r
thc;;e things? If we tremble and shake nl the
hearing llnd IlBmin~ or these pnin", 0 whnt ~hnll
they do that shun fl>el them, tlJ:ll ~hllll 8ullcr
them, )'C:\, nnd ever j;hllll ,"ufler, worlds without.
cnd? God hn\'C mercy on us! Who is now ",0
dro\\'ncd ill sin and PllHt ull godlilll'SS, lhnl he


w w w. h a i l andf m

will seL more b)' a filthy and stinkill~ plen.;ure.

which &OOn passelh away. than by the 1Ql;8 of

E-\-erwting glory'? Again, who will 60 give him"",If to the lusts of the fl~h, that he fearctb nothing at all the pains of )If'1I fire?

But let us he:lf how wc may eschew the sin of

whoredom and ndulterr. that wo may w:llk ill till"
fl'llr of God, and be fn..>e from those most gric\'ous
:uul intolernblc torments which libido all unclean
persons. 'fo avoid fornictlti":>I1, adultery. :lIld nllll.. ".,n.
lIucleanncss. let UB provide that above all thing"1i :::-~'"''':.

we may keel> our !loam IJUre :md dean from all .ot!.tI'.r
..'l." to
evil thoughls and carnal lu:;t,s j for. if that 00
once inf;."Cted and corrupt, wc filII headlon:: into
all kind of ullgOOline:o:s. 'fhi", tohall we c3liily dn,

if, when we fl'l.'l inwardly that Satan our old

enemy templctb us unto whon.."lIom. we by no
means con~nt to his er:ln.r 811::-. ,.,-,,-tion<:;. but \'a.
liantl>' re.---ist and with~talld him vJ' ..trong faith
in the word of God, aUe;:,.'1I1g him alwaXIi
in our hC3rt this commandment of God: Scriptum 1',-.1 .. q:
est,lY01l. nlO/lflteri4 i It i,. written. TAo_ 4Aate flOe ~.,.. ,. ,.1.
eo",_ie ellortdulR. It shall 00 h"OOd also for us
ever to li\'c in thc fear of God, IInd to !'Ct before
our eroll tho grievous thrcatenillJ?8 of God llf,"tloiulit
1111 un~ty llinn('f'S; and to consider in our mind
holV Jilthr, 1x1l:it!r, :lnd. short t11ll,t pleasure is
whereunto atan movcth us, IInd aW'lin holV tho
pain appointed for tbat sin i1l intolcmlllc lInd ever
lasting. Moreover, to U>'C a Icmpern.ncc and ~
briety in eating and drinking, to ez,ebew 1I1lclron
l.."OlIImunication, to avoid .11 filthy company, to
flee idlenl'foS. to delight in n.'adin~ of holy Scri!"
lure, to watch in ~Ir ]1r:lJOl'll and \TirluollS ml..'< i
tations. and at all times ~ tlerci~ some godly
tr:lvailll, Iihnll help greatly unto the cchcwillg of
And here are nl1 degrc<!!l to be monish(-,(), whether
they he marril..od or unmarri(-,(), 10 lo\'e chastity and
c1eolll\e;;s of life. J'or the mllrried are bound by
the law of Ood 80 purely to lovo onc allothcr, tlwt


w w w. h a i l andf m

1 IQ

Third Part

of tAe ScnlWlt agui",t .-Jdullery.

neither of them seck any strange love. ~he m:~11

must only eleave to his wife, and the Wife ngalll
only to her husband. They must so delight one
in allother's coml'311Y, that nOlle of them covet
any other. And, as they are bound thus to live
to~"Cther in all g'Odlille~s and honcst,\', 60 li~ewlse
it is tlleir duty virtuollsly to hring' up th('it ehlldren,
und to provide that they fj.1Inot into Satan's snare
nor into any ullclcaun'>:s, but that theY'come pure
:md honest unto holy wedlock when time re<fuircth.
So likewise ought all masters and rulers to provide
i hat no whoredom, nor any point of uneleann~,
l.u used among their servants. And again, the)'
that are single, Ilud feci in themselves that the~'
cannot live without the company of' :\ womrlll, let
them get wives of their own, and 80 live godly
to;:rcther. For it
oeller to 1Ilarrg titan to 0llr1l :
Hnd, to ar;oi(J fornication, saith the Apostle, let
Cfltr,Y man hate hi, OICIJ tciji:, alld erery rroman ner
own nlUounrt. l'i.uall)', a1l such as feel ill thclllselves a 8uOicicncy and :lbilit)" through the work
ing of God's Spirit, to lead a. sole and continent
lile, let them prnise God for his gift, and seek
all means possible to maint:lin the SfIIlle; as by
rCllding or holy Seripturc~, b)' godly meditflt.ions,
C?lItinual praycrs, and such other virtuous
lfwe :Ill on tllis wise will cndeavour oursekcs to
eschew forniefltion, adultery,llnd all tllle!cmlllcs8, :lIld
IClId our livcs ill all godlinCS8 and hOIll.'Sty, IiCrving
God with lL pure and d('au heart, and glorifying
him in our Lodies uy l~ading an innocent and
harmless life, wc may be sure to be in the nllmher
or those of whom our Sriviour Christ spcnketh in
the Go~pcl 011 this manner: lJk"ed are the pure
in heart, for th~!/ lItalt ,ee God. 'L'o whom nlone
be nil ~Iory, hOllour, rule, and power, worlds wilh
out cnd. Amen.



w w w. h a i l andf m




'fills day. j:rOf'd Cllri;;tian people, slmll be declllred

unto )"OU the 1I1lprolitaulcncss llnd shameful nnhOllesty of contentioll, strife, and debate; t<l the
intent that, when you shall sce, as it were in lL

table painted bcfore your eyes, the c\"ilr.wourcd.

ness :lIld dclofmit), of this most dctestnblc vice,
)"OUf stomachs mllY be moved to risc 8&":liust it,
und to detest lIud abhor that Sill, which is so much
to be hated, alld so pernicious and hurtful to all
But among ull kinds of C<lntclllion none is more
hurtrut than is contention ill multCriI of religion.
E4chew, slIith SI. l'I.IUI,footiaR. anrllln/earnt:ft que,-' nn. l.:
. "If!' h
I ey breeft 8(rlif<e. jt 'ur:wmel
1l. '"
8errallt qf G(j(t to jight or strive, bltt to be
{mcar(l (Ilt me/I, 'l'his contention and strife
was in St. Paul's tim~ llmong' the Corinthians, und
i,; at this time :.mong us Lnglishmen, }'or too
man)' be which, upon the ale benches or
other places, delight to set forth certain questions,
l\IJt so much pertaining to edification as to vain
glory :lild shewing forth of t heir cunning j lInd
,,0 unsoberl}' to rcnson and dispute, that, when
neither Imrty will give place to other, they fnll to
chiding and conteutioll, and sometime from hot
words to further iJlcolI\'enienee, St. Paul could
not nl)ide to hear among the Corinthians t.hese
words of di~(."( rd or di~lU;ioll: J hoM o/' Paul, I, c.... I
0)' C:;J/lllf, ami I 11" d]JO/to. What 1I'0uld he tlwn hI..
1>3)', if he hcnrd tllCsc words of conwntion, which
lie now almost in e\'cry mnll's mouth: He is n
pl:!lriscc, He j,;; a GOlopcller, He is of the new




w w w. h a i l andf m


J ~2


Firll Part of 'lie Sermon

sort, He i!> of the old faith, He is :I llcw.broached

brllther, lie is a good clltholic father, He is a
)lllpist, Hc is till hl'relic? 0 how the Church is
divided! 0 how the ~iti('S be cut and mnn~lcd!
o how the coal of Chri~t, thnt wns without scnm,
is nil to rent and torn! 0 body mystical of Christ,
where is that holy lllld happy unity, out of the
wlli<:h whosO('\'cr i,~, he is not ill Cllri"L? If OIlC
I:l('mbcr be pulk'd from :mothcr, whero is the
hody? ]f the body be drown from the hend,
where is the life of the hod)'? We cannot be
l~ld~ I!.,/o.jointed to Clll;"l our Head, except we bcglucd
with collcord nnd charity onc to another. For he
that is not in this unity is not of the Church of
Christ; which is:l congregat.ion or unity to&"Cthcr,
and not 11 di,'ibioll.
,Cor 111.).
51. Paul saith lhnt, a, long t/8 emulalion (or
envying), contenlion, (lilt! fuc!io", (or sects) be
a",m'.9 118, tee be carnal, and wall.: a,'cfudin!! lA> tAe
jledly man.. And 51. James S:lith, 1J yO/l, !tare
biller emulalion (or CIl\'yillg) Olltt contenlion in your
'. ' .
nearl8, glor'y '1(01 0/' it. i'lIr, Jehere a8 conlelltion i"
there i, 1I11Meat{ja,ltle81 and alt erit deed,. And
why do wc not hear St. l>aul, whieh prnyeth Ui',
0( ..... 1 '0.
whereas he migllt command 1Ii1, S:IYlng, 1 belCech.
you in. lite namf: of our Lord Juu8 Chri,t, Ihat you
rill 'pal.: all olle thill!!, antt Ihat tnere be no (huen,ioJl. aINong you, bllt Inal yo/l, lCill ae 011e 'tenole body,
q/ one fuil/d, and q/ one opinion in the truth. If
his desire be renSOllable :md honest, why do we
not gr:mt it.? if his request be lor our profit, why
tl0 wc refuse it.? And, if we list not to hear his
petition or pr:t~'('r, yet let. us hear)lis cxllOrtation,
.:"". '-J. where he bo'lith, 1 erlt",t you tRdt you 'teal!.: a, it
tJecometlt Ihe rOCtllio1/. in lite wAich. you be called, wit4
alt luamillio/t O1/(lmeel'ueA', tei/4 l(mily a1ltl ,,!flne"
m;nt/, aeari"g one another b'y cltarity, ,tlidyillg to
l'up tht: uily 0/ lite S},;rit ay Ihe bond 0/ jMaCe; for
there i, one Ixxlf, one Spirit, one faith, olle IJapt18m.
'J'hcrc is, lIe s:uth, but one body: of the which he
<'an be 110 lively member that is at \'3rinnce with



w w w. h a i l andf m


the other memberi'. There is one Sp/'rit, which

joincth and klliHcth nil thillgs in olle: and how
dln t1li..;: onc Spirit rcig-n in us, when wc amongollrst.'he-~ Le di\i\!L-d? There is bul onefaith: and
how can wc th('1l ~:lI", He is of' the old lilith, aud,
He is of the new f:l;th? There is but one bapti8m:
antI then shall not all they which be I,aplizcd be
onc? COlltention causcth division: wherefore it
(lug-Itt not to be mnon:r Christians, whom one
r,lith and baptism joincth in all unity. But, if we
contemn St. l)altl's r(l(IU('st and exhortation, yet
at the least let liB rCA'3rd his earnest entrenting;
in the which he cloth vcry earnestly charge liS,
and, as I may so speak, cOIuure us, in this form
and manner: I)' theM be any CQ//8olatwn in Chri8l, PIli!. u. '-}.
if lAne be a".1f comfort '?l lere, if you, have Qny

/dlmc8/tip of lhe Spirit, it you hat'e all!! w/Cela 0/

pili ami COnlpQUiOIl, fll.(jil tl/!! j05, beillg all lile
ajrt:cled, Iwci"!l olle charjl!l' being ql' Olle mi/ul, of
one Opillioll, Mat tlollthtg be dOlle Ii!l contelltion or
rain glory. 'Vho is he, that Imth uny bowels of
pity, that will not be mo\ed with th/.'Se words so
pitll)'? Who~ heMl i.i SO stOlly, that the sword
of these words, which be 11U)re aharp titan allY t/l10 lloll.l....
edge{l 8word, mllY not cut :lIld brellk asunder?
Wherefore, let us emlclIvour ourselves t<l Ihlfil

St. Paul's joy hcre in this plaC<', which shall be

at length to our g-reat. joy in another placc,
Let us so read the Scripture, tha.t by reading II~.. _
thcr.."'()f wc Ill:!)' be made the !.wHer li\'eril, ralher;:~u~,4."~ .
thall the more contentious disputcril. If any thing
i" necessary to be tnug-ht, rensollcd, or disJluted,
11'1. liS do it with nil Illllckne..s, sofllless, and Il:nity.
If auy thing "hall c1mncc to be I'!)()!.:ell IItlcomely,
let one benr anothcr',; fr:lill.y. lie thnt is faulty.
let him mther lImClld than defend thnt whieh he
Imth spoken amiMl, lest he fall by contention from
a foolish error into an obstinate heresy. For it is
better to give place meekly than to win the victory
with the brellch of charity; which c111Ulccth where
Her)' man will defcnd bill opinion obstinately. If


w w w. h a i l andf m


'17te Fird flart

of tlte &rmon

wc be Christian mcn, why do we not folloll' Christ.

which &'\ith, Leam qf me, for 1 am mee!.: and [<noly
in lIeart.? A disci plc must learn thc lesson of his
schoolmastcr, and a servant must oOey the COrn.
malldment of his mn:,tl'r. lie IlIat ;" lOi"e and
learnei/, ..aith St. James, let lIim 8nCW hi8 good"e8"
~IJ hi" gOOlI courer8alion uti ~erne88 of hi" lOilldom.
For, 1"'here Ihere i,l enry a1ltl conlenlilJlt, Ihat tci8(/O"t
cometlt not from God, but iA rcorMly vi"do11t, 1N01,'"
w;i,d",". autl devilillt. 1Di"do11t. jor the 1Di"dom IAat
cQlwelltfrofll, aooce, from the Spirit of God,;" cluufe
:md pure, COrrllllted with 110 c\'il afft"ctions; it i"
(juict, Illt'C-k, llud )JeuNable, abhorring' all desire of
contcntion; it i" traetoUe,obedicnt, not grudgill:;'
to learn, and to give place to thcm that teach
better for t.heir reformation. I,'or there shal1nc\'cr
Oe an cnd of stri\'ill~ and contentioll, if wc contend
who ill contention :;hllll be, and have the
overhand: wu shall heap error upon error, if' we
continue t.o defend that obstinatcly which was
spoken IIlladviscdly. For truth it is that. stiffne,;,;
in maintaining' :m o)linioll brccdelh contention,
brawling', :md chiding j which is a vicc, among all
other, most pernicious and pestilent to common
peaee und quietness.
And, as it st:lO<leth betwixt two persons and
parties, (for no man commonly <loth chide with
him:;cH~) so it comprehen<lcth two most. detestable
vices: the onc is llicking of qnilrrels with sharp
and contentiOUii words j the other standcth in fro
w3rd answering and multipl)'ing evil words again..
Ahl"" quar. '1'he first i" so abQmill:lhle, that St. Paul saith, !f
~.l"'~'''''' UII.1f that i, callefl a brother be a 1DOTlllipper of ;4cl.t,
, or. Y. " . a b,alCle, or pi<:ker of qllllrrds, a tMy, or an elttpr.
(iollcr, IC;f! hjm tnat i" ,ueh. a mmt "ee that !le eat
N()t. Now here (:<JlllOidcr tlwt St. Paul numbercth
ri scoldcr, a hrawler, or a picker of <juarre]ij amOIl:;'
thieves nnd idolaters. And many timl'S oometh
less hurt of a thief th:1Il of a railing tongue: for
the OlltJ takdh away a man's good name; the
other taketh lmt his richcs, which is of much less

)1.,,_ d .9-


w w w. h a i l andf m

",nine nml estimation t1UlII is his {rOOd name. .\nd
a thief hurtcth hut; him from whom he slealeth;
but he thnt Imth an e\il tonguc troubleth all the
town where he dwclleth, and sometime the whole
couutry. And a railing' tong-ue is a pestilence so
full of contngiousllcss, that St. Paul willeth Chris_
tian mell to forbear the eompany of such, and
neither to ea.t nor drink with them. And, whereas he will not thnt a Chril'liall woman should for. , ....... vlr. 'l'
sake her hushand, although hc be all inlidel, nor I ~,vI. ,.
that a Christinll scr\'nnt should depnrt from his
master, which is an inlidel (md heathen, and so
suffereth a Christian Illllll to keep company with
811 illlidcl, ,rct he forbiddcth U8 to ent; or drink
with a scolder or a qllarrcl picker, And also in
tlle sixth chnllter to the Corinthi:I1IS he saith thus:
]Je not decein:rl: fur 1/eilnerfonlicawrI, neillter 1&01'- ,C<> vi, t.
,hipper, ofidol" neither thiere, 7101' drl/nkaN18, l/either '00
Cltrlea 8pea~'erl, dolt d/relt ill lite ~'itl!fdoJll q/'!tear:en,
It mulrl, needs be a g-rcat fault; that <loth move nnd
c:luse the father to disherit his uatur316011: and how
eall it otherwise he but that thifl eur:,;l'<i ~peakinA'
must ueeds be a lll(lst <bmnllble sin, the whieh doth
e:lUse God, our mo"t, mereifll! ano loving Father, to
deprive us of llis most hlt';:sed kin~om of hell\'cn?
Ag':"lillst the other sin, that standef h in rC<luitill~ ,\"1."
taunt for tlmnt, speak<.-tll Christ 11imsclf, 1 8a/l Z"~:-;:.,.
,U/to you, snith our SlIviour Chril't, RI!8ilt not evit; 1l.1I ..
bllt loce your enemiu, ami My 1I'elt by tltem that 1(1,11 ...5
er;it ~If you, do 1rell ,U/to Ihel/t that do et'it to yOlt,
and prayj'or lIt~m Mill do Itl/rt alld permule !JOlt;
tltat you fRay ~e the chiltlTC/t 1/' yOllT iit/lter wltid/. it
in. Iteat'en, relto 8".lTere/1t hi8 8//lt to ri"e ~ollt upon
!food and erit, and 8e1/f1e/h hi" railt bolla to the j//lt
Qltd xnjl/M, '1'0 this dn<'irillC of Christ agrccth
vcr)' \\'<'11 the tell('hin:r of' St, !)uul, that chOll'n "'tub! 'S'
!'elut of God, who ('l'a~"'h not. to exhort; nnd e:11J
1I1>on us, Sll)'ing, lJ11:l1t thelll thut cUrie you,' blC81t, 11"'" oil, '"
j 8ay, and cUrie 1/01, ReCfl/lll/el/1e to 1/0 malt edtJ'or '1.':>'
erit, Ilit be po~liUe, a, muck a8 lietlt in you, lice
ptacea6lywith. ult lIIen.



w w w. h a i l andf m


The Second Part

of Ihe &rmon





lJtuI. mU.

IT hnth been declared unto ),ou In this Sermon

~O'Uill:st strife and brawling, what grcnt inconvenience comct.h thereby, and specially. of such
contention as groweth in matters of religion; and
how, when as no man will gi\'e place to another,
there is none end of contention :llld diseord, and
that unity which God rcqllirotb of Christians is
utterly thereby neglected nnd broken j nlld that
this contention litandeth chiefly in two points, as ill
picking of qunrrols nnd making' froward answers.
Now you shall hear St. Panl's words, saying',
IJearly oeloced, avenge not YOJlrleb:el, out ralher gil"e
pl4ce 'flnio toralh: for it i, torilklt, Yengeallcc i8
,nine, I wilt f'ecenge, ,ailh Ihe Lord. Therefore, if
'hine enemy hunger,fml him; if he {hiTlt, gh'e him
d,j"lo. JJe ftot o~'ercome with erlit, out ot:ercome erlil
'IOitlt g(){)(/ne". All these be the word<; of St. Paul.


llut they that be 60 full of st(llllac11, nnd set so

much by themselves, that the, mllY not abide so
much as oue evil word to be spoken (If them, \"'"
ad\'enture will say, If I be evil rc\.-iled, sha I r
SI and still, like n WK'sc or a fool, with my fin::""t:l'
in my mouth? Shall I be such an idiot aud dizzard to sutrcr every man to speak upon me wh:lt.
they list, to roil what they list, to spew out all
their \'enom against me at their ple3J>urcs? Is it
!lot colI\'enient that he that speakcth evil should
be utl5wercd llL'Cordingly? If I shall use this lenity
nnd solll1e&, I shall both increa."e mine enemy's
frowurdllC>'S, and provoke other to do likc. S~ch
rclL.--ons lll11ke they that call suffer nolhill~ for the
.\ ."'...... defcnce or their impatience. And )'ct, it' by fro_
ward answering to a. froward person thcre wefC
hope to rcm<.'<iy his frowardncss, he should less
oll'cnd that should 80 llllllwer, doing' the same not
or ire or lllalil,.'C, but only of that intent, thnt Iit'


w w w. h a i l andf m

DgaillJl OmlClIlion.

11 i

that is 80 froward or malicious may be reformed:

but he that cannot alllcnd another man's limit, or
enllllot amend it without his own filUlt, better it
wcre that onc should perish than two. '1'hcu, if
he cannot quiet him with gentle words, at the
least let him not follow him in wicked and uncharitable words. If he 6:m pllcifr him with
liuHering, let him liufll.>r; and if not, it is ooLtcr
to liullcr cvil tll/'LIl to do c\il, to sa)" wcll th:m lo
say evil: for to speak well ng'ninst evu comclh of
the Spirit of God; but to rcnder evil for evil
comcth of the contrary spirit. And lIe th:lt can
not temper ne rule his own anger is but weak :lnd
feeblc, :llld rathcr IllOrc like a WOIll:ln or a. child
than II strong Illan: for the true strength and
mlmliness is to ovcrcome wrath, :lud to despise
injury and other mcn's foolishness. And besides
this, he that shall despisc thc wrong dOlle unto
him by his cncm)', evcry man sh:l1J pCrc<!iva that
it was sllOken or donc without causc; wharens,
contrary, he that doth fumc and chafe at. it shall
help the cause of his ad\'Cl'Sllry, giving suspicion
that the thing is true. And so in goiug nOOut. to
revenge c\'il we lihew ourselves to 00 evil j :lud,
while we will punish lInd rc\'enge another m:lU'8
rolly, we double :lnd augment our oll'n folly.
Dut many pretenccs lind they that be wilful to
colour their illlpatience. Minc cncmy, say they,
is not worthy to havc genUe words or deeds, being
80 full of malice or frowardness. 'l'he less he is
worthy, the morc art thou nllowoo of God, t.he
more nrt thou comlllcndcd of Chri:;t, for whose
sukc thou shouldcst rcnder good for evil, ~allse
he hath commanded thee and al:;o deserved that
thou shouldl'bt so do. 'rhy Ilci~llbour hath I>crlldv.;nlure with a word oflcudcd thee: c:l11 tholl to
thy remembnlllcc witll how many words and d~,
huw g'ric\'ousl~', thou h:lst olli.ndcd thy Lord God.
What was man \\Ilen Chri:;t died for him? "'ns
he not his encmy,lIud \ll1worthyto Imve his fa\'Ollr
lll1d mercy? E\'l:D so with wllnt gentlencss and
It :


w w w. h a i l andf m


TAe &colul Part of tAe Sermon

patience doth 11e forucar B1J(I totcmtc Bnd 6u(fer

tl~ee, although he is <bily offundcd by thC? I Forgwc thcrefore a. light trespass to thy nelghoour,
that Christ may forgi\'e tbee many thou,,:mds of
Irc~pali:;CS, which nrt c\'cry day an oflCndcr. For.
ir thou forgivo thy brother. being to thce a
trespasser, then hast thou a sure sign rllld tokcn
that God will forgivc thee, to whom all men be
debtors or trespas~ers. IJow wouldest thou ~J(Lve
Gol! merciful to thee. if thou wilt be cruel unto
thy brother? C.'lIlSt thou not find in thine henrt
to do that toward another, that is thy fellow,
which God hath done to thoo, that art but his
serv:lIIt? DlIght not onc sinncr to forgivo Dnother,
seeing that Christ. which was no sinncr, did pray
to his :Father for them that without mcrcy and
I'fl D, 'J. desjJitefullr put him to <lcnth?
WM, 'WAen Ae 'Was
recited. did not file reritillg lCord4 again; and, tchen
he 8ltJfere(l wrong/ully, Ae did not tlueatelt; but gave
ott vengemlce t<J the ilidgment of hi8 Pother. tchich.
iudgeth righ(/ull!l. And what cr:lckcst thou of thy
Head. if thou labour not to be ill thc body? '1'hol1
c.lIlst bo no member or Christ, if thou follow not
u. ~I;. "
the steps of Christ: who, as the Prophet saith. was
tClt t<J death l;l'e a lamb, not opening his mouth to
reviling. but opcning his moul h to praying for then.t
w..uill'l' that crucified him. saring. J.'llther,/IJrgiee them,for
they cannot tea what they do. 'fhe wllich example.
" ... 011.60. :lIlon after Chritit. SI. Slephen did follow. and alter
I Cor, lw.... Sl.!laul.
lYe be evil 8jXJ~'ell of, saith he, and tee
,pe(ll: 1&elt; 'ICe 811fer per8ecutj()II, an(l take it pa_
tiel/tI!!; men cur8e 1l8, aI/a we gently entreat. 'l'hU8
SI. l'auI t:\II,!;'ht that he did, and he did that he
1l III dl. ' ... t:mgllt.
}Jte88 you, 1,,1;111 he, them. tlw.t per8ecute
YOIi; btu, you, alllt cl/TIe n()t. 10 it a great thing
lo spcilk wen to thine wvcrs:Lrr, to whom Christ
(If)th command tJlI..'<= to do well? Da\'id, when
SClllui did Cfill him all to nBught, did not chide
....'uo1". a:,"llin, but said paticlltl.\', $lijfer him t() 8J,eak ecil,
if perdiance the Lord w:ilt hace mercy on me.
Jlilitorics be full of examples ~l' heathen mell,


w w w. h a i l andf m

agaiu8t Contention.


that took very meckly both opprobrioU!1 and reproachlill words, and injurious or wrongful deeds.
And shall those heathen men eXC(l1 in patience ll",
that profess Christ, the teacher and example of nll
patience? Lys:mder, when one did rage against
him in reviling of llim, he was nothing movC(l,
but said, "Go to, go to, speak aA'.'linst me as muth
and as oft as tholl wilt, and leave out nothin~ j
if perchance by this metllls thou mayest discharge
thee of those naughty things with the which it
sccmcth that thou ort full laden." Many men
speak evil of all men, OOronse they ean speak well
of no man. After this sort this wise man avoided
from him the repronchful words spoken unto him,
imputing and layin~ them to the natural sicknCl'8
of his ad\'ersnry. Pericles, when a certain scoldcr
or a, railing fellow did re\'ilc him, he answered not
n. word aguin, but went into a g-alll'ry j and after,
towal'tl lIi~ht, whell he went home, this scoldt'r
followed him, raging still more and more OOrouse
he saw the other to set nothing by him; and,
after that he came t.o his gute, being dark night,
Perieles commanded one of his servants to light a
torch and to bring the scolder home to his own
house. lIe did not only with quietness suGer this
brawler patiently, but also reeompenscd an evil
turn with n good turn, and that to lJis enemy.
Is it 1I0t a shame for us, that profess Christ, to be
worse than heathen people in a thing chiefly pertaining to Christ's religioll? Shall philosophy persuade them morc than God's word sh:lll persuade
U8? Shall natural reason prevail morc with them
than religion shllll do with u.s? Shllll man's wisdom
lead them to that thing whereunto the lleavenly
doctrine eallnot lead us? 'Vhat blindness, wilfulness, or rather madness is this' Perieles, being
provoked to anger with many viJlanous words,
answered not a word. But wc, stirred but with
one little word, what foul work do we make I how
do we fume, rnge, stamp, and stare like mad melll
Many men of every trifle will make a great matter,



w w w. h a i l andf m


l'he Secolld Part of the Sermon

and of the spark of a little word will kindle a great

lire, t:lkill~ all things in the worst part. But. how
much b"ttcr is it, and more like to the exampl<.l

and doctrine of Chrif:t, to make rather of a gre'lt

f:JII]t in our neighbour a small fault, reasoning
wilh ourselves allor this sort: He spllkc these
words, but it ,vas in n sudden heat; or the drink
srake them, :md not he; or be srake them at the
motion of some other; or he spakc them being'
ignot:mt of the troth; he spllkc them not 3e<'7llillst
mc, but l\:,<P3inst him whom he thonght me to be.

But as touching evil J;pcnking, he that is f'C.ady

speak evil ll&,rainst other mOll, first let him exIF> '" q"antl
amine himself. whether he be fhlllUcss and clear of
the f.'lult which he findcth in another. For it is a
shame when he that blamcth another for :IIIY fault
is guilty himself, either in the same fault, either
in n greawr. It is :\. shame for him that is blind
to c.'l.1I another man blind: and it is more shame
for him that is whole blind to call him blinkard
tl1:lt is but poreblind j for this is to sce a straw in
another man's eye, whcn :l man hath a block in
his own e)'e. 'l'heD let him consider, that he that
useth to sJK'ak evil shall commonly be evil spoken
of again, and he that speaketh what he ,viII for his
pleasure shall be compelled to heM that he would
uot to his displeasure. Moreover, let him re~
)fan. 1I.1'. member that saying, that we "'all git'e all aCCOUNt
for every idle tcQrd. How mueh more then shall
we make n reckoning for our sharp, bilter, brawl
ing, and chiding' words, which provoke our brother
to be llllgr)', and so to the breach of his charity I
Jl _ _ .'~
And as touching evil an!'lI'ering, altbou 1l we
be never 60 much provoked by other men 8 evil
speaking, yet we shall not follow their frowardncss
by evil answering, if we consider that anger is a
kind of madnel;S, and that he which is angry is,
as it were, for the time in n phrensy. 'Yhercfore
let him beware lest in his fury he speak ally thillg
whercof afterward he may have just cause to be
sorr)'. And he that wiU defend that anger is no

,". ",."


w w w. h a i l andf m

agailut Co"Untwn.


fury, but that he hath reason even whell he is

most angry. then let him renSOIl thus with him_
&CIf "lIen he is angry: Now I am so movoo
and chafed, that wiUliu a little while after I shall
be otherways milld...x1: wherefore theu shoulU I
IIOW speak any thing in mine anger, which hereafter whell I would fuillest, eannot be ehnngcd?
Whe';\;fore shall I do any thing 1I0W, being (as it
were) out of my wit, for the which, when I slJflll
come to m}'self again, I shall be very sad? Why
doth not rc:l.SOn, why doth not IfXllincss, yea,
why doth not Christ obtain that tlung now of me
which hereafter time shall obtain of me?
If a man be called all adulterer, nsurer, drunkard,
I'lr by any other shameful name, let him consider
earnestly whether he be 80 clllled truly or fillsely.
If truly, let him amend his fault, that his advcn;ary may not aflet worthily charge him with
such offences. If these things be laid against him
falsely, yet let him consider whether he hath gin'n
any occasion to be suspected of 8uch things; llnd
80 he may both cut ofl' that suspicion whereof this
slander did arise, alld in other things shall live
more warily. And thus using ourselves wc may
take no hurt, but rather much good, by the rebukes and sbnders of our enemy. For the reproach
of an enemy mny be to mll.lly men a quicker spur
to the nmendment of their liJi.! than the gentle
monition of a friend. Philippus the king of l\Iacedony, when he was evil spoken of by the chief
rulers of the city of Athens, he did tbank them
heartily, because by them he was made better both
in his words and deeds: ( t for I sLudy," said be,
both by my snyings lUld doings to prove them

YE henrd in the Ins!; lessoll of the Sermon against

strife and brawling, how we may answer them


w w w. h a i l andf m


] "9

which maintain their froward sarings in contentiOD, and that will re'"enge with words mob c'"il

I,""" U.',

as other men do to them; and fiWllly bow we may

accordin~ to God's will order ourselves, and wbat
to consider tow3rds them, when we are provoked
to contention and strife with railing words. Now.
to proceed in the same matter, you shall I..-now
the right way how to dispro,"c and overcome )"our
ad,Crs3ry and enemy.
This IS the best WilY to improve a mao's adversary: &0 to li,"c, tbat all which shall know his
honesty may bear witness that be is slandered
unworthily. If the fault whereof he is slandered
be such that for the defence' of his honesty he
must needs make answer, yet let }lim answer
quietly Bud sollly on this fushioll, that those faults
be lnid AWl-inst him l118CI)'. For it. is truth that
the 'Yisc )18n snith : .il. 80ft anlICer oMuagtlA (H/gC'.

and a !lard uNd ,1I.arp QtIlCtT dot" ,liT vp 'l'agt axtl

f1tT$. The sharp llU&Wer of Nabal did provoke
D:wid to cruel nngeancej but the gentle words
of Abi,gnil qucllchro the fire again, that W38 all in
a flame. And n &p<!(linl remcdr against maliciou>I
tongues is to IU1ll oun;.ehcs wIth patience, meek.
ness, and silence; lest with multiplying wortlil
with the enemy wc be uude lIS evil as he.
..... ~ But they Hut cannot bear one evil word, per
adventure, for their own excuse will all~ that
which is wrilten: It He that despiseth his good
...........t. s- name is cruel."
Also we read, ~ 4/001 GCcordiag to jilfoolid1leu. And our Lonl Jesus did
J _.11.0.. Ilold his pcaoo at eertain e\il 63yi~<P8, but to &Owe
be nnswered diligently. ne beard moo call him
Mal$. as. .. ; 4 &taaTikt1l, 4 carpncW, IJOM, 4 toi"e tiTi"}:", and
~::::;~:J",,", lie held his peace: but, when he beard them s:l)',
TAo. Aa,l a decit 1CitAi,. lAtt, he lUlSwered to that
earnCf;t! y.
Truth it is indeed, that there is a time wllen it
1',0'1"....1. J. is convenient to a"'lCtr 4 fool according to Ai'lool.
ilAnt", lelt
,lIQuid ,et". in Ai, OIOIJ conceit to 64
Ibid. t.
.,i,e. And sometime it is !lot profitable to a/wetr
,!'alii. a



w w w. h a i l andf m

agailllt Contclltion.


alool according to /tillooli$!mc$$, lest the wise mnn

be made like to the fool. When our infamy (or
tIle rc)lroneh thnt is done unto us) is joined with
the )leril of mnny, then it is ncccssnry ill nllswering to be quick nnd rendy. For we read thnt
mnny holy men of good lcnls have sharply nnd
fiercely both spoken Bnd Bnswercd tymnts nnd
evil men j which sharp words came not of anger,
r:mcour, or mBlice, or desire of vengeance, but of a.
fervent desire to bring them to the true knowledge
of God Bnd from ungodly living by an enrncst nnd
sharp rebuke nnd chiding. In this leal St. John
BBptist called the Pharisees adderl brood; ~lIld lllW. ill. 7.
St. Puul called the Galathiansfoou; and the men Go!.III.1.
of Crete he callt..>d lu,rl, e"il oealu, and ,llJggi,/t"l'lL L n.
odlie,; Bnd the false apostles he cnlled dog, ami l',~. w. .
crafty f()orJ.mcn. And this zeal is godly and to
be allowed, tIS it is p1:linly proved by the example
of Christ j who, although he werc the fount3in
and spring of all meekncss, gentlencss, and softness, J'et he callcth thc obstinate Scribes nnd
Pharisees blind guide" loou, painkd gra"el, !typo- )1011. . . Ill
critel' .,unen'"
addertl OT()()(1' a-CorT/l"t
and lQicletl'l>-Jj:ll.j')
generatiolt-. Also he rcbuketh Peter eagerly, saying, Go lJeltind me, &tan. Likewise St. }>aul rr- llolL ut 'J.
proveth Elymas, flaying, 0 thou full of all croj~ Aetulll.
and guile, ene'Tty to all ju,tice, thou cea,ell not to '0.11.
dellroy the rig!tt way' of God: and 1/010, k, the !rand
of the Lord i, upon t!tee, anti tlwu thalt be hliml, and
not tee lor a time. Also St. Peter reprehendl.'th
AnnnitlS very shnrply, saying, Ananu", hmo i$ it Aet. . J.
that Satan hat!t jiltetl thy !teart, t!we thou ,/wuldell
lie uato the Doly ChiMe!
This zeal hath OOen 80 fervent in many good
men, thBt it huth stirred them not only to speak
bitter and ea"."Cr words, but also to do things whieh
might seem to some to be cruel j but indeed they
be very just, chnritable, Bnd godly, bcenusc thel.
were not done 01' ire, malicc, or coutentious min ,
but, of a fervent mind to the glory of God Dnd tllC
correction of sin, executed by men culled to that


w w w. h a i l andf m

]j ~

w' ,.;.:fI.

The TAirJ Part of lAe &,111/)11.

office. For in thi>! zeal our Lord JC$"llS Christ di~

drive with Il wbip the buyers and sellers out of thtl
temple. In this leal Mo.;es br.lke the two t3blt.'S

which he recched ot God's band, when he 6=,w

the Israelites dancing about a calf. and caused to
be killed twelltr tl.lld three thousand of his own
people. In this zenl Phioees the son of Eletlzar
S_b u" did thrust tbrou,g'h with his sword Zambri mId
t"..'tfu.:.:. Cozbi, whom be found together joined in the act
~,;;:= aN of lechery!,
I ...... of

Wherefore now to return 3e,nain

to oontcntioUE:

::t':'~'::' wonts, and specially in D\3ttcrs of religion :md

:"'~o God's word, which would be used \\;tll all mod&lt)",
. . ~11
soberness. Dnd charity, the words of St. Jnmes
ought to be well marked and borne in memory,
Ja_lll. '6. where he 83ith thnt of contention riseth nil evil.
Pro., u. ,. And the wi!'C Kil1~ Solomon saith, IIonoll' ;8 due le
a man t!wt J;eepd4 Aim#1/from conUntiofl, and aft
that mingle tRel/udre' the-mcit/l be fooll. Mid, Le
caU"C tills vit'e i" 60 much hurtful to the society of
D commonwealth, in all well ordered cities t!le-c
common brawle..... and scolde..... be punished with n.
notable kind of pain, tl8 to be set on the cueking
stool, pillory, or such like. And they be unworthy
to li'fc in a commonwealth the which do 35 much
as Iieth in them with brawling and scolding to
disturb the quietness and peace of the !'3me. And
whereof cometb this contention. strife, and \'ari~
anco, but of pride and \-ainglory? Let us thereo
fore A6Ie (J.rulc~, uder tAe .ig"f~ uu of God,
which bath promi>'Cd to rest upon them that be
::'I:~ :;.' bumble and low in spirit. If we be good and
qniet Chri4ian men. let it appear in our ~h
and tonWIe8. If we have forsaken the denl. let
Wl use no more devilish tongues.
lIe that !lath
been a railin~ 8C(llder, now let llim be a sober
('OlInsellor. lIe that hath been a malicious slan.
derer, nolV let him be a loving comforter. lIe
that hath been a vain rnilcr. now let him be a
~hostlr te:lchcr. lIe that lIatb abused his tonguo
in cur:;ing, now let. him use it. in blessing. lie



w w w. h a i l andf m

Qgajn~t COf/lCIf{ion.


that hath abused his tongtle in c"il 8rmkin~, now

let him usc it in 8]l(>ilking well. Alt bitlerlle8~, pb. Lv. <.
Gnger, raililfg, and 6la8p!u:m!l, let it be avoided from
!/()fI. If you may, and it be possible, in no wise be
angry. But, if )'OU may not be cle:m void of this
Ilussion, then yet so temper and bridle it, that it
stir yOlt not to contention dnd brn~vling. If )"OU
be provoked with evil speaking, arm yourself with
patience, lenity, and silence; either speaking nothing, or else being very soft, mcek, and gentle
in answering. Overcome thine adversnries with
benefits and gentleness. And above all things
keep pcaoo and unity: be no pence breakers, but
peace makers. And then therc is no doubt but
that God, the Author of comfort and peace, will
grant us peace of conscience, and sueh concord and 11"""_,, 6.
agreement, tlwt toil! o~ 11WfllA and mind lOe may
gkJrif.'1 God, tile FalAer of OUT Lord JelU8 CArilt.
To whom be aU glory now and ever. Amen.

Hereafter dtJttfoll()U) SertM1I8 ofFa'lil,g, Praying,

.J.lm8 deed8; of tile Nativily, Pa88ion, lle8urrecti(NI,
and .illcelUion of our &r;iour Cllrut; of lAe due receir;ing of Ai, lJleued bod!! and blood 1t1lder tAe fON",
of bread aNd wine; IJ.gai'18t ldlcl/eu, againd Gluttony
a,,,J ])rutlke""eu, Ilgabut Covetou811e8', againd Envy,
ire, and Malice i witA many ollter matten a, welt
frui{/ul 11.8 "ecu,ar!l /0 lAe edifying of Cllrutian
ptople a"d tAe increa~e of godl!! twing. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m


w w w. h a i l andf m








by tkt Allthm'ty of tilt QUffll'S lIffljt,Iy, ond 19

rtad i", nJn'y Parish Chu.rc4 ogrtwblg.


w w w. h a i l andf m



w w w. h a i l andf m




F()R. that tile Lord doth require of his ,ervallt nl.
whom he hath. ,et (WeT hi, Aou8enoltl to show both ~l
laithfuln~s and prudence in his officc, it shall be
necessary that )"0, uboye all other, do behave your&.;.~ most filithfully and dilig'{lntly in your so high

a function



aptly, plnillly, and distinctly

to read the sacred Scriptures, diligently to instruct

the youth in their Catechism, gravely and reverently to minister his most holy Sacraments, pru~
dently also to choose out IlUch Homilies as be most
meet for the time and for the more agreeable in-

struction of the people committed to your charge,

with such discretion, th:!t where tlle Homily may
uppoar too long for ono reading, to divide the samt:
to be road part in the Jorenoon Dud part in the

afternoon. And, where it may so chance some

oue or other ebaptcr of the Old Testament to fall
in order to be read upon the Sundu)'s or Holy
Days whieh were better to be chnnged witb some
other of the New Testament of more edification,


w w w. h a i l andf m

160 .AA Ad.o.Wo.. to all Jfi.i,ler,


it shall be well done to spend )"our time to con~

sider well of such chapters beforehand, whcreby
)"our prudence and diligence in Jour office may
appear; 60 that Jour people D13Y have cause to
~lorifJ God for JOU, and be the readier to embrace
)'our labours, to Jour better comme-ndation, to the
discharge of ,rour conscie-nces and their OWD.


w w w. h a i l andf m


1. DJ t!l~ right me of the Cltltrch, ~c.

2. Again"t peril of Uolatry. l'hrce Bart,,_
8. Por repairing ull(ll:eepiltg dealt the Churc!'
4. O/Good Worlu. .I1./ulfirlt of Fa.ttiu!Jf. 1'woPart4.
5. Ago;ll8! Glut/Ol/.II and ])runkemte8".
6. Again"t e.rcell of Arparel.
7. An J[omily oj'Pro!ler. l'hree Part..
H. Of
place and time qf Prayer. 7'W10 POTU.


9. 0/ CommOn Prayer alut SaCTamClIt.t.

10. An Information for them which. to U offe'lce at
certIl;'" place" 0/ !tol!! &ripture. Pwo PaTu.
11. 0/ Aim" deed8. Three Part".
12. 0/ the Nativity.

Qf the Pa"im:.

For Good Friday. TlCoHQmi/iC8.

14. DJ the Ruurrectioll. For Ba8ter Doy.

15. Of the '/Q()rtlt!l receilJing of the &cnamcnt.


16. .J.n Homily concerni"g lftd comill{J down qj' the

Holy GAOIt.

For IYhiuunday.

Two Partl.

..f.n Homily for RQgalion Wee/:. Faur Parh.

Of the 'Idle of JIatrimony.
Againlt Idlenell.
Of Repenldnce and true reconciliatw. unto God.
Three Park.
21. An Homilg againlt IJj,oOed~nce atud wjifulIle.
!Jel/ion. Sj~ Partl.



w w w. h a i l andf m


w w w. h a i l andf m




.....:\'0 OF TilE REVEltEl'CE DUE U1'o'TO TilE s,urn.

TilE FIRS'!' PAR'!'.

WIlERE there appcnrcth ut th($(l clnys great slnek.
!lC8S and Ilegligl'll(,(! of a great sort of Jlcople in

resorting to the chureh, there to scn'c God their


I~alhcr ::lCcordillg

to their most ooundCIl

duL)' j IlS n1,;0 much llllcomcly and unrcvcrcnt behaviour of mall)' persolls in the s.'une, when they
he tllCrc asscmulcd; and thereby may just fear
nrise of the wrnth of God l\Od his dreadful plagues
11anging over our heads for our grievous o(lenee in

this behnlf, amongst other


:lIld great sins

which we dni1r :lIId hourly commit before the

Lord: therefore, for the discharge of nil our con

~cicllces llnd the n\'oidillg of the common pori I and
phlgue hanging over us, let us consider whnt may
be &lid out of God'l:I hol)' book concerning t.hls
matter j whereunt.o I pra)' you give good audience,
for thnt it is of great weight, and collcerneth
}'Oll nil.
Although the eternal nnd incomprehengiblc
:Majesty of God, the Lml of heaten anti earth, Mall. ,I..}
whose leat i" heat'en and the earth hi, joot8toQI,
canllot be enclosed in temple' or houses made fl)itI~
man's /wnd, as in dwellingplaccs able to receive
or contnin his Majesty j (ac<:ording os is evidently
dcclllrcd of the Prophet Esaj" nnd by the doctrine 1".11."
of St. Stcllhcn and 51. PUll in the Acts of th(' ~~~d~"':ll.



w w w. h a i l andf m


The pjrlt Part

of the


Apostles, and wllCre king' Sa!omon, who bnilded

unto the Lord the most .,.!tlrious temple that ever
,KI"30 oIll. was made, saith, WAo ,h;U be able f,() build a meet
~~ ~:~~- or ff)orlhlj Ao/uefor hi,,,,! if heareR, and tAe heaven
". ,~.
"tore aU Aeal"eHA, Ca/l1fot contoin him, Aow m/lcA le"
('''11 that whu:/J I hare b/lilrled! and further con
l'csscth, What am J, that I dOllld be aUe to build
lllu an lIoul8, 0 IAml! but yetfor thi, flurp08e on~'I
it made that thou mllyelt regard the pm.lfer of th!!
,cn'ant and lIil hllmUe 811pplicalion i much less thell
he our c1mrehca meet dlVellin~'Jllll('e.g to rCC('i"e
the incomprehcnsilJ1c l\f:tiesty of God :) and indeed
the ellief and special templcs of God, wherein he
hath greatest pleasure, and most delighteth to
dwell and continue in, are the bodies and minds
of true Christians and the chosen people of God;
(according to the doctrine of the holy Seript.;re,
declared in the first Epistle to the Corinthialls:
K1lf)1O ye flot, saith St. Paul, that ye be tile temple of
God, and that the Spirit of God dulA. dwelt in YO/I!
if anylllan dt'file the temple of God, him wilt God
deltrog i for the temple of God i8 lIo(IJ, whiclt ye are;
lllld "I. '9. llud tlgnin in the llame Epistle: Know ye not tllat
yOllr bodg il the temple of the lIoly Glw8t dwelli1fg
in YOlt, whom ye hare !liven ,'I0n of God, alul that ye
oe n.ot your oum! for ye oe dearly oOIl!!ht: glorify ye
11OlO therefore GO/I in your oO/ly and in your 8pirit,
wMc! are GO/fl:) :md therelore, as our Sa"ionr
JoI>JIl~. IJ. Christ tcacheth In the Gospel of St. John, they
tllat ff)oTlhip God the }i'ather in 8pirit a'l(l truth,
in what place soever they do it, worship him
aright; /ur l/lch 1/JOrlhipper' dol! God tile Father
lool.: for: for God il a Spirit; and t!ole ",hic!
worlllip Aim mlllt 1C0T8Aip Aim in Spirit and
trllt!, snith our Snyiour Christ: yet, all this notwithstnnding", the material ehureh or temple is ll.
place appointed, as well by the usage nnd con
tinllnl examples expressed in the Old Tcst..,ment
as in the New, for the people of God to resort
tog'Cther unto, there to hear God's holy word, to
call upon his holy Name, t-o gi\o him thanks for



w w w. h a i l andf m

oftAe Right U8e of the CllI/reA.


his ill1l\1Il1erahle and ullspt'nbhle benefits he.~t()wed

upon us, and dllly and truly to celebmtc his holy
Sacmments; in the unlcigned doing lInd aeoomplishing of the which standeth that true and right
worshippingofGod aforementioned. And the Mme
church or templc is by the Scripturcs, both of the
Old 'l'estn.ment and the New, clllled the house and
temple of the Lord, for the peculiar service there
done to his l\f:ticsty by his poople, and for the
ellectuous IlrcsellCC of his hcnvcnt.v gracc, wherewith he, by his snid holy word, cnducth his people
1;0 there assembled.
And to the said house or
temple of God, at times by common ordcr ap]Jointed, arc nll people that be godly indeed bound
with nil diligence to resort, lInk'ss by sickness or
other most urgtnt CllUSCS tlJ('y he letted thcrcfro.
And nil the sume so resorting thither ought with
all quietness nnd rC\'(!Tl!ll('(' there to hchu\'c themselves in doin~ their boundeu dut>, 1I1Id scrvice to
Almi~ht.r Ood ill the oougregatioll of hill saints.
All which thiugs are evident to be proved by God's
holy word, as hereafter shall plainly appear.
And lir~t of all I will dC()lnre by the Scriptures,
that it is called, as it is indeed, tAe M)//Ie qj' God
and t~lIIple of the Lord. lle that 8wearet4 b!l tAe 1; lU... I~.
temple, saith our Saviour Christ, 8wearet4 b!l it,'"
a/ltl Aim that dtcelleth. therei", mcaning God the
Falller: which he also expresscth plninly ill tho
Gospel of St. John, 6.'lying, ])0 flOt l/Idc the MUle .,ToIl~ IL ,6'!I'Jn .PutAer the hOllle qj'tuerenaJU/iu. And in the
book of the Plialms the Prophet. DrH'id 6.'\ith,I 'lOilll"., J.
e"t~r into thine MUle, I wilt 'lC07lhip in tn!llw(y
temple i,~ tA!I fear. And it is in nlmost infinite
IllllCCS ol" the Scripture, 81)Ccially ill the Prophets
and book of P~alllls, called the houle qj' God, or tAe
MU8e qJ'tlle ];tml, Somdimo it. is named the wber- .....'..11.
naele 0/ tAe Lorll; and IiQllletimc the landuar!l, that ~~~I~":- ,
is to sa>', the holy house or plac.'C, of the JAml.
Wll. 11. jo.
And it. is in like wise called tAe hQUU qJpro!lcr.
AJ; Salomon, who bllildl'(l the temple of the Lord
at Jerusalem, doth oft. call it the house ol" the Lord 1 "I.... ,I".


w w w. h a i l andf m


Tle Fir,t Part of t!le l!olllily

~1.4; in tbe wbich the Lord'il 113me !>bould be rolled upon.

_00-00- co.
And my in the fiOy-.. isJh dl:llller: Jf~ 1011# uolL


be NUed tie IOIlN 0/ pr"yu ol1fo1l!Jd all "at;o.,,:

which text our adour Ch~,..t alll"'1'('th in the :New

'f~tament, as doth appear In three of the E,ange.
lists. And in Ule paroble of the and the
'~ Publican which went. to pray; in which parable
our Sa';our Chrkt l;3ith, tlu:y tl'Ntl tip tk
u.pu UJ pro~. And Annn, the holy widow and
....... H.
prophetess, until lAe .lArd i_/11,6"!J nd pray" i.
lie le_pie _igAl aNti tla~. And in the story of the
Mu bl...
Acts it is mentioned, bow that Peter and JoA,.
'""-I ftp i.UJ lie lemple at Ihe !tour of pray". And
AClonL'I, St. Paul, praying in the tcmple at Jcru"alcm, was
rapt in spirit, IlJld did sce Jesus speaking unto him.
And, na III all cOIl\"cnicnt plu('"<!8 Jml)'er may be used
of the godly privately', so is it most certain that
the church or temple is the due and uppointed
place for commOll lllld 11tIblic pr-I)er.
Now that it is likewise the plaooof thanksgi,ing
unto tbe Lord for his illnumer::lble and unspeakable
benefiu bc:.towoo upon us, appeareth notably in
the latter cnd of the GosJlcl 01" SI. Luke a.nd the
beginning of the stot')" of the Aels; whero it iil
lA... ",r.
written, that the .\po,;tle:o And disciples, aner thtl
::.' AnoL D.SCelliiion of the Lord, co.tilllltd rciJA. O1Ie aM.m
ddi/~ i. lAe l~ple, alted!. p,ouj~ OM Mun.!}'J.'





And it is Iikcwise declanod in the first Eri~t1e

to the CorinthiaU!~, that the church is thc due
place appoinkod for the reverent u,;e of the Sacraments.
]t rt'maineth now to be dedart.'<!, that the
eburch or temllle ill tbe placc where the livd.r
word nf God (and not man's imentiolls) ought.
to be reaJ and tAught, ;and that the people arc
bound thither with DII dilig"nce to resort; llIul
this proof likewi...e to be made by the Scriptures,
as hcrcaner lilmll aJlptar.
In the 6tor/' or the AcLs of the Apostles we
read, that Pau and Jhrnabas preac!ltd t!le fCOrti of


w w w. h a i l andf m




GtHl i. fAtJ bp/a 0/ tAt Jnc, at Sal:bmin. And,

when tlq caJU to thrtiocAio, IAe nkml Oil t!le
MJUaiA. dQ! ;do
'!1ILI909litJ Of church, aNd <<It
,1Qtt'lli Qlld afltr tAe tuMr. or rending of flu Law
<1"d tAe PropJet,_ (k nkr of tAe temple mlt IHUO
'Am. 11;119, Ye ",ea and brdA1?ft, if QIIJ of 10.
har:t an] uAortotion to mal'e unto tAt JMOple, ,ay it.
.'nd 10 Paut, 'landing tip, and making ,ilence tOit4
hi, !land. 'aid, Ye men IAat be Itraetite" and ye tlull
fear God, gir:t1 ea" and 80 forth, preaching to them


1& sermon out of the Scriptul'C8, 88 there at large

llppea.reth. And in tbe same story of the Acts, A..... nIL
the seventeenth chapter, is testified how Pau)'-J
preached Christ ollt of tu &riplllru at Tbessalonica. And in the fifteenth chapter lames the
Apostle. in that holy council and assembly of his
feUow Aporllcs, saith: MOUI of old li,.e latA i. Ibid ._21.
erery cif] certai. ("at pr~a('j. Ai,. i. tAt ~.agogJlU
or templcs, tt:A~,e Ae i. rt4d er:er~ 1tlUa/j. da~, By
these places )'e mu)' see the usage of reading of
the Scriptures of the Old Tcstmnent among the
Jews in their S)'llagogllCS e\'ory snbbath day,ond
t;(!rmolls usunlly Illude upon the same, How much
more then is it COI\\'cnient thnt the Scriptures of
God, and specinlly the Gospel of' our Snviour Christ,
..liould be rend nlld expounded to us, thnt be Chris_
linns, ill our churchcs j gpcc.iully our Saviour Christ
:tIId his Apostlcs allowing this most godly and
Ilecessary US."b't', and by their examples confirming
the same I
It is written in the stories of the Gospels, in Mut. '" lJ I
di\'ers places, that JUIU ft:elft roud aJ..ollt a/t ~ LI
(;ali/, /eacAi"g i. /"~ir .~.o9/J!I.u, a.d preadi.g 9' L~;.,
tile G08ptl 0/'/'" li"gdo,.; in which plllCeS is his ;~;lII.kl
~reat diligelll"C in contimml. pt"(-'3('hin~ llnd teach =~.:
lug of the people mOt;t end~!Iltl)' set forth, In

Luke )'0 read !low Jt.'iiUS, accordilfg le Ai, a('C, I " I.

came in/o tAt /ellfl'l~, :mJ how tAt too/; of .Elo~ ,It-u.


tile Pruplld rea, (Itljr~red /tjl/J j how he read a tex\..

therein, and Illude a sermon
tllO Sllmc, And
ill the nineteenlh is expressed IOW he taught duil)



w w w. h a i l andf m

Ibid. ,I.



T.fe Fird Part of flu


in the temple. And it is thus written in the

eighth of John: J~n~ COIR~ agoi. ~arl~ i. lAt
-.;,..i"9 i"w tAe t""P'~J ..d alt tAe fl'C'ple atMe
""to Ai., .M le .t d...".. 11Iul tallgAt tAtw. And
1* ....... in the ei~hteenth of John our S:n-ionf tcrtifiet.h
before Pilute, thnt he ,pale (Jpnt/~ . .to IAe fCOr/d,
oDd that he a/".a!, i""gAt j. 'le '.1"a!"!l"e ntJ i.
tlu templt', rAilArr oil tAe Jeln f't'MJrtedJ a"d that
..... nl.ll. #uretl! he #pale .otM,,!!.
And in St. Luke: Ju.,

J ..........


{allgAt i. 'All le",ple, a"d all/lie pt(Iple UMe MrI! i.

tAe "oT.i"!lallf<J Ai"" 'Aat tu.! 'Rig'" AeaT Ai. i.

lite le.ple. Here ye sce, as well the dili~lIce of

our S:WiOllf in teaching the word of God in the
temple daily, llnd specially on the sabbath days,ns
Illso the rcndin('Sll of the people resorting nil to.crcthcr, and lhat eMly in the mOfning-, into the
temple to he:.r him.
'l'he Imme eXllIuple of dili~nce in preaching U10
word of G(l(1 in the temJlle Eh:.1I ye find in the
ApostlC>', and the Mllle resorting unto them
~<ln_".1!, (Acts the fifth); how the Apo"tlC8, although they
. . . .L
llad been whipllt'd and /;OOur<...-ro the day before,
and by the high pnt:,..t ('ollunnndcd that they
should preach no more in the name of Jl"SU6, )'et
the day lollllWillg- t"~ e,,/utlll eod.! i .. tJ~ tMJ,..j,,!/
;.to tAe 'atp/~, Ilnd di,1 flnl Ct!O# /0 klu4 a"d tk'<\' .1&; ; clare Jcn4 CAr;"t.
And in Ellndry other place8
of the story of the AetA ~'e 1'hall find like dilib"l'nee,
....both in the Apo-otlee in t('n(hing'.and in the people
in coming- to the kmplo to hear God'lj word.
And it is tl,..,.,tificd in the fifbt of Luke. that
when Zachary', the holy pritA, and father to 10111\
&pti"t, did !':1f'rifk-c within the temple, .It 'Ae
people ,/I.KJ(/. tcilAuMl a 1('''!I!i'''f! PTa";"!I: such WlUl
their zl"'.tl alld fern'lIe, at that time. Ami in the
c...-..... ,..... second of Luke ap!'('ardh what great journcJ6
mCD, womell, Jca, nnd children took, to eomo to
the tcmple Oil the fcast <la.,', there to /lCn'e the
Lord; lllld spl'i:illlly the eXlIlllple of 100000Jlh, the
Lle!'sed Yirgin )Jary, motllcr to our Saviour Chril;t,
811d of our Sa,iour Chri:.t himl:ielf, being yet but.


w w w. h a i l andf m

0/ tlu

Rig'" t:"6e t!f 'Ae C,htTt'A.


('hiM j \, hfflC examples :lre worthy for us to

foUow. So that, if we would OOffip3re our Il~li.


!!'('nre in rt'!'orling to the

ro 'ervc


of the Lord, there

him, to the dili:.ocncc of the Jews in

comin~ daily. vcry earl.'-. sometime great journe)'8,
to their temple, nnd, when the multitude could 1I0t
be rccei\'cd within the tcm!l!e. the fervent z('31

that they had, dce13red in


long without

find prn>"in:.;-, wc may justly in this comparison

condemn our slothr~ll1css and nc~ligcncc, yen,
pl:lin contempt, in coming to the Lord's house
(shmding I!O Ilenr unto us) so !>('Idom, :llld scnrccly
at noon time; 80 far is it:. from lL great many
of us to come early in till.' morning, or J=:'in! attendance without, who dis<laill to (:(llne into the
temple. And yet wc abhor the \"try mime of the
Jews, when we hrtlr it, :Li of :l mO!:it wieked And
un~lr I......,ple. But it is to be f,-'l1rcd, that in
thiJ; point we be fnr worse than the Jews, and that
they shall rigc 3t the dny of jud~m{,llt to our (:011dl'mllntioll, who, ill comllnri:oon to them, shew such
l'lneknf!<S and contempt in rerorting to the h(llL"t.!
of the Lord, there to 6crve him, nccording' as we
llre of dlltj' 111061 bound.
And, besides this most horrible drend of God',.
just judg-Illent in the great dny, wo 6hnl1 not ill
this lif(' escupc his henvy hU1J(1 1I1ld vell!reunee for
this contempt of the house of the Lord and hi...
due E;erviee in the same, nccordin~ us the Lord
himself thre:ltenelh in the finlt chapter of his
Prophet A~t1s nnl'r this 8Ort: lJauu 10" Aare 1:0;: L.-"
lift .~ 10It~ dtrt a"d 1(';/!Jnd M_pa"!, lajt~ the
j,'JTd, a.d It A.,,:e IMde hute ten'! ",a", to Ai6 Ol(',t
lo..e; fllr IIIi6 Nff~ are lIe Atare.# 6tJJtJ or" rN,
tlat 'lt~
girt ao dtr, a"d tle ear'~ i6 fllr.
lndtlCt /lat it Mull tri"gj"vrtA Ai6frffil; a"d 1 Aa,e
colla droffgll lip"" tAe tar/A, a"d *jXJ'" tAe ",on14'-"6, alfd If/d/II c"r1l, alfd UpOIl teilft, alfd ttjXJ1l oil,
and flPO'" all IAi"9' IAal IAe earlA bringdA forlA,
and "p01l /IItn, and IlP01t ka614, alld uPO'" all thiNg,
'!lal men'6 handl laM"r /lIr. Behold, if \\"c be 6uch



w w w. h a i l andf m



}jr8t PfJrl of flu llollii's

l'I"orldlinA'B tlmt we rore not for the eternal judg.

menL:: of God, (which )"ct of all other are most
d.re3dful and hrorrihll',) we f'hall not ~pe the
puuh,hml.'llt of God ill this world b)' dn,u~ht lUld
famine and the taking awnr of all worldly oommoditief=, which we llil worldlinga seem only to
rc~rd and rofC for.
'\1ICr<'lU', all the rontrnry part, if we would
mucnd thi~ f:lull of lleg'lij..;'ence, slothflllnCfl~, and
contl.'mpt of the hou~e of the Lord and his due
sen-ioo there, and with dilij:,rcnce resort thither
:'o~th{r, to serve the Lord with one :1ccord and
COIlI'l.'nt in nll holillC!'8 and ri,g-ht~llSIlCSll before
him, we ha\"e promi"CS of bendib both heavenly
:.IAlh~iiL_ and worldly.
JrAN'tMJn'tr tro UT tlree
i ~ "~Mle, s:aith our ",:1\';our Christ, tll~re a,. I i"
tile .iJ.lle (:ftlltw'. And \\"Ilat can be morc blessed
than to han~ our Sa\';our Chri,;t amongst Uli? Or
"hat ahrain ron be more unhappy or mi!'Chic\ous
than to drh'c our Snil)ur Chril;t from o.monW't us,
and to l('avc a place for hi;c and our mOll'l ancient
and mCtrtal encmrJ tile old dragon JlIld serpent,
5Man the de\-il, iu the middle of U8? In the second of Luke it is written, how that the mothcr

of Chribt, ll1ld JOlSellh, whell they had IOIlf: ~ought.

Chribt, whom thcy had 1000t, and could find him no
whcrt', that at the In.!>l tllf'!/(JIJIfd lIim i" the ttrnple,
the dl~/c". So, if wc lack
8ill;1I9 ill tl~ .iddle
Jt.-, Chri~t, HInt is to gay, the S3\-i(lur or our
&lulo'l and Oodics, we f'h311 1I0t find him in the
marL.d place, or in the ~'1Iild hnll, mud, less in
thl' aldwul'l' or tnfrn among-st ~ fellow8 (8);
tlIC' Clall tlll'ml, 1'0 f'O(ln as ,,-e shall find him in
till' temple, the' Lord'.. hOIl>,{" amonW>t the tenchers
anJ pn';\('h,r.< or his W(lnI, where indeed h~ i" to
1>(' IOulld. And:l:> roJl<.'('rllill~ world\\- oommodi.
til1', we ha\-e a !>lIre Jlnlllli~e of our 5a,"lour Chri1'\t:
&. t t ji", 'Ae i.-in!!" m 'II" God Qlld tile ,.i9!1te>nut.
""M~ MUt f, and alt tilt:" tlli"9halt rilllat be


JoLoIL 'I'\. .lJ.

,it",,, /Jilt"


Alld thus we ha\'e in the first JKlrl of thii


w w w. h a i l andf m

if tAe

Rj!JAt Lit!

0/ Ih4 CAllI'cA,

] 71

Jlomilv derlan...J. h.r God's \'ford, thAt the tf'mpltl

or chu'reh is the house of the Lord, for that the

of the L,rd (as teachill~ Dnd hearil1~ uf

hiB holy wonJ, calling upon his holy Name, gi\-ing
thanks to him for his great and innumernble benefits, and due'rinf:' of his Sacrnments) is thero AmI it is likewise declared already by the
Scriptures, how all 1,rodly and Christian men and
women oug-ht, at time~ appointed, with dilif:'cllce
to resort uuto the house of the loonl, there to scrve
him and to A'lorify him, DB he is most worthy
1I1ld wc mQlot bound. To whom be nU glory and
honour world without end. Amen.


nIGHT t':--}; OF TIlE cm.:ucu .le.

IT was declared in the first 11aft of this Homily

by God'8 wonJ, that the temple or ehurch is the
hou~ of tIle Lord, for that the ser\'icc of the
Lord (as teaching nnd hearing of his holy wonJ,
callill~ upon hi~ 1101y Name, gi\'ing thanks to
him for llis ,::rent :l.lId inllumerablo benefits, nnd
due ministering' or his S:lcramell1s) is there used.
And it. is likewise alrC3d.r ded:lf\.",(! by t.he Seriptnw, how all ~Il.r and Chri~tian mcn and woml'n
ought, at timt'll appointed, with dili~"Cnce to resort
unto tile hOlll'A' or the Lortl, there to serve him
and to gl'lrifr him, as he is mO!'t worthy and we
most houndeD. Ko\\" it remaineth, in tlliB second
part of the Homily conecrnill~ the ri~ht lL"l' of
th~ teml,I. of GuJ, to be likewise dt'Clarro h~'
God'll word. with what quietll<'!';I. I!ilence. and
reven.onel' th<N!' that rt.',;()rt to the house of tho
Lord ollght t1wre tn lL.;(' 3nd behave tbe~h'Ct!.
It may tC:lch u~ 8uflicicntly how well it dnth
become tlS Chri"tilln men reverently to u;oe tllu
church and holy hou~ of our pmyers, by oon~l
derillg' ill hol\' great reverenoo lInd veneration the


w w w. h a i l andf m


The &cond Part of the llomil'y

Jews in the old law lmd their tC'mple; wllieh ap~

]lC:lreth by sundry places, whereof I will note unto
you eertllin. In the twentv-sixth of Matthew it
~vas hid to our Saviour C\;rises charge before a
lbll....L temporal jud.!,"C, as :l matter worthy death, by the
Iwo f.'1lse witne~Sftl, that he had !':lid he eould
destroy the tcmple of God, and in three days
build it ag:-ain; not doubtill~ but, if they mig-ht
ffi:lke mcn to belie\'e that he had said all)' thing
agninst the hOllour and majesty of the temple,
he should SCCm to all men most worthy of death .
\nd ill the twenty-first of the Acts, when the
Jews found Paul in the temple, they kid hanll"
"' ' v.pon
Aim, cr,Ying, Ye men Jlr/ulile", help: tAi" i"
that 11Ian 1t'ho leaclulk all men ecer!!1t'Aere agaiud
the people and the law and again"t fir;'" pkce; belidel
tltat, he nolk brollgnt tne GenIi/Cl into fne temple,
and lwlk profaned thi" Iro/!! J!/ace. Behold how t.hey
took it for a like offence to speak :lgainst t.he t.emplc of' God, M to speak :l~inst tile law of Godj and
how they judged it eOlwenient that none hilt A'Odlv
persons and the true lI'orshippers of God sllould
enter into t11e temple of God. And the G.'lIne lault
is laid to Paul's charge h)' Tcrlulllls, an eloquent
man, and by the Jews, in the twcnt.>'-fourth of the
Act.., bc-fore a temporal ju<lg'C, as a matter worthy
tllllt he 1t'e.t alJout to pol/ute lite temple of
''''' '''W. O.
God. And in the twenty_sevcnth of Matthew,
when the chief priC8IS had rceeived a~"lIill the
pieces of ..ilver at Judas' hand, they Sl.Iid, It i8
Mt krJul l~ )Jut Inem i"l<J Corba", (which was the
treasure lloll~e of the ternI'll',) bccaUle it il tlte price
of Uood. So tllat t.hey could Ilot abide that not
(lnly any uncle:1l1 pe!">'on, hut abo all)" other dead
thing th:lt was judged unelc:m, should Ollce come
into the temple or (Ill)' plnce thereto belonging.
And to this end is S1. Pnul's 8ll)'ing in the
second F.jlistle to the Cllrillthians, the sixth chapter, to be llllplicd: JrlwljWolClhip i" there 6e"ci.rt
I ror "
" -,
r;gltteoruneu and w"rigAttoulne",,! or w:ltat comlllunion 6tlrceen light and dar/./je"'! or 1t'IUlt concord




w w w. h a i l andf m

'!f tne Ri!Jht


of the



bebcttn. Chri"t all(t Betial? or fOhat part can the

faithful hat'e 1citlt tire un/ail/vull or what ogree_
ment can. there be bellceen. the temple of God (I1ut
inwgu? Whieh sentencc, although it be ehiel1)'
referred to the temple of t11e mind of the godlr,
ret, seeing that the similitude nnd pitjl of the
llr~llment is bkcn from the mfltcrifll temple, it
enlorceth thnt 110 unwxllincss, specially of ima~s
or idols, may be sllflcre<! in the temple of God,
which is the 11I:lCe of worshipping God, :md therefore call no more be suffered to stand there, than
light can ng"rcc with dnrkllcs!<, or Christ with
Belial; for that the true worshipping of God ami
the worshippill~ of images arc most oontrnry, and
the setting of them up ill the place of worshipping
may give great occasion to the worslJippillg of
But to return to the reverence that the Jews
had to their temple, YOll will S:lY they honoured
it superstitiously and :\ grent denl too mueh, cry
ing out, Tne temple of the Lord, 1'1te temple '1/ thl! Jer .11, .-1$
lAlNI, being notwithstanding' most wieked in lili',
and be therefore most justly repro\'ed of Jerem)',
the Prophet of the Lord, 'l'ruth it is, that they
were superstitiously given to the honouring of I hel r
lemple. But I would we were not as far too short
from the due reverencc of the Lord's house, lIS they
o\'ershot t11emsclvcs therein. J\nd, if the Prophet
justly reprehended them, hearken also what the
J:.ord requireth at our llllllds, tlmt we may know
whether we be hlameworthy or 110. It is written
in Ecclesiastes, the rourth chapter: When tlwu (10# 1:',100 0.1,"
ellter illw tne non,e of God, saith he, wl..e heed t,)
thy feet; draw 'IIear that tnou lIIu!Je,t !tear: fur
ubedience ;8 11lUCh 11l()re worth thalt the 8acrijice f!l
JiJOI8, whicA 1.-n0l0 not '/Cnat evil (hcy do, S/leak 110thing ra8ftty there, neither let tAille hMrt be 81Cij~ to
wller word8 /Jiforc God: fur God i8 in, neault, {l/lft
thou art ujJon the eartlt; therefore let thy WOrll8 be
l',:lO, Note, well-belo\'ed, what quiclness in gcilturo.!
llud beh:l\iour, what silcll(:c in talk and wordH, is
, 3


w w w. h a i l andf m


ne &eo.d Part of tAe 00,. il

requirt'd in flit' A'JI'.at o.f CM, for f>O he calicO. it.

S~ whether ther (aJ.e j~1 IQ {A~ir fat (a.I tb~y
be here warned) which nc\'cr l'C:L-"C from unCllmel.v

"":lIking' lmd jcttin~ up and ~own a~ld ?\"l'

the church, shcwiug' flU c\'u.lcnt Sl~""lIl1l-abon ot
notable colltcmllt both of God :lnd all good men

there prt':'cnt: nnd W",:lt heed the)' take to their

tOIl.!-:'UCiI :1IIt! speech wlllch do not only ~peQk 1I:0ffl,
IlCijl(V Q,!fl ruzhlJ before tne .lA;d. (winch they, be
here forbuhlcn,) lmt 1I1so ofWllbmes f;I:lellk filUIlI)',
con:tou!'l.r. and ungodly, talking of mnHcrs Sl'aI"(:C
hon<.... t or fit for the .alehouse or tavern in the hOl1l;C
of the Lord; little eoll~ideriog that they 8pl..'ak.
td'lJre GocI, who dwelleth i. kacell. (ail is bcl'f' d.....
cfan..J,) when they be but \"mnins here creeping
")iD1l lMurlll in oompariJKln to his dcmal Majl':'tr;
JolaU &Il)6. :mt! 1,~.~ J"CWlrding that t.hey must girt 011 occo,ud
at tAt grtllt do~ of trtry Ult fCtJrd, wh~rl-'l'flC'i~r it
be spoken, much more 01' filthy,unclean, or wicked
words spoken in the Lord's house to !be great dishonour of his Majesty and offence of all thnt hear
And indeed, concerning the people nnd multitude, the temple is ]lfClllIrt.'(1 for them to be helln~l'I>
mUll'r than Ilpcnkl'f'8' j coll!<idering that all well t.he
word of God is there rend or taught, whereunto
t1ll'y nrc bound to give dili':"'1.'nt ear with all revl'rcn~ :md F-i1encc, l.I8 nl...o that oommon pm)"l'r and
thanhh';\ill~ are ft.'bt.>nm'<!. and s;oid by the public
mini:-tcr in the name of the 1)I,:ol'Ie and the whole
multitude preoent, wl1l'reunto they ~\'iDg their
rrouy audience s;hould assent, and shnuIJ say JlI"~",
/T ... ms St. Paul tenchctb in the first. .Epi~t1e to thl'
Corinthian!l j nnd in another place, GI&riJ".1i", Gt>,l
ri/A olle .pirit olld ",Q./4, which cannot be when
enr:r mnn and woman. in /k:\emte pretence of
devotion, praro;th primt('1y, onc a:;kill~, anoth('r
~i\ in:-r thanks, another reading doctrine, and
forecth 1I0t. to henr the COlllmon pm)"t'r of the
minilStcr. And Jll'('ulinrly, what. due reverence is
to be used in the millktcring of thc Sacraments


w w w. h a i l andf m

0/ IAe Ri9At


of tAe



in the t.emple. t.he lI.' St. Paul t.cacbet.h in his

Epistle to the Corinthians, rebukin~ su~b 3.S did
unreverently use themsel,cs in that behalf. Jlare, 0.. n. "
,e twt
Iq t4t a.,J drid i.! 6:lith be. Do ~e
dupm lu! or oongTt'~tion of God! If'A4t
,Aalt I .~ to '(YIj! Shall 1 PI'QU4 ~.! f. tAu I
praiAe!(YIj -.JJt.
And God requireth not only this outward reverence or behaviour and silence in his house. but all
inwanl reverence in eleansinJ:;' or the thoughts or
our heam; t.bretltening by lli:l Prophet Osc. in the
ninth chapter. thatfur tAe "",like of tne iRu.twn, " , - I. '1.
and de,;ecs or the pcoIl!e he fIJi/I etUt tAem. Oll.t ftl
Ail AolI.u" whereby is also si~rnillcd the eternal
elll:ltiug or them out or his llenvenly house and
kingdom, which is most horrible. And thereroro
in the ninetccnth or Leviticus God lI.'lith, Pear yO/llAYI1.}CI.
tc;'! nr:erelfct my Ml1ullUJry, Pur 1 al/f. ,Iu hor".
And according to the Slime the Prophet Dtwid
saith. I v:ilt elller i"to tAine ,fow,e. I feW teOr"'ifJ iK l'L Y.',
thy Ao'! temple i", thyfear; shewinA' what inward
ren'renoo and humbleness or mind the godly mell
ought to have in the house or the Lord.
And to allege somewhat concerning this matter
out or the Kcw Testament. in wbat honour God
would bave his house or temple kellt. :md that by
the example or our Saviour Cbrist. whose authority ou~ht or good reL"()n with all true Cbristians
to be of most weight and estimation. It is wriUen
or nil the four E\"lln~lilit;.. as a notable ad. and )!'-.ui.
worthy to be testilled by many holy witnesses. how ~~t. ~
that our Sa,;our Jl."U,,; Chri.-;t, thnt mercirul nud '~: ~ ...
mild Lord. for his meekness to a sha:p ~:,i.
E'utr..:oring with gilcllOO his tlccec to be .shorn from ~..~uI..;l'JJ.
Jlim. nnd to a lamb led without reaist:mce to the
alnughtcr, which gare Ai. OOdy Iq lAta tAat ,tid1J.I. ,
.",il~ Ai",. answered not him thnt reviled. tlor turned' I et.. I 11all;0Y Ai. fa~ from. lArm '!lat di,t reproach hi. Ol(t
.pit upon Ai",. and nt-cording to his own example
f:tl\'G precepts of mildncl:iil lllld IIl1lfcr:mcc to hi" ),
dillCiples. )et. when be secth tho teID!lle and holy j l~



w w w. h a i l andf m


The &c07fd Part of the Romily

house of his heavenly }'Ilther misord('rc<!, polluted,

and )lrofancd, usclh groot sc\'erity and sharpness,

ovcrlurllclh the t.'lblcs of the exchangers, suhverl-

eth the seats of them that sold doves, makcth a

Whip of cords and scourgeth out those wicked
abusers find profaners of the temple of God, 53yiug, J[y MUle ,hall IM calletl the Muse of lJrayer,
but e har:e made it a den of t!litre,; and in the
JolInll. .6.
6c(:()nd of John, Do not ye mai"e tAe MUle 0/ my
}'atlur the Aoult of mercllondi,e. For, as it is the
house of God when God'l: service is dull done in
it, so, when wc wickedly abuse it with wicked blk
or covetous bargaining, wc m3kc it a dell of thic\"es
or house of mcn:haIlJise. Yea, and such r(!\'crenC(l
)l ...k ~I . 6. would Christ should be ShCWL'<! therein, that he
teDlllrt not 'lIjfer OllY r:elul to be carried through the
temple. And, whereas our Saviour Chri~t (as is
I.uull.'- bel'ore mentioned out of St. Luke) could be foun(l
no where, when he was sought, but only in the
lem!lle nmongst the doctors, and now agtlin exerciscth his llnthority ::lI\d jnrisdiction, not in
c.'lStles and princely p3laces lIInonges soldiers, but
ill the temple, ye mar hereby understand in what
pia-cc his spiritual kingdolll, whieh he denictlJ to
J""a .~t..l6. be q/lhi8 feor/d, is sooncst to be found and best to
be known of ull places in t11is world.
And, according to this example of our Saviour
Christ, in the primiti\e Church (which was
holy and godly, :md in the which due discipline
with severit.y was ul:Cd a::rainst the wicked) open
offenders were not suflcred onoo to enter into the
house of the Lord, nor admitted to common prayer
and the use of the holy Sacramenta with othcr true
Chri.stinns, until they had done open penance belore the whole Church. And this was praetisec.1
not only upon mean peI"lions, but also 1I1)()n the
rich, noble, and mi~hty persons, yea, upon '!'hcodo",ius, that puiSliant and mi...hty Emperor, whom,
tor committing a grievous n~ld wilrul murtler, St.
Ambrosc, bishop or )[illain, reproved sharply, and
did also ex(.'Ommunicate the said Lmperur, aud


w w w. h a i l andf m

i!f lhe Right U,IJ 0/ lje



brought llim to opcn pl'llnllCC, And t11c)' tlHlt n,'l--""'_

were so justly exemllted llnd b:mi~llt,,<1 (as it were)
from the housc oftllc Lord were tHkl'n (as thc." be
illdcro) for men divided and scp:J.ral\'d from Chri;:;t's
Church and in most dangerous eslate, ycn, :l!; St.
rll.ul S3ith, C\'cn gh'en- lwlo &101/, the devil filr 11 , ror. $:
time; [mJ thcireompanr was ShUII11(:d and avoided' TilD.l. '0.
of all godly men :Il1J WOJlll'n, until such time as
they by repcnbnoo and public pen:J.nce were recollciled, Such was the honour of' the Lord's hou."c
in mcn's llcarts and outwllrd reverence also nt tlHlt
time; and so horrible a thing W3!:l it to be shut
out of the ehur<:h and house of the Lord in those
dnys, when religioll WlIS mo~t pure, :Illd nothing so
eorruptns it hath been of 1:lte days, And yet we
williugly either, by lIbsenting ourselves from the
1101151' of the Lord, do, as it were, excommunicate
oursch'cs from the Church and fellowship of the
saints of God; or else, coming thither, by uncomely and \lIlrevercnt behaviour there, by hasty,
rash, yea, unclean and wieked tllOughts and word::!
before the Lord our God, horribly dishonour his
holy house, the Church of God, and his holy Name
and Majest.y, to the great danger of our souls, ye:l,
:md certain d:lllllHltioll all<o, ir we do not speedily
and earnestly repent us or this wickedneSB.
'rhus )'C have heard, dellrly be-loved, out of God'~
word, what re\'crenec is duc to thc holy housc of
the Lord, how all godly perF;()IIs ought with dilih"Cn(.'(l at times 1I1lpointed thither to rt'pair, ho\\'
they ought to behu\'e themsch'CS thcrc with rcverenee :lIId drend before the Lord, \\h:lt plagtl\'::!
and punishments, as weH tempornl as eternal, the
Lord in his holy word Ihrcalellcth, as well lo su<:h
as neglect to como 10 his holy honse, as nlso to
such who, coming thilher, do ulll'cverentlr b)'
gesture or t:llk therc behave thcmsch'cs. Wherclore, if wc desire to have liCaSQnable weather, and
thcre!' to enjo)' the goo4 fruits of the earth; if
we will avoid drought :lnd b:lrrClln~s, tlJirst lInd
hunger, which lire plagues thn.:ntened uuto such
, 5


w w w. h a i l andf m

1 i8

DJ the Right UIe of 'Ae Church.

as make haste to go to their own houses, to alehouses and to t:wcrns, and leave the house of the
Lord ~mpt)' :lIld desolate; if wc abhor to be
scourged, Ilot with whips made of ~rds out ,0f
t.he material temple only (ns our Snnour Chn~t
served the defilers of the house of God ill Jcrus..'1lem), but l'llso to be beaten and driven out of
the ct.crn:1i temple and house of the Lord (which
is his heavenly kingdom) with the iron rod of
)'Au"ill.lJ; everlasting damnation, and ca,t into oulv:ard dark.
"e", u:htre U u:cepin!l and gual/ling oj'led!; if wc
fear, dread, and abhor this, I S<'l)', as wc h(wc most
just cnll~ so to do, then let us umclld this our
n('gli~llcc and contempt in coming to the house
of the Lord, this our unrc\'crcnt behaviour in the
house of the Lord; and, resorting t.hither diligently
t{lgt'i1Il'r, let us there, with revefCnt hearing of the
Lord's holy word, calling on the Lord's holy Name,
giving of hem1,}' thanks unto the Lord for his
mnnilold :md inCtitimable benefits daily und hourly
bestowed upon us, celcbNlting' nlso revcrclllly of
the Lord';; holy SaCNl1llellts, serve the Lord in his
holy hOIl~, HS hecomcth the I>Cr\'ants or the Lord,
l.lI.Ir..L H.
ill holi"eu and ri!Jhteou8neu b~/Qre Mm. all the lllJ.'I8
rzlour life: nnd then we shull be nHSurcd after thi~
,~. n...
life to relit ilt lti8!tolS hilt, and to lllCf!lt in Iti" tIlter
, .... "'111:.,..1. tlac/e, there lo prai8e nnd mng-nil)' hi" holy Nall/e
in tlte lXJn!Jrt'!JalilJlt rzf Iti" lIllint", in the holy hou"e
'l~'- (I Ho of his ekrnal kin!!dom of' 11eu\'en, which he hath
I.. ".
purchased for us by the death and slll..'(lding of the
prt.,<:iolls hlood of his SOil our Sll\'iour Jl'SUS Christ.
f1'o whom with tile Father nnd the 1I0ly Ghost,
one immortal M:ljesty of God, be nll honour,
glory, pmi.:;e, and thanbgiving world without
cud. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m





IN what points the true ornaments of t.he church
or temple of God do consist and st.'lIul, hath rn..-ell
dcdar...'<1 in the two last Homilics, illtrcatillg' of
the right use of the temple or housc of God, and
of the due reverence that all true Christian peOIJle
are hound to ~i\'e unto the same. '1'ho Slim whcrt.'Of
is, that the church or house of God is a place np_
pointed by the holy Script.urcs, where the lively
word of God oug-ht to be rend, taught, and heard,
t.he Lord'll holy Name c:lllcd upon by jJU('lic pr:\)'cr,
hearty thanks given 10 his lIbjcsty for his mlinitc
and unspeakable benefit:> bCtito\\'cd upon liS, his
holy SlIcr.ullcnlg duly find rc\'crcntly miuistcrcd;

and that therefore all that be god1r indeed ought

hoth with diligenoo at times appomted to repair
together to the said church, and there with all
revereuoo 10 use and behave thcmsdn:s bcfore the
Lord; :l.lId that the !'aid church, thull godly used
by the servants of the Lord in the Lord'l:I true
service, for the efft,.duous prescnce of God's gr.lCe
(wherewith he doth by his holy word and promiscs
endue his people there pre>:cllt :Illd a"scmbkod, to
the altllilllllcnt as wcll of commodities worldly,
Ilccc:>:;:lry lor us, as al~o of 311 hcavenly gills and
life cw:rlasting), is called. by thc word of God (:I'"


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Firlt Part

of tlte Homilg

it is indeed) tlte temple of tlte LmJ and the Itou!e of

God; and that therefore the due reverence thereof
is stirred. up in the hearts of the godly by t1!e
eonsiderlltion of these true ornaments of the s3.ld
house of God, and not by any outw:lrd ceremonies
or eosU>" nnd glorious decking of the said house or
temple of the Lord" Contrary to the whieh most
manifest doctrine of the Scriptures, and contrary
to the US:lgc of the primiti\'e Church, wllich W:lS
most pure nnd uncorrllpt. and contrary to the
sentences 3nd judgments of the most ancient,
Icnrned. and godly doctors of tho Church (as
hereafter shnll appear), the corruption of these
latter days hath brought into the church infinite
multitudes of ima~; :md the samc, with other
}lnrts of the temple :.lso, havc decked with gold
and sih'er, painted with colours, sct them with
stone 3nd pearl, clothed them wilh silks and precious vestUtcS, Ilhantnsing untruly that to be the
ehief decking :md ndorning' of the temple or house
of God, and that all pCDjlle should be the more
moved to the due reverence of the S:lme, if nil
corners thereof were glorious nnd glisterin~ with
6"Old and precious stones: whereas indeed they
by the s.'lid images and such glorious uc<:king of
the temple hl1\"e nothing at nil Ilrofitcd slIeh as
were wise and of understlmding j but have thereby
greatly hurt the simple llnd unwise, oecasioning
them thereby to commit most horrible idolatry,
nnd the co\"etous pctbQns, by the lillme occasion,
sCl'miug to wo....hip. and peradventure worshippin'~
indeed, not only the images, but also the mattc~
!lf them, gold find s.ilvCl", as thnt vice is of nil
others in the Scriptures pceuliarly called idolatry
or worshipping of imllA'Cs"
Af.-:lillst the which loul abuscs find great enormitiCl. "lmll be alleged unto you, finit. the au
thority of God's holy word, as well out of the
01(1 'l'l'><l:.ment :u; of the New; and, sccondh',
the testimonies of the ho1f and ancil'nt learn&t
fathers and dol:tot:l, out of their own works and


w w w. h a i l andf m


Peril 0/ TJola(ry.


ancient. histories ecclesiastical; both that YOll !TIlly

at once know their judgments, 3J1d witlllil understand what mallller or ornaments were in tbe
temples in the Jlrimitive Church in those timf'S
which were most pure and sinccre: thirdly, the
reasons and nrguments mndc for the defence 01'
images or idols and the outrn,zeous decking of
temples and chulhcs with gold, silver, rearl,
Rnd precious stone shall be confuted, and so
this whole matter concluded.
But, lest any should lake ocrosion by the way
of doubting by words or names, it is thought good
here to note first of all, that, nlthough in common
speech wc use to call the likeness or "imilit\l{lcs of
men or other things images, and not idol~, yet the
Scriptures use the said two words, idol, and il1lIJgu,
indill'crcntly for one thing alw3y. 'fhey be word,;
of diverse tongues and sounds, but onc ill 6Cnse
and signification ill the ScriptufCs. 'rhe onc is
taken of the Greek word ~w",Aov, an idol, and tlm
other of the Latin word Imngo, an image; and 80
both used as .I~llglish terms in the tran~lating' 0:
Scriptures indiflcrently, ac<:ording as tile St'ptU:lginta have in their translation in Greek fiOwA(I,
and St. IIicrome in 11is transl3tion of the same
pluces in Latin hat.1I SimulacTII, in English im(f!Jc8.
And, ill the New 'l'estament, that wllich St. John
[>nlleth d~wAov St. lIierome likewise t.mnslntcth ,U;H.
Simlllaerum, as in all other like places of Scripture usually he doth so t.r.llIslat.c. And 'l'crtullian, r.lbde('~,
a most lllleient doctor, and well learned in both '....... 1ol1Li1...
the tongucs, Gret'k :lI1d Latin, t.his
rl:aee of St. John, BCICore 0/1'dQII, It that is to say,"
l'.'1ith 'l'ert.ulli:m, tt of tho im~O'Cs t.hemselves," the
Latin words which he uscth be Efligies 3UU J m:l~,
to 5:lY. tm imngc. And therefore it forccth not,
whether in this process wo use the ol1e term or
the other, or both together, sccing they both
(though not ill common Engli...ll speech, yet in
Scri\)lure) signify ono thin):\'. }\nd t.houg-h some,
to I" iud men's eyes, have hcretolorc crollil)" gone



w w w. h a i l andf m


The Fird Part q( lhe Homily

about to make them to be taken for words of

diverse SifPlIificatiOIl in mattcrs of rcli~ion, and
h3.\'c lhc~rorc usually named the likelless or
similitude of a thing set up amongst the hC3
then in their temples or other places to be wor_
shipped an Idol, but the like similitude with us
8('t lip ill the church, the jlluec of' worshipping,
they call nil Imngc; as thoug-h lhcse two words,
il/Ql and image, in Script.ure did diller in propriety
aud scnsc, which (as is afol"Cl;3id) differ only ill
sound and 1311~u3:;CJ and in meaning be indeed
nil onc, speciall:r in the Scriptures and matters
of rclig-iollj an

our im:lg'CS also have been, :1Ilt!

be, :md, if they be pulilicly suflcrcd in churches

and temples, c\cr will be also wOl"lihippcd,



idolntry oommitted to them, as ill the last P:lrt

of this Homily shall at large be dccl[JfOO :md
proved: wherefore our imllf.,~s in temples and
churches be indeed none other but idols, us unto
the which idolatry hath been, is, and e\'er will be
And, fjI'!;t of all, the Scriptures of tIle Old
Tcstmnent, condemning :lIld abhorring as well all
idol:ltry or worshipping of imagc5, ns :\Iso the very
idols or imrtgt'8 them.selves, specially in t4.'mples,
arc so mallyand plentiful, that it were 31most 3n
infinite work, and to be contained in no "mall
volume, to fC(.'()rd nil the places conccrning the
63me. For, wheIl God had ehosen to him:>clf a
peculiar and specinl people from :lI1101l~t nil other
nations, that. kllew not. God, but. worlihiplll'( idols
and false gods, he gave unto them ccrt'lill onli
1l:1nCCS and laws to be kept and obtiCl'\'ed of hi
said jlCQple: but. conccrlllllg !lOlle other matter
did he gi\e either mo, or more earnest and ex])I'CSS, Jaws to his said 1>ooI,le, than those that
conccrned the true worshipping of' him, and the
avoiding 3nd t1ccing or idols 11IIU imnges Illld ido.
Jatl')'; for that, that both the So'lid idolatry is 1ll0"t
repugnant to the right worshipping of him and
his true glor.r aoo\'e all other vices, and that he


w w w. h a i l andf m

a!/ainllt Peril if Illolatry.


knew the pronelless and inclination of man's corrupt kind and nature to tlmt most odious alltl
I\bominnble vice. Of the which ordinances and
laws, so given by the Lord to his !>COllle concerning that mntter, I will relwarsc IInd IIllege
some that be most SI:lCCial for this pUTJ.>oSC, tbat
you by them may judge of the rest.
In the lourth ehnpter in the book named Deuteronomy is u. notable place, alld most worthy with
all diligence to be marked, which bcg-inllcth thus:
Amt 1I:Olt', brad, near tne comlluuul"Jel/t8 alllt judgU:Ric! I teaCR t!tee, saith the Lord, that tltou
doing tlWIt 'lIllyut lire, alllt enler al/rt pWlIeu the
wnd whicR, the Lord GQ(1 of your father8 wilt gire
you. Ye dolt put notlti,,!/t.() the vord which IlIpeak
to you, lJeilher dall ye lake anylhingfrom it. Kup
ye the comnulIulmentll I?( IlttJ Lord,our God, which I
command you. And, by and by aller, he repeatcth

il<.'\l' IY.I,I.


the Sllme scntence throo or four times belore he

come to the matter that he would sJlcciall.v warn
them of, as it were for a preface, to make lhem to
take the better heed unto it. TaJ:e heed to IItY'le(!; lb:d. 9.
8:iilh he, allll to IA,'I lOut with att care/alne", lellt
tllOltfor!/tltellt the thi"gll which tlti"e egell AartJ lIten,
61ft/lhat they go flOt out of thy heart all lite daYll of
thy 'ilc: thou dalt !eac! them, to tAy cltiMren and
m:pltelC' or l>osteriLy. And shortly afler: l'Ae Lordlbld, ",
'}lule u"to you od 0/' the middle of jirtJ: yo"
heurtt the voice or sound of hi, '/COrd" but you did
,ee no flJrJu, or shape at all, And by and by
li,llowcth: Tul'e Med tAerifore diligently unto yOllr IbId, '1-'9'
10111,: you law no manner qj' image in llle day in
the tchic! the .!Arrl ,pal'e flUtO yOIl in lloreb out if
tlte midd qj' tAej'rtJ: lut peradt:euture you behlg de~
ceil'ed ,11Ou/(l INal'e to YOllrllelt:e, a,,!/ grllren image or
ljltJue" 0/' tHan or woman, or fhe IdenulI ~l 011.1/
&eallt wh:ic.4 i, 'Upon th eart!, or of tlte bird8 thatlly
under heol'en, or of any creep;"g lAiN!/lAat i, 1110['(.'(1
011 tAe ('arlh, or of tltejidu tltat (10 etmtillue in lhe
trlJler8; led pmu/rellture tltOIl, liJl;lI!J up tAine e.l/ell
to hear;ell, do lee tlte ,un and lhe R/(J{Jn at/rl the Itar!'


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Fint Part of the Homily

of luaren, and


lhou, lei"." deeeired by c"or,

douldut "flnonr allfl fCordip (Item, 1l'hirA tlte ,Mml

thy God 1.0(11- created to lerl'/! oU 1lOth"" 'hat k

ullderAearen. And :lc!'3in: lJewaTK./hat tholfjQTget
flot /M CQCi:nonl of tne'".lf1rd thy Coo, fl:lticn. he .made
1lJitlt thee, anti 10 mal/! to thyu(j" any earrffl1mage

qj'them 1Cldch the Lord Aa/It jiJrbidd~n (n oe made:

for lite .Lord thy God i8 a cmWl1IlIlIg fire, and 'Q
jca/ouI God. If thou hare cltildren and IICpnl!lrt, ami
do l<Jrry tit the IQ/ul, and, beiNg dceeired, do mo!.e to
yourlelt'u any ,imib/urlc, doi"[I Cl'it b~rore tAe JAmt
your God, anti prural'/! him. to anger; I do thi, doy
calt upon Iteau:n and earth 10 villle", that ye ,halt

quicl..(V pm',;, fmt of tAe land /CAicn you dolt fXJIlm:

you l!talt not uvca in it au.y long lime; but 'he uml
rilt de8troy you, and. will zeatler you amon!J8t all
wation8; and ye 8halt remain but a ur!lfel/J amoH!J8t
the waNon8 u:hitlter the Lord u:ill lead you Qlra.;
an(l then. dalt you 8erre god8 rchi('h are tnaue with
man/, hand8, Q/ '/C()()(l ana 8lone, tchiCN tee not, fiar
Aear flOt, neither eat nQr IInell: and 1'0 forth. 'J'llis

is n notable chapter, and intreateth almost alto_

gether of this matter; blit, hl.'(:IU~C it is too long
to write out the whole, I have notcd you C<!rlnill
principal points out. of it: first, how earnestly and
oft he ealleth upon them to mark and to lake heed,
snd that upon the peril of their soul", to the cllarg-e
which he giveth them; then, how he forhidcleth,
by a solemn and long rchears:ll of all things in
heaven, in earth, and in the wntl'r, nny ima~ or
likeness of ;any thing:at all to he made; thirdly,
what pcn::l1ty :md horrible destruction he soleJllnly,
with invOC"lllion of heaven and ellrth for rl'COrd,
dcnOUllccth and thrcatendh to them, their children
alld posterit)" if ihl'y, contrary to this commandment, do make or won:hip any im:'....c or similitude,
which h~ so strnitly hatl! forbidd~n. And \\hen
they, tillS Ilotwithstllllding, partly by inclination
of m:m'a corrup~ nature, most prone to idol:ltry,
and \l::lrtl y o<:caslOllcd by the Gentiles and. helll hell
pcop e dwelllllg 300Ut theJll, who were Idolatcn;.


w w w. h a i l andf m

(lga;.,t Peril of Uoiaf,y_


did fall to the making and worshipping of images,

God, according to hig word, brought upon them
all th06C pl8.e<rtlCS which he threatened them with;

appeo1relh in the Books of the Kings and the

Chronicles in sundry places at large.
And agreeable hereunto arc many other notable
places in the Old Testament. Deuteronomy xxvii:
Curled be he that nwJ..etA a carved image or a ca81 or "oUI
molten image, which. i, abomination 6d'ore the Lord, '.,
the 1COr/; of tAe artificer, hand, and ulteth it up in a
ucret cornu: uti alllAe pople 'hall ,ay. Amen..
Read the thirteenth and fourtccnth chapters of
the Book of Wisdom. collcernill~ idols or im3g'Cfl,

how they be made, set up. called



and offcl"e(l

unto; and how he prniseth the tre<! whereof the

~ibbet. is made, as happ~ in comr-'lri:iOR to the tree
that an image or idol is m3de of. c\'cn by these
"cry words: Happy u tAe /ru f('Aen/ATtJlIg4 rigA. Wild.
/~1U1UU c011utA, meaning the wbbeti b"l cwrutl u"
/Iu idol lAat ;. Made fC;t!& Aatu{" ~to, lHJt!& it, 0114 Ae
tltat 11lade it: and so forth. And by and by ho
IIheweth how that the things which were the good
crtatltrt, qf God before, as tret..'8 or stonCfl, when
they be onco altered and fashioned into images to
be worshipped, become abomination, a lClJljJ{..I/jon Ibid. ".,
fmto the IOU/' 0/ men, QJUI a ,nartJj'or lheJeet 0/' lAe
1l1I1Ci,e. And why? The ,tt~'i"!! o,lt 0)' im".'Jr~ ;,
tAe kgi"",i,,!! 0/ 1CAoredont, saith he j ORd tAe brilfg.
i"g 1lp qf lAe. i, tlttJ dutrltcliOH 11 life. Fur lltq
rere flOt Jro. lAe tegini"g, 1Ie;tAer ,~" tAe co,,
tine f'" trer. Tlte fCealtA~ id/neeu 0/ Me.. ltatA
10."d llu. olll1lpo" earl!: I!trrlllre "'all IAt! CfJ.tJ
wrtt, to a.. ~d. And so COrOl to the end of the
chapter, containil'g these points: how idols or
ima..,<roefI were fih>t invented and offered unto; how
1.'01& tllfgraciolt' CII,fq. they were Clrtabli.shed; ho\\ Ibd.,'t)'r.mUJ compel men to worship them; how the
i~uor:1nt. and tllC common Iorojlle arc dCCt:i\'c<1 by
the ewming of the workman and the benuly of the
image to do honour unto it, and so to err from the
knowledge of Ood; and 01' other great and many



w w w. h a i l andf m


ne Fint Pare nf IA~ l


mischiefs that come by im:ages. And for a con.

cltL~on he saitb, that IA~ Amw.ring of tJw.;1I4M~
iaa!Jr. u tAe carut. tAt {;r:/i""i,,!], ~I '!f al( tri/,
and that the worshippers of them be nlMr tIUld or
most wicked. See and "lew the wbolo chapter
with diligence, for it is worthy to be well consi.
dered, specially that it is written of the dceei\'in~
of the sunplc and ullwise common J>eoJllc by idala
and imllge", and repeated twice or thrioo lest it
should IJe lorgoUcn. And in the chapter follow.
\\!od........ iug be these wam: Tile pai"li"9 '!ftlle pidllre aM
caned i"'age teitA dir:tr, to/6flrl i.. firtfll. tAe ;9"Ortml,


ID fAat lie ltoIWltnt4 and IordA tAe

of adMit


111Ulgt llIat Aa/! 110 10111. J."'t:trluleu,

tAat wce
flf("n vii 'Ai"g t"~ /Aa/. /nul i. tAt., tAt! '''''I
-.Ille 'Ae., IlIq {AaJ fl1rQllr tAe., tllul tAr~ lAst
'Ani, are all trodAI!!I dNU: :md SO forth.


In the book of Pil31ms tlle Prophet cuncth the

h. R01L n image hnnourcl'8 in divers places.
eo,,/Qudnl 6e
::~::a. alt 'All'Jae fCOrdip Nrw.. iMQ~., a"d ,ADe deli!JAe
or ~Iory i", tklll. Lile w'Atl .,,10 'Ae illla!Ju tAae
",ake 'Atlll, aNd all 'At! 'Aat pllt Illeir'T/lIt iN. ,Imll.
I ..... '.
And in the Prophet Ll;3Y 6IIith the Lord: Bun,
I am tAe LOrtl, un 'Ai. i, 111.1 "ame; ami m g!org
tlJill I !Jire to Mne other, "eitMr 11I.V honour t{) gr(lrtl~
IM. '0.
imagtt. And by and b)": Let 'Aem be e<JII/oulule,J
tcitll ,AQ/we tAat trll,t I,. idol. or i1ll3ge'1, or Ill! /Q
tAt"" 1'oa are Ollr !Jod,. And in the fortieth ehap.
ter, after he hath set forth the inoomJlrchensible
~ oL 's-... Maj~)f of God, be askcth, To 1CAo. IAtN. w:iU le
rule G,"/ lile! or 1CAat ...i/ .nU ye fet .p
."Jo Ai.! &Jail tu Cflrrtr .de Ai. 4 Nru J
ilUge! A"d fUlt IAe goM,.i'! eortr Ai....i,A !JoId,
a"d Nd Ai. i"Jo (I fur. '!f .ilrer pl<llu! 4<1,[ ft//'
tAe poqr 110. dalt tAe i.age u/'tr /ftl.4 .. i."!Jt
<tf /i.k" tADe Ae aal Aare 4tJlllerd4e Jo Id ftpallQ!
And all~r this he cridh out, 0 wretchCf', Iltimf,e
.eur if tAil? llaf! it ff<n bea p,tacAtd .,,/() 10.
1i"C'tJ 'Ae w!J;"";"!J? and 80 forth, how by tbe
crcntion of the world und the ~reatlless of the
work they might Ululcl'l;t.and tbe Mnjt~t}' of God,


w w w. h a i l andf m

"gailllt Peril of ltlo[alr!l'

tlle Crcl'ltor and Maker of all, to be greater


that. it (..()uld he expressed or set forth in all)' image

or bodily similitude.
Alld:bc~ide~ this prcnching, et'ell in the law of
God, 1rritten with hi, OWlt jil/!/er (as the Scripture 1,.001. u:l.
spcakcth,) :l1ld that in the fir~t table, and the be- 'So
:;;-inning thereof, is this doctrine aror~id against fu04.u.".S.
image;;, not briefl.y tOllched, but. nt Inrge set forth
and preached, nnd that wilh dcnullci:ltioll of dc8truction to the contemners and hrcnkcrs of this
law :mc1 their posterity nller them. And, lest it
should yet not be marked or lIot remembered, the
&'11110 is wriUen and reported, not in OIlC, hilt ill
~lIl1dry places of the word of God, that by ofl F,docl.u.'J'
readin~ and hearing of it wc migllt oncc lcarn and ~~t,'~~~~
remcmber it. As you also henr daily read in the
church: God tpale the4e 'lCOrut an(l tai(l, I am the
Lord thy God. 1'/wu tltalt Itat'e lItMe otlter gfJd4 but
me. Tholt thalt 1Iot fJtal..e to tll!ltelj' fln!l gral'en image,
"or tAe ta'cllet, of (1II!1 tlting tltat it ill hearel~ aWIe.
or in the earth beneath, 1101' in tlte -,rater ulltler the
cart!: thou tho/t Mt 0010 IlolOn to them, nor wor,hip
lhem,: for I the Lord lhy GOlt am a jealou4 God, alia
t:i,it the tin oj' f!tejalher, 1tllOl~ the childrel~ 1mto the
lAird antt jourt! gellertltiOl~ OJ't!lelll thllt hllle me, a/la
thew IRercY1111w thou,alld, il~ lhe1fll/lflt {ore me oud
I.-eep 11Iy commontlmentt. All thi~ notwithstanding.
neither could tha notablenc.;s of the place, being
the vcry beginning of'thc li\'ing J.IOrd'l:llaw, make
us to mark it; nor the plain dedamtion by rGcounting of all kind of similitudes cause us to
understand it.; nor the oft repeatillg and reporting
of it in divers and I;lIl1dry places, the oft re:lding
:md hearing of it, oollld cause U8 to remember it;
Dor the dread of the horrible penalty to ourselvcs
and our children and posterity oiler us fear us from
tromgrcssing of it.; 1I0r the greatness of the reward
to liS and our children aller liS move us lIny thing
to obedience and the observing of this the Lord's
b'1'cat lnw: but, llS though it ha(1 becn written in
llome corner. and not at large exprcl;I:il.>d, but briefly


w w w. h a i l andf m



_or Ill.


h I .. l t.

I'. e.. !. ,.

'jh~ j.'jrd

Parl of 'h~ llQmi/!I

obscurely touched; as thou~h


penalty to

the lrnmgress<lrs, nor reward to the obl.iont, hlld

been adjoined uuto it; like blind mOll without all
knowled!!'C and undcrstandin~. like unreasonable
bcnsts \\~thout drrod of pUlli~llInl;nt or respect of
reward, ha\'! diminished :111<1 dishonoured the high
Mnjcstr of thf' li"ing ,God. b>' the baseness and
vilenCS8 of slIndry and dIvers Images of dead stocks,
stones, and mct.'lls.
And, as the Majesty of God, whom \Vc have
leO:, fOr&'lkcll, and dishonoured, and therefore the
greatness of our sin and offl:llcc Rlj3inst his l\f:Jjcsty,
cannot be expressed, so is the weakness, .. ilclIC>'s,
nod foolishness in device of the ima~ whereby
wc have dishonoured him cxprC&iCd at large in
the Scriptures; namely, the l'a3lms, the Book of
Wisdom. the Prophet ilia)', Ezechicl, and Baruch j
specially in thc.;c places and chapters of them,
Psalm cxv and ex.-:xv, E~a)" xl and xli", Ezcchiel
vi, Wisdom xiii, xiv, xv, llarueh vi. '!'he wllieh
places, as I exhort )'Oll often nnd diligently to read,
so are the)' too long at this present to he rehearsed
in nn homily. Notwithstanding, I will make you
certain brief or short notes out of them, what they
Fay of these idols or images. l?ir:.t, that they b'c
mll<le Lut of smnll pieces or wood, stone, or metal;
find therefore they eannot be IlIly similitudes of the
grcnt Mlljcst), of God, whose leat 14 heat"ell, amI tAe
earl! hi4/()()l,lool. Secondarily, that. they be dead,
nat:e e,ye, alia lee flot, nand, ami j'eel flot,/eel amI
ea'n'not go, &e. j Rnd therefore they cannot be lit
l>imilitudcB of the li"ing God. 'l'hirtlly, thnt they
have no power to do good nor harm to othenl;
though some or them have an axe, some 11 sword,
some a spear in their hands, yet do thieves come
into their tl'mpl<>s and rob them, and the)" ronnOI
once stir to w,:ft-nd themselves from the thic\'l'S,
Un)', if the temple or ehureh be set afire, that their
priests Cfln Mill aWlly ll11d I>n\'o themllCh'cs, but
the)" cannot once move, but tarry still, Iiko Mock,:;
as thc)' arc, :lIld Le burned; and (herdore they onll


w w w. h a i l andf m

0f/ui/llt Peril

of Idolalry.


be no mf'Ct (;gllre" of the puissant and mighty God,

who alone is able both to s..we his servants and to
destroy his enemies everlastingly. 'rhey be trimly
decked ill gold, silver, and stone, liS well the
ima,...o-es of men as of women, like wanton wenches
(~aith the Prollhet Uaruch) that love paramours; Ibr. "1. 9. ".
llnd therefore call they not teach us, 1J0r our wives
and dnu~h1cn:, any soberness, Illooe!';ty, and chastity, And therefore, althotlg-h it is now commonly
said that they be the laymen'il books, yet wc sce
they tench DO good lesson, Ileitller of God, 1101"
godliness, hut all error and wieliedllcss.
'fherefore God by his word, as he forbiddeth any
idol,; or images to be made or set up, so doth he
command such as we find made :md set up to be
)lulled do\\ol1, hroken, and dcstro.yed. And it is
written ill the book 01' Numbers, the twenty-third
chnpte1", tlmt thero was 1/0 idot iI Jucob, nor there ~UULI>. nUL
was no imf/ge 8eel~ i/ brad, :md that Ihe Zurd God ".
was '/Ci/4 tflat people. Where note, that the true
hrnelitcs, that is, the people of God, Imve no
images omollg them; but t!mt God was with them,
and that therefore their enemies cannot hurt them,
ns appenrelh ill the process of' t!lnt chapter. And
loS concerning images nlrendy set up, thus saith thu
J.lQrd in Deutcronomr: Ot'erlurn their altarJ, mu! 0tu1 .1I ,.6.
"rea/,; t!u:,J to piece" cut down their i/rore8. bum t!u:ir

illlage8; for fho", art an holy people lI/do tfle hord.

And the s..'lIne is repcatcd more vehcmcntly ag:Jiu

in the twelfth chapter of the fame book. Here notc, Ibld.a. '..)what the people of God ollgllt to do to images,
where they find them. But, lest allY private persons, upon colour of destroying' of im:lges, should
makc :lIly slir or disturbance in the common\\'ealt!l, it mu~t alwll)'s be remembered, that the
redress of sudl public enormities npperlnineth to
lhe mngistmtes and such as be in authority ollly,
and not to pri\'ntc Ilcrson/l. Alld therefore the
&"OOd king's of JUd:I, Asa, Ezcehias, Josnphnt, ,1\lrr...
and Josins, llre highly eommended for tile break- ~'t-:~;,',n_'I.,
ing down nnd deslro)'iug of the altars, idols, :;~:':;I.';,


w w w. h a i l andf m


The li""t Part o/'the lfomif,y

>0, . . U'3~;

