Biosensors - Analytical Device

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Journal for Research| Volume 02 | Issue 02 | April 2016

ISSN: 2395-7549

BIOSENSORS- Analytical Device

Anju Dhir
Lecturer of Microbiology
Shivalik Institute of Nursing Shimla- 171006. Himachal Pradesh

A biosensor is an analytical device which converts a biological response into an electrical signal. The term biosensor is often
used to cover sensor devices used in order to determine the concentration of substances and other parameters of biological
interest even where they do not utilize a biological system directly. Biosensors have become essential analytical tools, since they
offer higher performance in terms of sensitivity and selectivity than any other currently available diagnostic tool. With
appropriate progress in research, biosensors will have an important impact on environmental monitoring, reducing cost and
increasing efficiency. Biosensors represent a rapidly expanding field, at the present time, with an estimated 60% annual growth
rate; where major focus is on health care industry. Although there use is unquestionable in the field of agri food, research,
security and defence. In this paper various aspects of biosensors have been touched.
Keywords: Biosensors, working, types, applications and uses, Microbial biosensors


The term biosensors are often used to describe devices used in analyzing the concentration of element/ elements of biological
interest even when they do not utilize a biological system directly. Biosensors have become essential analytical tools because of
their high performance in terms of sensitivity and selectivity than any other currently available diagnostic device. A biosensor is
an analytical device incorporating a biologically active element having intimate contact or is integrated within a transducer. The
main purpose is to produce a digital electronic signal which is proportional to the concentration of a particular chemical or set of
chemicals under observation [1]. The first biosensor was developed by Clark and Lyons to measure the dissolved oxygen in the
blood and it was an enzyme based sensor. Since then hundreds of biosensors have been developed in research laboratories
around the world.
The objective of this article is to review the principles of biosensors fabrication and its working. The different types of
biosensors that are being used in healthcare, food and agriculture industry are being discussed here [2&3].
The following points are kept in mind while designing a biosensor:
1) Specific desired interaction between the analyte and the biological elements.
2) The purpose and area of the biosensors use.
3) The cost of manufacturing the device.
The different components that can be used to construct a biosensor are shown below in table 1.
Table 1
The various components used in Biosensors
Biological Elements
Ion Selective
Field Effect Transistors
Nucleic Acids
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)
Fiber Optic
Organic molecules
Fiber Optic

Biosensor consists of mainly three parts:

1) a sensitive biological element like microorganism, enzymes, antibodies or it may be biologically derived material that is a
2) the transducer or the detector element that works in either of the following ways like optical, piezoelectric, electrochemical,
etc. The transducer transforms the signal received after the interaction of an analyte with biological element.
3) the biocatalyst which converts the substrate to product. This reaction is determined by the transducer which converts it to an
electric signal. The output from the transducer is amplified, processed and displayed.

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BIOSENSORS- Analytical Device

(J4R/ Volume 02 / Issue 02 / 010)

Fig. 1: Schematic diagram showing the main components of a biosensor. The biocatalyst (a) converts the substrate to product. This reaction is
determined by the transducer (b) and it converts it to an electric signal. The output from the transducer (b) is amplified (c), processed (d) and
displayed (e).

