IRENA REthinking Energy 2nd Report 2015

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This publication should be cited as: IRENA (2015), REthinking Energy: Renewable Energy and
Climate Change.

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental
organisation that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future,
and serves as the principal platform for international co-operation, a centre of
excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on
renewable energy. IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all
forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar
and wind energy, in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy
security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity.

Principal authors: Henning Wuester, Rabia Ferroukhi, Laura El-Katiri, Deger Saygin,
Tobias Rinke and Divyam Nagpal
Reviewers: Elizabeth Press, Dolf Gielen, Michael Taylor, Nicolas Fichaux, Aleksi
Lumijarvi, Christian Kjaer, Ahmed Abdel-Latif, Dane McQueen, Giacomo Luciani, Kelly
Rigg, Martin Schpe, Martine Kubler-Mamlouk, Paul Komor, Steve Sawyer, Riccardo
Toxiri and Daniel Magallon
For further information please contact IRENA: [email protected]
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REthinking Energy



Executive Summary 5


The Need for Stronger Climate Action 9

Emissions Savings Through Renewable Energy 10

Accelerating the Energy Transition 13


Investment Needs and Opportunities  18

Investment Strategies for the Power Sector 20


Strengthen the Policy Commitment to Renewable Energy  26
Mobilise Investment in Renewable Energy 26

Build Institutional, Technical and Human
Capacity to Support Renewable Energy Deployment 27
Harness the Cross-Cutting Impact of Renewable
Energy on Sustainable Development 28
Enhance Regional Engagement and International
Conclusion  34

Appendix 36

References 38


Figure 1

Effect of Current Pledges and Policies

on Global Temperature10

Figure 2 Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector (2012)  11

Figure 3

The Levelised Cost of Electricity from Renewable, 

Fossil and Nuclear Technologies (2014) 12

Figure 4

Carbon-Dioxide Emissions Intensity of Power Generation 13

Figure 5

Carbon-Dioxide Emissions under REmap 2030 14

Figure 6

Global Annual Investment in Renewable Energy

(excluding large hydro) 17

Figure 7

Current Renewable Energy Annual Investment and

Needs for REmap 2030 18

Figure 8

Renewable Power Investment under REmap

(2015-2020, by technology) 19

Figure 9

Renewable Power Investment under REmap

(2015-2020, by region) 20

Figure 10

Linkages Between Renewable Energy and SDGs 29

Figure 11

Renewable Energy Employment Worldwide

(excluding large hydro)30

Figure 12

IRENA 2030 Employment Estimations 31

Box 1 Falling Costs, Increasing Competitiveness 12
Box 2 Five Actions to Increase the Deployment of
Renewable Energy  25
Box 3 Renewable Energy and Job Creation 30
Box 4 Selected IRENA Initiatives33

Table 1

Strategies to Close the Investment Gap 21




Renewable energy offers an immediate means to decarbonise the global

energy mix. Doubling the share of renewable energy by 2030 could
deliver around half of the required emissions reductions and, coupled with
energy efficiency, keep the average rise in global temperatures below
2 C and prevent catastrophic climate change.
Renewable energy deployment brings economic growth and sustainable
development. Promoting renewables means providing secure and clean
energy supply while supporting GDP growth, improving trade balances,
creating local value and jobs. Solar photovoltaic (PV) deployment,
for example, creates twice the number of jobs per unit of electricity
generation compared with coal or natural gas. IRENA analysis shows that,
with the right policies, renewable energy could generate over 24 million
jobs worldwide by 2030. If environmental and human health externalities
are priced into the global energy mix over time, the renewable energy
transition would result in net savings.
Transition to a sustainable energy future by 2030 is technically feasible and
economically viable. The falling cost of renewable energy technologies,
notably solar and wind power, contributes considerably to the growing
competitiveness of renewables vis--vis conventional fuels. Solar PV
modules, for instance, cost three-quarters less today than in 2009, while
wind turbine prices have declined by almost a third over the same period.
Cost reductions coupled with effective enabling policies have meant that
renewable energy capacity additions have continued to outpace those of
nuclear and fossil fuels in the power sector since 2011. For this remarkable
growth to become global, further investment is needed in countries and
regions that are embarking on a transformation of their energy systems
over the coming decade.
Effective action against climate change calls for scaling up investments in
renewable energy. IRENAs analysis shows that global annual investment
in renewables can reach USD 900 billion by 2030. In order to avoid lock-in
with unsustainable energy systems, annual investments between now and
2020 should reach USD 500 billion, almost a doubling from current levels
of investments. For successful climate action, the renewable share must
continue to increase in electricity but must also rise in transport, heating
and cooling.