lInd images j and the Scriptures declare, that thcy

SI>ecilllly in that point did thal f,.hicft /Ca, righl
,Kit.pJl. ttjore the Lord.
And contr.l.riwisc Hieroooam,
~~~";:t.~ Achau, Joas, and other jJrincc", which either set
~lKl~~1Ii up or sullercd such altars or images und~troycd,
are by the word of God rcported to hu\"e done
ef:it tt:{IJre the Lord. And if any, contmry to the
commandment of the Lord, will need", set up
sneh nlt:lrs or im:lges, or suffer them
r... un
among:;t them, the Lord himself thrcatclleth in
.0: SWIlb..I: the fir;;t cIlnlJtcr of the book of Numbers, and by
)lie. I. 3-Z:
1W>.Il. t ,
his 110Iy Prophets Ezechiel, :Michca;:, and Abacuc,
thnt he will come himself llllu.1 pull them down.
And how he will handle, punish, and destroy tho
people t113t so set up or suller such albNl, im:l~~,
or idols unde;:troyed, he delloullccth b)' his prophet
f:"et. 0'1. ).,- ]~z('{)hiel 011 this mIlliner: I 11IJIe({, ,aith the .Lord,
rill tri",'l a ,/Corti orer you, to dutro. your higlt
placu,. J vill ca,l dIJ/CI~ YOllr altar" and treak r!tJ/C4
your imo,1u,. .f0ltr ,lai,~ tIlen fCill 1 log brfore yOllr
god" and the dead rorro,e, 0/ the childrel~ qf l"ael
fGilll ca,l tej'ore thdr it/ol,; YfJltrbone, rcill I,trOle
round aMd your a/{/.J7I and du:ellinfJplace,,. yoltr
cWe, daft te duolale, tM hilt chapel# laitt fGa,te,
your altar8 de~tr(jyed ami brol'ell, ,'lour god, ca,t down
and tal'en a/Cay, !l0llr tell/jile' laid et'en vith the
ground, yOllr olf'n fCorh clean rootett oul,. yOlfr 'win
meA daft lie amol/fl8l you: thal .'Ie JII((y leam lo
l"ow holO tlwl L am. (he lAml: and 80 forth to the
ehnptcr's cnd, worthy with dili~'ncc to he read,
thnt they thul be near ,h((ft J~rill/I ".itlt the ""offl,
(ReY (nal tefar fit! 1(;ith the pe,tilence, the)' that flee
into holds or wildCnleAA with hUII.',"Ct, :md, if nny
Le )'et Icrt, that they shnll be carried llway prisoncrs
to 6Cn'itudc :1IId bondage. So t1mt, if eithcr the
multitude or plainness of the !l]aC('s might moke
U8 to unden;bnd, or the C3t1lCSt charge that God
g1\"eth in the l>,'lid plnccs move us to rCg'lIrd, or the
horrible Jllll~lle~, punishments, :md drendl'1l1 destruction t hrentcnc<1 to such won;hipJlcrs of ima~
or idols, setters up Or maintninCfi:I of them, might





w w w. h a i l andf m

D!JO; ~t Puil

0/ UolaflJ


in~nder an)" fl"3r in our !Je:uu, we would on<'C

1''8,"e and fOZ'!l3ke this wicked nw, being in the
Lord'g !light 80 f:'rt"at :m offence and abomination.
Infinite places almost mi,!:;'ht Le brought out of the

Scnllture:; of the Old 'I'estnment concerning this

matter, Lut these few at this lillle shall servc

lor aU.
You will Imy peradventure, these things p<lrtuin
to t110 Jews, what have wc to do with them? In.
deed they pertl'liu 110 less to us Chril'tians thon to
them. 1,'or, if we be tho pooplc of God, how Cl'ln
the word Dnd law of God not appertain to us?

St. P:aul, nllel--01llg- Olle {<'xl out of the Old '1'CbUment,ooncludcth gt'ueral1r for other Scriptures of'
the Old 'l'C'lltamcnt 3S well as that. 83.\ill~, TrAal- n-.n.40
~t1' U rrillc" tiff/Fe, meallin~ iD the Old 'l'L~ta_
ment, i, ff:rilt~./IIT O.T ;lflt,."d;o,,: Y'hich scntenoo
is morl 'l)j,!{,i:llly true of !!mh writillSll of the Old
Testament 3.'1 contain the immutable la\\" and ordillanC'{'S of God, in no age or time to be altered,
1I0r of BIlY p<'rl:I01l8 of BIlY nations or :lg'C to be
disoheyed, !!uch 38 the 300\'e rchC:lrsed plac<!fi be.
Noh\;lhstanding, for )'our lilrthcr satisfying here.
in, ncoordill~ to my promisc, I will, out of the
Scriptures of the New 'l'Clitamcnt or Gospel of our
Saviour Chri!tt likewisc. make 11 confirmation of
the said doctrine ng'llilllit idols or images nnd of
our duty conc<>rllillg the 5..'Ulle,
}irst, the Scriptures of the New TeFt:lment do
in sundry )llaees m:lke mention with rt:joicin;?, llS
lor a most c:s:celll'nt ]It.'nE:lit and Wft of God, that
ther which n.'('eiH-d the faith of Christ were 1."mJ
ff'01M Iltir olf",b aud dl'tld itu!I':4 111110 lie (ne a"d
lir:;"9 God, ..Ao ;4 to be t{nmljor ettr; namely, n-. L '5.
ill these places j the fourtet'llth Dnd R\"enteenth
of the Acts of the A]'lOIitll'flj the eh~\'enth to the " ... ''''.I!I
Romans; the first Epi:;t1e to the Corinthians, the ~:,~i )0:
twelfth chnpter'
to the Gnlathinll8
the fourth'(loI.l~_~.91
and '(,.... IL.,.I'

the first to the 'l'hCl'Salolll:lIls, the first cha)ltcr,
1 11-.L
And in like wise the said idols or imagctl, and ."9worshiplliug of them, arc in lhe Scriptures of tha


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Joi'rlt Part

of tlte Homily

New Tesbment b\' the Spirit of God much ah

horred and detested, find earnestly forbidden: as
appeareth both in the forenamed places, and also
",,,,-,\1..0"1'; many others besides; as in the seventh and fir.
tlJenth of the Acts of the Apostles; the first to
the Romans, where is set forth the horrible plague
f10aLl 'l-.", of idolaters, given o'"er by God illto a reprobate
8e1l" to work fill wickedness and abominations
not to be spoken, as llsually spiritual and curnal
fornication go together. In the first Epistle to
'c...... l I . the Corinthi:llls, the finh chapter, ....'e are forbidden
once to l'eep ef)mpall'y, or to eat anil drink, with. ,u('h.
a, IJe called brethren or Christi:lIlS that do '/CoTlhij)
(Ill. ""
image,. In the fifth to the Gnlathi:ms, the worshippin~ of ima~8 is numbcred nmongst the 1Corl"
'("0. . . _ , . of tltejlelh.: rand, the first to the Corinthians, the
tenth, it is called the service of devils, and that
sueh as use it shall be destroyed. And in the
,(".... ,01.9.'0: sixth chapter of the said Epi:;tle, rand the firth
Gal. '0." to the Galathians, is denounced, that such image
tCorlltipperl Iltalt nerer come illw tlte illlterila1tce
of tlte I.-i"gtlom q/ Itcarell. And ill sundry otlJ('r
Flob . -'. h' places is threatened, that thc wrath. of God Iltail
(,.hl . h,
Il., . f.~. come upon alt IUch. And therefore St. John in his
..... 1::pistlc exhorleth us, as his dear cltildren, to k1care
I c.... ~. '.
if imagel. And St. Paul warneth us to flee from
'$. H.
lite fCorlltippillg 0/ tltem, if tee be wile, that is to
;:ay, if wc cart! ror heallh and feM dedructioll, if
\\'e regard the kingdom of Ood and lire e\crlastillg.
:1IId dread the wf'.lth or God and everlasting dnm11atioll: for it is not possible tha!; wc should be
worshippers or images :md the tnl(! sen'ants of God
also; as St. Paul teachcth, the second to the
Corinthians, the si:cth chapter, affirming expressl)'
that there can le no ptore COll8ellt or ogr~elReNt IJetlCeett the t~lIIple of God, which all true Chri-titiallS
bc, al/(J imagtl, tnan Oelwten rigllleoul1fell alld un.
rigAteml.lneu. IKt/l:een tigltt mul tlarl.lIeu, IJetl()~en I/le
.faitltjil.t and the unfllitlifut, or lellCee,~ Cltrilt and
the tled/. Which p!:u:c enforcclh, both that wc
should not t\'or-c;hip images, and that \\'c should


w w w. h a i l andf m

Qgaill8t Peril

of ldv[u{ry.


not. have images in the temple, for fear and OCC1lI;ioli of wor;,hipping 1Ilem, though they be of tllt'lll
sel\'cs things illdill~I"Cllt; for the Chri,;tiall is the
holy temple and lively image of God, ns the pl:lcc
well decl:lrolh to sueh :"IS will read and weigh it.
And, whereas nU godl)' men did e"er abhor thnt
any kneeling and wor;,hippillg or olle-ring should
be used to themselves when they were :dive, for
that it was the honour due to God only, lIS :lp.
peu.reth in the Acts of the Apostles by St. Fetel' Act... ",.61
furbidding it. to Cornclius lI11d b)' St. l:'aul and ~!v, ' 'll,
llarnabas torbidding the same to the citizen,; in
Ly"trn, )"et we like mad men fall down before the
de:ld idols or iuwgl'S of lletcr nud Paul, and gi"e
tbnt honour to !>tocks and stones which they
thought abomillable to be given lo themsel\'c>;
bcing alive. And the good 11l1b"C! of God, wo
appeareth in the book of St, John's Revelatiol1,lleY'b, '01
rol'uscd to be kllcck.J unto, when that. hOIlOUl' u.l,~.~,
wllS oflcrcd him of John. JJeware, bUith the allt:,"CI,
ttwt thou, (IQ it w;t i j'or 1 a"J th!! ji;llolO-8en'u'lt.
But the e"il :lug-cl Sa1:1II dl.'!>ircth nothiug'.w mueh
as to 1Jc kncc!t..J unto, and thereby at. once both 10
rub God of Ilis due hOllour and work thc dalllllatiull
of such as m:tke him so low euurlt.'>i)', a.s ill till.:
btor)' of" Llle Go:>pd npllCareth in bUlldry places.
lea, and he ofli:reJ our :::iln'iour Gbribt. !Ill c:lI'thl\"
/:."OOds on the l-onJition that. he would klll.:cl dowil
!lnd worbhip him, lIut. our Sa"iour repclleth Satan
Ly the SCI"ll'tlll'CS, >:'aying', It i8 urill!;'I, thou dalt llnll Iv. '0'
lCor8hip tit!! Lord ('-ull, alld hiol uUnle 8hult thou I.u~elv,o
uru. But.. wc, b)' not Ilorshipping and benill~
God alol1c, fiS the Seriptul'Cl> tcaclll'th Ub, :lIld b~"
\l"orshi)lIJing" 01' imag-e," 1."OlItl1lr) to the Scripture~,
pluck :Satan to Ul;, aud :lI"e rcady without.. l'cw:ml
to lollow Ilis de,;irc; yl'a, l"Utlter tlmll lilil, lIe will
uU1l1" him gill.. lI11d oblatiuns to I"CCci\'e our benice.
llut. lct. us, Urctlll... U, mther follow the l,."Oull!iC1 of
the good lIngcl ur God tlmn the bUh"'';I.':ltIOll ul"
8ubtitc Satan, tllat. wieked a1Jh"Cl nud uld ~1'1K'l\t ;
who, lICl,."()I-JlIlg to the pridc whel'eby Le lirbt 1i:1I,


w w w. h a i l andf m



Tnt Second Part of ln~ Homily

3ttempteth alw3)' I.>y such sacrilege to deprive God

(whom he envicth) of his due honour, and, bcc:UlSC
his OW11 face i.s horrible and uglr, to convey it to
himself by the mediation of gilt stocks and stoncs,
Dud withal to mllke us the ellemies of God and his
OWIl suppliants and sla\'cs, all~ in the cnd. to procure us tor a rewnrd everlastm;r d('6truchon and
damntltion. Therefore above all things, if wc take
ourselves to be Christians indeed, llS we be named,
let us credit the word. obey the Inw, and follow
the doctrine nnd examllle of our Saviour and
:Master Christ. repelling Sat3U'S suggestion to
idolatry and worslllpping of images, according to
the tnlth alleged and tnught out of the "l'cslament
and GosJlel of our s.aid heavenly Doctor and Sehoolmaster Jesus Cbrist.1CM ill God, to be /;l~UtdfOT
"tT. Amen.



~ oIla~. 3l.

You ha\'e henrd, well beloved, in the first part

of this Homily, the doctrine of the word of God
af,'llinst idols llnd images, against idolntry and
worshipping of imllgCB, taken out of the Scriptures or the Old 'l'..'tit.ament nnd the New, llud
confirmed hy the eXllmples as wcU of the Apostles
as 01' our Sa\;our Chri"t himself. Now, although
our Saviour Chrilit lal.eI~ 1Iot or nccdeth not an,'I
leIJtimony o/"men, and that which is onoo ronfirmed
by the <.'Crtainty of his eternal truth hath no more
1lCft1 or the confirmatiou of man's doctrine :lIld
writings. tlum the bright sun 3t noon tide hnth
need of the light of a little candle to put away
darknCS8 and to em:rease his light; )'ct, for your
further contentation, it. shall in this second part
be dcclar('d (as in the bel;;illlling of the fir'llt 1111rt
was promised) that this truth and doctrine (:011ccrning the forbidding of im.1gc9 and worshil1ping


w w w. h a i l andf m

of them, taken oot of the holr Scriptures as well
of the Old Te.1ament as the Xcw, \\'38 belic\ed and
taught of the old holy fathers and most ancient
learned doctors,:lIld received in the old primith'e
Church, whil.'h W:'18 most unoomlpt and pure. And
this deeml"lltiOIl shall be made out of the said IlOly
doctoN own writin~ and out of the ancient histories ccclcsinsticnl to the fj.' Oclollging.
'l'ertullilln, a most nneient writer lInd doctor of Llb, ""nU.
the Church, who lived about. one hundred ami :;;::,u
th~re rears nller the dC:lth of our Saviour
Chri;:;t, both in sundry other places of his workfl,
and speciall,r in his book written a~inst the mnnner of Crowllin~, and in Ilnother littlu tn>ali!re
entitled, Of thu Soldier's Crown or Garland, (Mh
m(k't gharpl)' and \'cheml'lltly write and inniA'h
",",<r:I.inst imDIZ\'S or idol,,;; and upon St. John's
\\ords, the lin.t Epistle and fifth chapter, fl:lilb
thus. II St. John," saith he, It detp1r considering
the mnUcr, snith, MJ litlk dilJrt:", I;ccp ~Otlrlelct:., J....... u,
froM imnb'1.'8 or idQI.. lie saith not now, Keep
)'oursch'es from idolatry, as it wcre from the scrvice nnd won;hiplling of them; but from the
imllgcs or idols thCIllSCh-es, that is, from the "ery
ghllpe and IikenC68 of them. }<'or it were nn unworthy tlling, that the image of the li\'in~ God
should become the image of u dcud idol." Do
not, think )'OU, thogc pCtl;Q1l8 whieh )llace imllg'('8
(If idols in churchr;; nlld templCfl, yea, shrine them
("'cn over thl' Lord's table, C\'en lUl it were of purj>Ol;C to the \H,n.hippill~ and honouring of them,
take ~ heed to eithtr Sl. JI,lm's COllllSCl or
Terlullian'lI? }'or 60 to plal'C ima~ and idols,
is it to keep thelll$l:hC'S from thtm, or else to
rccei\'c and emOr.:ll't. them?
Clelllem~ in hi;:; hook to lam('8, hrothcr of the
LQrd, ~ith: t( Wll8t cun be 60 wicked or 80 un- I b ~ ad
thankful, tl8 to l"I.'t.'Ci\c n bcul'fit or God, "nd to::..-:t 1)",g-1\'C thnnkIJ therefore unto gtockll and gton~?
"'herefore nwnke ye, and understl\nd your hcallh.
I'or God huth IlCl-d or 110 1l1~1Il, nor rCljuireth 1\11)'


w w w. h a i l andf m


TAe SecQlId Part of lhe IIlJmily

thing, 1101' can be hurt in any thing': but \\'c lIe

they which are either holpcn or hurt, in that wc
be th:lIlkrul to God or lluthnnkful."
Ori~lll.'S in his book 3gainst Ccl, saith thus:
"Chri"tian men and Jew:;, when they hear these
......I.'ri,": words of the Law, Thou l!I.altfedT the./Nrd thy
I. ,1".4 r;or!. :md dalt flot mal"e any im(1!1e, do not ollly
ahhor the templcs, !l.ltars, and im:lges of the gods,
but, if lleed be, will rather die than they should
defile themselves with :lll)' impiety!' And shortly
after he sailh: In the (.'Olllmollwcalth of tIle Jews
the cnrvcr of idols and image mnkcr was cast far
off and forbiddell, lest they should h:wc lmy occa
..ioll to make images, which might pluck ccrbin
!i)1!i:;!1 pcr,;ons from God, alld turn the eyes of
their souls to the col\templation of t':lrthly thin::,"',"
.\nd ill nnother place of the samc book: "It. is
n"t only," sailh hc, "a mad and frantic part to
wONhip ima...""CS, l,nt also once to dissemble or wink
ut it!' And," A man may know Ood and his
ol\ly Son, :md those which havo had such honour
J:",J ull.'~' ::i\'cn them b\" God that they be (~lIcd god,; but
1~-1~~~.~. it ig not po,;slLlc that :lIlY t;hould b>' wonohipping
of imaf,"CS ~t nny knowledge of God!'
Ath:lIlaslIls ill his book agninlit the Gentiles
hath thc"e words. "Let. them tell, I pray you,
how God may IJe known by nu im3gc. It' it be
by tho m3tt~r of the image, thell thcrc nec<.1eth 110
Fhtll)(! or form, seeing that God hUlh apl"'-'arcd in
all m:ltcrial creaturl'S, which do testify his glory.
Xow if they say be is known Ly thc form or fashion,
i~ he not bettcr to be knowl1 by tho living thinh"lO
thcm~d\'(,9, whose fashions tho images express?
:For of' surety the glory of God should be more
evidently known, if it were dpdared by re:lSOnaLlo
:1I\d li\'illg creatures rather than by d~nd and un
mm'cable imng<ll:l. '!'hcrcfol'C, wlwlI >'e dv cnn'o or
p:1int imtli!'Cs, to the eml to know God thercb.r,
surely ye do nn ullworthy :\IId unfit thinj:t'." AlId
in nnother pluc."C of the s..'uue book he Siilh: "TIle
lU\,;lItioll 01' ima:,"'Cs came of no good, but of evil;


w w w. h a i l andf m

a,pai",t Perit 11 !do{alry.


and whnt~oc\cr Imlh an evil beginning c:'In Ilcvcr

in any thin~ be judged ,:rood, seeing' it is altogether
naught." tl'lms nlf Athanasius, a vcry :llleicnt,
holr, and learned bishop and doctor, who jud~th

both the first beginning and the end and all to

gcthcr of imn~ or idols to he n:lUght.
J~act:tnlius likewise,:m old and IC:lrned writer,
in his book of the Origin of Error hath these
words. "God is ahove mnll, and is 1I0t placed
beneath, but is to be sought in the highest reg-ion.
'WllCrcforc there is no doubt, but that no religion
is in that place whcrCSOO"cr :my im:l~c is. F'or, if
rclig-ioll stand in godly things, and there is no
godliness but in heavenly thill~J then be imnf,"C!'

without religion!'

'l'hcsc be Utct:l1ltius' words, L b.II.."p ,["

who was above thirteen hundred ycars llg'O, nnd

within three hundred )'cnrs after our Saviour
C.rrillu8, an old nnd holy doctor, upon the Go<:pel
of St. John lfath these words. ":Many have Icft the
Creator, and have worshi pped the creature; neither
ha\'e they been abashed to My unto a It<Jck, 1'11011 J, 11.

ort my jather; and 'Unto a It/me, l'1tou begoltelt me.

l"or many, .rea, almost all, 1I1ns lor sorrow, arc
I:lllen unto such folly, that lhey have given the
:::-Iory of deity" (or godhead) "to thinSll without
sense or feeling!'
Epiphtmius, Bi"hop of Salamine in Cypms, a
very holy and le:lrned mlln, who li\'o<l in '1'heo<logius the Emperor's time, about three hundred lint!
ninety yents :lftcr our S:wiour Christ!s ascension,
writcth thus to John, Patriarch of Jel"Us.1!em. "I
entero<l," saith Epiphanills, "into 3. certain church
to Pr:lY: 1 found. there a linen cloth hlmging ill
the chureh door, painted, And having in it the
imt:lg'C of Christ, ns it were, or of some other Saint
(for 1 remember not well whose image it was) :
therefore when 1 did sce the imng'C of It mAn hallg_
in~ in the chureh of Chri"t oontf3ry to the authority of the S('ripluw, 1 did tenr it, and ~vo
coull,;cl to the keepers of that church, that they


w w w. h a i l andf m




I. b b ...p,

The Second Part

if (he llomj1y

..hould wind a 1loor man that was dead in the 63id

cloth, and BO bury him!' And alle,rwards the
SlIme }:pillhanius, scnding' :mother unp:unted c1ot!I,
for thnt painted one which he had torn, to t1!e smd
Patriarch, writet.h thus, "I pray yOl1, wIll the
elders of that place to rcceive thi~ cloth, which I
have Bent bv this benrer, and command them that
fl'om Iwneclorth no such painted cloths, contrary
to our reli<pion, be hnnged in the church of Christ.
For it beC:mcth your goodness mthcr to IHlve this
care, that )'OU t:lke away such scrupulosity; which
is unfitting for the church of Christ, and offcllsi\'e
to the people oommitted to your charge."
And this epistlc, as worth)' to be rc'\d of m:my,
did S1. Jcrome himsclf trnnslatc into the Latin
tongue, And, that /.'e may know that S1. Jcrome
had this hol.v and earned Bishop Elliphanius in
most high estimation, and therefore did trnnslate
this epistle 3S n writing of authority, henr what a
testimony the St. Jerome g-i\'cth him in nn
other place, in his treaty agninst the errors of
John, Bishop of Jerusnlem, where he hath these
words, "'I'holl hnst," saith St. Jerome, " pope
Epiphnnius, which doth openly in his letters call
thee an heretic. Surely thou art not to be llrelerred before him, neither for nge uor Icnrning, nor
godlil1~ of life, nor by the testimOll}' of the w110Ie
And shortly after ill the &'\mc treaty
saith St. Jerome: "Bishop Epiphanius was ever
of so great vCllerntion nlld estimation, that V(llens
the Emperor," who was a great pcrsceutor, "did
not once touch llim. }~or IlCretics, being princes,
thought it their shnme, if thcy should persccute
suth a notable man." And in the Tripartite ]~cclc
siastic31 hilStory, the ninth book and forty.eighth
chapter, is testified, that ]~piphnlliug, being yet
alive, did work mirncles; llnd that, nftcr his deatll,
dc\ils being expelled at his grave or tomb did
roar, 'rhus you sec what llllthoritr St. Jcrome
and that most IIllciellt lIi~tory give unto the holy
llud IL'3rued Bishop Epiphanius: whose judgment


w w w. h a i l andf m

again,t Peril of ldlJlatry.


of images in churches nnd temples, then beginniug

by stealth to creep in, is worthy to be noted.
First, he judged it contrary to Christian religion
and the authorit.y of the Scriptures to have any
imngcs in Christ's church. Seroudly, he rejected
Dot only carved, graven, and molten im:tgcs, but
also Ilaintcd imngt.'S, out of Christ's ehurcli.
Thirdly, that he regarded not whether it were
the imng<l: of Christ or of any other Saint, but,
being an im:tgc, would 1I0t suffer it in the cllUreh.
Fourthly, that he did not ollly remove it out 01'
the church, but with a vehement zeal tare it asunder, and exhorted that a. corse should be wrapped
nlld buried in it, judging it meet for nothing but
to rot in the earth; loIlowing herein the example
of the good King Ezcchins, who brake the bntZell KI"i' .. ill.
serpent to llieces, and burned it to ashes, for thllt 4
idol:ltry was eommitk>d to it. List of' nIl, that
Epillhanius thinketh it the duly of vigilant bishollS
to be eareflll that no images be permitted in the
church, for that they be occasion of srruple and
oflenee to the pcople committed to their charge.
Now, whereas neither St. Jeromc, who did transItlte the &'1id epistle, nor the authors of that most
ancient History Ecclesiastical 'l'ripartite, who do
most highly commend Epiphallius (as is aforesaid),
nor no other godly or learned bishop lit ilmt time
or shortly after, have written any thing llgainst
Epiphanius' judgment concerning' images, it is nn
e\"ident proof that. in those dal's, which were about
four hundred years after our Sa\iour Christ, there
were no ima:;cs ]luulicl)' used and rccei\'ed in the
Chureh of Christ, which was then much less cor
rupt and more llUfC than now it is. And, where_
:lS images beb~1l at that time secretly al1d by
slealth to ereep out 01' private men's houses into
the churches, :lIld that fil'l:it ill painted cloths and
\Ialls, 611eh bi~hops ns wcrc godly and vigilllllt,
whcn they espied them, remo\"ed thcm aWlIY as
unlawful ami contrary to Chri",tian religion, as did
here Epiphnllius: to whose judgment )'OU lmvc not


w w w. h a i l andf m



I Part r:/'Ae JI. lIIil

only St. Jcrome, the tr.m~lat(lr of hi;; cpi~t1e, and

th.' writer of the lli,.tnry 'fripartite, hut aL<;o .11
the Il':lnll.'d and ~Iy bi~hops and clerk;::, rea, and
the whole Church of that ng'C, and SO up,mrd to
our Su\'iour Chri,.t's time I.y the spnce of about
four hundfC\1 rears, con~ntin~ and a~'('in~.
'l'hiti is written the more lar<l:'>~lr of Epiplmniu'l,
for that our im~'"'C mailltaincrs now a da),lI, aeeillf{
thcmtiehcs so pt'C!'~ed with this most plain nnd
cnnl(~~t act and writing of ]~piphanius, n bishop
and doctor of sllch anti{plity, holinct'S, and authority, labour by all means (hut ill nlin a~in>it the
truth) either to prove that this cllistle wa.... neither
of Elliphanius' writin:;, Mr Sf. Jeromc't1 tr:m;;lntion,
either, if it be, say they, it is of no great foJ'C(';
for this Epiph:mius, 1St.'" t1",)", was a Jew, and,
being ooll,erl...od. to the Chri",tian faith and made a
bi,;holl, retained the hntl"\.'<1 which Jews hal"c to
ima~ rlill in his mind, and ro did Dnd wrote
a,., them as a Jew, rather than as :I Christian.
o Jewi..h impudency and malice of such devisers!
It would he proved, :lIId not &'lid on1r, that ]~pi_
phallius was n Jew. }'urfhermore, ooncetlling the
rea.'I01l they make, I would ndmit it gladly. J:.~or,
if Elliphnnius' jud::rmcnt ngaill!;t ima!.,"Cil IS not to
be admitt...>d, for tllllt he was of a Jew (an cnelllY
to imn~, which be God'jj cnemiCi') oomcrled to
Chri",t's religion, then likewi~e followeth it, that
no Sl.'lItencc ill the old doewl'li and fathers BOund
ing for images ought to be of aD)' authoritr, fpr
tbat iD the primiti,"eChurch the most p3rtoflearn......t
writers, as TerlulJiao, CJprian, Ambl'06C, Austin,
nnd infinite otbe""", were of Gentiles (which be
l:uvUf\'f!; and won.hip~rs of ima.get oomerll'd to
the Chri~tian faith, and 81'llet somf't\"hat slip out of
th(ir renll ""ullclillg f,lr imag'('9', rathcr nil Vf'ntiles
Ihall Chri..lian!'l j a" }~Il;;ebillS in his II i"tory l:cclesia"ti('::ll and St.' "aith plainly, that ima b"l'8
C:lffiC til'!'it from the Gentiles to us Chri~tians. }\nd
much morlJ cloth it follow, lhllt the opinion of;U,1
the rabhll'IUl.'nt of the popit>h church, maintaining'


w w w. h a i l andf m

DjtliJul Ptril

if U



to be est~m,-d of t;lIlall or no nutho-.

rit.,-; for that it is no m30rn~1 th~t thcy, whi~h hue
from their childhood been "l'l,u~ht. up nmf)n~... t
im30ges Dnd idollS, and h3'"e drunk in idnlatry DJ.
most with thdr mother's milk, h lid with imag'el>
and idoli!, and speak and write for them. DuI. in
deed it would not be so mllch marhd, wh~ther he
were of n. Juw or n Gentilu (:OllverteJ. to Chribt'e
reliwon that writeth, ns how 1l~I"C('ably or contrarily to God's word he doth write, and so to
credit. or discredit him. Now, what God's word
snith of idols aod imagoes nnd the \\'orshippill,2' of
them, )'ou hC3rd at la'1:.'\l ill the (jtlit P:lrt of thi.
St. Ambf'O!'(' in lib t~lv of the drolh of Tlll'Q_
dosius the EmfK'rur saitl;: 'l Udclle found the
Cf'Ol;S and the title on it: shc worsbiJlped the Kill,2'.
and not the wood surely, for that is an cthni"h
error and the "unity of the 1\;cL:(.od, but she \\"(,1rshipped him that. hall~ on the cro~, and whOt'('
nnme was written in the title:" and 80 forth.
hoth the godly Empress' filet, and St. Amh~'
judgment. ut oncc. 'I'bey thollA'ht. it had OCoeD an
hcatheni",h error and vanity of the wicked to hn\"t~
worshippl'd the cross iGclf, whieh was emurued
with our Saviour Christ's own preciolls blood: llnd
wc fall down before cver.'" croS"s piccc of tilllUcr,
which is but an imll&"C of thnt <:n:.~".
St. ,AUgUlStillc, the I,e~t le:lrlll'd of all ancient
doctortl, in his forlrfourlll Epi:.t1c to :l[aximu,>
snitb: .. Know thou, that none of the dL'3d, our
an.)' thin~ that is made of (i.x1, i~ wor..hipl>t.od as
God of the catholic Chri"tiall", of whom there is a
Church lll.;O in )"our to,,'n." Xote that by St.
Au~ine such liS won,hiJlPL'(1 till' Ut'3d or erL'lltuw
be DO catholic Christian". 'fhe t'31lh' St.\Il~~_
t:ne tenc1wth, in the tWL'nt,--SL'l'(mu book of till'
City of God, the tenth chaph'r, that neither tcmIlle:. or churches ought to ~ builtlcd or made jilr
:.\fnrtrrs or aint~, but to God nllllH' j llnd thl!
there ought. 110 jlriL'SIt; to Oe llppointcu /;lr \lurtyr
K 5

;1:J:)agt'l=, oUA'ht



w w w. h a i l andf m


TIle SM"lIl Part

0/ lie J[1J.j/~

or Saint, but to God only. 'rile 83me 51. I\U~U~_

tin~ in his book: of the )131111('l'$ of the C:ltbohc
Cbureh hath t.hese words: .. I know that many be
worsllippcrs of tombs and pictures; I know that
there be man)" th3t banquet most riotously o,'cr
the f,'1'3\"C!I of the dead, Rnd, g;,"ing lllC3t to dead
eat'Cll!lCS, do bury thcm,;eln.'8 upon the buried, and
attribute their gluttony nnd drunkenness to reliA'ion." Sce, he cstccmeth worshipping of Saints'
lambs and pittures as good rcli{,,'ioll
I ~

,.. d'

,ap, J'.



and drnnkt'llllcss, and no better at alL St. Augustine ~rcatly allowctJl )la!"Cus Varro affirmiuA' that
religion is most pure without im::lgt!S.

And saith

himsclf:" Images be of morc force to crookcn an

u~~~...iliL unhapJl)" I'oul than to lcseh :md instruct it!' And
I, "'*b&.

6:lIith furtlll:r: Every' child, .rea, (',"cry bca:.t knowcth that it. i3 not God that they see. Wherefore
then dotlt the 1I0ly Ghost so often moni"h us of
th:1t whieh all men know?" Whereunto t. Augtu.tine him,,;elf answeretb thus: ., }~or," 63ith he,
"whclI imllg\-"9 are Ill:lced ill temples, nnd set in
hOlloun.ble sublimity, and be<o';n onOO to be worshiplll.'<i, forthwith brl.(.'deth tlle most "ill' nflCction
of error!' This is St. Augu.stine's judgment 01"
imag'Cs ill churches, thnL by and by they breed
error rind idolatry.
] t would be too tedious to rehearse all other
places which might be broll~ht out of the ancient
doctors a,.,"'9.illit imagt.'>I and idolatry: wherefore wc
shall hold ourself contented with the:;e few at this

Now as concerning nistoriC!" EcclesillStical touching this mnttCf, that )'Oll may know \\'h~' and when
and by whom im~""'eS were first used p""atcly,and
aflcrwlll'tls not only recein'(! into the Chri"tiang'
churches and temples, but ill concluslon wOl'lSbil'ped
al,;(), antI how the same Wll gainsaid, resillted, and
forbidden, Il8 well by godly bi..hops and leamed
dottors, liS 31..0 by liulu.lry Chrilltinu prillCC8, I
will brieOy collect into n comJ>Cllllious history th:1t
whjr.:h ill at large nud in sundry places written by


w w w. h a i l andf m

Q!Jain,t Pcril 0/ Idolatry.



:mdcnt writers und hisloriogrnphers con_

l.'Crning this matter.

As the Jews, having most plain :llld eXllrI:!sS

comm:lIIdmcllt of Ood that they should neither
make nor worship any image (as it is at large
before dedared), did notwithstanding, b.y the oxample of the Gontilm! or hcathell people that dwelt
about them, filii to the making of' im:lgeB and \\-Ofshipping of' them, and 80 to the committin'" of
most auominnblc idolatry; for the which
his holy Prophets doth most sharply reprove and
thre:l.lcll them, and afterward did nccomplish his
said thrcatcnings by extreme punishing of tllCrn
(as is :llso abovo spccificJ) j ovcn 80 some of the
Christians in old time, which were OOll\'crtro from
worshipping of idols :md false ~ unto the truc
living God and to Ollf Saviour Jesus Christ, did or
11 ccrtain blind zenl, and as men long' necustomcd
to im:'lgcs, point or carve im:'lgcs of our Saviour
Christ, his mother Mary. and of the AP08tICfl,
thinking' that this was a point of' gratitude and
kindness towards those by whom they had recei"ed the t rllc knowledgc of God and the doctrine 01' the Ooslle!. Uut these pictures or images
came not yet into ehurchcs. 1J0r werc not worshipped of a long time :liler,
And, letit }'on should think th:lt I do sny this
of mine own head only without :luthority. I ullege
101' me Eusebius. Bishop of Ces.'l.rea nnd the most
:lndcnt author of' the Ecclesi:l"tienlllistorr, (who
li"ed about the three hundred :'111(1 thirtieth yell I'
of our l.1Ortl. in Consbntinus Mllgnus' days. and his
son Const:mtius, ]~mpcrors,) in the se,'cnth book
of' his l1i~tory l:e<:lesiastic.'l.I. the fourtccnth c:hnpter, :md St. Jerome 1l1}()1l the tenth chapter of' the
Prophet Jeremy; who I}()th expressly (my. thllt
the error" of images (for so St, Jerome C:llleth
it) "hath" come in and" pa8!ioou to the Christians from the Gentiles by:'ln heathenish use"
I1nd clI!;:tom. 'l'he eause and means ]~lIscbitls shewcth, saying. "It. is no Ill:'lrvcl if the}" which being



w w w. h a i l andf m


Tlte &cond Pu.rl 0/ the llomilg

Gentiles before nnll did bclicnl Eccmcd to ollcrthis

as a gift tlnto ollr SrHjour for the benefits which
the)" had received of llim. Yea, and wc do sce
now that imu!!'CS of Peter and Paul :md our Saviour
himself be m~dc, and tables to be painted: which
me think to have been obscn'cd and kept indir~
tercntly by 3n hc.'l.t hen ish custom; for the heathen
are wont so to honour them whom they judged
honour wort.hy. }~or that some tokens of oid mell
,;hould be kc-pt for the remcmbrnnce of posterity is
II token of their honour that were before, :md the

lo\'e of those that come after." Thus far I have

rtlhearscd Euscbius' words. "llcrc note )'0, that
both St. Jerome and be n~e herein, that these
imar,,"CB cume in amongst Christian men b)' such 3S
were Gentiles and accustomed to idols, flud, I,)cing
t'onvcrted to the failh of Christ. retained >'ct 60me
r~mn:lIlb; of Gentility not throughly purged; for
St. Jcromc callcth it:m ( t error" mnnifbstl.y. And
the like examplc we sec, in the Acts of the Apostles. of the Jcws: who, when they wcre con"crtc<l
to Christ, would have brou'i(lht in their circumcision
(whereunto tlley werc 60 oug accustomed) with
them into Chri"t!1i r{'li~ion; with whom the Apostlcs, nmnely St. Puul, had much ado for the stayiuf:' or that matter. But or circumcision was 1l$S
man'el, for thut it came first in by God's ordiu:mcc and commandment. A nUll) may mo~t
justly wonder of ima~, 60 directly agnin~t God's
holy word and str-ut commandment, how they
should enter in. Dut imaf,"'cs were not yet wor_
1l11ipped in Eusebius' time. nor publicly set up in
ehurches and tcmples; and they who privntely
11:11 t.hem did err or a certain zeal, :IlU] not b,'
malicc: but afterwards they crept out or priltatc
hOllsl'S into churche~, :l1ld ~o bl"L>d first SUllCr<it:tion
:l11d last of nil idolatry amongst Chri.,;tialls. as
hcrrolter shallnplwM.
In the time of'l'hoodo"ius :llld :\farliau, Empcro:-s,
who reigned about tlle yenr of our Lord 460, and
elc,'cn hundred yenrs a~o, when the I}('<)ple of" the


w w w. h a i l andf m


Perit if Idolatr.


city of Nob once a fCflr did cclcb1"<ltC the birthday

of St. Fclix in the temple, nnd used to b:lIlqnct tll!rc

flUmptuously, Pontius Paulinus, Bishop of Kola,

caused the walls of the temple to be painted with

stories taken out of the Old 'l'cstnmcnt, that the
people, beholding' and cOIl!<idcring those pictuI"Cs,
might the better abstain from too much sllrfcitiug and riot. And ahout the same time Aurelins
Prudentius, a \"ery lC3mcd and ChrilSti:1ll poet,

dcclnrcth how he did sec painted in a church the

history of the passion of St. Cnssian, a school.
mnster and m:lrlyr, whom his own scholars, at the
commandment of the tyrant, tormented with the
pricking or stttbbillg in of their poilltels or brazen
pens into his body, :md so by n thousand wounds
and mo (as saith Prudent.ius) mOst eruclly slew him.
And t.hese were the first paintings in churches
that were Iloltlble of allticr..ity. And so by this
example came in painting, and afterward im:lge8
of timber alld stone and ot.her maUt!r, into the
churches of Christians.
Now, and ye will consider this beginning, mCIl
::Ire not so rcady to worship (l. picture on a wall or
in a window, 1UI all embossed and gilt image, set
with Jlearl and stolle. And a process of a story
]lllinted with the gestures :md actions of many
persons, and commonly the sum of tho stOI'y writtcn
withal, hath another usc in it than onc dumb idol
or ima~ standing by itself. l3ut from learning by
paint.ed stories it ealllc by little and liUlc to idolatry. Which when godly mell, as well emperors
and learned bishops as others, perceived, they commanded that such pictures, ima::::-ea, or idols should
be BSed no more. And I will, for a declaration
thel'C'C.lf, bcgin with the uecree of the ancient Chri~_
tiall Emperors Valcns and 'l'hcodosius the Second,
\\ ha reigned about four hundrccl )'ears after our
Saviour Chrio;t's ascension, who forbad that all)'
images should be made or pninted primtely; for
..'<!rtuin it is that tlll're \\'a~ none in temllles publicly in their time. '!'he".e Emperors did write 1I11to


w w w. h a i l andf m


'l'he Second Part

0/ (ne llomily

the Cllpl:!in of the Arm'" nitf'nding on t11e Em

perors after this sort. <e Ynll'lls l\ud 'l'hco<lo",ius,
Emperors, un!otllc Cupttlin ofthc Arm..... "'here
fiS wc have n dilig'cnt carc to mnintain the religion
of God ubo,'c in all things, we will grant to no
mlln to !'ct forth, ~r:tVCJ Ctln"c, or pllint the imn&"C
of our Saviour Christ in colours, stone, or all,\'
other maUet; but, in what pl:ace socver it shall
be found, wc command that it be taken away, llnd
HUlL :lll 611Ch as shnll attempt anything contrary
to our decrees or commandment heroin sllllll be
most shnrply punished!' 'l'his dcercc is written
in the books n:lI11ct! Libri Au~ustalcsJ the lmllcrial
nooks, ~thercd by 'l'riboni:lllUS, ll~ilidcsJ 'l'hcophilu!.!, Dioscorus, and Slitira, men of grout authority llnd !cllrning, at the comm:mdment of the emperor Justinian j and is 311<'gcd by Pet rus Crinitus,
a notable learned man, in the ninth uook :lIId ninth
chapter of his work entitled De 110nest:\ Disciplill:t,
that is to s.'1y, Of Honest Learning. Here rou sce
what Christian llrinces of mOi>i aneient times decreed ag'llinst ima~, which then beglm to creep
in amongst the Christians. :For it is ccrw.ill thut
b.\' the spacc of three hundred ~ears and more after
the denth of our Sa\'iour Christ, 311d before these
~(}dl)' Emperors' reign, there were no images publicly in churches or templeso J low would the
idolaters glory, if they had so mlleh alltiquit), and
lluthoritr lor them, as is here against them!
Now shortly all er these <Ia,Ys the Ooth!!, Van_
dals, Huns, and other oorbarous and wiek..'<1 nations burst into lt~\ly :tnd all p:..rts of the West
COllntries of El!ropc with huge and might)' armies,
flllOiled all places, destroyed cities, lllld burued
librllries j 80 that lC:lrning and true religion went
to wmek, and dcca)cd in~rl'diblyo And SO the
l!ishops of those latter days being of less Icaruilw
and ill the middle of wars taking less het.'t1 al~~
tlmn (lid thc bishops afore, hy ignornncc of God's
word and negligencc of hishops, and splx:iully
barbarous princcs Iwt right!)O illstrudl.'<1 In tNIl


w w w. h a i l andf m


l'uit of jj/utalr!J.


lX'ligion h('arin~ the rule, imag'('8 eamc into the

Church of Christ in thc said 'Vest parl~, where
the~e barbrm)Us pCQple ruled, not IlOW in painl('d
cloths onl.\, but ('mhosscd in stone, timber, mebl,
:l1Id other like matter; and were not only set up,
but bcr,,"l1n to be worshipped also. And therefore
Serentls, ni~hop of Massile, the head town of
Gallia Narhollcllsis (now called the Province), a
godly and learned man, who WitS about six hundred fears after our Saviour Christ, seeing the
pcople by occasion of images fall to mo".t a1>o.
minable idolatry, brake to piee('s flll the images
of Christ flnd Saints which were in that city j and
was th('relore complained upon to Gre,l,'ory, the
first of that name Bishop of Rome, who wall the
first learned bishop lhat did allow the open h:wing
of imnges in churches, that can be knowll by any
writing or history of :l11tiquily.
And upon this Grcgory do all image worshippers nt this dny ground their dcfl'lIce. llut, ns
all things that be ami8S 1111\0 from a tolerable beginning grown worse nnd worse, till ther at the
last became untolorable, so did this malter of
inmgcs. First men IIsed llrivately stories pnillted
in tables, cloths, and walls; afwrwardil gross and
embossed im:lgcs Ilrimtcly in their own houses.
Then nnerwnrds pictures first, and after them
emhossc<1 images, begnn to creep into churchel;,
lcamod and godly men c\er speaking tlg':linst them.
Then by 11,;0 it was openly maintained th:lt t.hey
might be in churches, but ret. lorbiddcn that
they should be worshipped. Of whieh opinion
was Grc~ry, as by the Sl.lid Gre&"Ory's Epistle
to the lorCllllmcd Serenus, lli~hop of M:I~ile,
plainly nppearcth; which ]~pistle is to be IOlllld
in the book of the Epistles of' Gregory, or Uet;ister, in the tenth part of the fburlh Epistle,
\\ here he hnth these words: I t That thou diddcst
lurbid images to be wor~hippcd, we praise :l.lto_
g'lther; lout thnt thou didtlcst break them, wc
blame. }'or it. is one t.hing to wOll.lhip the picture,


w w w. h a i l andf m


TAe Second Part of tlie Tfomi!;;

Ilud another thing by the picture of the storr to

learn what is to be wo~hipped. For, that whicll
Scripture is to them tbat read, the S3lne doth
pic:ture perform unto idiots" (or the unlearned)
"beholding:" and so forth. And aner a few
wQrds: ({ 'l'hercfore it should not have been broken, which was set up, not to be worshipped in
churehes, but only to instruct the minds of the
And a little after: Thus thou
f'houldest ha\'e said, If you will ha\"e imngc" in
the church for that instruction wherefore they
were made in old time, I do permit that the)"
may be made, and tllat you may have them, And
f'hew them that not the sight of the story which
is opened by the picture, but that wo~llipl)illg
which was mcolweniently given to the pictures,
did mislikc you. And if any would make images,
not to forbid them, but avoid by all means to worship any im~""C." Dy these senlence,. taken heN
:lIld there out of Gregory's Epistle to Serenus, (fOl'
it were too 101lg to rehearse t.he whole,) re may
tmderstand whereunto the matter wn" now come,
six hundred rears after Christ; that the having
or ima~ or pictures in the Churehca were then
mainwined in the West part of the world (for they
were not so froward yet ill the East Church), but
the worshipping of them was utterly forbidden.
And )'ou may \\ithal note, that seeing is no
ground for won.hipping or imnges in Gregory's
writing, but a. Illain condemnation thereof, t.hat
such os do 1V0rship im3~ do unjustly nllcl-,"C
Orcgory for them. And further, if imngcs in the
Church do not teach mcn, 3ccol1lill~ to Gregory's
mind, but rather blind thcm, it lollowcth that
images !'hould 1I0t be in thc chureh br hig scn
tence, who only would thcy should be plat'Cd thel't~
to t.llC end that they mig-ht tench thc i"'no.r::tnt.
Wherefore, if it be dt"tlared th3t imu!!CS h~ve been
ftnd be \\"on.hillped, and also that they tem;h Mthing bllt errors and lies, (which shall by God'"
gl'll.ce hereaflcr be done,) I trlliit that lhen l,,\.


w w w. h a i l andf m



r:f Id ,laIr!!,


G~r)'a own dctemlinatioll oIl imn".~ :and

ima;"t.'-wor--hippers shall be overthrown,
But in the meall sro..~n Gre~r:r's :1Uthoritv
was so ~reat in all thc West Church, that by hf",
cncour3gt'ml'nt Illell set up images in all places:
but tllt'ir judgment was not so good to cou!:'ider
why he would ha\'c them set up, but tlu'}' fell alJ
on heaps to manife:<t idol:ltry by wonthipping of
them, whieh Bishop Serenlls (not without just
e::tIlMl) f....ilrc<! would come to pass, Now, if SeremlS his jud~lIlent, thinking it. meet that imagt'll
whereunto idolatry was committed should he destroyed, had taken pl:lcc, idolatry Imd been overthrown; for to that whil.'h is 1I0t no man committeth idolatr)t. But ofG~rr's opinion, think
ing that ima~ mi~ht be l;ullired in churelJ(~~, so
it were taught that the}" shoultl not be won.hipped,
what ruin of rt.'li2ion and what mi:>Okief ensued
aft:enmro to all Chri~tendom, experience hath to
our grt.'llt hurt. and SOrTOW proved: first, by the
schi"rn n"ing- lJctwcen the EalSt nnd the West
Church abollt the said imngcs; next, by the di\'ision of the Eml,irc into two Jlarts by the ~ame
oeenlSion of im1l6"Cs, to the great weak..ningo or ull
Christf'lIuom j whereby, last or nil, llath followed
the utter o\'crthrow or the Christilln reJig-ion und
noble Empire in Greece and nil the East parta of
the world, nnd the cncren,;e of ~rnhomet'8 false
religion, and the cruel dominion and t.rrnnllY of
the S:lr3l~nS and Turks; \\ ho do now h:ang over
our IINkB al;;o tlint dwell in the West parts of the
world, ready at all oceao<ions to o\'errun us. AHU
all this do we owe unto our idol!! and images nnd
our idolatry in won;hipping of them.
But now gi\'e .r0u ror a little to the pJ'OCe'l8 oC
the hi"toryo Wherein I do mueh follow the lIi~_ !':II:..... Lb,
tones of i>;mlus Dil1collus Blld others joined with i':''':'~:1IL
Eutropius, an old writer: for, tholl~h Will' of the
authors were In\'ourcrs of im:l~'ij, )Oet do till')' most
plainly lllld at larb"'C pro~eeut(l the hi~torie>l of those
times: whom Btllltist Platil\tl also in his History


w w w. h a i l andf m


'IU. C",,

....,"nl <1
GftlI. 11.

The &collll Part of the J1IJJlIi/g

of POpc3, as in tho Li\es of Constnntine and Grc

g'Ory the Second, Bishops of Rome, and otbl'r
places where he entrealeth of this matter, doth
chielly follow, After Gregory's time, Consb.mtine,
Bishop of Rome, assembled a Council of bishops in
the We,;t Church, ;md did condemn Philippicus,
then Emperor, aud John, Bi/,ho]) of Constantinople,
of' the heres)' of tho Monothelitcs, not without a
cause indeed, but very justly. When he had so
done, by the consent 01' the Icarned about him,
the said Constautine, Bishop of Rome, caused the
images of the ancient fathers, wbieh had been ai
those six Councils which were allowed and received
of all men, to be painted in the entry of S1. Peter':,
church at Rome. When the Greeks had know~
ledge hereof, they be~m to dispute and reason tht.:
matter of images with the Latins, and held this
opinion, that imflh~ could have no place in Christ',;
Church; t1nd the Latins held the controry, and
took part with the imll~. So the E3st and West
Churches, which agrccu c\'il before, upon thi.s con
t('ntioll about images fell to utt('r enmity, whieh
was never well reconciled ret, But in the mC:Ill
H.'nSOIl IJhilippicus nud Arlhemius or Anusttlsius,
Emperors, commanded images and pictures to 00
)lIIl1ed down find ra:;cd out in every pbw of thcir
domillion, After them came 'l'hcodosius the 'l'hird:
he commnnded the det'ilcc<l ima~es to be painted
n.;ain in their places. But this 'l'heo<!Ql;.ius reigned
but onc )'cnr. Leo, tho t11ird or that nnmc, sne
(:~cded him; who was n Syrian born, :~ Vtry wise,
WXJ.lY, merciful, and "aliant princc. 'I'hib Lco by
)lroclamntion commHu<!l'<i, that nil imnf,"l'fi ~<:t up ill
ehnrchcs to be wot'llhippl'<i should be plucked dowll
nlld defaced, and rl'<llIired specially tho llishOJ> or
R()me that he should do thc snme; and him,;clf in
the me31l ~on cnust.'() nil images thnt were ill the
imperial city Constnntinople to be b"l1thercd on nn
Iwap into the middle of the city, and thero publicly burned them to a"hcs, and whited O\'CT and
r:lSl'<1 out nil pictures painted upon the wnll,; of tilt'


w w w. h a i l andf m

ogQi"~f P~ril of Iduwf,..


temples, Dod punished sharply di\'ers ffi:1iotainerw

of images, And, when 60mc did herefore report
him to be a. trrant, he :1nswered, that sueh of all
other were mQ<;!; justly punished, which neither
worshipped God aright, nor regarded the imperilll
Dlnjesty llnd authority, but maliciously rebelled
:lgainst wholesome :lnd profit3ble laws. "Then
Gregoriul!, the third of that name Dig'hop of Rome,
heard of the Eml>Cror'S doings ill Greece concerning imagl's, he assembled n. Council of Italian
bi.-;hops nhrninst him; and there made decrees for
im3;:"'\.'S, and that more re\"erenoo and honour should
)'ct be g1\"erl to th('m than was IJcfore; and stirred
up the Italians against. the Emperor, first :It Itavenna, nnd mo\'oo th('Dl to reb...llioo. And, as
Aw:p~!,jg and Anthoniu8 Dishop of }loren('('
testilY in their Chroniell:<, he eaw,OO Rome :In,l
Illl Italy at the la.-;t to refu.!ie their olJedience alul
th(' pa}Dl('nt (If 3ll)' more trilmtc to t1w Emperor,
Ilud 60 by tn'aBOn and rel>cllion mllilltllilled thtir -r- .....
idolatry. Which e:mmple other bishops of RomQ ::u..:.:-~.
have continually followt-d and gone through witlllll 1most stoutly.
Aftcr thill Leo, wllich reigned thirty four years,
Illlccecded his 80n Constantlne the l'ifth; who, after
his father's (,xllmple, kept images out of the km)lles. And, b<>ing mo,"oo with the Coullcil whicll
Grcgory had lL"6Cmbled in Italy for imag('S aWlill~t
llis father, he also assembled a Coullcil of all tlu,)
ll'anlOO ml:l1 and bishops of Asia and Greoo:;
although I!l"'me writers pl3CC thi.; Council in L'O
l~uricus his father's latter da)'s, In this gttolt
asscmbl~ thel' P:lt in Council from thc fourth of A ( ..... -lI
tbe ldus of FdmlalJ' to the mlh of the ldw uf':,..
Au~t, and IIlllde concerning the use of ima:.""
thi:,; dl'Ct'CC: "It is not lawful for them that l.c1inll
ill God through Jesus Christ to have any im:lgt'f'.
neither of the Creator nor of any creature,", ~t up
in temples to be worshipped; but rnther thot 1111
im:lge8, by the lnw of God and for the uvOillillg or
OllCIlCC, oug-ilt to be bll.en out 01' churches." And


w w w. h a i l andf m


0, ~:ltuo.

The &cond Part <!ffll.:' firm/if"

this decree \\"as ex.ecuted in all ]>]accs \dlCrc any

imagoes were found ill Asia or Greece. And the
EmllCror sent the dcterminlltiou of thi~ Council
holden at Constantinople to Paul then Bishop ot
ltomc, and commanded him to cast all images out
of the churcllCs: which he, trusting ill th~ friend_
ship of Pipinc, n mi~hLy princc, refused to do.
And both ho and his ~uccessor Stcphanus the
'l'hird J w110 nsscmblcd nnothlr Council in Italy
f.lf illmgts, condemned the Em!lcror :md the
Coullcil of Constantinople of hcrc,;y; nnd made
u decree, that <t the holy im3gcs" (for so they
called th('m) of Christ, the blessed Yirgin. and
(lthcr Saints wore indeed worthy honour and
worshipping. When Cousinntinc was dead, Leo
the Fourth his son reigned aller him; who mar_
ried a woman of the city of Athens, mUlled 'l'hco_
dorn, who nlso was called Ilircnc, by whom he
hnd a SOil, nnmed Collstnntinc the Sixth; and,
d)'ing whilst his son was yet young, left tlUl
regiment of the empire nnd go\'crn:lIIOO of his
)'Ollllg son to his wife Ilirene.
'l'hC>ie things
were done in the Church about the yenr of our 760.

Noto llcre, I prny )'Oll, in this prOC('Ss of tllC

story, thnt in the church<'S of Asia and Grcccc
there wcre no im3g'CS publicly by the space of
almost seven hundred ye3t'S, And there is no
doubt but the primiti\'e Church next the Apostles' times was IllOst pure. Note :11"0, that when
the contention began about imag-cs, holY of six
Christiall ]~lIlperors, who were the chief maf:'il'trntcs hy God's law to be oOO)'ed, only one, which
W::IS 'l'h('()(loslllS (who reigned but one fenr), held
with im3~, All the other Emperors, and all
the l('ftrnl'tl men and hi~hops of tho cast Church,
nnd that in :li:'scmblcd Councils, condcmned them;
be,.ides t110 tll'O Emperors bclortl mentioned, Valens
Dnd 'l'hcodosius the Scoond, who were long bcloro
these times, who str:litly forbad that any im:J~
Fhould be made, And universally aller this time


w w w. h a i l andf m


Peril of Idolatry.


all 111e Em!}()rors of Crecee, only 'l'heodosius ex_

t.>cpted, destroyed continually all ima~. Now
on the contrary llart llote .re, that tlJC Bishops of
Home, being no ordinllry magistrates appointed of
God out of their diocese, but usurpers of princes'
iHlthority contrnr)' to God's word, were the m:lilltainers of imag'CB against God's word, alld stirrers
up of sedition and rebellion and workers of oontinual treason lIg'3inst their soYereigll lords, contrary to God's law and t110 ordinanccs or all human
laws, being not only enemies to God, but also
rebels and traitors ngninst their princes, 'fhesc
be the first bringers in of images openly into
churches j these be the mailll:l.incrs of them in
the churches; and these be the means whereby
they have maint:l.ined them, to wit, conspirney,
tre350n, and rebellion ng:linst God IInd their
Now to proceed ill the history most "'orthy to
be known. ]n the 1l0llllgc of Con!;t:1IItinc the
Sixth, the Empress lIirene hi9 motller, in whose
hands tho regiment of the empire rcmuined, was
g()\'crned much by the adviec or 'l'hcodore, Bishop,
and 'J'hnrasius, Palrinrch of Constillltinoplc, who
prl\eti~ed ami held with the Bishop of Rome ill
mnilllailling of images most. enl'ncstly. .uy whosc
counsel :l1ld entreaty the EmprCi;B first most
wickedly digged up thc body 01' her fnther in law
COlllit:lIItino the firth, :1IId commnnded it to be
openly burned, :lIld the nshes to be thrown into
the ~a, Which cxample (as tllC constant report
gocth) had. like to ha\'C been plit in practice \\ it.h
princes' l'Orse9 in our days, had the authorit)' of'
the holy father oontinuo<l but a little IOIl~r, 'fhe
cause why the .Empre~s J Iirene thus used her father
in law wa;;, for that he, when Ilc was n1i\'c, hnd
dcstroyed imngcs, and had taken awny the sumpt.UOUS ornamcnts of churches, saying that Christ,
whose temples they Wt"re, nlloll'ed po\'erty and not
pearls nnd JlI'e<:ioIlS stoncs. Afterward the said
Jlircue, at tile pcr:iUn:.ioll of Adrian, Bishop of


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Second Part qf the ]fUII/it!/

Rome, Ilnd Pim] the Patriarch of CoII!>t:mlinoplc,

and his slIcces:;or 1'lmra~iusJ rL'<SCmbled a Council
of the bishops of kin llnd GrC<'<'c nt the city
Kirel; where, the Bishop of Uome'li legates l>cil1~
pwidcnts of the Council, and ordcl'ing 311 thing'''
a", thq listt.'<1, the Council \\hidl was n.,,;sembk'<1
l,clorc under the Emperor Con~tml!ine the Fifth,
:lIId had decreed that all inl:lgt-'S should be deA.ser-,h_t "trorcd, was condemned as an heretic:!1 Council
::="p~ alJ(f;l~mblc, and a decree Wll8 mnde, thnt imagcli
"hOllld be set lip ill nil the churches of Grcc<:c,
and that hOllour and won.;hip alJ>O should be given
unto the &'lid images. And so the Empre.."ill,
sparing no diligence in setting up of im:lgt.'S nor
('(1st in dcckin/-r them ill nil churehcs, m:ule ConstHlltinople within a. short time altogether likQ
Rome itself, And IlOW )'OU mny sec that cummcn
to pass which Di~hop Scrcnus Icnrcd, nnd Grtf,"OI'y
the .Fin;t forbad ill \"uin, to wit, that imagcB should
in 110 wise be wo~hilJped, }'or now not only the
:-imple lllld IIn\\+~I.', unto whom im~'""C!" (ns the
SCriptures teach) Le spe<:inlly a snnrc, but the
bishops and learned mell nl",o, f:lll to idolatry by
occasion of images, )'ca, and make decrees and
luw8 also for the mnintcnanoo of the same, So
hard is it, and indeed impossible, any loug time to
ha\"e images IlUblicly in chun.:hcs find temples
\"ithout idolatry; as by the spaoo of little 1lI0re
Ilmn onc hundred years betwixt Grc:.,"Ory the :Fin;t
forbidding most straWy the worshipping ofimagcs,
alld Grcgory the 'l'hird, }>aul, and Leo tho'l'hird,
Bishops of Homc, with this Council, commalldin~
and decreeing thnt imngcs should be worshiplX-.J,
most cvidently appcnretb.
Xow, when COllst:mtille the )'o\1ng Emperor
('nme to the age of twenty yCUl'8, he wns daily ill
It>s and k'lolS Ct;timatiOIl, .For such as were about
hill mother IlCtllunl.I..d her, that it was God's dctermination that she shuuld reign alonc, and not
her I;on with her. 'fhe flmbitious woman, believing
the same, dl'Ilri\"ed her SOli of all imperial dignity;


w w w. h a i l andf m

agai1lal Peril qf Idolatr!l.


nml compelll!d all the men of war with their cnpt:lins to swear to her, that ther would not Butler
lU:'f son Const:mtinc to reign during her lilc.
With which indi~nitr the youllg' prince being
1ll0\'OO rccO\'crct! the regiment of the empire unto
him~lf by force; and being brought up in true
]'c1igion in his father's time, seeing OIC superstition of his mother Hircnc and the idolatry
committed by imllges, cast down, brake, and
burned all the idols :1IId imllg'C8 that his mother
Ilad set up. But, within a fcw )'C31'$ after, llircnc
the Empress, t..lkcll again into her son's favour,
aller she had persuaded him to put out.Niccphorus
his uncle's eyes, and to cut out the tongues of his
four other uncles, and to forsake his wife, :md by
such metlns to brillS' him in hatred with nil his
suhjeets, now further to declaro that she was no
('hltngding, but the same woman that had before
digge<t up :nul burned her l:lther in lnw's body,
lInd that she would be ns natur.11 a mother us she
hud been kind .laughter, seeing the images which
she loved so well, and had with so great cost set
up, daily destroyed by her son the Emperor, lly
the help of certain good companions deprived her
tlon of the empire; uud first, like a kind and lovillg'
mother, put out both his eyes, and laid him in pri.
8011; wllere, after long and mallY torments, she at
tho last most emellr slew him. In this History
joined to Lntropins lt is written, that tho sun was
tlarkened by the space of seventeen days most
I'trlll1gdy and dreadfully, and that all men said,
that for the horribleness of that cruel and UIluatul1Il fact of lJircne, and the putting out of the
Lmperor's cyes, the SUIl had lost his light. Bllt
indeed God would signi(y by t.he darkness of tho
sun, into what dnrknl'5s nnd blindness of ignoranoo
:md idolatry nil Christendom should fall by the
neeasion 01' imogcs, tho bright sun of his eternal
tmth, and light. of his holy word, by the mists :md
black clouds of men's traditions being blemished
lInd darkenro: as by SUlldr}' most terrible earth.


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Secontl Part

0/ the J[omil!l

quakes happening about the smile time God Id,!:;.

!lified, that the quiet sbtc of tnle rdi~ion should

by such idolatry be most horribly tossed lI11d turmailed.
And here fOU may set: what n gmCiouB nnd virtuous In.dy this llirCIlC W"", how loving a lliC<."C to
her husband's uncli:s, how kind 11 mother ill law to
her son's wife, how loving a daughter to her father
in law, how Ilatural a mother to her own SOil, and
what n l;tout :1IId \"llli:lIIt captain the bi.-;hops of
ltomc had of her for the sell illg up and main_

tenance of their idols or images. Surely ther

could not have found a mcctcr patron lor the
maintenance of such a matter than this 1lircllc;
whose ambitiOll and desire of'rule Wt18 insntiablc,
whose treason, continually studied and wrought,
was most. abo'.minable, whose wicked and unll:lturlll
cruelty llu---sed )Iedea :Illd Prog-ne, whose deLe-
bble parricides IJU\'e ministered mnttcr to poets
t.o write their horrible lrngcdies, And yet certain historiogrnllhcrs, .....ho do put in writinJ :tll
these her hOIrible wickeducss, for lo\'e the>' had to
images, which she maiu(;lined, do prJise her as 11
~ly mpres8 and :IS S<!lIt from God, Sudl i...
the blilldlleS8 of lithiC supen>lilioll, if it once take
JlOSSCi>l;ion in a mail's mind, t1mt it will both dl'
dare the \'ices of wicked princes, nnd a!,;o com.
mend Olem, But, not long :Iner, the said Jlirene,
I eing sll.o;pccteu to tllc princes and lords or Grel'C\:
or treason in alienating the empire to Clmrlt.~ killg'
of the Franoolls :\IId lor pmcti.l>ing' a St.,<:rct mar
riage bctw~n herselr :lIld the 6tIid king, :Illd lJt.itw
(:on"ictcd of the same, was by the s:lid lords d:posed and deprived 3gaill of the empire, and curri..od into exile into the island Lc,;bos, where bite
ended her kll'd life.
While,,; thetiC lrag'Cdies 3bout images were thus
in working in Grel.,(.'c, the slime question of till:
llse of ima:."CS in churches bctrlll to 00 mon'll in
~Ilain 3150. #\.nd at Elibcry, a noble city llOW
~~:~~.:..e. ('lIUed Grnllatc, was a Council of Sllll.lli.=;h bishollS


w w w. h a i l andf m

tJ!Jailul Pml

0/ ['["I.,fry.


:tlld utlu:r It";lrlll-d men 3,~mhlcd; and there, l'lrtu

I"ng ddil*mtion and dckating of the matter, it


conduded at length of the whole Council

after this wrt in the t1lirtf-gidh article: I t We oe.r-oIU,.

think that pictures ou~ht not to be in churches, ~';"~odl~
le,,;t that whi('h is hOllourt.a or worshipped be
painted 011 wall..." Ami ill the fort.rfirst canOll

of that Coullcil it is thus written: "We thought

:""ood to lldmonilih the fllil hl'ul, that, as much



them licth, the)' suffer no illl:l~ to he in their

hou!'es: hilt, if they fear nllY violence of their scr
"ants, ut the I('nsl let them kct'!> thl'msch'l's c1l':ln
and l'Ur'C from im:l~; if tlu.')" do not so, let tlll.:m


llooJUnh.'() 0lJ nOlle

of the Church."

Note here,

T pray JOIl, how 11 whole and wrot country in the

"'e:;l :md South 1>3~ of ]~urope. llrort:r to It',mc
:I 4reat denl th:m to Gn.'(.....' tl in &ituatioll of plnl.'e,
do :lk-'T\.'C with the Greeks RWlint-t image;.:. :md
do not onl\' forLid them in churthC:ll. Lut also in
pri\-ate, and do cxcommunicate them that
do the Ctllltrarr, And another Council of tl10 \-tt ..... her
le:lrnro men of all Spain lllso, called Concilium ~I~
'l'(,let:lIlllm Duoof.'Cimulll, decreed :lIld determined
likl'wise ilg'tlill:4 imnges and imuh"C worshipJll.'I'S.
But. when these <k>t:rees of the Spunish Couucil
ut Elihery came to the knowk'<1ge of the Bishop
of nome und his adherents, they, learing lest nil
Germany nl-.o would decree :Ig'.Iill";(. im:lW-'S and
furslke them, tholl~hl to pre\"cnl. the muttcr, and
by the (:on"Cllt amI help of the I,rinec of f'rall<'Olls
(whose 1",-,wl.'r \\:1-. then 1II0"t grt.';I(. in the ,rest.
parll> of the \\01"1(1) a.."emloll'<1 II Council of GermaIlS at F:1Ulkfiml, and tllel'\' procured the Spani'h
Council o.;:r-ain~t im:ll.."'-"S afure mclltionl'<l to he condemned II~" the Ilam~ of the rclit.'inn hCre>;y, (for
that. Fclix, Jli'hop of Aqllit:mio., was ehief in th;lt
Coulleil.) and oLt:lined tklt the net!; of the second
?\if.'Cllo Coulleil 3..~"elllbll'<l by Ilirene (the holy
cmprtss wholll /'e heard of heforo) and the BenlcllCt! of the bil,i iOp of Rome for imngcs might he
received, For much :,l"tcl' thi" lIort do the p:lpi~ts


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Seco1ld Part of/ne Homily

report the hi"iorr of the Council of Fr:mkrord.

Xoiwitlu=landing, the book of Carolu8 :\!a.:,"1lUS his
own writing (as the title shcwcth), which is now
put in print and commonly in men's hands, shew.
l:th the judgment of that prince, and of tile whole
Council of }'rallkrord 319;0, to be tlgninst imagoes
and ag-ninst the second Council of Nice assembled
by I1ir<'llc for ima~J and callcth it an arrogant,
foolish, and


Council, and dcclrtrcth the

as",cmblc of the Cowlcil of Fmnkford to ha,'c bc<!n

direct I.\' madtl and gathered against that Niccllc
Coullcil :md the errors of the same. So that it
must Ilceds follow, ih:lt either there were in OllC

prince's time two Councils assembled at Frank

ford, olle oont.rnry to :mothcr, which by no history
doth appear, or else that, nf'tcf their custom, the

popes :md papists have most shll.lnefully corrupted

that Coullcil, as thcir manner is to handle, not
onl)' Councils, but also all Histories and writings
of the o:d doctorti, fal".ifring :md corrupting them
for the ffi:linten:mce of their wicked and ungodly
purposes, ns hath in times of Inte come to light, and
<loth in our dnys more m~d morc oontilll1311y appear
n .. ...."... most evidently. Let the forged gift of Constan~""'l......
d the !lotahIc llttempt t.o fa1nfy
. tlle first
OlMlllhO,<l"< line, 311
."'..._c""". Xicene Council for the pope's supremacy, Pr:JcrilUhwbe t'I". cd b." popes 'St
, 's ,
J\ ugustllle
time, be 0. Witness hereof; which pr:Jctice indeed had then blkell
efrL'Ct, had not the diligt'nce and wiildom of St.
Au~usline nnd other leamed :l.I1d godly bishops in
Afrike hr their grent labour and charges also rel!IistE.'d and SIOPP('(! the Fame.
Xo\\' to cornu towards nil end of this history,
and to shew you the principal point that came
tA:> 11ass by the maintenance of imnges. Whereas,
from COllstantillllS :\Ingnus' time until that day,
all authority impcrial nod princely dominion of
the Empire of Borne remnined continually in tIle
right nnd possession of the Emperors, who had
their continuance :md seat imperial at Constantin(lple, the city royal, Leo the 'fhird, thell Bishop


w w w. h a i l andf m

OgO;1/8t Peril

0/ f,/o{utry.


of Romc, sreing the Greek ]~mlK!rors so bent

against his 90rl, f!f !l0M anti ,ilrer, timber and ,t(jue, 1} .n, ~_ (. OJ.
and h:willg' the king of the Frallcons or J'I'CIlChmen, uamcd Charles, whose power was exceeding
great in the 'Vest countries, "ery appliable to his
mind for cau.scs hereafter appearing', under the
pretence th:lt they of Constmltillople were for that
matter of images under the Pope's ban and curse,
nnd therefore ullworthy to be Emperors or to bear

rule, and for that the Emperors of Greece, being

far oll~ were not TC3dy at a beek to defend the
Pope 3gainst the Lombards his enemies ntld others
with whom he had variance, this Leo the 'fhil'd,
I say, attempted il thing exceeding strange and
unheard of befoTe and of incredible boldnCS9 and
presumption: for he by his p:lpal authority Joth
translate the go\'ernlllellt of the Empire and the
crown llnd name iml>cri3l from the Greeks, 3nd
gi \'eth it unto Charles the Great, king of the J~rnncons; not without the eOllsent of the forenamed
Hircnc, Empress of Greeec, who 31so sought to be
joined ill m3rriagc with the said Charles. For the
which C:IUSC the s,'lid lIirene was by the lords of
Greece deposed and banished, as olle that had betraJ'cd the Empire, as ye before have heard. And
the said prillCC8 of Greece did, after the deprivation
of the said Hirene, by common consent el<:ct and
create (as they always had done) all Emperor,
Ilamed Nic<!phorus: whom the Bishop of Rome
and they of the 'Vest would not ackllo\\'led~"'e for
their Emperor, for they had already crc.'lted them
llllother. And SO there became two ]~mperors: 11_lhlr,p
and tbe Empire, whieh was before onc, was di- =1'1,~::
\'ided into two paris upon occasion or idQls and IlOJt:4.o l
images :l.Ild the worshipping of them; even ns the OUJ
kingdom of the Lsraehles WIIS in old time for the
like cause of idolatrr divided in king Rohoam his
time. And so the Bishop of Rome, having the
favour of Charles tile Greut by this means assured
to him, was wondrouslr ellhnneW. in power and
nuthorit)" and did ill all the \rest Church, spe-



w w w. h a i l andf m



The Sec<Jnd Purt of the lloMily

tially in ltaly, what he lust; \\"hcrc images were

~et up, J}U'nibhed, and worshipped of all sorts of'
mell. Dut im:lgcs were not SO fast set up and so
much honoured in Italy and the 'Vest, but Nicc~
phoros, Emperor of Consbntillople, and his sue~
cessors SCiluratius, the two )[iclmels, Leo, Thco~
philus, and other Emperors. their successors in
1 he Empire of Greece, conbuual1y pulled them
down, brokc them, burned them, and destroyed
them as fust. And, WhCD Thcodorus Emperor
would at the Council of Lyons havc agreed with
the of Rome, and havc set up images, he
was by the nobles of the Empire of Crccee depl'i\"cd, :ll\d another chosen in his place. And so
NSEl a jealousy, suspicioll, grudge, hatred, nnd en
mity between the Christi:llIs and Empires of the
East countries and \\rest, which eould never be
cjllcnched 1I0r pacified. So thut, when the Sarat'CII$ first, :lIId afterwards the 'l'urks, iJl\'aded the
Christians, the oue part of Christendom would not
hclp the other. By reason whereof at the last the
noble Empire ofGrcece, and the city imperial COil.
stalltillople, was 10bt, and is come int-o the h:lIlds
of the infidels; who now kwe overrun almost all
Christendom, llnd possessing Ilnst the middle of
Hungary, which is p..' lrt of the West Empire, do
hllng' over all our heads to the utter d:Ul!:."Cf of all
'l'hus we SC<l what a sea of mischiefs the maintenance of ill1:lg'{'S hath brought with it; wlwt an
horrible schism Ixltwccn the East and thc West
Church; what an h:ltred bet.ween one Christi:lll
and another; Coullcils against Councils, Church
:lgainst Chureh, Christians llg'llinst Christians,
princes a,gaillbt princes; rebellions, treasons, Ull_
natural and most ernel murders; the daughter
dig-going up and burning her father the emperor
his body; the mother, lor love of idols, most abo
minably murdering her own son, being an emperor;
at. the last, the tearing in sunder of Christcndom
und the Empire int.o two pieces, till the Infidels,


w w w. h a i l andf m

again/It Peril

r!f !do{lllr!!_


Surncens, 31ld rrurks, common enemies to both

pnrts, have mOtit cruelly vanquished, destroyed,
and suhdued the onc part, tllC whole Empire of
Grcc<:c, Asia. the Less, 'l'hr:\Cia, Macl.>dollia, pirus,
und many other great IInd good1r countries l\lld
provinces, :.IIld have WOIl a great IJlcec of the other
:Empire, and put the whole in dreadful f(,ar and
most horrible danger. l~or it is (not without a
just :lIld great cause) to be drcu(l, Jest, as the Em_
pire of Rome was e\'C1I lor tile like cause of imag<'l<
and the worshillpillg' of them torn in picecs ami
divided, as was 101' idolatry the kingdom of Ismcl
in old lime divided, so like JlunislmlCut as for the
like offence fell upon the Jews will alS(l light upon
us; that is, lest the cruel tyrant nnd enemy of our
common wealth :mu religion, the 'lurk, by God's
just vengeance, in like wise parlly murder and
pnrtly lead away into captivity us Clll'i...tiuIlS, aB
did the Assyrian and llabyloniall kings murder and
lead away the Israelites; and lest the Empire of
Rome and Christian reli'gion be so utterly brought
under loot, as was then the kingdom 01' lsl~lcI
and lrue rcli,(,fion of' God. Whereunto the mattel'
already, as 1 have declared, shrewdly inclineth
on our part; the greater part of Cllristendolll,
within less than three hUIl(!t'ed years' space, beingbrought in c3plh'ity and Illost mis('r:J.ble thmldom under the 'lurks, and the noble Empire 01'
GrC<!<!c clean everted: whereas, if the Christian""
divided by these image !nutters, had holden together, no infidels und miscreants C<luld thus huve
prevailed ag;lillst Christendom. And all this mis_
chief nud misery wllich wc have hitherto filllen
into do wc owe to our mighty !I()(/8 of !l0ld awl I)"" ., .,.
,i!cer, ,tock and ,tone; in whose help and defencc,
where they cannot help themsclvcs, wc hu\'c trusted
so long, \lntil our cnemies the inlideIs have ovcrcome and o\'crrUIl us almost alw&,"Cther: a just
reward for those that have left the mighty li\'ing
God, the Lord 01' hosts, nnd have sloopcd and
givcn the honour due to him to dead blocks and



w w w. h a i l andf m



'e'u ;-3:
It.... ;~.....

The &colltl Parl

0/ tAt


stocksJ who .fart' e"t'8

and ut notJ ear8 and AMr nol

fi:rf Q1Id ~1.,l(Jt go, find so forth, and arc clIrd of

:;.~ ~.~~: God, aNd all tkl tAat alJl:e tAt., au tIult pMt iMir
".. .... t".1l i. tAa..
Thus rou undcr'!'tand, well belo\ed in our Saviour, bJ thejudwnentoflheold lC3med and godl~'
doctors of the Church and by ancient Historie>l
Ecclcsiaslicnl, agrccin~ to the "crity of God's word
alleged out of tbe Old Testament and the New,
that irnB,,""CfI nnd ima",f71! worshipping were in the
primitive Church, which was most pure and UII_
cormpl, abhorred and detested as abomiJ13ble and
contrary" to true Christian religion; and that, when
images Ix-gan to creep into the Church, ther wert'
not only spoken and written ngainst by godly rand

learned bishops, doctors, :1Od clerks, but. also


demned by whole Councils of I!ishops and lcarlll'(l

men assembled rogether; }'ca, the said inuges b)'
many Chri,;tinn emperofll and bishops were defaced,
l'roken, and destroyed, and thlLt above &even hun
dn'<l. and eight hundred )'ears ago; and that there
fore it is not of late days, tL8 some would bear fOU
in hand, thnt imagee and imnge wOTllhipping hn\'e
been spoken and written nj:,"l1illst. Flllally, you
have he:lT(1 what mischief and misery hath, by the
(l('(':l...~ion of the 8.' images, fallen upon whole
Chrutendom, be!ridcs the 10i'8 of infinite souls, whieh
is most horrible of all, Wherefore let us beseech
God, that we, being wnrned b)' his holr word forbidding all idolnlr,Y, and by the writlllgt; of old
godly doctors and .Ecclesiasticnl llistorics, written
and preserved by God's ordinance lor our 3dmonition and warnin~, may /lee from all idolatr)',
and 80 e&CDpe the boniLle punishment and plaguC>l,
118 wen worldly ag c\'erlasling, threatened for the
same, 'Which God our hc':u'enly Palher grant \18
ll" our onl.\' Sa\ic.ur ILnd lIl'<1iator Je..Uii Chrbl'a
lake, AmeD.


w w w. h a i l andf m

agailllt Peril qf Uu/alry.




Now)'e have heard how plainly, how vehementl)',

and that ill many plaecs, the word of God spcaketh
against not only idolatry and worshippingofimagcs,
but also ag'.linst idols and images themselves: (I
mcan always thus herein, in that we he stirred
and provoked by them to worship them, and not
as though they were simply forbidden by the New
'l'cslamellt wilhout such occasion nnd dan,t:"er.)
And ye have heard likewise out of IIi,;lories }:(:clesiastical the beginning, proceeding, and success
of idolatry by ima~, and the great contention
in the Church of Chrit about thcm to the great
trouble and decay of Christ.lldom. And witlJ:lI ye
have hcard the sentenccs of old ancicnt fathers
aud godly leamcd doctors and bishops agninst
images and idolatry, takcn out of thcir own
writinW!. It remaineth that such reasons as be
made lor the mailltcnauce of images, and excessivo
painting, gilding, llnd decking, as well of t.hem all
of templcs or ehurehcs, also be answered and oonfuled, partly by application of aome places beforo
alleged to lhcir reasons, aud parlly by otherwise
answering the same. 'Vhich part hath the last
plaec in this trealisc, for that it cannot well bu
undcrslandcd or the meMcr sort, nor the urg-umenu of image maintainers can without prolixily
too much tedious be an:;weroo, without the know_
ledge of the treatise going belOre. And, although
di\'OI'8 things before mentioned be here rehear:;ed
again, yet this repetition if! not superfluous, but in
n mallner necessary; for that the simple sort cannot else understand how the fon>snid Illaccs are to


w w w. h a i l andf m


The 1'hird Part

of the llo/lli/!I

be applied to the arg'umcnts of SUc1l as do main_

tain imu.:,""CS, wherewith otherwise they might be
}~irst, it is alleged by them that maintain imfl..,O'CS,
that all laws, prohibitions, and curses noted by us
out of the holy Scripture, and sentences of the
doctors also by liS alleged, ag-.lin~t imagoes :md thu
worshippin.... of them, appertain to the idols of thu
Gentiles 0;' Paf!'3ns, as the idol of Jupiter, Mars,
Mereury, &0., ~ud not to our iml\,O'CS of God, of
Christ, and hi.. Saints. Dut it shall be declared
both by God's word and the senknccs of the
ancient doctors and judgment of the primitin.l
Church, that all imag'CS, as well ours as the idols
of the Gent ilcs, be forbidden and unlawful, namelr,
in churehcs and temples.
And first this is to 1.>0 replied ont of God's word,
that tIle imaJ:,"CS of God the :Pather, the Son, and
the Holy Ghost, either severally, or the irnl\,""CS of'
the 1'rinity, whieh we had in e\'ery church, be by
tho Scriptures expressly and directly forbidden and
I_I. If. 11, condemned, as apl>C:lreth by these places. l'he LoT/I
,pde 'Unto you out qJ' the middle qJ'jire: you helml
the toice or sound f!f hi, 'Word.r, lmt you dill .ree no
form or shape at aU. Lell pera(h'enlure you, being
deceived, I!loultt 11Ial..e to your.retf allY !lrat'e'~ image
or /a'elleu: and so forth, as is at 1:l!"f,,"C rehearsed in
the lir:;t part of this treaty against images. And
therefore in the old Law the middle of the propitiatory, which rcllresentcd God's scat, was empty;
lest nny should take OCC:lSioll to make any similitude or likeness of' him, Esny, ufter he hath set
forth tho incomprehensible M(lj{'6ty of Ood, he
loo d. ,5-... asketh J 1b '/Chom the/l. wilt ye maJ.'c G{)(l liJ.e! Of'
J()hat ,i,.ililulle wilt ye 'et up unto hi,,,,! Shll!t lhe
cart'er Make hi"" a cort:en image! An(l ,halt the
!Joltl.rmilla Cf}l:er him lI)itli. !lold, or ca.rt him into a
./orm l!l .ri/ur plau,! AntI for the plJOr man dolt
LAe i""'ge jrame an image of timber, that he
may hat'e IOlRtlChat io .rct up allO.f And after this
he ericth out, 0 wretches, heard ye nel'cr l!l thi,!



w w w. h a i l andf m

agailtlJt Perit

of idowl,!!_


}falk it flot been preached to you ,itk the beginning,

how by the CI"Cation of the world and the gI'Catness of the work they mi~ht lludcrst:l1Id the
Mnjesty of God, the :Maker and Creator of all, to be
greater than thnt it could be expressed or set forth
in nny image or bodily similitude? Thus far the
Prophet ES.1Y; who from the forty.fourth chapter
to the forty-ninth intrcatcth in n m:lllllcr of 110

other thing.

And St. Paul in the Acta of the

A])()Stles evidently tC:lchcth tllo sumc, 1hat no Attu>il. ,~.

similitude can be made unto God in gold, liirer,
Itumt:, or :my other matter. By these aud many
other places of Scriptnre it if! evident, that no
image either ought. or C:1Il be made unto God. I'or
how ('fill God, a most pure Spirit, whom ma111terer JuhJl!. ",
law, be expressed by a "ross, bodily, nlld visible :\,~~.'YI, '""
similitude? How C.'lll the infinite l\f:ljC'Sty a]](1 ' JOh" I. ",
grentnC'Ss of God, incomprehensible to mllll's mind, ~:'b'11'
much more not llble to 00 comJl:lsscd with the
sensc, be expressed in n llnile lInd little image?
How can a dend and dumb ill/age express lhe lir;il/!1
God.? "'hat call an imnge, which whell it i$,KlllgO.I . "
' up 1I~1I11,
' 1W' 1
11 en C:1I\1I0 t rise
IIC I Cllll llel'[I lCr I leI Jl ,\01.1.1.,,
I ,'u'.11.;;
his friends nor hurt his enemics, express of t.he (""'. "I. ""
1 W I10 a Ione IS
most pUls5ilnt
ml!:' Ity G
a) c ,,
t.o rewlml his friends and to destroy his enemies
c\'e!'!astill~ly? A man might justly cry with the
prophet IJabaeue, Shalt 'licit image, instruct or lI.b IJ ,".
leach. IIny thing right of God? or shnll t.hey 00come doct.ors? Wherefore men t1mt have mnde 1111
image of God, wherehy io honour him, hnve thereby dishonoured him most highly, diminished his
Majesty, blemished his glol')', and fal~ified his
truth. And therefore St. Pllul eaith that such liS
have framed any similitude or ima~e 01' Ood like a
lllortnl man or any other likencs", in timber, stone,
or other matter, hare changed hi, trlllh intQ a lie. It 'RI 1 'I
For bot.h they thought it to be 110 101lf,"Cr that
whieh it woo, n. stock or a stone, and took it t.o be
that whieh it was not, as Ood, or an image of
God. Wherefore an image of God is not only n



w w w. h a i l andf m

10/'" <hL ~ ...

Tile Third Part of the llomily

lie, but :1 double lie also. But the deril i, a liar,

alld lhe/atller of lic': wherefore the lying im~O'(!S
which be made of God, to his great dishonour and
horrible danger of his }>COllIe, came from the do\"!'
Wherefore they be coDvict of foolishness and
wickedness in makin... of images of God or the

'l'rinity: for that no image of God ought or can

be made, as by the Scriptures and good reason
evidently flppe:u"Cth; yea, and oncc to desire an
image of God oomcth of infidelity, thinking not
God 10 be present except they might sce somo
;:ign or image of him, as appearclh by the Hebrews
.:,001...~ll_ ill the wilderness willing A3ron to make them gods
whom they might sec go before them.
_ Whero they object, thnt seeing in E..ains and
an. . "'0 Daniel be certain doscriptious of God,;\8 sitling
on a high scat, &c., why ma)" not a painter likewise !;Ct him forth in oolours to be seen, as it were
8 judf,"'C sitting ill a throne, as well ay he is deFeri1Jcd in writing of the Prophets, seeing that
feripture or writing, :md picture, diner but a.
little? first it i.s to 00 answered, that things forhidden by God's word, lIS painting of imag'CS of
God, and things permitted of God, lIS such deECriptions used of the Prophets, be not nil onc;
neither ought nor CUll man's reason (lIlthough it
shew never so goodly) prcvail an)" thing against
God's express word and plain statute law, ay I
may well term it. Io"'urthermore the Scripture,
although it lIa\'c cerbin descriptions of God, yct,
if' you read on forth, it expoundeth itself, doolnring'
J~j"' '\4.' t1mt God i, a pure Spirit, infinite, who replexi'nel4
~:, ~~:..u. Aearen a1l.d eart"': which the picture doth not, nor
J:";'.i~ru.~. CXI)()undeth not it6cll: but rnther, when it hath !;Ct
God forth in a bodily similitude, le:l\'eth a man
there, and will easily bring one into the heresy
of the AnthrollOmorphit('!<, thinking God to havo
hands and f"'et and to sit liS a man cloth j which
they that do, ~ith St. Au~usline in his book Dc
}~idc et Symbolo, en. \'11, 1:,11 rt into that s.'LCrilcge
which the Apostle dcte>teth in those who nate


w w w. h a i l andf m

uga;n6t Peril of Id{)wfry.

chalfgeri the gWr!l

of the


incorrlt}Jli!Jle Coil into the

8imilitllde 0/ a CfH'rllptiUe man. For it is wickcd_

1I0>'S IOf a Christian to cn'Cl such an inHlgc to 00<1
in a temple; and much more wickcuu{'S.'; to cre<:t
such 11 onc in his hca.rt" by believing of it.
But to this they reply, that., this reason not.with
standing, images of Christ may Le mndc, fm that



he took upon him flesh, and bceame man. It were

well that they would first gl1lut that they have
hitherto done most wickedly in making and main_
taining of images of God and of' the 'l'rinity in
every !l!ace, whereof t.hey llrc by force of God's
word and good rcn~oll oonvictcd, and then to descend to the trial I'O f 01 her images.
Now concerning their objection, that UIl image of
Christ may be made, the answer is ensy: for in
God's word and religion it is not only inquired
whether a thing may be done or no, but nlso
whether it be lawful and-agreeable to God's word
to be done or no. l~or all wickednC!>s may be
and is dnily done, whi'ch yet ought 1I0t to be done.
And the words or tlle reasons above alleged out
of the Scriptures are, that images neither ought
nor can be made unto God. '''herclore to reply
that images of Christ may be made, except wit.hal
it be proved that it is L1Wful for them to be mude,
is, mtller thun to hold Olle's pence, to say somewhut, hut nothing to the purpose.
And yet it Ilppeareth tJlllt 110 image can be made
of Christ but a lying imugc, as t.he Script.ure peculiarly calleth images lUI. :For Christ is God and J .... K.'O:
man: seeing t.herefore that of the Godhead, whieh \1;';';'.' . '!.
is the most excellent Jlurl, no image can be made,
it is falsely called the image of Christ: wherefore
imnges of Christ be not only deft..'tt.s, but also lies.
\Vhieh renson .scrveth also for t.he images of Saints,
whose souls, UlC more excellent parts of them, CRlI
by 110 images be fClltCSCnted and expressed: wherefore they be 110 images of Saints, whose souls
reign in joy with God, but of the bodies of Saint8,
which as yet lie putrilied in tllC gmves. Further-


w w w. h a i l andf m


1.... 1 aoJl .~.

The Third Pari 0/ tile !lomil!!

more, no tme image can be Ill:ld~ of Christ's body,

for it is unknown now of what form and coun
tCllance he was. And there be in Gree<.-e and at
Rome and in other places divers ima~ of Christ,
and nOlle of them like to another, and yet every of
them affinllelh that theirs is the true :md lively
image of Christ, which Cllllllot possibly be. Wherefore, as soon as an imnge of Christ is made, br and
by is ::I lie made of him, which by God's word is
forbidden. Which also is true of the imag'Cs of'
allY Saints of untiquity, lor that it is unknown of
what lorm and countenance the" ""ere. "'herefore,
seeing that rcli~ion ought to '00 grounded upon
truth, images, whieh e:lllllot 00 without lies, ought
not to he Ill:lde or put to ~Illr use of religion, or 10
1x> placed in ehurche~ lmd temples, places peculiarl.\'
llppointed to true religion and sen'ice of God. And
tlllls much, that 110 true imngc of God, our Saviour
Christ, or his S:lints cnn be made; wherewithal is
also confhted that their alleg:ltion, that imnges
be the tuymen's booka. :For it is evident of that
which is :.forc rellearsed, that they teach 110 things
of God, 01' our Saviour Christ, lllld of his Saints
hut lies and erroN'. Wherefore either they be no
books, or, if they be, they be f:llse and lying books,
the teachers of all error.
And now, if it should be admitted :md granted
that nn image of Chri;;t could trulx be made, yet
is it unlawful that it '-"lOuld be made, yell, or that
the image 01' any Snint should be made, specially
to he set up in temples to the grent and unavoid.
able dllnger of' idolatry, as here:ltler shall be proved.
And first concerning the image of' Christ, that,
though it might be had tnllr, yet it were unlaw_
ful to have it in churcl1es publicly, is a notable
Illacc ill Ircll(~us; who rcpro,'cd the heretics called
Gn08tiei, for that tile)' ('arricd about the image of
Chri.l't, mnde tnlly after his OWII prOI')()rtiOIl ill
l>ilalc's time, as the)' sllid, and therefore more 10
be <.oslecmed than tho~e IJing imll~ of him which
we now have. '1'he \\hi<:h Gl1o~ti<:i also u.sed to


w w w. h a i l andf m

(fguir"t Peril

if It/Q!l1lr!l'


set garbnds upon the }lcad of tllC snid imn~e. to

shew their nfl'cction to it. But to go to God's
word. Be 1I0t, I pray you, the of thl.!
Scripture plain? Beu:are tltlt thou, teil/.tt deceived,I........I."
10fl". y.~
fIIa~t:.... "y8C';I J t0 say, t0 any usc 0 r re ]"19"IOIl, an,lf s.-..I/"/l.,
!lrat"en image, or any ,imilitude f!lal'y thill!!, &c. t~;~iw'l ...
And, CII78ctl be the man that malieth a grat'cn or JJeuI.h" ,,_
matte'" imof/e, aoom;llo{jon before tAe Lord, &c. Bl' I~: ...!I.i).
not Ollr im:lges such? ne not Ollr imahres or Christ
and his Saints either carved, or mol tell and cnsl,
or similit.udes of mell and women? It is hnpJl:'
t.hat. we have 1I0t followed the Gentiles in making'
of images of beasts, fishcs, and vcrmins also. Notwithstanding', the image of an horse, as also the
image of the ass that Chri,,;t rode all, h:1\'e in divers
places been brought into the church anti temple of
God. And is not that. which ill writtcll in the
be!,-inning of the Lord's most holy law, nnd dnily
read unto you, most evident also? '[hou 8ltalt not~: ....t.n,~ ..c.
ma~'e all!l m'elle88 qfa"!I thillg ill hearen abore, in
earlll beneath, or ill the rater vl/der lite earth, &c.
Could :lily more he forhidden and said than this,
either of the kinds of imng"Cli, which be either
can'ed, molten, or otllcrwisc .imilitllr!u, or of tJlillh"'S
whcreof images arc forbidden to be made? Arc not
.111 things either ill lteul:cn, earth, or water Ululcr the
earth? And be not Ollr imn~cs of CIIIist and Ilis
Saints mene8le. if thillg8 in hearell, earth, or in t!le
If tlley (:ontinue ill their former answer, that
these prohibitions concern the idols of the Gentiles
und !lot our inlHf,~, first, that answer is already
t'Onflltoo concerning the imnges of God and the
'l'rillit.), lit huge, llnd concerning the imng-es of
Christ also by lrellells. And that the law of
God is likewise to be ullderst:llldeu agninst nil our
imilgcs, as well of Christ ns ilis Sniul.s, in templea
and church~, nppcarcth further hy the judgment
of the old doctors nud the primitive Church. EJlI.
phanius renting no painted cloth, wherein \VIIS the
J!ieture of Chri.:;t or of some Suiut, nfiirmiug it to

, ,",' I'"


w w w. h a i l andf m


Tht: Third Purl of the JIomily

be against our reJigioll that nl1Y such image sllould

be had in the temple or church (as is afore at lal"g'C
declared),judgedJ that not only idols of the G.cntiles, hut that all ima~ of Chri..t and his SalD~
abo. were fort.iddcn by God's word Dnd our rehgion. L3ct:mtius, affirming it to be certain that
no true religion can be where an ima~ or picture
is (as is before declared), judg't'd, 11131 as well nil

imngcs and pictures, as the idols of the Gentiles,

were forbidden; else would he not 80 generully
ha\"c spoken and pronounced of them. And St.
Augustine (as is before alll~) gretatly alloweth
..... to.oap. M. ",~arro affirming that reli.l;ton is most pure
I ,cb. \\;thout images j and saith himself, It rmagcs be
of more force to crook an unhappy soul than to
teach and instruct it!' And he saith further:
UEvcry child, yCll, cvcr~t beast knoweth that it is not
God that tbey see. "herefore then doth the Uoly
Ghost so often mODi..h us of that which all mcn
know?" "11CrrontO t. Augustine ans...creth thUil:
Cl }~or/' saith he. " when images are placed in templcs. aDd set in honourable sublimity. and heWn
oncc to be worshipped. forthwith brct.'<1dh the
most vile IlffllCtiOIl of error." 'l'his is St. Augustine's judgmcnt of imnges in churches. that by llnd
by they breOO error and idolatry. 'fhe Cbristion
emperors, the learned bibhop8, all the IC3rIlOO men of
Asio.. GI'('('(.'(!, and Spain. assembled in Councils at
Constantinople and in Spain, ge\'en and ci~ht hUIldn>d I'cars ago and more, condemning and destroying III images. as well of Chriljt lUl of the Saints,
set tip by the Chrti;tians. (:IS is before at large declared,) testify that thc}' understood God's word
80. that it forblld our ima,.,<>eo IUl well as the idols of
the Gentiles. And, as it is written (Sap. xi,') that
w . . . . IJ. iNUlgu fU .Qtfroa IA~ kgi""i"fh .eiIA~r ,J.1l tA~.f
co"line w tU ~. 80 were ther not in the ~n
ning in the primiti\'e Church: God ~rallt they
may in the cnd be det;tro)e<J I For all Christialls
e*". Llb. I_ in the primitive Church, as Ori&ren a~rninl;t Ct:ISllll,
Cyprian also, and ArnobiUll do testil)', were sore
" .Ill





w w w. h a i l andf m

tlfJain6l Peril

of Idolatry.


clmf!!'e(l nlld compl:iillcd on, that fhey had no nlta~

nor i';lUlge>;. Wherefore did they not, I pray you,
conform themselves to the Gentiles in making of
images, but for lack of them sustained their heavy
displeasure, if they hnd t.1kcll it to be lawful by
God's word to hn\'c imngcs? It is evident therefore
that thc~' took nil images to be unlawful in the
church or temple of God, ~lIld therefore had nOlle,
though the Gentiles therefore wore most higb1r
displC3scd, following this rule, We mud obey God "'l< ,. n
rather lIum melt. And Zcphyrtls in his notes upon
the Apology of 'l'ertulli:m ,t..>flthcreth, thnt all his
vehement JXlrsuasion "should be but ('old, except
we know this once for ull, that Christian men ill
his time did most hute imtlges with their ornaments:' And lrencLls (as is above declared) re],ro\'eth the heretics cnlled Gnostici, for that they
carried about. the image of Christ. And thcrctorc
the primitive Church, wbidl is specially to be followed as most ineormpt and pure, had publicly
ill ellUrches neither idols of the Gentiles nor nny
other imngc~, as things directly forbidden by God's
And thus it is declared by God's word, the
sentenecs of the doctors, :md the judgment of the
primitive Chureh, which was most pure :md sincere, thnt nil imn~, liS well ours as the idols of the
Gentiles, be by God's word forbiddt:ll, and therefore unlllwful, spccilllly in temples lInd churches.
Now if they, as their custom is, flee 10 this an_
swer, that God's word forbiddeth not absolutely
all imag'cs to be made, but that the) should 1I0t
be made to be worshipped; all(l that therefore we
ma)' have images, so wc worship them not, for tllllt
they be things indiflcrent, whieh Illay be 3bllSCd,
or well uSt.'<1: (which sccmeth alllO to be the judglIlent of Damasccne, and G regory the First as is llo.n"'" Ub,
before declared; llnd this i~ onc of their chi('f~;':';.we:"
llllegations for the maintenance of imaf:'!S. which ~n'.':"J8.
hath been alleged sith Greg-ory the First's timc:) ..t~)l..u.
well, then we be come to their secoud u1leg'3tiulI,


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Third Part of lite Tlomily

which in part we would not stick to grant them.

For we are not so sll~rstitious or scrupulous, thnt
wc do abhor either flowers wrought in carpels,
Jl:mgings, and other arms, either the images of
princes printed or stamped in their coins, which
whell Christ did sec in a Roman coin, wc read not
tlHlt he rcprl'hclldcd it; IlcithC!r do wc condemn
the arts of 11lIillting :liId image tIIaking', 3S ",icke<:
of themselvcs. But wc would admit and gront
them, that images used for no religion, or super.
stition rnthcr, wc meau ima~'1'S of nOlle worshipped,
Jlor in dang'Cr to be worshipped of allY, may he
9uflbred. But imnges placed publicly in temples
c:mnot possibly be \\;UlOut d:mger of worshipping
nod idolatry: wherefore they fire not publicly to
be had or suffbred in temples and churches.
'l'he Jews, lo whom this Inw was first gi"cn,
(and yet, being a moml commlludmenl, and not
ceremonial, as all doclors interpret it, bindeth u~
as well as them j) the Jews, I say, who should
have the true sense and meaning of God's law, SO
pcculinrly given unto them, neither had ill the
hegillnillg any images publicI)' in their temple (liS
Orf,f <01>11. OrigenCfl and JOSCphUll at large dcclnreth), neither
j~t~"~L nner the fC>;t.itution of the temple would hy any
Vli~u'n:r.' menns consent to llerod, Pilale, or Petronius. that
~ll.!; ~~~.' imnges should be plnccd only in the temple at.
.,,~ . <:all-'J . ll'lerus.'11cm, a I t 110UgI1 no wors I"
UpJ>lIIg 0r IIUDg'CS
was required nt their hnnds, but rnther ofrcrt.'<!
themselves to the death than to assent that images
should once be placed in the temple of God.
Neithcr would they sum.'r nny image maker among
them: and Orif,"'Cn nddeth this cause, lest their
minds should be plucked from God to the COlltemplation of' earthly things. And they are much
oommended for this eanlc...t zeal in mnintaining of
God's honour and lrue religion. And truth it is
thnt the Jews Bnd 'furkl>, who abhor images and
idols as dircctly forbiddcn by God's word, will
ne\'er comc to the truth or our religion, whiles
tllCse stumblingblocks or images remain amongst.


w w w. h a i l andf m

a9";lUt Peril r:f Uulull'f.


us. and lie in their ",-ay. Ir tbey object yet the

brazen S(:rpl'nt which )Ioses did set up, or th,
imagoes of the cherubims, or :lIlY other imaf,"t.-..

which the Jews had in their temple, the answer

is ro,,;y.

We lIlust in religion ol>c)' God's genom I

law, which bindelh all mell, and not follow examples of particular dispcnsfltioll, which be no
Wrlrrtlllts for us; else wc mllY b.y the !;.1mc reason
resllme circumci~ion and sacrificing of bcnsts and

other riles permitted to the Jews. Neither Cfill

those im:l~ or cheruuin, sd in secret where no
man mi~ht comc lIor behold, be any example for

our publio setting up of images in churches and


)jut to let. the Jew8 go. "'ll'I'C they F3)' that

ima.:,"'CS, so the)' be not wOl'f;hil'poo, tI.S tJlings in~
d.i(fcrcnt may be tolerated illlcm)lles and churellcs;
we infer and say for the adn'nlative. that 'hll our
'ma~ of God. our Sa\-lour Chri",t. and his Saints.
yublielr set up in churches and templL'S, 11I:lCl"'l
t>cculiarlr appointed to the true worshipping of
God, be not things iudiflCr('nt nor toler:lble, but.
llc""3inst. Ood'lI IllW and commandment. taking their
own interpretation and expositioll of' it. First, lor
that nil imaf.,~ so set up publicly havo boon worshipped of the unlenrllOO and simple sort shortly
after the)' hll\'e been publicly so set up. and. in
conclusion. of the wise and Icarned also. Secondly.
for that the)' are worshipped in slIudrr plact'8 now
in our time al;:o. And thirdly. for that it is im_
possible that im~re>l of God, Cbri.,t, or bis Saint8,
can be sulrt:rcd. specially ill temples and churches,
any while or "pace without worshiJ1lliug of them;
and that idolatry. which is m();t I&bominable before
God. cannot JlOl>"ibl:r be b'c:lllt"<1 and avoided with
out the abohshillg llnd de.;;truetion of im~ nnd
pictures in temple.;; and ehurchl'8; for that idolatry
IS to imag'Ctl, Hpecilllly in tl'lllplts find ehul"l.'lw>"
fill illscp~ll'able accident (liS tlu',)' term it); so that
images in churches Bnd idolatry go always both
tOg"\:ther, Bnd thnt therefore tho ono cannot be


w w w. h a i l andf m


TAe Third Part

of the


Dvoided exccpt the other, specially ill all publie

places, be destroyed. WIlCreforc, to make images
and publicly to set them up in tempk'S aud
churches, places appointed peculiarly to the service of God, is to mnke im:lgc8 to the use of
religion, and llot only aguinst this precept, Thol/
8hatt mal'e frO 1!Utnner of inwfle, but a;,.-a.inst this
also, 1:40M dalt not bow down to tnelR., IWr tCordijl
them.: for they being so set up have been, bc, and
ever will be worshipped.
And the full proof of that which in the beginning of the first part of this treaty was touched if!
here to be made and performed, to wit, th3t our
im3g'eS :md idols of the Gentiles he nil oue, as
well in the things themsch'cs, as al,;o in tll3t our
im3gcs have bcen before, be now, lllld ever wlll Le
worlihipped in like form and manller as the idols
of the Gentiles were worshipped, so long' as ther
be suffered in ehurches and temples. "'hereupon
it followeth, that our images in churches have
been, 1><>, and ever will be lIone other but aoomiIHlble idols, and be therefore no things indifferent.
And e\'cry of' these parts shall be proved in order,
llS hercnfler folloll'eth.
Aud first, thilt our imnges nnd the idols of the
Gentiles be 311 one concerning them<:elvC8 is most
S-.~bm> e\'ident, the matter 01' them being flOut, ,ilt-er, or
c l, "
t ".\5 \\ cru
11'1tl". rl. n_
0 (I ler me l
a i, t
5 one, \\'00
C ,Iy, or pI
as er,
z:lj.lltuik tAe idol, of the Gentile,; and so, beill~ either molten
_"""/iI"d". or cast, either carted, grare", hewed, or otherwiJ;l"
~;-::..,=-" formed and fnshioned, after the similitude ami
::...... m-enell 0/ lIUln or tcoman, be delld and dumb toOrl'Jf
l'a.e'. 4'$, oj" man', lrand8, having- "/fll//a and 8]ltok not, eieJf
I fieet unlI flO 11Ot;
un!. '5. antI ,e~ 110,
nan d, ana-'j'ceI 1/0,
.md so, as well in form ns mattC.f, be altogether
like the idn]s of the Gentiles: insomuch that all
the titles which be ~\-en to the idol;; in the SeriptUt'CII muy be ytrifil-d of our im:tg'Cs. "~herelore
no douht hut the like eurS('s which are mentioned
in the Scriptures will li,l.;'ht upon the makers llnd
worshippers of them !>ntIl.


w w w. h a i l andf m

fJ!JiJilld Peril of Uvlal,!.


Seeondly, that they IH1vC been llnd be ,vor.

in our time in like form llnd manlier r.!j
were the idols of the Gentiles is 1I0W to be Jlrovcd.


And, for that idolatry lItandcth chiefly in the

mind, it shall in this part fin;t be proved, that.
Ollr ima~ mnint:l.inel'll ha,"c had and have tbe
same opinioWl and judgment of Saints, whO!iu
images they have made a.nd worshipped, as the

Gentiles idolaters had of tbeir ,:.."Ods. And aflcrward shall be declared, that our irrmgc m3intaincl'll
and worshippers have used nnd WiC tllo S3me out.
ward rites and manlier of honouring Bnd worshipping their iUlll,,"'Cii as the Gentiles did use before
their idols, and that therefore they commit idolatry as weIJ inwardly and outwardly as did the
wicked Gentiles idobtcrf!.
And concerning the first part, of the idolatrious
opiniollil of our i~'"'C mainlainen. What, I Jlrny
you, be such Saints with us to whom wc 3ttnl.lUte
the defence of certain countries, spoiling God ot'
his due honour herein, but Dii 'l.'utelares of the VIlT"WIla-.
Gentiles idolaters; such lI.!I were Delus to the
llllb~'loni3ns and Asspinns, Osiris and his to the
Egyptians, Vulcan to the Lcmni:l1ls, and sneh
other? What. be such Saints to whom the safcguanl of certain cities arc appointed, but Dii 1)lI1'
l'rwrides with the Gentiles idolaters; sucb w>
were at Delphos Apollo, at Athens Miner\'&, at.
Cartha:;e Juno, at Rome Quirinus, &c.? What.
be such Saints to whom, contmry to the U80 of
the primiti\'c Church, templcs nncI churches he
IlUilded Ilnd llllllrs erected, but Dii l'lltroni of the UIl ""11'IlI,1.
Gentilcs idollltCNI; such as were in the Capitol
Jupiter, in Pal'hus' temple Venus, in EphcslIll
temple Dinnn, nnd such like? Alas, wc seem in
thus thinking and doin,!: to hnvc learned Ollr rc~
Ii:;';on, not out of God's word, but out of the
J>8l:,""3D poets; who say,
E l _ 01011. adytif aNqu, rt!ictU
Dt quibIY illlperiunl hoo lte\<ll'l't, 011:.,

that is

to say, "All the gods: by whol>c defence


w w w. h a i l andf m



Third Part if/lie JIomily

this empire stood arc gone out of the temples, and

JI:m.l forsnkcn their :lltars!'
And where onc SainL hath images in divers
places, the li<.'1me Saint l13th di\crs names thcreof~
most like to the Gentiles. When YOll Ilt"tlr of our
Lady of Walsingham, our Lady of Ipswich" ol~r

Lady of Wilsdoo, lmd such other, what IS It

hut an imitation of the Gentiles idolaters' Di:ma
A<7fOlcrll, Dialla Coryphca, Diana EphC8ia, &c.,

"~nus Cypriu, Venus Paphia, Venus Gnidia?

Whereby is evidently meunt, that the Saint for
the image sake should in those p!:wcs, yea, in
the imaf,"CS themselvcs, ha\'c a dwelling: whidl
is the ground of their idolatry; for where no
Images be lhey have 110 such means. 'l'1;rcnt ius
Varro shewcth that there were three hundred

JUlliters in his timc: there were no 'ewer Ve

llercs and Di.mac: wc had 110 fewer Christophers,
L.'ldies, .'lud )I.'lr.r l\I.'lgdnlencs, and other Saints.
Oenomaus and lIcsiodus she\\' that. in their timu
there were thirt.y thousand gods: I think we had
no fewcr Saints, to whom we gave the honour
due to Ood.
And they hnvc 1I0t. only spoiled the tme li\'ing'
God of his due honour ill tcmples, cities, countries,
llnd lands by such de\'iees Hnd in\'cntiolls, as the
Gent.iles idolaters have done before them, but the
sell. llIul waters h:we as wdl special Saints witll
them as they had gods with the Gentiles, Nep.
tunc, 'I'ritan, NcreuB, Castor and Pollux, Venll~,
and such other; in whose plnccs be come SI.
Christophcr, St. Clement, and divers other, ami
sl>ccially our Lady, to whom shipmen sillg, Ave,
maris stcll:1. Neither hath the fiN SC.'ljlt'il tlICit'
idolatrious inventions: for instead of Yulcan and
Vesta, the GentileS" gods of the fire, our IIlcn hllvu
placed St. Agatha, and Illnkc IcttCfil on her day
jor to quench firc with. <En:'ry artificer and profession bath his special Saint, as 11 pcculi.'lr wxI :
as, for examlllll, scholars ha\'c S1. Kichohn; lUll! SI.
Grllgorr. p:lintcrs St. Lukll j neither lack solJicr:.


w w w. h a i l andf m

6!JailUl Peril if U,I<llr,r.


l}ll:lr )lars lIor lovers tllI:ir Venus amf)ll~l Chrill.\11 dibl'a8l'S have their hpecial Saints, all
goods, the curers ofthelll; the pocks St. Roch, the


('\il St. CorndiR, the toothache St. Appo.

line, &c. Neither do bea.:.ts and cattle lack their
~" with us: for St. Loy is the horselcach, llnd
::it.\nthon)" the l;wint'!u'rd, kc.
Where i God's pro\-idcnce :md due honour in
the mean 8ro:iOll? who !i:lith, Tie ",."r~/f.. be ",iJu, Pa.bu'UlI
aNd llle eartA if ",jne, tile 1I:/w/e tCOr'" alld all !Aat ;:~;~;I~~'I::
i" it i8: J do !lire ri/:loTS, alia I Pllt tojlight: Of~:':i~~:

lilt 6e all Cf1Imlfe!1I 4n(t !Ie/p, kc.: Erupt I J:efjJ flu n~YI.o.
('ifS' in rain dotlt he 1Crdch /hat l-cepdlt it: 1,IOU,
kml, ,IuJU lIfIre 60tl& 11Itll and lMa,U. liut wc hil.\'c

lcfi him ncilll(~r heaven, nor earth, lIor waler, nor

(.'QUill!)', lIor citS. JX'lK'e Ile war, to rule and go"ern, neither men, nor bca:;L;, nor their di~ to
Mire; that a godly man might ju,.,t1y for zealous
indis,Oflntion er)' out, 0 hean-n, 0 enrth and seas,
whut madne:;s and wickedness al:Uinst God llrc
men fallen into I ",hill dishonour do the ereatures
to their Cr<'alor :md A[llker I And, if we remember
God sometime, Jet, bccunse wc doubt of' his nbility
or will to help, we join to him auother belJX'r, as
he were a 1I0lln adjective, usin~ these &1)'ingB:
touch as leanl, God and SI. Xicholns be m)' speed;
t-u"h as n~, God help and SI. John; to the
hflf'l'e, God and SI. 1,0\, &owc thee_ Thus arc we
11(.'(."Ollle /il'~ Aor8 a1ffl ;"o'y1e8, tcAjt<.4 .tare NO llNrler- l'...ull...
Iff lnIljl/!!. J"or is there Il(.t onc God only, who b)'
his power nnd wi,;dom mude ull things, and by IllS
pro"idenoo .!."'O\crneth thc same, and by his goo<illt~" maintaintth and &'l\'eth them? Bc not aft U_.LJ6,.
fti,,!!, of hi_, by him, aNd tArflll9A. Ai,..' Wh)' do~t
thou tllm from the Creator to the creatures? 'J'his
l~ the m:lIlOcr of the Gentiles idolaters: but thou
art a Christian, and therefore &.1 CAri,f alone h:.uit r~u., ,
IJ~U W God tAe l;;t.ter, and help of him only.
These thin~ 'Ire not written to any reproach of
the Saints thcmselv('><, who were the true scrVQnts
of Gvd, und did gi\'i) all honour to him, tukillf!


w w w. h a i l andf m




I'he J'hird Purt of the Jlomil'y

none unto tlll'msckes, and are Llesscd souls wit'n

God; but against our foolishness and wickedness,
making of the true scn'ants of God fillse gods br
attrihuting to them the power and honour which
is God's, :md due to him only. And, for th3t wc
l13ye such olliniolls of the power :lIld ready help of
S3ints, 311 our Legends, Hpnns, SC<juenccs, llnd
:\Iasscs did contain stories, lauds, and praises of
them, and prayers to them, )'ea, and sermons also
nltog'ether of them :.lIld to their praiscs, God's word
being clenn laid aside. And tins wc do altogether
ngreeable to the Saints as did the Gentiles idolaters
to their fillse gods. :Por these opinions whieh men
have had of persons, were they never so
holy, the old most godl) and leamed Christi:lIls
have writlcn llgtlinst the feigned gods of the Gentiles; and Christian princes have destroyed their
ima~: who, if they were now living, would
doubtless likewise both write against our false
opinions of Saints, and nlso destroy their ima~.
For it is eddent tlmt our imag"C muintaillers have
the same opinion of Saints which the Gentiles had
of their false gods, and thereby arc moved to make
them imnges, as the Gentiles did.
If answer be m:l<!e, that they ffinke Snints but
intercessors to God, :lIld menus for such things :IS
the)" would obtain of God; that is even, al~er
j he Gentileif' idolntriOIlS u!<,'lg'C, to make thelll, of
Snints, gods enlJed Dii Ml.'dioximi, to be mean
intercessors nnd helpers to God, I\S though he did
llot hear, or should be 1I'l':l(Y if he Jid all alone.
So did the Gentiles teach thut there wns ono chief
power working bj' other as means; and so they Illnde
all l?Ods subject to f:lte or destiny: as Lueian iD.
his Dialogues feigneth that Neptune made suit to
)[crcur.v, that he might SJ>C'dk with Jupiter. And
therefore in this nlro it is Illost evident that our
imngc maintniners be all one in opinion with the
Gentiles idolllters.
Now rcmaineth the third part, thnt their rites
:lUd ceremonies in honouring or worshipping of


w w w. h a i l andf m


Peril if Idolatry.


the inl:1,!.re~ or Saints be all OIlC wit.h tllC rites

which the Gentiles idolatCl"l:I u:;cd in honouring
their idols.

:First, what mcancth it, that Christ.i:ms, after

the example of the Gentiles idolaters, go on pilg-rimag'C to visit ima,.,<>-cs, where they IJn\'c the like
at home, but that they have a more opinion of
holiness find virtue in some images than other
sJmc, like ns the Gentiles idolaters had? Which
is the readiest way to bring them to idolatry bl
worshipping of them, and directly 3Wtinst God s
word, who sailh, Scek mc, (nul ye thalllire,o alld rW Amo. . ~d
notIce!.: lJethel, neither enter not illtQ Ci/gat, nei/Mr
go to lJeflaba. And ngainst such llS had :m)' superstition in the holiness of the placc, as though they
tihould be heard [or tile place sake, saying, OUrJoI'''IY.:ro-,j.
fuilum worthip})ell in thit "lDlmtain, and ye ta!lthat
at llieTlualem i, the place where mell tMuM worthi}),
our Snviour Christ prolloullccLh: })eliere me, the
hour eO/MIll, when you dalt 1orthip the Father
neither ill thi, mounlain 'nor at Hierlltolcm, but
true 1ortllljJper' ,Imlt worthip the Father in ,pirit
amI trllth. But it is too well known, that. by
such pilgrimage going Lady Venus and her 8011
Cupid were mther wor~hipped wantonly in tIle
flesh, than God the Father and our S:wiour Christ
his Son truly worsl,ippe<l in the spirit. And it
WIIS very agrreablc (as St.l):ml teacheth) tlmt. they nl>lQ l.'J.'o.
which fell to idol:!lr)", which is spiritual fornicatiou, should also fall into carnal fornication nUG
all ullcleanliness by the just judgmcnts of God
deli\'erillg thcm over to nbominable coneupiseenccs.
'Yhat mcaneth it, that Christian men, after the
use of the Gentiles idolaters, cap and kneel before
imllges? 'Vhich, if th(!)' had any sense and gratitud(!, would kneel before m(!ll, carpenters, masons,
plasterers, founders, and goldsmiths, tlll:!ir makers
and frumers, by whose m(!ans they havc attained
this honour, which (!Ise should have been c\,il
ftwourcd and rude lumps of clay or plnster, pICI ..'S
of timber, stone, or metal, wit.haut shape or !iIS;UUII,


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Third Part of (M Ifol1lilj

and so without all estimation :md honour j as that.

idol in the pn!:!':lll .>tV>t confesseth, f3.llying, et I was
" but
.--now I am become n f,"O<,
10 ~~e.

onoo a vile bl()(,:k,

What a fond tllilW is it for mall, who hath life :md
reason, to bow h~nself to a dead and unsensible
im:l!.!c, the work of his own hand! Is not lhi~
.A ,.........
slooj>ing and knooling- before them adoration. of
, cl.
them, which is forbidden so earnc,;tly by God'a
;. U; "",t
",;,1. l'
word? Let such as so fall down before images of
Saints know and confess that they exhibit that
hOllour to dend stocks :lIld stoncs which the Saints
"'..... '$,
themselves, Peter, Paul, Rmlllarnubas, would not
~~: :;t,~: to be gi\'en them being alive, which the anf,"'C1 of
II~. >1 10; God forbiddcth to be gi\'en to him,
uil. '. 9 - .
And, If the)' $.'ly they exlulHt such honour not to
the imllge, but to the Saint whom it repre!;enteth,
they are con\'ictcd of folly, to believe that they
please S:lin18 with that honO\ll' which the)' :lbhor
as n spoil of God's hOllour: for they be no change.
lings, but now both, having g-re:lter undcrstanding
:md more fcn'Cllt lovc of God, do morc ahhor to
deprive him of Ili:; due honour, lmd, lJcing now
like unto the llngels of God, do with angels flee to
take unto them by :;acrilegc the honour due to
God. And hcrewithal i.. confuted their lewd dis
tinction of Latria and Duliu: where it is e\idcnt
that the Saints of God canllot l.bide that as mllch
as an)' outward won;hippillg he done or exhibited
to them, nut Satnn, God's enemy, desiring to rob
God of his hOIlOUl', dcircth exceedingly that. such
honour might be given to him, WllCrefore th08~
which gh'c the honour dul' to the Creator to any
creature do service ne(:cpt:Lhle to no Snints, who be
the friends of God, but. IInto Snbll, God's and man's
mortal and sworn enemy. And to attribute such
desire 01' di\'ine honour to Saints is to hlot them
with a mOllt odious and de\ilish ignominy and
\'illan)', and indeed of :lint:; to make them Satans
and \'er)' devils, whose property is to chnllenb"'C to
ther:u.:;cl\'cs the honour which is due to God only,
And furthermore, in that they 83)' that the)' do
11 .,..tiw.



w w w. h a i l andf m

t1gaiuJt Perit of Uolatr,y.


not worship the images, as the Gentiles did their.

idols, but God and the Snints, whom the images
do represent, and therefore tlw.t their doings bdore
imaj:,"cs be not like the idolatry of the Gentiles

before their idols. St. Augustine, Lactnntius, [md

Clcmcns do !lTO\'C evidently that by this their
answer they be 31\ onc with the Gentiles idolaters.
The Gentilcs," B:lith St. Augustine, <f which seem AU""li.,.
tt' be of the purer religion say, We worship not l'M.uu.
the Images, but by the corporal ima",n-e wc d(/ behold the signs of the things wbich wc ought to


And Lact:mtiu8 snith: "The Gentiles


Llb. U 11101,1
l;.'ly, '\' C "lcar not t IleImages, b ut them a ner WlOse
likeness the images be made, and to whose names
they be consecrnte!' 'l'hus Lad:mtius. And
Clemens B..'1ith: "That serpent the devil uttercth Llb. . .d J~
these words by the mouth of certain men, 'Ve to :t~',~~"1
the honour of the in\'isible God worship \'isible
images: which !>urcly is most false!' Sce how, in
u.:;ing the B..'1llle excuses which the Gent.iles idolaters pretended, the)" shew themselves t.o be all
olle with t.hem in idolatry. l~or, notwithstanding
this excuse, St. Augustine, Clemens, and Laet.antius
pro\'e them idolaters. And Clemens smith that the
serpent, the devil, puttct.h such excuses in ti,e
mouth of idolnters. Alld the Scriptures snith the)'
worshipllCd the stocks and stOlles, notwithstanding Un!, IY, ,~;
this excuse, e\'en as our image mnintainers do. ~:;'~I.: ..I'
And ]~zeehiel therefore ealleth the b..ooS of the
Assyrians Iloch alld ,tone" although they were 1 K Di',I .
hut images of their gods. So arc our images of'S.
God and the Saints Ilallled by the nnmcs of God
nnd his SainfF, aner the use of the Gentiles. Aud
the sallle Clcmens saith thus in the sam~ book:
"They dare not give the name of the ]~mpcror
to any other, for he punisheth his oflbnder and
trnitor b)' and hy; but they dare givc the Ilame
of God to other, bcenuse he for rcpent.nnoo suf
fcreth his oflenders!' And evcn so do our imng'(l
worshil)pers give both Il:l.mes of God :md tilt'
Saints, and also the honour due to God, to thei,'


w w w. h a i l andf m



,.10" .. 11'1

ne TJjrd Part 0/ tu HfnRilJ

im3.!.."CS, e,"co as dill the Gcntiles illolaters to thpir

Wha.t !;houlll it mean, that tlley, according a'l
(lid the Gentiles idolaters, candlc:s at lloon
time or at th~m, but therewith 10
honour them? for othcr u.:;e is there nODe in be)
doin..... For in the <la,. it lleedeth not, but WUJ>
Her"'a pro,'erb of fooli~hn('>...", to light a candle at.
noon time; and in the night it a'-ailetl. not to a candle before the Llind,' and God hath
Ul'e nor honour thereof.
All d couC('mlll~
this candle lighting, it i,; IWlnble that Lactantiu.. .
aoo,'e a thousand )"l'lll'9 a~ halll written ul'lcr thi,.
manner: <rIf the)' would behold the heavenly li~llt
vI' the sun, then shouM they perceive that God hath
110 need or their Clllldle!l, who for the use of mall
hath madc so goodly a light. And whereas in 1:'0
little a circle of the l:lUll, whieh for the great di,,
tance scemcth to he 110 grcati.'r than 11 IIlllll'S head,
there is so grellt brightnl'';s, tlmt the sight of m.llll'"
c)'e is not able to hchold it, but, if OIlC btcadra~t1y
look upon it 11 while, hig eyes will be dullt.'<1 !lud
blinded \\;th darkuClill; how great liJ::ht, how gr('"J.L
clromess, mar wc think to be with Ood, wilh
whom is no night nor darkness?" and 80 forth_
And by and b)' he saith: Sccmeth he therelol'\'
to be in hig n~ht mind, which offereth up to the
Oi,'cr of all li:.;-ht the light of a wax cnndle for a
gill:? lie l"l"quireth anuther light of lli', which i.
Dot Emok.r, but bri~ht and clenr, e\"(:n the li~ht l)f
the mind and understandin~," And shortly lln;"r
he saith: .~ But thcirgodio, be<:ause tb~ be earthl)",
ha,'c nctd of light, lCit the)' remain III darkuC'-.
W"hose wor:-hippers, bocause they undcrstand 110
het,,'clIl.r thin:::-, do draw tbe religion which the\
use doi\"ll to the earth; in the which, being dark
of nature, is ncOO of light. Wherefore the)' ~";"c
to their ~"Ods no helwenl)', but the earthly under.
standing of mortal men, And therefore they bc~
lie\'e those thin!!'il to be necessary and pleMant
unto them whie?1 are 80 to ll8; who have ne!


w w w. h a i l andf m

0ioi,ut Perit of Molqtry.



either of meat when we

hungry, or drink wlum
we be thirsty, or clothing when we be ncold, or
\\hell the sun is set, candle liftllt, that we
Sl'<l." 'l'hus far Laet.'lntius, and much more, too
long here to write, of cnlldle lighting in tem~)les
before imngcs and idols for reli~.:ion: whereby np_
pcareth both the foolishness thereof, nlld also thnt
in opinion and act we do agree altogether in our
candle religion with the Gentiles idolnters.
What mealleth it, that they, after the example
of the Gentiles idolaters, burn incense, offer up
~"Old to iml\,"'CS, hang up crutches, chains, and
ships, legs, arms, and whole men nlld women of
wax before images, as thoug-h by them or Snints
(:lS they say) they were delivered from lameness,
sicknC8S, cnpti\it.y, or shipwrnck? Is not this
DJ/ere imagines, to worsMp images, 60 camestly for- C<;lmo.
hidden in God's word? If they deny it, let them
fl'nd the eleventh chapter of D:lIliel the Prophet;
who saith of Antichrist, lIe daft teQrship god Iclwm Oan, d, "s.
hj,/athcrll:"clo flOt teit! 901d, 'ileer, antI wit! preciou, ,tone, and olMr Ihil/9' ofp/etMure: in which
place the Latin word is Colel. And in the second. no",,,
of Parnlipomenon, the twenty-ninth charter, ail ul~. n. Jl'
the outward rites and ceremonies. as burning of
incense lllld such other, wherewith God ill the
temple was llonoured, is called Cult"" to Sill' 'lCor- CNl/..,
'hipping; which is forbidden straitl,r by God's
word to be given to imag"CS. Do not all stories
ecclesia.stieal declure, that our holy Mart.rrs, rather
than they would bow and knccl or up one
crumb of incense before un image or idol, have
suffered ll. thousand kinds of most horrible lInd
dreadful death? And, what excuse socver they, yet, thllt all this rUlIning on pilgrimage,
hurning of incense and candles, hunging up of
crutches, chains, ships, arms, legs, und whole men
and women of wax, knccling, and holding up of
haMs, is done to the imag"CS, llppc.ueth by this.
that where no illlngts bc, or where they have been
and be taken awar, the,r do no such things ut all;



w w w. h a i l andf m


Aot Ill:, o~,



Third Part of the Homily

uut the places frequcnted when the imagoes were

there, nolV they lie takelJ away, be fOfSlken :lIld
left desert j ua/', nolV they hate and ahhor the
place deadly: w lieh is an e\,idcnt proof, t.hat that
which they did before was done in respcet of the
'\'herefore, when wc sce men and women or.
hetlpS to go on pilgrimage to ima!?eS, knecl beforl:
them, hold up thcir hands before tilem, set up ~m
dIes, uurll incense before them, oiler up gold find
silver unto them, hang up S11ips, crutches, chains,
mell and women of wnx before them, at.tributing
health and safeguard, the gifts of God, to them or
tile Saints whom they represent (as they nlthc,r
would have it) j who, I say. who can douht, bllt
that our image mllintainers, agreeing in all idola.
trious opinions, outward rites and ct'remonics, with
the Gentiles idolatcrs, agree also with them in
committing most abominllble idolatry?
And, to increase this ma<lncss, wicked men,
which have the keeping of such images, for their
more lucre and advalltnge, after the example of the
Gentiles idolaters, ha\'e rcported and spread ahroad,
as well by lying ttlles as written tables, di\'el'l>
mirncles of ima~: a.s that such an image mira_
culously was sent. from heavell. evcn like Plll1adiulll
or Magna Diana ~EjJht4iorum; such another was
ns miroculously lound in the cnrth, as the man'lj
head was in Capitol or the horse hend in Cnpua,
Such an imtln<PC was lJrou~ht by angels; such all
one came itself far from the East to tlle West, as
dame }'ortulle flit to Rome, Such an ima~ of our
L.'l<ly was painted hy St. Luke, whom 01 a ph)'_
Rieinu they have made a paintcr for that purl>Ol>(!,
Such an one n hundred fokes of oxen could not
movc; like llona Dca, whom the ship could not
carry; or Jupiter OI)'mJlius, which l:lUghed the
artiticcrs to scorn that wcnt about to remove him
to Rome. Some images, thougll they were hard
:md stony, )'ct for tcnder heart and pity wept.
Some, like Castor and Pollux, helping their friend:!


w w w. h a i l andf m

Qgaiut Peril of Idolatr!!_


ill battle, sweat, ns mnr~lc pillnts do in d31fkish

weather. Some spake more mOllsfruollsly than
m'cr did llalanm's ass, who had life and breath in
him. Such a crcplc came and saluted this Saint
of oak, and by Ilnd by he was made whole j and 10,
here hangcth his crutch. Such an one in a tem_
pest VO\\"OO to St. Christophcr, and scapcJ; ami
hellOld, here is his ship of wax. Such an onc by
St. Leonaro'g help brake out of prison; and sc~
where his fetters hang. And inlinite thousand",
mo miracles by like or more shameless lies were
reported. Thus do our imllgc mainblincrs in eat
nest apply to their images all such miracles as the
Gentiles have feigned of their idols. And, if it
wore to be admitted that some miraculous nct.:
were by illusion of the devil dOlle where image"
be, (for il; is evidf'nl; thal; the most }Jarl; were
feigned lies and crafty jUbrglings of men,) yet followeth it nol; therelore, that such images are either
to be honoured, or suffered to remain; no morC'
than Ezechias left the'brazen serpent lIndcstroyed. K(n", "i,.
when it was worshipped, althol\~h it wcre both sel ~:;"'"b'''
up by God's commandmcnt, and also approved Lr
a great and true miraclc, for as mally as beheld it
were by find by healed: ncither oll~ht miracles to
persuade us to .do contrary t.o God's word. }~o.
the Scriptures lmvc, lor a. warning hercof~ forc~hewed that the kingdom of Antichrist shall he )fall . ;.
mighty in miracles and wonders to the strong il- ~~~~~ic~,.
lusion of all the reprobate.
,UI.:l. l~
But in tllis they pass the folly find wiekednC$S
of the Gentiles, that they honour find worship th3
reliques and bones of our Saints, whieh prove that
they be mortal mell and dead, nnd thererore nu
f.,rods to be worshipped; whieh the GClltiles would
never oonrcss of their A'O<is for very shame. But
the reliclues we must Id"s rmd offer unto, specially
on Uelique Sunday. And while wc oiler, that II"U
should nol; be weary or repcnt us of our cost, till:
music and minstrelsy gocth merrily nU the oflcr.
tory time with pmising and calling upon those


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Third Part of the llQmilg

Saints whose rcliques be then in presence. Yea,

and the water also wherein those rcliques ha"..,
been dipped must with great reverenoo be rest>rvcd,
as very holy and effectuous. Is this 3A'reeable to
St. Chrysostom, who writclh thus of rC!liques?
"Do not regard the asllcs of the Saints' bodit."",
nor the rcliqllcs of their flesh and bones, ~lIsumcd
witb time; but open the eyes of thy f:1I1h, :lIld
behold them clothed with heavenly virtue and the
gr:l.CC of the Holy Ghost, and shining with the
brightness of the hC:l.\'cnly light!' But our idola.
teri> found too much vnntage of rcliques and rc-

lique water to follow St. Chrysoslom's counscl.

And, bcctJ.use rcliqucs were so gainful, few places
were but they had reliqucs provided for
them. And, for more plenty of rcliques, some
onc Snint hnd many heads, ono in one plncc, and
another in another place. Some had six arms and
twenty si.x fingers. And, where our Lord bare hi...
cross alone, if nil the picecs of the reliquC9 thereol'
wcre gathered togethcr, the greatest ship in England would scarcely bear them: and yet the greatest part of it, they suy, doth yet remain ill the
hands of the infidels; for the which they pray in
the!r beads' bidding, thnt tlley may get it also into
tlJelr hands for such godly use and purpose. And
not onlr the bonC9 of the Snints, but every thing
appcrt31ning to thcm was lln holy reliquc. In some
place thcy offer n sword, in some the scnbb.'lrd, in
somo a shoo, in some n. saddle that had been sct
upon some holy horse, in some the coals ",hcrewlth
St. Laurencc was roasted, in some place the tail of
the nss which our Lord Jesus Christ sat Oll, to be
kissed llnd offered to for II relique. For, rather
than they would lack a relique, thel would offer
yOll a horse bone instClld of n virgin s turn, or tllO
tnil of the 388, to be ki.sscd and oflcred unto for
reliqucs. 0 wicked, impudent, and most shnme_
less men, the deyisers of these tllillgs I 0 see1r,
foolish, nnd dnstartlly dnws, and more beastly than
the ass whose tnil they kiSl;ed, that believe such


w w w. h a i l andf m


Peril of ltklatrg.


thing's. Now God be merciful to such miSCMIl"ll'

and secly Christians, who by the fraud and false_
hood of those which should have 13ugllt them thu
way of truth and life Jlll\ta been made, not only
more wicked than the Gentiles idolaters, but nlS(o
11<) wiser than llSSCS, ItOrlU, and muk8, wkick have I'...... l~


Of these things lllrc3dy rchcnrscd it is evident,

thnt. our image tnnilltnincf'll have not only mnd..:
images and set them up in temples, as did the

O...nlilcs idolaters their IrlO!S, but also that they

have hud the &lmo idol:ltriouB opinions of the Saints,

to whom they have made ima~, which the GOIltiles idolaters had of their false f,rOOs; and havu
not only worshipped their im3gcs with the snme
rites, ceremonics, sU\lCrstitioll, nnd all circumstances, as did the Gentiles idolaters their idols,
bUL In nlllnY points alw have far ex<:c<ldcd t.hem ill
nil wiekedlleSll, loolishllCflS, :md m(ulnCfls. And, it'
1his be not sufficient to prove them image wor_
~hippers, tllut is to So'!y,-idolaters, 10, .you shall hear
their own open confession. I mean not only the
de<:rces of the scoond Niccne Council ullacr Hirene,
1hc Roman Council under Gregory Ole 'l'hird j in
the which, as they teach that images are to be
honourcU and worshipped (liS is before declared),
so yet do they it warily and fearfully, in comparison to the blusphemous bold bluzillg of manifest
idolatry to be dOlle to imllges set lorlh of iUl~,
even ill these our days, the light of God's truth 80
shining that, above other their abominable doingl1
and writings, n. lIIan would marvel most ut their
impudent, shnmclcss and most shnmeful blustering'
boldnCi>S, who would not at the least have chosen
them a time of morc darkncss liS mecter to utter
their horrible blas!lhcmics in, but have IlOW taken
UII harlot's face, not purpose<1 to blush, in setting
abroad the fllrniture of their spiritual wheredom.
And here the plain bl:lSllhcmy of the re\'l.~relld
father ill God, James Naclllntu8, Bishop ofClugiulll,
written in his expo!>ition of St. Paul's EpilSt!c to


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Third Port

of tlie Homily

the lwm:ms, and the first chapter, and put in

print now of Iflte at Venicc, may stand instead of
all: whose words of image worshipping be these
in Latin, as he did write them, lIot onc syllabi"
Ergo non solum fhtendllffi est, fidclcs in Eccleoia
lldorarc coram imaJ:rinc, ut nO~llllll.i ad ~utclam
forte loquunlllf, sed et ndornrc unnglllcm, slIle quo
volucris scrupulo: quill et eo illam VCllcrantur

cultu, quo et prolotJ'JlOIl cjus.

Propter quod, si

illud habet lldorari l3tria, ct ilia Itl.tria; si dulia vcl

hyperdulia, ct ilia pnritcr cjusmodi cultn ador.mda

The scnse whereof in English is this: "Therefore it is not only to be confessed, that the faithful in the Church do worship ucforc :m image, (us
some peradventure do wnrily speak,) but also do
worship the image itself, without any scnlple or
doubt at all : yea, and they worship the image with
the snme kind of worship wherewith they worship
the copy of tlle image" (or the thing whercancr
the imnge is made). "Wherefore, if the copy it.sclf
is to be worshipped with divine honour," (us is
God the Father, Christ, and the 1[01)' Ghost,) "the
imnge of them is also to be worshipped with di\'ine
honour; if the copy ought to be worshillped wil h
inferior IlI)Uour or higher worship, the imngo also
is to be worshipped with the same hOIlOUT or
ThUll filr bath Naclantlls: whose blasphemies let.
1'ope Gregorius the First confute, and by his all
thority damn them to hell, us his successors have
r.'""".t~l'!>t. horribly thundered.
)~or, although Gregory permitteth images to be hud, yet he forbiddeth them
by any meaus to be worshipped, :md praisclh much
Bishop Sercnus for the forbidding the worship of
tllelll, :md willeth him to teach the people to nvoid
by all means to worship ully image. Uut Naclanlu8
bloweth forth his blasphemous idolatry, willing
images to be worshipped with the highest kind or
adoratioll and worship. And, lest such wholesomo



w w w. h a i l andf m

tlfJain&t Peril of Idolatry.


doctrine t"hould lack authority, ilC groundeth it

upon Aristotle in his book Dc SOffino et Vigilia,
that is, Of Sleeping and Waking, as by his printed
Look, noted 80 in.the mnrgent, is to be sccn. Whose
impudent wickedness nnd idolatrious judgment 1
have therefore morc largely set forth, that ye muy
(as Virgil spcakcth of Sinon) "of OIlC know nW'
these image worshippers and idolaters, and understand to what point in conclusion the public having
of images in temples and churches hath brought
us, comparing the times and writings of Grcgory
the :First with our days :md the blasphemit!S of such

jdolaters us this beast of Belinl, lIamed Naclnnlus,

Wherefore, now it is hy the t<'stimony of the 111 In,!,",
old godly f:lthers nnd doctors, by the open conles- w.... "11""~
Ilion of bishops assembled in Councils, by most
evident signs and arguments, opinions, idolatrious
nets, deeds, and won;hipping dOlle to our im~""CS,
and by their own open confession and doctripe set
lorth in their books, deddrcd and shcwcd that our
im:'lgcs have bccn lint! be commonly worshipped,
}"Cll, lllld that t hey ought so to be; I will out of
Ood's word mllkc this general argument ng'llimlt
all sueh mukers, setters up, and maintniners of
images in public places. And lin;t of' nil I will
bcgin with the words of our Saviour Christ: Woe ~1.IL xl1l1.
oe to tAat man by u;Aom an offen.ce i8 given. Woe be ~~;l,:'~""l.
to Aim tlult ojJentletlt. one 0/ theae liUle onea, or weak
ones. Better ?Cere it for Mm. tllat /I fllilktone were
nonge/l about hi8 1leck, arid !le coal tile middle qf
tlte ,ea and drowned, titan Ite '/IOUlll f?trend Olle Ifl
tlte,e tittleone8, or weak onCll. And in Deuteronomy llfllt .....
God himself denoulleeth him accur,ed tAat maketA I~.
Me btinlt to lCander in.. Iti, tcay. And in Leviticus:
:l'hou ,IulU ftot lay a alllm/;'ingblock, or stone, before 1.....1. '1
tile Mind. But imnges in churches and templC"
ha\'e been, and be, :md (as afterward shull Ix'
proved) ever will be oflcllccs or stumblingblock!',
specially to the wcak, simple, and blind common
peoplc, deceiving their he:lrls by thc cUDning of



w w w. h a i l andf m


fie T"ird Part of Ue HoailJ

the artificer, as the Scripture expressly in sWld,/'

places doth testify, and so bringing them to ido ab). Therefore woo be to the erecter, setter up,
'0, al.,8- and maintainer of imlle'"'e8 in churches and temple!! i
for a greater penalty rernaineth for him than tbe
death of the body.
If answer be yet lJl.llde, that this offence ma)' be
laken away by diligent and sincere doctrine and
prrocbing of God's worn. as by other means; and
that imagt'8 in churches and temples therefore be
nnt things absolutely c\il to all meD, although
daog'erous to some; and therefore that it were to
be holden, that the J,lublic h':l\'ing of them in


churches llnd temples IS not expedient, 1UI 11 thing'

perilous, mther than unlawful, as a thing- utterly

wicked; then followclh the third article to be
)lro\'oo, which is this, that it is not possible, if
imngcs be suffered in churdU$ and temples, cithcr
by preaching of God's word, or by any othcr
means, to keep the f'COlllc from worshipping of
them, and 80 to a\'oid idolatry,
And fin;t concerning preaching, If it ..hould 1)('
admitted, that, although images were suO'crOO in
churches, yet might idolatry by diligent and sin
cere prQllchingof God's won! be a\'"oided; it should
follow of neoessity, that sincere doctrine might nl
wa)'s be had and continue as well as images, aud 80,
that, wheresoe,'er to olfcnce were erected an image,
there also of reason a godly and sincere preacher
should and might be continually maintained, For
it is reason, that the warning be as common as the
stumblingblock, the remedy as large as is the offence, the medicine as gellcralns the poison. But
that is Dot po;;.."ible, as both reason and expericnC't.!
It:acheth. Wherefore Ill't'achi[]~ cannot stay idol_
atry, ima~ being puhlidy sutl~red.
.For nn ima~, whi('h willlnst for many hundred
years, m.ay for a liltle 00 bought; but a g'OOfl
)lreacher callnot be with much continually main_
Itent, if the prin(:e will sun-er it, there will be lIy


w w w. h a i l andf m

Qgoinlt Peril of Idolatry.

2::i I

nnd by many, yea, infinite imngcBi but sincere

preachers were, and eyer 811311 bc, but a few in

respect of the multit.uJe to be taught. l~or our

Saviour Christ saith, Tlte han"e8t ie plelllilid, tut ~l"\l.". Jl.
the tcQrA;men, be out afew: which hath been hitherto
continually true, lllld will be to the world's cnd;
and in our time and here in our country so truc,

that every shire should scarcely have onc good

preacher, if they were divided,
Now imngcs will continually to the beholders
preach their doctrine, that is, the worshipping of
ImaA'CS and idolatr,}'; to the which preaching mUIlkind is exceeding prone rmd cnclillcd to gi,'c car
and credit, as experienco of all natiolls and ages
cloth too much prove. But a tnlC preacher, to stay
this mischicl~ is in very IllUIlY places scmx:cly heuro
onC<l in all whole ~'ear, and 60mewheres not OUC<l
in seven ~'ears, as is evident to be proved.. And
that evil opinion which Imlh been long rooted ill
men's hearts C:lIlnot ijuddenly by onc 6Crmon oe
rooted out clean. Ana as few arc inclined to credit 60und doclrine, as nHlIlY, and nlmost ull, be
prone to superstition and idolatry. So thut herein
uppeareth not only a difliculty, but also UIl impossibility, of the remedy.
}~urther, it appeurcth not by any story of credit
t1111t true and sincore prcaehing halh endured in
anyone plaC<l above olle hUll(lred years; but it
is evident that images, superstition, and worshipping of images and idolatry have continued m:lIlY
hundred ~'ears. :For all writin~ find eXI>crienec do
testify, that good things do by liltlc an< liltle ever
dcoay, until they be clean banished. and COlltrnriwise evil thill~"8 do more and moro cnercase, till
they come to a full perfection of wickedncss. Nei
ther need wc to SC<lk eXllluples far 011' for Il proof
hereof: our IJresent matter is an example. :For
Iln..'3ching of God's word, m08t sinccre in the beginning, by process of time waxed less find Icsli
JlltC. and after corrnpt, find last of all :l1togcthcr
down and left. oll~ uud other inventions of mOll


w w w. h a i l andf m


TAe Tlird Part

0/ lie Hrnli~

crept ill place of it. And, on the otber part,

im.ages among Christian men were first painted,
and that in whole stories t(lgetbcr, which had some
signification in them j afterwards the)' were cmbossed, and made of timher, stone, plaster, and
metal. And first they were only kept privately ill
pn\'ale men's houses; Bud thcn nller they crept.
iuto churches and temples, but first by painting,
and after hy cmbossill~; nnd yet. were they nowhere at the first won;hippcd. But shortly after
they begnn to be won;hijl\lCd of the ignornnt sort
of men, 1l.8 nppearcth br llC Epistle that Gregor:r,
the lirsl of that lIame Bi~hop of Rome, did write
to Serenus, Bishop of MarcellC". or the which
two bb-bops, Serellus, for idolatry committed to
im8gt'!1, brake them and bunlL"<1 tllt'm; G f'CgOry'.
although he thought it lotl:rable to let them 8tond,
)'et he judged it abominable that they should be
worshipped, and thought, as is DOW allegro, that
the won;hippillg ofthem might be sta~,-'ti by tcaching of God'it word, 3crordillg as he exllorteth Se.
TCnus to tC'Jeh the people, ns in lhe same Epir.tle
appt.nTCth. But whether Grrgory's ollinioll or
SCTCnuil' judgment were better herein considcr ye,
I pros you; for experience by And by oonrutclh
Gregory's opinion. :E'or, Ilotwit!lt;tanding Oregor}"s writing and lIle IlTCnching or othenl, imagt.lI
being 01100 publicly set up in tcmllles and churchE$,
I;imple men and wom~1I I;horlly after fell on henI'll
to wOrl;hillping orthcm; and Ilt the hl~t the lean\'--tl
alliO wel'C carried away with the public error, as
with a ,-iolent stream or 1I00J; and nt the &COOIlJ
CoulI~il K icene the bk-hopi' and c1er"rr decJ'\l(.'l1,
thal Images l'hould be won;hipped: l1lld &0, by
o{'~:a..ion of tbe;e 8tumblingblncks, not only the
unll'l1rued and simple, but the ll.':lmed and wise,
not the people onl)', but tile bi"hops, 1I0t tht: shoo/"
but 31..0 the flll'plll'roll them~el\'es, (who shou \1
hln'c II(..'('n guides in the right wn,r, nnd light tll
l'hine in dnrkllCl,S,) Ix!ing blinded hy the btwilChillg'
of imllJ:,"C~, as blind guidu. of thc blind, fell both


w w w. h a i l andf m





into th(' )lit of damlluble idolotrr. In the which

all the world, as it were drowned, continued until
our age. h)' th(' splice of about eight hundrt'd )"ears.
unspoken n;::ainst in D manner. And this SUCC<'6ll
had G ~r,r'8 order: which mischief had nevcr
come to pass had Di,;hop Serenus' way l.teen taken,
ll1ld all idols and images been utterly destroyed
and 8bolislH~1 j for no man WOrt!11ippeth that that
is 1I0t. And thus you see ]10\\" from ha\'in~ of
ima~c8 l)ri\'1I1('ly, it came to public getting of thell!
up In churchCll llnd temples, although without
harm lit the first, as wns then of some wise mul
learned men judged; Bnd, from simple hn\'in~
them there, it came allas1 to worsbippin~ of them ;
first by the rude people, who specially (as tlill
Scriptures teachcll) are in danger of superstition ""'" ,Ill
and idolntrr, Dnd afterwards by the bishope:, the"''''
leamed, and b)O the whole clergy. So that laity
and c!erg;r, learned and ullIeanled, all ages, &eeL-,
and degrees of m(,ll, women, ond children of whole
Christcudom (an horrible and mOl'it. dreadful thing'
to think) have been ntonoo drowned in abominllble
idolatry, of nil ot her vices most detested of God
aud most damnable to man, and 11111t. by the 81111CU
of cight hundred )OCMS and morco And to this
end is come that beg-iuning of setting up of imu~"C~
in elmrchCll, then judged harmlcss, in e:xperiem:c
Ilroved not only harmful, but. cxitious and pe::.
tilent and to tile destruction and subversion of
all good religioll uni\Oersallyo So that I concludl:,
as it may be possible in some one city or little
(.'ountr)' to have images 84,'1. up in temples ami
churches, and yet idolatry, by ell.mcst and oontinual preaching of God'., true word and the sin.
cere Gospel of our Saviour Christ, may be kept
away for a short time; &0 is it impos:,ible tJlot,
imnges oncc set up and &U(fcrc<! ill telUplCfi lInd
churches, nil)' great countriCfi, much less thl.! whole
world, roll ony long- time be kept from idolatry.
And the godly will respect not only their OWIl
city, country, llnd time, and the helllth of men ti'


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Third Pad

~f fhe


their age, but be careful for all plnccs and times

and the S31vatiOll of men of :,111 ag'CS: at the least

they will not lay such stumhlillglilocks and sn:lr(~s

for the fC<!t; of' other countrJmen :md ages which
experience hatl1 already proved to ha\'c been the
rum of the world.
"Therefore I make a gcncrnI conclusion of all
that I h[l.\'c hitherto s:lid. If the stumblill,g'blocks
and poisons of men's souls by setting lip of images
will be muny, yea, infinite, if they be su{f('roo, and

the waminb"8 oflhc s.aid stumblillgblockB and remedies for the said poisons by prcac11ing but few,
as is already declared; if the stumbling-blocks be
easy to be laid, the poisons 8001\ provided, and the
warnings and remedies lu\t'(l to know or oomc by;
if the stumblingblocks lie continually in tile way,
and poison be rem1r at hanu everJ'where, and
wllrniugtl and reme<hcs but seldom given; and if
ull men be more rctldy of themselves to stumble
and be offended than to be warned, all mell more
ready to drink of the poison than t.. tusto of the
remedy, (as is before partly, :md shtlll hcretlfttr
more fully be, dl.'Clllrcd); and so, in fine, the poison continually and dccply drunk of many, thu
remedy seldom and faintly tasted of a lew; how
can it be but infinite of the weak and infirm shull
be offcnded, infinite by ruin 8ball break tlleir
necks, infinite by deadly \'cnom be poisoned ill
their souls? And how is the charity of God or
love of our neighbour in our hearts then, if, wheu
we may relllove such dal1l"rerous stumblingblock8,
such pe"lilcnt poisons, wc will not remove them ~
What shall I say of them which will lay stumblingblocks where before was none, and set snares
for the foot, nay, for the souls of weak and simple
ones, Blld work the dan;?Cr of their eternal ruin,
for \~hom our Saviour Chri"t shed his prcciom;
blood? Where better it were that, the arts of
paintinJ::', Jllnstering, carving, graving', and found.
mg' had ncver been foul\d Ilor used, than one of
them whose sou!:l ill the sight of God are so pre-


w w w. h a i l andf m

aga;'l4l PN'il

r!f TJvl<l(rs.


cious should by occasion of image cr picture perish

and be lost.
And thus is it declared. that preaching cannot
~iblJf stay idolatry, if ima.,"'e8 be set up )lUhlicly
III temples and churches.
And llB true is it that
no other remedy, as writiD~ against idolatry, COllD_
l:ils assembled, decrees made agninst it, Eevcre laws

likewise and proclam:ltioDs of princes and emperorf'l.

neither extreme puni!;bmcnta and pcmlilies, nor any
other rcmedj', could or can be ~,.ibly devised for

the ll\'oiding of idolatry, if images be publicly set

up Ilnd suffered.

For, concerning writing n~illst ima~ and idol.

atry to them committed, there Imth bren alleged
unto you, in the BCC(lnd part of this treatise, a great

many of places out of 'l'crtullian, Origcn, Lnctan.

tius, St. Augustine, Epiphallius, St. Ambrosc, Clc
mens, and divers other learncd find holy bishops
and doctors of the Church. And, besidcs thClK',
allllistorics Ecclesiastical :md books of other godly
Bnd learned bishops and doctors are full of notable
exnmples Bnd sentences Bg':Iinst images and the
worshipping of them. And, as the.}' have mOtit
e:lrnetitly written, so did they sincerely and most
dilig'CntJy in their time teach and pl"I..'nch according
to their writings and examples. }~or they wcre
thcn preaching bishops, and more often seen ill
pulJ.lits than in princes' pnlnceg; more often ocCUPied in his legacy who said, Go ye into tAe....,. trAofe tcOrM, a.d JlfW1d tAe p~l to all .e., tl1311
ill cmbassnges and alrnil"8 of princes of this world.
And, as they were m06t zealous and dilig'eot, so
were they of excellent lcarnin~ and godlinCES of
life, and by both of great authority Bnd credit.
with the people, Rnd 80 of more fort.'C and likeli.
hood to persuade the people, und the people more
like to believe and follow their doctrine. But, if
their prt'flehings could not hdp, much less could
their writings j which do but come to the knowled~
orn few that be ICftrncd, in oompnri>'OlI to continunl
preaching', whercofthe whole Ilmllitudc is pnrtaker.


w w w. h a i l andf m



Third Part

0/ the llomil;

Neither did the old fathers, bishops, and doctors,

I'c\'crnlly onl)' by prc:l.chin~


writing', hut nlso

togdhcr, great numbers of them assembled in synods and councils, ffiokc decrees and ecclesiastic:ll
laws against images nud the worshipping- of them;
neither did they so once or twice, but divers times

:md in divers a~"C8 and countrics, assemble s)'no&

Hnd councils, and made severe decrees uW'inst
images and worshipping of them; as bath been at

in the second purl of this Homily before

tle<:lared. But all their writing, preaching, assembling in councils, rlccrceing, and making of
laws ecclesiastical, could nothing help, either to

pull down images to whom idolatry was commit.

ted, or against idolatf)" whili;t imnges stood. l~or
tllOsC blind books and dumb schoolmasters, I mean
images aud idols (for they e:lll them laymen'g books
:llld schoolmasters), by their e:lrvcd nnd pllintcd
writings, tc:lChillg llnd preaching idolatry, prov:lilcd ag:tinst all th('ir wrilten books llnd pre:lChillg with lively voice, us they call it.
"'ell, if preaching and writing' could not kCt'p
men from worshipping of imngcg and idolntry, if
pens lllld words oould not do it, you would think
that pcnnlty and swords might do it, I mean, that
princes by severe laws Bnd punishments might
stay this unbridled affection of ull !l1('1l to idolatry,
though imnges were set up and suffcred. But experience provcth that this c,'mllo more help agaillst.
idol:ltry than writing and pr('3ching. For Chris_
tian Emperors, whose antl,ority ou~ht of reuson
and by God's law to be greatest, above eight in
number, and six ofthcm succcs.."ively reignin .... onc
after another (as is ill the histories belore rchcll~ed),
Illaking most sc\'ere laws and proclamations against
idols and idolatry, images and the worshipping of
images, and executin~ most grievous punishments,
~rea, the penalty of dCllth upon the mainlaillers of
images and upon idolaters and image worshippen<,
could not bring to, that either images once
set up might throughl)' be destroyed, or that men


w w w. h a i l andf m

ogoi",t Peril of ll/Q{alry.


should refroin from the wOri:ihipping of tllcm being

set up.

And whnt think you thell will come to

pnss, if men of lcarnin~ should teach the J>ooplc to

make them, and should maintain the setting up of

them, as things nceeSS3ry in religion?
'1'0. conclude: it uppearcth evidently by all
stories lUld writing and experience of times pnst,
that neither preaching, neither writing, neIther
the consent 01' the learned, nor authority of the
A'Odly, nor the decrees of councils, neither the
laws of princes, nor extreme punisllments of the
offenders ill thut behalf, Ilor no other remedy or
means, e:lIl help ngainst idolntry, if images be
suffered Jlublicly. And it is truly said, that times
pust arc schoolmasters of wisdom to us that follow
:lIld live :lncr. 'l'hcrcforc, if in times past the
virtucst and hest Icarned, thc most diligent also,
llnd in number almost infinite, ancicnt filthcrs,
bishops, and doctors, with their writing, preach.
ing-, industry, carnestn~, authority, assembles,
3nd councils, could do nothing ag:linst imnges
and idolntry to images once set up; what. can we,
ncither in k'llrnillg, nor holiness of lilc, ncither ill
dilih"Cnoo, ncithcr authorit.y, to be compared with
them, but IIlCII ill (:ontcmpt, nnd of no cstimntiOIl
(as the world g'QCth now), 11 few also in number,
in so great 11 multitude and malice of mell; whnt
enn we do, I say, or bring to pass, to the stay
of idolatry or worshilJping 01' images, if they be
allo\\'ed to stand publicl,r in templcs and ehur<:hcll?
And, if 1;0 many, SO mighty cmperors, by so sevcN
law8 and proclamations, so rigorous and extreme
Ilunishmcnts and eXI..'cutions, eould not. stay tho
pcople from sctting up llnd worshipping of images.
Wl13t will cnsue, think you, when mcn shull commcnd them 3S ncccssAry books 01' the 13ymell .
Lct us therefore of these IlItter dn)';; learn thLi
lesson of the expcrience of the ancient tlnliqllih
that idolatry cannot possilJly bo sCllllrated from
images any long time; hut that, os lIn uns{'parllblo
accidcnt, or US 11 shadow followcth the body whcn


w w w. h a i l andf m


ne TAiTtJ Part of '!le JlQ.iI~

the sun ghineth, &Q idolatry followcth and c1C:lwcth

to the public ba\ing of im:'l~ in temples and
clmrches; and lInally, as idolntry is to be abhorre<1
and 3\'oidcd, l;Q arc images, whICh C:llUlot be IOllg'
without idolatry, to be PlIt awn,)' and dl'~trofe<1.

Besides the which ~~rimclltB and proofs of

times before, the \'Crr natuI'C and orig-ill of im~
themselves drawcth to idola!rJ most \iO!ClltJ), and
man's nature and inclin:ltion 01>'0 is bent to idolatr)" SO vehemently. that it is not po..silJlc to 6C\"cr
Uf' part images, nor to keep men, Irom idolatry, if
ImaJ,'1$ be Imlfc['C(l publicly.
'l'hat I spcnk ol" the nature Bnd origin of im:lc'"'eS

is this. }:"cn 3S the fln:;t im'cntioll of t11cm is

nlmght, :'IlId no good em come of that which had
nn evil bcginning, for they be altogether IIllu:,rht,



as Alhann.sius, in his book ngninst the Gcntiles,

dcclarclh; and St. llierome also ulXln the Propl.ct
lIierem), the sixth c1mptcr, nnd Eu,;(,'hi~, the
8(o\~nlb book of his Et."t.'iL... ia..ti<:al History, th~
eighteenth chapter, testify, that. thel finoL came
from the Gcnl1lC1J, which were idolatcrs and wor.k". ,a. ~hippers of imuge;<, unto us; and as IA~ ilfralitm
I!f l"~. tea. IAe kgilllfi"9 of .piri/lUJljQrlfitYlliotf., as
tllC word of God ~tilicth, Sap. xiv; 80 will thcy,
IlUturally as it. wcre and of n~ity, turn to their
urigin from whence they rollle, and drnw us with
them mOISt \'iolcntly to idolatry, abominable to
God and nil godly men. :For, if the origin of
,.~. 'S. ilOO~ and w01'8hipping of tllClll, as it is re<:ordcd
ill the eighth chalJtcr of the Book of Wisdom,
I,cgan of a blind love of a fond father, framing for
llis comfort. an im3e<>'e of 11iJ! son bcin~ ,-ad, ami
80 at. the last. mcn lell to the worshiJlI,in~ of tbe
image of him wbom they did kn'JW to Le dead;
how much more will mcn and women fall to the
won;hippill~ of the images of God, our Saviour
Christ, and his SainLi, if they be sufl::rctI to stand
in churches and tCllljlk'8 pubhcly 1 .For, the greater
the opinion is of the IllI~l'8ty and holill('!<" of the
pcrson to whom an image ill made, thc :.ooller will


w w w. h a i l andf m

Q!Jai1/1t Peril

of Idoutl'!I.


the people fall to the worshipping o~ the &'1id

imll~. 'Vhcrcfore the images of God, our Saviour
Christ, the blessed Virgin Mar}', the Apo;;tlcs,
:M:lrtyrs, and other of notable holiness, are of rtll
other imnb"t.'iS most dnng<!rolls for the peril of' idolatry; :md thcrclore gn:alcst heed to be taken that
none of them be suffered to sbnd publicly ill

churches and temples.

For there is no great

dread lest any should fall to the worshipping of

the images of AlIllllS, Cn,rplws, Pilule, or Judas

the tmitor, if they were set up. But to the other,

it is already at full proved, Ulat idolatry hath
been, is, and is most like continually to be committed.
Now, as was before touelled, and is here more
largely to be declared, tlw nature of mall is nOlle
otherwise bent to worshiplling of' imng<ls, if he tun)"
have them and sce them, than il. is bent. to whoredom and adultery in the company of hnrlots. And,
us unto 11 mall give,} to the lust of the flesh, seeing
a wanton harlot, sitting by her, and embrncing her,
i~ )Jrofitcth li~t1e for ono to s.ny, Beware offomica- :fJ':;.~li'l~~;
tIOI~; God 'WIlt condemn/uTI/leak" and adulterer'i lIob ,ill..:
(for neither will he, being overcome with greater
cnticemcnts of the strumpet, give ear or hike heed
to sueh godly admonitions; and, when he is left.
nfi{'rwnrds alolle with the harlot, nothing eau follow
but wickcdncs.s;) even so, suffer imag-cs to be in
Ilig-llt in churches and temples, ye shall in vrun bid
them beu:are of image' (as St. John doth) and jlce' J<>h~ 'I.'"
idIJII.I{rjl (as ail the Scriptures warn us); ye shall' c...... '.
in vain preneh nnd teaeh t11em against idolatry.
]o'or a numl>cr will notwithstanding fall headlon::,"S
unto it, what by the nature of im:I~, and by the
inclination of their own corrupt nature. 'Vhere_
fore, as a man given to lust to si!. down by a
btrumpet is to tempt God, so is it likewise, to erC{;t
8n idol in this proneness of man's lHltUtC to idola.
try, nothing but a temptiug. Xow, if an)' will
HIY thllt this similitude Jl\"on~th nothillg', yet, I
pray them, let tho word of God, out of the whidl


w w w. h a i l andf m


TAll' Third Part of tAe


the similitude is bkcD, pro"c something. Doth

not the word of God call idolatry spiritWl1.fQr.i~f;;~_ colio.! Doth it not call a gilt or painted idol or
U~.' . ,
im.n.:,"'l! a rlrumr:t with a painted face? Be not
~"",,,-:u:aL the spiritu:ll wickedness of an idol'g enticing likl'
llat Yl "'". the flat.teries of a wanton harlot? Be not men and
women as prone to spiritual fomirolion, I mean
Idolatry. as to rornal fornication? H this be de!lied. let all nations upon the earth. which han:

I.e.'D idolatcl"8 (1liI by all I;lories 3ppc:m~th). prove



Let the 1ews and the people of God,

which were 80 often and so earnestly warned, 80

dreadfully lhrcat(,llcd, concerning ima;.."CS :mu idolatr)". and so exlrcmcly punished therefore, and y('l
fell unto it, prove it to be true; as in almost all

the books of the Old 'l'Clllamenl, namely, the


and the Chroniclcs nnd the l'rophcts, it nppearcth

most cvidcntly. Let all llg<'ll :lIId times, and mcn
of all ages and timCll, of
dcgre<!S fmd conditions,
wise mCIl, lcanlCd mcn, Jlrinctll, idiots, unlcarned,
and commonally, prove It to be true. If you re
quire examplCll: for wise mell, )'0 have the E~Jp.
tiallS and lhe Indinn Gl,mnosophists, the
men of the world; )'OU 1l\\'C Salomoll, lhe wise:.t
of all other; for Il'l1rned men, the Greeks, and
namel)t tile, exceeding all other nations
in supen.tition and idol.lllry, lIS in the hi"torr of
" ........ '6. the Acts of tho Apoaitlcs St. Paul char<,.,reth them;
...- . L .J. for priuces and governors, you h.ll\e the 1Iom3n..,
the nllers of the roost as ther say); )'011 have the
f;3me forenamed kinl:t alomou, and all the king-<
of Isroel and Juda aller him, Sfl\;ng Da\'id, Lzeehi3S, nod J08illB, and olle or two more. All these,
I say, and inlinite otltel'l!, wise, le-.l.rned, prill~"
nnd governors, bcill~
idobh:l'l!, 11lI\'0 you for
exnmp!e;; and a pNJQI' of men's inclination to idol
atry. 'That I mn)' raf'S over with silence, in the
menn time, infllllle multilutlCll and millions of
idiotf' :md lllllearnt'd, the ignorant and g'MElIl Il00
1'..... ".,. plc, li/.c 1I,llo "orlt' 0'111 moy/e" in r"ol# i, ,,1'1 111'
IltnlaIlfJill!J, WllOSe rcril and danger to f.lll 011




w w w. h a i l andf m

atJailllt Peril

0/ ldfl/atry.


hcnps to idolatry by occasion of imnges the Serip_

tun.'ll s)lccillll.y foreshcw and give warning of. 11"104. 11I,
And indeed holV should the unlearned, simple, 01 I<c.
and foolish scare the nets IInd snares of idols
and images, in the which the wisest IInd best
lenrncd hl1\'e been so ent:lllgled, trapped, and
wrapped? 'Vhercfore the argument holdeth this
ground sure, that men be as inclined of their corrupt nature to spiritual fornication as to carnal:
which the wisdom of God foreseeing, to the general prohibition, thnt None ,hOllld mal:e to tltem- Otu!. l.,
'eire' all!! image or ,ilililitllde, addeth a eause de- ,,-,~.
pending' of man's corrupt nature: Le,t, saith God,
thou, IJeing deceiued witll error, Ilonour alld wOT8hip

And of this ground of mnn's corrupt inclination,
as well to spiritual fornication as to carnnl, it must
needs follow, that, as it is the dutf of the godly
magistmte, loving honesty and hatmg whon:uolU,
to remove nil strumpets and hnrlota, specially out
of plnccs notoriollsly suspeeted or resorted unto of
naughty pncks, for the IIvoiding' of cnrllnl forniention; so is it the duty of the same godly magis_
trate, after the examllles of the godly kings Ezechias nnd J 08ias, to drive away all sllirituul harlots,
I mean idols and imngcs, speciallJ' out of suspected
places, churches alld temples, dUllgerous for idolatry to be committed to images ]llaced there, as it
were in the appointed place llnd height of honour
and worship (1l.$ St. Augustine saith), whcre the 'U'l'U't h,
. etc.IlI;",
I'MI ox,,1
G0 d
on i
y, d
all not dca d stones nor st oc kS, 18
to IJc worshi",lCd' it is,I 's'ly
........IIJ, 401<:1.
!.lb.l' "I'
, the office of 0"""
magistrates likewise to tlvoid im:l&"Cs and idols out
of churches and temples, :lS spil'itual harlots out of
suspected plnees, for the avoitlillg of idolatrr, which
is spiritual fornication.
And, as he were the enemy of all honesty that
would bring strumpets and harlota out of their
secret cornet':> into the IlUblie market place, there
freely to dwellnnd occupy their filthy merchandise,
so is he the euemr of the true worshipllillg of God


w w w. h a i l andf m


I. .lii....

1'he Third Part of lite /lomily

that brin~th idols and imfl~s into the temple

and church, the house of God, there opcnly tl) W
worshipped, nnd to spoil the ualou8 C()(l of hil:
honour, who wilt flOt 9ice it 10 an.y otAer, nor Ai"
fJw"!I to cam~1f- imOfJt:8; who is as mnch forsaken,
and the bond of ]o\c betwccn man and him :1::1
much brokcn, by ido1:ltry, which is slliritual forni
CtItion, as is the knot and bond of mnrriab"C brokell
by carnal forniCtltioll. Let. all this be t:lken :15 n
lie, if the word of God cnforce it not to be true.
Curud be lAe man, snith God in Deutcronomiulll,
'/lal moletA. a carrelL or molten. imafJe, Qnf!!Jlat:el4 i/
in. a 8ecret corntr: a"d all tAe people 8lrall ,ay,
Amen, Thus s..,ith God: for at that timc no man
dnrst hn\'c or worship images openly, but in cor
ncrs only; and, thc whole world being thc great
temple of God, he tllat in any corner thereof rohbeth God of his g-lory, nnd givcth it to stocks and
stoncs, is pronounced by God's word nccIIl"8ed.
Now lIe t1mt will bring theij(l spiritu:l.l harlots out.
of their lurking corners into public ehurchcs and
templC:l;, t1mt sl,iritunllornic.,tion IUn)' there oJlcnl),
of nil men :llId women without. shame be commiUcd
with them, no doubt that person is cursed of God,
and twice cursed, and all good and godly mcn :1IId
women will say, Amen, and thcir Ameli will take
efl'.x:t also.
Yea, and furthermore the madness of all men
professing the religion of Christ, now by the space
01' a sort of hundred )'C3rs, and ret. evcn in our
time. in 50 great light of the G06llCl, \'cry IIlllny
running 011 heaps by sea and lllnd, to tlle great
10Sll of time, expcnse and WllSle of their good~,
destitution of their wivcs, children. and families,
and danger of their own bodies :lIul li\'es, to Com.
post1e, H.ome, JeruSftlcm, nnd otber filr countries,
to visit dumb and dead stocks and stones, doth
sufficiently pro\'e the proneness of man's corrupt.
nalure to the seeking of idoL! once set up aud the
worshipping of thcm.
And thus, :IS well by the origin and nature of


w w w. h a i l andf m

IJgIJ;lUl Pail

0/ !J<J{l1.tr_


idols aud images t.hem.."Chocs, 88 by the pronenCf:8

and incliuation of man's corrupt nature to idolalr)",
it is evident. that neither images, if they be pub.
liel)" ~t up, ron be separated, nor men, if the)' see
images in temples and churches, CUll be 6t3)'OO and
kl'pt, from idolntr)'.
Now, whcrCllS the/.' Jfct nllcgc, that howsoever
the peo\']C, princes, cumed, and wise of old time
hnl'c fa len into idolatry by OCCf.Ision of im3gcs,
that )'ct in our time tile most Jmrl, specially the
IlJUrnoo, wise, and of any 3uthorit),. lake no hurt
nor offence by idols tllld im3gt'l1, neither do run
into fur OOlmtrics to them and worship them; and
that the)' know well what nn idol or imllWl is, and
how to be used; and that therefore it followetll.
images in churches and temples lo be an indifferent
thing, ns the which of some is not abused; Dud
that therefore they may just I)' hold (as W3i> in the
IlCg'inning of this ~rt by them alleged) that it. is
not unlawful or WIcked absolutely to have ima~
in ehurcbCfl and templCfl, though it may, for the
danger of the simpler sort, sccm to be not alto~
~Oler expedient.: whereuuto may be well replied,
that Snlomon nlso, the wisest of nil men, did well
know whnt lln idol or imngo Wile, Bud neither took
Ill)' harm thereof n grrot while himseU~ and nlso
with hie ~"O(II'y writing!> armed others against the \I w, ,~~
danger of them j but yet afterward the Eame Salomon, suflering his wanton jlarnmOUN:! to bring their
idols into his court and palace, Wll8 by carnal harlots
persuaded and brought at the l:lflt to the committillJ?
of spiritual fomication with idols, and, of the wiloCSt
and godli<.,;t prince, became t.he most foolislullot anti
\\;ckedcst al..o. Wherefore it ill better C:\'cn for
tbe wisest to regard this warning, I1~ tAae IQulA r<dv.1iI
duger ,AolI ~ri"".IAert11f., and, Let Ai.tAot ,/,unfit/A ;c:..~','~"
~are A~ fait trot, rather than wittingly and wil.
lingly to lo.y /iuch a /itumblingblock for his own
leet and others that may perhnps bring lit last to
The goo<l king Ezcchins did know well enough



w w w. h a i l andf m


1'1te Third Part of tne llomil!l

that the brazen serpent was but a dead imag'CJ and

therefore be took 110 Imrt himself thereby through
idolatry to it. Did he therefore let it st.'1ud, 00cause himself took 110 hurt thereof? K 0J not 80;
but being a brooJ king, and therefore regarding the
health of Ilis seely subjects deceived by that ima....c
and oommittill .... idolatry thereto, he did not ol~r
"in~ ...IB. take it down, but also brake it to piCC<!S. Ami

lhis he did to t.hat image that was set up by the

~umb. .. L commandment of God, in the prt'SCncc whereof
", ,.
~rellt mir.lClcs were wrought, M t.hat which was a
J""" W. It, figure or our S:wiour Chri"t to come, who should
dclw(:J" us from the mortal sling of the old serpent
Satan. Neither did he Sll:lre it in respect of the
ancientness or nnliquit}, of it, which ll:ld continued
about seven hundred ycurs; llor for that it had
been sunbrcd and preser\'ed Ly so mlm)' goUly kings
bt!fore his time, How, think you, \\'ould lhllt godly
princc, if he wcre now living, handle our idQIs, set
up ngainst God's comm:mdmcnt directly, and being
figures of nothing' Lut foil)', and for fools to gaze
on, till they become as wise us the blocks themseJVCtl whieh they stare on, and 80 fall down as
dured larks in tlmt gaze, and, being themselvCl:l
ali\'c, worship a dC:ld stock or stone, gold or sih'er,
mul 80 become idolateI1l, abominable and eursed
befol'C the living God, giving the honour due unto
him which made them when they were nothing,
and to our Saviour Christ, who redeemed thcm
Illlt. r~ d: being lost, to the dead and dumb idol, the !Cor!.: q(
I.1<, I
mall!' Aand, which ne\'er did nor eau do lUly thing
for them, 110, is not able to stir, nor once to move,
and therefore worse than n. vile worm, which can
move llnd crccp? 'fhe excellent kiug Josius nlso
Jid take himself no hurt of imngcs and idols, fur
he did know well what they were. Did he thcrefore, Ucc.'lUSC of his own knowle<1h,"'C, let idols ami
imnJ:,"Cs stnnd? :Much less did he set any up. Or
tat her did he not, by his knowledge nnd authority
also, suceour the ignorancc of such as did not kno\\'
whut. they were by utter taking I1wlly of all such


w w w. h a i l andf m

ogaiu#t Peril o.f lilo/airy.


ItllmblingLlocks as mi:::ht be OC<:'llSion of ruin to

hill people and l!ubjecL:!?
Will ther, because a few took no hurt by im~'"'eS
or idols, break the geneml law of God. Tic. ,Aall E ..od- u ...
aale to tlee xo ,i.i/, &c.? They might as
well, becau:;e )lOY6CS was not ~uced br Jethro's
d:mghtcr, nor .Boos by Ruth, bemg strangers, re36011 that all the Jews might break the f,"Clleral law
of God, forbidding his 1>COllle to join their children 1:".1....1
. mnmnge
. uce t Ilelf
' J",.-1"'11,""
WIt I strangers, Iest t 1H,')' ........
children that they should not follow God. Wherefore they which tllll1> reason, Though it be not I'X
pcdient, )'ct is it lawful, to have images publicly,
IIl1d do prove Umt lawfulnef8 by II few picked and
choscn men; if they objl.'Ct that indillbrently to
nil men which l\ very few CUll have without hurt
and olrence, they seem to tuke the multitude for
"vile souls" (liS he Mith in Virgil), of whose
lo~s or safeguard no reputation is to be had, for
whom )'et Christ paid as dearly as for the
mightil.'8t priuces or the wisl.'8t Ilud best learned
in the earth. And they that will have it generally
to be taken for indiflerent, tor that. a very few
tuke no hurt of it, though infinite multitmk'lJ
bct<idcs perish thereby, shew that they put little
dillcrcllcc betwccn the multitude of ChristiullS
Dud brute beasts, whose danger they do so little
lk'Sides this, if they be bishops or parsons, or
olhen\-ire ha\'in; chllrg'C of men's conSCIences, that
thus reason, It IS lawful to have images publicly,
though it be not expedient, what manner of
p8StOrs l!bew they thcnll:iClves to be to their flock,
whieh thrust unto them that which they thcDI_
selvC$ confess not to be expedient for them, but
to the utter mill of the 80uls committed to their
charge, for whom tile)' shall give 11 strait account
before fAe Pri",ce qf jXulor8 at the last day? }'or' ;'11 . . .
indeed to object to the weuk and ready to fall of
thelllM'l\cs such stumbling-blocks is a thing, 1I0t.
only not expedient, but unlawful, yen, aud mOilt


w w w. h a i l andf m


l'he Third Part of the llQmily

\\'iekcd also, \Vherefore it is to he wondered how

they cnn eall ima~es set up in churches llnd
templcs, to no prolit or benefit of any, and to, so
P'Te:1t pel'il :md danger, ye3, hurt and destruct 1011
of many or raUler infinite, tllings iudiffcrent. Is
not the public setting- up of them rather a smlt'e
for all men and the tempting- of God? I bc!>ccch
thtse rea~oners to cnll to mind their own ae
customed ordiu:mcc amI decree whereb,' the,- dctermincd tlmt the Scripture, thollg-ll by~Go(l'him.
self commanded to be known of all mcn, women,
:lIId children, Bhould not be read of the simple,
llor had in the vulgar tonguc, for that (as tlll,\
said) it was dangerous br bringing the simple
people into crrors, And will the)' not forbi~1
imazc!' to be set up in churehe;; and tcmpll;~,
which are not commandcd but forLid(len mlliit
straitl)' by God, but let them still be there, )'ea,
and maintain them also, seeing the people arc
In'ought nOt. in cl:Ul~r only but indeed into most
aJ,omillable error and dctcsbblc idolatr.\ thcreby?
Shall God's wonl, b) God commanded to be read
uuto all and kuown of all. for danger of heres)'
(ns the)' say) be shut up? and idols ami images,
notwilhstanding thcy be forbidden by God, :lIld
notwith8talldinf.;' the danger of idolntry b,\' them,
~llall ther )'ct he set up, suffered, and maintained
III chllrche~ amI temples? 0 worldly and neshly
wil'dom, e\'cr bent to maintain the invcntions and
traditions of mell by carnal reason, and by the
same to disannul or deraco the holy ordinances,
laws, and honour of the eternal God, who is to be
honoured and llr:li~ed for c\'cr. Amen,
l\~ow it rcmain<:th, for the conclusion of this
treat,\', to dcdlU'C as well the :lbuse of churches
and tcmJlI~ b.\' too co!'tly and sumptuous d,cckingand adorn Ill::: of thcm, as also the lewd pamlin"',
gil(ling, l.llld clothill~ of idols and images, ll.nd ::.
to ('01I('II1<1e the whole treaty,
T."ull "po!.
III TcrtuJlian's time. an hundred and three<311 J9-


w w w. h a i l andf m


Peril of Idolatr!l_


score ycars afler Christ, Chri.stimll; Imd nOIlC other

temples but common houses, whither they for the

most part secretly resorted. And so far olr was

it that. they Il:ld before his time any goodll' "
gorgeous-decked 1cmll!cs, that laws were ma( c in
AntonillllB Vcrus and Commodus the ]~mpcrors' ~~,..~ I,n,.':
times, that no Christians should dwell in houses, ~:.ttloo 111,1.
(:ome in public baths, or be seen in streets or nllY
where nbroad; and t.hat, if they were once accused
to be Christians, they should by no me::lllS be
suffered to escape. As wns practised in Apollonius n. noble senator of Rome, who, bcin~ ac- ltlen>!,,,,....
CU.S('(1 of his own \)(ij:l(Jm:m and sl:wc that he \I'll"
:.L Christian, could neither by his defencc and
:\pology, learnedly and eloquently written :lud
rend !lublidr in the senate. nor III respect that
he wns a citizcn, nor for the dignity of his ol'der,
nor for the vilellcss and ulllnwl'ulness of his :leellSer, being his own slave, by likelihood of mnliee
lllo\'cd to lorgc lies lIgninst his lord, nor for 110
othcr respect or help, could be deli\'cred from
dc:tth. So thnt Christialls were thell driven to
dwell in eaves uncI dellS: so f;lr oft' was it. that
they had any public temples adorned nnd decked
as 1hey now be. Whieh is here rChCIlTiied to the
conflllation of thosc impudcnt sllUmelcss lillTii,
which rel>ort such glorious glosed fables of the
~I)' Ilnd gorgeous tcmplcs that St. Peter, Lillus,
CICtllS, and those thirty bishops their ImeceAAOTii
had at llome until the time of the Emperor COllstlllltiue, and which S1. Polycnrp should have ill
.Asia, or Jreneus in :Francc; Ly such lies, contrnry
to 1111 true hi",tories. to mnilltnin the 6uperfluous
~ildil1g and decking of temples nowadays, where_
in they put :llmo~l the whole sum and pith of our
religion. Dut in tllOse times the world wns won to
Chri.stendom. not by go~us. giltcd, :lIld )lninted
temples of Christians, which had scarcely hou~p.s
to dwell in. but by thc godl)' aud as it were goldcn
minds alld firm faith of /iuch as in allndversit\ ami
persecution !lroI'CN:ied the truth of our rdigiuli.


w w w. h a i l andf m

Tile Third Part of the lIollli/S


And, nll:er these times, in :\Iaximian and Con~

stantius the Empcrors'Jroclamation the plaet.'S
,ai' 9where Christians resort
to public pr3)"et werc
called "Convcnticlcs!' And in Gralerius Maximinus the l~mperor's Epistle they are called Orntories and Dominica, to say, places dedicate to the
servi<:e of the Lord. (And here by the WllY it i!!
to be noted, that at th:lt time there were no
churches or temples erected unto nllY Sl.Lillt, but
1I.<:"itA~. to God only; as St. Augustine also rceordeth,
I.,~. ~,il. "I" sn.ying, \rebuild no temples unto our Martyrs.")
And Lusebius himself cnllcth churches "hous~
of prnyer;" and sheweth that in Consl:mtine the
l-:mperor's time all men J'('joiew, seeing, "inHlcad
of 101\' <:on\'cnticlcs," which tYr3ntB had dc.,;ttoyed,
"high temples to be builded." Lo, until thc time
of Constantinc, by the space of aoo\'e three hundred
yeaN aller our Slwiour Christ, whcn Chri,,;tiun re
lig-ion WilS most pure and indeed golden, Christians had but low llud poor conventiclcs and sim_
ple or'dtories, yea, ca\'CS under the ground called
Cryptne, whero they for fear of pct6CCution assembled sccretly together; a. figure whctC<lf remailleth in the \':Iult8 which yet are buildcd under
great church<'S, to put us in remembrance of the
old sbtc of the primitive Church before Constantille: whereas in Const:mtinc's time and aftcr him
were builde<1 trrcat and goodly temples for Cliris_
tians, called l3asilieae, cither for that the Greeks
used. to call nil A'reat mul goodly p!aC<.'S nasili~lS,
or for that tbe high nnd (1\'erlastmg King, God
and our S;t\iour Christ, W:lS set\'ed in them. But,
although COllstantine lIud other prinecs, of good
zeal to our rcli~ioll, did 8um)ltuously deck :1I1d
ndorn Chri>.tians' tcmples, yet did they dedicate
at that time all churdH.'.S or temples to God or our
S(.O', C'OO(lt.
Saviour Chri,,1:, and to no Suiut; for that abuse
began long aftcr in Justinian's time.
And that gtl~USlless thcn used, rlS it WilS
borne with as risin~ of n good zeal, so WiIS it
signified ef the 6""Odl)' learucd eveu at. tllat time,

1:"..1>. 1.11>.


01 I,lb. b.




w w w. h a i l andf m


P"il 0/ IJ.xu(ry.


that such cost. might othenvi,;e have Oecn better lle-stowed. Let SI. lIierome. nltbough otllcrwi;;eloo
f.,rre:at a liker Bnd sHower of extcnlal :md outward

thing-g, be 11 proof hereof, who bath these words in

hi.3 Epistle to DemetriadCl'i. "Let other," Sllilh
St. Hierome. (( build churchC!l, cover walls with
tnbles of marble, <:llrry together huge pillars, and
l-{ild their tops or head;;, which do !lot feci or UIlderstand thclr JH'ocious decking and n{lorning; let
them deck the doors with ivory 1I11d silver, and set
the goldtm nltal"8 with jlrt.'CiOllll stones. I blame it
not. Let ever)' mall abound in his own sellSC:

and better is it so to do than carefully to keep

their riches laid up in store. But thou hast anotlll'f
way tlppoillll,.'<.! thee, to clothe Chri",t in the poor,
10 \;,.it him in the sick, feed him in the hUllgl')".

)l... u n.....

lodge him ill those who do lack harbour, and 6pe- Gal. ~L , ....
d411.1 6.c4 tu k of tlte It01tAdd of fai'It .., Ami
the s;ame St. Hierome toueheth the 8.'\Ole matter
IiOmewhat more fn'.'C.Iy in his Trenty of the Lite
of Clerks to Nepotiim, Sll)'ing thus: Many buihl
w:llls, and crect pillan> of churches; the smooth
marbles do gliliter, the roof shineth with b"Old, the
altnr is set with precious stone; hut. of the miuistcnl
of Chrilit therll is no electioll or choice. 'Neitllcr
let 3n)' man object and allege ag'.liullt mc thc rich
teml,le that WIIS in Jewry. the table. candlestickll,
ill(:en8t....shipl!. platters. cups, morlanl. and other
things all of gold, 'l'hen were tht"'C things allowed
of the Lord. when the prie:;ts oll~re<1 saerifice:!, ami
the blood of bro.its was 3l..'COUlltal the redemption
of sws. lIowbcit all
went bcfure i" ,c.. ".
Ji!Jllrt, a"d 'A~.1 tt:f!rt terjUnlfur 114, "po_ r:Aoa 'Ae
ad of tAt fCvrU U toMe. And now. whell that our
Lonl being poor hath dedic-.ltc the IlO\'erty of his
hoUJ;C. let us rcmt:mber his cro&..~. and we shall el:;.
h,-em riehe. IL8 mire ()r dUllA'. What d() we m:lr\'d
at tlint which Christ cnlIcth eidcll mamnroll-.' r... ~ ,H.".
Whereto do wc 80 highly esteem and love HmI
which SI. Pett:r doth for a glory tcslif)t thut. Ill' 1<I.l'.~.
had not?" Hitherto St. Uicrollle. TllIts ye 8l'<l ho\\
S 1

'"tM: ,Ai,,!,


w w w. h a i l andf m


1l1e TIIinl Part (.f lite JlIJMiI

St. Ilicrome teaeheth the

the Jews to be a fi:,rure to




and lIot nn example to follow, and that thoi'e outward thiut:,"8

were sulrcred for l1 time, until Christ our Lord



.1:1. ...

cnme, who turned all those outward thin~ into

spirit, faith, and truth. And the same St. Hicromo
upon the seventh chlllltcr of Jcremy ""ith: It God
commanded both the Je\\'8 at that time, and now
us who are placed in the Church, that wc have no
trust in the goodJillcss 01' building and gilt roots
ami ill walls covered with tables or m:lI'blc, and
l<3YJ Tile teMple of tk LmJ, Tu kmpk nf lite lAFt/.
Tilt ttMple ttf the Lord. For that is the tamlllc of
the Lord wherein dwclldh true faith, godly con'"~tion. and the company of all virtul':"."
upon the prophet A~ he d(',.cribctb t:1C tnle and
right decl;n~ or ornamenL:! of the temple aft..r
thi!f sort. I"~ saith St. Uierome, tr do thin.. the
..ihcr, wherewith the house of God is dl.d;:ed, to
he the doctrine of the Seriptul't'fl, of the which it
i~ spok<'Il, 1'h~ dodn'"e of IAt lArd i~ a ]Jlln Of:.
lri"t, ~jlrer tritd i_firt,purgtd fro. dl'OU, pllrijit.l
,eetlt linrt~. And 1 do take gold to be that whi<.'h
rcmnineth in the hid sense of the saints nnd tho
"ceret of thc henrt, and shincth with the true light
or God. Wllieh is evident that the J\politle tlllSO
mennt of the saints that tll;/(l JlPO'" the /OU"dlllioH fir
CAr;,t, some litrtr, some gord, some preciou~ ,Iont';
that by the gold the bid SCD8C, by ili,\cr godly
utter-mc.'(', by precious stonCR works which plea..--e
God, might be signified. With these metals the
Church of our Saviour is made more goodl)' and
goll:'OOU8 than was the Synagogue in old time:
with these lively stones is the Chureh and hou~
of Christ buiLdoo, and JX':ll.'C is gi\'en to it for
e\'cr!' All th{'>;C be St. lIicrome's sayings.
No more did the old godly bishops and doctors
of the Church allow the outntgeous furniture or
kmlllcs nnd churches with plnte, vcsscl$ or !,"Old,
~ilvcr, llnd precious \'CIltum. St. Chrp.o~tom sllith,
in the minil>try 01' the holy Sacrnments there is IH'


w w w. h a i l andf m


need of golden vef<fK'IIl, but of ~ld{'n mimk And

St. AmLrosc saith: "Chrillt fO"llt his Apostlt>fi with. tI I,Se ....p.
out !rold, and ~therro his Chweb \\ ithout gold. :s.
'[he Church hath g<!ld, not to keep it, lmt tu be
f.tow it on tIle llCCl'8l;itiea of the poor!' " The
Sacrllments look for 110 :,"Old, neither tlo they !l!case
God for the commendution of golu, which arc not
Uought for gold. 'fhe adorning and dC('kin~ of
the Sacrttmtnts is the redemption of C3IJti"l,:...
'l'hllll much St. Ambrose. St. Jlieromecommlnu.tll
Exuperius. Bishop of Tol~, lh:lt he C3rrit-d the
Sacrament of the Lord's Br.tly in a wicker bll~kct
:lnd the S:lcramellt of his mood ill n glass, anti w
cast covetoullllC55 out of the church. Aud Doni.
lac-ius, Bishop and ~f3rtrr, as it is recorded ill thu
Dt.-crce&, t.estifieth that in old time the mini"tl:'," 'nl.""tto>.
used treen, and not (..''fllden. ,es::;els. And Zcl hJ1rlrinus. the sixteenth bishop of Rome. made a de
(r.. .e that tlley should use vessels of glass. Likewise
wcre the vClIlures used in the Church in old time
\'ery plain and sin~le and nothing costly. And
Raballus at large dedarcth, that this costl.y and L'b LI,oI'
manifold funliture of vestme.nts of late used m the'" '"
Church was fet from the Jewish usa~"'C, and agrceth
\\ith Aaron's app,:l.rcllil1g almost llltllb'",thcr. For
the maintenanoo of tile which, Illnoccnt.iu8 t.he
]lope ]lronounceth boldly that nil tile customs of
the old Law be flot aUolishL'd. that we might, in
such npI1llrel, of Chri,.ti:lIls t.he more wiUingly 00..
come Jewish.
'fhis is noted, Dot against churches :md temp1~,
which are most lIecewlI'y alld ought to Illl\'e their
due use und honour (as is in Ullothcr Homily for
thcir 1mrpose tleclared), nor ngnillst the COIl\'Cllil'llt
l:!t.>tIllhuCi>s llnd ornaments thereof, but uf,!.l the
tlumptuo~lIessand nblL"CS of temples and l:hun:h('<:.
For it is a church or temple aL..o t.hat glihtcreth
\\ith no nmrble. t;binet.b with no gold nor sih'cr,
~Iiltercth with 110 pearls nor preciuus litollCti, but,
witll plainlless :1Il<! frub.....1itr. signifieth no proud
doctrine nor people. but humble, fl"Ulr-II, untl 110

i:.:... .


w w w. h a i l andf m

Tlte TAird Part 0/ 'he Jlomi'.1


thing esteeming earthly and outward thing-s, but

I{lorio~l.r decked with inward ornaments, accord-




N...... n,

.C. l .

iug as the !)rollhet deelardh, saying, TAe Ki,,!!'

do_9Afer a/bJgeller g[o";o_. iJlrart!f!.
Xow couNrnillg"OO1lS decking of ima~
and idols with painting, gilding, adorning with
precious l'estUfC!l, pe:lrl, llnd stone, what is it c1,,~
Lul, for the further provOClItion and enticement to
jJpirittllll fomie:ttion, to deck spiritual hurloL! mOlot
costh and \\"Dlltonlr? Which the idolatrious Churt'h
und~~rstandcth wcli enough. }~or IOhe, being illd&.'i.l
not only an harlot (as the Scriptures rallclh her)
but also a foul, fillhy, old, withered harlot, (for
"he is indeed of alleiclltJ.ears,) and ulldchilalldin~
her lack of nutllrnl an tMle beauty, and great
loathsolllcncSil which of herself she !lath, dot h
(afler the custom of such harlot..) paint hc~ell~
llnd deck and tiro herself with gold, pearl, stone,
:llld all kind of prcciou!l jcwels; that sll(', !>hining'
wilh the outward bellult and glory of them, may
l'kll"C the foolish fantn.."y of fond lu\Oers, and 1>0
~ntice them to spiritulIl furnication with her: who,
if the)' S"lW her, I will not say naked, but in sim1'1e apparel, wuuld abhor her as the foulClot llnd
liIthic..t harlot that c\"Cr was seen i nceording as
appeareth h)' the t1'-"'<'riptiOll of the gamhhillg of
'AI! !/rt"Ql .trp<l of all strumpets, 'Ae ~f"er 0/
rA'lretlu_, set forth by S1. John in Ilis Rc\clatioll,
who b,}' her A'lory provoked the princes or thl;!
('arlh to commit whoredom with her. \rherca~,
I'll the contrary p:arl, the true Chureh of God, 11."
a chaste matron, UIKJIIMI (as the ~cripture ti.:acl1fth) to ou A_,,!;antl, o"r ejq.r Ju," CAml, whom
alone IOhe is content only to please and tierw, Gnl!
lvokdh not to ddi~ht. the eyes or phantusies or
:lny other !>trnn:,-c lo\cl'll or woocr:o, i:; content with
h~r naluml omamcnt", not doubting bt Sllch SiD_
cere simplicity bc..t to pll'use him, which cnn wdl
tikill of the dill'l'rencc between a painted \'i":16'Xl
and true lIntnr;\\ beauty.
And oollc.:rning ~nl'h glOlious gillling llnd


w w w. h a i l andf m


Peril f?l Idulalr!l_


decking of imag'CS, both God's word written ill

the tenth chlllltcr of the llrophet Jcrcmy, and
St. Ilicrome's commentaries UpOll the Slime, life
most wOrlhy to be noted. l"irst, the wOl'ds of
the Scriptnres be these: The t&orI"man fCith hy Jor. ,. J-5.
o:re hewed the timber ont <if the 1CQO(l fCith. lite wor/;
11( Id~ nond8: he decJ.-ed it teilA gold and 6ilcer: M

joined it with, fIQ;U a/ut P;'18 01/(1 the ,tro;'. e 0/ an

hammer, tnot it 1IIight Rold lOfleilter. l'1te!l be made
Imootlt a, lite palm, aNd fhe!l CQI/not 'peak:

be borne, lhey rcm()l;C, for tne.1I COllflOt go.

litem flat, for lhe!!


if flu',"

Fear !I'-

nt:iflter do crit tu)r gl'lf}d

'l'lnlS snith the Prophet. Upon which text 8t.11 it.:rome hath these words: "'l'his is the descriptioll
of idols, which the Gentiles worship. 'l'1ll'ir matter
is vile and corruptible. And, whereM the Mtificer
is mortllJ, the things he maketh must needs be
(.'OrruptihJe. lle (lr}eKet4 it wit4 8iit'er and gold,
that with the glittering or shillin~ of both metalll
lIe may dccei\'e the simple. Which error indct.'{J
!lath pa..,,-~ O\'er from the Gentiles, that we should
judge reli.!;'ioll to stand in riches." And by and
hy aller he 8:lith: U'l'hey JIlI\'e the beauty of
melals, and be beautified by the arL of painting;
hut good or profit is thero nOlle in them." Aud
t'hortly nller ngllil1: "The.I' make ~1'enL promisc.'l.
and dc\'i~e nn imng-e of' \'ain worshipping of' their
own phnntllsies: the~' make great br:J~"S to deceive
"very simple body: they dull and amaze the UIlderstanding of the unleMIH.'<!, as it were wilh
~"OJd/:n sensC'S. and elO<luelwe shining' with the
brightncss of silvcr. And of their own deviser~
and makers arc these imag'('S :ldv:llleed llnd mn~nified: in the which is no utility nor profit at nil,
IUld the worshippinlt of the whieh prl1pcrly pcrtaincth to the G/:lltilcs :llId he:lthell nlld such as
\.;no\\ not God!' '1'llUs fill' of' St. 1I icrOltlc's words.
"'hereupon you may 1I0te lIS well his judgment of
inwgc.'l themsch'cs, as also of the pllinllllg', gilding',
:1IId decking of them; that. it is nn error which
enme from the Gentih.'s; that it pCr'llll:ldcth N'~


w w w. h a i l andf m



1 ls!.8.




The ThirJ PlIrt

0/ IAe HQ,.i/~

1ib;on to remain in ridlCl;; that it amazelh and

decei"eth the simple and unlearned with w>ldt'1l
senses and sih-er...hinin~ eloquence; and that it
appertaineth proper1)" to the Geutiles and hrotbe118
and ~uch as linow not God. Wherefore the ha,"in!:",
J1llI;inting, gilding, and dl'Cking' of im~"" bJ SI.
Hit:rome's judgmt'ut, is erroneous, seJucill~ autI
bringing into error (specially the simple and Ull
leanled, he:Jthelli,;h, and '"oid of the knowledge of
God. Surd.' the Prophet Daniel, in the ele"cnth
chapter, decl:lrcth such sumptuous dt.'Cking of
images with gold, sih'er, and preciolhi stones to
be 11 token of Anlichri..t's kill~.-dom, who,:l8 the
Prophet foresheweth, shall worship God with such
gorJ.."COus thinb"'S.
Now usually sueh outrngcous adorning IInd deck.
illg of images !lath ribcn (lIld been maintllinc<l,
either of ollerillbPll provoked by superstition nnd
given in idolatrJ, or of spoils, robberies, usury, or
~ otherwise llnjU>ltly gotten, whereof wieh'(l
mell ha'e ginm part to tile images or Saints (:l~
tbey cnll them), that they might. be purdonf'<1 of
the whole; IlS of di,'crs writings and old monu
meuta oone<>miug the cause and end of certain
great gills may well appCl1r. And indl>OO sudl
money, so wiekedly gotleu, is most me.:t to lll'
put to so wicked all USl!. .\nd that which tht,\"
take to be amendil for the whole "efore God i..
more abominable in his lri~ht thun both the wiekl'f.!
getting and the more wicked spending of all the
rest. For how the Lord allowcth such gifts l,e
declan:tb c'"idently in the })mllhet w.l" 1lDlin~,
J (811ith the Lord) do klrt j""!Inmct, (uul 1 jolt'
,poil nIl rara~ oJf~red i" ucrijice. Which tht'
vcrl' Gentiles undcr'I>t()(J(I: for Plato shcwcth that
sneh men as suppose lhut GOI-l doth purdoll wickl'l.l
Illell, if they give pnrt of their 6poil:'J and to
him, take him to be like a dl.g, that would 1,.t'ntreallod (llId hin:d with Jlart 01' the prey to sufltt
the lI"olws to werry the sheep.
\lld in ea.,e tile b"UOU" whefCwith imng'Cs be


w w w. h a i l andf m

(J!l"iut Perit if ldbl.llry.


decked wcre jll"t1:r goUen, :ret is it extreme mad.

ness so fooli~blr ':l.Ild wickedly to hestow good"
purchased by w\"dom and truth. or such lewdness L:u,:lantius writdh thug: "~I,'n do in vain I....


deck images of the gods with gold, i\'ory, and""~

preciotUI /itaDc, as though ther could take an."
pleasure of these things. .For what use ha\'c they
of precious gins, which understand lIor feci nothillg? Even the same that dead mell lmvc. -For
with like rClIson do the)' bury dend bodies farct.'(!
with spices and odours and clothed with prccioU!;
vcstUft'S, Dnd d~k im~~. which neither felt or
knew when they were made, liar understand when
they be honoured, for they f.,-el

110 8<'IlSC

and un-

derstanding' by their conl'!mtion." 'rhus far Lac.

tuotins, :md much more, too hmg here to rehcan;e.
ded.3rin~ that, as little b"lrls play with little pup_
pets, so be thl'SC decked im~'t'6 ,:;'rrot ptlppeUi for
old fools to pia)' with, Ami, that we may know
what, not onl,)' men of our rt1iWon, but ethni{'>.
also jnd::,"C of sueh dcckin,:;' of dead images, it i"
not unprofit.:able to hear what SenCC3, a wise alld
cxcell'::llt 1t.'llrnOO senator of lLome and )lhilosopher,
8llith concerning the foolishness of ancient ami
~r3ve mell, used ill his time in worshipping llllll
decking 01' im:l~"t.'8, '" \\'t',' 6l'lith Sent't':I, I be not
twice children, as the COllllllon >:D)'illg is, but
always children: but this is the dillcrencc, thnt
we being elder play the children.' And in thet;l;l
plays they bring in before b'T('llt and weB dt.'Cked
IlUppcts," for SO he callcth images, 11 ointments,
mccn..'-e, and odours. 'I'o these )lUppets they ofrl'r
up sacrifi(:e, w'hich ha\'e a mouth, hut not the u:<c
or teeth. Upon thC!'C the.r put attiring and prf.'cions apparel, which h8\"C IlO U!lc of clothes. '1'0
these the,r g1\'c gold :md >:ih'er, which they who
receive it," meaning the imag't1l, U lack as wcll n~
the)' that ha\'e g1\'CIl it from tlwlll." And Scn('(~1
much commcndcth Dion.rz.ius, killfr of Sieil)', I'llI'
his merry robbing of such decked and jc\\'elk'<1


w w w. h a i l andf m


nIL J'hirtl Part of 'h~


nut. .1 ou will a:;l,;, 'Hat cloth thi~ llllpertain to

our images, which is written against the idols of
the Gentiles? A1tob"Cther slIrdy. }~or what use or
pleasure have our images of their decking and prc
CiOU8 ornaments? Did OUf images understand when
they were mllde? or know when they be so trimmed
nnd d(>Cked? De Ilot thesc things bestowed upon
them as much in vain as Upoll dead men which have
no sense? Wherefore it followeth, that there is like
foolishllCS8 :lIld lClI'dnf'&' in dC('king of our imllb"Cs
:IS great puppets fCIl" old fool-;, like children, to play
the wicked pill)' of idolatry before, as was amongst
the ethnics aud Gentiles. Our churches stand full
of such great PUPllCts, wondrous!r decked and
adorned; garlands and (,.'OrOllc18 be set on their
heuds, precious pearls hanging aoouL their Ill'cks;
their fingers shine with rings set with !lreciou"\
none; their dead and stif!' bodies al'e clothed with
garmen18 stilr with b"Old. You would belie\'e that
I he ima~s of our mell Saints were some princes of
Persy laud with their proud apparel, and the idols
of our women S:lints were nice :llld well trimml'l1
IUlrlots, h'mpting their !lflnlmours to \\'antollnC8l'l:
whereby tile Saints of God ure not honoured, but
most dishonoured, :md theil' !,"O<lIincss, sobcl'llcss,
chaslily, contcmpt of riches :md of the v:mily of
the world, dclilccd and broughl in doubt by such
monstr1l0ll~ decking, mOlStdiflcrin:{ fl'Om their sober
and godly li\'(.'S. And, tlle WllOle pab"eant
must throughly be played, it is nut enough thus
to d...ock idols, but at. the lalSt come in the priests
thcmlScl\'cs likewise decked with gold alld 1>C111'1,
that. thcy may be 1Il1,'et &en'ants for such lords and
lndics, and fit wOf:'hippcrs of such gods and pl_
dcs.-;('fl. And wilh a bOkmn pllee they pass wrtl1
before thC8C 1:,"Olden Jluppct", llnd down to the
~'Toulld on their marrow!x)Iles befOl'C thesc honour_
alAe idols, ,and thcn, ri.~ing lip 3g"olill, oll'er up
ndours ilud 1lI001SC unto them, to gi\'c thu people
Ull eX3mple of double idolatry by worshipping Il(lt
lul) the idol, but the gold also and richcli wllcl"c-


w w w. h a i l andf m

090il/lt Peril

0/ Idolatry.


with it is gnrni.. hl'd. Which things tile m,liIt. p:1I1

of our old )I:m}'rs rather than the)" would do, or
once kneel or of/er lip one crumb of illC('ll~ herON
;Ill imnge. 6ulli.:rl,1 mo"l cruel llIul terrible t1catbs,
as the hititories of them ut l:lrgc do declare.
And here "t:.'1l.ill their nllf><Jlltion out. of Gregory (J~, .:p'"
U1C }"irst and lhmusccllc, that im:,gc8 be the la)"_ ;.,:~.
m~ll'g books, and that picture is the scripture of '__ do
idiots nnd simple persons, is worthy to be
sidcred. For, as it hnth been touched in divCl'H I).
)!llCeli before how ther be books teaching' nothing'
mt lies, as by St.l)aul ill the lin.t chapter to the
Itml:lll& evidently aJlpe:lrcth of tile imne~ of God, 11 .. ~ 'J.
80, \I hat mallller or books and !coCripture these
}llIinted and gilt imng'Cfl of' Sllints bl- unto tho COmUlon people, note well, I proy you_ For, after that.
our prt.-achcrs shull huve in"lrucled and c:J:horted
the people to the following of the \-irtul'8 of ilic
Saintil, as, contempt of this world, 1)()\'er1,r, soberl1e:;.6, t;hastity, :lIld such like \'irtuetl, which UIIdoubtedly were in the Saints; think you, US IlCOIl
8S they turn their fu(:et from the prelChcr, llml
look upon the gr.a\"(m lH>oks and painted IiCripture
of thc glorious gill ima&"C8 and idols, all shillill~
and glittering with Ole~ll and stonc oud covert.'ll
with prccioutl \'csture8, or else, with Chuercn ill
'l'crcllt.'C, behold" II painted table:' wherein is set
lenth by the art of the painter an imll&"e with a
nice lInd wanton apparel and oountell:lIlt.'C, more
like to VCUIIS or Flora than )Iary :\Ingdalcne, or,
if like to Mllry MlIbl'(]alcnc, it is whcll she plllycd
the !lariat rlllhcr than when she wept for her sin!!;
whell, 1 ~IY, the)' turn a'-'ouL from the I,reut;her to
thCi>e book;; 1I11d iM:hoolml""tcrs :md p:linted scrip.
tun'>!. shall ther not lind tllClll lying books, tl.'llching'
()tl,cr nUlllllCr of les.sons, of esteeming of riches. of
pride lInd vlluity ill apparel, of nicclle"'-'J ami W/lUtfml1~~, and l'\dlturc of whon>dom, llS Cllllcrca
ut" like l'ieturt.'" \\Il:; tuught, :lIld in Luciun onc
Il'DnlcU 01 Venus Gnidia u ICtiOU too ul.olllil1nblc
here to be f'Cmcm1x:l\.'<1? Dc not. thc..c, think you,



w w w. h a i l andf m



1.'ltird Part of the flomily

pretty books and scriptUl'CS for aimplc pcople, :md

speci:Llly for wi\"cs and young maidclIf:l, to look in,

read Oil, and learn 811ch lessolls of? What willlhcy
think either of the prenchcr, who tllUght them
contrary lessons of the Saints, ~\Ild therefore by
these carvcn doctors are chaJt,"\!d with a lie, or (If
the Saints themselves, if they IJelicve tllcse gr:WC!l
books and painted scriptul"Cs of them, who make
the Saints now i"Cigning in heaven with God, to
their great dishonour, schoolmasters of such Yilllity J
which they in their lil~time most nhhorrod? 1~0l
what lessons of contempt of riches :md vanity 01'
this world can such books, so hesmcarod with ~Id,
set with stone, covered with silks, tcuch? What
lessons of soberness and chastity ran our women
Icarn of these pictured scriptures with tlu:il nice
upparcl and wanton looks?
But away, for shame, with these coloured cloaks
of idolatry, of the books and scriptures 01' inw;.,res
and pictures to teach idiots, na)', to mnke idiots
nlltl slark fools and beasts of ChristiallS. Do mell,
I pray ~ou, whell they 1I:1\'e the same books at
home With them, rUIl 011 pilgrimage to seck like
books at Rome, Compostella, or Ilierm'alcm, to IJc
taught by them, when they have the like to learn
of at home? Do men fC\'erenoo some books, and
despise and 6Ct light by other of the g.1me sort?
Do men knocl befofC their books, light cmHllcs at
noon time, llUrn inecllse, oiler up guld :1Od "ilver
and other /fins, to their books? Do mCIl cithel
feign or believe mimelCil to be wrought by thcir
books? I am gure that. the New 'l'cstamcnt of our
Saviour Jesus Chrilit, containing' the word of life,
is a more lively, express, and true im3ge of our
Saviour, than nil c:l.rvcd, grrwed, moltcn, :111<1
paint('<i images in the world be; :111<1 yet none of
all these lhillg'S be done to that book or scripture
of the GOSI>c:1 01' our Saviour, which be done to
imngcs and pictures, the books nnd scriptures: of
lupncll and idiots, as t11ey call them. Wherefore,
eail thcm what they list, it is most evidcnt Lt


w w w. h a i l andf m


Peril of It/O{llff!l'


their deeds, that they make of them none otll{'r

hooks uor 6Criptul'cs t]lftll such as leacb most filthy
and horrible idolatry, as the users of such books
Juily prQ\'C by con!illual practising of the same.
books aud scriptures, in the which tl10 devilish
sehoolmasler Satan huth penned the lowd lessons
of wicked idolatry for his dastardly disciples and
scholars to bcllOld, read, lInd learn, to God's most
hiti'h dishonour and their most horrible damnation I
11;\\,0 !lot we been much bound, think you, to
those which should have taug-M. liS the tmth out
of God's book and his holy Scripture, that th('y
have al1111 up thllt book and Scripture from U~,
(and nOlle of us so bold as once to open it or rend
on it,) lmd, instead thereof, to spread us abroad
these h"OOdly ClIrvcn and giltcd book" and painted
~(;ripturcs, to teach us such good and godly lessons?
Have not they done well, nfter they eeused to stand
in pulpits themselves and to teach the ~cople corn
mitted to their inslrllctioll, keeping silence of God'll
word and become dumo dog8 (as the Prophet calleth I 1."0
them), to set up in their stead, 011 e\'ery pillar and
(-,orner of the church, such goodly doctors, liS dumb,
hut more wicked thun themselves be? ,Yc 11eed
Iwt to complain of the lnek of OIlC dumb parson,
having 80 IIlUIlY dumb dc\'ilish vic.'lrs, I mean thcSl:.'
idols llIu! jminted puppcts, to teaell in their stem!.
~ow ill the mean season, whilst the dumh and
dead idols stllnd thus decked and clothed, contrary
to God's law and commandment, the I)()or Christian
pcople, the lively imllg<.'s or God, commCll<led to liS
80 Lenderly hy our Saviour Christ liS most <Iear to
him, stnnd linked, shivering lor cold, and their
u..'Cth chattering in their heads, and 110 man (;o\'ercth
them; are !linoo with hunger ant! thirst, and no
IllUIl gi,'eth them a penny to rcfn..'Ilh t1ll'm; whcJ'('lls
pounds be rcady at all timcs, contrary to God's
word and will, to deck and trim dewl stocks nnt!
>;IOIlCS, whieh neither fecI cold, hunger, ne thil'l;t.
Clcmens hath a notable 8Cntencc coll(1lrllin~ thi;;; '.ib. M
maller, SlI)'lIlg
l lUS: 'rl1at serpent the (, e\'1"'clot ,I ~"""I"i.



w w w. h a i l andf m


The 1'hird Part Cl! the lIomi/J






the mouth of ccrt'lin mell utter these wordi',

for the honour of the im"isiblc God do wor:;hip
visible imnges: which douhtlc>;s is mo,;!; false. For,
if you will trulf hOllour the imngc of 00<1, you
should, by doing well to man, honour the true
im:lg'C of God in him. :For the ima....c of God is ill
eyery man; but the liken('ss of Galis flot in every
onc, but in those only which have II godly heart
~Ind !Jure mind. If rou ,\"ill the.'crore truly hono1ll'
the imllgc of God, wc do declare to you the truth,
th::lt )'C do well to man, who is made qper the image
of G(){l, that yOIl give honour mul rc,'crcncc to him,
and refresh the hUllgry with meat, the thil'i:;ty with
drink, the nnked with clothl'lJ, the gick with alien
dance, the stronger haroourless with lod:,ring, the
prisoners with 1lC<:CSb<'lries: and Ulis shall be lie
('OUlLted as truly bestowed upon God, And tlH',,;c
I hin&"S nre so directlv llppertaining to Ood's honour,
thnt whosoever docth not this shall seem to 1m\'c
rcproach(d and done viUany to the image or God.
I-'or wlmt honour of God is thi~, to run to imnh,>'t"
of stock and stolle and to hOllour vain and de'ld
figures as God, 1I1ld to despise man, in whom i:l
the true imah,"'C of God?" And by and by nlh'r lw
saith: "Understand ye therefore that t!Jis is i11e
suggestion of the serpent Satan lurking within
)'ou, which pcnmadcth .you tll1lt )'ou arc godl.\,
whcn )'IJU honour insenl:'ible find dead im:LgeB, nUll
that )ou be not ungodly, \\hen )'ou hurt or lea\'l'
ILllsllecourcd the lively and rensonable creatures!'
All these be the word~ of Clemens. Note,l pra.r
\'OU, how this most ancient and IcarnelI doctor,
~\'ithin onc hundred \'C:lr8 of ollr S:H'iour Chri:;t's
time, most plainly t('~cheth, that no Sf'rvice of God
or rdig-ioll acceJltable to him eun be in honouring
of dead imuh'P($, but in succouring of the 1)001', tll\:
li\'ely imnges 01' GuLl; according 10 St. JamL'8, who
f;:lith, Tlti8 i, the pure a"d trlle rdifJion byore G{)tt

the PatAer, to 81lCC()llrfat/urlell and motherl/!" children and ".jdOlC8 in their a.D1iction, and W I.'up Ailll,elf Nndptrd,lmm tJ.'~ /l:Qrtd.


w w w. h a i l andf m

ogaz'ult Perjt f!f Idolutry.


True teligololl thell lll1U pleasing' of God 8"t:l11dcth

not in m:lking, setting lip, p:llnting, gilding',
clothing', and deckillg 01' dumb and d"ud illlllgcS,
which be but greut puppets and mnumenls for old
fools in dot:lg'C and wichd idolatry to dally and plny
with; nnr in ki5l:ling of t.llcm, capping', kneeling,
olltlring to them, in ccnsing of them, seUing up of
candles, han~,'1ng lip of Icg-s, arms, or wllole bodies
of wax before them, or praying and asking of
them or of Saints things belonging only to God
t.o give: but all thcse things be vain :lIld aOOmi.
unble lllld most damnable before God. Wherefore
all such do not only bestow their money and
h.lbour in vain, but with their pains and cost
purchase to thcmsch'cs God's wrath find utter
indignation and evcl"lU!;ting d3l1lllUtion both of
hody and soul. }~or yc have heard it evidently
proved in thcsc Homilies against Idolatry, by
God's word, the doctors of the Church, Eedel'iasticnl Histories, r('a!'Oll, nlld experience, tlmt
images hnvc 1,('('11' uml he worshipped, and so
idolatry committed to them, by inlillite multi_
tudes, to the great offence of God'.. Majesty find
danger of infinite souls; and that idolatry cnnnot
possibly be SCllarntcd from images set lip ill
cllUrehes and temples, gilded llnd decked gorb"'COlIsly; and that therc!(Jre our images be ill.
(iL'cd very idols, and 60 all the prohibitions. laws,
curses, threntcuinf,1'iJ of horrible plugues, :lS well
temporal us eternal, eont:lilloo in the holy Scriptnre coll~rllil1g idols :lud the makcrIi, mllintaillers.
and worshippers of them, apperlain also to our
imng<!8 set up in c11Urchcs and temples, to tile
makers, mnintaincrs, and worshippers of them.
And all those names of abomilllltion which God's
word in the holy Scripture giveth to the idols of
the Gentiles nppcrt:lin to our images. l>cing idol ..
like to them, :l1ld h:willg' like idolat ry committed
uulo them: ami God's own mouth in the holr
Srripturc& caltcth tlu;1ll rall;t;e". lit'l, (!"cc;ll, w;- n.ut. .. ,Il
dt:u,dil1CI', filthiness, dllllg, mi:;('hitf, !lnd aoomi,w- ~~~. 1 'u.


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Third Part 0)' tlte lIomi(1J

{iQlt before the Lord.

\\11crcforc Go1'8 horriLle
,.LI'OII. ..I,. Wl'3th and our most drcndful danger canllot be
avoided without the destruction and utter abolish.
ill.... of all such images and idols out of the church
and temple of God: which to accoll1pli"h, God put
ill tl,e minds of all Christian princes!
And in the mc:m time let us take heed and be
wise, 0 ye beloved of the Lord, and let us have

.1'''''' ,I, ,.

no lStr:mgC: gods, hut onc only God, who mnde us

when wc were nothing, 1110 Father of our Lord

Jesus Christ, who redeemed us when wc were 10SI,
and with his lIoly S!lirit, who cloth sanctify U-<.
For tlti, i, life tt'er/alli"!" to 1'1/010 him to be lh t'
oRI!llrut God, and JUUI Cllri,t, 1&ho11t lit hath, un/.
lAt us honour and worship for religion &1kc 110ne but
him: and him let us worship and honour as he will
himsel/~ and hath declared by his word that he will
be honoured ami worshipred; not in nor b.r ima~"\'~
or idols, which he hath most stroitly forLidden,
ncitller in klll'Cling, lighting' of c:mdlcs, burning'
of incense, oflcring up of gifts unto images ami
idols, to believe that we skIll pleftSC him; for all
these be llhomination before God; but Ict us honour
and worship God in 8pirit antI trlllh, fcaring lIlltl
!o\'ing him :loo\'e all things, trusting ill him only,
calling' ul)On him and })l1ly'ing to him only, plllisin{.:'
and laudiug of him only, (\lid all othcr in him HIllI
for him. }'or 81lc4 tcor8hil'peu doth our heavellly
}~athcr love, who is the most purest Spirit, and
therefore will be worshipped in 8ftirit alld truth.
And such worshippcflI wereAbl1lham,)!oses, David,
lIelias, Peter, }l3ul, John, and nil other the holy
Patriarchs, Prophets, Apo~tles, Mart.rrs, and all
true Saints of God; who llll, ll.ll the true fricnds or
God, were ellcmies nnd destroY'ers of images and
idols, as the enemies of God lllld his true rdigiol1.
Wherefore tnke heed and be WibC, 0 .re belo\~d
of the Lord; nnd thnt which others, (,'ontmr)' to
God's word, bestow wickedly, and to their dam_
natioll, upon de::r.d rlocks Hud stones, (110 illlllgCl',
but CllCllli~'8, of God :\Ild hili Sllints,) thal LCl'.itQ\\


w w w. h a i l andf m

a!J<lill8t Peril ut }dulatr!/.


yfl, 3S the lilithl\il Sl!rmnts of God, 3ccordillp' to

God's word, merCIfully upon poor mcn 3nd women,
fathcrk~ childrcn, willows, sick pcrsons, strangers,
prisoner", 3nd such others that. be in any necessity;
that ye may, at that gl'cat day of the Lord, hear
that. mo>:t Llesscd and comfortable saying of our
S:l\'lour Chritit: Come, ye btelled, into the kingdom M,u H,',
0J'11/!! Fflther,preparetl /or you fJe.!ore the be!Jimlin!J H-fO,
0/' {he 1COrld, For I wal hungry, a/ul !le gave fnl;
meat; thirlty, and ye gat'e me drillk; nal'ed, and
ye clothed me; harbour/ell, and ye lodged me; in
prilO/t, alld ye fluited me; lick, and fie co/li/orted me.
}i'or, 1I:hatlQtrer ye hare done/or the poor and 1lCed!!
in ,ny flame aml fur 1N ,al.c, Ihat have ye r!()lIejur
me. To the whieh his heu\'enly king'flom God tile
}'atner of merciel bring- 118 for Jesus CllI"il;t.-'s sake, _Cw. L J
our only SlIviour, Mediator, lllld Ad\'~atc; to
whom with the Holy Ghost, one immortlll, in,i:.iblc, and most glorious God, be nil honour nnu
t"allk~gi\'lllgaud S'~ory world without cud. Ameu


w w w. h a i l andf m





ADORNlliCi OF cuuncm:s.

IT is n common c1l.'itom used of nil men, whco they

intend to h:1\"c their friends or ncig-hbours to COO11..
to their houses to eat or drink witb them, or to
ha\Oc allY solemn ns...-emb1r to treat and talk of any
TILlltter, ther \\;11 han! their houses, which tbl'~'
keep in continual rt'parnliollif, to be clean and finc,
lest the'" should be counlt."(1 sluttish, or little tu
n'f,"3rd their friends and neighbours. How much
more then ought OIl' hOlhC of God, which \n'
c..'Ommonl.r call the church, to be sulliciclltly rellllircd ill nil places, and to be honourably udorllt:d

."~ ... >L


and g'3nJi~hl'd, and to be kept clean and sweet, 1"

the l.:omlort of the pcople tlUlt shall resort lhcrdo!
It lIppl'nrcth in the holy Scriptnre, holl' God'..
11OUJre, which was c:llkod Ilis holy temple, RIIlI WHo;
the mother church 01" nil Jewry, fell sometime
into det-ny, :md was oflentimCll profaned 1I1ld de'ik'<1, throug-h the llC'gligt'nce nnd ungodlillCl;iJ of
Illch as had ch.afb"'C tlu.n.'Ilf. But when go<Ul
llIlgs nnd ~;'OycrIlOf'll w~1'l in pia"", then 00111uandmtnt was gi'"en f..,rtb\\ ith, that the church
nnd tC:ffil'le of God should Le rep.ain..J., and tin'
dC"olion (lf the J"If'l"IJ!I' to be gathered for the repamtioll of th~ 1>UIIlC'. We I'C'nd in the lourth
llook of the Kin~, h,m' that king JOOB, being 11
!:'Odl)' prill~" g:'In.' c.. mmllndmcnt to the pfie~ts
t.o ("OU\wt <'\'rtnin olli:rinl.'8 01" the reol,le townflls
the rep;lr:ltioll :111(1 nllH'lIdml'lIt of Cud'" telllple.


w w w. h a i l andf m

,Ill J[omil!/ for RCJlairhl$, <Se.


Like oomm:lIldmcnt gave that mo~t godly kin;;

J08ins concerning the reparation :lIId rccdificatiOll ' Klop .. ~.
(If God's temple, which in his timo he found in J_
!>Ore dccay. It hath pleased Almi,g-ht), God, that
these histo:ic8 touchillg' the rccdil),jng and re.
pairing of his holy temple should be written at
large, to the cnd we should be tought thereby,

fin;t, that God is well plCllllCd that his people

l;hould have


oonvenient place to resort unto and

to come together to praise and mag'llify God's

holy Name. Alld, scoondly, he is highly pleased
with all those which dilib"Clltly and zealously go
about to amelld and restore such places us arc
appoint<Xl for the congregation of God's people to
resort uuto, and wherein they humhly and jointly
render tlwnks lo God for his bellelits, and with
onc henrt and voiee praise his holy Name. 'l'hirdly,
God was sore di~pl('uscd with his Jleoplc, because
thcy builded, decked, and trimmed up their own
houses, and 6uflcred God's house to bc in ruin nnd
decay, to lie uu('()mCly and fulsomely. Wherefore
God WIIS sore grieved with them} and plngued
them, liS appenrcth in the Prophet Ifaggcus: 1'!ul$
"ait! Ihe .Lor(i, I" it time jor yo" to (iwelt in your
I'eeiell hou"e", and the .Lord'" ltou8e not regarded.?
Ye have "owed 1Itllch, alld gathercd in {Nit little;
yOllr meat anti your clolhe" have neither jillell YOI~
nor made you warm; and he {/tat had hi" wage" jJllt
it in (~ bQttomle"" puue. By these plagues, whieh
God laid upon his poo\)le for neglecting of' his
temple, it may evident y llppenr that God will
have his temple, his church, the place where llis
cong-regation shall resort to mngnify him, well
cdilk'tl, well repaireJ, and well maintained.
Some. neither regartling godliness nor the plncc
of godly exercise, will say the temple in the old
law \\'118 oommnndcd to be built and repnircd by
God himself, because it hnd great promises allnexcU
unto it, find becnuse it was a fi~ure, a sllcrnment,
or a. signification of Christ, and also of his Church.
To this may be easily answered, first, that ollr


w w w. h a i l andf m


churches :Ire not dbtitute of r.romise-. fOl'a!!'much




as our Saviour Chri,.t saith, 11 "lue lIDO or lAm 4re

fJ4fllued ill _ rw.~. t"~ 0,.1 ill tAe .iJtle4 Q1III>II!}

A great Dumher th"reforc coming to church

together in the name of Christ have there, that is

to bily, in the church, their God nnd S:wiourChri..t
Pre!!Cutly among the congreg-ation of hi>!
faithful peop'e by 1lls g-r:l.CC, by his fiwour and
~..'Odl}' n.."islllnce, ncoording to "his most lLSsurcd

and romfortable promises.



"'IY then ought not

Chri,,;tinn people to build them tempk'>J and

churche,;, ha\-ing as gr't-'at llromi.-es of the )Jre
senre of God as c\"er had Sa]flffion for the ffi3terial temple which he did huild? .\5 toucbiD,!:;' the
(lihel' JWlint, that Sa)clmnn'" tern)lle was a figurt!
of Cbri",t, we know that now, in the time of the
("loor light of Chri,;;t Jl~\b the
n of God, all
shadows. fi~rei!. Bud j;i~'11iflcatiolls are utterly
~nl.", nil \llin and uuprofitahle t.'l."I'Cmolli~, 100th
Jewish Rnd heatheni..h. fullr aoolished; 8nd thl."refol'C our chur<:hes Rre not sct up for figurN Rnd
",i~'11ifi("Utions of 1[e",,,,ias nnd Chrk;t to come. but
lor other godlr and ncressnry purposes. tlUlt is to
sar. thnt, likc I1S c\'ery mall Illlth his own housc to
ahide in, to rl'fr(!sh himself in, to rtst in. with
l;uth like commoditil'>l, 80 AlmiA'hty God will have
his h(llL-<e IInd pulaCi.', whither the whole pRri..h Rnd
C'QIlA'l't.'h"fitioll !;hall l'l'bOrt. Whid, is C;llled the
church :lI1d temllle of God, for that the ChtltCh,
whiell ili the company of God's people, doth thero
'101.10 and come t~thcr to sen-e him; lIot
.. meaning herebr that the Lord, ....iI1. Ik .ft'<lt'eJI of
.wart'lU u wut (lbl~ w .f;,U or eomJlrise, doth dwell
in the chureh of lime Bnd 8tone, made with mlln's
han,I,;, liS wholly Dud onlJ' contained there \\;thin
nnd no whl'I'C else; for l!O he lleVl."r dw~lt in alomon'lj temple_ )[oreo\'cr, the ehurch or temple
is counted aud calk'l.! holl, yet not of il6elf, hut
bee3u~ G~'s people l"C"iOrting thereunto nre hol~',
IInd exercIsc thcmseln.!s in holy nud hl'D.\'\mly


w w w. h a i l andf m

nil I.up;"!

And, to the intent


0/ Clu"d~,.


maJ' understand furlhl'r

why churches were built am~ng C.bristian peo~le,

this was the g'rentest consIderation: that God

might 11ll\'C hi,. place, and that God might ha\'c
his timc, duly to be honoured :md 8('rv..'<I of U:('
whole multitude in the pllri,.h; llrst, there to hc:..r
and learn the blessed word and will of the c\'(!r
lasting God; secondl}", fhnt there the blessed
Sacraments which our Lord :lIld Saviour Christ
Jesus hath ordnincd and appointed should be dlll~',
revercntJr, llud honourably ministered j thirdl,",
that there the whole multitude of God's 1>COllle
in tIle pnn,;h should with one "oice and heart cllll
Upoll the Name of God, mll~lIi(\' and praise the

X:ame of God, render earliest ond hearty Ulanks

to our hClI.\"cn1r }~ather for his heap 01 benefits
dail"r and plentifully poured upon us, not forgetting to bestow our alms upon God's pa,'ert)', to
the intent God may bless u& the more richly.
Thus )"c mar well pereei,'e llnd underab.nd
wherefore churches were built and set up amongst
Christian 11CO!lle, Bnd dedil':lted llnd appointed tn
these godl~' uses, and utterlr exempted from all
filthy, prol:llle, Rnd worldly uset', "'herefore nil
they tllllt hRve little mind or devotion to repnir
and build God's temple are to be counted peoplo
of much \m~liness, spurning" agninst good order
in Chri"t's Church, despising- the true honour of
Goo, with :vil example oOending and hindering
their nei~hbours, otherwise well and ~Iy di:.'l'he world thillkcth but a tnflc to 6C'C
their church in min and decn~'; but, whoso doth
not Iny to their helping hands, they sin ng-ainst
God Bud his hol,," congregation. :For, if it had not
Wen sill to lle~led. and pase little upon the reedu,'ing :1111.1 building up a~in of his templc, God
woUld not h:we been 80 much grieved, and so soon
ha'"e plagued his pt.'Qple, becau~c they huilded and
decked their own hou,,;cs so gorgeously, and desJlised.
the house of God their Lord, It is sin and shame
to see so m.1n)' churches 80 ruinous, Ilud so loul1r



w w w. h a i l andf m


An ][Q1/lil!l/()T Repairill!J

If n m:m's
pri\'atc housc, wherein he dll'cllcth, be decayed,
he will never cease till it be restored up llh"
rea, if his harn, where he kcepeth his corn, he out
of reparations, what dilig<mce useth he to make it
in perfect state again I If his stable for his hors<',
yea, the sly for his swine, be not able to hold out
water and wind, how careful is he to do co,.t
dCC3rcd, almost in C"CfY corner.

thereonl And shall wc IJe SO mindful of our

common b.'1SC houscs, dC)lUlcd to 80 low oecup.\'.

iug? and be forgetful toward that house of OOli,

wherein be ministered the words of our eternal
sa]\'[ItiOIl, wherein be illtrelltoo the Sncmmcnts
Dud mysteries of our redemption?

'1'he fi.lunlain

of our regeneration is there prc5{'ulcd to us j the

partaking' of the Dodyand Blood of



Christ is there offered unto us; :lIld shall we not

estccm the placc whcre ao hca\'enly things be
handled? \Vhcrefore, if ye have any re\'creuoo to
thc scn'iec of God, if \'e 1111)' common honesty,
if )'e havc any consclencc ill keeping of ncc\'ssary
and godly ordinances, kccp your churches ill good
repair; whereby )'e shall not only !llellsc God, and
deserve his manifold blcssinhJ'fl, but also deservc the
good report of nit godly pcople.
'fhe second point which appertaineth to the
mninten:mcc of God's house is to have it well
adorned and comely and clean kept: which things
may he the more easily performed, when the church
is well relJaired. }'or, like ns men nre well refreshed and comforted whcn they find their houses
having :Ill thiugs in good order and :Ill corner..
clean llnd sweet, so, when God's house, the church,
is wen adorned with places convenient to sit in,
with the pulpit for the preacher, with tbe Lord's
t:lblc for the ministration of his Holy Supper, with
the font to Christen in, and also ia kept clean,
comely, and swcctly, the people is the more dC4
sirous :lIld the more <:omforted to f'CSOrt thither,
and to tarr/' there the whole time appoinloo them.
With W Int C3.rnelitlless, wilh what vehemt!nt


w w w. h a i l andf m

find leepi"!} cka", of C~urcllc8.


z~oal did our S3\'iour Christ. dri,"c t.he buyers and lhl< nl .
sellers out of the temple of God, and hurled dowll :~.',:_ Il.

the tables of the cball b"Cl8 of money and tbe setlts

df the do\"c sellers, and could not abide that any
mnD should carT)" a \'~I through the temple! lie
wld them that. tllej' had made his Father's houSt,
de_ ol tJieru, partly lhroug-h their sUfX'nrl.itioll.
hrpoens-y, false wOnlhip. Cube doctrine, and ill~ll.
Illlble covetousness, and partly through contem! t,


abWiillg that place with walking and ulkillg. with

worldly matters, ",iUlOut all fear of God and due
I"Cverence to that !llacc. '\'"hat dellS of thieves the
churches of England htl.\"c bce.n made by the blasphemous buying and selling tllu most pr~i01l8
Body and lllood of Christ in the UJIiSS, as the
world was made to believe, ut diri~s, at month'",
minds, in trcntnls, in abbe}'s nnd chunuics, hcside
ulhcr horrible abuscs, God s holy IUlInc be bleSSl.!d
for ever, we now sce and undel'i!italld, All t.hese
aoomillatiolls the:r that supply the room or Chrilit
ha\'e cleansed an pUr<n"Cd the ehurchCl:l of England
of, taking away all such fulsoment.'88 :md fillhulCSi
as through blind devotion and ignor:mCtl crept
into the Church tlillt many hundred years,
Wherefore, 0 ye good Chrilitian people, ye denrly
beloved in Cbzi,;t Jesu, ye lhul glory not in worldly
and \"ain religion, ill fantastical adorning and decking, but rr-joicc in heart to sce the glory of God
truly set forth, :l1ld the churehes restored to their
ancient and godly use, rcndt.:r rour most hearty
thanks to the goodllCSll or Almighty God, who
hath in our da)'8 stirred up the bcarts, not ani) at'
his godly preachcrII Ilnd ministers, but also of bis
lilithful and mo..t Chrislian mno~ljtrates and go_
"emora, to bring such godly things to pass, And,
forasmuch as )'our chureht.'Il are scoured :md swept
from the sinful and 8ul)Cfljtiliuus filthiness wherewith they were defilt-d and dililigured, do re
your parts, good people, to keep your churcht.'Il
comcly Rnd clcun: suJli:r them not 10 be dclilt.:d
with rain and weather, with dung of do\'es nnJ


w w w. h a i l andf m




[[o.ii'!r>r R~pairi.!J of CllltrcJu.

owls, stares and chou.:b!!, and other filthine&'J. aa

it is foul and lameutable to behold in many plaCCii
oftbis countr:)'. It. is the house ofpra)"cr, not the
bou-'"C of talkin~. of walking, of bl'3wling, of min.
strelsy, of hawks, of dogs. Pro\'oke not the disJlleasure and plnguel of God for de:pi~ing and
abusing his holr house. as the \\;ckt..J lews did.
But h:l\"C God III J"our heart: be obt."llient to llis
blessed will: bin yonrseln18, every man and
woman to their power, toward the reparntiolls and

dean keepill.1: of )"onr church; to the intent )"0

may be J>:lrlakers of God's manifold blessings, and
that re may the better be CIlOOUrn.:,...oo to resort to

)'our pmish chureh, there to learn your duties to~'ard God lmd your neighbour, there to be present

and partakers of Christ's holy Sacmmcnls, there

to render th:mks to your heavenly Father for the
mnnilold benefits which he daily poureth UJXlU
you, there to prn.v tOg'ethcr and to (':lJJ upon Godly

holy Xamc. Which t.e Llc.:.kd world without end.



w w w. h a i l andf m


TIrE liffJwhich wc live in thi!l worM, ~XK1 Christian

people, is of the free benefit of God lent us, yet
not to use it at our pleasure aller our own fleshly
\;;11, but to trade over the snme in those workJ
which tire bcseeming tbem that arc become new
creatures in Christ. These works the Apostle
eallelh lood troti" saying, We Q~ God', fC()r!lIUJll. F.... Loo.
dip, Cffllted ill CArt" J I. to good ICOrl" leAk! God
Jo/'" ort!Qi.,ud, 'Alll re do.lJ rail i. tAna. And
yet his meaning is nol by these words to induce
us to ha,'c any t1fl'ancc, or to put any confidencc,
in our works, as by the merit and dcscn;ng of
them to llurchasc to ourselves and others remission
of sin, and 80 consequently everlasting life. }~or
that were mere blll8phcmy Uh"llillsl. God's mercy,
and grent dcrogntioll to the bloodshcdding of our
Saviour Jesus Christ. For it is of the free grace
and mercy of Ood, by the mediation of the blood
of his Son Jesus Christ, without merit or deser\'ing
on our part, that our sins are forgi\'cn us, that we
are reconciled and brought ngnin into his favour,
and are made hcirs 01' bis bC:l\'cnly kingdom.
to God , 1I._Q.....
.. Grace, JI sailb St . An!?1ll'tinc
, u bclon<'7O'tb
ewho doth call us: aud thcn hath he good work", 04
. .. grace. Good wor'O;
k tl
b nng
' L.oIlt.,.Qa.>&'
W h06QC\'cr recclt"I.:U
not forth ~raC(>, Lut. are brouA'ht forth b)' grace,
The wheel," saith he, tI turneth round, not to tlle
end that it may be made round j Lul, bec3use it is
first made round, therefore it tunlcth roulld. So
no mall doeth good works, to ret.i.'i\'o grace by hi8



w w w. h a i l andf m


'l'he Firlt Part of the lIomil!l


works; but, becnuse he !lath first received

therefore consequently he doeth good works."
And in llllothet plnoo he suith: "Good works go
~~~rl. \lot before in him wllich .sllnll :lfterward be justilied; hnt good works do follow after, when a rn:ln
is first justified." St. Paul therefore teacbeth that
wc muRt do good worh for divers respects: first,
to shew ourselves obedient children unto our hea.
venly :Fathl'r, who natA ordained them, lAot ICe
,!wuld feal!; in. tM11l; sccondly, for thnt they are
good dcclRl':ltlonH and testimonies of our justifill... ~.J6. cation; thirdly, thnt. others, ,eein.9 our good mrl.IJ,
ma.v the mther by them be stirred up :llld excited
to gwrili our Pulher tfJhich u i/l. n.eQt"e1l. Let us not
therefore be slack to do good works, seeing it is
the will of God that we should walk in them, asfluring ourselves that at the Inst day every man
slmll receive of God. for his labour done in true
faith, n gre:lter reward than his works hove deserved.
And, because somcwhllt shall now be flpoken of one
particular good work, whose commendation is both
in the Lmv :lnd ill the Gospel, thus much is said
in the beginning gcnemll)' of all good works; first,
to remove out of the way of the simple and un_
learned this dangerous stumblingblock, thnt any
man should go about to purchase or buy heaven
with his works; secondly, to take awny (80 nigh ns
mll)' be) from envious minds and slanderous tongues
all just oC-Cllsion of slanderous spealcing, as though
good works were rejected.
This good work which shall now be entreated of
is fasting, which is found in the Scriptures to bo
of two sorts; the one outward, pertaining to the
body; the other inward, in the heart and mind.
'l'hill outward fnst is an abstinence from meat,
drink, and all natuml food, yea, from all delicious
pleasures and delectations worldly. When this
ontwllrd fnst perlaineth to one partieular man or
to 3 few, nnd not to the whole number of the peo_
ple, for eauses which hereafter shall be dcclnrcd,
then it is ealled a private fast. But, when the