The important part in a biosensor is to attach the biological elements (small molecules/ proteins/cells) to the surface of the
sensor (be it a metal, polymer or glass). The simplest way is to functionalize the surface in order to coat it with the biological
elements like polysine, aminosilane, epoxysilane or nitrocellulose as in the case of silicon chips/ silica glass. Subsequently the
bound biological agent may be fixed by layer deposition of alternatively charged polymer coatings. The results or estimation is
made by measuring electric current in case of amperometric case whereas in potentiometric biosensors the estimate is made by
measuring charge on the electrode [4].
The biosensors can be classified into many types depending on two parameters: for example, based upon the biomolecules such
as affinity based biosensors where antibody is directly involved in biosensing of analyte of interest, like DNA biosensors or
nucleic acid biosensors and cell based biosensors.
Likewise based upon the transducers, the biosensors can be named as optical biosensors, electrochemical biosensor, thermal
biosensor and piezoelectric biosensor.
ELISA based biosensors have also been developed using labeled antigen or antibody coupled with a suitable transducer. A
brief description has been given here about some of the types of biosensors based upon the use of different transducer.
1) Electrochemical Biosensors: The biochemical signal generates current/charge or may change conductivity between two
electrodes. Therefore based on this fact transduction device has been named as amperometric, potentiometric or
conductimetric. The simplest amperometric biosensor makes use of Clarks oxygen electrode, that determines the quantity of
oxygen reduced present in the analyte. The electrochemical biosensors combine the sensitivity of electro analytical methods
with the inherent bioselectivity of the biological components. The biological component in the sensor recognizes its analyte
resulting in binding element that ultimately produces an electrical signal processed and displayed by the transducer and this
is propotional to anlytes concentration. These biosensors are commercially used in healthcare industry, environmental
monitoring, industrial and agricultural industry [5].
2) Potentiometric Biosensors: It measures the potential difference between a working electrode and a reference electrode under
the condition of zero current flow. Potentiometric biosensors are used to determine urea in milk.
3) Conductimetric Biosensors: This device has two noble metal electrodes which are immersed in the solution and conductance
is measured. The enzymatic reactions convert neutral substrate into charged products, causing a change in the conductance
of the medium. They are used to measure salinity of marine environment.
4) Optical Biosensors: Both catalytic and affinity reactions can be measured by this. An example is a biosensor that makes use
of luciferase enzyme for detection of bacteria in food. The bacteria are lysed to release ATP, which is used by luciferase in
the presence of O2 to produce light that is measured by the biosensors.
5) Acoustic Biosensors: Piezoelectriuc material in crystal form is used because of their ability to generate and transmit acoustic
waves. The resonance frequency of these acoustic waves depends on physical properties of the Piezoelectric material being
used. These are of two types 1) Bulk wave (BW) devices that transmit an acoustic wave from one crystal face to another and
2) Surface acoustic wave devices which transmit an acoustic wave along a single crystal face from one location to another.
This technology is cheap. A simple use of such type is formaldehyde biosensor which utilizes a formaldehyde
dehydrogenase coating immobilized to a quartz crystal and is sensitive to gaseous formaldehyde.
6) Colorimetric Biosensors: As all biological reactions are exothermic, micro-fabricated thin film thermopiles can also be used
in a biosensor, which will be independent of the chemical properties of the sample. Research is going on this type of

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BIOSENSORS- Analytical Device

(J4R/ Volume 02 / Issue 02 / 010)

transducer. One of the example of this type is a biosensor used used for detecting acute toxicity of water where Prussian
blue is used as the colorimetric indicator and E. coli as the model bacteria.
7) Microbial Biosensors: It is an analytical device which integrates microorganisms with a physiological transducer to generate
a measusable signal proportional to the concentration of analyte [6]. These are based on microorganisms in intimate contact
with a transducer and convert the biochemical signal into a readable electrical response signal. It has vast application in the
field of biotechnology and pollution control. For example, BOD monitoring biosensor that is based on the microorganisms
related to the respiration rate of the immobilized microbes to the concentration of the substrate to be detected. Such
biosensors are cheap and easy to construct. The most recent focus is on the use of recombinant microorganisms that
recognize and report the presence of specific environmental pollutants (6). As environmental issues are most important these
days so there is increased use of living organisms as the sensitive agent to detect the presence of pollutants. A biosensor
having Cyanobacterium synechcoccus as biocatalyst, for on line herbicide monitoring is developed. The biosensor is able to
detect a wide variety of herbicides with site of action on the photosynthetic electron transport chain.
Microbial biosensors have the advantage of tolerance to measuring conditions, a long life time and are cost effective.

Fig. 2: Design of a microbial biosensor. 1, isolator; 2, Electrolyte; 3, Anode; 4, Cathode; 5, Teflon membrane; 6, Immobilized microorganism;
7, Dialysis membrane.