Five actions for a sustainable energy future:

1. Strengthen the policy commitment to renewable energy. Enabling
policies and regulatory frameworks create stable and predictable
investment environments, help to overcome barriers, and ensure
predictable revenue streams for projects. Setting renewable energy
targets and formulating dedicated policies to implement them provides
strong market signals, reflecting government commitment to the sectors
development. Depending on the national context, complementary
measures can level the playing field for renewables through the
introduction of appropriate energy pricing structures.
2. Mobilise investments in renewable energy. Public funding will remain
an important catalyst and will need to increase, but the lions share of
new investment in renewables will have to come from the private sector.
To mobilise private investment, the strategy pursued must focus on risk
mitigation instruments and structured finance tools to develop a strong
pipeline of projects, and to unlock project financing and refinancing
opportunities. To scale-up investments in developing countries,
dedicated risk mitigation facilities are needed using both climate finance
and traditional development finance channels.
3. Build institutional, technical and human capacity to support renewable
energy deployment. Clarity of institutional roles accompanied by
transparent and streamlined procedures can reduce transaction costs
and make projects more attractive. From policy and regulatory design
to project preparation, evaluation, development and financing, a wide
array of skills needs to be built up in government ministries, financing
institutions and regulatory agencies. Coordination is also vital between
the different stakeholders in order to ensure, for instance, that physical
infrastructure and complementary regulations, such as grid codes, keep
pace with accelerating renewable energy development.
4. Harness the cross-cutting impact of renewable energy on sustainable
development. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on
energy will transform the energy system while helping meet other SDGs
such as for health, poverty alleviation, water and cities. Access to reliable,
cost-effective and environmentally sustainable modern energy services
can have a multiplier development impact in both advanced and access


contexts. In particular, renewable energy solutions can expand electricity

access, increase productivity, create jobs, improve water security and
bolster poverty alleviation efforts. The wider sustainable development
impact of renewable energy must be taken into account when strategies
for the implementation of SDGs are developed.
5. Enhance regional engagement and international cooperation on
renewable energy development. Regional approaches and common
initiatives can reduce costs, generate economies of scale, attract
investments, boost financial capacity, stimulate cross-border trade and
enable common progress in accelerating the deployment of renewable
energy worldwide. To meet national goals and ambitions, countries would
benefit from concerted action that regional and international cooperation
offers. Governments should tap into opportunities for engagement and
cooperation on renewables and climate mitigation.




Action to reduce the impact of climate change is critical, and
limiting the increase in average global temperatures to less than
2 C requires concerted global action.
Renewable energy plays a key role in mitigating global
greenhouse gas emissions by radically lowering the emissions
profile of the global energy system.
IRENAs analysis (REmap 2030) demonstrates that doubling the
share of renewables in the global energy mix by 2030 is possible
with existing technologies, and this, combined with improved
energy efficiency, would put the world on track to keep global
warming under 2 C.

The Need for Stronger Climate Action

Action to reduce the impact of climate change is criticial. The consequences
of rapidly rising global temperatures will be far-reaching and devastating for
humans and the environment unless urgent action is taken globally to curb
emissions. The 21 st session of the United Nations Conference of the Parties
to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC
COP21) in December 2015 could be a turning point in the worlds efforts to
reach a global agreement on climate change and avert the worst-case scenario
by limiting the rise in average global temperatures to less than 2 C by the end
of the century (UNFCCC, 2011).
Limiting the global temperature rise requires concerted global action.
At the Conference of the Parties in Warsaw (COP19), governments were
invited to submit a set of policy pledges, or Intended Nationally Determined
Contributions (INDCs). These would help achieve the objective of the
UNFCCC (Article 2), which calls for the stabilisation of greenhouse gas (GHG)
concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous
anthropogenic interference with the climate system (United Nations, 1992).
According to an analysis carried out by Climate Action Tracker (2015),
the INDCs seen thus far offer higher reduction potential compared to


pledges announced earlier. When INDCs submitted by 1 October 20151 are

aggregated and scaled up to the global level, total GHG emissions amount to
53-55 gigatonnes (Gt) of carbon-dioxide equivalent (CO2eq) in 2030.
Although this represents a significant improvement, there is still a gap of
15-17 Gt CO2eq to reach the 2 C target. If all INDCs are fully implemented,
there would still be an estimated increase in average global temperature rise
of approximately 2.7 C by the end of the century (Figure 1) (Climate Action
Tracker, 2015). This analysis does, however, not account for the inherent
dynamics of markets, such as the renewable energy market, and the potential
for economies of scale and further cost reductions.

Emissions Savings Through Renewable Energy

A key pillar of several countries mitigation strategies is decarbonisation
of the energy sector through renewable energy deployment. Energy use
accounts for just over two-thirds of total annual GHG emissions. A closer look
shows that power generation is responsible for the bulk of these emissions,
followed by manufacturing and transport (Figure 2).2
1 As of mid-November 2015, 134 INDCs have been submitted, reflecting 161 countries (including the
European Union member states) and covering around 91% of global emissions in 2010.
2 Greenhouse gas emissions include emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, nitrous oxide,
Ozone and chlorofluorocarbons. Carbon dioxide is by far the greatest source of emissions, but the
other gases all have a higher impact on global warming per tonne of emissions. Thus, total GHG emissions are usually expressed in tCO2eq, which includes the contributions from the other gases after
converting them into an equivalent amount of carbon-dioxide that would produce the same effect.




Other Fuel

Renewable energy already contributes to emissions reductions in

the power sector. Renewable power plants currently account for more
than 22% of total global electricity generation (REN21, 2015). In 2012,
an estimated 3.1 Gt CO2eq of emissions was avoided through renewable
energy use, compared to the emissions that would otherwise have
occurred from fossil fuel-based power. While these avoided emissions
come primarily from hydropower, the production of electricity from
wind, solar and bioenergy sources has seen a spectacular increase over
the past decade, driven by enabling policies and sharp cost reductions
(see Box 1). Without renewable-based power generation, total emissions
from the power sector would have been 20% higher.3

IRENA calculations based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC,
2012) and World Bank (2015a) World Development Indicators, available online at:



Costs for renewable energy technologies have fallen dramatically in
recent years. Solar photovoltaic (PV) modules in 2014 cost up to 80% less
than at the end of 2009, while wind turbine prices declined by almost a third
over the same period (IRENA, 2015c). Falling costs have made renewable
energy technologies increasingly competitive with conventional fossil fuels
(Figure 3).
One of the worlds lowest-cost utility-scale solar PV power plants is currently
being built in Dubai and will provide electricity for just USD cents 5.84 per
kilowatt-hour (IRENA, 2016a). Onshore wind is one of the most competitive
forms of generation capacity, with electricity costs of about USD cents 4
per kWh. At the same time, where untapped economic resources remain,
biomass for power, geothermal and hydropower can all provide electricity at
very competitive prices.