w w w. h a i l andf m

of fluting.


whole multitude of men, women, find children in lI.

township or cit.\', )'ea, through n. whole country,
do filst, it is called lI. public fast. Such was thnt
fast which the whole multitude of the children 01'
]"mcl were commanded to keep the tenth day of
the seventh month, because Almighty God ap_
pointed that da)' to be a cleansing day, a day of an
atonement, a lime of recollciliation, 3 day wherein
the people were cleansed from their sinll. 'l'he order
and manner how it was done is written in tlw
sixteenth and twcnt.)t-third ehnptcr of Lcvitiem. ,.......1.
1'hat day the people did lament, monrn, weep, and :~:~:.: uul.
bewnil their lormer sillS. And, whosoever Upoll
that day did not hum hie his soul, bewniling his
!'ins, as is said, abstaining from all bodily food
until the evening, Ihat 8out, saith Almighty God, 1..,..nIJ.,~.

8RflUUl bt de8tro,lJt(tj'rom amoNg

nu people.

We do

llot read that Moses ordained by ordcr of law any

days of' public fast throughout the whole )'ear,
more than that onc dllT' 'l'he Jews, notwithstand
ing, hnd more times 0 common f:lsting, which the
prophet Zachary n."'Citeth to be fAt fa,t q/ the fourth, l'. ..h.o1U
Ihtfale of tAe fiju", Ihe put of the ,er;en{R" and the
fa,t of tlte until mOl/tll.. 13ut, tor that it appenrcth
not in the Lcvitienl law when they were instituted,
it is to be judged t hat those other times of' f."lStillg,
Ulore than the filst of the seventh month, were
ordained among the Jews by the appointment of
their governors, ntther 01' devotion, than by any
open commandment given f'rom God.
Upon the ordinance of' thi.s j.."Cllcr:11 fast good men
took ocellsiOIl to appoint to thcmscl\,t.'S pri \'utc filst:"
at such times as they dirJ. either earnestly lament
and bewnil thcil' slnrul livcs, or did nddict tl1\,'m.
H.hes to more fen'cnt pm)"cr, that it mi::rht plellw
God to turn hi6 wmth from them, when either
t!ltly \~crc admon.ished and iJroll;rht t~ the COIlHdcmtlon therl.'Ol u.v the prellchlllg of the Prophets, or otherwise wh{'ll they SllW present danger
to hung oyer thcit heuds. 'l'his sorrowflllnCil:l or
hellrt, juined with lil"ting', they uttered sometiml:


w w w. h a i l andf m



l'he }'j"t Part of tile Homily

by their outlvard behaviour and gesture of body,

putlin.... on sackcloth, sprinkling' themselves with
ashes aOnd dust, and sitting or lying upon the earth .
.For, when good men feel in themselves the hea\'y
burden of sin, see damnation to be the reward of
it, and behold with tho eye of their mind the
Il0ITor of hell, they tremble, they qU3ke, aud are
inwardly touched with sorrowfulness of heurt for
their OflCIlCCS, and cannot but accuse themselves,
and open this their grief unto Almighty God, and
call unto hiIl' for mercy. This being done seriously,
their mind is so occullied, lh'1rtly with sorrow and
heaviness, parlly with an earnest desire to be de~
livert,.'O from this danger of bell and damnation,
that all lust of m('3.t and drink is laid apart, and
lothsomeness of all worldly things nnd pleasures
comcth in place; 80 that nothing then liketh them
more, than to woop, to lament, to mourn, and both
wilh words and behavour of body to shew them.
selves weary of this life. Thus did David falit,
when he made intercession to Almighty God for
the child's life, begotten in adultery of J3cthsabc,
,KIol.. ul. Uty's wife.
King Achab fasted after this sort,
when it repented him of murdering of Naboth,
and bewailed his own sinful doings. Such was
.1''''..... ,11.
the Nini\ites' fast, brought to repentance by
Jonas' llreachingo. When forty thousand of the
Israelites were slain in battle against the Dellja~
J",1j:; u .
mites, the SCri!lture saith, ait tile chitdren of 18rael
and the wfwk multitude of people went out to Be/llet,
and lat there tceepi"g before the lArd, and fa8te(t
llan:I~.j,;' uit t/wt day 'Until f1igllt. So did Daniel, IIcster,
:i.~';':"i.I:; N'ehcmi:1S, and many others in the Old Testament
. . . .0.


Dut, if any man will say, It is true, 80 the,

fasted indeed; but we arc 110t now under that
)'oke of the L.'l.W, wc nre set at liberty by the
freedom of the Gospel; therefore those rites and
cu:;tomg of the old Law bind not us, except it can
be shewt,."(l by the Seriptutc8 of the New 'l'est:l.~
ment, or by examples out of the same, that fastin~


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Fa'ling.


now under the Gospel is n restrnint of mcat, drink,

and nU bodily food and pleasures from the bod.\,
ns before: first, that we ought to filst is a truth
more manifest than that it should here need to be
proved; the Scriptures which tench tho S,'lme arc
evident. 'I'he doubt therefore that is, is whether,
when wc fnst, wc ought to withhold from our
hodies all ment nlld drink during the time of our
fast, or 110. '!'!Jut we ought 60 to do may be well
gathered upon a question moved by the Phnrisccs
to Christ, and by his answer again to the same.
Wfly, say tIley, do John', dilCi)lle' fait often, a'ull,..... u.J3-J!.
pray, and ICe li~e1oi,e, bllt lh.v di,r:;ple, eat and (lrin~',
and fast not at all? III this smooth question they
coueh up subtilly this nrgument or reason. 'Vl\060
fasteth not, that mnn is not of God. For fasting
and prayer are works both commended and eommallded of God in his Scriptures; nnd all J:t'OQd
men from Moses till this time, llS well the Prophets ns others, have exereised themselvcs in these
works. John also ..l11d his disciples at this day do
fast oft, ,'md pray much; nnd so do we the Pharisees in like manner. But thy disciplcs fast not at
nil: which if thou wilt den)', we cnn ensily prove
it. lor whosoever eateth :Uld drinketh fitsteth not:
thy disciples cat and drink: thcrefOl1.l they fast
not. Of this we conclude, 8ily they, necessarily,
that neithcr art thou, nor yet thy disciples, of God.
Christ makcth answer, snyins:, Can .re male that
the children 0/ the 10edding 'hall fait '/Chile the orj(kgroom i, with them? The doy' ,halt come when tile
bridegroom. "'oU be 'a~'en from thelll,: in tAOIe do,,!'
dalt 'hey fatt. Ollr Saviour Christ, like n goo<l

~lnster, delcndeth the inllocclle)' of his Jisciple8

against the mnlicc of the arrogallt Pharisees, and
proveth that his disciples lire not guilty of tranf>S:TCSlIing nny jot of God's law, although as then
they fasted not; and ill his answer rcproveth t.he
I'hnrillCC8 of superstition and ignorance. Sllper~tition, m'Cuu!le they put 0. religion in their doings,
and ascribed holiness to the outward work wrought,


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Fir8t Part of , lie Homi('1

?ot regarding to what end fasting is. ordained. Of

l~orance, for that they could not discern between
time and time: ther knew not that there is a time
of rcjoicin'" and mi;th, and a time again of lamelltation and'=' moumil1~; which both he teachcth in
his answer, as shall be touched more largely hereafter, when we shall shew what time is mod fit to
fast in. But here, beloved, let us note, th"t our
S:wiOllr Christ, in making his answer to their
question, denied not, but confessed, that his disciples fastcd not, and t.herefore agrecth to the
Pharisees in this, as unto a manifest truth, tllat
whose eatdh and drinketh f.'lSteth not. Fasting
then, e\'en by Christ's assent, is a withholding uf
mC3t, drink, and all natural food from the body
for the determined time of lasting.
And that it was used in the primitive Church
appeareth most evidently by the Chalcedon Council,
one of the lour first general Councils. The fathers
assembled there, to the number of six hundred and
thirty, con<:idcring with themsel\'es how acceptable
a thing 1:lsting is to God, WhCll it is used according t.o his word; ~"1Iill, havillg before their e,res
also the great abuses of the S3me crept into tIle
Chureh at those days, thrQugl'i the negligenoo of
them which should have j;,ught the people the
right 1l!>C thereof, nnd by vain gloscs devised of
mell; to reform the &lid abuscs, and to restore this
so good and godly a work to the true use thereof,
decreed in that Council, thnt evcry person, ns well
in his private as public filst, should continue nil
the day without mcnt and drink till alter the
E,ening. !lrnyer, and whosoever did cat or drink
before the Evening Prayer was ended should be
accounted nnd reputed 1I0t to consider the purity
of his filst. This canon teaeheth so evidently
how fll<:tingo was u!<Cd in the primiti\'e Church, 3S
by WOT<!s it C311ll0t be more plninly expressed.
Fn<rtillg' then, by the decree of those six hundred
nnd thirty fllthcnt, goroUluling their determination
in this matter upon the l'llCrcd Scriptures, un<llong


w w w. h a i l andf m


("f'Intinned lL't3~ or practice, both of the Prophel"

and other pll)' persons before the coming 01
Christ, and .1-<0 of the Apostles and other de,-oul.
men in the New Te:.tament, is a withhotdinl;' of
meat, drink, and all natural food from the hod.\'
for the determined time of fasting_
Thus much is spoken hitherto to make plnin
unto )"ou whnt fasting is, Now hereafter shnll be
shewed the true and right usc of fasting,
Good works 1I!'C not nit of 0110 6Ort. For some
arc of thelllsclves, and of their own proper nnturc,
nlw3.\'s good j liS, to love God noo,'c nil things, tll
love m)' neighbour as my6Clf, to hOllour f:Jther :md
mother, to honour the higher powers, to give t(,
every man that which is his due, :111<1 such like,
Other works there be, which, coll~itl('red in them
seh-cs ,,.ithout further respeet, arc of their OWII
nature mere indifferent, Hlat is, neither good nor
c,-:il, but take their denomination of the use or ellll
whereunto tlley serve, Whieh workCl, hn,-ing :to
good end, are e::tlled good works, and are so in.
llccd; but./'et. th:lt comelh not of thcmsehes, but.
or the go<>( end whereunto they arc referTt.'<I, 011
the other side, if the cnd th:lt they 6Cn'c unto be
evil, it eanllot. then otherwise be but thnt thev
must needs be e\'il nlso, Of this ~ort. of works i'>!
fasting, which of illICIt' is n thing men~ty indillcrent,
but is made better or worse h)' the end that it.
.....rveth unto, FM, when it respecteth II !-"OO(I end.
it is n good work; but, the end being evil, t111~
work iL.clf is all>O evil.
To jast then with this perimnsion of mind, thnt
(lur fastin,g' and other ~ works enn mnke ll:t
good, perlld, and just mcn, and flnnU,)' bring 11>1
to heaven, thie is :I de\-ili!,h persull~ion, nnd that
fast so far ofl' from )lleasiuj.f God, that it refuseth
hi'! mere)', and ill nlto<","'Clh{'r dcro;.;.ttory to the
IIll'rilll of Chri,,!"'s death and his pl'\'tious blOOli
8hedding, 'this doth the pnrnl..Jc of the Pharisee
and the Publican teuch, TICO Mcn, saith Chri",t, I~"" ..ilL
ICt1It IIp (",elh~r 1o lAe (~"'J,{e to pra!!, lite ONe u 100IJo
o ;


w w w. h a i l andf m


1M lir.: Part of tAe


PAor1t, tk otkr G ptlMira.. Tu PJorie ,tood

a-d pro/M tJ... rilAi" Aialf: I lADd l~. 0
God, tlat I a. 1UJt IU ()ll~r ~ are, ut<Jrl~r'J
.,.jrut, aJ.IUren, Il1UJ tu {Au" if: I jad
trice i. tA8 eI, I gire titAu of all 'Aat I pout...
TAe prdJlica.,tood afar off, alUl tf)()f4{d Ml lift IIfJ Ai,
e,t' W IretJr:n; lIMl .",ole Ail bread, a"tJ .id, God,
be mercifUL W mt Q nutr. In the person of this

l)hnrisoo our Saviour ChriJit scttcth out. to tho eye

and to the judgment or the world n perfect, just,
tlnd righteous man, such onc ll8 is not spotted with
those vices that men commonly arc infected with,
extortion, briber)". polling and pining their neigh.
hours, robbel"ll and spoilers of rommonweals, crafty
and liUbtile in chopping and cb:mging, using fnlt-e

weights and detestuble perjury in their burin~ and

sellinl:, fornicators, adulterers, and \,100UI H,"en>.
This Pharisee was no luch mao, neither faulty ill
any aueh like notorious crime; but, wbere otb'r
transgressed by lea\,jug things undone which p:t
thc law required, this man did more thun Wag
requisite by law, for he fasted twice in the week
and savc tithes of all that hc hnd. Wlint could
the world thell justly blnme in this man? yell,
what outward thinA' mor(; could be desired to be
in him, to make him n more perfeet ami 11 more
just IllIUl? 'I'rul)', nothing by man's judgment:
and ,et our Saviour Chri::;t prefcrrcth the poor
Publican without ftiting before him with his last.
1'he cause why he doth 80 is manifest. :For the
Publican, having no good works at all to trust
unto, )'ielded up him~lf unto God, confessing his
sins, and hoped certainly to be saved by God's free
mercy only. The Pharisee gloried and trwited 80
much to his works, that he thought himself &ure
ellough without mere)', alld that he should come
to hl'3\'en by his fasting and other deeds. To tbis
end &ef\'dh that parnhle; fOf it i.s spokcn to them
'.ueuill, '!lat 111Uld i", l!le.ulf:e, I!lat tI'9lre r;gAteoN~,
uttd dUJ,iud ol!l~r. Now, bccnuse the l'hnnJJre
dirce1l.'<1 his works to nil cvil cnd, seeking by them


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Fading.


justilirotion, which indeed is the proper work of

God without our merits, his fusting twice in the
wcek and all his other works, though they were
nevcr so many and seemed to the world nevcr so
good and holy, yet in very deed before God they
are altogether evil and abominable.
The mark also that the hypocrites shoot nt with
their fust is to appear holy in the eye of the world,
and so to win commendation and praise of men.
But our Saviour Christ sailh of them, Tltey Itar:e 1I_u, ".Ib.
tlteir reward, that is, they have praise and commendation of men, but of God they have none at.
all. }~or whatsoever teudeth to an evil end is itself
by that evil end made evil also.
Again, 80 long as we keep ungodliness in our
hearts, and Buffer wicked thoughts to tarry there,
though we f.'18t as ofl;; as did either St, Paul or
John B:lptist, and keep it as straitly :l8 did the
Ninivites, yet shall it be not only unprofitnble to llB,
hut also a thing thnt greatly disJllcaseth Almighty
God. lor he &'lith that Itu loul o!Jhorretk anltl. I.T),'~
AautA lucA. falting" yea, tMy are a burden 'Unto Itint,
and he i, weary Dj' bearing thel1/,. And therefore he
in\'cigheth mollt sharply against them, 113yillg by
the montl, of the Prophet Esay, Belwlt/, wAen. ye 1. I.I.~J,f,J.
{a,t, your tlllt remainet/r, ,tilt,for ye do '10 lell vio
un" W yOllr deowfI. Lo, ye faIt to ,trye and
debak, and to Imite witA thefilt oj1OjCJ:ed,UII. No/(}
ye ,RallllotfaIt tAUI, tltat you may make yourr:o;ce tu
be lteard abor:e. 1'1tinl: ye tAil fait plealetk nu, that
a man. "'cuM chalk1/. Itimlef/for a day.? Sltould tltat
De ca/lell a faltin.g, or a da,y that plealet~ tAil' fiOrd.?

Now, denrly ooloved, seeing that Almighty God

nlloweth not our fast for the work s.'\ke, but chiefly
rcspccteth our heart, how it is nlfcetoo, and then
e..-tecmeth our fllst either good or evil by the cnd
that it 8erveth for, it is our part to rent our heart8 J.... IJ. '3
Qnd flot our, :l8 we are advertised by the
Prophet Jocl j that is, our sorrow and mourning'
must. be inward ill the heart, and not in outward
shew only; yea, it is requiloite tbat fint, before all


w w w. h a i l andf m


',or. I.. 'J,

At't. . ID..'-J'
Acl. . ;~_ 'J,

Tile Fint Part of the Homily

things, we cleanse our hrorts from !'in, :l1Id th<'1l

to direct our fast to such an cnd as God will 1111011'
to be good, There be three ends, whcfCunto if our
last be directed, it is then a work profitable to us
and accepted of God, 'l'he first is, to ehnstir;e tile
fle;;h, that it be not too wanton, but<! and
broug-ht in subjection to the sllirit. This fCspceL
had St, Paul in his fast whell he said, I cha#iu w,,!
OOdy, aml bring it ink> #ubjeclitm, led by an!! mea"IJ
it cometk k> pa#, that, wAen I nave preachtd to olher,
J wyu{f befound a callQlcay, 'rhc serond, that the
spirit mnr be more fervent llnd earnest in prayer.
'1'0 this eud fasted the prophets and teachers thnt
were at Antioch, before ther sent forth Paul and
Rnmabas to tbe Gospel. The same two
Apostles fllsted for the like purpose, when they
commended to God by their earnest prnyers tll"
congregations that were at Antioch, l'isidia, 100nium, and Lystra; as we read in the Acts of the
Apo:-tles, 'I'he third, that our fast be n testimony
and witness with us before God of our humble 6ub
mi~!'ion to his high Mnjesty, whcn we oonfcs!' nnd
acknowledge our sins unto him, and are inwardl,\'
touched with SQrrowfulness of heart, bewailing tile
llnme ill the amiction of our bodies, These are tilt:
three ends or right uses of fns-ting. 'I'he lirst bcIongeth most properly to Jlrivatc fnst; the otlWl
two ore common as wcll to public fast as to pri\'lltc.
And thus much for the use off:lsting,
Lord, hovc mcrcy upon us, :lud give us grace,
that, while wc li\'e ill this miserable world, wc mu)'
through thy help bring forth this and lluch ot11cr
li'uits of the SJlirit, eommend..'<111ud oomm:lndcd. in
thy holy word, to the glorJ' of thy N:n\l.e find to
our comlorts, thllt alter the race or tllis wretehl'(!
lile wc mnr live everlastingly with thee in thy
hl':l\'cnly klllgdom; not for the merits llnd war_
thil1~ of our worb, but for thy mercy's sake,
the ment;, of thr dellr Son Jesus Christ: to whom
1':;th thee nnd the Holy Ghost be 1l.1I1:l.Ild, hODo,lr,
and glory f0r ever ll1ld c\'er, Amen,


w w w. h a i l andf m


Is the former Homily, beloved, was sllcwc<IJ tl1:,I..,

nmong the people of the Jel\'s, f.'lsfing, as it was
. Mmmnnded them from God by J\[O}'SCS, was to
abstain the whole day, from morrow till night,
from meat, drink, and nIl m:mncr of foo<l that
nourisheth the body j and that whoso tnslro aught
before the c"oning on the day nppointed to f.'lsting
was accounted among them a breaker of his fast.

Which order, thol1g'h it SC<!mcth strange to some

in these our dnyil, bemuse it Iltllh !lot I,ccn so used
:"J'('ll(!rally in this realm of mally yCflt1i past, yet

that it wns


among God's people (I mean the

Jews, WhOIll, before the coming of Ollr Saviour

Christ, God did \,otlch5[lfc to choose unto himself
a pcculinr people noo,'c all other natiolls of the
earth), find tllat our S:l\'iour Chri~t so ulldcrstooJ
it, and the Apostles nflcr Christ's asccnsion did 80
use it, was thcre suAieicntly pro\'l.'d by the testi
monies and cXllmples o{ the holy Scripturc&, llS
well of the New 'l'esbment as or the Old. 'l'he
true use of fllsting was tllere also shcwed. III this
second Ilart of this Homil.y shall be shcwed, that
no oonstitution or Inw made by mall, lor thill.!-,~
whieh of their own proper nature he mere indif...
fcrent, can bind Ule conscience of Christian men to
:1 perpetual obser\'at ion and keeping- I hert.'Of; bUL
tha. tIle higher powers h3th full liberty to altl.!r
:md challb"C e\'cry such law and ordinancc, either
~lesiastieal or political, when time and place shall
But first an answcr shAll be m:H!e to a question
that some may make, demanding what judgment
we oUl?ht to h:1\'e of such llbstinellces :IS rare al~
pointc<l by puhlic ordcr and laws made by princcs
und by the rlutllOril)' of the mngistratcs, upon policy, not f{'l;pccting :lIIY rclij.;..joll at nil in the e'-line;
all when any realm, in COlIsidcnltion of tho m:J1l1
tainin/! of fisher towns bordering upon the seaS,
and for the encrcasc or lisllcrmen, of whom do


w w w. h a i l andf m


Tne &cond Pare of eAe Homily

spring mariners to go upon the gen, to tIle funli~hinl:

of the 0:1\1' of the realm. whereby not only the
commodities of other oountries mal' be transported,
but also may be :1 necessary defence to resist the
im'asion of the ad,crsary.
}~or the better underst:mdin~ of this question it
is necessary that we make a ditference between the
policies of princes, made for the orderin~ of their
commonweals, in pro,';!lion of things sen;ng to the
more sure dele-ncc of thcir suhjects and countries,
and belwccn ecclesiastical policics in prescribing
luch works by which, 38 by secondary mcans, God's
wntb may be pacified and bis mercy purchased.
POhitive laws made bJ princt1J for oonsen'ation of
their policy, not rtjlugnant unto God'lIlaw, ought
of all Christian subjects with re\'(~rence of the ma_
gistrate to be obe)'e<I, not only for fenr of punishIt-. lID M. ment, bllt aUo, as the Apostle ",aith,.foF conl('il!1lce
fah; oonscience, I 83~. not of the thing, which of
the own nature is indilferent, but of our obedicnce.
which by the law of God wc owe unto the magistmle, all unto God'. tfli"i.le" By which positive
Inws though we suhjectB. for certuin timcs and
dn,rs nllpointed, be reotrained from l!Ome kinds of
meats and drink, which God by his holy word
hath left. free to be taken and used of all mcn cilA
,T. IY_uIAadlfjiri"9 in all places and at all times; yet, for
that i;nch law8 of princes nud other mngistrates are
1I0t made to put holinCilS in one kind of meat and
drink more th:m anothcr, to make one day more
holr than anotllcr, but are gTOundt>d merely upon
poller. all subjeet.s are bound in conscience to keep
them by God's commandment, who by the Apostle
11.... ,IL., willeth all, without exception, to 8ubnlit tbemseh'ClJ
unto the lluthorit.r of the flighe, porceFl.
And in this point oonOl'rning onr duties which
be here dwelling in England, ell\'irolle<! with the
&ell as we be. wc hne grent occasion in reason to
take the commodities of the waler, whieh Almighty
God b)' his divine providcnce hath laid 80 lIi;.:-h
uulo us, whereby the cllcreasc of victuals upOll thtl


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Butilfg.


l:rnd mar the better be spared and eheri",hed, h)

the sooner reducing of victuals 10 a more modcrnte
price, to the better SusUWlIlce of the poor. And
doubtless be scemcth to be too <laint) liD Englis.h_
mall, which, considering the great commodities
which may ensue, will not forbear some piece of his
licentious appetite upon the ordinance of his Prince
with the conscnt of the wise of the realm. Wh3t
good English heart would not wish the old anciclIt
glory should return to the realm, wherein it !lath
with great commendatiolls cxcellcd before our da)'8,
in the furniture of the navy of the stunc ?What will
more daunt the hrort.s of the adversary than to sce
us as well fenced and anncd 011 the sea as we be
reported to be on the land? If the l>rince requesloo
our obedience to forbear oue day from flesh more
than we do, and to be contented with one meal
in the same day, should not our own commodity
thereby persuade us to subjection? But now t1l1lt
two meals be permitted on tlmt day to be used,
which sometime OUl' elders in "ery great numbers
in the realm lIid use with one only spare me:ll, nnd
th3t in fil;h only, shnll we think it SO great a burden
that is prescribed? Furtbermorl', OOllbidcr the dt'Ctly
of tho towns nigh the seas, which should be 1ll000t
ready by tho number of the people there to repulse
the euelllY j llnd we which dwell further ofI' \,poll
the land, IJtlving them ns our buckler to defend liS,
shOuld be the more in surety. If ther be our
neighbours, why should we not wish them to IJl'08per? If they be our defence, as nighe&t at hand to
repel the enemy, to keep out the rage of the 1le:UI.
which el"e would break upon our fair pasturCfl,
wby should we not cherbh them?
Neither do we urge that in the ecclesiastical
polic). prescribing a form of fnsting to humble our_
selves in the sight or Almighty God, that that
order which was nsed :lffiong the Jews, and pn'1(lotised by Chritlt'll APOlit1es alWr his ascension, i.s of
luch force and ll00CS!;ity. that thut only ought to
be used llmong Chrlstlllll;l, lllld !lOIlt: other: tor


w w w. h a i l andf m


11ft' Seco'lfl Pr."t of lite Homily

tLtL were to bind God's people unto the yoke llm!

burden of MoysefI' polic)" j )'C3, it ,~erc the vcr.l"
way to bring us, which arc set at hberty by the.
fl"l.-edom of Christ's Gospel, into the oolldaf,"C 01
the Law o!!':tin which God forbid tbat any man
should att:'mpt or Jlurpose. But to lhi~ cnd it
scrn:lth, to shew how far the order of fasting llOW
used in the Church at thill d:w difl'crcth from that
which then WIIS used. Go<I;6 Church ought 1I0t
neither may it be ro lied to fhnt ()f :my other order
now made or hCl"i'3ftcr to be made and devised b~'
the authority of mall, but 1h3t it may lawfully fOl'
just causes nlter, chall~J or mitig'3te those ecc!rsiasticul decrees :lIld orders, yea, recede wholly from
tbem, and brenk them, when they tend cithel' to
superstition or to impiety, when they draw the
people from God rather than work !lny edification
in them.
This authority Christ himself used, and left it
unto his Church. He used it, I say; for the order
or decree made by the elders for washing olttimcs,
which was diligently obscne<J of the Jews, Yl'~
tending to superstition, our S:I\iour Chri.tit altered
and ehnnged the Ilmne in his Church into n profit.
aUle Sacrament, the Sacrament of our regeneration
or new birth.
This Authoril)' to mitigate Jawg And dcef'Ce>l
ecclesiAstil'nl the Apo~tll's pmcti~cd, when the.\,
writing from Hietu$lIlclll unto the ('OlIg'regatioll
that \I'M at Antioch, sil-:'Ilificd I1l1to them that thl',\'
\rt,n>ll .,. would "ot lay any jilrlller burden u]J()n lReIN, t/lt
lllue nect,8Qriu, that ill, tAat tlle$ I!tould alHtai,t
from Ihi"9,oj{eml unto idotl,fro11t !Jl{j()(I,from tAat
tehich i, ,IruNglet!, and fro'lt forNication, notwith.
standing that Mo>'scs' law fCi.luircd many other
'1'hi8 lIuthority to c11An::e the orders, <!Ct't('l'S, and
oonstiltUion8 of the Chur<:h was nllet the Apostles'
time used of the filthers lIbotlt the mallner of
1 (JWt,.1J1I1 fasting, as it appellr<:th ill the 'l'ripllrtite Histor)'.
where it is thus writtcn. f'Touching fastillg, Wc



w w w. h a i l andf m


find that it was diversely 1I>:N1 in divers )llaees by

di\'cr m('n. For they at Rome fast three weeks
together hefore Easter. saving upon the Saturda)'!;
and Sund:lYs. whieh rut they call Lent!' And
olll'r n few lilies in the snme plnce it followeth:
"'1'h('y have not all onc uniform order in fllsting.
f'or some <10 fast and abstain both from fish nnd
lIe~h. Some, when they fast. eat nothing but fISh.
Other there are which. when they fast. eat of all
water fowls as well as of fish, grounding themselves
upon :\10)'508. that 8ueh fowls hnve their substnnce
of thc wuter, as the fishes have. Some others,
when they fnst, will neither eat herbs 1I0r egg~.
S,lme fllSters there arc, that eat nothin~ but dr.r
bn..-ad. Others, when they fast. eat nothing at. 011.
no, not 80 much llll dr.r In'cad, Some fust from all
manner of food till niJ.;'ht, and then eat without
ffi:llcing any choice or difrerence of meats. And a
t!lou;:and such like divers kinds of fasting may be
found in di\'ers pl:ux!S of the world, of di\'cl1l mCII
diversel)' u,.oo," Arfd. for aU this great. divcrsit.r l_~'" l..b
in fustmS', )'et chant)'. the vcr)' true bond of <0011- ,~.
Christian peace. was not broken, neither did the
di\'crsity or fasting brellk at (lI}l time their agreelIl('nt and concord in faith, "'Io abstain sometime
from certain IIlcalB, DOt because the mrou are evil.
but because the)' arc not necessary, this abstinence:'
l;3ith St. Augustine, tl is not evil. And to rcsirain t,,-,
till' use of meats when necessity and time I!hall :;.~~ ..
rlfluirc. this," saith hc, (( doth properly pertain to
Chri.tian men!'
'rhus )'e have heard, good people. first. that
Christian subjects llrC hound c,'en in conscience to
olk'y prillces' lawB. which are not rcrll~nant tn the
laws of God. Ye have also hear< that Christ's
Church is not fIO bound to observe allY order. lulV,
or decree made by man to PTC:i>Cribe B form in rt....
li~OIl, but that the Church bath full power Rnd
authorit, from God to change and a!tl'r the snme.
wh~1l need shall require j which hath 1'lCe1l I!hewNl.
JOu by the example of our Saviour Christ, by the


w w w. h a i l andf m


The &contl Part

of the


practice of the Apostlcs, and of the fathers SlllCC

that time.
Now shall be showed briefly what time is meet
for fasting: for al1 times scn"c not for 311 things.;
but, as the ,rise Man snith, all thi"g, nal"C tnell'
FA.'deo lll., t. time".
There it a time to tecep, and a time again to
laltgh; a time to mourn, and a time to rejoice, &c.
Our Saviour Christ C-'tCU800 his disciplcs, and reproved the Pharisccs, because the)' neither regarded
the use of fasting, nor considered what time W3lj
mcct for the S3mc. Wl1ich both he tcachcth in his
answer, saying, The children of the marriage eanllot
mouN/. while tile bridegT{)()11l U lOitll. them. l.'hcir
question W38 of fasting, his answer is of mourning,
signifying unto them Jllainly, that the outward
fast of the body is 110 fast before God exccI)!; it
be accomp311ied with the inward fllSt, which is a
mourning and a lamentation in the heart,lls is before
declared. Concernill~ the time of fllSting, he saith,
)1&<1.1"'1: The do.1I1 1/iilt C()1ne IOheJ& the 6ridegr()()1ll, dalt be tal..elJ
Lulul., JJ.
from tJiem: in tRole ai' they '!Ulltfol(. By this
it is mllllifcst, that it is 110 time 01' fasting while
the marriage lnsteth alld the bridegroom is there
present; but, when the marrille"'C is ended and the
bridegroom gone, tllen is it a meet time to filst.
Now to mnke plain unto you what is I he sense and
meaning of these words, 'Vc arc at the marriub"'"
uud agnin, 'I'he brid\lgroom is taken from us. l'o
shall note, that so 10llg as God rcvenleth his mercy
unto us, and giveth us of his benefits, either spiritual
or corporal, we are to be with tlm bridegroom
ut the marriage. So wus that good old father J aeoh
at the marriage, when he understood that his SOli
Joscph \\'US ali,'e nlld ruled all Egypt under king
Phnrllo. So WllS Da,'id in lhe marria!!C with the
bridl'g'roo~, when he hnd gottcn the"' \'ictorx of
, _ ...8.
great Gohah, llnd had smitten ofrhis head. Judith
and all the people of 13cthulia were the childN'1l vf
the wedding, and had the bridegroom with them,
when God had by the hand of a woman slain
lfolojj>nJC!!, the grand Clllltain of the As'<yriulll;'


w w w. h a i l andf m

host, lInd discomfited all their enemies. Thus were
the AJlOl't1el1 the children of the m:mi3ge, while
Christ was corporally present with them, :md defended them from all dangers, both f!piritual Bnd
corporal. But the mnrriagc is suid then to be
ended, and the bridegroom to be gonc, when Al-

mighty God smitcth us with nflliction, and seemcth

to leave us in the midst of a number of' adversities.
So God sometime slrikcth private men privately
with sundry adversities, as trouble of mind, loss of
friends, loss of~, long and dnngcrow sicknesses,
&c. Then is It a fit time for flint man to humble
llimsclf to Almighty God by fasting, and to mourn
and bewail bis sius with 11 sorrowful IlC3rt, and to
pray unfeignedly, saying with the prophet Da\'id,
1\r,. tJlN tAy/ace, 0 Lcrd,froa My nfU, a1ul blot otlt ... lL ..
l!f IA ff~ra"ce QIl .i,,6 ojfnuu. Again, wben
God shall amict a whole region or country with
wars, with faminc, ,nth }>Cl'itilence, with strange
ui.scascs and unknown sickncsses, and othcr such
like calami tics, thcn is it time for all statcs and
sorts of people, -b.igh and low, meu, women, nnd
children, to humble themsclves by fasting, and
bewail their (lillful living' before trod, and pray
with onc common voicc, saying thus, or some othcr
such likc prayer: Bc favourablc, 0 Lord, be fllvourablc uuto thy people. which tuntcth unto thee
in wceping. fasting, and praying: spare thy pco)Ie. whom tbou bast redeemed with thy precious
blood. and suffer not thine enheritance to be destroyed llnd brought to COnfusion.
Hlsting thus used with prayer is of great efficacy.
and ''I''eigheth much with God. So the an~1
&phael told Tobias. It also nppcarclh by that T_ ill L
which our Savlour Christ answcred to his discipl~.
demanding of him why they could not cast forth
the evil spirit out of him that was brought unto
tbcm. 'l'bu kiNd. snitb he, i4 wol cad oue bid IJ,! llAtL ....'...
laltiNg and pra,!u. lIow ll\'nilahle fMt is, how
much it wcigheth with God, lllld what it is nbll}
to obtain ut his band, cullnot better be set forth


w w w. h a i l andf m


I Kt"" ut
'1 "/,

TAe Suo.d Part of IAe


than bJ openin.... unto JOu .nd laying before )'OU

&Qme of those things which have been
brought to p3--~ b)' it.
Fasting ,,-as one of the Dleans whereby Almighty
God was occasioned to Biter the thing which he
h:ld purposed concerning Ahab for murdering thu
innocent mlln Naboth tn possess his vinc)'llrll.
G()(llpal..e 'UnU> Bia, lOyi"9, Go tAy ttX1!1, aNdla,'1
unu> Mab, Halt thou J.:ill~/, Qlul auo gOllen PfMlMlI
liQn.? rhJlI MU! the Lcrtl, In {!le place fCAere tlOfJI
';('ked tAe blood of Na60t! I/w./t dOtJI ere" liel: lhy
tbXHJ aUo. Belwtd, I ttilt 6,i"9 er:it tlJiOf' tAu, a,,,l
Tilt take aleay lAy poIlmty: yta, tile dog, ,Aall eut
Ai. 0/ ilMll, ,locI: tJot dielA i. tAe tily, ud Ai, &
tAat d~tj i. tu }ielti, wit tAe fOlCu of tAe air est,
This punishment had Almighty God determin(',j
for Ahab in too world, and lo destroy all the male
kind that was begotten of Ah.ab's body, besidrs
that punishment whieh should ha\'e happened unto
him In the world to come. WAe1& .AJuw Utml (Ai"
Ae rerrt Ai, tMAu, alld pMl IIIdu:kJtl& llpo. Aim, aUlI
flUled, o"d /oy Mul'cwtA, alld ICed lmre.footed,
TAen tile fC()rd of tile lArd ~me to 1:.1;0,Ioyi"!I,
Seelt tlloll. AInO AAab i, Aumbled before me! JJecau/ft
he ,utmiUetl& hilR.le{f br/ore me, I v;iU 1Iot bring tAllt
er:it ill Ai, dOy8; bllt ill Ai, 10,.', day, tDilll bring It
lI)i01& Ai, AOltl<!, Althollg-h Ahah, through the
wicked counsel of Jezabel his wife, had commiltul
l!.hllmefuJ murder, and agilin..t all right di"heritetl
and di..~ for e\'er Nllboth'jJ stock: of that
vWc,ran'l; )\:t upon his humble submi$llion in heart
unto God, .....hich lie dedared outWllrdl)" b~ putting'
on sackcloth and fllSting-, God changed his sen.
tc:nC'f.', ....) that the pum"hml'llt which be had JI'
!ermined fell not upon Ahllh's house in his tinlt,
llUt wna diffcrred unlo the dap; of Jomm his BOil.
Hero \I e may see of what. force our outWllnl flltit i",
when it. is aC'COmpnllkod with the inwanl fasl of the
mind, which is (as is [laid) tl. sorrowfulnl'b8 of hem'l,
deh>tin~ lmd bewailing our sinful doin~"lI.
'1'h(' like is to 00 SCf'1l in thc Xilliyitcs, FOl


w w w. h a i l andf m


when God hnd determined to destroy the whuh

cit), of Ninivc, and the time which be had ap_
Jlomted WIIS even now at hand, he sent the Prophet
.101lil5 to say unto them, Yet/orty da!l8, alld Xi"irt'J"Ulllf1.
thall be oL'ertlmmm. The people by and by betiered i_ID,
God, and gave the1/l8elvel

to {t18ting: yea, the king,

by tk at{vice qf hi, council, cauled to be procldimed,

(Joyi"g, .Let '/le;ther man nor oea,i, bullock fUJr deep,
WIle allY thing, neither feed nor drink water .. but
tet man aJUI bead put on 8ackcMn, and cry mightily
'UuUJ God; yea, let teery ma,~ turt/from hu evil feay
a"ajTum the wickcl!lIe'IJ {lull i4 in their /tal/dJ. 1rho
can tell if God wilt turn and repent, and turn away

from hi, fierce wrath, tltat we per/14 not.? And upon

this tllcir hearty repentance, thus dcdarcd outwardly with fasting, renting of their clothes, puttlllg on sackcloth, :lnd sprinkling' themselves with
dust and llshes, the Scripture sllith, God MW their
1(;Or~'8, l!uJt theyl,urnedfrom their evit 1Cl\Y", amt God
repented Q( the evit that he had laid that he lCOuld
do uuto them, and he did it not.
Now, beloved, ye have heard, first, what fasting
is, as well that which is outward in the bodr. ill!
that which is inward in the hCllrt. Ye have heard
:JIso, that there are three ends or purl>08es, whereunto if our outward fust be directed, it is a good
work that God is pIelllled with. Thiruly, hath been
declared, what time is most meet for to fllst, either
llrivately or publicly. Last of all, what things
HUlling hath obt:lined of God, by the examples of
Ahah and the Ninivites. Let us therefore, ticllrly
beloved, seeing there arc m:lIlY more causes of
fading llnd mourning in these our days than hath
been of nmn)' years heretofore in an)' one age, endeavour oursch'es, both inwardly in our hearts and
also outwardly with our !Jodics, diligently to exercise this godly exercise of lill.ting ill such sort and
mallner as the holy Prophets, the Apostles, alld
di\'crs other devout pcrsonll for their time used the
same. God is now tlle same God thnt was then;
God that /ovcth. righteou'lle8', and that hateth ini- .'1


w w w. h a i l andf m






Mal m.,.
I,. I. '6, '7 ;
hli!, 7. 9-

of Falfillg.
which willelk not the death of 0

&cond Part of Ilomil!J

quit,!; God
but ratlter that he turn from Iti, 1(}icl.-ednell and lice;
God that hath promised to turn to us, if wc refuse
not to turn unto him. Yea, if we turn. our er:it
1(}orl',/rom 6ifore hu e.llel, ceale to do eeit, karn. to
do tet:ll, uel.: to do rigRt, relieve the oppre"ed, be a
-;gilt judge to Me fath.erluI, difend tRe widow, {mal.:
(JIlr bread to the J/llIIgry, bring tRe poor that teamler
into our Aoule, clath.e the 1UlJ:cd, and delpi,e not our
brother 1ChicA i8 Ollr own. flu!; then. dolt tAou, call,
saith the Prophet, and the Lord Iltall atUlCer; thou
dult cry, and he dall loy, Ilere 10111. Yea, God

which heard Ahab and t.he Nillivit....s , and spared

them, will also hear our proyel'll, and spare us, so
that wc, after their example, wiII unfeignedly turn
unto him: yea, he will bless us with hid heil\'enly
benctlietions the time that we have to !:Irry in this
world, and after the rocc of this mortal life he will
bring us to his heavenly kingdom, where we shall
reign in everlasting blessedness with our SU\'iour
Christ. To whom with the Father and the Holy
Ghost be aU honour and glory lor ever and ever.


w w w. h a i l andf m


YE have hcnrd in the fonner Sermon, well beloved,

the description and the virtue of fasting, with the
true use of the same. Kow)'c I!hall bl~lr how foul
gluttony and drunkenne&8 is before God,

11 thin~

the rather to move you to usc fasting the more

diligently. Undcl1itand ye therefore, that Almighty
God, to the cnd that wc might leep oUrlelt:e, 'ltn- J ...... l "~I
dejiled. and ,erre Ai. in Ito/jUt81 aNd rigRteolU/ltu Lu" L H. JJ
according to hIS word, hatb charged in big Scriptures 80 manr as 1001: for tAe glorjolU ap/JMri.g <if rn. u. no 'J.
0., Baric., f.,"irut to lead tAriT {iu, ill (JU Jl,rid.
Mlul$. ,,,ul imptra,u:e. Whereby we may lenrn
how necessary it is for every Christian, that will
uot be found unroady at the coming of our Saviour
Christ, to [hc lOberlllinded in t!tu pruent t/]orld:
forasmuch as othcnvise being unrcady he cnnnot

enter with Christ into glory; and, being unanned

in this behalf. he must needs be in contimml
danger of that cruel adre"a'Y. the f'Otlri,,!} /io" P.c. .....
against whom the Apostlc Peter warneth us to
prepare oursc:hes in COlllinunl sobriety, that wc
may re,ul. bei,,!} ,tea4falt in joUh. To the entcnt
therefore that this soberness mny be used ill nil
our behaviour, it shall be expedient for us to dedare unto )"Oll how muth all kind of eIcetllI offeudeth the )(njest.y of Al might} God. and how
W'icvously be punisheth the immodcnate abuse of
those his crroturee wbich he ordnincd lo the mnin.
lcnance of this our needy life, all mcnt8, drinks,
and apll1lrel, and again to shcw the noisome discascs


w w w. h a i l andf m


;be Homily

and great mischiefs that commonly do follow them

that inordiuutely gh-c up themselves to be c:nTicd
headlong with .neh plc~"urc8 as are joined cithe'"
with dllillty and o"crlargc fare or cbe with COBU,}'
and sumptuous 3Pi'::rcl.
And fir~t. that ye may pcrccin~ how detestable
and haleful all excess ill ..:tting and drinking' i"
befure the fnee of Almig-llty GoJ, .re shall call to
mind what is written by St. Puul 10 the Galathi:ms,
where he lIumbereth gluttony llnd drullkcllnC!'~
among those horrible crimes with the which (3;:
r..... '9'"'" he saith) no man dull e"lterie the l'illfJrlolII of nearell.
Ill' rt,.'CkOllcth them fllllong the deed8 ql the jle8h,
aud conplelh them with iJo1:l.try, wllOredoffi J and
murder, which arc the greatest offcll(.'CS that CUll
be Ilumed among' mell. .For the first spoilcth Got!
of hi,; honour; the second ddileth his holr temple,
tbo.t is to wit, our o\\-n bodies; the third maketh
us companions of Cain in the slaughter of our
hrethren; and whoso committeth them, as St. Po.ul
saith, Cfl1t11ot ~nh~rit th~ killgdom if God. Certainly
tho.t sin is verr odious Ilnd lothsome before the
face of God which co.uscth him to turn his filVournhle oountenance so far from us, thnt he should
clenn bar us out of the doors and disherit us of hi,;
hea\'cnly kingdom. Dut much Ilbhorreth all
heastly banquetillg, that, by bis Son our Sn\'iour
Christ in the Gospel, he deelareth his terrible ill
dignation agninst all IJClly gods, ill that he proI~'~ >'t. '5. noullccth them accursed, s:l)'ing, lYoe b~ w yo"
that ar~ fu/t, for y~ ,halt Aung~r. And hy the
I,. ~ ". u. Prophet Esay he crieth out, Woe be wyou tAat ri,~
I to gil:e YOllr,~lt:~, to dr/lld~Il1f~", anll
lip ~ar:y,
,~t alt your mind, 80 on drilf!.:ing, that y~ ,it
81Geati"g th~r~at fintil it be nigAt. Th~ harp, tAe
lllte, the ,Aab"" and pl~lIty of 1Cill~ are at your
I~a't': tut the fCor1, 0/' th~ .Lord y~ do tlOt b~
/wld, ft~it!ler c01Ilidcr th~ 1&or1, if hi, AOII(I,. 1J'Qe
,,~ "nw you tlwt are ,trong to drin/.: 1Cinc, and are
mighty to 41:aunce drll1fk~llne", Here the Prollhct
lllainl)' t~cheth that lca:.ting and lXlIlqucting


w w w. h a i l andf m

agQjul Gllltlany and



maketh mCIl for~lful of their duty towards God,

when they ~\'e them.8Ch~ to nil kinds of pleasure,
not collgiderin~ nor regardmg tAe .r&()FJ:, of IAe J.ord.
'\ ho ulll crtdl~ _tIllU and dnnkli, as 81. Paul n. ..
saith. to ~e f'eceictd tAa"~fJlllJ of IAcm tha/' bclieu
a"d l"n()f() the lr.tA. So that the very beholding' of


these creatuI'CB, being the handywork of Almi~htr

God, might tl'3Ch us to use tbem lhankfu!ll" '"
God bath ordained. Therefore they are \Vlllout

excuse before God which either filthily feed themseh'N, not respeetin~ the 8l1nctificabon which is
6J tAe trord of God tJ1Id prayer', or else unth:lIlkfully
aouse the good creatures of God by sllrfcilill~ and
drunkcllllc88: forasmuch as God's ordinance 11I his


creatures plainly foriJiddcth it.

They that gi\c themselves therefore to bibbing
and banqueting, being altogether without con
!:'ideration of Ood's judgments, are suddenly op
pres;;cd in of ven~:lIIceo And therefore
Ollr aviour Christ warneth his disciples, saying,

:l'aJ:e hud to yOUr8etl:e8, led at any time your hcarl8 lo"b u1 H.

he OCeTOO11fe cilia "veiling nil drl41lJ.cnneu arlfJ
etJfU of IAiI JCOrld, arId 10 IJat day ~e (HI. 10Wbosoo"er then will take warning at
Christ, let him take heed to himself, lest, his heart
being overwhelmed bJ' surfeiting and drowned in
dnllll.:enncsJl, he be taken ullwnres with tlmt un
thrifty Icrl:ant which, thinking- not on his mastcr'sILld. oiL H.
coming, beg:m to smile his fellow scnoants, alia to to.
etJt nd dri_/;, alia to
drl41lJ:n., and, being Bud
denly taken, I,alh his just rowan! tci/A tlrJJtlii_g
hYlx>criles. 'ney that u.."C to drink deeply and to
feed at full, wa!lowint:: lhemllChes in nil kind of
\\;ekcdncss, fire brou.c:ht asleep in that slumbering
forgclfulnCl;ll of God't1 holy will and command
ments. Th('f(!foro Almighty God eridh by the
Prophet J()('I, AlCalc"e d,.."J:ard,; cup a_a Mtrl, .I. L J.


-/t,c dridcr, ofrinc; lJ.a.u IAc.ew w;i_c"'all

wp.lItdfro", yOrtr ",o.tAo Here the Lord terribly

thrrolcneth lo withdmw his benefits from such Ri'

abu8C them, ItIld lo ]mU the cup from the mouth 01'


w w w. h a i l andf m


(;",. Cl.

A1I. Homily

drllnk:lrds. Here wc may learn not to sleep in

drunkenness and surfeiting, lest God deprive us
of the use of his creaturcs, when we unkindly
abuse them. For certainly the Lord our God will
not only take away his benefits when ther are
unthankrlllly abused, but also, in his wrath and
heavy displeasure, take vengeance on such as immoderateh' abuse them.
If our 'first parents, Adllm and Eve, lwd not
obeyed their greedy Il)lpetite ill cntin~ the forhidden fruit, neither had they lost the fruition of
God's benefits wllich ther then enjoyed ill Paradise,
neither had they broug-ht 60 many mischiefs both
to themselves and to all their posterity. But, when
they passed the bonds that God had appointed them,
as unworthy of God's benefits, they arc expelled
and driven out of l>aradise, they may no longer eat
the fruits of that garden which by excess they had
so much abused; as transgressors of God's commandment, they and their posterity arc brought to
a perpetual shame and confusion; and, as accursed
of God, ther must now sweat for their living which
before had llbundance at tlleir pleasure. Even 60,
if we in eating and drinking exceed when God of
his large liberalitr scndeth p1entr, he will soon
ehange IlIenty into 6Curcelless j and, whereas we
gloried III fulnC6S, he will make us empty, and
confollud us with penury; )'ea, we shall be compelledto labour and travail with pllins in seekinglor that whieh we sometime enjoyed at case. '1'11ll6
the Lord will not lell\"c them ullpunished which,
not regarding his works, follow the lust and appetite of their own hearts.
'file patriarch Nonh, whom the Apostle ctllleth
tht> preacAer of righkolUnuI, n man exceedingly ill
God'" favour, is in holy Scripture made on example
wberebr we mar learn to llvoid drunkenness. For,
when he had 1>0ure<1 in wine more thlln WllS convenient, in mtlly m:mner be lay naked in his tent,
his pri\'ities discovered. And, wherellS sometime
be was much esteemed, be is now become a laugh-


w w w. h a i l andf m

ogainll Gluttuny alld ])runl..elllluI.


iU[tiitock to his wicked son C1Ullll, no small g-rio.:f

to"Scm :md Japhcth, his other two sons, which
were aslwmcd of their fllthcr'ti beastly behaviour.
Here wc may note that drunkenness bringeth with
it shame Dud (h:risioll, so that it never escupcth
Lot in like mnnncr, bciJlg o\'crcome with wine, 1.-:11

oommit.tcth llbomillllblc illc<-st with his own daug-h. roeo, ~'I .

tt.:rs. So will Almightr God give o\'cr drunkards JO-J .
to tbe 811O.mcful lUl.l.B of their lewd hearts. Here
is Lot by drinking fallen so lur beside himself, that
he knowcth not his own daughters. WllO would
h:l.\'c thought that an old mall in that heavy case,
ll:lving lost his wifb and ::111 that he had, which
had seen C\'CIl IlOW God's vCllgcrlllce ill fearful
Illallner declared on the five cities for their vicious
li \'ing, should bc so flir past the remembrance of
hi" dut.y? But men overcome wit.h drink arc altob"Ct.ller mad, 118 Sell~ &'lith. lie was deceived br 1:1'111. ~l.
his duughtcr:'!: but Ilow,many dl.occi\"c themselves,
nevcr thiuking thut God by his horrible punish_
ments will bc avenged Oil them that oH"clld b\"
cxce~.s. It is no small plllgllc that Lot purchascj
by his drunkenness. ~'or hc had copulation mOl>t
filthy with his own dnughtcI'S, which conccived
thereby j 80 that the matter is brought to light, it
('un no longer be hid. '1'11'0 incestuous children
arc born, Amman and l[onb; of whom cumc two
nations, tllC Ammonites and Moobitcs, abhorred of
~od,llnd cruel aJvcr:i3riCl) to his pco/llc t.hc hJ"'.lcl.
ltt.'8. Lo, Lot hath g'Ottcn to himsc f by drinking
sorrow and C:lrc with perpetual infamy and re
Jlroaeh unto Lho world'>! cnd. If God spared not
his sen"ant Lol, being otherwise a godly man,
nephcw unt.o Abroham, onc that cntert.'liIlOO the aen,_1> '-J.
angels of God, what will he do to these lJcastlr
bcll)"l;lnvcs, which, void of all godliness or virtuous behaviour, not oncc, but continually dlly
and night, gi\"c themsclvC$ wholly to bibbi.n,~
and hanqueting?
But let us )'et further behold the terrible


w w w. h a i l andf m


In J[()mily

examples of God's indignation against such as

greedily follow their unsatiable lusts. Amnon the
,Sam ~;'1. lOOn of David, feasting himself with his brother
Absalon is crncllr murdered of his own brother.
Holofcrl~C9J a valmnt and mighty captain, bt.>ing
o\'crwhclmcd with wine, had his head stricken
from his shoulders by that seely woman Judit.h.
, Mac...1. Simon the high priest, and his two sons Mntta"'0.
thias find Judas, bcillg entertained by Pt.olcmy the
SOil of Abobus, who boo before married Simon's
daughter, after much eating and drinking were
traitorously murdered of their own kinsman. If
the Israelites had not given themselves to belly
('ht'{'r, they Imd IIC\'cr so often fallen to idolatry.
Neither would we at this day be so addict to 811.
pcrstitioll, were it not that wc so much esteemed
1':.,><1, ...IL the filling of our bellies.
1'he Israelites, when
~-, Cor. '7 tlley served idols, ,at d()J(J1l W eat ana drink, ana
role again w play, aa the Scripture reporteth:
therefore, seeking to serve their bellies, they for8QOk the service of the Lord their God. So are
wc drown to consent unto wiekedncss wben our
hearts nre overwhelmed by drunkenness nud feastMall .!'t.
So llerod, setting his mind on banqueting,
wns content to gront that the holy mlln of God,
John the Buptist, should be beheaded at the requcst of his whore's dnughtcr. Had not the rich
glutton been 80 greedily given to the pampering
of his belly, he would never have been 80 unmerciful to the poor ulzanls, neither had he felt the
torments of unquenehable fire. What was the
e..mse that God 80 horribly punished Sodom nnd
Gomorra? WilS it not their pro_a banqueting ana
.~. 1
ClJnlinuat idlellUl, which caused them to be 80
lewd of life and 80 unmerciful towards the poor?
What shall we now think of the horrible excess,
whereby 80 mllny have perished and been brought
to destruction?
The great Alexander, tha.!; he had conquered the whole world, was himself overcome by
uruukenncss; insomuch that, being drunken, ho

.. Ill......


w w w. h a i l andf m

Qgoin,t Gtulumy alld J)runIenllc88.


slew his faithful friend; whereof, when llC

was sober, he was so much ashamed that for an
guish of heart lIe wished deat.h. Yct, notwithstanding, after this 11c left. not his banqueting,
but in onc night swilled in 80 mueh wine that.
}le fell into a fever i and, when Il!I by no means he
would abstain from winc, within few days nfter in
miserable sort he ended his life. Thc L'Onqueror
of the whole world is made a slave by exccs,""
and bccometh so mad, that he murdereth his dent
friend: he is plagued with sorrow, shame, and
grief of heart for his intemperaney, )'et can he not
leave it; he is kept in captivity; und he, which
lIOmetime had suhducd many, is become ll. subjct:t
to the vile belly. So ure drunkards and gluttol1~
llltogcther without power of themselves, and the
more they drink, the drier the)' wnx; one banquet
provoketh flllotl1er i t.hey study to fill their greedy
stomachs. 'l'kcrefore it is commonly suid, A
~nmken mun is ahyays dry; and, A glutton's gut
IS never filled.
Unsatiuble truly ure the ufrL'CtiollS :md lusts
of mun's henrt; and therefore we must lenrn to
bridle them with the fellr of' God, 1IO that we yield
not to our own lusts, lest we kindle God's indigonation ag-.linst oursclvcs, when we seck to sat.isfy
our beastly appetite. St. Pllul teacheth U<:, whet/If:r I
we eat or drink, or fC!ta{MMver we do, to do att to {lie
910ry of God. Where he appointeth, as it were by
a measure, how much u. man may eilt :liId drink;
that is to wit, SO mueh that the mind be !lot made
sluggish by cramming in meat and pouring in
drink, 80 that it C,'1Il1l0t lift up it~clf to the praise
and glory of God. \Vhat.soever he be t.hen t.hat
by eating and drinking makes himself unlusty
to serve God, let him !lot think to eS(;llpe UIIIlUllishl'<1.
Ye have heard how mueh Almighty God det.est"th the ab'~>iC of his creatures, :~ he himself
~k'(llareth, as well by his holy word, Il8 111,,;0 by the
lcurlill examplcs of his just judgmellts. )Jow, if


w w w. h a i l andf m

Cor. 'J'-


1'l'O'r. ull!.

An Homily

neither the word of God can rcstroin our roglllJ;

lusts and greedy appetite., neither the manifest.
examples of God's venge:lDce fear us from riotous
and excessive eating and drinking, let us )'et consider the ma.nif01d mischiefs thnt proceed t.hereof;
so shall wo know the tree by the fruits. It hurleth
the body; it infeeteth tbe mind; it wastetb the
substance; and is noyfu1 to the neighbours. But
who is able to express the manifold dnogers and
ineon,enienees that follow of intempernto diet?
01'1; comcth sudden death by bnnqueting: some.
time the members are dissolved, nod so the whole
hody is qtOught into a miserahlc stnte. He that
enteth and drinketh unmellSurably kindleth oft..times such an unnaturnl heat in his body, tlmt l1is
appetite is provoked thereby to desire more thnn
it should; or else it overcometh his stomach, and
611eth all the body full of sln::m1shness; makes it
unlllsty rlDd unfit to serve either God or mnll, 1I0t
nourishing the \.ody, but hurling it; and lnst
of all bring'Cth !nallY kinds of incurnble diseases,
whereof ensueth sometimes desperate death. Dut
whnt should I need to liAy 311y more ill this be.
half? For, excel)t God bless our meats and give
them strength to feed liS; again, except God gi,'e
strength to nature to digest, so thnt we may lake
profit br them; either shull we filthily vomit tllCIll
up ngtllll, or eLse shall they lie Slinking in our
bodics, as in n loth!lOrne sink or eanell, :lIld so
diversely infect the whole body. And surely the
hlC8!ling of God is &0 far from such as use riotous
b:mquding, tbat in their fnces be sometimes SC<ln
the express tokens of this illtcmpcrancy, as Solo.
mon Ilotcth in his }>roverhs. 1'0 fChom U woe!
8ailh be; to tehot4 i, ,orN/W? io rho,,,, i" ,i"ff~?
to teAom i, b1'Qtding? to 1f"hqm are fCONntl" tcil/wllt
ca,,"? and for 1f"hOnt j" the rtd"e", 0/ eye,,? .J::cen
to t!tent IIIat tarry wng at the tcine. :Mllrk, I beseech )ou, lhe terrible tokens (lf God's illdignnlion. Woe and 'OTTf.!fD, ,{rife and IJrlIlt::!ing, feOIl"tI,
".it/wut MUle, di",figllr(.(I filce, nnd retlne" of eye,


w w w. h a i l andf m

Goainle Glutlon! and



are to be looked for when men set themselves to

exce>8 and gounruandise, dc\ising all means to

encrea...-e their greedy appetites by tempering the

wine and s:mcing it in such sort that it may be
more delectable and ple3.."::mt unto them. It
e:'Cpe<lient that sllch delicate persons should be
nJled by Salomon, who, in considcr:ltion of thl'
foresaid ineom'cniences, forbiddeth the very sigh
of wine. Look .Dt wfXJ1J lAe toi'U, saitb he, rMIJ ;1
U rW, tllfd tcAeJf. it ,Aetcetj Au mlmtr i.lAe ewp, or
got!! JOfCfj pUa411lftl.1. For i. lite ad tAereof it
will We lile a urpat, aNd Aurt liKe a codalrice.
TAint: tyel ,!lall 1001.: upots Itran!Jt: 1DOmen, and IAi"l:
heart "'all ,peal.: {tied fllinD', AntI tliou ,!Ialt te
a, Olfe {Aae .lapellt i" tM .idda of IM ua, alld a,
ne tAae ,keptt~ i" tAt Wp 0/ lAe ..alt. TMy Mt't'
,friclea .t', daft lAolI Ml.l, 6d I
ftOt nel; IA~,
Aare 6tak,. _. tilt II~lt it ftOe j IAerifQre cill I
letl it ,et ,lill. Cerlamly thnt must needs be very
hurtrut which biteth and infceteth like a poisoncd
serpent, whereby men arc brought to filthy fornication, which causcth tbe heart to devise miscllier.
He doubtleM is in great danger that deepetb in
tbe midst of tbe sea. for soon is he overwhelmed
with waves. Hc is like to fall suddenly that
slcepctb in the top of the mast. And surely he
hath lost his senses that cannot feel when he is
strickcn, that knowetb not when he is beaten. So
surfeiting and drunkenness bites by the belly, and
causeth continual gnawin::: in the stomach, brings
men to wboredom and lewdness of heart. with
dangers unspoo.k3blc. 110 that men are be.retlved
and robbed of their senSCfl. nnd nn.: altogether
without power of themselvC8. Who sccth not now
the miserable eslute whercinto men Brc brought
by these foul filthy monstc.I'fI, gluttony and drunkenness? The body is 110 much dbquieted by them,
that. as Je;;us the lIOn of Siracb affinneth. the F: ...
unsatiable feeder never slecpctb quietlr. sucb an OD,
unrnen.sur3Lle hent is kindled, whereof ensueth
continual nehe aud pain to the whole body.



w w w. h a i l andf m



A. n".il

And no less truly is the mind also annoyed

surfeitin~ banquets. For sometimes men are
stricken with phrensy of mind, and are brou~ht
in manner to mere madness; 6(lme wax 60 bruli"h
and blocmh, tllat they become altogether ,"oid of
understanding. It is an horrible tbing th3t any
man should maim himself in any member; but fur
a man of his own accord to berea.e himself of hia
\\;ts is a. mischief intolcrohlc. The Prophet Osee,
11.. to. ". in the fourth chapter, mith that tcilfe alfd antUtlflfell 141etA alCo tJe Atort. Alas then, that any
num should yield unto that whereby he might
bere:we himself of the possession of his own heart
.....I.Ld.. L Wine altd tcoen lead wi4e me" Ollt of tAe teay, anti
IJritl9 mt/l of tUlde"tandjtf!l to reproof and IAame,
~llith JesU8 tlle 80n of Sirneh. Yea, he asketh,
I:'-'Iu ou!. WAat i4 (/le life oftno1 t/Ult 14 ot'ercome 'IOil! drlluI.'1. >9en,uu? Wine (Iru,den tcil" uce" tnoJ.e/! lJilterfUU ofmind, an(t call,ttA.. lJralClitf!l aUll 'Irife.
magistrates it causcth cruelty instead of justice, ns
that wise philO6Opher Plato pcrcei"ed nght well,
when he nflirmoo, that .. a dnlllken man hath r~
t)'1'llnnous heart," Ilnd tllerefore will rule all at Ilis
pleasure, contnry to riJ::'ht and reason. And eer.
!aillly drunkenllCS8 mllketb men forget both la\V
Ilnd equil)': whidl caused l;ng Salomon so str.litly
to charge that no wine should be given unto rulers,
....... onl
kd peradrt1fJM" 6.1 dridiM$ fJ~.1 forget tdot tJe
~. J.
Ill., oppoidet4 tAnI, aMI(} cAoMge tu j.d,.erd ttf
all tAe dilJ~,. of IAe poor. Therefore l\IDong .11
sorts of men excessive drinking is most intolcrnble
, .. R~ in a mag1"trate or man of authority, as Plato &:lith.
For a drunkard knoweth not where he is him!<Clf:
if then a m:1Il of authorily Ilhould he Do dnmknnl,
alas, b\)w might he be a guide unto other mell,
standing in need of a governor himself? Besides
this, a drunken man can keep nothing secret;
mnny fond, foolish, and filthy words IlrQ spoken
when men arc at their bunqueta... Drunkenness,"
us Senccn lIf1irmeth, tt disco\'ercth all wickcdllt$!I,
:md bringeth it lo light; it remo\'eth all shame-




w w w. h a i l andf m

(If/ai.1t GlIIU<nf!



fastnl.'l!S, :md enereaseth all mischief. The prowl

man, being drunken, uttereth his pricle, the en!l'l
man his cruelty, and the enviOIlS mtm his cOl'r,;;o
that no vice call lie hid ill a drunkard. :\[oreOl'er,
in thnt he knoweth not himself, fllmbleth nnd
sbmmcrcth in his speech, rlaggerct.h to and fro
in his goil1~, beholdetb nothing steadf.'lStly wilh
his &tarill~ eyes, bclie\'elh that the house rUlIlleth
round about him," it is evident that the mind i..
brought clean out of frllme by exee::,:::ive drillking':
so t.hat tCla~ter i, d~jre(t by 10ine or ,lro,,!! drj"k I',. H.'
becometh, !IS SalOIllOIl SlIilh, a In()CKer or a mad
ffl(In, 10 l!tat le ~n Wet," k ri,e. If aUJ' m~tn think
that he may drink much wine, and Jct be well ill
his wits, he may as well 8I1PP0,;e, a8 Senero saith,
If that when he hath dnmkcn I>oi...on he shall not
die!' For, whercslle\er ex~ssi\e drinking is, there
mustul't>ds follow perturbation of mind ; and, when:
the belly is stUfrl>d .I\;th d:tintJ fare, there the mind
is opprcs:;ed with slothrul slll~shnC8S. A full
belly maketh a grosS understanding," saith SI. A d _ .
Bcmard, :l.Ild mueh meat m:II.;cth n wC'.lry mind. .......
But, alas, 1I0W a da)'s men pass little either fllr
body or mind: 80 the)' Im\c worldly wealth :md
riehes abundant to li.'ltisfy their ullme:lsurable lm.ts,
they care not whnt they do. 'I'hey :lrc not nshnllll'tl
lo shew thcir drunken fm..'C9, nnd to play tllc 1lI(1t1
mcn openly. 'l'hey think thernscl\"t~s ill good Cllllt',
and thllt nil is well with them, if they be not.
pinched by lack Bnd po\erly. Lest nny of U>I
therefore mig-ht take occasion to f1:ltter bimself ill
this bel~l1J' kind of e:s:ce&l by the ubundance of
riches. Il't us call to mind whnt 5alomOll writeth
in the tWl'ntr.fin.t of his Pron:rblo. lie tAilt wcdlt. I,,",. '''''1tni"e utiflllfare doll 1Iecer k rid, 83ith he. And
in the twcntrthird chapter he rnll.kcth a vehement
t'Xllortation 011 this wi~e: Kup ftQt C'OlMptlnJ rilA I'",,", "M
tlrulard. a"d glwlhnt.,,for the glJJtJq", a"d r1rJJdard '0, " .
daU come to pocert!. lie thnt dmweth his patri.
mony t1lroug-h his 1hl"OOt, find eatcth and drinklth
morl! in one honr or in one dny thun he is able to
, 5


w w w. h a i l andf m



lam in :l. whole week, must needs be an unUlri(l,

and come to ~rv.
But some ,,;11
""a.t need any to find fmllL
with this? he hurtetb no man hut hims:clf, be iil
no ma.n'g foe but his own. lndero I know this ill
commonl,. spoken in defence of these beastly belly
~: but it is C38Y to see how hurtful they llrc,
not only to them,;eln'~' but also to the commoll"'ealtb by their example, L\'ery one thaL meett'th
them is troubled with brawling and contentioulI
I:lngu~.-..e; nnd ofl-tim!.'!', ra~n~ in bea",;t1r lusta,
{il"efta !writ., (le! 1feig! Oil tAe;r xeigAIHnm' tciee4,
as Jeremr ll.'lith, llnd defile their children and
daughters, Their example is evil to them nmong
whom lhey dwell; they nre an occasion of offence
to finny; and, whiles thcy wnste their 8ubetnnce
in banqucting, their own houschold is not provided
of things necessnry, their wi\'cs Imd their children
are cvil cntrcntcd, they have not wherewith to relic\"c their poor lleiJ::hbourit ill time of nccc~ity, B'
ther might h:l.\e if the)' lived soberly. 'l'hey MC
unprofitable to the commonwealth j for n drunknrd
is neither fit to nile, tlor to be ruled, 'rhey are a
slander to the Church or congregation of Christ;
and therefore St. Paul dot b excommunicate them
among whoremons:ef'll, idolaters, co\-etous pel"8ODll,
and extortioners, forbidding Christians to eat will..
an\' such.
'Let us therefore, good people, esche\\', e\'cry onc
of us, at! intcmpcronc)'; let us Ion' sobriet)' and
moderote diet, on J::i\'c oursch"cs to a6tincnce Bnd
(a;;, wherebr the mind (If man is more lin up
to God, more read)' to all gOOl) cxcrciSt."'ll, as llraycr,
hearing and mlding of God's word, to his spiritual
comfort. Finall~, wh()~n~r n.--gardeth the hcaltJl
and S3fetr of hi, own body, or \\;sbeth alwa)', to
be well in his witil, or dcsircth quietnc><s of mind,
nud abhorreth fury Bnd madnCfOS; he that would
be rich Ilnd c~cal"IC po\'crty; he that is willing to
li\'e without the hUlt of 1118 neighbour, n profitable
IllcmLcr of t.he commonwealth, a Chri:;tian without


I QIr. ".


w w w. h a i l andf m

agah"t CluttollY a1ld IJrullhnlte'f.


sl:mder of Christ and his Church; leL him avuid

all riolous and eXCCHsivc ball(!lIeting; let himlearll
to keep such measure as bchoveth him that profi.'Sscth true godliness; let him follow St. Paul'",
rule, and so eat and drid to tAe fjlor!f and praise, tu<.
q( God, who Aatk creakd all t!linfj' to be soberly ,T,w h
Il&ell fCit! tAa"hgicillfj.
'1'0 whom be all hOllour
alld glory for c\'er. Amcll.


w w w. h a i l andf m



WJreRE ye have heretofore been excited nnd stirred

use temperance of mtY.lUl and drinks, nnd to
avoid the ElXOC&S thereof, many ways hurt!"ul to the
staw of the oommollwl.'alth, llnd also odious before
Almighty God, being the Author and Giver of
such creatul'C8, to comrort and stnblish our froil
nature with thanks unto him, and not by abusing (II'
them to provoke his Iiberalit.y to 6C,'cre ]lUllishing'
of that disorder i in like manner it is oonvcnienL
t hat ye be admonished of ll!lother foul and chnrgt:!.
nblc excess, I mean of B\)parel, at these days 60
outrageous, that neither A mighty God by his word
can stax our proud curiosity in the same, neit her
yet godly and necessary laws, made of our Prin(.'....l
and oft repeated with the penalties, ron bridle thi,:.
det.e:.1. able abuse; whereby both God is openly

contemned, and the Prinoo's laws manifestly disobeyed, to the great peril of the realm. Wherefor<'.
that sobriety alJOO in this excess may be espied
among us, I shall declare unto you both the mllderate use of apparel a)lproved by God in bis hol)"
word, and also the abuses thereof, whieh he forhiddelh and disalloweth. tltl it may appcnr by the
inconveniences which daily enere3.-~ by the ju~t
judgment of God where that measure IS not kept
which he himself huth appointed.
If we con~idcr tho end and purpose whereunto
Almighty God hath ordained his creaturc8, 'se


w w w. h a i l andf m

Agailllt } of .lpJlllrd.


shall cnsily pcrcei,c thaL he allowdh us nppUI"o:l,

not only for necessity's sake, but also for 1111 honest
comeliness. Even as in herbs, trees, and sundry
fruits wc have, not only divers Dl'CCSiiUry uses, but
also the pleasant sight :md sweet smell to delight
us with::lI j wherein we may behold the singular
love of God towards mankind, in that he l13th
provided both to relieve our nccessities and also
to refresh our sonses with an honest and moderate
recreation. 'fhcreforc DIWid in the hundred and .... eI~_,~".
fourth Psalm, confessing God's careful providence,
sbeweth thnt God not only providelh things necessnry for mOll, as herbs and other meats, but also
luch things as may rejoice and comfort, ;IS wine to
Make glatl tlie Mart, oiu aM oinlmeltt, to tna~e the
Jace w ,hi,u. So t hat they arc altogether Ilnst the
limits of humanity which, yielding only to necessity, forbid the lawful fruition of God's benefits.
With whose traditions wc may not be led, if we
give ear to St. Pa:,I, who, writing to the Colossitlns,
willeth them not to hearken unto sueh men 118
shall Stly, 1oNe! Mt, Tulle not. Jlautlle flot, super- Col. c. ".
stitiously bereaving them of the fruition of God's
And no loss truly ought wc to beware, le.. t,
under pretence of Christian liberty, we take licence
to do wbat we list, avaulleing ourselvC8 in sump_
tuous app:lrc1, and despising other, t>rcparin~
ourselves in fine bravery to wanton, lewd, 1ll1d
unchaste behaviour. '1'0 the a,'oiding whereof, it
hehoveth tlS to be mindful of lour lcasons taught
in holy Scripture, whereby wc shall learn to l'oo"lc_M"temper ourselvcs, and to restruin our immoderatll
affections, to that menSllr<l which God hath appointed. The first is, thllt tee ,nale not provilwn
for 'lie fled, w accompli"', 'he lult there1/, with nom. ,1.1 ,~.
cosH)' app:ml; as tltnt harlot did of whom SalomOll speaketh, Provcrhs the seventh, which per- 1'I'o ~ ,~.
fume'l IIer bed, alr,l deded it lGit'" COla! ornameltt~ 'I
of f17!Jpt, to the fuUillinl; of her lewd lust: hilt
mther ollght \\"e hr modernte tcmpernnce to cut


w w w. h a i l andf m


,I .........

IL Jt.

An, IlomitS

off all occ.'lSions whereby the flesh might gel; the

victory. '1'he scoolld is written bv St. Paul ill the
seventh clHlpler of his first Epistle"to the CorinthC6,
where he tcacheth 1I11 to fIte tlti, world a8 l!loll!JR.
tee rued


ftot: whereby he cutteth away, not

only all ambition, pride, and vain pomp in apparel,

but also all inordinate carc and affection, which
wilhdrnwcth us from the contemplation of heavenly
tllings and consideration of our duty townrds God.
']'lIcy that arc much occupied in caring for t.hings
pertninillg to the body arc most commonly IIcgli
.!:'Cut and careless in matters oonccrning the soul.

,i lJ,


Therefore our Saviour Christ willcth us lWe to (aJ.e

f!UfflgAt fOhat tee! ,IuzU eat, or reAat


1'1111. I IO.


wc ,nalt '/rink,


f1)!tenwitlt. tee dall be ctot/mt, but ratller w 8Ce1.:

the li/'tldom. of God and tAe r;ghtcQulneu thereof.
'Vhercby we may learn to beware, lest we use
those things to our hindernnoo which God buth
ordained for our comfort and furtheranoo towards
his kingdom. '1'he third is, that we lake in good
part (lur est.'lte Ilnd conditioll, and content ourselves with that whieh God scndeth, whether it
be mueh or little. He that is ilJlhnmed of base
and simple attire will be proud of gorgeous apparel,
if he may get it. We must learn therefore of the
Apostle St. Paul both to ule plenty and aUo to
IUjfer }kt/Utry, remembering that wc must yield
accounts of those thill~ which wc have received
unto him who nbhorreth all excess, pride, ostenta_
tiOIl, :lIld vanity; who also utterly condemncth
and diS3l1oweth whatsOC\'cr draweth us from our
duty towards God, or diminishcth our charity
towards our neighbours and brethren, whom we
ought to love ns ourselves. 'l'he fourth :md last
rule is, that every mnll behold and considcr his
own vocation, inasmuch OS God hath appointed
every man his degree and ofJicc, within the limits
whereof it behovcth him to keep llimsclf. 'l'hercfore all may nut look to wear like apparel, but
everyone aecording to his degree, as God hath
placed him. Whieh if it were olJser\"cd, many one


w w w. h a i l andf m

again4t Erce88 '!I dppflrel.


doubtless should be oompellcd to wear ll. russet

oont, which now n.fllclh in silks and velvets,
spending more by the year in sumptuolls apparel
than t1H:ir fathers received for the whole revenue
of their lands. But, alns, lIOW n days how mnny
may we behold occupied wholly ill pampering the
flesh, taking no care at all but only how to deck
thcmsch'cs, S<lt.tillg their affectioll altogether on
worldly bnl\'cry, abusing God's goodness when
he scndcth plenty, to S3.tisfy their w3uton lusts,

having no regard to the dcgrro wherein God halh

p1:J.ccd them I
'I'he ISr'.lclit<>s were contented with such apparel
as God gave them, although it wero base and
simple; and God so blessed them, that their shoes D<.ut. h"
and clothes lasted them forty ycnr;;: yen, and
those clothes which their fathers had worn the
children were content to use afterward. But we
lIrc never contented, and therdorc we prosper not;
so that most commonly he that rufllcth in his
sables, in his fine ,fllrred g'OWIl, corked slippers,
trim busk ins, and wnrm mittons, is more ready to
chill for cold than the poor l::Ibouring man, which
can abide in the field all the day long, when the
north wind blows, with n. few beggarly c10utB
about him. 'Vc are loth to wC::Ir such as our
lathers bath lell;; us; wc think not that suflicient
or good enollgh for us. ,,'e must have onc goWIl
lor the day, another for the night; onc long,
another short; one for winter, llllother for sum
mer; one throu~h furred, another but flleed; one
for the working1l:!y, another for the hol)' d::ly j olle
of this colour, another of that colour; onc of cloth,
another of' silk or damask: wc mllst lmve change
of apparel, onc afore dinner, IInotller after; one of
the Spanish fashion, another Turkey: and, to be
hrief, ne\'er content with sufficient. Our Saviour
Christ bad his disciples they should not have two .Hal'.. '0
coats: but the most men, llr unlike to Ilis 6Cholars J
have their presses so full of apparel, that man.y
knoweth not how mallY sorts the)' have. 'Yhich


w w w. h a i l andf m



An Hom"!I

tlling cnused St. Jnmes to pronounce this terrible

curse ~<>'Uinst such wealthy worldlings: Go to, ye
";ck men, weep and !lowt on your wretelwlne" t!tbt
I!lall corM upon you: your ricM' are corrupt. anti
your garmenu are motheaten: ye !lare tired in plea.
lure on the earth, and in wantonuel'; ye !la"e
1I0urided your !leart, a, in the day of ,lal/ghler.
Mark, I beseech yOIl. St. Jamcs calleth them
miserablc, notwithsbmdin~ their riches and ))1enty
of apparel, forasmuch as they pamper their bodies
to their own destruction. What was the rich
"'",. . .1.
glutton the better" for his finc filr(! and costly
,~ ',apparcl? Did not he nourish himself to be tor.
mented in hell fire? Let us learn thercfore to
.llm.ri.3,t- content oUrlelr:el, !lacing food antI raiment, ns St.
Paul teaehcth; lest, de,iring to be enriclltfl with
abundnuoo, we fall illto lemptatiolU. ,nare" ami
mall!! noilOme lu,u. whick dro/CI/, men in perdition
and de,lrnction.
Certninly such as dcli~ht in gorgeous nppnrcl
are commonly puffed up with pride and fillcd with
''''1111'6-'3 divcrs v8ntics,
So were l!le dal/gMer, CIf 8ioll
find people of J"erus.'llcm, whom Esa.y tlle Prophet
threatencth, because they lCaUed witk 'lretched Ollt
lIec1-, and lCanderi"g eye" mincing a' tMy lCenl, anti
lIicely treadillg with. their jeel,. that Almighty God
dould make t!leir !leath baltl, a/lll di8COt'er t!le;r
,ceret dame. In t!lat tlay, f'o'lith he. dolt lhe IAJrtl
tal.e awa! tlle ornament qj' t!le ,lipjler" allll the cauu.
anti t!le 1'Ound attirel, alld t!le 'lecet balls. alld the
braceleu, and tAe attiru of t!le Matl, and t!le ,lop'.
alUl tlle !leadlJtmd8, and the tabtef-8, and the earringlJ,
the rill!!" and tne muj]lerl, the COItly apparel, a/Ut
the r;ei{s, and fCimple" and the crisping pin, and the
glalle" and tAe fine linen. alld the ROOlI" and the
So that Almighty God would not suffer
his benefits to be vainly and wantonl)' abused, no.
not of that people whom he most tenderly loved,
and had chosen to himself before all other.
No less truly is the vanity tlmt is used amongst
us in thtsc <1a)'s. Por the proud and haughty
,....... '.
" ;,


w w w. h a i l andf m

agailld E.rce88

of Apparel.


stomachs of the daug-htcrs of England are so main_

tained with divers disguised sorts of' costly apparel,
that (as 'fertullian, an :mcicnt futhcr, saith) "there "'poI. <OIl.
is left no difference in npp3rcI between an honest ~~......p.
matron and a common strumpet!' Yen, many

men are become so effeminate. that tlley care not

what they spend in disguising' themselvcs, ever
desiring new toys and inventing !lew f:lshions.
Therefore a certain man that would picture every
countryman in his accustomed apparel, when 110

had painted other nations, he pictured the Ellglish~

man nil naked, and gave him cloUt under his arm,
and bad him make it himself as he thought best,
for he changed his fashion so Ol't<lll, that he knew
lIot how to make it. 'I'hull with our plllllltasticnl
devices we make ourselves )aughingstocks to other
nations j while onc spendeth his )latrimony upon
pounces and cuts, and other bestoweth more 011 11
dancing shirt t1mll might suffiee to buy him honest
:md comely apparel fo; his whole body. Some hangtheir revenues about their Ilceks, ruming in t.heil"
ruffs j rUld mally a. one jcopardeth his best joint, to
maintain himself ill sumptuous raiment. Atu) every
mall, nothing cOllsidering his estate and condit.ioll,
seeketh to execl other in costly at.tire. Whereb)' The",uMoI
it cometh to pass that, in abundancc and )llenty of'*rU1.
aU things, we yet complain of want :lIId penury,
while one man spcndeth that which might serve a
multitude, aud no man distributcth of t11e abundance whieh he hath received, and all mon cxecs!jively waste that which would servc to supply tho
llcccssities of other.
'I'here hath been "ery good provision mado
ll","'l1inst sU(:h abuses by divers WJOd and wholesome
laws; which if they worc practised as tlleyought
to be of nil truc subjects, they might in IIOme part
serve to diminish this raging and riotous exeess ill
apparel. But, alas, there appearet.h amongst liS
little fear and obediencc either of God or man.
Therefore must we needs look for Ood's fearful
vengeaucc from heaven) to overthrow our pre-


w w w. h a i l andf m


A.n Homily

sllmption and pride, as he ~v<:rthrcw IIerod,.who

in his ro)'nl apparel, forgettmg God, was smlttclI

1:..01... "1_

of an angel, and eaten up of worms. Dy which

terrible cxamllle God hath taught us that we arl!
but worms' meat, although we pamper ourselves
never 80 much in gorgeous apparel. I[ere wc may
lenfn that which Jesus the son of Sirach teachelh,
not to lJfJ protul of cwtltjng an.d raiment, neitller Iq
uait ourlelcu in the day 0/ MnwuT, beeau,e tl/l~
mTlt of tlte kd aTe tlJ()nde~fut and g{fW;OU', ,ceret
and unklWtD1t, teaching us with humbleness of mind
every onc to be mindful of the vocation whereunto
God hath called him.
Let Christians therefore cllden\'our lhemsclv~
to quench the care of 1llcasing the flesh. Let u",

use the benefits of God in this world in such wise

that \Vc be not too much occupied in proviJing for
the body. Let us content ourseh-cs quietly with
that wllieh God sendeth, be it never so little. And,
if it please him to send plenty, let us llot \\'a."(
proud thereof, but let us use it moderately, us wdl
to our own comfort, as to the relief of sueh us
stand in necessity. He that in abundance and
plenty of apparel hideth his lnee from him that is
ll&! 1~1il. 7. naked dupi8et! hi. uwn flu!, ll8 Esny the Prophet
snith. Let us learn to know ourselves. and not to
despise other. Let us remember that we slnnd nil
before the :Majcsty of Almighty God, who shaU
judge us by his holy wom, wherein he forbiddeth
exCt:8!l. not only to rnI'll. but also to women: so
Umt none call exeuse thclll!lClvC8, of what estate or
conditiollsoc\'er they be. Let us tlJ{'refore prcscnt
ourselves before his throllc, as Tertulli:m exhortcth,
with the orn:lInents which the Apostle sjlea.keth ol~
l:pla l q,l~. Ephcsians the sixth ehnptcr, "',,;j"9 our loin.9irt
olJOld 1Dil! lltel:uif!l, har;j"9 lite brtQ8lplau of righ-

leot4"re'8, Q"d .ADd 1CitA ,ltot, prepared by tile G08pel

)1..... >I. JO.

ofpeace. Let us take Ullto us simrlicit),. chnstil.r.

and comeliness, submitting our necks to the sweet
l'oke or Chri:;t. Let women be sulJject to their
!U1lb.1mls, and tllC)' are suflicicntly attirt.'<I, saith


w w w. h a i l andf m

ogain# Lee61

of Apparel.


Terlullian. The wife of onc Philo an heathen

philOSOl1her, being demanded why she ware DO
!?Old she IlIlswered, that she thought her husobund's
virtues sufficient
ornaments. 11
- ow much
more ought Christian women, instructed by tile

word of God, content thcmseh'cs in their husLands I Yea, how much more ougoht every Christian
to content. himself in our Sa\,iOllr Christ, think~
iog himself sufficiently garnished with his hcaycnly

But it will ba here objected and said of some

nice and vain women, that all which wo do ill
paintill~ our faces, ill dyeing our hair, in cmbalmiug
our bodies, in decking us with
apparel, is to
please our husbnnds, to delight IllS eyes, and to
retain his love toward us. 0 vain excuse, :md most
sl13meful nnswer, to the rcpro.'lch of thy husband.
What eouldest thou more say to set out his foolish
ness, thnll toclmrge him to be pleased and delighted
with the devil's tire 'Yho call paint her facc, and
curl her hair, and change it into an ullnatural
colour, but therein dot.h work reproof to her
Maker, who made her, 8S though she could make
herself more comely tlum God hath appointed the
measure of her beauty? Wbat do these women
but go about to reform that II'ltieh God hat.h made,
not know1ng thnt all t.hillfrH llat.ural1s the work of
God, and things disguised and Ullnatural be the
works of the devil j lInd flS though a w1se and n.
Christian husb.'1nd should delight to sce his wife
in such )lnint.OO and flourished visions, which com
mon harlots mostly do use, to t.r:lin t.herewit.h their
lovers to naughtiness j or as though lIll hOnest
woman could delight to be like UIl hurlot for
pleasing of her husband?
Nay, nay, these be but t.he vain excuses ofstlch
as go about to please rather others than t.heir Ims_
bands. And such aUires be but to provoke llcr to
SllCW IlCrsclf abroad to entice others: a worthy
matter. She must kccp debat.e with her husband
to maintain sueh apllnreI, whereby she is the worse



w w w. h a i l andf m

hou;:;e\~;reJthe seldomef at. borne to see to her charge,
and so to neglect his thrift by gi\;ng great pro\o
cation to her household to waste and w3ntonnesl'.
wbile she must wander abroad to shew her own
nnity and her hWiband's foolishness. Dy which
her pride she stirrctb up mnch enry of others,
which 1Je so vainly delighted as she is. She doth
but desen-e mocks and llOOms, to set out all her
commendation in Jewish and ethnic apparel, and
~'ct brag of her Christi:l1lity. She doth but waste
superfluously ber husband's stock by such sumptuousness, and sometime is the e:lUse of much bribery J

extortion, and deceit in her husband's oc<:upying,

that sbe mny be the more gorgeously set. out to
the sight of the vnin world, to please the devil'l!
eyes, and not God's, who gi"cth to every crcnturc
sufficient and moderate comeliness, wllcruwith wo
should be contented, if wc were of God. What
other thing doest thou hy those me:ms but pro-

1'0\', d


,'okcst others to tempt thee, to deceive thy 6Oul,

by tbe bait of thy pomp and pride? What elM}
doest thou hut setle8t out thy pride, and makC!'t
of thy undecent apparel of thy body the de,'il'lI
net, to catch the 60uls of them which behold thee?
o thou woman, not a Christian, hut WONC than a
paynim, thou minister of the de,;I, why pampel't!l;t.
thou that carrion flesh 80 high, which 80metime
cloth stink and rot. on the earth as thou t."OCSt?
J[owwen'r thou perfumest thyself, yet CD.llnot
lby bea:.t1ine8ll be bidden or oven:.-ome with thy
smeUs and 6ll"OUN, which do rather deronn ami
mi""hape thee than beautify thee. What meant.
Salomou to eay of Euch trimming of vain womell,
when he said, .4 fair 1COIJUlIl tcjtAm4t go<JlJ -.a'fJler,
altd fX1ltditiolU U li/..tJ 4 lOll! did Aat! a ,i"9 of 90ld
tlpoll !ler .."Ilt, but that the more thou g:l.rni..;,h
thJsclf with th~"'e outward blazings, the less thou
can'"L for the illwllrtl l;'llflli..hing of thy miud, anti
110 do..t but beloul thp.clf by such army, nnd IlOt
beautify thybClf?
Hear, hrar, what Christ's holy Apo.stlcs do writ ....


w w w. h a i l andf m

0/ t/ppaul.
Let ttOt tl~ (Jllt~ard apparel 0/' 1CO.etI, saitb SI. II....._J"'!.
Peter k J~h(J! tU Maidi.! of Aa;r, tt;l!
rrrappilt!l 0 ... of go/d., or gooJ(~ c~otAi.!I: b.t ~d tRe


.'-IId a"d lite eo1UClexet. rAle! u "ot IU1J ftll! tAl!

qU, 6e pllre uti clea",: Ilult il, lmith bc, all aept-

able a"d QII c.rcc/lelft thillg kJore God. For 10 tne

old ancient Iwlg JComen aUirttl tAenlAe/cel, and f&ere
obedien.t to their nu,Oa"d,. And Sf. Pnlll saith, thllt
1Comel 8IIoJlld 0PJJarel tnem,ell'c, fOilh damtj'a,tnu, .11"',1J
and Jbcrnell, and flot with braid, of their hair, or to.
gold, or ptort, or prec101l' clothu, but tu tDOmen
Ulo,tld do ..AicA fCilt upreu godtin", by their good


If we will not keep the Apostles' precepts, at the

least In U8 hear what pagans, which were ignor..nt
of Christ, ha'"e 83id in thi! matter. Democra.tea
aitb, The ornament of D woman 8tandeth in

I>C8rcity of speech and apparel."

Sophocles S3ith

of such app.'uel thus: "It is not an omamcnt, 0

thou fool, but a sham.e, :md a m:mifcst sLew of
thy folly." Socrates s:lith that .. that is a gtIr_
nishin~ to a woman whieh declareth out her ho~
nesty!' The GrecilUUl use it in 11 proverb, "It ilJ
not gold or pearl which is a beauty to n woman,
but good conditions." And Aristotlo biddeth that
.. n. woman ,hould use less apparel than thc law
doth sufter i for it is not the goodlillC8ll of apparel,
nor the exceUcllcy of !>routy, Ilor the abundance of
gold, that maketh a woman to be esteemed, but
lUod~ and diligence to live honcstly in all
things.' Thi, outrageous Y;mity is DOW grown
80 far, that t1u~_re i, no shame taken of it. We
read in hi"torics that, when king Dionyaius sent
to the women of Lacedemon rieh robes, they 1Ulswered and s:lid that" they shall do us more shame
than honour," and thereloro refused them. 'rhe
women in }tome in old time abhorred that gay
apparel whieh king Pyrrhus scnt to them, and
none were 80 greedy and "ain to accept them.
And a law Wll& openly made of the senatc, Bnd II
long time obllernxl, II thaL no womBn should WCl)"


w w w. h a i l andf m


~:.oh. .l~ '6.


M. 9.

An. /{omily

o\'er half an ounce of gold, nor should wear clothes

of divers colours."
But perchance some dainty dame will sar and
answer me, that they must do something to shew
their birth and blood, lo shcw their husband'::.
riches: as though nobility were chiefly set.'n by
these things, which be common to those which be
most vile; as though thr husband's riehes were
not better bestowed than in such superflllities; ll~
though, whco thou were Christened, thou didt
not renounce the pride of the world and the pomp
of the flesh. 1 spe:lk not ngninst COll\'tmiellt
apparel for every state agreeable, but against the
sU!k'rflllily, against the vain delight to covet such
vanities, to devise new f.'l.shions to fLw thy pridt
with, to spend 60 mueh upon thy enrcasc, that
thou and thy husb..'\ud arc compelled to rob the
poor to maintain thy costliness. Hear how that
noble 110ly woman, Queen Hoster, setteth out
these goodly ornaments (as they be culled), when,
in respect of s..'\\'iug God's pcople, she Wail COOll>cUed to put on 8uch glorious apparel, knowing
that it was Jl, fit stale to blind the e)'C5 of carnal
fools. 'l'hus she pru)'e<l: 1iiau klfOIt:e4t, 0 Lord,
t!le necel8ity which 1 aln drir:en. w, w put On thi4
apparel, and tlw.t 1 abhor thu 4ign of pride and '!!
'"u gwry 1ChicA I bear 0/1. 1IIy head, arut 'Aat I dej}
it tU ajiltliy ekJth, and that 1 tcear it not teAen I am
aW1Ie. Again, by wllat; means was Holoferncs
edbut bY tie
1 gI'
It",rlllg Slew
0 f apll3fC.
which that holy woman Judith did llut on ller,
not as delighting in them, nor SC()king vflin \'0IUl'tuQUS plcasllf6 by them; but she \\"tlf6 it of
pure llCCC5sity by God's dispensfltion, using this
vanit)" to oven.'ome the vain e)'es of God's enemy.
Snch dl'Sire was ill those holy noble women, bcin~
vcr)' loth aud unwilling otherwise to wear such
sumptuous apparel, by the which other;, should be
caUSt.'<i to forget themselves. These be commendcd
in Scri~t\lre lor abhorring slIch \1milie!':, which by
con::.tnltllt find great llccc:>,sit)" afrUin~t their he:ut,.'


w w w. h a i l andf m

o!!oi",t L" It! aFparel.


Ill.'!'ireJ were compelloo to wear them for a time.

\lId shall sueh women be worthy eommendatiollil,
which neither be comparable with tlu$e women
afOf($lid in nobility. nor comparable to tbem in
their ~ zeals to God and his people, whose
daily ddight and seeking is to f1onri!.h ill sueh
f.,J":ly shiftil and cbau::es. ne,er satisfied, nor re.
l.."lInling who smarleth for their aprarel so they
may come by it? 0 vain men. which be subjects
to their ",,hcs iu these inordinate affectioJUl. 0
\"Hin women, to procure eo much hurt to themseh'cs, by the which they come t he sooner to
misery in this world, and in the meDn time be
abhorred of God, hated and scorned of wise men,
Bnd in the end like to Le joined with such who ill
hell, too Irate repenting them!lClvcs, shall opcnly
complllin with these wortls. WAnt Iwilt our pritle Wlool. ~
profitt({ till or tCnl1t prOfit Aath the pomp of ride' I).
brolJ!!ht u, l All tho,e tAiI'!!' are paued atoay IUe a
",adOI/). A~ fur drtlle, tee I{id neeer ,htlD on.y ';9'"
llaereof; alld tltu, art 'ICe co"ftlnwl ill our lOielttd-

."". thou sayest that the custom i.ll to be followed,


and the u,;e of the world <loth compel thee to Buch

euriosity j then I ask of thee, whose eUlltom should
followed? wi~e folks' manners, or fool;;'? 11'
thou llaJefl:, the wise; then I 1;8\', follow them,
for fools" customs who should follow but fools?
C"ns:i<ll'r that the con.llCnt of wiae men ought to
he alleged for a cudom. Now, if any lewd custom
he used, be thou the first to break it; labour to
diminillh it and lay it down; Bnd more laud afore
Uod and more commendation shalt thou win by it
than by alltbe glory of 6\ICh superfluity.
'I'hus )"e have heard deelnred unto )'ou, what
God requireth by his word concerning the moderate of' his ercutllrcB. Let us learn to use
t!lcm moderately, as he hath appointed. Almi/-:'hty
God hath t:l1Ight us to what end and purJlOSt:: wc
I&hould \18C Ollr apparel. Let 118 therefore learn
10 to behave oun;clvcs in the use thereof. DS il


w w w. h a i l andf m

~. 9,


n.l IJ.

..1.11 Ho.iI! agai..u LCQI of Apparel.

b.x-umeth Christians, always s.hewing ourselves

thankful to ollr hea"enly Fl\lher for hill great and
merciful benefitsj who gi"elh unto Ull o.r dail!
6nad, that is to say, all things necessary for this
our need)' lire; unto whom wc shall render aooountil
for all his benefiu at iM glurimu 0PJNO";1I!I of o.r
&,.iowr CA";"l. To whom with the }'ather and the
Holy Ghost be all honour, praise, and glory for
ever and ever. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m


TRUE is nothing in all mnn's life, well beloved in

our Saviour Christ, 60 needful to be fiJXlken of, and

daily to be Co'lllcd uroll, tI8 hearty, zealous, and

devout pnl)'Cr; the necessity whereof is so great,
that without it nothing may be well obtained at
God's hand. For, as the Apo6"t1e Jamcs saith,
erery gm a.d perfect gift co",ett. from Q!xJt;e, Qnd .I_I. '7
procttdells jrO'M "'e PalAer of liglt,: \vho is also
said to be ric.4 a"d /ilHrat Ulrard, aU {ne,., fAoe calt ,~. I . . . .
tlJ101I Ai., not because he either will not or cannot
g;"c without asking, but because he hath appointed
prayer as an ordinary means between him aud us.
'l'bere is no doubt but he always k1UJlCet.4 rAGe "Mt.1.I
re .lat'e utd of, and is alwaJs most te3d.r to gi,c
abundance of those things tha.t we Jack. Yet, to
the intent we mi~bl acknowledge him to be the
Oi"er of all good things, and behll\"c oursekes
thankfully towards him in that behalf, loving,
fearing, and worshipping him aincerel}' and trnll"
:ltI wo ought to do, bo hath profitably and wise y
ordained that in time of ne<:essit}' we ahould
bumble ourseh'cs in his ~ight, pour out the 6eCrets
of our heart before him, and era,'O help at his
hands, with continual, earnest. and devout prayer,
By the mouth of his holy Prophet Dnvid he saith
on this wise: Colt 'Upon me in tAe cMy, of lR!! I'Ll. 'f.
lrouIJle, and [will deliver (Aee, Likewise in th1


w w w. h a i l andf m

MO:l ,It


,,",,,,. it.,
Cvl. 10. '0

Tile Fir" Part of tk &'.011

G~pel, bJ the mouth of his well bcl?\-oo Son

<':h",,1., he saith, bl, Qltd it dalllA $/DtH ~.;
kllOd, uti it dall 6e op.,d: for .dOlOtr ruld~
rtMutA; w:1wIoerer ud:et! ji"delA.; a"d to Ai.
(Aot flloclel4 it doll IM (Jp.ed. St. Paul also,
most agreeably coru;enting hereunto, reilkl! Men.
to pro"
tl:eTIJ 1C"ere, and to continlle IAerejlS tcith


Neither doth the blessed Apostlo

St. JamC8 in this point. allY thin~ di ent, but,

earnestly exhorting all men to dili~nt proyer,
",.,....~J. I'aith, If QIIY M4lS Jack toiJ011I, kt Ai,. ad: it if
God, rAk.4 gird! IjlNrally to aU ".tll, aM reJ _ 6. proackl.4 -0 .011.
Also in another place: Pray
(ne for uolAer, saith he, tAat ye .ay IM AeG/ed;
fM tk rig~
pro~r ol:aild d, ilit IM
/eruai. What other thing are we tau~ht by
the8e and such other places, but onl)' thi~. that
Almighty God, nolwithlitanding his he:wenly \vis
dom and foreknowledge. will be unto, that
he will be called upon. that he will have us no
1C68 willing on our part to ask than he OD his part
is willing' to give ?
Therelore most fond and foolish is the o'pinion
and reason of those mell, which therefore thmk nil
prn)'cr to be superfluous and vain. OOenullC God
I'>. oil. ,.
arcJe/1I. eM Aurt lull lAd rei"" and knoweth the
p_ 'I'Il1. '1. meaning of the spirit before we nsk.
:For, if this
)hlL n."
fleshly and carnal reason wcre liUfficicnt to disannul
pl"l1yer, then why did our Saviour Christ 110 ollen
Xa11 no'!
cry to his disciples. 1Y4kA a"d pra,? why did he
;;,"t.:...l. prescribe them a form of pl"l1)'er. saring. lfka ~
lIaU.o'I., pray. pro, tlfkT' lAit MWt. o.r PtltAtr...Aid art i.
~.L~ kl:J~. &c.? why did he pray so often and 80
' .... lut. earnestly himself before his passion? finallr. why
,,-did thc Apostles. immediately after his asoension.
4ltoL.lo It. gathtt themsclves ~cr into one several place.
o.nd there continue a Tong time in pl"l1),er? Either
they mlbt condemn Christ and his Apostletl of
extreme folly. or else they must needs grant, thllt
prayer is a thing nlOflt. oCCC8S3ry for all meD at ILI.l
times and ill all places.



w w w. h a i l andf m

cOI/I:erning Praser.


Sm'e it is, that there is nothing more expedient

or needful for muukin<l in all the world t.han
pr-dyer. Pray alway" saith St. Paul, wilh ott 11Ullt_ I:l~1 ,I. ,q.
ner of pro.'/er and I"upplicatiolt, and watch thcreto
IOjtll aU diligence. Also in another place he willeth ,TI-. w. ')
us to pray continually without any inlermi,,wn or
ceasing, meaning thereby that we ought never to
slack nor faint in prnyer, but to continue therein
to our lives' end. A number of other such placed
might here be nlleged of like effect, I menu, to
declnre the great necessity and use of prnyer: but
what need many proofs in a plain matter, seeing
there is 110 muu so ignornut but he knoweth, no
man SO blind but lIe sccth, thnt prayer is n. thing
most needful in nil cstntes and degrees of men?
For only by the help hereof we attain to those
heavenly and everlasting tr(':Isurcs which God our
heavenly l'ather hath reserved nnd laitl up for us
lds children in his dear and well beloved SOil Jesus
Christ, with this covenant and promise most IIS- JoI",.-.I.
suredly confirmed and kalcd unto UB, that, if we 'J-"ask, we shall receive.
Now, the grent necessity of prn-}'er being sufficiently known, thnt our mlllds and hearts may be
the more llrovoked and stirred thereunto, let us
briefly consider what wonderful strength and power
it hath to bring str:mg<l and mighty things to llnss.
We read in the Book of Exodus t.hat Josua, fight- .:...\. nU.
iug agninst the Amalekitcs. did conquer and over. ,o-IJ.
eome them, not 80 mueh by virtue of his own
strength, ns by the earnest and continual prayer
of Moyses: who as long ns he held up his hands
to God, so long did Israel prevnil; but, when he
fainted and let bis hands down, then did Amalek
and his J>CO!lle ]lrevail; insomuch that Aaron and
Hur, being in the mount with him. were fllin to
stay up his hllnw until the going down of the Slm,
othemlsc had the llcople of God that day been
utterly diSCilmfited lInd put to flight. Also wc
read In another place of JOSUII himself, how he J<>II,"u.
at the besieging of GilJc()Il, making his humbltl'" IJ.


w w w. h a i l andf m


17Ie Ei"t Part of 'Ae &rIl101l

petition to Almighly God, ctl\l~cd the Bun. a~d the

mOOD to stay their oour:;e, and to stand still Ul the
midst of heaven for the space of a whole day, until
fiuch time the JlOOllle were fiufficicntl.v a\'cnged
upon their enemies. And WaB not Jehosaphat'iI
nuu.. u, prayer of great force and strength, l\'hen God at

hig request caused his enemies to fall out amon~

tll(~msch'C8 and wilfully to destroy onc another?
Who CRD marvel enough at the cm.'Ct and virtue
J,... '1. of Elia's pT".lyer?
He, 6ein!l a lfill .lIbject to aJlec:~.', 7~ 'wu tu iCe are, praled to tAe LtmJ !Aat it 1/fi!lAt 1IlIt

i:-::' LtoII.o

rai., aJUJ tAere felt JW rai... tip''' tAe ear/A fQr lAe
lptlce of IJree 1tlJr, a"d m _oatA,. Agoi. Ae
/JrtlJed tAat it .igAt raj", ud lAerefe/lgnat ple"'J.
MJ 'Aal 'AtJ Mrl' troll!JAt fortA Aer etU1'eIUe .IM"
al"uilo1ftly. It were too long to tell of Judith,
~'l.:~~l:;,'. E~ther, Susanna. alld of divcn other h..oo1y mcn
~;,' al~: _ and womcn, how greatly thcy prevailed in nU thcir
4, _.1 doings by gi\ring their minds earnl'tilly and de\'oully to prayer, Let it be sufficient at this time
to conclude WIth the sa)'jngs ofAugustine llndClu:r...... T_
sorrlom, whereof the one calleth prayer "the key
, hryt. .....
of heaven," the otllcr plainly llfiinneth that ..there
ll-. uil.
is nothing in all the world more strong than IL
Illall that giveth himself to fervcnt prayer,
Now thCIl, dearly beloved. SC<!:ing prayer is 80
needful a thing, and of 80 great strength before
God. let us, llCCOrdin~ as we are taught by the
example of Cbri"l and bis AI>ObtllS. be dlrlletll and
diligent in calling on the of tile Lord. Let
us ne,'er faint. ncvcr slack, never give over; but let
us daily and hourly, carlyand late, in SClLSOIl and
out of lielL'lOn, be OCCUllicd ill godly mcdit:ttions and
llrnyers, What if we obtain not our petition at the
til'lii? )'et let 113 not be discouraged. hut let U8 con.
tinually cl')' and call upon God: he willllurcly hear
U8 at len~hJ if for no other cause, yet for \'err
imporlunity'lI sake. Remember the parable of the
ullrightcoull judge and the poor widow, how she
hy her importunate meanll caused him to do h('r
jwtice againiit her ad\'erillry. although otherwise





w w w. h a i l andf m

concerning Prayer'.


he feared neither God nor man.

Shall not God

muck mQTe at'enfJe Iti, elect, saith our Saviour Christ,

",hicn erf unt<> Aim tidy and night? Thus he taught

his diSCiples, and in them all other true Christillll
meu, w pray alway" and never to faint or sllrink.
Remember also the example of the woman of
ChallMu, how she was r('jected of Christ, and,

called dog, as onc most unworthy of any benefit at ,...t<.

his hnnds; yet she gave not over, but fullowcd
him still, crying and calling upon him to be good
and merciful unto her daughter; and at length,
by vcry importunity, she obtained her request.
o let us learn by these cX3mplc8 to be earnest and
fervent in prayer; assuring ourseh'cs that, wllat80- Job" ..1. ')'
tUT tee ad of God the :Fathcr in the name of his : J<>bD Y. '"
Son Christ lmd aceordil/9 to hi" wilt, he will un. s
doubted!y grant it. He is truth itself; and, liS
truly as he hath promised it, so truly will he perform it. God, for his g'l'eat mer0r's ll.'\ke, so work
in our hearts by his Holy Spirit, t.hat we may
always make our hnmble prnyef8 unto him, as wu .
ought to do, and always the thing which
we ask, through Jeslls Christ our Lord. To whom
with the l~at.her and the Holy Ghost be all honour
and glory world without end. Ameli.



IN the first part of t.his Sermon ye heard the

great necessit.y, Ilnd also the great force, of'devout
and earnest I,ruyer declared and Ilrovcd unto )'OU,
both by divers weight.y testimonies, rmd also by
sundry good cxnmples of' holy Script.urc. Now
shall you learn whom you ought to call upon, IInd
to whom ye ought always to direct your I)m,rers.
We arc evidently bught in God's holy'l'esla.
ment, that Almi~lllY God is the only fountain and
well:;pring of all bJ'()()(lllCSS, and that, II'hatsoc\'cr
.....e ha\'e ill this world, wc receive it only at his



w w w. h a i l andf m

3 ~2

Tile &cond Part of t!le &rmon

hands. To tbis effect scrvcth the plare of St. James.

Ecerggood andpcrject !lift. S3ith hc, comelA.frQTll
above, and proceedetll, from the Fa/Au 0/ lighlt. To
this effect also scrveth the testimony of Paul in
divers places of his Epistles, witnessing that the
:,I:i',' :::;~. tpirit of tci,doT1t, the spirit of knowledge and 1'er:ela:. ~tli: ljolt, )'C:l, every good and heavenl}' gift, ll8 faith,

bope, charity, grace, and peace, comcth onl)" :md

solely of God. In consideration whereof he burstctb
I l '.... tr.;.
out into n sudden passion, and saith, 0 ",an, f(lluIl


Ihing ha# tAoII 1Ghid" Iltou Ita,e 1Iot receir:ed! There-

J",," .d, '.I

fore, Whcflsocvcr we neOO or lack anything pertaining either to the body or the soul, it bchoveth
us to run only unto God, who is the only giver of
all good thin/?S. Our Saviour Christ in the Gospel,
t('aching his disciples how they should l,rny, scndcth
them to the Father in his name, saJing, Yerily,

t:eril$, I,ay lInto you, TfTltatlOtr:tr ye a,k tire Father

illfny flame, he wilt gir:e you. And in another
~,.u . . . 9: pla(.'C:
When. ye pray, pray after thi, IOrt, Our
l.u"",.I. Fu.lher, tcltieA art in heaven, &e.
And doth not
1'0.1. IJ.
God himself, bJ the mouth of his Prophet D:t"id,
will and comm:tud us to call upon him? '1'he
, (.'0', I. ' .I, Apostle wishcth grace a"d peace to all (hem that
call on the Name of the Lord and 0/ hi, &n JWI,
JI>t/ 11..":
Chri81: 3B doth also the Prophet Jocl, sayin~, ~1IfJ
A'loll. ,,.
it ,hall come to pa", that tcMlOecer ,hall call on the
Name of the Lord Ihall be ,at'ell.
'rhus then it is plain by the infilllible word of
truth and life, that in all our necessities we must
flee unto God, direct our prnl'eriJ IInto him, call
upon his holy Name, desire he p at his hands, and
at no other's. 'Yheroof if ye will yet have fL further fCason, mark that which followelh. There
nre certain conditions most requisite to be found
in e"ery slleh n onc that must be ealled upon,
whieh if they be not found ill him unto whom we
pmy, then doth ollr prayer avail us nothing, lmt is
altob"Clher in vain. 'rho first is this, tlmt he to
\\ hom we make ollr prayers be able to help us.
'rhe second is, that he \\ill help us, The third is,


w w w. h a i l andf m

concerning Prayer.


that he be such n onc as may hear our prayers.

The fourth is, that he understand better tlum we
ourseh'C9 wlmt we lack and how fhr wc have need
of help. If these things be to be found in any
otller saving only God, then may wc lawfully call
upon some other besides God. But what man is
so gross but he well llndersbmdeth that these
things are only proper to him which is omnipotent
and ImowetIJ att thingl, even the ury 8ecret., if the' JoI,n Ill. ""
heart, that is to say, only and to God nfone? .'. u~....
Whereof it followeth, that we must call neither
upon angel nor yet upon saint, but only and solely
upon God. As St. PUIlI doth write: How dalt Rom. q.
men calt 14}J011 him in whO/it they nar;e not believed?
So that invoeatioll or prayer may not be made
without fllith in him on whom we cnll, but that
we must first belic\'c in him, before wc elm m:lke
our prayers unto him: wherenpon wc mtl6"t only
nnd solely pray unto God. }'or to I!ny t1mt we
should believe either in augel or saint or in any
other living creature were most horrible blasphemy
a"rrninst God aud his holy word; neither ought
this fancy enter into the heart of Ilnr Christiun
man, because wc are expr<'SIlly taught m the word
of the Lord only to repose our filith in the blessed
'rrinit)" in whose only Name wc arc also baptized
aCCOrding to the express commandment of our )1"1 ....m.
Saviour Jesus Christ in the last of''Matthew.
liut, that the troth hcreofmay the bettcr appear,
even to them that be mOt:.t simllle and unlearned,
let us colIsider what praycr is. St. Augustine
enlleth it "a lining up of the mind to God, t1mt lle~lri t
is to any, nn humble and lowly pouring out or the 1,lt. m," ;0.
heart to God!' IsidoruI saith, that it is an Ilf~ llelu",'"
fcction of the heart, and not n labour of the lips!' ~;~::~J~'ii,.
So that, by these ]llnces, true Ilrnyer doth collt;i~t,
not 80 much in the outwnrd llOund IIlId voice of
wordB, liS in the inward groaning and crying or
the heart to Ood. Now thell, is there any lmgcl,
any virgin, nny patriarch or prophet among the
dead, that elm understand or know the meaning


w w w. h a i l andf m

Ps. 011. 9 :
il. 'l:
'Chroa .1.


The Second Part of the &rmo*

of the heart? The SCrijlturc sait.h it 1" God tJw.t

tearcAetn lite Aeart and rcilU, and thatAe onli ImOf&e/h
tAe Irearu of fAe children ofmen. As for the Saints,
tbey have 80 little knowledge of the secrets of the
heart, that many of the ancient fathers greatly
doubt whether they know n~),t.hillg at all that is
commonly done on earth.

And, albeit some t.hink

they do, yet 81. Augustine, a doctor of gretl.t authority and also antiquit}" haUl this Olliuion of
them, that they l.. .nQw no more what we do on earth,
tlmu wc know wlmf. they do in heaven. For proof
Llb, doC",* whereof he allc~th the words of &ay the Prophet,
=~. IJ. where it is said, .i1.braR41/l U ignorant of w, anll
1.. I~lll. ,6. I8raet ItMrCeth. 118 flOe.
His mind therefore is this,
I'. ftr* Il.. not that we should put any religion in worshipping1la."P,lS them or prn)'ing unto them, but that we should
honour them by following their virtuous and godly
Llb. nU"" lite.
For, ns he witnesseth in another place, the
~~. DoI,ap. Martyrs and holy mcn in times past were wont
aftcr their death to be remembered and named of tllC
priest at Di"ine Scn'ice, but never to be invocatcd
or called ll1>OD, And why so? "Bccnuse the priest,"
sait.h hc," is God'sllriest, and not theirs: JJ whereby
he is bound to eall ul>on God, and not upon them.
Thus you sec, that the 811thorit.y both of Scripture
and also of Augustine doth not permit that wu
should pro)' unto thcm. 0 that all men would
Jobn . J9. studiously read and 'eareA t!le Scripture,! thell
should they not be drowned in ignon:lIIce, but
should easily -perceive the truth, as well of this
point of doctnnc, as of all the rest. }~or there
doth the Holy Ghost plainly teach us, that Christ
is our only mediator and intercessor with God, and
,JQ/lbU",., that we must scek and run to no other.
If alii
man linnetA, saith S1. John, te" hare an adrocate

tcitj" tile Father,

I nb'. 11. f.