8) Screen Printed Biosensors: Disposable screen printed biosensors have been successfully used in the field of human health
problems, animal and plants epidemics [7]. One of the prominent commercialization of this type of biosensor is the glucose
biosensor in diagnostic laboratories.
9) Disposable nucleic acid Biosensors: It is used in the field of healthcare as the device used gives rapid results and is reliable
diagnostic method for many diseases. Here screen printed gold electrons; coated with a temporary monolayer interface
involving hexanedithiol (HDT) and 6-mercapto-1-hexanol (MCH) are used to detect nucleic acid hybridization in raw
samples like serum and urine. The device can be used in field of genetics also [8].
In Medical Field:
Biosensor for monitoring glucose level in diabetic patients is widely used and has application in cancer and dementia too. They
are also applicable in remote sensing of bacteria, DNA, RNA detection, determination of vitamins and fluorides and so on.
The most important application is in the field of medical diagnosis and it involves both in vivo and in vitro tests.
In vitro tests fall in two categories:
1) Centralized tests in hospitals that include tests for glucose, lactate, uric acid, viruses and pathogenic microbes. DNA based
biosensors are also being developed for diagnosis of hereditary diseases, viruses and cancer.
2) Tests in doctors clinics: In private clinics these analysers are being used to test glucose, lactate, creatinine and urea. For
example a portable biosensor -Stat system which can make use of unprocessed blood and can be operated easily by a doctor
or a nurse and helps the doctors to make quick decisions while treating a patient.

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BIOSENSORS- Analytical Device

(J4R/ Volume 02 / Issue 02 / 010)

In vivo diagnostic tests:

One of the most important example of this biosensor is the idea of artificial pancreas (permanently implanted in the skin of
diabetic patient), which continuously monitors in vivo level of glucose by a control on the rate of insulin infusion from an
implanted minipump containing insulin, so that the level of blood sugar will be estimated and desirable amount of insulin is
pumped into the patients blood.
In Sport industry:
Research efforts are in progress in the field of making lactate biosensors for the sportsmaen. It is based on the fact that L-lactate
that is formed as a key metabolite during the anaerobic metabolism of glucose in the muscles, an dit is accompanied by an
increase in proton concentration inside the cells. If the rate of lactate production is high enough, the proton-buffering capacity
exceeds and pH decreases. This situation may lead to cell acidosis which interrupts the performance of muscles. The normal
range of L-lactate in blood is 0.5-1.5 mM (when not doing exercise) 12 mM during exercise. This level may increase to 25mM
during extensive physical exercise. When the level rises it leads to halt in physical activity. So in sports this level is monitored as
lactate threshold which is used as an indicator of the physical training level of an athlete[9].
In Agriculture Industry:
Enzyme biosensors based on the inhibition of cholinesterase have been used to detect traces of organophosphates and carbamates
from the pesticides. The biosensors meant to detect ammonia and methane are also being studied [10]. Although the only
commercially available biosensor is to detect wastewater quality control. It checks the biological oxygen demand based on the
micro-organisms like bacteria, algae or protozoa.
In Food Industry:
The biosensors to measure the carbohydrates, alcohols and acids are commercially available. The potential applications of
enzyme based biosensors to food quality control include measurement of amino acids, amines, carbohydrates, carboxylic acids,
gases, cofactors, alcohols and phenols [11]. Biosensors can also be used in industries like wine, beer, yogurt, soft drink, meat,
fish and poultry.
In Environmental Monitoring:
It can also be used in environmental applications also like to know the concentrations of various pesticides, heavy metals, urea or
toxins in the environment.
The developing world has a desparate need for very good techniques that can be used in the various fields of science. The
enormous success of the glucose biosensor serves as a model for future possibilities. But it should not overshadow the
multifarious other applications that this versatile technology can address. New technology like use of semisynthetic ligands can
deliver the sensitivity and specificity of biological system. Potential market for biosensors include microbial food safety,
pesticide residue screening, testing for genetically modified organisms, and government inspection agencies. Moreover, products
with quicker detection times and reusable features are need of the hour not only as diagnostics of disease causing pathogens but
also for safe and secure food techniques. Most of the commercial biosensors have been developed with a focus in clinical
applications. Although there is need to develop biosensors for food, pharmaceutical, agriculture, military, veterinary industry and
environment. In many cases the transduction technology is well established although there is need to improve immobilization
techniques of the biological element to increase sensitivity, selectivity and stability. Another need is to miniaturize the biosensors
so that they can be applied in vivo for medical diagnosis and treatment. With the development of new technology the
improvement in developing sensitive, cost effective biosensors could be accelerated in future.
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