To limit the global temperature rise, renewable energy deployment must

be accelerated. For the electricity sector, achieving a further reduction
in absolute emissions will require a substantial decrease in the emissions
intensity of power generation. The average emissions intensity has barely


changed over the past 20 years (Figure 4). Under current policies and
national plans, it is expected to fall from 575 grams per kilowatt hour
(g/kWh) in 2010 to 488 g/kWh by 2030. A further reduction of the emissions
intensity to 362 g/kWh equivalent to a 40% intensity reduction from 1990
levels could be achieved by scaling-up renewable energy deployment.
Additional opportunities for emissions reductions lie in other end-use sectors
(heating/cooling and transport), thus building the case for accelerating the
energy transition.




Business as Usual

Natural Gas

REmap 2030




Natural Gas

Accelerating the Energy Transition

Ramping up renewables is essential to meet climate goals without
decelerating economic growth and reducing welfare. IRENAs analysis in
REmap 20304 reveals that doubling the share of renewable sources in total
final energy consumption (TFEC) from 18% in 2010 to 36% by 2030, combined
with significant improvements in end-use energy efficiency, is required to
limit global temperature increases to under 2 oC.
IRENAs REmap 2030 is a roadmap of technology options to increase the global share of renewables. It is based on national sources of 40 countries, which account for 80% of the expected total
global energy demand in 2030. Current national plans and targets are collated to produce the Reference Case. The realistic potential of technology options beyond the Reference Case are examined to
develop a roadmap (REmap 2030) towards a doubling of the share of renewables. The methodology
is described in greater detail in the Appendix.


Under business-as-usual (Reference Case), current policies and those under

consideration will increase the renewables share of TFEC to only 21% by 2030.
In this case, annual global energy-related CO2 emissions will actually increase
from 30.3 Gt/year in 2010 to about 41.4 Gt/year by 2030 (Figure 5).
Boosting renewables to 36% of the energy mix makes a significant difference
to global GHG emissions projections. The gap between the Reference Case
and the REmap 2030 options (36%) corresponds to a reduction of 8.6 Gt of
energy-related CO2 emissions per year by 2030, due to to avoided combustion
of fossil fuels (of which 64% would have been coal, 20% oil and 16% natural gas)5.
In other words, this is renewable energys untapped potential for additional
CO2 reduction that would be lost, unless we accelerate renewable energy
implementation. This would require the rate of renewable energy uptake to
rise by around 1% per year in TFEC until 2030, which represents a six-fold
increase compared to current levels.
Emissions reduction from renewables deployment, coupled with achievable
energy efficiency improvements (7.3 Gt of CO2), could limit global temperature
rise to below 2oC (IRENA, 2014a). Realising these reductions will require
substantial efforts to mobilise investments in the renewable energy sector.

This estimate excludes any life cycle emissions of fossil fuels and renewables.





To realise the emissions-reducing potential of renewables by 2030,
investments need to be scaled up significantly and rapidly. IRENA
estimates that global annual investment in renewable energy
would need to double from current levels to reach over USD 500
billion in the period up to 2020, and be further scaled up to an
annual average of USD 900 billion between 2021 and 2030.
The majority of the investment will go into the power sector,
driven by rising demand in Asia, Europe and North America.
Public finance cannot achieve the scale-up required, but if used
catalytically it can mobilise private investments enabling growth
to the levels required.
Doubling the share of renewable energy in the worlds total final energy
consumption within the next fifteen years is technically and economically
feasible. Global investment in renewable energy has seen a sustained
momentum over the past decade reaching USD 270 billion in 2014 (Figure 6).


Further increase can be expected as investment opportunities in emerging

markets are unlocked. Europe and North America, as early adopters, have
accounted for the majority of past investments, but trends indicate a rise in
investments in developing markets in Africa, Asia and Latin America (49%
in 2014). Many of these markets are experiencing a rapid growth in energy
demand, and renewable energy is seen as an increasingly important part of
the future energy mix.

Investment Needs and Opportunities

Directing energy sector investment towards renewables will help realise
their substantial potential for climate stabilisation. Action is required
immediately, prior to 2020, so that annual investment in renewable energy
across all sectors would surpass USD 500 billion6 (Figure 7). In the period
between 2020 to 2030, investment will need to further rise to around USD
900 billion annually. Under business-as-usual (Reference Case), investment is
expected to remain around the same levels.
The power sector will continue to attract the majority of new investments,
but end-use sectors will need to receive growing attention. IRENAs analysis
shows that global annual investment in renewable energy in the power sector
should be at least USD 600 billion by 2030. In order to avoid lock-in with unsustainable energy systems, annual investments between now and 2020 should
reach USD 410 billion, which is USD 133 billion more than the current level.