Chri8t tA" rigAteQIlI; and Ae

i, IAe propitiation/Qr Qur ,inl. St. Paul also saith,

Tlltre i, on" God, an.d
mediawr belle""n God an.d
mall, ere,. IIr" malt Je'lll CArilt. Wllcreunto agreeUl
t.hc testimony of our Saviour himself, witlI<.'ssing
that 110 man cometj" Iq llle Fatlrer, but onl! b! Aim,



w w w. h a i l andf m


who ill lIe tea!, lIe tntl, tAe life, )"ea, and tAe onl)" '"
B(J()f' whereby we must enter into the kingdom of
hea\"cn, because God is pleased in no other but in )I"" uti I
him. For which cause also he cricth and calleth
unto W1, that we should comc unto him, saring,
~ JlIlW ~, alt ye tltat lalxJlJr atu/ fM Iteal:!latlelf, )1." 'I."
(Ilia I ,"all rrj'relA !QlI.
'Would ha\'e us 80
necessarily COlllll unto him? and 6hllll we m06t
untharJcfully leave him, and run unto other? Thiij
is even that which God so greatly oomplaincth of
by his l'rophet Jeremr, !;;lying, My jMQJJle !tare J.,.Il. '3.
co",,,,itted ItcO guat oJlence,; lite! ,face f<JrIQKell tile
tAeffJu/4i. of tAe fMleTl of life, nil Aare digged kJ
tAnuel~ 6ro1l piu, t..fat ca" /wU .0 rater. Is

not that man, think you, unwise that will mn for

1\llter to a little brook, when hc mllyas well ~
to the head spring? E\'cn so may his wisdom be
justly suspected that will flee unto Saints in time
of necessity. when he may boldly and without fear
deelarc his ,.,-icf and direct his pra)'cr unlo the
Lord himself.
If God were 6tr.mge, or dangerous to be talked
withal, thcn might wc justly draw back, and seck
to $DOle othcr. But lite Lord i, lIiglf, unlo litem l"at I'. r~l. ",
call tl.potr. Iti"" ill- fl,ilh and iNIIA: lllld lhe prayer of JIOd"I' h.
tlte /a."tble aNd met/.: AalA alrqa!, plealtd Aim, What
if we be sinners? shall we not therefore pray unto
God? or shall \\-c despair to obtain an)' thing at
bis hands? Why did Christ then teaeh us to lUll.
forgiveoCll8 of our sins. saring, Alld f<Jrlice tu ollr ~u .i.IJ,
IrupaMU, a, ~/(Wgit:'e tAea tAal trelpOu agai.,t
.. ! Shall we tlunk that the SnintB arc more mer
ciful in hearin,!;' sinncrs thnn God? D::a\.-id saith,
that /le Lord i, /lIlt of co-pauil)1l uti .ure.f, ,iOrtJ .... dIl
'" u!Jff',."d of grtilf li,ubleu. St. Paul snith, tlint
ie u ne.i i,., """1 tmcarJ, all tA('J1I call _po"- .-r-....
.Hill. And he himlK'lf by the mouth or his Proplu:t 11_ ~,".
}~ay suith, i'or a liUle tCfrik !tItre [ffJrlQ"~ thee, h u~ ,,/).
6., '/DjlA 9uat eomp",iolS '/Dill I gal!ttr Ifree: for a
m01lle"t ill- mine anger I Aare hilt m,.facej'rone IAefJ,
!.Jut '/Dillt ererla,lillg mere" Allre I /lful eo""pa"ion


w w w. h a i l andf m


TIle Stw"d Part of tAe &r_off-

flPO_ tltu. Therefore the sins of :lIIY m:m ought.

not to \\;tbbold him (rom pra);ng unto the Lord
his God; but, if he be truly penitent and strodfa:'t
in faith, let him 8&'W'C himself that tbe Lord will
be merciful unto him and bear his pra)"ers.
but I dare not (will some man 63)') troublp
God at all timCil with my pra)"ers: we ~'e that in
kings" boUSCfl, and courts of princes, men cannot.
he admitted, unlC58 they first use the help and
mean of some speci.o.l noblemnn, to come unto tilt!
:<peech of tile kill~. and to obtain the thing that
they would hn\"c. To this r(;ftS(lD doth St. Ambrose
H."-:- ..pL .1Ils~\cr "cry well, writing upon the first chapter to
t he Romans. .. Therefore," &\ith he, f( we usc to
~"O unto the king b)' ollicers and noblemen, !.>e<.'IlUI;(l
lhe king is (L mortal m:I.Il, find knowelh not to
whom he may commit the &"'Ovcrnment of the corn
mOllwealth. Dut. to III1\'e God our friend, from
whom nothing is hid, we need DOt any helper that.
l:ohould further us with his b"'OOd word, but. onlr.
devout and godly mind!' And, if it. be so, t Ult.
we need one to intreat for us, why may we not
,n. '1 " {'(Intent ourselves with that <nr~ Mediator, tc'AicA. ;,
~:~.I,~~: at tAc rl9At ja"d of God the Father, and there /iutA
fQr er to .ull~ ittkTt:Ulw. for 11#? As the blood
of Christ did redeem w on the cross, and cleanse
us from our sin.,,;, C"cn 60 it is now Dt/~ to ..ace.ll
tAna lAst (mu nto God. by it. For Christ, liitting
'IfI.. It: ill hea'"en, utA alt erer/luti1f!} priut!ood, and llh\ alii
~~~',~' 1.1: )lra:reth to bid Father f(.lr them that be penitent,
ulJtaining by virtue of his wounds, whieh are evermore ill the sight. of God, DOt only perfect remi...
I'ioll of our 6111.,,;, but also all other De<.'eSS:lrie.o that. wc
lack in this world: SO that hiiJonly mediation idliufli
cient in hea\'en, and Ill'etldh DO other's to help him.
Why thcn do we pray one for another ill t1lill
life? some llIan perchance will here demand. roriiOOth we are willed so to do by the c::rpress oorn)I." '_UI 1l111ndment both of Chrilot and his discipks, to
declnre therein, llIl \\"ell the faith that wc havc ill
"01. III ,.
''l._ 11. '., Chrillt towllrdS Uod, ns .1.,,;0 the mutual ch:lrit)'



w w w. h a i l andf m

concerning Prayer,


that wc bear onc townrds another, in that wc pit~

our brother's ease, nlld mnke our humble petitioll
to God for him, But, t113t we should pray unto
Saints, neither have we any commandment in all
the Scripture, nor yet example whieh we filly safely
follow. So thnt, being dOlle without authority of
God's word, it Jacketh the ground of f;lith, nnd
therefore cannot be acceptable before God. Pur Hob 11. ~
IOluzt8fH!l:et' i8 flot of faitl~ it nn: and the Apostle Ili>m 11Y, 'J,
saith, thatfail.4 CORU!tn. oy hearing, and hearing by IIQ"'.1 '7
the word of G()(l.
ret tllOU wilt object further, that the Saint,g ill
hea\'en do pmy for us, and thut their prayer llroeeedeth of an earnest charity that they have towards their brethren on earth. Whereto it may
be well answered, first, that no mllll knowlJth
whether they do pray for us, or 110. And, if nny
will b"O about to prove it by the nature of charity.
concluding that, because they did prllY for men 011
earth, therefore they do mnch more the &.'lme now
in heaven; then may it be said by the smne reuson,
that as oft us we do weep Oll earth they do also
weep in heuven, bcc-.lUse while they lived ill thill
world it is most certain and sure they did 50. Ail
101' that pl:lce which is written in the Apocalypse,
namely, that the :lngcl did oiler up the pl~lyel'8 Orll~. . iU'J."
the &.'lints upon the golden altar, it is properly
mellnt, and ought properly to be understood, of
those &.'lints that are yot living on earth, Iln<l IlOt
of them that are dend; otherwise what. need wel'u
it t.hat the nngcl should ollcr up their pra)'ers,
being now in heaven before the fn{.'C of Almighty
God? But, admit the SuinG do Jlrny for us, )'ct
do we 1101, know how, whether specially ror them
which e:lll upon them, or else gellerally ror nil
men, wishing well to every m:m alike. If they
pMI), specially for them whieh cull upon them, thell
it is like they hear our pra.vers, nlld also know
our hearts' desire. "'hioh thing- to be lhlse, it ill
already proved, both by the Scriptures, and also
by the uuthority of AUhrJ1Rline.


w w w. h a i l andf m

3 IS

TAe Second Part of the &rT1ll)n

Let us not thercfore put our trust or confidcnce

in the Saints or Martyrs that be dead. Let us not
call upon them, nor desire hclp at tllcir hands: but
let us always lift up our hearts to God in the name
of his dear Son Christ; for whose sake as God hath
promised to hear our prayers, 60 he will truly per.
form it. Invocation is a thing proper unto God :
whieh if wc attribute unto the Saints, it 60IIndcth
to their reproach, ncithcr can they well bear it at
our hands. "'hcn P:lUI had healed a certain lame
Ao'..I. 8-,& man, which wns impotent in his feet, at Lystm,
the people would have done sacrifice to him and
Barnabns; who, renting their clothes, rcfused it,
and exhorted thcm to worship the true God. Liken. '10. '0: wise in the Revelation, when St. John fell before
the angel's feet to worship him, the angel would
not permit him to do it, bllt commanded him that
he should lOor8hip God. Whieh examples declare
unto us, that the saints and angels in heavcn will
not have us do any honour unto them that is due
and !lroper unto God. He only is our Father; he
only is omnipotent; he only knoweth and undcrsbllldeth all things; he only can hclp US at all
llall . 51 times and in aU pllll'cs; ne 8uiferelh. t!luun to dine
I'. uhU. 9;

tAe good and (!le bad; !le jeedetll. the young

raun8 {Aat cry 1tnto him; he 8(lvetll both man 4ntl
bead; Ae Jtlilt not tAat anyone !lair Qf our Aead dalt
peri8!, bllt is always ready to hefp and preserve
all them t1lat put their trust in him, according as
h.I.I...... he hath promised, saying, Before tlley calt, I wilt
an8leer; and 1/Jllik8 {!ley 8fleak, I wilt hear. Let us
!lot thercfore allY thing mistrust his goodness; let
liS not fear to oomc before the throne of hi!i merey;
'I,l~ 10. ,61 let us lIot seek thc aid and help of Saints j but let
~. '~l
'11.8 come boldly ourselvcs, nothing' doubting bllt God
lla" niL 5. for Christ's suke, in ,e!wm lie i8 totll plea8ed, will
hear us without n spokesman, and acoom!llish our
desire in all such things as shall be ngf(!(!nblc to
:I~'~ his. mt",t holy \'rilI1" CSo, "'hith Cdhr)'sostom, nn
.... ....... anCIen doctor 0 t le lure; an so must wc
steadfiJ.,;tly believe, not because he saith it, but
1.<&"- alL 1;
nl. lB.



w w w. h a i l andf m

much more bccawe it is t.he doctrine of our Sa.

,'lour Christ himself, who halh promised, that if JuIoo .i . 'lo
we pray to the Fatber in his .name we shall. e:er. ~u.
tainly be heard, both to the reller of our neces..qliei,
llnd also to the salntion of our BOuls, which he
bath purcho.scd unto us, .ot tcit! goU 01' .ilur, od ,Ptc t. '~.''''
fcif! .til preeiol4' blood shed once for all upon the


To him therefore with the :E'llthcr nod the Holy
Ghost, three Persons and onc God, be nil honour,
praise, and glory for ever llnd ever. Amen.


Y. wore taught in the other pnrt of this Sermon,

unto whom


ought to direct your p1'3.ycrs in

time of need nnd nceessit~, that is to wit, not unto

angels or sainta, but unto the ct.crnal and everliving God: who, becaw;e he is merciful, is always
ready to hear lI!cl, when we call upon him in true
and perfect filith; nnd, becaUIlC he is omnipotent,
he em easily perform and bring to pass the thing
that we rcquCiit to have at. his hands. To doubt.
of his power, it wpre a plain point of infidelit.y, and
clean :l.Wlinst. the doctrine of the Holy Ghost, whieh
tea.chet.h that he is all in all. And lUi touching his
goodwill in this behalf, wc have express testimonies in the Scripture, how that he will help U8,
:\nd :\lso delirtr us, if wc coil flpoll Ai. i" liMe o/ .... l 'J.
lroflUe. So that in both these reopccts we ought
rather to call upon him Hum upon nDy other.
Neither ought :\ny man therefore to doubt to come
boldly unto God, bec:m8e he is n sinner. }'or tJe
krd, as the Prophet Da,-id lltIith,., graci<nu a"d .... dL.:
,.erti/",l; yea, Ai. .not! lud goodlltu ad",rdjfurcd.
~er. He that !!Cnt his Son into the world to
.a~e .j""trt, will he not also hear sinners, if with a ,'Tb L ,~.
tme penitent heart and a etcndrast rnith they pror Joba III .,
unto bim? Yes, V'tU at!mQlCledgt our "in", God lot ,J."'~ I. ~


w w w. h a i l andf m


Tlu Tlird Part

of IRe rao_
tt, 0'" ';IU, fI"d to clea1lM

/a;t/if.l a1U.l jtl4{ to fOTgire

tu/rant all 'Uri!lAl~.'1feM; as we are plainly taught
d. . : by the exnrnples of David, Peter, Mary MagtJalenc,


:, ~.~f1~JiL the Public:lIl, lllld divers other. And, wherellS wtJ

1I ~oh.. uL must needs use the help of some mediator !lnd inter'1-'9-



ccssor, let us content


with him that is the

~ tnlc and onl)' Mdiawr of iRe Nerc Tu/ame"t, nnm{'I.r.

tile Lord and S:l.\'iour



l'OT, lIS St..

,J." IL,.. Jolm saith, if (11'! ,.a_ ,i., re -'are 11/1 a.lrale
rei'! iJe Fa/kT, JUIU CAmt IAe ri!/"'~IUJ do u 'Ae
propilialw...!oT owe ,ilU. And St. Paul in his first
1.- Q,J." J:I'i.t.Ie to Timothy saitb, TUrd if tnte GOlI, (lIId (nle
",ediaWr /;eltcen. God a"d Mall, ere- tle nwlt JUIl'
Clr;"t; cAo gare Ai.4e!l4 N1fJ.lur olt .elt, to 6e
a k,limotfJ ix Jlfe lime.

Now, after this doctrine established, you shall

be instructed for what kind of things IInd what

kind of persons ye ought to make your prayers
unto God. It grently behovcth nil men, when
they pray, to consider well Bnd dili~ntly with
thcmsch'es what they llSk Bnd require ut God'ii
han<k, lest, if the~' dl.'!"ire the thing which they
ought not, their pctitioM be made void and of
none eff~t. There came on a time unto Agt'hilBtIS
the king Do certain importullate suitor, who requested him in a matter earnestly, saying, I< Sir,
Dud it !l]easc )'our b'1'nCC, you did once promise
me." 1<'1'rntll," quoth the kin~, "if it. be jUlOt
thnt thou rcquirest, tllen IJ)romi,.ed thee; otherwbe I did ouly 81)(,':lk it, an not promi8c it." 'I'he
man would not (;() be :lIIswcroo at the king's hand,
but, still u..wng him more and more, Mid, ult
IJt.'cometh a killJ{ to perform the I~t word he hath
"f">k...n, yea, if he hhouhl onl" beck with his hC3d."
"Xo m\.re,/J aith the king, Uthlln it bcho,... th one
that cometb to a kin~ to speak and a.~k thOt;'
thill~ which are rightful and hone:.-t." 'I'hus the
king cast off this uUretl."'Onable Bnd importunate
suitor. Now, if 80 great cousideration be to bo!
h::ld when we kneel before :ID earthl} kin::, how
much more ougllt to be had when \Ie knwl Loclore


w w w. h a i l andf m


the beavenly King, who is onl,}' delighted with

justice and equity, neither will admit any vain,
foolish, or unjust petition I 'l'hercforc it shall be
good and profitable through!y to (:(lnsider and
determine with ourselvcs, what thin;.."S we m:l.~'
luwfullr ask of God without fear 01' J"('pulsc, anu
also what kind of persons wc are bouud to commend unto God in our daily prn.rers.
'1'wo things arc cllieRy to "e roJ!'pected in cvery
good and godly man's prnyer, his own uccessity,
and the glory of Almi~hty God. Necessity belongcth cither outwardly to the bexly, or else
inwardly to the /lOu!. Which part of Illall, because
it is much more precious and excellent than the
other, therefore we ougllt first of ull to crave sueh
thiuf:,"S tlll properly belong to the sah'lltion thereof;
as, tile gil't of repentance, the gift of faith, the
gift of charity and ~ works, rcmission and forgi\'cllesS of SillS, )l1ltiencc ill adversity, lowliness in
prosperity, and such other likc fruift of t!le Spirit, G.1. y. n, 'J'
as, !lope, love, joy, peace, 10llgllljJering, gentlcne8l, 11o"" ,y. ',.
goodneu, meeknell, and temperall.C i which tiling'::!
God r~lIirctb of nU thcm that !lrofcss thcmsclvcs
to be Ius childrcn, saying unto thcm on t.his wisc,
ut your light 10 dine byore men, thut they may lee 31....... , .
yO/lr good WOrJ,." and glorilr your Father which U in.
heaven., Aud in another place hc also saith, Sed )1.u,nJj.
jirll the j,'illgdom of God and hi8 rigltleoulllell, alld
then ait otlter thingl 8/wit be oil'en 1l1l.[() you. ,nerei n
he puttcth liS in mind, that ollr chicI' and greatest
cure 01lg-11t. to be for those things which pcrtllin to
the health and safeguard of the sOlll, lJC(.~l\Isc we
hare here, ns the Apo~tle saith, no COllti,IUillg cit!l, Uob. 'w. '"
Dut do leel: qj7er another in tM worM to COllie.
Now, whcn wc h:l.\'e slIffitiellt Iy pra)'ed for things
belonging to the soul, tllCD may we lawfully, aud
with sale oollsciellcc, pray nlso for our bollily nc(.'(!$Sities, as meat, drink, clothing', health of IJocly,
deli\'crancc out of r.risoll, good luck in our daily
aH;lin>, :l1Il1 SO fort" according' nil wc shall have
nL'Cd. Whereof what better cX:lll~plc enn wc dctiil'e


w w w. h a i l andf m


ll"'l. 01.
9'"'j' 1.1Ib

" ......

''''1\11 11.


Tile 7'11irtl Part of tAe &rmtJn

to h::wo than of Christ himscll~ who t:mght his

disciples and all other Christian men fir!it to pray
for heavenly things, and afterward for ~arthly
things, as is to be seen in that prayer whIch he
left unto his Church, commonly called the Lord's
Pra)'cr? In the third book of Kings and third
cllapter it is written, that God appeared by flight
i", a dream 'Ilnw &wmfm tAe ki"g, layi"g, A,I: oftRe
tcMfAoeur fMu tcilt, and I 'IOiU gice tlue. Slllomoll
made his humblo prayer, and asked a wise lmd
prudent heart, that might judge and understand
what were good and what were ill, what were godly
and what were ungodly, what were righteous and
what were nnrightoouiI in the sight of the Lord.
]t plealed God 'WontlTO/uty tltat Ae /lad a,/ml fMI
tlti"g. And God Mid u"to him, J)ecaule tMu Aa,t
requeded thu fCOrd, and had not delired many daYI
a"d l<JlIg yearl upq,.. the earth, fleiilter abnndance of
l'ichel a"d 900dl, nor yet the lye of thine ellemi
tchick lIate t!lee, bllt luut dClired wi,t/om to ,it in
judgl1,e1/,t, b4lwld, I hOl:e dune unro thee according to
tlly tcordl; I lutce given thee a fOile heart, jult q/
J:1U)Wledge a"d 'Ullller61anding, 10 that tllere teal nel:er
no"e W'e tllee ~fordime, neither doll b4 in time to
come. Moreover, I hac" bidel 11Ii, gice1/, thee IlIat
tcAich thou hall not required, flamely, world(l/1Cealth
a"d rick" princely hOMur alld glory, 10 Ihat t/wu
dalt therei" 0160 po" alt ~'ing, that ecer1Cere. Note in
this example how S:l1omon, being put to his choice
to ask of God whll~ver he would, fC(ltlcsted not
vain and transitory things, but the high and heavenly treasures of wisdom; :md that in 80 doin'"
he obtainetb, as it were in recompense, both rieh~
and hononr. "rherein is given us to understand,
that in our daily prayer!i we should chiefly and
prineiJllIlIy lISk those things which concern the
kingdom of God and the salvation of onr own
souls, nothing doubting but all other thinl,"8 shall,
according to the !lromise of Christ, be given unto

"'.But here wc must take heed that we forget !lot


w w w. h a i l andf m

concerning Prayer.


that other cnd whereof mention wns made t.eforc,

namelr, the glory of God. Which unless wc mind
and set before our eyes in making our prayers, we
may not look to be heard or to receive any thing of
the Lord. In the twentieth chapter of :Matthew

the motlter of tne two lonl of Zebedee came ' JUUI, MnlO.
'JCfJTlhippinghim, and layin.g, G-rant that fR.Y t/Co IOnl 2O-'J.
may lit in thy kingdom, the one at lhy right hand,
and the other at thy !ejZ IUl1ul. In thilJ petition she
did not rcspeet tJlC glory of God, but plainly
the ambition and vainglory of her own mind; for
which canse she wns also most worthily repelled
and rebuked at the Lord's hnnd. In like manner
we read in the Acts of onc Simon Mngus, a sor~
cerer, how that he, perceiving lhat througR. laying A.tutU.
tm of the AfJOltld hanl/I tne JIoly GnOlt teal gicen, ,l!-'''.
offered them money, lay;"g, Git'e me allD tnil ;xncer,
rhat, an fCnomloecer I lay my hand", he may .,ecei~e
lite IIoly GhOlt. In making this request he sought
1I0t. the honour :lIld glory of God, but his own'
private gain and lucre, thinking to get. great. store
of money by this feat; llud therefore it wns justly
said unto him, 1'1ty money ptri"". toith thee, QecQu"e
l/w", lninJ.:e"t that tne gijZ of God may be obtained
fOith money. By these and such other cxamples wc
arc taught, whcnsocvcr wc make our Ill'llyers llnto
God, chiefly to respect the honour :md glory of his
Name, Wheroof we have this gcnel1ll precept in
the Apostle Pilul: IYhether ye eat or drink, or fChat- C~r . J':
IfMr:er you rhJ, took that yo'" do it to the glor,r of God. Col. Ill. I,.
'Nhieh thing wc shall best of all do, if we follow
the example of our Saviour Christ, who, praying ~l." ...1.
that the bitter e~p of de1lth might pass from him, ~1;, ~~':ric
would not therclll have his own will fulfilled, but Lu. . . .~
referred the whole matter to the good will and
pleasure of' hi8 Father.
And hitherto concerning those things that we
may lawfully and boldl,v ask of Ood.
)l"ow it followeth that we declnre what kind of
peI'WIlS we ure bound in COllsciellce to pray for.
S1. Paul, writing to 'l'imothr, exborteth lum to


w w w. h a i l andf m

""" I.,.:.

('oll. J. 4'

n- ~l.


,Ldf sll.~,

01_ L",
..... L'9'

)'llJI,.a ....

)'~'l ~ .


Tile T!l.ird Pari

0/ tu &,.,.0

make prayer, alCd nppliNtioru for all _elf, ex

('mllting none, of what degree or state soo,'er they
be. In which place he maketb mention by nllme
of l:ill!!. alftl ntkT, rAie.i are i. aII/AMi/!. puttingWI thereby to knowledge how greatly it concemcth
the profit of the commonwcnlth to pray diligentl~'
for the hi~hcr powers. Neither is it \\ ilhout good
causo, that. he cloth 60 often in all his Epi.stlcs crave
the prayers of God's people for himself. For in 60
doing he dcdartlh to tllO world how expedient and
necdlill it is <bily to call upon God for the ministers
of his holy word and sacraments, that they 1IUJ!

,fact tu door of tl/lerall ophfed Ullto them, that

tll<'1 may truly understand the Scriptures, that
they Jn3Y effectually preach the same unto 111C
people, and bring forth the true fruits tllCroof to
the cxnmple of all other. After this sort. did the
congregation continually pmy for Peter at Hiem.
S31e.m, and for Paul among the Gentiles, to the
gTCAt enerense nnd furthenlncc of Christ's Gospel.
.t\nd if wc, following their good example herein,
will study to do the like, doubt.less it cnnnot be
expn:'SSC:d how grrotly we shall both help OU1'ilC:lvcs,
and also pleuse God.
'1'0 discourse and mn throtl~h all dCj::'recs or
per&On8 it were too long: t.hererore yo shull briefly
take this one oonelusion for all. 'Vhoml;OOl'cr we
are bound by eXJlreM oommaudmcnt to love, for
those UlllO wc are bound in oonscicncc to proy: but
we:ne bound by cxJlreM commandment to love all
men as ourseh"cs: therefore we are aka bound to
I'm,r for all men el"Cn as well as if it were Jor our
s~he"" notwithstanding we Lno\v them to be our
~:(t~meanddC:3dly encmiCB; for so dotb our Saviour
(;hri.,t plainly tench us ill his holy Gospel, 83,rillg,
Lvre !UIIT ellelffia, Ueu tlea tut ellr" 111, do ~
to tile. tlat Aau ,0", pro! fur tAea tAut perUCllU:
10"' tlot le Ma! te tAe chiM,a of your }'utAer .,lk..
14 ill "Met,.. And, us he;-Ilt his di&t.iplcs. 80
did he pnlclisc himJ;Clf ill his lifetime. l)r.Lyill~ for
his cnclIlic:; upon tllC Crololl, and J~"irillg hill Fllthl'l


w w w. h a i l andf m

concerning Pruyer.

to forgive thcm, because thcy knew not what they I.ul<~ .. iil.
did: as did also that holy llnd blcssed :Martyr.H
StepbeD, when he was cruelly stoned to death of ACUril. 60.
the stubborn alld stiffnecked Jews, to the example
of all thcm that will truly and unfeigncdly follow
their Lord and :Master Christ in this miserable and
mort..l i life.
Now to entreat of that question, whether wc
ought to pmy for them that arc delmrted out of
this world, or no. "'herein if wo will cleave onl}'
unto the word of God, thon must wc needs grant,
thaL we have no commandment so to do. For Lhe
Scripture doth acknowledge but two places aftcr
this lilc, the onc proper to the elect and blessed of
God, the other to the reprobate and damned souls;
LIS may be well gathered by tile JlIlTllble of Lrumrus LIl~o,,!,
lmd the rich mun. Which place Si. Augustine cx- ''f'"'~.
pounding saith 011 this wise: "'l'hnL which Abrahum ~:.."J:o
speakcth unto the rich mun in Luke's 6(0el, ~,:-, ",p.
namely, that the jm.t Cllllllot go into those places
where the wicked arc tormented, what other things
doth it si,ll'nify but only this, that the just, by
reason of God's judgment, which mllY not bl.! re.
voked, can shew no deed of mercy in helping' them
which after this life are ClUlt into prison until they
pay the 'Uttermozt farthing 1" 'l'hese words, llS they
confound the opinion of hclping the dead by prll}'er,
so they do clenn confute Rud take away the vain
error of JllIrb"atory, which is g'1'OUlHJed upon this
saying of the OOSI>cI: l'1tou "'att not depart tllellce, 'Ion ' .~.
14ntil IlIou halt paid the ~tkrmozt farthing. Now
doth St. Augulitinc say, that those mell which are
ca:.-t into prison after this life on that condition
ma}' in 110 wise be holl>Cll, tbough we would help
them never so much. And why? llceause the
scntcnce of God is ullch:1l1f:,"'l.'ablc, and cannot b..:
revoked again. 'l'hercforc let us not deceive Ollrsch'cs, thinking that eithcr we may help othcr, or
other rnll)' help us by their good and ('haritilbll'
pMlYcrs ill time to come. For, ns the l'rcne!l('r
saith, rchcn Ihe tree/at/elk, tehether it be toward tlrr 1:":- _ >1. j.


w w w. h a i l andf m


Thtl Third Part of tAe Sermon

,outh, or f,()wQrd {he north, ile tcMe jJWct ,oeur the

tree fa/lellz, there it lid!,' meaning thereby, that.
every man dieth either in the sttlte of salvation or damnation, uc<:ording as the word:' of the

John W.)6. E\':mgelist John do also plainly import, saYing, He

tltat 6elieveth. 0/1. /114 &". of God Aalla elerMI life;
but Ae that belier:etk flO[ on Me &n dolt net"er lee
life, bllt the wrath qf God alJUJetk upon him. Where
is then the third place, which t.hey call purgatory?
or where shall our Pro,fcrs hc.lp and r.roflt the
Llb.y II~ dead? St. Augustine cloth only acknow edge two

places af'tcr thi::llife, heaven and hell.

As Jor the

third place, he cloth plainly deny that t1lcre is allY

Cb~ la such to be found in all Scripture. Chrysostom
:::~~IY. likewise is of this mind, that, unless wc wash away
our sins in this present world, we shall find no
ryp. ...... (OI>.eomfort aften\'ard. And St. Cyprian with, that
:,..::.~. after t< repentanoo and sorrow of pain shall
be without fruit; weeping also shalt be in vain,
and prayer shall be to no purpose." Therefore he
eoun.scllcth all men to mnke llrovision for themselves while they may, beC.:lUSC, uwhcn thcy arc
onee departed out of this life, there is no place for
repentancc, nor yet for satisfhetioll." Let thCliC
and such other places be sufficient to take away
the gross error of purgntory out of our heads;
neither let us dream any more that the souls of the
dead are anything at all holpen by our llrayers:
but, as the Serillturc fuacheth us, let us thmk that
the soul of mall, }ll1SSing out of tho body, goeth
8traightwnys either to heaven or clSf' to hdl,
whereof the one ncedeth no prayer, 1Ilhl. the other
is without n.-.Q.el):lption.
'fhe ouly purgntory wherein wc must trust to be
Ell,'ed is the death and blood of Christ; which if
we apprehend with a true llnd steadfll,.t faith, it
purgcth and c1canseth us from nil our sins, even
:1& well us if he were now hanging upon the
.~"',nl.l: cross. The Mood Q/ CArut, snith St.John, Mlh.
11.., I, s
CltiJ1Ued 1I4fMT1f. aI18;1t. The blood of Chri8t, so'Iith
1Id1 I. '.. St. Paul, hath. pllr!led ollr collICience8jrom dead tcork.


w w w. h a i l andf m

concerning Prayer.


to 8eT1'e the living God. Al90 in another place he

snith, We be lanetijied and made holy by 'he offer. lItI>,. '0.
i"gllp of the!Mdy of JeluI Chrilt, done oncefoT all.
Yea, he nddcth morc, saying, Wit! the one oblation Ibid ....
of his blessed body and precious blood he !lath 1//ade
peifect for ever and ever alt them that are "anctified.
This then is that purgatory wherein all Chri,;tiull
men must put their whole trust IlIId oonfidl:'I....'{),
nothing doubting but, if they truly repent them of
their sins, find die in !lcrfcct fuith, that then they
shall forthwith pass from death to life. If this
kind of purgation will not BCr\'C them, let them
never hope to be rclenscd by other men's prayer!',

they should continue therein unto the

world's cnd. He that cannot be saved I.IV faith

in Christ's blood, ho\\' ellllll he look to be delivered
by man's intercessions? lhth God more respect
to mall on earth, thall be Imlh to Christ in heaven?
!fany man 8in, 6.'lith St. John, fee haL'e alJ adL'ocate

fOit/z, the Father, eren. Je8u8 Chri8t the righteou8, and

he 18 the propitiation for our 8;'18. But we must
take heed that wc call upon this Ad\'Ocnte while
wc have space given us in this life, lest, whell we
arc once dead, there be no hopc of IInlvnlion lert
IIlIto ua. }.~or, UII evcry man slcepeth with his own
cause, 80 every man shall rise again with his OWII
I:ausc. Alld look, ill what state he dicth, in the
llllmc state he shall be also judged, whether it be
to salvation or damnation.
Let us not therefore dream either of purgatory,
or of Ilrnyer for the souls 01' them that be dead j
but let us earnestly and dilig'ClItly pray for them
which arc expressly commanded in holy Scripturc,
namely, for king's and rulers, for ministers of God's
holy word and lIacraments, for 1he saints of this
world, otherwise called the faithful, to be ahort,
for all men living, be they never so great enemiCll
to God and hiil people, as Jewe, 'l'urks, pagnns,
infidels, heretics, &c. 'l'hell shall wc truly fulfil
the commandment of God in that behalf, and
plainly dC\:lare ourseh'OIl to be tllC true childrelJ of


w w w. h a i l andf m


Mall. . d.

Cmlf'(rll;"g Prayer.

ollr Reare,,'y Father, ~Ric.i 'llJ!eretk tM Mm to dine

th good a1Ctl tM oodJ a"d tAe 1'ai. to falt wpo_
tAt jut alUl tAe w"jlt~f. For which and nU other
benefits mO!'t abulld:mtly bestowed upon mankind
from the bcginnin:: let us g1\-C him hearty thanb,
as we are mod hound, and 1r:U~ h~ name "'r
erel auu Her. AUlI n.


w w w. h a i l andf m


GOD, tllrough his almighty power, wisdom, and

cn>nted in the bc~innillg heaven and
enrth, the Bun, the mOOD, the stanJ, the fowls of
the air, the beasts of the e:arth, the fishes in the
sea, ::md all other creatures, for the use and commodity of man; whom also he had created to his
own image and likelless, and given him the use
and go,cmmcllf. over them all, to the end lie
should use them in such sort. 1UI be had given him
in charge and commandment, and also that he
should declare himself thankrul and kind for all
those benefits so liberally and so graciously be.
stowed upon him, utterly without nny descrving
on his bchnU: And, although wo ought at all
times and in all places to have in remembrance
and to be thankful to our grncious Lord, according
as it is, I teill1lUl9"iJ! tA~ Jjord ae aft timu, 1'0. su",". 'I
Bnd tagnill, IYAeruoel:tT tAe .Lord lJearetj ,."k, 0 -l w.. ...
liMIt, prai" tl~ Lord; yet it appcaretb to be God a
good will and pleasure, that we ahould at special
times and in special pl.nces gather ourselves together, to the intent hia name might be renowned
and his glory act forth in the congregation and the
ass-cmbly of hia 8l1inls.
As concerning the time which Almighty God
bath appointed hia people to assemble together
solemnly, it doth appear by the Fourth Command.
ment ol'Ood. Remember, with God, tlta4 'n&" keep 1:.001......
'!<Jly tn~ SoMat! day. Upon the which day, ll.!l
IS plain in the Acts of the Apostles, the pcoplu """'0111 ",



w w w. h a i l andf m


The Firll Part of tne Homily

nceustomnblyresorted together, and heard diligently

the Law nnd the Prollhcts rend among them. And,
albeit this Commandment of God cloth not bind
Christian people so straitly to observe and keep
the utter ceremonies of the Sahb:lth day as it WU3

given unto the Jews, rlS tone-hin:::- the

a.... IL., S'



of work lllld labour ill time of gre:lt necessity, and

as touching the Jlrecise keeping of t.he Ile\'cnth day
after the manner of the Jews; (for we keep now
the first day, which is our Sunday, and make tlmt
our Sabbat.h, that is, our day of retit, in the honour
of our 8a\'10ur Chri"t, who as upon that dny
rose from death, conquering the same most trio
umplmntly j) yet, notwit.hstanding, whatsoever is
found in the Comm~lIldment appertaining to the
law of nature, 8S a. thing most godly, most just,
and needful for the setting forth of God's !r1ory, it
ought to be retained lllld kept of all good Christian people. And therefore by this Commandment
we ought to have 3 timc, as 0110 day in a weck,
wherein we ought to rest, ye.'l, from our lawful lllld
needful works. }'or, liko llS it nppeareth by this
Commandment, that no mall in the six dnys ollght
to be slothful or idlc, but diligently to labour .D
that wherein God hath set him, evcn so
Gud l1at1l given eXTm,'Ss charge to all mell, that
upon the Sabbath day, which is now our SlUlda)',
thcy should ccnse from all weekly and workday
labour; to the intent that, like as God himself
wrought six dnys, nud rcated the seventh, and
blessed and sanctified it, and consccrntcd it to
quietncss and rest from labour, even so God's
obedient people should use the Sunday holily, and
rcst from their common nnd daily busincss, and
also gi\'e tllemsch'cs wholly to hC3venly exercises
of God's true religion and son'ice. So that God
doth not only command the obscrvation of this
holy day, but also by his own cxample doth stir
and provoke us to diligent keeping of the smne.
Good natural children will not only become obedicnt to the commandment of their Ilnrcnts, but.


w w w. h a i l andf m

of t!t~ Place and Time 0/ Prayer.


also have a dilig'cnt 0)'0 to their doing'S, aml glad!),

lollow the same. So, if wc will be the children of
our heavenly Father, we must be carclill to keep

the Christill1l Sabbath da)', which is the Sunday;

not only for that it is God's express command_
ment, but also to dcdarc ourselvcs to be loving
children in following the cltnmplc of our gmcious
Lord and Fnthcr. Thus it may plainly appear,
that God's will and commandment was to have a
solemn time and standing day in the wl'Ck, wherein
the people should come together and have in TCmembrance his wonderful benefits, and to render

him thanks for them, us appcrtnincth to loving,

kind, and obedient people.
'l'his example :md commandment of God the
godly Christian pcople begnn to follow immedi.
ately after the aseension of our Lord Christ, lUld
began to choose them a standing dlly in the week
to come together in j yet not the seventh dny,
which the Jews kept, but the Lord's day, tlib da/,
of the Lord's resurrection, the day after the 6event 1
dar, whieh is the first of the week. Of the whieh
day mention is made by S1. Pllul on this wisc: In

tile jut day

0/ ,!le ,aMat! let etet:'1 man lay ft)J wAat

Cor J...t .

lie thin/.-et! good, meaning for the poor. By the

0/ the &bbath is mcant our Sunday, which
is thc first dll/' aller the Jews' seventh day. And
in the J\poca Y1lse it is more plnin, where :lS S1.
Jolm &.1ith, I fCa4 in 'lte Spirit 'UJlon the Sunda!/. lilY. I. ,0Sithenee which time God's people hath nlwnys in
all ages without nny gainsnyin,(.\' U8ed to come to
gather upon the Sunday, to edcbmtc and honour
the Lord's blcssed Nnme, llnd cnrefully to keep
that dny in holy rest llnd quietncss, both men,
Womell, child, servant, and stronger. For the
transgrcssion llnd brcnch of whjeh dny God hnth
declnre<l himsclf much to be grieved, as it may
Rppenr by him who for gathering of sticks 011 the :-;"umb
Sabbath day was stoned to denth.
3'l6 .
But, alas, all these notwitlultnndingo, it islnment
able to sce the wicked boldlle~s of those that will

jird day


w w w. h a i l andf m


Tie FiTlt Part of tu Do.iI!

k countoo God'!'; people, who pass notbiug' at nl1

of keeping and hall""in~ tbe Sunda~,. And the-.:!
fll.'Ollle are of two sorts. The onc rort, If they 1I3\"C

am' b~inl$S to do, though there be no extreme

need. the)' mllilt not spare for the SUndll)'; the)'
must ride dud joumey on the Sunday; the)' mu..t
drive and carry on the Sunday; they must row
and ferr)


the Sunday ~ thl)' must buy and IlCIl

the Sunday; they must k(!(lp markets and fairs

on the Sunday: finally, they we all days alike;

l\ and holy days arc all onc. 'l'bc other

YOf, nlthough the,)' .....iII not
tra\'lulIlOr labour on the Sunday:as they do on the
week day. yet they will not rest in bolin(.'!,8, as
God comrnalldeUl; but tbey rest in ungOOline-s
and in filthiness, pnmcing in their pride, llrnnkillg
and pricking, pomting and painting thc:m..~hei,
to Le gorgeous and gny; they re;;t in exC'C88 and
superfluity, in gluttony and dnmkenness, like mta
and swine; ther l'\.'~t in br:awling and r:aiJing, in
quarrelliug and fightin:::; tiler rest in wantonnc&s,
in torich talking, in mthy fleihlincss; 80 that it
doth too e\'idelltly np.l>ear that God ill more dishonoured nnd thc dc\'1I better served Oil thc Sunday
thall ullOn all the dars ill the week beside. And,
I t!Miurc JOu, the benats, whieh are commanded
to fCfit on the Sunday, honour God better than
this kind of peoplc; for they ommd not God, thev
break 1I0t their holy day. Wherefore, 0 rc pcopfc
ofGod.lar )"our rulllW; UJlOll )"our hearts; rcjlCnt and
amcnd thii griCYOUB and dangerous wickcdnet.s;
..taud in awe of the oommn.ndment of God; gladly
follow tbe example of God hiJllilClf; be not d.bobedient to the godly order of Cbri..t's Church, used.
llnd kept from the Aplbtles' time until this da)';
f~ar the di:,pl~'ll8Ure and just plagues of Almighty
God, if rc be D'gligcnt and forbear not labourill!{
and trnailiul; all the Sabbath dll)' or Sund:J)', and
do not r('sOrl together to celebrate llnd magnify
God'8 blessed Name in quiet holiness Ilnd godly
&Ort ret is worse.


w w w. h a i l andf m

of tie Place a.d 1i~ of Proler.


Now coDct'ming the place where the people of

God ought to resort together, and where e:,-pecially
tbey ought to celebmte and &luetify the Sabl,nth
day, that is, the Sundn.J, the day of holy rest.
That ]lbce is called God's temple or the church,
becau.:.e the company and congregation of Ooo's
people, which is properly called the Church, <loth
there assemble thcmsch'cs on the days appointed
for such assemblies Dnd mcdingtl. And, forasmuch
as Almight), God hoth nPI)(lintcd a spc<:ial time to
be honoured in, it is vcry meet, godly, and also
necessary', that there should be n Jllace appointed
where these people should meet an resort to serve
their gracioUll God llnd merciful Father.
'I.'ruth it is, the holy Patriarchs for a great
number of rears had neither temple nor chun.:.h to
resort unto. The cause was, the,Y were not 8t.ayed
in an)' )llace, hut were in a continual peregrination
and wandering, that ther could not conv'tnientl)'
build any church, But 80 l;OOn 38 God bad delivtf\.'<1
his people from their enemies, and set them in
some liberl)' in the wiJdenle&ll, he set them up a ~:'od. ou_
costly lInd a curious tabernacle, which was 3S it :i:~t, nu
were the parish churchIlL plaoo to l"Cliort unto of the
whole multituue, a place to have hia BlIcriliC('S made
in, and other observllnces and rites to be used in.
Furthermore, after that God, nccording to the
truth of his promibC, had placed and quietly settled
his people in the land ofCana:m, now rolled Jewl)"
be oommandt.'(} a ,,-reat and a Illah~iliceut temp'le,""'-uL
to be builded Ly kmg Salomoll, as seldom the like
bath been liCtll j a temple liO d,,:<:ked and adorned,
IQ gorgeou.-;lr WiMlishoo, as was meet and expedient
for people 01" that time, which would be allured and
stirred with nothing so much as with such outward
J.,"OOdIy gay thiut:,"8. Thi..; W38 now the temple of
Uod, inducd a)"o with mallY gifU a.nd iuudry promises: this WIIS the parish chut'{'h, and the mother
church of all Jewrr: here \lllS God honoured llnd
st:r\'ed: llither was the whole realm of all till,!
hrllelitCll oound to comu at three solemn feasta ill
It 2


w w w. h a i l andf m


Thelj'r8t Part

11 'lie IIomily

::\.~,s~l, the year, to sen'! their Lor~ God here; But I~t
us proceed further. In the time of CIJrI"t and Ills
:,~;- _I,l Apostles there was yet no temples nor churches for
Christian mOll; for wl}\' they were always for the
most part in persecutIon, \'cxnlioll, and troullle,
so that there could be no liberty 1I0r license oblailloo. for that purpose. Yet God delighted much
that they should often resort together in a place,
Acto!.'J,", and th('rcfore after his IlSt:CllIsion they remained
"""U.!6, together ill an upper CIIlHubcr. Sometime ther
;:j;;~ '.:,1:'. entcr<.'<l into the temple, sometime into the syna'j.'S: olS A'Ogues; sometime they were in prillODs. sometime
in their houses, 80mctlme ill the Ilelds, &0. And
this continued so long till the faith of Christ Jesu
hcgall to multiply in a great part of the world.
1'\ow, when divers realms were established in God'ti
true religion, and God had gi\'en them peace and
quietness, then began killb"ll, noblemen, and the
people also, stirred up with a godly zeal :md fer.
ventness, to build up temples and ehurch{.'S, whither
the people might resort, the beller to do their duty
towflrds God, find to ktlep holy their Sabbath dll)'.
the day of rest. And to these temples have tht.:
ClJri"tians ellstomably used to resort from time to
time, as unto mcet plac.'CS where they might with
common eonscnt prai,;e and magnify God'l! Name,
yielding him thanks for the benefits that he dai1r
pourcth upon them both mercifully and abundantly;
where tllC)' might flI80 hear his holy word read,
expounded, and preached sincerely, nud receive hi:.
holy sacraments ministered unto them duly ami
'I'rue it is, thnt the chief and special wmpleB of
God, wherein he hath greatest pleasure, :md most
delightcth to dwell in, are the bodies and minds of
true Christians and the chosen people of God, neronling' to the doctrine of holy Sc.:riptllres decl:l.rl,<1
,("",.ut "'. by St. Paul. 11.'11.1110 ye ttOl, 63ith he, 'Aal ye be 'A,.

..... ;~IJ:

t#!mple 'If God, alld tlwt the Spirit of God dot! dlCett
ill Y"14? The temple of 00(1 u ho'y, ",hie! ye are.
,e . ! 'v.\nd ng'3in in the rrome Epistle: A"now ye not tAat



w w w. h a i l andf m

'!lllte lJlace Q/ull1mc of Prayer.


YlJur body j, tlte temple of tAe Holy 0/'0# dwellil/fI

iI~ yON, fCnom you hare gh"en you of Cod, and that ye
be ..ot .your own? Yet, this Dotwithstamling, God
doth allow the mal:crial temple made of lime and

slonc (so oft as his ])(!()ple do come together into

it to praise his holy Name) tll be his house, and
the place wbere 110 hnth promised to be present,
and where he will hear the pl"'Jycrs of them that
('nil tll>Oll him. 'l'he which thing both Christ and
his Apostlcs, with all the rest of holy fathcl'S,
do suUicicntly declare by this; that, albeit they
certainly knelV that; their prayers were heard in
what. place &OCvcr Lhey made them, though it were
in caves, in woods, and in deserts, yet, so oft :lS
they could conveniently, they resorted to the material temples, there with the rest of the collgregntioll to join in pr-Irer :lnd true worship.
'Vhere!ore, dear!,r beloved, you that profess
)'ourselves to be Christinns, and glory 'in that
Dame, disdain not to 10110'1' the example of )'our
:Master Christ, whose seholars (you s:lY) ye be;
shew you to be like them WhOSd schoolmates you
take UpOIl you to bc, that is, the Apostles and disciples of Christ. Lift up pure nand8 wiLh cle:ln T, ",
henrta in nU plll'CCS and at all times. But do the r""," I . "
"mne in the temples and churches UllOlI t.he Sabbat h
dnys 11180. Our godly predecessors, and the ancienL
fathers of the primitivc Church, sp:lred not their
goods to build churches j 110, they apnred not to
venture their lives in time of persecution, and to
hazllrd t.heir blood, that they mightussemble themBelves together in churches. And shall wc spare
a little llloour to come unto churches? Shnll nei_
ther their example, nor our duty, nor the commodities that thereby shall comc UlltO us, move us?
If wc will declare ourselves to have the fear of'
God, if wc will shew oursdves true Chri~-tinns, if
wc will be the followers 01' Chri..t our i\Jaster,
and of those godly filther,; that hnl'l.l lived bc/ore
us and 1I0W hnl'e received the rcwHrd of truc
and laithful Christians, wc must ooth willingly,



w w w. h a i l andf m


Tile Fir,t Part uf lite

earnestly, and Nt'eretltly come unto the material

churches and temples to pray, as unto fit places
appointed for that use i and dint upon the Sabbath
da)', as at most convenient time for God's people
to ccnse from bodily and worldh' btEinC8ll, to ~W8
themselves to holy rest rind godly contemplation,
pertaining to the ecn'ieeof Almi~;M.r God: whereby
we mu)' reconcile ourselves to God, be partakers of

hi8 re\'crcnt Sacraments, and be devout hearers or

llig holy word; so to be established in faith to Godward, in hope against all adversity, und in charity
toward our neighbours; and thus, running our

ns good Christian people, we may at the

last attain the reward of c\'crlnsting glory tborough
tbe merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ. To whom
with the Father and the Uo!y Ghost be all hOllour
and gIor)', Amen.



IT hath been declared unto )'ou, good Christinn

people, in tlle former Sermon read unto )'011, at
what time and into what place ye shall come together to pmise God. Now I entcnd to set before
your eres, first, how zealous Bud desirous ye ought
to be to oome to your churcb, secondl)', how lOre
God ill grie\'cd with them that do dl'f'pisc or little
regard to come to tbe chun:b upon the boly retltful
,. "".... , It may well appear by Hie Seriptures, that many
I...... h.
of the godlr Israelites, being DOW in enpti\it,v for
their @ins amon~ the Babrlonians, full often wuhcd
and dC!'ired to be .~in at Jlierus:1lem. And at
tbeir return through God', goodness, thot1~h many
1'.-1," _, of the JX"Ollle were negli~nt, yet the fathers were
01, 1Lt,u.I. marvellous de\'out to build up the temple, that
God'lI flC."Ople mi~ht repuir thither to honour him.
And King U,n'id, when he was a banished man


w w w. h a i l andf m

oftlte Place and Time

of Prayltr.


out of his country, out of Hienumlem the holy eity,

from the s:mctuary, from the holy placc, and from
the tabernacle of God, what desire, what fen'cutDess was in him towards t1l;lt holy place! what
wishings and pmyers made he to God to be a
dweller in the house of the Lord! O/Ie thing, saith 1'$.'I'!I....
he, hal:e I a8~'ed of tAe Lord, and thi8 I(/i/t I 8tilt
crar;e, tAat I may rlt80rt and Aare my df&ellil/g in the
!wU8e of the LQrd 80 lung a8 I lite. Again, 0 MW ~a.e..'I. I.
f joyed wAm I Mant tAOIe worda, 1fe 8lw.ll go il/to
tAe .Lord'8M/lae. And in other places of the Psalms
lIe declareth for whllt cntcut and purpose he haUl
such :L fervent desire to cnter into the tcmple llnd
church of the Lord. f It)ilt fait down, saith he, l'$.esuYlIl..
and tfJorahip in tAe AQ('1 temple 0/ tAe LJrtl. AWlin,
I har;e trpptartd in thy holy place, that I might be- ,... bill .
IIold thy might and power, tlUll I might bello"l Ih.1f
glory and magniJicence. }~il111lly he SiLitl1, I wilt Po, nil.".
aAeKl forth. thy Name to my brethren, I 'IOiU praiae tllee
in the mitldea of the collgregatifJ1t. Why then hlld
D:Lvid such an eaMlest desire to the house of Ood ?
First, because therc he would worship llnd honour
God. Secondly, there he would have II contempla_
tion aud :L sight of the power llnd j:tlory of God.
'l'hirdly, thcre he would praise lhe Name of God
with all the congreg-nlion and eom!)RIlY of the
people. 'l'hcse consideration,:; of this blessed Prophet of God oug!Jtto slir up and kindle in us the
like earnest desire to resort lo lhe church, eS!leeilllly upon the holy rC"stful days; thcre to do our
dutieg and to scn'o God; there lo ellll to remembrancc how God, evcn of his mcre mcrcy find for
the glory of hig Nllme snke, worketh mig-hlily to
eonscrve us in health nnd welllth nnd g<lline!'s,
and mi~htily prcscrvcth us from the ll~aulls and
rages of our fierce and cruel encmies; and there
joyfully in the number of his faithful pcople t;-o
praise and magnil'r the Lord's holy Name. Set
before }'our eyes nlso thnt ancient father Simcoll,
of whom the Scripture spenkcth thus, to his g-T'elll
commendalion and an cncoura&>'\!ment for us 10 df>


w w w. h a i l andf m



The Second Part of!he llomilg

the like. There was a

111011, at llierulJt1{elll, namerl

Simeon, a jlUt man, fearing God: he came by 'hc
Spirit of G()(l into the lelllJ)le, alltl was told by the
lame Spirit, that he ,noultt not die b~rore he law the
.dlWi"ted of the km/. In the temple his promiSl:'
WlIS fulfilled; in the temple he S:ll\' Christ, and
too/,; him in. Iti, arml; in the tcmlllc he bras~ out
into the mighty praise of God his wrd. An1UJ
aUo, a prophelel', an oM 10;(/010, deparlell not out fit
tAe temple, 9ir;i1l9 her8e{j" to prayer amI fUlii"g day
am/night: and lite, coming about the lame time, wus
likewise inspired, and confeued, and ,pal-e 0,1 the
J-oT(1 f,{J all thelll Xlho kJoled /01' the m/emption of
I8rael. This blessed man and this blessed woman
wero not disappoiut.ed of wonderful fruit, commodity, and comfort, which God sent lllem b}' their
dilig'Cnt resorting to God's holy temple.
Now ye shall hear how grievously God hath
been offended with his prople, for that they passed
w little upon his holy temple, :lIld foully either
dcspised or lIbllsed the same. 'Yhich thiog may
Illaillly allpear by the notable plagues and pUllish~
mellLs which God hath laid upon his people, cspecially in this, that he stirred up their adversaries
IlOrribly to beat down, :md utterly to destroy, his
holy temple with a perpetual desolation. AI1lll,
holV many churchcs, countries, :md kiugdoms of
Cllristi:liI people have of lale years been plucked
down, overrUIl, and left waste, with grievous and
intolerahle tyranny :md cruelty of tho enemy or
our Lml Christ, the g-r(:,.lt 'l'urk, who !lath 80
universally scourged the Christinns, thnt never
the like WlIS heard or read ofl Above thirty yenril
past the great 'l'urk hnd o\'crrul\, eonqucred, and
brought into bis dominion and 6ul~iection twenty
Christian king'(lollls, turning away the people from
the faith of Christ, poisoning them with the devilish religion of wicked Maholllet, and either de.. tro}in~ their churches utterly, or filthily abusingt hem with their wicked and detestable errors. And
1l0W this great. 'lurk, this bitter and sharp scourge


w w w. h a i l andf m

qf lA~ Pku:e and


qf Pra!Jer.


of God's vengeance, is even nt Imnd in thiJ purt of

Christendom, in Europe, at the borders of I tnly, at
the borders of Germany, greedily gaping to llevour
us, to o\'ernm our country, to destroy our churches
also, unless we repent our sinful life, aud resort
more dilig-enUy to the church to honour God, to
lenrn his blessed will, nnd to fulfil the sume.
'1'he Jews in their time llrO\'oked justly the
\'Cllgeanee of God, for that partly they abused his
hol) temple with the detestable idolatry of tilt:
heathen, and superstitious vanities of their own inventions, contrary to God's commandment; partly
they resorted unto it as hypocrites, spotted, il11brued, and foully defiled with all kind of wickedness and sinful life; partly muny of them passed
little Ul)()1J the holy temple, nlld forced not whether
they came thither or no. And have not the 'Christians of late days, and even in our days also, in
like manner provoked the di"'pleasure and indigna_
tion of Almighty God, ptlrtly, because they have
}Irofancd and detiled their churches with heathenish
311d Jewish abuses, with images and idoh" with
llumbers of altnrs too too superstitiously and illtolerably a.bused, with gross abusing and filthy
cotnlpting of the Lord's holy Supper, the blessc(\
Saer.lment of hill Body ilnd Blood, with an infinite
number of toys aud trifles of their 01V1l de\'ices, to
make a goodly outward shew, and to deface t1w
llOmely, f'imple, and/ sincere religion of CIJrls~
Jesus? PlIrtly, they rcsort to the church lik"
hYl'lOCrites, full of all iniquity and sinful lite,
ha\jng a "nin and Il. dangerous rancy and perl>uasioll, that if they come to the clmrch, 00ijpril1kle thcm with holy water, hellr [\ mas", and
be blessed with the chalice, though tlley undcrstand nol olle word of the wholc service, lIor teel
onc motion of rcpentance in their hearts, all is
well, nil i,; sure. Fie upon such mockillg nnd
Llal>pheming of God's holy ordinunoc. Churches
were made for nnother pllrpose, thut is, to resort
tllither and to serve God truly, there to learn his


w w w. h a i l andf m


Th4 &CQnd Part

blessed will, there


of tlie Homily

call upon his mighty Nnmc,

there to use the holy Sacmmcnfs, there lo tra\'uil

how to be ill charity with lhy neigh1.lour, there to
have thy poor and needy neighbour in rcmcmbnmcc, from thence to dep.'Irt better and more
godly than thou earnest thither. Finally, God's
vengeance h:lth been and is daily provoked, because
much "icked people pass nothing to resort to the
cburch, either for that t.hey are 50 sore blinded,
that they understand nothing of Go<1 :md godliness, and care not witb dc\'ilish example to offend
their neighbours; or else for that they sce the
church alto~thcr 6C()ured of such gay ~in~
sights ns their gross fantasy was greatly dclj'rhtcd
witb, bccuuse they sce the la!sc reli~oll ab:m3oncd
nnd the tme restored, which scemcth an unsavoury
thing to their unsavoury t:lsw; as may appear by

r(iof.1IL ".

this l that tL snid to her neighbour, Alas,

g-ossip, what. shall we now do at church, since all
the saints are taken away, since all the goodly
sights we were wont to h:l\fe are gone, since we
cannot hear the like pil)ing, singiog, chanting, and
playing' upon the organSI that we could before?
.But, dearly beloved, wc ought greatly to rejoice
and give God thanks, that our churches are delivered of all those things which di;,plensed God so
sore, and filthily defiled his holy house and his
place of prnyer; for the which he hath justly
destroyed mallY nat.ions, according to the saying
of Sf. Paul, If any man drfile the temple of God,
God will him de,/roy. And this ought wo grcatl)'
to prnise God for, that such SlIpcrlltitious and
idolatriollS manners as were utterly naught and
defaced God's glory are utterly nbolished, as they
most justly desen'cd, and )"et those tl1illg~ tllat.
cither God was honoured with or his people edified
are decently retained, and in our churches comely
But now, forasmuch as yc perceive it is God's
determinate pleasure ye should resort unto your
churehes upon the dn)' of holy rest; seeing yc hear


w w w. h a i l andf m

0/ l"~

Plou artd


of Prayer.


what displeasure God concci"clll, wllnt pla:{IICS he

pourcth upon his disobedil'lll people; seeing ye
undcl"lItalld what hlcNSings of God lire g;\'cu, what

heavenly commodities come, to such peo)lle Il8 de~rou,;l)" nnd zealou~h use to re..ort unto their
chUl'('h~ ; seeing also ye are now friendly bidden
and joillU)' called, beware that )'0 slack nol your

duty; take heed that you Buffer 1l01hill~ to let rOU

hcrcalWr to come to the church ut such times os
)'OU are orderly appointed aud comm:lIlded. Our
Sa\'jOltr Christ lclfcth in a parable, that a great LIIt.. IY.
,lJpJN:l' was prepared, guests were biddeu, many'..
excused themSl.'I"et, and would not come: J kll
ylnl. s:aith Christ. fICIIe W'l.ka {Aat ten'e C4lkd ,Jail
"Pp" Tflis gffll/, '.ppn- is the true
religion of Almighty God, wherewilh he will be
worshipped in the due receiving of his SIlCJ1l..o
mClllS, and sincere preaching' and hearing his holy
W.,rd, and praetiJ>ing the ~me
godl)' collversatiou, This lro.~t. is now prep.'\n.>d III God's banquet.
ing house, the church j )"ou are thereunto called
and jointly bidden j if )'00 refuse to come, llud
make )'our excuses, the same wllJ he nfillwered to
)'OU thnt was unto them,
Now come therefore,
dearly belovoo, wiOlont dcllly, :md cheerfully enter
into God'3 fellStinp-hou8C, :l\Id become partllkcrs of
the benefits provi(loo lllld prepAred lor you, But
U'e that ye come thither with your hol)'d:l)' WJrment, not. like hypocrites, not of a custom :lnd for
manlier sake, not with lothsomeness, as though )'e
had mther not comc than come, if )'C were ilL )'our
liberty. :For God hatcth llnd punisheth sueh counterfeit hypocrih."fl, as IIppcnrcth by Christ's former
pamble. Mifrielfd, ~lith God, AolO Cdmtlt tAo14 in )"11, nIL
teilAnt 11 tetddilfg gar",ertt! and therelore CO/ll. n, 'oS
ru.tlm Ai. rrBIfU to IJj"d Ai,. Aa/,d uil foot, s"d
to N8t Ai. i"to IJe _Utr ddrnuu, teAne dall lA
rpi"9 aN fDIlilj"9 nil g"tuAj"!I of tutA. 'fo the
intent )'e may avoid the like danger at God's hand,
come to the church on tile hol)'day, and come in
)'our holytlny gnrmcnt; that is to !lny, come with




w w w. h a i l andf m


0/ the Place aJld


of Prayer.

a cheerful and a godly mind; come to seck God's

glory, and to be th:mkful unto him; come to be
at onc with thy IlcigobbouT, Ilnd to enter in fl'iend.
ship and charity with him. Consider that all thy
doings stink before the face of God, if thou be not
in charity with thy neighbour. Come with an
hrort sifted and cleansed from worldly Ilud carnal
affections und desires. Shake off all ,ain thoughts
which may hinder thee from God's true service.
The bird, wheu she will flee, sllakctb her wings;
shake and prepare thyself to flee higllcr than all
the birds in the air; that, allcr thy duty duly done
in t.his earthly temple and church, thou mayest flee

up, and be received into the glorioUil temple of

God in heaven, through Christ Jesus our Lord.
To whom with the Father ll1\d the Holy OhOfit \X'
loll glUT>" and honour. Amell.


w w w. h a i l andf m


CO:\f)[ON PRA)."ER A.~D SACRM.fEl\'!'S OOGnT 1\,1


the manifold exercises of God's people, dca:Christians, there is 110110 more IICceSS:Lt. fvl' nil
esbtes and at all times than is Public PrtI)'cr and
tbe due use of Sacrnmcnts. For in the first we
beg at God's hand nil such things as othcrwi~e we
c:wnot obtain; llnd in the other he cmbraceth us,
llnd offereth himself to be cmbr.lCOO of us. Knowing
tllcrcforc that these two exercises arc 80 Ilcccssnry
for us, let U8 not think it 1I11!l\Cct to ooll,;idcr, first,
what Proyel' is, 1111<1 what lL Sacromcnt is; llnd
thell, how mlmy sorts of Praj'cr there bc, llnd how
many Sacraments: so shall wc the better under
stand how to use them nright.
'fo know what they be St. Augustine wllcllCth "'....,...r. ""
us. Iu his book elltitulcd, or the Spirit; and the ~::r.:..t
Soul, hc snith this of Prn)'er: "Pra)'er is," sait h
he," the devotion of the mind, thnt is to &'1)', the
returning to God through :l god I)' and humble 3f
fcction; whieh nflt'Ctioll is a certain willing' and
sweet enclining of tho mind itself towards God."
And in the second book aguillat thc Adversary of "'''''I'I'n
tlle Law and Prophets 1IC en 11 ell
1 Sacrnmcnts tI I101Y ~d, ,~
signs." And wriling to Donifacius of thc baptislil
of infants hc ll.'lilh: /I If Sllcrnmcnts had not a Al ltn .od
<'Crtain similitude of those thin~ whereof thc)' be UOI,lfaduru.
Sncrnmellls, thO)' should be no Sll.crnmenl$ at all.

Ill' "'"


w w w. h a i l andf m


An llomily

And of this similitude tlley do for the most part

receive the names of the self thin~ they sig-nity."
By these words of St. Augustine it nppenrcth, that
he alloweth the common description of a Sncrnmcnt,
which is, that it is a visible SiIPIl of an iu\,isible
grace, that is to say, that scttCUI out to the eyes

and other outward senses the inward working of

God's free mercy, and doth, ns it were, seal in our
hearts the promises of God.

And so was Circum-

cision a Sacrament, which preached unto the outward senses the inward cutlingaW3)' or tile foreskin
of the heart, ::md scaled and made sure ill the hearts
of the circumcised the promise of God touching the

promised seed that they looked JOr.

Now let us see how m:l.1ly sorts of Prayer and
how mUIIY Sacraments there be. In the ScriptUl'es
we read of three sorts of Prayer, whereof two lIre
private, and the third is eommon. The first is
that which St. Paul spcaketh of ill his :Epistle to
'Th:o n.&. 'l'imothy, saying, I wilt tAat fIIen pray in erery place,
lifting up pure hand4, without wrath anlt ,trifling;
and it is the devout lifting up of the mind to God
without the uttering of the heart's grief or desire
hyopen \'oice. Of this Prayer we have example
in the first Book of the Kings in Annll. the mother
of Samuel, when in the hctl\'iness of hcr heart she
prayed in the tcmple, desiring to be made fruitful.
,s.", t '3 SAe prayed in her Mart. slIith the text, but IAere teal
no t:oke heard. After this sort must all Christians
pmy, not ollce in a week or oncc in a day onl.\,
,n--. 9.1'. but, as St. Paul writeth to the 'I.'hessallJnians, wil/l,.
J"',"'9. ,6. out cealing: and, as St. James writeth, tAe con.
finual prayer qj' a jfllt man j, of mild force. The
~ecolld sort of Prnyer is spoken of in the Gospel of
llo1l. >1. 6. :l\l"atthcw where it is said, WAen tAoM. praye,t, enler
into IAy,ecrd cUnei, and, tchtn. IAou Aalt ,Aut tile
door to tAee,pay flnlo lAy Father in lecrd; and lAy
FatAer, fCAiclt led! in. ,ecrtt, 'hall rev:ard Ihee. Of
this sort of Prayer there be sundry examples in thl'
Scriptures; but it shall suflice to rehearse one,
A<I"',',30. which is written in the Acts oftlle Apostles. Cor-


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Commoll Prayer ami Sucra'lIcnh.


neliu8, a devout man, a captain of the Italian :I'my.

6l1ith to p...{cr, that, king i" hi4 IlQu8e i# prayer at
the "i"tk houT, there appeared UlIlo him O1fC in. a
whiu fjQrmcllt, &c. '1'hi8 mall prayed unto God in
secret, and was rcwardt..d openly. These be the
two private sorts of Prayer; the olle mental, Hmt
is to sa)', the devout lifting up of the mind to Gotl;
and the other vocal, that is to say. ""the secret
uttcrin~ of the gricfs and desires of the heart with

words, nut )'ct in a. SC<:lct closet or some solit.Jlry

'I'he third sort of Pra)"cr is Public or Common.
Of this Prayer spcaketh our S:lI'iour Ohrist when
he saith, If (lOO 0/ YOft, 8halt agree UjXJ/t eartn. "'PO'l )lall. "'Ill.
any tAiU!J, t/Jllat,oecer ye dolt all', my lather which '9 ....
id in heaven ,hall do itforyou; f/)T, ti)llere~l:er tUJ()
or three /;e gathered togelAer ill. l/IY 'Name, there aml
in tAe mid4t Qf them. Althol1~h God have promised
to hear us when we pray privptclr, !lO it be done
laithfully and devoutly; (fo(ho saith, CAU UpolJ .'LI. '$.
me in the day of tlty trQunle, and I VJi/l hear thee;
and IIe/ia" being out a mortat man, saith St. James, J......... ".
)lrayed, ana Macen tOU' dut three year, UNa ,ix I~.
month,: attd again he prayetl, ana the heaven. gave
rain;) )et by the histories of tho Bible it appcareth that Puhlic and Common Prnyer is most
avnilable before God j and therefore it is much to
be lamented that it is 110 better esteemed amOllg
us, whi~h profess to be but ono body in Christ.
When the city Ninive wns threatened to be de JonahlU.
strayed within forty days, the prince and people ,-'0.
joined themselves togethor in public prnyor and
tasting, :Illd were preserved. In lite prophet Jocl
God eomm:mdeth a lasting to he proclaimed, and JooIli. 'I-'!
the people to he gathered together, youllg and old,
man and womall, and are taught to say with olle
voice, Spare ",, 0 Lord, 'pare lAy people, and Id
not t!line en.heritan.ce be brongltt U! etJn/uliotf,. When
the JOWIl should have been tI('~tro)ed llll in 0110 tiny
through the malice of Haman, at the comlllilud- Eftb .. ,,ment of Hester they fa:lted and prayed, and \Vera.


w w w. h a i l andf m



When 1I010fernes besieqro Bclhuli3,
by the ad,;ce of Judith the)' fa;:ted an~,
A,,",~ s-n. and were deli'i"ered, "'ben Peter was m pn.son,
the congregation joined thenL-.cht,'S t~ther in
t'lr.l.rer, and Peter was wonderfully deli,cred. Dy
these histories it appeareth tllllt Common or Pub.
lie Prayer is of great force to obtain mere." find
u......B. ,. deli"erolnoo at our hea\'ellly 'Father's hand. 1'/urefore, brdArtR, I brute/a y()U, e\'cn for 1It~ telldl:r
f1I.erciu of aod, let us no longer be negli/.,"Cllt ill
this bcllalfj but, as a people willing to rt.'('ci\,o at
God's hand such good things as in the Common
Pra.rer of the Church are craved, let us join our_
&ch'cs together in the Illace of Common Prayer,
and ,,;th one voice Ilnd one heart Le~ of our
heavenly Father all those things which he knowcth to be necessary for us. I forbid vou not
printe prayer, but I exhort you to Cl:!1eem Common
Pra.rer as it is worth)". And before all thiub"S be
sure that, ill nil the!;(' three sorts of Prayer, .rour
miuds be devoutly lifted up to God; el"e are Jour
pra>'era to no purpose, and this sa.ring l>hall be
I. . . h. 'J
vcnfied in you, TAi, fltOple AO"Ollrdn 111~ .,iln ,"~jr
)/0, u. $. tip', bllt t"eir "eart iffarfrom me,
Thu9 much for the three lorls ofPm)"crwhercof
wc read ill t11e Scriptures,
Now with like or r...ther more brevity rOtt shall
hear how manr Sacrament,; there be that were
instituted by our Sa,'iour Christ, and to be
conlinued and rccei\,('(1 of every Christi.'lll in due
time and order, and for sueh purpose as our Sa\'iour
Chri.lit willed them to be n:eci\,ed, And as for the
number of them, ir ther Ilhould be oon>:iJcn'd &Ca
cording to the Cl:3Ct signification of a Sacrament,
nllmelr. for ,.-isible signs expn.'S::'IJ' commallJlod in
the NelV Testament, whereunto is BnneXl-od the
promi8C of rree forgi"eIlCSl of Ollr an and or our
holiness and joining in Chri,. there be but two,
namclJ', ]lllptism. and the SUJl()l'r of the Lord.
}'or, although Absolution hath the promiso of
forsi\'cncss or Sill, Yl,It br the express word of tho



w w w. h a i l andf m

of Commo!~

Pra!ler and Sacramc/lu.


New Tcsmmcnt it bath not this promise llnncxcd

and tied to the visible sign, which is imposition
of hands. :For this visible sign, I mean laying- on
of hands, is not expressly commanded in the New
'l'cstamcllt to be used in Absolutioll, as the visible
signs in Baptism :md the Lord's Supper aro; and
therefore Absolution is no such Sacrament as Bap.
tism and the Communion are. And, though the
Ordering of Ministers hath his visible sign :md
promise, yet it Incks the promise of remission of
sin, as all other SaCraments besides do. 'l'hcrcfore
neither it nor nny ot.her Sacrament else be sl1ch
Sacraments as Baptism and the Communion are.
llut in a general noocplion t.he Illlme of a Sacmment may be aUributed to ally thing whereby lIlI
boly thing is signil1cd. In which understanding IJIOllJ"'"''
of the word the ancient writers have given thist~":::~.,
name, not only to the other five commonly of late et Ab/lit.
)can;; takcn and used fo~ supplying' the number 01'1'0:11"".
the seven Sacraments, but also to divers and sUlldry
othcr ceremonies, as to oil, washing of feet, and
such like; not meaning thereby to repute them
as Sacraments in the same signifiention that the
two forcnamed Sacraments arc. And therefore
S1. Augustine weighing the true signification and
exact meaning of the word, writiT1~ to JanuanuB,
and also in the third book of ChrIStian Doctrine,
nffirmcth tbat the Sacraments of the Christians,
as they arc (f most excellent in aignifiention", so
are they .. most few in number"; and in both
places maketh mention expressedly of two, the
Sacrament of Daptism, and the Supper of tho
Lord. And, although there are retained by the
order of the Church of England, besides these two,
certain other rites and ceremonies about the Institution of Ministers in the Church, Matrimony,
Confirmation of children b,Y cxnmining them of
their knowledge in tho ArtICles of the Faith and
joining' thereto the prnyers of the Church for them,
lIud likewise for Visitation of the Sick; yet no
mlln ought to tnke these for Sncraments in such


w w w. h a i l andf m


An. Homily

signification and me:lIIing as the Sacrament of

Baptism aud the Lord's Supper are, but either
for godly states of life, neecss:1ry in Christ's
Church, and therefore worthy to be set forth by
public action nnd solemnity by the ministry of
the Church, or else judged to be such ordiuall~
liS mny make for the instruction, comfort, nnd
edification of Christ's Church.
Now, undcrstanding sufficiently what Prayer is,
and what a Sncrament is also, and how many sorts
of pra)'crs there bc, and how many Sacramcnts of
our Saviour Christ's institution, let us sce whethcr
the Scriptures and the example of the primitive
('hurch will allow any vocal pr-dyer, that is, when
tbe mouth uttcreth the petitions with voice, or
any manncr of Sacramcnt, or other public llnd
common rite or action pertaining to the profit
and edifying of the poor congrcgntion, to be mi.
nistered in a tongue unknown or not undershmd
of the ministcr or people; yea, :llId whether any
person may privately use any vocal prayer in a
langnage that he himself under:-;landeth not. To
this qucstion we must answer, No.
And first of Common Prayer and administrntion
of Sacraments. Although rcason, if it might rule,
would soon persuade us to have our Common Pra)er
and administration of Sucrnments in a knoll'n
toug-uc, both for thut to pray CQmmonly is fot' a
multitude to a.s.k onc and the self thing wilh olle
voice and oue consent of mind, lmd to admilli,.ter
a Sacrnment is by thc outward word :md element
to preaeh to the rccei\ct' the inward :md iTl\isiLle
g-rnce of God; and abo for that both thl'SC exercises wcre first in"tituh..u, and nre still continue<!,
to the cnd that the cong-regntioll of Christ mi~ht
from timc to time be put in remembrance of t1ll'ir
unity in Chrillt, and that, as members all of one
hod)', they ought, both in praycrs and otherwise,
to seek and desire ono another's commodity, :md
not their own without other's; )'ot we shrin not
need to fly to t'en.:;ou's llruofs in this matter, sill!


w w w. h a i l andf m

fIj CommoJf.


mill &cranu:"t,.


we ba,e both tbe plain nnd manifest words of the

Scripture, and also the consent of the most learned
Rnd ancient writers, to commend the prayers of
the congn.'glltioD in a known tongue.
First, Paul to the Corintbians snith, Ld all ai"g. 0.. a; J6.
lA ml w tdi/P,,!/. Which cannot be, unless corn
mon PI'3)"crs and admini.stration of Sacraments be
in a tongue known to the people. For, where the
prayers &pOken by the minister, and the words in
the administration of the Sacmmenu, be not undemanded of them that be present, they cannot
thereby be edified. For as, when the trumpet that IblI. 1.1>0
is blown in the field gi\eth nn uncertain sound, no
man is thereby stirred up to prcp:nc himself to the
fight; nnd llS, when an instrument of music mnkelh
no distinct sound, no man cun tell what is piped;
even 80, when prayers or administration of Sacraments slmll be m a tongue IUlknown to the hearers,
whieh of them shall be thereby stirred up to lill.
lip bis mind to God, and to bc~ with the minister
at God's hand those things which in the words of
his prayers the minister tlSketh? or who shall in
the ministration of the SaCl"llmenta understand what
invisible grnce is to be craved of the hearer, to be
wrought in the inward man? Truly no man at all.
For. 83itb St. Paul. Ad tAQ~ IjJMket! i. a W1I!J.e J...... H.
llu.o.:.,J4lI,~..totJdAeDrtrn"'in~: which in
a Christian oongregntion is. great absurdity. For
\,,"e are aot Ilra,,!/erl one to lmother. td we are tAe:"t.
riti:etI1 of tAe 1Q;.u, a"tl of tAe j(J1ue!lo!tl of God, ~ea, ~d:;:"'.~
Utl.e-berl all 0/ ou 6oJ!. And therefore, wbile8
our mini81cr is in rehearsing the pra)'er that is
made in the name of us all, we must I;r-ye diligent
ear to the words spoken by him, alld m hcart beg
at God's hand those things that he heggeth in
words. And, to sig'nify that wc 80 do, we say,
Amen, at the end of the pra)'er that he maJ,;cth :n
the name of us all. An'd tillS thing can wc not do
lor edifieation, unlC88 we unde~tand whllt is sJloken.
Therefore it is required of Ileceosity, that the Com.
mon Prayer be had in a tongue that the hearers



w w w. h a i l andf m

do understand. If ('\'er it had heen tolcrnbl\: to
Uo;(' l:ilr:mge lougtJt-.,; in the eoDl!l"l.'g3tioll. the ~me
mi...M ha,"c been in the time of Paul and the otber
A I~tl('!l:. when they were miral'ulollslr endued with

the gift. of tongues.

For it might then have per-

suaded some to embrace the U09X'I, when they had

IU'f1rd mell thnt were Hebrews born, and unlearned,
"I'<'ak the Greek, the Latin, 3ud other Jallgun,.,..,.",.
llut Paul thought it not talemblc then; and ~hall
wc uso it now, when no man comoth b)' the know-

ledge of tongucs otherwise than by dilij:..ocut and

carnl:l:lt ii1udr? God f(lfhid: for we should by th3t
meaus h:ing all our Church exercises to frivolous
5upcn,titioll, and m.ake them altogether unfruitful.

Luke writeth that. when Peter and John were

b.y the priuC<'S and high prieds of Jern.
~ll:mJ tJ~J eo.e /0 tAn, !t/{mr. uti Idd Ilna aft
lAat IA~ !,ri~. 0/ 'Ae pritlf. a1ft{ elder. lOll 'fXJJedi...e;chll.~

"1fI() ,II~. 1rlicl rile- I"~J /mIrJ, 'A~ liflblllp

'Aeir ro;"t' to:Jtfler w Cud rif" Olft aAlnl'. allll ",;,1,
iP"l, 'Av. art Ae 'Aat Aa.,t ",adt Aeare- nd tariJ',
'Ae .ta, a1fd aU eA;,,!}. 'Aat are ill 'Acllt, &c. 'l'hus
could the)" nol have dOllc ir lhey had prayed ill lL
str:mge tOll~ue that. 111('y had lIot unden.innd. And
no doubt or it, thcJ' did not nil SfH,lak with 6C\'eml
\"oiee!!, hut some one or them spake in the nnme of
tllcm :111, and the ~t, f:'l\'ing dilif,-ent Cllr to hi::
words, consented thereunto j and thererorc it i::
s."id, thnl 'At! lifted lip '"tir r ,if."e 'O!JdAer. St. Luke
saith not, '"eir roict" ns man)", but, tlieir rvict, a"
onc. That one \'oice t1u:rel'i)re was in such languagt
as thtr all underdood, othcn\-ise the\" could not
have Irrtetl it up with tbe consent of iheir hearts;
tor no man can gixe <''OIUIl::llt to the thing ht!
knowclh 1I0t.
As touching the timCl berore the eomillt::' of
Christ, there was never man ret that would allinu,
that either the people of God or other bad tbdr
Jlrnrefll or administrations of Su('raments or s3cri.
fices in a tongue that. they tht'mscl\"cs ullllcf!ltood
!lOt. A$ ror thc time liiuee Chril>t, lillthlllulillrpL'<i


w w w. h a i l andf m

~r Commo/l,

Prayer and Sacramenu.


power of Rome bcgnn to spread itscll~ and to ellfor<'c nil the nations of Europe to have the Romish
langnage in admiration, it lIppcarcth, by the COil
scut of tho mOtit ancient :md learned writers, that
there was no strange or unknown tongue used in
the congregations of Chri.;tillIlS.
JustinllS Martyr, who lived about onc hundred JDOlh, .1",1
and sixt) fears after Christ. saith thus of the"
administrntion of the Lord's Supper in his time.
"Upon the Sunday assembles arc made. both of
them that dwell in citics, and of them that dwell
in the country also: amongst whom, as much nil
mny be, the writ.ings of the Aposllcs and ]>rophcts
liTe read. Allcrwnrds, when the render doth cease,
the chief minister makcth an cxhortlltioll, exhorting them to follow 80 honcst things. Af'ter this we
rise nil together, and oflbr prayers: whieh being
ended, as we have said, brel\<l :md wine and wnter
are brought forth; then the head minister olfereth
prayers Ilnd thanksgiving willi all his power, and
the people answer, Amen." 'I'hese words with
their eircumsl:l1lccs, being duly considered, do dec!nrc plainly, that not only the Scriptures wcrc
read in II known tonguc, but also that )lraycr wus
made in the same, in the congrcgntions of Justin's
Ba.silius :Magntls and Jollllnncs Chrysostomus
did ill thcir time prescribe public orders of public
ndminibtrntioll, whieh they call Liturgies; and ill
them they lIJlpointed the people to unswer to the
praycrs of tho minister sometime, Amen, sometime,
Lord havo mercy upon us, sometime, And with
thy spirit, and, We hay-e our hearts lifted IIp to
the Lord, &e.; whieh nnswers the people could not
hu\'c made in due timc, if the pr:IyCri! had not bccn
made in a tongue thllt thc}' undcrstood. 'I'he SIlmc
Ba,.,il, writing to the clergy of Noocncsllreu, saith I:p'" b'
thus of his Ubllgtl in Common Pr:Iycr: "Appointing
one to begin the song, the rest follow; llnd so
with di\'crs sonb"il and )lrll}'ers )lnssing over tIll'
night, at the dawning of the dnr ull tOh"'CtIH.>r, C\TH


w w w. h a i l andf m


An llomil,y

as it were wilh one mouth and one heart, they s:ing

unto the Lord a 6Cng of confe~ion, every mall
framin~ unto hims:elf meet words of repentance."
1:..u.u<al.4.ln another p1::lce he s:aith: "If' the s:ea be fair, how
is not the assemble of tIle congregation mueh more
fair, in which a joined sound of men, women, and
children, 1UI it were or the waves beating 011 the
8hore, is sent forth in our prayers unto our God r"
:Mark his words: a joined sound," s.:\ith he, of
men, women, nnd children j" whieh cannot bc,
unless they all understnnd the tongue wherein tIle
prayer is had. And Chr)'sostom upon the words
,Cor.lto.16.of l)l1ul snith, so soon as the people hear these
words, World without end, they nil do forthwith
nnswer, Amen. 'l'his could they IlOt do, unless
they understood the word spoken by the priest.
Diollysius snith, tllat. hymns were said of the
whole multitude of people III the administration of
the Communion.
C)'llrian saith: "The priest doth prcpure tlle
minds of the brethren with n preface before the
pra)'er, 8a)'ing, Lift up your hearts, thnt, whiles
the peoJllc doth nnswer, "re have our hearts lifted
up to the Lord, they may be admonished that
they ought to think 011 nOIlC other thing thun
the Lord!'
,Cor.d. I.
St. Ambrosc writing upon the words of St. PUIlI
saith: 'I'his is it that he snith, because he which
spcnketh in an unknown tongue spenkelh to God,
for he knoweth all things j but mell know lIot, and
therefore there is no profit of this thing!' And
lignin upon tllCse words: 1J thou btUI, or give
thanks, witA the ,pirit, how ,!tall he t!tat occllpielIJ
tne 1'OOIJl oj'tne 'Unlearned ,ay, Amen, at lIty giving 0/


(hald" ,eting ne ,""der'(4ndetIJ not teAat tnou ,Qyed.1

"That. is," saith Ambrose, "if tbou speak the
praise of God in a tongue unknown to the hearers.
:For the unlearned, hearing that which he unders~llddh not, knoweth not the cnd or the pra)'er,
and nnswerelh lIot, Amen, whieh word is as much
to say nB, 'I'ruth, that. the blessing or lhanksgIVing


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Comnr01l. P,ay~ a1Ul Sacramelf{8.


may be confirmed. ]~or the confirmation of the

)lrnrer is fulfilled hy them that do answer. Amen,
that all thingli ~ken might be confirmed in the

minds of the hearers through the testimony of the

truth!' And after mllny wei~htJ' words to the
game end he roith: "'fhe collclul;'ion is this, thal;
nothing' should be dOlle ill the Church in vllin;

Ilnd that. this thing ought chiefly to be laboured

for. that Ule unleanu~d also might lake llrofit, lC!>t
IIDy purt of the body should be dark through
i,znoronce," And, Ie:.t any man should think nU
thi... to be m('1lnt of Jlreaching, and not of pra)cr.
he lakcth occn:,ioll of these words of St.l)aul, ,c..Uy.:aa
there be not alJ interpreter, Id Aim A'up ,i/ence III
the Cnureh, to suy us followclh: "Let him pray
,;(.'Cretly, or speak to God, wbo hCllrcth nil thill~
that. be dumb: for in the Church mUJft be ..peak
that may ]lrofit all persous."
St. lIicrome writing upon these words of St.
Paul, JI()tD If,all Ae "'at ,upplief4 tAe place of tne 1ld4. ,
7I.u{(arnerl, &e., l>.'&ith: "It is the lnym:m whom
Puul lIuderstnndeth here to be in the plnce of the
i~norallt man, whieh hath no ecclesiastical office.
How ..hall he answer, AmeD, to the prayer that be
uuderstalldeth not 1'" And a little after,upon these
words of 51. Paul, Fur if I ,Amtld pra,Y ill a {Q"9"t: nw.. 't&0., he saith thus: "'l1Iig is Paul's meaning: if
any mall apeuk in strange and unknowll tongues,
his mind is mude llnJrnitful, not. to himself, hut. to
the hearer; for, whatsoever is spoken, he knowclh
it not.!'
51. Au~ine, wriling upon the eighteenth ~II'\L
P,;alm, g.'&ith: I< "nat this ..hould be we oUA'ht to
ulldert;tand, thnt we may with reason or man,
uot with c1mttering of birds. l?or ousels all(1
popinjays and ravens and pies and other sueh like are taught hy men to prate they know not
what; but to ..iog with understanding is gi\'en by
God's holr will to the nature of mall!' AA"l'io,
the IlAme Augustine saith: <r There necdclb no 0. .......
lipeccb when we pray, saving perhaps as the pricstil


w w w. h a i l andf m


An Homily

do for to declare tllcir meaning, not that God, but

that m('1l mn" hear them, llnd so being put in
remembrance 'bJ' conscnting with tlltJ priest. tb('r
may hung upon God!'
'l'hus nrc wc tauj:!:ht both by the ScrIptures
and ancient doctors, that in the ndministrntioll of
Common Pr:l.rer and Sncrnmcnts no tongue unknown to tIle hcnrers ou~ht to be used. So tlmt
for the satisfying of a Christian man's conscience
we ncro to spend no morc time in this matter.
Dut )'et to stop the mouths of the adversaries,
which stay themselves much upon general decrees,
it shall be good to add to these teetimOllies of
Scriptures :md doctors onc Constitution made by
Justinian the Emperor, who lind fh'c hundred and
twcnt}' and seven :rears after Christ, and was ]~m
~"".000Iat. perorof Uome. 'l'he Constitution is this. ,,\\'c
cornmrllld that all bisllOJls nnJ priests do celebrate
the holy oblrt.tioll and the prayers used in holy
Baptism, 1101. speaking low, but with a clear or
loud voioo, which mny be heard of the pcople, 0131.
thereby the mind of the hearers mal' be stirred up
with great devotion in uttering the praises of tlll
Lord God. For so the holy Apostle tC3chcth in
,("or. I_ ,6, hi" first Epistle to the Corinthi:lIls, s.'l}'in~, Trul.f,
if tA()U only Me", or gi"e thanks, 1'n 8j,i,it, /1/111'
dolll. he fl'hich. occul'ietA tne place of tAe unlearned
8tJy, All/en, at lily giving o/IhallI.! unlo God! for ne
I/,ndcrlwnJetA flot tohat thou ,aye8t. 1nou verily
gir;e8t lIum/.:' welt, but Ihe olller j, not edijied. And
llJ?1Iill, ill the Elli.:;tle to the Romlllls, he saith:
11_ . 'D.
Witll tAe Aeart is tl/an belieee/A. fmto riglluoll,nu"
and 1(;i11l. Ihe 11l/)u{!& C<Jllj'e"iolf, U mal/e URtf) 'alm/ioll.
'I'hercforo for these (.onuSCf! it is convcnient, that,
llmoll~ oUlcr prnyers, those things also which artl
SI)()kcn in the holy oblation be uHcroo :lIld spok~1l
of the mOljt relig-ious bishoJls and priests unto our
Lord Jc:,us Chri.,,;t, our God with the Father 3nd
the Holy Ghost, with a lond voice. Ami let. the
most rclij:..>iou8 priests know tllis, that if they
Dcgloot any of these things, that thcy shall gi,'c


w w w. h a i l andf m



Qlfd &cralflent..


an account for them in the dl"C'3drul judgmcnt 11"

,At great G,Id o"J OIlT rio., JUII4 CIIrj~{ i neither TIl.I ,~
will we, when we know it, rest and lea\'c it. UIl
re"ClI~!J This mpl'ror, as Sabellieus writeth,
fa\oun.>d the bi:,hop of lklme; and yet we see how
plain a decree be maketh for the proying and
administering of Sacraments in a knolm ton~eJ
thal the de\'olion of the hearers might be stirred
up by knowlc<h.." e, contrary to the judgment of
them that would ba,'e igllornnee to make de\'otion. lie maketh it also u mattt'f of damnation
to do these things in a tongne that the hearers

understand not.

Let us therefore conclude, with

God and all good mcu's assent, that no Common

]Jr.IJ'cr or S:l("ramCllls ought to be ministered in a
toll~lle that is not undt,:l'titlllldcd of the hearers.
Now 3 word or two or J)rivutc Jlrnycr in Rn UTI_
known tOIlg'ue, \Ve look III hand, where we hegan
to f;pcnk of this mattl.'r, not only to prove that no
Common Prayer or ndministration of Sacmments
ollght to be in:l tongue unknown to the hearers, but
also that no person oug-ht to primtely in that
tongue that he himself undcn;t:llldeth not. Whieh
thing' shall not be hard to prove, if we forget not
what pra)'er is_ For, if prayer be that de\'otion of
the mind which enfo~th the heart to lift. up itself
to God, how should it be said thnt that person
praJdh thnt underslandeth not the words that his
tongue 8peaketh in ]lrayer? Yen, how ('nu it be
~id that he speaketh? For to 8peak is by voice
to utter the thougllt of the mind; and the voice
that a man uUereth in speaking is nothing else
but the messenger of the mind, 10 bring abroad
the knowledge of that whieh othen,-ise lieth secret
in the heart, llnd e:mnot be knowlI, according to
that which St. Paul writeth: What Malt, saith he, 'c. 11 "
l"Otnllt 1114 llli"91 tlwt apprlabf, to malt, Iaci"9 (Jiffy
lite I},irit qf m01f,1ClticA. i, i/& ma",! lIe therefore
that doth not understand t he voices that his tongue
doth uller cannot properly be said to sJlcak, but
rather to countcrflJit, llIl pllrrohl and such other


w w w. h a i l andf m


An TJomit!/

birds usc to counterfeit men's ,oices. No man

therefore tl13t fcarelh to provoke the wmill of God
against himself will be 60 bold to speak to God
unadYisedly, without regard of ro,'crent under_
t;landiu{:l', in his presence; but he will prepare his
hCllrt hefore 111.' presume to speak unto God. And
therefore in our Common Prnfcr the minister doth
oftenlimes Sll)', Let us pm}", mClming thereby to
admonish the I>coplc, tlll"!t they should prepare their
cars to hellt what he shall Cl"ll\'C at God's hand,
and their hearts to conscnt to the s.1mc. and their

tongues to say, Amen, at the end thereof.


this sort did the l>rophct David )Jrcpnrc his heart,

,., loll. 7.
when he said, Mg heart i, rtally, 0 God, 11Iy heart
i, rcady, I ttj/l,i"9 and rlectare a p,abn. '1'he Jews
also, when in the time of Judith they did with all
their heart pra.r God to visit his people of Isr-.lCl,
had so prepared their hearts before they bCg"4ll to
prtly. After this sort had Mallass('s prcpnrcd his
,I.. ~~ ...I. heart before he )ll"ftyed and said, And nolO, 0 Lorrl,
do I bMo the kneel ill mine hort, Q81jng of thee part
of tAy merciflll l..indnU8. When the heart is thus
)lr(!!l3r(!(I, the voicc uttered from the heart is
lmrmonious in the ears of God. Othcrwise he regarddh it not, to ncCC)lt it; but, forasmuch flS the
person that so bahbleth his words without sellse in
the pr('Scnce of God shcwl-th himself not to rcJ:r-lrd
the Majc"ty of him that he spcakcth to, he bketh
him as a C<lntemncr of his Almight), Majc~ly, fllld
::rivcth him his reward among hYllOCritcs, which
makc an outward bhcl\' of holincss, but their hearts
are full of abominable thoughtJJ evell in the time
, '~ID. ul.:. of their !lrn)'ers. }'or it is the l/tart tlmt tlie fJOrd
loohth. upon, as it is written in the history of
KinW'. If wc th('refore will t1H1t our Ilrayers be
lIot abominable belorc God, let Ilq so preparo our
hearts before we )lrn}', and so Undenitllnd the thill~
that wc ask when we )lrtl.y, that both our hcart~
find voices mar together sound ill the cars of God'"
Majesty, and then wc shall not f:lil to J"CC('ivc ut
his hand the things that we ask; as good men


w w w. h a i l andf m

of CQ.". Pray" uti Sd~ra.ntU.


which ha'\"c been before us did, and 60 ha,"c from

time to time received that which for their 8Onls'
health, they did at lln)" time desire.
St. AUhl"\u,lille seemetb to bear in tllis matter:
for he 6l1ilh thU8 of them which, being brou~bt up
in grammar and rhetoric, are converted to Chri~tJ
and so must be instructed in Christian religion.
<I Let them know nlso," saith llc, /flhal. it is not DeC~I.
the voicc, but the llfli.'Ctioll of the mind, that comclh r:..~lo Mudl.
to the cart! of God. And 80 shall it come to pass,
that, if !laply they I1lmIl mluk that some bi~hoP8 or
mini.slcrs III the Church do Co'l.1I upon God either
with barbarous words, or with words disordered, or
that they ulIdcl"loland not, or do di>'Orderly divido
the words that they pronounce. they shall not
laugh them to &COn}." Hitherto he scemeth to
bear with praJing in an unknown tOIlR'Ue; but ill
the next sentence he opelleth his mind thus: It Not
for that these thillW' ought not to be amended,
that the people mi~ht say, Am{'Il, to thnt which
they do plainly undel'sbnd. Dut )ct these thiD~
must be godl}' borne \\;tlml of these catechists, or
instructors of the fhith, that they may learn, th:lt,
lIJI in the common place where matters arc pleaded
the goodnel>ll of an oration consistclh in sound, IlO
ill the Church it colIsistcLh ill devotion." So Umt
he alloweth IIOt the praying in a tongue not UIldershllld of him that praldh, but he instructeth
the skilful Or:.ltor to bear with the rude tongue of
the de\out f>imple mini.ster.
To conclude. )f the lack of unde:!rstanding the
words t113t are s)loke:!1l in the oongrewalioll do make
them unfruitful to the hearer!!, how iihould not tile
>'ame mnke:! the words rend unfruitful to the rcnder?
'[1le me:!f('iful ~nCl>S of God grant us hi$ grace
to call upon him as we ou~ht to do, to hia glory
and our eudl{$Q felicity j which we shall do, if we
humble oun;c}\'cs in his sight I ::lud in all our prn}'ers,
both common Gnd pn\nle, have our minds fully
fixed upon him. Fur the pra!/eT C!f Ifltm. "'at !l.umUe l'.lu......
thent8elce8 ,nail pierce throu!J4 tAe ClUlUU; and till '1. I~.


w w w. h a i l andf m


Qf OJmmtYlf, Prayer and SacramtnU.

it dralO ftifl4 unw God, it 1lIi/t not ht annJered i and

tilt the MOlt /lifl4 do regord it, it 1lIi/t ftot depart.
And lM Lord 1lIi/t not be ,kele, but he feW tklieer
ihe jUll, and uecufe judgment. rro him thercrorc
bo! all honour and glory lor ever and ever. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m



TItE great utility and profit that Christian mell

and womcn may take, it' they will, by hearing and
reading the holy Scriptures, denrly beloved, no
heart can 8uflicICntly conceive, much less is any
tongue able with words to express. Wherefore
Satan, our old enemy, seeing the Scriptures to be
the vcry mean and right WilY to bring the people
to the true knowledge of God, and that Christian
religion is greatly furthered by diligent hearing
and rCfuling of them, he also perceiving what llll
hindrflllCC :md let they be to him and his kingdom,
doeth what he crlfi to drive the rending of them
out of God's Church. And for that cnd he 1I3tll
always stirred up, in ono place or other, cruel
tyrants, sharp pCI'SCCutora, :md extreme ellcmiea
unto God and hill infhllible truth, to pull with
violence the holy Diblcs out of the people's hand,.,
and have most spitefully destroyed :md consumed
the samc to ashes in the fire, pretending most untruly, that the IUueh hearing and reading- of God's
word is nn occasion of heresy. carllal liberty, :lIld
the o\'erthrow of' all good order in all well ordered
If to know God aright be :m occasion of evil,
thcn must we needs grant, that the hC3ring' and
rt'adill~ of tIle holy Scripturcs is the cause of hCre6~,
carnallibert)" and thc sub\crsion of 311 good orders.



w w w. h a i l andf m


The Fint Part

of the Information

But the knowledge of God and of ourselves is so

fiu off from bcin<. :m occasion of evil, tl1at it is thc
readiest, rea, the'"only mean to bridle Cllrnal1ibcrty,
Dnd to kill all our fleshly affections. And the ordimlry way to attain this knowledge is with diligt!ncc to hC3r and read the holy Scriptures. For
'1'lIol. HI. ,6. the tc/w/e &ripture8, &''lith St. Paul, tctrt gir;en by
tAe in8piration ql God: and Sh31l we Christian men
think to ll' the knowledge of God and of Otltseh'cs in any eMthly mnn's work or writin~ sooner
or better than in the holy ScrilltUre9 written by
r... t... the inspiration of the Holy Ghost? 1'!1e &ripture8
toere not brought #nto ft8 by tile 1I."ilt of man; but Itol5
men of God, ns witnesseth St. Peter, ,pde 01 lltey
were f1U)wl by IAe holy Spirit qf God. 'fhe lIoly
Ghost is the Schoolmaster of trulh, which le3dclh
his scholars, as our Saviour Christ saith of' him,
JobIlUI.I~ into ott truth. And WhOBO is not led and bught
by this Schoolmaster cannot but filII into dccp
error, how goodly socver his )lretcnce is, whnt
knowledge ~\Ild learning socver he hath of all other
works :llld \nitinh'S, or how f.'lir soever a shew or
face of truth he hath in the cstimntion find judgment of the world.
If some man \\;11 &''''y, I would have a true Imt.
tern and a perfect description of an upright life
approved in the sight of God, can we lind, think
ye, :llly better, or any such agnin, as Christ JCSllil is,
aml his doctrine? whose virtuous OOnverSlltion nnd
godly life the Scripture so lively painteth and settdh forth before our c>'cs, that wc, Leholtlillg that
pattern, might shape and fmme Ollr lives, :\8 nigh
ilS nlilY be, agreeable to the l)Crfcction of the ~amc.
'('01 .1.,
}t'o{/IJ/O you, me. 8:lilh SLl};ml, a8 Ifo/kno Chri8l.
,Jot.mH6. And St. John in his Epistlc &.... ith, 1rA08O al.tidet! in
CArilt mull tca/~ ere", 10 a8 Ae iCan'eft bifure Aim.
And where shall wc learn the ordcr of Chrisl,'s Ijfe
but in the Scripture?
Another would have 3 medicine to heill all diswscs and milladics of the mind. Can lhill be fOllnd
or gott('n otherwhef't'S than out ol'God's own book,


w w w. h a i l andf m



his S3Cred Scriptures? Christ t:lug-ht so much.

when he $lid to the ob!;tinnte JCl'I'll. &an-A. tie J .....
&rjpfut'U,fQT iN- (It~,. .fe (Aid to /tare e/mUJl (ife.
If tbe Scriptures contain in them c\'crlasting life,
it mu:;t needs follow, that tbey hn,'c also p~nt
remedy against all that is an hindcrnnce and let
uuto eternal life.
If wc desire the knowlc<1goc of heavenly wisdom,
wh)' had wc rather learn the same of' mall than of
(loo him8Cll~ who, as St. Jamcs snilh. is the Giver J_l.!.
of wisdom ? Yea. why will wc not learn it at Chri,,;t.'s
own mouth, who, promi:;ing to be present with his )l.ll. udL
Church till the world's end, cloth perform his pro- ...
mise, ill that he is not only with us b,r his grace
:llId tender pity, but aJ,-o in this, that he speaketh
1,resently unto us in the holy Scriptures, to the
!,-reat and endless comfort of.1I them that ha\'c
anr feeling of God stall in thcm? YC3, be spc3kcth
now in the Scriptures more profilablr to us. than
hc did by word of mouth to the earns Jcws. whcn
he jived with tllem here upon earth, ,For the)',
I mean the Jews. could Dothcr hear nor sce those
1hinf:,"S which we rnlly now both hear and see, if wo
will bring with us thosc cars find C)'Cil that Christ
is heard and BCCII with, that iB. dilig-cllcc to hellr nnd
rend hiB holy Scriptures, and true faith to believc
his most comfortable promiSCf!,
If onc could shew but the )lrillt of Chriid'i1 foot,
a gt'I.'3t Dumber, I think, would fall down :md
won.hip it: but. to the hol,}' Scriptures, where wc
may 8t.'C daily, if we will, 1 will not $)Y the llrint.
of hill ft,.-,:t only, but the "hole s.hape and hvc1r
ima,.,'P(l of him, alas. wc give little reverence, or DODe
at all. U allr could Ict us ~ Christ's coat. a sort
of us would mal,;,e hard 8hift, e:,u''Cllt we mought
come nigh to gaze upon it, )'ea., nnd kiss it too:
and rct 1111 the c1otht..'S HInt C\"Or he did wear cau
nothing 60 trul)' nor so livelr eXIlrc:,s him unto lUl,
ItS do th", ScrillturCtl. Chri>:,t's imll~--e, made in wood,
"Ionc, Of llltltul, some mell, fur the lo\'e they !.H:ur
tu Chri'lll, do S".Jfuish llud lJcautily thc blunc with


w w w. h a i l andf m

Tle },r8t l'arl of tlu l'!foraatjua


pearl, gold, and precious stone: and should we not,

brethren, much rather embrace and reverenoo
God's holr books, the 8lIcred Bible, which do reJl~nt Christ unto us more truly than can any
image? The im~""e can but express the form or
sbUIMl of his bodr, if it can do 80 much: but the
Scrillture doUt ill such 80rt llt:t forth Christ, that
we may see him both God llnd man; we mllY sce
him, I say, 8peaking unto us, healing ollr infirmities,
dying for our sins, ril.'ing from dcnth for our justification. A.nd, to be short, we may in the Scriptures
so perfectly see whole Christ with the eye of faith,
as we, lacking faith, could not l\;th these bodily
eyes sce him, though he stood now present hcre
before Wl.
Let en'l)' m:m, woman, a.nd child therefore with
.11 tln-ir beart thirst and detlire God's hol)' &'Tip..
lures, )o,-e lhem, embrace them, ha\-e their delight
and plf'n!lure in bearing :md reading them; so as
at len,!;'lb "e may be transfurmed and changed
into them. For tbe lIoly Scriptures are God'..
treasure house, wherein arc found all things ncOOful
for us to 600, to hcar, lo learn, and to believe, neccs,uy for the aU:lining of eternal life.
Thn8 llInch i8 8poken, only to give yOll a taste
of some 01' the commodities which re mny take by
hC3rin~ and readin~ the holy ScriptUI't-'fl; for, tL8
I llnid ill tbe b<'ginnin~,lIo tollA'UC is able to declare
and utter all. And, nltbou~h it is more clear Umn
the nOOD day that to be iWloranl of the eri"lures
i... the calL..;e of error, 8S Christ sailh to the addul'Cu;,
err, _tU lIf_i"9 lle & i nnd that
error doth hold Ixw:k and I'lu(;k men awn)' from
the k-nowledge of God; and, a,,; St. I1 ierome &aitb,
"not to know the Scri)lturee is to be i~norant or
Chri~t;" )et, this notwithstanding, some there be
that think it not meet for nil IiOrls of men to read
the tri!ltUl'CS, becnuse they are, as they think, in
lillndr)' places stumhlingolueks 10 the 1I1Itcurned;
fir,;t, lor that the Ilhrase of'the Scripture is 8Ome..
time so homcl)', gross, Bnd plain, tlmt it oflcndcth

NaU uil,...



w w w. h a i l andf m

of ct:r(.ai/l, Ptaeu of &riptMe.


the fine Rud dclicntc wits of some oourticrs; furthermore, for that the Scripture also reporteth,
even of them that have their commendation to be
the children of God, that they did divers nctlo,
whereof some are contrary to the law of nature,
some repugnant to the Inw written, and other some
seem to fight manifestly against public honesty;
all which things, say they, are unto the simple an
OOCllSioll of great aflenee, and C3USC many to think
C\'il of the Scriptures, and to discredit their authority. Some llrc oflCllded at the hearing ami
reading of the diversity or the rites and ceremonies
of the sacrifices and oblations of the Law. AmI
some worldly willoo men think it lL great decay
to the quiet and prudent governing of their corn
monwC3llhs to g'lVC cur to the simple and plain
mles and Prec<lpts of our Saviour Chriljt in hilj
Gospel; as being ofr~ndcd that a mall should ~
ready to turn his right. ear to him that stroke 'lau w,
him 011 the left, and to him whieb would take lOo
away his coat., to oiler him also his cloak, with
sueb other !myillg'S of perlectioll in Christ's meanillg: for carnal rcascll, !)Ciug alway all cllemy to H";'" >ill l
<;0<1, and not perceiving the thillgs ofOod's Spirit, 'c.... U If
doth abhor such precepts; which yet, rightly undel'
S13ndcd, infringcth nojudieial policies Ilor Christillll
men's govcrnmcuts. And sollle thero Ue whicll,
hearing thc Scriptures to bid US to li\'c without )I&U, ri.
carefulllC8S, without study or forecasting, do deride "-it,
the simplicity of them. 'l'herclorc, to n:move and
put away oec.asiol1t:l of offence so much M may bc,
I will answer orderly to these objections.
lINt, 1 shall rcheaf'lie some of those placcs tlmt
men arc oU'cllded at for the homclincss ami groSSllCSll
of speech, and will shcw the meaning or them.
In the book of Deuteronomy it is writtell, that l'tul ...
Almighty God made a law, if' a man dil,.-o with_ 5-'0,
out i.>;"au::, hid brotJler or next kinljlll:lll should
marry hilj widow, lIud the child that were fir><L
born lJct.wocu tlu::m should 00 callt.-d his child lImL
was dead, thut the dead man's Ilame mought not
s 5


w w w. h a i l andf m


llr Pir,t Port

0/' ll~ I,,/or.olw.

be put out in l-rllcl j and. if the brother or next

kim:man would not marry the widow. thcn she
before the magit'trat~ of the city l'hould pull off
his shoe and l'"pit ill his face. S3)~ng,
k it tJq"e
IQ lJoI ...... IAol rill .ot t.iU Au 6rnlkr, bM'.
llere. dearly belfJVed. tbe ]lulling oil' his l'boe and
spitting- in his face were ceremonie><, to frignify
unto aD the poople of that city. that the woman
was not now in fault that God's taw in that point
was broken. but the whole shame and blaDle thereof
did DOW redound to that man whieh openly before
the magi.trntes refused to marr), her: and it was
not a reprooch to him alone, but to all hia posteritJ'
also j for they \\ere ('nllcd ever ancr, TAe Aowle 0/'

Aim rAQle Ihoe il }1ltll~1 (11'.


Pt. mu.&.


Atlother plaoo out of the l>sulms. 1 tcill bred,

sa.ith David, Ihe IIQNtl &j'lhe ungodly. olld Ine norn,
0,( lite t1gAleol4' dall be ualtef/. ll)' an Aorn in the
Scripture is unden.ttllld I)()Wer. migllt, 6tr<!ll/-.oth,
and sometime rule and govl'nllnent. 'I'he llrophet
then .saJin~. 1 rill treol tAe 111)1'111 of tlie w"g"oIJ,
meaneth. that all tile poWC1'. l:'trength, and mi~ht
(If God's enemies I;hall not onlv be weahned :tnd
made feeble. but t-hall at I\:llf,.-th al:;o be de:lll brok('n
amI dCto1.royed; t1",ug-h lor a time. for the better
trial of his people, (jot! /'ulll:reth the enemiClf to
pflo~-ail and ha\'e the upper hand.
III the hundred
and thirty M'OOnd P,;alm it is ~id, I fCill ",,~h
Darid', Ao,.. to jllAtriU. lll're ]krilf. A()r" ~igni_
fieth his kill;..rdfJIJ1. .\Imig-ht.\ Cool thererore h.\'
tbUl manner of f:pcllkillg-l'l'\.ImL~th to g-i\e Davi.1
\;dory o\tr all his encmi..",. and to etsbli..h him ill
bis kin~"m "pite or oil hil'C euemil"'.
And in the thl'\.'CtICOre l\.. .llm it is writlen, ;11110/6
U _$ teadfXJl, a...d orer r~I". fCilt I ea.t owl -J
doe,8::c. III that place the Prophet shewelh how
graCiOllil)' God hath dealt with his pt.'Ople. the
children or lIinlel, j:;'ivill~ them grett \ictoriea 1I1)()1l
their enemict on en'rr side, }'or, the :i\lonbiteil nut!
Idumeans heillJ:.:' two ~lIt nntionJJ. Ilroud JlCOJlll'.
stout and mi~ht), GO\I brought them ulllll'r ullIl


w w w. h a i l andf m

0/ et:rlairl Pkut. 0/' &:rip/flU.

39;; them &en"llnts to the h~lites; &en'ants, 1

8ay, to stoop down to pull ofrthelr "hoes and wash
their feel. 'Then, Moa!J iI ., fCfIUpd, aM f>Cer
FAo-. rill! t:ad OfIt . , doe, is lIS if he had said,
Tbe ~I04bites nod the ldumetlus, for nU their stoutness against us in tbe wilderness, are now made
our subjects, our servants, yea, underlings to pull
off our shoes and wnsh our feet. Now, I pray yOll,
wbat \lncomely manner of speech is this, 80 Ulie(!
in common phrase among the Hebrews? It is It
shame that Christiall men t:hould Uc so light headed,
to toy as ruflians do of sueh manner Sl>eeehes,
uttered in w>OO gr.1\"e signification by the Uol}'
Ghosl. More rea.;Qnflble it were for vain man to
learn and reven>nce the fllrm of God's words, than
to gaud at them to his danmatioll.
Some again are offl'lldrd to hmr that the god!)'
fatbE'rs bad many win_"8 and concubint'B, although
after the phrase of the Scripture a concubine is an
honest Ilame; for e\"cry OOll<''\Ihinc is a lawful wife,
but every wife is 1I0t a coneubine. And, thnt ye
1lI3y the betltr ulldcn.1:md thi!; to be true, ye shaH
note that it Wag permitted to thc fathcrs of the
Old Testament to havc at onc time mo wivcs thnn
ono: lor what purposo ye shall aflerward henr.
or which wh'CR, somc were free \\'omCII born, some
were bond women and scr\'flllts. She thnt wos
free born Illid a )lrcrof.,rativc 1I1)(1\'e thOl;C that were
&en"anbi and bond women. 'l'lc free born woman
was b.r marriage made the rnler of the house under
her husoond, and is caJ!ed the mother of the household, the mi~tretl8 or the dame of the house after
our manner of "penkin~, and had. b.r hE'r m:l.rria~
an interetrt, a right, and all oWlle~hip in bis w>OOlI
unto whom she was married. Other sen"auLi and
bond women were W\'en by the o""nel"l! of them,
as the mallner was then, I will not 83y always, hut
for the most Imrt, unto their dau~htcrs at the day
of their marriage, to be handmuidens \l1Ito them,
After such n sort did Plmrno king of Eg}'J>t give
Wlto Sum, Abraham's wife, Agar thc Eg}'ptian 10


w w w. h a i l andf m


The .J!irlt Part

of tlte Injormaiio1J,

00 her mnid. So did Lnban give unto his daughter

Lin, at the day of her marriag<>, Zilpha to be her
lmndmaid; and to his other dllu~hter Rahcl he
ga\'e ~lIlother bondmaid, lIamed Bilba. And the
wives, that were the owners of their bandmaids,
ga\'e them in marriage to their husbands upon
<On.rt... divers occasions. Sara gave her maid Agar in
en. .... ~; marringe to Abrnham. Lia gave in like manner
oao,l J....
her maid Zilphn to her husband Jacob. So did
R.'111el, his other wife, give him Bilha her maid,
saying unto him, Go in unto her, and .the .thall bear
wpon my kneel: which is as if she had s..'1id, '{'ake
her to wife, and the cllildren that she s1lall bear
will I take upon my lap, and make .of them llll if
they were mine own. 'l'hcse hand maidens or bond
women, although by mnrriuge they were made
wivcs, yet they had not this prerogative, to rule
in the house, but were st.ill underlings, and in
subject.ion to their mistress, and were ne\'er called
mothers of the household, mistresses or dames of
the house, but are called sometime wivC8, sometime
concubines. 'I'he plurnlity of wives was by a special
prerogative suflered to the fathers of the Old 'l'estament, not for satisfying their carnal and fleshly
lusts, but to 11RVC many children; because every
000 of them hoped, and be~..w olltimcs of God
in their pNlyers, tlmt that blessed seed which God
promised should comc into the world to brenk the
serpent.'s 11ead lllc.ught. l:Ollle and be born of' his
stock and killrcd.
Now of those whieh take occasion of enrnlllity
and evil life bj' hearinA' nlld reading in God'a OOok
wh:lt God hat. 1 suflcrcd, evell in those mell whose
commendation ia prlli810d in the Scripture. As that
, ht. U. J.
Noc, whom St.. Peter calleth the eighth preac/ler of
Gta.U. JI.
r;gAUolunelt, wos so drunk with wine, that in hl8
sleep he uncovered his own privities. 'rhe just
Gen. 01...
mall Lot Wllll ill like manner drunken, and in his
drunKenness lay with his own daughters, colltrnry
to tho law of nature. Abr.t.bnm, whose f.'1ith wa.q
/JO great, that for the same he deserved to be called
O.n. "I.



w w w. h a i l andf m

if urldjH

P'Q~. o.f



of God's own month a falAer of Ma"l ffQtiQ1'.J IA~ (... nU

[atA" of a/llNlierer., with Slim his \\;ft', ;'.~l-:- ..,
had also carnal oompany ",th Agar, Sara.'s hand.
maid. The Plltriareh Jncob had to his wj\,CS two r__ 1&.
sisters at onc time. The Prophet Da\id, and King :"&::; Ill.

Salomon his son, had many wivcs and concubines, :Xi.;:r

&0. Which things we see plainly to be forbodcll '-jus by the law of God, and nre now repugnant to 011
public honesty. These nnd such like in God'.
book, good )>CO!l)C, BfO not written that wc should
or may do the like, following their examples, or
that we ollght to think that God did allow ew:-r>'
of these thiug'S in those mell: but we ought mther
to believe and to judge. that Noe in his drunkenness offended God his;-hly, Lot lying with his
daughwrs committed horrible iOCCl;t. We ought
then to learn by thcm this profit.:l.ble lesson, that,
if so godly men 38 they were, which othern'ise fclt.
inwardly God's Hol)' Spirit inflaming their henrt.ll
with the fear and love of God, could not by their
01\"11 strength keep themsehocs from committing
horrible sin, but did so grievously fall that without
God's great mercy they had perished e,'erlastingl)'.
how mueh more ought we then, miserable wretches,
whieh hlLve no feeling of God within us at nil,
continually to fear, not only that we may fall Dfl
the}' did, but also be o\crcomc and drowned ill sin,
which they were 1I0t.; and 80, by considering thcir
f:lll, take the better OCCl\l;ioll to acknowledge our
own infirmity and weakness, and therclore more
t'arnestly to call unto Almighty God with hearty
I'rtlfcr in('(!fl8ll.otly for his graoo, to strengthen us,
and to defend us from all evil. And, though
through infirmity we chance at ally time to full,
yet wc may, by hearty repentance :md true faith,
sreedily rise again. aod not sleep and continue in
Sill. as tlle wickL'<1 doth,
Thus, good peollle, should we unden;tand Illlch
matters expressed ill the divine Scriptuf'Cfl, that.
this holy laMe of God's word be not turned to us PI ,.. "0
to be 4 'Jfare, 4- trap, a"d a ,tu1JfbliJff/ItU1le, to take


w w w. h a i l andf m



&cotul Part of tA~ bifortuli...,.

hurt br the abuse of our undef"!;tandin~: but let us

L",t;''em them in such a. re\'cn.out humilitr. that we
mll)' find our nC'Ce'~rr food therein, to t tn.ongthen
us. to comlort us. to instruct us. as God of his
gre:lt merey halh appointed them, in nil llCCt'SAAry
works; ro that we may be pcrfl'<:t Ixlore him in
the whole course of our lif.., Whidl he gr.lnt us
who hath redl't'mt.>d uS'. our Lord and Sa\"iour J f!SU9
Christ: to whom with the Ftlthcr and the Hol)'
li host be all honour and glory for e\ermore.

'YE h:lVc heard. good people, in the Homily last

tlmd unto )'011. the gt'Ctlt ;''OlIllllrxlit) of holy Seriplures: ye h:l.\'c heard how i~llor:lllt men. \"oid of
~ly ullden,tzmdillg', seck (Illllrrl'is to diJ>('redit
them: some of their reason8 have :re hC3n.1 an_
Iwered, Now we will proceed, and ~peak of such
politic wL--e men wbich be offl'ndl-d, for that Chri.>t',;
precepts ~hould K'em to de-tro) nil ordtr in govenlnnee, ll:i they do nllegoe for example such llll the-e
)!ML _. j'Io


be. -If a~, _an ,tril..~ "te~ olllh~ "gAt cAul', t.,.,.
IAe olAer uto Aint allO. .If a"J Jeia CONtatl 10
t(de Ihi Cffltt fr011l- thee, Id Aim IlIIee cl()Qk antI all.
.ut nu/, tit! lift. hante l'/Iol/J vhal ill!! right hand

plfll od tAilf6 ~,e.ed off lA! Autl, tA.,fIXJt, a"d ca,l

R-.. ......

r. a.




StIith S1. Puul. be a.

IAj"t.9ire Ai. arid:
t/oi"g, tlot, ,A.dl kop Ant t.",i"!I toal~ _I'D. Ai,

ilflYJ1lf IAu.
IAj,,~ ~"b"!,
Augrrerf.9ir~ Ai. WMt; ifAe

Jf thille cJc, tAille hand. tllyfool


)lUI" uW.


Iwld. 'l'bl'>'e bCnlenres, ~ )lool'le. unto a natural

mUll ....'\:m mere abl!!unliti\.'fl, CUlltrary to all I"l'flS()li.
Fur 11 ""
as S1. Paul t;.... ith "deflt.;"ddlt
.ot tA~ IIIi"9" tAat klOl'g 10 God, .eitMr ca" II~ 100
long as oM Adam dwellcth ill him. Chri~t t11(.'f'\:.
fore mC:lIlcth, that he wOllld have his fuithful
scrnlUu so fur from vengeAllcc nnd resisting wrollg.



w w w. h a i l andf m

of certaht Ptace8

if &ripture.


Hlat be would rather 118vo him r<!ndr to snlli:r

another wrong, tllflll hy resisting to bn.:ak chnrity,
und to be out of patience. He would have Oul'
/-,-.ood deeds so far from C11111111 respects, that he
would not have onr nighest friends know of our
well doing', to win n vain glory. And, though
om friends and kinsfolks be as dear na om right
"yes and our right hands, )'et, if they would pluck
us from God, wc ought to renounce them and
!orffi,ke them.
'!'IllIS, if ye will be profitable hem1;Ors and readers
of the holy Scriptures, you must first deny yoursch'cs, and keep uuder )'our carnnl 8Cnses, taken
by the out.ward words, llnd search the inward
meaning; reason must gi"e place to God's Holy
Spirit; you must submit rour worldly wisdom
and judA'mcnt unto his divllIe wisdom and judgment. Consider thnt the Scripture, in what strange
lorm !lOC\'Cr it hc pronounced, is t.hc word of the
living' God. Let that ulways come to your re
mem!Jrancc whieh is so ort repeated of the Prophet
]~say. 1'he moutft, qf the Lord, saith he, Iwth, 8jX)ken 1 1...,; .1.
'1'1 le nIIIl1g
I Ity an d everInatlU,!:;'

G(;("I fenO
' WIt
. I11':'.IIi:!;'
,. lYIll '4
his only word created hearen and earth" !lath de. ~~.Y"4; .1
CfL'Cd it.
1'1te Lord of IlfMU, whwe '/Ca!l8 are in the 1... luoll..
.ea8' .fCN08e
~t1l8 are in. the deen
' that Lord ,~:
Jlnd God by whose word nil things in heaven and IIY1: '1'011.
I I I Ill.!".
III enrt I arc creat....... , go\'erne<, nn prescn'C<, lilt I
l>O provided it.
'I'M God 0/ f10tl8 and IAJrd of all Iltul. ,,:
. G~
IIlcomprc IlenSl"
'1 e, Pt.1....!.,...
I ren, G0<IIIwt IS
ua. aI
I Qr(~,
almighty, and cverlasting, he hath spoken it.: it
is his word. It cannot therefore I>e but truth,
wllich proceedcth from the God of' aU truth; it
CHll110t be but wiJ:'ely and prudcntly commanded,
whut Almig-hty GeJ<1 hath devised; how vainly!iO~
ever,through want of grace, we mi~crable wretches
(10 ima~ine and judge or his mo!>t holy word.
The Prophet David, d\!~eribing' an happy man,
saith, lJle~/led j8 the mal tltat hatA. flot f(){lUea ojler r. t."

lite CQU1I8et oj' the u'II!Jodl!l, ftQr 8tand in the ICQ.IJ 0/

8i,,,cer8, lI.Or 8it in the 8eut 01" the 8cornjitl. There


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Second Part of the iJI,/ormaiion

arc three sorts of people, whose company the Pro

!)!Jet would have him to ftl'~ and amid whidl shall
be an happy mall and partaker or God's Llt,,'ssillg.
f'irst, he may not wal!.: f!/~t:r the COUII~t of the uugodly. Secondl,}'. he may !lot 'land ill. the '/Cu,y <!f
,inner,. 'l'hirdlv, he mu,.l not,it ill the ,eal 0./ the
.com/ut. By tilcse tllrt..' e wrl;j of people, 'UlIgod~1I
men, ,itmer" and 8COrne", all impiety is signilic.1
and fully expressed. By t/ie 1I.1Igodly he l111derst:mdcth those which have no rC&'1l.rd of Almighty
God, being void of all faith, whose hearts and minds
are so set 1lj")()1l the world, that they study ouly how
to accompli.-;h their worldly pr-dctiOOl, tllcir ('1lrtlal
imaginations, their filthy lust. and dCllire, without
allY lear of God. 'rhe second sort. he calleth ,innerl:
nOI such as do fall throu!fh igllorouce or of froilucss; for then who shOUld he found free? what
man ever li\'ed upon earth, Chri,,;l only cxeel,tcd,
rx:. nl.,,6. bul; he 113th sinned? 1'he jU8l man. jiJlleth. 8et'eIL
time" an.d ri,etA again. 'fhoug-h the godly do lull,
yet ther walk not on purposcJly in sin; they stand
not stil to continue nnd tarry III sin; they sit not
d01l'1I like earelcss men, without all feur of God's
just punishment for sin; but defying sin, through
God's great grocc and i'llfinit<l mercy, they rilill
again, and fight against sin. 'l'he llrophet then
calleth them ,illlleT8 whose hearla arc c1C:Ill turm:d
from God, and whose whole conversation of life is
nothing but sin: they delight so mueh ill the same,
that the)' choose continually to abide and dwell ill
ain. 'l'he third sort he eulleth 8COrner6, that is, a
sorl; of men, whose hearts arc SO stuflW with mlllicc,
that they urc not contcnted to dwell in sill, and to
lead tbell' li\'Cli in all kind of wickedness, but lllliO
they do contemn and scorll in other all godliness,
true religion, nil honest)' llnd virtue,
Of the tll'O first sorlli of men, 1 will not !.'ly but
thcy rnll)' take rel>Cllt:mee, llud be com'crted unto
God. Of the third oort,l think lllluy, without
danger ol" God's judgment, pronounce, that ncver
any )'et converted uuto God by rl.'l'cutuUl.:':, but


w w w. h a i l andf m

1/ cerwil~ Pwcel

0/' Scripture.


continued on still in their abominable wickedness

heaping' up to themselves damnation, :l"'llinst th~
day of God's inevitable judgment. Ex';mplcs of
such soorners we read of in the second book orChro_
niclcs. When the good king Ezcchias in the be- ,Cl""" " 0
:?iulling of his reign had destroyed idolatry, purged [-10.
the temple, and reformed religion in his realm, he
sent messcngers into every city, to gather the
people unto J-1ierus:l!cm, to solemnize the feast of
Easter in such sort as God had appointed it. The
po,l, went from cif!! to cit!l throllgh (he lalla of
Epltraim and Mano88cI even unto ZaiJulon. And
what did the people, thillk ye? Did they I:md
and praise the name of t.he Lord, which had given
them 80 good a kmg', so zealous n princc to alJolish
idolatry, IlJld to restore again God's true religion?
No, no. 'I'he Scriptme s:lith, the pooplo lau.gheft
the/It to ,corn, and mocKed tM Kin!!" me'Utlgerk. And
in the last chapter of the same book it is written,
that Almighty God, having compaltion upon hu 'Ch""".
people, ,ent hi, meltellger, the Prophetl 'Unto them, uul.,,-,o.
to cnll them from their abominable idolatry and
wicked kind of living'. }jut they mockefl hil mel
lenger', the.r delpiled Iti, wordl, alld ,nial/led hi,
Prophe18, u.n{it the wrath. 0/ tlte Lord arOle againlt
hi, people, and tilt there 1(XI' no remed.r: for he g;ntl
them up into the hands of their enemies, even unlo
Nabuehodonozor kingofllabylon, whosl'oiled them
of their goods, brent their city, and led them, their
wivcs, and their children, eaptivcs unto Babylon.
'I'he wicked people t1111t were in the dnys of NM a.... ..t, .11,
made but a mock at the word 01' God, whell No.: Luloen.I.lj.
told them thnt God would tllke ven&,"ennce upon
t1lem for their sins. 'fhe flood therefore cnme sud
llenly upon t11em, and drowned them, with the
whole world. Lot prenchcd to the Sodomites, that, (:.... ,I.,
except they repenh.'<1, both they and their city 15'" ..11.
l;hollld be destroyed. 'I'hcy thought hill SllyingB" >9.
iml)QS5iblc to be j ruc, they mockcd nnd scorned
his Ildmonilion, and rCllUted him as an old do.'ltingfool. Bul, when Ood bJ' his holy angds hnd tnkon


w w w. h a i l andf m


TAe &co.d Par' 0/ lAe lylJrtaiJlw,.

Lot, bis wife, and two daughters from amon::;- tllcm,

he t"3illed down fire and brimstone from be~l\'ell,

and Lrent up those 6COmerll and mockers of his
holy wont And what C:l>t"imation had Chrise..
doctrine among the Scribes and Pharisees? what
reward 11lld he among thl'm? The Gospel reporteth
l.a>bz<l . thus: 17le Pltari~uJ .drieR. "re cm:etolU, ditllCl>r.
hi", i. Id. doctrine. 0 then )'0 sec thnt worldly
rich mell scorn the doctrine of their salvation. 1'he
wortlly wise men scorn the doctrine of Christ, as
,Cor. L
foolishncss to their undcl"I>t:l1lding. 'l'hcsc acorncrs
'~J!: 11 '4_ have (','cr be<>n, and evcr shall be till the world'il
JIV.II. ),4.


l:or St.!)ctcr prophcsicd, that such


should be in the world before the latter da)". Take

heed therefore, my brethren, take heed. Be not ~'l!
1iC(lrtK'l'll of God's most holy wonI.
Pro\'okc him
not to pour out his wrat.h now upon )"ou. as he did
t.hcn upon those gillel"8 llnd mockers. Be not wilful
mumcrcno of )'our own souls. Turn unto God while
there is ,rei t.ime of mercy: )'e "hall eke repent it
ill the world to comc. whell it "hall be too latej
~_ILI). for there "hall bejlf"!JMeRt lCill<ntl_~y,
'l'hi.s mou~ht SlIfiit.'c t.o admonish us, and cause
us hcncelorth to re\'c!'CnC(' God's holy Scriptures:
.n- IU.'. but. all t1UI~ ha~e notfaith. 'l'his t.herefore shull not
satisfy alld content. all men's minds j but, ns some
nre carnal, 80 they will still cont.inue, nnd nbu!l
the Scripture c:amally to their damnation,
hI...... 6. The tf/flMNud a/fd "/f'lat/e, saith St, Po:tcr. ~,.url
lIe Ibly Scriplurt' to lle;, orlf. dul~luJ1f, J(':;1I11
.c:..I.Jj,.14, Cbri~t, AS St, Paul mth, is to lie Jer, alf. Q,fnt~,
to IAe CntlilUf()()lid/f~u;
to Cod', dill/m" tU
RU 0/ IAe Jer, tU 0/ lAe Ctff/ilu. le if lIe ptWu
a"d rwoa of Co". The holy man Simccn t;aith,
"'0.54, tkJlle;" lflA'Ufor lIe fall alfd ";';.9 agajlf. t:f
IUlfy flf. I'ratl, As Clu;"t Jesus is Il f;lll to the
l\'I'rvkltC. whieh )'ct }"lCri"h througb t1ll'ir 0\\ 11
dt:litult. 10 is his wom, ~ca. t.he whole book
God. Il C3UJ;C of dnIDlIllboll unto tlll'm throllg'11
thl.'ir jm:rctlulil). And. liS he is 11 rising lip tu Ilune
other than those which are God's chilJrcu by




w w w. h a i l andf m

0/ certain PlaceI 0/ Scripture.


adoption, so is his WON, yea, the whole Scripturc,

tlte porcer f!f God to IIllration to them only that do Rom. 1..6.
teliel'e it. Christ himself, tIle Prollhets IJcfore him,
the Apostles ancr him, all the true milli~tcrs of
God's holy word, yea, every word ill God's book,
jil unto the reprobate the lavour 0/ death. unto death. , ('",II.,~
Chn.,;t Jesus, the Prophets, the Aposlles, :md all
the true ministers of his word, yen, every jot and
little in the holy Scripture, ha\'e bccn, is, and
to;hall be for evermore the ,at'our <!f life Ullto eternal
lile unto all those whose hearts God Imth purified
by true filith. Let us earnestly take heed that wc
make no jesting-stock of the !>oaks of holy Scriptures. '1'hc more obscllre and durk tllC sayings be
to our understanding', tllo further lct us think our
bCh'cs to be from God :md llil:! Holy Spirit, who
was the Author of them, Let us with more re\'ercnce endeavour ourselves to search out the wisdom
hidden in the outward bark of the Serijlturc. ]f
we eaullot understand the scnse and the renson or
the So'lying, yet let us not be scorllers, jcskrs, and
deriders j lor that is the uttermost token and shew
of ll. reprobnte, of a plain enemy to God and his
wisdom, 'l'hey be not idle fables to jest at, which
God doth seriously pronounce; and for serious
matters let us estccm them,
And, though ill sundry places of the Scriptures
be set out divers rites and ceremouics, oblations
and sacrifices, let us 1I0t think str:lI1g'C of them,
but reler them to the timcs :md pcople for whom
they served; nllbollgh yet lo learned mcn they be
not unprofitable to be considered, but to be expounded as fjgures llnd shadows of things and perSOilS aften\'ard openly re\'caled in the New '1'csta_
ment. l'hough the rchl'an;al of' the gellcal()~ics
:lIld pedigrees of the fill hers be not to much edifi_
cation of the plain ignorant people, yet is there
nothing so impertinently uttered in all the whole
book of the Bible, but may SCT\'e to spirihl:ll PUl'pose in liQme respect to all such as will bestow
their labours to &Carch out the me:millb"l>. 'l'I11'~C


w w w. h a i l andf m

40 ~

TA4 &co"d Part of eM IlIj'oT1JUltio1f,

may not be oondcmned because tbey serve not to

our understanding, 1I0r make nol to our edification.
Dut let us turn our labour to undt'rst~md, and to
carry away, such sentences and stories as be more
fit for our capacity and instruction.
.............. And, whereas we rt.'1ld in di'"ers PS31ms how
(.l.o.:~"')O; Da\'id did wish to the ad,"cn,aries of God sometimE'
sh:lme, rebuke, and oonrul!iou, sometime the dCC'.Iy
of their ofr,,;pring and i ne. sometime that. the~
might peri"h Bnd come suddenly to destruction, (n<ol
,. nU_ t. he did wi,,;h to the Cllptaill8 of the Phili"tines, QJ.l1

fortA, sailh he, tit! li!JAt"j,'9> a"d uar IAea; ,Aoot

Ollt (!tiMe arnncl. a,,(I ctmlllme tAta;) with such
other manner of illlllrceulions; yet ollght we not
to be oflcndcd at sudl prayers of David, being a
Prollhet as he was, singularly belo,"ed of God, nod
rapt in spirit, with nn ardent zeal to God's glor,)'.
lIe sp:lke them not Il8 of a pri\'atc hlltred and in a
stomach :le~inst their persons, but wished spiritll:llly
the destruction of such corrupt erroNl nnd vicetl
whieh reigned in nil devilish persons set agninst
God. He was of like mind ns S1. Paul was, when
.'"'" La: he did deliver llrmeneus and Alexander with the
,l. f notorious fornicator to ntan to their temporal con
fusion, IMf, tAeir .pirjf, .igAf, 6e laud agai""f, tAe
do! of I~ .lArd. Alld, when D:wid did Ilrofess in
t'Wo 5' some places that he hatl>d. the wicked, )"et in other
..., -';
places of his P83lms he profcsseth that be hatcJ
eo.. ~ .,.... them tcitA a perfect A41e, 1I0t with a maliciOllii hate
to the hurt of the &Oul. Whieh perfection of Sllirit,
because it cannot be performed in llii, SO corrupted
ill affections as we be, we ought not to use in our
pri\'alc cau..-a tbe like words in form, for that wc
c:mnot fullil the like words in sense. Let us ll/lt
therefore be off~nded, but ll('llrch out the reason of
"ncb words before we be ofiended; that we ma.v
the more re\'erently judge of such 63)iuga. thotl~h
lilr:mgc to our carnlll UlI(lc~tllnding'll, yet, to them
that Le S"Jliritunlly mindl'd, judged to be zealously
llnd godly !Jronounc;xl.
God therefore, for his mercy's IWke, vOllehsllliJ


w w w. h a i l andf m

of certain Pltuel of Scripture.


to purify our minds through faith in his SOli Jesull

Christ, and to instil the hetwenly drops of his grace
into our hard stony hearts, to supple the same;
that we be not contemners :1IId deriders of his in_
fallible word, but tklt with aU humbl<.'lless of mind
and Christian reverence we mal' endeavour Ollr_
selves to hear and to read his sacred Scripturcs,
and inwardly so to digest them, as shall be to the
comfort of our 80uls Rnd sanctification of his hOly
Name. 'fo whom with the SOli and the I-lot"y
Ghost, three Persons and onc lh'ing God, be nh
laud, honour, and llr.Iise for over and ever. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m


AllONOST the manifold duties that Almigllty God

requircth of his faithful servants the true Chris.

tians, by the which ho would thut ixIth his Name
should be glorified, Imd tllo ccrtaintr of their vo

cation declared, there is




either more

acceptable unto him or Illorc profitable for them,

than arc the works of merey and pity showed upon
the poor which be amicte<! with allY kind of misery.

And yet, this lloLwitll.lihltlding, such is the slothful sluggishness of our dull nature to that which
is good lllld godlr. thnt wc arc almost ill nothillg
more ncglig'Cut Dnd less c:lrcful thun wc arc therein.

It is thcrclbrc a very nCCC&ary thing, that God's

people should awake their &]C('py minds, and COIlsider their duty on this behalf. And meet it is
that all true Christians should desirously seek
and leorn what God by his holy word doth herein
require of mell; that, first knowing their dUly,
whereof many by their slackness seem to be very
ignorant. they may afterwards diligently endeavour to perform the 6llme. By the which both
the godly charitnble pen;ons may be encouraged
to go fonnntls and continue in their mercilill
deeds of giving alms to the poor, and also such
as hitherto ha\<o either neglected or contemned it.
may yet now at the length, when they shall }uY-Ir


w w w. h a i l andf m

how much it appertaineth to them, a(hi"Cdlj" con_
,.ider it. and virt.uou81y appl)" themsch"cs thereunto.

And, to the mtent lh3t C'"cl")' onc of you mar

the better llnder:stand that which is taught. and e:\,.ilicr bear away, and so lake more fruit of,
that slmll be Mid, when llC\"crnl matters arc sevcrnll,)' handled; I mind Jlllrticulnrly, and in this
order, to flJ>cnk and entreat of fhCi'c points.
:First, 1 will shew llOW earnestly Almi~hty God
in his holy word doth exact the doill~ of almsdccda
of us, and how ncccptablc they Le unto him.
Sceolldly. how profitahle it is for 118 to use
them, and what commodity nlld fruit they will
brin,!! unto us.

Thinlly Dnd last. I will shcw out of God's word,

that whO!'lO is liberal to the poor, and rclic,"eth
them plenteously. shall nolwilhlltnndill!j h:1\"c suf.
ficient for him,;('lf. and en~rmorc be without danger
of penury and scarcity.
Concerning the first, whieh is the accepb.tion
and diWIity or price of almsdccds before God, know
thilt, that. to help and succour the poor in their
need and mi.~ery Illeascth God 80 much, that, as
the holy Scripture in sundry plllcet rC!COrdeth, 110.
thing' elm be more thankfully taken or ac<:epted of
God. I'or first wc read, t1mt Almighty God doth
account. that. to be given :lnd to be bestowed upon
himself that is bestowed upon the poor. }'or 80
doth the 1I0ly Ghost testily unto us by the Wise
)Ian, ~.riTlg, JIe 'Aat Aat" pit! 1IfJ'J# tAe poor Pro. _10 ".
lalldA Wltto tlte Lord himself. And Cbrist in the
GMpel ad\'ouchctb, and as a most certain truth
bindcth it witb an oath, that the alm8 bcstowoo
upon the poor was bestowed upon llim, and 60
shall be reekonoo at the Ia..t day. .For thus he
saith to the charitable alm,,~i\'6f, when he sittclh
as Judge in the doom to g1\'e sentence of every
man Ilccording to his dl"SCrt8: r"j~, I 14.1 WltW "1lU. .....

WAauMcu good and mereiful deed .1014 did JJ.,.o.

qf tAe let14l of tAue "'y bretnrett, ye did t!le
lame llnto me. III relieving their hunger, ye re-


wpoll. an!


w w w. h a i l andf m


TAe Pird Part

0/ tAe &,.011

liaed ./"e; in qu('nehin~ their thirst, ye 'lutuAed

.i.e; in elotlling- them, Je ewtlted 1U; and, when
ye harboured them, Jt fudged Me also; when ye
vi:;ited them, ki"g ,iek or i. priMnl, ye ritittd .e.

II...L .... "

For, as he that recch'eth a prinoo's ambass:tdors,

Dnd entt:rtaincl h them well, doth honour the prince
from whom thrJSe ambassadors do come, so he
that recci"eth the poor Dnd needy, Dnd hell'eth
them in their aflliction Dlld distress, doth thereI,y recei,"e and honour Christ their )Iastcr: who,
3:l he was poor alld needy himself whil~t he
lived here amongst liS to work the m)"litery 01"
our sah"atioll, SO at his departure hence he promised in his etend to send unto us those that
were poor, by whollC means his absence should
be supplied; alld therefore that we would do unto
him wc must do unto them" And for thiy
doth Almighty God say unto Moyses, The land
1CAerej1& you drell ,Aall Ifeetr be toitAout poor men,
because he would ha,"c l,.'Olltillual trial of his
people, whether they loved him or no; tlmt, in
bhe\\;ng thelll,,;C:lv<!8 obedient unto his will, they
might oortiinly lWure themseh"es of his lo,'e and
fa"our toward" them, and nothin~ doubt but thtlt,
as his Jaw and ordinances, wherein he commanded
them that they ..hould OJJn' tleir And tAnr
IJrdArta tJat lUre poor uJ IfUti$ ill tAe la"d, ''fere
accepted of them and willingly performed, SO he
would on his part 10vin~ly accept them, and truly
perform his promisetlthat he had made unto t.hem.
'The holy Apolltll't Dnd disciples of Christ, who,
by re3&On of his daily colwersation, 6llW by hill
deeds, and hcnrd in his doctrine, how much hc
t.endered the poor; the godly rat.hen;: nl:;o that
were both before and since Christ, indued wit.hout
doubt with the 1Ioly Oh06t, Dnd most certainly
oortified of God'lI holy will; t.hcy both do moet
earnestly exhort us, and in nlllheir writings nlmM
cont.inually ndmonilih Ill, that we would remember
the poor, nnd Lclitow /lur charitable alms upon
tbem. SI. Fanl ericth unto U8 after this sort:


w w w. h a i l andf m

C~~f. TI fA~ fuUe "1' .1.:.1, 'ill lip Ihe rcul:, Qlfd k no- ~ ..
d,ar!tdUe Iqlf:tJ,.,/ all M~. .\Ild a~in: To do flood " .ai ...
{! tu !'KJT. (HI.' IQ ,!i6/ril".te al<A4 !Jladly, Itt '!lat
fAult do ""f fi '!Id; fvr IedA
IICrijiCU i. God
R...l,Y the Prophet t.':3chcth 011 tbis wise:
1Jeal 'Ay trcad bJ lite AIIIIgr" a,,4 6r;"9 tu poor 1-..10. J.
rca"deri"!I Amne /.I) My Itolf8e. When {lwu teue tAt
1UlJ'Ct!, ,ee t!tOll, cMAe Aild, ORI' /,Jlle 1Wt lAy face
from lA.If ]J'>Or tlcifJMollr, "tiMer de"pi,e !MU thine
OIlJitjled. And the holy father 'foby givct.h this
counsel. Git"C al,n", 8I1ilh he, 'tt/hine o/On !J()(}{!" Toll. Iy. 1 6.
alfd bm. nm:r !AJ filet j"rO/lt 'Ae jJfJfJr. fAt lAy
brend ri/A 'Ae IH/"9'.!, all" CQrtT flu IUJI..tll 1C;tll HI",
cMA. And the learned nnd godly doctor Clu:}'1lO4om :;1\'dh thi,:; nJmoniti')Il: ..
mcreitw\'l '.l:
alms be 31\\'3)'8 with U:l as a ",-arm,-nt.;n th:lot is, as i~';" H



liS Wl! will be to put our gnnuen6 upon

w, to (:O\"{'r (lur nakedn{'>;..~, to defend us from the
oold, alld to sbew ot1l'<Clves oomdy, so mindful Ict
Uil Ill! at all times alld St.'tL...'l)lll'l, that we g1"C alms
tll the poor, :md sl,cI\' OUNI\'l'll mcrciful towurds
them, nut what mean tlll,'se often admonitions
:md carn(.'t;t exhortations of the Prol'heL:i, Al)()i;tk~,
lathers, and holy doctors? Surely, us t1u:y were
lilithliLl to Goollllrd, and therefore disdmrged thcir
duty truly ill telling- us what wn..w Oo<l's will, 60,
of a sin~ular Ion:! to tlsward, they Illbollrcd not
(jnl~' to inform Ui'lJ but also to pcnmnde with us,
that to gin.! lllm,;;, llnd to fuC('()ur the poor llnd
IlL'Cdy, W3.:l a "ay aect.'ptAUle thin~ find an hi:::-h
l!oacrilif.'t.' to a'KI, wherein he gn::ltl.," dclightt.'<1 nnd
had :l singlllar I'll'll.~urt.'. "For,.1) cloth the wi~e Illall
the i;oOn 01" Sir....h h'a('h liS, <':lyin~, II'A., i~ mu,i. r.



fl4lllltrl girdA
11, At' tlffu-dA '"e r~"AI ,A,,,,l: t,jra- . 1'07.
i_g. And Ill' n,hlt,th tlll'rcuntn, Tile rigAt ii"llf
Djf"ai,,!/ /lIon'" lite qll"r/.", and a ~Il"(ct ,,,,r:/l i~ jt
lK);,,'(' 'lie lIigAu'i it i, aM.'/,'dUe k/Qre G/.HI, "lid


n~rer kforgu"~".

Amllhe truth of thiil dodrine i~ Hril'ied 1)\' the

exanlplet1 or thOt;o holy and chal'itable fath~rs of
whom wo reau in the Scripture,"" jhlll the~' were


w w w. h a i l andf m



The l'irlt Parl oftne Sermon


r.e ,..,;/,
\,.~, .I...

to merciful colllpassion tOll'ard~. the poor,

and charitable rclievin:;- of their nCC'eSSlltes. Such
a one was Abrnllllnl, in whom God had so gl'cat
pleasure, that he vouchsafed to come unto him ill
iimn of an angel, and to be enlcrlninoo of him at
his house. Such WllS his kin~mall Lot, whom God
so f;lvoun."'<1 for receiving his m~llgers into his
house, which otherwise should have lain in the


that he fO,.'l\'ed him with his whole ramih'

from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrn.
Such weI"C the holy f.'llhcrs Job and 'roby, witll
many others, who felt most sensible proofl:l of

God's csl>e<:ial love towards them. And, as all

thc;;e by their mercifulness and lender compassion,
which they shcwed to the miserable afllictoo members of Christ in the rclic\'ing, helping, and Slle<:ouring them with their telllllOral good" in this
life, obtained God's favour, and were dear, acceptable, and pleasant in his 8i~ht; so now the)'
themselves take pleasure in the fruition of God, ill
the pleasant joys of hetl.ven, tl.nd are also in God's
eternal word set before us, as perr..'Ct examples ever
hefore our eyes, both how we sh:lll please God in
this our mortal life, and also how we Illay come
to live ill joy with them in everlasting pleasure
and felicity. For most true is that saying which
St. Au~ustine hath, that the gi\'ing of alms and
relieving of the poor is the right way to heaven.
Via coeli pauper est: "'1'he poor mall," saith lw,
c< is the way to heaven."
'rhey used in times Pfult
to set in highwH)"s' sides the picture of Mercury
pointing with his I1ngcr which was the right way
to the to\\'n. And we use in crossways to oct up
a wooden or stone cross, to admoni",h tile trn\"cllin~
mlln which way he must turn, when he cometh
thither, to direct his journey Dut Go<1'"
word, liS St. Augnstine saith, hllBL oct in tile way
to hea\"Cu the poor man :lIld his house; so thllt
\\'hoo will go aright thither, and not turn out o!
the \\'ay, mUst go by the poor. 'l'he poor man i"
that )Icrcury Ihut shall set us the rendy W'l}; and,


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Alm8tlee8.


if wc look well to this mark, wc shall not wander

mueh out of the right path.
'rho manner of wise worldly men amoll"" U8 is,
that, if they know a man of mC:lIler eBlate tllan
lhemsch-e; to Le ill f:lVour with the prince or IIny
other nobleman, whom they either fear or love,
sneh n onc they will be glad to benefit antI pleasure,
that, when they h:l.\'e need, he Illny become their
spokesman, either to help with his brood word to
obtain a commodity or to ese:lpe a displeasure.
Now surcly it ought to be n slmme to us, that
worldly mell for temporal things, thnt last. Lut for
:1 season, should be more wise and provident in
Jlrocuring thcm, than wc in heavcnly. Our Saviour
Christ, testifieth or poor men, that they are <It.'ar
unto him, and that he lovdh them especially: for
he calleth them his little (JnU, by a name of tender )1.11_ ~ "
love j he 8..'1ith they he his brethren. And St. :Tumes au, .0.
83ith, Ihat God Illlth ehosen them to be heirs of
his kiu&odom. Jlalh not God, s.'lith he, eno.ten theJ...... ll.s.
jJIHJr 1/ thi8 w:orlrl 10 him8e{j; to mal..e litem, hereajler
the rich. heir81/ that ~'i1l9dom u:hid/. he halh promiMd
to them that lot'e him? And wc know that the
prayer which they make lor us shall be acceptable
:llld regarded of God. 'I'heir comlllaint shall bo
heard al.!'O. 'l1lercof doth Jesus the son of Sirach
(:ertuinly fiSSure us, saying, 1/ Ihe poor complain Ikdu. ly.
0/' thee in the biUente88 of hi8 80ul, hi8 prayer dall be ~,1
heard i el:en. he that made hill/. thall hear hi/no Be
courteou8 Ilterrjore unto lhe poor. We know also,
that he who acknowledgcth himself to Oc their
:l\hstcr :md Patroll, and refusdh not to tuke them
lor his >ter\'ants, is both flltle to pleflsure nod disllleasure liS, and that wc stand every hour ill need
of 11is help_ Why should wc thcn be either negli_
gent or unwilling .to procure thcir friendJlhip find
1;1\-our, It)" the wllleh altiO wc Ill:!y be assured to
get his favour, that is both able nnd willin~ to do
tlil /Ill !,leasurcs that are for our commodit.y /lnd
wealth 1 Christ doth declare by this, how much
he ac(:<'ptclh our charitable nflcctioll toward the


w w w. h a i l andf m


J'ltt SecolIIl Part rffhe Sermon

lh" ~. ' "


flOof, in tllllt. he promiscth n rewArd UlIto them

. .uut a cup 0 f coId wuler 11l
. I'liS IlflffiC III
t Ilat l!lVC
them that h~l\'c need t hcrwf; and that n:ward I:;
the kill"'dom 01' hC:l\'cn. No douut is it therefore
hut th~t God rL'fI'flrddh hi'-hly that which he
rcwardcth so lilx:nllt.'"l 'or 0 he lllnt promiscth a
princely r(lCompCIlCoJ I'or 1I 1~":!r:Jrlr bcnc\'olclloo
d..'Clarcth that he is more delighted with the
I;ivillg than with the girt, and that he as much
cstecmcth the doillg of thl.! thing as the fruit :md
commodity Illal (:oll1clh 01' it.
\\'h080 thcrclorc Imth hitherto ncglcdcd to gi,'c
alms, let. him know that God IlOW rC<(llircth it of
him; and he tklt hath been libtr~ll to the poor,
let him knOll' that. his :,.P()(lIy Iloiuf,"iI MoJ accepled
llll<! thaul:rull\- takell at God's hands, which Ill'
will n'qllile with Iloll1>le lllld trehle, For <'0 saith
';,1 he 'Vise Man: He tuhicA de/oeln mercy to the poor
,IQth, lalJ hi~ tnQlle!l i,~ ball/'; w tne Lorttfor (/ lar!!1:
IIltere~t ami !Iail~; the J;ain being chielly the po,,Si:s~ioJl of till:: lile cn-rlasting thorough t.he meri1:;
of our :;:wiour Jesus Christ. '1'0 whom with tilt'
Father and the Holy Ghost be nll hOllour ami
glory for c\"cr. Ameli.

I',", .. ~



YE 11:'1\'C hC:lrd bcf"rt, dearly bcl(l\'('(l, that tq ;.;-ivc

olms IIlIto the poor, :md to Ilelp them in time of
11l:t't.'S.Sit-)', is so oeeeptahle Ullto our Saviour Christ,
thllt he collnteth that t.o be done to himself tlull
we do his unto them. Ye have hcard :lIs...
how earne:;t1y both the A!lostles, Prophets, hol.\'
t;,theril, and doctoril, do ex lort liS unto the <,amf'.
And ye sce how well-beloved and dear unto God
Ilk,l" \\'t'rc whom the Scriptures report unto us to
11:1\'c heen ~"O()(l nlmsmen,
"rherefore, if either
their 6"'00d examples, 01' tlle wholcsome eoulIsel of


w w w. h a i l andf m

1/ _1!",~',ler(IJI,


g'l'ldly fatll(r., or thc lo\-c of Cllrist, WllO~C e.~pceial

I~l\'our wc may be assured III thi.. llH'all" to ohtain,
muy move us or do all)' lhillg' at llll with us, let us
provide that from hencefurth we shcw Ullto God.
ward this thankful scn'iel', to be mindful :md ready
to help them that bc poor and in mi~cr'y.
Now will I, this second timc that I cntrellt of
almsdcc<!s, shew unto rou holl' IlrofitalJlc it is for
us to exereiro t1lem, :1IId what fruit.. thereby sh:111
risc unto us, if wc do them lidt..ld"ulh-, Ollr S:wiour
Christ in the Oospt:! tcnchetll n". {hnt it Jlmfitclh ~r.ll.v1
:l man nothing' 10 ha\"(~ in pO~8CSi1i(J11 :Ill thu richCfo:
Qf thc WllOlu world and t lie wealth 01' glM)' thcr(.'OI",
if in the ml':lll St,;:l!'on he lose his 8/)ul, or do that
thing whl'rcliy it I':hollld becomc eapti\'c unto death,
sin, and hell fire. Uy thc whieh s,,'lying ho !lot
only instructcth us how mueh the soul he:lllh is to
be preferred before worldl)" commoditie!', but :dso
sen'eth to stir up Ollr minds, and to priek liS forwards, to seek dili~,"elltly and k::U'1l by what means
wc may prcscn'e and keep our souls ever in safety;
that is, how wc may recover their lwalth, if it be
lost or empairoo, and how it mar be defended lInd
mnintaincd, if wc ollce have it, Yeu, he tC:lCheth
us also thereby to esteem that as a Ilrccioull medicine and an inestimable jewel, tlmt hath sueh
strength and virtuc ill it, t.hat cnn either procure
or prrserve so incompamble a lrcasurc. }'or, if we
greatly regard that medicine or salve that is ablf'
to heal sundry and grievous disc:lSCS of the body,
much more will wc esteem that which hath lih
power over the SOIlI. And, heeause wc might be
the better assured both to know and have in rcadi.
11($S that so profitable a remedy, he, as a mo!<t
f:lithful and loving' teacher, shcweth himself hotll
what it is, :lnd where we Illay find it, and how Wt'
mily use and apply it. }'o!', when I,oth he and
his disciples were g-rievolI>;ly accu:;;.'t1 of the })hari
