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Case Analysis :

Managing diversity at
Cityside Financial Services

Submitted By :

Group AC1

Gaurav Ashok
Himanshi Chauhan
Nitin Haswani
Sakshi Bhalla
Vishal B Nair

Managing Diversity at Cityside Financial Services

Cityside Financial Services was a successful mid-sized bank serving an
Urban community, predominantly upper middle class whites. The bank
was later put up for sale as more middle class people started moving to
the suburbs. Ron Wilkins and a few other investors took over the bank.
They were a racially diverse group. Inorder to serve the racially diverse
markets, they decided to focus on two differential customer segments. In
1999, they launched two units in sales division namely Retail operations
(focused on local community) and External deposits (focused on investorsprovided portfolios).
Challenge faced by Ron Wilkins
The most crucial challenge faced by Wilkins was to maintain the essence
of diversity in the racially diverse group of management. There was a
serious issue of perception. The members of the External deposits and
Retail operations had a wrong perception of each other. Also there were
complaints raised by the rich people who moved out of the neighbourhood
that they were not provided various investment services. Even the clients
of retail were annoyed with the more cozy treatment that the clients were
getting at the external deposits. Even the banks quality was at risk. The
retail operations and external deposits were competing with each other.
Retail operations added a corporate banking function designed to service
corporate accounts and External deposits began marketing its investment
packages to the wealthy investors. There was severe lack of coordination
between the two units that has affected the banks efficiency.
There is a lack of collaboration in the company as both the units perceived
a sense of competition with each other, which denied the basis of the
services provided to their clients. The members of one group feel that the
other group members had a respect for them but still did not acknowledge
the contributions they made to the firm.
Diversity should be unbiased in the case of Cityside financial services
inorder to sustain the current client base and also to gain more diverse
clients. Here it is clear that there is a rising conflict between the people
working in the institution due to improper management of diversity. The
problem within the bank is due to the racial diversification of workforce.
The bank employed people to the two units based on their race (white or

black). The white people worked in the External deposits unit while the
Retail operations unit had only black people. The people were very
mission driven. But the company lacked in setting a clear mission for the
units of operations. The white and black discrimination led to creation of a
notion that the black people were lacking in potential and added less
value to the company and hence were put in retail operations.
The main reason why things did not work at Cityside Financial services
was that Wilkins failed to achieve the mission that he had sought in the
beginning. Wilkins wanted a minority inclusion within the firm but the
measures that he took were in vain as racial groups were formed within
the firm.
a) Wilkins should have made sure that all the employees of the firm be
it white or the black people feel included into the organization and
do not feel that they are being discriminated in any way.
b) They should also consider the perspectives of the employees
towards the organization as a whole but not segregated.
c) In addition to this, Wilkins needs to understand that the employees
belong to different cultural backgrounds and diversity. Hence it is of
paramount importance that he ensures that all the employees see
eye to eye and consider themselves an integral
part of the
organization rather than part of two racially diverse groups.
d) Apart from this, in depth cross training programme could reduce the
lack of coordination between the two units.

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