Business as Usual

For IRENA estimations, investment in 2014 includes asset finance, small distributed capacity and
biofuels (data from UNEP, BNEF and FS, 2015) as well as large-hydro investments (data from IRENA).
It does not include public or private RD&D, public markets and venture capital/private equity.


Solar and wind power will remain the leading technologies for renewable
energy investment up until 2020, with roughly USD 140 billion investment
each per year (Figure 8). Investment in less mature technologies biomass,
geothermal and tidal, wave and ocean energy is expected to increase more
rapidly, albeit starting from much lower levels.






Asia, Europe and North America will continue to drive the renewables
market. In the coming years, the largest share of global renewable power
investment would be required in Asia (USD 178 billion per year until 2020),
followed by the European Union (EU) (USD 77 billion), and North America and
the Caribbean (USD 55 billion) (Figure 9). The fastest increase would take place
in Sub-Saharan Africa (around six-fold compared to 2014) and in the Middle
East and North Africa (around three-fold).



(2%) (5%)


Non-EU Europe

27 (6%)

Investment Strategies for the Power Sector

To close the investment gap and ensure a rapid increase in renewable
energy uptake through 2030, public funding will remain important as a
catalyst to mobilise private investment. Public funding will need to increase,
but the larger amount of new investment in renewables will need to come
from private finance. IRENA analysis shows that the share of public funding
would remain at 15%, which still represents a substantial increase in absolute
terms given the growth in investment needs in the renewable power sector.
Policymakers, representing the main shareholders of public institutions like
Development Financing Institutions (DFIs), Climate Finance Institutions (CFIs)
and green banks, have an essential role to play in establishing renewable
energy targets.
To mobilise private investment and close the power sector investment
gap of USD 133 billion per year to 2020, an effective strategy is needed.
It would focus on risk mitigation instruments and structured finance tools to
develop a strong pipeline of projects as well as unlock project financing and
refinancing opportunities. The strategy needs to be tailored to each phase of
renewable energy project cycle (planning, construction and operation) and
include private and public actors (Table 1). Successful implementation could
help meet the renewable energy deployment objectives.
Given that todays investment decisions could lock-in power systems and
associated emissions for decades, in the short-term greater focus must be
placed on the planning phase to ensure there are attractive renewable energy
projects in the pipeline. Strategies in this phase should focus on:


Increasing available risk capital: Public finance institutions can play an

important role in supplying early-stage risk capital. For instance, through
a dedicated fund-of-funds structure, a small amount of public funding can
be used to catalyse significant amounts of private funding.
Increasing the flow of bankable projects: Comprehensive project
preparation facilities can either support governments in setting up
public-private partnerships, or support individual projects in structuring
agreements and financing proposals. Project preparation facilities can
also be coupled with DFI-led technical assistance projects that source
pipelines of projects or create enabling conditions to support local market
Developing new planning-stage risk mitigation mechanisms: Targeted
public guarantees and new public-private risk sharing facilities enable
more projects to reach the construction phase.
The large majority of renewable energy investment is made during the
construction phase of projects, mainly in the form of debt financing. Strategies
in this phase should focus on:


Increasing public-private co-lending: DFIs, CFIs and green banks can

adapt public-private partnerships and finance mechanisms to bring
in commercial banks and non-traditional private participants such as
institutional investors.7
Scale-up existing risk mitigation mechanisms: The increased utilisation
of existing risk mitigation instruments, such as guarantees and insurance
from DFIs, insurance companies and Export Credit Agencies, to manage
construction and operation risks for projects, would enable renewable
energy projects to secure financing for construction.8
In the operation phase, banks and project developers can recycle capital to
fund the next round of projects. A strategic focus in this phase could be:
Using long-term financing mechanisms and structures for refinancing:
Refinancing vehicles can increase the dedicated renewable energy capital
and liquidity in the market. They free up the balance sheets of DFIs,
commercial banks and project developers to continue investing in new
projects, while tapping into institutional investor appetite for long-term
stable cash flows through refinancing low-risk operational projects. For
example, smaller projects can be aggregated into Green Bonds or Yieldcos.9
International financial support will need to play a critical role in financing
renewable energy deployment in developing countries. A number of
dedicated CFIs, such as the Global Environment Facility, the Clean Investment
Funds of the World Bank, and most recently the Green Climate Fund (GCF)
have been channeling climate finance to developing countries, including for
renewable energy investment. The operationalisation of the GCF is underway:
USD 10 billion have been pledged, 20 implementing entities have been
accredited to undertake investments, and the first set of projects to receive
funding were selected in November 2015.
Going forward, accelerated uptake of renewable energy in developing
countries will require a significant increase in international financing efforts.
Industrialised countries have committed under the UNFCCC to mobilise USD
100 billion annually by 2020. Climate finance and other public finance sources
DFIs developing and implementing co-lending structures in emerging markets could mobilise USD
30 billion and new construction stage lending supported by DFI credit enhancements could mobilise
another 30 billion in incremental investment for sustainable energy. The potential leverage ratios for
public-private climate-specific investment can be 1:4 to 1:5 (SE4All Advisory Board Finance Committee, 2015).
Many DFIs already offer many risk mitigation instruments. The challenge is to successfully deploy
them for financing of renewable energy projects. For instance, guarantees can leverage between 1:3
and 1:15 of investment, including in markets with challenging political and regulatory environments
(SE4All Advisory Board Finance Committee, 2015).
According to SE4All Advisory Board Finance Committee (2015), scaling up green bonds could
mobilise USD 35 billion of annual incremental investment for sustainable energy, and aggregation
structures for project developers could mobilise a further USD 25 billion. The definition of Yieldcos:
A publicly traded equity vehicle that pools operating renewable energy assets and that is designed
to provide investors with long-term stable cash flows based on revenue generated by these assets.