sees to h:n'e dcfik'<1 their souls in breaking the
constitutions of the elders, bccnu~e they went {l,
meat, (md lI"ilshed not their hand:; Ltforc, aecordinp


w w w. h a i l andf m




Part 0)' the Sermon

the Cllstom of thc Jews; Clll'ist, llIlswcring

their superstitions complaint, teachcth them :m
cspeeial remedy ho\\' to keep denn their souls,
lIotwithstnllding' the breaeh of such sllper~lilious
L"kul. It. \lrders: Cit'e atll/', snith he, (lI1t1, behold, olt thillg,
are clean 1INtO YtJll. I le tCllcllet h them, that to be
mercilid and chnrit;lblo in helping the poor is the
llle:lllS to keep the soul pure IInd cll'an in tile sig-hL
of God, Wc arc tanght therefore hy lhil', that
Illercil'ullllmsl!elllillg' is profitable to purge the soul
from the inl~'ctioll nnd filthy spots or sin. 'l'he
S:lmc lesson cloth the Holy (jho~t also teach in
T>b, Iy. 10, sundry places or the SCl'iplure, sHying, .Merciful~,: P'OY...t fIe" O//(/ almllgidng purgetlt. from alt 6illll, (Old de.
lirereth ./1'0111 death, (fIut 6/Urcrdlt. flOt the 60llt to
come lido dadlle". "I great co/lj""ellce flW.1f the!!
hat'e before the high. C()(l !hat IfhCIO MerC!! a1l(1 CQnI_
pallion to t!mlt that are oJllicted. '1'he wise }lreacllcr
the SOil of Siraeh eonfirmcth the sllllle, whell he
ettru. ltl ;o.s3ith that. 06 tcater quencheth. burl/illg fire. et'el' 10
mercy and a{ou re6isteth. mul reconciletlt. sillS. And
surc it is t!lUt mercifulness cjuailclh the heat of
sin so much, thnt they shnll not tnke hold upon
ffillll to hlll"t. him; or, if he hnve by :I11Y infirmity
nnd weaknes" been touched and :lullored with them,
straight.wll)'s shall mercifulne:s wipe 3nd wa~h them
:l\\':IY, as s;llves and remedies to heal tlleirSOl"es and
grievous diseases. And thereupon that. holy 1:lthel'
Cyprilln taketh b"OOd occasion to exhort caTllcstly to
the merciful work of giving alms and helping t.he
poor; :lIld there he :lllmonisheth to con"ider how
wholesome and llrolitllblc it. is to relieve the needy
and help the anlieted, by the whieh we may purge
our sins :md heal ollr wounded sOllls.
But here some will say unto me, rr :llmsgiving
:l1ld our chariLlole work~ towards tile poor be able
to wnsh away sins, to reconcile us to God, t.o
dc1i\'cr us from the peril of damllntion, and mako
us the SOilS and heirs of God's kin;..:'dom, thcn is
Christ.'s merit dcl:lccd, and his blood ;ohed in \'ain;
thell are wc justified I,y work", :lIld b)' our decds


w w w. h a i l andf m


m:'l)" we mcrit heaven; then do we in vain belie,,-,

that (Ari.d diM for to p.t alCilY OIU .;11., alld tAot no 11 ..
AI: roH fior o.r JlUl!J,ca{IOIl,
ns t. P
aui teac het I1, N - I. "
But Je shall undergtand, dearly beloved, that neither those places of Scripture befure alleged, neither the doctrine of the blessed Martyr Cyprian,
neither any other b"'O<lIy nlld learned mall, whell
they, in extolling' the dignily, profit, fruit, and
em..<:t of' "irlIlOUS nnd liberal alms, do say 11l3t it
wa~heth awny sins and brill~lh liS to the favour
01' God, do IIlcan that our work and cll:l.ritable
da-d is the original cause of' our :u:ceptation lH:lorc
God, or that fur the dignity or worthiness thereof
our sins be wa.!!hed away, llnd wc purged :md
c1eansN! of all tile spots of our inil'}uity; for that
wcre ind('(.'(\ to defilce Chri"t, :md to defraud him
of hi" glory. Dut they me:l.II t1lill, and this is the
undcn,tn.nding of those and "lIch like &ayin:;s:
that God, of his mcrcy :md espc('ial f:I\'our lowaroli
them whom he hath aJlpointcJ to e,'erlnsting sal\'3tion, hath so ofrered his !tfllC(l elrcctually, and
they have 80 reeci"ed it fnlitiiIJl)t, that, although
by fCaSOIl of their sinful livillg outwlmlly thr.\'
sccmed before to have been tll(! children 01' wrnlll
:md Jlerdition, yet now, the Spirit of God mightil,\'
working in them unto ohedienee to God'!> will
and commandments, they dcd:lrc by their outw3rd
deeds and life, ill slle\\ iuf,:" of merc~' and charity,
which cannot come but of th~ Spirit of God ;ulll
his e>:pccial grnee, that the)' arc the undoubtC\1
c1lildrcn of God, appointed to e,'erlasting lire:
and~, as by their \\ickedncss and ungodly livin!{
thc)t shew(..d, a('(:ording to the jml;.:-_
meut of men, (wlliell follow {A~ (J/l(ICard appear- ' ....... "1
a/fee,) to be reprobates and ea.. taw:I.\"S, so now 1",
their obedience unto God's holy will, and b)' thdr
mereifulness and tender pi!)', (whcrein they i!hcll'
Ihemsch'es to be like unlo Gud, who is the 101111_
t:lin :lIld spring of all mCr(.~',) thcy dedrtre open!.,
and manil'clStl,r Ullto the :-i;..:-ht hI' m(:l1, tlltlt till)
arc tile bOilS 01 God, and e1ecl uf him unto ,...ll"utiu!l.


w w w. h a i l andf m





1'1'0' .. I u:


,("1Jr .Il.~.

]'he Second Part

if the SerMon

For, as the good fruit is not the C:lllSC that tlte

tree is g'OIxl, but thc tree must first be gaoll before
it can hring fadh good fruit; so the g'oOlI deeds
of man arc lIot thc cnuse that mnkc1h mall good,
but he iii fir.~t made good by the Spirit aut! grneo
of God, that cflcctunlly workclh in him, ami
afl.crw:lrd he bringcth forth good fruits, And
t1ICIJ, as the goOlI fruit doth Ilrglle the g'oodness
01' the tree, so cloth the f,rOO<l and mcrciful dced
of the man argue and eerl:linly prove the g'oodnc~s
of him that dooth it, acoording to CIll'itit's snying,
Ye dolt ~'noIO thellt b!l thei, jr"if8, AntI, if any
mnll will object, that cvil and nallA'hty mell do
sometime by tlleir deeds appear to be vcr)' godly
nnd virtuous, 1 will answer, that so doth the crab
:lIId choke-peal' seem outwardly to ha,'c somctime
as filiI' a r.:d amI as mellow a ooloul' ns the fruit
whieh is good i1Hh.'(d, hut he tlmt will bite' aud
take a taste I'hnll casil)' jmlge belwixt the sour
bitlt'rncss of the olle and the swcct savouriness
of the oilIer. And, :IS the true Christian man, in
thankfulness of his heart for the redemption 01" his
sonl JlUl"Chased by Christ's death, shewcth kindly
by the fruit of his faith his obedience to God, so
the other, as n mcrch:lllt with God, doeth all 101'
his own ff-liu, thinking to win he(l,'c1l hy the
mcrit of his work~, and so dcfnccth and obscurelh
thc price of Chritit's blood, who ouly wrougllt our
jJu r.!;.1 tioll,
'fhc meaning then of these sayings in the Scriptures nud other 11011- writin;:,'"8, Alllmlceda do 1(:0811
ou:ay our 8it/8, and, '1\Jerc)' to the poor doth blot
out. our oflcnces, is, that we, doing' thctie tbitl~
:1Ccordillg to God's will and Ollr duly, h:I\'c 0111'
!'ins indeed washed away :lIId our oflcnccs bloUc<1
Ollt, not for the wvrlhiness of them, but by the
A'racc of God v:hich. U'orlefh nU ilt nU i and llUlt
for lllc promise that God h:i1h made to thcm that
are obedicnt nnto his cOIllIll:lllllmcnl, tllat he whicll
is the 'j'ruih rnig-1Jt be jll~tilied in )lerlorming the
truth due to his tme promiJ:>c, ,Almsdced~ do wash


w w w. h a i l andf m

0/ ~lIn/ll'ce"~,


Rway our ~in~, beC:lIIse God doth vout'h"afu thelL

to reputc liS as clean and pUN', whcn we do them
101' his !'lIke, ml(lllot because the)' d('Scn"c or merit
nur pnrg-ing-, or for that tll(')' Imve :lily such
t-lrClll-:"tl~ and virtue in tlll'msch-cs,
I know tllat somc mCll, too much a(Mi(,t to the
:~dvall(:ing- of thcir good work.., will not I", cont"nted with thi!! allswer; anti no man'cl, 101' SUCll
Illcn call no answer contellt nor sunkc. "'herelore, lcaving them to their own wilful sCll!'e, \1'('
will mther have r('~'3rd of 1he l"eaJ;Olla!Jle and
I-,"Odly j who, as they lIlost ccrtllilll)" kllOw and
l'er"uadc thcmselvcs that all goodncss, all hlHlIlty,
all mercy, all benefits, all lorgi\'cllCSS of ~ill", and
whntSOC\'cr cnll be named good nnd profitable
dther for thc body or for the sonl, do Cflmc onl)'
"I' God's mcrcy and mcrc f:l\-our, and not of tlWlll:.A:e", so, tllOugoh they do never so IllnllY and "'1
dccllcnt b"'OOd de(:d", yct are the)' ne\'cr pllfli..'(1 Ill'
with the vain confidenoo of them. And, thongh
they heal' and rend ill God's word nnd otherwht'l"tl
ill gotlly Illcn's works, t1mt almsdecds, meny,
and ch:uitablencss doth wash awny sin and blot
out ini(luity, yet do they not :l1rog-:\1ltly :l1lcl
proudly stick or tl1.lst unto them, or hr:lg- tl1('llI"'ch-cs of them, as the proud I J !Jariscc {lid, le",t l,u~ ..."I'l
"iih the Ilharisce thcy sllOuld be ooudcmllcl!; but '.... 'l
mtllcr, with the ImmLlc and poor Puhlieuu, COil
less UWlIlsel"cs sinful wrctchCf:l and uuworthy to
look up to !JC:l\'CIl, calling and craving for mercy,
that with the Publie:lll they may he prollollnced
of Christ to be justified. 'rite godly do learll,
that, when the Seripturcs a,r that by 1.."00(1 lllld
merciful works wc arc reconCllcd to God'" flwour,
wc arc taught thcll to know what ellrist by Ili~
inlcn.:C8sion and medilltioll obtaineth 1'01" u~ or hi"
}~ather when wc be obc(licnt to his will; ,rea, they
lenrn in sueh Illnllll('l"l:! of ~pcaking :I OOllllllrtahlc
:lrgulIlent of God's ",inglllM lil\our and lo\c, that
uttrihutcth thnt unto us and to our doings, thnt
he b)' hili Spirit worketh in us, aud through hi.s


w w w. h a i l andf m


1'he ']'hi,,1 Flirt

q/ the &:'111011

grace procurcth for liS. And yet, this llo1ll"ithstanding, they err out with St. Pfll1l, 0 fe/etchc,
that JU afe i :l1ld llckIlOW)C<!'"C, ng Christ. !eachet h,

l.ul.uvlL 10. that, vnelt IItc!lltllfe all dOl/c, they are uut Itllprr!/iloMe lert'UIIU; :md with the blcs~cd king David,
ill rc><pect of the just jlldg-mcuts of God, t1u',r do
I'. 00".,. tremble, and Sfty. WAo ,halt be aUe to abide it,
J-<JNt, if thou wilt give UlI{Cllce accordil,!! to Oftr
"eurl,? 'i'hng they humble t.hemselves, and are
exalted of God; they count themselves vile, and
of God are counted pure find clc:l1l; they CQndemu
themselves, and arc justified of God; they tllink
themsch'cs unworthy of the earth, nnd of God al'e
thought worthy of hC:WCll. Thus of God's won1
are they truly taug-hl. how to 1hink rightly of'
merciful llealil1~ of alms, :llld of God's eSIlt'('ial
mercy and goodUCSil :Ire Illud..:: partakers of those
li'uits that hi" word hath promised.
Let us then follow their examples, and both
!'hew obediently ill OUI' lite those works of ll1l'rey
t hat we lire commanded, :Illl! ha\'e Owl. right opi uioll
and judgment of them that we al'e taught; a1l(1
we shall, in like mallller as t.hey, be made part:.kers
aud feel the fruits and rewllrds that follow such
~"O(lIy Jiving'.
So shall we know by proof what
prolit and commodity doth eome of gi\'ing alms
and succouring of the poor.





YE Im\'c alrendy heard two parts of tllis Treatise

(,I' Almsdecds: the first, 110W pleas.1nt alld lIccepl:l1,Ie before God the doing of them is; the sC(X)lIll,
h',,," much it beho\ct.h us, and how profibble it i~,
to app!.\' our;:ch'cs unto t.hcm. Now in this t.hinl
part will I bke :lII':I)' that. let tlmt hillderdh nl:1nr
1'1'0111 doil1J{ 01 tll('l11.
'I'herc be m:1I1r that, when thl:'Y hear how :w-


w w w. h a i l andf m


I.'Cptable a thing in the !'i~ht of God the g-i\"ing- of

~lms is, and how much God extcllddh his l:l\"olll"
towards thcm that arc merciful, and \\"ll:It fruits
and commodities doth comc to thcm by it, they
wish very gladl}' with themsckes that they also
mig-ht. obtain tllesc benefits, and be countcd such
of God liS whom he would low! or do for. But yet.
these men arc with greedy covetousllc:s so pulled
back, tllilt they will not bestow onc lmlrpcnny or
onc shive of IJrcild, !lmt they might be thought
worthy or God's benefits, and so to come into his
lil\our. ]~or they arc e\'ermore fearful and doubting
lest by of'lell giving, although it were but. a IiUle
ut a time, they should consume their goods, nnd
so impo\'tlrisll themsch'cs, tlmt c\'cn tllemsclvcs at
thc length should not be aule to live, but should
he driven to he;.:- and livc of other men'g alms.
And thus the>' seek excuses to withhold thcmselves
from the ravour of God, and choose with pinchin;.;L'O\'etollsIlCSS rather to lean unto the dc\il, than by
charitable mercifulness either to come unto Chri~t,
or to suflcr Christ to (..ome unto them. 0 that we
had some cunning and skilful physieinn, that were
ablc to purge them of this so pestilent:m humollr,
lhat so sore infeeteth, not their !Jodies, but their
minds, nnd so by L'Orrupting their souls brio&"Cth
their Uodies nnd souls into danger or hell fire.
Now, lest thcre be nny such among us, dcarly
1Jc10\"l:ld, let us diligently se:lrch l(lr that physieillll,
which is Jesus Cllrist, and c'J.rncstly labour that of
hi,,; mercy he will truly instruct us, and give us a
prescnL IIlrUieinc against so perilous a di~asc.
Hearken thcll, whosoever thou :lrL lhat lcarc~t
lest by gi\,ing to the poor thou Khoulde~t, hril!;';th.ysclfto 1Jf'....." ru)'. 'flint which thou tak....4 from
thp;]f to bestow upon Christ can Il{'\'er be ~Oll
sumetl and wasted :lWay. WllCl"t:ill thou shalt noL
belic\e me; bUl, if thou h:wc Etith and be a true
Chri:>ti:lII, bclie\'e t!lc Holy Ghost, gi\'e credit lo
the UllthOl'ity ol" God's word, thn1 lhus teachetll.
For thus saith the 1I0ly Ghost 11)" SalomOll: Il,' l'r,y



w w w. h a i l andf m






,t.... b.' ...

TIte TAinl P<1rl of IAe &rl1to,.

ljat gird! ftttlo Ile flOOr dall _eur ralll. )fcn

suppose that br hoonlin~ and lu)-infr up !>till the)"
sh:lll at the length be rich, and that by distributing
and la.rin~ out, :llthou; it be for mOtit 1Iet: - [lry
:lIld ~odh 11,;($, the)' shall be brought to poverty.
1I11t the 'Holy Ghost, which knowelh all tnlth,
icachcth us lInother lesson, contr.trr to this. lie
wachetll us that there iilll kill(l of Jispcndillg that
f;lmll IIc,,('r diminitih the slock, :lud a killd of ~a\'illg
that shall hrill;:.t a mUll to extreme 11Q\'CI'ty. For,
where he saith that the f:QO<l allllsmllll ~;lall Ilc\'er
have scnreit), he lllldcth, }Jilt h~ tAat t"rlld! uII'u!I

hi. ,ltc! a, te i" "u(wl,1 "'ull '"ifer gnal

JiOrtrf.! A;ntlelj: How lilr tlillcrcnt. thell ilt the
ju<lf:lllCni of man from the jllllgment. of the Holy
Ghlhlt. !
'I'he holy Apostle Paul, a man full of the 1101)'
Ghost, :lIId made prh')' e\'en (If the secrel will1lf
<1oJ, tcaehcth tlmt. the 1IIms;:.ti\t'r ~h:lll not
thereby be impo\cri"hLoO. 1/1: tA1l1 mjlli,tudA, "aith
I.c, ,uII nil) (/If~ 8O,ur 1C;1l ",;ni,ler alII) tre<ll/ NIl/O
fur fl)()(/" sea, Ae tcjlt mltlljpl!J your lied, antI
t!fIC'reau thefruiu '!lyour rjghteolf"UU. lie is not


, hlrp rriL

contcnt her\l to udv('rtisc them that they !'hall not

lack, out he sllewcth thel1l nl50 after \\hat sort
God will provide for them. Evell as he proddcth
H'C<1 for the sower in Illultipl.,ing it and 4'i\ing
:!rcat inere:tse, t-O will Ill' Illultiply tlleir ;:.tOOCls
:1IJt! enerease them, that t11Cr\l :,haIJ lie g'l'.'at aLun
\lId, 1('S1, we SllOUld think his s:tying-; to be LUl
wonl;::, :md not tntth. we havc an CxamlJle thcrt.'Of
in the '['hin! Book of Kin;..",:" whic:h doth conlirlll
:lIId H'al it up a:; a 1ll000t certain tntth. 'l'I,e l)U(lr
widow th:'lt. rccein!d the b:'lni"hed Prophl't 01' God,
l:liaB, when a.. she had but :m handful of mC:11 in a
\"\'~~el and :to little oil ill a eruse, whereof she would
make a cake for hersclr and her 8011, tlmt aller
Ihl'y had eaten that t!wy might die, OCcnuse ill
tllnt grcat. f:lmine theN was Ill) more foo\1 10 he
gottcll j )'et, whcn she gavc part t!wrcof unto


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Abl/8tleell,.


l~li:l!::, :md defrnuded her 0\\'11 IUlllgTy bellr, mCI'.

cifully to rclie\'c him, sho WlIS so blc8scd or God,
that neithcr the mClll nor the oil was consumed all
the time while that f:unille did lust, but thercof'
hotll the }>rophet .Elill!'=, she, and her SOli \\'oro suI'ficiellfly 1l0urisllcJ and had ollough.
o consiller this cxample, ."e unbclie\'in~ nnd
faithless covetous pori;ons, who discredit God'l>
word, and think hil> power diminished, 'L'his poor
wom:Ul, ill the time of an extreme aud lon~ llearth,
kid but ol1e handful 01' meal nnd a little crUl>e of
oil; her only SOil was ready to ]lerish heforo her
face for 11llngcr, and she hersel!' like lo pine aWH)' :
1l1ld )'et, whell the poor Prophet came and asked
p:lrt, sll(} was so milltlful of mereifilllless thnt slw
tor):;,lt her 01l'1l miliCry; and, rather thulI she \\'ouhl
olllit the occasion givcn to gi\'c alms :lI1d work a
work of rightcommess, she waJ:: l'OlItent presently
lo h:17.Hrd her own mJ(1 her son's lile, And you,
who hrl\"e plenty of' meals and <!I'inks, grclll
store of motheutcn ilpparcl, yea, mallY of' .yotl gr<>nl
heaps of gold and silvel', :md he that hath Il'asl
l1atl1 morc than suflieicnt, now in this time, when,
thanks be to God, no gl'ent famine doth 0llpret':;
you, )'our children bcin~ well clothed and well 1Nl,
lll1d no danger of dcath tor f:l1nine to he real'cd, will
r:llher east doulJts and perils of unlikely penury,
thall you will part with :lJly piece of your "npcrf1uitics, to help fced and succour the poor, hungry,
and lJukcJ Christ, that eomcth lo your doors a
lxgg-iug. 'l'his poor and scel)' widow ne\'er cast
t!'I1lUtl> ill ali her miser.r what want she herself
:-hould ha\'e; shc nc\'el"(listl'llstcd the Ilromi!::e thilt
God Imd made to hcr by the Prophet; bul s!l':lig-htway wcnt ahout to relieve the IHlIlgry l l rophct of
God, yea, preferring 11is neceg"ity bclore hcr own,
lillt wc, like unbelicving wretchcs, before we will
give onc mite, \\'e will ('ast a thousand doubts of
tbnger, whether that will stand us in an." stend
Ihat wc gi\'e to the poor, whether we should not
hll,\'C necd of it at all)' othcr lime, :\lId whether here


w w w. h a i l andf m


)1.U .1.33,

1'11/: 'l'hinll'art of th~ &rIllQI&

it would not h:we been lllO"C profibbly bestowed.

So that it. is not more llllrd to wrench a strollg'
nail, as the pro\'erIJ s:lilh, out of a post, t1~all 1,<>
wring a fllrtl.illg out or our fillgtrs. 'l'hcre IS l1e,tl,er the fear 1101' the Ion: or God before our CYL'8;
we will mor..:: esteelll a mite, tklll II'C either desirc
God's kinf,,,,lom, or fear the devil'" dungeoll.
Ilcarkel1, then:fore, ye merciless misers, wbat will
Le tllC eml 01' this your unmerciful dealing'. A~
certainly as God 1l0Ul'ished t1,is Iloor widow in the
time of faminc, and encrcased her little store, lOO
that shc had enough :lull felt HO IlCllUlT whl'll otbel'
pincd llll':ly, so <:<:rt:Jilll)' shall Got! pl:Jgue yOll wit I.
poverty in t hc mitldes of plenty, '1'lIell, when other
h;l\'C ahlllldflllC<l and be I':cl to the full, ),ou shall
utterly waste and (,'Qllsumc away YOlll-"C!l,CS; YOlll'
S101'C l>lmll bc destroyed, your ~'"()ods plucked from
YOll; nIl) Ollr glory and wealth :.<llall perish; :lllll
tll:lt wllieh WhCll )'011 llall you might. ha\'C enjoyed
YOllr:,ell' in pellcc, :In<l mig-ht 1l:I\'c bestowed UPOH
other most ~"Odl)', ye shall !'cck with SOITOW and
sighs, :Illd no wherc sball find it. Fo!" you!" unmercifulncss towards other yc ~11fI1l find 110 Illall
that will shew mcrcy towards )'011. YOll tl,at had
stony he:lrl..s tow:mls other shull find all tlle l're:ltures of Cod to )"oulI":lrds as hard as ur:1SS :md
Alas, what fur)' :Uld madncss cloth l)Ql:Isc:.<s 0111'
minds, that. in a maLler 01' tmth :Uld ccrlninty wc
will not gi,'c credit to the truth, tcstil)"ing' unto
that which is mOst certain. Christ saith that, if
wc will lir"t. seck the kill;....dom 01' God, :lnd do the
works or righteousness thel"L'Of, wc shall not 1,0:
left destitute, all othcr thing-,l slmll be gi\'cn to us
plcntcously. Nay, say wc, 1 will lir:;t look that 1
bc able to li,"c llIyscll~ :Uld Le sure that I havc
cnough ror me and mine; and, if I have all)' tllill~
o\'cr, I will bcstow it to b"Ct. God's favour, and the
poor slmll tllell havc part with me. Sce, 1 Ilra.r
you, the llcrvenoc judglllent or mell. ,re Iwvt:
morc CIUC to 1I0uril:lh the ClIre:l"c, than we h:l\"l:


w w w. h a i l andf m

rcnt to sce Ollr solll perish. And, as C.'"pri:lII !':lith, ~_ d~

.. whibt we .. land in doubt lest our goods f:lil ill I _ l '

h(ing O\'er lihernl. we put it out of doublthal our
life :md hrohh f::aileth in nut bting libcr-.ll III all.
Wl1ilst wc :Ire can:ful for dimini".hiug' of our stock,
\\t! arc altogether clIreless to diminish ollrsch,Cil.

,re love Illl1mmOll, and lose our souls. "'e fellt

1~'Sl our palrimonJ' should perisll from us, but we
1t.'Ilr llot I...,,-l we "hould ptril'h for it." Thus do we
pcrl'crse1r 10\'c that wc SllOUld hatc, and hate that
wc shoulll lo\-c; wc be 1l('g'li~rcllt where wc should
be c:lrcful, muI C3rcful where wc need 1I0t..
'I'his ""in lear to lnck ourselvC8, if wc gi"e to
the poor, is mllch like the fcar of children and
fools, \\ hich when ther sec the brii:'ht glimpsing
of a ~1:1S8, they do im:l:rinc strni.!rhlwaj' that it i~
thc lightnill~. llnd .nt thc brightness of 11 gl~
tlc\'cr was the lightning. E\'l'lI so, whcn we
imagine that by spending upon tile poor :l mlln
mllY comc to O\'Crl)', we ::rc cnst into t\ \'nill fcar;
lor wc UC\'er heard n<Jr kncw. that by that means any
mllll c:J,mc to mi,;ery. and was left destitute. and 1I0t
('On~idercd of God. Xay. we Trod to the eolltrar~'
ill the Sl:ril'tUfe. as 1 ha\'e before 6hewed. and as
h)' inlinite testimonies and examples mllY be pro\'cd,
lllllt, whosocn'r 6Cf\'cth God l~ithrullJ' and tlll_
1;iJ.:'lledly in lllly \'ocatioIl J God willnol stifleI' him
tu d...'CllX. much less 10 peri6h. '1'Ile lIoly Gh08t
t('lldll~th liS b\ Salomon, 1I1at the Inrrl ".ill wof I"" -...
Illlj{rr 1!l1! lItl'f!( 1!l1! r;g!lleou. 10 vriJtlt for /i."gf!('.
,And thl'f'\'fnre D:I\'ill ~ith unto all them that arc
Illl'reiflll, Ofl!ar /hI! JArd. $e I!lat te lti8It1inl.; for .'....".
llil!$ Ihllt ft:(tr him lac/; trothi"g. The liouI 110 lack 90 10
amI 11'.!{!.'r IlI/flger; tut Ihe! rehi"'.. Icd the ./,ord
1l"1I/t Jet/1ft I/O 1//0nner of lhillglhu.t ;, 9'",,1.
}:lillS \\'US in the d",'l;('rl. God fl-d him by the' '0.,. ,,'I.
milli"try of a r.:l\en. tlint e\'ellin~ :md momillJ.:'..
IJrollA"ht him Sllfikicnt \'icttlal~. When DllUid
W:l" ,.hut up in the lions' dell. God prt.'ll:lft'(l 'r'a.,.l,l.
\ I "..... n -. llll"al ,.or I'lUll, am1 !'(O1l t 'It 11'
lit 1ll'r to I'
lUll. "lH.I'/'
t!lt'rl' W:lS the 6f1ring of D:l\'id ru\lillcd: 'l'lte N/JII'


w w w. h a i l andf m

Of AllIIsdeedll,
(/" lac!.: Qlul suffeT hunger;

(hey which led "u:

For, while the
lions, which should have hem fed with hi!' f1csh,
roared for hun"'er
all(1 dc,ire of their !lre\',
. \\"!Il'h.,<)f
they had no pOWCl', 1Iltllnugh it. wcre 11l'\~"nt helorc
thi!m, he in t.he melmtimc was fresh fed from God,
that should wilh his flc"h ha\'c filled thc liollS, Sn
mi... htil.,. doth God work to pl'cscrve Il1ld maintain
tlu;'sc \\:hom he lo\"clh; so C:lreful is he all'O to ii..'t'd
them who in allY statc or voc:\tion do unfeignedl,v
scn'c him, Am! 811:111 wc 11011' think that he will
ha unmiudful of us, if II"C be ohedient to his 11'01'11,
and according to his will hl\\'c pity upon the poor?
lie gives liS nil wealth hefore wc do llIly ic'en'icc
101' it; :lJld will he sce 118 10 lack neecssat'ies whell
wc do him truc service? Cnn a man thillk that h<:
t Im(, fcedeth Chl'i~t call be for~aket1 of Cllt'ist Iml!
Iell. without food? or will Christ deny earthly
thing-;; unto them whom he Ilromiseth heavenly
tllilll,'":< for hi$! true sen'ice?
11, canllot be tllcreforc, denr brethren, that loy
giving' of' :tlms we should rtt allY time want onr
selves; 01' that wc, wllich relieve other nll'n's need,
should otlr5ch'cs be 0Pllrcsscd. with l)(ll1UlT, It is
contrury to God's word; it rcpug'ncth with his
promi~c; it is ag':linst Chri<;t!s proJlerty :lnd ll11tllr'i
to sulli:r it; it is thc tr:dly i'ul'lili~c or thc dd'il
to persuadc us it. 'Yhen:li>re stick llot to givc
alms lredy, and trust notwithstanding', that God's
goodness will mitli~ter unto us sullicicllCr 11l1d
p1cnt.r, so 101lg' as wc shall li\'c in this tl'llI1SilOl","
life, [md, aftcr 0111' dnys lu.:rc lI'ell spent in his SCI'\'i(:c
find the lovc of Ollr bretllrcll, we shall bc crowncd
wilh cvcrlasting glory. to l'ci~n with Christ our
Saviour in !wan'l1, '1'0 whom wilh the FatllCr
ami the lIoly Ghost be :tll 1l0llour ;\ILd glory for
e\'ct. Ameli,

J~I)Td ,nalt fcaut no good filiI/g.


w w w. h a i l andf m





J~l;ti L;l11:I~T.


all tlle crrotUf\.'B that. God m:'ldc in the

lte'.,';llllin~ of t he world mo"t excellent and wHlllil'rtill in their kind, there \Illl'! nOlle, as Scril't11l'C

Ue3relh \\ ilIlCSS, to be COIl1P:lrI..'t1 almost ill ;Ill.'

}>oint unto m:\Il; who, as wdl in body and in soul,
exceeded all other no less tll3n the Mill in brightlie;;;; nnd light exccedcth o\'cr)' sm3J1 :llld little rl:u
in the fimHllllcnt. He WflS m:Hle acoor,lin:..:- to the
imfl;"'''C :l.Ild similitude of God; he Wll" illllucd with (." I "'.'i'
all kind of hcu\'cnly gifts; he h:lll 110 llllOt of UIl- ~~,';' ;'i,"q:.
cleanness in him j he was sound and lk:rfl'CL in all

p:u1.s, both outw:lIxllr and inwardl)'; hi"


was ullcorrnpt; his U1ul,n,1.:uuling \\":11, pure alltl

h"OOd; his will Wag olx-dil.'llt ;lIld godly j he wa~
umdc Rho;..,"\:t1l(~r like unto God in ri;.rhtt'Ou-<IlCSS, ill
holillt'SS, in wi8dOIll, in truth, to be short, in all
kind or pcrli...<:tion. ,rhclI Iu,:l W;l,; tilu,: \"reatcd
and made, Almi;.rhly God, in token (If his ~~:lt
love towarc.l.. him, chfN:! out :l 8pt.'Ci:11 place or th t '
l'3rlh for him, Ilamdy, P:lI1ldi-.c; wlu:re he liH-.d
in all trnn'luillit.'" nlltll'k'3~urc. 11n\"ill:':- j..'T\'at :llmn.
d::nee of "",,rldl.'" ~... ~K1"J aud lnckill~ lIot hill~ t hllt Ill'
mi~htjll~t1y I\.'{luireordc~ire to h:wc. For, as it i"
..aid, G&ll Illude hiullfJrtl ul/Il rllk, (Jrer all the Ir"rl~


w w w. h a i l andf m

I", O'IL ...


The SermOlt qj'the Xatidly,


hi# h,,,ufJt, Ihat pe 8POulrt p(ll'e 1I./Idtr,1 (It!

~heep allll (/.1"(:11, alt &Ca6t8 oj' the jield, all'/v,dJl f.!/ I~I'

air, altjillhe6 of the 4ea, and use t hem always at Ill"

own pleasurc, aeeol'(lill~ {IS h" should havc ne('(.1.
WIIS not this a mil"rOl' of red~clioll? Was not tlll~
a full, perl~ct, :lIld hle,,-~cd estate? Could lIny 1hill~
else W ',\'cll lId(I<.'J hereunto? or greater felicity
utl",it'cd in this \\'orl,l?
But, liS the common nature 01'1111 men is in tim"
01' prosperity :lIld wt!lllth to lorget not only thcmseh'e8 but also God, even so JiJ tllis first Illall
AJ:IIIl: who, ha\'ing: but ono commandment. at
God's h:l11J, nameh-, that he "ho11IJ not eat or
the fruit or knoll'lcJgo of ~d (lnJ ill, JiJ notwilhstallJing most ullmindl'ully, or ratller most
wilfully, hreak it, in forgetting the strait ch:lr~l'
of his Maker, and goiving ell!" to the em!'t.y Sllg':.;e,,
tion of that wickc-d serpent the de\'il. Whereby
it ellmc to Jluss, tllllt, as before he was blessed,;;:h
IlOW he was a(:'Cursed; as belol'C he was 10\'eJ, so
now he was abhorred; as before he was most
uClIlltiflll and precious, so now he was most vile
and wrcteheJ, in tile si~ht of his LorJ and Maker,
] nste:ld of the ima.7'C of God, ho was beC<lmc now
the im:lg'C of the devil; in~tcad 01' the citizen of
hell\'Cn, he was becollle the bol1d~1:l\'e of hell;
having ill himself 110 one Jlart of his fanner pUl'ity
and c1e:n.llless, but being altogether spoiled and
dellled; lllsomuch that now he secmcJ to be 1l0
thing elso but a IUlllp 01' sill, :lIld therefore by tILe!
just judgment of God was COlluemneJ to evcl'last
iug death,
'l'his so great and misemble a plag'uc, if it lmd
only rested Oil AJall1, who first oflcnded, it had
Ll'Cll so much the easier, :l1ld mig-ht the bCUer
have bocn borne, But it li..1I 1I0t only on him, hilt
aho 011 Ilis po.~tcl'ijy lInJ children for e\'er; so lllaL
11lC whole "rood of Adam's l1c.-:h "llould su~l:lin the
",elJ;':lmc t:111 and ]luni,;hll1el1t wllidl 1llCir fOl'd:ltllel'
by Ilis onc'lIce mosL ju"tl,\' llad de"en'..J. SI. 1',1111
nO".".,t~. in the firth challter to the Homans saith, Byt/I./;


w w w. h a i l andf m



0/ lite




ojft"Cf) '!f 0111, ,11/,11/, IAef<1MU Ot:u

alllil(!It 11}
t'O"dtm"alio", altd ~f olle ,.a,,', (1;6t,tt:,I;~"Cf) nm".'f
trtre pjl(ule ,;.IIU', Jly which wonl~ wc arc hllll-:'lIt,
tl1at, as in Atlam nil men uni\"t~rs.1I1r fiillllOO, &0 iu
Atbm all IIlCIl uni\l'I'SIIJr rct'('i\L'd the rcw;Ird of
Fin, thaL ill to 1<..1)", bc(:mne mortal and ..uhj(oct unto
c1co.llh, lmvillg' in thelllS('I\"(~s 1l0111ing lHlt o.:ycrla"tin:.:- tlmnn:Ltiflll both of body and ~uul. 1'ht!l (,e- 1"0.1~ I,)
cml/e, :"IS Davit! Faith, corrupt (1//(1 lJ~oJJl;lIlJble; I/Jr!l
Irellt fill Ollt '1 the tCU!!; there /rll/l /lOM thllt di,L
good, ftO not olle. 0 what a mi.scraUle and woful
..late W:lS thi~, that the sin of ono mall should
dc,,;tror and condemn all men, that 1I0111il1g' in lIlI
the worM mig-llt be looked lor Lut ouly 1)'1n:.,'"8 Ill"
droth :lnd Il,...inB of hell! Had it. oc't'u :lIl.Y lll:lr\"(!1
if m:lIlkill(! had brell utterly driw'n 10 dC!>peratioll,
being thus f.... llen from life tu <1l.':llh, from iilIh:ltioll
to de-.lnletion, from hro\'en to hell?
But behold the ~'1"Cat goo<IIIN lInd tender lIlert'y
of God in this behalf. AIIx'ii m:m'lI wickt,.dllC>'S
:lIld sinful heh:l\'iour was such that it descrn,d not
ill an)' part to be fOrg1\"1m, ~et, to the intenL he
might 110t be clean dc.<;;titutt or flll hOllC :mtl
romforL ill time to come, he ord:lined a l1ell' co\'eIlflut, flnd made :l. sure IJromisc tllereof~ 11:1111(:1 1',
that he would send fl Mcssias or l\ledi:ltor into the
world, which should mflke interccs:oion, 3ml put
himself 3$ :l. IOta)' between Loth partit,.-.,., to paeily
the wrath 3ud indigll3tion conceivcd aWiinst sin,
3nd to deli\Oer m:1U 011101' the misernble cur:ro :ml
cursed miser)" whereinto he \\llS filllen h(>,.l(llol1~
hy disobeyin~ the will and ('(lmmandmelli of hi~
onl)" Lont nnd )l:ikcr. This ('(J\en:lnt :lnd promik:
was fir:ot made unto Adam him-.elf illlllwdiateh;lfter his f:lll, as we read in the thint of Gelloo:,
where God ~'1itllo lhe serpcllt on lhis wise: 11/:;/' I:.... 'fo
p.t enm;t.f k/ten" tnu (1I1d 'he rQ1IIrw, btbcun tit'!
.tud antI her Iml: he "'all {,rtlJl thine head, alid
MOll .llI/lt (,rN;lIe hi. hulo \ ftcrwnrd Ihe seJf~:ln1('
l'O\en:lIlL 1111" al..o more amp!)' :111(\ plainl)' relleWt,,1
unto Al,ruh:lIl1, where God promi"cd him, that i" non. 11 J:


w w w. h a i l andf m




)1.". I. '3.
)11 "
)1.11, II.~,

IJ.eIl. '<.ul.

'" U, q

7-"'<h. I 9:
)11Il~ "I.!

101. I ,:

)1"". D. 'i;


7.. .1. 11. ':,


GAl, I., ,.

The Sermon 1/Ihe ,Yafil'ifl{,

hia awl all lIalif}/13 and ji11llilie.t '!f Ihe carth ~ho/l!lt
l,e Ueaged. Ag'nin, it was tOntilllIC(! :Illd eoufirmed
unlo Isatlc in the S:lme form of \\'ol,d" :IS it m1~
bc!ilre unto his fnthcr. And, to the intCllt th:1t
mankind mi.!rht 110t desll:(ir, hut :llwHyS !iw! in
hope, Almighty God 11I5el' ceased to IlUbli~h, re1'('111, confirm, :l1ld etll1tinue the samc by dln'l~
:l1ul SIiIl<1I')' testimonies 01' his llrophds; who, tiJr
the better persuasion of the thill:':-, Ilrophc~ied tll,'
time, the plaec, thc mantlcr, :llld eireumJihlllec or
his birth, the afllictiolls of his life, the kind of hi.~
.Icath, the g-Iorr of' hiJol resurrection, the reeeivin!.;
of' his kin~"lol1l, the deli\'erance of' his people, witll
all other circumstnnces belollg-in:; thcreunto. E~a.\
pl'ophe:;icd tllllt he Fh'luhlbc borll of n \'irg-in, anc
.'alled ]~mll1nll\lcl. )1 jcheas pl'ophesicd tllnt 11'
hOllld be horlL in l3ethlccm, a plaee of JewIJ
":zccl1iel prophesied tbat he sholll~l c01l1e of' the
stotk HmI lincag't! of Da\'id. Duniel prophe~i~'d
Ij,.lt all naliOl18 allt! !flll,11IO,1C8 KIWI/M 8errl: him.
Z:lehHry prophesied that he should come in porer(y,
ridhl9 1lJlon ait fl88. ::\f:llachi prophesied that he
"hould l;end Elias before him, wllich Ims John
lhe Bapti,.t. Jercmy llrophesicd. that 11e should
be sold for thirty pieces of siker, &0. And all
tllis was done, that the promise and eO\'CU:lllt or
God, made unto Abralmm and his Jlosterity (:on.'trniuf:' the l't.,<lemptioll or the wodJ, mig'bt Le
credited and fully believcd.
Now, as the Apostle 1)aul saith, trnm Ihejidllc88
'!l time '/Ca8 COIIIC, tlmt is, the perfection 11l1d conn:c
of yC:lrs appointed hom the bE'ginning', then GrJd,
according to his former eo~'enallt :lIlU promise, Kcut
a i\[('ssia:;, othcrwise called a. Mcdiator, into the
world; not such a onc as :Moyses lI'a"" not SUd1 It
one as Josua, 5a1l1, or David was, but sllch a onl'
as should <h.livcr m:l.lll;ind from th ... bit!l'l' elllH' of
1he law, nnd Ill:l!;", Iwrf...<:t fwtisElCtioll hr hi" deal h
1(,1' the SillS of' all 11\:o)lle; 1H1IllL'I,\', ht! ~l'l1t hi" <!t:lr
:llld only S(jl/ Je,.us Christ, '11(1,11:, :1" tIll: .\p,,~lIl'
l':litll.lfj' a /COil/M, aud h/u,,fe /ll/rla (he I,w', that /"


w w w. h a i l andf m

&'1110" '!f lite .Yulirit.f_



1/I;"I/, rttf'WM IIWll tltot ".ere i" !J()IIr/,,!/(! '!f 11t~ I"""
"",I ,l'f tlte. tAe diltlrc1f. 0/ G,../' t.f a,fr,} 'i"".
\r M not t hi" fa wonderful gn':lt )O\"C tow:mls u"
that WI'r(' hi,. rrorC>'~cd and 01'('11 enemies? tl,wanl..
liS thnt \\'l't(' by 1f<//lIr~ tAe rA;/,frell '!/ 'au'It :111<1
firchr:.lIllt..: IIf IIdl lire? JiI tAi8, saith St. John,




/lie !/ft:'tl lore of G(}(I, Iflllt Ae ,ent Iti, oul!l , ,e>,

{,e!JoUen &m ;1410 the 1Corld 10 lart ",, when wc weto
his extreme enemies. lfutin i" Wt'e, not thut '/('1:
[/.It'et! hilll, bllt Ihut he loted 1/1, twtl le"t hi, SQ/l 10
be a recoll/"iliutioll.lo( our "i".t. SL Ilnul also s:lit.h ~
('!If;"t, ",h(1I re ,..ere .'Id ~I' 110 ,ffelf."Ut, died .for ,/ I:",n


DOIIUle,,~ a 1/101/ ".ill ,caret die/IJI" '.

ri!l"'~II' 11/0/1.

Perl1llreRlurt IQme Olll! unfit die

.rflr Aillt f!.f ".A"11I k AalA rtctirt:<l good, ]Jut God

IIdlet" od Ai41 lure lo"'(ml~ "11, ;,1 I"at Ae lent CA,j..t
"I dje fur 111/, r""" J('e lure Id co;,l 0/ all good IfU~.
This :md ijll<.'h other ('()mp::triilOns doth the Apo.-tl!:'
11,.". to 3lnl'lirr and!K't CoMh the lcnder merey :111,1
g're:tt ~Otldl1l':S of God. <led:ll"l.>d townnls m:lIlkilhl.
in scnding <1"WII a SJr;QII' from he.3.\-el1, e,"en CA,i.., L..... Ii. ,,"
Ihe wrd. Which one benefit nmong 311 other i<;
!lO ~t :lI1d wonderful, that neither tongue elm
well exrre~s it. lJlither heart think it, much le,,~
:,:-il"e sufficient tll:lI\ks to God for it_
llut hcre i!l a grc;ll controvcrsy belwccn \lS and
the Jew~, whetllcr the !':Ime Jeslls which \I'll!; born
of the Virgin )fury he the true )[c~ias and true
Sa,-iolU of the world, so long promised and prophesied of before. 'rhe)", as ther lire, and lm"e
h....e n atwar!'. proud and 8fijfllecl:ed, would Ilc\'cr M1 1l
a<knowll'(I;.." him until thi,. dar. but h:n"c lookl-d JI, JI
:lIId frlped fl,r ;HIIt1wr tn come, '1'11<,:,' 1I:I\"e this
I;)nd im:l;;inatillll ill tb.-ir head.... that )r\~ia.~ ~h:lll
come, 1I0t. ns Chri,.l did, like a l)()Or pilgTim alld
!limplc !'Out, rillil1~ upon :1II a,~. Lut like a ,aliant.
and mi~ll',\' L:in~, in grt'at royalty anti honour; nOI,
as Chri"t did, with a few lisl1l'rmen ami Illelt of 11
~lllall e~tilllatiml in thc wurltl, hilt with a great.
arm)' of .. ll'lln~ men, with :\ ~rl'at train of ,\is,.
and nohle 1lll'1l, as knig-hls. lunl", eal'l~, dllh-


w w w. h a i l andf m



c.".. L 'j,



0/ 'lte Xaliri'.

prillC<"<, :lIld so forlh, Xcithcr do t!w)' think

Ihat t!ll'ir )r~",ia" ",hall slallll\'rou",h' sutll:r d(':IIII,
as Chri.~t did, but that he "Imll "ioutl,)' COllllul'r
:1IIt! manfully sulxlue :111 Ilis enemil'S, and lill:lll~'
ohtain such a killh"'l.l(un on carth ns Ile,'cr \\l.~
,,"''en frnm the Ix-ginllillg', While the,)' feigu until
tlwlllseh'cs nth,., t1lis sort 11 )[e"sias of their 0\\'11
hr,.in, thc,)' dccl.'i\'e tllem~c1\'cs, and lICCOllnt Christ
:IS :ltl ahjeet and jilOl of the \\'orld,
('hri,e crN('ijitu, as 51.1):1111 sailh, is -unto tlie JelCI



ItuluUiufJUock a"tl to lite Ge1ltile, /Q()/illi,uIJI;

IICC:lu:;.e the,)' think it :111 ahsurd thing, and eOIl~

Irun' to all rc:l~on, that a H(.'tl(ocmcr ami Sa\'iour
of t"he II holt! world t.hould he h:lIldleJ :lIler such
sort::l,; he W::IS, namd,\', >0<")1'11('(1, fC\'illo(l, &t'Our;..'1'tI,
('Olldclllnoo, and Ia",t of all erudly hanb"..d . 'J'Ili",
1 say, seemed ill their C)'CS 8tr.aIl~"C nnd most
nbsurd j and lherefore neither they would l.t. that
time, Ileith('r will the)' ns yet, aekllow!i.dgc Chri..t
to) be thcir ~I(!S5i:LS nud Sal'iour. But. wc, de:lrl,)'
bclo\'("ll, that hope and look to be s:l\'l-od, mu,.L
both steadf.."tly belie\'e and also boldly confi.--ss,
that. the Slllne Jl..'Sus which was born of the Virgin
)r:lry W:lS lll(' true Mc;;sins and Mediator h~tween
God and mall, promis<.d and projJhcsied of so long
'... before, For, as the .\J)()stlc writcth, with. tlie heart

,lUJll beliut:llt I(1It4 ri!lRti!Oulnell, and tcit4 the !Rout4

co,yuliOlI i, Ifloue 1l1/},q I,t/catiol/, .AJ:,"llin in the
...." me place: IrhOlMrtr IJeliud4 iN. hillt "'nil tfeur
I~ aua",~t "or ClJ1fji1/111Jerf. Wllcrelo agrecth also
Ihc k."timollY of 51. Johu, written in the fourth
chnpter or his first b"'!I{'ral Epi-:tle, on this wi lOC :

,J.... ' ,,_

WA,,,Mrtr coll,(cud4 t!t,t! Je"u ;6 tAe S:JM

0/ GOt',

le dtulld4 ill Gfl/I, Q1f,f G'od iN. Aim.

Thcre is no doubt but in lhis point. all Chri".
lian Inl'll are fully and IKlr'i.'Ctly persuaded. Yet
..hall it not. be a lost. laoour to instruct. and
furui"h )'OU II ith a Jew places conccrning' this
m:,Ul'r, 1hat. .'c Illn)' bc a1.lle to stop the ~1a~J1hl"
mOlls mouths of all lhl'lIl tll:lt most Jewlshly, or
l"ath~r uc\"ili..hly, shall :It an.l timc go awut 10


w w w. h a i l andf m

Tlte &rmon

0/ /he }I.'iiliri~,/.


t{':Jeh or mainl:l;n the conlr:ln',

rirt<l, ye Iml'u




and ll'stimoll,r of "he

OaLricJ, I.u~.!


fll'dared as well 10 %:Ldwfy the hig'h priest :l>l '0, '~~J;.

;dso 10 the hlesS('(1 Yitgin. Sc(:ol1dly, ,"0 hllVC the
witnC>iS and tC!;limolly of John Illc Hap!;;;l, poillt.
illg unto Chl'i~IJ and ;::lr;lI~J JJelwld lite },umQ '1/ John I. '0
GUll, that take/It. away the 8ill' q/ lIlt: I':orld. 'L'hirdlrJ
,\'c have the witlle;:s and te:.limoll)' of God the
Fnlhcr, who thundered from heaven, and !mid,
1'hi8 ;8 f1I,1J dearl!! tt::l()fI:d SOli, il~ whom f a111. 'lCc(llr_u. ,.. II~.
l,{(!(furl; hear hilll. Fonrthly,
113\'0 the witness


and tc;:timony of the Jloly Ghost, which came lr.U,lII. 6.

lIOW1\ frOIll heal'en in IllIl11llel' or :l white do\'c,
and li~lllt'd upon Idm in time of his baptism. '1'0
th~e llliJ.:'lltlll' :lllded a ;::-reat 111lmhcr morc, namely, )Ialt 11.'-'"
' men II la tI.Il~I',"
t IlO': \\1', lIc,.s :llIlItc~ " llllOn)' 0 j ' t
,'" Jol',IlI.
(:amc to Jlerod , thu witnc8S and testimony ol'~"'~":
.1.\>9, .1.'"
:SimCQn and 1\1lI111, the witncss ami Icstimony of
.\ndrew :l1ld ll!lilip, Nathlll1acl and Peter, Nioode.
mus nml ~rartlla, with divers othel's: but it wcn:
too long to repent all, 111ld a fcw)!:lccs arc sunident in so plain n matter, specially among them
that arc alreil{l.v persuIldL'tl. Therefore, il'thc privy
imps of Antichrist and crafty instrumcnts of the
dc\il shall attempt or go about to withdraw yOIl
from this true Me,;;,:ias, and persuade you to look
1;/1' illLOl her t hat is not yet come, let them not in :lily
casc sctlllce you, but confirm )'oursch'cs with thesc
and such other testimonies of holy Scriplul'c, which
:11'C so sure and certain, that all tllc dcvils in hcll
I'llall ncver bc ablc 10 withstand thcm. :For, as
truly as God liveth, so trul,f was Jesus Christ the
true )fessias and Saviour of the world, ('\'CII thc
~amc Jesus which, as tllis day, was OOl'll or the
\'irgin )lary, without all llclp of mall, only by the
powcr and oJlcration ol'tllc Holy GIIObl.
Conccrning" \\ hose nature llnd suhstancc, becausc
divcrs :111<1 sundry hcrc:lics arc risen ill t!lCSC our
JilYS through the motion and su,!!gcbtioll of Sablll,
thcrefol'C it ",lmll be ILcl.'l.lful and protital,h~ 101' yOlll'
instruction to speak a \l'ord or two al.,;o of tllis pan.


w w w. h a i l andf m


1ne Sermoll

0/ flie Kafil'ilJ.

We :lre evidently bug-ht in the Scripture, th3t OUI'

Lord ami Saviour (;Ill'ist cOlIsisleth of two se\'CI';11
natur...s; of hig malllu)(){l, being' thereby perfect
man j [lnd of his Godhood, IlCin!.;' thereby perfect.
J d,n L q ..
God. h is written: :rhe !Vur", tlwt is to >:ay, the
11.. n Y"' .l. second I'er-OH in Trinity, ~ec(llI/eJ{.:ItIt. God 8ell";II,'I
hi8 O/'"JI ::i'ut i" Ihe BiJl/ililllde 11'8i'!/iltJle8h,jil(/ilfetl
11,,'.;.-. I!W8/! I!lil/!J~ /l'hidt Ihe 11110 COl/M IW!.
ChrilJ!, beillY
i't fur"l 1/ Gutl, look Olt hil.t Ihe j'urll/ W' (I aerrfml,
lIIulICa8 lIIade li/.-e ?WW IIlml, beill!Jfu/(lui i'l 8hl'lld alJ
, rllD ;11. , , It fila/I.
God/ra8 de/rcd i,t Jlellh,jMtijied i,l .piril,
BeCII 1/ a'I!le!IJ,)Jrel(chell to the c.'el/lila, ~efiel"'4 ("t
;n the /l'orld, and receiec{l up bt !Jior!!, Al~() in
,T".. IL 5- another place: There;, Oil/! Uod, all(l ol/e ~lIedilltor
IJetlcCM (jod allll /1/(01, efl"t the /IIall Ji:!J1I8 Chri,l,
'l'hcsc be 111:lin places 1;)1' the proof and tlcclal'lltion
of both nalures united 3ml knit togethcr ill oue
Christ. .Let us dilil."'Cldl.v eonsidi.'r and wei;;h the
workl:l tlmt hi} did wllilcs hc li\'oo on earth, :md
we "hall then:!>)' al;;o pel'cd,-e tllC sell~amc thing
to Le most truc. In that he did hunger and thirst,
cat and drink, ;:leep :lUll wakc j in that he preached
his Gospel to tIle people; in that he w('pt and sorrowed 1;,1' Jcru>i:llcm; in that he paid tribute tor him.
self and PdCI'; in that he died and suffcrcd dcath;
what other thing did he else declare but only this,
that he was pertect Ill:m as we are? For which eau;:c
)lal.. I '; he is called ill hol), Scripture sometime thd 'OIl ql'
HI '0:
J)arid, sometime the Soli of man, sometime the 804
'laO'l< YL
J. I,,, 'i j .
"" .1/"r!!, sometime the 80lt 0)' J08eph, alld so forth.
_'fo\\' in that he forg:we sins; in that he \\'rou;::-ht
mir:lCles j in that he did c:lst out devils; in tlwt
be h('akd lll('ll with his only word; in that he
knew the thoughts of men's hearts; in that lIe
had the seas at his commandment; in th,lt hc
\I':llk~1 on the water; in that he rose from death
to litiJ; in th:lt he ascended into he:1\"en, and "Ol
I~rth; whnt other thing did he shell' the.'l,in hut
"nl.\' that lIe was pcrfect God, coequal with hi.~
I'at her as tOllching' Ilis Dt:!ity? 'l'herelore he suith,
The Fa/her ami 1 arc all Olld.' which is to be undt.:r-


w w w. h a i l andf m


.';r'MJ'"' r:!'/"



~(O'l(l of his Glx]h(".u] ; for, a~ tuuching' his 1D.1I1

hood, he s:tith, Tile Falllt:,. iI !l""ler lliul/, 1 Q11f.
U....h. J
'rI.ere are IIOW t h,,--e )fareiunitl'S, that d(,Il\'Chri~t
to h:wc hl,('1l horll :n f\,.." h, or to h:ln~ I.Hxm pcrli.l,:l
mall? Whl're lire HOW thoM' .\riall!', which dell'
Cllrbt to 1I:n-c IJCtIl pcrfl'Cl God, of l'<lua! 8U"'"I:III(;1:
with the Father? Jf there be nnr !>Hell, 'C m:lI
l'll",il)' reprove t hem with Ihcsc tC~IIJllOllics


such other: whCl"t'unlo 1 am most ~1ll'C

thl'Y ~hal1ll{.\cr l.e able to 111l8\\'cr. l~'or the IW<:C,,,\: or 0111' !!:ll\'atioll diLl r"''fjuire .1;;11(..11 n )k><liator
and S:L\'iour, Ih umler 011(' pCn;()J1 should be a )I::Irl:lkcr of both Ilnlu,,-,>;. It \\:l.i rt'(llli...itc 1l(:~ "hfJulJ
llC mall: it was aiM) reqlli~ilc Ill: should be GQl.1.
1"('1', a... the tr:II1!';::-1\.... ~ioll (-:'Ime h)' mau,..o wa~ it
med. the "nti".I:II:til/lI should b\= mradc lw num .
\nd, 1}('C:l1l.-e IlcIIIA, raccordill;::- to t. 1';1111, i.. Ih.. u... >1 , ..
jLl~t 8li~lId mul rewnm if 8ill, thl'f\:lim.:, to aJlpl::L~.the wr:llh of God, and to sati"t) hi jll"lil~, it 11:1_
expedienl that our )ll'(liator t;;!lou!(1 1.Ie .. uch a IIUl' 1l..t>.II-,, :
us might tak.. IIIIOI1 him the .. ins 01' mankind, :111"1



the due punishment the1\.'Of, mlllle!y, llc:lth,

)[oreo\,cr, he C;llllC in f1l'Sh, and in thc .. df~allh

tlc,.h asccnd..d into h('ral'cn, to tk'Cl:lre and 1.."lil'\unto us, that :111 I:Litld'ul 1}t."(Jplc which .. te:ull;l~t(1'

hdicve ill him shall likewise collle uuto the i.anll'

mansion plnl'C whereunto he, lJcillg 0111' chief (':lp- 1101>, ~ll j.J:).
taiu, is f,"Olle hcrMl.', L:lsl of all, 11e hc<:ramc mllU,
that we therch.I' might t'I..'CI.:ivc the grc:ltcr comliJl'l,
a" wcll in our 11r.1,\Cl'::i as also in our mh'e..... it.' ;
('OIl:iidcri u~ \\ it h ()ul'-Cl \'C", t hal Wc h:l \'C a ) r<.'(1i:ll. 'I'
thal i~ tnlc ll\:lIl:b \\"(' arc, ".!IQ :l1'tJ i.. I'JM("III;! , 11 l~ ..

(I.' i"ji,lIIilie:z.

11,,,11('118 le:wJ'Ie:./ U~II i/f lil'e 8,rt /lA

t'or thc'OC aud "uudr" tJllwr e:au......" ii. \I:L~
mn~t nel'(lful hc ..1h)uIJ l'(jm~, ra.s he dill, in Ill\'
t1... ~h. UUI, iA't-:'lu,.c 110 creatul'C, in that 11c i,; fJllh
:t crcaturc, hath or mra)' h:lI'C power to de~tr,,~
dcath ami gi\1.' lil\>, to OI-cfl.'()IllC hdl rand pun:II:1....'
hcaven, 10 remit ~ill~ and g'i\'c rij.:'htl'Ou"l11.':;", t]ll'I'CJim: it WIlS Ill'l'(lru! that 0111' )I~'~._i:l", wh,)..c \ll'HI1<'I'
dUly aUlI o!lice tlJ:lt \\:1":, "llOllhl hI' Hot 1/11.\ full

re ore,


w w w. h a i l andf m




0/ Ile


Imt al.,.o full and IlCrfl'd Gucl, to

1111' Cntl'llt lIe miVht mon' fully Dnd perfcetly makt'
fo':tli..litctilln for m:mkind. God !':lith. TRi" ;4 NI.,!
It,;/I ".1I"/It I alii yell plbl,etf. D.,'

allJ Ilt:rrt.'<:t m:lIl.

}h:1 *"1.

\I I.ieh 111:1('(' we k>arn tbt

Chri.,;t :lppca.-cd :lllll
'llIl'udll'd the wrnth of hi~ nit her, not in lhnt he
w:to onl\' till' SOli or mall, ImL mueh more ill thnt
hc was the Son of God,
'I'Ims .Ie 11;l\-C Iward d"('l:ired Ollt of till.' SCI'iJ'~
hll't~, t1lllt Jt."\1S (;Ilri~t '\:1" the true Me....ius flllll
Sll,iflUl' of thl.' worlll, thill 11c was by Ilnlurc nllll

~llJ. ..t:lllec

pcrlt.'(t (;(0(1 anl! perlL'Ct nUIl1, uull fur

"hat CtIu....... it wa..~ expedient he ,.houl,1 he !'o.

:\"11", that wt. ml"" II(' the more mindful llnd
Ihllllkful unlo (jod i"1I thi.. I..ehall~ Il-t ll~ Iinell.'
lIl11"ider :lIId (':.11110 mind the m:lllilulll :lIld Vrt:lt
1""lIelll .. Ihllt 'I,' haw I'l."('(;in,.'(llu" the I1flti"il" :l1Id
l.irt h ofthi;; our )Il..... i:l .. nnd S;I,iour. BdimCllri..I'..
'~'Illillf:' into thc world, nil mell uni,-en<flll~' Wd...
'''.&."...1.' Il"thing 4'1"c hut 11 ".jrhd aNd ervoleil 9"lIrral;r/ll,
t;: l'Ultell fwd ~rnll,t Irt:U, ,,10",' 9TOulld,./itlll,'/ bra#lII";.!~
J~ l.': Ut:6 and tr;~r6, 1/JlIl ,ltl:ep, l,rtIIl;gal KJlJI, naughty and
:,~hn.6. ItNprf1iluble ,erral/I,. f,t1ri!l!derm~ 'l~/Card" f/'or!.-ef8/?/
I: uil '0;
~'au ... I,, illitJldl!/, lite brood (!l atl(laJl, blil/d 9uide" ,ilti,,!! ;,,
i,~,i:~~i';; (lj/rl.t1~" alld;n lite "hO/Mw 0)' (Icallt, 10 be !'hort,
"'.'1' "all lIothill;:d.. c hilt clliltlrel1 ol'perdition :lnd illllCI,ilOl-'"
"',_,,: lil
,'LuI.a._ or helllir\', '1'0 lhi.. ,I<lth SI. Jl:lUl hear witll!''''' in
":~ ~~::' di"er,< p!:J('('!' of hi .. J-:l'i,..t!C!', alld Chri .. t :11 ..0 him
.... ,,'-('If ill l'ul1dry p!:lCC" or hioi GO!lpd. J3ut flli!:r Iw
Wfl~ 1111('(,' (:mile ~I()wll from he::n-clI, ami Imd tak"1l
our rrnil J1:ltur~ "1'''11 Idlll, he m:lde all 1/'t:1II Iltul
"~.';'j ': 1':0"/'/ rt:;r~ ltilJl tnlly, :lnd belic'-c hi", word, !lQ()i/
.... :,~~,', 11'" ". :1IId!J"'NI!lTOu(l,frllit/itl :lnd ll!ea,,:lllt bralldtJ;
",.."-: r!l;Ure" 'If lig'", ,.il;:o:lt" ':1 l~'trtR. ,,!t"P 0/ It;"ji Id,
~ 1,; ~',:>: '''''/I~rI 1:/ Ai4 "'JlI~, !It:;rl r:f Iti, /,-j"!J,lru", Iti", tru.~ ~d~: I'" ,,11, :llld trelhrrll. !-1I"<'Ct and li,-cl.r oread, Ill'
..... i. t'],.t1 and ChOkIl J,t"I.{e "l Grnl. For, IlS I. I'dl'r
" ......
111..... ~aJl
. Il 'III I'
t, Y, 1,
115 fiIr,,1 J"'.pI .. 1J'c :JI\{I ;;:C<:Qn d Cl:Ip
t'r, '
,,'.'~~.l~~" t.trr ''''1' "ill" i'l Iti. t"I(1( I'I,()" lite Cfmlt i he hl."I,,1
"" Iltlll /Ill/de 1t6 l~h(JJ~ ,,!/ !rill Iflripet " /1/111, II"haft!.
t,};,rc /1:,. ,,"ere the"p (!'ti,,!! a,/ttl!f, Itl! b!/ hit e,,,,'i'lj


w w w. h a i l andf m

The &':''''01/.

of tne Ku/id!!I'


118 hOIRC t1gai,t to the {rllC Shepherd 0/111

lJiilhQp of OI'! lOld,,; making liS a Ck08C1t !lenerl/fir)//,
a rO.!lt prieltltood, (lIt noli nation, a pet'ltliar people
of God, in that he (lied jor ollr ~/rt:llce" and roll: n",u. h. ".
u!lai" JOT Ollr ;"u8tijicNtiOll. SI. Paul to 'J'imolhy
the thinl chapter: Ire 1rere, $.1ith he, in time' pall nl lit 1-:


'NI/Idle, f/i8oIJedicllt, lleceircfl, UT/:i1J!J dice" {1I8t" aNt!

j/fea8IlfCI, firing iit hatred, cn,.!!. malicio/wlcu, and
>'0 f(,IIlh.
But q/7er (he lovillgl:il/dllC88 of G'otl OUI&U:iO/lf appeared (u/fllrda 1IU111~'il/d, 110t accordi,'!! to
Ihe ,igltleollIJlle8' that Il"e had ,Itm e, bill act.xmlillfj to
hi, !freld ",erCI!> he 811l:cfl U8 t!l lite f()lIn(~(iJI <!( lite
tlt/IJ birth fllld bg l!Ie rClwrillg q/ (he Holy Ghl!~f ;

Irhicll he }lOllrcll upon III all/I/dal/ay thorough Jt'JlIOI

{'hrid Oltr &m'ollr, that we, beillg ollce .illl/fili,." by

hil grace, IllOultt be hei" of dental life IImil/!lh ht'lie

and faith in llis blood. ]n these and sUl,:h other
places is set oul; he/ore our e)'CS, as il; \\'J,)re in :l
~lass, the abundant grace of God loccci\cd in Chl"i"t
Jesu; whidl is so much the more wonderful, ht
l'allSC it callle not of any de;,crt of ours, but of hi;;
mere :lnd tender mercy, C\'CIl then when we were
his extreme enemies.
Dut, for the better ulldersbllding and consideration of thi;; thing, let us behold the cnd of' hi"
c'Oming: SO shall we perceive what grc:\t eommodity and profit his Il:lti\'ily hath bl"O\lght unto us
miscr.".ble and sinful creaturt.'S. The end of his
c?m!ng ~nlS (0 la:'e an~ deli\'cr hi~ peopl~, tOjitljll'l ~~~llt: IJ~''''
Ifle law lor us, to ",ear r1/1lC11 unto tile trl/(fI, w telll,: I 1; Ji'
:lnd preacA (Ae /Cordl <!l Ail }'tJther, wgive light Illdo ~~,~t
the '/CorM, (Q colt ,fitll/ul tlJ re'Hmt(lIlCe
to re'rCJln
J,~", .111."
I '
them (hat labollT olld be Aeon/tmfell, to ca"t O/lt the ;l.,~. j,h,
Jirillcc q/ IhillrOr/tI, w reeol/;ile 11" in the bOI~Y fll hil ~1~t"J~ .,1
.fled, to fli610lre Ihe IfQr!.1 '!J'the deril, last 01" all, to ~J~i'~-I:~'
bceome a propitiali'.Jll for o/lr ~il/I, mltl 110t lor 0llr6 11,,,,, j;1 "
1 I
, . /'"e 1/11"
. qri'/le 1Nl0le
Oll!f, (JIlt al'0.l0r
'/Cort(' /. 'J'IlC;;C ,J.~",~.,.
" the chief cnds wherefore Chri1;t hecame man,
Ilot for any Ilrolit that ",llould come to him~elf
thercln', but only for our sllkl'S; i1H1t we l1Ii;:llt
undcl";tllnd the ~rill of God, he 113rtakL'I'S or hib





w w w. h a i l andf m




of th Nati,.i,I!!,

he:wclIly li:.:-ht, bc ddi\'ercd out of tile dc\'i!"1;

clam., releaEC<1 frnm the hllrden or Ilin, jllstifietl
tllrough faith in his blood, and finally received np
into e\'crbsting g-Iory, thcre to reign with him for
'Iol l.J'
c\'er, ,ras not this n great and singular love of
I', ,I 11. 7. "
Cllri"t townrds mankind, that, bei1lg the e.rpre88
and li\'(:ly ill/f/.'lc '!lOfHl, he would notwith".tauding
It/Ill/Me him8t!/; aNd lal.'e 1/PQ/ Itim the flJrln q( (l
ureal/I, nnd that onlv to slI\'e and redecm us? 0
how much are we LOlind to the goodness 01' God in
this belmlr! How mUIlY thanks and prai;>es (to we
owe unto him for this our sulI'ation, Inongllt by
his deal' nnd only Son Chri".t: who became a pilJ!rim in earth, to mrlko us citizens ill he:wcnj who
1J('('amc the Son of' lIl11n, to make liS the sons of
".' IlL'J; God; who bcenme ohedient to the law, to de/it'er
,(.,....11.'. 1/S.f1'011I lite cllru w'lhe {filII; who becallle poor, to
mal.e us rich; vile, to mnke liS pretiolls; suhject
to death, to make us Ii\'e for e\'er. "'hat grcall'r
10\'0 could we sl'ely creatures desire or wish to hrl\'e
at God'" hands?
'l'hercf'(,re, denrly heloved, let us not forget tllis
('xeecding lo\'e of our J~of(l and S:wioll1'; Ict us nnt
~he\\' oUl'>iekes ulllllindl'ul or untlw.nkful to\\'ards
him: lml let us 10\'0 him, fClll' him, obey Ilim, :lIlfl
H:rn:! him, Let us eonlc8s him with our mouth>:,
I'rai,.c him with our tong-ill'S, belic\'e on him \\ ith
"Ill' heal"l", :Illd gloril)' him with our good WOll,;,..
~".l1./.: Chl'i"t is the tiflhto' let liS reeei\c the light.
is the trlllh: Ictus helieve the tmlh. Christ is the
1ray: let liS follow thc way.
And, bcenu,;e he is
.Iloll ;,L OUI' 01/(1{ Jla8ter, our only 'l'caehcr, OUl' ollly Shepherd,
;~:':;; J~~'.~, nnd ChicI' Captnin, thcre/ore let us hccomc his
"cl'\'anl;:, his scholars, his sheep, find his soldiers. As
101' Sill, the IIcsh, tllc world, and the dcvil, whO>'c
~er\'llnts and bolld"laves wc were before Christ's
l'Oming, Ict us utterly en,;t them off, nnd defy
them, as the chief :md only enemies of our soul.
And, "L~illl; wc arc Oll(."C delivel'L'<1 from their cruel
I \'I':1I1n\' I,y Chri"t, let us nC\'er lilll into tl1l.'ir hands
ll&"tlin, 'Iut wc c!1llJl('e to be in \\'orse euse than ev('r





w w w. h a i l andf m



of fAe !Yitfi";/,.y_


\\'''' wcre Ik.'fore, Iluppy are lN~y, l;:lith Script lire, I,"", .iL"
tAat N/Nfi""e 14 tj~ e"d. lJe JiJil/if"I. !'uith Coo, ::.:"~' u
,."/il "~allt, ud I rilt !lire I"~ a cror. of life. .1,_,0.
.\gain he l'.'lith in lIllother place: 1fe tnot p.tletA LcaU h ....
hi4 Ao"d t('do tAe plollglt, tlntl l()()ketlt back, 14 not
'/feet for file l.-illgl{OIll fll GOII. Thcrclorc let us bc
strong, ,Ieat/fluf, and ,mmouob/e, aboulIdi"g olf/"0Y' ,CO,.aY ".
i. IAe tCOrJ.., of tAe l..ord. Let us recei\c Chri;:t,
not for n time, but for evcr i Ict us bclit\"c his
word, not for a timc, but for c\'cr; let us IlC(."Omc
his servants, not for n tim', hut for C\"eri in con
~idcrntioll that hc Il:Ith no<k...'mcd and ~:ln.d us,
not for a time, l!IIt lilr l'\'l'ri alld will rl'e....i\"c u..
into his IlC11\"(,llly kinf.!<lolll, th('N 10 l'\-i~1l with
him, not for n limt', Lut for cn'r. ']'0 him there
lore with the FlltIJ\'r and the )-{'lh' GhfH Le all
honour, praise, and glor)' for e\'t:,:r :IIid t:,:\"cr. AIlU:n,


w w w. h a i l andf m





l'A~IOX Of' QUI: ~AnOlm Jj,;::,US CUI:I:;T.

R ...... 'l.

i'hIl.ll :

IT should !lot become 11", well hclo'C(1 in Christ,

locillg' that pcopl<, wllich be rcllL'ellll.'d Ih,m tll(:
Ilcvil, from sill :md tlenth, and from cnrl:lsting
t!alllll:ltioll by Chri"t, to Allflcr this time to lUll'S
t'orth without. aur meditation nnd remcmlmlll':C of
tlUll cxC<'lIcllt work of our redemption, wroll).;"ht as
"oou1. thi" tiow, thorough the great merty :md
charity of our S:l\'iour J ....,.,u Christ, for us wretched
",inllers :lIld his mortal ('lIcmies. :For, if a morbi
m:m's deed done to tile J,choof of tIle commollwC:lhh
be had in ~lllclllbrnllce of us, with thanks for the
benefit and }lrofit which wc receive thcrcb)', how
mllch more r"'311i1r should we h:l\'c ill memory this
cx(.... 1I~1l1 acl :md benefit ofChrkes d('3th i whcrch,f
he hath pureha..-.e<l for us the undoubto..'<1 pnrdoll
and forgi\'eness of our sillS; whereb.r he Illnde at
one the Father of ht.':I.\('1I with us, in !'1I<.'h \\i~e
that he takelh us uow fnr his 10\'ing childr(!n, and
for the tnle idui/or' ri/A CAri,t, his llatur,,1 SOil,
of the kil1~"lolll of hroven I
And \'erily so much more <loth Christ'a; killdn~
appt.<3r uuto "", in thnt it Jllc:lscd him to deliver
him"clf of all hid ,f..()dly honour, which 110 was
o.'(!'mllr in with his J'nthcr ill heaven, lmd 10 como
down into this \'l1le of misery, to be made mortal
mau, all\1 to I>t.: ill lhe I'hltc of n most low St'1'\'un1,


w w w. h a i l andf m



of 'Ii~



!:'f'T\"ing liS for our wealth nnd Ilrofit, Ull, I Sily,

whicll \\"cre his sworn enemics, which had relloullc:ed
his holr Inll' and commnndmclIts, and fullowcd the
lusts a'nd sinfill plc:lsurcs of our corrupt. nature;
and )ct, I !'..'1.r, did Christ put himself bctW(.'C1l
God's dCS('T\'CII wrnth and our sin, :lIld rent that
ooligQliQlt wherein wc wero in dllll~"Cr to God, Hlld CoL I'., ..
paid our dcbt. Dill' deht 11'118 a g-rellt dCHI too
g-rellt for liS to ha\'c paid j IUld without payment.
God the Falher could never 00 at onc with us:
ncither ml$ it 1)()!'~ilJlc to be loose<! from this debt.
hy our Oll'll abilit.\'. It plca~cd therefoTC him to
be the 11:1"1"1;01' illercol~ 1111(1 to di~<:11:1rb"C liS quite.
\rho call 1I0W consider i he .!.:'ric\'olls (h.-M of sin
\\hi(h could nOlle oilwrwi"e be !laid but. by ihe
llcllth 01' :111 innocent, :md will not. Ilatc sin in Ili,;
heart? If God hatcth "in so Illllch, that he would
allow neithcr mlln nor aUI,,"CL 101' the redemption
thetl'Of~ hut. onl,r tile dealll of his only and II'cll.
hclv\'cd Son, who \\"ill not stand in tCar thercof?
If we, mv friends, consider thi,;, that for OUl' sius
thi;;; Illost' inlloeent 1..'11111, wns dri\'en to dC:lth, W{
;;hall h:n-o mueh more cause to Lcwail ourse!\'cs,
Il1at wc W{lTC the cause 01' his deaih, than to ery
uut of the malice and cruelly of thc Jews, \\"hich
Pllrslle<! him to Ilis d{'ath.
Wc did thc deed"
wllCr<:'fore he was thus 8tl'ickcll :lIld \\"olllldeu : ther
were only tll{l millistcrs of OUl' wickednt.-:;s,
It is ;ncet then we should step low down int"
our hcarts, and b<:wail our own wrdchl'dncss :llltl
...infnl !i\'ing, Let. us know for a eN'tuinly, that,
if the most, dearh- belon:d Son of God W:lS thll';
pUlli",I'{ld :llId ~t1""i,'hll 101' the ~in wllieh he had
not done hjlll~ell~ holl' mueh more OUg-IIL wc SOl'"
10 be striek,'n f"r 0111' <lnily and m:ll1ilold :,ins which
wc COlHmit :lgaill,.t God, if \\"c e:ll'ncstly repent liS
1I0t, allll 1,0 1I0t sorr.l" for them, No man (:;111 love
Sill, whieh Ood hatct!l l"0 much, Hlld he in hi,;
No lll:ln e:11I sny that he lo\'cih Christ
truly, :Uld 11:1\'<: his ~rl'nl elll:mr (sin, 1 m<'tl1l, Ilw
author or Ilil:' dl:ath) f:lIl1iliar and ill fril'lId ...llip with


w w w. h a i l andf m




0/ file P<lU;IJII

much do we IOl'e God :lIId CIJJi~t, :1.'; \\e
hate !>in, We ought thereforo to lake gn.:;IL lu.'t,.'(!
that we IJe not fa'ourora the,,-'Or, Ie>-t we IJe round
cm'lllil"S to God and tr:aitors to Chri~t. For not
(1111.\ they which lIaik'<1 CIlrist UI)()1l the cross arc
hi.. lormcntors and crucifl..::rs, hut :111 thc\', SfIith
!l,b. ..-L6.
S1. 1>;1111, cnlc!/} ago;" the n q{ (,'od, as 1;1Il(;!L a.i
is in them, which do commit \'icc auJ l>in, which
hl'uu;.rht Ilim to his death,
] r lite 1CO!Jf!' 01'.;11 be (Ieath, nnd deal1l c\'crlnsting,
f'ur..::!\' it is no small dnll!;'Cr to 00 ill sen'il'i! tllcrt.'Ol'.
1l ..... rlil'J. Ilw:e lire oJler tlie jfe.!I and nrter llle 'llIrul Ill.. l:l
Ihl'n'Ol~ St. Paul thrc:llcneth, yeti. Almig-hty God
in t. Paul threat.cndh, that re 'hall I;urdy (lie.
11_ nil, "c can none otherwise Ih'c to God hut hy 11,\ ing
11 ... nil '0, lo :,ill_ if CAri,t k ;11 n, ,IIc" i, ,ill (ICad iN 1(8:
""iI, if'"c Spirit '!f (,'(1{/. te ill ." ".Aid Tai,/ CArid
ft'lh" d~al" '0 liJ~. 80 dull 'lie lame Spirit T<I;" 1(.'
If) '!le Te8ltrrecfiult of curlu,I;"!l Iile. But, ir sin
rul(' and ~ig-ll in us, thclL is God, whieh is thc
luillllaiu or:lll grncc aud \'irtue, (Iep."lrkod from us;
then Imth tI,C Jevil :md his Ull::"'Taeious spirit rul\!
and dominion in us. l\nd sun.h', ir in Mwh ll1i~~_
r:ll;lc slatc \l'C die, wc 811:111 not risc to lil~, but
1:111 dowll to de:lth and damnation, :mu that. withuut cud.
For Chri!>t hath not so redeemed us from sin,
, , .. , 'e
t11at we Ill<l)" s:&I}' return thereto :1g':lill; but. he
~,_l ..
". ....... 1 ,
lmth fl,.'(IC<'moo U~J that wc shoulJ rors:.kc t!lll
- .'-"011
motions thereof, :lIld live to rigMeouslle:-s. 1"t:l,
\\c be tllererorc W:l.;.!Lt.'<1 in our 1':ll'ti"m from tllu
lilthilll<sS or sin, thut Wll should li\e anefll:lrJ in
the purcne".s of life. In b."lpti"m wc promi';L'<11o
fl..'nOUIICC thc dc,>]1 and his 8u:..rge:,tiolli', Wll Jlfl..I ~,L .~.
mi:'t.,d to be. a, OOtl/;e"t dt""'relt, nhnl)"1ii rollo\\ iug)bl. u_
G, ....' .. \\ ill nnd p1,-'asurc. 'lllCll, if he 00 our Falho:r
inl!(,'l'(l, lI:t us g1\c him duc hOllour. Ir wc l;c his
e:,i1\It\.'ll, let liS !>hclI" him ollr o!.>l.'(li(lIce, lik..:: as
CI,ri,.t hlM'llly dl'Clar<:d his olx.odiclIt.'i! to Ilis Yatlu..' r,
1'1.:1. u, ~
\\ Ilil:h, a~ St, l':lul writdh, wai; ubedielll e'llli tu 1111:
l'u!I,/t,tlA, thu IlealA 0/' thIJ CT()I6.


w w w. h a i l andf m

.for Good Fridil!J.

<I 11

Am] llli;; he did lor us oil that helieve in him,

For him.\oclf he was 1101, punished; for he was purl!
311d Illldcfiled ofulI manner of sin. ire fCa81COUllded, ba. ilil ',!_
saith Esay, for our 1Oidedneu, antI 8triped/or our
8ill8: lIe sullcrcd the penalty of them himse1f~ to
deliver us from d{l~fl.:r. He bare, snitll Es.'ly, alt
our 8Qre8 antl illj'rlllille8 UPQU hi8 Q/CI back: no pain
did he refuse to sllfrer in his own hod>" tll3t he
migllt deliver us from Il:lin everlasting. Hi~ plen_
!<tIrC it was thus to do for us: wc dc;;ei\'cd it not.
\\'herefore, thc morl! we sce ourselves bound unto
him, the Illore he ought to be th:lnkcd of us; ye:l,
and the more hopc mny wc take, that wu shall
receive all other good things of' his hand, in t1ll1t
\\c ha\'e received llle gill. of his only Son through
his Iiberalit.y. J.'or, if God, !mith St. Pmll, hath. nol 11",.,. "Ill,_"
8pared hi8 01C1 Soil from pain :lnd punishment, bill
detivered him for 1/8 att unto the de:lth, how 8!t01/M
he not give 118 att other thing8 with. him ,1 If wc want
:lily thing either for body or soul, we may lawfully
and holdly IIpprollCh to God liS to our merciful
Father, to ask that wc desire, :md we shall obtain
it. For sueh power is given to us, 10 be the cMlt/rCll J ....'" I "
of God, 80 tJt(JJ/!J a8 belicve ill Chriltt'8 1/l1me. In his
name wlmtSOC\'er wc nsk, we shall ha\'e it granted ~'n"... 1 '"
l~or so well pleased is the Fat.her, Almighty ~;~'" ."1 ',;God, with Christ his Son, that for his sake he
fil\'ourcth us, and will deny I1S nothing. So pleallallt was this sacrifice and ohbtion of his Son's
death, which he so oucdiently and innocently
sulli.:rl..'\I, that he would take it for the only and
full amends for all the sins of the world. And
sllch li1\'Ollr did he Jlurchase br his de:lth of his
111:a\'cnlr l'ather for Ull, tlmt lor the merit thercol~
(if wc be true Christians indeed, :md not in word
only,) wc Le no" fully ill Ood's grace again, and
cle~'lrl>' discharg~d from our sill.
No tongue surel>' is able to eXllre~s,the wortlli.
IlCSS of this so pl't.'<:ious a death, For ill this
st:'llldcth the continual pardon of our dail,r OflCIlC('S,
in this l~tcth our justification, ill this \\e be


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Senlloll of the PalllJion

nllowed, ill this is purchnscd the c\'crlastin~ health

of all our souls; yell, Ihere i6 IWIle olher lhi,,!! (h~t
Ctlit be tfQlIIcd um!er hea~'en to IQt'C ollr IlO/tlll, but. thiS
only work of Christ's precious offering of his body
IIpon the altar of the cross. Cerles there can be
!Ill work of uny mortal mnn, be he ne\'cr 50 holy,
tlwt shall be coupled in merits with Christ's most
holy net. For no doubt all our thoughts and
deeds werc of" 110 valuc, if they \\Iere not nllowed
in tIle merits of Christ's death. All our I'ightcous
l1ess is lilr IIllperfect, if it. be compared with Christ's
rig-htcousl1ess. ];'or in his ncts nnd deeds there was
110 8pOt. of sin or of lll1y ullperfcctllcss; (I\nd for
this cnuse the)' were the more able to be the true
.... ur ~<ed. be amends of our unrig-btcousncss;)
where our nets
:::l~n~nl"" ::lId deeds be full of illl)ler/ection and infirmities,
allJ therefore nothin~ worthy of themselves lo stir
God to any fa\'ollr, much less to ehallellS'C the
glory thnt. is due to Christ's nct nud llll'rit: fOl'
I', on, ,_
Not to till, saith Da\"id, 1/ot 1o t/8, bllt (0 tit!! Nume
!lire the 9/or'y, O.Lord.
Let us therefore, good friends, with all reverence
glorilY his Name; let us m:,gniIY and )Jrnisc him
lor ever. ]o'or he Imth dealt with us nccording to
his great mere]'; by himself hath he purchased OUI'
redemption. He thoug-ht it not enough to spare
himself lllld to send hi;; nng-cl to do III is deed; but
ll.~ l.j,
he would do it hims('lf, that he mi~ht do it the
better, and make it. the 1ll0l'e Jlerfect. redemption.
He was nothing mo\'ed wilh the intolernble 1l:1illS
that he suffered in the whole course of his long
passioll, to repent. him thus to do good to llis
euemies; but he opencd his heart 101' us, and be..towed llimself wholly for lhu ransomillg of us.
Let liS therclore now open ollr hearts ngain to him,
:lnd study ill our livcs to be thankful to such a
Lord, alld e\-ermorc to be mindful of &0 great 11
Yen, let us take up our etOss with Christ, and
follow him_ His J1assioll is 1101. only the ransom
nod whole amends 101' our Sill, bUI it is also a mOst
A .. h'."


w w w. h a i l andf m

(Qr Cood Fridu!I.


!>erfL'CL eX::Imple of all pat i~lIcc alld ~1I(fl'rnl1C\!. For,

if it /;chon:d Cllri~t thl/S tQ sNjra, amt to eJder il/tu ,1<1. "I I
theg{ur!J of his father, how shoulJ it IIOt. become :~:~ .. " J
us to hellr patiently our small eros--<;cs of ll(l\cr..ity
:md the trouhles of this world? For 8Ul'ell', :l"
,;aith St. l'etcl', Ch rift tlterefore fl!/fered, fo !e(lt'e /1.<

, 1'<1. I' "

uamj,{c tofullQW hif ftepf. And, il1l'c S/flfer ,Till,!! I:

u;it4 Itillt, tee shalt 6;: 811re al/lo to reiglt 11"itlt hil/& ill
he:wen. Not that the SI!lrt:raI/Ce 0/' this traIUiito'./fIIOll' viii ".
I!/e s/llmM 6e 1()()rthy 0/' that glor!! to cOllie; buL

~lndl'y should we

be content to suffer, to be like

Christ in our life, tlmt so by our works we may)lall Y.
gluri/JI our };,[hcr whiCh if in heaten. Aud, as iL '''''I:.'~
i.. paiufi:1 and grievous to bear the cros.. of Christ.
in the gl'iets ill1d di"plclI,;UfCS of' this liJ(, so it
hl'in:,.'t:th forth the jO)'ful fruit of hope in all tbem /lob .11, ".
tllat be excrci8cd therewith. I~et. us not so llluch :b,,1 t.',
Uchold lhe paill, as the l'OWlll'J that. shall follu\\'
that lauour.
Nay, l\!t us rather endeavour oUl'sclves in Out
sllllcl'lUloo to endure innocently and guiltless, as
our Saviour Christ did. For, if wc sullel' for our
dcscrvingiij then hilth not. patience Iti.r per/eet 1COr/.. J, ' d I. ~
in us: but, if uudeservingl!! re slIlfer loss of goods ,I'd 11., .... "
:llltl life, if we Sillier to be c\'il spokcn of, fOr thc
lu\'c of Christ, thi.r jf thanlful q/ore God,. for so
(lid Christ suffer. lIe net'er did fin, 1ICither 1CIJ.81'1.. p."ie'
,. ?/to/till.
1"ea, ICflel&
, fie
any g//I"/e j'OUlitI 'tit n/f
'IeUS reeile(t with "-IUlltf, he recilc(l not ug(lill; fen':I'
ne '/Caf wroll.1(ullg dealt with, he threatellCl! Mt agaill,
lIor rc\'cll b"Ctl hi,,; <jllllrrcl j flllt delircml hi8 CUUfC tu

hiil/. tAat jllllgdlt. rigidly. Perlcct patience carcth l'd 1

not what.. or how lIl11eh it sullcrelh, nor 01' whom pale' ...
it slllli:reth, wllethcl' of friend or foe; but. st.l/diet h
to slIfler inlloCt.'lltly and without. deservillg'. 'Lea,
he in whom perf('Ct charity i,,; cal'cth so little to
revcnge, that he l'Ilther studieth to do grJlJd. fur )1, \\ , "
evil, fA) ble,81 aI/It flly '/Cell 0/' tlte", that curse hilll, tu
pray for thelit thllt pUrl/le hilJl lIc(:ording to till!
exam plc of our S:lviour Christ, who is the most
n m,,'
pattern '
01 all mCl'kncs.z; ::111d ~flll'"


w w w. h a i l andf m

" ....



'f Ihe }'o8,io1f,

Which, 11:'1n.!:in~ upon his CI'OSiI in
lIIo"l fer\"ellt angui"JI. bk'<lding in c\'cl")' part of

Ilis blessed hody, being set ill the midd~ of his

clll:mil"S :mtl crucilicn, and, llotwilhstalldm~ the
inl'II..,r.lIAe I':tins which they gaW him ill, bcill;:;' of
them mod.eO ami a'Onll'l! dl,:;;pitcfulh' without all
f.n"our and eompas..ion, Ilad yet towa~l~ them o;u<"1,
t:OIllIJ:l&ioll in II1:art, that he pr-lye<! tt) hi" Father
~ ..LL,. of h('3n'll for them, and l>lud, 0 Jilf/UT, .(.ITf/jre
fnl'J1I,fuf IAr,! "./llt! H"t rAllt 'ArS (10. \rh:lt 1l111iclll.'C
was it fll"o whid, he Ilhcwcd when OIlC of his own
.\I>ostte:; m1(1 l'Crnlllts, which was put in lruJjl of
him, came to hetr-IY him unto his cllcmics to the
)!altul,l" death! lie B:lid llotlLill~ worse to him uut, f'ritlld,
ICnert(ore art t!toa C01Nt!!
'n;u/;, ~00l1 l}loop1c, sllQuld wc call to mind 1he
g'l"Cat cxampll!~ of charily which Cllri"t "hc\\'I.'(1 ill
his Jla~siol1J if \\'0 will fruitfully rClllellll,ll'r 11111
Such charity and I()\"c shoul\1 wc k':u'
"lie to another, if \\'c will be the truc SCI'\'anl,; of
Christ. lv" il?Ct! lort! ~Iit lItt!m u:lticR lore and ~:J.y
well by 114, frhut great {hit/g i8 it {hut?Ce (/Q! li:lith
CIUbt: Jo lI.ot the paynims and O)Jt!1I .it/lleu I()!
,re IllU;;t Le more pcrft.'<:t in our charily thall thul!,
ere" (18 Ollr };"htr ill luoet1J U perfecl; dicit 1JUlJ:d4
the light ,!!'li, .u to rile llpo. IAe $(>0<1 anti 'At
1",.4,o>l.ll8rtflltlh Ai. rdilt IIptJlf. IAt! Idlll! UN" /It/lind.
\!ler this Ill:UIIICf ~h"ul\1 wc ",h..\\, 0111' t'!.arih'
ill\lill\,tClltl:', as wcll It. OIlC as to auotln'f, n..;; wdl
'hL.L 'f. t" lricud as foe. liJ.t! vjt',{ie"t cIIiMI'f:>I., alh'r tile
ex.ullp1c of our good Father in hc:wclI. For, if
1'k4.IU, Chri~t was oI~/ietlt to his Father t!rt!tI. 10 IAe dedlA,
utili that thc 1Il0"t "Imlllcful (as the J ..,ws
t..,.tt.~Illt.>d it., IAe 11t:J,11a '!/ tAe Cf'OU, whr should !lot
wc be olx..Jil!llt to God ill lower points of charity
:ll1d paticncc?
Let us\o thell our IIcil:hhourg tll('lr small
'I'" ,. J"
f.'1uhs, 1/8 Ollli fQr Chrill', ",l..e IwlIJ .I;u:!iu/I I'"
1:0.1........11. our ~r(';.t.
It il' tlot ll1 ..'et tlmt WC should cr-II'C
~:Li, :~~l, f"rl:i\'t.'llc~s of our ~l'l'at ol1i.ollccs nt God's halld~,
aUlI rct will not furgi\'c th\l sm:lll trespasses of oU!'


w w w. h a i l andf m

1J('iO'hhOUN< n~ai1t~l; Ill!. ,re do e:l.ll f,Jf m('r('\' in

vain, if" wc will not sl](:1\" !nl're)" 10 our l1C'igIJi)l)ur".
For, if 11'1' will not pUI wrath ami di~pl(':l.~urc lorlh
of oUl'lH::l.rts to OUI' Chri!:>ti:LTl !'mtller, no more will
God lor/.{iw' the displeasurc :llld \lTat h that (llIr
!'ins lHl\'c d"Hll\\''l.l afore him, For ullder thi~
condition doth God I;,rg-i\'c liS, if wc IOI'!!i\'" olher, )!.n .1.
]t bccomcth not Chri~tinll m\'1\ IQ b~' Iwnl one I.,';.
to :Inothcl', 1101' yl't to think tlleir Ilci<:hl.lOur UIIworthy to be /o~i\cn. For, hO\\'soc\','I' ullworthy
he is, yet is Chri~t \\'orth)' to ha\'C' thee do thus
much 101' his 8ake: he halh dcs('r\'e<l it of thee,
th:lt thou sholllde,;t forg-i\'c thy ueig-hbour, And
God is also to be obe)"Cl.I, which comm:l1ld l1!' to
for~i\'e, if wc will Im\'e nll'y part of the Ilnrdon
which Qur Saviour Chl'ist purchns(,'{j once of" God
thc F:lthcr by shCtldingo of' his prC(iou8 hlood
~"thillg becometh Cllrist's.scrvllnt!l so much as
mere,r and COlllllUSi=ioll.
Let us thell bc f1H"our:l l lle OIlC to nlll)thcr: and Janoco, ".
pra!!1Ce onejQr al/olhr, thllt we fila!! be hellled from
all I"rnilties of our life, thc less to ofli:nd onc the
olh('r: rmd that wc mar hc '!folie miJltl al/doneM'!!,i >;:
8pirit, agreeing together 'in brotherly lo\'c and COIl- ;1: :.' 1:: h "
cord, cven lil.'e the dear chilrlren qJ' God. By these
means sh:lll lI'e mo\'e God to be merciful 10 our
;,lins. Yen, 11l1d wc shall bu hereb)' the more rclldy
10 reccive our S:l\'ionr :md :Maker in his blessed
S:ler:lInent to our e\'erlasting CQmfOl,t :lnd he:1ltlt
of S(llll. Christ dcliJrhteth to enter ami to dll'ell
ill that sOlll II'here 10\'e and chal'it\, rllletli, and
where pca(.'C :lnd oonool,(\ is seen, Fo~ thus \\ ritet h
St, John: C{)(/;8 chari~!f; he that al,iddh ill chllri~'I' Jotm I.,~,
ol,iddh in God, a/ul C()(l ill him, Aud ~'I thi~, Sllith
he, ICC doll l,lOIO thllt '/Cc te <!l God, !/lrl1lol'e our ,J~h" II',,~,
Yell, :lI1d b!flhi" 8hllll,re I./Iom that '/Cc I ,I;; 11. 11.
te dfl7cdfrom death to life, i/ ree lorc olle aI/other.
Blit he t,.hhh hateth. hi" trolher, saith the same
.:\postlc, atilleth in death., C\'cn in the dal1,!..>'Cr or
\'\'cr!a".tilll; c1eath; and is morcover the chillI of
llnlllllatioll :11Id of the de\'il, Cllr~ed of Go<l, and


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Sermon

0/ the ]JaJJiQn

h~tt('d (so IOllg as he so TC'mnin) of God find of 011

his hc:m:on1r COIll P:III/". ]~orJ ns peace :lIId c1l11rity
Illake us the h1Cli"C< cllildren of Almi;:!htr God,

so <loth halred and cm')' mnkc us the cursed

children of the devil.
God g-i\'c us nJl g-r:ICC to follow Chri~l/s cxnmplc
in peace 1111<1 in dlal-Il}", in pnlicncc Ilnd Slln~rancc;
thal wc now may ImHllJim OIlT g'ucsl to cnter :llld
tlll'dl witllin U", so ns wc may be in full sure!.",
kl\'illg !'uch n plc<lb'C of (lllr sah'ntiOll. If wc h:l\'o
him :lIJd his liL\'our, wc 1ll:1)' he sure that wc ha\'c
the filVOllT of God by his menns. For 110 eiltcth
11 "". ,\,I.ll. 011 the right. hand or'his Flit her, llS our proclol' ami
lltlorllcy, pleading ami suing lor us ill all Ollr Ilccd.~
:\1111 Ilc("('s~ilics. Wherefore, if wc WIHlf. :111)' gilt
or Wl<lly wisdom, we mn.~ ask it or God for ChrisL'~
f:ll,<.l, and we shall ha\'c Il.
Let us eon~idcr flnd cxmnine ourselr, in whnt
want wo be concerning this virtue of ch:u'ity flud
IlflticnlJe. If we sec lhnt Ollr hCHrt~ be nothing
iuclinoo thereunto in forgiving' them that hn\'e
oflcmlcd ngainst liS, tllCn let us knoll'ledf:,"C our
waut, and wish of God to hrwe it. But, if we
want it nnd sce in ourseU' no desire thereunto,
vcrily we be in n dangerous ('asc afore God, and
hn\'o need to make much earncst pra~'cr to God,
tllat wc mn)' hnvc such nn hcart ch:mg<'d, to the
gr:lllin~ in ofa new. For, unless wc lor;:i\'e other,
we shall never he forgiven of God. No, !lot all
tIle prnyers and mcrits of othcr can pncify God
unto liS, ulllCAA \\'e he at p('llee und at onc w:lh Ollr
IIcighhour: lIor all our dt.'<.'d,; and good \\'ol'ks call
mo\'e Gml to for.!:'ive liS our deht,; to him, cxcept
11", .u,
we lorg'i\'c 10 other, He l'ettcth morc by merey
,\I", I.6-~, than 11)' ;;:lcriliec. Meny moved our Sa\'iourChrist
.I1.n. iL 'l.
to ""uller lor his encmies: it Occomclh liS thcn to
f(lllo,,' Ilis example. For it shall little n\,:,il liS to
have in meditation the fruits and price 01' his
Jl:l~~ion, to magni(y th(,Ill, and to dcli~ht or tru",L
to 111l.'1ll, exC<!pt. we ha,'c ill mind his cX:lInl'h'_~
ill l)~ion, to lollow them. II' \\'c thus tlu.'l'oJiJn.:


w w w. h a i l andf m

fUl (;. "I FriJ,,~.


oousiller Chri~t'li d.'ath, ami \I ill blick thereto \\ ith

fast faith for the merit and J('SCf\'ing thereof,
and will also frnme oUJ'S('lr in sm'h wi..e to besto\\
hursclvcs and all thnt wc h:wc Ly charit.r to tlU'
bchoof of our neighbour, lIS Chritit. spent himself
whollr for ollr profit, then do wc truly remember
Chri:;t's death; llnd, being thus followers of Christ';;
st<,ps, we shall be 8ure to follow 11im thither wheru
he sit.tcth 1I0W with the Fatllcr tlnd the Holy Ghost.
'1'0 \\'holl1 IJt) allllonour aud glory. Amel.l.


w w w. h a i l andf m



Till-: LlEATH A..:"'D PAS')IQ:\ OF

om SA \'IOt"R


TU\T we may the bcUrr eonecivc the ~t mrf('.v

an,1 f;ooonc;;s of our S:lViour Christ in Fulli:rill~
,h-:lth unh-cn;:l.lIy for nil IIIcn, it heho\-cth 11.0; to
dC-.C!,Ill) into the bottom or our Ct'lllsciclICt', and
dee),I.,- to consider the first and prillcipnl eau...,:
\\ IJ(....fore he was eompelled so to do.
Wllen Ollr g .....':lt_grnndfhther Ad:lm had broken
..._.J..;-'~ God'l'i commandment in eating the :lpple forbidden
him ill Ilnrndi:e at tile motion nnd SU::r:.......8iioll of
I,i,; wile, he purcha"c<! therehy, /tot 0111~- to himsl'lf,
hilt al,;O to 11is po,;krit,r lor c\'cr, the jllst wrath
:\1ld indignation of God j who, acconliu;; tu hi..:
lormcr l-Cntcllce pronounci.'<1 at the gi"ill~ of till'
commandmcnt, conUcmllt.,<) both him :md all his to
cn>rla,;ting death, both or hody and soul. :f'or it
Goa.Il ''-'7. w:\s B3id unto him: TAoII dalt tilt/rul! q{ eur!
Irtt i. IAe garlle1l: tilt 11. tOlldilfg 'lie free 1/
It"ge ofgood ll'fll ill, tlw. dolt i,..o w:i.e eat '!fit;
f,r ;11 "'//(1t Ao., MJeru tllo. e.tled tAefflJf IAo/l. dolt
die tile t1e<JI!I. Xow, 38 the ]4Onl had spokell, so it
eame to Jla~s_ Adam took upon him to (':It thereof,
1111d in so doing Ill' di(.J the dl-ath; that. is to Slly,
he bt.'C:lmc mortal, he lo~t the liwour of God, hi'
was ea~t out or Paradi"i', Ill' \\':1" Il() IOllb"tr a titi~_cll
of hea\... n, but a firdmlllJ or hell and a boml.. I:l\'"



w w w. h a i l andf m

In tll' dc\'il. '1'0 this dolh our S:wiour II('M lI'ijll('~"

ill tlu:! 00,.pc1, cnllin~ us {(Mt 8he~p} whil'h 11fI \'C !!lI/II} I.u~v ,.
(1~lf<I!I aud Want!l:fl'tl from Ihe true Shl'Jilu:rd (t/ollr , P.I.II.,~
'I",,~. '1'0 this nl..o cloth Sf. P:11I1 be:lr \\illlC!'..<l,
1":1~'ill~, t1mt l.f tlu olft!lIce of olfl./ ~1d,'1Jl tleafA ~Ime "<lID. "
If!,"" all Nle" 1o etJlIde.llo/iOIl.. So thal nl'lw IIcithl.'f ".
he nor :lIly of his h:1.l1 311)' ri~ht or inll.'re:-t at nil
in the kingdom of hC3\'Cn, hut \H:rc oc'COme I'I:lin
rellrobatcs and caslawllyS, being perpetually d:ullm.'tl

to the cnrlasting pains of Ilcll lire.

In this so great misery and wrctchcdllC'SS, if

nmnl,int! could have reCQvered him!<df llg'flin, lIlId

olJtnincd forgivcnC5s at God's Imnd"" then had hiq
been somewhat tolcrahlc; becttuse he mi,~ht
1I:&\'c attempted some war how to dc\i,'cr 11illl~lr
from et(,nl:,1 death, llut there ,m~ 110 way Idt
unto him; he could do Ilothill~ t11:lt mi;.:-ht Jllt'3..~
(;od's w1'3t1l; he was ullogeth('f wlfpr':/iluUe in
that behalf; tAtre fC(U "Qlfe that (tilt !lflfH1, '10, "fit,.. lW'd
one, And how then could he work Ilis own &,I\'a. 11 .... I . "
lion? Should he go lloout to !lacily God's Ill~lIV.\'
displeasufC by oflcril1~ up brollt ~:lcfilk~'S, ncconl- 1I~~ h ".
illg as it. "':IS ordained in tlm old Law? by oncrin~
up t.he blood of oxen, t.he blood of c:,l\'e;!, the blGOtI
,)f go..'1ts, t he blood of lambs, and so lorth? 0 Ull.'Se
thillb"S were of no force nor strellgth to take aW:'J
,.ins; tbey could not Pllt nW3)' the :lllb"'Cr of God;
they could not cool the hC:lt of his wr3th, nor ret
bring mankind into fhvOllf :I&"llin: they were but
only figures and 811a(low8 of things to come, IUlU
nothing else. Head tllC E)listle to the I1cbroJ\\'I<, IIrl... '-'.
thero shall )'OU find thili matter larb""Clr di.-<:u:;sed: ".
there shall l'on le:lrn in most pl:till words, that the
blood}' S3enficc of the olll Law was unlX'rfcct, :llld
not able to deliver man from the state of damnation
b\' all'" meaus; SO that. m:mkind ill tlW:ting thero1I;lto ~honld tn!:it to a brokcn stail~ and in the end
decei,"c him-.clf. What should he then do? Should
he 1:0 about to ob",cf"e and keep the law of Coo
liivided into two iahlc,"" :lIlU so purdmsc to him..c!f
etcruallifoJ? lndccd, it" Ad:lm and hili postcril,Y had



w w w. h a i l andf m


r... ~ ,_

1'" Cll. l.

L,. ~ ,I. '0.

I""lt. ""l_


e.... ,1



The Secol/(l Sermolt

if lhe Pauirll/_

heen ahle to !':ltioJy :lIld fulfil the law p('rr~,etl,\' in

IIJ\-illg" God :Ii)OVC :111 thillW' :lllll 1l1,ir ncighbour
as t llem:><:1 VCI', t hCll should the.l' ha vc ClI ~ iIf qnene!l<:r!
1he J.JClrd's wrath, and egcal)('{\ the tcrrilAc sent<:l)el'
01' eternal death pronounccd ll):..>'t1inst them by llw
mouth of Almigllt.l GOI!. For it is written, JJ"
fhi~, alUi "'Olt 8ha/t lh'e; that is 10 say, Fllllil m,\'
(~)mm:lIldment;;, k('('p th)"~l'lf lIprig-ht lmd pt'rl'o.:et
ill them :u...eording- to my will; tl.('11 ~ll:llt tlwu li\'"
:mu not dic. lICl'C is cternal lit'o.: promii:'o.:d witll
this condition, so that the)" kecp allll ohserve tll'"
law_ nut such 11'118 tllC frailt" of Illilllkil1d aftcl'
I1 is r.'!ll, !-ueh lI'a$ his weaklll"'S ;lIld im1)ccilit y, that
he coul,1 Hot WHlk llprig-Iltly in God's eommandmcnts, though he would never so !:lin; hilt <1:1il.\'
and hourly 1'0.:11 from his bOUlldcll duty,ollcndin!.:'
the J.1Ord Ilis God di\'ers ways to the grl'Ht increa~I'
ot' his condemnation, insomuch that tllc IJrophd
J1avid crietll out 011 1Ilis wisc: Aa hare gOlle tlJtTfl,lh
uft are 6ecome 11i1pr/1ilaMe; there ill 110llC that doelh
.'lIl{){I, 1/0, 1/ot Ol/e. In this casc what profit ooull!
he ha\-c by the bw? NOlle at all. For, as St.
Jamcs s:lith, he Ihat dolt 06serce the 11'hole law, aJUI
.'Icljilileln. in one poil/t, 18 6ecome !/IH'/(IJ 0/' alto And
ill t1w hook of D~ut{'rol1omy it is writtcn: Cllr8efl
be he, fmitl1 God, fChicn. afJiddh 1IQt il~ (lit thiil.'l1J Ihal,
fire written iJ~ the fJook 0/ Ihe 1111(1,10 do them, llehold
the law IJrinf,"cth a eurgc with it., :11Id m:lketh us
;.:'uilty, Hot bce:llISC it is of itself naught 01' unllo]r,
(God !iJrhid wc l:ihoul,l so tbink,) bllt 1JC{':Iuse tIll'
I~;[ilt.y of our sinful llcsh is such that wc can new..r
fulfil it ac(wdinf:' to thc perfi.'Ctioll that the LOl'il
I'c<plirclh. Could l\dalll thcn, think rOil, 11O))e or
tru:;t to hc S<l\'ed by the I:III'? No, he could l1ot:
but, the more he looked 011 thc lall", thc more he
saw Ilis OWIl damnation sct belore Ilis cre~, as it
were in 11. mo~t c1c;Ir gla_~s_ So that 110\\: or him~clf hc W:'IS most \\Tckllcd :lnd miserablc, d,'slilutc
(If :'Ill hope, and Ilc\'cr lllJle to pacil:I' Go\I's II(';[Y,I'
di~pl~':L~ur,', Ilor yet to c~c:lpe 1he terrible judg-mcllt
of GOlI, \\her"iuto he and :111 his po"kril)' \\-cro.:


w w w. h a i l andf m


s. J4,1


r:I lite




[:kn 11.\" Ili_HIIl:ying the strni~ commandment 01

the J.."rd their God.
But 0 Ihe alllllld:ml richCfl of God's ~n':\t m\'n'~ ! 11 'I
o the 1lIl'"1)(':}bl.le ;"0"()0(!1ll'!'S 01' hia Iletl\'Cll1r wi",_
dolO! Whell all hope of ri~ht(,{)u"llC>'S \\":I.s I,
liB our jlllrl; whell wo 11:ld IlUI]lill~ ill oun<d\,,~
II"htrt.'h.r wc mi;.;-ht (plCllch hi>! l111rnill,!.:' wrat It, :llld
work lhe l<:llvntiOll or our own l;OU],;, ami l' ouL
or th\'rllblo esbte wherein wc la.rj then, ('V'II
thCIl, did Christ the Son of God, 11)" tbe appoillt.
ment 01" his }'lIthcr, come dO\\'1l from heavcn, tll Ill,'
wounded for our So'lkCfl. to !.le r~jJlfl~" rillt Me f'"il'!", d, I I,
to be condl'mncd unto death, to takc upon him tilt'
r\:waro of our sins. and to b';\"l' his IJO(ly to lit"
hroken on the eros~ (or our ofli'II('t"<. JI~, ~:Iith l.. Id. .
the Prophet }:'.o:Jy, Ille:mill~ Chri",t, hiJlh "',rN~ ,mr
jlljirllliliet, aNti Aal" ClfTri~/t (mr "'TT"""; Ihe CIt,II.,
ti~>Jlnt of ollr flt!tlce trO, "l/fill jihl, (J.II({ t! IIi"
'Iripe, art ye l1tofle trAI,le. St. Paullikewi...e ~aith
God Matle AilN a lacrijir:ej"ur ollr ,ill" 1I:'h;C!J I."ell' ut,f , Jl.
xiu, Ihot tee ,!/(mU ~e tJlofle lite r;ah!t'fJfI8/leU of C/JII
And S1. Pcter most :lgTl'{':Ibly writilJ~ ill
t1lis 1x:hnlf saith: Cllri!ft ItOl!l ONce dinl Qllfllfl'.l(eretl , !.... lIl ,".
/01' 01/1' 8;118, lite jl/81 .for tlte 11/1./u81, &c.
'1'0 Ihc~e
migllt be added an infinite number of other Illllecl;l
to the Stlllle em..'Ct; but these rllW shall be sufljeicnt
Jor this time.
Now thclI, llJI it was l;.'1id at the lK'!..';uning, l(of
us )loudl'r and weigh tho cause of his dl.'llth, lh:lt
thereb)' we m:l,\- IJC the more nll)\"cd to gloril)' Ilim
ill our \\ll(Il l life. Which if YOll will bft\-e corn
Jlrelj{~nd('(1 bridl) ill one word, 'it WM nothing el"l'
UIl our part hut olll~- the tr~II1"'f.,'1"t"S.. ioll and .. in of
mankind_ "'hen the :m;""t'1 C:lllle tll wan) JUN'j h
that he ghould Ilut rt.'llr to take :\Iary to his \\il"l',
did he not tlll'rel"urc will till' Child'.s Ilame to ht,
called JU~A, ltet'l1U~ he should AfIre hi8 JleoJlle IN",.
I"e;r8;n8? '''hell John theJ\:lpti",t puached Chri~t,
and t>hc\\"l'll him unto the 11t.'<lple with hi" 1;111-0....,1".
llid he 1I0t plllinl.\" i':JY lllltO lhelll, ]Jdlllltl (ne },o"d; I,~",J .~,
0/ God, 1Cltirlt lu/.-t:tlt o/{'u!I Ih 8il/l 0/' (ne' jrllrld.l


w w w. h a i l andf m



$ec<nlfl &r11lon of tlie Pa~~i('III"

"lien the woman of C:mallie l>CSOlIfFht Chri..t to

help her daughter, which W:15 ~~(l-;,e<1 with a
)1.:t. u n, de\-il, did he not openly l:onfcss that he was 'tltl
tlJ 8ace tl~ 16ft "'up 0/ tl~ AQaue of /"ael b)' gi\"ln~
his life for their I!ins? It was sin then, 0 m:tn,
cnm thy sin, thnt C3uscd Chri,.t, the only SOli of
(;ocl, to be crucified in the nl,.'Sh, :md to suffer the
1ll0~t \;Ie nnd slanderous death of the eross" If
thou hnddest kept lhpelf ullri~ht, if thou hnddcst
ob8Cn"ed the oomm:llulmenls, if thou hnddcst not
Il.... w.
IJresume<1 to tr:m~gn.~ the will of God ill thy first
:~~'"9;L6ol' I:lther Ad:lIll, then Christ, b~in9. inform of God,
J ~'" ol.J'. ne<xll.'() not to I/{Ire tu/,e", lIjXJ'" nmJ ln~ Ihapt 0/" "
:j:JJ;;'~I;O. Icrcant; Leing immortnl in hen\'cn, he llcc<!(..d not
:~L.:.' J"'," to become mortal
cnrth; being the (rll~ brcad
of llu:~ soul, he needed not to hunger; bclllg the
hcalth!"ul waler of tiJe, he necde<1 not to thirst;
bcin!;' tiJe it,.ell~ hc 1Ie.led not to havc sufl~I"('(1
de:lth" But to thC1<ll lInd many otlu:r such cstremitic:> was he drin'lI by lhy sin, which was
mallifold :md b"1"l:3t, that God could be only pleased
in him nnd no otlj(~r"
C:mst thou think of illis, 0 sinful mnn, and not
tremble within thysdr? Caust thou hear it (Iuiclly,
without remorse of 1,.'(JlIscicnce and sorrow of heart?
Did Chri"t suffer bis Jl3&-ioll for thce, :lIld wilt
thou shell' 110 compassion towan15 him? While
Christ W::IS Jcl h:lIlgmg on the cross and yieldill:.;'
)t.>U_ ..... tip the ghost, the SeriptutC witncs.."C!th that (It~
-ail of (Ir~ te11lpl~ did n"t i,.. lrail" tl:at tile tartll
did (jlUlI-e, that tA~ ,tolfe' clar~ a,,,,.der, that tA,
9r<JUI did f1P~1f, a"d tlr~ dtad bodi", ri,~; and t;hall
the hC3rt of Illan be nothing mo\'ed to rememUcr
hol\' gric\"otlslr and cruellr he was h:mdlt.'(1 of the
JC\\"s for our !!ins? shalt mnn shew him.:self to he
more hardheartl.'(1 than stones? to ha\"e l~'l c:om.
pas,.ion than dC:ld ],odit.-s? Call to mind, 0 ~illrul
ereat lite, llud set Ixfore thine c}"es, Christ crucified;
tllink tholl sc.. .s t IJili lllX])" stretched ont in Iln:.:-tll
11"1>011 the cross, Ilili head crowned with sharplhorn,
IllS hand;; llIul his f....c t pierced with nails, Ilis Ile;lJ1.




w w w. h a i l andf m


&~"d fYr.o#

0/ th

I)pened ,,;tll A long Error, his


",hip"'. his brows





rent and torn

w:Jter :md hIQOf!;

think thou heare---t him now cryin;:r iUlln intoleraJ,I.'


to his Fllthcr, and s:Jyillg', .1/J Cod,,,,! G"d, ~toll

tclt" Aa~t (hll" .(i,rl<ll~1I 1/U:.' Could....t thou bell.,h!
this worn! "il-:'l1t or hellr tlds mournful voice witll-

... 11

nut t{'Jlrs; coll"iderin:;- tlm! he lSufl~'rl'(l all (hi.':, lIot

for any dCi'('rt of hill own, but. oul." for the Wi{,,-

ousnC8S of thy sins? 0 that. mankind should IlIlt.

the ncrlasting Son of God to !'Uell pains! 0 thut
wc should be the ()('(':t&ioll of hill de:lth, :lIld the
only cause on. is condCllllllltion! )r:Jf we llotjllStl.\

er)", ',"oc worth the time that e\'cr wc lIiunoo?

o my Ij~thrt:nJ Id this illla~ crucified
be I'rin1l.-,<1 in our heurl$; let it stir us Ill'
10 the hlllr..-d of "in, 1I1ld pro\'oke ollr minds 10 tilt"
earnest love of Almight.\ God.

For wh.\', i" Ilfll

hi~ si:;ht, seeiugfor the tr:lll~gl"eN;in;::, of God's PI'\."'l'('pt in c:ltin;.:one apple he condemned all the world to p<'rpellwl
dc:lth, :Illd would not be pacified but only with the
blood of his own Son? 'l'nlC, yea, most true is that
l'aying or Da\id: Thou, 0 Lord, IIII/ut all them (h,d I'.. ",~,
l"Qrl' iniqui(y; 1/cit/u:r ,hall (he u:icl((/ allfl ~dl ""1,1
IlIrell v:;i/h. (h~e. Ur the mouth of his Propll1.:t
Esay hc cricth mainly out nguinst sinners, :mtl
SlIilh: Woe be Unfo ;you fhat tlralD illl'quif!l fCifh I.. , ".
Clm" 0/ ranify. ami ,i1l- a, it teere 1&i('" curt TOjie"
Did Ilot God {ti\e :l. IlI:lin token how gn'fltlr he
1I:1t('(l and abhorl'\.'(l "in, when hc drown..-d :Ill the c_"
worlt! &a\'C onl,\' (ig-ht Il('rrons? \\ hl'1l IIc destroh'(l
Sodom :md GOlllorro u"ith fire and hrimstonc? "IIl:n (l . . . h .. '
in three d:l\'''' ~pa(-e he killed with pe"tilellec thl'loc. 'MO' ..10
score and l~'n tholl$alld for Da\it!',. ollcllcc? wlltll ',to .!.
he drowned 1'1I3rn" :mu;l1I his hOllt ill the
Sc:I? 1::'('Id ,h .when he IUrllLt! X;llluchodonozor the killg into the 1_.1_,."
form of a hrule Ill'II~I, Cf'('('I,in~ upon :Ill ~ur? wln:n
he s\lll~red .\ehitopllc1 ;lilt! Judus to hmJ<l' th~m- p
l'eh'cs ul)(lll tile rcmur~e 01" sin, which \\,:,;,.0 ter- :~: : "
rible to I h~ir c,n'~'~ .\ thou~alld ~ucll exampl..'~ 1In~ , .. 11 ,.
to he found ill S('rijlturc, if 11 man would stal1d t ..

sin, think )OU, a ::riC\"OU" thing in




w w w. h a i l andf m


'l'he .~CtJ"" &'111011

rf the PauiuJl,

!:1."t'k them out. But. what. nero. we? 'rhi~ one

~xnlllple which wc 11:1."c now in h:l1ld is of mon..'
lim.-. e, and ou~ht more to mo\'c Ui;, than nil the
rt.'''t. Chri,t, being the Son of God :IIl.U lx:rfL'tt
God hinI*lf, who Ilc,'er committed .. in, was com
IIl-lk>d to come down from hl.'an:n, and to f.,';\'e hi,.
I.,oth' to be hnli.,...'<1 llll.d broken on the er",... lilr
oursins, Wa" not thi", D Jl.lanife4 token of God'g
ureal wr:Jth aud di"pl"'a"ure tow:uJ.s ..ill, tlmt Ill'
could be 1l.'leilil'<1 L~' no otllcr lllf":lIlS but on'~' br
the sweet flnd precIOus blood or hi;; diYolr SUlI? 0
foill, lOin, that ('\'cr thou shouldL",t drive Chri,.l tu
HI,h extrc!lli!,,! \\oc worth the time that l'\'l~l'
thou cnme,.t il~to the world, nut what bootcth it
110\\' to bewail? Sill i", ('(lme, ami so COIllC t1lat it
emlllot be ll\'oidl"<l. '1'hcro is 110 man livillg', no,
l',,,,,,t..... 1101. thc jll~test mall 011 the earth, but. hujidlelh
Uf'm ti,Jlc~ (I (/".'1> Illj SlllOlllon ~aith,
And our
Sa\'iour Chri"l, alt hOllg-h he b:tth delivered 118 l'rom
sill, )'ct not l!O tlmt wc Elmll be 1'rt."C from commil11 __ ",l . ling' lOin, hut SO that it I>h:.1I not be imputed to Otll'
1l""" .-l,'J, condemnation.
llc hath t:lken upon him thejffl'
reK'urd 0/1;/1, which was death, and by halll
O\'CrthMWIl dl'aih, that wc bdic\'ing in him mig-ht
li,-e fur e\'er and not die, Ought Dot tbi,; to en:"'1.'nJer extrenll' h3tred of l'iin in tiE, to con",ider
that it did, it,llntl.", as it were, pluck God Ollt of
hea\'en, lIntl mflkc him ft.'t'l the horrors :1IId p:lillii
of dt:ath? 0 that wc woulll sometime.s con"idcr this
in the midst of our pomps and pIL'fl..'l1rei1: it would
hridle the outr:Ig'l'OU"'IIt.'>;<S of th~ l1~h; it would
:lL.'ltc and fls... tm:.,"l' our l-:l.mal afft."l:U:; it would in our f1('~I.I} apl'etitL'S, that we ,.hould not run
lit r:lOdom, a.. IICl ('ommonh- do. '1'0 commit sin
wilfully nll\l (!.,!, \\-ithout l'...:lr of God, is
uothil1~ l'l-<' Imt to erud':" <':hri"t allew, 3.': we are
n.1t ".6. l'xpre"I,\- l:.ll~ht in t!le l':pi~t1(! to the IkbrewiI,
\rhilh thill~ if it were dl'l'pl)' printcd in ull men's
!lL'Hrt", thl'lI l>hould IIOt ~ill I'ci~n e"err WIICI'C so
I11Ilt'h a.. it doth, to the gorL:!! gl'lcf llnd tOl'lUCllt of
Chl'i,t no\\ ~itlillg in ho.::I"l'I1,


w w w. h a i l andf m

The Secoml SeT1lIOI~

of the l'uui')1/,


Ld, us therefore remember and lllwa}'s bear ill

mind ellrist ~rucified, th:lt. thereby II'C Illay I,l'
inwardly 11l0n~d hoth to abhor sin throu~hly, :lIId
al><o with all carne..t and zealous 110nrt to 100'e God,
FM this is :lllolher fruit whieh the memorial of
Chri..t'", death ollg-M, to work in us, all carllC'st and
nnfl,i~tlt'd lo\'e towaros God, & God lored the J"",n Itl ,~
Korld, saitll SI. John, that he !If/I'C hi, olll!! bet/fj((dl
$Im, thllt tr!unocn:r belicr;ett ill him ,hmlld 110t }J~'rj8h,
f,/lt hare lile etw{{/,tin!l, ]f Gml decllll'C'd so grcllt
lo\'c towards liS Ilis S('c1,\' creahll'l.'s, holl' Clln \\'0 of
ri~ht but [O\'C him again? Was not thi" a surI'
I'led!:'C of his 100'c, 10 g-i\'c liS his own SOil from
hcavcn? lie mig-hlllllnl A"ivl'n us all nn~1 if he
wOlLld, or l>flmc other ('1'call11'c, IllIlI yct g!l(/uld hi.~
I,,\'c ha\'c 1)CI'n 1:11' n\IQ\'C our d"~crls, 1'ow hc
:.!:\\,e Uil, not an angel, but hi;. SOil, And what,
::ion? His only SOil, his nnlllT:II SOil, his well.
hclo\'cU Son, even that SOli whom he had made
Lord and llulcr OVOI' all thing'S, '\'as not this a
singnlar tokell of great lo\'o't But to ",ham did
he givc him? Ho g-a\'c him to thc wholc world,
1h:ll i" to 5<'1\', to Adam and nil that should come
after Ilim, '0 Lortl, what had Adam or all.I' other
mall dc~ervcd at God's hands, that hc should ginl
us his own SOil? "re were nil miscrablc pcrsom,
,.inlhl persons, damnable pcrsons,ju:;t!y dri\'cn out
or p:uadi!'C, juslly cxcluckoJ from Ileavcn, jllStl,\'
\",lIllemne<l to hcll fire: and yet (see a wonderful
l"kl'n or God's lo\'c) he g:wo us his only he~"Olten
Sou, \IS, I 1'n,\', tlmt wetc his extreme and deadl,\'
"llcmies; that wc, by \'jrtllC of his l;lood :;llCd lllJ()ll
thc cross, mi~ht btl clean purged from 011\' sin,.:,
:ltld made riJ.;'hteous :l1..:':1in in his sight, \rho CUll
choo~e but l1larvd, to henr that God should shew
,.!lc,ll I1nsllCabhlc 10\'0 (ow:lrds 11S, that \\'crc hi..,
chadk Clwmil'",? lndecd, 0 mortal mall, tholl
llll::htcst of rig-ht to mar",-.'I :It it, and to nckllow.
Il,d)..'"C tller"in God'" gre:1t b"O(,<lIIC>'S :111d more)"
ll)w:1rds lll:lllki11l1 ; which is so wonucrfl1l, lllat, 110
ll{'$h, bl:' il nc\'cr so ,,'orldly wi~c, may wcll ~olleci\e


w w w. h a i l andf m




1~I~U, '1..


SecOlld Sail/fill

0/ llie Pr/18ilill.

it 01' exprCNI it. )o'or, us Se Paul le"tifid.. h, Gor!

greatly commeJ/(feth and 8e1teth out hiJJ lor~ toward!>
118, ill tlial he JJellt hilt &n ChriJJt tf) die for tU, 1rheJI
tee Trtre !let 8i1lJICT8 and open enemies of Ilis 'Name.
If we had in alll' manner of wi!'e de:en"ed it at
his hands, th('lI I;ad it been 110 111:11'\'<'1 at all; hut
theN mls no dl'~t'rt Oil our part, whcl'Crore he shonld
do it, 'fherdi,rl', tholl sin/ill creature, when thou
hearest thai GI..:I g':l\"e his SOli to die ror tlle 8iu~
of the \\'ol'1<1, t.hink 1101. he ditl it. for allY d(,~cI,t
or :roodn('",~ tktt was in thee, 101' thou \\'ast tllen
the ool\{h;l:l\"eol' the dC\'il; but filll d(lll'll 111'011 th.\'
knees, amI CI',\' with the Prophet DaYi<l, 0 Lord,
'/Chat iJJ ilia/I, thut tholt art '0 Mi'liyid ql him? or
the 'Qll ol "'(Ill, thut Ifilm JJi} re!llll'ltat Itim? And,
Feeill:r he hath so greatly lon'd thcl', etHlea\'OIlI'
th.rscH' 10 10\'c him :lWlill tritlt. (lit th!l hellrt, ,eitlt.
alt th!l 'oul, atld ,ritlt. ott tlt.r it'rell!l'lt, that therein
tholl m:l)'est :lplw:ll' 1101. to be utlworthy of his
lo\'e. ) l'l'porl me to ihy Oll'll conscicnce, whether
thollwouldc"t notthiuk thy lo\'c ill !Je;;to\\'ed upon
him that could not litlll in his hcal't to lo\'c thee
ngaill? If t!li~ he truc, as it is most true, then
think how gl't.'atl.r it lwlongcth to thy duty to lo\"c
God, which hath so greatly lo\'c<l thec, that hc
hat h not "parcd his 011"11 ollly SOil from 60 crucl :lIId
shnmefnl a dl':lth for UI)' sake.
Anti hil!lcrto eOllccruing thc enusc or Chl'is!'s
dcath and 11l1.";8ion, which as it wns on our part
most horrible and grie\"ous sill, so 011 tllC othcl'
l>ide it WH" the free gift of God, proceeding of his
mere nllll tender 10"c toward" m:lllkilHl, without
an}' merit or tlesrt of our p:ll't. 'rllc Lord 101' his
mcrcics' ~'1kc gl~lIIt that wc nevcl' forget this grcat
bcncfit of our sal\"lItion in Chri,,:t Jesu, but tlmt
\\'c nlways "hew OIll'SCh-CS thankful for it, abhorring 1\11 kind of \\'ickedllt'S8 nml "ill, and llJlJlI.riuJ::'
our miud,; wholly to the scr\'i(:(! of God :llid the
dili):.'\'nt k(.'(.'pillg' of his commandmcnts,
Xo\\' rc~tclh to .<,hclI" unto .rOil ho\\' to appl,r
Christ's dc:nh and l'[l~::.ioll to our comfort, as a


w w w. h a i l andf m

The Second Ser"tOlt ql'the l'u88ioll.


medicille to our WOlllld,,;, so th:lt it may work the

8:Ulle efli.:ct in us whcl'dore it WflS given, lHllllely,
the he:J\th :Illd s.'ll\'ation of our souls. Yor, as it
profiteth a man nothinl; to have salve, uIlle5s it be
\\'ell applied to the part nOt.'Clcd, so the dentli uf
Christ ",hall stand liS in no force, unless we apply
it to OIln.c!\CS in such sort flS God hath appointed,
.\Imig-hl,r God commonly workelh by llle:llIS, and
in this thing he hath also ordained a certain mcan
whereby wc may t:lke fruit and profit to our sOllls'
health. What Illeau is that? Forsooth it is f:dth;
not an Ulloonstant. or wavering f:Lith, out a sure,
ste:ldfilst, :;fOundC(I, :ll\d unleig'lwd fiLith, COlt 8e/lt Jul'" W, ,(i"
!ti8 &.lIt into the 1C0rld, saith :::it. Jo111l. '1'0 what
cnd? Thut uhtM(;et"er teliererJ in hillt 8hot/M not
}Jeri8h, tilt !tu/'e tile e/'erltutiflf/' Mark these words,
J'hat ICho~/fIe"er {;elietell ill hi"I, Ilcro is tIle mcall
wlwreLy II'C IllU"t apply the fruits of CIll'ist's <It'atli
unto cur deadly wOLlnd; here is the lIlean WIWl'cLy
\I'C mu"t o!'taill eternal life; namely, li!ith.
For, n",n, _.10as St. PaLLI teachcth in his l:pislle to the Romans,
with the heurt mall tt!liereth Ill/to ri!lhteoll8l1ealf, a/llt
with the 1I/Olltlt COI//;;88io}~ i8 1I/ade 1111tO !Juh'atiOlt.
l>aul, being- demall~led or the keeper of ,thc prison
IChat he 8Houl(1 do to be 8uull, made tIllS :lllS\\'el':
lJeliere in the .Lord JC8I1a; 80 ahult thOtt (lIId thille \<1,ul.Jo.
hOIr e te toth 8ated. Aftcr the J~\'angclist had de- .."
l'il'rilJcd anJ sd forth unto us at lar!:.'\! the life and
the dcath of the Lord Jesus, in the eml he eOIleludetll ""ith these words: 1'hc8e thillf/8 (Ire writtell, ~"'1Il".'.
thut tee I/laj teliereJe8118 Chriat to te tlte SOI~ qfGud,
ailll thrtlllf/hj'Uit!t. O{;(dj,t den/llt liJ"':. '1'0 oondudc
with the 1I'0rds of' SI. Paul, which arc thesc: 18 the eud of tlte lall) I/Ido 8uh'utiM jor erer,! 1I010.~. 4'
ONe tltut d/Jta be/iete. llr this tllcn )'011 Illar wdl
!x'l'c:d\'c that the onlr mcan :\Ild IILstrumcllL of
83lnltion l"equiro.>d of our parts is /;Iitll, Illal is to
~:l.\, a :,urc trnst and eOlllillo.:nco.: in the mcrcic~ of
God, \I hcrch,r we PCI""U:lllc oUL'~d\'cs, Ihat God
loolh hath and \\ill jorgi\'c our :,ins, tlJ:lt Iw hath'llto..J us lIg".tin into his f:I\Olll'. that he bath


w w w. h a i l andf m


'. r,.U.6'

~l,':,,:;.l'" J,9,

John m.16.

J.n... 1 n,l

Tlte Seeo,ul Sermon

if the Plf$ti(m.

r,'ll.':li<CU liS from tIle bondll of dalll11:ltion, :'11\(1 rcl"(:ivcd IlS :'Ignin into the number of' his elect people,
not for our merits or dcs('rts, but only and solt:ly
lor the merits of Chritil's denth :lIld pns;;ion, who
lJCc.'lme m[1Il for OUl' s:lkc~, mul humbled llimself to
l;u"tnill tile l"epronch (,I' the crQ~~, that wc thcreby
mig-ht he s:wed, and milde inheritoflo; of the kingdum of h('[I\en. Tllill f:lith ill re{l!lil'cd [It our hands;
and this if wc kt'<'p steadl:lstl.\' in our he:ll'ts, there
is no doubt but we shall obtain !'al\'ution at GOd'll
11:lIId", as did Abrahalll, Isaae, and Jal'Ob, of' whom
the Seriptlll'e sail", that thclJ beliefed, allIl it feaf
ill/JIUIet! /Into thcm f(jr Ti!Jltleou~ne", '''as it imputed
\luto th('m? and llllall it not be imputed unto lIS'~
Yes, i/'/f'e hare the same/aillt 11' thcy had, it 8/wlt
(,e :lll truly impulcd !lIdo 1/8 for rightoolltilles,,:, liS it
wns unto them, For it is onc l:lith that mllst ;;11\'('
hOlh us i1nd them, even IJ, sure and stcadfa"t lilith
in Christ Jesu; who, as ye hu\'e hcnrd, came into
t Ilc world 101' this cnd, tlllIt who8oet'er be/icrc(l ilt
him ~hOllttl1lOt ]JcriIJR, tilt h'lre tile c/'crlaati,'g.
Hut here \\e must hike hred thnt wc do not halt
with God through all llllCOllstallt and wavering
faith, but that it be stroll!; and slemHil>:t to Ollr
li\'cs' end. lie Ihat 1C(Jl'erelh, s,'1ith SI. Jame!', i, tile

() teatc '?llhc aea; ncilher let Ihat Ilia I! Ihillk that he

IIhalt oUaill all!llhill!! at GIAl'8 hallds. Petor coming
10 Chri~t

upon the water, l/{,.'Cause he Jililltccl in

faith, WllS in ulln;;."Cr of' drowniug'. So wc, if we
hegin to W:l\'cr or doubt, it is to be fCllreJ lest we
"hall sink liS l\:ter did, not iuto tIle \\ater, hut into
the bottomless pit of hell fil'C, TherefOre 1 sa,\'
llnlo you, that wc must apprehcnd the merits of
Christ's death nlld passion by faith; lmd 1hat with
11 strong IInd steadf:tst faith, nothing' douhtin~ hut
Il~b ,., ....,. Uut Christ, b)' his one oblation llnd once oflcl'ing
of him"",lr upon the cross, hnth taken away Ollr
p;ins, and hnth rtstored us ag:lin into God's f:wour,
"0 fully aud IlCrfectlr tlmt 110 othel' saeriliee lor Sill
8hall herenfter be requisite or needful in aU the
lrau. UY

, ....Jl


w w w. h a i l andf m

Tl.e &"<>1"{


'if ,,,,.



'Thus lI:w(' \'C hronl in fl'\\' word.,; the lIl<v.m

whcrchy wc Illllst np))):r the fruits and Im-rit.. of
Chri~es dt':lth unto us, so th:lt. it ma\' work the

l<:lh'atiOIl of (iur ,;ou);" Iltlllwh', tl sure, St(':ltlf:l~l,

perfl'Ct, mICI ~rol1ndro [;lllh. "'liT, lIS 1111 thc)' \\'11;('11

beheld ste:ul!;l",d,' the llr:l-.{'Il


WC!\! he:lll'l:l "'.. ".b ut.

l llell'
' '.:J,I,,,IU.
. '1.


I a l1
1 It t I lerco J rom
l l l\'Cfl'(,
I le ,"cr.I' "'I~
corporal di,..c:\.~c .. :lIld hodily "tin:.,"', evell so all


which behold Chri:;l CI"ll(';licd with n trllc rllld lin']v

bith shall Illldollhl<.uk 1)(' d,linred from t1;('
:::-r;0:\,01l5 wound;;; oHlle ;;~IIlI, lJC tlll.'.I net'cr so dC[ldl~'
or mall." in lIumll('T. '!'h"rdor<', dearlr beJol'e<I, If
wc chance atnn)" time, thron~h fr.lilty of the lIC"h,
to filII into "ill, as it C3l1not 1.Ie eho...en but wc OIu"t
Ih.WiC f:11I ofh-n; and if wc fl"d the !Iron" bUf'(!.'lI
theI1'Or to pn....; our .illll~, !(,rnwl\ting Its ~with the
f l "3r of dl'ath, lwll, :md wllllnalioll; Id us thell ugc
that lIIl':lll which God Imth :lJllll)inh.>d in his word,
to wit, the ll\C':m of r:..ith, which is the only instnllllCllt of ~'lh':lfi()1I IlOW Id\. unto us, Let u.,; Jx.hold Chri<:t cnldficd with thp enlS of
our he:trt".
1I~ olll~- trust to be smcd b.r hiil
dC3fh and p:I""ion, and to hll\'c our sillS clean
wa,,:hed :l\\":t~' through Ilis most precious blood;
that in the elld of the world, whcn he "hall CQIll(>
again to judge bolh the ljuink :md the dead, he
may rccci\'e liS into his heavenly kill~l()m, :lnd
p1:lcc us in the number of his elect. and cho~ctl
JlCOpl{', t!lcre 10 be partakcri' of that immortal :lmI
('\-erlasting life which he h:lth pun:h:tSt.'<i unto u~
b\" \-ir!lIc of his blood\" wOUlllk '1'0 him therefore
\\,th the F:lt!l("r :lnd ihe 1I0h- Ghost be all honour
and glory" world without cnd: Amen_



w w w. h a i l andf m



Ol!' DUH SA\'lQt;R JESl:S CHIU ...-r.

FOil EAS'l'Jm DAY.

grc:ltllc~S or cxccl!lnt.1
or :ULy matter, "'l'iritu:l1 or h:mpol~IJ, 11:1111 "tint"
up your minds to give dili~"Cllt enr, good Chri~tiall
llCOjllc, l\Ild II'cllbdO\'cd in our Lord :md Sa\jollr
Jesu Christ, I doubt not but. that J shallllll\'c yOll
now fit this prcscnt. season most diligent and rend,l'
h"arx:!"S of the matter which I have at this time to
0i'cn unto )'ou. For I come to declnrc tllat great
;1Ilt! most comfortable article of 0111' Christian reli
;.,.-illll tllld f:lith, the resurrection of our Lord Jesus.
So great sUl"Cly is the malter of' this article, and
0)1' so great weight and import:lncc, that it mu,
thought wortll)' to keep our said Sfwiour still 011
,';II'll! forty dnys, Idler he was risen from death to
life, to the confirmation :Illd stablishmcnt thcI'C<lf
in the hearts of his disl.:iples, So that, as Luke
dearly testificth ill the first chaptel' of the Acts
of the Apostles, he was conVCI"l;:lnt with his dis
,iJllC::i by the sJlace of forty days continually to:.,:'.:tIHlr, to the intcnt hc would in his Jlersoll, hein:.r
11'1\\' glorified, teach mul instruct them, which
~hollld be the tCncllCrs of other, fulh- and ill
I1lIl~t nbsolule ami !K'rf;':ct wise the truth of thi,.
most Christian nrticle, which is the ground nml
I'llllldalion of our wllOJc reli::iol1, hefore he would
:l.><(;cud up to his )o'athl.'r into thl' hea\'Clls, therc to
l'd:ci\'e the glory of his most; flUlllph:lllt CQllljllCSt
and victory,

.h (,'Cr at. allr time the

,,,,.1. J


w w w. h a i l andf m

If; I
As".lu,(tll~', I;() hiti'hI)" C'Omfort:lhJe is this urtid~'
to our C'OII'-Cit'nces, th:1t it is en~n the ycry lock
:md key of ull our Chri~ti:m rcli:;-ion und f;,ith,
ff it ,ure "ot Ir,,~, ~1ith the holy l\postle I'alll" ('or
IAat Cllri81 N~e again, tllen ollr jJr~c!tillg 1r~re ill 'l."

rain, yOllr fait! Aie! !le Aare rc;u{l '/tae tltt

roid, ye ,ure !let in the dllllf..rcr of !unr ,inl, 1f
Cltritt 6e flOt rilCll again, !;:Iith the j\I>ostle, Il/ell
ore t!lr!! ill vcrr c"il C:l!;C, and IIUerh IJcria!led, /hill
be enfcre{l t!lrir alup in Chill; Ihen are 'ICe tIll:
nunl 11tj,er(J~{e of all 11t~n, 1CAidt Aa"e Ollr !tope }t'oted
ill CArilt, if he be yet under the power of death,
and as )'et not rc:.torcd to his Lli~s a~in. J1al
i" Ae riMIS again/m". {!Cdl", saith the Aposth..
Paul, ro ~ lAc jra!frllit" 0/ t"r,. t""f ~ almp, to
the intcnt to mise them to cVl'rl:"'ting 1i1~ ~lill,
Yea, ifit were 1I0t true that Chri"t is ri:>C1l nf,"3in,
then wcre it lleit1u:~r true that he is a~ndL-d up to
hea\'en; nor that he sent dowlI from hea\'en unto
us the Holy Ohlht; lIor that he sittcth 011 the
right hand of his hrovenl.r l'ather, having the rule
of heaven find rorth, reiglling (as tIle Prophet
l;.1ith) /ru/n lea 10 lea; lIor that he should after I', I..ll ...
this world be the judb"C as wcll of the li"ing- :I,;
of the dead, to g-i,'e reward to the ~"OOd and judgmcnt to the cvil.
'l'lmt these links therefore of our faith should nll
hang to<...r cther in stcadf.'lSt establishment and confirmation, it pleased our S:wiour not straightway
to withdraw himself from the bodily !lfL"'Sellec and
sight of his disciples; hilt he chose out forty days
whcn:in he would declare unto thcm by manilold
alld m~t strong arguments and tokcn;;:, that !It'
had conqu<."fL'<1 dl':lth, and that he was al,,;o trul~'
risen a~'":l.ill to life, He lxgan, saith Luke, ot JlIJAt'If I.........
alld olt tAe Pro/,litl6, alld eJ'J1Oud~d ."nw IlIelJl tAe .,"
I,rvphe<'iu tAdt rere tcriUeM ill oll fAe rYJtNre' if
him, to tht: intent to confirm the truth 01' hi~ re
Z>urrectioll, lung before spoken of; whieh he v(lrified
indL'eJ, a,. it is declared n'ry npparcntlr :lllll m:llliI'c,;tl.I",I>." lli,; oft npp<."aralll,:C to Blllldl'Y pcr,;olls :tt



w w w. h a i l andf m


The SerliuJII vf the J,'u/lrrecllrl/l,

mm. sundry limi.'S. Fir:<l, hc !'('nt hi~ rlllgcls to the

~~7;. ::-,~~ sepulchre, wllieh did shew unto certain womcn the
t'mpty gn.l\"(', saving- tlmt the buriallillcll remained
therein; and by thCliC signs wcre these women
filII)' ill~trllet{'d that hc wa.s ri.!'en again, :llld so
did they te,<ti(r it openly. After this J0.:1IS himJ':'ux.
sell' appe:lrt'd 10 M:lr.r ::\fngdalcllc, :llId after til:l!
'.-,~: )I,U.
" 0
O ll ' a ,0,erll':lrcl
",;11 Q. 10: to 0 lcr l'Cn:Hn women; an
n. S' he 1l1'1>C:lrcd to P.:ter, thell to thc two diseillles
,, \-....
\\'hieh werc goin~ to Emulnus, lIe nppcarcd to
JQlm XI. '9. the disciples also, as the!l1Cere gathered t"ftclher,.!;}r
fellr f!lthe JClr:t, the (11)()rl I/I/It. At 311otl'cr tinlo'
John nl
lie was SCCll at the ~ea or 'l'iberias o/' Peter :lllll
'l'homas ami o/' other di...eiplcs, when the,l' \1'/",'C......... 6. fi.shing',
lie was .!'C('1l 01' more than fi\'c hUII<1n',l
brcth:clI in ille mount or Galilee, wlll're Jl'''ll~
appointed them to be b.r his :lIlf,"CI, wlll.m hc ~aid,
)Iarlc ..l" lkho!d, he ,hlllt go bifore //on 11/10 Culilee; there
)1,u .nU.
;. IQ.
,halt !le ,ee hilll, a8 he hlllh. 'lIi(1 ,mto !lOll. Ant'"
I "~r. u.,'
thi.s hc :lppearcd unto J:lllles; :llId la,,;t of all Ill.'
.\<1.I.~.". Wail visibly .!'cen of nil thc Aposlles at such timt
liS hc WIlS f:Jken up into hell\'Cll,
'I'hus at sundr.I'
times hc "hcwed himSi'lf ancr hc WIlS risen a;::ain,
to Cflnfirm Illld st:lbli,;J, this Ilrticlc. And ill th('~<l
l... l<enl~ !'Cvclatiolls somctimc he shcwcd thcm hi,,; hands,
j''''',: J~b" his lcet, and Ilis side, :md badc them toud, Ilim,
~x. " .
tllnt they should not takc Ilim lor a ghost or a
spirit; somctimc I,c :IIso did e:lt with thcm; but
c\"(~r hc was talking with them of thc c\'crlasting
killf.,'"tlom of God, to assure \l,e truth or hi;,; rcsurrC('tioll. For the/l he ope/letl their twderl!unulil/g,
l.uke H;"
Ihlll th~'I1Nighl pereeire Ihe &:rI/,{IITe8, mul,ai,ltm(o
thfm, Thu, it i, 1CTillel/, multhll8 it tl:hol"tll Cltri8l to
II/~!rer> am/to rilt!frolit death the third 1/(1//, (md/hal
Ihae Iho/lld be preached ope'''!I ill hi~ l{(fllle pel/al/ce
all'/ remilliOIJ '!l,illl to all the ,/{Ilio/M ,!/lhe /f(lTU.
re 1'('(', goll<.l Chri!'tiau propl!', how llcee:>sar.y
thi,,; a,tide of our raith is, M'('in!-\, it \\'11<: pro\'cd
of Christ him~clr br such c\'id~'lIt r~aons find
tokcn",> by 60 long lUllC and ~]la(;~', ::KOII' tI'cr....fore, :15 our S:l\iour \las dili:;'''ClLt fQr onr comfort



w w w. h a i l andf m

Tl.c &rw)/l

it/ fl..:



and illSfrudioll to dcclnrc it, so let us be as rcad.r

in our belief to receive it to 0111' oomf(,rt and in_
struction. Ai< ill' died not for hilll';c]/~ no morc
did he rise n;":;lill f(ll'l,imsclf. He 1Ca~ dead, s:litlJ u..., I. 'i.
St. 1):1111,'/;'1' (JilT lIiM, ami rOle u!Jahtjor our jll8fi.
JicatiOll. 0 1ll0~t comfortable word, evermore to
],e borne ill rCll1embr:lIl("C! lIe dil,I, Sllith he, to
put away sin; he :11'0"0 :l!.:'ain to ('ut!lIW U!' with
l'igllh:o\l";llcss. I Lis <Icntll took :lImy sin :Illd m:llcdiction; his dcalh was the rallS()1ll of them botlt;
llis dl.'ath <!('",troycd death, and OVCr<;;lmc the deril, nob 11. ,~.
rhi{'/i. RUflllte pf);"cr f!/ death in his suhjc<:tioll; hi;;
death de;;:lr')\'(.'l,1 hell with all the tlnmnatiOll thereof.
'nUl; ;8 dea/It 8lra{{otred IIjJ by Chriat'I victury; thus ' ' /1" u_ H.
is Iwll !<poilc\! lilr e\'er,
11' :lily llIan doubt of this victor)', let; Christ'g
glorious rc8111'rcctioll de(lar..: him the tiling. If
death ('Quid no" kt'Cp C11I'i",t undllr his dominion
ali(I power, but tllat he lll'VSe llllin, it is manifest
that Ilig power WIlS o\el'('Ome. If death be conqueml, thell must it lollow that sin, wherefore
(Icalll. WllS :Ippointed as fhe rcagel, must be nlso llom. Ti"3
(!t:"troyed. J I' death :md sin be \'ani",hed awny,
then is the devil's tyranny \'an(lui~hed, lhicn had
Ihe pOlCer qj',leafh, :liId \\"lIS the :\\ltllOl' and brewer
of sill, and the ruler of hell. If Clll'i:;t hnd the
victory or them all by the power of lli", death, ;111l!
op('1l1y pl'O\"Cl.1 it. by his mo~t \'ict0l'ious llnd \'aliant
rC"llrrcclion, as it was uot possih!e for his grllat
mi~I'1 to be ",uhdlled of them; :md then this h'I1\',
thllt Cllri"t fliedfor our lilll, amI rOle again fur our
jlllfijicalioll i why Illay not we, I hat be I,is members hy true f:lilh, ~ioie(', ami 1Iolcll.r ~:l.\ with
the ]lrophct OSI'C am! the Apn"lIe Palll, Where ;.~ ,:, ,Iil 1J
f".'1 d,,,f, 0 deallt? /mac iff Ih.lf ,.irl"'.If, 0 helt l ;5~
Tll/llfh bc lJi/f;J (,'",1, ~:I.\ thl',\', wh;ck Iwllt tlft'e,l 111

';;. H

lite I'idor.'l

".If Ill" J~'m{ (nrillf J,'IIIII,

This mig-ht.\



his rc",urJ'cctioll ,,'a...

nut (\11k
;11'01'(-' 1.\,
. ,..i~11ili('t1
,. llil'CN li"llre", of till'
Old 'l\,..t:ullI'lll, :1" 11.1' S:llll"OIl Whl'll h(' sll'w tIll' lull'. ,.lion, uut or \\'h()~c mouth canll' out ~\\"l~dlll',;s and


w w w. h a i l andf m

Hi J.



0/ (Ae RmiTru(ion,

fi~lrc when hc
delivcred the lamb out of the lion's month, and
whell he OVCJel,ffie and slew the ~re:lt ~i:lnt Go-liath ," and as whell Jonas was swallowed Ull of the
whale-'s mouth, :md up 3f."3in on l:liId to lil'c;
Lut was 3150 1ll000t c11'3rl)' prophesied b)" the Prophds of the Old Tl'StllffiCllt, aud in the Xew al"o
confirmed br the Apo"th.'fl, He Aa!! .ptJi/rd, F:lith
St. 1):lnl, rllle aNlI potur nnd all the domininn of Ollr

,Sul..-a honcy; :md as David b.,rc Ilis




(,<Jlll '!'

Ae Aa(/I. /IIalle a ,helD 0/ /helll o~nIJ,

lw/A. trill11lflAttl our tAe,,. ilt Ai, OlCn ~rlQ",
'fhis is thc mil-:'hty power of the Lord whorn ""0

~pirilual cllemiL~;

,1'91- l.l-!

hclic'"c on, llr his death Imth ho wrou~ht. for liS

this victor)", and b)' his resurrection h:lth 110 JlIIrelm"ed everbslillS' lifu and rig-hteollsnl'ss for It",
It Imd not been enollg'h to be tielivercd !lr Ili>l
death from Sill, except. b)' his resurrection lI'e Illld
been endowed with r1;.;'llleou;:ncss, And it. should
not al'ailllS to 00 ddin~rcd from death, except he
had ri:>cn again, to 0IH.'n for us thl:: Wlter; of hea
n!ll, to enter into life e,"erlagting, Ami thereforl'
St. Peter thallketh G/Ill (Ae }'alhu of our lAfll
Juu CArilt f/Jr Ai. a6udont mm:y, 6emHIe Ae Aath
t~tJlle/l, fU, slith he, ."tl} a lirely AI})ie t.) /h4 re
.lIrredi()1t 0/ Jelll' ('Ari,f frQ"" llcatn, (Q elljr;y (f/J,

;"heri/al.ce i1ltntl}r1al, /Aat ,nail _erer perid, fChicA.

U l(lid lip i1& Aeorc1& fllr ,Ae,. /Aat te iepl by /Ae
POll"eT of God tAorQII9ltfailA, Thus hath hi" rcsur
rcction wrought for lIS lifo and rightl'OI1SI1t~"', lie
p.."L,<::cd throu~h death and hell, to the intl'ltt tCl
put us in good hope that. by his strcll~lh \\'l' ",hall
do the samc, lie Illlid the ransom of sin, tll:lt it
sllOuld not be bid to Ollr charge, He dcstro/"ed
the dc,"il alld nil his t)'r.mny, and openly triump 1Nl
()\"('r Ilim, and took away from him all his C3pti\"l~s,
::Jlb ll.t,
ami hnth r:lised and set them with himsl'1f amOllh"Cs
1he hea\'enl)' eitizens abo,'c, lIe died to d",...tro)'
the rule of lhe de\,il ill liS; and Ill.' arose ag-:\in to
send down his Ifol.r Spirit to rule in our hearts,
to endow II.~ with p<.'l'fL'{;t. righteousness, '1'llllS is
r. lu..... ,. it true that David SOIIf:,"t', raj(al de lara or/a elt, et


w w w. h a i l andf m

Tile Semon

0/ (he




de coelo .. the trutll of God's pro- 'lb, I~. b'

mise is in earth to m:lIl dcclllroo, orj'rom the earth ~ "'~;"~~'II.
i.. (he cvo:rhstin
.... reri(H

on God's SOli , ';'CI& to li~,, r t",.",.

the true rigkteoulne" of the Holy Gho"t

tool-i"g out qllli:occJl, find is in most li!J\:I'allnrgc~s
llcalt upon all t.he world. 'l'hus is glory and pmisl: I. ,~.II....
rebounded upward lo G'od abot';e for his mere>" Rlld


truth; and thus is


come down from hc:wclI

Thus i, muc!I 1-.. Iuu 10:
Dlld/nil", as D-l\'id writclh, togetner 111d; thus i8 ;~:;';j;:;:;"~
1,eace and ri!lNUou8neu imbracing and li"illg each :';;'':.~~~'
10 tIIelt of h"'OOd und filithful hc:lrts.


] r thou doublest of so grcut w('lIl(h :md felicity

that is wroug'ht for thcc, 0 mall, call to thy mind
that therefore h:lst t1101l l"cel,:ivcd iuto thine own
pO~$(.'Ss-ioll the evcrlu:;t ing Verity, our Sa \'iour J esllS
CJlri~t, to confirm to tlly coll!iCiclICC thc truth of
:111 thili muttcr. '1'holl hust rccci\'cd him, (if ill true
l:lith und rcpent:ult:c of hcmt tholl 11u"t received
ldlll, if in purpo~c of lllllClldlllCllt tholl hust I'Ce~i\Te<1 him,) for an cvcrlasting g:lgc or pledge of
thy s:lh'atioll, '1'holl hast receh'ed his Lou)'which
W:lS oncc hrokcn antI his blood wllich was shed fOT
I hc remiSliiOIl of thy sin, 'l'hotl hast l'cccivcd his
hody, to have within !'hee the Father, 1Jl(~ SOil,
lllld thc 1I0ly Ghost for to dwell with thee, to
elldo\\" thee with grace, to strcllbrth thee ag:lillst
thy enemies, und to comfort thee with their pTeS~'IlCC,
'1'11011 hast rccci\'cd hili body to cndow
lhL'il \\ith c\'er!:lEtillg righteousncss, to uS~lIrc thee
of e\'cI']astillg bli:;s :md life of th)' soul. For willl
Clll;,,!, by true filitll :Jrt thou (Iuickelled ngl\ill, S:lit 11 1:1,1, u" !.~.
SI. P:ml, frOll1 death of sill to lile of gl'ICC, and
in hopc tr:tn..!alt>() from corporal and cvcrlasting
death to thc everlasting life of glory ill heuven,
where now thy COI\\'CTl:lltion should be, and tll)'
hC:lrt and de~in:l set, Doubt not of the truth of
this lllattcr, how grc:lt :llld high soc\'cr thc~c
Ihin(~ be, It bc(:ometh God to tlo no littlc deed",
howl:'impo;;~ihle soc\'cr they s(:Cm to thee. Pra}'
to God tbat thou marest havc faith to pcrccivl'
x 5


w w w. h a i l andf m




of the ReAurrcctioll.

this A'r(lnt m~-!"t(lry of Christ's resurrection, thnt hy

f:lith Iholl mn.'(I",t certainly belie\'c lIolhill.'1.lo Le
imJXM6il,le frith Grill. Gnly hring thou 1;l1lh 10
a ,1,1 .;.
Chri~t"; holy WOtd nnd Sll(rmnellt. Let thy r(lI}(!IIIalice l'hew thy 1:, iIh; let t h.r purposc of ;lllJ(lnd111ent :lnd ohediencc of th,' Ilt'ar! to God's law
herenfter dcelare thy true i)'clief. ]~lId('ll\'our Ill\'l'bil. 1U.:o, sell' to sny with St. "t'aul from henecforth, On CO~t.
rerMtiQll i" in neaten, from wnellce rce [()Qk for a
SI/I"iour, el:en the Lml Je"/l8 Chri8t; '/Chick tt!lalt
('/,rlll!}!: o/lr r;ile bodirlf, Inat Ihe.1J 11/(1.'/ be jiunimlf'ft
lif..e 10 hi" 9'or;'",8 twt!l; frhick he NhI'ft do b!llhe
It,ll/le polrer w11ereb)' he rusc from d('nth, nnd where.
Ii!l he ,halt be aM' 10 AI/Mile alllhill!}" 111110 him,e{;:
'rllUs, good Christian 1~llh~, I'(,ral"llluch ns ,YC
ha\'C heard thC!<e 80 great anti excellent benefils
"I' Christ's migohty :Illd :;-Iorious l'c"urrcttion, as
how tlmt he Imlh r:lnsollled sin, overcome the
(Ievil, denth, nnd h('lI, ;llld hath \icloriousl.\ golten
the belter hnnd of th(llll nil, to make liS li'ce and
l'nfc from them; and knowing th:lt we bc by this
bencfit of 11is resllrrc<:lioll risen with him by our
faith unto life e\'el'1asting'; being in full surety of
our hope, Ihnt wc shall have our bodies likewise
rniscd ngain from death, to ha\'e t.llCm glorified
in immortalit.y and joined to his glorious body;
hn"ing in tIle mean while his Holy Spirit within
our llcarts na a 'cal nut! pkdgc of our e\'erlast
iug' inheritallCC!, hy whoSt' as~islnllee \l'e be rc~
plCllisllcd with all right<:>otlSllrss, by wllo~ power
\\'c shall be able to sulxluc all our e\'il afl~ctions
rising :'~":Iinst the pleasure of God; these things,
I So')', wcll considered, let us now in the rcst of
our life dcct:lre our 1:lith that. \l'e11:\\'0 to this most.
fruitful nrticlc by fr:111ling- oursch'cs thcrCllnto in
rising daily from sill to righteousness lllld holincss
,I... u.'o-".oflilc. For '/Chat AI/il1t it at'ait $, snith St. Peter,
to be e$caped amI de/irere(l j'rom Ihe .litthill($~ '!tlhe
rrorld IlIroN:/" lite ~'llol(;ledge ql the },0,,1 allft .~iltio/lr
JeAU4 ChriAt, ij'1Ce be inttll/!Ilt!(l ogab~ tltrreujllt, aud
te ot:ercomc agailt? Cerlainty it had beell littler,


w w w. h a i l andf m

~nith he, #u~r 10 "(Jr~ I"Holr" 11t~ "'/1.1 (1' r;!JIdf:","'"~IIII, tlllIll, (!jru it i, J.."r;""t IIml Ter~it'e", If) l'If"
6ad:lrlfrtl /I!lflht from Ihe hQly comll/{lIIdllleul


!lirelt ludo 11'.

For 80 II/wlt !Ae prorerb ha/'e )llm..:

itt 1Il fC"~n it i, laid, 'J'Ae d,'9 i, retllrlled I/J iliA
rrJIllil afJoi., a1l(1 IlIe lilt!: IlIal ra, rOIl/ml IQ lIer

".allori"!J ilt IAe Mire a!Joilt. \\lml n lOl,:lme were

it for us, being thus so dearl)" and freely w[bIIl.... 1
from our "in, to retunl to thc filthines:; thereof
ll~lin! Wllnt n folly were it, thus ('IIUOII'M with
righteousncss, to lose it ag:linl What madncss
were it 10 lose the Cl1hl'rilallCC lhnt we be 11011' sel,
ill for the \ill' lInd Inl1l"itnr.\ pl(,ll.~llr(' of 1;in! And
Ilh:lt :11\ lInkillduCNI l>hould It
where Ollr Sa
viour Chri"L of his lIIercy is come to us to dwell
within us as Ollr :'''Ill,.t, to dri\'e him from liS, lunl
to b:lIli"h him \;01('lIt1.r out of ollr IOOlIls, llml iudead of him, in II hom is 311 j:;"rnoo and \irtue, tu
fC('('i\'e the un~'1'1l{i(,u:! spirit of the devil, the
foundcr of nil nnllj.:'htincs:! nnd misthier! lIow
call we find in our Ile:lrt:! to shew such cxtreme Ullkindncss lo Cl.ri"t, wllich lmth now SO g'Cntly called
us to mercy and oilcrcd himsclfullto tlS, and he llO\\'
entered within us? Yea, how d;lre we be so bold
to renounoo the presence of the Father, the Sou,
31ld the Holy Gho..t, (for, where one is, there is
God nil whole in )I:til...t) together with all his
powcr, wisdom, :lud :.."'OOdncgs,) and fl':lr not, I s,'l.\,
the dnng<!r and peril of so trnitorous a definll(.'<;
and departure?
Good Chri.,1 ian Imtllf()n and si"t(rs, ad \isl' YOl1rsch'cs: consider the dignity thut ye be now set. ill.
k:t not folly lose tlll:: thing' thllt g-rnec Imth ,;0
p'l-'<:iollsly on~rcd and purclm...."l'd. Let not wilful_
lle"iS and blindncs put out so h'Tt':lt light that i~
now .,hewl'<! unto JOU. Only tnk~ good 1ll'"J.rtunto )"ou, and p"t ltPO_ p. allllle or1ll0.r 0/' G,,.I, I '1"'.
fltal !~ "'OJ ,1"lId 09";/1,1 Joltr ~llel1lil!#, which would
n~ill subdue JOll and bring )'OU into the!r
lhr.lldom, Hemembcr y~ be bOltfJltlfro1Jl, your t'OIll ,PIlI ,).-




thnt Jour f~lolll is purchll~ed


w w w. h a i l andf m




of the Re,urrecfioll.

neither wilh gQ[{l 7Ior ,ilt-er, bul with the price oj

the precioll' blood of that mod ill/locellt Lamb JWI8
Chri,t; tehich tea, ordail/ert 1o the ,allle pllrjJo~e
bt:fore the teOrlrl1Oa, malic, but he tea, '0 declared ill
the kUer timt qJ" grace for .your ,a~e8, 1Chich by him
h",t your faith ;11 God,1I"/'0 hath rai4td him fro///.
death antt hatf,. gil'en. him !1lor.'!, thot .'!Olt ,hould have
.lff,urfaith amf, hope to/etmt God. 'l"hCl"Clore,:ls ye



U.... n .1 '9.

have hitherto followed the \ain lusts of your minds,

:Hld so di,;ple:lsed Go<! to the d:mgcr of rour 8ouls,
~o now, ti~t obet/iellt childrell, thus purificd by liJith,
g-i\c)'oursc!ves to walk Ih:lt way which God movcth
~ou to, Ihat yc may rc<:ci\'c the elld qj'your j'uith,
the ,ab;alio,~ oj' your ,oul,. And, a.t yt hat:e git:cII

!If/ur bodie' to unri.'1hteoll,nell, to ,il~ qj~er 'in, la flOW

!fire youTle(f to righleoulnell, UJ be ,anctijied thereill.

]f ye delight in this article of your f:lith, tlmt

Christ is risen ug:lin fl'(lrn denth to lifc, thell follow
.1. ,-\'011 the example 01" his resurrc<:lion, as St. l>aul
cxhorleth us, snying', AI tee be ourietl foit/t Chri,t
~'1 ol/r bapti.tJJt ;1110 death"o let fl' daily die to ailt,
mortifying and killing Illc e\.-jl desircs and motion~
thereof; :md, aa Chri,t teaa rai4t(lllp from death b!J

the glor.1f oj'the Father, ao let Ita ri8e to a 1/CW life,

(Jud teal/.; coulillllall!J thereilt; that wc may like)\.I1 ~.

(;ol.IU . ",

wisc, :IS nalur:ll children, li\c :I COII\crs:llion to

mo\'c men 10 gwri/j o/lr Fa/her tehich ia in hear:CII.
if re then be ri~1t frith. Chl'i~t by Ollr faith to the
llOPC of c\"t.~rlm:ting lir(', let liS rise also with Christ,
;l~lcr his exam plc, 10 a new lif~, and ICll\"c our old.
\rc shall then be truly risen, if' wc ,eek/or tltill!!a
thllt be heot"(!II!!J, if wc have (Jur njrecliOlt upon thillg.,

thllt be aoore, (//ut tlot on


that be Olt enrtlt.


ye dc,;irc 10 kno\\' wll:lt flle8c e:lrl1l1y things be

wllich )"c should put o/l~ and what be thc heavenl)"
f1lil1~"S abovc lImt yc should seck :md ensue, SI.
]>uul in thc J~llist1c to llle Colossians dccl'lrcth,
Col, al. 1-'0. when he cxhortdh liS tlllls: Mortify yOllr earthl!J
memberl and old a/ll.'(~tiOl1s of sill, as /'or/licnti(Jn,

fwc/emmeu, 1l1111Olural lua', etil COllcupiscellce, aud

covetousneaa, ,dicit ia teorahippillg if idol,; for which


w w w. h a i l andf m

J"l: Ser,,'QII r:/ the Ht'll/fredi"".


thill!!1 the Irrullt o/' G()(/ i8 jr()/It lojhU 011 the childrell
ilt frhirh lltill!!, Ol/CC ye Irll/lw/, 1/'hcn!le
/i"ed i,L them. Blit 1/010 }Jllt ye a{8Q (wo.'1from .'IOU
wrath,fierce",:", moliciol/8l1C68, cltTlet! 8pclll.-il/!!J.li1fh!l
,pea!.-i,/!!, out q!'!f()/If 1110/'1118. Lie not one 11'1 ol//IIne"
that Ihe old Inall .".;(fI, hi, IN)'!.', be pill '!/I; alld the
tit". pill 011.
'rllesc be the l'nrthly thin~"S \dlich
SI. ])al1] mo\'clh yOll to cast from you, :lIld to

ql' 7f11"di~l;

pluck yOUt hearts from them. For in following

tlll!5c .re declare your,;elnls earthly rmd worldly.
'l'hesc be tIle fl'uif.~ of the C:lI't1.1\- Adam. 'l'hcse

"]l(lUld re <1:lil.\' I,ill by ;:'''00<1 diiib~ll00 in wit11_

1'landin;.r the dl'sircs of t.1lcm, that. ye might rise

10 rig-htoommcss. Let .l/0llr O./fectiOII from henccforth be 8et on. j,earell~1j th;n!!lt. SlIe and sellreh for

mer".'!, ~';II"III:88, tlledmu8, pat;ellee, liJrbearillg Olle

a/lo[her, and forg;,;iI,!! olle aI/other, if allY JllUlt nat'c
any ql/arret 10 another: 08 Chriat jiJrgace .yOI/, evelt
80 (10 ye. If these :lIJd such other I\{'avenly ,'irtucs

Col.UI, ", 'J,

ye cnsue in the resi1lue of rour life, )'e shall shew

plainly that !le be ri.telt with Chri8t, and that ,yc
he the herl\'enl), cltildrelt '?l!lQllr lit/fur ill heaven, )101".,,;,
from whom, liS from thc Gi\'cr, oomcth these Ja",.,.!. '7.
grn("('s lInd gifts, Ye sllllll prove by this 1ll1l1111er
that !l0llr Cf)//Ver80[;OIt i8 in heal'cl/, wllero )'OUf hope Pl,I). Ul ,0.
j", :llld not 011 carth, following the LeasH)' nppetit('s of the f1e~h.
Ye mu"t con,,:idcf thnt )'e be t1lerefofe ('Icansed
llnd rcnewc<l, that )'e should from hCllccfort h 8en'e T.1:1<e ~ H,)$.

God in ltolille88 a/UI r;!!hteollltne81t all the da!ls 0/'

,Vfmr liru, that yc ma," reign with him ill everl.l~tillg lifb. If .ve refusc so f:'fellt grll(:e, 'I'hercto

yc be c:\II..;d, wllat otllCr tiling' do)'o than lleap up

your d:unuation more :Illd more, and so provoke
uod to ca",t his ui,;pleasnre unto )'ou, :11lc! to re\'Cllgc this mocka~'l.' of his holy Sacramellts in so
f:'rcat alm."ing of them? Apply yourselves, ~oll
ll'iends, to live in Chri"t, that Chri"t may stilllil"c
in )'OU: whose I:U'Ollf and assi,;tance if .re !l:u...,
thcn ha\'c ye cn~ri:lstillg lif\l alr(,:1.<I)' within ~'(\1I, Jolln.
then C:1.ll nothing hurt you. "'hatS()("'C'r is hitllcrto


w w w. h a i l andf m


tJ iO

The Serllloll

0/' the Re811rrectioil,

dOllC and cOlnmiU"xl, Chri~t, ye SC(l, hath offerc,l

JOll pardon, and deady I'r(:ci"cd )"lU to his fil\'Oul'
lIg:lin: in full surd.\' whereof re havc him 1I0W
iuhabiting and dwdling within yOll, Only shc\\'
yourselves thankful in your li\'cs: dclcrmiue with
yourselvcs to rcl'll.~e :llld avoid 1111 such thing'" ill
YOllr eOlwcl'';:ltion.s :I'; sJlolLld offcnd hi:> eycs (II'
1;01 HI. S. 6, mercy.
LndCllvour JOllrscJvc:> that way to rj~,
up llg'3in, which way yc felt into the wcll or pit
of Sill, If by )'OUl' tOUgHC Je IHII'C of1~lIded, MW
thereby rise ag:\in, and :::-lorify God tllcl'c,\itll.
ACCllstom il; to laud and pl~li,;c the 1':l1l1C of Gud,
Je have therewith di"llonolll'l,.'1:! it. AlI<I, a,.; .n'
havc hurt the Illlllle of JOUI' lleiglloollr, or othcrways hindered him, so IlOW clltclld to restore it t"
ll",lIIuUoo. him ag:\ill. For without restitution God :Ieccptclh
Hot your confession, 1101' Jet Jour repentance. It
I'. " ..,I.,:. is not enough to fOr6al..e cdt, except ye set YOllr
COUI'ag<l to do gootl.
By what oc'(:a"ion soever y,'
h:l\'c offended, turn now the occasion to the hOIlOlll'ing of God and proliling of your lll!iglJoour,
'I'mth it is that sin is strong, :lIld :lneelion~
uHrnly. Hard it is to subdue and rcsi;,:1; om
lIature, so ('()rrupt llnd ICllvClled with t he sour
bilferness or the poison which we recei"etl by tll"
~la:l. 0'1.
inheritllllcc or our old fathcr Acl:lln, Blit !let lal.
J'~II, ..I. Jj. good courage, !i.'lith 0111' Saviour Christ, for J hll""
fJrercome the world llnd all other cnemies for you.


H .., .L ...

Sin 8halt



pOlccr Ol:l:r ."l/o/t, Jor

yc be


under grace, t:aith St. PHU!. Thollgh your PO\\'Cl'

lr"'D.'1ll 11. he weak, yet Chriat iariaen agllilt 10 strength yOIl
'. Jf
ill your battle; hia Jlo/!1 Spirit 'halt help !IQill'
i'!!irlllilie8. In trust or his mcre)', take you ill
,1.:..... ,'.~, h:ll1tlto purge lhil oM leal't!/t of sin, that corrllplclll
and soureth thc slI'cctness or yOllr life bcrOl'C God;
/hat !le mo!! be 01 "elO ll!ld fl'e~h dough, "oid of' ut!
SOliI' {eaI'M (!/wickedlluI: so slmll )c shell' }oUlHlr
to be swcct bread to God, that he nUl)' llav(' hi~
cldi;..rllt in YOll. I say, kill and ollcl' .;'011 lip tile
worldly and cllrthly llfli.letiolls or yonr Ixtdics: .lvr
Clui8t ollr EU8ter llllilb ;, qffemt lip for 111, to sb,v


w w w. h a i l andf m

The Sermon of the Resl/Nettirm,


lhc power of sin, to dcli\'er 11!: fl'Olll the d;]l1;;:"<'r

thcreof, and to gi\'c us cxample to die to Ein ill
our life, As the Jews did C:lt thcir }:a~tcr lam!.
and kept tlleir feast in rcmcmbrancc of their deli'"crollce out of Egypt, cven so let 111 ~'eep Qllr Eallter
feast in the tlmnkful remcmhrmlC(l of Chri~t's benefits, which hc hath plcntifully \\"roll~ht for us
by his resurrection and !,us.;,ing to his Fathcr,
whereby wc Lc deli\'crcd from the capti\'ity and
thrllldom of all our cncmies. Let us in like manlier I,ass over tllC afl:':clions of our old COIl\'erS:ltion, that wc m:1Y he deli\'ered from tllC !xlIldllgc
thcrL'Of~ und rise \\ilh Chri~t. 'rite JI.:WS kept tblil
fCllst in nblSt:lining- fl'om k':I\"Cllcd twcml by till' 1',1 ,il
space of 6O\"cn <Ill)"!.: let III Christian lolk I.-up our 1,-'0.
hol!ldu!I in spiritual manner, that ilS, il/ abltuillill9,
not from material le:1\"cllcd I,rcnd, but from the oM
lea~'e1J, of sill, the leau1J, qj'lIIuliciolllnell alltl1cid:ednell, Let liS Cllst from us the Ica\"Cll of corrupt
doctrine, tlll1t will infect our SOil],;, J;e! 1/1 !.'eep .'I.".,vi.,.
Ollrfeu8! the wholc term of our life .".itlt ealll'9 tlte ".
bread ofp'lrellell of godly life u"d trllth of Chrisl'.:;
doctrinc, Thus shall wc dccl:tre that Christ's gill;;
:lIlU groceB havc their c/li:>ct in us, and that we
11:I\'e the right belief and kllowlcd;.,rc of his holy
rC:-llHcction: where 11'\11)", if wc applJ our l:lith to
the \'irtlle thereol~ nnd in out' Wc eOl1form us to
the example amI sigllitieation meant thereby, wc
:-lmB be sure to rise hcreaftcr to c\"(~l"I:I:-ting ~Iory
hy the goodllesS :m<l merc)" of 0111' Lord J eS\;9
Chri~t. '1'0 whom with the Hither and the Holy
Ghost be all glory, tlmnksg-i\'ing-, and I'r:lise in
iufinita sceulorum B&:ula. Atllt'U,


w w w. h a i l andf m

'I'l:F....IIKG 010' THi'; SACRA.MEST 0.1-' 'l'I1l:: UODY

'I'm': great love of OUT Sa\,j()ur Christ tOll'fll'(ls mnllkiud, gOOl! Clll"isli:1ll pcople, daih not only npllCllr
in that dear bouglJt, ucncliL of our re<lcmphon and
!'alvnlion by his death llud passion, but also in tlwL
he so kindly provided thut the same most merciful
work might be had in continunl rcmembrnnce, fo
take some place in liS, and not be frllstr3te of hi,,;

cnd and IJUrp05c.


ns teuder parents arc not

c.:ontcnt to procure ror their children costly p08Se~

siam; and lin~libood, IJut take order tllat the 8:11lU'
may he conserved :lIld come to th('il" lL~e; >:0 Ollr

Lord and Sa\'iour thought it not SlIflic.:icllt to purchase for us his Father's filVOl1r again (wllich is
that deep fouutain of' :Ill goodncss), and ctcl'lwl
life, but nlso ilwcntcd the ways most wisel,\"
whereby they miglit, ro."i.lolllld to our commodit,\"
and profit.
Among:;t thc which Illenns is the
Jluhlic celebration of tile mcmory of lli", preciolls
{leath at the Lord's tnbla: wllich altllough it sC('m
of'small virtuc to some, yet, being rig-hlly donc hy
the Hlithful, it <loth !lot only hdp their lI'eaknl's~,
who be
their poisoned nature readier 10 remew_
ber injurIes than benefits, but stl'cngthcncth and
comfortcth their inw3rd 1l1:l1l with peace and gladncss, and makcth them thankl'ul to their Hcdecmer



w w w. h a i l andf m

Cr)//cerllill!l the &lcrOIllCJlt,

with diligcnt cat"C of godly convcr,.atiOll,

Anll, m,

"I" old time God decreed hi:; wondrous bcnelibt nl" K''''l


Ihe deli'"crancc of hi:; pcople 10 he kept in memol'.\" '1-'1

hy the eating of' tile Jl:l~,;Q\"er witl! his rites alld
t.:eremollics, so our loving' Saviour !lath or<bined ~rMI,,,,, ",
am! estahlished the rcmemlmlllce or his g-rl.'at ;~~,~.l ,.,. >,
mCI:9' expressC!(l in his passion in the in"titutinn
of IllS hea,'enly Supper: where every onc of H~
1lI11.-;t be gue.-;Is and llOt g:Ju:r"" calers and WIt
lookers, fecdin.!;' our;;ch'CS and not hiring other to
I~'cd for US; Ilmt wc may li,'c h~' our own meal,
ami not Jlerisll for hungcr while others devollr :dl.
'l'l) this his commtlndment forceth us, saying-, ))0 l.uke"II, : .
ye 1//.//8, })rillk .ve alt oj'thi8. '1'0 this his promi~e '0.
l'nlic;llh us: 'i'M, i, m,lf bOI~If, ,rf,ic!l.;8 !liCel~jor !JOlt;' ('0. ,I '1.
,," 18 lily "ItQ()(I , 1rflll:f~
I' I.'
,. I}'
'" ;'1:\Iou
18 Iflet
(lr you,

'1 '
So t1lcn, as of llc;le"Sily wc ll1ust be oUr::<'h'es
partakers of this table, and not beholdel"S of other,
"0 wc mllst adtll'{$S oursch-es to f'rc1lllcnt the samc
in re"crenl. and due manlier; lest, as physie pro.
vidcd for Ihe hody, being misuse<l, more Illlrtl-th
than profiteth, so this eomfortahle medicine of the
sonl, umlCC<!lIt1y rccei\"Cll, tend to our g-reater h~rm
and sorro\\", As SI. Paul "!lilh: lie (htlt cllldk' C.)r, ~t "la/Ul drill/.elk ullworthily eatelk ol/tl driJtl:elh hill
"'Cl~ dalll1latioll,
"hCl'Cforc, that it bc not said
to us, as it WllS to the guest of that great supper,
1'l'iclUl, how call1e~t thou iI~ not f,(/('ill!/ the 1!I(/rrillf/d )IAll, ..II.".
!/arment.? am! th:Lt we mll)' fruitfull)" \lse St.llaul'"
coullscl, Let a 1111111 prot'e hil/18t:{J; ami '0 eat f!/ thot I Co<,~I. ,.
breotl ami drillk Q/ that Clip, we must certainl.\'
know that thrcc things be rc<luisilc in him which
would sccmly, as bceometh ..ueh high Jllyslcl"i('~J
resort lo t1hl Lord's tah\c: that is, a right and
1I \\'01'111)' (',,!im:ltion 1L1ld unden;landillJ,:.:" of thir:
llH'slerr; sct.:olld1r, to comc in a sure f:lilh; and
tl;irtlh-, to 1I:1\'e newness or purencss of life to
i;uecel~1 the receiving- of the smne,
]3ul, hefore all other things, this wc mlL~t be
l>urc of l>pe<:illll,v, that Illis Supper be in such \\i~e
llone and ll1illi-tcred as our Lord IInd Saviollr did


w w w. h a i l andf m

li ~

Tlte f';r6! Purt '!f !lte


:uul comm:mded to he <1on<', as his hot)" Arot1, ..

u4'd it, :lIld the good f;ltlwr:-; in the primili\"\"
Church frl-'(jucnted it. for, a,; that worth~' lllall
St. ,\mhNrC ;oaith, <the is unwortln' the Lord th:lt
othl'rwayl:i .loth celehrate thatllly~tcry than it 1nl';
ueli,crl'tl L~" l1im; neither can he he dc,'out Ih:Lt
('thCrl\ll~'S dolh Ilrc~lllllC 111:111 it was gi"Cll b.\ ti'l'
.\utl'l/r.' ,re 1ll11'!. 11wtl take hl'i.'tl, lest, or tlLu
m('lllorr, il. be made a ~aerilk1.l; Ic>:t, or a (:omlllllniolt, it 1JC made a private catin~ j I,).,t, of two
I,arls, we 11lwe but onc; le~t, llPJlI~ ing it. tilr tI,l'
u;; mther
de:!II, we I~c the fnliltltat be :1li"e.
in t1w-.e matter:-; f"Unw the nd,"icc of CJJlri:m ill
tile like cn..e:-; th:11 i~, ell':we fi""t. to the lir..t ht'I.,';nnin~ ; Ilhld fiL,l the Lonl'ii1 tr:ltlitiolli do that
ill the Lonl's t'Onuncll1or:dion which he him~lr
.Iid, he him"c1r commanded, and his Apo:.t1l:iJ con.
'l'lli;j ca.ution or fo~i~ht if we use, thcn may
we 8('0 to Ihose thil1~ that be rt-'(lui,;,ite ill the
worthy fl'<:ei,"cr; whcfl'Of this was the fi ....t, th:1t
we h:we a ri:.:-ht. tlnderstalldius::' of the thing ihdf,
A. conC(!rning which thil1~, thi~ Wt! may assuredly
Jwrsuade our:;elves, tllnt the i~IlOl'ant. 1ll:1ll ellll
lwithcr worthily e"tccm nnr cllcctlwllr usc those
mun'llou~ g"rnccs and benefits ollcr<..J and exhibill.'d in lh:lt Supper, but either will lightly
rl'~n1 t11CIll to no small ollencc, or utterly ('011tl'llln tllt'lll to his uttcr d~tru('tion; so that IIv
his lI<'gli:.,"'Cncc he dL~f\eth the plagues or G.~I
to fall IIpon him, nnd hy conttlllpt he db-L'rn:th
e"er!:l,til1~ I'enlitioll, '1'0 :m,id then thC4.' h:lrlll~,
u.oe t!1(' :lU,i~ or the 'ri,l' )1:11I, who wilkth thu',
I. ,,f.... tA"" .i"~# at Oil 6lrllll.f i"ill!l6 tdU~. to !"/.e
IUi[ll"Nt Au.l rAut tllil/!l6 ore .et tiflJre thee, ~o
n.'1\' mudl mort', fit the Kill~ of kiu:,"lii' lal,IL', thou
nll~t (':H'cfulh- st'llreh :ll1d know what ttlintit" llrt)
I'ro\'itll-'(I tilr thy s"ul: \\hitlwr tholl art t'(JlUt', lI0t
to li..'l-'(I thy S('ll"t';; [I11.1 ht.lIy to currllptioll, hut th,\'
inwllnl miln to i1ll1l1lll"lalitr lllHl lili.. ; not j(, Cfln_
l-"iJer the l':u-th1r ercaIUfl'!i 1\llieh thou setlll, LUL


I ....



w w w. h a i l andf m

('fJ;/rerllill!l tlte S,ICrtlhl"nt.

11le heln'enly gr:lees wllieh thy faith behol{lel1l.

"FM this tahle is 110t," saith Cltn'~Il!<tom, u Ivr
<:!l:lltel'iJlg' .iay~, hut for c:lg'le!<," \\-111; /lee " thither, ~l." ,,11 "
.".hrre the f/cmllot!!J lidh!' And, if lllis :ldverli~c
lIWllt of lllall canllot persuade us to resort to th{'
1..ord's table with understanding-, sce the coumel
of God in the like matter, who ch:lr~"(!(l his people .:.0<1. ,11
10 t{':lch th{'ir po!<t~rit)" not only the ritcs and '".'1,,11.
ceremonies of his Passovcr, but tht:: cause :111<1 end
tll{'l'cof: whe1\{'e we may lcam, Illat both m')f(J
PCrlL~t knowledge is required at this time at our
hal1ll1<, :llld tllllt. tllc ig-norant e31l11ot will. fruit. :lilt!
profit cxercise himsclf in thc Lord':; S.lcr:lml'1lt~.
But to (-ome uig-hcr to the matter: St 1',lt1I,
IJlaming' the Corinlhi,llls for the Jlrof:miug of tile
IJOnl'" Supp<:r, conclllddh that ig-n01"~1l1CC bot h of
the thing' itself and the sig'nifj(~\tiolL thercof W:lS
the cause of their :lbusc; lor they camc tllithcr
unre\'erelltly, 110t flilCtrlliu!I the JJfml', l(ll(IJ. Oll~ht, CO' .1. n.
not wc Illcn, by the monition of the \\"i!<c i\lall,
\'r the wisdom of God, by the fearful exam plc of
thc Corinthians, to takc ad\'ised heed, t.hat wc
thru.rl not onrselves to t.his tablc with rude :mc!
ll11n;n'rcllt ignorance, the smart whcrt."'Of Clll'i~t's
Church hath l'lled and lamented. these many da),s
and rears? For wlmt hath hccn ihe c:lu:;:e Ofllle
mill of God's religion, hut thc ig-norancc Iler<.-of?
'VIlat hath been the eause of this g-ross idola1L'y,
but the ig-llor:lncc hereof? WI13t !lath been the
C:lU.!'C of this lll11mm:sh massillg, but tile igllor:I1l,'\'
hcrcol'? Yell, what.lmth been, and wklt is at 11lis
dllr, thc C.'IUSC or this W:lllt or lo\'c and c1lllrilr, but
1I1e ig'noranee herL'Of? Le!' u,; thel"dul'c so bm'ail
to \ludcf>lt;llld the Lord'" Slipper, that wc be 11"
rouse of tllc de<:ay of God',; wOl':>hip, of no idolatl"),
of no dumb n1H~~ing, of 110 hatl' :lllt! maliec: ,..,
m:l\' \\"c thc 1>ollllio:r hu\'c acC<.:"s thithcr to our
Ko:ilhcr need wc to think th;lt !'uch exact kllOw.
lrof.,"l! i:;: rL'C)llirrd of e,cry man, that hc be able 10
di:;ell.':s all higll points in the dodrinc tllt:rL~'r.


w w w. h a i l andf m



PitlJt Purt 0)' Ihe


Dut fhus mll(h he must be sure to holll,lll:"!t in

the Supper of the Lord there is no ,':lill ccrcmtJllY,
no bare sign, no untrue figure of:l lhill(l' ab~cl1t,
~,l"'~ .~IYI: hut, as the Scripture saith, the table Cl/ {he J,I)r".
~.',it21,;t;C'. the breall ond cup q( the Ami, the 1IIemor!! Cl!' Ch,;,,!,
.1. ... '0. ';. the allIl/lllcia{jo/l, qlld, death, yea, the cUllrnmlliOlt qf
lhe /;0/& alUl b!fMlo/ the km! in a m:u'\'clloll<; incorporation, which by tlw opo!ratioll or the Holy
(ihosl, the VCI')" ooll{\ of our t:olljullction with
lre..I.' Christ, is thro\l~h f:.lith wroll~llt ill tile souls of
....,. J.
f he f:lithful, whereby lIot onl,r their soul" live t(,
<.:lernat lile, but ther smc1r Il'llst 10 Will to t1U:il'
bodies a resurrection to immortalit.y. The trUe
1llldel':;tilTlding' of this fruition ~lI)d union, which i,~
hctwixt the bod," :llld the hClld J betwixt the trill'
Ix:liev(ln; and Christ, the ancient catllolie filthero:
hoth pcrcci\'illg thcmsc)w!sJ IIlld commending to
tlleir people, were not. afmid to call tllis Supper,
l ....t.l:n!>t. ~lIne of them, "the s.,'lhe of imtllot"lalit), a sovcad 1:,1.....
l'OO<lJl.In.. rl,ign prcscn'ali \'C against deat 11;" other, 11 a dci,~.
fi('al communion;" other, "the swcct dainties of
('<ur Saviour;" "thc plcdge of eternal health, the
~~~~:~:. d"lcnce of filith, the hope of the resurrcction;"
other, "the food of' immortulity,JJ "the healthful
I"""'. In "'1';"
I . 1/
~raee/ allu "the conservatory to e\'cr astlllg" I c."
.:\11 which sayiuh"S, wth of' llu:l holy Seriptul'c and
gndly mell, truly allriLutcd to this celestial Lanquet
:llId feast, if wc would often call to llliud, 0 how
would they inflame our llcarls to desire the pUl'tieiplltion of these mysteries, and of'tentimes to con.'t
aner this bread, eontimmlll' to thirst fol' thi:; food;
no!; as spctially regarding'the tcrrene :11lt! eHl'thl.,
cn'atures which T(!main, hut. nlways holdiug" h-;t
lleut.nU. ami ck':lving by faith to the Roe/,; whence we mar
~~1.:'':.:4' Ill''''/'; the 8weetne88 of everlasting' ,wh'aliolt. And,
to be briel~ thus much more the raithful sce, hear,
and knoll', the f'avoumble mercies of God scaled,
the S<'1tiS!:lctioll h)' Christ towards us confirmed,
thll remis~ion or sin stablishcd. Her\,! tllC)' IlUl)'
rocl wrought the trruHfuillit), of eon~cience, thl.
illcrclIse 01' fililh, the strcngtlllming' of hOl1C, thc


w w w. h a i l andf m

conccrllil/!I tne Sacrament.


!al'"'\: ~prcadillg abroad of brotherly kindncss, \\ ith

many other sundry graces of God: the taste wlJert.'of t hey cannot lltlllin unto who be drowned in tile
deep dirt)" bke of blindness and ignorance. From
the which, 0 1>elo\'ed, wash yOIll-sch'es with the
living waters of God's word, II'llencc you may per.
(:eive and know hoth the !'Iliritual food of tllis
eostly Supper and the happy trustings and eflbet!l
that the SfIlllC <loth bring witl1 it.
Now it. tolloll'dh to h:1\'e with this knowledge u
l;UfC and constant filith, not only that the death or
Christ is a\'ailaole lor the redemption of all thu
\\'orld, f()l' the n'mis~iOJ) of Fin,:, lIud reconciliation
with God the Father, but 111"0 that he hath made
llPf)ll llis cross a full :md sufliciclIt !'l\crifice for thec,
a p(:rli.(:t dcall"ing of thy 8in;;;; SO t1mt Iholl lICknowledgcst no other Saviour, Redeemer, )[ediator,
A{h'oenlc, Intcrcessor, but Christ only, :ll1d tlmt
thou lll11yt'llt say with the Apostle, that he loced (1111.1J. '0
thee alld gm:c him8C{/jor thee. For t.his is to stiek
1:ls\, to Christ's promise made in his institution, to
make Christ thine O\\'D, nud to applieate his merits
unto thyself. llerein tholl Ileedest no other m:m';;
help, no other S<'lcrifiee or oolation, no sacrilic:il1g'
priest, no mass, 110 means established by 111:1Il";
i1\\'entioll. '1'hat faith is a. necessary instrumeut in
:Ill these holy eercmollies \\'e m:!y thus assure 0111',;d\"es, for tlmt, ns St.l'aul saith, withoutfaith it i8 11<1...1 t.
u,lpo"ible to plea8e God. "'hen a. great numlJ{)I'
of I he !srn"lites 1rere overthr()wn in the wilder,le", ' Cor. ,.
" Morses, Anron, and Phinees did eat mnIllla, and
plcased God, for that they understood," saith St.
AuO'ustine, "tile visible meat spiritually: spirihwlly In Jo...
they hun;:rered it; spil'itually thcy t:asted it; that 1I,,,,~0.
the\' might be spiritnally ~:lti;;fied!' And truly,
as the IMlilr meat eanllot feed the outwllrd 111:J1l,
unless it he 'Iet into a stomach to be digested \\"hidl
is h('althsome and sound, 110 more can the inward
m:lll be fed, cxecpt his mcut oe reeci"e<l into his
>'onl and h"art, l>vund nlld whole in faith. 'fherel;m~ snith Cypl'iUll," when wc do these thillf,~, \\"e ::.~<oen,


w w w. h a i l andf m


T' F

'l',n"j'I.e S:ThlfJ/f

nctd not to whet onr f(.:th, hut with FilJ<'<.'re filith

wc llrrok and dh-itle that !loh- bread!' It is well
known t!mt t11(' m('3t wc for in this upper
is !;piritu:tl ruod, t11(' lJouri~hmcllt of our l;(lul, a
he:l\'cnh- rt,li.('!ioll :lIld not Cllrthh-, :1Il un\'i~ihlc
meat ul;d lJr,! bodil~', n ;:h()~II., "\l~tl'lIan(-e and not
carnal: so tlmt 10 think tllllt \\ilh"lll !;titll wc may
eujo.\ tile eating" lint! drinking tlu.:reor, or that that
iil tll(' fruition of il, ill hut to drl'mn a ;::-r08S carnal
fl'('(lin;:, bmcl)" ahjceling' ami uinding- ollrsclw" to
till' (' 1~lllellj sand ('rC':llu rL'li; whel'e:l>', h)' t lie :Id "ice
nfthe Council or NiCJI.'ne, wc ouaoht to" lilt lip our
mind.. h~' !ilith," and, )e:wing these inl~rior :11111
),(~ lr ,.
earl lily thin!;,", tlwrt.' ll(.'Ck it w'u:re thc S",. '!/
,i91/~/tJ8'u~~ cnr "hi\h,t!l. Tall' thcn lhi" 11>;:"011,
~~ :.. ... 0 thl')lI I hat ut drsil"l)U~ or Ihi... t:.olc, of J~llIi~_('nu;o,
a gotll.' futher, that "whell tllOlI ~t up to thc
fC\'crend CommUnil')ll fo IX' !'-'1ti"lled with spiritual
meat", thou look up with li.itl! upon the Ilolr Body
mul Dlood of tll\" GIIII, Ihuu lI1ar\'el wit h fCwrcncc,
thou touch it \\:ith lIlY mind, thou recei\c it with
the h:lIld of thy heart, and thou take it fullr with
thy inward man."
"l'hus wc sec, bclo\'ed, tllflt, rcsorlin:r to this
f:lble, \\'c must !lluck up all the roots of infillditJ"
:111 distrust ill God';; promis(~1 II'C must m:lke our8('hcs li\'ing memllt'rs of Chl'i"t's bvdr. I,'or the
unbclicw'N' :md I:lithl~s Cllllllot fL'e<1 upon t1111t
precious lkttly: \,hcrt':l8 the /ilithful h:we Iheir
lifc, their aUitling, in him; tll~ir union, :lnd as it
were their incorpol'3tioll, with him. Wherefore
let us pro\-C and tr:y OUf'd\'\.'iS unfeignedly, witlumt
11_ sl
f1att~rin:r olln;cln's, \\hclhcr wc be plantil of that
j;,;,~.:... ,'" fruitful 1,lin', li"inz tralfd,.. t!f Me t,.e rillt, mtm.
"1 '.jO,j:' kr, illd~'tl r:{ C!trid', "'$,liMI (,od,y; whcthl'r God
hath l'urifit"(1 our hearts br fi,ith to the ..ill('('re
:leknowled~ini," of his GO!>Jld :md imbr:leil1~ of his
mercies ill Chri",t JC!>u: that so at this Ilis table
wc fL\('('i"e, not onl." the oulward Sacmment, but
the "Ilirihml thing nl",o; not the fi7ure, but thc
truth; not the slllldow only, out the body j not to


w w w. h a i l andf m

collcerni,l!/ the &cramellt.


(11:.tll, hut. to lifo.!; not 10 destmction, l,lIt to f'alva_

lion. Which God grallt us to do Il1Orough thc
merits of our Lord and Saviour: to whom be all
honour and glory for cver. Amen.




wonnlY nt:CEl\'I~G A:-:]) BE\'EI~E:-;T E.'iTEE:I.!

I:\G OJ-' TilE K\CIL\)J]:Yl" 0).' 'filE BODY ..\~D


h the Homily of' laIc rehearsed unlo you .ye havc

11('ard, &"OOd JX'Oplc, why it Illcased our Sa\'ioUl'
Christ to ill:o:tilute that. hea\'enly memQry of hi~
death and pn:o:~ion, lUld that. every 0110 of U9 ought
to celebratc thc Ellllle at. his tahle in our OWII
persons, and 110t. bJ' otller. YOll llavc heard also
with what cstimation tllld kllowk'tl:-,"C of' so high
mpjl('rics wc ought. to resort. thi,IH:r, you han
heard with what constant f'lith wc should c1ot.he
;Illd deck oursch'cs, that wc might. he fit and deccnt
]Hlrh:kers of tlmt eelcstial lood. Now 101l0wel1l
the third Ihing ncces.~flry in him that would not
cat of this bread nor drink of this Clip 11Il\\'orthil,v,
whieh is newncss of lile and godlincss of C011\'cl'
ror ncwncss of life, ns frnits of filith, flrC rcqnirc(1
in the ])llrbkcr of this lable. "re may lcal'll 1>,1'
the eatin~ of the typical lamh, whercunto no mall
WIIS admith.'ti lJllt he that was a Jew, that wa!;
cin:ulll<.-ised, tlmt was hclorc f':lllclificd. Yen, 5t.
Paul tcsliliclh, that, lllthollgh all the !)Q(lple wcrc
p:ll'tnkcrs of the Sncmmcnts undcr MoS{'s, ),ct, lor
that somc of' t 11cm wcrc still worsllip]}(!rs of imllgcs,
whorcmoll::r<'rs, temptcrs of Christ, lllurmurers, lIntl
COyctillf:' allcr c\,il things, God o\'crthrcw those in
the wi[dcrncs~, llnd tlwt for our cxample; that. it:,
that we Christian" should takc hecd wc resort unto
our SaeT:lmcnts with holilll'Ss (If lif'c, not trllstin;:
ill thc outward rcceiying of tllCID, nnd inlech'd


w w w. h a i l andf m



l'1u Secolld Part

0/ the Sermoll

with corrupt and uneh:lritable manners.



scntencc of God lllu:;t always be just ified, I 10iZt
". flare
mere!!, ant no lucrljlce. " '\'1 lCreI'ore," 8:11'11 I



Jkb, du. ':

,,01<. . .11.



H:l:;il, t< it beho\'eih him t1Hlt cometh to the nody

llnd Blood of Cll1j"t, ill colllillellloratiol~ of hi/It /h,lt
tliell and rOle O,'/llill, not only to be pure from alt
filthine" ql the Jlclllt flndllpirit, lest he cat and (Irink
to his COllth:lTIll:lt ion, but :1150 to she\\' Ollt evidentl \.
a memory of hilit lhat died 1/1/11 rOle (/!JllhtjQr 1/8, i;1
this point, that he bc IlIurlilitd to li'l and tlte 11'"rld,
10 lire now 10 God ill (;hri~t Jeln ol/r fiOrd." $"
then \\'e must she\\' outward le"timuny in /',l1f1w.
\ll!.:" the sigllificlllion of Christ's death: anwll:.,"'t
JlC which t 11i,s i>l not esiccmed least, to rClldl'r
thanks to AlllIi;.;hty (;nd tor all his benefits brit'f1y
compri:;(.o(l ill the death, p:\,;,;iOll, :\lld rcsurrL-<:tioll
or hi,; dearly bcloVlo(! SOil.
'l'hc whieh thilw Lccallsc we chic/I\at
, o n
tins Inblc to solcmni7.e, the godly tilthcn> named
it. Llleh:lrislia, I hat is, 'l'hanksgivill~: as if they
8hould lI.wc said, Xow aoo\'e all othcr times re
ollght to laud :11\(1 praise God j now may ye behold the matteI', thc cause, the beginning, and the
end of all thank:;gi\'ing; now if')'c slack,)'c shell'
~'ollrsdl'cs lllo,;t unilHlnkful, and that no oihcr
bellefit c:m CVl'r stir you to thank God, who so
liltlll rl'f,"3rd 11ere so 1lI:l1l.\, so wonderful, and ":0
profit:lble benclits, Seeing thcn that lhc name
and ihing il~lr tloth monish us of lhanks, let 118,
as St. Paul ~Iith, ojp:r atwo!!I 10 God the holl 01'
~acrilicc oj' pffti,c b!! C'!trill, t!tat i" lite ji'uit of the
(;p., I"hiclt /'f1l!!<:88 hill .\'WI/C. For, :18 Da\'id singeth,
Ill) thllt (tjrerdlt w (,{)It tltlll/~'8 aull pru;"c Itollollrcth
Hilt. how fc\\' be thc!'1,l of t1laukfill persons
in comparison to tll1: IInUmnklil11 Lo, ten lepers
ill the Go,,:pd lI'erc healcd, and uut OIlC ol1ly I'C:umcd 10 goivc Illanks f'or his health. Yea, happ,\'
It wcre, if among' forly <.:omlllullicants wc could
"I.'C two unfi:i;:Il,dlr to give th:lllks,
So unkind
wc hc, ~o obliviuu~ IIC bc, so proud beggars \\c hc,
that. partl)' wc care not 101' our Ol\'n oommo<litr,


w w w. h a i l andf m

eOJleerlll'lIg tlte Saeramcllt,


Jlllrtly we know not our dui)' to God, and chiefly

we will not con/lOSS all that wc rc(:civc, Yea, i!olld
if we be forced by God's power to do it, yet wc
handlc it so coldl,\", so drily, that our lips praise
him, but our llCarts disJlraisc him; our tongucs
bless him, but our lifc cllrseth him; our words
worship him, but our works dishonour him. 0 let
us therdorc learn to givc God here t1mnks aright,
:Illd so to llgnize his cxceeding graces pOllrcd upon
115, that they, being' shu!' up in the treasurc house
of our heart, may in duc time and scason in our
life and convcrs:;tioll appear to the glorifJ,jng of
his holy N:llne.
:Furthcrmorc, for newncss of lifc, it is to bc
noted thut St. Paul writeth, that 'ICe bcillg mall!! ICO.'~"1'
arc OIlC bread ami OM IxJd!!, for all bc Jlar{~tI,'er8 0/'
onc bread; dcelnring thereby not only our communion with Christ, but tllut uni!,), also whercill tllcy
tll3t cat at. this table should be knit together. For
by disiWllsion, \':linglory, 3mhition, slril<f, ell\'ying,
contempt, hatred, or malice they should not be di~
severed, but so joined by the oond of love in OIlC
mystical body, as the corns of that bre3d ill onc
loaf'. In rt.'Spcct of which strait knot of charity
the true Clll'istians in tho! tcnder time of Christ's
Church Clllled this Supper Lo\'e;. as if they would
~ay, none ought to sit down there that werc out of
lo\"e :1IId charily, who oore grudge :wd vcngcance
in his !le3rt, who also did 1I0t profes:; his kind af..
l;"'ction IJr some ch:ll'itablc relief for some part of
the conglcglltion. And this was their practice.
he:m::nly L~lII(luet, then so used! 0 godl,)' gut."'ts,
who so cstccmed this fcast! BuL 0 wretched ercatures that wc be at thc8e dars, who be without
reconciliation of ollr Ll'ctlll'Cll whom wc ha vc offended, \\ilhout filtisl:ring thelll whom wo !J:l\'C
rou8cd to lilll, without all,)' kind thougllt 01' compassion tOIl a I'd them \\ IWIll wc might. eal'il)' rclic\'e,
without :Ul\' COlll.eiclloo of slamler, disl!:lin, misreport, di\'i:ion, rallcour, or inward bil terncss; ycn,
being nccowlm..'<.1 with the cloaked Imtl'cd of Caill, Oon. I."


w w w. h a i l andf m


The SecQll/l Port

0/ the Sermon

'.",. W.ilh tllC ]011~ covcred II1nlicc of E",au, willl tIle

W. '). <!lsscmhkd falsehood of Joah, darc }'et IJTcsumc to

comc up to the;c Bucred and fearful mrsteril's. 0
man, wllither rl\8he!;t thou lUladvisedly? It is a
table of pea<."C, and thou nrt n.ady to fight. It is
n tnhle of sing'lem'S$, llnd thou art imagoining mischief. It iil a tablo of' quidne8s, and thOll arl
gi\'ell to delmtc. It is a table of pity, and thou
IIrt unmereilill. Dost. tholl lleitller fi.:ar Gnd, the
makc. of this fCilsL? nor ro\'crcncc hi~ Cll1-i.~t, t]l<'
refection and ment.? 1I0r reg'lmlcst his spouse, 11i~
belo\'c<\ guest.? nor weighest. thine OWII con~ci.'net,
wllieh is sometime thine inward accuser? 1\'herefore, 0 milll, tCll,ler Uline own f;ulnllion; eXill11inc
and try thy good will and lo\'e towards the elli]drtll
01' God, tile members of Clll'ist, the heir:; of' the
hea\'elll.\" heritage; yea, towards the imu;:."C ofOod,
t he excellent creature thine own 6Oul. If thou hllYC
offended, now be rccnneiled. If tllon h:1\'e (l:msed
[l1IY to stumhlc in the \\'u)' of God, llOW set them
up ng':lin. If tllOu have dis<luicted thr brother,
now pacifY him. H thou have wronged him, noli'
relieve him. If thou h:1\"e defrauded him, now
restore to him. If thou have nourishet.\ spite, now
imLr3ee fricnd:,;hip. If thou have fostered hatred
and malil"C, now openly sllew thy lo\'e and charitr ;
yea, be prest and ready to procure thy Il(:ighbour'~
hellhh of ~01l1, wealth, commodity, and plea8urc,
as thine oll"n. DCSl'rnl not the heavy :md (h'eadful
1,"rdc11 of God's lli"pleasure for thinc evil \\ill tolI":lrtls th-r l1ei:::hbour, l'O unreverently to approach
to j his fable of the Lord.
.....,.....1. ~d
La~t of :111, as there is here <Ithe mystel"y of
I~I \, I.
lI~m. <>0.
pe:llOC" and the Sucmment of Cllristian society,
wllereby wc understand what sinccre love ought to
l)l.l betwixt thc tnle communicants, so here be the
tokens of 11Ilrencss and innoeeney of life, whereby
wc may lK:re<:ive that. we ollg'ht to purge our own
!'oul from fill unlleanness, iniquity, and wickedness,
111...",,1, \I hen we rCCei\'e the mystical bread," as
I"' 1"'''1.
Origen saiih, (/we cat it in an un<:lean place, that

ll' "" "


w w w. h a i l andf m

CUNccrll;lI!I !hl1 !:Jut'fall/CII!,

i", ill 1I "1'lll ddiled Hmi polluted with sin," In Lul.<I'''i

.:Ilo)'scs' law the man tbat dill cat of tile s:lcl'iliee S",,,I, " "
01' thanks;.:-i\'ing with bis uncleanness upun him ".0; n,,';
should 00 destro)'LoO from his people; and ,,11:111 wc
tlJink th:,t the wickCl.I and sinful PCrsOIl shall 00
exellsnblc at. the table of lIle Lord? We both relld
in St. Pallltha\. the Chm'ch orCorinth was t)L'OurJ.,rcd, c".. ,I JO.
of 1hc Lord 1'01' misu~itlg the Lord's Suppel'; and
we may plainly sce Christ's Church these Illan)"
y('ars miscl1luly vexed a1\(1 opprcs~d fOl' the hor
riule !l!'U!:III:llioll 01' the ~1I11e, WhCl'Clore let. liS
all, t111iVl:I'S:.l and singular, uehold our OWII manllCrs
and livcs, to :1I11('lld thcm, Yea, now at the least
let. liS call our~cl\',,:s to all lIccount, Illllt it may
;.:-rieve us of our IOl'mcr c\'il COII\'CI'>iatioll, that wc
ma)' hate sin, lllllt we may sorrow and 1ll0lll'II for
our ollcnccs, that we Illay witll lears pour them
out. beloru God, thnt we ma)' with SIll'C I1'1lSt desire
and er:l\'C the S:lh'e or his mere)', bought :lilt! purdll'S(.oO \\ itb tIle blood of his llead)' beloved Son
Jesus Christ, h) lwal our deadly wounds withal.
For surd)', if we do not with eartll.'St repcnt:mL'C
c1canse the Jiltll)' stomach of om' soul, it IllUS\'
llccd!; eome to pass i1lat, ":IS wholesome I1lC:lt !'C- ("h~>l>tl ~d
cci\'ed into:1 rHW stomach oorl'uptelh and lH:u'rcth :;~~:~;~
aU, and is the c;lU~e of flll,ther sickness," so \I"e
"hall cat this healthsome bread and drink this Cll]>
1o our ctcnml dL~trtlction" 'rh LIS wc, und not othel',
must throug-llly cxamine, rlml 1101, litihtl)' look over,
uursch'cs, not. other lllcll; our own eonseieucc, not.
!lthcr men' ]j\'cs: wllich wc ought to do uprig-hlly,
truly, Hnd with just L'Ort'L'Ctiol1, I< D," saith ::it. M l~ \,,1
Chr)"'.o",tolll, "let no Judas resort to this table; II,'''~''''.
let 110 eovetolls person aPl'l'O<lch, )f' any he a (li~ei\,le, let him be prescut, For Chri~t "aith, With )laU. n'
"I! dil1c~)lc, I mal"l! /11/1 pll8,ot'er," \rhyericd the '-.
,le:l(.'011 in the prillliti\'e Church," If all)' be 1101,\',
IcI him dnl\\" I1O::u"? Why did the)' c(,\c\'r.tto; these
I1wstcrit':', the dl<Jir door bcin:; shut? "'11Y lIerc
th'e jlul,lic pCllilelltS :l1ld le:Il'lWrs in religioll ('OmIllandcd at this time to a\'oid? \ras it l10t bcC:Hl,C


w w w. h a i l andf m



'~""D q,l.

Concerlling tlte Sacrament.

t.his rccei\'elh no unholy, unclean, or sinful

guests? "rherefoI'C, if servants dare not prcsume
to an earthly master's table whom tlley ha\'e of
fended, let us take heed wc come not with our
sins unexamincd into this presence of our Lord
and Jud~"il, If they he worthy L1:lme who kiss
the prince's lHlIld with a filthy and undean month,
shalt thou be b1:lmek'SS, which with n. lilthystinking
soul, full of co\'etousness, fornication, drunkenness,
pride, full of wretched eogiLltions and thoughts,
<lost breathe out iniquit.y lllld unclC:lllllCSS on the
bread and cup of the Lord?
'l'hus ,rOll hllvo he:m} how yOIl should come reverently and decently to the table of the Lord,
having the knowledge out of hi!! word of the thin~
ilself and the fruits thereof, bringing a true llnd
eonst:lIlt f:lith, the root :lIld wellspring' of all newness of lilc, flS well in JlrlLising God, loving our
lIeighbour, as purging our own conscience from
filthiness, So thnt ncither the ignorance of the
thing shaH cause llil to contemn it, nor llnf:lithflllness make us void of fruit, nor sin and iniquity
procure us God's plagucs j but Skill, by faith in
knowloof,"il, :lIld amendment of life in faith, be here
so united to Christ our Head in his mysteries to
our comfort, that aner we shall h:we full fruition
of him indoc'<l. to our e,'erlasting joy ilnd ctcrnlll
life, '1'0 the which lIe bring' liS that dil>tl for us,
and redeemed us, Juu4 Cliri4t the righleou4: to
whom with the Father and the I loly Ghost, OIlC
true and etcrnal God, be aU pr.lisc, honour, and
dominion for c\'er. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m

TUE co:m"'G DOWN 0''' TlU; HOLY GUOSf ..c;o

BuollE we oome to the dectarnlion of the


and manifold :rinfl of the Holy Ghost, whcrewith

the Church of God Imt h been o\'('rmore replcni"'ll'<l,
it shall first be needful briefly to expound unto you
whereof this feast of Pentecost or Whilsllotidc 1I:Hl
his first bcgillnin~. You slm\l therefore understand
that the reust of Pentecost was always kept the
fiftieth day altor Easter, :L great tlnd solemn least
aml)lIg the Jews, wherein they dill celebrate the
memorial of their delin'r:lIlOO out. of l~~.vrtJ and
also the memorial of the publishing of the 1.o'1w,
which was ~i\'en unto them in the mount Sinai
upon that day. It was first ordained and COIllmanded to be kept holy, not by nny rooml man,
but by the mouth of the hlrd himself; as we read
ill Le\it. xxiii tmd Deut. xvi. The place appointed
fOf the obsermtion thereof wrut Jcnls:tlcm, where
was ~reat recourse of people from all pm1s of th('
world j ns may well aplK"ar in the fICCOnd chapt('f
of the A('t .., wherein mention ill mll(lc of Parthi:lIl". A.... ll. !.".
)led('>', Jo:lamites. inhnuiiel">cl of :\[C'SOotamia, illhabitl'l'll or Jewr>', Cnppadocin, POlltus, Ao;:ia, Fhrygin. l'mll]lllylia. and di\'crs other such place.. ;
whereby Wc Illfl)' also pM!ly g-nthcr whflt grcnt



w w w. h a i l andf m


The Pird Part

q/ the &rlJlon

:l1Id roml solemnity was eomml'1l1y uscd

fca~t. ~

.\01.11 '-11



r. 11.,.



No\\', ns this was gi\'en in commnndment to the

Jcws in the old Law, Si) did our SII\ioul' Christ a$
it wcre confirm thc"a1l1c in tIle timc of tlw Go~pll,
ord:lining after a sort a ncll' l\mtcco"t f(lf his di,,
cipl,''':; lIumely, wllen he sent down the Hilly Gho~t
\'i"il,ly in form of clO\"~1\ long-lies like fir..., and g'lIVC
them !lOWCr to sl>cak m such SOl't, t1lat ever>, olle
might he:lr them, and also 1ll1der;;tallt! t helll, 111 his
own language. Whieh minlele, that it mig'ht be
lmd in perpetual remembrance, thc Church halh
thought good to solemnize nnd keep IlOly this <lilY,
commonly called Whitrl'llndny. And hcre is to be
noted, that, as the Lnw was givcn 10 the Jews in
the monnt Sil1:1i the fiftieth <I:ly arterJ~a"tcl', 1'0 Will'
the preilching of the Gospel through the mighty
power of thc Holy Ghost gi\'cll to tile Apostles ill
the Illollnt Sioll the fiftidh dny nOer l:a"tcr. And
hereof this feast hath his Ilnme, to Le caUet! Pcntcc)st, e\'ell of tile numher of' the (b,rs. For, us
Sf.. Luke writeth in the Acts of the Apotitlcs, 10helt
Afty daY8 'I&ere cOllie to all ellll, the di~ciJllcs heing'
alt (OfJefher 1Cith ONe accord fll olle pllll'C, the Holr
Ghost came 8uddcIIly among' them, al/d Slit fljJOII
each. l!f them, tile a, it hall been clOWl 101/!J11e8 q/
fire, Which thing was UlldoubtNlty done, to te:lch
the Apostll'S and all other men, that; it is he which
g'ivcth eloqucncc :l1\d \11I(>1";l11ee in pre:wl1illg' the
Gospel; thnt; it is he which openeth the mouth to
declare the mighty works of God; that it is hc
which en~"Clldcrclh a huming l':e:ll to\\":lr<l God's
\\'or<l, nnd givcth all mcn a tongue, yea, a fier)'
IOIlg-UC, so that; they Tllay holdly :Int! ch(!(lrfllllr
profl'ss the truth in tIle l:1CC of the whole world:
11>; r:~lIY was indued with this Spirit.
l'he .Lord,
~aith Lsay, gore me a learl/ed :ll1d it ~kilrul tOl/glll',
10 that I mi!Jht hU)lo to rai,e up them thllt flre./illiclt
v;tlt tne 'leord. 'fhe llrophet. Da\'id criet h to ha\'c
lhiil ~irt, i'll.Villl;, Opell tho/(, 11/y Ii;J~, 0 ;,ord, allll
#/}/ wlt/ih 8hall dew./urllt. thy jJrllilJe.
1'01" our


w w w. h a i l andf m

for Jrhitllrwt!ay,


S:wiour Christ alro ill the Gospel s,'lith to his disciples, It ill not you Mat 8peal.:, but till; SI,irit 0/ yoltr llall", ,0Father uhich i8 witltill OH. All which ic"timonies
of holy Scripturc do sl1flicicntly dcc:bre, that the
myslery of the tongucs betokCllCth the prcllching
of the Gol"pcl, and the Often collfe~ioll of the
Chri~tj:lII 11lith, ill nil them that arc possessed
with the lIoly Ghost. So that, if allY Illan be
a dumh Chri:;tian, not prolcS.!'illg his filith openly,
hut cloaking :Illd cololll,jng himself for Ic:u' of
danger in time to come, he gi\'cth mCIl occasion,
justly :lIld with good eOIl!>Cicllce, 10 doubt lest lul
have 1I0t lhe grace 01' the lIoly Ghost within him,
bcc:lUSC he is tongtle lieU, and <loth not spcak.
'rims thell h:n'e >'e hcard the first institution 01'
this feast of l)cnlc(:osl, or Whitsuntide, as wdl in
the old L.'lwamong the Jews, as :llso in the time
or the Gospel alllOllg the Chri~tiallS. Now let liS
(:ollsitlel' what the Holy Ghost is, :lI1d how consequently he worketh his miraculous works towards
'l'he Holy Ghost is a spiritual and di\'ine substall(.'(!, ihe third Pel'i'OlI in the D~ity, distinct
from the Fathel' and the Son, and yct proceedingfrom them both, "'hieh thing 10 he truc, both
the Creed of Atlmll;J>;ius be:Lrcth witncs::, and m~I\'
be also ca"ily pro\'e<l by most pluin testimonies
God's ho[r word. ""hcn Christ was h:lptized of
.John in the ri\'cr JonJan, wc rend tlmt the Hol,\' ~1_'Il,IlI.
GhOst came dO\l'n in the form of' a dove, and tlwL ''', '1,
the 1";lllIcr thundered from neavell, 8Qyill9, 1'hi8 i"
my dIXlf al/{/1elt belorcd &11, ilt 1I'lt01l1 Jam trelt
}llea8ed, "'I1\'re note three din'ri> and di,.tilll.:l
P~ri>on"" the Jo':lll11.'l', thc Son, and tllc llol.\' GIlosl;
whith all llot\\'ith~landillg- arc not three GOtl,:, but
onc GOl,1. Lik~\I'isl" whcn Chri,.t dill fir"t institute and ordain tllC S:1CT:lmCllt of llapti><lll' he SCllt ) " ..H.
hilS di,;dpld> inlo Ihe whole world, \\illin,!.:' them 10 'Y
haptize all I/lltiQll8 in the name qj'the }iillter, the
Sill, '"111 the 1/u/y (,'ltn$!. A1.~o in anothl,'r pl:ll,'~
he saidl, I Il'ill II/',,!! /I'ltu 111!! I'idhu, a"d Ite 8/11/// ~/";u~I' "I



w w w. h a i l andf m


The Firat Part of the $crmon

gice !Iou altother D:m!forler. j\~'aill, When the

Comforter dult come, whom I wilt lelld frOln 1/I!I
Father, &e. 'l'hese and such other pbecs of the
New Testament do so 1'lailll,\" llnd evidently confirm the distinction of the Holy Ghost from the
other Persons in the 'frillity, that no man c:m
possibly doubt tl1Crcof, unless he will blaspheme
the e\'erbsting truth of God's word. As lor his
proper nature and subst:lIlce, it is altogelher ono
with God the l"3lher and God the SOli, that is
to sa)', spiritual, eternal, uncrcaled, ineOmllrehell~ible, almighty j to be short, he is e\'en God find
Lord e\erlasling. 'l'herelore he is called the Sri1'it
of the l;'ather; therefore he is said to proceed from
the F:.ther :\1Id the SOli; and therefore he was
equall.'l joined with them in the commission that
the Apostles had to baptize alllla!ions.
But, that this may appcar more sensibly to the
eyes of all mell, it shall be requisite to come to the
other part, namely, 10 the wonderful and heavenly
works of the I [oly Ghost, which plainly declare
11l1to the world his mighty :md divine power.
}'irst, it is evident that he did wonderfully govern
and direct the he:u-ts of the Patriarchs and ProIlhels in old timc, illllmil1atin~ their minds with
the kllowledgu of the true Messias, and giving
them utter:moo to prophcsr of things thut should
come to pass long time ;Iller. For,:ls St. Peter
, "01. L 11, witncsseth, the prophecy calJle 'lot in oM timc by the
fCilt q( man, bllt thc hO/Y1/lCn qj' Gott spaJ;e aa Ihl:y
1rere mor;ett illlcard/!I by the lIoly Ghoat. j\lld of
~:Iehary the high priest it is said in the Gospel,
"uk.I.6<,6;lhllt he, beillgftlU of the JIoly Ghoat,projJheaied a/Id
/Jraiaetl God. So did also SimcolI, Allna, Mm")',
:l1Id di\'ers other, to the great wonder find admiration ofallmcn.
:Moroo\'er, was not the Holr Ghost a mig-hty
worker ill the cOlleepl ion find the Il:ltivit y or Chri",t
our Sa\iour? St. ~latthew snith that the blessed
Jlall.1. ,ll. Virg-ill '/Caa jQllml with, child of the JhJ~1J Ghoat,
&ejure JOMJ)h alld de calJle to(Jclher. And the angel


w w w. h a i l andf m

for 1I'ltil4Hlula.1'


G:lhriel die) e~rrcssly tell her lImt it should comu

lo pass, :IJing, 1he 1I0ty ("JU)lJ ,Judl come UPOIII~I~.I.J$'
tAu, of/d tAe pofl:er if tAe Mod High- doll or:erdadolO
tAu. A mnn'ellous mattc;.r. that a woman should
:.'Oneei\'e and bear a child without the knowledge
:tf man. But, where the 1Ioly Ghost worketh,
there nothing is unpossible: AA may further nlso
appear b,)' the inwaru rcgcnerntion llncl s:metiflcabon of m:mkind,
"-hen Christ snid to Nico<!cmus, Uf/leu a _alf ........ 1Il '-',
6e Ixw. alfetr', oj"fCQter na tAe Spin"J, Ae co ot triter tAe ii.,doM of God, he wns greJtly amazed in
his mind. :md began to reaSOIl with Christ, demanding hOW Cl malt mighJ be b~r1J lehic! wa, 0((1.'
alii Ae en.Jer, Sfiitll he, into lii, motlier', womb ogain,
;1.(1,0 be 6crH. of/elC! llchokl a lively Illlttern of a
f1eshly:md roMUl.1 man, lie had little or no intellif,rcuce of the 1I0ly Ghost, :lOll therefore he
goeth blllntly to work. :lnd asketh how this thing
were possible to be tme: whereas otherw~. ifhe
hnd known the great power of the Holy Ghost in
this bchall~ that it is he whieh inw:mllr worketlt
the re<",.,mer.ltion and new birth of nlllllkind. he
;yould nc\"er have man'eUed at Christ'li words, but
would have rnther bken occasion thereby to rni~
and glorify God, }~or, as there are three !iC\'ernl
~nd sundry Persons in the Deity, 60 h:l\'e they
~hree several and sundry oflices I)roper unto each
If them, the }'ather to create, the SOli to redeem,
~he Ilol,}'Ghost to sanclify nnd rcgcncr:ltc. Whereof
~he last, the more it is hid from our unden,t:lllding,
lhe more it ought to move all men to wonder at
the 6eCret :lIId mi~ht,r working of God'd 1101~'
Sllirit, which is withm us. }'or it is the 1I0ly
Gho!'l, :lIld no other thing, tll:lt <loth quicken the
minds of men. stirring' up good and godly moliOllli
in their he:trls, which are :lg-rce:lble to the will :lml
commandment of God, !Ouch as otherwiliC of tlJ{~ir
:)wn crookctl and pef\l'~ nature the,}' :.houlJ ncwr
113\e. TAatfCAic4 ;~f.,onr. f!f'"ejle&;, saith Chri,.l,J-hDlII."
i&j1elA, Qlu/tlloJ ".IIicA i, Wr. (If/lie SpiriJ ;, Ipirit.
\' 5


w w w. h a i l andf m


'L'he Pir8ll'arf of the Smllon

As who should S;I\', i\bn of his owll II:JLurc is

fl('~hly :Jnd ellTu:JI, corl'llpt and llaught, sinflll :Jnd
disol,ediellt to God, without Ull)' sp:lrk of g-oodne~~
in him, without all)' virtuous or god I)' motion, onl,\'
g-i\'en to evil thoughts :11Id wicked deeds; as IlIl'
lhe works of lhc Spirit, the fruits of I1lith, ehllrit:lble lllld god I)' motiolls, if he h:Jvc ;'Ill," at :Ill in
hirn, the)' proceed onl>' of' the 1I01)' GllO~t, \dlO is
t he ani)' worker of our 8l111l:tili{'ation, aud makcth
l1!; new men in Christ Jcsu. Did not God's \loly
,!'om .,11, Sjlirit miraculously work in the child David, wbell
Ill' a poor shepherd he became a prineclikc Prophet?
llid not. God's J101)' Spirit. miraeulollsl.v \\wk in
ll.It, b. 9.
)llIt1hew, 8ittill!l at tne receijJt of CU8tOTll, wllCn of;t
}lroud pllulican he bccame an humble aud lowl.\
EVllnA'eli~t.? And who Cllll chQOl;e hut marvel, to
NlIl"illcl' tlmt. l\:tcr shoultl become of' a simple
li,..lll~r a chief :lIld mighty Apo~tle, Paul of a cruel
ami bloody pe!'St..'Cutor a lailhl'ul disciple of Christ.
to leadl the Gcntiles?
Such is the power of the Holy Ghost. to re;.,"C_
ucrate mcn, and as it. were to bring them forth
:IIlCW, so tll:lt the)' shall be nothing like ihe men
that the.r were before. l\eitllcl' cloth he think it
suflicicllt inwardly to work the spiritual find lIew
birth or 1ll:1I1, unless he do al;;:o dwell and abille in
"",.111. ,~: llim,
A-/If1/')!le nol, sflith SI. 1>:1111, tlwt .tIe are fhe
n. '9
fell/pte qj' God, alltt thal hiJf Spiril (hret/elh ill !!Olf?
Am/IO .ye 1I0l thal ,'/j0llr Iw/ieJf are the fC/!/jJle8 q/ the
llol!! GhOlt, 1hjch. is teithilt 'II01d l\;,raill hc s;lith,
U"m. ,1Il~. 1'011 are tlOl ilt Ihe j/eJfh, bllt ilt lhe Jtpiril ; .lilT 'If'h.1J
the Sl,iril qj' God dlcelldh ill yOIl. '1'0 thi", at;re('th
"loon 11. '1 the d(}(:trine or Si. John, writing on this wise; J'he
'f1/fjjllfiil,'1 1rhit1t ye hare rccehetl (hc llleallcth llu:l
lIul} Gho,,;t) tllrelleth ilt!Joll. And the doctrine of
I ['e1.I...... I\,tt'r 8.'1illl the 8.'1IllC, who hath thc;;:Q words: 'J'he
S;,irit f!/glor!l mul qj' (:od reJffdh UJiM !IOU. 0 Wh:lt
n comlort. is this to tIle henrt of a true Clll'istirl11,
to think that the Hol\' Ghost d\\"etlcth witllin
11"." .-l1J.JI. him!
If (;od /,e with 1l8, as the AI}Q~t1c saith, feno
calt bc agailld 1/8?


w w w. h a i l andf m

{or 1r"it#",,",,~.


o but hew "hall I know thal the 1I0lr GIIO~t ill

,\ithin me? sonIC mall IX'rdmllCC will say. For.
l;OOth, as M~ tne i, ',,"011:/1, ",I hi, frllil, so is al:;o )/a:t
ihe JJol~- Ghlbt. TAe frllju 0/ flte llol.f G"~l, G.:J
according' to the mind of SI. Paul, are these; ((Jet.
it'.!, Jifil~, wlfg.ujJeril/9> gtlftltlftll, g(}()(/lItll,fllitlt.
jiJIHt~" ",t(l'lltll, (cllljieTaIlCj, &c.
the fled, qj' tlte l'ed art (ltt~e; adulter:If,fornication,
,mc/tuNnt", ",u"{omlt,,, Mlllatry. fCj{chcrqj~, Italretl,



>11 JJ


,<:dil;01l, here,!;,

t:Rry, JIINrder, tit/till-tUlle", glllllfJ/l.'I> and lach la-e.

Here is IlOW tlml:;la....,. wherein thou mu,st Lchold
thY!:iClf, ami di>;(.'Crn whether tholl h:l\'c the 1I0lr
Gho;,l within thee, or the spirit of the flesh. rr
thou sce thnt thy work... be \-irtuou" amI good.
L'OlIson:mt to thc prescript rule of God's word,
saxouriu):;' OIul t:l~til1g' not of the f1l.-...I. but of thc
Spirit, thell (L..."ure thll>4,M thnt thou 3rt endued
witll the 1101)' G!lo;:l: otherwi:;c in thinking wdl
of th)'sclf thou doe;;t nothing cbe but deceivc
"fhc Holy Ghost doth nlwnfs declare himself bl
his fruitful and gracious brills, namely, by thelCoril ,l'Ot, ,11
of1&;11I01ll, b)" fAe word rtll-ilOw(edge, which is the 1-'"
understanding of the Scriptures, by faitlt, in 1I0illg
of miraclel, by healing thelll that are dist~lscdJ bJ'
pro]JAc"i, which is the declaration of GodJs m}'~.
teriC:!!, b)" dilccrni"fJ of Ipirifl, tlirerlit.Y of tonguel,
illterprdatio" of tOlfgllel, :lnd so forth. All whidl
f,rins, as they Ilroceed from onc Spirit, and arc
~\cr.lll~ bri\'cn to mall a<'COnling to the me:15urahle
tli",tril,utioll of the 11(1)" Glw,.t, en~lI so do the)"
brill~ men, :lI1d not without ,:."ood causc, into a
wonderful :I(lmirntioll of GodJs di\;nc power. Who
will 1I0t mnncl ;It that which ill \uiticn ill the .\Ct.i .\co..., "-j'.
of the .\ I'",.tll's, to their bold conli.-ssion befor'C ,.
till' council at Jerusnlcm, ;lnd to ooll~idcr that the"
wcnl n\\a)" with joy ami g'ladllc,.~, rejoicinfJ f!l"t
f!le.! ,,-ac cl)/llIf<J, If'IJrf!l!l ff) III./fu retlll'l:l and c11t.ocks
lor (fie SUI/It aud faith qlf.,!lril/t JUIII? 'fhis was
lhe mighty work 01' the 11111)" Ghosl; \\'ho, bcCllll"C


w w w. h a i l andf m


The 1'irll Part of (ne &rJJlM

he givcth pal icnce and joyfulness of heart in tempbtion and afllietion, Imth therefore worthily ob
tained this lIame in holy Scripture, to be called
J ..o Jlul . 6, a Comforkr.
'Vho will not also man'el to read
the lcarned and heavenly fiCrmons of Peter and
the other disciples, considering that they were
never brought up in sehool of learning, but called
e\'en from their net.s to supply rooms of Apostles?
This was likewise the mig-ht.y work of the Holy
Ghost; who, because he doth instruct the hearts
f)f the simple in the true knowled!?C of God and
his hol)' word, is most justly termed by this nlllne
lbi4. ".
:md title, to be Me Spirit of truth. Eusebius ill his
Ub..... p.,J. Ecclesiastical History tellcth n strange story of a
(-crtain learned mul suhtile philosopher, who, being
an exheme advers:lry to Christ and his doctrine,
could by no kind of learning be eom'erted to the
faith, but was able to withstand all the arguments
that could be brought against him with little or no
labour. At length there started up a poor simplc
mall, of small wit and less knowledge, one t.hat
was reputed among the learned as an idiot; and
he OD God's Name would neNs take in hand to
dispute with this proud philosopher. 'l'he bishops
and otller lrorned men standing by were marvel
lously abashed at the matter, thinking- that by his
doill&"S they should be all collfonnded and put to
open shame. I [e not.withstanding ~th on, and,
begiuning in the Name of tIle Lord Jcsus, brought
the philo,.opher to such point in the end, contrnry to all men',. expectation, t.hat he could not
choose hut acknowledge the power of God in his
words, and to gi\e place t.o the truth. 'Vas not
lllis tl. miraculolls work, that onc secly soul, of no
Icn"lling', should do that whieh many bishops, 01'
great k,.,owlc..lgc and undcrstaudin;:, were never
:lhle t.o br;ng to pass? So truo is that saying of'
1I""'.9 .... J... Bl-dC: "Where t.he Holy Ghost doth instruct fllld
teach, t.herc is no delay at all in lc:unillg!' 1\[uch
more mig-ht here be spoken of the mflllirold gift,.
and graces or the nol)' Ghost, most exC':l1cnt ami


w w w. h a i l andf m

fur 1I'Ait.ulullJ.Y.

wonderful in our e,res: but, to make a lon~ discourse through all, the shortll~ of time will not
scnc; and, seeing yc ba\'e hrord the ehicf..'tit, re
mar easily concch,c :md judg-e of the rest.
Now wcre it expedient to discuss this quct=tion,
wbether 311 the)' whieh boMt :l.Ild brag th3t the)'
113\'C the lioly Gllost do trul)' cllllllenge this unto
themseh'cs, or no? Whieh doubt, because it is
ncecsso'lt"y and profitable, shall, God willing, be
dissoh,cd in tho next )>3.rt of' this llomil)'. ]n tllC
mcan season let us, as wc arc mOl>t IXlllnd, j:ri\'o
hearty Umnka to God tIle ]'ather 3nd his Son
Jesus ChrL.,t for scnding down this Comlorter into
the world; Immbl)' ~'CChin~ him 80 to work in
our heam by the power of this 1I0ly Spirit, that
wc,lX'ing re;"''1'nerntc 3nd newly born :lo"llin ill all
:..,"OOdIlC:SS, rightcousness, 8Obrict), Dud truth, mar
in thc end be madc 1l.'1rtakcl'iJ of c\'crlastin!;, life in
his heavenly kingdom through JeiUS Chri"t our
only Lord :md S:l.\iour. Ameu.



QUit S:l\,iour Christ, d~parti1f!J od of !he 1Corld U1I/0 John ,if!. I.

Ai6 Falllu, his di~ipll'll to send dowll U,u,,", ,6"
a"o/lIu Q:,.Jort~r. fAat do.1d C(Ju/iue 1CifJ. tAellf/uf' ~; ::t ;'~J"
ecer, 311(1 dinet fAe. i"fo alllr.fA. "~hi(;h tiling
to Le faithfully :md truly perfunned, the Seri)ltuIW

do sufficiently bear wltneri, Xl'ither mlliit we

think that this Comforl<!r was either promised or
else W\'cn only to the A(>OStles. but aL-oo to the
uni\"ct"$.'11 Church of Chri:,;I, di"'I'lC~'(t through the
whole world. For, unlC&! the Ill/I)' G!l~t ImJ
becn :11\\":1)'8 pr~nt/ go\"crnillg 3nd prcscn"ill,;:' the
Church from the beginning/ it could ne\'cr Im\'c


w w w. h a i l andf m

49 ~

1'hr &wlfl Purt

0/' the &,mon

811stained so IlUlll~' :lnd !jl) :''T(~.Il brunt:> of afilictioll

and per:...'<:uliIJll with !OO little dam:l""C and harm:l-~
it hath, And the words or Chri~t are m~t plain
J . ,t.,
in this bcll:lIrJ ~'Jring that. tAe S"irit of trHtA ,/wIlM
" . I
.,.... su.d. oUd, tc;t! tAe_lilr er, that Ae tCfJ.ld te teitA Ihel>l
Ql".a~, (he m\'':Illeth br ~'>T3ce. virtue, :lud power)
ere. to IAe tCOrU', nul, Also in the I'r::l)'er th:lt. he
made to his Father a little before his lll':lth IltJ
m:lhth interce:;."ioll, IIOt ollly lor him,..,.lf aud hi~
J ... A!K>Stlcs, bul indillcrentl)'for all tAe"" thut 'ROIlM
teliece ilS Ai. IAro"9'" tllelr tcord"that is to wit, for
his whole Church. AA'3ill, SLl'aul J;,.'Jilh, if alii
'10 '5,
mol/. Aare ,rot IAe Spirit <!f Chr;,t, lite ,ome i, ""t
Ai,. Also ill the wnnl,. following', Ire hat'e rmire,t
Ihe ,pi,it 0/ Q/{ujltiulI, u:hl:l"t~J ICe er!!, Attm, Fulher.
IlcrclJy then it. is e\'idcnt. and plain to all lllell,
that the Holy GhOtlt W:lS gilcn, not ollly to tll\1
Apostlcs, but lllso to tho wllole oody of Clll'i~t'..
congrcbrfltion, althongh not. in like form lIud rnli'
jcsty :15 he came down at the j~'n"t of Pentecost.
Blit now herein st:lI11.leth the contro\crs.r, whether
nll men do justl)' nrro;:r.lte to thClllSCh'cs the Ilol.r
Ghost, or 110, 'l'hc llishoPii of Home ban: for a
10llg time made n. sore ch:lllcllg'C thercullto, fellsoll
ing for thclll"ch'cs after this sort, The Jlol)' Ghost,
!':ay the)', was promi.sed to the Church, :Uld Ilc\'('r
fo~kclh the Church: but. we arc the chicI' hC'.. d~
.nnd the principal P:lrt of the Church: thl'relore
we hnve the I (01)' Gh~t lor ever j and wl13bocvcr
thiu~ we decree arc undoubted \'eritics and or.lek.,;
of the 1101)' Ghost. '1'lmt )'e may pen.'ei\'l~ tilt'
w(>:lknCSil of this ar'f,'1llllcnl, it iii 1Il'Cdl'ul to tl'llt'h
:"011 fin."i, \\hnt tile true Church of Chri"t i"" :llltl
thcn to confer the Church of Jwme t.herewith, tu
dbccm how well lhey ab"TCC tOb"Cthcr.
'l'he true Church is :m ullin~rs:ll cong'n'Wltion or
.;,~' n ".. fellowsllip of God'8 f:lithful and t'lcct 1)C()I!ll', tuil!
#llOn IRe fuulftlutiQ/I, f!l (he Apu,i1c, alld IlroJlhd~,
Je~,,' Chr;,t !Ji/l/ll:Ij' teil/[I the head cortler IJtum:,
Aud it, hath :1111':1)'8 three noll''' or mark", \\'llcl'l:II,1'
it i" knoll'ni pure :111<1 soulld <!ochiIIC, the 5:u;I':I.


w w w. h a i l andf m

menls milli,t{'J1.'(1 fI<'COr<liu,!; 10 Christ's holy ill~ti

tut ion. mul t h{' right u,,(! of (-'(de"ia;,t il":ll d i--tillli lie.
This dC!"C:riptiull of t1l(~ Church is a;:n'('uhh.' hoth
to the S<:riptur(og of God ant! also to the dodrine
of the :mcient fathers, so that nOlle mllY justly liud
limit then'with.
Now, if )'e will eompat{' this with the Chun:h
of Rome, Ilot as it Wfb at th(' lotg-iullin;:. bul a" it
is prc;;{'lltl) and halh bo..>en for the Slla\..-c of nine
hundred rMnl and odd. you ..llnll well 1>Cr<'Cin: the
"tatc thel"('1Jrto be 80 lllr wide from tile llHlllr'C of
the true Church, thflt nothing cun he morc. J~Ol'
neither ure tlu'y f,,"ilt ItJJOn lite fQ"mlllliQ/f. (lj" fli~
AfIO'llcI uti Prop/uII, rctaillin~ the pure and soulld
doctrine of Chri,;t Jc.-u; IlCitlll'f rl't do tllf,'.\" onlef
either the Sflcrnmeut" or eIO'C the ('{'1le,i;ht it'al h',&
ill 811<:h sort as he did first inl'litutc nnd orda'in
them. bllt have 80 interming-lcd tl.rir own tr:llli.
tions and ill\"clltivns, by <:h"Jlping ami ch:lIl):{in;:, br
adding lIlld I'lul'king :lwal. that now t h....\ 1ll3r ".\.'\."Ill
to be COIl\"Crtoo into [) new gui,.;e. Chri:;t 1111mended to his Church fI Sacrnment of his llody
.md Blood: the.\" have dUlll~"Cl.I it into a silcl'ifk"C
lor the quick :lud the dt.'ud. Christ did minister
to his Apostlt.'fI, and the Apostles to other men,
indillt.>rentlr tinder both kin(b: thcr han:l rolJl)C(J
the 13)" J'l'.'Ople of the cup, ~JilJg that for them
nne kind is l>uflicicnt. Chri,t orxbillCtI no other
I'lelllcnt to he u;;(l(1 in Baptism hut only watcr,
\\ hereunto whcn the word is joincd, it is m:ldt.', as
St. AUf,"l.lStine S:lith. a full nnd pcrfl'<:t Sucr:nllC'ut : ,t.-,.~ ..
the)". being wiser in their own oonOi'it thall Christ,
think it is not wdl 1I0r orderly done, unlcs they
use colljurntioll; UUII"l'S thC'y hallow the water;
uuless there he oil, ;:alt, ;:pittle, tapers, ami sueh
olher dumb ('('relllonie>:, scn'ill~ to no u~(', ('()lItr:If\"
I ("or. IT. a
to the plain nlle of S1. Paul, \\ ho willt'th aft
to be d'lIft in the Cllllf\h uw ~/ijiN1fiQ1t. Chri,t
flnlainetlthc 3utlwrity of the h)-s to C'xeomlllullil~lte notorious ..inllc,"". and hI aiJ~ol\"e them \\ hidl
Mu Iruly pClIilcnL: 11Il'~' al,u~c this pow('r nt thcir



w w w. h a i l andf m



c(/1tf1 P"rt 0/ 'lte


own pleasure, as well in cursing the WXlly with

bell, book, and candle,


also in absoh';ng the

reprobate, which are known to be nnworlh) of any

Cbri~tiall societr; whereof he that lu.. t to see examples, let him search tlll:;r lives. To IJc short,
~.I~aj6: look whal our Sll\';our Chri"t prollounC<!d of the
Ij.1r , 9. Scribes :lIld the Phari"CC8 in the GOSIX'I, the same
may wc boldly AIIlI with sule t.'OusciclIce pronounco
of the Bishops of Rome, nnmcly, that they have
fonmkclI, :md daily do fonmkc, the commandments
of God, to crect nud B<ll up their own cOllstitlltions.
Which thing being tnIC, liS nil thcy which hn\'c
:1iI.r light of God'.. word must needs conflSt', we mny
well conclude, :lC('Ording to the mic of Augustinc,
that the Bishops of Rome :md their adhc~nl!l are
not the true Church of Christ, much less then to
bc taken as chief hC3ds and rnleJ'll of the urne,
It "'h();;()C\"er 1J
sait1l he It do dis.ent from the
,...1 1 _
~.., ..: Scriptures conceruing tbe llC3d, although they be
found in 311 places where the Church is uppointed,
j'ct are the,r not in the Church!' A plain plaC<',
concluding' directly ogainst the Church of Rome.
"rllCro is IlOW the 11011' Ghost, which they so
!'toully do claim to thcmse vcs? Where ill IIOW the
John ut 'J. 5jJirit 0/ Irl/tlt, that will not suffer them in 011)'
wise to err? If it be possible to be Ihero where the
true Church is not, then is it :at Rome: otlu~rwi,.c
it is but. a "ain brn~, 11lld nothing' else, SI.IJnul,
M-. yill.,. :IS )'e hlwe Ilean! belore, saith, If any ,.aM hace 110t
tAe Spirit 0/ CAri4l, tAe .ae i. rIOt "i8, And, by
turuing' the words. it may be as t.rol.r said, If :Iny
mlm Le IIOt ofChrkt, the S3me hath lIot his Spirit.
)l"ow, to discern who are truly his and who noi,
-I Ga ;.. \\"c IUl\'e this rule given us. that "i8 dup do allCtIy#
-IllJullt..;. ANr Ai. ro;, .And St. John !;''lith, Jle tAat i4 W'
GOfI heard! God'4 teOTlI, Whereof it followeth,
that the IJopes, in not hearing Christ's voice, u,:
the)' oll~ht. to do, l)Ilt preferring' their OWII dccr~'l'''
he/ore the express word of God, do plainly flrg'Il~'
to the world that they lire not of Chritlt nor )'et
possessed with his Spirit,



w w w. h a i l andf m

for 1rhit,f1mda!l'

But here 111e)' will :I11eg'C for themselves, thal

there are di"ers llcecS&lry points not expressed iu
1101.y Sel'ipture, which were left to the revelr.lioll
of lhe 1[01)" Ghost j who, being ~iven to the Church
according to Christ's promise, hath taug-ht mall.,! J<lII~ ut ".
thil'f/,f from time to time, which the Apostles could
not then. bear. '1'0 this we may easily answer by
the pbin words of Christ, teaching us that the
propcr oflioo of tIle Holy Ghost is, not to institute
:I1l(1 brillJr in new ordill:lIlces, contrary to his doctrine bclore t:lIlght, but to expound and declare
those things whieh he 11:11 belore bught, so that
the)' might be \\'ell and truly understood. Whn Ibld,'J."
the Holy OhOlt, sait h he, 8hait CQme, he ,fhalt leatl
you i"to ult Irlllh. \Vlmt truth doth hc meau? any
other thnn he himself 11:ld IJcfore expressed in his
word? No. }'or lH:~ saith, Jle dolt lake tif 1llille,
a"d dew it 'lotto you. J\gtlin, Ife 8ha!t bring you ill Jobn .I.,,~
remembrance <!f alt l/d"g, Ihat I hate toM ,"lOll. It
is not then the duty :lIld part of any Christian,
under pretence of the I [oly Ghost, to bring in his
OWII dreams and phantasies into the Church; but
he must diligently pro\ide that his doctrine :lIld
deerees be agn:cable to Christ's holy '1'i~st:une\lt:
ntherwise, in making the Holy Ghost the author
thereof, he doth blaspheme and belie the Holy
Ghost to his OWll condemnation.
Now to leave their doctrine, and come to othel'
>oints. Wllllt shall \\'e jutl)..\'c or think of the
\ 'ope't; intoler:lble !lride? '1'he Scripture saith,
t h:lt OQflre,i,lelk Ihe pl"OlUl, Qnd ,helCelll. grace tlJ J."... I., o.
Ihe humUe. AI;;o it. prollOllllCt!th them blu8crlwhich )l.1I .. J:
. 'pIn,
. ., prOllll':lIIg
.. t I1:11 l"e!l1Clllcn
" " flUlll",'_tUI,I"
/,re poor HI

Ihem,fet~'e8 "'olt be ezalld. And Christ our Saviour

",ilIcth [1\1 his to team of him, becallle he i8 humble )1.11 .1, .,.
ami fileti.-. As for !lridc, St. Grl'l:>"'Ory saith "it is
the root of all mischid:" And Sf. AlIg-ustine'" 1:1011.' '_1_
jml'mcnt is thi", that it maketh mell de,il". Can
:1Il)?man thell, whieh either hath or !'h:dl r~ad illt:
Popes' li,'Cl', juslly sny tIlat the)' had the lIol~'
Ghost within them? First, as touching that Ih(')'


w w w. h a i l andf m




,V. 1'.




I,lb. ,u.

11,"'.....1 ,ut>


l.\b. 1.

I'. >d.


The S,:c/)/lrl Purl

'!!' fhe Scrll/rlll

will he termed Uni\crsal Bi."hops and 1[cads of all

Christinll Cburche." fhrough the worlll, we hlWC
the jud~lllcnt of Gr('~ror}' cxpr<'Ssly ag'a;Il'iL tllem;
who, writing to :Mamifius thc l~mpcror, colldemllelh John llishop of Con~tnnfinople in thM bellalf,
calling him the princc of plide, LlIlilcr's succc~~or,
and the lorerunncrof Antichrl."t. St. Bcrnnnl :ll~"
llgreeillg fhcrcunto ~ailh," Whnt g'rcaler pl'idc call
tllcre bc, thnn llmt. 01lC Illan ,.lIould prefer Ids 0\\'11
judgment before fhe whole (;OIlWe:';'lt ion, a,. thollg-I!
he onl)' h:)(1 Lhe Spirit of (;<)(I?" And CIII.rsos.
tom pronollncclh It t.cnible ."cnlcnce :Ig:lillsl lllClll,
aflirmillg' Jllaillly, that whosoover i1t..'Ckclh to IJC
chief in e:ll'th ~hall find cOld'U!;ion ill hca\"e1l," nnd
thut he which !'triveth for tile sIlJlrem:I('Y ~halll1ut.
be rell1lfed amon;::;- the ~en':lnts of Christ. A;::;-aill
he ~Iilh, "'1'0 de~il"C II good \\'ol'k, it is j:.,"OOd; but
to covet the chicI' degree of honollr, it is mcrc
vanit}':' ])0 nol these !l!aC<'S :<lIflil'il'lltl.r convince
their olltrn~"Colls pri(le ill l\!;1Il'pillg' to th,m."cl\'Ct; a
!'Ilperiority al:Hwe all other, as well milli~ters and
hishops, as kin~'"S al;;o :lIld cmpc!"Ol's?
l3nt, as the lion is known l,y hi,; cbws, so I...t liS
learn to know fhese Illcn h" their dceds. \\"hut
."llnll wc say or him that ~llade tl1l' nohl(' kill~
DandalllS to be tied by the ncck wilh :1 cllaill, allt!
to lie flat down before his tahl c, Ibel'c fu gnaw
bon<'S like a do~? Shall wc fhiuk t1ll1l hc had
(j,..:}';; lIoly Spiril within him, amI not rafher thc
Sllirit of tile devil? Such a tyrant 1I":IS Pope
Clement Ihe Si:dli. 'rllllt "hall wc !':l.r of him
tlmt !Jroudl.l' llnd contemptuously trod Fredcric
the Emperor tinder his li.,et, applying' tll:lt \,eri<C
or tile }',;nlm lInto hilll,;ell": 1hOl~ ,hulf!Jn 1IJ1Q// fhe
liQ//- and !he mltlcr; fhe !Jnllll!J lioll mill the nr",fJ0I1
!hOIl ,h(lit lrcat/llmler thy./iJol! Sllall "C ":1.' that

he had Ood's 11(11." Spirit wifllin him, and not

the I>pirit of lhe dcvil? Sllell a lyrant '\':1,.
l'opc AIl'xandcr tilt:! Third. "'h:lf ,.hall \\"l' .'a.\ of
llilll Ihat lll"111ed :l1ld animatl'll fhe son :l!.:'ain"t 1lll'
titheI', eml.~illg him to be tahn, alll! to be crllt'll,\


w w w. h a i l andf m



I:llni~hed 10 denth, contrary 10 the law" both of

nod alld also nature? Shall we ~nr that he Imd
God'", 1I0ly Spirit willlin him, and not Iler the
"'pint of' the devil? Sueh a l.rrant was Pope
aschal the Scroml. What shall we sa}" of him
that tame into Ilis poproom like a fox, lIwt rciglled
like a lion, and died like a <log? Sllnll wc fm,\'
that he had God's Uoly Spirit within him, and
not rather the spirit of' t.he dC\'il? Such a Iymllt
\\'ng l>ope Jloniface the Eigllth,
\rhat sll:dl we
~:l.\ of him that made I Lcur}" tile mpcrof, with
his wife nnd his young child, 10 st:lnd at. tile gntcs
of the city ill the rougll wintCI" hart-looted and
],:ll"dl'l.,"g'('(!, onl.l' clothed in lilt~cy woolH'.'", eating
II'Ithing from morning to night, and that for the
"'l'lU:''C of Ilm'e days? SIIal! wc ~ny thnt he had
God's 1101.\ Spirit wilhin him, :llId not rather the
~pirit of the dC\'il? Such n tynlllt \\'al' /lPC 1I ilde],rnnd, 1ll0",t worthy to be called a firebrand, if we
1011:111 term him a.;: he llath ht.o;:t desen"C'd,
)fnny other ex:ullples mig-ht here be nlleged j
as of l>opc Jone hnrlot, that was deli"ered of
a child in the high street, going (;()Ielllllly in procession; of Pore Julilli; the Sl'coml, that willillly
(1lst SI. Peler's into the river 'l'ilJcris j of Pope
Urb.111 the Sixth, t1mt caused (h'e Clll'llirmls to be
put in 8ncks and cruelly drowned; of ]>ope Serg-ius
the 'l'hird, thnt persecuted the dend body of J'or
mOStlS his !lredcC('ssor, when it had Ut.'C1l uuried
eigM rears; or Pope John, the fourleenth of' thlLt
name, who, ha\"ing' Ilis cnemy dcliverL'(1 into hi,;
Illlllds, cnllscd Ilim tirsl. to \.le "lriplKld stark IHlkCt.l,
his hcnrd to he o;han'n, find lo he Ilanged up a
wllOle dny hy the IlHir, then to he !'el. upon an :l!'S
with his liLce IJlIckllnnl to\\":mls tlle tail, to Ul'
<:nrried round about the city in d<:spite, to ~
miscmblr benton with rods, !:1st. of all to he thru~L
out of liis cOllntry, :md to ue h:lI1i~hed for ever"
But, to condnde ;'md make uu end, ye slmlt hricfly
lab: this ~hort le,;"on: wher<.'sQC\"eT ve find tIlt'
"pit"it of IItTOg:LIlC'y aud pride, the spi~it of en\'.',


w w w. h a i l andf m

The Scco/ld Part of the Sermon


1J:"ltrcd, oontenlion, cruclty, murdcr, extortion,

witchcrnfl:, nccromanc.,, &e., :ISSUI1} yours('h-es that
there is the spirit of tIle devil, and not of God j
alheit they pretend outwardly to the world never
so much holiness. ]<'or, as the Gospel teacheth us,
the Spirit of Jesus is a ~,...ood Spirit, an holy Spirit,
a sweet Spirit, a lowly Spil-it, a mcrciful Spirit,
filll of charitr and lo,'c, full of forgivcness ant!
1 !'rI. UI.~: pity, flot rellflerillg eril jor evil, extremity for ex~ll::: ~;Iili.': tremity, but overcomju.1f eril with good, and rell/illi".'!
nil oflenee e,'cnjioll~ Ihe heart. According- to whieh
rule, if allY mall li,'c uprightl)" of him it. Ill:l}' be
safely pronoullcetl, that he hath the JIoly Ghost
within him i if not, thcn it is a plnin token that
he. doth IIsurp the Ilamll 01' the Holy Ghost ill
'l'here.fore, dearly hclo"ed, accordin~ to the gooel
1 ~oIl" h', '. oounrel of St. J ohll, beliere not eve,,Y 8]1irif, but jint
~1.11. ul .
Ir,Y the/It whether the!! be f!( God or no, Jllan,Y 8hall
! . ~: ,e",
come in. fll!! flame, saith Chri~t, and shall tran~for/ll
.L 'J~'~'
them.8elt'e8 into angel8 o.f light, deceivillg, if 1't be

pouible, the T'er,Y elect. J.'lte!! dolt come unto yol'

in 8heep', clolMug, beillg inwardl!! cfuel and rave'lillg
'fhe)' shul1 have an outward shew of great
holiness and innoceney of life, so that ye shall
h:mlly or not ut all di~ccrn them, But the rulc
1hat ye must follow is this, to judge them by their
fruit,. Which if they be wicked :llld naught, then
is it unJlo!iSihlc that the tree of whom they proceed should be good. Such were all the popes and
prelates or Rome for the most part, as doth well
appear in tIle story of their lives; :md therefore
they arc worthily aC<'ounted amon;::- the llumber of lJrophel" allfljat88 Ch,i,t, whieh deceived t htJ
world a long- while,
'l'he ],()Tlt qf heaun anti eart4 derend us from
their t)'runny and pride, tlmt thc)' ncvcr entcr into
his "inc)':I1'd again to the disturbancc or his scel)'
poor /lock, but that th<,)' mH." be utterly c<>n/Ollndecl
and put to flight in all parts of the world, And
he of bis great lllcrc), 60 work in all men's hearts

)1.'1 . . ".

)1.....1. '!.


w w w. h a i l andf m

for Jrhilllllll!"!J'


bf t11c mig1lt.y powcr of thc Holy GhoSl, that the

comforl:lblc Gospcl of his Son Christ may bc truly
prcaehed, truly N!ceiv'-'tl, and truly followed in all
places, to the beating down of sin, death, thc pope,
lhe de\'il, and all the kingdom of' Antichrist; that,
the scattcr(.'<1:Uld dispcrsed sheep heing at length
~pthercd jllto Qlte jaM, wc may in tllc end rest :dl Jot", . '''.
..I. " ,
in the bosom of Ahraham , ISmte, and I.Ilk,
)1011 '1lI "
Jacob. therc to be partakers of eternal and c'\'crlasting lifc. through the mcrits and dcath of J ..'6Uil
Christ our Sa\'iour. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m

7()!1 TU':




COln:Tll PIlOlI GOD.

1 All purposcd this dny, good de\'out Christ.ian

people, to dcclar\J unlO yOIl the most dC~(:I'\'cd
praise and COllllllClld:.lioll of Ahnig-bt)t Ood; not
,ml)' ill consideration of the marvellous creation of
this \\"orld, or for the conservation llnd ~o\'crn:lll<-~
thereof, wherein his great l)()\n~r llnd wisdom might
excellently tlppcar, to mo\'c us to hOllour and dread
him; but most specially in considcmtiOIl of his
lil)cl~llllnd large goodness, \\ hich he daily hcstowcth
on us his reasonable creatures, for \,"hose sake he
madt: this whole ulli\'cr~ll world with all the COlll
moditil'S :lIId goods tln:rcin: which his singular
6roodIlCS~1 wd] and dili&,"Clltly remembered 011 our
part, should move us, as duly is ag:lin, with hearly
allixllioll to love him, and \\ ith word and dced to
pnlisc him :md senc him all the daJ's of our life.
A.nd to this malter, being so wort.ll)" to entreat ol~
and so JlI'Ofit:ll..Jc 101' ~Oll to hear, r trnst I shall
not need with much Clrcumst:mcc of words to stir
~ou to g'i\"t~ .your atl~lIdancc, to hear what shalt Lc
"':lid. UJll~ 1 would \\'i~h your aflcction inlllllllcd
in secret. wi:;c witllin yourself lo mise lip some
llIol ion of thauk:;gi \illg' 10 tile {,"OOdn('SS of.\ llllighly
God in c\cry "uch point liS 811:111 be opencd by 1ll.1
,lcelurllliOIl particularly unto you. 10'01' else wllut.


w w w. h a i l andf m

For ],'fI!latioll lred.""

;.hall it avail us to hear and know the J.:"reat \;0<>(1.
lle",s of God towards U8, to klloll' tllllt \\ hatso~'\"er
is ):,'00<1 procCideth from him, 11." from tllC principal
fountllin and till: only alLthor, or to know tlmt
whaj,;oc\'er i~ sent from bim lLlust ne(.ds he g-nod
Illld wholcsome, if the hc:u'ing of sueh In:ltler
Illo\cth liS no further but to knoll' it onl)"? What
:n'ailed it tile wise men of the world to haH~ a
kno\\"lcdg-e of the flower alld didJlit!! 0/ G'od by the
~L'Crct. il18pirat ion of him, wJlerc thc!! dil11/ot honour
and glorify hint in their knowlCilgcs us God!' \\"hat
I!rai:ie was it to them, by tile collsidemtion of the
cI'l':ltion of the world to behold his goodness, rllld
.Iet ,cerc not tlta"~INt to him nbPtJin for bis creatures?
What other thing' deserved this blindness nnd for.
:",\':tfulncss of them at God's 11lInd~, but utter for
~aking- of him? J\n<1 so forsaken of God they eould
not buL 1:111 into exheme iguorauec and error. And,
although tlIC)' much esteemed lhelllsch-es in their
II its :lnd knowledge, :lIld f:"loried ill their wisdom,
yet rOllishcd thC!! au:a!! b/hull!! in their tho/lghuJ be
I"((mcfoa{s, nnd pcrished in their folly. 'l'hel'e ean
he none other cud of sueh as dr:lweth nigh Lo God
1).1" knowk'dge, and yet depart from him in un
1 klllkfulllCi>S, but IILler destruction, 'l'his experience
~:lW Da\"id in his days" l~'ol' in his P"alm he saith,

Ilon l.'q.'l'-

He/wM, the.1! which withdraw thell/se/us from thee ,... )ullI . "
IIh((lt }Ierish; for IhOl~ ha8t dcstra!Jc(1 them ott that
urc Itrayerlfrom thee. 'l'his eXJlCrience was pereei\'c<l
to be true of that holy Prophet llierelll)'. 0 Lord, Je. uli.'Jo
he, IChft!socver thcy be that forsake thce dolt


(,e confolllUlclt; thcy that dC.Jlilrtj'rom thee shalt (,e

ICrittc/l in. the earth, and soon forgotten. Jt proliteth
1I0t, good people, to hear the goodness of God
llccltlrc<1 unto us, if our Ilearts be not inflamed
lhefl)),y to honour tlnd tlltlllk him. It prolitc<J not
1he Jews, whieh were GOd'6 elect )lCople, to Ile:lr
Illueh of God, seeing that he WflS not rcceivcd in
their helll'ls b)" f:lith, nor thanked for his benefits
Ix:s:fowc<! upon them. Their unlhankfulness was
the e:lllS<! of their dCbtrllction. Let UlI eschew thc


w w w. h a i l andf m

50 ~

n>m.d )6.

Tlte Pi,.,t 1'art 0/ the Scrllltm

m:l1I11cr of UIC':;C hef(,TC rchearse<l, and follow rathcr

the cxample of t1mt Iloly AIK>,He St. ])aul, which
whcll in ::I c1C('p me<li!lli ilJll 110 dill behold the mrlrvellolls proc'ecdings orA Imig-11tr God,am! collsidcrcd
his infinite ~OOdIW!'S in t he ordel'ill~ or Ids creatures,
he I~rast. out into thi~ eon<:!U,.iOll: Sllrel!J, saith he,
W' him, b!l hint, (>1Ift ill hil,t be att lhil/fl8, And, this
once !lrollOILIlCft!, he sl:u!k not still at. this point,
but forthwith Ihereupon joined to tIles\) word,;, 1'0

Aim be fllar! alUl prai8ejor el'er,

Jam.. '.,;,


UIK>n the ground of wllich wonls of St,I'llIlI,

~I audience, I !lIlrpo:,e 10 build Ill}' exhortatiOll
of this d,lr unto JOU- Wllcrein I sllHlI do Illy elldC:l\'our, first to prove unlo you, that nil good
t hill~"S CQllltllt (lawn to 118,/,-1)111 abol'c,from the Joidln'r
t!llight; secondly, tlmt. JetiUlI Chri,;t, his SOil ami
Ilur S:l\'iour, is the meall by whom we receive hi"
libernl goodllCSS; thirdly, that in the power llnd
"irtue of the Uoly Gllost wc be mnlle meet lIlld
ahle to rec-eive hi~ gins and graces: which things,
di~tillctly and advisedly consitlered in our minds,
must Ilet:ds <'Olllpd 115 in most low TCveTCnee, aller
Ollr bOlllldell duty, UIIl'HYS to render him t.hanks
ag3in in s<lmc tL'StifieatiOIl of our good hCrlrts lor
llis deserls UlltO us. And, tllnt thc intreating of
i his matter ill halld lllrlr be to the glol'y 01' Almight.y
God, let us in onc l:lilh :lIlU clml'ity eall llllOll the
I'at her of mel'e)', from whom collletlt et:er!l good flilZ
and et'ery JJcrject fliP, hy the mediation of his \\'ellbeloved SOli our Saviour, that we lllay be as:;i,;te<l.
with the I'reSeU('C of his Hol,)' Spirit, and whole
somely 011 both ollr p:u-ts lo del1lc:1ll ourscl\'es in
speakillg and hearing, to tile salvation of our souls,
III the hcgilluing of m,)' spc3killg UlltO you, b"OOd
Christian peoplc, sUPllOse not II1:lt I do lake UpOIl
me to dcclue unto you the excellent powel' 0" the
illcompal'llble wisdom of Almighty GOlI, as t1lOugh
I would ha\'e .rou believe that. it might ue eXprci;$L.u
unto you uy worUs. Nay, it IlUlI- not ue thought
that tllat thing mar be COlllpre lCuJctl b}' m:IlI';,;
word,; thut is incomprehell~ihlc. Auu too much


w w w. h a i l andf m


nrrnz:Ul<'y it w.. re fo,r r1,,,t aRd olA~, to think tl1:\t l;,a.ul! ':.
he c.lIIld worthily dcdllre his Maker. Jt p.'L".M>th
Inr the dark underst:lllding :md widom of a mort.:11
man, to !':fIC:lk ImOiciently of that divine Majesty
wllieh the :mgds C:lIlllot undcrshllld. We 5h.3.11
therefore la)' apart to speak of thnt profound and
in~rchable ll:ltufC of Almi~ht)' God, rather ae.
J..-nowled...';ng- our wc:1knCl;8 than rn.;;hl)' to attempt
111.:1t is aoo,"c all m:m's c:a1)l1citJ to compass. It
~hall hetter ;:tlme..: us in IlIw humility to re"erencc
:md drCtld his )bj('>.t.", which wc call1lol colllprigc,
Ih.:11l b)' o\"Crmuch CUriOUii searching to be ovcr
dlllr~ \\ith t.he ~Ior.r.
"'e shall rather turn our whole oontempt.:1tion to
nllswer 11. while hid goodlll.'i>5 to\\':uxls us; wllercin
wo shall be much more pro/itabl)' occupied, and
mON II1ny wc be bold to (;('llrch. '1'0 eOIl!ider this
~rcnt power he is 01" e:m Lut mnke us dr.. .ml llnd
li:ar; to consider his high wisdom miglJt utterly
cli~comfort our frailty 10 ha\'tl :lllr thing' ado with
him: hut in consideration of his lllc>:;timable ~"00<1.
Ill'S!> we take good heart l1g:lin to trust wcll unto
him; by his goodness wc Le assuroo to take him
lor our refuge, our hope :llld comfort, our mercirul
}'ather, in all the coun-e of our li,'(';;;. His powcr
l1~ld wiuom compelldh us to l:Ike him for God
(':unipotent, itl\"i"iblc, h:win:::- nlle in hca\'cn :lIld 0... ho.Jj.
in earth, h:l.\"illg all things in his subjection, and
will h:a\'e none in council with him, nor :mr to :lSk
tile reason of his doing: for he lIIa.r do what Jiketh
him, alft/. If01fe 01. ruilt Ilia. :For le JC()rJ.-tI4 alll'tOo' .rt, f.
11I;1I!j' in his secret judgment to Iti~ OICfl. plttJllue,
.'1N, tu. tile r;cI-~ll to daa"atio., s:l.ith SalOlllon.
By the reason of this nature he ill C:llted ill Scriptllre
tflJllllllfiR!I ji,~, he is cnlkd a. lerritle and fr:aif.l 11".".19'
G od. Of this behalf thcrefufC we mn)" h:we no ~:l"'"
bmili:arity, no aC'Cl">S unto Ilim: but his goodness l:...., .......
:l:ain tempcrdh the rigour of his high power, and
m;lkcth us hold, 1111.(1 puttcth us in hope that. he will
be eOIl.\ct1':l1lt with ns lmd eus)" unto liS.
It. is his goodness that mO\'ctll him to Ii!ay Ill.


w w w. h a i l andf m

The E; Parl if the &rmait

""'~. ';;,;1. Scripture.

0/ men,

I'. ~..

I'. "

It i8 tH!J delight la be 1&ith the childmt

It is his !?oodnCS5 tlml; mo\,cth him to

c:lll us unto him, to oflcr liS his friendship :lnd

presencc. n is his goodness tlml; }lnlicntly suI'..
lcrcth our stmrillg from him. :lnd suf1i:rcth liS
long, to ",in us to repenlnncc. n is of his goodlIess thnt wc he crcutcd rC:lsoll:lble ercnlurcs, where
e1sc he might have made us brnte ben"ls. It W:lS
his mercy to ha\'e us born :lmong the number of
Chri"linn people, and thereby in a fiueh more
lliglmc!iS to salmtion, where wc mighl; h:1\'e been
llOrll (if his goodncss hfld 1101; been) among the
p:l)'nims. c1e:m void from Ood and the hope or
cvcrhl"ting life. And wl1nl; other thing doth his
10\jng nnd f:,"Cntle voice, spoken in his 1I'0rd, where
he c:llleth us to his presencc and fl'iem!::ihip, but
declare his b"OOdness only, without regard 01' OUl'
worthinC8S? And what other thing <loth stir 11im
10 call us to him when we be straye<1 from him, to
!iuller us patiently, to win us 10 repentancc.... but
only his singular goodness. 110 whit of our de
Let them all eome together that be now glorified in heaven, :lIJd let us henr what llllswer they
will make in these points nfore rehcarsc<l, whether
their first crention was of God's goodness or of
themse[\'es. l,'orwolh David would make answer
101' tllcm all, find &'1.\'. K1lQW !!cj'or I/lrd!!, even. the
hfJrd ;1 Go<l; he IUlth II/lule 1l1, and not 1&e ounelvcl.
lr they were asked ng-ain. who shoulJ be thanked
iOl' theil' rC6"Cneraliol1, for their justifieat.ioll. find
fur their Sl.llv:ltioll, whet.her their descI'ts or God's
goodness only j although in this point everr Ol1e
t:onlc;;S suflicicntl,}' the truth 01' this malleI' m l1is
own pe~lI, .yet let Da\'id answer b)' the moulh of
them all at thig time; who Cflnnot choose but say,
.\,,1 t.Q "", 0 Lord, Mt /,() "", but to tIt!J Name give
all the thulIl.: Jilr tll!! loving merc!! andj'or th!! truth',
Mh. If wc should fisk flgain, from whencc e:lmQ
their r:-Iorious works and dceds. which Ihe,}' wroug-Ilt
in their !i\cs. wherewilh God was so highly ple:l:;ed


w w w. h a i l andf m


:lnd won;hipp<'(l by them, let !'Ome other \\'ilrw-'l

be broll~ht in to te.tilY thi;; Illutter, 'Aal i" IAe '>:&11. .. w.
",Olll! of
or 'Ane 01:1,\" the truth be known. '0.
Verilf that holy Prophet };':''ly ~reth record, and
~;J,ith, 0 lArd, it i. lliou 01' thy goodness l!lat Aad 10 ...L u.
rro"9"l ott our fror/'. in 118, not we of ollf'S(!h,C!',
Ami, to uphold the truth of thi~ matter a::r-1in",t:\1I
juslieiaries and h)l>ocrites, wllieh rob Alllli~llty
God of this Ilol1oUl", llmI :lscl'ibe it to theffis<'h'efl,
St, Pmll jJrilll:."Cth in l1is helief. /I"e be not, s,'lith .C<)1', m,.,:
... ,A"'"II.''!.
Ile, tl'Jl'clenl
of,. o/trleI t'e8, at ifoUrleI reI, once /,() t /tInA'
awy tlti"9, tilt all ONr aUeueu i. of God's !l()()(/f/eu.
For Ae il it in ....4011& tee hare all Ollr ki"9, our lirin9,
ad .orh'9. If )'e will know furthermore where
they had t!u:ir bins nnd lSICrifiCCl!, which they
off~red colltinuall~' in their li\'ls if) Almighty God,
tbey callnot bllt agree with Dol\'id, ,\ here he l;aitlJ,
Of 'Ay liberal Aa.d, 0 Lord, tee /lare f'eiud that lno.o.... '~.


1Ce !lare ItMW



If this holy company therefore confesscth 80

constantly, that 311 the goods and graCCl! wherewith they wcrc indued in soul came of the goodness of God only, what more can be said to l''''Ovc
that all that. is good eometh from Almight.y Go<!?
Is it. moot to think that 011 spiritual goodlless
cometh from God abo"e ollly, and that other ljOOd
things, either of 113turc or of fortune (as we call
them), cometh of any other emS<'? Dotla God of
his goodnC!'8 adorn the soul with all the powers
thereof, as it is? and comclh the gins of the hody,
wherewith it is inducd, from any other? Jf he
doeth the more, cannot he do the less? To ju.:;tiry
a sinner, to lIew create him from a wieked pcr'$On
10 a ri;.rhtcous ID:ln, is a greater aet, saith
Augustine, th3n to make 6u('h a lie,," hC:I\'cn and
earth as is aln.':ld:r made. We mllst needs agree..
that what~oe,w good thinA' is in us, of ~rncc, of
l1ature, of li1rtul1e, is or God only, as the ollly
AutllOr and Worker.
And ~ct. it is not 10 be thought tllat God 11:Jth
created :111 this whole uni"er8al world as it i~, and,

z .::


w w w. h a i l andf m


J./,e Fi"t Purt

of the &rmol.

thus oncc m:l{le, llath gi\'cn it tip to be ruled and

used after our own wits and devk-c, and so take no
more c1I:1rgc therefore: as wc sec thc shipwright,
after he Ilath brought his sllip to :I. pcrlect cnd,
then ddin:reth hc it to the mariners, and no
more curc thcrcof. Nay. God hath not so crentcd
the world, thflt he is carele!:s of it; hut he still
]ltCSCn"eth it b.\ his goodness, he still starcth it in
his creatiun: fur else, without his spe<:ial goodness,
it could not stand long in his condition. And
thereforc 8t. Paul snith, that hc prcserl'eth nil
lIi, -t.
thillb"S and beareth tlJCIll up still in his word, lest
they should lilll without him to their 1L0thing'
again, whereof they were made. If his spccial
goodnC5s were not every wllCrc present, every
creature should be out of order, and no creature'"
l:lhould have his Ilropcrtr, wherein he was first
110 is therefore ill\'isibly C\'ory wllere
J ... nlll. ,.. and in evcry creature, and jidjiltetA both heaven
uud earlh with his llresenec; in the fire, to give
heat; in the water, to gi,'e moisture; in tlle
~'arth, to give fruit; in the he:lrt, to gi\'e his
strength; fea, in our bread and drink he is, to
I!ivc us nouri~hment; where witllOut him the
hread and drilLk c:annot gi\'c sustcnancc, Ilor the
herb hcalth, as the ""isc )!un plainly c:onfcsseth
\\"".:\. ~d. ,t. it, saring, it i8 not the increa8e ft/fruit8 that jixdelh
MCII, tJllt it 18 !h!! word, 0 Lord, whicA pre8erveth
them ih(ltirl/llt il~ thee. And Moses ngrceth 10 the
l)eul..m J" ~:lme, whclI he sflith, jl[un'8 lijd re8tetA not ill bread
()Ill!!, but iI~ every lcord tahich proceedeth. Ollt il/ GO(l'6


,1'0' ili -

1/I0uth. It;8 neither the herb 1Ior the JJla8ter that

/Ihetll. health of thcmsch'cs, but th!! JCord, 0 Mml,
loaith the "'ise Man, which. healeth alt thi/lgs, Jt
is not therefore the power of thc ercalurcs which
worketh their efll.'Cts, but thc goodncss of God
which worketh in them. In his word truly doth
all things consist. 13y that same word thal
heavcn and earih \\"cre made, by lhe sflme fire
tlwy upholdcll, maiulained, llnd kept in order,
"'ail h St. Peter, :md shall be till Almighty God


w w w. h a i l andf m

dHlIl witlldraw his power from t!l<-lll, anu !'fH'llk

their diSSQlution.
If it were not HillS, that the g-oodlle8S of God
were cflt.'Cluully in his ercalures to rule thelll, how
could it be that the mnin sea, so r.l!!lng :1IId lal)()ur
ing to O\'crllow the c:J,rth, t"Ould he kept within his
bonds and banks, liS it i,;;? That holy m:m Job Jobu:ri!."
cvidclltlr IJI)ied the goodllc"s of God in this point,
and conl'l"'SSl'd, that, if 11~ h:ld not a ST)(x:i:l1 ).."00.1
!lCSS to the preserv:llioll of tht' Cllrth, it could not
but shortly be overflowed of" the sea. How could
it be timt the elcmcnls, so divcr..o and contrary m.
they 00 ;1I110Ilg lhemsch'l:s, should yet agree una
abide to<o"'Clhcr in 11 concord, without de"lmction
onc of another, to serve our U"C, if it romc not
only of God'" J..roodne--s 50 to temper them? How
could the lire not burn :md consume all thin:.,rs, if
it were left. loo..e to go whither it. would, ::md 1I0t
I<tn.}"ed in his sphere by tile goodnCS3 of God,
Illl'asurttbly to !waL t1ICSC inferior creatures to tlleir
riping? Con"idcr the 11lI~"C substance of' tho e:lrth,
so hea,'y and grc3t as it is: how oollld it so duml
"wLI,}' ill the place as it doth, if God's goodllt"'"
rcscr\-cd it 1I0t so for us to travail on? it 18lho/'. Pa.d ,.
o Lo,d, 5..,itll David, 1I?Aic.i hall /qutktl ,"~ ~a,l4
i. "if 8fdti/il~; and during thy word it .Aall IUU,
T~l or fnll down. Consider the great strong ~L$
IInd fi;;hes, I~r ptlssing the strength of man: holl"
licrce socver they be lmd ..tmng, ret by the goodness of God they prevail not ag-.&illst us, Lut nre
under our Ilul~eclion, and scn'e ollr use. or whom
c.' tho i&wention thus to ImlKluo them and mn!.:..:
them lit for our oommlMlilies? \VfuI it by man's
br:lin? Na\', r.lther this in\ention came br tILt'
~Ile;;;s oi' God, whieh iusl'irt.'tl man's u;,dl'r!>tandin:.:- to han,! his purpo:'C of every crt.':ltun.'.
W"o ra8 if, 83ilh JOb"f,llt pd reill a,,4 ri'/YHI i" J....... "J1
mn'8 Iteall bUI God only of his goodne;;s? And a..
the same ~'l.ilh :It.''.'lill, I J,uceirc that ere'!! IN'''' JlllI .. "
hat! a mil:iI, tul it jot the illlfljratiOl~ qj'lhe A{lIIigh~'J
fhut gi/,t:!! IlIlder,tlllldi"!I. It could not be \'cri~r,


w w w. h a i l andf m

;j IQ


..... ".


" .. , b.
J., ".

'l'he Firlt Part

0/ the &rmon

;!ood Christian pooplc, t.hat man of his own wi!;

llllholpCIl should invent so mall)' and divcrse devices ill all cralls and sciences, cxecl1!; the goodness of Almight}, God Imd been prc;;cnt with men,
:1I1d had st irrcd thcir wits and studies of purposc
to know thc natures and disposition of all his
creatures to serve us sufliciently in our needs llnd
necessities, yca, not only to Ben'e our Ilc<:cssitics,
but to sen'C our pleasures and deli:.;-ht, more than
nccCf>;'ity rcquircth. So liberal is God's goodness
to us, to pro\'oke us to thank him, if :ll1Y hearts
wc have.
'1'he Wise Man, in his contcml1lation by himself,
could not but grant this thing to be truc, that I
reason unto lOU. hI hit hUl/dl, s,'1ith hc, be "t,oe, ona

our wonl8, Q1f(lolt our wi,dom, ami att our ,ciel/ce,

mul wod.., of ~'!lOlCleflgc. .1/or it i, he thut gute Me
the true in,tructiol~ of hi, creature" botli to know the
dilflO,ition of the uorlft, allft the virtuc of the cle
,nenbt, thc begillnil/g lllut cnd oftimc" the challgc a1fd
dircTlitiu of thCIII, the couTle of the year, the order
of the ,turI, the 1tUtllre of beolJu, and the POWCfIJ of
them, tlte pou:er '1/ the WilltllJ, altd lhollghtlJ of mell,
lite dij[crel/ctll of. pla/tilJ, the flirtue of rooltJ; owt,
Irhat.wetcr ilJ hid alia ,eeret il~ 1tature, I learnea it.
1'he artijicer q/ ott thele taught me thilJ wi,t/olll. And
further hc saith, Who cal~ ,carch out the thil/g, thut
/;e i/llteal"Cl~? ./rgr it i, ltardjor1t8 to ,earch 8uch
thil1g' 0' be Ol~ earth Q/ul ill (Iail!! light ~/orc """'.
For Qur wiu and tlwlIgltu, saith he, bc illlperfect, an(1
our policie, 'tllcertail~. No 1111i1( can thercjore lJcarr:h
out {/ie 1neallillg in the,e Ihillgl, thou givelJt
,,,i,t/Olll, ami ,endClt thy Spirit from abo/'c. ll' the
Wise Mun thus colllcsscth all these things to be

of God, why should 1I0t we ncknowlcdgc it, nnd

hy the knowlcdg'c of it to consider OUI' duty to
Oodll'nrd to givo him thnnks for Ilis g'oodncss?
1 pcrC()i\'c that I am fiu' IICrc o\'crcharA"-'l.1 with
thc plcnty :md oollY of mattcr, that might be
brought ill for the proof of this cause. Ir J shonl.1
cuter to shew how thc goodncsS'-of Almight}' God


w w w. h a i l andf m

for R09at;olt Wed,


appeared every where in the creatures of tile world,

how marvellous they be in their ereatioll, how
heautified ill their order, how ncc<!s~{lTY they be
to our usc, all with onc voice must ncc<ls I!r:lnt
1heir autl10r to be 1I0nc other but Almighty God;
his goo<!nc.tis must th~y ncc<ls extol and ma~lliry
cvery where, 'I'o whom be all honouf and ;;lory
lor e\'erlllOre,





h' the former pmt of this Homily, j:.,"OOd Christian

people, I have ~h.'Chm'(l to )'Olll' contemplation thc
great goodness of Almighl)' God in tIle creation 01'
this world with all tbe furniture thercof fOl' j ht::
use and comfort of man, whereby we might 111t,l
r:lther be moved to acknowledge our duty agnitt
to his Majcsty. And I trust it hath wrong-M not
only erl..->dit in rou, but also it Imth moved rOil
to render rour thunks secreHy in rour hearts to
Almighty God fOf his lovingkindness,
But yet peradventure some will S3Y that they
can 3gree to this, that nil th3t is good pcrtnillillg'
to the soul, or whatsoever is created with us ill
hody, should come from God, as from the Authur
of all goodncss, and from nOlle other; hut for such
things as be without them both,l me:lll such good
things which wc C:lll goods 01' fortune, as riches,
authority, promotion, and honour, some men mllY
think tlmt they should come of our indnstry :md
dili~"Cncc, 01" our labour and travail, rather than
~ow thcn consider,:::-ood Ilrol1le, if :11l)' aulhor
there be of such tbillb"S concurrent with man's
lahour and endea \'OUl', were it meet to ascril}(} thcm
to any other tlmn to God? As the p:l.nlilll philo.
>'ophers and poel,: did err, whieh tHok fortune :ulIl
m:lde her a :-:()d\ll'~~, to be !)(1l1ojUl'Ct! jilr ,.lIell
lhillg:<, Got! toybiJ, good Clll'i.titian }ll"ll'lL', !hill


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Second Part

if the Semon

this imagination I'hould earnestly be received of

us, that be wor~hippers of the true God, whos(J
works and jlroccedings be expressed mallitbstly ill
his word. These be the opinions Illld saying;> of
infidels, not of true Christians. For they indeed,
.h'.... ;!. I~. ns Job mnketh mention, believe nnd SIIY that God
hath hi, re,idellce and resting place iI~ the ctolldll,
and col/,ider 1/Othil/g of ollr "laUe". ~~l'icllrcs they
be t.hat imagine that he watkld! about the CO(18t, if
the heal:en" and kwe no resl>CCt. to thesc inferior
things; but that all thesc things should proeeed
eithel' by chance and at adventure, or elstl b)' dis~
position of fortulle, Ilnd God to hllvc no stroke in
them. What other thing' is this to SIl,\' than, as
I', .!~,..
fhe fool "lJlpOIelh ili hi, heart, There ia 1/0 (,oll.?
"'horn we shall none otherwise rCjlfO\'C than with
1'. I :;.
God's own words by the month or D:I\id. Hear,
my people, s:lith he,jor I am tit!! Cod, th!ll:cr!l Csod.
~Ut the oeaau if tlte wood arc lIIi"C, ,heep a/ul oorm
that wunderet/~ OIL the 1II0ltl/tailla. f hrwe the /mOIl)ledge of all the fOlCta 0)' tlte air; the !ldUllf!! of the
fie/It i, 1//Y hand!!work. Mille i, the whole cirCI~it 0/
the world, alul all tlte plcnt!! that ;a in it. And
"tT.u(ii.'l. a~in by the Prophet Jeremy: l'hiIlJ:elJe thou that
I a1/& a GOft fll the place nigh lIIe, aaith the Lord, a/ld
1lOt a God far off.? Cal! a mal~ hide himaelf in ao
I/ecret a CQrner that I ahalt not ,ee !Ii,#,? ])0 110t I
jidjit llIld replenish both heavm awl Cllrth.? ,aith the
Which of' these two should bc most be
licved? fortune, whom they paint to bo blind of
I,otll eycs, ever unstable IInd lllleonstant in her
whcel, in whose hands they say these things be?
or God, in whose hands and power these lhings
be indC<!d, who for his truth alld COllfilllllce was
ret never repro\'ed? For his sig-M looketlllhoroug-h
h('II\'en and e:lrth, and secth all thing's presently
wi, h his e}'es. Nothing is too dark O\' hidden
from his k\lowlc<I~"C, not thc pl'i\'y thoughts of
mcn's minds. '1'fllth it is that or God is all riches,
all power, all lIuthOl'it~" all 11calth, wealth, and
prosllCritr; of the which wc shollld ha\'c no part



w w w. h a i l andf m

fur llfJgatioll



without his liberal (li:;ll'ihlllion, and cxcept it Cllmc

from him above. nu"id first leslificlh it. of I'iche,.:
:md possessions: If t1j()/~ gil'c#good llld, the.1f ,hdt l'., .: ~, '9.

gather; and, if thou ope"e# M.,! han(/, the.r ,halt be

fult of goodne8l: blit, if tnol~ tllrlle# thy face, thC!!
Ihalt be troubled. And Salolllon snith, It i, tht, \'",. "
bUlling oj'the .Lord that nlt!~eth. rick /Reil. To thi...
agrcc...that holy woman Annc, where she sailh in
her song, It i, the IAJrd that mohtlt the poor, and
ma~,etA the rich: it , he that prolHotelA aur! pulteth

1 5>.... 111.'.

dolOll: he call raize /1 Ilee(~1J IIMltjrom hi, mi,u!!, amI

frollt the dllllghilt he can liJ~ l'p a}WOr perlollo.'le, W
lit wilh. prince, and hare the Icat olglor!!: fur all
the coa,t, 11 the eartlt be hi"
Now, if :lllY man will ask whnt slwll it In-ail us to
know that eter.r good gijl, as of nature ltmll'ortunc J.n,.. L
(so called), ami et"er!! pcrfect gfft, as of' wacc, con
ceruillg the soul, to be of God, and Ihat it is his
gift only, forsooth for mnny C:Hl~CS is it eOllvenient
for us to know it. l~or so sllllll lI"e know, if lIt:
collf('Ss the truth, who ought justly 10 be thflllkcd
for them. DuI' pride shall be thcreby nb:lted, (pCl".
ceiving naught to come of ourselvcs but sin and
,'ice,) if llll)" goodlless be in us, to refer all laud
:lIld praise 101' the smnc to Almight,l" (iv<.!. It ~hllll
make us not to a\"aunoo onrseh'CS beforl' our IlClghloour, to dcspise him 101' that he halh fl'\I"cr gifts,
seeing God gi,"cth hiti goifts where he will: it shall
makc us bl' the considcrntiOll of our H"ifts not to
extol Oll~h-CS hefore aliI' 1lI'i~hbol1r,:: it sllllll
make the 1&iu ,n(l/t not (.0 g!fJr!! ill hi, /ri~dol1/., 1/or J..- h 'J.


the ,trallg man /t Ai8 ,trcl/gth, nor the rhh to gl.H!

hi, richl, Lut in the living God, which is
Author of nil these: lest, if wc "lIQuid do so, wc
mi,!:;"ht be rebuked with tlte \\"ord,~ 01' St. 1):1111,
What h08t t!lou Ih(lt th011 hallt1lOt receh-cd! olld, it', ("",
thOIl ha,t reech'cd it, rehy glorie,t in th!llelj: a, tholJilN
tholl luulde#llOt receil'cd it.'
'1'0 confess thai all good things cometh from
Almi~hty God is a :;-re:lt point of wisdom, my



For so confessing we kllOw whither tl>

, 5


w w w. h a i l andf m

I. 1.


1'he Secolltl Part

0/ the &rmoll

resort, for to h:wc them if wc W:lllt; as St, Jamcs

Lid US, ~ayilJf:', Jf (Iny JnQ/ teallte'h. the f/ij~ q(
"';8flom, let !tiln a8k it qf God, that f/it'C8 it, ami it
8htllt be f/iecl him, As the "'isc Man, in the want
of sueh a like gift, made hill recourse to God for
W..d....II. Ol. it, as he testi/ieth in his book.
After Ilo'IIcw, saith
he, that otRerwi8e I cortlll 110t le cha8te, O()(l
grlJJlud it, (alld t!li8 u;a8, as hc there writeth, high


roi8dom, to llfolO teR04C gi/~ it fCtl8,) 111tafle Ra8lc 10

the l~rd, alul eaT1lut(1j be8oll!lht h;nt~ ct'cn/rom the
,.00'" of tl/yReart, to hate it. I would to God, my

friends, that in our wants and necessities we would

go to God, as St. Jamcs bids, and as the Wise

:Man teaeheth liS that hc did. I would we believed
steadfastly that God ollly givcs them. If' wc did,
we would not. seck OUI' want and nccessity of the
devil nnd his ministers so oft. as we do, ns daily
experience dcclareth it, FOl', if wc stand in nccessity of cofllOral health, whither go thc common
people but to eharlll~, witeher:lll..<l, :llld other delusions of the devil? ] r \\'C knew that God wcre the
Author of this gift, we would only use his means
:lppointcd, :llld bide his leisurc, till hc thought it
good for us to have it given. If the merehant
and worldly occupier kncll' that God is thc Giver
of riches. he would content himself with so much
us by just mean!>, approved of God, hc l..'Ould get
to his living, and would be no richer than truth
would suller him; he would ncver procurc Ilis ::!:lin
:lnd ask his ~"OOds at the devil',; hand. God forbid,
:rc will Sir, that. :lny man should take his riches 01'
the devil. Vcrily 80 mally as illcl'c:I!>c tllCmscl\'($
by usury, by extortion, by perjury, by stcalth, b~'
dl'CC)its llnd CT:lft, tllCy Ilave their goods of the
dt:vil's gift. And all they that gi\'c themsclves to
6uch means, and havc rcllolllleed the truc mcall::;
tllil.t God lmth :lppoiuted, havil f(JI'Saken llim, :lnd
arc 1)(l(<Qme \\'ol'sllippel'S of the <!e\'il, to 1Ia\'c their
IlIcl'I..'8 and ad\'Hnt:tgcs. 'rher bc such :IS kneel
dowlI to the devil at. his i>iddillg, and \\'orsllip
him; for he promi"eth them for 80 doing, that ht:


w w w. h a i l andf m

;"j I :;

\\;11 ~\'c them the world :md the ~;; tll{'\'("in.

1'hev l"tlnnot otherwise bcttl'r scn'C thc de\-il than
to do hi:; plea.;;;ure and coOlm:ultlmeut. ,\l1d hi"
motion find will it k: to h:wc liS fONlke the truth,
lInd bcbke liS to falsehood, to lies, :md I>cljuril.,..
'rhey therefore which I>clic\'cd )>crlectly in their
he:lrt, th:lt God is to be honoured :lnd requcl>tcd
for the gill; of 311 things nCC('Ss.'lry, would use no
other menns 10 relieve their neec~~iliCd out truth
lInd verity, :lnd would sen'c God to Imve com
peteney of nil thin)::S ncccS&uy. '1'he nHlII in his
ueed would not rclic\'e his want by stl"~lth: the
wom:m would not relieve her 11C'Ce:<~it~ :lud poverty
by ::;\'in~ 11er body to other in :ldultcry for g:lin.
11" God he the Author indeed of life, health, riehCil,
:md welfare, let us Olttke our rceour:::e to him, nil to
the Author, and we t;ball have it, lI:l.ith Si. JalllCS,
Yen, it i,
".i.. lol. lJy the Wise :Man therefore
to l.btD w:AOIt! gifi it i,.
For many other ('kills it is wisdom to know and
hclie\Oe that all goods :md J::T:lCCS be of God, as the
Author. \Yhieh thing well considered mu;;t needs
m:lke us think that we shall make nccount for tlml.
which God ;.riveth us to OCCUP}', :md therefore shall
make us to be more diligent well to s\>cnd them to
God's glorr :lIId to thc profit of our Ilei;;hbour;
th:lt wc ma}' ffi3kc a. good 3CCQlmt 3t the last, and
be prnised jor good stew:lrds; tlmt wc ll13y hC:lr
these wonL! of our JIl(.I~, Welt done, !lfJO<t urron! \:a I
alUlfai'ltfltt: IM .fad kell(ai'''litt illlitfle, l,dt
n{er our _lICk: go ilfto {t" Ma,Ur',jo!l'
Besides, to believe certainly God to be the
.o\uthor of all the gins HmI. we hu'"e shrill make
11": to be in "ilence and patience when ther
t3ken :lg:tin from us. For, as God of his mert'\"
doth gr:.lIlt us them to U5C. so otherwhilcs he dotil
jllsllr takc thelll ::tgnin from lliI, to pro\"C our 1);1.
tience, to eXllrci:l our faith, and by the mClllhl
of the taking awa}' of:l few, to beslow the more
warily those tll:lt remain, to tC:lch us to me them
thc more to his g-lory aller he gi I'dh thelll to ll.l:l




w w w. h a i l andf m




11 J . ".


&co1ll1 Part 11 (he Sermon

ugoain. Many there be tlmt with mouth can 'h'ly

that they belie\'e that God is the Author of e\'ery
1,"00<1 gift that they have, but in the time of temptation they go back from this helief. 'fhey &'ly it
ill word, but deny it in deed. Consider me the
usag'C of the world, and sce whether it be not true.
Behold the rieh man, that is induL'd witll subrt:mee: if by all)' ad\ersit..y his goods be taken
from him, how fumcth and fretteth he! how murmureth he and despaireth! lIe that !lath tll(} gift
of good reputation, if his Ilame be any thill g
touched by the detr-.ietor, how ullquiet is he! llo\\'
busy to revenge his despite! If a Illall hath the
gift of wisdom, and fortune to be takcn of somc
evil wilier for a fool, and is so reported, ho\\' mueh
doth it grieYt.1 him to be so esteemed! 'L'hink ye
that these belie\'e constantly that God is the
,\uthor of these gifts? If they helic\'e<1 it vcrily,
why SllOuld they not patiently suller God to take
away his gifls :lgain, which he gave them freely,
and lent for a time?
But ye will &'l'y, I could be conknt to resign to
God such gifts, if he took them again from me;
but 1I0W arc they taken from me by evil ehanccs
and false shrews, by naughty wretches; how
should I take this thing patiently? To this may
be :mswercd, that Almighiy God is of his nature
invisible, and cometh to 110 man visibh, after the
manner of man, to tnke away his giils that he
lcut; but in this point, wkltsocycr liod docth,
he bringcth it about. by his instruments ordained
thereto. lIe hath good angels, he hath evil angels;
he hath good mell, and he hath evil men; he llath
hail and rain, he hath wind and thunder, he Imth
heat and cold; innumer:lhlc instruments hath lw,
and messengers, by whom agnin he asketh such
gifts as he commiltcth to our trust. As the \\rise
)ran conlesscth, the creat/lre must needs wait to
tut'/: hit .i.l[al~r, to be fierce a9ailllt UIIjult 1IIen. t.o
th~ir punitAment: for, 3S the 'h'lmc author saith, lid
arme(h. the creature w rCL'eJlge ftj" el/emie", All"


w w w. h a i l andf m

for l1ogali(!11



otherwhile!:l to the probati6il of our f:.lilll stirn"th

he up sueh storms. ..-\nd t1:erclorc, I,y wlmt mcnu
and inbtnllnent SOC\'CI" Gnu takes from liS his girts,
we must patiently t:tkc God';; judg-ment ill worth,
and acknowlcdg-e him to be the 'l'aker :111d Giver;
:19 Job &'lith, TAe Mml gun:, ami 111/: J~orrl {(J(J~', }ub I ",
w',lon yet his enemies drove his cattle away, and
,.'hen the devil slew his ehihlrcn, alld afllitted his
body with a /"'1'ie\'ous sicknci's, Slldl nH:ckness
was in that hol)' King" lint! lll'Ophet David, when' $.>111 "'I,
he was reviled of Semei in prcsclIC<l of all his host: ,."
lie took it pntiently, llnd reviled not a):,":Iin; but,
liS confessing God fo be the llufhor of his inno
ccney and good name, und olli:ring' it to be at
his Jlleasure, Ld him atonc, s:lith he to onc of his
knights, that would have revclIb"....d sueh despite,
jC.T Gud halA. comma"ded him 10 cllr~ j)I/I'id, allli
peradt:en/ure God ill/eHrleth. Ihcre~1f (f) reuder me
lome g()(J(lllmtjoT {hi, CI/rIC q/hillt {mlll!l' And,
though the minister Olht'rwhilcs doclh cvil in hi"
act, proceeding of malice, yet, forsomueh as God
tllrneth his evil net to II proof of our patience, we
IihouId rather submit ollI'Self in Jlatience th:m to
have indignafion at God's rod j which peradventure, when he huth corrected liS to Olll' nurlUl"C, he
will cast it into the fire, as it descl'vcth,
Let liS in like mUllllel' truly acknowledge all our
gifts ulld prcro~ativcs to be ~o God's gills, that
we shall be re:ldy to resign them lip ut his will
lInd pleasure again, Let liS throughollt our whol.,
lives confess nil good things to come of God, of
whnt. Ilamc and natufC SQC"cr they 00; not of these
eorruptible thiuJ,.'":i only whereof 1 hlwe now last
spoken, but much more of all spiritual g'rllecs be
ho.)\'abl.... for ollr soul. ,rithout whos t' gaminess no
man is rolled to faith, or sta)'('(J tht'rein, as I :;Imll
Ill'rcaftcr in the next part of this 1I0mil,\' deelm.....
t<,\ "OU,
In the Illean season forget not ,,'Imt h;ith
alreM!.v bccn "pohn to )'OU, forget \lOt. to be eOI1lilflnaiJle ill yllur judgments to the trllth of tl~i..j
uvcu"inc, und 10ro'"\.'1. not to practi~c the same III


w w w. h a i l andf m

,.u~. ,I.


Tlu Third Pllrt of tile llomil$

thc whole ~tate of vour Iifc; wltcreb, \'C ~hrtll 010.

lrtin thrtt LII~~ill'. jll"Omi';l'\IIt, our Sa~iour Chri.. l,
,~, JJle~~rtI 6e they ;hith hell!' IAe 1coni et' God, and
jidjillelh it in lill!. Wltit:h U(:~sin~ he ~rallt 10
us all \\'110 r(li~neth o\"l:r all, oue Got! in'l'rinil.\,
the Falh...r, the 5011, t1l1d the HIlly G1loSt: to
whom be all honour nnd glory for e\'cr. Amen.



1 PROlllSED to you to declare that nil "piritnnl gifts

nnd ~races comdh 8Jll'<'iall.r from God. Let WI
cou..idcr the truth 01' this mnttcl, find hClll' what
i:l ko;;lified Iirst of the gift of lltith, the fir,;! clllry
11... ,1.6. into thc Chri"ti:1Il lift', viI/wilt 1rhic4 no tRan ca,!
pluJ.e God. Fi~t, SI. P:1II1 oonfcssctll it Jllailll.r to
1~.1, n.t.
be God's ~n.l;.aJill~, l;'ilA ;4 lite gift 0/ GIHI. And
No L!.
ng-.lin, St. Peter saith it i4 (1' GOff4 porrer tAat!le ~
l'epl tltro"glt fuitll to 6IJlratiolf. It is of t he ~In~
of God Ihnt wc falter not ill our hope unto him.
It is verilf God's work in us. the ehnritJ wllerewith we 10\c our urethf('ll. Ir nner our fall we
repent, it is by him thnt wc rt'I'l.'nt, whil:h rl':lchelh
lorth hi... mereiful hand 10 us lip. If all)' will
we have to rise. it. is he tllat. pre\"cntcLh our will,
and disposcLh us thereto. 11' :dl:er contrition wc
fccl Ollr consciencc at pencc with God thorough
remission of our ~ill, and I;() be rccoucilc<1 n.!,"':Iin In
his favonr, and hope to be 11is ehihlren and iullt'rilOl"i
ofc\"erlnsting' life. who worketh thC'SC W'l'llt mirac!l.....
in us? our worthiness? our cll~'rving'S nnd cndl'aWllrs? our wits and virtue? 1':1)" \'eril)": t. Paul
will !lot 8uff.:r f1t..... h and cia)' to Jlroljumu to ~u{'h
,('. ~ .,t- arrogane)", fllld therefore l;f1it h, All i, '!f G(J{I, ",hie,"
kdlc recoNciled u, to Itj",Ie{/ 6y J('~H' Ori,t; fur
God rill in. Cltrilt vMn Ite reconciled tlte trorlt/ twIll
himle{': God thc Father of all mercy wroug-ht thi~
high Ucllclit unto us, not L)' his own pcr,;OIl, Lut


w w w. h a i l andf m

for ll''9atiQfl 11 a:i...

b) a mt':ln, b)' no less mean than hi,. oul)' hdo\"f",l

Son, whom he 8}h'ln.-d not from tllly pain tlml

travail thnt might do us good. Jeor upon him he
llut our sin!; upon him he mnde our rnnrom; him
he made the mCan betwixt \lit ond himself: whose
mediation wos so ncccpttllJle to God the l~uther
throu~h his profound and pcrfl'CL olJc<liellcc, that
he took his net for a full salisl:ldioll of all our dill.
obedience and rebellion; whose righteousncss he
took to weigh n,gnin;:t Ollr l;il1l:1; whose redemption
he would Il:l\'e sland og':liust our damnation.
In thiit point what In1\'e wc to mme within our
!'elves, ::rood frieuds? I think, 110 leHI t!.all thaL
which 'L I'nul ill the rl'mem),rnnoo of this
wonderful goOOlICSS of God, '1'IIutd.-. k to ,IINlljAIll_'ll 'I
God tAlIro"OA. Cliri.tJe1R8 Olt, Lord. :For it. is 110 for F.{.b ~ a.
whose sake we receh'oo this hi~h gift 01" gracc,
For, as "r him, being the evcrl~ting Wi,,;dom, he
wrought ullthe world and that ill <.'Ollt:tiuoo then-in,
so b)' him only tlnd wholly would he ha\'e:tU things
restored ng-aill in hl':l\'ell nud in C3rth. BJ thioli our
hl':lvenly l\1t.'<!iator therefore do we know the f:I\'Our
:lIld merer of God the Father. Hy him kllOw wc
his will and plcnsuro townrds liS: for he is lh~ lI~.L j. 0/' hi" Bit/UT', glo,y, amt a very dcnr
image lInd pattern of hi, '/It''(J/lC~. It is he whom
the .Father ill hcu\"en ddightcth to haxe for hia
vellklllrelt Son, whom he tl.uthori~ to be our M~'I_ ;:1"11
Teacher, whom he charged us to hear, 8nring, JltlU '''I, J
Id",. It is he by whom the .Father of hl'3\"Cn doth
l,k'SS us with all 8pinlual and hcn\"ell1r gins, for 1:plt.1. j.
whose snke ~lUd fa"our, wnleth 51. John, IC~ Aare .,Ju1 ,.~
rt:et:ired grace :lnd fn,'ollf. '1'0 thi;; our Saviour and
:'Iediator !lath God the }"athl'r W"en the power of l!au. .u)l
hea\'ell :lUd earth, :llld the whole juri..dictioll and,
authority to distrilJllte hi;; ~ and gills eom
hlilk'<.! to him. }"or so wrilclh the A1'041e: 7;1 ':rao I.:.
(rt:, ONe ,:f1t8 i, grace gicell aCCQNiiltglo lite lNea,/(re
'..I" CA,i,t'. gjri"g, And tlll'I't!U)lOll to exC<.'ulc 11ili
(llll horit \' ("()ltlmiltctl, alh'r 1b:lt ht! had brou;.rht "in
.:1.:11.1 thc"<!"'lil to C:ll,ti,'itJ", to he P" m(J~-": JlUrtlul


w w w. h a i l andf m


Cor. "

1'.... 'J.

I'. cio. '. t.

The 1'hi,.d Purt

rf fhe


to his members, he ascemk>ti up to his l"ather

again; and from thence ~ellt libel"lll gins to hi"
welllielo\'OO ~ef\'ants; and hath still the power till
the world's eml to di,;lribute his Fathcr's gift,;
continually in hi.. Church lo the e~taLlishmcllt rllld
comfort UICrcol: AmI by him hath Almighty God
de<:rL'Cd to dissoh'c the world, lo call :ill beforc
him, tQ jud~ buth till: (juick and thc d.::ad. And
finally by him "hall lie L',)Ilflcmn llle wicked tu
eternal fire in lwll, uud gi"tl the b"OOd elcl'l1:t1 life,
find set them nssul'f.:dly in prCSCllce with him ill
heavcn for evermore. ffhns ye sce holl' (fit 18 qf
Gort by his SOll Christ our Lord and S:l\'iour.
Remcmhcr, I So'l.y once ag-lin, your duly of tlmnks:
let them be never la want: still join yO\l1'>'Clf lf,
continue in t1mnk~givillg: ye call oiler to God Ili,
better sacrificc; for he S:lilh himsell~ it i8 the 80criJice of prai8e :lIld thanks tlUll 81wll IWH.our me.
Which thing was well percei\'cd of that holy Proplld DllVid, when he so earuestly spakc lo himself
I hus: 0 my Mud, ble.!8 tl/fJU the .Lor,t; allrt all llwt
U wiMilt Nle. blcsslcis Roly Name. J say ollce Qgai/l,
IN!! 8Out, blcu tliOn the Lord, and 1fCl:cr forget hj"
tIt1Juifold rewards.
God gi\"c us gmcc, good pcople, to know tllCSC
thing's, and to feci them in our henrtoS! '1'hls
knowledge and feeling is not in ourself; by ou~lr
it is not possible to come by it; and greut Ility it
were that. we should losc so profitable knowlcd!.:'(.
Let us therefore meekly call UI)()1l tha.t bOllntiful
Spirit the Holy Ohost, which proc'CC<lcth from Ollr
l~ulhcr of mercy ami from our Mediator Christ,
tllat he would assist us and inspire us with his
prcscncc, lhat in him we may be aule to hear
the ~n(.'>:S of God declared unto liS to our So'l.I\":ltion. For without his livcly and eccret illS] irntion c.1n we not once 60 mueh as spe:tk ihl' nanw
of our Mediator, us St.I>;Iul plain I) testifidh: No
malt cmt Qltce ttame ollr J~ord JUIIS Christ bill in the
11015 Ch08t. Much less should we !le :Iule to bclie\"c
:md kllOW thesc great ffipterics that be opened lo

" .... d.,.


w w w. h a i l andf m


lw Chri..l. SI. l'aullmith th:lt ." malf.



1 t .... lI- 11.

rlrat i8 ftI Cud, td Ilu: Spirit (fGot!. A8/()r 111", ...

,.:.ait h he, 'u IuJn: rt:irctl, .(,tINr: 8J,irit of Ine tcor/d,
I,d IAe Spirit ",Ai('! i8 '!f Cnd, for this 11IIrpo"C, tAat
in that. holy pirit fee mifJhl J"''''ID the (lIi1/98 that be
giren 1t8 hy Christ.
'rhe \\'isc Man stlith that in the power nnd
\'irtue or the Jlol}' Gho;;t I'l,.. .. teth nllll'isdom, lllld
all llLilit.r tAl know Gild nnd to plca"c him; lor
he II'ritd h thus: Ire ~'nolO that it i8 not in 1//an'~ J . ','3:
jJmcer to fJl(itle hi8 fJoi"98: 'HO Win ('all ~'IIQ//J th!! ::'.~~.::"
plctl811re, UUI,t
!Jirut 1ri.dO/iI, a1t11 MHtlC8t f1'J
/lQ!Y Spirit frohl awrc. SC1u1 Ai,. dotcn. therefore
prn)"etll he to God,/ro,. tA~ Itol~ Ar:aUH. alltlfro.
flu: tArtnu t:f tA.! JIajul.!, tllat Ite .a~ te teil! .e
111ullawttr /ril! .C, t!tal 80 I atJ~ J.1to//J ,dot i4 tlC""taUe ~JiJre tAu. ut us with 80 good hl'an pro)'
us h llilf, and Wc sh:lU not J;lil but to htlve Ills;;tall("C. For Ad il 8OO/f. IU1t '!f tAe,. t"at wre \\-.1 .L u;
hi",; Ae yitt te /01,,"1 of thcl'" that Md, him: for"~~'
very lillt'r:ll :Hld gentlc is the Spirit oj'U"ut!011t,
111 his power shall wc h:wc suflieicnt. ability to
know our duty to God, In him 8h:11I wc be cornfort..'l.1 :lnd eOllrngcd to walk ill OUl' dut,\". In him
shall \l"C bl' meet vcssels to rcct'ho the grllcc of
Almigllly God. l~or it is he thllt purgcth :lIld
Ul'ilicth the mind by his ;:"cret working', :md he
only is f'C>'Cllt everywhere hy his illVi.:.:iblo power.
and etJ1ftabutA all tAillfJ$ in his dominion. JlIl W;..l I I.
lightendh the lll'art to (.'Oucei\,c worth)' thoughL.
of .\.Imig-hly God. lit. gitteth in the tonguc of
lO:l1l to stir him to spl".!k his honour. Xo l:lIl tplllge
i~ hill from him, fur Ae Aa/A tne l'lfordetlfJe of all I"'.
Ile only mini",tereth "!liritU,11 stren::;h to
the powers of our liOul :111(\ bod.". '1'0 hold the
WilY which God h:lth pn:p:lrcd lilr us, to wlllk
riO'htl)' in ourJ'ournc\",
wc Illust aekllowl,'<!,~
it. is in tll(~ power or his Spirit. yAich he/petA. Ollr 1\.., <I;1.lI,
illjirmit!!, 'l'hat wc Ill:!)' hHldly come in pr:I."cr,
:llld cllll upon Almigllty God as our /-;,th,.." it i~ 11.01, Id'
,IJ)" t I"LIS 11 u)"
1 lllrlt
I"lie1I IJIUA't:f",
' l lJJ.t<:rce88jO/t

j'ur 'b
le"", . ,11.'.




w w w. h a i l andf m


,('" >iL




The T!4ird Purt if the &rmo/f.

11l1witA. continual lIigAII. If [lny gill we have, where

with wc mar work to lhe glory or God :md profit nr
our neigh hour, all jg \H()u!rht by lhill one and IItlj~
6tl1lU Spirit, yAicA 11UlI'd! lti4 (lutTi~l//ioNII pclI.liar!.r
to er:eT.f Hla,. all At rill. Ir an)' \\"i'-'<Iom we Ilnn',
it i,; not of ourscl\'C$; we Ctlllllot ~Iory therein, :IS
bc~lID of oursdn-s i but we oll!.;'llt to ~lllr.\- in God,
from whom it C3me 10 lL'l, liS the Prophet J [ieremy
writeth: I,et him lhat rejoicelh. rej(Iice ill thilf, Ihlll

he 1tntlerllandeth and J:nQfceth ,nc; fur I allt the LONt

tehicR. l!lelCet! fIIeTC!,jtulgl1tenl, a/lit ,.i!lAt~lIlfnell' ;Il
IAt earl!; for i. Ilulle IAi,,!!, I ddig/ll, 6tli/A 1/1/:
I",rJ. 1.11is wisdom C!:lIIllot he nttnilllod but by tll\.'
dit'l:etion of the Spirit of God, nud therelore it i.s

called spiritual wi.l>dom.

And lIowhere can wc more cerbinly search IQI'
tllc knowledge of this wilt or God, by lhc whieh
we must direct all our works aut! deeds, but in thc
JIIIl.... J~
holy Scriptures: for, the.r te the.V (hat lelltif!! of
him, saith our S:wiutlr Chri"L ]t may be called
knowledge and lcarnill!r that is othendlerc gottell
out of the word; buL the Wi;:e )[an plainly te-:ti\\1ooL .1iI., ficth that tAe9 ott be bill ~aiH relicA. Aare 110' in. them
(lte w;illtlom of God. We sec to what vanity the
old philosophers came, which were dc~titutc of this
science, {,"'OttCIl :Illd ~c:lrched for in his word. "re
I;CC what vtlllitr the School dOl,:trinc is mixoo with,
for that in this WON ther sought not the will of

God, but rather the will of


the trade of


I... L'.1.

1. '05



It.l> LJ.
J _ ..... ,

11 ., _

the path of the lOathers, the )Jr:lcticc of

the Chun:h. J~t us the~ron' read and revoh-(' th('
holr Scrillture both dU!I alut lIi!lltt; 101' blelletf ilf
he 'ltat /wl!l. hill1rhole II/Ill/ifaljoll Ihert:ilt. It is that
that gi\'eth light to ourfeet to walk hy. His thnt
which gird! ri,i/om 10 lite IIilAJ,/e :Illd i~llornllt. J 11
it mar wc find eta"allife. In the holy crirlurl"<;
j:1ll1 we ChriliL: in Chri"t find we God i for he it
i~ that ill I/le erprellll ill/iI!le of the Vath{'r; Ae tltut
# ~th ('It"i,t lleet! (hc .l"utlter.
And conlrllriwi~{', n~
~t. lIi~r()1llC snith, "tile ignllr:lllCC of Scripture i~

tht ignorancc of Christ."


XoL to l;now

w w w. h a i l andf m



tn be in darkneN; ill the middl'S of our worldly rind

\-;lmal li~llt of rro..on and I'llill.l".oph). 'fo be with_
I)ut Christ is to be in fooli"Jmet;s: for lIe is the
.fIlI\, '''i,-dom of tile ]"athcr; ill teh()11J it plta'tfl Col. L Iq:
hi" that aU/lllntu :md pcrf.:ttion douM dk'tll, n.J",
,rith whom who,.ocvcr is indllo..'(l i", Mart Q!lfaith l 1;loII.Ul.
and Toottd/a,t in chard!!, Imth laid n sure fOllndfllion '7-'9'
t" build 011 1 whcr~by he mall bt aUe to col1lpreht}/(t

wit'" ail ,ainu v:/wt i, the breadtlt alut {ell.'1tlt

aNd dtpth, aNd to ~'lIfJlO tlit lol'e if Chr;,t, 'fhil!

IIl1ivcrs:11 and absolute kllow!cd~ is that wisdom

which St. Puul wished the~ Lphcsians to h:lvc,Ip/lI.".'Q'
:IS under hea\'cn thc gnmt;.,>;t trea.,lIre that roll al"f-'/'
Le. obtained. For of this wi."dom the Wi,<C )[:m
writcth thus ofhi..~ c:cpcri\!llcc: .J1l9/}(1f1 0,;1191 camt/ Wo-rl..1L
tlJ .e logelAtr ri/It. Au, all,l iNlllt_uaUe ,.idtt " .... '.
Ilro.91t. Atr AalldA. And adddh moreon:r in that.
t;:\me piaC<'l Sht ill tIe IJlu"tr 0/ all tItle t!tiIl9" Pur
de it all i"jill.i!f: frl:lI11rt nto mtN, teAidl teh(}l() ICU

0/' the /Ol:t of (}(){I.

I might \\ ith many words mo\'e some of this

tto<mte pario"!:r,

audicnoo to 8C:Lrch for this wisdom, to sequestcr

their reason, to follow Ooc.!'ll commandment, to
C.-IS!. from them the wits 01' their IJraills, to S:I\'OUr
this wisdom, to renounoo the wisd<lm llnd policy of
this fond world, to taste and savour 1IIal. whereunto the fa\'ollr and will of God hath t:l!kd them,
and willcth u" finnlly to clljn)' by his fa\'ollr, if we
would give Cllr, Hut. 1 will ha".tc to the third part
of my t('xi, which as it followdh in words Illore
]llcntiful1)' ill the text whidl 1 lIa\'e last tited unto
~'ou, wherein is CX!lf\.",,,,--d fllrth\!r in S:ll'icnce how w..........
Uod f."heth his elect an UndeftolaUllin~ of the '7motions orthc hro.\'cns, of the alterntion'> and cir
cumst:mccs of tinlt', so it IUllbt. n;.>t.'t1" folll'w ill thcm
that. be indlll'(l with this l'Jliritual wisdom, l'or,
as tll\")" can ",,:arch whl'~ to find this \\i"dolll, ami
know of whoIII to :I~k it, so kno\\' they ag-:Lin th:ot.
in time it is fUllnd, :llId ('nil lhcri'fore :Ltlr.'mp\r
thcm~c1\'Cll to th\ o<:c:J~ion of thl! time, to l'1L1l~'r
110 lime to pa"s uwa)' II'hcrcill tlLi..)' may bbour j;,r


w w w. h a i l andf m

52 ~

The '1'hird Part

0/ the Sermon

this wisdom and to incl'ca;c therein. 'l'lu'y know

how God or his infinite mercy :lIld lenity gi\'cth
J""ul~"J. all men here time :Illd place if rCjJenttll/ce; and
they sce how the wicked, as Job \nitt-th, obl/8c the
8ame to their pride: and therdore do the godly take
the better hold of the time, to redeem it out of
sllch use as it is spoile<.l ill hy the wicked. 'l'hey
whieh Ila\'e thig wi"dom or God ean g:lther by the
diligent :lIld earncst study of the worltllinf,"S or this
present lile, how they wait their times, :Ind :Ipply
themselvcs to every occasion of time, to get richcs,
to inerense their lands :Ind IlatrimoTl.Y. 'l'hey sec
lhe time pass away, and therelore take hold 011 it
ill sllch wise that otherwhilcs they will with 1hu
luss of their sleep :Illd case, with suUi"lring' mllll)'
puins, cateh the oflcr of their timc, knowing that
thllt which is once pnst cannot be returned ngain :
repellt:lIlCe may 1'011011', but remedy is nOlle, Why
should not they then that be spiritually wise in
their gcnerntion wait their timc, to increase as fast
in their statc, to win and gain e\crlastillgly? 'l'hey
reason what a brute forf,"Ctfulllcss it were in mall,
illdued with reason, to be ignorant of their times
and tides, whcn they sce the turtledove, the stork,
and the swallow to wait their times, ns lIiercmy
J., nil.;.
~ailh: The 8lork ill the air J..llolCcth her Qppoinlett
ti1llC8; the turtle and the eralle alld the /JltJatlolO
ot8cne the tillle if their COlllillg; but 1IIy peopte
J..1l0lfleth not fhejudglllellt of the html
l:ph.~, ,6.
SI. Paul willeth us to redeem, the time, becali81J
the dOY8 are evil. It is not the counscl 01' St. Paul
only, bul; of all other thul; e\'er gnve preecpts of
wisdom, 'l'here is 110 IJreeept more scriou:-ly gi\'clI
and commanded than to know the time. re:l,
Chrislinll men, 101' thnt they hear how ,zl'icvou,lr
God complainclh nnd thrcat...'IIcth in the :Sc:riptures
tlwlIl \\hic:h will not know the time of his visita.
lions, Me lcnrlled thereby the mthcr c:ullcstly lu
npplr thelllsch'cs thereunto. Al1er 0111' S:l\'iollr
Christ had pl'Ophe"icd with wccpilJ!:l' tenrs 01" tIle
dc"trudion of Jerusalem, at thc last he puttetlJ


w w w. h a i l andf m

fur J,'o!]alifJl/


thc eallse, For that llum ha"t 1/fJt kJlown the time fl/l...\<e oh,,..
lhr riaitatioll, 0 }:ngland, wllich eanst not Ilor
WIll not ponder the time of God's mCl'ciful visilatioll, shewed tllce frum day to da,\', llnd )'ct \Iilt
not T'C'Jr-lrd it, neithcr will tholl with Ili.. pl1ni~h.
mcnl be drivcn to thy dutr, nor with his bcncHts
1'0 provoked to thallka; if thou kncwcst what
may fall upon thee for thinc unthankf'ulncSJ;, thou
wouldcst pro\'ide for tll)' pcace.
Brethren, how,;ocv~r the world in g<!llcrtllitr i;s
forgetful of God, Ict us !lflrficularl.\' attend to our
time, and win the time with dilij:CllCC, :lIld apply
OIlr:;c!\'{'S to thfllli;::ht and ;::nll'(' that is oflhCfI liS,
Let us, if 000\; 1;IHlUl' :llltl jUlI:.;mcnt~, which he
\\Qrkcth in our time, cannot "tir ll'l to c1\l1 Ilome
to oUI'Sell' to do tlmt bclol1~ to Ollr sal\'ation, Ilt
the lea"t 1I'1I\' let the 1ll11lico or the dC\'il, the
thc world, which we see exercised
in thew J}('rilous and last times whcrein wc sce
our da)'s so c1allgtromly set, pro\'oke liS 10 wntch
dilif,"'clltly to OUt' \'o('ation, to walk ami go ronnll-d
therein, Let the misery aud short trtlllsilory jors
spi..:d in the casualty or our days mo\'c us while
wo hrn-o thcm in our hands, and seriously stir U8,
to be wise, and to expend the gracious brood will
of God to Ilsward; which alt Ihe dl/j lOll!] stretcheln I...... lu..
out hi8 !lam!s (:IS the Pl'Ollhet suitll) unto l1S, for
the most part his merciful hands, sometime his
hea,'y h:mdsj that wc, being learned thereby,
may esc.'lpe the dan::rcr tllllt llll1st nccds bll on
the unjust, who lead their dl/!J1I in felicit!J and Jobul. ').
pleasure without the knowing of God's will toward
them, but IIlulden!!lthey -'10 dQllm illlo hett,
Let us be round watchers, round ill the peace or
the Lord; that fit tho l1\st day wc may be jou11d 11~I,tIJ. I~.
wilMllt lIJlot and blameless, Yea, let us endeavour
our$cl\'es, b"OOd Christian pC<ll'le, diligently to keep
the presence or his lloly Spirit. Lot us renounce
flllullc!e:mllCSSj ror he is the Spirit. of purity, ut
1l~ a\'oid all 11rl>ocris)'; ror this !loly Spirit ?Cil! \\i>d.I,~,
flee frQlIt that lrhic!l ill fei:JllCd, Cast wc on' all



w w w. h a i l andf m



1'he l'hirtl Part

0/' the SmJlQlt

malice amI c\"il will; for this Spirit wilt 1/{!IW

Let liS ea8t a/NI//
att the ,rhole II'lJ/p ql8i/t that 8tallddh about 1/1; for
he will lIefe,. rltrell il~ that bod.v that i8 ,ubdued 10
lin. "'e cannot be S~Tl thankful to Almighly
God, :md feor/'; such 11"_.,,ile to tlte Spirit of grace,
by whom wc lJe Sllnctified. H \l'e do our endca
\'our, we tihall 1101. need 10 fenr, we shall he nble to
overcomc all our cnemies th:lt fig-ht af,"ninst us.
Only let liS :lpply our"elf 10 accept the grace that
is offcred us. or Almig-hl}' God \\'e htl\'e comlort
hy his 6"OOuncs-s; of our Saliour Christ's mediation
wc mu}' be sure; nud this Hol}' Spirit will suggc,.;t
unto liS that "lmll he wholesome, :md confirm u.~
in all things. 'L'herclore it cnllnot be bllt true that
St. Paul ullirmeth, Of him, 0.v him, alld in him be
alt tkil/g8: llnd in him, lllter this tmnsitory lili.'
well pllsse<l, shall we ha\'e fill tllings. l~ol' St.llalll
~'lith, 1J'helL Ihe &11 ql Gort ,holl ,ubdue att thil/9ff
/'1/(0 him, tlllm ,halt GOfl be nit ill alto
H ye will know how God shall be all in all,
veril)' after tllis S'nse mfl)' ye llllderst:lIld it. III
this world )'C sec that wc be /ilin to borrow mtlll.\'
things to our Ileccssit)' of man)' creatutCs: there is
110 onc thill:; that sullieeth all OUI' necessities. If
wc be an hUllgred, we lust for bread. Il' wc be
athirst, wc seck to he refreshed with ale or wine.
If we be cold, wc scek for cloth. If wc be sick,
wc seck to the jlllysician. If we be in heaviness,
we seek for comfort of' our friends or of comrflllY,
So that there is no onc crcature by itself that can
content all our wants and desires. But in the
world to come, in that everlasting felieil.)', wc ;;Illlll
no more bc~ and seck our !l;Irticulnr comforls
llnd commodities of divers creatures, but we shull
possess llll thllt wc eUIl ask mId desire in God,
and God sllall be to us llll things. lIe shall be to
us botll father :lnd mother; he shall be brefld and
drink, cloth, IlhysidllllS, comfort j he shall be all
t11ill;';-S to us, and thtlt of much more blC8scd
fa-lliull amI l1l\Jll' sllllicicnt. COlltClltatioll th:lll cn~l"

elller inl" on erit.fI'itling Mul.

lie!> ,IL'

\\ .u..

11"", .1.





w w w. h a i l andf m

for Rogatiolt Tred..


these creatures were unto us, wi...h nJn<:h more

delectation than ever man's reason is able to COIl<:ci,e. 1'he eye 0/ /Halt i, not able lo behold, nor hi8 n... li '"
eur call heur, 1Ior it CUlt be COlllpf186etJ ilt the heart f!/
malt, u:lwt jO!! it i8 that God hat;" preparedfor lhem
tnat lore him,
Let us all conelude thell wilh 011e voice wiih
the words of SLllnu!: 10 him u:hich i8 ablc al)/I/I- !"plo Ill.
da/1Uy lo (10 be!!Olut our duirc6 alltt lhol/!f1t/8, accord '... ".
il/9 lo Ihe polCer fCorki1l9 ilt 118, be !ftory Ulut prai6c
il/ hi8 Churc;" by Chrid Je8u8for et:t:f, world without
t:lld, /Imell.

A).f EXIIOR'I'.\'l'IOX
ALTHOUGIl we be now nssemhled together. good
Christinn people, most principnll)' to Inlld nlld
thank Almighty God for his grent benefits. br
beholding the fields replenished with all manner
fruit, to the maintenance of our corporal neces~
sitics, for our food and sustenancc; and partly
also to make our humble suits in prayers to his
fatherly provideucc, to conserve the same fruits.
in sending us seasonnble weather, wllereby we
mar gather in the Slid fruits to th:lt cnd for
,dlleh his mcrciful goodness bath pro,'ided them;
yet havc wc occllsion secondarily gi,'ell liS in Ollr
w:Jlks on these days to consider the old ancient
hounds and limits belong-ing to onr own township
and to other our neighbours bordering :lbout us,
to thc intent that we should be content with our
own, and not contentiousl)' strive for others, to
the breach of ch:lrity, b)' nny encroaching- OTIC
upon another) or claiming onc of the othcr further


w w w. h a i l andf m


Th!! FUllrt! Part 0/ the Sl!fmOlt

tlmll ilmt in Hllcicnt rig-ht and cu~lom our forc

lathers Imve pe:u::cahly laid out unto us for Ollr
commodity Hnd comlOrt.
Surely a ~r('at o\'cr~i:;ht it were in us, which hi>
Christian men in onc Jlrorel'~ioll of lilith, dail,l'
looking' f,)r that llcfm:uly illh('ritanee which is
boug-ht 101' C\'CI'Y onc of us by thCl bloodsheddillg'
of our Sa\'iuur Jesus Christ, to strive nnd fall to
\'arianee 101' the C'fIrt hly boundiJ of' our towns, to
the disquict of' 0111' life Ix:t.I\"ixt oursel\'e.", to tlle
wa"ting of 0111' g-oods hy \'ain cxpcnses and costs
in the law, "re ought to remelllhlr that QUI'
habitation is hut tr.llIsitory and short in this
mortal life, 'rhe more shame it \1'('1'0 to liLlI out
into immorlfll hfltrcd flmong' ourselvcs 101' so briu lc
possessions, and so to lose our etcrnal inhel'itance
in 11Cfl\'CIl, It mar sl:llld well with diMity 101' a
Christian mall quietI,\' to maintain his l'i~ht rmd
just. title; {1Il<! it. is the !lnrt. of' c\'lry A'OOd townsman to preSl.'r\'c, as much ns licth ill him, t.he
libertics, franchisc!', bounds, and limits of his town
and eOllntry, nut )'et so to stri\'e 101' our ver,l'
rights and duties with the breach 01' 10\'e and
Ch'1rity, which is the onlr li\'ery of a Christiall
man, or with the hurt of godly peace flnd quiet,
by the which we be knit together ill onc general
fcllo\\'ship of ChrisL's lamily, in onc common householtl of God, that is nltedy forbidden, that <loth
God abhor and detcst; which provokcth AlmiA'hty
God's \\"fath otherwhilcs to depri\c \1S quite ot' our
(,'(lmmodities nlld libertics, because we do so abuse
them for matter of strili>, discord, and disscnsion,
SI. Paul blflmcd t.he CorinthiUllS for sueh contentious suing amOllg' thcmsclvcs, to the slandcr of
their prolcssion before the enemies of' Christ's
religion, M,ring' thus unto t.hem: Now tnere i$
ftilerl!! afllult amoll!! you, ocell1l8e ye!!o to btwone
wit! III/otn!!r, 7rh!l rather 8nffer ye 1/ot ICrOIl!!? wny
ra/nu 8''iTu ye "of. nllrm?
If Sl. Paul blmnet h t he Christian men, wl1crcof
some of tllcm 101' thC'ir 0\\'11 right wcnt COlltcno




w w w. h a i l andf m

tionsly so to 111w, oomlllelltling- t11ereby the profession of lJ:ltiellce in u Christian man; if Christ
our Saviour woultlll1l\'e us rathcr to SUm:l' wrong,
and to turn our len eheck to llim wllich hath )laU".J?,
,,;mittcn the I'ig-ht, to sufli;or OIlC wrong aner another, rather tllnn by bread1 of charity to ddcnd
our 011'11; in what slatc be they beforc God who
do the wrong-? whnt curses do they filII into which
"y C,llse witness defralllll'itl1er Ilei;.:-hbollr or township of his due right and just jJossl'SSi()n? which
will not let to hike un oath hy the holy Name of
Uod, the Author of all trutl1, to set out a f:llsehood and a wrong? A'/lQw!le flfJt, Faith St.l'alll, ,Corl,e.
that fhe ftllrighteoul Ihalt 110t i11herit fhe i'illgtlom ql
G'ort! What sllnlllw then win, to increase a little
the bounds and posscs"ions of the earth, lmd lose
the possession of the inheritanoo e\'erla>otillg'? Let
liS therefore lake 8uch heed in maintaining' of' our
hounds and po8SCSSiOIlS, that we commit not wroug
h,)' ineroaching upon otller. Let \18 oownrc 01'
sudden verdict in things of' doubt. Let us well
advise oursch'cs, to udvouch that certainly whereof
~ither we no ::'''000 knowlcdge or rcmelUI.rollCC, or to claim that we h:ne 110 just titlc to.
1'110" Ihalt 1Wt, OOlllmlllldctll Almighty God in D<ut. >l,. ' ..
his Law, remote th!l11eig1t601ly', mad', which the!! '!l
",Id time ha~'e let ilt thine inheritance. 1'1101' IJhuft l'Ill. , u.,~.
flOt, s.1ith Salollloll, rell/o~'e the (tIIcicllt 60undl tehich
fhY/lIthers have laid. And, lest wc should estoom
it to be but a li;;ht ollimce 80 to do, wc shaH
Ilndersbnd tllllt it is N'ckOll{'(1 amOl1g the Ctll"SCS
(II' God prOllOll1l<:ed 111'011 ~illl1ers. I!c/"urled be he,lleut.n.lI.lJ.
~:lith 1\lmi~11ty God hy i'ro,;e!<, 1r.ho remorefh hi~
m:igh60uy's dotel antlllltaliJ" alld ult fhe people shalt
8fl!l, Q1wceri,lf/ ~JlIIen thereto, liS ratil}'illg that curse
1Ipon whom it cloth light. 'rhey do mueh provol;c
the wrath of God upon them~lve~, whieh use to
J.:l'ind lip the doles and 1l1:lrks which of nncient
time were laid for di"i"ion of mcres :llld ll:tlks in
the field;;, to brin~ the owners to their right. TllllY
do wickedly Wllidl do turn up the ancient terri,'s


w w w. h a i l andf m

J'he FundI. Part o/Ihe SerMon


01' the field.", tllnt old Illen hefulctime wilh grl'nt


r " ..... I.

11"". ,i
I.... n.1.
I!. JO.
l'nI. It ,;
... 1J.


> .

I' " ..



ditl lrl'ad out; wherehy the lord's l"Ccon!.',

(which he the tl:llanl's c\'idcIlCI'S,) Lc pen'ertcd
:lIId trnll<llated, sometime to lbe di"heritillg of thc
ri;;,ht O\nlCr, 10 Ihe oppre.';.,ion of Ihe poor fatherless or the poor widow. 'l'hcse covetous mcn know
not. II'lwt. iu(:ol1n'nicl1(,i!s thcy Le authors of'. Somc
time by slIch cr.lll and dcceit be (,'Qllunit:cd grc3t
lliseords and rioh; in the c1mllellJ.,"C ol" their 1:1Ilds,
yen, sometime mmdl:l'S nnd bloodshed; whereof
thou art guilt.'", whosoever thou be that gi,'est the
IIC('ll"ion thl:fC(ll'.
'His contolls prnetil>illg' therefore with th'y
lI<'i;.rhbour's 1:11lds and ~()ods i,; hateful to Al.
Illigoht)' nlld. j;et 1/0 1//f1lt 811tlill!l com]lIJ8!! or defr<lud hi8 l/ei!Jht.lJlfr, hidtlcth St. IJ:H1 I. il~ (1//!I111111/
Ilcr 1l CalltlC, Fur God, Faith hC I i, (I rerellfjer Ql
/lit ~uch. God is the G(J(! of all C<fllit)' and
l'i~hlC<')lIFllCf:l'l, :ll1d t!lcrcfore lurhiddetll all snell
,lct.'l:it :HIll :-Ollht ill.,' ill his Law by these 1I"000ds:
kill/it ,wt (10 ""JII,~{I!J 11 jlttl!JI/IC/lt, in lillc, in


,-eigltt, or ',W/klfre; !/lJIl 8ltalt !III/'e jlMt t.alallce8,

frlle Ireifjltttt, /i,ullflle 11lca8urC8. Ful8e ba/allcc, saitll
~310moll, ore hll flt.omi'lfJliOIt UlIll) lite Lord. Rc.
member \d1:1.t SI. Paul F:lith, COlt 18 lite ret'ell!JCf
of :'Ill lI"I'ong' :ll1d injustice; :'IS wc sec by daily
,'x!)('rienee, hOWl'l'Cl' it t hri \et h ung-I":lciollsly 11" h ich
is f.,r()ttCIl hy l:l1-d100d ;1lld craft. Wc he bught
hy l'x!H.'ril'lIee, how J\lmig-hly God lIevcr sul1cleth
the tllil'd heir to l'njoy his fbUlcr's wl'cmg posses.
Fiolls; re3, Ill:lll)' a time they :lrc tnkclI from
him"c!fm Ilis 0\\'11 lifetime, Goel is !lot. bound to
delclld such !)().',SC$siolls as be g-oUcn by the devil
and Ilis (,'QUllscl. God will dcl,-:nd :'Ill such mCll's
n"OO<l.; and po~scssions which by 11im ::Irc obt:lincd
and PO~l>C~'t.-d, nnd will delcnd them aWlillst 1110
\iolcllt. oppr{'",~or, So witncsseth SalomOIl: The
L'mllrilt tlc"lro!! lite houtte qllhc proll(l 1II0I~; bllt

lie trift ,1<lMi"h lite t.0IIIer8,!!, lhe 'lCidOlO, No doubt

qt' il, 1':lith Da\'id, bell!:r id a lillle truly gonen 10
the ri!Jltteou8 111011, tholl Ihe illl/UIIICfat!e rjche8 q/ the


w w w. h a i l andf m

for R"!!Ill/OII lI",;e1.'.


J.JCt us {Ice therefore, ~1 pooplc,

all wrong' practices in i,"Ctting, maintaining, and
dcfundinA' OUl' 1)(lS_~e,..~ions, lands, and Jivdodes,
our oounds and libcrlie;o, remembcrill.... that such
l)()ssc,;;;iollS IJt' :Ill undel' God's re\'eng'C~nce.
nllt wllllt do I spc:lk of houS(! and lantl? nay, if.
is said in S('riplures, that God in his irl.l doth root
up whole kin).,rdoms for wroo~ and oppressions,
:lIld <lolh tr:lJI,..latc king'dolns from onc natioll to
a.nolllCr for ullri;:htcOIIS dealing, for "rolll,,'S llud
I'lclu:s J:!,oltell by <Il,(,uit. '('hi" is the practice of" the
Jloly Ouc, ~aith Daniel, 1o Ihe inlellt that living "&I>.i~ .,.
",elt t/lll,l! 1.'/IfJW, that the J/r;8t High hatlt power on
the l..iI191101118 'II' /Jlelt, a/ld 9ireth Ihem to wholl14otcer
he u:itt. Fllrtlll:'1'l1l0re, wll:l!. is lhe causc of penury
:md se:trcl.:w;s,., of dC:lrth and faminc? :lny other
thing but a token of God's ire, rc\'en.';"ing our
\\ rongs and injm'ic-" onc dOllc to :mol her? Ye hare lJ 11'~.1.
",wn 1JIllch, IIplmliddh GIXI by his Prophet A~g'Ci,
"'Id .'1el trill!! ilt !if/fe; ye eat, tilt ye be Mt 8ati"./iefl;
.lft: drilli.., /'#t !le bt: not jilled; ye clothe !/OUf8elCe8,
IJllt ye be 1/1')t V'orm; o/ld ne that earlle/! hi8 wage8
l,ul/etA. it ilt a bol/omlcM fJllf8e. Ye loo/,; for mllch
jllcrea~e, t"t to, it Cllmt 1o little .. atlfl, 10hm ye
brollght it h'JIIle illW !l0llf brtrll8, 1 did blow it a/Cay,
8,lilh lhe II'ml. 0 con::idi.'r IhCl"Cloro the ire of God
ug-uimt. g-ll':mers, g:ltllcrers, and incroaehel1l upon
other men's bnds aud possessions!
It is l:llllclllaule to sce in some places, how
:-rrecd,r men use 10 !ll/)lI::rh and ::rrntc UI>OO their
ncighbour's land that lid h next lhem; how covetous mcn Ilo\\'mlnys plough tip so lIigh the COll)mon balks :lIId walks, which WJOd men IJcforetimc
madc the gwalcr and broadcr, parUy for the oommodiolls walk of his lH'ig-hoour, parily for the
hetler shack in II:lf\c,.t timu to the more comfort
of his poor Ih'i~hhour's c:lttle. It is a shame to
I>o:hold till' in"':ltiahlellCi'S of' some eO\'etous person"
in their doiug't"; t1mt where their anceslors left of'
their land a broad and suflicient bicrbalk to carry
the COI1)!ie lo the Christian sepulturc, how mcn
1I'ron!lfllt mall.

.\ a 2


w w w. h a i l andf m


rhe FO/lrlh Part qf the


pinch ut. such bicrbnlk.,;, wllich by long Ihe aml

custom ought to he inviolably kC!lt for that. pm))080; and now tlley either ctuite C:Ir t.hem lip, :lllll
turn the dC:ld body to be borne filrthcr about in
the high streets, or else, if they leave :tuy sudl
mere, it i;; too strait for t.wo to wnlk on. 'l'hc~(>
strnngc incroac1l111cnts, good neigh hours, should

be looked UJlon, thc~c should lx: considered, in

these uays of our perambulations; and nncrw:\l'd
the parties monishcd and c1mritably reformed,

who be the doers of such private gaining to the

slander of the township and to the Ilindcrancc of
the poor.
Your highwnys should be considered in )'our

walks, 10 undcn;tand where to bc".tow your days'

works nccording- to the good statutes provided for
the S:IlIlC. It is a {,"OOd deW. of mcrel' to amend
the dangerous :':lI1d noisome ways, w lereby tby
poor ncighbour, sitting 011 his sccty wenk beast,
foundereth not in the deep ther,'oj~ and so the
markct the wOI'$e son'cd for discouraging of poor
"iclu;lllcI'$ to resort thither for the s:une causc.
If now tllcrcforc re will have your prayers heard
before J\llIlighty God for the increase of your corn
and eiltllc, :md for the defcllee thereof from unseasonable mists and blasts, from hail and othcr such
tempests, love equity and rightcousness, ensue
mercy:lIld charity, which God most requireth at
our hands. Which Almighty God respceted chicfly
in making' his ci,'il laws for Ilis people thc Israel.
Mril. ,10
itcs. in charging tllc owncrs not to g':lthcr up their
,:,,;:',~~,~" corn too nigh at harvest season, nor the ~rape!i
and oli\'cs in galhcrin~ lime, but to lcnve behind
';:Olll!' cars of corn for tllc poor g!CiIllCril.
l3y this
llC mCilllt to inducc them to pity the poor, to rclie,'c the needy, to shew mcrey llnd kindne~s. It
Cill1l10t be lost which for his l>ake is distributecl
"or. r. ID: to the poor.
]~or he whicn. fllil/i'lereln. ,eell lo the
~.'...!cli~';lj.'.~: ~lCer and bread lo
hUlIgry, which l>Clldeth dowl!
1....... iT. If tAe early alia latter rain upon rour fields, so to fill
up the bar'" fCifh corn and the w;l/eprellu tc;th. willt



w w w. h a i l andf m

for Rogatio", Trecl-.


antI oil; he, I 8<'1)', who rccomp('IlSetll nil kind

l,enefils in tlte resurrection of tlte ju8t; he will
nssurcdly recompense nil merciful deeds shewed
to the llcctl}', hows()(l\'cr unable the poor is Upoll
whom it is bestowed. 0, !;.'Iith Sa!omoll. let 1/ot P"".iII".,
mucg am! tr"tkj(ma~'e thee. Billd them, about Mg 9, '0.
1Iec~. saith he, alul urite lhem on tlte table qf thS
heart .. '0 'Ralt tltM jind /01'ollr at God', Rand.
'I'hul> Itouour tltou tlte JiOrtl1cith tlty richel, aud fa;th
the jirl!(rllil8 0/ t/tille ;llcrea,c: '0 dalt lIty barllJf
IM Jilted uit4 al)1(ut/llI,ce, a/lll tlty flre."e, ,halt 6rllllt
Tritlt 1II:/f) uil/e. N:lY, God halh promised to open I....... ,I. 'p
Jhe uillllotr, of he(fl'el~ upon tile liberal I'ighteoll~ ; 1Il.ll,.I"''',
m:lIl, jlla1. he shall want notlJing. He will rcpr('ss
the de\'ollring eaterpil1:Jr, which should devour
),our fruits, lie will give you peace and quict
10 gather ill your provision, that ye Illny ,it ever,! m.l..
mall. ,mder hi, OU;I~ viue quiell.l', without renr of I hu
lorcign enemies to in\'llde you. Hc will givc YOll,
llOt. only lOed. to fi.-cd Oil, but stomachs and good
nppclitl's to lake comfort of yom fruits, whereby
in all things }'C lllay h:we suflicicllCy. Finally, he
will bl('ss vou with all lllallllcr abundance in this
transitory'life, and endue you with all manner
hencdictiQll ill the next world. in the kingdom of
heaven, through the merils of our LQrd and S;I\ iour, '1'0 whom with tile l,'athcr nnd the Ilo:y
lillf)st IJc all honour evcrbstillg'ly. Amen,


w w w. h a i l andf m


TilE word of Almighl.v God doth testify :md declare whenoo the ori~illill oe;ilLlling' of matl'imoll'y
comcth, and why it is ordaillCU. H is in::;titlllc(!
of God, to the intent lhnt man 11IId WQI11:l1l should
live lawfully in a pcrpchwl friendly fdloll'::;hip,
to brillg forlh fruit, :lIId to II\"0id fOl'nicaliolL: by
which means n good eon1;ciClICu mig']lt be IJrc8cfn'(1 011 both pnrlics in bridling' t.he cormpt illclinaliOlls of the flesh witllil1 the limits 01' honesty;
for God lwth straitlv forbidden nil whorcllom m'ld
unc!cnnlless, Imu h~th from time to time tnkcll
grievous Jlunishments of this inordinate lust, as
all stories Il!ld ages hnth dcclnrCtI. J'llrtllcnllorc,
it is also ordained, Ihat the Clmfch 01' Go(l and
his kingdom might by lhi" kind of lifc be COil~cn'c<l and cnlargcll, not only in t11at. God g-in:th
children Ly his blcs~ill:;, hut nlso in tlwt tll(~Y he
brought. up by t.he parcnts 1-:0dl.r in the knowledge
of God';,; word; that thus the knowlcdge of GOll
and true religion might he delivcr..:d by >;ucccs~ion
trom one to 3notllcr, that finally mauy

\llljO.\ thnt everlasting im11l0rl:llit,>,.
Whcl"CI'ore, forasmuch as mallililOllY $cn'clh a~
well to avoid sin and oflcllce as to ~lH:r~a..~e the
kill~"\lom of God, you, as a1\ other which enter
that ~tntc, must ackllowledg'C thi" bencfit of Gvd
with pure and thankful mind..., for tlla1. he huth $,1
ruled >'our hearts that )'\l Ivllow not the cxamplt


w w w. h a i l andf m

The &rJlIQIt

if the


0/ OI/II/riIl/QIIY.


of the wicked world, who sel thcirllt'li~1Jt ill fil:hi~

IICSS of sill, where both of rou stand ill the IC:Lr ()f
God, fllld abhor all filthinc:<s. For thnt. is !'urcl\the sing-ular gift. of Gou, where the common ex'ample of the world dwlarcth how the devil halh
their h~:lrts bound :lUtI enlangled in divers snllrc~,
so that they in their wilclcss !'tate rUIl into 01)(,:1
abominatiollf; without' :lily .ertld~ of their COIlscience. 'Vhich sort of men that livcth so dcspc.
ratel)' :md lilthily, what damnation tnnicth lor
them SI. Palll dcscrihclh it 10 them, i":lying, Nei- I Cor ,1 9."
tit", fr/i"rCmQlIgerl lI"jther utlrdl.ererl 8!lIIlt illlttrit (he
l.iIl91/{)", 1/ (;(ld. 'l'his llOlTiblc jud;.pncnt of God
)C be CSl':LPC\! tJ'oroug-h lli:; mercy. if.\;o be that}'tl
Jivc ill>,('!Jawtcl,v :l('('U!'(ling to God's ordinancc,
nul yet 1 would not h:l\'(~ yOIl (':lrek'S~, wit hout
wnf{'hing', For the dcvil will (ISSI)' to nttclllpt :Ill
thill;,.... to intcrrupt al1d hillder your hcarts ami
).,"OJI)' pllrpo~c, will ~in~ him all.\' entry. For
he will cither laJ.,our to brcak this h'"Odly knot onCI}
bcg-un IJctwixt you, or else at tllC le:lst he will
1:100111' to encomber it with (Ii\'cril grids and Jis~
pleasures. And tllis is hi" Jlrineipal crall, to work
dissension of hcnrtoi of the onc from the other;
that, wherc:ts now tJler(l is ple:I':::l1lt llllJ sweet lovc
hetwixt you, he will in the "te:IJ t1lcf<.'Of I!rillg' in
mo~t Litter 11l1d IlllplclHlllt di>'cord.
And sllrcly
11I:Lt same :Id\,ersar)' of ours <Ivth, a:: it II"crc fl'Qlll
aoo\'c, :Iss:tult m:Ill';; nature and condition. :For
tlli.; folly is cver 1"1'001 tlllr tender :1!.rC g-rowlI lip
with u~, to h:l\c a dt."irc to rule, to think highl),
hy ourscll~ ~o that llonc thinkcth it. ilIeet to g-iHt
place to :lllotht'r, 'l'hnt wickcd \icc of "luLhorn
will and sclf lo\'e i" more TIlcet to break lInd to di,.~
s(:\,cr the lo\'c (If !l\':ll'l, than to pI'C"'('l'l"C {'Ollcvn!.
Wllerc!i,rc lIl:trriCII pel-"olls must ul'ply tllciL' minds
in mo~t \'arJ1('.~t \\i."tl to concord, :Llld must cravQ
CQIHilltl:llh- of God lltc help (If his Holy Spirit, so

tu !'LItc U;cir Ill'lLrts :ll1d tu knit tlu:ir miud" to",~ther, that the)' Uellvt di:.~c\'''l'l11 h)' :IlIV. tli\"i~inll
of lli",\'unl.


w w w. h a i l andf m


rite &rmQn of Me Stilet of J)fa(rilllony.

'l'his ncccssit.\ of prn~'cr mu~t be oft in the oc(upying {Iud u:>ing of nl:lrricd pCr$Om, thnt oftt.iml'
the onc ",llouM lImy for the other, Il'... t hale rind
tleb."te do :lri,-c betwixt them. AI1() Uec:tusc few
do consider lhi;; thill,!r, bul morc few do perform
it, (I So')", to pm." diliJ.,rent1r,) we see how wonderflllt)' the (h~\'il deludcth :\lId scorneth this I;tatc,
how few matrimonies ihcre be without chidillg8,
lorawling"S, l:mntil1 h"il, rcpclItill::'''S, Liller cllrsill~~1

and fightings. Whidl


whosoc\'cr doth corn.

mit, they do not consider that it. is the in"ti;:""l1lioll

uf the gllo,,'l)"


who bkcth gTenl delight

lherein: for <:lsc thc,}' would with all earnest en

dC:I.\"our stri,'c agtlin.-.t these mischief.:, not on1,)'
wit.h prnrer, but ;llso with nil po",,,iLlc dilif,''(!II{'C;
,r('rI, thc)' would not ~i\'e place to the pro\'Ocntioll
uf wmth, which 8tirl'{llh them either to such rough
lllld ~harp words or stripes, which is f;urrly corn.
passro. br tho do\il: whose trmpbtioll, if it be
fullowed, mllst nl'l'ds 1"'1:'ln nnd woo.\o tile web o~
all miscne;; :lIld ,;()rTQW;O .Fo:, tllis is 1Il000t certninly
true, t1l:1t of "uch l.egilluiu,!!S must needs ensue the
brc:lch of true OOI1("Oro in hf.':trt, whereby all 10\'0
must nel:ds shortly he hallil!ih{'d. 'l'llCll call1lot it
be hut 11 miserable thing to bcllo:d, that )'et they
are of n~it), compclltd to li\'c tOj;dll{'r, which
~'et callnot be in quiet together. Ami this is most
t:lIl!itomabl)' O\'ery whcre to be 8CC1I. ]ll1t what is
thc cau.:-e thereof? Forsooth, ht'(':lIIsc thc\' will not
consider the craft" tr..ills of tilt.' dl'vil, nnd thcrcforl'
g1\'eth 1I0t tllem~ln's to pm)' to God that he would
\'OuChs.1fe to rl'prcss his power. Morco\'t:'r, they do
1I0t collsid{'r how tll('Y promotc the pllrpose of tho
d('\il, ill that the)' follow the wmtll of their 1H':lrt",
while ther thn':lt onc another, while tl1l'.\' in their
1011.\' tUnl :111 uj)gide down. whilo thc.\ \\i1I nen:r
;..-1\0 O\'cr their ri~M, as they esteem it. 'f.':t, while
IIInny timc.;; tht,y willllot W\'o over thc \\:rollg part
indeed. Learn thou thrrclorr, if tholl dc"irC:lt to
Ill' \oid of:llllht~(' Illi~\'ri\'~, if tl1011 dc~ir{'st to li\c
l'cacca!.JI) !lul! comfudahl), in 1I"1,.'{lIuck, how to makc


w w w. h a i l andf m

Tlte Sermon

of lite Slale of J[atrimoll!l.


thy cnrne>;1; prn:"cr to God, tl1:Jt. he would g'Q'fern

both your he:Jrls by his lioly Spirit, to restrain
the devil's power, whereby your ("Ollconl nmy remain perpetually.
nut to this llr:lyer must he joined a singulnr
(lili:,"'Cncc, whereof St. Peter giveth his precept,
Faying, l'OIJ ltua/JalUh, deat wilh your wir:e8 accordiJtg
10 knowledge, gir:iJ'g hOllour to the wile, a8 tlllto lite t'e8lel, antI a8 UIII{) lhem tltat are lteir8 a/IQ
f!( lite grace oj' file, (ltat !lour prtfyer,f be tlOt hindered.
'rhis precept. ooth pcculi:lrly perl aillto the husbmld :
lor he 01lg-1It. to I"J the leader nnd :lIIlhor 01' lo\'l:!
ill cherishing :Jnd concord j which tlwn
shal1 take placc, if he \\"ill use llle:lsllrnhleness and
Ilot tyrflllllX, mid if he yield some things to the
\\"oman. For the woman is a \\"ellk ercatUl"C, not
endued with like sll"Cngth [Ind collstnney of' mind:
therclore they be the SOOller di8quietetl, and thcy
be the mo!"\! proue to all weak atl~'Ctions and dispositions of" mind, more th:m llIC'li be; :lnd lighter
they be nnd more \':Jin in their I:llllasics :lnd
opiniolls. 'l'hcsc things must be considered of till:
mall, that he be not too stiff; so that he ought to
wink n1. some thin::."S, aud must f:,"'Cl1tly eXJlound all
things, :llld to forlJear.
llowbcit, the l.:ommon 50rtofmell do judge that
such moderation should not become a mall: lor
they l;.'1y that it is a token of a. \\'om:Jnish cow:m]!less; and therelore they think that it is a man's
l'llrt to fume in anger, to light with fist and st:L11:
Howheit, howsoever they imagiue, undoubted'y
St.l)der doth bett.. . r judge what l'ihould bL: secmiu.,j'
to n. man, :llJd wllat he should most reasonably
perform. Por he :.aith reasolling should bc uSCll,
111\<1 not lighting.
Yea, he saith morc, that the
wom:1lI ought to lmvc a (-crblin honour utlributc\1
to her; tlwt is to fmy, she must be ~p:lrlxl and
LorllC with, the ralher for that she is the weal..,,}"
rellet, of 11 frail heart, imon",t:lIll, and with:J worG
~OOIl l>lirrcd to wrath. And Ihl'rdorc, considering
the...c her rmiltil'';, "he is to be the rather sparell .
-\ :J 5


w w w. h a i l andf m

I I'...