can be targeted towards mobilising private sector investment, along the lines
of the strategies outlined above, and complement other international efforts.
There is ample experience of public finance being utilised to de-risk investments
and leveraging considerable funding from private sources, both domestic
and international. Increased focus of public sector financing on the risks and
barriers of renewable energy investment, and options for enhanced action
can be identified at different levels building on proposed initiatives. These
could use climate climate finance (e.g. a renewable energy risk mitigation
facility funded by the Private Sector Facility of the Green Climate Fund) at the
global level (such as a global risk mitigation facility initiated by the G20) or at
a regional level (such as the guarantee fund of the European Juncker Plan).
Closing the investment gap is possible, but will require a combination of
strategies to mobilise different investors. Recommendations on strategies and
the mix of instruments would differ between regions and technologies. None
of the strategies would be a solution in isolation but each would contribute to
a broader action plan to accelerate renewable energy deployment.




Globally, there is a large amount of capital available to be invested,
but governments must make significantly more systematic efforts
to attract this funding into the renewable energy sector.
Five actions are proposed for government policy to accelerate
the transformation of the existing energy system to one based on
considerably higher shares of renewable energy.
Globally, there is a large amount of capital available to be invested. The
worlds total financial assets are expected to increase to USD 900 trillion
by 2020 (Bain & Company, 2012); managers of this capital will be seeking
investment opportunities. Renewable energy projects can tap into this pool
of capital; however, they must compete with other investments including
other infrastructure and energy projects to secure financing. In this chapter,
we discuss policy tools and strategies that can accelerate the transformation
of the existing energy system to one based predominantly on renewable


1. Strengthen the policy commitment to renewable energy
2. Mobilise investments in renewable energy
3. Build institutional, technical and human capacity to support
renewable energy deployment
4. Harness the cross-cutting impact of renewable energy
on sustainable development
5. Enhance regional engagement and international cooperation
on renewable energy development


1. Strengthen the Policy Commitment to Renewable Energy

Renewable energy enabling policies have played, and will continue to play,
a fundamental role in attracting investments, increasing deployment and
driving cost reductions. Globally, 164 countries have adopted renewable
energy targets (IRENA, 2015g), with deployment aspirations featuring
prominently in several countries INDCs. Translating these broad aspirations
into concrete technology-specific deployment targets is an important next
step to provide both policy guidance and long-term planning security for the
public and private sectors. These targets need to be backed by dedicated
policies that are tailored to each countrys local conditions as well as to the
market segment where deployment needs to be supported. Enabling policies
and regulatory frameworks could ensure predictable revenue streams for
projects, create a stable and predictable investment environment, and can
help to overcome non-economic barriers.
Sending appropriate price signals to the market is important in promoting
renewable energy. Setting renewable energy targets and formulating
dedicated policies to implement them provides a strong market signal,
illustrating government commitment to the sectors development. Depending
on the national context, complementary measures can also be adopted
including levelling the playing field by pricing externalities and reducing fossilfuel subsidies. Where appropriate, reducing fossil-fuel subsidies can level the
financial playing field among different energy technologies, helping markets
identify real economic advantages. An analysis modelling 20 countries that have
eliminated fossil-fuel subsidies in a phased approach shows that redirecting
some of the savings from subsidy reform (30%) towards renewables and energy
efficiency could lead to their emissions reductions of almost 20% between now
and 2020 (Merrill, et al., 2015). By contrast, in an increasing number of markets
renewable energy does not need subsidies. Deployment can be accelerated by
improving pricing signals, such as pricing environmental and human healthrelated externalities. While efforts to implement a global carbon price have
not yet been successful, several national and regional pricing schemes have
been introduced and cover an increasing share of the worlds GHG emissions.
When effectively implemented, all of these measures contribute to conditions
that can trigger greater investments into the renewable energy sector and
support its growth.

2. Mobilise Investments in Renewable Energy

Public funding will remain important as a catalyst and will need to
increase, but the larger amount of new investment in renewables will
undoubtedly need to come from the private sector. Overall renewable


energy investment in the coming years will have to grow considerably,

well above current investment to levels over USD 500 billion. The largest
portion of it will need to come from private investors. Given the increasing
competitiveness of renewables, this is achievable if a strategy is pursued
that focuses on risk mitigation instruments and structured finance tools to
develop a strong pipeline of projects, and to unlock project financing and
refinancing opportunities. The strategy should be tailored to the different
phases of the renewable energy project cycle and involve a broad spectrum
of private and public actors, including DFIs, CFIs, private equity funds,
institutional investors, export credit agencies, green and commercial banks:
It is imperative that in the next few years special attention is paid to
the strategies supporting the planning phase. This requires enabling
frameworks and ensuring a strong pipeline of projects that can be financed
up to the year 2020 and beyond. The planning phase strategies increase
the provision of risk capital, early stage risk mitigation mechanisms and
facilities that assist in the preparation of project.
A key priority in mobilising private investment in the sector will have to be
effective risk mitigation strategies enhanced utilisation of existing risk
mitigation instruments and implementing new risk mitigation instruments
- and promoting investment vehicles for refinancing renewable energy
projects that can increase investor appetite, in particular for large institutional
Improving the utilisation of risk-mitigation instruments could drive the
accelerated uptake of renewable energy in developing countries. There
are successful examples of using public funding for risk mitigation and the
mobilisation of private sources, both at domestic and international levels, but
there are currently not sufficient guarantee funds available for developing
countries to scale up investment as required. The creation of new risk
mitigation facilities that are dedicated to renewable energy could fill this gap.
It is recommended that such risk mitigation facilities are prioritised and set up
using climate finance and/or traditional development finance channels.

3. Build Institutional, Technical and Human Capacity

to Support Renewable Energy Deployment
The effectiveness of renewable energy policies relies on an enabling
institutional framework with clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
As with most infrastructure projects, clarity of institutional roles (e.g. those
related to project evaluation, permitting and licensing) accompanied by
transparent and streamlined procedures can reduce transaction costs and
make projects more attractive. The respective roles and responsibilities


of different institutions are often enshrined in dedicated renewable energy

legislation. Given the wide array of stakeholders traditionally involved in the
energy sector, including distribution companies, regulators and grid operators,
coordination is also vital to ensure unfettered development, for instance
planning for physical infrastructure and complementary regulations, such as
grid codes, to keep pace with deployment.
Capacity-building efforts should be undertaken across the value chain
for renewable energy development. From policy and regulatory design
and management to project preparation, evaluation, development,
implementation and financing, a wide array of skills needs to be built up in
government ministries, financing institutions, regulatory agencies and utilities.
Inadequate skills and capacities could inhibit renewable energy development
through slower permitting and licensing processes, higher perceived risk
among financing institutions and regulators, and other consequences. The
importance of cross-regional exchanges of best practices and lessons learned
cannot be overstated. Globally, countries are at different stages of market
development, and there is substantial potential for learning between different
markets. Regional and global frameworks that facilitate such exchanges need
to be put in place and actively supported.

4. Harness the Cross-Cutting Impact of Renewable Energy

on Sustainable Development
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on energy will
transform the energy system while helping meet other SDGs such as for
health, poverty alleviation, water and cities. Access to reliable, cost-effective
and environmentally sustainable modern energy services can have a multiplier
development impact in terms of reduced health effects, improved livelihoods,
poverty alleviation, job creation, gender equality and enhanced access to
water and food. The discourse on the SDGs lays emphasis on the interlinkages
between the goals and the importance of adopting an integrated approach
towards their implementation. Energy will be needed to meet nearly all of the
development goals, and stakeholders will benefit from formulating strategies
that recognise the role of renewable energy solutions in directly and indirectly
contributing to at least 12 goals (Figure 10). Some notable examples of these
linkages include:
Off-grid renewable energy solutions are essential to expand electricity
access. An estimated 1.1 billion people live without electricity access
(World Bank, 2015c). The transformative impact of access on productivity,
incomes, outreach of education and health services, and livelihoods is















well documented. Off-grid renewable energy solutions, including standalone and mini-grid systems, are now among the most economic options
to expand access to many rural areas (IRENA, 2014d). These solutions
can be deployed rapidly and customised to local needs, and offer an
attractive option for electrifying areas where grid extension is technically or
financially unviable. In Africa, where about 600 million people are without
access, more than 28.5 million people benefit from solar lighting products
(Lighting Africa, 2015). Off-grid solutions are also being deployed for
productive uses, such as solar-powered irrigation on farms, thus increasing
yields and incomes, reducing vulnerability to erratic rainfalls and hardship
especially among women. In this way, renewables not only help societies
access modern and sustainable energy, but also in building climate-resilient
infrastructure, protecting and restoring ecosystems in rural areas.10
Renewable energy can improve energy and water security. The energy
sector relies heavily on water for energy extraction and production,
accounting for 15% of water withdrawals globally. In a water-constrained
world, conflicts with other end-uses, such as agriculture, are intensifying
and further impacted by climate change. With access to water increasingly
recognised as a risk for energy security, it is becoming necessary to
For a background to the Sustainable Development Goals passed in September 2015, see


decouple energy sector expansion from water use. Solar PV and wind, the
most rapidly growing technologies, consume up to 200 times less water
than conventional options including coal, natural gas and nuclear (IRENA,
2015d). Substantial water savings are already being realised. In the
drought-prone states of Texas and California, for instance, water savings
from wind are estimated to be 50 billion and 9.5 billion litres respectively
in 2014, (AWEA, 2015). Renewable energy can also meet energy needs
across the water supply chain, including for pumping, desalination and
heating, thus directly contributing towards water and energy SDGs.
Renewable energy helps create employment. Project level data indicates
that, on average, renewable energy technologies create more jobs than
fossil fuel technologies. For instance, solar PV creates twice the number of
jobs per unit of electricity generation compared with coal or natural gas.
Globally, IRENA estimates that the renewable energy sector (excluding
large hydro) created around 7.7 million direct and indirect jobs in 2014, an
18% increase over last years count (IRENA, 2015a) (Box 3). China employs
China, Brazil, the US, India, Germany, Indonesia and Japan are leading
renewable energy employers (Figure 11). The rise in employment spreads
across the spectrum with solar, wind, bioenergy and small hydropower all
seeing increases in 2014. The solar PV industry was the largest employer
worldwide with 2.5 million jobs, followed by liquid biofuels with 1.8 million
jobs, and wind power, which surpassed one million jobs for the first time in
2014 (IRENA, 2015a). Jobs in large-hydro rose to 1.5 million according to the
first-ever global estimate conducted by IRENA.


more than 3.4 million people in its renewable energy sector, which represents
around 20% of the total workforce in the countrys energy sector, and is
significantly more than the number of job in the oil and gas sectors combined
(2.6 million). Looking forward, with 164 countries having adopted
renewable energy targets, the employment in the sector is bound to
experience substantial growth.
Under existing government plans, the deployment of renewable energy
would lead to 13.5 million jobs in 2030. If deployment follows the trends
outlined by REmap 2030, IRENA estimates that global direct and indirect
employment in renewable energy could reach up to 24.4 million11 by 2030
(Figure 12) (IRENA, 2016c). Most of these jobs will be concentrated in
bioenergy, hydropower, wind and solar.