Ill. 1.




qf 'Ae Swle qf ;]fulriw1IIy.

B," this means thou s1laltllot only 1I0uri"h conoonl,

b~t !'halt ha"o her heart in thy power Ulul will;
for hOllc,;t. nature;; will 800ller be retaillL'<i to do
their du1\' rather I/\' ~1It1e words th:lIl by stril'l;'S.
But ho \\'lIic1l will do all thill~ wilh eXlf\'mit.\
and scverit.v, and doth U"C alwa.\">:I ri:""lJur ill wflr~l ..
and ..triJK'fl, what will that (mlil ill Ihe (,()llclusioll?
Verily notllillg' hut 111:11. 110 thereh)' seUcl!l lorwHrd
HII.' devil'a work; hu bani"llclh away eoneOl'd,
c1mrit.y, and SII'e<:t amitr, and brillA'Ctb in di~",cl1
!!iOll, Iwtl'(.'(I, and irhom{'IJ('$s, the ;.!real.."t ;.!rieli<
that C311 be ill the mutual I\we :mt! 1~,lIow".hil' ot'
tn:in's life. Beyond 311 thi.., it brin;.."Cth anothl'r
e"il therewlth j for it is the dL'l'truetinn ;lIld internlptioll ul' prnycr. For in the lime that the mind
is occupied with dis--.t>ll"ion :lIld di;;conl tllere (';1lI
be 110 tn10 prn)'er u>'C(1. For the Lonl's llr.l)w
Ilath not only :I respect. to .uticular jlCniOlI", but
to the whole IIni"cl"$:ll j ill Ille whkll \II.' (1)('lIlr
l'l')nOlmce that wc \\,ill for<,.,';\u tlll:llI wllich Imlll
offended llA':!in;;t U", 1.'\"1.'11 as we ask lor<.;ivcllt'&! 01
our sill>:l or God. \rhich thing how call it he done
rightly, IIhell their IIC:Lrt" be at dis.."Cllsion? JIIIII'
e:1Il they pray ea<:h for 01 her, when the)' he at. hate
betwixt themsdn-s? 1'011', if the aid of prayer he
laken ;l\\'ny, hy wh:lt ll){'llllS C;1lI the}' s"",fain thcmscln'S in :lIly t'OmlOrt.? For IIley (':LIl110t otherll'ist'
either resist the de\il, or \'<:t. ha\'t~ their IU.':LrL.;
!! in ~t:lble comfort in ail perils and nccessitil'S.
hut by pr.lJer. Thus llll di~comm{)(litiC>', as well
worldly as ghostly, follow this INward t...... linc..
and combcrous fielttlJe>;s ill manllers; whieh be
more meet. for hrute hea,;ts thlm lor n.'tL~n.:lble
ereatul'C@. SI. Pder doth not. all.,\\" thl.'-'(' things,
hut the devil desireth them gladly. \\ Ilerc!orc
take the mot"(' heed. And yet :l man may be :l
mall, altholl~h he dolh not usc slIdl extremit.\"
.rea, thollg'h he !!houlll di~..;(II1I,le some Il1ill~~ in hi"
I\,ife's m:IllIIl'n...\nd this is tile part. ora Cllri..tialL
m:Il1, whi<:h hOlh Jll('a~cill Cod, and ;;~'r\"dh also ill
~llIl;c to the comfort of their ll1:Lrri;l~t stall',


w w w. h a i l andf m

The &rlll()H


of the

Stllle o.f .J/~/ril/lOlI!I'


c<JnCl:rning the wife's dufy. "'hat. sllnl1

hcconlc her? Shall she ahusc the t,.,"Clltlcness and

IlUnlanity of her husband, :llld at her plc:lsurc lul'll

all lhiJl~ upsi(lc down? No surely; for that. is

filr rcp".~'11:llli n~Lill"t. God',; commandment. I"M
thus dol h St. l\:lcr Pfl':h:h to t Ilem; Ye ,rit'e8, {;/' , J,I. 111. .

jn IIt!,jectio/1

IQ o{;t:!1 YOllr ()1nl IOII/{;lIl1d,.

'J'o obey

is another thing tb:11L to coutrol or command;

which yet they mny do to their childr~n and to
their f:unily; but:l';; fi)r their htl"b:md~, them must
1he)' o!Jc.\, and CCll,.C from commallding', :llld pcr~
limn subjcdioll. For this l;Ul'dr <loth llouri!'11
concord vcry much, whell the wile is ready at
haud at. her hnsbnlld's commandment, when Shll
will apply hcrscll'to his will, whIJIl .. Iu: emle:l\'(ollrl'th
horself to !'Cl.:'k his conlclltatioll and to do him
plca,;uro, whell she will (:,;ello\\" all thing'S tllaL
llLi~ht ofl~lItl him.
I'-or thus will most truly Ix.:
""rifled the ;::Iying or the poet, I' A l-"OQ(I wile h.,"
obeyill~ h"r hll"band t<hall hear the rule": so tlmL
he slwll have a delight :Ind a gladnes.-; the 8:00l1el'
at. :111 times to return home 10 her. fillt on the
<.-ontmrr IlM!, whell the \\in!;,! Ix.: stublJofll, froward, :Ind mabpert, their hu>;oalHl,. :Ire compelled
t1lereby to abhor alLd flee from their own house>;,
C\'en as they "hould have baWc wit h t1l1"ir enemies.
Howbeit, it e:'lII se:mtly be but 1I11lt oOllle ofl(::nee;J
811311 sometime c\mnce betwixt them: fur 110 man
doth li\'e without HlIllt; sl>cei:tlly for that thl.:
woman io the more fr..lil part. 'l'llt.'r,;ol'ore let thcllI
lJew:Lre that they st:tIld not in their litltl!!; and
wilfilllle,;s; but mther let Illem ucklloll'kde,"C their
follil.'S, and say, )Jr huslmnd, s~ it i.<>, tlmt by my
:lllg'cr 1 was (:ompclled to do thIS or thut: forgive
it. me, :md Iten..':tl"tcr I will take 1Jcltcr hl.'('{l. 'l'hu,.
ought \\'omen the mora readily to tlo, the more
they bc ready to oH~lId. And ther shall IIOt. ll"
this on I>' to a\'oid "trile and dcbntc, hut mther ill
the respect of t he commandment 01' God, ltS SI. Paul
cxpr~,.~clh it in thi" form 01' word-;: Ld 1'-'01l/t:// ~,.
,ultjeel to (hejr hIl8~all/l)/, a8 (0 the L/Jrd: f/Jr thr:


w w w. h a i l andf m


u .. j..


h/l~banl i~ the

I I-.c. III 3-6.

of IIIe Slale of J[alrimoll!l'

!uad of (Iu: U'OIIIQlt, as Christ iJf

The &rlllon


/leat! qf the Church, lIl're you underst:\Ild that.

God hath comm:lndc\1 111:1t. re sllould :I(:kllowled~c
lhe :llltllority of tllC IlUsb:lJld, :111(1 refer 10 him the
honour of obedience, Alld Sf. l\:tcr ~:lith in th:lt
,;:ame place :JfOr<! rehe:m;cd, that hU(/f matrOllS did
1W1IIe(imes dcck thclIIselres, not \\ itll gold and sih'cr,
but in putliu,lf their '/Chole /i"pe in Gorl, :Jlld in ote!J;n9 their hudJands; all Sura obeyed Atmha1ll, calli"!J
hillt lord: whose dau!Jhter.t ye be, saith lie, if )"c
follow her exam plc. This scntence is \'cl'y mcet
for womcll to print in their 1'Clllcmhr:lllce. 'l'ruth
it. is, that thc)' mu;;:t specially /ilcl the gricfs :ll1d
pains of theil" matrimony, in that. the)' rclill<plisll
the liberty 01' thcir 0\\'11 rule, in the pain of lheir
tra\'niling, in the hl"iug-iug- lip of their cldldren;
in whicll oflic.'Cs thcr be in gre:lt perils, and be
grie\'c<1 with grcat. aOlietiollS, wlli<:h thc)' mi~ht
be without, if they li\'(.'d out or matrimony. Dut
St. Peter So'l.ith that this is the elder 01'll:lment of
holy matr01ls, in that they set their IUJpe and trust
in God; that is to S:l)', in tlmt they refuscd !lot
from m:lrri:l~"C for tile bll;;inesg therL'Or, for the
Wiefs amI perils thereof, but committed all such
:Id\'cnt.urcs to God, in most sure trllst of help, t.hat they 1I:l\'e c:llIed upon his aid. 0
woman, do thou the like, and so s1J:llt t1101l be
most excellenlly Ocautificd before G(I(\ and all his
:Ingels and saints. Ami thou Ilcedcst not to seck
fill'thel' for doiug :Ill)' beUer worl,s. 1,'or, obe)' thy
11Ilsuand, t.ake r<!g:.Il'd of his fC(jUcsts, :l1Id gi\"e 1l{'c<1
unlo him to pereei\"c what hc rC<jllil'Cth of thoo;
and so shalt thou honour God, and li\'c peaccably
in thy house. And, beyond this, God shall follow
thee with his benediction, tl13t all things shallll'ell
1I'ospcr both to thce :IIul to t11}' 11II5band, as the
\ )",llm Faith, J)I~uetl is the man 1CnichIearetk God,
and tealht/,. ill his 1CD!!'. Tlwu shalt hace the fruit
If Mine OIGIt halUI8; happ!! dalt lhQ/' be, and '/Celt
,nail it 90 with. thee. 1'h!J 1CiJe shall be as a l'ine
}Je'llfjilll! IJlreadin!J about lny hOllse. 1'h!! c/,ildrell


w w w. h a i l andf m

'i'lte &rmoll q/Ihe SIale of Jralrillloll.Y.


fhaU be 08 tlte !l0I11I!J 6Jlrill!J8 of Ihc 0lil'c8 about tb.1f

/al,{e. I.dJ, (hl/8 daft IIUlt 1/IaJ~ be !Jle88ed, f'<lilh
Du,-id, that fcarellt. lite Lort!.
'This let thc wife 111\\'e c"er ill mind, the mthcr
admonishcd thereto by the appal'd of her head,
wherehr is signified i!l,lt she is under covert and
olJedicnec of her hu;:lmnd. And, us that. apparel
is of nature so :lppointl,<1 to d('darc her suhjeetioll,
~o biddeth S1. Palll thilt. all oiher of her miment' nm 11. Q.
should expre~s both 8hfllllfji18l1le88 alltl8obriet!l' 1"01',
if it be not 1,1\\"1'111 for the woman to have her head
h:lre, but to bear 1heroon the si:.rn of l!Cr powcr, I Cor. 11. ,~
wllcrcsocver s}le ~tll. more is it re<l'lilro ill,lt
she declare tile thing" that. is meant. thcre!))'. AmI
therefore theso :LIlt.'it'llt women of the old \\'01'1(1
talled their hu::;balllIs lords, and shewcd tllcm re.
,'efCnee in ohcyin~ t1H~llI,
:But perlHh'cntuTC sllc will 1:',1)" that 1I1()se mell
loved their wi,'cs indt'C<l. ] kno\\' that well enol1;..:h,
and hC:lr it. well ill mint!' Dut, when I do lid mOll ish
"Oil of rour dllti~, thell call not to considcl'ati('11
~\'h;lt their dutie;; be. For, when \\'e oll~clvcs do
tcach our cllildren to ohey liS as their parcnts, 01'
when we rdi:mll Ollr scn'allt", IInd tcll thcm thllt
they !;hollltl obey their llIast('ril, not only at the t:I>l...I,!~;,
CI'e, hut as to thc Lord j ir tlle\' sllould tell lie;
aiain our duties, wc wOl1ltl not tl;ink it; well dOllf'.
1"01', WIICII wc be admOllishcd of' 0111' dutie;; lItHl
lilults, \\'c ollght not tllen to seck what other men's
duties be. }'or, tholl~h a m:llI Imd a l'OlIIPllllioll ill
his litult, yet should not hc thereby be without his
limll. nut tllis mllst he ouly 10oke<1 011, by \\'Imt
llleHns tholl marest mlll.e th)'sclf wiihout blame.
For Adam did by !IIC blamc up,on the woman, ami Geu UIIJ.'~,
she turned it IllltO the scrpent; but ret ncither of
tllcm was thus excused, And therelore brill~ not
such exeuscs to me lit; this time, but apply all thy
diligence to hear thine obedience to thy hllsOnl1d.
For, when I take ill halld to admonish thy hllslmlHl
to love tllee ;IlId to cllC'ri!'h Ilwc, yet will I lluL
ceaSe to set; out the Jaw that is appointed for the


w w w. h a i l andf m


The &rmM of the Slide

0/ Jftltrill,oll.9.

woman, as well as I \\'ould require of the man II'h:lt

is wrilten for Ilis law. Go thou then:f()rc llOOUt.
sueh thing's llS bt..wllleth thoo only, ami she\\' tllY_
self trnct:lule to thy lms1J:lIld. Or rather, if tholl
wilt. obey th.y hUl>!Jalld fill" God's prcecpt, th~ll
nlle~ sudl thing'S llS be ill his <Int)' to do, but
pcrlorm thou dili).\"ently those tllil1f.,"S which the
hlll'maker hath dl:Il'~~1 thC<l to do: for thus is it
Illost reasoulIhlc 10 "b~y (;<lll, if thon wilt not
SlIller thyselr to ll~lIl.~l-:'rcss his law. ] le t11:Lt lo\"(:th
his friellll sccmeth la do no :::-reat thing'; but. he
thut hOlloureth him tlwt. is hUl'lrul lllld Ilateful III
Ilim, this man is worthy much ('()IlUllCIHlatioll,
J~\'en so tllink 1hou, if thou eallst suner an extreme
husband, thou slmlt have ~l gl"Cat 1\:lI'ard therel()rc;
but, if thou lo\'cst him ()nly because he is gentle
:lJltl curtess, what reward will God gi\'e thee therefore? Yet I .spc:tk not tht~c thing;;, tllnt. I would
wish the husbands to he t>hal'p tow:mls their wivt...,,;;
1)111. I exhort thc WOIllCII, that they would patiently
ltcal' the sharpness of theil' hushands, 1"01", wheu
cither p,arts do t11(:ir I>e"t to perform their duties
tllc onc to the other, Hum followeth Ihel"\'01l great
profit 10 their lleighbou~ for their example's ~akc,
Fur wllcu thc woman is ready to SUfl<:I' a sllal'!'
hush:lIld, and tllc man wilt not exlnmll,lr entrcat
his stubborn nud trouhlcsome wile, Ihcn he all
thillf:,"S in quiet, as ill a most sure haven .
.E\cn tl1lls was it. done in old limc, that C\CI"\
olle did tlllir own dui \' ~llld ollice, allt! \\'a5 ll(;t.
~u"y to rC(jllirc tht: <illl y of IllCil' IlcigllwUl".
ht<' .1I . !. Consider, 1 pmr thec, that Abndlalll took to hilll
Ilis hrolllcr'>:; son: his wife did 1I0t Llamc hi:lI
therdOrc. IIc cnmmandcd him to go with IliHl
II long journcy: .she did Hol gaill~ay it, but v!.k.') cd
11is Jlh.~.:epL Agaiu, arl~r all those gt'cat mi.-;~ril'~,
laooul'S, and paills 01' thlltjourlley, whcn Ahrallalll
,;""Ii,.....". 11':15 lIlallc as lurd O\'Cf all, yct diJ he g-h'e pbec lu
Lot of his sllpcl'ioritr. Wllit,:h lIl:lth'I' Sara took
so little to g'l'icl~ tlmt she never ouce "lI11l'I'cll 11I'l'
longue to speak such words as the t..'OlIllllvll nWlllll'r


w w w. h a i l andf m

Tile &r.o. of I/le Slole

rf' JI<lII';IIIQ.,.



of women i~ wont to do in th(".e d:l\'s: when th('\

t1u~ir Illl,lo:anl.!s in such rtJl'Hl" to "'~ m:lde und,;.
Iillgs, :11ld to ]'1_' put under tll(ir Y"UII~r.,., then
the.\ uphmid them wilh coml.ll'rOIlS talk, :lIld (~JIl
them 1001", d::lstard"" mu.! cowards ror ro d"inJ,r.
nul S:lrll WllS so Iitr fmm "pt'akin;: :lllY sudl lhitl~.
tllat it (':tme tw\,cr iuto her lItillll :llId thou~ht, ~o
10 I'nr, but ullowro the wi,t!olt1 nnd will or her
husb:;nd. Yeu, bc"itle nil thi", nfier tllC ~nid Lot
hnd thus his will, :tnd lell to hi... 1l11t'iC the le"",'r
portioll of lnnd, he chall('(.'(l to filII into extrellle 0
peril: whieh eh:mC'{' whcn it c:lme to lhc kllow!t-<I;..'1' , ..
nf this 1<.1id Plltriltrch, he inl'Ontinl'ntly put all Ili~
lIlell ill harm"''', ltltd prl'p;ll\.d hittt,.elr with nil 11i"
family and fril'lId" ag:lin4 the host of thc Pllrsiull".
In which ('::t-.(' S:lr.l dill Il(It <''OUll..;('1 Ilim to till'
(", nor did ~y, as thell llli::IIL h:l\'e 1)(.... 11
said, ~Iy hu;;b.lIld, whither J..,"'Ol--,.t lhou ;;0 UIl'III.
visedly 1" \rh.}' rUllllc;:l th'Ju thu:> Oil lll':ld? Why
dQ>,t thou oiler th.r:,elr to ;;0 ~':'\t l)Cril"" ami :111
thus ready to jrol"mrd thinc own life, and to rt'ril
the li,cs of nil lhine, for such a mall ns hatll dOlle
thee sllch w",m~? At k':'\5L W:IY, if thou reg'mt!l'st.
not tl1ysdf~ p:l have eompa>'Sion on mc, whidl ltlr
thy lo\'c h:l\'c fOl'>':lkell my kill red and my country,
and have the Wllllt both ormy friends :lIlt! kinslolks,
:Hld um thus come into so far countrics \\ilh thee.
Ir:ln~ pity on mc, :'lIld mllke me l10t. hen: a widow,
to l-ast mc to such <-are;;; and troUUII'S. 'l'hus llli;:ltt
!ohe ha\'e 8.'1id: but Sant ncitltt;r ~aid n<>r thought
such word", but ..he kept It(;~lr ill "ilctlcc in all
thin~. FUrlllcrmore, all thal time when shc \\"lIS
1,arn:n, :llld took ItO pain, llS otlter women did, uy
brin::illg forth fruit in his hOUliC, what Jid he?
Ill' <:(II11I,laint."l1 Ilot to hi" \\ ire, hul to AlllIi~ht.r r.. ... H
(;00. And coll"ider Itow citht;r of them did tlll'ir ~.1_ . I
duties llS bcc-.ulle them; for ncither did he l.!e"l'i_"C
S,U':I bCCltU,-c ..he \\":t., barrctl, Ilor l1en'r did cn~1 it
ill hcrtectlt. Con.. idl'rag-aillllt,\\, Almllmm cxpelll',l (;,
tlu.! lmndtl1aill out of his lluuSt', \\helt ,.Ile r("lluir... l
it: so that!ly 1 may truly prorc tll;l\ lite Ullll




w w w. h a i l andf m

The Sermolt of tlti1 State


q/ .lIt/trill/oilY,

was pleased and contented with the other in all

Jlut )"et ~et not your ercs only in tl~is
matter, but look further what was d01le before tlw>,
tllat A:.r:1r u-"ed her mistress despitefull}', and tllHt
Abralwlll himsclf lI'a8 >;omcll'haL pl',woh.><! a:;''1linst
her; whid1 must needs be an inloleral,le maUcr
and a pa;nful to a. frecheartcd woman and a chaste.
Let Ilot therefore thc \\'0111:111 be too IJll~y to call
for the duty 01' IIl'1' hu"b:l1ltl, wbcrc she >;lwultl ht
re:ltJ}' to pcrform 11\'1' U\\'1l ; Ivr that is not worth,)
an.\" grcat eOlllmcllJlltiol~. And cven so :1:;a;1I let
no1. tbe man only consIder wll:lt 10n:;,"Cth to the
woman, and to st:LlId too earnestly gazing thctcon ;
lor that is !lot II;s part or dll!'y. liut, as I have
Imid, let cither pads he I'eady nnd \I"illing to perform thnt wldch belongclll specially to tlll:msclf.
For, if wc 1>c oound to hold out our lcft c1lcc k to
str:I11f,"Crs which will smile us on thc right c1lcck,
IIOw much more ought wc to suffcr an cxh'clllc :lllll
unkind husband 1
But yet I mcan not tllnt a man should beat his
wife. God forbid th:lt; 101' that is the greatcst
shalllO that cun bc, uot so much to her that is
lJc:Lten, :IS to him that docth the deed. But, it' by
such fortune thou ehancest upon such an husband,
takc it 110t too heavily; Lut supposc tholl tllat
thereby is laid up no small I'emlrd, nud
in this lifetimc no Slllall eommcndat;on to thec, if
thou eanst 1>c quiet. But yct to you thnt be meu
thus ll>pc:lk: let there be 110ue so grie\'ous fau]l.
to compcl you to [)cat your \\"i\"e8. But what sa)"
I YOllr wivl'S? No, it is not to bc home with UwL
all bonc;;t mun should by hands 011 Ilis maidsen'unt
to Ix-at. her. 'V]wreforc, if it be::t great. S]I:lIne lill"
a man to beat llis hondscrv:ml, mudl more I'cbuke
it is to Ill.l' violent hauJs UpOIl his fl'l..'Cwom:lll.
Al1d this thing mu,r we well undcrsland by the
laws which the a,rnims hath made, which cloth
di;,:c1111I'~e hcr any !ollg,,;or to dwell with such :1II
hu",hnlld, as uuworthJ' to h:l\'e llll,Y l'urtllel' collllwll)'
with her, that doth smite lI('r. 1"01' it is an extl'ellH.:

G.... ul.,.;"




w w w. h a i l andf m

71e Sm.QJJ of tire Sidle

if J[lItr;1It()"~' a I;:; thus so vilcl:," to cntreat tlcr like a !ll:l\'c, that

IcUow 10 thee of tll)" lilc, nnd 80 conjoined. unto
thl'C beforelime in the 1I1.-e-.."$Sarr matlers of tll)'
li"illg-_ And thcr...fore :1 m:lll may well liken sueh
a mall, if he m:1\" 00 call,,'(! a man rather than II
wilt!I>C:l:.ot, to n. k'i1lcr of hi" filt!u!r or his moUler.
.\ lld, \\ Ilere:lS we be colllmlllldl:d to forsake our r..n 11... ,
1;lthcr llml mother for our wifc's sake, :lud .rl,j ~lIltl .lA J,
thercb)' do work thcm nOIlC illjur.\, uut do fulfil
Ille 1:I\\"of(;"d, how (:nll it IIOt. appcar thclI to be
11 point of extreme madnCSil to intrcat. her de:pitefully lor who>oc ISlke God hath COlillllaJI(kod thl'C to
ll'm:e p:lrents? Yl-:l, who (-:111 l>t1I1~r !ouch dl'Spitc?
"-ho (':1Il worthily exprc,,;;! the inconn'lIienre that
i",. to sce wlmt wecpin~ ant! w:ai ings be made ill
the opell ~in.'('L"', wlll'll IIci;.:-hhuur" run tO~'\.'lher to
the IlOu.,;e of J;() lIuruh- till hu~b.lIId, ns to a 1k<dll'l\I
Ill:an who ~th alJOut to O\'crluru all that he hath
at home? Who wonld IIOt tllink that it were bell ... r
lor "lIch a man to \\ i"h the j.{rQulIll to open :llld to
swallow him in, than OIH."C e\'er aller to be S\.'CII in
the Ill:arket?
But IlCrnt!\'entllfC tholl wilt ohjcd tklt the
woman pro\'okcth thee to this poilll. J3uL con;;:itlcr
thou ll~":lillth:lL the womall is a rl'ail \'c&cl,llnd 111(111
:Irt tl\Crcfore madll t.he mler and Ill':ld o\'er her, lo
I)(':lr the wC:lknc>;s or hcr ill thi.i ller "ubjcctilln .
tlld therefore study thou to dl'darc the hOllc,.;t
l'Ollllllcmtltion or thine authorit \. j wllich thou C:1Ill>t
no W:l\'ii lil:lter do t1mll to torGetlr to uller Ilcr in
Iler W(-:lkIH:~.s aud suLjl,."(;tion, For, ewn as the
king apl'c:lreth 80 much the more 1I00le, the III ,re
c\l,:dlent aud 1I0ble lIe lllakcth Ilis ollicers :lut!
licutell:lIll~, whom if he lihould t1i~honour, ami
d\'SJli~e thc :mlh"ri')' of t1u:ir dignity, he shoult!
dCI,ri\'e 11ll11l'Clf of a great. part of Ili,; own hOllour j
e\'Cn 1>0, if tllllu dost dC~Jliiill hl'r th:lt is set in t.hi!
ncxt NOm WSillc thee, thou do:;t. mlleh derof."3to
:l1ld dl'Cay the cXL'CllclIc.\ :l\Id \'irtllc of tlline own
authority. !teL'OUut :lllthe"l' thiuJ.,"ll in lilY mind,
t,"l'll\lll awl quiet. UUdCl'otUIlU Ibat God



w w w. h a i l andf m




if t!le StaId of MUlti/IIO/lf,

hath gi\'ell thee e111101'(,1I with her, :\1\0 art male

a Hither, :lnd b}' such reason app(':\,,;e thyself, Du~t
not tholl SCtl the husb:lIldmcll, what dihgcnec thc,\'
IISC to till t,lmL grouud which once they ha\'e taken
to flmn, though it he ncvcr so full of faults? As
for till cxamplc, though it be ury, though it
hringcth forth \\'e(.'<1", tltollg-h the soil C:lllnot bo1ar
too much wet, yet he tiBcth it, and so lI'inneth
fruit therrof.


in like manner, i r,t hOll 1I'0uldo!st

usc like diligcnce 10 in,,;truet and onlcr the mind

of thy spouse, if thou lI'ouldcst dilig-l'nU.v aPI)]Y
thyself to wo!c<1 out by liitle and little the lloi,;omc
wwlg cf uncomel}' mallnel'S out of hcr mind with
whulesome pre<:cpl", it could not hc hut in timc
LlIOII shouldest fl..'CI thc plt'[l"ll11t fruit lhcr('(lf tu
both your comlort", 'f!lt'rdorc, tllat this thillg'
c!lallCC not so, Iwrform thi,,; thing- that I do herc
L'OII1l~c1 thee,
\\'lwnsOO\'cr :Inx displl'asallt matl('r
I'iscth at homc, if thy wife hat h dOlle au~ht a1l1i~~,
comfort her, :lnd ill\'re\l,,;e not the hC:l\"ille"s. 1"01',
though thou should('.o;t be g-ricved with ncvcr so
mall}' thin::,"", yeL thou sllalt Hmi nothing- mOfe
g-riel'ou,; tlwn to want thc lJcncvolcnec ol" thy wife
ut homc; what otl'ellce seen:I' thou c:lllst name,
ret. shalt thou find nOIlC more intolcrahle Hmn to
iIC at dclmte \\ith thy wile. AmI for this cause
most of all oUg'htc~t thou to ha\'e this love ill
rC\'crcnec, And, if rC:lSOll movcth tllCC to bcar
till)' burden at :lily othcr mcn's hands, mueh more
at HIY wife's, For, if sllc he pOOl', up],mi,l hl'l'
1:01.. j if "lIe 1Jc simple, taunt hcr nol, lmt. be tbe
r,n.i\,., 1I10re curt COilS ; for she is tllf J.xxIy, :tnd made ond
~ 1I ~,J~ jl jl~lh with thee.
But thou pCI'3J\'cnfurc wilt s::y, that she is a
wrathlill \\01ll:111, a dnlllbu'u, :l. bea,n.r, \\itholll
\\'It and rO::lSOIl. For tlli,; cause bC\\llil 11\'1' till!
llIorc. ChafiJ 1101.. ill anger, but pral' to .\lll1j~htr
(;..Il\' Let her bc mltlloni~llCll allj holJll'lI \I it Ii
f.,O'IH,d counsel, and tlo 1holl thy bc,,;t CUdl':ll',lur th;l1
"he Inll\' be dl'li\'cl'cd of all the~c :ltl"di"ll~. l3ut,
if lhou',,;houllh,-,t beat ho:r, thulI shalt increase her


w w w. h a i l andf m

1"e Sermon of the State of .Jl/alrimOIl!l'



evil aflbctions; for frow:mlncS8 and sharpness is

not amclltlL'<i with frow:mlness, bllt will. softness
:\1ld gcntlen(!S~. :Furtlwrmore, con"ider Wh:lt rc~
w:lrd thou sllalt havc nt God's Iwud; for, where
thou mightesL beat her, :llld yet for the respc<:l. of
the f...1Ir of GOtI Ihou wiltahSlain and bear patienlly
Ill'r great ollences, the rathl"r in rcspcet of that l:lll'
which forbiddcth i hat:1 m:l1l should cast out. his wil,>,
what f:lIllt soon~r "he be combrcd with, Ihou "hall
have a \'cry grcfit reward. And bdore tile rcCti!!I
of that rew:lrd thou shalt feel m:lIlv commoditi(',;;
lor br tllis mC:lIlS "he ..hall he m:ldc" the more ohedient, :Illd thou for h('r sake shalt IJc mnde 11nl
more mt'Ck. It. is writt('1l in a story of a certain
btr:lIIgc philosopher, whi(;h had a CllTed wife, a
froward, ami :1 drunkard; whrn he \m,; a~kell I'M'
whnt coll",illenltion IlC did >l() hear IlCr e\il mallnel'~,
he made :l1lt<wer, 'I lJy lllis mean,;," S:lid he,ll I have
:It home a schoolmnster, find :11l example how J
!:hould bcll:l\'C myself abroad: 101' I slla1l," sail"
he, It be the more quiet with otll(~r, being' thu~
daily cxerci~('<i and tall:;ht in the lorbearing of
her!' Surely it is n ,;Imme that Jlflynims should
be wiiier th::ln we; wc, I ",ar, Omt he conullandcll to
counterfeit. nllgdii, or r:llhcr GOO bimiiclf lhoroug-II
meekness. ..\nd lor the lovc of virtue Illis gaid
philosopher Socrales would not expel hi,; wife out
of his house; )'e:l, sOllle EUy Illat. he did Iherdorl'
nmrr)' his wilc, to Ical'llthis virtue by tll:lt oec:l.tiion.
""hcrcloTC, St.:cing mall)' mCll be lilr behilld th~'
wiiidom of this man, Ill)' COllllSCl is, t.hat lirsl. and
hclore all things, that. man 110 his lJe"t ellden\'Ollr
to get him n good \\'ili., inUllt.'(1 with all hOl1l'Sl,V
nnd virt.ue; hut, ir it. so challee that he is dcccivCiI,
th:lt he llath chosen such n wite as is ncither
t:-"OOd nor tolerable, tllen let. the 11Ill"l.mnd folio\\'
1his philosophl'r, ami Ict him in.ti!t'llCt. his \\ il~ ill
eVl'ry comlition, :LtLt! ncvcr 1:Iy these llt~lttel'S I')
sight. For the ll1t'rc!mnt 1l1;1Il, eXl'cpt he fir.;t be
at t-omJlo~itioll \\ilh his faclor to U~ his interamlirs quil"l)', he \\'illlleither $Iir hi~ "hi I' to ~uil.


w w w. h a i l andf m


"aU nJU.
', :0.

The $cmoll

of the State 1/ .Jfatrillloll!l'

nor ret will lay hands upon his merchandise. l~\"en

so let us do all things that wc may ha\'e the lcllow8hip of our wives, wldeh is the faetor of all onr
doings at homc, in great quiet and rest. And by
these me;lllS allthill,!.,"S ahall prosper (luietly, and so
shall wc pass through the danl-,"Crs of the trouhlous
sen of this world, For this stute of life will be
morc hOllour:lble and comfortable than our houscs,
thun serVllnts, t.han moneJ', thun lands and posses
sions, than all thillb"il t Iml; cun hc told. As all
tlu~sc, with seditioll :llld discord, call Ile\cr work
U>l any comfort; 50 shall all things turn to our
commodity and pleasure, if wc dmw this rokc in
OHe concord of heart and mind.
"hereupon do rour best endeavour tl1at ancr
this SOlt re use rour matrimony, and so shall ye
Le armed on cver)' side, Ye havc cscaped the
Sllares of the dcvil and the unlnwful lusts of 1he
flesh, J'c h:lve the (Iuictness of' cOllscicncc, hy this
institution of matrimony ordained by God: therefore use oft prayer to him, that he \\ol1ld be
prcscnt by rou, th:lt he would continuc concord
und charity betwixt you, Do the best ye call of
rour P:l1ts to rOlltSehes to softness and
meekness, ami bear well in north such oversighl!<
liS chance j lInd thus ljlmH your collversation bu
Illo::;t plclIti:mt lInd coomforlablc, And although
(\\ hieh call 110 otherwise be) some adversities shaH
fulloll", and othcl'Il"hiles now olle diseommoditv,
now another, shall :lppcllr, yet in this common
trouble and ndvertiit.l' lift, up both )'0111' hands unlo)
hCll\'el1; call upon the help and assistanoo of God,
the Author of your marriage; and surely the pm
mise of relief is at li:ll1d. Fur Christ allirmelh in
his Gospel, Where t/Co or three be gathere(t together
ill my Name, OJUt be ogreed, 1Cnot matter loet'er fnc.'!
}''''.'1 fur, it dun be grouted them, q( m!l hearell~'I
;;lther, Why thereful"C sllouldcst t1lOH be :l!(.:l1"{1
(,f the danger, wher.:' thou has(, so ready a Jlrollli~l'
;ll1d so ni;.:-h an help? Furthermore, ,rOil mu.;:! un
JCI'~tallJ how Ilecessary it. is for Christian li.olk tv


w w w. h a i l andf m

The Sermon. of the Stale of Matrimo//!I'


hcar Christ's cross j for clse wo shall Ilc\'cr fLocl

comfortablc God's help is U1Ito us.
'fhcrcfore g-i\'o thanks to God for his great
hcnefit, in that )'c ha\'c taken upon yOll this
~tatc of wedlock; and pray ."ou instanll."f that
Almi::hty God may luckily dclctld anti ll1alnta;a
you thcrein, that Ilcither ye be O\'crcomcd with
:.lily temptation nor with any :It!vcr"ity.
nut bel"(lI'e flU thinb"S take ~"OoJ heed that )'0 givo no
occasion to the de\il to let and hinder your
prayer8 hy diseord and diss()l1sioll. J'or there i~
no btrnngcr defencc ;'lnd ;;;lar ill all our life than
i~ plll,\'er: in the which we may eaU for the help
of God, :md obt:lin it; \\!teI'L'by wc mllY win Ilis
IJlcssill,l:, his ::race, his dcfi'IICC, and IIl'Olcctloll, !lO
jll conlilLuc tl1er c in to a bcucr life to COIlll:. \rlndl
~'mllt 11'; llC that dit)(} for 11>1 all: to wholll bc 'Oil
llullutll" alia Pr..LI~C l~'r c\'cr :lUU c\cr.
11 inCH.


w w w. h a i l andf m


as man, Ilt'in~ not horn to C:I'l(! rmd

Lilt to 1n1.OUf lll1J tr~l\"ail, i~ hr cnrruptioll
(.1' lIature lhruu!..:'h .,in so 1:lf d(~IIt'r:lll'(l 3nd
;..ITOwn ont of kind, that he t~lkcth idlclle>-'S 10
l.1t' no evil:lt nil, bllt rather a commClHlalJ!c thill~,
.,ecmly lilf those that ho wealthy; and Ilu:rcfore
j-; gr''ft1i1r illlhr:lccd (,I' mo~l part of men, us
U:,....l'('31,'" to tll(,iI' .. ('Il~u:ll :ifl"l'1lo!L, and all lahour
tllul lr.lxail is diligently ft,"oid''ll, liS a thing pain_
iul :'lIId repugnant to the pll'asure of the lI..osb;
It 1! lIecess3rv to be dl'Clarcd unto '-OU, tll:lt, Iw
the onlnmnl..c ot' (;01.1 whu:h he hate. l'il"t ill tt'"
nature 01 mall, cvcry OIlC oll;.::hl, on IllS lawlul
'"Ilc:l{ioll tllld C:lllill~, to give himself' 10 labour j
:'lllfl tll:it illlclICSS, Ocillg 1"\:PUg'IHlllt to tllo same
(IT(lin:mcc, is n gri('muli i'in, and :l]SO, for the great


i'wOIweniences ;llld mi-.<:llidi:! which spring lher..-()f~

llll intolernulc evil; to the intent that, when \'e
under.;,t.:lIld the ~me. )'e ma)' dili;.."CnUy fl~'C from
il, am] on the other part c:lruc~tlr :lpply )'ourl'<.j\"c_~, cn'r)' man in hi", \'orotiOIl, to hone.. t labour
and 1)U.-;il1e~,;; which:ls it. is enjoined unlo man ur
(jod's llllpointlllcnt, so it. w:llltdh lIot hig mllllifold
"k,.~~in~ :md sundry hCIl('lits,
.\lmighl)' Gr..I,al"tcr that he h:ld C"':lled man, pill.
him into I"lradi,(', tklt he might d~ and keep
it: l,uI, W)ll.'1l he had tran,,).."I'(',o::;ed God'/I cam
m:llldml'llt, e:ltiug' the fruit of the tree which W3S
furLOOdcll him, .\Imight)' God forth" ith did ca.-;l.


w w w. h a i l andf m

him oul (,I' l'ar:ll~iH' illlo 1Ilis woflll vale of mi,,{'n, r.u_lH.
clIjoiuillg' him tl) Ial,ulil' Lbe g-rollud Ihllt hc 1\';.>1 ,;-'.
wli:cn out of, all~1 to ent llill hl'cad ill tile 8w(::11; tit"
!lis r:lCe n1l1 hc dn,vII or hi:; lite. It is tllC appointment :lIld will of tiod, that e\'cry mall, duriu;; the
timc of this mortal :llld h~I~I"itory life, :;!lOlIhl gil'c
himself 10 HIIllC homst. IUIlI ~odly exerci:;c :lnd
bl!'Our, :md el'cry onc to do his Oll'll Im..iness, anti
to walk uprightll- in his 0\\11 calling'. .1/illl,slIith
Job, i8 lfll/'I~ IQ iatultr. And we :In;l COlllllland!."!l J b.Y.l.
I.oy Jesus Sil~\ch, fIOt 10 Rule JIf,;/!/ilt tCOrl,'II, "eilRN I~lu. lf.".
RltllJa,'dr!l' or ot.1lcr slleh llli~tcr'i('~ of travail, whieh
(he Jli!Jheat hal/~ crealed. 'file Wise )lnll also exhorteth us to ,Irillk Ihd uo(all '1/ ollr (Jlm cialcrJ/, I'. ~. ".

alUt oj'Ihe .,.irer8 thut




q/ (he ",itldM q/ollr

fee"; 1l1l':llling thel'chy tllat we ..llOultllive of

our OWII IllhoUI"$, l1nd 1I0t devour the labours of

"ther. Sf. J>:lIIl, hearing that. amOll~ the 'J'hcss..'llonians there WCI'Il certain Ihat liUfl dissolutely llnd ,~, ... 1"1,
Qllt oj' order, t hat is to S:lY, uhich did 110t fGOr!.:, but ''i.
uere (,1I8!1bodie8, IIOt :,"Cltillg their own living wit.h
1 heir own'j r:lvail, but eating other men's bread of
free cost, ditl command the saill 'fhes:ialon;ans, not
only to wit!l'/rmr IhelJ/$eht!a and ahstain from the
filmilinr company of such inordinate persOlls, but
also that, it (here 1('ere allY 8uch omo1lge8 thellt that
uO'UM tlot (abollr, the lame IIhOIl/(J 110t eat, nor havc
any lil'ing' at other men's llands. "'Ilich doelrillc
of St. !):11l1, no doubt, is grounded upon the
f,'"Cllcral ordillancc of God, which is, that evcry
man shollld labour; awl thcl'cforc it i8 to he
obc)'cd of all IlICIl, and 110 mall ellll jusl1y excmpt
himself from the same.
But wlll'1l it is ~aid, all men should labour, it ill
not struitly mcant that nil men ..llOUld use llandy
labour: b;lt, as tllere Le di\'crs !;orh of labour,
some of the mind, and somc of the body, and some
or both, so I:wry onc, (except by reasOIl or age,
(Iebility of hody, or want of 1lC':llt.h he be uuapt to
labour al; all,) ou~ht, both 101' the getting of hi",
OWIl li\'illg hOnC:illy and Jor to prolit othcrs, ill


w w w. h a i l andf m


7'he ScrmOlt agai1lst /dlclIC3S,

some kind of Iahour to cxrreiso him."olf, aecorllillgas the vlX'3tion wllCreuuto God 11~lth culled him
slmll rC(jlLire, So that \dlo,"OC\'Cr doelh good to
the common wcnl and ."oeielr of mcn with lli~
industry :Illd lahour, \\'hcthcl' it be br go\'cmiu:.:'
the common wcnl publir,I.\, or by hC:ll'ing puhlil'
omee or minislry, or by doing' nny common IICel'Ssary nlnlirs of his country, or hy g-ivillg' couuscl, or
lo.v tcnehing' :lI1d ill",tl'uctillti OtlICI"i>, or by what
other mC:lns 1;00\'01' ho be o<:cupied, so that a profit
and benefit redound thcreof IIl1tO othe~, 1he S:lme
person is IIO!; to be accounted idle, though he work
no bodil,v labour, 1101' is to be dcnied his living, (if
he attend hi;! vocatioll,) though he work not Witll
his h:ll1ds. UOllily I;dJOllr is not 1'('(luircd of them
which by rcnson of their vocation llnd omCC' aI'!
occnpied in the laoollr of the mind to the prolit
and 11dp of 01 hCI's.
SI. "Paul cxlll1rh-th 'fimothr to eschew and rfjiulc
idl.: Vit/OICS, ,rhicA .10 (Ibollt from house to hOUSC, because thcy Me flOt 01l1!J if/lc, bllt prattlers also Ofut
blls!JQotlies, sjJeal..ill9 Ihill!Js lrhid are 110t c(Jlllel!l'
'1'he llropllct l-:zcchiel, d('{:bring' what the sins of
the <:ill' of SOdOlll werc, rl'ckollclh idlencss to be
'<. HI. ~9- ll:lC or'the principal.
'I'he shls, ."aiLh he, qj'Sodolll
V/'fe thesc; pride, .lidllcs~ rj' lIleat, a~lIIlf/allce, amI

(leo. ,t.;, ,~_


thest: tllil'fls hod Sodom OI/(l her flau!Jltlefs;

mCllllin).:' the cities SUhjl'Ct to lieI', '1'l1e honihlc

:llld stnl1l"'"'"C kind of destruction of that cit), and
:llllhe country uOOnt Ill.:: same, II"llich was fire and
hrimstone r:lilling from heavcn, mo,.:t manifestly
t!cclnrelh wlm!; a grievous sill i{llellcss is, and
oUA'ht to :ulmonish us to lice from the samc, alld
embrace honetit :Iud godl)' Inbo11l'. l3ut, if lI"e
~i,'e ourselvcs to ill le Ill.';;;; and sloth, to IUl'killg'
and loitering, to wilful wll1ldering' and wasteful
"pending, ne\'er set tling oursel\'es to 110nest !ahonr,
but living' like drone Ucc<; by the labours or other
mCll, then do we break tllC Lonl'ij eOllll1ll111dmcnt,
we [..."0 astrnr rl'om our vocation, and incur tllu
J:mgcr of God's wrath and hew}' di~I,lcllsure, to


w w w. h a i l andf m

The SermOIl a!Jail/at flltcl/eaa,


our endl~ d<'i<trlldioll, except hr repentanoo wo)

turn flgaill 11ll/~ig"lH'dlf unto God.
'fhe inOOIl\'eni('llccs :md mi.-;chief.-; tlmt come of
idlelle~s, 11'; wcll to mfln'>; bod)' flS to his soul, fin.:
more than C:Ul in short time be well rclwarscod.
Some wc ;:lwll declare :lIJd open unto yOIl, tlJ~lt b.,'
considering" thl'm ye m;ly the beller with )'ourselvcs g:lllwr the re"t. All idle 11tI1/(1, sailh Salo- I'..... 4.
mOll, lIIa,{eth poor, ~,'t a quid.. la~l)Ilrill!lI/(1/I1I t/i"l.'d4
rich. Ago:.!in: He that tilteth. hi, (rout ,halt have l'",v. ,11. ,,:

jllelll~'I'lIell 1/ breat!; b"t he that jlo".eth in illle-

lIell ;, a ur!! jilOl, am! ahlllt have JlOI'Crt!! ellOl/!lh,

.\gnin: A a{Qtl!Jilt bOtI!! trill 1/Ot !J0 to plou!Jh. for
eaU 1/lhe tf'illler .. lhu,jim: ~halt he!lO II be9!lil/!l itl
8ummu, /Ill/I hllre I/olhil/g. Jlut wll:\l 8111111 wc IIt'Ctl
to staml much nbout the proving' of this, that

'''d ... 111. '9

I'"w. U

povert)' 101l0ll"elll idlenC!<s? \\'0 h:l\'e loo Illuch

experience thcrt'Of (tile 111ill~ is the more 10 he
I:llllcnted) in this realm. For fI great IlarL of the
jxg{,'3r.r that is ll1ll0ng tile poor C31l be imputCl.]
to nothing so much :IS to itllcue"s, and to the I1l'gligcllC<! or parents; which do not bring lip Iheir
children either in good lellrning, 1lOne$t labour, or
some eommendahle oceupation or trade, whcreh)',
when the)' eome to age, fhe)' might get thei!'
li\ing. D:lily experience also teachcth, 1hat nothing is mu!"c cnemy or pC!"lIicious to the h~alth
of man's lJOlly, tllan is itllencss, loo much euse and
sleep, find want of exercise,
But t.llese :llld such like ineommodities, lllbcit
the)' be gre:lt and IIlJisollle, yet, becausc they concern chiefly tIle !JOdr :ll1d extt'rJl:l1 goods, tller arc
not to be compared \\ it It the misehid's and ineollvClliences which thl'ol1gh i~IlCtleS8 IIl'1ppctl to the
soul: wherrol' we will recite SOllle, Jdlellcss is
l1e\'cr alone, but hath alw:1y8 a long tail of othcr
viccs hang-ing on, \\ hieh corrupt and infect the
whole man afler such sort, that he is made :It
leng-th nothing el"e but II lump of sin. ldlcnul,I:to!u.,""il
~:lith Jesus ~inl(.'h, trillgelh //INCh. er;it alld miachiif. '1
~l. 13crnard callctll it. If the mother of' all e\'ils, :lnd
U \'


w w w. h a i l andf m

~h:rd;lmc of :Ill \irtlll;;: jn addjll~ mOrM\cr. that


d"th 1'r\'IXlfC :ulll ll" it were tread the wa~' to hell


\\"Iu'''' i,Ij,.Il('~" is once, there tllll

tlnil j .. ahnn',; "':'Ilk to \'ct. in hi.,; foot. :lud tll

l'bllt 311 kiwi 1'1' \\icCdm'~" :liId lOin, 10 the e\"l~r
hL.~ting Ik~lnI"li"n (Jf mall',,; ,u!. \Yhieh thill~
." be m".4 tnl" wc are pl:linly bu~ht in the
.. thirtl'('uth of )lntthl'\\"J \\hcre it. i" "':lid. that the
1l~1II.f ~ IMe rJ, 11: I .... r, rl: u"l.cp, a,lIl 8'J/f"n/ RI1I1!ll.f'y
fart:8 lJn""!l11.1: !JI ,d ".f,eal. 111 nr.v 1.1..'\.1.1 till.' lH..o;.:t
lime Ihat the d~'\'il <'':111 ha\'e to w(Jrk his f~':(( i~ whcll
mcn be a.,.k..... p. Ilult i:. to !c'ar. idhl: tllen is he 1lI0~t
hu",v in his work j t11('n <loth he liQOllcst C:ltdl men
in tile !;1l11I'\! (/1' Ih:mitiou j thCll doth he fill th~'lll
with all iui(IUily, to ul'in/: them, wilhout. God's
~pcc:ial lilVOur, unto utter deJ>truction.
lIel'OOI' w~' have two lLot:tLle cXflmpl<'S mo"t.
linly H't hcll,l'c Olll' 1'.l'e~. The onc in King
David, wllO, tnnJill/: nt homc id I.", :IS the Scrip....111, rl

lure slith, at




othcr l.iJl!!, !!oj"vrth

(mUle, \Ht,.. quickly R'lIUl.... J or Sal:1ll to loraklIhe Lonl hi~ God, :llld 10 commit tll"O grie\ol1.i
and aholllin:ll,le ~ini in hi.s sight, adultery :llld
l.lurUl'T. 'l'Iw Ill::t~uc;< that cu"uoo the:.e ollellce8
\\ horrible :lIId griC\'OILS, tl.'; it may casil)' ap.
l-e::tr to them thnt \\;11 l\.':Id the story. Another
eX31llple of am..oll, who, so long as he warretl
wilh tllC l}hili~til1t',,,, I'llcmil'>:i to the people of God,
l"Ould Ile\'er Le taken or O\'crcome; but. after t1mt.
h. :';'1\"c him..clf to l':'l~e :md idlenc:>:;s, he not only
1..~,mmith..J liJrni('".Itioll wilh the 5tnlmpct DaWa,
hut :ll~ was takl'lI 01 his cucmi\.'S :lIld u3d his eyl.....
nll~er.lbly 1'lIt out, W:l,; put in prison :llld COffilocl",..1 tv ~rill(l in :I mill, mul at ICIl~th \\":1.3 made
llll' !;wg'11in6.-"tOt:k or hb cuemil'S. If thl'SC two,

who were 50 eXl~lIcllt. men. so wcll beloved of

Gud, so cll\luctl with ~illgular and di\'inc gins, thc
1I1lt:' nam\']J (11" prol'hl>ey, and Ihe other of "trcugt.ll,
:llld ,..lIch 1lI('1l llS llC\'cr could b)" vexation, l:lUonr,
01" tl'ouble bo o\'cr<:()Iuc, were ovcrlllro\\'1l :llId fdl
inlo g'l'icvou.s sin,. uy O'i\'illg' thclUscl\"(.'ll for a suort.


w w w. h a i l andf m






timc to ca,c ami idlcnc,;s, and so consequentk

illcurr(."(! mi~cravlc pbgue,; at the ImlJd" of GO(
what sin, wlmt lIlis<:lJid~ wlwt incolln:niellcc alltl
plag'uc is IlCJt to bc fCllr<:<1 of them \\ hieh all I heir
life long gil'c thcm:>dvcs wholly to idlclle,;s :lIld
L~t tlS nnt deccit"e olln:eh'C>', thinking' liUle hurt.
to COIllC of Il"illg' 1I0lhing, For it i" a truc "ayil1~,
\\"111"11 onc do(.th l1othill~, 11<.' Icarncth to do el'it
Let liS th t rd(.lI'e :'IllI'a.\'s be dning of somlj honcst
\','Ilrk, that the devil may find liS oecupi(.'(1. He
him,;clf i_~ CI'Cl' OC<."Ullicd, IlCI'cr idle; but w{/l~,eth I
,'ontinllilll.l' A('di'l(J lQ drrQlff liS. Let liS retial him
with our dili~..,.mt watl'hin;; in laLour alld in well.
,loing'. 1\.1' he thal dilib'"Clltly exercisdh hilll~('lr
in hone"t Imsilll'N; ill 1101.. cm.ilr clltclll.'U in tllo
rlc\'il'" "1I:1I"C, \rhCll Illan t111"ough idlencs"~> or
1;)1' dcf:\\lll.. of somc hvnest oe<:upat ion or ft~ldc to
li\'e U!lOlI, is brougllt to IXl\'l'rtr and \\'ant of thin~
llCCCSSllty, wc sce how c:bi1r such :1 mall is induecd
1;)1' his g-ain to lie, to IJr.u.:ti;;c how hc mar det:cil'c
his neigh hour, to fOl'SwC:lr hill1o;ell~ to bear fillse
\l"ituClOs, llllO of'tent,illlCS to steal :llld murder, or to
use some other lIllf,"O(ll)' mean to livc withal i
whcreLy not ouly hi" good !lamc, honest rellUb,.
tion, and n good consticncc, yell, his life, is uUerly
lost, but nl"o t.hc grcat di"plc:iSllrc and 1\'I':1th or
God, with dil"ers and lSUlHJr.r g-ricI'ou;; pbgucs, are
11l'ocured, Lo herc the cud of tilt,! idlc ami ;;Iugg-i;;h
hodies who;;c hanu" C:1I1110t aw:,w witll hOliest
labour; lo~s or llame, fiune, n'plltat~O!l, and life hcre
in this world, and, without the great merc), of Glld,
lhe T)I1I"('II3~il1g of c\'~r1:l,.ting destruction ill the
world to come, 1I:1\'c not allmell thou f,"OOd callStJ
to Ocw.lre :llId lake 111,.'<.'(1 of idlt'llC:'s, seeing the)'
tllnt imhr:l(:c :Il1U lollo\\' it have commonly of theIr
plea;::lllt idlcne~" Sh:ll'P and ""ur displc:lslIl'es?
Doubtlc,;,;, ~()()\1 anti b"O<lly men, weigllill,(;' the
~rcat. ami m:lllifold harms that. (.'Ome hy idlcnCiJ;;
to n eomrno1l\\"eal, have from time to time pro\'idcd
with all uili::'''Cllce that llhnrp allll ;;('vac laws might
B h 2


w w w. h a i l andf m


J1_~, ..

The SennQJt ogainat Idleness.

he made for the correction and f1mClldmcllt of thi,j

c\,il. The ]~f"\'plillIlS Imd a law, t]mt C\'CI'Y man
should \\'cckly'hring his nmnc to tht: chicf' rulers
of the provillcc, lInd t1lO:rcwit h:ll declare what twdc
of life lIe oc<:uJlicd, to the intent t1ml idleness might,
be w0I11lilr pUllisl11~d, and dilig-cnt labour duly rewarded. The Athcni:lJl" did cIlHsti~c slug-gish and
~Iolhrul pen]>lc no less tll:lll tlley did heinous 3111]
g-riC\'OllS OIlClldct'S, cOIl,;idcriuf:', as the truth i",
that idlcllCtis causeth much mischief. The An.'Opag-itcs c..~lll('d c\'cry mall to a strait ncooun(, how Ite
liv(.'(].; nnd, if they found :IIIY loiterers, that did
nol. Ilrofit the commOllll'cnl by OTIC IllCllllS or other,
tlH'Y were ,lri\'cll oul and banished, as unprofitabl(,
memhcI'il, tlmt. did only hurt. :l11d corrupt. tlw
body. And in tllis realm of England good ami
!-:"odly laws ltu\'c ],1'Cll di\'eI'il times mntlc. that. no
idle \'l,~abollds nnd loitering rUllag:ltes should bc
~Ilnel'ed 10 go li'om tOWlI to towu, fl'Olll place to
1'1a<.'C, willlOut. )I11J1islllllent; wllieh llcither "cn'e
(jod 1101' 1I1eir Prince, hut dc\'our the sweet. fruits or
other men's labour. being eommonlinrs, drunkards,
swc'lI'crs, thic\'cs, whorcmaslers, and murdercrs,
refusing all honcst labour, and give thcmselves to
nothing clse but. to invent llnd do mischieC whcrcof
they art.! morc de:;irous and greedy than is llll.r lioll
of his prey.
'1'0 rcmcd,r this incolln:ni('ncc, let all parents,
and otlleI'il which havc tile care :U1d gO\'crnal1ee of
'ouIh, so bring them up either in good [earning,
abour, or some honest. (l(:cupatioll or trade, whereby
they may be able in time to oomc, not only to
~llsl3in themsch'es competently, but also to rclicv('
IIl1d ~IlPJll)' the necessity lllld wl\nt of othcrs. And
M. Paul "lIith,.Let him that hath ffQlcl~ Ileat 110 ?/t()re,
and he that hath dccei\"l,.'(1 otheI'il, or Ilsed unlawful
ways to get llis living, leave off the ame, and
i.d..,mT ruthu, trOrl.;Ng witIJ hi, han,l, that thing
vhich i, good, thut hema!l huve that which is neee;;sary for himself, nnd also be able to git'e unto
fllhul that Ilallft in 1ued oj' hil help.

l:~h.l. ';,:'


w w w. h a i l andf m

The &rmOIl (I!lO;,,,,t /tI{C1U8J.


The Prophet D:l\'id thinkcth Ilim happy that

li\'eth UpOIl his labour, So'\,ring, /rltll {!wit efltt,t {he I" oH "
/oOOllr' ql {li"e la"d" lapp.! are (!tQII, a",1 rrtlt i8
tllee. This happiness or bl~ing conslsteth in the-('
nnd sueh like points. Fin.t, it i, tAe gift of GI'tt, I:.". ... * ,-,.
t i alomon s:J.ith, ICAt.. o"e ta{tt!& Il"d rlriddA, all'(
neeir:ei! good of Ai, tato.r.
econdarily, whell oue
!i\'eth of his own lab"ur, I!O it be !Jone.-t and b"004:l,
he li\'('th of it with a ~ con"'eicllC'C; and:m 1111.
ri~ht con~iell('C is a tJ'\'3>'Uf\' illCl;;t ;mahle. 1'hirdl.\,
he e:lteth his brca.d, not wit h bm\\ liug' and chidin:.
hut \rith peace and quidne;;s, wh(,1l he quieti\"
J:.1)()ur..:th for the !lame according to Sf. Paul's ml.
monitioll, Fourthly, he is no man's bondman fill'
his 111(':11. 6.'1ke, 1101' 1I('(.'(leth IlOt for that to 11:\11;:'
upon tile good will of other mcn; hut 80 liveth ot'
Ilia o\\'n, tl1:lt he is llble to gi\'c p:ni to othcrs.
And, to conclude, the lllOOltring man and Ili~
fillllily, wllilcs tile)' arc bu~ily occupied in theil'
labour, be free Ihllll mallY temptations and occa
siolls or sin which the)' that li\'e in itllellCi's llre
subject unto.
And here ought artificers tlml bhollring men,
who be at wages for their work tlnd labour, to
oollsider their conscience to God and their duty
to their neighbour, I~t Ihey ahuse their time ill
idleness, so defrauding them which be at char;..'C
both with gre:at w3f,"C:l and dear (:OlllmollS. 'l'hl'Y
be worse thall iJle men ind..'t.'d, for that the)' !i(.'('k
to havc W:Jf,"'CS for their loitcrill;:r. It is less dangt'r
10 God to be iJle for IlO gain, th:m by idlelless t.)
will out of their nei;;hboun.' purses wa~"CS for that
which is not (]('i'('n"..'t!. lL is tnle, that AlmightJ
God is angr), with such as do dcfroud the hired I....'"~'''
Illall or his wut.'\"!: the cr)' of that injury 3SCClldelll ~_ . ,.
up to God',; t.'ar lur '('lIo.. .allce. And as true it i"J
Ihat the hired man who u"elh dC(Xlit in his !:Ibonr
i" :t thief beloro God. .Let"o IRa", saith SL}';1II1 n.... ~ t.
to the 'I'hc;NI]ollians, 'Ilbfilly trgllile hi, trotlter, let
hilll, ffljt fl-:/lwlllltiln i,t hi, tN8il/u, .. j"vr the iAJrtl i.
rt!rclI!Ju (j"8Uc!t tln:!:;'8. Whert'upHll he that will ha\'u


w w w. h a i l andf m


I:1'" I~. '! ;

..... ~. ". '5



a!Jain81 Idlcne88.

a !!QO(l con!i:eicnee to God, that labouring mall, T

Sfl~, wl1ich dellClldet 11 wholl," l1rlOn God',,; bcncdict iO~1
ministcrillJ:;" fill thin;.,Pf; fOl1f1i{icnt for his living, I~t
him n";{J his lime in lililhful 1:I!to\lr; flml, when 11I:lalX)Ul hv !'i{'kne,;.<; or ol!L{'r mi>,lill'tune doth CC:1SI.',
vet lel I;im think, f')r that ill his 11(>;llth he sen'cd
God :Illd 11is I,cig-hhour Irnly, he sll:ll1 not W:lllt in
timc of ncccssit),. God upon reropett of his fidelity
in health will recompense hiro illdil,"Cnce, to movc
IllC 11cads of good men to relicve such dec:lye<!
men in ~id:lIe;:s. 'Vhere otherwi"e wh:dsoc\'er iil
/-,"Olten hy idlellC$s sh~dl 11(1\1.' no fuisOll to help in
time of lweu. Let the IabOlll"in~ man thcreloN
eschew li)r his p:lrt thi" \icc of idleness :lud deCi!it,
remembering that St.l>aul exllorteth every man to
Ill!! lI/CH!! d.:ceit, di""imlllatioll, and ~lJi!l9, :ltLd to
ule /rUlh ~l1ld plaillnl.'s" to hi, ud!JhbolU, bccaule,
t>ail!J he, Tce be 1IIcmbaA f,(j!Jelhcr in onc bod)', under
onl.' head, Chrirot our S~l\'iour.
And here mig-lJt be ehargt'tl the t>en'illg men of
this realm, who t>pend t heil' lime in mIH:h idleness
oflife, IH,thing- r':g'lu1:ling the opportunity of their
time, IQI'g"cttinti how scl"vi{.'C i" no II{'ril:lge, how
:lgc will creep upon them; where wi~dom weN
1I}(l)' should expend their itlle time ill some good
business, whereby they mi~ht illc'rease in ];1I0\\,
1cdh"'C, and so the more wortll)' to be ready IQI'
every mun's service. 1t is a great rebuke to Ihem,
that tlley study not eitlwr to \\Titc Hlir, to keeJl a
hook of aecouut, to study the tongues, mill so to
get wi",dom alLll knowledge ill such bonks uml
works as be now plentifully set out ill print of all
manner lanh"\m~"CS. lJCt young men con;:idcr the
precious mllle of tlll,ir lime, and waste it not ill
idlcne"s, in jol1it)" ill ~"IImin~, in banquclill;:, ill
rllf1i:ms' company. Youth is but v:llIily, amlllHH
he accounted for IIdol'e God, J1(Jf" merr!l m,,/ !J11II1
~/'<:r thou be ill Ill!! !louth, O,/fOIlJl!J 11//111, ,,:Iil h thl.'
l}l'eaeher, hf/w!Jlal/ wc/'cr thy hMd bl' ill Ih,1f !!'J/lI/!J
tlf/!lA, how f;l"t :lml frl.'CI,r "o('\'('r thou.!;'{I"/fJ lhe
uby' 0/' thine 0'''/1 !teart aI/cl the 1/l/lt (1/ thil/e 01011


w w w. h a i l andf m

The &rmr,,,




t$tf; ,et 1,1' 11"" .IIre Ilat U()(.ldalt brill!} tAu illto
jllJ!}",elll/lJr all time 'li",.
God of his merer )JUt it into the hearts and
minds of all them that ha\'c the SWON or punil'h_
IllCllt in their halld~, or ha\'C f:lmilie:; under their
~"O\'crllanCf', to labour to rl'(II"I.'>-,i thi;; grt'3t enormity of all such lLS !i\'e idl~' and unprofibhlr in
the oommonweal, to the :,:'l"I.'at di~hollollr or GOlI
:md the S'ri~\'ous llla!.tll{ (If hi:> ~l'Cl.r }ll'Ollle! '1'0
)C:l\"e 8in ullpuni~llt~l, :1Ilt! to IJ ..:-lL"(;t the ~
hrin~in!r up of ~outh, i~ lIuthiu,!; d-e hnt to killllJc
th~ I"'HJ'S wrath H~-:lin~t 11$, 1I111110 hrop 1,la;:;uL'l:l
upon our OWII IU::1J~, A:-; 1')Il~ lLS the uduItCl'()II~
Jll'Ople weI'C SlIlfcl"l.,(! to lin: licelltioll,.I~ witll/lul
rclill'llllltion, so IOIlg' did fIll' l'!:lg'lIe CQntillllC llllll
increase ill J,.1~ld, us .} C 111.1)" ~l'C in Ihe hook of ",nuh
Numbers. Dut, when duc COI"I'{'dioll was dOlH' ,.....
upon them, the IJord'l'I ullh~r was >;lraig-ht.wll)'
plIcifies.l, :lIld the pl;l;';-IlC I:I'a"c(1. Let all oIliCl'I"S
thcrclorc look :.traitly 10 their charge. Let nil
mastCriJ of hou::-ehol{ll'l reform thi:! aouse ill their
f;mlilies, Let th~m usc the aulhoritf that Uod
!lath given thcm, Let them not maintain mg:l_
bonds and idle person", out ddi\'cr the r"alm and
their hotl::-eholds from such noi"<lme loil~l\'rs; t !tnt,
itllene;$, the mother or all mi'>Chicf, bein~ ek'Zln
t.lken awa}", AlllliO'htJ Goo. mar turn hi.; dft."'Zldl'ul
:1I1 b"Cr away from us, anti l"Onfirm tile co\'~lJant (.1'
l)C3l'C upon us 10:" cn~r, throu;;h the m{rits of Jl'i'U';;
Christ, our onl)" aud Sa\iollr. '[0 whom with
the Father ami the Holy Uh",.t he nIl htJutJUf .JUJ
glorr world \\ ithuut cnd. ,\IIIt:U.


w w w. h a i l andf m



1'IIEIUl is nothing that the Holy GllOSt doth so

much luoour ill nil the Scriptures 10 beat into
mon's hClI(]S, as rcpcnlnnce, amendment of lif;:',
nut! sJ>C'Xly returning unto the Lord God of hosts.
And no man'cl why: for wc do daily and hourly,
hy onr wickcdllcs'l :lIId stllbborn disobedience,
horrilJly f.'lll nwa," from God, therehy purchasing
unto onrsch'cs, if he s!lCl"ld uC:ll with liS accord
nit doctrb.. iug to his justice, eternal d:ltnnatioll. So thllt no
of ~1""l&r~.1

I ClIlIro II 0 I G0(,I ns
1"_1'" uoctrlllc
so nctcs..':,iuy III


is the doctrine of rt'pcnbncc ami amendment of

life. And \'(>rily the true preachers or the Gos!lcl

of the kingdom of hC:I\'Cll, and of the glad and
jOfful tidings of sal\'lltioll,. have always ill their
~'.)dl)' sermons and !lreaehlllg:> Illlto the pcople
joined these lwo to:,"Cther, I mC':lIl ropentanee and
tQrgi\'elll'ss of sins; even as our Sa\iour Jesus
Christ did nppoint himself, saying, 80 it behOl:e(t
0" ,.
Chrillt IQ INffer, mul to ri,e again Ihe third ,laJ,
aml Ihat re/lell{(mce a/ul jorgil:elle~, III ~illlf Ihould
be preochetl ill hi, NaTNe alllollg all,lOlioll'. Au,!
lherolorc the hol> Apostle doth in the Aets llllCnk
.\<11 u."
al"tcr this mrUlIWf: 1 hare 1Citllclled both 10 Ihe
Jt:IC~ tllldlo Ihe Gel/lilel the re/lelll((l/(:e to/rar", God
ff//lljilith to/rur'" Ollr Lord Jell/, Chrilt. Did not
.John Baptist, Zaclwr,l"a SOil, hegill hi,: miui",tl'.\
)la1'.lU.. with the doclrilll.' or repellt:uwc, S:lyill!.r, Repel/f,
,I'lIr Ihl' l..illgt!o11t 1/ Gml il at hallll? 'rh e like do(-


w w w. h a i l andf m

1'Ite Firat Part

0/ t/ie Senilol' of RqJCulullce.


trine dill our Savionr JC$us Chri~t preach 11imsclf,

:lIld commanded his Apostk'S to pr<l:!ch the same.

"M'. !~. '7.

I mi;.;ht Ilcre alll'~ "cry many places out of the

Prophels, ill the which this most W1101e;:olllc doctrine of rcpclllance is vcry c:lrnesll>' urged, as Illost
needful for all dl'g'rccs :l\Id orders or men j but olle
shall be fmfli<:ieuL at this prl'Si:'nt time. 'l'llCsc arc
the words of J ocl the l'rophct: Therifore a{/J() 1/010 J<,IIlIli. ". I,}.

tlte Lord 8ai/h, Return u/llo me wit'" att .11/11' heart,

rr;fhjiuting, fCeepin9' olUlmouruillg " and rent ,1/0ur
hearta, uud not YOllr c!ofnu, allll rtlllrll 1I11tO Ihe J~ortl
your GOlI: for he i" gTocio//8 ami merciful, ,loto to

anger, and 0)' .,!reat colIJpa,sioN, and ready to ]Jardoll

tGic!mlllc88. "'hereby it is gi"cn us to llIl{lel~ta1\(J, .\ IOf"..uc'll
that wc h:1\'o here a pcrpctu:l 1 ru 10 appullllcl unlo ""., 1,11" ..
whith o\lg'ht to 00 ob~.:t\'cd and koJpt nt all
times; :1lIl! thnt; there is lIono olher wny wllcl'chy
thc wrath of God may be pacified and his au;,rcr
assu:lgcd, that; tllC li('rcelle~s of his fury, alul tllc
plagucs or dcstruclioll whiell 1Iy his rightcous
judgment; he h:.d dctcnnilLoo 10 brillg 1I1}()1I liS,
may dcpart, be rcmo,'cd, and b.kcn :Iw:Jr
Where he sailh, ]Jut MW ther~/~re 8(lith. the Lf>Td,
Rell/rn ut/ff> me, it; i:;: Ilot without g"re:lt importancc
that the Proph~,t sp{'aketh so. For hc 11:ltl afore
set forth at Inr"e unto them the hOrlible \"Cllh't'IJnce of God, ,~hich no man was :lule to nbitlc;
nnd thcrcfore he doth mo,'e them to I"epellt:lllee,
to ohtuin mercy; as if he Slloultl say, 1 will 1I0t
have these thil1 b"S to be so t:~kcn, as though then.!
do b.,"
were no hope of gr:I(:o left;; for) althongh
J'our sins deserve to hc utterly de~tro.relIJ and Got!
by his rightL,()lIs jlld:.pnellts hath deit:rlnined 10
bring no SIl1:1Il dest nl("\ ion IIpon J'Ou, yd, flOW that;
.\"e al"C in a Illanner Oil tllC \"cr)' edge or the swonl.
if vc will "11L'Cllih- rell/m mdo hilil, he will most;
geiltly lUld 11I0"t 1;\l.'rcifuIlJ receiVe you iuto f:l\'our
:1'"1.lin. Where!.., wc :1I1l lldlllol1i~het.l that; Iepent.
n~ce is ncvcr ioo !:lIe, so that it be true :l1Id
c:lTlle"t. ]-'or, ~ilh thal God in the Scriptures \Iill
he called o/lr F<ttha, uOllulles:;: lie dolll j'lllOI\' lh'
II b ,;



w w w. h a i l andf m

'la!' ,1 ,.


I.,,:'" v


1:..JL uiJ.

",J"I", l. q

I I.




Part of the Sef/}/oll

11:ltUl"e and properly or !?('ntlu and mcrciful r:lthlll'j,

\\'ldcll :,cl.'k not Ilil1{~ so 1~111.'h flS t he returning ag-ain
::ll1d aml'ndmellt ~. their children, as Chri.,;t. cloth
al!llndantlr teach in the paraulc of thc Prollig':ll
SOil. 1)l)lh not thc Lord him~elr !':ly by the 1'1'0_
phd, I wilt not the death. 't!' the 1rid-t'd; but thllt hd
t//flt/rom hi8wideti I"I/!I~ al/ll lire'? .\nu ill :lllother
placc: ff'ICe C(JI!lC88 (JUT 8i1l8, God i8/il/'lh/ilt allli

righteoll8 tQfoTgirc U8 O/-r 8j,/~, amllo 11I"ke 1111 deal.

from. ait f('ic/..e,fJll!u. Whidl mo~t comf,jl"t:lu[e pru~
mises arc confirmed by many examples or the
Scriptl1l'cs. Whell the JeWl,; did lI'illingly l'l.'eti\"c
nnd imhr:ICc the II'holc":()Tllc counscl of tlw Prophet.
l::Say, God by and by dill re:I(,h his helping' hand
unto thcm, and by lli" nng'cl did in oue !light 81:1Y
the mo;;t worthy :1l1t1 \alianl :,oldier,; of Sennachcril,'g eamp. '\"hcrCllnto Illay king )[an:ls.,;c$ ue
adtled, who aft('r all manncr of damllaulc wickl'd,nllL I-'J.
T1CSS returncd unto the Lord, and thercrore was
heal'u or him, and rl.',,;tOl'cd again into his 1,inh....lolll.
I.,,~.,'U. ',
!;lIme g-r:lCC ant! 1i\\oul did the $infill woman,
'Ill. J: '"_
~, u~j. ',1.
:'[:Igtblt:'ne, Zacchuus, thc poor thicf~ aud mall)'
other fi..d. .\11 which thiug'S ought to serve for
UIII" comfort again~t IllC tcntalion" of ollr COil
ilcicnces, whereby the dlll"il ~'"Oclh ahout to shake,
()l' rather to o\'crthrow, our tilith. Yor c\'cry one
orus oHght to apply th(' ~ame unto 11imselt~ and
1':IY, Yet flQW return m/,'o Ihe .lord; )l('ilhcr let thc
rllmemhl'ancc of thy lorlll('f life di:,eoul'ug-C tIH.."C;
~'eaJ the morc wicked that. it halh hcell, the mOIc
fl'nllnt and eal'llc"t Id thy rcprulancc or I'ctll1'l1I 1',1, lil. ,,_ ing be; and forthll'ith lhon ~h:ll~ rt.ocl the eo" 0/

the Lord /rill/}


wdo Ih!l pra!ler8.

Hut Jet. 11$ more narl'Owlr look IlJl()1l the com

malldmCllt of tllc Lord touching t hig m:11 h'l', 'i'I/TIt
"ldQ me, ~ai! h he by 11i", Pl'opllCL J ocl, rillt ul! //'''Ir

hcarla, fCith /;l8lillg, fcith /ret'Pill!J, alld 1II0011IIill!};

relit your hear/8, al/tt '/If/I !lQ/lr garmcl/ll/, &c. III
whicll words he compl'clH:~l\(h'lh all lll:lllller of
thing'S lhat. e:m be spoken of fCpCllhlll<:c, whieh
ig 1I turning' again of the whole m:lIJ unto God,


w w w. h a i l andf m

'?f Repel/tal/ce.
from whom we hc /:llll'n uway hy sill. nul, tli:lt
the wholcdis('(lll~e lhcre.-,jlllar the hd-lel'l,l' hQI'IW
away, we shall lir",l. (:ol1sidcr'in ordl'r /illl!' pl'illcipal points; that is, fl'Om what wc mu... t retUl'II, I"~
whom wc mll~t rdu1'l1, bJ' whom wc may j'e al,lc 10
COIl\'Crt, and th" manner how to turn to Ood.
First, from whence or from what things W,' ~......" .he'....
must rc!Ul'n. 'frul., wc must t'{'tnrll fh)lll tho!:'l' :'~,,':~U"'"
thillh"S whc":b." we h:l\'() bren lI'it!l\lrawll, plucked,
:llltllcd a\\':I\'
. from God, And thl'''l' "'"('ncl':I))". art:
our 8iJU, whidl, as the hol.\ Prophcl Esa., doth
te"li(v, (IQ 8rjJllrale Oll/t al/d lI~, alld hidl: hilljilce, I Ho.
Ihat he will IlfJt hcar IU. But undcr the namc of
sin [arl,) I'CCkOlll'dl, not only t1lQ"e gross word."! am!
dCt,.,<I... whicll by the comlllon judg-llIclll of' mell arc
eoulltL'l.! to he lilth.r and ulllawflll, and ~o consequentlJ ahominable "in~, but 111"'0 the filthy lusts
:llId illward cO!l('upi"ccll('CS or the flesh, wliieh, a." 11'll, "
St. Plllll tcstilicth, do re,::ist thll will :lnd Spil'it 01'
Ood, and thcrd'ore onglJt, eurnestly to be bl'idk~1
!llld kept under. "'e must rcpcnt of t.lle Ed!'C
and crroncous o)linions that. \\'c ha\'e had 01' God,
:tnd the wicked sUI>cr;;titil!ll lhut dotll breed of the
sume, the uulawflll worshipping and ~cn'ice of
God, und other like. All these tllill);s Illust the.\forsake tllat will trlll" t.urn unto the Lord :1Ilt!
repcnt. arigM. F'or, sith that.!i)r 8/1c1L tltillg8 the 1~>lI.v 6.
IOralh of God cometh "PQIL tlte cltildr(" qj'di8l)bedi.
Citee, no end of !llI11ishmcnt OUglll to be looked li,no
liS long as \\'0 continue in such thin~.
they be here condemned whicll will seem to he
rel>cnl:mt sinners, and yet will not fOl'Sake tlu.'ir
idolatry and ",upcr.,titioll.
SC(.'Olldlr,lI'(.' 111114 ::'CC unto whom we ought 10 1''''~.I",.
rei urn. lIccerl;lId"i tII/que arlllll', sailh the J:'md, :u~,;<lIlN
that. is, R('//lm QlljilT 08111110 II/C. We must tll~'1l
rel/lrlt fluto Ihe },or": ye:l, wc must r('tul'1l \lull!
him alol1ll; fi.,r lie :llone' i~ the truth, and the IO\ln~
l:lin of' all .!'OO(!ne~~. nut wc 11I\\.,;t laholll' Illat \\e
do return (~II lilT a8 /I do him, :md that we do nc,','r
('Ca,:e :lnd 1'L'~t till wc havc apIll'chclIdcd :l1ld takCll


w w w. h a i l andf m

56 t



Part of the S.:rl/lfl1l

hold upon him. nut this mmt Le done by lilith ;

lor, l'ith that God i" a "pirit, he can by none other
Illean be apprehended :md taken hold upon. Therelore, first, they do greatly err which do not t.1~rn
unto God, but. unto the creatures, or unto the 1Il\'entions of men, or IInto their own merits; sccondl~',
1 he}' that do bcgin to ret.llrn unto the Lord, fln,l
do f:lint in! mid war, :lforc they come to tho.l
mark that is appoiuted unto them,
IIr .. hO"'~
'l'hinlly, bceause we Imvo of onr own scl\'l's
::~~o:t' nothing- to present liS to God, ano do no 1('8;:; Ill'\.'
lrom him our fflll than our fir:<t parent Ad:lI11
to... uu.
(lid, which, when hc hud sinned, did seck 10 hide
himflClf from the sight of God, wc ha\'e need of:t
)fedintor for to bring" :llId reconcile ns \Into l1im,
who for our sins iil :1IJg"rr with liS. '1'he same is
,Jesus Chrii't: who, beillg true :md 1J1l11lr:l1 God,
Cl)lIal mul of one sllhslallCC Ilith tho Father, did at.
the lime appoinled take upon llim our fr:lil nature
in the blessM:1 Virgin's womh, and that of her un
defiled suhst:lIJee; thut so he might be a )[cdiatOI'
hetwixt God and us, and Jl:lci(\' his \\'r:lth. Of him
,loth the Father himself' l'pellk fl'Om hea\'en, 5.'1.'"
).~l.lll. '1' ing, 'J'hi" i" 1//!I ".dlb~/Q'etl Son, i/l trn01!l I alii ple""ed.
,,~ j,
And he hirn~elf in hi", Gospel doth crr Ollt. :lIId ~I.\,
Jot,,, .IT.~. faIN the fl'o/I> the l"illt, amI the (fie .. no man collle/h
J,h,ol; UL fOlio the Putner but ~'1111e.
For he nlone did with
I I'tt.!.
1 he sael'ifice of l1is bodr :lnd blood make satis
faction unto the justice of God for our sins. 'l'he
,\O. . . . J..
Apostles do tcstit) that he was ualtedjor 10 gil:d
rl'peutance and rCllli""ion qj'8ill" unlo brael: bot h
l.u~ ,1. 4;. which things he himself did command to be preaded
ill hi" Name. 'rhercforc they are ~reatlv deceived
Ilia\.. pr(,~ll'h N'Jlcllt:lnOO without Clll'i~t, ':llId tcacIJ
the simple :lIld ignorant. that it eonsii'tctlJ oul.l ill
the worh 01' men, 'l'hc.r may indeed. speak many
things of good work,::, and of amendment. of life
Jol'Qu.~,!. and m:lllnC'l'l'; Lut without Chl"islther be a1l vain
~nd ullllrofitahle. They tll:lt think O;:lt ther harc
dUlle Illllch of' thel1ll'ekcs toward repentance arc
~o mneh more the further from God, 1>e<:'311,::e that

Jol'Q iT.,..


w w w. h a i l andf m

f!f Repenlance.
tIle." do llN'k those tllin~ in Ou::ir own works :lIId
mcrits wllich ong-llt 0111.\' to be sOll::rht in our
S:l\"iour JI'SU Clll'i~t, 1l!l<1 in the ml'rits of Ilis
death, paAA"ioll, :llld IJ lood"llC<Idil1g'.
Fonrtllh-, thi,., 110lv ])rophd Joel <loth li\'eh- n.en"",,~
expre;;,; t1~e 1l11111ner
thi" onr returning- 01' r,:. :;fg"'''''''u","
penl:lIlee, comprehending 311 the inwllrd un<l 0\11wnr<! things that may be here obscr\"{'(l. }o"jrst, lie
will 11il\'e 11S to return unto God frit! ol/r ",!Iole
hear'" wher!:hy he <loth r('m(\\'c :11ld put :\\\"Ur all
hypocl'i,,)', lest the fOame mi::rht ju~tly be said unto
us, '1'1ti" ptopIe dNlfrd! Ilear 1IIdo me trillt. their f~ "h.'F
moulA, ami worlhippetlt me 1rit! their lip", tJllt theit )llloll. ~".~.
heart ;, filr '!/ffrQ/II /!le. Sl'<:otldl.\, he re<!Uil-ctll
11 sinCCl'e :lIld ]lure 10\"0 of godliness :Illd of the
truo 1I"0t"."hipping' and Il('nioo of (;oll; that is to
lill.\, thnt, lor,;aking all m:lllll{'l' or Ihin~ tlJ:lt are
repugnant llud contrary UlIto GOll'.. will, Wl' do
g-i"o 0111' 11curlS unto him, and nil t1w whole
stnmg'lh or our bo<lies find !loul,;, Ilt'conlin!:, to Ilmt
wllich is wriUen in the L:lII", 'i'hQ', ,halt lo~'e Me '.....,1. ~l '.


Mml tlt"1f God lCith. ott th!/ heart, frith. alt th!/ Jlol/f,
01/(1 with oU thy"trcll!]th. Here therefore notllill:?
is left unto liS th:lt \\"e mar gi\'e Ul1to the world
and unto the lusts of tIle llesh" 1;'01", sith that th...
heart is the fountain of all our works, as many a..~
(10 witll tlllir whole hl'art t\l1"ll unto the IiOrd do
liw unto llim only. Ndther do ther yet repent
truly that, haltincr on both sides, <10 otherwhile> 1"~'1I,,~""
01,0.1' God, but by and by do think, th:lt, brin~ b"I,,<I<oI.
him aside, it is b\\"ful for them 10 sen'e the wor1ll
/.Ind the flesh. And, becausc that \\"c IIrc lelled hI"
the Il:ltural corruption of our 011'11 I1 c5h und tl;11
wicked afrt,,<:tions or tIle ~:Ulle, lIe dolh bid us al,;o
to return 1"ilh.ji'Jlth'.1; not thl'rel!)' lllldCl~tlll1\lil1:?
a liuperslitiolls ah,.tinCllee and dlOosin~ of mc:,h.
but a true (li~ciplil1e or bmill,!:' of tile flesh, where",1 T, ... L,,\
the nouri,.,hmellt~ (lf fihh\' lU~I" and of stubborn
Cfllltuma('~'and pride lIIa,\' be wit h{h~l Il'n und pluckl'll
away from it. \rhl'I'l'Ullln he dolll :llhl lreep;u,
(wt/ '1lfjurllin!l, wllieh do t:onlail1 :In OlltW:lr<1 pI''''


w w w. h a i l andf m


The .l'ir5t Purt (f /lie &rmOlt

lession of n'l'clll:llJcc; which is WIT nwlflll :'Ill'!

neccs.:ar)', Ilml !'() we may partl,\' set lorth tIle
rig-htl'f1USllt'.:s of' God, \\'1Ic1I by such mcallS we do
te':iti(r Ihat wc clc~t'T\,,1 pllni"lllncnts at his hands,
~lIld Imrtlr stop tilt! Olli:llCC that wa" opcnly giv('ll
unto the wC:'Ik. 'fhi" dill D:l\id ;:('t', \\'ho, heillg
not ('OlIlclll.. 10 h:wc 1>C\\'C.'!l! fln,1 hewailed Ilis sins
privately, wouM 1'Ilhlif"r ill hi.: p,.allll': llcl'larc :'Ind
1'< H~:
.."I: 11:
,.j" ,,1. !:'ct forth the l'ig'htc<lU"llt'~>' of (iot! in pUl1i.:hin~
f'in, and al"n lOb)' Ilwlll that /Iloll!.:"ht ha\'l' :lhll~t'(i
hi" exalllplc 10 sin the more hold'r. 'J'I11.:rt'lOl'C
thl')' nre I'llrt!lest from truc rcpcntancc 111:It. will
I .. l~"'_!.
IIot cOllie,; and ad,nO\\lt'd;..,"l.: their sins, lIor ret.
lJewail tllem, hut. rather do most ull/:,"O<llr glory
and r<'joicc in them.
Now, lest :llIr lllall should think lhat repenf:tll('c
cloth consist in outw;ml \\'l't'piug' amI mOlll"uillg'
only, hc doth rcheur:;c that II'hcreill tlle chief of
j he whole malleI' doth lie, when ht; ~:Iith, Rell/
l/ollr !teart", ami 1/ot 'y0llr g,Ir'JICI/U, a1/{I /,,'It 111110
/lie Lord !lour God. 1('or the pcople of' the J~ast
Il:lrt of the world wcrc wont to rent thcil' g:lrmcllls,
if :myihiug had Il:lJlllCnCU Ullto them that. sCt.'llled
lI:o'1""trit""loulItolerahlc. 'l'lti$ thing did hYl>ocrites sometime
' II (I lC W I 10 IC rc
"... ''' 'r all COIlU t Cl" I"Cll ~m d I'0 11 OW,:I,; tl lOug
d.~ ,
pentancc did stalld in sll(,h outward gt:s!ure. He
tcaeheth t1lt'll, that :tllu!her mallner or thing i,;
TCfl1lircd; tllat is, tlmt tlley Ill\l~t bc l.'Ontrite in
their hearls, that lhty musl ulterlr detest anll
ahhor sins, and, I",'ing' at ,lcfiancc with them,
rdurn uuto thc Lord Ilwir God, from whom they
wcnt away bclorc. For God lwth no plea';lll"c in
Ill(: out\\lIrd cercmony, but retplircl h It COl/trite a/lli
;'ulIlUe heort; whicll lie fCilt IW/'er dClIpi/lc, as David
,:otll testify. 'l'herc is thcl'Clorc nOlle other use of
Ihese outward ccr<'lllonies, but as lilr I(wlh as wc
arc stirro.:d up h,\' Illem, an(I,lo &Cl've to thc glory
uf God :md to the l.'(Wying of olher.
U... I'tf'I'1'I.
Now dolh hc ndd u1IIo this ductrine or cxllOrl:l::~,,~:::~ tion certain ,!.,'"OOdly rcasons, wllich he (I('l h grol:nd
upon the Il:lture :Illd property of God, :IIlU whcrl'hy


w w w. h a i l andf m


he oth h'rwh tltat Inlt' t'\'pl:lltallh' t-all IWl'cr hi'

unprofit:lble or unfruitful. F"r, a<; ill ::Ill (,t1l<'~
things IIlcn'.. Itrort.. cif) qU:lil amI raint, if tlll~.\
ouce )lCrei'ive that lIll',\" tr:u-;lil in vain, e\"{m F'\
most slwx:ially ill this m:ttl"r mt",t wc hike ht'l..d
and beware thut wc ~llll;'r !lot ollf'o't'kl ,,, to L'
persundL'(1 t hut "11 that wc do i~ hut Iahour lo,~l; for
theft."'Of' either sm!llclI dt'SI'I'ralinn l!",h :ll"i~(', or :~
li':cntious iJ(jltllle~ij III sill, \\ hit-It III I,'n~t h hriu:.,..d h
unto cll.~pcration. L.:st nil,\" I'lwl. t I, ill;.;' t hell ,..Illluld
hnppcll unto them, lit' olh cI'rtil}' them (It" th,'
w-acc and b'"OO<lncs" 01" Gild, \\ hf) i, :lIW:lyil lUO,,'
relcl,\" to ft.'C\:in~ them into fill'our :l:""':liu tlmt tur.l
slM.'Clli1r unto him. Which thill~ Ill' <loth I'n'l'
with the S:UllC tiilt" when:wilh Gud d.,th dl"'t'ribc
und set lurlh him~lr unto 'I.,."'t"", :-lw..aki!~ fill thi~
mallller: Fill' At' ;. grocw 0.'/' trifid, ',(11'"
/: .h"" ...
ullger, 0/ grrol fi'(((M~, o"d '~J"'I/fdlr Iti/M. I:t I'
et:il, that i.~, sueh nOlle n:o is ~rry I~'r )"our 31"..
lIictioll. Fir"t, he ~lleth 11im ~nlll', nnd 9I'tJci,tllf,
as he who of his own nnture i~ nUlrl' 1'I"Olll1't :11111
ready to do ~"1OI1 than to punish_ '\"lll'r"ull!o thi
8flyillg of E~ar tile Prol'lld, R'(:lnl'llt to pertain.
where he l>:lillt, Let the lfi,..h:,[ /i.JI'8,,~e Id,
I/,/,{ I .., I. ,.
the wuriglileou, hi~ ()/r,1 iIlJol:;;flflfiol/" a/Ill refl/m lUll"
the hord, a/ul he trill h<1"~ pil!! 011 hi"l, al/ft to QIII"
God,jnr he i, re,!; r~"d!! to jiJ'g;re, SL'(;oudly, hi'
dolh aUrilJute unlo him 1It:fV:.!,flr r:lth,'r,al"('onlil1g'
to the llelJrew wonl, lilt' h.,wl'!" Ill' m('rei<"", \I IlCr.. I.\

"'' .If.

are signified the Ilatural alli.(:lifllls or I~lrellt~ t;"

wanls their children. Which thin:: ]);l\-ill.!oll. ~:t
j;,rW soudl)", $.1.'"in~, A' a .(.dll" A"fA c-n"l . ,,'0
011 Iti. diU,...", -'1 /",IA. file L"r,1 """"p't.olf; '. fI"- 11:1:..4
lAatft'IJr "i",: j:., Ae l'jt',f In rf,u~:f".e l~ ,Il,f".
lie reaeMll.,,.dA f!tal 1'"(' (ue 6111
I. 'n.inll.I', h
&Iith tlmt. he i" IflfJlD t'J 011;1"1', 1!J.;lt is to ....:,\, !Ol'!.,"sul1crill~ 11l1d \\ hieh is 1I0t li;.:-hll.\ pmmkl"(l to wnlth.
Fourthly, Ihat he is (:/ IIIIICR /.'ilf,ll/e': lor h.' i..
that oottumlt'NI well 01':111 A',wl\bw~~, IIho l.;jui, III
to do good U11tO u,.. 'l'Iwrl'li'l't' dill IlC ('l"eak Hll,J


make men, that he might have \\h"lI1 Ill' .. It,m),l


w w w. h a i l andf m

I ' d. ' ... ' "


.. .,.lI~IIM


l!.~ d.l~1

a .1""0:
, I'~~





.11. jl
Jl.,k ilL '9

.....1<... 'bo

Holy lil...,

Jl'1" I..



Purt of the


do good unto, :md make plIrtakers of his hClI\'Cll1y

riches, j<'ifthl.\, he repcl/[e1h rt/ [he el:it, that is to
SlI}', hc cloth 0-,111 uack n.!pin :ll1d rc\'okc the puni,JlmCllt which he had threatened, when he scellJ mCIl
rcpent, turn, and nm~lId.
"'hereupon wc do not without n just ClIllse detest.
:lnd abhor the d:lIlll111ble opinion or them which
do most wickcdly ~ :lhout to pcrsllndc thl' simple
:Llld i;.;'lIorallt pcopll'. th:lt, if \\'c challcc, :tn.'I' \j't'
be once come to Got.! alld g-ram,cl ill hi" Son J('!'1l
Christ, to fall into some horriblc sin, repcntall{'c
",hall be unprolitnble unto us, there is 110 marc
hopc or 1'Cl.:ollcilintiolJ, or to be recei\'cd n~'1Iill illto
.he f:.l\'our autl mere}' of God. And, tlw.tthcy may
;..:'ivc the beltol' colour unto their pestilcnt nml p<:I'lIicious error, t.hey do commonly brillg' in th(l ",ixth
and tenth chapters of the ]~pi:stle to the llebl'C\\'l"
Illld t.he second chapter of the lieeond Epistlo of
Peter; not considering t.hat in those placcs the
1101)' Aposl!cs do nol; spcak of the daily l:llls that
wc, as long as \\'e carry aL(,uL this bOtly of sill, fire
"ul~icct unto, but 01' tho fin:ll ftlllillg a\\'ll)' from
C!lli:;t and his Gospel: wllich is a sin agaillst thc
101)' (;ho",t, th:lt slmllne\'el' be forgiven; lJceausc
lh:lt thc)' Ihat do lItterly forsake thl:: kll()\\'n trulh
do hatc Clu'i"t 1I1ld hi.,; word, the)' do crncif), :llId
mOl'k him (hut to their utter destruction), un,l
Ih('rolore fall into desperation, :llld caullot l'epcnt.
.\nd, that this is the true meaning of the 1I0ly
:Spirit or GOtI, it app(,lIrcth b)' lll:lu)' othcr places
or the Scriptures, whidl promiseth l111tO nil true
rl'pcntant sinners, :lud to thcm thilt with their
\\ hole heart do return unto thc Lord their God,
fn.'C Jlardon and rcmission of thcir sins,
For the !lrobatioll hereol' \\c 1'Cad this: 0 brad,
l;:lilh the holy 1)l'ol'lu:1; lIiercl11y, if [hfJ1~ r('/lIrll,
f"dllm 1W[0 file, ,{/illt the hOrtt; om/, if thou pl,t




'Wit!! [hill( OOOJII;lIatiOIl' out ft/m!! ,ight, tht:ll ,halt

!holl 'lOt be Inored. Ag:tiu, these ant ~aJ"lj words:
Ld tlie tricked fo"a~'e hi, OICI '/CII//', aml [he 11t/1'i:/htclJlI' hi, OIClt ;mogillufiou" alld film {/guiJ 1/1/[0


w w w. h a i l andf m

tire 1Jiml, a",1 Ire rcill .fare flfe".1 _port Itint. aNd to
ar GfJli. fur le it rtiJrI! ID fllrgire. Anti in tit\!
Prollhet O'Ce the godl)' do exhort 011C another

ancr tllis m:llllJer: Come. a"d Id 7/' IlI.r1 agaill 11.. ri. ,.
lu,to tAe 1.0,,/: fur Ae !lath- ,milleR 1118, alld Ae reill
Aeat 11.,; Ae lIatn. ftouded 118, a"d he trill binf' H' IIp
IlfJai1f.. It is most e\itlent and pl:lin tllllt. t.hl'~C "OIt.
thill/:."S ollf.:'ht to Uc undcl"i;tnnded Ill' tllcm lhat. wCre
with the Lord nlorc nud b)' thcir sins nnd wickcdness wcre gonc nwn)' from Ilim; lor wc do not
turn ag'nin unto him with nllom wc were Ilc\'cr
Uclorc, but. wc comc unto him.
Kow unto all them thnt will return unfeignedly
UlltO the Lord their God till: fil\'Ollr :lIId mere), of
God unto for~..i\'cne.~s of .. in~ is libernlly offered.
\rhcrebr it lullowclh


that, altholl,:::h

be (lncc come to God ::md grulli..d

in his Son Jl';-II Chri"t. 1':.111 into grelt SillS, Vur
We do, aOcr wc

I~* ~I!

tAere ;, .0 rig!d~, 'ilUr" _poll tile tart! tAat ,i""t/A.~'

ot, ::111<1. if ItY 101 tee !tare "0 .in, tre IIeire OHr.elcu, aNd the trlitlt i, ffot in Ill,) yct, if wc risc
ag".Lin h)' rep<:lIl::lIIce. and, with n full l'"rj}()SC of

,J"'" ..

amcndmcnt (ll' lilc, do 1I\c unto the mere" of God,

t:lkill~ slIre hold tllcrcurloll ll1roll~h raith in hi~
Son Jcsu Christ, tllerc is:\Il n~surc~1 :Illd inlilllible
hope or )lanloll :lilt! remi""iOI1 of tllC S:Il11C, and that
\\"c I';lmll be ~i\'ed :1g".Lill into thc JU\'our or our
hea\'cIl1r Fatllcr.
1t is written of D;I\iJ.l hore {uurl a tRait ac- ,s... '~L
CfJrdi1f.g to Mi/fe OICIl Juarl; 01',1 lare fOllnd .J)lIrid 1':.'.I~ 20;
IRe MJIt '!( Jt:~~~. a .,oll orrordill9 ID .ine OI&Il Aeor/. "nul:! "
,db rill tl" all tAi.'1~ tlmt 1 rill. ']'hi~ is a goJly
commendatioll of l}.L,iu. h is tll~l 1ll0"t cert:liu.
that hc did tt-te:ldl:I~t1r bclic\'e the promise tlmt ...... n'
was made him tou~hin::r the ~1 ...,.~i:1~, \\ ho "holll,1 '>-'0, ".,
come or him tOlldlill~ tile IIc.h, ;\lId that by the
Ji,'llllC fililh hc \\:lS ju"tiril'l:l llml g'Nllli..J ill our
Saviour J<'i'U Chri"t to CflIllC. And ret aft-'l'wants Ilc fdl horriltl.\, collllllillin;! mn"tdc1c,.tahl, """.... 1.
:Idultcl')" :llIdllaIl111:l1J!\ 1ll1l1"\Il'I': lIntl yel, :IS ,.0011
tlS hc crild J l'~'Tlll'i, / !tare ,i'lllt,J Illdo tht J~"rl', Ibm .11. 'J.


w w w. h a i l andf m


Tlte Fi{lt Part

of Ihe SeJ"lilOll

his sin being forgiven, llC was received into fa\'onr

Nf/W will we come unto Peter, of whom 110 m:UI
can douht but that. he was g'ralli.-.d in our Saviour
JCSlI Cluj"t 10llg (dare his denial.
Which thillg
ma.\' callily be provel] Ly the :lIhWer which he did,
ill his Ilame and ill the lI;lllle of his fellow Apostles,
mll:,c unlo ollr Saviour JCl;U Clll'ibt, whcn he said
unlo them, Will!Je atI/O go alCa!!? Jlattcr, s:lith hc,
If) /r!wm ,hall ICe go? tlum hMt /he ICONI" of elefl/al
I;/e; a/Ut 1rf) beliefc alltl kllow /hat I!m art /he
(;!ai,ll, Ihe &m. (t/thlJ lirjl/!/ (]()(l, Whcrclllltn may
be added the like eonlil~sion of' Peter, whcI'e Chri,..t
lbll. nl.,;, <!"I h g-i \'c this most. infilllil,le testimony: 'l'!/tm a,t
b/I'.,e(/, Si,mm 'Ol~ oj' JOfla"; jor tlei/her jltllft lIIjf
(,IlIild hat! 1'CL'ealc{1 Ihil 111110 lheC, bllt '''.'1 F"lhcI'
rltich 11 ill heul:l!1I, These words :1rC sullicil'llt. 10
provc tJlllt. Peter was already justified Ull'ough 111 is
his lively faith in the onl.)' bch"Ottcll SOil of God,
whereof he m*]e 60 notllblc 1ll1d so solemn a COil"M' 'Hi.
lhssioll. But did not hc aftcrwards most cowardly
deny his :\I:lsh:r, although he had heard of' him,
lt3lt.. . 3.>, IJluJloercr ,Ic"idh 1ilC br:l0re mell, I wilt dell!J him
b':!ore 1//Y Futhe!? Ne\'ertheless, all soon as wi111
weeping eycs and wilh a sob1.>ing heart he dill
r:ckltowledf,"C llis OnCl1ceJ :lIlU with earnest repcnt:'!.ncc did flee IInto the merc)' of God, taking sun'
IlOld thereu!lol1 tlll'Ollgh lilith ill him whom he kul
0 ,..lmllll.'f'ully llellied, his sill was 10r;.:-i\cII him,
:lnd, for a. el'rtificale and :l$::iUT3.11eC Ihen.'Of, tlte
l'n\llll of' his J\pol>t1esllip was 1I0t dellild unto llim.
But now mark \\hat <lolh lollow, Aller the famc
,\ utI, .. hol,\' Apo!'tle hlld 011 "'hit",unday with thc rest. 01
I . , : . ,;~,
the disl:ipll'S reeei\'ed the J:il't of the Jloly OllO~1
mo~I lIbuudant1YJ Ill.' committed 110 small (,UCllCC in
,\ 1l1lochia ".\ l'l:in;rillg' the oonscienccs of' 1h... !;litll"'.'.11. "-H. fill illtu doubt by his example; so that Pall] \\,;1';
l;dll 10 rehukc him to hill lilcc, bc<:all~e that he
1r,dl'"I ,/ut ''l,ri!lhll!J' or wellt IIOt the right \\:1,1', ill
the (,"IJ'I'I.:I, Shall we llOW 8ay, that after tlll-grie\'OUll olfcllCO he was utterl)' exduded and shut


w w w. h a i l andf m

out from the g-raM ;llld n1('ll".I of God, ;lud 11wt
tllis his lrcspas~, whcl'chr llc ua., a. slumhlilli.:.J,I{H:k
IInto m:1IlY, was uIlI,arJollaulc? God lurliwJ \\<J
~hould ,;Hr


But,:1s t11csccxamlllcoi MC not Lroll~ht in to the

<'lId ih:1t wc 10110111<1 Ihlrehr hlkc :1 bol l ln<.'1'S to ,,"in,
prt'Sllming on thc mCI'C'.\' :lnd !-.'1)()(lne~;:: of God. hut
t'l 1hc cnd ih:li, ifthroll;.:-h thc f'r:lihw,<$ of our 0\\'11
flc"h :\lld tllC tcmptatioll of the dCIil wc I:llt in10
Ih(' likc ~ins, wc sbollld ill no wi~c I.h..:iIHlir of the
mercy and gOOdlll"'.~ of God; cnll so must wc I\'bol
110 W1SO
. t I'lIlI k' ,ot.
1JCW:lrc all( I' a k'c 1Wt' d t 1HIt II"C l I0 1II
in our hearts. imag-inc, 01' hdic\'c, that \\'0 flrc able
10 rcpcnt ari;.:-ht. or to turn c/l~'{;tu:llly uuto the
I..ord. by Ollr 0\\1\ mi!..;'llt !lnd !-trl'n.,:"tlt. Fill' thi~
lllllst hc vcrifh,.d ill :.11 lIll'll, Jr;/l.rwt "u.'Ie Cflll I11 ,I,~,n ,V.
l\~lin, Of Q/lf~dfe" Ire /lfC I/"t II6fe W{ ,Cur. al ,.
'''lIch 118 W tlt;/Il, It good tltOI/!!Itt, .\llll in :l1Iothcr
IllaCC, It i8 GfJrllltat 'rorhtlt ill 'I~ Imth thc ,rilllllli/I'h;J.ll, '3
lite deed, }'"r lhi>; t'llU.l!, lllthollg'h Jller~mr huel
s:lid lJcrorc, Il'tholl rell/f", (j htruet, rellfr'l Illdo /l1I~, Jer.!Y,',
4"jl!t. the hlJfd, yel afl"I'II'ard, he S<lith, l'ur/~ {1t"1I oul. ,~.



Me, 0 Lord, alllt I ,ltalt ~( 111ft/cri; I",' Ihlll; aft Ihe

JArd"I!! God, And tlwl'l'f"rc that hol.I' writcr and
:In(:iellt !:ltlWI' Am bro~l' 1111tll 1,1.1 i 11 II' :, fIi nil 111:1 t tlll'\mhr(>O, d.
d as 11 le Llb.
\''''1 i"."
0 f' l102i l
u:art uuto G'll I"b (l ,. (.'0;

LorJ hill1~c1r dotb tc,til)' by hi~ PI'vphd, -":lyin::;-,

,I/ld [,rift !lit/! thee 1111 Ite,ut Iu /.-'/11/" MC. {hilt [ alii
lite J,ord; /Imf lite,!! 4111111 te I./!! lll.'lple, (/lld 1 /Cill be
tlteif God; jUf Iltt,!! /Situ It relum ,,,11/.1 1111~ Icitlt lIteir

,..ltole Iteart,
'l'hesc thill).."':i h.iug' t"'lh,iJered, let us cnrne"tly
pra)' unto the living" (j(lI.l, Olll' heavenly rather,
1hat he will \'ouch.-al\l ,,~, his IJuly SpiriL t,) work
a true and Ullrci;.:"ue~1 l'cl'l,:nt:llll'C ill tI:;; that, a/h'r
illC JlllinrullabullN and ira\'ails of"lhi,. life, wc ilia,"
li\'c dcrualk with his Sun J.'~Il" Chri.. t. 'j'o \\ h"'ll
be :1\1 pmilj~ :1l1d ;.;101')' 101' CVe!' aud cvel', Ameli.


w w w. h a i l andf m

J .. u" 7'


The St:coutl Part oj the



have )'e heard, wellbelo\'ed, how needful
und ncccs!'<'lrr tlltJ llo<:trine of repelltance is, and
how ellrtle"t1r it is, throughout all tllC Scriptures
of God, urged and set forth, botll Ly the ;IlJCient
Prophets, by our S:I\'iou. Jesll CIll'ist, amI his
Apostles; nnd that, forasmuch as it is the (:Om'cr
f'ioll or t.urning ag-o.liu of the whole man uut.u Gud,
from whom wc g<l ll\\'ny by bin, tlw>;.C lour poin\,;
ought to be obsen'c<I; tlwt is, from wheuct.: 01'
from what 1hin6"'S wc must return, uuto wlJOm t1lis
our I'eturning Illllst 1,0 llIadt.:, uy whosc 1ll,'lIllS it
onght to be done, tllat it may be encdual, and,
last of nil, aller wll:1t. sort we ought to beh:! \'0 our
selves in tho Sllllle, tlmt it 1n:IY be prQfit:1ule unto
us, and attlliu unlo the thillJ..:' that 11'0 do seck by
it. Ye have also IC:1rned, tllal, as the opinion of
them that d<Jlly the benefit of repentnnee unto
thosc that, aftcr they be come to God and gram..d
in our Saviour Jcsu Clll'is!, do, through the fl1lil!less of their llc$h anu the temptation of the dcvil,
lall iuto some gric\'olls and d<Jt<Js{abl<l sin, is most
pestilent :mu pernicious; so wc mllst be\\":lre thut
we do ill no wise think, thilt we arc able of our
OWII sekes and of' our OWII strength to rctul'll unto
the Lord our God, fl'Om whom we i1re g'llllC :\\\'U.y
by 0111' wickedness and sin, Now it slwll 00
d<Jclllr(;\! unto you, what be the truc parts of
repentancc, and what things ought t.o mo\'e liS
to rel}('nt and to return uuto the Loru our Gut!
with all spwl.
Rcl>cnlallee, as it is fmid before, is a true retul'll_
ing unto vOl.I, whereby mell, fur,;aking ullerly their
idolat.ry alld wickcJne-tis, do with a !i\'cly lilith cmhrace, lo\"e, and wor"hip the t.rlle !i\'illg' God onl,l',
:md ~i\'o th"ll\~l,h'es to ;Ill m;lll11er of good work,,>
which by Gull'.. word thc)' kllow lO be acccptablc


w w w. h a i l andf m

of lwpeJlltlllce.
lIllto him_ Now there be four pnrts of I'cpent:lIlcc, '11.- her"",
whieh being set to'l"'"Ctller may be likcncd unto an ~:I'~:':::',,,*_
~nsy nlld short In(1<!cr, wl1er('h)' \\'c may climh from
thc OotlomiL'SS pit of' perdition, that we cnst OllTselves into by our dail)' ofl<:IlCCs :md ~ricvolts sins,
lip into thc enstle or lower of clet'lHlI and endless
l><11 ":ltion,
'rhe first is the contrition of the hcnrt. For wc
must be earnestl)' 801'1',1' for our sin~, :mt! unli.'ign.-dl), lament alld hcwail thaL wc h:\\'c b.,' them so
;.rric,'ousl)' oncndcd our most hountcous :md Illcr_
"il'ul God; who '0 tcullcrl." lorell 111f, that he gat'C John III ,Il,
hi, onl,Y b~'Jollm &m to dic a lIlost hitter denth lllld
10 !'-II(.'(I his dear hcal'\, ),1(>0<1 for 0111' I'CdCllll'liou
and ddivcr:lIlcc. And ,'cril)' this inward SOTl'QW
:l1Jd gricf, L.cing coll(:ci,'ed in the hClll'\, for the
heinousness of'sin, it' it be e:lrllest :1l1<! unfcigoned,
is :IS a S:lerificc to God: as the holy l'ropllct D:l\'id
.10th tcstilj', ~a.\ illg, A ,acrijtce 10 Cod i, a troubled I'.. It,,_

"pirit; a c(Jl/lrile (l/ul broke,t heurt, 0 Lord, Ihou

(rilt 110t tlc8jJi,e, liut, thut tbis may t:lke IJlaee in

us, ,,-e must be dili,g-cnt to fl'ad und henr the Scriptures uud word of God, whic:h most liw:ly do !,:lint
out before our e)"es our natural unclc:1IIIillC88 :lIld
the enormity or our sinlill life, ror, unless we
have a lhrou~h feeling of our sins, hew can it be
that wc ~hould eurtlcstly be sorry 101' them? Afore
Da,-id did hear the word of t he fJOrd by the mouth, s."n. oiL
..I' the l'l'Ophet Nnth:lJI, what heuviness, I pm)" '-'1_
IOU, was in him 101' the adul1ery :llld murder that
he hnd committed? So that itl;light ue said rig-M
\\cll, that he slept ill his o\\"n "ill, "re rt'ad in
the Acts or the Apostles that, when the people ,\doLLS"
h:ld h('llrtl the sermon of Peter, the,\' were compunct and ;JrI'c!.-etl ilt their hearl" 'Vhi<-!I thing
would ue\'er h:l\"c been, if the}' had not heard tlmt
wholesome Sl'rmOIl of Peter, 'fhey therefore that
have 110 millll :It all, n...itlwr to r('ad nor }'et to
hear God's worJ, there i~ hut small hope of them,
thllt lhe)' will :IS much :IS once set their feet or
take hold upon the first stall' or step of Ihis l:u.lder,


w w w. h a i l andf m

TAt S.

... ".

, ........ nJI.

I Pur! (f ,Ii~


hut mtltt-r will ~illk dl... I.r allli (h'<'lX'r into flh'
I.. ,.! '1II1.~~ llil of Ilt.nliti"no }'or, if at :lIlY timl'
'hl'l'I;.:-h tlit' ~11I",",,"t' fir thtir t1JIH:it'nC'C, \\"hidl
;uol1.I~,th tht'm, th,y r 1 :Iny iuward gricl~ sorrllW,
"r I\l";l\'illt~, for thl ir ~in~; lilrltsmllch as they want
lh, ",1[\'1.' :11111 <'~"Il.\lrt flf (fud',.; won.t, wllidl t1l1'y
,I., (k~l'i~I', iL will Ill.' unto 'lwlll r:.t!llor a llwan to
l'loill~ lht'llI fo uttt'r dt'~p('r:lliun th'll!
'f1w !;1'('flllll i,. an md....i;:netl t'ollt.... s~ioll and aci,lIt1l1'lt'tlg-illg'of our l':illl:l unto God; wl.omb)" tlll.'lll
\\"1.' h.BU ,,0 g-rit'\"I)Il~l.r Olli'lldl'll, that, ir he ",houl(1
d,al will! II~ :ltO("\lnliJl;: to hi.; jll",ticc, wt' do dt'~t'rl"l'
a tllhu~alHl hcll~, it" lh,l\' l~,uld I.e,...-I nmnr. \1.'1,
if \\C will \1 ith 11 sorrllwl'ul ;1lIt1 contritc llt'art. mak,
1Il IIl1fei):ul'll t'lllll~.,..~i<ln 01' th"m untl, God, ht' will
fr.:..!.\' lllld fr.mklr lilro,..,jn! t1l1:U1, lmu s, put all our
\\ick....ll1l"".s lont (If n:lU"mlmult:c bdl'n:! the ~i~ht 1/1'
Li", )laj,~:y, tllat th,.\" .. hall no more be thf)lI~ht
up"n. ll..,nunto d,,:h l.... rtain lhe f,o,)ldl'n ij;,1,\"In;:
lol'lhc h"ly Pl1Il'lwt 1),I\'i,I, wlll're h..: ,.;Iith 011 tlli,.
l,l;umcr: l"iU:1l I arJ.llmrl,od:JtA rIIJ ,iI~ Nllf" tA,



I/id 1 liide


illi,/II;'!I: 1,,,id, Il&ilt COII-

fill' ag.lill.le /IIJk,of./ "'J v::idedtltll JWIo llie .Lord, 01/11

lA/JIt)i,r9,'l nt lhe u'I!I"4Ii,,t:~1I O/IIIJ ,i'lo 'l'hesc arc
nl~o the words of .Johll Ill(! Jo:\"llllo....list: I/?Ce Ct)II
)t:u (JIlT ,ill" (,'od i');li'~/ile IIJ//t T;ghleou,I<J!ur!Jir
Ollr ,ill', ,/,1 10 "nil-e III clean fTo/lt all our
1rid/d,u' of. \rJlich 01lg'11t. to be tluder"fandcd of
the t:{lnll:~ i,m that. i-i 1JI'Idc lInto GOlI. .For thc,.c
art! St.. \U<-:'ll.l i nc'" WuN" : '1'll:lt. l1)1l f~'~~ioll wh idl is
Ill,ld.' IIntu li .....1 is I"l'IllIi~1 hr God's law; whcn.."Of
Julm t!lll .\]>041,' "1" aklth, fO::lying, if ye Ci',!fc,"
/JilT .,18, (; I ;,):,if11"_1 0",[ Tlj!JteulU'O fil'fl;re 11'
a",1 h j,J,d, '" elel1l frolll all
y;("J:e,l,~u: lur witlmut thi~ t~mli..,.~ion sin is n,n lor~inu.
'l'hi.. i.-; th"n tlt,- chidl.,;t mlll mot. principal oont.... ,.~ioll thal in tll'! S~'riplllre~ and wonl. 01" God \\1.'
:lre Lid~lt:lll t'l makl', ;llId without the \\ hich \11.'
l':!lall lIcver obtain l'arJulI ami l'org-i\cLlc,..s of our





J ....





lu\!cl'U L.."id'li ,hi" thero i,. another kiml of


w w w. h a i l andf m

0/ Rcpelltmu:e.

;j ,


.,~io n, \\ 11 idl is lIC{'dful a lid 1lC<.1.'~":1 ry. A lLd o/'

the salile <loth St. Jamcs 8ptak aller Ihis lll~ltlller,
"~I) illg', Ildmolrted!Je !lourjfw{fa o/Ie to a,wther, ltd J~",~ '. '",
pray OIlC for a1lQ(her, thut!le IIll/yle ,/ued: a", it" he
,l,hould "ay, 01l(:1I Ilia!.. wbich H"l'icvl'th JOu, that a
I"CIll<'t1y ilia)" k fuulld. Ami this is C0Il111Hllltlcd lwth
for llim that cOlllJlbillclh and fur him tlm!.. heard]l,
thaL the oue 8huuld ~hew his /;p'ief to tIle Olhcr.
'1'he Il'ue 1l11'~lllillg- of iL is, thaL the l'aitll1ul ought
to acknow!l..<I::e their Ollellce:>, whereby somc Imtrc,i,
l';llle(lUr, g'1'II\16'l.:', 01' llwlicc have risen or gorOll'1l
:lllLOll!; tllClLl (llLC to anolllcl', that. :l brother:y
l"t.'(:Ollcilialion Ill:!y ue h:ld; withuut tlle whicol
1l0lhiug' IhaL \\c do call he acel'ptablc UlltO Go.l,
as 0111' :::iaviour JC"IL~ Clll,i,.t duth IlilllC,;S lJilllscll~
,.:1-, i n;.;-, 11 he,1 (hVII /1/i:rclJt th illlJ (1/i:riJI!J ut the utl/u, ) ".1J.' I.
il tMu relll/;"II,t'.llt thut (hy ~rllther hut/~ ulI!Jht a!J"i,/1!t
thee, (euce thtre thi,u] oj}i:riJl!J, a,ul go a,lI/. ~e rt:COIl_
ciled, alu/. 1fJhe/~ thou, urt Y!xolll:i(etl eMlC (/,ut t1/iJl'
(hi/le oJ/t:rill!J. It Illay also be thus takCll, tlmt. wo
"ught. lo I.:onle,.:;,; OUI' m,:aknclis and illlinLlitic;,; Oil.;!
t" allother, to the cnd that, knowillg' cach other's
I'millll:"s, we Illay thc mure carllc"Uy pmy to/:,'t.:t.m:r
unto Almi;.rhty God, our he:H"cllly 1":11110:1',
will vouch~~llc to p:mloll us 0111' illfirmities for his
Son Jetills Clll'i"t,'s sake, :lIId not to impul.c thcm
uuto U-", when h;.: ahull rem/er to ecer!l1JlUll accord- )[ntt Yi.
ill!Jlo hi, /rQd4.
~:: Ho,,,.11.
Anll, will'rcas the ad\"er~'1l'ics go about to \\"1":lsL ,\n'''''rlO
this place fur to ll1ailltaill their auricular cOllfessioll ::,"'~t:~~'
withal , thc) arc """rc'llI)'
and do a",.."lAr

shamefully \I~ivc OtlIC!'';. For, ir t his text. oug-ht. <:(1"1.....011.
to be uudcrstalldcd or alll'icular cont'cs.-,ion, tbell
the }ll"il.'Sh; arc as much bound to confcss thClll!>eh'los tllLtO the la)' I)("'<lple, as ll1e lay Ileol'lc arc
hound to collfc~s thclll~ch'cs to them. And, if to
pnl)' is to a1.l,,01\'(', then the laity by this placc
halh as great. authorily to absol\'e the !ll'iests, as
the priests have to llhsoh-c thc laity. '1'his llid
J ohalllles Sl'<ltus, othe!'wi"c called DUllS, well I'CI"- J 1", Olu'.
. WI10 upon t 1'1
. , 011 t I'LIS m.LUll,:!', L.'".II',".
liS P aL'C Wl"llclu
" . t " " .



w w w. h a i l andf m



The Second Purt

0/ the Sermon

"Neilhcr (loth it. -,,('Cm IInlo me th:lt Jame$ did

give this commnlldmeut, or Ihnt lu' did set it fortll
n-" heil1~ re{'('ivcd of Christ. For, fir~t lHld foremost,
whcllt.'C had he ;lut h',rit \' to bind the wllole Chl1lx:h,
-"it h that he wns ollly Bi~h ... p of the Church of JaruI':1lem? E"eept 1hUll \1 ill ~:I,I', t llat tllC same Church
\\ as nt the bl'~il1l1ill:.r I he 11(':1(1 Church, llnd consc
(plentlytll:tt he 11"[1;: the Ilcad Bi~llop; \\'hich thingI he sce of' Home will ncver ~r:IIlt." 'file Illl(ll'r
sl:1I1ding of it thclI if', as in tllClio words, COlllc88
!fllllr sil/s one to ollfJ/hcr, a Jlersllnsion to humility,
where!;r he willet h Il.~ to confess ourselvC!> ,!::"(:l1Crail)' unto Ollr 1l('ig-ldlOllfS, tlmt lI'e nre siullers,
al"COnling to tlli... sHrill,!::', Iflre ~(1,'1 ue hal:e 1/0 silt,
fCC d~'Ceire ollrselre~, (lIId Ihe Irl/th is 110t in flS,"
And, where tllnt t11l:l)' do :dleg-c this sll)'ing' of Olll'
S:t\'iour JC,,;1l Clll'i~t unlo tIle lapet', la pro\'e nurill.U .m.l. cular confil:;,.ioll tu sl:l1Jd 011 God's wonl, Go ih.'!
fNI!!, (111ft shcw 1h!!lIe{j 1/11tO the prie,'t, do they nut
sec tlmt tile leper \1':1::\ from his lepros>'
nlbre lIe II'ns hr Christ "cut unto the }lricst lor to
shcw himself unto llim? DJ the same reason we
must be c1e:msed frnm ollr spiritullllcprosy, I mean,
our sins must be 10rgivC'1l us, afore that we come
to c011f'los"ioll. ""hat need we tll('1I to tell forth
our sins into the Cllr of the prieH, sith that the."
1)(' nlread,r l:lkcn ;)W:I)'? 'l'llerclorc llOly Amlm)~,
in his second Sermon upon tIle 11I111dred :md nineteenth !l"alm, doth IWy rull II"dl: "Go 8hew th,IJ~(}{l
I/I/to the pric8t: whois tILe true PriCl't hut he \I hich
' i... the Pried/ur erer n.Fer the order oj jllelehi8ederh l"
11010. ,'.u:
Whereby tllis holy 1:lth('T doth uudcrstulld, that,
.i. :0.
Hob ~Il ". tvth the prieslhood (llIIt the IlI/o being chollged, wc
ought to acknowll!dg-o nunc othcr priest 101' ddiver,.lIlce from our sins but onr Saviour Jesus CIIl'i~t;
\I ho, being our sovereig'1l Bi,,:hoJl, doth with tltc
l!cb.I ", sacrifice or his hody lIlld blood, ofl;':rcd ollce lor
::,: ~. l~,", e,-cr upon tIle nlt:tr of tIle cro:;s, most cfJ;.:etually
clellnse the spiritual lepra",y, :Llld wftsh uway the
sin;:, of all those tlnlt with true conlclisioll of the
same do flee Ullto him,



w w w. h a i l andf m

of llq,ell/(l1Ice.

It. is most. crident :Illd pla;n tlHl! fhi"



hath not his Wal'rnnt of God's word;

l'l;;:e it lwd not heen I:l\vflll for N'cetm;us, Hi"llop :rca,I".,
of Const:mtinople, upon a just occ:lsion to ha"" ;::.::~,~
put if down. ]o'or, when tlllY UlinO' ordained ol"l.I!>Y,I.<1lr
God ;s by the lewdness of men abu~ed, the al.mse '0.
ollg-ht to he taken away, and the thing ibclf suffcT\.'(] to remain. )forcover, thl'!'e arc St. AUg"ustine's word.. ; tr 'i'i'hat have I to do with men, that 11~.x.('OI,f.
the)' 81u)Uld henr my confcss;on, :IS thoug-h they ''''1' J.
were nlJlc to heal nil my diseases? A curious sort
of mcn to know another mnn's l;fe, :md slolhful
to com~ct. or amrml theil' own. Why do thm' seek
10 hear of me what I am, which w;n not l;e~lr of
thee wlmt.they arc? And how c:m IlIC)' tdl, when
the)' hem by me of m)'scl/~ whctllCr I tell tll"
truth or not? sith that 110 1II0rtallJ/fllllll0ICd1l ".lIot 'Cor.ll. ".
;8 in 1HO/I, but lite ~llirit qf man frhich i8 ill hilll."
Augn!'! iuc would not have writ ten thus, if tUlr;cnlnr
conli.>g"ion had been used in his time. Deing't1lerelorc not led with the conscience thereof, let u~,
with fe:n and trembling' and with n true contrite
heMt, u!'e that kind of confession that God doth
command in his word; and then doubtless, liS he ,J~bD L,.
;8 fait1/i1t alia rigldef)U8, lie will./ofgil:e 118 ollr 8il/~,
Qnd Mal'l! f/8 clean frolll alt widedne88. I do not
sny but Ihat, if nny do find them;:clrcs tr01lul('(1 in
eonseicn~, they lll~IY repair to their learned ellrate
or pastor, or to some other godly learn<X1 man, nnd
I:hew the trouble and doubt of tlle;r collscicllt:c to
them, fhat thc)' Ill:ly receive at their hnnd the comfortnblc salve of God's word: but. it is a:;:linst the
true Chri!'t i:lll lilJcl1y, 1hat an)' man ..houll\ be hound
to tllC numhl"ring- of his sins, as it. Il:Ilh been used
heretofhrl" in the time ofbl;ndl1ess :md ignorance.
The tllird part of repellt:Hlec is fllitl1, whereby
wc do apllf{'heud :lnd take hold UIXlll the IJrOm;;:l"":
of' God touehing the free pardon tmd forgin:Ilcss of
,"1r g;ns; which 11romi"e;: are sc:lled np unto us with
the dl'ath and bloodshl'ddill~ of his Son Jest! Chri;;t.
For what should avail and profit us to he sorry



w w w. h a i l andf m

5 i8



.... W.nll


r_ ..... hiI

ll"L ....n.


L ,".

The &co"d Purl

if lIu


fHr our sin!;, to lament nnd bewail that wc ha\-e

olJended our most bounteous and mt:rciful Father,
or to confess and aeknowlc<!ge our ofrcll("~s and
trl';;passcli, tllollgh it he dOllc ncver so enrnestl)",
unless we do steadfastly believe, and be fully perl;uadL'<I. that God, for hill SOli Jcsu Christ'lI saki',
will fOr<.;i\c us all our sins, and put tllcm out of
n.'memhrnnce :md from hi>l I;i~ht? 'l'hcf'l.-,I'ore they
lhnt teach 1'l.'plntnnce without a lin~l:r faith in our
Sa\-iour Jesu Christ do tl'3eh none other but Judas'
n:pcnt:mce; a.1J all the Schoolmcn do, whil:h do
only allow thCf<C three p.1rU of repclll:lIIcc. t he contrition of tile heart. thc ool!fl>s-slon of the mouth,
lllld the satil!flldion of the work. Dut all these
things wc find in Judag' rl'pcntancc, which in
.mt.ward lIppellrancc did fllr excced and !Juss the
repcnl:uwc of Pder. For, first and foremost, wc
read in thc Gospel that Judas was so sorrowful
:lIld helwy. y<,a, that he was filkd with sllch
all;:ruish and \-exation of mind, fur that which he
had done. that he could not abide to live any
longer. Did not he also, afore he hanged himscll~
make an open confession of bis fault. when he said,
I 4ace ,j""M, !.elroJj1f9 tile j1f1locat tkxH.l! And
\erily this was a \'cry llold col&ssioll, whieh might
h::\\'c broug'ht him to great trouble; for by it he
(lid 1:1)' to the high priCiols' :1l1d elders' chnrb"C the
sllCdding of innocent. blood, :md thut. they were
Illost abominnblc murderers, He did :llso make a
L~rlaill kind of s..'ltisfactioll, wllen he did e:1st thei.'
money unto them 3gain. No such thing do we
read of Peter, altbough be had oommitk.J a ycry
heinous sin and most grieyous offence ill denying
of his :Master. We rind that lie ,cellt ()tI1. and tt:~pt
"jll~rlJ: whereof Ambro:.c t;peaketh Oil this 111:111uer." Po.llA.'r was sorry :lIId wept, b.:!c3.use he erred
a.., a man.
I do not find what he 8.'1id; 1 know
that. he wept. ] rc:ul of his tC3l":;. but. 1I0t of hi"
~atisfa(;tion." But. how ch:lIlce that tIle oue W:lS
rL'Ccived into favour Hb"llill with God, :\lId the other
cast. away. but because that the onc did, by a lively


w w w. h a i l andf m


fililh in llim \\h(JllI he lllld do.::nied, taku hold IIplJO

the ml'rcy of God, and the otllcr lI'anlc<l li.itll,
whero.::b/' he did dcspair of the f,"OOdncRs alllllllerC)'
of' Oo<? It is c\'i(!l'nt and plain thcn, tliat,
although wc bc nc\'cr so c:IrII(....tly sorry Jor our
sin:" acknowlt.'<If,"C and confcss th<:ln, yet all tllC50
Illinb"S shall he hu!' means to lwing' liS 10 utter
llL'spcratioll, ex(:ept wc do stcaLlfastk hclic\'e that
00<1 our he:wenly Fathcr will, for'his Son Jcsu
Cllrist's sake, pardon and forgi\'e us our oflcnecs
:llJd tfCSpasses, and uUcrl)' put them out. or relllctll_
brau\:e in his si:;ht, '1'hereforo.::,:lS wc said IJcfore,
they tllllt. leadl rcpent:moo without ellrist :md a
lin:ly lilith ill tlll} mcrc)' of God do only L.:ach
Cain's or Judas' rcll,en!:uwe,
'fhe fourth i,; an amendmcnt. of life, or a new
lifc, in bringing iorth frlii/8 /Cor/h.,! 01' TCpcutOIlCC,
For they HmI. do truly repent must he clean :IlteroX!
and ellllllgcd; tlIC)' mu:;!' bcC<lmc lICW creatures;
they must Le 110 more Lhe S:lI11C that. they werc
before. And therefore thus said John naptist unto
the Ph3risecs :1nl! S:lddlleces th:lt eamc unto his
bapt ism: 0 fJeneratio/t '1/ dpcTI, uho hotlt .forelfJoNwl iOl~ /0 jlce /roJJt /he f1t/fJU to collie? JJri1lfJ
fortlt tilerejore j'rlliu 'Worth.'! 0./ repentailce, \\' berchy Wc do lenm, thai, if wc will ha\'c the wralh of
God to be JJac:ificd, \\"c must ill no wise dissemble,
but turn U1lto him ag:lin with a truc aud sound
repentance, which may be known and declared by
good fruiis, as hy most sure :IIJU inf:dlihle signs
thereof. They that do from thc IJottom of their
he~lrt.s acknowle<l:;c their 8il1s, and :Ire unfcignedly
sorry for their oflcn<:cs, will east o/l':lll hn),
::aud )lut on true l1Umility and lowliness of he:lrt,
'l'he,r will not onlr rccei\'C the Jlhrsiei:m of the
8Oul, but :1\s0 with a most fel'\'ent desire long for
him, '1'ho)' will not onl)" abstain i:rom the sins of
their former lif~ and from :Ill olhcr filth)' vices,
but ::aliiO lice, eschew, and ;lLhor all the oce:l.,;ious
of them, And, 33 t her did befoft' gin: t1lcnbCh'cs
to uncleanncss of life, so will they from hcnccCc,


w w w. h a i l andf m

)lalt. lll,;. 11-



I..." .b". ~

I......I. 17,


'....,i . q:
U-.L It.. ':_

1">lnI~. "
'11., 11,

The SeMtfd ParI

fir lite &rlJlf}1I.

fOrwaM with all dili).."Cucc gi\'c themsch'cs to

innocency. purcne;<s of life, :md tmc godlill~~.
We have the "Xini\'itl'lJ for an cX3mplc, which al
the preaching of JOllllS did not onlf proclaim II
/-."I.'llcrnl, and that the)" should C\'crr onc pUI
011 ~nckdoth. but they all did turn, from. fAti,. eril
rllJ' a"dfrom 'Re JO;cJ:ct!uCII '!tul fen, in fluir !tant/,.
But, noo\'c nil other, the history of Zacch<;u:; is
most notable: for, being comc unto our SaviOut,
Jesu Christ, he did 8ll)', lJenolil, Lml, (no 11(1(1' ql
n,! g()(){/, I girt iQ the poor .. QNll if I nate rlfj'rauderl
a,IJ mart, or tal'ell. QlIght QtOa! lJy uwrtiu1I. or.lralfd.
/ Jo rellore hi"" fOllrfold. Here we sce thnt ant,.
hill repentance he wall 110 more the m:1ll tlml 11c
was before, but was clcun chnng'l.,<l and IlItCI"('(I.
It. was 80 fnr off tlint he would continue :lIld ahidl'
titill in hig U1L~tiaLle covetollsn~, or hike lIughl
away fr:wdulentlr from anr man, that rather he
WaB mOlit willing' and readr to ':;\'e lIwny Ilis own,
and to make ;:ati:ililetion unto nil them t1mt he hat!
done injury and wrong unto. Here may we right
well add the sinful woman, which, when she emne
to Ollr Saviour JCSll t:hri,;t., did pollr down sueh
abundllu<:u of tears out of those wanton eyes of
Ile~, wherewith she llad nllun:.a IllUIl)' unto foil),
that. she did with them WlLSh his fect, wiping them
with lhe h:.irs of her hc:n!, which she WflS wont
most gloriou"ly to set. out, making of them (l net
or the dc\il. Hereh)' we do learn what is tile
:O:lti~liLetiOll that God doth require of liS, which i:>,
tlmt we etatefiroTII tril, a"d do good, and, if we hll\'C
110110 allY man wrong, to Cndell\'OUr OllNhcs to
IlIllke Ilim true amends 10 the uUem)o;;t of Ollr
power j following in this the examplo 01' ~:lccheus
nnd of ihis sinful womnn, and also that J:OO<lIy
1L'lOS01l that John Baptist, Zaeh,'lry's lJ()1l, did gi\'c
lIull) them that C3ll1e lO ll>1k l,.'Oullsd of him.
'11lis wall commonly the pellance that Christ
.'njnined .!Sinners, Go IA.II r,,!, and ,ill. 110 more.
Whieh pellance wo slmll ne\'er bo aulo to l'uHiI
without the Spcci:ll gracc of him that doth say,


w w w. h a i l andf m

of Rtf/MIII(J1/(:r:.
Without me.'le can. do nothing. It is therefore Ollr J~I", ' ."
p:lrts, if at least lI"e he de",irous of the 1lt'~11t It awl
:mh'ntioll of our OWlI gel\cs, most (aruestly to pray
unto our hellvenly F~lther to assist us with bi~
Holy Spirit, tlmt we ma.\" be able to hearken unt"
the voice of the true Shepherd, and with due
obedience to follow the f'.'lllle. Let liS he:ll"kcll tll
the voice of Almighty God whell he ealleth us to
repentance. Let liS not harden our hellrts, a~
l'lIeh illtidels do who do al/l1~e t.he time g-i\'en
them of God to repent, anti tllrn it to contillul'
tlH'ir pride and contempt ~1g:linst God lllld mnn;
Wllicll know not how ll111ch t hey heap O()(/.'8 wrt/th Il",u 1I.5,
U)XJU Iltellue!V(8.!or the harrhle88 of their hearl4, IChirh
(XIN/lot rt!peNt, at tne day 0/ I"C/lgcaIlC/J. Where wc
have ofreuded the law of God, let us l"f'llent us (,I"
our sll1lying- from 80 good a Lort!. Let us confeSS
our Ullworthiness before him; uut yet let 1U:I trust
in Coo's free mere)" lor Christ's .:nke 101' the !lal'tlOll
of the 8:1me. And from henccforth let, us elldl'avoUl'
Ollrsch'es to Wlllk ill a new life, 08 1tel,~om babe8" I'et ij ,.
whereby we may !flori/,it our i'lIther /f"hich. 18 il~ lJ.a.. ,0h~Ol'Cil, and t.hereby to bear ill our c'(lll,;(;iellCcs a
good testimony of our f:lit.h; so lit the lll~t to
obtain thc l'rIlition of' c\'l!rJasting lite throllg'h tilt'
merits of our Saviour. '1'0 whom be all prllisc ami
honour lor cver, AmCII.



Is the Homily la"t spoken unto yOIl, right welt

hdo\'C'1 pcoplc in our SaviOllr Chri~tJ )'C Iward of
1he truc I':u{s and tokcns of rCllClltancc; t1wt is,
heartr contrition lIud sorrowfulness of Ollr IlCal'ts,
ullfl~ii:-ncd colltl,~,.ion ill word of mouth for our Ullwortlll' li\'illg' 1,c1ore Cod, a ~lc:l(H:lst f:lith to llle
merjt~ of our S~l\'io\lr <..:hri"t, 101' pardon, alld a PUl'pose of oursch'Cs br God's grace to rcnounec our


l' .~

w w w. h a i l andf m


The l'hjf(t Part of the &rl,'OI!

formcr wickcd lifc, and a full COll\"(lr~ioll to God in

a new lile 10 glorit:r his Kalllc, and to live orderl,l'
and c1l:lrital!ly to the comfort of our ncighbour in
:dl righh.'Ou$Ill'S"'J and lo li\'e sobcrly and modcstly
to ou,r"t'!\'cs by' ab"till('nCe and tempcrance
in \l"ord and in <!t..'cd in '1Iortd-ifillg our eartM!l1IIel/l
ber8 Itere fpM eurth, Now, lor :l further pm'sua
sion to mo\'c you to those parts of repentancc, I
will declare uuto you somc causes which should
thc rathcr mo\'c yOIl lo repentancc,
!''irst, the commandment of God, who in so
Il:a. oI,ouU
places of his holr and sacred Seriptul'CS doth
liS return unto him,
0 ye chitdre)~ ql' braet,
1 u.l, 6,
saith he, (/lrll o!Jaillfrolll. ,your illjhletif!!J whereill ye
1:..1<. ~nlll. flr()lruetl !l0l/rM/re8.
A,!.':aill, litflJ yOll, t/lm !JOlt,

from. !Jour et:it frOY!" fur '/Ch!! 'Wilt ye die, 0 :lJe IWU8e
of bme/? And in another pl:lce thus doth he
nOl,~I . 1,1. speak by Ilis holy ProJlhet Osee.
0 braet, 1'ell/fIt
'Uuto fhe ],(m( fhy 00((; for fhou ha8t ((tI,'eJ~ a !Jreat
.lid! by thiM iniquity. 'J'a/.-e 1/1/tO you thue foordll
frith,lJon, "hellye t/lr,1 f//lW the film!, alltt 8a/l fll/to
him, 'J'ule (aro!! alt iJliqnif!l, mu! receive U8 !JraciOU8(1f;
80 rilt 1re !!Ifel' the c,lIa8 of our tip8 1mfo thee. In
1111 these places \\"e have an expre",s commandment


g-il'en unto u" of God 101' to relul'll unto him,

'l'hcrefore wC lllU",t take good heed unto Oll1"f'(,]VCS,
le!;t, wht:reas wc h:1\'o all'c:ldy by Ollr manifold sins
and tran>::grcs:;iolls prQ\'okec.l :lnd kindled the wmth
of God against liS, wc do by breakinfr tllis his commandment doulJle our oflcnccs, and so heap still
damnatioll upon OUl' own heads. 13y 0111' dnily
IIllcll(.....>s llud tl't'Spasses, whereby we provoke the
eye,; of lli" M:lj... ~t.I', \\'e do well descn'e, ir he
..hould dClll with liS :lccol'clillfr to his jllsti(.'C, to bo
Pllt away for c\"(:r from the fruition 01' his glory.
IIow much more thell are wc worthy or the cnd
It~~ lomwnts of hdl, il~ when wc 'he so ~Iltly
(':lll...d :l ..;ain :ltil'l' our rehellion, :llld COll1m:llHled to
I'durll, \\"c will in 110 wise hc:u'kcn unto the voice
Hr lOur hea\'l'nlr rather, hut walk ..till after thl:
~tllh"ol'nnc",,, oi' 0111' OWIl heart,,!


w w w. h a i l andf m

Sccoudl)', tIle most comfortable :lnd sweet pro.
tllllt the Lord our God did of hifi lllerc IllCTe"
:lIJd goodnesll join unto his commluulmcnt. For
he cloth not only sar, Rebma. 1U1lo rue, 0 luoet; Jot
hut also, If 'flolI. rUt nfurn. nd pd DIl:DJ ott 'Ailft
afA",i"ol;f11f.,f Dill qf m,' n!JAf,
,j,,[t rlerer
.QCffl. '1l1C!'C word~ also !I:I.\"O WC in the Prophet
}~Z('Chi<'1: ,tit y-Jdl /i..e MJerU a ti""tr dol! rt~1ft r
Ai. 11 Ai.t ,i" .front lire t,!t<J"" qf Id, luarl, I teill put >t
,ll It;, ricl.t"!Mf' out f!f '115 remt/ll~rallce, w;t'" the






,nl'.'I "'all


mort be tnorf!1A,t




'I'hug :lrC wc slIf!icicnU\, instructed t1mt God will,

according- to hill promf~e. freely p..'lrdOIl, ror<~ivc.
:and for;..rct all our sill!', ~ that wc shall nC\'cr be
l-:l~ in the h'(llh with them, if, obe,rillg his cornJOllntlmt'nt, :Ull! allun.'<1 by his sweet promiSCi', we
will unfeigned I)' return unto him.
Thirdly, the filthilleM of sin: which is such
thnt, as lon::r as wc do ahid(' in it, God cannot but
deh.'St aud abhor liS; neither c:m lllere he :Ill)' 11I>pe
that we Shllll enter into the heavcnly llicrll~alcm, ney...1, ';1
ex~pt we 1Jc first m:ulc c1e:ln and pllrg'ed from nU. '4. '1
it. But this will Ilc,'cr lJc, unle;:s, for;;lIkitl~ our
fonner life, we do with Ollr wbolc heart return
unto the Lonl our God, :md, with a full purpose of
amendment of life, flee unto his IIlcrey, taking l;ure
lI01d thereupon throu;.;h faith in the blood of hi:i
Son Jem Chri"t. If we J>hould suspect au)' un 8\JlliI1t",
elcnnnC>'S to be ill us, wllereforc the earthly prilu"C
..hould lot he rmd abhor the gig-lit. of us, what Jlllill:i
would wc take to remove :llld put it. away! HolV
much more ought wc, with all dili!,"Cllce and spe..'!1
th:lt ma.\ bc, to put. away that unclean lilthinc~
that doth "'P'tra1e :llld make a di"irion /,etl(:i.rt fj.fl. . Ii>. "
""d 011' G, " aud that Aiddlt "i'fll~fro,. .",I!tut
Ire rill "ul ANr u! And \'erily ht'rein uoth ap_
pear how fiUhy a thin~ Fill i,;, ith that. it. ~lll L~'
no other IIlc:m,,; 1Jc wn~llc<1 away but by the blOl ...1
01' the 0111," !)(',!,"Otll'll
on or God, And shall wc
nol from Ill(' blJtlolO of our Iwarla detest ami allhor and ,dIll all l':lI'll\~tll\~g lk~ from it, sith that


w w w. h a i l andf m


The 14irfl Pari oj the Sermon

it did cost th(' dCllr 111;art !llood of tllC only beg<Jtten Son of God, our Saviour and lwlcelllcr, to
pur'\J us from it.? 1)!ato <loth ill a ccrlain phl('c
write, that, if virtuc cOllld 00 lSc<:n with oo<lil,~'
t'.res, all men would wondcrfully be inllanH.'t1 HlllI
kindled with the lo\"c of it, E\'cn so on the COli
tmry, if we might with our bodily eyes behold t!L,:
filthiness of sin :md the tlllc!C:IlllleSS thercol~ wc
could ill 110 wise ahide it, but, liS most prcS<!nt :llltl
(lendly poison, kite and eschew it. 'Ye have a
common eX]lCrience of the same in them which,
when they h:I\'e commitlt.'<1 any heinous ollenee 01'
somc filthy and abominahle sin, if it 01100 comc to
Jiglll, or i!'thcy chance to havo a tlu'Qugh feeling
of it, thf'Y Le so :iskllll(xl, their OWII eonseiellee
putting hefon: their e)'cs the filtllinc~,,; of tll c il' act,
that they daru look no mllll 011 thc face, much
1{'5~ t1mt the)' should be nblc to st:lud fll the sig-ht
of God.
Vonrthly, the uncertaint.y and brittleness of our
OWI1 livcs: which is suell, that we C:lII11ot asSlll'C
ourselvcs fhat wc slmll li~c OllC hour or onc half
quartcr of it. Which by expericncc we do filltl
daily to 00 tme in them that, being now mcrry
amI lusty, nnd sometimcs feastin;:r and ballCjuettillg'
with their fril.'ud.s, do fall suddenly dead in the
:,tr'-'Cfs, and otherwhilcs under the board, wllen
they arc yet :It ment. 'fhesc d:Lily examples, as
they nrc most tert'iblc and drt':IJlill, so ought they
to movc us to sock for to bc at 0111.' with our hca\'enly Jlld).,'"C; that 11'0 may with a "'ood cOllS<!ience
appear bctore him, WllOl1:>oo\'er it sllall Illcasc him
fur to call us, wllCther it he suddenly or othcrwise.
1"01' we havc no morc ch:lI,tcl' of 0111' We than thl'~'
h:LVC: but, :lS we :lTe most ccrtain that we shl1il
die, 80 arc wc most ul1ccrtain whcn we shllll llie.
}'or our life doth lie in the hand of Go(l, who will
take it away when it plcaseth him, .And vcrill'
wll('n the highcl>j, somner or all, which is dCll! I,
I'.. il,lhe
I. nr....", ~hall come, he will !lot bc said Illl)', but wo mll.~t.
l"rlllllith Le packing, to be prelOellll'd befure the


w w w. h a i l andf m

o.f RepeJllance.


jndgmcnt. seat. of God, :IS he t10th fiud us; necordillg as it. is written, W/llre ((I lhe treefdleih, '/Che_ ~:O,'I ... ,I."
tha it ~ tOICant Ihe 8Outlt, ur tOlCard the 1lOrllt, there
it Ihalt lie. Whcreunto :lgrccth the saying of tllc
holy )ral't..rr of God, St. Cyprian, saying', " As C"',.,,, I"'.
G'ld cloth find thee when }1C doth call, so doth hc """,ja,,,,,u.
jud;.."C IIIL'C." Lct. us thcl"cforc follow the counsel
of tlJeWise )r:lll, whcre he ~:lith, J/alc 1/0 larr.'1illg Ecc:lu.,' },
I{) IlIrn UlltO Ihe .Lord, a,ut }ilIt lUll (df/rOl/1, do,,! I,f)
Ila!!; fur 111t/llenl!! dalt the wrath. 't/ tlte j,ord &reak
j'urtlt, allll in Ih!! ,ecl/,.;t!!,ltf," l/hlllt be delltro,lletl, alut
thou ,haltperid ;It tiMe 0/' t"ell!l<:allce. ,rhiel. '1'01'(18
1 dc~ire rOll to mark dilif,"Clllly, hl'call~C tlw)' do
most !i\'d.y put beforc our cp:s tilt.: londncss of'
mall}' mcn, which. abusing the JOl1 b"Suflcring :md
6"OOdne"g of Cud, do neVC1' tbink on l'cpent:mcc or
amcndmcnt of lile, J:'vl/fI/O IUIt, s:lilh hc, (hil/e OJoOIt lbd, '-lJ,
11/il/(t amI th!! ,trcllgth, to "/Catl.: ilt lite va!!, o.f tit!!
hcart; neithcr lay thOlt, Who wilt brillg 1I1e 1111t1er
for 1IIy '/Cor~',! Fur G{j(t the ret'cl/ger '/Cilt TCt'cIIge
the wrong done O!l thee. IliUt ,a!l not, I hat'e ,inlied.
and 10hat evit hatlt collie 1111tO 1IIe! Fur the Almight!!
a JHtliellt 1'elCarder, b/lt he 'l/;ilt Mt Icare thee un
jllmi8hed, }Jccallle th!l8il18 areforglu/t thec, be llot
without fear ~ heap ,ilt 1(jJOI~ ,ilt, &/!l1IOt IlelthlJr,
'l'he meTc!l of God i, great. he wilt /orgil'e 1I1!1111a/liff)ltI ,iIl8. JI'or merc!I and wrutlt comefromhillt, al/(t
hi, illtliglllltion cometh. 11)1011 Ullrcpelllallt ,ill/let', As
if' he should ~'lr, Art. thou strong' and mighty? at't
thou Ilt~iy and ,roung? II:l~t thou the wealth :l1l(1
richcs of the \\"orlll? or, whcn thou Imst Sillllc<l,
hast thou receivcd 110 punishment. for it? let. 1l0Ht)
of all tllc~e thin(,"S make thee to be tllC slowcr to
repent, :JIld to rctUl'll wilh ~Pl'(.'<1 unto thc Lord;
jOr in tllC day of pUl1ishmcllt ami of Ilis suddcn
"cll&~:lIlCC they "Iwll not bt.' ahle to help 1Ilt..'C.
Ami "pcci:llly, when thou art, l'ithcr by the prcachiug 01 God'" word, or by:>ome inward motion or
hi" Holy Spirit, or c1ro by some othcr mcanf:,
c.I!ILd unto repentancc, I1c;.:-ll'CI. 1I0t. tllc /o,"OOd (1('ca~iOIl thal i" ministl'rc..1 nulo thl'e; Ic~t, when

C C 5


w w w. h a i l andf m

586 'J'he 'J'hil"ll Part 0/ the SerlHon q/ flI!JlelfI1l11c'{"

thou wouldcst rCl~lIt, t.hou ha\'l,! not t.he grace for
For to repent. is :l ~.."OOd gift. of God,
which he will nen~r grant unt.o thcm which, livilll-:'
ill c:11'lIal securit}", do make a mock of his threateninf,"l', or I>Ctk t.o rule his Spirit ns they list, as
tllOugh llis working nnd gifts wcre tied unto their

to dll it.

Fifthlr, t.he avoiding of tllO plngues of God :lIld
the uller destruction tlmt hy his rigl1tcolls judg-ment. do 11ang over the !lends of them nil t.hill,. will
ill no wise returu unto the Lord, I wilt, S<'1itll the
Lord, gitc thc1llfor a terriMc Jll!lguc W all the killf/fl01lM 0/ the earlh, (mil jor a rcproack, a1ld/or fl pro-

r;crb, am/flir




ott places where 1 8!latt C({#

thelll, flIU{ jrilt ICIIlI thc Ilf'fird, Ihe j'alll;lIe, (lIul the
jJe6lile1lcc amOII.'! thelll, tilt they be CQII6UIHCd out ol
thc l{jnd, And whcref'unl ts this? ]lccause they
htlrdelled their hearu, and would in 110 wisc
fllmjram their evil ".uy~, nor yet. lorsllke the /l'icJ'ed
"eu that '/COl il~ Iheir Olr,~ /ul1uI8, t.hnt the ficrCCllC>'S
of the J.JOrd's fury might depart from them. ]jut
)"ctthis is nothing in oompnrison oftho iutolcrable
and cndless tormcnts of hcll fire, which the)" shall
be fain to suflcr who ojler thcir hardllC88 of hearl,
that CflmlOt f'Cpellt, do heap UlltO themull'C8 tIJrttfh.
agojll8t the day of anger allft f!llhe declaratjOl~ of Ihe
ju,t .iu(lgmellt f!l God. Whereas, if we will repent
ilnd be e:lTllcstly sorry for our sins, and with a full
purpose of :J.mclldmcnt of life f1ce unto the mere)'
of our God, and, taking sure hold thereupon
through f:Lith in our Sill'iour Jcsu Christ, do brillg
fort/" fruit, 1C0rthy 0/ reftClltallu, he will 1101. only
pour his manilold Llcssiug'S upon \IS here in this
world, but also nt the last, finer the painful travail" orthis life, rewlIrd us with the inheritance of
his children, which is t.he killh"lom of heavcn, JlUrcha;,;cd nnto liS witll tho death of his Son Jesu
Christ. our Lord, '1'0 whom with the Father and
the 1Ioly Ghost be nil praise, glory, ::uu1 honouL'
world without cnd, Amen,



)lan. 11I .


w w w. h a i l andf m




As God the Creator anti Lord of nil things ftp- r...h,l.l.
pointed his nn~ls and hCll\'Cllly creature;; in nU :~101r.:I;~:
obedienoo to SCl'\'C :md to honour hi.s :Majesty, so 1(~a.n.1I1.,!',
. "t I
I I .liSIC111'
. r creature upon 'J'l',"
WfiS It
liS WI
1111' carth, should li\'c under the Olk'(!icTlcc of him ~~Id~.",~~"
his Crl'nlor and 1.01'<1; and for that cause God, liS :~~ltc~~~l;",
soon as he llad crc:.llcd man, g:1\"C unto him accrtain 1Ieb.1.....
" II I le, L"

preccp t tun11 nw, w Iue
lIClIlg yct m
t le state (leD. U.'I.
of illllocency and remaining in Paradise, should
observe as a pledge and tokell of his due and
boundCII obc{licllC<l, wilh denunciation of death if
he did tr:m.,:grcss and break the said law :md com_
mandmcnt. And, as God would have man to be
his ou....d icllt stll~~'Ct, so did hc all carthly Gen,L.S.
creatures sul,jcet unto Illan; who kept thcir due
ohedienec uulo Illall so IOllg 38 Illan remained ill
his OUc<licllec unto God. 1n the which obedicncc
if' Illan had continucd still, there had hccn 110
!)(),crty, no di,.:cm:es, no siclme,.:~, no death, nor
other miseries, wllerewith m:mkind is 1I0W infiuitdy:lIld most mi"cr:1IJlr afllid('<! and oppres..<;('(1.
So here appt'artth the Ol'i:.;'illal kingdom of God
O\'er angd.s and mall nnd Illli\et>,ally over all
thin"'!:!, and of man ovcr cal'lhly ercntures, whieh
GOtthad made sul~e(:t unto him; :llld withal the
fdicitr and ulc.-s~'<1 stlltc which an::rds, man, and
:1.11 creatures had rcmaillCll in, had they continucd


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Fir8t Part of the &rlllOl/.

in due obcdicncc unto O(l(! their Killg'. For, as

long as in this first kingdom the subjects contirmcd in due obcdicnee to God thcir King, so
long did God cmhrace all his suhjecti:l with hi..;
lo,'c, favour, and gracc j which to enjoy is pe1"/'cet
felicity. Whercbx it is cvident that obl'(liell~c
is the prineip:ll nrtue of all \'irtucs, and iudel,tl
the \'ery root of all virtues, and the cause of all
Dut, as all felicily nlld blcssedllC!:'s should have
continued wilh the oolllilLuancc of obedience, so
with tile brelleh of obediencc, nu(l breaking- in of
rebellifll1, all vk~ :llld miselics did wil hal hrc:lk
)I.U.I".9: in, and owrwhclm the world.
'1'he first author of
j~,,4,'li1.41: which rebdlioll, (the root fir all vices and mother
~ I;:. 1~'4: of llll mi,;dlicls,) was Lucif~r, first God'i:I most
R~... :li.:. cxcellent creature and most IXlllll(!l'1I suhjeet;
who, by rebelling ngainst the :Mfljc~ty of God, Ill"
the brightest find most gloriolls angd is iJcconw
the blackest find most lOll lest fiend and dcvil, nnt!
from the height of heavcn is fallen into the pit
llnd bottlllll of hell. Here you Illay sce the first
fluthor find fOlluder of rebellion and tIle reward
thereof. Here l'Oll mal' sce the gr:md captain
filtllPl' of all rchds: who, persuading' the fol.
(lw.lll. ' .
.... : \\'10<1.
of his rehcllion f1l}1inst O(l(!, their Creator
alld Lord, unto our first pm'Cllts Ad:lln and ]~\'e,
G~".W, 9. brought them in high displeasure with God;
..lJ,'J"4 wrought fheir cxile and u:ll\ishmellt out of Par:ldi"e, a 11lHce of nil pleasurc and goodness, into tlli..;
\\ retched carth Hncl vale of all misery; pl"ocllr~(1
unto them SOI'r(l\\S of lheir minds, misehid;:, "id,Il"'s.~. diseases, death of' their bodil'S; ami, which
i", rar more horrible th:lll :111 wl)rldly and hodil)'
mischid's, he IHld wrollg-Ilt tlll'rcby tllcir eternal
Ilom .. n. alld evcrl,lsting dcath all(l,l:llllllation, had not God
1 the /l1}C<liellce of Ilis Son Jesus Clll"ist repaired
tllat \\hich mall by disobedience and rebellion
had d(';;;tro)"cu, :lUd so of his mcrey had p:mloned
Hlld forgiven him: of which all and' the
IH.:llli,.~s Lhc hol>' Scriptures do bear r......Ol'd ill



w w w. h a i l andf m

ogain,t wilful Jlttdlivn.

~undry Jl1:lces.
'rhus ~'Oll do ~('(', tklt. neither
!l('i!\'cn nor Jmrndisc could ~llfter :lIly rebellioll ill
them, neither bc Jllnccs for :lIIY rebels 10 relllllill
iu. 'Thus IfC<::lllle rebellion,:'Is you s('c, hot 11 lilt!
tirst and ~rl':liest and thc \'cry root of all other
sins, Ilnd the first :111(1 principal causc both of all
worldly :md bodily miS<.'ries, sorl"()\\'S, disca~{'S,
l>ick!1c~jl('s, and deaths; :lml, \\'hich is infillitel.\
wor,,!' 1h:11I all t1lcbe, ns is 8.'lid, tIle "erv C:lUS\: of'
dcatll and dnlllnalioll etcrnal also.
Al"lt'r this 1!t(!:1ch of obedicnce to God :ll1d relJCI
lioll :n;";li1l~t 11is ::'Ibj("Sly, nll mi~ehicls :llId lIliJ'cries
brenkiug" ill I1ICI'('\\ ith and overflowing" tllC world,
lest :dl thill.2"'> "hOll!11 come unto conl"u"ion and
utter ruin, God forthwilh, by 1nws {::'ivl"1l 1111tO Get!. ~t.'l'
m:lnkind, repaired :l::t'lin the rl1le am! order of
o!x.'Jicuce thus by rebellion o\'erlhro\\"l1: 11lld, be~idt'S the obedience due UlltO his 1\lajl'",ty, lie not
only onJnilled t1mt in filmilies :md hOllll'cholds tlte nelLlII ,6,
lI"ile l'hollld be obedient I1l1to her husb:md, th(' ~~"'. Yl, '-I
children unto their parents, the scrnlllts unto
their mash:l"S, but also, whcn ll1;1nkind il1cr('lIstd
ami sprl';Id itself more !:lrgely oyer thc 1I"0rld, he
b.\' hi,,; Iloly 11"01"11 did coll.':'tilllte lInd ordnin in
cities and L1)untries l>(l\'eral 1111d l>1}('tial g"uvcrllors
:Hld rulcTS, 1I11to whom thc re~idl1e of his JlC<lplc
should be oLcdient. As ill rcading of the hol.l"
Scriptnres wc sll:dl find, ill vcr.\' mlll1y and nlll1os1
infinite plaet'S IlS wcll of the Old Testament as of J~h ... !<.j";

I 1N CW, till
llll dPfll1Cl"S,
as wc
lC e\"l.,."d
'IS the !!O<)d do 1"\,i,rll by God's ordin-IllCC llnd th'IL"'d., '~'!1'

~lll~L'(;ltj nre hOlludcll to obe)' Ihem; thnt God d(,tll ,0: .,wl .
. ,
;":-I\'C pl'llll"CS Wl~l om, g-reat p0lI"el', nll( aut !Onty ; "",I <>;h' ,:
that Got! del"l'll(leth IJIC111 ;Igllinllt tllcir enemit:s, 1""0 111,';.
:111<1 dl"~t1'OF'th their elwlllies horribIJ'; lhat (he 1....... 1 ";
uN!Jer alllf ;/i8p(e/llllre of (Iu; prince i, 118 the roari"tJ """~; U,',
of a 1i0JI, ami (he t"er!l1Jle81/!//!lcr 0/' death. aud t1wt
tlte 'Iilied that prol'lI/,eth hi/It 1o lfi,,,lea'lIre ail/lletk
/I!111ill~t hi, 01(1/ 80Ut. \Iith many other thill~S eOIll'(,1'l1ing' ],ot1l the authurity of llrlll(:es :llIU the duty
of sul~lcl,;.



w w w. h a i l andf m


Thc Firllt Part

of the Ben/JOlt

nut here lct. liS rchcal"Sc two special plnecs out

of thc Xcw 'l'c~lamellt, which m:w sbml ill steml
of 311 other. 'thc lir>;t out. of' St. 'Paul',; Epistle tp
the Uomrllls, :md tllC tllirtecnth cllaptcr, wherc he
U.... ,~"i.'_;. writcth thus unto all subjects.
lA!t erer!! ,olll bc
IJ/lIJjcct 111tfO the hiflher pOlCcn lor therc i, 110 JJ()WCf

if God, mltl

thc pOlCera that be are ordllilletl of

11'hOl()(!/"cr (!II:rfj"ore re,ia(c!!I, the polrcr re,iatetk tM ordil/allCC (:lGod; aI/it thc.1J (hat reailt Ihal!
reeei!:e to thell/achel t/alllllation. 1"01' pril/cell arc ?IQ!
to befeared j"or good '/Corl.-" tut J"or erit, Wilt tholl
Ihell be wi(hQut fellr of (he pOleer! J)o 1cclt; Ill)
IIhrdt thou hare praiac 0/ (he aallle: for he il the
tIIil/j/ter 0/ COlt for (hy feeal/h. But, ilfholt du
erit, fear: Ior he beare(!I. flOt (he a/Cort/fur fl/lI/,1ht;
lor he il the mi/lhter 0)' God, (0 tal.'e t'clIgeallf:e 1IJlf}/t
him (hat h{1t. evil, II"hertj'ure .ye fill/lit be Ill1tijr:d,
flOt /;(CGlIIC 0)' wrath olll!J, bllt al80 j"or cOl/lejcl/l-e
,al.'c. l"or J"or thia C(l//It! !lC pay allo tri&lI(e; jut
they arc COlI', fIIil/i,ter" Icrl:ill(J fur thc aalllc jlllrpOle. Gice to ercry1llan {herit/ure hi, rllI(lJ; tribute
to '/ChOIR, trwute bdollgclh; cl/atom to whom, cl/atom j.,
dlle; fear to fcltO/lt jear belongcllt >" honour to re/wilt
,ve olCe 1t001Our. 'fhus IUl' :lrc St. ll:lIl!'s words,
'rhc second place is in St. Pctcr's lil'st ]~pistlc, and
thc second Chapter, whose words :lrc these. Sublllit
!J0uflelcel flUfo all malmer ordinal/ce r:f 11/aI& for the
Lord', ,alc: wltether it be '/Ilto the 1.-;lIg, a, flllfo the
cltit>f fuad ,. either tJldo rulefl, 0.8 ml!o (hent that tlft'
lent f!l hi,R, j"or the punillt'llellt of edlt/ocrl, tilt ,lin
tltc chcri8fthlg '?l tltem that do reell: for 10 ia (he
will '?f God, (hut wilh uell doing yc may ,top tht!
mO/tilt, 0)'1,1110r,1IIt antlfooli/JIh Illel&: a'frce, allll,/O{
0., havill!! (he liter{!! jor a eloct!.- f!llllaliciol/~"en, Qui
el'en (I' the fernw(, of Cod. J!u/lollr a.ll tl!t>IL: lore
brolherl!l Ji!llOf&lltip: fear God: Itol/our the lillY.
Sermllu, obey your mal(eT' IritA fear>" fIO{ 011(,/ it'
thr,1J le good al/(l courfeOlI~, but a{,o thol/gh thl.,! lit,;
fr"/I'ard, 'i'hus fill' out of ~t. Peter,
]3r these t.wo lllaccs or the holr Seriptl11'cs it is
mo"t c\,ident th:lt. killgs, queens, aUlI other prinee~,

, T'et_ IL


w w w. h a i l andf m

"gllhl6t wit/id Rebel/iou.