Reference Case

REmap 2030

5. Enhance Regional Engagement and International

Regional approaches and common initiatives can reduce costs, generate
economies of scale, attract investments, boost financial capacity, stimulate
cross-border trade and enable common progress in accelerating the
deployment of renewable energy worldwide.

IRENAs forthcoming publication Renewable Energy Benefits: Measuring the economics provides
more details on this figure (e.g. its distribution across technologies and sectors) and complements it
with estimations of the impacts on global GDP, welfare, trade, and other variables.


For countries participating in regional initiatives, the potential benefits are

Financing for investment opportunities in small and fragmented markets
stands to gain from a regional approach. Aggregation helps renewable
energy projects reach the scale necessary to attract larger-scale private
investments into the sector.
Increasing efficiency standards regionally reduces costs as well as energy
waste. The same measures can also contribute towards greater energy
security through the pooling of energy resources across borders. This
maximises the use of regional renewable energy resources and can reduce
each countrys need for load shedding and power cuts.
Costs for renewable energy products are reduced and climate-resilience
can be improved by investing in joint, regional projects built in the most
suitable locations, and by making use of cross-border economies of scale.
Acting as a regional market can help create a stronger voice for negotiating
with international trade partners, further reducing costs.
Pooling human and technical resources between states or regions creates
hubs of knowledge, excellence and innovation.
Regional initiatives can be complemented by greater international
cooperation to scale-up renewable energy deployment (see Box 4).
Global platforms, focusing on the promotion of specific renewable energy
technologies or facilitating deployment across similar markets, could serve
as an effective channel for facilitating technology transfer, expanding
markets and sharing best practices with similar benefits as those described
for regional initiatives.
To meet national goals and ambitions, countries would benefit from concerted
action that regional and international cooperation offer. Governments are
encouraged to tap into opportunities for engagement and cooperation on
renewables and climate mitigation.



Africa Clean Energy Corridor: The initiative calls for accelerated deployment and
cross-border trade of renewable power in a continuous network from Egypt to
South Africa. Regional cooperation can enable the uptake of renewable power
projects throughout Africa, sustainably transforming the regional energy mix to
support economic growth. Specific priorities of the countries engaged include:
Identification of cost-effective and environmentally sustainable development
zones for wind, solar photovoltaic and concentrated solar power energy in the
countries of the eastern and southern African power pools;
Country and regional planning for cost-effective renewable power options for
optimising investment in electricity generation and transmission infrastructure;
Enabling regulatory environments for investment to open markets to
independent renewable power producers, reduce the cost of renewable power
financing, and facilitate renewable power trade; and
Capacity building to develop skills required to build, plan, operate, maintain
and govern power grids and markets with higher shares of renewables.
Global Geothermal Alliance (GGA): Geothermal energy can provide costeffective, reliable, and dispatchable power and direct heat with a minuscule
carbon footprint. Countries with geothermal potential are scattered around the
globe, but share common challenges, including exploration risks, high upfront
development costs, regulatory challenges, limited human resources and low
awareness. The GGA serves as a platform for coordinated action to increase the
share of geothermal energy in the global energy mix. The GGA offers customised
support to regions and countries in addressing key investment challenges to scaleup geothermal energy deployment.
SIDS Lighthouses Initiative: Disconnected from mainland electricity grids, islands
are especially vulnerable to price fluctuations for imported fossil fuels. But island
states can overcome such challenges, as well as play their part in the global effort
to mitigate climate change, through rapid renewable energy development. The
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Lighthouses initiative supports the transition
of islands to greater renewable energy use by identifying efforts underway,
pinpointing gaps, addressing barriers to implementation, fostering partnerships for
project development and sharing crucial data, analysis and expertise. The IRENAled initiative provides a framework for action for SIDS and partners to move away
from a piecemeal approach towards a structured, holistic and sustainable one that
takes into account medium and long-term energy needs.


Renewable energy offers an immediate means to decarbonise the global
energy mix. Doubling the share of renewables by 2030 could deliver around
half of the emissions reductions needed and, in combination with energy
efficiency, keep the rise in average global temperatures within 2oC and prevent
catastrophic climate change.
As this report shows, renewables are a viable, affordable and scalable solution.
They are at the core of any strategy to meet climate goals while supporting
economic growth, welfare, domestic value creation and employment
generation. The potential of renewables is there for every country to harness.
For effective action against climate change, the share of renewables needs to
grow not only in power generation but also in transport, heating and cooling,
and more investment is urgently needed. Given the increasing competitiveness
of renewables and the dynamism of the market, it is possible to dramatically
scale-up investments in renewables. To avoid a lock-in with unsustainable
energy systems, investments must grow immediately and must almost double
to USD 500 billion annually between now and 2020.
To turn the prospect of a sustainable energy future into a reality, five clear
actions are needed: strengthening policy commitment, enabling investments,
building capacity, facilitating regional and international cooperation, and
harnessing the cross-cutting impact of renewable energy on sustainable
The prize for taking the right steps, today, is immense. We have an
unprecedented opportunity to limit temperature increase and propel the
world into a sustainable, stable, prosperous and climate-resilient future
through renewables.



IRENAs REmap 2030 Methodology
REmap 2030 is a roadmap of technology options to increase the global
share of renewables. It is based on national sources of 40 countries, which
account for 80% of the expected total global energy demand in 2030. This
plan is one of realistic potential one that can be accomplished with existing
technologies, is economically practical, and achievable by 2030.
The REmap analysis starts with national-level data covering power, district
heat and end-use sectors. Countries have provided their current national
plans starting with the year 2010, forming the base year for the analysis.
These were collated to produce business-as-usual Reference Cases, including
each countrys targets for renewables.
The Reference Cases represent policies in place or under consideration,
including energy efficiency improvements. The Reference Case includes the
final energy consumption for each end-use sector and the total generation
of the power and district heat sectors, with a breakdown by energy type for
the period 20102030.
The potential of technology options beyond the Reference Case was
subsequently investigated. This realistic potential of technologies are
described as REmap Options. The resulting roadmap essentially illustrates
what a doubling of the share of renewables would look like. For each REmap
Option, the analysis also considers the costs to substitute a conventional
energy technology to deliver the same amount of heat or electricity.
REmap 2030 is an exploratory study, not a target-setting exercise, and
countries can make informed choices as to how to use the options identified.
The aim is to be practical and to co-operate directly with countries in order
to analyse and discuss their specific cases in detail. Such an approach also
creates an opportunity to discuss implementation of the options identified
with each country, and to improve the analysis continuously over the years.
IRENA has developed a spread-sheet tool that allows national experts to
evaluate and create their countrys REmap 2030 analysis and assess the
potential, cost and benefits of REmap Options. The tool provides a simplified
but dynamic accounting framework to evaluate and verify Reference Case
developments and REmap Options within each country.


The tool consists of two parts. In the first part, national experts can evaluate
and adjust the countrys Reference Case for REmap Options between 2010
and 2030. In the second part, they can substitute conventional technologies
assumed to be in place in 2020 and 2030 with REmap Options based on the
Reference Case. For ease of use, the tool offers a range of technology options
to choose from in the power, district heat and end-use sectors.
The tool allows the national expert to choose REmap Options, assess the
options impacts on the countrys renewable energy share and evaluate
their position within the countrys cost-supply curve. At any time, the user
can increase or decrease the size of REmap Options and choose a different
substitute. Furthermore, the tool allows for a consistent analysis and
comparison of results among countries.


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Bain & Company (2012), Insights: A world awash with money, www.bain.
Climate Action Tracker (2015), Effect of current pledges and policies on
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IEA (International Energy Agency) (2010), CO2 emissions from fuel
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IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) (2012), Renewable
Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation: Special Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press,
IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) (2014a), REmap 2030: A
Renewable Energy Roadmap, IRENA, Abu Dhabi.
IRENA (2014b), Rethinking Energy, IRENA, Abu Dhabi.
IRENA (2014c), REmap 2030 Renewable Energy Prospects: China, IRENA,
Abu Dhabi.
IRENA (2014d), Accelerating Off-grid Renewable Energy Deployment: Key
Findings and Recommendations from IOREC 2014, IRENA, Abu Dhabi.
IRENA (2015a), Renewable Energy and Jobs Annual Review 2015, IRENA,
Abu Dhabi.
IRENA (2015b), REmap 2030 Renewable Energy Prospects: United Arab
Emirates, IRENA, Abu Dhabi.
IRENA (2015c), Renewable Energy Generation Costs in 2014, IRENA, Abu
IRENA (2015d), Renewable Energy and the Water, Energy and Food Nexus,
IRENA, Abu Dhabi.
IRENA (2016a), Renewable Energy Market Analysis: Gulf Cooperation
Council, IRENA, Abu Dhabi, forthcoming.
IRENA (2016 b), Financing the Scale-up of Renewable Energy Investment in
2015-2020, IRENA, Abu Dhabi, forthcoming.
IRENA. (2016c), Renewable Energy Benefits: Measuring the Economics,
IRENA, Abu Dhabi, forthcoming.


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for 28.5 million People in Africa,,
accessed 09 September 2015.
Merrill, L., et al. (2015), Tackling Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Climate Change:
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Mills, R. (2015), Personal interaction with Robin Mill, energy expert at
Manaar Group of Companies,
REN21, (2015), Renewables





SE4All Advisory Board Finance Committee (2015), Scaling up Finance

for Sustainable Energy Investments,
United Nations (1992), The United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change, FCCC/INFORMAL/84,
convkp/conveng.pdf, accessed October 2015.
UNEP, BNEF and FS (2015), Global trends in renewable energy investment
2015, UNEP Collaborating Centre, Frankfurt School of Finance and
Management, Germany.
UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)
(2011), Report of the Conference of the Parties on its sixteenth session, held
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World Bank (2015a), World Development Indicators,
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World Resources Institute (2015), Climate Analysis Indicators Tool: WRIs
Climate Data Explorer, Washington, DC,


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Copyright IRENA 2015

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