(lor hc spMketh of :mlhorit.y and power, be it in

men or womcn,) are ord:linc<l of' God, are to be
ohc,ye<1 nnu honoured of t1leir sul!;t..'tls; that such
suhjects as are disobedient. or rehellious a:.:-ainst.
their princes (lisobcy God, and procure their 011'1\
dnnmntion; thut t!J(' ~"O\'crllmellt of princes is n.
grellt.. bles",in;: (If God, gin:u Ii,r the commoll
wealth, Il']K'Cially of the good and f:,"O<lly, (fill' the
romforLand cherishing of whom Cod ~i,'eth and
;:('ttdh up princes,) llnd, on the oolltrary part, to
th(l tear :llld tor the IlUllishmcnt.. of" thc c\,i] aud
wit'hod; finall>', tlwL if" scn'ants ought to obey
thcil' masters, not only being f,"ClltlC, but such :IS
he frownrd, liS II'cll, llnd Illu(lh more, ought sub
jl.'Cts to be obedicnt, 1101. only to tllcir good and
oourtcoul', but also to t.!u:ir sharp and rigorous
princes. It comcth therefore neither of eh:111co
llnd fortunc (as thcy term it), 1I0r of thc ambition
of mort:ll mClI and WOIllOI climbing up of' their
0\\'11 accord to dominioll, tllllt therc bc kiuf,"S,
quecns, princcs, :llId other gtl"crllOrs over mCIl
beillg their subjc<:ts; but all kiu!,"S, quccns, and
other governors arc specially appointed by thc
Ol'dinunee of God.
And, as God himself, being of nn infinite ma~
jest)', power, and wisdom, rulcth and go,'erndn
:lll things in hcavcn and iu c>adh, as the uni\'cnml
Monarch and only King and Emperor o\'el' all, as 1",a"6: ...,,,
being ouly ablc to takc and be:lr the charge of all j ~:.d ~i.~,~;
so bath he constitute, ordained, and set earthly ~:.c!ua" avi"
princes ovcr !larllclllar kingdoms and dominions ill ",
C'.lrth, both for the avoiding of all oonfllsioll, (which
else would be in the world, if it sllould be without
sllch go\"crnof'S,) and lor the great quiet and bene.
lit. of earthly men their ~ulticets, :md also th:lt thc
princes themselvcs, ill authority, power, wisdom,
providence, and ri;.:-hteousncss in go\'c1'IlIllcnt of
people :llld COlllllri~'$ oommitted to their c!larg't',
should rc"cmblc hi.,; Ilea\'enl}, w>\'ernanec, U8 the
majcsty of 11e:ncnl.\' thill~ may by thc ba~en<'SS
of earthly things be sh:lclowt..'(! and rt:scmlJldl.


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Fir8t }Jart q[ IlIe S.:rlnon

And for that similitude that is betwccn the heaYCllly manardly :lIld earthly kingdoms well go\'cmcd our Saviour Christ in sUlldry rumbles
)Ioll m,
~:lith, that the l.:illgdom of heaven i" rC8eIJlMe(~.1lIl~f)
';; &00 ull. a man a l.:in9' And, 1UI t.he name of the AlI/fllS
~;" . '6:.,tl vcry often attributed and given unto God in the
'.IIte: .\Ialt. l10I
y ScrlptllrC1!,
so diG
ct I
1llllSCIf"III tl le 6lllnc
~~~: ;~.; and Scriptll~ sometime v~lIchlialc 10 ~ommllni<:atc hili
I'.. l...lL 6. name with earthly prlllccl>, tcrmlllg" tllom god,,;
Iloubtlcss lor that similitude of government. whicll
they have, or should ha\'c, 1I0t. unlike unto Got!
their King.
Unto the which similitude of hcrl\'cnly go\wn.
ment the nearer find IIcnrcr that.:1ll c:1l"thly pl'inJ.:c
doth come in hi,. regiment, the gre:ltel' lJlc""ing 01
God's merey is he unto that country :lnd people
over whom he rcigneth: and the further :lnd further thnt :lll e:lrlhly prince doth swervu I'rom the
example of the hcavcnly governmcnt, the greater
pl:l;:;'uc he is of God's wrath, and lllllli"hmenL
God'l'i justitoe, unto thnt t"Ol1l1try :111<1 people O\'cr
whom God for their SillS !lath placed sll(;h :I princc
nnd h"O\'ernor, :Por it is indced f!videllt, both by
the Scriptures :md by daily expcliellee, that the
Illnintcnanee of :Ill vil,tue :lIld godlillcss, :lIId CO]]scquclltl,\' 01' the wC:llth and prosperity of a I,ingdom :md people, doth stand Hnd )'l'st Illore in a
wi:;e mul &l'()()(! princc, on the one p:lrt, than in
great multitudes of other mell IJcing 6uhjeets;
lmd, 011 the contrnry part, the ovcrthrow of' all
virtue and godliness, and eOllselluently the decay
:Lnd uller ruin of a realm and people, doth grow
and come more by :In undiscrcct and cvil governor
tllllll by many thou$.1nds of other lllell being !lull
.:'Ioo.~.I;, j~'(;ts. 'l'hus say the holy Scriptures. Wdt ill thee,
o thou land, s3ith the llreaehel', whOle !.-illgl8 collie
(!/ n.oIJle~, aJltl1l:!uMe prillccI eut ilt dlle ICMOIt,j'or
I'ro., ut '!: t/elocltily OI/(l not for tlut,
Ag:\ill, A/ri,e alld
. ' /eOlu "'/1/9
" IIll"
' rea I lit aliiI peo)}I IJ wellIlIlY:
.. I~.;: r/:/f1


.. ,~" ":

9(j{)(1, mercirll.t, Olltl IJrll.f."io"" "rillelJ

/1101 1)/0 ll~ Ileal, a8 /J dej~llee m 810rll/8, a8

HIIlI, /1
/, I


w w w. h a i l andf m


08 (I

dew, 11.1

,,/~I't't IIfIU1t"Cr", (I" (ret'" 'WII/erllprh/!J" ill !JrCllt rlI'Ollg!tl.y.

_\~lill, t he Script urcs, or undi"ercct and e\'il J}rillr..:e,.:,

"paak lIms: Woe be IQ Ihee, 0 U,Oll {allfllrhlJae /";".1 l~ .. ",

I" but a clli"', IInll I"hf)ltf: princes (lre earl!! at {hei,'
!;a'lqudt. Ag-ain, Irhell tlte 'lGitJ:cll llo reign, tne# I'roY.mdc
'lie'" !10 to rllill. And again, Afoo/;an priilce de- ~~'t.;,"l
"tro!letlt. tAe tJrflJlle: and, A core/mu ki,,!! IIndocta
/da t/l'declt. ' speak the Seriptuw, tInt:> exJl{'ricllec tc~lificlh, or {,'OO<I and evil princes,
What shall sllhjC(:ts do then? Shall tlley obey
\ali:l1It. stont. \\"ise. and good priuc<>s, and conlcmn, di,-oIJC)'. :md rebel ll~\inst ehihlrcn bein;r
their Jlrincl''':, or ;\~\il\st ulldiS('reet and evil 1-."'0\'Crnors? God IOrbid. For first what a perilolls
thing were it to commit uuto tIle sub.ieet:l tIle
judg-ment, which Jlrinee is wise nnd WXlly and llis
j.,"O\crnmcllt {,"O(){I, ;md which is otllerwisc; as
though the foot must judge or the head; an ent(>rprise very IICinous, and must needs breed l'ehellion.
I~or who else hc they thnt :U'C most in(:1inetl to
rehellion, but such haughty spirits? From whom
,.:prin:r<'lh such foul ruin or rcalms? Is uot rchellion the grcatest of all mischids? And who are
most ready to the greatest misehicfs, hut tIle worst
men? Rebe1:;; therefore. the won;t of all suhjccts,
arc most rcady to rebellion, as heing tile lI'orat of'
nil \ices :md furthest from the duty of a good subjectj as, on thc contrary part, the best subjt:cts
arc 11l0"t fil'm and eon~tant in obedience, llS in the
sp(.'(:ial aud peeulillr \'irtue of !,rot:X1 "ubjeets. What
an unworthy matter wcre it tln:1l to make tIle
naughtiest sllhjt'tt:<, nnd most imlined to rebellion
and all c\'il, judges O\'cr ~llCir princes, ovcr tJlcir
;,,"'O\'cl'llment, and o\'cr tllelr (,'ol1n>;cllors. to delerminc which of them be f.,"()()(! or tolerablc, and
which be evil lllld so intolemble that they mllst
IlL't,.'(ls be removed by rebels; lJcing C\'cr I'Clllly, lIS
the llllU"htic"t subject.;:. ,.OOlle"t to l"l'hd ag':lil\!:it
the hc.~I"'J!rinct''':' ,..pedall)' if IIll'} hc young ill n;,"C,
womcn in sex, or gC'nllc and COllrtCOU::i in gO\'crnIllcut j as tru.~till:; b)' t1l(>;r wi('k(>t! OOIJlll'bs ca..ily


w w w. h a i l andf m


Tile Pi"t Part

of (lie SermoN.

to o\'erthrow their weakness and ~nt'enC!!~, or at.

the so to fl':lr the mim!3 of 8"u<:1I princes, tlint.
ther may have impunity of their. mischie\'ous
doin;s. But, when:!s indeed a rebel IS worse than
the worst. prince, and rebellion worse than the wor..t.
1;O\'emment of the wor-t prin<:e, that. hitherto
h:uh been, both af'C rebels lInllleet ministers, and
rebellion an unlit all(] unwholesome medi<:ine, to
rcfonn any small lack!' in a princc, or to cure any
little griels in go\'crnmcnt; sueh lewd rcmedil'!l
bein<p lar worse than allV other lllalndics and
diso~crs that call be in Uie body of a COlUUlonw('alth.
But, what!lO('\'cr the llrincc bc, or hiB govcrn_
ment, it is e\idcnt thnt lor tile most part thoso
prill('"CS whom soml) l'ubjeets do think to be Vl'ry
1-,''Odl.r,lllld under whose government t.hey rl'jok'O
to live, some oth~r l:luhjedd do lako the same to be
evil and ungodly, and do wi!>h lor n c1H1ngoc. If
thf'relof'C all SIlI~ect8 that mi!'like of their princo
EhoulJ rebel, IlO realm "llOUld evcr W Without
rebellion. It wcre morc Ill<.oct that rebels should
hC3f the :uh'icc or \\il'e men, and gi\c p1:ll"C unto
their juc4.'1uent, :md follow the example of obedi~nt
subjects; as rt':I..'(J1l is that the)' whose undl'n.i:mding is blinded with so c\'il :Ill affection SllOUld f,:i\'il
!,lace to them that be of lKltllld jud!:mcnt, and that.
the worse should ~i\'e place to the !Jl.:ltcr: and 0;.0
mi::t'ht realm:; collt.inue ill IOllg obedience, pc-aC<',
and quictllCl'S.
But. what if the prinee he nndiscreet and ('\il
indeed, and it nlso c\idcnt to all men's e)'l'll that
he ,!;() is? I nsk: ngaill, whnt if it be long of the
wickedni$S of the liulljl'ets that the prince is un.
di.,-cf(.oct or e\'i!? 811:111 the ~llhjec18 both by tluir
wiekedni$S pro\'oke God for their t!l.'SCf\'ed punishmcnt to gi\'c them ;111 undi:'<:fL-et or cvil Ilrirwl,',
:ll1d al~ rchcl a~inlit Ilim, and with:ll :1~lill ..t
lied, who fOf the punishment of their ,.in~ dill ~i\"t,
t!lcllll'lleh a Jlfince? \rill yOIl he;lr illC l:'1'I'iplllT'('"
concerning tld'! point? GfJd, say the hol>' Scrip"


w w w. h a i l andf m

t1guill8t wi{jllt J.'dJ/:llion.

1lITes, 1IIale/h. a tricl.-e(l man



rei!Jlt JOT /hi! 8ill8

'f J<>b mlv


Iti, aI/gcI', 1l".1W. ".

meaning 1111 c\'i1 onc, mul lalefh- (l1e(J!I a prince i,t
hi, di8plea8/frc, Illc:lIlin~ I;pt:l.:ially WllCIl he takel!.
:'lWIlY 11 f,"'OOd prill(''C for the sins of the people, :IS
in our memory he took away our ~"OOd J osias, Kin;;
}::<llI'ard, in his youll~ :Itlcl good )"CtlrS lot OUl"
wickedness. And colLtmriiy tile S(;ripturcs do
tCilch, that GQtl gi\'cth wisdom unto princcs, and 'CbronlId
Ill:lkcth n wise :md good killf:' to reign O\'cr th:lt;~:;.'~J~'
" 1'r(lY.ul.lo.
prop C W lOm 110 IO\'cl I1, Illl(I WI10 on:I1 I nOl.
A;"'''tlin, If
the p"'plc oten
Cod, bolh the"
flIul (heir
I So"," .l!.

J.-ill.9 ,hall Jlrwper Q/ld be laje, el,e 60th ,hall pcri8h,
lmith God by 1110 mouth of Samuel. Here you
H'e that. God placcth :IS well c\'il Ill'inecs :IS good,
and for what causc he doth both. H wc tllerc!ore
will have a good princc either to be ~iVCll liS or to
continue, now \\'C havc slIch :l ouc, Ict liS by our
obedicncc to God and to our pt'incc movc' God
thcrcunto. If wc will havc an evil llrince (wllcl1
God sll311 SClld such a. onc) takcn away, :111d a
h-ood in his pl:1ce, let us takc :lway our wicked
ness, hich pro\'okcth God to place such an onc
O\'cr us, and God \\-ill cither di"plilcc him, or of all
cvil princc m;lkc him a j:,"OO<I!lrinc."C, sotlmt wc first.
will change 0111' cvil into good. l~or will you hCM
thc SCrilltUrcs? 'l'he heart if the prillce i8 in COd'N l'toY, ..1.,:
halld: trhic4 fC"!! 80uer it A/Wit plea8f1 hi1ll, he l',.Ut.v,I",.
turllelh it. 'l'hu$ say thc Seriptllrt'S. Whcrefore
let us turn from our sins \lllto tllc Lord with all
our hcarts, :llld he willlu1'll Ille hCill,t of thc princc
unto our quiet find \\'c;l\th. J~I ..c for sllhjeds to
deS(!rvc through their lOins 10 have UIl c\'il prince,
and then to rcbd lIgaill"t Ilim, wcrc double and
treble e\'il, by provoking' God more to plague
them. Kay, let mi citllcr dl'~ern~ to havtl:~ good
!lrin<.'{>, or let. us patielltly allller and obey such
as we dcscl'\'c.
Ami, \\hdhcr the prinoo Le:;roo<t or c\'il, lct W"
a{"Cllrding to the eoullsd of tile holy SeriJlllll'l'<:,
I,mr for tll(.' !lriu<'"Cj for 1lis eOlltimmllce :md ill-

tlie people. Ag'nin, God !liretA







w w w. h a i l andf m


,Tilll. U.'-J.




of Ihe &rlllo1t

crease in ~"OOdness, if hc be good, and for his

amcndment, if IlC be evil.
Will yOll hear the Scriptures concerning t1lii'l
most necessary point? I e.rhort (herr;/ore, s:lil h
St. l>:llll, tAot, above att thbl!J~, pr0!lerA, ~I!Jl/J/ic"tion.~.

illlercC8siolls, Iul !Jidl/!J of thanls te luulju, alt Illtn,

for kill!Js al/fl ait tAat are il~ aathori(IJ, that we ma!l
Ihe a quiet a/ld peaceable liJ~ with. all !JQ(/(illess: for
tAat is !J()()(l atlfl acceptable 1'/1 (lte sight 0/' G()(l our
Saviour, &c. 'l'his is St. PilUI's coun~el. And who,
] pray )'011, was prince on:r the most part of
Chri"ti:lIls, when God's lIoly Spirit by St.!>aul's
Ilell gtlve them this lesson? }o'orsooth Cali;::-ul:l,
Clodius, or Nel'O; who were not only no Christians,
hut Pagans, ilncl nlsn either fooli~h ruler~, or mo"l.
cruel tpants. Will yOIl )'et. hear the word of God
to tho Jews, when they were prisoners undcr Na
buchodonozor king of Dah)'lon, afler he had sbin
their king, nobles, parent~, children, and killSfblks,
burned their counlry, cities,)'cll, lIierusalcm ilsd/~
and the holy temple, and had c:ll'l'icd the rcsidue
remaining ali\c capti\'cs with him unto llab)'lon?
will )'OU hcar yet \\hat the )ll'Ophet'llch $:.lith
lmto God's }lCO)lle bcing in lhis (apti\it..,-? Prtl!!
YO", snith the prophet,jt.j' the lift: ft/ NlI6/1chOflo'11):or I.i".,! ft/Bab!!/oll, al/(l for tlte tife of BaUht/Sllr

Iti, SOli, that tlteir da!ls 1/I1/!I te as tlte (1I1!!S of Iteavel~

lhe earth; lllOt G()(l auo lJIa!! !Jite TU slre1l!Jtlt,
all,1 li!llttel~ ollr e!lC8, that Tce 1IIa.1f /hc Ullder the
dt:/ellce 1/ J'"{/{,lIclt()(/(J1/o::r;r I;ill!! of B116!1101~ alllt IlIltler
tlte protection of Blltthasar his SOIt, (ltllt 'ICe 1IIa!l10l1!J
do th':lll ,ervicc, amtjilllljill;oltr ;11 tlteir sight. Pm!!
for I/S a/go '/IIto the 11<)(11 o/lr C()(I,}or Tee h"ve Rillllelt
fI.'Ia;1I1fl Ihe Lorrt our GIHI. 'rhus far the pl()pho.:t

13aru<:h his words; II'hi\h lire "'polwll by him unto

tile pl.'<lple of God, of Iha\, killg who was all heathcn,
a tFant, nud cruel oppn.s:;or of tlH.'lll, and had
bC('1I a Illurdcrer of many IhOllsamls of their 1l:l1ioll
ami [l d,~trorcr of their Cl'llllltr.\', with a c()llll:~.iioll
lhat tlwir ~ills had <!Q,>cned such a prince to rci;;n
II\','\' them.


w w w. h a i l andf m

l/!JaiI/8t u:i{jitt Rebellion,


,\11<1 shall the oM Clll'islians, b,' St. Paul'" e~~

hortatioll, I,m)' for Caligula, Clodiu.,;, or N'('ro?
..Imll the Jews I,m)' for Nabuchodonozor? these
emperors rmd kiub"S being str:lIlf:,"Cl'S unlo them,
llCing pa~lIls ami infidels, llciug murderen:, tyrants,
and cl'lll:1 oppressors of them, and the destroyers
"I' their country, countrymell, an(I kill!'mcll, the
llurTlet'S of their ,"ilbgc;:, towns, cities, and temples ?
:11U! shall not we pray for Ihe long, prosperous, and
:..,"Q(lly reign ofour ll:1tural Princc, 110 stran:..~r (which
i.. obsen'(.'(1 ns a grerlt ble"Sillg in thc SCI'iptnrcs)? lle"t, ,Yll,II,
our Christirlll, our most :.rracious Sovercig-l\, 110
11(':lthel1 nor P:lgtlll prinoo? Slmll wc not I'r:ly for
t he health of our most mercilill, most 10,'in~ Soven,.ign; the presern'r of liS ami our country in so
lung peHec, quictn('ss, and !'ccnrity; 110 erucl per><Oil, 110 1}'t":IIlI, no sllOiler of our b"Q()(ls, 110 shedder
"f our bloods, no burnel' rmd destroyer of our
lowns, cities, rmd emmtr>', aB were thosc, lor whom
yet, (as ye have heard,) CIJristialls. bcillg their
subjects, Oll!-:'llt 10 pm)"? Let US not commit so
great ingratitude ag:lill"t God and our Sovereign,
as not t.'ontinually to thank God for this govern_
mcnt, and for his great and coutinual benefits and
blcssing:> poured upon us b}' such go\'ernment.
Let us not commit SO great a sin against God,
against ourscl\'(:!s, and our <:ounlr}", as not to pray
eontinllal1y unto God for the long continuancc of
so gracious n ruler unto us and our country, Else
shall wc hc unworthy any IOllo"",r to elUoy those
henefits :llld hlt~in;,..,. of God whieh hit lIel'to wc
Im"C had by hd, anti ::hull bc most worthy to 1;,11
into all those mischiefs and mi ..erics whieh wc
:lIld our coulltrr ha\'o b> God's gracc through her
~"1,\'(-'rnmClll hitherto e:;C:lIlC<I.
\rltat. ,,]HlII wc ~lY of those f;uhjccls (may we
ellll t1WIIl hy the name of subjccls~) who neither
thankful nor make rlllY pr:l)"er to God for so
H'r:Icious a Sovcreign; but also themsch'cs trlke
armour wickedly, ll;;semble eompamcs and bnuds
ul rebels, to break thc puhlic peflcc !lO lung COll-



w w w. h a i l andf m


The Pi,,! Parl

0/ (he Sermon

tinucd, :I1lU 10 make, 1I"t. \\:1\., hut rcbellion; to

ell(!:lngcr the pcr:;ou of >oueh a grtleiolls So\'erci;:::'lI;
to Imzard tl,e Cl'talc of their country, for whose
defcnet! they shonld he rC:ldy to speud their li\es j
tllul, bcinJ.:' J:nl!'li~hll\enJ to roh, spoil, destroy, and
burn in ]~lIg1alld J:ll~lislllll(!1l; to kill and murder
thcir own IIci:rhlJOurs and kinsfolk, their own
countrymen j to till :111 e\il and mischief, yell, and
more too tban fordf:'1l encmil.'S woul~1 or could do?
\rhat slmll we say of these mell who use themselvcs
thus rekl1iously :',!.,'":linst. their grncious Sovcreign;
wllo, if Ood tor their wickl.'(lncss llad given them
:111 heathcn t.P::llIt. to rci:';-Il over them, wcre U)'
God',. word Uollllll to obey him tl1HI to I))"HY 101'
him? What. may be spoken of them? So far doth
their unkil1llness, ullIlaturnlncss, wiekcdtl~,;, mi,._
ehic\'ousI1C~ in tllcir doinf,"'S, pass and excel any
thing tl1\(1 all thin~ that e:ln Uc cxpre>'sed or
uttered by words. Onl)' IcL liS wish unto all l>uch
most S)lCt-dy rcpcul:llH:l', 1111(1 with so grie\oll~
sorrow of heart. as sllch so horriule sins against tilt!
1I1:'jcsty of God do rccluirc, who in most extreme
unth:lIlkl'ulncss do risc, not only against Lhcir
gmcious Prillcc, tlgainst t1leir naturtll country, but
l1;;:liniit all their countrrmell, women, and children,
:':,:ainst them:rolves, their wi\'es, children, and kius_
tulk8, rind, by so wicked :lll example, against all
.Christendom, and a;;aillst whole mankind of nil
manner of pt'Ople t1lfUlIghout the wide world; such
l'Cpenl:lllcc, I 83y, ~lIch sorrow of heart, GOO grant
unto all SUell whosoever rise of pri \'ate and malicious
purpose, as is Jl1l.'t:t for sllch mischiefs att.elllptt'(j
and wrought by them.
And unto us lInd :111 other suhjects God of his
mercy gmnt, IIlaL wc mar be most unlike to all
such, nlld 1110:=1. like 10 &"001.1, ll:ltural, loving, and
ollt.'Clicnt subject:;; nay, that we may bc such ill~
deed, not only sllllwing" all obcdil'llCC ourselves, but
Uii many of us as bt' able to the uUermost of om
power, auility, lInd lllldtlr.:.t:lIlding" to star and
repress all rewls ami rchdliOlls against God, our


w w w. h a i l andf m

ngaill8t 1ri{flll Reldlion.


~r:lcious Princc. :md natural country, at c\'cry

occasion that is ofl~red unto us.
And, that which \\c all arc able to do, unless
wc do it, wc slJ:dl be most wick('d, and most worth.\'
to feci in thc cnd such exlreme plagucs all Ood
Ilath C\'cr poured upon rebels. Let us all make
continual pr:l)'ers unto Almigllty God, e\'en from
tllc oottom or OUl' Ile:lrts, that hc will give his
~racc, power, and litrcngth unto 0111' graciolls Quoon
}:Iiz<lbeth, to VtllUlui,dl and subdue all, as weB
rebels at home, as loreign enemies; th:Lt, nll do.
IllC~tical rebellions being suppressed and p:lcified,
and all outward ill\'nsiOIlS repulsed and auandoncd,
wc ma)' not only bc sure :lI1d long continuc in all
obedience ulllo our gr:lciollS SO\'erci:::-n, aud in that
peaceable :lIld quiet. life which hitherto we Imvl.l
k-d under her i\bjCil1y with all security; but also
that both our gmcioLls Queen :Elizal,elh find wc,
her suhjt'Cts, mar all together, in all obedicnoo
unto God the King 01" nil kin:,,"S nnd 1l11to his holy
laws, lead our lives SO in tllis wOI'Id in all virtue
and &>'(}(Uincss, that in the world 10 eome we mny
enjoy his everlasting kingdom. Whieh I beseech
God to grunt, as wel1 to 0111' gracious Sovereign,
:l.S unto us all, for his SOil 0111' S:l\'iour Jc.sus
Christ's sake. To whom with the lo'ather and the
Hol}' Ghost, onc God :md King immortal, be all
glory, llraisc, nnd thanksgiving world without cud.

'rhus have }'OU heard the First PMt of this

Homily: now, good IlCOI,lcj let us pray.

TilE l'IlAYER.

o ~IOST miA'hly God, thc Lord of hosh, the Go.

,'ernor or all crcalurcll, the only Giver of all vie
tories, who alone art able to strengthen the wellk
nr"rainst the mighty, and to vanquish infinite mILl.
titudcs or thine cncmies with ihe countenance of:l


w w w. h a i l andf m


'l'he Fint PI/rt of the


few of 111)" s{'rv:lllt~ cfll1ing- upon thy Name, :ll'tl

Irl1~till;:r in fhee; defcud,O lJOnl, lhy servant, and
(Jur Gfl\'crnOI' uuder tllce, onr Ql1ct.-n ]~lizahcth,
and all thy people committed to her dlilrg-c.

o wrd, witllstlllld the cruelty of nil those which

he common enemies :IS lI'el1 to the lruth of thy

dernal 1I"0rd, as to their 011'11 natural llrincc :l1lll
('Olllltl'y, llml manifeslly to this Croll'll :lIltl rcnlm QI'
l':lI~I:llld, which thou Iln"t of thy divine pro\'i~lcncc

in the8c our days to tll(~ ~\'crnmclJt of

Ill," >:;cn':mt, our SO\'crcigll find ::;rlIcious Quccn.
o most merciful l~athcrJ if it be thy ho!,\' will,
make soil. :lIld lender tile ,;1011\' henrts of nil those

tlmt. exult. tllcmsch'cs llg'flinst'thy truth, and seck

either 10 IrouL\c the uiet ol" thill realm of England,
or to oppress the crown of tIle $.'lll\e; and com'crt
them 10 the knowledWl of thy Son, the only Sa\'iour
of the world, JCSll.s Chri",t; that wc and they lllfl)'
joinll,\' ~Iori(r thy mercies.
Lig-hten, \\'c bese:h thee, theil' ignorant hearh
to embrace the truth of thy word: or else so abate
their enldty, 0 most mighty Lord, that this our
Christinn l'('gion, with others that (.'<llJfess thy holy
Gosj>Cl, Ill:l)' <lbtain by thine (lid and stL'Cngth surety
from all cncmies without IOhedding of Cllristinn
blood; whereby all they whicll Lc oppressed with
their tyranny may be relieved, (Iud tIle)' whicn be
in fenr of their cruelty may be eomlol'led; (Ind
fin:llly tlmt. all Chril';tilln realms, and specialy this
realm of England, may by thy defencc an pro
tcdion continue in the truth of the Gospel, :llld
enjoy perfect Ilcllec, (Juietness, nnd security; (Ind
that wc for thesc tlly mcrei~, jointly [Ill lo~ethel'
with <lIlC consonant hcart and voice, may thankfully I'Cnder to thec all laud and praise; that wc,
Imit in OIlC b"Odl)' COllcord and unity amongst
on~l\'es, may c<lntinually magnify thy gloriolls
:Kamc; who, with thy Son 0111' S:WIOUl' Jl!SUS
C'hrit and thc 1I0ly Ghos~, art olle cternal,
almighty, and most Illcl'Ciful God. 'fo whom be
.111 laud llnd praise wol'id without ('lld, Am('ll.


w w w. h a i l andf m


~ECO:\'D P.\RT 0),' TilE 1I0:'I1LY AGAiN:;'T


A.." in the Firlot. PjlI't of this '1'N.':lI\' of obedience of'

1'1I1~('cts to their prin('(";, :md :l~in"t disoh{'lloo

lUll I reJ.x.llioll, L 11:1\-C all('!,"\.d di\'crs



of the hol." Scripture" for proof; so ;11311 it be

;."l')()(J, for the better l)(lth declar.ltioll and oollfirm3-

tinn of the mid whole,.olllc doctrine, to :lll~ onc

(If two Ollt of the Fame hol~' f'criptllrcs of
the ohl'(li"lI~c orsul~iect", not onl.\' unto their good
mu.! /{r:wiouil ;.."Ovcrllor", but albO unto their evil
and 1lllkilld princes.
h king S:llll was not of the h~t, hut mtlU'r of
tIle wor,;l, >'Ort of priUCft!, as ]X'iu;..:' out of God's
f.wOllr for his di:;.Obedicnoo n~ill"'t God in :.rarin~ ,s."..u .._
in :I wron,; pity the kill!:' A~::, whom Almi).:'hlY "dl
God comm:l.IIdcd to be slain :I(.'<:urtliu1; to the jU4i<.'C
of God a;.f<lill:.L hi,; sworn cllcmr; :l.IId, although


Sanl of a dc\'otioll m{'3nL to s:lcrilil.'C such thin;.."S

he span,,1 of the Amalcchilcs to !lIe 110110111' and
,;en'ice of (;od, .\'et Sau! was reproved for his wrong
Illere\' :UHI de\'otion, and WllS told tIlRt ohcdiel1(.'l'
\\'oul~1 Iw.\'e more ]llC:lH>tl him than such Il'nit.";
\\ hich sinful humanif)", S."lith holv Chrn;o,.tom, i... Our- T..
more crnel before God, than all.\: mur1ier or shl'(l- :;::,::"j~ ;001_
<ling of blood, when it i., commanded or God, But .......
'et how evil SQe)'cr S:lUl the kin:: \\,a,;, and out of' Sol ~;
0 ()(I'S ,lU\,ollr, yet was Ile Orn;."C(
I 0 ,1liS >su I'Ul'<:l '0,
,'" '"
D.l\'id, the \'cr)' !Jest of all sul~L'ct." and IIIll$l '" ,0\'l1lillnL in the acn'icc of his IJrincc and cOl1l1h'J' in Ibld.H'Il .6,
I 1IClIl l11UI IO\'llI;.:'
I wnts, tl IC mo:.~ 0>C<
III pe:l('(', ...
'J'~: .h.~.~,
:md lll\\a~'s IUo:>t tnle :md faithful to his so"':Il.'i~I' ;~:~:::;I;,
and ION, and furlhe-.t ofI' from all mnlll1l'r rd>l.'llinn. "'.4 ,..l~
Fur the which hi:. ma:.t painful, trul', and t:lithlul
H'f\'il1..' kin:: S:mt yet rewanll'(l him not oul.\ willl



Lut at"O


hi:. dl'>-lrudkn

and death br all m('ans pOS,.llJll'i so tl1;l1 D;lvul

\\:1"; lain to s:wc his lite, not lJy rebellion, nor :111,\'
I'l:.i:.tnn,'C. but by lIight nnd hidill~ hilll~dr trul'l



w w w. h a i l andf m

I.~J "ill ..
'So '9
11.. 1 ,I,
HI: ,,11,




Part of lilt: &'111011

the killg's sight. "'hich 110twi!hst:\11dill~, wllen

king Saul "r)()1l a time came alone into the (,3\'C
'''0 where Da\id wns, so that D3,"id might e3~iJ.\
ha\'C slain him, yct would he neithcr hurt lllm
hill1sell~ neither !-illfcr any of hi.. mcn to Ja)" h~lIld.,
upon him. Allotller time 31:;0 D:n-id, entering hy
lIlg'ht with one Ahi~li, n "uliant and 11 fierce mun.
into tile tent whcre king S:lUl did lie :l~k'<!p, where lIe might Yl't more easily have "lnin him; yet
would he nl'ilher hurt him him~elr, nor sulrcr
AbiSli, who was willing ~1II(l readv to slnr kin.!!
aul, once to touch him. Thus ({id Dand deal
with 53111 his !,rincc, notwithsl:llldin~ thnt kinA'
Saul oontinu:lll:r sou~ht his de:lth ~lIld destruction.
It "hall 1I0t be omil>S unto these dcc<1d of Du\'i\l
to ndd hi" word~, anti to IIhew you wl1:1t he spnh
lb..l...I unto snch as encourllged him to tako his OppUI'tunity nnd ndvlllltHI:-"'C to SillY kin~ uul,:l8 his
morinl enemy, whell he llliA'ht. 1'1u J/mll'eep me,


I'-.l . .lr
I"'" uo' ...


Mith Da,id,.lroa dUjll17

or tAat tltill",
r , from
AflNd. ftjKJlf, NI.f tunl, God'. Qlloj.ud. Jur ..AD NIf.
tu.f Ai. "fllld rtpoll tAe LlJrd'. U"tliHteti, Qlld be guiltlu.? ,1. t"rlg a. lire LonJ lieet!t, uupt t!lat !!le
uml (10 6J11ile Mm, or !ti6 day. doll come to die, or
that he !IQ rlm--n to war, alld IJe ,lai,. i,~ baUle, thl'
JAJra k hlue!lirl1tll10 me, that I 10.'1 not 1//!I hall(/
/']YJ" tile Lord'. oHoj"tell. 'fhcsc be fr.l\'id's words,
'"I',oken nt ~1I11drr times to di,'crs his ser\'ants



him to slay king 8nul, when oppor.

tunit," scrn-u him thereunto.
N~ithcr i,; it to be omitted nnd left out, how,
whell :1Il Amnl\'Chite had ",lain killA' SllU1, even nL
SlIul's own IJiddiul; antll'ommaudmcnt, (fol' 110
would li,'c no IOIll:,"'Cr 1I0W, for that hc had lost the
licld ngnillst bis enemies the !)hilistines,) the s.... id
Amallochite making went haste to brillA' lirst word
nnu news tlu'l'C()f unto Da"id, as joyous unto him
li,r the dcnth of his mortal enemy, bringing withnl
the CroWII that was 111)()1l kill~ 8:1111'11 hC:ld, nnd
the brnct.'iet th:lt was upon his urm, both liS a
proof of the truth 01' his news, and also as fit and


w w w. h a i l andf m

agaiJl8t Tciljitl Rebelliolt.


plc:'5.'lnt presents unto D:l\"id, b.:ling by Got! ap.

pointed lo be king Saul his successor in the king_
dom; )'ot was that f:lithful and good I.,' Da\"id 60
/:11' from N'joicillg at these news, tlmt he I'cnt his
c1011l(.'s, wcpt, and mourned, :llId fasted; :lnd so &om. I. ".
nlr ofI' from t11:mh~i\'illg to the mcsscn~('r; either
for his deed in killill~ the king, though his deadly
enemy. or for 11is message rlllt! news, or for Ills
presents lhat he broug-ht, that he said unto him,
110/0 noppf:llc(l U that thou teolt 1Iot a.lmirt fo la.,! t!l.'!lbld. '3-,6
Italu/, f'pon the hord', allQ;n(cd to ,lu!! him? where_

upon immediately he commanded one of his ser-

vanls lo kill the mc:scngcr, and said, 1ny tlOOlt

be ''lxm tMlle OWI~ head; for (/dlle OIOI~ 1nollt~ !lQtlt
will/cued f/!/oin8t 1/I!I,e(/~ i,~ C(J11/~41jl/(J that them halt
,(ail/. the Lord', QI/oil/ted.
This example, dearly beloved, is nolahle, and i1le
circumstances thereof nre well to be coll."idcred,
for the better instruction of all subjects in their
boundell duly of obedience, nncl perpetual fenring'
of them from nttempting of allY rebellion or hUl,t
ng:.inst their prince. On the onc pnrt, D:wid was
not only a. good and true subject, but also slteh a
subject as both in pellee and war 11:1(1 sen'ed. :lIIcl
sa\'(~d llis prince's honour and lifb, and delivered
his country and countrymen from great d:lIl b"'Cr of
infi{lcls, loreign tmd most erue! enemies, horribly
invllding the king :JIld his collntry: for the which
D:1\'id wns in singular nU'our with n\l the pcople; , 8>",. ntli.
so that hc migllt ha\"c llllcl great numbers of thcm ,6, lO.
at his commandment, if he would have attempted.
:IllY thing. l3csides this, David was no common
or nbsolutc ilubjed, but hcir apparent to tile crown
and kin~rdom, by God :lppointed to reign :l/'tcr Ibid ...1....
Suu!; which, ns it increased t11c !il\'our 01" the M.
)cop1e that.. kllCW it towards Davit!. so flit! it make
D:"l\'id',; cause ami case II1lldl diflhin:;- from thc
case of COlllmon nnd llbsolulc subjects. And, which
is 1I10,.t of 1111, David was highly and singu!nrly inu.M ...t:!. ".
1llO favour of God. On the contrnry IJart, killg' I'll.l.. '"
Sanl was out of God's 1:I\"Ollr for t1mt cause whiell ,,11. '0, ...
1) d ~


w w w. h a i l andf m


'Jiic &C{)lu[ ]Jad '!/tlte &!rliuJn

is bcfOl"C rehear~ed, aud llc:ls it were Ood"; enem.\,

and then'fore like in war and peace to be hurtl"II1
and ptrnitiou9 unto the eOll1monwea1th; and t hnt
was known to mallY of his sI11tiects, for thal he
' .....m ,~.I~, wa<: openly rebuked of Samucllor llis di>'Ohcdicnce
unto God; which might make tlw pcople the 1<'''8
to estctlll him. King Salll was :11"0 unlo D:l\id a
mortal and d":ldlr enemy, though willlout Da\"itl's
d<''Sl'n'ing; who by his I:l,ithl'ul, painful, profiillblc,
rca, most Ilcccs~arf Sel'\'lce had \l'dl dCdcn'cd, as
of his country, so of his princc: IJUt king Sail I fllr
oth('rwise; the more WllS Ilis llnkindll('i<", Im{ml,
11l1d el"llt'lt.y tow:llXl" such a ~ooll s1l1(jctt Loth
odious and ddcstaLlll. Yet woulll D:I\id Ileitllcr
himsdf slay 1I0r hlllt sm:h an ell('m,l', lor that he
\\'as Ilis prince 111ld 101"d; nor wOllltl sufler any
(It!J(:r to kill, hurl, or lnf kllld upon him, when he
might have been "bin without all)' stir, tUlllult,
or danger of an)' lll:lIl'S lifc.
Now let. David answer to such demanel" :1<: mell
Tl.. d<mar>d. (lcsirOllS of l'ehcllioll do use to makc.
Sllall 1I0t
wc, spceiall)' bciug so good mcn ai< we 3re, ri"e
311d rebel against a !Jrincc hatcd of God, and God's
enemy, :111<1 therefore like not to prosper cithcr in
war 01' pcace, but to be hurtful and pel'lliciolls to
Tl",a""""'. the c'(lmmllll\\'l'alth? Ntl, saith good :1I1<l godly
Da\"id, God';< and SlIch a king's Elithl'ul subject,
and so collvieting Hlch su1tictts as altelllpt any
rebellion al:fo1inst ,.uch a king to be neither good
110< do ' .... ,1 l:illbj<.'<:ls nor good mcn. But, sa~' they, shall II"C
not rise and rebcl against so 11l1killd a pl'incc,
not hing con"idcring or rc:r:mlillg" 0111" true, I:lithlill,
and Illlinful sCf\'ice, 01' the sal'tguan:l of our po~
1Iot ....__ krily?
No, sailh g-ood Da\"id, whom 110 such
\Il1kindnc:;s (.'Ould C3USC to for:;ake llis due obe".-1, c1il'lloo to his sovereign.
Sh:lll we not, 8:.IJ they,
ri"c :Illd rebel ag:linst OUI' known, mortal, and
11~ar..... d('adlJ cnell\)', tlmt sl.'Ckctll our li\'es'~ No, saith
:."O<Ily DU\'id, who had loJarned the l('''~\ll tlmL our
an"'H_ Sa\'iour afterward plainly taught, that wc should
do 110 hurt 10 our fellow subjecl:., though they


w w w. h a i l andf m

lmtc us :md hc ')lIr l'llemic.~, mllch IC!'S IIllto om'
prill(:~:, though 11(: were 0111" CIU'IIIY. Shnll wc not.n,a<Jet,~,~
:lsscmblc an army of such f.,"O()(1 liJllows as wc are,
and by huznrding of our lives and the li\'es of sueh
as shall withstnnd us, and withal hazarding tile
whole e-:tratc (lf our country, rcmo\'e so n:wf:'ht.l"
:l pri1J('C? ]\T O, saith godly D:lVitl; for I, whcn n,u ~,.
I might, without us~elllbliJlg force or number or
men, without tumult (If hazard of any m:lll's life,
M 1'11I... lding of any drop or hlood, Im\"c ddivt,:rt.'ll
lIl.nidr and my l'Ountr,\" of an cvil llrincc, )'ct
would I not (10 it. l\rc not they, say some, 1'~,h~.,L
lusty :'llld courn~"t'()lIS enptaills, \'uliant mcn of si .,.
mm:h, and goat! mell's bodies, th:Lt do venture h.\'
Ji,rcc to kill or depose their Idug, heing a Il:lughty
l,rillcc :lIId their mortal enemy? 'l'hey may be a.~ n ..."... c'l',
11I~t.\',:I" eourngeous, :HI they li~t, yet, 8fiith godly
David, 1I1c)' CUll hc IlO ;;0011 nor ;"'''0(11.\' mell t h:lt ~o
do: lor I not only ha\'c l'ehukt'(!, but ,,1:'0 cam.
manded him to he ",lain as a wicked mall, \\'hidl
slew kill~ Saul mine enemy; though he, being
m:~nr"\" of hi" lifi:: for the loss 01' the \-iclorr n~ainst
llis clLemies, dc,;ired that mnn to slay him. Wbat n~,lt",.",L
8hnll we then do to :m c\"il, to :m unkind prince,
an ClIl'I11)' to m, h:ltcd of God, hurtflll to the com_
monweahh, &c.? L:lY no \ iolellt IWIllI IlJl(m him, 'n.e.",.. t.,
saith good D:l\'id, Lut let him lil'c unlil God al'~
]'lOini and \\"(\rk hi" cnd, either L~" untural de:ltll,
vr in war In' Iawlill el:t'mie.~, thlt In' lrailol"Ou:,
slll~ied:'. 'l'l;u::l \\"uuld gudl)" D:I\'id m;l!,c all~\\",'I':
Ilnd SI. Paul. a,; ye hC:lrd Ldol'e, willt:th us to pr:I)"
:llso f~>r :-lU"!l a prime.
lf klug' Da\id wouhl make these answers, as b)'
his d,...-\I" :lIId \\'orlls 1'C('()n!;.d in the 110Ir ScriptufCS illdel.><1 he doth l1lakc, unto all such ~IClll:llld:
('oncer'lill'. rebcllin .... ""1Liu:;t
evil I'rinccs, unkind
l11'illCl.'';, crue! pl"inCl..'>', prill<.'<'s that be to their
;"'' 00<1 l,.uhjcets mort:l! encmies, princes tba!; :Ire
Ollt of 000'10 !;mlUr, and ,;0 hm'tl'1I1 or like to
IX! hurtful to the l'OlIlmOIlI\"calth; whut :\IlS\\"Cl",
lhink )"011, would he make to tho:,,, t.hat d"m:md




,I 3

w w w. h a i l andf m


Tnt &co"d Part of the



whether they (being n:lUghlr :md unkind sub~-.I jects) may not, to the great bnL.'\ro of the life of
many t.hous:mds and the utter danger of the f:t:dc
of the commonwealth and whole rt:llm, asscmhle
n sort of rebels, to put in fetar, or to depose or
de.troy, their Datuml 3nd lo\;ng' Prin~. cm'my
to nODC, good to nil, cnm to them the worst of all
other, the maintainor of perpetual proce, <l1lictu('l;s,

and security, most bellcficinl to the commonwc:llth.

most ncteSl':lty for the S3.fc:ruard of the whole

realm? What nnswer would David make to their

demand, whether they may not attempt cnwlly

Dnd unnaturally to destroy so pencc:lblc and merciful a Princess? Wh:lt, I say. would Da\id, 60
rc"crcntly sJ>c:lkill~ of Saul, and so patienlly 8uffering 80 evil n king', what would he answer lllld say
to Buch demands? What would he say, nar, wJlat
would he do to sllel1 high llttempters, who w ~Ilid
Dnd did, as yOIl before hnve helllu, unto Jlim lhnt
slew the king his, thou~h a most wichd
prince? ]f he puni~hed with death, as a wicked
doer, such a man, ,\ ith what reproaches of words
would he revile s\leh, }"~3, with what tormt'nls of
most sh3meful dCllths wOllld hc destroy such, hell
hounds rather than evil mcn, such rebels, I mean,
as I I3st sp:lkc of? For, if they who do di.sobey
an c,;1 and unkind plince be most unlikc unto
D:l\'id, that good subjC<.1, what be the:,' who do rebel
ag:ain5t a mo..--t naturnt and lo,-ing Prillce? And,
ir Dn'"id, being 60 good :1 subject that he obeyed
so e,-it a kin:::-, was worth)" of a subjC(;t to be m:llle
a king himself, what be the)" who .arc 80 e"il sub
jecl5 that they will rebel against their gracious
})rinec worth)' of? Surely no 1lI0rblman c:m cx
press with words, nor CQncci,'c ill mind, the hor.
riblc and most dreadful damnation th:lt ~llch he
worthy of, who, dis<lainiNr to be the quiet and happy
I>ubjecls of their good !lrincc, are mo~t worl h,\" to
he t!le mi",ernble captiv(>8 :md vile sl:1\'e~ of that.
infernal tyrlllll Satan, ,\ith him to Sillier ctel'lllll
ShlVCl"y :l.lId torment...


w w w. h a i l andf m


Thi:> one example of t.he good sllbjct:l D:l\'id out

of t.he Old 'l'L,tmllent may suffice, ::lIld, for th{'
lIot:lblen~ of it, sen"e for ull,
In the New 'l'est:tment the excellent example of
the blet;.sed Vir< )[ar,\', the mother of our S:n'iour
Christ, doth at the first oHcr itself, When 11ro- Lu"-U.".,,~
c1allllltion or eommlu}(lment was f;Cllt iuto Jcwry
from Augustus the :Emperor 01' Rome, that the
Ix'Ople t1l1'ro ~IIOUIJ rcllllir unto their own citiCll
:md dll'ellilll:plrlCC!l, there to be t:l;<cdj Ileither did
the ble!>SCd Virgin, tllOugh both IliA'hly in God'"
liwour, and nlso heing of the ro)'nl blood of the
ancient nat.ural kings of Jewr)', disdain to olley
the commandment of' an heathen and foreil:lI
princc, when God had pl:lcOO such a ono onr
th<'m j neilher did she all~"'C for an exense, th:lt
she Wng gt\."'lIt with child, :l.Ild most Ilear her time
of dcli\"eranoo; neither grud;.,"cd f;he nt the len!;'th
and t...,<liollsncss of the jounley from Nazareth to
Bcthldl(.'m, from whence and whitlll~r ",he must. b"O
to he t:lxL'(I; neilher repined she at the sh:J.rpncss
of the dead time 01' winter, being the lnller cnd of
December, an t1l1hlllldsome time to tr:l\"el in, specially a 101lg- journey, for a womnll being iu her
ense; out, nil excuses set apart, she obeyed,
Clime to the :J.ppoillted 11Ia(:'O: wl,erc at her coming
she fouud such great resort. amI tltmug of people,
that, findill!:, no 1\laoo ill nny inn, site W:J.S fain, 11014"
after 11cr lOll)::. painful, and l('(lious journey, to
wke up her lod:.:-illg in a st'lhle, \\ hero al...a she
w:&,; ddi\'('r{'(1 of her blessed Child; and thi~ nl--o
d,'('l:Ul:th Imw Ill':lr hcrtime she took tltatjournl:'.',
Thi~ ol.edit'lIoo of this most nohle and most \'ir
tUQUS 1:J.t1.r to a foreign and 1'I.'gun prince doth well
t... ~lCh U;', \\ ho in l'OllIpari.sQll to her arc mO!'t base
:lIld vile, what rc:u1r oooliclIce we do owe to our
Il:ltural and gracious So\el'\'i~n. Ilowbeit in this
ca$C the ol)(.'llicnee of ti,e whole Jewish nat.ion Ib4.),
(bcill)::' ot.herwise a l>tuuoorn pcople) unt.o the com
mall(\nwnt ofthe ;lnme ror~ignlll::J.lhell princc doth
pro,'e, lhat ~uch Chrislians as do not most rC:l\liI.,'


w w w. h a i l andf m


The $t:ccJRd Part ':l the SerMon

obey their natural !.,ITaeious so\'erdg-II are filr \\"1Il":<C

than the "tuhborn Jews, whom yet we aC(:Ollllt as

the of nil people,

But no cltample ollg'ht to be of more force \\;t1l
us Christialls than the cl::lom!llc of Chri~t, our
1fa..~tcr and Sa\'iour: who, thou~h hc


tile S,j11

of God, )'ct did always beIJa\'t,l hilll-i'lf moo-t re\'c

rentl)" to sueh mcn as wcre in :H1lhoril~' in tll\'
world in his tinll'; and he 1I0t rebellioQ~h' J.x..h:m...1
,l.l~:, .;;;. him.self, but openly did teach the Jcws to JlH), trlJ;'~.~h.'7: hule unto the ILJ1lJ:lII J:lllllCror, t1lOlIgll n 1~,rcig'1I
I.~ .. 'I nlld a I'n~r-m priuce; lea, himself with hi;;AJlOhtll'~
p:lid triloute UlItO him; und linalll" beiuA' hrollg'ht
"._!l-."II". bt't;,rc Vtluliu;; l)ibtt.', a strall~r born and an
IW ".,.! lell I1 IClI mnn, ,.
., en t 0"J cwry, I10
)(,1Ilg" I
or(' pre:;J(
J. h...I 11. a<'knowlctl1;ed hiil allthol'it..I' :Ind pOWCl' to be goi\'l'll
him from Uod J nnd olw,Icd patiently Ihe selllellce
)1." ..., I 01' most painful 1I1ld l;IHllllCl'lll <It.'ath, II'hicb Ihe
.' l."~,, :;aid judg\: prollnllll(.i){l :lml ;::we mo"t 1I11ju. tly
:Ig:lill"t Ililil J willlouL all)' g-ru<l;.-e, murmmill;.:', or
c\'il word onCe gi\'il1~, 'l'llcru be 1ll3ny oll1el'
c:l:311lples of the ohedience to princes, (:\'(:n such
as b<' e\'il, in the Xew 'l't.'Sbmcnl:, to the ulter
(.'OlIl'u,;i')11 of di~oh(.-'(Iicllt 311d rehellious people; but
tlli_~ (,ne may be :Ill e1eflllll example, which the SOli
"I' God, :md ~ th~ Lord of all, Jcsus Christ J h:lth
f.,';\en to us hi,; Chri~tianll :l1ld 5en':mls; 3nd such
as mny !'tn'C fur 311, to 1(.'3ch us to oll('l' prillC<'S,
though strall~rs, wiek..'<1 J :nul wTOugful, when God
for our sins sh:lll pl:1(''C such o\"Cr u;;:, \nll'rcbl '
it r;,lIowdh 11ll:1\'oid:1bly, thnt such as do disobl'y

(lr rcbotl again"t their o\\n lI:1tural gT:lciolls SO\C

Tt.'i(rllfOJ how""e\er they e:11I t1wm,,;eh'cs or he mUlled
(If utllCriI, yet nre thcy indt....'<l no true Chri~ti:Uh,
hut worse l!l:m Jewil, worse than healllcll"J :md
sndl as ~hall ncn'r cnjoy the kill!.,rt!om or Iwan-II,
\\hi('h Chri"l ],y his olx'tliclleo purch:l_~l'd 101' true
Chri,;tillns, I)(.'iu~ ohedieut to him the King' of all
kinJ..'"iI, aut! to tllcir prince, whom he Ilath plllet,.. l
O\'Cl' them. Tho which king'dom, the p..... lllilll'
place 01':111 "uch o(,cdi....llL bu1ticds, 1 (,csCt.'c!l livtl


w w w. h a i l andf m


lCi{fltl lleklliQN.


nUt h['{ln:nly rather. fvr tile ":tme ollr Srl\'iour

Je;:us Chri",t's Frlk.... to grant UlltO liS, To wllom
with the llot~, Gho.,t be all Jaud.hollour, :md glory
now :lnd for cvcr. AmCII.
'l'hll<: h:m:l "ou huml the Second Part of this
Homil)" : 'no,,-, good JleOJlle, Jet. U~ J)l'a)'.
Thc Pr.lyer

:IS 1J<.!;m~,

THE 1'111110 P.\];T Ot' Till-: IImllLV AOAI:\ST

DISOIll:IJIEXlE .\'\0 \r1l.HI, UEI.~;I.LIO~,

As 1 h:l\'e in th(' Fir--t Part of thi~ 'J'T'<'rl:i~(' shc\\'ed

~01l the l!odrine or the holy ~('riptlln.o;; ail
col\('('rnin!.:' the oO\'(li('lIoo of true tolll~('(:ts to their


princt'!'. ('\'cn 3'; Wl.'lI to "uch 3.. he ('\'il, n.;; IInlo

the good, and in th... St'('(lIul P:lrt of the f;:IIllC'
'I'I\-:Ih' confirmcd the 1'3id l!fI<:tril1c In- notnhlc ex.
llml,Ie.,liLa'wi>'C t:lkell Ollt of the hof\' Scriptllrt'1l;
so I\'m:lilll'lh it now, that I partly IIr; dl"<:lat\' unto
JOII in thi,; Third Part. wlUlt llll :lloominnble 1'il'
u~":linst God and 1ll:1Il rcbtllion i.., :lIld ho\\' drcadlulk the wrath or God i,; kindled and inflUlllt.'<1
a~":l-inst all rel)(l". and what horrible pla~llel!,
11IlIli"JlIl1cmls, 311d delltlli'. ami linally eternal damllatioll <loth hall;.:' over lhcir Iwad,;; as how 011 tlll.l
l"Oni rary part. ~(lod llnd O!>"dient subjects arc in
God's 1:I\'ollr. :ulIl be of 1I(':lCl.', ([ltictllC"~,
and security with other God'l! manifold blcssiu!.,....
in thi", worl,l, :md, hy 11i", n:(>rcil'''. tllTtHlg-h our
S;I\'iour Chribt, of lile c\'erla",ting in the world
to collie.
Ho\\' horrible II sin llWlinst God llnd mllll rebellil)ll i",. rollnol 11O~~iblr lie nccortling unto
the gre-dtll~ tlulrL'Of. Fur hc that ll:lJlldh robtllion IImu(>th !lot n singular or onc onl" sin, llS i~
IIit'll , rubl.J(>r)'. llluNa. llllll ..uch like; but he Il:UIlCt It
the whole plllltllt, :Illtl siuk or :111 sin~ :If,''1linst GOtI
llnd mall; :lgl.lill~t hii prillC<', hi~ C'Olllltry. his couuI rylllell, hi~ 1':Ir('nt~, 11i" childn.'IJ, his kil1"rolk~, hi..
Iricnds, lint! :I"uin",t
all m(>lI uni\,(,1"":II!\';
all sin,.,
/) d .5


w w w. h a i l andf m



Third Part qf Ihe &rl1l0n

n~illst; God :lUd all men heaped toget.her

nnmeth he thnt 1I:II11eth rehellion.
for' eoncernin'"
t.he offence of God's M:ticsl\',
.",-1.n 1>1
\\'110 SCCt.ll IIOt 11131. rehelhon flse! h fir.4 In' contempt
=:-';'d orGod and of his holy ordirHlllees and Im;'1O, \\'herein
'~"'''.''' he so strllitly COllllI\llnoeth obc<licllce, forhiddcl h
:1"'~;.~1II. disobedience nud reLellion? Ami, bctlide,. the di,.
honour dOlle h)' rebclll unto God's hol,\' Kame hy
their hreaking' of t.hc onth made to their princc
with Ihe nttc:station of God'" Namc and calling' of
his :Uajesly to witncs!:', who hearclll not; the hor.
rihle ouths and blasphemies of God's holy Name
thnt are used daily amongst rebels, thnt. is either
!lmon~"'i:;t thcm or henreth the truth of t.lleil Uclm.
vionr? ,rho knowdh not t.Il1lt rebels do IIOt. only
-:.hemsclvcs leave nil wOlb necessary to be done
upon workdays undone, whiles they lIeeomplish
their abominable work of rehellioll, flnd do compel
ot.hers, that would glfldly he well oeeupied, to do
the same; Imt. also how r,'l,c1s do lIOt. only le:we
the SaUUllth oay of the Lord ullsanetilieo, thc
temple (lUd ehur<:h of t.he Lord llnr..'Sorlrd unto,
but 111,,0 do hy their works of wickedness mo"t
horrilJly prof:I1IC and pollut.e tl1e Sabbath day,
scn'ing Sal:lll and, by doing- of Ilis work, milking
it thc devil's da), inslc:ld of the Lord's Oil.\', b~id~s
tlmt tlley compel good mcn, !hllt would gladl.\'
Sl'rvc t.he Lord, IIsscmbling in his temple :lllll
c11111'ch upon his day as hL'Comcth the Lord's SC1
v<lllls, to Ilssemble and meet. :irlllOO in the field 10
Jcsi,.t the fury of such rebels? Yea, ano m:IIlY
rcbels, lest they should le:l\'c any parL of God's
eomllllllldmenb in the first table of his law un
brel,(,ll, or any sin against God IIlldol'e, do make
rcbellion for the m3illLCIllllLee of their imllb"Cs :Hltl
ido\"', lino of their idolatry commith,'(! 01' to 1,<;
committed br them; IInd in despite of God cut
and tear in f'llllder his holy wonl, IInd tread it
undl'r their fed, ns of' lat.c re know was done.
.As (,oll~rnillg the second tal,lc of God's Jaw,
lino all &in..s that lUU)' be committ..'(l :lfrainst man,

I SI)',


w w w. h a i l andf m

"9l1in4t wilful Rebeltioll.


who sccth not lllat the)' he all contained in J'chellion? For lil">3t, the rebels do not. 0111\ disllollollr n.. ftf,I"",,,.
their prince, the pnrcllt of their ooun(rr, hut. illso "la,><I".. ',I.
do di~hollollr and shame their natural parents, if
they 11:1\'0 1I1l.(, do sl11lme their killred and fl"iClIds,
do di",hcrit. :md undo for c\'er their children :lIld
heir:". '!'llCfts, robl>el"ies, llud murders, which of The".. l, ~"d
t i ul l le d 0 r most mell, :11"0 III
. IIQ """,,,..,,d.
11> I~I"h
:l II 5l11S arc mos
men ,,0 much, nor so perniciously lllLd mischie\'ously, lIIOllt.
as in rebels. :For tllO most ('mUll. tllic\'CS lInd
cruc:l1cl:iL murderers tllat (:\'Cl' were, so long as they
n:fmiu from rcLcllioll, as they lIrc not 1ll:I1IY in
numb..:r, SO sprl'adcth their wicked Ill',,:; am] d:lI1111aliOll Ilula a lew; tlley spoil uut :1 lcw, the)' shed
the ulood buL of fell', in comparison. Hut reuds
arc the cause of infinitc rouberies, and murdcrs of
grcat multitude;;, :Il1d of tllo:;c lll;;o whom they
should udcud from the spoil (mu violellcc of' oUlcr;
:md, as rebels are many ill lHun!JtW, so dOlI. tllCir
wickcdllcSIi and damnation ,,;preml il"dr UUIO many.
And, if whoredom aud adu[ter)' amongo;t such per. Th. .eYOlIU,
. k't.'(I llt.'SS arc (as '""nlS,',t
sous :IS arc agrcea ble I 0 sue II \\'IC
the)' ind<.'I..'ti be) most damuaulc, what. are the forcible oppfI.'SSiolls of mntrons and men's win,'S, and
the \'iolatillg llnd ddlowerilLg of \'il'gills and maids,
whieh :1r(J most rile with rebels? how horrihle and
daullmble, thillk you, arc thc)'? Kow, bt:sitk.,. that Tht "lnU,
rebels, by Im~ll(:h of their 1:lith gi\'cll :\Ild OIltll =~"'I
made to thcir prince, be guilt), or most damnable
perjUl'r, it is wondrous to SL"C what lidsc colours
llnd leignL-d causes, lJy slanderuus lies made ul}Qn
their prince :md the counsellors, r<!hcl;; will de\ise
to clo:lk their reUcllion withal, which is tile worst
aud most d:lmll:lulc of all blsc wit ne"s bearing that
lIlar be pOSilible,
For \\ hat ,.lloulJ 1 lOp.::!k of
L1)\ctilt'~ or de"iring or oilier men',. wives, house,;, n .. leOllIl
buds, b~od:>, ami ,..elmuls ill r..:Ucl,,;, who br their :;';~~',""J.
wills \\vuld lean.! unlu 110 mall :IIIY thing of his own?
'l'Il11S )'ull :.t.'C that :Ill God',,; hill'S arc by rebels
violatL.u and brokell, :l1Id th:1t :111 sillS possible to
Le t.'Ollllllitt..'<i agaiu"t Gud VI' man be L'OlltaiIlL.J. ill


w w w. h a i l andf m

61 Z

Th': Tltird Pari

0/ /le &r1ll0!f,

rebellion: wlliell r;in~ if U 11I<l1l li."t to 1l:II11e hy tilt"

accu"tom(:(} namt.'O; of t/lll .,;cnm (;'.Ipital or d~'alll"\"

:.ius. lAi prid..., 0'11\)", \\rnth, OO\"~tou.:,llbli, blol!l,

glutlt)II\' and It.~hcr)", he shall 'mll them all III
r..::'cl1i,}:/ :Iml llmollf,..... t w(,cls. :For fi~t, as llIUbilioll aud de"irc to Ix: alofl} which is the property
of pride, stirrcth up m:lllY mcn's mindl'l to 1'\'l,cllion, 60 collleth it; 01' 11 LIlClli.:rian priJe and I)r..:-

sUUlption that a few rebellious lju1tiects should ",ct

thcll1sch'c:o up afrlinst tIll.) lHlljeljty or tlllir jlI'IUC\',
ag-.Iillljt the wiMloul of 1he <.'Otlll~l1or;;, ag:dll~t tlll.:
power and furce or :lllllol,ilily :Llld thu faitllflll I>lIbjC(:.... :mu pl'Ol'lc of the whole l'C'.Ilm. As for Cm'),
wr.lth, IUur'\kr, and de..ire of blood, aud ('O\'clOUI>ness of otlll.r men's goods, I:mds, and li\'inh"iJ, Ihe)"
arc tllO ill~ll;Ir..Jble 3ccidellL;; of all rebl:l", :IuJ l>l.'<:tlliar prol)Crtlc:. that do IIl>uallJ slir Ill' \\ ickt:d men
1I.ltO rcl,elliull_ Xuw lIl1ch :'" by ri"tuu~u\~, gluttony, drunkellll\':S>, cu"-"'.s of apl'llwl, and IIlIthrin,}
;.rUll~'" h:l\-e wa"tloU their own 6"UOlls IIl1tllrihily,
till.' ,.;llIIe al\.' 1ll0~t allt. unto and most dl~iroll:> of
rclJclliulI, whcrchy they lru",t to come by other
lIIen',; b"UOlls llubwfully and ,iolcntlr. And, whcre
otller gluttons ami drulIkard:> lake too much uf
such 1lI~:Lts and dl'inki:l as ;Irc scn'OO to taole~,
reltcl:> wa:;Ul :md consume ill short space all eum
ill bllfLlS, field:;, or chlCwhcrc, whole g':ll'llcr;;, whole
slureholl::iCs, whole cellars, dC"our whole Ilocki:l uf
:.11Ct'p, whole drovcs of oxen and kine, And, :l..
n:lJ\'ls that. are m3rried, leaving their own wj,,\o,,;
:It homc, do 1ll000t 1I1l6'TllcioIlSly, so much Illore do
tuunarri...-d men, wor".c than :IIlY stallan<Li or Ilur"cs,
beiug uow b.r wbl:l1ion set at libertr from oom..'CtiOll
of 1:1\\':! which bridI...-d. them bclore; which abu:-c
b,}' lorcc other men's wi,...'S and danghlcfl>. all\!
r.l,-ish vir<.;ins and lIlaidCll~, tllo"t I>hllmefullr,
abuminaLlr, and damuably. 'l'hus all &ill:'. by all
nallll'D that sins 11I:1)' Le named. and by all mcau,.
that all sini:l mar be <''Ollunitt...od and \\Nuglll, do
all 11'11(11)' UpOIl heaps follow rebellioll, and :lrlJ tu

Le l'uunJ all lOh'\.'thcr allloui."l:Il rebel:!.


w w w. h a i l andf m





:\ow, \\ herc:h Ik..,..tilcuce, faminc, :md W3r ar,'

L.,- the hol.,- Scripture:; dcelared to Le the gn.'3tt.~1
worldly pIU6"1.ICS am) mbcrilS that li:.;-htly C3n Lt" '.
it is C\-iUclll that. all the mi-.cri,'" which all tlll"-"
)llagues ha\ e ill them do \\ 11011>' all tOf,."l:t her foll,j\I'
r.:bcllioll; wherciu lLS 1111 thclr mi,,'ril'S Le, i>f) i~
tllere much Illore lIli~hiej' thclI in th 1Il all. Fill'
it is kllO\\n tlmt ill the re",(}Itil1g" 01"" great eomI':lnil'li of Illen tOJ:,'"Ctllcr, (which in rcudlilln ImppCllclh both Ill)()n the part. 01' true sulljects 1I1lt! vI'
the rel,d",) lly their cl()~e I)illg tOJ,,'"Clher, :md t.-or
rupl iOIl or tllC :lir ami place wllCrc thc)' do lie witl1
'InJure nud much IiItll ill the hot. \\I'lI1her, :md hy
ullwlwlCl>Ollle 100Igihg :md Irillg often UllOl1 the
:.;'rvuud, "'Ilt.'ti:lll,r ill (:Qld uud wet. w,...tthcr:l ill
winter; by tllcir UII\\ bolt.'>;(llllC diet and Il'l.'l:1 i11;.:' ut
all tilllC$, :llId oficn b>' lamino :l1Id lack of
and drink in due time, and al,"liu by taking too
mueh at other tilllCll; it i~ well L.nvwlI, I saJ, that
:LS well p1:J.f,.'ue~ lmd pe>.tileut.'l'W, ail all oUler kinw
of l;iclm~ and maladies, bJ thl'>:iC Illeans ~row UpOI1
and allloll::,"St men, WIH:~b)' 1lI0 men are COnSlll1ll-U
at ihe len;{th, 1I1:1Il are b)' dint or sworn tiuddclll)
,.lain in the lil,!IJ, So that. not onl), !x:"tilcll<.......,
!Jut; also all othel" sickness, ditic:lscs, and m:ll:Ldie,;,
d() rollow l'clx:lIioll j which arc much more horrible
than !lla:;IlL'S, l>l:lililcllCCS, am! di~('llSCli sent. dircctl)'
from <..ivd, a:; hcrcallcr ,;hal1;1PI"'llr more plail1l)',
And :lIi lor IlUl1ger nnd hllLlillC, tlIC.Y lire the
jlt.'Culi:lr companions of rcbclliou. lor, whil<.:l
rebels do in "hort time Fl'oil :11111 l"(lIl"umc all
elrJl and nCi.:i..'N>:lrJ prv\'i"ioll, which mell \\itll
lheir bwur'I; had b"'.tten ami aploUilltdl upon lor
their lil,d1l1j; the \\holc ) aUer; and also tI.,
let all other Illell, hu~LalH.hnell :lI1d othcl'l;, from
their 11II"l,andr.\ and other Ill'1.",,,__arJ 'lurk", \\hcrcLy prv\i,.ioll SllOllld be lllllde for ,tim..... to ....o mc j
\11l0 S\."Clh U\lt that cxtreme r:lIlllllC :lI1d hllng,'r
IllU"tut.....'lI" "hortl) ClltillC :llld t"olluw rdll:lliul\
l'ow \lhcrCll:o till' Ilitie Kill!,;' ;llld h,,(Il11)' l'rupl1ct SA", "'.
Da\ill judo",.",1 lIar to Il C \\'Jr,.c th:lll \,iti.d" l:lIliilll' I,


w w w. h a i l andf m

GI ~

TIlt: Tltird Part

of lite &r/l/fm

peStilence, for that. these 1.11'0 lIl'C often sull'i:h....1

hy God for IlIlIll'S nlllcndmcut, aud IN not SillS of
themselves, but wars have always the sills :md
Illi~cllicrs of men upon the ouc side or other joinlXi


with lhem, and therefore is war the grcal<.'St of

lhc"e worldly mischiul,,; but of nil W:lI'S oil'il war
i~ the worst.; and tar more abomillllblo yet is

~:.u.)u '!'

rclJellioll tll:m uny ci\'il \\'111', bcinf.:' \lUII'olill)' the

Il:lmc of uuy war, so far it cxecoodh nil "':IN! il'
lIlI IHlllghtillCSS, in all mischief~ and in nil abomillation; and therefore our Saviour Glll'ist deIlOUllecth desolation and destruction to llmt realm
that by sedition :llId rebelliOlJ is dividt.'(1 in itsdf:
IlOW, as I have showed bdorc thut )>Cl:llilcllC<l ami

linnillc, so is it yet illorc evident that nil t.IlC

calmniti<:s, miseries, and mischiefs of war, bo more
gric\'ous lInd do moro follow rebellion than :lny
other war, liS bcing fllr worse HUlI\ all other wars.
1"or IlOt only those ordinary and usual mischicls
lllld miscri.,'s of other wars Jo follow rebdlion, liS,
corn lIntl other t.hings Ile<:cs$lrr to mall'S use to
be spoiled j houses, villages, towns, citie:; to be
taken, saeketl, lmrned, and dcstro.rt.'<l; not 0111.1'
mall.\' wealthy mOll, bu~ wholo cOllntries, to be
imp()\'cl'ishcd lInd utterly bcg-g:II'(::d; lllallr thou.
sands ..I' Illen to be ,,;1ain lllld mlll'dcreu; women
and maids to be violat<.'<i nnd dcfloll'en:d: whieh
thill,!.,"", when tlley lire done by lorcign cnemies,
wc do Illuch mourn, (as \\'e 11:1\'C great. causes,) yet.
are all these miseries wit.hout. :lny wickedness
wrought by nny our coulltrrmell. Uut, II'IICIl
t1lt..'>;() mischiefs are wrought. in reLcllioll by them
that slll>llld be friends, by countrymen, by kinsIllCll, Lj' those that should defend t.llcir coulltry
Hmi oollntrrmclI from slIch mis.:rit.'S, the miscl]' is
1I0thillg so great as is tllo lIli.-chicf lllld wicket!ncss; when the slIujcds 1lI1lHlturally do rel;d
against. their prince, whose hOllOu!' ulld lile they
sllould dclclId, tllOugh it wel'C with 10';;0 of t.Ill.:ir
own lives; eoull(rpncn 10 disturb the public peacc
ami quictlles>J of thcir l'Ounlry, lor dcfcllce vI'


w w w. h a i l andf m


(J!Jai",zlCi/fMl RddllilJll.
whose quictnc"s ther ,.honld f<pcml their




to ~k aul! often to work the ul-;lth

brvthcr, the son of the father; the father

(If hi~
to S<..'l'k or procure the death of his






:md b)' their faults to disherit their

children :lud kinsmen their heir:; for eyer J

r"r whom they mi:rh1 pun:h:tSC li"ings and l:l.I1W:,
a..~ natuml pllrent:; do take care aud pains :lIId be
at Jtt"C:lt co"l.s and charges; Blld ullivl'f'SIll~'J in
"ll'lltl of ::111 (luietIlCSil, jO)'. and felicity, (which do

f"UlJ\\' I,Jc.~"Cd peace and dUll ohcdiclIc:.:C,) to bring

ill all trouhle, gorrow, disquiclllCSil of minds and
booil'ti, and all mischief :Uld l'lllamitics; to turn ull
;.."()()(! order upside dOlln; to brillS' nil h"OOd I"ws
in (:olltcmpt, and to treud tll<:111 under fi...'(!t; to
opI'n.'l>i:I all virtue and hOllcst.y and nil \"irtuOlls Ilnd
II01ICr>t pcn,sons, and to sct nil vi(.'(,l ami wickcdncss
and nil vieiou~ :md wicked men ut li!Jcrl r to work
their wicked wills, which wcre belore bridled uy
wholL>some laws; to wookcn, to ovcrthrow, :me! to
consume the JOtrcnglh ()I' the realm, their 1I:lturnl
ooulltry, 3S well by the spcndin;{ and wastill4' ()f
the m()ney 311d treHlre of the prince :lIld rC'ollrn, as
hy munkring ()f the people ()f the game, their ()wn
countrYlilen, who should defcnd the honour of their """'. "' ,,,prince and liberty of their country 3,;,<P:Iin"t the in
\'llSion of foreign en{'mies; and so finally to make
their counlry, thus by their mischief we'olkenoo,
ready to be a pro)' and spoil to nil outward ene
mic;; tll:lt will ill\"ade it, to the utter and perpt.tual
C:lpti\'ity, sl:l\'er)", and de..lrnction of all their
(,'Ounl':'IlH:n, their children, their friend;;, their
ki",lli'li left. ali\"(~, whom by their witked rc.
hellion tIle)" IlrQCur\l to loe dclin'l'('() into the hands
of fiwli!..\'n \'IH~mil'S, a~ mudl liS ill them doth lie.
In mlN Ollr (,'OlInlrymCll ill outainingthe \'ictory win the prnisc of \'llli:llltncss; yea, and
though thcy wcre OVo.'l'(.'Ollh.'l1 and slain, vet will
hey nu hOllc>;t l'Omnll'llllation in this w('rld, and
,lie in n good collscience, lor scrving G,)(I, their
priuc-c, :\lld their coulllrr, and ue childrln of


w w w. h a i l andf m

elcrnaIl'ah"alioll. But. in rebellioll, how desperate

ami strollg' socver they be, yet win thp}' SIWlllU
here in fighting ag-ain"t God, their jll'illCf', null
c0ulllr.'", and thcrd'vrc justl.r do till hC:lulollg' into

1,ell if the)' die, and live in ,;hame ami fearful consciencc, though t.he)' CSClIJlC. .But. COllllllOlIly they
be rtwnrdcd with slllllJlcful deaths, their llcads aU11
(,:lrca"c~ 6u1. upon poles or hall).,'\:d ill c1mins, eatcn
with l,ites and crowS,jUUgl)U ullworthy the honour.
of burial; amI so their SOIl1.~J if thcl' l'tl,cnL 1\(>1,
(as commonly they do lIvl,) the (cvil Imnicth
\' JOl .::D.

tl,cm into Ilcll in the mid~t. or their miscllicf. J,'OI'

'5 which dreadful cXl'Cution Se Paul shcwd I, the came
(,I' ooodience, 1I0t. only fQI' fear of death, but :lls(,
in conscience to GoolI":ml, for JClU' of' ekl'll:!1 d:LrI\n,Jlioll in thc world to Call\('.
\\'herdore, J.,"()()(! pL'Ople, l<.:t liS, f1S the childrcn
of olJcdicllce, Icar tlle dreadful execution of God,
and live ill quiet. owdil'llce, to he the children of
c\'crla,;liu,(; "alnlfioll. l~'or, as heavcn is the pbec
of good OuctlienL subjceb, !lw! Ilell t1lC prisoll :md
Jungeoll of rebels against God and their pl'illCC;
80 is that realm hllPl)Y where most olJc<liclloo or
subjects doth npl>car, being the very figure of
IIc:I\'ell; and contrariwise, where mo~t l'eudliOlls
ami rebds bc, tllcre i.. thc expres.. similitude of
hell, :md tile rchels thelll.o;el\'es are the vcrr figun.'::!
of fiends :lIId dcvil~, am! their captaiH the un
gracious p:lltCI'1l of Lucifer and Snt:m, the prince of
dflrknc.~s; of whose rcoclliOIl as ther be lolloweno,
80 shall the)' of' his damnalion in hellulIdouutedly
be partaken>; and as undoubtedl)' ehilclnm of' peac:'C
the inheritors 01' heavt:1l with God the Father, God
the SOil, :Illd God the Jloly Ghost. '1'0 whom Ut:
nil honour ami glory for ever and e\'er. Ameli.
'l'IH1~ h:l\'e rOll henI'd

the Third Pllrt of tllis

Hum Ir: now, good PL'Optc, let u.s pray'fILe Pr,l)'cl" a.. before.


w w w. h a i l andf m

61 i
l~oR )'om further instnlclioll, :::ood IlCOple, to shew
unto )'ou how much .\lmi~hty God doth abhor
disolx'<!icllce :lIld wilful rebellion, sJled:llly when
rl,llt.,ls lulnllwt: tIH:m~elvcs "0 Ili~h tllat they llrm
1hcmscl"c~ with lI'e:I!>01\ ami stalld in field lo fighL
:I:.f.lill"t. God, their prinl"C, IIllC! their country, it
blmll not Le out of the way to ".hl!w some eXllm!l!cs
..ct out in Scriptures, wriUl'lI for our elernul
\re may soon know. gootl flt'Ople, how hcinou~
off..ncc the 1 rcachery of rdlt,11iun i~, if we roll to
rem('mbl1lnoo the hC;I\')" wr.ath and dreadful indig_
uati,,.. of .\Imi~!ltr God 3!.f.lill"'t, such li-ubjc<:LJ a::
do Oil!}' but illw:mlly gnul;..'\', Illutlcc, ;1IId Illunnuc
;If,"lli n"t t hci r :""(l\'crnors; tholl;.:-h t hl'i r in 1\ ard ICl'a
ron, so pri\'ily hall-hed in Illt,ir I,rl';l:>t,., come not
to open lll'Clar.ltion or their doings: as hnrd it is,
whom the dc\'il Imth so f:lr inticcd u;;ain:.t Gud's
word, to h'Cp thclll.;:cIn.>s thcre; 110, h, mcanclh
still to blow t.he coal, to kindle t1l1'ir rebellious
Ill'arts to flame into opcn dced~, if he be not
with graoo 61lCC<lil.r with~t.andl.'(l. Some of the
chil,lrcn ot' brncl, being murmurers l'gailJ4 t.heir "",..11. , ;
.. . .'11'I>ointcd o\'cr tllem L)" G(ltl , werl,ll,'o,
gtrit:kl'll with loul Icpro:-r: Illall\' w('~ burnt up"I.,~'
with fire 8uddcnl)' kilt. fr:.1ll tllevwrd: .-.omctim,' I... ,
a great sort of t 1101IS:1lIt1,; \It:rc l)lI~lIm'''l1 \1 ith tile
l>estilencc: sonll'tilJli! tlwy wt.'r~ ",lill!-o,,\.,J to denth
with a s1r:lllf."C kind or li..r,\' S<..'rpents; amI, which
is most h'lrriltll', ""me of the (-:I),t:lin,; with their
band or mlltlUu~rs, not d)iug h)' :U1)" lI~u:l.1 or
llaluf'JI dl-:lth of men, but the eMlh opl'ning, they, .......b
with tlll'ir \\iH~, childr~'n, :Iud !:Imili.:,-, \I'.. re .;-J'
!'wallowed <lllick d"wl\ iuln Ilell. ""'"ch hOl'riblc
\1..~lrlldil)t1s of "uch Israelite.. n.. \\' lIl\lrmur<'r~
against i\ln.rill;:jllIlIKlinh.'d by GOlI to be their 1I(';ul
:lIll! chid' 1lI11p{i~tr:lk, are rlX'Qrtlcd ill the book ')1'


w w w. h a i l andf m


The }'ullrln.l'art oftht:


::\flllllUcrs and other places of the SCI'iplurcs, for

pcqletualllu:lIlofY and warnill;.;' to all suhjcctll 1"Ow
hil-:'hly God is displca-cd wilh the lIlUrlll Url1lg'
:md c\'il spe:lking 01' subjects again.-t their princ('S;
.:"0<1.101.;. for that, as the Scripture rccon.ldh, their "/UUflllllf
... ~.
was 1Iot ogainllt their prince only, !Jlillg' a mortal
Cfl'lllUl'C, !Jut ogailf.,t Gotl himsclf Hl~<). Now, if
lmch strang'C and horrible pl:lg'ue5 did fi,II upon
such subjects liS did only murmur nllu speak (:\'il
against their heads, what shall become of those
Illost wicked imps of 1he dC\'i1 that do conspire,
arm themselves, assemble ~rcat numbers of arllled
rehels, find lelld tllclll with them against their
prince lIud country, sl>oiling and robbing, killing'
allt! murdering all ~p()od suhj.'cts that tin lI'ith~tnnd
t!Jem, as many as they may pr..:vail again:>t? 13ut
those examplcs me written to stay us, 1101. only
from such mi.scllief.s, hut also from murmuring or
I'llcaking 01100 an cvil word lIg'aillst our prinec j
which though any .should do nc\'er so sccl'Cllr, yet
Hoc:l... I '0. do the holy SC1'ipturcs shcw that the vcry bird4
0/' lIte air wilt btJwra!l them, and t1lL'SC so mllny
cxamples bcfore Ilotcd out ofthc same holy Scriptures do d....c1llfe tllllt they sllall not cscape horrible
JlUnishment thcrdurc,
Now concerning netua] rebellion, alllongst mnn.l
cxamplcs theI'C<lf set forth ia the holy Scrip2Sam.n.,,: turcs, tho example of" Absolon is notahlc; who,
' t k'
' I Im'
'.,:>Dd "'",. CII terlllg'
III 0 conSjlime.r agallls
1, l>.
f:lthcr, both used tho advicc of \"Cry witty men,
ami assembled a "crr great and huge (:omp:l1ly of
rebels. 'L'he which ALsolon, tllou:,rlz he wcre most
;.,"'OOdly of" person, of groJat nobiliLy (!'oing' till'
king-'s SOli), in great fa\'our of the pcople, and SO
d'::lrl.\ beloved or tllo king himsclC so lIluch that
11>'1, IVlIl. s. he gll\'c colllmnlldment that (notwithst:lnding hi"
rebellion) his life should Uc S:1\'L,(!; when for thc!<C
considerations most mcn wcro al'mid lo by tlll'ir
klllds upon him, a trrc:lt trell strdehillg' out 11i~
:II'm, a.s it were for tklt. purposc, c:m:.:-hl bim 11.'"
the r;-rcat :lnd IOllg bush of" hi~ b<JO\lIy hair l 1:lp-


w w w. h a i l andf m

pin~ about it 35 he fled hastily barchf':ldl'd under

tilt: 8:lid tree, Il.Ild so hanged him np by tlle hair

of his head in the air, to ,:;-i\'e :an eternal docu_

meut, tlmt neither comeliness of personage, nei
ther nobilit.\t nor favour of the people, 110, nor thl'
fin'our of the king hims<'lf, eun suve a rehel from
due pUlli"llnll:Tlt; God, the King Qf::lll kilJ)...'1l,
IIl~lll.g' so o(J;,mded with him that, mther tllan he
",hould lack due execution for his fren;;on, every
tree h~' the WilY will be a f,r:tllow9 or g-ihlx,t uuto
him, IUlll the hair of his own head will be ulIlo
him ill~tcad of an haltl:r to hang him up with,
rather th:1Il he t;llould bck oue: a f....a rrul example
puni..hmcnt, good proplc, to colIsidl'r.
XOl\" Achitollhel, tholl~h othcnnf<C all cXCC<'llin::: Adr.~
\\i"e mall, )'et the mi-.(:hie\Ollil eouul'ClIor of Ah- I ~~
solon in this wicked n'l,cllion, for lack of an bal1~_ ::,1." .:::
man (a OOll\'enient s<'r\itor for such a tmitor), went a>il. 'J,
ll.lld hllll~ lip him...clf: a worthy cnd of all false
rebels, \\ho, mther than lh('y ~hould IlIck due execution, will, br God's justjlldgmellt, become kmgmen unto themseln"s. '1'II11S happcllL11 it to the
l-:lllt:lins of that rebellion, heside lortr tllOll>-and orl1>l~ ",'IIi.
m;;('al rel,els slain in the ficld and 'in t.ll(' chase. 7. f$.
Like\\"i~e is it t.o be secn in the hol), Script Un'S,
hOtt- th:lt A'rent rebellion whieh the tr:litor Sebn lbkl
mon..>d in hrncl wail suddenly uppea."Cd, the hellll
of tile erlptain t.rnitor (by the means of a seely
womall) lJcill;:; cut off.
And, 3.i' tile holy Scriptures do shot..', so <loth
d3i1r uperience pro\e. that the ~u~18, oon- .... aal t.
t;pir.ldc;<, ami aUempts of relJcls never tonk eUl."Ct,
neither Cllllle to guoo, but to most horrible clld.
:For, Il10u:;:h God do onentimM 11I'O"',wr just IInd
I:l\dill CIlClllit":, which be no "'lI"jt"(;I~, a)..."llin,st their
llll'l.i:':-Il elwllIi{"S, ret did he IIc\'er long pro"pcr !Cbellious su1tit'ds :J~r:tillst lllcir IlrillCC, were t!lc')'
IIc\"Cr so I-:"rl:at. Ul :Iulhority or t;() m:Il1... ill number, G~n .1
j'i\'c pril1('l';; or kiu)...'lj (fl)r;;o tIll' StTilltlll'll termdh Iht'm) with ull their multitudes could lIot pr~mil against Chotlorlaomor, unto whom they hml



w w w. h a i l andf m





Fullrt" /'"rt

1:/ the SerNio1&

pmmi~ loyalty and ol...'(li'III't", allllllad ronHlllICfI

ill tll(' S;lmc l'('rl:lin .n';Ir'-; IJllt tll...,\, were nil O\'crthrown and taken pri,..mer:-: h,f him: I,ut .\I,r:111;\1II
with hi,.; f:lluil.r :lIld kill~fulks,:an hall/Hill of nwn
in r':_lx'(t, owing 110 Bll1til'o.:lirmlluto ChOllurlaolJlor,
o\'('rlhrt"\' hi1ll and all hi.. 110",1 in h:lltll', ami re( the Ilrisoncl'>l, :l1ld rll.'lin~rt:d them, So
tlmt, thollf{h wnr he so dn'lldl'lll and crull! 11 thing'
11'; it i!<, yet doth God ol1en PI'O"I)(!r a l\lw iu 11111'fill wnNl Ililh forcig-ll elll'lllles Il).:'ainst mnllJ' tllol1_
li'an(!lj: hut ncver ""t \1l')"1'(,l"t,..1 IH~ Slll~l'd!l bciul.:'
~IICI~ agflin"t thclr nalllml sonor('jgn, wcrc the)'
Ill'vcr SO J.,'Tl.'at nr nobll', SO mUll..', EO stout, so
witt... !Iud p"litic; but ::always the)' Climc L)' tho
OWrlllroW ami 10 11 li'hanwful end: so much doth
0 . '(1 abhor r,hellion mr)l'\~ t1l:1n olhtr W3n:, thOll;..:'h
flllll'rwi"l' heill~ "0 dn;>tHlrlll and so ~t\.'3t3 deslnl('lion to mankind, 'fhuug-h not onl..' f:'reat multi_
tmk'$ of the rude :1IId r!l",c:al rommon.., but Fomctimc also rni'll or A'J't-'3t wit, IJ/lhiliiy, :and :lllthurit},
ha\'C moved rel,ellinns ngo:lin~llhcir Iawflll princ{'f;,
(whef{'a;l tmc 1I0uililr :-hould most :abhor such
"illainou<;;, and true \\ i:-dnm 8110uld most dcle"t
slIeh fr:mt ie, rebcllion j) tl1..,II;.:-1I they would pretend
ll11mlry CtlIl8l:S, as Ihe r'lln,.g or the commouw":lIth, (which rebellioll ol'all otlll'r ll1ischidi; doth
mf)~l dt:>stroy,) or reformation of rdi;.:-ioll, (\\,)lert>:."
rebellion is I!l(."t Il;r-lin,.t all trueldi!.:'ion;) thollg-h
Ihe)' 111I\'0 mllde:a ~"';It ~llCW orJw1r IIw;lIIin:; by
1... g'illllil1~ Ihl'ir rehdli"'l-< with a coullterl~it !'l'r,i..-e oi' vod, (as did \\"ic:kt-d .\b,;olon lx>;.rill hi"
~"dlioll with ..acrili,ill:: unlo God;) though tilt',l'
cii~l,b)' 311d 1~1r :about tll.i~lls amI U:IllnCI'S, whi..h
are a''C\'l'tahle unto the nlde ig-nor:mt commoll
I ("'I'l,', ,g-fl'~.l multihll.l\"'! of whom by suc:h 1':11..('
I ~lell('t'S :tIlt! shew,,; the)" . 10 . Il...cinl Ilut! elm\\"
unto them: .r('t, were the multilmlt'S of till' rc\",I"
Ill'\'t'r !to hU6~ ~lIld A', the captains 11l'\'t'r ~"
Iloblt" pnlitie, :I1ul 1\ ill ..', the prl't"'Il(~S flI,t.:'IlIJ.. t 1.'
I." nC\I'r ~o 1=:'",,(1 and 1101.1', )'et the "pe,d,\' 0\',,1'
11111)11' or all ll,l.d", of' what 111111I11 I', "LIlo:, 01' C..II-


w w w. h a i l andf m

tlitioll !'()('\"('r IIu',\' w"n', or \\1111t f'OlO\lr or ('llll~C
.. ocv~r they prdemll,<I, is :1I1d evcr Illltll heen l"llch,
tllllt God i111.'rdn' dllth ,,111.'11' that he :lllowelh IlI'i.
tlu:r the di;:':llit~:' 01' :U1y p<'f"'on, nor till.' multitude
of llll)" l~II'II', lIor the weig'ht of :111)" ('tlU~e. as I'llI'
lideut for the IIhi(;h tl,e l>uLjl.''<:!<; m:lr mo,'c rehel.
lion :l~ill't. tlwir priUCI.'So 'rum O\'t,>r and reml
the hi"toril"S 01':111 natiolls; look o\'('r the chronicles of our own rounln'; call to mind 60 mmw
rehellions of ol~1 linw, mid rollle :rct. frl."lt ill nw.
murr; yc !'hull not. lill(l tbat God e\'er prosperl'll
nu)' rc!.cl1iOll llg-:lill~t tll<oir l1atural ami lawflll
Jlrlllcc, but ('(lntr:u;wi~e tll;lt the rcl)('l~ were o\cr
thrQ"'n and ..l:lin, llud 1>1l...h :IS were takru Ilri."Ollers
dre:llll'ullr eX~'('l1tcd, Con-id,'r the j.:"rt".lt :lIld lIoble
fllmilies of dllk"", 013"111(',..,.(';<, earl:>, :1Il other
lord.~, whose 1l:II11CS ye l!hall f"C:ld in our chronielCil,
now c1Ct\u extiugui:.hcd nnd .!;'Onc; :md !leek ont
the elll,.cs of the dC<.'llr; \'011 ",Imll find that not
l:lck of i8S11e and h(;il'lil ;nalc kith 80 much wrollg-M
thnt. cc-ay :l1It1 1I"1lste of noloJc bloods :l1ld hOlll;:CS,
as h:llh relJCltion,
And, lor ":0 much :IS the rcdre-s of the common.
wet\lth hath of old been the ~ual fl'i::ut'<l prdcnoo
of rebel,;, 3ud relif.,-1on now of late ~nneth to
be n colour or rebellion, let 311 godly and di$('rect
suhjects COIl~iucr well or both, :md lirot conccrningreligion, ]f pea<."cable king S,,!omon W:LS jlldgt'l.l
or God to be more med to lmild his temple,
(whereby the ordcrin~ of religion ia meant,) than
his li.ther king Dla\'id, though otherwj",e la most
h"odl," kin;.:-, lilr that Da\'id W:iS a ~r('at warrior,
:md lmd ",lu.,<1 much hl,"lOd, lhou~h it. were ill hill
W:lrs a~ill~t the euemit.... of GlI<I; or this may. f1lr'>.t. .....
;11\ ~I-" :ami fl.'aSOnahlu 61111\.'(:t.,; colI,;idcr, that :I :.,0l>C:ll...:lhlc prim...', spe<:i:llly our mo~ll'~:aC'C:rulc 311(1
mt:n:iful QUl'l'Il, who Imtll hitherto ",h(.>d no IJlocx.l
;It till, no, not of hcr mo:.t deadly encmies, is more
like :lIld fill" m\.'Cter either to set up or to lll:linl:Lin
true religion tlmlt:lre bloodr rebels, 11'110 ha,'u nnt
shed the blood of God'tl cncmies a:J king D.1\'id


w w w. h a i l andf m


The Fi.nuth Part Wthe


11:\(1 dOlle, but do seck to shed the blood of God's

friends, 01" their own countrymen, 11l1d of tllcir own
most denr friends and kin"folk, yen, the dc;:lrnction of their most gracious PI,iuce and natural
country, for defence of whom they oUg'ht to be
rendy to "hod their blood, if Ilwl should so rcquiI'(!. "'hat II rdig-ion it is t!l:)t !'1Ie11 mell :lIld
by such mC:Jlls would rt'Storc may cnsily he jn<l~cd ;
e\"CIl as ~od a l'c1iJ.:'ion sUr<lly :l!l I"cbl'ls be goo<l
mell and obedient sllhjt~ls, and :IS rebellion is a
l,."OOd mean of redress and ]'cformation, bcin:.:- jbclf
thu g-rcatcst dcforma~ion of all that may pos;:ihl.\'
be. ]]ul, as tll..: truth of the Gospel of our S:l\'iolll'
Christ, bcill~ quietly and soberly taug-hl, thOllg'h
it do cost them their li\"cil tlml do tench it, is allle
to maint:lin the true rcliA'ioll; so hnlll n frantic
rdi~ioll need of such furious muintcn:lIlccs us if!
rehcllioll, and of such Jlntrolls us Me rehels, beinA'
retldy, not to die lor the true relig-ioll, Lut to kill
all tlmt shnll or dare speak against tIlCil' f:\lse
superstition and wicked idolatry,
Now colIC<'rning pretences of nny redress of the
commonwenlth lHade by rebels, e\'ery man that
hath hut Imlf:11I eye Illny soo how ,'ain they bc,
rebellion being', as 1 have before declared, the grentest ruin :md cll'slructioll of 0.11 eommollwealths that
may he possible. And whoso lookcth, on the olle
r:lrt, "I)On the persons and government of the
Quecn's most honourable eounscllors, by the cx:
pcrimcnt of so many .rears proved honourable to
her ~Iajesl~t llnd most profitable and bcneficial
unto our ''Duntry and countrymcn; and, Oil the
other pm!, collsidcrcth the persons, state, and con
ditions of the rclx:ls themselves, the reformers (liS
they f:lkc upon them) or the prescntgovcrllmentj
he shall find that the most r:l><h :l1ld Imrcbrnined
mcn, the most ;::-fCalcst untllrifls, that lHl\'c most
Icw<ll.r wa"tcd their own goods and lands, those
that tire over the cnrs ill debt, amI sueh as for
thell;;, robberies, and murders d:lrc 1I0t in all>' well
!.."O\'crn~od commonwealth where good laws :lrc ill


w w w. h a i l andf m

foree, shew thcir r.1('C", 'mch as are of m,.,~t
lewd :111 wicked bchll\iour 11IId life, and all SllI'h
as will not or callIlOt. Ih'e in l)C~'C, are :d\\ays
most ready to move rebellion or to take part with
f'(bels. And are not these meet mcn, troll' rOil,
to resloN' the colluuollwenlih dccaJcu, who htl.\'c
so spoiled and eonllumoo all tlleir o\\'n weallh find
thrilL? and Yen' like to mend other men's manners, who ha\'e 'so vile vices llnd abominable COIlditions; tlJ('m~d\'(_'S? ...,lln:ly that which thcy fnl:oelx
C',l\l rcformation is indet'd not. onl}':L defacill::;' or
a dc!(.rllmlion, but al;;o an utter dcstructiol1, of
:111 common wcalth; us would welt uppellr might
the rl'bcls ha\'e thcir wills, nnd doth right well
:1IId too well by t11cir doing' in 8uch plaC<'S
of the countr,\' where rebds do rout; where tho\lg-h
the}' larry bllt a vcry little while, the}' make such
reformation that they destroy nil pla(.'('lJ tll1d undo
all men where they come, t1Hlt tlw child ret 1111born mtlr rue it, ;\Ild shall many }'ears hereafter
eurse them.
Let no good and di'<Crcet subjects therefore follO\...
the flag or I,anner di"lllared to rebellion :md borne
by rehcl", though it have t he image of the plough therein with GOD SPEED TUf. l'wtiGII
writlcn under in ~reat letters, knowing tllllt nonc
hinder the plough morc tllall rebels, who will
neilhcr go to the plo\l;::;-1I thelllScl\'es, nor 8ufrer other
that would go Ul1to it. And, though some rebels
bear the Ilielure of thc fi\c wounds IXtintL'<.i against
thO!!C who J>ut. thcir only hope of sah'atiou in the
wounds of Christ, not those wounds whieh are
paillto.,<l in n. dout by somc lewd Ilaintcr, l'lIt in
thosc woum\'" which Christ hilll"i(:lf bare in his
IJtL-'dol1il 0..)\\,\'; tholl~h thl'y.liltlc knowing what
the cross of Christ llll':lllelh, which Ill'ilhcr can'cr
llvr J>:Iinl('r can make, do bem the imab'e of the
cross IXlinted in a rag :I;aillst. those th:!t h:!\'c the
eross of Chri"t IJrink,<1 in their hcarls; }'cn, tholl;.:'h
they paint witlm\ in thl'ir f1:1~ Hoc 810:-;0 \'I:-;ClS,
By this sig'lJ thou ",hult ~t the \'ictory I Lt}' :.l most


w w w. h a i l andf m


Tle }:,MT{! PaTt of lite SmNQll

foud imit:ltion of the posy of Const:mtinus MagnuB

that noLle Chri"tinn .Emperor ::md great. COllqueror of God's enemi~, a Illost unmect. en,.ign for
Nlocls, the enemies of God, their prince and country; or what other b.'llHler soe\'er they s1mll bear;
~,~tlct 110 6"'001.1 and ~Ily su~icct, upon nny hope
01' "jctory or good .!illecebS, follow sueh stnml:ll11
1,(nrChl of I"\:bcllion.
For, as examples of "lIoh
Jlr~lctiecil are to be Jountlns well in the Ili~torics of
old 3S also of Inter rebelliol1s in our f~lt heri!' aud
om' frc,.h melllory; so, notwithstanding t.IlCSC pretellces made (md b:lnners borne, arc rccordl'<! whlml
unto perfK'tual memory the great lllld horrillle
mllroer:; of infinite multitudes amI thousand.s or
the common people slain ill rebellion, the dreadful
Ut'(:lItiollS of the authors and C3pt::lin", the pitiful of their \,'i\'C$ :U11.! children, and di.slu:rit ing
of the heirs of the rebels Jor e\'or, the spoiling,
wasting, lIlId dl'Strucliou of tho people and country
\\ here r..:bcllioll was lirst. begull, that the child thell
yet unborn might rue :lIld lament it, with tllc final
overthrow and shamelill deaths of all reLel.~, set
furth as well ill the histories of foreign nations as
in tile chronicll'S of ollr own country; some thereof
being >et. in frcsh memory, which, if' they wcre
eullt.'Clo..'<! together, would make many volumcs and
book:;;; Lut on the l'(lIItrar>' }>mt all good luck,
succc"s, and prospcrity that cver h:111llCnoo unto
un>' r.:~I:;; of any age, time, or coulltr>' may be
(vllt:tint.'l.1 in a vcry few linos or words.
Wlll'retore, to conclude, let all good sll1ticcts.
~'OIl:;iderin<; how hurrilJlc a ~in against OW, thcir
l,rlnCl., their country, and countrymcn, ::Ig::linst::lll
liv<!'s :md man':;; laws, rebellion is, beill<; illdl't..J
not onc l::e\'eral, but. :111 ~ills llf,"::lin;:;t Uod :lnd
Illall Ill':ll'l'tl tOh""! her; collJ:iidering the mLschie\'ous
Idi' :iIId llt.'t.,<I.s and the shameful ends :11I1.1 d~'3thil
(Jr all rd.M:ls hitherto, lllltl tlm pitiful undoing' or
I ~llir \\i\'c~, children, :lIld l:lI11ilk'S, and disheritlllg'
lIr their heir:; lor c\'er; :llId above all t11in:;s: t.'On
~id"ring the eternal d:unnaliulL that is Iwcpared lor


w w w. h a i l andf m

all impenit...nt. ","cl.;; in hdl with Sal.m. tilt' lin;t.

lounder of ~hc1lion nnd gr.lII..! l-:tptain or nUI'\'bels;
let. all good su1ticctJ;l. ll'af. (.'(JIl"idcrin:; t hl"$C t hillf,"S.
tU'oid :lIId lIl1l all ~bellioll, Rs tile greate.,t of all
miM:hie[.., and cmbnll>C due oht.'<1il'llt't.' 10 Gud and
uur Prill(>(', ob the;.t. of all virtues; th:lt
wc may bolh l'S(::lllC all cvil.. and mi"cric,. thal do
l(I!lOW rd.lCllion in this world, and ekrnal damnation ill the world to come, ll1ld clljO)' peace, <!uiel1ll$S, tllld sC'Curity wilh all otller God',,; bellclilf;
:Illd Llc><sings which follow obt:dicncc ill this life.
and finally 1ll3J' clljo}' the kill~..Jom 01' ht.':wNI, the
I cculi3r plal'C of all oLct.licnl "Ubjl'Cts 10 Gotl ;llId
their priUlX'. ill the world to come. Whieh I
1,C>;CCth God. the Killgof:lll Lill;..."". ::rrnnt unto us
l'lr the Olkodil'ncc of his Son our S;I\iour Jl'>iUS
Chri.:,t. Unto whom with the Fntlll'r Ulltlthe Holy
Ghost. OIlC Ood and Kin;.: inunorlal, all hOlluur.
scn"icc, and obet.licll<.>C or all hill crcaturt'>i is due
tor c\"er and ever. Amen,
'rhus Im\'e )'011 heard tile Fourtll Part. of thid
Humily: IIOW, goud p<..'O!II.... let u", pray,
'l'he llrnrer as IJcforc.

TITE FIJoJII l'.o\l;T OF TilE 1I0~11l.Y AG.\Il'\ST

"UERE,Ul. aller hoth doctrinc alltl examples of due
"I.....odiencc of "ubj,'CIs to tl,lir princes, 1 det:lart..'(1
b~llr unto you what an aoominalJle sin a;...inlSt.
God and IllOllI rell4.'lIioll i". and what. horribll;
pla:.,.ul.'>'. pUlli~lllLl"'lli;;. and dt>alhs. with dtatb
e\'crllkting lillallr, d"th han:.: O\"o,~r the hC':uls of
all ~Jx>ls, it. .,hall IlHt II<:' ~ilht.'r imlkrtinellt. or
Ullpl'\llitaltlo now to dl'(l arc, \\'110 the}" 00 whom
the de\'il. the lirslauthttr and founder of rebellion.
doth chieflr tIl'C to the l'lirrillg' up of SIl\'jl'CIS tu
rdK'1 llg'llin!'il thl'ir l:l\dill Ilrill{'{'''; that. kllowillg'



w w w. h a i l andf m


The Fiftk Part of the Sermon

them, you may flee them :md their damnable sn~

J,'t'Stions, avoid all rebellion, and so escape ~1J(l
horrible !lla!!ues :md dreadful deaths and iliunnallOIl
eternal finally due to all rebels.
Thou;::-h manyeauses of rebellion may he reckoned,
and almost as many as there he vice" ill men ;md
women, as hath beell before noted, )'et in this placo
1 will only touch the principal and most usual
causes, as specially amlJition and ignorallee. ]3y
ambition I mean the unlawful and restle~s desire
ill meu to be of higher estate than God Imth given
or appointed unto them. By ig-nornnoo I me:1lI
no unskilfulness ill :lrls or seicll("C!:I, but the lack
of knowlt..'llge of God's b]c:;sc<l will declared in
his holy word; which tcacheth both extremely to
nbhor all rebelliou, as the root of nil mi;;chicf, and
specially to delight ill obedience, as tIle bcginningand foundation of nll goodness, as hath been al:;o
before specified. And, ns these are the two chief
causes of rebellion, so arc there spccilllly two Borts
of men in whom these vices do reign, by whom
the devil, the author of all evil, cloth chielly stir
lip all disobedience and reUcllion. 'l'he rcstICS!I
ambitious ha\"ing ollee determined by one means or
otlwr to achieve to their intended purpose, whclI
they emmot by lawful and peaceable llleallS dim!,
BO high as they do desire, tllOy attempt the sunlll
by foree :Uld violence; wherein, when they e:lnnot
prevail D.l}1inst the ordinary authority and power
of' lawful !lrinces :lnd g'Q\'ernors themselves alol1e,
they do scek the aid and help of' the
multitude, abusing' them to their wicked Jlurpose.
\Vherefore sceing a few ambitious and malicious oro
tbe authors and heads, and multitudes 01' ignorant
mell ure the ministers and furtherers, of rebellion,
the chief l)()int of this Part shall be ns well to notify
to the simplE:: and ignoT3llt men who they be that
ha\'C 1JC(l1l and be the usual authors of rebellion.
that they may know them, and 3.lso to adm()lli~h
them to beware or the 5ubtile sUg'h'1!stiolls of' :;uch
restle:;s ambitious persons, and 50 to flee them;


w w w. h a i l andf m

that. rebellious, though ath:'mplcd 11)" :I few :l11l.

bilious, through the lack of nmintcmlllcc Lyallv
multitudes Illay speedily and easily, without all~'
greallaoour, danger, or damage, be repr~ and
clenrly extill~ui~hcd.
It is well known, as well by all hi"tories as by

dnily experiell~. that none h:wc either more ambiliously aspired nbo,-c emperors, kings, and princes,
nor h:n'c more perniciously mo\'OO the ignoNl.Ilt
people to rebellion 3W'inst their princes, thall cer-

tain !)Ct'SOns which f:Llsely cllllllcn~"C to themselvcs

to be only countetl :mu called spiritual. I must
therefore here yet. once ng:l;n briel\y put YOll, good
people, in rcmcmbr-J.llOO OIlL of Ood's holy word,
how ollr Saviour 1t.~u8 Chri"t. :lIId his holy Apohilt's, the


30d chief of all true spiritual lllld men, bclm\'E.'<llhemsdn'S towards the

prillC<!S lllld rule~ of tlleir time, though 1I0t the
hest governors that evcr were; thnt you be not
i~nornnt whether they 1)6 the true dis<:iplea and
followers of Christ and his Apostles, and so true
spiritual mell, that either bf ambition do 60 highly
alipirc, or do most malieiollsly tC3eh or most lX'r
niciously do execute rebellion against their lawful
)JrinC'eS, being the worst of all carnal works alld
mischie'-oua deeds. The holy Scriptures do teadl Jlall ... Ii.,."
most expressly, that our :J"iOllr Chri"t hil11sclf~::;::::;'
and his holv
Apostles St. Paul "St.
Peter with )WI, . . .Y,
others, were unto the magistrates and higher le..-. <iU '"
powers, which ruled at their being lll>O!L the ~""'~:~'~t.
{'arth, both obedient themselves, and did also dili. 11. '3
JrClltlJ and earnc:,t1y exhort all other Christians to
t he like obedience uuto their princes and governors:
whereby it is evident tbat men of the clergy ami
eccleoin",tical miniJ:itcrs, ll!l their 5UCC($S()n>, ought
both tbem:sches ~pccinlly tllld bero~ othcrs to be
obedient unto their princes, and alllO to exhort all
others unto the S,:U11e. Our Saviour Christ likewise, tc:lching by his doctrinc that Ail kingdom teal JoltD >1." I
not oj'thil'lCf)rfil, did b)' his examplc, ill lIccillg' from aDd .u.J~.
those that would ha\'c madc him kinS', {.'onlirlll tlle



w w w. h a i l andf m


1'hl: Fifth Pur{ ~f the &r,l/olt

" . " ,,;lllle; eXllrl'ssly

al~o rol'1Jidding hi:; AI)O$tl..:",.

clcrgy, all princely dO,11l11lWll
t."1lI niL
O\'cr J)('ople and natie';lllS: and he, and II1~ holy
.\11OSllcs likcwisl', IHlmdy !)..:t,r and !'nul, did for)1.11 .'l~, . hid lmto IlII e('d,,~iH~ti(:a! Illillj"tl'r" {!omillioll ovcr
~';: the Clnm:h of Chri~t. And imk{,.'d, \\'hilc~ that
, I'~I. y, J.
('('<:It'i:'ilist iea I mi nist c:r:- COIlI i11 ned ill Ch ri-;t,.' l:! Chlll'dl
in that order that. i'i ill Chri4's \\'ord 11I"CserilJl.'d
uuto them, :lILd in Cllristialt kingdoms kept them"eh'cs obedient to tllcir 011'11 Iwince;;, 11:; the holy
Scripture,:; do teach them, both WllS Christ's Church
more dem' from amhitious emllhltioll~ and eOlltelltiolls, :lud the "tnle of Christian kingdoms less
1;1l1~icl,;t Ullto tllmult~ lmd rebdlioll~.
But, nller that :lI11lJilion llnd del<ire of dominion
eutcrcd once into e(.'<:!l'Sill::<tieal mini"ler:;, (whose
golcatncs,., allcr tile dodrine :lnd example of our
~l.n." " " ::-';l\'iollr, t.:hol1ld chi,fly ~ltll1d ill humhling of them~~~'l.:~~~", ~elvl.'s,) :lIId that. the Bishop of ROllle, (being by
~,d uU. 'l- I he order of God's word nOlle (,thetthan thu Lishop
(.1' Ihat olle sce :\IId di()C('se, and nevcr ret well
:lhle to govcrll the 8:101e,) dill by illtolCI~lhle amI,iiioll chall~ngc, not 0111.\' 10 Lc the head oral! the
Chlll'ch ,li"'Ill'I-S"l! thro\l~ho\lt the worll[, but also
10 he lord or :111 till.' killh"llollls of the world, m; i~
(.'xprt's>:ly set j;,rth in the Look of his own Callon
Law", Ill(>~t contrarr to the doctriuu alld examplc
t,.b. 11,. 'I"
of OUl' S:wiolll' Chri~\, whose vic:ll', and of his holy
'0. <:01'
"0.... ; el
Aposllcs, namelr Pc;h'r, whose f:uccC$sor, he pl'e
I~b Y. h'
to be; aller this amhitioll entercel, aud
this challcn~c once made by thc Bishop of Rome,
he bCC:lllll' :It oncc the 8110ilC'l' :lnd de.'itrorer !xlth
of the Ch1l1'eh, \\'llich i.'i the kingdom of om
Sa\iolll' Chri~t, and of the CIll"i,,\i:LIl ]~lIlpirc :l1ld
all Chri"tiall kingdoms, as an lIuivcl'~al tyrallt over
all. Ami, \\ IH:r~:I:; hdoro t1mt challcll!!Q madlJ
11lCro was great amity and lovc amo~g,.t. thc
Chri,.ti:llls of all collntl'i~, \1(,'I\:II\lOlI hcg':lu emulation and much 11:111'1,<1 hdll'('CH the Bi~hop (If
Home 1l1ld Ilis c1cr;:ry ami f'1icnd.'i on the OltC part,
:llld the GI'c<;ialt del';';">, ;lIld Chril>tians of the j~a"l




w w w. h a i l andf m

011 thc othcr part, for tlwl. the,}' rcfuSl..'(1 10 IIckIlO\\_
1f'(lge any such I'uprcmc authority of thc Bi,;hop of
Hmnc ovcr thelll; the Uishop of Rome, lor thi.s
cause amollg'til. others, not only llllmillg' them allll
laking thcm for schi"lllatics, but Illia ncver ee:l"ilJ~
10 !)(:I"S(.,<:utc thelll lInd fho ]~mpeNrs who had their
lice and <:-ontinu:lllOO in Gr\-'t.'Cc, by stirring' of the
f:ubj,:cb to rc1x:lliOll ll"'llinst
fllCir soverci"1l
all( I by r;llsill~ deadly 11atrcd lInd most cruel wars
hclwcl:n them and (Ither Chri~tiun Jlrinces. And,
when thu Bislwps of had fralll;'lated the titlu
of the J~Il1!lCrOr IInl! (as much liS in t11CIl1 did li(')
11u:: ]~mpin: it~df from Lheir lord the ]~mlK'ror "I'
Creece, and or Romc :11-0 by rig-ht, unto the Chl'i".
tian prilK-cs of the "'c,:t, they I}('cllmo iu short
,,;pac<: 110 better IInto the \Ye,,;t.l~lliperors than thl',\'
w/:re bclore unto the :Emperors of 01'\-'<:00. For the
usual di,,;/:hal'ging nr "'1l1~kcti from thcir oaths of
fidelity made unto tIle ]~mperors of th/: West, their
sovcr/:ig'n lords, by tile Bisllops of Hollllle; the ill}_
natural stirring' up or the subjects unto rebellion
a~,..ainst tlleir prinec;:, lea, of the SOil agninst the
fathllr, b,}' the Bishop 01' lwme; the most cruel
nnd bloody wars raised amoll;:,"St Christian princes
of all kingdoms; the horrible murder of infinite
thousands of Christillll men, beiug' slain by Chri~.
tialls; :llId, which ensued tllerllulKlIl, the pitiful
losses of so m:IIlY ~lIy eitil's, countries, dominions, and kinb"'d')lIls, 60ltletimu pos.::essc<1 by
Chri6tillll;; in Asia, A I"rica, and ]~Ilrop:l; the miscl'rthlu 1:.11 or the t:mpil'C IInd Church or Grcccc,
somclimu the mObt nourishing' pnrt of Christendom, into the handll of 'l'urks; the lament:.!;le
diminishill~, dee:IY, IInd ruin of Chri>'! illn rclig-ion;
tile d 1'lllUl I'lll C\l(:re:lC of p:l;.r.lllit y, lint! pOWer 01' t he
inlidds and miscreants j :Illd all by Lhe pmeti/"'C
:md Ilrocurelncnt of the Bi~hop or Rome chidlr;
is in the histories and ehroni(lcs "rilten bv the
l3ishop of Jwme's own t'a\'ourers and fricn<ls to
he St."'CIl, lInd is wdl known unto all such as 1Il'C
S(."(luaintl'l.1 with Lhe said hi"tvril's,


\' ,i

w w w. h a i l andf m




Pu.rl of tAe &'.0""

The amuitious intcnt anll llIlht suLlilc drift..

of the Bi"hops of Rome in these their prnctiC\'8
npp(:an-d c\'jdcntl.r by their bold attempt ill spoil.
in~ and robbing the Lmr...rors of their towns,
citie;;:, dominions, :lIId kin;.."1Ioms in Italr. Lam
hardy. rllld Si(:ily, of ancient. right belong-illS' uuto
the j~mpirc, and by the joilling' of diem unto
t11cir hishopric of Home, or else giving them unto
strang;:rll to hold them ofthc Church anI! ilishoJls
of ]tome as in capite, and ns of the chicI' lord>!
thcrL'OI~ in which tenure they hold the most purt
t1ll'rcof C\'cn ut. this dlly. By these a.mbitious
nnd indrel tr:litorous means, ali<I spoiling' of their
so\"creign lonls, the lli"holld of Rumc, of priest.!
and none other by right than the bi~hops of olle
city and diocese, are by fnl,.e llsu~tion oc"COmc
great. lords or m:m/' dominions, mi~hty prilll't.'fI,
.rC:1, or cmperors rat lcr, as claiming to havc di\'ers
J)rilll~ :lIId kings to their \':lSSlls, liege-men, and
liu1tiects; ns in tilC fallle Ili~torics wnth:n by their
own fumili:H'S :llld l'Ourticl'S is to be seen. And
ind('(.-d, sinoo thc tilllc thnt tile Bishops of Home,
by nmbilion, trcnSQIl, llnd tlsnrpntion, :lcl1ic\'(.'(1
llnd attaillcd to this heigoht. and greatness, they
hchavcd them.'ielvcs 1II0re like princcs, l.:in6"9, uml
l'll1llCrOl'S ill :all thin~"", tklll rem:lincd like pri~t!l,
bi...hops, rind ccelcsialStil,.':a1 or (as ther would be
called) spiritual pCr.:;Qns in allr onc thing at. all.
}'or alter this r:lte they h:a\'e handled other kings
:lIld Ilrinl't.'iJ of other rt':1Jmg throu~hollt Christendom, as \\''11 as their 6O\'erei~'11 lords the }:mperors,
u,;1I311y di."charging tlleir subjects of t1leir oath of
fidt'lit)', and so "tirrin~ them up to rebellion :a,.,O'llill~t
tlu.:ir natur::tIJlrincer;, whert'Of some ex:amples shall
ill t he last Part. hereQf be lIot ified unto )ou.
Wherefore let all ~"IO(I 8ubject!l, knowill~ these
the 8lx'tial instnUl1enlll and ministers of the <!e\il
to the stirring up of all rebellions, avoid lllld flee
them :ll1d the pestilent llug-f.,"CstiOIlS or s11eh I'orcij?ll
lhurJlCN aud their :l(lhl'l"cnts, and emhraee nil
olll'dicl1cc 10 Go\l nllJ their natural princcs allll


w w w. h a i l andf m

o!l"i,u( lCilfMI Rebel/iolt,


t'O"ereig"TIs; tllat they mar enjoy God's bll$!'inJ.,""

3nd their prince's favour in all peace, quietne;:,.,
:lIId security in thi;; world, :lIId finally :attain,
through Chrirt our Sa\'iour, life en:rl:isting in
the world to come. Which God the Father, for
tile !'<lmc our Sa,'iour Jesus his sake, gront
unto us all, To whom with the H(llr Oho..l be
all honour :md gl'irr world without end, Amen,
'fhus h:n'C )'ou heard the Fiflh Part of this
Humily: now, good 1>oo11lc, let us pmy.
The Pr.lJcr ll8 before.

Tin: SIXTII A..''l) L.\S1' PART OF Tin: JTmrILY

AGAJ:\'sr DlSOBEl>IE:\,C1o; A..."lD WILI"UL

Now, whcrens thc injuries, oppressions, r:1\'cn,r,

and t)'r:llllly of the llili!lnps or Home, usurping as
well ag-.Iinst their n:alur:ll lords the }~mJ>crors n$
n~lin"t all other Chri",ti:m kings nud killl,.-doms,
ami their continu.:al litirring of subject,; unto rebellions against their sovereign lords, whereof I have
11artlJ admoni"hcd )'ou before, were intolernble;
:llld It mar Sl'(!rn more thnn man'cl that an\' subjl'Cts wouid after sueh sort hold with tllll:atur:ll
lort;i~n llioUrpers ag".Iilllit their own soveN'ign lords
and natuT:lI coun!ry; it f'Cmaillcth th:lt I do
dl'CL'lre the WL':ln whereby they comp..'l~ these
matttr'<, :llld so to conclude this wholc 'fn.':lly of
due ohl."tlience and ag-Jiulit di.salx.-dicnce 3nd \\ilflll
YOllshllllnndc,.,,-tllnd th:1t bJ' i:;nor:lnce of God'l' or.._....
word, whcrdn the)' kept all mCIl, "peci:lll)" tile r::'-f':
common )'I(.'Op1e, 1hl'J' wroll~ht lllld orou:rht to paM ". rnil the,;c thin'~, Illukin~ them believe tllat all they
aid was true,"'all tllat t he)' did was good and godly,
:md that to hold with them in 1111 things, Ilgaillst
filther, mother, prince, country,lInd all melL, WIIS
1II0~t meritoriolls, And indeed what. miscluel" \I ill


w w w. h a i l andf m






'lIt1: Si,r1h Pud 0/ the Sermoll

not blind i~nor:.IlI(':c lead simple mell unto? .By

ig'llorfLllCO the Jewish clergy il1(ll1(:od the common
people to fisk the delinry of llarahbas the !c'Cdi-

tiolls lIlurderer, alld to slIe for the cruel cnlcil)'ilJ~

our Saviour Cllrist, for Ilml he rchukcd the
ambit iou, ;:upcr,;lit iou, [lilt! OtllCf vices of 1he llig-h
lll'i(h<u lllld clergy. For, as our 8u\';0Ilr Chri~t
Luqnlll.j. le>;li/icth that those who crucilicd him lI'ist lIot
wllHt they did, so dotll the holy A]lOstlc Se Paul
I f M II.~.
~:lY, IF fne.1f Hort ''''()/{)Il, if they IWII not heen
ignor:.lIlt, tht.! woulrt net'er hat'e crllcifie(~ fhe hOffl
f!lglory: Iml. tlley knell' not what they did. Our
JoI", 'Y,": :Saviollr Chri,;t himsclf also IQfCShcwcd tklt it
... ~I I." I
Id l:()IUC to JlflSS I'y 19'1I0r:IlWC,
t lat t lose w 10
should persecute :Uld murdel' Ilis tl'lll:: Apostles
nnd di"eiples should think they did Ood nC<:t.'ptHhlc sacrifice Hnd f,"OO<1 service j as it lllso is Vcrtli,,'<1 C\'CIl :It this day.
Aud ill thi,; ig-llOrtllWe l!lIvc the BishoJls 01'
Rome kept the l"lCOple 0/'00<1, sJlecially the eOlllmon
sort, by no IllC;lllS ~o much as lIy tile withdra\\'ing
of the word or God from them, and by keeping
it U1ldcr the \'cil or nn u1Il.110\\,n strangc ton):lle.
}~or, as it 8crvcd thc ambitious humour 01' the
UisllOJlS of Homc to compel all nations to usc the
l1atur.d Iang'u:tljC or thc city of Homc, wherc they
wcrc J3is'IOP.~, which sllcwcd a certaiu acknowledging 01' sul!jl'Ciioll lIuto them j so yet served it llIuch
more their crally purpose Ihcrtlby to keep all people
w blind, that they, \Lot knowing' what they prny"'l.I,
what they believed, what they werc commanded
hy God, might t:lkc all t1lt'ir oommnndments for
God's. l,'or, as they woultl not suller tllC holy
Seril'tllrl'S or CIHll'ch Scn'ice to be used or had in
ally otller bngun&"C than tlte Latin, ~o were \'cry
few C\CIl of the mo"t "impte pco!llc tnug'llt the
Lord's Praycr, the Articles 01' the F:Lith, and the
Tell Commandments,otherwise th:Hl ill Lal iIL, which
they umlcrstood not: bv
. wltiel! tllli\'cr.-al j'.nor.L111..'C all mell Wef\l ready to bdit:\'c 11 hat~ocvcr
tile} "aid, :llLd to do IIhal:;Qt:\'cr tllcr OOllllllalLt!L<!.



w w w. h a i l andf m

For, to imit..'1t.. 11ll'
}~TllJl"'mr';< Su1ti('(:l...

IJhra-oe. if tll!''' ~
out uf God's word ~.~ " ..


".1" knvll""

lh,il' duty to their Jlrincc, thc)' would Ilot hanF"l,lr.. ,,'(j the ni~hop of Rmne to )>l.... u:Jd.. thcm t'l ...... ".11,
, t I1{:lr
_. t I1(,' r.lIlpt..
" I l l \.
ror :lgallJ~L ..... 1_:,
tlwir roth of fidelity. :md to n.ohd :'o~in.4 him, h.
0111." f,lr that he e.t"t illla~.. ..; (unto the which
i,I,;lalr., was committed) Ollt lIt" th.. churehC'S, which
the Ui.~llOp of ROllle lXlre tlll"fl ill h:llld t/\ be
hln...y. if fAt!! Aad lIfQII"It of (;fldJ~ word hilt ail
much m: the 'reil Cnmm:m,lm'ILt... , ther sholllcl
hn\'c lillllld that. the Bishop .. ,r I~

mu,' \\ as

not onl"


u...... ..,.,

a traitor If) the ]~mp(,rQr Ilis licW' 1"nl, hut to (;0'1 ~:,,~ ..o..l.
also, aml:1Il horrible hb.-:pllt'llwl' of Ili" :\bjpsl.\', ill
callin.:: Ili,; hol)' word ;lud l'Ommallllment Iwn'~r j
ami th:lt Wllidl the Bishop 01' H..... ml took !<>r lljll'St
eau~c I" rch.,'1 :1g':lillst Ilil; !:lw1'1l1 priu('(', 1he}' mig'hl
have kll(l1l"1l to he a doublilli:' and triplillg' or hi>!
1lI11~1 11\,iIlOu~ wickedncsp, IWilpcd with horribl,
illlpi\l.r and bla.<:phemy, But, 1o..'St the flOOr p('oJlII'
"lIould kllOw too much, he would not let them
han' as mueh of God's word ;1" the '!'ell Comlllandment.:; wholly and perf\dl.\', wil hdr:l\\'illg from them
tlu.' SCC(lud Commandment, that iJCwr.l~cth hi"
impi\l.', hy a ~llblile 5:lerill1-....,.
/I.1I1 the Emperor's sl\lti\'t:l~ likewi--e i'/ffJ,." ami
1,lCf'1l of :my und.n;tanding" 1Il nod'" word, wod,1
the" at olher times h:l\"e rl'l't.'l!ed a,inst tlkir
6O\"~'rci;""'n lord, and bJ thl'ir 1'\,III,lIioll h:"'e 11Olp('1} 11_ r,-.
to IICI")>,\: him, only for thal the Ui~hol) of H/,m,' I; .1 .
did them ill hand Ihat it W:L" ~im(lIlY, ami :.~ ~o'
Ilcr,.~r too, for I he .Emrcror to g'i,', all' ("C(,I.... i:l.ti- :'lo <k , ..
f':ll tli~"1liti,,,, or prom(ltiOIl'i to hi4 1''3rn~'(1 f"h:lJllain.<: '_I""",
or lIt1u:r of hi" leamed clt'~~', whie'l all Chri,.ii.11l
l:mperor:; bcli,re him h:lll dOll e wilh'lut ('(lntrolmeltt? ,,'o'lld tlley, 1 !':ly, tilr lhalthc 13i~hnp of
H.. me bare 1110.'11\ so in hand, h:\\'~ r"l~lll'(l h, till'
"p:H:C of more thall l~.rty )'{'ar 4 I(}~etll{'r aiaill"L
Ililll, with so mueh shcddiuf:' of Chri~tiall blQO(I
and Illurtl,'r or so mall\' thou~alld~ 01' Chri;;tiall.".
ami finally h;\\,e d('rf(h.~1 t1wir :'(l\w'.'i!!1I IONI, flU 1
1.: ~ 5


w w w. h a i l andf m

T':e Si...


t" Purl r:I"u

f"~$ ~'II{)IC/I, :md hml in God'6

iliA' at all?


w"nJ allY underst:md.

Sp(.'(:ial1~, "<Id tJU$ hocII that the,\"

did all tbB to pluck from their so'"creiA'U lord and

hi,; .l;U~rs for e\er their :mcknt ri!;'ht of the


to gi,'c it

Ullto the &omish clt:r;:r.r and to

the Bishop or Home, that. he might for the confirmation of onc nrchbishoJl :md for a Homi"h m.z,
which he ClIllclh a. pall, K"lt!'W worth lWl'h'c pencc,

rccei,'c mall)'


crowns of {-.old. :lIId of

other bishops likcwi:>c g-fcat :-ums of mOllc'{ f"

their bulls, which is l!imon)' imleW; would, 8.'1)',
Cllrl.-;tian Inl'n and subjc<:ls l,r rebellion have spent
so much Cllristi:UI blood, :lIId h:l\'c deposed their
natural, most Iloble, and most \,:llialll prince, to
brillg the malleT finally 10 this pass, had tll(!
Jm()lOlt what. they did, or had any ulllle~tandill~
ill God's word aL all ?
And, as these :llnbitious usurpcrs the Bishops of
Rome have ovcrflowed all Il:ll)' and Gerlllan)' with
>;trcams of Chri~tian blood, shed oy the rebellions
of i~llor:mt sul~cct.s against their natural lords
the Emperors, whom they have stirred thereunto
h.\- such lill.,:e pretences, so is there no country in
Christendom which by their like means and lall!C
Ilrctcnces h.ath IlOt Uecn O\crsprink.lL'<1 with the
blood of subjects by rebellion ag:ain,,--t, their lI:.ahlI"JI
'-lI\"t:-reiglls, rtirrcd Ill) by tllc same Bi"hops of
And to use onc example of our O\\'II countr~.
The Bishop of Home did pick a qU:lrrd to Killf:'
,,~,,:..... John of England 3bout the clC(:tion of SleJlhcn
L:mgtoll to the bi"IIOJlrie of Canterbury, \, herein
tile King hnd ancient ri~ht, bein~ u:;ed by his
progenitors, all Chri,,;tinn Kin~ of .ElIgl:lml Jx.fore
him; the Bi,,;hollS of l~mc ha\'ing 110 riJ.:ht, IJUt
had bc~un thcn to usurp upon. the Kings of
Engl:lnd :lnll nll other Chri",ti:lIl Kin~"8, as the)'
had before done a~.nilll;t their sovereigll lords the
Emperors; pr~dill~ c"en by thc ~:IIne WII) Pi
and me:lllll, and likeWise eur"ing Kill;.;' John, amI
dbcharging his 8110jcets of their oath of fidelity


w w w. h a i l andf m


IInto their sovereign lord. Now, had F.nrPlish_

men at. that time Imown their duLy to t.heir l~ril1ee
set forth in God's word, would a gre:lt many of
tlle nobles :lud other Englishmeu, u:lturnl subjects,
for this forei~n find unnatural usurper his vain In"o<ell!<U'
CU!"SC of the King, and for his lbigned discl13rgin~ Ill.
of them of their oath of fidelify to their natural
lord, upon so slender or 110 ground at all, have
rebclll'<1 f1g:tinst their sovereign lord the Killg?
Would Engli:.>h subjects hll\'e taken p:lrt, against
the King of Eugbud and lIg:lillst .Englishmen,
with the French King and Frenchmen, being 11,ll1p
incensed ag:lillst this realm by the llishop of tmlcl> ~I~.
Rome? would they have sent for and rceeived
the Dolphin of l"r.1nce, with a great Ilrrny of IA_. U<II.
Prenehmen, into the realm of EUg'land? would ~~~:.
they hrl\'e sworn fidelity to the Dolphin ofl~l-:llIce,
bre:.king their oath of fidetiLy to their natural lord
the King of Englnnd, and Il:lve staud under the
Dolphin's banner displnyed ag':linsL the Kiug of
England? would the)' have expelled their sovereign lord the King of England out of London,
the chief city of Eng1:llld, :lIId out of the greatest
part of England upon the South side of 'l'I'Cnt,
e\'ell unto Lincoln, and out of Lincoln itself also,
and have delivered the pos..;;ession thereof unto the
Dolphiu of France, whercof he kept the possession
II great while? would they, being Englishmen,
Ilave procured so great sh(.'<1ding of English blood
and other infinite mischiefs and miSeries unto
Bugbud their natural country, as did follow those
cruel Wllrs and traitorous rebellion, the fruits of
the lli"llop of Home's ulessings? would they have
llr;vCIl their 1l3tural sovereign lord the King of
]~ngland to such extremity, tllllt he was inforecd
10 >:ubmit him>:clf unto that forei~n f.'11se usurllCr,
Ihe lli"hop 01' Rome, who compelled him t.o "urrender up the crown of England into the hands 01'
II;s Ic!!'3W j who in token of possessioll kept it in rond,lrl. ..,
his h~lds divers d:lys, :lnd thell dcli\'cred it a~in
10 King John upon that conditioll, that the Killg


w w w. h a i l andf m




Purl 0/ tlte Se,,,,!)#.

and his succcs..... t"', Kill;"~ of Ell~land. ShllUld. hold

the crown :lnd kill~uUl of En;.r1:mJ of the nl~IIOJl
of Rome :md his .. UCCCl>..o<ol'S.:is the m,;,;al.. of tile
"aid Bi~IIOPS of lL'ffi\l for ('\"/:'1'; in token whereof
tile Kill!..,'" of ]:II::,:-bnd ..liould po"y au )'e:lrl)"
tribute to the,1 Bi~h"p of Rome, as his
and licgcmen? would .Ell~lishmell ha\'(' hrou;.:-ht
their s(l\"o:rci~1I lord :llld natul'ul eouutry into this
thrnldom and buhjcclioll to a fal,;e foreig'1I lI~urper,
Sad fAr!! 1",wICH, nnd llad nny lllldcr,.lllntlil1;.:' in
nod's word nt. :all? Out of th" which lllQl;t
bmcntablc Cfu;C, and mO&-t miscr;ILJle t.rr:LIIuy,



spoil of the most



\\"h'e:; Cn>iUillg' hCrCII])()l1, the Kill:"rs and l"t'alnl

". 'I'" Acto of Eng-Illnd ~ollld not. rid thcmsclvctl by till:' RpaCe
~ ~~~:M-' of m:lILY years nller j tIle Ui,.;hop or ROllle iJ)' his
ministers continually not. only spoiling the rcnlm
..~~ '"
ami Killh"lO of :England of iulillite tr...'lhurc, hut.
also with the S.' mOlley hiring llUd lIlailllllilliug l'orf'ign cllcmiCll ag'ainst the realm ami Kingjj
(If EII,g'lund, to keep them in such his ~ul~iect.iull,
that the)' "honM not refuse to ]1<1)' whal"oo\'cr
those ull<;'1Iial,le woh'cs did g'rct..Jily ''':lj)C for,
and snfl~'r whnlS(l{'\'cr thQ:;(! most f:rnel tyrants
would la.\' IIPOII thcm, Would Eng'li:;llmcll h3\'c
sulli:red this? 1I'0uld lhc.f Ly rebelli<lu ha\'c cau.,,~'d
this, trow you, :lIId all lor the Bi".hop of Rome',.:
c;l\l..o:ele;;:s CUT'SC, "ad lIuJ ill those days k"olr/l :llltl
):;,! 1. ~
umlerst:llltkd, that Gut! duth CM'" tile U~ui"!J'
and blc~s the cIINlinJ.."ll of such wi<-k...>d U:>Utl1in;.r
Ili~hops ;md tJr.U1t"., as it appt.'3I'\.->d afterward in
King' J1(,IJr)' the Ei~htb his d.'l.JS, and Kin~
E\lwanl the "ixth, .'l.lId ill our graciolls SO\'l:,rcig-II'1l
d:l.'~ that 1I0W is, where ncither the }>opc's cur..<'-',
nor Gud',,; manifold Ll(,f!..-~illJ.."" arc w:llltinJ{? l3ut
in Kin;! Jullll'lI time the Ui:;hnp of Uome limit'.'
ijt;llltlin%: thl' bnlt~' hlindness, i;.rnonUlL'C of (;\Jd's
\\OI'd, and J;1l1~r".titiol1 of J>:ug-li",IJlllell, alld holl'
ll1uch tller \Il'l'l' clIclincd to WOf::illip thc hub.\'.
1(lI\i<::11 I,l'lb,t of Homc, and lo fear :111 Ili>l thr~al
e!lino'" ami Cllugc!etiS Cllf::ie~, he ablllil'<1 them thll~;



w w w. h a i l andf m

ogailllllCi{j'tll R.:let/iol/.


:\IHI b.y their rcl,l'lliOll brou::;-ht lhi.; lIohle fl;llm

llnd Kin:.,-s of }:ng'lanu uudcl' Ili,; Illo,,:t cnll'1
lrr:lIlny, and to Le a spoil of !lis most vile and



and flWCIl)' for 11 long nnt!

n grl'".It dl':lll00 long :dimc.

And, to join unto the rcporh of historic!!

matters of later mcmor.Jf, coultl the ]3i...llop of
ltome h:wc raised the late rebellious in tllil North
:\llt! '\'l'St countries in the time;; of Kin,!:' Henry
ami Kill,!:' Ellwllrd, our graciolls Sovcrcig-ll's filthcr
and brother, but hr llbusiu;..:' of the i;..:'llOr.lI\t people? Or i.,: it. not most c\idcnt 1Il11t the Bis]l(Jp 01'

Rome hath of Inte nUcmpkd hy his Irish palri.

Hr<:hs ami bi"IIOP,;, scut from lwmc with his bulls,
(whereof some were dcprchcmlcd,) to Iml:\k llowlI
the bUnI nnd hed,!:'cs 01' the public pcal'C in hcl(lllll,
onl,\' UIXlIl confidcncc casily to ahu~c the iJ.:"HlI'llllCU
01' the wild lri,;hmcn? Or who sccth not UnlL 11pon
like oollfitlt'IWC Jct more Inldr he hath likcwi~c
pro('llro.,'d tlw breach of the puhhc pcace in En:;l:md,
(with the 101lg' :111 blcssed continlllllK'C wlwl'(>('!"
be is sore grienxl,) by the mini~try or his disguisl'd
ehaplnin~, creeping- in Iaymcn's apparel into the
Ilous{'S Hmi whi~pcI'ing in the ears of certain Northen border~'ri;, Uciug men most ig-llor:l1lt of their
dllt}, to God and their Ilrince of all poople of the
realm; whom lhcrdi>1'C, :lS most meet and ready
to execute llis illtendL'(1 puqx>se, he !lath by the
J<nid ig'llOr:llJt mass priests, as blind guides leading
the Lliud, brought those scely blind subje<:ls into
the (k'Cp ditcl1 of horrible rebellion, damnable to
thelllM:h-e.., amI nry dangerous to the slate of' IllC
re:llm, 11:1(1 Ilot Gud of hiii mercy lllil~IClllously
e:llll1(:(1 that rllJ.:'in~ tempest, not only without.. any
st.ipwrack of ille commonwealth, but almost without.. :lllY shcddiug of Christian and English blood
lit.. all.
And it is \'et much more to be Inmenled lhat,
not only comillon people, but some other youthful
or llllskillill prim'cs :11~0 sufr,'r ihelll~ ...h'"s 10 ht'
.:llII"ed hy Illu Hih 'p or Rome his c:tr<lill:lls and


w w w. h a i l andf m


TNe Si,rIA ParI

0/ 'lte &rnrfl1f,

l.i~hol'~ lo the ol'J1n-~ill!C of Chri~ti:lIl men tilcir



('itll('f lIHm-dn,>,. or


bf pro-

curing the foree BIltI stn:n:,>th of Chri.stinll men

1f) be coon',H'(1 oul of onc countr." to Oppl"l.~ true
(Ilri,.ti:ms ill :lIlother count,)". and by tllC:SC 1llt.'3IlS
lk'lI 311 enlry unto )[OOnl :md infidels into the
I (~ioll of Chri-tkall rrolms :md COlllltric>; i ot her
('hri...tian princes in the rnC'dll time, by the Bi_hop
of Home's procuring 1I1so, being so OC<:tll'il.J ill
ti"il wars, or so troubled wilh rebellions, tllat
the)' have Ilcitlu,'r lei:surc nor ability to COllli:r tllcir
t:ommoll fore<'S to tile defellce or their 1i:!lIow Christians a~illst. FilCh invn"iolls of the common ellcmie~
oI'Cllri"lclldom, tile infidels and miscrC:lIIts. "'oulll
to God wo m;J.;'ht. only read HII(I hear out of Ilill_
torics of t.he old, uml 110t. [ll~o sce nnd feci thc::oe
new :1Od prescnt. 0PIlresl:lionl> of Cllrist iall":, rebelliOn,;
of subjects, eflil"ioll ofChristi:lll blood, destruction
of Christ inn men, dcen)f aud ruin of Chri>;tclldolll,
inerensc of pag:lIlity, lil08t lamclltahle and'ul
to behold, hcing procured in these our d:lys, as well
as ill iimcs IJ:lst, hy tIle Di"hop or Rome :lnd llis
milli"u:rs :lbusillg the ignor.uwe of God's word yet.
relll3illillg' ill some Christiall Ilrinces and people.
By \\hidl sour and bitter fruits of ig'llofancc all
mcn ought to be movoo to gi\e car and ert.'<1it. to
God's word, shewillg',;I1 most trol,f, Sl) most plainl~,
how great a mischief ignornllcc is, and :l~"':lill huw
f,rreat :lIId how good a b';l'\; or God knowledge in
Uod's word is. And to beg-in with the Romi,;h
c1erg~', who thou;;h they do brng now, ::J/:I did
, :;ometime the Jcwish c1erg)", thllt they cannot'k
'~. rt:. ., know!t'(lgc, )et doth God by his holy Prophet,:
.~"I" hull. eh:ltg'C them with ignof:lIIcc, :lIId thrc:,tclI
thelll alliO, for lhal ther have fl,:pclled thc know_
It'(I~''C of God's word nnd law from thclIlsc1vcs and
trom his people, tlHlt Ilc will fl'pel them, llw.t Ihe)"
"lmU be no Illore hill prilsts. God likewise charget h
h ,I. ,....u. princes as wdl :l~ prie~h', that. the)" should endc:l\"Illlr thcm""lve8 to g.:L ll11dt,~tnndillg and knoll'_
Ir<1;;c ill his word, threatening his bell'r wr:tth


w w w. h a i l andf m

U!laill# ri(fid IMJt:llion.

and dl'slrndiOIl unto thcm if tIll')' fail thcrrof.
And the Wi~e ?lall snith to all !ljcn ullilcr,.:lllr, I'N~.>I< .
. t s, an<1 peop Ie, II-tflere ". no ",'1/0/1:
/ /'
e(ge, w...l. d,l. ,.
there i, HO .900f.l 'Ior heaU! 10 tAe lOut i :1I\d that all
,nm te min i" whom il not tAe lllQwledge t!f God
nnd his hill\' word; that thelf feho feall: in darlmuJr 1_.nU J~'
teot 110t 1C1t/ther tlte.1I go; ami that the people tlml :~~}~;~~ll.
will not learn shnll fall into great mischiefli; a~ J5
did the pooplc of' Israel, who, for their iJ::llOfllllCC J. <. 'J.
in God's word, were first ko<1 into cnplivity; (md,
when Ly ig'lIofnncc afll'rw:nd they \\'ould not 1"/l{Jlo r.lI~e ,I<.H;
tAe tillu: qltheir vi,i/alum, buL crucified Christ our "Ill. jf.
Saviour, pctsl.'Cuted IJis holy Apostles, and wcre ,1.01010111\.,
so ignorant :Hld Llind that, wlJcn they did mos t luc<
wiekl-dl)' and erue\]y, they thoug-ht they did God JoJm ..1. ,.
good :Illd aeC<'ptable 8Cf\'icc, (as do 1ll:'Illy by i~lIorall(,,\: think e\'Cll at this cia)',) finallr, through 1Ilcir
ig-Ilor.llloo and Llindncss, their country, towns,
cities, lIieru~alem iL~elf, and the holy temple of
God were all most horribly destroyed, thc most
ehiet'est Ilurt of their people slain, and the rl'St led
into most mi,.cr.ILle captivity: for he that made b. ~niL ...
them, Aad 1/0 pi!.! llpon tltem, neither 1could Ipa re
tne/It i and :.11 tor tbeir ignof'J.ncc. And th~ holy 1100.1<.6:
::icriptures do teach th:lt thc people that. will not ~~.UI.ro_...
sce with their el'CS, nor l\Car with their ears, to 1.... <1 0:
learn and to lln;lerst:lIld with their hearts, call1lot ~:':Jlj~~~'~,i:
be converted and s:I\e<!. And the wicked them- ",0.
sch'cs, bciJl~ damned in hell, shall confe,;;> ignor:lnec
ill God's wonl to have brougllt them thereunlo,
S:l.rin:.r, Ire ltaCi! i!rri!(l from. the wag 0/ tAe trllth, Witd <.6.1.
and the light oj'ri!lhleou,ni!18 Aat! '/lot ,hiJtetl1l1tw
UI, and the '111.1 t!l ul/dCrllalUlill(J Italh '/lot rili!/~
,'nto 1/1. We hare 1Cearie(1 01.lrletve8 in tlte Te(l!! if
fl"il'l'e{"/e~~ (1111/ l,erdititM, a1ld hat'r: 'U;1llJ'ed c/I/Rf.,rOUI
aNd crooi'e(l wa!l~; f.,ut thr: wag ql the .Lord hW'e ICe
/lot i/lo/rIl. Ami :IS wdl our S:wiour himself a.;;
Ilis Apo,.tle Sl.!':lIIl do teach, that ig-uoI'am'c )I.".dlJ 10:
of God's won! eomelh of the dC\'il, is the ean"e'lOr.lo,J..
of all error :lIld lJ1i:-jmlging', {as l;illeth out "'ith
i;;llor:lIlt sul~.:<:ls, who call rather espy a little )1.,,\ .;I.J.


w w w. h a i l andf m


Agailllt wi{ful


mMc in lhe . . ~e of the prinee or a coull"cllor tlWll

a ;,:"I"t':lt I/I.'am ill their own,) and uni\','r~al1.\ iL i"
till' (".m,;c or all ,,\"il, and finalh- or cternal 'lIon:!.tion; (iud'"jtul::lnl'nl IIt.'ill:; :en-fC 1I11\;Irc:I,. those
J "IlL ", who, wl'l'll t1w 1;!l1II 'If Chri~t'~ Go.-pd iof nmle jlf/u
/!le Y"rM, do ,/,.I'!lAI 1iltJ/'t i.. ,l,dllt:"" of i~1l0r:lllce
1Ii'1n in 'he lif!hI ur kll')ld",!;,,"C ill God'l! lI'urd. .For
)lau.1. '$; 1111 art! c,lnltl1all(!I:,[ to reud or helll', to scllrch
l,lllo."";. ': .lIll 1 "Iudy, the huly Scriptures, and arc JlromiSt.>U
:.~';.~'_~' undcf':'wmliug to he ~i\'cn tllem from God if tlll.'~
Jla". d,: !'O do; all aro ('h:af'e.,,-'d noL to belic\,;! citlH.'f allY
::::::~t 0 tleatl man, nur if an all~) SllOU1d "J~.'ak from
~, l;a1.;e"": Iwan-ll, much 1,'''~ if the POI>C do l>J>l':lk from Rome,
a;:ain"t or l'Ontr:lry to the wo....1 God; from the
11w. Y,J',Jj, which wc may u'd {{,:l'li"e, neilher (o lite right hfltlll
u...u "U.,~,nor to the fI'Il, III God's word pl'iIlCl'S mu,.t 1eal'll
how to ohe)' God and to ,g'(l\'crn men: in GOl.I J " word
le-. .11', !iUhjl"(;l~ mu~L Icnrn olx'tiiclU:c b..,t h to God :lIld tllcir
:j~'/ "'L6. prill('''C:<, Old men l\lld young. ridl and poor, allmclI
I', ... b'-9- :md Wtlllll'U, 1111 f"~tllt S,8eXl"S, :llld :l:""\.'l', are t:all~ht.
I", .b<. :
their ..ever.ll dutie>< in the wonI of Gnd, Ftlr {he
.".. c 1.<. 'O!' ~{)Tfl r:l r.ud;8 bfl9A1, 9irill9 light 111/.10 all melt" t'yt:l1,
lite "';Hillg {{Imp directing till melt'8 JUllh;, amI ,{epl,
1:1,11. Y. rp
Lotus therefore awake from the sll'l'p ami dark.
~. : It<a,
1lC!SS of i~noraIK'C, and open our ere", thal we Illay
>Iia,. H,,'
Ere 1h(' Ji;.rIIL: let U-I ri,e from t!le 'IC"rh (:/ darhe8l1,
that wc lIlar l.lSC:ll'c cternal d.lrkll...,..., the due
H" "J~, rowanl thl.'n'Of: and let U3 'lCal/; in thc li~ht of
God'" wonl reAilt:' 'ICe lace ligAt, as b"'1...,mcth /h,.
cAiMre.. fjf light; so directing the slt'jl" of l)ur
Jin~ ill thal way wllich Ic'lllelh to lig-ilt and lilt;
cvcr1:u.tillg, t11:1l we 111:1)' finully olttaill and enjoJ
tIll' !<amc. "'Ilieh God tlte .f;tther 0/ light" 1CRO
, n.. yl" j/,.lIrtJi jn ligAt il1('flml)r'chell~il,le allt! illa~eltj/;/t:,
...... 1iL.~: ;"~lIt unto us, through tAe LigAt of tile ",!)rld Ollr
..... ',; h.! ;'o;t\i.,ur J...... us Chri~t.
Unto whom with the Ifol,'
(;Iw~t, one mo~l :::!(lriollS God, he nil hvn(l\l~,
pr:li ~, ami t hallbgi\ing' for c\'cr 1l1ld e""r. .\mCll.
'l'hu" Il:llc rOll heard thc Sixlh 1'1lrt of tlli>:!
Homi1)': now, good pl.'oplc, let u,,; pr;!)',
The Pr.!) er .13 It..Jorc,



w w w. h a i l andf m


TII.E LAST REBl:Ll..l0:-.-.


m:ln::....y :llld mo"t merciful Father, the De.

t('mlcl' of thu",c that put lllci., tru~t ill tlwc, the
~ur(l Fortress of all tlH.'1ll tl,"L flce to thee for
~1l(.'("OlIr j who, or thr most jll"t juu;:mcnb I'Ql' OIlT
disolocdieucc lllld rcbdliOll llg;.litlsL Ih.\" !lair \\01'<1,
:111d tOT our sinful find wi...hd living, nothing
:mswcring fo our 1101.1' prof~,,~i(lll> wh~'rcb.r wc havc
g-i\'cll till o<:ca"iOIl tlmt lilY holy Name kith bCCIl
bla~I)hcmcd arlloll~..,:t the ignor:llIt, !last of Lite,
'lOth sore a!Ja,.!ll,.'i! the 11'11011.: rl'alm and p<,ople 01
l':ngl:lIld with t1lC terror ami d:lllgCT or ['dJdJioll,
therehy 1(1 aWllkc \IS 0111, of OUT dead "ll't,p \,f (':LTC
kss sc<:urity; and hast J'ct, by tIle llli,.cric.... l(jllowiug llle !;<IIllC rclx:llion, more !:'Iml-pl,\' punishul l'nrt
of our L'Qlllll rymCIl ilnd Cllri::;tian brethrell, who
!mvc more Ilearly felt the same; [lnd most llrClH.Ifully hast seollrgt..,<1 some of the seditious persolls
with terrible eXl'eutioni', ju;;tly intliehd for thcir
disohedience to thee and to lIlY :,cn':\IIt their
Sovereigll, to the eX:\lnple of liS ull uud to thc
warning, corrl.'Ctioll, and amcndment of lhy servants, of thine aecustomell :;,"OOducss tllrnill~
:Ilwap; the wiekednc::s of evil mcn to tIll,! prollt
of them that J~'ar tlu.:c; wl,o, ill thy Judgment ~
remembering thy mercy, ha~t by lhy :llSsist:lllce
,:;-ivcn the victory to thy liCl'\':llIt our QUI'CII, her
truc nohility and I:tilllful foilll~t..'Cll;, willt so littlc,
nr raih('r no, elrll~ioll of Chl'istian blol,d, :1'; :dso
11a\'c ensucd, to thc CXtCl.'lli11'"
f"rt of all sorrowful Chri,.liall hCllrts; and that of
thy l:ltherly J!ily and mcn:iful goodncss only, alJ(L
I'\'cn for thine OWl! Name's sake, without any OUI'
llt:sert at all: \\-ll<:,rl'lor<: we rendcr unto thee most
humble alld hl':tt'!.1 thanks lor these lhy grellt
mercies shcwl'tl UlltO liS, 11"110 had descn'ed slmrJ!c!'
punislunenl; l1Io~L humbly Lc~el'ehil1g thec to
c>rallt unlo all liS that (''Qnfe~s tllr holy X:Jllll',


w w w. h a i l andf m


and profe!':; the true ami perfect religion of thy

holy Gospel, thy hC[l\'cnl,I' gracc, to "hew our!>eh'cs in 0111" living' according- to Ollr profession;
tlwt. wu, truly knowing' tllt:~e in thy blessed word,
may obediently walk in t.hy holy commandments;
;llld that W(', I'ein~ warned by this thy f:ltherly
<:oncetion, do provoke thy jllst wrath flg-ainst us
no more, but may enjoy the C<'lltinuallce of thy
::;-rcat mercies t.oward U:;, thy right hand, as in
1his, so In lll\ other in\'llsions, rl'bcllions, and
dangers, continually s<win::r and defending our
Church, our roalm, our QUl'ell, and people of
:Eng-land; that all Ollr posterities ensuing, COllfi..'-'sing' thy hol.\' Name, pl'ofcs.:;ing thy holy
GOl'pcl, nnd leallinl; un hoty lile, ma,l' perpetually
JlT:lise aud magnifY thee, with thy onty Son Jesus
Clll'ist our Saviour, :lIld the lIoly Ghost: to
whom be all laud, prnisl', glory, and emllil'e for
('vcr Rnd ever. Amen.


w w w. h a i l andf m



mane dene of thieve., ~S9.

I .AJlfl,ropomorpJ.ifa, here-ey of. 116.
A[,rollUlA', bwo"'. 11 place of tfllll IInd Jhti,h";.c, Illi~hty in mirll.Cl(lll, 145
""n... l.llt;Oll, 9~, 9').
.IIPI,"rtl, homily ..gll;n~t CXCCiIiI in,

A/"M.Jdi"t1, I10t a ...crnment, .iii.

3'4; four tCUOll! llt.~;n't ,umptu"dll""hi'l'ri",itive't"te.p~;clT~'CtI
on" 3'5, /Ill may not WellT Ilk",
ofbi, .in, .. 26; eoven..,,! wilh,
.116; cxceu of, OOllllltb some to rolo
purch""t'll for himself IIml hi, 1101the p<><>r. ,1.14.;t)', jnn "Tall! by ,in, HS; Chrin Apple. forbidden, ,,,ten by Ad.,m,
given to. 4,;5.
wrougllt de:ltb .....S.
.Adldt"y, what forhidden under th;, Appo;nltd to everlMting life, chllmel'!T
(.CnD, 114; nildR'ClIIof,131; how
ofthOllc who aro.-\15. 8edf.'/(r;I.
pUllilbed by (;od, 134, 1.'5; 1""",
of Jrl:\n "S'lIin"t, 136; how to avoid, Bupti,m, the ClUe of illf"ntll d)",nl; ..nor,
20 ; CMe of thtlilll who liu nfkr, ib. ;
in b.~I'tls,U. il remilllliOll of oril,rin.. J
A!J<'lht, or A.!J<Ultll, Ictwl'll of, 60 ; lcttel'lll
lill, :7; "'e aro not to li"e 'dlyor
of, mooo 011 hcr d"y too qucnch fire,
unprofit:thly after, 29; h)' holy pro
millCll ,n, we are made livel)" memo
Af..." ~h" benefit of, 106; to be gixcn
l<:l ~he poor, inBtead of OOlItlylldorn
bel'll of Ghrilt, 74; hut one, "1ll1
ment.i to image><, 28.~; aN thankthcrefore all who aN h.~l'li7.eJ ought
to be at unit)", 1i3; the ":,cm",,,nt
fully acccpteo.l by God, i01; duty of
gi"ing, often ur,;ed by the FatherB,
of our regeneration, Or ne'" birth,
408; we~hould be .. mindful of, lUof
30~; we ""' w:Lahed
from th"
putting ganllClltll on oUl'llCh'el! (Chry
ftltbinetl9 of Bin, 440 ; no other ele
_\.Om), iO<J; Io:ood cffccla of. 4'0;
ment but water to be used in, 49~.
acceptable to CIo"';"t, if done for hi. Baron" men profelliling poverty often
richer thau, .~8.
uke, .' J; al'fl 'IlC'''lB \.0 ke<;:r tl,,"
lOul puro and cle\n ill lohe .i;jht of BanliCQI. nllUlO of C1'ri3tian Church""
God. -+'4; )"et not for their OWn
from the timo of COlllt"ntiue, ~6S.
worthine&<, but through the gra~ Rtad" 60.
ofG",I.4 ,6 .
Btlitrt'rl (or thl*! who are joined 10
.IlIlU'Il. "hy "",id lit the cnd of prare",
Chrid ...ith !.rUe f:~ith) hRve c:,u,,", '"
made in the nBme of all, 3;9; wbat
lie full of jO)', 98 ; deMb c.~n"ot d,
pri"e them of Je~u$ Christ, ib.: n',r
mcant I.oy it, 3~.;.
A u,mJ" nolle j)(t>.ible to be 1,)'
any lill oolld"IDIl, ib. ; csh"rted \"
UB ,n onler to our jllltification, 11.
10"e and obedience, ib. See Fuil4
A "~l,," of, 99: fello"-~hil' "nd CI,ri".
with lH'rcllftd, 10S; H"cml ordenl Bdf, booJ:. a"d (arldl(, the nom"ni3t~
of, 100); nott to be invoked, .1-+3.
CUIl'C wilh, 4<;6
R"",llrJ.. SI., H"- of, Go.
A ":J(r kin,1 of 'U",h'CM, 1."0'
AlU<lYri":J. frwcurd, lIn cIhorttltion /uUu, the cnem'cl of l;od. ~ti!'TCd "I'
hJ ootau, l'luck tll 'Ill out of tb ..
a.."l\in~l, ,-+6; naoKlul Ilbolin.l, I t I.

.''i ;



w w w. h a i l andf m

more to come . . .


w w w. h a i l andf m

See the many companion volumes under
Protestant Sermons and Books online at
The Touchstone of Sincerity or Trial of True and False
Religion (1814 edition)
by John Flavel
The Works of the English Reformers: William Tyndale and
John Frith (1831 Edition in three Volumes)
by William Tyndale (Martyr) & John Frith (Martyr)
A Collection of Several Treatises Concerning The Reasons and
Occasions of the Penal Laws. (1675 Edition)
by Sir William Cecil, Lord Burleigh (1520-1598), Counsellor to
Queen Elizabeth I of England
An Answer to Sir Thomas Mores Dialogue (1531; 1850
by William Tyndale
The Almost Christian Discovered; or the False Professor Tried
and Cast (1661; 1819 Edition)
by Matthew Mead
Religious Affections (1746)
by Jonathan Edwards
Real Christianity or Practical View of the Prevailing Religious
System of Professed Christians, in the Middle and Higher
Classes in this Country, Contrasted with Real Christianity
(1797 Edition)
by William Wilberforce
Sermons, on Various Subjects (1823 Edition)
by Isaac Barrow (1630-1677)
The Benefit of Christs Death (Originally published 1543 in
Italian; English & Italian Editions)
by Aonio Paleario (Antonio della Paglia, 1500-1570, Martyr)
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, in a faithful account
of the life and death of John Bunyan
by John Bunyan (1628-1688)


w w w. h a i l andf m

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